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Romance Stories

How William Of Palermo Was Carried Off By The Werwolf
Many hundreds of years ago there lived in the beautiful city of Palermo a little prince who was thought, not only by his parents but...

How William Of Palermo Was Carried Off By The Werwolf
Many hundreds of years ago there lived in the beautiful city of Palermo a little prince who was thought, not only by his parents but...

The Disenchantment Of The Werwolf
Everybody will remember that William and Melior trusted to Alexandrine to help them to escape from the palace, before Melior was f...

The Slaying Of Hallgerda's Husbands
If any traveller had visited Iceland nearly a thousand years ago, he would have found the island full of busy, industrious people, w...

The Death Of Gunnar
Now of all the men gathered together at the Thing of the year 974, no man was handsomer or more splendidly clad than Gunnar. He was ...

Njal's Burning
Now, Valgard the Cunning was dying. And he sent for his son Mord and bade him stir up strife between Njal's sons and their brother H...

The Lady Of Solace
There was once an emperor who had two things that he loved more than all the world--his daughter and his garden. The finest linen an...

Una And The Lion
Once upon a time there lived a king and queen who had only one child, a little girl, whom they named Una, and they all lived happily...

How The Red Cross Knight Slew The Dragon
While Una was riding through forest and over plains, with her faithful lion for her guard, the knight whom she sought had given hims...

Amys And Amyle
Some time in the Middle Ages there lived in the Duchy of Lombardy, which, as everybody knows, is part of Italy, two knights, who lov...

The Tale Of The Cid
In the year 1025, when Canute the Dane was sitting on the throne of England, there was born in the ancient Spanish city of Burgos a ...

The Knight Of The Sorrowful Countenance
Everybody knows that in the old times, when Arthur was king or Charles the Great emperor, no gentleman ever rested content until he ...

The Adventure Of The Two Armies Who Turned Out To Be Flocks Of Sheep
The first adventure of the new knight did not turn out at all to his liking, nor answered his expectations, for in all the books of ...

The Adventure Of The Bobbing Lights
Both Rozinante and his master had fared so ill at the hands of the shepherds that they journeyed but slowly, and darkness fell witho...

The Helmet Of Mambrino
The morning after the last adventure Don Quixote and his squire were riding along the road, when the knight saw in front of him a ma...

How Don Quixote Was Enchanted While Guarding The Castle
In the course of their adventures Don Quixote and his squire found themselves at the door of an inn which they had already visited, ...

Don Quixote's Home-coming
By this time the company of friends who had been passing their days so pleasantly at the inn, were called away by other business, bu...

The Meeting Of Huon And Oberon King Of The Fairies
In the days of the emperor Charles the Great there lived two young men named Huon and Gerard, sons of the duke of Bordeaux and heirs...

How Oberon Saved Huon
Oberon was so rejoiced that Huon had at last made friends with him, that he did everything that he could think of to give pleasure t...

Havelok And Goldborough
Once upon a time there lived in England a king called Athelwold, who ruled the land so well that everyone was rich and happy: or, if...

Cupid And Psyche
Once upon a time there lived a king who had three daughters. The two elder girls were very fair, and many were their suitors, but th...

Sir Bevis The Strong
Many hundreds of years ago there lived in the South of England an earl of Southampton, whose name was Guy. He spent most of his life...

Ogier The Dane
Long, long ago, a baby lay asleep in a cot in a palace. It was a royal baby, therefore it was never left alone for a moment, but alw...

How The Ass Became A Man Again
Once upon a time there lived a young man who would do nothing from morning till night but amuse himself. His parents were dead and h...

How Bradamante Conquered The Wizard
Many of you will remember reading of the death of Roland, fighting against the Infidels in the Pass of Roncesvalles. Well, there is ...

The Ring Of Bradamante
When Bradamante had freed Roger and his companions from the enchanted castle, she thought that henceforth they would never more be p...

The Fulfilling Of The Prophecy
For a long while Bradamante waited quietly in Marseilles, thinking that every day Roger would come to her, but as time passed and he...

The Knight Of The Sun
Once upon a time two little boys were born, and the elder had on his breast the image of a sun, which shone so brightly that the lad...

How The Knight Of The Sun Rescued His Father
When once the youth had been made a knight by the sultan of Babylon, and had slain the black king, he set off by himself in quest of...

Love Stories

The Story Of Antony And Cleopatra
Of all love stories that are known to human history, the love story of Antony and Cleopatra has been for nineteen centuries the most...

Abelard And Heloise
Many a woman, amid the transports of passionate and languishing love, has cried out in a sort of ecstasy: "I love you as no woman e...

Queen Elizabeth And The Earl Of Leicester
History has many romantic stories to tell of the part which women have played in determining the destinies of nations. Sometimes it ...

Mary Queen Of Scots And Lord Bothwell
Mary Stuart and Cleopatra are the two women who have most attracted the fancy of poets, dramatists, novelists, and painters, from th...

Queen Christina Of Sweden And The Marquis Monaldeschi
Sweden to-day is one of the peaceful kingdoms of the world, whose people are prosperous, well governed, and somewhat apart from the ...

King Charles Ii And Nell Gwyn
One might classify the kings of England in many ways. John was undoubtedly the most unpopular. The impetuous yet far-seeing Henry I...

Maurice Of Saxony And Adrienne Lecouvreur
It is an old saying that to every womanly woman self-sacrifice is almost a necessity of her nature. To make herself of small account...

The Story Of Prince Charles Edward Stuart
The royal families of Europe are widely known, yet not all of them are equally renowned. Thus, the house of Romanoff, although compa...

The Empress Catharine And Prince Potemkin
It has often been said that the greatest Frenchman who ever lived was in reality an Italian. It might with equal truth be asserted t...

Marie Antoinette And Count Fersen
The English-speaking world long ago accepted a conventional view of Marie Antoinette. The eloquence of Edmund Burke in one brilliant...

The Story Of Aaron Burr
There will come a time when the name of Aaron Burr will be cleared from the prejudice which now surrounds it, when he will stand in ...

George Iv And Mrs Fitzherbert
In the last decade of the eighteenth century England was perhaps the most brilliant nation of the world. Other countries had been hu...

Charlotte Corday And Adam Lux
Perhaps some readers will consider this story inconsistent with those that have preceded it. Yet, as it is little known to most read...

Napoleon And Marie Walewska
There are four women who may be said to have deeply influenced the life of Napoleon. These four are the only ones who need to be tak...

The Story Of Pauline Bonaparte
It was said of Napoleon long ago that he could govern emperors and kings, but that not even he could rule his relatives. He himself ...

The Story Of The Empress Marie Louise And Count Neipperg
There is one famous woman whom history condemns while at the same time it partly hides the facts which might mitigate the harshness ...

The Wives Of General Houston
Sixty or seventy years ago it was considered a great joke to chalk up on any man's house-door, or on his trunk at a coaching-station...

Lola Montez And King Ludwig Of Bavaria
Lola Montez! The name suggests dark eyes and abundant hair, lithe limbs and a sinuous body, with twining hands and great eyes that g...

Leon Gambetta And Leonie Leon
The present French Republic has endured for over forty years. Within that time it has produced just one man of extraordinary power a...

Lady Blessington And Count D'orsay
Often there has arisen some man who, either by his natural gifts or by his impudence or by the combination of both, has made himself...

Byron And The Countess Guiccioli
In 1812, when he was in his twenty-fourth year, Lord Byron was more talked of than any other man in London. He was in the first flus...

The Story Of Mme De Stael
Each century, or sometimes each generation, is distinguished by some especial interest among those who are given to fancies--not to ...

The Story Of Karl Marx
Some time ago I entered a fairly large library--one of more than two hundred thousand volumes--to seek the little brochure on Karl M...

Ferdinand Lassalle And Helene Von Donniges
The middle part of the nineteenth century is a period which has become more or less obscure to most Americans and Englishmen. At one...

The Story Of Rachel
Outside of the English-speaking peoples the nineteenth century witnessed the rise and triumphant progress of three great tragic actr...

Dean Swift And The Two Esthers
The story of Jonathan Swift and of the two women who gave their lives for love of him is familiar to every student of English litera...

Percy Bysshe Shelley And Mary Godwin
A great deal has been said and written in favor of early marriage; and, in a general way, early marriage may be an admirable thing. ...

The Story Of The Carlyles
To most persons, Tennyson was a remote and romantic figure. His homes in the Isle of Wight and at Aldworth had a dignified seclusion...

The Story Of The Hugos
Victor Hugo, after all criticisms have been made, stands as a literary colossus. He had imaginative power which makes his finest pas...

The Story Of George Sand
To the student of feminine psychology there is no more curious and complex problem than the one that meets us in the life of the gif...

The Mystery Of Charles Dickens
Perhaps no public man in the English-speaking world, in the last century, was so widely and intimately known as Charles Dickens. Fro...

Honore De Balzac And Evelina Hanska
I remember once, when editing an elaborate work on literature, that the publisher called me into his private office. After the door ...

Charles Reade And Laura Seymour
The instances of distinguished men, or of notable women, who have broken through convention in order to find a fitting mate, are ver...




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