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Canadian Postal Stamps information

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Canadian Postal Stamps information


Canada was originally the French colony of New France, which comprised the range of territory as far west as the Mississippi, inc...

Its Postal History
The Stamp Collector's Magazine for August, 1868, contained an interesting article on the history of the Canadian Post-of...

A Postmaster's Provisional
Postage stamps were first placed on sale to the public in Canada on April 23rd, 1851, as we shall show later, but, according to a...

The First Issue
In common with the other Colonies of British North America Canada was granted the privilege of administrating its own postal serv...

The Second Issue
The third report of the Postmaster-General for Canada, dated March 31st, 1854, refers to a change in the rates of postage on sing...

The Perforated Pence Stamps
In the Report of the Postmaster-General for September 30th, 1857, to which we have already made reference, we read:— ...

The First “cents” Issue
While the somewhat cumbrous English currency of pounds, shillings and pence has presented little or no difficulty in those parts ...

The First Dominion Issue
The steady growth of Upper Canada, chiefly due to immigration, until it had twice the population of its sister Province, Lower Ca...

The 1c Orange Of 1869
The 1c and 3c stamps of 1868 were so alike in color that it was soon found that confusion was easily possible between the two val...

The Large 5c Stamp
Although it somewhat interrupts the chronological sequence of our narrative, before dealing with the small “cents” st...

The Small “cents” Stamps
In the American Journal of Philately for August, 1869, we read “Canada is shortly to have a new set of stamps. Taki...

The 20c And 50c Stamps Of 1893
The Postmaster-General's Report for 1892 states that “Postage stamps of the value of 20 cents and 50 cents are about to be ...

The 8c Stamp Of 1893
Until 1889 the registration fee had to be prepaid by means of the special stamps issued for the purpose. When, in 1889, a uniform...

The Diamond Jubilee Issue
The year 1897 was an eventful one in the history of the British Empire, for on June 20th the greatly revered Queen Victoria celeb...

The “maple Leaf” Issue Of 1897
Soon after the printing contract was awarded to the American Bank Note Company it was rumoured that a new series of stamps would ...

The “numeral” Issue Of 1898
The “maple-leaf” issue had not been long in use before complaints were made that owing to the lack of plain numerals ...

The “map” Stamp Of 1898
Shortly after Great Britain adopted penny postage for internal use in 1840 postal reformers began to dream of Ocean Penny Postage...

The “2 Cents” Provisionals
One result of the Imperial Conference on Postal Rates held in London, in addition to the inauguration of Imperial Penny Postage, ...

The Bi-sected Provisionals
The somewhat sudden reduction of the domestic postal rate from 3c to 2c on single letters led to the production of a few provisio...

The 2c Carmine
According to the Post Office circular quoted in our last chapter the issue of the 2c stamp in carmine—or red, as the color ...

The 20c Value Of 1900
On the 29th of December, 1900, a 20c value was added to the numeral series, its advent being quite unannounced. The large 20c sta...

The Queen Victoria Seven Cents
Although the reduction in the domestic rate of postage from 3c to 2c in 1899 made the 8c stamp—which was primarily intended...

The King Edward Issue
King Edward VII ascended the throne on January 22nd, 1901, but it was not until nearly two and a half years later that the Domini...

The Quebec Tercentenary Issue
The year 1908 marked the three hundredth anniversary of the first permanent settlement in Canada, made by Champlain at Quebec in ...

The King George Stamps
On May 6th, 1910, King George V succeeded to the throne but the Dominion of Canada did not take steps towards issuing a series of s...

The War Tax Stamps
One result of the European war was that Canada, in common with many other countries, had to impose special taxes. The Hon. W. T. Wh...

A Proposed Commemorative Series
Before concluding our notes regarding the postage stamps proper of Canada it will be as well to make brief reference to a proposed c...

Official Stamps
Canada has never issued special postage stamps for use on departmental correspondence but in November, 1884, a German paper,—...

The Special Delivery Stamp
In March, 1884, the Philatelic Record contained the following paragraph:— We are informed that there i...

The Registration Stamps
The convenience of the registry system was adopted in Canada in May, 1855, at which time the fee was the remarkably low one of one p...

The Postage Due Stamps
Like most other countries Canada managed to collect the postage due on insufficiently prepaid mail matter for many years without th...

The “officially Sealed” Labels
Although “officially sealed” labels cannot by any stretch of the imagination be considered as postage stamps or, indeed,...

Pony Express

At A Nation's Crisis
The Pony Express was the first rapid transit and the first fast mail line across the continent from the Missouri River to the Paci...

Inception And Organization Of The Pony Express
Following the discovery of gold in California in January 1848, that region sprang into immediate prominence. From all parts of the...

The First Trip And Triumph
On March 26, 1860, there appeared simultaneously in the St. Louis Republic and the New York Herald the following notice: To San...

Operation Equipment And Business
On entering the service of the Central Overland California and Pike's Peak Express Company, employees of the Pony Express were com...

California And The Secession Menace
When the Southern states withdrew, a conspiracy was on foot to force California out of the Union, and organize a new Republic of t...

Riders And Famous Rides
Bart Riles, the pony rider, died this morning from wounds received at Cold Springs, May 16. The men at Dry Creek Station have a...

Early Overland Mail Routes
In the history of overland transportation in America, the Pony Express is but one in a series of many enterprises. As emphasized a...

Passing Of The Pony Express
When Edward Creighton completed the Pacific telegraph, and, on October 24, 1861, began sending messages; by wire from coast to coa...




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