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  Westerns (1354)    Science Fiction (1533)  


Science Fiction and Western Stories


The Jimmyjohn Boss
I One day at Nampa, which is in Idaho, a ruddy old massive jovial man stood by the Silver City stage, patting his beard with his ...

A Kinsman Of Red Cloud
I It was thirty minutes before a June sundown at the post, and the first call had sounded for parade. Over in the barracks the tw...

Sharon's Choice
Under Providence, a man may achieve the making of many things--ships, books, fortunes, himself even, quite often enough to encourage...

Napoleon Shave-tail
Augustus Albumblatt, young and new and sleek with the latest book-knowledge of war, reported to his first troop commander at Fort B...

Twenty Minutes For Refreshments
Upon turning over again my diary of that excursion to the Pacific, I find that I set out from Atlantic waters on the 30th day of a b...

The Promised Land
Perhaps there were ten of them--these galloping dots were hard to count--down in the distant bottom across the river. Their swiftly ...

Hank's Woman
I Many fish were still in the pool; and though luck seemed to have left me, still I stood at the end of the point, casting and ca...

Padre Ignazio
At Santa Ysabel del Mar the season was at one of its moments when the air hangs quiet over land and sea. The old breezes had gone; t...

Opening The Campaign
"Well, gentlemen, if that is the best rate you can offer us, then we'll drive the cattle. My boys have all been over the trail before,...

Organizing The Forces
Don Lovell and Jim Flood returned from Lasalle County on the last day of February. They had spent a week along the Upper Nueces, and b...

Receiving At Los Lobos
The trip to Lasalle County was mere pastime. All three of the outfits kept in touch with each other, camping far enough apart to avoid...

Mingling With The Exodus
By noon the herd had grazed out five miles on its way. The boys were so anxious to get off that on my return the camp was deserted wit...

Red River Station
When the spirit of a man is once broken, he becomes useless. On the trail it is necessary to have some diversion from hard work, long ...

Camp Supply
In gala spirits we broke camp the next morning. The herd had left the bed-ground at dawn, and as the outfit rode away to relieve the l...

When Greek Meets Greek
It was late that night when I reached the herd. Before I parted with my employer we had carefully reviewed the situation in its minute...

En Passant
It was intentionally late in the day when we reached Dodge. My horse, which I was leading, gave considerable trouble while returning, ...

At Sheriff's Creek
The sun had nearly set when we galloped into Bob Quirk's camp. Halting only long enough to advise my brother of the escape of Tollesto...

A Family Reunion
The hospitality of a trail wagon was aptly expressed in the invitation to enjoy ourselves. Some one had exercised good judgment in sel...

All In The Day's Work
The next morning the herds moved out like brigades of an army on dress-parade. Our front covered some six or seven miles, the Buford ...

Marshaling The Forces
Both herds had watered in the Smoky during the afternoon. The stranger's cattle were not compelled to go down to the crossing, but fou...

Justice In The Saddle
It was an hour after the usual time when we bedded down the cattle. The wagon had overtaken us about sunset, and the cook's fire pilot...

Turning The Tables
"Keep away from me, you common cow-hands," said Sponsilier, as a group of us waited for him at the foot of the court-house stairs. But...

Tolleston Butts In
Morning dawned on a scene of pastoral grandeur. The valley of the North Platte was dotted with cattle from hill and plain. The river, ...

Crossing The Niobrara
The parting of the ways was reached. On the morning of July 12, the different outfits in charge of Lovell's drive in '84 started on th...

Our route was carrying us to the eastward of the Black Hills. The regular trail to the Yellowstone and Montana points was by the way o...

The Little Missouri
A week later we crossed the Belle Fourche, sometimes called the North Fork of the Big Cheyenne. Like its twin sister on the south, it ...

In Quarantine
We reached Miles City shortly after midnight. It was the recognized cattle centre of Montana at that time, but devoid of the high-ligh...

On The Just And The Unjust
The quarantine guards returned to their camp. Our plans were suddenly and completely upset, and not knowing which way to turn, Sponsil...

Fort Buford
We were at our rope's end. There were a few accounts to settle in Glendive, after which we would shake its dust from our feet. Very fe...

A Soldier's Honor
Delivery day dawned with a heavy fog hanging over the valley of the Yellowstone. The frosts had ceased, and several showers had fallen...

Lovell and his attorneys joined the cavalcade which returned to the post, while we continued on south, fording the Missouri above Forr...

The Winter Of Our Discontent
The inquiry was over before noon. A lieutenant detailed a few men and made a pretense of taking possession of Lovell. But once the spe...

Back From The Dead
Westward the little three-car train chugged its way fussily across the brown prairie toward distant mountains which, in that clear a...

Crooked Work
Stratton suddenly turned his back and stared blankly through the open door. With the same unconscious instinct which had moved him t...

Mistress Mary - Quite Contrary
But Stratton's mind was too full of the amazing information he had gleaned from the old storekeeper to leave much room for minor ref...

The Branding Iron
Stratton was never sure just how long he stood staring at her in dumb, dazed bewilderment. After those mental pictures of the Mary T...

Tex Lynch
Supper, which was served in the ranch-house kitchen by Pedro, the Mexican cook, was not enlivened by much conversation. The food was...

The Blood-stained Saddle
"Hello, kid!" said Stratton quietly. "You awake? What's up, anyhow?" There was a rustle in the adjoining bunk, the thud of bare fe...

Swiftly the echoes of the shots died away, leaving the still serenity of the night again unruffled. For a moment or two Stratton wai...

The Hoodoo Outfit
Pop Daggett hesitated and glanced uneasily toward the door. "I warned yuh, didn't I, the Shoe-Bar was a hoodoo outfit?" he evaded....

It was the Mexican woman, Maria. As Buck recognized her he rose quietly and moved swiftly toward the door. But if he had hoped to ca...

Buck Finds Out Something
When the fact is chronicled that no less than three times in the succeeding eight days Buck Stratton was strongly tempted to put an ...

As Buck appeared in the doorway, blinking a little at the lamp-light, the five card-players stared at him in astonishment. "Where...

Instantly a sense of elation, tingling as an electric shock, surged over Stratton, and his grip on the Colt tightened. At last he wa...

"The low-down, ornery liar!" sputtered Bud Jessup, face flushed and eyes snapping. "He told me to wait for them bolts if I had to st...

The Lady From The Past
Stratton's first feeling was that the girl must have made a mistake. In a dazed fashion he stepped forward and helped her out of the...

More than once during the next ten minutes Buck cursed himself inwardly for not having brought along the small but powerful pair of ...

The Unexpected
More than once during the following few days, Stratton was forced to a grudging admiration, of Tex Lynch's cleverness. Even knowing ...

The Primeval Instinct
On the other side of the house Buck found the mistress of the ranch and her two guests standing in a little group beside one of the ...

A Change Of Base
Stratton staggered back against the wall and leaned there, panting. All his strength had gone out in that last terrific blow, and fo...

The Mysterious Motor-car
Buck took to Jim Tenny at once. There was something about this long, lean, brown-faced foreman of the Rocking-R, with his clear gray...

The discovery galvanized Stratton into instant, alert attention. Motor-cars were rare in this remote range country and confined almo...

What Mary Thorne Found
A few hundred yards away from the fence strung along the western side of middle pasture, Mary Thorne pulled her horse down to a walk...

With a deep sigh, Buck lifted his face from the water and regarded her gratefully. "That just about saved my life," he murmured. ...

Where The Wheel Tracks Led
Bud Jessup removed a battered stew-pan from the fire and set it aside to cool a little. "Well, by this time I reckon friend Tex i...

The Secret Of North Pasture
Jessup swallowed hard. "But--but--" he faltered, "there ain't never been any found around here. The nearest fields are hundreds of m...

The Trap
"Yuh out last night?" brusquely inquired Gabby, as they were dressing next morning. A direct question from the eccentric individu...

Sheriff Hardenberg Intervenes
During that brief lull Buck found time to wonder why no one had sense enough to use a gun to bring them down. But almost as swiftly ...

An Hour Too Late
"I had an idea that's who it was when you described him," said Sheriff Hardenberg, to whom Stratton returned at once with the news. ...

Almost at once they struck a fresh trail, made by a number of horsemen riding in a bunch, which led diagonally across middle pasture...

Creeping Shadows
With her back against the veranda pillar, Mary Thorne watched the group of mounted men canter down the slope, splash across the cree...

Lynch Scores
How long she stood there staring fearfully at the empty window of the shed, Mary Thorne had no idea. She seemed frozen and incapable...

Motionless in his saddle, save for an occasional restless stamp of his horse, Bud Jessup waited patiently in front of the adobe shac...

Buck Rides
Presently Mrs. Archer released her spasmodic grip on Stratton's flannel shirt and fumbled for her handkerchief. "I'm a fool to--t...

Carried Away
The same dawn unrolled before the eyes of a man and a girl, riding southward along the ragged margin of the T-T ranch. Westward stre...

The Fight On The Ledge
In that instant of supreme horror, Mary Thorne found time to be thankful that terror struck her momentarily dumb. For now, with lips...

The Dead Heart
Vaguely, as of a sound coming from far distances, the crack of a revolver-shot penetrated to the girl's numbed brain. It did not sur...

Two Trails Converge
Mrs. Archer sat alone in the ranch-house living-room, doing absolutely nothing. As a matter of fact, she had little use for those mi...

The Coming Of The Sheep
From his seat on the top of a high ridge, Gordon Wade looked into the bowl-shaped valley beneath him, with an expression of amazemen...

A Meeting And A Parting
Had some one of Gordon Wade's multitude of admirers in the East seen him as he stood looking out over his Wyoming ranch, he might ha...

Meantime, many things of great interest to Gordon Wade happened without his knowledge. A national election at which the previousl...

The Gathering Storm
On the north bank of the river, from which it derived its name, the town of Crawling Water lay sprawled out in the shape of an irreg...

Overjoyed at the prospect of a peaceful solution of the problem which confronted him, Wade walked rapidly toward the hotel, happy, t...

"How do you think you'd like to live in Crawling Water?" Wade looked whimsically at Helen, as she picked her way with the grace o...

The Old Trail
For another mile Wade followed the main road and then diverged sharply to the left into what was known as the old, or upper, trail. ...

Higher Than Statute Law
Wade descended the stairs of the hotel and went into the barroom, fuming with rage and chagrin because Helen had seen him in such a ...

The Battle At The Ranch
When Wade and Santry approached the big pine, the waiting men came out from its shadow and rode forward, with the borrowed rifles ac...

The Senator Gets Busy
It was daylight when the routed posse, with Race Moran in the lead, his left arm tied up in a blood-stained handkerchief, rode into ...

Tangled Threads
Relieved though Helen was to some extent, by her father's assurances and by the explanation which he had given, she was far from bei...

Desperate Measures
If Moran or Helen, early in their conversation, had looked out of the window of the hotel, during one of those vivid lightning flash...

Into The Depths
"Good Lord, Race! What's happened?" Senator Rexhill, on the next morning, surprised that Moran did not show up at the hotel, had ...

A Dastard's Blow
At about the time when Rexhill was freeing Moran from his bonds, Wade and Santry, with rifles slung across their backs were tramping...

The First Clew
"Let's see!" Trowbridge reined in his horse and meditated, when he and Dorothy had covered several miles of their ride back to Crawl...

When Wade first opened his eyes, after he had been stricken senseless, he was first conscious of his throbbing head, and on seeking ...

A War Of Wits
"Kidnaped? Gordon Wade?" At Dorothy's announcement, Mrs. Purnell sank, with a gasp, into her rocking-chair, astonished beyond exp...

A Rescue And A Vigilance Committee
At the end of an hour, or so, the lion withdrew and Wade thought he had seen the last of it. He began to pace up and down the fissur...

Baffled But Still Dangerous
When Trowbridge left Dorothy Purnell, promising to find his friend for her sake, he had assumed a confidence that he was far from fe...

The Storm Bursts
The vigilantes had entered Crawling Water at about ten o'clock, when the saloons and gambling joints were in full swing. Ribald song...

With Bare Hands At Last
In after years, when Wade tried to recall that mad ride, he found it only a vague blur upon his memory. He was conscious only of the...

Church-going Clothes
After his few words to Dorothy the wounded man lapsed again into coma, in which condition he was found by the physician, who returne...

The Last Frontier
Many men were in debt to the trader at Flambeau, and many counted him as a friend. The latter never reasoned why, except that he had...

Poleon Doret's Hand Is Quicker Than His Tongue
The trader's house sat back of the post, farther up on the hill. It was a large, sleepy house, sprawling against the sunny side of t...

Without Benefit Of Clergy
When the steamer had gone Napoleon Doret went to look for Necia, and found her playing with the younger Gales, who revelled in the g...

The Soldier Finds An Untrodden Valley
During the weeks that followed Meade Burrell saw much of Necia. At first he had leaned on the excuse that he wanted to study the cu...

A Story Is Begun
"It's fonny t'ing how two brown eye Was changin' everything-- De cloud she's no more on de sky, An' winter's ...

The Burrell Code
Not until his dying day will Burrell lose the memory of that march with Necia through the untrodden valley, and yet its incidents we...

The Magic Of Ben Stark
Before the party came in sight, the sound of their voices reached the cabin, and Burrell rose nervously and sauntered to the door. ...

The Knife
In every community, be it never so small, there are undesirable citizens; and, while the little party was still at breakfast on the ...

The Awakening
Early the next morning Corporal Thomas came into the store and found Necia tending it while Gale was out. Ever since the day she had...

Meade Burrell Finds A Path In The Moonlight
"No Creek" Lee had come into his own at last, and was a hero, for the story of his long ill-luck was common gossip now, and men pra...

Where The Path Led
By daylight next morning every man and most of the women among the new arrivals had disappeared into the hills--the women in spite o...

A Tangled Skein
When Burrell entered he wasted no time in greetings. "I know why you sent for me, Poleon. I've heard the news, and I would have b...

Stark Takes A Hand In The Game
The old man greeted the Lieutenant affably, but as his glance fell on his daughter he stopped stock-still on the threshold. "I to...

A Mystery Is Unravelled
Lieutenant Burrell was considerably taken aback when, a quarter of an hour after the young lover's ecstatic return to his quarters, ...

And A Knot Tightened
A day of shattered hopes is a desolate thing, but the night of such a day is desolate indeed. In all his life Poleon Doret had never...

John Gale's Hour
It was a heathenish time of night to arouse the girl, thought Burrell, as he left the barracks, but he must allay these fears that ...

The Love Of Poleon Doret
To the girl crouching at the stern of Runnion's boat it seemed as if this day and night would never end. It seemed as if the process...

Runnion Finds The Singing People
"No Creek" Lee came into the trading-post on the following morning, and found Gale attending store as if nothing unusual had occurre...

The Call Of The Oreads
There was mingled rejoicing and lamentation in the household of John Gale this afternoon. Molly and Johnny were in the throes of an ...

The Water-hole
A fitful breeze played among the mesquite bushes. The naked earth, where it showed between the clumps of grass, was baked plaster h...

The Ambush
Alaire Austin slept badly. The day's hardships had left their traces. The toxins of fatigue not only poisoned her muscles with ache...

What Happened At The Water-hole
The new-comers exchanged a word or two in Spanish, then the second rider flung himself from his saddle and made for the water. He wa...

An Evening At Las Palmas
Although the lower counties of southwest Texas are flat and badly watered, they possess a rich soil. They are favored, too, by a ki...

Something About Heredity
It had required but one generation to ripen the fruits of "Old Ed" Austin's lawlessness, and upon his son heredity had played one of...

A Journey And A Dark Man
Alaire's preparations for the journey to La Feria were made with little delay. Owing to the condition of affairs across the border, ...

Luis Longorio
"You probably know why I wished to see you," Alaire began. Longorio shook his head in vague denial. "It is regarding my ranch, ...

Blaze Jones's Nemesis
Blaze Jones rode up to his front gate and dismounted in the shade of the big ebony-tree. He stepped back and ran an approving eye o...

A Scouting Trip
"What ails you?" Law inquired as he and Blaze rolled away in the buckboard. "Serves me right for leaving my six-shooter at home,"...

A Ranger's Horse
Onward through the dense foliage the two friends wound. Now and then they stopped to listen, but the rain was heavy enough to drown...

Judge Ellsworth Exacts A Promise
On his way to the Lewis ranch Dave Law had a struggle with himself. He had earned a reputation as a man of violent temper, and the ...

Longorio Makes Bold
Upon her arrival at La Feria Alaire discovered that the Federal depredations had been even greater than she had feared. Not only ha...

Dave Law Becomes Jealous
"You can never know what these two days have been for me," the general said as he and Alaire lingered over their meal. "They will a...

Jose Sanchez Swears An Oath
On this same evening a scene of no little significance was taking place at Las Palmas. Ed Austin was entertaining callers, and these...

The Truth About Panfilo
Nothing more was said during the luncheon, but when Alaire had finished eating and her two employees had begun their meal, she clim...

The Rodeo
It was with a feeling of some reluctance that Dave drove up to Las Palmas shortly after the lunch hour, for he had no desire to meet...

The Guzman Incident
Ricardo Guzman did not return from Romero. When two days had passed with no word from him, his sons became alarmed and started an i...

Ed Austin Turns At Bay
Had it not been for her fears, Paloma Jones would have taken her visit to the Austin ranch as an unmixed enjoyment. To her Alaire h...

Longorio stared first at the huddled, perspiring man beside the telephone and then at the frightened woman. "Is that the truth?" he...

Superstitions And Certainties
The sensation caused by Ricardo Guzman's disappearance was as nothing to that which followed the recovery of his body. By the next ...

An Awakening
Time was when Phil Strange boasted that he and his wife had played every fair-ground and seaside amusement-park from Coney Island to...

What Ellsworth Had To Say
On his way to Brownsville the next morning Dave found himself still somewhat dazed by his sudden happiness; the more he thought of ...

The Crash
The several days following Dave's unexpected call at Las Palmas Alaire spent in a delightful reverie. She had so often wrestled wit...

Dave Law Comes Home
A few days after she had written to Judge Ellsworth Alaire followed her letter in person, for, having at last decided to divorce Ed...

A Warning And A Surprise
Dave Law slept for twenty hours, and even when he awoke it was not to a clear appreciation of his surroundings. At first he was rel...

The Water-cure
Without an instant's hesitation Dave flung himself past Rosa and through the inner door. Jose Sanchez met him with a shout; the s...

La Feria
What's this I hear about war?" Dolores inquired of her mistress, a few days after their arrival at La Feria. "They tell me that Mex...

The Doors Of Paradise
Alaire began the mockery of playing hostess with extreme distaste, and as the meal progressed she experienced a growing uneasiness. ...

The Priest From Monclova
That was a night of terror for the women. Although Longorio's discipline was in some ways strict, in others it was extremely lax. F...

The Man Of Destiny
"Now, then, I'll explain," said Alaire, turning to the men. "Longorio declares he won't have me except as his wife, and I think he ...

A Spanish Will
With a singing heart Alaire rode through the night at her husband's side. The strain of the last few hours had been so intense, the...

The Dawn
Juan Garcia proved to be a good guide, and he saved the refugees many miles on their road to the Rio Grande. But every farm and eve...

Laughing Bill Hyde
Mr. William Hyde was discharged from Deer Lodge Penitentiary a changed man. That was quite in line with the accepted theory of cri...

The North Wind's Malice
It had snowed during the night, but toward morning it had grown cold; now the sled-runners complained and the load dragged heavily. ...

His Stock In Trade
"The science of salesmanship is quite as exact as the science of astronomy," said Mr. Gross, casting his eyes down the table to see ...

With Bridges Burned
Louis Mitchell knew what the telegram meant, even though it was brief and cryptic. He had been expecting something of the sort ever ...

With Interest To Date
This is the tale of a wrong that rankled and a great revenge. It is not a moral story, nor yet, measured by the modern money code, i...

The Cub Reporter
Why he chose Buffalo Paul Anderson never knew, unless perhaps it had more newspapers than Bay City, Michigan, and because his ticket...

Out Of The Night
"There is but one remedy for your complaint." Doctor Suydam settled deeper into his chair. "Marry the girl." "That is the only pi...

The Real And The Make-believe
On his way down-town Phillips stopped at a Subway news-stand and bought all the morning papers. He acknowledged that he was vastly ...

Running Elk
Up from the valley below came the throb of war drums, the faint rattle of shots, and the distant cries of painted horsemen charging....

The Moon The Maid And The Winged Shoes
The last place I locked wheels with Mike Butters was in Idaho. I'd just sold a silver-lead prospect and was proclaimin' my prosperit...

I Should you chance, in crossing a certain mountain pass in southern Catalonia, to find yourself poised above a little valley aga...

"Most all the old quotations need fixing," said Joyce in tones forbidding dispute. "For instance, the guy that alluded to marriages ...

The Mule Driver And The Garrulous Mute
Bill had finished panning the concentrates from our last clean-up, and now the silver ball of amalgam sizzled and fried on the shovel ...

The Thaw At Slisco's
The storm broke at Salmon Lake, and we ran for Slisco's road-house. It whipped out from the mountains, all tore into strips coming th...

Bitter Root Billings Arbiter
Billings rode in from the Junction about dusk, and ate his supper in silence. He'd been East for sixty days, and, although there lurk...

The Shyness Of Shorty
Bailey smoked morosely as he scanned the dusty trail leading down across the "bottom" and away over the dry grey prairie toward the h...

The Test
Pierre "Feroce" showed disapproval in his every attitude as plainly as disgust peered from the seams in his dark face; it lurked in hi...

North Of Fifty-three
Big George was drinking, and the activities of the little Arctic mining camp were paralysed. Events invariably ceased their progress ...

Where Northern Lights Come Down O' Nights
The Mission House at Togiak stands forlornly on a wind-swept Alaskan spit, while huddled around it a swarm of dirt-covered "igloos" gr...

The Scourge
Coming down coast from the Kotzebue country they stumbled onto the little camp in the early winter, and as there was food a plenty, of...

The Fever Manifests Itself
There is a certain malady of the mind induced by too much of one thing. Just as the body fed too long upon meat becomes a prey to that ...

Two Make A Quarrel
At nine o'clock Bud went home. He was feeling very well satisfied with himself for some reason which he did not try to analyze, but whi...

Head South And Keep Going
At a lunch wagon down near the water front, Bud stopped and bought two "hot dog" sandwiches and a mug of hot coffee boiled with milk in...

Bud Cannot Perform Miracles
They went on and on, through the rain and the wind, sometimes through the mud as well, where the roads were not paved. Foster had almos...

Bud Takes To The Hills
In a little village which he had glimpsed from the top of a hill Bud went into the cluttered little general store and bought a few bloc...

Into The Desert
If you want to know what mad adventure Bud found himself launched upon, just read a few extracts from the diary which Cash Markham, bei...

Many Barren Months And Miles
"Well, here come them darn burros, Cash. Cora's colt ain't with 'em though. Poor little devils—say, Cash, they look like hard sleddin',...

The Bite Of Memory
The heavy boom of a dynamite blast rolled across the fiat to the hills that flung it back in a tardy echo like a spent ball of sound. A...

Emotions Are Tricky Things
A man's mind is a tricky thing—or, speaking more exactly, a man's emotions are tricky things. Love has come rushing to the beck of a ti...

The First Stages
For a month Bud worked and forced himself to cheerfulness, and tried to forget. Sometimes it was easy enough, but there were other time...

Marie Takes A Desperate Chance
Domestic wrecks may be a subject taboo in polite conversation, but Joe De Barr was not excessively polite, and he had, moreover, a very...

Cabin Fever In The Worst Form
Bud Moore woke on a certain morning with a distinct and well-defined grouch against the world as he had found it; a grouch quite differ...

Cash Gets A Shock
It happened that Cash was just returning to the cabin from the Blind Ledge claim. He met Bud almost at the doorstep, just as Bud was fu...

And Bud Never Guessed
That night, when he had been given a bath in the little zinc tub they used for washing clothes, and had been carefully buttoned inside ...

The Antidote
Three days it stormed with never a break, stormed so that the men dreaded the carrying of water from the spring that became ice-rimmed ...

Lovin Child Wriggles In
On the fourth day Bud's conscience pricked him into making a sort of apology to Cash, under the guise of speaking to Lovin Child, for s...

They Have Their Troubles
To begin with, Lovin Child got hold of Cash's tobacco can and was feeding it by small handfuls to the flames, when Bud caught him. He y...

Bud Faces Facts
New Year came and passed and won nothing in the way of celebration from the three in Nelson's cabin. Bud's bones ached, his head ached,...

Lovin Child Strikes It Rich
It was only the next day that Bud was the means of helping Lovin Child find a fortune for himself; which eased Bud's mind considerably,...

Marie's Side Of It
We all realize keenly, one time or another, the abject poverty of language. To attempt putting some emotions into words is like trying ...

The Cure Complete
In Nelson Flat the lupines were like spilled bluing in great, acre-wide blots upon the meadow grass. Between cabin and creek bank a lit...

An Ambitious Man-child Was Buddy
In hot mid afternoon when the acrid, gray dust cloud kicked up by the listless plodding of eight thousand cloven hoofs formed the only...

The Trail Herd
Day after day the trail herd plodded slowly to the north, following the buffalo trails that would lead to water, and the crude map of ...

Some Indian Lore
Buddy knew Indians as he knew cattle, horses, rattlesnakes and storms--by having them mixed in with his everyday life. He couldn't tel...

Buddy Gives Warning
Buddy swung down from his horse, unsaddled it and went staggering to the stable wall with the burden of a stock-saddle much too big fo...

Buddy Runs True To Type
One never could predict with any certainty how long Indians would dance before they actually took the trail of murder and pillage. So ...

The Young Eagle Must Fly
"You're of age," said Bob Birnie, sucking hard at his pipe. "You've had your schooling as your mother wished that you should have it. ...

Bud Flips A Coin With Fate
"I don't think it matters so much where we light, it's what we do when we get there," said Bud to Smoky, his horse, one day as they st...

The Muleshoe
The riders of the Muleshoe outfit were eating breakfast when Bud rode past the long, low-roofed log cabin to the corral which stood ne...

Little Lost
Little Lost--somehow the name appealed to Bud, whose instinct for harmony extended to words and phrases and, for that matter, to ever...

Bud Meets The Woman
A woman was stooping at the woodpile, filling her arms with crooked sticks of rough-barked sage. From the color of her hair Bud knew t...

Guile Against The Wily
Bud liked to have his life run along accustomed lines with a more or less perfect balance of work and play, friendships and enmities. ...

Sport O' Kings
Sunday happened to be fair, with not too strong a wind blowing. Before noon Little Lost ranch was a busy place, and just before dinner...

The Sinks
"We can go through the pasture and cut off a couple of miles," said Honey when they were mounted. "I hope you don't think I'm crazy, w...

Even Mushrooms Help
Bud wanted to have a little confidential talk with Marian. He hoped that she would be willing to tell him a great deal more than could...

Why Bud Missed A Dance
"Bud, you're fourteen kinds of a damn fool and I can prove it," Jerry announced without prelude of any kind save, perhaps, the vicious...

While The Going's Good
At supper Bud noticed that Marian, standing at his right side, set down his cup of coffee with her right hand, and at the same instant...

Guardian Angels Are Riding Point
They plunged into darkness again, rode at a half trot over smooth, hard sand, Bud trusting himself wholly to Marian and to the sagacit...

The Catrock Gang
A woman with a checkered apron and a motherly look came to let her chickens out and milk the cow, and woke Bud so that she could tell ...

Bud Rides Through Catrock And Loses Marian
"You'll have to show me the trail, pardner," said Bud when they were making their way cautiously out of town by way of the tin can sub...

Pick Your Footing!
The three sat irresolutely on their horses at the tunnel's end of the Gap, staring out over the valley of the Redwater and at the moun...

Trails End
At the last camp, just north of the Platte, Bud's two black sheep balked. Bud himself, worn by sleepless nights and long hours in the ...

The Coming Of A Native Son
The Happy Family, waiting for the Sunday supper call, were grouped around the open door of the bunk-house, gossiping idly of things pu...

When Greek Meets Greek
The next morning, which was Sunday, the machinations of Big Medicine took Pink down to the creek behind the bunk-house. "What's hurtin...

Bad News
Andy Green, that honest-eyed young man whom everyone loved, but whom not a man believed save when he was indulging his love for more o...

Some Hopes
On the third day after the Happy Family decided that there should be some word from Chicago; and, since that day was Sunday, they rode...

Slim rising first from dinner on the next day but one opened the door of the mess-house, and stood there idly picking his teeth before...

What Happened To Andy
With the sun shining comfortably upon his back, and with a cigarette between his lips, Andy sat upon his horse and watched in silent g...

Truth Crushed To Earth Etc
Andy, only half awake, tried to obey both instinct and habit and reach up to pull his hat down over his eyes, so that the sun could no...

The Dot Outfit
Before he laid him down to sleep, that night, Weary had repeated to himself many times and fervently that wish for old J. G. Whitmore ...

More Sheep
The next week was a time of harassment for the Flying U; a week filled to overflowing with petty irritations, traceable, directly or ...

The Happy Family Herd Sheep
The boys of the Flying U had many faults in common, aside from certain individual frailties; one of their chief weaknesses was over-co...

Weary Unburdens
Hungry with the sharp, gnawing hunger of healthy stomachs accustomed to regular and generous feeding; tired with the weariness of heal...

Two Of A Kind
Patsy, staunch old partisan that he was, placed before them much food which he had tried his best to keep hot without burning everythi...

The Happy Family Learn Something
"Well, I hope this farce is about over," Dunk sneered, with as near an approach to his old, supercilious manner as he could command, w...

Happy Jack
Big Medicine, Irish and Pink, racing almost abreast, heard a scream behind them and pulled up their horses with short, stiff-legged pl...

"Say, ain't that Andy and Mig following along behind?" Cal asked after a minute of watching the approach. "Sure, it is. Now what--" ...

The End Of The Dots
Slim may not have been more curious than his fellows, but he was perhaps more single-hearted in his loyalty to the outfit. To him the ...

Good News
Pink rolled over in his bed so that he might look--however sleepily--upon his fellows, dressing more or less quietly in the cool dawn...

Old Ways And New
Progress is like the insidious change from youth to old age, except that progress does not mean decay. The change that is almost imper...

Andy Green's New Acquaintance
Andy Green, chief prevaricator of the Happy Family of the Flying U--and not ashamed of either title or connection--pushed his new Stet...

The Kid Learns Some Things About Horses
The Kid--Chip's Kid and the Little Doctor's--was six years old and big for his age. Also he was a member in good standing of the Happy...

Andy Takes A Hand In The Game
Andy Green was a day late in arriving at the Flying U. First he lost time by leaving the train thirty miles short of the destination m...

The Happy Family Turn Nesters
"Say, Andy, where's them dry-farmers?" Big Medicine inquired at the top of his voice when the Happy Family had reached the biscuit-and...

The First Blow In The Fight
Letters went speeding to Irish and Jack Bates, absent members of the Happy Family of the Flying U; letters that explained the situatio...

The Coming Of The Colony
If you would see northern Montana at its most beautiful best, you should see it in mid-May when the ground-swallows are nesting and th...

Florence Grace Hallman Speaks Plainly
Andy Green rode thoughtfully up the trail from his cabin in One Man coulee, his hat tilted to the south to shield his face from the cl...

The Happy Family Buys A Bunch Of Cattle
With the Kid riding gleefully upon Weary's shoulder they trooped up the path their own feet had helped wear deep to the bunk-house. Th...

Wherein Andy Green Lies To A Lady
In the soft-creeping dusk came Andy Green, slouched in the saddle with the weariness of riding since dawn; slouched to one side and si...

A Moving Chapter In Events
Having nothing more than a general warning of trouble ahead to disturb him, Andy rode blithely back down the coulee and met the herd j...

Shacks Live Stock And Pilgrims Promptly And Painfully Removed
"I'm looking rather seedy now, while holding down my claim, And my grub it isn't always served the best, An...

Irish Works For The Cause
Big Medicine with Weary and Chip to bear him company, rode up to the shack nearest his own, which had been hastily built by a raw-bone...

Just One Thing After Another
A gray clarity of the air told that daylight was near. The skyline retreated, the hills came out of the duskiness like a photograph in...

The Kid Has Ideas Of His Own
The Old Man sat out in his big chair on the porch, smoking and staring dully at the trail which led up the bluff by way of the Hog's B...

A Rell Old Cowpuncher
The hills began to look bigger, and kind of chilly and blue in the deep places. The Kid wished that he could find some of the boys. He...

Lost Child
"Djuh find 'im?" The Old Man had limped down to the big gate and stood there bare headed under the stars, waiting, hoping--fearing to ...

The Long Way Round
Miss Allen turned to yell encouragingly to the Kid, and she saw that he was going on slowly, his head turned to watch her. She told hi...

Her Name Was Rosemary
Andy Green came in from a twenty-hour ride through the Wolf Butte country and learned that another disaster had followed on the heels ...

The Rell Ole Cowpuncher Goes Home
I don't suppose anything can equal the aplomb of a child that has always had his own way and has developed normally. The Kid, for inst...

The Fight Goes On
It is amazing how quickly life swings back to the normal after even so harrowing an experience as had come to the Flying U. Tragedy ha...

Lawful Improvements
Florence Grace Hallman must not be counted a woman without principle or kindness of heart or these qualities which make women beloved ...

The Water Question And Some Gossip
Miss Rosemary Allen rode down into One Man Coulee and boldly up to the cabin of Andy Green, and shouted musically for him to come fort...

The Kid Is Used For A Pawn In The Game
Did you ever stop to think of the tremendous moral lesson in the Bible tale of David and Goliath? And how great, human issues are ofte...

Little Black Shack's All Burnt Up
It is a penitentiary offense for anyone to set fire to prairie grass or timber; and if you know the havoc which one blazing match may ...

Rosemary Allen Does A Small Sum In Addition
Miss Rosemary Allen, having wielded a wet gunny sack until her eyes were red and smarting and her lungs choked with cinders and her ar...

Its Awful Easy To Get Lost
The Kid wriggled uncomfortably in the saddle and glanced at the narrow-browed face of H. J. Owens, who was looking this way and that a...

As It Turned Out
They found H. J. Owens the next forenoon wandering hopelessly lost in the hills. Since killing him was barred, they tied his arms behi...

Peaceful Hart Ranch
It was somewhere in the seventies when old Peaceful Hart woke to a realization that gold-hunting and lumbago do not take kindly to one...

Good Indian
There is a saying--and if it is not purely Western, it is at least purely American--that the only good Indian is a dead Indian. In the...

Old Wives Tales
Down the winding trail of Snake River bluff straggled a blanketed half dozen of old Wolfbelly's tribe, the braves stalking moodily in ...

The Christmas Angel
Phoebe watched the two unhappily, sighed when they disappeared around the corner of the house, and set her bowl of butter upon the bro...

I Don't Care Much About Girls
"There's no use asking the Injuns to go on the warpath," Gene announced disgustedly, coming out upon the porch where the rest of the b...

The Christmas Angel Plays Ghost
At midnight, the Peaceful Hart ranch lay broodily quiet under its rock-rimmed bluff. Down in the stable the saddle-horses were but fo...

Miss Georgie Howard Operator
"Where is the delightful Mr. Good Indian off to?" Evadna stopped drumming upon the gatepost and turned toward the person she heard com...

The Amiable Angler
Baumberger--Johannes was the name he answered to when any of his family called, though to the rest of the world he was simply Baumberg...

Peppajee Jim Heap Sabes
Peppajee Jim had meditated long in the shade of his wikiup, and now, when the sun changed from a glaring ball of intense, yellow heat ...

Midnight Prowlers
Came midnight and moonlight together, and with them came also Good Indian riding somewhat sullenly down the trail to the ranch. Sullen...

You Can't Play With Me
Good Indian was young, which means that he was not always logical, nor much given to looking very far into the future except as he was...

Them Damn Snake
Three hundred yards up the river, in the shade of a huge bowlder, round an end of which the water hurried in a green swirl that it mig...

Cloud-sign Versus Cupid
Few men are ever called upon by untoward circumstance to know the sensations caused by rattlesnake bite, knife gashes, impromptu caut...

The Claim-jumpers
"Guess that bobcat was after my ducks again, last night," commented Phoebe Hart, when she handed Baumberger his cup of coffee. "The wa...

Squaw-talk-far-off Heap Smart
Good Indian spoke briefly with the good-looking young squaw, who had a shy glance for him when he came up; afterward he took hold of h...

Don't Get Excited!
Lovers, it would seem, require much less material for a quarrel than persons in a less exalted frame of mind. Good Indian believed ...

A Little Target-practice
A grimy buck with no hat of any sort and with his hair straggling unbraided over one side of his face to conceal a tumor which grew ju...

A Shot From The Rim-rock
Good Indian was going to the stable to feed the horses next morning, when something whined past him and spatted viciously against the ...

Evadna Goes Calling
"I have every reason to believe that your two missing jumpers took the train for Shoshone last night," Miss Georgie made answer to Go...

Miss Georgie Also Makes A Call
Saunders, limp and apathetic and colorless, shuffled over to the station with a wheelbarrow which had a decrepit wheel, that left an u...

Somebody Shot Saunders
The hot days dropped, one by one, into the past like fiery beads upon a velvety black cord. Miss Georgie told them silently in the mea...

A Bit Of Paper
Good Indian came out upon the rim-rock, looked down upon the ranch beneath him, and knew, by various little movements about the place,...

The Malice Of A Squaw
Good Indian looked in the hammock, but Evadna was not there. He went to the little stone bench at the head of the pond, and when he st...

Peaceful Returns
That afternoon when the four-thirty-five rushed in from the parched desert and slid to a panting halt beside the station platform, Pea...

I'd Just As Soon Hang For Nine Men As For One
Baumberger climbed heavily out of the rig, and went lurching drunkenly up the path to the house where the cool shade of the grove was ...

When The Sun Goes Away
"I wish," said Phoebe, putting her two hands on Miss Georgie's shoulders at the gate and looking up at her with haggard eyes, "you'd s...

Life Adjusts Itself Again To Some Things
The next day was a day of dust hanging always over the grade because of much hurried riding up and down; a day of many strange faces w...

When Green Grass Comes
Old Applehead Furrman, jogging home across the mesa from Albuquerque, sniffed the soft breeze that came from opal-tinted distances and...

The Daughter Of A Chief
In spite of Andy Green's plea for delay until they knew what Luck meant to do, Applehead went on with his energetic preparations for a...

To The Victors The Spoils
"Hey, boys!" Luck Lindsay shouted to Applehead and one or two of the Happy Family who were down at the chuck--wagon engaged in uneasy ...

Love Words For Annie
In Tijeras Arroyo the moon made black shadows where stood the tiny knolls here and there, marking frequently the windings of dry washe...

For The Good Of The Company
All through breakfast Applehead seemed to have something weighty on his mind. He kept pulling at his streaked, reddish-gray mustache w...

I Go Where Wagalexa Conka Say
That afternoon Ramon joined them, suave as ever and seeming very much at peace with the world and his fellow-beings. He watched the ne...

Adventure Comes Smiling
Luck, in the course of his enthusiastic picture making, reached the point where he must find a bank that was willing to be robbed--in ...

The Song Of The Omaha
"Me, I theenk yoh not lov' me so moch as a pin," Ramon complained in soft reproach, down in the dry wash where Applehead had looked in...

Riders In The Background
Luck, as explained elsewhere, was sweating and swearing at the heat in Bear Canon. The sun had crept around so that it shone full into...

Deputies All
At the ranch, whither they rode in haste, Luck meant to leave his boys and go on with the sheriff to town. But the Happy Family flatly...

All This War-talk About Injuns
Over his second cup of coffee the pale eyes of Big Medicine goggled thoughtfully at the forbidding wall of lava rock that stretched be...

The Wild-goose Chase
Because they had no human means of knowing anything about the black automobile that bad whirled across the mesa to the southeast and l...

Set Afoot
The tracks of the six horses led down into a rock-bottomed arroyo so deep in most places that all view of the surrounding mesa was shu...

One Put Over On The Bunch
"Sounds to me," volunteered the irrepressible Big Medicine after a heavy silence, "like as if you'd gone to sleep on your hawse, Littl...

Now Dang It Ride!
Indians are Indians, though they wear the green sweater and overalls of civilization and set upon their black hair the hat made famous...

Annie-many-ponies Waits
In the magic light of many unnamable soft shades which the sun leaves in New Mexico as a love token for his dark mistress night, Anni...

Applehead Shows The Stuff He Is Made Of
Lite Avery, turning to look back as they galloped up a long slope so gradual in its rise that it seemed almost level, counted just fou...

In The Devil's Frying-pan
Luck, riding confidently on the trail of the three horsemen who had taken to the south along the front of the square butte, believed t...

Peace Talk
Across the Frying-pan an Indian stood boldly out upon a jutting point of rock and raised a hand in the sweeping upward motion of the p...

Luis Rojas Talks
Three days of hiding by day in sequestered little groves or deep, hidden canons, with only Luis Rojas to bear her company--Luis Rojas ...

Wagalexa Conka Cola!
"So good little girl yoh are to true' Ramon! Now I knows for sure yoh lov' me moch as I lov' yoh! Now we go little ride more to my hou...

Stranded On The Prairie
"By George, look behind us! I fancy we are going to have a storm." Four heads turned as if governed by one brain; four pairs of eyes...

A Handsome Cowboy To The Rescue
Beatrice took immediate possession of the front seat, that she might comfort her heartbroken young nephew. "Never mind, honey. Th...

A Tilt With Sir Redmond
Beatrice, standing on the top of a steep, grassy slope, was engaged in the conventional pastime of enjoying the view. It was a fine ...

Beatrice Learns A New Language
"D'you want to see the boys work a bunch of cattle, Trix?" Dick said to her, when she came down to where he was leaning against a hi...

The Search For Dorman
"Oh, I say," began Sir Redmond, an hour after, when he happened to stand close to Beatrice for a few minutes, "where is Dorman? I fa...

Mrs Lansell's Lecture
When the excitement had somewhat abated, and Miss Hayes was convinced that her idol was really there, safe, and with his usual healt...

Beatrice's Wild Ride
"Well, are we all ready?" Dick gathered up his reins, and took critical inventory of the load. His mother peered under the front sea...

Dorman Plays Cupid
Dorman toiled up the steps, his straw hat perilously near to slipping down his back, his face like a large, red beet, and his hands ...

What It Meant To Keith
"Dick, I wish you'd tell me about this leasing business. There are points which I don't understand." Beatrice leaned over and smooth...

Pine Ridge Range Ablaze
At dusk that night a glow was in the southern sky, and the wind carried the pungent odor of burning grass. Dick went out on the porc...

Sir Redmond Waits His Answer
Beatrice felt distinctly out of sorts the next day, and chose an hour for her ride when she felt reasonably secure from unwelcome co...

Held Up By Mr Kelly
"'Traveler, what lies over the hill?'" questioned a mischievous voice. Keith, dreaming along a winding, rock-strewn trail in the c...

Keith's Masterful Wooing
Keith faced toward home, with Redcloud following at his heels like a pet dog. For some reason, which he did not try to analyze, he w...

Sir Redmond Gets His Answer
"Before long, dear, we shall get on the great ship, and ride across the large, large ocean, and be at home. You will be delighted to...

How Trouble Came To The Lazy A
Without going into a deep, psychological discussion of the elements in men's souls that breed events, we may say with truth that the L...

Concerning Lite And A Few Footprints
"Lucky you was with me all day, up to four o'clock, Lite," Jim said. "That lets you out slick and clean, seeing the doctor claims he'd...

What A Man's Good Name Is Worth
You would think that the bare word of a man who has lived uprightly in a community for fifteen years or so would be believed under oat...

The still loneliness of desertion held fast the clutter of sheds and old stables roofed with dirt and rotting hay. The melancholy of ...

Jean Rides Into A Small Adventure
At the mouth of the coulee, she turned to the left instead of to the right, and so galloped directly away from the Bar Nothing ranch, ...

And The Villain Pursued Her
The young man called Gil,--to avoid wasting time in saying Gilbert James Huntley,--mounted in haste and rode warily up the coulee some...

Robert Grant Burns Gets Help
"You know the brand, don't you?" the proprietor of the hotel which housed the Great Western Company asked, with the tolerant air which...

Jean Spoils Something
Jean found the padlock key where she had hidden it under a rock ten feet from the door, and let herself into her room. The peaceful ...

A Man-sized Job For Jean
Jean was just returning wet-lashed from burying the little brown bird under a wild-rose bush near the creek. She had known all along ...

Jean Learns What Fear Is Like
Sometime in the still part of the night which comes after midnight, Jean woke slowly from dreaming of the old days that had been so vi...

Lite's Pupil Demonstrates
Jean awoke to hear the businesslike buzzing of an automobile coming up from the gate. Evidently they were going to make pictures ther...

To Double For Muriel Gay
While she breakfasted unsatisfactorily upon soda crackers and a bottle of olives which happened to have been left over from a previous...

Pictures And Plans And Mysterious Footsteps
When Lite objected to her staying altogether at the Lazy A, Jean assured him that she was being terribly practical and cautious and b...

Punch Verses Prestige
It seems to be a popular belief among those who are unfamiliar with the business of making motion pictures that all dangerous or diffi...

A Leading Lady They Would Make Of Jean
Sometimes events follow docilely the plans that would lead them out of the future of possibilities and into the present of actualities...

For Once At Least Lite Had His Way
Half a mile she galloped, and met Lite coming home. She glanced over her shoulder before she pulled Pard down to a walk, and Lite's ...

Why Don't You Give Them Something Real?
"Well, you don't seem crazy about it. What's the matter?" Robert Grant Burns stood in his favorite attitude with his hands on his hip...

A New Kind Of Picture
"What you doing now?" Robert Grant Burns came around the corner of the house looking for her, half an hour later, and found her sittin...

In Los Angeles
When she felt bewildered, Jean had the trick of appearing merely reserved; and that is what saved her from the charge of rusticity whe...

Chance Takes A Hand
A huge pipe organ was filling the theater with a vast undertone that was like the whispering surge of a great wind. Jean went into th...

Jean Believes That She Takes Matters Into Her Own Hands
After all, Jean did not have to fight her way clear through "Warring Mexico" and back again, in order to reach Nogales. She let Lite ...

Jean Meets One Crisis And Confronts Another
"Well, say! This is like seeing you walk out of that picture that's running at the Teatro Palacia. You sure are making a hit with th...

A Little Enlightenment
Sometime in the night Jean awoke to hear footsteps in the corridor outside her room. She sat up with a start, and her right hand went...

The Letter In The Chaps
Though hours may drag themselves into the past so sluggishly that one is fairly maddened by the snail's pace of them, into the past th...

Lite Comes Out Of The Background
For hours Jean had sat staring out at the drear stretches of desert dripping under the dismal rain that streaked the car windows. The...

How Happiness Returned To The Lazy A
When Lite rapped with his knuckles on the door of the room where she was waiting, Jean stood with her hands pressed tightly over her f...

Lost In A Blizzard
"Rowdy" Vaughan--he had been christened Rowland by his mother, and rechristened Rowdy by his cowboy friends, who are prone to treat wi...

Miss Conroy Refuses Shelter
The storm lifted suddenly, as storms have a way of doing, and a low, squat ranch-house stood dimly revealed against the bleak expanse ...

Rowdy Hires A New Boss
Next morning, after breakfast, Mr. Rodway followed Vaughan out to the stable, and repeated Bill Brown's question. "I'd like to know...

Pink As Chappyrone
Rowdy was sprawled ungracefully upon somebody's bunk--he neither knew nor cared whose--and he was snoring unmelodiously, and not dream...

At Home At Cross L
In two days Rowdy was quite at home with the Cross L. In a month he found himself transplanted from the smoke-laden air of the bunk-ho...

A Shot From The Dark
"I call that a bad job well done," Pink remarked, after a long silence, as he gave over trying to catch a fish in the muddy Milk River...

Rowdy In A Tough Place
Rowdy, with nice calculation, met Miss Conroy just as she had left the school-house, and noted with much satisfaction that she was rid...

Pink In A Threatening Mood
Eagle Creek Smith had at last reached the point where he must face new conditions and change established customs. He could no longer i...

Moving The Herd
Four thousand weary cattle crawled up the long ridge which divides Chin Coulee from Quitter Creek. Pink, riding point, opposite the Si...

Harry Conroy At Home
It was late next morning when they got under way; for they had not reached camp until long after midnight, and Wooden Shoes was determ...

Rowdy Promoted
Rowdy rode closer. "If you don't mind paying duty," he began tentatively, "I can put you next to a range over the line, where I'll gu...

You Can Tell Jessie
In the days that followed Rowdy was much alone. There was water to hunt, far ahead of the herd, together with the most practicable way...

Rowdy Finds Happiness
Miss Conroy was rather listlessly endeavoring to persuade the First Reader class that "catch" should not be pronounced "ketch," when s...

The Flight Of Big Pete Ellis
"Look out thar!" A young, red-bearded man of herculean frame fiercely jerked the words between his teeth as he leaped between two...

A Bound Boy's Story
With the horses gone beyond recapture, Big Pete must needs depend on his own legs if he meant to escape. The constable's party could...

The Beginning Of A Perilous Journey
"Hitch yer cheers up t' the blaze; it's a cool night fer September," said Captain Bowen, drawing his own splint-bottom chair toward ...

The Man Under The Bed
The Eagle tavern was a long, low structure and stood close beside the highway, on the opposite side of which was the weather-beaten ...

A Mysterious Shot In The Darkness
"I am going to keep my eyes open for that cut-throat that was under the bed. There's no telling what he might not do," said John wit...

On Lonely Mountain Roads
"What's happened, Ree?" The tone in which John asked the question, satisfied Kingdom that his friend knew nothing of the shooting...

On Into The Wilderness
Great as the shock of the sudden attack and his narrow escape was, Ree gave only a little yell of surprise and anger, and ran in the...

Friends Or Foes?
Tom Fish had a profound respect for Return Kingdom from the moment the latter threw him; but he was no less pleasant and agreeable t...

The Scalp At Big Buffalo's Belt
A great lump came in Ree's throat as he looked upon the body of honest old Jerry, and stood for a few seconds watching in a dazed, h...

A Night With The Indians
To shut out from his thoughts the horrid memory of the bloody scalp at Big Buffalo's belt, Ree turned and busied himself with the fi...

Again A Hidden Enemy
The boys were early astir the following morning. As soon as they were up Capt. Pipe's wife placed a dish of boiled corn, like hominy...

Building A Cabin
By reason of having been the first to see the strange foot-prints, and having come upon them, too, in the gray light of the early mo...

The Strange Story Of Arthur Bridges
Putting down his book, Ree looked thoughtfully into Tom's face. "Of course," said he, "John and I have wondered about that--that ...

Treed By Wolves
The disappearance of Tom Fish caused both boys considerable uneasiness. They at first thought that he might return during the evenin...

A Maple Sugar Camp In The Wilderness
Selecting a stout limb for his purpose, Ree set to work to cut and trim it, making a short, heavy club. He believed that if he shoul...

The Hatred Of Big Buffalo
The last of the sap had been reduced to sugar and made into a fine solid cake weighing nearly two pounds, the night that the foregoi...

As Ree spoke, a war whoop sounded clear and strong, instantly followed by a weird, chanting song. In a minute or two this ceased, an...

A man under thirty needs neighbors and to stop up the current of his life with a long silence is like obstructing a river--eventually ...

Grey Molly
If her soul had been capable of enthusiasm, Marne could have made the trip on schedule time, but she was a burro good for nothing exce...

On the road he passed Miss Brewster--for the Alder school boasted two teachers!--and under her kindly, rather faded smile he felt a gr...

King Hol
There is a very general and very erroneous impression that alcohol builds the mood of a man; as a matter of fact it merely makes his t...

The Fight
There were three spots of white in the dim saloon, the faces of Stewart, Lorrimer, and old Lew Perkins, and at the feet of Vic grew a ...

The Rifle
Dawn found him over the first crest; at noon he was struggling up the slope of the second range, whose rise was not half so sharp as t...

Joan Disobeys
What he next knew was a fire of agony that wrapped his whole body and consciousness flashed back on him. Strong arms lifted him up, up...

A light step crossed the outer room, with something peculiar in its lightness, as if the heel were not touching the floor, with the ef...

The Long Arm Of The Law
From the first the wound healed rapidly, for Vic's blood was perfectly pure, the mountain air a tonic which strengthened him, and his ...

One Trail Ends
"You can trust Grey Molly to me, Vic," said Dan, standing at the head of the gray mare. "I'll keep her as safe as if she was Satan." ...

A New Trail Begins
If he had been an ordinary rider, sitting heavily far back in the saddle, at the end of a long ride, Barry would either have been flun...

The Crisis
Those mountains above the Barry cabin were, as he told Vic Gregg, inaccessible to men on horseback except by one path, yet there was a...

Equal Payment
They knew what it meant; even Joan had heard the cry of the lone wolf hunting in the lean time of winter, and of all things sad, all t...

The help which Lee Haines wanted, it turned out, was guidance across a difficult stretch of country which he and Buck Daniels wanted t...

Seven For One
Dangerous men were no novelty for Gregg. He had lived with them, worked with them, as hard-fisted himself as any, and as ready for tro...

As Vic Gregg left the house, the new moon peered at him over a black mountain-top, a sickle of white with a half imaginary line roundi...

The Second Man
The sheriff was on his feet, whining with eagerness and with the rest of his men he sent a shower of lead splashing vainly into the de...

Concerning The Strength Of Women
There were three things discussed by Lee Haines and Buck Daniels in the dreary days which followed. The first was to keep on their way...

The Venture
From the moment Joan gave the name of Daddy Dan, the wolf-dog kept to the trail with arrowy straightness. Whatever the limitations of ...

He made the preparation for supper with such easy speed that everything seemed to be done by magic hands. When Joan's mother cooked su...

The Acid Test
Mrs. Johnny Sommers managed to preserve her dignity while she escorted the visitor into the front room, and even while she asked him t...

The Fifth Man
The moment Vic Gregg stood in the open air, with the last appeal of Betty ringing still at his ear, he felt a profound conviction that...

Bad News
News of the Killing at Alder, as they call that night's slaughter to this day in the mountain-desert, traveled swiftly, and lost nothi...

The Music
To the last ravine Kate's horse carried her easily enough, but that mountain pass was impenetrable through all its length to anything ...

The Battle
"It's Dan," whispered Kate. "He's come." "Maybe Daddy Dan sent Bart back alone, munner." "Does he do that often? Come quickly, Jo...

The Test
The most that could be said of Rickett was that it had a courthouse and plenty of quiet so perfect that the minds of the office holder...

The Sixth Man
It caused a quick turning of heads. "I don't want to put you out none," said the applicant gently. His voice was extremely gentle, ...

The Blood Of The Father
On the night of her failure at the cave, Kate came back to the cabin and went to her room without any word to Buck or Lee Haines, but ...

Billy The Clerk
If Sheriff Pete Glass had been the typical hard-riding, sure-shooting officer of the law as it is seen in the mountain-desert, his wor...

The Morgan Hills
Once out of Rickett, Barry pulled the stallion back to an easy canter. He had camped during the latter part of the night near the town...

The Trap
He had already covered a good ten miles, and a large part of that through extremely rough going, but the black ran with his head as hi...

The horses from St. Vincent already wheezed from the run, but the mounts of the posse were staggering completely blown. Ever since the...

The Jump
He brought Satan back to a hand canter, and so he pulled around the next curve of the gulch and saw the trap squarely in front. He cam...

The Warning
All in a grim instant he saw the trap. It closed upon his consciousness with a click, and as he doubled Satan around he knew that the ...

The Asper
Ninety miles of ground, at least, had been covered by the black stallion, since he left Rickett that morning, yet when he galloped acr...

The Empty Cave
Through ten months of the year a child of ten could wade the Asper but now its deep roaring that set the ground quivering under Barry ...

Ben Swann
Since the night when old Joe Cumberland died and Kate Cumberland rode off after her wild man, Ben Swann, the foreman of the Cumberland...

The New Alliance
"And so," said Lee Haines, when he joined Buck Daniels in the living-room, "there goes our reinforcements. That whole crew will scatte...

The entrance of the puppy, to liken small things to great, was the coming of Blucher in Kate's life, for the battle turned, and all in...

The Failure
When Black Bart returned without Joan, without even a note of answer about his neck, the master made ready to take by force. First he ...

The Wild Geese
Twenty-four hours from Alder to Elkhead, and beyond Elkhead to the Cumberland ranch, is long riding and hard riding, but not far after...

Joan Reads By Firelight
There is no silence so fearful, so breathless, so searching as the night silence of a wild country buried five feet deep in snow. Fo...

Pierre Lays His Hand On A Heart
Maud Upper was the first girl of her own age that Joan had ever seen. Joan went in terror of her and Maud knew this and enjoyed her ...

Two Pictures In The Fire
The period which followed had a quality of breathless, almost unearthly happiness. They were young, savage, simple, and their love, ...

The Sin-buster
In the fall, when the whole country had turned to a great cup of gold, purple-rimmed under the sky, Pierre went out into the hills a...

Pierre Becomes Alarmed About His Property
The next time Holliwell came, he brought the books, and, finding Pierre at home, he sat with his host after supper and talked men's ...

Pierre Takes Steps To Preserve His Property
A log fell forward and Joan lifted her head. She had not come to an end of Isabella's tragedy nor of her own memories, but something...

The Judgment Of God
The man who had entered with such violence upon so violent a scene, stood waiting till the smoke of Pierre's discharge had cleared a...

It is not the people that have led still and uneventful lives who are best prepared for emergencies. They are not trained to face cr...

Dried Rose-leaves
The house that Prosper Gael had built for himself and for the woman whom Joan came to think of as the "tall child," stood in a canyo...

Prosper Comes To A Decision
Perhaps, in spite of his gruesome boast as to dead men, it was as much to satisfy his own spirit as to comfort Joan's that Prosper a...

The Whole Duty Of Woman
Joan waited for Holliwell and, waiting, began inevitably to regain her strength. One evening as Wen Ho was spreading the table, Pros...

A Matter Of Taste
"What are you writin' so hard for, Mr. Gael?" Joan voiced the question wistfully on the height of a long breath. She drew it from a ...

The Training Of A Leopardess
On that evening Prosper began to talk. The unnatural self-repression he had practiced gave way before the flood of his sociability. ...

Joan Runs Away
It was a January night when Joan, her rough head almost in the ashes, had read "Isabella and the Pot of Basil" by the light of flame...

Nerves And Intuition
"Mr. Gael," said Joan standing before him at the breakfast-table, "I'm a-goin' to work." She was pale, gaunt, and imperturbable. ...

The Tall Child
There were times, even now, when Prosper tried to argue himself back into sardonic self-possession. "Pooh!" said his brain, "you wer...

Concerning Marriage
And it was spring-time; these prisoners of frost were beautifully sensitive. They, too, with the lake and the aspens and the earth, ...

A Wild Cat
The Lazy-Y ranch-house, a one-storied building of logs, was built about three sides of a paved court. In the middle of this court st...

Morena's Wife
Betty Morena was sitting in a rustic chair before an open fire, smoking a cigarette. She was a short woman, so slenderly, even narro...

After that night, there began a sort of persecution, skillfully conducted by Jasper and Betty, against the ferocity of Jane. It was ...

There was a girl named Joan who followed Pierre Landis because he laid his hand upon her wrist, and there was another Joan who fled ...

Luck's Play
A young man who had just landed in New York from one of the big, adventurous transatlantic liners hailed a taxicab and was quickly ...

Joan And Prosper
The situation was no doubt an extraordinary, an unimaginable one, but it had to be met. When he returned to the box, Prosper had him...

Joan waited for Prosper on the appointed afternoon. There was a fire on her hearth and a March snow-squall tapped against the window...

Against The Bars
Jasper Morena had stood for an hour in a drafty passage of that dirty labyrinth known vaguely to the public as "behind the scenes," ...

Gray Envelopes
It was with more than the usual sinking of heart that Jasper let himself that evening into the beautiful house which Betty and he c...

The Spider
"Hullo. Is this Mrs. Morena?" Betty held the receiver languidly. Her face had grown very thin and her eyes were patient. They wer...

The Clean Wild Thing
"The Reverend Francis Holliwell." Morena turned the card over and over in his hand. "Holliwell. Holliwell. Frank Holliwell." Yes. On...

The Leopardess
Pierre stood before the cheap bureau of his ugly hotel bedroom turning a red slip of cardboard about in his fingers. The gas-jet spu...

The End Of The Trail
At the top of the fourth flight of steps, Pierre found himself facing a door that stood ajar. Beyond that door was Joan and he knew ...

The Spelling-match
The "Twentieth" school was built of logs hewn on two sides. The cracks were chinked and filled with plaster, which had a curious hab...

The Deepole
Archibald Munro had a steady purpose in life--to play the man, and to allow no pain of his--and pain never left him long--to spoil h...

The Examination
The two years of Archibald Munro's regime were the golden age of the school, and for a whole generation "The Section" regarded that ...

The New Master
Right in front of the school door, and some little distance from it, in the midst of a clump of maples, stood an old beech-tree with...

The Crisis
The first days of that week were days of strife. Murdie Cameron and Bob Fraser and the other big boys succeeded in keeping in line w...

One That Ruleth Well His Own House
The news of the school trouble ran through the section like fire through a brule. The younger generations when they heard how Thomas...

After the expulsion of the master, the Twentieth School fell upon evil days, for the trustees decided that it would be better to try...

Foxy's Partner
It was an evil day for Hughie when he made friends with Foxy and became his partner in the store business, for Hughie's hoardings we...

Hughie's Emancipation
Hughie rose late next morning, and the hurry and rush of getting off to school in time left him no opportunity to get rid of the lit...

The Bear Hunt
"Is Don round, Mrs. Cameron?" "Mercy me, Hughie! Did ye sleep in the woods? Come away in. Ye're a sight for sore eyes. Come away ...

John Craven's Method
Mr. John Craven could not be said to take his school-teaching seriously; and indeed, any one looking at his face would hardly expect...

The Downfall
In one point the master was a great disappointment to Hughie; he could not be persuaded to play shinny. The usual challenge had come...

The First Round
The challenge from the Front was for the best two out of three, the first game to be played the last day of the year. Steadily, unde...

The Final Round
After the New-Year the school filled up with big boys, some of whom had returned with the idea of joining the preparatory class for ...

The Result
"How many did you say, Craven, of those Glengarry men of yours?" Professor Gray was catechizing his nephew. "Ten of them, sir, ...

The Desert Chariot
Lee Virginia Wetherford began her return journey into the mountain West with exultation. From the moment she opened her car-window t...

The Forest Ranger
From her makeshift bed in the middle of the floor Lee Virginia was awakened next morning by the passing of some one down the hall ca...

Lee Virginia Wages War
IN truth, Lize had risen that morning intending "to whirl in and clean up the house," being suddenly conscious to some degree of the...

Virginia Takes Another Motor Ride
Lee Virginia's efforts to refine the little hotel produced an amazing change in Eliza Wetherford's affairs. The dining-room swarmed ...

Two On The Veranda
REDFIELD met his young guest in dinner-coat, looking extremely urban, and presented his "friend and neighbor, Mr. Enderby." Ender...

The Voice From The Heights
LEE VIRGINIA was not entirely without experience as regards respectful courtship. Her life in the East had brought her to know a num...

The Poachers
One morning, as he topped the rise between the sawmill and his own station, Cavanagh heard two rifle-shots in quick succession snapp...

The Second Attack
Lee was waiting on the porch of the hotel, tense with excitement, straining her ears and eyes to see what was taking place. The n...

The Old Sheep-herder
The ranger was awakened in the first faint dawn by the passing of the girl's light feet as she went across the hall to her mother's ...

The Smoke Of The Burning
The reader will observe that the forest ranger's job is that of a man and a patriot, and such a ranger was Cavanagh, notwithstanding...

Shadows On The Mist
The decision which Cavanagh made between love and duty distinguished the officer from the man, the soldier from the civilian. He did...

Cavanagh's Last Vigil Begins
On his solitary ride upward and homeward the ranger searched his heart and found it bitter and disloyal. Love had interfered with du...

Cavanagh Asks For Help
Lee Virginia waited with increasing impatience for Ross Cavanagh's return, expecting each noon to see him appear at the door; but wh...

The Pest-house
Cavanagh had kept a keen watch over Wetherford, and when one night the old man began to complain of the ache in his bones his decisi...

Wetherford Passes On
For the next two days Cavanagh slept but little, for his patient grew steadily worse. As the flame of his fever mounted, Wetherford ...

In her career as the wife of a Western rancher, Eleanor Redfield had been called upon to entertain many strange guests, and she made...

The Happy Girl
The stage line which ran from Williams to Bear Tooth (one of the most authentic then to be found in all the West) possessed at least...

A Ride In The Rain
There are two Colorados within the boundaries of the state of that name, distinct, almost irreconcilable. One is a plain (smooth, dr...

Wayland Receives A Warning
Distance is no barrier to gossip. It amazed young Norcross to observe how minutely the ranchers of the valley followed one another's...

The Supervisor Of The Forest
Young Norcross, much as he admired Berrie, was not seeking to exchange her favor for her lover's enmity, and he rode away with an un...

The Golden Pathway
Young Norcross soon became vitally engaged with the problems which confronted McFarlane, and his possible enrolment as a guard fille...

Wayland was awakened by the mellow voice of his chief calling: "All out! All out! Daylight down the creek!" Breathing a prayer of th...

The Walk In The Rain
Norcross, with his city training, was acutely conscious of the delicacy of the situation. In his sister's circle a girl left alone i...

The Other Girl
The girl's voice stirred the benumbed youth into action again, and he followed her mechanically. His slender stock of physical stren...

Further Perplexities
Wayland, for his part, was not deceived by Siona Moore. He knew her kind, and understood her method of attack. He liked her pert way...

The Camp On The Pass
Berea suffered a restless night, the most painful and broken she had known in all her life. She acknowledged that Siona Moore was pr...

The Death-grapple
There was something so sinister in the rider's disregard of stone and tree and pace, something so menacing in the forward thrust of ...

Berrie's Vigil
The situation in which Berea now found herself would have disheartened most women of mature age, but she remained not only composed,...

The Gossips Awake
It was dark when they reached the village, but Wayland declared his ability to go on, although his wounded head was throbbing with f...

The Summons
When Wayland caught the startled look on Berrie's face he knew that she had learned from her father the contents of his telegram, an...

A Matter Of Millinery
It was three o'clock of a fine, clear, golden afternoon as they said good-by to McFarlane and started eastward, as if for a little d...

The Private Car
After he went away Berrie turned to her mother with a look in which humor and awe were blent. "Am I dreaming, mother, or am I actual...

A Branch Road
I "Keep the main-travelled road till you come to a branch leading off-keep to the right." IN the windless September dawn a voi...

Up The Coulee
A STORY OF WISCONSIN "Keep the main-travelled road up the coulee-it's the second house after crossin' the crick." THE ride from ...

Among The Corn Rows
I "But the road sometimes passes a rich meadow, where the songs o/ larks and bobolinks and blackbirds are tangled." ROB held up ...

The Return Of A Private
On the road leading "back to God's country" and wile and babies. I The nearer the train drew toward La Crosse, the soberer the ...

Under The Lion's Paw
"Along the main-travelled road trailed an endless line of prairie schooners. Coming into sight at the east, and passing out of sight ...

The Creamery Man
"Along these woods in storm and sun the busy people go." THE tin-peddler has gone out of the West. Amiable gossip and sharp trader ...

A Day's Pleasure
"Mainly it is long and weariful, and has a home o' toil at one end and a dull little town at the other." WHEN Markham came in from ...

Mrs Ripley's Trip
"And in winter the winds sweep the snows across it." Thn night was in windy November, and the blast, threatening rain, roared aroun...

Uncle Ethan Ripley
"Like the Main-Travelled Road of Life, it is traversed by many classes of people." UNCLE ETHAN had a theory that a man's character ...

God's Ravens
I CHICAGO has three winds that blow upon it. One comes from the East, and the mind goes out to the cold gray-blue lake. One from t...

Agood Fellow's Wife
I LIFE in the small towns of the older West moves slowly-almost as slowly as in the seaport villages or little towns of the East. T...

Two or three others came in after a little money, but he put them off easily. "Just been cashing some paper, and took all the ready c...

Bank Closed
TO MY CREDITORS AND DEPOSITORS Through a combination of events I find myself obliged to temporarily suspend payment. I ask the depo...

Friends From The East
Three days after her return to the ranch Madeline could not discover any physical discomfort as a reminder of her adventurous experien...

Cowboy Golf
In the whirl of the succeeding days it was a mooted question whether Madeline's guests or her cowboys or herself got the keenest enjoy...

A Band Of Guerrillas
Madeline bolted the door, and, flying into the kitchen, she told the scared servants to shut themselves in. Then she ran to her own ro...

Don Carlos's Vaqueros
Early the following morning Stewart, with a company of cowboys, departed for Don Carlos's rancho. As the day wore on without any repor...

The New Foreman
Toward the end of the week Stillwell informed Madeline that Stewart had arrived at the ranch and had taken up quarters with Nels. "...

El Capitan
Stillwell's interest in the revolution across the Mexican line had manifestly increased with the news that Gene Stewart had achieved ...

Her Majesty's Rancho
FIVE months brought all that Stillwell had dreamed of, and so many more changes and improvements and innovations that it was as if a m...

A Gift And A Purchase
For a week the scene of the round-up lay within riding-distance of the ranch-house, and Madeline passed most of this time in the saddl...

A Ride From Sunrise To Sunset
Next morning, when Madeline was aroused by her brother, it was not yet daybreak; the air chilled her, and in the gray gloom she had to...

The Round-up
It was a crackling and roaring of fire that awakened Madeline next morning, and the first thing she saw was a huge stone fireplace in ...

A Secret Kept
Because of that singular reply Madeline found faith to go farther with the cowboy. But at the moment she really did not think about wh...

Sister And Brother
Then Madeline returned to the little parlor with the brother whom she had hardly recognized. "Majesty!" he exclaimed. "To think of ...

Kitty was not the only cougar brought into camp alive. The ensuing days were fruitful of cougars and adventure. There were more wild r...

A Gentleman Of The Range
When Madeline Hammond stepped from the train at El Cajon, New Mexico, it was nearly midnight, and her first impression was of a huge d...

The Sign Of The Sunset
"BUT the man's almost dead." The words stung John Hare's fainting spirit into life. He opened his eyes. The desert still stretche...

White Sage
THE night was as a blank to Hare; the morning like a drifting of hazy clouds before his eyes. He felt himself moving; and when he aw...

The Trail Of The Red Wall
AFTER the departure of Dene and his comrades Naab decided to leave White Sage at nightfall. Martin Cole and the Bishop's sons tried ...

The Oasis
AUGUST NAAB'S oasis was an oval valley, level as a floor, green with leaf and white with blossom, enclosed by a circle of colossal c...

Black Sage And Juniper
AUGUST NAAB appeared on the path leading from his fields. "Mescal, here you are," he greeted. "How about the sheep?" "Piute's d...

The Wind In The Cedars
PIUTE'S Indian sense of the advantage of position in attack stood Jack in good stead; he led him up the ledge which overhung one end...

LITTLE dew fell on the night of July first; the dawn brightened without mists; a hot sun rose; the short summer of the plateau had b...

The Breaker Of Wild Mustangs
FOR a few days after the capture of Silvermane, a time full to the brim of excitement for Hare, he had no word with Mescal, save for...

The Scent Of Desert-water
SOON the shepherds were left to a quiet unbroken by the whistle of wild mustangs, the whoop of hunters, the ring of iron-shod hoofs ...

Riding The Ranges
THE shepherds were home in the oasis that evening, and next day the tragedy of the sheep was a thing of the past. No other circumsta...

The Desert-hawk
TOWARD the close of the next day Jack Hare arrived at Seeping Springs. A pile of gray ashes marked the spot where the trimmed logs h...

Echo Cliffs
WHEN thought came clearly to him he halted irresolute. For Mescal's sake he must not appear to have had any part in her headlong fli...

The Sombre Line
AUGUST NAAB hoped that Mescal might have returned in his absence; but to Hare such hope was vain. The women of the oasis met them wi...

ON the anniversary of the night Mescal disappeared the mysterious voice which had called to Hare so often and so strangely again pie...

Desert Night
THE gray stallion, finding the rein loose on his neck, trotted forward and overtook the dog, and thereafter followed at his heels. W...

Thunder River
FOR an instant Hare's brain reeled, and Mescal's broken murmurings were meaningless Then his faculties grew steady and acute; he hel...

The Swoop Of The Hawk
"JACK! the saddle's slipping!" cried Mescal, clinging closer to him. "What luck!" Hare muttered through clinched teeth, and pulled...

The Heritage Of The Desert
"MESCAL'S far out in front by this time. Depend on it, Hare," went on Naab. "That trick was the cunning Indian of her. She'll ride S...

HARE, listening breathlessly, rode on toward the gateway of the cliffs, and when he had passed the corner of the wall he sighed in r...

The Rage Of The Old Lion
"TAKE Holderness away--quick!" ordered Hare. A thin curl of blue smoke floated from the muzzle of his raised weapon. The rustlers...

SUMMER gleams of golden sunshine swam under the glistening red walls of the oasis. Shadows from white clouds, like sails on a deep-b...

The Arizona Desert
One afternoon, far out on the sun-baked waste of sage, we made camp near a clump of withered pinyon trees. The cold desert wind came d...

The Range
After a much-needed rest at Emmett's, we bade good-by to him and his hospitable family, and under the guidance of his man once more to...

The Last Herd
Over gray No-Man's-Land stole down the shadows of night. The undulating prairie shaded dark to the western horizon, rimmed with a fadi...

The Trail
"Frank, what'll we do about horses?" asked Jones. "Jim'll want the bay, and of course you'll want to ride Spot. The rest of our nags w...

Oak Spring
Moze and Don and Sounder straggled into camp next morning, hungry, footsore and scarred; and as they limped in, Jones met them with c...

The White Mustang
For thirty miles down Nail Canyon we marked, in every dusty trail and sandy wash, the small, oval, sharply defined tracks of the White...

Snake Gulch
Not far from the scene of our adventure with the White Streak as we facetious and appreciatively named the mustang, deep, flat cave i...

Naza! Naza! Naza!
It was a waiting day at Fort Chippewayan. The lonesome, far-northern Hudson's Bay Trading Post seldom saw such life. Tepees dotted the...

The Land Of The Musk-ox
A far cry it was from bright June at Port Chippewayan to dim October on Great Slave Lake. Two long, laborious months Rea and Jones ...

Success And Failure
At last the marvel in the north dimmed, the obscure gray shade lifted, the hope in the south brightened, and the mercury climbed reluc...

On To The Siwash
"Who all was doin' the talkin' last night?" asked Frank next morning, when we were having a late breakfast. "Cause I've a joke on some...

Old Tom
At daybreak our leader routed us out. The frost mantled the ground so heavily that it looked like snow, and the rare atmosphere bit li...

Singing Cliffs
Old Tom had rolled two hundred yards down the canyon, leaving a red trail and bits of fur behind him. When I had clambered down to the...

All Heroes But One
As we rode up the slope of Buckskin, the sunrise glinted red-gold through the aisles of frosted pines, giving us a hunter's glad greet...

Jones On Cougars
The mountain lion, or cougar, of our Rocky Mountain region, is nothing more nor less than the panther. He is a little different in sha...

It seemed my eyelids had scarcely touched when Jones's exasperating, yet stimulating, yell aroused me. Day was breaking. The moon and ...

When Madeline and her party recovered composure they sat up to watch the finish of the match. It came with spectacular suddenness. A s...

The Mountain Trail
As Stewart departed from one door Florence knocked upon another; and Madeline, far shaken out of her usual serenity, admitted the cool...

The Crags
Glad indeed was Madeline to be lifted off her horse beside a roaring fire--to see steaming pots upon red-hot coals. Except about her ...

The Lost Mine Of The Padres
In the cool, starry evenings the campers sat around a blazing fire and told and listened to stories thrillingly fitted to the dark cra...

Florence's story of the lost mine fired Madeline's guests with the fever for gold-hunting. But after they had tried it a few times and...

Don Carlos
Stewart took Nels, Monty, and Nick Steele aside out of earshot, and they evidently entered upon an earnest colloquy. Presently the oth...

The Sheriff Of El Cajon
About the middle of the forenoon of that day Madeline reached the ranch. Her guests had all arrived there late the night before, and w...

In waking and sleeping hours Madeline Hammond could not release herself from the thralling memory of that tragedy. She was haunted by ...

The Secret Told
In the shaded seclusion of her room, buried face down deep among the soft cushions on her couch, Madeline Hammond lay prostrate and qu...

The Light Of Western Stars
Blinded, like a wild creature, Madeline Hammond ran to her room. She felt as if a stroke of lightning had shattered the shadowy substa...

The Ride
"Stillwell!" Madeline's cry was more than the utterance of a breaking heart. It was full of agony. But also it uttered the shatteri...

At The End Of The Road
Madeline saw that the car was surrounded by armed Mexicans. They presented a contrast to the others she had seen that day; she wondere...

A sharp clip-crop of iron-shod hoofs deadened and died away, and clouds of yellow dust drifted from under the cottonwoods out ov...

Venters appeared too deeply moved to speak the gratitude his face expressed. And Jane turned upon the rescuer and gripped his ...

Amber Spring
No unusual circumstances was it for Oldring and some of his men to visit Cottonwoods in the broad light of day, but for him to ...

Deception Pass
The rider thundered up and almost threw his foam-flecked horse in the sudden stop. He was a giant form, and with fearless eyes. ...

The Masked Rider
Venters looked quickly from the fallen rustlers to the canyon where the others had disappeared. He calculated on the time nee...

The Mill-wheel Of Steers
Meantime, at the ranch, when Judkins's news had sent Venters on the trail of the rustlers, Jane Withersteen led the injured man ...

The Daughter Of Withersteen
"Lassiter, will you be my rider?" Jane had asked him. "I reckon so," he had replied. Few as the words were, Jane knew...

Surprise Valley
Back in that strange canyon, which Venters had found indeed a valley of surprises, the wounded girl's whispered appeal, almost ...

Silver Spruce And Aspens
The rest of that night seemed to Venters only a few moments of starlight, a dark overcasting of sky, an hour or so of gray gl...

During all these waiting days Venters, with the exception of the afternoon when he had built the gate in the gorge, had scarcely...

Faith And Unfaith
At Jane Withersteen's home the promise made to Mrs. Larkin to care for little Fay had begun to be fulfilled. Like a gleam of ...

The Invisible Hand
Jane received a letter from Bishop Dyer, not in his own handwriting, which stated that the abrupt termination of their interv...

Solitude And Storm
In his hidden valley Venters awakened from sleep, and his ears rang with innumerable melodies from full-throated mockingbirds, ...

West Wind
When the storm abated Venters sought his own cave, and late in the night, as his blood cooled and the stir and throb and thrill ...

Shadows On The Sage-slope
In the cloudy, threatening, waning summer days shadows lengthened down the sage-slope, and Jane Withersteen likened them to the ...

As Lassiter had reported to Jane, Venters "went through" safely, and after a toilsome journey reached the peaceful shelter of ...

Wrangle's Race Run
The plan eventually decided upon by the lovers was for Venters to go to the village, secure a horse and some kind of a disguise ...

Oldring's Knell
Some forty hours or more later Venters created a commotion in Cottonwoods by riding down the main street on Black Star and le...

At the home of Jane Withersteen Little Fay was climbing Lassiter's knee. "Does oo love me?" she asked. Lassiter, w...

Lassiter's Way
Footprints told the story of little Fay's abduction. In anguish Jane Withersteen turned speechlessly to Lassiter, and, confirmin...

Black Star And Night
The time had come for Venters and Bess to leave their retreat. They were at great pains to choose the few things they would be ...

Riders Of The Purple Sage
Black Star and Night, answering to spur, swept swiftly westward along the white, slow-rising, sage-bordered trail. Venters heard...

The Fall Of Balancing Rock
Through tear-blurred sight Jane Withersteen watched Venters and Elizabeth Erne and the black racers disappear over the ridge of ...

Choosing A Profession
I loved outdoor life and hunting. Some way a grizzly bear would come in when I tried to explain forestry to my brother. "Hunting gr...

The Man On The Train
Travelling was a new experience to me, and on the first night after I left home I lay awake until we reached Altoona. We rolled out of...

The Trail
A short dash brought me to the end of the block; the side street was not so dark, and after I had crossed this open space I glanced ba...

Lost In The Forest
For a moment I was dazed. And then came panic. I ran up this ridge and that one, I rushed to and fro over ground which looked, whateve...

The Sawmill
In my surprise I almost forgot the Mexican. Then I thought that if Dick were there the Mexican would be likely to have troubles of his...

Dick Leslie Ranger
Which end of the street I entered I had no idea. The cabins were all alike, and in my hurry I would have passed the cook's shack had i...

Back To Holston
Soon we were out of the forest, and riding across the sage-flat with Holston in sight. Both of us avoided the unpleasant subject of my...

The Lumbermen
For a full moment I just lay still, hugging the ground, and I did not seem to think at all. Voices loud in anger roused me. Raising my...

Taken Into The Mountains
We climbed to another level bench where we branched off the trail. The forest still kept its open, park-like character. Under the grea...

Down, down I plunged, and the shock of the icy water seemed to petrify me. I should have gone straight to the bottom like a piece of l...

The Old Hunter
I ran till I got a stitch in my side, and then slowed down to a dog-trot. The one thing to do was to get a long way ahead of my pursu...

The old hunter walked so swiftly that I had to run to keep up with him. The trail led up the creek, now on one side, again on the othe...

The Cabin In The Forest
Hiram Bent packed the cub down the canyon as he would have handled a sack of oats. When we reached the cabin he fastened a heavy dog-c...

A Prisoner
It chanced that as I lay on my side my eye caught a gleam of light through a little ragged hole in the matting of pine branches. Part ...

The Fight
Herky hauled me out of the brush, and held me in the light. The others scrambled from under the remains of the loft, and all viewed me...

The Forest's Greatest Foe
Jim Williams sent out a sharp call. From the canyon-slope came answering shouts. There were sounds of heavy bodies breaking through br...

The Back-fire
Target pounded over the scaly ground and thundered into the hard trail. Then he stretched out. As we cleared the last obstructing pile...

That dreadful feeling of motion went away, and I became unconscious of everything. When I awoke the sun was gleaming dimly through thi...

Big Reuben's Raid
"Wake up, boys! Wake up! Tumble out, there! Quick! Big Reuben's into the pig-pen again!" Our bedroom door was banged wide open, a...

Crawford's Basin
You might think, perhaps, as many people in our neighborhood thought, that Joe was my brother. As a matter of fact he was no relatio...

Yetmore's Mistake
Three months had elapsed when Tom Connor turned up one day with a very long face. All his drilling had brought no result; he was at ...

Lost In The Clouds
The fact that he had lost his little all in the core-boring venture did not trouble Tom Connor in the least; the money was gone, and...

What We Found In The Pool
Though we got back to camp pretty late, we set to work to load our poles at once, fearing that there was going to be a fall of snow ...

Long John Butterfield
"Boys," said my father next morning, "I've been thinking over this discovery of ours. It won't do to wait till you've finished the ...

The Hermit's Warning
As it was now after midday, we concluded to eat our lunch before going any further, so, sitting down on the rocks, we produced the b...

The Wild Cat's Trail
"He is quite right," said my father, when, on reaching home again, we related to him the results of our day's work and told him how ...

The Underground Stream
It was on a Saturday morning that we made this discovery, and as my father and mother had both driven down to San Remo and would not...

How Tom Connor Went Boring For Oil
One thing was plain at any rate: we could do nothing towards finding the source of the underground stream until the snow cleared off...

Tom's Second Window
Mrs. Appleby never did quite understand how her barrel of oil had been recovered for her. All she knew for certain was that her good...

Tom Connor's Scare
When Long John Butterfield (it was Yetmore himself who told us all this long afterwards) when Long John, returning from his day's pr...

The Ore-theft
At half past five next morning Joe and I slipped out of bed, leaving Tom Connor, who had to go to work again at seven, still fast as...

The Snow-slide
The rain, which continued pretty steadily all day, Sunday, had ceased before the following morning, when, looking through the rifts ...

The Big Reuben Vein
But it seemed as though Joe were destined never to get to Sulphide. I was still in the kitchen, when, not more than twenty minutes l...

The Wolf With Wet Feet
We had been so expeditious, thanks largely to Joe's good judgment in tumbling into the right hole at the start when he slid down the...

Colonel Starbottle's Client
CHAPTER I. It may be remembered that it was the habit of that gallant "war-horse" of the Calaveras democracy, Colonel Starbottl...

The Postmistress Of Laurel Run
CHAPTER I. The mail stage had just passed Laurel Run,--so rapidly that the whirling cloud of dust dragged with it down the stee...

A Night At Hays
CHAPTER I. It was difficult to say if Hays' farmhouse, or "Hays," as it was familiarly called, looked any more bleak and cheerl...

Johnson's Old Woman
It was growing dark, and the Sonora trail was becoming more indistinct before me at every step. The difficulty had increased over th...

The New Assistant At Pine Clearing School
CHAPTER I. The schoolmistress of Pine Clearing was taking a last look around her schoolroom before leaving it for the day. She ...

In A Pioneer Restaurant
CHAPTER I. There was probably no earthly reason why the "Poco Mas o Menos" Club of San Francisco should have ever existed, or w...

A Treasure Of The Galleon
Her father's house was nearly a mile from the sea, but the breath of it was always strong at the windows and doors in the early morn...

Out Of A Pioneer's Trunk
It was a slightly cynical, but fairly good-humored crowd that had gathered before a warehouse on Long Wharf in San Francisco one aft...

The Ghosts Of Stukeley Castle
There should have been snow on the ground to make the picture seasonable and complete, but the Western Barbarian had lived long enou...

A Crusader And A Sign
It was the 4th of August, 1854, off Cape Corrientes. Morning was breaking over a heavy sea, and the closely-reefed topsails of a bar...

Another Portent
The saloon of the Excelsior was spacious for the size of the vessel, and was furnished in a style superior to most passenger-ships o...

Without exchanging another word with his escort, Senor Perkins followed him to the main hatch, where they descended and groped their...

In The Fog
By noon of the following day the coast of the Peninsula of California had been sighted to leeward. The lower temperature of the nort...

Todos Santos
It was evident that the two strangers represented some exalted military and ecclesiastical authority. This was shown in their dress-...

Hail And Farewell
Supper was served in the inner room opening from the corridor lit by a few swinging lanterns of polished horn and a dozen wax candle...

The Gentle Castaways
Miss Keene was awakened from a heavy sleep by a hurried shake of her shoulder and an indefinite feeling of alarm. Opening her eyes, ...

In Sanctuary
When James Hurlstone reached the shelter of the shrubbery he leaned exhaustedly against the adobe wall, and looked back upon the gar...

An Open-air Prison
An hour after mass Father Esteban had quietly installed Hurlstone in a small cell-like apartment off the refectory. The household of...

Todos Santos Solves The Mystery
Notwithstanding his promise, and the summons of the Council, Father Esteban, on parting with the Excelsior prisoners in the San Anto...

The Captain Follows His Ship
When Padre Esteban had finished reading the document he laid it down and fixed his eyes on the young man. Hurlstone met his look wit...

The Mourners At San Francisco
The telegraph operator at the Golden Gate of San Francisco had long since given up hope of the Excelsior. During the months of Septe...

The Mourners At Todos Santos
There was a breath of spring in the soft morning air of Todos Santos--a breath so subtle and odorous that it penetrated the veil of ...

International Courtesies
The garden over whose wall Brace had mysteriously vanished was apparently as deserted as the lane and plaza without. But its solitu...

A Gleam Of Sunshine
While these various passions had been kindled by her compatriots in the peaceful ashes of Todos Santos, Eleanor Keene had moved amon...

Clouds And Change
The earthquake shock, although the first experienced by the Americans, had been a yearly phenomenon to the people of Todos Santos, a...

A More Important Arrival
The Commander was the first to recover his presence of mind. Taking the despatch from the hands of the unlooked-for husband of the w...

The Return Of The Excelsior
Amazed and disconcerted, Hurlstone, nevertheless, retained his presence of mind. "There must be some mistake," he said coolly; "I...

The revolution of Todos Santos had to all appearances been effected as peacefully as the gentle Liberator of Quinquinambo could have...

The revolution was, indeed, ended. The unexpected arrival of a relieving garrison in the bay of Todos Santos had completed what the ...

The Luck Of Roaring Camp
There was commotion in Roaring Camp. It could not have been a fight, for in 1850 that was not novel enough to have called together t...

The Outcasts Of Poker Flat
As Mr. John Oakhurst, gambler, stepped into the main street of Poker Flat on the morning of the twenty-third of November, 1850, he w...

We were eight, including the driver. We had not spoken during the passage of the last six miles, since the jolting of the heavy vehi...

Tennessee's Partner
I do not think that we ever knew his real name. Our ignorance of it certainly never gave us any social inconvenience, for at Sandy B...

The Idyl Of Red Gulch
Sandy was very drunk. He was lying under an azalea bush, in pretty much the same attitude in which he had fallen some hours before. ...

Brown Of Calaveras
A subdued tone of conversation, and the absence of cigar smoke and boot heels at the windows of the Wingdam stagecoach, made it evid...

High-water Mark
When the tide was out on the Dedlow Marsh, its extended dreariness was patent. Its spongy, low-lying surface, sluggish, inky pools, ...

A Lonely Ride
As I stepped into the Slumgullion stage I saw that it was a dark night, a lonely road, and that I was the only passenger. Let me ass...

The Man Of No Account
His name was Fagg--David Fagg. He came to California in '52 with us, in the SKYSCRAPER. I don't think he did it in an adventurous wa...

CHAPTER I Just where the Sierra Nevada begins to subside in gentler undulations, and the rivers grow less rapid and yellow, on th...

The Right Eye Of The Commander
The year of grace 1797 passed away on the coast of California in a southwesterly gale. The little bay of San Carlos, albeit sheltere...

Notes By Flood And Field
PART I--IN THE FIELD It was near the close of an October day that I began to be disagreeably conscious of the Sacramento Valley. ...

An Episode Of Fiddletown
In 1858 Fiddletown considered her a very pretty woman. She had a quantity of light chestnut hair, a good figure, a dazzling complexi...

Barker's Luck
A bird twittered! The morning sun shining through the open window was apparently more potent than the cool mountain air, which had o...

A Yellow Dog
I never knew why in the Western States of America a yellow dog should be proverbially considered the acme of canine degradation and ...

A Mother Of Five
She was a mother--and a rather exemplary one--of five children, although her own age was barely nine. Two of these children were twi...

Bulger's Reputation
We all remembered very distinctly Bulger's advent in Rattlesnake Camp. It was during the rainy season--a season singularly inducive ...

In The Tules
He had never seen a steamboat in his life. Born and reared in one of the Western Territories, far from a navigable river, he had onl...

A Convert Of The Mission
The largest tent of the Tasajara camp meeting was crowded to its utmost extent. The excitement of that dense mass was at its highest...

The Indiscretion Of Elsbeth
The American paused. He had evidently lost his way. For the last half hour he had been wandering in a medieval town, in a profound m...

The Devotion Of Enriquez
In another chronicle which dealt with the exploits of "Chu Chu," a Californian mustang, I gave some space to the accomplishments of ...

A Horseman Of The Hills
Patty Sinclair reined in her horse at the top of a low divide and gazed helplessly around her. The trail that had grown fainter and ...

At The Watts Ranch
It was with a decided feeling of depression that Patty Sinclair approached the Watts ranch. Long before she reached the buildings an...

Patty Goes To Town
Ma Watts called loudly from the doorway and numerous small Wattses appeared as if by magic from the direction of the creek and the ...

Monk Bethune
"When the devil was sick, the devil a monk would be, When the devil got well, the devil a monk was he." Pippin Larue chan...

Sheep Camp
If Patty Sinclair had anticipated annoyance from the forced attention of her tall horseman of the hills, she was disappointed, for n...

Bethune Pays A Call
It was past noon when Patty sank into the chair beside her table and glanced about her with a sigh of satisfaction. Warm June sunl...

In The Cabin
For a long time after the departure of her visitors, Patty Sinclair sat thinking. Was it true, all this man had told her? She rememb...

The gray of early morning was just beginning to render objects in the little room indistinguishable when Patty awoke. She made a has...

Patty Takes Precautions
During the next few days Patty Sinclair paid scant attention to rock ledges. Each morning she saddled her cayuse and rode into the h...

The Bishop Of All Outdoors
The days slipped into weeks, as Patty Sinclair, carefully and methodically traced valleys to their sources, and explored innumerable...

Lord Clendenning Gets A Ducking
Patty awoke at dawn and dressed hurriedly. Shivering in the chill air, she lighted a match and pushed back a lid of the little cast ...

Bethune Tries Again
For several days following the incident of the two struggling horsemen, Patty rode, extending her quest farther and farther into the...

Patty Draws A Map
That evening after supper, Patty sat upon her doorstep and watched the slowly fading opalescent glow in which the daylight surrender...

The Samuelsons
Patty retired that night with her thoughts in a whirl. So, it was Monk Bethune who, all along, had been plotting to steal the secret...

The Horse Raid
Patty did not know how long she had slept when she awoke, tense and listening, sitting bolt upright in bed. Moonlight flooded the ro...

Patty Finds A Glove
Dismounting before her cabin, Patty dropped her reins, pushed open the door, and entered. Her eyes flew to the little dressing table...

At the Samuelson's ranch they found not only the doctor but Len Christie. Mr. Samuelson's condition had taken a sudden turn for the ...

Patty Makes Her Strike
It was noon, one week from the day she had returned from the Samuelson ranch, and Patty Sinclair stood upon the high shoulder of a b...

The Race For The Register
Beside the little table Patty Sinclair listened to the sound of hoofs splashing through the shallows of the creek and thudding dully...

The Meeting By The Waters
Under the willows at the edge of the pool a young girl sat daydreaming, though the day was nearly done. All in the valley was wrapp...

Scot Versus Saxon
Three women were seated at the moment on the front veranda of the major's quarters--Mrs. Plume, Miss Janet Wren, the captain's siste...

Moccasin Tracks
When Mr. Blakely left the post that afternoon he went afoot. When he returned, just after the sounding of retreat, he came in saddle...

A Stricken Sentry
Sentry duty at Camp Sandy along in '75 had not been allowed to bear too heavily on its little garrison. There was nothing worth stea...

The Captain's Defiance
Within ten minutes of Todd's arrival at the spot the soft sands of the mesa were tramped into bewildering confusion by dozens of tro...

A Find In The Sands
The late afternoon of an eventful day had come to camp Sandy--just such another day, from a meteorological viewpoint, as that on whi...

The dawn of another cloudless day was breaking and the dim lights at the guard-house and the hospital burned red and bleary across t...

Apache Knives Dig Deep!
At five o'clock of this cloudless October morning Colonel Montgomery Byrne, "of the old Army, sir," was reviling the fates that had ...

A Carpet Knight Indeed
The flag at Camp Sandy drooped from the peak. Except by order it never hung halfway. The flag at the agency fluttered no higher than...

A Stop By Wire
Three days later the infantry guard of the garrison were in sole charge. Wren and Sanders, with nearly fifty troopers apiece, had ta...

"It was not so much his wounds as his weakness," Dr. Graham was saying, later still that autumn night, "that led to my declaring Bl...

Whose Letters?
There is something about a night alarm of fire at a military post that borders on the thrilling. In the days whereof we write the bu...

Aunt Janet Braved
Nightfall of a weary day had come. Camp Sandy, startled from sleep in the dark hour before the dawn, had found topic for much exciti...

A Call For Help
That night the wire across the mountains to Prescott was long alive with news, and there was little rest for operator, adjutant, or ...

A Return To Command
With but a single orderly at his back, Mr. Blakely had left Camp Sandy late at night; had reached the agency, twenty miles up stream...

A Strange Coming
With one orderly and a pair of Apache Yuma scouts, Neil Blakely had set forth in hopes of making his way to Snow Lake, far up in the...

A Stranger Going
At the first faint flush of dawn the little train of pack mules, with the rations for the beleaguered command at Sunset Pass, was st...

Deep down in a ragged cleft of the desert, with shelving rock and giant bowlder on every side, without a sign of leaf, or sprig of ...

Where Is Angela?
For a moment as they drew under shelter the stricken form of the soldier, there was nothing the defense could do but dodge. Then, l...

Our Vanished Princess
Then came a story told in fierce and excited whisperings, Arnold the speaker, prompted sometimes by his companions; Stone, and the f...

Sandy again. Four of the days stipulated by Lieutenant Blakely had run their course. The fifth was ushered in, and from the moment h...

An Apache Queen
In the slant of the evening sunshine a young girl, an Indian, was crouching among the bare rocks at the edge of a steep and rugged ...

The Meeting At Sandy
December, and the noonday sun at Sandy still beat hotly on the barren level of the parade. The fierce and sudden campaign seemed end...

Rescue Requited
A change had come over the spirit of Camp Sandy's dream. The garrison that had gone to bed the previous night, leaving Natzie silent...

More morning suns than could be counted in the field of the flag had come, and gone, but not a sign of Natzie. Wren's own troopers, ...

The Parting By The Waters
"Some day I may tell Miss Angela--but never you," had Mr. Blakely said, before setting forth on his perilous essay to find Angela's ...

Foreshadowed Events
The major commanding looked up from the morning report and surveyed the post adjutant with something of perturbation, if not annoyan...

Absent From Duty
For a moment the major stood in silence; then, briefly saying, "Call Captain Ray," turned again to the dimly lighted hallway of his ...

A Night Encounter
Comforted by abundant food, refreshed and stimulated by more than two or three enthusiastic toasts to the health of the major the me...

The Sign Of The Bar Shoe
Many a time has it happened in the old days of the old army that the post adjutant has begged to be allowed to go with some detachme...

A Grave Discovery
Only an hour was the major away from his post. He came back in time for guard mounting and the reports of the officers-of-the-day. H...

First Sight Of The Foe
Ray's gallant half hundred, as has been said, took the route for the north at break of day. Before them spread the open prairie, app...

Blood Will Tell
As Webb had predicted, even before nine o'clock, came prompt, spirited response from Laramie, where the colonel had ordered the four...

More Strange Discoveries
But Frayne was far from done with excitement for the day. For a while all eyes seemed centred on the chase, now scattered miles towa...

Bad News From The Front
It might well be imagined that a man returning from such a morning's work as had been Blake's could be excused from duty the rest of...

I'll Never Go Back
A sharp affair indeed was that of this September day!--a fight long talked of on the frontier if soon forgotten in "the States." Obe...

A Fight With A Fury
The noonday sun was staring hotly down, an hour later, on a stirring picture of frontier warfare, with that clump of cottonwoods as ...

The Ordeal By Fire
That action had been resolved upon, and prompt action, was now apparent. Stabber, fighting chief though he had been in the past, had...

Wounded Body And Soul
To say the Sioux were furious at the failure of their second attempt would be putting it far too mildly. The fierce charge from the ...

A Vanished Heroine
Within forty-eight hours of the coming of Trooper Kennedy with his "rush" despatches to Fort Frayne, the actors in our little drama ...

A Woman's Plot
Woman's intuition often far outstrips the slower mental process of the other sex. The mother who has to see a beloved daughter's sil...

Night Prowling At Frayne
In the full of the September moon the war-bands of the Sioux had defied agents and peace chiefs, commissioners and soldiers, and sta...

A Rifled Desk
Events moved swiftly in the week that followed. Particulars of the accident to General Field, however, were slow in reaching Fort Fr...

Burglary At Blake's
The doctor started at the heels of the corporal, but was distanced long before he reached the scene. The sergeant of the guard was h...

A Slap For The Major
The columns of Colonel Henry and Major Webb, as said "the Chief," had united, and here were two men who could be counted on to push ...

The Sioux Surrounded
In the hush of the wintry night, under a leaden sky, with snowflakes falling thick and fast and mantling the hills in fleecy white, ...

Thanksgiving At Frayne
Thanksgiving Day at Frayne! Much of the garrison was still afield, bringing back to their lines and, let us hope, to their senses, t...

Behind The Bars
In the whirl and excitement following the startling outcry from the flats, all Fort Frayne was speedily involved. The guard came rus...

A Soldier Entangled
December and bitter cold. The river frozen stiff. The prairie sheeted in unbroken snow. Great log fires roaring in every open firepl...

The Death Song Of The Sioux
That was a gruesome night at Frayne. Just at tattoo the door leading to the little cell room had been thrown open, and the sergeant ...

Starlight Ranch
We were crouching round the bivouac fire, for the night was chill, and we were yet high up along the summit of the great range. We h...

From The Plains To The Point
CHAPTER I. RALPH MCCREA. The sun was going down, and a little girl with big, dark eyes who was sitting in the waiting-ro...

From The Point To The Plains
CHAPTER I. A CADET'S SISTER. She was standing at the very end of the forward deck, and, with flushing cheeks and sparkli...

The Worst Man In The Troop
Just why that young Irishman should have been so balefully branded was more than the first lieutenant of the troop could understand....

He was the evolution of a military horse-trade,--one of those periodical swappings required of his dragoons by Uncle Sam on those ra...

Before He Grew Up
The little white "digger," galloping with the stiff, short-legged jumps of the broken-down cow pony, stopped short as the boy riding...

"Looks like you'd say somethin' about them pancakes instead of settin' there shovelin'." "Haven't I told you regular every mornin...

The Game Butchers
"Ain't this an awful world!" By this observation Uncle Bill Griswold, standing on a narrow shelf of rock, with the sheep's hind quar...

When Bruce came out of the canyon, where he had a wider view of the sky, he saw that wicked-looking clouds were piling thick upon on...

The Jack-pot
As Uncle Bill Griswold came breathless from the raging whiteness outside with an armful of bark and wood, the two long icicles hangi...

The Returned Hero
It is said that no two persons see another in exactly the same light. Be that as it may, it is extremely doubtful if Uncle Bill Gris...

Sprudell Goes East
With an air of being late for many important engagements, T. Victor Sprudell bustled into the Hotel Strathmore in the Eastern city t...

Uncle Bill Finds News In The Try-bune
When anybody remained in Ore City through the winter it was a tacit confession that he had not money enough to get away; and this wi...

The Yellow-leg
While seated in the office of the Hinds House, with his eyes rolled to the ceiling, listening in well-feigned rapture to "Rippling W...

Capital Takes Holt
It is a safe wager that where two or three prospectors meet in a mining camp or cabin, the length of time which will elapse before t...

The Ghost At The Banquet
T. Victor Sprudell's dinner guests were soon to arrive, and Mr. Sprudell's pearl gray spats were twinkling up and down the corridor ...

Thorns And A Few Roses
Helen Dunbar was exercising that doubtful economy, walking to save car-fare, when she saw Mae Smith with her eyes fixed upon her in ...

Off His Range
Bruce stood before the blackboard in the Bartlesville station studying the schedule. A train went west at 11.45. The first train wen...

His Only Asset
It would be a pleasure to record that Capital found Bruce's personality so irresistible that his need of funds met with instant resp...

Would the car never come--would it never come! Helen walked once more to the corner from the shelter of a building in one of the out...

Slim's Sister
Bruce Burt! the murderer! Of all things in the world that he should be "The Man from the Bitter Roots"--dining at the Strathmore--th...

A Practical Man
Bruce's thoughts were a jumble of dynamos and motors, direct and alternating currents, volts and amperes, when James J. Jennings' p...

Prophets Of Evil
The difference between success and failure is sometimes only a hair's breadth, the turning of a hand, and although the man who loses...

At The Big Mallard
The sun rose the next morning upon an eventful day in Bruce's life. He was backing his judgment--or was it only his mulish obstinacy...

The Forlorn Hope
It was August. "Old Turtle-back" was showing up at the diggin's and the river would reach low water-mark with less than half a foot....

Bruce paused in the blithesome task of packing six by eights to look at the machinery which lay like a pile of junk on the river ban...

The General Manager
Jennings and Woods were now sworn enemies and the stringing of the wires became a matter of intense interest, as this was the test w...

Good Enough
"Alf" Banule, the electrical genius for whom Jennings had sent to help him rewind an armature and who therefore had taken Jennings's...

The Midnight Visitor
Toy raised his head sharply from his little flat pillow where he lay in his tent, pitched for convenience beside the kitchen, and li...

The Clean-up
Toy's disappearance was mysterious and complete. There was not a single clue to show which way he had gone, or how, or why. Only one t...

Smaltz was a liar, as he said, but Bruce knew that he had told the truth regarding Banule's work. He confirmed the suspicions and fe...

Uncle Bill Is Ostracized
Uncle Bill Griswold sat by the window in the office of the Hinds House where he could watch the stage road, and, as usual this winte...

Annie's Boy
When Bruce was left alone in the gloomy canyon, where the winter sun at its best did not shine more than three hours in the twenty-f...

The Taste Of The Meat
I. In the beginning he was Christopher Bellew. By the time he was at college he had become Chris Bellew. Later, in the Bo...

The Stampede To Squaw Creek
I. Two months after Smoke Bellew and Shorty went after moose for a grubstake, they were back in the Elkhorn saloon at Dawson....

Shorty Dreams
I. "Funny you don't gamble none," Shorty said to Smoke one night in the Elkhorn. "Ain't it in your blood?" "It is," Smoke...

The Man On The Other Bank
I. It was before Smoke Bellew staked the farcical town-site of Tra-Lee, made the historic corner of eggs that nearly broke Sw...

The Race For Number One
I. "Huh! Get on to the glad rags!" Shorty surveyed his partner with simulated disapproval, and Smoke, vainly attempting t...

The windows of the division head-quarters of the Pacific Southwestern at Copah look northward over bald, brown mesas, and across the...

The Red Desert
In the beginning the Red Desert, figuring unpronounceably under its Navajo name of Tse-nastci--Circle-of-Red-Stones--was shunned ali...

A Little Brother Of The Cows
Crosswater Gap, so named because the high pass over which the railroad finds its way is anything but a gap, and, save when the winte...

At The Rio Gloria
The matter to be taken up with McCloskey, master of trains and chief of the telegraph department, was not altogether disciplinary. I...

The Outlaws
For the first few weeks after the change in ownership and the arrival of the new superintendent, the Red Butte Western and its nerve...

Everyman's Share
"This switching-engine mystery opens up a field that I've been trying to get into for some little time, Mac," the superintendent beg...

The Killer
Lidgerwood had found little difficulty in getting on the companionable side of Dawson, so far as the heavy-muscled, silent young dra...

Benson's Bridge-timbers
It was on the morning following the startling episode at the Dawsons' gate that Benson, lately arrived from the west on train 204, c...

Judson's Joke
Barton Rufford, ex-distiller of illicit whiskey in the Tennessee mountains, ex-welsher turned informer and betraying his neighbor l...

Flemister And Others
The jocosely spectacular arrest of Barton Rufford, with its appeal to the grim humor of the desert, was responsible for a brief lull i...

On the second day following Flemister's visit to Angels, Lidgerwood was called again to Red Butte to another conference with the min...

The Pleasurers
The freight wreck in the Crosswater Hills, coming a fortnight after Rufford's arrest and deportation to Copah and the county jail, r...

Taking his cue from certain passages in the book of painful memories, Lidgerwood meant to obey his first impulse, which prompted him...

Blind Signals
Lidgerwood was not making the conventional excuse when he gave the deskful of work as a reason for not accepting the invitation to d...

Eleanor Intervenes
The president's private car was side-tracked on the short spur at the eastern end of the Crow's Nest, and when Lidgerwood reached it...

The Shadowgraph
Forty-two miles south-west of Angels, at a point where all further progress seems definitely barred by the huge barrier of the great...

The Dipsomaniac
There are moments when the primal instincts assert themselves with a sort of blind ferocity, and to Judson, jammed under the floor t...

At Silver Switch
Like that of other railroad officials, whose duties constrain them to spend much time in transit, Lidgerwood's desk-work went with h...

The Challenge
Lidgerwood was unpleasantly surprised to find that the president's daughter knew the man whom her father had tersely characterized a...

Storm Signals
Though Lidgerwood had been up for the better part of two nights, and the day intervening, it was apparent to at least one member of ...

The Boss Machinist
Miss Brewster evidently obeyed her instructions precisely, since Van Lew came almost immediately to tap on the door of the superinte...

The Terror
Engineer John Judson, disappearing at the moment when the superintendent had sent him back to bully Schleisinger into appointing him...

The Crucible
Only Miss Brewster herself could have answered the question of her whereabouts at the exact moment of Van Lew's asking. She was left...

The Quarry
"An Elephant of Rock, I have lain here in the desert for countless ages, watching, waiting. I wonder for what!" ...

The Old Swimming Hole
"The same sand that gave birth to the coyote and the eagle gave birth to the Indian and to me. I wonder why!" ...

The Brownstone Front
"Coyote, eagle, Indian, I have seen countless generations of them fulfill their destinies and disappear. I wonder when my ...

Jim Finds Sara And Pen
"Since time began Indians have climbed my back and have cried their joys and sorrows to the sky. I wonder who has hear...

The Sign And Seal
"The river forever flows yet she sees no farther than I who am forever silent, forever still." ...

The Marathon
"I have seen a thing that humans call friendship. It is clearer, higher, less frequent than the thing they call love."...

The Cub Engineer
"Humans constantly shift sand and rock from place to place. They call this work. I have seen time return their every w...

The Broken Seal
"When I was young I thought the world was made for love. Now I know that love made the world." ...

The Makon Road
"Always the strongest coyote makes the new trail. The pack is content to continue in the old." ...

The Strength Of The Pack
"The lone hunter finds the best hunting but he must fight and die alone." MUSIN...

Old Jezebel On The Rampage
"Old Jezebel is a woman. For years she keeps her appointed trail until the accumulation of her strength breaks all bou...

The Tent House
"Leave Old Jezebel to herself and she soon returns to old ways. She likes them best for she is a woman." ...

The End Of Iron Skull's Road
"The Indians know that the spirit blends with the Greater Spirit, and I myself have seen every atom that was mortal li...

The Elephant's Back
"All living things have a universal hunger--to live again. The hunger for descendants is the same hunger." ...

The Heart Of A Desert Wife
"The squaws who come at times to crouch upon my back have the slow listening patience of the rabbits." ...

The Elephant's Love Story
"Coyotes hunt weaker things. Humans hunt all things, even each other, which the coyote will not do." ...

Too Late For Love
"Honor is the thing that makes humans different from dogs--some dogs! When women have it, it is mingled always with te...

Jim Makes A Speech
"I am permanent so I cannot fully understand the tragedy that haunts humans from their birth, the tragedy of their own...

The Mask Ball
"I have seen in the coyote pack that coyotes who will not hunt and fight for the pack must starve and die." ...

The Day's Work
"Women know a loyalty that men scorn while they use it. This is the sex stamp of women." ...

Jim Gets A Blow
"The eagle has lived long in my side. He is cruel with talons built for seizing. Is this why so many nations choose hi...

Jim Plans A Last Fight
"The coyotes are going leaving behind them bleaching bones. The Indians are going leaving a few arrow heads and water ...

The Silent Campaign
"I have seen that those humans who seek strength from Nature never fail to find it." ...

Uncle Denny Gets Busy
"Coyotes breed only with coyotes. Men talk much of pride of race, yet they will breed with any color." ...

Sara Goes On A Journey
"Love is the speaking voice of the Great Hunger. Happy the human who has found one great love. All nature speaks in him ...

The End Of The Silent Campaign
"The dream in them of a greater good lifts humans from the level of brutes. Take this dream from them and they are like ...

The Thumb Print
"I have been buffeted by the ages until I dominate the desert. So do the ages buffet one another until they produce a ...

On A Strange Range
Two tired but happy punchers rode into the coast town and dismounted in front of the best hotel. Putting up their horses as quickly as...

The Rebound
A man moaned and stirred restlessly in a bunk, muttering incoherently. A stampeded herd was thundering over him, the grinding hoofs be...

Dick Martin Starts Something
Dick Martin slowly turned, leaned his back against the bar, and languidly regarded a group of Mexicans at the other end of the room. ...

Johnny Arrives
Meanwhile Hopalong and Red quarrelled petulantly and damned the erring Johnny with enthusiastic abandon, while Dent smiled at them and...

The Ghost Of The San Miguel
Juan Alvarez had not been in San Felippe since Dick Martin left, which meant for over a month. Martin was down the river looking for a...

Hopalong Loses A Horse
For a month after their return from the San Miguel, Hopalong and his companions worked with renewed zest, and told and retold the othe...

Mr Cassidy Cogitates
While Hopalong tried to find his horse, Ben Ferris pushed forward, circling steadily to the east and away from the direction of Hoyt's...

Red Brings Trouble
After a night spent on the plain and a cigarette for his breakfast, Hopalong, grouchy and hungry, rode slowly to the place appointed f...

Mr Holden Drops In
Mr. Cassidy dismounted and viewed the building with open disgust, walking around it to see what held it up, and when he finally realiz...

Buck Takes A Hand
Cowan's saloon, club, and place of general assembly for the town of Buckskin and the nearby ranches, held a merry crowd, for it was pa...

Hopalong Nurses A Grouch
After the excitement incident to the affair at Powers' shack had died down and the Bar-20 outfit worked over its range in the old, pla...

A Friend In Need
Stevenson, having started the fire for breakfast, took a pail and departed towards the spring; but he got no farther than the corral g...

Mr Townsend Marshal
Mr. Cassidy went to the ranch and lived like a lord until shame drove him away. He had no business to live on cake and pie and wonderf...

The Stranger's Plan
Fisher, wild with rage, returned to the Paradise and profanely unfolded the tale of his burning wrongs to the bartender and demanded t...

Johnny Learns Something
For several weeks after Hopalong got back to the ranch, full of interesting stories and minus the grouch, things went on in a way plac...

The End Of The Trail
The rain slanted down in sheets and the broken plain, thoroughly saturated, held the water in pools or sent it down the steep sides of...

Edwards' Ultimatum
Edwards slid off the counter in Jackson's store and glowered at the pelting rain outside, perturbed and grouchy. The wounded man in th...

Harlan Strikes
Joe Barr laughingly replied to Johnny Nelson's growled remarks about the condition of things in general and tried to soothe him, but J...

The Bar-20 Returns
Hopalong Cassidy stopped swearing at the weather and looked up and along the trail in front of him, seeing a hard-riding man approach....

Barb Wire
After the flurry at Perry's Bend the Bar-20 settled down to the calm routine work and sent several drive herds to their destination wi...

The Fence
When Hopalong rode in at midnight to arouse the others and send them out to relieve Skinny and his two companions, the cattle were qui...

Mr Boggs Is Disgusted
The herd gained twelve miles by dark and would pass through the northern fence by noon of the next day, for Cook's axe and monkey wren...

Tex Ewalt Hunts Trouble
Not more than a few weeks after the Bar-20 drive outfit returned to the ranch a solitary horseman pushed on towards the trail they had...

The Master
It was noon by the sun when Hopalong and Red shook hands south of the old ford and the former turned to enter the brush. Hopalong was ...

The town lay sprawled over half a square mile of alkali plain, its main Street depressing in its width, for those who were responsible...

The Rashness Of Shorty
Buckskin was very hot; in fact it was never anything else. Few people were on the streets and the town was quiet. Over in the Housto...

The Argument
Up the street two hundred yards from the Houston House Skinny and Pete lay hidden behind a bowlder. Three hundred yards on the other ...

The Vagrant Sioux
Buckskin gradually readjusted itself to the conditions which had existed before its sudden leap into the limelight as a town which d...

Trials Of The Convalescent
The days at the ranch passed in irritating idleness for those who had obstructed the flight of hostile lead, and worse than any of t...

The Open Door
The proprietor of the Nugget and Rope, a German named Baum, not being troubled with police rules, kept the door wide open for the pu...

Hopalong Keeps His Word
The waters of the Rio Grande slid placidly toward the Gulf, the hot sun branding the sleepy waters with streaks of molten fire. To ...

The Advent Of Mcallister
The blazing sun shone pitilessly on an arid plain which was spotted with dust-gray clumps of mesquite and thorny chaparral. Basking...

Holding The Claim
"Oh, we're that gang from th' O-Bar-O," hummed Waffles, sinking the branding-iron in the flank of a calf. The scene was one of grea...

The Hospitality Of Travennes
Mr. Buck Peters rode into Alkaline one bright September morning and sought refreshment at the Emporium. Mr. Peters had just finishe...

Travennes' Discomfiture
When Mr. Travennes looked over the corral fence he was much chagrined to see a man and a Colt both paying strict attention to his n...

The Tale Of A Cigarette
The open door revealed three men asleep on the earthen floor, two of whom were Mexicans. Mr. Cassidy then for the first time felt c...

The Penalty
While Mr. Travennes had been entertained in the manner narrated, Mr. Connors had passed the time by relating stale jokes to the upro...

Rustlers On The Range
The affair at Cactus Springs had more effect on the life at the Bar- 20 than was realized by the foreman. News travels rapidly, and...

Mr Trendley Assumes Added Importance
That the rustlers were working under a well organized system was evident. That they were directed by a master of the game was ceas...

The Search Begins
As the sun arose it revealed three punchers riding away from civilization. On all sides, stretching to the evil-appearing horizon, ...

Hopalong's Decision
Shortly after noon, Hopalong, who had ridden with his head bowed low in meditation, looked up and slapped his thigh. Then he looked...

A Problem Solved
Hopalong worried his way out of the desert on a straight line, thus cutting in half the distance he had traveled when going into it....

The Call
At three o'clock the next morning a long line of men slowly filed into the cottonwood grove, being silently swallowed up by the dark...

The Showdown
A fire burned briskly in front of Mr. Trendley's cabin that night and several punchers sat around it occupied in various ways. Two ...

Mr Cassidy Meets A Woman
The work of separating the cattle into herds of the different brands was not a big contract, and with so many men it took but a com...

The Strategy Of Mr Peters
Hopalong and his companion rode into Muddy Wells at noon, and Red Connors, who leaned with Buck Peters against the side of Tom Lee's...

The Bear Wheat At Sixty-two
As Sam Lewiston backed the horse into the shafts of his backboard and began hitching the tugs to the whiffletree, his wife came out fr...

The Bull Wheat At A Dollar-ten
...----and said Party of the Second Part further covenants and agrees to merchandise such wheat in foreign ports, it being understood ...

The Pit
Just as Going mounted the steps on the edge of the pit the great gong struck, a roar of a hundred voices developed with the swiftness ...

The Belt Line
On a certain day toward the middle of the month, at a time when the mysterious Bear had unloaded some eighty thousand bushels upon Hor...

The Bread Line
The street was very dark and absolutely deserted. It was a district on the "South Side," not far from the Chicago River, given up larg...

The Wife Of Chino
I. CHINO'S WIFE On the back porch of the "office," young Lockwood--his boots, stained with the mud of the mines and with candle-d...

A Bargain With Peg-leg
"Hey, youse!" shouted the car-boy. He brought his trundling, jolting, loose-jointed car to a halt by the face of the drift. "Hey, yo...

A Memorandum Of Sudden Death
The manuscript of the account that follows belongs to a harness-maker in Albuquerque, Juan Tejada by name, and he is welcome to what...

Two Hearts That Beat As One
"Which I puts it up as how you ain't never heard about that time that Hardenberg and Strokher--the Englisher--had a friendly go with...

The Dual Personality Of Slick Dick Nickerson
I. On a certain morning in the spring of the year, the three men who were known as the Three Black Crows called at the office of ...

The Ship That Saw A Ghost
Very much of this story must remain untold, for the reason that if it were definitely known what business I had aboard the tramp st...

The Ghost In The Crosstrees
I Cyrus Ryder, the President of the South Pacific Exploitation Company, had at last got hold of a "proposition"--all Ryder's sche...

The Riding Of Felipe
I. FELIPE As young Felipe Arillaga guided his pony out of the last intricacies of Pacheco Pass, he was thinking of Rubia Ytuerate...

The Living Dead
"Oh, I want to go back to the Rio Grande! The Rio! That's where I long to be!" The words, sung in a soft and musical...

A Thankless Task
Modoc waited, as if for an answer, and when it did not come, his face took on an expression of anger, in which cunning seemed to be mi...

The Governor's Answer
Judging that it was almost time for his interview with the governor, Kid Wolf saddled Blizzard in the public establo, or stable, and r...

At the prison door, Kid Wolf was met by a squad of ten soldiers. It was the firing squad. The Texan fell in step with them and was m...

The Camp Of The Terror
Kid Wolf knew that the camp fire was many miles away. He gave his horse just a touch of the spur--that was always enough for Blizzar...

On The Chisholm Trail
From the sweeps of high country bordering close upon Santa Fe, it was no easy journey to the Chisholm Trail, even for a trail-eating h...

M'cay's Recruit
The Texan, after circling the town of Midway, rode in again. It was not his way to leave a job unfinished, with only a threat behind....

One Game Hombre
Hardy's gang did not attempt another rush. They had learned their lesson. Keeping under cover, they continued firing steadily, howev...

The Night Herd
By the time the Hardy faction had given up the chase in disgust, Caldwell, White, and Scotty had joined Tip and the Texan some miles ...

Tucumcari's Hand
Jack Hardy was annoyed. He had planned carefully, expecting to have no difficulty in wiping out the hated McCays and those who sympat...

A Buckshot Greeting
"Oh, the cows stampede on the Rio Grande! The Rio! The sands do blow, and the winds do wail, But I want to be wheah ...

The S Bar Spread
The bartender of the La Plata Saloon put a bottle on the bar in front of the stranger, placing, with an added flourish, a thick-bottom...

Desperate Measures
Nightfall found the quartet established in the S Bar bunk house. The joyful thanks of Ma Thomas was enough reward for any of them. S...

At Don Floristo's
In the moonlight, behind the El Chihuahense Saloon, Kid Wolf and the gambler met. The latter found The Kid leaning silently against a...

Goliday's Choice
The east was streaked with pink and orange when The Kid and Harry Thomas rode into the sleeping town of Mariposa. The little Mexican ...

A Game Of Poker
A whitened human skull, fastened to a post by a rusty tenpenny nail, served as a signboard and notified the passing traveler that he w...

Pot Shots
There was an old mission at the outskirts of the town of Skull, established many years before there were any other buildings in the v...

On Blacksnake's Trail
At first, they could see little, for not much light filtered through the small door and window. Then details of the interior began to...

The Fang Of The Wolf
"Well, yuh'd better get ready to take yore medicine," sneered the outlaw, his voice shaking with rage. "I'm goin' to make yuh crawl o...

Battle On The Mesa
"Oh, the cowboy sings so mournful on the Rio! To the dark night herd, so mournful and so sad, And I'd like to be in the moonl...

In the half light of the early morning, a stagecoach was rattling down a steep hill near the New Mexico-Arizona boundary line. The te...

The Rescue
The stranger's crisp words had their effect, since "Kid Wolf" was a name well known west of the Chisholm Trail. His reputation had be...

Two Open Graves
It was some time before the overturned stagecoach could be righted. It took longer to provide a team for it. When the bodies of the ...

Fire flames darted occasionally from the high tulles, licking the darkness like the tongues of venomous serpents. Rifles cracked, and...

Blizzard's Charge
Kid Wolf was so dazed for a time that he but dimly realized what was happening to him. Half stunned, he was carried, along with Dave ...

A Crossed Trail
The tenderfoot rose from the ledge upon which he had been lying and stretched himself stiffly. The chill of the long night had set h...

Brand Blotting
The tenderfoot, slithering down a hillside of shale, caught at a greasewood bush and waited. The sound of a rifle shot had drifted a...

An Accusation
The rescued man ate, drank, and from sheer fatigue fell asleep within five minutes of the time he was shown his bedroom. Since he...

The Man With The Chihuahua Hat
A little dust cloud was traveling up the trail toward the Bar Double G, the center of which presently defined itself as a rider movi...

The Tenderfoot Takes Up A Claim
Mr. Diller, alias Morse, alias Bellamy, did not long remain at the Bar Double G as a rider. It developed that he had money, and, ten...

Hands Up
Melissy had been up the Can del Oro for wild poppies in her runabout and had just reached the ranch. She was disposing of her flower...

Watering Sheep
The deputy glanced quietly round, nodded here and there at sight of the familiar face of an acquaintance, and spoke to the driver. ...

The Boone-bellamy Feud Is Renewed
"Here's six bits on the counter under a seed catalogue. Did you leave it here, daddy?" Champ Lee, seated on the porch just outsid...

The Danger Line
Though Champ Lee had business in Mesa next day that would not be denied, he was singularly loath to leave the ranch. He wanted to st...

Jack Goes To The Head Of The Class
She trailed the bridle reins, went up the porch steps, and drew off her gauntlets. Her hand was outstretched to open the door when h...

A Conversation
Not five minutes after Melissy had left the deputy sheriff, another rider galloped up the road. Jack, returning from his room, where...

The Tenderfoot Makes A Proposition
Melissy waited in dread expectancy to see what would happen. Of quick, warm sympathies, always ready to bear with courage her own an...

Old Acquaintances
"You wanted to see me?" The voice had the soft, slow intonation of the South, and it held some quality that haunted the memory. O...

Concerning The Boone-bellamy-yarnell Feud
The story that Ferne Yarnell told them in the parlor of the hotel had its beginnings far back in the days before the great war. They...

As a lake ripples beneath a summer breeze, so Mesa was stirred from its usual languor by the visit of Simon West. For the little Ari...

A Capture
Flatray swung around Old Baldy through the sparse timber that edged its roots. He knew this country well; for he had run cattle here...

The Tables Turned
From the local eastbound a man swung to the station platform at Mesa. He was a dark, slim, little man, wiry and supple, with restles...

The Real Bucky And The False
Number seven was churning its way furiously through brown Arizona. The day had been hot, with a palpitating heat which shimmered ove...

A Photograph
On the third morning Beauchamp Lee returned to Mesa--unshaven, dusty, and fagged with hard riding. He brought with him a handbill wh...

In Dead Man's Cache
Not since the start of their journey had Melissy broken silence, save to answer, in few words as possible, the questions put to her ...

Black MacQueen rolled a cigarette and sauntered toward the other outlaw. "I reckon you better saddle up and take a look over the F...

An Escape And A Capture
Far up in the mountains, in that section where head the Roaring Fork, One Horse Creek, and the Del Oro, is a vast tract of wild, unt...

A Bargain
Melissy saw the two prisoners brought in, though she could not tell at that distance who they were. Her watch told her that it was f...

The Price
MacQueen lost no time in announcing his new program. "Boys, the hanging's off. I've decided to accept West's offer for Flatray's ...

Squire Latimer Takes A Hand
"You're to make ready for a trip to town, senorita." "When?" "At once," Rosario answered. "By orders of Senor MacQueen." "Th...

The Taking Of The Cache
It was understood that in the absence of the sheriff Richard Bellamy should have charge of the posse, and after the disappearance of...

Melissy Entertains
The notes of Schumann's "Trauemerei" died away. Melissy glanced over her music, and presently ran lightly into Chopin's "Valse Au Pe...

Black Macqueen Cashes His Checks
It was part of his supreme audacity to trust her. While he was changing his dusty, travel-stained clothes for some that belonged to ...

Enter Bear-trap Collins
She had been aware of him from the moment of his spectacular entrance, though no slightest sign of interest manifested itself in her i...

Taxation Without Representation
"Hands up!" There was a ring of crisp menace in the sinister voice that was a spur to obedience. The unanimous show of hands voted ...

The Sheriff Introduces Himself
Bear-trap Collins, presuming on the new intimacy born of an exciting experience shared in common, stepped across the aisle, flung asid...

A Bluff Is Called
Torpid lay Aravaipa in a coma of sunheat. Its adobe-lined streets basked in the white glare of an Arizona spring at midday. One or two...

Bucky Entertains
Bucky began at once to tap the underground wires his official position made accessible to him. These ran over Southern Arizona, Sonora...

Bucky Makes A Discovery
For a week Bucky had been in the little border town of Noches, called there by threats of a race war between the whites and the Mexica...

In The Land Of Revolutions
The knock that sounded on the door was neither gentle nor apologetic. It sounded as if somebody had flung a baseball bat at it. O'C...

First Blood!
Occasionally Alice Mackenzie met Collins on the streets of Tucson. Once she saw him at the hotel where she was staying, deep in a disc...

Adore Has Only One D
After all, adventures are to the adventurous. In this prosaic twentieth century the Land of Romance still beckons to eager eyes and ga...

Stone Walls Do Not A Prison Make
The two young Spanish aristocrats rode in advance of the convoy on the return trip, while O'Halloran and Bucky brought up the rear. Th...

A Clean White Man's Option
The light of a lantern coming down the steps blinded them for a moment. Behind the lantern peered the yellow face of the turnkey. "Ho,...

Bucky's First-rate Reasons
How long Frances Mackenzie gave herself up to despair she never knew, but when at last she resolutely took herself in hand it seemed h...

Le Roi Est Mort Vive Le Roi
When the news reached O'Halloran that Megales had scored on the opposition by arresting Bucky O'Connor, the Irishman swore fluently at...

In The Secret Chamber
The escaping party groped its way along the passage in the wall, down a rough, narrow flight of stone steps to a second tunnel, and al...

Juan Valdez Scores
The first thing Bucky did after leaving the two young women was to go down in person with one of the guards to the cell of David Hende...

Hidden Valley
Across the desert into the hills, where the sun was setting in a great splash of crimson in the saddle between two distant peaks, a bu...

A Dinner For Three
"I thought we bumped you off down at Epitaph," Leroy said. "Along with Scott? Well, no. You see, I'm a regular cat to kill, Mr. Ler...

A Villon Of The Desert
When Alice Mackenzie looked back in after years upon the incidents connected with that ride to the Rocking Chair, it was always with a...

Back To God's Country
To minimize the risk, Megales and Carlo left the prison by the secret passage, following the fork to the river bank and digging at the...

The Wolf Pack
"Good evening, gentlemen. Hope I don't intrude on the festivities." Leroy smiled down ironically on the four flushed, startled faces...

For A Good Reason
The young ladies, following the custom of Arizona in summer, were riding by the light of the stars to avoid the heat of the day. They ...

Following A Crooked Trail
Across Dry Valley a dust cloud had been moving for hours. It rolled into Saguache at the brisk heels of a bunch of horses just about...

Camping With Old Man Trouble
The sun was shining in his face when Curly wakened. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. Mac was nowhere in sight. Probably he had gone to...

At The End Of The Road
Curly's wooden face told nothing of what he was thinking. The first article of the creed of the frontier is to be game. Good or bad,...

The Cullisons
Curly was awakened by the sound of the cook beating the call to breakfast on a triangle. Buck was standing beside the bed. "How'r...

Laura London
Kite Bonfils and Maloney took Curly back to Saguache and turned him over to Sheriff Bolt. "How about bail?" Maloney asked. The...

A Bear Trap
The winding trail led up to the scrub pines and from there north into the hills. Curly had not traveled far when he heard the sound ...

Bad Medicine
The house at the horse ranch was a long, low L-shaped adobe structure. The first impression Curly received was that of negligence. I...

A Rehearsed Quarrel
Because he could not persuade him to join in their drinking bouts, Stone nicknamed Curly the good bad man. "He's the prize tough ...

Out of the murmur of voices came one that Curly recognized as that of Soapy Stone, alias You Know Who. " ... then you'll take the...

Stick To Your Saddle
The old Arizona fashion of settling a difference of opinion with the six-gun had long fallen into disuse, but Saguache was still clo...

At The Round Up Club
A big game had been in progress all night at the Round Up Club. Now the garish light of day streamed through the windows, but the el...

Luck Meets An Old Acquaintance
Cullison and his friends proceeded down Papago street to the old plaza where their hotel was located. Their transit was an interrupt...

An Initialed Hat
Mackenzie was reading the Sentinel while he ate a late breakfast. He had it propped against the water bottle, so that it need not in...

Kate Uses Her Quirt
Red-headed Bob Cullison finished making the diamond hitch and proudly called his cousin Kate to inspect the packhorse. "You never...

Ain't She The Gamest Little Thoroughbred?
Kate galloped into the ranch plaza around which the buildings were set, slipped from her pony, and ran at once to the telephone. Bob...

Two Hats On A Rack
One casual remark of Mackenzie had given Kate a clew. Even before she had explained it, Curly caught the point and began to dig for ...

Anonymous Letters
Sheriff Bolt, though a politician, was an honest man. It troubled him that Cullison's friends believed him to be a partisan in a mat...

A Message In Cipher
While Kate listened to what Curly had to tell her the dark eyes of the girl were fastened upon the trembling little woman standing n...

The Friends Of L C Serve Notice
Two men sat in a log cabin on opposite sides of a cheap table. One of them was immersed in a newspaper. His body was relaxed, his mi...

Cass Fendrick Makes A Call
Kate was in her rose garden superintending the stable boy as he loosened the dirt around the roots of some of the bushes. She had re...

A Compromise
Luck lay stretched full length on a bunk, his face, to the roof, a wreath of smoke from his cigar traveling slowly toward the ceilin...

An Arrest
After half a week in the saddle Lieutenant Bucky O'Connor of the Arizona Rangers and Curly Flandrau reached Saguache tired and trave...

A Conversation
Bucky O'Connor and his prisoner swung down the street side by side and turned in at the headquarters of the rangers. The officer swi...

A Touch Of The Third Degree
Cullison was not the man to acknowledge himself beaten so long as there was a stone unturned. In the matter of the Del Oro homestead...

Bob Takes A Hand
Fendrick, riding on Mesa Verde, met Bob Cullison, and before he knew what had happened found a gun thrown on him. "Don't you move...

A Clean Up
A slight accident occurred at the jail, one so unimportant that Scanlan the jailer did not think it worth reporting to his chief. Bl...

The Prodigal Son
They found the prodigal son with his sister and Laura London at the Del Mar. Repentance was writ large all over his face and manner....

Cutting Trail
Kate Cullison had disappeared, had gone out riding one morning and at nightfall had not returned. As the hours passed, anxiety at th...

A Good Samaritan
Fendrick had told the exact truth. After leaving him Kate had ridden forward to the canyon and entered it. She did not mean to go mu...

Loose Threads
Curly was right when he said that those who knew about Sam's share in the planning of the Tin Cup hold-up would keep their mouths cl...

Pete's Girl
She stood in the doorway, a patched and ragged Cinderella of the desert. Upon her slim, ill-poised figure the descending sun slanted...

A Spunky Li'l' Devil
Houck rode away next morning after breakfast, but not before he had made a promise June construed as a threat. "Be back soon, gir...

He was a red-headed, stringy boy between eighteen and nineteen years old. His hands were laced back of the head, but he waggled a fo...

Clipped Wings
The Cinderella of Piceance Creek was scrupulously clean even though ragged and unkempt. Every Saturday night she shooed Pete Tollive...

June Asks Questions
Houck, an unwelcome guest, stayed at the cabin on Piceance nearly two weeks. His wooing was surely one of the strangest known. He fl...

Don't You Touch Him!
Inside the big chuck tent of the construction camp the cook was busy forking steak to tin plates and ladling potatoes into deep dish...

An Elopement
Bob Dillon was peeling potatoes outside the chuck tent when he heard a whistle he recognized instantly. It was a very good imitation...

Blister Gives Advice
Blister Haines, J. P., was by way of being a character. His waggish viewpoint was emphasized by a slight stutter. "S-so you want ...

The White Feather
At the appointed time Bob sneaked back to the hotel. He hung around the lobby for a minute or two, drifted into the saloon and gambl...

In The Image Of God
Houck's jeering laugh of triumph came back to the humiliated boy. He noticed for the first time that two or three men were watching ...

June Prays
When June turned away from her husband of an hour she abandoned hope. She had been like a child lost in the forest. A gleam of light...

Mollie Takes Charge
Bear Cat was a cow-town, still in its frankest, most exuberant youth. Big cattle outfits had settled on the river and ran stock almo...

Bear Cat Asks Questions
A man bow-legged into Gillespie's and went straight to the bar. "Gimme a drink--something damned hot," he growled. He was a big, ...

Houck Takes A Ride
Tolliver rubbed a hand uncertainly over a bristly chin. "Why, what are they doin' that for, Jake?" "Are you the Tolliver girl's f...

A Scandal Scotched
Before the door of the room opened Tolliver heard the high-pitched voice of his daughter. "If you'd only stood up to him, Bob--if...

Blister As Deus Ex Machina
Blister Haines found an old pair of chaps for Bob Dillon and lent him a buckskin bronco. Also, he wrote a note addressed to Harshaw,...

The Back Of A Bronc
The bunkhouse of the Slash Lazy D received Bob Dillon gravely and with chill civility. He sat on his bunk that first evening, close ...

The First Day
In the wake of Hawks Bob rode through the buckbrush. There was small chance for conversation, and in any case neither of them was in...

Dud Qualifies As Court Jester
It was still dark when Dud Hollister and Bob Dillon waded through the snow to the corral and saddled their horses. They jogged ac...

The Bigger The Hat The Smaller The Herd
Combing Crooked Wash that afternoon Bob rode with a heavy and despondent heart. It was with him while he and Dud jogged back to the ...

June Discovers A New World
Blister had not overstated the case to Bob when he told him that June had been having the time of her life getting well. She had bee...

An Alternative Proposed And Declined
The prediction made by Blister Haines that some overbearing puncher would bully Bob because of his reputation as safe game did not l...

Bob Crawls His Hump Sudden
There was a game of stud after supper in the bunkhouse. Bob lay on his bed, a prey to wretched dread. He had made up his mind to hav...

In The Saddle
White winter covered the sage hills and gave the country a bleak and desolate look. The Slash Lazy D riders wrapped up and went out ...

The Rio Blanco Puts In A Claim
Preparations for the drive occupied several days. The cattle were rounded up and carefully worked. Many of those that had roughed th...

Cutting Sign
Dud's observation, when he and Bob took the back trail along the river to find the missing bronco, confirmed that of Buck Hawks. H...

Partners In Peril
Into the office of Blister Haines, J. P., a young man walked. He was a berry-brown youth, in the trappings of the range-rider, a lit...

June Is Glad
June turned away from the crowd surrounding the dead mad dog and walked into the hotel. The eyes of more than one man followed the s...

Bob swung down from the saddle in front of the bunkhouse. Reeves came to the door and waved a hand. "'Lo, Sure-Shot! What's new in...

A Recruit Joins The Rangers
Harshaw did not, during the first forty-eight hours after leaving Bear Cat, make contact with either the Indians or the militia. He ...

Don't You Like Me Any More?
Harshaw's rangers caught up with the militia an hour later. The valley men were big, tanned, outdoor fellows, whereas the militia co...

A Cup Of Cold Water
The pursuers caught up with the Utes the third day out from Bear Cat. It was in the morning, shortly after they had broken camp, tha...

Keep A-comin' Red Haid
When the rangers and the militia stampeded after the Indian scout, Dud Hollister was examining the hoof of his mount. He swung insta...

An Obstinate Man Stands Pat
A moment of blank silence fell on the little group crouched among the boulders. Bob's statement that he had to go back through the f...

Three In A Pit
Wounded though he was, Houck managed to make a good deal of trouble for the punchers before they pinned him down and took the forty-...

A Hero Is Embarrassed
Following the Ute War, as it came to be called, there was a period of readjustment on the Rio Blanco. The whites had driven off the ...

A Responsible Citizen
Dillon and Hollister were lounging on the bank of Elk Creek through the heat of the day. They had been chasing a jack-rabbit across ...

Bear Cat Asleep
Bear Cat basked in the mellow warmth of Indian summer. Peace brooded over the valley, a slumberous and placid drowsiness. Outside Pl...

Bear Cat Awake
At exactly eleven o'clock Houck, Bandy Walker, and the big young cowpuncher who had ridden into town with them met at the corner of ...

Big-game Hunters At Work
Bob and his partner did not rush out of the hotel instantly to get into the fray. They did what a score of other able-bodied men of ...

In A Lady's Chamber
The drama of the hold-up and of the retribution that had fallen upon the bandits had moved as swiftly as though it had been rehearse...

A Walk In The Park
June was the first to speak. "So you're here. You didn't get away." "I'm here," Houck growled. "No chance for a getaway. I ran out...

Not Even Powder-burnt
Houck stood over the prostrate man, the smoking revolver in his hand, on his lips a cruel twist and in his throat a wolfish snarl. ...

Bob Holds His Red Haid High
At the corner of the street Bob came upon Tom Reeves and an old Leadville miner in argument. Tom made the high sign to Dillon. "W...

The Outlaw Gets A Bad Break
Houck crawled through the barbed-wire fence and looked back into the park from which he had just fled. June was kneeling beside the ...

The End Of A Crooked Trail
In the grim faces of the Utes Houck read his doom. He had not the least doubt of it. His trail ended here. The terror in his hear...

The Kingdom Of Joy
A prince of the Kingdom of Joy rode the Piceance trail on a morning glad with the song of birds and the rippling of brooks. Knee to ...

The Campers
Inside the cabin a man was baking biscuits and singing joyously, "It's a Long, Long Way to Tipperary." Outside, another whistled sof...

Mr Verinder Complains
Jack Kilmeny followed the pathway which wound through the woods along the bank of the river. Occasionally he pushed through a thick ...

Night Fishing
Jack Kilmeny crossed the river by the rope ferry and followed the trail that ran up. He took the water above the Narrows, about a mi...

Fugitives From Justice
At the Lodge too an early breakfast was held, though it was five hours later than the one at the camp. The whole party was down by n...

I'm Here Neighbor
Moya still rode afternoons with her friends, fished occasionally, and took her regular hand at bridge. But it was unaccountably true...

Lord Farquhar Gives Moya A Hint
Verinder's man, Biggs, who had been a fascinated spectator of the Wild West sports at Gunnison, was describing them to Fisher, maid ...

Moya's Highwayman
Dinner at the Lodge was just finished. It was the one hour of the day when anything like formality obtained. Each one dropped into b...

The Bad Penny Again
Verinder strolled down to the river bank, where Joyce was fishing from the shore in a tentative fashion. "I say, Miss Seldon, are...

An Out And Out Rotter
Jack strode through the young alders to his horse, swung to the saddle without touching the stirrups, and was off instantly at a can...

Old Friends
Into the depths of her scorching self-contempt came his blithe "Good-morning, neighbor." Her heart leaped, but before she looked ...

A Blizzard
Moya found in Goldbanks much to interest her. Its helter-skelter streets following the line of least resistance, its slapdash buildi...

Out Of The Storm A Man
He stood blinking in the doorway, white-sheeted with snow from head to heel. As his eyes became accustomed to the light they passed ...

Shot To The Core With Sunlight
The storm had blown itself out before morning. A white world sparkled with flashes of sunlight when Moya opened the door of the cabi...

Prove It! Prove It!
Sam Bleyer, superintendent of the big Verinder mines, had been up to see his chief at the hotel and was passing the private sitting-...

A Highgrader In Principle
In spite of the warm defense she had made of Kilmeny, the heart of Moya was troubled. She knew him to be reckless. The boundaries of...

One Maid Two Men
Jack saw to it that he and Joyce followed the others down the trail at a very leisurely pace. The early night of the Rockies was alr...

A Warning
Joyce, a lover of luxury, usually had a roll and coffee in bed as a substitute for breakfast. Sometimes she varied this by appearing...

Two Ambushes
The clock at the new Verinder Building showed ten minutes past eleven as Jack Kilmeny took the Utah Junction road out of Goldbanks w...

Mr Verinder Is Treated To A Surprise
The morning after the seizing of the ore Verinder came to breakfast in a mood so jubilant that he could not long keep to himself the...

Colter Takes A Hand
Moya combed her long rippling hair while Lady Farquhar laid down the law that hedges a young woman from the satisfaction of her gene...

Spirit Rapping?
Farquhar and Captain Kilmeny left next day for another short hunting trip. The captain had offered to give it up, but Moya had urged...

The Acid Test
Jack Kilmeny opened his eyes to find himself in darkness utter and complete except for a pinpoint of light gleaming from far above. ...

Captain Kilmeny Retires
A voice calling his name from the top of the shaft brought Jack Kilmeny back to consciousness. He answered. A shout of joy boomed...

Two In A Bucket
Jack heard the story of his rescue from India. He surprised her alone in the breakfast room by hobbling in one morning after the res...

Homing Hearts
Jack Kilmeny had not been brought up in the dry sunbaked West for nothing. The winds of the Rockies had entered into his character a...

Two Men And A Woman
"Mr. Ridgway, ma'am." The young woman who was giving the last touches to the very effective picture framed in her long looking-glas...

The Freebooter
When next Virginia Balfour saw Waring Ridgway she was driving her trap down one of the hit-or-miss streets of Mesa, where derricks, sh...

One To One
The solitary rider stood for a moment in silhouette against the somber sky-line, his keen eyes searching the lowering clouds. "Gett...

Tort Salvation
She must have fallen asleep there, for when she opened her eyes it was day. Underneath her was a lot of bedding he had found in the ca...

Enter Simon Harley
The prospector's house in which they had found refuge was perched on the mountainside just at one edge of the draw. Rough as the girl ...

0n The Snow-trail
Aline had passed into the house, moved by an instinct which shrank from publicity in the inevitable personal meeting between her and h...

Back From Arcadia
The president of the Mesa Ore-producing Company stepped from the parlor-car of the Limited at the hour when all wise people are taking...

The Honorable Thomas B Pelton
It was next morning that Steve came into Ridgway's offices with a copy of the Rocky Mountain Herald in his hands. As soon as the presi...

An Evening Call
"Says you're to come right up, Mr. Ridgway," the bell-hop reported, and after he had pocketed his tip, went sliding off across the pol...

Harley Makes A Proposition
Apparently the head of the great trust intended to lose no time in having that business talk with Ridgway, which he had graciously pro...

Virginia Intervenes
James K. Mott, local chief attorney for the Consolidated, was struggling with a white tie before the glass and crumpling it atrociousl...

Aline Makes A Discovery
Aline pulled her horse to a walk. "You know Mr. Ridgway pretty well, don't you?" Miss Balfour gently flicked her divided skirt with...

First Blood
After Ridgway's cavalier refusal to negotiate a peace treaty, Simon Harley and his body-guard walked back to the offices of the Consol...

A Conspiracy
Tucked away in an obscure corner of the same issue of the papers which announced the resignation of Lyndon Hobart as manager of the Co...

Laska Opens A Door
The first ballots for a United States senator taken by the legislature in joint session failed to disclose the alignment of some of th...

An Explosion In The Taurus
The change of the relationship between Ridgway and his betrothed, brought about by the advent of a third person into his life, showed ...

The Election
At the very moment that the tramp of twenty thousand feet turned toward the State-house, the report of the bribery investigating commi...

Further Developments
While Harley had been in no way responsible for Pelton's murderous attack upon Yesler, public opinion held him to account. The Pinkert...

One Million Dollars
Eaton, standing on the street curb at the corner of the Ridgway Building, lit a cigar while he hesitated between his rooms and the clu...

A Little Lunch At Aphonse's
It chanced that Ridgway, through the swinging door of a department store, caught a glimpse of Miss Balfour as he was striding along th...

Harley Scores
What Harley had sought in the subornation of Eaton had been as much the moral effect of his defection as the tangible results themselv...

Not Guilty Guilty
Ridgway's answer to the latest move of Simon Harley was to put him on trial for his life to answer the charge of having plotted and in...

Aline Turns A Corner
Aline might have been completely prostrated by the news of her husband's sudden end, coming as it did as the culmination of a week of ...

A Good Samaritan
Yesler, still moving slowly with a walking stick by reason of his green wound, left the street-car and made his way up Forest Road to ...

Friendly Enemies
Ridgway had promised Aline that he would see her soon, and when he found himself in New York he called at the big house on Fifth Avenu...

Breaks One And Makes Another Engagement
Miss Balfour's glass made her irritably aware of cheeks unduly flushed and eyes unusually bright. Since she prided herself on being su...

A Desert Meeting
An automobile shot out from a gash in the hills and slipped swiftly down to the butte. Here it came to a halt on the white, dusty road...

The King Of The Big Horn Country
Two months before this time Helen Messiter had been serenely teaching a second grade at Kalamazoo, Michigan, notwithstanding the earne...

An Invitation Given And Accepted
And already she had met him. Not only met him, but saved him from the just vengeance about to fall upon him. She had not yet seen her ...

At The Lazy D Ranch
Helen Messiter was a young woman very much alive, which implies that she was given to emotions; and as her machine skimmed over the gr...

The Dance At Fraser's
"Heard tell yet of the dance over to Fraser's?" He was a young man of a brick red countenance and he wore loosely round his neck th...

A Party Call
The mistress of the Lazy D, just through with her morning visit to the hospital in the bunkhouse, stopped to read the gaudy poster tac...

The Man From The Shoshone Fastnesses
Though the sharpshooter's rifle cracked twice during his run for the cottonwood, the sheepman reached the tree in safety. He could dod...

In The Lazy D Hospital
Helen's first swift glance showed that the wounded man was Bannister. She turned in crisp command to her foreman. "Have him taken t...

Miss Darling Arrives
Miss Messiter clung to civilization enough, at least, to prefer that her chambermaid should be a woman rather than a Chinese. It did n...

A Shepherd Of The Desert
It had been Helen Messiter's daily custom either to take a ride on her pony or a spin in her motor car, but since Bannister had been q...

Mistress And Maid
Now that it was safely concluded, Helen thought the adventure almost worthwhile for the spontaneous expressions of good will it had dr...

The Two Cousins
The sheepman lay at his ease, the strong supple lines of him stretched lazily on the lounge. Helen was sitting beside him in an easy c...

For The World's Championship
The scene on which Helen Messiter's eyes rested that mellow Fourth of July was vivid enough to have interested a far more jaded mind t...

Judd Morgan Passes
Gimlet Butte devoted the night of the Fourth to a high old time. The roping and the other sports were to be on the morrow, and meanwhi...

Hunting Big Game
In point of fact, Denver's occupation at that moment was precisely what they had guessed it to be. He was sitting beside Nora Darling ...

Run To Earth
When word came to Denver and the other punchers of the Lazy D that Reddy had been pressed into service as a guide for the posse that w...

Playing For Time
"They've got 'em. Caught them on Dry Creek, just below Green Forks." Helen Messiter, just finishing her breakfast at the hotel prepa...

West Point To The Rescue
It was understood that the sheriff should make a perfunctory defense against the mob in order to "square" him with the voters at the e...

Two Cases Of Discipline
The Fourth of July celebration at Gimlet Butte had been a thing of the past for four days and the Lazy D had fallen back into the rout...

The Signal Lights
In a little hill-rift about a mile back of the Lazy D Ranch was a deserted miner's cabin. The hut sat on the edge of a bluff that c...

Exit The King
They bedded that night under the great vault-roof where twinkle a million stars. There were three of the outlaw's men with him, and...

The Trip In The Erminie
The "Erminie," private car of "Railway Boss, Dan Ford," stood side-tracked at Denver, and his guests within it were the happy people...

A Spill By The Way
The "line" remained busy for so long that the loungers in the hotel lobby grew amused at Leslie's impatience while the two girls bec...

The Midnight Searching Party
The night was growing late and there were anxious hearts at "Roderick's." The four-in-hand had arrived hours before, and Silent Pete...

The Watchers At Roderick's
As soon as Molly and Leslie had ridden away, Mattie Roderick disappeared within her own room and became deaf to all the inquiries ma...

The Call Of The Mountains
As the approaching company came around the bend of the road into sight of the inn, a "calico" pony detached itself from the group of...

A Martinet Of The Rockies
San Leon ranch was a large one. The dwelling house and many outbuildings were upon a rich plateau topping a spur from the great moun...

A Rifle Practice
"Mother, what do you mean? Don't turn so white and do speak! What 'tragedy' could have happened up here in this lovely place?" deman...

A Concert In The Moonlight
Night fell on San Leon; and the searching party which had gone out in the morning, sure of prompt success, returned tired and dispir...

A Modern Horse Fair
They departed as they had entered, by way of the window, Dorothy lifted through it by her admiring Captain Lem, whose heart she had ...

An Unexpected Departure
Dorothy looked after the fleeing little figure as it disappeared behind a clump of shrubbery in the direction of the laundry. "A ...

The Sheep Herder's Cabin
When, in the delirium of fever, Jim Barlow strayed from his room at San Leon, the one idea in his mind was that the mountains called...

Play That Was Work And Work That Was Play
The silence that followed Leslie's frightened cry, as he hurled himself to the ground beside the old man he had struck, lasted but a...

The Hen Of Wun Sing
But whatever wild schemes were hatching in the heads of the three lads nothing seemed to come of them. Days followed one another ...

The Grizzly And The Indians
For a moment Dorothy sat still in bed, afraid to move or cry out while the great animal at the window remained equally motionless. T...

A Trip To Bald Eagle Rock
Molly gave one glance and screamed. Then flung herself to her knees and buried her face in Helena's lap, who pityingly drew her ligh...

Prosperity And Parting
They were both so excited that at first they couldn't talk, but could only stare at each other in speechless delight. Jim was trembl...

A Pair Of Blue Eyes
In the estimate of the affable brakeman (a gentleman wearing sky-blue army pantaloons tucked into cowhide boots, half-buttoned vest,...

To Better Acquaintance
The train had started amidst clangor of bell and the shouts of good-bye and good-luck from the crowd upon the station platform. We h...

I Rise In Favor
With that he went forward. So did I; but the barricade at the end of My Lady's seat was intact, and I sat down in my own seat, to ke...

I Meet Friends
What shall I say of a young man like myself, fresh from the green East of New York and the Hudson River, landed expectant as just ar...

On Grand Tour
The sun had set and all the golden twilight was hazy with the dust suspended in swirl and strata over the ugly roofs. In the canvas-...

High And Dry
The counsel to don a garb smacking less of the recent East struck me as sound; for although I was not the only person here in Easter...

I Go To Rendezvous
The hotel lamps were being lighted by the gnome porter. When I stepped outside twilight had deepened into dusk, the air was almost f...

I Stake On The Queen
Jim had disappeared; until when we had made way to another monte table there he was, his hands in his pockets, his cigar half smoked...

I Accept An Offer
We found a small table, one of the several devoted to refreshments for the dancers, in a corner and unoccupied. The affair upon the ...

I Cut Loose
I nodded; rebuffing his attentive eyes I stuffed the envelope into my pantaloons pocket. "Good-bye, sir." "Good luck. When you...

We Get A Super
What with assorting and stowing the bales of cloth and the other goods in the Jenks two wagons, watering the animals and staking the...

Daniel Takes Possession
I was more than ever convinced of her wisdom in choice of garb when in early morning I glimpsed her with the two other women at the ...

Someone Fears
A note from a pretty woman always is a potential thing, no matter in what humor it may have been received. The mere possession titil...

I Take A Lesson
From this hour's brief camp, early made, we should have turned southward, to leave the railroad line and cross country for the Overl...

The Trail Narrows
Again we broke camp. We rolled down from the plateau into that wizard basin lying all beautiful and slumberous and spell-locked like...

I Do The Deed
We had camped well beyond a last bunch of the red-shirted graders, so that the thread of a trail wended before, lonely, sand-obscure...

The Trail Forks
So there I stood, amidst silence, gaping foolishly, breathing hard, my revolver smoking in my fingers and my enemy in a shockingly p...

Voices In The Void
The directions had been plain. With the North Star and the moon as our guides we scarcely could fail to strike the stage road where ...

I Stake Again
They were indistinguishable except as vocal sounds deadened by the impeding fog; but human voices they certainly were. Throwing off ...

The Queen Wins
She arrived breathless, distraught, instantly to drag me down beside her, from where I stood stupidly defiant. "Keep out of sight...

We Wait The Summons
The Sioux had quieted. They let the hollow alone, tenanted as it was with death; there was for us a satisfaction in that tribute to ...

Star Shine
It was six weeks later, with My Lady all recovered and I long since healed, and Fort Bridger pleasant in our memories, when we two r...

A Desert Rider
From out of the shimmering haze that veiled the mystic eastern space came a big black horse bearing a rider. Swinging wide, to avoid...

A Man's Reputation
Purgatory moved fast, but warily. The black horse seemed to have caught something of his rider's caution. For part of the distance t...

A Girl Waits
Lamo, sprawling on a sun-baked plain perhaps a mile from the edge of the desert, was one of those towns which owed its existence to ...

His Shadow Before
At ten o'clock the following morning, in a rear room of "Balleau's First Chance" saloon--which was directly across the street from t...

A Prison
Barbara Morgan had not been able to sleep except by fits and starts. A dozen times during the night she had caught herself on the ve...

Turning from Purgatory, after he had dismounted in front of the sheriff's office, Harlan faced three men who stood just outside of t...

Noting the concerted movement toward him, Harlan grinned at Barbara, gently disengaged himself from her grasp, and urged her toward ...

Barbara Is Puzzled
Half an hour later, with Barbara Morgan, on "Billy"--a piebald pinto--riding beside him, Harlan loped Purgatory out of Lamo. They to...

An Unwelcome Guest
It was late afternoon when Barbara and Harlan--the girl still riding a little in advance of the man--rode their horses out of a stre...

On Guard
The man whose soul held no love of the poetic sat for two or three hours on the threshold of the bunkhouse door, his gaze on the ran...

The Intruder
After closing the door through which she had entered, Barbara Morgan slipped the fastenings into place and stood, an ear pressed aga...

Barbara Sees A Light
When Barbara regained consciousness it was with a gasp of horror over the realization of what had happened. She stiffened immediatel...

Harlan Takes Charge
Barbara could not have told why she had not acted upon her determination to ride westward to the Star ranch to acquaint John Haydon ...

A desire to ride once more in the peaceful sunshine of the land she loved was one of the first indications that Barbara was recoveri...

"So you came at last?" Barbara had some difficulty in keeping resentment prominent in her voice as she faced John Haydon, for oth...

Deep Water
Despite his conviction that he stood in the presence of the mysterious "Chief" of whom he had heard much, Harlan's expression did no...

Forging A Letter
The impulse which had moved Harlan to send Red Linton to the T Down ranch to enlist the services of some of his old friends had resu...

Harlan Rides Alone
Upon the morning of the fourth day following Haydon's visit to the Rancho Seco, a dust cloud developed on the northwestern horizon. ...

Harlan Joins The Gang
At the edge of the big level, where it merged into the floor of the basin, Harlan drew Purgatory to a halt. For an instant he sat in...

Harlan's statement to Haydon, to the effect that he had visited the camps of Kelso, Rance, Larkin, and other outlaws had been strict...

The Black-bearded Man
It was Strom Rogers who indicated to the outlaws at the Star that henceforth Harlan was to exercise authority of a kind that had for...

A Dead Man Walks
Harlan had paid strict attention to Lane Morgan's words at Sentinel Rock, and he remembered that Morgan had told him that his son, w...

Deveny Secedes
Since the day he had heard that Harlan had appeared at the Star and had been taken into the outlaw band by Haydon, Deveny had exhibi...

Barbara Morgan had yielded to the fever of impatience which had afflicted her during the latter days of Harlan's absence from the Ra...

Red Linton had ridden eastward to examine the grass of the range in that direction, for it had been some days since he had sent Stro...

Rogers Takes A Hand
The trail herd had made good progress through the valley, and Rogers, aided by the Star men, had kept them going. The men feared no ...

A Dual Tragedy
Harlan and Morgan had made a thorough search of Haydon's desk in the latter's office in the ranchhouse, and they had found letters a...

Converging Trails
An hour or so later, Harlan, having finished his labors in a clearing at the edge of the level near the gorge, climbed slowly on Pur...

World's End
Barbara Morgan had fought Deveny until she became exhausted. Thereafter she lay quiet, breathing fast, yielding to the nameless terr...

The Ultimate Treachery
When Barbara regained consciousness she was lying in some long, dusty grass beside the trail where she seemed to have been thrown, o...

Peace And A Sunset
Red Linton had recovered--there was no doubt of that. For Linton, though a trifle pale, was vigorous. Vigor was in the look of him a...

The Rider Of The Black Horse
The trail from the Diamond K broke around the base of a low hill dotted thickly with scraggly oak and fir, then stretched away, stra...

In Which Hatred Is Born
For some persons romance dwells in the new and the unusual, and for other persons it dwells not at all. Certain of Rosalind Benham's...

Beating A Good Man
Trevison had not moved. He had watched the movements of the other closely, noting his huge bulk, his lithe motions, the play of his ...

The Long Arm Of Power
Presently Corrigan lit a cigar, biting the end off carefully, to keep it from coming in contact with his bruised lips. When the ciga...

A Telegram And A Girl
Banker Braman went to bed on the cot in the back room shortly after Corrigan departed from Manti. He stretched himself out with a si...

A Judicial Puppet
Bowling along over the new tracks toward Manti in a special car secured at Dry Bottom by Corrigan, one compartment of which was pack...

Two Letters Go East
After Agatha retired that night Rosalind sat for a long time writing at a little desk in the private car. She was tingling with exci...

The Chaos Of Creation
The West saw many "boom" towns. They followed in the wake of "gold strikes;" they grew, mushroom-like, overnight--garish husks of sq...

Straight Talk
Ten years of lonesomeness, of separation from all the things he held dear, with nothing for his soul to feed upon except the bittern...

The Spirit Of Manti
The Benham private car had clacked eastward over the rails three weeks before, bearing with it as a passenger only the negro autocra...

For The Kiddies
Trevison dropped from Nigger at the dooryard of Levins' cabin, and looked with a grim smile at Levins himself lying face downward ac...

Exposed To The Sunlight
It was a month before Trevison went to town, again. Only once during that time did he see Rosalind Benham, for the Blakeleys had vac...

Another Letter
That afternoon, Corrigan rode to the Bar B. The ranchhouse was of the better class, big, imposing, well-kept, with a wide, roofed po...

A Rumble Of War
The train that carried Corrigan's letter eastward bore, among its few other passengers, a young man with a jaw set like a steel trap...

A Mutual Benefit Association
Unheeding the drama that was rapidly and invisibly (except for the incident of Braman and the window) working itself out in its mids...

Wherein A Woman Lies
"Aren't you going to welcome me, dearie?" From the porch of the Bar B ranchhouse Rosalind had watched the rapid approach of the b...

Justice Vs Law
Impatience, intolerable and vicious, gripped Trevison as he rode homeward after his haunting vigil at Manti. The law seemed to him t...

Law Invoked And Defied
As soon as the deputies had gone, two of them nursing injured heads, and all exhibiting numerous bruises, Judge Lindman rose and dre...

A Woman Rides In Vain
Out of Rosalind Benham's resentment against Trevison for the Hester Harvey incident grew a sudden dull apathy--which presently threa...

And Rides Again In Vain
Rosalind's reflections as she rode toward the Bar B convinced her that there had been much truth in Corrigan's arraignment of Trevis...

Another Woman Rides
Trevison rode in to town the next morning. On his way he went to the edge of the butte overlooking the level, and looked down upon t...

A Man Errs And Pays
For a time Trevison stood on the gallery, watching the woman as she faded into the darkness toward Manti, and then he laughed mirthl...

First Principles
Judge Lindman shivered, though a merciless, blighting sun beat down on the great stone ledge that spread in front of the opening, sm...

Another Woman Lies
Shortly before midnight Aunt Agatha Benham laid her book down, took off her glasses, wiped her eyes and yawned. She sat for a time s...

In The Dark
Trevison faced the darkness between him and the pueblo with a wild hope pulsing through his veins. Rosalind Benham had had an opport...

The Ashes
Rosalind Benham got up with the dawn and looked out of a window toward Manti. She had not slept. She stood at the window for some ti...

The Fight
"The boss is sure a she-wolf at playin' a lone hand," growled Barkwell, shortly after dusk, to Jud Weaver, the straw boss. "Seems he...

The Dregs
When the Benham private car came to a stop on the switch, Rosalind swung up the steps and upon the platform just as J. C., ruddy, sm...

The Calm
The day seemed to endure for an age. Rosalind did not leave the car; she did not go near her father, shut up alone in his apartment;...

At Calamity Crossing
Getting up the shoulder of the mesa was no easy job, but judging from the actions and appearance of wiry pony and rider it was a job...

The Sympathetic Rescuer
Halfway down the slope, the rider turned and saw that Willard and the occupants of the buckboard were watching him. The color in his...

At The Flying W
It fell to Uncle Jepson to hitch the blacks to the buckboard--in a frigid silence Masten had found his trunk, opened it and drawn ou...

A Memory Of The Rider
A quiet satisfaction shone from Ruth's eyes when, accompanied by Aunt Martha and Uncle Jepson, she completed her inspection of the r...

Love Vs Business
On Sunday afternoon Ruth, Masten, Aunt Martha, and Uncle Jepson were sitting on the front porch of the Flying W ranchhouse. Ruth was...

A Man And His Job
Just what Ruth's sensations were the next morning she could not have told. She could correctly analyze one emotion: it was eager ant...

How An Insult Was Avenged
As the days passed, it became plain to Ruth, as it did to everyone else on the ranch--Chavis, Pickett, and Masten included--that Vic...

What Uncle Jepson Heard
Every detail of the killing of Jim Pickett remained vivid in Ruth's recollection. She felt that she would never forget it. But her h...

Somethin's Gone Out Of Them
As Randerson rode Patches through the break in the canyon wall in the afternoon of a day about a week after his talk with Uncle Jeps...

The Law Of The Primitive
Randerson continued his policy of not forcing himself upon Ruth. He went his way, silent, thoughtful, attending strictly to business...

Hagar's Eyes
Randerson had been in no hurry to make an attempt to catch the rustlers whose depredations he had reported to Ruth. He had told the ...

The Rustlers
At about the time Randerson was crossing the river near the point where the path leading to Catherson's shack joined the Lazette tra...

The Fight
At about the time that Chavis and Kester had discovered Ruth's pony and had clambered up the slope in search of the girl, the two fi...

The Rock And The Moonlight
Randerson did not leave the scene of the fight immediately. He stood for a long time, after buckling on his belt and pistols, lookin...

The Runaway Comes Home
Masten's note to Ruth contained merely the information that he was going to Lazette, and that possibly he might not return for two w...

Two Are Taught Lessons
There was one other thing that Ruth did not know--the rage that dwelt in Randerson's heart against Chavis and Kester. He had shown n...

The Target
Earlier in the morning, Ruth had watched Uncle Jepson and Aunt Martha ride away in the buckboard toward Lazette. She had stood on th...

The Gunfighter
Red Owen, foreman of the Flying W in place of Tom Chavis, resigned, was stretched out on his blanket, his head propped up with an ar...

Ready Gun And Clean Heart
Uncle Jepson understood the cow-punchers because he understood human nature, and because he had a strain of the wild in him that had...

The Bubble Dreams
Loping his pony through the golden haze of the afternoon, Randerson came over the plains toward the Flying W ranchhouse, tingling wi...

One Too Many
To no man in the outfit did Randerson whisper a word concerning the result of his visit to the ranchhouse--that he would cease to be...

Into Which A Girl's Trouble Comes
Uncle Jepson and Aunt Martha had not seen Masten when he had visited Ruth, for they had gone in the buckboard to Red Rock. And Maste...

Banishing A Shadow
Randerson could not adjust his principles to his purpose to do Masten to death while working for Ruth, and so, in the morning follow...

Realizing A Passion
Ruth stood for a long time on the porch after Hagar's departure, gripped by emotions, that had had no duplicates in all her days. Ne...

A Man Is Born Again
The meeting between Catherson and Randerson had taken the edge off Catherson's frenzy, but it had not shaken his determination. He h...

A Woman On The Trail
Many disquieting thoughts oppressed Miss Sheila Langford as she halted her pony on the crest of a slight rise and swept the desolate...

The Dim Trail
Sheila had been dreaming of a world in which there was nothing but rain and mud and clouds and reckless-eyed individuals who convers...

Converging Trails
It was the barking of a dog that brought Sheila out of a sleep--dreamless this time--into a state of semi-consciousness. It was Dako...

This Picture And That
IT was a scene of wild, virgin beauty upon which Sheila Langford looked as she sat on the edge of a grassy butte overlooking the Ute...

Dakota Evens A Score
With the thermometer at one hundred and five it was not to be expected that there would be much movement in Lazette. As a matter of ...

Kindred Spirits
Looking rather more rugged than when he had arrived at the station at Lazette two weeks before, his face tanned, but still retaining...

Bogged Down
Each day during the two weeks that her father had been at the Double R Sheila had accompanied him on his rides of exploration. She h...

Sheila Fans A Flame
Sheila departed from the quicksand crossing nursing her wrath against the man who had rescued her, feeling bitterly vindictive again...

Strictly Business
For two or three quiet weeks Sheila did not see much of Duncan, and her father bothered her very little. Several nights on the galle...

Duncan Adds Two And Two
Had Langford known that there had been a witness to his visit to Dakota he might not have ridden away from the latter's cabin so ent...

A Parting And A Visit
The problem which filled Duncan's mind as he sat on the edge of the slope overlooking the river was a three-sided one. To reach a co...

A Meeting On The River Trail
About ten o'clock in the morning of a perfect day Sheila left the Double R ranchhouse for a ride to the Two Forks to visit Doubler. ...

The Shot In The Back
For an instant after discovering Doubler lying in the doorway, Sheila stood motionless at the corner of the cabin, looking down wond...

Langford Lays Off The Mask
The sun was still an hour above the horizon when Sheila rode up to the corral gates. While removing the saddle and bridle from her p...

The Parting On The River Trail
"I'll be leaving you now, ma'am." There was a good moon, and its mellow light streamed full into Dakota's grim, travel-stained face ...

Sheriff Allen Takes A Hand
The sheriff's posse--three men whom he had deputized in Lazette and himself--had ridden hard over the twenty miles of rough trail fr...

Doubler Talks
After the departure of the doctor Sheila entered the cabin and closed the door, fastening the bars and drawing a chair over near the...

For Dakota
Though in a state of anxiety and excitement over the incident of Duncan's attack on Doubler and the subsequent shooting, together wi...

Some Memories
When Sheila recovered consciousness she was in Dakota's cabin--in the bunk in which she had lain on another night in the yesterday o...

Into The Unknown
After a time Sheila rose from the bunk on which she had been sitting and stood in the center of the floor, looking down at her fathe...

The Landslide Mine
"Roger, that sounds like a fairy tale--a real gold mine belonging to your mother lost through a landslide!" "So it does sound lik...

Dave Porter's Past
"What do you think of that, fellows?" asked Roger, as he concluded the reading of the letter. "I am not surprised," answered Dave...

Caught In A Storm
"Some class to Roger's driving!" cried Phil, as the little touring-car swept along, in the direction of Lake Sargola. "Roger, if you...

A Question Of Stocks
"Some rain, believe me!" It was Dave who uttered the remark, as the touring-car commenced the long and dangerous descent of Sugar...

A Trap For Job Haskers
"What do you think of it, Dave?" "I think Job Haskers is up to some game, Roger." "Selling worthless stocks?" "Yes, or else ...

Another Surprise
The boys had listened to all that was said, and now they lost no time in filing into Mr. Fordham's bedroom. Job Haskers stared at...

A Gathering Of Oak Hall Boys
"Well, they are gone, that's certain!" "Yes, and there is no telling where they went to." "Must have slipped out by a back way....

Fire And Firecrackers
"What's that!" "The garage on fire!" "Say, look at the blaze!" Such were some of the cries, as the boys tumbled out of bed, ...

What Nat Poole Had To Tell
"You saw two fellows sneaking around our place last evening?" cried Roger, with interest. "I certainly did." "What did they lo...

Dave At Home
"I'm glad you washed your hands of Merwell, Nat," replied Dave, with warmth. "He is not the sort for any respectable fellow to assoc...

Overheard In The Summer-house
"Dave, what do you think! I saw Link Merwell this morning!" It was Laura who spoke, as she burst into her brother's room, where th...

On The Way West
"Off at last!" "Hurrah for the West!" "And the Landslide Mine, Roger, don't forget that!" "What a splendid day for beginning...

Dave Sees Something
"You gave somebody my suit-case!" cried the senator's son, while a number of tourists gathered around, to learn what was going on. ...

In Butte
Dave overheard the conversation between the two rough-looking men in the crowded car, and so did Phil and Roger. All glanced at each...

At Abe Blower's Home
The boys saw at once that something was wrong. Mrs. Carmody was completely bewildered, and being old, had no easy time of it to coll...

On To Black Cat Camp
"You go!" cried Dave. "I thought you had given up prospecting," exclaimed Roger. "Not but that we'd be glad to have you along,"...

Along The Mountain Trail
The boys had expected some such answer as this, so they were not greatly surprised. They were introduced to the storekeeper by Tom D...

The Stolen Horses
"Oh, look!" "That horse is going over the cliff!" "Take care, Phil, or he'll drag you with him!" Such were some of the cries...

The Newspaper Clew
"Do you think he'll catch that fellow?" It was Phil who asked the question, as he and Dave and Roger watched the old miner disapp...

The Exposure
When Tom Dillon heard about the light that had been seen and the determination to walk to it, he wanted to know how far off it was. ...

On The Back Trail
"Just you two wait a minute!" It was Tom Dillon who uttered the words, as he saw Link Merwell and Job Haskers turn to where their...

Dave And The Mountain Lion
"Don't fire, I beg of you! We--we are friends! Don't fire! Please put down that pistol, do!" It was Job Haskers who called out in...

In The Mountain Cave
Dave had been in perilous situations before, and had learned the important lesson that if he lost his wits all would be lost. The m...

Searching For The Landslide Mine
Lost underground! It was a terrible condition of affairs to contemplate, and for an instant Dave's heart almost stopped beating a...

Caught In A Storm
"Say, but this is sure going to be a corker!" Dave shouted out the words--to make himself heard above the whistling of the wind a...

Prowlers In Camp
"Huh! so it's you, is it!" cried Link Merwell, in surly tones. "So you are after my mine!" cried Roger, sharply. "Well, I'll tell ...

The Two Prisoners
The three chums were right; the two persons who were approaching the camp on the mountainside so stealthily were Link Merwell and Jo...

The Lost Landslide Mine
"They cut the ropes! See, here is where it was done, on this jagged rock!" As Dave spoke he pointed to a sharp edge of stone. Ben...

Another Landslide
It was another landslide, crashing and roaring down the side of the mountain, carrying rocks, dirt, and brushwood before it. The ear...

The Besetment Of Kurt Lieders
A SILVER rime glistened all down the street. There was a drabble of dead leaves on the sidewalk which was of wood, and on the roa...

The Face Of Failure
AFTER the week's shower the low Iowa hills looked vividly green. At the base of the first range of hills the Blackhawk road winds from...

Tommy And Thomas
IT was while Harry Lossing was at the High School that Mrs. Carriswood first saw Tommy Fitzmaurice. He was not much to see, a long lad...

Mother Emeritus
THE Louders lived on the second floor, at the head of the stairs, in the Lossing Building. There is a restaurant to the right; and a n...

An Assisted Providence
IT was the Christmas turkeys that should be held responsible. Every year the Lossings give each head of a family in their employ, and ...

Harry Lossing
THE note-book of Mr. Horatio Armorer, president of our street railways, contained a page of interest to some people in our town, on th...

The Ole Virginia
The ring around the sun had thickened all day long, and the turquoise blue of the Arizona sky had filmed. Storms in the dry countries...

The Emigrants
After the rain that had held us holed up at the Double R over one day, we discussed what we should do next. "The flats will be too ...

The Remittance Man
After Windy Bill had finished his story we began to think it time to turn in. Uncle Jim and Charley slid and slipped down the chute-l...

The Cattle Rustlers
Dawn broke, so we descended through wet grasses to the canon. There, after some difficulty, we managed to start a fire, and so ate b...

The Drive
A cry awakened me. It was still deep night. The moon sailed overhead, the stars shone unwavering like candles, and a chill breeze wa...

Cutting Out
It was somewhere near noon by the time we had bunched and held the herd of some four or five thousand head in the smooth, wide flat, f...

A Corner In Horses
It was dark night. The stay-herd bellowed frantically from one of the big corrals; the cow-and-calf-herd from a second. Already the ...

The Corral Branding
All that night we slept like sticks of wood. No dreams visited us, but in accordance with the immemorial habit of those who live out-...

The Old Timer
About a week later, in the course of the round-up, we reached the valley of the Box Springs, where we camped for some days at the dil...

The Texas Rangers
I came from Texas, like the bulk of you punchers, but a good while before the most of you were born. That was forty-odd years ago--an...

The Sailor With One Hand
At this moment the heavy beat of the storm on the roof ceased with miraculous suddenness, leaving the outside world empty of sound sav...

The Murder On The Beach
At this moment the cook stuck his head in at the open door. "Say, you fellows," he complained, "I got to be up at three o'clock. Ai...

Buried Treasure
The Old Timer's voice broke a little. We had leisure to notice that even the drip from the eaves had ceased. A faint, diffused light...

The Chewed Sugar Cane
"I'd like to have trailed you fellows," sighed a voice from the corner. "Would you!" said Colorado Rogers grimly. It was five d...

The Calabash Stew
I had agreed with Denton to stick to the beach, but Schwartz could not last much longer, and I had not the slightest idea how far it m...

The Honk-honk Breed
It was Sunday at the ranch. For a wonder the weather had been favourable; the windmills were all working, the bogs had dried up, the ...

The Cattle Rustlers
Buck Johnson was American born, but with a black beard and a dignity of manner that had earned him the title of Senor. He had drifted...

The Man With Nerve
At about ten o'clock of the Fourth of July a rider topped the summit of the last swell of land, and loped his animal down into the sin...

The Agreement
Jed Parker straightened his back, rolled up the bandana handkerchief, and thrust it into his pocket, hit flat with his hand the tousel...

The Accomplishment
The next morning Buck Johnson took a trip down into the "pasture" of five hundred wire-fenced acres. "He means business," he confid...

The Passing Of The Colt's Forty-five
The man of whom I am now to tell you came to Arizona in the early days of Chief Cochise. He settled in the Soda Springs Valley, and t...

The Shapes Of Illusion
Every day, as always, Senor Johnson rode abroad over the land. His surroundings had before been accepted casually as a more or less ...

The Paper A Year Old
Sang hurried out for a broom. Senor Johnson sat where he was, his heavy, square brows knit. Suddenly he stooped, seized one of the ...

Although the paper was a year old, Senor Johnson in due time received an answer from Kansas. A correspondence ensued. Senor Johnson ...

The Arrival
The Overland drew into Willets, coated from engine to observation with white dust. A porter, in strange contrast of neatness, flung ...

The Wagon Tire
About noon she emerged from the room, fully refreshed and wide awake. She and Susie O'Toole had unpacked at least one of the trunks, a...

The honeymoon developed and the necessary adjustments took place. The latter Senor Johnson had not foreseen; and yet, when the necess...

The Round-up
This, as you well may gather, was in the summer routine. Now the time of the great fall round-up drew near. The home ranch began to ...

The Long Trail
The round-up crew started early the next morning, just about sun-up. Senor Johnson rode first, merely to keep out of the dust. Then ...

The Discovery
Senor Buck Johnson loped quickly back toward the home ranch, his heart glad at this fortunate solution of his annoyance. The home ran...

The Capture
Although he had left the room so suddenly, Senor Johnson did not at once open the gate of the adobe wall. His demeanour was gay, for ...

In The Arroyo
Senor Johnson quietly approached Estrella. The girl had, during the struggle, gone through an aimless but frantic exhibition of terro...

The Rawhide
First of all he unhitched the horses from the buckboard and turned them loose. Then, since he was early trained in Indian warfare, he...

The Desert
Button was a trusty of Senor Johnson's private animals. He was never known to leave his master in the lurch, and so was habitually al...

Enter The Man
Some notable sight was drawing the passengers, both men and women, to the window; and therefore I rose and crossed the car to see wh...

When You Call Me That Smile!
We cannot see ourselves as other see us, or I should know what appearance I cut at hearing this from the tall man. I said nothing, ...

Steve Treats
It was for several minutes, I suppose, that I stood drawing these silent morals. No man occupied himself with me. Quiet voices, and ...

Deep Into Cattle Land
Morning had been for some while astir in Medicine Bow before I left my quilts. The new day and its doings began around me in the sto...

Enter The Woman
"We are taking steps," said Mr. Taylor. "Bear Creek ain't going to be hasty about a schoolmarm." "Sure," assented the Virginian. ...

My personage was a hen, and she lived at the Sunk Creek Ranch. Judge Henry's ranch was notable for several luxuries. He had milk, ...

Through Two Snows
"Dear Friend [thus in the spring the Virginian wrote me], Yours received. It must be a poor thing to be sick. That time I was shot a...

The Sincere Spinster
I do not know with which of the two estimates--Mr. Taylor's or the Virginian's--you agreed. Did you think that Miss Mary Stark Wood ...

The Spinster Meets The Unknown
On a Monday noon a small company of horsemen strung out along the trail from Sunk Creek to gather cattle over their allotted sweep o...

Where Fancy Was Bred
Two camps in the open, and the Virginian's Monte horse, untired, brought him to the Swintons' in good time for the barbecue. The hor...

You Re Going To Love Me Before We Get Through
The Swinton barbecue was over. The fiddles were silent, the steer was eaten, the barrel emptied, or largely so, and the tapers extin...

Quality And Equality
To the circle at Bennington, a letter from Bear Creek was always a welcome summons to gather and hear of doings very strange to Verm...

The Game And The Nation Act First
There can be no doubt of this: All America is divided into two classes,--the quality and the equality. The latter will always rec...

Between The Acts
My road to Sunk Creek lay in no straight line. By rail I diverged northwest to Fort Meade, and thence, after some stay with the kind...

The Game And The Nation Act Second
"That is the only step I have had to take this whole trip," said the Virginian. He holstered his pistol with a jerk. "I have been fe...

The Game And The Nation Last Act
It has happened to you, has it not, to wake in the morning and wonder for a while where on earth you are? Thus I came half to life i...

Scipio Moralizes
Into what mood was it that the Virginian now fell? Being less busy, did he begin to "grieve" about the girl on Bear Creek? I only kn...

Would You Be A Parson?
After this I gave up my experiments in conversation. So that by the final afternoon of our journey, with Sunk Creek actually in sigh...

Dr Macbride Begs Pardon
Judge and Mrs. Henry, Molly Wood, and two strangers, a lady and a gentleman, were the party which had been driving in the large thr...

The Judge Ignores Particulars
"Do you often have these visitations?" Ogden inquired of Judge Henry. Our host was giving us whiskey in his office, and Dr. MacBride...

In A State Of Sin
Thunder sat imminent upon the missionary's brow. Many were to be at his mercy soon. But for us he had sunshine still. "I am truly so...

What Is A Rustler?
We all know what birds of a feather do. And it may be safely surmised that if a bird of any particular feather has been for a long w...

Various Points
Love had been snowbound for many weeks. Before this imprisonment its course had run neither smooth nor rough, so far as eye could se...

A Letter With A Moral
The letter which the Virginian wrote to Molly Wood was, as has been stated, the first that he had ever addressed to her. I think, pe...

Progress Of The Lost Dog
It was not even an hour's visit that the Virginian was able to pay his lady love. But neither had he come a hundred miles to see her...

Balaam And Pedro
Resigned to wait for the Judge's horses, Balaam went into his office this dry, bright morning and read nine accumulated newspapers; ...

Grandmother Stark
Except for its chair and bed, the cabin was stripped almost bare. Amid its emptiness of dismantled shelves and walls and floor, only...

No Dream To Wake From
For a long while after she had left him, he lay still, stretched in his chair. His eyes were fixed steadily upon the open window and...

Word To Bennington
They kept their secret for a while, or at least they had that special joy of believing that no one in all the world but themselves k...

A Stable On The Flat
When the first landmark, the lone clump of cottonwoods, came at length in sight, dark and blurred in the gentle rain, standing out p...

The Cottonwoods
I do not know how long I stayed there alone. It was the Virginian who came back, and as he stood at the foot of my blankets his eye,...

Superstition Trail
We did not make thirty-five miles that day, nor yet twenty-five, for he had let me sleep. We made an early camp and tried some unsuc...

The Spinster Loses Some Sleep
Somewhere at the eastern base of the Tetons did those hoofprints disappear into a mountain sanctuary where many crooked paths have l...

To Fit Her Finger
It was two rings that the Virginian wrote for when next I heard from him. After my dark sight of what the Cattle Land could be, I...

With Malice Aforethought
Town lay twelve straight miles before the lover and his sweetheart, when they came to the brow of the last long hill. All beneath th...

At Dunbarton
For their first bridal camp he chose an island. Long weeks beforehand he had thought of this place, and set his heart upon it. Once ...

Science Fiction

Of The Nature Of Flatland
I call our world Flatland, not because we call it so, but to make its nature clearer to you, my happy readers, who are privileged to...

Of The Climate And Houses In Flatland
As with you, so also with us, there are four points of the compass North, South, East, and West. There being no sun nor other hea...

Concerning The Inhabitants Of Flatland
The greatest length or breadth of a full grown inhabitant of Flatland may be estimated at about eleven of your inches. Twelve inche...

Concerning The Women
If our highly pointed Triangles of the Soldier class are formidable, it may be readily inferred that far more formidable are our Wom...

Of Our Methods Of Recognizing One Another
You, who are blessed with shade as well as light, you, who are gifted with two eyes, endowed with a knowledge of perspective, and ch...

Of Recognition By Sight
I am about to appear very inconsistent. In the previous sections I have said that all figures in Flatland present the appearance of...

Concerning Irregular Figures
Throughout the previous pages I have been assuming--what perhaps should have been laid down at the beginning as a distinct and funda...

Of The Ancient Practice Of Painting
If my Readers have followed me with any attention up to this point, they will not be surprised to hear that life is somewhat dull in...

Of The Universal Colour Bill
But meanwhile the intellectual Arts were fast decaying. The Art of Sight Recognition, being no longer needed, was no longer pract...

Of The Suppression Of The Chromatic Sedition
The agitation for the Universal Colour Bill continued for three years; and up to the last moment of that period it seemed as though ...

Concerning Our Priests
It is high time that I should pass from these brief and discursive notes about things in Flatland to the central event of this book,...

Of The Doctrine Of Our Priests
As to the doctrine of the Circles it may briefly be summed up in a single maxim, "Attend to your Configuration." Whether political,...

How I Had A Vision Of Lineland
It was the last day but one of the 1999th year of our era, and the first day of the Long Vacation. Having amused myself till a late...

How I Vainly Tried To Explain The Nature Of Flatland
Thinking that it was time to bring down the Monarch from his raptures to the level of common sense, I determined to endeavour to ope...

Concerning A Stranger From Spaceland
From dreams I proceed to facts. It was the last day of our 1999th year of our era. The patterning of the rain had long ago annou...

How The Stranger Vainly Endeavoured To Reveal To Me In Words The Mysteries Of Spaceland
As soon as the sound of the Peace-cry of my departing Wife had died away, I began to approach the Stranger with the intention of tak...

How The Sphere Having In Vain Tried Words Resorted To Deeds
It was in vain. I brought my hardest right angle into violent collision with the Stranger, pressing on him with a force sufficient ...

How I Came To Spaceland And What I Saw There
An unspeakable horror seized me. There was a darkness; then a dizzy, sickening sensation of sight that was not like seeing; I saw a...

How Though The Sphere Shewed Me Other Mysteries Of Spaceland I Still Desire More And What Came Of It
When I saw my poor brother led away to imprisonment, I attempted to leap down into the Council Chamber, desiring to intercede on his...

How The Sphere Encouraged Me In A Vision
Although I had less than a minute for reflection, I felt, by a kind of instinct, that I must conceal my experiences from my Wife. N...

How I Tried To Teach The Theory Of Three Dimensions To My Grandson And With What Success
I awoke rejoicing, and began to reflect on the glorious career before me. I would go forth, methought, at once, and evangelize the ...

How I Then Tried To Diffuse The Theory Of Three Dimensions By Other Means And Of The Result
My failure with my Grandson did not encourage me to communicate my secret to others of my household; yet neither was I led by it to ...

The British Barbarians
I The time was Saturday afternoon; the place was Surrey; the person of the drama was Philip Christy. He had come down by...

News Of A Treasure Wreck
There was a rushing, whizzing, throbbing noise in the air. A great body, like that of some immense bird, sailed along, casting a gr...

Finishing The Submarine
"What's the matter?" cried Mrs. Baggert, the housekeeper, hurrying in from the kitchen, where she was washing the dishes. "Have you ...

Mr Berg Is Astonished
Following his father and the stranger whom the aged inventor had addressed as Mr. Berg, Tom and Mr. Sharp entered the house, the lad...

Tom Is Imprisoned
"Well, I must say he's a cool one," remarked Tom, as the echoes of Mr. Berg's steps died away. "The idea of thinking his boat better...

Mr Berg Is Suspicious
Not for long did the young inventor endeavor to break his way out of the water-ballast tank by striking the heavy sides of it. Tom r...

Turning The Tables
When the young inventor informed his father what he had overheard Mr. Berg saying, the aged inventor was not as much worried as his ...

Mr Damon Will Go
"Well, I guess they've had their lesson," remarked Tom, as he took an observation through the telescope and saw Andy and his cronies...

Another Treasure Expedition
While Tom and Mr. Damon continued on to Atlantis after the oil, the young inventor lamenting from time to time that his remarks abou...

Captain Weston's Advent
"Bless my water ballast, but that certainly is a fine boat!" cried Mr. Damon, when he had been shown over the new craft. "I think I...

Trial Of The Submarine
Tom felt such a relief at hearing of Captain Weston's ruse that his appetite, sharpened by an early breakfast and the sea air, came ...

On The Ocean Bed
Lower and lower sank the submarine. There was a swirling and foaming of the water as she went down, caused by the air bubbles which ...

For A Breath Of Air
They could hardly realize it, yet the depth-gage told the story. It registered a distance below the surface of the ocean of five tho...

Off For The Treasure
Suddenly Tom, after a moment's pause, seized a wrench and began loosening some nuts. "What are you doing?" asked his father faint...

In The Diving Suits
There was no doubt that the steamer was coming after the submarine. Several observations Captain Weston made confirmed this, and he ...

At The Tropical Island
It was on the evening of the fourth day later that Captain Weston, who was steering the craft, suddenly called out: "Land ho!" ...

We'll Race You For It
Mr. Swift hurried up on deck. He was accompanied by Captain Weston. At the sight of Tom's father, Mr. Berg, who had been joined by' ...

The Race
Directed by Captain Weston, who glanced at the compass and told him which way to steer to clear the outer coral reef, Tom sent the ...

The Electric Gun
There was much excitement aboard the Advance. The submarine came to a stop in the water, while the treasure-seekers waited anxiousl...

"Down deep," advised Captain Weston, as he stood beside Tom and Mr. Swift in the pilot house. "As far as you can manage her, and the...

Doomed To Death
There was no room on the small deck of the submarine to make a stand against the officers and crew of the Brazilian warship. In fact...

Lease To Doomsday
By LEE ARCHER The twins were a rare team indeed. They wanted to build a printing plant on a garbage dump. When Muldoon ask...

Jupiter--the magnificent planet with a diameter of 86,500 miles, having 119 times the surface and 1,300 times the volume of the e...

"Come in!" sounded a voice, as Dr. Cortlandt and Dick Ayrault tapped at the door of the President of the Terrestrial Axis Straight...

President Bearwarden's Speech
"To the Bondholders and Stockholders of the Terrestrial Axis Straightening Company and Representatives of Earthly Governments. "GEN...

Prof Cortlandt's Historical Sketch Of The World In A D 2000
Prof. Cortlandt, preparing a history of the times at the beginning of the great terrestrial and astronomical change, wrote as follo...

Dr Cortlandt's History Continued
"In marine transportation we have two methods, one for freight and another for passengers. The old-fashioned deeply immersed ship ...

Far-reaching Plans
Knowing that the rectification of the earth's axis was satisfactorily begun, and that each year would show an increasing improvement ...

Hard At Work
In a few moments Ayrault returned with pencils, a pair of compasses, and paper. "Let us see, in the first place," said Deep...

At last the preparations were completed, and it was arranged that the Callisto should begin its journey at eleven o'clock A. M., D...

The Last Of The Earth
Finding that they were rapidly swinging towards their proper course, and that the earth in its journey about the sun would move out o...

Space And Mars
Never before had the travellers observed the stars and planets under such favourable conditions. No air or clouds intervened, and as...

Heavenly Bodies
The following day, while in their observatory, they saw something not many miles ahead. They watched it for hours, and in fact all d...

Preparing To Alight
That afternoon Ayrault brought out some statistical tables he had compiled from a great number of books, and also a diagram of the co...

Exploration And Excitement
When they awoke, the flowers were singing with the volume of a cathedral organ, the chant rising from all around them, and the sun wa...

Mastodon And Will-o'-the Wisps
Bearwarden's bullet struck the mammoth in the shoulder, while Ayrault's aim was farther back. As the balls exploded, a half-barrelfu...

An Unseen Hunter
They calculated that they had come ten or twelve miles from the place at which they built the raft, while the damp salt breeze blowin...

Sportsmen's Reveries
Feeling grateful to the huge tortoise for the good service he had rendered, they shot a number of the great snakes that were gliding ...

The Honey Of Death
At first nothing seemed to have been disturbed, when they suddenly perceived that both forelegs were missing. On further examination...

Changing Landscapes
On reaching the Callisto, Ayrault worked the lock he had had placed on the lower door, which, to avoid carrying a key, was opened by ...

A Jovian Niagara
Four days later, after crossing a ridge of mountains that the pressure on the aneroid barometer showed to be about thirty-two thousan...

Hills And Valleys
With the first light they resumed their journey, and an hour after setting out they sighted, as Cortlandt had predicted, another clou...

North-polar Discoveries
Two days later, on the western horizon, they beheld the ocean. Many of the streams whose sources they had seen when they crossed the...

The Scene Shifts
Having returned the rugs to the Callisto, they applied the maximum power of the batteries to rising, closed all openings when the bar...

Landing on a place about ten degrees north of the equator, so that they might obtain a good view of the great rings--since ON the lin...

The Spirit's First Visit
"Greetings and congratulations," he said. "Man has steadfastly striven to rise, and we see the results in you." "I have always...

Doubts And Philosophy
On reaching it, they climbed the ladder leading to the second-story opening, and entering through this, they closed the door, screwin...

A Providential Intervention
The valley narrowed as they advanced, the banks rising gently on both sides. Both dragons had flown straight to a grove of tall, spr...

Ayrault's Vision
When Ayrault's watch was ended, he roused Cortlandt, who took his place, and feeling a desire for solitude and for a last long look a...

A Great Void And A Great Longing
Resuming their march, the travellers proceeded along the circumference of a circle having a radius of about three miles, with the Cal...

The Spirit's Second Visit
Accordingly, the next morning they concentrated their minds simultaneously on the spirit, wishing with all their strength that h...

Cassandra And Cosmology
The water-jug being empty, Ayrault took it up, and, crossing the ridge of a small hill, descended to a running-brook. He had filled ...

Doctor Cortlandt Sees His Grave
"Is it not distasteful to you," Cortlandt asked, "to live so near these loathsome dragons?" "Not in the least," replied the ...

As the, night became darker they caught sight of the earth again, shining very faintly, and in his mind's eye Ayrault saw his sweethe...

Dreamland To Shadowland
As Ayrault's consciousness returned, he fancied he heard music. Though distant, it was distinct, and seemed to ring from the ether o...

Failing to find words to convey his thoughts, he threw himself into an open grave, praying that the earth might hide his soul, as he ...

The Priest's Sermon
It being the first day of the week, the morning air was filled with chimes from many steeples. "Divine service always comforted ...

Hic Ille Jacet
At daybreak the thunder-shower passed off, but was followed by a cold, drenching rain. Supposing Ayrault had remained in the Callist...

Control Group
The cool green disk of Alphard Six on the screen was infinitely welcome after the arid desolation and stinking swamplands of the inn...

Accidental Death
The most dangerous of weapons is the one you don't know is loaded. The wind howled out of the northwest, blind with snow and bar...

"You must give me a moment," said the old man, leaning back. Percy resettled himself in his chair and waited, chin on hand. It ...

The Advent
CHAPTER I I Oliver Brand, the new member for Croydon (4), sat in his study, looking out of the window over the top of his typewr...

The Encounter
CHAPTER I I Oliver Brand was seated at his desk, on the evening of the next day, reading the leading article of the New People...

The Victory
CHAPTER I I The little room where the new Pope sat reading was a model of simplicity. Its walls were whitewashed, its roof unp...

The Motive
I I could not say at which station the woman and her baby entered the train. Since we had left London, I had been struggling w...

Notes For A Biography Of Ginger Stott
I Ginger Stott is a name that was once as well known as any in England. Stott has been the subject of leading articles in every d...

The Disillusionment Of Ginger Stott
I Stott maintained an obstinate silence as we walked together up to the Common, a stretch of comparatively open ground on the pla...

The Manner Of His Birth
I Stoke-Underhill lies in the flat of the valley that separates the Hampden from the Quainton Hills. The main road from London to...

His Departure From Stoke-underhill
I The village of Stoke was no whit intimidated by the news that Mrs. Reade sowed abroad. The women exclaimed and chattered, the m...

His Father's Desertion
I The strongest of all habits is that of acquiescence. It is this habit of submission that explains the admired patience and long...

His Debt To Henry Challis
I Challis was out of England for more than three years after that one brief intrusion of his into the affairs of Mr. and Mrs. Sto...

His First Visit To Challis Court
I "Shall you be able to help me in collating your notes of the Tikopia observations to-day, sir?" Lewes asked next morning. He ro...

His Passage Through The Prison Of Knowledge
I Challis led the way to the library; Lewes, petulant and mutinous, hung in the rear. The Wonder toddled forward, unabashed, t...

His Pastors And Masters
I For many months after that long afternoon in the library, Challis was affected with a fever of restlessness, and his work on th...

His Examination
I Challis's first visit was paid to Sir Deane Elmer,[4] that man of many activities, whose name inevitably suggests his favourite...

His Interview With Herr Grossmann
I Crashaw must have suffered greatly just at that time; and the anticipation of his defeat by the Committee was made still more b...

Meanwhile a child of five--all unconscious that his quiet refusal to participate in the making and breaking of reputations was tempo...

How I Went To Pym To Write A Book
I The circumstance that had intrigued me for so long was determined with an abruptness only less remarkable than the surprise of ...

The Incipience Of My Subjection To The Wonder
I Victor Stott was in his eighth year when I met him for the third time. I must have stayed longer than I imagined by the pond on...

The Progress And Relaxation Of My Subjection
I The memory of last summer is presented to me now as a series of pictures, some brilliant, others vague, others again so uncerta...

I She opened the front door without knocking, and came straight into my sitting-room. "'E's not 'ere," she said in a manner th...

I The jury returned a verdict of "Accidental death." If there had been any traces of a struggle, I had not noticed them when I...

The Uses Of Mystery
Something Challis has told me; something I have learned for myself; and there is something which has come to me from an unknown source...

Harry Collins 1997
The telescreen lit up promptly at eight a.m. Smiling Brad came on with his usual greeting. "Good morning--it's a beautiful day in ...

Harry Collins 1998
It took them ten seconds to save Harry from falling, but it took him over ten weeks to regain his balance. In fact, well over two...

President Winthrop 1999
The Secretary of State closed the door. "Well?" he asked. President Winthrop looked up from the desk and blinked. "Hello, Art,"...

Harry Collins 2000
Harry didn't ask any questions. He just kept his mouth shut and waited. Maybe Dr. Manschoff suspected and maybe he didn't. Anyway, ...

Minnie Schultz 2009
When Frank came home, Minnie met him at the door. She didn't say a word, just handed him the envelope containing the notice. "Wha...

Harry Collins 2012
Harry crouched behind the boulders, propping the rifle up between the rocks, and adjusted the telescopic sights. The distant doorway...

Michael Cavendish 2027
Mike was just coming through the clump of trees when the boy began to wave at him. He shifted the clumsy old Jeffrey .475, cursing t...

Harry Collins 2029
The guards at Stark Falls were under strict orders not to talk. Each prisoner here was exercised alone in a courtyard runway, and me...

Eric Donovan 2031
Eric was glad to get to the office and shut the door. Lately he'd had this feeling whenever he went out, this feeling that people we...

Harry Collins 2032
Harry's son's house was on the outskirts of Washington, near what had once been called Gettysburg. Harry was surprised to find that ...

Jesse Pringle 2039
They were after him. The whole world was in flames, and the buildings were falling, the mighty were fallen, the Day of Judgment was ...

Littlejohn 2065
The helicopter landed on the roof, and the attendants wheeled it over to one side. They propped the ladder up, and Littlejohn descen...

BY J. F. BONE Generally, human beings don't do totally useless things consistently and widely. ...

A Prize For Edie
The Committee had, unquestionably, made a mistake. There was no doubt that Edie had achieved the long-sought cancer cur...

A Question Of Courage
I smelled the trouble the moment I stepped on the lift and took the long ride up the side of the "Lachesis." There was somethi...

Earthmen Bearing Gifts
Dhar Ry sat alone in his room, meditating. From outside the door he caught a thought wave equivalent to a knock, and, glancing a...

He was looking for a privacy his strange personality needed. And--never quite seemed to achieve it. All his efforts were, so...

The New Coachman
"Now you polish up those buckles real good, won't you, 'Zekiel? I will say for Fanshaw, you could most see your face in the harness al...

The Chicago Letter
The mother was still laughing and struggling in the irresistible embrace when both became aware that a third person was regarding them...

Mother And Daughter
Dr. Ballard had gone, and his hostesses were awaiting the summons to dinner. Mrs. Evringham regarded her daughter critically as the gi...

Father And Son
When later they were alone, the girl looked at her mother, her eyes luminous. "You see," she began rather breathlessly, "even you m...

Bon Voyage
At the dock next morning the scene was one of the usual confusion. The sailing time was drawing near and Mr. Evringham had not appeare...

Jewel's Arrival
When her grandfather had disappeared, Jewel placed Anna Belle on the seat beside her, where she toed in, in a state of the utmost com...

The First Evening
In the excitement of the early morning start, Jewel had eaten little breakfast, but the soft resonance of the Japanese gong, when it s...

A Happy Breakfast
Mrs. Forbes was on the porch next morning when Mr. Evringham returned from his canter. "Fine morning, Mrs. Forbes," he said, as he ...

A Shopping Expedition
The housekeeper warned Jewel not to run out of doors that morning as she wished to accompany her to the shoe store. "I'm not going ...

The Ravine
Outside the well-kept roads of Bel-Air Park, Nature had been encouraged to work her sweet will. The drive wound along the edge of a pi...

Dr Ballard
Mr. Evringham looked about, half in apprehension, half in anticipation, as he entered the dining-room the following morning. Jewel had...

The Telegram
Mrs. Forbes entered Jewel's room after speaking with the doctor. The little girl looked at her eagerly. A plan had formed in her mind ...

In The Library
As Mr. Evringham turned from the closed door he met his daughter-in-law coming out into the hall. "I've been watching for Dr. Balla...

Family Affairs
He continued to watch the child furtively, while she made her arrangements for writing. Finding that no chair in the room would bring ...

A Rainy Morning
The next morning it rained so heavily that Mr. Evringham was obliged to forego his ride. Wet weather was an unmixed ill to him. It not...

The First Lesson
Jewel looked up as she heard a knock. Sarah had made the bed and gone. Who could this be? At her "Come in," Eloise entered the room...

Jewel's Correspondence
While Jewel still stood turning over in her mind what she had heard, charming strains of music began coming up through the hall. Cousi...

Essex Maid
The rain and wind lasted for three days, clearing at last on an evening which proved eventful. Mr. Evringham had taken a long ride ...

A Morning Drive
"I declare, Eloise," said Mrs. Evringham the next morning, "it is almost worth three whole days of storm to have a spell of such heave...

By The Brookside
Scarcely had she seen the doctor admitted and the house door closed when an approaching pedestrian caught her eye. She recognized him ...

An Effort For Truth
When Eloise spoke in the ravine of talking with her grandfather, it was because for a few days she had been trying to make up her mind...

In The Harness Room
"Mother, can I have three dollars?" asked Eloise the next morning. "Were you thinking of a new riding hat, dear? I do wish you had i...

Mrs Evringham's Caller
Mrs. Evringham was busily chewing the cud of sweet fancies only, that afternoon. Following the equestrians in their leafy woodland pat...

The Ravine Garden
Mrs. Evringham tried heroically to look impassive when her daughter returned from the ride. There was barely time then to dress for di...

Mutual Surprises
"I thought I knew Bel-Air Park," said Bonnell looking about him. "I never suspected this." "Jewel is the Columbus of this spot. She...

On Wednesday Evening
"This is my silk dress, grandpa," said Jewel, coming out on the piazza Sunday morning. Mr. Evringham was sitting there reading the ...

A Realized Hope
One afternoon Mr. Evringham did not return from the city at the usual time. Jewel, watching for him, was surprised after a while to se...

At Twilight
It was Sunday, and Mr. Bonnell was dining at Bel-Air Park. Had Jewel thought of it, she might have contrasted the expression of Mrs. F...

IN THE FIRST PLACE PLEASE BEAR IN MIND THAT I do not expect you to believe this story. Nor could you wonder had you witnessed a rec...

Toward The Eternal Fires
I WAS BORN IN CONNECTICUT ABOUT THIRTY YEARS ago. My name is David Innes. My father was a wealthy mine owner. When I was nineteen...

A Strange World
I WAS UNCONSCIOUS LITTLE MORE THAN AN INSTANT, for as I lunged forward from the crossbeam to which I had been clinging, and fell wit...

A Change Of Masters
WE MUST HAVE TRAVELED SEVERAL MILES THROUGH the dark and dismal wood when we came suddenly upon a dense village built high among the...

Dian The Beautiful
WHEN OUR GUARDS AROUSED US FROM SLEEP WE were much refreshed. They gave us food. Strips of dried meat it was, but it put new life ...

AS WE DESCENDED THE BROAD STAIRCASE WHICH led to the main avenue of Phutra I caught my first sight of the dominant race of the inner...

The Beginning Of Horror
WITHIN PELLUCIDAR ONE TIME IS AS GOOD AS ANOTHER. There were no nights to mask our attempted escape. All must be done in broad day...

ONCE OUT OF THE DIRECT PATH OF THE ANIMAL, fear of it left me, but another emotion as quickly gripped me--hope of escape that the d...

The Mahar Temple
THE ABORIGINE, APPARENTLY UNINJURED, CLIMBED quickly into the skiff, and seizing the spear with me helped to hold off the infuriated...

The Face Of Death
I MUST HAVE FALLEN ASLEEP FROM EXHAUSTION. When I awoke I was very hungry, and after busying myself searching for fruit for a while...

Phutra Again
I HASTENED TO THE CLIFF EDGE ABOVE JA AND helped him to a secure footing. He would not listen to any thanks for his attempt to save...

Four Dead Mahars
A MOMENT LATER I WAS STANDING BEFORE A DOZEN Mahars--the social investigators of Phutra. They asked me many questions, through a S...

FOR AN INSTANT I STOOD THERE THINKING OF HER, and then, with a sigh, I tucked the book in the thong that supported my loin cloth, an...

The Sly One
THE SAGOTHS WERE GAINING ON US RAPIDLY, FOR once they had sighted us they had greatly increased their speed. On and on we stumbled ...

The Garden Of Eden
WITH NO HEAVENLY GUIDE, IT IS LITTLE WONDER that I became confused and lost in the labyrinthine maze of those mighty hills. What, i...

Back To Earth
WE CROSSED THE RIVER AND PASSED THROUGH THE mountains beyond, and finally we came out upon a great level plain which stretched away ...

Prelude John Carter Comes To Earth
Shea had just beaten me at chess, as usual, and, also as usual, I had gleaned what questionable satisfaction I might by twitting him ...

Tara In A Tantrum
Tara of Helium rose from the pile of silks and soft furs upon which she had been reclining, stretched her lithe body languidly, and c...

At The Gale's Mercy
Tara of Helium did not return to her father's guests, but awaited in her own apartments the word from Djor Kantos which she knew must...

The Headless Humans
Above the roof of the palace that housed the Jed of Gathol and his entourage, the cruiser Vanator tore at her stout moorings. The gro...

As Thuria, swift racer of the night, shot again into the sky the scene changed. As by magic a new aspect fell athwart the face of Nat...

The Perfect Brain
The song that had been upon her lips as she entered died there--frozen by the sight of horror that met her eyes. In the center of the...

In The Toils Of Horror
What the creature had told her gave Tara of Helium food for thought. She had been taught that every created thing fulfilled some usef...

A Repellent Sight
The cruiser Vanator careened through the tempest. That she had not been dashed to the ground, or twisted by the force of the elements...

Close Work
Ghek, in his happier days third foreman of the fields of Luud, sat nursing his anger and his humiliation. Recently something had awak...

Adrift Over Strange Regions
Presently Ghek pushed aside a door that opened from the stairway, and before them Tara saw the moonlight flooding the walled court wh...

Turan the panthan approached the strange city under cover of the darkness. He entertained little hope of finding either food or water...

The Choice Of Tara
The dazzling sunlight of Barsoom clothed Manator in an aureole of splendor as the girl and her captors rode into the city through The...

Ghek Plays Pranks
While Tara of Helium was being led to The Towers of Jetan, Ghek was escorted to the pits beneath the palace where he was imprisoned i...

A Desperate Deed
E-Med crossed the tower chamber toward Tara of Helium and the slave girl, Lan-O. He seized the former roughly by a shoulder. "Stand!"...

At Ghek's Command
Turan the panthan chafed in his chains. Time dragged; silence and monotony prolonged minutes into hours. Uncertainty of the fate of t...

The Old Man Of The Pits
"I shall not desert you, Ghek," said Tara of Helium, simply. "Go! Go!" whispered the kaldane. "You can do me no good. Go, or all I ...

Another Change Of Name
Turan dashed himself against the door of his prison in a vain effort to break through the solid skeel to the side of Tara whom he kne...

A Play To The Death
Clear and sweet a trumpet spoke across The Fields of Jetan. From The High Tower its cool voice floated across the city of Manator and...

A Task For Loyalty
Long and loud was the applause that rose above the Field of Jetan at Manator, as The Keeper of the Towers summoned the two Princesses...

The Menace Of The Dead
The night was still young when there came one to the entrance of the banquet hall where O-Tar of Manator dined with his chiefs, and b...

The Charge Of Cowardice
Gahan, watching through the aperture between the hangings, saw the frantic flight of their pursuers. A grim smile rested upon his lip...

A Risk For Love
"Ey, ey, he is a craven and he called me 'doddering fool'!" The speaker was I-Gos and he addressed a knot of chieftains in one of the...

At The Moment Of Marriage
The silence of the tomb lay heavy about him as O-Tar, Jeddak of Manator, opened his eyes in the chamber of O-Mai. Recollection of the...

The Sword And The Atopen
The conversion of light into electricity by spectrum is an interesting possibility. The idea of using foreign proteins on the ...

The Plant Men
As I stood upon the bluff before my cottage on that clear cold night in the early part of March, 1886, the noble Hudson flowing like...

A Forest Battle
Tars Tarkas and I found no time for an exchange of experiences as we stood there before the great boulder surrounded by the corpses ...

The Chamber Of Mystery
For moments after that awful laugh had ceased reverberating through the rocky room, Tars Tarkas and I stood in tense and expectant s...

It was the sound of conflict that aroused me once more to the realities of life. For a moment I could neither place my surroundings...

Corridors Of Peril
How long I slept upon the floor of the storeroom I do not know, but it must have been many hours. I was awakened with a start by ...

The Black Pirates Of Barsoom
"What is it?" I asked of the girl. For answer she pointed to the sky. I looked, and there, above us, I saw shadowy bodies flitt...

A Fair Goddess
For an instant the black pirate and I remained motionless, glaring into each other's eyes. Then a grim smile curled the handsome li...

The Depths Of Omean
Now I realized why the black pirate had kept me engrossed with his strange tale. For miles he had sensed the approach of succour, a...

Issus Goddess Of Life Eternal
The confession of love which the girl's fright had wrung from her touched me deeply; but it humiliated me as well, since I felt that...

The Prison Isle Of Shador
In the outer gardens to which the guard now escorted me, I found Xodar surrounded by a crowd of noble blacks. They were reviling an...

When Hell Broke Loose
Early the next morning Xodar and I commenced work upon our plans for escape. First I had him sketch upon the stone floor of our cel...

Doomed To Die
For an instant I stood there before they fell upon me, but the first rush of them forced me back a step or two. My foot felt for th...

A Break For Liberty
Xodar listened in incredulous astonishment to my narration of the events which had transpired within the arena at the rites of Issus...

The Eyes In The Dark
My son! I could not believe my ears. Slowly I rose and faced the handsome youth. Now that I looked at him closely I commenced to ...

Flight And Pursuit
I could not have been unconscious more than a few seconds, and yet I know that I was unconscious, for the next thing I realized was ...

Under Arrest
As Carthoris, Xodar, Tars Tarkas, and I stood gazing at the magnificent vessel which meant so much to all of us, we saw a second and...

The Death Sentence
A few moments before the appointed time on the following morning a strong guard of Zat Arras' officers appeared at our quarters to c...

Sola's Story
Once within the palace, I drew Sola to the dining hall, and, when she had greeted her father after the formal manner of the green me...

Black Despair
"Ah," said Zat Arras, "to what kindly circumstance am I indebted for the pleasure of this unexpected visit from the Prince of Helium...

The Air Battle
Two hours after leaving my palace at Helium, or about midnight, Kantos Kan, Xodar, and I arrived at Hastor. Carthoris, Tars Tarkas,...

Through Flood And Flame
Yersted's information convinced me that there was no time to be lost. I must reach the Temple of Issus secretly before the forces un...

Victory And Defeat
"John Carter, John Carter," she sobbed, with her dear head upon my shoulder; "even now I can scarce believe the witness of my own ey...

The Rift
As he dropped the last grisly fragment of the dismembered and mutilated body into the small vat of nitric acid that was to devour ev...

The Heavy Chest
Virginia and Sing were compelled to narrate the adventure of the afternoon a dozen times. The Chinaman was at a loss to understand ...

Beauty And The Beast
One day, about two weeks later, von Horn and the professor were occupied closely with their work in the court of mystery. Developme...

A New Face
As Professor Maxon and von Horn rushed from the workshop to their own campong, they neglected, in their haste, to lock the door betw...

On their return to camp after her rescue Virginia talked a great deal to von Horn about the young giant who had rescued her, until t...

To Kill!
The Rajah Muda Saffir, tiring of the excuses and delays which Bududreen interposed to postpone the fulfillment of his agreement with...

The Bull Whip
As von Horn and Virginia Maxon walked slowly beneath the dense shadows of the jungle he again renewed his suit. It would please him...

The Soul Of Number 13
Scarcely had the Ithaca cleared the reef which lies almost across the mouth of the little harbor where she had been moored for so ma...

Into Savage Borneo
Von Horn cursed the chance that had snatched the girl from him, but he tried to content himself with the thought that the treasure p...

Desperate Chance
The great chest in the bottom of Rajah Muda Saffir's prahu had awakened in other hearts as well as his, blind greed and avarice; so ...

I Am Coming!
The morning following the capture of Virginia Maxon by Muda Saffir, Professor Maxon, von Horn, Sing Lee and the sole surviving lasca...

On the morning that Bulan set out with his three monsters from the deserted long-house in which they had spent the night, Professor ...

Buried Treasure
After the escape of the girl Barunda and Ninaka had fallen out over that affair and the division of the treasure, with the result th...

Man Or Monster?
When Muda Saffir turned from the two Dyaks who had brought him news of the treasure he hastened to the long-house and arousing the c...

Too Late
For a moment the two stood in silence; Bulan tortured by thoughts of the bitter humiliation that he must suffer when the girl should...

Sing Speaks
For a week Professor Maxon with von Horn and Sing sought for Virginia. They could get no help from the natives of the long-house, wh...

999 Priscilla
As the cutter touched the bank the entire party from the long-house, whites and natives, were gathered on the shore to meet it. At ...

Several years had elapsed since I had found the opportunity to do any big-game hunting; for at last I had my plans almost perfected fo...

Lost On Pellucidar
The Arabs, of whom I wrote you at the end of my last letter (Innes began), and whom I thought to be enemies intent only upon murdering...

Traveling With Terror
We made camp there beside the peaceful river. There Perry told me all that had befallen him since I had departed for the outer crust....

Shooting The Chutes And After
Through the fog I felt my way along by means of my compass. I no longer heard the bears, nor did I encounter one within the fog. E...

Friendship And Treachery
The Sari proved a most erratic craft. She might have done well enough upon a park lagoon if safely anchored, but upon the bosom of a ...

But at last the allotted moment arrived--the moment for which I had been trying to prepare myself, for how long I could not even guess...

A Pendent World
The Mahars set me free as they had promised, but with strict injunctions never to approach Phutra or any other Mahar city. They also...

From Plight To Plight
I have never been much of a runner; I hate running. But if ever a sprinter broke into smithereens all world's records it was I that d...

When Goork and his people saw that I had no token they commenced to taunt me. "You do not come from Kolk, but from the Sly One!" th...

Hooja's Cutthroats Appear
I had built a little shelter of rocks and brush where I might crawl in and sleep out of the perpetual light and heat of the noonday su...

The Raid On The Cave-prison
His head was turned over his shoulder as I first saw him--he was looking back toward the village. As I leaped for him his eyes fell ...

Dian glanced downward and shuddered. Her tribe were hill people--they were not accustomed to swimming other than in quiet rivers and ...

I searched about the spot carefully. At last I was rewarded by the discovery of her javelin, a few yards from the bush that had conce...

Racing For Life
At last the sea subsided, and we were able to get a better view of the armada of small boats in our wake. There must have been two hu...

Gore And Dreams
It was a two-masted felucca with lateen sails! The craft was long and low. In it were more than fifty men, twenty or thirty of whom w...

Conquest And Peace
The fleet sailed directly for Hooja's island, coming to anchor at its north-eastern extremity before the flat-topped hill that had bee...

On The Arizona Hills
I am a very old man; how old I do not know. Possibly I am a hundred, possibly more; but I cannot tell because I have never aged as ...

The Escape Of The Dead
A sense of delicious dreaminess overcame me, my muscles relaxed, and I was on the point of giving way to my desire to sleep when the...

My Advent On Mars
I opened my eyes upon a strange and weird landscape. I knew that I was on Mars; not once did I question either my sanity or my wake...

A Prisoner
We had gone perhaps ten miles when the ground began to rise very rapidly. We were, as I was later to learn, nearing the edge of one...

I Elude My Watch Dog
Sola stared into the brute's wicked-looking eyes, muttered a word or two of command, pointed to me, and left the chamber. I could n...

A Fight That Won Friends
The thing, which more nearly resembled our earthly men than it did the Martians I had seen, held me pinioned to the ground with one ...

Child-raising On Mars
After a breakfast, which was an exact replica of the meal of the preceding day and an index of practically every meal which followed...

A Fair Captive From The Sky
The third day after the incubator ceremony we set forth toward home, but scarcely had the head of the procession debouched into the ...

I Learn The Language
As I came back to myself I glanced at Sola, who had witnessed this encounter and I was surprised to note a strange expression upon h...

Champion And Chief
Early the next morning I was astir. Considerable freedom was allowed me, as Sola had informed me that so long as I did not attempt ...

With Dejah Thoris
As we reached the open the two female guards who had been detailed to watch over Dejah Thoris hurried up and made as though to assum...

A Prisoner With Power
As I entered and saluted, Lorquas Ptomel signaled me to advance, and, fixing his great, hideous eyes upon me, addressed me thus: ...

Love-making On Mars
Following the battle with the air ships, the community remained within the city for several days, abandoning the homeward march unti...

A Duel To The Death
My first impulse was to tell her of my love, and then I thought of the helplessness of her position wherein I alone could lighten th...

Sola Tells Me Her Story
When consciousness returned, and, as I soon learned, I was down but a moment, I sprang quickly to my feet searching for my sword, ...

We Plan Escape
The remainder of our journey to Thark was uneventful. We were twenty days upon the road, crossing two sea bottoms and passing throu...

A Costly Recapture
As the speaker ceased he turned to leave the apartment by the door where I was standing, but I needed to wait no longer; I had heard...

Chained In Warhoon
It must have been several hours before I regained consciousness and I well remember the feeling of surprise which swept over me as I...

Battling In The Arena
Slowly I regained my composure and finally essayed again to attempt to remove the keys from the dead body of my former jailer. But ...

In The Atmosphere Factory
For two days I waited there for Kantos Kan, but as he did not come I started off on foot in a northwesterly direction toward a point...

An Air Scout For Zodanga
As I proceeded on my journey toward Zodanga many strange and interesting sights arrested my attention, and at the several farm hous...

I Find Dejah
The major-domo to whom I reported had been given instructions to station me near the person of the jeddak, who, in time of war, is ...

Lost In The Sky
Without effort at concealment I hastened to the vicinity of our quarters, where I felt sure I should find Kantos Kan. As I neared t...

Tars Tarkas Finds A Friend
About noon I passed low over a great dead city of ancient Mars, and as I skimmed out across the plain beyond I came full upon severa...

The Looting Of Zodanga
As the great gate where I stood swung open my fifty Tharks, headed by Tars Tarkas himself, rode in upon their mighty thoats. I led ...

Through Carnage To Joy
Sometime later Tars Tarkas and Kantos Kan returned to report that Zodanga had been completely reduced. Her forces were entirely de...

From Joy To Death
For ten days the hordes of Thark and their wild allies were feasted and entertained, and, then, loaded with costly presents and esco...

At The Arizona Cave
It was dark when I opened my eyes again. Strange, stiff garments were upon my body; garments that cracked and powdered away from me...

Carthoris And Thuvia
Upon a massive bench of polished ersite beneath the gorgeous blooms of a giant pimalia a woman sat. Her shapely, sandalled foot tap...

As the ruler of Ptarth, followed by his courtiers, descended from the landing-stage above the palace, the servants dropped into thei...

The day following the coming of Vas Kor to the palace of the Prince of Helium great excitement reigned throughout the twin cities, ...

A Green Man's Captive
When the light of day broke upon the little craft to whose deck the Princess of Ptarth had been snatched from her father's garden, ...

The Fair Race
Downward along a smooth, broad floor led the strange tunnel, for such Carthoris was now convinced was the nature of the shaft he at ...

The Jeddak Of Lothar
The girl looked her incredulity. "They lay in piles," she murmured. "There were thousands of them but a minute ago." "And now...

The Phantom Bowmen
As Jav leaped toward him Carthoris laid his hand upon the hilt of his long-sword. The Lotharian halted. The great apartment was ...

The Hall Of Doom
As Thuvia of Ptarth saw Carthoris depart from the presence of Tario, leaving her alone with the man, a sudden qualm of terror seized...

The Battle In The Plain
The distance from the bottom of the funnel to the floor of the chamber beneath it could not have been great, for all three of the v...

Kar Komak The Bowman
As Carthoris moved through the forest toward the distant cliffs with Thuvia's hand still tight pressed in his, he wondered a little ...

Green Men And White Apes
A Torquasian sword smote a glancing blow across the forehead of Carthoris. He had a fleeting vision of soft arms about his neck, a...

To Save Dusar
Thuvia of Ptarth, battling for more than life against the lust of Jav, cast a quick glance over her shoulder toward the forest from ...

Turjun The Panthan
The face of Carthoris of Helium gave no token of the emotions that convulsed him inwardly as he heard from the lips of Hal Vas that ...

Kulan Tith's Sacrifice
The morning of the second day of her incarceration in the east tower of the palace of Astok, Prince of Dusar, found Thuvia of Ptarth...

A Glossary Of Names And Terms Used In The Martian Books
Aaanthor. A dead city of ancient Mars. Aisle of Hope. An aisle leading to the court-room in Helium. Apt. An Arctic monster. A...

On The River Iss
In the shadows of the forest that flanks the crimson plain by the side of the Lost Sea of Korus in the Valley Dor, beneath the hurtl...

Under The Mountains
As we advanced up the river which winds beneath the Golden Cliffs out of the bowels of the Mountains of Otz to mingle its dark water...

The Temple Of The Sun
There was nothing for it now other than to fight; nor did I have any advantage as I sprang, sword in hand, into the corridor before ...

The Secret Tower
I have no stomach to narrate the monotonous events of the tedious days that Woola and I spent ferreting our way across the labyrinth...

On The Kaolian Road
If there be a fate that is sometimes cruel to me, there surely is a kind and merciful Providence which watches over me. As I topp...

A Hero In Kaol
It was daylight when I was awakened by the sound of stealthy movement near by. As I opened my eyes Woola, too, moved and, coming ...

New Allies
Surrounded by guardsmen I marched back along the corridors of the palace of Kulan Tith, Jeddak of Kaol, to the great audience chambe...

Through The Carrion Caves
Straight toward the north, day and night, our destination compass led us after the fleeing flier upon which it had remained set sinc...

With The Yellow Men
Thuvan Dihn was not long in joining me; and, though we found the hooked weapon a strange and savage thing with which to deal, the t...

In Durance
The public houses of Barsoom, I have found, vary but little. There is no privacy for other than married couples. Men without the...

The Pit Of Plenty
I did not languish long within the prison of Salensus Oll. During the short time that I lay there, fettered with chains of gold, I ...

The Magnet Switch
The guardsmen paid not the slightest attention to their wards, for the red men could not move over two feet from the great rings to ...

The Tide Of Battle
But solan's last loud cry had not been without effect, for a moment later a dozen guardsmen burst into the chamber, though not befor...

With the realization that Dejah Thoris was no longer within the throneroom came the belated recollection of the dark face that I had...

The New Ruler
The flier upon whose deck Dejah Thoris and I found ourselves after twelve long years of separation proved entirely useless. Her bu...

The Last Evolution
I am the last of my type existing today in all the Solar System. I, too, am the last existing who, in memory, sees the struggle fo...

Hard Guy
He was standing at the side of the glassite super-highway, his arm half-raised, thumb pointed in the same direction as that of the ...

The Perfectionists
Is there something wrong with you? Do you fail to fit in with your group? Nervous, anxious, ill-at-ease? Happy about it? Luc...

Figures Don't Lie
The North Pole! That spot upon earth so environed with trackless fields of unbroken snow and mountains of ice; with an atmosphere so...

Two Men Resolve To Go Picnicking
One afternoon, the Doctor being at leisure, he and Denison talked long and earnestly of their never-failing theme, the aluminum glob...

Mrs Jones Offers Some Objections
But Dr. Jones met great opposition in a quarter that was not so easily disposed of. He had a wife. Mrs. Jones was a very intelligent...

Mrs Jones Dictates Terms
Several months have passed since the meeting recorded in our last chapter. The enthusiasm of the three men (for Marsh was now a memb...

The Government Joins The Picnickers
Not many days later found our friends comfortably located in a hotel in the national capital. The Doctor was quite well acquainted w...

Off On A Shoreless Sea
About the middle of April appeared the following in one of the leading papers: "Last night our citizens, and a tremendous overflo...

A Gunpowder Tea-party
Nothing could be completer nor daintier than the cabin and its furnishings, divisions, and subdivisions. The rooms of necessity were...

Relating How The Beautiful Picnic Progressed
Shortly before six o'clock all arose. The Doctor and his wife, at her earnest solicitation, ascended to the observatory to witness t...

In The Heart Of Labrador
The central room of the cabin was called the 'engine room.' It was fifteen feet square, with a hole three feet in diameter in one co...

A Messenger From The Skies
Mrs. Jones and Mattie had found Jennie to be a lovely, intelligent, and more than ordinarily educated girl. While unused to society,...

Is The World Growing Better?
Before daylight on the following morning they descended to breakfast. Mrs. Barton had enjoyed a comfortable night, and Dr. Jones exp...

Greenland's Icy Mountains And The Russian Bear
Upon the morning of the third day from Constance House the wind shifted almost due west. Silver Cloud was in latitude 65 deg., longi...

Beauty And The Beast
On the following morning all were up early, and enjoyed a long walk before breakfast in the park. They did not see the Count until b...

Doctor Jones Commits Treason
As they met at the breakfast table next morning, they found the Count joyous and jubilant. Feodora had spent a comparatively comfort...

A Model Teacher And Ideal Student
The days and weeks flew swiftly by. The fame of the great air-ship spread far and wide, and thousands of visitors came to inspect it...

The Count Steps Over The Line
The Silver Cloud's crew, if we may so term it, had busied themselves in various ways, according to their several dispositions and be...

Farewell To Beauty And The Beast
The royal patient slept soundly until eight o'clock the following morning, or six consecutive hours. This was so entirely new and d...

Woman Locates The North Pole
Silver Cloud hastened on with the favoring gale from the balmy South. By noon the coast of Franz Joseph Land could be seen. They wer...

The Planting Of The Flagstaff
The whole of the party now shouted--Sing always excepted. That individual was strictly attending to his business in the kitchen duri...

Battle Of Missionary Ridge And Lookout Mountain
Will had not neglected to take numerous photographs of Summit Island, the flag and staff; and with his kodak he had stepped outside ...

Things Material And Spiritual
The wind continued all night as last noted, and Silver Cloud, without a tremor or swaying motion of any kind, was scurrying across t...

Familiar Scenes And Faces
Silver Cloud was wafted by a gentle breeze to the center of Lower Michigan. For two or three hours after sunrise there was nearly a ...

The World At The Feet Of Doctor Jones
The following morning our friends were up be-times and were soon engaged in the busiest day of their lives. The wind was still unfav...

Ho! For The South Pole!
Silver Cloud, meantime, had been returned to the place of her birth, the great iron works upon the Potomac river. Another shapely th...

Alarm Clock
Most useful high explosives, like ammonium nitrate, are enormously violent ... once they're triggered. But they will rema...

Final Weapon
Man has developed many a deadly weapon. Today, the weapon most effective in destroying a man's hopes and security is the file ...

The best way to keep a secret is to publish it in a quite unbelievable form--and insist that it is the truth. Elwar Forell ...

There are devices a high-level culture could produce that simply don't belong in the hands of incompetents of lower cultural ...

Egocentric Orbit
It took a long time for human beings to accept that our little piece of meteoric rubble wasn't the exact and absolute center of ...

The Guardians
It's not always "The Truth shall set you free!" Sometimes it's "Want of the Truth shall drive you to escape!" And that can be dange...

They were languorous, anarchic, shameless in their pleasures ... were they lower than man ... or higher? Over the cabin 'phone, ...

A Choice Of Miracles
You're down in the jungle with death staring you in the face. There is nothing left but prayer. So you ask for your life. But wait! Ar...

The Universe A Mistake!
"The Universe is a mistake!" Thus spake Herbert Brande, a passenger on the Majestic, making for Queenstown Harbour, one evening e...

A Strange Experiment
Soon after my arrival in London, I called on Brande, at the address he had given me in Brook Street. He received me with the pleasan...

It Is Good To Be Alive
Amongst the letters lying on my breakfast-table a few days after the meeting was one addressed in an unfamiliar hand. The writing wa...

George Delany Deceased
"It is a good thing to be alive," Natalie Brande repeated slowly, gazing, as it were, far off through her half-closed eyelids. Then ...

The Murder Club
"Delany was the last man who quitted us--you see I use your expression again. I like it," Brande said quietly, watching me as he spo...

A Telepathic Telegram
I left the room and hurried outside without any positive plan for my movements. My brain was in such a whirl I could form no connect...

As to protecting Natalie Brande from her brother and the fanatics with whom he associated, it was now plain that I was powerless. An...

The Woking Mystery
She knew all. Then she was a murderess--or in sympathy with murderers. My arms fell from her. I drew back shuddering. I dared not lo...

Cui Bono?
When I arrived at the Society's rooms on the evening for which I had an invitation, I found them pleasantly lighted. The various sci...

Force A Remedy
"Get me out of this, I am stifled--ill," Miss Metford said, in a low voice to me. As we were hurrying from the room, Brande and h...

Morituri Te Salutant
We had been sitting on deck chairs smoking and talking for a couple of hours after the late dinner, which was served as soon as the ...

No Death Save In Life
For some days afterwards our voyage was uneventful, and the usual shipboard amusements were requisitioned to while away the tedious ...

Miss Metford's Plan
We coaled at Port Said like any ordinary steamer. Although I had more than once made the Red Sea voyage, I had never before taken th...

Rockingham To The Sharks
At one o'clock in the morning I arose, dressed hurriedly, drew on a pair of felt slippers, and put a revolver in my pocket. It was t...

If Not Too Late!
When I came on deck next morning the coast of Arabia was rising, a thin thread of hazy blue between the leaden grey of the sea and t...

L5000 To Detain The Ship
Brande was asleep when I entered his cabin. His writing-table was covered with scraps of paper on which he had been scribbling. My n...

This Earth Shall Die
My memory does not serve me well in the scenes which immediately preceded the closing of the drama in which Brande was chief actor. ...

The Flight
I led the girls hurriedly to the horses. When they were mounted on the ponies, I gave the bridle-reins of the bay horse--whose size ...

The Catastrophe
The Esmeralda was putting out to sea when I thought of a last expedient to draw the attention of her captain. Filling my revolver wi...

Taking up my girl's body in my arms, I stumbled over the wreck-encumbered deck, and bore it to the state-room she had occupied on t...

The Coming Of The Light
The first of the new meteors landed on the earth in November, 1940. It was discovered by a farmer in his field near Brookline, Massa...

The Unknown Enemy
When, in February, 1941, Professor James Newland issued this remarkable statement, my paper sent me at once to interview him. He was...

The Landing Of The Invaders
March 8, 1941, was the date at which Mercury was again to be in inferior conjunction--at her closest point to the earth since her tr...

The Meeting
Professor Newland and his family were living in seclusion in their Florida home at the time the Mercutian invaders landed in Wyoming...

When I recovered consciousness I found myself lying in the sand with Mercer sitting beside me. It was still night. The tangled wreck...

The girl stood quiet beside the tree, watching Alan as he tied up his boat. She continued smiling. Alan stood up and faced her. He w...

The Mercutian Camp
As I saw Mercer fall to the floor of the porch a sudden rage swept over me. I struggled violently with the three men pinning me down...

The Escape
The Mercutians all regarded me curiously as we came among them. By the respect they accorded Tao, and his attitude toward them, I de...

Futile Attacks
There seemed to be no pursuit. In a few moments I was clear of the camp and hidden in the darkness of the desert. I ran perhaps half...

Miela's Story
When I reached the little Florida town Alan was there to meet me. He would have none of my eager questions, but took me at once by l...

To Save The World
Two days later Alan and Miela were quietly married in Bay Head. She still wore the long cloak, and no one could have suspected she w...

The Landing On Mercury
(Narrative continued by Alan Newland.) With hardly more than a perceptible tremor our strange vehicle came to rest upon the sur...

The Captive Earth-man
As we came out of the valley I had my first view of the Great City. It occupied a huge, mound-shaped circular mountain which rose al...

The Ruler Of The Light Country
However pleased the newcomer was to see me, I had no difficulty in assuring him with equal truth that my feelings matched his. The f...

The Mountain Conclave
"It is reasonable," Miela said thoughtfully. "And that our women will help as you say--of that I am sure." We were gathered in th...

The Fire Planet
I think I should explain now a little about the physical conformation of Mercury--the "lay of the land," so to speak--in order that ...

The Fight At The Bayou
Miela proceeded to explain our plan in detail to these fifteen hundred enthusiastic allies. It was my idea to build several platform...

There seemed to be five of our captors, all of them as evil-looking men as I think I have ever seen. They rummaged about the room, e...

The New Ruler
The solemn bell continued pealing out its knell; the shouts and tumult outside were growing louder. Miela spoke hurriedly to the old...

In The Twilight Country
Mercer sat on the rear end of the platform and waved good-by vigorously as he was carried swiftly up and out over the water. Under h...

Another Light-ray!
The news that Mercer and Anina had been left in the Twilight Country completely dumfounded Miela and me. "Something was wrong," Merc...

The Theft Of The Light-ray
The touch of soft, cool hands on his face brought Mercer back to sudden consciousness. He opened his eyes; Anina was sitting beside ...

The Storm
On the little stern seat of the boat Mercer and Anina sat side by side, the girl steering by a small tiller that lay between them. T...

The Water City
It had stopped raining; the sky overhead was luminous with diffused sunlight; the scene that lay before Mercer was plainly visible. ...

Preparations For War
The months that followed were the busiest, I think, of my life. I began by a complete reorganization of this government of which I f...

The Battle
We swept out over the Great City, flying in the battle-formation we had used many times before on our trips about the country. Merce...

The Siege Of The Lone City
Our losses totaled nearly a hundred and fifty girls. We brought back with us on the platforms but six wounded. I shall never forget ...

The End Of Tao
The scene of desolation that met us in the Lone City was at once extraordinary and awesome. It seemed impossible that our rays, acti...

The Return
There is but little more to add. With the death of Tao and the changing of the law concerning the virgins' wings, my mission on Merc...

It seemed Earth was a rich, and undefended planet in a warring, hating galaxy. Things can be deceptive though; children playing can...

Monkey On His Back
Under the cloud of cast-off identities lay the shape of another man-- was it himself? He was walking endlessly...

Dead World
Out on the ice-buried planet, Commander Red Stone led his Free Companions to almost certain death. They died for a dangerous dream ...

Elusive Truth
It was the Chicago Tribune of June 13th, 189-, which contained this paragraph under the head-line: "Big Broker Missing!" "The ...

Dr Hermann Anderwelt
I had been busy all day trying to swarm the bees and secure my honey. The previous day had been February 29th, a date which doesn't ...

The Gravity Projectile
Hermann Anderwelt had probably suffered many disappointments and waited long for a hearing. Now he seemed to feel that his opportuni...

Structure Of The Projectile
A few weeks later I received a letter from Dr. Anderwelt asking me to call at his rooms on the West Side that afternoon, as soon as ...

What Is On Mars?
"I only wish you would come along with me," replied the doctor. "I have no idea what intelligent, educated person I can persuade to ...

Final Preparations
On the tenth day of June, Dr. Anderwelt had written me as follows: "Please catch the 7.25 train on the Lake Shore for Whiting ...

Farewell To Earth
The next day I quietly bought in my wheat, and told Flynn I was thinking of taking a little vacation. I said I was worn out fighting...

The Terrors Of Light
I was weary from the trials of the day on Earth, and fell asleep easily. It was the red sunlight streaming in at the port-hole that ...

The Valley Of The Shadow
"Light! Where have you seen any light?" "I saw the Earth begin to shine like a New Moon on the eastern edge, but----" "Ah, tha...

Tricks Of Refraction
The doctor figured out that we should be quite insensible to any weight when we were seventy-five thousand miles from the Earth. At ...

The Twilight Of Space
"Shall I come up into your compartment for the operation?" I asked. "No; for this first time we will pump out my compartment, as I...

Telling The Time By Geography
After supper I went up into his compartment, and having arranged the bulkhead, began the tedious operation at the pump handle. It wa...

Space Fever
We counted seven successive returns of the peaks of the Andes, and being by that time certainly six million miles from the Earth, we...

The Mystery Of A Minus Weight
It was the doctor himself who gave the name Space Fever (now so generally adopted) to the peculiar malady from which he suffered in ...

Why Mars Gives A Red Light
Our telescope was now pointed exactly at Mars, and we were observing every feature as we approached him. Compared with the illuminat...

The Terror Birds
"They must have thought the projectile was another chunk fallen from Phobos!" I exclaimed; "and now they can't make out why it shoul...

The Armies Of Mars
As the two returning birds passed the marching soldiers, their riders evidently delivered some message to the captains, for the sold...

The Strange Bravery Of Miss Blank
Telescope, rifles, and shields were tumbled into the projectile pell-mell, and without stopping to close the port-hole, we steered ...

Zaphnath Ruler Of The Kemi
Two hieroglyph-bearing columns of red sandstone, strong and broad enough to have supported a Tower of Babel, formed the portals of t...

The Iron Men From The Blue Star
Returning from Long Breath, I could not but notice the entire subsidence of the terror, which had previously been so marked, and the...

Parallel Planetary Life
I was sleeping soundly on my deliciously soft heap of downy pillows, when in the early morning I was awakened by a pounding on the d...

A Plagiarist Of Dreams
Being unable to sleep, I arose early to get the refreshment of a morning walk. I passed quietly through the next room, where the doc...

Getting Into The Corner
The doctor's new official position carried with it the use of a spacious, rambling dwelling, situated just inside the gate where we ...

Humanity On Ptah
The magnificent abundance of the seventh great harvest, which ripened late in the year of our arrival, attracted a multitude of both...

Revolutionist And Eavesdropper
In Kem, where agriculture was almost the only occupation, and where the ox was helpful both in planting and threshing the grain, it ...

The Doctor Disappears
Hotep saw that he was ruined, and he went to fall down before Pharaoh and beg for mercy. The monarch, not having the courage of his ...

The Revelation Of Hotep
I was not a little surprised to see that they carried me to the same ante-room in the palace which I had occupied on coming to Kem. ...

Above him eighty feet of torpid, black water hung like a shroud of Death, and still he heard his ragged breathing. And something...

The Radiant Shell
"And that, gentlemen," said the Secretary of War, "is the situation. Arvania has stolen the Ziegler plans and formulae. With the...

The Challenge Of The Mound
It was a curious, somehow weird-looking thing, that mound. About a yard in height and three and a half in diameter, it squatted in t...

The Pact
"What are we going to do to-night?" asked Jim. Dennis looked quizzically at his big friend. Jim was pacing restlessly up and down...

Ant-sized Men
Next morning, at scarcely more than daybreak, Jim and Denny stood, stripped and ready for the dread experiment, beside Matthew Breen...

The Raid
Bewilderedly, they looked around them. Ahead of them, barely to be seen for the trunks of giant trees intervening, was a smoothly...

On along the tunnel they went. And as they progressed, Dennis got the answer to something that had troubled him a great deal before ...

In The Food Room
Restlessly, Jim paced back and forth in the narrow dank cell. At the doorway the two guards opened and closed their jaws, regularly,...

Clinging Brown Stuff
Bemused, appalled, the two gazed at this almost disembodied brain that held them captive. It continued to come steadily toward them,...

The Coming Of The Soldiers
For a moment Jim was handicapped in fleetness and agility by the fact that his arms were hampered. But the two hideous guards, thoug...

The Cannibalistic Orgy
At first Jim and Dennis could only comprehend the numbers of the foe--could only grip their bars and resolve to die as expensively a...

The Termite Queen
The slope of the upward-leading tunnels had become less noticeable, from which fact the two men reasoned hopefully that they were ne...

Back To Normal
"I think," said Jim, loading his pipe, "that now I really will settle down. No other adventures could seem like much after the one"-...

The Circuit Riders
On the Board, they were just little lights that glowed. But out there in the night of the city-jungle, they represented ...

The Gift Bearer
By CHARLES L. FONTENAY This could well have been Montcalm's greatest opportunity; a chance to bring mankind priceless gifts fro...

The Jupiter Weapon
He was a living weapon of destruction--immeasurably powerful, utterly invulnerable. There was only one question: Wa...

A Transmutation Of Muddles
An experienced horse-trader, bargain-haggler, and general swapper has a very special talent for turning two headaches into one aspiri...

The Eternal Wall
A scream of brakes, the splash into icy waters, a long descent into alkaline depths ... it was death. But Ned Vince lived again--a ...

After A Few Words
This is a science-fiction story. History is a science; the other part is, as all Americans know, the most fictional fi...

But I Don't Think
As every thinking man knows, every slave always yearns for the freedom his master denies him... "But, gentlemen," ...

By Proxy
By DAVID GORDON It's been said that the act of creation is a solitary thing--that teams never create; only individuals. But some...

Card Trick
The game was stud. There were seven at the table, which makes for good poker. Outside of Nick, who...

Cum Grano Salis
Just because a man can do something others can't does not, unfortunately, mean he knows how to do it. One man could eat the native fr...

Damned If You Don't
You can and you can't; You will and you won't. You'll be damn'd if you do; You'll be damn'...

Dead Giveaway
Logic's a wonderful thing; by logical analysis, one can determine the necessary reason for the existence of a dead city of a very hi...

The Destroyers
Anketam stretched his arms out as though he were trying to embrace the whole world. He pushed himself up on his tiptoes, arched ...

Hail To The Chief
The tumult in Convention Hall was a hurricane of sound that lashed at a sea of human beings that surged and eddied around the broa...

Heist Job On Thizar
In the future, we may discover new planets; our ships may rocket to new worlds; robots may be smarter than people. But we'll still ha...

The Highest Treason

The Prisoner
The two rooms were not luxurious, but MacMaine hadn't expected that they would be. The walls were a flat metallic gray, unadorned an...

The Decision
Colonel Sebastian MacMaine didn't feel, that morning, as though this day were different from any other. The sun, faintly veiled by a...

The Escape
"Are you sure you understand, Tallis?" MacMaine asked in Kerothic. The alien general nodded emphatically. "Perfectly. Your Kerothi...

The Traitor
Convincing the Kerothi that he was in earnest was more difficult than MacMaine had at first supposed. He had done his best, and now,...

The Strategy
General Sebastian MacMaine, sometime Colonel of Earth's Space Force, and presently a General of the Kerothi Fleet, looked at the arr...

The Results
"I don't understand it," said General Polan Tallis worriedly. "Where are they coming from? How are they doing it? What's happened?" ...

The Reason
"Let me ask you one thing, Tallis," MacMaine said. "Would you do anything in your power to save Keroth from destruction? Anything, n...

-and Epilogue
"Hold it!" The voice bellowed thunderingly from the loud-speakers of the six Earth ships that had boxed in the derelict. "Hold it! Don...

In Case Of Fire
There are times when a broken tool is better than a sound one, or a twisted personality more useful than a whole one. For instance,...

The Judas Valley
Why did everybody step off the ship in this strange valley and promptly drop dead? How could a well-equipped corps of tou...

Hated Mars
"I want you to put me in prison!" the big, hairy man said in a trembling voice. He was addressing his re...

The Measure Of A Man
What is desirable is not always necessary, while that which is necessary may be most undesirable. Perhaps the me...

The Penal Cluster
Tomorrow's technocracy will produce more and more things for better living. It will produce other things, also; among them, cr...

A Spaceship Named Mcguire
The basic trouble with McGuire was that, though "he" was a robot spaceship, nevertheless "he" had a definite weakness th...

A Spaceship Named Mcguire
The basic trouble with McGuire was that, though "he" was a robot spaceship, nevertheless "he" had a definite weakness th...

If it "takes a thief to catch a thief" ... what does it take to catch a psi-gifted thief? What do you ha...

What The Left Hand Was Doing
There is no lie so totally convincing as something the other fellow already knows-for-sure is the truth. And no cover-story so convin...

Master Of None
The advantages of specialization are so obvious that, today, we don't even know how to recognize a competent syncretist! ...

The Nothing Equation
The cruiser vanished back into hyperspace and he was alone in the observation bubble, ten thousand light-years beyond the galaxy's ...

The Golden Judge
A suggestion and a highly intriguing one--on how to settle the problems that involve face-saving among nations! UNITED NATIONS, N...

The Gallery
Aunt Matilda needed him desperately, but when he arrived she did not want him and neither did anyone else in his home to...

If Nature suddenly began to behave differently, what we consider obvious and elementary today might become--unthinkable....

A World Called Crimson
When the starship Star of Fire collided with a meteor swarm six parsecs stellar north of the galactic hub in the year A.D. 2278, i...

Prologue A Race For A Woman
In Clifden, the chief coast town of Connemara, there is a house at the end of a triangle which the two streets of the town form, the...

A Momentous Experiment
On the first day of July, 1908, a scene which was destined to become historic took place in the great Lecture Theatre in the Imperia...

Norah's Good-bye
The scene had shifted back from the royal city of Potsdam to the little coast town in Connemara. John Castellan was sitting on a cor...

Seen Under The Moon
It was a few minutes after four bells on a grey morning in November 1909 that Lieutenant-Commander Francis Erskine, in command of hi...

The Shadow Of The Terror
By a curious coincidence which, as events proved, was to have some serious consequences, almost at the same moment that Commander Er...

A Glimpse Of The Doom
After dinner Lennard excused himself, saying that he wanted to make a few more calculations; and then he got outside and lit his pip...

The Note Of War
The Official Gazette, published November the 25th, 1909, contained the following announcement:-- "Naval Promotions. Lieute...

The events of that memorable night formed a most emphatic contradiction to the prophecy in Macaulay's "Armada": "Such nigh...

First Blood
When they got to the end of the Railway Pier where the pinnace was lying panting and puffing, a Flag-Lieutenant touched his cap to E...

The Flying Fish Appears
A huge, black shape loomed up into the moonlight. As she came nearer Lennard could see that the vessel carried a big mast forward wi...

First Blows From The Air
The Flying Fish, the prototype of the extraordinary craft which played such a terrible part in the invasion of England, was a magnif...

The Tragedy Of The Two Squadrons
It takes a good deal to shake the nerves of British naval officer or seaman, but those on board the ships of the Spithead Squadron w...

How London Took The News
The awaking of England on the morning of the twenty-sixth of November was like the awaking of a man from a nightmare. Everyone who s...

A Crime And A Mistake
When the destruction of the forts and the sinking of the battleships at Portsmouth had been accomplished, John Castellan made about ...

The Eve Of Battle
In twenty minutes the Ithuriel ran alongside the Britain, which was one of the five most formidable battleships in existence. For fi...

The Strife Of Giants
As it happened, it was a fine, cold wintry day that dawned as the two great fleets drew towards each other. As Denis Castellan said,...

How The French Landed At Portsmouth
All the ships able to take their place in the fighting-line were left outside. The French prisoners were disembarked and their place...

Away From The Warpath
When Lennard entered the little drawing-room in the house in Westbourne Terrace, where Norah Castellan and her aunt were staying, he...

A Glimpse Of The Peril
The morning was spent in a general overhaul of the observatory and the laboratory in which Lennard had discovered and perfected the ...

A Change Of Scene
The Ithuriel had orders to call at Folkestone and Dover in order to report the actual state of affairs there to the Commander-in-Chi...

The Night Of Terror Begins
Denis Castellan had put the situation tersely, but with a considerable amount of accuracy. Earth and sea and sky were ablaze with sw...

And Ends
The defenders of Dover, terribly as they had suffered, and hopeless as the defence really now seemed to be, were still not a little ...

About eight o'clock, as the half-wrecked victors and vanquished were slowly struggling into the half-ruined harbour, five winged sha...

The Other Campaign Begins
It was on the day following the destruction of Dover that the news of the actual landing of the French and German forces had really ...

Tom Bowcock Pitman
Lennard found himself standing outside the Trinity Street Station at Bolton a few minutes after six that evening. Of course it wa...

Preparing For Action
The next day was a busy one, not only for Lennard himself but for others whose help he had come to enlist in the working out of the ...

The First Bombardment Of London
When Lennard got out of the train at St Pancras that evening, he found such a sight as until a day or so ago no Londoner had ever dr...

Lennard's Ultimatum
Within five minutes they were seated in the big Napier, with ninety horse-power under them, and a possibility of eighty miles an hou...

Concerning Astronomy And Oysters
In spite of the bold front that he had assumed during the interview, the strain, not exactly of superstition but rather of supernatu...

The Lion Wakes
At daybreak on the nineteenth, to the utter amazement of everyone who was not "in the know," the Imperial yacht, Hohenzollern, was f...

Mr Parmenter Says
Happily for the defenders of Britain the fleet of aerial submarines, from which so much had been expected for offensive purposes dur...

John Castellan's Threat
Lennard's first feelings after the receipt of Mr Parmenter's cablegram, and the casting of the vast mass of metal which was to form ...

A Vigil In The Night
Although Lennard had always recognised the possibility of such a catastrophe as that which John Castellan threatened, and had even t...

Mr Parmenter Returns
Just at the north of the summit on the top of which the observatory was built there was an oval valley, or perhaps it might be bette...

The Auriole
"All aboard, I think, Captain Roker," said Mr Parmenter, as he walked last to the top of the gangway ladder, and stood square-footed...

The Auriole Hoists The White Ensign
Rather to Mr Parmenter's surprise his first interview "with a real king" was rather like other business interviews that he had had; ...

A Parley At Aldershot
Lord Kitchener had probably never had so bitter an experience as he had when the Auriole began to slow down over the plain of Alders...

The Verdict Of Science
Although the Tsar had made trips with John Castellan in the Flying Fish, he had never had quite such an aerial experience as his tri...

Waiting For Doom
This was the all-important news which the inhabitants of every town which possessed a well-informed newspaper read the next morning....

The Last Fight
It so happened that on the first night the German Emperor saw the comet without the aid of a telescope he was attacked by one of tho...

Arbuthnot Describes Himself
I suppose that I, Humphrey Arbuthnot, should begin this history in which Destiny has caused me to play so prominent a part, with som...

Bastin And Bickley
Behold me once more a man without an occupation, but now the possessor of about L900,000. It was a very considerable fortune, if not...

Now what Bastin had said about marriage stuck in my mind as his blundering remarks had a way of doing, perhaps because of the grain ...

Death And Departure
Now I must tell of my own terrible sorrow, which turned my life to bitterness and my hopes to ashes. Never were a man and a woman...

The Cyclone
We enjoyed our voyage exceedingly. In Egypt, a land I was glad to revisit, we only stopped a week while the Star of the South, which...

At last the electric light really went out. I had looked at my watch just before this happened and wound it up, which, Bickley remar...

The Orofenans
To our shame we had a very pleasant supper that night off the grilled fish, which was excellent, and some tinned meat. I say to our ...

Bastin Attempts The Martyr's Crown
That carved stone and the marble hand took a great hold of my imagination. What did they mean? How could they have come to the botto...

The Island In The Lake
We made the canoe fast and landed on the great rock, to perceive that it was really a peninsula. That is to say, it was joined to th...

The Dwellers In The Tomb
By now it was drawing towards sunset, so we made such preparations as we could for the night. One of these was to collect dry driftw...

We reached the sepulchre without stopping to look at the parked machines or even the marvelous statue that stood above it, for what ...

Two Hundred And Fifty Thousand Years!
"You seem to have made the best of your time, old fellow," said Bickley in rather a sour voice. "I never knew people begin to cal...

Oro Speaks And Bastin Argues
The reader of what I have written, should there ever be such a person, may find the record marvelous, and therefore rashly conclude ...

The Under-world
That night we slept well and without fear, being quite certain that after their previous experience the Orofenans would make no furt...

Oro In His House
We climbed on to the dais by some marble steps, and sat ourselves down in four curious chairs of metal that were more or less copied...

Visions Of The Past
She led us to the back of the statue and pointed to each of us where we should remain. Then she took her place at right angles to us...

Yva Explains
When I reached the rock I was pleased to find Marama and about twenty of his people engaged in erecting the house that we had ordere...

The Accident
Bickley did return, having recovered his temper, since after all it was impossible for anyone to remain angry with the Lady Yva for ...

The Proposals Of Bastin And Bickley
So far as my body was concerned I grew well with great rapidity, though it was long before I got back my strength. Thus I could not ...

Oro And Arbuthnot Travel By Night
As time went on, Oro began to visit me more and more frequently, till at last scarcely a night went by that he did not appear myster...

Love's Eternal Altar
Now of all these happenings I said very little to Bastin and Bickley. The former would not have understood them, and the latter attr...

The Command
I think that both Bastin and Bickley, by instinct as it were, knew what had passed between Yva and myself and that she had promised ...

In The Temple Of Fate
Yva glanced at me, and in her eyes I read tenderness and solicitude, also something of inquiry. It seemed to me as though she were w...

The Chariot Of The Pit
Oro came and of necessity alone. Yet there was that in his air as he advanced into the temple, which suggested a monarch surrounded ...

"The air in this place must be charged with some form of electricity, but the odd thing is that it does not seem to harm us," said B...

I lay still a while, on my back as I had fallen, and beneath the shield-like defence which Yva had given to me. Notwithstanding the ...

Bastin Discovers A Resemblance
There is little more to tell. Shortly after our return Bickley, like a patriotic Englishman, volunteered for service at the front...

A Scientist Rises
"The face of the giant was indeed that of a god...." On that summer day the sky over New York was unflecked by clouds, and...

The Stars My Brothers
He was afraid--not of the present or the future, but of the past. He was afraid of the thing tagged Reed Kieran, that stiff bl...

The Undersea Tube
If my friend the engineer had not told me the Tube was dangerous, I would not have bought a ticket on that fatal night, and the wo...

The Repairman
Being an interstellar trouble shooter wouldn't be so bad ... if I could shoot the trouble! The Old Man had that look of...

Toy Shop
Because there were few adults in the crowd, and Colonel "Biff" Hawton stood over six feet tall, he could see every detail of the demo...

Operation Haystack
It's hard to ferret out a gang of fanatics; it would, obviously, be even harder to spot a genetic line of dedicated men. But the p...

The Finding Of The Manuscript
Right away in the west of Ireland lies a tiny hamlet called Kraighten. It is situated, alone, at the base of a low hill. Far around th...

The Plain Of Silence
I am an old man. I live here in this ancient house, surrounded by huge, unkempt gardens. The peasantry, who inhabit the wilderness ...

The House In The Arena
And so, after a time, I came to the mountains. Then, the course of my journey was altered, and I began to move along their bases, unti...

The Earth
Thus I was, and only the memory that I had lived through the dark, once before, served to sustain my thoughts. A great time passed--ag...

The Thing In The Pit
This house is, as I have said before, surrounded by a huge estate, and wild and uncultivated gardens. Away at the back, distant som...

The Swine-things
It was evening, a week later. My sister sat in the garden, knitting. I was walking up and down, reading. My gun leant up against the w...

The Attack
I spent some time, puzzling how to strengthen the study door. Finally, I went down to the kitchen, and with some trouble, brought up s...

After The Attack
It was now about three a.m., and, presently, the Eastern sky began to pale with the coming of dawn. Gradually, the day came, and, by i...

In The Cellars
At last, what with being tired and cold, and the uneasiness that possessed me, I resolved to take a walk through the house; first call...

The Time Of Waiting
The sun was now warm, and shining brightly, forming a wondrous contrast to the dark and dismal cellars; and it was with comparatively ...

The Searching Of The Gardens
How slowly the time went; and never a thing to indicate that any of the brutes still infested the gardens. It was on the ninth day ...

The Subterranean Pit
Another week came and went, during which I spent a great deal of my time about the Pit mouth. I had come to the conclusion a few days ...

The Trap In The Great Cellar
I suppose I must have swooned; for, the next thing I remember, I opened my eyes, and all was dusk. I was lying on my back, with one le...

The Sea Of Sleep
For a considerable period after the last incident which I have narrated in my diary, I had serious thoughts of leaving this house, and...

The Noise In The Night
And now, I come to the strangest of all the strange happenings that have befallen me in this house of mysteries. It occurred quite la...

The Awakening
I awoke, with a start. For a moment, I wondered where I was. Then memory came to me.... The room was still lit with that strange li...

The Slowing Rotation
It might have been a million years later, that I perceived, beyond possibility of doubt, that the fiery sheet that lit the world, was ...

The Green Star
The world was held in a savage gloom--cold and intolerable. Outside, all was quiet--quiet! From the dark room behind me, came the occa...

The End Of The Solar System
From the abutment, where once had been the windows, through which I had watched that first, fatal dawn, I could see that the sun was h...

The Celestial Globes
For a while, many thoughts crowded my mind, so that I was unable to do aught, save stare, blindly, before me. I seemed whelmed in a se...

The Dark Sun
How long our souls lay in the arms of joy, I cannot say; but, all at once, I was waked from my happiness, by a diminution of the pale ...

The Dark Nebula
Years melted into the past, centuries, aeons. The light of the incandescent star, sank to a furious red. It was later, that I saw t...

I was seated in my chair, back again in this old study. My glance wandered 'round the room. For a minute, it had a strange, quivery a...

The Footsteps In The Garden
Pepper is dead! Even now, at times, I seem scarcely able to realize that this is so. It is many weeks, since I came back from that str...

The Thing From The Arena
This morning, early, I went through the gardens; but found everything as usual. Near the door, I examined the path, for footprints; ye...

The Luminous Speck
I awake suddenly. It is still dark. I turn over, once or twice, in my endeavors to sleep again; but I cannot sleep. My head is aching,...

I put down the Manuscript, and glanced across at Tonnison: he was sitting, staring out into the dark. I waited a minute; then I spoke....

Advanced Chemistry
There is a lot of entertainment and also a great deal of truth in this story. We recommend it highly. Professor Carbonic was ...

Tight Squeeze
He knew the theory of repairing the gizmo all right. He had that nicely taped. But there was the litt...

She was a young, enthusiastic worker for the Welfare Department. She liked helping people ... only she really-but-good h...

Get Out Of Our Skies!
On the first cloudy day in November, Tom Blacker, the shining light of Ostreich and Company, Public Relations Counsellors, pla...

The Great Forest
The old men say their fathers told them that soon after the fields were left to themselves a change began to be visible. It became g...

Wild Animals
When the ancients departed, great numbers of their cattle perished. It was not so much the want of food as the inability to endure e...

Men Of The Woods
So far as this, all that I have stated has been clear, and there can be no doubt that what has been thus handed down from mouth to m...

The Invaders
Those who live by agriculture or in towns, and are descended from the remnant of the ancients, are divided, as I have previously sai...

The Lake
There now only remains the geography of our country to be treated of before the history is commenced. Now the most striking differen...

Sir Felix
On a bright May morning, the sunlight, at five o'clock, was pouring into a room which face the east at the ancestral home of the Aqu...

The House Of Aquila
Presently there came the sound of a creaking axle, which grew louder and louder as the waggon drew nearer, till it approached a shri...

The Stockade
When Oliver and Felix started, they left Philip, the third and youngest of the three brothers, still at breakfast. They turned to th...

The Canoe
Felix had scarcely worked half an hour before Oliver returned and threw himself on the ground at full length. He had wearied of fish...

Baron Aquila
Felix's own position was bitter in the extreme. He felt he had talent. He loved deeply, he knew that he was in turn as deeply belove...

The Forest Track
When the canoe was finished, Oliver came to help Felix launch it, and they rolled it on logs down to the place where the stream form...

The Forest Track Continued
Once as they trotted by a pheasant rose screaming from the furze and flew before them down the track. Just afterwards Felix, who had...

Thyma Castle
Soon afterwards the hollow sound of the warden's horn, from the watch over the gate of the wall, proclaimed the hour of noon, and th...

Felix was now outside the town and alone in the meadow which bordered the stream; he knelt, and drank from it with the hollow of his...

The Feast
At ten in the morning next day the feast began with a drama from Sophocles, which was performed in the open air. The theatre was in ...

Felix fell on the seat beside her, burying his face in the folds of her dress; he sobbed, not with tears, but choking passion. She h...

Night In The Forest
At first Felix rode quickly, but his horse stumbling, though accustomed to the woods, warned him to be more careful. The passage of ...

Sailing Away
But the next morning Felix arose straight from his sleep resolved to carry out his plan. Without staying to think a moment, without ...

The Straits
The passage contracted there to little over half a mile, but these narrows did not continue far; the shores, having approached thus ...

Sailing Onwards
When Felix awoke, he knew at once by the height of the sun that the morning was far advanced. Throwing off his cloak, he stood up, b...

The City
Slowly descending towards the city, Felix looked in vain for any means of crossing the channel or creek, which extended upon the sid...

The Camp
Felix walked steadily on for nearly three hours, when the rough track, the dust, and heat began to tell upon him, and he sat down be...

The King's Levy
The king's booth stood apart from the rest; it was not much larger, but properly thatched with straw, and the wide doorway hung with...

Twice Felix saw the king. Once there was a review of the horse outside the camp, and Felix, having to attend with his master's third...

In Danger
Hope died within Felix when he thus suddenly found himself so near the executioner. He had known so many butchered without cause, th...

A Voyage
The sun was up when Felix awoke, and as he raised himself the beauty of the Lake before him filled him with pleasure. By the shore i...

This little circumstance of the mallards always flying over him and away behind, when flushed, presently made Felix speculate on the...

Strange Things
The thought struck Felix that perhaps he might find a spring somewhere in the island, and he started at once up over the hill. At th...

Fiery Vapours
Felix tried to run, but his feet would not rise from the ground; his limbs were numb as in a nightmare; he could not get there. His ...

The Shepherds
For four days Felix remained on the island recovering his strength. By degrees the memory of the scenes he had witnessed grew less v...

Bow And Arrow
Three mornings the shepherds marched in the same manner, when they came in view of a range of hills so high that to Felix they appea...

Felix was now anxious to continue his journey, yet he did not like to leave the shepherds, with whom his life was so pleasant. As us...

For Aurora
Felix now began to find out for himself the ancient truth, that difficulties always confront man. Success only changes them, and in...

The Jameson Satellite

Prologue The Rocket Satellite
In the depths of space, some twenty thousand miles from the earth, the body of Professor Jameson within its rocket container cruised...

40000000 Years After
Entering within the boundaries of the solar system, a long, dark, pointed craft sped across the realms of space towards the tiny poi...

The Mysterious Space Craft
The machine men made way for their leader, 25X-987, who regarded the space craft ahead of them critically. "Have you tried commun...

Recalled To Life
As Professor Jameson came to, he became aware of a strange feeling. He was sick. The doctors had not expected him to live; they had ...

The Dying World
"And now tell us of yourself," said 25X-987, "and about your world." Professor Jameson, noted in college as a lecturer of no mean ...

Eternity Or Death
He was well in the center of the cavity when the soft ground beneath him gave way suddenly and he catapulted below into the darkness...

The Memory Of Mars
A reporter should be objective even about a hospital. It's his business to stir others' emotions and not let his own be stirred. B...

The Untouchable
"You can see it--you can watch it--but mustn't touch!" And what could possibly be more frustrating ... when you need, most violently...

The First One
The first man to return from beyond the Great Frontier may be welcomed ... but will it be as a curiosity, rather th...

John Jones's Dollar
Take a board with 64 squares on it. Put a grain of wheat on the first square--two on the second--four on the third. Keep d...

If you let a man learn, and study, and work--and clamp a lid on so that nothing he takes into his mind can be let out--on...

All Day September
Some men just haven't got good sense. They just can't seem to learn the most fundamental things. Like wh...

We Didn't Do Anything Wrong Hardly
After all--they only borrowed it a little while, just to fix it-- I mean, it isn't like we swiped anythin...

Blind Man's Lantern
Walking home in the dark from an evening spent in mischief, a young man spied coming toward him down the road a person w...

The Great Potlatch Riots
Oh, leave it to the bureaucrats and they'll figure out new ways to make you buy more and more.... But there was only one way ...

It Could Be Anything
Keith Laumer, well-known for his tales of adventure and action, shows us a different side of his talent in this original, exciti...

Junior Achievement
"What would you think," I asked Marjorie over supper, "if I should undertake to lead a junior achievement group this summer?" She...

The Aliens
The human race was expanding through the galaxy ... and so, they knew, were the Aliens. When two expanding empires meet ...

The Ambulance Made Two Trips
If you should set a thief to catch a thief, what does it take to stop a racketeer...? Detective Sergeant...

The Machine That Saved The World
They were broadcasts from nowhere--sinister emanations flooding in from space--smashing any receiver that picked them up. What def...

A Romance!
IT is a curious story, full of exciting adventures, extraordinary discoveries, and mysteries amazing. Strange, too, that I, Richa...

Omar's Slave
OMAR had been at Trigger's a little over two years when a strange incident occurred. We were then both aged about sixteen, he a few ...

Outward Bound
HOW, trembling lest we should be discovered, we left Eastbourne by train two hours later--Kouaga joining the train at Polegate so as...

A Strange Promise
BY the light of the flambeaux the sleek, black, oily-looking natives managed their clumsy craft, which, dipping suddenly now and the...

The Giant's Finger
FOR quite three weeks we pushed forward through the interminable forest until one day we came to a small village beyond which lay a ...

The Royal Jujus
ON the fifth day after we had left our canoes the Grand Vizier of Mo had gone far forward along the line of carriers to speak with t...

Samory's Stronghold
THROUGH dense dark forests and over great open grass-lands, passing several villages, we were carried forward many days, still bound...

The Secret Of The Queen
AS we were led forward to the space in front of the divan all eyes were directed towards us. The glitter and pomp of the merciless s...

Condemned To The Torture
EAGER to witness the agony of the son of the powerful Naya of Mo, the crowd of evil-faced men in silken robes who surrounded their b...

IN darkness and anxiety I remained alone for many days in the foul subterranean prison. Had the fiendish tortures been repeated upon...

The Human Sacrifice
KUMASSI, the capital of the Ashanti kingdom, was, we found, full of curious contrasts. We approached it through dense high elephant ...

In The Sacred Grove
ONE by one the slaves of the gang in which we had travelled were dragged forward, held over the execution bowl and sent as messenger...

The Way Of The Thousand Steps
TO describe in detail our long toilsome journey and the terrible hardships we suffered during the next two months is unnecessary. Su...

WHEN we had been several hours upon our hot, tedious journey there arose a quarrel out of a practical joke played by one native upon...

A Natural Grave
THE single shot from our opponents was quickly replied to by myself and my companions, and we had the satisfaction of seeing half-a-...

Words Of Fire
RAISING our eyes from the straight narrow path whereon we set our feet in the footprints of those before us, we halted and looked ea...

A Salute Of Bullets
THE low booming was, however, not repeated, and by this my companion apparently became reassured, for shortly afterwards he threw hi...

The Mysterious Realm
SO unsteady was the ladder, straining and springing at every step I took, that I was compelled to grip its wet cords with all the st...

The City In The Clouds
"THERE is a strange story connected with this place known to us as Zomara's Wrath," Omar said, when together we turned away and moun...

The Great White Queen
GAINING the summit and entering the ponderous gate closely behind old Babila, I was amazed at the bewildering aspect of the gigantic...

A Figure In The Shadow
AN hour after sundown I was seated with Omar and Kona on a mat in the courtyard of a house not far from the gates of the palace, whe...

To The Unknown
WHEN, with elaborate genuflections and vows of allegiance, the governors of the six principal provinces of the mystic Kingdom had ta...

Under The Vampire's Wing
WHEN our dazzled gaze grew accustomed to the garish blaze of lights we found ourselves standing in an enormous cavern. Around us ...

The Flaming Mouth
WE stood rooted to the spot. The hideous colossus, the intensely white light streaming from its gigantic eyes, seemed to tower above...

AFTER brief consultation it was deemed insecure for us to return to Goliba's house, as search would undoubtedly be made for us there...

The First Blow
LEAVING the store of arms we returned to Goliba's house; not by the high road, but by little winding lanes with tunnel-like passages...

By The Naya's Orders
A SHORT time only did we remain in doubt as to the intention of the populace. The suppressed excitement found vent even before the c...

The Fight For The Emerald Throne
THROWN into utter confusion by the great press of people well armed and determined, the soldiers, who had fought so desperately, and...

A Mystery
FROM the glittering Hall of Audience a forward movement was soon made to the inner rooms that formed the private apartments of the N...

Treasure And Treason
AT Omar's request a few days later I accompanied him alone through a private exit of the palace, and ere long we found ourselves unn...

A Spy's Startling Story
WE remained fully two hours in the noisome Treasure-chamber of the Sanoms, the early history of which was lost in the mist of legend...

TWELVE days later I found myself accompanying Kona who, at the head of a great force of over eighteen thousand men, was crossing the...

The Harem Slave
A DOZEN times were we driven back by overwhelming numbers of Arabs, but as many times we dashed forward again, determined to strike ...

Liola's Discovery
WITH a sudden bound I left Liola's side and sprang upon the leader of our enemies, clutching him fiercely by the throat and shouting...

Into The Mist
OUR troops had, we found, withdrawn from the burning city and were encamped about a mile away, taking a well-earned rest, and watchi...

Beside Still Waters
The youth in the multi-coloured blazer laughed. "You'd have to come and be a nurse," he suggested. "Oh, I'd go as a drummer-boy...

The Man Going North
We "made" Richmond about half-past eleven, and completed the necessary arrangements for the housing of the boats and the disposal of...

Mainly About Myra
The train slowed down into Mallaig station. I thrilled with anticipation, for now I had only the journey on the boat, and Myra woul...

The Black Blow
"Oh, Ronnie, darling," Myra asked, in a pitiful voice that went to my heart. "What can it mean? I--I--I can't see--anything at all."...

Is More Mysterious
I sat and stared at the old man in astonishment. Obviously he was fully convinced that he was giving me an accurate account of what ...

Contains A Further Enigma
Back again at King's Cross. I seemed to have been travelling on the line all my life. Myra turned to Dennis to say good-bye. "I h...

The Chemist's Rock
By the time we gave up our hunt for Sholto that night and saw Hilderman into the Baltimore II. at the landing-stage, the harvest mo...

Mists Of Uncertainty
When we got back to the house we found Myra and her father--not unnaturally--wondering what had become of us. "What have you been...

The Mystery Of Sholto
We discussed our discovery pretty thoroughly on the way back to the house, and both agreed that it left no doubt upon one aspect of ...

The Secret Of The Rock
We made exhaustive inquiries everywhere, but no one had seen a yacht anchored or otherwise resting off the point the previous night....

How The Unexpected Happened
When I came to myself I was lying with my head pillowed on Garnesk's arm. My coat and collar were on the ground beside me, and my he...

Who Is Hilderman?
I must admit that I was so delighted to find that Myra had recovered her sight that I very nearly made what might have been a very s...

The Red-haired Man
"I'll send the glasses at once," said Garnesk, as the train steamed out of the station. Dennis and I stood on the platform and watch...

A Further Mystery
"Well," said Hilderman, as we caught them up, "what about lunch? After his journey I daresay Mr. Burnham has an appetite, not to men...

Concerns An Illustrated Paper
The river had disappeared! In front of us was a great green wall of solid rock, which seemed to tower into the sky above us, and ...

Discloses Certain Facts
"There's no doubt about it," I remarked as soon as we had partially recovered from our surprise. "That's Fuller right enough." "O...

Some Grave Fears
And now, as the reader will readily understand, I must continue the story as it was afterwards related to me. Myra, the General, ...

The Truth Revealed
I will here resume my own narrative. When I came to myself I was dazed and aching, but, so far as I could discover, there were no...

The Seance
On a march evening, at eight o'clock, Backhouse, the medium--a fast-rising star in the psychic world--was ushered into the study at P...

In The Street
The three men gathered in the street outside the house. The night was slightly frosty, but particularly clear, with an east wind blowi...

A couple of days later, at two o'clock in the afternoon, Maskull and Nightspore arrived at Starkness Observatory, having covered the s...

The Voice
It was by this time past three o'clock. Feeling hungry, for they had eaten nothing since early morning, Maskull went downstairs to for...

The Night Of Departure
When they returned to the house, the windows were all in darkness and the door was ajar, just as they had left it; Krag presumably was...

IT WAS DENSE NIGHT when Maskull awoke from his profound sleep. A wind was blowing against him, gentle but wall-like, such as he had ne...

The husband got up to meet his wife and their guest. He was clothed in white. He had a beardless face, with breve and poigns. His skin...

The Lusion Plain
Maskull awoke before the others. He got up, stretched himself, and walked out into the sunlight. Branchspell was already declining. He...

Maskull's second day on Tormance dawned. Branchspell was already above the horizon when he awoke. He was instantly aware that his orga...

Oceaxe sat down carelessly on the couch of mosses, and began eating the plums. "You see, you had to kill him, Maskull," she said, i...

On Disscourn
BY THE TIME that they regained the mouth of the cavern, Blodsombre was at its height. In front of them the scenery sloped downward--a ...

Maskull found that his new organs had no independent function of their own, but only intensified and altered his other senses. When he...

The Wombflash Forest
He awoke to his third day on Tormance. His limbs ached. He lay on his side, looking stupidly at his surroundings. The forest was like ...

The morning slowly passed. Maskull made some convulsive movements, and opened his eyes. He sat up, blinking. All was night-like and si...

Swalone's Island
When he awoke, the day was not so bright, and he guessed it was late afternoon. Polecrab and his wife were both on their feet, and ano...

At midnight, when Teargeld was in the south, throwing his shadow straight toward the sea and making everything nearly as bright as day...

Maskull did not awaken till long after Blodsombre. Leehallfae was standing by his side, looking down at him. It was doubtful whether a...

While Maskull sat, Corpang walked restlessly to and fro, swinging his arms. He had lost his staff. His face was inflamed with suppress...

Sullenbode's naked skin glowed softly through the darkness, but the clothed part of her person was invisible. Maskull watched her sens...

The day had already dawned, but it was not yet sunrise when Maskull awoke from his miserable sleep. He sat up and yawned feebly. The a...

The fog thickened so that the two suns wholly disappeared, and all grew as black as night. Nightspore could no longer see his companio...

Daughters Of Doom
Deep in space lay a weird and threatening world. And it was there that Ben Sessions found the evil daughters . . . Be...

Next Door Next World
Almost any phenomenon can be used--or act--for good or ill. Mutation usually brings ill--but it also brings greatness. ...

My Eagle
The soft summer wind stirs the redwoods, and Wild-Water ripples sweet cadences over its mossy stones. There are butterflies in the s...

After the guests had gone, father threw himself into a chair and gave vent to roars of Gargantuan laughter. Not since the death of m...

Jackson's Arm
Little did I dream the fateful part Jackson's arm was to play in my life. Jackson himself did not impress me when I hunted him out. ...

Slaves Of The Machine
The more I thought of Jackson's arm, the more shaken I was. I was confronted by the concrete. For the first time I was seeing life. ...

The Philomaths
Ernest was often at the house. Nor was it my father, merely, nor the controversial dinners, that drew him there. Even at that time I...

It was about this time that the warnings of coming events began to fall about us thick and fast. Ernest had already questioned fathe...

The Bishop's Vision
"The Bishop is out of hand," Ernest wrote me. "He is clear up in the air. Tonight he is going to begin putting to rights this very m...

The Machine Breakers
It was just before Ernest ran for Congress, on the socialist ticket, that father gave what he privately called his "Profit and Loss"...

The Mathematics Of A Dream
In the midst of the consternation his revelation had produced, Ernest began again to speak. "You have said, a dozen of you to-nig...

The Vortex
Following like thunder claps upon the Business Men's dinner, occurred event after event of terrifying moment; and I, little I, who h...

The Great Adventure
Mr. Wickson did not send for father. They met by chance on the ferry-boat to San Francisco, so that the warning he gave father was n...

The Bishop
It was after my marriage that I chanced upon Bishop Morehouse. But I must give the events in their proper sequence. After his outbre...

The General Strike
Of course Ernest was elected to Congress in the great socialist landslide that took place in the fall of 1912. One great factor that...

The Beginning Of The End
As early as January, 1913, Ernest saw the true trend of affairs, but he could not get his brother leaders to see the vision of the I...

Last Days
It was near the end of January, 1913, that the changed attitude of the Oligarchy toward the favored unions was made public. The news...

The End
When it came time for Ernest and me to go to Washington, father did not accompany us. He had become enamoured of proletarian life. H...

The Scarlet Livery
With the destruction of the Granger states, the Grangers in Congress disappeared. They were being tried for high treason, and their ...

In The Shadow Of Sonoma
Of myself, during this period, there is not much to say. For six months I was kept in prison, though charged with no crime. I was a ...

"You must make yourself over again," Ernest wrote to me. "You must cease to be. You must become another woman--and not merely in the...

A Lost Oligarch
But in remembering the old life I have run ahead of my story into the new life. The wholesale jail delivery did not occur until well...

The Roaring Abysmal Beast
During the long period of our stay in the refuge, we were kept closely in touch with what was happening in the world without, and we...

The Chicago Commune
As agents-provocateurs, not alone were we able to travel a great deal, but our very work threw us in contact with the proletariat an...

The People Of The Abyss
Suddenly a change came over the face of things. A tingle of excitement ran along the air. Automobiles fled past, two, three, a dozen...

I had not closed my eyes the night before on the Twentieth Century, and what of that and of my exhaustion I slept soundly. When I fi...

The Terrorists
It was not until Ernest and I were back in New York, and after weeks had elapsed, that we were able to comprehend thoroughly the ful...

The Sky Trap
Lawton enjoyed a good fight. He stood happily trading blows with Slashaway Tommy, his lean-fleshed torso gle...

The Theory Of Copernicus Droop
The two sisters were together in their garden. Rebecca Wise, turned forty and growing slightly gray at the temples, was moving sl...

A Visit To The Panchronicon
At precisely eight o'clock that evening, a knock was again heard at the door of the Wise home, and Droop was admitted by the younger...

A Nocturnal Evasion
Promptly at the appointed time, Copernicus Droop might have been seen approaching the white cottage. Still nursing a faint hope, he ...

A Change Of Plan
It was long after their bed-time and the two sisters were utterly exhausted; but as the mysterious structure within which they lay g...

Droop's Theory In Practice
All were up betimes when the faithful clock announced that it ought to be morning. As for the sun, as though resenting the liberties...

Shipwrecked On The Sands Of Time
Rebecca was the first of the three to waken. Over her small window she had hung a black shawl to keep out the light, and upon this s...

New Ties And Old Relations
How long they slept after their extraordinary experience with the runaway air-ship neither Rebecca nor Phoebe ever knew; but when th...

How Francis Bacon Cheated The Bailiffs
It was at about this time that Copernicus Droop finally awakened. He lay perfectly still for a minute or two, wondering where he was...

Phoebe At The Peacock Inn
While Copernicus Droop was acquiring fame and fortune as a photographer, Rebecca and Phoebe were leading a quiet life in the city. ...

How The Queen Read Her Newspaper
For Rebecca, left alone in the goldsmiths' city house, the past night and day had been a period of perplexity. She had been saved fr...

The Fat Knight At The Boar's Head
When Francis Bacon, having evaded Rebecca's mistaken pursuit, reached the deserted grove in which the Panchronicon still rested, he ...

How Shakespeare Wrote His Plays
As Francis Bacon returned to London from the Peacock, Phoebe had stood at the foot of the steps leading into the courtyard and watch...

How The Fat Knight Did Homage
On Rebecca's arrival with the royal attendants at Greenwich Palace, the Queen had ordered that she be given a splendid suite of apar...

The Fate Of Sir Percevall's Suit
In the inner chamber, Elizabeth was seated at a small table, at the opposite end of which sat Rebecca. Burleigh, Nottingham, and two...

How Rebecca Returned To Newington
Within the palace all was confusion and dismay. Only a very few knew the cause of this riot which had burst so suddenly upon the won...

How Sir Guy Kept His Tryst
For one hour before sunset of that same day Phoebe had been patiently waiting alone behind the east wall of the inn garden. As she h...

Rebecca's Trump Card
When Rebecca set out for the Panchronicon from London Bridge, she knew that she had a long walk in prospect, and settled down to the...

The Alternate Plan
The operation was a very serious one and Bart Neely was willing to put himself into Dr. Morton's hands. But if things turned o...

The Deadly Daughters
These gorgeous fanatics were equally at home with men, murder, or matrimony, and they used all three with amazing success. ...

My Shipmate Columbus
We've been taught from childhood that the earth is round and that Columbus discovered America. But maybe we take too much o...

A Place In The Sun
Mayhem, the man of many bodies, had been given some weird assignments in his time, but saving The Glory of the Galaxy ...

Pushbutton War
In one place, a descendant of the Vikings rode a ship such as Lief never dreamed of; from another, one of th...

Mother America
The tall young man faded back quickly, poised for an instant and then threw a long high pass. The crowd came up roaring. Twenty ya...

Criminal Negligence
Somebody was going to have to be left behind ... and who it would be was perfectly obvious.... Warden Halloran smil...

The Stutterer
A man can be killed by a toy gun--he can die of fright, for heart attacks can kill. What, then, is the deadly thing that must ...

The Thing On The Moon Path
For two months I had been on the d'Entrecasteaux Islands gathering data for the concluding chapters of my book upon the flora of the ...

Dead! All Dead!
He was sitting, face in hands, on the side of his berth as I entered. He had taken off his coat. "Throck," I cried. "What was it? ...

The Moon Rock
"I do not intend to tell you now," Throckmartin continued, "the results of the next two weeks, nor of what we found. Later--if I am a...

The First Vanishings
"We carried Thora back, down to where Edith was waiting. We told her what had happened and what we had found. She listened gravely, an...

Into The Moon Pool
"Goodwin," Throckmartin went on at last, "I can describe him only as a thing of living light. He radiated light; was filled with light...

The Shining Devil Took Them!
My colleagues of the Association, and you others who may read this my narrative, for what I did and did not when full realization retu...

Larry O'keefe
Pressing back the questions I longed to ask, I introduced myself. Oddly enough, I found that he knew me, or rather my work. He had bo...

Olaf's Story
There was a little silence. I looked upon him with wonder. Clearly he was in deepest earnest. I know the psychology of the Gael is a ...

A Lost Page Of Earth
When I awakened the sun was streaming through the cabin porthole. Outside a fresh voice lilted. I lay on my two chairs and listened. T...

The Moon Pool
Da Costa, who had come aboard unnoticed by either of us, now tapped me on the arm. "Doctair Goodwin," he said, "can I see you in my...

The Flame-tipped Shadows
Marakinoff nodded his head solemnly as Olaf finished. "Da!" he said. "That which comes from here took them both--the woman and the...

The End Of The Journey
"Say Doc!" It was Larry's voice flung back at me. "I was thinking about that frog. I think it was her pet. Damn me if I see any diff...

Yolara Priestess Of The Shining One
"You'd better have this handy, Doc." O'Keefe paused at the head of the stairway and handed me one of the automatics he had taken from ...

The Justice Of Lora
As I looked at her the man arose and made his way round the table toward us. For the first time my eyes took in Lugur. A few inches t...

The Angry Whispering Globe
Our way led along a winding path between banked masses of softly radiant blooms, groups of feathery ferns whose plumes were starred w...

Yolara Of Muria Vs The O'keefe
I awakened with all the familiar, homely sensation of a shade having been pulled up in a darkened room. I thrilled with a wonderful se...

The Leprechaun
The shell carried us straight back to the house of Yolara. Larry was awaiting me. We stood again before the tenebrous wall where first...

The Amphitheatre Of Jet
For hours the black-haired folk had been streaming across the bridges, flowing along the promenade by scores and by hundreds, drifting...

The Madness Of Olaf
Yolara threw her white arms high. From the mountainous tiers came a mighty sigh; a rippling ran through them. And upon the moment, be...

The Tempting Of Larry
We paused before thick curtains, through which came the faint murmur of many voices. They parted; out came two--ushers, I suppose, the...

Larry's Defiance
A clamour arose from all the chambers; stilled in an instant by a motion of Yolara's hand. She stood silent, regarding O'Keefe with s...

The Casting Of The Shadow
Now we were racing down toward that last span whose ancientness had set it apart from all the other soaring arches. The shell's speed ...

Dragon Worm And Moss Death
For a small eternity--to me at least--we waited. Then as silent as ever the green dwarf returned. "It is well," he said, some of the ...

The Crimson Sea
I was in the heart of a rose pearl, swinging, swinging; no, I was in a rosy dawn cloud, pendulous in space. Consciousness flooded me, ...

The Three Silent Ones
The arch was closer--and in my awe I forgot for the moment Larry and aught else. For this was no rainbow, no thing born of light and m...

The Wooing Of Lakla
I had slept soundly and dreamlessly; I wakened quietly in the great chamber into which Rador had ushered O'Keefe and myself after that...

The Coming Of Yolara
"Never was there such a girl!" Thus Larry, dreamily, leaning head in hand on one of the wide divans of the chamber where Lakla had lef...

In The Lair Of The Dweller
It is with marked hesitation that I begin this chapter, because in it I must deal with an experience so contrary to every known law of...

The Shaping Of The Shining One
We reached what I knew to be Lakla's own boudoir, if I may so call it. Smaller than any of the other chambers of the domed castle in w...

The Building Of The Moon Pool
She paused, running her long fingers through her own bronze-flecked ringlets. Selective breeding this, with a vengeance, I thought; an...

Larry And The Frog-men
Long had been her tale in the telling, and too long, perhaps, have I been in the repeating--but not every day are the mists rolled awa...

Your Love Your Lives Your Souls!
Lakla had taken no part in the talk since we had reached her bower. She had seated herself close to the O'Keefe. Glancing at her I had...

The Meeting Of Titans
It is not my intention, nor is it possible no matter how interesting to me, to set down ad seriatim the happenings of the next twelve ...

The Coming Of The Shining One
The Norseman turned toward us. There was now no madness in his eyes; only a great weariness. And there was peace on the once tortured...

Larry Farewell!
"My heart, Larry--" It was the handmaiden's murmur. "My heart feels like a bird that is flying from a nest of sorrow." We were paci...

Albert Weener Begins
1. I always knew I should write a book. Something to help tired minds lay aside the cares of the day. But I always say you never can...

Consequences Of A Discovery
11. "But it's got to be stopped," exclaimed Gootes. Miss Francis turned silently back to her flowerpot as though she'd forgotten ...

Man Triumphant I
21. The hearings of the Committee to Investigate Dangerous Vegetation went on for five days and Mr Le ffacase was increasingly delig...

Man Triumphant Ii
36. Everything I had visualized in the broker's office turned out too pessimistically accurate. Consolidated Pemmican and Allied Con...

The South Pacific Sailing Directory
67. I cannot say the world greeted the end of the North American continent with either rejoicing or regret. Relief, yes. When the ne...

Mr Weener Sees It Through
92. Whether it was from the exposure I endured on that dreadful trip or from disease germs which must have been plentiful among the ...

Omega The Man
The silver airship cut swiftly through the hot thin air. The noonday sun blazed down upon it and the desert world below. All about w...

Black Magic
I had just finished breakfast, and deeply perplexed had risen from the table in order to get a box of matches to light a cigarette, ...

Sarakoff's Manifesto
The recollection of my meeting with Sarakoff remains vividly in my mind. I was shown into a large bare room, heated by an immense st...

The Butterflies
Two years passed by after my return to London without special incident, save that my black cat died. My work as a consulting physici...

The Six Tubes
One night, just as I entered my house, the telephone bell in the hall rang sharply. I picked up the receiver impatiently, for I was ...

The Great Aqueduct
The Birmingham reservoirs are a chain of lakes artificially produced by damming up the River Elan, a tributary of the Wye. The great...

The Attitude Of Mr Thornduck
We reached London next day in the afternoon. I felt exhausted and could scarcely answer Sarakoff, who had talked continuously during...

I found a note in the hall from Sarakoff asking me to come round to the Pyramid Restaurant at eight o'clock to meet a friend of his....

The Blue Disease
Next day the first news of the Sarakoff-Harden bacillus appeared in a small paragraph in an evening paper, and immediately I saw it,...

The Man From Birmingham
The following day while walking to the hospital, I noticed a group of people down a side street, apparently looking intently at some...

The Illness Of Mr Annot
The departure of Mr. Herbert Wain was a relief. I turned to Sarakoff at once and spoke with some heat. "You were more than imprud...

The Resurrection
For some moments none of us spoke. Alice recovered herself first. "What is the matter with him?" she gasped. I was incapable of...

Mr Clutterbuck's Opinion
When I reached London it was dusk, and a light mist hung in the darkening air. The lamps were twinkling in the streets. I decided to...

The Dead Immortal
When I reached home, Sarakoff was out. He had left a message to say he would not be in until after midnight, as he was going to hear...

First Impressions Of Immortality
After two hours of sleep I awoke. My brief rest had been haunted by unpleasant dreams, vague and indefinite, but seeming to centre a...

The Terrible Fear
On coming down to breakfast, I found Sarakoff already seated at the table devouring the morning papers. I picked up a discarded one ...

The Visit Of The Home Secretary
In a few hours the initial effects of stimulation had worn off. The acuity of hearing was no longer so pronounced and the sense of ...

Clutterbuck's Odd Behaviour
Scarcely had the Home Secretary departed when my maid announced that a patient was waiting to see me in my study. I left Sarakoff...

Immortal Love
On the same afternoon Miss Annot paid me a visit. I was still sitting in the waiting-room, and Sarakoff was with me. My mind had bee...

The Meeting At The Queen's Hall
The same night a vast meeting of medical men had been summoned at the Queen's Hall, with the object of discussing the nature of the ...

The Way Back
It had been a wet night. Pools of water lay on the glistening pavements, but the rain had ceased. We ran steadily until we came in s...

Next morning the headlines of the newspapers blazed out the news of the meeting at the Queen's Hall, and the world read the words of...

The First Murders
The effect of Jason's newspapers on public opinion was remarkable. Humanity ever contains within it the need for mystery, and the st...

At Downing Street
That night, at eight o'clock, I was summoned to Downing Street. I left Sarakoff lying on the sofa, apparently asleep. I drove the fi...

Night Of An Immortal
I passed a most remarkable night. On reaching home I went to bed as usual. My mind was busy, but what busied it was not the events o...

Our Flight
I got out of bed and began to examine my clothes. They were strewn about the floor and on chairs. The colour of them seemed peculiar...

On The Spaniard's Walk
I paid the man half-a-sovereign. There was a seat near by and Sarakoff deposited himself upon it. I joined him. On those heights the...

Leonora's Voice
"My theory," said the policeman, "is that collectin'--and by that I mean all sorts of collection, including that of money--comes fro...

The Killing Of Desire
We drove in Leonora's car through London. The streets were crowded. I do not think that much routine work was done that day. People ...

The Revolt Of The Young
Amid all the strife and clamour of the next few days one thing stands out now in my mind with sinister radiance. It is that peculiar...

The Great Sleep
On that day the animals in London fell asleep with few exceptions. The exceptions were, I believe, all dogs. I do not pretend to exp...

The Council Of State
It was a brilliant assemblage of high dignitaries and military officers that had gathered in the Imperial Winter Palace at St. Petersb...

The Officers' Mess
The place was Chanidigot, in British East India. The blinding brightness of the hot day had been immediately followed, almost withou...

A Russian Comrade
Hermann Heideck lived in a dak bungalow, one of those hotels kept going by the Government, which afford travellers shelter, but neit...

A Fine Fix
Generally speaking, human beings are fine buck-passers--but there's one circumstance under which they refuse to pass on re...

The Coffin Cure
When the discovery was announced, it was Dr. Chauncey Patrick Coffin who announced it. He had, of course, arranged with uncanny skil...

The Circassian Beauty
Captain Heideck's statement that he travelled for a Hamburg firm was not really an untruth. As a matter of fact he was engaged in co...

The Captain's Wife
As a married man, Captain Irwin was not quartered in one of the wooden barracks of the English camp, but had his own bungalow in the...

The Outrage
When Heideck stepped into the garden he was scarcely able to find his way, but having taken a few steps his eyes had become accustom...

The Maharajah
It was noon the next day when Captain Irwin stepped out of the Colonel's bungalow and turned towards home. The interview with his su...

The Pamirs
In vain did Heideck, on the day following the night-attack, wait for a message from Edith, giving him an opportunity of seeing her a...

The German Emperor
The German Emperor was paying his annual visit to the moors at Springe. But this year he had little time to spare for the noble spor...

Five Lakhs Of Rupees
At noon Prince Tchajawadse departed northwards accompanied by his page Georgi and his Indian servant. Heideck had observed great res...

The Mobilisation
Every day now brought fresh news, and the threatening spectre of war drew nearer and nearer. The order for mobilisation had been giv...

The Camp Of Lahore
An unusually beautiful and dry spring favoured the advance of the Russian army through the mountains. In the north of India the tem...

The Battle
As Heideck returned to the camp, the road was lit up by the red glare of innumerable fires. On the wide plain, stretching between th...

In The Panic-stricken City
As on his ride to Colonel Baird's brigade, so also was Heideck on his return threatened by manifold forms of death. Although he succ...

The Court-martial
The mausoleum of Anar Kali, a great octagonal building in the gardens to the south of the town, was the place whither the Russian pr...

The Professor
Sound though Heideck's sleep was, the confused din that penetrated through the sides of the tent would have recalled an unconscious ...

Downing Street
A meeting of the Cabinet Council was being held at the Foreign Office in London. With gloomy faces the Ministers were all assembled....

The Young Russian Captain Of Dragoons
The news of Edith's kidnapping--for, in Heideck's opinion, this was the only explanation, because she would otherwise have left a me...

On The Road To Simla
Almost quicker than could have been expected, considering the heavy work imposed upon the telegraph wires, the communication arrived...

A Friend In Need
Whilst the Russians were digging their cooking trenches somewhat aside from the main camp, and making all necessary arrangements for...

Edith's Adventures
It was a long time before the two lovers were sufficiently composed to explain to each other fully the almost fabulous events that h...

The Ethics Of Espionage
The steamer from Karachi to Bombay had about twenty officers and a larger number of noncommissioned officers and men on board who ha...

Homeward Bound
As Heideck had foreseen, the announcement of the victory was followed by disastrous tidings for the English. Up to noon on the follo...

The Adventures Of The Caledonia
The passengers of the Caledonia were in a state of hopeless dejection and violent exasperation. An attempt was made to throw the bla...

A Suspicious Fishing-smack
A raw north wind swept over the island of Walcheren and the mouth of the West Schelde, ruffling into tiny waves the water of the bro...

Camille Penurot
When Heideck and his prisoner, Penurot, reached the Gefion he found the Commander on deck, notwithstanding the lateness of the hour....

Eberhard Amelungen
On arriving at his office close to the Duke of Wellington Hotel, Heideck found his staff extremely busy. One lieutenant was looking ...

The Fate Of A Spy
Colonel Mercier-Milon reported from Brussels that he had arrested Countess Arselaarts and thought he had made a valuable capture. Th...

A Woman's Treachery
According to the agreement with Heideck, Brandelaar, on his return from Dover, was to put in at Flushing, and the Major had instruct...

Edith's Last Journey
Skipper Brandelaar had given Edith the name of the inn near the harbour, where he expected a message from Heideck in the course of t...

The Stolen Document
The last ordinary train to Antwerp had gone long before Heideck reached the station. But a short interview with the railway commissi...

News Of An Old Friend
"Dear Friend and Comrade,--Although it is still painful for me to write, I cannot deny myself the pleasure of being the first to con...

The Landing In Scotland
The ninth and tenth army corps had collected at the inlet of Kid harbour. The town of Kiel and its environs resounded with the clatt...

The Battle Of Flushing
The strategy of red tape, by which the Commander-in-Chief's hands were tied, was destined, as in so many previous campaigns, to prov...

At Hampton Court
The long rows of windows in Hampton Court Palace were still a blaze of light, notwithstanding the lateness of the hour. The double p...

Trouble Times Two
The sun was glowing dull red as it slipped down behind the curving horizon of Mars, but Gregory Hunter was not able to see it. Th...

Jupiter Equilateral
For a moment, Major Briarton just stared at him. Then he was on his feet, shaking his head as he came around the desk. "Tom, use you...

Too Many Warnings
For a moment, neither of the boys could say anything at all. From the time they had learned to talk, they had heard stories and ta...

Between Mars And Jupiter
After all the tension of preparing for it, the trip out seemed interminable. They were all impatient to reach their destination. ...

The Black Raider
For a stunned moment they were helpless as they struggled to pick themselves up. The stable airlock deck was suddenly no longer sta...

The Last Run Of The Scavenger
To Greg Hunter the siege of the orbit-ship had been a nerve-wracking game of listening and waiting for something to happen. In th...

Wherever they were planning to take them, the captors took great pains to make sure that their two prisoners did not escape before t...

The Scavengers Of Space
The casual observer might have been fooled. Tawney's guard was down only for an instant; then the expression of cold fury and determ...

The Invisible Man
Crouching back into the shadow, Tom Hunter waited as the heavy footsteps moved up the corridor, then back down, then up and down aga...

The Trigger
In the first instance of astonishment they were speechless. Later, Tom said it was the first time in his life that he had ever seen ...

The Haunted Ship
They did not pause, even to catch their breath, for the first twenty minutes as Tom led them swiftly and silently down through the m...

The Sinister Bonanza
They were taken to a small, drab internment room. A half hour passed and still no word from the Major. From the moment the Patrol cr...

Pinpoint In Space
Tom knew now that it was the right thing to do. There was no question, after the Major's story, of what Dad had been doing out in th...

The Missing Asteroid
It had been a wild twelve hours since Tom Hunter's call to his brother from the Map Room in Sun Lake City. The Major had arrived fir...

The Final Move
"I realize I'm much earlier than you expected, Major. You did a very neat job of camouflaging your takeoff ... we were almost fooled...

Letter Of The Law
The place was dark and damp, and smelled like moldy leaves. Meyerhoff followed the huge, bear-like Altairian guard down the slippe...

The Native Soil
Before the first ship from Earth made a landing on Venus, there was much speculation about what might be found beneath the cloud ...

The letter came down the slot too early that morning to be the regular mail run. Pete Greenwood eyed the New Philly photocancel wi...

The Airlords Besieged
In a previous record of my adventures in the early part of the Second War of Independence I explained how I, Anthony Rogers, was ove...

The Ground Ships Threaten
One of our Wyoming girls, on contact guard near Pocono, blundered into a hunting camp of the Bad Bloods, one of the renegade America...

We Sink The Ground Ships
Boss Handan, of the Winslows, a giant of a man, a two-fisted fighter and a leader of great sagacity, had been selected by the counci...

Han Electrono-ray Science
At this period the Hans of Nu-Yok had only one airship equipped with their new armored repeller ray, their latest defense against ou...

American Ultronic Science
Our own engineers, working in shielded laboratories far underground, had established such control over the "de-atomized" electrons a...

An Unequal Duel
But to return to my narrative, and my swooper, from which I was gazing at the interior of the Han ship. This ship was not unlike ...

Certainly my situation was no less desperate. Unless I could find some method of compensating for my lost ballast, the inverse gravi...

Hypnotic Torture
Some twenty minutes later the ship arrived. It settled down slowly into the ravine on its repeller rays until it was but a few feet ...

The Fall Of Nu-yok
My position among the Hans, in this period, was a peculiar one. I was at once a closely guarded prisoner and an honored guest. San-L...

Life In Lo-tan The Magnificent
San-Lan's attitude toward me underwent a change. He did not seek my company as he had done before, and so those long discussions and...

The Forest Men Attack
Many times during the months I remained prisoner among the Hans I had tried to develop a plan of escape, but could conceive of nothi...

The Mysterious Air Balls
The American barrage had been a long distance bombardment, designed, apparently, to draw the Han disintegrator ray batteries into op...

We had little time, however, to waste in endearments, and very little to devote to informing me as to the American plans. The essent...

The Destruction Of Lo-tan
"How did you know I had been taken to Lo-Tan as a prisoner?" I asked the little group of Wyoming Bosses who had assembled in Wilma's...

The Counter-attack
The news which caused me to change my plans was grave enough. As I have explained, the American lines lay roughly to the east and th...

I had gone five miles, and had paused for a moment, half way up the slope of the valley to get my bearings, when a figure came hurtl...

As Long As You Wish
If, somehow, you get trapped in a circular time system ... how long is the circumference of an infinitely retraced circle? ...

The Good Neighbors
You can't blame an alien for a little inconvenience--as long as he makes up for it! The ship was sighted a few times, ...

A Strange Awakening
My first sensation was one of sudden and intense cold--a chill that shot through my body and engulfed it like a charge of electricit...

Melbourne's Story
Glimpses of last night came back to me and pieced themselves together slowly while I undressed and drew the water for my bath. Me...

A Chance Strain From Grieg
I recalled waking up in another place, on a long slope of green hill that overlooked a valley. It was dawn again. The sun was just r...

The Chamber Of Life
I didn't know what Melbourne meant, and I looked at him inquiringly. He explained: "I have in my home a model--or rather a complet...

Baret And Selda
I remember that I lived nearly two months--or so it seemed--in that other world. I was assigned an apartment near to Edvar's--Selda ...

And So To Work
I glanced at the clock on the mantel. It was five minutes to eight: time to leave, if I was to get a decent breakfast before I went ...

The Coming Of The Ice
It is strange to be alone, and so cold. To be the last man on earth.... The snow drives silently about me, ceaselessly, drearily. An...

The Keeper
When he heard the deer crashing through brush and scuffling the dead leaves, he stopped and stood motionless in the path. He wat...

Ministry Of Disturbance
Sometimes getting a job is harder than the job after you get it--and sometimes getting out of a job is harder than eit...

Hell may have no fury like a woman scorned, but the fury of a biochemist scorned is just as great ...

The Green Beret
It's not so much the decisions a man does make that mark him as a Man--but the ones he refrains from making. Like the ...

Make Mine Homogenized
Anyone looking for guaranteed sound science will have to look elsewhere. But if it's fun you want ... try the world's most potent ...

The Common Man
It would, of course, take a trio of Ivory Tower scientists to conceive of tracking down that statistical entity, the Common Man,...

Gun For Hire
Joe Prantera called softly, "Al." The pleasurable, comfortable, warm feeling began spreading over him, the way it always did. T...

I'm A Stranger Here Myself
One can't be too cautious about the people one meets in Tangier. They're all weirdies of one kind or another. Me? ...

Medal Of Honor
According to tradition, the man who held the Galactic Medal of Honor could do no wrong. In a strange way, Captain Don Mather...

Every status-quo-caste society in history has left open two roads to rise above your caste: The Priest and The Warrior. But in a...

Disturbing Sun
This, be it understood, is fiction--nothing but fiction--and not, under any circumstances, to be considered as having any tr...

The Premiere
The young actor was great.... They didn't realize just how great until the night of Clamped to the contour couch, the young ...

The Star Hyacinths
On a bleak, distant unchartered world two ships lay wrecked and a lone man stared at a star hyacinth. Its brilliance burne...

Watch The Sky
It's one thing to try to get away with what you believe to be a lie and be caught at it-- and something different, and far worse...

The Winds Of Time
He contracted for a charter trip--but the man who hired his spacer wasn't quite a man, it turned out--and he wanted more than serv...

Alien Offer
"You are General James Rothwell?" Rothwell sighed. "Yes, Commander Aku. We have met several times." "Ah, yes. I recognize your in...

A Matter Of Magnitude
When you're commanding a spaceship over a mile long, and armed to the teeth, you don't exactly expect to be told to get the hell...

Survival Tactics
The robots were built to serve Man; to do his work, see to his comforts, make smooth his way. Then the robots figured out an a...

The Dope On Mars
Somebody had to get the human angle on this trip ... but what was humane about sending me? ...

The Happy Unfortunate
Dekker, back from space, found great physical changes in the people of Earth; changes that would ha...

The Hunted Heroes
The planet itself was tough enough--barren, desolate, forbidding; enough to stop the most adventurous and ...

Postmark Ganymede
Consider the poor mailman of the future. To "sleet and snow and dead of night"--things ...

Hellhounds Of The Cosmos
Weird are the conditions of the interdimensional struggle faced by Dr. White's ninety-nine men. The paper had gone to press...

Project Mastodon
The chief of protocol said, "Mr. Hudson of--ah--Mastodonia." The secretary of state held out his hand. "I'm glad to see you, Mr. Hu...

The Delegate From Venus
Everybody was waiting to see what the delegate from Venus looked like. And all they got for their patience was the bigges...

The Success Machine
Mechanical brains are all the rage these days, so General Products just had to have one. But the blamed thing almost put t...

The Occurrence Of The Impossible
Petrified with astonishment, Richard Seaton stared after the copper steam-bath upon which he had been electrolyzing his solution of ...

Steel Becomes Interested
Dr. Marc DuQuesne was in his laboratory, engaged in a research upon certain of the rare metals, particularly in regard to their ele...

Seaton Solves The Problem Of Power
"Well, Mart," said Seaton briskly, "now that the Seaton-Crane Company, Engineers, is organized to your satisfaction, let's hop to it...

Steel Liberates Energy Unexpectedly
DuQuesne was in his laboratory, poring over an abstruse article in a foreign journal of science, when Scott came breezily in with a ...

Direct Action
Seaton and Crane spent some time developing the object-compass. Crane made a number of these instruments, mounted in gymbals, so tha...

The Object-compass At Work
Prescott, after a sleepless night, joined Seaton and Crane at breakfast. "What do you make of it, Mr. Prescott?" asked Crane. "Sea...

The Trial Voyage
The great steel forgings which were to form the framework of the Skylark finally arrived and were hauled into the testing shed. Ther...

Indirect Action
The afternoon following the homecoming of the Skylark, Seaton and Dorothy returned from a long horseback ride in the park. After Sea...

Lost In Space
For forty-eight hours the uncontrolled atomic motor dragged the masterless vessel with its four unconscious passengers through the ...

The Rescue
Seaton and Crane drove the Skylark in the direction indicated by the unwavering object-compass with the greatest acceleration they c...

Through Space Into The Carboniferous
Seaton opened his eyes and gazed about him wonderingly. Only half conscious, bruised and sore in every part of his body, he could no...

The Mastery Of Mind Over Matter
They descended rapidly, directly over a large and imposing city in the middle of a vast, level, beautifully-planted plain. While the...

Nalboon Of Mardonale
As the Skylark approached the shore, its occupants heard a rapid succession of heavy detonations, apparently coming from the directi...

Nalboon Unmasked
After a long, sound sleep, Seaton awoke and sprang out of bed. No sooner had he started to shave, however, than one of the slaves to...

The Escape From Mardonale
"That was a wonderful bluff, Dick!" exclaimed the Kofedix in English as soon as Nalboon and his guards had disappeared. "That was ex...

An Osnomian Marriage
Seaton awoke, hot and uncomfortable, but with a great surge of joy in his heart--this was his wedding day! Springing from the bed, h...

Bird Beast Or Fish?
"These jewels rather puzzle me, Dick. What are they?" asked Martin, as the four assembled, waiting for the first meal. As he spoke h...

The Invasion
The pulsating air and the chattering sounders were giving the same dire warning, the alarm extraordinary of invasion, of imminent an...

The Return To Earth
DuQuesne's first act upon gaining the privacy of his own cabin was to open the leather bag presented to him by the Karfedix. He expe...

Duquesne Goes Traveling
In the innermost private office of Steel, Brookings and DuQuesne stared at each other across the massive desk. DuQuesne's voice was ...

Dunark Visits Earth
Martin Crane reclined in a massive chair, the fingers of his right hand lightly touching those of his left, listening attentively. R...

Skylark Two Sets Out
"Say, Mart, I just got conscious! It never occurred to me until just now, as Dunark left, that I'm as good an instrument-maker as Du...

The Zone Of Force Is Tested
Seaton strode into the control room with a small oblong box in his hand. Crane was seated at the desk, poring over an abstruse mathe...

First Blood
The next twelve hours dragged with terrible slowness. Sleep was impossible and eating was difficult, even though all knew that they ...

The Peace Conference
"Here's a chart of the green system, Mart, with all the motions and the rest of the dope that they've been able to get. How'd it be ...

Duquesne's Voyage
Far from our solar system a cigar-shaped space-car slackened its terrific acceleration to a point at which human beings could walk, ...

The Porpoise-men Of Dasor
"How long do you figure it's going to take us to get there, Mart?" Seaton asked from a corner, where he was bending over his appara...

The Welcome To Norlamin
The Skylark was now days upon her way toward the sixth planet, Seaton gave the visiplates and the instrument board his customary car...

Norlaminian Science
Breakfast over, Seaton watched intently as his tray, laden with empty containers, floated away from him and disappeared into an open...

Into A Sun
As Rovol and Seaton approached the physics laboratory at the beginning of the period of labor, another small airboat occupied by one...

Flying Visits Via Projection
"Well, what to do?" asked Seaton as he and Rovol entered the laboratory, "Tear down this fourth-order projector and tackle the big j...

The Declaration Of War
The capital city of the Fenachrone lay in a jungle plain surrounded by towering hills. A perfect circle of immense diameter, its bui...

Interstellar Extermination
"I hate to leave this meeting--it's great stuff" remarked Seaton as he flashed down to the torpedo room at Fenor's command to send r...

The Extra-galactic Duel
Loaded until her outer skin almost bulged with tightly packed bars of uranium and equipped to meet any emergency of which the combin...

Pirates Of Space
Apparently motionless to her passengers and crew, the Interplanetary liner Hyperion bored serenely onward through space at normal a...

In Roger's Planetoid
In the hall Clio glanced around her wildly, her bosom heaving, eyes darting here and there, seeking even the narrowest avenue of esc...

Fleet Against Planetoid
One of the newest and fleetest of the Law Enforcement Vessels of the Triplanetary League, the heavy cruiser Chicago, of the North Am...

Within The Red Veil
Nevia, the home planet of the marauding space-ship, would have appeared peculiar indeed to Terrestrial senses. High in the deep red ...

Nevian Strife
The Nevian space-ship was hurtling upon its way. Space-navigators both, the two Terrestrial officers soon discovered that it was eve...

Worm Submarine And Freedom
Since both Costigan and Bradley had often watched their captors at work during the long voyage from the Solar System to Nevia, they ...

The Hill
Its atmosphere was withdrawn, the outer door opened, and he glanced across a bare hundred feet of space at the rocke...

The Super-ship Is Launched
After weeks of ceaseless work, during which was lavished upon her every resource of mind and material afforded by three planets, the...

Only too well founded was Costigan's conviction that the submarine of the deep-sea fishes had not been able to prevail against Nerad...

The Boise Acts
But what of the super-ship? What happened after that inertialess, that terribly destructive take-off? Doctor Frederick Rodebush s...

Roger Carries On
For gray Roger had not perished in the floods of Nevian energy which had destroyed his planetoid. While those terrific streamers of ...

The Specimens Escape
Knowing well that conversation with its fellows is one of the greatest needs of any intelligent being, the Nevians had permitted the...

The Meeting Of The Giants
"Check your blast, Fred, I think I hear something trying to come through!" Cleveland called out, sharply. For days the Boise had tor...

Vortex Blaster
Author of "The Skylark," "Skylark Three," "The Skylark of Valeron," the Lensman stories, etc. Safety devi...

The Marooner
Wordsley and Captain DeCastros crossed half a universe--suffered hardship--faced unknown dangers; and all this for what--a b...

The Great War Syndicate
Author of "The Lady or the Tiger," "Rudder Grange," "The Casting Away of Mrs. Lecks and Mrs. Aleshine," "What Might H...

The Vermilion Feather
A beach of yellow sand and a stranded log upon which sat a boy looking steadfastly out upon the shining waters. It was a deliciou...

The Night Of The Terror
The reader, desiring to inform himself in extenso regarding the physical and social changes that followed the catastrophe by which t...

The New World
Again we make acknowledgment to the "Laudable" Vigilas and quote at large from the luminous pages of The Later Cosmos. Now the reade...

The Man On Horseback
Gavan of the Greenwood Keep was a prosperous man according to the standard of these latter days, and his estate was reckoned to be t...

The Rat's-hole
It was a warm, cloudy night some two weeks later, and Constans sat in the great hall of the keep, listlessly regarding the preparati...

Troy Town
Constans awoke just as the footsteps died away; he listened, but again the stillness was profound. He felt his way to the secret doo...

The Bread Of Affliction
Two miles from the keep was a cave that Constans had discovered on one of his hunting-trips, and which, boylike, he had proceeded to...

In The Shadow Of Doom
An hour wore on, and Constans was approaching the suburbs of the ancient municipality. But it did not suit his purpose to make a lan...

The Keys Of Power
The sun was high in the sky when Constans awoke. For a moment or two the unfamiliar environment puzzled him; then the keen edge of r...

The Message
Three years had passed since that first memorable visit to Doom the Forbidden--years of work and of growth. The simple out-door life...

The Sisters
A young girl sat before a magnificent fireplace of cut stone gazing into the fire of drift-wood that burned diffidently upon a heart...

The Hedge Of Arrows
For the first few days following upon his arrival in the city, Constans kept under rover, venturing forth only after nightfall. He w...

Gods In Exile
February, and a full three months since Constans had come to Doom. And yet he was virtually at his starting-point, so little had he ...

Arcadia House
Little by little, Constans succeeded in piecing together the puzzle, for puzzle indeed it was. Here in this city of the dead he had ...

A Man And A Maid
In spite of that brave "to-morrow," it was several days before Constans found opportunity to revisit Arcadia House. A misstep upon a...

As In A Looking-glass
Arcadia House, while it certainly stood in need of the repairer's hand, was by no means uninhabitable, a fact which spoke well for t...

The Awakening
Constans climbed to his observatory on the roof of the "Flat-iron" as usual that next morning. It was a fine, bright day and so clea...

A Prophet Of Evil
Standing at Dom Gillian's side Quinton Edge bent down and whispered a few words in his ear, inaudible even to those who stood neares...

In Quinton Edge's Garden
It was late that night when the friends finally parted. Their interview had been a trying one; it might have ended in a serious estr...

The Silver Whistle Blows
Constans remained motionless at the window. Every instinct of self-preservation urged him onward, but yet he stopped and listened to...

Oxenford's Daughter
Constans had now spent nearly a fortnight in the valley of the Swiftwater, and, while he had been hospitably received and entertaine...

Yet Three Days
Esmay sat in the gardens at Arcadia House. It was the loveliest of spring days, and there were blossoms everywhere--the vivid pink o...

The Red Light In The North
It had been Constans's original plan to cross the river some miles above Croye, and so avoid attracting the attention of the Doomsme...

The Eve Of The Third Day
A touch upon Constans's shoulder and a voice in his ear aroused him. He sprang to his feet; the sunshine was streaming through the g...

There had been no final understanding between Constans and Piers Major as to the precise line of the attack upon the citadel. That m...

The Song Of The Sword
It did not take long for Constans to arouse and collect his men; tired of inaction, they were only too glad to respond to the summon...

Prosper's start upon Piers Minor and Nanna had been a short one, and under ordinary circumstances he could hardly have retained his ...

In The Fulness Of Time
The streets were as light as noonday, and Constans found no difficulty in keeping the dying figure in sight. But, run as he would, h...

Death And Life
It had been very quiet in the room for a long time. Constans had tried to make the dying woman more comfortable, but every attempt t...

The Star In The East
It was in October of the same year that Constans and Esmay stood one day in the court-yard of the Greenwood Keep, now restored and r...

Faithfully Yours
JULY 18, 1949 A.D. The fugitive lay face down in the fetid undergrowth, drawing in spasmodic lungfuls of air through cracked and ...

For thousands of years the big brain served as a master switchboard for the thoughts and...

Man Made
A story that comes to grips with an age-old question--what is soul? and where?--and postulates an age-new answer. If I l...

The Monster
What will cosmic rays do to a living organism? Will they destroy life, or produce immortality? The eminent Dr. Blair Gaddon thou...

Tinker's Dam
There is something very fundamental indeed about the ancient showman's trick--divert their attention from the thing you're r...

From where Dick Barrow sat, hundreds of men were visible, occupying benches in every manner of position. Some stretched at full leng...

Out To Sea
The following morning an advertisement appeared in the papers, under the heading of help wanted: woman. It was the same address on M...

Strange Destination
When Dick opened his eyes, there was a feeling of motion to the bed. The strangeness of the ceiling overhead drew his attention. It ...

Morquil's Story
For a long time there was silence, then Mrs. Jones fainted. McCarthy took it without flinching, and his wife was satisfied if he was...

Voyaging To Another World
During each waking period, Barrow spent many hours in the room with the miniature domes. They were beautiful models, which could be ...

An Engineer's Mettle
In the morning the earthmen were called together. They came with smiling faces, which slowly changed to apprehension. There were ...

Jupiter And Trouble!
The huge ship circled the planet twice, with the instruments adjusted to detect the metal of the domes. They spread over many miles ...

Battle With A Monster
Minutes passed, while the earthmen hardly dared breathe. Their ebbing heartbeat seemed to almost echo in their breasts. Then the obj...

Vital Ingredient
"Champ, what's with ya lately?" Benny asked the question as they lay on the beach. "Nothing," Frankie answered. "Just fight-nite ...

Resuming The First Part Of The Work And Serving As An Introduction To The Second
A few years ago the world was suddenly astounded by hearing of an experiment of a most novel and daring nature, altogether unprecede...

From 10 Pm To 10 46' 40''
The moment that the great clock belonging to the works at Stony Hill had struck ten, Barbican, Ardan and M'Nicholl began to take the...

The First Half Hour
What had taken place within the Projectile? What effect had been produced by the frightful concussion? Had Barbican's ingenuity been...

They Make Themselves At Home And Feel Quite Comfortable
This curious explanation given, and its soundness immediately recognized, the three friends were soon fast wrapped in the arms of M...

A Chapter For The Cornell Girls
No incident worth recording occurred during the night, if night indeed it could be called. In reality there was now no night or even...

The Colds Of Space
How could they imagine that the Observatory men had committed such a blunder? Barbican would not believe it possible. He made the Ca...

Instructive Conversation
On the fourth of December, the Projectile chronometers marked five o'clock in the morning, just as the travellers woke up from a ple...

A High Old Time
A new phenomenon, therefore, strange but logical, startling but admitting of easy explanation, was now presented to their view, aff...

The Neutral Point
What had taken place? Whence proceeded this strange intoxication whose consequences might have proved so disastrous? A little forget...

A Little Off The Track
Barbican's mind was now completely at rest at least on one subject. The original force of the discharge had been great enough to sen...

The Observers Of The Moon
Barbican's happy conjecture had probably hit the nail on the head. The divergency even of a second may amount to millions of miles i...

Fact And Fancy
"Have you ever seen the Moon?" said a teacher ironically one day in class to one of his pupils. "No, sir;" was the pert reply; "b...

A Bird's Eye View Of The Lunar Mountains
I am rather inclined to believe myself that not one word of Ardan's rhapsody had been ever heard by Barbican or M'Nicholl. Long befo...

Lunar Landscapes
At half past two in the morning of December 6th, the travellers crossed the 30th northern parallel, at a distance from the lunar sur...

A Night Of Fifteen Days
The Projectile being not quite 30 miles from the Moon's north pole when the startling phenomenon, recorded in our last chapter, took...

Glimpses At The Invisible
In spite of the dreadful condition in which the three friends now found themselves, and the still more dreadful future that awaited ...

The Southern Hemisphere
Exceedingly narrow and exceedingly fortunate had been the escape of the Projectile. And from a danger too the most unlikely and the ...

It was now exactly six o'clock in the evening. The Sun, completely clear of all contact with the lunar disc, steeped the whole Proje...

Puzzling Questions
It was not until the Projectile had passed a little beyond Tycho's immense concavity that Barbican and his friends had a good opport...

In Every Fight The Impossible Wins
No matter what we have been accustomed to, it is sad to bid it farewell forever. The glimpse of the Moon's wondrous world imparted t...

Off The Pacific Coast
"Well, Lieutenant, how goes the sounding?" "Pretty lively, Captain; we're nearly through;" replied the Lieutenant. "But it's a tr...

News For Marston!
In a few minutes, consciousness had restored order on board the Susquehanna, but the excitement was as great as ever. They had escap...

On The Wings Of The Wind
Leaving M'Connell and a few other Cambridge men to take charge of the Great Telescope, Marston and Belfast in little more than an ho...

The Club Men Go A Fishing
Captain Bloomsbury was perfectly right when he said that almost everything was ready for the commencement of the great work which th...

Farewell To The Baltimore Gun Club
The intense interest of our extraordinary but most veracious history having reached its culmination at the end of the last chapter, ...

The Gun Club
During the War of the Rebellion, a new and influential club was established in the city of Baltimore in the State of Maryland. It i...

President Barbicane's Communication
On the 5th of October, at eight p.m., a dense crowd pressed toward the saloons of the Gun Club at No. 21 Union Square. All the memb...

Effect Of The President's Communication
It is impossible to describe the effect produced by the last words of the honorable president-- the cries, the shouts, the successi...

Reply From The Observatory Of Cambridge
Barbicane, however, lost not one moment amid all the enthusiasm of which he had become the object. His first care was to reassembl...

The Romance Of The Moon
An observer endued with an infinite range of vision, and placed in that unknown center around which the entire world revolves, migh...

Permissive Limits Of Ignorance And Belief In The United States
The immediate result of Barbicane's proposition was to place upon the orders of the day all the astronomical facts relative to the ...

The Hymn Of The Cannon-ball
The Observatory of Cambridge in its memorable letter had treated the question from a purely astronomical point of view. The mecha...

History Of The Cannon
The resolutions passed at the last meeting produced a great effect out of doors. Timid people took fright at the idea of a shot we...

The Question Of The Powders
There remained for consideration merely the question of powders. The public awaited with interest its final decision. The size of ...

One Enemy V Twenty-five Millions Of Friends
The American public took a lively interest in the smallest details of the enterprise of the Gun Club. It followed day by day the d...

Florida And Texas
One question remained yet to be decided; it was necessary to choose a favorable spot for the experiment. According to the advice o...

Urbi Et Orbi
The astronomical, mechanical, and topographical difficulties resolved, finally came the question of finance. The sum required was ...

Stones Hill
When the decision was arrived at by the Gun Club, to the disparagement of Texas, every one in America, where reading is a universal...

Pickaxe And Trowel
The same evening Barbicane and his companions returned to Tampa Town; and Murchison, the engineer, re-embarked on board the Tampico...

The Fete Of The Casting
During the eight months which were employed in the work of excavation the preparatory works of the casting had been carried on simu...

The Columbiad
Had the casting succeeded? They were reduced to mere conjecture. There was indeed every reason to expect success, since the mould ...

A Telegraphic Dispatch
The great works undertaken by the Gun Club had now virtually come to an end; and two months still remained before the day for the d...

The Passenger Of The Atlanta
If this astounding news, instead of flying through the electric wires, had simply arrived by post in the ordinary sealed envelope,...

A Monster Meeting
On the following day Barbicane, fearing that indiscreet questions might be put to Michel Ardan, was desirous of reducing the number...

Attack And Riposte
As soon as the excitement had subsided, the following words were heard uttered in a strong and determined voice: "Now that the sp...

How A Frenchman Manages An Affair
While the contract of this duel was being discussed by the president and the captain-- this dreadful, savage duel, in which each ad...

The New Citizen Of The United States
That same day all America heard of the affair of Captain Nicholl and President Barbicane, as well as its singular denouement. From ...

The Projectile-vehicle
On the completion of the Columbiad the public interest centered in the projectile itself, the vehicle which was destined to carry t...

The Telescope Of The Rocky Mountains
On the 20th of October in the preceding year, after the close of the subscription, the president of the Gun Club had credited the O...

Final Details
It was the 22nd of November; the departure was to take place in ten days. One operation alone remained to be accomplished to bring...

The first of December had arrived! the fatal day! for, if the projectile were not discharged that very night at 10h. 48m. 40s. P.M....

Foul Weather
At the moment when that pyramid of fire rose to a prodigious height into the air, the glare of flame lit up the whole of Florida; a...

A New Star
That very night, the startling news so impatiently awaited, burst like a thunderbolt over the United States of the Union, and thenc...

Twenty Minutes Past Ten To Forty-seven Minutes Past Ten P M
As ten o'clock struck, Michel Ardan, Barbicane, and Nicholl, took leave of the numerous friends they were leaving on the earth. The t...

The First Half-hour
What had happened? What effect had this frightful shock produced? Had the ingenuity of the constructors of the projectile obtained ...

Their Place Of Shelter
This curious but certainly correct explanation once given, the three friends returned to their slumbers. Could they have found a c...

A Little Algebra
The night passed without incident. The word "night," however, is scarcely applicable. The position of the projectile with regard...

The Cold Of Space
This revelation came like a thunderbolt. Who could have expected such an error in calculation? Barbicane would not believe it. N...

Question And Answer
On the 4th of December, when the travelers awoke after fifty-four hours' journey, the chronometer marked five o'clock of the terres...

A Moment Of Intoxication
Thus a phenomenon, curious but explicable, was happening under these strange conditions. Every object thrown from the projectile ...

At Seventy-eight Thousand Five Hundred And Fourteen Leagues
What had happened? Whence the cause of this singular intoxication, the consequences of which might have been very disastrous? A sim...

The Consequences Of A Deviation
Barbicane had now no fear of the issue of the journey, at least as far as the projectile's impulsive force was concerned; its own s...

The Observers Of The Moon
Barbicane had evidently hit upon the only plausible reason of this deviation. However slight it might have been, it had sufficed t...

Fancy And Reality
"Have you ever seen the moon?" asked a professor, ironically, of one of his pupils. "No, sir!" replied the pupil, still more iron...

Orographic Details
The course taken by the projectile, as we have before remarked, was bearing it toward the moon's northern hemisphere. The travelers...

Lunar Landscapes
At half-past two in the morning, the projectile was over the thirteenth lunar parallel and at the effective distance of five hundre...

The Night Of Three Hundred And Fifty-four Hours And A Half
At the moment when this phenomenon took place so rapidly, the projectile was skirting the moon's north pole at less than twenty-five ...

Hyperbola Or Parabola
We may, perhaps, be astonished to find Barbicane and his companions so little occupied with the future reserved for them in their m...

The Southern Hemisphere
The projectile had just escaped a terrible danger, and a very unforseen one. Who would have thought of such an encounter with mete...

At six in the evening the projectile passed the south pole at less than forty miles off, a distance equal to that already reached a...

Grave Questions
But the projectile had passed the enceinte of Tycho, and Barbicane and his two companions watched with scrupulous attention the bri...

A Struggle Against The Impossible
For a long time Barbicane and his companions looked silently and sadly upon that world which they had only seen from a distance, as...

The Soundings Of The Susquehanna
Well, lieutenant, and our soundings?" "I think, sir, that the operation is nearing its completion," replied Lieutenant Bronsfield...

J T Maston Recalled
"It is `they' come back again!" the young midshipman had said, and every one had understood him. No one doubted but that the meteo...

Recovered From The Sea
The spot where the projectile sank under the waves was exactly known; but the machinery to grasp it and bring it to the surface of ...

The End
We may remember the intense sympathy which had accompanied the travelers on their departure. If at the beginning of the enterprise...

A Journey To The Centre Of The Earth

My Uncle Makes A Great Discovery
Looking back to all that has occurred to me since that eventful day, I am scarcely able to believe in the reality of my adventures. ...

The Mysterious Parchment
"I Declare," cried my uncle, striking the table fiercely with his fist, "I declare to you it is Runic and contains some wonderful...

An Astounding Discovery
"What is the matter?" cried the cook, entering the room; "when will master have his dinner?" "Never." "And, his supper?" "I...

We Start On The Journey
"You see, the whole island is composed of volcanoes," said the Professor, "and remark carefully that they all bear the name of Yocul...

First Lessons In Climbing
At Altona, a suburb of Hamburg, is the Chief Station of the Kiel railway, which was to take us to the shores of the Belt. In twenty ...

Our Voyage To Iceland
The hour of departure came at last. The night before, the worthy Mr. Thompson brought us the most cordial letters of introduction fo...

Conversation And Discovery
When I returned, dinner was ready. This meal was devoured by my worthy relative with avidity and voracity. His shipboard diet had tu...

Our Start We Meet With Adventures By The Way
The weather was overcast but settled, when we commenced our adventurous and perilous journey. We had neither to fear fatiguing heat ...

Traveling In Iceland
It ought, one would have thought, to have been night, even in the sixty-fifth parallel of latitude; but still the nocturnal illumina...

We Reach Mount Sneffels The Reykir
Stapi is a town consisting of thirty huts, built on a large plain of lava, exposed to the rays of the sun, reflected from the volcan...

The Ascent Of Mount Sneffels
The huge volcano which was the first stage of our daring experiment is above five thousand feet high. Sneffels is the termination of...

The Shadow Of Scartaris
Our supper was eaten with ease and rapidity, after which everybody did the best he could for himself within the hollow of the crater...

The Real Journey Commences
Our real journey had now commenced. Hitherto our courage and determination had overcome all difficulties. We were fatigued at times;...

We Continue Our Descent
At eight o'clock the next morning, a faint kind of dawn of day awoke us. The thousand and one prisms of the lava collected the light...

The Eastern Tunnel
The next day was Tuesday, the 30th of June and at six o'clock in the morning we resumed our journey. We still continued to follow...

Deeper And Deeper The Coal Mine
In truth, we were compelled to put ourselves upon rations. Our supply would certainly last not more than three days. I found this ou...

The Wrong Road!
Next day, our departure took place at a very early hour. There was no time for the least delay. According to my account, we had five...

The Western Gallery A New Route
Our descent was now resumed by means of the second gallery. Hans took up his post in front as usual. We had not gone more than a hun...

Water Where Is It? A Bitter Disappointment
During a long, long, weary hour, there crossed my wildly delirious brain all sorts of reasons as to what could have aroused our quie...

Under The Ocean
By the next day we had nearly forgotten our past sufferings. The first sensation I experienced was surprise at not being thirsty, an...

Sunday Below Ground
I Awoke on Sunday morning without any sense of hurry and bustle attendant on an immediate departure. Though the day to be devoted to...

It must in all truth be confessed, things as yet had gone on well, and I should have acted in bad taste to have complained. If the t...

No words in any human language can depict my utter despair. I was literally buried alive; with no other expectation before me but to...

The Whispering Gallery
When at last I came back to a sense of life and being, my face was wet, but wet, as I soon knew, with tears. How long this state of ...

A Rapid Recovery
When I returned to the consciousness of existence, I found myself surrounded by a kind of semiobscurity, lying on some thick and sof...

The Central Sea
At first I saw absolutely nothing. My eyes, wholly unused to the effulgence of light, could not bear the sudden brightness; and I wa...

Launching The Raft
On the morning of the next day, to my great surprise, I awoke completely restored. I thought a bath would be delightful after my lon...

On The Waters A Raft Voyage
On the thirteenth of August we were up betimes. There was no time to be lost. We now had to inaugurate a new kind of locomotion, whi...

Terrific Saurian Combat
Saturday, August 15th. The sea still retains its uniform monotony. The same leaden hue, the same eternal glare from above. No indica...

The Sea Monster
Wednesday, August 19th. Fortunately the wind, which for the present blows with some violence, has allowed us to escape from the scen...

The Battle Of The Elements
Friday, August 21st. This morning the magnificent geyser had wholly disappeared. The wind had freshened up, and we were fast leaving...

Our Route Reversed
Here ends what I call "My Journal" of our voyage on board the raft, which journal was happily saved from the wreck. I proceed with m...

A Voyage Of Discovery
It would be altogether impossible for me to give any idea of the utter astonishment which overcame the Professor on making this extr...

Discovery Upon Discovery
In order fully to understand the exclamation made by my uncle, and his allusions to these illustrious and learned men, it will be ne...

What Is It?
For a long and weary hour we tramped over this great bed of bones. We advanced regardless of everything, drawn on by ardent curiosit...

The Mysterious Dagger
During this time, we had left the bright and transparent forest far behind us. We were mute with astonishment, overcome by a kind of...

No Outlet Blasting The Rock
Ever since the commencement of our marvelous journey, I had experienced many surprises, had suffered from many illusions. I thought ...

The Explosion And Its Results
The next day, which was the twenty-seventh of August, was a date celebrated in our wondrous subterranean journey. I never think of i...

The Ape Gigans
It is difficult for me to determine what was the real time, but I should suppose, by after calculation, that it must have been ten a...

Hunger, prolonged, is temporary madness! The brain is at work without its required food, and the most fantastic notions fill the min...

The Volcanic Shaft
Man's constitution is so peculiar that his health is purely a negative matter. No sooner is the rage of hunger appeased than it beco...

Daylight At Last
When I opened my eyes I felt the hand of the guide clutching me firmly by the belt. With his other hand he supported my uncle. I was...

The Journey Ended
This is the final conclusion of a narrative which will be probably disbelieved even by people who are astonished at nothing. I am, h...

The Professor And His Family
On the 24th of May, 1863, my uncle, Professor Liedenbrock, rushed into his little house, No. 19 Konigstrasse, one of the oldest street...

A Mystery To Be Solved At Any Price
That study of his was a museum, and nothing else. Specimens of everything known in mineralogy lay there in their places in perfect or...

The Runic Writing Exercises The Professor
"Undoubtedly it is Runic," said the Professor, bending his brows; "but there is a secret in it, and I mean to discover the key." A ...

The Enemy To Be Starved Into Submission
"He is gone!" cried Martha, running out of her kitchen at the noise of the violent slamming of doors. "Yes," I replied, "completely...

Famine Then Victory Followed By Dismay
I had only just time to replace the unfortunate document upon the table. Professor Liedenbrock seemed to be greatly abstracted. ...

Exciting Discussions About An Unparalleled Enterprise
At these words a cold shiver ran through me. Yet I controlled myself; I even resolved to put a good face upon it. Scientific arguments...

A Woman's Courage
Thus ended this memorable seance. That conversation threw me into a fever. I came out of my uncle's study as if I had been stunned, an...

Serious Preparations For Vertical Descent
Altona, which is but a suburb of Hamburg, is the terminus of the Kiel railway, which was to carry us to the Belts. In twenty minutes w...

Iceland! But What Next?
The day for our departure arrived. The day before it our kind friend M. Thomsen brought us letters of introduction to Count Trampe, th...

Interesting Conversations With Icelandic Savants
Dinner was ready. Professor Liedenbrock devoured his portion voraciously, for his compulsory fast on board had converted his stomach ...

A Guide Found To The Centre Of The Earth
In the evening I took a short walk on the beach and returned at night to my plank-bed, where I slept soundly all night. When I awok...

A Barren Land
We had started under a sky overcast but calm. There was no fear of heat, none of disastrous rain. It was just the weather for tourists...

Hospitality Under The Arctic Circle
It ought to have been night-time, but under the 65th parallel there was nothing surprising in the nocturnal polar light. In Iceland d...

But Arctics Can Be Inhospitable Too
Stapi is a village consisting of about thirty huts, built of lava, at the south side of the base of the volcano. It extends along the ...

Snaefell At Last
Snaefell is 5,000 feet high. Its double cone forms the limit of a trachytic belt which stands out distinctly in the mountain system of...

Boldly Down The Crater
Supper was rapidly devoured, and the little company housed themselves as best they could. The bed was hard, the shelter not very subs...

Vertical Descent
Now began our real journey. Hitherto our toil had overcome all difficulties, now difficulties would spring up at every step. I had ...

The Wonders Of Terrestrial Depths
At eight in the morning a ray of daylight came to wake us up. The thousand shining surfaces of lava on the walls received it on its p...

Geological Studies In Situ
Next day, Tuesday, June 30, at 6 a.m., the descent began again. We were still following the gallery of lava, a real natural stairca...

The First Signs Of Distress
In fact, we had to ration ourselves. Our provision of water could not last more than three days. I found that out for certain when su...

Compassion Fuses The Professor's Heart
Next day we started early. We had to hasten forward. It was a three days' march to the cross roads. I will not speak of the sufferi...

What Happened In The Mountains
If I speak of myself in this story, it is because I have been deeply involved in its startling events, events doubtless among th...

I Reach Morganton
The twenty-seventh of April, having left Washington the night before, I arrived at Raleigh, the capital of the State of North Ca...

The Great Eyrie
The next day at dawn, Elias Smith and I left Morganton by a road which, winding along the left bank of the Catawba River, led to...

A Meeting Of The Automobile Club
Was the mystery of the Great Eyrie to be solved some day by chances beyond our imagining? That was known only to the future. And...

Along The Shores Of New England
At the time when the newspapers were filled with these reports, I was again in Washington. On my return I had presented myself a...

The First Letter
After leaving Mr. Ward I returned to my home in Long Street. There I had plenty of time to consider this strange case uninterrup...

A Third Machine
I confess that at first this letter dumfounded me. "Ohs!" and "Ahs!" slipped from my open mouth. The old servant stared at me, n...

At Any Cost
The suggestion of the Star came like a revelation. It was accepted everywhere. Not only were these three vehicles the work of th...

The Second Letter
On Board the Terror July 15. To the Old and New World, The propositions emanating from the different governments of Eur...

Outside The Law
Such was the letter addressed to the government of the United States. As to the person who had placed it in the mail-box of the ...

The Campaign
So the undiscoverable commander had reappeared upon the territory of the United States! He had never shown himself in Europe eit...

Black Rock Creek
Human nature is prone to illusions. Of course, there had been all along a probability that the "Terror" had deserted the localit...

On Board The Terror
When I came to my senses it was daylight. A half light pierced the thick glass port-hole of the narrow cabin wherein someone had...

The hours passed, and the situation did not change. The steersman returned on deck, and the captain, descending, watched the mov...

The Eagle's Nest
On the morrow, when I awoke after a sound sleep, our vehicle seemed motionless. It seemed to me evident that we were not running...

Robur The Conqueror
Robur, the Conqueror! This then was the likeness I had vaguely recalled. Some years before the portrait of this extraordinary ma...

In The Name Of The Law
What was to be the issue of this remarkable adventure? Could I bring it to any denouement whatever, either sooner or later? Did ...

The Old Housekeeper's Last Comment
When I came to myself after having been unconscious for many hours, a group of sailors whose care had restored me to life surrou...

A Challenge
"Nothing, sir, can induce me to surrender my claim." "I am sorry, count, but in such a matter your views cannot modify mine." "...

Captain Servadac And His Orderly
At the time of which I write, there might be seen in the registers of the Minister of War the following entry: SERVADAC (Hector),...

Interrupted Effusions
Composed of mud and loose stones, and covered with a thatch of turf and straw, known to the natives by the name of "driss," the gour...

A Convulsion Of Nature
Whence came it that at that very moment the horizon underwent so strange and sudden a modification, that the eye of the most practic...

A Mysterious Sea
Violent as the commotion had been, that portion of the Algerian coast which is bounded on the north by the Mediterranean, and on the...

The Captain Makes An Exploration
Hector Servadac was not the man to remain long unnerved by any untoward event. It was part of his character to discover the why and ...

Ben Zoof Watches In Vain
In a few minutes the governor general and his population were asleep. The gourbi being in ruins, they were obliged to put up with th...

Venus In Perilous Proximity
The light of the returning sun soon extinguished the glory of the stars, and rendered it necessary for the captain to postpone his o...

Inquiries Unsatisfied
Fast as his legs could carry him, Servadac had made his way to the top of the cliff. It was quite true that a vessel was in sight, h...

A Search For Algeria
The Dobryna, a strong craft of 200 tons burden, had been built in the famous shipbuilding yards in the Isle of Wight. Her sea going ...

An Island Tomb
No longer, then, could there be any doubt as to the annihilation of a considerable portion of the colony. Not merely had there been ...

At The Mercy Of The Winds
As the affrighted cormorants had winged their flight towards the south, there sprang up a sanguine hope on board the schooner that lan...

A Royal Salute
"Then I take your bishop, major," said Colonel Murphy, as he made a move that he had taken since the previous evening to consider. ...

Sensitive Nationality
When the schooner had approached the island, the Englishmen were able to make out the name "Dobryna" painted on the aft-board. A sin...

An Enigma From The Sea
Lieutenant Procope had been left on board in charge of the Dobryna, and on resuming the voyage it was a task of some difficulty to m...

The Residuum Of A Continent
Almost unconsciously, the voyagers in the Dobryna fell into the habit of using Gallia as the name of the new world in which they bec...

A Second Enigma
Upon re-embarking, the bewildered explorers began to discuss the question whether it would not now be desirable to make their way ba...

An Unexpected Population
The Dobryna was now back again at the island. Her cruise had lasted from the 31st of January to the 5th of March, a period of thirty...

Gallia's Governor General
The Spaniards who had arrived on board the Hansa consisted of nine men and a lad of twelve years of age, named Pablo. They all recei...

A Light On The Horizon
On the following day, without giving himself any further concern about the Jew's incredulity, the captain gave orders for the Hansa ...

Winter Quarters
The habitation that had now revealed itself, well lighted and thoroughly warm, was indeed marvelous. Not only would it afford ample ...

A Frozen Ocean
The moon! She had disappeared for weeks; was she now returning? Had she been faithless to the earth? and had she now approached to b...

A Carrier-pigeon
When, three hours after sunset, on the 23d of March, the Gallian moon rose upon the western horizon, it was observed that she had en...

A Sledge-ride
Formentera was at once recognized by Servadac and the count as the name of one of the smallest of the Balearic Islands. It was more ...

The Astronomer
By the return of the expedition, conveying its contribution from Formentera, the known population of Gallia was raised to a total of ...

A Revelation
To the general population of the colony the arrival of the stranger was a matter of small interest. The Spaniards were naturally too...

The Professor's Experiences
"Yes, my comet!" repeated the professor, and from time to time he knitted his brows, and looked around him with a defiant air, as th...

A Revised Calendar
All previous hypotheses, then, were now forgotten in the presence of the one great fact that Gallia was a comet and gravitating thro...

Wanted: A Steelyard
Under the still diminishing influence of the sun's attraction, but without let or hindrance, Gallia continued its interplanetary cou...

Money At A Premium
"Who's there? I have nothing here for anyone. Go away!" Such was the inhospitable greeting with which Isaac Hakkabut received his vi...

Lamentations Over Again But Standing Out Here Will Never Do
Out of the way, old Hakkabut, I say! out of the way!" and, without more ado, he thrust the astonished Jew on one side and opened the doo...

Gallia Weighed
A quarter of an hour later, the visitors to the Hansa had reassembled in the common hall of Nina's Hive. "Now, gentlemen, we can ...

Jupiter Somewhat Close
Except as to the time the comet would take to revolve round the sun, it must be confessed that all the professor's calculations had ...

Market Prices In Gallia
"All right!" said Servadac, convinced by the professor's ill humor that the danger was past; "no doubt we are in for a two years' ex...

Far Into Space
A month passed away. Gallia continued its course, bearing its little population onwards, so far removed from the ordinary influence ...

A Fete Day
The temperature continued to decrease; the mercurial thermometer, which freezes at 42 degrees below zero, was no longer of service, ...

The Bowels Of The Comet
The whole night was spent in speculating, with gloomy forebodings, upon the chances of the future. The temperature of the hall, now ...

Dreary Months
Henceforth, then, with a velocity ever increasing, Gallia would re-approach the sun. Except the thirteen Englishmen who had been ...

The Professor Perplexed
Another month passed away, and it was now September, but it was still impossible to leave the warmth of the subterranean retreat for...

A Journey And A Disappointment
It was as the professor had said. From the day that Isaac Hakkabut had entered upon his mercantile career, his dealings had all been...

A Bold Proposition
On his return Servadac communicated to the count the result of his expedition, and, though perfectly silent on the subject of his pe...

The Venture Made
What would be the consequences of this sudden and complete disruption, Servadac and his people hardly dared to think. The first c...

When the balloon had reached an elevation of about 2,500 yards, Lieutenant Procope determined to maintain it at that level. A wire-w...

Back Again
"In Algeria, captain?" "Yes, Ben Zoof, in Algeria; and not far from Mostaganem." Such were the first words which, after their ret...

A Shifting Reef
The year 1866 was signalised by a remarkable incident, a mysterious and puzzling phenomenon, which doubtless no one has yet forgotten....

Pro And Con
At the period when these events took place, I had just returned from a scientific research in the disagreeable territory of Nebraska, ...

I Form My Resolution
Three seconds before the arrival of J. B. Hobson's letter I no more thought of pursuing the unicorn than of attempting the passage of ...

Ned Land
Captain Farragut was a good seaman, worthy of the frigate he commanded. His vessel and he were one. He was the soul of it. On the qu...

At A Venture
The voyage of the Abraham Lincoln was for a long time marked by no special incident. But one circumstance happened which showed the ...

At Full Steam
At this cry the whole ship's crew hurried towards the harpooner--commander, officers, masters, sailors, cabin boys; even the engineer...

An Unknown Species Of Whale
This unexpected fall so stunned me that I have no clear recollection of my sensations at the time. I was at first drawn down to a dep...

Mobilis In Mobili
This forcible abduction, so roughly carried out, was accomplished with the rapidity of lightning. I shivered all over. Whom had we t...

Ned Land's Tempers
How long we slept I do not know; but our sleep must have lasted long, for it rested us completely from our fatigues. I woke first. M...

The Man Of The Seas
It was the commander of the vessel who thus spoke. At these words, Ned Land rose suddenly. The steward, nearly strangled, tottered...

All By Electricity
"Sir," said Captain Nemo, showing me the instruments hanging on the walls of his room, "here are the contrivances required for the na...

Some Figures
A moment after we were seated on a divan in the saloon smoking. The Captain showed me a sketch that gave the plan, section, and eleva...

The Black River
The portion of the terrestrial globe which is covered by water is estimated at upwards of eighty millions of acres. This fluid mass ...

A Note Of Invitation
The next day was the 9th of November. I awoke after a long sleep of twelve hours. Conseil came, according to custom, to know "how I ...

A Walk On The Bottom Of The Sea
This cell was, to speak correctly, the arsenal and wardrobe of the Nautilus. A dozen diving apparatuses hung from the partition waiti...

A Submarine Forest
We had at last arrived on the borders of this forest, doubtless one of the finest of Captain Nemo's immense domains. He looked upon i...

Four Thousand Leagues Under The Pacific
The next morning, the 18th of November, I had quite recovered from my fatigues of the day before, and I went up on to the platform, ju...

This terrible spectacle was the forerunner of the series of maritime catastrophes that the Nautilus was destined to meet with in its r...

Torres Straits
During the night of the 27th or 28th of December, the Nautilus left the shores of Vanikoro with great speed. Her course was south-wes...

A Few Days On Land
I was much impressed on touching land. Ned Land tried the soil with his feet, as if to take possession of it. However, it was only t...

Captain Nemo's Thunderbolt
We looked at the edge of the forest without rising, my hand stopping in the action of putting it to my mouth, Ned Land's completing it...

Aegri Somnia
The following day 10th January, the Nautilus continued her course between two seas, but with such remarkable speed that I could not e...

The Coral Kingdom
The next day I woke with my head singularly clear. To my great surprise, I was in my own room. My companions, no doubt, had been re...

The Indian Ocean
We now come to the second part of our journey under the sea. The first ended with the moving scene in the coral cemetery which left s...

A Novel Proposal Of Captain Nemo's
On the 28th of February, when at noon the Nautilus came to the surface of the sea, in 9 deg. 4' N. lat., there was land in sight about...

A Pearl Of Ten Millions
The next morning at four o'clock I was awakened by the steward whom Captain Nemo had placed at my service. I rose hurriedly, dressed,...

The Red Sea
In the course of the day of the 29th of January, the island of Ceylon disappeared under the horizon, and the Nautilus, at a speed of t...

The Arabian Tunnel
That same evening, in 21 deg. 30' N. lat., the Nautilus floated on the surface of the sea, approaching the Arabian coast. I saw Djedd...

The Grecian Archipelago
The next day, the 12th of February, at the dawn of day, the Nautilus rose to the surface. I hastened on to the platform. Three miles...

The Mediterranean In Forty-eight Hours
The Mediterranean, the blue sea par excellence, "the great sea" of the Hebrews, "the sea" of the Greeks, the "mare nostrum" of the Rom...

Vigo Bay
The Atlantic! a vast sheet of water whose superficial area covers twenty-five millions of square miles, the length of which is nine t...

A Vanished Continent
The next morning, the 19th of February, I saw the Canadian enter my room. I expected this visit. He looked very disappointed. "We...

The Submarine Coal-mines
The next day, the 20th of February, I awoke very late: the fatigues of the previous night had prolonged my sleep until eleven o'clock...

The Sargasso Sea
That day the Nautilus crossed a singular part of the Atlantic Ocean. No one can be ignorant of the existence of a current of warm wate...

Cachalots And Whales
During the nights of the 13th and 14th of March, the Nautilus returned to its southerly course. I fancied that, when on a level with ...

The Iceberg
The Nautilus was steadily pursuing its southerly course, following the fiftieth meridian with considerable speed. Did he wish to reac...

The South Pole
I rushed on to the platform. Yes! the open sea, with but a few scattered pieces of ice and moving icebergs--a long stretch of sea; a ...

Accident Or Incident?
The next day, the 22nd of March, at six in the morning, preparations for departure were begun. The last gleams of twilight were melti...

Want Of Air
Thus around the Nautilus, above and below, was an impenetrable wall of ice. We were prisoners to the iceberg. I watched the Captain....

From Cape Horn To The Amazon
How I got on to the platform, I have no idea; perhaps the Canadian had carried me there. But I breathed, I inhaled the vivifying sea-...

The Poulps
For several days the Nautilus kept off from the American coast. Evidently it did not wish to risk the tides of the Gulf of Mexico or o...

The Gulf Stream
This terrible scene of the 20th of April none of us can ever forget. I have written it under the influence of violent emotion. Since...

From Latitude 47 Deg 24' To Longitude 17 Deg 28'
In consequence of the storm, we had been thrown eastward once more. All hope of escape on the shores of New York or St. Lawrence had f...

A Hecatomb
The way of describing this unlooked-for scene, the history of the patriot ship, told at first so coldly, and the emotion with which th...

The Last Words Of Captain Nemo
The panels had closed on this dreadful vision, but light had not returned to the saloon: all was silence and darkness within the Nau...

Thus ends the voyage under the seas. What passed during that night--how the boat escaped from the eddies of the maelstrom--how Ned L...

Contradictory Letters
To Mr. F. R. Starr, Engineer, 30 Canongate, Edinburgh. IF Mr. James Starr will come to-morrow to the Aberfoyle coal-mines, Dochar...

On The Road
THE course of James Starr's ideas was abruptly stopped, when he got this second letter contradicting the first. "What does this m...

The Dochart Pit
HARRY FORD was a fine, strapping fellow of five and twenty. His grave looks, his habitually passive expression, had from childhood b...

The Ford Family
TEN minutes afterwards, James Starr and Harry issued from the principal gallery. They were now standing in a glade, if we may use th...

Some Strange Phenomena
MANY superstitious beliefs exist both in the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland. Of course the mining population must furnish its co...

Simon Ford's Experiment
THE old clock in the cottage struck one as James Starr and his two companions went out. A dim light penetrated through the ventilati...

New Aberfoyle
THE old overman's experiment had succeeded. Firedamp, it is well known, is only generated in coal seams; therefore the existence of ...

AT Harry's call, James Starr, Madge, and Simon Ford entered through the narrow orifice which put the Dochart pit in communication wi...

The Fire-maidens
A WEEK after the events just related had taken place, James Starr's friends had become very anxious. The engineer had disappeared, a...

Coal Town
THREE years after the events which have just been related, the guide-books recommended as a "great attraction," to the numerous tou...

Hanging By A Thread
ALTHOUGH in this way the Ford family led a happy and contented life, yet it was easy to see that Harry, naturally of a grave disposi...

Nell Adopted
A COUPLE of hours later, Harry still unconscious, and the child in a very feeble state, were brought to the cottage by Jack Ryan and...

On The Revolving Ladder
THE mining operations at New Aberfoyle continued to be carried on very successfully. As a matter of course, the engineer, James Star...

A Sunrise
A MONTH after this, on the evening of the 20th of August, Simon Ford and Madge took leave, with all manner of good wishes, of four t...

Loch Lomond And Loch Katrine
HARRY bore Nell carefully down the steeps of Arthur's Seat, and, accompanied by James Starr and Jack Ryan, they reached Lambert's Ho...

A Final Threat
ON that day, in the colliery of New Aberfoyle, work was going on in the usual regular way. In the distance could be heard the crash ...

The Monk
THIS name revealed everything to the old overman. It was that of the last "monk" of the Dochart pit. In former days, before the i...

Nell's Wedding
IT was agreed that the inhabitants of the cottage must keep more on their guard than ever. The threats of old Silfax were too seriou...

The Legend Of Old Silfax
Six months after these events, the marriage, so strangely interrupted, was finally celebrated in St. Giles's chapel, and the young c...

Shock Absorber
A man acts on what he believes the facts are, not on the facts. He lives or dies by what the fa...

The 4-d Doodler
"Do you believe, Professor Gault, that this four dimensional plane contains life--intelligent life?" At the question, Ga...

Second Landing
A gentle fancy for the Christmas Season--an oft-told tale with a wistful twistful of Something that left the Earth with a wing...

Of course if Man is to survive, he must be adaptable, as any life form must. But that's not enough; he must adapt faster than th...

The Cavern Of The Shining Ones
Layroh's hiring of husky down-and-outers for his expedition is part of a plan made ages past. It was shortly ...

Zehru Of Xollar
Three Earthlings are whisked on an inter-dimensional journey to the den of the Scientist Zehru. When the rolling th...

The Door In The Wall
I One confidential evening, not three months ago, Lionel Wallace told me this story of the Door in the Wall. And at the time I tho...

The Star
It was on the first day of the New Year that the announcement was made, almost simultaneously from three observatories, that the moti...

A Dream Of Armageddon
The man with the white face entered the carriage at Rugby. He moved slowly in spite of the urgency of his porter, and even while he ...

The Cone
The night was hot and overcast, the sky red, rimmed with the lingering sunset of mid-summer. They sat at the open window, trying to ...

A Moonlight Fable
There was once a little man whose mother made him a beautiful suit of clothes. It was green and gold and woven so that I cannot desc...

The Diamond Maker
Some business had detained me in Chancery Lane nine in the evening, and thereafter, having some inkling of a headache, I was disincli...

The Lord Of The Dynamos
The chief attendant of the three dynamos that buzzed and rattled at Camberwell, and kept the electric railway going, came out of York...

The Country Of The Blind
Three hundred miles and more from Chimborazo, one hundred from the snows of Cotopaxi, in the wildest wastes of Ecuador's Andes, there ...

Mr Bedford Meets Mr Cavor At Lympne
As I sit down to write here amidst the shadows of vine-leaves under the blue sky of southern Italy, it comes to me with a certain qual...

The First Making Of Cavorite
But Cavor's fears were groundless, so far as the actual making was concerned. On the 14th of October, 1899, this incredible substance ...

The Building Of The Sphere
I remember the occasion very distinctly when Cavor told me of his idea of the sphere. He had had intimations of it before, but at the ...

Inside The Sphere
"Go on," said Cavor, as I sat across the edge of the manhole, and looked down into the black interior of the sphere. We two were alone...

The Journey To The Moon
Presently Cavor extinguished the light. He said we had not overmuch energy stored, and that what we had we must economise for reading....

The Landing On The Moon
I remember how one day Cavor suddenly opened six of our shutters and blinded me so that I cried aloud at him. The whole area was moon,...

Sunrise On The Moon
As we saw it first it was the wildest and most desolate of scenes. We were in an enormous amphitheatre, a vast circular plain, the flo...

A Lunar Morning
The harsh emphasis, the pitiless black and white of scenery had altogether disappeared. The glare of the sun had taken upon itself a f...

Prospecting Begins
We ceased to gaze. We turned to each other, the same thought, the same question in our eyes. For these plants to grow, there must be s...

Lost Men In The Moon
His face caught something of my dismay. He stood up and stared about him at the scrub that fenced us in and rose about us, straining u...

The Mooncalf Pastures
So we two poor terrestrial castaways, lost in that wild-growing moon jungle, crawled in terror before the sounds that had come upon us...

The Selenite's Face
I found myself sitting crouched together in a tumultuous darkness. For a long time I could not understand where I was, nor how I had c...

Mr Cavor Makes Some Suggestions
For a time neither of us spoke. To focus together all the things we had brought upon ourselves seemed beyond my mental powers. "The...

Experiments In Intercourse
When at last we had made an end of eating, the Selenites linked our hands closely together again, and then untwisted the chains about ...

The Giddy Bridge
Just for a moment that hostile pause endured. I suppose that both we and the Selenites did some very rapid thinking. My clearest impre...

Points Of View
The light grew stronger as we advanced. In a little time it was nearly as strong as the phosphorescence on Cavor's legs. Our tunnel wa...

The Fight In The Cave Of The Moon Butchers
I do not know how far we clambered before we came to the grating. It may be we ascended only a few hundred feet, but at the time it se...

In The Sunlight
Presently we saw that the cavern before us opened upon a hazy void. In another moment we had emerged upon a sort of slanting gallery, ...

Mr Bedford Alone
In a little while it seemed to me as though I had always been alone on the moon. I hunted for a time with a certain intentness, but th...

Mr Bedford In Infinite Space
It was almost as though I had been killed. Indeed, I could imagine a man suddenly and violently killed would feel very much as I did. ...

Mr Bedford At Littlestone
My line of flight was about parallel with the surface as I came into the upper air. The temperature of sphere began to rise forthwith....

The Astonishing Communication Of Mr Julius Wendigee
When I had finished my account of my return to the earth at Littlestone, I wrote, "The End," made a flourish, and threw my pen aside, ...

An Abstract Of The Six Messages First Received From Mr Cavor
The two earlier messages of Mr. Cavor may very well be reserved for that larger volume. They simply tell, with greater brevity and wit...

The Natural History Of The Selenites
The messages of Cavor from the sixth up to the sixteenth are for the most part so much broken, and they abound so in repetitions, that...

The Grand Lunar
The penultimate message describes, with occasionally elaborate detail, the encounter between Cavor and the Grand Lunar, who is the rul...

The Last Message Cavor Sent To The Earth
On this unsatisfactory manner the penultimate message of Cavor dies out. One seems to see him away there in the blue obscurity amidst ...

The Discovery Of The Food
I. In the middle years of the nineteenth century there first became abundant in this strange world of ours a class of men, men te...

The Experimental Farm
I. Mr. Bensington proposed originally to try this stuff, so soon as he was really able to prepare it, upon tadpoles. One always d...

The Giant Rats
I. It was two nights after the disappearance of Mr. Skinner that the Podbourne doctor was out late near Hankey, driving in his bu...

The Giant Children
I. For a time at least the spreading circle of residual consequences about the Experimental Farm must pass out of the focus of ou...

The Minimificence Of Mr Bensington
I. It was while the Royal Commission on Boomfood was preparing its report that Herakleophorbia really began to demonstrate its ca...

The Coming Of The Food
I. Our theme, which began so compactly in Mr. Bensington's study, has already spread and branched, until it points this way and t...

The Brat Gigantic
I. The giant child was ugly--the Vicar would insist. "He always had been ugly--as all excessive things must be." The Vicar's view...

The Altered World
I. Change played in its new fashion with the world for twenty years. To most men the new things came little by little and day by ...

The Giant Lovers
I. Now it chanced in the days when Caterham was campaigning against the Boom-children before the General Election that was--amids...

Young Caddies In London
I. All unaware of the trend of events, unaware of the laws that were closing in upon all the Brethren, unaware indeed that there ...

Redwood's Two Days
I. So soon as Caterham knew the moment for grasping his nettle had come, he took the law into his own hands and sent to arrest Co...

The Giant Leaguer
I. Presently Redwood found himself in a train going south over the Thames. He had a brief vision of the river shining under its l...

The Strange Man's Arrival
The stranger came early in February, one wintry day, through a biting wind and a driving snow, the last snowfall of the year, over ...

Mr Teddy Henfrey's First Impressions
At four o'clock, when it was fairly dark and Mrs. Hall was screwing up her courage to go in and ask her visitor if he would take som...

The Thousand And One Bottles
So it was that on the twenty-ninth day of February, at the beginning of the thaw, this singular person fell out of infinity into Ipi...

Mr Cuss Interviews The Stranger
I have told the circumstances of the stranger's arrival in Iping with a certain fulness of detail, in order that the curious impres...

The Burglary At The Vicarage
The facts of the burglary at the vicarage came to us chiefly through the medium of the vicar and his wife. It occurred in the small...

The Furniture That Went Mad
Now it happened that in the early hours of Whit Monday, before Millie was hunted out for the day, Mr. Hall and Mrs. Hall both rose ...

The Unveiling Of The Stranger
The stranger went into the little parlour of the "Coach and Horses" about half-past five in the morning, and there he remained until...

In Transit
The eighth chapter is exceedingly brief, and relates that Gibbons, the amateur naturalist of the district, while lying out on the s...

Mr Thomas Marvel
You must picture Mr. Thomas Marvel as a person of copious, flexible visage, a nose of cylindrical protrusion, a liquorish, ample, f...

Mr Marvel's Visit To Iping
After the first gusty panic had spent itself Iping became argumentative. Scepticism suddenly reared its head--rather nervous scepti...

In The Coach And Horses
Now in order clearly to understand what had happened in the inn, it is necessary to go back to the moment when Mr. Marvel first came...

The Invisible Man Loses His Temper
It is unavoidable that at this point the narrative should break off again, for a certain very painful reason that will presently be ...

Mr Marvel Discusses His Resignation
When the dusk was gathering and Iping was just beginning to peep timorously forth again upon the shattered wreckage of its Bank Hol...

At Port Stowe
Ten o'clock the next morning found Mr. Marvel, unshaven, dirty, and travel-stained, sitting with the books beside him and his hands ...

The Man Who Was Running
In the early evening time Dr. Kemp was sitting in his study in the belvedere on the hill overlooking Burdock. It was a pleasant litt...

In The Jolly Cricketers
The "Jolly Cricketers" is just at the bottom of the hill, where the tram-lines begin. The barman leant his fat red arms on the count...

Dr Kemp's Visitor
Dr. Kemp had continued writing in his study until the shots aroused him. Crack, crack, crack, they came one after the other. "Hul...

The Invisible Man Sleeps
Exhausted and wounded as the Invisible Man was, he refused to accept Kemp's word that his freedom should be respected. He examined t...

Certain First Principles
"What's the matter?" asked Kemp, when the Invisible Man admitted him. "Nothing," was the answer. "But, confound it! The smash?"...

At The House In Great Portland Street
For a moment Kemp sat in silence, staring at the back of the headless figure at the window. Then he started, struck by a thought, r...

In Oxford Street
"In going downstairs the first time I found an unexpected difficulty because I could not see my feet; indeed I stumbled twice, and t...

In The Emporium
"So last January, with the beginning of a snowstorm in the air about me--and if it settled on me it would betray me!--weary, cold, ...

In Drury Lane
"But you begin now to realise," said the Invisible Man, "the full disadvantage of my condition. I had no shelter--no covering--to g...

The Plan That Failed
"But now," said Kemp, with a side glance out of the window, "what are we to do?" He moved nearer his guest as he spoke in such a ...

The Hunting Of The Invisible Man
For a space Kemp was too inarticulate to make Adye understand the swift things that had just happened. They stood on the landing, K...

The Wicksteed Murder
The Invisible Man seems to have rushed out of Kemp's house in a state of blind fury. A little child playing near Kemp's gateway was ...

The Siege Of Kemp's House
Kemp read a strange missive, written in pencil on a greasy sheet of paper. "You have been amazingly energetic and clever," this l...

The Hunter Hunted
Mr. Heelas, Mr. Kemp's nearest neighbour among the villa holders, was asleep in his summer house when the siege of Kemp's house beg...

ON February the First 1887, the Lady Vain was lost by collision with a derelict when about the latitude 1 degree S. and longitude 107...

In The Dingey Of The Lady Vain
I DO not propose to add anything to what has already been written concerning the loss of the "Lady Vain." As everyone knows, she c...

The Man Who Was Going Nowhere
THE cabin in which I found myself was small and rather untidy. A youngish man with flaxen hair, a bristly straw-coloured moustache, ...

The Strange Face
WE left the cabin and found a man at the companion obstructing our way. He was standing on the ladder with his back to us, peering...

At The Schooner's Rail
THAT night land was sighted after sundown, and the schooner hove to. Montgomery intimated that was his destination. It was too far...

The Man Who Had Nowhere To Go
IN the early morning (it was the second morning after my recovery, and I believe the fourth after I was picked up), I awoke through ...

The Evil-looking Boatmen
BUT the islanders, seeing that I was really adrift, took pity on me. I drifted very slowly to the eastward, approaching the island s...

The Locked Door
THE reader will perhaps understand that at first everything was so strange about me, and my position was the outcome of such unexpec...

The Crying Of The Puma
MONTGOMERY interrupted my tangle of mystification and suspicion about one o'clock, and his grotesque attendant followed him with a ...

The Thing In The Forest
I STRODE through the undergrowth that clothed the ridge behind the house, scarcely heeding whither I went; passed on through the sha...

The Crying Of The Man
AS I drew near the house I saw that the light shone from the open door of my room; and then I heard coming from out of the darkness...

The Hunting Of The Man
IT came before my mind with an unreasonable hope of escape that the outer door of my room was still open to me. I was convinced now...

The Sayers Of The Law
THEN something cold touched my hand. I started violently, and saw close to me a dim pinkish thing, looking more like a flayed chil...

A Parley
I TURNED again and went on down towards the sea. I found the hot stream broadened out to a shallow, weedy sand, in which an abundan...

Doctor Moreau Explains
"AND now, Prendick, I will explain," said Doctor Moreau, so soon as we had eaten and drunk. "I must confess that you are the most ...

Concerning The Beast Folk
I WOKE early. Moreau's explanation stood before my mind, clear and definite, from the moment of my awakening. I got out of the ha...

How The Beast Folk Taste Blood
MY inexperience as a writer betrays me, and I wander from the thread of my story. After I had breakfasted with Montgomery, he too...

A Catastrophe
SCARCELY six weeks passed before I had lost every feeling but dislike and abhorrence for this infamous experiment of Moreau's. My o...

The Finding Of Moreau
WHEN I saw Montgomery swallow a third dose of brandy, I took it upon myself to interfere. He was already more than half fuddled. I...

Montgomery's Bank Holiday
WHEN this was accomplished, and we had washed and eaten, Montgomery and I went into my little room and seriously discussed our posi...

Alone With The Beast Folk
I FACED these people, facing my fate in them, single-handed now,--literally single-handed, for I had a broken arm. In my pocket was...

The Reversion Of The Beast Folk
IN this way I became one among the Beast People in the Island of Doctor Moreau. When I awoke, it was dark about me. My arm ached ...

The Man Alone
IN the evening I started, and drove out to sea before a gentle wind from the southwest, slowly, steadily; and the island grew smalle...

The Crystal Egg
There was, until a year ago, a little and very grimy-looking shop near Seven Dials, over which, in weather-worn yellow lettering,...

The Star
It was on the first day of the new year that the announcement was made, almost simultaneously from three observatories, that the ...

A Story Of The Stone Age
I--UGH-LOMI AND UYA This story is of a time beyond the memory of man, before the beginning of history, a time when one might...

A Story Of The Days To Come
I--THE CURE FOR LOVE The excellent Mr. Morris was an Englishman, and he lived in the days of Queen Victoria the Good. He was...

The Man Who Could Work Miracles
A PANTOUM IN PROSE It is doubtful whether the gift was innate. For my own part, I think it came to him suddenly. Indeed, unt...

The Time Machine
I The Time Traveller (for so it will be convenient to speak of him) was expounding a recondite matter to us. His grey eyes s...

The Eve Of The War
No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by ...

The Falling Star
Then came the night of the first falling star. It was seen early in the morning, rushing over Winchester eastward, a line of fla...

On Horsell Common
I found a little crowd of perhaps twenty people surrounding the huge hole in which the cylinder lay. I have already described th...

The Cylinder Opens
When I returned to the common the sun was setting. Scattered groups were hurrying from the direction of Woking, and one or two p...

The Heat-ray
After the glimpse I had had of the Martians emerging from the cylinder in which they had come to the earth from their planet, a k...

The Heat-ray In The Chobham Road
It is still a matter of wonder how the Martians are able to slay men so swiftly and so silently. Many think that in some way the...

How I Reached Home
For my own part, I remember nothing of my flight except the stress of blundering against trees and stumbling through the heather....

Friday Night
The most extraordinary thing to my mind, of all the strange and wonderful things that happened upon that Friday, was the dovetail...

The Fighting Begins
Saturday lives in my memory as a day of suspense. It was a day of lassitude too, hot and close, with, I am told, a rapidly fluct...

In The Storm
Leatherhead is about twelve miles from Maybury Hill. The scent of hay was in the air through the lush meadows beyond Pyrford, an...

At The Window
I have already said that my storms of emotion have a trick of exhausting themselves. After a time I discovered that I was cold a...

What I Saw Of The Destruction Of Weybridge And Shepperton
As the dawn grew brighter we withdrew from the window from which we had watched the Martians, and went very quietly downstairs. ...

How I Fell In With The Curate
After getting this sudden lesson in the power of terrestrial weapons, the Martians retreated to their original position upon Ho...

In London
My younger brother was in London when the Martians fell at Woking. He was a medical student working for an imminent examination, ...

What Had Happened In Surrey
It was while the curate had sat and talked so wildly to me under the hedge in the flat meadows near Halliford, and while my broth...

The Exodus From London
So you understand the roaring wave of fear that swept through the greatest city in the world just as Monday was dawning--the stre...

The Thunder Child
Had the Martians aimed only at destruction, they might on Monday have annihilated the entire population of London, as it spread i...

Under Foot
In the first book I have wandered so much from my own adventures to tell of the experiences of my brother that all through the la...

What We Saw From The Ruined House
After eating we crept back to the scullery, and there I must have dozed again, for when presently I looked round I was alone. Th...

The Days Of Imprisonment
The arrival of a second fighting-machine drove us from our peephole into the scullery, for we feared that from his elevation the ...

The Death Of The Curate
It was on the sixth day of our imprisonment that I peeped for the last time, and presently found myself alone. Instead of keepin...

The Stillness
My first act before I went into the pantry was to fasten the door between the kitchen and the scullery. But the pantry was empty...

The Work Of Fifteen Days
For some time I stood tottering on the mound regardless of my safety. Within that noisome den from which I had emerged I had t...

The Man On Putney Hill
I spent that night in the inn that stands at the top of Putney Hill, sleeping in a made bed for the first time since my flight to...

Dead London
After I had parted from the artilleryman, I went down the hill, and by the High Street across the bridge to Fulham. The red weed...

And now comes the strangest thing in my story. Yet, perhaps, it is not altogether strange. I remember, clearly and coldly and v...

The Epilogue
I cannot but regret, now that I am concluding my story, how little I am able to contribute to the discussion of the many debatabl...

One afternoon, at low water, Mr. Isbister, a young artist lodging at Boscastle, walked from that place to the picturesque cove of Pe...

The Trance
The state of cataleptic rigour into which this man had fallen, lasted for an unprecedented length of time, and then he passed slowly...

The Awakening
But Warming was wrong in that. An awakening came. What a wonderfully complex thing! this simple seeming unity--the self! Who ca...

The Sound Of A Tumult
Graham's last impression before he fainted was of a clamorous ringing of bells. He learnt afterwards that he was insensible, hanging...

The Moving Ways
He went to the railings of the balcony and stared upward. An exclamation of surprise at his appearance, and the movements of a numbe...

The Hall Of The Atlas
From the moment when the tailor had bowed his farewell to the moment when Graham found himself in the lift, was altogether barely fi...

In The Silent Rooms
Presently Graham resumed his examination of his apartments. Curiosity kept him moving in spite of his fatigue. The inner room, he pe...

The Roof Spaces
As the fans in the circular aperture of the inner room rotated and permitted glimpses of the night, dim sounds drifted in thereby. A...

The People March
He became aware of someone urging a glass of clear fluid upon his attention, looked up and discovered this was a dark young man in a...

The Battle Of The Darkness
He was no longer in the hall. He was marching along a gallery overhanging one of the great streets of the moving platforms that tr...

The Old Man Who Knew Everything
He was startled by a cough close at hand. He turned sharply, and peering, saw a small, hunched-up figure sitting a couple of ya...

Graham could now take a clearer view of his position. For a long time yet he wandered, but after the talk of the old man his discove...

The End Of The Old Order
So far as Graham was able to judge, it was near midday when the white banner of the Council fell. But some hours had to elapse be...

From The Crow's Nest
And so after strange delays and through an avenue of doubt and battle, this man from the nineteenth century came at last to his posi...

Prominent People
The state apartments of the Wind Vane Keeper would have seemed astonishingly intricate to Graham had he entered them fresh from his ...

The Aerophile
For a while, as Graham went through the passages of the Wind-Vane offices with Lincoln, he was preoccupied. But, by an effort, he at...

Three Days
Lincoln awaited Graham in an apartment beneath the flying stages. He seemed curious to learn all that had happened, pleased to hear ...

Graham Remembers
She came upon him at last in a little gallery that ran from the Wind Vane Offices toward his state apartments. The gallery was long ...

Ostrog's Point Of View
Graham found Ostrog waiting to give a formal account of his day's stewardship. On previous occasions he had passed over this ceremon...

In The City Ways
And that night, unknown and unsuspected, Graham, dressed in the costume of an inferior wind-vane official keeping holiday, and accom...

Earth was being bet on to break her blockade ... but what was the purse ... and who was to collect? The sight of ...

The Risk Profession
Mister Henderson called me into his office my third day back in Tangiers. That was a day and a half later than I'd expected. Rovi...

We Start On A Very Long Voyage
"Well, I suppose it is about time to get ready for starting?" The speaker was a smart, well-set-up man about forty-three years...

Personal Reminiscences Why We Decided On The Voyage
My name is Wilfrid Poynders, and during the greater part of my lifetime of more than sixty-three years astronomy has been my favo...

We Approach The Moon-a Magnificent Spectacle
When we had finished our supper John remarked, "Professor, I am a little mystified in regard to our present position. We have sta...

Close To The Moon-i Give Some Information About It
We were now moving at a comparatively slow speed, yet the size of the moon's disc was very rapidly expanding as we approached nea...

We View The Lunar Scenery In The Northern Hemisphere
"Now, Professor," exclaimed M'Allister, jumping up with a shrug of the shoulders, "you've given our friend John a considerable am...

The Scenery Of The Moon's Southern Hemisphere
I now directed M'Allister to steer across the lunar equator into the southern hemisphere, and our attention was soon attracted by...

We Resume Our Voyage-the Sun And The Sky As Seen From Space
All the time the Areonal had been near the moon some of our machines were storing up fresh power, and we had accumulated a supply...

John Insists On Going Back Again-a Strange But Amusing Incident Occurs
When we rose the next day the moon was a considerable distance away from us, but not so far off as might at first be imagined if ...

A Narrow Escape From Destruction-i Give Some Particulars About Mars And Martian Discovery
Things now went on quietly and, in fact, rather monotonously for several days; and then we met with another rather startling expe...

The Discovery Of Lines Upon Mars-the Great Martian Controversy
After the little interlude with M'Allister, I resumed my remarks by saying that "The year 1877, so memorable for the near approac...

The Great Martian Controversy Continued
"As the result of very long continued and systematic observation of the lines on Mars, together with carefully plotting them down...

We Are Mysteriously Prevented From Approaching Mars
The days then passed uneventfully until at last the long-looked-for day arrived, and on the 24th September we were so close to Ma...

We Arrive On Mars And Meet With A Startling Surprise
On hearing my excited exclamation, John and M'Allister at once stepped on to the platform and, having looked down, were as much s...

I Make A Most Amazing Discovery
I was so utterly taken aback at this most unexpected greeting in my own native language by one who was apparently the chief inhab...

What Is In A Name!-the Story Of Merna
Yes, this glorious being was indeed the son whom I had lost on the earth! It would be utterly impossible for me to describe the p...

We Learn Something About The Powers Of The Martians
The next morning Merna arrived early, and breakfasted with us; and, as soon as the meal was over, we started out. The air was bra...

We Visit The Canals And Discover Their Secret-martian Views Of Life And Death
On Merna's suggestion we walked through the town with the object of inspecting the canals on the outskirts; and we needed no pres...

We Attend A Martian Banquet
On our arrival at the banqueting-hall we were most cordially received by Soranho, as Chief of the Council, who introduced us to a...

The Chief Of The Martian Council Discusses The Social Conditions Of Our World And Mars
It was a most strange, and, in fact, embarrassing situation for me-an insignificant and very retiring man in my own country-to be...

The Secret Of The Carets-the Sun As Seen From Mars
The next day, accompanied by Merna and Tellurio, we started off at an early hour on an air-ship trip to the northern edge of the ...

Our First View Of The Earth From Mars-a Martian Courtship
Within a few days we had our first glimpse of the earth from Mars. It appeared only as a very thin but bright crescent of light, ...

Celestial Phenomena Seen From Mars-m'allister Receives A Practical Lesson In Gravitation
Mars is really an ideal world for an astronomer to live in, its skies being so clear, the air so thin and pure, and the stars shi...

I Have A Serious Talk With John
For some days past it had been becoming more and more evident to me that John was quite infatuated with Siloni, and also that ...

The Martian Seasons
Our earliest records of Mars date back to a very remote period, viz. 2300 years before the birth of Christ! Professor Hilprecht, ...

Many Things Seen Upon Mars-i Receive Some News
During the remainder of our stay upon Mars we visited almost every important place upon the planet, either by means of air-ships,...

We Witness Some Wonderful Aerial Evolutions And Listen To Marvellous Music
Wherever we went we found new subjects for wonder and admiration, and fresh proofs of the high state of civilisation and developm...

A Farewell Banquet And A Painful Parting
The time was nigh at hand when we must think about our arrangements for returning to the earth, and, as it drew nearer and nearer...

Last Words To My Readers
As I have decided to stay here upon Mars, and have just taken leave of my two dear old friends, I will now address a few last wor...

What Happened Upon Our Return Home
ADDENDUM (Written by John Yiewsley Claxton, Esq., of Norbury, in the County Borough of Croydon, Surrey) In accordance w...

The Quantum Jump
Captain Brandon was a pioneer. He explored the far reaches of space and reported back on how things were out there. So ...

The Cosmic Express
The year 1928 was a great year of discovery for AMAZING STORIES. They were uncovering new talent at such a great rate, (Har...

Cat And Mouse
The Warden needed to have a certain very obnoxious pest eliminated ... and he knew just the pest-eradicator he needed.... ...

St. Thomas, Monday, 17 June 2571 CE Captain Mike Odeon cursed in angry frustration as he climbed out of his command van into...

St. Thomas, Thursday, 20 June 2571 Odeon was still perplexed by the previous afternoon's odd meeting when he got to Joanie's ro...

Late July 2571 As Cortin recovered and the pain in her body eased to what Egan assured her was the best she could expect withou...

St. Thomas, Tuesday, 23 July 2571 About mid-afternoon, Shannon was leaning back in his desk chair, planning the March raid that...

St. Thomas, Wednesday, 24 July 2571 Less than half an hour later, she was in the theater along with what she estimated at fifty...

St. Thomas, August 2571-February 2572 During the first week after Team Azrael reported to Middletown, Cortin got her men assign...

St. Thomas, Thursday, 20 Feb 2572 The Royal Family, the King's Household and staff, and favored nobles flew to Dragon's Lair; e...

Back on the road, about an hour later, Cortin spotted a rider coming in their direction. He was apparently daydreaming, because it ...

Shannon fumed in helpless anger. The first direct attack on Cortin's new team--one he admitted to himself shouldn't have been made,...

Saturday, 29 February 2572 Odeon was too edgy to sleep, too nervous about Joanie's prospects for recovery even to rest well, an...

Supper was a festive affair. The meal was sent from the Manor, with Prince Edward's compliments, and Princess Ursula sent Cortin a ...

Sunday, 01 Mar 2572 The flight started out as interesting, if uneventful. Cortin exchanged courtesies with the Royal couple, t...

Nobody had thought to brief them on the welcoming ceremonies at the airport, but Bradford had mentioned her team acting as bodyguard...

Cortin climbed the stairs to the second floor, Bain following her, satisfied with the results of her evening's work. Her fear that ...

Demon Drops
"Good morning, my dear." Cortin greeted her subject cheerily as soon as she entered the third-stage room. Yes, Mike had had it cle...

Cortin lay awake, listening to Odeon's soft breathing and thinking. The dream had been almost pure wish fulfillment, a wish she'd bo...

As she experienced, for minutes almost becoming, each of the Sealed men, Cortin's appreciation of them grew. Tony's quiet, unobtrus...

Wednesday, 4 Mar 2572 When Cortin got to the breakfast table after Mass, she was amused to find a heated discussion in progress...

Monday, 16 March 2572 Sara Blackfeather read the invitation for the third time, still not sure if it was real or a poor joke. ...

Odeon woke, a scream caught in his throat, pain knifing through his head. When it eased, he found himself gasping, staring around i...

Tuesday, 17 March 2572 Cortin prayed harder than she could remember ever having done before, resting her hands on Odeon's foreh...

Saturday, 21 March 2572 CE Blackfeather was still apprehensive when she arrived at Harmony Lodge. She'd been met at the airport...

Wednesday, 25 March 2572 The next morning, when Powell offered to help her into lightweight Enforcement body armor, Blackfeathe...

Thursday, 26 March 2572, New Denver After Mass and breakfast, Odeon, Bain, and Blackfeather went to the dungeon. There was no ...

The rest of the Family had waited supper, except for the children, who'd already finished and, to Cortin's relief, gone back to thei...

Imperial Contact
St. Thomas, Monday, 27 July 2572 CE A soft knock on the door and a barely-audible "Excellency?" from outside it woke her. It w...

DeLayne's call was fruitful, more quickly than Cortin had expected. As soon as he identified himself, he was transferred to Ranger ...

Aboard The Lindner
James Medart was looking forward to his arrival in the Kingdom Systems. Another new culture to study, this time a group whose ancest...

The Columbus left as soon as Medart's ship, the Empress Lindner, entered orbit. Battle cruisers were far too large to land in a gra...

Upstairs in the Family section, Odeon turned to Medart. "Thanks for helping her, Jim. That's one the Brothers hadn't tried before,...

Medart went to his suite, preferring to be alone rather than spoil the Family's evening. It wasn't their fault he didn't consider t...

Discussion 2
A knock on Medart's door didn't surprise him. "Come in, Mike--I've been waiting for you." Odeon entered, tying the belt of his...

Odeon was right; he didn't get any sleep. He'd left Medart as soon as a messenger from the ship delivered the materials the Ranger ...

Raid Master
St. Thomas, Wednesday, 19 June 2571 "The goddamned Bitch is still alive, Raidmaster." Lawrence Shannon looked up from the sh...

St. Thomas, June 2571 Within five days of Cortin's arrival at the New Denver hospital, Shannon had managed to get three Brother...

Shannon's Reaction
Shannon had decided to take advantage of Cortin's skill during the afternoon session. It had been some time since he'd combined his...

Mike Odeon's First Mass
Odeon smiled as he entered the Detention Center chapel's small sacristy to prepare for his First Mass. He'd gone to Mass every day ...

Shannon's stomach churned in sick disgust, and he found it hard to keep from vomiting. He'd known that she'd be given a dozen helpe...

Monday, 16 March 2572 Shannon had sent Blackfeather home to get ready for her trip, and was distracting himself from her loss b...

Thursday, 26 March 2572 (Morning, New Rome) Shayan smiled as he read the New Roman Times while eating breakfast. Sara had done ...

At Harmony Lodge
The next three weeks went by both too quickly and too slowly for Cortin's taste. It took the Imperials only a couple of days to fin...

Torture Cortin's Point Of View
Cortin was conducting the first part of her preliminary examination when Odeon interrupted. "Someone in the observation room, Excel...

Torture Odeon's Point Of View
Maybe an hour after Cortin began her preliminary examination, Odeon glanced toward the observation room, raised a hand in acknowledg...

To Keith's amusement, the artist did his work after using a topical anesthetic, saying it was to prevent a flinch from spoiling the ...

Out Around Rigel
[An astounding chronicle of two Lunarians' conquest of time and interstellar space.] The sun had dropped behind the Grimaldi...

Legend had it, that many thousands of years ago, right after the Great Horror, the whole continent of the west had slowly sunk...

No Moving Parts
Hansen was sitting at the control board in the single building on Communications Relay Station 43.4SC, when the emergency ligh...

The Servant Problem
Selling a whole town, and doing it inconspicuously, can be a little difficult ... either giving it away freely, or in a m...

Star Mother
A touching story of the most enduring love in all eternity. That night her son was the first star. She stood motio...




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