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Hand Writing

How To Study Forged And Disputed Signatures
The title to money and property of all kinds depends so lately upon the genuineness of signatures that no study or inquiry can be more ...

Forgery By Tracing
Forgery by tracing is one of the most common and most dangerous methods of forgery. There are two general methods of perpetratin...

How Forgers Reproduce Signatures
In detailing matters which experience suggests as importantly connected with the examination of disputed signatures, there are none ...

Erasures, Alterations And Additions
Erasure or erazuer, as it is more commonly called in England, from the Latin word "scrape or shave" is the scraping or shaving of a dee...

How To Write A Check To Prevent Forging
Among the casual patrons of the average bank there is a superstition that in presenting a check at a teller's window the amount of the ...

Methods Of Forgers, Check And Draft Raisers
A professional forgery band consists of first, a capitalist or backer; second, the actual forger, known among his associates as the ...

The Handwriting Expert
There is no rule of law fixing the precise amount of experience or degree of skill necessary to constitute a handwriting expert. The ...

How To Detect Forged Handwriting
Few persons outside of the banking and legal fraternity are aware of the frequency with which litigations arise from one or another of ...

Greatest Danger To Banks
Raising checks has become the greatest danger to the banks. There is no comparison between raising checks with a genuine signature and ...

Thumb-prints Never Forged
How to detect the forger as one of the cleverest of operating criminals has been solved by the "thumb-print" method of identification, ...

Detecting Forgery With The Microscope
In all examinations of questioned signatures to determine the individual habit of the writer the use of the compound microscope is a ...

Signature Experts The Safety Of The Modern Bank
One of the most trying positions in our business, is that of signature expert--the man who has to examine daily every draft that comes ...

How To Determine Age Of Any Writing
The inks in common use over the United States at the present time, and for some years past, are not as numerous as one might be led ...

Detecting Fraud And Forgery In Papers And Documents
The art of detecting forgery or fraud, in checks, drafts, documents, seals, writing materials, or in the characters themselves is a stu...

Guided Handwriting And Method Used
Guided handwriting is one of the most frequent means of forgery and oftentimes the most difficult to detect. It has been established th...

Tales Told By Handwriting
It is possible for a trained expert in handwriting to tell with a fair degree of accuracy the nationality, sex, and age of any one who ...

Workings Of The Government Secret Service
Counterfeiting money is an old offense. It was done before the United States became a government, but does not seem to have become so ...

Character And Temperament Indicated By Handwriting
A person's handwriting is really a part of himself. It is an expression of his personality and his character and is as characteristi...

Handwriting Experts As Witnesses
While the qualification necessary for the permission of a witness to testify in court as an expert is largely discretionary with the ju...

Tampered, Erased, And Manipulated Paper
Prof. G. Brynlants of the Belgian Academy of Sciences, who has made the detecting of forgery and disputed handwriting a study for twent...

Forgery As A Profession
largest detective agencies in the United States. They make a specialty of bank work and from the number of forgers apprehended and conv...

A Famous Forgery
Very few cases have arisen in this country in which the genuineness of handwriting was the chief contention, and in which such momentou...

A Warning To Banks And Business Houses
The following chapter is written by Mr. William C. Shaw, of Chicago, the well-known handwriting expert and expert on forgery, whose ...

Four Ordinary Signatures With Descriptions

Interesting Autograph Signatures
Kaiser's signat...

Greeley's Last Letter

Characteristic Writing Of Some Of The Best Known Men In The Banking World Of The United States

Curious And Freakish Signatures Of Well-known Bankers And Business Men

How Some Celebrated Women Write

Three Of America's Best-known Men

Three Famous Military Men
We present a group of signatures of fa...

Characteristic Writing Of A Few Of The World's Best-known Literary Men And Authors

Some Characteristics Of 18th Century British-american Handwriting
# there were no typewriters, so personal writing was handwritten. Commercial writing was handwritten or printed with type on a press. # U...

Steps In Deciphering Handwritten Documents
The more 18th century writing you read, the easier it will become. If you are having difficulty reading a handwritten document, yo...

18th Century Reading And Writing
Historians soon learn not to assume that people in the past thought about and experienced life in the same ways that we do today. Somethin...

Types Of Patterns
Fingerprints may be resolved into three large general groups of patterns, each group bearing the same general characteristics or fami...

Before pattern definition can be understood, it is necessary to understand the meaning of a few technical terms used in fingerprint w...

The Loop
In fingerprints, as well as in the usual application of the word loop, there cannot be a loop unless there is a recurve or turning ba...

Essentials Of A Loop
- A sufficient recurve. - A delta. - A ridge count across a looping ridge. A sufficient recurve may be defined ...

Ridge Counting
The number of ridges intervening between the delta and the core is known as the ridge count. The technical employees of the Federal B...

Radial And Ulnar Loops
The terms radial and ulnar are derived from the radius and ulna bones of the forearm. Loops which flow in the direction of the ulna b...

The Plain Arch
In plain arches the ridges enter on one side of the impression and flow or tend to flow out the other with a rise or wave in the cente...

The Tented Arch
In the tented arch, most of the ridges enter upon one side of the impression and flow or tend to flow out upon the other side, as in t...

The Whorl
The patterns to which numerical values are assigned in deriving the primary in the extension of the Henry System of fingerprint class...

The Plain Whorl
The plain whorl consists of the simplest form of whorl construction and is the most common of the whorl subdivisions. It is designated...

Central Pocket Loop
Within the whorl group, the subclassification type central pocket loop is used for extension purposes only. In general classification ...

Double Loop
Within the whorl group, the subclassification type double loop is used for extension purposes only. In general classification it is d...

Within the whorl group the subdivision type accidental is used for extension purposes only. In general classification it is designated...

Whorl Tracing
The technique of whorl tracing depends upon the establishment of the focal points--the deltas. Every whorl has two or more. When the d...

Questionable Patterns
No matter how definite fingerprint rules and pattern definitions are made, there will always be patterns concerning which there is d...

The Classification Formula
At this point it is necessary to mention that when prints are classified, markings are indicated at the bottom of each finger block t...

THE SECOND SUBSECONDARY CLASSIFICATION: When a group of fingerprints becomes so large that it is cumbersome and unwieldy, even though ...

Classification Of Scarred Patterns
Emphasis should be placed upon the necessity for fully referencing all scarred patterns. In connection with their proper classificatio...

Classification Of Amputations And Fingers Missing At Birth
When one or more amputations appear upon a fingerprint card, it may be filed separately from those having no amputations in order to ...

Classification Of Bandaged Or Imprinted Fingers
As noted in the chapter pertaining to Problems in the Taking of Inked Fingerprints, an indication to the effect recently injured, ban...

Filing Sequence
The sequence must be arranged properly at all times to make possible the most accurate work. Prints are sequenced and filed in this or...

When searching a print through the fingerprint files in order to establish an identification, it should be remembered that the finger...

Too much stress cannot be placed upon the necessity of referencing questionable patterns, whether it be in the interpretation of the t...

How To Take Inked Fingerprints
The equipment required for taking fingerprints consists of an inking plate, a cardholder, printer's ink (heavy black paste), and a r...

Mechanical Operation
In order to take good fingerprints, the necessary equipment should be maintained in a neat and orderly manner at all times. Poor im...

Illegible Inked Prints
A brief review of the problems of classifying and filing a fingerprint card in the FBI will help to clarify the FBI's policy concernin...

Temporary Disabilities
There are temporary disabilities affecting an individual's hand which are sometimes beyond the control of the identification officer. ...

Permanent Disabilities
Another phase involves permanent disabilities which can in most cases be controlled by the identification officer. These can be lack o...

If a subject has more than 10 fingers, as occasionally happens, the thumbs and the next 4 fingers to them should be printed, and any ...

These problems have dealt with the mechanical or operational processes. However, there are other problems dealing with the completing...

Problems And Practices In Fingerprinting The Dead
Each year new graves are opened in potter's fields all over the United States. Into many of them are placed the unknown dead--those ...

Advanced Decomposition
If the case is one involving decomposition, the operator is confronted with the problem of dealing with flesh which is rotted or putre...

Desiccation And Charring
The problem confronting the fingerprint examiner in treating fingers which are desiccated or dried and shriveled is that of distending...

Water-soaked Fingers
The third and final type of case which may confront the identification officer concerns the problem of maceration, that is, long immer...

Drying The Fingers
In many instances it will be found that the outer skin is gone and the fingers themselves are saturated with water. A quick method of ...

X-ray Photography
The use of X-ray photographs (radiography) has been advocated by some for purposes of recording the ridge details in decomposed, desic...

General Photography
In the foregoing instances in which it has been impossible to obtain suitable inked impressions it will be noted that the last resort ...

Deceased Infants
The foregoing has dealt with the securing of fingerprints of unknown deceased persons for identification purposes. The basis for such ...

Technical Consideration
The methods described are intended to record, either by printing with ink or by photographing as legibly as possible, the ridge detail...

Fbi Aid
The above techniques and procedures have been dealt with upon the basis that the law enforcement officers would, when a corpse has bee...

Establishment Of A Local Fingerprint Identification Bureau
For the information and assistance of officials who desire to establish a local fingerprint identification bureau, the following su...

Fingerprinting Equipment
For the purpose of taking fingerprints there should be a stand with a clamp for holding the fingerprint cards steady. This latter item...

Fingerprint Files
It is suggested that the fingerprint card be white, light cardboard, 8 by 8 inches, slightly glazed. This size is convenient, as it al...

Name Files
There will be times when it may be necessary to locate an individual's fingerprints when no current fingerprints are available, but th...

Jacket Folder File
When an identification bureau receives prints of individuals on whom it already has prints, it is not practical to keep more than one ...

It is important to the bureau to have complete information concerning the ultimate disposition on each arrest fingerprint card. If the...

Death Notices
When persons whose fingerprints are on file are reported as deceased, the prints should be taken from the active file and assembled wi...

Record Of Additional Arrest
It is not necessary for a bureau to send a regular fingerprint card to the Identification Division of the Federal Bureau of Investigat...

Wanted Notices
All wanted notices containing fingerprints, including the wanted notices inserted in the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, should be filed...

Arrangements should be made to procure a camera for taking photographs of the persons fingerprinted. This is known as a mugging camera...

Latent Fingerprints
To adequately develop the latent prints at crime scenes, it is necessary that the proper equipment be provided. This equipment includ...

Latent Impressions
Each ridge of the fingers, palms, and soles bears a row of sweat pores which in the average person constantly exude perspiration. Al...

Powdering And Lifting Latent Impressions
The sole purpose in developing a latent impression is to make it visible so that it may be preserved and compared. Various powders...

Chemical Development Of Latent Impressions
Chemical treatment in the development of latent finger impressions on paper, cardboard, and newly finished or unpainted wood may inv...

The Use Of The Fingerprint Camera
If a fingerprint is visible, an effort should be made to photograph it before any attempt is made to develop it. In every case a pri...

Preparation Of Fingerprint Charts For Court Testimony
In testifying to fingerprint identification, the expert often prepares charts to visually aid the court and jury in understanding th...

Unidentified Latent Fingerprint File
From time to time the FBI is requested to conduct surveys and participate in conferences and in police schools on the problem of fi...

The Identification Division Of The Fbi
The FBI Identification Division was established in 1924 when the records of the National Bureau of Criminal Investigation and the L...




  Hand Writing  

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