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Get an understanding of the history of Mormonism


Facility Of Human Belief
Summing up his observations of the Mormons as he found them in Utah while secretary of the territory, five years after their removal ...

The Smith Family
Among the families who settled in Ontario County, New York, in 1816, was that of one Joseph Smith. It consisted of himself, his wife,...

How Joseph Smith Became A Money-digger
The elder Smith, as we have seen, was known as a money-digger while a resident of Vermont. Of course that subject as a matter of conv...

First Announcement Of The Golden Bible
Just when Smith's attention was originally diverted from the discovery of buried money to the discovery of a buried Bible engraved on...

The Different Accounts Of The Revelation Of The Bible
The precise date when Joe's attention was first called to the possibility of changing the story about his alleged golden plates so th...

Translation And Publication Of The Bible
The only one of his New York neighbors who seems to have taken a practical interest in Joe's alleged discovery was a farmer named Mar...

The Spaulding Manuscript
The history of the Mormon Bible has been brought uninterruptedly to this point in order that the reader may be able to follow clearly...

Sidney Rigdon
The man who had more to do with founding the Mormon church than Joseph Smith, Jr., even if we exclude any share in the production of ...

The Everlasting Gospel
Having presented the evidence which shows that the historical part of the Mormon Bible was supplied by the Spaulding manuscript, we m...

The Witnesses To The Plates
In his accounts to his neighbors of the revelation to him of the golden plates on which the "record" was written, Smith always declar...

The Mormon Bible
The Mormon Bible,* both in a literary and a theological sense, is just such a production as would be expected to result from handing ...

Organization Of The Church
The director of the steps taken to announce to the world a new Bible and a new church realized, of course, that there must be priests...

The Mormons' Beliefs And Doctrines Church Government
The Mormons teach that, for fourteen hundred years to the time of Smith's "revelations," there had been "a general and awful apostasy...

The First Converts At Kirtland
The four missionaries who had been sent to Ohio under Cowdery's leadership arrived there in October, 1830. Rigdon left Kirtland on hi...

Wild Vagaries Of The Converts
The scenes at Kirtland during the first winter of the church there reached the limit of religious enthusiasm. The younger members out...

Growth Of The Church
In order not to interrupt the story of the Mormons' experiences in Ohio, leaving the first steps taken in Missouri to be treated in c...

Gifts Of Tongues And Miracles
In January, 1833, Smith announced a revival of the "gift of tongues," and instituted the ceremony of washing the feet.* Under the new...

Smith's Ohio Business Enterprises
When Rigdon returned to Ohio with Smith in January, 1831, it seems to have been his intention to make Kirtland the permanent headquar...

Last Days At Kirtland
It is easy to understand that a church whose leaders had such views of financial responsibility as Smith's and Rigdon's, and whose me...

The Directions To The Saints About Their Zion
The state of Missouri, to which the story of the Mormons is now transferred, was, at the time of its admission to the Union, in 1821,...

Smith's First Visits To Missouri Founding The City And The Temple
On June 7, 1831, a "revelation" was given out (Sec. 52) announcing that the next conference would be held in the promised land in Mis...

The Expulsion From Jackson County The Army Of Zion
The efforts of the church leaders to check too precipitate an emigration to the new Zion were not entirely successful, and, according...

Fruitless Negotiations With The Jackson County People
Meanwhile, the Mormons in Clay County, with the assent of the natives there, had opened a factory for the manufacture of arms "to pay...

In Clay Caldwell And Daviess Counties
The counties in which the Mormons settled after leaving Jackson County were thinly populated at that time, Clay County having only 53...

Radical Dissensions In The Church - Origin Of The Danites - Tithing
While the church, in a material sense, might have been as prosperous as Corrill pictured, Smith, on his arrival, found it in the thro...

Beginning Of Active Hostilities
Smith had shown his dominating spirit as soon as he arrived at Far West. In April, 1838, he announced a "revelation" (Sec. 115), comm...

A State Of Civil War
All peaceable occupations were now at an end in Daviess County. General Atchison reported to the governor that, on arriving there on ...

The Final Expulsion From The State
At eight o'clock the next morning the commander of the militia sent a flag of truce to the Mormons which Colonel Hinckle, for the Mor...

The Reception Of The Mormons
The state of Illinois, when the Mormons crossed the Missouri River to settle in it, might still be considered a pioneer country. Iowa...

The Settlement Of Nauvoo
Smith's leadership was now to have another illustration. Others might be discouraged by past persecutions and business failures, and ...

The Building Up Of The City - Foreign Proselyting
The geographical situation of Nauvoo had something in its favor. Lying on the east bank of the Mississippi, which is there two miles ...

The Nauvoo City Government - Temple And Other Buildings
A tide of immigration having been turned toward the new settlement, the next thing in order was to procure for the city a legal organ...

The Mormons In Politics - Missouri Requisitions For Smith
The Mormons were now equipped in their new home with large landed possessions, a capital city that exhibited a phenomenal growth, and...

Smith A Candidate For President Of The United States
Smith's latest triumph over his Missouri enemies, with the feeling that he had the governor of his state back of him, increased his o...

Social Conditions In Nauvoo
Having followed Smith's political operations to their close, it is now necessary to retrace our steps, and examine the social conditi...

Smith's Picture Of Himself As Autocrat
Smith's autobiography gives incidentally many interesting glimpses of the prophet as he exercised his authority of dictator during th...

Smith's Falling Out With Bennett And Higbee
Surprise has been expressed that Smith would permit the newcomer, General John C. Bennett, to be elected the first mayor of Nauvoo un...

The Institution Of Polygamy
The student of the history of the Mormon church to this date, who seeks an answer to the question, Who originated the idea of plural ...

Public Announcement Of The Doctrine Of Polygamy
Athough there was practically no concealment of the practice of polygamy by the Mormons resident in Utah after their arrival there, i...

The Suppression Of The Expositor
Smith was now to encounter a kind of resistance within the church that he had never met. In all previous apostasies, where members ha...

Uprising Of The Non-mormons Smith's Arrest
The gauntlet thus thrown down by Smith was promptly taken up by his non-Mormon neighbors, and public meetings were held in various pl...

The Murder Of The Prophet - His Character
On Tuesday morning, Joseph and Hyrum Smith were arrested again in Carthage, this time on a charge of treason in levying war against t...

After Smith's Death - Rigdon's Last Days
The murder of the Smiths caused a panic, not among the Mormons, but among the other inhabitants of Hancock County, who looked for sum...

Rivalries Over The Succession
Rigdon was not alone in contending for the successorship to Joseph Smith as the head of the Mormon church. The prophet's family defen...

Brigham Young
Brigham Young, the man who had succeeded in expelling Rigdon and establishing his own position as head of the church, was born in Whi...

Renewed Trouble For The Mormons - The Burnings
The death of the prophet did not bring peace with their outside neighbors to the Mormon church. Indeed, the causes of enmity were too...

The Expulsion Of The Mormons
General Hardin announced the coming of his force, which numbered about four hundred men, in a proclamation addressed "To the Citizens...

The Evacuation Of Nauvoo - The Last Mormon War
The winter of 1845-1846 in Hancock County passed without any renewed outbreak, but the credit for this seems to have been due to the ...

Nauvoo After The Exodus
Brockman's force was disbanded after its object had been accomplished, and all returned to their homes but about one hundred, who rem...

Preparations For The Long March
Two things may be accepted as facts with regard to the migration of the Mormons westward from Illinois: first, that they would not ha...

From The Mississippi To The Missouri
The first party to leave Nauvoo began crossing the Mississippi early in February, 1846, using flatboats propelled by oars for the wag...

The Mormon Battalion
During the halt of a part of the main body of the Mormons at Mt. Pisgah, an incident occurred which has been made the subject of a go...

The Camps On The Missouri
Mormon accounts of the westward movement from Nauvoo represent that the delay which occurred when they reached the Missouri River was...

The Pioneer Trip Across The Plains
During the winter of 1846-1847 preparations were under way to send an organization of pioneers across the plains and beyond the Rocky...

From The Rockies To Salt Lake Valley
More than one day's march was now made without finding water or grass. Banks of snow were observed on the near-by elevations, and ove...

The Following Companies - Last Days On The Missouri
When the pioneers set out from the Missouri, instructions were left for the organization of similar companies who were to follow thei...

The Founding Of Salt Lake City
The first white men to enter what is now Utah were a part of the force of Coronado, under Captain Garcia Lopez de Cardinas, if the re...

Progress Of The Settlement
With the arrival of the later companies from Winter Quarters the population of the city was increased by the winter of 1848 to about ...

The Foreign Immigration To Utah
When the Mormons began their departure westward from Nauvoo, the immigration of converts from Europe was suspended because of the unc...

The Hand-cart Tragedy
In 1855 the crops in Utah were almost a failure, and the church authorities found themselves very much embarrassed by their debts. A ...

Early Political History
We have seen that Joseph Smith's desire was, when he suggested a possible removal of the church to the Far West, that they should hav...

Brigham Young's Despotism
There is no reason to believe that, to the date of Joseph Smith's death, Brigham Young had inspired his fellow-Mormons with an idea o...

The Reformation
Young soon had occasion to make practical use of the dictatorial power that he had assumed. The character which those members of the ...

Some Church-inspired Murders
The murders committed during the "Reformation" which attracted most attention, both because of the parties concerned, the effort made...

Blood Atonement
As early as 1853 intimations of the doctrine that an offending member might be put out of the way were given from the Tabernacle pulp...

The Territorial Government - Judge Brocchus's Experience
In March, 1851, the two houses of the legislature of Deseret, sitting together, adopted resolutions "cheerfully and cordially" accept...

Mormon Treatment Of Federal Officers
The next federal officers for Utah appointed by the President (in August, 1852) were Lazarus H. Reid of New York to be chief justice,...

The Mormon War
The government at Washington and the people of the Eastern states knew a good deal more about Mormonism in 1856 than they did when Fi...

The Mormon Purpose
When Colonel Johnston arrived at the Black's Fork camp the information he received from Colonel Alexander, and certain correspondence...

Colonel Kane's Mission
When Major Van Vliet returned from Utah to Washington with Young's defiant ultimatum, he was accompanied by J. M. Bernhisel, the terr...

The Peace Commission
Governor Cumming's report of May 2 did not reach Washington until June 9, but the President's volte-face had begun before that date, ...

The Mountain Meadows Massacre
We may here interrupt the narrative of events subsequent to the restoration of peace in the territory, with the story of the most hor...

After The War
With the return of the people to their homes, the peaceful avocations of life in Utah were resumed. The federal judges received assig...

Attitude Of The Mormons During The Southern Rebellion
The attitude of the Mormons toward the government at the outbreak of hostilities with the Southern states was distinctly disloyal. Th...

Eastern Visitors To Salt Lake City - Unpunished Murderers
In June, 1865, a distinguished party from the East visited Salt Lake City, and their visit was not without public significance. It in...

Gentile Irruption And Mormon Schism
The end of the complete seclusion of the Mormon settlement in Utah from the rest of the country--complete except so far as it was int...

The Last Years Of Brigham Young
Governor Doty died in June, 1865, without coming in open conflict with Young, and was succeeded by Charles Durkee, a native of Vermon...

Brigham Young's Death - His Character
Brigham Young died in Salt Lake City at 4 P.M. on Wednesday, August 29, 1877. He was attacked with acute cholera morbus on the evenin...

Social Aspects Of Polygamy
There was something compulsory about all phases of life in Utah during Brigham Young's regime--the form of employment for the men, th...

The Fight Against Polygamy - Statehood
The first measure "to punish and prevent the practice of polygamy in the Territories of the United States" was introduced in the Hous...

The Mormonism Of To-day
An intelligent examination of the present status of the Mormon church can be made only after acquaintance with its past history, and ...

Introductory Remarks
He was a sage and a seer who remarked concerning Mormonism: "It presents a problem which the wisest politician has failed to solve, ...

History Of Mormonism
"Examine history, for it is 'Philosophy teaching by experience.'" --CARLYLE. "'Tis strange, but true; for truth is always stran...

More On The History Of Mormonism
The First Hegira from Palmyra to Kirtland--The first Temple--Rapid growth of the Mormon Church--Brigham Young and other missio...

Even More On The History Of Mormonism
The Third Hegira--Sufferings of the Mormons during their journey into Illinois--An account of the murder of Mormons--Influence...

Notes On The History Of Mormonism
The Fourth Hegira--Young's shrewd plan of a Western Kingdom--Nauvoo's sad end--Journey of the Mormons to Council Bluffs--...

The Political Puzzle
"The strange spectacle presented of a community, protected by a republican form of government, to which they owe allegiance, sustain...

The Political Puzzle Continued
THE POSSIBLE REMEDIES--The military remedy--The Government responsible for the situation in Utah--The disfranchisement of ...

Mormonism The Political Puzzle
Objections to proposed remedies--Gladstone on "Coercion"--A NEW PLAN ADVOCATED--The Abolition of Female Suffrage--A National ...

The Social Puzzle
"Proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof."--INSCRIPTION ON THE OLD LIBERTY BELL. "The strength,...

More On Mormonism Social Puzzle
Moral Bondage of the Mormons--Implicit obedience to the priesthood enjoined--Crimes committed at their command--Murders--The M...

The Social And Society Puzzle
Reasons why Mormon slavery is maintained--Hope of earthly gain--Complete organization of the Mormon Church--Prospect of p...

The Social Puzzle Notes
THE SOLUTION OF THE SOCIAL PUZZLE--Mormon slavery and negro slavery compared--The duty of the Government to break up Mormon sl...

The Religious Puzzle
"The true grandeur of nations is in those qualities which constitute the true greatness of the individual."--CHARLES SUMNER. "A C...

More On The Religious Puzzle
MORMON DOCTRINES--Their idea of God--Plurality of gods--Mormon Sunday-school hymn concerning Smith--The pre-existence of souls...

Even More On The Religious Puzzle
Professor Coyner's analysis of Mormonism--Rev. Dr. McNiece's analysis--Reasons for the growth and tenacity of Mormonism--The ...

The Religious Puzzle Notes
The character of efforts hitherto put forth to solve the puzzle--What has been accomplished--The plan somewhere defective--Mor...





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Brigham Young's Death - His Character
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First Announcement Of The Golden Bible
Gentile Irruption And Mormon Schism
The Smith Family
The Suppression Of The Expositor