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Dream database with article, dream symbols and dreams.

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Dream database with article, dream symbols and dreams.


Vivid Dreams
Many respondents complained about vivid dreams. Some explained that dreams were so vivid that they had problems to separate waking and dre...

Nightmares are dreams with a disturbing content. I like to distinguish the following categories: 1. Nightmares that are frightening ...

Traumatic Experiences
Nightmares reflecting traumatic experiences like violence, incest or war are an entirely different category than everything mentioned abov...

Self-help For Nightmares
Central in working with nightmares is the fact that you're safe in dreams. Even if the monster gets you, there is nothing that can happen....

Lucid Dreams Waking Within The Dream - The First One
When I realized it was a dream, I tried to remember... Oh yeah: Test your senses. I ran to the kitchen and opened the frid...

Lucid Dreams Waking Within The Dream - From Fear To Fun
I'm walking along a stream in the woods. Ahead, I notice a snake is coiled in the middle of the path. Thank goodness I saw it soon...

Lucid Dreams Waking Within The Dream - Making It Last
Along the lines of Richard Bach's "You teach best what you most need to learn," it seems I could use a refresher in this course. In th...

Lucid Dreams Waking Within The Dream - Making A List
Some things seem to happen only in dreams. So far, I seem to be able to fly only in dreams. So, I write: If I'm flying, I'm dreami...

Lucid Dreams Waking Within The Dream - Too Dumb For Words
031401 I'm discussing lucid dreams with three gentleman. We are seated at a table in a wide hallway in a small house. In answer to a...

Dreams Faq
1. General 1.1. Does everybody dream? How can I learn to recall my dreams better? A: [by L.Levitan] Everybody dreams. All humans (inde...

Dreams & Dreaming, The Unconscious Speaking To Us
If you are working with your own dreams, you may find this list of questions helpful. They are adapted from two sources: The Jungian- Sen...

Life Is But A Dream
Using a potent method of guided imagery, you will conjure therapists, healers, and endless Utopias in your waking dreams. Life Is But ...

1001 Nights Of Exploring Lucid Dreaming
help provide a gestalt of current understanding of the lucid dream state and stimulate further inquiry. 1. Inducing Lucid Dreams [X: N...

Treatise On Lucid Dreaming
have been developing an easier to understand, improved technique for out of body projection via the newsgroups. I have combined the feedb...

Lucid Dreaming Faq
This FAQ is a brief introduction to lucid dreaming--what it is, what it takes to do it, and what can be done with it. Please note that thi...

Lucidity Research, Past And Future
There is a state of consciousness in which any human being could experience anything imaginable. Each of us holds within us infinite possi...

Affirmations And Oobe
am assuming that some, if not all of you have heard of Rick Stack's book "Out-Of-Body Adventures". If you have not, I would recommend it ...

Out Of Body Experience Faq
Introduction Much of the discussion of out-of-body experiences has centered around the recounting of experiences and speculation on the n...

Energy Patterns & Obe
Weather Many Taoist-oriented meditators, martial artists, and psychics say it isn't a good idea to practice during thunderstorms, typhoon...

Out Of Body Experience Faq
Introduction Much of the discussion of out-of-body experiences has centered around the recounting of experiences and speculation on the n...

Energy Patterns & Obe
Weather Many Taoist-oriented meditators, martial artists, and psychics say it isn't a good idea to practice during thunderstorms, typhoon...

Consciousness Research Using The Out-of-body Experience
Do you wonder why you are in this life? Would you like to know where you have been before this physical existence and what will happen to ...

Janis' Obe
When I was as young as I could remember, I always had a reoccurring nightmare. It starts out different but that I am at a fun event, festi...

Astral Plane Introduction
Reference to the astral plane, or Kamaloka as it is called in Sanskrit, has frequently been made by Theosophical writers, and a good...

Astral Plane Scenery
First of all, then, it must be understood that the astral plane has seven subdivisions, each of which has its corresponding degree o...

Astral Plane Inhabitants
Having sketched in, however slightly, the background of our picture, we must now attempt to fill in the figures--to describe the in...

Astral Plane Dead
To begin with, of course this very word "dead" is an absurd misnomer, as most of the entities classified under this heading are as ful...

Astral Plane Non-human
Though it might have been thought fairly obvious even to the most casual glance that many of the terrestrial arrangements of nature w...

Astral Plane Artificial
This, the largest class of astral entities, is also much the most important to man. Being entirely his own creation, it is inter-relat...

Astral Plane Phenomena
Though in the course of this paper various superphysical phenomena have been mentioned and to some extent explained, it will perhaps...
































Actor And Actress

Adam And Eve






























Alarm Bell
















































Art Gallery



























Baby Carriages








Baghavad Ghitta
































Bass Voice






Bay Tree











Bed Fellow

























Bird's Nest



Birthday Presents














Blind Man's Buff


Blood Stone



Blotting Paper


Boarding House









Bomb Shell





Book Store






Bow And Arrow



















Bridle Bits






















Buried Alive








Here Am I''--gen Xxx, Ii















Cameo Brooch































Cash Box



Castor Oil









Cavern Or Cave


Celestial Signs







Chair Maker
































China Store





Christmas Tree









City Council

City Hall




Claret Cup And Punch










Cloven Foot















Coffee Mill

Coffee House



Coke Oven





Colliery Or Coal-mine






Comic Songs


























Cooking Stove

Cooling Board



Copper Plate









Corn And Corn-field











Cotton Cap

Cotton Cloth

Cotton Gin




Counterfeit Money


























Crochet Work





Cross Roads


















Currying A Horse












Damask Rose



Dancing Master

















































Divining Rods











Door Bell

















































Elixir Of Life



























































































Fire Budget








Fish Market







Flax Spinning












Flying Machine
























Fruit Seller

















Gas Lamps







Genealogical Tree










Glass House










Gold Leaves



































Hairy Hands






























Heather Bells







Hemp Seed








High School

High Tide









Holy Communion







































Ice Cream



















India Rubber








































See Gaol Jailer


























Judgment Day











To Success Katydids
















Knife Grinder



































Law And Lawsuits































Life-insurance Man











Linseed Oil


















Lord's Prayer
















Mad Dog












































May Bugs































Mineral Water












































Musical Instruments




























Newspaper Reporter

New Year












































Old Man, Or Woman




























Oyster Shells







Paint And Painting







Palm Tree



Pane Of Glass




Paper Or Parchment


















Passing Bell






Patent Medicine
















































Pine Tree
























Polar Bear




























Potter's Field












Printing Office



Prize Fight

Prize Fighter




















Quack Doctor

Quack Medicine









































Rattan Cane
































Riding School













Rogue's Gallery

Roman Candle


Roof Corner






















Rye Bread






























Scarlet Fever



School Teacher





Scratch Head







Sea Foam





Secret Order









Shaking Hands











Sheet Iron



















































Soda Fountain



















Spirit Or Specter

















Stage Driver





















Stone Mason

Storage Battery



















Surgical Instruments







Sweet Oil

Sweet Taste


Swiss Cheese













































































































Turkish Baths


















United States Mail Box












Vapor Bath



















































Waist And Shirt-waist




Walking Stick













Washer Woman








Water Lily


Wax Taper








Wedding Clothes

Wedding Ring









Welsh Rarebits


Wet Nurse












White Lead

White Moth






Wild Man


















Wooden Shoe





Work House









Yard Stick




Yellow Bird

Yew Tree










Ix. The Artist's Secret.
There was an artist once, and he painted a picture. Other artists had colours richer and rarer, and painted more notable pictures. He p...

I. The Lost Joy.
All day, where the sunlight played on the sea-shore, Life sat.All day the soft wind played with her hair, and the young, young facelooked ...

Ii. The Hunter.
In certain valleys there was a hunter. Day by day he went to hunt forwild-fowl in the woods; and it chanced that once he stood on the sho...

Iv. In A Far-off World.
There is a world in one of the far-off stars, and things do not happen hereas they happen there.In that world were a man and woman; they h...

V. Three Dreams In A Desert.
Under a Mimosa-Tree.As I travelled across an African plain the sun shone down hotly. Then Idrew my horse up under a mimosa-tree, and I to...

Vi. A Dream Of Wild Bees.
A mother sat alone at an open window. Through it came the voices of thechildren as they played under the acacia-trees, and the breath of ...

Vii. In A Ruined Chapel.
"I cannot forgive--I love."There are four bare walls; there is a Christ upon the walls, in red,carrying his cross; there is a Blessed Bamb...

Viii. Life's Gifts.
I saw a woman sleeping. In her sleep she dreamt Life stood before her, andheld in each hand a gift--in the one Love, in the other Freedom...

Ix. The Artist's Secret.
There was an artist once, and he painted a picture. Other artists hadcolours richer and rarer, and painted more notable pictures. He pai...

X. "i Thought I Stood."
I thought I stood in Heaven before God's throne, and God asked me what Ihad come for. I said I had come to arraign my brother, Man.God sa...

To a small girl-child, who may live to grasp somewhat of that which for us is yet sight, not touch. Note. These Dreams are printe...

I. The Doomed Train*
I was visited last night by a dream of so strange and vivid a kind that I feel impelled to communicate it to you, not only to relieve my o...

Iv. The City Of Blood
I dreamed that I was wandering along a narrow street of vast length, upon either hand of which was an unbroken line of high straight house...

V. The Bird And The Cat *
I dreamt that I had a beautiful bird in a cage, and that the cage was placed on a table in a room where there was a cat. I took the bird ...

Vii. The Forest Cathedral
I found myself--accompanied by a guide, a young man of Oriental aspect and habit--passing through long vistas of trees which, as we advanc...

Viii. The Enchanted Woman*
The first consciousness which broke my sleep last night was one of floating, of being carried swiftly by some invisible force through a va...

Ix. The Banquet Of The Gods
I saw in my sleep a great table spread upon a beautiful mountain, the distant peaks of which were covered with snow, and brilliant with a ...

X. The Difficult Path
Having fallen asleep last night while in a state of great perplexity about the care and education of my daughter, I dreamt as follows.I wa...

Xi. A Lion In The Way
Owing to the many and great difficulties thrown in my way, I had been seriously considering the advisability of withdrawing, if only for a...

Xv. The Old Young Man
I dreamed that I was in Rome with C., and a friend of his called on us there, and asked leave to introduce to us a young man, a student of...

Xvi. The Metempsychosis
I was visited last night in my sleep by one whom I presently recognised as the famous Adept and Mystic of the first century of our era, Ap...

Xvii. The Three Kings
The time was drawing towards dawn in a wild and desolate region. And I stood with my genius at the foot of a mountain the summit of which...

Xviii. The Armed Goddess
I dreamed that I sat reading in my study, with books lying about all round me. Suddenly a voice, marvellously clear and silvery, called m...

Xxi. The Haunted Inn
I seemed in my vision to be on a long and wearisome journey, and to have arrived at an Inn, in which I was offered shelter and rest. The ...

Xxii. An Eastern Apologue
The following was read by me during sleep, in an old book printed in archaic type. As with many other things similarly read by me, I do n...

Xxiv. The Square In The Hand
The foregoing dream was almost immediately succeeded by another, in which I dreamt that I was concerned in a very prominent way in a polit...

I. A Village Of Seers--
A Christmas StoryA day or two before Christmas, a few years since, I found myself compelled by business to leave England for the Continen...

Ii. Steepside
A Ghost Story The strange things I am going to tell you, dear reader, did not occur, as such things generally do, to my great-uncle, or t...

Iii. Beyond The Sunset
A Fairy Tale for the Times ...

Once upon a time there was a Princess. Now, this Princess dwelt in a far-off and beautiful world beyond the sunset, and she had immortal ...

Now, when the three travelers had received their presents, and had looked their last upon the shining face of the donor, they went out of ...

Meanwhile the two other travelers had gone on their way, for neither of them cared about pleasure; one was a grave-looking man who walked...

As for the poet, he went on his way alone into the open country, and saw the peasants in the fields, reaping and gleaning and gathering fr...

Iv. A Turn Of Luck
"Messieurs, faites votre jeu! . . . Le jeu est fait! . . . Rien ne va plus! . . . Rouge gagne et la couleur! . . . Rouge gagne, la couleur...

I have often heard practising physicians and students of pathology assert that no one ever died of "a broken heart,"--that is, of course, ...

When the following morning arrived, I rose sooner than my wont: Eugene's service was an early one, and by half-past ten o'clock he and I ...

"and Antoine?" Persisted I.
"He is a friend of mine, monsieur; an engraver on wood, an artist."Eugene and I exchanged glances."And you and he are engaged to be marri...

At about ten on the ensuing day I repaired to Noemi's lodging, and found Madame Jeannel, the landlady, on the look-out for me."Noemi told ...

Chapter I.
"It is getting very dark now, and I have been sitting at my open bay window ever since sundown. How fresh and sweet the evening air is, a...

Chapter Ii.
Some forty years ago, there lived in one of the prettiest houses in Kensington, a rich old wine-merchant, and his two only children. Thes...

Chapter Iii.
Soon after these things, old Mr Gray fell ill of a violent cold, which attacked him suddenly one afternoon on his return from his office. ...

Vii. The Nightshade
"But silence is most noble till the end."--Atalanta in Calydon....

Chapter I.
Somebody, the other day, presented me with a bunch of crimson roses and purple nightshade, tied together.Roses and nightshade!I thought th...

Chapter Ii.
Very early the next morning Battista came to see Herr Ritter. In his hand the boy carried a large clay flowerpot, wherein, carefully plan...

Preface* The chronicles which I am about to present to the reader are not the result of any conscious effort of the imagination. Th...

--------------- * "Steepside" ** "Beyond the Sunset" ---------------- serious contributions to literature have been similarly ini...

He went home to his little dark studio, where the sunlight so rarely entered, and where the big tomes and the skull and the fossils, a...

Everybody dreams, but there are few who place any importance to thephenomena of sleep. Before we can begin to comprehend or even analyzedr...

Varieties Of Dreams
In order to distinguish and classify the different kinds of dreams inwhich everyone has an experience they may be divided into fourvariati...

The Subconscious Memory
The subconscious memory may be the direct cause of certain dreams.When the mind is centered on certain things, the sleeper goes over hisli...

Telepathic Dreams Or Though Transference.
Telepathy is a known and established fact. The connection betweenminds without material means of any kind, has often been demonstratedby t...

The actual Astral experience in which the ego sees distant sights,sights and visions which he knows do not actually exist upon thephysical...

New Ghosts Are Writing Poetry By Universal Service.
Paris, May 7.--Can a ghost write poetry? You betcha, says Baron Maurice de Waleffe, the French satirist, who tells of a remar...

Marion Holmes' Answer.
Dr. Peterson, the New York neurologist, in a recent magazine articleon dreams and their meaning, points out that many dreams thought to be...

Warden Dreams Of Jail Delivery--foils Attempt.
Chicago American, February 24, 1921. New Orleans, Feb. 24.--Because Capt. H.J. Ruffier, warden of the House of Detention, dre...

Dreaming To Some Purpose.
Chicago Daily News, February 24, 1921. Huntington, W. Va.--Mrs. Mattie Estep was told in a dream to write songs. She did so, ...

Paints Picture In Dream, Ghost Guides Her Brush.
Chicago Evening American, June 8, 1921.Peoria is all excited today over the announcement by Benjamin H.Serkowich of the Peoria Art League ...

Told To Go Through With It.
"Do you think it would be any use to go over to Cottage Grove avenue and look around?" she asked. "I haven't much faith in dr...

Get Police To Help Find Girls.
Mrs. Niedziezko went to the Cottage Grove avenue Police Station, and asked for help to search the flat for her girl. She did ...

Has Premonition--drops Dead In Hotel La Salle.
Chicago Evening American, Friday, March 25, 1921. Christian H. Ronne, 60, president of the C.H. Ronne Warehouse, 372 West Ont...

The chief purpose of this book is, if fortune helps, to entertain people interested in the kind of narratives here collected. For th...

Chicago Evening American, Aug. 4, 1920. Fort Dodge, Ia., Aug. 4.--Lieut. Homer Locklear, famous stunt flyer, killed in a fall...

Writes Death Poem On Fatal Plane Flight.
Chicago Evening American, June 11, 1921. Washington, June 1.--How Lieut. Cleveland W. McDermott penned a death poem in the pl...

Son's Dream Locates His Father's Body.
Chicago Herald-Examiner, Thursday, June 23, 1921 Dickinson, N.D., June 22--A dream in which he saw the spot where his father'...

Dreams And Ghosts I
Arbuthnot on Political Lying. Begin with "Great SwingeingFalsehoods". The Opposite Method to be used in telling Ghost Stones.Begin with ...

The Dog Fanti
Mrs. Ogilvie of Drumquaigh had a poodle named Fanti. Her family, orat least those who lived with her, were her son, the laird, and threed...

Mark Twain's Story
Mark was smoking his cigar outside the door of his house when he saw aman, a stranger, approaching him. Suddenly he ceased to be visible!...

The Pig In The Dining-room
Mrs. Atlay, wife of a late Bishop of Hereford, dreamed one night thatthere was a pig in the dining-room of the palace. She camedownstairs...

The Mignonette
Mrs. Herbert returned with her husband from London to their countryhome on the Border. They arrived rather late in the day, prepared tovi...

The Lost Cheque
Mr. A., a barrister, sat up one night to write letters, and abouthalf-past twelve went out to put them in the post. On undressing hemisse...

The Ducks' Eggs
A little girl of the author's family kept ducks and was anxious tosell the eggs to her mother. But the eggs could not be found by eagerse...

The Lost Key
Lady X., after walking in a wood near her house in Ireland, found thatshe had lost an important key. She dreamed that it was lying at the...

The Lost Securities
A lady dreamed that she was sitting at a window, watching the end ofan autumn sunset. There came a knock at the front door and agentleman...

The Arrears Of Teind
"Mr. Rutherford, of Bowland, a gentleman of landed property in theVale of Gala, was prosecuted for a very considerable sum, theaccumulated...

The Two Curmas
A rustic named Curma, of Tullium, near Hippo, Augustine's town, fellinto a catalepsy. On reviving he said: "Run to the house of Curmathe...

The Assyrian Priest
Herr H. V. Hilprecht is Professor of Assyriology in the University ofPennsylvania. That university had despatched an expedition to explor...

Has Presented It.
But, in the drawings, the fragments were of different colours, so thata student working on the drawings would not guess them to be parts o...

The Knot In The Shutter
"It is said that a dream produced a powerful effect on Hone's mind.He dreamt that he was introduced into a room where he was an entirestra...

Dreams And Ghosts 2
Veracious Dreams. Past, Present and Future unknown Events "revealed".Theory of "Mental Telegraphy" or "Telepathy" fails to meet Dreams of...

Queen Mary's Jewels
"I have had a strange dream about your ring" (a "medallion" of Anthonyand Cleopatra); "it is very valuable."Major Buckley said it was wort...

De La Part
probably stand for a Marie, de la part de--The thistle heads and leaves in gold at the corners were a usualdecoration of the period; compa...

The Deathbed
Miss C., a lady of excellent sense, religious but not bigoted, livedbefore her marriage in the house of her uncle D., a celebratedphysicia...

Dream Of Mr. Perceval's Murder
"SUNDHILL, December, 1832."[Some account of a dream which occurred to John Williams, Esq., ofScorrier House, in the county of Cornwall, in...

The Rattlesnake
Dr. Kinsolving, of the Church of the Epiphany in Philadelphia, dreamedthat he "came across a rattlesnake," which "when killed had _two_bla...

The Red Lamp
Mr. Cooper says: "A fortnight before the death of the late Earl of L---in 1882, I called upon the Duke of Hamilton, in Hill Street, to se...

The Scar In The Moustache
This story was told to the writer by his old head-master, the Rev. Dr.Hodson, brother of Hodson, of Hodson's Horse, a person whom I neverh...

The Coral Sprigs
Mrs. Weiss, of St. Louis, was in New York in January, 1881, attendinga daughter, Mrs. C., who was about to have a child. She writes:--"On...

The Satin Slippers
On 1st February, 1891, Michael Conley, a farmer living near Ionia, inChichasow county, Iowa, went to Dubuque, in Iowa, to be medicallytrea...

The Dead Shopman
Swooning, or slight mental mistiness, is not very unusual in ghostseers. The brother of a friend of my own, a man of letters and wideerud...

"PERCEVAL MURDER." Times, 25th May, 1812."A Dumfries paper states that on the night of Sunday, the 10thinstant, _twenty-four hours before...

Dreams And Ghosts Iii
Transition from Dreams to Waking Hallucinations. Popular Scepticismabout the Existence of Hallucinations in the Sane. Evidence of Mr.Fra...

Under The Lamp
I had given a glass ball to a young lady, who believed that she couldplay the "willing game" successfully without touching the person"will...

The Cow With The Bell
I had given a glass ball to the wife of a friend, whose visions provedso startling and on one occasion so unholy that she ceased to makeex...

The Deathbed Of Louis Xiv.
"Here is a strange story that the Duc d'Orleans told me one day in atete-a-tete at Marly, he having just run down from Paris before hestar...

Dreams And Ghosts Iv
Veracious Waking Hallucinations not recognised by Science; orexplained by Coincidence, Imposture, False Memory. A VeraciousHallucination ...

The Old Family Coach
A distinguished and accomplished country gentleman and politician, ofscientific tastes, was riding in the New Forest, some twelve milesfro...

Riding Home From Mess
In 1854, General Barter, C.B., was a subaltern in the 75th Regiment,and was doing duty at the hill station of Murree in the Punjaub. Heli...

The Bright Scar
In 1867, Miss G., aged eighteen, died suddenly of cholera in St.Louis. In 1876 a brother, F. G., who was much attached to her, haddone a ...

F. G.
Another kind of cases which may be called veracious, occurs when theghost seer, after seeing the ghost, recognises it in a portrait notpre...

The Vision And The Portrait
Mrs. M. writes (December 15, 1891) that before her vision she hadheard nothing about hauntings in the house occupied by herself and herhus...

The Restraining Hand
"About twenty years ago," writes Mrs. Elliot, "I received some lettersby post, one of which contained 15 pounds in bank notes. Afterreadi...

The Benedictine's Voices
My friend, as a lad, was in a strait between the choice of twoprofessions. He prayed for enlightenment, and soon afterwards heardan _inte...

The Man At The Lift
In the same way, in August, 1890, a lady in a Boston hotel in the duskrang for the lift, walked along the corridor and looked out of awind...

Dreams And Ghosts V
"Spirits of the Living." Mistakes of Identity. Followed by Arrivalof Real Person. "Arrivals." Mark Twain's Phantom Lady. PhantomDogca...

The Wraith Of The Czarina
"In the exercise of his duties as one of the pages-in-waiting,Ribaupierre followed one day his august mistress into the throne-roomof the ...

An "astral Body"
Mr. Sparks and Mr. Cleave, young men of twenty and nineteen, wereaccustomed to "mesmerise" each other in their dormitory at Portsmouth,whe...

In Tavistock Place {93}
"In the latter part of the autumn of 1878, between half-past three andfour in the morning, I was leisurely walking home from the house of ...

Lord Brougham's Story
"December 19, 1799." . . . At one in the morning, arriving at a decent inn (in Sweden),we decided to stop for the night, and found a coupl...

The Dying Mother {101}
"Mary, the wife of John Goffe of Rochester, being afflicted with along illness, removed to her father's house at West Mulling, aboutnine m...

The Vision Of The Bride
Colonel Meadows Taylor writes, in The Story of my Life (vol. ii., p.32): "The determination (to live unmarried) was the result of a veryc...

Dreams And Ghosts Vi
Transition to Appearances of the Dead. Obvious ScientificDifficulties. Purposeless Character of Modern Ghosts. Theory of DeadMen's Drea...

Appearances Of The Dead
We now pass beyond the utmost limits to which a "scientific" theory ofthings ghostly can be pushed. Science admits, if asked, that it doe...

The Daemon Of Spraiton In Devon {111} Anno 1682
"About the month of November in the year 1682, in the parish ofSpraiton, in the county of Devon, one Francis Fey (servant to Mr.Philip Fur...

Sir George Villiers' Ghost.
The variations in the narratives of Sir George Villiers' appearance toan old servant of his, or old protege, and the warning communicated ...

Cavalier Version {121}
"1627. Since William Lilly the Rebells Jugler and Mountebank in hismalicious and blaspheamous discourse concerning our late MartyredSover...

Wyndham's Letter
"Sr. According to your desire and my promise I have written down whatI remember (divers things being slipt out of my memory) of therelati...

"edmund Windham.
"BOULOGNE, 5th August, 1652."* * * * *This version has, over all others, the merit of being written by anacquaintance of the seer, who was...

Lord Lyttelton's Ghost
"Sir," said Dr. Johnson, "it is the most extraordinary thing that hashappened in my day." The doctor's day included the rising of 1745 an...

Dreams And Ghosts Vii
More Ghosts With A PurposeThe Slaying of Sergeant Davies in 1749. The Trial. Scott's Theory.Curious recent Corroboration of Sir Walter's...

The Slaying Of Sergeant Davies
We now examine a ghost with a purpose; he wanted to have his bonesburied. The Highlands, in spite of Culloden, were not entirelypacified ...

"dear Lang,
"I enclose a tradition connected with the murder of SergeantDavies, which my brother picked up lately before he had read thestory in your ...

Concerning The Murder Of Sergeant Davies
There is at present living in the neighbourhood of --- an old lady,about seventy years of age. Her maiden name is ---, {140} and she isa ...

There are other cases, in Webster, Aubrey and Glanvil of ghosts whotried more successfully to bring their murderers to justice. But there...

The Gardener's Ghost
Perhaps the latest ghost in a court of justice (except in cases aboutthe letting of haunted houses) "appeared" at the Aylesbury PettySessi...

The Dog O' Mause
Account of an apparition that appeared to William Soutar, {145a} inthe Mause, 1730.[This is a copy from that in the handwriting of Bishop ...

Peter's Ghost
A naval officer visited a friend in the country. Several men weresitting round the smoking-room fire when he arrived, and a fox-terrierwa...

Dreams And Ghosts Viii
More Ghosts with a Purpose. Ticonderoga. The Beresford Ghost.Sources of Evidence. The Family Version. A New Old-Fashioned Ghost.Half-p...

It was one evening in the summer of the year 1755 that Campbell ofInverawe {157} was on Cruachan hill side. He was startled by seeing ama...

Inverawe rose before dawn and went straight to the cave. Macniven wasgone!Inverawe saw no more of the ghost, but the adventure left him a...

The Beresford Ghost
"There is at Curraghmore, the seat of Lord Waterford, in Ireland, amanuscript account of the tale, such as it was originally received andi...

Half-past One O'clock
In October, 1893, I was staying at a town which we shall callRapingham. One night I and some kinsfolk dined with another oldfriend of all...

What Mrs. Claughton's children were doing all this time, and whetherthey were in the room or not, does not appear.On Thursday Mrs. Claught...

"put Out The Light!"
The Rev. D. W. G. Gwynne, M.D., was a physician in holy orders. In1853 he lived at P--- House, near Taunton, where both he and his wife"w...

Dreams And Ghosts Ix
Haunted Houses. Antiquity of Haunted Houses. Savage Cases. AncientEgyptian Cases. Persistence in Modern Times. Impostures. Imaginary...

The Creaking Stair
A lady very well known to myself, and in literary society, lived as agirl with an antiquarian father in an old house dear to an antiquary....

The Grocer's Cough
A man of letters was born in a small Scotch town, where his father wasthe intimate friend of a tradesman whom we shall call the grocer.Alm...

Such anecdotes somehow do not commend themselves to the belief even ofpeople who can believe a good deal.But "the spirits of the living," ...

My Gillie's Father's Story
Fishing in Sutherland, I had a charming companion in the gillie. Hewas well educated, a great reader, the best of salmon fishers, and Ine...

The Dream That Knocked At The Door
The following is an old but good story. The Rev. Joseph Wilkins died,an aged man, in 1800. He left this narrative, often printed; the da...

The Girl In Pink
The following anecdote was told to myself, a few months after thecurious event, by the three witnesses in the case. They wereconnections ...

The Dog In The Haunted Room
The author's friend, Mr. Rokeby, lives, and has lived for some twentyyears, in an old house at Hammersmith. It is surrounded by a largega...

The Lady In Black
A ghost in a haunted house is seldom observed with anything likescientific precision. The spectre in the following narrative couldnot be ...

The Dancing Devil
On 16th November, 1870, Mr. Shchapoff, a Russian squire, the narrator,came home from a visit to a country town, Iletski, and found hisfami...

Dreams And Ghosts X
Modern HauntingsThe Shchapoff Story of a Peculiar Type. "Demoniacal Possession."Story of Wellington Mill briefly analysed. Authorities f...

The Wesley Ghost
No ghost story is more celebrated than that of Old Jeffrey, the spiritso named by Emily Wesley, which disturbed the Rectory at Epworth,chi...

Lord St. Vincent's Ghost Story
Sir Walter Scott, writing about the disturbances in the house occupiedby Mrs. Ricketts, sister of the great admiral, Lord St. Vincent, ask...

Dreams And Ghosts Xi
A Question for Physicians. Professor William James's Opinion.Hysterical Disease? Little Hands. Domestic Arson. The Wem Case."The Sauce...

More Haunted Houses
A physician, as we have seen, got the better of the demon in Mrs.Shchapoff's case, at least while the lady was under his care. Reallythes...

Haunted Mrs. Chang
Mr. Chang, of that ilk (Chang Chang Tien-ts), was a man of fifty-seven, and a graduate in letters. The ladies of his family havingaccommo...

The Great Amherst Mystery
On 13th February, 1888, Mr. Walter Hubbell, an actor by profession,"being duly sworn" before a Notary Public in New York, testified tothe ...

The Hymn Of Donald Ban
O God that created me so helpless,Strengthen my belief and make it firm.Command an angel to come from Paradise,And take up his abode in my...

The Devil Of Hjalta-stad {246}
The sheriff writes: "The Devil at Hjalta-stad was outspoken enoughthis past winter, although no one saw him. I, along with others, hadth...

The Ghost At Garpsdal
In Autumn, 1807, there was a disturbance by night in the outer room atGarpsdal, the door being smashed. There slept in this room theminis...

Gisli Olafsson
* * * * *Notwithstanding this declaration, the troubles at Garpsdal wereattributed by others to Magnus, and the name of the "Garpsdale Gho...

Dreams And Ghosts Xii
The Story of Glam. The Foul Fords....

The Story Of Glam
There was a man named Thorhall, who lived at Thorhall-stead inForsaela-dala, which lies in the north of Iceland. He was a fairlywealthy m...

'the Foul Fords' Or The Longformacus Farrier
"About 1820 there lived a Farrier of the name of Keane in the villageof Longformacus in Lammermoor. He was a rough, passionate man, mucha...

Dreams And Ghosts Xiii
The Marvels at FrodaThe following tale has all the direct simplicity and truth to humannature which mark the ancient literature of Iceland...

The Marvels At Froda {273}
During that summer in which Christianity was adopted by law in Iceland(1000 A.D.), it happened that a ship came to land at Snowfell Ness.I...

Dreams And Ghosts Xiv
Spiritualistic Floating Hands. Hands in Haunted Houses. JeromeCardan's Tale. "The Cold Hand." The Beach-comber's Tale. "The BlackDogs...

Hands All Round
Nothing was more common, in the seances of Home, the "Medium," thanthe appearance of "Spirit hands". If these were made of white kidglove...

The Cold Hand
[Jerome Cardan, the famous physician, tells the following anecdote inhis De Rerum Varietate, lib. x., 93. Jerome only once heard a rappin...

The Black Dog And The Thumbless Hand
[Some years ago I published in a volume of tales called The WrongParadise, a paper styled "My Friend the Beach-comber". This containedgen...

A dream from 12/28/92 (Only part of the dream) I was in a room with a book open in my hands. The book listed names of demons and w...

Apocalypse One
A dream from 1/21/93 I had been out somewhere with my girlfriend and later met up somewhere with my parents. We were in the car drivi...

Beach Hotel
A dream from 7/3/93 I was in a large/tall church-like building with a bunch of people (mostly girls) from my high school. I knew they...

A dream from 7/24/94 A very thick caterpillar somehow managed to crawl into my ear. Later, it started to make its way out through a h...

Michael Jordan The Singer
A dream from 7/27/94 It was like I was watching a news report on TV. Michael Jordan quit playing sports and decided to become a singe...

Bassline Girl
A dream from 5/24/98 I don't remember how the dream started, but I was standing in the driveway of my parents' house talking to three...

Sorting Worms
A dream from 9/3/98 I was with a bunch of people, including some friends, at some kind of swap meet (indoor?). We were hanging out by...

Big Ladybugs
A dream from 9/24/98 Last night's dream involved me having receivced two cars as a gift. One was some really slick new car like a bla...

Seashells And A 70's House
A dream from 1/19/99 I was eating a small (Zip-Lock type) bag of roasted, salted sea shells (actual sea shells). There was a weird, q...

High School People In Europe
A dream from 1/20/99 I went to Europe again with a big group from my high school (SCA). This time, Dr. Lowrie (my high school princip...

Robert Downey Jr. And The Ceremony
(Abbreviated as originally written) A dream from the early evening of 1/20/99 Large group of people, high school friends and others....

A Movie Theater And A Wedding
A dream from 1/26/99 I went into a mall movie theater with some girl. We came back out and then tried to find our way back in. An old...

Ice Cream Man
A dream from the week of 2/20/00 All I can remember is standing in the window of an ice cream truck, looking inside. A pile of differ...

Toad The Wet Sprocket
A dream from late February of 2000 I was in a small club, similar to Monsoon's Saloon in Flagstaff, Arizona. The floor was wood, and ...

Egyptian Sand And Flying Binoculars
A dream from 5/9/00 I had a series of dreams overnight, but could only remember a few details. Early in the first dream, I was inside...

Broken Bottle Cuts, Missing Teeth, And Death Threats
A dream from 12/16/00 A lot of this dream is very unclear to me, and some of the lines between what happened in the dream and what I ...

Travel And Strange Animals
A dream from 6/23/01 Last night, I traveled to Germany and Africa in my dreams. It was beautiful. I met some amazing young German peo...

Bono, New Jobs, And Lots Of Cocaine
A dream from 3/15/02 Last night I dreamt about hanging out with Bono. The dream was really long. I got a new job and then quit it aft...

Backyard Missile
A dream from 3/18/02 At one point, my family and I had set up a couple targets in my parents' back yard and were shooting at them. No...

Bringing Toys To The Physical World
The first dream that has stayed with me forever occured during my early childhood. I must have been five years old and it stroke me that i...

Chinese Man Next To My Bed
This is one of the most upsetting dreams I have ever had, even though it was a very positive one. I must have been 15 or 16 and I often ha...

Double Dreams
Sometimes it's amazingly easy to incubate any kind of dream you want. After I had read about dreaming about being somebody else I immediat...

Back To The Past
This was a dream I had during the most frustrating parts of the disease, where I had no life at all, where any social contact would immedi...

Fighting The Shadow
A recent dream that may be a cue for an important change. Here it is, no comments. It's early in the morning and I suddenly realize tha...

First of all, people who followed the link to this page will probably not always know about the disease called CFS. You might be intereste...

11 October 1995: Cognitive Problems Exposed
I'm back at my first year of high school. There's some time left before the class starts.I try in vain to learn the vocabulary lessons, bu...

15 October 1995: Hermaphrodite And Woman
A hermaphrodite and a woman are making love in a public place. They are standing completely naked. The presence of the hermaphrodite arous...

18 October 1995: Cracking The Ice
One of my dream friends and I start cracking the ice on a large pond. A little dangerous and big fun. My dream friend, who is one of the m...

22 October 1995: Devil Abuses Women
A rather evil looking and powerful man has women delivered to him. He even seems to have little horns. He tortures these women in specific...

24 October 1995: Violence Reaches New Levels
Everywhere I come my dream friends are fighting each other. It's not only explicit fighting, there's a lot of plotting against each other ...

25 October 1995: Peace Keeping Succeeds
Comments: I don't give any dream in particular because I had many peaceful dreams this night and morning. Probably due to my peace keeping...

26 October 1995: Drugs, Poison And Food / Diplomatic Worries
get an album of Herman Brood. It's 'Sphritsz', one of his earlier albums. I turn around and notice that I'm in a large room, slightly lar...

28 October 1995: Dead Boy In The Pool
I'm diving in the swimming pool. I get very deep fast. There's a dead boy at the bottom. His body is twisted in unnatural ways and it seem...

30 October 1995: New Friends Wanted
It's supposed to be a fun place, but I feel lonely. I have to share my room with a not so friendly woman, well educated but cold, almost h...

31 October 1995: Tame Leopard
The dream has be going on for a while when suddenly I see a leopard hanging in a net. I get angry and go to the responsible man. I want hi...

1 November 1995: They Trouble Me...
I'm trying to get some rest, I'm tired. I'm in a dormitory. I hear some of the boys whispering. I notice that one of them is approaching m...

It's 4 november when I write this. Most of the violence has gone. If anybody gets attacked, it's me. What is left are many dreams in which...

A Second Start
December 11th, 1999. I lost the exact contents of the dream but not the song. It's about getting a second start. Not only was this dream s...

Higher And Higher
Dec 26th, 1999. This is from my disease related aggression dreams. At the point where this song plays I'm being attacked by a man and hit ...

Music Studio
Dec 30th, 1999. After having been busy with recording dream songs, I got a dream where I found a song machine generating wonderful music. ...

Running With The Visitors
January 2nd, 2000. I dream about having guests but instead of sitting somewhere we keep running and running. One is running along with her...

Humiliation In A Schoolyard
I was watching the TV broadcast of an NFL game, and the Rams were losing 35-0 to an unknown opponent. I soon realized that I was one of th...

The Price Is Not Right
I am told that I have won a prize. To claim it, I must climb on a tall but narrow platform. Once I get on that platform, a 60 year old wom...

Tears Of A Superhero
I was in a store that closely resembled I., on Jean-Talon street. An Asian woman in her sixties stood behind the counter. I suddenly decid...

Smooth Operator
I wanted to meet P. and went to his house. I was told by someone I didn't know that he wasn't there. I randomly pushed some doors open, bu...

"there's Something In Your Mouth..."
I was sitting with O. and two people in their twenties (a man and a woman). The woman had known several hockey players. She said that F.B....

Empire Of The Ants
I teach a class in front of about thirty students. Glancing at the clock, I see that it is 2:55 - time for a 20-minute break. I say: "Be b...

Kirsten's Dream
Dear Everyone, Last night I experienced a series of short dreams in which I was trying to control the situation. The following discuss...

I Had This Dream Last Night...
...actually it was more of a nightmare -- I dreamt that everyone in the world, regardless of their body shapes, were dressed like the char...

I Had This Dream Last Night
I was in college. I went over to the off-campus dorm where R was living, but it was a little early, so I hung out on the porch, waiting fo...

You've Been Long Gone
I have been dreaming about my ex. He held me close, we played nintendo, and then I ran away and fixed my car. I've been dreaming ab...

Gothic Get Up
me and my friend rosie were holidaying in rural france. there was a beach with a life size castle on it near us. some french men asked us ...

The Chase Is On...
It started off at my school, and somehow I ended up in a room with this gigantic monster I had to kill, with the help of three other guys....

Cold Warpath
The Cold War was still a concern and there was a classroom project to discuss mutually acceptable boundaries, and I made the suggestion th...

I was in a cold, dark cave, surrounded by mirros with thousands of eyes peeking out of them. I walked up to one of the mirrors and heard ...

I was in a cold, dark cave, surrounded by mirros with thousands of eyes peeking out of them. I walked up to one of the mirrors and heard a...

Road Trip
I was driving down the highway wih Aaron and we were both all smiles. We stopped at a rest stop because one of us had to go to the bathro...

Of Cults And Cows
I was running around all over the place trying to escape from various weird people, mostly kids aged 8-16, who were after me because I was...

Road Trip
I was driving down the highway wih Aaron and we were both all smiles. We stopped at a rest stop because one of us had to go to the bathroo...

Darien, And The Star,
I was in a dark room, pitch black, silent, still, nothing, if I couldn't have felt my feet on the floor I would have thoght I was nothing,...

Endless Cafeteria Nightmare
I was in an endless cafeteria that was every bit as crowded as a high school cafeteria on a closed campus. All of the walls had this...

I Always Loved You
I was talking to Aaron on the phone and he said something like "Angel, I have to be honest... I don't love you any more. I'm sorry hun, I...

I Always Loved You
I was talking to Aaron on the phone and he said something like "Angel, I have to be honest... I don't love you any more. I'm sorry hun, I ...

No, I Won't Film You Having Sex, Thank You Very Much,
I was with four people, two were an older couple and two kids that looked alot like my old best friend Sasha and her little brother Alex, ...

Hm.. Party/burton
Had the weirdest dream.. He was like ...

Grrrrrl Power Orgy
I was up in SF with a bunch of female aquaintences, and a couple of writers who'd written books about "Radical Motherhood". A...

I dreamed that I was in a place with thousands and millions of roses, all different shades... And I was smelling them and smiling... I hea...

I dreamed that I was in a place with thousands and millions of roses, all different shades... And I was smelling them and smiling... I hea...

Bleached Dogs.
I had a dream last night that there was a yard sale in my backyard, except there was nothing for sale. Anyway, this couple came i...

The Day I Crashed A Stolen Car
For some reason, an acquaintance of mine left me with a stolen car, to watch it for a few hours while he went to work at McDonalds...

Standing In In Field With A Boy Named Death,
I was inside the little office I see when I pass the landromat, making feo beads with a group of people, I was using red and yellow, the t...

In A Sandbox
asher and i are sitting in a sandbox in a park, like two little kids whose mothers have dropped them off there, and we're scooping up sand...

Dirty Aaron Dream 3
I dreamt that he was the only one at his house but me and we were on the couch watching movies. He had his arms wrapped around me and I ha...

Dirty Aaron Dream 3
I dreamt that he was the only one at his house but me and we were on the couch watching movies. He had his arms wrapped around me and I ha...

A Girl I Keep Seeing Again And Again...i Wonder What Her Name Is,
her hair was long and fire-gold, reminding me of sunset, I watched her from across the room, seeing the graceful way she moved, her dress ...

"you Have To Wake Up Now Laura,"
I dreamt I was at a party at Aeras house, but it was a bigger, darker house, like a mansioon from a old horror movie, I left the house wit...

I was running through the woods, branches were scrapping up my legs, I was bleeding like crazy, but kept running. I triped and fell, I fe...

I was running through the woods, branches were scrapping up my legs, I was bleeding like crazy, but kept running. I triped and fell, I fel...

Saved Again
I was at a huge mall with Aaron... And we'd just go from store to store buying whatever we wanted, our wallets were always full... We were...

Saved Again
I was at a huge mall with Aaron... And we'd just go from store to store buying whatever we wanted, our wallets were always full... We were...

I Could Have Gotten Detention For This
I was back in high school, though it took me a while to realize it. I kept wandering the halls of the school, wondering where my college c...

Sex With An 80's Icon
I guess karma or something felt sorry for my craptastic evening last night (and the muscles I pulled in my legs..I'm so not a con...

The Hallway
I was in a hall where there were three or four doors on one side. Inside those doors were swimming pools. People were either swimming or l...

Stalker In Training
I decided I was going to stalk one of my online pen pals. There was twisted logic in this decision. I had decided that he was a sta...

I was walking down the road toward a church. I heard a male's voice gently calling me inside. I poked my head inside and saw a huge cruc...

Homer's Grave
I walk up the stairs in a front side hall of my school, and I see Krusty from The Simpsons crying at the top. I ask him what is wro...

I was walking down the road toward a church. I heard a male's voice gently calling me inside. I poked my head inside and saw a huge crucif...

I woke up one day, and I was dead. i asked someone what had happened to me. They said that I had been crossing the street in front of the ...

A Beach, Sharks And One Of The Annoying Guys From The Man Show
I dreamt I woke up on a beach surrounded by rocks and next to me I found my friend Aera. getting up I looked around, I could hear the sea ...

I was in a car driving down an abandoned road. It was dark and I was all alone. I started hearing voices and seeing things.. People were ...

Vacations Don't Always Clear Your Head
My boyfriend Adam was partially handicapped. He could only walk short distances without needing a wheelchair. He was staying with my in my...

Bad Trident Missile Nightmare
In the dream I had, I was on some kind of technical support team, and we were in a building with computer screens all over, trying to trou...

Weird Rape Dream
For some reason, my parents talked me into going on this shopping trip with a bunch of people from this church they used to take ...

I had just come from "0" period, and after talking to Kiera and that group, I thought it was lunch, so I wondered why the bell had already...

Aaron and I were lying in bed, he was sleeping and I was staring at him, a smile on my face. I kissed his forehead, cheek, and lips. Aaro...

I went to swimming one night. When I stepped into the room where the pool was supposed to be, it was all gray concrete. I sat at a table n...

My Parents Are Geting A Divorce When Theres A Bomb??
ok so i cant remember how it started but i was like in some city on a really big lake and there was this really big building and some lady...

Emma The Energetic Sheep
i had a dream that my nose was bleeding and so was nick's - which i now realize is quite funny, because he just broke his nose in real lif...

Birthday Party
I don't remember that much about it. I could only invite one guy and one girl to my birthday party, and they had to be people I didn't rea...

Kaylas Conspiracy
wow what a dream. ok i dont really remember the beginning i just know that i somehow did some heroic thing and my dad was involved someho...

My Aunt Selina
My conscious self is well aware that I live in Chicago now, but my subconscious hasn't quite caught up. In this dream, my mother...

Want To Very Good Life Patner
i want to very good n nice partner in my life n become a very good success man ...

Save Me
I was running down the street, I could hear him shouting at me... I cried for Aaron, I cried for my Mom, I cried for anyone who would care...

Want To Very Good Life Patner
i want to very good n nice partner in my life n become a very good success man ...

Musical Grass.
I had a dream last night: that my best guy friend of the past five or six years kissed me. It was a long awaited thing, in both the dream ...

Madonna In Greece
Right after I had the above dream there was another dream which is weird since i haven't had a dream since the Kimono dream...which was mo...

Clap Twice Lights Off.
my dream starts off just this person and I, were walking down this park, its middle of night it snowed heavily. we stopped and we watched ...

I had a dream and johnathon, junior, and wanitta was trying to wake me up Johnathon kissed my lips and I woke up and when I did we wen...

A Shrinking Photobooth
I am at a carnival with my bestfriend from high school. He sees a photo booth and we decide to take pictures. We take one, the booth shrin...

lol i had a dream last night that we were all in mrs james room, but it was now mr. a's room and we were playing this weird game with gum ...

Outside Under A Blanket
I was outside, staring up at the sky. The stars were shining and I could see my breath, but I wasn't cold... I felt someone's lips on my ...

Aaron Reading
I was standing outside of a window, watching someone.. Aaron. He was reading on his bed. I climbed up into a tree, just high enough so th...

A Girl
I saw a girl in my dream, But u know when i Open my eyes she was in front of me. She is my Love Annabel ...

i'm a triplet. myself and one of my sisters have dates the the prom (twins) and out third sister is tagging along. we're hoping to find ...

i go to meet a few busties, i guess at a mall. all of them end up cancelling except one. we argue about motherhood; she ditches me; i go...

i was in my apartment with howard. i was on the computer chatting with pj. a man, apparently the landlord's son, charged in and unplugge...

blah blah blah ...

Fentinlo Rraylonia Hinsteieiés Vuntbino Slobertan
Fow car un hortez Dél slimptey un rowkun du spino le moi co fleirdez bon whino. I slopertuyinuy on yuen whilp soverinteen flowk u hottieg....

2. I had this one after I woke up and fell back asleep again. I was at ...

Justin Berfield Again But This Is A Short Thing!
Well me and my friends were at my house running around and stuff, the weird bit is cuz Justin Befield was at my place. He was sittin in th...

This Is A Very Scary Dream!!!!!and Gross!!!
I was at this big channel place thing. U know where water comes out of and then u close that water thing. Well anyway i was at that water ...

A Really Wierd And Strange Dream That Happened 2 Me!
I was in my room, we had visitors over my house. Justin Berfield came in my room and we started 2 talk 2 each other. This dream felt soooo...

I was walking down a long road, rose petals were flying all around. I had a long flowing, white dress on and was carrying in a large book...

Harry Potter, The Girl
What to do with all this free time? I decided not to continue with the dream I was writing about earlier but to direct your attention to a...

Off To The Mountains
Adam and I decided to take a weekend trip to North Carolina. He was driving, and I was riding in the passenger seat and complaining that I...

Boys That Make Me Fly
a strange somewhat reoccurring theme, but now with a strange twist, and a hot guy. dream: mom and i were being somewhat ...

Peaceful Field
I was lying in a field of wild flowers... There were pixies and faeries all around... I could hear a waterfall near by, I smiled at the tr...

The Mouse Is Evil!
Dream: Somehow a colony or community of people were living in a dark stone brick area. They were large blue stones, and the buil...

Wut A Day :(

The Elven World
I had a dream i was with the member of Star Trek TNG and we were going into a house.Under the house there were many high tech and ancient ...

The Boyscouts Of America At Burning Man 2002
What a bizarre dream! I dreamed that, for some reason, Larry of Burningman convinced the Boyscouts of America to change their...

What Are You Doing?
i'm laying in my bed and i hear the bump of bass outside the window. "joels here" i say to myself. then i turn toward the door and he's st...

Dream House And Wishes
First off, I was at a park or something with my cousin Will. I got into my car and geared up, driving away before he could hop it. I cou...

Anita Blake And Purple Dresses
fragment: purple bridesmaid dresses fly of the racks to attack me! Dream: i was off fighting evil/crime with a bunch of...

I was on the phone with one of my friends and she was annoying the crap out of me so I hung up on her. I went downstairs to alk to my da...

Asher Is Wearing A Scarf
i don't really remember this dream, because it was about a week ago. however, i do remember that asher kept appearing in it, wear...

Letters In The Penitentiary
I get a phone call from "a friend" to visit the prison, and the guards let me in, and all that are on the other side of the glass are thes...

Queen Of England
Had this dream that I'd just been notified that, do to a mistake at the place I was born and a series of accidents with the Royal ...

Not Much
I was curled up on the ground sleeping. It was snowy, but It really wasn't cold. Underneath a stone bridge ...

The Ones You Least Suspect
I was at work, watching some old videos I found. They showed a 4th of July some of the patients were having in the month before I started ...

Don't Drive To Boston
My family and I were going to Boston from Atlanta. We had driven most of the way, but when we got to the Massachusetts state line, we had ...

I was on a trip with a bunch of my friends. I think someone said Road Island... Well, anyway, Nate's inept grandmother was the bus driver ...

Car Troubles
I was going down ...

Comfortable Kisses
My family was taking my dad to some sort of concert he wanted to see. There was a platform above us where other people were dancing, it wa...


The Temper Tantrum
I was living with most of my roommates in 1F, but now in a one story house. Carolyn was still my roommate, but she could move into the...

James Bond, Kimonos And Tea.
I was in a London cafe drinking tea with a friend. Then I saw a two level bus go by. My friend and I began running after the bus with our ...

The Church
It started with my father being a very abusive man so I fled for the church. A familiar priest hd a small group go upstairs during mass fo...

Princess In The Woods
I was in a house by the ocean,a huge beautiful house and I was waiting for my brother to come back, I remember walking with some people, n...

My Aunt Is A Murderer
my mother woke me up at 6:10 and then decided to let me sleep in that day. i went back to sleep and had this dream: firs...

I Guess I'm Sick Of Winter.
I was living back home with my parents for the summer, and there had been new apartments built around my parents' house. Students from my ...

In my dream, Eric had bought two shirts with our names printed on the back together. Under my name was the year "1939" and under his was "...

Raspberries And Marathons
I was in a strange place where a bunch of us (mostly random people i've never seen before, and some i haven't really seen since middle or ...

Sweet, Sweet Dreams..
Aaron and I were at the beach, at my families cottage. We were outside walking around, holding hands... He asked me, "Why is the water so...

Obviously, I Have Family Issues.
I was taking a bath in the house my family rented until I was nine years old. Someone was washing my hair with a washcloth and giving me b...

Growing Garden
We were walking around outside in my garden. At first my garden was all baren and there were no flowers, but as we walked through the gard...

I was with my old boss, Michael. We were on a boat, and I was trying to sneak someone on board with me. We were hidng in the bathrooms. ...

He called me up one day and told m that we needed to talk. I said okay an then he starts yelling at me, saying that he "can't do this anym...

The Amazing Animated Slime Mold
A plasmodial slime mold was rumored to be taking over certain buildings in New York City. I have obviously been reading too much Organisma...

On The Run
Some friends and I were at the beach, when all of a sudden we start hearing people yell and cheer. We look up, and Tipper Gore has come to... Taste
I'm down with a nasty cold at the moment so I spend a lot of time resting- not being able to sit upright for too long and all. And whenev...

Guns In The House
I was at someone's house taking a shower, I remember reading the shampoo bottle and it said "Pina Colata" and there was herbal essance. I...

This Is New
Yo wat up people... Right now i'm about to sleep and this is my dream journal so i'll talk to ya in the morning one luv ...

Porno Paradiso
this is very long, complicated and fragmented. it started when anna and i went swimming, we decided to swim around the whole of e...

Exam Stress
Me fellin really tired and headachey and then i started cryin and Mr C. was telling me not 2 worry and being worried bout me and then me d...

Flying Away
I have a recurring dream where I'm flying down my road, but not high enough to escape the grabbing hands of my mother and my younger broth...

Back In Bham
I apparently had never moved from Birmingham. Tim was no longer my roommate. Eric had moved in with me....and he was gay. He would trick w...

Sleeping With Aaron
I was lying in bed with Aaron. I was freezing cold and he wrapped me in his arms. He kissed my cheeks and then my nose, commenting on ho...

I was in my room playing with a TEC-9 for some reason. I hid it in my dresser so Mom wouldn't find out about it. Then I went down to di...

Crashed My Car
I was in my dream car waiting for school to be over so I could pick up Amanda and Ashley. Niner hopped in the car and said, "I would like...

Ex Again??
I was in some sort of class. It was like a revisitation of sunday school, but it wasn't that. Something else. My ex boyfriend showed u...

Iced Tea
"hey tanya i bought some iced tea" "yeah!" ...

Lets Go
"hey you owe me" "owe you what?" "we bet, i won you owe me" "oh yah, lemme get my stuff" we walk down the steps and pass t...

Dodgy Men In Clubs
I was in a club, I think it was Tuesday. I'm not sure why I thought that, but the club reminded me a little of Metro but much bigger - in...

Empty Sky
There was a dragon, I remember, but he was somewhere that was always far away. And we were in a swamp, this boy and I, and in the midd...

More Than Anything I Miss The Labradors
I was there, and I remember it as though I were looking at it through a bowl of water. It starts in the middle, which is strange. Som...

I had a dream and johnathon, junior, and wanitta was trying to wake me up Johnathon kissed my lips and I woke up and when I did we wen...

Downright Creepy Aphex Twin Dream
It is the early 20th century. I know...well, because I just do and because of the clothes and decor. I am at this fancy shmancy party in t...

Family Trouble
It all started with me following my mother's instructions to make dinner, and how to make dinner, while she went out. She ne...

Ashleigh's Rape

The Dying Star
It is a backyard in the low sun, late afternoon glare in my eyes that made the shape of her face and the way her hair fell around her chee...

Don't Think About Texas
I was at what seemed to be my family's house, though it was a combination of a couple houses I've been in: my grandparents' old house in s...

David Sedaris Doesn't Have All The Answers
I was at college, or rather at a college. I'm not sure whether I was supposed to be at my own school or a different school. The pro...

Sex Haben
trish had a dream that she was making out with mikaela and couldn't stop. i had a dream about fucking someone (in the drama depar...

Even A Sock Puppet Can't Save Me
My family and I were sitting in a small living room, watching Thursday night TV. I recognized the room as home, though I wasn't comfortabl...

Weird Dream With Seth Green...
I was in some sort of monistary and I was part of an undercover group... And we were going there to collect information in order to prosec...

3 Boyfriends Again. Nice One.
firstly i was at this large tomb like place built from old looking sandy coloured huge bricks, there were lots of little mini-grungers the...

My father and I decided to take a trip to Los Vegas. We stayed in this motel and drove around the city. It was sunny outside and everywhe...

I was back with the class of honors freshmen that I taught during fall semester. There were more of them, though, and they were all in a l...

Grace Kelly In The Cornfield
I was standing in a wide, many-acred cornfield with Grace Kelly. It was late afternoon, and the sun was slanting down upon our heads. Grac...

Communicating With The Dead
For some reason, there was some sort of an award show or something going on near our store. Each department was supposed to do a demonstra...

What The Hell?
I was in a limo with two guys. I didnt know who these guys were, but for some reason we all had a change of clothes in this limo. We pul...

Cell Phone Time Machine
So Kelly comes up to me one day and goes, "Guess what? I found a time machine!" Astonished, I say, "No way! How?" And sudd...

Dylan Thomas Birthday Party
So my good buddy Cochrane and I decided that the PERFECT place to have my little sisters birthday party, is at the grave of Dylan Thomas. ...

Green Blood Filled Bottels
Okay: So I have this dream last night that me and my roommate Bill are visiting this expemental art musem in Germany, that my friend ...

Linkin Park.
Last night I had this really cool dream. I had a dream that I cut out of class. I ran out of class down the hall to go get Zeda. I signale...

Auditioning For An Old Part
I was auditioning for a part in a reality TV show. I was to be the roommate of three other women who were all Amazonian, model-perfect blo...

Malcolm Being Nice
He first handed me some letters, a box of them, i think. there was a long letter and some smaller ones inside. The long letter was written...

Liv Tyler W/weed
In my dream i woke up in a room that i instinctivly new was liv tyler's. i got out of bed and walked to a nearby desk, on it was a handful...

this dream left me feeling like i had someone's stomach hair in my mouth. there is a story behind this, but i don't think i want you to ...

Music And A Computer Project
it started with most of my class going into a big building that had computers in it, but i decided to stay outside on the lawn. i don't th...

Celebrity, Celebrity
griffin and wyatt were in it also. and nathan lane and joey fatone from *nsync. and. erica kane from all my children was my mom. and. hmm....

Adam's Smooth Spaghetti Sauce
Adam and I are at my old house on 140 East St. We look the same as we are now, me with my black hair and blonde streaks, and Adam with hi...

Shakespear Brady Bunch
Okay: So Russel Crowe and I had joined forces to stop an evil group of mobsters, headed by Ben Kingsley, who had taken over a hotel. ...

I was in bed when the ceiling crashed down on me. I didn't scream at all. I knew no one would save me, somehow. I kicked and punches, b...

Charlotte, Kara, Jeanna, Anna, Ginna, and I were in a band. We never had practice, but one night they called me and told me to shop up and...

I was in the garden, smelling roses. The sun was shinning and the birds were singing... All of a sudden the birds were silent and the sky...

Black Forms
I dreamt that this black cloud was hovering over me in my bed... And I was surrounded by these black forms. I closed my eyes and counted ...

I'm in my former apartment, which has been converted to a retail space and music studio- there's REM practicing- and there's Eric! ...

Faery And Dragon Medalians
I had these two medalians, one was the life force of the Fae and the other was the life force of the dragons. I gave the life force of th...

Curled in a small ball. Well, I uncurled eventually and stood up. Here I am in a doorway, and he is wearing a green shirt. ...

Evil Virgen Dream
I'm in a line with all the other girls from school.(i'm in the front) opposite the girls theres all the boys. a docter is in front...

Gray Matter
I dreamt last night that I was a superhero. Or rather a wannabe who actually got to be. I don’t exactly remember the plot line of my dream...

The Fuckin Hotspot.
HERES MY DREAM, IT GOES LIKE THIS! I was walking down aisle 5 in my local department store, just getting the groceries, you know ...

Cam and I got pulled over coming home from the beach. He was going to get arrested for having his gun on him and they found drugs and some...

well I am with this guy that I love so much and we always talk how we are going to be together for ever and how we will definitly get mar...

Clamato Killer
I am walking down a sidewalk at dusk and see three guys standing up holding eachother and kissing all at the same time. they see that i ha...

Airport Shiva
i am in an airport and i am waiting for my girlfriend (who happens to be a real-life supermodel...a woman named james something? i can pic...

What Watching Pearl Harbor Made Me Dream Of....
I was at my gradmother's house eating dinner. All of a sidden, I remembered I had to pick up my cat(I dont have a cat in real life) from t...

Best Use Of Multimedia
In a dream I found Lan's new site, and it was the most beautiful, creative and innovative journal site I'd ever seen. The screen was multi...

Aaron The Security Guard
I was in a long hallway with many doors. I was wearing a very long white dress that seemed to flow like a river around me, literally. I ...

I was at this sort of carnival type thing with Ashley and we were getting good and stuff.. Then I lose her... But some little kid is with ...

Demon Hands
In the beginning, it pretty much flipped from a "real" scene to a video game scene, and the video game seemed to have levels. Those levels...

I was running through the woods and I heard laughter. I turned around and saw all of my friends laughing... Each took his or her turn te...

Sleeping In His Arms
We were downstairs and he had just come from Wisconsin. My Dad gave me the same talk he did on Saturday about the letter from Aar, and th...

Spiderman 2
I was in my bedroom writing on my bed and he swooped onto my balcony. I looked up to see him perched there and ran out to him. He gave m...

I was walking down the street and he came swinging by... Then he took me up in his arms and we started swinging from building to building....

Asheligh's Mansion
Me, ...

Adventures In Jocko Land

Bar Rejection
I was in a gym like room with many other people and we were discussing birth. The room slowly shifted into a bar like setting and I was on...

Tom And Lemons Make Me Crazy
I was walking through hallways, tunnels, underground and lit up with flourescent lights. A bunch of girls would follow me around as their...

I was playing with someone's puppy because they had taken mine away from me. Some woman comes around screaming about how this pedophile h...

Ice Age
I was back in the world of ...

Saving The World And Waking Up At The Neighbours
um. i dreamed i was in england. i went over with steven (cousin) and andrew (his best friend). we wre staying at this old castle tha...

Running Away
I lived in a house with my stepdad and mother and two friends, Greg (one of the head cashiers I worked with) and someone else. I wanted to...

There was a tiny pink mouse running about on the floor. The floor was cracked, and upon watching the mouse I figured out that it was an in...

Hotel #1
The reason this dream is of note to me is because I have had a few dreams along the same theme recently. This dream was about a family re...

This dream was also about being in a smallish place with a bunch of people I didn't know, and one or two that I did. This dream was about ...

Last night I dreamed that I was on a trip with a large group of my friends (none of which were real people) and we met this group of stran...

Another Invention
I was touring with Ozzy Osbourne. One of the members of the band had won the position through a TV show similar to Popstars. I sold souven...

Cremating Andy! :-d
I had been in school all day with a friend's sister... And I came home only to be greated by a demon (Andy) attacking my beloved Aaron... ...

For some reason I was at Petsmart, I was talking to some girl who was working there. Then I started to leave and in the doorway was a bunc...

I was on a South Pacific island with two members of the cast of "Made In Canada" - Veronica and Richard. We worked together in a small pre...

When At Night I Go To Sleep
Last night after I wrote my journal entry, I read the note that someone had written regarding it. Right before I fell asleep, the last thi...

Try, Try Again
Seemed I was in northern California visiting my family and friends that live in Southern California and some other people wanted to get to...

I was at some sort of party school taking classes, and in one of the classes, some girl was showing me some pictures she had taken at the ...

Sabin Crap

This next dream was all in blue, which is very weird because all my dreams are usually in color. I'm in a field, there are flowers everywh...

Normal people dream about things they love. Kittens, sex, flowers, killing people -- Whatever floats your boat. And some have terrible n...

Stealing With Mother
So I'm in the supermarket, and right over near the bottle-return counter are these shelves full of single packs of cigarettes-- not in car...

Concert Tickets.
I had a dream that a radio station, 93.3, called me up on the phone and told me that I had won tickets to OzzFest. I was happier than I h...

Nuclear Water Park
A nuclear bomb was detonated and there was a flood and in a boat I was with the entire cast of Roseanne, including Jackie who was filming ...

Friends Depart..
Ashley, Lindsay, and I were at my house one day... And we were talking and having fun, the usual... When out of nowhere, Ashley suddenly a...

Serial Killer
I was leaving school and ran into my friend Ariel... Her dad came speeding into the parking lot and we both got into the car. He squealed...

Sea Cruise
I went on a cruise ship for a vacation with my exboyo JP. We kept searching the neverendingly huge decks for our room, but the numbers ...

A Sweet Aaron Dream
I was sitting at the computer when he came up behind me and kissed my neck, really soft and gentle. I, of course, let out a sort of "meep...

School Teacher; High School Drill Team Reunion; Exhibitionism
I am a teacher's helper for young children, maybe in kindergarten or the first grade. The teacher was a spunky woman, and the children lo...

There's a construction project going on in my house--more specifically, in my room. People from my high school class are coming to help. ...

I had a ...

The Dancer
Most of it was fuzzy, which is too bad because it was a very good dream. I was at a dance or something; my family was there. I think my fr...

A Hot Cop Saves My Life In A Haunted House.
some how jamie peavoy was in my dream. we were walking around a theme park, running away from some people that were generally bad. ...

Teddy Bears, Clouds, And Giving A Black Man A Handjob With The Brains Of A Homeless Spic
So my dream started out with me in a very vivid land of wonder. I dunno how to describe it, it was like feathers in heaven and everything...

Bitching At Choir Teacher...
I'm in my room and it's really larrge and plain... And there's a class in there... Lindsay's friend Ben and my Dave were both flirting wit...

The Dark House
okay this dream was from a while ago... my dad, veena and i go on vacation and we stay at veena's friends house. they have this h...

The Klepto
okay so im in some store..i think it was in the columbia mall. i dont know how i knew that..and i drop a wad of money, and im taking my ti...

Dream Come True
I had a dream last night that I loved somebody more than you. Than you, Jamie, and I would say it's impossible for me to love anyone more...

Vivid As Day Sexual Dreams
there have been two of them now, over the past few nights. the last one was so vivid i was sure i must have been gyrating in my sleep. ...

i saw all shades of blue.. really electric blue was so gorgeous.. these fabrics of blue. ...

my friend ali was in a room with this old lady looking out the window on a november morning she says "geese are wonderful birds". ali says...

Chinese Food And Video Games Do What???
I was 29 years old. Nearly a year earlier, I had given birth to a beautiful baby girl. I was looking at a picture of her, (I assume) my hu...

No Parents! Whoa!
I had no parents and Aaron came to see me... It's weird, cause I could smell him when I hugged him. I could actually SMELL him :-) And he...

Boarding School/cult Thing
My parents sent me away to some sort of boarding school/cult... And Ashley and all of my friends were there as well. The place was absolu...

K-mart And The Bluelight Special
Lately I've been having the most bizarre dreams, but the one, which woke me yesterday morning, takes the cake. Kris and I were ha...

Carriage Roads Of Ny
I hailed a cab in NY but it was a carriage, hopped in with all of my friends and luggage and Jon Cusak who was hitting on me, and we spent...

Visit To Mexico
Ok, I just slept from 8:40 to 10:30pm, and In that time, I had the weirdest dream ever.I was in somewhere foreign, most like...

German Son Kite
The first scene in the dream took place in an industrial town in Poland in the early 1990s. A big iron-age steam locomotive was pulling up...

Decathlon And Terror
In this dream, my mom and I were travelling along an interstate that had two lanes on each side. There were police cars driving in traffi...

Another Guy I Don't Know
(NOTE: I just copied + pasted this from another source where I wrote a few of my dreams, so any incorrect tenses or anything are natural.)...

At The Movies With Aaron
He came to NY again and my parents were really nice to him... We went to the movies and he held my hand the entire time... And when we wal...

..walking A Bird...
I was walking this huge bird in a park... And the bird could talk like a human... As in... It had a human voice... And out of nowhere, Aa...

Polytechnic In Chicago...
I was accepted to Polytechnic, only there was another one in Chicago. So I went there and got to go to Wisconsin every night after colleg...

Sarah Good
We moved so that I could study magic. My family cared even less for me than they do now in the dream... The town we lived in was set back...

Kitties For Me!
I saved three kitties from an animal shelter... There were two kittens and one big kitty... Totally white... Short haired :-) I called o...

Carpet Horror
This is more of a snippit of the dream as there were other parts to it that I cannot remember. I dreamt I came home and walked in...

I was sailing with malcolm and someone else (I think it was brittany, and I'm pretty sure we were still at camp), and for some reason ther...

A Model Experience
I found myself sitting in a restaurant in my hometown. It's called the Dairylane. They serve burgers, fries, and ice cream. Given that I'm...

I Love You, Fuck Me.
me and my darling boyfriend brian were at a ska show an king django was playing he had his hand around my waist and we started moving slo...

The Drive
i dreamnt that me and brian were in his car which i never saw but it was a baby blue ford.lets get lost he said. we drove endlessly o...

Random Fight At Popeye's!
The first dream ...

Wish It Could Last............forever!
I was walking in the woods, my crush, Andrew, came up and held my hand like we were both boyfriend and girlfriend. Awwwww, it was soooo ro...

ran away from home. to turn around and find myself alone,on my own. ...

I Would Like You To Know That Im Very Upset.
i was outside his house, well i've never been to brians house. but it was in surban area. it was raining hard i stood outside soak and wet...

Aaron Comes To Ny Again
He came to NY again... And my parents let him stay in my brother's room because Freddy had moved out by then... And my parents told him th...

Dead Bodies?
I'm at a concert ...

How Did You Get Here ? I Ran
I RAN AND RAN i coudnt stop running till it was evening and i knew i was there , that i was in allentown i stood at the end of the block ,...

Weird Dreams 101
We were standing in Washington, DC. Everyone seemed rather frantic. I heard someone mention that an asteroid was about to hit DC. I stood ...

Babies Galore
Laurie, Kris, and I were standing in a room in the house where her baby was supposed to sleep. She looked down at the red, blue, and yello...

Organic Screw-up
I was walking along campus when suddenly I remembered that my organic chemistry class was taking place at that very moment. By the time t...

Close To Home
I was talking to Evan online not sure about that, and he said to me if you were here, you'd be home by now. and then i thought of me runni...

School Days
I had returned to my parents' house to gather my belongings to move into my new house. While I was home, I started playing a game of Lite...

Haetan And A Crocodile
haetan? this is the name of the boy that was in my dream who to my knowledge doesnt exist. he told me in the dream it was pronounced "Hi, ...

dad and i got home and the door was open... all our stuff was stolen (computer, TV, etc.) dad didn't seemtoo freaked out. but the...

Early Bird
getting on the bus to school in mid autumn it was about 5 AM and the ride is about 45 minutes no one else but me and the driver, i sat in ...

Camp/ Mr. Quaintance's Play
we were at this camp where we couldn't use cell phones or tvs or anything... the people there were the people from dev camp. there were 4 ...

The Stranger
I saw myself laying on my roof, body spread out like Jesus was on the cross. I opened my eyes, to see a pink sky still spread with stars....

Star Trek
It started in a sort of StarTrek scene... I was Deeana from StarTrek: The Next Generation... And I was being questioned by Tuvok from Voy...

Taylor Hanson
Last night I dreamt that I met Taylor Hanson in my local grocery store. He was sitting on this bench and I was like "Hey, it's Taylor Hans...

Engaged :-)
We were together outside in my garden holding hands... And he led me to a stone bench where we sat... I was wearing a dress of light blue....

Walking down the hall, people staring at me. Somebody pulled out a gun, and shot me, but I was still alive and kicking. ...

Touchy-feely Oriental Storekeeper
This is a charector/theme that was in another dream I had about a month or so ago. I was in a store/restraunt. The keeper was an...

Under a pale blue sky Breezy warm weather Hiding under a tree on a picnic cloth with sister laughter all around, the air tumbl...

Cops, Robbers, & The Dispatcher's Helpful Answer
Kris and I were driving through the town where I attended high school. The corner where an insurance agency sits was a gas station. A bunc...

Drowning Andy
I was swimming in the ocean with Andy and a little boy. The little boy didn't know how to swim that well...Andy did...we all got swept far...

My Starbuck's Stalker
At the local Starbucks there is a guy who has crossed eyes. He is very friendly and I see him whenever I decide to contribute to corporate...

A Shopping Fiasco
Today (Sunday) Mom and I went shopping. Before we left, I told her I had to be at work at noon for my first opening shift. She promised me...

Rent $345/month, Tuition/fees $1800, Getting Away From Annoying People... Priceless
Laurie had my room. Our bathroom had been changed into a bedroom with three windows, which I had chosen as my room as it was big, well lit...

Taking Over For The Gods
Taking over the for the Gods I had taken over the job for the man who takes people across the river styx in mythology. Instead of row...

Little Child
I was playing pool, and there were a million of the white balls, and not any colored ones. So I smack the balls really loud, and this...

San Francisco
I dreamt that I was in SF with David. We had planned to meet in front of a big hotel. I stood on the front steps, and just like in "The Ro...

i was happy?...we were happy...we were together last....him,me... i was sitting on my feet were dangling far far abo...

Betta Fish
I'm planning on getting a fish, and I dreamt that I got one, but I couldn't find the information that I had printed out about them, so the...

i lived in an old stone cottage on a moor. it was blistering cold and sometime near christmas. during the day packs of man high wolves cir...

I was at a store, and there was a girl there with me. She convinced me to steal some stuff. She put cigarettes in my bag. When we went to ...

The One Where Lauren Is Stuck In A Weird Version Of Cyberella
I had a dream that I was in Cyberella, KA had come back and had been doing Cyberella again for a while, but it was my first time ba...

A Flock Of Seagulls
Me and my sister Cassi, we were really young though about the age of 8, running around the beach on a mid-november foggy morning, running ...

Little Strange One
I was in a forest, and I was running away from something..and I was really scared...I tripped over a root, and I got dirt in my mouth. I t...

Romantic Traffic
It was night, and it was bright, mid-winter. me and brian were in broadway,manhattan that is. we were in the middle of the island watching...

Murder - Classroom - The Conclusion To A Prior Dream.
Saturday, September 07, 2002 Yesterday after school I took a nap. The dream during it was weird. I think I've had the dream bef...

Spiral Bakery
I went to a bakery with my mom. They sold cakes made of large spiraled dough that was probably fried. It looked like funnel cake except ...

This Dream Is Like A Movie. See Myself In Different Angles When The Camera Moves.
Saturday, September 14, 2002 I was Winona Ryder. Partially. I saw a flash of something, a tiger pattern, and the movie began. I...

I can't remember all of my dream but I remember a lot of it, so here goes. It started out with me being at one of my family get together's...

nice day out.... on the motoercycle.... i held on his face was in the helmets...not was cold b...

The entire dream I can feel what my dream self is feeling and experiencing but I can also see her from an outsider's perspective. ...

Carnivorous Orchard Dream
It was dark and I was naked in the middle of a hilly apple orchard, freezing my arse off. There were no leaves on the ground, a...

The Tower And The Candy
My boyfriend and I were driving on a country road in a Mediterranian country that I've always wanted to visit, and I noticed that som...

The Homicidal Afican-american And Me.
I had a dream that there was an African-American who hated all whites and was out to kill us all. Well, he had been hitting different plac...

I keep having dreams in which I fall in love with my coach... ...

An Elevator And Laughing Executives
I was waiting for an elevator in a small strange glass room. The elevator shaft was at the middle of the room. There were no walls or do...

Overwhelming Abundance
I dreamed that I was with all of my friends in my home and we were preparing for some big event, a party or celebration. Lots of cooking, ...

Afraid, Nillie, Charmed, Cosby - Fear
Monday, November 04, 2002 I watched this. The characters from Charmed were there, before Prue left, unfortunately (mean, yes). ...

Mr. Kilkelly...
KK taught Heather English at St. Barts. he was kind of a Mr. McDonnell-tyoe teacher, standing where Mr. McD usually stands, and everything...

Phone Call
I was staying as a guest in a big house with several other people. It was Saturday night, and I spent the night on a huge comfy bed with a...

i'm still lying in the dark corner of my room where i fell asleep, bruised and tired, tear stained and torn. he's also there still, asleep...

Human Evolution
Last night[11/22], I dreamt that I grew every day from when I was born to the state that I am now. I was a baby in the morning, and I grew...

it was december, it snowed for the first time in two years. so i went outside and i lived in a very nice little house and i called cassi o...

Sarah & Jamie
I can't remember everything that I dreamt last night, but I remember one part. I always have continuations, or so it seems, in my dreams.....

The End Of Ryan
I was sitting in the front hallway of school when ...

Almost Out Of Time
Monday, November 25, 2002 Saturday, I watched the Out of Time episode of the Lost World a few times. On Sunday morning, this d...

I went to Justin's house last night in my dreams. His house was like a combination of a hunting lodge and a huge...something... very weird...

First my friends Willy and Natalia asked me if I would play juliet in a production of Romeo and Juliet they were making, and I said yes. K...

Dream started off with my sister and I sitting in our kitchen, making relief packages for something-or-other.. I had been on ...

Can You See Me?
starring at each others eyes. confused but in love. young eyes make me nervous. brown eyes mean so much more. he put his arms around my wa...

Heidi Brandon Jeremy
Heidi and I were on these tricycle-like things, and Brandon and Jeremy and some other guys were trying to make us ride them down these emp...

Alexis/ryan Snake
Alexis died. She was put on some sort of Altar, and everything became black and white. There were people mourning her death and I was ther...

Road To Anticon
So my cousin & i (whom i havent spoke to in about a month) are in an unusual looking car. A car that was neither hers nor mine. We're on s...

Whoa, I can't remember it all...But it was Christmas Eve, when all of my cousins are supposed to come over. Well, there were a lot of stra...

One of the weirdest things that I've ever dreamt. I went with my mom to give this guy christmas presents, except, it was this guy that I b...

I was at my grandma's old house where I used to live and in my room (which was bigger than usual) a devil octapus was inside the hand-made...

----daydreams Infinity------
I was sitting in this desk at school, this girl is sitting infront of me, no one was in the room, well I couldn't see anything else. She h...

My Feel
¨S¦³¿O ­I¼v«ç¥i¤W¸ô ¦p¨S¶³ ¤ÑªÅ³£¤£Ä±°ª §Ú»P¥L ­Y¦ü¤Ñ¥Í¤@¹ï ¦h»ò¦n ³æ¤â«ç¥i¥H©ê §Ú©È¦b¥­¦a¶^­Ë ½Ö¦ñ§Ú «_ÀI¸õ¤U·Rªe ½Ö³£­n¤@¹ï ...

Lots Of Tortilla Chips And Meena
Meena wanted to go to K-Mart across the river. I didn't really want to because I didn't have anything to buy. But I thought I would go a...

Don't Know
The only thing that I remember about the dream last night is that Derek and Jinnah were in it. I woke up and that's all that I could remem...

Forgiveness Of Wrongs
It took place at school in the beginning, though it resembled Sabin, my old middle school, more than Doherty, the high school I go to; yet...

I dreamt that Heather had her baby. I don't remember anything else.. HOPEFULLY this will come true..soon :D ...

My sister was supposed to be taking me somewhere to meet my mother. I tried calling my mom a hundred times, and no one picked up, or I tal...

Drunken Bitch
I dreamt of him in my dreams. We were at a party of some sort and I had just drank my last bottle of beer that made me feel a little woozy...

Sex With Hitler?
last night i had the most disturbing dream, in this unusual warehouse i had sex with hitler! now, i have never once liked hitler or ever ...

At An Apple Restaurant With Sloan
Sloan and I were in an apple restaurant. We ordered a bowl of square apple pieces. The waiter or waitress (I don't recall which but I th...

I had more of an..experience than a dream. It was like I was lying in my bedroom, but somewhere else at the same time. Kind-of like an unc...

The Cartoon The Editors Did Not Like
There's six red-headed girls running around attacking things, and one red-headed girl is tied up in a chair. The six red-headed replicants...

The Pet Fly
We had a pet fly, and my family started fighting over who legally "owned" it. Eventually this went to court and involved shouting matches ...

Love And Love Only
haai how do you do tha ...

I was at my house when I remembered that there was some sort of party for Thai that evening, and my mom was taking my sister somewhere and...

soooo ichhab da ma geträümt ja was war das noch gleich hmmm keine ahnung ...

The Big Dog
i was riding a bike through Austin (Texas) with a girl from my literature class. the capitol was there, but there were at least four sets...


O_o Wtf
I was running down a black road then all of a sudden a girl told me to follow her and she took me to this tree thing that just appeared ou...

Fun Prison
… M! Come back to the game! Is all I heard as I turned away and walked toward the fence. I was in a prison for youth. I wa...

My Life Dream
catch my woodbee ...

Beautiful Erik
I was at Meagan's house and her room and Erik's were joined. I was playing ps2(where'd Iget that from?) in Meg's room and I walked out for...

Fields And Big Dogs
I was walking down this fenced in little path in the middle of a cornfield, because it was my job to get all of the cats and dogs out of t...

§Þ½a§OÄm§Þ ª¾¹D§A·Q§Ú·Q§A §O§Ñ±¼§Ú¦­ºD¤F¦nÄFªº §@¹Ú¦~¬ö ¨ý¦p¨S¦³¨ý ±æ±o¬ï¨C­ÓÅå³ß ©Î³³oºØÀª§¼ªí±¡ ±q¥¼¾A¦X§A §...

Having A Baby
I was a character from Sex and the City in the beginning. I was in a mall that connected to a hotel, but it looked like an aiport, really....

Runing Away And People Dieing
I had a Dream that me,my brother, and boyfriend along with some other friends all ran away and stole a bus with the driver so he could sig...

I was in a summer camp, and Josh Haley and Nate were walking by me as I was going to one of my activities or something, and Josh said some...

I dreamt that I went to Maine and stayed with Valerie, this girl whos diary I read at diaryland(she doesn't even live in maine, really) an...

3 Random
In one, I was on Trading Spaces. I was older and married, and Paige was still the host..and we became friends or something. I remember my ...

Lezbo Rama
So I was having a sleep over at my friends house. We were playing video games until like midnight, then her mom told us we had to go to b...

這樣痛苦是為了誰 我è¦ä½ ç‚ºæˆ‘åšçš„ 你都ä¸çµ¦ Yes It's all right, I'm so wrong 是我錯把愛情想得太美 ...

Not Last Night
this did not happen last night but... this was a very long dream. first, i was at a wedding in the middle of nowhere, an...

I was in the kitchen of my apt, trying to construct some sort of monstruous art project using things from the fridge, when I tipped over a...

Several Hours
spent on the last time I was here wondering why should I spend fifteen times fifteen times a day just to see tha...

Crossing Beaches
Friday, January 24, 2003 Had a weird dream last night. Thursday evening, I watched Felicity. In that episode, she supposedly went...

I Believe
¹ï»P¿ù ¥u¬O¤@½u¤§®t §ó¬°­«­nªº¨Æ¬O§O¤Hªº«H¥ô ·í§O¤H¬Û«H§A µL½×¬O®t±o«lªº¨Æ³£·|±o¨ìÅé½Ì ·í§O¤H¤£¬Û«H ¨ºµL½×...

Alli/brave New World
In the beginning, I was doing a report on BRAVE NEW WORLD for World History, and my group members were Lauren and Josh, and we were attemp...

Swim Fantasy
This dream took place at my schools pool. I was in the pool with everyone in my gym class but there was a guy there with me. And I was...

My dad decided that we were going to spring break three weeks early. We were on the way to the airport (we meaning me, my dad, my mom, Ha...

Tonight I'll Stay Awake Long Enough To Passout Off Night Skys
were are on a ford, looking night sky is eating us apart, its plentiful, glad to have escaped, were are leaving they'll never catch us. ...

It was my birthday. AGAIN. I was back at the old Vass-Lakeview Elementary, which connected to UP or something, and I had put this pair of ...

Just Plain Weird...
The first part of the dream I don't really remember, I was somewhere away from home trying to take something away from my evil grandfather...

I don't know anything else. But I feel the people was change Sometimes they make you feel happy Sometimes they ...

I was at school walking with a friend Chris.I was five months pregnant. I asked him to walk with me to the gym I needed help carrying my s...

You Said What?
this takes place with me at the library. im just finishing up work n sponge come in to talk to me.anywho were tlaking and this kid i happe...

Dead Babies
after 2 a.m. on 2/11/03 I dreamt: I had quite a few dreams during this sleep, but the one that I remember the most involved me be...

Theres this guy named Kyle that I like and I stayed up late talking to him so of course I dreamed about him. First it started out I was la...

Mick Or Jerry?
So, I'm Mick Jagger, and I'm having sex with Jerry Hall. Its weird because i consciencly think about how in real life i'm a girl and ...

My ...

I passed out or something(collapsed suddenly) while I was climbing these steps in the band room,and I was trying to catch my breath; I was...

Those Bloody Slugs!
Well. Let's see. Did I even type in this thing over the past year? Of course a dream about my good friend Joe triggered me to write in ...

他都ä¸æ„›æˆ‘ 難é“到我度無骨氣張開這耳朵 è½çœŸä»–親å£èªª 你別åšå¤¢ 得到好çµæžœ 今天 ä»–...

I dreamt one night, I think it was last night(my birthday! hoorah) that I was late for school, and someone else was taking me.. and I want...

Work Dream
I remember being in some mystery store room at Target with Brandon. I was looking for rosemary to make something. Brandon had this guest t...

Js House
I was with someone else, and we were in Pine Grove Village, walking down the streets.. I think it was Stacy. We went into a house, and the...

Weird Party

Let It Snow -- At The Talent Show -- In My Bedroom...
It started out with Jessica, Tara and I, (I don’t know how this is possible but) we were sledding down a road, or being pulled by somethin...

12:47 Am
Time- sometime between 4th and 6th period, I had looked at my watch, but I don't remember what the time was exactly. Where- In the mus...

Sex With The Lost Lover
I had a weird feeling in my stomach like something was going to happen, i was in a large room and abs was on the other side. the room was ...

The Lost Lover
i am in bed i look up at the ceiling and i am lonely i feel it,i look to my side and he is there, abs, my lost lover, he kisses me and i k...

I have recently read a book about a girl who gets pregnat. this dream i think is about that. I was pregnant and i didn't know who the ...

Are You Gonna Keep Running Away?
i kept running and running and running. everyone told me to stop. and when they asked why i didn't know why i had to run i just ran fo...

Kfc Dream
I had i dream i was delivering food for KFC. Weird ...

Jonathon, Going Back To Mexico.
Me meghan her parents and jonathon were all back in mexico. Me and Jonathon were really close. We were together all the time. We both like...

I remembered yet another dream that I had last night. This time, there was some BIG like boxing event going on at school. Everyone was...

I've had two dreams in a row where my 6th&7th grade teacher, Ms. McFadden was in them. In the first dream, I saw her as I was walking to t...

Pink Boots
There were these ants. "Are these ants dangerous?" I said to Goody my babymother. "Dangeorus:" she said. They have poisonous feet that ...

Mermaid Crew..brandon..ghost And More.
Me and meghan were back in mexico but it was a split of mexico and panarama. Lulu and Chantel were there too. Brandon and his friend was t...

Ugly Jonathon's Friend.
We were all at a party..Me jonathon meghan lulu chantel and lots of other people. Jonathon brought a friend along with him. He had huge ea...

Meg's Grandma
I was going to Meg's house to see her grandma, because she was in town and they were at her house by themselves. When I got there, they co...

The Penguin Egg
My friend emma and I were in my school and there was a loose lemon coloured paving slab that was shaking as if something underneath it was...

Re-ocurring Arm Forearm Wounds
I just had the absolute most violent dream in my entire life. Basically the world was...well, my world, my region of the earth...more lik...

T.j's Table.
Me and T.J were just about to fool around and i was talking off my clothes.. just when i was in my bra and underwear he told me to lay dow...

i'm on my back looking up into his beautiful face as he leans over me. his face isn't quite like any other. red lips shaped like an elvish...

''身邊的他待我好為我好 最怕太快給他æ“抱'' å‡ä½¿å½¼æ­¤é‹æ°£ä¸æ˜¯å¤ªå¥½ 愛上也最終苦惱 這邊ç...

Bush And Clinton
I had an interesting dream last night. It was election 2004, and by some loophole, Clinton was allowed to run again. He won, carrying the ...

Lauren and Neil were with me somewhere.. In this big white room with lots of seats. It looked similar to a movie theatre, but outdoors and...

Kicking Kindergarden Children
Me lulu Chantel and Meghan were back in kindergarten and we were getting our class photos done. But whenever the photografier would take i...

Pregnancy Again.
I had gotten pregnant and i didn't know who the fater was. Actually in my dream i never even thought about it. My stomach was popping out ...

Braden's Swim Caps.
I went over to branden house. but britney balser was his sister and i was friends with her. first it was just her and we were talking abou...

Decathlon Dreams
I've had a few dreams about ...

we're in a big hall. it's stone, with a high ceiling. kinda 17th century gothic. the floor's scattered with dried leaves. silk cushions ar...

Disecting A Shark
I was in a submarine underneath the water. There was windows that u could look through. We went to the very bottom and saw a dead shark la...

i had a dream that i was showing paul h. something that i had on the computer, and he felt my back, snapped my bra and asked, "is that a s...

Justin's Van
Every morning Justin(the hot guy from my gym class) would drive me and chantel to school. And everytime we would leave our jackets inside ...

i'm living in a small town, which is mostly centered around a large school type building. i'm living in a room either in the school or bes...

Science Teacher
Me and all my friends were in a bar drinking in mexico. It was me chantel lulu meghan jill and alot of other people. We were all pretty dr...

Oohh, Don't Get To Close You Might Fall Off.
Me, Cassi, Julia, Andrea and some other kids I don't really remember which kids, were at my room, or some impression of my room. it was br...

I had the most bizarre dream last night. One of the ones that actually mean something. I think it came from a few things. For instance SAR...

Night Terrors With Famous People Making Cameo Appearances
so. it seems that i am having night terrors. waking up with fondue forks and knives clutched in my hand, placing my chair in my door way ...

Sex With Robbers?
I'm in my apartment in Commy China and suddenly the phone rings. I can hardly understand the person on the other end as he trys to ask for...

Can It Be True?
One day I was walking to the grocery store and this woman came to me and said"woof". "excuse me," I said. "woof woof woof bark",she said a...

Movie Theater Action Star
Note: I really hate forms like this when you get distracted and click a link and it doesn't open in a new window, and instead you lose eve...

Sneaking Around In The Middle Of The Night??
Wednesday night Ok, this is kinda odd. I had a a dream that me and my ex boyfriend were in my bed naked together, kinda cuddling,...

Having Sex With Someone I Barely Know???
The dream was basically about me getting together with some guy I talk to a little at school, but aren't interested in that way. I ended u...

Fighting In An Airplane
i was travelling by airplane, and the trip required me and a bunch of other people to jump from one plane to another. Once we got into th...

Performing With A Hamster
I was performing on a stage with my brother, who embodied a hamster. I was jumping around on the stage that was made out of a trampoline ...

i found some pills at my house, and my father offered me one. i took it and i knew that it was supposed to make me hear colours and see s...

Weird Haley/end Of World Stuff
The first dream I had was one where I was on the road where my cousins live, juuuust before their house. Haley was in the road, and she co...

A Motorcyle Ride
I had a dream that I was on the back of a red motorcycle with this guy I like named Kurt. We were riding through some backyards in a subdi...

Red And Purple
Hmm, it was one of those dreams that I think I have a lot. I have a dreams where I know that I have seen parts of the dream in OTHER dream...

Boys Play Frisbee
so it starts like this.. i sneak out of my house. into this lady's apt. to make a *sneaky* route out. donno why though. no one wa...

The Arts
Percy took me to a gallery opening, which was very crowded, and he disappeared quickly. I ran into Cheryl and Paisley and we looked at the...

I had this dream that all my fish were in my bathtub, filled with green water. And I was counting all the fish to make sure they were ther...

愛一個人è¦å…ˆäº†è§£å°æ–¹çš„心,無論您的她他,åªè¦çœŸå¿ƒèª æ„,愛æ‰æœƒç¹¼çºŒ.......... 女生的心 常å¸...

i had some friends over and me and my friend greg were in the bathtub together. i had really bad cramps and finally something big fell ou...

I dreamt that my dad's car was no longer accessible, and I had to go find a new car. I got a blue car, and somehow the car dealership was ...

秋雨從高高的雲端è½ä¸‹ï¼Œæ´—盡堆ç©äº†ä¸€å¤çš„塵埃。 如果潮濕的天氣讓你有了欲淚的情緒,那就痛ç...

å°æ™‚候,你曾經å°åˆ¥çš„å°å­©ç‚«è€€ï¼šçœ‹ï¼Œæˆ‘有你沒有。 你有的å¯èƒ½æ˜¯ä¸€åªé¢¨è»Šã€ä¸€å€‹æ´‹å¨ƒå¨ƒæˆ–一...

秋風拂éŽä½ è£¸éœ²çš„手臂,有一絲涼æ„,你想,該是æ›ä¸Šé•·è¢–衣衫的時候了。 把å¤å¤©çš„Tæ¤æ¸…乾淨,...

緣份是一種很玄的æ±è¥¿~~ 它通常是在ä¸çŸ¥ä¸è¦ºä¸­å‡ºç¾ã€‚ 當它存在之時,你å¯èƒ½ä¸æœƒç惜; ...

我們有緣而相識 æˆ‘å€‘æœ‰ç·£è€Œç›¸èš æˆ‘å€‘æœ‰ç·£è€Œäº¤æ›å¿ƒéˆ 我們應該彼此ç惜相處的æ¯ä¸€åˆ» ...

Like 有人å•ï¼šä½ ç‚ºä»€éº¼å–œæ­¡ä¸€å€‹äººï¼Ÿ 我åªèƒ½å¤ èªªå‡ºç‚ºä»€éº¼ä¸å–œæ­¡ä¸€å€‹äººï¼Œå»èªªä¸å‡ºç‚ºä»€éº¼å–œ...

Waking And Sleeping; Just An Introduction, Really
i'd like to start sharing my dreams here. Writing my dreams out and remembering my dreams seem very closely related for me. At the moment,...

Sun Splash
well I was at some realy pretty park with a lake and hills , a whole lot of persons some i knew, some i've seen but yet to be aquainted wi...

I was driving away from school when I realized that I had forgotten something, and I quickly turned around and parked right along the gate...

A Trip In Dc
i finally met him. he picked me up at the train station. afterwards, we walked out to his car. his friend was sitting in the passenger ...

Severed Hand
ok, uhm. this one is a little weird. i really cannot remember all or some of the details, but here are the basics: my left hand...

Walking Around, Missing Him
Summer's in session, but it does not hinder my affection for my crush: In the dream, I remember being on the stage and in the stage's ...

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Drums #1
Drempt that I was trying to set up a drum kit to play with a band. I was having trouble getting the kit assembled properly, and when I di...

Anxiety House
at first, my mum was taking me to ee a new house we weremoving into, it was a reall nice modern but cottagy like place, the only problem b...

Okay, I don't remember all of it, but here's my best shot... I was a a school that in the beginning of the dream I thought was my...

Illegitamate Baby
Preface/History: My mother arrived last night from out of town to help me organize my house so that I can put it on the market (this seem...

1000 Madison Lee's From Watching Charlies Angels Too Much
There is an entire town in Odessa, Nebraska filled with people who look like Madison Lee. They work at and eat, bus tables, manage, and se...

More Charlie's Angels Full Throttle
I go to sleep and ET is pointing a gun at me. We play Russian Roulette, and Dylan Saunders grabs the gun from ET and points it at the tele...

Good Thinking
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To Friend
¤H®æ¯S½è¦³ªº¬O»P¥Í­Ñ¨Ó¡A¦³ªº¨ü®a®x¼vÅT¡A¤]¥i¥Ñ­µ¼ÖÂȳ³¡C ¦³¤@¶µ²Î­p¡AO«¬©MA«¬¦å«¬ªº¤H¶i¦æ¤­¤d¤½¤ØÁɶ]¡A¦b¤¤³~¡A O«¬ªº¤ß·...

I went to a family which I didn't know to babysit their kids but the mother was a witch and also the apartement where they lived in was be...

More Charlie's Angels Full Throttle-based Dreams
Our cats are watching Charlie's Angels Full Throttle on television, and are asking me to turn it off, They are going nuts, trying to get a...

This goth boi owned a loft, with a home theatre. He wanted me to decorate the floor. What I did was paint it all glossy black, then I took...

i met my friend who i haven't seen in years. she was wearing her school uniform and i gave her a big hug. she was painfully thin and she s...

The Kellogg's Laboratory Dream
Ling-Ling and Arthur are screaming at a limo driver, in various languages, telling him to go away. This church woman is carrying a Bible a...

Camping With The Beautiful People
I was somehow back in high school and yet aware of the present at the same time. A set of friends that included ...

My Record Store
I had a series of dreams about my old record store in Toronto. First, I came home to the store to find that an employee had stock...

Too Much Charlie's Angels
The Charlie's Angels were managing this exclusive cosmetics store, and the facials were so bizarre. I recommended the place to my supervis...


What Is It Good For?
Very vague memories, but still kind of disturbing: I was in a war, fighting for Spain against the French. I was at the top of a d...

... The Noise Still Echoes In My Ears....
I don't recall much else of my dream except for one scene, which is still vivid in my memory... I entered a room, drenched in dar...

I'm The Fattest
I was walking on a sidewalk in a 10 person line holding hands, like we did in Georgia. Justin turned to me and said, "Yeah, you're definit...

My Best Friend?
Ok i am a guy, and on of my best friends is a girl. I was walking to the movies when all of a sudden she comes by with her mom. They asked...

I was with a group of people, and we were going to the Harris Teeter. Jessica had to get her prize from a contest, but I noticed that you ...

Red Cardinals
We are staying at this empty beachouse. It starts to snow and i decide to not go to class but watch movies instead. i am walking on the ...

Indian Vacation
I had a dream I was in India and we were at this fantastic resort and I was in some sort of locker room. In the locker room was this old l...

The Car, And A Fight About Jesus
so i live in a huge house with my little brothers and i'm in charge even though my mom's there too. and we have a butler and a maid, and ...

I was at a concert. there were all of these envelopes from fans of the band. the singer saw me, then ran to the pile, scooped the letters ...

The Old Friend
rebecca and i had an apartment together, but the ceiling was only 5 feet high, 4 in some places. we crawled a lot. we went to a big libr...

i had a dream about my dreamlover ...

dear i like you abin joy ...

Sweet Honey
Dream is the part of a life.Dreams r the gift of the God.I always have a dream that i am with the most beautiful women one had seen on the...

Eigentlich hatte meine traum nichts mit dem zu tun, was mich zur zeit wirklich berührte. In dem traum starb starb meine Freundin Julia. Ic...

Go West
I had trouble following and now remembering the narrative of this one. It involved Toronto, a Toronto much larger than reality, infinite w...

I Cannot See
Ever since I was little I have had this dream. Sometimes the details vary a little but anyway... I am walking down a hallway, or...

My best friend Desi recently started going out with this guy named Nate. In my dream, her and Nate were getting engaged, but first, Nate ...

Once Black , Now White
OK now I can't exactly remember how this dream began but it was a sunny day! Me and my mother plus family had grabed our food and...

Caught In The Act! The Act Of Floolishness
Me and my fellow coven mate Heather were seated towords the back of the Pizza Hut that reminded me of the back of Eastside Mario's. It wa...

I was in a car parking lot on a secret mission for the CIA (I had just watched Alias before I went to bed, I'm strange). I was driving aor...

I Handed The Wrong Answer
It was in the afternoon. The sun was shinng bright. A happy fun loven mood was in the room. I was in Law class towords the back....

Out Of Annoyance
Ou of Annoyance is my title my title because I can really remeber my dream but I do know what it intailed! I believe I was young ...

Now that the day has almost ended I barely remember my dream but I do remember some and hopefully that will jump start my memory . So here...

Da Ja View
This was a weird one it happened a few days ago. From what I can remember I dreamed I was outside the front of a Devri building w...

The Dream Mall
Im not sure how my dream started out but I was in a mall with my best friend Alison. I believe it was like Cederbre Mall before it was re...

I can't really remeber` ...

It's A Boy!
I was pregnant with Dylan's child. It was the worst feeling. I just knew I had to drop out of school and Terra would kick me out. I could ...

My daughter [who I am still currently pregnant with] is in my stomach. Something from outside of me, which I can not see startles her, alm...

Casual Meeting
I was hanging out with friends, and Paul walked over to us. He and I started to run towards each other and hug, but we both stopped mid-ru...

Nice Jeans
I keep having dreams about grabbing my guy's crotch through his jeans while he stands behind me and giving him a hard on. ...

3 Of Cups
5{icture on my computer, and it is a waterfall that has, well, actually it is a river that branches out into 3 waterfalls. Any w...

Steep Freedom
Well, this is only part of a dream. I was running on these grassy hills, and I felt so free, and sometimes I had to jump over short, barbe...

Save Me From Mcdonalds!

Mike Helps Me Escape Hell
I’m at this church but it’s like some insane cult. There are hundreds of people there but the only one I know is ...

Casey's Crappy Job
I had this dream the other night and I only remember this small portion: I think Anna and I were grocery shopping and we saw Casey working...

It was a dream I've had before, of swimming pools and wet sloppy kisses and cuddles late at night. It was a dream that lasted hours, but t...

I actually had alot of dreams, but I remember a part where my hair was all short and I had it in a ponytail. I took it down, and my hair w...

Zelda Waffles
I was about ten years old in this dream. I was sitting in my dad's living room and playing scorched earth on an old console like commadore...

This dream I had on... Monday night. Yeah. Anyways, I was in a room, like on a bed couch, like a wide day bed. The lights were of...

In the same dream there came two things out of my chest. First there came a bottle out of my chest. It was an empty wine bottle. The next ...

Weird (edited Version)
I dreamt that Zoot was going out with kerry's ex girlfriend. Though I was a little fuzzy on the exact details. Then I dreamt I was in a hu...

Space, Adventure, And Intrigue. My First Scifi Dream
I myself switched between charecters frequently in this dream. I will indicate who I am in brackets when I change. I will also give a b...

Reunion At The Mall
I was going to the mall to see some s&mers, and I was really excited. When I saw Paul, I ran over and hugged him. He kind of pushed me awa...

Lost Friends

But...i Don't Want To Die...
Terribly ill. Mother sits at the side of my bed, petting my forehead as if I was a dog. Dislike. Distaste. Horribly uncomfortable...

On The Table
I was laying on a blue operating table, fully awake, yet felt no pain, as the surgeon cut into my abdomen. He removed silvery filaments, ...

To Dream..august 15th 2003
I can't understand the dreams I have lately,I usually don't dream,or don't dream to remember them. ...

The Trial
The courtroom was dark as I passed the entrance where a cartoon was posted that showed me being led off in chains. Confused, feeling betr...

love letters ...

What A Dreadful Dream
My kids were napping so i layed down on the couch to nap and heard a sound and saw two men drive up through my yard in a truck and pulling...

Loving You
Loving you Lord,is what I WANT to do,day in and day out....Loving you Lord,is my deepest desire,falling for your tender touch,keeps me lov...

Prince Albert
I was sitting in the woods with three other people in folding chairs. The one on the left was Matt Fuhs, and he said that his penis was pi...

I was in this shopping mall (strangely enough, every time I have a dream about/in a mall, it's this exact mall, though I have never been t...

House Party
Minori and I were in my house, standing near the book shelf in the living room, and we saw Claire driving a tiny, tiny blue car. She drove...

This is my first lucid dream in memory. First, I was outside our hall lounge with this guy who kept changing, but at one point it was Laur...

I dreamt about him twice in the same night... The first I went to his house (in PA, from IN) and we hung out for a while, and su...

Ripping The Baptism Off Your Heart
I had this strange dream where people were talking about "ripping the baptism off your heart". I can't remember if my boyfriend Kevin or a...

Seaside Slaughter
I was walking along the coast of some unrecognized beach, and I could see fish bones everywhere. I could smell the de...

A Knife
I don't recall what I was quite dreaming about but the knife that I have in my drawer I did not have a sharp tip. The tip broke off a whi...

Shipwreck Sleep
I could feel the ocean waves roll along like driving over hill after hill. I awoke, but my vision was dark and I coul...

Polaroids, Sex, Thrift Stores.....
I was lying in our apartment. The soft light of the desert sun was bleeding through the plastic vertical blades of th...

Club Classic
My friends and I decided that it was long past summer vacation, and we needed to go do something. We decided to go to a skating rink calle...

Terminal Terror
Here I was, in an airport terminal, standing in a nice skirt with a rather charming blouse. I look all around there a...

Cool Restarant
I had a dream where my marching band director reserved a really cool resarant for the whole band. I got there lait but no one cared.As so...

i am sitting in the middle of a blue room. there is a white light outside the window, and i stare at an orchid sitting on the sill. infron...

I Woke Up In Fits.
Me and my friend sarah are standing in a woodland clearing, and she is standing next to a boulder in a blue wizards robe and blue and gree...

Cattyclio: last night, i dreamt that you died Cattyclio: in some freak accident involving willoughby Cattyclio: willoughby survive...

I Was Weirded Out By This So Much
I don't remember how but I guess I was sort of a fly on the wall in this old tudor house in England. These two people a man and a woman in...

Movie Theater Porn
i dreamt i was watching a very sensual porno film with the boy i'm in love with (but isn't mine). he was holding my hand. standing next ...

I'm in an old stately home where Queen Elizabeth the first is staying and I'm a servant girl with this other blonde girl whos in a few of ...

Crazy Car Ride
it all started when i was getting up to go to school. my boyfriend was going to drive me. so we start to drive we get to matt's(my boyfrie...

In my dream me and tons of people that I know and some that I didnt but felt like I knew were at the beach lifting some boxes or something...

Shower Triplets
I was back in mexico in my great-grandparents house. I was there with my friend Jen (who i think is really hot) and another girl from my s...

More Scared Than Necessary
I'm sitting in my room and its quite late because its dark and I have my lamp on. I'm sitting on the sofa bed(which hasn't been there for ...

I am an absolute genius. but only when I am asleep. I speak several languages, play the violin, compose beautiful sonatas, and write wonde...

Sorcerers Rule The Opera.
First off, I was in the park and it was very early in the morning. I was standing by myself off to the side of the gazebo thing, an...

Ex-roommate Nightmare
First, I was on the beach for some reason with school. I think there was some kind of educational show going on that we all had to be the...

i was walking under that highway bridge again, the one that's eventually eisenhower boulevard, from the exit ramp.i passed tyler and he ma...

i was in my room again... there was a speedometer and i had to measure it. it was located over near my closet. what i got out of it was s...

my room was rearranged a little bit. there were two shelves right when you opened the door. two long brown shelves with stuff on them....

Secret Passage
March 31, 2005 i was out in my shed, there was a secret passage. i remeber swimming in my pool with some very friendly strangers. ...


No Dream
i cant recall it ...

Healing Hands
i had this horrible cut on my hand it was deep there was a patch of skin that i peeled open i touched it and it stung then...

Flying Mind
dave lyons working at conveniecne store also working with him were two girls the one brought out this huge package of s...

Flying Mind
dave lyons working at conveniecne store also working with him were two girls the one brought out this huge package of s...

Pre Dream
i was lying there then paralyzed my mind went. i seen a very dark 3d brett come through the east doors front enteran...

i was down in an intricate tunnel system also under water, there were many people just kind of lingering around, i met travis t...

Big Round Sleepy Water Chair
i was in a very dark basement of my own. in my big round sleepy chair i was floating in some watery darkness i recognized as my basement. ...

Budda Figure
i wakied into this deep atmosphere kind of like jungles i could breathe and thnk very clearly for myself i was on my own but...

Bike Night
2:44 PM 3/19/2005 last few nights were good. yesterdays dream: i was on austin's small bike but it was fit for me. the seat wa...

i took a nap yesterday and i believe i had an OOBE. but i didnt realize it was one til later that day at wor...

there was a 'flood' i was inside my house back porch developed aboiut two inches it was rainingsomeone said, lady said, its a ...

Mark Harmon
i was with mark harmon (who i have never reallylooked at as anything but a good actor) only he was younger and really hot. we were in a ho...

First Day Back
I dreamt that it was my first day back to school after the summer. I was in Haines, and I was really happy about that. Keith Daniel met ...

Appartement Multi-générationel
Mon appartement (celui qui m'appartient là) était genre 2 fois plus grand, mais mes grands-parents ainsi que mes parents (oui oui, mes par...

I was in a house…I think it was the dorm but it was different. I ran into the back room and I don’t know if I was myself or David Gainsbo...

Motel Trash
Un petit motel sur Mont-Royal à l'est de Papineau. La chambre sentait le garage et, de fait, c'en était un. Il y avait une machine à boiss...

Logement Sur Le Plateau
Finalement je ne déménageais pas dans mon duplex, je décidais de laisser rouler l'investissement tout seul et j'avais trouvé un 4 1/2 vrai...

Petit Bonhomme Bandé
J'étais au travail et une de mes collègues et moi on s'écrivait des petits mots au lieu de se parler, parce que les lignes étaient occupée...

Duplex Coloré
Mon duplex était différent, sa forme était symétrique, et mon chum avait décidé de le peindre en bleu turquoise. Notre appartement était d...

Ma mère et François avaient décidé d'avoir un enfant alors, à 52 ans, ma mère accouchait de mon petit demi-frère. Son accouchement était t...

Little Children Hallucinations
I was at this boarding house and there was this old lady with black hair running it. we went into this room with alot of windows and outsi...

Sweet Embrace
I was laying in my bed, only I was completely naked (I never sleep nude as I live with my family still). Then, my best friend (who is as c...

On My Own
this happened during a nap (rarely take naps). I was in my little box of a room and I ventured over to my roommates side, a place that I h...

Sharp Breath
I was in a state of half-sleep lying in my bed very late at night when I heard a very quick, shallow breath in my ear coming from right ab...

Arby's & Deviantart
I was in the car with my family and we were traveling somewhere, i don't remember where, and we stopped at arby's to get some food. Well i...

Don't Know
I was walking with my mother and sister through a river bed. There was not so many water but when we walked the bed began to fill itself w...

Shower Power
I was in the bathroom talking to one of my brother's really hot friends, (I have no idea why we were in the bathroom, but we were) & then ...

I've been having a lot of dreams lately that I don't remember, but I feel like they're all related somehow. And I know that they all incl...

Sex With Elvis
I was in the backseat of an old '57 chevy with Elvis Presley. Not old, fat Elvis, but young hot Elvis. We were kissing and he slowly sta...

Condoms In French Class.
Okay, so I was at this really weird school, it wasn't my regular school...And there were alot of my friends there and we were messing arou...

Old And Young
Becoming a child again I showed dancing figures to some old people. I found it strange that they where both amazed and smiled at the figur...

Marmottes Dans Le Parc
J'avais déménagé, c'était l'été et j'attendais l'autobus en face du parc Bellerive. Je devais faire un 8 à 1 parce que le soleil se levait...

My decision to take a nap in late afternoon resulted in the following half concious, half sleep state dream: I'm in the basement of a...

Dog Of Black N White
This is more like a series of dreams over the past year. I keep obtaining a black and white dog. Sometimes in a litter of pups, so...

Woods And Thongs...oh Wonderful
Okay, so I was in the beginning at some store or something...and I can't remember much from that....then I was in the woods with some stup...

The Market Full Of Suspicion...
I dreamt that I was at the town market..I saw my boxer shorts that I wear as a nightie and a few of my sketch pads...I put them on a stool...

What Ever Happens, I'm Here...
What ever happens, I'm here for you.. What ever happens, my ears are listening.. What ever happens, my love is waiting.. What ...

End Of River Adventure
The dream is the end of a raft trip that these two girls are on, only the river runs where roads are in real life. They are rafting towar...

I was visiting Chemainus (small town on Vancouver Island, an aunt used to live there) and so were you. We shared a guest bed and neither o...

Us In Rome
i'm walking along with a carnival. though the streets of rome. and i can sense him. i'm with someone, a friend. and i can see an archway. ...

I'm A Cop Now?
I'm in my truck which has somehow been transformed in to a cop car.. It has a lightbar and sirens, but other than that, no markings, the l...

Garage Boat House With Snakes
i slept from 2 something out side of my side garage door was a dock, it stretched out and there was a big boat. my parents were o...

Hospitalized Cousin And A Game Of Gin
I'm in my car driving around trying to get to the hospital because that's where my cousin is. I drive around for what seems like hours, a...

Sleep Talking
I'm at this Christmas party at my Aunt's house, but the interior of her house is different. Decorations have changed, the walls have moved...

Chi Bed
someone kept telling staind to shut up, they were over on my side of the room,closet. deftones were there. chi chi was tucked...

Split Open And Melt
i met les claypool and trey anastasio last night but i think les started playing a black and red guitar and it just wasnt right. then...

Secret Floorboard
just got back from lucid dreaming SUCCESS!!! i slipped in and out about 3 or 4 times, then i was upstairs. higher in my *house* ...

My boyfriend and i are trying to get out of the rain, and he keeps repeating that he doesn't want to get wet even though he is soaking. As...

i was sitting in the far left row back one seat from the front, in front of me was marissa, on the left mike schroth, and in the back...

Severed Hands With Candles On Top Of Them
I was a killer found sitting in a circle of servered hands or all shapes, sizes, and colors. Each hand had a lighted candle on top. ...

Untitled #1
it feels like i got 4 hours of sleep, only one hour. i remember i was in the car smoking weed, jeff miller*art* was in? coming ou...

Morbid Confusing Nightmare
okay i had this nightmare last night and it started off with me and a friend searching for a school. I didn't know the name of it and we w...

i remember now, i was picking scabs on my face. this dream happens every once in a while. and i think to myself, i am truly fucked...

Cold Shower
I dreamt that I woke up and realized I was incredibly late for class. I was in my mother's house, yet I haven't lived there for over eight...

Star Fox Sky
i dont remember quite how i got there but it was like i was in star fox. shooting down planes with my hands. that didnt last that lon...

i remember walking up all of these stairs(it seemed like that slightly familiar place) nice dark red carpet. i would go into different r...

Wide Campus
i remember dreaming about a crazy campus, it wasnt hacc but like 20 times bigger. it was dimly lit and all these people were playing soc...

Munky Signs
i had a very lucid dream i told my self, "im dreaming" but then after about a couple of minutes the color of the world started to fade...

Puppy Baby
I was pregnant, so I was walking to the hospital. I get inside, and it's the strangest looking hospital I've ever seen. It's huge, the lob...

Dawn Of The Dead
Now if any of you have seen the movie then you'd know that there was like millions of living dead well in my dream there was maybe twenty,...

He's Watching
i'm not really sure what happened exactly but i walk through this room at a party. and i just know he's there. he stands against the wall,...

History Of Art
I was in my artclass. We were handed photographs of artwork and we had to formulate a story based on it. I found it strange that I was see...

A Sucker For Human Sized Birds By The Sea
i am drinking gin & tonic at a party with a group of strangers. its outside, beside a barn house, near the sea. there is a field of tall...

Near Death Experience 1
i was on a pier amusement park, japan? it was very high up in the air, above water? i got on this horizontal swing type thrill ri...

Talking Donkey
I was at this fair that was in my room.. except my room was outside. Everyone was crowded around this one game, so I went to go see. The...

I Have No Idea Where This Came From =/
All I could remember was the sky touching the ground in a funny way and having this feeling that I was about to die. Suddenly I jump about...

Giving Birth
In the first part of the dream, I was pregnant with Chris' child. I wasn't big at all, but I was happy about it. When I was ready to go in...

Sex Tutorial
I was at a gathering in a gym, and they divided us all into 3 groups: virgins, people who had had sex, and married people. We were just st...

Dance Recital
Chris and I were in an elementary school to see a group of children dancers. They were really good; all these small girls were doing amazi...

Those Wonderful Doggies
I dreamt that my roommate (who wasn't necessarily Ivy) and I got into a fight right before I went to take a shower. When I came back, my ...

I was at my house and Jeremy came over after work(??) and we were talking about things like we were friends. I was aware that it was odd b...

I dreamt that Mrs. Farrell somehow got me out of a regular class that I had signed up for next year and got me back into another math clas...

I was in the Limited Too, looking at pajamas, and I saw some girl I knew(can't remember who or if I really did know her in real life or wh...

Lord Forgive Them, They Don't Know What They Are Doing
Prinsess Diana was photographed by tourists while she was hanging on a cross. She looks up to the skies and says: 'Lord forgive th...

Time To Register
I was trying to help Kaitlin register for classes at UNCA, and I had just gotten a space in an anthropology class she wanted. So I was sho...

I was listening to a song, or looking at a video..or something similar, and I knew that there was some sort of hidden message and I would ...

Boys Switching It Up
I had a dream last night of switching rooms and such. For some reason, Dru moved in with Brian Kekich and then, somehow, Andy's room had ...

I was in a contest where we had to model shoes on our way to a podium and then deliver a speech. For the first round I wore black mary jan...

I was in Chris and Sam's room (as I actually was) and Sam's little brother Bobby was there. He had curly red hair and was being quiet and ...

Out Of Character
I had a dream last night that I was meeting up with a friend in her room on the second level of a certain house. She was acting out of ch...

Tiny Room
I was in a very small room approximately 10'x10', sitting in the corner on a knee-high stool. Whiplash from He-Man and The Masters of The ...

Vader Comes Down
Well, i had a dream that i was with my friend at my house. it was in the morning and we heard on the news that the imperial army was flyin...

Killing The Mirror
once i dreamed i had a clone or something like that,and he had abused my girlfriend and that realy pissed me off.the clone was stealing my...

Bi-sexual Love
Last night I had a crazy dream. A friend of mine and me walks through the capital city of Holland. (I live there also) and we whe...

Walking To School
On the first day, I walk to school. I don't remember school at all, but the walk was long and hard. I took the bus home, which was weird...

Abandonment Issues
i was on this bus with james and tedra and other people from high school... and james got mad at me for some reason and bailed out on me a...

Bug Death
i was living in this village by the ocean and i had a cloth in my arms that i had to climp all the way down the rocky cliffs to the ocean ...

Valentines Dance
I had a dream that I was walking to band like usual when I noticed that the farther I walked the bigger the trees got.Anyway I got to the ...

Computergraphics Bodytext
i i NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE was on a pier amusement...

I Love You
I think you are great thanks for being there for me! you rock on ...

Orphaned, Millionaire, Amputation
This was a recurring dream that was slightly different each time. It always started with my family dying - sometimes it was a murder, some...

I went downstairs from my room in the middle of the night, to find a very old lady in a rocking chair downstairs. She had no hair and spot...

Baby Stealing
My best friend came and told me she was pregnant, and I asked her who the father was. She told me it was my brother, and I became angry at...

Long Day
I can only remember some scattered parts: I was at an amusement park with Minori, Chris, Eve, Sam, and Nicky. Chris was wearing a...

Hell Or High Water
There was a terrible rainstorm outside. I went into our house, and there were a bunch of mexican working men standing there watching tv in...

Two dreams of Dave, I can't remember a smidge of either, but I know I woke up thinking, wow what a great dream ...

two people from school rode the bus to my house and i was just like, okay whatever so i went inside and used the computer like always. the...

The Prince And I
There's some of it that I dont remember... there was a contest or something for the prince and I won him... I dont remember details.. The...

The Epic
I can't really remember the order, but here are some interesting vignettes: I was in a class with Crowe and/or Facciponti and cla...

Dream Travel
Have you ever had a dream that you were sure was real? Crossing dimensions and controlling your outcome. Experiencing new emotio...

Homecoming And Cookie Buying?
it starts off where I'm in a mall and i am buying these cookies and this lady that I'm buying the cookies from is all up in my face asking...

I saw an elephant walking in my dream. ...

Green Snake
That I went to see a German Client and he was late so I went to his room which was very unorganised, cheap and dirty. Then German Client ...

Dreaming Of The #300 Several Times
My wife and I were locating our blue seats at some ball park, and I kept seeing the number 300. Several time during this dream sequence I ...

Hurricane Santos
(This was dreamt the night after watching the West Wing) *I never dream about celebrities...I don't know how normal it is that I ...

A Small Collection
There were so many different dreams interweaving last night, like where I had a brood of little girls about me, wearing white and carrying...

"a Letter Pretending Redemption"
.oma et euq ohcid etrebah on ed aicnetopmi al noc odeuq em on orep areum euq, otse rirom ed ah is y ose olos ,riced euq sám yah oN ...

...and the goddess took over my body and told me to "kill amber." i do not know an amber, so with all the dreams i've been having lately, ...

Powder Puff
I was on the powder puff team at school and we played normal football and it was coed and it was really weird. ...

Destroy The World
I was with a huge group of people, mostly my friends and some teachers from my high school, and the world was in the process of being dest...

Another weird dream. I walked to school, realizing as soon as I got there that I'd forgotten my flute for band class. Miss T didn't seem t...

My Baby
well its kinda vague but this is what happened... i found out i was pregnant but i didnt know whose it was. it was either darren ...

Hurt Again
I was walking down the road, it was snowing, and I was wearing the clothing I had on the night it happened. I was more aware of my surrou...

Sweet Dreams
I was in bed and heard a soft knock on the door. Aaron poked his head in and smilled, saying, "There's my Julie bum." I smiled and sat up ...

Ffx Invades My Dreams
last dream before the new year! Dream: The background and people were a quite colorful mix. As vivid as a video game, im...

Old School
last night i dreampt about all my friends from my old private school and we were in the bathroom and they were all laughing at me, and i b...

Candy Cane Marshel
I was in the army, and I totally loved candy canes. And one day I ate so much, I exploded!!! lol:-) ...

I was trying to get away from someone and they wrapped a rope around my neck... I couldn't breathe or see and I scratched at the rope, but...

I had this really weird dream last night. I was pregnant, and no one believed me. In the dream I just woke up one morning and was 10, yes ...

I was walking down a street in a town, and as I would walk past a bulding, it would turn into a jail cell with a bunch of cages and a coup...

Baby Eating Dogs
I was at my mother-in-laws house in Reno. In my head I heard the dogs outside in the yard having an argument. I'm not sure what the arguem...

A Wishful Dance
I was walking along the school hallway coming from the student parking lot with ...

Gray Matter
I dreamt last night that I was a superhero. Or rather a wannabe who actually got to be. I don’t exactly remember the plot line of my dream...

well I am with this guy that I love so much and we always talk how we are going to be together for ever and how we will definitly get mar...

Another Invention
I was touring with Ozzy Osbourne. One of the members of the band had won the position through a TV show similar to Popstars. I sold souven...

Parents Are.. Nice To Aaron.
He was at my house and my parents were actually kind to him... And then we went up to the room and had sex. lol.. But! My parents were n...

Snake Hunt; Surveillance; Clinton's Chocolates; Underwear Shopping
My assignment is to capture two poisonous snakes. I manage to capture a king cobra (although it bites me), but the other snake gets away ...

Sweet Revenge In Dream Form
I was walking through campus and arrived at the entrance of a high-rise dormitory. I walked into the lobby area to the elevators. I random...

The Drunken Escapade
I was living in the dorm where I stayed last school term. I had decided to go off campus on a Saturday afternoon to visit Jenn, a friend ...

K-mart And Money
I had two dreams last night. In the first one, I went to K-Mart with Courtney and I THINK it was Stacy, but I'm not sure, and we made Chad...

Sinatra And Pie
I was out with my family at a local restaurant; parents and my two sister-in-laws. They kept trying to make me eat something, but it looke...

David Silveria
I was backstage at a KoRn concert and I was in charge of David's drums. After the show David decided that I took good care of his drums. H...

Damn, How Do I Play This Off ?
Cassi, Nikky and I, were at st. marks and yeah our whole aim was to get to into freaks, and get me to talk to chris ugh. so there we were ...

Daydreamt Nonchalant
I want to hold the hand inside you I want to take a breath that's true I look to you and I see nothing I look to you to see th...

Monkey From Another Dimension
This dream had a lot of different parts that I can't remember so well - originally I was at some sort of swimming pool party where I was f...

I had a dream that I walked down to Simone's house (which is a mini converted beach house) and walked in. No one was home, seemingly, and ...

I dream of my Lord,He's in my heart and mind,I dream one day going home to heaven and seeing Him for the first time,face to exc...

Coloring Books And Globes Of Doom
I was going up to visit the school two days before move-in day. I was walking through a crowd of people, and I heard ...

Plumtree Reunion
I had a dream that I was told that the chance of a plane crash was likely because there were going to be a lot of planes in the sky. So I...

I had this dream that I was at the house of one of my teachers, who is a Mormon (except that it didn't look like her place). I walked into...

To See Him
To see Jesus is great in my eyes,even more than great...the Joy He gives we need to grab,with our Whole hearts...Jesus is my Lord and king...

My Reoccuring Dream
i'm at work and i see my ex boyfriend and he comes up to me and tries to kiss me and i dont want him to and then it switches to me at a th...

Christmas Time At Aaron's
I was driving down the highway, singing Christmas carols, and smiling. I looked out the window and saw a sign that said "Kenosha - 15 mile...

Christmas Time At Aaron's.
I was driving down the highway, singing Christmas carols, and smiling. I looked out the window and saw a sign that said "Kenosha - 15 mil...

gordon...enough said ...

The Auburn, My Tranny Lover, And The Shortest Distance Between Two Points Is A Straight Line
i'm moving out and i need to find myself an apartment. i go to one of those brick-looking apartment buildings downtown to look around. ...

Makeshift Runway
I was in the house I lived in until I was nine years old -- a tiny wood ranch house with olive green carpet. My boyfriend Adam was there a...

Phoning Mom
I was trying to get a hold of my ...

Dream Entry # 1
Had a very vivid dream last night. I don't remember the beginning of it, but I do know I was turning into a bird at some point and flying ...

A Green Stone
I was on this bus full of people the same age on a "field trip" that included camping in the Big Basin area near Santa Cruz, CA....

Not A Violin Virtuoso
I was back at my old high school. A concert or something was being held out of town (in Georgia, I believe) and anyone who knew how to pl...

Looking For My Daughter
I was at a party held at the house of someone from school, possibly Carrie or MG. I'd just got there and I was wandering around finding pe...

If Only
i wish i were still in bed right now. i wish i would turn off my computer right now and go to my bed and find a Gordon in there waiting fo...

Dead Bodies, Dirt And Boxes
Basically, I was going to be going to school at some new school, but people had been found dead around campus . . . so I was sent to go fi...

Were Eles
i wish for a big comfy chair like the one in blues clues and i want to sit at my computer and think of him and deam about him. then tell i...

The Death Of Indie Boy
Indie Boy from my Creative Writing class had killed himself. I'm not sure how I found out this news, but I remember seeing him, dead, eyes...

When I Was Eight I Wanted To Be Jan Brady But I'm Better Now
I was sitting in a paved yard that was meant to be mine but didn't look much like it. I was on a doorstep reading a book and the yard was ...

The Brave Ost
i had this dream last night that my roommate, Rod, had this soundtrack to Brave Fencer Musashiden, the PSX game. i decided that he should...

"i Don't Watch Tv"
i'm sitting on the edge of the stage, near the steps, in the auditorium in my school. sarra keeps running back and forth between ...

Baby Kitten
I was at school/home (I guess I lived in residence or something) and I suddenly had this little kitten. for some reason it needed to be d...

Taking 'photos
I love dreams where one doesn't have sex, but there's a knowing checmistry and you feel, when you wake up, that it's been better than sex ...

The School House
I was at this one room school house that seemd more like a child's playhouse then anything. It was run by Sailor Pluto and all the inner s...

Yet Another Sex Dream
My friend Fred and I were in my room, and there was this HUGE box full of sex toys of all different types, colors, and textures. ...

(middle Finger)
Linley is stupid. she is a retard. screw you Linley. -Liz ...

I was at a Mc Donalds with my boyfriend, Brent. It was a Mc Donalds out off the way somewhere and apparently when we ordered our food we t...

More Of Lover Boy (goooooorge)
well i asked gooooorge to a ball that i was somehow invited to. and he showed up waering a tux (weeeeird) and i showed up in my awsome go...

The White Garden
I was walking to school one day..i dont know why i would be walking, because i take the bus...but anyways...i was walking to school, and a...

School Reunion Thing

My Stalker Soulmate
I was at some sort of vacation retreat with a bunch of other people around my age. It was in Charlotte, North Carolina, which isn't too fa...

Alligator Chasing Me At School Reunion
I don't remember much of it but I think I was in this school reunion. The place was very nice, a very big hall with banners and streamers...

Tori Amos
This is the best dream i have ever had! ok.....i was in the middle of school, and then all of a sudden my sister pulled me out of class, a...

Reunions And Murder
It was class reunion time and I was on the set up committee . . . everything was pretty much set up and we were just checking the things o...

Once A Week
it's during a play, and we're all in the hall outside the dressing rooms and the green room. some "famous" guy is visiting. he's...

Imaginary Friends
I was holding a party ot get-together of some sort, though I wasn't in my own apartment, or even in my parents' house.The place looked lik...

Jesse's Suicide

Going Bald
I had this dream that I was in school, and I fell asleep...when i woke up, everyone was laughing at me...pointing at i ran to the ...

Indie Boy Falls In Love
I was at a summer camp. It was nighttime, and I was supposed to be leaving for home. Indie Boy from my Creative Writing class was there as...

I Went To New Zealand
I had gone to New Zealand and was doing the obligatory round of souvenir shops, trying to find suitable things to buy to commemorate the t...

How I Met The Pope
The Pope is giving mass at my elementary school. (This is the second night in a row I've dreamt about said elementary school -- hmm, it mu...

I Was An Fbi Agent
My friend Tracy and I are FBI agents pursuing a man named Wolf, who killed fourteen children. (For some reason I remember it as being four...

Frog-stomping And Chicken Pox
i look down at my hands and i see these little white bumps all over. the chicken pox. they don't really itch, maybe just a little. ...

Naked Convelescent Home
I dreamed that I was a messenger in a bad part of San Diego, and that I had a delivery at this convelescent home, that from the outsid...

I had a device that enabled me to see into my ex's house. I was supposed to use it to make sure his wife wasn't there before I went over. ...

Another One? What The Feck Do All These Mean?
dan passes me while i am talking with a group of friends. the place we are in feels like ryder but is not. i walk into another room where ...

Another One? What The Feck Do All These Mean?
dan passes me while i am talking with a group of friends. the place we are in feels like ryder but is not. i walk into another room where ...

I dreamed that I was with my ...

The Dragon.
Last night I had a dream about a dragon. Okay, so I was sort of in a cartoony world. I was under the ocean, like Sponge Bob Squar...

Dirty Aaron Dream 2
I was lying on my bed, half asleep, when he came in and kissed me. I woke up in a panic but loosened up once I realized it was Aaron. He w...

Dirty Aaron Dream 2
I was lying on my bed, half asleep, when he came in and kissed me. I woke up in a panic but loosened up once I realized it was Aaron. He...

The End Of The World
It was the end of the world. Aliens had attacked and the planet was slowly morphing into some kind of alien artform. I had joined...

Finding Ways To Fight Boredom
keyye dreams: Kat and I were wondering around, when a dark haried guy comes and sweeps Kat off her feet. Carolyn and I th...

Get Out Of My Head.
im at a party in a house that is mostly light clours, whites and blues with new blue carpets. i am there with anna (one of my closest frie...

What Are The Odds?
I was on a plane with my boyfriend Adam. We were flying to Paris for Christmas break. I was nervous about flying, but I convinced myself t...

I had this dream where one of my guy friends kissed me. I don't know what it means though. It looked like deja vu to me because i have it ...

A Trip, A Battle, A Clue, And A Hotel
We were somewhere in NJ on a class trip with a nice "White Trash" chaperone. It was a rest stop for on the way home, but it was in the ch...

I had this dream about one of my guy friends had kissed me and then i woke up believing it actually happened. I wonder what it could mean ...

Will You Sleep On The Floor Please?
I was in my bedroom with a girl I met not too long ago. We didn't waste any time; we both knew what we were there to do. As she sli...

A Camaro Brings The World To An End
I was on this island with no name. A mountainous island it was, with jagged rocks jutting from all sides, making tremendous sounds as the...

Battling Girlfriends
I was in Seattle, in a house that Max and his ex-roommate (in the dream, current) Brent shared. Max wasn't there, and Brent and I had sex....

Attack Of The Heavy Machinery
I was in a very tall building in downtown Jacksonville. Apparently, I had an English class here. I'm pretty sure I was back in 12th grad...

Time Clocks And Scrapbooks
I was working with an ex, Robby, and having to go out and buy him a pie for lunch. I was trying to figure out how to clock out -- it was a...

I was at school, and I heard about this plan a bunch of kids and administrators were hatching to get Mr. Bailey (a really cool teacher, in...

Me Vs. Insomnia
In many of my dreams, I am in a room with floor to ceiling bookshelves with a single chess board in the middle. There is an oddly colored...

Shaft! Wait, No...
Because I'm lazy as hell, the dream is remaining in this format. (I was talking to someone but I omitted their commentary.) Mlle...

Arg More Ballet!!!
i keep having these dreams where im dancing in front of my whole school and make dances for other people to be the back round dancers. an...

I Had Two Children
I had two children, a girl about 5 whose name I can't remember and a boy about 1 called Craig. My mother was looking after both kids and I...

This Is For U
Ok...I was sleeping in my was around 2:00 in the morning...all of a sudden, i hear a car door slam, a door open, and footsteps r...

You could be my unintended Choice to live my life extended You could be the one I'll always love You could be the one who list...

Dj Scribble...
I'm walking down the street when an earthquake strikes. I think I was walking with my little sister, I'm not sure. Anyway, we ran to a bui...

Dancing Dreams
I dreamt that this guy from my dance class (we'll name him jeff) asked me to be in a ballet with him that he coreographed. i agreed and w...

I was in a bed in a hotel room. On one side of me was Max, the other Doug. Max and I were going to have sex - I remember that it wasn't to...

Please Don't Let This Ever Happen
lsat night i dreamed that ...

Meet My Baby, Baby
"so..." "so what?" "when do i get o meet your new man huh huh?" "awww soon. hes gonan call when he gets here" "so where di...

Being A Baby Elephant
I was a baby elephant. No, honestly, that's what I dreamt. I WAS a baby elephant. And not only that but a male baby elephant as well. And ...

My dad got angry with me and ripped my clothes off and raped me. ...

France With Lover Boy!
I dreamed that i like ( i wont mention names so we will just call him goooorge). So anyways Gooooorge and i all of a sudden one day wante...

Drugs In America
GIB! I had a dream last night and you were in it. You had the weerdest hair cut. Anyways. I got this call fro...

Strip Poker At Aaron's
I was at Aaron's house playing strip poker. I lost yet another hand so I had to remove my panites... I was naked and he still had on his b...

Strip Poker At Aarons
I was at Aaron's house playing strip poker. I lost yet another hand so I had to remove my panites... I was naked and he still had on his ...

Mrs. Mcgauly Is Really Loopy After All!!!
I dreamed i was going to class and mrs mcgauly jumped out in front of me and and started crying her eyes out. but the weird thing about h...

West Sylvan
Claire and I were wandering around West Sylvan, looking for ways to help. Claire got really excited because she helped a girl reach the dr...

Ballet In The Commons
I dreamed that I was like part of this big ballet that we were like sooo good. and i was sooo good and the principl...

It started when I was in the woods of North Vancouver and met Douglas Coupland's father, who invited me to his cabin. There was a hot tub ...

The Alcoholic Math Teacher.
This was a pretty short dream, but it was really weird. Anyway, here it is: Okay, so I am in science class. It is in the room whe...

A Dream Within A Dream
I walked into a room and discovered that my mother had just had sex with John Flansburgh (of They Might Be Giants). I was thoroughly emba...

I Don't Like People Who Try To Kill Me
i had nightmares last night. that this guy was trying to kill me and he sent a hit man that was bigger then even my uncle mark s...

Dave And Randomness
I was back in Jacksonville...somehow, I discovered that Dave (an online friend of mine who I have "known" for seven years) did not live in...

On The Green
my french class - which is suddenly a lot of kids who look like they're from about fourth to sixth grade aged - is taking a field trip. ...

College In The Woods
I was visiting UMass-Amherst to see if I wanted to go to grad school there. I was wearing a new peacoat and walking along a wooded trail t...

Airport Under Attack
It started on an airplane. I was sitting next to a guy from my Sense and Perception class. I was sweating and my legs were sticking to the...

French Class
Tired and barefooted (shoes in my hand) i enter my french classroom to find the desks shifted. i take a seat next to erica and lydia (she'...

Oregon Zoo #2
i was at the oregon zoo, just walking around when suddenly i see from my place on the concert lawn a musk ox by the alaska entrance. some...

Dead Bodies
I woke from a pleasant seeming sleep. Enya was playing on the radio and it was sunny outside. I took my shower and got ready for school......

Dead Bodies
I woke from a pleasant seeming sleep. Enya was playing on the radio and it was sunny outside. I took my shower and got ready for school....

Tony Is Evil
I dreamed that tony (an enemy of mine) came over to my house and i was standing in the doorway of my room (the room from my old

Chickens On Fire!
Ok...i was on a farm, with my Friend, Liz. We were just sitting around, talking, when all of a sudden these chickens apeared out of know w...

Shoe Shopping
My friend Arial and I went shoe shopping at Holt Renfrew. They had several floors devoted to shoes of all sorts of designs. Arial is overw...

Papers Due?
I woke up in a panic around 2 am this morning. I had two research papers due for a math class, and I hadn't even started on them! I jumpe...

I dreamt that I woke up in the dark and someone was in my room. I grabbed a baseball bat that was near my bed and turned on the light. It ...

I dreamt that I woke up in the dark and someone was in my room. I grabbed a baseball bat that was near my bed and turned on the light. I...

i remember i was wearing my army coat... in a catholic church... i was appointed to go around taking peoples money for the "offering" ...

I'm Bald
i was hiding under my bed, and Tayler was there... she had her eyes closed and looked disturbingly orgasmic. I shaved my head and my eyebr...

Bombs Over Cu
Airplanes were flying over Boulder and dropping bombs. They were aimed for the CU campus. I woke up breathing hard and crying... ...

Hurt 2
I was screaming and running through a field and men were running after me... Dustin was ontop of me and he was hurting me, everyone just s...

Hurt 2
I was screaming and running through a field and men were running after me... Dustin was ontop of me and he was hurting me, everyone just s...

My Cat Is Gay
i only remember bits and pieces, but herr duggan was in it. and there was snow and body parts. and then i was in my bedr...

I was sitting in my room all alone staring off when some sort of portal thing opens up... And I see people, laughing and smiling.. Some of...

I was sitting in my room all alone staring off when some sort of portal thing opens up... And I see people, laughing and smiling.. Some of...

Last night I dreamed that my Aunt died..of like an aneurysm or something. And that my Uncle C. was beaten to death..but I didn't...

Stressing Much?
I dreamed about a slug (Aplysia, to be technical) yelling about morphemes and other language-related junk the night before I had tw...

Princess Paranoia

umm we were at school.. but it was set up like sunday school.. and this guy i know was in the 2nd row and i kept going up to the board and...

Guillotine Dream
I'll type this later... ...

Strange Surgery
I was in my bedroom while my mother and husband were downstairs waiting for me to get ready to go out for dinner. I had this strange feel...

Somebody was robbing my house and I discovered them in mid-theft. They threatened to cut my eyes out so I wouldn't be able to identify the...

Somebody was robbing my house and I discovered them in mid-theft. They threatened to cut my eyes out so I wouldn't be able to identify the...

Miss Prima Ballerina!
I dreamed that i wa sin ballet adn christine was my teacher. and we were all standing in lines and she asked me to be the solo dancer bec...

Fun At College
I was forced into joining a chorus or choir at my college...I remember that I had originally agreed to sing in the chorus, but today (the ...

Perpindicular Lines
The orange sky was only a bit lighter than the red hue in the Georgia clay. The sun was setting on the distant horizon. The wind swept thr...

Different Sexual Partners
Ok, ok.... not all of my dreams are sexual. But sometimes they happen. First off, I could point out that before I went to bed, I was consi...

Blah I'm new here. I will post up dreams as soon as I fucking start sleeping and dreaming....

Okay, last night, I drempt that my family was taking a trip to Afghanistan. When we got there, we couldn't take certain items with us. A...

It's The End Of The World As We Know It (and I Feel Fine)
there's a wall of water going around the world. basically, the world is going to flood completely and we're all going to die. so...

My Own Attack!
Katie, Shauna and me were in this really big building in Downtown and the bottom of the buliding was a mall and the top was my school. an...

The Wagging Continues, With A Touch Of Geography/history.
In this dream we had electives for Geography and History. You could only take one of these subjects. My subject was History, while Emma's ...

The Wagging Continues, With A Touch Of Geography/history.
In this dream we had electives for Geography and History. You could only take one of these subjects. My subject was History, while Emma's ...

The Marijuana Stash!
I had this dream the day before I was planning to wag and get stoned with a couple of friends. Oh btw I smoke home-made cigarettes and the...

Kim Cattral, Belts And Barbies...what A Normal Dream For Me =)
In this dream Kim Cattral, which you should all know from the movie "Porkys" and the tv show "Sex and the City" played somewhat of an auth...

My ex-husband and I were going to move to a field near Winnipeg, and he packed up a small building to add to a little shack in a field at ...

My ex-husband and I were going to move to a field near Winnipeg, and he packed up a small building to add to a little shack in a field at ...

Giving In
I am inside a tent in my back yard with my neighbor who I have deep feelings for. It is in the afternoon and we are laying next to eachoth...

Wicked Elvis Lady!!!
Ok....I was in the church of elvis and that freak lady was there and she put on her shoes and then started chasing me and she chased me do...

In this dream, I started playing the violin again. I was asked to try out for MYS (this local orchestera), so I did, and I surprisingly go...

In this dream, my mom, my brother, and I took a plane to a country neighbouring Germany, then rented a car, loaded all of our stuff in, an...

Shopping For Chocolates
i was in a chocolate shop but it was unlike any other ordinary confectionary shop. it was full of chocolate. even the walls and ceiling we...

Note From A Friend
Unlike the rest of this country, I'm not going to fake this horrific sadness for something that didn't affect me (i.e. I didn't k...

I'm on the dance floor again, the music is blasting, I can barely hear the excited laughter of the ditzy bimbo cheerleaders.. The lights a...

I'm on the dance floor again, the music is blasting, I can barely hear the excited laughter of the ditzy bimbo cheerleaders.. The lights a...

Ok..this is the strangest dream I have ever had...I was laying on my bed, listening to music when all of a sudden my room filled up with w...

Mike Shinoda Sang To Me
i was surfing the net when suddenly, the screen had lyrics to a particular song by linkin park. next, mike shinoda, was sitting ...

I was at the dance, sitting on the bleachers when Scott comes over to me and puts his hands over my eyes.. He tells me that he's going to ...

I was at the dance, sitting on the bleachers when Scott comes over to me and puts his hands over my eyes.. He tells me that he's going to ...

I knwo this girl named Christina excet i dont really know ...i just know of her and shes just one big nerd. well i dreamed that i was han...

Joe ended up ditching me for Homecoming and once Jon found out, Jon asked me and I said yes cuz I originally wanted to go with him anyway!...

At Home # 1
it started out in that i was watching a show called "15 story" and suddenly, i was in the show, i was the show. i was sitting on...

I was at the White House talking to Collin Powell or however you spell his name, about choir and how we can bring the world together in pe...

I was at the White House talking to Collin Powell or however you spell his name, about Amadeus and how we can bring the world together in ...

Damn Mom!
I dreamed that i lived in my house when i was like 5 and it was just me my sis...jessika and my mom there. and i was like egtting in sooo...

My Love
I was sleeping on the old swing we had on the willow branch that Mark cut down last year when Aaron came up to me and kissed me.. I woke u...

My Love
I was sleeping on the old swing we had on the willow branch that Mark cut down last year when Aaron came up to me and kissed me.. I woke u...

A Rendezvous With Keith
i was sitting on the couch with keith beside me. i look at him, staring at his red lips. he turned his head and faced me. next, ...

Rude Boys Turn Prep On Me!!
I was sitting with rude boys at lunch, but we werent just aquantinces like we are in real life....we were all three like best friends. An...

Broadway Baby
I somehow found myself in the middle of a recording session for a "new" cast recording for the Broadway show, "The Producers." I'm not su...

I had a day care center and a daughter that looked about 10 or something. I took care of only baby girls. My daughter shot them in the fac...

I had a day care center and a daughter that looked about 10 or something. I took care of only baby girls. My daughter shot them in the f...

I'm walking through this huge Gothic Cathedral, like the one's they have in France, and there are roses floating in the air... People are ...

I'm walking through this huge Gothic Cathedral, like the one's they have in France, and there are roses floating in the air... People are ...

The Great Dream I Had Before Waking Up To The Nightmare Today.
Last night I had an awesome dream! I dreamt that I was in this classroom filled with lots of people. It was just a random amount of peop...

Ponographic Poetry
i was at my computer checking my email... when i got a response from an email i sent out. it had a poem i supposedly wrote to someone name...

Tombstones & Baskets
this dream was very short, and i have no idea what it meant... but... i was walking through a small graveyard (much like the one i vis...

Website Dream
I was online at my friends house or something and was checking on my website. I typed in the address and they're all excited about being a...

I was online at my friends house or something and was checking on my website. I typed in the address and they're all excited about being a...

How Hitler Became A Woman
I was into in my social studies class at school, which was not my school, but a building looking suspiciously like the mall downtown. I'd ...

Hitler Wants To See Me Naked
we were in some sort of camp, and they had these shower buildings. it wasn't like a concentration camp or anything, more like a summer ca...

Brainwash In A Fascist World
My mother, sister, and I had an appointment to meet with a professor at a university. When we got to the appropriate building we went ins...

Empty Headed
I can't seem to dream, or at least, I can't seem to remember any of the dreams I have, since they say that regardless to whether you remem...

Freshman Nightmare
I was in school... I know, terrible enough... But the worst part was that there were no seniors, juniors, or sophomores ANYWHERE. They wer...

Freshman Nightmare
I was in school... I know, terrible enough... But the worst part was that there were no seniors, juniors, or sophomores ANYWHERE. They wer...

First Time With Axel
as i lay on the bed, axel began undressing me. tears flowing from my eyes; i sobbed softly. as he buried his head on my neck, he kissed my...

Dirty Aaron Dream
He came into my room and kissed the back of my neck, I was on my bed with my back towards the door. I let out a quiet giggle and hugged hi...

Dirty Aaron Dream
He came into my room and kissed the back of my neck, I was on my bed with my back towards the door. I let out a quiet giggle and hugged hi...

Weird School Dream
It was like the first day of school and everything's cool, people are all happy and shit... And I'm walking down the hall, saying hi to al...

Weird School Dream
It was like the first day of school and everything's cool, people are all happy and shit... And I'm walking down the hall, saying hi to al...

Seth & The Crying Swings
i was dating a guy from my past. a guy that makes me sick to my stomache. the things he did to me...the way he made me feel. i was just an...

Screaming In Silence
I'm in the middle of this huge hall... Thousands of people are all around me... And I'm screaming at the top of my lungs, trying to get so...

Screaming In Silence
I'm in the middle of this huge hall... Thousands of people are all around me... And I'm screaming at the top of my lungs, trying to get so...

Hannible (sp?)
i don't remember it clearly... but all i remember. is i was talking with chris... and he said something that made me cry.... suddenly i th...

Saying Goodbye To My Ex
On Sept 1st, I had the craziest dream about my ex. He is a good friend of mine still. First, may I warn anyone that reads this, that I h...

Balloons And Babies
I was looking at two babies laying on a blanket, they were supposed to be mine. One was healthy and the other one looked almost dead, it w...

Christmas In September
I was having some friends over but it was like AIM, away messages and all. So Meagan had up an away message where she was gone to the movi...

Christmas In September
I was having some friends over but it was like AIM, away messages and all. So Meagan had up an away message where she was gone to the mov...

I had been staring up at my ceiling, counting the impurities as I usually do to fall asleep when I had the sudden urge to run. I stood up ...

I had been staring up at my ceiling, counting the impurities as I usually do to fall asleep when I had the sudden urge to run. I stood up...

In Retrospect Of The Academy...
This is a recurring dream: I appear on a cliff. Suddenly teachers appear, lots of teachers. They are my teachers, from school. Quickly...

Chinese Ambassador
I dreamt I was a Chinese prince who was serving as an ambassador to the Japanese. China was in a stage of disunity at the time, and instea...

Chinese Ambassador
I dreamt I was a Chinese prince who was serving as an ambassador to the Japanese. China was in a stage of disunity at the time, and instea...

I'm in the auditorium at school, just humming and singing to myself while cleaning up wood and nails when I hear someone walk into the aud...

I'm in the auditorium at school, just humming and singing to myself while cleaning up wood and nails when I hear someone walk into the aud...

The Letter
The dream I had last night was about Keith . . . the one who I thought was my best friend for about 10 years . . . maybe he was . . . who ...

Screw You Linley
okay......first of all i dislike little little kids. okay i was babysitting like 3 kids and they were the ages 4 and 5. they were little b...

Online Friend Dream
I was sitting at my computer, drinking some fucked up looking drink in this neon blue tub with a straw that changed colors randomly... I w...

Online Friend Dream
I was sitting at my computer, drinking some fucked up looking drink in this neon blue tub with a straw that changed colors randomly... I w...

Christmas At Ricki Lake's House
It's been awhile since I submitted a dream. My summer job kept me quite busy, and unfortunately, this dream is really not that detailed, ...

Bleeding To Death
I was walking with Natalie and another girl (I don't know who she was) around a ring of metal sculptures with water flowing down and aroun...

Dream Dolls
all these many story lines were twisted in my dreams. i'd see part of the dolls, then it would skip to whack-a-mole, then to the townhous...

Bart Simpson, Suv Driver
I was in a parking lot. I'm thinking it was one of the commuter parking lots at my college. My parents and sister were there as well, and ...

I Dream Of The Locative Case
A middle-aged lady and I were in my backyard, talking; I was swinging on an old creaky swingset my family used to have. She said, "When I ...

More School Dreams
I visited what I thought was another college -- something called Northern Tennessee State University (does that exist? I don't know, and n...

And so you take the paper.... And you put it in your hands... and you feel the roughness of you move your hands over it. ...

Say It In Serbo-croat
I was flying over Belgrade, and I dropped into the back of a wagon being pulled by two cartoon, two-dimensional horses. The driver kept wh...

Anatevka, Anatevka...
My parents and sister and I were trying to find a little white teddy bear that I'd left in the house we lived in before we moved to Oregon...

I barely remember this one, but here goes... I was in some place I had never been before, searching for a house I think. I drove...

I barely remember this one, but here goes... I was in some place I had never been before, searching for a house I think. I drove...

My friend and are are in a dark underground train station that may or may not be abandoned; all of the trains have gone for the evening. ...

The Spotted Snake
this dream was among the weirdest ive had. it started out with me and my roomate in our hostel bedroom and were having a party. this party...

I had a dream that I had 2 babies. I was the same jessica, same age, everything was the same, except I had children, 2 girls, one was a ne...

Dysfunctional Family Vacation
I was visiting my boyfriend Adam's family in Florida. In the dream, he had a much larger family than in real life. He had either eleven br...

Sheep And Geraldo Riviera
I was taking a walk near my house and I met about five or ten girls, all pregnant. They told me that they had a terrible disease that made...

Fight, Honey, Spacecraft
I was in a fight with amy. You could leave notes on the sidewalk for people like you do for od. I left her a really long note and didn't l...

My Unicorn
I was in a field full of roses of all colors, reds, yellows, blacks... It was beautiful. And I sat on a bench to read and saw a little gir...

My Unicorn
I was in a field full of roses of all colors, reds, yellows, blacks... It was beautiful. And I sat on a bench to read and saw a little gi...

I dreamt that I was at the Salem Public Library, researching nuclear bombs, and a librarian came up to me and said: "You have a once in a ...

Flashback 1
i couldn't sleep last night. i kept having dreams about tim. that fucking worries me. :-(( that's becoming....more and more common, unfort...

I had a dream about Max.. we were best friends again. I felt safe through my whole dream and when I woke up I was very happy. ...

Velly Intellestinggg
I had met up with a bunch of ppl I know irl - mom, older brother cristof, and his two best friends, Michael and David. We were there ...

Oh Romeo
in my dream I was cast as the part of romeo for the school play. Some gay girl was Juliet. I can't remember the people they're blurry but ...

this guy had a big knife and he was grinning at me. Tessa walked by, we were all in this yellow forest, and it was fall. The ground was dr...

Rizzo Grandma Flies
for some reason i dreamt about rizzo. we were talking at a picnic table during PE while people were running laps and he couldn't stop lau...

Not-so-alien Adventures
I was with Meg and Jennifer. We were inside a building whose outside looked like the junior high school, but the inside was a house with ...

Three Mixed-up Places
I was in an English class. I didn't recognize the teacher or anyone else in the class, but in the dream I had apparently known the teacher...

A Fine Educational Institution
I was in a strange school, some odd marriage between a high school and a college. I kept wandering around on the top floor of one building...

Last night I had a nightmare that I was taken prisoner by this guy and kept in his basement. Except some how, he let me go on this bus, an...

Pregnancy, Marriage And A Penis
I dreamt that I was sitting at a table (in a restaurant) with 5 or 6 of my closest friends when a former lover walked over to our table an...

"trading Laundry Bins"
ok so my parents were on the show trading spaces and they were decorating my room as a surprise for me. I went into my room and there was ...

for the past week i have been seeing this great guy in my dreams..i am always someplace romantic with him, and just before he goes, he fre...

Why I Shouldn't Go Back To High School
My sister, Tricia, is almost eighteen, but in this dream, she was acting much younger. She was still in the Girl Scouts, with my mom as tr...

Golf Lessons
me and ryan phillippe were taking golf lessons together. the instructor asked me if I had Putted before. I said yeah on a putt putt course...

Scary Miscarriage Dream
I am 'living at my parents' again; back to feeling oppressed and upset all of the time. Except that their apartment is now a ...

Construction Kissing
I was sitting on really thick scaffolding.. similiar to the posts sticking out of the chesapeake bay, except high in the air next to a bui...

i was visiting these two twins who were john michaels and had red hair pulled back in ponytails and wearing gray jump suits. they were gon...

Please Make These High School Dreams Stop!
I was fully aware that I had been in college for three years, but for some reason, I had to return to high school. This didn't seem odd to...

This one was also rather surreal. In it, I appeared to be the mother of a new bouncing baby....boy, I think. yeah, boy.. I wa...

Not Really X-gunmen
i was in a place that looked like any normal neighborhood, watching the filming of an episode of the lone gunmen. then mulder walks up, no...

So...this dream. I'm in my family home..and my bedroom is rather surreal looking, with a bed much higher up than it is irl..and a cano...

Cashew Subway
I was with melissa and we were in this really old narsty subway where there wasn't a top or walls and it was wooden. Melissa showed me thi...

An Unexpected Visitor At Cinema 10
For being a weekday during the summer, our manager sure had a lot of employees working the day shift. There had to be at least six of us ...

Seriously In Love
"so" "so" "what's up" "stuff" she moves slihtly twistng a charm between her fingers "whats that" she says pointing...

Lawyer Comraderie
I walked into a new york loft to see a group of stiff lawyers slave around a oblong table. They didn't look up. Smiling I through a white ...

I dreamt that I was with my boyfriend, and he and I were going up this ladder that was connected to an entrance way up into a theater. We...

Rummage Sale
I was at the SPCA rummage sale except it was like a store.. with really nice anne taylorish clothes for like 50 cents. I found some jeans...

The Results Of Orientation
I think I was behind the Market. I was with Leanne, and Morgan...we decided that, as a joke, we would steal some evil woman's car. We ap...

Fifth Time I've Been "pregnant" This Summer
When Prodigy Classic was still open, I had a woman that I often spoke to on the Psychics Bulletin Board who analyzed my dreams for her. I...

Betrayed By My Parents
I was at Drama class, then suddenly my class ended. Drama wasn't set in the place it usually is -- it was actually set in a church. So I w...

Bon Jovi
I was at a Bon Jovi concert with Eric and Dana and we were in the very front, music blaring, mosh pit, everything... Out of no where, ICP ...

Bon Jovi
I was at a Bon Jovi concert with Eric and Dana and we were in the very front, music blaring, mosh pit, everything... Out of no where, ICP ...

Tales Of Blarg
Last night I had a rather weird experience. It was completely unlike any I've ever had, to this extent anyway. I was lying in my bed..and ...

The Balcony
Well I remember sitting on a balcony full of my friends and some men I didnt know. I was wearing a bikini but everyone else was in sweate...

Kisses For Kel
i dreamed I was in my room, chillin. And then I could hear my cousin steven like..SHOUTING for me "Kellaay!" in his english accent. ...

The Bio Hunt
I had just got a new job, working in a Bio Garden. It supported many different types of life from a rain forest environment. When I ent...

Me and Evan are in a barn with stables. There are large horses looming over and we decide to shoot ourselves. But then I remember that I'm...

Naked Flying In Mall
the first dream was as follows. I was in a mall shopping with someone. They were walking and I was flying... naked. In my dreams when I fl...

Slimy Fish, Blood, Bad Poetry, And Other Things Of Annoyance
I was in the parking lot of a shopping center when I decided I would go to a restaurant to get dinner. The only restaurant in the shopping...

There You Have It.
I've just come to this realisation. Through the help of my first hypnotic therapy session, I saw myself as a small 2-year-old child ...

Graduation - Cat - Castle
First we were at Mister Knorr’s house, and it was graduation, but not for me. The girls two years older than me like Becca and Elisabeth w...

Back In High
Last night, I dreamed that everybody from my graduating year was forced to go back and repeat all of High School. I don't remember what t...

Car Show
My brother had this cool purpley blue car that had fins on the back like a car in the 50s. Anyway we were driving around in it like 5 of u...

In Which I Get Hungry
I was back in high school, supposedly doing a book report for my AP English class. It wasn't a very in-depth book report, though, and I di...

Contaminated Pool
We were on vacation at a hotel in New York or New Jersey. some family was with us for the first 3 days. We went swimming and i was swimmin...

Well I was on a very beautiful beach laying out with my sister when I decided to go for a swim. There were lifeguards...hmm odd, but the...

The Weird Running Girl Cheers On The Team
I was at a summer program for gifted students, staying in the high-rise dorm of a university. My boyfriend Adam was my roommate, even thou...

(well one of my friends is cheerleader and she wants me to try out and i am going to, but im really nervous that i wont make it) me an...

Stab Me In The Arm?
Okay, it was the night before I was to take my drive test, and my sleep was not very calm all night- filled with visions of drive tests go...

Disney Channel Sitcom
I was hanging out with the family from that disney channel sitcom with the three real life brothers in it. Except they had stopped their s...

A Train Hitting A Car.....
Well I remember driving in a car with a few friends and seeing a train coming up pretty close and we barely missed it but the car behind ...

Welcome Home To The Eve 6 Apartments
My best friend Emily and I were moving into a new apartment, though it wasn't the loft we'd picked out in the spring. We still planned to ...

The Dorky Road Trip
I was back in high school, taking AP English. My class met in the room where I took AP U.S. History my junior year, and the desks were arr...

In My Room With Cast
I think that me and a few people from the cast of the musical I was just in had just gone out to eat somewhere, and we were at my house. ...

A Big Fire Chasing After Me
i was in a bus, suddenly a something appeared outta nowhere! it was dangerous, the bus stoped and the kis ran out, i was runing, i look ...

The Nuns And The Talking Ufo
Last night I dreamt that I was sitting outside for a class project. I was back in private school again. My boyfriend was with me though....

Ally Mcbeal Pool Party
The african-american lady from Ally McBeal (which the large hair/breasts) was at this party with me. We were in a pool with all these real...

Rich And Stupid
I was staying in a big vacation home with my boyfriend Adam, my mom, and my sister Tricia. The home seemed to be in our actual yard, thoug...

To Dream A Dream A Dream
Usually in my dreams, I can't remember which incidents happened first. So I'll put them down in order of rememberence. (It's funny how dre...

My Best Friend
ok, this dream was really confusing. umm..ok well one of my best friends (cindy) was really good in math, she got this scholarship to go t...

A Hole In My Side
i had this dream that i shot myself, just above my right hip, on my stomach. the hole the bullet left couldn't have been more than 1 cm wi...

Happy Birthday To You!.....minus The Present
I dreamt that I was wanting to buy my sister a birthday present. I decided to go to this furniture/carpet store to buy her present. I re...

I was at camp with my 4 cronies and a couple other people. I had forgotten my backpack and tennis shoes. We went into a river and saw this...

Being Chased
i was with 3 of my friends, i don't know who it was, and we were running from these army people because they wanted to capture us. I kept...

Death In The Family
at first i was skiing, and i had a bag with a cd player in, then i had a stereo, a cd dicsman, a walkman, and one with speakers. i had to ...

Relationships - Bah
I had a conversation today with my significant other on the subject of our long-distance .... fling. I know that sounds harsh. I don't mea...

Indoor Six Flags
I was in this dark building, it looked almost like an old asylum with many doors in musty halls with numbers on them, and some had bars. T...

Giant Mom
I had these dream last night that i was downtown in a city at a parade.Tere were these earthquake like things but after they stoped i...

Western Bentley & Insecurity
I felt that I had to impress Wes Bentley in my dream last night. He looks a lot like my soulmate, and reminds me of him as well. ...

The Rejected Clown
My dad was in this big cement truck or something. My sisters were waay in the back. I sat up front with him and his clown friend. His clow...

Poetry Writing Bingo Playing Church Goers
I was watching a televised broadcast about the church I attend. The camera man zoomed in on me and my family. I noticed I was wearing a ...

Classes Begin At College
It was the first day of classes at FSU, and I was so excited to finally begin my college education. Nobody had registered for classes -- ...

I always have this same dream . I dont know where I am . I know it is in the woods , lots and lots of woods . someone is chasing me and I...

My Missing Son
I was walking around talking to my cousin, Nikki. She was telling me about things that had happened with her son, and then she said somet...

My Missing Son
I was walking around talking to my cousin, Nikki. She was telling me about things that had happened with her son, and then she said somet...

The Presidential Suite
I was inside this structure that had transparent walls and was up off of the ground. For whatever reason, it reminded me of a clubhouse. ...

First Week At College
I waited a bit too long to record this dream, so I don't remember much, but I felt it was too long and complete to be considered a fragmen...

The Boy With The Silver Bands
The dream took place at the house I'm living in now. The people I live with now were in it. I came home from work and one of them said Kel...

Fear Of Letting Go
July 4th, 2001, just afore Midnight.. I had a dream the other morning. I was being tested. I wanted to take a look into Michael Martz's fu...

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Neighbor, Co-worker, Boyfriend,and Ex-boyfriend's Mom :o)
I dreamt that I was sitting in my driveway in my car staring at my neighbor's porch. I suddenly saw a tiger approaching the car. I quick...

The Storm
A hurricane was approaching, but no one knew where it would hit or when (much like a tornado). I was at the Market (where I work) the ent...

Broken Glass Nightmare
I was in this house..super swank house, in the living room with a fairly attractive guy. We were talking. His eyes were...scary though. Mu...

The Egg Game
there was a swimming pool, kind of like the outline of an 8. there were two teams and it was the final of the competition. nobody was supp...

The Mystery Of The Hidden Room
In this dream, there was a house. I believe it was supposed to be my house I reside in currently at first. As I walked to the back of my...

I dreamed that I was walking through this city at night, and this guy walkes up to me and smiles. He had dark hair and nice clothes. He ta...

[real life] whenever i like a guy, i have dreams about his arms. usually, in my dreams, i am to the left of the guy, and i hold on to his ...

Burger King...or Should I Say...burger King/king Of The Chickens???
Last night, my boyfriend and I went to Blockbuster and rented two horror movies. One was "What Lies Beneath" and the other was "Henry--Po...

The Red Skeleton
This is a dream that I started having at a fairly young age. I'm sharing this dream/nightmare first in this collection of them because it...

Madonna And Disneyland
It was morning, and I was with Chela, Marsi, Teddy, Rafael, Ana Maria, Miguelito and many others at (what was supposed to be) Disneyland. ...

Thank God It Wasn't Another Pool Party!
The junior and senior classes at my high school were going to attend a giant cookout at some park. The "park" looked like a combination o...

"it's Not Just Fun And Games In Oscar Land"
So me and Laurie go on vacation, and we end up going to this place called "Oscar Land". This is supposedly the place where all Oscars are ...

In this dream I was living in a small log-cabin house in the woods (the woods again...why do so many of my dreams take place in the woods?...

I was at orientation for FSU. Nothing had started yet, so we were allowed to go around and find our future dorm room. Some students appe...

The Scary Hospital
First I dreamt I was in a cafeteria...Probaby the cafeteria in the hospital. I remember asking for a cup of salad...yes, a cup. They gav...

I dreamt that a hamburger was eating me!...

Don't Take The Babies Away!
I had a horrible dream that my sister told us she was going to give my niece and nephew up for adoption. I remember telling my boyfriend ...

I’ve Been Playing Too Much Angband
I kept turning into a giant ant - one about the size of a car. Consequently, Bryn wasn’t going out with me, but he was apologetic. ...

Death Penalty
i commited some crime and i didnt know what it was but it was wicked bad so i was gonna be given the deah penalty ... but i wasnt in jail...

I Got The!
had a very strange dream last night that I found a better copy of Our Lady Peace's "Clumsy" CD that was gold. Made of pure gold. ...

Plugs And Rugs
I was in the kitchen at about midnight with Dad. I noticed that smoke was streaming from one of the plug sockets. I switched it off, but t...

The Starving Shutterbug
It was winter, and there was a thick coating of snow on the ground. I was at school, though it didn't look like my college at all. For one...

Evil Summer Camp
I was at summer camp, and all of us (the campers) were floating in a circle around this big swimming pool in little yellow plastic boats. ...

I had to be in this play. It was last minute. I kept forgetting my lines. I didn't go on stage yet. I kept trying to find Chantal to remem...

It's Not Easy Being A Princess
i was living in some sort of castle with my family - apparently my mom was the queen and this guy who looked nothing at all like anyone i...

Seniors. Dead.
dream: 168 seniors at our school died. some died in the first thing that happened, which was an elaborate, perfectly executed taking-over-...

Disturbing Chris Dream
the door bell rings and then there this light knock on the door i get up form my computer and walk down the hall singing along to...

Girls With Permed Hair And Strange Fashion Statements
After a year at UKC, I had started again at a Cambridge college, except I wasn’t a resident there: I lived with my family in a house not t...

When Survival Is The Final Conclusion No Matter What
She was there and so was I. We stood before each other, nothing special about our clothing, death in our eyes, and we held hands. I coul...

The Millenium Party
It was New Year's Eve year 2000, and I was invited to this huge party with many people and great music..and lots of alcohol. I was with An...

Travelling Again
My family was staying in a house in south Germany than looked like my online friend Sarah Yoj’s old home in some regards. For a while, my ...

Kiss And Tell
I dreamt that I kissed my co-worker. I think of this as something normal though. People tend to dream weird things about the people they...

Field Trip
I was on a trip --to Europe-- I think, and at some point I gazed at a near-by restaurant at a group of germans. My first thought was: "Hey...

How Are The Werebears? They've Started Multiplying!
I was trying to get to sleep, but there were riots going on in the street outside. Suddenly, I noticed small Gums werebears appearing all ...

So Let Me Get This Straight Brad's Ashley? Or Is It Ashley's Brad?
Ok so I don't remember much from this it's gonna be kinda weird to tell! So in reality (not dream sense) I am "supposedly" ...

Sanctuary In Sore Gums
There's a passage right in front of me. It's clear and it burns the throat. I'm simple in my game of running back and forth starting arran...

Unimaginable Fear
I have had this dream countless times and have never been able to put it into word very well untill a couple nights ago when i was talking...

Pure Buttermilk Chocolate
There was this funny looking old man who looked cross between Captain Kangaroo and Colonel Sanders standing in front of our ...

How Old Do I Have To Be Before I Stop Dreaming Of School?
It was the first day of lower 6th. Various members of my year were supposed to be in the carrels, but six of us went to the chapel, and me...

Softy World
i wake up in flowers. when i walk, i skip. when i try to kick another softy, i go to a teddy which must be mine and start hugging it. when...

Chris Dream, Number 39019
i had this dream while we were sleeping together that she screamed at me for being "so fucking stupid" and "too leechy." i asked ...

A Wholesome Night Out
I was driving. I knew my parents expected me home by midnight, but I just couldn't bring myself to go home so early. I was driving through...

Love Making, Baby Chasing, And Accusation In A Winter Wonderland
I had a dream that my boyfriend and I were making love together and then the good part of the dream ends there...except that I was in this...

I'm running through the woods, looking behind me, around me, above me.. I'm calling out a name. It's on the tip of my tongue right now but...

I'm running through the woods, looking behind me, around me, above me.. I'm calling out a name. It's on the tip of my tongue right now b...

My Term Paper
I recently had to do a term paper in English on Astrology. ***In my dream i had gotten into a group of guys and worked on their t...

The North Pole
I was on a trip to France with my brother and five other people. We got lost and ended up in a shack at the north pole. Four people wanted...

I Swear I Would Follow Anything... Just Get Me Out Of Here
I had gone to Athens to buy a movie made by the band Bright Eyes. I found the film in an indie music store. Everyone had been talking abou...

It's All About The Hair
so i had this dream last night that my dad grew grossly long hair, longer than mine, and said that he did it to emulate me. and t...

Last night I had the worst dream. It was a nightmare. It doesn't SOUND like a nightmare, it sounds pretty funny, actually but when I was d...

Drowning Into Thin Air
I was floating head over heels in my room in slow circles, like laundry that was machine drying in extreme slow motion, abo...

Don't Read "meaghan"'s Journal Just Before Sleeping
I was living with My Online Friend Formerly Known As Meaghan and her mother in my (former) room at university. Meaghan’s mother was being ...

The Thief And The Muffin
I honestly haven't been avoiding this site on's just that I haven't been able to remember any of my dreams for about a month o...

Not Quite As Fun As A Blue Light Special
Chris and I parked in the nearly-deserted K-Mart parking lot. He had come to visit me from Rhode Island. He had also decided that he was g...

No Escape
It was summertime. My mother, father, both of my grandmothers, two family friends (and their twenty-something daughter who, in the dream,...

Now Who’s The Unfaithful Geen?
It was Saturday 9 December, and I was to go to Slimelight with four other people: my mother and Helen Wo (who was in my year at school) we...

Black And White Doves
another one last night, or maybe a continuation of the one before, was me on the edge of the ocean atop a large cliff. i'm sitting on the ...

"i Can Never Speak To You Again"
one last night was me talking on the computer with chuckie, and all of a sudden he sends me this big long conversation i had supposedly ha...

Pool Party Ii
Senior classes had ended over a week ago, and our grades had been turned in. Despite this, one of my teachers insisted on having class an...

High School Sex Dream
I keep dreaming that I am in high school. Not any of my old high schools, either, just these weird places that look more like J...

Woods In Winter
The dream started with me walking through the woods. The forest was made of birch trees, bare and snow covered. They were so tall I could ...

Mourning The End Of The World
I was in Central California, sitting on a ditch near an orange grove that overlooked a sizable irrigation canal, with the hot, dry air...

Shivering Confort
in my dream i had fallen asleep in science class and woke up shivering like non stop then this kid who i feel like i have known before (in...

Paris And Ioan: A Beautiful Combination
I was sitting in my parents' car in a sandy, wooded area (does that make sense?), waiting to get out. We were going to some sort of publi...

Fairly Nightmare-ish
I was at was a weekday. I decided to take a lunch break (not allowed) because I "needed" to go to school. For some reason I th...

Blast From The Past
last night i dreamt that i was dating zach pratt - this kid i went to high school with. i don't think that my dream was actually about hi...

It All Adds Up To Math Class
As far as I can remember, this dream started out in my room, but it wasn't my room. It had the same computer and lighting that I have in m...

Pool Party
My senior class was having a giant pool party to celebrate our graduation. The pool was was at least a hundred yards in length,...

My Boots Are Too Big For Me, Not The Other Way Round
Bryn (my boyfriend), Gill (his ex) and I were lying in the same single bed, trying to sleep. ["I like the sound of this dream," Bryn comme...

I Challenge You To A Duel
(Very quick notes on this one, because I'm tired and need to go to bed. I'll get back to it when I have more time to concentrate on rememb...

A Moorland Graduation
I was at my high school graduation. The ceremony was being held in the middle of a huge stretch of moor, although the outlying areas rese...

Deja Vu, College Style
It was the beginning of fall semester at the University of Georgia, and I, in my characteristically dorky manner, was terrifically excited...

I dreamed that i was in the middle of no where. It was just blank, white. I blinked and I was in a graveyard. There was a little girl, I h...

Cigars And Cigarettes
In this dream, I lived in my childhood house with my mother - or, more appropriately, was spending some time at my childhood house with my...

Harry Potter Is Becoming A Recurring Theme Too
I was in a building that contained three swimming pools. Swimming pool #2 was huge. I remembered it being in a dream I'd had a few months ...

Kristal was home, sitting at the table eating a watermellon, she looked up at me, dark circles under her eyes. I turned and looked out the...

The Love Child That Wasn't
I was pregnant, or at least I thought I was. I hadn't had a pregnancy test, but I had gained a whole lot of weight in the stomach area, I ...

Shooting Tooth-picks
I lived in an old house with nine girls - the same nine girls that I spent three weeks in Europe with this past summer. The state of my d...

Don't Go Back To High School.
for some reason, i found myself back at good old vermont academy for a sort of alumni reunion i think - i'm not entirely sure. anyway, in...

The Angry Russian
For some reason I was in a library studying (?) with my friend Melissa and "Bob" (I think I mentioned him in a previous dream...I had/stil...

Tubes Are Becoming A Recurring Theme
My online friend Sofie and I were in London. She suggested going to somewhere called “Alice’s Market” even though it was expensive to get ...

5 Dream In One: A Stupid Landlady
okay, the date was only the date these weird 5 dreams started *note: when i dream, i think it's real life. i forgot everything about w...

Dreams For A Requiem
this doesn't make any sort of chronological sense, but i'm writing down the parts of the dream in the order that i remember them. ...

Highschool? Penalty?
I dreamt that me and Justen still lived apart. He with his parents and me on my own. And because we weren't successful in findin...

I Met Paul
i just had a dream where i met paul. it's pretty fragmented, so i'll just write what i recall. for some reason, i owed him a dollar. i...

The Church Dream
This dream is incredibly weird, and i have no clue what the hell it means.....on with the dream. I was in the church down the str...

Uncomfortableness Part 3
Like I've said before, I don't know if this dream comes after or before Part 2. We were at a park or something. An abandoned park...

Uncomfortableness Part 2
I'm not sure if Part 3 comes before Part 2 or vice versa, but I'm just going to write what I remember. We were in this obstacle c...

Uncomfortableness Part 1
I sometimes can tend to go to sleep, wake up, then go to sleep again. It could be an endless cycle of exhaustedness if I chose it to be, b...

Tuesday Night
I was over at Chris' house, in what appeared to be the living room. It was dark. The only light source was a small lamp with a dark shad...

Other People's Gardens
It was late on a Friday night and I had to walk down a long, winding tunnel with my boyfriend Bryn’s housemates, Simon and Tasha. You know...

Hamster And Water Faucet Overflow
I dreamt of a hamster and saw it give birth to babies. The babies weren't being cared for by the mother so I picked them up and put them ...

Where Do I Get This Stuff From?
i dont remember much due to having to work today, so please bear with me. i started by calling chris and wondering where she was....

Four Wheel Drive
last night i dreamt i was in a weird open air fourwheel drive thing with my friend and her dad and we were driving along state highway one...

Just A Little Awkward
My former boyfriend Chris was at my house. Apparently he was staying the summer with me and my family. I was sitting in one of the easy ch...

The Two Enthused Concertgoers
My friend Emily and I went to a Backstreet Boys concert. We weren't sure why we were there. It seemed as if we had just wanted something t...

Aaron... Come Back!
A little bit of a background check before this story... My best friend's name is Aaron. As of right now he is in boot camp for the Na...

Headless Hoover
This was in the middle of the night, I woke up at 4.30am feeling a bit freaked out, despite the fact I wasn't scared in the dream. I dream...

Marilyn Manson In Disguise
I was outside watching a parade that happened to come by. The big event of the evening would be the fact that Marilyn Manson would be in i...

Flower Picking Fine.
I was young again, living at home and in high school. My brother and I were at home.. our parents out of town. We watched ove...

Shopgirl Beauty Queens
I was in a department store with my mom. It was dim inside, the displays were rather lopsided and messy, and the carpet was red and nearly...

The Break-up
I remember the dream starting out with a phone call from my boyfriend, Michael. He told me that he didn't like me talking to my ex, Josh....

i dreamed that i got married to this certain someone [you know who you are], then that night when we went to sleep, i tossed and turned, a...

i dreamed that i got married to this certain someone [you know who you are], then that night when we went to sleep, i tossed and turned, a...

Giving Birth
I was pregnant but not showing it very much. I was at a car race and my water broke. Mom drove me to the hospital and the doctors told m...

Compo, My Sister And A Truncheon
My sister and I were stood in the middle of a village near us with Compo and Clegg from Last of the Summer Wine. Compo was messing about a...

Tom Or Dan?
i had been out that saturday night but had got my mum to come and pick me up early, it was about 8 but it was dark already. i saw ...

Journalcon 2001
It was five in the evening, I was in my room at university, and I was talking to a woman in her twenties over the Internet. My boyfriend B...

I Don't Know My Own Strength
(The third of three dreams that night.) It was 10am on a Saturday morning. My boyfriend Bryn was living in Becket Court (where my...

Walking And W**king And The Expected Exam Dream
(The second dream of three that night.) It was lunchtime and my boyfriend Bryn and I were in my room. I started playing with him ...

Sometimes I Feel I’ve Got To Run Away
(The first dream of three that night.) It was 19th May, and I decided to run away and stay with my online friend Twi. I had been ...

Just thought I would let you guys know that I am having a bit of Insomnia these days, so I haven't been dreaming anything. This really su...

Teen Gore
It was 1976 and I was part of a group of teenage girls who'd won a week's work experience at a radio station. It looked familiar and I dec...

Vicky And Harvey Run A Chip Shop
My boyfriend Bryn and I were going to a party, but first we went to a café in Canterbury, where we met some other people who were going. T...

I had a dream about my friend Minda and I riding bare-back on a brown horse. No where in particular, just riding in some sort of field. ...

My Thats Such A Pretty Murel...
I dreamt that Justen and I and our friends were in this big arena (coleseium-sp?) like they used to have the gladiator fights in with the ...

Brainwashing Cult Takes Over My School.
I went to school after having played hooky pretending to be sick for several days. Everything was different upon my return. ...

Quite Odd.
I've never had a dream like this, it's not horribly dramatic or crazy, but... It's different. I never usually have one person in my dre...

You Were Balled Up Naked On The Floor.
i was in the dakin parking lot ordering food with a bunch of people - in the dream i knew them, but they're not anyone i actually know. w...

Nsync Caught Busking Outside Cinema
Before I went to sleep, I was thinking, “Why is ‘Teenage Dirtbag’ still in the top twenty after fourteen weeks? Who’s still buying it? Who...

The Ataris?
I was at a supermarket with my mom(and I really was today) and she told me and my brother to wait when she went out to get something. So ...

Working In An Office
I was working in an office and the head salesperson hadn't turned up and I was worried about him. In his place was a very brash guy called...

Betrayed By A Famous Author
My boyfriend Bryn and I were lying in bed. He kept reciting logic-based equations at me. I didn’t understand them at first, but suddenly t...

My Mejestic Dream :o)
Last night I had a dream that I was a queen..but of course! Just kidding! Anyway, I had a school assignment that required me to discover...

But I Want To Learn Calculus!
susan was tugging on my pant leg insistantly whining. i tuned into her words. "come on, teach me calculus! i want to learn calc...

John's Pathetic Proposal
I dreamt that I lived with Justen and we had our own house that was small but cozy and I remember there was a big futon/couch bed that we ...

Who Doesn't Want To Date Good Ole' Mr. G?
Last night I dreamed that I was at a ceremony celebrating my old computer teacher. The funny thing was, I was his date. It was pretty aw...

A Weird Feeling I Had
I dreamt that I was lying down. I wasn’t sure what I was lying on. It was also initially dark. Which meant my eyes were closed. I can tell...

Me & Chris Klein
Dream: My wackest dream lately was about being in a grocery store. I dreamed Tony had been gone for a long t...

Have you ever had a dream that you were sure was real? Crossing dimensions, controlling your outcome. Experiencing new emotions. Creating ...

"who Let The Dogs Out?"
The entire first half of the dream consisted of me driving down A1A. Pete, a friend of mine, was following me in a light teal-colored car...

Leopards??? Yuck!
Well, in real life I am redoing the look of my bedroom and I want it to be maroon, white, and dark green. So in my dream last night, I dr...

I'm on the ground, He's ontop of me, groaning telling me how I'm so hot and He wants me... He's holding me down, I can't breathe but manag...

I'm on the ground, He's ontop of me, groaning telling me how I'm so hot and He wants me... He's holding me down, I can't breathe but manag...

More Slimelighting
I travelled to London with a girl, with the intention of going to Slimelight {a nightclub I attended the previous night}. Our aim was to w...

At The Golfing Range
In my dreams, I can't remember what happens first, second, etc. So I'll basically just tell you what I can remember... I was at school...

Mood Swings

Doesn't Seem Like Preschool To Me!!!
Last night I had a dream that I was in a preschool classroom and I was admiring the handwriting of the child sitting in front of me. He a...

Why You Shouldn't Date Me
I was home from college for the summer, and I was relaxing on my bed. I wasn't alone, though. Somehow, he who I call Vampire Boy had made ...

Going Over To Suzie's House
It was the first weekend of the Easter holidays and I travelled to London with the intention of taking my online friend Twi to Slimelight,...

Chris Dream #5842
For some reason, i was sitting back in my dorm room (which i have not been in for a week) with some redhead. It was not chris, i know tha...

The Dream/dreams About The Ex-boyfriend's New Girlfriend
Well, I normally don't bother to go into detail about little dreams, and really this should be under fragments, but I will just put in und...

Five Beers To Forget
"who are you now and who were you then that you thought somehow you could just pretend that you could figure it all out...

Raindrops On The Rooftop
Laying on the floor. It was wood, and cold. It sent a chill up my spine. I look out the window. Rain dances along the window sill. You loo...

The Library, The Book, And The Demoness
It all started when me and some of my friends decided that we wanted to go to the library. Like all libraries this one was huge with di...

The Game Room Crack-up
I was at home for the summer, and I was trying to read in my bedroom. My sister had a bunch of friends over, though, and they were noisily...

I was in a mall with my primary school best friend, Zoe, and we were going to see a movie but in the part I remember, all I recall is that...

I was walking down a road with my dad, and he was carrying a shovel. We were talking abotu something, and he mentioned something he had r...

Skate City Stripper
I was walkiing around ...

It's chilly outside, but eirely warm. The black pavement that I am walking on is shiny, and looks like a mirror in the moonlight. I am wal...

Taking Time To Capture It All
Have you ever just stopped and looked around? You'd be surprised at what you see. I was standing in the rain, in the quiet, surrouded by a...

The Queerest Of The Queer
I saw a leaflet that said Garbage would be playing in Canterbury. I was going to ask my boyfriend if he wanted to go, but never got round ...

War, Books, Necklaces And Computer Trouble
It was around Easter, and a war started very near to my house. Both sides were very cautious about making offensive moves. At the same tim...

Crashing Cars In New York
I was backpacking in America, and ended up staying with this guy who'd originally been a backpacker himself. I was looking at the streets...

Bear Baseball?
so here this goes, i will try and explain it as best as i can. i was at baseball game, but not in the stands, kinda looking at th...

I Shocked The Monkey
I was in the school computer lab, playing that stupid ...

Will I "survive" At College?
I was moving into my dorm at college, however, I was also part of a contest/reality television show like "Big Brother," where a large amou...

Let's See How Many Situations I Can Get Myself Into, Eh?
It started with me being back at my parents house visiting, and I found that my cat ...

I Love His Ex-girlfriends
I had a dream a few weeks ago about my boyfriend's ex-girlfriend. The dream started out with my best friend and I going to Cleveland to s...

Amusement Parks And Music
it started out with my family in a car . . . . we were driving along . . . and off to the side of the road we saw this amuzement park . . ...

I Die And Become A Ghost
I go to a doctor because I have slight pains in my belly. He operates on me at once because it's something really serious but he can't hel...

Always Second Guessing
I was looking at the web site for Ithaca College, my ex-boyfriend's school. I noticed a link to something called the "radio club," and I c...

Around The Campfire
I was watching a performance of "Les Misérables" outdoors, at night, around what appeared to be a giant bonfire. The entire setting was v...

Okay ladies out there, I need to know if I'm weird for dreaming this. Have you ever dreamt this? The night before I start my period, ...

I had a dream (duh) that my friends and I were all on a cruise ship. Carnival Cruise Lines to be exact. I've been on one of those cruise...

Baby-sitters Club?
I picked up a copy of the first Baby-Sitters Club book at the store and started reading it. ...


Hello Handsome
It started when I was entering my dad's resturant. As I walked in there was a new guy I never saw before and he was quite attractive. W...

Walking With You
David and I were walking together down a country road. and then through a field. we were holding hands and then it started to rain. aft...

This is a dream I had when I was about 6 or 7, so I don't know the exact date. I guess you could say that it is your typical fire drea...

The Vampire Armand
I was invited to go to my friend's house, Karla, so we could do a spell to call an oracle to answer some of my questions in life. It was...

Parallel Faces Dragging
Emerald anesthesia. | Passionate disaster. Mind floral blooming wilted. Hesitant forms catch the chill. Somber lying high. And th...

The Amusement Park
In this dream, there was a place. I know that sounds vague, but that's what it was. A place. Actually, now that I remember correctly, t...

i had this dream...i cant really remember it now...i was with some friends and i was going up these stairs towards i dont know what and wh...

Lets Just Call This Part 2 To The Last Dream :-(
Well, I don't know why I keep having these bad dreams about my sweetheart, but I do. Last night we had a really nice evening together, an...

Ghosts, Sex & The Leprechaun
This was a two-part dream. I think I woke up after one and then went back to sleep again. 1 - I’m in a girl band. Very Jo...

I was at a posh restaurant with some people I was supposed to know. The restaurant was simultaneously in a fancy art deco place and on the...

Gemini,please Read This
Dear Gemini, In my dream last night as I peacefully slumbered,I dreamt that there were other fairies watching over me.All kinds of the...

Didn't You Tell Her About Me??? (a Very Bad Dream)
Oh boy...I don't know..maybe I had this bad dream due to it being 4/20 or something..inhaled too much 2nd hand pot smoke or

Fatty Cancer
I don't really remember much about the dream, but I do know that I had cancer. I had a cathater in my heart, and could plug myself up to t...

Graphic Arts
This one's really weird - I dreamed about the guy that sits next to me in graphic arts. And boy was it graphic! He was going down on me, w...

"...i'm Afraid Of The Dark."
I remember a dream I had two nights ago. It involved my boyfriend and my best friend. It isn't really all that interesting, I just feel ...

The End Of The World As We Know It
starts out in a gymnasium where i (but i'm usually not really "me") am with a bunch of other peple and we're singing and playing instrumen...

Lots Of Sex
Wow...what is it with me and the sex dreams lately? And with recognizable people, to. It is a little unerving. Last night I drea...

i had a dream a couple nights ago about beltane or may day. i am wiccan, but this will be my first beltane celebration. anyways, ...

Car Troubles And More
Initially I was driving in my car down a dark road. My lights were on, but I realized that the light that lights up the gas gauge was burn...

Video Games Make Me Cry
This should probably qualify as a fragment...but...oh what the hell There's something to do with a train ride at the beginning, I beli...

Bar-codes And Folk Documentaries
I was working in a store that was something of a mix between a department store and a supermarket. The reason I was there was strongly re...

A Foolish Arrangement
I was playing Monopoly. I really wanted to stop and go to bed, but the game went on and on. Smill, Chris and I went to Katie's ho...

"my Toilet Runneth Over With Love [for *nsync]"
I was in the French classroom. It was incredibly dark and dreary. The walls were all made of dark wood. A person who I have a small cru...

Another Sweet Dream And A Stalker
I was staying with my friend Xye. She lived in a shop. She and I and various members of her family played a computer game. It was a text a...

The Man In The Hood
last night i had this dream that i was running away from something...someone...and it was dark and raining and i couldn't really see excep...

The Dance
I was in art class. Suddenly, our class and a couple others had to go to this other large class room. We were sitting around, when this so...

Stealing Clothes
I am fuming mad because I just found 2 shirts that I had just bought on my sister's bed. They both still had their tags on, and were a bri...

At The Movies
I had been invited to a premiere of Toy Story 3. I was allowed to bring one guest, so I chose my sister. There was nothing special ...

The Episcopal Church
I was on a swim team that practiced every day at a pool that I've actually only been to once -- about eight years ago. My (very) old frien...

A Fish Dream, And The Return Of The Non-existent Sitting Room
In the dream, I woke up at 4am one morning. It soon became clear that the rest of my household had too, so we got up, only to be exhausted...

I Watch Too Much Syndicated Tv.
I was more of an onlooker in this dream than an active participant. It involved the characters from Friends and The Simpsons...

The One With The Person That Drew The Picture Of Hawkeye
I was on a bus to my old school, with 'The Sweeny's' and, for some reason Rammy. But, the bus didn't take the usual route, and we ended up...

Trucks And Bathrooms!
Okay, so these dreams were a little odd...First of all my mom and I were outside and we saw our neighbor that lives across the street. He...

Reading And Getting Myself Kicked Out Of A Salon
Dream begins with me in the car with my friends Anna and Jenne, as we're driving to some high-class salon so that Jenne can get her hair d...

The One Where I With All The Butterflies
I was walking through the graveyard opposite my house with my sister and step-brother. I knew it was teh graveyard, but things were a litt...

The first thing that I saw was a room. It was completely this pale blue color. Almost as if everything in it had been painted that color. ...

Blame Canada!
I was sharing an apartment with Catherine and Charlie (my corridor mates at university) and Laura (although I also have a corridor mate na...

When I Go To New York, I'll Know Not To Spend My Entire Visit In An Elevator.
(Very rough draft. Just some notes so that I won't forget this crazy thing. I'll write up the full explanation later.) Was in New...

Kitchen Fires And Expanding Chests
My family and I had just moved into a different house. I was Amazingly Concerned because the kitchen had the dishwasher, fridge and cooker...

Jimmy Fallon Strikes Again
Despite what some might believe, I am not frighteningly obsessed with Jimmy Fallon. I enjoy him, I do, I'll admit that much. I love to wat...

Travelling Light
Dad, my brother and myself gathered minimal possessions and went to live in a warehouse on an industrial estate in the Ukraine, with a cru...

Speed Racer Is Dead.
I was driving somewhere on my own, at night, and for some reason this made me very proud. I felt independent and accomplished, and I was c...

i am a fish that can turn into a human. my dad is also a fish but he turns into a shark. anyway, when i turn human i am japanese.(i am au...

Designing & Teaching
I had a job that required me to design doors which featured anime as dry transfers in themed sets, and also raised holo lettering of some ...

Look Ma! I'm In O-town!!
I have no idea where my puny brain came up with this one, but it did and I can't help but laugh. The first thing I remember was looking at...

Mermaid Boy
i dreamed i was a mermaid. i could fly though, and i swam in the air. then, one day i met an angel that was flying in the water, and we go...

Pottery Class
I'm not sure exactly how my dream started out, but I remember being in this gigantic yard. I think there was a huge house in the lot that ...

Night School
I was back in high school, though I may have just been there for a visit. I was with my favorite teacher, Mrs. Davis, in the classroom she...

Rem In Rem
The band REM had just released a greatest hits CD, formatted as a CD book. It included all their albums, but instead of the original artwo...

Falling Overboard And Kissing In Shop Class
i dreamt that i was on the way home somewhere, walking or biking (i don't remember), and i stopped at this building that reminded me of a ...

Saving The World By The Power Of Gothicness
I was hanging around at my university with two girls who are also first year mathematicians, and the mother of one of them. The three of u...

Another Dream About Chris
I had a dream that i was lying in bed looking at her getting dressed, when she turns around and says excitedly: "I don't have a big as...

First Online Dream Recording!!!
I actually had a really bad dream a couple nights ago that I would like to record. I was standing on the edge of the road and saw my boyfr...

My Cameo On "survivor"
It was the day we were scheduled to leave for Congrès -- a statewide French competition for high school students. I left gym class and be...

The Dream In Which I Died,but I Didn't Care
I open this dream with what appears to be a blinky light bulb,flashing in the distance.Either it or I keep flashing out,either the light b...

Another Sweet Dream
I was spending a complete day in a house with the girls who were in my year at school. In the evening, the house partially transformed int...

In Which I Become A Whiny Brat
My parents and sister and I were at some sort of clearance sale at a Wal-Mart. It was such a big clearance, in fact, that everybody got to...

A Dangerous Endeavor
keyye dreams: Way after midnight downstairs in the family room, my eyes become adjusted to the dark. I notice outside t...

The War Is On
This dream starts out with a post-field trip (to I don't know where) venture to the mall. One of my teachers takes us there (small group o...

I Go To Lectures, But It's My Subconscious That Needs One
I was at a seminar that took place in a small, comfortable attic room. It was about the Romans settling in Britain. The seminar leader poi...

Friend From Another Planet
I was visiting an online friend of mine (we'll call her "Jenny") who lives out west. I'd been invited to stay at her house for a week, tho...

I Don't Want To Have Sex On The Beach
I was walking down a flight of stone steps that led to a beach, with a woman with short dark hair who was in her late thirties. A bloke ap...

Murder And Sex
I was sleeping, and I woke up to the sound of a gunshot. I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs to see what the noise was, only I wasn't i...

Chased, Raped, Escaped
Was at a school. In the corridors. On my way to class. The lights were on dim, I could not see. Not as good as I wanted to. So ...

Concert, Party, Wifebeating
I think I'll paste the basics of this one from a conversation I had with a friend. me: oh oh me: the dream me: i was gonna tel...

Bryn Succeeds In Fiiiiiinding Sommmmmething Poiiiiiiintierrrr!
A third Guy Ritchie film came out and I went to see it. It was rubbish compared to the first two. The characters from "Lock, Stock and Two...

How My Fanatically Popular Ex Became A Powerpuff Girl
I was in Ithaca, New York, where my former boyfriend Chris goes to college. I was there out of curiosity, because I have no idea what he's...

Apologetic Michelle And The Female Boarders
I went to bed, feeling a bit worried that the office and characters in the story I'd just put on the Internet, ...

I Really Do Depend On My Mobile Phone
I was to meet my friend Marion in the nearby city of Carlisle at 7.30pm so we could see a film that started at 8. My parents drove me ther...

Mr. Tumnus & The Necklace Of Tongues
I was walking through the forrest for some reason, carrying a bow and arrow. There were these humungous green trees everywhere. I saw this...

fire was everywhere. the ashes spread. slowly, and slowly, there was no.... school. everybody was holding faulty lighters, and only one wo...

i had a dream last night about a dream. here goes, i will try and explain it as best as i can. i was lying there in my bed and f...

I was late for a rehearsal in a town about an hour from where I live. I was driving down Route 35 at breakneck speed, trying to make up fo...

Crazy Holiday
I was in a car with my mother but she was simultaneously a young couple who had two children, a boy about two or three and a baby who wasn...

The End Is Coming
This is a dream i had last night, on the first of april. meteors fall to the earth at great speeds, landing safely in the water o...

I was quarantined in my mother's bedroom because something was wrong with me. People thought I was sick and were afraid that they would ca...

Family Party
I was in a house that was meant to be my parents' or someone in the family's but it didn't look right at all. There was a family party hap...

I Watched You Turn.
i was late for lunch. and i went up to a table where there was no trays. so i saw my exboyfriend/bestfriend and asked him where the trays ...

Sweet Dreams (quite Literally)
The windows of the technology block at my old school and the ground between that and the music block kept covering with ice. On a Tuesday ...

I had a collection of dreams last ngiht, parts of which i remmeber, and parts of which i don't. Here goes. I was in a barber sho...

Talking To Sigmund
There was a war on (this is completely irrelevant to what happens in the dream but it is good to set the scene, isn't it?!) I was...

Mixed Up About The Past
Man, it's gotten to here lately I have been dreaming of my past. Well, actually I do that alot. I guess it's cuz that's all I have. Are ju...

That's A Nice Flag You're Wearing.
i had this terribly realistic dream. i hate dreams. it made me wake up at 4:54 and be wide awake for a few moments, with that post-nightma...

Glass Ceilings And Cocktail Parties
I was at a cocktail party trapped under a low glass table, pressed up against the tabletop as if gravity had reversed itself ...

How's My Smiley?
...i dreamt i was in a closet of some sort, sitting all curled up in the dark. the door opens, and ...

Running From Drug Barons
My boyfriend and some other guys (about 6 guys in total) are sitting on a picnic bench playing strip black jack or some strip card game (n...

Why I Don't Spend Spring Break At The Mall
I was on school break and I decided to get a job at the local mall. The speedometer on my car was broken (it is, actually), so I figured I...

Pregnant With Secrets
I was living somewhere in America with my ex-husband Oliver and his [not in real life] girlfriend. She hated me and was always bitchy. One...

Naughty Mice
I had four brown and grey mice in a large perspex box but they kept escaping by floating up to the opening in the lid, then running away. ...

Physics Class
A few notes to start off with: - I've never read neither Anna Karenina (sp?) nor David Copperfield. - I speak French fluently. ...

More Reasons To Avoid Family Vacations
My family was taking a trip to Savannah. We were in my mom's Nissan Altima, with my dad driving, my mom in the front passenger seat, and m...

Last night I dreamed I was so so very preganant. I felt every contractin, my back was killing me and for some reason, Janice was...

Bad Doctor.
I don't remember much of it, except that I had a LOT of Nyqil before bed, and thats prolly why I dreamed it. This weird doctor wi...

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do
I was sitting on my front porch smoking a cigarette (I don't smoke), and my boyfriend from high school appeared. He acted as though I hadn...

Garden Maze
You know how there are those huge walk through garden mazes? Well, I was in it, but it was pitch black. I couldn't see anything, and I w...

Bones, Bones, Bones!
Some doctor who had examined mostly everyone at my school one day (don't ask me why), informed me that I had a "slipped disk" in my spine....

What Do I Hear When I Say I Hear The Call Of The Road?
My friend Emily invited me to her ex-boyfriend Matt's wedding in Savannah, Georgia. I decided I would go, mainly because I wanted to take ...

Patches Reincarnated, On Trial For Murder
My family was on trial for murder. Mainly my mom and dad. People accused us of killing four girls that we did not kill. The day...

Can't Save The Dying
keyye dreams: Guy friend dying with waxy burnt out candles for eyes in his face. His pupils were the stubby remains of t...

Evil Children
I was looking after a blonde 4yo boy who was evil. At first I thought he was just naughty but soon it was clear he was an evil genius. He ...

3 Dreams With Tenuous Connections
Last night I had a series of dreams that were all slightly connected. In one of them, I was living in this apartment complex wi...

i was in this dream world with my love. everything was serene and safe except for one little part of it, but spirits from that part kept ...

A Boy In A Bathtub
Firstly, I was sat in a kind of park thing with Danny, Mark & Ryan (ex boyfriends) and for some reason (I don't know why) I had to pick on...

I was shopping with my best friend from highschool (with whom I haven't spoken to in at least a year now - "irreconcilable differences") a...

Trapped In Cage
keyye dreams: I was trapped with a friend at a place apparently on campus that had lots of junk food and a desert. I at...

I know, I havn't been keeping this thing updated AT ALL. I just haven't felt the need to. However, if a dream means alot to me and it has ...

Home Life?
ok this is one of my more prominent dreams that i remember vivdly im in someone's home (mine, a loved one's, im not sure). me a...

My most recent ex, (who is one of my closest confidants), had invited me over and I really needed to talk about something... But as soon ...

Grilled Cheese And The Magical John Updike
Two things were happening: my former boyfriend Chris was coming to visit, and I was going to a John Updike reading and reception (which I ...

My math professor had taken a bunch of other people and me hostage in her basement. We were tied to chairs and forced to drink day-old co...

Maynard And Boats
Alright . . . . I'm with my family and we're living somewhere completely new. We (my mom, dad and brother) go to this concert type thing a...

One F***** Up School Musical
Since I just finished doing the musicalMeet Me In St. Louis at my school, it's only natural that I have some freaky dream about it ...

Living Forever
It is the birthday of my friend Brian, who is a rather exuberant kind of guy. "So how old are you?" I ask him. He grins...

Your Daughter Is Beautiful
Probably only the second time I've had a dream with ...

Mike The Statistics Master
I have a big statistics test today. Last night I dreamed that ...

Recurrence Of Heart Failure
i've been having the dream way too much. i'm getting scared by it. every time i have this dream, it's a little different, or it will last ...

Friday Night
For some reason I was on this thing that worked like a ski-lift. However, the seat was more like a big swing with a flat bottom (nothing f...

Time Flies When You Have Rollercoasters And A Greeting Card Artist's Wife
I had some sort of free period at school, and decided to leave to go home for a little snack and a break. I go with a random guy that was ...

The Orange Gun
I am listening to laurie's audio journal right now, so this may seem a bit broken. Please deal with me while i work on it. i was...

I play the trombone. Not with an amazing amount of skill or professionalism, but certainly on a regular basis. Lately it, and the people I...

Framed By Junkies
I was staying somewhere with a bunch of crazy junkies who were squatting in the top level of an outdoor multistorey car park, as well as a...

The Inspection, Hey Arnold And Funny Little Star Shaped Octupus
There was some kind of inspection going on at the school and they were going to raid all the students houses to see if they had stolen any...

Scrying With Candles
This one's set back in time . . . during the witch trials and such . . . This dream, I'm not a part of, but I'm watching it...

Roommates, My Brother And Beer
I'm living in an old victorian style house . . . Kristi and Andrew are my two roommates there . . . Kristi's away for some reason . . . ...

at school . . . looked more like a cross between Will C Wood and the oceanside campus of Mira Costa . . . I was taking a bus around the ca...

Killing A Memory
A bit of a background to the dream. I had a brother named Matt who died two and a half years ago. He was 12 when he died and...

A Quest For A Toilet
Apparently, I was going to be performing -- singing -- at some event later in the day, so I had dressed up. Something I never do unless f...

Ryan Smith And Elly My Kitten
Interesting Dream. I was returning to this University after Spring Break and I'd forgotten where my Res. Room was. I wandered ar...

He Just Disappeared
i had a dream that i was in a crowd with ...

Do It Yourself Drug Testing
I dreamt I went in for my Durg test that I have to get done for my new job, and they were too busy to do it, so they gave me a do it your...

My dream starts out with James Bond running away from some guy who is trying to kill him. It feels almost like I am him, but still a bit l...

Johnny Depp And The Evil Blonde Sorority Hooch
Someone hit Johnny Depp over the head while he was in the bathroom, and he dragged this guy out of the stall and started beating him up. I...

Why Am I Always Dreaming About Having Children Lately???
I was pregnant and I had just told Bryan. We had to go to a barbeque that night and his mother was giving a lecture. My cell phone st...

Keanu Reeves
Setting/background: In the dream, I have a friend who just left her husband, and both of them moved out of their house which looked very s...

My Dying Car
My boyfriend and I were heading out to go camping in Sudbury (I live in Toronto). We get into the car, and I start driving really far unti...

The Unmasked Ex
I was on what was supposedly a "class trip," but the people on the trip with me were from all times and places in my life. There were some...

In my dream, something was wrong... horribly wrong. I was crying hysterically. I wanted to commit suicide. The emotions in this dream were...

Self Serve Incompetency
Did you know that if you have 10 items or less, you can choose the "self serve" option at Target checkout lines? Swipe your own credit ca...

Portuguese Hairdressers
I was looking through the address book in my planner and realized I had two Portuguese hairdresser places listed there, and for some reaso...

Swat Team Premonitions
Some terrorist kids came by and told me that they had set up a bomb in an elevator shaft and that it would go off in 15 minutes. I decide...

The Day He Cared
I have the impression this was a very long and detailed dream, but I can only remember pieces. I was in a trip with some of my friends, an...

Red Clay Canyon
keyye dreams: I was exploring a red clay canyon that had once been a river bed that long since had been dammed. It was ...

I'm sitting in the old car, Brigid and Ryan are next to me, sleeping. I hear Angela and Maurine talking in the front seats, Joe is wearing...

I'm sitting in the Markham's old car, Brigid and Ryan are next to me, sleeping. I hear Angela and Maurine talking in the front seats, Jo...

Jumping In A Pool With All My Clothes On
I forget how the dream started, but the first location I remember is the auditorium from my elementary school. (I happened to have visited...

Dubya And Krispy Kremes
So I think I worked for George W. Bush, although I have no idea why, and I KNEW he had some insanely evil plan to conquer the world, so I ...

Jimmy Fallon Doesn't Think I'm Funny.
In last night's dream, little of which I can remember at all, I was with a large group of people getting instructions from SNL cast member...

I was standing in a big room with trez and everyone was singing. and i thought i heard davis and terpe singing. but i said "no, they're ...

Trying To Forget Your Name
Chris and I had had a baby, but since we'd broken up, he took custody of it (him? her? I think it was a girl, so I'll refer to it a...

Justin Timberlake Babysat My Neighbours
What is it with this..predominantly *NSYNC theme to my dreams lately, eh? I did not listen to any *NSYNC before going to bed last night, b...

Spelunking With Grade School Friends
me and a large group of my old friends went out hiking. these are people that i haven't talked to since middle school, or even before. we ...

I vaguelly remember ...

The Tribe Has Spoken
I was on Survivor. The strange thing about this dream, though, was that I was an outside observer rather than myself. I was watchin...

No Dreams.
Well, since this is a dream diary, I thought I'd point out that I have *not* dreamed for the past 2 nights which is really unusual for me....

Lost Souls
So here's the scene . . . I'm well . . . me . . . and I'm in my room at my house that I'm in now . . . and I'm getting ready to move . . ....

Shock That Monkey
I'm at work and I walk up to's liek a week from now i thnk...anyway i walk up to him and.. "hi" "hey" "how are you" "al...

You Cant Resist Me
So i'm walking in the hallway and i'm capable of walking normally but i'm not lookign where i'm going and i run smack into Chris...

At The Auto Show
keyye dreams: I was at an auto show looking at cars. I stop in front of a rundown, dirty, olive green 1933 fixer-upper....

Shopping Centre
I was in a shopping centre watching a documentary on some type of schooling, something French, where higher classes can see into lower one...

School And Drill Uniforms
I was at school . . . I think it was WCW (my first high school) . . . which is sorta weird 'cause in the dream, I was on the drill team fr...

Shakespeare, Kung Fu, And The Manhattan Countryside
I was at the Governor's Honors Program, which I did actually attend for six weeks during the summer of 1997, when I was seventeen. ...

In This Dream, My Name Was Rachel
Everyone from my family was in this dream but I wasn't nessecarily related to them. We lived on this...this forest that was 6 acres big. ...

Pop Bottle Rocket And The Static Cling Disease
i had this dream last night that i made a rocket out of a pop bottle and i fell in love with the captain. our rocket crashed into my room ...

Babies Grow So Fast...
I was a mother, and I had a son. I was at my parents house (the grandparents now) and he was running about the house. I also had a baby da...

Last night though, I dreamed I was making out with Lance from *NSYNC and right when I was convincing him it was okay to go for home base s...

I was standing in the living room of a blonde womans home. She was terrified, I understood her fear. There was a very angry presence in t...

I was sitting in class, staring out the window when I got the sudden urge to fly.. I get up and walk over to the window.. Then I turn into...

I was sitting in class, staring out the window when I got the sudden urge to fly.. I get up and walk over to the window.. Then I turn into...

"so I'm Standing In This Rye Field..." And Other Bad Literary Allusions.
I was at my apartment, sitting at my computer. I dared to look at my former boyfriend Chris's website, which I usually tend to avoid. The ...

I was at the beach with some friends, and we were out really far swimming around, and all of a sudden there was this huge balck motion com...

I was out on a boat with my stepdad, and it wasn't just any sail boat . . . it was one of those huge wooden boats, like from back in the 1...

I Will Survive Even If I Have To Burn Down Your Place To Do It.
In a dream last night, I was on a beach type resort. My family was there on vacation and my dad was there. Every time he would try to talk...

Why I Avoid Family Vacations
My family was going on a trip with my grandparents. I was home from college to prepare for the vacation. My mom did my laundry for me, and...

The Forgotten Sister
I was sitting on a bed in what looked like a dorm room. I was with Carolyn and Sara, two people I worked with during the summer of 1999. C...

Home Invasion
I was at my parents' house, and we were about to go on vacation. Before we left, though, we decided to take in a very large Mexican family...

The Flying Train
I have had problems being myself in my dreams lately. In this dream, I had assumed the role of a girl whose journal I read online. She/I w...

The Realm Of The Dead
It started with me and a friend just hanging out with two guys in their car . . . then we decide to split up . . . my friend would go with...

Nelly, A Big Escape And My Grandparents
Somehow I lived in this ghetto complound with all these gangsta rappers that were all like "playa, no mo'" and "I'm'ma bus a cap in yo' as...

Was This A Zach File?
Zack (of The Zach Files, but much older or was i much younger?) had a crush on me. So did his rival (not Vernon, some other guy named Pet...

Let's Just Be Friends
I was in my ex-boyfriend Chris's dorm room in Ithaca, New York. I had no idea what I was doing there, or even how I had gotten there. Thou...

Drowning Car
I was somewhere on the east coast visiting with a friend . . . and my roommate and her boyfriend were with me, and my brother somehow show...

Killing Demons
Killing Demons? Not hardly, but they are coming after me with a shampoo bottle . . . . well it was a rock first until I trie...

Tom's Child
For some time now I have had feelings for one of my classmates and friends. I'll call him Tom. Last night I had an exceedingly strange dre...

Lucid Dreaming
We were in a car accident, my mother deliberately backed us straight into a giant snow drift. We noticed that our Aunt and Uncle live...

Physics Shoes
I was taking the physics class that I had been taking last semester and dropped 'cause I didn't have the time to put into it. ...

Lung Cancer
Last night I dreamt I had lung cancer (prolly in relation to my recent TB scare) and I was dying. Had not very long to live. I p...

Tower Trap
Nader and I repeatedly make our way up inside a tower only to come crashing back down. The tower seems to be a highly advanc...

Amusement Parks
my family and I had just decided to go to some amuzement park. We're there and we go to some show on dinosaurs that they have, then wander...

I was competing at Boston NATS. It was my turn to go in front of the judges. I prepared myself to begin my first song, and then suddenly I...

Being Famous
I was somebody famous, impersonating somebody famous or had somehow been mistaken for somebody famous. I was somewhere with my b/f to star...

Setting/Background: I'm living in a house similar to mine now, though it's a little bit different structurally. Dana and Kristi are both a...

People Of The Present Ina Place Of The Past
I find myself somewhere that reminds me of Vacaville (the town in Northern California where I grew up), and I find myself thinking about D...

Hamster Club
i was at school except it wasn't school and i decided to join the extracurricular activity, "hamster club". we all had pet hamsters (i don...

Want To Get A Book?
In my dream I was working in the library. It wasn't as the library normally is. But, anyways...we were getting a new book in Friday. ...

Heart Failure
i've been having this recurring dream that i'm sick and the doctors can't figure out why or what's wrong with me. in this dream i'm in the...

The Masochist Strikes Again
My family was having a reunion. In reality, we have a very small extended family, but in the dream there were people there from all over t...

Mall Madness
For the spring semester, classes at my school had been moved from the academic buildings on campus to a mall, which looked like a skyscrap...

Bike Tire
i was at a party or something of the nature with my parents. mom was dressed up in an anne taylor outfit of hers. then i got on a bike tir...

Scary Adam Dream
I have not dreamed about ...

Hanging With Antonio

Strange Friends
I was dreaming that i was @ my b/f's birthday party which is saturday and his friends were there,(which i haven't met yet since he juss mo...

'beautiful Children' Resort Mcdonalds
I was in a resort that was built like the walls of a stadium; there were buildings built practically on top of each other, a...

Uh-oh I'm Dead Again!
The last two nights I have had a dream about my own death. The first night all I remember is that I died. Then, last night I went to my ...

Charmed And Lost Souls
I was going out with my friend and her family for her 18th birthday . . . I remember it being the 18th birthday . . . but the part of the ...

Fish And Spiders
The only thing I remember from it is that I was sitting on my bed trying to get dressed, and I had two containers on the bed with me . . ....

there was this little girl wearing a green dress playing with blocks on a wooden floor. everything around her was black. This silver cat w...

i was in the parking lot of this park i used to play soccer in and i saw my old best friends mom and little brother. it was 8:30 according...

Isn't In Lovely Being Hit By A Truck?
All I remember about this dream is that I was going to Lee's party, another one I suppose and everyone was going. It was like I had been t...

ok. this is my first entry. so yeah.......... there's this guy i'm currently 'obsessed' with. named nick. (i took a...

Two Totems
I dreamed last night that I was in a biology class, and that we were feeding one of my totem animals to another. (A totem is ...

I had a dream. Obviously. it was about Shawn. he asked Samantha out. i cried. and cried. and ended up crying some more. what does this mea...

I haven't had a drream i could remeber for a while. my dreams are always usually messed upp so u'll wanna read it. maybe if i load up on ...

i had a dream. that ian died and everybody lived happily ever after. woohoo. wee-hee....

We Be Hangin' In Sex Ed, Yo.
I was in my Human Sexuality class, and my usual professor, the ultra-cool Tammy, had her position revoked because she was late to class to...

my dreams are always so weird, and never make sense and are always confusing. so this is just one part of my dream from this morning. ...

Cheerleader Wars
I was at school I guess, in the gym locker room just sitting there wearing all black and stareing blankly in front of me. ...

I don't know, I haven't had a dream yet (obviously) but I have a huge feeling that I am going to have a really weird one tonight. I don't...

Fairytale Come True
I was in a house on the beach that had huge windows in the front. The water was right at the edge of the house, and if this had been real ...

The Psychotic Psychologist
I went to see my old therapist, Jill, mainly just to appease my psychiatrist, who has been bugging me to go back to weekly cognitive-behav...

Blowjobs And Tom (in Completely Seperate Situations!)
well this was a very sexual dream so i guess it means one of two things...either im too dirty or im too horny. anyways... ...

God damnit, I swear if ...

D R E A M #1
my neighbors are moving this spring. in tha dream, my friend Lindsey waz sleeping over and my neighbors were moving that day. they were pa...

So It Goes
My grandma was dying. Everyone in the family thought so. My mom decided that she and my dad and my sister and I should take a vacation for...

Being Stuck In A Calcutta Airport: Priceless
Upon realizing that I had a grand total of $78 among my checking account, my savings account, and cash, I decided that I would still take ...

Saying Goodbye
I don't remember the whole dream exactly, but I remember more than enough to just put this one in the fragments. I dreamt that ...

Wierd Dream
i was running and i fell down ...

Babies And Birthday Parties
So I had this creepy dream last night. I was the same age I am now, and I had a kid. His name was Max, and he was about 2 years old. It di...

A Nacho Cheesier Reconciliation
My online pal Mike was the owner of a store devoted to the art of foot fetishes. My friend Emily and I went to visit him. As we walked in,...

The Weirdness Continues
The dream I had last night was just awful. Actually every dream I have these days are awful. Anyways, back to the dream. Well, I dreamt I ...

Collecting Trophies And Strange Happenings
we were driving around in a car. ...

The Third Death Dream In A Row
Okay, it starts with me waking up on the couch in the living room, I got up and walked into my room and started climbing my latter to my b...

Missing The Plane
I was watching something SF where a woman had a large, unrealistic-looking white camcorder and she filmed something, then gave it to a guy...

A Trip To The Arcade
i dreamt last night that it was summer. i was going to the arcade with tyler and tyler's friend max. my mom was crying when i left, but sh...

In my dream, I am in my apartment, in the bathtub. The entire bathtub is filled wth blood, my blood. I can feel myself getting weaker and ...

Das Tretboot!
Das Tretboot trieb auf den Wellen von ihnen weg. Er küsste sie wieder. Sie blieb ganz ruhig, öffnete ihren Mund und bewegte wie verschlafe...

Temptation Farm
I'm detained by a doorman, who is Addy (a person I knew in high school.) Smart, cocky, unconvinced. I do well and persuade my way i...

The Rummage Sale That Wasn't
My family was cleaning out their house. They decided they were simply going to throw away everything they didn't want anymore. I begged th...

Sour Grapes
keyye dreams: hung out with justin, a guy from my highschool, then leave to take care of a little adventure. when i com...

Last night/this morning I dreamt that my mom had a baby. A little boy, we named him Julian. He had a fringe of black hair and the bluest ...

Theres this girl, with long brown hair, and this simple, but pretty white dress walking down this path in a deserted forest. The whole woo...

Ex-boyfriend Dream #4007
Chris and I were at a grocery store together. Apparently it was a few months after the breakup, and we had decided to become friends. It w...

In Which Crackbaby Lives In The Guelph House And I Get A Lip Peercing
Last night I dreamed ...

In my dream, it was Susanna, Me, Brian (from Birmingham), and some other people. We were at my grandparents cabin (they don't own a cabin....

Forgetful Me
I had come home from college for a day to visit my psychiatrist. When it was time to return to school, I put my backpack and duffel bag in...

Polar Bear

i had this very very bad dream about something very very bad that i didnt want to happen. and i was running away from it and trying to fin...

Sneaky Rendez-vous
I dreamed that I was very rich and lived in a beautiful house with my parents that was about as big as a castle, but modern and technologi...

My Own Little Dream
I had a dream that i sat in david's lap, and he actually liked it. i put my arms around his neck, and he put his arms around my waist, and...

I was at school, it was different though. The walls were dark, and the floor was black with holes in it. There was this big deamon thing w...

In my dream, I had an entire mouthful of pills that I was trying to take all at once. They started to dissolve in my mouth. The bitter tas...

Open Up Your Head For Me, Love
I am alone and I get off a train with a suitcase i can hardly carry. From a platform I look out at the station everything has that glow, ...

OK. I was at Michell's house. And so was Heather and Ashley. Michell apparently lived with her parents, and her dad came home, drunk, ...

Crime And Punishment
I didn't know what I did wrong, but I was now sitting in a classroom style area, alone, facing a blank chalkboard. I could see uniformed p...

How 'bout No Longer Being Masochistic?
I went to an Alanis Morissette concert with my roommate Laura. She recently bought Alanis's Unplugged CD and has been listening to it almo...

I Am A Tree
Weird. Weirdest dream I've ever had! I was in my room, when I was transported to this weird bonfire thing where all of my grade eight...

In my dream, a friend of mine had killed himself. But instead of there being one funeral at one church, there were funerals for him at eve...

I Had A Terminal Disease
My mother and her sister were telling me, "You know you've got a terminal disease, don't you?" They were sitting at my mother's o...

People I Know, My Aunty The Whore, The Cemetary And Dante Something
I was at my Nan's and in the dream I was fighting with my aunty like I am in real life. Well she was telling me that I should really forgi...

At Home Again
I was sitting in my mother's room showing her a picture in the newspaper of Brendan, under a headline about people who used to be celebrit...

Wild Wild West
Driving into a small western town. It's got that 'Ghost Town' feel to it. Feels like I've been driving for days. Something in the back of ...

Birthday Bust
It was my twenty-first birthday, and I was hanging out with my family instead of partying with friends. In the dream, I never questioned w...

That night, boi had called me on the phone IRL. He almost broke up with me, and I was devastated and pretty sure he'd end it all the n...

Mud And Cougars
Driving a WWII jeep around. It got stuck in the mud. But it was a jeep, so I just went back and forth a few times until it clawed through ...

Big Time Shopper
I was going to the mall in my hometown for an after-Christmas sale. I hadn't planned on getting there so early, but it turned out that I w...

I went on a date the night before, and I had a dream about him. It was scary in a way, and just generally not good. All I can reme...

With Crossed Fingers I Lie
It was another one of those days. I had been out in the rain and was soaked through to the bone. I managed to get to my apartment and insi...

Would You Like Fries And A Hooker With That?
I was visited at my parents' house by a guy I've known online for a while. He's fairly annoying, and our e-mail correspondence is basicall...

Food And Flying
I’m in a restaurant I had just finished my meal and was waiting for the waiter to bring me the bill but he was busy with another customer ...

I feel like I'm spinning around and around... I'm falling. There's knives everywhere, I feel my blood drainging from me. I'm on the ground...

I feel like I'm spinning around and around... I'm falling. There's knives everywhere, I feel my blood drainging from me. I'm on the grou...

Driving Around
Auntie kerry, auntie yvonne and auntie Rihan were here looking through pictures. I had an asthma attack. We went to auntie yvonne and unc...

Falling Into Niagra Falls
I had a dream where my mother and were visiting Niagara Falls. We decided to take a helicopter ride over the falls. For some reason, my ...

My Car
Its was a L shpaed allly, the buildings were brick I was in the right side of the L shped ally. My car was parked facing the corrner of t...

At Work
woke up and was watching fish swim in a fish tank next to the bed. went to work, but the gym was in the crafters marketplace plazza. ins...

Living In A Big House
I was in a house that was full of people who apparently lived there -- lots of people. There were renovations going on and people were cut...

"say it again" -- "again tupper" "what are you gonna do if i do" "i will fucking hit you if you say it again" "sure yo...

Fireworks And Family Pets
I am in some kind of adult education class where they are teaching us to use fireworks correctly. There is a large board covered with a fe...

I had a jumbled dream last night, but I remember the mountains I saw. I lay back in the snow and I looked really hard and I could see...

A Little Trip
My dad and I were at this volcano and there were these little pools of lava and people were in them. I geuss it was like a hot tub or somt...

A Little Trip
My dad and I were at this volcano and there were these little pools of lava and people were in them. I geuss it was like a hot tub or somt...

Avoiding Various Enemies.
I’m with a group of people I don’t know who they are but we all seem to be friends. We are living somewhere very high up (on top of a moun...

I've had this one many times, it's different each time... I was in my bed, reading a book, when I heard a car door slam. I look ...

I've had this one many times, it's different each time... I was in my bed, reading a book, when I heard a car door slam. I look ...

Auntie Kerry And Nana
was in my aunts house standing by the island next to the rocking chair and i thought i saw auntie kerry at the stove, but then i turned ar...

A Poem Of Tears
The Last Tear I knew you had left bcause you said good-bye But i couldn't get over the way you i will always be h...

A Poem Of Tears
The Last Tear I knew you had left bcause you said good-bye But i couldn't get over the way you i will always be h...

At A Club W/ Friends
i was at a party, and ...

I Danced Barefoot For *nsync
Last night I dreamed I was at an outdoor *NSYNC concert and I changed in an ugly bathroom and wore no shoes and danced like a maniac. ...

Wiccan Country Line Dancing
keyye dreams: I was shopping with my roommate and friends, but i was trying to put on a black bra underneath all my clot...

Running 2002 Cont.
After the running deal, I ended up at school. all through the halls, people were singing or/and playing the opening song from Sabrina. i g...

Running (2002)
I remember running throught a forest with a bunch of other people, having to jump over logs and trying not to get my foot snagged on anyth...

Jen And The Parade (alternate Ending)
i had the dream about ...

i was on some sort of talk show or something, and i got into a discussion with halo16 about death. i didn't know what to make of it. i sta...

Imprisoned In Fire
i was at my am. hist teacher's *mr. wheeler* house for some reason, and it was just off of 7th st. *fairly close to my house* i don't thin...

Cut to: I'm standing on some sort of porch, looking out over a beach scene. Some man I don't know is standing next to me. I look towar...

Cut to: I'm standing on some sort of porch, looking out over a beach scene. Some man I don't know is standing next to me. I look towar...

Three Lost Girls, In A Few Years With Geoff
it was late spring, early summer, *prolly about may or june* kinda warm, like 65-70 degrees. very comfortable. i was living in the same lo...

Every Night Is Ladies' Night At The Crab Shack
("Do you and your ex-boyfriend attend the same college?" my psychiatrist asked me yesterday. "No," I said. "He goes to Ithaca Col...

I had a dream, that ihad two more dogs. Two Dasha Samoyeds, one black, one white. I don't even know if Black Dasha Samoyeds exist! Maybe i...

Pieces Of You
i had a dream last night that he told me he loved me. ...

if you only really cared. if you only felt the way i do. about you a lot. you cant talk to me the way you talk to her. you like ...

Dun Dun Dun
im dressed in all red. i walk toward him he lookes at me with eyes that make me melt, i embrace his warm body, then he runs his hand aroun...

A Little Intro...
welcome to my little dream book. a few little notes about my dreams: * i dream in color. i know i do, and i know that not many peop...

Witches Of The Lake
I am standing inside of a camp on a lake with my two "sisters" behind me. We are working a spell together that involves making metal bend ...

i dreamed that every ...

me and my parents went on a roadtrip of sometype until we came to an apartment complex, where my new apartment was. it was realllllly nice...

I am a vampire, created by god to move in the world of the vampires. There is also a C of E group that follows vampires about to "keep t...

I Had Mad Sex
I had mad sex with a girl. it was pretty exciting the wierd thing was that i had sex with the same girl the next night I am ...

Atlantic City
One day, my family and I went to Atlantic City. There, we went diving underwater on the boardwalk for shells. The water flooded the Sands ...

dreams are harder to remember than i thought. ...

One Of The Few
I don't remember the face that graced my presence that one night. There was a dream that I remember perfectly and to this very day, I sti...

Leigh Kissing A Girl, I'd Like To See That...
Ok so last nite I had a dream that I was up at the oval and I dragged this guy down with me and as I was coming near the "S" block, Hannan...

Leaving On A Jet Plane
i unexpectedly recieved a gift from lizard in the mail, a one day ticket to new mexico. i walked off the plane and into her arms and i ...

Am I Going Insane?
Ok, this dream happened about a week ago but I'm putting it in anyway. I remember sitting on a couch with Nick Carter from the BSB. I'm te...

There was this man following me in this really bright forest, everthing had that bright green glow to it. I was going to tell him to stop ...

Friendship #3
A very pivotal dream. It was my birthday, and I was holding a large masquarade to celebrate. I own this huge house, and I stand ...

Friendship Dream #2
We were all sitting in a circle, and ...

Friendship Dream #1
a couple nights ago, i dreamed that paul came up to me, exclaiming how it was too bad we never talked anymore. suddenly, he wasn't shy. he...

Purity Dream #1
all i remember is going standing next to a white picket fence, with a car right next to me. someone handed me a cigarette, and not knowing...

Cat Dream #2
this time, i'm playing outside with my brother and my mom is watering the garden, etc. it's hot out, like it's been these past few days. i...

Kitty Dream #1
ok, well in this dream, i was inside the house, and i was looking out the window at our deck. it was pitch black outside, except for the p...

Fire Dream #1
i don't remember most of it. my mom was lecturing me, and i don't know what about. i was listening when suddenly i smell smoke. i look aro...

Lil Bro And The Scam Artists
My brother and I are very different. I'm pragmatic, and he's a tad gullible. I dreamed that we were adolescents again, an...

2 Dementional World Of Fake
I am the only thing that is real. everything else is cartoon... 2 dementional world of fake. I'm in the jungle. some kind of sufari. we ar...

Mountains Of Plaster
watching myself sleep from inside my tie-dye wall hanging of thebeatles... I'm in john lennons hair in a section thats all bright red ...

Stealing A Gameboy
The number 1 thing on my christmas list last year was a gameboy, so one night i had the wierdest dream that I was in a mall w/ sarah and w...

Pseudo Revenge On The Ex
I was in my ex-boyfriend Chris's dorm room, which looked like my younger sister's bedroom with Chris's dorm furniture in it. I wasn't sure...

Okay So Well I Have No Idea What This One Means

New Years Eve Party
i'm at a new years eve party. it's being held in a pool for some reason. it's sectioned off, the shallow end is a bunch of kids all in swi...

Jen And The Parade
i watched the wall again before i went to bed. *i got it for christmas from my little brother* there's a scene in there that was a parade ...

Making Out
I'm at this party, hanging out with my a few of my guy friends, Carlos (or David), Leeland, and Chris G. I can't tell you the whole dream,...

Holiday Party Reject Extraordinaire
I was at a party, though I knew I was there against my will. I was wandering around, observing people and just trying to kill time. I felt...

In Which I Killed Allan And Dropped His Head
It was ...

Serevina, Church, And Bink
I remember this dream in fragments. ... I was carrying Bink's cage around the city at night. I was trying to hide him f...

Honors House And Penquins
keyye dreams: I was at the honors house in a lush woodland forest. I walk through exploring, and hear people talking ou...

The Time Is Out Of Joint
It was October of 2000 and my then-boyfriend Chris had come to visit me for fall break. In reality, I went to see him in New York in Octob...

Hairdryer Threats
keyye dreams: i was walking through a crowded indoor place like a school until i was able to break free and walk peacefu...

Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone?
last nite i had a dream that i killed myself. it was so weird and shocking but it could've been so the dream i don't think my d...

Old Illustrated Fushia Storybook
keyye dreams: In a little house with purple, almost fushia, walls out of a children's book written and illustrated in th...

My Poor Penguin Died!
I had this dream on Chrissie Day when I had a rest during the day. Well Lee and me decided to wag, but my mum knew about it. Go figure. So...

Dreams Of Her
i dreamt of her last night of all the times we've shared like the sleepovers at her place, or mine like wildcat den, or maquok...

I Can't... Breathe...
saturday nite i had a dream that i was at the pool and being attacked by this boy thing who was bigger then me. i was in the water when he...

Sheesh, Elizabeth, This Is Goood Stuff, Isn't It?
I was in Europe, and I was best friends with Elizabeth Hurley, so I was hanging out at her house. Her house wasn't very big or nice at...

Wainting For The Bus
I`m standing outside ...

Tv Heroines Don't Get Dumped For Gay Guys, Do They?
The dream began when my ex-boyfriend Chris and I were still together. He had come to visit me, and the two of us were in the university bo...

Scorpions Haunt Me
I was leaving work, taking the elevator to the exit. The elevator and everyone in it were perfectly normal, except there was a web, wi...

Maaaaaaaaat!!! Maaaaaaaaaaaat!
That's the noise a goat makes, by the way. It was a short dream. I had gone to america to visit Sue, and the dream started as we ...

Violet Eyes
the sun is hot. it beats down on me. the sun's red light covers the sand and me and this man. the sand moves on its own ... like water...
i dreamt about mr wonderful last nite. i refuse to say his name. it makes me feel paranoid. kind of. he was in my room. making some so...

Kill 'em All
i dreamt i killed the whole student body. *except for a few people, that i had to warn beforehand* the ...

Middle School And Hairclips
Dream: A bunch of young guys (one being Sprouts) i knew from around the pool wanted me to go back to middle school with them to v...

Green Rug
it was another day at the sturdivants and I was... on the ground. laying flat near the door to the deck... I am the rug! green, braided, w...

Blind Date In The Shower
I dreampt that someone signed me up for this matchmaker thing. The first date was to take place in a shower. For some reason I wasn't nerv...

A Giant Feet Fiasco.
it was the first day of school back from winter vacation. i was in the office, which is the office from my first elementary school s chris...

Church And The Light
I remember this dream in fragments. ... In the Salt Lake City tabernacle. ...

Vacation Is All I Ever Wanted
at my school, at the end of the year the 8th grade takes a trip to the chesapeake bay. wooee. feel the excitement in the air. but anyway, ...

Phoenix Angel
i was in the bathtub. there were candles lit everywhere, the lights were out, there was incense burning....a very sensual scene. for some ...

The Plate Of Sashimi
This dream was influenced heavily by a fanfic I read on the internet, and by my own innate psychosis. Read on, my guinea pigs: I...

Part Five
there are four other parts to this dream. i separated them because it would have been insane to try to get it all into one page. ...

i had a dream that i was hanging out with rory from the impossibles. and i told him how sad i really was about tom. and how much i miss hi...

Holiday Cheer
My friend Emily and I are at a Borders Books and Music over the holidays, and we're eating lunch at the cafe there. I get up to go to the ...

Part Four
there are four other parts to this dream. i separated them because it would have been insane to try to get it all into one page. ...

My reoccuring dream involves you at the end of a hallway. The hallway goes on forever. ...

The Harvestor
I was in a black field burned to the ground walking under a clear night sky with my head held high wearing a heavy, ankle length s...

Part Three
there are four other parts to this dream. i separated them because it would have been insane to try to get it all into one page. ...

A Girl I Never Knew (pt 1)
i didnt know i knew her. for privacy's sake, i'll call her sophia. truth is, i knew of sophia, but i didn't know her personally. but in th...

Vacation With Felines
My family is going on a vacation. We leave with no pets, because IT'S A VACATION. While we are on the trip, however, cats just keep po...

What Dreams May Come
I'm at ...

Bellybutton Modification
I had my navel pierced at the shop in Greeley where I got my two tattoos done. The man cut into my navel twice, making something that loo...

Part Two
there are four other parts to this dream. i separated them because it would have been insane to try to get it all into one page. ...

Part One
it's an early winter's night. the sky is a purplish orange, and the falling snow glitters in the glare of the street lights below. it is a...

River Of Red
well ther was a man in a maze and he was crying and I wanted to give him a hug but I couldn't move because I was tangled up in these vines...

I Never Said Goodbye
i tried i tried i swear i'm sorry it happened again i fell asleep with the hopes of pleasant dreams i know it was ...

Waking Up Asleep
I dreamt last night that I was getting ready for bed. As soon as I put my head down on the pillow in my dream, my Real Life alarm clock we...

Twice By You
these dreams fill my head what do they mean i was killed four times last night twice by you it scares me because i kno...
i was trying to get to the concert in milwaukee. i was trying very hard. but somehow i ended up at camp, wandering through the forest. i c...

Before I write about my dream, i want to tell you something. I have never once remembered a dream before, in my life, and this one I did, ...

The Witch, The Shop, And The Superhero.
It started in a store type thing in the olden days. Me and some other girl where running away from a witch, but we ended up stumbling into...

A Moody Dream. Stuck In A Ring.
i had a very winter dream last night. sometimes this happens- i dont remember specifics, but i dream moods instead... i remember matt d. ...

I was tying a rubber band around my forearm when this dream started. I then proceded to take the needle filled with morphine to it and...

Metaphysical Spy Movie
I dreamed that I was a spy in a James Bond movie, (the 90's James Bond, not the ones that starred Sean Connery), and that I was with...

Red And Orange
I have a dress that is long and moves like its weightless. bright red and orange... the hem is made of flames and I have to move like I'm ...

Seniors Return
i was trying to call jacqueline in cleveland. even though i havent talked to her in a while. and i could never get through on the phone ...

White Marsh Parking Lot
keyye dreams: Walking on the sidewalk along a parking lot of The Avenue at White Marsh, i noticed in the dark cloudy gre...

Last night, I dreamed I was on the Titanic...but it didn't was it....... ...

The Death Of Rebecca
Bishop Gardner's daughter, Rebecca, died. I don't know how. I went to the funeral, which was held in the lecture hall where I have geogr...

this is a slightly old dream, simply because i forgot i had this account. anyway. here goes. i dont really remember how it starte...

First Kiss.
There wasn't much to the dream but it still doesn't take anything away from the significance of it. Just me and Scott, so what else ma...

Man Of My Dreams

Mother Daughter Camp
I dreamed that for some reason I had misbehaved and was sent to a Mother-Daughter camp for disobedient daughters. ...

Jp's Video Game
there was a lot more to this dream, and the scene right before this involved running around in snow, it was fun! we're not that far south ...

Meditating Among The Monks
I dreamt that I felt empty inside and wanted to go and meditate in a tibetan (?) temple to find myself again. So I went to T...

Revisionist History
i was marching in finals. but it wasnt finals. there were only about ten people in the stands, and they were all camp counselors. We di...

Random Scene Changes
i found this written down in a notebook i overlooked, so until i archive some of these, its going to be out of order for a while. ...

Book Riots
All across the city there were riots at all the bookstores, people throwing books out the windows and picketing and chanting slogans about...

Killer Dolls
I have reoccuring dreams very often about dolls trying to kill me and hurt me etc.. I'm not sure the day that they started, so I'll just m...

Mystery Theatre With Alien
keyye dreams: I got word through the grapevine that i should visit greg. I figured travelling away from the eastern sho...

Paint The Sky With Bricks And Fire
keyye dreams: we were walking to a highschool through neighborhoods, slightly nervous and aware of the surroundings. we ...

It Changed My Mind
i was real stressed about something, and i went into the band room to sort things out. i was looking for my friends because they are alwa...

Horses And Swimming... Hmmm...
last nite's dream was fucking WEIRD! i dreamnt that ncs was actually a boarding school where we raced horses all the time. so presumably t...

Unicorns, Death, Still Crying When I Woke Up.
I am at my cousins house, and there is a big family gathering. As often happens, it isn't on purpose, just everyone seems to be visiting a...

I Love You(justin Dream)
"why are youa cting liek this" "what" she turns to face him "you know what" silence "lookat me!" he turns with tears in his e...

well i had this dream. about someone. who im not really supposed to dream about. in my dream, i was really sick. like dying. and i was...
i had a dream that i was on a survival trip with my skool. we were at this place, and we were learning to climb up one of these rock wall ...

Am I Popular Enough Yet?
I was outside sitting with one of my closest girlfriends at a table on the porch of Santa Cruz Coffee Roasting Company, wearing ...

Lost Hair And A Hole In My Head
[I guess the dream itself was longer and this is really a fragment, but since it was shocking enough to keep me wondering about it, I'm m...

Let Me Go!
I dreamnt that I escaped from a boot camp in Upstate New York, and so I ran away to NYC. So I was walking down the Ave. of the Americas an...

Night Rave At The Zen Garden
There was a micro-rave with ambient/tribal djs, only about 200-300 people, at this Zen Garden I used to go to as a child. ...

Animated Webisodes
I had this dream..and I was in this..weerd alter reality, but I had a computer and the internet and my sister was there. ...

Love And Skateboards
ok, katie, lawler and i were at HC. it was like cattilion, but minus the dancing. it was sorta of a social. but we were in dresses and in ...

.only In Dreams.
i was in this little town and i dont know where it was. i dont know who i was with. but i remember walking around with a group of kids and...

East Side Story
so i was with ...

Someone Is Out To Get Me
i was dreaming i was at my moms friends house ...

Really Hot Trumpet Guy's Really Hot Kissing
Usually if I think about something before I fall asleep, I dream about it. I'ld like to say that I was not in any way, shape, or form, thi...

The Distorted Boyfriend And Other Stories
When the dream started, I was conscious of the knowledge that I was pregnant. I went home to talk to my mom about my situation, and she in...

This is the most memerable of the many dreams I've had of Josh. And the one that tells the truth of what happend, and how I'm going to end...

Poisonous Brother
My brother was possessed (or just had a really bad karma). Everything around him would kill people. If someone were sitting next to him on...

Driving With Carol
I was driving with my dad's brown car of all things and the door on my side was not securely attached to the car. There wa...

Matthew Is A Sexual Alien - (graphic...please Read With Caution)
This nightmare totally freaked me out...scared the living shit out of me. I was in a large, well-lighted bedroom. Matt was there with me. ...

It's The Cheesiest
The first part of the dream had me buying a Radioactive Man #1 comic book from an annoying fourteen year-old chick I know from an online a...

Kiki Making Out With Peter
Kiki and I were at Neelsville on the field. There was a concert going on. Then Peter appears next to Kiki. Peter starts kissing Kiki. Kiki...

It Was About 5 Middle Aged British Women
I dreamed that I was watching a dirty movie, for some reason, though to my knowledge it never got dirty, but it was supposed to be. It was...

Soft Lips
I worked at a gas station way up North and 3 hot hot hot guys were flirting with me as I pumped there gas. We ended up going into the wood...

Im Always Running Away In My Dreams These Days...
somehow, i cant remember alot of this dream, but i lived in an old neighbourhood. i was sitting under a tree and my cousin lee was somewhe...

I Am The Walrus
last nite was by far the normalest dream ever. my sister was home for the weekend. ryan was sleeping over at my house, even though she nev...

2 Feet Tall, In Yellow Suspenders And Pants That Balooned Out From Her Small Frame
I dreamt that I was at work with ...

Dream Weaver And My Best Friend
I walked into Ally's room and she was sleeping. The guy I have a little crush on was laying in bed with her, stroking her hair and watchin...

Bonjour Monsieur Science Teacher
last nite was fucking surreal. we ((meaning ...

Nick Twisp And The New Fangled Western
So, I was Nick Twisp from the book "Youth in Revolt", only in a full leather suit that looked like something Johnny Cash migh...

Yo-yo Ma Apocalypse
It was the end of the world. Stealth Bombers kept crashing over NYC. They blew up like cars do in retro video games - in red zig-zags. I w...

Under Arrest And Loving.
I had this dream last night, it was an odd one. It started off that i walked across the street to the house that is caty corner f...

Guns, Guns And More Guns.
Strangest dream last night. Part of it I was protecting some younger brothers I aparently had, we were in a ..1930s ford car and the...

Jenny Of The Suburbs
I had this dream that I was in a room full of scientists who were writing a large paper on the life of this lonely goth-like girl ...

Gone Snowboardin'
(I had begun to think I was exempt from having weird dreams when I was suffering from terrible sleep deprivation. So much for that.) ...

Dead Grandma
My grandma died ...

Guns N Roses
I had a dream that I hooked up w/ Axl Rose from Guns-N-Roses! I don't remember much else about it. But it was my third dream involving tha...

This Is Just A Test
testing testing 1 2 3 over and out good buddy! ruff. ...

saturday nite i was blessed with about 50 million dreams about tom. these are the ones i distinctly remember. one. i am sleeping....

Blood Red Moon
its dark. I walk in the woods and I stuble. stub my toe. hair catching in the low branches of nearby tormenting trees. there is ...

Getting Shot
I was in the dining room of the Breakers. At this long table sat many guest. My parents, and borther were there as well as Kiki, Irene, a...

Really Hot Trumpet Guy Debuts In My Dream
I'm standing with a bunch of people in the school's music building. The only two I recognize is a really hot trumpet player, and my very f...

Run With Jenni And Football
i had scribbled it down in a random notepad and forgotten about it, but now found it is here for your enjoyment. keyye dreams...

Monkeys, Pam, And Dani
I was riding on the bus and I had a BIG fuzzy monkey with me. It looked like the monkey ...

Wisdom Tooth Hole
Last night I dreamt that I was drinking through a straw and I inadvertandly sucked out the blood clot from the hole left in my gums when t...

It seems since i signed up for this thing i have been remembering more of my dreams... This one is *weird*. I was at the cinema w...

Unsent Letter

Traveling In A Vw Camper
Dad, ...

Marshmallow Snow
I dreampt that I was in my house and I looked out one of the windows. It was night. I looked up and saw an electric egg beater hanging ups...

Kelly On The Phone (/short/)
I picked up the phone, and it was Kelly ( I have no idea why. That was it, the dream, that's all. Weird - i har...

Meeting My Angel...
To people who don't know me, my 'angel' is the love of my life... =) Although i haven't met her yet cause... ugh... yeah, we fell in love ...

Legally Insane.
i had a dream that i went crazy. in the dream, i was more watching myself, then actually going through the actions. i mean really insa...

A Conversation Between A Head Of Lettuce And A Block Of Chedder
I fell asleep in the car on the way home and had two strange dreams. . . The first was that I was watching a conversation between a head o...

I Watched Him Die Twice
"Caffeine is all that's keeping me awake right now and all it serves to do is add a tiny edge to my anger. (Few more lines I can't remembe...

lately, my dreams have been weird. and i only remember fragments, basically. well. my dreams are always weird. the one i really remember f...

Laura Comes Home.
I woke up in the middle of the night to hear rattling outside my bedroom. Getting out of bed and opening my door, I found Laura struggling...

Sex On The Beach
It was a wet dream, my first. I was on a beach, not very many people. Then I saw this hot red head. I just came up to her, took her bik...

i had a really weird dream that one by one all the students at nms had to get an examination, and if they failed they woud be executed. I ...

A Strange Tyler Dream
I don't remember this entire dream. I was in a big marble hall with ...

Dreams Of Grades And Jon
so i was running around in the school and i had an attitude like I didn't care.i didn't care i had a d in french, even though in reality i...

That Sex Dream Again
I just remembered more of my dream. There was this moment where somehow he'd managed to get my shirt off of me, and his as well. ...

Sex And Stuff
I had the most interesting dream last night. I wish I recorded it earlier for now ony parts of it stand out in my memory. This al...

i had a beautiful aquarium, with lots of beautiful, petite, rare fish. then giant ugly fish came out from the coral and rocks at the cent...

Room Mates In The City
I was in this city with an ex room mate of mine, one that I especially disliked (he was a liar and used to constantly hit on ...

More Impossibleness.
i am dreaming about my boyfriend. in the dream he is sitting next to me. and he looks at me and says "i really have to find a new girlfrie...

Gnomes On Pot
I was babysitting at my old 16 George Street house when the door bell rang. I went to get it and it was a gnome. He has the beerd going on...

In The Arms Of A Friend
In this dream, we were at war. Whoever we were at war with had taken over all the housing places as well as the hosiptals and government ...

Identity Theft
So, I had this dream that I'd used my former UNIX instructor's name as my name to get some special deal at an online drugstore......

I Am Mellowcheese
So, the sky was all orange with port-wine stains. Kinda psychadelic like, with throbbing, swirling patterns... Well, very ret...

I dreamt that I was a waitress at a new mom-and-pop restaurant. I was waiting on all these people. There was a break when no one came in, ...

Before The Tour
I was at the high school doing my teaching observation, when suddenly the room went from 50's high school decorations to modern and sleek ...

He Is Gone.
brian died thursday. that is not a dream. sadly it is a reality that i am having to face everyday now. so just to give you a bit of a summ...

in a club soemhwere "come dance with me" "k" --->your the bomb played throught the crowded room"you the shorty of my dreams"...

How Can You Pray If You Don't Hope?
It is December 31 2000, what some people view as the last day of the old Millennium. Soon it will be January 2001...aparently this is ti...

Flirting With The Boys
I'm at some kind of party,and it's real boring.I'm a bit of a party animal,so decide i'm gonna get this party started!It's one of my best ...

Confused Feelings
First, some background info - otherwise the dream won't seem to have much meaning. When i was eight (i am now 16) i got a crush o...

Saving Some People
I was watching a TV advert for a drama. Suddenly i was in the advert. This mad guy was holding a kid and his mum hostage in a sewer. I saw...

The Angel Of Stinky Music
So, it wasn't Heaven, but it was this place that the Angels and God frequented rather often and looked oddly like a suburban ...

With Halloween coming up,i've been making plans for a party.In this dream,I am sitting at the dining-room table,eating candy corn and tryi...

he shows up at my house miraculously. the fact that he rarely comes over makes this strange. and he would never show up out of the blue. b...

Dreaming Of John
I dreamed last night that i was sitting at this desk in this classroom. And John Flemmons was beside me and me and him had an attraction g...

Odd Eating Habits

Old Boyfriend
I'm moving into this new house on my own, or maybe I'm on vacation, and GUESS who shows up? That's right, ...

I was sitting in Java, my work place, reading a book. There was no one else there, I had locked the door and turned off all the lights but...

I was sitting in Java, my work place, reading a book. There was no one else there, I had locked the door and turned off all the lights but...

With The Train Gang
keyye dreams: two trains sit on separate railroad tracks, one partially blocks from view by the other. a couple boards t...

Garth Brooks, Rocks And Dogs!
Last nite I had the weirdest dream! My friend was going out with Garth Brooks and for some reason he kept on cheating on her. He l...

I Feel Like Crushing You
I was staying at my grandmother's house with my father, ...

Why Is This Room So Small???
Well I was going to some dance which the room it was being held in was pretty small. I was standing in line when this guy pushed into ...

I was in some kind of waiting place. It was something like waiting for a plane to begin boarding, but the space wasn't so big and there wa...

Everyone Went To Mac
Had the most interesting dream last night...I almost woke up...sad when I found out it wasn't true. Everyone went to ...

The Drowning Gnome!
Ain't I pissed? Ever since I got this dream thing I don't think that I've had a single dream, eh! I remember alot of dreams I had when I w...

Why Am I Wearing A Blindfold?
Well I am telling you about another dream I had from a while ago, but last nite I didn't remember my dream which really pisses me off, cuz...

The Scary Man From Over The Fence!
Well I had this dream when I was in Year 5, but it still sticks out in my mind and I would like to tell you about it. This dream start...

The Strange School Dream!
I had this dream not that long ago just after I did this play at school. I was sitting in class at my Primary School and I was talking...

Yet Another Cardboard Box
I dream that I'm behind the house of an aunt that died this last weekend; a 1910 era ranch-style house in this agricultural region of ...

Red Blanket And Pop Auction
I can have several different perspectives in a dream. One where i'm just watching the action, like in Florida gateway when i'm watching su...

The Olympics..........i Think!
I had this dream last nite that I was going out with this guy, who I can't remember right now. Well he was in the Olympics which were ...

Fuckin Anyone Weird?
"aaron" "what" "stop" "no" he lightly kissed her hips and tickled her through laughter"stop!" "no!" he jumped on top of her and kisse her ...

Tim's Bride Of Death?
My best friend (Tim) was getting married, but he wouldn't tell me who his bride was. Everyone in the world knew but me - he'd had a teleco...

German Food.
I walked into this resturant to meet ...

All Creatures Great And Gross
This dream was very fragmented. In one part I was trying to catch a rat, that was in my cousins house. Eventually I did, and I got rid...

I was in my grandmothers house... and we were just standing there... and all of a sudden my mom runs in and is bleeding profusely from her...

A Wooden Recorder
keyye dreams: A group of friends and i were chilling in a weird building that was fairly open air and made of a lot of w...

It Must Be An Eviction
I was looking out the window at the neighbor's house across the street. I was saying to my husband, "Man you won't believe what they are d...

I had a dream that in the middle of a night, a man walked into my father's room and gave Dad a note, that asked him to go to war because W...

Going To Ithaca
I was on a flight to Ithaca, New York, and it was much more luxurious than I'd expected it to be. The plane looked like a cruise ship, wit...

This Is The Story Of A Girl
last nite's dream was just plain freaky. it was like 5 different stories going on at once. at one point, i was with all the people from my...

Voices Misinterpreted
Trying to remember it.... I was in high school. I was a popular sex kitten. The one part that really sticks out, is I asked myself...

Last night I had a dream that I was being kidnapped, and my mom and dad weren't home. I have two phone lines in my house, and the kidnapp...

Halloween Early
It was Halloween in a small, coastal resort type town, and I was with a friend I knew from a small rural town where a relative lived ...

* there is a thorn through my plam and I notice it as I walk thru the woods. a larg thorn, like a stake. blood drips from the tip if the t...

I Want To Know
"hey i wrote a new "...

Non-consensual Remodeling
I came home from work to find my current room mate and my ex room mate (we all used to live in the same house) in my room. ...

Don't Fear The Baker
I was working at Kroger. The isles were really long tables and I was responsible for making box corners that had been smashed sharp and po...

The Giraffe
I had a dream that Lindsay and I were walking up the hill near my house, and at the apartment next to it, there was this gigantic giraffe ...

I was walking throught the forest I had a blue dress on that moved like water and there was a man fallowing me but I can never see hi...

The Unexpected Serenade
There was a place I used to frequent in high school; sort of an exercise trail in a wooded area that had a stream. I'd cut...

...the Undiscovered Country...
This is an old but fairly typical dream... ...

Playing My Chords...
This is a serious departure from my normal dreams...just to let you know. OK, here's the sitch. It all started with me waking up ...

An Intro Of Sorts...
This isn't a dream, it's just an explanation of my purposes. See, ever since I was little I have had dreams featuring ...

Bakery Land
Part I: The pie crust revolution So I decide to launch the pie crust revolution. This entales me going door to door, distributing my o...

The Big Top
Dream I had a dream that I was an adopted child of some circus people. I never saw them I only saw their children. We all lived...

Frosty Roads
September 12, 2000 - keyye dreams: I was riding in a van with my parents, and i think my brother was following...

Snowballs At Trains
Cut to a soft-focus David Lean movie - one of those black and white intense British romances like Brief Encounter. The leading man is a ve...

Dreaming Of Support
I had a dream about loving someone, and piggybacking on his back through snake-ridden fields for miles and miles hugging him with the utmo...

I had a dream with Oprah Winfrey in it. That is all I can remember now. I will add more when I remember. ...

Jacob And Eric
I'm in my car and decide too drop off a book I borrowed from heather at her house. So i drive there and get out of the car with book in ha...

My Truck
I had the following dream; It was night time. I was in a park with a bunch of collage students. The park had a bone fire in the...

I had a dream that a picture of Saddam Hussein’s head was in a wrap sandwich. Like KFC’s new sandwich. There was lettuce all around the ...

The Whale
When my family and I were at a party we decided to take a boat to the middle of the lake. We walked down a lot of dark stairs, across a do...

Chris The Druggie
I woke up in my bedroom and proceeded to get ready for class. I opened my door and found some notes taped to it. They were from Chris, and...

The Wild, Wild West
I was sitting on top of a roof with my mom, ...

Toilet And Mirror Art
I'm walking up a trail to the top of a small mountain in Oregon. At the top the vegetation is scrubby and there is a sweeping view of...

Echo Of Thunder
I was in Australia with the girl who played Pearl in Echo of Thunder. We were in the bathroom which had a pipe that was used as a s...

So, it is midnight. Or around midnight anyways. Im living at home again (which in itself would be a nightmare, but there is more) amd ...

Florida Gateway
From my last entry to the next, i have had a lot crazy dreams, but unfortunately either forgot them or couldn't get a chance to write them...

A Kiss From J
My entire family on my mom's side was going on vacation somewhere. We were staying at this large house, and for some odd reason my guy fri...

In A Wedding/posters
Running around, I had to get posters put up of the bride. Who I didn't know in the dream. But she was a very pretty brunette. We had to we...

I Dreamt I Died And Then I Did
I'm at the refrigerator grabbing a ...

I Am An Oriental Escapee!
I'm in the movie "Anna and the King" except there is no Chow Yung Phat, or however it's spelled, and it's at the very end. My friend a...

Am I?
It was dark. I enter an abandoned house. The front door leads right into a bedroom. The walls are bare and gray. There is a little ...

Ant Poison And Rat Turds
A few different settings: The first one: My Grandparents yard and store. People: Me, Erica, my Grandfather and some lady I t...

Me And John Cuzack Or Maybe It's Jason Lee....
I did have a strange dream last night. Maybe John Cuzack was in it. Maybe not. Maybe it was the guy who played IT. Very strange, for...

Straggle Through Europe
I'm on a train, traveling north in Italy with Gr and El. There they are, very happy, El with her prize-winning smile. I fall asleep...

Heart Theater
At a play, in the middle row, center, and I am taking mental notes since I am going to ...

The Shattered Manor
I dreamt of a big manor in the woods. The manor was abandoned, dark and in a silent way very aggressive looking, the windows stared like e...

Labor Day
I dreamt it was labor day and my dad and I were walking down this loooong road. ...

I Will Buy You A New Life
I was in a house with my family only they weren't really my family. My mother looked like Julia Roberts and my father looked like Julia Ro...

The Flying Box
The sky was very overcast with heavy clouds, and though it was three-am, it was lit up and red from vapor trails and various unk...

The Emergency Hotline
There is one nightmare I often have. Some kind of emergency (an accident or a fire, for example) happens, so I want to call the emergency ...

Floating In South Africa
I had the weirdest dream last night. I dreamed that I took a cruise to South Africa. This seemed fine at first, until I saw this guy. I do...

In The Dark At A Motel
This dream was kind of dark. You know..sort of left in the dark feeling. I was actually with someone I work with and we were in a hallway ...

My Boyfriend Appears, A Cousin Comes To Visit, And I'm In The Running For The Nobel Peace Prize?
Okay. I'm at the bank??? And, I'm leaving the teller, whatever, when I see what seems to be my boyfriend's legs. You know, his jeans a...

Urine Girl
My dad and Frazer stole fish from one of our old houses on George Street. They were in a tree. Then I yelled at a kid for calling my dad M...

Kings Spiller Set
i was at kings with rosie-except she wasnt there, i just knew she was somewhere. i had my hair in little buns on each side of my head and ...

I Want Him
* this entire dream was just a voice i heard and thats all heres what it said * i want to hear it - i want him with me-...

In Which My True Friends Are Revealed Once More
I did not beleeve my dream from the night before. Not at all. So I guess to prove it to me, I was given another dream. In it, I was ...

Getting To Know Mick And His Art
In the first part of this dream I'm becoming acquainted with a guy who might be Mick from the first floor apartment. Now I'm wat...

True Friends Revealed
I had this dream in which it was made quite clear to me that this was a dream and that in it I'd be shown who my true friends were. I was...

Back To School
i was going to go to school to surprise all my friends, since i don't go to school anymore....well i went out of dress code, and was walki...

Office Affairs
IN a series of interactions, W. comes to let me know he desires me. I've been increasingly fixated on him sexually. I don't move away wh...

New York And Friends
i went all the way to new york with 3 of my friends to go meet my pen pal Jesse of quite a few months, and it was just weird.......i don't...

My Mother Disgusts Me And A Net Friend Suddenly Appears
I have to pick up my mother from the airport. She doesn't wear a bra and somehow that turns me majorly off. (Was I supposed to be turned o...

Tuesday Morning
Ross and i both applied and were hired at this police/postal worker/disabled skool. i remember a lot of red brick and steel, with open sp...

Yet Another Sex Dream
I keep having these dreams where I'm being all domineering and stuff. It didn't start off that way. I was working in a radio stati...

In my dream,I am a female rapist.And I sing along side eminem....

Sixth Grade Reunion!
I was going to my sixth grade school reunion. I got to see all my old friends from elementary. In fact, some people I didn't even know...

Her Part 2
i feel myself fully aroused as i lay my body down onto of hers. she feels like a cloud below me. so soft, so smooth.i search her body with...

i'm laying in bed nude with just a single silk sheet covering over my lower half when i hear footsteps coming down the hallway. i quickly ...

Psychotic, Nightmaric Incestuous Shit.
Yes. I don't want to write about this one, because I'm ashamed I even dreamed it. What does that say about me? Do I have some sick dem...

Repetetive Nightmare
I keep having this dream over and over for probably like a year now. It changes but the theme is always the same. I am left home alone (so...

Last night I turned on the air conditioner before I went to sleep. Usually I sleep without it, but the night was sticky, humid, wet, and t...

Another Nightmare
it was as though i was watching a movie, except not. i could see everything happening, but i wasn't in the dream. not this part anyway. th...

Prison Dream
I dreamt that for some reason I had been incarcerated in a large correctional institution filled with lots of people in the...

I was on this mountain somwhere. It was covered in snow, but no one was cold. These people were all running around, being accused of thi...

Dreams Of The Past
I had scary dreams last night. I got to pet and hang out with Patches in one, the entire time we bonded in the driveway of my old house, I...

Snake Bites
it started to take place near my church. i was there playing outside. but then all of a sudden i was told to go into the woods. it was me ...

Nazi Summer Camp & Punk Rock Love.
so my dream takes place at this camp that i always go to in the summer. but the camp is weird and none of the buildings have roofs or door...

Just Trying It Out
i want to see if i like this dream diary thingy first. ...

Kissing Fool
Last night i dreamt of being in some room. And ...

Little Treasures.
It has to be one of the most strange dreams I have had; mainly because I wasn't playing the role of myself in it, and I am female, and in ...

I very rarely dream about dead people. But right before my grandmother died she came to me in a dream in one of my favorite outfits I wore...

Backdoor Dream
Since I was a teenager I've had a reoccurring dream in my grandmother's kitchen. Which is now my kitchen. I guess it's the Backdoor Dream....

Road Trips
Some time my worst dreams are driving. Usually, I want to go to sleep during these dreams. They are reaccuring dreams. The same winding ro...

One Little, Two Little, Three Little Indians!!
I was dreaming that I was fantasizing about sex with an indian. It was different because according to my dream definition, indians wer...

In this dream, I was getting married, in two days. I was opening all these wedding gifts that came in the mail, and they were all heart sh...

Panic In A Bus
I dreamt that I was in a bus going to see my friend, and I had all my things with me. It was probably a long way to my friend since all my...

The Things I Go To To Help My Mom....
I dreamed I was pregnant. Huge. In the hospital. How I got there. I don't know... but I was having my mom's baby. The doctors and nu...

in part of the dream, i was in my room, cleaning it or something because i was a maid and it wasn't my room; it was a guest's. and somehow...

So Close...
The dream started with me standing in line to meet Lance Bass. I was walking in this line that went from this little sheltered area where...

Reid hugged Lynne before he got out of the car "thank you" "no problem hun,anytime" he gave her a quick peck . That's all it took ...

Another Car Dream
This one starts off with me and Adam H. in a car. It wasn't necessarily his car but it was nighttime and it was dark in there and i coul...

Lost Things
I was waiting for a bus. I had two motorbikes next to me; one was white and had no motor (it was more like a scooter), and the second was ...

Mac Trucks
In this dream, I'm in a mac truck, driving home from some road trip with this guy Andrew, who I worked with two summers ago. And my brothe...

Seven The Indie Boy
i was walking home and wearing a sarong. i walked into an old quaint indie shop that i knew id been to before. (in previous dreams inv...

Another Nightmare
I had another nightmare last night. I keep having these dreams where I'm 15-17, and I really didn't like being a pre-adult very m...

Terror Island
I'm with a group of people stranded on an island. There are sort of strange but not threatening-seeming people there, who probably explai...

I Can't Run.
im at skool. yet its not my skool. its a normal highskool type place with this big track fer running. im with my class. but it's not my cl...

Red Rose
Last night I had this dream. It was set in some kind of cemetary,at night,and i'm with Zachary....

So i'm traveling around to the Nsync members seperate houses.Because were such good friends. So JC insists that I liek Justin and that we ...

Kitten Paws
I was out of town, and left ...

Strange, Burgundy Colored Wings
There was a large white room about four times the size of my first high school's cafeteria. The windows, the walls, everything was dr...

I was walking around with some girl who was appearently my friend, and two guys came up to us and started talking. One of them was intere...

The Talented Miss Joey
this is kind of an old dream, but i'm kind of curious to see what other people think of it. i was sick when i had the dream, and had just ...

Three Brothers
Now I'm back in college, and I am so flaky it's ridiculous. It turns out that there is this class I haven't gone to all semester, and I'm ...

Private Pond
The path was pointed out to me. "It's very narrow and difficult, but it's worth it." Between trees and thorny undergrowth, I clawed my way...

Problems With 911
I was at home and it was dark outside. There were other people with me, but I don't remember who. There was a guy outside, dark hair, in h...

Apc...and Other Stuff.
i was with my friends karie, ...

Meeting Nsync
Ok it all started out with JC in this field, I don't know why. He was just standing in this field, near a fence, all by himself. So, I w...

Hotel California
this is really old, but... i was living in a motel in aspen with my aunt, for no apparent reason it seemed, just that i was living the...

I dreamed about Tony. First it seemed to take me forever to find him. The house was surrounded by girls. Fans. Girls on bicyles in the yar...

And The Winner Is....
setting:some auditorium i'm guessing in florida what:a contest of sorts there is a total of 15 people in my group 5 guys 10 g...

I came home and my house was gone; everything had become a strip mall. There were no houses, no trees, just an endless lands...

Surviving A Train Crash With My Boyfriend
My boyfriend and I are travelling in a train. I get up from my seat while he stays in his seat, reading. I walk around a bit and am near m...

I have had many many many dreams that take place in India. Most of them have involved me being in a white dress tied to a wooden cross and...

Scary Dream
You might not find this dream particularly scary, but while I was dreaming it, I was shitting bricks. I was at a beach party wi...

"she's A Bitch"
so i go to this bar with sue and we have balst cause were dancin or whatever--and these girls are absolutly hating us...

Stupid Dream For Happy Purple Cows!
I don't know how, but, i'm falling from the top of a cliff: a VERY HIGH cliff, and i'm falling, and falling, and fallind for what seems li...

Yummy Boy Dream
I was working on a computer problem with a male friend of mine. Anyway, I was sitting on the floor, and he was sitting in an office chair ...

Wild Animals And Woods
I had a dream that I was walking in the woods with my friends Kelly and Jeramiah. There was another girl there too. Her name was Beth Wi...

I Can't Believe You--sequel To Sexual Fantaziiies...-
the phone rings three times before she rolls over to pick it up... "hmmm" "hey are you?" "sleepy" "why?" "i was up all night t...

Trapeze Oddity
In one dream, I want to swing on a trapeze in front of a group of people. But, I won't do it unless the pole is high enough off the floor...

I walked across the street to the mailbox, and ...

There Is A War
There is a war going on, but I'm not fighting in it. It doesn't matter much to me either way, I have no qualms about killing soldiers or ...

Basic Elements
I dreamt that I was in a big party. I was the element Air, I had a husband, who was Earth. For some reason, when the dream was about to en...

Sexual Fantaziiies Will Never Be The Same
"i am" "u huh", she turns her back to the friend she's know for 8 years "i am!" "yes i know...but see you never do so why should i-"she's ...

Fire And Lives Lost.
I had a dream that caused me to wake up crying. A man named Mr. Wong, who I believe was raising his two kids alone, recently died in some...

Typical Ex's
I got a call from ...

Ex Boyfriends, Old Houses And Killer Kids
So after that adventure in the "pond" in Boston, we went to this..meeting place and though I hate him, I let my ...

Who's The Boss?
when i came out of church, i saw my dad and pat (my boss) sitting at the lunchtables, talking up a storm about the state of the internet. ...

"mmmmm, why do you always smell so good? your like Justin." sleepily the body next to jamie turns to her. "how can i smell good? i just wo...

A Conversation Among Friends
i call up sue "hey grrl" "hi sweetie" "you goin?" "i really dont want to" "yah me niether but it might be nice to see em" "i guess" "...

Stolen Flower
Setting: In some beautiful mountains. The scenery is all misty and green and foresty. In a cabin. Stuart and I had apparently b...

Got To Meet A Psycho
can't really remember , but i was a kind of super hero with some friends super hero in a crowd of ordinary people, there are many people h...

Just When I Thought I Was Done With My Ex....
My most recent ex (of nearly three years) was walking down a hallway of a campus I attend with one arm around a very ...

This Is Where We Meet
I know this really isn't a dream, but I know many of you might read this. I just started this dream log today. Well, i dunno. This kinda l...

Roller Coaster Titanic Pond
Was roller blading and my friends were skate bordering and roller skating and one was in a shopping cart and we were going really really f...

Contact Lens
I always dream that I am trying to insert a contact lens, and the lens is misshapen, making it difficult. I look down at the lens, and it...

I was on this....mountain/rock type island in the middle of the most beautiful ocean. To the left of the island, was a 5 foot long river ...

A Day In China Town
i am in a stairwell, like the ones in parking garages. i'm by myself, when this grungy, big, 40 y/o guy is suddenly there. i either see hi...

Im Dead Im Dead Im Dead
I'm in a place I have always wanted to go back to, the red, throbbing, gellatinous tomb of flesh from which I began... But ...

Killer In Midst
It is horrifying: an adolescent boy has brutally killed a string of people. Before, he would have seemed incapable of such a thing, but no...

More Dolls....
One of my dreams is to have lots of dolls. Posable, Porclen, and any kinds of dolls. I already have two (not much of a start). One is a...

Killing Vampires
What a night mare. I dreamt that everyone I knew had turned into vampires. They had a cave underground where they all went to bite in a ne...

Hugs And Kisses
Me and a couple of my friends were at this place. You had to pay to get in, but somehow we got in anyway, but it was bored so we left. S...

Sailor Moon Dream

In The Country
I had a dream. We were in the country. Me and Jay. Not under the pecan tree in the front yard, but in the closet waiting for Hawk to leave...

Horror In Space
I work alone in a space station somewhere close to Earth. I am a prisoner of some kind but I volunteered for this space mission. My proble...

To Dream Of Driving
This is a driving dream. yet again. This dream is an ending to a dream but i can't remember it so this is the part i do rememb...

Tiny African Masks
It's a rainy dark evening and I am at a party of the educational department at my uni. It's a nice party and I nearly forget that I am sup...

to explain this.. what i did last night was sorta asked the fairies/angels (whichever) to grant me a dream that mirrored my past life. i d...

The Odd Friend
I dreamed that a flamboyent friend and I had crashed out together, and had for some reason bought a blow-up doll the day before. ...

The Boy I Had A Crush On When I Was Thirteen
I am about thirteen years old again and in middle school. My class and I are on an excursion and we are all in a big house. My mother is l...

I Hate That Bitch
Even though I'm not married, I have a wife. I'm not sure what she looks like, but her hair sure is ugly. She doesn't look at me directly...

An E-mail To Billy
location: some parking lot. driving: a beat up car. it was yours. i was in the driver's seat, some 'friend' of yours was sitt...

Okay, in this dream I was at my friend Brooke's house, but I twas this falling down old farmhouse in the middle of this field. We heard th...

A Strange Doctor's House, A Punk And Other Stuff
I am spending the night at a friend's place but I don't know who that friend is and I have never been in that house before. I am the first...

Ice Cream Man
I went to visit you in the hospital, but you weren't there. The hospital had burned down many years before, one of the doctors told me. ...

Dead Or Dying
I had this dream about 2 nights ago. I was running around this place that was a cross between Roy's bar on General Hospital, The Hard ...

Death By Knife
I believe I was on vacation with my mother. It was dark and cloudy. A woman came up to us and explained that we had to get away from the h...

To Dream Of Wars.
This was only dreamt over an hour time frame. It started off me getting out of my mom's ...

Yanni Dream
Jay brought home Yanni's Love Songs from the library yesterday. I'd never heard Yanni before. What beautiful notes lingered long after the...

Vanished House
I was walking down the street where my house was, and I was getting frustrated because I couldn't find my house. I knew positively that I...

Ocean Highway
I was driving with my dad on this really weerd highway. It had no respect for gravity whatsover. It swooped up and down, left and right, m...

Goth Gas Station?
Last night I dreamt that I was dressed in this completely gothic dress I sometimes wear. ( long black velvet skirt, tight, low cut black v...

I'm The King Of A Lost Kingdom
The dream starts with the police arresting me for not registering where I live. I protest and tell them that I indeed registered and ...

The Red Thread
There was this yearly football game, and at the end a guy and a girl would go into a room together and "fool around". If two girls were af...

Sucked In
My car was up on Hwy 1 roughly at about 3am in the morning. There was nobody else on the road, and I was enjoying taking the curves on th...

It starts in a movie theater. Me and my friends climb up to the top row and sit in the seats on the far left. There is a wall blocking ...

I am at work, only I am in a car with my friend at the drive thru, and not actually at work. My friend's cousin Frazer is standing at the...

Walls Crumbling
I was in my house and I was alone. I kept searching the rooms to see if I could find somebody, but I couldn't find anyone. I remember fe...

I always have this dream where I am shopping in a store or at school or anywhere and I feel somthing Vital missing in my mouth I have no t...

A Car Accident In South America
I am going to South America, to the northwest part of it, I don't know the country. I am in the plane and watch it landing. The countrysid...

Jon Is So Close. So Far Away.
im dreaming about him again. he's so often in my dreams. it's like this one fortune cookie i once read. look fer the dream that keeps comi...

A Math Competition And My Cat Has Babies
I'm back in high school and have to do a maths test. It's not really a test but rather a competition and I'm somewhere between "that's mat...

My Tree
I was in the front yard of my old home. I could actually see the green of the grass and the trees around me. It was very vivid. I was s...

Whats Wrong With This Picture..
the thing about this one is that i have pink hair, but in my dream my hair was black. but i was walking through the school and i want to t...

Yearly Play
In my dream, I had been asked by the drama teacher last year to direct a play. The theme was bad, and the play was a flop. So I was hoping...

A Witch Steals My Boyfriend
I am travelling around somewhere, it looks like a conference. My boyfriend wants to attend the same conference and he does so, but suddenl...

I was walking around ...

Ashleys Crackers
i walked into the living room, where ...

Dream Within A Dream
I dreamed I was on a train with all my friends. The train turned into this underground compound. There was a guy in this compound tha...

My Brother Is Gay?
it was a trip back to high school. i was carrying my violin. and then i had two violins. ronnie (1) was with me, and we were driving the t...

I try not to read into my dreams too much. It tends to make me nervous. But since last night was a bit of a repeat dream, I can't help but...

Yogi And Eggs
I dream about my dog a lot. He died Dec. 29, 1999. Here's the dreams: 1) Was staying somewhere deep in the woods. Verdant, thick, ...

Another Asleep Dream
I had been asleep. I woke up and ...

Scary Man With Mallet
i don't recall how it started but i remember hearing a car pull into my driveway, and i went onto the porch to see who it was and i rememb...

My Boyfriends Mother
in my dream, ronnie has left. he has graduated from something and made a ceremony of leaving. i am in his house with his mother and sister...

OK, I bet this is a really classic dream, and I think there was more to it, but here's what I remember: I was sitting around with...

Shaniqua, Lao, Black Sheep, And A Wedding Dress
Okay this dream hasn't happened in a few weeks, but I had this dream at least 5 times while I was going out with Lao! Okay I broke up with...

Calling Christina
I dreamt that I called Christina, and told her that I didn't want her to come to the concert. She started swearing at me and insulted me,...

I'm not sure who was with me, but I was driving. We got to where we were going and I parked and put two hours' worth of quarters in the...

Connection To The Soul
Ever since I was about 7,i've had the same dream,atleast once a month.The problem is,i cant really understand it.It started the day that I...

Rubber Maid Tour Buses
Was touring Florida it seemed, on this filthy, horrid greyhound bus. I hated it. So I tried to get on another bus. It was an old peo...

The Cafeteria
It started out that my brother and me were going to my aunts overnight. My mom told us that if we forgot our suitcases we would be out of ...

Has It Been 5 Years Already? *sigh* Damn Aliens.
i had a dream last night that my garage was the interior of mcdonald's and there were these aliens approaching. they looked human of cours...

The Three Speech Writers
I had a dream I was in somebody's den, doing a speech about my Grandmother. Two girls and I guy were in the speech contest as well, and b...

running around with ...

I'm A Lazy Horse's Ass
TV OUT THE WAZOO Bridget Fonda is a spy. She brings two hazmat boxes to my Georgian-style apartment. In the boxes are d...

Dolphin On Water
I have this dream. It's late at night,and i'm on a boat,wit this real nice looking guy,and i know that he likes me too.He smiles at me...

"parking And The Flying Shirt"
July 8, 2000 5:30 am pdt My wife and I drive and park at a kind of scenic overlook. Its a national park area and the parking lot ...

My Crazy Dad
Walking around with ...

Confusion Is A Killer
FYI i have recently broken up with my girlfriend acouple of months ago but we still talk or i should say argue. but one night we have a c...

Raining And Paining With Nwa
i find myself in a house with lots of corridors, floors, nooks and crannies, and my brother jeff has a bunch of friends over. ...

A Game With Morals
We were young, maybe 12 or so. It took place in my backyard, which more or less looked like it does in the waking world (I have a house in...

Vomit And Mirrors
These people were visiting me, all big party people. I took them to a bar or something and the cute boy got drunk. He was flirting with me...

Chasing Kelly
Had this dream a while ago. I was running 'round town, trying to 'rescue' all my friends, some associates, assorted family members and...

My Hell
i am driving to a dress shop ...

Underwater Goodbyes
in my last dream that i can really remember besides the one about the kfc chicken pot pie, the world was coming to an end by means of a hu...

Ok. So not one dream but many. I have this lover Clayton who I had an intense sexual affair with over 2 years, and he is quite often in ...

Guerilla Tactics
I was hanging out with people from ...

Starring Me As Jesus
Someone was doing a special "millenium production" of "Jesus Christ Superstar" and, apparently, they were in desperate need of ensemble me...

Starring Me As Jesus
Someone was doing a special "millenium production" of "Jesus Christ Superstar" and, apparently, they were in desperate need of ensemble me...

Chickens In America
Two people were talking, an American and an immigrant. They were watching a chicken cross the road. The American said, "Do chickens crossi...

Driving The Mo-ped
I was on a little mo-ped driving around a country road. There were lots of cars around, and bridges too. As i was going up on the the hi...

Raped Again
walking to my dorm room at about 7:30 pm i see a familiar face and stop to say thing i know i'm in the back of a white van mov...

Murder, Evils, Dementia, Eyes
It started out as a honeymoon, in a small friendly inn. The married couple were happy with the place and got a wonderful room, stating as ...

Regardless of what I dream of, my friends aka My homefrye 's are in it. They chase me, I chase them, we are all being chased tog...

A Friendly Chat With God
God and I were talking. She seemed very friendly. She looked a lot like me. ...

Severed Hand
I was shopping with some friends at a department store. This store was like macy's, but somehow super-posh too, the way that department st...

Sleeping With Him
Sleeping with him was an awkward experience, especilly since it wasnt MY him, it was MY hims best friend. in a motel ish. and there was a ...

Greg Fox
i had a dream about greg fox. it started that i was in the house with DKNY models ester and her hubby and they were showing me all their p...

I'm out fishing with my ...

I'm standing on a strange man-made cliff with my mother, looking down into a what seems to be a never-ending dark canyon, like a black hol...

Swimming With The Sharks
I am swimming in a giant natural grotto. My ...

New Dog1
My ...

Crushed By Crush
I was at school, in the pit (where we used to have to go after eating lunch), and I sat down near my crush (lets call him Bob). I over hea...

Roman Bathhouse
In the dream we're all sitting in a Roman bath-house. I don't remember what we're wearing but we're comfortable in the heat so it can't b...

Playing Goldilocks
I was at some sort of performing arts camp, and the man who was directing our play was adamant that I play Goldilocks. I was a little upse...

I Don't Want To Be A Game-show Star
This one was really weird and exceedingly BITCHY. I dreamed that for some reason, I was in Burbank, CA, backstage bef...

Daniel Johns = Good, But He's Supposed To Be Evil
okay so this dream i had awhile ago. anyhoo, onto the dream with ...

Criminals, Dragon Size
Last night I was a criminal. I had done something; something I don't remember, but something that wasn't that bad. I was around the area w...

My ...

It's The End Of The World!
The end of the world was coming, everyone was sure of that. We were all going around preparing, saying goodbye and anxiously looking towar...

Flying Away Again
I dreamt for some reason that I was in the area I grew up in, a little college-town suburb with nothing to do and plenty of strip malls. ...

Baptise The Holiday
My dream came in several scenes, and I no longer remember how they connected. A child used a chain saw -- it was real, but a chi...

A Dream From Long Ago...
this is a dream i had a long time ago, and i wrote it in a different journal. 2000-06-12last night i had a dream ab...

Locked Out After Work
I was leaving work, but I couldn't find my car anywhere in the parking lot. Finally, after lots of wandering around, I found it right in t...

'i've Made It So It Will All Be Okay...
[I'll do my best to rehash this from the storage tank of my Dreams...] I dreamt that I was sitting in my room, and I heard a knock on ...

Image In The Fire
It is a dark, starless night on a windy plain covered by green grass. My group of people come out from a pit leading into a cave beneath t...

A snake wend into my leg. I was not afraid. I was surprised. O! ...

Greyhound Nightmares
I had a nightmare every single time I slept on that lousy bus. This, I think, tells me that greyhound is a nightmare, in more than one wa...

The Rose-colored Card
I'm lying on the sofa when someone brings me a lovely card. The card has pretty rose-red flowers on it and I wonder who it's from. ...

I dreamed that i was in the middle of no where. It was just blank, white. I blinked and I was in a graveyard. There was a little girl, ...

Dirty Dream 3
I was laying in my bed, with only a white nightie on. He was sitting watching me, while I slid my hands up between my legs. I softly moane...

Dirty Dream 3
I was laying in my bed, with only a white nightie on. He was sitting watching me, while I slid my hands up between my legs. I softly moane...

In Africa I was encountering a Lion. He layed down on a rock.Between his paws there was a doll which he had caught. The lion ...

Tornados And The Store
I have vague and vivid dreams that differ but a tornado in each one. It isn't coming towards me all the time but going towards the loved o...

I dreamed that I was in a corn field and it was endless. I was all alone and suddenly I heard movements around me, then laughter, it sound...

I dreamed that I was in a corn field and it was endless. I was all alone and suddenly I heard movements around me, then laughter, it soun...

Growing Pigeons
I dreamt that to save the world people must grow PIGEONS. I have no idea. ...

A Marriage In Ireland
I know it was Ireland, though I've never been there. It was all hill, uniformly green and treeless, and the sky grey, thick fog obscuring ...

The blurs of images kept coming back to me. the motions of running in circles flashed back. it was set in a dusty area where i couldn't se...

I Saw Gillian Anderson My Dreams
so i had a dream about gillian anderson last night. i think it came about because of the technodyke website message boards. so i...

Tom Supports Colchester
i went on holiday to newquay with nicci and jme li. they walked around together cos i went off somewhere. then i found nicci and we sat do...

My Happiest Dream
For my first dream entry, I have picked my fave dream--a weird one, but my fave none the less. I was in the dark being chased by ...

Excess Baggage
I dreamed Fia picked me up after her last class because she'd called up and said that she had no school the next day and wanted to get tra...

The Art School Downstairs
In my dream, my computer wasn't working (which was true in real life, too), but then I realized that since my house was an art school, the...

A Chance At The Webby's
last night i dreamt that i had a good chance at winning the webbys. that's all. i didn't win. i was just close. there was possibility. it'...

Dias, Dead, In The Family Van
I was in the driveway of our house in Colorado Springs, opening the door of the green Volkswagen bus that my dad's had for years. I wante...

Closets And Fitting Rooms
liomir came out of the closet. we were driving and i don't remember what it was i'd said, but he answered with a big smile (and that new h...

Fettuccine, Hiking And Power Puff Girls
i was cooking fettucine with grilled chicken and sundried tomatoes; i was hiking with carrie's family on this long trail along the beach, ...

Feels Like Another One
had another tom cruise sex dream...(said in a singsong voice) i liked this one. i actually got to have sex with him. it was sort...

Webby Anxiety
yesterday, i talked...

Dreamy Boy Isn't Really Real
someday, maybe, i'll tell him about the dream i had about him the other night. ...

Tom Cruise Saw Me Naked!
2000-04-09 - 03:22:21 before i go into my entry d'jour, i have to tell you about this dream i had last night. okay, first of all ...

More On Toms Hair
i went through ryder house when i got back from holiday. i laughed behind my hands at toms hair. he said "whats up?" we had paper whic...

Toms Hair
i went back to school and toms hair was big and bleached with streaks. he came over and hugged me and was all weird. "im sooo gla...

Dirty Dream 2
I was half asleep on my bed when he walks in and kisses me gently. I smile up at him and he tells me that I'm beautiful when I'm dressed b...

Dirty Dream 2
I was half asleep on my bed when he walks in and kisses me gently. I smile up at him and he tells me that I'm beautiful when I'm dressed ...

Playing Games
I'm in a tall building. It seems to be a construction site for a skydraper. Some of the floors are unfinished, some have floors but no cei...

In Which I Reassure A Rockstar
Okay so you may think I'm like..a big dumb head for this but I dreamed I met Jessica Simpson! And I told her how much I loved her music an...

Dirty Dream 1
I was sitting on my porch, reading a book, my fingers lazily circling my clit -- I can only assume I was reading a dirty book. It was nigh...

Dirty Dream 1
I was sitting on my porch, reading a book, my fingers lazily circling my clit -- I can only assume I was reading a dirty book. It was nig...

I was running away from something... it was dark and I could hear it crashing through the woods behind me... I could feel it's breath...

My Last Vivid Dream
I had this dream on St. Patrick's Day of this year - it is as follows. I had the strangest dream yesterday. It was the type of dream w...

Tom And Deep
nicci, katie smith and i were walking to the shops after deep (nightclub) nicci wore a black sparkly jumper. i kept looking behind me to s...

The One Where I Find A Baby In A Dumpster
I've been having these really surreal dreams lately. The Carol sobbing one. And before I had that one, there was the one where I ...

A Funeral Of Sorts
Last night I dreamed I went out all weekend so If I do end up sittin' on my ass at home all weekend, at least I went out in my dreams. ...

The Caribbean
i dream that i am on vacation with my good friends in the caribbean. we're having a blast, not only because it's beautiful, but because ou...

Some Kind Of Jail ?
I'm at some school, only it feels more like a jail because it is a single story, square brick building with a big courtyard in the middle....

Fighting The Dead
I'm not sure of the details, but I was somehow involved in making a TV show or movie about the "ancient Japanese tradition" of fighting th...

Topless, Adam And Peeling Skin
In part of it, I was walking around topless (no one noticed though) at some sort of ...outdoor festival place with some guy. Then he found...

In Which I'm The Wife Of Some Polygamist
Last night I slept like sh*t. I had weerd dreams about polygamy and adopting Russian Orphans. Serves me right for watching 48hours right b...

Hornet That Hatched From My Thumb
I'm 23, a year or two ago, in the dream, my right thumb ached. Eventually a big hornet clawed its way out of the bottom of my thumb. It ...

Evil Evil Controller
in my house i played a computer game with a yellow controller, my brother did too. a girl ghost burst through the door and i put my feet o...

A Nightmare
I am in the house where I live. It is winter and already dark. I am in the living-room looking out to the dark street. I see that a woman ...

I'm swimming in a pool with my friend. The pool is big, there are corals at the bottom of it and there are some fish swimming around, too....

Journal Land
Last night I had a dream that The Mighty Kymm and I were sitting around trying to figure out each other's FTP passwords. We were giggl...

Jill Dreamed About John Last Night
I turned this dream into a story, because it was so bizarre. here goes: It started with the party, with the bunkbed room. She k...

Pokemon Me
i was misty from pokemon. my hair was really long and i wore my blue shirt. i accused ash of looking at my chest all the time. then i was ...

Eve Snow
i wanted to prove i could get a job so i wheeled myself around newtown on a stool. i went past a fish and chip shop. i went to my house an...

A Flood Ruins My Family Vacation
In the first part of this dream, my family and I were taking our annual summer vacation, but instead of our normal spot, we went to this c...

If Pauly Shore Had A Brother.
i was in line to see pauly shore in concert. it was packed. the crowd was unruly. i could not wait to get in that music hall. and then the...

Duck Duck Goose?
Well seems we can't date up to 2001 yet so.....*cough* I'll use 2000. The farthest back I can remember I was in a huge locked dow...

Repossessing Me
===================================== REALITY: I am an insomniac, and have very strange dreams when I do sleep. This particul...

Shh Im Meant To Be A Woman!
i was in a hospital. my nurse was that guy from the bloodhound gang. he said "you cant let them find out im not a woman or theyll call...

Warhol Again
I walk into this coffee shop, even in the dream it is an unfamiliar place and i have probably never been there, or have been there only se...

i didnt know if i was back in time, or if i was in the present in another demension, or perhaps even lost in a world between heaven and ea...

Battling The Land Eels
in real life i'd been out of high school for years when i had this dream. dream: i'm in high school. there's some sort of theatric...

I have this dream,'s always the same,i had it last night. I'm in some kind of beautiful garden,the snow is so crisp und...

Just Your Usual Run-of-the-mill Flood Dream
There's a party at this tremendous old house - but the house is submerged. We're all on the roof, which is flat, milling around and talkin...

I`m in ...

Pretty Boys
In this dream,which I dreamt last night,I am in school,in chemistry.Me and my bestest friend Kayla are playing about before the teacher en...

Weird Dream
well,i didnt dream this on jan 1st,i cant remember what date it was,but you get the idea. It starts with me,sitting by this river.I do...

New Window Image
This is a picture of my ...

Image In Dream Text
This is my mom. ...

Linking Text At The End
My ...

This is a local footnote: ...

Tumbling Down Wonderland
I was just running through rows and rows of familar looking alleys, not knowing the unphantomable object that was close behind me, i could...

Chess Pieces
Giant chess pieces have invaded our home. Easily the size of a man they jump around with a dark thump. I realize the chess pieces are dang...

Wedding Nightmare 2
Another wedding dream about the same wedding-obsessed boyfriend involved us having a wedding on a stage where the one rule about the cerem...

Wedding 1
Once I dreamt that I was sitting around watching the sunset, and for some ...

Cheerleading Tryouts
I'm a cheerleader(fact)and every year i have to go along to the tryouts to decide with other cheerleaders whose gonna make it.So,me and ...

The Fish 'n' Chips And The Party With The Row Of Sleeping Bags!
In this dream I went to this party when this guy came up to me. This guy I had been involved with let's say about 10 months ago and he wan...

Where Is My Wallet?
This is one of those stupid dreams. You see I'm alwayz forgetting things, so of course my sub-conscious made me think of stuff like that a...

Some Dreams I Never Wanna Forget-but Almost Have.
sometimes I confuse dreams with reality.Sometime I have dreams I never wanna wake up from.Sometimes I have dreams I depsrately wanna wake ...

I Locked My Dog In The Closet For 5 Months!
Okay, I dunno when I dreamt this, but it is kinda sad. Okay, I have a dog (in real life). And in my dream, I have another dog (same breed)...

And We Are Introduced To Warhol
My friends Warhol and Belle and i are walking down the road. Warhol goes the opposite way and Belle and I wonder why and he says he's goi...

A Long, Dark Ocean
So, I was all dolled up in this really, really starched "Dorothy" outfit from the "Wizard of Oz," only the dress had a very, very...

I was wearing a full body-suit made out of biomechanical armor, all of the whirly medium-greys of concrete when it's made with a...

Brightly Colored Skull Necklaces
I was at the after party to some huge theatrical event and all of the backstage area was packed. It looked like a conventio...

I Hate My Job.
So, I had this dream a couple of weeks ago. I dreamt that I was really, incredibly happy. Happy to the point of being outragously manic....

I'm in the old bathroom in my house that I ...

Mystical Visit
I had this dream back in December of '99. At the time I was on cloud nine.The reason for this being your about to be told.Here goes no...

Playing With Makeup
Part speed flying, part glamourizing to the max. Shopping and trying on eyeshadow shades, then in another fragment, bar hopping by gliding...

Child Stripper??
My parents were having a big dinner party, and I remember Mrs. Furman was there. My dad wanted me to striptease at the party, as a joke. H...

Gun Warning
Group of activists meets in a restaurant. One of the women gets me alone after the meeting at another table and brandishes a gun at me. I ...

Ian's On The Phone
I don't remember very many specific details about this dream, but this is what I do remember: Ian and I had been talking about some contes...

Dreams: Three involving Lan. The first, I don’t remember now. The second, he and Na came to visit. For some reason Na a...

I was going to a party, and it looked like Ashley's neighborhood, in a big house. When I went into the house the door was like half the si...

Dream Guy/zombies
I had met this really great looking guy, real cute. And we started going out, and he was so sweet too, literally the man of my dreams, per...

Swamp Bears
Me and someone else who I can't remember were driving in Meg's white truck down her street. We saw people over at her house. I had to go t...

Inside The Buildings With The Painted Sides
My friends K, A and I are outside in a parking lot with four buildings, each with their sides painted a different color. They were red,...

On The Sandy Road
keyye dreams: I dreamed mom and i were riding in her big green van, when we came to a stop at an interesting road in our...

Chinese Heritage
I was in a plush international airport when I heard the announcement. All americans where to report to the nearest Chinese embassy to be i...

Johnny Saves Me From A Japanese Bomb
I was in Japan. There was a civil war going on, with the east fighting against the west. I don't know which side I was on, but the other s...

The End Of The World
I was riding on a horse backwards through a dark wooden city. It seemed enormous although the buildings were only about twenty feet tall ...

A Girl, A Guy, And A Leopard
Because i again slept through my first period class, i had a long time in which to dream... Its a little rushed from trying to remember it...

A Family Oriented Dream
It started with me and my cousin Fraze...he was driving me up this HUGE hill..a super steep one and he was giving me advice on something.....

B.a. The Illegal Alien At Camp
I was living someplace like a college or a summer camp. Probably a camp, since my friends and I spent our dusty, hot afternoons in a "dr...

Me, Pregnant?!
I'm writing this much later, but i still remember the core of it. There was much more before this part, but it is lost from my memory. ...

What does it mean when you have a dream where you were going to get into some sort of threesome with two very cute boys but then one boy's...

Josh Dying
How lucky is this: My first dream that i have remembered vividly in a long time is one of the weirdest and has the added benefit of being ...

I Sleep Through New Year's
I woke up one morning to discover the power was out. It was wintertime, and outisde the sunlight and snow created this bright gray light t...

A Trip To Japan
I was at some sort of nature preserve located in the middle of a huge forest in Japan. The preserve, itself, was quite tiny, though...and ...

A Trip To Japan
I was at some sort of nature preserve located in the middle of a huge forest in Japan. The preserve, itself, was quite tiny, though...and...

For The Romantics
I dreamt about this guy I have a history with, whom I was still sort of in love with at the time. I was sitting in the school's ...

Welcoming A New God
It is a great area of red canyons, sunshine. A woman is drying some nuts in the sun. All the nuts are tied to long strings hanging fr...

I was outside, in front of my house, doing something...watering some plants, maybe. I kept thinking, "I hope no one drives by and says som...

I was outside, in front of my house, doing something...watering some plants, maybe. I kept thinking, "I hope no one drives by and says so...

Who Is He?
I had a dream that I was getting married but I couldn't see the guys' face. I was happy that I'd met him but yet I didn't know him.Huh?...

Ice Lady
I was a creation, a begin fasioned from ingenuity and creation. She was not my creator, she was my captor, my trainer. That which i ha...

How To Dispell Demons
So it starts playing a video game in a video game room. A small room that was all screens to make it feel like you where in the game. It w...

Learning To Fly
Ok, C and woody where in it also. And I think Annarie who I saw in japan. C and Woody where being overlords over people, It invol...

Digital Cable And Other Nightmares
In the dream Eric had been angry that I spent so much money getting us digital cable. I hadn't really, but in the dream I had. He was an...

My Wedding Day
It was my wedding day and I was eighteen years old. I'm standing in the bride's room, upstairs of the church, and I am alone with the exce...

July 14 And The Boy With Floppy Brown Hair
Situation @ time o' dream: Still adjusting to living in PA instead of NC. Often wished to go back in time and change what happened, or at ...

This one played out like a television show, in that I wasn't in the dream, I felt as though I was watching it from afar. There w...

This one played out like a television show, in that I wasn't in the dream, I felt as though I was watching it from afar. There wa...

Running From The Government
I'm taken to a government building by a few agents because they think I know about a secret weapon they're building. I break out of my ...

"the Scarlet Pimpernel" Continues To Plague Me
The original Broadway cast of "The Scarlet Pimpernel" was apparently performing the show in my house's living room, though the only people...

"the Scarlet Pimpernel" Continues To Plague Me
The original Broadway cast of "The Scarlet Pimpernel" was apparently performing the show in my house's living room, though the only people...

Terry And Bruno And Spanakopita -- Oh My!
Apparently, Terrence Mann was coming to talk to/perform for a group of drama students at my school. Well, I'm guessing that it was open to...

Terry And Bruno And Spanakopita -- Oh My!
Apparently, Terrence Mann was coming to talk to/perform for a group of drama students at my school. Well, I'm guessing that it was open t...

Yet Another Baby
The dream began with me being in labor. Unlike my two previous dreams where I gave birth, I wasn't agonizing over it. I was cool, calm and...

Yet Another Baby
The dream began with me being in labor. Unlike my two previous dreams where I gave birth, I wasn't agonizing over it. I was cool, calm a...

I had a Tae-Bo dream last night. I was stuck inside the Instructional Video. I couldn't get out and I was going insane from the music an...

I Didn't Even Get To Throw The Bouquet
Okay, so in the dream I'm getting married to Eric. But for some reason this w...

Transforming Anime Dream
I was at an anime con. Costuming as shinji. Something happened and everyone became who they where charactered as, yet still where sort of ...

I am at a fancy hotel, maybe it's for a party or something. I am wearing a white dress, it's long, and I am very beautiful. There is this ...

Barman On The Bus
i went to a bar wearing white hotpants. my mates were there and the barman was flirting with me real bad. kirsty wanted to know why everyo...

Crystal's House
I was at ...

Troupe Dreams
Last night I had a dream where for some reason we were all staying at this one apartment-- I guess because we were on tour or something. ...

Further Evidence That Sporks Are Of The Devil
I dreamt that I was late for a meeting with an insurance agent at my house because I had to ride my bike to the store and get ciga...

Hbo Kisses
I had a dream last night that I was in Aspen with Eric and I wanted to watch David Cross' show (and he was supposed to be younger in the s...

me and my friends bunked off school at lunchtime. before lunch we had been in a dark hall, and we hid behind a shelf and were looking at h...

Incubus Or Hallucination? My Sleep Paralysis Experiences.

Edea & Kefka (and A Couple Of Cows)

Eric Tries To Convert Me
I had the strangest dream last night. I rarely have dreams where I wake up laughing. In this dream I was sitting with Eric and ...

Gc161 And The Murphys Girls
i was in the danielle atron plant from that kids show "alex mack." they had set up a community of people there, which included my fami...

It's Not Easy Being An Ant
I dreamt that I was an ant, but I had been trown out of the anthill because they didn't think I was a real ant. I had moved to a forrest n...

Jesse At Unc

Paradise Island And Flooding
in this dream our car was made of copper, and that made it so heavy it couldnt be driven. the sea flooded my street and washed me away. ev...

The Circular Mall
I was walking around a darkly lit mall that appeared to be circular. The walls and floor were done in dark colors and the lights cast a so...

Random Faces In My Mirror
I dreamed I kept seeing my self in a mirror, but my face kept changing into other peoples faces. Jes's face (it was her mirror I was looki...

The Boat Into Eternity
I am sitting in our dining room with my mom. It is an early, lovely morning, the dining room is bathing in the brilliant sunlight softly r...

An Invasion
I was at my grandmother's old house, in an upstairs bedroom, when I looked out the window and noticed the original cast of "The Scarlet Pi...

An Invasion
I was at my grandmother's old house, in an upstairs bedroom, when I looked out the window and noticed the original cast of "The Scarlet Pi...

The Stranger
I dreamt that I had become crazy, or at least I thought I was. I was standing in the bathroom, brushing my teeth, when I suddent...

Cheezy Princess
When I was around 8 or 9 I had a reaccurring dream about a princess in a velvet dark green dress and she was in a tower. There ...

Rape Dream
i dream that i am on a dock, in my black bathing suit and shorts. there is a man of about 45 years of age sitting on a wooden box. i am hi...

Mk-ultra And The Fate Of The Majestic Sugar Pine
I'm in the forest. I'm walking along in a creek bed about knee deep in water when I come across a wide shallow pool fronted by a s...

Climbing The Tower
This is the third and final dream from that series. I am out with my mother during a thunderstorm. We are shopping for wall pape...

Unlocking The Beast
This is the second dream in that series. I am at my friend Elaine's house, which is situated right on top of a place of power wh...

Walking On Water
(This was the first of a series of dreams I had right after I became a full fledged Pagan, which was the summer after I came home from Ger...

I had a dream that I was part of an exiled culture led by a benevolent king. We were on the run from some secret government... every time...

Jungle Babies And Bunny Births
I was pregnant, and going into labor. I sauntered into the laboratory/hospital. (It was actually mostly a laboratory) Suddenly, I had...

I Can Play Any Part
My school was doing a production of "Miss Saigon," starring Lea Salonga as Kim, Rosie O'Donnell as Mme Thénardier (the fact that this is a...

I Can Play Any Part
My school was doing a production of "Miss Saigon," starring Lea Salonga as Kim, Rosie O'Donnell as Mme Thénardier (the fact that this is a...

Butterfly Dream
I dreamt that when I got out of bed one morning, a witch came to my room. She tried to turn me into a butterfly and although I fought to s...

Indestructible Barbie

Kelly, Joe, Megan, Moroni
I waited too long to write this one down so many of the smaller details are gone from my memory. ...

Killing Sean Ross
Because this is my first entry, and I don't have a recent dream, I will tell you an old one, that for some reason stayed in my mind: ...

Justin, Mexican Food, And Me
I only remember bits and pieces of this one. I was at some Mexican restaraunt with my family, and I saw ...

The Point Is The Point
I was making body piercing jewelry that acted as receivers for mysterious electromagnetic emotional signals. Investigating the...

Skate City, Naked
I was at work with ...

A turtle climbed a tree and was about to fly off a branch when suddenly its wings disappeared. It recoiled in , couldn't think of a ...

The Walk
I'm only about 10 or so in this dream and I'm playing with a Tonka Truck out in the woods behind my house. I realize that it's time for d...

Not Worthy
In the dream I once again wake up. I stand up from my bed in the dark room and walk to my window which has its curtains pulled aside. It i...


Sick Humour
I lived in a house surrounded by sand dunes, at the edge of a deep blue river. There was a cliff at the river banks, soft and plump with v...

"the Fantasy"
This was about 3 years ago, though I still dream about it today. My boyfriend and I acted on his fantasy that he always wan...

Love Myself Better Than You
I was watching a video of my depressed, loose cannon antics when I was about 20, then I entered the video for a better view. I watched mys...

Alien Queen
It starts differently every time, but it's the same story. Today it began after I'd spent a dream in Niagara Falls; after a wild weekend v...

Tuesday At The Zoo
I went to the zoo – but had to speed through as the dogs were on my trail. I ran over the moats where the hippopotamuses wallowed, and the...

Weird School Dream
I dreamt this one during my summer holidays. I was back in school again, but once I got there, I noticed that I had forgotten my...

When I Was Shot
I dreamt that I had been shot somehow. The bullet had hit my forehead, and I was very sick - or so they told me. Actually, I did...

Protected By Ageless Man
I had a dream last night that I was being followed by a young man, who keapt chaseing other blokes away from me but was too shy to c...

Homeless S
Later on in another dream, I was forced to move back into a flophouse (after sleeping under a tree at Alexandra's house, to her disapprova...

...with Desire
"Some people are able to look at everything with desire," said a voice behind me. Inside me. Yes, I understand, I smiled back. M...

Running And Meeting A Lobster
I lived in an old appartment with 5 floors in China. My room was on the fifth floor. I was running from something to the ground floor. ...

The dreams had certain commonalities: a sort of jerky/time lapse Super 8 film quality at times, but that was not because of any lack of cl...

We are in the Roydon Drive West house - the house where I grew up - but the house is different from the one I remember: it is larger and m...

Security Guard And The Frightned Rabbit
Dream I went into a shopping centre with a group of friends. It was Eastland in Ringwood, but it was very old. Like if the ...

Visiting A Past Love In My Dreams
I had a dream I went and visited Mark. It is the second dream like this. I was in a house, where he lives, waiting to see if ...

Dope Dealing Friend - Limbless China Man
I was at a country railway station. I’m not sure if I’d just gotten off the train, but I had left the platform. It was a redb...

Guidence In Life From A Young German
I had a dream two nights ago. Where it was daytime, sunny and I was talking to a young German man. I was walking ahead o...

Locked In Prison By My Own Storybook Character.
I had a dream last night that some friends and I were locked in a prison. Grey concrete walls and floor, and some walls of glass. ...

Marrying A Dragon
MARRYING A DRAGON I remember a part of a longer dream where I was in a restaurant with a friend of mine. The restaurant was rather emp...

Alex - A Surprise Kiss.
I had a dream Alex (who works at a supermarket inside the same shopping centre I do) and I were squabbling over seats at the bus stop out ...

Cannibal Magpies
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

The Dream That Will Not Die!!
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

The Legend Of The Lark's Tongue
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Kinky Simpsons
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Racing Robin Williams & Too Many Rachels
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Stereo Bedroom!
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

I, Blob
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Special Edition Reese's Cups
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

I Want My Mst3k
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

The Interrupted Bath & The Evil Hanuman
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Hail To The Masons
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

This Isn't My Class!
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Killed In Action
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

I Wanted To See Swayze Naked, Not Connery!
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Crazy Circles
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Mmm, Underwear!
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Are You Going To The Concert?
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Muslim Ants & Antsy Squirrels
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Night School Is Weird
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Secret Weapon: Rhonda
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Gimme Back My Magazine!
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Jonathan Taylor Thomas's Sequined Suit
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Culture Houses Of Mackinac Island
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

God's Creation In A Wad Of Paper
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

D'oh! I Can't Drive!
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

A Trip To The Fair
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Want A Look Around?
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Waiting For The Manson Girls
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Murder In The Sacred Circle
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

We've Got Mail!
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Um, The Dog Ate My Homework
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Too Much Tomato Juice
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

The Fuzzbuster & A Phone Call From Mya
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

You'll Never Win A Spelling Bee
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

T-bone & Big Judge
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Save The Pows!
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

The Hand Of Glory
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

The Science Of Music
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Muppet Baby Guts, Anyone?
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Caution: Asbestos!
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

The Sin Of Material Wealth (with Tiny Toons)
This entry and all others from 1996-97 are part of my dream project which extended from August 1996-97. I kept track of my dreams for ...

Killing Mother
I was going through a deserted avenue. I noticed, somewhat away from the path, a woman was sleeping under a tree. She was facing back.So, ...

Three Dreams In One Night
1. I was in a kayak paddling alone down a tropical river and this huge crocodile leapt out of the water and attacked me. I whacked it ...

Little Man On The Balcony
[I was probably sleepwalking when I dreamt this one. ^_^] In this dream, I wake up in my bed. It is late but I'm thirsty [?] and ...

Futuristic Pre-teen
This child has a robot arm, and is able to play ten holograph terminals at once. He is so smart, that he is able to control an entire hous...

How To Die
I had this dream a couple of years back.... I was hanging around a shopping mall with my friends, there were atleast eight of us. We w...

Fighting The Darkness
[I'm on my bed, reading a book. I'm lying on my left side, face toward the door, supporting my head with my left arm and turning the pages...

I'm Robin Hood!
My school is in fire! Shaped like an E, one of its wings is a victim of blazing flames and I help to gather the people to safety. I run ba...

Its About My Dream Girl..
I found myself sleeping in this cozy bed in the middle of the afternoon then suddenly this girl came ...

Giant Hunt
this may have been a long time ago... about 7 years ago... when i was 3... i had a dream i was hunting a giant with some other kids and i ...

Dancing Dog
In the dream, I wake up in my mom's bedroom. The room is dark and I go to the window to have a look. It is night outside and there is a hi...

i have had many repeated dreams in my life of nighttime sleep. the one i most remember is one that i dreamt about seven years or so a...

Running From The Tiger.
This dream was a few years ago. I know the year, but am not sure about the month or day. Anyway, here is the dream: Okay. It was ...

Doctor In Green Doctor In Blue - Reincarnated Pet Dog.
I was in a public hall. It was daylight outside, yet the lights were on very bright inside the hall. There were a few peopl...

...and there's rain coming down like the night time and the water washes the dirt and shit from the streets. the dead animals, bellies bur...

It was more of an illusion than a dream because when I had it I was also having a high fever. I dreamed that I was having high fever, on ...

Childhood Dream 2
i remember dark green and this vertical tube it was at tri-c the steps that were next to my kindergarden room, they extended when yo...

Searching For A Meaning.
I was in camp and I went to my tent to sleep and I started to dream. I was standing where the tent was and the camp turned to be ...

Childhood Dream 1
i recall myself in my basement, red carpet and bamboo furniture, this strange character was floating in the air. he asked me if i want...

But I'm Not Dead
I was at a friends house. I was talking to his mum. All the walls of the house were painted a pinkish/orange - apricot - color. We ...

Hehe.. Um..freaky
Ok this dream i had many years ago but i still remember like it was yesterday... I was about 10 years old when i had the dream... ...

The Lilliputian Violet Gremlins
Ah... My most horrible nightmare. So terrible I woke up about 2 hours after I had fallen asleep. This was when I was about four, so her...

The Early One In The Garden
Me, six, small, swinging from a tree in a mellow English garden. Our garden. Sunset light doing its cliched glowing thing between the ap...

I Love Jake
i love jake he is my x-boy frind but i do not no why i broke up with him but i like him so munch but i do not if he still like me i'm af...

Seen The Movie Child's Play?
I had this dream when I was little, so I'm not changing the date down there at the bottom cuz I can't remember what it was. I'll just chan...

And The Floor Lights Up
This is one dream that I still think about, despite the fact that I was very little when I dreamt it. I happened to be visiting my grandmo...

Flying Dream
I am in space. Ejected? Abandoned? Just outside. Space-suited and surrounded by stars in the brilliant void. I ...

I've Had This Dream Many Times.
I posted the date I first had this dream. the fact that I remember the exact date scares me a bit. but the fact that this dream happens ex...

First Lucid Dream
It started in a maze, in which I was lost, and being chased. The people who were chasing me were soldiers, but not just any soldiers -- ti...

Slug's Medicine
In the dream, it was night. My parents were watching TV in their two big black leather recliners. I was sitting on the floor, wh...

This has to be the oldest dream I remember, my guess is that I was around 5 or 6 when I saw this. Some details are surely missing. ...

The First Dream I Remember
There is something sort of floating on my ceiling, hovering.. it looks like Grover from Seasame Street-all purple and fuzzy, but scary and...

Nothing To Stop Me-date Unknown
i had a dream that i was falling, but it wasn't just like any other falling dream. i was falling upwards, and i was rushing away from the ...

Public Shower
My first induced lucid, which I had not twenty minutes ago (!) It starts in a public shower - you know, like in swimming pools. For som...

Surreal: Jan 10-11, 1998
I wrote this immediately after having the dream, with minor edits to make it a story because I love surrealism. Im not sure whether it was...

Hammers In A World Of Evil
Another dream which i typed upon waking up. I've forgotten the date. It's not structurally the best but I dont want to mess with it. We th...

Dream I: Sepiroth
I believe there was more in the early part of this dream (something about 'thouroghbred tanks'?) but the really cool part that I remember ...

Alien Invasion
I'm outside near what looked like an airport. In the sky there is an oddly shaped airplane. It's dark grey or laptop computer color, and ...

Since I Was 10 . . .
Since I was 10 I have had lucid dreams at the rate of a couple every few months - I am now starting to try to have some - I am almost 13 n...

Just Run Her Over!
I was riding my bike and I was going to my soccer practice. I went over a bridge but I ended up at the beginning of the bridge again. I we...

Throwing Glasses
This was a short dream. I was in this big cafe and I don't really like cafe's. I was a little bit bored and I started walking on the bench...

First Lucid Experience
My first experience with lucid dreaming (although at the time I had no idea that this is what it is called) occurred when I was about 19 y...

All My Dreams Are Lucid . . .
All my dreams have become lucid. In the beginning, before I started documenting dreams, on occassion I would have a lucid dream (age 7-25)...

In And Out Of Lucidity
I've had several experiences with lucid dreaming. I found that once I put my mind to it, it really was rather easy to achieve, although I ...

Flying Lucidity
During early morning sleep, Sunday 23 August '98, I had a lucid dream. A few days before this I had chosen birds to be my dream-sign. Howe...

Two Instances Of Lucidity
I have kept a dream diary on and off for many years. In that time I have experienced lucidity on three occasions. I was thinking about the...

Two Brief Experiences
Well, I have had two experiences with this phenomenon. The first was not too interesting except for three things; one, it occured immediat...

What Does It Mean
i wass dreaming that iwas smoking in my dream but i have never smoked before ...

i dreamed that I was going into the batroom to clean it,the room was empty because in real life I had moved out of this home, up high on t...

End Of The World : Or Coming Of Christi.??
I had a dream once about the end of the world, which included the return of christ. It was scary to know the world was at its last minutes...

Kissed My Crush
in my dream i was in a room which had a computer and there i kissed my biggest crush eric and he kissed me back as i was kissing him i sa...

The Skeleton Of Fear
Well this dream started when I was around 12 and at that time I was terrified of dolls. When I went to sleep one night, I remember "waking...

Ok so i had this dream and all i can remember is that i was falling. And it seemed like i had been falling for a long time. Then just befo...

About a month ago, i had been having dreams about my mother. The first one was not so good... i was driving in a car behind my mom and the...

Scary Black Dog
I don't often have this dream, but it seems when I do something awful is about to happen. I dream of a very big, very scary, mangy, rabid...

I Dont Know How To Say It
i was walking with a bunch of strange people i had never seen before and they were talking about a nuclear bomb. i thought nothing of it a...

The Dream
one day this guy told me to havesex with some random guy so we were finding a place to do it and i was thinking to my self i'm only a 11 a...

The Fantastic
i was in a chocolate world and there were chocolate fountains and poles. oh it was so wonderful. everything was chocolate i ate chocolate...

Lions,and More Lions!
It's 5 am and I can't go back to sleep. I just had a very vivid dream and I rarely even remmeber my dreams. ...

I had a dream that i liked this girl and she said in the dream that im her favorite friend thats a boy. The next day at school before i go...

Santa\'s Helper
I know it sounds odd but i and one of my other classmates were Santa's 2 helpers or otherwise known as the chosen 2. We were almost adopte...

Blood And Guts
I'm driving and suddenly see dead bodies, men, women and children/babies all over the road. Blood and guts everywhere. I swerve to avoid...

Dream Sad
tears that i was not able tostudy...

Baby Being Raped
I have been having these CRAZY dreams latly The first dream was: I was at a gas station in my hometown and I was the age that I am now and...

i had dreamt about the signs of lusifer. there was this girl that looked like she was dead and had a bullet hole through her forhead her e...

The Terrorist Attack
I ran outside my house and there were bombs and bullets whizzing by me. There was this patch of brush that girls from my soccer team and i...

Party Dream!=d
Well i was at this park in my town Massive stereos and lights SO Loud and hundreds of people turned up, gettin recked and ravin on!No poli...

Beyond Messed Up
i dreamed about having sexual encounters with my sister...

It S Not Mine
my girl friend got pregnant and when the baby was born the child was not mine...

i dream of lots of breadfruit...

The Crow
I was at the driving range with my dad. He had just filled up his bucket of balls up from the machine and then he gave me my gold token. I...

Walking Close To The Edge.
i once had a dream that was so real i thought it was really happenening i was at a waterfall with the guy i liked at the time and my best...

i had a dream when i was sleeping on my lounge chair the dream was i woke up in the exact spot i was sleeping and my brother was on the o...

Sucked Down
I was very tired one night, and so my eyes slowly closed. Suddenly, after they closed, I felt like I was spinning, my stomach feeling quea...

Chased By The Killer
I was downtown in what appeared to be Miami. I began to walk, and I saw a shadow move by the tree by me. I began to make a faster pace. Af...

One day, a few months ago, I dreamed that I was making jell-o in my bed. I was laying face down like I normally sleep with the bowl of jel...

I Awoke To Her Smileing Face
in the dream i was sleeping it felt good warm and comfortable. i opend my eyes and saw her laying there still sleeping and smileing god sh...

Gushing Water
I had 2 different dreams one where a pipe broke and gushed water into the house...the other dreams was the kitchen wall was falling and al...

i dream i was in my flat with a little girl and i look outside the window i see a two mans in a car one came in my flat and open my front ...





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