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  Crowds (51)    Psychology (51)    How to Succeed (25)    Imagination (28)    Dealing with Fear (2)    Psychotherapy (170)  


Fear grip us in our everyday life. Learn how to overcome different fears.


Introduction. The Era Of Crowds.
The evolution of the present age--The great changes in civilisation are the consequence of changes in National thought--Modern belief...

Of Crowds.
Scarcely a century ago the traditional policy of European states and the rivalries of sovereigns were the principal factors that shap...

General Characteristics Of Crowds Psychological Law Of Their Mental Unity.
What constitutes a crowd from the psychological point of view--A numerically strong agglomeration of individuals does not suffice to ...

1. Impulsiveness, Mobility, And Irritability Of Crowds.
The crowd is at the mercy of all exterior exciting causes, and reflects their incessant variations--The impulses which the crowd obey...

2. Crowds Are Credulous And Readily Influenced By
SUGGESTION. The obedience of crowds to suggestions--The images evoked in the mind of crowds are accepted by them as realities--Why the...

3. The Exaggeration And Ingenuousness Of The Sentiments Of
CROWDS. Crowds do not admit doubt or uncertainty, and always go to extremes--Their sentiments always excessive. 4. THE INTOLERANCE,...

Impulsiveness, Mobility, And Irritability Of Crowds.
When studying the fundamental characteristics of a crowd we stated that it is guided almost exclusively by unconscious motives. It...

The Suggestibility And Credulity Of Crowds.
When defining crowds, we said that one of their general characteristics was an excessive suggestibility, and we have shown to what ...

The Exaggeration And Ingenuousness Of The Sentiments Of Crowds.
Whether the feelings exhibited by a crowd be good or bad, they present the double character of being very simple and very exaggerat...

The Intolerance, Dictatorialness And Conservatism Of Crowds.
Crowds are only cognisant of simple and extreme sentiments; the opinions, ideas, and beliefs suggested to them are accepted or reje...

The Morality Of Crowds.
Taking the word "morality" to mean constant respect for certain social conventions, and the permanent repression of selfish impulse...

1. The Ideas Of Crowds.
Fundamental and accessory ideas-- How contradictory ideas may exist simultaneously--The transformation that must be undergone by loft...

The Ideas Of Crowds
WHEN studying in a preceding work the part played by ideas in the evolution of nations, we showed that every civilisation is the outc...

The Reasoning Power Of Crowds
It cannot absolutely be said that crowds do not reason and are not to be influenced by reasoning. However, the arguments they emp...

The Imagination Of Crowds
Just as is the case with respect to persons in whom the reasoning power is absent, the figurative imagination of crowds is very pow...

What Is Meant By The Religious Sentiment
It is independent ofthe worship of a divinity-- Its characteristics--The strength of convictions assuming a religious shape--Various ex...

Preparatory Factors Of The Belief Of Crowds
The origin of the beliefs of crowds is the consequence of a preliminary process of elaboration-- Study of the different factors of...

Traditions represent the ideas, the needs, and the sentiments of the past. They are the synthesis of the race, and weigh upon us w...

Political And Social Institutions
The idea that institutions can remedy the defects of societies, that national progress is the consequence of the improvement of ins...

Instruction And Education
Foremost among the dominant ideas of the present epoch is to be found the notion that instruction is capable of considerably changi...

1. Images, Words And Formulae.
The magical power of words and formulae--The power of words bound up with the images they evoke, and independent of their real sense-...

Images, Words, And Formulas
When studying the imagination of crowds we saw that it is particularly open to the impressions produced by images. These images do...

From the dawn of civilisation onwards crowds have always undergone the influence of illusions. It is to the creators of illusions ...

Experience constitutes almost the only effective process by which a truth may be solidly established in the mind of the masses, and ...

In enumerating the factors capable of making an impression on the minds of crowds all mention of reason might be dispensed with, we...

1. The Leaders Of Crowds.
The instinctive need of all beings forming a crowd to obey a leader--The psychology of the leaders of crowds--They alone can endow cr...

The Leaders Of Crowds.
As soon as a certain number of living beings are gathered together, whether they be animals or men, they place themselves instincti...

The Means Of Action Of The Leaders: Affirmation, Repetition, Contagion
When it is wanted to stir up a crowd for a short space of time, to induce it to commit an act of any nature--to pillage a palace, o...

Great power is given to ideas propagated by affirmation, repetition, and contagion by the circumstance that they acquire in time th...

Fixed Beliefs.
The invariability of certain general beliefs--They shape the course of a civilisation--The difficulty of uprooting them--In what resp...

Fixed Beliefs 2
A close parallel exists between the anatomical and psychological characteristics of living beings. In these anatomical characteristic...

The Changeable Opinions Of Crowds
Above the substratum of fixed beliefs, whose power we have just demonstrated, is found an overlying growth of opinions, ideas, and ...

Heterogeneous Crowds
Different varieties of them--The influence of race--The spirit of the crowd is weak in proportion as the spirit of the race is strong...

Heterogeneous Crowds
It is these collectivities whose characteristics have been studied in this volume. They are composed of individuals of any descrip...

Less Accentuated In Proportion As The Spirit Of The Race Is
STRONG. The crowd state and the domination of crowds is equivalent to the barbarian state, or to a return to it. It is by the acquisi...

Homogeneous Crowds
Homogeneous crowds include: 1. Sects; 2. Castes; 3. Classes. The SECT represents the first step in the process of organisation ...

Crowds Termed Criminal Crowds
A crowd may be legally yet not psychologically criminal-- The absolute unconsciousness of the acts of crowds--Various examples--Psych...

Criminal Juries
General characteristics of juries--statistics show that their decisions are independent of their composition--The manner in which an ...

Electoral Crowds
General characteristics of electoral crowds--The manner of persuading them--The qualities that should be possessed by a candidate--Ne...

Parliamentary Assemblies
Parliamentary crowds present most of the characteristics common to heterogeneous crowds that are not anonymous--The simplicity of the...

Not Desired By Us Two Days, A Single Day Before They Were Taken:

The Crowd And The Social Problem Of To-day
Every one at times feels himself in the grip of social forces over which he has no control. The apparently impersonal nature of thes...

How Crowds Are Formed
In his well-known work on the psychology of the crowd Le Bon noted the fact that the unconscious plays a large part in determining t...

The Crowd And The Unconscious
Throughout the discussion thus far I have been making repeated reference to the psychology of the unconscious, without going into de...

The Egoism Of The Crowd-mind
The unconscious egoism of the individual in the crowd appears in all forms of crowd-behavior. As in dreams and in the neurosis this ...

The Crowd A Creature Of Hate
Probably the most telling point of likeness between the crowd-mind and the psychoneurosis--paranoia especially--is the "delusion of ...

The Absolutism Of The Crowd-mind
Wherever conscious thinking is determined by unconscious mechanisms, and all thinking is more or less so, it is dogmatic in characte...

The Psychology Of Revolutionary Crowds
The crowd-mind is seen at its best and at its worst in revolution. To many minds, revolution is so essentially a crowd phenomenon th...

The Fruits Of Revolution New Crowd-tyrannies For Old
So much for the psychology of the revolutionary propaganda. Now let us look at what happens in the moment of revolutionary outbreak....

Freedom And Government By Crowds
The whole philosophy of politics comes down at last to a question of four words. Who is to govern? Compared with this question the p...

Education As A Possible Cure For Crowd-thinking
We have seen that Democracy in and of itself is no more sure a guarantee of liberty than other forms of government. This does not ne...


What Is Psychology?
Wise men study the sciences which deal with the origins and development of animal life, with the structure of the cells, with the ef...

We took a glimpse at random into the mental life of an adult consciousness, and found it very complicated, constantly changing. We ...

The Unconscious
But the mind of man knows two distinct conditions of activity--the conscious and the unconscious. Mind is not always wide awake. We r...

Consciousness Is Complex
The one fact we want at this stage of our inquiry is simply this: that consciousness, awaking at birth, very soon becomes complex. How...

Consciousness In Sleep
Sleep seldom, if ever, is a condition of utter unconsciousness. We so frequently have at least a vague recollection, when we wake, of ...

Consciousness In Delirium
At this time of our study it will suffice to say that in delirium and in insanity, which we might very broadly call a prolonged deliri...

Organs Of Consciousness
Nothing is known to us until it has been transmitted to the mind by the senses. The nerves of special sense, of sight, hearing, smel...

The Central And Peripheral Nervous Systems In Action
I am passing the open door of a bake-shop, and a pervading odor fills the air. I think "hot rolls," because my organ of smell--the nos...

The Sympathetic Nervous System
Associated with the central nervous system by connecting nerves--but located outside of it in various parts of the body--are groups of...

Relation Of Mind And Body
We have found that mind is entirely dependent upon the bodily organs for its existence. Is the body in the same way dependent upon t...

The Cerebrum Or Forebrain
For convenience the various lobes of the cerebrum are known as frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital, according to the parts of t...

The Normal Mind
Mind, we found, is born in the form of consciousness when the outside world impresses itself upon the brain-cells by way of the sens...

The Normal Mind Instinct
We have found that the mind's chief end is action, of itself, or of its body. But what are its incentives to action? We see the ver...

No mind retains consciously everything that has ever impressed it. It is necessary that it put aside what ceases to be of importance o...

The Place Of Emotion
Feeling Cannot Be Separated from Thinking.--Emotion we found the constant accompaniment of every other mental activity. It is first on...

The Beginning Of Reason
We found feeling by far the strongest factor in producing action in babyhood and childhood. Our instinctive doing, we learned, is the ...

Development Of Reason And Will
Later still, when the child is older, we may have somewhat the following mechanism: "Sweets, good, want, taste; spank, hurt; don't car...

The conclusion or decision that reason has reached we call a judgment. The youth who decides against the sweet between meals, we say, ...

Reaction Proportioned To Stimuli
In the normal mind the emotional or feeling accompaniment of thought and action is proportionate and adequate to the circumstances, i....

Normal Emotional Reactions
Some emotions, that seem exaggerated at first thought, may be normal under the circumstances. For no one can know the whole background...

The Normal Mind
The normal mind reasons clearly with the best data at hand to results that will stand the test of conformity to reality; the normal mi...

Psychology And Health
In the use of its functions the mind manifests certain powers and certain modes of expression which can act as powerful allies or as...

Necessity Of Adaptability
Adaptability is as essential to life of mind as to life of body; and health of mind as well as health of body is determined by the ind...

The Power Of Suggestion
One almost universal condition found in illness is hypersuggestability. Here is the nurse's despair and her hope. Suggestion may come...

One Thought Can Be Replaced By Another
If we control attention we control thought, and with the suggestible patient this principle depends upon the one just now considered. ...

Habit Is A Conserver Of Effort
It is always easier to follow a beaten path than to break one's way through untrodden forests. It is easier to walk after we "learn ho...

The Saving Power Of Will
It is not uncommon to hear a doctor say, "Nothing but his will pulled him through that time." It does not mean quite what it says, for...

Disorders And Perversions
Life would be a very simple proposition if the mental machinery always worked right. But this is peculiarly subject to damage both fro...

Variations From Normal Mental Processes (continued)
Hyperesthesia is abnormal sensitiveness to stimulation. Anesthesia is loss, either temporary or permanent, of any of the senses. ...

When we consider the accumulated possibilities for disorder which the family tree of almost any one of us can show, the wonder is not ...

While environment may prove the saving grace from poor heredity, it may itself add heavily to the debit side. With the very best of he...

Personal Reactions
What will decide whether a human being can resist, successfully, bad tendencies in heredity, or in environment, or in both, and keep a...

The Attention Of Interest
Attention naturally follows interest. It can, however, be held by will to the unappealing, with the usual result of transforming it in...

The Attention Of Reason And Will
So the good nurse will not consider her work done when she has diverted mental processes into channels of co-operation. When the patie...

What Determines The Point Of View
The point of view of any individual depends upon temperament, present conditions--mental and physical--and the aim of the life. That i...

Getting The Other Man's Point Of View
Our points of view are very frequently merely hereditary or acquired prejudices, hence altogether emotional rather than rational. We o...

The Deluded Patient
If the patient's mind is temporarily clouded through infection or suffering, he may be reacting to a delusion, an obsession, a fixed i...

Nursing The Deluded Patient
The nurse soon realizes the uselessness of attempting to argue a patient out of his delusions, of trying to convince him that the thin...

The Obsessed Patient
A patient who is suffering from obsessions must carry out certain abnormal actions, or be wretched. She cannot do otherwise. It is as ...

The Mind A Prey To False Associations
Sometimes a nurse reminds a patient of some one in the past who has complicated her life in an unhappy way, so she distrusts or dreads...

The Psychology Of The Nurse
The mind can be as definitely developed and strengthened as the body. The man who has suffered for years an organic disease will nev...

Accuracy Of Perception
The beginning of learning is perception. Keen, accurate perception at the time of first introduction of a new fact or thought, and the...

Training Perception
The nurse who demands of herself that she perceive accurately paves the way for accurate, deft service in her profession. There are co...

Association Of Ideas
After the first few years of life practically nothing enters consciousness that cannot by some likeness or contrast or kinship be con...

How to Study.--You learn sooner or later from experience that the quickest and best way to learn anything new is to give it your undiv...

Self-training In Memory
Hand in hand with clear thinking goes reliable memory. But so many of us have it not, and feel its need so strongly that we shall cons...

Emotional Equilibrium
Suppose that when you first enter the ward you are wishing with all your heart you had never decided to become a probationer. Perhaps ...

Accuracy in work, a primary essential to the nurse, can become automatic if she will demand of herself accuracy of perception, and con...

Training The Will
There is no better opportunity for will-training than the hospital affords the nurse. The constant necessity of acting against desire,...

The Nurse Of The Future
The student of life and of the sciences which deal with the origin and development of the human race, and with the relations of man ...

The Nurse Of The Future
The nurse of the future will not be merely a handmaiden to care for the sick body by deftly carrying out the doctor's orders. She will...

How to Succeed

First Be A Man
The great need at this hour is manly men. We want no goody-goody piety; we have too much of it. We want men who will d...

Seize Your Opportunity
"The blowing winds are but our servants When we hoist a sail." You must come to know that each admirable genius is b...

How Did He Begin?
There can be no doubt that the captains of industry to-day, using that term in its broadest sense, are men who began life ...

Out Of Place
The high prize of life, the crowning fortune of a man, is to be born with a bias to some pursuit, which finds him in employm...

What Shall I Do?
No man ever made an ill-figure who understood his own talents, nor a good one who mistook them. --SWIFT. Bless...

Will You Pay The Price?
The gods sell anything and to everybody at a fair price. --EMERSON. All desire knowledge, but no one is willing to p...

Foundation Stones
In all matters, before beginning, a diligent preparation should be made. --CICERO. How great soever a genius m...

The Conquest Of Obstacles
Nature, when she adds difficulties, adds brains. --EMERSON. Exigencies create the necessary ability to meet and conq...

Dead In Earnest
It is the live coal that kindles others, not the dead. What made Demosthenes the greatest of all orators was that he a...

To Be Great Concentrate
Let every one ascertain his special business and calling, and then stick to it. --FRANKLIN. "He who follows tw...

At Once
Note the sublime precision that leads the earth over a circuit of 500,000,000 miles back to the solstice at the appointed ...

Doing well depends upon doing completely. --PERSIAN PROVERB. He who does well will always have patrons enough. ...

In the elder days of Art Builders wrought with greatest care Each minute and unseen part, For the gods see e...

Quit yourselves like men. --1 SAMUEL iv. 9. Cowards have no luck. --ELIZABETH KULMAN. He has not learn...

In the moral world there is nothing impossible if we can bring a thorough will to do it. --W. HUMBOLDT. It is ...

Guard Your Weak Point
He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty: and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city. --BIBLE....

Patience is the courage of the conqueror; it is the virtue, _par excellence_, of Man against Destiny, of the One against ...

If you want to test a young man and ascertain whether nature made him for a king or a subject, give him a thousand dollars ...

Live Upward
"Do what thou dost as if the stake were heaven, And this thy last deed ere the judgment day." If you wish to reach t...

I shall show the cinders of my spirits Through the ashes of my chance. --SHAKESPEARE. P...

Above Rubies
The best way to settle the quarrel between capital and labor is by allopathic doses of Peter-Cooperism. --TALMAGE. ...

Moral Sunshine
I have gout, asthma, and seven other maladies, but am otherwise very well. --SIDNEY SMITH. The inborn genialit...

Hold Up Your Head
Thoroughly to believe in one's own self, so one's self were thorough, were to do great things. --TENNYSON. If ...

Books And Success
Ignorance is the curse of God, Knowledge the wing wherewith we fly to heaven. --SHAKESPEARE. Prefer knowledge ...

Riches Without Wings
Walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called. --EPH. iv. I. Abundance consists not alone in material possessi...


The Motor Nature Of The Constructive Imagination
I It has been often repeated that one of the principal conquests of contemporary psychology is the fact that it has firmly establ...

The Intellectual Factor
Considered under its intellectual aspect, that is, in so far as it borrows its elements from the understanding, the imagination ...

The Emotional Factor
The influence of emotional states on the working of the imagination is a matter of current observation. But it has been studied chie...

The Unconscious Factor
I By this term I designate principally, not exclusively, what ordinary speech calls "inspiration." In spite of its mysterious and...

The Organic Conditions Of The Imagination
Whatever opinion we may hold concerning the nature of the unconscious, since that form of activity is related more than any other to...

The Principle Of Unity
The psychological nature of the imagination would be very imperfectly known were we limited to the foregoing analytical study. Indee...

Imagination In Animals
Up to this point the imagination has been treated analytically only. This process alone would give us but a very imperfect idea of i...

The Creative Imagination In The Child
At what age, in what form, under what conditions does the creative imagination make its appearance? It is impossible to answer this ...

Primitive Man And The Creation Of Myths
We come now to a unique period in the history of the development of the imagination--its golden age. In primitive man, still confine...

The Higher Forms Of Invention
We now pass from primitive to civilized man, from collective to individual creation, the characters of which it remains for us to st...

Law Of The Development Of The Imagination
Is imagination, so often called "a capricious faculty," subject to some law? The question thus asked is too simple, and we must make...

After having studied the creative imagination in its constitutive elements and in its development we purpose, in this last part, de...

The Plastic Imagination
I By "plastic imagination" I understand that which has for its special characters clearness and precision of form; more explicitl...

The Diffluent Imagination
I The diffluent imagination is another general form, but one that is completely opposed to the foregoing. It consists of vaguely-...

Numerical Imagination
Under this head I designate the imagination that takes pleasure in the unlimited--in infinity of time and space--under the form of num...

Musical Imagination
Musical imagination deserves a separate monograph. As the task requires, in addition to psychological capacity, a profound knowledge o...

The Mystic Imagination
Mystic imagination deserves a place of honor, as it is the most complete and most daring of purely theoretic invention. Related to d...

The Scientific Imagination
It is quite generally recognized that imagination is indispensable in all sciences; that without it we could only copy, repeat, imit...

The Practical And Mechanical Imagination
The study of the practical imagination is not without difficulties. First of all, it has not hitherto attracted psychologists, so th...

The Commercial Imagination
Taking the word "commercial" in its broadest signification, I understand by this expression all those forms of the constructive imag...

The Utopian Imagination
When the human mind creates, it can use only two classes of ideas as materials to embody its idea, viz.: (1) Natural phenomena, t...

The Foundations Of The Creative Imagination
Why is the human mind able to create? In a certain sense this question may seem idle, childish, and even worse. We might just as wel...

The Imaginative Type
Let us try now, by way of conclusion, to present to the reader a picture of the whole of the imaginative life in all its degrees. I...

The Various Forms Of Inspiration
Among the descriptions of the inspired state found in various authors, I select only three, which are brief and have each a special ...

On The Nature Of The Unconscious Factor
We have seen that in the question of the unconscious there must be recognized a positive part--facts, and an hypothetical part--the...

Cosmic And Human Imagination
For Froschammer, Fancy is the original principle of things. In his philosophical theory it plays the same part as Hegel's Idea, Sch...

Evidence In Regard To Musical Imagination
The question asked above, Does the experiencing of purely musical sounds evoke images, universally, and of what nature and under wha...

The Imaginative Type And Association Of Ideas
I have questioned a very great number of imaginative persons, well known to me as such, and have chosen preferably those who, not ma...

Dealing with Fear

How To Stop A Panic Attack In 10 Seconds
Do you suffer from panic attack or moments during the day where the outside world feels overwhelming? At times this feeling could take th...

How To Deal With Unhappy Feelings
Have you ever felt down, depressed, sad, overwhelmed or stressed? Life can be a drag and everything feels heavier and hard to do than nor...


Great Physicians In Psychotherapy
"The real physician is the one who cures: the observation which does not touch the art of healing is not that of a physician, it is ...

First Physician
The first physician of whom we have any record was I-em-Hetep, who lived in the reign of King Tcsher of the third dynasty of Egypt, p...

Psychotherapy In Egypt
Among the Egyptians the first great development of medicine came among the priests. The two professions, the medical and priesthood, w...

Mind Healing In Greece
When Greece awoke to the great literary and scientific discussion of human thought that gave us such philosophic and scientific thinke...

Alexandrian Psychotherapy
When the center of interest in Greek medicine was transferred from Greece itself to Egypt, and the Alexandrian school represented what...

Psychotherapy At Rome
Galen.--Galen, whom we are prone to think of as a Latin because so much of his work was done at Rome, but whose works have come to us ...

Arabian Mental Medicine
The Arabian physicians who succeeded to the traditions of Greek medicine preserved also those relating to psychotherapy. Rhazes, the ...

Medieval Mind-healing
During the Middle Ages faith was one of the things most frequently appealed to, and even the physicians made use of religious belief t...

Mental Healing In The Renaissance
What is exemplified in medieval medicine in this matter remains true during the Renaissance. In the fifteenth century Petrus Pomponati...

Psychotherapy And Modern Medicine
Paracelsus.--Paracelsus, the great physician of the first half of the sixteenth century, who may well be considered the father of mode...

Unconscious Psychotherapeutics
The great authorities in medicine, the men whose thought counted for most in the development of not only the science but the art of m...

Remedies Plus Suggestion
Prof. Richet, the head of the department of physiology, University of Paris, quotes the expression of a French critic of medicine: "Hu...

Genuine Remedies And Suggestive Exaggeration
The story of the suggestive use of drugs shows us many suggestions employed even by distinguished physicians, men whose work is eminen...

Therapeutic Persuasion
It is not only in the distant past, however, but also in quite modern times that these therapeutic persuasions have existed among phy...

Signatures And Psychotherapy
Similia similibus curantur, like is cured by like, is a very old idea. According to the doctrine of signatures nature had put an exte...

Pseudo-science And Mental Healing
An interesting phase of psychotherapy is found in the history of the applications of new scientific discoveries to medicine. The deve...

Astrology is the typical example of pseudo-science in medicine. The stars, and particularly the planets and the moon, were supposed to...

Herbal Medicine
What is thus exemplified in astronomy and astrology can be found in the story of every other science. After the knowledge of the stars...

When chemistry, under the old name of alchemy, began to develop, its first study was of minerals, and just as soon as a body of knowle...

Mathematical Medicine
When mathematics developed, applications of that science were made to physiology and to medicine. Under the influence of Borelli, the ...

The great development of pseudo-science in medicine remained for the era following the scientific investigation of electricity. With t...

Light And Psychotherapy
Just as electricity has always been therapeutically abused by those who have taken advantage of the suggestive influence of its marvel...

The X-ray
That happened two generations ago, and it might be supposed that in the meantime there had been so much advance in popular education, ...

Radium And Radio-activity
When radium was discovered, though it came so soon after the discovery of the X-ray and our disappointment with it, the old story of a...

Suggestion And Pseudo-science
These applications of science, or rather of supposed science, illustrate the influence of suggestion. The succession of events in eac...

Quackery And Mind Cures
Not less interesting than the therapeutic results obtained by men who in good faith were using inert remedies that they thought effect...

Nostrums And The Healing Power Of Suggestion
A striking illustration of the power of the mind to bring about the cure of ailments and symptoms of every sort is found in the histor...

Amulets Talismans Charms
Amulets, talismans, charms--these words are commonly used with something of the same significance, and for our purpose all three may ...

Deterrent Therapeutics
In the history of therapy a peculiar phase was the use of all sorts of materials, intensely repugnant to human nature and deterrent to...

Influence Of The Personality In Therapeutics
Though it has seldom been fully realized and has probably never been appreciated as in our time, one of the most important factors in ...

Impressive Personality
As a matter of fact, it is easy to comprehend, even from the comparatively scanty details that we have of habits and methods of the g...

Success In Healing
We have any number of examples, then, of this power of the healer in history. Over and over again we find that it was the personality ...

Faith Cures
The series of phenomena that may be grouped under the term "faith cures" represent the oldest, the most frequent, universal, and cons...

Influence Of Mind On Body
The power of mind over body for the relief of symptoms has been recognized, not only by physicians, but by the generality of men at ...

Unfavorable Mental Influence
Much as may be accomplished by psychotherapeutics through favorable mental influence--the modifying of the mental attitude towards di...

The Influence Of Body On Mind
While trying to take advantage of the influence of the mind on the body for therapeutics, it is important to remember that the body ha...

The Mechanism Of The Influence Of Mind On Body
The question as to how mind influences body, and body mind, has always proved a riddle to all but those with a special theory in the m...

Brain Cells And Mental Operations
While the theories of neuronic action we have discussed do not represent absolute knowledge, they are at least suggestive and helpfu...

Even more important, perhaps, than any other of the functions attributed to the neuroglia cells, is the role they may play in enablin...

It is evident that some of the physical mechanisms that are employed for the lower grade mental processes at least can be explained on...

Unconscious Cerebration
Some people actually learn to depend on unconscious cerebration. A man, for instance, who has to make an address on a particular subje...

Abstraction Of Mind
Features of the mechanism of mental operations are brought out in certain phenomena of abstraction of mind, which show how the attenti...

Preoccupation Of Mind
This is true, not only for ordinary sensations, but even for such as would ordinarily be presumed to be so insistent in their call tha...

Vital Energy Behind Brain Cells
In all of these phenomena there is something more than brain cells at work. Brain cells are guided, co-ordinated, controlled, and even...

Unconscious Cerebration
Many of the exhausting neurotic and psycho-neurotic affections so common in recent years are largely due to the failure of patients to...

Sleep Communications
Any one who has been thinking much for several days about a problem is likely to wake up with the thought that he has dreamed a soluti...

Pathological Significance
Unconscious cerebration is not, then, a trivial matter, and not an unusual experience. It probably occurs in every individual to a muc...

Mental Relaxation
What is important for mental relaxation, apparently, is not that a man shall try to set his mind at absolute rest, for that seems to b...

Remedial Measures
The most important general remedy for over-prolonged mental occupation with a single subject, is some outdoor sport or form of exercis...

Distant Mental Influence
There is a very general impression that it is possible, at least under certain circumstances, for one human mind to influence another ...

Secondary Personality
So much attention has recently been directed to the subject of secondary personality by the startling phenomena described in numerous ...

Hypnotism is popularly supposed to be a mysterious psychological process by which susceptible subjects are brought under the influence...

Former Methods Of Hypnotization
All the methods of hypnotizing, then, are directed to securing this state of concentration of the patient's mind. The hypnotic state i...

Present Day Methods Of Hypnotization
Though various methods of producing the hypnotic sleep are in use, the rule is now that, in the course of a hypnotizer's experience, l...

Practice Of Hypnotism
In the ordinary practice of hypnotism now, the patient is placed sitting on a comfortable chair and the operator on one side facing p...

Animal Hypnotism
The hypnotization of animals shows that only a very low grade intelligence is needed for the production of this state. The famous exp...

Dangers Of Hypnotism
There are many and various opinions of the dangers of hypnotism. Some of those who have given it a fair trial have insisted on its dan...

Psychotherapy And The Individual Patient
The most important element in Psychotherapy is the individual patient. Old Dr. Parry of Bath said a century ago, "It is much more im...

The Morning Hours
In getting the history of patients for diagnostic purposes the safest way is to begin with the getting up in the morning and then to...

The Day's Work
Probably even more important than details with regard to the early hours of the day, is detailed information as to the day's work, the...

The Middle Op The Day
Information regarding the mid-day meal will be of value to the physician in many cases. In cities, luncheon, likely to be rather an a...

The Leisure Hours
Then comes the return from business. Here once more the ordinary method of getting on a crowded train, standing up to be pushed and j...

General Principles Of Psychotherapy
In formal, deliberate psychotherapeutics the first and most important principle is the treatment of the individual patient, and not ...

Under the head of Adjuvants and Disturbing Factors in the psychic treatment of patients come the various phases of life which make for...

In recent years a great change has come over the popular mind regarding exercise, especially in the open air. It is well to emphasize...

There are many changes of position that relieve pain, lessen discomfort, aid in excretion, and in the evacuation of material from the...

One of the most important factors for therapeusis in the sense of the amelioration of defective motor conditions, the relief of distur...

Occupation Of Mind
Two classes of patients frequently apply to physicians for relief from various discomforts. They are, first, people who have no regu...

Diversion Of Mind Hobbies
There are two classes for whom diversion is of the utmost value. The first are over-occupied with themselves; and the second group a...

Few people realize how powerful a factor for physical, as well as moral, good and evil is habit. The old expression that habit is se...

Physical Habits
Habit and Food.--Most of our likes and dislikes for food are neither physical nor physiological, but simply habitual. We have become...

Mental Habits
It is evident from the foregoing that physical habits have much to do with making life easier and saving expenditure of nervous energy...

Manners And Disposition
Habit can modify nature so much as to make what is practically another man. We all know how the dancing master can transform a country...

Therapeutic Importance Of Habit
The most important therapeutic element in the formation of good habits, mental and physical, is that habit does away with the necessi...

Pain, while always a dreaded symptom of disease, seems, with the increase of comfort and the gradual abolition that has come in our t...

Influence Of Mind On Food Digestion
With the progress of biological chemistry, digestion came to be considered a purely chemical process. Now we realize that even more ...

Indigestion And Unfavorable States Of Mind
Indigestion is the characteristic disease of our time. There are few men or women over thirty who have not suffered from it. The wor...

Psychic Treatment Of Digestive Conditions
If discouragement and solicitude make a healthy stomach digest imperfectly, the same mental factors will play an even more serious ro...

Mental Influence In Dyspepsia And Indigestion
It is often said that this teaching as to the effect of the mind on digestion and its eminent usefulness for the treatment of dyspepti...

Prevention And Correction
The important rule with regard to the mental attitude of the patient toward uncomfortable feelings due to digestion must be, first to ...

Two classes of patients come to the physician complaining of lack of appetite. The first and more important class consists of those ...

To judge by the frequency of advertisements for laxatives of various kinds, constipation must be an extremely common affection. At l...

Neurotic Intestinal Affections
There is a whole series of intestinal affections dependent on nerve influence that get worse and better under stress of emotion or r...

Muco-membranous Colitis
Probably the severest, certainly the most interesting of the neurotic conditions of the intestines, is muco-membranous colitis. The on...

Obesity, popularly considered to be an over-accumulation of fat, is sometimes thought to exist only when there is the large developmen...

Weight And Good Feeling
Probably the most important single condition for the maintenance of good health and good feeling is the carrying of weight normal fo...

Vague Abdominal Discomforts Loose Kidney
After the vague pains around joints so commonly called rheumatic, and which occur so frequently that probably there is no one over f...

The Heart And Mental Influence
The heart is an organ so vitally important that we might expect it to be carefully protected by nature from any interference with it...

Diagnosis And Prognosis In Heart Disease
The more carefully heart disease, and particularly individual patients affected by various heart lesions, have been studied in recen...

Cardiac Neuroses
If, as all the authorities recognize, the attitude of mind toward organic heart disease is extremely important and when favorable is...

Cardiac Palpitation And Gastro-intestinal Disturbance
Morgagni, whom Virchow greeted as the Father of Modern Pathology, made a careful study of the pulse and especially of its irregulari...

Angina Pectoris
The two forms of this affection, known commonly as true and false angina, are characterized by pain or anguish in the precordial reg...

Etymologically tachycardia means rapid heart. There are two forms of rapid heart, that which is constant and that which occurs in per...

Bradycardia, or persistent slow pulse, is much rarer than the persistent rapid pulse discussed at the beginning of the chapter on t...

Coughs And Colds
Cough under most conditions is so completely a natural reflex due to irritation from material which demands expectoration that to ta...

Tuberculosis, in spite of all our efforts against it, remains in Defoe's striking phrase the "captain of the men of death." Pneumoni...

Character As A Therapeutic Asset
Recent interest in tuberculosis has taught us that the best possible asset for a tuberculous patient is character. Resistive vitality ...

Suggestion As To Symptoms
Besides the value of suggestion for the general condition in tuberculosis many of its symptoms can be treated best by changing the me...

Neurotic Asthma And Cognate Conditions
For the consideration of its psychotherapy asthma may be divided into two forms--symptomatic and essential, or neurotic, asthma. Sym...

Dust Asthma Seasonal Catarrh Hay Fever
Grouped under the term "hay fever" there are probably as many different affections as there are under the term "chronic rheumatism."...

Dyspnea Cat And Horse Asthma
There is a class of cases of difficulty of breathing allied to asthma and often called by that name, the study of which throws light...

Painful Joint Conditions Pseudo-rheumatism
[Footnote 33: The position here taken, that acute articular rheumatism never leaves a mark after it, is entirely due to the obs...

Suggestion In Treatment Of So-called Rheumatisms
How much the treatment of these so-called chronic rheumatisms depends on suggestion, in spite of the apparent improbability of anythin...

Old Injuries And So-called Rheumatism
As people advance in years, it is a common experience that tissues injured years before are the source of no little discomfort and a...

Muscular Pains And Aches
Whenever exposure to cold causes a period of discomfort in almost any organ, except the teeth and certain definite nerves (for neura...

Occupation Muscle And Joint Pains
There is one variety of painful conditions of muscles and joints, often spoken of as muscular rheumatism or as chronic rheumatism an...

Painful Arm And Trunk Conditions
Cervical Ribs.--Some interesting cases with painful conditions of the arms develop as a consequence of the presence of cervical ribs...

Lumbago And Sciatica
Any affection involving discomfort, pain, ache, or disability of the large muscles in the lumbar regions is likely to be called lumb...

Etiology.--What has been said of lumbago applies to a great extent also to sciatica. There are a number of different affections whic...

Painful Knee Conditions
Most of the painful knee conditions of which patients complain are not directly due to true pathological conditions either of the kn...

Foot Troubles
The more physicians see of affections of the feet and of painful conditions of the legs due to foot troubles the more they realize t...

Arthritis Deformans
Arthritis deformans has unfortunately been called by several names besides the descriptive term which, in the present state of our ...

Heberden's Nodes
The most familiar form is named Heberden's nodes, from the great English physician who first made a special study of it. The affection...

Chronic Arthritis Deformans
The third type of arthritis deformans is the chronic slow running type which involves many joints before the process is complete. One ...

Coccygodynia, or, as it is sometimes called, coccydynia, is a painful affection of the coccyx or bony end of the spinal column. It usu...

Mental Healing In Gynecology
All physicians are convinced of the good that has been done by the extension of the application of surgery to women's diseases durin...

Psychic States In Menstruation
One does not need to be a physician to be familiar with the curious psychic states which develop or are accentuated during the menst...

No feature of menstrual difficulty shows so clearly the influence of the mind over bodily function, and especially over those genita...

Practically every woman of menstrual age has more or less discomfort during menstruation. In most cases this does not rise beyond a ...

While the influence of the mind in producing painful menstruation and a much diminished menstrual flow is well recognized, the conne...

The Menopause
While the phase of feminine sexual life which involves the cessation of menstruation is physiological and not morbid, it is so commo...

Suggestion In Obstetrics
In no department of medicine is favorable or unfavorable mental influence more important than in obstetrics. Unfortunately, unfavor...

Maintenance of Health.--Women must keep up their normal health and strength during pregnancy. By not taking sufficient exercise and ...

Suggestion in Labor.--When the subjects are normal, expectancy has much to do with the severity of labor pains. In recent years so m...

The attitude of mind of a woman toward her milk supply is important, as the flow of milk is closely subject to mental influence. The ...

Maternal Impressions
"Maternal impression" is accepted as a specific designation to signify the real or supposed influence of emotion and especially seri...

It may seem impossible to include prostatic hypertrophy, or the train of symptoms connected with it, among those affections likely t...

Sexual Neuroses
Anything that disturbs the sexual sphere in either sex, no matter how trivial it may be, becomes a source of worry and depression qu...

Sexual Habits
As was emphasized in the preceding chapter, sexual symptoms are usually the subject of so much worry and disturbance of mind and be...

Psychotherapy In Skin Diseases
The place of mental influence in the treatment of skin diseases will be best realized from the role that we know the mind plays in t...

Diabetes is an affection of metabolism definitely recognized as due to serious organic changes, though existing in several forms. We...

Graves Disease
Graves' disease, sometimes called Basedow's disease, though the Irish physician has a right to the name by priority, is often called...

Psychotherapy Of Organic Nervous Diseases
Since we know that the basis of many nervous diseases is an obliteration of certain cells of the brain or of the spinal cord, or ce...

Cerebral Apoplexy
Cerebral apoplexy is an extremely serious organic disease that seems surely to be an affection for which psychotherapeutics can mean...

Locomotor Ataxia
How much can be done for organic nervous disease by attention to the individual patient and by favorable suggestion is illustrated i...

Paresis would seem to be one of the affections so inevitable in its course, so positively helpless as regards any medication, and so...

Epilepsy And Pseudo-epilepsy
EPILEPSY With regard to the major neuroses generally, very much more therapeutic benefit can be secured than in any other way t...

Paralysis Agitans
This is a chronic affection of the nervous system having for its most characteristic symptom a tremor, but with marked muscular rigi...

In spite of the improvement in the general health of the community, due to more hygienic living, more healthy food and better ventil...

Nervous Weakness Neurasthenia
Neurasthenia, from the Greek roots, neur, meaning nerve, and sthenos, strength, joined by the negative particle a, turning strength...

This twitching affection, so familiar that it need not be described particularly, is sometimes classed as a pure neurosis, sometimes...

Without any good reason in the etymology or the history of the word, the term "tics" has now been generally accepted to signify cert...

Stuttering Ataxia In Talking Walking Writing Etc
The difficulty of speech called stuttering has usually been considered rather as an unfortunate lack of control over the organs of ...

Two types of tremors come to us for treatment: those that are quite involuntary and occur when muscles are at rest, and those that a...

Psycho-neuroses Hysteria
As the derivation of the name indicates, psycho-neuroses are functional nervous affections dependent on states of mind. They are no...

Forms Of Neurotic Simulation
Every possible painful condition is simulated by these psycho-neurotic conditions. They occur probably with more frequency in the ab...

Differential Diagnosis
For the differential diagnosis of psycho-neuroses from definite organic conditions, the most important element is the patient's pre...

Mental Incapacity Psychasthenia
In recent years we have come to realize that many of the so-called nervous diseases, or if they do not deserve the serious name of ...

Hallucinations Differentiated from Illusions and Delusions.--Hallucinations are vivid impressions on the consciousness which appeal...

In any discussion of the influence of mind over body, favorable and unfavorable, too much emphasis cannot be placed on the hold that...

Definite Dreads
Besides these rather vague dreads, however, there are certain special disquietudes peculiar to individuals, even more groundless, if ...

Dreads Of Men Of Genius
The insane are particularly prone to suffer from dreads, so that some people argue from their dreads to the thought of insanity. It ...

Periodical Depression
Fits of periodical depression, familiarly known as "the blues," occur in the experience of practically everyone. In some people they...

Mental States Of Disappointment
Quite apart from these serious ailments, however, there are passing phases of depression that come to nearly everyone after adult li...

To the minds of many people insomnia is one of the most serious ills to which human nature is heir. Most of this quite false impress...

Some Troubles Of Sleep
Certain annoying incidents in connection with sleep annoy those affected by them so much as to arouse them very completely from slee...

Dreams, that is, thoughts and illusions and mental phenomena of various kinds that occur during sleep, have always been interesting ...

Disorders Of Memory
Many patients suffering from various nervous symptoms insist that they are losing their memory or that it is becoming notably defici...

Psychic Contagion
The term psychic contagion is often thought of as merely figurative. It is, however, quite literal. Many minds are influenced by wha...

In recent years so much has been said about addiction to alcohol as a disease rather than as a habit that the treatment of it frankl...

Drug Addictions
Much of what has been said with regard to alcoholism finds ready application to the treatment of drug addictions. At the very beginn...

In spite of the gradual increase of comfort in life and its wide diffusion--far beyond what people enjoyed in the past--there has be...

Grieving would seem at first glance to be one of the conditions for which the physician, especially if the etymology of the name of hi...

In recent years the attention of physicians has been called to the fact that many people are made profoundly miserable by an unconq...

Responsibility And Will Power
The development of science (meaning by that term knowledge with regard to physical nature in contradistinction to philosophy or the ...

Psychotherapy In Old-time Surgery
Surgery, a name derived from chirurgy--handwork--might seem to be dependent almost entirely on mechanical and technical skill, yet t...

Mental Influence Before Operation
Much may be done during the preparation for operation to put the patient in the most suitable condition for the manifestation of he...

Mental Influence In Anesthesia
Nowhere in the domain of surgery is the influence of the mind more important than in the production of anesthesia for surgical purpo...

Mental Influence After Operation
Every surgeon feels the necessity of having his patients as quiet and restful as possible after operation. Any unfavorable mental in...

A physician who wishes to use psychotherapy effectively should know something about physiological psychology, or analytical or expe...


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