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 Psychic Research

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  Psychic Research (8)    Psychic Stories (30)  

Psychic Research

Learn the basics about the field of psychic research. Learn thought transference through drawing or learn about using photography to capture images of ghosts or other phenomena.

Psychic Research

Spiritualism Introductory
A short title to a book has its advantages. It has also its disadvantages. It is almost inevitable that it should, on the one hand, ...

The Appearance Of Light Without Any Apparent Physical Cause
The appearance of Lights at Spiritualistic circles, apparently not due to any physical cause, is very widely asserted. The character...

Physical Phenomena Alleged To Have Occurred In The Presence Of Daniel Dunglas Home
Scientific evidence of the reality of the Physical Phenomena alleged to have occurred in the presence of D. D. Home is scarcely to b...

Physical Phenomena Alleged To Have Occurred In The Presence Of William Stainton Moses
It is mainly due to the labours of Mr. F. W. H. Myers, after Mr. Stainton Moses' death, that the Physical Phenomena alleged to have ...

The Divining Rod
The reality or otherwise of the pretensions of the "Divining Rod" come legitimately within the scope of the present inquiry. The phy...

Thought-transference Drawings
There is one, and perhaps only one phase of the great subject of Thought-Transference or Telepathy the manifestations of which can ...

By "materialisation," in this chapter, is not meant the production of more or less complete portions of the human body--generally ha...

Spirit Photography
For over thirty years photographs have been taken in London, on which, when they were developed, figures appeared for the presence o...

Psychic Stories

When The World Was Young
BY JACK LONDON I He was a very quiet, self-possessed sort of man, sitting a moment on top of the wall to sound the damp dark...

The Return
BY ALGERNON BLACKWOOD It was curious--that sense of dull uneasiness that came over him so suddenly, so stealthily at first he s...

The Second Generation
BY ALGERNON BLACKWOOD Sometimes, in a moment of sharp experience, comes that vivid flash of insight that makes a platitude sudden...

Joseph: A Story
BY KATHERINE RICKFORD They were sitting round the fire after dinner--not an ordinary fire--one of those fires that has a little r...

The Clavecin Bruges
BY GEORGE WHARTON EDWARDS A silent, grass-grown market-place, upon the uneven stones of which the sabots of a passing peasant cla...

BY EDGAR ALLAN POE "And the will therein lieth, which dieth not. Who knoweth the mysteries of the will, with its vigor? F...

The Sylph And The Father
By ELSA BARKER [Footnote 5: By permission of the author of War Letters of the Living Dead Man and Mitchell Kennerley.] Passing...

A Ghost
BY LAFCADIO HEARN I Perhaps the man who never wanders away from the place of his birth may pass all his life without knowing g...

The Eyes Of The Panther
BY AMBROSE BIERCE I ONE DOES NOT ALWAYS MARRY WHEN INSANE A man and a woman--nature had done the grouping--sat on a rustic s...

Photographing Invisible Beings
BY WM. T. STEAD "Millions of Spiritual creatures walk the earth Unseen, both when we wake and when we sleep." --MILT...

The Sin-eater
By Fiona Macleod SIN. Taste this bread, this substance: tell me Is it bread or flesh? The Senses approach ...

Ghosts In Solid Form
BY GAMBIER BOLTON Ex-Pres. The Psychological Society, London, F.R.G.S., F.Z.S., etc. CHAPTER I "A single grain of solid ...

Working Hypothesis
That under certain known and reasonable conditions of temperature, light, etc., entities, existing in a sphere outside our own, have b...

Precautions Against Fraud
We are now ready to see what happens at a typical experimental meeting for these materializations, at hundreds of which I have assiste...

The Vapor Stage
In a few moments our clairvoyants both report that the force or power is issuing from the side of the sensitive, if a man (or from the...

The Solid But Shapeless Stage
We are told that the entity wishing to show himself to us passes into this shapeless mass of dough-like substance, which at once incre...

Phychic Tests
The tests given to me and to my fellow-investigators through the six sensitives who so ably assisted us during our seven years of exp...

The Phantom Armies Seen In France
BY HEREWARD CARRINGTON [Footnote 17: By permission of the author.] History abounds in cases showing the apparent intrusion of s...

The Portal Of The Unknown
BY ANDREW JACKSON DAVIS, "THE SEER" When the hour of her death arrived, I was fortunately in a proper state of mind and body to p...

The Supernormal: Experiences
BY ST. JOHN B. SEYMOUR When Mrs. Seymour was a little girl she resided in Dublin; amongst the members of the family was her pater...

Nature-spirits Or Elementals
BY NIZIDA "Life is one all-pervading principle, and even the thing that seems to die and putrefy but engenders new life a...

A Witch's Den
BY MME. HELENA BLAVATSKY Our kind host Sham Rao was very gay during the remaining hours of our visit. He did his best to entertai...

Remarkable Psychic Experiences Of Famous Persons
BY WALTER F. PRINCE, PH.D., Official Investigator American Society for Psychical Research It does not necessarily give an occul...

A Premonition Of Sir H M Stanley
This incident is related by the famous explorer, Sir Henry M. Stanley, in his autobiography edited by Dorothy Stanley (Houghton Miffli...

Coincident Experiences Of General Fremont And Relatives
These are related on pages 69-72 of Recollections of Elizabeth Benton Fremont, Daughter of the Pathfinder General John C. Fremont and ...

Incidents Related By Dean Hole
The Very Rev. Samuel Reynolds Hole, Dean of Rochester, England, was not only an effective preacher and popular lecturer, but likewise ...

Incidents Reported By Serjeant Ballantine
Serjeant William Ballantine (1812-1887) was one of the foremost lawyers in England, noted for his skill in cross-examination. He was c...

Ben Jonson's Premonition By Apparition
This eminent dramatist, contemporary of Shakespeare (1573?-1637), visited the Scottish poet, William Drummond, who took notes of his ...

Rubinstein's Death Compact
A pupil of Anton Rubinstein, the great pianist and composer (1829-1894), tells this story. It may be found in Harper's Magazine for De...

Previsionary Dream By Charles Dickens
This incident in the experience of Charles Dickens (1812-1870) is to be found in the standard biography by Forster, III, pp. 484-5 (Lo...




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