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Music Lessons

The Necessity Of Form In Music
So much uncertainty and diversity of opinion exists among music lovers of every grade concerning the presence of Form in musical comp...

Unity And Variety
As much as opinions and beliefs may differ, among music critics, as to the necessity of Form in music, and the conditions of its exis...

Lesson 1
The student is to study this chapter thoroughly, and write answers to the following questions; if possible, without reference to the ...

Time is the same thing in music that it is everywhere else in nature. It is what passes while a piece of music is being played, sung...

This refers to the degree of motion. The musical picture is not constant, but panoramic; we never hear a piece of music all at once,...

The beats are the units in our System of Measurement,--as it were, the inches upon our yardstick of time; they are the particles of t...

A measure is a group of beats. The beats are added together, in measures, to obtain a larger unit of time, because larger divisions ...

This word signifies arrangement,--a principle applied, in music, to the distribution or arrangement of the tones according to their v...

Any succession of single tones is a melody. If we strike the keys of the piano with two or more fingers of each hand simultaneously,...

Lesson 2
Write careful and complete answers to the following questions:-- 1. What is Time, as applied to music? 2. What is tempo? 3. G...

The Melodic Figure
The smallest unit in musical composition is the single tone. The smallest cluster of successive tones (from two to four or five in n...

Defining The Figures
It is not always easy to distinguish the figures in a melodic sentence. While they are unquestionably analogous to the words in spee...

The Melodic Motive Or Phrase-member
This, as has already been stated, is a somewhat longer section, compounded of two or more figures. Being thus longer, the breaks or ...

Preliminary Tones
It is a singularly effective and pregnant quality of the element of musical rhythm, that its operations are not bounded by the vertic...

Lesson 3
Analyze the third Song Without Words of Mendelssohn (A major, the so-called Hunting Song); first of all, locate the principal melody,...

The Phrase
It is not altogether easy to give a precise definition of the phrase. Like so many of the factors which enter into the composition o...

Length Of The Regular Phrase
Fortunately for the work of analysis, there are certain established landmarks of forms, so conscientiously observed, and so firmly gr...

In its ordinary, normal condition the phrase is a musical sentence four measures in length. But this rule has its necessary exceptio...

Contents Of The Phrase
The question may arise, what is it that makes a phrase,--the rhythm, harmony, or melody? Strictly speaking, all three; for music sub...

Lesson 4
Procure the Jugend Album, op. 68, of Schumann, and mark the phrases in Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 18, 20, and others. In the g...

Cadences In General
A cadence is the ending of a phrase. Strictly speaking, every interruption or break between figures, and between all melodic members...

Modification Or Disguising Of The Cadence
The most natural and characteristic indication of a cadence is the longer tone, seen in the examples to which reference has just been...

Species Of Cadence
In text-books and musical dictionaries several varieties of the cadence are distinguished, but they are chiefly distinctions without ...

Perfect Cadence
There is one method of checking the current of the melodic phrase with such emphasis and determination as to convey the impression of...

Any deviation from the formula of the perfect cadence--either in the choice of some other than the tonic chord, or in the omission of...

Locating The Cadences
Next to the recognition and comparison of the different melodic sections of a composition (in a word, the melodic delineation of the ...

The possibility of deviating from the fundamental standard of phrase-dimension (four measures) has been repeatedly intimated, and is ...

The Small And Large Phrases
If a cadence is inserted before it is properly due, it is almost certain to occur exactly half-way along the line toward the expected...

The Principle Of Extension
The other cause of modified phrase-dimension is one of extreme importance, as touching upon the most vital process in musical composi...

Inherent Irregularity
Finally,--there exists another, third, condition, besides those mentioned at the head of this chapter, whereby a phrase may assume an...

The phrase is the structural basis of all musical composition. By this is meant, not necessarily the single phrase, but the phrase i...

The Period
The Period-form is obtained by the addition of a second phrase to the first. It is therefore, in a sense, a double phrase; that is, ...

Lesson 7
Analyze the following examples. Locate the cadences; compare the phrases and define the degrees of Unity and of Variety exhibited in...

Enlargement By Repetition
The first and simplest method is to increase the length of the period-form by the process of repetition; repetition of the entire sen...

The Phrase-group
A second method consists in enlarging the period-form to three phrases, by the same process of addition which, as explained in the pr...

The Double-period
A third method consists in expanding the period into a double-period (precisely as the phrase was lengthened into a double-phrase, or...

Lesson 8
Analyze the following examples. They are not classified; therefore the student must himself determine to which of the above three sp...

The Song-form Or The Part-form
Almost every musical composition of average (brief) dimensions, if designed with the serious purpose of imparting a clear formal impr...

The Parts
If we inquire into the means employed, in the larger Part-forms, to effect the division of the whole into its broader Parts, we find ...

The First Part
Part One may be designed as period, double-period, or phrase-group; sometimes, though very rarely, as single phrase, repeated. It ends...

The Second Part
Part Two, as intimated, is likely to begin with a more or less palpable change of melodic character,--by no means is this always the ca...

Lesson 9
Analyze the following examples of the Two-Part Song-form. Define the form of each Part, marking and classifying all cadences; and ind...

Distinction Between Bipartite And Tripartite Forms
We learned, in the preceding chapter, that the Two-Part Song-form is a composition of rather brief extent, with so decisive a perfect...

Part I
The statement of the principal idea; the presentation of the melodic and rhythmic contents of the leading thought, out of which the w...

Part Ii
The departure (more or less emphatic) from this leading melodic statement. It is, for a time, probably an evident continuation and d...

Part Iii
The recurrence and corroboration of the original statement; the reproduction of Part I, and therewith the fulfilment of the important...

Lesson 10
Analyze the following examples of the Three-Part Song-form. The first step, here again, is to fix the end of the First Part; the next...

Repetition Of The Parts
The enlargement of the Three-Part Song-form is effected, in the majority of cases, by simply repeating the Parts. The composer, in ex...

Exact Repetitions
When Part I,--or Parts II and III together,--are to be repeated without any changes, it is customary to employ the familiar repetitio...

Modified Repetitions
The quality and extent of the changes that may be made, in order to enrich the composition without altering its structural design, de...

The Five-part Form
The repetition of the Second and Third Parts together is sometimes subjected to changes that are almost radical in their nature, and ...

Group Of Parts
In some, comparatively rare, instances, the arrangement of perfect cadences is such that,--coupled with independence of melodic forma...

Lesson 11
Analyze the following examples of the enlarged Three-Part Song-form. As before, the form of each Part should be defined, and introdu...

The Principal Song
The first division, called the principal song, is either a Two-Part or a Three-Part Song-form,--most commonly the latter. It is gener...

The Trio Or Subordinate Song
The division which follows, as second song-form, was formerly called the Trio, and it has retained the name in the majority of exampl...

Lesson 12
The following examples all belong to the Song with Trio. They should be analyzed as usual, each Song separately, defining the Parts, ...

It cannot have escaped the observant student of the foregoing pages, that the successive enlargement of the structural designs of mus...

The Rondo-forms
The structural basis of the Rondo, and other larger or (as they are sometimes called) higher forms, is the Subject or Theme. The for...

The First Rondo-form
This consists, then, of a Principal theme (generally Two-Part or Three-Part Song-form); a Subordinate theme in a different key (proba...

Lesson 13
Analyze the following examples. They are not classified; the student must determine whether the form is pure First Rondo, or an inte...

T The Second Rondo Form
As described in the preceding chapter, the Second Rondo-form contains two digressions from the Principal theme, called respectively th...

Lesson 14
Analyze the following examples, as usual. Review the directions given in Lesson 13:-- Beethoven, pianoforte sonatas: op. 10, No. 3...

The Third Rondo Form
In this form of composition there are three digressions from the Principal theme. But, in order to avert the excess of variety, so i...

The Exposition
This first Division, the statement, compounded of two themes and a recurrence, is in itself a complete (though probably very concise)...

The Recapitulation
This corresponds, theoretically, to the da capo in the Song with Trio, or to the variated recurrence of the Principal theme in the Fi...

Lesson 15
Analyze the following examples, as usual. They represent chiefly the Third Rondo-form, but one example each of the First and Second ...

Classification Of The Larger Forms
The Sonatine form is the smaller variety of two practically kindred designs, known collectively as the Sonata-allegro forms. In orde...

The Sonatine Form
In the Sonatine-form, or the smaller variety of the sonata-allegro designs, this Exposition (or first Division) is followed at once,-...

Lesson 16
Analyze the following examples of the sonatine-form, in the usual exhaustive manner:-- Beethoven, pianoforte sonatas; op. 10, No. 1...

Origin Of The Name
The fully developed Sonata-allegro form is the design in which the classic overture and the first movement of the symphony, sonata an...

The Sonata-allegro Form
As distinguished from the sonatine-form, with its two Divisions, this larger species, based upon precisely the same structural idea, ...

The Exposition
The presentation of the thematic factors, the statement or Exposition of the two themes and codetta, is made exactly as in the sonati...

The Development Or Middle Division
The second division of the sonata-allegro form is devoted to a more or less extensive and elaborate manipulation and combination of s...

The Recapitulation
This, the third Division, is, as usual, a review of the original presentation of the thematic material,--the recurrence of the Exposi...

When any section of a higher form starts out with a perfectly definite structural intention, pursues this intention for a time (suffi...

Relation To The Three-part Song-form
In a former chapter (XIII) the Three-Part form was defined as the type of perfect structural design, upon which every larger (or high...

Lesson 17
Analyze the following examples, as usual, carefully defining all the details of the form, according to the general plan adopted in ou...

Despite the many points of resemblance between the various forms to which our successive chapters have been devoted,--the natural con...

1 Augmentation Of The Regular Form
To this species belong those forms (small and large) which are provided with a separate Introduction, or Interludes, or an independen...

2 Abbreviation Of The Regular Form
This consists chiefly in the omission of the Principal theme after the Development (that is, in beginning the Recapitulation with the...

3 Dislocation Of Thematic Members
By this is meant, any exchange or alteration of the regular and expected arrangement of members. This can refer, naturally, only to ...

4 Mixture Of Characteristic Traits
This process tends to affiliate the two distinct classes of larger or higher forms, whose respective characteristics were explained a...

Lesson 18
Analyze the following examples of Irregular form. They are classified, as in the text:-- 1. Beethoven, sonata, op. 81, first movem...

Application Of The Forms
The use of the various forms of composition, that is, their selection with a view to general fitness for the composer's object, is, p...

Lesson 19
The student may now indulge in independent research, in the careful analysis of the following works: The pianoforte sonatas of Hayd...

The expression Musical Forms is often used, somewhat carelessly and erroneously, with reference to Styles or Species of composition, ...

Music Terms

Some Principles Of Correct Notation
1. The note (from nota--Latin--a mark or sign) consists of either one, two, or three parts, () these be...

Symbols Of Music Defined
12. A staff is a collection of parallel lines, together with the spaces belonging to them. The modern staff has five lines and six...

Symbols Of Music Defined Part Two
21. The natural[8] (sometimes called cancel) annuls the effect of previous sharps, flats, double-sharps, and double-flats, within th...

Abbreviations Signs Etc
49. A dot after a note shows that the value of the note is to be half again as great as it would be without the dot, i.e., the value...

64. Embellishments (or graces) (Fr. agrements) are ornamental tones, either represented in full in the score or indicated by certain...

76. A scale (from scala, a Latin word meaning ladder; Ger. Ton-leiter) is an ascending or descending series of tones, progressing a...

Scales (_continued_)
84. The minor diatonic scale is used in several slightly different forms, but the characteristic interval between the first and thir...

Auxiliary Words And Endings
96. Being a list of articles, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, and endings, often utilized in compounding terms relating to musi...

97. From the standpoint of the eye, a measure is that portion of the staff found between two bars, (in certain cases this space may ...

104. The word time in musical nomenclature has been greatly abused, having been used to indicate: (1) Rhythm; as the time wa...

Tempo (_continued_)
110. Innumerable combinations of the words defined in Sec. 109 with one another and with other words occur. Some of these combinatio...

120. The word dynamics (cf. dynamic--the opposite of static) as used in the nomenclature of music has to do with the various degrees...

Terms Relating To Forms And Styles
132. A form in music is a specific arrangement of the various parts of a composition resulting in a structure so characteristic that...

Terms Relating To Forms And Styles (_continued_)
(Sections 144 to 160 relate particularly to terms used in descriptions of monophonic music[33].) [Footnote 33: There is...

Terms Relating To Vocal Music
161. An anthem is a sacred choral composition, usually based on Biblical or liturgical[34] words. It may or may not have an instrume...

Rhythm Melody Harmony And Intervals
178. The four elements commonly attributed to music (in the order of their development) are: Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, and Timbre (or...

Chords Cadences Etc
196. A chord is a combination of several tones sounding together and bearing an harmonic relation to each other. The simplest chord ...

Miscellaneous Terms
A battuta--with the beat; in strict rhythm. [Transcriber's Note: Corrected error battua in original.] A quatre mains--for four ha...

Miscellaneous Terms (_continued_)
Lyric--a short, song-like poem of simple character. Also applied to instrumental pieces of like character. Maggiore--major. Ma...

The History Of Music Notation
Many conflicting statements have been made regarding the history and development of music writing, and the student who is seeking li...

Musical Instruments
1. Broadly speaking, musical instruments may be divided into two classes, viz.: (1) those that have a keyboard and are therefore cap...

NOTE:--It is usually taken for granted that the student of music is familiar with the significance of such terms as ...

Terminology Reform
A recent writer[43] on vocal terminology makes the following statement as an introduction to certain remarks advocating a more defin...

Terminology Adoptions 1907-1910
1. Tone: Specific name for a musical sound of definite pitch. Use neither sound, a general term, nor note, a term of n...


My Purpose
My purpose is to discuss simply, intelligibly, yet from a scientific point of view, the sensations known to us in singing, and exact...

My Title To Write On The Art Of Song
Rarely are so many desirable and necessary antecedents united as in my case. The child of two singers, my mother being gifted music...

Preliminary Practice
It is very important for all who wish to become artists to begin their work not with practical exercises in singing, but with seriou...

Of The Breath
The breath becomes voice through the operation of the will, and the instrumentality of the vocal organs. To regulate the breath, ...

Of The Breath And Whirling Currents
(SINGING FORWARD) The veriest beginner knows that in order to use the breath to the fullest advantage, it must remain very long d...

The Singer's Physiological Studies
Science has explained all the processes of the vocal organs in their chief functions, and many methods of singing have been based up...

Equalizing The Voice; Breath; Form
Through the lowering of the pillars of the fauces, which is the same as raising the soft palate, the outflowing breath is divided in...

The Attack
To attack a tone, the breath must be directed to a focal point on the palate, which lies under the critical point for each different...

Nasal Nasal Singing
By raising the back of the tongue toward the soft palate and lowering the soft palate toward the tongue, we produce nasal sound, suc...

Singing Toward The Nose Head Voice
When the peak of the softest part of the palate is placed forward toward the nose, instead of being drawn up high behind the nose, a...

The Head Voice
The head tone signifies, for all voices, from the deepest bass to the highest soprano,--excepting for the fact that it furnishes the...

Sensation And Position Of The Tongue
We feel the placing of its tip against or beneath the front teeth; and place the tip very low, so that it really curves over in fron...

The Sensations Of The Palate
The sensations of the palate are best made clear to us by raising the softest part behind the nose. This part is situated very far b...

The Sensation Of The Resonance Of The Head Cavities
The sensation of the resonance of the head cavities is perceived chiefly by those who are unaccustomed to using the head tones. The ...

Singing Covered
We sing covered as soon as the soft palate is lowered toward the nose (that is, in the middle register), and the resonance and attac...

On Vocal Registers
What is a vocal register? A series of tones sung in a certain way, which are produced by a certain position of the vocal organs--...

Development And Equalization
Naturally, a singer can devote more strength to the development of one or two connected ranges of his voice than to a voice perfectl...

White Voices
There are also singers, male and female, who use too much head tone through their entire compass; such voices are called white. Thei...

Theodor Wachtel
The most perfect singer that I remember in my Berlin experience was Theodor Wachtel in this respect, that with his voice of rare spl...

The Highest Head Tones
As we have already seen, there is almost no limit to the height that can be reached by the pure head tone without admixture of palat...

Extension Of The Compass And Equalization Of Registers
The whole secret of both consists in the proper raising and lowering of the soft palate, and the pillars of the fauces connected wit...

The Tremolo
Big voices, produced by large, strong organs, through which the breath can flow in a broad, powerful stream, are easily disposed to ...

The Cure
There are no magic cures for the singer. Only slowly, vibration upon vibration, can the true pitch be won back. In the word soaring ...

The Tongue
Since it is the function of the tongue to conduct the column of breath above the larynx to the resonance chambers, too much attentio...

Preparation For Singing
No one can sing properly without first preparing for it, mentally and physically, with all the organs concerned in the production of...

The Position Of The Mouth (contraction Of The Muscles Of Speech)
What must my sensations be with the muscles of speech? How shall I control them? The best position of the mouth, the means of sec...

Connection Of Vowels
How do I connect them with each other? If I wish to connect closely together two vowels that lie near to or far from each other, I m...

The Lips
Of special importance for the tone and the word are the movements of the lips, which are so widely different in the bright and in th...

The Vowel-sound _ah_
There is much discussion as to whether ah, oo, or some other vowel is the one best adapted for general practice. In former times pra...

Italian And German
How easy it is for the Italians, who have by nature, through the characteristics of their native language, all these things which o...

Auxiliary Vowels
Like the auxiliary verbs will and have, [=a], [=e], and oo are auxiliary vowels, of whose aid we are constantly compelled to avail ...

Resonant Consonants
K, l, m, n, p, s, and r at the end of a word or syllable must be made resonant by joining to the end of the word or syllable a rath...

Practical Exercises
The practical study of singing is best begun with single sustained tones, and with preparation on the sound of ah alone, mingled wit...

The Great Scale
This is the most necessary exercise for all kinds of voices. It was taught to my mother; she taught it to all her pupils and to us. ...

Singers, male and female, who are lacking velocity and the power of trilling, seem to me like horses without tails. Both of these th...

There still remains the trill, which is best practised in the beginning as follows:-- The breath is led very far back against t...

How To Hold One's Self When Practising
In practising the singer should always stand, if possible, before a large mirror, in order to be able to watch himself closely. He s...

Concerning Expression
When we wish to study a role or a song, we have first to master the intellectual content of the work. Not till we have made ourselve...

Before The Public
In the wide reaches of the theatre it is needful to give an exaggeration to the expression, which in the concert hall, where the fo...

Let us return to the subject of Expression, and examine a song; for example, Der Nussbaum by Schumann. The prevailing mood thr...

In Conclusion
The class of voice is dependent upon the inborn characteristics of the vocal organs. But the development of the voice and all else t...

Singing Choirs

Physiology Of The Voice
In former times the culture of the singing-voice was conducted upon purely empirical grounds. Teachers followed a few good rules whi...

Registers Of The Voice
It may be observed, in listening to an ascending series of tones sung by an untrained or by a badly-trained adult voice, that at cer...

How To Secure Good Tone
The practical application of the teaching of the two preceding chapters may at first thought seem to be difficult. On the contrary, ...

Compass Of The Child-voice
There is the greatest diversity of opinion upon this subject among those who have any opinion at all. It might be supposed that, amo...

Position Breathing Attack Tone Formation
One way to secure good position is to require the pupils to stand. Unless the singing-period directly follows a recess, or the drill...

Vowels Consonants Articulation
Sound-vibrations generated at the larynx are modified as to their form, by the size and shape of the resonating cavities of the mout...

Mutation Of The Voice
The anatomical and physiological changes which occur in the larynx at puberty have been described in the chapter on "Physiology of t...

The Alto Voice In Male Choirs
The suggestions of the preceding chapters are addressed directly to those who teach vocal music in public or private schools, but th...

General Remarks
In the preceding chapters, dealing as they do with special subjects or subdivisions of the main topic, the effort has been to point ...

Children Songs

Why Fly Away Mother Goose?
"MOTHER GOOSE, Mother Goose, Why fly away?" "Because Mother Truth is A-coming to-day. She'll tell you funny things,...

Toss The Baby
Toss the baby high in air; Catch him though, with special care Lest his little back be strained, Lest his little joints be...

Pat-a-cake Pat-a-cake
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, Mamma's boy, Laughing and crowing, And jumping with joy; Roll it, and pick it and mark it w...

Hey My Kitten My Kitten
Hey, my kitten, my kitten, Hey, my kitten, my deary; If Mamma should feed him too often, He never could be so cheery...

Winkum Winkum
Winkum, winkum, shut your eye, Sweet, my baby, lullaby; For the dew is falling soft, Lights are flickering up aloft, An...

Baby's Bell
Jingle! jingle! baby's bell; What a tale its tongue might tell. Could it speak it sure would say, "When the baby's tired w...

Willy-Nilly, birdy sings, For he's running over With the music that he flings To his sweet bird-lover;-- Willy-nilly,...

Baby's Record
New-born baby, soft and pink, Of the two worlds on the brink. One month old,--eat and sleep; Precious little human heap....

Sleep Little Sweetey
Sleep now, my sweetey, Dear one, and pretty! Weary with playing, Weary with straying, Stop little thinkers, Shut littl...

Never Tell A Fib
If mamma says she'll punish, She must do it, or she tells A fib, as Sister Annie Told "a story" 'bout the bells; An...

Humpty Dumpty
Humpty-Dumpty, hip-o'-to-hop, Baby is crying, why doesn't he stop? What does he cry for? his clothing is tight; No wonde...

Hush-a-bye, baby, On Grandmother's lap; Hush-a-bye, baby, And take a nice nap; Hush-a-bye, baby, What is it you ...

Don't Make Me Laugh
Dear Mamma, I've been laughing For Uncle Ben and Pa, And then for sister Lizzie I talked "ar-g o-o" and "gar;" And ...

BYE-BABY-BUNTING, The Indians live by hunting, And bring home many a beaver-skin To wrap the little pappoose in. And mo...

To Bed With The Chickens
Oh, put me in my bed, Mamma, When chickens go to rest, For I'm your little chick-a-dee, So put me in my nest. Yes...

Dive Me Sudar
Papa, when you dive me tandy, Dive me only white,-- 'Tause there's poison in the tolored, Which my health will blight;...

'tause I'm Tross
Mamma, 'tause I'm tross don't whip me; I tan't help it, not a bit! 'Tis the tandy hurts my stomat, And that mates me w...

The New Book
COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO, A picture-book for you,-- Keep it nice, and in a trice Sing Cock-a-doodle-doo. ...

Whiskum Whiskum
Whiskum, whiskum, over the house, Scud the cloudlets, still as a mouse; Whiskum, whiskum, by-and-by They'll pour rain-drop...

The Jack-horse
We will ride our Jack-horse All the meadows across; Oh no, do not whip him, But feed him, my dear! A handful of gra...

HI-DIDDLE-DIDDLE Mother duck's in the middle, Her baby-ducks swimming around; With bills like a ladle, And feet l...

The Rain
Come, rain, come, That the water may run, That the meadow grass may grow; That the fruit and grain O'er hill an...

Feed The Birdies
Feed the birdies, darling, When the snow is here, When there are no berries On the bushes, dear;-- Scatter food out...

Rock-a-bye, baby, Our darling is ill, Rock-a-bye, baby, We'll soon have him well;-- Rock-a-bye, baby, Don't tr...

The Snowball
Have ever you seen how a wee bit of snow, To a big bouncing ball, just by rolling, will grow? 'Tis thus our wee sins, childre...

Little Bo-peep
Co' Nan, co' Nan, says little Bo-peep, Co' Nan, co' Nan, up come the sheep; They jump the ditch and scale the wall, Where ...

The Tea-party
Ah! little ones, I'm sure there's not A drop of tea in your weeny pot. For water bright and milk so pure, Alone will bring...

Tell It Again Mother
"Tell it again, Mother, Tell it again,"-- No matter what story she told We children, would cry, In the days gon...

Little Jack Horner
LITTLE JACK HORNER Sat in the corner, Eating a morsel of nice brown bread; "Have some pie, or some cake?" "Nay,...

Little Boy Blue
"Little Boy Blue, may I go with you now?" "Yes, down to the pasture to drive up the cow." "Little boy blue, what then may I...

Miss Velvet-paws
Little Miss Velvet-paws, Raveling out her yarn, Catches mice, in a trice, In everybody's barn. Look out for velvet pa...

Polly Hopkins
Now little Polly Hopkins Must surely know great A, And B, and C, and D, and E, F, G, H, I, J, K; And L, and M, and N,...

A Stands for Alligator, B Stands for Ball, C Stands for Cat in a cream-pot, D Stands for Doll. E Stands f...

The Kitten
ONE, two, (1, 2,) Here's a kitten for you; THREE, four, (3, 4,) She will open the door, FIVE, six, (5, 6,) ...

Dolly Dimple
DOLLY DIMPLE, just for fun, Stands to show us she is ONE. Dolly and her sister Sue Show that ONE and ONE make Two. ...

If You Please
I hope my children never will Say, "Give me" this or that,-- But, "If you please," I'd like a bun, Or, "Thank you" for...

The Poor Little Chick-a-dees
TEN little chick-a-dees clinging to a vine,-- A speckled snake charmed one, then there were but NINE. NINE little chick-a-d...

Heigh-ho Daisies And Butter-cups
HEIGH-HO, daisies and butter-cups Grow in the meadows for children to gather; But cattle will shun them, And farmers will ...

The Pony
Once 2 is 2, Here's a pony for you; Two 2s are 4, But be careful the more,-- THREE 2s are 6, For perhaps p...

Baby's Reckoning
One little head, Ah! but what does it hold? No matter,--it's worth its whole weight in pure gold. Two big brown eyes, soft ...

Two Little Pink Shoes
Two little pink shoes standing by the head Of our Nanny sleeping in the trundle-bed; On the little table, waiting for the m...

Baby Pearl
Now listen while I tell you, child, That I am quite a grown-up girl, For I can read, and spell my name, While you,--wh...

My Valentine
Dearest little lover mine, Sweetest, pertest valentine; "Desht I'm two years old," he says,-- Blessings on his pretty ...

FEE-FI-FO-FUM, From the Spruce-tree comes the gum; From the Pine the turpentine, Tar and pitch, And timber which ...

The Oxen
The oxen are such clever beasts, They'll drag the plough all day; They're very strong and tug along Great loads of woo...

The Broken Pitcher
"Sweet, my love, I'm sorry That you did not tell, When you broke the pitcher Coming from the well." "Oh, I though...

The Elephants
THE ivory for our combs, From elephants' tusks is made; The handles, too for many a knife, And for paper-knives the bla...

The Wind
"What is the wind, Mamma?" "Tis air in motion, child;" "Why can I never see the wind That blows so fierce and wild?" ...

The Fog
"What is the fog, Mamma?" "Sometimes the air is light And cannot bear up all the mists, And then 'tis foggy, quite; ...

The Rain
"What makes the rain, Mamma?" "The mists and vapors rise From land and stream and rolling sea, Up toward the distant s...

The Snow
"What makes the Snow, Mamma?" "When very cold above, The mists are frozen high in air, And fall as snow, my love." ...

Do not let "Mother Truth" find a falsehood all over,-- Amongst all her children, no, never a lie; Stand for Truth, ye wee bab...

Hi-diddle Ho-diddle
HI-DIDDLE, HO-DIDDLE, Pop-diddle-dee, This Earth of ours, on which we live, Is round as it can be. Pray, then, wh...

What Is The Axis?
Now you ask, "What is the Axis?" With an apple I will show; Place your thumb upon the stem-place, And your finger at t...

Heat And Cold
Our earth has a North Pole, Where 'tis very cold; It also has a South Pole, That's just the same, we're told. But h...

Harley's Dream
I know a little brown-eyed boy, His name is Harley Hart; And with a naughty boy or girl, Our Harley has no part. He...

Our Language Key
A E I O U Y We are small, and we are few, But we're wondrous mighty, too,-- For no word can language wear, Save in it...

The Speech Family
The name of everything we know, as slate, or book, or toy, Is called a Noun. All names are nouns; remember this, my boy. ...

Number And Gender
A NOUN or name that means but one, Is called in the singular number; But when it stands for more than one, 'Tis plural...

One Little Chicken
ONE little chicken, two little chickens, three little chickens, dear; Don't you see we add s, when more than one is here? And...

A, E, I, O, U, The vowels we may call; W, Y, are vowels too, Whene'er they chance to fall To the end of syllable or...

TELL me the name of something, dear; As book, or ball, or kite; Now tell some quality of each, As big, or round, or ...

A Smile
"SHE smiled on me, she smiled on me!" In ecstacy exclaimed A little waif in tattered gown, With form so halt and maimed....

Twinkle Twinkle
"Twinkle, twinkle, little star, Up above the world so far, Whisper now and tell me, pray, What you are, and how you stay."...

Old Sol In A Jingle
Hi-diddle-diddle, The Sun's in the middle, And planets around him so grand, Are swinging in space, Held forever...

Robert Of Lincoln
"Bob-o-link, bob-o-link, reed-bird, butter-bird, All through the country his jingle is gaily heard; Reveling in rice-fields h...

Limpy-dimpy-dingle, chicky-bid would stray To the trap that had been set for weasels, many a day, Limpy-dimpy-dingle, chick...

Castle Wonderful
I know a castle, curious, Of lovely form and make; That we may view the castle through, A hasty peep we'll take. ...

The Rattle Of The Bones
How many bones in the human face? FOURTEEN, when they're all in place. How many bones in the human head? EIGHT, my child...

Wholly Hole-y
SEVEN million little openings, God has made upon your skin; Mouths of tiny little sewers That run everywhere, within...

The Breath O' Life
Our lungs are formed of curious cells, And tubes to draw in air,-- And if we breathe quite deep and full And take our ne...

The Girls
Three little girls with their sun-bonnets on, Wandered out for a walk in the dew; And they tip-toed about, full of frolic...

The Temperance Child
Mamma, if you'd have me Be a temperance child, You must give me only Food that's pure and mild. Highly-seasoned dish...

Listen Children!
Listen, children! when your head aches, Do not eat, but wait a meal; This will oftentimes relieve you, Making you righ...

Tick-took Tick-tock
Tick-tock, tick-tock, Sings the pretty cuckoo clock; Tick-tack, tick-tack, Time flies on, but ne'er comes back. ...

The Sugar-pine
Then, too, my dear children, The sweet Sugar-pine, On Pacific's wild coast, In our own soil we find; Cut or scoop out...

The Butter-tree
And, funny enough, There's a Butter-tree, too; Its seeds, when boiled down, Will make butter for you. In India and Af...

The Bread-fruit Tree
And listen, dear children, In hot countries too, The Bread-fruit tree grows, Most delicious for you; Its great roas...

The Clove-tree
And, children, one more, Here's a spicy Clove-tree, Growing forty feet high, Ornamental, you see; The little round ...

The Tree Village
In the Solomon Group in the great Southern Sea, And on Isabel Island alone, A tree village is found, up the steep, ro...

No Eyes
Those Creatures that live in the dark, And have no use for eyes, Are made without these organs bright, Which we so high...

The Mammoth Cave
"WHAT is the Mammoth Cave?" I hear the Children say, Where fishes have no eyes nor sight, And where 'tis dark by day? ...

The Camels
The Camels live in desert lands; Their feet are made to walk on sands; They carry burdens far and near, Where neither gras...

L M N R LIGHTLY flowing LIQUIDS, we,-- Tethered with our brothers. Make we music, melody, More than all the ot...

The Bears
Wild bears are found all over, From Northern lands to South, But largest, strongest, where 'tis cold And fiercest fart...

The Bear A Blessing
To people of Kamtschatka, The bear a blessing proves; His skin forms beds and coverlets, And bonnets, shoes, and glove...

The fruits of the orchard and garden Are beautiful, luscious and good, Partake of them freely, dear children, But eat ...

The Raccoon
Come, child, and see our pet Raccoon,-- The Raccoons live in the woods, you know; But ours was caught, And caged, and ...

The Bank-swallows
In a village of Bank-Swallows, You will find so many a nest, "That you scarce can tell their number Nor which one of t...

The Mocking-bird
The New World boasts the Mocking-bird And whether caged or free, His wondrous voice pours forth in songs Of rarest mel...

The Busy Bees
Why do the little busy bees So dearly love their queen, And wait upon and pay respect, With watchful care and mien? ...

"Ah, but how do bees make honey?" Now the children, eager, ask; And we'll try to give them answer, If we're able for t...

What They Say
Those creatures that chew the cud, The "RUMINANTS" we call, From "Rumen," or the stomach-pouch, In which their food do...

Britain's Rulers
Old Britain was under the Romans From fifty-five years before Christ (55 B. C.) To four hundred fifty-five (455 A. D.) ...

Our Land
A ship sailed over the blue, salt sea, For a man, Columbus called, Had thought that the world was round, and he Of the...

Signs Of The Zodiac
THE annual path of the Sun, The Ecliptic is called, as we see,-- And a belt, eight degrees, on each side, The Zodiac e...

Children, you ought to know That Grapho can but mean To picture out, or tell about, Some object or some thing. No...

The Stop Family
"I'm a dot with a quirk," whispers little Miss Comma, "And you'll please not to pause long for me." "I'm a dot over Comma,"...

Little Mischief
Little Master Mischief Lives in Nellie's eye, Sitting in the corner, Peeping out so sly; Now he's crossed the snow-...

Grandma's Canary
Grandma loves her birdy, And when he gaily sings, She will laugh and chat with him, At which he hops and springs. ...

A Baby's Faith
Our Maude was dancing with her doll, In childhood's chattering glee; A brimming bucket standing by, The maiden failed ...

Health And Happiness
Mamma keeps her children In the happiest mood When she feeds them only With the simplest food. Viands clog and pain...

The Meadow Quails
Over in the meadow where the men make hay, In an elm-tree shadow on a bright summer day, Two speckled quails ponder as to wha...

The Little Housewife
This little girl knows how to make A batch of bread, or loaf of cake; She helps to cook potatoes, beets, To boil or bake t...

"AR-G-O-O, ar-g-o-o," is the song of songs, To the loving mother's ear; "Ar-g-o-o, ar-g-o-o," these baby notes Fill al...

It Snows! It Snows!
It snows! yes, it snows! and the children are wild, At thought of the fun in the snow-drifts up-piled; The boy with his first...

An Old Saw
"If you'll break the first brake And will kill the first snake, You'll be sure to go through With what you undertake...

The Dandelion Blossom
In the spring when the grass Had sprung up in the pass, And the meadows with velvet were green, We children would...

The sun shines on forever Though clouds may hide his face; His brightness and his glory The whole wide world may trace...

Our Ethel
Our Ethel was not always, As people may have thought, A goody-goody little girl Who never mischief wrought. Oh, n...

The Six Sisters
ONE of us e'er lives in dates, One in every peach awaits; One in pine-apple is found, One in orange, bright and round, On...

The Little Girls' Letter To God
Now Susy's such a naughty dirl, And I ain't any better, And so we thought we just would wite The dear dood Dod a lette...

Grandma's Lessons
"Tis guilt to wear the garb of sin, Though all be innocent within," These little girls heard grandma say, And wondered if ...

My Little Four-years-old
Telling Dolly what she will say to her birthday friends I'm four years old to-day, and I Can talk enough for ten birth-days, ...

Handsome Dick
ELZIE'S kitty, white as snow, Loves his little mistress so, That he'll come at her command, Lift his paw to shake her hand...

Bessie's Kisses
Kisses, kisses, raining, raining, On her lips, her cheeks, her brow, Till she, wearied, "Daughter, darling, Mamma's ...

The Dinner-pot
The homeliest things are highest worth, The dinner-pot's a treasure Compared with diamonds, chains and rings, Which se...

Nanny's Play
Our Nanny helped her mother In many a childish way,-- She picked up chips to feed the fire, And "played that it was pl...

Nanny's Lessons
Our Nanny was but four years old When mother said, "My love, Your needle learn with skill to use, It will a blessing p...

Nanny's Ride
Our Nanny oft in fancy Soared up, the earth above, And sailed the great air-ocean With skylark or with dove. And ...

The Race
A hop, a skip, and a gambol, A run, a tumble, a scramble, An up-and-a-going, A laughing-and-crowing, A weal-and-a-woe-i...

Our Kenneth
Written for our pet, as indicative of what he should be but is not. Know ye our little black-eyed boy? His name is Kenney...

To My Ten-years-old
On thy cheek the roses lie; Lilies, on thy forehead fair; Violets blue, in each bright eye, Sunbeams, in thy golden ha...

Dare To Say No
Dear children, you are sometimes led To sorrow, sin, and woe, Because you have not courage quite, And dar...

Ask Mother
Yes, my darling, when you question, I will answer, simple, plain, Just the Truth;--and when playmate Tells you anythin...

Tell Mother
'Tis wrong, my dear, to do a thing That mother must not know; And when your playmates, old or young, Shall tell you thus...

Don't Tell A Lie
Don't tell a lie, dear children, No matter what you do,-- Own up and be a hero, Right honest, brave, and tr...

Little Moses
In the Talmud you will find it,-- In the quaint and curious lore Of the ancient priests, or Rabbins, Whom the people b...

The Children's Railroad
Old Time has built a Railroad, On which you children speed To a land of light and plenty, Or a land of darksome need; ...

The Phoebe's Nest In The Old Well-wheel
"Phoe-be, phoe-be," why, 'tis a little bird, "Phoe-be, phoe-be," singing the pretty word; "Phoe-be, phoe-be," brown feathers ...

Mabel's Snow-feathers
Listen, children, while I tell you What our merry Mabel said When she saw the feathery snow-flakes Tumbling down about...

Forest Trees
Children, have you seen the budding Of the trees in valleys low? Have you watched it creeping, creeping Up the mountai...

Childhood Fancies
The twilight gray is falling, Now list and you shall hear The footsteps of the sylphid fays,-- This is their hour of c...

Lizzie And The Angels
Little Lizzie, thoughtful, earnest, Springing up at break of day, Thinks she heard the angels whisper Softly, as she k...

Was ever so sweet the clover, Was ever so clear the brook, As my child-days, over and over, Found fresh in the dear ho...

Nelly And Ned
"I'M twelve years old to-day," says Ned, "And wish I were twelve more, sir,-- And Nelly Warner's almost twelve, So we'...

The Clamberers
All you babies Perched in air, Careful how you Caper there! Careful lest the Little feet Or the little ...

The New White Jattet
I never seen such naughty dirls As Susy Jones and Ellen; They laughed, O desht as hard's they tould When I twipped up ...

Remember The Poor
"SWEET, my darling, come and see What mamma has brought for thee; Garments soft and ribbons bright, Hat and coat, a pr...

The Little Street-sweeper
Look at that little girl sweeping the crossing; See how the mud her bare legs is embossing! And her feet are so slippered wit...

The Here There And Everywhere Family
Z I am always in a buzz, Though I'm never in a fret, But I'm ever with a zealot in his zeal; I am in the zephyr...

A little word of letters five That means bound fast together; Transpose but two, and you will find A scattering yon an...

Somebody's Boy
List to the ring of the midnight song! 'Tis somebody's boy; The winds give to every wild echo a tongue. Yes, somebod...


A Rational Vocal Method
Song, so far as voice-production is concerned, is the result of physiological action, and as voice-production is the basis of all so...

The Choice Of A Teacher
Further observations of a general character may be allowed to precede a more detailed consideration of method. Some people wonder...

On Breathing: Inspiration
We speak of the breath of life; and breath is the life of song. Beautiful singing is predicated upon correct methods of breathing, ...

On Breathing: Expiration
Air having been taken into the lungs, the act of exhaling it--the act of expiration--is, for ordinary purposes, a very simple matter...

The Physiology And Psychology Of Voice-production
Above this chapter I might well have placed the following lines which George Eliot wrote above Chapter XXXI. of "Middlemarch." ...

Pitch And Sympathetic Vibration
It is sympathetic vibration, manifesting itself in some instances in the chest and in the head cavities, and in other instances almo...

Registers Of The Voice
The subject of vocal registers is a difficult one--difficult to understand and, when understood, difficult to make intelligible to ...

Subdivisions Of The Voice
It should be remembered that in the old days, from which traditions of phenomenally high voices have come down to us, musical pitch ...

The Stroke Of The Glottis
The coup de glotte, translated as "stroke of the glottis," refers to the manner in which a note should be attacked. This matter of a...

Hygiene Of The Voice
I should say that no one should be more scrupulous in his habits than the singer. It is more difficult to keep the keen edge of the ...

More Vocal Hygiene
Vocal hygiene is a specific system based upon well-regulated principles for a specific purpose and applying to a specific class in t...

Nodes And Their Cure
I use the scale of E as a means of revealing to the ear points wherein the voice shows signs of failure. I use this scale because wi...

The Healthfulness Of Singing
The boy's voice, though an immature organ of delicate structure, is capable of much work, providing only that its mechanism be right...

Management Of The Breath
Breathing in singing is a matter of the utmost importance. The breath is the motive power, the primary force, to which the larynx an...

The Art Of Managing Choir Boys
To some choirmasters the management of their boys is a perfectly easy matter; to others it is a constant source of trouble. Everythi...

Voice Training
{ C2 { B1 Small { A1 { G1 {F1 Upper Thin...

Information On Voice-training Collected By The Salisbury Diocesan Choral Association
I am indebted to the Rev. W. Miles Barnes, rector of Monkton, Dorchester, for the following information, recently obtained by him on...

Pronunciation In Singing
It is impossible to emphasise too strongly the importance of clear pronunciation in singing. The English, as a rule, pronounce indi...

Singing By Ear And By Note
Many choirmasters maintain that, considering the short musical life of the choir-boy, it is not worth while to teach him to sing by ...

Flattening And Singing Out Of Tune
The trainer of adult voices has constantly before him the problem of making his pupils sing in tune. With boys this matter is less o...

On The Training Of Boys' Voices
By W. H. RICHARDSON, Formerly Conductor of the Swanley Orphanage Choir.[A] [A] Mr. Richardson has responded to my request for hin...

The Special Difficulties Of Agricultural Districts
My object is to help those whose difficulties are greatest; who, so far from being able to pick out boys of musical talent and fine ...

Notes On The Practice Of Various Choirmasters In Cathedrals &c
I SUMMARISE here information obtained, chiefly by observation and conversation, from various trainers of boys' voices at cathedrals ...

Notes On The Practice Of Various Choirmasters In Parish Churches
In the course of journeys and interviews extending over many years I have gathered much experience from choirmasters, and have watch...

Alto Boys
How is the alto part, in a church choir consisting of males, to be sung? In our cathedrals this part has been given, ever since the ...

Schools For Choristers
Music is now recognised as one of the professions, taking its place by the side of Law, Medicine, and Divinity. Parents who have boy...

Concert Songs For Boys
In this list I have included songs with innocent, hopeful, joyous words such as boys may honestly sing. Words dwelling with sadness ...

Advice for Singers

A few decades ago a clumsy, lank, raw-boned boy roamed over the hills of the State of Ohio. He was not marked with the talent of man...

Desultory Voice Practice
European schools and teachers stand aghast at what American pupils demand and at their expectations. Accustomed to the years of atte...

Everyone Can Sing
The culture of the voice has come to be looked upon as a great and serious undertaking, and of such magnitude that but few have time...

Sustain Perfectly
Sustaining perfectly the reservoir of air is the greatest desideratum in using the voice. Acquiring ability to do so is a puzzle often...

Care Of The Body
Singers seem to think but little of the tools with which they carry on their life work. That is the rule. Now and then a singer takes ...

Friends Can Help
Advice of friends is a source of value or injury to the singing student. Advice has its influence. Every word spoken about one's voice...

Renew Thought
The teacher who does not live in high thought, and who does not attempt to attain a high ideal, does poorer work than he thinks he doe...

Speaking And Singing
The basis of good singing is good speaking. The speaking voice in common use during conversation covers a range of five or six notes. ...

Singers cannot afford to miss the chance to be among great men. As a class, musicians are narrow and that arises from the necessity of...

Purity Of Method
Purity of vocal method must not be departed from by teachers. The introduction of new ideas is at best a hazardous undertaking. In the...

Mental Recovery
A teacher cannot do better for himself and his work than to occasionally close the office door and sit quietly by himself for a half-h...

Profession Or Trade
An item recently seen reads, "we would rather be a music teacher in an obscure town than be a prosperous tradesman in a large city." T...

Heart And Intellect
Let not the heart be the ruling power all the time. If it is, art sinks into sentimentality. Allow the head to rule alternately with t...

Time Ends Not
We may say with Emerson that "Time has his own work to do and we have ours," and with Wood, "Labor is normal; idleness, abnormal," but...

Power Of Thought
The power of thought to exert influence is only in our day being understood. How to utilize it is not yet in such degree of comprehens...

Nature Seldom Jumps
Nature seldom moves by jumps, and a student who reaches the best use of his voice learns that he must do that through natural laws. In...

Be Perfect
Do not be content to merely make progress. (If one feels that he is at a standstill, or worse, going backward, he should stop all stud...

Perfect Voice Method
A teacher of voice and singing who does not believe his way is the best in the world is in one of two positions:--either he is a sca...

Analyze Songs
Every song or other vocal composition should be analyzed as the first step in its study. The first theme noted, and the second also,...

Fault Finding
Pupils may be sure that teachers do not find fault with them merely for the purpose of finding fault. If the teacher is worthy [of] th...

Recover From Mistakes
Next to him who makes no mistakes, is he who recovers from and disguises the errors. At best a performance full of errors of pitch, wo...

Songs For Beginners
When selecting songs for study for beginners, only those which have smooth and well defined melodies should be selected. Modern compos...

The phraseology of newspaper criticism often disturbs musicians, especially those who are very sensitive, and sometimes arouses their ...

Wait For Results
Some of us are slow to learn the lesson, waiting for results. We feel that at one bound we must and will achieve the great success whi...

All Things Are Good
Certain quotations and sayings, through familiarity, lose their point to us. We not only are not impressed by them but forget that the...

Little Things Effect
Every shade of tone has a meaning which is either artistic or inartistic and one who has developed his appreciation of artistic rendit...

Musical Library
A musical library should be a possession of every singer. There are less than two hundred books on music printed in English, on subjec...

Change Opinions
In these days of invention, discovery and progress, no one need be ashamed of changing his opinions. In vocal music the ideas most com...

Reputation Comes Slowly
Reputation which will last comes only by slow degrees. Man may spring into notoriety at a bound because of some fortuitous circumstanc...

Study Poetry
Every singer should be an earnest student of poetry. There are minds to which poetry does not appeal as does the practical prose. But ...

Mannerisms Show Character
Mannerisms give knowledge to the observing person of our character and intellectuality, and, on that account, are to be studied and us...

Provide For The Young
Parents see the necessity of providing the means for their children to learn to take care of themselves. A fortune left to a son frequ...

There Are No Mistakes
How often does every one of us make the "mistake of a lifetime?" Probably everyone has made that remark many times regarding himself. ...

"It is the regularity of the laws of nature which leads us to put confidence in them and enables us to use them." Thus writes Dr. McCo...

Assert Individuality
Personal freedom of action must for a time be surrendered by pupil to teacher but it should be for limited time only. The impress of t...

Educing is bringing out or causing to appear. Teachers impart and call that educating. The reverse of the common way is best. Instead ...

Vocal Tone
All vocal tone used in singing when produced at the vocal bands is small and probably always about alike. The tone which we hear is ...

True Art Is Delicate
All true art is delicate. Music is the most delicate of all arts. Music is expressed through thought and emotion. In this, music has m...

Words And Tone Should Agree
While singing, words and tone should agree. What does that mean, asks one. It can be well stated when we consider how they do not agre...

Preparation For Teaching
There are many who become teachers of singing without knowing what they are doing. No one who wishes to enter the profession should be...

A very good reason, but one which individuals can attend to, why we have so few artists among singers, is that so few take time to gai...

Before An Audience
When singing before an audience in a hall, do not look on the music. A glance at it may be made from time to time but keep the eyes of...

Come Up Higher
The man makes the musician as does the musician make the man. The rules of life which make men better make the musician better. There ...

Crude Voices Express No Emotion
An untrained voice can never have correct emotion expressed in it. The voice responds as truly to the thought which passes in the mind...

The very first question to ask of an applicant for vocal lessons is "what is your ambition?" By that, I mean, the teacher should kno...

Music And Longevity
Perhaps no one chooses to question the statement that length of human life is greater in our generation than it was in the last, and...

Fortunately, no two persons are exactly alike. If they were, the result would be the same and the everyday acts leading to a result ...


10000 Maniacs - Girl On A Train
Waking on a train dreaming, charmed alone they started speaking. Captured in his artist way before the memor...

10000 Maniacs - Glow
In the coolness of the morning sparing moments here in magical tide I would meet you without question to sha...

10000 Maniacs - Green Children
An August day in the hills of Spain, a pair of children emerged from a cave. The strangest sight there alone...

10000 Maniacs - Hidden In My Heart
I see the leaves of autumn changing falling turning what was green I see a door standing open, open to curio...

10000 Maniacs - In The Quiet Morning
In the quiet morningThere was much despairAnd in the hours that followed No one could repair...

10000 Maniacs - Love Among The Ruins
The sky was falling, heaven was calling. When danger crashes, rose from the ashes. Like two statues hi...

10000 Maniacs - On And On
Out through the foggy window there just to see the eyes of my future children looking back at me back throug...

10000 Maniacs - Once A City
This was once a city harmony a common theme but these complications now make life a bit uneasy hallowed buil...

10000 Maniacs - Rainy Day
On bended knee I've looked through every window then. Touched the bottom, the night a sleepless day instead;...

10000 Maniacs - Shining Light
Something was pulling me without knowing what was leading me on: your shining light. In my darkest hou...

10000 Maniacs - Smallest Step
When the day ends and church bells are ringing when the valley is shrouded in snow, when you're feelin...

10000 Maniacs - Somebody's Heaven
There like a feather you fell someone's heaven above me floating so fickle tempting me teasing my ways throw...

10000 Maniacs - The Earth Pressed Flat
Detroit, L.A., Boston, San Francisco, first time o'er the ocean on a plane a billion stars below me lay, ...

10000 Maniacs - Time Turns
I saw time turn so much there to unlearn, you were envy you wouldn't say you tore heart strings that s...

10000 Maniacs - Who Knows Where The Time Goes?
Across the evening sky, all the birds are leavingBut how can they know it's time for them to go?Before...

10000 Maniacs - You Won't Find Me There
I'd like to know what makes you stay while your eyes still search for escape.You think that I don't feel the cold,...

10cc - 18 Carat Man Of Means
I need some money to open doorsI won't bend over or lick your pawsYou got me red, I'll get me blackMy ...

10cc - 24 Hours
Here on the streetFeeling the cool of the dawnShuffling feetFaces are ragged and wornThey've bee...

10cc - 4% Of Something
4% of something'sBetter than 10% of nothing blue4% of something'sBetter than 10% of nothing blue...

10cc - Action Man In A Motown Suit
Let's stay a while and watch himHe's moving into action manHe's looking good but maybeHe's in the wron...

10cc - Age Of Consent
I want to meet you at that restaurantThe one you love it's got a pretty frontWhat a frontThe girls are...

10cc - Americana Panorama
Martin Luther B.B. KingYou had a dream and you make us swingDoctor Winston J.F.K.You had a dream but t...

10cc - Art For Arts Sake
Gimme your bodyGimme your mindOpen your heartPull down the blind Gimme your love gimme it ...

10cc - Baron Samedi
I'll show you man who walk on fireAnd don't get burnedDon't get burned, don't get burnedHe don't get b...

10cc - Bee In My Bonnet
I got a bee in my bonnetGot a chip on my shoulderI got a hole in my shoeAnd my toes are getting colder...

10cc - Blackmail
She doesn't need moneyShe doesn't need diamondsShe's lookin' for pretty thingsShe doesn't want romance...

10cc - Bluebird
Bluebird take me on your wingTeach me how to flyTeach me how to singBluebird, guardian of my soul...

10cc - Brand New Day
When you open your eyesTo a brand new morningAnd the sun shines Above youYou pull on your breech...

10cc - Channel Swimmer
Well it's cold down here in the waterIt's cold down here in the seaWho'd be a channel swimmer?Only a f...

10cc - Charity Begins At Home
a shake of the tinthe money drops in, but is it a sinyou're standing in ragsyou're selling your flags...

10cc - City Lights
Oh oh I feel the city rhythmOh oh I love those city lightsBut when the sun comes upAnd the party's ove...

10cc - Clockwork Creep
"I'm a clockwork creepAnd I can't get to sleepThey wind me up and let me goAnd I can't unwindGoi...

10cc - Code Of Silence
Deep in the nightI can hear you calling my nameHow can I try to help you womanIf you go on hiding your...

10cc - Donna
Oh DonnaYou made me stand upYou made me sit down, DonnaSit down, DonnaSit downYou made sta...

10cc - Don't
If you want love to stayDon't give all your secrets awayIt's not the fashionBut hold back your passion...

10cc - Don't Ask
You ask me what's it like nowI've got no woman - don't askYou ask me how's it feel to be aloneYou've g...

10cc - Don't Break The Promises
you know i cannot always be there with youwhen something crazy takes me far awaywe must stick together throu...

10cc - Don't Hang Up
Hello thereHow have you beenI've called a million timesBut to me you're never in I know I never ...

10cc - Don't Send We Back
We came across from KoreaWe braved the wind and the rainWe came a thousand miles just to be hereAnd yo...

10cc - Don't Squeeze Me Like Toothpaste
I treat you like a womanSo treat me like a manI took you to a better placeAnd helped you understand ...

10cc - Don't Turn Me Away
You and I don't have to hurryTake your time now don't you worryLet me know what you're going throughTh...

10cc - Dreadlock Holiday
I was walkin' down the streetConcentratin' on truckin' rightI heard a dark voice beside of meAnd I loo...

10cc - Dressed To Kill
Put your money where your mouth isGet your finger on the buzzerPaint it onShow the bumpsCos you'...

10cc - Everything Is Not Enough
It doesn't help you if you scream and shoutThat isn't what this thing is all aboutAnd do you really want to ...

10cc - Everything You Wanted To Know About!!!! (exclamation Marks)
I took my fantasy to DeborahYou know she's always been a friendly girlYou'll see her cruise the Picadilly st...

10cc - Feel The Benefit
[REMINISCE AND SPECULATION]You went out on the street without your shoes onYou didn't listen wh...

10cc - Feel The Love (oomachasaooma)
I saw you so prettyYour face lit up the cityTwo worlds came togetherThe memory stays for evermore ...

10cc - Fill Her Up
my baby told me she would meet me on the streetstood behind a lamppost, I could only see her feetnow I'm not...

10cc - Flying Junk
Oo he's a sly oneHe's a razamataz manHe flew in from SingaporeOn a flying junk manOo he's a devi...

10cc - Food For Thought
Milk and honeyYour lips are milk and honey oh ohOverflowingYou get my juices goingSweet and tast...

10cc - For You And I
The world is full of other people (ooh ooh)take a look aroundWe're quick to laugh when they've got troubles ...

10cc - Fresh Air For My Mama
So say one and so say allSay what you gotta sayOr don't say nothing at allYou been tossin' and turnin'...

10cc - From Rochdale To Ocho Rios
From Rochdale to Ocho RiosFrom Ocho Rios to DorkingFrom Dorking its back to RochdaleFrom Rochdale to O...

10cc - Get It While You Can
You've got to get it while you canTime and time we've gone no manTomorrow will become todayIt's there ...

10cc - Good Morning Judge
Well good morning Judge, how are you todayI'm in trouble, please put me awayA pretty thing took a shine to m...

10cc - Good News
Something to begin withThat's easy said than doneYou'll see me rolling homeBut I don't understand why...

10cc - Green Eyed Monster
who's that creeping out of my back doordon't say he's collecting for the poordon't you tell me you're not ha...

10cc - Grow Old With Me
You said you willYou said I doNow that's the best thingFor me and youWe'll stick together our wh...

10cc - Headline Hustler
I got me a job on the local paperEverybody there thinks I'm niceBut they'd better look twice'Cos it is...

10cc - Head Room
I've never been kissed beforeIt's been on my list beforeA flick of the wrist before would doBut when y...

10cc - Honeymoon With 'b' Troop
My baby, she's crazy, she's lazySo she's always bummin' aroundGirls in France don't stand a chance'Cos...

10cc - Hotel
On de uber side ob de islandDere's a sky so clear and blueCan see, cross water, to de mainlandNew life...

10cc - Hot To Trot
She had a shake like a belly dancerand a body like a tiger tiger (uh huh, uh huh)She was looking at me ...

10cc - How'm I Ever Gonna Say Goodbye
I've been thinkin' writin' you a letterMaybe telegram would be betterI'll be worried how it's gonna get ther...

10cc - I Bought A Flat Guitar Tutor
I bought a flatDiminished responsibilityYou're de ninth person to seeTo be suspended in a seventh...

10cc - Iceberg
Life is a roller coaster that we all rideLife is a roller coaster that we all rideLife is a roller coaster t...

10cc - I Hate To Eat Alone
I picked myself up in a downtown barYou know the feelin' was lousyBut as I'd come this farWell it's to...

10cc - I'm Mandy Fly Me
Just like a rollin' stoneI'm outside lookin' in But if your chance came would you take itWhere on eart...

10cc - I'm Not In Love (rework Of Art)
I'm not in loveSo don't forget itIt's just a silly phase I'm going throughAnd just becauseI call...

10cc - I'm So Laid Back, I'm Laid Out
The people were runningThe place was on fireThe smoke was a-growingAnd the flames were getting higher ...

10cc - It Doesn't Matter At All
Hey you've been hanging onTo a dreamHoping that timeWould turn your fear awayBut you must stop...

10cc - I Took You Home
I looked at your face somehow I knewNothing could tear me awayYou started to smile and I was lostFumbl...

10cc - I Wanna Rule The World
I wanna be a bossI wanna be a big bossI wanna boss the world aroundI wanna be the biggest boss ...

10cc - Johnny Don't Do It
Johnny don't do itJohnny don't do itJohnny don't do itJohnny don't do it Johnny was ...

10cc - L.a. Inflatable
Oh well her skin it was softer than velvetAnd her eyes were as bright as a child'sHer lips were a prom...

10cc - Last Night
Last nightYou know you really reallymade me appreciate my lifeWhen you took me to the seventh fl...

10cc - Lazy Days
Hazy DaysWith Lazy Ways You get less done but moreOut of your daysHow can you work y...

10cc - Les Nouveaux Riches
I could see that the sun it was deadlyShe's putting her hand in the fireHer velvety skin it was cookin...

10cc - Life Is A Minestrone
I'm dancing on the White House lawnSipping tea by the Taj Mahal at dawnHanging round the gardens of Ba...

10cc - Life Line
Ten thousand miles away from someoneTen thousand miles away from youWho's your friend on the end of a ...

10cc - Listen With Your Eyes
I don't need no special things to get me highAll I needs a touch of Ron to get me byI see people trave...

10cc - Lost In Love
A far bit beyond this placeAll the stars have been castYou may try to resist the paceBut it's ha...

10cc - Lovers Anonymous
Doctor, I'm getting in deeperShow me, the way I can slow myself downYou can talk me roundI'm a f...

10cc - Lying Here With You
Time to wave the day goodbyeBut I don't wanna hear no lullabySandman takes his cueAnd when the n...

10cc - Man With A Mission
There's a man at the topAnd I know that he's pulling the stringsHe's got his eye in the skyAnd I...

10cc - Margo Wants The Mustard
I watch her move up and down the beach, wellThe fellows drool, but she's out of their reach, andThese ...

10cc - Marriage Bureau Rendezvous
Well I've been lookin' after number one for too longAnd it seemed the love was passing me bySo I thoug...

10cc - Memories
The summers were longer, they went on foreverOh and the sky so blueWe never worried about anything...

10cc - Modern Man Blues
I'm tired Lord and I'm drawnAnd I'm chilled right to the boneI crawled home from my workAnd this...

10cc - Notell Hotel
I checked into the room and I checked the viewAnd then I locked and chained the doorI had time to kill...

10cc - Nothing Can Move Me
There's talk about some peopleThat maybe you knowThe heroes and the villainsAnd the places that ...

10cc - Now You're Gone
You promised me a lifeYou promised me everything would changeEven said you'd be my wifeOoh now y...

10cc - Oh Effendi
In the middle of a caravanOn a four wheel drive oasisThere's a man with a thought in mindTo cash...

10cc - Old Mister Time
He looked funnyThe children called him the scarecrowAn old raincoatAnd baggy trousers and sneake...

10cc - Old Wild Men
Where are my boys?They are in deepest waterWhere are they now?They are over the hill and far awa...

10cc - One Two Five
One hundred and twenty fiveBeats to, beats to the minuteOne hundred and twenty fiveYou get the n...

10cc - Only Child
I never had a little sisterNo brother to tell my troubles toMy nights were oh so sad and lonelyU...

10cc - Overdraft In Overdrive
I got a letter this morningMy overdraft's in overdriveThey wanna know what I'm gonna do about it...

10cc - Peace In Our Time
Thank you for the giftThe freedom to wonderIn search of the lightAre we gonna let it shine...

10cc - People In Love
People in love do funny thingsWalk under buses and burn their wingsPeople like us do nothing right...

10cc - Ready To Go Home
On the street below these wallsWhere I used to walkNow I can barely crawlAll this darkness risin...

10cc - Reds In My Bed
There's a fat man who offers a change of sceneSays he'll guarantee my sheet will be cleanWhen I get on...

10cc - Rock 'n' Roll Lullaby
Listen while I sing you to sleepWith a rock 'n' roll lullabyClose your eyes and don't you peepTh...

10cc - Rubber Bullets
I went to a party at the local county jailAll the cons were dancing and the band began to wailBut the ...

10cc - Runaway
Remember I'm the one who didn't have a lot to sayI was trying to find the courage, but I let you walk away...

10cc - Sand In My Face
I looked in the mirror(What did you see looking at you?)I saw a nine stone weakling(What will yo...

10cc - Shine A Light In The Dark
i've been lost before and i had to payit was never easy but i found a waywell the journey was hard and...

10cc - Ships Don't Disappear In The Night (do They?)
Ships don't just disappear in the nightDo they?People don't really die of frightDo they?We...

10cc - Shock On The Tube (don't Want Love)
I was travelling home on the subwayWhen this vision got on at Maida ValeAnd as I casually eyed the cla...

10cc - Silly Love
Hey toots, you put the life into livingYou brought a sigh into sightAh hon, you make my legs turn to w...

10cc - Something Special
stealing coins from the poor boxi'm robbing the blind, but you won'tunderstand, i'm a wanted man...

10cc - Somewhere In Hollywood
Down on the casting couchA star is gonna be bornA star with the stature of a HarlowWho's doomed...

10cc - Speed Kills
One fine day I started writing homeOne findsIt's so hardTo make it It's gotta be the...

10cc - Strange Lover
Baby Baby Baby don't hurryYou've got your finger on meDon't let go, no no noI know you love it...

10cc - Survivor
This boy he's a midnight driverHigh roller and a soul survivorShe tried to send him on his wayHe...

10cc - Take These Chains
Baby baby oh babyI'd love to love youBut my hands are tiedBreak these chainsOh oh these ch...

10cc - Take This Woman
I found myself on my knees in prayerThe consequence of my deep despairNow I must speak, get it off my ...

10cc - Taxi! Taxi!
The hands on the clock seem to stick to the faceBut the seconds are turning to minutesAnd minutes to d...

10cc - The Anonymous Alcoholic
You walk in the roomThe folks are all thereWith glasses in handBut you can't take the band...

10cc - The Dean And I
Hum drum daysAnd a hum drum ways Hey kids, let me tell you how I met your momWe were danci...

10cc - The Film Of My Love
Co-starring youAnd co-starring meStarring us both togetherThe film of my love Will travel ...

10cc - The Hospital Song
Nobody sends me birthday cardsNobody brings me flowersI'm just here for operationsI've been out ...

10cc - The Monkey And The Onion
See the monkey peel the onionSee the monkey cryHe can feel his tears are flowin'But he don't kno...

10cc - The Power Of Love
Momma don't mind, cause your momma don't knowBut if your poppa finds out that we're all aloneHe's gonn...

10cc - The Sacro-iliac
Here's a new dance that you all can doBaby, baby, what's he gonna do?Sit back and relax 'cos it's good...

10cc - The Second Sitting For The Last Supper
Another fish head in the dustbinAnother loser in the queue for the soup kitchenAnother reason for a vi...

10cc - The Secret Life Of Henry
Early morningI'm still yawningKiss the childrenSee you tonight dearCheerio Hen...

10cc - The Stars Didn't Show
we came from miles aroundjust to listen to your soundyou made the night seem endlessyou cast a m...

10cc - The Worst Band In The World
It's one thing to know it but another to admitWe're the worst band in the worldBut we don't give a.......

10cc - Tokyo
Transistorised, and anodisedChrome plated, squeaky cleanOh Tokyo, oh TokyoOh Tokyo I love you ...

10cc - Tomorrow's World Today
I'll tell you something you oughta knowWe came a long way from the radioBut what's wrong with that?...

10cc - Une Nuit A Paris
[Part One: One Night in Paris][Mme. Bezier:] Bonjour monsieurParis really welcomes you...

10cc - Wall Street Shuffle
Do the Wall Street shuffleHear the money rustleWatch the greenbacks tumbleFeel the Sterling crum...

10cc - Waterfall
Gonna meet you on the cornerGonna take you out of townOut to where the grass is greenerAnd no on...

10cc - Welcome To Paradise
i kissed my mothershook the hand of my brotherand i said goodbye to the woman i lovedit may seem...

10cc - Welcome To The World
You're through gestation so welcome to the worldWe've still got vacancies just waiting to be filledWe'...

10cc - We've Heard It All Before
Einstein, he said, nothings originalFind something new, That's easy for him to sayTook his whole life ...

10cc - Why Did I Break Your Heart
Inside my loneliness and sorting through the messI came across a bunch of snaps and lettersI found an ...

10cc - Woman In Love
i don't know why it's the way of the worldbut meanwhile.... you've seen her sway when she walks ...

10cc - Wonderland
i wanna take a giant stepdon't know where I'll end up yetthe devil or the deep blue seathere's a...

10cc - Working Girls
Working girls don't stand a chanceTyping pools are full deadly fishOffice Romeos believeDictatio...

10cc - Yes, I Am
You never asked me to love youI did it all by myselfYou didn't make me no promisesYou read my fe...

10cc - You're Coming Home Again
Baby, baby, don't you make a soundAll I'm asking of you is to understandI can't let you goWhen a...

10cc - You've Got A Cold
Your nose is runnin'And your eyes are redYour head is achin'You'd be better in bedFrom the...

10cc - Yvonne's The One
When I first saw Yvonne, volcanoes eruptedAnd her laughter flowed into my lifeShe seemed so right, not...

112 - 112 Intro
[Puff Daddy:]Yeah, that's whatI'm talkin' 'boutSounds real dramaticLike something's...

112 - All Cried Out
[Allure]All alone on a Sunday morningOutside I see the rain is falling Inside I'm slowly ...

112 - All I Want Is You
2000, 2000112, 112And we won't stop'Cause we can't stopNo we won't stop'Cause we can...

112 - All My Love
When I look into your eyes I see you're lonelyWon't you come with meI wanna know from youIf ever...

112 - All My Love
Tell me how far you want this to goIm touching the places no one needs to knowI can feel your heart is...

112 - Anywhere (interlude)
(We can make love in my bedroom)We can make love in the bedroom(Whoa)On the floor, top of my wat...

112 - Be With You
I used to hang out every nightUsed to go from club to clubLooking for true loveBut now I found t...

112 - Call My Name
Ooh, call my nameWhenever you need my loveWhoa, baby call my nameWhenever you need my love...

112 - Can I Touch You
Can I touch you babyCome here baby, yeahCan I...Can I touch youMake you feel so good...

112 - Caught Up
Coudlnt help myselfShe was so fine, oh yeaI told her I had a girlBut she didn't mindNow we...

112 - Crazy Over You
I fell in love with you,T'was like a dream come trueAnd my love for you will never end oh noWas ...

112 - Damn
[Verse 1]Damn why'd you have to look so good?Damn why'd you have to be so sexy? Ohh ohhh...

112 - Don't Go (interlude)
112(Don't)Don't you(Go)Go(Away)Don't you go away my baby(Girl I)Gi...

112 - Do What You Gotta Do
Sorry I lied to uBut I'm not sorryThat I fell deepIn love with herSo baby Do what u ...

112 - Everyday
EverydayYahOh Oh, EverydayThis is the real right hereThings aint always what they seem...

112 - Funny Feelings
Oh baby,Girl I, girl I,Got the funny feeling,Oh yeah, yes I do.Everytime I try to ki...

112 - Give It To Me
[4x] Give it to me[3x] Give it to meEvery time I think about The way you make me f...

112 - God Knows
[Verse 1:]Baby tell me why, why do you questionAll this love that I have for youIf you lo...

112 - Hot & Wet (remix)
[Intro]112, 112You know how we doThis is the remixGuess who's backBad boy bab...

112 - I Belong To U (interlude)
I belong to you I belong to youWith you,babyThis body is yours This body is yoursI b...

112 - I'll Be There
I know it's kind of hardTo get over someoneAnd try to start a newA new relationshipNo need...

112 - I'm Sorry (interlude)
Sorry is not enough After all the things Ive done to youSo I just wanna let you know that I am more th...

112 - In Love With You
Every day I think aboutAll the love you've given meAll the ways you show your love andGirl it dr...

112 - Intro
Why do you make me feel this way?Im feeling betrayed feeling pushed awayWhy do you make me feel so mad...

112 - Intro / Medley
[P Diddy talking]Q, Mike, Slim Daron...Da Twelve...Theres been a lot of drama along...

112 - I Surrender (interlude)
(I surrender)I surrender all to youI surrender all to you(To you, to you)I surrender...

112 - I Think
He said that you were crazyhe said that you were losin your mindand that you dont know how to treat a ...

112 - Just A Little While
I have to go awayMy flight's not far awayYou think your love has strengthBut it's just your mind...

112 - Knock U Down
The way I want to knock youGirl you got just what I needBring it here to meYou can stand i...

112 - Last To Know
[verse 1]Lately I have been questioning if what we have is lost I heard it in your voice when w...

112 - Let This Go
[Verse 1]Girl I don't understand, stand the reason why, why you act this wayWhat did I do, tell...

112 - Love You Like I Did
Tell me whos gonna look at youAnd love you for the person you areTell me whos gonna understandTh...

112 - Man's World
[Chorus 1]Oh BabeAh DarlinOh BabeMy My Sweet Babe[Repeat 2X][...

112 - Missing You
Sitting here thinking about you And all the things we used to doI never thought that I would lose you...

112 - My Mistakes
[Chorus]If I could erase, everyone of my mistakesTell me would it make you wanna come over...

112 - Na Na Na
[Supercat] This is the Long Long He Love fe the gal dem, Na, Na, Na Na, The Rapper Don and 112 ...

112 - Never Mind
[1] - Never mind that he don't love youNever mind that he don't careI'll give you love the way ...

112 - Nowhere
If ever you wonderedIf ever you were nervous about itYou gotta know,I aint never,Lemme say...

112 - Now That We're Done
Got to try my best to reach the lowest lowTo a place where no one goesIf you let me taste your soul...

112 - Player
I'm a player..... girl I thought you knewWhen you started messin around with me, knew I wouldn't commit to y...

112 - Pleasure And Pain
You always said you loved meThough my mind's right now not sureYou've always been there for meTh...

112 - Q, Mike, Slim, Daron (interlude)
If you are availableIf you are available[1:]This is what we're lookin' forSexy, ind...

112 - Right Here For U
Baby (One Twelve)I know Im wrong cause (Be right here for you)Youve already got a man (Oooh, one twelv...

112 - Say Yes
[Verse 1:]I wanna show you how I feelDon't hold backHeres my love Baby you're the o...

112 - Slip Away
BabyI wish you had recognizedThe love I had for youWhen it was in my heartAnd when it was ...

112 - Smile
Another night and it seems that You made you cry yourself to sleepReminiscing on how it beganYou...

112 - Someone To Hold
Sometimes I stare at the bedKnowing that no one's thereSomething is telling meThat you feel the ...

112 - So Much Love (interlude)
[Female]Yeah, welcome to Room 112Q, Mike, Slim, DaronWelcome to Room 112[1...

112 - Stay With Me
[Chorus:]I want you right here with meIf you really wanna be with meThen come on, just st...

112 - Still In Love
Oh listen to me girl, As I take the time, To tell you how I feel, yeah yeah.In spite of what you...

112 - That's How Close We Are
Na na na Na na na na naNa na na na na naWithout the root, you ain't got no treeAnd w...

112 - This Is Your Day
Alone at nightmy body craves youAs I let the music playand we make love in my mindI feel t...

112 - Throw It All Away
How could youJust hurt meAnd leave me(Leave me all alone)How could you destroy my life...

112 - Unbelievable
This is a DPS productionGive me a beat. [X8]Im gonna have some fun tonightLoo...

112 - We Goin' Be Alright
I would walk, I would walk, I would walkA thousand miles, if I knew that youWould be waiting on the ot...

112 - What The Hell Do You Want
(Why you gotta act like that)[Verse 1]When I say that I love youYou ask me what I w...

112 - Why Can't We Get Along
[Intro: harmonizing][Verse One:]Is it me,Who never compromise,I only s...

112 - Why Does
All the love you've given meSo special seems to be no limitI'll do anythingThere's no boundries ...

112 - You Are The Only One (interlude)
I love you,You're my everything...You are the only one for meWell, well, wellAnd eve...

112 - Your Letter
I saw a letter lying on the floorI couldn't help but look insideThought it was something that you must...

112 - You Said
It was you, it was me, it was love, it was real, then we touched,Then we kissed, then we loved da way it fee...

12 Stones - 3 Leaf Loser
Biting the hand that feeds you, lying to the voiceInside, reach out to beg for something this lifeIs a...

12 Stones - Back Up
I hear the words you say to meI see the way you look at meI know what's on your mind soStand up ...

12 Stones - Bitter
Mother mother can you hear me, i keep tryingJust to find me all i know now, all you s how me,Endless q...

12 Stones - Broken
Alone again again alonePatiently waiting by the phoneHoping that you will call me homeThe pain i...

12 Stones - Crash
As I lie here tossing in my bedLost in my fears remembering what you saidAnd I try to hide the truth w...

12 Stones - Eric's Song
Sometimes I feel like I am so far awayIm lost inside my thoughts and I dont know what to sayI know I n...

12 Stones - Fade Away
I need you to feel exactly like I do insideBut I feel so alone againI try to find a better lifeS...

12 Stones - Far Away
Something keeps on pulling me downAnd I feel like I'm losing groundTrying just to find my reasons...

12 Stones - Home
In my eyes you see the painWith each lie I take the blameWith each sigh I slowly fall away...

12 Stones - In Closing
Step back inside the lie again, you'll find you're Wearing thinKilling the sympathy as you take anothe...

12 Stones - In My Head
I'm reaching out without a soundMy pride falls to the floor againInside my mind I search to find...

12 Stones - Let Go
I feel so alone again I know that I need you To help me make it through the night And I pray th...

12 Stones - Lifeless
Desperate and waiting, frozen to the core, numbTo this feeling, needing something more all i Keep thi...

12 Stones - My Life
I find myself in question again And I doubt this Love you've given to me I hope you understand when I ...

12 Stones - Open Your Eyes
When I look into your eyes I see a lot of hatePushing me awayYou're haunted by a pastA pas...

12 Stones - Photograph
Fear falls hard like rain again washing over meYou say nothing will ever change what do i Believe...

12 Stones - Running Out Of Pain
As he raises his hand you begin to understandThat no love is worth the hate that you feelNow you're ru...

12 Stones - Shadows
Look around and tell me what you see, a placeSurrounded by the hate that hides in the Shadows inside o...

12 Stones - Soulfire
Every morning as I wake to another dayI bow my head hit my knees and I begin to prayI search for answe...

12 Stones - Speak Your Mind
How does it make you feel when i look awayFeelings that will never seem to fade i try toFind you, you ...

12 Stones - The Last Song
I'm sorry for needing you to carry meSo simple sometimes when you're standing nextTo meYou never...

12 Stones - The Way I Feel
Lately I've been wanderingOff the narrow pathYouve given me so many things that I've never hadAn...

12 Stones - Waiting For Yesterday
It's a long way back to reality, she puts anotherBrick in the wall of shame she made so long agoTrying...

213 - 213 Tha Gangsta Clicc
[Snoop Dogg]Hehe, yeah that's that shit right thereIs this that shit that make a nigga just...

213 - Absolutely
[Snoop Dogg]Me and Nate Dogg were so funky freshWe fell off into a club to try to pop it to Daz...

213 - Appreciation
[Warren G]213Childhood homies way back in the daysince then it's been 213 the hard way...

213 - Gotta Find A Way
[Nate Dogg]Funny how time fliesFunny how one thing leads to anotherFunny how mothers cry...

213 - Groupie Luv
[Intro: Snoop Dogg]This is a DJ Whoo productionIn conjunction with Doggystyle Records and 213...

213 - Joystick
[Nate Dogg]She said she wants to ride my joystickShe act like she wanna ride my joystick...

213 - Keep It Gangsta
Keepin' it gangstaNiggaz and niggettesKeepin' it gangstaNiggaz and niggettes[Warr...

213 - Lil' Girl
[Nate Dogg]Lil' girl from the ghettoRan away from homeShe ran away from home (Nananana)...

213 - Lonely Girl
[Chorus - Nate Dogg]Wait a minute, lonely girlThey try to warn meThey say you're horny...

213 - Mary Jane
[Chorus - Nate Dogg]One for the treble, two for the bassShe's my beauty queen, she's my everyth...

213 - My Dirty Ho
[Chorus - Nate Dogg]My dirty hoScandalous hoMy dirty hoScandalous ho...

213 - Run On Up
[Chorus - Nate Dogg]You got beef then go and run on upWe ain't worried about nothingHalf ...

213 - So Fly
[Intro:]NOBLE JUSTICE![Snoop Dogg]Wooooh!Yeah!"Welcome to tha Ch...

213 - Twist Yo Body
[Snoop Dogg]Yeah! It's the motherfucking 213Blasting off on your assSomething funky funta...

213 - Ups & Downs
[Warren G]Please don't get it confusedCuz I rap that I'm like these other dudesI doubt th...

28 Days - 1988
ride the train and it takes me back to the days when Frankston was our line I used to live for getting...

28 Days - 28 Days
right, thats all it is right two eight days in the mother fucking house you know you get fresh within ...

28 Days - A General
Tonight I saw your true faceVindictiveA language of your reactionAnd thank you for returni...

28 Days - Ball Of Hate
inside you is you heart as also is a ball of hatred you struggle within dont let that hatred swa...

28 Days - Deadly Like
and it's the hamcause the beats is so freshit's like I'm rippin apart the restbut they try never...

28 Days - Do Our Part
all I fucking do is complain me and the rest of the scene that's what's wrong with us whinging d...

28 Days - Early Mornings
Early mornings make me angryAnd routine takes away the very essence of the dayBut when reflection show...

28 Days - Eats Away
I can't stand The taste of defeatJust like any manBut I know I'll lose more sleepIf I wast...

28 Days - Friends
why do we bother sometimes why not give this shit up we're meant to be friends but we can't let ...

28 Days - Goodbye
thought i left you all behind,when you feel out of my mind, thought i made it clear that i just didn't...

28 Days - Information Overload
too many messages multi media sponge too many to address I guessyou could say I'm out lunchtelev...

28 Days - I Remember
One time i rememberi remember when you used to thinkthat you were much betternow you smoke and n...

28 Days - January
JanuaryJanuary to the one January to the nineI swear I've found my piece of mindCan ...

28 Days - Just To Make You Happy
I can not hang onto this bullshit foreverCan you? If you can that's up to youWe are so foo...

28 Days - Know The Score
Turned on the tv screen and what did I seea video collage of our atrocitiesturtles getting cut open by...

28 Days - Kool
you want so much for everyone to like you for who you really are but you care about it so much y...

28 Days - Pessimy & The Devil
Don't kid yourself'Cause there's a good chanceYour life means nothingYou've got enough to confus...

28 Days - Photos
You always gave your four-leaf cloverIt's overAnd I don't know if I'm gonna see your face againY...

28 Days - Rip It Up
28, 1982 comin through ya speakers, it features a style like this rippin it on the mic, it's like we'r...

28 Days - Rise Above
the sky is grey bordem kicks in again I don't know if I'll ever win I'm not sure if it's worth it ...

28 Days - Rollin Gang
oh what the fuck is this thingI pictured four wheelsI can't ride thatI'm reading the warning ...

28 Days - Sand
the sand is sifting by I only know that I will die and pay my taxes the rest is touch and go I w...

28 Days - Say What?
Say what?Never do we stress 'cause we're known to rock shitDecks are in effect and we're going to cock...

28 Days - She's Waiting
yeah my girl she's so pretty always waiting when I get home she's always wants to lick me and sh...

28 Days - Song For Jasmine
I look into your eyes, and i seei see a part of meyou're better than i'd ever hoped you beand wh...

28 Days - Stealing Chairs
Out of everyone you were the last expected to leaveSo much potentialSo much left to achieveThank...

28 Days - Sucker
Here we go fools And it's on once again for young and old Because you stole the farmboy's time C...

28 Days - Take Me Away
Take me back to yesterday'cause I'm not alright and it's not okay, noI know but I won't admit it...

28 Days - The Bird
hurry up and beat the rushbe the first to cut us downthat would seem to be the cool thing to do ...

28 Days - This Songs About You
this songs about you and all the shit you put me throughthis songs about the thing that drives m...

28 Days - True Story
And the story stays the sameThe only difference is the nameHe's a nice guy and she is a bad girl...

28 Days - Tunnel Vision
The year is two double 0 two Nothing is brand newKid Jimmy you know you hear me spittin' lyrics over l...

28 Days - What's The Deal?
The beer is ice coldAnd it's soldFrom a supermarket that keeps their prices downThis day is not ...

28 Days - What You Know
you two need to grow upyou got a good thingbut you won't see it because you thinkyou're missing ...

2be3 - Even If
Even if the sun refused to shineEven if we lived in different timesEven if the ocean left the sea...

2be3 - Excuse My French
Je t'adore, je t'adoreWhen you walkThrough the doorVoulez-vous, Voulez-vousI wanna be with...

2gether - 2gether
We're all gonna hang 2getherYou & me foreverYou're the one I treasure2gether, 2getherHang ...

2gether - 5gether
It's 2gether, whoaOoohhh it's 2gether, whoa Number 2-G-E-T-H-E-R to the CD you play in you...

2gether - Awesum Luvr
Old people tell me I'm still too young To take a lady's hand and give it the tongueWhat do they know a...

2gether - Before We Say Goodbye
Before we say goodbyebefore we turn and walk awaylet's give it one more trybefore we say goodbye...

2gether - Every Minute, Every Hour
Baby, I know you were wrongBut I forgive you, yeah Another day has gone bystill have your ...

2gether - I Gave My 24-7 To You
Ooohhh, ooohhhhhh You said jump I asked how high You made the rules That we love by ...

2gether - I Wanna Know Your Name
I wanna know your name... I never knew That love could put a spell on me Then you walked i...

2gether - Regular Guy
I'm the kinda guy a girl takes home to momwith pleated Khaki pantscologne that's the bomb ...

2gether - Right Where It Counts
We're alone in the room Playing Hixin and Doom And now you telling me goodbye So you want us apa...

2gether - Rub One Out
[Spoken:]Girl, whenI think about youI only thinkof one thingYou know what that is ...

2gether - Say It Don't Spray It
Girl, I can't understand youyou're like reading a big fat book in hebrew& I can tell by the way you dr...

2gether - Sister
Oohh, You always told me If I ever want to leave If I find the better girl Someone who let...

2gether - That's When I'll Be Gone
Girl, I think you really know meBut you're afraid to trust meStop doubting my intentionsWhy, why...

2gether - The Hardest Part Of Breaking Up...
C'mon Yeaaa Yea 2gether's in the house! Put your hands in the air 'cause we'll make ...

2gether - The Way You Do Me
Girl the way you do me Hey, ohGirl the way you do me Girl my head's on fire Since ou...

2gether - U + Me = Us (calculus)
I'm losing my hairand my vision is shadyLast night I dreamt of an over weight lady B...

2gether - U & U & Me
Let's get to know each other better in a special wayI think about you babyeach night & day ...

2gether - Visualize
[Spoken:]Sometimes we must live through the darknessin order to see through the lightWe m...

2gether - You're My Baby Girl
12th of April we decided it was timeI was feeling good, you were looking fineon the basement floor wit...

2gether - You're The Only One That's Real
Oohh, ooohhhh When you kiss me Are you breathless When you touch me Do you fall apart ...

2pac - 16 On Death Row
Death RowThat's where motherfuckers is endin upDear mama, I'm caught up in this sicknessI ...

2pac - A Crooked Nigga Too
[Intro]Yeah niggaYo Pac (That's right) Yo, I heard you got beat up by the police Go...

2pac - A Crooked Nigga Too (raphael Saadiq Remix)
Yo 'Pac yo, I heard you got beat up by the policeGot a big fat lawsuit and everythingNiggaz just wanna...

2pac - Against All Odds
One love, one love, one thugOne nation, twenty-one gun saluteI'm hopin my true motherfuckers kno...

2pac - Ambitionz Az A Ridah
[1] - [2Pac singing in background 2X]I won't deny it, I'm a straight ridahYou don't wann...

2pac - As The World Turns
[2Pac]As the world turns..As the world turns my ni**az grow and grow and growand get doug...

2pac - Baby Don't Cry (keep Ya Head Up Ii)
[2Pac]I feel you {uhh} .. (baby don't)but you can't, you can't give up{Hey.. 2Pac what?}...

2pac - Ballad Of A Dead Soulja
Yeah.. ballad of a dead soldierThis is the ballad of a dead soldierThis is the ballad of a dead soldie...

2pac - Better Dayz
Lookin for these better daysBetter days, heyyy! Better daysGot me thinkin bout better daysBette...

2pac - Black Jesus
[2Pac]Searching for Black JesusOh yeah, sportin jewels and s**t, yaknahmean?(Black Jesus;...

2pac - Black Starry Night (interlude)
Against all odds, I'm still here niggaAiyyy, I got to get my props for 2PacalypseO.P.D. -- what??!...

2pac - Bury Me A G
Thug LifeThinkin' backreminiscing on my teensa young Ggetten' paid over dope fiends...

2pac - Can't C Me
[Intro: George Clinton]The blind staresof a million pairs of eyeslookin' hard but w...

2pac - Can U Get Away
[2Pac] Whassup? It's 2Pac. Can you get away?Let me come swoop you up.[girl] ...

2pac - Catching Feelins
Hahaha Oh yeah My home boys might squabble but we don't fall down (never) Hahaha Yeah ...

2pac - Changes
[1]Come on come onI see no changes wake up in the morning and I ask myselfis life worth l...

2pac - Cradle To The Grave
[Chorus]From tha Cradle to the Grave, life ain't never been easyLiving in the ghetto....

2pac - Dear Mama
You are appreciated[Verse One: 2Pac] When I was young me and my mama had beef...

2pac - Death Around The Corner
[Child:] Why you by the window?, what's wrong daddy?[Mother:] I know what's wrong with ...

2pac - Definition Of A Thug Nigga
"Nobody's, closing me out of my business" [repeat 2X][2Pac] My definition of a thug nigga...

2pac - Don't Get It Twisted
[Mopreme]Just 'cause a nigga come in he got styleDon't think I won't flip itDon't pull yo...

2pac - Don't You Trust Me?
I ain't got time for this man I'm out[Chorus]You should stop for awhile you will find me ...

2pac - Everything They Owe
Imagine if we could go backActually talk to the motherfuckers that persevered (hehehe)I mean the first...

2pac - Fake Ass Bitches
[little kid] Tell me about these fake ass bitches[2Pac]Look here little nigga...

2pac - Fame
And my niggas say We want the FAME C'mon c'mon [Chorus] One thing we al...

2pac - Fuck All Y'all
[Intro:]Ha ha ha...fuck all y'all...fuck all y'all...I don't need nobodyFuck 'em...Fuck a...

2pac - Fuck Em All
You a what? Bad Boy Killaz (That's right bitch, Fuck em' all) Hahaha yeah nigga, fuck em' all (T...

2pac - Fuck Friendz
[2Pac - over background voices]My ghetto love song, hahaha, let's be friends..(Where my niggaz ...

2pac - Fuckin Wit The Wrong Nigga
Niggaz.. fuckin wit the wrong nigga..[2Pac]My seductive introduction be specific, still e...

2pac - Ghetto Star
For all my low life thug niggas, For all my niggas in the hood, Livin the life of a ghetto star, ...

2pac - Ghost
[Tupac - speaking]The only way, for me to come back, is by MakaveliThat's it! All these mother...

2pac - Guess Who's Back
Guess who's back?[2Pac]Drop the drums, here it comes, only gottwo minutes to bounce...

2pac - Happy Home
Home man.. hey.. let's turn this house into a happy homeThis for all the homeboys that couldn't get they hap...

2pac - Heartz Of Men
Ahh, Suge what I tell you nigga,when I come out of jail what was I gonna doI was gonna start diggin' i...

2pac - Heaven Ain't Hard 2 Find
[Tupac Talking]Heaven ain't hard to find(All you gotta do is look)[Tupac]...

2pac - Hell 4 A Hustler
[2Pac]Get on yo' knees ni**aGet on yo' knees and prayHuh, increase the doses, busti...

2pac - Hold On Be Strong
Hold on... [lighter flicks up]Yeah it's gonna be alright, don't trip baby [inhales]It'll...

2pac - Hold Ya Head
My homeboys in Clinton And Rikers IslandMumia Atumie, Gerino Pratt, All the political PrisonersS...

2pac - Holla At Me
(Niggas out there jelous cuz we be bailin' with Death RowThey try to playa hatebut they can't fade us ...

2pac - Holla If Ya Hear Me
Aww yeah, uhh, uhhHolla if ya hear me, yeah![Verse One]Here we go, turn it up, let'...

2pac - Homeboyz
[2Pac]Oh s**t, caught that ni**a aloneAin't that a bi**hHey, uh, this one here is, uhh...

2pac - How Long Will They Mourn Me?
How long will they mourn meYeah! This for my nigga KatoIt's still on niggaThug Life, Thugs for l...

2pac - I Don't Give A Fuck
I don't give a fuckThey done push me to the limit the more I liveI might blow up any minute, did it ag...

2pac - If I Die 2nite
A coward dies a thousand deathsA soldier dies but once[Verse One]They say pussy and...

2pac - If My Homie Calls
[Verse One:]Ever since you was a pee-wee, down by my knee with a wee-weeWe been coochie-c...

2pac - I'm Gettin Money
Get money niggaYeah - aw yeahDedicate this one to all the hustlersthat get up every motherfuckin...

2pac - Intro
[Reporter] Good Evening [sirens in the background]I'm reporting live from Sunset B...

2pac - Intro/bomb First (my Second Reply)
Suge Shot Me[church bells ring in background]In today's music news: the ever controversial Tupa...

2pac - It Ain't Easy
Keepin it real[Verse One: 2Pac]I take a shot of Henessey now I'm strong enough to f...

2pac - I Wonder If Heaven Got A Ghetto (original And Hip-hop Version)
[Chorus: I wonder if heaven got a ghetto (4X)]I was raised, the little young nigga doin bad shi...

2pac - Just Like Daddy
[Spoken:] Outlaw In ThisNo doubt,Death Row, MakaveliYou can call me daddyI'll be ya dadd...

2pac - Killuminati
[2Pac]Let it be prophesized; ni**az'll die because ya crew's goonAround the way ni**az get murd...

2pac - Letter 2 My Unborn
To my unborn child..To my unborn child.. in case I don't make itJust remember daddy loves you...

2pac - Letter To The President
Uhh.. dear Mr. PresidentWhas happenin?I'm writin you because, s**t is still real f**ked up in my neigh...

2pac - Let Them Thangs Go
Throw them thangs [X3]The quicker the nigga can go onThe faster the nigga can get his dou...

2pac - Life Goes On
[Chorus: repeat 2X]How many brothas fell victim to tha streetzRest in peace young nigga, ...

2pac - Life Of An Outlaw
In the life we live as thugs,Everbody fuckin wit us so can't you seeIt's hard to be a man.Ridin ...

2pac - Lil' Homies
Fuckin lil' homies..Everybody duckin, my fuckin lil' homiesMy lil' homies..Everybody duckin, my ...

2pac - Lord Knows
[2Pac]Damn, another funeral, another motherfuckerLord knows ['Pac is choking on blunt ...

2pac - Mama's Just A Little Girl
Young mothers That's right I feel ya (hey) I know how it is (MAMA's JUST A LIL' GIRL) ...

2pac - Me And My Girlfriend
[girl]Sheeit, ju motherfuckin rightI'm the bitch that's keepin it live and keepin it hotw...

2pac - Military Minds
[Tupac Talking] Stand in formation My motherfucking real troopers Lets do it like s...

2pac - My Block (remix)
[2Pac]Damn, take a ride, to my blockMy block, that's right! HehF'real on my motherfuckin...

2pac - My Closest Roaddogz
Me and my closest road dogzTo my dog named Musolini, Big Syke, Thug Life babyThe return of the mashers...

2pac - Never B Peace
[Verse 1: Tupac] Now of course I want peace on the streets But realistically Painti...

2pac - No More Pain
[Intro: 2Pac]Hey DeVanteNigga, don'tcha know we're gonna sow up every bitch in the countr...

2pac - Nothin But Love
Straight outta Oakland, California where we spark it on yaGive a shout out to my partners in the darkest cor...

2pac - Nothing To Lose
[Verse 1]The only way to change me is maybe blow my brains outstuck in the middle of the ...

2pac - Old School
Here we go; we gonna send this one out to the old schoolAll these motherfuckers in the Bronx, and Brooklyn, ...

2pac - Only Fear Of Death
Pssst... psssssst... aiyyoAre you afraid to die, or do you wanna live foreverTell me, which one?...

2pac - Open Fire
"Alright now, here we go"[Verse One: 2Pac]Tell me, how many real motherfuckers feel...

2pac - Out On Bail
[Intro: Tupac Talking]Oh, I posted bail?I'm out this motherfucker?I can go?Oh, fuck...

2pac - Outro
Expect me nigga, like you expect Jesus to come back Expect me nigga I'm coming ... Expect ...

2pac - Pac's Theme (interlude)
PAC'S THEME[Statements variously said throughout song.]I was raised in this society so th...

2pac - Panther Power
[Tupac]As real as it seems the American DreamAin't nothing but another calculated schemes...

2pac - Part Time Mutha
[cutting and scratching]She's a part timea part timepart timeShe's a (part time mut...

2pac - Point The Finga
"You could get the finger.. the middle!" [1]"Come and get some!" [2][2Pac]...

2pac - Pour Out A Little Liquor
[2Pac]YeahPour out a little liquor for your homies niggaThis one here go out to my nigga ...

2pac - Rebel Of The Underground
Rebel.. rebel.. REBELRebel.. rebel..[2Pac]They just can't stand the reign, or th...

2pac - Redemption
Hahahahaha!(Thug Life bitch, goin out like that)Once again! Hahaha!Once again! Hahaha!(Thu...

2pac - Representin '93
I got a head, but ain't no screws in it. Roll up and get swoll up.Hold up.How ya gonna pla...

2pac - R U Still Down? (remember Me)
R U Still Down [repeat 3X][Verse One: 2Pac]Now up and at em it's on, I was r...

2pac - Same Song
[Chorus: repeat 2X]All around the world same songAll all around the world same song...

2pac - Secretz Of War
[Chorus (E.D.I. Amin):]You either ride wit' us, or collide wit' usIt's as simple as that ...

2pac - Shit Don't Stop
[2pac]Shit don't stop [2x]Game rules often slang to the right foolsHeavy hit...

2pac - Shorty Wanna Be A Thug
[Intro/Chorus: 2Pac]Say he wanna beShorties gonna be a ThugSaid he wanna beOn...

2pac - So Many Tears
I shall not fear no man but GodThough I walk through the valley of deathI shed so many tears (if I sho...

2pac - Something 2 Die 4 (interlude)
[laughter echoed]I've changed...You mothafuckas kill meI've changed...I...

2pac - Something Wicked
Something wicked this way comeSomething wicked this way comeSomething wicked this way comeSometh...

2pac - Souljah's Revenge
[dorky sounding white guy]Mr. Shakur, can you please explain the meaningbehind your violent lyr...

2pac - Soulja's Story
[repeat softly 2X in the background] All you wanted to be, a soulja, a souljaAll you wanted to ...

2pac - Starin' Through My Rear View
[Tupac]Staring at the world through my rearviewJust looking back at the world, from another lev...

2pac - Stay True
[Tupac]Yah nigga, Drop the top on your muthafuckin rideThis how we do it on the west coas...

2pac - Still I Rise
Dear LordAs we down here, struggle for as long as we knowIn search of a paradise to touch (my ni**a Jo...

2pac - Str8 Ballin
I would share the definition of ballin' with you white folks...but no.[Tupac]...

2pac - Street Fame
Turn it up in my head phones (Coming to a ghetto near you, street fame) More Haha, c...

2pac - Strictly 4 My N.i.g.g.a.z.
['Pac speaking]Yo 'Law!Is it cool if a nigga just get fucked up for this one?Yeah! Mr. F...

2pac - Tattoo Tears
[2Pac]Live back at 'cha Westside baaaabyAight f**k it, we gone flip some new s**t nowYou ...

2pac - Teardrops And Closed Caskets
[2Pac](hahhh, hahaha) Hehehe, wordIt's like all we got left - teardrops and closed caskets...

2pac - Temptations
Yo Mo Bee main, drop that shit!"Heyyyy! Heyy-ayyaahhyy" -- [Erick Sermon] (Redman's "Watch Yo'...

2pac - Tha Lunatic
[Tupac]Ohh shit! Jumped on my man's dickHeard he had a twelve inch, now the bitch is lovesick...

2pac - The Good Die Young
[Talk]These is hard times we livin' inChurches burnin, planes fallin from the skyMurder, ...

2pac - The Streetz R Deathrow
Growing up as an inner city brothawhere every other had a pops and a mothaI was tha product of a heate...

2pac - This Ain't Livin
This ain't livin..[2Pac]Nigga - I hear even the smaller G's be dippin Chevy Impalas...

2pac - This Life I Lead
This Motherfucking life I lead shit A hell of motherfucking road blocks And crooked cops W...

2pac - Thug 4 Life
[2pac]HAHAThug for life niggaCan't you read the signs?ay fuck it man (W...

2pac - Thug Style
[Intro:]Fuck 2Pac that nigga ain't shitthat nigga ain't from muhfuckin' New YorkTha...

2pac - Trapped
You know they got me trapped in this prison of seclusionHappiness, living on tha streets is a delusion...

2pac - U Can Be Touched
[Napoleon Talking]Life...What the f**k is life for ni**az like us?Been waking up to anoth...

2pac - U Don't Have 2 Worry
Yo c'mon man, what do you mean you don't wanna ride with me niggaC'mon, get in the car, get in the fuckin ca...

2pac - Unconditional Love
(What y'all want?)Unconditional Love (no doubt)Talking bout the stuff that don't wear off It don...

2pac - Under Pressure
[Tupac]Under PressureYeah, BabyyyWhen tha pressures on......

2pac - Until The End Of Time Rp Remix
[Chorus sung by RL on (Disc One), Richard Page on (Disc Two)][2Pac]Perhaps I was a...

2pac - Violent
[2Pac]They claim that I'm violent, just cause I refuse to be silentThese hypocrites are havin f...

2pac - Whatcha Gonna Do?
(Yawn) (hahaha) And ugh I started out dumb Sprung off a hood rat Listening to ...

2pac - What'z Ya # Number
What'z ya phone numberNow I could make miracles with pimp hoes.It's instrumental.Waitin for the ...

2pac - When I Get Free Ii
Ay Trusty Trusty, what you want man?Aww nigga let me get one of them ciggarettes, damn!Shit, come on b...

2pac - When Thugz Cry
When thugs cry..Now I lay me down to sleepI pray the Lord my guns to keepIf I die before I wake...

2pac - When We Ride On Our Enemies
Fugees! Fugees and Mobb Deep tryin to diss now too huh?Hahaha! Well I ain't prejudiced, I don't give a fuc...

2pac - Where Do We Go From Here (interlude)
Power.. pow.. power...Guess who's back? Hahaha, here we goIt's ninety-fo', what's next?...

2pac - White Man's World
I ain't saying I'm innocent of all thisI'm just sayingThis song is for y'allFor all the times I ...

2pac - Who Do You Love?
[Intro: Tupac]Maybe its the thug in meMaybe its the thug in meMaybe its the thug in me...

2pac - Why U Turn On Me
(Ol' switcheroo-ass, bitch made motherfuckers..)Outlaw nigga, Westside, throw it upHahaha.. had love f...

2pac - Wonder Why They Call U
[Chorus: 2Pac] You wonda why they call U bitchYou wonda why they call U bitch.You w...

2pac - Words Of Wisdom
Killing us one by one In one way or anotherAmerican will find a way to eliminate the problemOne ...

2pac - Y'all Don't Know Us
[Young Noble]Yo, I can see That you obviously don't know me or my homiesWe O-U-T Lawz, f*...

2pac - Young Black Male
("Hard like an erection..." -- Ed O.G.) Young black male!("Hard like an erection...")("...ain't shit ...

2pac - Young Niggaz
I wanna dedicate this one to Robert 'Yummy' Sanderfordand all other lil' young niggaz that's in a rush to be...

2 Unlimited - Back Into The Groove
Oh yes, we're back!We're here to remind youOh yes, we're back! And we're here to stayWe're...

2 Unlimited - Be Free Tonight
Come together, black and whiteSo, we can all be free tonightTo live as one, we can uniteEveryone...

2 Unlimited - Break The Chain
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][R:] Now it's time to break it[A:] Com...

2 Unlimited - Burning Like Fire
[ANITA:] Baby come and take me on your natural highOnly you can make me feel the way you doBaby...

2 Unlimited - Closer 2 U
I'm gonna get closer to youCome closer!I'm gonna get closer to youCome closer!I see ...

2 Unlimited - Contrast
[CHORUS:][ANITA:] There's no limitation to what this beat can doYou better get the feeli...

2 Unlimited - Delight
[RAY:] Stand right up and be your witness2 Unlimited O'Yeah we're the fittestMoving, don't dare...

2 Unlimited - Desire
[ANITA:] Come closer babyI wanna touch you'Cause I'm filled with desireIt's burning in th...

2 Unlimited - Do What I Like
[RAY:] Come let me enter in your brainYou know how it goes no pain, no gainI'm a rough young br...

2 Unlimited - Escape In Music
[ANITA:] Sometimes you need to break away[RAY:] Come On![ANITA:] Get on you...

2 Unlimited - Eternally Yours
[RAY:] Oh baby...It feels so good to be here with youWe have a love that will last forever...

2 Unlimited - Faces
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][A:] Look around youWhat do those faces tell ...

2 Unlimited - Face To Face
[ANITA:] Face to face and eye to eyeFace to face and eye to eyeFace to face and eye to eye...

2 Unlimited - Get Ready For This
[RAY:] Get down with the styleHouse on the ground, please when I squeezePump to your knees. You...

2 Unlimited - Here I Go
[ANITA:] Ohhh... Why don't you catch me?[RAY:] Catch me, cause I falling deep down below...

2 Unlimited - Hypnotised
[A:] I'm in a tranceHypnotisedHypnotisedHey YeahHey Yeah[R:] A f...

2 Unlimited - I Am Ready
C'mon everybody! Listen to what I wanna sayI got news for you and it goes this wayLet's start by...

2 Unlimited - Info Superhighway
[ANITA:] Technology[RAY:] Virtual SocietyInfo superhighway interaction[ANITA:]...

2 Unlimited - Invite Me To Trance
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][A:] Uh....But I'm standing still, I'm standi...

2 Unlimited - Kiss Me Bliss Me
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][R:] Kiss me bliss me babyPut love on the loo...

2 Unlimited - Let's Celebrate
Everybody are you ready to hit the floor?People all over get ready to hit the floor, yeah!I gott...

2 Unlimited - Let The Beat Control Your Body
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][A:] Let the beat control your bodyLet the be...

2 Unlimited - Maximum Overdrive
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][A:] Join me for a ride, speed up the musicJo...

2 Unlimited - Move On Up
CRAZY !!!!CRAZY !!!!I've been gettin' such a good vibrationComing through the air at me...

2 Unlimited - Mysterious
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][A:] No way of controlling my body; Mysterious...

2 Unlimited - Never Surrender
Come on!Come on!Come on!Come on!Praying for the good timesSo long to the bad times...

2 Unlimited - No Limit
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][R:] Let me hear you say Yeah!Let me hear you...

2 Unlimited - No One
[RAY:] I've been searching a long time and I just don't knowI try to catch solutions, I try to catch ...

2 Unlimited - Nothing Like The Rain
[ANITA:] Whoa, whoaYeah yeah! Nothing like the rain![RAY:] Yeah...check it out ya'...

2 Unlimited - Rougher Then The Average
[ANITA:] I'm the "a", the "n", the "i", "t", "a"Once you're with me, you'll always wanna stay'...

2 Unlimited - R.u.o.k.
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][R:] Do you think the mics the same, when I talk to...

2 Unlimited - Sensuality
[ANITA:] SensualitySensualityYour love got a hold on meHey... Hey...Physical attrac...

2 Unlimited - Shelter For A Rainy Day
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][A:] Oh....[R:] Shelter on a rainy day...

2 Unlimited - Someone To Get There
Time is an open bookWe share our dreams togetherAnd we will be who we want to be whereverLife is...

2 Unlimited - The Edge Of Heaven
We've got to cross the borderlineOpen up your heart and free your mindWe've got to cross the danger si...

2 Unlimited - The Magic Friend
[RAY:] 1-2-3-4![RAY:] Don't just stand there, let's get looseI am Ray, I've got th...

2 Unlimited - The Power Age
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][R:] Welcome to the power ageMoney, money, mo...

2 Unlimited - The Real Thing
[RAY:] It's the real thing that makes your body swingOpen your ears for the techno rap singBack...

2 Unlimited - Throw The Groove Down
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][A:] Check, check. check, check it out yo'llO...

2 Unlimited - Tribal Dance
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][R:] Come on. Check it out, ya'll[A:] ...

2 Unlimited - Tuning Into Something Wild
[A:] Tuning into something wild[A:] Like a comet from spaceLike a slap in the face...

2 Unlimited - Twilight Zone
[RAY:] First to the bass in to the jamThen let the music take commandBack to back to another di...

2 Unlimited - Wanna Get Up
Yeah!Hey!Cool down!Hey!Last night we had this conversation,You're rushing my h...

2 Unlimited - What's Mine Is Mine
[ANITA:] OH, OH, all right; OH, OH, allrightOH, OH, all right; OH, OH, allrightOH, OH, all righ...

2 Unlimited - Where Are You Now
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][A:] I watch the door but no one comes through...

2 Unlimited - Workaholic
[1st PERSON:] Ok, let's go to work![2nd PERSON:] Who the fuck are you?![3rd PERSON:]...

30 Seconds To Mars - 93 Million Miles
Where does your garden grow?Tell me the secrets that you know Another time, another placeWhere a...

30 Seconds To Mars - Buddha For Mary
A simple fear to wash you awayAn open mind canceled it today A silent song that's in your wordsA...

30 Seconds To Mars - Echelon
Look at the red red changes in the skyLook at the separation in the border lineBut don't look at every...

30 Seconds To Mars - Edge Of The Earth
You know enough to know the waySix billion people just one name (I found)I found tomorrow in today...

30 Seconds To Mars - End Of The Beginning
Here we are searching for a signHere we are searching for a sign It's the end here todayBut I wi...

30 Seconds To Mars - Fallen
Yeah, I've been to JupiterAnd I've fallen through the airI used to live out on the moonBut now I...

30 Seconds To Mars - Oblivion
The enemy arrivesEscape into the nightEverybody run nowEverybody run nowBreak into another...

30 Seconds To Mars - The Mission
I open up my headInside I find another person's mindI'm gonna take this chance I've gotI run den...

30 Seconds To Mars - Welcome To The Universe
And so the time has come, it's hereThe silence ends, change is near You wait in the palid slivered sky...

30 Seconds To Mars - Year Zero
Be a heroKill your egoIt doesn't matter it's all just a pack of liesBuild a new baseSteal ...

311 - 1,2,3
Long time did I run down like thatI would have three years ago-today but not nowIt's not like that...

311 - 8:16 A.m.
Stranger flowers yetThere will never come a day that will ever regretThe hours days years and the minu...

311 - All Mixed Up
You've got to trust your instinct And let go of regret You've got to bet onyourself now star 'Ca...

311 - Amber
Brainstormtake me away from the normI got to tell you somethingthis phenomenonI had to put...

311 - Beautiful Disaster
Today seems like a good day to burn a bridge or twoThe one with old wood creaking that would burn away right...

311 - Beyond The Gray Sky
It is a gift I knowA moment of bliss that we holdA firecracker flash of light then onTo the next...

311 - Borders
There are days I wanna leave LAI wanna break out the mazeEscape the dark haze these daysSo many ...

311 - Brodels
Ooh you know we pepper you With a sonic assault side step a you I cannotthink of a better way That we ...

311 - Can't Fade Me
We bust the soundthe kids all gather 'roundand what's comin' from their radiosthey all turn down...

311 - Champagne
I will never understand youwhen will I stop tryingI mean, cuz it's just not how I planned tospen...

311 - Come Original
You got toYou got toYou got to come original you got to come originalall entertainers come...

311 - Crack The Code
I want the wordssomething you haven't heardwill I find them andwill I have what it takes to say ...

311 - Creature Feature
I wanna do what's rightBe kind to every single bodyOpen up to lightJust let it flow through...

311 - Creatures (for A While)
My name is volatile I've been this way a long while I'd surely like to rest But the energy gets ...

311 - C.u.t.m.
Hexum, Sexton, Mahoney and WillsWe groove so fuckin' hard it gives you the chillsWell I've been strick...

311 - Damn
[Nicks intro]Yo, word up, Im talkin to youMakin dope rhymes, thats what I doLike a ...

311 - Don't Dwell
Every time I get near your field of gravity You look so sad to me tell how could that be? ah- ah she s...

311 - Dont Let Me Down
Don't Let Me Down Don't Let Me Down Again Don't Let Me DownDon't Let Me Down Again Don't L...

311 - Don't Stay Home
Life could slip away in absent minded numbness I'm only sayin this 'cuz Iwish for the best When you al...

311 - Down
Chill light on my sight as my ego becomes A funky child with some words onmy tongue Be like intake of ...

311 - Down South
Let me take you down southHear it from the dover's mouthThe rhythm will make you want to move your bod...

311 - Down Suth
Let me take you down southHear it from the dover's mouthThe rhythm will make you want to move your bod...

311 - Do You Right
Passin' the kind buds.Kickin' back in the sand in the sun.To be alive is lovin'.Where the shore ...

311 - Electricity
This song started as a rant against hatersBut that'd be giving in to the instigatorsIf there is one th...

311 - Eons
You got a wishing well withinthat's ready to beginsee how we rollsee how we rolli'm tryin'...

311 - Evolution
(starshines)My computer is future shockin'download this and you'll start talkin'upgraded, ...

311 - Fat Chance
Na na na na na na Aw yea I've seen the devil and the devil is coke Not down like that cuz it ain't a f...

311 - Feels So Good
Well everybodys got an opinion thats loud and unbendingI spend my time healing and mending, togetherIt...

311 - Firewater
Talkin shit like shut up and listen to meBecause cutting through the crap is my specialityLike a bomb ...

311 - First Straw
Ooh a whole new way of looking at thingsthe way you react to phone ringsthe way it feels when you just...

311 - Flowing
Along the way to close my eyesI lost where I was goingthe more it will spinthe more that I try...

311 - Freak Out
Let the games begin if you wanna fuck with meYou can't disturb the course of P & C & T & D & meI'm on ...

311 - Freeze Time
I'd like to stay here just like thisit's just a momentary blissthat's all we can hope forthat's ...

311 - From Chaos
From chaos comes clarity, I tell yawhat you appear to be, you ought to knowglycerin tears don't fool m...

311 - Full Ride
Yeah, uh-hu, unhawww shitwhat, unhyou know the freaks can't handle itwe keep on searching ...

311 - Galaxy
Between Mars and Jupiter there's a gapFor another planet now way back yeahMaybe a mad man just blew th...

311 - Gap
Purified sounds brush 'em on like paintTeenage dream to work with Ron SaintHome he ain't, we layin' tr...

311 - Give Me A Call
Ooh you draw such pictures in my headOoh with so few words I know what you saidUntil the time co...

311 - Grassroots
I flip when I kick it trippin itSo I can check shit not in a daily styleBut once in every while so I c...

311 - Guns (are For Pussies)
Here comes the thunder down under, we're natural wonders Night falls when weleave all you feel is the hunger...

311 - Hive
Coming like a nightmare word like I'm gonna go for it Fuckin' around what yagot to show for it? Let it...

311 - Homebrew
Now I know, fools get their own when they chit chatHaven't heard yet but you can bet I'm not with that...

311 - Hostile Apostle
I can't free myself of the suspicionfor your motives on your missionsome people live for the rules...

311 - How Do You Feel?
I'm alright, I feel real fineI don't live a life that's uptightWhen there's a fight there's struggling...

311 - Hydroponic
Mother nature supreme step back and dream the hydroponic scene.Found around knocked out of bounds wound into...

311 - I'll Be Here A While
I'll be here a while, ain't going nowhereI'll be here a while, ain't going nowhereI'll be here a while...

311 - Independence Day
Just throw away your material possessionsAnd sing the praises of lifeThis trip has taught me a valuabl...

311 - Inner Light Spectrum
When I shadow box inside my skullBothered by the senselessnessI wish for the messiahIndian woman...

311 - I Told Myself
Picked up on the wrong scentnot gonna make a denthow many timesare you in my rhymesburn me...

311 - Jackolantern's Weather
Well I beat a bad rap when I skip a soul trap Just trippin' and laughin' atthe crap Dap is what I get ...

311 - Jupiter
Sometimes the only thing that saves youThink of bad things luck never gave youAnd although your true l...

311 - Large In The Margin
Check it check it check it outgot clout and you know thatLarge in the marginmy drama unfol...

311 - Leaving Babylon
Will I say?leaving this BabylonSay I'm leaving this Babylonleaving this Babylonwill ...

311 - Let The Cards Fall
Let the cards fallLet the cards fall where they mayAll I can do all I can sayGotta move to trust...

311 - Life's Not A Race
A day like today is for youto let your mind unwind, like you ought tofeel the earth turn round when yo...

311 - Light Years
You're a thousand light years runnin' through my brainReminding me that no one's saneNot all the time...

311 - Livin' & Rockin'
Fire is my method for destructionleaving charred wreckage from my latest eruptionunpredictable, my err...

311 - Loco
Hey you got to step outside to see what's going on Hey you can't run andhide when the 'psybin trip is on ...

311 - Lose
I can see it now have to show you howThe funny thing is that we couldn't have it any other wayStill it...

311 - Love Song
Whenever I'm alone with youYou make me feel like I am home againWhenever I'm alone with youYou m...

311 - Lucky
I'm takin' to the bridge and there's a different countryI'm bringing with me the people I know deep down are...

311 - Mindspin
Are you missing usmaybe wanting to be kissing usand if you must, please don't be dismissing usan...

311 - Misdirected Hostility
Not I'm not the type to just act like I know Puttin on an angle putting on ashow Speaking on nothing m...

311 - My Stoney Baby
The fish who keeps on swimming.Is the first to chill upstream.I want your fish right by me.That'...

311 - Nix Hex
Story timeSways away the hazeThey spent contemplating, formulating, theory siring above me swimming...

311 - No Control
Do you want me to cry?Cry for youHow can you say that you're blueA rich rock star you areY...

311 - Nutsymptom
The cold funk has you sunk feel the mids pumpBlessed are those who erupt when we turm upRight now we c...

311 - Offbeat Bare-ass
Any different people can apply to drop the funkIt's not a country club review board steady talkin junk...

311 - Omaha Stylee
In a minute everything you have can all be straight goneIn a minute things you though were tied can come str...

311 - Other Side Of Things
Houston we have a problemall this TV has made us dumbanxious is what we've becometoo much prozac...

311 - Outside
SunshinesAre you outsideI am a simpleton by choice not speaking to hear my voiceSunshinesW...

311 - Paradise
Everything you do it comes back to you. Whatever it may be.If it isn't one thing rest assured that som...

311 - Peaceful Revolution
Its good to be alive in the peaceful revolutionAn honor to observe the beautiful solutionI tip my hat ...

311 - Plain
I'm in a good way on a bad day.Thinking of a plan a way to stay on top of it.Nailin' in I have a fit i...

311 - Prisoner
Whoa oh prisonerMy pretty oh oh prisonerA black ocean is the sky aboveTiny lights bob what...

311 - Purpose
I believe in your purpose baby Coming up to the surface and maybe I'll neversee you again then again w...

311 - Push It Away
I used to have this ideaThat getting a silver medal wouldnt set me freeOh but you know that I really d...

311 - Random
Sound boy proceed to blast into the galaxy Go back rocket man into the skyyou'll see Hear it all the t...

311 - Reconsider Everything
How many times will they do the same thing?How did they get programmed to, your following?Everyone's l...

311 - Right Now
And I, I notice the tapestries on the wall as wellAnd I, I stand up and hit my head on the mobileAnd y...

311 - Rollin
Rollin' windows down kickback trollen I'm holdin' and foldin' see no cold in the streets Dirty looks -...

311 - Rub A Dub
Ooh, what else can I do [2x]Ooh, face in a screwOoh, racing to proveYou never remember...

311 - Running
Here in the world feel it flowingRiver of life on a human journeyDon't be afraid of becoming the sea...

311 - Salsa
We were born in the seventiesThe rippin and rhyming and brethren seeWe're filling taste greatIn ...

311 - Same Mistake Twice
It's one thing to make theSame mistake twiceAnother thing to make itAll of your lifeIt's o...

311 - Seems Uncertain
It seems uncertainI wish it was forgoneTo know the versionThat made life go wrongWis...

311 - Sever
Just sever that leash and releaseyour freedom of speechyou just have to believeyour deed will be...

311 - Sick Tight
Head rushcome on, we take the stageand what's up, it's onthis is a blow upso just listen u...

311 - Silver
Don't fear mere words cuz if it takes a word ruin yaYou should have already hard you're finished through and...

311 - Six
You know patience pushing a dream brings my demons to lifeSongs are vacations our soul salvation will you...

311 - Slinky
I was at this club minding my teaI saw this pretty young thing so I thought that I would seeI don't sm...

311 - Sometimes Jacks Rule The Realm
Sometimes jacks rule the realmCan't you tellThe swimmers drownWithout a soundA chalkboard ...

311 - Starshines
I am a music lover some how I get paidThis song would still exist if no money was madeThat's the diffe...

311 - Stealing Happy Hours
Massive laminate fortressHazy cannibus porchesSaying no to the boresIt's not mine or yours then ...

311 - Still Dreaming
No I'll not renounce my views do what others doI'd rather drink the hemlock than be like you, to my soul unt...

311 - Strangers
Now I don't know you you don't know me But I can show you where's the beat [2x]And you can do a...

311 - Strong All Along
Feel the bass knives past your flesh enter your bonesolitude in your dance floor rhythm zonelet your b...

311 - Summer Of Love
I thought about my scene todayAnd I've finally got the words to sayThe truth is cutting like a knife...

311 - Sweet
Take a chance on something star you gotta All the live long day If I had toname one thing you think da...

311 - Taiyed
Returning from the water cold alive and shiningRock a mic in the afterlife while your moon is risingHe...

311 - The Continuous Life
When things are outta whackAnd they might collapseAnd at the end of the dayYou still can't relax...

311 - !#$ The %&*! (fuck The Bullshit)
You know Im ready, and I rock steadyMy names not Betty or Teddy, but NickAnd I'm not a hick with a hea...

311 - This To Shall Pass
I dont jones for nothingCause thats a wasteWaste of space in my frontal lobe andI just sit, deal...

311 - Thriving To The Scene
Everything seems turning(?)And the jam starts to break?? circlesAnd red and not pink...

311 - To Be Honest
To be honestFor the boy is hardHe doesnt mean to break all those girls heartsPerks(?) they...

311 - Today My Love
Here I sit in idle envyT.V. show still holds me inThin steel creases my ???Begging till the end...

311 - T & P Combo
People sing about the coming of spring But what is comin' down around it's snow or it's rain It's insa...

311 - Transistor
If you want more beats for you buck there's no luck [4x]Then there's no luckThen again if you c...

311 - Tribute
This one is dedicated to the excitable onesNot the possums playing dead messing with my head"X" amount...

311 - Tune In
You're a power spot rotatingEverchangingTransmitting like a radio waveFrequently feelingWh...

311 - Uncalm
Uncalm, uncalm, uncalmlisten to the drummer, just listen to the stringslisten to the DJ just rappin' a...

311 - Unity
Even if I cared to try I couldn't please them.Their petty complaints, stupid restraints ain't gonna work....

311 - Use Of Time
With the words slaying me slowThe verbs that just don't flowConfusing use of timePartial stoning...

311 - Visit
He wouldn't say he cared at all if you asked him.You're heading for a fall brother it goes right past him....

311 - Wake Your Mind Up
Wake your mind up, clear your eyes upmove and rise up before your times upclock is ticking, your caugh...

311 - We Do It Like This
Now look outwhatcha saynow look outit's time to kick the basicsflowing and knowing it's in...

311 - Welcome
[Intro:] Groove as your soul sings. Spinnin' all around as we dust a melodyWelcome to thi...

311 - What Was I Thinking
The word that I heard was so absurd I can't believe it slipped from my lips The tongue with which it w...

311 - Who's Got The Herb?
Who's Got the Herb2 for 1, 5 for 4, half ouncesQuarter pounds, LB's and kilosWhat are we looking...

311 - You Get Worked
This is happening, this here is lifedays spent pondering, truth is a kniferespect due to those who hav...

311 - You Wouldn't Believe
He was a king 'til she laid wastenow he can not fill up the spaceand I just see him driftingwhil...

3 Doors Down - Away From The Sun
It's down to this I've got to make this life make sense Can anyone tell what I've done I miss th...

3 Doors Down - Be Like That
He spends his nights in California, {He spent his whole life being to young,}Watching the stars on the big s...

3 Doors Down - By My Side
They blazed a trail I dared to runThey built this world and I have comeI need another, like a brother...

3 Doors Down - Dangerous Game
You stand before meNow we stare eye to eyeBefore another second clicks away, one of us will dieY...

3 Doors Down - Down Poison
Ive dreamed about this,Sixteen days awayNow youre here, And my head lays besides your body, ...

3 Doors Down - Duck And Run
To this world Im unimportant Just because I have nothing to giveSo you call this your free country...

3 Doors Down - Going Down In Flames
Dont tell me what to think Cause I dont care this timeDont tell me what you believeCause you won...

3 Doors Down - I Feel You
They gave me a life thats not so easy to liveAnd then they sent me on my wayI left my love and forgot ...

3 Doors Down - It's Not Me
Nevermind the face that you put onIn front of meAnd nevermind the painYou've put me ..through...

3 Doors Down - Kryptonite
I took a walk around the world To ease my troubled mindI left my body laying somewhereIn the san...

3 Doors Down - Landing In London
I woke up today in LondonAs the plane was touching downAnd all I could think about was mondayAnd...

3 Doors Down - Life Of My Own
Living risky,never scared, wanderCloser to the edgeNothing valued think no fear, Always wo...

3 Doors Down - Live For Today
Show me the road and i will find my ownYou build your bridges and i'll burn em downSo far away and all...

3 Doors Down - Loser
Breathe in right away, Nothing seems to fill this placeI need this every time, Take your lies ge...

3 Doors Down - Never Will I Break
Lay me downWash this blood off my hands for me while I cry outDon't let me die before I go to sleep...

3 Doors Down - Not Enough
Seven days underpaidGotta give it upGot no time for this life thatIm livin upShackled down...

3 Doors Down - Right Where I Belong
There's a difference in spending time with meAnd killing time while I'm thereOn too many people and to...

3 Doors Down - Running Out Of Days
Theres too much work and Im spentTheres too much pressure and I'm bentI got no time to move ahead...

3 Doors Down - Sarah Yellin'
She says, I got something to sayShe knows what she says will change everythingShe's laid through so ma...

3 Doors Down - Smack
Rubber headed motor junky, Run me down and try to stomp meThrow my life away, and Ill be worthless...

3 Doors Down - So I Need You
If you could stepinto my head, tellMe would you still know meIf you woke up in my bed, Tel...

3 Doors Down - The Better Life
Im about to be on the floor again, Surely youre gonna find me hereIm about to sleep until the end of t...

3 Doors Down - The Real Life
I wanted to find somewhere to hideAnd I opened up and left those fears insideAnd I wanted to be anyone...

3 Doors Down - The Road I'm On
She said life's a lot to think about sometimesWhen you're living in between the linesAnd all the stars...

3 Doors Down - Ticket To Heaven
Im walking a wire, feel likes a thousand ways I could fallTo want is to buy, but to live is to die and you c...

3lw - Ahh Hell Nah
[Verse 1:]Woke upCouldn't hardly sleep cause it was XmasRan downstairs to open gifts up...

3lw - Ain't No Maybe
This ain't no maybe, babyToday is my day that I know fo shoGotta speak first, gotta let you know...

3lw - Be Like That
Be like thatwhy can't we, you and me, we justBe like thatmore than friends more than we ever bee...

3lw - Christmas In Tha Hood
[Verse 1:]Guess who rolled up? Big S with the D rolled upGirls jockin so the G's loc up, know w...

3lw - Christmas Love
[Verse 1:]Early in the morningI smell the breakfastMama's gone and dressed up the table...

3lw - Could've Been You
Don't even try to step to me nowWhen i was feel'n you, you gave me thumbs downYou had your other woman...

3lw - Crazy
[Verse 1 (Kiely)]I don't apologize, that i have compromised myself and other guy.Its you ...

3lw - Crush On You
YeahYeah, yeahYeahYeahYeah, yeahYeah[1] - Boy, I got a crush on y...

3lw - Curious
There's some things on my mindI don't know that I should be thinkin'Am I wastin' my time thinkin' 'bou...

3lw - Funny
Funny how love feelsfunny how love can befunny how love feels feels[verse 1]I...

3lw - Gettin' Too Heavy
Sitting here chillin' with you (yeah)You're getting close boyBut I'm playing it cool (cool)I mus...

3lw - Ghetto Love And Heartbreak
OoohOoohYeahIt's been almost a year since we first metand that's the day that I'll never f...

3lw - Good Good Girl
[Verse 1 (Adrienne)]Should I give you some,That is the question and will it change the way you ...

3lw - Hate 2 Luv U
UH OH (Kiely) 3-L-Dub babyWe got another oneNine LivesIt was the wrong day the wrong month...

3lw - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
[Verse 1:]Have yourself a merry little ChristmasLet your heart be lightFrom now on our tr...

3lw - I'm Gonna Make You Miss Me
[Intro]Hey (yeah)Ehh (what)Hey, yeah yeahC'mon (c'mon)(Here we go)...

3lw - Is You Feelin' Me?
Boy you knowYou got me really feelin' youI don't know what you doing to meBut keep it up, keep i...

3lw - Leave Wit You (i Think I Wanna)
[intro:]uh-huh, uh-huhuh-huh, uh-huh[verse 1:]lookin' familiar, i don'...

3lw - More Than Friends
That's right... That's right... Sometimes I wish we were more than just friends I know tha...

3lw - More Than Friends (that's Right)
That's rightThat's right[1] - Sometimes I wish we were more than just friendsI know...

3lw - Naughty On Christmas
[Verse 1:]You and me together aloneFireplace, watchin the snowHolding me up in your arms,...

3lw - Never Let Go
Hey girls did you know that pretty boys ain't in no moreYou better find you a love you can trust and respect...

3lw - Not This Time
[Intro]Not this time, not this timeNot this time, not this timeNot this time, not this ti...

3lw - Ocean
He who stands by meThrough the stormy weatherThrough good times and badAlways there for me...

3lw - One More Time
Lullabies, butterflies and goodbyes make me cry (oh my)They all remind me of you (yeah)In the trees ho...

3lw - Parents Just Don't Understand
[Nick Cannon:]Peace Out[3lw, (Lil' Romeo):]Romeo (Parents Just Don't Underst...

3lw - Playas Gon' Play
[Intro]The hit makerThe playas gon' playThem haters gonna hateThem callers gonna ca...

3lw - Put Em Up
[Verse 1]i saw this guy 6 foot 3, talking on his cellie, looking at me, i liked his vibe, the magnul...

3lw - Santa's Coming
[Verse 1:]Christmas time is when night comes and snow fallsThe season's filled with cheer...

3lw - Shady Holiday
[Verse 1:]My mama told me that you was kinda badShe said a guy like you ain't my kinda man...

3lw - Take You Home For Christmas
[Verse 1:]I'm feelin what you gotBoy you hotI wanna put a lock on youI wanna get my...

3lw - This Goes Out
My mom and dem don't like ya, my friends all think you triflin,but I don't feel quite like them, in fact I'm...

3lw - This Year (it's All About You)
[Intro:]"I spent this whole year, doin' my thang, just thinkin' bout me, but that's about to change,...

3lw - Til I Say So
[1] - I can tell that you're feelin' meAnd from the corner of my eyeI see you checkin' me...

3 Of A Kind - Baby Cakes
I just want you to know oh ohThat I think our love will grow yeah yeahBaby cakesYou just d...

3rd Edge - I Dont Really Want You
Aaaah Wot wot - listen - check itAaaah - hecticFriday night now with the bouncin' sound ...

3rd Edge - In And Out
[Intro Ad Lib:]Sexy Underground, Egh! In and out, up and down In and out, up and do...

3rd Edge - Know You Wanna
[Verse 1 Tom]Girl I wanna be your lover Anytime, anywhere you'll discover When I fr...

3rd Storee - I'm Sorry
[Verse I:]I know I said it I know I did itMaybe I went overboard to prove a point But som...

3rd Strike - All Lies
Liescatholic faith, american pride, marital vows, the perfect bridefallin' in love, trust in man, some...

3rd Strike - Blind My Eyes
I can see that you cant seethe blind leads the blindone voice one mindguess you bought the facad...

3rd Strike - Breathe It Out
We gotta stop it cuz we cant feed this diseasetoo many dead and too many living on their kneesheavenly...

3rd Strike - City's On Fire
Burnmy cit's on fireburnmodern day tragedycrim on the risepolice brutalitymy r...

3rd Strike - Flow Heat
Resist one more time walked the lineburning through the pages of my lifecuz i cant help myself decide...

3rd Strike - Hang On
the past is gonefading like the sunsetfills me up insidedropping like a death threatwell i...

3rd Strike - Lisa
You convinced youself you had nothingnothing left to givein this world filled with painyou memor...

3rd Strike - No Light
Look away cuz i'm stange in my mindlets make a place for meso i feel right insidelost what...

3rd Strike - Paranoid
Finished with my womancause she couldn't help me with my mindpeople think i'm insanebecause i'm ...

3rd Strike - Redemption
Would you let me take controlif i told you that i would never love anotherbuild a prison for you soul...

3rd Strike - Strung Out
Listen to me jesusthis disease deceives ustakes us for a flightthen shoots us downwe need ...

3rd Strike - Walked Away
Feels so cold to be abandonedi cant see past what you have donememoried how they fade awaynow yo...

40 Below Summer - Alienation
What it cost me to assimilate myselfIt engulfed me and turned me into someone elseIt is crashing right...

40 Below Summer - A Season In Hell
This, this a dark this is a place I can't escape would you leave me hereLying in wait hanging like baits str...

40 Below Summer - Awakening
I can't believe it's so hollow in here in this holeI can't conceive this time is borrowed nowI can't g...

40 Below Summer - Better Life
Take that weight off your shouldersIt's kinda hard when it keeps getting colder insideThere's no heart...

40 Below Summer - Breathless
You believe every word I say and always took the time to understandYou took my breath away, is that you slip...

40 Below Summer - Drown
Chase this tease into the open waveAnd take this leash into your inner slaveFollow me into the open en...

40 Below Summer - Falling Down
It's gonna bite today (right) to open a can of pain (wrong)Sun scorched and blistering (run) - do you know t...

40 Below Summer - Jonesin'
And I want you - and I need toCut you and hold you in place - as I rip you apartThis blood on my face ...

40 Below Summer - Minus One
So come on turn me loose And keep it tight - tight like that nooseWhat's wrong with this picture...

40 Below Summer - Monday Song
Life is lost for me, and everything I dreamPicture me above the sky on this half day closingRide the w...

40 Below Summer - Power Tool
I shut your eyes and I fed you liesI'm up inside - now I cannot hidethose burns on your skinand ...

40 Below Summer - Rain
It's cold it's hard and I'm locked inside thisI've gone too far I can't rectify thisI walk away fallin...

40 Below Summer - Rejection
Why'd you take that away from me -Just one taste and I needed a little more of your sweet honeyI want ...

40 Below Summer - Rope
Hallow this - and maybe you can swallow this - I don't knowI guess it always seems that something in this li...

40 Below Summer - Self Medicate
Can you hear yourself, free yourself, fuck yourselfCan you fix yourself, fill yourself, trust yourself...

40 Below Summer - Smile Electric
One time in my life......It won't be such a painJust a couple of guys with the vibe in every way...

40 Below Summer - Step Into The Sideshow
Come step up to the plateAnd please allow me to demonstrateAs you step into the rear of the sideshow b...

40 Below Summer - Still Life
Make this clear in a statementAnd break me here through the pavementAnd I can trust in the silence...

40 Below Summer - Taxi Cab Confession
Close your eyes and come with me to a new placewhere we are unstoppableInhale and let the smoke fill y...

40 Below Summer - We The People
We the people must JUMP!It's all insane - for this - for shameTo walk inside this life - that's ...

40 Below Summer - Wither Away
Is it all just a shape, a twist of fate, that leaves me openWill it all fade away, from my life, and leave m...

The 411 - Between The Sheets
What was wrong with you?What was wrong with me?We can put it all behindWhen we get between the s...

The 411 - Can't Fight Love
See i'm the one that loves youShe never deserved youSorry if it hurts herBut i've gotta have you...

The 411 - Chance
When you see me in the club with another guyRemember it was you who said goodbyeYou expected me to sit...

The 411 - China Girl
How do you find a place to sleepWhen there's nowhere to goLife must be a living hell to youOnly ...

The 411 - Dumb
Above the feeling This is revealing Boy i didnt know you cared Mustve been up on the weekend ...

The 411 - Forever Begins
Her eyes they glisten in the sunAs she watches the day become (night)As the dark draws inAnd the...

The 411 - I Don't Wanna Talk About It
[Spoken](I know 'bout your girlfriend)(I found out from her friend)(There's no point deny...

The 411 - Jumpin'
I feel like jumpin'I feel like shoutin' outI feel like movin'And i feel like groovin' nowL...

The 411 - My Friend
(Till the end...)(Till the end...)My friend Kelly's got a problem in her lifeShe's got a m...

The 411 - Teardrops
Too many times you crossed the line,but you came crawling back to me,Sayin 'We can be friends, it's no...

The 411 - What If It Was You?
Seen her on the streetsSelling her body just to make ends meetEveryday is the same sad storyShe ...

4 Non Blondes - Calling All The People
How can you tell when your wellness is not well make no mistakes now please do excuse my i...

504 Boyz - Beefing
Huh!Ha!Yea(Let's go get this bitch ass nigga)Let me tell you a little story about......

504 Boyz - Big Toys
[Krazy]What what what what what[Chorus][Krazy]Who talkin noise?...

504 Boyz - Get Back
[Chorus: Master P]Hey hoe (Trick get off me), Better watch them elbows, (Bitch get off me)Nigga...

504 Boyz - If You Real, Keep It Real
SoldiersBe all you can beThis No Limit shit tho...We in this for lifeThis not just a job b...

504 Boyz - Life Is Serious
[Chorus 2x's][Erica Foxx]Life is serious out here on these streets Got us curious ...

504 Boyz - Moving Things
Baby baby get up what? You'e already late for workWhat time is it? Its 10 30Oh yeah I forgot ton...

504 Boyz - Souljas
"Anyone contesting Tha Dogg Pound, guaranteed instant death"- [RBX][Snoop Dogg]It'...

504 Boyz - Thug Girl 2
Hoody-Hoowhere they at, where they atwhere the thug girls at(Over Here Whodi)where they at...

504 Boyz - Uptown
[Taxi]Did you call a taxi[Master P]Yea[Taxi]Where you going my ...

504 Boyz - Whodi
[Master P:]our mission is to get money, power, and bitches, ya heard me?ha ha (hootie hoo)...

504 Boyz - Wobble Wobble
Yo', this Jay-tweezie keeping it live for the heezieFor cheezy with them 504 Boyz you dig, check itThi...

50 Cent - 50 Bars
50 Bars of pleasure 50 bars of pain When I'm dead and gone niggaz gonna remember my name 50 [...

50 Cent - A Baltimore Love Thing
[Intro- 50 Cent]She loves me, she loves me notYeah she loves me not[Verse 1- 50 ...

50 Cent - After My Cheddar
Aye what's upYo this is 50 Cent and I'm here with my man DJ On PointAnd you know why his name is On Po...

50 Cent - Back Down
Yea, G-G-G-G-G-UNIT! (G-UNIT!)Ha ha...[Chorus: 50 Cent]It's easy to see when ...

50 Cent - Bad News
Lloyd Banks in the house, bad newsTony Yayo in the house, bad news50 cent in the house, bad news whene...

50 Cent - Banks Workout
[50 Cent]I hear a lotta talkin niggaz must be mad at BANKSBut there only one problem niggaz ain...

50 Cent - Be A Gentleman
[Chorus]It's best you be a gentlemanand you watch what you say (bwahh nigga take that)Or ...

50 Cent - Build You Up
[Jamie Foxxx]La la la la la laOoh I'd lie for you babyOoh I'd die for you baby...

50 Cent - Bump Dat Street Mix
[Tony Yayo]New ShitTony Yayo, 50 Cent c'mon[HOOK: 50 Cent]Bump Dat...

50 Cent - Clue / 50
Yeah niggaWe gonna smoke this motherfucker right here, rightWe gonna smoke this shitAnd I'ma dri...

50 Cent - Clue Shit!
[ Intro - 50 Cent talking ]You know Clue man, I'm tryin' to holler at this bitch right and I'm like...

50 Cent - Corner Bodega
[50 Cent]Aight, check this shit outY'all niggaz gon' stay in the carI'm'a go right over h...

50 Cent - Cutmaster C Shit
[Intro]New York City (New York City), you are now rackin' with 50 Cent (with 50 Cent)Are you re...

50 Cent - Da Repercussions
[Talking]Uh huh, Uh huh, five, five, one... it's real shit nigga[Chorus]You ...

50 Cent - Disco Inferno
[Hook x2]Lil' mama show me how you move it,Go ahead put ya back into it,Do ya thang like ...

50 Cent - Doo Wop Freestyle
Aiyo, I know these niggas don't like meBut I don't like none of ya'll niggas, you know what I'm sayin5...

50 Cent - Fuck You
[Chorus: scratching]Pain In Da Ass "Fuck You" [3x]Styles "I don't give a fuck" [3x]...

50 Cent - Funk Flex
Funk FlexYeah, G-UnitYou understand whats about to happen?huh .. huh? (do you understand?)...

50 Cent - Get In My Car
[Intro]UhhhhhYeahUhhhhhYeah[Verse 1]I'm a straight guerill...

50 Cent - Get Out The Club
[50 Cent-talking over beat]It's gangsta niggaIt's too gangsta niggaI keep it gangsta nigg...

50 Cent - Ghetto Qua Ran
[talking]Uh huh, uh huh, uh huhSouthside, what y'all niggas know about the dirty south?On...

50 Cent - God Gave Me Style
[Chorus]God gave me styleGod gave me graceGod gave me styleGod gave me graceG...

50 Cent - Got Me A Bottle
[Chorus]We can do whatever it is you want that you want to doLong as I can spend the whole nigh...

50 Cent - Gotta Make It To Heaven
[Hook]I gotta make it to heaven, for going through hellGotta make it to heaven, gotta make it t...

50 Cent - Green Lantern
[gunshots]50 Cent... Shady... Aftermath... the dream teamWe gotta get the get well cards... nig...

50 Cent - G-unit Soldiers
[Tony Yayo]Yea... Lloyd Banks, Tony Yayo[50 Cent]Yea...Niggas salute me...

50 Cent - G-unit That's What's Up
[ Intro - 50 Cent talking ]Oh, oh, Gggga Gggga G-UNIT (UNIT, haha), yeah, it's 50 CENT (CENT)an...

50 Cent - Gun Runners
[Phone ringing][Fifty]Aww man...who the fuck is callin'?..I don't even wanna answe...

50 Cent - Gunz Come Out
[Chorus x2]Ya'll niggas know (wut wut ya'll niggas know what I'm about)Ya'll niggas know, find ...

50 Cent - Heat
[Skit]"Aye you want some of this shit""Naw, I don't want that shit""I don't give a fuck, ...

50 Cent - High All The Time
[Chorus]I don't need Dom Perignon, I don't need CrisTanqueray and Alize, I don't need shit...

50 Cent - I Don't Need 'em
[Intro]YeahIt is what it is manUh huh[Verse 1]Sirens flashin', y...

50 Cent - If I Can't
Yea, ha ha, yea, yea[Hook: 50 Cent]If I can't do it, homie, it can't be doneNow I'm...

50 Cent - I'm A Hustler
Rule number one don't go against the grainRule number two give respect where respect dueRule number th...

50 Cent - I'm Supposed To Die Tonight
[Intro - 50 Cent]Ahh manYou know where the niggas be at right?Take me to 'em...

50 Cent - In Da Club
[50 Cent]Go, go, go, goGo, go, go shortyIt's your birthdayWe gon' party like it's y...

50 Cent - In My Hood
[Verse 1]Niggas screw they face up at meOn some real shit son, they don't want beefI cock...

50 Cent - Intro
[CD opening][Lady Speaking:]To all my fans, Love 50 CentHappy Valentin...

50 Cent - Just Fuckin' Around
[50 Cent]You can hum all you want toCum all you want toBut I ain't gon' want youIf ...

50 Cent - Killa Tape Intro
New York City...You are now rockin with 50 cent..Are you ready?[Gun click]I said ar...

50 Cent - Life's On The Line
Nobody likes meNobody likes me, but that's okayCuz I don't like y'all anyway...And I don't like ...

50 Cent - Material Girl 2000
If a bitch don't like meSomethin' wrong with the bitch (fuck that bitch)Why... oh why... why... you wa...

50 Cent - My Toy Soldier
[Intro- 50 Cent]You ready? OK let me wind you upDo it exactly the way i say do itman, the...

50 Cent - Outta Control
[Intro - 50 Cent]YeahShadyAftermath[Chorus - 50 Cent]I guess you...

50 Cent - Piggy Bank
[Chorus x2- 50 Cent]Clickity clank clickity clankThe money goes into my piggy bank...

50 Cent - P.i.m.p.
[Chorus]I don't know what you heard about meBut a bitch can't get a dollar out of meNo Ca...

50 Cent - Places To Go
yeahShadyAftermathG-UnitI got places to go, I got people to see,The peni...

50 Cent - Poor Lil Rich
[Verse 1]I let my watch talk for me, my whip talk for meMy gat talk for me, BOW! What up homie...

50 Cent - Power Of The Dollar
[Talking]Ya'll niggas wanna get high, well we gonna get high thenThis shit right here is drugs,...

50 Cent - Rotten Apple
[50 Cent]I'm on parole, I used to be on probaaaaaationI'm with my gun I get full coporaaaaaatio...

50 Cent - Rowdy Rowdy
[50 Cent]Yo LA niggaz are the rowdy niggazNew Orleans niggaz is rowdy niggaD.C. niggaz is...

50 Cent - Ryder Music
[Intro]YeahYeah we can ride to thisJust lay back, crew[Verse 1]H...

50 Cent - Ski Mask Way
[Intro]YeahI'm Tryin to catch me sumthinI'ma catch you sumthin[Chorus]...

50 Cent - Slow Dough
Trackmasters, 99 shitHuh uh, huh uh, yea[Chorus]Slow dough, is better than no dough...

50 Cent - So Amazing
[Chorus- Olivia]Summer, winter, spring, and fallI'll be around to catch ya callsCause you...

50 Cent - Stretch Armstrong Freestyle
[50 Cent]Uh, yeah, 50 CentIt's Murda Mix Tape Vol. 3Whoo Kid, Stretch Armstrong nigga...

50 Cent - Surrounded By Hoes
[Chorus: repeat 2X]Everywhere I'm at everywhere I go, I stay surrounded by hoesEven when I'm tr...

50 Cent - That Ain't Gangsta
[Verse 1:]How you gonna take this? like a Man or a bitch?you gon' get it on nigga or you gon' s...

50 Cent - The Good Die Young
[Fifty talkin' to himself]Yo, you know what I want? I want the beat to drop niggas b...

50 Cent - The Hit
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh[Chorus]I change places, to prevent catchin' the casesRaces, ...

50 Cent - This Is 50
[Intro]This is 50[Chorus]I don't know what you take me forI really don...

50 Cent - Till I Collapse Freestyle
50 Cent... Shady Records (Shady Records)Eminem (Eminem)...Dr. Dre (Dr. Dre)GGGGGGGG G-unit...

50 Cent - U Heard Me
[50 Cent]Uh huh...yeaVerse 1Shorty the Henny got me feeling rightYa heard me?...

50 Cent - U Not Like Me
NYPD, LAPD, NYPD (When it's on, that's who you get, huh?)NYPD, LAPD, NYPD (That's your motherfuckin' click, ...

50 Cent - U Should Be Here
[Intro]YEAH!, (yeah), your rockin' wit the toast of New YorkTony Yayo (Tony Yayo), Lloyd Banks ...

50 Cent - Wanksta
[Intro: 50 Cent]It's 50 a.k.a Ferrari F-50Break it downI got a lot of living to do before...

50 Cent - What Up Gangsta?
G-Unit (What)We in here (What)We can get the drama poppingWe don't care (What, what, what)...

50 Cent - Whoo Kid
[50 Cent talking][Hook]You want beef wit me? take a number, and get in lineY...

50 Cent - Whoo Kid Kayslay Shit!
[Intro - 50 Cent - talking, breathing noises in background]Hey pass that nigga, we gettin' high...

50 Cent - You Ain't No Gangsta
[50 Cent]Look If you ain't worth a mil, you ain't far from brokeGot anought heart to sell weed ...

5ive - 12345
Are you ready for attack?Yeah, Yeah, YeahStargate ah yeahYeah [etc]Five have ...

5ive - All Around
We've been all around the world,Seen so many things,And tasted all the good things that life can bring...

5ive - Battlestar
Yo I'm a battlestar knight like I'm jedi Rough to the tough but I'm sharper than the geam in your eye ...

5ive - Breakdown
Breakdown (are you looking for a breakdown)Shakedown (maybe a shakedown baby)If youre looking fo...

5ive - Can You Jam
[Chorus] Can you jam with all the freaks tonight? Can you jam? Just rock your body right, ...

5ive - Closer To Me
Constantly girl you're on my mind, and girl I think about you all of the time and even though words ar...

5ive - C'mon C'mon
Lately I've been thinking that I don't feel like I used to do. I'm trying to keep my two feet on the ground....

5ive - Cold Sweat
Girl you're kinda freakygot something bout your smileand when you bounce it up and downI can't b...

5ive - Coming Back For More
[Chorus]If you're coming back for more, Then get ready, Get ready, Cos everthing Ive got ...

5ive - Don't Fight It Baby
(Check it out) (Here we go) (Right)Why do u call up and fight with your feeling'sGirl weve been ...

5ive - Don't Wanna Let You Go
[Chorus:]Don't wanna let you goWe just wanna tell youJust wanna let you knowThat we...

5ive - Don't You Want It
Don't you want it can't you feel itthere's something in the air tonight10,9,8,7,6,5Don't y...

5ive - Everybody Get Up
[Chorus]Everybody get up singing1,2,3,4, Five will make you get down now(Baby bring it on...

5ive - Everyday
Everyday I got you on my mindEverydayI just keepIt all inside You got me trippin'...

5ive - Feel The Love
Sometimes I get to thinkingAnd I cant controlThoughts on my mindTheyre playing on my soulW...

5ive - Got The Feelin'
Na na na na na na na nah [x4]Here we go again with the beatsWe got you heads bumping, now...

5ive - Hear Me Now
If you think youre readyLet the games beginJust roll the dice nowMay the best player winMa...

5ive - How Do Ya Feel?
We wont stop. We dont even know how to stop. Ya see, with positive minds, We create positi...

5ive - Human
I'm only humanof flesh and blood, I'm madeHuman ... born to make mistakes[Chorus:]...

5ive - If Ya Gettin Down
If ya getting down babyI want it now babyCome and get it on babyI want it not babyI ...

5ive - Inspector Gadget
go mr gadget go thats the namespell it out till it don't sound the sameits the g-a-d to the g-e-t...

5ive - Invincible
I gotta find a way, to find a better day without youAnd thoughts are hard to say, I miss you every day...

5ive - It's All Over
[Chorus:]Girl (It's all over)This time (It's all over)I swear (It's all over)on my ...

5ive - It's Alright
Alright Oh baby Alright I need some time to get my head round the things you said to me Th...

5ive - It's The Things You Do
It's the things you dothat have made me fallso in love with youYou can have it allWhat els...

5ive - Keep On Movin'
I woke up today with this feeling. Better things are coming my way. I know the sunshine has a meaning,...

5ive - Lay All Your Lovin On Me
his one right here, is for all you freaks! Get it on (c'mon) Now I know what I like and I like what yo...

5ive - Let's Dance
(If you wanna dance,This is our chance,If you wanna dance,Let's take our chance)Jiggy jump...

5ive - Let's Dance (radio Edit)
Jiggy jump to the beatAnd keep bouncing30 seconds and countingHot one, this choice critical...

5ive - Let's Get It On
Never knew someone could make me feel like you do, 'cause it's true. You got me prayin' that this love...

5ive - Mr Z
Exuse me can you help me straighting out my head?O gotta new friend by the name of Mr ZWell what's wro...

5ive - My Song
So here's ho wit started, it started with a beata beat in my head and it wouldn't go awayso I added a ...

5ive - On Top Of The World
Come on!Got up outta bed today, I was feelin' on top, yeahLooking forward to a brighter day with the g...

5ive - Partyline 555 On-line
You can call me anytime babyPick up the phone dial 555 On line[Chorus:]Let's have a...

5ive - Reminiscing
Yo i've got a little story that I'd like to addressto individuals gotta get it off of my chestit...

5ive - Rock The Party
My time to burn so sit back and check the way I come through in the discotheque.I know you like what I...

5ive - Satisfield
Going round in circles baby, Trying to think how I'm gonna get with you, I think about you all of the ...

5ive - Serious
Yeah, (hahahah) yeah, yeah, yeah Boogie down, boogie down You gotta get serious What, what come ...

5ive - Shake
Ladies and GentlemenLive from Madison funky garden ... FiveLet's get ready to rumble[Ch...

5ive - Slam Dunk Da Funk
Five bad boys with the power to rock youBlowing your mind so you gotta get intoFive, whatcha waiting f...

5ive - Something In The Air
Reminisce girl on the way that it was,Everything that I had was yours,Give me kiss girl like you used ...

5ive - Stop Pushing Me
Stop pushing meI never felt like this beforeIt's just something in meI need to close another doo...

5ive - Straight Up Funk
[Chorus:]Straight up funk in your earIf you really want itIt's over here [x2]...

5ive - Sunshine
All i gotta do Is get it through to you you take my hand and let me lead you away same old words...

5ive - Switch
You gotta stop, listen up Checking out my beats Know the day uniques Got ya jumping out ya seats...

5ive - Take Your Chances On Me
You was down and I wasn't around,so I just wanna let you know how I feel.I guess I know that you're ne...

5ive - That's What You Told Me
That's what you told me babyThat's what you told me babyThat's what you told me babyYou drive me...

5ive - The Heat
You freak rhyming check the way I'm getting on the ground. Make you shake that front and wiggle your behind....

5ive - Two Sides To Every Story
Yeh, Yeh, C'MonTwo sides, from the heartWell, It's alright, alrightWanna know a bout...

5ive - Until The Time Is Through
Now and forever, Until the time is throughI can't believe it, I don't know where to start, No ba...

5ive - We're Going All Night (you Make Me High)
Bring that break funk 'cause I'm here giving what you want like spread got time to stop got time to pe...

5ive - We Will Rock You
Buddy you're a boyMake a big noise playin' in the streetGonna be a big man some dayYou got blood...

5ive - When I Remember When
All the things I said, I should have said and didn't say, And I wonder why. Yes, I wonder why. ...

5ive - When The Lights Go Out
Yeah, I like that, You know what I mean,You're looking kinda fly tonight girl, What's up, Check it!...

5ive - World Of Mine
Ive been trying to ease my mind From this life that I have been thrown intoI no longer know who to tru...

5ive - You And I
Oh, You and I.The time we spent together ends too soon, Like sunsets to the moon, So brief...

5ive - You Make Me A Better Man
There's something bout your eyes That makes me search my soul They make me try to realise I'm tr...

702 - All I Want
[Chorus:]All I want is someone I can talk to,Someone who will listen to what I have to say....

702 - Betcha She
[VERSE 1]Ive been watching youWondering when youWhen you gon notice that Ive been l...

702 - Better Day (ghetto Girl)
Heres the story bout a ghetto girlLivin in a ghetto worldAgainst the world aloneProblems in her ...

702 - Blah Blah Blah Blah
[INTRO]Hey girl, hey, where u been? Yo phone still on? I been tryin to reach u.My mans them sai...

702 - Certified
[Verse 1]Here we go again, youre about to cryIm about to listen to another niggas lieEver...

702 - Come & Knock On My Door
[VERSE 1]I anticipate- you told me that you wouldnt be lateBoy here I waitGot the candles...

702 - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
[Verse One:]So many nights, I felt your beating heart,As we went deep in the dark,I watch...

702 - Feelings
Something about you I cant live without youWant u to be with me-yeahGot me loosing control...

702 - Finally
[Verse One:]I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see,I couldn't think, I could not believe,How ...

702 - Finding My Way
[Verse One:]I'm so glad to see you,I can't believe what I've found.You got yourself toget...

702 - Get Down Like Dat
[Verse One:]New in the neighborhood, looking good to me,She's by your side, I can't deny,...

702 - Get It Together
[Chorus:]I don't really wanna stay,I don't really wanna go,But I really need to know,...

702 - Gotta Leave
[Verse One:]You got me pulling my hair,From all your fussin' and fighting.And you came in...

702 - I'm Wit It
[VERSE]You got a lot of characterThe way that you carry yourselfThe way you talk to me...

702 - Jealousy

702 - Let Your Hair Down
[Hook:]Let ya hair downWhen youre up in the club and dont wanna get crunkLet ya hair down...

702 - Make Time
[Verse One:]You say you wanna be the one,But still you leave the job undone.You're only c...

702 - No Doubt
[Chorus:]We gotta get down,To what it's all about.See I want you,And that's no doub...

702 - Not Gonna
[Intro:]I've got to find me a new guy.Uh, supa fly,Orish, 702, hot, come on....

702 - No Way
[VERSE 1]Everything you do is gonna hurt you(you should know thats)just how things are bo...

702 - Places
[Verse 1]Youre the type that I dream about in my fantasyAnd no reason that we aint together far...

702 - Pootie Tangin'
If you think you pootie tangin'And you know that you're parlayingOn the dance floor shake your thing i...

702 - Round And Round
[Verse One:]Baby to the hip hop,Baby I won't stop,Tell me what's your sign,Is it co...

702 - Seven
[Verse One:]For so long,I was the one that you leaned on.Can't pretend,'Cuz my love...

702 - Show You My Love
[Chorus:]I know just what you need,Ooh let me love you please,I wanna show you my love....

702 - Steelo
[Verse One:]I'm gonna keep it real,How you make me feel,Boy you give me chills, baby....

702 - Steelo - Remix
Say 7, say 702.[repeat x3][Verse One:]Boy you're so fine(so fine),And ...

702 - Stringing Me Along

702 - Tell Your Girl
[Chorus:]Tell your girl to stop calling my phone,Tell her to get a life and leave us alone....

702 - Trouble
When youre alone with me I know that this could be..[Verse:]I cant help myself baby...

702 - What More Can He Do?
[Chorus:]What more can he do,Tell me what more can he do?He sent loving arms down from th...

702 - Where My Girls At?
[Verse One:]See, he's my property,And any girl that touches,I might just call your bluff,...

702 - Will You Be Ok?
[Chorus:]Will you be okay,If I go away?I wish that I could stay,Say you'll be okay....

702 - Word Iz Bond
Word iz bond[Repeat x4]On and on,Word iz bond.On and on,Word iz bond....

702 - You Don't Know
[Intro:]Yeah, 702, come on,Soulshock, Karlin,That's right.[Verse One:]...

702 - You'll Just Never Know
[Intro:]I bet you never imagined,That one day you'd look around,And I just wouldn't be th...

8ball & Mjg - Don't Make
[Chorus 2x]Don't make (Don't make)Me Kill (Me kill)No motherfucking body in here (in here...

8ball & Mjg - Intro
[P. Diddy speaking:]To be or not to be that is the question,Ball and G. that's the answer,...

8ball & Mjg - You Don't Want Drama
[Intro - P. Diddy]It's Bad Boy South Niggaz, Ball and GOrange Mound, the moment you been waitin...

911 - All I Want Is You
Ooh baby, oh ohAll I want is youBaby, I've tried but I can't help myselfCan't disguise the...

911 - A Night To Remember
[Chorus]Get ready, tonightGonna make this a night to rememberGet ready, oh baby, tonight...

911 - Baby Come Back To Me
Oh yeahBaby come back to meRemember how it used to beParadise is just out of reachBaby won...

911 - Bodyshakin'
[Chorus]You got my body shaking, sends a shiver to my soulI didn't get no warning, you got me s...

911 - Can't Stop
I just can't get you out of my mindThe first moment that you caught my eyeI was talking with your best...

911 - Carefree Lover
Chance allowed us to meetBut when all is said and doneIt wasn't meant to beAlthough we had such...

911 - Don't Make Me Wait
Oh listen babyDon't make me wait one more dayDon't you forsakeDon't make me waitDon'...

911 - Don't Walk Away
Can't believe we're standing hereSaying that we're leavingWhile holding back the tearsI remember...

911 - Hold On
Moonlight streets on your soft skin as you sleep tonightThese fallen dreams as I count every breath you brea...

911 - How Do You Want Me To Love You
Ha ha ha ha, alrightHa ha yeahHa ha ha ha ha ha yeahYeah yeahHow do you want me to love yo...

911 - Look Through Any Window
Look through any window, yeahWhat do you see?Smiling faces all aroundRushing through the busy to...

911 - Love Sensation
Don't go changing, rearrangingDon't go changing, rearrangingHold on to a love sensationIf you ev...

911 - Make You My Baby
Well, oh yeah yeahOh babyWatching the stars shine in the open sky, summer breezeLooking do...

911 - More Than A Woman
Do-do-do-do More than a woman Do-do-do-do Oh girl I've know you very well I've seen...

911 - Moving On
Moving on our wayMoving on our wayI will always rememberOur first days togetherIt fe...

911 - New Groove Generation
Eight o'clock and moving closeNow we're dressed to kill ready to goCause tonight we're in the mood...

911 - Nothing Stops The Rain
Get down baby, Funky,I said get get get on get on down, Funky,I said get get get on get on down...

911 - One More Try
Heart of the night, in slient skiesI watched the rain fall in the streetlightI'm hypnotised by your sw...

911 - Our Last Goodbye
Baby don't cryOpen your eyesHere in the dead of the nightLying here with you by my side...

911 - Party People...friday Night
[Chorus]Party people (hey)It's Friday nightRock this joint until the morning lightC...

911 - Rhythm Of The Night
When it feels like the world is on your shouldersAnd all the madness has got you goin' carzyIt's time ...

911 - Should've Been The One
My baby, should've been the oneLast night I was so scaredI couldn't close my eyesYou still live ...

911 - Take Good Care
Take good care of my heartTake good care of my heartTake good care of my heartI've been br...

911 - That's The Way
Hold on tight (hold on tight)We move so right (feel so right)I'll make you feel so aliveTh...

911 - The Day We Find Love
Isn't the first timeWon't be the last timeDon't you worry, I don't mean to make you sadMy ...

911 - The Journey
Time waits for no one, sure as the tide pulls the oceanSure as, the path that's been chosen, cannot be chang...

911 - The Swing
Every day is a Saturday, in the month of SpringSeems the world is full of girlsLookin' out for that lo...

911 - Vision In My Mind
I lie awake in the heart of the night,I just can't rest 'til you're by my sideStaring at the ceiling, ...

911 - Wonderland
Wey-oh, wey-ohWe'll be as one in wonder, wonderlandThrough my doubts Hold me high Th...

98 Degrees - Because Of You
You're my sunshine after the rainYou're the cure against my fear and my pain'Cause I'm losing my mind ...

98 Degrees - Can I Touch You There
You say you want a man to give you good lovin'You want the passion with the kissin' and the huggin'Bab...

98 Degrees - Can You Imagine
We've been walking in the same situationWe've been walking down the lonely roadTry to find the world, ...

98 Degrees - Come & Get It
Baby, baby I've been watchinyou watchin meSecretly sending,tender kisses casuallyAcross a ...

98 Degrees - Completely
I gotta come clean with you babyDo everything to make you seeI gotta be with you tonightThe thou...

98 Degrees - Don't Stop The Love
Some say that I'm professionalCause I know how to handle mineBe still be cool and wait awhileAnd...

98 Degrees - Dreaming
Dreaming of youEvery single day andevery single night of my lifeBut someone else is holding you ...

98 Degrees - Give It Up (interlude)
Hey yeahNow here's a storyOne we both knowAbout two peopleWhen they lost their self contro...

98 Degrees - Hand In Hand
One think I'm sure of isthat we will always beEven though the road seemsto get a little rough...

98 Degrees - Heaven's Missing An Angel
I hope the man upstairsisn't mad at meBecause I have one of his angelsAnd she's here with me...

98 Degrees - I Do (cherish You)
All I am, all I'll beEverything in this worldAll that I'll ever needIs in your eyesShining...

98 Degrees - If Every Day Could Be Christmas
If every day could be ChristmasWhat a wonderful world this would beWe could carry this feeling within ...

98 Degrees - If She Only Knew
If she only knewWhat I knew but couldn't sayIf she could just seeThe part of me that I hid away...

98 Degrees - I'll Be Home For Christmas
I'll be home for Christmas; You can count on me. Please have snow and mistletoe And presents on ...

98 Degrees - Intro
From the National Weather Service...There is a severe heat advisory ineffect all over the worldR...

98 Degrees - I Wanna Love You
Oh I, Oh II tell you over and overThat you don't know howyou make me feelI wanna kno...

98 Degrees - I Wasn't Over You
Girl no matter where I goI call you after every showIn your voice I hear a funny toneSomebody's ...

98 Degrees - Little Drummer Boy
Come they told me,pa rum pum pum pumA new born King to see,pa rum pum pum pumOur finest gi...

98 Degrees - Never Let Go
I never imagined a dream so clearUntil the day that you came inYou open my eyes bright in all of my da...

98 Degrees - Oh Holy Night
O holy night! The stars are brightly shining, It is the night of the dear Saviour's birth.Long lay the...

98 Degrees - Stay The Night
In the still of my heartThere's a fire that burns my sole's desireTouching me, like the sunhere ...

98 Degrees - Take My Breath Away
If I had castles built on highI'd find a million waysto write your nameAgainst the skyJust...

98 Degrees - The Christmas Song
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire Jack Frost nipping at your noseYuletide carols being sung by a choi...

98 Degrees - Was It Something I Didn't Say
Spending another night aloneWondering when I'm gonna ever see you againThinking what I would give to g...

98 Degrees - Why (are We Still Friends)
We do almost everything that lovers doAnd thats why its hard, just to be friends with youEvery time yo...

98 Degrees - You Are Everything
Today I saw somebodyWho looked just like you She walked like you do I thought it was you A...

A - 6 O'clock
6 o'clock on a tube stop, waiting for a subway trainOn my own, so alone, why does everybody look the same?...

A - Going Down
Suck it up, we're going down30 seconds 'till we smash into the groundThe passengers have lost their sm...

A - Good Time
I saw You in a photographI saw You and You made me laughYou couldnt stop it goin onYou know You ...

A - Hi-fi Serious
Right back at you, record threeMakes you wish that you were me'Cos we got no job for lifeBuild '...

A - Nothing
NothingAnd nothing's where you're atWhen you ain't got somethingYou'll never get it backIt...

A - Pacific Ocean Blue
It's OK to beat the living shit from the drum kitIt's OK to take what you don't have, if you want it ...

A - Rush Song
On and on like a Rush song, like a long oneYou're the miss in the partnership, yeah the right oneThere...

A - Shut Yer Face
So come out fighting, second's outWho's the daddy? Well there's no doubtGot one thing on your brain, y...

A - Something's Going On
Somethings going onI don't know what I didBut it worked out fine again Got you in my song...

A - Starbucks
She's over it, she cannot take no more yeahDon't wanna quit but that's a pretty nice door yeahI got a ...

A - The Distance
We go the distance till there's nowhere left to goIt's complicated, don't you hate what you've become? Oh ye...

A - The Springs
Air on the streets, lights on the treesEight days a week, singer's diseaseI wanna be where the sun mee...

A - Took It Away
Five pretty boys for ten shitty yearsFive girls next door, I'm up to my earsI need a reaction, a new r...

A - Why Don't You Cry About It?
I'm so tired, I need sleepI'm talking to my pillow case, what's wrong with me?I make mistakes, but the...

A1 - 2:59
[Mark:] Sunday football I got boot off the pitch Some people gamble as a way to get rich I gott...

A1 - Be First To Believe

A1 - Caught In The Middle
[Paul:] You said that love was just a state of mind A puzzle made of pieces you can't find And ...

A1 - Celebrate Our Love
Believe in your heartNo matter what the people might say. The chance you take could take you to the to...

A1 - Cherish This Love
Sorry for making you cry For turning away As you walk on by But baby I need to be strong A...

A1 - Crazy For Leaving You
CrazyThe crazy things I heard you say Im mad about you all the same I never really saw the crime Yet ...

A1 - Do You Remember?
Looking back on yesterdayMemories won't fade awayI can't forget the love we madeSo beautiful , w...

A1 - Everytime

A1 - Forever In Love
Love leads to laughterLove leads to painWith you by my sideI feel good times againNe...

A1 - Heaven By Your Side

A1 - Here Comes The Rain
There's a chill in the airLooks like the winter is returnin'You know I have to stay Until I find...

A1 - Hey You

A1 - If I Can't Have You
Another picture on the wallAnother life I used to liveAnother meaning once untrueWith every memo...

A1 - If Only

A1 - I'll Take The Tear
Don't speak, seal your lips. Please don't say a word, maybe I won't remember the words I have not heard. ...

A1 - Isn't It Cheap
This punky clubwas spinning fores off a funky teeI'm on the floor and she's watching meGuess she was f...

A1 - I Still Believe

A1 - I Wonder Why
I'm tired of fighting, got a fever when you try to get out. (Out, out, out) I've tried but I can't understan...

A1 - Learn To Fly
When you feel the dream is overFeel the world is on your shouldersAnd you lost the strength to carry o...

A1 - Let It Out
[Mark:]You said you need a groom this evening I told you I'm leaving Till you begged me t...

A1 - Like A Rose

A1 - Livin' The Dream
Where have you been all my life? Where have you come from? Is this your first time too? It's lik...

A1 - Make It Good
When you're weary, When you're down and outLay your hands on me [x2]I count my blessings,...

A1 - Make It Through The Night
She's all aloneMaking her way to a cold, empty home Nobody waiting and no one to holdShe's holdi...

A1 - No More
You say we'll work it out, then you say you're having doubts. Tell me walk away, but then you'll go insane. ...

A1 - Nothing But Trouble
Let me tell you about this girl that once was mineOnce upon a time she's nothing but trouble. Up...

A1 - One In Love
Have you seen the sunset, fade beneath a rain cloud? Have you ever chased your dreams away?Did you eve...

A1 - One Last Song
Take my hand, touch my faceLet me feel your embraceLet me see in your eyesThat you wont say good...

A1 - One More Try
Could be your eyes, could be your smile. Could be the way you freed my mind.Your precious touch ...

A1 - Power Of Desire
[Chris:] Fallin' for a fantasyI threw away my destinyI don't know where to stopFeelin' br...

A1 - Ready Or Not

A1 - Same Old Brand New You
I can still remember the time you were thereWhen I needed to hold you, feel youEverytime I ask you to ...

A1 - Scared
What's your favourite scary movie?I've walked the jungle, fought a lion with bare hands. The pri...

A1 - She Didn't See Me
When she passes me by, she's a ray of light. Like the first drop of sun from the sky. And I know she's...

A1 - Still Around

A1 - Summertime Of Our Lives

A1 - Take On Me
We're talking awayI don't know whatI'm to say I'll say it anywayToday's another day to find you...

A1 - The Things We Never Did
You and me, we sit and talk of friendship then I ask. If you can see, if we could be together forever. ...

A1 - This Ain't What Love Is About
[paul]wherever we go,same old storysay you can't take no more and you wanna go homei giv...

A1 - Tomorrow
You used to say that everyday. We will always be this way. Flying Angels lifting high to reach the sun...

A1 - Too Bad Baby
Too bad baby, can this be, is there something wrong with you and me. Guess we'll see I confess I don't know ...

A1 - Walking In The Rain

A1 - When I'm Missing You
Sunday morning time to say goodbyeBut I'll be home real soonThough I'm leavin', girl don't start to cr...

A1 - You're Not In Love
[Ben:] The sun is shining, the rain comes in And i don't know what to do, no... I don't know wh...

Aaliyah - 4 Page Letter
[Intro]Yo Turn My Music UpUp Some MoreUp Some MoreUp A Little Bit MoreM...

Aaliyah - Age Ain't Nothin' But A Number
[chorus]Age ain't nothing but a number, throwing down ain't nothing but a thang,This something ...

Aaliyah - All I Need
[2X]II wanna love ya[Verse 1]Baby ever since I found you,Seems l...

Aaliyah - Are You That Somebody
Dirty South (uh-huh)Can ya'll really feel me (feel us)East coast feel me (feel us)West coast fee...

Aaliyah - Came To Give Love
[Tann]:Baby girl you got the whole world screamingGiving it up for youYou got the party p...

Aaliyah - Choosey Lover (old School/new School)
Choosey Lover, Boy Im So Proud Of Ya.Im So Glad You Chose Me, Baby.And Ill Make You So Happy....

Aaliyah - Come Over
OohMmm mm mmMm yeahUh, mm, yeahI just touched downQuarter after twoI kno...

Aaliyah - Don't Know What To Tell Ya
[Chorus:]you wanna handcuff me but yo I don't know what to tell ya (don't know what to tell ya)...

Aaliyah - Don't Worry
Theres no need for you,Baby,It aint what you think,So dont worry,[Verse 1]...

Aaliyah - Down With The Clique
[First Verse]Well now I guess it's time for me to wreck shop,so show your peace while the beat ...

Aaliyah - Erica Kane
[verse:1]she's back on the street her fear for nightfeel you with grief she cuts like a knife...

Aaliyah - Everythings Gonna Be Alright
[Intro]Yo Rodney You Ready? Cause Im ReadySo Lets GoCheck It-Check It OutAaliyah Ma...

Aaliyah - Extra Smooth
(So:)He Got Big Brown Eyes, So He Look Nice(Ooh:)Coming On Strong, Six Pack Showin'(Ohh:)...

Aaliyah - Giving You More
All That You Need, All That You Want.I Wanna Be The One Thats Giving You More.All That You Need, All T...

Aaliyah - Got To Give It Up (new Remix)
Come on!I Used To Go Out To Parties, And Stand Around.Cause I Was Too Nervous, (oh uh)To R...

Aaliyah - Heartbroken
Baby Baby Baby...... I Wanna Satisfy You.Maybe I Try Too Damn Hard, To Show You I Love You.What Made Y...

Aaliyah - Hot Like Fire
[Intro]Ima Make It Hot Like Fire (Oooh)Ima Make It Hot Like Fire (Oooh Oooh)[Repeat]...

Aaliyah - I Can Be
Ohhhh no... ohh, oh... mmmmOh... ohhhh...Maybe I'm just wrong for feelin the way I doThoug...

Aaliyah - I Don't Wanna
Yeahhh.... Mmmm-hmm..... Whoaaaa.... Oooh yea...[1]I don't wanna be... Be without y...

Aaliyah - If Your Girl Only Knew
If your girl only knew That you was trying to get with me (what would she do)If your girl only knew That you...

Aaliyah - I Gotcha Back
(I Gotcha Back)The Women Always Wonder How I, Keep A Man.They Been Tryin For So Long, And Still ...

Aaliyah - I'm Down
Oooooh ooooh ooooh ooohOooooh ooooh ooooh oooh[chorus]I'm down with the way t...

Aaliyah - I'm So Into You
[Chorus]I'm so into youI'm so into youI'm so into youI'm so into you...

Aaliyah - I Refuse
This Is Where I've Got To Draw The LineCause I Refuse To Let You Think You Can Play With My MindAlways...

Aaliyah - It's Whatever
It's WhateverIt's WhateverWhatever...Just Like The BirdsThat Whistle In The Trees...

Aaliyah - Journey To The Past
Heart, don't fail me now!Courage, don't desert me!Don't turnbackNow that we're herePeople ...

Aaliyah - Loose Rap
I'm Sick And Tired Of The Loose RapI Know You Can Come BetterCan Come Better Than ThatSo Y...

Aaliyah - Miss You
[Chorus]It's been too long and I'm lost without uWhat am I gonna doSaid I been needin' yo...

Aaliyah - Never Comin' Back
[Intro]How Yall Doin Out There Tonight?Yes, I Love You Too.I Just Wanna Talk To The Ladie...

Aaliyah - Never Givin' Up
Never Giving Up All This Love.Im Never Giving Up, Your All Im Thinking Of.Sitting Here, Theres S...

Aaliyah - Never No More
I Gave It All To YouWith No Questions AskedI Wanted A FutureWho Cares About My Past?That F...

Aaliyah - No Days Go By
It's all because of you I'm feeling sad and blueYou went away and now my life is filled with rainy days...

Aaliyah - No One Knows How To Love Me Quite Like You Do
No One Knows How To Love Me Quite Like You Do No One Knows How To Love Me Quite Like You DoLiyah...

Aaliyah - One In A Million
Love it babe. Love it babe.[repeat]Baby you don't know,what you do to me.Between me...

Aaliyah - Read Between The Lines
Late afternoon, the sun's going downI ca-ca-call on your cell (why's he in such a hurry)Leaving the ro...

Aaliyah - Street Thing
Street Thing Street ThingYou and me got a street thing going on[Verse 1]...

Aaliyah - The One I Gave My Heart To
How Could The One I Gave My Heart To, Break My Heart So Bad?How Could The One Who Made Me Happy, Make Me Fee...

Aaliyah - The Thing I Like
Hmmm 1993Yo Liyah why don't you do me a favourWhy don't you let all of the fellas out there know...

Aaliyah - Those Were The Days
We Ain't Lovers No MoreWe Don't Laugh No MoreWe Don't Play No MoreWe Don't Make-Up No More...

Aaliyah - Turn The Page
Hmm, yeah, yeah, yeahA special smile, a certain touchI never had a love that I loved so much...

Aaliyah - We Need A Resolution
[Verse - 1]Did you sleep on the wrong side? I'm catching a bad vibe And it's contagious, ...

Aaliyah - What If
What if.. every guy I sawWhat if.. sittin down at the barWhat if.. I told him to give me a callW...

Aaliyah - You Got Nerve
uhuh c'monwatch outuh c'monoh oh.....Gave you chances on top of chancesO...

Aaliyah - You Messed Up
Whaa?I'm back[verse1]You don't say that I'm prettyAll these simple thingsAddi...

Aaliyah - Young Nation
[chorus]Young nation under a grooveKeeping it smooth with a jazz that's so coolYoun...

Aaron Carter - 2 Good 2 B True
Nanana nanananaNanana na nanananaGonna make a connectionCuz I know I got take 'em high...

Aaron Carter - Aaron's Party (come Get It)
[Talking:]Here's a little bit of old school for ya, That goes a little something like this......

Aaron Carter - Ac's Alien Nation
AC, ACPut your hands upPut your hands upPut your hands upShoulda known somethi...

Aaron Carter - Ain't That Cute
My mama told me I'm too young to love But I know what I know and I can't get enough I'm thinking about...

Aaron Carter - America A O
U... S... A...Bang your heads to this, come onU... S... A...Bang your heads to thisI was b...

Aaron Carter - Another Earthquake!
Just when ya thought it was safeShake itShake itShake itWhen I hit townY...

Aaron Carter - Baby It's You
Yeah, come on nowYeah, come on nowYeah, come on nowYeah, come on nowYeah, come on now...

Aaron Carter - Come Follow Me
(Come On)That's not the way to rockDo you want, what we gotTag along, crank it upSing a so...

Aaron Carter - Cowgirl (lil' Mama)
Yipee-ki-yo-yippe-yay, Lil MommaYipee-ki-yo-yippe-yay, Lil MommaYipee-ki-yo-yippe-yayI met...

Aaron Carter - Crazy Little Party Girl
Crazy little party girl How I love her Partying around the world - she wants to dance Crazy litt...

Aaron Carter - Crush On You
You found out You found out I've got a crush on you You must have heard it from my best friend S...

Aaron Carter - Get Up On Ya Feet
Here we go nowHere we go nowHere we go nowAh, come onGet up on ya feet nowGonn...

Aaron Carter - Get Wild
Stop... everybody get wild Everybody get wild Action, your body activates freedom Your mind exce...

Aaron Carter - Girl You Shine
I see you every dayand I can't seem to thinkof anything to sayDo you babyHow can that be...

Aaron Carter - Hang On Sloopy
Hang on sloopy, sloopy hang onHang on sloopy, sloopy hang onSloopy lives in a very bad part of t...

Aaron Carter - (have Some) Fun With The Funk
One, two threeYeah, yeah, yeahOooo ohhhYeah, yeah, yeahIf I threw a party would you ...

Aaron Carter - Hey You
Here we go with the J-I-V-EWe're gonna bust itcuz we roll with the ACHere we go with the J...

Aaron Carter - I'd Do Anything
I'd do anything for you We've had our good times and bad Baby what is sad I miss you girl ...

Aaron Carter - I Just Can't Wait To Be King
Way behind the water holeA little down the lineThe jungle and the plains and peaksAre scheduled ...

Aaron Carter - Iko Iko
My grandma and your grandmaWere sittin' by the fire.My grandma told your grandma"I'm gonna set y...

Aaron Carter - I'm All About You
There's somethin' thatI've got to sayYou're always with meEven though, you're far awayTalk...

Aaron Carter - I'm Gonna Miss You Forever
Hey Girl, I'm sad I heard that you were leaving You can't go, you're my best friend I'm sure gon...

Aaron Carter - I Want Candy
I know a girl who's tough but sweetShe's so fine, she can't be beatShe's got everything that I desire...

Aaron Carter - I Will Be Yours
I don't know what to do I can't believe it's true that You can make me feel this way I see it in...

Aaron Carter - I Would
See you walking down the streetEvery single dayGirl you never seem to have a smile on your faceW...

Aaron Carter - Jump Jump
[Verse 1]I got a friend and I may just get himReady and a push with a mic in my right hand...

Aaron Carter - Keep Believing
When I look into your sad eyesIt makes me feel for youCuz I don't see the lightThat was always s...

Aaron Carter - Leave It Up To Me
It's the kids, babyIt's the kids, babyIt's the kids, come onIt's the kids, babyIt's the ki...

Aaron Carter - Life Is A Party
hey hey hey hey hey [X2]party time, gimme the beat, wave your hands from side to side, ...

Aaron Carter - My First Ride
My first rideWait outsideI'm steppin' insideI don't really careWhat everybody says...

Aaron Carter - My Internet Girl
Ain't no doubt about itI can't wait to get home to you(I gotta get home, yeah, uh, uh, come on.)...

Aaron Carter - One Bad Apple
I can tell that you've been hurt By that look on your face girl Some guy brought safety to your happy ...

Aaron Carter - One Better
Give me half the chanceIll make you understandThat what I got to giveIs so much more than this ...

Aaron Carter - Outstanding
Outstanding, oh noGirl you knock me outYes you doExciting, ooh ohYou make me wanna shout...

Aaron Carter - Please Don't Go Girl
Please don't go girl Please don't go girl Please don't go girl You would ruin my whole world ...

Aaron Carter - Real Good Time
[Talking:]Sometime, someplaceEverybody has wordsFallin' out, and making upUh-huh...

Aaron Carter - Shake It
[Aaron:]Yo! This is Aaron Carter Now I'll introduce you to my boys, 95 South And it's all...

Aaron Carter - Stomp
Steppin' out the weekends open wideFill it up let's blast the jams and rideWhile we're cruisin' around...

Aaron Carter - Sugar
RightRightGirl, I know what you're thinkingYou need some answers in your heart tonight...

Aaron Carter - Sugar Sugar
Sugar, ahh,Honey, honey.You are my candy girl,And you got me wanting you.Honey, ahh,...

Aaron Carter - Surfin' Usa
If everybody had an oceanAcross the USAThen everybody'd be surfin' like CaliforniaYou'd see them...

Aaron Carter - Swing It Out
Swing, swing it out, swing it out Swing it baby let me know that you mean what you say When you swing ...

Aaron Carter - Tell Me How To Make You Smile
I remember the day we met Almost like a fairy tale Kinda like Romeo and Juliet I never gonna for...

Aaron Carter - Tell Me What You Want
Are you tired, of meDo you want to, be freeI just got to knowShould I hang on, or let goDo...

Aaron Carter - That's How I Beat Shaq
And it goes, and it goesAnd it goes a little something like this Hit It!Aaron's in the hou...

Aaron Carter - The Clapping Song
[Chorus 1]3, 6, 9The goose drank wine The monkey chew tobacco on the streetcar line...

Aaron Carter - The Kid In You
Turn it up Pump it up Turn it up Just a little bit Turn it up Pump it up Turn ...

Aaron Carter - Through My Own Eyes
[Kayla:] Give me a world that's equal on all sides[Aaron:] Let freedom flow as constant as the...

Aaron Carter - To All The Girls
Nana nanana Nana nananaNana nananaLet me break it downI remember sunny daysChi...

Aaron Carter - When It Comes To You
Oh yeah (oh yeah)Six thirty mama get you out of bede-mail what you gonna wear to you girlfriend...

Aaron Carter - Without You (there'd Be No Me)
I've been around on this journeyAnd I'm learningAs the world keeps turningYou got a face to figh...

Aaron Carter - You Get To My Heart
When I need someone to believe inI turn to youAnd you never ever let me downYou always come thro...

Aaron Lines - Close
Ooh yeah..Oh yeah..Across the miles, it's funny to meHow far away you are, but how near yo...

Aaron Lines - I Can't Live Without Your Love
Baby, how'd we wind up this far apartUsing words as weapons like daggers to our heartsThis standoff of...

Aaron Lines - I Will Be There
I don't need no sign, don't need no mapBaby, I know right where I'm at with youI never thought there'd...

Aaron Lines - Knock On Wood
Never been the kind of guy who walks around laddersAnd I open up umbrellas when I'm insideWell, black ...

Aaron Lines - Living Out Loud
I'm tired of living in this bubbleSo today I'm changing everythingWell, my dream's been buried in the ...

Aaron Lines - Love Changes Everything
Na na na naNa na na naNa na na na, na na naBobby had everything he thought he'd ever need...

Aaron Lines - Old Days New
It's Friday night, county roadSeventeen, off we goIt's summertime, not a care in the worldWell I...

Aaron Lines - She Called Me Kansas
We sat and watched the sun come upWith a blanket wrapped around usWe spend all night out on that beach...

Aaron Lines - Turn It Up (i Like The Sound Of That)
I like the sound of the ocean crashingWaves making their way to the beachI like the sound of the gulf ...

Aaron Lines - You Get The Picture
Barry White, he woke me out of my sleep"Love Unlimited" on infinite repeatI live alone, so why's the s...

Abandoned Pools - Blood
I see the happy the family treeIt sways so easilyWe're smiling all the timeThis world just isn't...

Abandoned Pools - Flouresein
Wipe away the summer airYou don't wanna seeThat's you in that Photograph from 1973And you don't ...

Abandoned Pools - L.v.b.d.
Welcome to the worldMy little virgin baby dollCan you save me?I set you offWith the tip of...

Abandoned Pools - Mercy Kiss
I'm outta sight around the moonBut I'll be back in time for youI know it's strange but are you big eno...

Abandoned Pools - Monster
Everyone's a geniusBrushing up on ironyBut no, no one's freeEveryone's a salesmanGus...

Abandoned Pools - Never
Well we never made it through another dayAnd it's all because you had to have it your waySo luck...

Abandoned Pools - Ruin Your Life
Time to give it upNo one needs this any dayYour life's a half-filled cupYou'd never drink from a...

Abandoned Pools - Seed
Hey, you know I really liked your showAnd hey, I know a place where we could goAnd you don't have to d...

Abandoned Pools - Start Over
What a mess our lives turned out to beIt was at its best when you and I were only 3We can start with a...

Abandoned Pools - Suburban Muse
Blue sky us holding downThere's no whyOnly the sound of happy TV landCue the canned applause...

Abandoned Pools - Sunny Day
Hiding inside a crowdMy head is inside a cloudGo where the music's loudAnd all these talking hea...

Abandoned Pools - The Remedy
I could useA shotYour novacaineMy soul's a fuseBlows away your nameThen you ca...

Abba - Al Andar (move On - In Spanish)
Se dice que el ansiosoesconde un alma en paz,viajero o misionerova lejos mucho masSi miro ...

Abba - Andante, Andante
Take it easy with me, pleaseTouch me gently like a summer evening breezeTake your time, make it slow...

Abba - Angeleyes
Ah-ha-ha, ah-aaaahAh-ha-ha, ah-aaaahAh-ha-ha, keep thinking 'bout his angeleyesI keep thinking, ...

Abba - Another Town, Another Train
Day is dawning and I must goYou're asleep but still I'm sure you'll knowWhy it had to end this way...

Abba - As Good As New
I'll never know why I had to goWhy I had to put up such a lousy rotten showBoy, I was tough, packing a...

Abba - Baby
BabyYou can do magicBaby Isn't it tragicMaybeYou can do something I can'tAnd I...

Abba - Bang-a-boomerang
Making somebody happy is a question of give and takeYou can learn how to show it so come on, give yourself a...

Abba - Chiquitita (in Spanish)
Chiquitita, dime por quetu dolor hoy te encadenaen tus ojos hayuna sombra de gran pena....

Abba - Conociendome, Conociendote (knowing Me Knowing You - In Spanish)
Ya no hay mas sonrisastodo finalizanuestra casa hoy vaciame hace llorary la historia...

Abba - Crazy World
I was out for the morning sunCouldn't sleep so I thought I'd take a walkI was thinking of you and me...

Abba - Dame! Dame! Dame! (gimme Gimme Gimme - In Spanish)
El relojya marco medianochey otra vez encontreque tan solo me acompana la TVEl sopla...

Abba - Dance (while The Music Still Goes On)
Oh, my love it makes me sad.Why did things turn out so bad?Was it just a dream, everything we did, eve...

Abba - Dancing Queen
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your lifeSee that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing...

Abba - Disillusion
Changing, moving, in a circleI can see your face in all of my dreamsSmiling, laughing, from the shadow...

Abba - Does Your Mother Know
You're so hot, teasing meSo you're blue but I can't take a chance on a chick like youThat's something ...

Abba - Dum Dum Diddle
I can hear how you work, practising hardPlaying night and day, woah-ohAnd it sounds better nowYe...

Abba - Eagle
They came flying from far away, now I'm under their spellI love hearing the stories that they tellThey...

Abba - Elaine
You hate, you scream, you swearAnd still you never reach himYou curse, you try to scareBut you c...

Abba - Estoy Sonando (i Have A Dream - In Spanish)
Yo lo soney el corazonme hablo de amorcon emocionSi vives la magiade hadas que...

Abba - Fernando
Can you hear the drums Fernando?I remember long ago another starry night like thisIn the firelight Fer...

Abba - Fernando (in Spanish)
Puedes escuchar Fernando?me recuerda tiempo atrasestrellas y una noche allaen la lumbre azul Fer...

Abba - Gimme Gimme Gimme (a Man After Midnight)
Half past twelveAnd I'm watching the late show in my flat all aloneHow I hate to spend the evening on ...

Abba - Gonna Sing You My Lovesong
You say she's been mad at youThen you say you'll be patient, oohStill I see that she makes you blue...

Abba - Gracias Por La Musica (thank You For The Music - In Spanish)
Soy muy sencillay algo aburrida tal vezlas bromas que se, me salen seguro al revespero hay un ta...

Abba - Happy Hawaii
Early this morning I drove in the rainOut to the airport to get on the planeHey Honolulu, we're going ...

Abba - Happy New Year
No more champagneAnd the fireworks are throughHere we are, me and youFeeling lost and feeling bl...

Abba - Hasta Manana
Where is the spring and the summerThat once was yours and mine?Where did it go? I just don't kno...

Abba - Hasta Manana (in Spanish)
Donde quedo el veranoaquel que nos uniodonde se fue, yo no lo sesi aun mi amor sigue por ti vive...

Abba - Head Over Heels
I have a very good friendThe kind of girl who likes to follow a trendShe has a personal styleSom...

Abba - He Is Your Brother
I was a fighter always looking for troubleAnd my life was so empty, there was nothing left to live for...

Abba - Hey Hey Helen
So at last you're freeIt's the way you wanted it to beAnd the price you paidTo become a woman of...

Abba - Hole In Your Soul
You feel bad, let me tell you, we all get the bluesSometimes life is a burden, weighed down in your shoes...

Abba - Honey Honey
Honey honey, how you thrill me, ah-hah, honey honeyHoney honey, nearly kill me, ah-hah, honey honeyI'd...

Abba - I Am Just A Girl
I am just a girl, one among the others, nothing much to sayPlain and simple girl, not a special type in any ...

Abba - I Am The City
Coming through a cloud you're looking at me from aboveAnd I'm a revelation spreading out before your eyes...

Abba - I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do
Love me or leave me, make your choice but believe meI love youI do, I do, I do, I do, I doI can'...

Abba - If It Wasn't For The Nights
I got appointments, work I have to doKeeping me so busy all the day throughThey're the things that kee...

Abba - I Have A Dream
I have a dream, a song to singTo help me cope with anythingIf you see the wonder of a fairy tale...

Abba - I Let The Music Speak
I'm hearing images, I'm seeing songsNo poet has ever paintedVoices call out to me, straight to my hear...

Abba - I'm A Marionette
"You're so free," that's what everybody's telling meYet I feel I'm like an outward-bound, pushed around, ref...

Abba - I Saw It In The Mirror
I saw it in the mirror, I saw it in my faceThat I'm no longer needed, anyone can take my placeI saw it...

Abba - I've Been Waiting For You
I, I've been in love beforeI thought I would no moreManage to hit the ceilingStill, strange as i...

Abba - I Wonder (departure)
This park and these houses, old streets I have walkedEverything dear, will it be hereOne day when I am...

Abba - Just Like That
Until that dayMy life had been a river Following the same, pre-destinated course,Suddenly detour...

Abba - King Kong Song
Well I was looking at a movie on the TV last nightThen I had a very funny notion, yeahI really had to ...

Abba - Kisses Of Fire
Lay your head on my chest so you hear every beat of my heartNow there's nothing at all that can keep us apar...

Abba - Knowing Me Knowing You
No more carefree laughterSilence ever afterWalking through an empty house, tears in my eyesHere ...

Abba - Lay All Your Love On Me
I wasn't jealous before we metNow every woman I see is a potential threatAnd I'm possessive, it isn't ...

Abba - Like An Angel Passing Through My Room
Long awaited darkness fallsCasting shadows on the wallsIn the twilight hour I am aloneSitting ne...

Abba - Love Isn't Easy (but It Sure Is Hard Enough)
Do you remember the first time, and all of your sweet sweet talkAin't heard it a lot since then loveNo...

Abba - Lovelight
I've always hated my room, it's so gloomy and drearyAlways the dark, for the windows just face the back yard...

Abba - Lovers (live A Little Longer)
Sit down and listen 'cause I've got good news for youIt was in the papers todaySome physician had made...

Abba - Mamma Mia
I've been cheated by you since I don't know whenSo I made up my mind, it must come to an endLook at me...

Abba - Mamma Mia (in Spanish)
Yo por ti me engane, hace tiempo lo sey ya lo decidi, ahora te dejareMirame bien, cuando aprende...

Abba - Man In The Middle
Did you see that man in the limousineWith the pretty doll, he is fifty and the girl's only seventeenBu...

Abba - Me And Bobby And Bobby's Brother
Well there was me and Bobby and Bobby's brotherPlease take me back to that placeWhere I've got all my ...

Abba - Me And I
Sometimes when I'm mad There's a part of me that seems to be a little sadSometimes when I scream...

Abba - Merry-go-round
I have tried in vain never had successSo it seems my life is nothing but a messI have lost my only fri...

Abba - Money Money Money
I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to payAin't it sadAnd still there never seem...

Abba - Move On
"They say a restless body can hide a peaceful soul.A voyager, ad a settler, they both have a distant goal....

Abba - My Love My Life
I've seen it on your faceTells me more than any worn-out old phraseSo now we'll go separate ways...

Abba - My Mama Said
Tried to sneak out without sayingWith my loudest record playingOoh, my mama said, "Look at this, you h...

Abba - Nina, Pretty Ballerina
Every day in the morning on her way to the officeYou can see as she catches a trainJust a face among a...

Abba - On And On And On
I was at a party and this fella said to me"Something bad is happening, I'm sure you do agreePeople car...

Abba - One Man, One Woman
No smiles, not a single word at the breakfast tableThough I would have liked to beginSo much that I wa...

Abba - One Of Us
They passed me by, all of those great romancesYou were, I felt, robbing me of my rightful chancesMy pi...

Abba - Our Last Summer
The summer air was soft and warmThe feeling right, the Paris nightDid it's best to please usAnd ...

Abba - People Need Love
People need hope, people need lovingPeople need trust from a fellow manPeople need love to make a good...

Abba - Put On Your White Sombrero
Put on your white sombreroSaddle your horse my dearAnd ride off into the sunsetYou'd better go ...

Abba - Reina Danzante (dancing Queen - In Spanish)
A bailar, a girarSabes reir y vibrarMiren bien, alli vaComo una reina yaViernes noch...

Abba - Ring Ring
I was sitting by the phoneI was waiting all aloneBaby by myself I sit and wait and wonder about you...

Abba - Rock Me
Rock me, give me that kick nowRock me, show me that trick nowRoll me, you can do magicBaby, and ...

Abba - Rock 'n Roll Band
Sitting in the darkest cornerIn the tender light I saw her faceShe was looking so sad and lonely...

Abba - Santa Rosa
I'd give anything to be back home in Santa RosaHow I wish this road would take me home where I belong'...

Abba - She's My Kind Of Girl
Look at her face, it's a wonderful faceAnd it means something special to meLook at the way that she sm...

Abba - Should I Laugh Or Cry
He stands towering over me beside my bedLosing his headTells me I must take him seriouslyDroning...

Abba - Sitting In The Palmtree
See me sitting in the palmtreeLooking down at people passing bySitting here no-one can harm meTh...

Abba - S. O. S.
Where are those happy days, they seem so hard to findI tried to reach for you, but you have closed your mind...

Abba - Summer Night City
In the night a new day dawningAnd the first birds start to singIn the pale light of the morningN...

Abba - Super Trouper
Super Trouper beams are gonna blind meBut I won't feel blueLike I always do'Cause somewhere in t...

Abba - Suzy Hang-a-round
Suzy was nine and I was tenRight at the time when boys like to think they're menShe used to follow us ...

Abba - Take A Chance On Me
If you change your mind, I'm the first in lineHoney I'm still freeTake a chance on meIf you need...

Abba - Thank You For The Music
I'm nothing special, in fact I'm a bit of a boreIf I tell a joke, you've probably heard it beforeBut I...

Abba - The Name Of The Game
I've seen you twice, in a short timeOnly a week since we startedIt seems to me, for every timeI'...

Abba - The Visitors
I hear the door-bell ring and suddenly the panic takes meThe sound so ominously tearing through the silence...

Abba - The Winner Takes It All
I don't wanna talkAbout the things we've gone throughThough it's hurting meNow it's history...

Abba - Tropical Loveland
Come to my loveland, wander alongBeautiful gardens full of flowers and songsCome to the sunshine, beac...

Abba - Under Attack
Don't know how to take it, don't know where to goMy resistance running lowAnd every day the hold is ge...

Abba - Voulez-vous
People everywhereA sense of expectation hanging in the airGiving out a sparkAcross the room your...

Abba - Waterloo
My, my, at Waterloo Napoleon did surrenderOh yeah, and I have met my destiny in quite a similar wayThe...

Abba - What About Livingstone
Went to buy me a paper at the local news-standAnd then I heard them laugh and sayLook, they're gonna g...

Abba - When I Kissed The Teacher
Everybody screamed when I kissed the teacherAnd they must have thought they dreamed when I kissed the teache...

Abba - Why Did It Have To Be Me
When you were lonely, you needed a manSomeone to lean on, well I understandIt's only naturalBut ...

Abba - You Owe Me One
Now there's a shadow passing over our facesDoubt forever in our heartsAnd in a while we'll have to pic...

Abk - Bombs On You
Tell me what the fuck's goin' on ya'll?? We're droppin' bombs up in this bitch!! Tell me what's goin' ...

Abk - Can't Help It
[Chorus]What's with the self-inflicted pain? (I can't help it!) How come everytime I see ...

Abk - Charlie Brown
[First Chorus]Charlie Brown, please, don't come around Because your weed is doodoo brown ...

Abk - Down Here
[Anybody Killa]How ya doin'? It's me again! Underneath the concrete Sewage of the underwo...

Abk - Gimmie Ah Beat
Diiiiirrrrrrrty!! My gat sounds nice One Leave your whole damn neighborhood stunned ...

Abk - Hey Yall
Hey ya'll Come over here, check this out And gimme a minute of your time, but don't doubt Anythi...

Abk - Intro
Hey, anybody wanna hear something dirty?Well ya know, You're gonna have to help meYou know that old bu...

Abk - It Doesn't Matta
[Anybody Killa]It doesn't matter what you say anymore, Things you do don't amaze me so, n...

Abk - Laugh At You
A mind is a terrible thing to waste High school reunion wouldn't show my face I was always looked at a...

Abk - Nevehoe
[Repeat 3x]Neva Neva Neva Neva Neva Neva Neva Neva St...

Abk - Oh No
[Chorus]Oh no! Oh, oh oh oh no! Ain't nothin holdin me back now, holding me back now! Oh ...

Abk - Party At The Liquor Store
[Anybody Killa]There's a party goin' on, who's comin' with? To kill the rest of that warm 40, a...

Abk - Put My Life On It
I put my life on my music and everything around me Streets that I was raised on, livin' on so ruggedly ...

Abk - Retaliate
[Anybody Killa]Retalition is a must Watch your back Stay on que Shoulda never fucke...

Abk - Stick And Move
[Violent J]Mop up the floor with that bullshit Cause I'mma stick and move I'mma stick and...

Abk - Trees And Woods
You ever chase after Death? People chase after Death everyday (Chasing after you, and you never see it...

Abs - 7 Ways
I dont know who but it wasnt meHe wasnt all you'd thought he beAnd then broke your heart, girl you sho...

Abs - Angel
Send mean angel let her be someone who loves me just for me just the way i am y'all i dont want to be lonely i'm f...

Abs - Back To The Limbo
I don't know bout you, But I came here to party, yeah Tonight is your night, gonna find yourself someb...

Abs - Come With A Little Bit More
[RAP]Yo, sonic kaboom, I bring it to ya like a monsoon.MC upon scene, bring it to ya whole team...

Abs - Emotional
Oh its still a mysteryHow she got me highAnticipating whatShe's gonna do cos ICan't seem t...

Abs - Lost For Words
Ah... yo...This ain't no crush...Ah, It's the real thing, babe.Ah.. c'mon... ah.It's...

Abs - Lovers Rock
I ain't trying to hide itSince i laid my eyes on you Ain't no use trying to fight it From fallin...

Abs - Music For Cars
MUSIC ... FOR ... CARS [baby voice]Handle with care,You better beware,My bassline'l...

Abs - Rain
It's been about a couple of days gone by When I last saw you When you said bye-bye Then you walk...

Abs - Roll With Me
It's just one of those days when Nothing wants to go alright. So I slipped on a brand new shirt and st...

Abs - Shame
(Yeah... wooo Uh, uh-huh... c'mon... uh Yo... ch'mere ... uh, uh)The first time I laid my ...

Abs - Stop Sign
Stop!She was bangingBut lovin' was coldKeep it up, it's goingto be a love TKOT...

Abs - (stop That) Bitchin'
Sweeeeeeet!Stop naggin' girl, you just shut-up!Always on my case bout how I spend my dough up....

Abs - The Dog In Me
Let's go... [Abs:] Yo, it's hot how you do your thing. Everything about you... Is b...

Abs - Turn Me Up
Well I know you heard about girl how I like toWhen I do my thing when I'm in the moodAnd if you want g...

Abs - What You Got
[INTRO]Y'know... I got a girl... but.. stillHit the block around twenty to nine,Che...

Ace Of Base - Adventures In Paradise
Ooh yeah!We wanna be alone tonight'Til early in the morning lightOut in the open you are h...

Ace Of Base - Always Have, Always Will
Always have, always willI was mesmerised when I first met youWouldn't let myself believeThe you ...

Ace Of Base - Angel Eyes
I know that I'm not the first oneYou've had love in your path before meBut when your lips touched my l...

Ace Of Base - Beautiful Morning
What a beautiful morningThe best in life is freeWhat a beautiful morningBelieve me...

Ace Of Base - Blooming 18
Reality reality reality is alwaysYou tattoes yourself like a piece of artYou've already broken y...

Ace Of Base - Captain Nemo
Captain Nemo is too good for you and meTake a voyage to the bottom of the seaHe's a riddle you will se...

Ace Of Base - Cecilia
This is a song about a well-known girlWho was she?We will never know the answer to that question...

Ace Of Base - C'est La Vie (always 21)
I am as young as I'm feelingI'm always 21, I am always 21C'est la vie, c'est la vie, c'est la vie...

Ace Of Base - Change With The Light
Change with the lightChange with the lightTurn, turn, turn aroundChange with the light...

Ace Of Base - Da Capo
Da CapoDa CapoYou're living in a dreamer's dreamDa Da CapoOne level aheadI'm c...

Ace Of Base - Donnie
Donnie's got a secret and you know itHe was yours, in the summertime, yeahAbout ten years agoHe ...

Ace Of Base - Don't Go Away
One step hesitation One step into the night Don't mind the weatherIt's raining in my heart tonig...

Ace Of Base - Dr. Sun
I don't want to be alone on the beach, noGive me Dr. Sun, he's my manI don't want to be alone on the b...

Ace Of Base - Edge Of Heaven
Fire! I can see it burning so brightlyFire! I can see it calling out to meAnd as the sun goes do...

Ace Of Base - Everytime It Rains
I see dark clouds out my windowI know the storm is coming any minuteAnd the thunder just confirms my f...

Ace Of Base - Experience Pearls
Give me all your tears. Let me turn them to pearlsLet me turn all the tearsThat you have cried i...

Ace Of Base - Fashion Party
Tonight we're gonna have a good timeOh we're really gonna have a good timeTonight we're gonna ha...

Ace Of Base - Hear Me Calling
I enter your life now make no mistakeCan you reach me can you reach meI enter your life now make no mi...

Ace Of Base - He Decides
Can't you hear them whisperingAround you all the timeCan't you tell the difference betweenThings...

Ace Of Base - Hello, Hello
Hello helloHello helloHello helloHello helloComing from my workI'm tiredI see ...

Ace Of Base - Hey Darling
Hey darlingHave to tell 'bout the worldHave to tell you todayBelieve me nowBelieve me now...

Ace Of Base - Into The Night Of Blue
Into the night of blue, into the night of blue...Haven't heard your voice for a long long timeSt...

Ace Of Base - I Pray
When I was young I dreamed aboutOh so many placesWhen I was young I never thought I'd be afraidT...

Ace Of Base - Just 'n' Image
I'm driving through the nightI'm driving through the rainThe engine roars I'm on myWay from Mr. ...

Ace Of Base - L'amour
La la l'amourGotta a lotta la la l'amourLa la l'amourLa la l'amour all for youSay yo...

Ace Of Base - Life Is A Flower
We live in a free worldI whistle down the windCarry on smilingAnd the world will smile with you...

Ace Of Base - Love For Sale
If you walk in the red light at nightIn the black velvet hourIf you look you will see their delight...

Ace Of Base - Love In December
We had a million of daysI know that our time has run outYou're my everlasting grooveForget the p...

Ace Of Base - Mercy, Mercy
The man in the moon has a thousand different facesThe man in the mood changes colors each dayHe's watc...

Ace Of Base - Munchhausen (just Chaos)
Just Chaos!Maybe he like to bragDid he invent himselfHe live 'till the end of time...

Ace Of Base - My Deja Vu
My deja're my obsessionMy deja vu everything is up to youIf you do want me you know whe...

Ace Of Base - Never Gonna Say I'm Sorry
I'm never gonna say I'm sorryI'm a clown for everyoneI'm never gonna let you down,I'm always her...

Ace Of Base - No Good Lover
He's a no good loverBaby I tried him outHe's handsome and he knows how to use itAnd he doe...

Ace Of Base - Ordinary Day
AaaaaahAhahahahahaaaaaI wanna kiss youJust not ordinary miss youIt's an ordinary day...

Ace Of Base - Perfect World
They say the time has come for us to start againI believe that's trueThey say the time has come for us...

Ace Of Base - Que Sera
They call to her from across the streetBut they don't know her nameShe's in the wrong place at the wro...

Ace Of Base - Ravine
Have you heard, have you heard?About this girl who was ripped up by her rootsHave you heard, what she ...

Ace Of Base - Remember The Words
You got to believe meRemember the wordsRemember the wordsWhen you're down on your knees...

Ace Of Base - Show Me Love
Show me loveDouble upWon't you show me loveShow me loveCause it's been grey fo...

Ace Of Base - Strange Ways
I've got strange waysBut it won't take long my friendI'm telling you someday babyI'll be gone...

Ace Of Base - The Juvenile
The juvenileIn a time where the night is so cold The juvenileHas the key to the end The ju...

Ace Of Base - Tokyo Girl
Tokyo girl, Tokyo girlYou've got the moves to rule the worldThat cute inscru-tabilityTokyo girl,...

Ace Of Base - Travel To Romantis
Funny how everything changes for me Memories take me awayEach time I open the door to my roomWhe...

Ace Of Base - Unspeakable
All I wanna say to youOh yeah!I was unfeelingwhen you discovered meGive me a reason...

Ace Of Base - Wave Wet Sand
You are reliable as a painting in wave wet sandI look in your eyes and I can't see a thingThat u...

Ace Of Base - What's The Name Of The Game
What's the name of the gameAge of timeLooking through the windowsIt's the age of time...

Ace Of Base - Whispers In Blindness
Darling you were looking goodWhen you came to meAnd asked for a danceAnd I said,"We can dance."...

Ace Of Base - Wonderful Life
Here I goOut to the sea againThe sunshine fills my hairAnd dreams hang in the airGulls in ...

Ace Of Base - World Down Under
I believe in there's a world down underYeah yeah heyI believe in there's a world down under...

Ace Of Base - You And I
Oh yeah yeah...You make me come aliveAtt palla paron...'Cause my eyes can see the wh...

Action Action - A Simple Question
Good morning sunshine:Form this dead letter day.I suppose i should have seen thisBut blindness p...

Action Action - Basic Tiny Fragments
I remember a happy moment, With the paint covered clouds above.You were there, Just as meaningle...

Action Action - Bleed
You're not listening, so why should i talk to youWhy should i understand, why should i follow throughO...

Action Action - Broken
In just about any given situation, I'm wasting my patience.Even though my heart is open,I'm brok...

Action Action - Don't Cut Your Fabric
Don't cut your fabric to this years fashionHead trip on the scene again, pumping in the veins of the r...

Action Action - Drug Like
I'm an angel with broken wings,Who's poisoning the nightWith love, from me to youI'm having an e...

Action Action - Eighth Grade Summer Romance
Hold your knife against my throat, cut me deeperFeel the blood drip down your arm, darlingI paint this...

Action Action - Four Peice Jigsaw Puzzle
Starting to come togetherStarting to all make senseWe began to blossom, so perfectI'm starting t...

Action Action - Instructions On Building A Model Aiplane
Fill the blank spots in, with childish gibberishWhat seems to be the we only will digress...

Action Action - Let's Never Go To Sleep
Alone again, sociableJust a walking contradiction for the diction to beatI'm so dumb, so very numb...

Action Action - Photograph
Pretty darling, stop running down my streetThe tears are dropping like a nuclear meltdownI never meant...

Action Action - The Short Weekend Begins With Longing
Are you up in the middle of the night trying to figure out where things went wrongAnd they didJust ano...

Action Action - This Years Fashion
Don't cut your fabric to this years fashionHead trip on the scene again, pumping in the veins of the r...

Adam Gregory - Big Star
I work at the Big Star on old 405 I make 6 bucks an hour And I work steady nightsWell it might n...

Adam Gregory - City Boy's Dream
I dreamt last night I was far awayWhere coyotes howl and cotton woods swayCasting shadows in firelight...

Adam Gregory - Could Have Fooled Me
I'm fading like the taillightsOf a car that you pass In the middle of the nightMan it's lonely o...

Adam Gregory - Don't Look The Other Way
I remember Dad and I Stopped the car one rainy night To help a stranger fix a flat And get on hi...

Adam Gregory - End Of This Road
Two thousand miles of blacktop One hundred medium coffee cups Seven lonely sunsets that Could al...

Adam Gregory - Facts Of Life
Long ago my daddy spoke upHe said son I think you're old enoughso pull up a chair and sit down here wi...

Adam Gregory - Half Past Loving You
Half Past Loving You I'm getting there yeahI got a ways to goBut I'm getting thereThe memo...

Adam Gregory - Horseshoes
Sittin' on the front porch Rockin' on the porch swingWayon on the radio Listen to the crickets s...

Adam Gregory - I Don't Think So
Has there ever been a moment so good? Has there ever been a morning so bright?You know the whole world...

Adam Gregory - Indian Summer
The sun goes down on another day Feels like winter is here to stay Snow clouds gather in the northern ...

Adam Gregory - In The Country
I was born in the countryFar away from city lights Where the air is sweeter Where I feel I feel ...

Adam Gregory - It Ain't Cool
I used to wonder why the songs on the radioalways seemed to be about loveIf you look every book, every...

Adam Gregory - Leavin' That Cowgirl With The Blues
He's been riding that rodeoFrom town to town From show to showHe's got a restless wandering soul...

Adam Gregory - Memory Like That
There are moments in your life That are frozen in your mind That will change the heart of how you feel...

Adam Gregory - Me Too
Do you feel your heart beating a million miles an hour?Me too Like we're being guided by some higher p...

Adam Gregory - No Vacancy
Down in Dallas lord those girls are fineIn Carolina they make you lose your mind sometimesBut it...

Adam Gregory - Only Know I Do
How do you explain the way the stars just hang way up in the skyHow do you explain the way rain goes a...

Adam Gregory - Sky Is The Limit
I sat on the couch, with a book in my handI thought of all the good times that I've hadBut even though...

Adam Gregory - Sweet Memories
There's a town by a riverAnd a dirt road that runs through the town Winding around As a child I ...

Adam Gregory - The Ring
She stares at that ring on her fingerwith a far away look in her eyesShe thinks of the memories that l...

Adam Gregory - The World Could Use A Cowboy
There are fences that need to be mended There's a stray cut off from the herd That needs to be defende...

Adam Gregory - Too Young To Know
They say we're too young to knowWe're too young to fall in loveBut all I keep dreaming ofis marr...

Adam Gregory - Walking
I go walkin' Down a long road tonightI go walkin'Not a single soul in sight The night air ...

Adam Gregory - Way I'm Made
I dreamt last night I was far awayWhere coyotes howl and cotton woods swayCasting shadows in firelight...

Adam Gregory - When I Leave This House
Just like Cain & AbleI let the devil come 'roundNow I'm the king of the gardenWith a snake for a...

Adam Gregory - Where It's At
I've got a window down I've got a road in front of me I've got a radio I got no place that I got...

Adam Gregory - Workin' On It
I won't lie Sometimes it seems just too much to askFor love to last I play the strong one holding on...

Adam Sandler - Assistant Principal's Big Day
[Speaking through a microphone]"Good morning students and faculty, If I could have your attenti...

Adam Sandler - At A Medium Pace
Put your arms around me babyCan't you see I need you soHold me close against your skinI'm about ...

Adam Sandler - Bad Boyfriend
Why don't you pick up after your done?I'm not your slaveI'm not your motherI'm not your maid...

Adam Sandler - Buddy
[Moving Train]"Next stop! Coopersville!"[Two guys talking]"Hey Buddy""...

Adam Sandler - Cordurory Blues
When I was a boyThere was no limit to what I could eatShake after shake after shake after shakeF...

Adam Sandler - Crazy Love
[Adam:] You don't mind that I think everybody's a robot and all my conversations are being recorded...

Adam Sandler - Dancin' And Pantsin'
When I was a young manI didn't like to danceI was shyI'd stand against the wall all nightI...

Adam Sandler - Dip Doodle
Jabawokee ding dong slip slap sleeDipstick paddywhack pee pee googalee geePolly wolly sling slang skoo...

Adam Sandler - Do It For Your Mama
[J.N.:] "I can make a bigger splash than you!"[Jimmy:] "Oh yeah, give it a shot."...

Adam Sandler - Fatty Mcgee
[Talking quietly][M1:] "Ms. Murphy is such a pain, man."[M2:] "We just had a test...

Adam Sandler - Food Innuendo Guy
Ooooh yeahBaby, baby, baby, I wanna stew your tomatoBaby, baby, baby, I want to french fry your potato...

Adam Sandler - Four Years Old
HeyWhy'd you wake me from my nap?I'm not in the moodTo play your gamesOr sit on your lap...

Adam Sandler - Girl
[Arsenio (Chris Rock):]Now don't leave us hanging with just that. [JP:]Yeah,...

Adam Sandler - Grow Old With You
[Billy Idol (Speaking):] Good afternoon everyone. We're flying at 26,000 feet, movingup to thir...

Adam Sandler - I'm So Wasted
[Sound of crickets. Guy walks across grass][Joe:] "Hey pal! How ya doin?"[M2:] "I...

Adam Sandler - Joining The Cult
[Sounds of Basketball being shot around][Sandler:] "Hey man, I'm joining a religious cult."...

Adam Sandler - Listenin' To The Radio
Where's my Peggy Sue?I could use a RosalitaIf there's a Long Tall Sally out thereI'm dyin' to me...

Adam Sandler - Lunchlady Land
"This is a song...""This is uhh, This is a new song...""It's through the eyes of one of the greatest p...

Adam Sandler - Medium Pace
Put your arms around me babe,Can't you see I need you so?Hold me close against your skin,'Cause ...

Adam Sandler - Memory Lane
[M1:] "Hey, it's great to have us all out on a road trip again this is gonna be fun"[all agree]...

Adam Sandler - Mother's Day Song
Mama was the one who reached down and tied my shoelace.Mama spit on her fingers and used it to clean dirt of...

Adam Sandler - Moyda
SchnineHe's a pretty good guyHe's nice to his neighborsYou can count on him to buy your school c...

Adam Sandler - Mr. Bake-o
I'm sitting in my chair watching the TVIt's not even on but there's plenty for me to seeI just lit som...

Adam Sandler - Mr. Spindel's Phone Call
[Phone Rings][Mr. Spindel picks it up][Mr Spindel:] "Hullo!"[Student: Wh...

Adam Sandler - My Little Chicken
When I'm feeling downAnd feeling sadYou come aroundAnd make me gladI got youOh, my l...

Adam Sandler - Oh Mom...
[Silverware clicking][M1:] "Can you pass the beats please?"[F1:] "Here you go"...

Adam Sandler - Pickin' Daisies
6 What's the matter honey, are you not feeling well?It's okay, Momma will take care of youNot really s...

Adam Sandler - Red Hooded Sweatshirt
My mom bought you when I was just 13,the brightest red sweatshirt I ever seen.She got an extra large s...

Adam Sandler - Right Field
[Russel: Shouting] "Come on Robert! Pitch it in there, baby! We're behind you here in right field! On...

Adam Sandler - Santa Song
So many presents, so little time,Santa won't be coming around my house this year,'cos I tried to...

Adam Sandler - Somebody Kill Me
[Spoken]Ok, I just want to warn you that when I wrote this song I was listening to the Cure a l...

Adam Sandler - Steve Polychronopolous
- "Polychronopolous"I'm a big fuckin' dickI'm a pain in your assI drink all your beer...

Adam Sandler - Sweat Beatrice
Hanging with my sweet amourShe came out with a lion's roarYelling, "I'm going to the corner store,...

Adam Sandler - Teenage Love On The Phone
[Richie:] "So ya doin' good?"[Samantha:] "Ya, I'm fine, how 'bout you?"[Richie:] ...

Adam Sandler - The Adventures Of The Cow
"And now a cow at bat in the bottom of the 6th inning of a little league game getting hit by a pitch"...

Adam Sandler - The Beating Of A High School Bus Driver
"And now, the sever beating of a high school bus driver."[Kids getting on the bus]"How ar...

Adam Sandler - The Beating Of A High School Janitor
"And now, the sever beating of a high school janitor."[Mopping sounds]Mop, mop, mop...

Adam Sandler - The Beating Of A High School Science Teacher
"And now the severe beating of a high school science teacher."[Lecturing]"Zinc is by far ...

Adam Sandler - The Beating Of A High School Spanish Teacher
"And now the severe beating of a high school spanish teacher."[Lecturing][Writing on c...

Adam Sandler - The Buffoon And The Dean Of Admissions
"And now a buffoon's meeting with the dean of admissions at a prestigious college."[Dean:] "Wel...

Adam Sandler - The Buffoon And The Valedictorian
"And now the buffoon's date at the drive-in with the school's valedictorian."[Valedictorian:] "...

Adam Sandler - The Chanukah Song (ii)
Put on your yarmulkeIts time for ChanukahSo much funnakaTo celebrate ChanukahChanuka...

Adam Sandler - The Chanuka Song
"Okay...This is a song that uhh..There's a lot of Christmas songs out there and uhh..not too man...

Adam Sandler - The Cheerleader
[Sound of pom-poms][Cheerleader: With annoying feminine voice] "Ok you guys, let's hear ...

Adam Sandler - The Excited Southerner Orders A Meal
[Adam:] And the now the excited southerner orders a meal at his favoritediner.[Waiter:...

Adam Sandler - The Excited Southerner Proposes To A Woman
[Setting: A restaurant with music playing in the background]"And now the Excited Southerner proposes ...

Adam Sandler - The Goat Song
I am a simple goatI live on the back of a pick-up truckThe Old Man tied me here with a 3-foot rope...

Adam Sandler - The Hypnotist
[typing sounds][Dr. Stewart:] Hi, [I'm] Dr. Stewart.[Gary Phelps:] Hi, Dr. Stewar...

Adam Sandler - The Lonesome Kicker
Me, I'm the Lonesome KickerExtra points, field goals at your serviceOne might think it comes with glor...

Adam Sandler - The Longest Pee
[Line of people talking]"Hey man, let me in there first"-"Go ahead man, take it easy""Tha...

Adam Sandler - The Respect Chant
RespectRespectYou gotta show the fucking respect[Repeat Over And Over] ...

Adam Sandler - The Thanksgiving Song
"They wanna hear the thanksgiving song! All right..""This is uhh, This is the Thanksgiving Song""I hop...

Adam Sandler - Toll Booth Willie
[Car approaches][Toll Booth Willie:] "Welcome to Worchester. Dollar twenty-five please."...

Adam Sandler - Voodoo
Hey there Mr. Leaf Blower ManKeep it down for goodness sakeIt's way too early in the morningCan'...

Adam Sandler - What The Hell Happened To Me?
Hey you guys, I just wanted to thank you for listening to the record and I hope you had as much fun as I did...

Adam Sandler - Zittly Van Zittles
Well, I had myself a girlfrieldFor almost two whole yearsWe had no secretsWe had no fearsT...

Adema - Barricades In Time
Eyes are still redComing apartThe lies won't take me farBody achesThese hands shakeD...

Adema - Betrayed Me
I watched you change and never knewThat you would be like all the restYou were so true, too good to be...

Adema - Blow It Away
Everyday I think about what you didLivin' life ain't much with all the shitCause I'm going insane with...

Adema - Chel
True I wasn't there for you, Told me that I hurt you deeply,too young to know what to do, 16 and I have no w...

Adema - Close Friends
Today you told me that I'd hate you foreverI can't believe what's really going onSomehow I knew that y...

Adema - Co-dependent
Most people don't careSome people just fearThere's so much pressureThat our lives will feed us...

Adema - Do What You Want To Do
Where will we go?Where will we go?Sign away all of my decisionsTell when I breedTerm...

Adema - Do You Hear Me
Are you looking down on me right nowI feel your presence beam downWatching you get ill it changed our ...

Adema - Drowning
Die!I gave in toThe stress in lifeI can't escapeThe pressure seems to get me down...

Adema - Everyone
I'm sick of the excuses that you want me to believeI've been understanding, givin' everything you need...

Adema - Freaking Out
I was so much an outcastNo one ever liked me cause I wasn't wantedI was so different from the rest of ...

Adema - Giving In
Will you, walk meTo the edge againShaking, lonely, and I am drinking againWoke up tonight and no...

Adema - Immortal
Let's fightWe're face to faceLoyalty is what I need to see from youYou're insecureI ...

Adema - Let Go
I'm sitting on the edge of the waterContemplating my strange lifeThe sun starts to fall into the groun...

Adema - Lift Us Up
So many times he crossed the line, overboard, overdrawn, over looked, it's over nowShe looks at herself no o...

Adema - Needles
To Live, Do you want to... Live!? Do you wanna live? Do you wanna live? Do you want to live? ...

Adema - Nutshell
We've chased the misprinted liesWe've faced the path of timeAnd yet I fightAnd yet I fight ...

Adema - Pain Inside
Realize that I've lost control, impulses keep flashing through my headI'm on the outsideTake up ...

Adema - Promises
I went outside to take a walkSo I could relive memoriesI thought that you would lend a handBut y...

Adema - Remember
I'll make you a promise today that this family I'll never betray. Life sometimes fades awayNight is a ...

Adema - Rip The Heart Out
I woke up this morning and knewThat the world would test me come ungluedIs it me or do you feel my pai...

Adema - Sevenfold
Taste, you left a bitter taste in my mouth that will never heal to sub-reveal,Unkind, can never rewind, you ...

Adema - Shattered
Do you wake up and wonder where youre really goingRetry aging in life you wanted to achieve your goals...

Adema - Shoot The Arrows
Been greeted with a smile,In my back twists the knife,So quick to flip the switch,Never know qui...

Adema - Skin
Days will come that make no senseMy present situation makes me think too much, too muchIt all revolves...

Adema - So Fortunate
I never thought I was strong enoughTo handle raising my own sonYou'll always fear what you've never do...

Adema - Speculum
There's so many people dyingYou complain about your situationWhat about me?Half the world wouldn...

Adema - Stand Up
He says he love's youBut the make up will not cover up the bruisesHe left on youI tried to stop ...

Adema - Stressin'
The weight of the world has been put on my shouldersI looked in mirror and know that I'm olderI try to...

Adema - The Way You Like It
I'll get inside youI'll get inside youDon't live with shame, 'cause feelings change but fame rem...

Adema - Trust
Let me breatheLet me breatheI can't even think right nowSomething's got me feeling guilty...

Adema - Unstable
I wanted to know who you really areI needed the chance to stitch up my scarsI'm closer to you then I w...

Adina Howard - Let's Roll
You say you can love me better,If only I just let you, show me,Things I never seen before,You sa...

Adina Howard - Nasty Grind
[Adina][Intro]Yeah, yeah ,yeahBaby, baby, babyBoy you came, just in ti...

Afi - 3 1/2
why am i this way?tell me why?why am i this way?why?open wounds in the palms of my hands,...

Afi - 6 To 8
Six figures enter; they've come to destroy the world. They've called together this storm almost every night....

Afi - Advances In Modern Technology
Every night I walk the streets, awake while everyone else sleeps.I'm giving unease to anyone I meet.My...

Afi - A Single Second
Oh my God! My God this can't be happening!God tell me, tell me this isn't real!I can't believe all tha...

Afi - Aspirin Free
There's no hope of helping us, we've only just begun.We're youth eternal, nothing more to become.A tho...

Afi - At A Glance
No haven now as I watch it pour from everywhere.Just like the storm that has come out of thin air.Gent...

Afi - A Winter's Tale
A chilling silence. A world of violets. My breath materialized again. Immaculate. Inanimat...

Afi - Battled
I can't think and i can't speak!My mind is not my own!Feeling like my will is weak!Cannot find t...

Afi - Bleed Black
OhI am exploring the inside, I find it desolateI do implore these confines, now, as they penetra...

Afi - Brownie Bottom Sundae
Into the dark is where you're draggin meand into your dark is where I never want tobe. I know I'm not ...

Afi - ...but Home Is Nowhere
Twenty-six years and seems like I've just begunTo understand my, my intimate is no oneWhen the directo...

Afi - But Home Is Nowhere (demo Version)
Twenty-six years and, seems like i've just begun,to understand my, my intimate is no one.When th...

Afi - Catch A Hot One
Let's tap your heart so we can paint the walls and see if anybody likes the tone or the pain.The hungr...

Afi - Cereal Wars
Get up early in the morning, going to the store.Post, Kellogs, General Mills?It's the cereal war....

Afi - Charles Atlas
You've seen it all a thousand times (you've seen it all a thousand times),you've heard it all before (you've...

Afi - Chicken Song
Chicken's good for the bodyChicken's good for the mindChicken's good for the funny boneChicken's...

Afi - Clove Smoke Catharsis
Lean against the night and laugh as I try to scale the walls.Ingnored futility fills the air. You're only th...

Afi - Coin Return
I have slipped and I have fallen so far down I can't get out.Overwhelmed by my doubt.Things I said I'd...

Afi - Consult My Lover
You've got something to say, or so you say to me, then you receive a blank stare.You've got something to say...

Afi - Crop Tub
Fuck you very much.You say you want to be friends, start over, try again?Well, things will never be th...

Afi - Cruise Control
I will never want to date you while I can learn to hate you.If you somehow learn to love me, well, that's ju...

Afi - Cult Status
I'll turn you on and switch you right off.I'll make sure you like what you see.Forget all that you onc...

Afi - Dancing Through Sunday
Will you join me in this dance, this dance of miseryCradled in imposs... impossibility?Swooning, I am ...

Afi - Death Of Season
Of late, it's harder just to go outsideTo leave this deadspace with hatred, so aliveWrithing with sick...

Afi - Demonomania
[The Misfits cover song]Look upon me, I am the beast...Demonomania, demonomania, demonoma...

Afi - Don't Make Me Ill
Right now we're got a reason to live, but it's got nothing to do with you.We've got a lot of places we're go...

Afi - Dream Of Waking
I feel it washing, over me,slow poisonous tide.Pins and needles, dance on mesickness undefined....

Afi - Ever And A Day
Lie in comfort of sweet calamity with nothing left to lose.Lie in the darkness, I'm slowly drowned to sleep...

Afi - Exsanguination
Welcome the whole new pain and take comfort in what you've become.I waved as I passed myself along the way....

Afi - Fall Children
As the cries start to penetrate still air, this day we celebrate.The wait now ends.From four corners s...

Afi - File 13
I sleep until there is no light.I'm wide awake all through the night.Dinner may suck but I'll take a b...

Afi - Fishbowl
I'm here today, just like every yesterday.Heavy heat, and the sheets stick to my skin.Can't get away f...

Afi - Girl's Not Grey
I'll lay me down tonightMuch further downSwim in the calm tonightThis art does drown...

Afi - God Called In Sick Today
Let's admire the pattern forming. Murderous filigree.I'm caught in the twisting of the vine. Go ascend with ...

Afi - Half-empty Bottle
The ends don't always justify the means,but I know what it takes to get what Ineed, I've got the cure ...

Afi - Halloween
[The Misfits Cover Song]Bonfires burning brightPumpkin faces in the nightI remember...

Afi - He Who Laughs Last...
No trust can be given freely, it's a valuable commodity,but obviously this is something you've never learned...

Afi - High School Football Hero
I wanna be a highschool football hero.With an S.A.T. score less than zero. I wannatry to drink my weig...

Afi - I Wanna Get A Mohawk (but Mom Won't Let Me Get One)
I may be ten years old but I still know what's up.I wear my Cramps shirt almostevery single day. I wan...

Afi - Just Like Heaven
[Originally by The Cure]Show me show me show me how you do that trickThe one that makes m...

Afi - Keeping Out Of Direct Sunlight (an Introduction)
We are the ones with the radiating eyes. We are the Ones who have a fire inside. We are the ones only ...

Afi - Key Lime Pie
KEY LIME PIE, infatuation that shouldn't exist,KEY LIME PIE, indulge and I am in your debt.KEY LIME PI...

Afi - Kung-fu Devil
It's said and done, there is no turning back.I've made my choice, now I've gotta face the facts.Within...

Afi - Last Caress
[Misfits cover]Well I got something to say,I killed your baby today,And it, doesn't...

Afi - Let It Be Broke
I live in truth, complacently. Where's the threat you see in me? Am I the cause of your self conscious...

Afi - Love Is A Many Splendored Thing
Ah!You think you've got the looks,you think you've got the fashion.You thought you'd have me wan...

Afi - Lower It
An invitation excluding no one,so you walk right in and destroy the fucking've lost your rig...

Afi - Lower Your Head And Take It In The Body
Drowned in flames is where I can be found, my nose broke from being smashed into the ground. What a wa...

Afi - Malleus Maleficarum
Open my eyes as I submerge and I won't deny what I've been since birth.I'll die drowned by your standards....

Afi - Man In A Suitcase
[Originally by Police]I know something I won't tell, I won't tell, I won't tell, I know somethi...

Afi - Midnight Sun
What went down on the side of the road?What I saw at the edge of the see.Only those elements time cann...

Afi - Mini Trucks Suck
Mini trucks suck. Cross the street in your mini truck. Mini trucks suck. Stupid piece of shit. Hip-hop fuck. ...

Afi - Miseria Cantare (the Beginning)
Love your hate, your faith lostYou are now one of usLove your hate, your faith lostYou are now o...

Afi - Modern Epic
Yeah I can see it coming.I've seen it all before.I've seen it once or twiceand now I hear it cal...

Afi - Morningstar
I saw a star beneath the stairs glowing through the melting walls. Who will be the first to begin their fall...

Afi - My Michelle
[Originally by Guns N' Roses]Your daddy works in porno Now that mommy's not around ...

Afi - Narrative Of Soul Against Soul
[To the wounded:]I have seen the self image they've forced you to reduce to shattered glass,wit...

Afi - No Poetic Device
I've been dreaming.I was lucid.I was dreaming blood was seeping from my pores.Who'd believe that...

Afi - Now The World
Summer I painted, a scene, that lit the stars for me,Said, "I can erase it for you dear."That summer c...

Afi - Now The World (sing The Sorrow Version)
Summer I painted, a scene, that lit the stars for me,Said, "I can erase it for you dear."That summer c...

Afi - Ny-quil
Sleep. I want to stay in bed all throughout the day, no one bother me.I don't wanna open my eyes.I'll ...

Afi - Of Greetings And Goodbyes
Now ending discreetly, just like a hidden sin, as I go under please tuck me in. Make me invisible. ...

Afi - Over Exposure
I have seen ten roses bleed,seen new petals fall,I have felt my soul tear.I have felt nothing at...

Afi - Paper Airplanes (makeshift Wings)
Raise high monolithic statues so fragile as they fallI am ever enthralledGaze, lie and smirk in time, ...

Afi - Paper Airplanes (makeshift Wings) (demo Version)
Raise high, monolithic, statues so fragile as they fall.(I am, ever enthralled.)Gaze, lie, and smirk i...

Afi - Perfect Fit
What was it I was thinking, or was I even thinking at all?When I think of what I thought back then, then I'm...

Afi - Ph Low
So quickly draining away. If you could only hear all the things you used to say. Consumed now by what ...

Afi - Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
I know... It's here we retreat, for where else could we go?To great disbelief there is somewhere we belong....

Afi - Red Hat
I'm on the sea so bargain with me, so I can be home once again. to lose ways, to sing, an odd time of death,...

Afi - Reiver's Music
I gave up fighting.I've come to see these halos.Am I now worse off for this one night?All ...

Afi - Rizzo In The Box
I'm always around you to show you that I care, but I don't know what for.It seemsto me that you couldn...

Afi - Rolling Balls
Bowling is my life and it has always been my dreamto be a member of the local bowling team, but I'm not very...

Afi - Sacrifice Theory
Hear one thousand screams.Hear one thousand voices.A solitary echo.Feel one thousand pains,...

Afi - Salt For Your Wounds
There's a tear in my heart where the blood ran out. There's a tear in my heart where the love ran out. I tho...

Afi - Self Pity
I'm always short on cash and my mind is in the trash,can't find a way to get my head outta my ass.I'm ...

Afi - Shatty Fatmas
Don't care to hear what you heard.I won't believe a single word.Don't care to hear what you say....

Afi - Silver And Cold
I... I came here by day, but I left here in darknessAnd found you, found you on the wayAnd now, it is ...

Afi - Smile
Overwhelmed with a deep repulsion for sights seen so commonly, now I have come to be the walking enmity....

Afi - Soap-box Derby
I'm not angry, I'm just amused at your quest for attention through your self abuse.The only response that yo...

Afi - Story At Three
Again and again they blend into one, my father the morning pushes through moonlight love. So what's sl...

Afi - Strength Through Wounding
Through our bleeding, we are one.Through the darkness breaks the light.Through the light unending pain...

Afi - Synesthesia
Heartbreak, incarnate, I'm nothing if not your memoriesHeartbreak, please let me be your joy and your pain...

Afi - Synesthesia (demo Version)
[Spoken Intro]: "Last night...last night, Mom fainted. I sat there watching, I sat there waiting, and...

Afi - Take The Test
When it comes the time that you have recognized your lineand you realize the path that you will travel throu...

Afi - The Boy Who Destroyed The World
Once there was boy who had vibrant glow, but as it goes, someone took it from him.One day through the rain I...

Afi - The Checkered Demon
Too much to find, so much so little time.So many images persist to shade my mind.Will I ever come arou...

Afi - The Days Of Phoenix
I remember when I was told of story of crushed velvet,candle wax, and dried up flowersThe figure on th...

Afi - The Despair Factor
Along the path where the stream is talking,I breathe the mist and continue walking. The wood it whispe...

Afi - The Devil Loves You
Do you understand what I'm trying to say? Have you ever felt? Ever felt this way? Tainted with rage you can'...

Afi - The Great Disappointment
I can remember a place I used to goChrysanthemums of white, they seemed so beautifulI can remember, I ...

Afi - The Great Disappointment (demo Version)
I can remember, a place I used to go.Crysanthemums of White, they seemed so beautiful.I can remember, ...

Afi - The Hanging Garden
[The Cure cover song]Creatures kissing in the rain,shapeless in the dark again.In t...

Afi - The Last Kiss
Hung in your room, swaying, hoping only that you'll see.All by myself, I'm alone in such poor company....

Afi - The Leaving Song
Walked away, heard them say"Poison hearts will never change, walk away again"Turned away in disgrace...

Afi - The Leaving Song (demo Version)
Walked away, heard them say, "poison hearts will never change, walk away, again."Turned away, in disgrace, f...

Afi - The Leaving Song Pt. 2
Don't waste your touch, you won't feel anythingOr were you sent to save me?I've thought too much, you ...

Afi - The Lost Souls
If you can't stand upon the water I will see you on the ocean floor.When you blink do you only find the mise...

Afi - The Mother In Me
Caught in a world that's plagued by something they call love.A paradigm of illnessis the beast I have ...

Afi - The Nephilim
Swing through sadness, tears of joy. Curse the sunlight. Arsenic for the girls and boys. Drink t...

Afi - The New Patron Saints And Angels
I've seen the light that emanates from you,and it makes me feel proud, a voice of reason above the muffling ...

Afi - Theory Of Revolution
Don't want to think about it, but I see it every day.Corrupted innocence just doesn't seem to fade away....

Afi - The Prayer Position
Now! Peel the skin back from the flesh. Steal the flesh back from the starving static minds.From nature we m...

Afi - Third Season
It's gonna take you by surprise as it rises. Can you feel the pulse? Can you feel the heat rising from...

Afi - This Celluloid Dream (demo Version)
Calling tears from deep inside, oh, you're so exquisite.And in the mirror, all midnight eyes.Oh, if I ...

Afi - This Secret Ninja
Just like cellophane, you try to cling so tight to me,but your attempt's in vain. You've less sincerity than...

Afi - This Time Imperfect
I cannot leave here, I cannot stay,Forever haunted, more than afraid.Asphyxiate on words I would say,...

Afi - Three Reasons
Where were you? Say you were gone?Well, ask me and I'll swear you were there all along. Another place?...

Afi - Three Second Notice
Submission- My back hurts from bowing down.Attraction - Was once so strong now can't be found. Affecti...

Afi - Today's Lesson
[Originally by Filth]Here is your lesson for today, you better listen up real fucking good!...

Afi - Totalimmortal
Hope unknown. Sometimes just waking is surreal.I walk right through the nameless ones.I know that hope...

Afi - Transference
No room for doubtaccusations one to ten,You've got my number boyyou've got my number boy,N...

Afi - Triple Zero
It burns! It burns! It burns my eyes and throat, but I need no antidote. Gnawing and tearing at my insides -...

Afi - Two Of A Kind
Hangin' out and lingerin' around, cause you know whereI'll be found and I don't know how you do it.Thi...

Afi - [untitled]
[Spoken]We held hands on the last night on earth.Our mouths filled with dust, we kissed in the ...

Afi - Values Here
[Originally by Dag Nasty]What'd you sayWhen I said we'll be here through tomorrowIn...

Afi - Wake-up Call
If I had my way I'd wish them away,but I can't find the magic inside of me.I'll give my best, cause I ...

Afi - Weathered Tome
They're coming 'round again. I've returned and they've been waiting.Their aged offererings received and retu...

Afi - Who Knew?
Every single notion burned indelibly. Every motion leaving scars behind. All sincere emotion received ...

Afi - Who Said You Could Touch Me?
You don't know I am so,you can not get close to meand I don't know who you are,so just leave me ...

Afi - Your Name Here
It's the same old situation, it seems it's coming around again.I won't play the fool, I'm not screwing aroun...

Afi - Yurf Rendenmein
You keep on sayin' that you want to know mebut you never show me your true self.How can you ever expec...

Afi - Yurf Rendernmein
You keep on sayin' that you want to know mebut you never show me your true self.How can you ever expec...

Afroman - Crazy Rap
(Wait a minute, man. Hey, check this out, tell it. It was this blind man, right? Man, check this out- it was...

Afroman - Drive Better Drunk
[Chorus: 2x]Don't grab my keys when the party's overI drive better drunk, than you do sober...

Afroman - Freak On With You
[Verse 1]Walking down the street with a gangsta limpHoes on the corner like a O.G. pimpFe...

Afroman - Ghetto Memories
[Afroman talking]Gotta do one song for the hoodThis going out to all my homeboysYa know w...

Afroman - Hush
[Hook (Afroman talking)]Hush, hush (yeah yeah)Somebody's callin my name (if you listen closely...

Afroman - Let's All Get Drunk Tonight
Let's all get drunk tonight. (Hell yeah.) I hope I don't fight with a punk tonight. (C'mon.) Let's all get h...

Afroman - Missisippi
(Palmdale was like the peak of my life, but Palmdale over with, homeboy. I'm fittin' to go home cuz.) Please...

Afroman - She Won't Let Me Fucc
(Hey Sugar, how you doin'? Your pretty face don't match that nasty attitude. What do you mean, 'Where's my g...

Afroman - Tall Cans
Ahhhhhhhhhhh shit! shit! shit!Now I'm walkin down the street with some chicken and a fortyI'm yellin a...

Afroman - The American Dream
Yes! Yes! Thank you for inviting me here for my final speech. Ladies and gentlemen, homosexuals, lesbians, a...

Agnetha Faltskog - A Fool Am I
This time your story had better be goodOr I may leave you like I know I shouldYou say you've missed me...

Agnetha Faltskog - Fly Me To The Moon
Fly me to the moonAnd let me play among the starsLet me see what spring is likeOn Jupiter and Ma...

Agnetha Faltskog - I Can't Reach Your Heart
I can't reach your heart You're near but yet so far Am I reaching for a star Am I aiming too hig...

Agnetha Faltskog - If I Thought You'd Ever Change Your Mind
I would bring you flowers in the morningWild roses as the sun begins to shine Sweet perfume in tiny je...

Agnetha Faltskog - Love Me With All Your Heart
Love me with all of your heartThat's all I want, loveLove me with all of your heartOr not at all...

Agnetha Faltskog - My Colouring Book
For those who fancy colouring booksAnd lots of people doHere's a new one for youA most unusual c...

Agnetha Faltskog - Past, Present And Future
[The Past]Past - well now let me tell you about the pastPast is filled with silent joys and bro...

Agnetha Faltskog - Remember Me
As you walk from my sideThe tears I try to hideAre running down my cheek I find it hard to speak...

Agnetha Faltskog - Sealed With A Kiss
'Tho we gotta say goodbye for the summerDarling I promise you this I'll send you all my loveEver...

Agnetha Faltskog - Sometimes When I Am Dreaming
All the friends I believed inI believed in for a whileThey had their flair They had their style...

Agnetha Faltskog - The End Of The World
Why does the sun go on shining?Why does the sea rush to shore?Don't they know it's the end of the worl...

Agnetha Faltskog - What Now My Love
What now my love?Now that you left meHow can I live through another day?Watching my dreams turni...

Agnetha Faltskog - When You Walk In The Room
EVERYTIME... I can feel a new expression on my faceI can feel a glowing sensation taking placeI ...

A-ha - Afternoon High
The sunlight hits the corner of your eye As it bounces off the morning sky The summer in the 70s fly b...

A-ha - A Little Bit
And it will take a little bit of extra timeTo make it shine, to make it shine And it will take a littl...

A-ha - And You Tell Me
Please don't hurt meI have told youAll my love is all i've gotAnd tomorrow is the dayWhen ...

A-ha - Angel In The Snow
Angel, angel or soWherever you may goHmm, yeah...I'll followWherever you may go:...

A-ha - Barely Hanging On
I used to be so sensible on my ownNow I'm so sensitive it's a jokeI'm getting by on decibels like a dr...

A-ha - Between Your Mama And Yourself
Hey listen honeySomething you should knowThis can't waitI've been meaning to tell youA lon...

A-ha - Cannot Hide
Can you see me baby Standing in the light I feel your cat's eyes on me Faster in the night...

A-ha - Cold As Stone
You're back againYou roam the streetsAnd crack againYou're back againYou're travel-w...

A-ha - Cold River
I took a ride in an automobilePushed my hands out against the wheelAsked a girl if she needed a ...

A-ha - Crying In The Rain
I'll never let you seeThe way my broken heart is hurting meI've got my pride and I know how to hide...

A-ha - Dark Is The Night For All
It's time we said goodbyeTime now to decideO' don't you feel so smallDark is the night for all...

A-ha - Did Anyone Approach You
You never look upYou never look back You never say anything based on fact You've got issues goin...

A-ha - Dragonfly
I will never let you downI will always be aroundIn the time we are here We'll see love dis...

A-ha - Early Morning
Early morningEight o'clock preciseI see the lonely August sun ariseSay you knowYou w...

A-ha - Eeast Of The Sun
Half of a letterTells half a storyThe way I see itIt's half the worryWhere I came from...

A-ha - Forever Not Yours
Hold me tightThis is a lonely night And I've hurt you baby Because you are my light Make m...

A-ha - Heaven's Not For Saints
Heaven's not for saintsYou only have one cupNow you've filled it upLet it go, babe - just let it...

A-ha - Here I Stand And Face The Rain
Help meI need your loveDon't walk awayThe dark scares me soWe're nothing apartLet's ...

A-ha - How Sweet It Was
Uh...yeah, that's alrightLend us a voice in this howling nightJust about a month agoYou ma...

A-ha - Hunting High And Low
Here I amAnd within the reach of my handsShe sounds asleep and she's sweeter nowThan the wildest...

A-ha - Hurry Home
Hurry homeFreight train runningI've been goneToo long, honeyWhy did I waste awayThe ...

A-ha - I Call Your Name
We got married on a cold mid-winter's morningWe said our linesThen kissedAnd it was over...

A-ha - I Dream Myself Alive
Dream myself aliveI dream myself aliveYou can't denyThere's something darkAgainst the ligh...

A-ha - I've Been Losing You
It wasn't the rain that washed away...Rinsed out the colours of your eyesPutting the gun down on the b...

A-ha - I Wish I Cared
To hold me closer or set me freeTo trust completely or let it beYou don't know my destinyYou can...

A-ha - I Won't Forget Her
I won't forget herShe was once my loveWhen I hold you in my armsOh yeahYou know I'll...

A-ha - Lamb To The Slaughter
I went down to the waterLike a lamb to the slaughterDidn't knowWhat was waiting for me there...

A-ha - Less Than Pure
We're going to go downtown I hear this great new place has opened up And when we get thereI don'...

A-ha - Lie Down In Darkness
With all our goals and destinations...Everything must be this wayVague are hopesThat try our pat...

A-ha - Lifelines
One time to know that it's real One time to know how it feels That's all One call - your voice o...

A-ha - Little Black Heart
I never saw sunlightBurn as brightI never felt darknessThe way I feel it tonightYou ...

A-ha - Living A Boy's Adventure Tale
I've fixed my dwelling for the nightLights in pairs come passing bywhere I hideI need some time ...

A-ha - Locust
Don't be afaidIt's a harmless moonAll we can doIs to assumeOur lives must change...

A-ha - Love Is Reason
My breath was coming fastAnd as i make a startYou turn to gooh, ohI'll do what you want me...

A-ha - Manhattan Skyline
We sit and watch umbrellas flyI'm trying to keep my newspaper dryI hear myself say,"My boat's le...

A-ha - Mary Ellen Makes The Moment Count
Mary cries out: "for the love of God"As she's walking out of the laundromatDown the street and it's th...

A-ha - Maybe Maybe
Maybe you were joking When you said that you were walking out on meMaybe, maybeMaybe...

A-ha - Memorial Beach
I pace the length of my unmade roomIn times of changeMy bags are packed, guess I'm leaving the w...

A-ha - Minor Earth / Major Sky
I can't see me in this empty placeJust another lonely faceI can't see me here in outer spaceIt's...

A-ha - Move To Memphis
Walked around no one aroundYou were the one who taught me betterThis old town brings me down...

A-ha - October
Dawn awaits a sleepless, English town Of coloured grayHere I roam the streets without youAs summ...

A-ha - Oranges On Apple Trees
Oranges on apple trees Birds that mate with bumblebeesOranges on apple trees Water comes and wat...

A-ha - Out Of Blue Comes Green
FatherMy wings are clippedSee the steps that made me tripNow I'm so lonelyMother...

A-ha - Rolling Thunder
It's the weight below usAnd our fate before usLike a rolling thunderRolling up from underD...

A-ha - Scoundrel Days
Was that somebody screaming...It wasn't me for sureI lift my head up from uneasy pillowsPu...

A-ha - (seemingly) Nonstop July
Walking by strangersStranger than meWe talk of the futureBetween you and meSweet lit...

A-ha - Shapes That Go Together
When you were wrapped in tanglesI was freeAnd when you were undecidedI believedIt's alrigh...

A-ha - Slender Frame
Your coat is hanging looselyOn your slender frameThere's many roads to leave byBut few come back...

A-ha - Soft Rains Of April
The soft rains of April are overThe soft rains of April are over, overAnybody home nowI am...

A-ha - Solace
Some sign of forgiveness Some form of releaseIs all that she asks for Is all that she needs ...

A-ha - Stay On These Roads
The cold has a voiceIt talks to meStillborn, by choiceIt airs no need to holdOld man...

A-ha - Summer Moved On
Summer moved onAnd the way it goesYou can't tag alongHoney moved outAnd the way it w...

A-ha - Sycamore Leaves
Can't stop thinking 'bout itIt fills me with uneaseOut there by the roadside something's buriedU...

A-ha - The Blood That Moves The Body
It's the way we feelTonightAs if it's all unrealAll rightMy love, won't you come back to...

A-ha - The Blue Sky
I find it hard to breatheAs life just eats awayAt the faces that surround meThey look tired toda...

A-ha - The Company Man
Andy was the company manResponsible for signing the bandSongs came out of our mouthsAnd into his...

A-ha - The Living Daylights
Hey driver, where're we goingI swear my nerves are showingSet your hopes up way too highThe livi...

A-ha - There's A Reason For It
Don't know how it got away from me Don't know how I let things go, you see Don't know why it took a su...

A-ha - There's Never A Forever Thing
Dearest...Close your eyes nowDon't you cryIt's all rightLie backLeave the ligh...

A-ha - The Sun Always Shines On T.v.
Touch meHow can it beBelieve meThe sun always shines on T.VHold meClose to your hear...

A-ha - The Sun Never Shine That Day
The sun never shone that dayFrom an early dawn the sky was greyI never should've walked awayI kn...

A-ha - The Swing Of Things
You say the world's an eventful placeYou give me newsI don't want to knowYou say that I should c...

A-ha - The Way We Talk
Sometimes the way we talk isn't all that goodWe can't change though we know we shouldBaby, these...

A-ha - The Weight Of The Wind
Your face looked new against the townYou've come to lose some memoriesLike you came to touch new groun...

A-ha - This Alone Is Love
This alone is loveNo small thingThis alone is loveThat my love bringsAnd all of us...

A-ha - Thought That It Was You
I thought that it was youThe things you saw me doThey were trueLittle did I knowYou ...

A-ha - Time And Again
The sun brought me The moon caught me The wind fought meThe rain got me The road sent me ...

A-ha - To Let You Win
You know I always had the strength to fightBut I got tired of the wars at nightThinking they would end...

A-ha - Touchy!
Donna found us in her slow and dreamy wayI can't hear a word the waiter saysShe's looking older now......

A-ha - Train Of Thought
He likes to have the morning paper'sCrossword solvedWords go up words come downForwards backward...

A-ha - Velvet
Her skin is like velvetHer face cut from stoneHer eyes when she's smilingWill never reach home...

A-ha - Waiting For Her
Waiting for herThat's all I ever doWaiting for herSo why didn't ITake the measures j...

A-ha - We're Looking For The Whales
One left low left two who left highThey seem so hard to findThree came twice took once the timeT...

A-ha - White Canvas
Stories are paintedIn lines on your faceMisunderstandings And little mistakes A chance to ...

A-ha - X-mas Time (blows My Mind)
Give things best forgivenSolve things best resolvedWhy wait untill tomorrow ?Get things best for...

A-ha - You Are The One
You are the one who has done meGuess you knew from the startI call again, but there's no one inD...

A-ha - You'll End Up Crying
You'll end up cryingWith your mother's eyesPretend you can't see yourselfCould have been better...

A-ha - You'll Never Get Over Me
You say you want some funYou're not the only oneNot the only oneAnd you say you wanna run...

A-ha - You Wanted More
You know the wayYou've been before I've seen the signs Outside your doorYou set the rules ...

Air - Another Day
Say Goodbye Sunshine Daylight 'Cause it's just another day You will lose it anyway ...

Air - Biological
Thousands of hairs Two eyes only Its you Some skin Billions of genes Again its...

Air - Cherry Blossom Girl
I don't want to be shy Can't stand it anymore I just want to say 'Hi' To the one I love Ch...

Air - Run
Holy girl Don't get up For running Stay with me I feel sad When you run ...

Air - Surfin' On A Rocket
Time for flying rockets For silver jets For surfing bombs Surfing on a rocket Don't ...

Air - Universal Traveler
I know so many places in the world I follow the sun in my silver plane Universal traveler ...

Air - Venus
You could be from Venus I could be from Mars We would be together Lovers forever Care for ...

Akia - California
top off the ridewe could cruise aroundlisten to the sounds till the sun goes downstarin at...

Akon - Don't Let Up
(Dont Let it Get To You, No Baby)Girl I Know you're fed up but things gonna get a lot better(Dont Let ...

Akon - Gangsta
[Daddy T speaking]Oooooooooo[Chorus in the background]Alert, ale...

Akon - Ghetto
Ghetto, Ghetto, Ghetto, Ghetto livin[Verse one]These streets remind me of quicksand...

Akon - Locked Up
[AKON] Im steady tryna find a motive, Why do what i do?, Freedom aint gettin no closer, ...

Akon - Pot Of Gold
Ohhh yeah, dada, dodo, dada, dodo, dada, dodo, AkonLife come and goSo let the history be told...

Akon - Show Out
Akon, show out (show out), show out (show out)I'm sure that the streets are watching meRather no...

Akon - So Fly
[Chorus]Realizing livin life for me, always gettin into troubleCuz, im so flyIm on a whol...

Akon - Trouble Nobody
[Intro]Ok, Akon, Stay outta trouble now son, Akon, Stay outta trouble now son[ve...

Akon - When The Time's Right
Yeah, what up, I go by the name of Divine, I got my boy Akon in the backBut before I bring him out, I want a...

Alanis Morissette - 21 Things I Want In A Lover
Do you derive joy when someone else succeeds? Do you not play dirty when engaged in competition? Do yo...

Alanis Morissette - All I Really Want
Do I stress you outMy sweater is on backwards and inside outAnd you say how appropriateI don't w...

Alanis Morissette - A Man
I am a man as a man I've been toldBacon is brought to the house in this moldBorn of your bellies I yea...

Alanis Morissette - An Emotion Away
I had high expectationsIt's something I could not compromiseAnd when I saw you I wasn't readyIt ...

Alanis Morissette - Are You Still Mad ?
are you still mad I kicked you out of bed?are you still mad I gave you ultimatums?are you still mad I ...

Alanis Morissette - Baba
i've seen them kneelwith baited breath for the rituali've watched this experience raisethem to p...

Alanis Morissette - Bent 4 U
You're unsure and you're not ready so that must mean I want youYou're unavailable and disinterested and to y...

Alanis Morissette - Big Bad Love
I'm having dreams in the night of you babyAnd Sigmund Freud would have thought I was crazyI wonder why...

Alanis Morissette - Can't Deny
It's late at night and no one's aroundAnd only my heart is making a soundI lay awake alone in my bed...

Alanis Morissette - Can't Not
i'd be lying if I said I was completely unscathedI might be proving you right with my silence or my retaliat...

Alanis Morissette - (change Is) Never A Waste Of Time
I know there's a reason you're forcing a smileYou hide what you're feeling and you have for a whileI c...

Alanis Morissette - Fate Stay With Me
[Chorus:]Oh, PleaseFate stay with me, and guide me along my wayThere has been so many pro...

Alanis Morissette - Fear Of Bliss
My misery has enjoyed companyAnd although I have achedI don't threaten anybodySometimes I feel m...

Alanis Morissette - Feel Your Love
Baby, I've got this thing for youI'm thinkin' there's somethin' goin' on nowA wicked imagination...

Alanis Morissette - Find The Right Man
You found the right man in the right placeOnce in a while you meet him face to faceIt was love at firs...

Alanis Morissette - Flinch
What's it been over a decade?It still smarts like it was four minutes agoWe only influenced each other...

Alanis Morissette - Forgiven
You know how us Catholic girls can beWe make up for so much time a little too lateI never forgot it, c...

Alanis Morissette - Front Row
do you go to the dungeon to find out how to make peace with your days in the dungeon writing a letterto you ...

Alanis Morissette - Give What You Got
You've got to give it all to babyYou know I want it all for meI wanna get to know you babyIs tha...

Alanis Morissette - Hand In My Pocket
I'm broke but I'm happyI'm poor but I'm kindI'm short but I'm healthy, yeahI'm high but I'm grou...

Alanis Morissette - Hands Clean (acoustic)
If it weren't for your maturity none of this would have happenedIf you weren't so wise beyond your years I w...

Alanis Morissette - Head Over Feet
I had no choice but to hear youYou stated your case time and againI thought about itYou tr...

Alanis Morissette - Heart Of The House
you are the original templateyou are the original exemplaryhow seen were actually?how revered we...

Alanis Morissette - Human Touch
Give me what I'm askin' forStop bringin' me down or I'll slam the doorYou're getting out of line with ...

Alanis Morissette - Ironic
An old man turned ninety-eightHe won the lottery and died the next dayIt's a black fly in your Chardon...

Alanis Morissette - I Was Hoping
as we were taking outside it was cold we were shivering yet warmed by the subject mattermy wife is in the ne...

Alanis Morissette - Jealous
Make sure she's alrightShe just can't wait to partyShe'll make it look so easyWhy won't you list...

Alanis Morissette - Joining You
dear dar(lin') your mom (my friend) left a message on my machine she was franticsaying you were talking craz...

Alanis Morissette - Mary Jane
What's the matter Mary Jane, you had a hard dayAs you place the don't disturb sign on the doorYou lost...

Alanis Morissette - Narcissus
Dear momma's boy I know you've had your butt licked by your motherI know you've enjoyed all that attention f...

Alanis Morissette - No Apologies
Whenever we talk about sun all I see is the rainIt's like looking for tears in a oceanI'm hearing your...

Alanis Morissette - Not All Me
I wear their all on top of my face I am the perfect target screen For your blindly fueled rage I...

Alanis Morissette - Not The Doctor
I don't want to be the filler if the void is solely yoursI don't want to be your glass of single malt whiske...

Alanis Morissette - Offer
Who Who am I to be blue Look at my family and fortune Look at my friends and my house Who ...

Alanis Morissette - Oh Yeah!
My name is Alanis. I'm a white chick singerthe drums are a-smokin' and so's the bassShake your thing...

Alanis Morissette - One
I am the biggest hypocriteI've been undeniably jealousI have been loud and pretentiousI have bee...

Alanis Morissette - On My Own
Why do I feel it's all up to me to see thateverything's right and it's how it should beWhy don't they ...

Alanis Morissette - Party Boy
You're love ain't enough-OW!You're just a party party party boy yeahoh babyYou're just a party p...

Alanis Morissette - Perfect
Sometimes is never quite enoughIf you're flawless, then you'll win my loveDon't forget to win first pl...

Alanis Morissette - Plastic
You got a plastic name and a plastic heartYou can play the game or you'll never startI'm talkin' to yo...

Alanis Morissette - Precious Illusions
You'll rescue me right?In the exact same way they never did..I'll be happy right?When your heali...

Alanis Morissette - Purgatorying
Entertain me for the tenth hour in a row againAnesthetize me with your gossip and many random anecdotes...

Alanis Morissette - Rain
It was the night Rod Stewart playedAnd we were, were standing in the pouring rainIf I had known it was...

Alanis Morissette - Real World
We play the game with determinationWe don't give a dam 'bout our reputation babyIt's not a game, it's ...

Alanis Morissette - Right Through You
Wait a minute manYou mispronounced my nameYou didn't wait for all the informationBefore you turn...

Alanis Morissette - Simple Together
You've been my golden best friendNow with post-demise at handCan't go to you for consolationCaus...

Alanis Morissette - Sister Blister
You and me we're cut from the same clothIt seems to some we famously get alongBut you and me are stran...

Alanis Morissette - So-called Chaos
Deadlines, meetings and contracts all breachedD-days and structure responsibilityHave-to's and n...

Alanis Morissette - So Pure
you from new york you are so relevantyou reduce me to cosmic tearsluminous more so than most anyone...

Alanis Morissette - Sorry To Myself
For hearing all my doubts so selectively andFor continuing my numbing love endlessly. For helping you ...

Alanis Morissette - So Unsexy
Oh these little rejections how they add up quicklyOne small sideways look and I feel so ungoodSomewher...

Alanis Morissette - Spineless
I won't see my dear friends as much Male friends especially, I'll no longer be in touch I'll change my...

Alanis Morissette - Still
I am the harm which you inflict.I am your brilliance and frustration.I'm the nuclear bombs if they're ...

Alanis Morissette - Superman
I'm lookin' for someone who can made me feelA serious love like Juliet's is realA little impulsive and...

Alanis Morissette - Surrendering
you were full and fully capableyou were self sufficient and needlessyour house was fully decorated in ...

Alanis Morissette - Sympathetic Character
I was afraid you'd hit me if i'd spoken up I wasafraid of your physical strength I was afraidyou'd hit...

Alanis Morissette - Thank U
how bout getting off these antibioticshow bout stopping eating when I'm full uphow bout them transpare...

Alanis Morissette - That I Would Be Good
that I would be good even if I did nothingthat I would be good even if I got the thumbs downthat I wou...

Alanis Morissette - The Couch
you hadn't seen your father in such a long timehe died in the arms of his lover how dare heyour mother...

Alanis Morissette - The Time Of Your Life
Standing there on a road that leads to anywhereLike a child left in the wilderness, standing there penniless...

Alanis Morissette - This Grudge
Fourteen years Thirty minutes Fifteen seconds I'veHeld this grudgeEleven songs...

Alanis Morissette - Too Hot
Always too hot never too coldYou make your best shot too hot to holdNever too young Never too old...

Alanis Morissette - Uninvited
Like anyone would be I am flattered by your fascination with me Like any hot-blooded woman I hav...

Alanis Morissette - Unprodigal Daughter
I had disengaged to avoid being totaledI would run away and say good riddance, soon enoughI had grown ...

Alanis Morissette - Unsent
dear matthew I like you a lot I realize you're in a relationship with someone right now and I respectt...

Alanis Morissette - Ur
burn the books they've got too many names and psychosisall this incriminating evidence would surely haunt me...

Alanis Morissette - Utopia
we'd gather around all in a room fasten our belts engage in dialoguewe'd all slow down rest without guilt no...

Alanis Morissette - Wake Up
You like snow but only if it's warmYou like rain but only if it's dryNo sentimental value to the rose ...

Alanis Morissette - Walk Away
A downtown cafe Saturday evenin' and theplace is about to be closed I'm meeting my babyyeah and order ...

Alanis Morissette - When We Meet Again
We said good-bye with so much left to sayWe knew inside we'd find another wayWe'll have it all, it's n...

Alanis Morissette - Would Not Come
if I make a lot of tinsel then people will want toif I am hardened no fear of further abandonmentif I ...

Alanis Morissette - You Learn
I recommend getting your heart trampled on to anyoneI recommend walking around naked in your living room...

Alanis Morissette - You Oughta Know
I want you to know, that I'm happy for youI wish nothing but the best for you bothAn older version of ...

Alanis Morissette - You Owe Me Nothing In Return
I'll give you countless amounts of outright acceptance if you want itI will give you encouragement to choose...

Alanis Morissette - Your Congratulations
I wouldn't have compromised so muchso much of myself for fear ofhaving you hating meI would've s...

Alanis Morissette - Your House
I went to your houseWalked up the stairsI opened your door without ringing the bellI walked down...

Alan Jackson - Buicks To The Moon
How long will I love youI don't really knowI'd like to think foreverIs how far we could go so le...

Alan Jackson - Burnin' The Honky Tonks Down
She's burnin' the honky tonks downBurnin' the honky tonks downSmoke's been rising all over townS...

Alan Jackson - Drive (for Daddy Gene)
It was painted red the stripe was whiteIt was eighteen feet from the bow to the stern lightSecondhand ...

Alan Jackson - Everything I Love
Coffee keeps me up and I can't sleepAnd when I drink too much then I can't eatLosing you has led me to...

Alan Jackson - Gone Crazy
Here I am all alone again tonightIn this old empty houseIt's hard to learn what you don't think you ne...

Alan Jackson - Hole In The Wall
There's a hole in the wallWhere a nail used to beA nail that held a picture ofThe one that once ...

Alan Jackson - If French Fries Were Fat Free
Will I need a miss of my lifeEach time I went left, I should've gone rightAnd love's no exception to t...

Alan Jackson - If Love Was A River
If love was a riverAnd I was a drowning manWould you get in the waterWould you lend me a hand...

Alan Jackson - I'll Go On Loving You
When I look into your soft green eyesWhen I see your delicate bodyRevealed to me as you slip off your ...

Alan Jackson - It Must Be Love
First I get cold and hotThink I'm on fire, but I'm not.Oh, what a pain I've got,It must be love...

Alan Jackson - It's Five O' Clock Somewhere
The sun is hot and that old clock is movin' slow,An' so am I.Work day passes like molasses in winterti...

Alan Jackson - Job Description
Well i know sometimes you find it hardTo understand just what we do out hereWell that bus rolls up at ...

Alan Jackson - Let's Get Back To Me And You
I'm always on the roadYou're always all aloneAnd I'm not always there when I'm at homeBut ...

Alan Jackson - Little Bitty
Have a little love on a little honeymoonYou got a little dish and you got a little spoonA little bitty...

Alan Jackson - Little Man
I remember walk'in round the court square sidewalkLookin' in windows at things I couldn't want There's...

Alan Jackson - Monday Morning Church
You left your Bible on the dresserSo I put it in the drawer'Cause I can't seem to talk to God without ...

Alan Jackson - Pop A Top
Pop a top again I just got time for one more round Sit em up my friends Then I'll be gone ...

Alan Jackson - Rainy Day In June
I need some sunshine on my faceTo help me dry my eyesI need a blue sky over hereSo I can clear m...

Alan Jackson - Remember When
Remember when I was young and so were youand time stood still and love was all we knewYou were the fir...

Alan Jackson - Right On The Money
Let's begin with the day I met herHow fast this good old boy's world got betterSky got bluer, the gras...

Alan Jackson - Strong Enough
I just took your picture off the tableAnd I just took your picture off the wallHide from you anywhere ...

Alan Jackson - The Blues Man
He's just a singer A natural born guitar ringer Kind of a clinger to sad old songs He's not a wa...

Alan Jackson - There Goes
There you were standin' in the shadowsWell I just looked where I don't seeI'm still pretendin I ...

Alan Jackson - There Ya Go
Starting over again is a bit like dancingYou just need someone to lead and take it slowSo lay your hea...

Alan Jackson - The Sounds
I can hear her heart beatIt seams a little strongI can hear the things I did wrongI can hear her...

Alan Jackson - To Do What I Do
I've been a waiter, a roofer, a clerk I've shoveled manure till my pride hurtWhen you're starting out,...

Alan Jackson - Too Much Of A Good Thing
Smiles in the morningAs warm as sunshineKisses when I lay down at nightAnd 2 loving armsTo...

Alan Jackson - Tropical Depression
I thought some time in the sunWould help me get over youBut I could tell from day oneThis is a p...

Alan Jackson - Usa Today
I heard you've been wonderingHow I'm getting alongI guess you think I can't make it with you gone...

Alan Jackson - When Love Comes Around
Love for me hasn't been easyI've let true love fall to the groundThrough the years and the tears...

Alan Jackson - When Somebody Loves You
When your heart is all alone every second Seems so longWhen it's just you, you can't see through...

Alan Jackson - Where I Come From
Well I was rollin' wheels and shiftin' gears'Round that Jersey TurnpikeWhen Barney stopped me with his...

Alan Jackson - Where Were You (when The World Stopped Turning)
Where were you when the world stopped turning that September dayOut in the yard with your wife and children...

Alan Jackson - Who's Cheatin' Who
Everywhere you look you can write a bookOn the trouble of a woman and a manBut you can not impose you ...

Alan Jackson - Www.memory
I know you're leaving, I see the signsYou're gonna walk out on this heart of mineYou'll never call me,...

Alan Jackson - You Can't Give Up On Love
You say your heart's been brokenAnd you just can't winYou say that you'll never love againLet me...

Alan Jackson - You Don't Have To Paint Me A Picture
The kiss was colder than I rememberWhen we first said helloI guess the flame's now a little lower...

Alexz Johnson - 24 Hours
I've been sitting in the dirt (for 24 hours) I've forgotten what im worth (for 24 hours) Said that you...

Alexz Johnson - Criminal
I won't deny, I faked itDon't wanna lie, I'm jaddedI wanna scream when inside I'm breaking downI...

Alexz Johnson - I'm In Love With My Guitar
I've been trying too hard I've been spinning around Got people chasing me down Gotta find a way ...

Alexz Johnson - It Could Be You
You and me, all aloneIt's to late to say we didn't knowWe shouldn't be, all aloneOne of us might...

Alexz Johnson - Let Me Fall
I feel chained, chained down You shoved me to the ground I can't run, I can't shout Just let me ...

Alexz Johnson - Me Out Of Me
Why you always trying to make me something that I don't wanna be?Ooo, push me over, make me over, try to mak...

Alexz Johnson - Pick Up The Pieces
If I was a drift on an ocean all aloneYou came and rescued meWhen I was far from homeRush of lov...

Alexz Johnson - Stupid Girl
You pretend you're highYou pretend you're boredYou pretend you're anythingJust to be adored...

Alexz Johnson - Temporary Insanity
Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da DaWhat just happened? Did you kiss me? Cause that's...

Alexz Johnson - Your Eyes
If I was drowning in the seaWould you dive right in and save me?If I was falling like a starWoul...

Alicia Keys - A Woman's Worth (remix)
You can buy me diamonds and buy me pearlsTake me on a cruise around the worldA dozen roses cause Im yo...

Alicia Keys - Dah Dee Dah (sexy Thing)
Dah dee dah, dah dah dah dee dah.Sexy thing, I can do anything, cuz constantly (Constantly)I'm t...

Alicia Keys - Diary
[Verse 1:]Lay your head on my pillowHere you can be yourselfNo one has to know what...

Alicia Keys - Dragon Days
Like a damsel in distressI'm stressing youMy castle became my dungeon cuz I'm longing for youI'm...

Alicia Keys - Feeling U, Feeling Me (interlude)
Do you ooooooo, ooooo2 hour long conversationsOn the phoneCan't get you outta my mindBaby ...

Alicia Keys - Harlem's Nocturne
[Piano]Drop itYeah, yeahCome in for a minute,Welcome backIt's just me and you...

Alicia Keys - Heartburn
Yea. Come on. Timbo! A. Keys,Let's go!Let me tell you somethingTell you how I feelWhen he ...

Alicia Keys - If I Was Your Woman / Walk On By
[Verse I:]If I was your womanAnd you were my manYou'd have no other womanYou'...

Alicia Keys - Karma
Weren't you the one who said that you don't want me anymoreAnd how you need your space and give the keys bac...

Alicia Keys - Nobody Not Really (interlude)
Who really cares?When I talk?What I feel?What I say?Nobody, not reallyWho wants to t...

Alicia Keys - Samsonite Man
He's a man so full of style and graceAny woman'd be impressedTakes a smile and paints it on your face...

Alicia Keys - Slow Down
Oooooo BabyThere's something that I gotta tell yaI think that you should know what's on my mindO...

Alicia Keys - So Simple
It would be, it would be It would be so simpleWhat it is ain't what it wasWhat should it be when...

Alicia Keys - When You Really Love Someone
I'm a woman, lord knows it's hardI need a real man to give me what I needSweet attention, love and ten...

Alicia Keys - You Don't Know My Name
Baby, baby, babyFrom the day I saw youI really really want to catch your eyeThere's something sp...

Alien Ant Farm - 1000 Days
Eyes they burn from stinging travel and missing you is hard to handle.Stayed away a thousand days and things...

Alien Ant Farm - Denigrate
I didn't get you anythingDon't take it personallyI won't shower you in giftsI don't bring that k...

Alien Ant Farm - Drifting Apart
We'll take a trip for two around the world. We'll have a bird's eye view of every single nation.I coul...

Alien Ant Farm - Glow
I Never thought that you'd find out I did it.I was so scared that you'd leave, so I hid it.I know we s...

Alien Ant Farm - Goodbye
All that you so is steps aboveAnthing else we could dream ofmy tabloid girl, you miraclegod's gi...

Alien Ant Farm - Hope
Hope is the thing Im feeling today.Walking a mile out of the way,I still might make it through.T...

Alien Ant Farm - Never Meant
I threw a rock at window, Missed and hit the light.And now it's hard to see you without illuminite....

Alien Ant Farm - Pink Tea
On bright days, make sundaes!And tea time, is alwaysIn short time with sunlightWe're gunna wait...

Alien Ant Farm - Quiet
I'll be the bumble bee behind you baby.I'll tear up everything inside you, well yeah.And it stings, an...

Alien Ant Farm - Rubber Mallet
Cable cars run through my mind.I think up north on Valentine.Maybe we drink to old friends.You s...

Alien Ant Farm - Sarah Wynn
Remeber when we were young?We'd smoke cigarettes behind the store.Pimpin' beers for fun.Back the...

Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal
As he came into the windowWas a sound of a crescendoHe came into her apartmentHe left the bloods...

Alien Ant Farm - S.s. Recognize
I'm back to your gameInpacting for rainAnd to the flow whenI think the vessel bentNo...

Alien Ant Farm - These Days
Making all these waves and I wonder where the days went.I sit and think of you, I hope the feeling's mutual....

Alien Ant Farm - Tia Lupe
She traps a Velvet moth between her harmless hands. Then builds an Atrium to perch on her night stand. ...

Alisha's Attic - 5 Big Letters
Pride is the most hurting thing Of all the five big letters A wasting thing, a weakness Nasty so...

Alisha's Attic - Adore U
Adore U I do, I do, I do And everything I am I would give to you My love, my love, my love ...

Alisha's Attic - Affected By You Not
Here I am, comfortably here All you other angels, you should feel inferior Picture me affected by you ...

Alisha's Attic - Air & Angels
You say phone me every day Or I might forget you I'm Aquarius, you know We've got that way about...

Alisha's Attic - Air We Breathe
The galaxy is open So paint me on your right hand Now let's fly off Superman style You know it w...

Alisha's Attic - Alisha Rules The World
She's an angel, but she sins sometimes Dressed in white, gets drunk on red wine Everyone loves her ...

Alisha's Attic - Angel Eyes
Wish on, the love song baby, Won't come outta my mouth Well It's a shame, but my naivity Got was...

Alisha's Attic - Are You Jealous
Yes it was a love to die for The monster that you are never scared me I dared you to dare me And...

Alisha's Attic - Army Of Fools
Losing my senses when you look at me I think that you feel it too but you're playing hard to get with me ...

Alisha's Attic - Barbarella
The feeling is growing We have to keep up with the Jones' We have to keep up the demand Because ...

Alisha's Attic - Bitter Lemon
You've listened to too many T-Rex LPs For me to think I could tame you You crave power, like women ...

Alisha's Attic - Breathe In
You thought there was no life left You forgot that there are stars You forgot the days and nights ...

Alisha's Attic - Daffodil Or A Diamond
Tell me what you would prefer A daffodil or a diamond It don't matter if you say the latter, No!...

Alisha's Attic - Dare You To Kill Me
Free spirited young man Why did you have to grow From a sparky little jewel Into something so po...

Alisha's Attic - Dive In
Dive in and show me your depth Can you look inside an angels eyes And see a wave of fear? Someth...

Alisha's Attic - Do I Lie?
Well here we go again You are telling me your stories And I've heard them all before About this ...

Alisha's Attic - Drunken And Tearful
Here I am, there he is I'm oh - so sad, feels like I've got no blood in my veins You're so far away, l...

Alisha's Attic - Free
Take a breather angelGather up your thoughts and fearsAs you sit there in that roomBe sure that ...

Alisha's Attic - God Lives There
Pretty sky I could paint you When you're angered such a wonder and I think God lives there ...

Alisha's Attic - Going Down
And I wonder if I am ever gonna feel the same It's the strangest feeling, Like being empty when you're...

Alisha's Attic - He's A Rebel
See the way he walks down the street Watch the way he shuffles his feet How he holds his head up high ...

Alisha's Attic - I Am, I Feel
He said: "Angel put that purple skirt on, y'know it makes me hot" He said: "Come on, Come on, get on, get up...

Alisha's Attic - Indestructible
Don't look no more, Coz it'll only make your eyes sore Hey! Count your R.E.M's, It's comforting ...

Alisha's Attic - Inevitable
Spoke to you tonight, for the first time in weeks I'd forgotten that bu-tterfly feeling Cos I've been ...

Alisha's Attic - Intense
Intense Put your socks on and pull 'em up We got a long ride, and a velvet chair to sit on E-mai...

Alisha's Attic - Irresistable U Are
Here we are again The jangle of my ankle chain is the only sound I can hear When I'm here with you ...

Alisha's Attic - It's Not Your Fault
It's not your fault if sometime's you're afraid, yeah It's not your fault No, it's not your fault ...

Alisha's Attic - I Won't Miss You
(na na, na na na now, na na, na na na now) (na na, na na na now) After six months of living with him, ...

Alisha's Attic - Japanese Dream
She works the nightshift But she swears she only sees the sun (sun) Dreams of going back some da...

Alisha's Attic - Just The Way U Like It
Ooo, it's just as much as I can bear You're all around me, you are in the air It makes me tremble at t...

Alisha's Attic - Karmically Close
Yes it's true, I've been waiting for a sign Something that I could grab onto. It's a ploy ...

Alisha's Attic - Late Again
Late again I gave the dinner to the dog As I wiped away another jealous tear Here am I, not brav...

Alisha's Attic - Lay Low
Lay Low, girlfriend You ain't ever gonna be the right vibe You ain't ever gonna kick the right drum ...

Alisha's Attic - Lazy Head
I dream of it all right here Your love is something I never fear The more I give away, the more I want...

Alisha's Attic - Little Shotgun
The mirror's cracking, baby For seven years I've told you What's your sexonica is The demon in y...

Alisha's Attic - Me & The Dolphins
Soul fishing under the waves Like a freedom, it feels so amazing I laughed and I laughed As I to...

Alisha's Attic - Never Enough
If we are absolutely still Then maybe the world will stop And the time will spin around us On th...

Alisha's Attic - Not My Muse
Getting wrecked, The cross she bares is in her eyes, Just don't go there if you want to be her friend....

Alisha's Attic - Outta These Clouds
I'm driving out of control You said something, hurt me real bad And I'll drive till I feel better ...

Alisha's Attic - Personality Lines
brrr...brrr brrr...brrr brrr...brrr Thank you for dialling the Hot Personality Lines (Coul...

Alisha's Attic - Resistor
You are the stars above my head You are everything, I've no safety net And I accept I'm addicted to th...

Alisha's Attic - Scared Like Me
The pictures look divine and the daisy chain Around her neck would wilt away on mine I know that I'm n...

Alisha's Attic - Shameless
Shameless Oh, to be Not anyone, nameless No tags attached, priceless No etiquette, careles...

Alisha's Attic - Still Life
The still life Is all I ever do There by the window Quietly killed for you In this glass h...

Alisha's Attic - Stone In My Shoe
Lost in an adventure I be Are you a man that I love or a man with a gun sitting next to me? The big ba...

Alisha's Attic - Strange
Baby watch the fire It's making for the bed And I don't wanna see you laying in the flames Being...

Alisha's Attic - Sweet Escape
You want one thing, me another, call me everything under the Sun. The sacrifice. (of all things heaven...

Alisha's Attic - The Golden Rule
Someone told me if you live in a glass house You might die in a big earthquake and end up with a stone...

Alisha's Attic - The Incidentals
It's just the little things, The Incidentals, It's like you wouldn't even notice when you really turn me on,...

Alisha's Attic - The Pulse
Overload, ooo, The Pulse Anything you say to me, I will believe Rain on me Overload, ooo, The Pu...

Alisha's Attic - Valentines '98
I gave you sympathy, I gave you apathy, I gave you honesty, I gave you all of me. It's val...

Alisha's Attic - White Room
You are entering the White Room Yeah, that's the password And you can leave your hangups at the door n...

Alisha's Attic - Wish I Were You
I Wish I Were You I Wish I Were You I wish I could wear your shoes Wish I could think from...

Alison Krauss - A Living Prayer
In this world I walk alone with no place to call my homeBut there's One who holds my handThe rugged ro...

Alison Krauss - Another Day, Another Dollar
Another day, another dollarThat's what I'm working for todayAnother day, another dollarSure can'...

Alison Krauss - Another Night
Wind is blowin' 'round the cabinI hate to hear that lonesome soundI'm all alone and so downhearted...

Alison Krauss - Baby, Now That I've Found You
Baby,now that I've found youI won't let you goI built my world around youI need you so,...

Alison Krauss - Blue Trail Of Sorrow
Blue trail of sorrowLies upon the groundAnd I get so lonelySince you let me downWell...

Alison Krauss - Borderline
So you're on your own lookin' down the road that goes only by one wayAnd you don't need the signs to see lon...

Alison Krauss - Bright Sunny South
From the bright sunny south to the war, I was sent,E'er the days of my boyhood, I scarcely had spent.F...

Alison Krauss - Broadway
I stood on faith and the corner of ambitionI came here to sink or swimAnd to show them all that they w...

Alison Krauss - Cloudy Days
Dark clouds hangin' over meWhen will they go away?Rain is in my eyes and I can't seeLife's becom...

Alison Krauss - Could You Lie
Go on and lie I've heard it all beforeYou had no shameThis pain I feel you've never knownThe rai...

Alison Krauss - Crazy As Me
I'm used to being alone.Except for six month playings without rings and phone bills that I've waited for....

Alison Krauss - Crazy Faith
I lit my love and watched it burnAsking nothing in returnExcept the lessons I will learnBy holdi...

Alison Krauss - Dark Skies
I don't need a perfect lover to hold me in the rainSomeone to ease my pain when I feel blueIf I lost y...

Alison Krauss - Daylight
Daylight falls and I'm lost in the big parade.Hold my hand, darling, I'm afraid of the daylight.Shade ...

Alison Krauss - Deeper Than Crying
Leaving is the longest word I ever learnedIn the time it takes to say it, the whole world has turnedIf...

Alison Krauss - Doesn't Have To Be This Way
Sometimes I wonder where you're coming fromWhen you roll in like thunder just to turn around and runIt...

Alison Krauss - Down To The River To Pray
As i went down to the river to prayStudyin about that good ol' way and who shall wear the starry crown?...

Alison Krauss - Dreaming My Dreams With You
I hope that I won't be that wrong anymoreI hope that I've learned this timeI hope that I find what I'm...

Alison Krauss - Empty Hearts
Are you leaving, are you going?Did you think you could lose that feelingWithout me knowing?Are y...

Alison Krauss - Endless Highway
Endless highway, as far as I can seeThe road'll take me back to him tonightIt's been so long since I'v...

Alison Krauss - Every Time You Say Goodbye
Look at the sky babyWhat do you see?Looks like the tears that I cryFallin' down like rain on the...

Alison Krauss - Find My Way Back To My Heart
I used to laugh at all those songs`bout the rambling life, the nights so long and lonelyWell, I ain't ...

Alison Krauss - Forget About It
Forget about itI'm admittin' I was wrongAnd I'll just take what's mineAnd walk right out the doo...

Alison Krauss - Ghost In This House
I don't pick up the mailI don't pick up the phoneI don't answer the doorI'd just as soon be alon...

Alison Krauss - Gravity
I left home when I was seventeenI just grew tired of falling downAnd I'm sure I was toldThe allu...

Alison Krauss - Happiness
With your love I was completeLike a haven safe from harmTill the bitter stole the sweetI was per...

Alison Krauss - Heartstrings
Way up north where the snow flies and the sun don't hardly shineIf it weren't for my true love, I'd long ago...

Alison Krauss - I Can Let Go Now
It was so rightIt was so wrongAlmost at the same timeThe pain and acheA heart can take...

Alison Krauss - I Don't Believe You've Met My Baby
Last night my dear the rain was fallingI went to bed so sad and blueThen I had a dream of you...

Alison Krauss - I Don't Have To Live This Way
I been up and down beforeGrief won't hold me any moreYou're running out of games to playI don't ...

Alison Krauss - I Don't Know Why
I don't know why the sky is so blueI don't know why I'm so in love with youIf there were no music, I w...

Alison Krauss - If I Didn't Know Any Better
I turned aroundBefore I could run I found you already settled down in the back of my mindI know this i...

Alison Krauss - I'll Remember You, Love, In My Prayers
When the curtains of night are pinned back by the starsAnd the beautiful moon sweeps the skyDewdrops f...

Alison Krauss - I'm Gone
When you came to meYou said love could not eraseThe ever present memory of another faceI t...

Alison Krauss - In The Palm Of Your Hand
If I could have the world and all it ownsA thousand kingdoms, a thousand thronesIf all the earth were ...

Alison Krauss - It All Comes Down To You
Who do you think you're talkin' to.You know me, and I know you.Your silence and your stony face,...

Alison Krauss - It Doesn't Matter
It doesn't matter what I wantIt doesn't matter what I needIt doesn't matter if I cryDon't matter...

Alison Krauss - It Don't Matter Now
It's finally comeIs that sorry on your breath?Where were you when I was sitting back hereMissing...

Alison Krauss - It's Over
The nights are so lonely and the days pass me byTrue love has faded, left me behindSo we'll just move ...

Alison Krauss - It Won't Work This Time
You walked up yesterday and you told me you were leavin'Left a note sayin' momma won't be backBut you'...

Alison Krauss - It Wouldn't Have Made Any Difference
Do you remember the last time I saidIf I ever thought of lyingI'd rather think of dying insteadA...

Alison Krauss - I've Got That Old Feeling
No matter what I say or do,I just can't seem to get inside your heartWhat have I done wrong?Late...

Alison Krauss - I Will
Who knows how long I've loved you?You know I love you stillWill I wait a lonely lifetime?If you ...

Alison Krauss - Jesus Help Me To Stand
Through trials, troubles and careI know Jesus my savior is thereGiving me faith through darkest days...

Alison Krauss - Last Love Letter
I'm writing my last love letterAnd for reasons now, I don't know where to startSeems so many times I'v...

Alison Krauss - Let Me Touch You For Awhile
It's been a long time coming,As you shed a lonesome tear.And now you're in a wonderama,I wonder ...

Alison Krauss - Longest Highway
Lost in the silenceSurrounded by daydreamsHolding that someone that's holding my heart Thrilled ...

Alison Krauss - Looking In The Eyes Of Love
I wonder should I tell you`bout all the crazy things I've ever doneI've been searching all my life...

Alison Krauss - Lose Again
Save me, free me from my heart this timeTrain's going down the track and I stay behindNothing ca...

Alison Krauss - Maybe
Yesterday the odds were stackedIn favor of my expectationsFlyin' above the restNever fallin' fro...

Alison Krauss - Momma Cried
Momma loved us, every one.Every daughter, every son.She gave herself so happily,That's just the ...

Alison Krauss - My Poor Old Heart
Don't expect too much from my poor old heart,You can blame me unforgiven for my scars,you might just b...

Alison Krauss - Never Got Off The Ground
My father was a farmerBut his head was in the skyHe worked everyday but Sunday'Til the day he di...

Alison Krauss - New Favorite
New FavoriteThey all say itI'll say it tooYou've got a new favoriteYou're old standb...

Alison Krauss - New Fool
Sad songs and teardrops will surely mend this broken heartTime forgets these bitter things I feelBut y...

Alison Krauss - No Place To Hide
When I was a childI used to love to watch the rainI'd stand under the downspoutLet the water coo...

Alison Krauss - Oh, Atlanta
Same old placeSame old cityWhat can I do?I'm falling in loveI'm just an old hound do...

Alison Krauss - One Good Reason
Just give me one good reason tonightMust be something you could say to meTo keep me warm on this cold ...

Alison Krauss - Pain Of A Troubled Life
I've lived a dozen lifetimes in twenty-some-odd yearsGot no use for trouble, got no use for tearsCan't...

Alison Krauss - Pastures Of Plenty
Well, it's always we ramble, this river and IAll along your green valleys, I work till I dieMy land I'...

Alison Krauss - Rain Please Go Away
Rain, please go awayLeave me alone, come another dayMy love is gone, this time to stayRain, plea...

Alison Krauss - Restless
Honey, I know you've been alone some,Why don't you 'phone some, 'cause I love you.An' honey, I know I'...

Alison Krauss - Shield Of Faith
Sometimes I'm battle wearyI forget to use my shield The arrows pierce my armorAnd I stumble in t...

Alison Krauss - Sleep On
Could your heart ever be mine?Your arms hold me so close to you all through the nightYour eyes gaze in...

Alison Krauss - So Long So Wrong
I know I'll be lonesomeThat brings about a little fearI know I'll be sad and I'll be blueI have ...

Alison Krauss - Stars
Stood out in the rain.Let it soak me down,Before I called you...I called you.You did...

Alison Krauss - Stay
Where have you been,My long lost friend?It's good to see you again.Come and sit for a while...

Alison Krauss - Steel Rails
Steel rails, chasing sunshine round the bendWinding through the trees, like a ribbon in the windI don'...

Alison Krauss - Take Me For Longing
Don't choose me because I am faithful.Don't choose me because I am kind.If your heart settles on me, I...

Alison Krauss - Teardrops Will Kiss The Morning Dew
When time was young we walked the roads togetherWhen love was sweet I meant the world to youNow comes ...

Alison Krauss - That Kind Of Love
Who would sell their soul for love?Or waste one tear on compromiseShould be easy enoughTo know a...

Alison Krauss - That Makes One Of Us
You've made up your mindWe don't want the same thingAnd that we won't change thingsWishing there...

Alison Krauss - The Boy Who Wouldn't Hoe Corn
Tell You a little story and it won't take long,'Bout a lazy farmer who wouldn't hoe his corn.The reaso...

Alison Krauss - The Lucky One
You're the lucky oneSo i've been toldAs free as the wind,Blowin' down the roadLoved by man...

Alison Krauss - There Is A Reason
I've seen hard times and I've been toldThere isn't any wonder that I fallWhy do we suffer, crossing of...

Alison Krauss - The Road Is A Lover
I met a manTraveling down the roadHe looked me in the eyeAnd he gave me a ringAnd he gave ...

Alison Krauss - This Sad Song
Well, the rain is apourin' down in a furyAnd the road is lookin' longAnd the only thing that comes to ...

Alison Krauss - Tonight I'll Be Lonely Too
It's like I always figuredYou'd be gone from me so soonA heartache would be the outcomeAnd I'd b...

Alison Krauss - When God Dips His Pen Of Love In My Heart
When God dips His love in my heartWhen God dips His pen of love in my heartAnd He writes my soul...

Alison Krauss - Who Can Blame You
Who can blame you, though your heart's untrueWhen you say it's my fault anywayYou turn your head from ...

Alison Krauss - Will You Be Leaving
You may walk away in angerWear your heart upon your sleeveYou make act like it don't matterKeep ...

Alison Krauss - Winter Of A Broken Heart
Oh it seems the sun will never shineThe skies are so gray and the heart you left broken is lonelyThe w...

Alison Krauss - Wish I Still Had You
Walking out on me must be the way you show me how it feels to be herI realize the fault is mine, I'm getting...

Alison Krauss - Wouldn't Be So Bad
Take me back to Anona streetFill my glass againWith a bittersweetCause I don't wanna seeTh...

Alkaline Trio - 100 Stories
You're in the next room sleeping and I'm shouting out a song for youI shouldn't wake you over the furnace, b...

Alkaline Trio - 5-3-10-4
schoolyard freaks are freezing, down getting teased again. i'm looking back and down and watching it go by. down...

Alkaline Trio - 97
I've got it now, a thorn in my side the size of a Cadillac. Drive it through, cause backin' up now would be ...

Alkaline Trio - All On Black
I put it all on black, no color you're all dressed inAnd a stab in the back left you bleeding on the floor...

Alkaline Trio - Another Innocent Girl
He likes to act like he's all grown upHe wanted to grow up to be an actorBut he never told anybody...

Alkaline Trio - Armageddon
I wrote the words to this song on the back of a photographBehind your back it goesA little something l...

Alkaline Trio - As You Were
stale as a 2 day half full beer. cigarette boats float around in here. a field in my gut lacking sunshine. put ...

Alkaline Trio - Back To Hell
Like the pills in your hand, I'll never let you down And like the bugs in your bed, under my skin now ...

Alkaline Trio - Blackout
[Originally by The Damned]Don't you ask me to come outWhen the sun does shineLet us...

Alkaline Trio - Bleeder
you came to me like a dream, the kind that always leaves. Just as the best part starts, it ends so abruptly....

Alkaline Trio - Bloodied Up
You don't say much of anythingWhen questioned of your whereaboutsAnd I just can't see through the evid...

Alkaline Trio - Blue Carolina
It's everything that I can do right nowTo not think about you moving further off with every passing second...

Alkaline Trio - Blue In The Face
It's about time that I came clean with youI'm no longer fine, I'm no longer running smoothI thought th...

Alkaline Trio - Burn
There's a lightning storm each and every night Crashing inside you like motorbikes We toss and turn, s...

Alkaline Trio - Bye Bye Love
[Originally by The Cars]I can't feel this way much longerExpecting to surviveWith a...

Alkaline Trio - Children In Heat
Children in HeatThey have no conscienceNo resistanceYou gotta see this big reactionNo resi...

Alkaline Trio - Clavicle
i've been on top of the world since about six months ago, marking the first time i laid eyes on you. i lost all t...

Alkaline Trio - Continental
I've got a dying urge to feel the way you doToo close for comfort, bed and breakfast in a spoonThe sho...

Alkaline Trio - Cooking Wine
sorry i'm late. i was out spoiling my liver. i couldn't wait... the sun was up for far too long today. and i ca...

Alkaline Trio - Cop
Wonder what it was that made you this way.Maybe as a baby you dropped your rattleAnd it still rattles ...

Alkaline Trio - Crawl
Waking up zeroed in on medicineAm I waking up at all todaySeeing lights, feeling painThere's my ...

Alkaline Trio - Cringe
wide eyed. knee deep in surprise. just below your thighs the temperature drops 5 degrees. your stand-by flight ...

Alkaline Trio - Dead And Broken
A deep dark secret down at the bottomBut this bay can't keep it unforgotten.And a story that was told ...

Alkaline Trio - Dead End Road
I thought that you were jokingWhen you said you couldn't breatheYou said you couldn't breatheTur...

Alkaline Trio - Dethbed
Calling all cars, all coroners, we've got a dead one hereAnd anybody else receiving this, the west coast is ...

Alkaline Trio - Donner Party
So it began this way, I can't recall how it got startedSo it began this way, I don't recall a thingAnd...

Alkaline Trio - Emma
Emma appeared like an angelEmma fell like rainInto my lap like a heart attack, like lightning from her...

Alkaline Trio - Enjoy Your Day
so where'd you go? how was your vacation home? well obviously you were busy, too busy for me. so this is how yo...

Alkaline Trio - Every Thug Needs A Lady
I know it's dark here, you know that I'm scared tooFor some reason right now, of everything but youRig...

Alkaline Trio - Exploding Boy
i couldn't hear a word you said. i couldn't hear at all. you talked until your tongue fell out. and then you ta...

Alkaline Trio - Fall Victim
Not sure how this is supposed to feel Cutting like a red hot knife of surgical steel Brought flesh fro...

Alkaline Trio - Fatally Yours
There's no mystery no more, just no talking to youGuess you had other things in storeGuess I felt I wa...

Alkaline Trio - Fine Without You
Well I'll sit here and convince myself it's true.If you keep on telling your friends that we're through....

Alkaline Trio - For Your Lungs Only
a right turn gone wrong. nothing left but the dust, left to fill your lungs up. have to choke, and choke, and ch...

Alkaline Trio - Fuck You Aurora
My, my what a mess we've made Of our pretty little heads these days. It appears a heavy wind's blown t...

Alkaline Trio - Goodbye Forever
Take your wings outside, you can't fly in here Besides, a purple sky is better soaring for you my angel...

Alkaline Trio - Halloween
[Originally by The Misfits]Bonfires burning bright,Pumpkin faces in the night,I rem...

Alkaline Trio - Hating Every Minute
Sit down, please make yourself comfortable...I might need some timeto dance around what I need to say,...

Alkaline Trio - Heaven
[Originally by The Psychedelic Furs][chorus]heaven is the whole of the heart...

Alkaline Trio - Hell Yes
I gave up on you a long time agoHow can you blame me?We made plans to meet and you never showedY...

Alkaline Trio - If We Never Go Inside
A train appeared in town one night, for some of us it changed our livesA few of us never saw it coming, then...

Alkaline Trio - If You Had A Bad Time
If you had a bad timeAt one of my partiesWell I wouldn't expect to be seeing you soon and that's fine...

Alkaline Trio - I Lied My Face Off
well, it's not fair, it's not even close. you tied me down, where i'm forced to watch as you poke holes in every ...

Alkaline Trio - I'm Dying Tomorrow
I'm dying tomorrowThis house, this street, ChicagoI'm dying tomorrowDid I do it rightDid I...

Alkaline Trio - I Was A Prayer
I am waiting 'til there's nothing left I'm a prayer, all you see is breath I am empty, I am skin and b...

Alkaline Trio - Jaked On Green Beers
It's been a long time since I've been close to youIt's been a long time since I've been sad.It's been ...

Alkaline Trio - Keep 'em Coming
14 hours ahead, a head that's heavier than lead. and I've got toothpicks in my eyes. a smile more yellow than th...

Alkaline Trio - Madam Me
The sunrise fills your eyes. Cannot hear your cries. Pleading, please just go away. I can't take...

Alkaline Trio - Maybe I'll Catch Fire
this house is full of ears, but i can't talk to anyone. they've heard this one a thousand times. most exciting t...

Alkaline Trio - Mercy Me
It's been a long day living with thisIt's been a long time since I felt so sickI took a long walk stra...

Alkaline Trio - Message From Kathlene
i guess i'll always stop and see you, and we'll run into each other's lives. yeah, i guess. although it tears me...

Alkaline Trio - Mr. Chainsaw
When was it that you lost your youth or tradedIt for something more for them to use so jadedWhy is it ...

Alkaline Trio - My Friend Peter
I dont care who you've been sleeping with these daysYou're outta my hairIt's growing just above my smi...

Alkaline Trio - My Little Needle
i'll come down to get you high. or maybe sing you a lullaby. sing you to sleep, a sleep you'll never wake from. ...

Alkaline Trio - My Standard Break From Life
I've got a regular problemSo my standard break from life is in orderI'm having trouble making sentence...

Alkaline Trio - Nose Over Tail
Crack my head open on your kitchen floorTo prove to you that I have brainsMeanwhile tin men are led by...

Alkaline Trio - Old School Reasons
I got these thoughts in my headdirty as fuck and never leavingand then best left unsaidall the d...

Alkaline Trio - Over At The Frankenstein Place
[Cover]In the velvet darknessOf the blackest night, burning brightThere's a guiding...

Alkaline Trio - Prevent This Tragedy
Here we are again with handguns for heartsThey had a master plan, wanted to tear us apartNothing to ho...

Alkaline Trio - Private Eye
I dragged this lake looking for corpsesDusted for prints, pried up the floorboardsPieces of planes and...

Alkaline Trio - Queen Of Pain
There's a fire forming, not too far from hereAlong the east coast maybe, it resides in you, my dearWor...

Alkaline Trio - Radio
Shaking like a dog shittin' razorblades,waking up next to nothing after dreaming of you and meI'm waki...

Alkaline Trio - Rooftops
I've got the scars to remind me. I've watched the clocks go around. I've walked myself through some days that ha...

Alkaline Trio - Sadie
You're on your own my little nightmare you cannot stay hereIt's far too bright for youIf they attack y...

Alkaline Trio - San Francisco
Choking On The Thought Of LeaveDrinking To Keep From Sobbing 4 PM4 Dollar Pints At SFO The Time And Pr...

Alkaline Trio - She Took Him To The Lake
do you remember the story of the boy and his first date? she took him to the lake and he fell in love. she spent...

Alkaline Trio - Sleepyhead
all you've been asking for has been placed in front of you. the headaches, the shaking, the boredom the boardroom...

Alkaline Trio - Smoke
Over and out of it for one more plane ride outNot sure, and never was if this will all head south, or what...

Alkaline Trio - Snake Oil Tanker
This time you've dug yourself an anchor too heavy to move ahead withResembling a faker, charming snake...

Alkaline Trio - Sorry About That
it hasn't been that long since we drank to the sunset, until it was gone. and down with it went our pain and fear...

Alkaline Trio - Southern Rock
I can't believe my heart's still pounding I can't believe how close I came And meanwhile heaven's fall...

Alkaline Trio - Steamer Trunk
Why you turned out the way you didThat thunderstorm is still crashing inyour craniumFind that al...

Alkaline Trio - Stupid Kid
There are things that used to make me smileOne of them was you for just a little whileYou left me for ...

Alkaline Trio - Sun Dials
You were like a toilet bowl at the end of the rainbowSomething like a pot of gold stuck under my pillow...

Alkaline Trio - Take Lots With Alcohol
Hello what the hell am I doin' hereThat's a really nice suitThis is a really comfortable chairSe...

Alkaline Trio - The Metro
[Originally by Berlin]I'm aloneSitting with my empty glass.My four wallsFollo...

Alkaline Trio - The Poison
It's not just the pain, the pain in my backThat laughs in my face, my face every night Or the poison t...

Alkaline Trio - This Could Be Love
I've got a book of matchesI've got a can of keroseneI've got some bad ideas involving you and me...

Alkaline Trio - This Is Getting Over You
Today I woke up,Younger than I've been in years.Not concerned with what's outsideAnd peers, I do...

Alkaline Trio - Time To Waste
There's someone down below blowing you a kiss.They watch from their windowsas all arms fall to their s...

Alkaline Trio - Trouble Breathing
you told me that you want to die. i said i've been there myself more than a few times. and i go back every once ...

Alkaline Trio - Trucks And Trains
These days go by like trucks and trainsSome hit so hard you barely feel a thingLights out right now ba...

Alkaline Trio - Tuck Me In
tuck me into where it's freezing, tuck me into bed with snakes. tuck me in with the tarantulas, i wanna let 'em i...

Alkaline Trio - Weak Week
eleven eleven said the clock as i pulled it aroundthe foreign days and understandinga way out would be...

Alkaline Trio - We've Had Enough
In the shadows where the heads hang lowYou hear voices as the wind blows, asking "can't you see?"Remin...

Alkaline Trio - While You're Waiting
There's a hope in my headThat's been cut and bleedDry as your bloodshot eyesAnd there's smoke in...

Alkaline Trio - You're Dead
What the hell is your nameAnd can you explain this messIt seems you're playing a gameWhere you o...

Alkaline Trio - Your Neck
We're the things that go bump in the night that you can't seeYeah, we're the mishaps that always happen in t...

Alkaline Trio - You've Got So Far To Go
Soon ends our stay here and it's been fun.So tonight I'll raise my glass to us.'Cause we've talked so ...

All 4 One - A Better Man
so many times i looked and foundmy dreams around, come tumbling downand there you were, holding ...

All 4 One - Breathless
oooh, tonight i wanna turn the lights down low turn the slow jams on the radio i wanna feel your body ...

All 4 One - Christmas With My Baby
i've been gone away from home for too longand it's drivin' me crazy'cause i'm missin my babyi ca...

All 4 One - Colors Of Love
blue is a color - that i'm seeing for the very first timein the skies - in your eyesevery time we're t...

All 4 One - Could This Be Magic
could this be magicmy dear, my heart's all aglowcould this be magicloving you socould this...

All 4 One - Down To The Last Drop
so you say he let you on, you'll never give your heart your heart is feeling hurt and confusedyou say ...

All 4 One - Fear No More
fear no more for i bring you tidings of joymay this time in your heart never fade awayfor i know how l...

All 4 One - Frosty The Snowman
rudolph the red nosed reindeerhad a very shiny noseand if you ever saw ityou would even say it g...

All 4 One - Giving You My Heart Forever
don't ask me how it could besometimes it's hard to believethat in my lifetime i could find that someon...

All 4 One - Here For You
i know i was a fool to let you leave my sideand let the most important thing slip slowly by my eyeswon...

All 4 One - Here If You're Ready
hay there ladyi couldn't help but see you across the roomi wanted to go and talk to youbut you h...

All 4 One - How To Love Again
you look so loney just standing therehurting from loveyou smile but cannot hide the pain of losing too...

All 4 One - I Cross My Heart
Holding you here in my armsYour heart is beating fastAnd you want me to tell youJust how long ou...

All 4 One - If You Want Me
i've never felt this way beforegirl everytime i see youmy heart hit the floor yeaso beautiful wh...

All 4 One - I'm Sorry
i know i was wrongfor treating you the way i did (the way i did)i have so much on my mindi didn'...

All 4 One - I'm Your Man
if you've been hurt and you feel you can't go on, the painin your heart is much too strong, it's been there ...

All 4 One - I Will Be Right Here
Wherever you go, whatever you do,Whenever you need meHow can I say how much you've done for meHo...

All 4 One - Keep It Goin' On
Come onAll-4-one keep it goin' onOn and onYour word is oneAll-4-one keep it goin' on...

All 4 One - Love Is More Than Just
i wanted to talk to you - pick up the phonei don't want to be alonesaid i need someone to hold on tigh...

All 4 One - Mary's Little Boy Child
long time ago in bethlehemso the holy bible saymary's boy child jesus christwas born on christma...

All 4 One - No Doubt
from the very first moment that i looked in your eyesbaby what can i say i've been lost in a dazei nev...

All 4 One - O' Come All Ye Faithful
o come all ye faithful,joyful and triumphant,o come ye, o come ye to bethlehem;come and behold h...

All 4 One - Oh Girl
girl, i know that there are timeswhen i don't listen to youand maybe know it seems that i am untrue...

All 4 One - One More Summer Night
one summer nightwe fell in loveone summer nighti held you tightyou and iunder the mo...

All 4 One - One Summer Night
one summer nightwe fell in loveone summer nighti held you tightyou and iunder the mo...

All 4 One - Roll Call
1 - 4 the treble, 2 - 4 the basscome on all-4-one, let's rock this place. . .all-4-one is in the house...

All 4 One - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
i just came back from a lovely trip along the milky wayi stopped off at the north pole to spend the holiday...

All 4 One - Secrets
i've got a secret i've never told, it's kind of nastyand kinda bold, it's all about you and i, doing our thi...

All 4 One - She's Got Skillz
little rump shaker she can really shake and bakeshe's got skillzwatch her slippin and a slidin' workin...

All 4 One - Silent Night
silent night, holy night,all is calm, all is bright,round yon virgin mother and child.holy infan...

All 4 One - Smile Like Mona Lisa
oh, i carry a photographgirl of the way you used to belove looking back at me, now it's just a memory...

All 4 One - Somebody To Love
you and me have got a special thanga love like ours could never be replacedand all this time i've only...

All 4 One - Something About You
something about you babythat makes me wanna hug ya (hug ya) love ya (love ya)something about you baby...

All 4 One - So Much In Love
as we stroll along togetherholding hands walking all alongso in love are we twothat we don't kno...

All 4 One - The Bomb
girl you wanna sex megirl, why don't you letyou really turn me oni think we could swing it...

All 4 One - The Christmas Song
chestnuts roasting on an open fire,jack frost nipping at your nose,yuletide carols being sung by a cho...

All 4 One - The First Noel
the first noel the angels did say,was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay,in fields where ...

All 4 One - These Arms
i hear the sound of you heart beatingdon't say a word i know what you're feelingjust hold me close, do...

All 4 One - Think You're The One For Me
baby - i think i've finally found - the girl of my dreamsand lady - i just need to know - if you feel the sa...

All 4 One - This Christmas
hang all the mistletoei'm gonna get to know you betterthis christmasand as i trim the tree...

All 4 One - Time To Come Home
she touched the world with her smileand paved the way so many timesthe look in her always of love...

All 4 One - Until You Go
i've been meaning to tell youthat from far away,baby you caught my eyeyou must be from heavencau...

All 4 One - We Dedicate
jesus loves me this i knowhe gave his life to let me knowhow ever far that i may strayhe's only ...

All 4 One - We Wish A Merry Christmas
we wish you a merry christmaswe wish you a merry christmaswe wish you a merry christmasand a hap...

All 4 One - What Child Is This?
what child is thiswho laid to reston mary's lap is sleepingwhom angels greet with anthems sweet...

All 4 One - Whatever You Want
what would it taketo turn your heart my wayto move you with each word that i say'cause i just wa...

All 4 One - When You Wish Upon A Star
when a star is bornthey possess a gift or twoone of them is thisto make your dreams come true...

All 4 One - Without You
what can i do to show my love to youi'd face erormous pain, run through the wind and raingirl anything...

All Saints - All Hooked Up
C'mon on, c-c'mon(Say what, say what)Yo yo, there she goGo girl with your fine assYo...

All Saints - Alone
Not gonna, don't wanna, never gonna, don't wanna, wanna end up aloneNot gonna, never gonna, don't, don't wan...

All Saints - Beg
BegHe-he-he-ha, he-he-he-ha, begLadies and gentleman(beg, beg)Put your hands together...

All Saints - Black Coffee
Night SwimmingBeach walkingAlways silentNever talkingThen you call my nameAnd I know...

All Saints - Bootie Call
Bring it on, bring it, bring it on nowBring it on, bring it, bring it on nowBring it on, bring it, bri...

All Saints - Distance
Home, OoooohOoooohhhh, UmSitting on my ownA long way from homeIts a distance from yo...

All Saints - Dreams
Here I go again, got a broken heartThis time I'll get strongerNo grieving 'til the break of dawn...

All Saints - Ha Ha
Ha Ha, Ha HaLaugh out loudHa Ha, Ha Ha HaLaugh out loudCould it be, I left my mother...

All Saints - Heaven
Lift me up, take me high, Take me higher than I've been before,I need time, time to findThe road...

All Saints - I Feel You
Fortunately I've been blessedBlessed with love and happiness(Happiness)Who'd have known a soul s...

All Saints - If You Want To Party (i Found Lovin')
C'mon now, nowOoh-hoo-hoo-hooStart itHey Hey, what's up? Gather round, everybody get...

All Saints - I Know Where It's At
I know where its atI know where its at (I know where its at)I know where its atI know where its ...

All Saints - Lady Marmalade
Hey Sister, Go Sister, Soul Sister, Go SisterHey Sister, Go Sister, Soul Sister, Go SisterHey Sister, ...

All Saints - Love Is Love
Love is loveLove is loveSomething just crept upon meAs you lay next to me this morning...

All Saints - Never Ever
A few questions that I need to knowhow you could ever hurt me soI need to know what I've done wrong...

All Saints - Pure Shores
I've crossed the deserts for milesSwam water for timeSearching places to findA piece of somethin...

All Saints - Ready, Willing & Able
I just can't get enough (I just can't get enough)I just can't get enough (I just can't get enough)I ju...

All Saints - Saints & Sinners
Oooh, OoohOooh, OoohOoooohThe name: All SaintsThe year: 2000Good or bad? Saint...

All Saints - Surrender
Something in the wineThat accentuates the moodI'm like a child at schoolYou're the blackboard I ...

All Saints - Take The Key
Take the Key and you'll find [Shaz, Nat & Nic]Loving you makes me feel [Shaz, Nat & Nic]...

All Saints - Trapped
1, 2, 1, 2, she's trappedGonna need some help what you think about that?1, 2, 1, 2, she's trapped...

All Saints - Under The Bridge
Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partnerSometimes I feel like my only friendIs the city I live in ...

All Saints - Whoppin' Over You
I'm into somthingSomething way really coolMr DJ's got me startedI got my eyes set on you...

All-star Tribute - What's Going On?
[P Diddy:]What's Going On [Jermaine Dupri:]Tell Me [P Diddy:]...

Alter Bridge - Burn It Down
Drank so much last nightI think that I drowned But now my cup is empty No one has seen my will a...

Alter Bridge - Find The Real
Stuck in the middleI burrow insideBack to the cradleAway from the burdensOf all my crimes...

Alter Bridge - In Loving Memory
Thanks for all you've doneI've missed you for so longI can't believe you're goneYou still live i...

Alter Bridge - Metalingus
I've been defeated and brought downDropped to my knees when hope ran outThe time has come to change my...

Alter Bridge - One Day Remains
As your will is bent and brokenand every vision has been cast into the windas your courage crashes dow...

Alter Bridge - Open Your Eyes
Looking back I clearly seeWhat it is that's killing meThrough the eyes of one I knowI see a visi...

Alter Bridge - Shed My Skin
I am not aloneI live with the memories regret is my homeThis is my true freedomExpress all the f...

Alter Bridge - The End Is Here
Endless dayWe search for what we hold insideSo hard to findLuck turnsWill the fallen ever ...

Alter Bridge - Watch Your Words
Watch your wordsOr your words might drown youAnd cure my woundsAnd the light will blind you...

Aly & Aj - Do You Believe In Magic
Do you believe in magic? In a young girls heart How the music can free her whenever it starts ...

Aly & Aj - Jingle Bell Rock
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell RockJingle Bells swing and Jingle Bells ringSnowing, and blowing...

Aly & Aj - Zip-a-dee-doo-dah
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip-A-Dee-A My oh my, what a wonderful dayPlenty of sunshine heading my ...

Amanda - Call Me
You and me, second grade Livin' on the same street Hangin' out, every day Like a brother to me ...

Amanda - Can't Stop My Love
uh yeah I can feel my feet losing groundand my head won't quit spinning roundand I can't c...

Amanda - Crush On You
Wanna give in to my feelingsand I cannot describewhat's up with youand the things you make...

Amanda - Everybody Doesn't
Everybody does itThat's what you keep saying Everybody doesn'tNot everybody's playing...

Amanda - If I Open Up My Heart To You
It's still too soon to call it loveI know it's more then just a crushwe're getting closer every day...

Amanda - No Pressure
Don't push, dont rushdont sacrifce our lovedont move to soon slow down baby dont be a fool...

Amanda - Not The One (for Me)
You broke my heartone too many timesheart-ack & painwas all I could findyeahuh...

Amanda - Start It All Over
Why do you thinkI have all these tears in my eyesI'm tryin' hard, not to rememberI told the trut...

Amanda - That's Right
[laughing]Ain't no doubt about it you want mecan't you seeI want the same...

Amanda - The Way I Am
This may come as shocking newsI dont wanna be like youI'm not afarid of standing outdont belong ...

Amanda - You Don't Stand A Chance
Compared to a day of sunshinecompared to the faveorite song of mineWhen I'm hangin' with my girls...

Amanda Perez - Angel (remix)
It's been five months since (Ohhhh) you went awayLeft without a word and nothin' to sayGod send me an ...

Amanda Perez - Calling You
I keep calling you.Tell me, was it something I said?Calling you.Woke up this morning and y...

Amanda Perez - Dedicate
Ooh I dedicate,ooh I dedicate.Lately I been thinking 'bout all the things we been going th...

Amanda Perez - Fire
Yeah, you so fire.You so fire. Come on in and take off your coat.It's rainin' outside and ...

Amanda Perez - Get 'em Hype
see all the lovin' in the worldi'm with itif you down we can spliti guarantee that you can feel ...

Amanda Perez - I Like It
ohhh i like itoooo[chorus]i like it when you lick right herei like it when yo...

Amanda Perez - I Need You
Every night that I'm with you,I can see each day, that our love is true.From all the long fights in th...

Amanda Perez - I Need Your Love
I need your love baby.You been giving me so much lately.Oh, I love the way you make me feel.For ...

Amanda Perez - In My Life
Oh OhIn my life, my lifeEverytime I see you I lose my coolGoin out of my mind cuz i can't stop t...

Amanda Perez - I Pray
[Talking:]You know with each day that passes by, I pray to god I'll never forget who you are.Yo...

Amanda Perez - I Still Love You
Tell me whywhat did I do?Just the other night the love of my life went awayand I can't sleep at ...

Amanda Perez - Love Is Pain
Why is love so much pain ?Sitting on the roof starring at the stars Thinking to myself how could i hav...

Amanda Perez - Make Me Feel
Yeah, oh you make me feel.You make me feel good inside.You look into my eyes.I always try to hid...

Amanda Perez - No More
ohi got some questions that i wanna ask you and boy don't even try liecuz already found ou...

Amanda Perez - Run With It
Talk to me, that's the only way I can find out what's going onFinally, we can be ourselves we don't have to ...

Amanda Perez - Whoa
whoa [13x's]This nigga must be crazy,think he could get up on that uh uh c...

Amanda Perez - Your Body Is Mine
uh your body is mineohh whoa ohh whoa yeah yeah yeaaaahhhhhu can come in an close the door...

Amel Larrieux - All I Got
Got these feetIn these shoesThey walked a mile or two,Got these legsThey've done work...

Amel Larrieux - Beyond
Across the roomAcross the streetAcross the water where the two big blues meetAcross the widest s...

Amel Larrieux - Bravebird
In a land far away where the sun doesn't spare a soul And a twisted tradition has a girl in a strangle hold...

Amel Larrieux - Dear To Me
As gravity is to every human beingAs the earth is to the treesI couldn't drift away from your love bec...

Amel Larrieux - Down
Down where I'm goingDown cause you dance me aroundAnd you're too busy to seeDown boy did you let...

Amel Larrieux - Even If
Never thought I would, find the words that could Stand up through any weather Something I could say, y...

Amel Larrieux - For Real
I can run, I can race for hours and hours And don't stop I can float I can fly us to the highest ...

Amel Larrieux - Get Up
6 amGetting out of bed againCan't get back inCuz sl eep ain't gonna pay the rentDay to day...

Amel Larrieux - Infinite Possibilities
21 Oh life has just begun Got a temper like a gun Pointing it at everyone That's his game ...

Amel Larrieux - I N I
A little girl i was looking at a magazineWonderin' why i could never find to many girls that look like me...

Amel Larrieux - Make Me Whole
Darling I want you to listenI stayed up all night, so I could get this thing rightAnd I don't think th...

Amel Larrieux - Sacred
Is there nothing sacred anymore When Celebrities are deified And we're still calling some countr...

Amel Larrieux - Searchin' For My Soul
Once I was happyOnce I was aliveThe spirit of my guilty in the mimic of the skyWatching lives be...

Amel Larrieux - Sweet Misery
Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm Oh ?? I know it just ain't right But it seems ...

Amel Larrieux - Weather
Whenever you awake and find your kingdom life is greatCan I suggest a simple remedy to make your dayOp...

Amel Larrieux - We Can Be New
Can you tell that I've been hurt so?Can you tell I wanna lay low?Can you tell that I'm a flowerW...

Amel Larrieux - Your Eyes
Your eyes greeted mine and whispered Softly, softlyA secret only for meYour eyes took their swee...

American Head Charge - All Wrapped Up
Im above everything elsesaved the ones that shouldnt behold on to them all so youllfind yourself...

American Head Charge - Americunt Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage
walk with an impure mindrevelations unkindabject dental of the flesh I feelendure and make my mi...

American Head Charge - A Violent Reaction
lead me aroundnurse my broken wingwith all the promisesyou can never honorI just dont care...

American Head Charge - Breathe In, Bleed Out
My throat is dry when I(stain it)keep the hate alive(abuse it)your lips are tight when I...

American Head Charge - Cowards
This is the way to find my harlequins faceTo my junkie dead body Still covered in laceThe flesh ...

American Head Charge - Desertion
Hey I want your skin to get me offYou make it sound so fucking pure I'll bring you down and make you s...

American Head Charge - Different
I'm chewing my tongueIt makes it so numb My lower coverings House many children So many pi...

American Head Charge - Dirty
It's been after meIn this placeA pleasant threat perfect voidStuck in modalityWith all thi...

American Head Charge - Effigy
burn the bedconsummatedrest the headit just holds us back nowstill she keeps on looking...

American Head Charge - Erratic
Stalking the currency shiftsAs cause becomesEmbedded codes digital mistakesSo all the rest can...

American Head Charge - Fall
pathetic sympathiesleft for the bloody at hearteverything fades to shitevertyhing tears me apart...

American Head Charge - Feel The Curtain
I step with two hands openAnd kick the man in front of me Reminded of my father When will you ev...

American Head Charge - Fiend
I want to beSomewhere far from hereI'm watching youAs you wave goodbyeI won't take I...

American Head Charge - Just So You Know
the surface is so cold and worthlessall the things that I have still come from thereso paint your wind...

American Head Charge - Leave Me Alone
You Always get exactly what you wantYouThis is only my life that you tauntAlways giving me...

American Head Charge - Loyalty
It's just a reason to denyAll the limits that borderOn the thiniest frailtiesthat makes a sudden...

American Head Charge - Never Get Caught
follow me now and I will drown youfill you full of reasonno windows Ill take youto the dirty pla...

American Head Charge - Nothing Gets Nothing
freedom is everythingresolve impossibleyou prayed for rainignoring the floodyou took me wi...

American Head Charge - Pledge Allegiance
We're just the braces amidstThese selfish trials and fitsNot so safe or scared or dumb is the rest...

American Head Charge - Pretty Face
Play your games with my limp jointsIdolize it's wet paper skin Listen to the cast preach your life ...

American Head Charge - Pushing The Envelope
an overwhelming understandingof chaos brings you to your kneesimpurities make me the way that I am...

American Head Charge - Reach And Touch
Ive seen it turn from white to redIve heard you talk about howyou bleed and it doesnt mean shitu...

American Head Charge - Ridicule
Ridicule my ownSo precious aloneThese faces of everyone Remind me of homeYou're plotting r...

American Head Charge - Seamless
stink filled spasmsdeep in a colostomy bagI like being trapped insidethe plastics wearing out...

American Head Charge - Self
No sense of selfTo balance it offPreconceived notions of somethingEveryones goneWill I sho...

American Head Charge - Shutdown
the trait that is stillleft on the killing floor for youthat smile as he stillitches for killing...

American Head Charge - Song For The Suspect
I can still watch those eyescrawling over her dress untilI could show you everythingbut I dont h...

American Head Charge - Stature
Beautiful diseaseTrying to stop those fleas Resist complacences For what you seize Siniste...

American Head Charge - Take What I've Taken
This most unwitting occurrence Is indeed about youSo take it Or chalk it upAll the others ...

American Head Charge - To Be Me
Have you any idea What it's like to be meWatching you succeed and move forward All my wasted tim...

American Head Charge - To Taste Acid
The crowd did moveWas it live The course it took Was it right The crown I wore Was i...

American Head Charge - Walk Away
Money is hateSo love me nowWhile I'm still unimportant enough to beI will prove myselfAnd ...

American Head Charge - We Believe
I know this muchI cant stand mewhen I become himI know this muchI dont feel freewhen...

American Head Charge - What
Your mom didn't tell youYou'd have nothing to say Shut the fuck up bitch In a poisoned state ...

American Head Charge - When I Failed
Decide everything for meSubject yourself to it Make believe it's only your fault Stifle my own ...

American Hi-fi - Baby Come Home
I understand your point of viewSo what do I sayI've been so underwhelmed beforeYou've got a lot ...

American Hi-fi - Beautiful Disaster
Ill make you a 5 star enemyIve taken a fall would you like to seeChoke it down what a sound run away f...

American Hi-fi - Built For Speed
Shes on fire like a rocket spinning out of controlTry to stop her but you just dontknowHow to keep it ...

American Hi-fi - Happy
I see you in a daydreamTurn it on now make a big sceneYou kiss you kiss when you want somethingF...

American Hi-fi - Hearts On Parade
I don't understandHow we drift so far awayI keep on holding onBut your hands are feeling so numb...

American Hi-fi - Hell Yeah
She likes the boys in the bandI'm moving fast as I canSliding over in her directionPause to chec...

American Hi-fi - Highs And Lows
Nobody really knows the painBut everybody knows your nameYou've got their full attention, all eyes on ...

American Hi-fi - Maybe Won't Do
Some call it love I don't know what you're thinkin' ofSuch a mystery to meSomehow you always like to p...

American Hi-fi - Nothing Left To Lose
Nothing left to loseExcept you and your baby bluesMicrophone check this rhymePancho villa was a ...

American Hi-fi - Rise
I dont know what I can takeCan you feel the pressure break Ive been getting by on nothingHow lon...

American Hi-fi - Save Me
Ive been so lowYeah Ive been so strung outCan you picture this Ill take somethingIts bette...

American Hi-fi - Separation Anxiety
No one told me there'd be days like theseI'm sick of sinkin' man I'm on my kneesTell me again just why...

American Hi-fi - Something Real
Staring down the boulevardCrescent heights the city lights the wayTo another wasted dayShiny car...

American Hi-fi - Teenage Alien Nation
I want it allNo matter what thought you heard me sayNo matter what you know you cant escape today...

American Hi-fi - The Art Of Losing
Last call now I'm outta time And I don't got no valentine Singled out, now I stand alone The und...

American Hi-fi - The Breakup Song
I can't believe I hung around with you all this time You drove me crazy with your OCD girl you're out of you...

American Hi-fi - The Everlasting Fall
Waking up late, a grey Sunday mourningGot up on the wrong side, so go back to bedNewspaper says, it's ...

American Hi-fi - The Geeks Get The Girls
Another Friday night, to get the feeling rightAt the bar when he sees her coming overWhat you gonna do...

American Hi-fi - The Gold Rush
She caught the gold rushI could never get enoughShes been in magazinesWhat a little beauty queen...

American Hi-fi - This Is The Sound
Empty hearts can fill an empty roomBecause of you The sky above remains clear and blueIts nothin...

American Hi-fi - We Can't Be Friends
We were good, playin' hard, rollin' down the boulevardLiquor drinks, between the barsMaking out, back ...

American Hi-fi - Where Did We Go Wrong
Monday morning and the coffee's onWhat happened to my perfect worldFront page news she's already gone...

American Juniors - Abc
[Group:]Bo bo bo bo bo bo. Bo bo bo bo bo bo. Bo bo bo bo bo bo. Bo bo bo bo bo bo.[Lucy:]...

American Juniors - Emotional
[Dani:]I don't need a heartacheAnd crushes can be so fakeBut sooner than you know it...

American Juniors - Have You Ever
Ohhh, YaaaSometimes it's wrong to walk away, though you think it's overKnowing there's so much more to...

American Juniors - No Matta What (party All Night Long)
[All:] AA OO AA OO[Lucy:] Oh Ya, We gonna have some fun[Chanucey:] Cause tomorrow...

American Juniors - One Step Closer
[Taylor:]I've been waitin'Such a long time just tryin' to get through[Danielle:]...

American Juniors - Reach Out I'll Be There
[Chauncey talking:]Hey, I know how you feel. You feel alone. But all you have to do is... reach out....

American Juniors - True Colors
[Lucy:]You with the sad eyesDon't be discouragedOh I realizeIt's hard to find coura...

American Juniors - Unstoppable
[All:] UnstoppableI got the fire in my heartI'm not afraid of takin chargeI'm gonna push ...

Amerie - All I Have
I feel so unsureTrembling you open your doorYour eyes glisteningSilly me I'm already missing you...

Amerie - All I Need
[INTRO]In my heart, you're all I needYou are all I needNeed....need...need...need...need...

Amerie - Can't Let Go
Yeah yeahYeah yeah yeahOh ohWhoa yeahI never knew real love, real loveTill you...

Amerie - Can We Go
Let me sit down and tell you how this thing has really startedWhen I come around you act like loving you is ...

Amerie - Come With Me
[spoken]Look, you don't have to take thisYou can come with me[Chorus]S...

Amerie - Falling
[Chorus]Can I give you my trust?Im fallingCan I give you my thoughts?Im falling...

Amerie - Float
I can't explain it (whoa)The way you make me feel (waiting)The way you hold me (oh)The way you k...

Amerie - Got To Be There
nah nah nahnah nah nah nah nahnah nah nah nah nahnah nahWhen you and I first met...

Amerie - Hatin' On You
Nah nah ohNah nah ohNah nah mmmmYeah yeahIt's been on my mind, on my mindIt's ...

Amerie - I Just Died
Staring in the mirror as IStart to carefully contemplateJust really how deep is this thing I have for ...

Amerie - Just Like Me
I've given up on loveBut I gave up on the chanceThat I'd ever fallHead over heelsAnd all t...

Amerie - Like It Used To Be
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ....Our love what we once treasuredYour ways what I remember most of all...

Amerie - Need You Tonight
I meanI ain't gonna lie to youSee, you can have meIf you wanna do somethingI can't s...

Amerie - Nothing Like Loving You
Trying to beTo be so strongI look into your eyesAnd say helloSo hopelesslyI wait for...

Amerie - Not The Only One
Huh, huh, huh, huh ....Why can't you just tell the truth Why is it so hard for youTell me ...

Amerie - Outro
Looking back I know thatEverything was exactly how it shoulda beenGoing through the ups and downs...

Amerie - Rolling Down My Face
Can't breathe, can't thinkThere doin' themMy friends on the streets stopped so abrupt"What's wro...

Amerie - Show Me
Oh yeahYeah, mmmmWe were never suppose to go this far for realNow I see it all so clear...

Amerie - Talkin' About
Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah ....Been so fed up with that little gameMiscomunication I wish I had more t...

Amerie - Think Of You
I cant stop thinkin about what we once had togetherI kno the reason is that our love was meant forever...

Amerie - Touch
[Spoken]Most people say, they think, huh, wellWhy don't you get to know me[Choru...

Amerie - Why Don't We Fall In Love (richcraft Remix)
[Intro:]Baby-babe-baby-babe-babay!Baby-babe-baby-babe-babay![Verse One:]...

Amici Forever - Canto Alla Vita
Dedicato a chi colpevole o innocentePerso in questo mareSi e arreso alla correnteChi non e mai s...

Amici Forever - Nessun Dorma
Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma!Tu pure, o Principessa,Nella tua fredda stanzaGuardi le stelleC...

Amici Forever - Nimrod: Lux Aeterna
Elgar's famous, serene, and stately melody is given a vocal adaptation with this Lux aeterna requiem....

Amici Forever - Prayer In The Night
Cala la notteLa luna brillaLei mormora nel buioIl nome d'un altroBramae passione, l'alma a...

Amici Forever - Requiem For A Soldier
You never lived to seeWhat you gave to meOne shining dream of hope and loveLife and liberty...

Amici Forever - Senza Catene (unchained Melody)
Non ho pi catene ma solo piange il cuor lonta no da teNon ho pi catene perch so che il tuo amor ...

Amici Forever - Soave Sia Il Vento
Soave sia il ventoTranquilla sia l'ondaEd ogni elementoBenigno rispondaAi nostri desir...

Amici Forever - Song To The Moon
Mesiku na nebi hlubokemSvetlo tv daleko vidi,Po svete bloudis sirokm,Divas se v pribytky lidi....

Amici Forever - The Pearl Fishers
[NADIR]Au fond du temple saintPar de fleurs et d'orUne femme apparat!Je crois la vo...

Amici Forever - Vita Mia
Vita miaQuanta vita c'eDentro questi occhi in meThere've been times in my lifeWhen I...

Amici Forever - Whisper Of Angels
I was yours before the first morn brokeBefore the sun that woke the earthAnd I was yours before rain k...

Amici Forever - Zadok The Priest
Zadok the priestAnd Nathan the prophetAnointed Soloman, kingAnd all the peopleRejoic...

Amiel - Lovesong
Its one thing to ask why we break upHave you everWondered why it is we fall in loveCan you tell ...

Amiel - Obsession (i Love You)
Your never boring,Your always changing,You feel amazingTake meLead the way.I'm serio...

Amy Studt - Beautiful Lie
There's a sadness that they don't see, When you come to me, with your sorrows. It's not enough for you...

Amy Studt - Carry Me Away
The world is sleeping, but I'd rather be awake. Hear the silence and what she's got to say. All your s...

Amy Studt - Going Out Of My Mind
Hey you, its me again.I tried to call yesterday.And the words I had, To say to you,Somehow...

Amy Studt - Happy Now
Happy now, I wonder are you, happy now?Now that you've had me..and i'm on my own, all alone.Are you ha...

Amy Studt - If Only
When I get time to myself,And have nothing to do,I can't help feel the bitter sweet,That searche...

Amy Studt - Just A Little Girl
Sometimes I feel youre not listeningSometimes I feel you dont understandBut I think Ive got the answer...

Amy Studt - Ladder In My Tights
Yeah, yeah, yeah, shoobydoo.Just one more word and I'm gonna explode, I'm gonna self combust, I'...

Amy Studt - Misfit
So you think you got it all worked outYou got your hotpants onYou got your arse right out, youTh...

Amy Studt - Seconds Away
I feel you,Inside me,And slowlyI'm gone.I'm losingIt quietlyDrawn into the sun...

Amy Studt - Superior Mind
If there's hate in this heart, then there's hate in that heart.One hand claps not without the other.If...

Amy Studt - Testify
I've been cheating myself for too long.Living as if i was going nowhere,And I know it's wrong,I'...

Amy Studt - Under The Thumb
You twisted a nerve you, put your hand on your heart. You said 'hey don't worry, you're fit woman, that's al...

Amy Studt - You're Gonna Be Fine
Constantly, finding ways to fill the empty space. But still it seems that nothing touches you anymore. ...

Ana Johnsson - 6 Feet Under
[Chorus]You just left me six feet under ground I`m burning at the sight of the light I`m ...

Ana Johnsson - Coz I Can
I could be anything You want me to be Cook you nice dinners And then gently rub your feet ...

Ana Johnsson - Crest Of The Way
We can never know if we will fade Or stay strong We can never know what is right Tell me what is...

Ana Johnsson - Don't Cry For Pain
Hey man, here`s my plan I`m gonna break it Hey you, don`t be sad Here`s you chance so take it ...

Ana Johnsson - Here I Go Again
I wanna taste the bittersweet I wanna start a riot in these city streets I don`t wanna live life on re...

Ana Johnsson - I'm Stupid
I`m stupid, you`re smarter I`m stupid, thinking there`s a way This could turn out right I`...

Ana Johnsson - L.a.
All the roads lead to L.A. The place to meet Jesus And make friends with Mary-Jane If you`ve got...

Ana Johnsson - Life
Made of love Made of sin Mayday - calling form outer space I dive in Here I am ...

Ana Johnsson - Now It's Gone
Anything but empty words Give it to me where it hurts Anything just tell me something true Don`t...

Ana Johnsson - The Way I Am
I've been messed up tossed around I`ve been flying high just to get knocked down Always ke...

Ana Johnsson - We Are
See the devil on the doorstep now (my oh my)Telling everybody oh just how to live their livesSliding d...

Anastacia - Baptise My Soul
You baptise my soulWant the world to knowYes you doYou baptise my soulGotta let it show...

Anastacia - Black Roses
Whoa, hahYeahAhaTell you a story of a love I left behindIt was a broken fairy tale...

Anastacia - Cowboys & Kisses
Cowboys and kissesCowboys and kissesGotta find myself everytime you go awayBaggy blue jean...

Anastacia - Don'tcha Wanna
If you had the chance I know you, surely wouldAnd anytime I want it baby, I couldSaid you'd never saw ...

Anastacia - Don't Stop (doin' It)
hahayeahare you ready to do this onealright thenlet's gowoooohah come on...

Anastacia - Freak Of Nature
I'm a freak[Spoken:]Excuse meWhat u said to me?Oh no you didn'tNo I'm n...

Anastacia - Heavy On My Heart
I try to fly away but it's impossible And every breath I take gives birth to deeper sighs And for a mo...

Anastacia - How Come The World Won't Stop
hmmmSomebody told meyou were not coming homethe words are spinnin' in timeand the ai...

Anastacia - I Ask Of You
Whooo Your love is like a gentle breeze upon a brand-new day Your touch and what it does to me - like ...

Anastacia - I Dreamed You
You walked in the roomand time was standin' stillknew you were my destinyby the way you made me ...

Anastacia - I'm Outta Love
OooohaWhoaYeah yeah yeah yeahOh yeahAhaNow baby come oneDon't claim that...

Anastacia - Left Outside Alone
[INTRO:] All my life Ive been waiting For you to bring a fairy tale my way Been living in...

Anastacia - Love Is A Crime
Oooh YeahChicagoIf love is a crime babyI'd do my timeWhether it's wrong or right...

Anastacia - Love Is Alive
Love is aliveLove is alive, yeahLove is aliveLove is alive, yeahYeah yeahWhooo...

Anastacia - Made For Lovin' You
Baby I've been waiting for some timeTo find a way to free your mind, yeahIt's the simple things you do...

Anastacia - Maybe Today
Poison like the air we breatheThis complicated world we weaveSpins around pulls us downThis life...

Anastacia - Nothing At All
I suppose, for a man like youTo be the love of my lifeThat's a lot to askBut somehow, I feel thr...

Anastacia - Not That Kind
All the time that we spend togetherI won't fussI won't fight tryin to make you mineHaWooh...

Anastacia - One Day In Your Life
I knowthat's just the way it goesand you ain't rightfor sureyou turned your back on love...

Anastacia - One More Chance
Can we talk a while?'Cause I need youLord, I miss your smileSaid, I need youI know I'm not...

Anastacia - Overdue Goodbye
This is a messagepay attentionI got something to saypleasant informationThis is me w...

Anastacia - Overdue Goodbye (reprise)
Goodbyeoohgoodbyeoh oh oohgoodbyegoodbyeyeah yeah yeahgoodbyegoodb...

Anastacia - Paid My Dues
[Spoken:]You can say what you want about meWanna do what you want to meBut you can not st...

Anastacia - Pretty Little Dum Dum
Padapapapa.. Padapapapapa.. Padapapapa.. Padapapapapa.. Padapapapa.. Padapapapapa.. Floati...

Anastacia - Rearview
Ohhh.. Ohh.. I use to tell myself that you would wait I borrowed time for two and I twisted fate...

Anastacia - Same Old Story
YeahTurn around take a look at my lifeI'm a lot like you areTry to hide from yesterday...

Anastacia - Seasons Change
Cradle the weight of your life You can survive What lies before you It's only a matter of time ...

Anastacia - Secrets
[children playing]late in Septembermemories I can't erasethe shiver through autumn...

Anastacia - Sexy Single
All my life I've tried to find A love to give me piece of mind And I, I looked into your eyes Ca...

Anastacia - Sick & Tired
My love is on the line My love is on the line My love is on the line My love is on the line ...

Anastacia - Someday My Prince Will Come
Some day my prince will come,Some day I'll find my lovesome day some dayI say some day my ...

Anastacia - Time
Ohh.. Time... Time.. They say timing... is everything But nothing you control 'Cause...

Anastacia - Welcome To My Truth
Sentimental days In a misty clouded haze Of a memory that now feels untrue I used to feel disgui...

Anastacia - Where Do I Belong
Ohhh.. Ohhh.. Life doesn't promise a bed of roses Or white knights Fields of emotions I'm ...

Anastacia - Who's Gonna Stop The Rain
(Oh, oh, oh)There is no rose without a thornNo rain without a storm(Oh, oh, oh)There is no...

Anastacia - Why'd You Lie To Me
Why did you lie to me?Can't be trusted, good for nothing type of brotherEverything you claimed to be w...

Anastacia - Wishing Well
I wish you wellOh YeahOh YeahWhat do you think of me?And who do you want...

Anastacia - Yo Trippin'
WhoaHeyaAll tis time this lifeIs a rhythm without a rhyme'Cause it makes me feel, uh...

Anastacia - You'll Never Be Alone
The world is changingand time is spinning fastit's so amazing how you came into my lifeI know it...

Andrew W.k. - Don't Stop Living In The Red
Don't stop living in the redDon't stop living in the redDon't stop living in the reeeeeeeeeed...

Andrew W.k. - Free Jumps
You walked out on your bestBut you knew they would never pass the testThey mess your life around...

Andrew W.k. - Fun Night
YEAH!We like to play and we do it all dayBecause we got no worriesWe make what we want...

Andrew W.k. - Girls Own Juice
UH! UH! UH!...People (UH!) start (UH!) killing (UH!) wherever she comes (UH!)When she come...

Andrew W.k. - Girls Own Love
People started killing wherever she goesWhen she comes she's a red hot set of lipsAnd when she c...

Andrew W.k. - Got To Do It
You gotta keep upYou gotta keep going...No you never let downYou gotta keep goingYou gotta...

Andrew W.k. - I Get Wet
You watch what I say,(Watch what I Say),Watch what I do.Because I really don't care,I real...

Andrew W.k. - I Love Music
I want you to remember all the things that i saidI want you to remember you're not better off deadYou ...

Andrew W.k. - Long Live The Party
I want to have a partyI want to have a partyI want to have a partyI want to have a partyYo...

Andrew W.k. - Make Sex
I don't want to make life, and I don't want to make death, I don't want to make love, I justwant to......

Andrew W.k. - Never Let Down
Never wanna break your heartNever wanna make you cryNever wanna give up and dieEven if you...

Andrew W.k. - Party Hard
When it's time to party we will party hard You, You work all night (all night) And when yo...

Andrew W.k. - Party 'til You Puke
We're not gonna dieYou can never kill usWe're not gonna dieYou can never hurt usWe d...

Andrew W.k. - Ready To Die
This is your time to pay, This is your judgement day, We made a sacrifice, And now we get to tak...

Andrew W.k. - Really In Love
I... I am alikeA lot like youOh, like youI do what I wantAnd I want youOh, wan...

Andrew W.k. - She Is Beautiful
I never knew girls existed like you But now that I do I'd really like to get to know you T...

Andrew W.k. - Take It Off
Take It Off!Gotta get ready to go'cos it's time againwe know (we are the ones)who do...

Andrew W.k. - Tear It Up
And if any last one of you ever likes to be part of this war, part of it, you get out, youget out, you get o...

Andrew W.k. - The End Of Our Lives
Had the power on fullAnd a reason to runLearned a little bit slowBut it's better than none...

Andrew W.k. - The Song
Do you really want to go down now?Do you really want to know where I've been when i go out?Can you und...

Andrew W.k. - Totally Stupid
Life's too shortSo do what you wantI've said it before and I'll say it againSo everyone just do ...

Andrew W.k. - Victory Strikes Again
This is why we are aliveWe all live like we are going to dieWe are here, We are highAnd this is ...

Andrew W.k. - We Want Fun
Well if we had our own willing way to goYou'd be doing things, and hoping theres antidote!When we saw ...

Andrew W.k. - Your Rules
I don't care what you sayAnd I won't hit the hayI don't know what you doBut I know I'm not you...

Androids - Automatic
I push so hard they hardly push back Instinct has led me to a man trap Divorce my conscience to be und...

Androids - Bored
Well I have never been Thought of as strong And now between the state of What's right and wrong ...

Androids - Brand New Life
I made up my mind You know when you're sick of tryin' You've gotta be on your way I was always d...

Androids - Cynical
You always seem to think the worst That everyone is out to screw your plans Go on and help yourself fi...

Androids - Do It With Madonna
You know Christina's got the bodyShe really likes to spin and twirlBut when she's flirting with the ca...

Androids - Here She Comes
Do do do do do do do Do do do do do do do I've got her stuck in my brain like a tattoo memory ...

Androids - Hey You!
I spend most every night just me and my TV I eat my cookies and I sip on my warm tea I'm never ever ev...

Androids - Let Me Down
Let me down slowly A dog's life is one I'll never have The bridge may be weak now But it'll last...

Androids - Pull Me Apart
She crawls up from the bed at twelve It's early but you're straight into a fight You wanna know just w...

Androids - Take It Too Far
Tryin' to keep straight but you left it too late The drink is beating you hands down You once made a w...

Androids - Wannabe
You try, to look like you're busy Your time's, aerobics and weight lifting The wardrobe's perfect but ...

Angel - Angel
When I'm upside downYou turn me right side upBy the simple words you sayWhen I'm south of ...

Angel - Believe In Angels
You say we're all the sameAnd girls just like to teaseWe like to play the gameAnd keep you down ...

Angel - Chinese Whispers
A little secret never meant to reach meYou made them promise but what fun would that beYou think you s...

Angel - Just The Way I Am
Hey you Whatcha gonna doGet out of my way cos the girl's coming throughI'm proud I'll say it out...

Angel - Lessons In Love
I heard you, you were back in townBut before me you were playin roundYou left a trail of broken hearts...

Angel - Love Is
Love is being a chair that a tired man can sit inLove is being a shade from the sun and heat to rest in...

Angel - Mama's Little Girl
Here's a little story'Bout a girl I knowAnd this is how the story goesNever fitting in...

Angel - Once Upon Our Time
Once upon a time you were mineHaven't I heard this storyAll these sugar sweet fairytalesNever co...

Angel - Three Small Words
We come home beat and tiredAsleep and wired late at nightWe get to talkin about ourFeelings and ...

Angel - To Forgive You
I saw you in the headlightsIt's gonna be a long nightCause suddenly those memoriesCame flooding ...

Angel - Wild Guess
I want to confessAll these thoughts that I've been thinkingGet it off my chestAfter just one kis...

Angel - You Release Me
Never found anybody to understandNever found a lover to take me as I amOh ohSo many emotions cag...

Angela Ammons - Always Getting Over You
Do, do, do, do, do [6x]Was it not enough stimulationHit by a brick the other day, just wh...

Angela Ammons - Big Girl
What do you want to be when I grow upA teacher a nurse or a bumI don't need you to judge what I did...

Angela Ammons - Broken
You, you're everything I know I'm happy when I'm sad Through all the times we shared I never fel...

Angela Ammons - Echo
Every time I need you you're never there So I go So tell me what did I do To keep you from holdi...

Angela Ammons - Pretend
I believed in once upon a timesHappy ever after fairy tales.I believed a love I thought was mine,...

Angela Ammons - Someday Soon
You wiped away my tears And asked me for a smile I pretended to for a while I said I'd do anythi...

Angela Ammons - Take My Hand
I need a love to lift me up andI need time to tell me what to do andIt's been a long ride, and i can m...

Angela Ammons - This Is Who I Am
So many times things I've tried in my lifeBeen so many placesYou could say I know some faces.So ...

Angela Ammons - Walking Backwards
Falling snowflakes, melting in the sun Dead end sweepstakes, heaven's growing numb Weekend sandman, st...

Angela Ammons - When It Doesn't Matter
I'm everything, you never wantedWhy does it mean so much to youI'm walking awayNot begging you t...

Angela Ammons - You'll Be Gone
So what if it is me, and what if we don't care anymore What if we come clean, Goodbye fear out the door ...

Angie Martinez - A New Day
[Intro: A. Martinez]Yo, uhThe animals are hereIt's a new day...yo yo uhIt's a...

Angie Martinez - Animal House
[Angie]Welcome to "Animal House" The animals are in the buildingIt's a new day...

Angie Martinez - Breathe
[Angie Martinez]Yo, yo, yo, uhh, uhh, yo, yo, whoo whoo whoo whoo, yo, uhh, hey!Sometimes you g...

Angie Martinez - Go!! (muthafuka)
[Angie:] What's this? [unfolding of letter][Angie & Guy:] Dear Angie Guy: I...

Angie Martinez - If I Could Go
[Lil' Mo] Yeaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy!!![Angie M] Oh yeah yeah{Lil' Mo] Yeaaaaaaaaaaayyyy!!!...

Angie Martinez - Live Big (remix)
[Angie Martinez] Oh![Sacario]I don't think y'all ready [Angie Martinez Laughing...

Angie Martinez - So Good
[Angie]He was all I wanted, late night talkin, on the phone till daylight often, at home ...

Angie Martinez - Take You Home
[VERSE 1:]I got a call from my girls around eight about that Friday spotRound 12 hit the highwa...

Angie Stone - 20 Dollars
[Intro]Said it's a sho' fire testimoneyCheck it, whoa, rap on the do'Whatcha know a...

Angie Stone - Black Diamonds & Blue Pearls (interlude)
We set up a jude of colorFor the darker shadeSet us up to never winStiffling one another, ...

Angie Stone - Bone 2 Pic (wit U)
Ali Shaheed, on the mixKickin' it with Angie StoneUh, Take it back, take it backTell me wh...

Angie Stone - Bottles & Cans
Everybody wants some type of success in lifeLike every woman wants to one day be a wifeYour success is...

Angie Stone - Coulda Been You
[1] - Could of been you laying next to meCould of been you feeling everythingYou had it all and...

Angie Stone - Don't Wanna Ride Without You
I'd rather be lonely and in painThen be surrounded by my enemy with joy to gainI'd rather be rich in s...

Angie Stone - Easier Said Than Done
[Intro]Ally oop now, ally oop, ally oop nowAlly oop now, ally oop, ally oop nowAlly oop n...

Angie Stone - Everyday
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahYeah, yeah, yeah, yeahYeah, yeah, yeah, yeahYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...

Angie Stone - Everyday (neptune Remix)
Uh, uh, uhWhat? Check it outAngie Stone on the remix with who? Neptune, uhI've had m...

Angie Stone - Freedom (intro)
FreedomFreedomWanna thank youFreedomThere's nothing in the worldLike freedom...

Angie Stone - Green Grass Vapors
[Intro]Now see you being cool too fastI didn't say light that up that quick, shitVapors, ...

Angie Stone - Heaven Help
There comes a timeTo be free of the heartI wanna be ready, ready to startOn a love journey, I go...

Angie Stone - Holding Back The Years
Ooh, yeah, ooh, oohOh yeah, uh-huhListenHolding back the yearsThinking about the fea...

Angie Stone - If It Wasn't
[1] - If it wasn't for yo' momma Never thinkin' I was good enoughIf it wasn't for yo' brotha ...

Angie Stone - Just A Pimp
Oh, dirty low downSammy Chivelucious was his namePlayed a very, very dirty gameHe took the...

Angie Stone - Life Goes On
[Intro]One for the roadCheck itKind of natural, yeahLook at then and when you...

Angie Stone - Life Story
Sittin' here wondering, ponderingEvery little thingAnd I'm lookin' back, lookin' atAll the time ...

Angie Stone - Love Junkie
[Intro]I don't know why I do thisBut it feels so goodIt's all about the StoneStone ...

Angie Stone - Mad Issues
[Angie] Uh huh[Rufus] Hey baby[Angie] I think I wanna just rap to ya for just a s...

Angie Stone - Makings Of You (interlude)
A little sugar, honey suckle lambGreat expression of happinessBoy, you could not miss with a dozen ros...

Angie Stone - Man Loves His Money
[1] - I want you like a man loves his moneyI want you like a man loves his moneyWhat is i...

Angie Stone - My Lovin' Will Give You Something
[Angie Stone]Take a little love of money that u keep onI know it's time for u to settle d...

Angie Stone - No More Rain (in This Cloud)
[Intro]No more rain in this cloudNo more rain in this cloud[1] - My sunshine...

Angie Stone - Outro
I find a quiet placeJust a small simple splaceJust to thank you Lord, for your blessingsI know t...

Angie Stone - Pissed Off
[Intro]Uh, yeah, try to be coolTired, feeling all that, you know what I'm sayin'?Positive...

Angie Stone - Snowflakes
A few kisses ago, you loved meTook your pocket knife, carved our names on a treeMy heart skips a beat ...

Angie Stone - Soul Insurance
[1] - Hey sista, soul sistaSista, Soul sista[Repeat 1][Repeat 1]...

Angie Stone - The Heat (outro)
Hope this isn't enough saidAin't got time to be a-makin' up my own bedHope this don't offend you...

Angie Stone - Time Of The Month
It's 3:00 in the morningTell me where you beenSee I'm in pain, these my brainsAnd my cramps are ...

Angie Stone - Trouble Man
No weapon formed against me shall prosperI come up hard, but never coolI didn't make it, suga...

Angie Stone - Visions
[1] - Visions of you in my mindHaven't thought about it for a long long timeWhy you tryin' to c...

Angie Stone - What U Dyin' For
[Intro]Talk about itTalk about itIt's a shame, yes a crazy crazyTell it to 'em...

Ani Difranco - 32 Flavors
squint your eyes and look closerI'm not between you and your ambitionI am a poster girl with no poster...

Ani Difranco - 4th Of July
you gotta have the right toolsfor every jobso I invite myself inthrough a hole in the fence...

Ani Difranco - Adam And Eve
tonight you stooped to my leveli am your mangy little whoreyou are trying to find your underwear...

Ani Difranco - Ain't That The Way
i love you and you love me and ain't that that way it's supposed to be? iswing my stick legs 'round from the...

Ani Difranco - Akimbo
What dreams cause meTo abandon my pillow each night?Push away each of them, in factSince there a...

Ani Difranco - Amazing Grace
amazing gracehow sweet the soundthat saved a wretch like mei once was lostbut now i'm foun...

Ani Difranco - Angel Food
if the mattress was a table topand the bed sheet was a pagewe'd be written outlike a couple of q...

Ani Difranco - Angry Anymore
growing up it was just me and my momagainst the worldand all my sympathies were with herwhen i w...

Ani Difranco - Animal
More and more there is this animalLooking out through my eyesAt all the traffic on the road to nowhere...

Ani Difranco - Anticipate
you are subtle as a window panestanding in my viewbut I will wait for it to rainso that I can se...

Ani Difranco - Anyday
I will lean into youand you can be the windI will open up my mouthand you can come rushing in...

Ani Difranco - As Is
you can't hide behind social gracesso don't tryto be all touchy feelycuz you lie in ...

Ani Difranco - Asking Too Much
I want somebody who sees the pointlessnessand still keeps their purpose in mindI want somebody who has...

Ani Difranco - Back Around
my lipstickjumped shipto a styrofoam cupwith the coffee gonethe conversation stronga...

Ani Difranco - Bliss Like This
I said VeniceYou heard VegasNow I say either wayBaby let's goI get so shakyAnd I jus...

Ani Difranco - Blood In The Boardroom
sitting in the boardroomthe I'm-so-bored roomlistening to the suitstalk about their worldt...

Ani Difranco - Bodily
You broke me bodilyThe heart ain't the half of itAnd I'll never learn to laugh at itIn my good n...

Ani Difranco - Born A Lion
I'm not hurting anyoneI'm just telling my truthand if thereif there is something wrongthen...

Ani Difranco - Both Hands
I am walkingout in the rainand I am listening to the low moanof the dial tone againand I a...

Ani Difranco - Brief Bus Stop
she sat there like a photographof someone much further awaywe shared a brief bus stopon one of t...

Ani Difranco - Bubble
I hated to pop the bubbleOf me and youBut it only held enough oxygenFor a trip or twoTo th...

Ani Difranco - Buildings And Bridges
Buildings and bridgesare made to bend in the windto withstand the world,that's what it takes...

Ani Difranco - Callous
You cried and you cried and you cried wolfSo it took me a minute to understandThat you really were hur...

Ani Difranco - Circle Of Light
standing just outsidethe circle of lightavoiding the pool cueswatching the gamewaiting for...

Ani Difranco - Cloud Blood
ive been wondering what you meantwhen you asked do you have a light?ive been wondering where you went...

Ani Difranco - Come Away From It
comecome awaycome away fromcome away from itnext to the glass ashtrayin a litt...

Ani Difranco - Coming Up
our father who art in a penthousesits in his 37th floor suiteand swivels to gaze downat the city...

Ani Difranco - Company
What's the pointOf all this pointless proximityIf you won't talkTake me for a walkThrough ...

Ani Difranco - Cradle And All
fourteenth street and the garbage swirls like a cyclonethree o'clock in the afternoon and I am going home...

Ani Difranco - Crime For Crime
the big day has comethe bell is soundingi run my hands through my hair one last timeoutside the ...

Ani Difranco - Deep Dish
cold and drizzly night in chicago's deep dishfluorescent light of the bathroomshows my hands as they a...

Ani Difranco - Dilate
life used to be life-likenow it's more like showbizi wake up in the nightand i don't know where ...

Ani Difranco - Dog Coffee
perpetrating counter-culture she is walking through the parkfirst light ugly and more muscular than the dark...

Ani Difranco - Done Wrong
the wind is ruthlessthe trees shake angry fingers at the skythe people hunch their shouldershold...

Ani Difranco - Educated Guess
Looks like my crazy family Is down one crazy daughter cuzI'm shipwrecked in a desert thatOnce wa...

Ani Difranco - Egos Like Hairdos
I saw on the postermy name was printedjust a little bit smallerI can tell you need to stand...

Ani Difranco - Everest
from the depth of the pacificto the height of everestand still the world is smoother than a shin...

Ani Difranco - Every Angle
I'm imagining your frameevery angleand every planeI'm imagining your smellthe one that min...

Ani Difranco - Every State Line
I got pulled over in west Texasso they could look inside my carhe said are you an american citizen...

Ani Difranco - Evolve
I walk in stride with peoplemuch taller than meand partly it's the boots butmostly it's my chi...

Ani Difranco - Face Up And Sing
some guy tried to rub up against mein a crowded subway carsome guy tried to feed me some stupid line...

Ani Difranco - Falling Is Like This
You give me that look that's like laughingwith liquid in your mouthlike you're choosing between chokin...

Ani Difranco - Fierce Flawless
she was cuffed to the truth like the truth was a chair with a bright interrogationlight in her eyes. and her...

Ani Difranco - Fire Door
I opened the fire doorto four lipsnone of which were minekissingtightened my belt around m...

Ani Difranco - Fixing Her Hair
she's looking in the mirrorshe's fixing her hairand I touch my head to feelwhat isn't there...

Ani Difranco - Fuel
They were digging a new foudation in ManhattanAnd they discovered a slave cemetary thereMay their soul...

Ani Difranco - Garden Of Simple
some crazy fucker carved a sculpture out of butter and propped it up in the middle of the bonanza breakfast ...

Ani Difranco - Glass House
sitting in my glasshousewhile your ghost is sleeping down the hallwatching the little birds flyk...

Ani Difranco - God's Country
state trooper thinks I drive too fastpulled me over to tell me soI say out here on the prarieany...

Ani Difranco - Going Down
you can't get through ityou can't get over ityou can't get aroundjust like in a dream...

Ani Difranco - Good, Bad, Ugly
it was goodgood to see you againgood to meet your girlfriendI'll try not to wonder where you are...

Ani Difranco - Grand Canyon
I love my countryBy which I meanI am indebted joyfullyTo all the people throughout its history...

Ani Difranco - Gratitude
thank youfor letting me stay herethank you for taking me inthank youfor the beer and the f...

Ani Difranco - Gravel
i heard the sound of your bike,as your wheels hit the gravel,then your engine in the driveway cu...

Ani Difranco - Grey
the sky is grey, the sand is grey, and the ocean is grey. i feel right athome in this stunning monochrome, a...

Ani Difranco - Hat Shaped Hat
in walked a man in the shape of a manholding a hat-shaped hathe held up two fingers and said 'how many...

Ani Difranco - Heartbreak Even
it's a heartbreak even situationnothing lost and nothing gainedso i'm 10 years old again standin...

Ani Difranco - Hello Birmingham
hold me downi am floating awayinto the overcast skiesover my home townon election day...

Ani Difranco - Hell Yeah
life is a b movieit's stupid and it's strangea directionless storyand the dialouge is lame...

Ani Difranco - Here For Now
I bet you're wondering if you woke todayjust to learn why the caged bird singsI bet you're wondering i...

Ani Difranco - Hour Follows Hour
hour follows hourlike water follows watereverything is governed by the ruleof one thing leads to...

Ani Difranco - How Have You Been
you could always hear the rub squeakingof those two tree limbs'til one day one of them came down...

Ani Difranco - Icarus
seems like you juststarted noticinghow noticably bad things really areand when you walked past t...

Ani Difranco - If He Tries Anything
I'm invincibleso are youwe do all the thingsthey say we can't dowe walk aroundin the...

Ani Difranco - If It Isn't Her
standing like john wayneshe is full framedshe is center stageand my imagination israttling...

Ani Difranco - I Know This Bar
I know this barWith a jukebox full of medicineAnd christmas lights blinkingAround a clouded mirr...

Ani Difranco - Imagine That
imagine that i'm on stage under a watchtower of punishing light. and in thehaze is your face bathed in shado...

Ani Difranco - I'm No Heroine
you think I wouldn't have himunless I could have him by the ballsyou think I just dish it outyou...

Ani Difranco - Imperfectly
I'm okayif you get me at a good angleand you're okayin the sort of lightand we don't look...

Ani Difranco - Independence Day
we drove the car to the top of the parking rampon the 4th of julywe sat out on the hood with a couple ...

Ani Difranco - In Here
even when i look right at you i always just see through and i always just see new things to admi...

Ani Difranco - In Or Out
guess there's something wrong with meguess I don't fit inno one wants to touch itno one knows wh...

Ani Difranco - In The Way
no you didn't just leaveI actually kicked you outI couldn't hardly believethat the words came ou...

Ani Difranco - Itch
I am evening the scoreI am cutting the umbilical cordcurled with my teeth against my kneesI am s...

Ani Difranco - Joyful Girl
i do it for the joy it bringsbecause i'm a joyful girlbecause the world owes me nothingand we ow...

Ani Difranco - Jukebox
in the jukebox of her memorythe list of names flips by and stopsshe closes her eyesand smiles as...

Ani Difranco - Kazoointoit
i love us both but i don't feel goodso i keep pulling overand looking underthe hoodi love ...

Ani Difranco - Know Now Then
it's not so much that we got closerit's that her face just go tbiggerand by the time it was filling up...

Ani Difranco - Knuckle Down
That's just my cowgirl alter-egoRiding on her bar room bullDripping with the sweat of ironyAs th...

Ani Difranco - Lag Time
There's really no hope for meAnd that three second ruleSomethin gets droppedAnd still I'm the sl...

Ani Difranco - Letter To A John
don't ask me why I'm cryingI'm not going to tell you what's wrongI'm just gonna sit on your lapf...

Ani Difranco - Letting The Telephone Ring
I am letting the telephone ringcause I don't want to know whyI don't want to hear you explainI d...

Ani Difranco - Light Of Some Kind
i wish i didn't have this nervous laughi wish i didn't say half the stuff i sayi wish i could just lea...

Ani Difranco - Looking For The Holes
I am looking for the holesthe holes in your jeansbecause I want to knoware they worn out in the ...

Ani Difranco - Loom
you've always got those dark sunglassescovering up your facebut if you promise to take them offi...

Ani Difranco - Lost Woman Song
I opened a bank accountwhen I was nine years oldI closed it when I was eighteenI gave them every...

Ani Difranco - Make Me Stay
I'm gonna turnand walk awayyou can waittil I am far alongthen run and comeand catch ...

Ani Difranco - Make Them Apologize
my breast is cradledin the curve of my guitarI'm breaking stringsand other thingsplaying h...

Ani Difranco - Manhole
I'm holding here a bookNotable, but not the greatestStolen for me by the latestIn a long line of...

Ani Difranco - Marrow
the answer came like a shot in the back while youwere running from your lesson, which might explain why year...

Ani Difranco - Minerva
You wandered inTo the forestFollowing that shiny red ballAnd by the time you looked upYou ...

Ani Difranco - Modulation
In order toSay thank you to youI must do it intentionallyBut tonight with every breathI ca...

Ani Difranco - My I.q.
when I was four years oldthey tried to test my I.Q.they showed me a pictureof 3 oranges and a pe...

Ani Difranco - Names And Dates And Times
I know so many white peopleI mean, where do I start?the trouble with white peopleis you can't te...

Ani Difranco - Napoleon
they told you your musiccould reach millionsthat the choice was up to youyou told me they always...

Ani Difranco - Not A Pretty Girl
I am not a pretty girlthat is not what I doI ain't no damsel in distessand I don't need to be re...

Ani Difranco - Not So Soft
In a forest of stoneunderneath the corporate canopywhere the sunrarelyfiltersdown...

Ani Difranco - Oh My My
your bodyforshortened below your shouldersyour face so close it's out of focusway down the hallw...

Ani Difranco - O.k.
if you ask mei'll sayyes pleaseto you todayso don't ask mecuz i'm weak that way...

Ani Difranco - Old Old Song
i'll sing you a song that starts out descriptiveand locates a time and a placelike a dinner table wher...

Ani Difranco - On Every Corner
deathhas been your loverhe has brought youthe edges of your lifeand now you are looking ov...

Ani Difranco - Origami
I am an all powerful amazon warriorNot just some sniveling girlSo no matter what I think I needY...

Ani Difranco - Out Of Habit
the butter melts out of habitthe toast isn't even warmthe waitress and the man in the plaid shirt...

Ani Difranco - Out Of Range
just the thoughtof our bedmakes me crumble like the plasterwhere you punched the wall beside my ...

Ani Difranco - Outta Me, Onto You
no no no no no no no no no no no nono moreno no no no no no no no no no no nono moreno no ...

Ani Difranco - Overlap
I search your profilefor a translationI study the conversationlike a map'cause I know ther...

Ani Difranco - Pale Purple
pale purple nipplesgoose pimpledshe shivers shifts from a walk to a trotalone in the cityi...

Ani Difranco - Paradigm
I was born to two immigrantsWho knew why they were hereThey were happy to pay taxesFor the schoo...

Ani Difranco - Parameters
Thirty-three years go byAnd not once do you come homeTo find a man sitting in your bedroomThat i...

Ani Difranco - Phase
I'll be your biggest fan, I will be your foolI'll be your exception to every ruleand I ain't the...

Ani Difranco - Pick Yer Nose
How come I can pick my earsbut not my nosewho made up that rule anywayhow can you say that's the...

Ani Difranco - Pixie
i'm a pixiei'm a paperdolli'm a cartooni'm a chipper cheerful free for alland i light up a...

Ani Difranco - Platforms
Life knocked me off my platformsSo I pulled out my first pair of bootsBought on the street at astor pl...

Ani Difranco - Promised Land
you're taking up lots of spaceyour shit is everywhereyour breath is all up in my faceyour hands ...

Ani Difranco - Providence
who knewat this party that Iwould walk in and I'd see you.I guess nowwe could just get dru...

Ani Difranco - Pulse
you crawled into my bedlike some sort of giant insectand i found myself spellboundthat night at ...

Ani Difranco - Rain Check
As dolls go I am brokenAnd you could just let that get us off the hookBut from under the umbrella of t...

Ani Difranco - Reckoning
you can doubt anything if you think about it long enough. cause whathappened always adjusts to fit what happ...

Ani Difranco - Recoil
Come home and my guitarHas nothin to say to meI recoil from all my friendsAnd then I'm in misery...

Ani Difranco - Revelling
you were so in lovethat it was all you could talk aboutand i think i felt a little left outyou w...

Ani Difranco - Rockabye
tending the garden of noisewhen I grow the trafficand the churchbellsand the neighborhood boys...

Ani Difranco - Rock Paper Scissors
it's rock paper scissors as to whether i will get over you at all. it'shand against hand and both hands are ...

Ani Difranco - Roll With It
She says my ass hurtswhen I sit downshe says my feet hurtfrom just standing aroundI think ...

Ani Difranco - Rush Hour
rush hourand the day's dawningthe rain cameand pushed me under the awningthe puddles grew ...

Ani Difranco - School Night
she went over to his apartmentclutching her decisionand he said, did you come here to tell me goodbye?...

Ani Difranco - Second Intermission
second intermission anticipation you know the third act small talk drops out of the play y...

Ani Difranco - Seeing Eye Dog
You're my seeing eye dog and I am blindYou take me there every timeWith that winning combination of lo...

Ani Difranco - Serpentine
Pavlov hits me with more bad news every time I answer the phoneso I play and I sing and I just let it ring, ...

Ani Difranco - Served Faithfully
he caresses every bottlelike it's the first one he's hadsayingit ain't lovebut it ain't ba...

Ani Difranco - Shameless
i cannot name thisi cannot explain thisand i really don't want tojust call me shamelessi c...

Ani Difranco - She Says
she says forget what you have to dopretend there is nothingoutside this roomand like an idea she...

Ani Difranco - Shrug
what's with that halo hoveringabove that thick skullspare meif I do say so - I think you're cove...

Ani Difranco - Shy
the heat is so greatit plays tricks with the eyeit turns the road to waterand then from water to...

Ani Difranco - Sick Of Me
how sick of me must you be by now? while you're standing just outside ofwhat your pride will allow, always r...

Ani Difranco - Slide
she was hungryso hungryshe was trying to think clearshe kept opening the fridge doorstarin...

Ani Difranco - Small World
she was shaking and talkinglouder and loudereach sentence was siftedto a very fine powderh...

Ani Difranco - Soft Shoulder
I don't keep much stuff aroundI value my portabilitybut I will say that I have savedevery letter...

Ani Difranco - Sorry I Am
I'm sorry I didn't sound more excited on the phoneI'm sorry that after all these yearsI've left you fe...

Ani Difranco - So What
who's gonna give a shitwho's gonna take the call when you find out that the road ahead is painte...

Ani Difranco - Studying Stones
I am out here studying stonesTrying to learn to be less aliveUsing all of my willTo keep very st...

Ani Difranco - Subdivision
white people are so scared of black people. they bulldoze out to thecountry, and put up houses on little loo...

Ani Difranco - Sunday Morning
Sunday morningSlow beats seethingThrough the screens inThe open windowsEggs fryingLe...

Ani Difranco - Superhero
sleepwalking through the all-nite drugstorebaptized in flourescent lighti found religion in the greeti...

Ani Difranco - Swandive
cradling the softest, warmest part of you in my handfeels like a little baby bird fallen from the nest...

Ani Difranco - Swim
You keep telling me I'm beautifulBut I feel a little less so each timeYour love is so colorfulIt...

Ani Difranco - Talk To Me Now
he said ani, you've gotten tough'cause my tone was curtyeah, and when I'm approached in a dark alley...

Ani Difranco - Tamburitza Lingua
a cold and porcelain lonelyin an old new york hotela stranger to a city that she used to know so...

Ani Difranco - The Diner
I'm calling from the dinerthe diner on the cornerI ordered two coffeesone is for youI was ...

Ani Difranco - The Next Big Thing
helloit's meI'm returning your callit's monday wednesday fridaybetween noon and three...

Ani Difranco - The Slant
the slanta building settling around memy figure female framed crookedlyin the thresholdof ...

Ani Difranco - The Story
I would have returned your greetingif it weren't for the way you were looking at methis street is not ...

Ani Difranco - The Waiting Song
your basic average super staris singing about justiceand peaceand loveand I am glaring at ...

Ani Difranco - The Whole Night
we can touchtouch our girl cheeksand we can hold handslike paper dollswe can trytry ...

Ani Difranco - This Bouquet
got a garden of songs where i grow all my thoughtswish i could harvest one or two for some small talki...

Ani Difranco - Tiptoe
tiptoeing through the used condomsstrewn on the piersoff the west side highwaysunset behind the ...

Ani Difranco - 'tis Of Thee
'tis of theethey caught the last poor manon a poor man's vacationthey cuffed him and confi...

Ani Difranco - To The Teeth
the sun is settin on the centuryand we are armed to the teethwe are all working together nowto m...

Ani Difranco - Trickle Down
you cease to smell the steel plantafter you've lived there for a whilesmoke is snow is ash are leaves ...

Ani Difranco - True Story Of What Was
The light blue flickering rhythmOf the neighbor's big console T.V.Is basking on the ceilingOf an...

Ani Difranco - Two Little Girls
you were fresh off the boat from virginiai had a year in new york city under my beltwe met in a dream...

Ani Difranco - Untouchable Face
think i'm going for a walk nowi feel a little unsteadyi don't want nobody to follow me'cept mayb...

Ani Difranco - Up Up Up Up Up Up
up up up up up up points thespire of the steeplebut god's work isn't done by godit's done by peo...

Ani Difranco - Used To You
I'm still here becauseI've got nothing else to doyou're an assholebut I'm getting used to you...

Ani Difranco - Virtue
virtue is relative at bestthere's nothing worse than a sunsetwhen you're driving due west and i'...

Ani Difranco - Welcome To:
welcome to:no amount of stoned makes you feel okwelcome to:this year's alone - brought to you by...

Ani Difranco - Whatall Is Nice
today we are only whatall is nice about ustoday we turned on in the blue light of dawnand made love...

Ani Difranco - What How When Where (why Who)
what what what what what did you think you were doing?how how how how how did you think this would go?...

Ani Difranco - What If No One's Watching
If my life were a moviethere would be a sunsetand the camera would pan awaybut the sky is just a...

Ani Difranco - Willing To Fight
The windows of my soulare made of one way glassdon't bother looking into my eyesif there's somet...

Ani Difranco - Wish I May
i'm losing my love of adventurei'm losing all respectfor me and myself tonighti wonder what happ...

Ani Difranco - Work Your Way Out
lying on the floorfour stories highin the corridorbetween the asphalt and the skyI am caug...

Ani Difranco - Worthy
you think you're not worthyI'd have to say I agreeI'm not worthy of youyou're not worthy of me...

Ani Difranco - You Each Time
There you were day after daySix feet Twenty feet Two feet awayRight in my pocket singin me...

Ani Difranco - You Had Time
how can I go homewith nothing to sayI know you're going to look at me that wayand say what did y...

Ani Difranco - Your Next Bold Move
coming of age during the plagueof reagan and bushwatching capitalism gun down democracyit had th...

Anna Nalick - Bleed
Well, it's been almost a year to the momentWhen I finally realized it was overAnd I knew that love was...

Anna Nalick - Citadel
I'm sittin' on a citadelContemplating lifeMaking a point to waste my time I'm walking on clouds...

Anna Nalick - In My Head
Under the weight of your wingsYou are a god and whatever I want you to beAnd I wonder if truly you are...

Anna Nalick - In The Rough
You say you fell while holding diamonds in your hands"It's your fault for running, holding diamonds," I said...

Anna Nalick - Wreck Of The Day
Driving away from the wreck of the dayAnd the light's always red in the rear-viewDesperately close to ...

Anneliese Van Der Pol - Over It
How could you knowThat behind my eyes a sad girl criedAnd how could you knowThat i hurt so much ...

Annie Lennox - A 1000 Beautiful Things
Every day I write the listOf reasons why I still believe they do exist(a thousand beautiful things)...

Annie Lennox - A Whiter Shade Of Pale
We skipped the light fandangoTurned cartwheels 'cross the floorI was feeling kind of seasick The...

Annie Lennox - Bitter Pill
Bitter pill to swallowSlidin' down my throatBitter pill to swallowHow it makes me chokeHow...

Annie Lennox - Cold
Come to meDo and be done with me(Cold cold cold)Don't I exist for youDon't I still live fo...

Annie Lennox - Don't Let It Bring You Down
Old man lyin' by the side of the roadWhere the lorries rollin' by Blue moon sinkin' from the weight of...

Annie Lennox - Don't Let Me Down
Don't let me downDon't let me downDon't let me down Don't let me downNobody ever lov...

Annie Lennox - Downtown Lights
Sometimes I walk away When all I really wanna doIs love and hold you rightThere is just one thin...

Annie Lennox - Dream Angus
Can ye no hush your weepin'all the wee lambs are sleepin' Birdies are nestlin' nestlin' together...

Annie Lennox - Erased
I'm gonna put it all behind meLike nothing ever happened between usNothing ever took place between you...

Annie Lennox - Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye
Ev'ry time we say goodbye I die a littleEv'ry time we say goodbye I wonder why a little Why the gods a...

Annie Lennox - Gift
Darling don't you understandI feel so ill at easeThe room is full of silence and it's getting hard to ...

Annie Lennox - Heaven
Heaven is the home of the hearts And heaven don't tear you apart Yea heaven is the home of the hearts ...

Annie Lennox - Honestly
The beauty that you gaveHas turned upon itselfAnd all the things you saidEvaporatedEvapora...

Annie Lennox - I Can't Get Next To You
I can turn the grey sky blueAnd I can make it rain whenever I want it to And I can build a castle from...

Annie Lennox - (i'm Always Touched) By Your Presence, Dear
Was it destiny? I don't know yet Was it just by chance? Could this be Kismet? Something in my consciou...

Annie Lennox - Into The West
Lay downYour sweet and weary headNight is fallingYouve come to journey's endSleep now...

Annie Lennox - Keep Young And Beautiful
What's cute about little cutieIt's her beauty, not brainsOld father time will never harm youIf y...

Annie Lennox - Ladies Of The Canyon
Trina wears her wampam beads She fills her drawing book with line Sewing lace on widow's weedsAn...

Annie Lennox - Legend In My Living Room
When I was just seventeen I ran away from homeTo be with all the pretty peopleTo be on my ownBri...

Annie Lennox - Little Bird
I look up to the little birdThat glides across the skyHe sings the clearest melodyIt makes me wa...

Annie Lennox - Live With Me, And Be My Love
Live with me, and be my love,And we will all the pleasures proveBy hills and valleys, dales and fields...

Annie Lennox - Loneliness
LonelinessIs a place that I know wellIt's the distance between usAnd the space inside ourselves...

Annie Lennox - Love Comes
Love comes like a miracle...Love comes to the rescue - whenever you need itLove comes like a mir...

Annie Lennox - Love Song For A Vampire
Come into these arms againAnd lay your body down The rhythm of this trembling heartIs beating li...

Annie Lennox - Mama
I was watching the woman that was walking down my street Walking with grace, so beautifully, carefully ...

Annie Lennox - Money Can't Buy It
Money can't buy it... babySex can't buy it... babyDrugs can't buy it... babyYou can't buy it... ...

Annie Lennox - No More "i Love You's"
I used to be lunatic from the gracious days I used to be woebegone and so restless nights My aching he...

Annie Lennox - Oh God
Oh God...Where are you now?And what you gonna doAbout the mess I've madeIf there was ever ...

Annie Lennox - Pavement Cracks
The city streets are wet again with rainBut I'm walkin' just the sameSkies turn to the usual grey...

Annie Lennox - Precious
Precious little angelTake a look at what you've doneWell I thought my time was overBut it's only...

Annie Lennox - Primitive
SweetheartThe sun has setAll red and primitive above our headsBlood stained on an ageless sky...

Annie Lennox - River Deep, Mountain High
When I was a little girl I had a rag doll The only doll I've ever owned Now I love you just the way I ...

Annie Lennox - Something So Right
You've got the cool waterWhen the fever runs highAnd you've got the look of love right in your eyes...

Annie Lennox - Stay By Me
Stay by meAnd make the moment lastPlease take these lipsEven if I have been kissedA millio...

Annie Lennox - Step By Step
Step by step Bit by bit Stone by stone yeahBrick by brick Step by step Day by ...

Annie Lennox - Syracuse
J'aimerais tant voir SyracuseL'ile de Paques et KairouanEt les grands oiseaux qui s'amusentA gli...

Annie Lennox - Take Me To The River
I don't know why I love you like I do All the changes you put me through Take my money, my cigarettes...

Annie Lennox - The Hurting Time
To everything there is a purpose ...To every blade of grassAnd every leaf on every treeEvery liv...

Annie Lennox - The Saddest Song
Darling are you feelingThe same thing that I'm seeingThe troubles of the dayTook my breath away...

Annie Lennox - The Thin Line Between Love And Hate
It's a thin line between love and hate It's a thin line between love and hate It's five o'clock ...

Annie Lennox - Train In Vain
They say you stand by your manTell me something I don't understandYou said you loved me and that's a f...

Annie Lennox - Twisted
I didn't want to know youI didn't mean to be a friendBut now it seemsI'd run through burnin' fir...

Annie Lennox - Under Pressure
Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah Pressure, pushing down on me...

Annie Lennox - Waiting In Vain
From the very first time I rest my eyes on you, boy My heart said follow throughBut I know now that I'...

Annie Lennox - Walking On Broken Glass
You were the sweetest thing that I ever knewBut I don't care for sugar honey if I can't have youSince ...

Annie Lennox - What's Goin On?
Mother, mother There's too many of you cryingBrother, brother, brotherThere's far too many of yo...

Annie Lennox - Why
How many times do I have to try to tell youThat I'm sorry for the things I've doneBut when I start to ...

Annie Lennox - Wonderful
I wanna have you'Cause you're all I've gotDon't wanna lose you'Cause it means a lotAll the...

Anouk - Alright
Oh, some things are better left unsaid You'll find a nice place to hide them But days like this ...

Anouk - Bigger Side
It's good to see you after all this timeIt's good to know that you are doing fineBut I can't help but ...

Anouk - Body Brain
Well you know I've got this problem'Cause there is youNo matter how I try to tell you just can't see...

Anouk - Cry
All you ever do isLetting it all just pass you byNo need to tryAll you ever say isBaby it'...

Anouk - Dark
I'm walking in the parkAnd I'm talking to the darkBut there ain't nobody listeningMy heart has t...

Anouk - Don't
No hurry, I'll be waitingMy baby, now don't you worryI'll be fineJust take your time...

Anouk - Everything
Now I believe that what I used to think was a lie is really aliveNow I can see there's only one place to rea...

Anouk - Fading
I got my head in the clouds Running from the thunder Proud as I can be I am Waiting for the grey...

Anouk - Falling Sun
Relationship lost on a stormy sea I hold on to you Just hold on to me When the lighting strikes ...

Anouk - Fluid Conduction
I've been sleeping all daySlummin' all night in a 44 hour sedationSince the day you cut me out of your...

Anouk - Girl
Girl girl girl When I hear him talk Ooh my mind gets blocked girl Speak up 'cause my jaw i...

Anouk - Graduated Fool
Graduated fool, that is what I amFor every time I failed youYou're so beautiful, I just turned and wal...

Anouk - Hail
They say that sometimesYou've got to pick up your arms and fightFor what you believe is right...

Anouk - Heaven Knows
To this generation We cannot forget The ones that we have loved The ones we left behind Do...

Anouk - Help
When your world comes crashing down Don't waste no time No this world's big enough for you and me ...

Anouk - I Live For You
You tell me that you need to spend sometime aloneYou tell me that you think it's best if I'd go home now...

Anouk - In The Sand
So many times I've criedWhen dark clouds block the sunlightAnd it's raining in my heartI'll keep...

Anouk - I Spy
I spy, I spy a tear in your eye So I'll try, I'll try to get you out of here You sigh, just move a lit...

Anouk - It's A Shame
It's a shame, the rules change not the gameSuch a shame, It's the sameNow everything is in vainA...

Anouk - It's So Hard
I'm just thinkin' about the child in me,That I sometimes feel insideAnd I'm figuring out just what it ...

Anouk - It Wasn't Me
Can you tell me how you feelWhen you turn on your tvWhen you see me singing through my tearsI've...

Anouk - Jerusalem
Sir can you tell me how to get to Jerusalem 'Cause I have kinda lost my way Sir will you help me get t...

Anouk - Lost
If roses are meant to be red And violets to be blue Why isn't my heart meant for you My ha...

Anouk - Margarita Chum
Here, if it's any conselation, take mineNo, no need for explanations, it's alrightWith me it would onl...

Anouk - Michel
Hey Michel how's life are you okI wonder if you ever think of meIt's been 9 years since that kiss...

Anouk - Mood Indigo
A taste of breath, a kiss sweater than honeyYour eyes in a misty dream a million miles awayAnd in my e...

Anouk - More Than You Deserve
What about those songs you sang my love Were they meant for her And all those words you never said bef...

Anouk - My Best Wasn't Good Enoug
Let's say I'm feeling betterLet's say I'm feeling fineLet's say I gave you all I hadAnd now I'm ...

Anouk - My Friend
What's the matter my friendCan you tell me whyYou say there's nothing on your mindPlease stop te...

Anouk - My Life
I'm gonna get out of my shellTry without anybody's helpTo loose this heavy loadAnd get my life b...

Anouk - Nobody's Wife
I'm sorry for the times that I made you screamfor the times that I killed your dreamsfor the times tha...

Anouk - No Time To Waste
I've got time to think aboutThe things you think about whenYou've got time to spareWonder why we...

Anouk - One Word
I close my eyes And imagine you're here Did it all seem so hopeless Given the chance I wou...

Anouk - Our Own Love
I'm watching your shadow cut by the moon Peaceful I wait for the dawn These moments in silence are all...

Anouk - Pictures On Your Skin
There's gonna be a yellow moon tonightDon't leave the light onBeads of sweat running down my face...

Anouk - R U Kiddin Me
Sure got my piece of heavenan angel in disguiseGone wildBut I thoughtyou were a manW...

Anouk - Sacrifice
Who's the one that made you happyWho's the one that always makes you laughWho's the reason you're smil...

Anouk - Searching
I am looking for answers to questions never posedI haven't got a clue, I'm living like a ghostI can't ...

Anouk - Stop Thinking
Lately I've been feeling downI don't get around much anymoreSo I just spend my time aloneWaiting...

Anouk - The Other Side Of Me
Do I really want to know myselfDo I want to seeWhy I'm wonderin' every morning, who's it gonna be toda...

Anouk - Time Is A Jailer
No one can hear me, 'cause no one is around But I still hear your whisper in the darkI know I can go, ...

Anouk - Together Alone
You grabbed my hand and twisted it, so you had your wayNo need to compromise 'cause you'll find ...

Anouk - Tom Waits
I was dreaming last nightA figment of my brainOn the downtown trainAnd we had nowhere to go...

Anouk - Too Long
You ask me what is on my mindYou notice there's a changeThere's something differentDifferent in ...

Anouk - U Being U
I don't exist for youYou made that crystal clearYour sweetest thing for 7 yearsWhat did I do to ...

Anouk - Urban Solitude
I've got a bug in my headAnd a jumping heartNo time to spareTurn left turn right step on it...

Anouk - Who Cares
Did you ever wake up in the morningWith a freight-train running through your headAn empty whiskey bott...

Anthony Callea - Bridge Over Troubled Water
When you're weary, feeling smallWhen tears are in your eyes, I will dry them allI'm on your side when ...

Anthony Callea - Don't Tell Me
do you know how it feelswhen there's nowhere to hidewith the world at your heelsand no one's the...

Anthony Callea - Hurts So Bad
You're an obsession now,Night after night i think of you,A little mysterious, You're hot like th...

Anthony Callea - Into Your Heart
Why does it have to be so hardDoes it have to hurt so muchWhen i want you so badWhen are you eve...

Anthony Callea - I Want You
Oh yeahThe magic's there, it's never felt so rightThere's nothing better than you by my sideHow ...

Anthony Callea - Lost In Summer
Another Monday morning,The clouds are warning,Every day feels the same, You check the forecast ...

Anthony Callea - Obvious
We started as friends, Then something happened inside me, Now i'm reading into everything, But t...

Anthony Callea - Per Sempre (for Always)
Sometimes i feel you, Like a beautiful light, Guiding my hand, Through the darkest night...

Anthony Callea - Rain
I remember when we met, before I was invisible.I thought I'd play it hard to get,pretend I'm una...

Anthony Callea - Take It To The Heart
I can't say that nothings brokenCan't tell you i'm not wrongThe hardest word has been unspokenOn...

Anthony Callea - The Prayer
I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go.And help us to be wise in times when we don't know...

Anthony Callea - Wanna Be The One
[Chorus:]Wanna be the one to hold yaWanna be the one to move yaWanna be the one to make a...

Anthony Callea - When I Get There
I wish that i could breathe,A moment just to be here, A chance to take it in, Before i have to l...

Anthony Callea - When You Were My Girl
When you were my girl, there were times you'd look at meAnd i knew exactly, how it felt to be lovedWhe...

Anthony Hamilton - Better Days
[Verse 1]There was times I didn't want to bother you You were at work all night I didn't want t...

Anthony Hamilton - Charlene
[Verse 1]Woke up this morning found a letter that she wrote She said she's tired that I'm alway...

Anthony Hamilton - Chyna Black
[Verse I]Chyna Black is like an open road Takes me places releases my soul Ain't it funny...

Anthony Hamilton - Comin' From Where I'm From
[Verse 1] Sittin here guess I didn't make bail Got time and a story to tell Started when ...

Anthony Hamilton - Cornbread, Fish & Collard Greens
[Ad libs][Verse 1] I knew just what I had to be When I heard you say what yo...

Anthony Hamilton - Float
[Verse I]Could it be your nice silky tone Ohh..that makes me want you girl Distant nights...

Anthony Hamilton - I'm A Mess
Cant believe Ohhhhh Oh no no no no whoaaa...[Verse 1]I'm so torn up now can't believe I l...

Anthony Hamilton - I Tried
[Chorus]Tried for so longFor you to hold onBut you won't be longTo anyone...

Anthony Hamilton - Lucille
[Verse 1] My old lady's on the other side of town with her ex boyfriend Drinking again, drinkin...

Anthony Hamilton - Mama Knew Love
[JD]Ladies & GentlementWe got Anthony Hamilton in the house tonight he just came from off tour....

Anthony Hamilton - Since I Seen't You
[Verse 1]You're 'bout the flyest thang that life could ever bring Like fresh air to me the bloo...

Anti-flag - 20 Years Of Hell
Alright!I've stood by, and I've criedWhile friends have diedYou ever have a friend kill themselv...

Anti-flag - 911 For Peace
It's in the paper every dayI see it in the headlines and I feel so sick, yeahAnother life leaves this ...

Anti-flag - America Got It Right
I was in Chico, California,Talking to a foreinger,when a facist threatened meHe hoped to threate...

Anti-flag - Anatomy Of Your Enemy
10 easy steps to create an enemy and start a war:Listen closely because we will all see this weapon used in ...

Anti-flag - A New Kind Of Army
LOOK BACK... on history, nothing much has changedTHOUSANDS... of soldiers of all countries, all marching the...

Anti-flag - Angry, Young And Poor
GO.......OH YEAH.............GOhe knows he'll be alone tonight,while contemplating, "What can i ...

Anti-flag - Antithetic To The Cure
There is no ardor that you knowWhere is the axiom that we're owed?And how do you fucking sleep?Y...

Anti-flag - Anti-violent
100 years just having fununtil you come [x2]with your steroid armsand skinny headsk...

Anti-flag - A Start
rats, monkeys, mice - teach 'em little tricks stay far from creativity, and from politics cause the multinationals...

Anti-flag - Betty Sue Is Dead
Sittin' home on a Saturday nightI can't believe she called meI've beening waitin' for my whole life...

Anti-flag - Born To Die
He knew he was guna get it badwhen his dad bailed him outa jaillead him from the station by a handful ...

Anti-flag - Bring It To An End
We've got just 30 secondsto sing to you about...Nationalism, facism,corporate greed, hateN...

Anti-flag - Bring Out Your Dead
Spend a lifetime working for these peopleTo make what they earn in one dayThere are options to choose,...

Anti-flag - Captain Anarchy
A-N-A-R-C-H-Y !He says that for the punk rock sceneHe'd give his fucking life,But he only ...

Anti-flag - Class Plague
We have no rights and i am pissedthe bill of rights does not existthis whole system is a lieThis...

Anti-flag - Confused Youth
Shes always askin' him what he wants to doHow many times does he have to say, he's fucking confused?He...

Anti-flag - Culture Revolution
Get ready to - make a standGet ready to - make a moveBecause if - we don't- fuckin' do it - then no on...

Anti-flag - Daddy Warbux
our thoughts and our lives controlled by pocket books of rich politicians, like a rich daddy warbux they pay for t...

Anti-flag - Daddy Was A Rich Man (part 2)
You think your dad was fuckin' greatYou always told me, "He's fuckin' great"I am gonna buy you this...

Anti-flag - Davey Destroyed The Punk Scene
He thinks because he's got spikes on hisLeather, that he's the punkest, he thinkshe's better! He walk...

Anti-flag - Death Of A Nation
When all you need was a little motivationThey pointed fingers and yelled dead generationWhen all you n...

Anti-flag - Die For Your Government
you've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government? die for your country? that's shit! there's a gulf war ...

Anti-flag - Drink Drank Punk
Gulp, gulp, gulpI want to drink more beerUntil I pukeDrink Drank PunkI'm so coolI ca...

Anti-flag - Equality Song
This is a song about equality,If you are never givin the chance,Then you are never able to show you ca...

Anti-flag - Ever Fallen In Love
[Written by Pete Shelley]You spurn my natural emotionsYou make me feel like dirtAnd...

Anti-flag - Free Nation?
State official talks of freedomTHEY-TALK!In this country that we live inTHEY-TALK!Free to ...

Anti-flag - Fuck Police Brutality
A bunch of punks hangin' out on the streets before a showPatty wagon pulls up -instinct- "Run Man, let's jus...

Anti-flag - Fuck The Flag
Brainwashing Piece of RagTake it off mast, and stick it up your assNow it's time to slaughter...

Anti-flag - Fuck The Pope
I don't want your fucking dogma,I don't believe in what you preach,I don't want your fucking bullshit,...

Anti-flag - Gifts From America: With Love, The U.s.a.
The world keeps turning and I keep fighting'cause what else are you to do?When there's a fascist telli...

Anti-flag - Got The Numbers
You push and push a people, what are they to do?Soon this corporate run government will be throughSee,...

Anti-flag - I Can't Stand Being With You
everything that you did everything that you said you may as well be down at the mall 'cause that's no different, t...

Anti-flag - I Don't Believe
i learned about america from my first day in school land of opportunity, land of the free they told us we were ble...

Anti-flag - I Don't Want To Be Like You
see you there, youve got a cold blank stareand you wish i was, but im notand you? well now you just do...

Anti-flag - I'm Being Watched By The Cia
Oh say can you seeBy the dawn's early lightWhat so proudly we hailAt the twilight's last gleamin...

Anti-flag - I'm Having A Good Day
watching tv talk shows is a lot of fun i like it when they alwasy have on people who are shooting guns inbred coup...

Anti-flag - Indie Sux, Hard-line Sux, Emo Sux, You Suck!
the indie kids are a bunch of snobs they complain my timing's all off i think timing is for stupid fucks! why do t...

Anti-flag - Kill The Rich
A billionaire chatting with his friendsThey've gotta stop and laugh"We've really got those suckers foo...

Anti-flag - Mind The G.a.t.t.
A brand new historySlyly and quicklySparkles in your eyesHope your not missingThe flash po...

Anti-flag - Mumia's Song
Arm in Arm - Fists held high"set them free" - our battle cryTake back the streetsAnd our right t...

Anti-flag - Nbc (no Blood-thirsty Corporations)
I heard a man on the radio saying, "we're facing an economic hell"It creates a vision in my head of ten thou...

Anti-flag - No Apology
slaughtered by the hands of a butcher the hands of the butcher were the hands of a "doctor" and these are the gold...

Anti-flag - No Borders, No Nations
I always thought if you want to change the worldThen you have to start with yourselfSo if the heads of...

Anti-flag - No Difference
As I look from this stage at the hundreds of kids in this room with me,The truth is so plain and so obvious,...

Anti-flag - No More Dead
Why don't you come over here and see what you've createdIt'll make you laugh so hard you'll cryAnd loo...

Anti-flag - Not Gonna Change
the only people that i bow down to are my family it kind of sucks that my loved ones don't let me do what I want t...

Anti-flag - One People, One Struggle
The people, united, will never be defeated.The people, united, will never be defeated.The people, unit...

Anti-flag - Operation Iraqi Liberation (o.i.l.)
This is a tale of liberation,this dedication songBroadcast it from all stations!!This tribute, t...

Anti-flag - Outbreak
the president got caught getting head so soon some people will be dead iraqi bodies scattered around by the cluste...

Anti-flag - Police State In The Usa
The Berlin Wall falls in the EastThe West claims triumph, "We've really got 'em beat!"Politicans from ...

Anti-flag - Police Story
A black man driving down the street one day Pulled over by racist boys in blue in Brentwood,Pa.Theres ...

Anti-flag - Post-war Breakout
BREAKOUT!So we breakout!I'm a post-war breakout (War breakout!)And a post-war breakdown (B...

Anti-flag - Power To The Peaceful
Sons and daughters of a dreamThe urge to struggle for an idealTo stay and fightOppose war fever...

Anti-flag - Punk By The Book
Covered in leather, or plaid patches, or metal studsYour hair is dyed or spiked with glueYou only talk...

Anti-flag - Rank-n-file
I'm standing with the rank-n-file I'm marching withthe underground our black hearts worn on our sleeves...

Anti-flag - Red, White And Brainwashed
They use the flag to control usBrainwash us to be their patrotic slavesPrograms our minds by controlli...

Anti-flag - Right On
pocatello, idaho: "punk rock?!?!?! isn't that the type of music where kids cut each other with razor blades and kn...

Anti-flag - Right To Choose
Thrown out by her familyIn the midst of angerMom and dad can't make senseOf her sexual preferenc...

Anti-flag - Rotten Future
All you punkers with yourNo Future dreamsFollow Johnny Rotten and all our preset beliefsFo...

Anti-flag - Safe Tonight
You know I feel so violent, Just want to break some glass,Every day I pray it'll be my lastTurni...

Anti-flag - Seattle Was A Riot
Seattle was a riot, they tried to pin on us But we didn't show up, with gas and billy clubs An un-armed mass of th...

Anti-flag - She's My Little Go-go Dancer
I was talking to this girl before a show Does she like me? i don't know I asked her to go out on satur...

Anti-flag - Smash It To Pieces
A psychic said to me - (WHAT DID SHE SAY?)She said, "You know I gotta a very special feeling,That trut...

Anti-flag - Sold As Freedom
You want to save the world?I can tell you what to do!You want to end terror?This solution is for...

Anti-flag - Spaz's House Destruction Party [live]
i want to tell a little story 'bout a party that went all right, but went all wrong i want to tell a little ...

Anti-flag - Stars And Stripes
welcoming with open arms and, with open heartsin the end they found their arms in shackles and their hearts ...

Anti-flag - Summer Squatter Go Home
Hey, we're rolling, hey..Go home, go homeSquatter go homeGo home, go homeSquatter go home...

Anti-flag - Tearing Down The Borders
No one flag flies over the multi-national company.No allegiance to the board's homeland, fellow citizens, th...

Anti-flag - Tearing Everyone Down
i thought i'd begun to see a change but the more things change, the more they stay the same back stabbing and name...

Anti-flag - That's Youth
go! we were just hanging on the corner, after skating for a few we were just killing time looking for something ne...

Anti-flag - The Consumer's Song
don't trust them as far as you can throw them 'cause as strong as you may be you won't be able to move them an inc...

Anti-flag - The Freaks, Nerds, & Romantics
[Originally by Bouncing Souls]I got a song stuck in my headWalking down street number nin...

Anti-flag - Their System Doesn't Work For You
One day while sitting in my roomYou came in preachingYour words predicting doomYou've never once...

Anti-flag - The Panama Deception
their 2 + 2 does not equal 4 their 2 + 2 equals whatver, they want us to die for about face! - snap to attention f...

Anti-flag - The Truth
They feed us brainrot, and tell us that it's true Dan Rather is reporting something but it isn't news ...

Anti-flag - They Don't Protect You
the rich control the world's economic state creating poverty for their own sake poverty breeds crime, that threate...

Anti-flag - This Is Not A Crass Song
you're walking down the street in the middle of the day the sun is shinning brightly everything is quite ok but th...

Anti-flag - This Machine Kills Fascists
We've run out of patience,You've run out of time !This scene will not fall victimTo your violenc...

Anti-flag - Turncoat
TURNCOAT! KILLER! LIAR! THIEF!Criminal with protection of the law!Go!States lies dre...

Anti-flag - Underground Network
The national media cover Clinton/LewinskyWhile the world's governments sell out millions on the issue of fre...

Anti-flag - Until It Happens To You
You walk past an activist, who is talking on the streetAbout political prisoners, locked up in your own home...

Anti-flag - Vieques, Puerto Rico: Bikini Revisited
All united, all as one, let's make a stand...We've got a privilege in the power that we command !So le...

Anti-flag - Wake Up!
If I had a lighter in handsWith some oily ragsIs that what it'd take To wake you from your sleep...

Anti-flag - Want An Anarchy
they call the us a free country well, it's not and you know it it's nothing but facism, capitalism, and fear they'...

Anti-flag - Watch The Right
watch your right watch your left watch the right watch the center and watch your back!it's on the radi...

Anti-flag - We Don't Need It
[Verse:]Lost on the street because you don't know what to do,There's something in your heart th...

Anti-flag - We've Got His Gun
Dad keeps a gun in the drawer in his room,My best friend is coming over to playyeah yeahWe got h...

Anti-flag - We Want To Be Free
All night out on the streetsI got the back of all my friendsWe never want to go back homeNever w...

Anti-flag - What's The Difference?
The constitution crumbles beneath the weight of fascistsNo right to assemble - no free speech for the masses...

Anti-flag - What You Don't Know
it's gonna take some action and some reaction from... ....from me and you 'cause you gotta stand up and you gotta ...

Anti-flag - When You Don't Control Your Government People Want To Kill You
BOOM BOOM BOOM! America blown to smithereens. Your friends, your home, your life your family. ...

Anti-flag - You Can Kill The Protestor, But You Can't Kill The Protest
You can spoon my eyes out, but I can still see through youSlice my ears from my head, but you ca...

Anti-flag - You'd Do The Same
You think you're oh so differentWell, you'd do the same as me, yeahYou're just a hypocriteWhen y...

Anti-flag - You'll Scream Tonight
last night i turned on my tv and i couldn't believe what was on some fucking rich kid crying cause her, her boyfri...

Anti-flag - Your Daddy Was A Rich Man, Your Daddy's Fucking Dead
All you ever do is brag about your dadWell what the motherfucking hell did he ever do?He had some mone...

Anti-flag - You've Got To Die For The Government
You've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?Die for your country? That's shit!There's a...

Anti-flag - Zapatista, Don't Give Up
And yup I think that's got untiedBig day, big day planned out that nightImproverished mayan armies fig...

Apartment 26 - 5 Day Rental
You would not believe what I saw One hundred million faces Screaming at me from behind a wall Th...

Apartment 26 - 88
Accumulate into one The second half has begun And I'm not the judge. Innocent are hung Rem...

Apartment 26 - Anymore
I'm drowned out like I'm supposed to beNobody doubts your sanctityI'm not alone, but I'm supposed to b...

Apartment 26 - Apt. 26
Repetition of my mind inside declineI'm sick of all the people telling me to read between the linesDej...

Apartment 26 - Axel Off
With strong intent I set the goalNow spin the wheel, let the dice rollI just try to be aware!Arm...

Apartment 26 - Backwards
Finished looking for the answersNow I'm looking for the questionsI can look into your mirror and see i...

Apartment 26 - Basic Breakdown
I'm being made to pick a side, now only fate can decideThey're telling me to stand up and stand upI'm ...

Apartment 26 - Book (be My Friend)
Alright fine. Go on be like that. See how much it matters when the crowd begins to chatter About you a...

Apartment 26 - Bruised
Bruised, but I won't tell about thatI can't escape the monotony of hateAnd forgiveness can not become ...

Apartment 26 - Close Your Eyes
I watch it all spill outI watch it all spill outAnd then you tell me just how wrong I am.And it ...

Apartment 26 - Death
I love the sound of your tearsI can't listen anymoreAre you choking on your words?He never got o...

Apartment 26 - Doing It Anyway
Home is a consequence, made of all you think you want to knowLife has not offered me anywhere that I'd call ...

Apartment 26 - Give Me More
Give me more Like that We watch it settle down And capitalize on whatever moves Grab a lit...

Apartment 26 - Hallucinating
Who are you? Who are you? I don't knowTurn my back, turn my back, then I'll see youNever seen, never s...

Apartment 26 - Heaven
The exit passes you byAs they proceed to danceA shadow disrupts my lightEternally almost over...

Apartment 26 - Keep You
What if it's truthful? Well then that's nothingWhat if it's harmless? Well then that's nothingWhat if ...

Apartment 26 - Kick To The Head
I tread the field again And awake myself with my intentions. As my deep sleep subsides I do my b...

Apartment 26 - New Year's Resolution
My resolution this year? I'll disappear completely.My absolution nearer, I'll reappear discretely ...

Apartment 26 - Question Of Reality
I called today to say my goodbyesMistook your mood, I began to beg youPromises kept like yesterday's n...

Apartment 26 - Slicebeats
All of this here for meWith nothing left to beUnwilling to succeed, my head up in the cloudsI fe...

Apartment 26 - Strike
The situation is critical.Evacuate, alarm, strapped down and still.Flicked switched will detonate; ...

Apartment 26 - Stupid World
I'm just a selfish manYou will not let me be, no.Give you whatever I canSomehow I'm the enemy....

Apartment 26 - Summer
Mrs. Kirby, you shouldn't haveServe me. Get it.Entertain the thought of sheer elation.Hold...

Apartment 26 - The Fear
She lays naked and stretched outLike I could only help her when she's moistWaiting on the floorS...

A Perfect Circle - Annihilation
From dehumanization to arms production,For the benefit of the nation or its destructionPower, power, t...

A Perfect Circle - A Stranger
Cast the calming apple Up and over satellites To draw out the timid wild one To convince you it'...

A Perfect Circle - Blue
I didn't want to know I just didn't want to know Best to keep things in the shallow end Cause I ...

A Perfect Circle - Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drums
Don't fret precious I'm here, step away from the window Go back to sleepSafe from pain and truth and c...

A Perfect Circle - Crimes
One...two...three Four...five...six Seven...eight...nine Nine...nine...nine Ten...ten...te...

A Perfect Circle - Fiddle And The Drum
And so once again,My dear Johnny, my dear friend,And so once again you are fighting us all,And w...

A Perfect Circle - Freedom Of Choice
We're victims of sedition on the open sea.No one ever said life was free.Sink, swim, go down with the ...

A Perfect Circle - Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie
Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie,I need some more,Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie, GimmieDon't ask what for...

A Perfect Circle - Gravity
Lost again Broken and weary Unable to find my way Tail in hand Dizzy and clearly unable to...

A Perfect Circle - Imagine
Imagine there's no heaven,It's easy if you try,No hell below us,Above us only sky,Imagine ...

A Perfect Circle - Let's Have A War
There's so many of us,So many of us,So many, there's so many, there's so manyLet's have a ...

A Perfect Circle - Lullaby
Go back to sleep...Go back to sleep [whispered] ...

A Perfect Circle - Passive
Dead as dead can be, my doctor tells meBut I just cant believe him, ever the optimistic oneIm sure of ...

A Perfect Circle - People Are People
We're different colors,And different creeds,And different people,Have different needs,It's...

A Perfect Circle - Pet
Don't fret precious I'm here, step away from the window Go back to sleep Lay your head down chil...

A Perfect Circle - The Noose
So glad to see you have overcome them.Completely silent nowWith heaven's helpYou cast your demon...

A Perfect Circle - The Nurse Who Loved Me
Say hello to the rug's topography It holds quite a lot of interest with your face down on it Say hello...

A Perfect Circle - The Outsider
Help me if you canIt's just that this, this is not the way I'm wiredSo could you please,He...

A Perfect Circle - The Package
Clever got me this far Then tricky got me in Eye on what i'm afterI don't need another friend ...

A Perfect Circle - Vanishing
Disappear Disappear Higher Higher Into the air Slowly disappear No, no longer ...

A Perfect Circle - Weak And Powerless
Tilling my own grave to keep me levelJam another dragon down the holeDigging to the rhythm and the ech...

A Perfect Circle - What's Going On
Mother, mother,There's too many of you crying,Brother, brother, brother,There's far too many of ...

A Perfect Circle - (what's So Funny 'bout) Peace Love And Understanding
As I walk on through this wicked world,Searching for light in the darkness of insanity,I ask myself, I...

A Perfect Circle - When The Levee Breaks
If it keeps on raining, levee's going to break,If it keeps on raining, levee's going to break,And the ...

Apex Theory - Add Mission
Behold the movie of the yearTaste like luck but feels clearMarch on nails for bitter soulsUntil ...

Apex Theory - Aisle Always
Remember when we heard our song, we say itRemember, when we shared our toys with one anotherHow it was...

Apex Theory - Apossibly
Can you please explainThe reasons why you were soAfraid of consequenceWhen we first said hello...

Apex Theory - Bravo
This knots easyThe very third houseSee the light throughThrew out the last ouchMuch ...

Apex Theory - Bullshed
Rush out for long awaited offendersRush out for long awaited friends...We're not impressed with blinde...

Apex Theory - Come Forth
Questioning everything that we sayBack and forth with the life we've madeDon't listen when the other s...

Apex Theory - Drown Ink
Thanks for these new sheetsBut I've been hanging fire from your everydayThe knack for the fixedB...

Apex Theory - In Books
Prepare to suffer in a turbulent seaYou saw the spirit andYou're an ugly attack on wheelsN...

Apex Theory - Mucus Shifters
Mucus-shifters throat-mendersSuck up social membersHave you realized the patience given not given back...

Apex Theory - Right Foot
Never did i find a nest for my soulWe have made all the bans we imposedWe have thrownOn ourselve...

Apex Theory - Sssh... (hope Diggy)
Hope diggy daDiggy daRas ta dan tehPeople have the tendencyOf sucking the life out o...

Apex Theory - That's All!
It's been close to a year since we spoke lastYou haven't changedAnd now you're talking into my right e...

Aqua - An Apple A Day
You know an apple a dayWon't keep the doctor awayWelcome to the clicheswelcome to the part...

Aqua - Aquarius
Aquarius, was born the nightThe shining stars, needed brighter shining lightAquarius, was my savior...

Aqua - Around The World
I've been around the world - Hey, heyI've been around the world - Hey, heyIn the kitchen where I...

Aqua - Back From Mars
Hey you, come with me, to a world of billionairesSee me, I'm da bomb, drinking champagne down at Pierre's...

Aqua - Barbie Girl
Hi BarbieHi Ken!Do you wanna go for a ride?Sure Ken!Jump In...I'm a barbie gir...

Aqua - Be A Man
The world is quiet,like there is no one around,but I feel you beside meI know the secrets,...

Aqua - Bumble Bees
I know I'm not the only flower you seeBut what can I do, you are a good looking beeWham bam, thank you...

Aqua - Calling You
C-A-L-L-I-N-G now, I'm calling you,calling you nowC-A-L-L-I-N-G now, I'm calling you,calling you...

Aqua - Cartoon Heroes
We are what we're supposed to beIllusions of your fantasyAll dots and lines that speak and sayWh...

Aqua - Cuba Libre
Na - na, na, na, na, naHer eyes were oceans of freedom, my mind strong like a kingdomnothing in this w...

Aqua - Didn't I
Didn't I swear andDidn't I fall for love.Di da di da di da di da yeah!Let's fight for love again...

Aqua - Doctor Jones
Somtimes, the feeling is rightYou fall in love for the first timeHeartbeat, and kisses so sweetS...

Aqua - Freaky Friday
Howdy people!Here's a little story 'bout an old friend of mineAnd to all you great folks out there...

Aqua - Funiculi Funicula
Jamme jamme'ncoppa jamme ia!Jamme Jamme'ncoppa jamme ia!Fuliculi FuliculaFuliculi Fu...

Aqua - Goodbye To The Circus
It's time to turn off the lightThis has been such a beautiful nightWe have served you a lot of delight...

Aqua - Good Guys
You dream a dreamBut you never wake upYou're so afraidThat the dream is overOpen you...

Aqua - Good Morning Sunshine
When the sun is up,on a clear blue sky,you will act like a loverWhen the sky is grey,and t...

Aqua - Halloween
Hello?Remember me?Who's there?I've got your numberOh no, noI'm back to haunt you...

Aqua - Happy Boys & Girls
Be happy...Come on let's go get it on!Be happy. Be happy...Come on let's go get it on!Be h...

Aqua - Heat Of The Night
In the heat of the night we are having a fiestaWe dance until siesta when the sun comes alive..I...

Aqua - Here Comes The Birds
Sometimes all right things happen,and only deep shit moving me, yeah all right Sometimes all good guys...

Aqua - Itzy Bitzy Spider
Itzy Bitzy spider, crawled up the water spout,down came the rain and washed the spider 'round.up came ...

Aqua - My Oh My
My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye?To have the Kingdom, baby, tell me why?My oh my, do you wanna say g...

Aqua - Roses Are Red
Roses are red andViolets are blueHoney is sweet, but not as sweet as youRoses are red andV...

Aqua - Turn Back Time
Give me time to reason,give me time to think it throughPassing through the season,where I cheate...

Aqua - We Belong To The Sea
Take me to the ocean blueLet me dive right intoAnything I'll ever captureYou can wait up all nig...

Aqualung - Another Little Hole
No need to tell her she knows that there another little hole in her heart Each day each dollar she knows it ...

Aqualung - Breaking My Heart
Need to know I don't wanna know Already know I've seen the signs I watch you as you pull y...

Aqualung - Brighter Than Sunshine
I never understood before I never knew what love was for My heart was broke, my head was sore Wh...

Aqualung - Easier To Lie
To bear the weight and push into the sky its easier to lie its easier to lie And honestly to look you in the...

Aqualung - Extra Ordinary Thing
Cheer up it might never happen, oh, it might never happen we we'll see As i sit here spitting and churning, ...

Aqualung - Falling Out Of Love
I watch the sun See it rise and fall Waiting for something to change I get through the day ...

Aqualung - Good Times Gonna Come
Need to know If you're letting go It's alright,alright, it's alright Didn't know I was hur...

Aqualung - If I Fall
Swept away By the wonder of it all So amazed Never saw it coming Left me dazed And i...

Aqualung - Left Behind
Open the curtain, Let some light in, I feel so grey, The world got smashed to pieces, And ...

Aqualung - Strange & Beautiful (i'll Put A Spell On You)
I've been watching your world from afar, I've been trying to be where you are, And I've been secretly ...

Aqualung - Tongue-tied
I'm tongue tied Waiting Hoping And praying Lying Beside you Longing To t...

Aqualung - You Turn Me Round
The end it was the end the sirens were pulling him down And his heart was cold so very cold you believe it m...

The Arcade Fire - Crown Of Love
They say it fades if you let it, love was made to forget it. i carved your name across my eyelids, you pray ...

The Arcade Fire - In The Backseat
I like the peace In the backseat I don't have to drive I don't have to speak I can watch t...

The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #1 (tunnels)
And if the snow buries my...My neighborhoodAnd if my parents are crying,Then I'll dig a tu...

The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #2 (laika)
Alexander, our older brotherSet out for a great adventureHe tore our images out of his picturesH...

The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #3 (power Out)
I woke up with the power out, not really somethin to shout about. ice has covered up my parents hands, don't...

The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
I am waitin' 'til I don't know when, cause I'm sure it's gonna happen then. Time keeps creepin' throug...

The Arcade Fire - Rebellion (lies)
Sleeping is giving in, no matter what the time is. sleeping is giving in, so lift those heavy eyelids. ...

The Arcade Fire - Une Annee Sans Lumiere
Hey! the street lights all burnt out une anne sans lumiere je monte un cheval qui porte des oeil...

The Arcade Fire - Wake Up
Somethin' - filled up - my heart - with nothin' - someone - told me not to cry. - but now that - i'm older -...

Arkarna - Life Is Free
You could be popular You could be wanting more It doesn't have to be that way This could be beau...

Arkarna - Partners In Crime
There's a sociallite, parasite, media satalite We're the onle safe ones left you and I But without you...

Arkarna - Rehab
Come and have a drink with me There's a place in Portobello where a man will talk to me Here is a stor...

Arkarna - Somebody Else's Song
Take an old song one from the shelf, its mine, iI have it all to myself Straight to the chorus, don't bore u...

Arkarna - Stoned
The lights are on but no-ones home I'm helpless and fully grown i know you'll see me through Cos...

Arkarna - Your Pyscho
Little voices, they talk to me, help me to write this song They told me, your lazy, you got no real place of...

Aselin Debison - Faze
She's lying on her bedAlone in the darkRemembers what's saidStaring at the marksShe's into...

Aselin Debison - Had To Grow Up
Another day late for the bus againA single mom just trying to make ends meetGo to work, be on time, ge...

Aselin Debison - Lazy Days
It's Sunday morningMy body just won't goI'll shower, put on my makeupHoping you won't show...

Aselin Debison - Life
I learned a lot todayYou've been teachin'Things that I don't wanna' knowI had so much to say...

Aselin Debison - Miss You
It's Friday afternoonThe rain is pouring downI walk through the puddlesEach one a different soun...

Aselin Debison - Most Of All
I love the sound of the rainFallin' down on the roofIn the month of MayI love to feel the sun...

Aselin Debison - Thank You (4 Breaking My Heart)
I cried, so hard, the day you left... YeahI thought it was the end of the world, the end of the world as I k...

Ashanti - Black Child (skit)
We Interupt This Program Of the Beautiful World Of AshantiChapter 2To Bring You To The StreetsAc...

Ashanti - Breakup 2 Makeup
I saw you again for the first timeBeen a long timeIt brought out all these feelingsThat I never ...

Ashanti - Buck 3000 (skit)
Sunday June 13 12:20 A.M.Yo I'll * with that recordyou did last manwith a little mix on th...

Ashanti - Call
[Chorus]When you call I come running baby,baby when you call I'll be right there baby, baby whe...

Ashanti - Carry On
[Verse: 1]There was something in your eyes that I saw tonightI never thought that I would...

Ashanti - Christmas Time Again
Hmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm[chorus]Its christmas time again,can't wait to hear all ...

Ashanti - Concrete Rose (intro)
[guy:] were in the studio tonight with Ashanti How u feelin'?[Ashanti:] Feelin' gr...

Ashanti - Don't Let Them
Say that you want meSay that you'll never leave meYou gotta tell me you need meDon't let them ta...

Ashanti - Dreams
[Children Talking][Chorus 2x]Dreams are real all you have to do is just believe...

Ashanti - Every Lil' Thing
[chorus] I want everything you got for me every lil thing you got for me [3x]I want everything...

Ashanti - Feel So Good
Hey, baby, babyMay I have a word with youI've been watching you from over hereAnd I've been wond...

Ashanti - Fight (over Skit)
[Ashanti:] Yo, we need to talk[Guy:] Here we go again. What we need to talk about man?...

Ashanti - Focus
I'm focus nowI'm focus now[Verse 1]He use to touch me, love me,hug me,kiss me...

Ashanti - Freedom
[Chorus x2:]Said I'm gone close my eyesSaid I'm gon' live my life Despite what you think...

Ashanti - Happy
[Ja Rule] Woo, ha ha right back at ya.. it's the world's most talented record label Murde...

Ashanti - Hey Santa
Hey Santa can you bring me something good, something good, something good.Hey Santa can you bring me somethi...

Ashanti - I Don't Mind
I'mma tell y'allI'mma tell y'all a storyIt's about a girlMmm, I can't even say a girlShe s...

Ashanti - I Found Lovin'
[Verse 1:]I search for love beforeFor a love that I thought I couldn't findI search...

Ashanti - I Know
[IRV GOTTI:]Dear Lord, I come to You a humble manAsking Your forgiveness for all my sins that I...

Ashanti - Intro
[Guy:] Previously on Ashanti[Ashanti:] Always there when you call, always on time, gave ...

Ashanti - Intro / Medley
See my days are cold without you But I'm hurtin while I'm with youAnd though my heart can't take no mo...

Ashanti - Joy To The World
Joy to the world! The Lord has come:Let earth receive her King.Let ev'ry heart prepare Him room,...

Ashanti - Leaving (always On Time Part Ii)
[Bridge]If you were me what would you do always a lie,and never the truth now as for me I'm mov...

Ashanti - Living My Life
OooohLa la laLa la laMmmmHey yeaNo noMmmOh noHmmmOooh ...

Ashanti - Love Again
[Speaking]I got somebody all that,he just got me feeling crazy he really really did his than, I think...

Ashanti - Message To The Fans (skit)
AhhhhhhI just want you to know...that...through out it all...It's only you that stuck by me......

Ashanti - Movies
[Verse 1]Looking in the mirror I can see myself standing in yourArms holding me and kissing me ...

Ashanti - Narrative Call (skit)
Me and this "guy" had a real strange relationshipIt's like... We had some kind a power to eachotherI m...

Ashanti - Ohhh Ahhh
[1st Verse:]It was in the way you Grabbed my waist looked intoMy face and told me I...

Ashanti - Only U
Oh I cant wait to get next to youOh I just can't leave you aloneBoy you got me doing things that I wou...

Ashanti - Over
[Chorus 2x]Can't believe that it's over babyBut every bruise on my heart you gave meSee w...

Ashanti - Rain On Me
Mmm...mmm...mmm...mmm...Mmm...mmm...mmm...mmm...Mmm...mmm...mmm...mmm...mmm...[VERSE 1:...

Ashanti - Rescue
You still scared, I'll be scared too, it's cool though just holla back aight.[Verse 1]All...

Ashanti - Rock Wit U (awww Baby)
[Ashanti:] Aw baby (aw baby)[Irv Gotti:] Yeah, murda inc[Ashanti:] I wanna love y...

Ashanti - Scared
[Irv Gotti]Ma what's going onWe sitting here manDigging on each other I'm feeling the shi...

Ashanti - Shany Shia (skit)
[Shany:]Hey Shia, Shia[Shia:]What[Shany:]Come On Yo...

Ashanti - Sharing Christmas
I'm waking up early this morning,I can't wait to see our christmas tree,There's a big blanket of snow,...

Ashanti - Shi Shi (skit)
[Shi Shi:] Hey Shanti.It's me Shia.I just want to congratulate you on every thingthat's b...

Ashanti - Silent Night
Silent night, holy night!All is calm, all is bright.Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child.Holy infa...

Ashanti - So Hot
[Chorus] You drive me crazySo I wanna take it to the topOhh can you make it so hot so hot...

Ashanti - Story Of 2
Dream makerHoo...ooh...ooh...ooh...ooh...ooh...makerBaby, I'm thinkin' 'boutJust what I wa...

Ashanti - Sweet Baby
My sweet babyCome on touch me, tease meMy sweet babyHold me, love me, need meMy swee...

Ashanti - Thank You
I just wanna say that I'm thankful for having you in my life,I wanna say thank you,Oh, I wanna say,...

Ashanti - The Christmas Song
Chestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Frost nipping at your noseYule-tide carols being sung by a choi...

Ashanti - Then Ya Gone
Well.. Well well well well..hello babyOne day ya here and then ya gone..[Chink rapping]...

Ashanti - The Sugar Shack (skit)
Woo, yeah yeah [laughs]This beautiful, beautiful eveningWe are inside the wonderful, the wonder...

Ashanti - This Christmas
Hang all the mistletoe,I'm gonna get to know you better, this Christmas .And as we trim the tree,...

Ashanti - Time Of Year
Christmas is the time of yearThat we become as oneTears of joyHeart filled with loveCause ...

Ashanti - U
See I aint the one to hold back all thse words I'm sayinCuz I like wat you doing to meAint no time for...

Ashanti - U Say, I Say
You sayI sayYou sayI sayYou sayI sayBut now you're out there playin' gam...

Ashanti - Voodoo
[Phone Ringing]What's up you've reached Ashanti leave me a numeric message or avoice message an...

Ashanti - We Wish You A Merry Christmas
We wish you a merry ChristmasWe wish you a merry ChristmasWe wish you a merry ChristmasAnd a hap...

Ashanti - What Are They Gonna Say Now (skit)
[Shortie:]Ooo BabyThats My JamThere Goes Gotti Right ThereHey GottiI GI...

Ashanti - When A Man Does Wrong
Mmm, mmmIt's been seven long hoursSince you left me babeSitting hereThinking 'bout how...

Ashanti - Winter Wonderland
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,in the lane, snow is glisteningA beautiful sight,We're happ...

Ashlee Simpson - Autobiography
You think you know meWord on the street is that you doYou want my historyWhat others tell you wo...

Ashlee Simpson - Better Off
The sky is falling And it's early in the morningBut it's ok somehowI spilt my coffee, it went...

Ashlee Simpson - Christmas Past, Present And Future
I'll be your girl - of Christmas PastI'll be your girl - of Christmas PresentI'll be your girl - for C...

Ashlee Simpson - Harder Everyday
[Bonus Track]Well its 9pm and you still haven't called me back And if I try again I think...

Ashlee Simpson - Just Let Me Cry
I'm about to lose controlI, I don't know whyWhy you need some reason to feel lost insideYo...

Ashlee Simpson - La La
You can dress me up in diamondsYou can dress me up in dirtYou can throw me like a line-manI like...

Ashlee Simpson - Love Makes The World Go Round
Here, here i am againAnd im starin at these same four wallsAlone againAnd now, all the colors bl...

Ashlee Simpson - Love Me For Me
It's been three daysYou come around here like you know meYour stuff at my placeNext thing you kn...

Ashlee Simpson - Nothing New
I found myself wrong againStarin out my windowWonderin what it is I should have saidI found myse...

Ashlee Simpson - Pieces Of Me
On a Monday, I am waitingTuesday, I am fadingAnd by Wednesday, I can't sleepThen the phone rings...

Ashlee Simpson - Shadow
I was six years oldWhen my parents went awayI was stuck inside a broken lifeI couldn't wish away...

Ashlee Simpson - Sorry
[Bonus Track]I threw away my phoneI thought that you should knowI'd throw away my h...

Ashlee Simpson - Surrender
If that's the way you want itWell there you goBaby you can have it all,Now that you just let me ...

Ashlee Simpson - Unreachable
Just like an angel, you're gonna make me flyInto your arms, you're wrapping me up so tightYou ha...

Ashley Ballard - 5 X 5
All systems operationalI'm so aliveEverything is 5 x 5Got me feeling like there's no gravi...

Ashley Ballard - All I Ever
whoa mmm oh alright ooh oh[Verse 1:]The way you make me feel,it's like a dream to m...

Ashley Ballard - Don't Get Lost In The Crowd
You are the one that keeps your dream aliveAnd you are the one who feels the rhythm deep insideDo you ...

Ashley Ballard - Girls Like Me
Girls like mewe just wanna beFree to be who we need to beyou can never changeGirls l...

Ashley Ballard - Hi Low
If I told you that I wanna play with you Do you think I told the truth about all the thing...

Ashley Ballard - Hottie
I've beenbaby down the roadyou've been up the streetI thinkit's about timeyou ...

Ashley Ballard - Hypnotized
(Look into my eyes)(Your feeling sleepy)(When I click my fingers) (You'll wake up and not remem...

Ashley Ballard - I'll Be Waiting
Hey, can I tell you what I'm thinking ofHow I hold you in my heartAnd you're here with me every day...

Ashley Ballard - It Was You
When I thinkof what I've been throughI can seethat you've always been there for meto tell ...

Ashley Ballard - Love Is Real
Mmm ooh yeah hey hoooh yeah yeahlove is real ooh[verse 1:]A storm is buildin...

Ashley Ballard - No More Miss Nice
I should have known about, the things I now.I was too blind to see,the things you were doing to ...

Ashley Ballard - Why
Promises meant the world to meWhen they were plans of what our love would bringI couldn't wait for the...

Aslyn - 493-1023
What a stirring invitation Free to move from all that you belong Why'd they have to change the station...

Aslyn - Ain't No Love
I wanna run and never get tired I wanna love the best i was wired I wanna know that i cant betray this...

Aslyn - Be The Girl
You look at meCurious what I'm made ofSugar or steamAnd what kind of man I loveWhat I beli...

Aslyn - Golden
Number one, we had fun, but it wasn't really serious cuz we were much too young. number two felt more true with ea...

Aslyn - Gotta Get Over You
If I wanted to believe you, I guess I could And if I wanted to understand you, I guess I would But my ...

Aslyn - Here
I know that you want me to dream And I don't mind dreaming But if it's all a waste If your heart...

Aslyn - Here's To Believe
I can tell by the way you're looking You need something from me And I could bet it's affirmation that ...

Aslyn - Just Enough
I think I heard you say it. Correct me if I'm wrong. After the fact your love ain't all gone. Wish Ihad a ta...

Aslyn - Rainbow
Once upon a day, You wandered my way, and lifted my nights with dreamer's parade. the puzzle fit perfect. with sto...

Aslyn - Wally
Dear Wally, i'm writing this letter sincerely. To tell you you're the "sweetest boy i've ever known." ...

Aslyn - You Got Me
Dont wanna bite another nail and leave this hangin Dont wanna wait another night with you breakin Dont...

Ataris - 1*15*96
Let me start this from the day we met.You looked so beautiful, I never will forget.Then you opened up ...

Ataris - 1-2-3-4
1 2 3 4! ...

Ataris - A Beautiful Mistake
Maybe I'm not ready for this, and you know it.Maybe I'm too scared to tell you what I'm really thinking...

Ataris - All You Can Ever Learn Is What You Already Know
Is this how it was intended?The sunrise over smoke stacks in the Midwest, the beauty of this abandoned facto...

Ataris - Alone In Santa Cruz
Did I ever tell you that I really love you and I think about you all day? I really miss you and wish I could kiss...

Ataris - Anderson
What have I done, what have I got?Your life is really useless, your life is really shot.Gun toti...

Ataris - Angry Nerd Rock
Time to burn it all away, time to think of what to sayTime to go right back to yesterday.Time for move...

Ataris - Answer
I sat and thought the other day how it seems strangeThat we could walk through life so blindAnd how a ...

Ataris - Are We There Yet?
I think that we're lost again and this looks like the shitty side of town. We're running out of gas and the sun i...

Ataris - As We Speak
It's nice to meet someone with a future as fucked up as mine. So, I'm unpredictable is this some fucking sign of ...

Ataris - Bad Case Of Broken Heart
today I'm missing somethingin this small new england's to you my best friend.just want...

Ataris - Ben Lee
I never met someone so jadedyour music's really over ratednothing but a lot of pretentious noise...

Ataris - Better Way
Looking for a place to call my homeWhere will I sleep tonight, even I don't know.You ask yourself 'is ...

Ataris - Between You And Me
Won't you come over?You know that you want to.How does it feel to knowI still want you?...

Ataris - Bite My Tongue
What can I say?I'll bite my tongue again today. What can I do? when I feel so stupid over you?...

Ataris - Blind And Unkind
You inhale the toxic fumes, I look away, and then resume to... do all the things that I told myself I wouldn't eve...

Ataris - Blue Skies, Broken Hearts... Next 12 Exits
Here I am sitting on the beach againWatching as the tide comes rolling in.I miss the times when I look...

Ataris - Boxcar
You're not punk, and I'm telling everyone. Save your breath I never was one. You don't know what I'm all about, ...

Ataris - Broken Promise Ring
I really wanna call you, but I know that it's not right.I probably shouldn't tell you but I dreamed of you l...

Ataris - Butterfly
[Originally by Weezer]Yesterday I went outsideWith my mother's mason jarCaught a lo...

Ataris - Choices
Well I've got a couple things to say about a guy and a girlThey met a few months back at a coffeehouse...

Ataris - Clara
I saw you crying as I turned away. Did I see your face like it wasn't there? And I know I was wrong... yeah, I k...

Ataris - Eight Of Nine
these hospital walls are the palest of whitehere in this desert they're reciting my last ritesthe smel...

Ataris - Fast Times At Drop-out High
alone at last. just nostalgia and Iwe were sure to have a blast.for you it was just another sunday...

Ataris - Four Chord Wonder
How many bands have wrote this song before? I can name at least fifty... I bet you could name a hundred more. Th...

Ataris - Giving Up On Love
These last few weeksI've been confusedsometimes I wonder ifI'm better off ...

Ataris - Hello & Goodbye
so long my friend, don't say goodbyejust give me one last kiss beneath this glowing sky.we'll go walki...

Ataris - Hey, Kid!
I wait for the day to come when I'll wake up and be a star. I dream of a different world... somewhere where we wi...

Ataris - How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Got out of bed today.I'm in love, what can I say?I'm really happy to besomewhere with someone wh...

Ataris - If You Really Want To Hear About It...
another lonely seaside townwhere the seasons closed it down.but if you close your eyesyou can al...

Ataris - In Spite Of The World
I woke up from this dream to find that I was sleepingSo I went back to sleep and I dreamed I was awake....

Ataris - In This Diary
Here in this diary,I write you visions of my summer.It was the best I ever had.There were chorus...

Ataris - I.o.u. One Galaxy
stars are out tonightand you're the brightest one shining in my's like every wish I ever made c...

Ataris - I Remember You
[Originally by Skid Row]Woke up to the sound of pouring rainThe wind would whisper and I'...

Ataris - I Won't Spend Another Night Alone
A star up in the sky goes slowly passing by,The lights below...they spell out your name.You're comfort...

Ataris - Lately
Lately I've been feeling a little bit neglected. When it comes to your ex-boyfriends, well, I guess I'm overprote...

Ataris - Let It Burn
Knowledge is key.You can never know too much.Well I won't let themKeep me from learning al...

Ataris - Let It Go
Forgot about that girl I didn't kiss... about the one show that I missed... I sorta figured out that things will t...

Ataris - Life Makes No Sense
Everything is turning grey, but I won't hold my breath todayCause' I'm not scared and to tell the truth I ju...

Ataris - Looking Back On Today
30th of April, seems like yesterday.We bought a house above the oceanwhere our kids could laugh and pl...

Ataris - Losing Streak
You only know what you've been taught.You'll never stop til' you get caught.You control the future and...

Ataris - Make It Last
There's a lot on my mind so I guess that I'll take it one thing at a time, still sometimes I can't help but wonder...

Ataris - My Hotel Year
I saw the stars fall from the skyAnd watched the tail lights fade awayAs the sun began to witness a ne...

Ataris - My Reply
I got your letter and the poetry you sent mePostmarked in december of last yearI really hope you're do...

Ataris - Myself
I live my life day by day, hating it in every way. Sitting all alone, keeping to myself, far away from everyone e...

Ataris - My So Called Life
Ever since I saw youOn my so-called life,I've been writing you these letters Asking you to be my...

Ataris - Neilhouse
It all started that one day when I had nothing more to say to you so I ran the other way. Love is for morons, but...

Ataris - Not A Worry In The World
Do you remember all the things we did?And what it's like to be a kid.Being young and skipping school,...

Ataris - On With The Show
Frankie died just the other night.Some say it was suicide,But we knowHow the story goes....

Ataris - Perfectly Happy
Won't be another statistic... Won't be a minority... I'll achieve every goal I have... there's not a thing that ...

Ataris - P.s. The Scene Is Dead
Do you know what its likeTo live somewhere that sucks?And everyone tries to bring you down.No pl...

Ataris - Radio #2
Meet me at midnightAt the broadcast towerHigh above the hollywood signYou bring your guitar and ...

Ataris - Ray...
Sometimes I sit and think about yesterday... of all those simple words that I didn't even say. I just sit back an...

Ataris - Road Signs + Rock Songs
postcards on the floorbut this pen can't write lonliness no more.waking up all aloneon the oppos...

Ataris - San Dimas High School Football Rules
Last night I had a dream that we went to Disneyland,Went on all the rides, didn't have to wait in line....

Ataris - San Dimas High School Football Rules (acoustic)
Last night I had a dream that we went to Disneyland,Went on all the rides, didn't have to wait in line....

Ataris - Sleepy
It's frivolous, it's pointless, I'm waiting here in line. I'd buy a cup of coffee but I just wanna kill some time...

Ataris - So Long, Astoria
It was the first snow of the seasoni can almost see you breathinin the middle of that empty street...

Ataris - Song 13
The time has come to say goodbyeTo all our past regrets. i'm sorry to inform youBut i doubt you'll rea...

Ataris - Song For A Mix Tape
today I made you a mix tapeand I decorated it with lots of had all my favorite

Ataris - Summer '79
Our last day of summer, 1979Gotta live it up one time before it's overWe will make history tonight....

Ataris - Summer Wind Was Always Our Song
These break-up songs make sense againAnd i really wish they didn't.Sinatra's singing summer wind...

Ataris - Take Me Back
I am blue, the sky is gray. I guess it's better off that way. There's really not much left to say. I called you...

Ataris - Takeoffs And Landings
On this coldest of January nightsWe drive out past the runway and watch the planes go flying byThe run...

Ataris - Teenage Riot
3 years gone by and still everyone screws up our nameno matter what you do still some things never change...

Ataris - Teenager Of The Year
[Originally by Lo-Tel]So this award goes out to you A dedication to the youth From ...

Ataris - That Special Girl
I need a girl who like to go to showsI need a girl that won't make funOf my Clothes.I'm looking ...

Ataris - The Boys Of Summer
Nobody on the roadNobody on the beachI feel it in the airThe summer's out of reachEmpty la...

Ataris - The Hero Dies In This One
As I leave here today, apartment 108I'll always keep you in my heart.Anderson is cold tonight,Th...

Ataris - The Last Song I Will Ever Write About A Girl
Broken heart again today...The flowers that I gave to you have withered all away.Just when I opened up...

Ataris - The Night The Lights Went Out In Nyc
The lights are out in the city tonight So close your eyes, gaze up at the heavens And see if you can p...

Ataris - The Radio Still Sucks
I'm really fucking sickOf Beck and 311,And Marylin Manson,I wish someone would break his fucking...

Ataris - The Saddest Song
Only two more days, until your birthdayYesterday was mineYou'll be turning fiveI know what it's ...

Ataris - Unopened Letter To The World
If i died tomorrowwould this song live on forever?here is myunopened letter to a world...

Ataris - Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
today was a good day.I didn't even have to use my least I didn't get my heart broken anyway...

Ataris - You Need A Hug
maybe you should work for "sick of it all"or get a job with the l.a.p.d.did someone switch your ritali...

Ataris - Your Boyfriend Sucks
You're better off without him, don't call him...He's breaking your heart.He's hanging with your best f...

Atc - Around The World
The kisses of the sun - Were sweet I didn't blinkI let it in my eyes - Like an exotic drinkThe radio p...

Atc - Mistake No.2
It's a cruel world so conventional sometimes love just wins you over I've come to life it's true...

Atc - My Heart Beats Like A Drum (dam Dam Dam)
I close my eyesClose the doorI won't worry anymoreI've been waiting for youEveryday and ev...

Atc - So Magical
Feel my love, feel my soul it's so magical take my hand, make me whole it's so magical ...

Atc - Thinking Of You
Thinkin' of you I'm thinkin' of youAll I can do is just think about youThinkin' of you I'm thinkin' of...

Atc - Until
I gave you true desire I gave you eyes to see I gave you wings of fire so you could choose to fl...

Atc - Why Oh Why
Do da n de da n dai (Do da n de da n dai) It's a feeling i got inside Tell me just why oh why ...

Atc - Without Your Love
I was so lonely until I met you babe You were the reason and I wanted you to stay Now it seems so long...

A-teens - All My Love
I'll always rememberWhen you were lost in the rainI knew that moment, my whole life had changed...

A-teens - Around The Corner Of Your Eye
If you knew how many nightsI've been sitting by your bedRunning fingers through your hairWhile y...

A-teens - Back For More
When you think the party's overLook over your shoulderWe'll be coming back for moreI know ...

A-teens - Can't Help Falling In Love
(I just can't help falling in love with you)Wise men say only fools rush inBut I can't help fall...

A-teens - Can't Stop The Pop
Everybody's looking for a place to go Sick of watching all these silly TV-shows 'N Mama don't like you...

A-teens - Closer To Perfection
Clo-ser, to-to perfectionClo-ser, to-to perfectionClosed every doorPuttin' everything asid...

A-teens - Cross My Heart
Hold me closeBaby hold me tightCause I've got something to say tonightHear me ohBaby hear ...

A-teens - Dancing Queen
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your lifeSee that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing...

A-teens - Don't Even Know Your Name
See you everyday on the morning bus You seem a little sad and lonely I try to look away but when you p...

A-teens - Firefly
When I said go I never meant awayYou ought to know the freaky games we playcould you forgive and learn...

A-teens - Floorfiller
Hey Mr. DJ, in case you forgotI came to get downSo you better make it hotCause I can't jump arou...

A-teens - For All That I Am
I'm sorry, made you feel sorryLast night, I came home too lateAnd you were there waitingI ...

A-teens - Gimme Gimme Gimme (a Man After Midnight)
Half past twelveAnd I'm watching the late show in my flat all aloneHow I hate to spend the evening on ...

A-teens - Give It Up
A Teens are back to give the right type of feelings To make you dance to make your happiness grow We'l...

A-teens - Halfway Around The World
Baby I will soon be leaving and I know that you are feeling down But every week I'll send a letter ...

A-teens - Happy New Year
No more champagneAnd the fireworks are throughHere we are, me and youFeeling lost and feeling bl...

A-teens - Have A Little Faith In Me
[Marie]Lonely days lonely nightsWithout you by my sideMemories and sad songsMaking ...

A-teens - Heartbreak Lullaby
Heartbreak lullaby...In the still of the night,I can almost feel you lying next to me,Like it us...

A-teens - Hi And Goodbye
I see you walking down the streetI catch your eye before we meetBut you look down to check your feet...

A-teens - In The Blink Of An Eye
HeyIs there something I can do?You broke your heart in twoMany piecesNow you gotta put it ...

A-teens - I Promised Myself
I promised myselfI promised I'd wait for youThe midnight hourI know you'll shine on through...

A-teens - I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday
When the snowman brings the snowWell he just might like to knowHe's put a great big smile on somebody'...

A-teens - Knowing Me, Knowing You
No more care-free laughterSilence ever afterWalking through an empty house,Tears in my eyes...

A-teens - Lay All Your Love On Me
Don't go wasting your emotionLay all your love on meI wasn't jealous before we metNow ever...

A-teens - Letter
Give me a ticket for an aeroplane. Aint got time to take a fast trainLonely days are gone, Im a going home, ...

A-teens - Let Your Heart Do All The Talking
WhooLovin' your smileLovin' your styleDon't you get it?Got what I needYou gotta beli...

A-teens - Mamma Mia
I've been cheated by you since I don't know whenSo I made up my mind, it must come to an endLook at me...

A-teens - Morning Light
Once upon a time I was a young manalways knew what I wanted to doThese times were still the best as I ...

A-teens - Oh, Oh...yeah
StopAnd take those big blue eyesBack out of my heartIt don't belong to youBut maybe ...

A-teens - One Night In Bangkok
Bangkok! Oriental settingAnd the city don't know what the city is gettingThe crme de la crme of ...

A-teens - One Of Us
They passed me by, all of those great romancesYou were, I felt, robbing me of my rightful chancesMy pi...

A-teens - Perfect Match
[Boys Sing]You spend your money on diamonds and pearlsI'd sell my car (just) to travel the worl...

A-teens - Rockin'
We are leavin' it behind nowWe've been tryin' to get this through to youWe've been waitin' for a long ...

A-teens - Shame Shame Shame
OhI feel somebodyAnd I want you to know aboutYou seeI want you to feel it tooSo just...

A-teens - Shangri-la
[Dhani:]We got it going onI cant tell right from wrongYou can say that when we kiss ...

A-teens - Slam
SlamSlam, slamEverybody slamThe A*Teens will make ya d-d-danceSlam, slamSlam...

A-teens - Slammin' Kinda Love
The days that I've spent apart from youHave been really hard for meI wanted to be so close to you...

A-teens - S.o.s.
Where are those happy days, they seem so hard to findI tried to reach for you, but you have closed your mind...

A-teens - Sugar Rush
I get a high whenever you're aroundSweeping from my head to my toesI gotta get my feet back on the gro...

A-teens - Super Trouper
Super Trouper beams are gonna blind meBut I won't feel blueLike I always do'Cause somewhere in t...

A-teens - Take A Chance On Me
If you change your mind, I'm the first in lineHoney I'm still freeTake a chance on meIf you need...

A-teens - That's What (it's All About)
That's what it's all aboutIt's midnight, we're feeling all rightDressed up for a cruise tonight...

A-teens - The Final Cut
How many timesDo we have to talk it over(Yeah)How many timesBefore we understandAll ...

A-teens - The Name Of The Game
I've seen you twice, in a short timeOnly a week since we startedIt seems to me, for every timeI'...

A-teens - This Year
Nanana Nanana Nananaaaana Nanana Nanana Nananaaaanana Nanana Nanana Nananaaanana Nanananananaaaa...

A-teens - The Music
There ain't no time for excuses (no time)We have been waiting to catch this momentThe sun is shining a...

A-teens - Under The Sea
We're steppin' in, we're not steppin' out.We are going to step aside, let A*Teens pick up the style.Ah...

A-teens - Upside Down
My grades are down from A's to D'sI'm way behind in historyI lost myself in fantasiesOf you and ...

A-teens - Voulez-vous
People everywhereA sense of expectation hanging in the airGiving out a sparkAcross the room your...

A-teens - With Or Without You
With or without you(Ooooo)With or without you(Ooooo)Looking back, back in time...

Athena Cage - Hey Hey
All the ladies in the clubNot ready to give the party upLift your hands upLet me hear you say he...

Athena Cage - You
It's time to be honest with myselfi've fooled around too longnow all I think about is you and wh...

Atl - Let Me
Its written all over your face, baby ya wanna do with me?Can you feel me baby? I can... listen......

Atl - Make It Up With Love
Let me make it up with love...[Verse 1:]So you say you need your space;You say you ...

Atl - No More
She don't love me no more...[Verse 1]I remember our last nightCruisin' in my ...

Atl - The One
[Introducing ATL][Rap:]I'm the one you done heard all the rumors aboutYou vi...

Atl - You Are
[Verse-L-Rock]They may say that your not worth it but to me girl your perfect and wooo something abou...

Atmosphere - Always Coming Back Home To You
To all my killers and my hundred dollar billersTo emo kids that got too many feelingsHe held the...

Atmosphere - Apple
[Slug]Hi, my name is Sean Daley and you might know me from such films as "I Can't Sing, But Nei...

Atmosphere - Bird Sings Why The Caged I Know
It's the bird, it must have been the birdDisgusting critter, it mustWe should have known better then t...

Atmosphere - Denvemolorado
(Good evening ladies and gentlemenlet me get a warm welcome from... more importantly Denver)(Not...

Atmosphere - Good Times (sick Pimpin')
This next one goes outTo all the depressed women in the houseWhether you're taking the prozac the zana...

Atmosphere - Gotta Lotta Walls
Dialed up his homie Murs on the telephoneGotta talk to somebody who can tell him what the hell is wrong...

Atmosphere - History
[NWA airline attendant]Welcome aboard ladies and gentlemenThis is Northwest Airlines flight 7-7...

Atmosphere - In My Continental
[CHORUS]In my ContinentalSplinter off the mentalWhen you want the best showNever ac...

Atmosphere - Lift Her Pull Her
You don't know meYou just left meYou don't know meYou just left meYou don't know meY...

Atmosphere - Liquor Lyles Cool July
"Keep movin' your body in my direction""Let's continue our party everybody by just clapping our hands....

Atmosphere - Los Angeles
[Flight Announcement]"Flight 101, Super Jet service for Pittsburgh and Los Angeleswill depart f...

Atmosphere - National Disgrace
[Slug](I pledge allegiance to Budweiser and free drugs)Peace to Rick James, Anna Nicole Smith, ...

Atmosphere - Reflections
[Chorus: repeat 2X]Look at your faceWhen all I could see was myself looking back at meRef...

Atmosphere - Shhh
Such a pleasure to come homeCuz I...I have a very special love for this cityWell all right, well...

Atmosphere - Shoes
[Slug]Would you prefer if I remove... MY... UHH?Nah they.. they clean..I mean.. what?...

Atmosphere - Suicidegirls
[Voice messages from upset girlfriends]Hey you fucking assholeHi Sean, I just got finished clea...

Atmosphere - The Keys To Life Vs. 15 Minutes Of Fame
[Pilot over PA]"Folks I know you're all dying to know how long--I cannot answer that now. We're...

Atmosphere - Trying To Find A Balance
[Slug]They love the taste of bloodNow I don't know what that means, but I know that I mean it...

Atomic Kitten - Always Be My Baby
Out of sight, out of mind. That's what they all sayBut I learned that aint the truth with me and you babe...

Atomic Kitten - Baby Don't You Hurt Me
Looking for the boy who is always on my mindLooking for the boy who is oh so hard to findSo many tears...

Atomic Kitten - Believer
I hear the clock, I hear the rainI'm all aloneWhy am I here and you are there?I miss you so...

Atomic Kitten - Be With You
You and ITwo of a kindA meeting of mindsThe time of our livesA perfect night (A perfect ni...

Atomic Kitten - Bye Now
Lately in my life I'm Finding it harder to Settle the feelings that I Thought would always be ...

Atomic Kitten - Cradle
Cradle I will rock you like a baby, I will,Cradled in my arms,I will keep you safe from danger,...

Atomic Kitten - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Everybody told me take it slowBut I thought you were the one for meTimes I felt a little unsureI...

Atomic Kitten - Don't Let Me Down
I've been thinking about it lately, tired of being at homeWaiting as I watch the world go byAre you th...

Atomic Kitten - Don't You Know
(Don't you know, Don't you know, Don't you know)[Chorus]Don't you knowI don't wanna...

Atomic Kitten - Do What You Want
I saw you standing alone across the crowded room You look so fine oh baby But I knew you wouldn't make...

Atomic Kitten - Eternal Flame
Close your eyesGive me your handDarling, do you feelMy heart beating?Do you understand?...

Atomic Kitten - Everything Goes Around
I used to cry myself to sleep at nightGiven up all, I've got no more will and to fightIt's all gone, n...

Atomic Kitten - Feels So Good
It feels so goodI knew that it wouldNothing's gonna take this day awayCos it feels so nice...

Atomic Kitten - Follow Me
Ooh, oohSome people put in all their timeSome people suffer once in thrie lifeSome people ...

Atomic Kitten - Get Real
If You gotta learn to do that thing Stand back cause it's obvious And if you wanna see us dance and si...

Atomic Kitten - Hippy
I don't wanna be what you wanna beI just wanna be what's right for meI don't wanna see who you wanna s...

Atomic Kitten - If You Come To Me
So long agoI didn't have a care about meI didn't know my right from wrongBut now I knowTha...

Atomic Kitten - It's Ok
I remember all the nights I usedto stay at home, On the phone, all night long,used to talk about...

Atomic Kitten - I Want Your Love
Move it right up to me,Like you know you should,And make me know you're doin,All of the right th...

Atomic Kitten - I Won't Be There
I've been looking for the girl that I once knewThe girl with nothing to loseRight before she met you...

Atomic Kitten - Ladies Night
Ooh oh yeah yeah, Oh what a nightIt's ladies nightThis is your night tonight,Everything is...

Atomic Kitten - Love Doesn't Hurt Have To Hurt
I learned a lesson in my lifeBut I learned it the hard wayI don't know why I used to fall in love...

Atomic Kitten - Love Won't Wait
Don't lose this momentLife tastes so sweetWe can work wondersJust let it beI know what you...

Atomic Kitten - Loving You
I used to runI used to hideFrom loveBut now I'm satisfied'Cause you showed meT...

Atomic Kitten - Maybe I'm Right
Mmm...Baby baby, uh yeahThe moon covers the sunFor longer than one nightI spill my water a...

Atomic Kitten - Never Get Over You
I'll never get over youI turn around, I see your face, my head is just an empty space,Your kisse...

Atomic Kitten - No One Loves You (like I Love You)
You and I would've shared love so strong and so secureBut all you left the memories the feelings are no more...

Atomic Kitten - Nothing In The World
It's been so long I can't remember whenWe didn't care how deep it was we dived right inWatching everyt...

Atomic Kitten - Real Life
Mmm bop it's real life Mmm bop it's just real life Mmm bop it's real life Mmm bop it's just real...

Atomic Kitten - Right Now
[Nat]Makin it real that I want itIs makin you see that you know what I needYour breakin t...

Atomic Kitten - See Ya
yeah,yeah,yeah,oohoh,babyyeah,yeah,yeahcheck it out now,oohbaby,check it out now...

Atomic Kitten - Softer The Touch
So beauty's only skin deep babyBut when you touch meI don't careAll I know when you're in deep b...

Atomic Kitten - So Hot
Flash lightsMoon grinHot bodies groovingI knew there was love in the airAnticipation...

Atomic Kitten - Somebody Like You
Somebody (Somebody like you)I love the way you groove tonightI love the way the music's right...

Atomic Kitten - Someone Like Me
Don't let your head rule you heartDon't let your world be torn apartDon't keep it all to yourself...

Atomic Kitten - Strangers
Everything you do says you're leaving meEverything you say shows you don't believe in meHow was I supp...

Atomic Kitten - The Last Goodbye
Ain't no headlights on the road tonightEverybody here is sleeping tightAin't nobody gonna find us here...

Atomic Kitten - The Moment You Leave Me
Oh, ohYou make me believeYou are the one for me it seemsBut now I find it's hardThe way yo...

Atomic Kitten - The Tide Is High (get The Feeling)
The tide is high But I'm holding onI'm gonna be your number oneI'm not the kinda girl ...

Atomic Kitten - The Way That You Are
Baby, baby, baby you're the oneKeep me wait baby all night longLookin' it over, thinkin' about a...

Atomic Kitten - Tomorrow & Tonight
I saw you with the girlfriend babyI saw you underneath the lightI wanted just to talk now babyYo...

Atomic Kitten - Turn Me On
If you like to see me'Cause you want to, that's OK'Cause I can make ya feelYou're gonna need to ...

Atomic Kitten - Walking On The Water
(Walking on water)(Walking on water)(Walking on water)When you hear me calling,You always ...

Atomic Kitten - You Are
Maybe you think you're not right for meThat you'll never be everything I needWell I tell you straight ...

Atomship - Agent Orange
This is how you hold your American flag.This is how you hold your American flag.So this is how you hol...

Atomship - Aliens
I am the alien. Sitting on my front porch step. Whittling without a care. Sitting in this rockin...

Atomship - Day Of Daze
Proven in theory your heart can be lost by the brain. Staring hard the devil is just out of frame. Mot...

Atomship - Dragonfly
Driving round in your car, the thoughts are piled up very, very far. Did you know the time? Did you ha...

Atomship - Friends
Hey momma! Can't you see I'm fuckin' cookin'? It wasn't right for me but I knew it was time for home. ...

Atomship - Mothra
Mothra versus the worldLet's play! [x2]I know she loved me as we danced away I felt...

Atomship - Pencil Fight
This life spreads like cancer as nothing here is real. Leave me here by the bus stop with my pencil made of ...

Atomship - Plastic People
Time entails the sun to hesitate, clinging on and off again. Picture all the children as they walk on by cle...

Atomship - Time For People
I found no people for killing timeso I found time for killing peopleI found no rhythm I would rhyme...

Atomship - Whitfield
Whole, wide, world!! There's a man outside and he's screaming that the elephants are trampling, trampl...

Atomship - Withered
Because its two in the morning and Im feeling so ugly.Ive got this chip on my shoulder, keep my eyes spread ...

At The Drive-in - 198d
this is forgivenif the uniform fitspostponedat the first showingthis is the tension mold...

At The Drive-in - 300 Mhz
in the unlikely eventthat sarcasm is an unfitting dressamnesia proletariatamnesia proletariat...

At The Drive-in - A Devil Among The Tailors
they say that thirteen is just a numbera double agent funded in the secretof the hive and the workers ...

At The Drive-in - Alpha Centauri
widows an antique replacementa briefcase filled with macewidows six legged lost and foundstudent...

At The Drive-in - Arc Arsenal
I must have read a thousand facesI must have robbed them of their cause sickened thirst, sickened thir...

At The Drive-in - Blue Tag
i'm an incisionthe kind that glistensand not to mention we appealwhen we've healedi'm an i...

At The Drive-in - Chanbara
valmara valmara valmara flechetteskiss me with the lispof your shrapnel caresslost this arm, los...

At The Drive-in - Coating Of Arms
substation submergingsuburban disturbanceincoherent gourdingcoat of arms they camehack a k...

At The Drive-in - Communication Drive-in
you keep telling methis voltage hurts just a littlein the thickness of the vanyou drop anchor if...

At The Drive-in - Cosmonaut
we sample from the shelvestore a page out of this chapterdeface the essays in the book that you're rea...

At The Drive-in - Embroglio
i had a friend who diedfor something he really lovedi had a friend who stoodfor none of the abov...

At The Drive-in - Enfilade
this could last us all a lifetimelimbs intact, untouchedon the screen of a video tapeconfined to...

At The Drive-in - Fahrenheit
kid creole killed all of his own peopleinstigate the beat genuflectingin the steeplevideo killed...

At The Drive-in - For Now...we Toast
it's hit or miss upon the gate wallsare the guards asleep, bayonet and allare the search lights coming...

At The Drive-in - Give It A Name
never thought this day would endwalked the tired steps of latter day friendsand all becauseyour ...

At The Drive-in - Heliotrope
beneath the residue of filmbeneath the chemicalsthat the picture splitthe ouija board hads...

At The Drive-in - Honest To A Fault
i can't take back all the things thati've done with my angersonic sounds constantly travelingin ...

At The Drive-in - Hourglass
sucks me in, taking a rideand i'm wishing for the satellitegrabbing vein pulling down on the radio...

At The Drive-in - Hulahoop Wounds
in a small ghost town, there's a little arcadewhere the poltergeists play their video gamesat the top ...

At The Drive-in - Initiation
i n i t i a t i o nfollow you home after every showperforated into tiny fragmentsheavy bre...

At The Drive-in - Invalid Litter Dept.
intravenously polite it was the walkie-talkiesthat had knocked the pins downas their shoes gripped the...

At The Drive-in - Lopsided
this is the accent of the halfhearted landdoes it all make sense nowand if the ship was built in bottl...

At The Drive-in - Mannequin Republic
they'd call it a wastelandauslander platesyou know its armor was humandrove stakes into the main...

At The Drive-in - Metronome Arthritis
strike this matchand let loose the oven's breathup the volume thatflirts with the UHF...

At The Drive-in - Napolean Solo
cut and pastewere you sitting downon the beaded impotence of new orleansa hint of suspense when ...

At The Drive-in - Non-zero Possibility
I'm just tired of counting bodies is this mausoleum tardy let's just paint you a pretty face fli...

At The Drive-in - Paid Vacation Time
so we see the opportunitiesstitch and threadwith no down paymentsour neighbors see it through th...

At The Drive-in - Pattern Against User
the propositionhandcuffed to the park bencehypodermic people pokingfun at the livingplease...

At The Drive-in - Picket Fence Cartel
we all becomewhat we most dislikein this picket fence carteltell? there's nothing left to tell...

At The Drive-in - Pick Pocket
in the humble stence of nativityhummed the smell of television snowa faint S.O.S. flickeringridi...

At The Drive-in - Porfirio Diaz
Kiss and kill your boyfriendAnd all rich ones, tooRich kids of the world uniteDime on the bleach...

At The Drive-in - Quarantined
autonomous machete for handswarden and judge hide behind maskswet raindrop lullsmall rationing...

At The Drive-in - Rascuache
of fences with switchesturn them onthe moats of your homespoured salt onthese slugsm...

At The Drive-in - Rolodex Propaganda
Pinch history feel the pinch blisteringPinch me in my dreams cause i'm still not listening X marks the...

At The Drive-in - Schaffino
this time i'm gonna take the collection babyand with the money in my handi'm gonna purchase all the de...

At The Drive-in - Shaking Hand Incision
nothing ever changesexcept scenery rearrangementsin the affectionate hands ofhorsepower assault...

At The Drive-in - Skips On The Record
pregnant with the keysto your stick shift moodcan't get yourself ignitioncan't get yourself igni...

At The Drive-in - Sleepwalk Capsules
taser taser kindergarten nap nap time pacifier pacifies, yeah it pacifieshighchair crumbles unannounce...

At The Drive-in - Speehless
mother nature never smelled so goodcan i taste the flower that you carrybrilliant minds with pretty fa...

At The Drive-in - Star Slight
sailing all alone, guided by starlightnowhere is my homeinside of my mindwe've paid that shoeshi...

At The Drive-in - Ticklish
pigeon holed decision makingall my mind's made upi only colored outside the lines'cause i got th...

At The Drive-in - Transatlantic Foe
pet sounds filling pet peeve void'sblack and white tv with the sound turned downis it mono or stereo?...

At The Drive-in - Ursa Minor
does it hurt you when you breathe?stink around the wallet itcha towel was thrown between the ropes...

At The Drive-in - Winter Month Novelty
bite the hand that feedsbiting off more than you canare you sure you got the right hand skilleda...

Audio Adrenaline - A.k.a. Public School
Counting the days to get awayto pack your bags up on a planeBut see Bob run yeah! See Bob playwh...

Audio Adrenaline - Audio World
People everywhere have something to sayFrom the East to the WestFrom here to BombaySave the whal...

Audio Adrenaline - Bag Lady
Flea bitten bag ladyonce you looked fineyou had a family you lovedjust like mineSecond han...

Audio Adrenaline - Beautiful
We got music to soothe your soul We're gonna get down with a little bit of rock and roll We got rhythm...

Audio Adrenaline - Beautiful (radio Mix)
We got music to soothe your soul We're gonna get down with a little bit of rock and roll We got rhythm...

Audio Adrenaline - Big House
I don't know where you lay your heador where you call your homeI don't know where you eat your meals...

Audio Adrenaline - Blitz
14 kids in an old church van.With a light in their eyesand some tracts in their hands.60 MPH see...

Audio Adrenaline - Can't Take God Away
You can take God out of my schoolyou can make me listen to youYou can take God out of the pledge...

Audio Adrenaline - Chevette
Twenty years ago I watched in aweas my dad drove up the driveway.More than proud to have a brand ...

Audio Adrenaline - Church Punks
Forget the politics and all the hypocritesYou know the body's sick from religion, indecision, mediocrity...

Audio Adrenaline - Dc-10
Well if a DC-10 fell on your headAnd you're laying on the ground all messy and deadOr a mack truck ran...

Audio Adrenaline - Dirty
Tired of being clean, sick of being properI wanna live among the beggarsAnd dig out in the dirtS...

Audio Adrenaline - Don't Censor Me
Pop bang boom powkill somebody and you take a bowNaughty (words), naughty (words)mouth full of p...

Audio Adrenaline - Flicker
Have I become, a target that some peoplecan't resist?My flaws have become a greater riskIf my na...

Audio Adrenaline - Get Down
Lavishly our lives are wastedHumbleness is left untastedYou can't live your life to please yourself, y...

Audio Adrenaline - Glory
You and me were meant to be a little lower than angels And on this ground I have found, finally found the re...

Audio Adrenaline - Gloryland
I've worked hardand I'm ready for a long vacationgot some money in my pocketand I'm going down t...

Audio Adrenaline - Go And Be
You're like a letter that's never mailedYou're like a hammer without a nailYou've been standing in thi...

Audio Adrenaline - God-shaped Hole
All around the world people are trying.Deserted souls cry to be filled.Spirits left undone their heart...

Audio Adrenaline - Good Life
I've watched my dreams all fade awayAnd blister in the sunEverything I've ever had is unraveled and un...

Audio Adrenaline - Good People
I grew up impressed by the people I knewin the buckle of the bible belthopped in the van with the band...

Audio Adrenaline - Hands And Feet
An image flashed across my TV screenAnother broken heart comes in to viewI saw the pain and I turned m...

Audio Adrenaline - I Hear Jesus Calling
I see what eyes cannot seeand ears cannot hearand brains cannot perceiveI see a spirit over me...

Audio Adrenaline - I'm Alive
Sometimes I wake up feeling like I did way back in L.A. But since I'm from Kentucky that feeling must have b...

Audio Adrenaline - I'm Not The King
The king of rock, some say livesthe lizard king is surely deadthe king of France lost his headth...

Audio Adrenaline - It Is Well With My Soul
When peace like a river attendeth my wayWhen sorrows like sea billows rollWhatever my lot Thou hast ta...

Audio Adrenaline - It's Over
Farewell, so long to youWe've come to the end of the nightIt's all been wonderfulA lovely and wo...

Audio Adrenaline - J-e-s-u-s Is Right
If you want love in your lifeJ.E.S.U.S. is rightIf you want peace in your lifeJ.E.S.U.S. is righ...

Audio Adrenaline - Jesus Movement
Have you ever been so inclinedYeah, is it on your mindThe thought we're the Lord's lone protegeW...

Audio Adrenaline - Jesus & The California Kid
[CHORUS]Jesus and the California Kidoh what Jesus did, for the California kidThere'...

Audio Adrenaline - Leaving Ninety-nine
I'm lost and broken, all alone on this roadThe wheels keep turnin', but the feelin' is goneWhen I fear...

Audio Adrenaline - Let Love
Love lets love forgetswe don't need a world of regretsso let's loveLet's love one anotherl...

Audio Adrenaline - Let My Love Open The Door
When people keep repeating That you'll never fall in love When everybody keeps retreating But yo...

Audio Adrenaline - Life is a series of impossible dreams, yeahFull of disappointment and it ain't wha...

Audio Adrenaline - Lift
Count them, every one All of things you've done You are the lord of my life And I roll them over...

Audio Adrenaline - Lighthouse
Bouncing like a buoydrifting on the waterSingletary solitute man begins to hollerhe says "man ov...

Audio Adrenaline - Lonely Man (demo Version)
I got some game and I got some style You best beware I'm a real wild child My secret's safe, can't rea...

Audio Adrenaline - Man Of God
Sometimes I'm a liar sometimes I'm a fakesometimes I'm a hypocrite that everybody hatessometimes I'm a...

Audio Adrenaline - Memoir
There is music and laughter latelyand there's prayers and praise thereare reasons to be so happy and b...

Audio Adrenaline - Mighty Good Leader
Flooded by an oceanOf some mixed emotionsThey got you down againPride and passion Physical attra...

Audio Adrenaline - Miracle
I am freeFor the first timeLeft my fears behindIn front of me is open skyI'm taller ...

Audio Adrenaline - My God
[CHORUS]Buddah was a fat man, so what!Mohammed thought he had a plan, I guess not!A hindu...

Audio Adrenaline - My World View
I want to see the world through Jesus eyessee through Jesus tearsI want to see the world through Jesus...

Audio Adrenaline - Never Gonna Be As Big As Jesus
I could move to Hollywoodget my teeth capped I know I couldbe a big star on the silver screenjus...

Audio Adrenaline - New Body
Never been accused, or been confusedwith a model on a cover page.Never could've been a superstar in...

Audio Adrenaline - Ocean Floor
The mistakes I've made That caused pain I could have done without All my selfish thought A...

Audio Adrenaline - Ocean Floor (radio Remix)
The mistakes I've madeThat caused pain I could have done withoutAll my selfish thoughts...

Audio Adrenaline - One Step Hyper
When I was young I had a blast boyThe ways of the pastThey're cool they're fun they're goodBut I...

Audio Adrenaline - Original Species
Now my heart and mind agreea super natural selected meI see a plan so grandiosemy very own Galap...

Audio Adrenaline - Pda
Juliet and Romeo sitting on the patioLooks like they're under a mistletoeThey think it's true love tha...

Audio Adrenaline - People Like Me
I could tell you a story of shameI could talk for hours on how we becamea flower that bloomed in one d...

Audio Adrenaline - Pierced
[chorus]Make me, take me, break me, I am piercedMake me, take me, break me, I am pierced...

Audio Adrenaline - Pour Your Love Down
We're worlds apartThe distance between us is just too greatDraw me closeLet me know You're near...

Audio Adrenaline - Rejoice
I'll sing this song just as long as I'm breathing I'm feeling good, I'm feeling right Come sing a song...

Audio Adrenaline - Rest Easy
One more mile 'til I lay restI have put myself through this rigid testBut the mile has never ended no ...

Audio Adrenaline - Revolution
To define revolution just look at the wordDance around the globe yo haven't you heardAbout changes the...

Audio Adrenaline - Scum Sweetheart
We walk hand in hand 'til life does us partme and the world my scum sweetheartWe met long ago with a f...

Audio Adrenaline - Secret
I once was lost in a foaming, roaming, rabid seathen blooms blossomed, changed my outlooknow I've been...

Audio Adrenaline - See Through
I'm unstable and extremegood to bad , I've been burnt in betweenthe smoke from the fire in my soul...

Audio Adrenaline - Some Kind Of Zombie
I must have been confused or vainto let this evil in my brain.Lord did I enjoy the changethat yo...

Audio Adrenaline - Soulmate
There is a tremendous lover who would like to shareHis wondrous love story with all those who would care...

Audio Adrenaline - Speak To Me
I'm in a fix Need something quick My mind is numb My stomach sick Broken hearts Hope...

Audio Adrenaline - Start A Fire
I think it's a cold, cold world and I think we need to heat itLight it up like gasoline when a match's throw...

Audio Adrenaline - Strong
I will follow wherever you lead meWherever you are underneith these stars is where I wanna beAnd I wil...

Audio Adrenaline - Summertime
I want to play all day And swim out in the waves In a lagoon that has no shark to bite my legs A...

Audio Adrenaline - Superfriend
You're like a lonely statuethe wind and rain comes at youYou'll stand and take your chancesagain...

Audio Adrenaline - The Houseplant Song
Once I read a bookAnd this is what it saidIf your music has a beatThen you're gonna wind up dead...

Audio Adrenaline - The Most Excellent Way
Fred had faithThat could move a big mountainFred had a tongueThat flowed like a fountainHa...

Audio Adrenaline - This Day
It's six A.MI'm so tiredThe alarm soundsAnd the new day beginsBefore I goAnd disturb...

Audio Adrenaline - This Is Everything
All my dreams I had dreamed were dreams of me All my hopes Were desires of what I wanted to be ...

Audio Adrenaline - Tremble
Shaking like a leaf Afraid to life my eyes Afraid of all your glory Ashamed of all my pride ...

Audio Adrenaline - Underdog
I am so weak and I'm so tiredIt's hard for me toFind enough strength to feed the firesThat fuel ...

Audio Adrenaline - Walk On Water
Simon Peter won't you put those nets downfollow me I'll lead you out of this townto a place where no b...

Audio Adrenaline - We're A Band
Freak!is what th world calls meThey don't understandso they try to stop meHide!I can...

Audio Adrenaline - What You Need
You don't need to have it allYou don't even need a lotYou don't need to be a doctorA judge or as...

Audio Adrenaline - Who Do You Love?
[CHORUS I]Who do ya who do ya love love loveDo you love meWhere do ya where do ya hide yo...

Audio Adrenaline - Worldwide: One
Four corn-fed boys from the heartlandBrought together for some rock 'n' rollFrom Kentucky, Minnesota, ...

Audio Adrenaline - Worldwide: Two
Picked up the paper and read the news (can you believe what is happening)People hopeless and begging for foo...

Audio Adrenaline - You Still Amaze Me
There's nothing new under the sun Left for me to do The last great thrills I've felt are fleeting ...

Audioslave - #1 Zero
Listen now, let me speakI will be the dog at your feetAnd come along when you callBe the little ...

Audioslave - Dandelion
Settle down now and sit with meLet me tell you how this all came to beA yellow flower with your pedals...

Audioslave - Drown Me Slowly
I've got a will this time don't care what you sayI've got a feeling this will all go awayIt's in the w...

Audioslave - Heaven's Dead
Anchor the night, open the skyHide in the hours before sunrisePray for me not, I won't lose sight...

Audioslave - Man Or Animal
You give me a heart attackYou look like the summertimeYou call me an artifactBut I'll save that ...

Audioslave - Out Of Exile
When I first came to this islandthat I called by own nameI was happy in this fortress,in my exil...

Audioslave - The Curse
Help me I don't know what I'm doinHelp me before I fall to ruinAnd if I'm blind, I will lead you on...

Audioslave - The Worm
Was a time early in lifeWhen I hated everythingBorn too young, top of my lungsSitting on the bot...

Audioslave - Yesterday To Tomorrow
Beauty is what the eyes beholdAnd you burn brighter than mostI chased you thru the midnight streets...

Audioslave - Your Time Has Come
Now one fell asleep in the street and he never woke up And now one died in pieces in his bed with a mouth fu...

Audiovent - Back And Forth
TodayI hear my angerAnd it's screaming at meYour wordsAttack my sensesAnd make me sc...

Audiovent - Beautiful Addiction
Change the bagThis IV's drainingAnd I'm afraidI need another taste to keep me highInebriat...

Audiovent - Gravity
I hit the groundWhile reaching outWatch you rise awayI hear your voiceI see your face...

Audiovent - I Can't Breathe
You want to feel meCan't defeat me at your gameYou buy and sell meSeparate me from my name...

Audiovent - Looking Down
YeahMy shadow stretches far and freeYeahIt's telling me what I could beCould be...

Audiovent - One Small Choice
SometimesI wonder how it all would beIf only one thing happened differentlyAnd time will tell...

Audiovent - Stalker
YouDon't give upYou're my stalkerLeave me beI know I should not pretendThat I ...

Audiovent - Sweet Frustration
I feelI'm walking through this, my lifeParalyzedBut this sweet frustration keeps me aliveI...

Audiovent - The Energy
Every now and then I think about youAnd it makes me, it breaks meOut of you and into me, I'll make it...

Audiovent - Underwater Silence
Here in your comaHere in your sleepYou have lost yourself somehowyou can't here mealthough...

Audiovent - When I Drown
Listen to meWhen I sayBeautiful timeIs fading awayWhen will I wakeFrom this dream?...

Audiovent - When The Rain
RainComing to cleanseWill she fall?StaresInto the windAnd she criesHer t...

Avant - Av
This girl was so fineMuch more than two dimesI had to pump my brakes man sheLooked like no other...

Avant - Call On Me
Call mewhen somethins going on inside your homeI'll pick you up and carry you to my thronecuz fo...

Avant - Can't Wait
The party's over and your still hereAnd I wonder why? Baby can u make it clearCuz your acting like you...

Avant - Destiny
La-da-da, la-da-da-da come on babyLa-da-da-da, oh yeahI like the way you talk to meYour wo...

Avant - Don't Say No, Just Say Yes
Oh....Yes...[2x]Oh babe....Yes babe..[2x]I hope she answers my prayers tonite...

Avant - Don't Take Your Love Away
[Verse 1]After the hopin and prayin and the wishinGirl you're right here in my faceI've n...

Avant - Everything About You
If I... can get inside your mind and let my light shine like no other man would,If I...Can physi...

Avant - Feast
Take you to my houseGrab the Blind foldStart from your headDown to your toes (OHH SOO)Girl...

Avant - Flickin
In the club the crissy bottles are popping,And at the telli you know the panties are dropping,This tra...

Avant - Get Away
Hmmmm...Yeah, yeah.I back again, in this town, to find a girl that i used to know.I bumped into, a fri...

Avant - Happy
I want you to be happy in love with meI want you to feel that my love is realI want you to know that i...

Avant - Have Some Fun
All my girls all my thugs in the club have some funAll around just put it down right now and have some fun...

Avant - Heaven
We can sing a song togetherJust you and meAnd we can dance all night long goreverLike it's a fan...

Avant - Hooked
[Chorus]You got me open like a liquor storelove so strong that I don't want no more...

Avant - I Wanna Know
La da da da...Ohh Ohhhh!I want you baby.Tell me...I wanna know if you want me baby (baby)...

Avant - Jack & Jill
Mi Mi Mi girl close your eyesMi Mi Mi got a surprise Mi Mi Mi don't run and hide let me take you on ri...

Avant - Let's Make A Deal
Oh I, oh I, oh I, oh I...If I didn't have a dimeTell me would you spend the timeAll I hear...

Avant - Love School
Love schoolYou canBe my pupilLove schoolYou canBe my pupilLove sch...

Avant - Makin' Good Love
I got your legs spread all over the bed hands clenched in the sheetshair wild as hell I knowthe ...

Avant - No Limit
Yo, this goes out ta all my thugs that get accused for things that not sainyou know how the stand go...

Avant - One Way Street
Taking off my cloths Walking out the doorTired of your games Tired of your showYou want yo...

Avant - Ooh Aah
Hey baby.I know you want me.Whether it's wrong or right.I wanna be with you tonight.So get your ...

Avant - Phone Sex (that's What's Up)
Wanna take you with me,on a late night creep girl,That's What's up That's What's upAnd while you...

Avant - Private Room Intro
Come with me Into my private room girlI got something to show youRelax your mindSit back a...

Avant - Read Your Mind
Listen, I've been waiting to tell you thisYou are more than a man could ever wantWAIT A MINUTE JUST LE...

Avant - Read Your Mind, Part Ii The Remix
I had to do a remix for the ladiescan you blame me?I stepped in a club in your hood I slow...

Avant - Six In Da Morning
[Sean Don]A-V, A-V, they know what it iscome on, A-V, Steve Stone, DJLets get this ...

Avant - Sorry
I know I was wrong and thats not fairPlaying games with your mind cause I new you caredWalking out of ...

Avant - Suicide
Oh Lady,Since you walked out of my lifeIt feels like the world is just caving in on meDamn, I cant liv...

Avant - Thinkin' About You
Da da da da da da Baby, da da da da da daYou're my hopes, my dreams, my everything You're my swe...

Avant - This Time
I been trippin on you babeI can't find the right words to sayCuz I can't believe what you done to me...

Avant - Wanna Be Close
[Verse 1:]Oooo I wanna be girl let me beI wanna be everything your man's notAnd I'm...

Avant - What Do You Want
[Intro:]Yo guess who's back Av Yo stizzle Give em what the[Verse 1]Come on,B...

Avant - Why
I'm sitting here reading the book of lifeconstantly asking myself whywhy do babies have to diean...

Avant - You
Yea, I just want yall to get up on this oneIts goin down real big tonightShe dipped in tha clubB...

Avant - You Ain't Right
Ya... It's just more drama... It's kinda funny... Things you go through in your lifetime... Sometimes you ju...

Avant - You Got Me
Just like eve done to adam (you got me)Temptation so strong i don't wanna even fathom (you got me)I'm ...

Avion - Beautiful
Fireworks over disneylandAirplane will you hold my hand?Without you all the colors blandAnd I ca...

Avion - Bulletproof Glow
When the music stats to fadeAnd I'm left without a friend who knows meHere as the season brings a chan...

Avion - It All Falls Back On Me
Calling outCalling meBurning doubtThat you'll seeI needed youI've learned how to be ...

Avion - Loved
Will I be good enough tomorrow?Would I be good enough today?I gave back all the things I borrowed...

Avion - Love Is Here Again
The birds have flownStill on the phone recountingHow the years have passedLike winds the bring a...

Avion - Perfect From Now On
The darkest days have come and goneStill you shine for meWith a fragile frame I carry on'Cause w...

Avion - Seven Days Without You
Sitting here counting the hoursWaiting for the sun to kiss the seaParalyzed by the fragrance of the fl...

Avion - Starting Over
Flat on my backSoak up the sunCounting from zero up to oneAnd I like it, I like itCa...

Avion - The Best Is Yet To Come
Ten percent what happens And ninety how I reactThey say don't sweat the small stuffI guess I mus...

Avion - Trinidad And A Dc-10
Bill of goods or just a fake tattooI bought everything to be like youEmptied out and try to fill...

Avion - When I Breathe
You asked me for my heartBut you didn't have you ownI'm back to where I startAn empty page alone...

Avion - Where Are You Now
Two year, eight months and four days since I've known loveFor what it's worthI'm finding it hard to be...

Avion - Would You Notice
Follow you in the shadow of your stride I'd wait an hour just to see you smile Should I chane all the ...

Avril Lavigne - Falling Down
If fears what makes us decide,Our future journey,I'm not along for the ride,Cuz I'm still yearni...

Avril Lavigne - Fall To Pieces
I looked awayThen I look back at youYou try to sayThe things that you can't undoIf I had m...

Avril Lavigne - Forgotten
Ah ah ah ahAh ah ah ahI'm giving up on everythingBecause you messed me upDon't know how mu...

Avril Lavigne - Freak Out
Try to tell me what I shouldn't doYou should know by now,I won't listen to youWalk around with m...

Avril Lavigne - Get Over It
Slipping down a slideI did enjoy the rideDon't know what to decideYou lied to meYou looked...

Avril Lavigne - He Wasn't
There's not much going on today.I'm really bored, it's getting late.What happened to my Saturday?...

Avril Lavigne - How Does It Feel
I'm not afraid of anythingI just need to know that i can breatheI don't need much of anythingBut...

Avril Lavigne - I Always Get What I Want
[Bonus track]Every now and then we all want somethingEven if there's no way of gettin' it...

Avril Lavigne - I Don't Give A Damn
Everytime you go awayIt actually kinda makes my dayEverytime you leaveYou slam the door...

Avril Lavigne - Knockin' On Heaven's Door
[Originally performed by BOB DYLAN]Yeah, yeah, yeah [2x]Momma take this badg...

Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending
So much for my happy endingOh oh, oh oh, oh oh...Let's talk this overIt's not like we're d...

Avril Lavigne - Nobody's Home
I couldn't tell you why she felt that way, She felt it everyday.And I couldn't help her, I just ...

Avril Lavigne - Slipped Away
Na na, na na na, na naI miss you, miss you so badI don't forget you, oh it's so sadI hope you ca...

Avril Lavigne - Spongebob Squarepants Theme
Are you ready kids?I said are you ready?who lives in a pineapple under the seaSpongebob SquarePa...

Avril Lavigne - Take It
Just take it take itI cant take it takeI know what you doFlash meThe ways its doneIm...

Avril Lavigne - Take Me Away
I cannot find a way to describe itIt's there inside; all I do is hideI wish that it would just go away...

Avril Lavigne - Temple Of Life
We sat by the fireUnited in songUnder the moonlightAll night longWe sang 'Halleluyah...

Avril Lavigne - Touch The Sky
I used to carry this big old world On my shoulders and back I used to lie inside my room Wonderi...

Avril Lavigne - Two Rivers
Grains of sand slip through your handsNever ceasing timeFold your hands in silent prayerEternal ...

Avril Lavigne - Who Knows?
Yeah, yeahYeah-eah, yeahYeah-eah, yeahWhy do you look so familiarI could swear that ...

Avril Lavigne - Why
Why, do you always do this to me?Why, couldn't you just see through me?How come, you act like this...

Az Yet - Care For Me
[Babyface]Looking in your eyesIt's written on your faceI can read your mindYo...

Az Yet - Every Little Bit Of My Heart
[Keith Andes, Babyface, Marc Nelson, Bryce Wilson]Girl, I always think about it 24/7Can't...

Az Yet - Hard To Say I'm Sorry
Everybody needs a little time awayI've heard her sayFrom each otherEven lovers need a holi...

Az Yet - Inseparable Lovers
[Rick Cousin & J. Scott]Inseparable lovers,from the start I really want to know what's go...

Az Yet - Last Night
Last night you were so into itYou told me secrets thatYou've never told a soulYou were so nervou...

Az Yet - Sadder Than Blue
["Bassy" Bob Brockmann, Babyface, Jeffery Burrell]My heart has been broken cause of youOn...

Az Yet - Saved For Someone Else
[Babyface & Keth Andes]This was the place of our first dateIt was a place we lovedT...

Az Yet - Secrets
[Jon B.]Secrets, oh what you kept from meThey make our world go aroundBut secrets, ...

Az Yet - That's All I Want
[Babyface & Keith Andes]Take it from meThat you're gonna be in loveJust give yourse...

Az Yet - Through My Heart (the Arrow)
[Brain Mcknight]Quietly I watch you sleepHopefully you won't hear what I sayWonderi...

Az Yet - Time To End The Story
[Marc Nelson, Jon-John, Darrell Spencer]First chapterYou stole my heart away from me...

B2k - B2k Is Hot
[Chorus]b2k got the ladies jumpin and keep the party bumpin and all my fellas thumpin lik...

B2k - B2k Is Hot (skit)
[Omarion:]So i'm sayin' man what we gonna do man?we sittin' up here all bored and everyth...

B2k - Baby Girl
[Verse 1:]He took advantage of your loveAnd he threw it all awayHe broke your tender hear...

B2k - Back It Up
[Verse 1:]Its 1o'clock in the morningWe in the 745 just rollinI see some okay chicks over...

B2k - Boys For Life
[J-Boog Talking]Yo, why ya'll have to bring this up man?I mean it ain't like I forgot but it's ...

B2k - Bump That
[Omari:]This is for the hunniez up in the club (say what)Do me a favor show me some luvAn...

B2k - Come On
B2K - Omarion, Lil Fizz, Raz B, J BoogCome on... come on...(leave em alone)Omarion, first verse....

B2k - Everything
E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-GE-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G[Verse 1:]When I'm out on the roadGoing...

B2k - Fantasy
[j-boog]Yo you see it's this girl she she hotyou know gotta get heruh huh yeah...

B2k - Feel This Way
[Chorus]Why, why would you make me feel this wayMake me feel like we would never separate...

B2k - Fizzo Got Flow
[Verse 1]One, two, three, four,Fizzo came through and I'm blazin out the doorHold five to...

B2k - Girlfriend
[Omarion talking:]I've got everything I want in my life except a girlfreindJust copped a ...

B2k - Here We Go Again
Stop thinkin people's on your jockTryna act like you got money but you at the bus stopOh please stop d...

B2k - Hey Little Lady
Ha haaaa uhHmmm mmmmYa'll gon feel this one... this one fo my ladies, Uh here we go ya'll....

B2k - Hey Little Lady Interlude
[Lil Fizz]Walking down the street with a soda can in my hand I hope you realize and understand ...

B2k - I Beat You To It (turn The Party Out)
[Rap 1:]Hot spotsI bang like Little RockStep up in the clubAnd watch the beat stop...

B2k - I Bet
Girl, don't you tell me that you're dreamin thatAnd don't you tell me that you're scheming thatFor thi...

B2k - I'm Not Finished
I remember like it was yesterdayHad everything under controlStayed out all night with my boysI t...

B2k - Jingle Bells
[chorus]jingle bells,jingle bellsjingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride on a one-horse op...

B2k - Last Boyfriend
[Verse 1]Why you gotta ask me Where I beenWhy you gotta talk in That accusing tone...

B2k - One Kiss
[Verse 1:]She was so sincereThe way she grabbed my handAnd introduced herselfLike n...

B2k - Out The Hood
OhhhListen baby[Verse 1:]See theres this girl that i knowAnd shes more (more ...

B2k - Pretty Young Thing
UhYeahYo.........Check it out its B2KPlatinum StatusShes a pretty young thingpretty ...

B2k - Rain & Snow
[Chorus]Let it rain, let it snowLet it rain, let it snow All the problems let 'em go...

B2k - Rudolph The Red-nosed Reindeer
Hey B2kCan you guys tell met he story about RudolphThe one with the shiny noseIts redThey ...

B2k - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
[Chorus:]You better watch out you better not cryyou better not pout I'm telling you...

B2k - Santa Hooked Me Up
[Rap (J-BOOG)]This year Your boy went all outLet me sit down and tell you what I'm talkin about...

B2k - Shorty
Shorty, what's 5'5 cut like a bowl,Lookin' like a model from the cover of Vogue,Sexy mama body bangin'...

B2k - Sleepin'
[Verse 1:]This is crazyCause latelyThe only thing that I think about, dream about is...

B2k - Something To Say
(yeah)(yeah yeah)[2x]You see the girl by the waterYes that one therewho...

B2k - Sprung
[Omarion:]Yo, its alright girlI understand how you feelYou aint gotta lie to yourself...

B2k - Streets Is Callin'
[Omarion:]uh, yea, once again[Chorus:]I've been goin' through so...

B2k - Take It To The Floor
C'monWHOOOOHey u know what this track honestly don't need no talkin on it. but i gotta do it....

B2k - The Other Guy
[Verse 1]It's another day of you trippin out on meI could retaliate and bring the ghetto outta ...

B2k - Understanding
[Verse 1:]I'm young, like to hang with my crew have funbut it seems like all the girls I know, ...

B2k - What A Girl Wants
[Omarion Talking]Yo..I dont know whats goin on but I do know one gotta make it right..aigh...

B2k - What U Get
OhhhhOh yea yeaOh yea yea yeaCheck it out[VERSE 1 (Omarion)]I know that...

B2k - Where Did We Go Wrong
YeahPlatinum StatusB2KDave MacWe gone bump your speakers with this oneYeah.............

B2k - Why'd You Leave Me On Christmas
[Verse 1]See I bought you diamondsAnd a brother stopped lyin'I bought you DonnaRalp...

B2k - Would You Be Here
[Verse 1:]Girl if I didnt have a planCould I be your man stillAnd if you couldn't watch c...

B2k - Your Girl Chose Me
Hey Yo your girl chose me (chose me)you know the name of the game(game) (B2 B2k)Hey yo your girl...

B4-4 - Ball And Chain
I just wanna be your ball and chainWrapped around your fingerLocked up, tied me downFollow you f...

B4-4 - Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying
Don't let the sun catch you crying The night's the time for all your tears Your heart may be broken to...

B4-4 - Endlessly
Late at night you called on a phone,We talked about the day,When you found out he was cheating.Y...

B4-4 - Everyday
Now that you're right in front of me There's something that I would Like to say to you I made up...

B4-4 - Get Down
I will be the one to love and comfort you from now until the day I die.I will take you places that you only...

B4-4 - Go Go
Jay and James roll tape I'm ready to...Here I am It's Friday night Feeling good ...

B4-4 - How Did We End Up Here
I let you go, you did just the same We must have thought that we'd be Better off that way Now he...

B4-4 - Really Gotta Want It
The world is full of wannabe'sThey come and go like aSummer breeze They want the moneyThey...

B4-4 - Savin' For A Rainy Day
Don't hold back The way you really feel What you don't say You know your eyes reveal I'm k...

B4-4 - Smile
Oh baby Ain't it like you to make me smile Pick me up when I'm feelin' down When no one else com...

B4-4 - That's How I Know
My friends ask me When it comes to giving you my heart How can I be sure? 'Cause they see how fa...

B4-4 - You've Got A Friend
Ooooooooo Yeah babyWhen your down and troubled And you need some love and care And n...

Baby Aka The #1 Stunna - Looks Like A Job 4...
Looks like a looks like a job job job for job for[Baby in the backround of chorus]Oh yeah...

Baby Aka The #1 Stunna - Never Had Nothing
[Mannie Fresh Talking]Yo, This Fresh [echoes]For you [echoes]Bout to ...

Baby Bash - Changed My Life
[Chorus]I changed my life so I can be with youBut you turned and walked away,Tell me what...

Baby Bash - Early In The Morning
Early in da morning befo I eats my breakfastI gotta get downEarly in da morning befo I eats my breakfa...

Baby Bash - Feeling Me
[Chorus: Russell Lee]She's in love with a hustlaShe don't be messing with them suckasLook...

Baby Bash - Image Of Pimp

Baby Bash - Pollution
[Chorus]Sometimes I wanna get away from all the confusion Causin' pollution I know you wi...

Baby Bash - Sexy Eyes
Sexy Eyes, theyre so lovely, Sexy Eyes Make me wanna love yaSexy Eyes,Girl youre lookin way cool...

Baby Bash - Shorty Doowop
[Chorus:]Yea thats my shorty doowopYea thats my shorty doowopYea thats my shorty doowop...

Baby Bash - Suga Suga (remix)
[Chorus: Major Riley]You got me lifted, shifted higha than da ceilin'And oo wee it is the ultim...

Baby Bash - Weed Hand
[Chorus:]Sometimes da game got me stressin partner i can't lieI roll me a sweet smash off n da ...

Babyface - A Bit Old-fashioned
I believe that a womanIs the most precious thing on earthAnd I'll do anythingAnd I do mean anyth...

Babyface - All Day Thinkin'
You get inside of me and I don't even(Know how to act, girl)You have synergy that gets in me that's...

Babyface - Breathe Again
If I never feel you in my arms againIf I never feel your tender kiss againIf I never hear I love you n...

Babyface - Can't Stop My Heart
Baby, babyDon't 'cha thinkYou would like toSpend the night with meDarlin', darlin'Ca...

Babyface - Chivalry
My friends tell meThat he's been cheating on youAnd that he treats you unkindlyHe's using you...

Babyface - Dream Away
When this worldThe real life world you're living inJust gets too much for you to takeWhen you fi...

Babyface - End Of The Road
[spoken]Girl you know we belong together I have no time for you to be playing With my hea...

Babyface - Exhale (shoop Shoop)
Everyone falls in love sometime Sometimes it's wrong And sometimes it's right For every win ...

Babyface - Faithful
You've been hanging out without your girlfriendsAnd they've been hanging out at all the clubsAnd you'v...

Babyface - Fire
You're riding in my carI turn on the radioI'm pulling you closerBut you keep tellin' me no...

Babyface - Given A Chance
You're not alone, noAnd no one's gonna hurt your heart againAnd this I know, yesYou can count on...

Babyface - Gone Too Soon
Like a cometBlazing 'cross the evening skyGone too soonLike a rainbowFading in the t...

Babyface - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,Let your heart be lightFrom now on,our troubles will be o...

Babyface - Honey (oh How I Need You)
Oh how I need you honeyOh how you bring me joyFulfill my lifeOh much I need youOh how I ne...

Babyface - I Care About You
Sometimes I feel so aloneI call your heartBut there's no one at homeTaking a toll on my pride...

Babyface - If
If a picture paints a thousand wordsThen why can't I paint youThe words will never showThe you I...

Babyface - If We Try
We go through changesTime after timeI guess that's just lifeFeelings we can't expressWe on...

Babyface - I'll Always Love You
I can't imagine living one day without youI'd rather just lay down and just die'Cause all I care about...

Babyface - I'll Be Home For Christmas
I'll be home for ChristmasYou can count on mePlease have some snow and mistletoeAnd presents by ...

Babyface - I'll Make Love To You
Close your eyes, make a wish And blow out the candlelight For tonight is just your night We're g...

Babyface - Illusions
You've gotta beOutta your mindYou've gotta beThe best thing ever in my lifeSo why would i ...

Babyface - I Love You Babe
Love never came between usFor love was too deep in our heartsIt's the silly things we do between us...

Babyface - It Came Upon A Midnight Clear / The First Noel
It came upon the midnight clearThat glorious song of oldFrom angels playing near the earthTo tou...

Babyface - It's No Crime
Calling all cars [REPEAT]I never thought thatI could feel this wayYou came around a...

Babyface - Lady, Lady
Lady, if you care for meThen let me knowThat you care for me sweet ladyAnd that you'll care for ...

Babyface - Let's Be Romantic
Let's be romantic babyLet's stay in loveWhen I think of the magicAnd all that it means to ...

Babyface - Love Makes Things Happen
Deep in the heartLove has many waysOf touching your emotionsTaking control of youAnd even ...

Babyface - Lovers
Let's take our time and concentrateThe mood is right for living, ooh I can't waitI've waited so long t...

Babyface - Mary Mack
Oh Mary MackAll dressed in blackWith silver buttonsAll down her backSay you found another ...

Babyface - Reason For Breathing
If I cried like a baby would you change your mind?If I told you I'm crazy would you come running back to me?...

Babyface - Rock Bottom
I was sitting here thinkin' 'bout my situationThough I know you got reservationsI was thinkin' we coul...

Babyface - Rudolph The Red-nosed Reindeer
Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeerHad a very shiny noseAnd if you ever saw itYou would even say it ...

Babyface - Saturday
Just gonna chill tonightWith you by my sideAnd look into your eyesWe gonna mellow outLay b...

Babyface - Silent Night
Silent night, holy nightAll is calm, all is brightRound yon virgin mother and childHoly infant s...

Babyface - Sleigh Ride
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring-ting-tingling, tooCome on, it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride...

Babyface - Slow Jams
Sugar, sugarBaby dim the lightsSo while I pour the wineSet the music up nice and slow...

Babyface - Slow Jams (remix)
[SPOKEN:](Remix)I can't believe I'm hereDown at the Q's Jook Joint (no doubt)It sur...

Babyface - Soon As I Get Home
[SPOKEN:]Hey, come here for a secondI don't like the way he treats youHe doesn't deserve ...

Babyface - Sunshine
Last night I laid with you'Twas like a dream come trueI've never felt so rightI want you for the...

Babyface - Take Your Time
You're so in loveAnd that's niceJust have funLiving your lifeHe likes to kiss youAnd...

Babyface - Tender Lover
Feels good, everybodyTender lover, tender loveEleanor RigbySpends half her life all alone...

Babyface - The Christmas Song
Chestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Frost nipping at your noseYuletide carols being sung by a choir...

Babyface - The Little Drummer Boy
Come they told me, pa rum pum pum pumA new born King to see, pa rum pum pum pumOur finest gifts we bri...

Babyface - The Loneliness
[Verse 1]Im sitting here Thinking boutHow im gon-na do without You around in my lif...

Babyface - Treat You Right
When I heard that you were looking for a love right awayI knew I was the oneAin't no point in looking ...

Babyface - Two Occasions
A summer love is beautifulBut it's not enoughTo satisfy emotionsThat are shared between us...

Babyface - Well Alright
In the twinkling of an eyeGirl you had me hypnotizedAnd I didn't care a thing about loveBut I qu...

Babyface - What If
I ran into a friend of yours the other dayAnd I asked her how you've beenShe said my girl is fine; jus...

Babyface - When Men Grow Old
So many years that you sacrificedSo many chances you let go byAnd girl never once didyou complai...

Babyface - Where Is My Love?
I want a woman I can do things forGive her the world if she wants itAll things and even moreAnd ...

Babyface - Where Will You Go
We started out simple friendsThat kind of friendship never ends, no babyBut we were fortunate to care ...

Babyface - Whip Appeal
Somebody told meThere'd be trouble at home'Cause we never talk a lotWhen we spend time alone...

Babyface - White Christmas
I'm dreaming of a white ChristmasJust like the ones I used to knowWhere the treetops glisten and child...

Babyface - Winter Wonderland
Sleigh bells ring, are ya listin'In the lane, snow is glistnin'A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight...

Babyface - You Are So Beautiful
You are so beautiful, yesYou are to meYou are so beautifulYou are to meCan't you see? Can'...

Babyface - You Make Me Feel Brand New
My loveI'll never find the words, my loveTo tell you how I feel, my loveMere words could not exp...

Babyface - You Were There
Time passes, the world changesBut I'm still the same ole' kidAnd your jokes still bring me laughter...

Backstreet Boys - 10,000 Promises
Once we were loversJust lovers we were oh what a lieOnce we were dreamersJust dreamers we were o...

Backstreet Boys - All I Have To Give
I don't know what he does to make you cryBut I'll be there to make you smileI don't have a fancy car...

Backstreet Boys - All I Have To Give Conversation Mix
All...Everything I have is for youMy name is KevAnd I like the type of girl who can love m...

Backstreet Boys - Anywhere For You
I'd go anywhere for youAnywhere you asked me toI'd do anything for youAnything you want me to...

Backstreet Boys - As Long As You Love Me
As long as you love meAlthough loneliness has always been a friend of mineI'm leavin' my life in...

Backstreet Boys - Back To Your Heart
It's not that I can't live without youIt's just that I don't even want to tryEvery night I dream about...

Backstreet Boys - Betcha By Golly Wow!
There's a spark of magic in your eyesand Candyland appears each time you smileNever thought that fairy...

Backstreet Boys - Boys Will Be Boys
Oh ooh oh ooh oh ohOh ooh oh ooh ohBoys will be boys (hey)Oh ooh oh ooh oh ohOh ooh oh ooh...

Backstreet Boys - By My Side
Tonight I saw an eclipse of your smileWithin my own reflection on you lookSo beautiful thenA tea...

Backstreet Boys - Children Of The World
This goes out to all the childrenAll over the world This one's for the childrenChildren of the w...

Backstreet Boys - Christmas Time
There is something specialAbout this time of yearA christmas feeling's everywhereI just got home...

Backstreet Boys - Climbing The Walls
Close your eyes, make a wishThat this could last foreverIf only you could stay with me nowSo tel...

Backstreet Boys - Color My World
Ohhh noEverybody needs affectionLooking for a deep connectionSo put a little bit of love i...

Backstreet Boys - Crawling Back To You
Everybody knows that I was such a fool to ever let go of youBaby I was wrongYeah I know I said we'd be...

Backstreet Boys - Darlin'
[Spoken:]Baby, can I talk to you?I know something's wrongThings just ain't the same...

Backstreet Boys - Donde Quieras Yo Ire (anywhere For You)
Al fin del mundo llegareLo que quieras you hareSin preguntas sin porquesEh! nena...

Backstreet Boys - Don't Leave Me
[Chorus:]Don't leave meCuz you need meI never wanna be without you[2x]...

Backstreet Boys - Don't Wanna Lose You Now
I never thought that I would lose my mindThat I could control thisNever thought that I'd be left behin...

Backstreet Boys - Don't Want You Back
Don't, don't want you backYou hit me faster than a shark attackYou saw my picture on the Backstr...

Backstreet Boys - Drowning
Don't pretend you're sorryI know you're notYou know you got the powerTo make me weak inside...

Backstreet Boys - Everybody (backstreet's Back)
Everybody, yeahRock your body, yeahEverybody, yeahRock your body rightBackstreet's back, a...

Backstreet Boys - Everyone
We've been through days of thunderSome people say they don't belongThey try to put us underBut h...

Backstreet Boys - Everytime I Close My Eyes
Everytime I close my eyesEverytime I close my eyesListen girl I don't know where to startB...

Backstreet Boys - Forces Of Nature
YeahhhOpposites attract, chemicals reactBut when I look at youDeserts need the rain, fires...

Backstreet Boys - Get Another Boyfriend
Get another boyfriend Backstreet ...check it Let's talk about one,baby You gotta hear me out...

Backstreet Boys - Get Down (you're The One For Me)
You're the one for meYou're my ecstasyYou're the one I needHey, yeah[Chorus...

Backstreet Boys - Give Me Your Heart

Backstreet Boys - Heaven In Your Eyes
Open up your heart to meAnd say what's on your mindI know that we have been through so much pain...

Backstreet Boys - Hey, Mr. Dj (keep Playin' That Song)
Ah, BackstreetOne time here we go (yes, yes one time, yes, yes)I could tell when I stepped in th...

Backstreet Boys - If I Don't Have You
Everyday, girl, I wake up and prayThat you'll come back homeAnd don't take too longCuz since you...

Backstreet Boys - If You Knew What I Knew
It's 7am, thinking about youWondering if the thoughts I'm feeling you're feeling tooLike a new born ch...

Backstreet Boys - If You Stay
To be happyYou are all I needTo make me happy'Cuz everytime you're nearAll the tears insid...

Backstreet Boys - If You Want It To Be Good Girl (get Yourself A Bad Boy)
If you want it to be good girlGet yourself a bad boy(Yeah I like this, ha ha)If you want i...

Backstreet Boys - I Got To Get It
Get itI got to get it, I really need you loveGet it, Get itGet it, Get itGet it, Get...

Backstreet Boys - I'll Be There For You
Don't say a wordI understandYou wanna know if I'm still your manGirl can't you tell by the touch...

Backstreet Boys - I'll Never Break Your Heart
[Spoken:]Baby, I know you're hurtingRight now you feel like you could neverLove again...

Backstreet Boys - I'll Never Find Someone Like You
Ooh, I'll never findI'll never find someone like youGirl, you take my breath awayAnd when I'm wi...

Backstreet Boys - Incomplete
Empty spaces fill me up with holesDistant faces with no place left to goWithout you within me I cant f...

Backstreet Boys - I Need You Tonight
Open up your heart to meAnd say what's on your mind, oh yesI know that we have been through so much pa...

Backstreet Boys - I Promise You (with Everything I Am)
It's in the silences,the words you never sayI see it in your eyes, it always starts the same way...

Backstreet Boys - It's Gotta Be You
Baby it's the way you make meKinda get me go crazyNever wanna stopIt's gotta be you (uh huh, uh ...

Backstreet Boys - It's True
Even a lover makes a mistake sometimesLike any otherFall out and lose his mindAnd I'm sorry for ...

Backstreet Boys - I Wanna Be With You
I wanna be with youIt's crazy but it's trueAnd everything I doI wanna be with youI'd...

Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way
YeahYou are my fireThe one desireBelieve when I sayI want it that wayBut...

Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way (other Version)
I'm yours completelyI feel so deeplyYou're my first thought everydayAnd I want it that way...

Backstreet Boys - Just To Be Close To You
This is for the loversStrictly for the lovers yeahYou got someone you wanna get close to?Then ge...

Backstreet Boys - Just Want You To Know
Looking at your picture from when we first metYou gave me a smile that I could never forgetAnd nothing...

Backstreet Boys - Larger Than Life
HuhYeah, ha, ha, ha, haHa, ha, ha, haI may run and hideWhen you're screamin' my name...

Backstreet Boys - Last Night You Saved My Life
Yeah, yeah, yeahYeah, yeah, yeahIts 3 am, I cant sleepToo late to call this is not like me...

Backstreet Boys - Lay Down Beside Me
Something about the way you movedThat caught my eyeI really did have to try it, yesI can't deny ...

Backstreet Boys - Let's Have A Party
But all I wanna know is where the party at [2x]Let's have a party [2x](But all I wanna k...

Backstreet Boys - Let The Music Heal Your Soul
Oh if someone writes a song with a simple rhymeJust a song where is feeling showAnd if someone feels t...

Backstreet Boys - Lose It All
Oh noTake what you need 'cause I can't hold my breathSay what you feel 'cause I got nothing left, oh...

Backstreet Boys - Love Is
YeahhOoohhYeah yeahOnce there was a time love was just a mythIt just wasn't for real...

Backstreet Boys - Memories
MemoriesThe love I left behindI still think about it all the timeNothing stays the sameMay...

Backstreet Boys - Missing You
[Chorus:]Oh baby, I'm missing youWe used to love so strongTell me where did we go wrong...

Backstreet Boys - My Heart Stays With You
You know, sometimes being on the road is roughEspecially loneliness...Girl I miss youAnd i...

Backstreet Boys - Nobody But You
Ain't nobody else but you [3x]There is nobodyWho can make me cryNobody else can do ...

Backstreet Boys - No One Else Comes Close
When we turn out the lightsThe two of us alone togetherSomething's just not rightBut girl you kn...

Backstreet Boys - Not For Me
I was looking for somethingOn the crime scene where you're in too deepI found a note with this number...

Backstreet Boys - Nunca Te Hare Llorar (i'll Never Break Your Heart)
[Spoken:]Mi vida, yo se que te han heridoSe que en este momento sientesQue no podrias vol...

Backstreet Boys - Over Her
You know I been trying to figure outJust what's going onAm I over her?I been doing a lot of thin...

Backstreet Boys - Quit Playin' Games (with My Heart)
Baby, ohEven in my heart I seeYou're not bein' true to meDeep within my soul I feelN...

Backstreet Boys - Roll With It
Roll with itRoll with it (oh yeah)Roll with itYou've got to roll with itIf you ever ...

Backstreet Boys - Rush Over Me
Washed away my sad face,Flooded all my empty spaceYou take away life's heartbreakAnd I know with...

Backstreet Boys - Safest Place To Hide
Yeah, yeahIt seems like yesterday when I said "I do"And after all this time my heart still burns for y...

Backstreet Boys - Set Adrift On Memory Bliss
Dadadadadada Dadadadadada Dadadadadada dadadadada(On memory's bliss of you)Dadadadadada Dadadadadada D...

Backstreet Boys - Shape Of My Heart
Hmm, yeah, yeahBaby, please try to forgive meStay here don't put out the glowHold me now don't b...

Backstreet Boys - Shining Star
You're my shining star,that is what you areThere is no one like you babyAngels everywhereE...

Backstreet Boys - Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely
Show me the meaning of being lonelySo many words for the broken heartIt's hard to see in a crimson lov...

Backstreet Boys - Siberia
When you come back I won't be hereShe said and gently pulled me nearIf you want to talk you can call...

Backstreet Boys - Spanish Eyes
Here we areIn the arms of one anotherAnd we still go on searching for each otherKnowing that hat...

Backstreet Boys - Tell Me That I'm Dreamin'
I'm dreamin'You had me thinking right from the startThat our feeling will never keep us apart...

Backstreet Boys - That's The Way I Like It
Hey yeahThat's the way I like itSomebody told me that you're not my kindSo have I lo...

Backstreet Boys - That's What She Said
There are people that say what you wanna hearEven on a raining day they'll tell you the sky is clearWh...

Backstreet Boys - The Unloved
Yeah ooh uhThis one's for the mothers who have lost a childAnd this one's for the gypsies who've...

Backstreet Boys - Time
I know that I, I can't believeJust what the past has brought meTo the man I wanna beI know that ...

Backstreet Boys - Weird World
Weird world, weird worldHey hey heyThe sun is over the city but it's an orange dayThere is...

Backstreet Boys - We've Got It Goin On
Everybody grove to the musicEverybody jamOh, heyWe've been waiting so longJust...

Backstreet Boys - What Makes You Different (makes You Beautiful)
You don't run with the crowdYou go your own wayYou don't play after darkYou light up my day...

Backstreet Boys - Where Can We Go From Here?
I tried to pick the pieces upAnd I can't think of starting overWe used to share the stars aboveI...

Backstreet Boys - Who Do You Love?
I know he's driving a fancy carWhen you're with himYou're feeling like a starBut when I'm home a...

Backstreet Boys - Yes, I Will
I open my eyes I see your faceI cannot hide I can't eraseThe way you make me feel insideYou comp...

Backstreet Boys - You Wrote The Book On Love
When I first met youMy life turned a pageChapter one was how true love was madeYou taught me wit...

Badly Drawn Boy - 40 Days & 40 Fights
You look a lot, lot better tonightYou and I should go out for a fightWe need a holidayBut not to...

Badly Drawn Boy - Above You, Below Me
Don't want to giveDon't want to stealDon't want to be anything I'm notYou take answersI gi...

Badly Drawn Boy - All Possibilities
All possibilitiesAre landing at my feetThere's nothing I can seeBut possibilitiesAll...

Badly Drawn Boy - A Minor Incident
There's nothing I could sayTo make you try to feel okAnd nothing you could doTo stop me feeling ...

Badly Drawn Boy - Another Devil Dies
Well your face still makes my dayJust like it did in the pastWhen you turned me awayI kept comin...

Badly Drawn Boy - Another Pearl
Why are you trembling so muchI don't think I ever felt so goodWhen all I need is to be freeWhere...

Badly Drawn Boy - A Peak You Reach
No sign of lifePulsing through these ageing veinsI bet at your ageThat's easier for you to say...

Badly Drawn Boy - Bedside Story
Goodnight my answer, your dreams are still sweetGoodnight, be careful with yourselfDon't worry about t...

Badly Drawn Boy - Born Again
Maybe there's a reason why I'm born againThere's something rare going on under my skiesYou got to chil...

Badly Drawn Boy - Camping Next To Water
Camping next to waterA fish infested slaughterI feed the fishes into meIt's misty within reason...

Badly Drawn Boy - Cause A Rockslide
Can I get close to yaIf only for a whileI don't need to busy youYou're the jive guru and I want ...

Badly Drawn Boy - Disillusion
Seems you created your own illusionFuelled by an image of meWell I couldn't stay at your sideIt ...

Badly Drawn Boy - Donna & Blitzen
Merry ChristmasPay for the lightBut you may still slideBaby it's not your sleigh ride...

Badly Drawn Boy - Easy Love
Never had an easy loveNever had an easy loveLike the one I'm dreaming ofFind a hand that fits th...

Badly Drawn Boy - Epitaph
Please don't leave meWanting moreI hope you never dieThere's no need to say whyJust promis...

Badly Drawn Boy - Everybody's Stalking
Been feeling high, and then feeling lowJust strap your hands across my enginesI'm not broke so please ...

Badly Drawn Boy - Fall In A River
Don't ask me where to fall in a riverMight not deliver you all the way homeI guess that you think I'm ...

Badly Drawn Boy - Fewer Words
Bet you wish you knew what time it isAnd it's clear that you don'tUnderstand a love that requires fewe...

Badly Drawn Boy - File Me Away
File me awayIn your heart somedayYou just be youI'll be me ok[Ad lib]...

Badly Drawn Boy - Four Leaf Clover
Go on do what you've got to do.You've got your dreams I've got mine too.Be strong get off at the next ...

Badly Drawn Boy - Have You Fed The Fish?
The keys to your heart open the door to the worldYou've got to give me two daysAnd woman I'll make you...

Badly Drawn Boy - Holy Grail
Do you know where we're going to?Do you know what we will do when we arrive?As I wait for you to set s...

Badly Drawn Boy - How?
What if there is nothing else for us after all thisI don't care, I don't mind, just as long as we find somet...

Badly Drawn Boy - Imaginary Lines
Sometimes I need your body next to mineI could draw us an imaginary line, I'mJust don't breath, I don'...

Badly Drawn Boy - Intro
"And folks, if you take a look out the right side of the plane You see a cloud that looks exactly like Badly Drawn...

Badly Drawn Boy - I Was Wrong
I always hoped I'd build my world around youAnd it's a miracle I ever found youDo the colours of the r...

Badly Drawn Boy - Life Turned Upside Down
Life is turned upside downBut then maybe it's justBeen put back the right way roundAll your drea...

Badly Drawn Boy - Logic Of A Friend
There's a feast well prepared at the tableAnd a beast licking holes in your doorMake a break just as s...

Badly Drawn Boy - Magic In The Air
We laughed so much, then we cried all nightAnd you left your shoes in the tree, with meI'll wear them ...

Badly Drawn Boy - Once Around The Block
You quiver like a candle on fireI'm putting you outMaybe tonight we could be the last shoutBut I...

Badly Drawn Boy - One Plus One Is One
Back to being who I was beforeOpened all the doors you tried to closeAnd how did that make me feel...

Badly Drawn Boy - Pissing In The Wind
I've been pissing in the windI chanced a foolish grinAnd dribbled on my chinNow the ground shift...

Badly Drawn Boy - River, Sea, Ocean
Us, you and meRiver sea oceanMoving on so far away and dreamingQuality sea, makes it to the ocea...

Badly Drawn Boy - Say It Again
You squeeze the life right out of meLike sapping the juice of a bumblebeeAnd then you call me honey...

Badly Drawn Boy - Silent Sigh
[Ad lib]Come see what we all talk aboutPeople moving to the moonStop baby don't go ...

Badly Drawn Boy - Something To Talk About
I've been dreamingOf the things I've learntAbout a boy who's bleedingcelebrate to elevateT...

Badly Drawn Boy - Stone On The Water
So we restore harmonySmooth the lines on the face of an old enemyBut there's no wood on the fire again...

Badly Drawn Boy - Summertime In Wintertime
I found a new remedyTo defeat almost anything at allIs it true you tell meWe're failing to see...

Badly Drawn Boy - Take The Glory
Summer feels like its overWinter is on the waySummer takes all the gloryBlue skies are turning t...

Badly Drawn Boy - The Further I Slide
Starting today we're on holidayEverybody sees you in the wrong wayNo one else sees you my way...

Badly Drawn Boy - The Shinning
Faith pours from your walls, drowning your callsI've tried to hear, You're not nearRemembering when I ...

Badly Drawn Boy - This Is That New Song
And if I knew the answersI would tell you nowJust what would be the chancesThat I could show you...

Badly Drawn Boy - This Song
This song will need you when your oldThis song will heat you when your coldBelieve you when I don't...

Badly Drawn Boy - Tickets To What You Need
I'm turning the lights down lowReady to make my moveGet you tickets to what you needI'm treading...

Badly Drawn Boy - Using Our Feet
Anything you're not sure of?People meet me ask if I got the money to lend herFind her, tell her ...

Badly Drawn Boy - Walking Out Of Stride
You and me we could never hideTo busy walking out of strideYou and me could never hideTo b...

Badly Drawn Boy - What Is It Now?
So now that life will never be the sameWe've got to face the thought of loneliness againTry and get in...

Badly Drawn Boy - Year Of The Rat
(One, one, one, one, one, one. One, one, one, one, one, one)June is on the run for so longPushed...

Badly Drawn Boy - You Were Right
And you,Were right to bide your time and not buy into my miseryWell the good things are never free...

Bad Religion - 1000 Memories
you were the one,you were my everythingnever apart,no one in-betweenthen one day,whe...

Bad Religion - 1,000 More Fools
I heard them say that the meek shall reign on earth,Phantasmal myriads of sane bucolic birth.I've seen...

Bad Religion - 21st Century (digital Boy)
I can't believe it, the way you look sometimesLike a trampled flag on a city street, oh yeahAnd I don'...

Bad Religion - Against The Grain
three thousand miles of wilderness overcome by the flow, a lonelyrestitution of pavement, pomp and show, i s...

Bad Religion - All Fantastic Images
England seemed like such a beautiful place from afarUntil one day I went and saw how miserabely how things r...

Bad Religion - All Good Soldiers
All good soldiers crack like bouldersThe sun climbs up to a razor, Violins, new boots, and numbers on ...

Bad Religion - All There Is
This song goes out to all the hopeless sinners, with grave allegiances, so meaningless and vain,...

Bad Religion - Along The Way
I refuse to abuse what is kind to the Muse,But it's there and it's happening to me along the way.As we...

Bad Religion - American Dream
I hate my family, hate my school, speed limits and the golden rule.Hate people who aren't what they seem, mo...

Bad Religion - American Jesus
i don't need to be a global citizenbecause i'm blessed by nationalityi'm member of a growing populace...

Bad Religion - Anesthesia
everybody is talking about the girl who went and killed the delivery man, but she looks so kind and gentle, ...

Bad Religion - Anxiety
It's a love song to the self, a story recapped every day,It's a world of bogus feelings and a world of slow ...

Bad Religion - A Streetkid Named Desire
well, it was punk-fifteen in the morningand it was timeto stand my groundand as the gawks and st...

Bad Religion - Atheist Peace
Maybe its too late for an intellectual debate, but a residue of confusion remains. Changing with...

Bad Religion - Atomic Garden
Everybody wants to dance in a playpenBut nobody wants to play in my gardenI see the hippies on an angr...

Bad Religion - At The Mercy Of Imbeciles
What you do is what you areAnd wishing upon distant starsWon't improve the hole you're inWon't a...

Bad Religion - Automatic Man
He's the latest superhero with powers so profound.He can leap a dotted line in just a single bound.I k...

Bad Religion - A Walk
I'm going for a walknot the after dinner kindI'm gonna use my handsand I'm gonna use my mind...

Bad Religion - A World Without Melody
I don't want to livein a world without melodysometimes the rhythmic dinof society is too much fo...

Bad Religion - Bad Religion (theme Song)
See my body, it's nothing to get hung about.I'm nobody except genetic runaround.Spiritual era's gone, ...

Bad Religion - Believe It
it could happen to you,a defect from thewasted outskirts of los angeleswith a crumpled-up pass f...

Bad Religion - Best For You
Above us lay the burdens, below us lay the truth.We're somewhere in the middle, and we're all discontent too...

Bad Religion - Better Off Dead
I'm sorry about the sun,how could I know that you'd burn?,and I'm sorry about the moon,how could...

Bad Religion - Beyond Electric Dreams
Here we go nowNo one here can show you where it is but I can point to a signOn the roof of the w...

Bad Religion - Big Bang
This isn't another new fashion, or a new wave plastic trend.Everybody's searching for something but in the m...

Bad Religion - Billy
I can recall the warm youth of a summer day, yeah:The sweetest lemonade, the darkest game arcade,And B...

Bad Religion - Blenderhead
flying through a dark prismatic tunnel on a carousel, the earth isturning and you know it very well, your mi...

Bad Religion - Boot Stamping On A Human Face Forever
Drop dead, it doesnt matter, she said It only hurts when I laugh, she said Sometimes its never a crime...

Bad Religion - Bored And Extremely Dangerous
With nothing better to do No one to come home to I woefully conclude To take it out on you ...

Bad Religion - Broken
She said Thanks but I'm broken I guess You must have misspoken What a laugh I've nev...

Bad Religion - Can't Stop It
I'm incurable but durable it's easy to see Lack of restraint is a complaint of those around me I know ...

Bad Religion - Cease
blacktop pavement cover melike a chemical reaction or a steam rollerspreading randomlyther...

Bad Religion - Change Of Ideas
Well the sheaves have all been brought, but the fields have washed away,And the palaces now stand where the ...

Bad Religion - Chimaera
You took a time bomband a case of crackersand you made a maelstrom of organic debristhen you too...

Bad Religion - Come Join Us
so you say you gotta know why the world goes 'roundand you can't find the truth in the things you've found...

Bad Religion - Damned To Be Free
Death and the shadow that it casts on life scares me little or none.People tell me of a divine right and the...

Bad Religion - Delirium Of Disorder
Delirium of Disorder [x2]Life is the sieve through which my anarchy strains,Resolving itself in...

Bad Religion - Destined For Nothing
Who do you believe can put some meaning in your life meaning in your life meaning in your life W...

Bad Religion - Doin' Time
See the fight, old men crying, deny their ruin.Watch them try. The cynic laughs at the optimist's closed eye...

Bad Religion - Don't Pray On Me
A grizzly scene on my electron beamTold a story about human rightsSo all of King's horses and all of K...

Bad Religion - Don't Sell Me Short
we don't need any more mountainsbecause the trail buildersfailed to give us passage thereso we c...

Bad Religion - Do What You Want
Hey do what you want, but don't do it around me.Idleness and dissipation breed apathy.I sit on my ass ...

Bad Religion - Drastic Actions
Heard a word, suicide,Not from one, but from thousands that tried.The lawyer's wife and the teenage br...

Bad Religion - Drunk Sincerity
the smell of virgin pages wafted through the swinging doorsand the croaking speech he'd heard from countries...

Bad Religion - Eat Your Dog
Weak and sick, dying in the sand, no such thing as a promised land.Don't lose faith in a better life--reinca...

Bad Religion - Empty Causes
everwhere you looked there was confusion, violence, drama and drugsso many righteous revolutionaries spoutin...

Bad Religion - Entropy
random blobs of power expressed as that which we all disregard,ordered states of nature on a scale that no o...

Bad Religion - Epiphany
A new age of reason Brain treason to trick the mind What good is searching if nothing's there to...

Bad Religion - Evangeline
She came from Heaven well there's no point belaboring that I've seen some trouble and I must admit that I'm ...

Bad Religion - Faith Alone
Heard a sermon from a creaky pul pit with no one in the naveI paid a visit to the synagogue and I left there...

Bad Religion - Faith In God
It's all right to have faith in godBut when you bend to their rules and their fucking liesThat's when ...

Bad Religion - Fertile Crescent
Come and see the brilliant lightdon't let your emotions mask your sightit's the manifestation of a dee...

Bad Religion - Flat Earth Society
lie lie lie... the full moon is rising over dark water and the foolsbelow are picking up sticks and the man ...

Bad Religion - Forbidden Beat
There was a boy who had too many toys and an ache inside of his bones.He sought extrication through chemical...

Bad Religion - Frogger
(Nice going, spazz)I'm tired of this city, all this toil and strife.Trying to cross the boulevard, pla...

Bad Religion - Fuck Armageddon... This Is Hell!
There's people out there that say I'm no good,'Cause I don't believe the things that I should,And when...

Bad Religion - Generator
Like a rock,like a planet,Like a fucking atom bomb,I'll remain unperturbed by the joy and the ma...

Bad Religion - Get Off
lascivious, it's all that i can think of as i drag my feet, searchinglika a diogenes, dangerous, the adjecti...

Bad Religion - God's Love
Striking at mental apparitions Like a drunk on a vacant street Silently beset by the hands of time ...

Bad Religion - God Song
and did those feet in ancient times trod on america's pastuers ofgreen? and did that anthropocentric god wan...

Bad Religion - Hear It
Like a morning crow and his unwelcome songOr a worn-out broken record that keeps skipping alongMountai...

Bad Religion - Heaven Is Falling
As I walk beneath the valleyI shall fear no evilfor thanks to King George and his rainbow cabinet...

Bad Religion - Henchman
StrandedIn a life in which your struggle for acceptanceIs a never-ending chore,UpbraidedFo...

Bad Religion - Hooray For Me...
I can see my teenage father standing straight on a desolate corner,in the shadow of tentacled towers by the ...

Bad Religion - How Much Is Enough?
Tell me can the hateful chain be broken?Production and consumption define our hollow lives.Avarice has...

Bad Religion - I Give You Nothing (tom Clement...)
Hey, everybody's looking but they never can see,All the angst, corruption and the dishonesty.Think abo...

Bad Religion - I Love My Computer
I love my computeryou make me feel alrightevery waking hourand every lonely nightI love my...

Bad Religion - Incomplete
mother, father, look at your little monster,I'm a hero, I'm a zero,I'm the butt of the worst joke in h...

Bad Religion - Individual
individuals run for cover,for the multitudes of thoughtless clones have reached a critical mass,indivi...

Bad Religion - Infected
now here I go,hope I don't break down,I won't take anything, I don't need anything,don't want to...

Bad Religion - Inner Logic
automatons with business suits clinging black boxes,sequestering the blueprints of daily lifecontented...

Bad Religion - In So Many Ways
I can see the shadows on the wallDrifting as the leaves start to fallUnfazed by rugosity, the objects ...

Bad Religion - In The Night
In the city, the day is too hotAnd you're hoping for relief, 'cuz your head is filled with pain,But yo...

Bad Religion - It Must Look Pretty Appealing
The wheat waving next to you is healthy and so fine,As is dinner with your loved ones every day.But yo...

Bad Religion - It's A Long Way To The Promise Land
it's a long way to the promise landso you'd better well know your waywhere's a ship on the ocean...

Bad Religion - I Want Something More
Going through a world of sad debris,Regard quixoitic reveries of ownership:The blossoming disease of m...

Bad Religion - I Want To Conquer The World
Hey Brother Christian with your high and might errand,Your actions speak so loud, I can't hear a word you're...

Bad Religion - Kerosene
everywhere I look I see exclusive huddled uninvitingshelter is a privilege of the same and competent...

Bad Religion - Kyoto Now!
It's a matter of prescience No, not the science fiction kind It's all about ignorance, and greed...

Bad Religion - Land Of Competition
See there's a girl who's afraid of the world so she stays at home.Next there's a boy who seems so lost in hi...

Bad Religion - Latch Key Kids
In this world today there ain't nobody to thank,Just blame it on the kids and toss 'em into the tank.A...

Bad Religion - Leave Mine To Me
there are desperate times upon us,there are codes of white and black,political resentment and people s...

Bad Religion - Let It Burn
let your mind wander,look beyond the shadowsfocus on the skyline,read the silhouettesyour ...

Bad Religion - Let Them Eat War
There's a prophet on a mountain and he's making up dinner With long division and writing crop Anybody ...

Bad Religion - Live Again - The Fall Of Man
The road is narrow, the horizon wide And to say whats waiting on the other side Is so rewarding and th...

Bad Religion - Lookin' In
suddenly, it came to mea potent dosage of realityi saw myself in the broad daylightand it made m...

Bad Religion - Los Angeles Is Burning
Somewhere high in the desert near a curtain of a blue St. Anne's skirts are billowingBut down here in ...

Bad Religion - Man With A Mission
rescue me when I get too deep,talk to me there's nothing to tell,Everyone, is a hydocrite,look t...

Bad Religion - Marked
if I'm a monster,I am a willing one,this roller coaster ride is an enticing one,on the tip of a ...

Bad Religion - Materialist
You're obsesssed and distressed Cause you can't make any sense of the ludicrous nonsense and incipient...

Bad Religion - Mediocre Minds
Look around the country, an abundance you'll find ofMediocre mindsSift trough the fodder as the sane j...

Bad Religion - Misery And Famine
so proud a history, replete with sanctity, orbs in their harmony, theysing their code to me, have you ever h...

Bad Religion - Modern Day Catastrophists
take those potatoes out of your earlisten to the warningsverify all your fearsthere's a world ou...

Bad Religion - Modern Man
i've got nothing to say,i've got nothing to do,all om my neruons arefunctioning smoothlyye...

Bad Religion - My Poor Friend Me
i know a manwho doesnt have many friendsi know a place he liveswhere trouble never endsi k...

Bad Religion - New America
do you know the cost of future misery?have you lost your sense of sustainability?we are just a step aw...

Bad Religion - New Leaf
When everybody dies around you, from someone else's gun,It really makes you stop and think about the years t...

Bad Religion - Nobody Listens
Hey mister, don't point at me!You shout rhetoric nonsense like a Pavlovian model responding to his questions...

Bad Religion - No Control
Culture was the seed of proliferation but it's gotten meldedInto an inharmonic whole, to an inharmonic whole...

Bad Religion - No Direction
A sullen figure walks along a dusty roadhis life was holy and he couldn't bear the loadhe left his peo...

Bad Religion - No Substance
History doesn't make something rightConsensus is not a fact-based exerciseYou're tied and bound to thi...

Bad Religion - Oligarchy
Presidential election every four yearsBut neither man we can see or hearUrgent cries for society...

Bad Religion - Only Entertainment
Transfixated on the big blue screenits your window to the outsidea melancholy dreama medium upon...

Bad Religion - Operation Rescue
it is an s.o.s. sent out telepathically, signs of our distress don'tallow complacency, we need restoration n...

Bad Religion - Parallel
sleeping on a time bomb, staring into spacethere's an ocean of unpleasantries we are not prepared to face...

Bad Religion - Part Iii
The final page is written in the books of history,As man unleashed his deadly bombs and sent troops overseas...

Bad Religion - Part Ii (the Numbers Game)
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)It's superficial progress, they call it liberation.With opiates of sili...

Bad Religion - Part Iv (the Index Fossil)
We're widespread and well fed,The earth's rotating fate is in our head, oh yeah.We're dominant and pro...

Bad Religion - Pessimistic Lines
So here we are again to experience the bitter, scalding endAnd we're the only ones who can perceive it....

Bad Religion - Pity
I show pity on the human race,On the ignorant plenty who devote their livesTo an icon that they've nev...

Bad Religion - Pity The Dead
there's a boy in crimson rags with a grimace and a spoon, and a little sullengirl face-up staring at the moo...

Bad Religion - Politics
Economy, technology, does it really work?The guy running the government's another jerkTry to teach som...

Bad Religion - Portait Of Authority
nothing more nothing lessan icon on the wall decoration and duressthat which many strive to beit...

Bad Religion - Progress
And progress is not intelligently planned;It's the facade of our heritage, the odor of our land. They speak ...

Bad Religion - Prove It
Hit the road in wander mode inquire along the way Savoir faire in full despair while living day ...

Bad Religion - Punk Rock Song
have you been to the desert?have you walked with the dead?there's a hundred thousand children being ki...

Bad Religion - Punk Rock Song (german Version)
warst du schon mal in der wste? schon mal den Tod gesehen?hunderttausend Kinder sterben fr Brotund die...

Bad Religion - Quality Or Quantity
offer me eternity, and i'll trade a cup of coffee and a dime, lookingfor a handout on behalf of those who ha...

Bad Religion - Raise Your Voice
fa fa fafa fa fa fafa Raise Your Voice!Don't be played like someone else's board gameDon't be classed ...

Bad Religion - Recipe For Hate
can't you feel it can't you see itthe promise of prosperityit's overwhelming you and meit afflic...

Bad Religion - Sanity
There's a watch in my pocket and its hands are broken.The face is blank but the gears are turning.Conf...

Bad Religion - Sensory Overload
They're all just suicides, in a social way.I'll never need that dormant time, I'll tell you why.'Cause...

Bad Religion - Shades Of Truth
Here inside this quiet room there's directionOutside in the sultry noon-time reflectionA million scurr...

Bad Religion - Sinister Rouge
Innocents burned, alive at the stakeTortured and dumpedIn nameless gravesCenturies wane...

Bad Religion - Skyscraper
Come let us make bricks and burn them hard,We'll build a city with a tower for the worldand climb so w...

Bad Religion - Slaves
Congress runs your daily lifeThey brainwash you into thinking it's freedomWe've had a war every twenty...

Bad Religion - Slumber
So, you're feeling unimportant,'Cuz you've got nothing to say.And your live is just a rambleNo o...

Bad Religion - Social Suicide
Right nowWell it's finally time to face my fearsGonna get the hell out of hereAnd create a fresh...

Bad Religion - Sometimes It Feels Like... *?!%+!*
There's a specter in the corner of an illustrated pageAnd a lonesome muted stripling with a rapt remedial ga...

Bad Religion - Sorrow
Father can you hear me?How have I let you down?I curse the day that I was bornand all the sorrow...

Bad Religion - Sowing The Seeds Of Utopia
We all know politicians only goJust half-way thereJust half-way thereThe innocence of youth need...

Bad Religion - Spirit Shrine
shed a tear for the criminal, give him something to believelight a fire for the miserable, give the darkness...

Bad Religion - Strange Denial
A mutinous enemy carved a nascent countrySweat, blood, and valorForms the grit of our historyBeq...

Bad Religion - Stranger Than Fiction
a febrile shocking violent smackthe children are hoping for a heart attack,tonight the windows are wat...

Bad Religion - Struck A Nerve
there's an old man on a city busholding a candy caneand it is'nt even christmashe see's a note i...

Bad Religion - Suffer
Did you ever see the concrete stares of everyday?The lunatic, the hypocrite, are all lost in the fray....

Bad Religion - Supersonic
Well am I making haste or could it be haste is making me What's time but a thing to kill or keep or buy or l...

Bad Religion - Television
television, television, television, televisionoh yeah! I want to bask in your golden light,subme...

Bad Religion - Ten In 2010
parched, cracked mouths, empty swollen gutssun-baked pavement encroaches on ushaves and have-nots toge...

Bad Religion - The Answer
Long ago in a dusty villagefull of hunger, pain and strifea man came forth with a vision of truth...

Bad Religion - The Biggest Killer In American History
You have got your stranglers and prowlers in soft shoes. Furniture makers,carpenters tooBombers and co...

Bad Religion - The Defense
Nothing comes easier than madness in the world today Mass paranoia is a mode not a melody Yeah I'd lik...

Bad Religion - The Empire Strikes First
We strike first And we're unrehearsed Here we go again To stage the greatest show on heaven and ...

Bad Religion - The Gray Race
the framework of the worldis black and whitethe infrastructure buildersflex their might...

Bad Religion - The Handshake
every time you shake someone's hand and it feels like your best friend,could it be that it's only superficia...

Bad Religion - The Hippy Killers
Our Apocalypse 1981Teenage vagrants lookin for some funA renewed promise of prosperityA vulgar p...

Bad Religion - The Hopeless Housewife
oh me oh myget out of your 1950's fantasy,your face shines with miserytransparentlyspew ou...

Bad Religion - The Lie
How do you know what you can be if you can't see where you are going What breaks the silence Misery ...

Bad Religion - Them And Us
despite that he saw blatant similarityhe struggled to find a distinctive moietyall he found was vulgar...

Bad Religion - The Positive Aspects Of Negative Thinking
let's gather 'round the carcass of the old deflated beast, we haveseen it through the accolades and rested i...

Bad Religion - The Quickening
The quickening is an ephemeral thing That only happens in the dark Like catching lightning in a jar ...

Bad Religion - There Will Be A Way
shut your eyes,see the future's distant shoremarch aheadmore enlightened than beforeand th...

Bad Religion - The Same Person
You want prosperityFor yourself, but not for meSomehow you just can't seeWe're in this collectiv...

Bad Religion - The State Of The End Of The Millenium Adress
Neighbours, nobody loves you like we do.Neighbors, your government has triumphed in finally making you a pub...

Bad Religion - The Streets Of America
desolate and without purposeradiating from so many septic sourcesforming the fabric of a wayward peopl...

Bad Religion - The Surface Of Me
Oh yeah! A study of history reveals an unflagging appeal to mystery You talk about abstraction at the ...

Bad Religion - The Voracious March Of Godliness
Since the start of the 17th centuryThere's been the scent of unseasoned wood burning in the airAnd the...

Bad Religion - The World Won't Stop Without You
You've got to quit your little charade and join the freak paradeNow that your road has been paved from conce...

Bad Religion - Tiny Voices
the brown and orange sky holds its breathas the sun retreats to the distant horizon,and our hearts pal...

Bad Religion - To Another Abyss
Not long ago, and yet the image is so vague I hesitate to label it a memory There was a show of local ...

Bad Religion - Tomorrow
Every day we profit soleaning toward the great unknownasking how it pertains to tomorrowaim for ...

Bad Religion - Too Much To Ask
A refreshing plungea drink of platable watera deep inspiration on a warm summer daya safe stroll...

Bad Religion - Turn On The Light
i had a friend who kept a candle in his pocket,he used to touch it when the wind was blowing high,i gu...

Bad Religion - Two Babies In The Dark
There'a light on in the hallwayso I can't understandwhy you hide underneath the coversthere's a ...

Bad Religion - Unacceptable
irreducible is the word for today, plastic compounds and nuclearwaste, what the hell is the matter with the ...

Bad Religion - Victims Of The Revolution
What will prove to be our big mistake?Short-sighted arrogance all for what sake?Our families to ashes,...

Bad Religion - Victory
the velveteen and oaken soothed the lonely childthe parents watched the escort take him while they stood out...

Bad Religion - Voice Of God Is Government
Neighbors, no one loves you like he loves you,And no one cares like he cares.Neighbors, let us join to...

Bad Religion - Walk Away
shut off the t.v. and peel off those sunday gloves, and i'll stain theclean that you've been counting, old m...

Bad Religion - Watch It Die
I was born on planet earththe rotating ball where man comes firstit's been around for a long, long tim...

Bad Religion - We're Only Gonna Die From Our Own Arrogance
Early man walked away as modern man took control.Their minds weren't all the same, to conquer was his big go...

Bad Religion - What Can You Do?
So you waste another day getting older and gray in the head,And you're hearing lots of stories 'bout the hap...

Bad Religion - What It Is
there's a purpose, there's a goal,there's a virtuos, and immoral,there's a reason for all of this,...

Bad Religion - When?
I've seen a lot of things in five years.I struggle just to hold back the tears.But everyfuckingwhere I...

Bad Religion - Whisper In Time
all those stories that my dad told me,they are just a whisper in timeall those things that never came ...

Bad Religion - White Trash (2nd Generation)
Wasted children, fixed blank eyes, blood and sweat, we socializeBroken homes from which they come, beer-stai...

Bad Religion - World War Iii
US government drew up plansToo much money, got the cashBreak out ? staff? is a fuckin' mess...

Bad Religion - Yesterday
Run, but don't be scared to look behind.Stop, don't wait too long, make up your mind.The end is almost...

Bad Religion - You
There's a place where everyone can be happy.It's the most beautiful place in the whole fucking world.I...

Bad Religion - You Are (the Government)
Hey sit down and listen and they'll tell you when you're wrong.Eradicate but vindicate as "progress" creeps ...

Bad Religion - You Don't Belong
Hey you Is there something worth aspiring to And can it be found in a record store Well it's not...

Bad Religion - You've Got A Chance
a rhapsody!contestants in disguisea nation of desirebut who will win the prize?the people ...

Bad Ronald - Let's Begin (shoot The Shit)
[Chorus]We gonna light the weed, tap the keg,shoot the shit now lets beginWe gonna kick right b...

Band Aid 20 - Do They Know It's Christmas?
[Chris Martin:]It's Christmastime, there's no need to be afraidAt Christmastime, we let in ligh...

Bardot - A.s.a.p.
ASAP, ASAPI'm so tired of creepin' aroundI'm walking on eggshellsLike a thief in the night...

Bardot - Before I Let You Go
Waking up each day to a warm embraceTo the smell of sweet perfumeEvery man needs his womanSeems ...

Bardot - Dirty Water
I never thought that you could be that wayFriends from young and now you've changedLove and trust has ...

Bardot - Do It For Love
"Hello. We need to talk"WoohDo, do, do itDo it for loveBaby, babyI've got some...

Bardot - Don't Call Me (i'll Call You)
Have you been lookin' around for another loverTeasing the girls when they know you've got anotherI can...

Bardot - Down
Down, down, down, down [repeat]Look what you're doing to me'Cause I don't want you to leave...

Bardot - Empty Room
I thought I wanted it this wayI thought I really meant the words that I said I had so many reasons in ...

Bardot - Feel Right
What's that look on your faceSo miserable uncomfortableWhy you looking so sadI thought you'd get...

Bardot - Girls Do, Boys Don't
Girls do, boys don'tGirls say what boys won'tYou're all that and moreI do adore youI...

Bardot - Girls Of The Night
We're getting bored of the nightlifeGonna move this night up to where we want it to beWhen I'm down an...

Bardot - Got Me Where You Want Me
Never knew a boy like youYou don't give upWouldn't stop at anything to give my loveTold me I was...

Bardot - Higher Than Heaven
You take me higherYou take me higherYou take me higher than I've ever been beforeWhen I was down...

Bardot - Holding On
Ohh yeahI'm sitting here by myself But I don't want to feel this wayI've been missing, I've been...

Bardot - I Need Somebody
Don't need anybody messin with you I want you just the way you are Don't want anything that you can gi...

Bardot - I Should've Never Let You Go
Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, I, Oh, Oh, Oh, I.Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, I, Oh, Oh, Oh, I.Seems we played a game, but ...

Bardot - It's Alright
It's cool with me boy if you've got somewhere to goAlthough we made some plansI'm going with the flow...

Bardot - Love Me No More
I toss and turn in bedCan't get you out of my headEven though you're so far awayI need you here ...

Bardot - Love Will Find A Way
Picture walking, a dusty roadSummer breeze on my body flowsDreaming of a blue horizonMeet me whe...

Bardot - Missin' Your Love
I guess we didn't seeIt wasn't meant to beBut we tried to love each otherThere was no reason to...

Bardot - Other Side Of Love
Other side of love, other side of loveThere was anotherShe took your trust and threw it awayLeav...

Bardot - Play It Like That
You say I'm tough - instead I say I'm strongYou say I'm much too cool - well I say that you're wrongIt...

Bardot - Poison
You better stop better run awayYou better listen to what I have to sayI'll keep you hanging on the lin...

Bardot - These Days
Some days I couldn't get up, couldn't get down, I'm bored of everything,Somehow a little black cloud would r...

Bardot - What Have You Done
nothing else matters in the world todayyou know my car won't start and theres bills to payi've left my...

Bardot - When The Cats Away
I can't denyThings have been goodBut I don't know whyThey don't quite seem what they should...

Bardot - You Got Me Feeling
Running, can't see the lightYearning, for love tonightA moment, is all I needDon't you try and t...

Barenaked Ladies - A
A is for angry, which is what you are at meA is for adult, which is what I'll never beA is for applesa...

Barenaked Ladies - Aluminum
How, in every visible way, you shineAs if the stars in your wake alignAlmost impossible to malign...

Barenaked Ladies - Am I The Only One?
Am I the only one who gets to make you laugh,Laugh until you cry?Am I the only one who asks you to go,...

Barenaked Ladies - Another Postcard
You can't imagine so many monkeys in the daily mailAll of them coming anonymously so they leave no trail...

Barenaked Ladies - Auld Lang Syne
Should auld acquaintance be forgotAnd never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgot...

Barenaked Ladies - Baby Seat
You left Billy with the kidAnd all the selfless things you did with BillyYou left your home town in th...

Barenaked Ladies - Be My Yoko Ono
If there's someone you can live without, then do so.And if there's someone you can just shove out;...

Barenaked Ladies - Blame It On Me
Here we are again and we're looking at each other as if each other were to blame.You think you're so s...

Barenaked Ladies - Box Set
I never thought that you would love me the way that you do.I never thought that you would love me half as mu...

Barenaked Ladies - Break Your Heart
The bravest thing I've ever doneWas to run away and hideBut not this time, not this timeAnd the ...

Barenaked Ladies - Brian Wilson
Drove downtown in the rain nine-thirty on a Tuesday night,just to check out the late-night record shop....

Barenaked Ladies - Call Me Calmly
You and I were meant to beEven though you don't know meI don't even know your nameAnd do you thi...

Barenaked Ladies - Celebrity
Don't call me a zeroI'm gonna be a heroLike Phil Esposito or the KennedysI'll be incorpora...

Barenaked Ladies - Christmas Pics
Turkey is done, reviews are mixed,When's Mom gonna get that hearing aid fixed?Hold still, wait for the...

Barenaked Ladies - Christmastime (oh Yeah)
Now that all the snow has fallenIt's crunching in below my feetAnd all the Christmas lights are shinin...

Barenaked Ladies - Conventioneers
You walked into the roomAnd the whole place stopped to noticeStanding next to you, I feel hopeless and...

Barenaked Ladies - Crazy
I climb the walls of my mind just like I'm climbing on a jungle gymI am more than content with thestat...

Barenaked Ladies - Deck The Stills
Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, CrosbyStills, Nash, and Young, Crosby, Stills, Nash, andYoung, Crosby...

Barenaked Ladies - Do They Know It's Christmas?
It's Christmastime; there's no need to be afraidAt Christmastime, we let in light and we banish shadeA...

Barenaked Ladies - Enid
[Chorus]Enid we never really knew each other anyway.Enid we never really knew each other anyway...

Barenaked Ladies - Everything Is New Again
Learn to lose, it's easier that wayWe've paid our dues, but we can't make life payAll across the world...

Barenaked Ladies - Falling For The First Time
I'm so cool, too bad I'm a loserI'm so smart, too bad I can't get anything figured outI'm so brave, to...

Barenaked Ladies - Footprints
I followed footprints in the snow,Never knowing if I was right behind you,Looking down no one would kn...

Barenaked Ladies - For You
I have set aside everything I loveI have saved everything else for youI cannot decide what this doubt'...

Barenaked Ladies - Go Home
Well let me tell you if you're feeling alone,Instead of whining and moaning,Just get on the phone, tel...

Barenaked Ladies - Grade 9
I found my locker and I found my classesLost my lunch and I broke my glasses,That guy is huge! That gi...

Barenaked Ladies - Great Provider
You and I have been through this beforeI owe you my whole life, nothing moreI never said that I liked ...

Barenaked Ladies - Green Christmas
The streets are filled with Christmas cheerAt least it's only once a yearPerfect parcels tied with per...

Barenaked Ladies - Hanukkah Blessings
How Lucky are we that we have lights so we can seeAlthough the day is doneWhat a miracle that a spark ...

Barenaked Ladies - Hanukkah O Hanukkah
Oh Hanukkah, Oh, HanukkahCome light the menorahLet's have a partyWe'll all dance the horaG...

Barenaked Ladies - Have You Seen My Love?
[CHORUS:]Have you seen my love?Have you seen my love?Have you seen my little girl?O...

Barenaked Ladies - Helicopters
This is where the helicopters came to take me awayThis is where the children used to playThis is...

Barenaked Ladies - Hello City
Hello city ...Another night at the Palace 'cause there is nothing else to do.The same peop...

Barenaked Ladies - If I Had A $1,000,000
If I Had $1000000 (If I Had $1000000)I'd buy you a house (I would buy you a house)If I Had $1000000 (I...

Barenaked Ladies - I Have A Little Dreidel
WellI have a little dreidelI made it out of clayAnd when it's dry and readyThen, dreidel I...

Barenaked Ladies - I Know
I know why I like youIt's 'cause of your haircut and your clothingAnd 'cause you're racist.I hav...

Barenaked Ladies - I Live With It Every Day
On August first, nineteen-eighty-oneI cycled to Scott's house with a BB gunWe were almost twelve, but ...

Barenaked Ladies - I Love You
[Chorus]I love youAnd you love meI love youSo let's make a family treeI...

Barenaked Ladies - Intermittently
Someone somewhere has unglued our epoxyAnd now I'm kissing you by proxyHope you don't mindSomewh...

Barenaked Ladies - In The Car
She fed me strawberriesand freezer-burned ice creamI said "Goodbye, I guess"She lifted up her dr...

Barenaked Ladies - In The Drink
[Chorus]I'm in the drink for loveAnd want to drink your loveSwimmin' a swim in the suds...

Barenaked Ladies - I Saw Three Ships
I saw three ships come sailing in,On Christmas Day, on Christmas Day;I saw three ships come sailing in...

Barenaked Ladies - It's All Been Done
I met you before the fall of RomeAnd I begged you to let me take you homeYou were wrong, I was right...

Barenaked Ladies - Jingle Bells
Dashing through the snowOn a one-horse open sleigh,Over the fields we go,Laughing all the way;...

Barenaked Ladies - Just A Toy
Look at my mouth, a thin painted lineLook at my limbs, bent up and bundled in twineForever, ever mine...

Barenaked Ladies - Leave
I've informed you to leave'Cause I can't afford to lose more sleepI get ill when I get tiredSo I...

Barenaked Ladies - Life In A Nutshell
When she was three Her Barbies always did it on the first dateNow she's with me, There's never a...

Barenaked Ladies - Light Up My Room
A Hydro-field cuts through my neighborhoodSomehow that always just made me feel goodI can put a spare ...

Barenaked Ladies - Little Tiny Song
Hey I'm a cow, I'm curiousHey watch me now, I'm furiousHey I'm a cow, I'm full of hateHey watch ...

Barenaked Ladies - Long Way Back Home
It's a long way back homeTo pack up and leave againTogether aloneYou without me again...

Barenaked Ladies - Maybe Katie
[CHORUS (x2):]What's so maybe aboutWhat's so maybe aboutWhat's so maybe about Katie?...

Barenaked Ladies - Never Do Anything
Wiped out down the stairsI'll bet you there's a song in thereI'm not sure I'm prepared to write it dow...

Barenaked Ladies - Never Is Enough
What, am I to wake up suddenly and thenenroll at the local college, earn me a degreeand I could work w...

Barenaked Ladies - New Kid (on The Block)
I didn't ask to be famous, but I'm not sore.'Cause you can see my face in the window of every store.Yo...

Barenaked Ladies - Next Time
[CHORUS (x2):]You can always get it right next time, next timeYou can always get it right next ...

Barenaked Ladies - Off The Hook
All around the room your things are placedAnd next to you he fills the spaceAnd so it seems your savin...

Barenaked Ladies - One Week
It's been one week since you looked at meCocked your head to the side and said "I'm angry"Five days si...

Barenaked Ladies - Pinch Me
It's the perfect time of yearSomewhere far away from hereI feel fine enough, I guessConsidering ...

Barenaked Ladies - Same Thing
What does it mean to wake out of a dream and beWearing some else's shorts?I've been around the block, ...

Barenaked Ladies - Second Best
Everything's a lieWe're all gonna dieBefore we say goodbye, let's attackI admit it's bleak...

Barenaked Ladies - Sell Sell Sell
The credits roll, the camera pansAnd in the mist our hero standsHe starts to speak, then folds his han...

Barenaked Ladies - She's On Time
Woke up, I was on top of the worldThere was a beautiful girl in the bed beside meRolled over got a kis...

Barenaked Ladies - Shoe Box
A key in the door, a step on the floor,A note on the table, and a meal in the microNote says "I'm in b...

Barenaked Ladies - Shopping
[CHORUS:]Well you know that it's going to be alrightI think it's gonna be alrightEverythi...

Barenaked Ladies - Snowman
Made of snow, I don't knowHow I fit inTo and fro, people goI stand and grinWay to go, even...

Barenaked Ladies - Some Fantastic
One day I will build a fountainDrink and never grow oldThen I'll market an elixirthat will elimi...

Barenaked Ladies - Stomache Vs Heart
In through my veins, without brains,I involuntarily take what I need, then I bleedAnd it comes right b...

Barenaked Ladies - Straw Hat And Old Dirty Hank
I tend the wheat field that makes your breadI bind the sweet veal, pluck the hens that make your bedMo...

Barenaked Ladies - Take It Outside
Oh, I - I watch it all go downClosed eyes - pretend noone's aroundSo I - I chose to play the clown...

Barenaked Ladies - Testing 1,2,3
Maybe it would be funTo get a new opinionGet a little work doneAnd forgetMaybe it wo...

Barenaked Ladies - The Flag
The phone rings, it's early, it's seven o'clock.He says sorry I woke you, but I just had to talkYou kn...

Barenaked Ladies - The Humour Of The Situation
When you walked in, I said with a grinThat we were just talking about youWe all had to lie because you...

Barenaked Ladies - The King Of Bedside Manor
You know he's not the kind of man who likes to see the world around himCrumble to a ball around his feet....

Barenaked Ladies - The Old Apartment
Broke into the old apartmentThis is where we used to liveBroken glass, broke and hungryBroken he...

Barenaked Ladies - There's A Spider In My Room
There's a spider in my roomThere's a spider in my roomAnd then a voice above my headSaid i...

Barenaked Ladies - These Apples
A friend brought me flowers, she said they were lilacsBut I've never been good with plantsHer next pre...

Barenaked Ladies - The Wrong Man Was Convicted
Who's lonely now? Which one of us is suffering?Who's in his cups? Which one of us recovering?Who likes...

Barenaked Ladies - This Is Where It Ends
I don't buy everything I read,I haven't even read everything I've boughtI don't cry every time I bleed...

Barenaked Ladies - Told You So
I never jumpted in and rescued you,but I wanted toI didn't tell you which way to go,'cause I tho...

Barenaked Ladies - Tonight Is The Night I Fell Asleep At The Wheel
Driving home to be with youThe highway's dividing, the city's in viewAs usual, I'm almost on time...

Barenaked Ladies - Too Little Too Late
You say, "Why does everything revolve around you?"You say, "Why does everything I do confound you?"You...

Barenaked Ladies - Unfinished
I left a tip, but it was never a donationI took a trip, but it was never a vacationI took a seat, but ...

Barenaked Ladies - Upside Down
I'm not surprised it's come to thisSooner or later there must be another's kissBehind that kiss a prom...

Barenaked Ladies - War On Drugs
She likes to sleep with the radio onSo she can dream of her favorite songThe one that no one has ever ...

Barenaked Ladies - What A Good Boy
When I was born, they looked at me and saidwhat a good boy, what a smart boy, what a strong boy.And wh...

Barenaked Ladies - When I Fall
I look straight in the window, try not to look belowPretend I'm not up here, try counting sheepBut the...

Barenaked Ladies - When You Dream
With life just begun, my sleeping new sonhas eyes that roll back in his headThey flutter and dart, he ...

Barenaked Ladies - Who Needs Sleep?
Now I lay me down not to sleepI just get tangled in the sheetsI swim in sweat three inches deepI...

Barenaked Ladies - Wonderful Christmastime
[instrumental]Happy birthday to youHappy birthday to youHappy birthday, dear Jesus...

Barenaked Ladies - Wrap Your Arms Around Me
I concede that you were right about this placeI can make a perfect likeness of your body if I traceI c...

Barenaked Ladies - You Will Be Waiting
As we walk together through the autumn, nearing winterThrough the dying leaves and trees we call our home an...

Barlow Girl - Average Girl
So what I"m not your average girlI don't meet the standards of this worldChasing after boys is not my ...

Barlow Girl - Mirror
Mirror, Mirror on the wall, Have I got it?'Cause Mirror you've always told me who I am I'm finding it'...

Barlow Girl - Never Alone
I waited for you todayBut you didn't showNo no noI needed You todaySo where did You go?...

Barlow Girl - On My Own
I can't believe that I"m here in this place againHow did I manage to mess up one more time?This patter...

Barlow Girl - Pedestal
You're the coolest personThat I have ever seenSo perfect with your pretty faceOn the TV screen...

Barlow Girl - She Walked Away
She couldn't take one more dayHome was more her prison now Independence called out She had to ge...

Barlow Girl - Surrender
My hands hold safly to my dreams Clutching tightly not one has fallenSo many years I've shaped each on...

Barlow Girl - You Led Me
Good Morning the night is over and goneI thought once this dark would last for so longFeel the s...

Basement Jaxx - Hot & Cold
Don't nobody speak to me no moreI wanna hear but can't hear u when u callDo you really mean it or have...

Basement Jaxx - If I Ever Recover
If I ever recover if my soul can mendMake it through to where I'm olderFind a shoulder find a friend...

Basement Jaxx - Living Room
All your heads bobbingDo your body poppingKeep yourself dreamingCome and let me hear u scream...

Basement Jaxx - Tonight
You I see sitting waiting for meBy the station near the blue vinesWhere we met for the first time...

Bbmak - After All Is Said And Done
I thought that you were working lateBut that was when I made my first mistakeAs you walked into the ha...

Bbmak - Again
Can you help me ease the pain Can I hold you once again You know that they often say that love i...

Bbmak - Can't Say
I can't say why I love you, but I do When I'm around you it feel so good, feel so good And everything ...

Bbmak - Emily's Song
You will always be the one that I adore Means so much to me but dreams you were before It's you Emily ...

Bbmak - Get You Through The Night
Good things come to those who waitThey say patience is a virtueBut all I've got is the time it takes m...

Bbmak - I Can Tell
It's in the way you caress my face Like you always used to but differently We can smile to hide the sh...

Bbmak - I'm Not In Love
Don't think that you got me girl Don't think you can tame me and change me Don't think that it's all b...

Bbmak - I Still Believe
When the world had nowhere to runOr how to hideI've been watching the world as it passes byTryin...

Bbmak - Love Is Leaving
There Were times I knew But I found it hard to say You were special in my life Never thought you...

Bbmak - Love Is Unpredictable
How can I convince you that you're really not alone And I know exactly what you're going through Nothi...

Bbmak - Love On The Outside
God knows I've been hurt before You know what I've been through Time helps, but it doesn't cure ...

Bbmak - Miss You More
There are so many reasons that I find to run to you Cos there's so little loving in my life, now I am wawy ...

Bbmak - More Than Words
Saying 'I Love you' is not the words I want to hear from you It's not that I want you not to say ...

Bbmak - Next Time
I lie awake and die I try but can't deny That I can't make it without her I can't forget the day I let...

Bbmak - Out Of Reach
Every day just seems so longEvery minute that I'm here without youWill tomorrow ever comeWill I ...

Bbmak - Run Away
Close your eyes, tell me what you seeThe two of us, nothing in betweenAnd run away when we say goodbye...

Bbmak - September
Why did you, why did you, did you go, I'll never know Oh girl, I wonder if I'm out of your mind are yo...

Bbmak - She's Everything
If you let me be a part of youIf you tell me what I gotta doMaybe I could changeI don't wanna se...

Bbmak - Sooner Or Later
I don't understand you have you lost your mind You've always been a friend of mine But you're running ...

Bbmak - Staring Into Space
Take this worldand all it's becomeI wanna get out of this placeWe're all living under the sun...

Bbmak - Still On Your Side
I will stand up for you no matter what you are going through, going through, going through You f...

Bbmak - Sympathy
I don't want nothingCause nothing's all you giveI don't need your touchThat could be too much fo...

Bbmak - The Beginning
You don't know what it's likeTo be there when it's overIf love was like a battlefieldWould you p...

Beanie Sigel - Beanie (mack Bitch)
You know my name, bitchUhh.. yeah.. hold upThe streets gave me heat, and the Eagle was the thing that ...

Beanie Sigel - Feel It In The Air
[Talkin]My Spider senses is tinglinFeel somethin, got my radars up[Verse 1]...

Beanie Sigel - I Don't Do Much
Hmm, shit, I don't do muchY'knawmean? Smoke weed, fuck bitches, huhGet paper cuts from countin money.....

Beanie Sigel - Man's World
[Sigel] It's a man's world"This is a man's world!" -> [James Brown][Sigel] Bitch,...

Beanie Sigel - Nothing Like It
I'm just a picture in a frameman, I paint word pictures on the canvas of lifebut I don't control the c...

Beanie Sigel - Watch Your Bitches
As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be was a gangster...(Watch your bitches!)[Ve...

Beanie Sigel - What Your Life Like 2
C'mon let's try this Guru..[Beanie Sigel]When I was five years old, I realized it was a r...

Beastie Boys - 3-minute Rule
Stay up all night go to sleep watching DragnetNever sleep alone because Jimmy's the magnetI'm so rope ...

Beastie Boys - 3 The Hard Way
Fresh dressed 'cause I shop at Models Deep in Brooklyn I ride the elevated trains Used to ride the D t...

Beastie Boys - All Lifestyles
Ideas spark my hand grabs a pen Sweeten up the sound let me get the right blend Coming down the wire t...

Beastie Boys - Alright Hear This
Because I Grab The Microphone And I Pick It UpAnd Then I Fuck It Up And Then I Turn It InAnd Then I Tu...

Beastie Boys - And Me
Once again I'm all wrapped up in meMy best friend's my own worst enemyElectricity and gravity...

Beastie Boys - An Open Letter To Nyc
Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and Staten From the Battery to the top of Manhattan Asian, Middle-Eastern and ...

Beastie Boys - B-boy Bouillabaisse
[Get On the Mic]Get on the mic Mike let's be real and don't cloud the issueThe rhymes are...

Beastie Boys - B-boys Makin' With The Freak Freak
Putting Songs Together Ain't No Puzzle Like YahtzeeSending This Out To K-Rob And RahmalzeeLet Me Intro...

Beastie Boys - Bodhisattva Vow
As I Develop The Awakening Mind I Praise The Buddha As They ShineI Bow Before You As I Travel My Path To Joi...

Beastie Boys - Body Movin'
Ready, one.You will do this four times with the leftFour with the rightThen eight times with bot...

Beastie Boys - Brass Monkey
Brass Monkey - that funky MonkeyBrass Monkey junkieThat funky MonkeyGot this dance that's ...

Beastie Boys - Car Thief
Some static started in the pool hallHit a motherfucker's face with the cue ballThen I met this girl sh...

Beastie Boys - Ch-check It Out
All you trekkies and tv addicts Don't mean to diss Don't mean to bring static All you klingons i...

Beastie Boys - Crawlspace
There's a party going on in here for real I got more product than Ron Popeil So deal with that troop w...

Beastie Boys - Do It
[Chorus]Like The Black Birds I'm A Do It FluidBuilding Rhymes Like Buildings, Like A Ston...

Beastie Boys - Egg Man
I looked out the window and seen his bald headI ran to the fridge and pulled out an eggScoped him with...

Beastie Boys - Electrify
Words comin forth like water from the tapClap tracks line the spaces places papers people stackBack tr...

Beastie Boys - Fight For Your Right
Kick it! You wake up late for school man you don't wanna goYou ask you mom, "Please?" but she st...

Beastie Boys - Finger Licken' Good
Finger Licken, Finger Licken Good Y'allSo Mike D What's Up? Yo Yauch What's Up?Come On Mike Let'...

Beastie Boys - Flowin' Prose
I'm flowing prose to cons and cons to prosI'm scheming rhyme against reason like it was flow against know...

Beastie Boys - Flute Loop
Moon Me!So, Just Sit Back And Max And RelaxOff Tracks That I Kick, Come On And Give It Up'...

Beastie Boys - Funky Boss
Funky Boss Get Off My Back ...

Beastie Boys - Futterman's Rule
"When Two Are Served, You May Begin To Eat" Gene Futterman ...

Beastie Boys - Get It Together
1-2 1-2 Keep It OnListen To The Shit Because We Kick It Until DawnListen To The Abstract Got It Going ...

Beastie Boys - Girls
Girls, all I really want is girlsAnd in the morning it's girlsCause in the evening it's girls...

Beastie Boys - Gratitude
Good Times Gone And You Missed ThemWhat's Gone Wrong In Your SystemThings They Bounce Just Like A Spal...

Beastie Boys - Heart Attack Man
Drink A Six Pack And Then You Play Som BallWalking Down The Stairs And Then He Starts To FallAdd On Tw...

Beastie Boys - Hey Fuck You
Which of you schnooks took my rhyme book? Look give it back you're wicky wack With your ticky tack cal...

Beastie Boys - Hey Ladies
Hey ladies in the place I'm callin' out to yaThere never was a city kid truer and bluerThere's more to...

Beastie Boys - High Plains Drifter
Cause I'm the High Plains Drifter,And I'm a drifterThe Hight Plains Drifter,And I'm a drifter...

Beastie Boys - Hold It Now - Hit It!
Now I chill real ill when I start to chillWhen I fill my pockets with a knot of dollar billsSipping pi...

Beastie Boys - I Don't Know
What's pleasing to the eyeIn the delusion of my sightIs not what I find when I reach into the light...

Beastie Boys - In A World Gone Mad
[CHORUS]In a world gone mad it's hard to think rightSo much violence hate and spiteMurder...

Beastie Boys - Instant Death
And what do you do when Your own man kills himself andHow do I make friends nowAnd where i...

Beastie Boys - Intergalactic
Intergalactic Planetary Planetary IntergalacticAnother Dimension, Another DimensionWell Now don'...

Beastie Boys - It Takes Time To Build
If you don't like the news then press eject Baby Davis getting older can't take a rain check It's time...

Beastie Boys - Jimmy James
People How You Doing There's A New Day DawningFor The Earth Mother It's A Brand New MorningFor Such A ...

Beastie Boys - Johnny Ryall
Johnny Ryall is the bum on my stoopI gave him fifty cents to buy some soupHe knows the time with the f...

Beastie Boys - Just A Test
Like a flag at half mast as frames click fastNot a thing will last as past is pastLike stacks of thoug...

Beastie Boys - Lighten Up
Lighten Up Shine Like The Sun ...

Beastie Boys - Live At P.j.'s
Well,Back to the beat y'all,Down with the sound so sweet y'allJust how fresh can you get y'all...

Beastie Boys - Looking Down The Barrel Of A Gun
I'm rolling down the hill snowballing getting biggerAn explosion in the chamber the hammer from the trigger...

Beastie Boys - Mark On The Bus
Good Morning, Time to get up and go to workI Ride On The Bus Into The City EverydayI Sit On My Seat An...

Beastie Boys - Namaste
A butterfly floats on the breeze of a sun lit dayAs I feel this reality gently fade awayRiding on a th...

Beastie Boys - No Sleep 'til Brooklyn
No sleep 'til - BrooklynFoot on the pedal never ever false metalEngine running hotter than a boi...

Beastie Boys - Oh Word?
Yo what the schnitzel we're back Shit's getting duller and duller and that's a fact I don't care what ...

Beastie Boys - Pass The Mic
If You Can Feel What I'm Feeling Then It's A Musical MasterpieceIf You Can Hear What I'm Dealing With Then T...

Beastie Boys - Paul Revere
Now here's a little story I've got to tellAbout three bad brothers you know so wellIt started way back...

Beastie Boys - Picture This
Something on the windowsillCaught her eye and held her stillThe cars pass by outsideNowhere left...

Beastie Boys - Posse In Effect
Yes, yes, y'all - you don't stopYou keep it on - and shockin' the placeWell I'm M.C.A. - I got nothing...

Beastie Boys - Pow
Pow! ...

Beastie Boys - Professor Booty
Yes, I got more bounce to the fuckin' bumpAnd then you want to knowWhy it's cause I'm motherfuckin' tr...

Beastie Boys - Putting Shame In Your Game
Beatsie Beatsie Boys gettin live on the spotPuttin all kinds of shame in the game you've gotWe keep th...

Beastie Boys - Remote Control
Things get hectic quickFrom the satellite dish to your joy stickIt's the night of the living cable box...

Beastie Boys - Rhyme The Rhyme Well
Now my name is Adrock I've got a story to tell When I rock the crowd the crowd we all yell And when I ...

Beastie Boys - Rhymin & Stealin
Because mutiny on the bounty's what we're all aboutI'm gonna board your ship and turn it on outNo soft...

Beastie Boys - Right Right Now Now
Once upon a time up on this mic MC's be really workin' on what they write With the sound delight we ro...

Beastie Boys - Root Down
I Kick It Root DownI Put My Root DownIt's Not A Put DownI Put My Foot DownAnd Then I...

Beastie Boys - Sabotage
I Can't Stand It I Know You Planned ItI'm Gonna Set It Straight, This WatergateI Can't Stand Rocking W...

Beastie Boys - Shadrach
Riddle me this brother can you handle itYour style to my style you can't hold a candle to itEquinox sy...

Beastie Boys - Shake Your Rump
Now I rock a house party at the drop of a hatI beat a biter down with an aluminum bata lot of people t...

Beastie Boys - Shazam!
Everybody get down huh Everybody get down huh Everybody get down huh Huh huh huh huh, Shazam! ...

Beastie Boys - She's Crafty
Well this girl came up to me - she says she's new in townBut the crew been said they seen her aroundI ...

Beastie Boys - Slow And Low
Let it flow - let yourself goSlow and low - that is the tempoIt's never old school all brand new...

Beastie Boys - Slow Ride
They got a committee to get me off the block'Cause I say my rhymes loud and I say 'em nonstopBecause b...

Beastie Boys - Something's Got To Give
I Wish For Peace Between The RacesSomeday We Shall All Be OneWhy Fight YourselfThis One's Called...

Beastie Boys - Song For Junior
I'm hypnotized by you ...

Beastie Boys - Song For The Man
What makes you feelAnd why you gotta beLike you got the rightTo look her up and downWhat m...

Beastie Boys - Sounds Of Science
Now here we go dropping science dropping it all overLike bumping around the town like when you're driving a ...

Beastie Boys - So What'cha Want
Just Plug Me In Just Like I Was Eddie HarrisYou're Eating Crazy Cheese Like You'd Think I'm From Paris...

Beastie Boys - Stand Together
I don't see things quite the same as I used toAs I live my life I've got just me to be true toAnd when...

Beastie Boys - Super Disco Breakin'
Well it's 50 cups of coffee and you know it's onI move the crowd to the break of break of dawnCan't ro...

Beastie Boys - Sure Shot
You Can't, You Won't And You Don't StopMike D Come On And Rock The Sure ShotI've Got The Brand N...

Beastie Boys - That's It That's All
Back on the scene for ya'll people's delight You want peace for the people then ya say alright 'Cause ...

Beastie Boys - The Biz V. The Nuge
The Beatsie Boys They Are They're Comin' HomeThey're Comin' Home They're Comin' HomeOh They're Comin' ...

Beastie Boys - The Brouhaha
Now what the blood clot I rap a lot What you gonna do when the beat goes drop? Whatcha talkin' 'bout W...

Beastie Boys - The Grasshopper Unit (keep Movin')
Dear Alex and MarilynThey're Lovey and Thurston howellinThe grasshopper unit is prowellinAnd Ruf...

Beastie Boys - The Maestro
Who is the man coming down your blockIt's me you see with the funk in my walk'Cause I'm doin' just wha...

Beastie Boys - The Move
Yo..Hello.. It's times like this when I just can't stopCan't wind your body without the body rock...

Beastie Boys - The Negotiation Limerick File
My DJ's got the cuts and the beats are onWe're comin with the limericks and we're comin' strongAnd the...

Beastie Boys - The New Style
And on the cool check inCenter stage on the micAnd we're puttin' it on waxIt's the new style...

Beastie Boys - The Scoop
I Don't get Blind I Don't Drink WineI Took A Sledge Hammer And I Broke My NineBecause My Record Is Min...

Beastie Boys - The Update
I Can Hear The Trumpets Blowing Screaming Out The End Of TimeLook Around And Listen And You'll See Every Sig...

Beastie Boys - Three Mc's And One Dj
Cause nobody can do it like Mix Master can, Come on nowI've got the D double O, D double O style...

Beastie Boys - Time For Livin'
Yeah, that's rightIt's time to set the record straightAin't nobody got to spell it for meA...

Beastie Boys - Time To Get Ill
I'm not the type of person who likes to waste my timeAnd when I'm on the mic I just say my rhymesBecau...

Beastie Boys - Tough Guy
Butcher Me On The CourtToo Many Elbows To ReportNow You're Poking Me In The EyeBill Laimbeer Mot...

Beastie Boys - Triple Trouble
If You If You Wanna Know Wanna Know The real deal about the three Well let me tell y...

Beastie Boys - Unite
Goin off the hook like Latrell SpreewellI've got the ill technique so you know me be wellWe be kickin ...

Beastie Boys - We Got The
Who got the chance to make things right? Why the politicians always want to fight? The Christian coali...

Beastie Boys - What Comes Around
Soft overripe fresh skeezed California femalesWith 3-inch cherry red press-on Lee nailsReach into my m...

Beck - Black Tambourine
Black hearts in effigy We sing a song that was hated All dressed in rag and bones Sharks smell t...

Beck - Broken Drum
I see you there Your long black hair Your eyes just stare Your mind is turning You k...

Beck - Earthquake Weather
Space ships can't tame the jungle And I feel like I'm giving in We've been drivin thru a desert ...

Beck - Emergency Exit
14 miles away from a landfill grave Never pawned my watch and chain To the landlord living inside my h...

Beck - E-pro
See me comin to town with my soul Straight down out of the world with my fingers Holding onto the devi...

Beck - Farewell Ride
Two white horses in a line carrying me to my burying Ground some need diamonds some need love some need ...

Beck - Girl
I saw her, yeah I saw her with her black tongue tied Round the roses Fist pounding on a vending machin...

Beck - Go It Alone
I'm comin over See me down at the station By the lane With my hands in my pocket Jingling ...

Beck - Hell Yes
Looking for my place On assembly lines Fake prizes Risin out of the bombholes Skeleton boy...

Beck - Rental Car
Hey now girl what's the matter with me We're on a back road something to see Straight as a razor kicki...

Beck - Scarecrow
I'm walkin to the other side With the devil tryin to take my mind And my soul's just a silhouette ...

Bee Gees - Deja Vu
This is my dedicationThis is my dedicationI'm not a saint but stand accusedYou're with som...

Bee Gees - Embrace
I don't know what you want, I don't hear what you saidTruth behind the lies'Cause I can't see what's i...

Bee Gees - I Will Be There
This is the life you saved laid out before youEverything that I think I have been and what I am nowNot...

Bee Gees - Just In Case
Well, it seems every night and day, I get to loseAnd I always held the faith inside That love would fi...

Bee Gees - Loose Talk Costs Lives
Loose talk costs livesPeople like to playWe're basically the sameWe never lieLoose talk co...

Bee Gees - Man In The Middle
You've got a plan that could never go wrongYou took advantage and the damage doneIt all comes back to ...

Bee Gees - Promise The Earth
It's not worth one night on earthBaby I know, baby I knowI won't know whose lips you're kissingB...

Bee Gees - Sacred Trust
I meant to fight it to the finish but you made me forgetAnd though it's possible I'm dreaming, don't wake me...

Bee Gees - She Keeps On Coming
Front and centreI don't know how it happened thenI can't explain itWhat was she thinking of when...

Bee Gees - Technicolour Dreams
Now, I've been accused of going HollywoodChasing some cinematic schemesBut I'll give you Panavision pi...

Bee Gees - The Extra Mile
I want to go where no one's gone beforeAnd my faith will find the wayAnd I'm not afraidNow I am ...

Bee Gees - Voice In The Wilderness
It's another womanHey, it could be me, it could be anyoneYeah, she got the energy to blind the sun...

Bee Gees - Walking On Air
I've been around the worldYou'll never know just how long I've been prayingTo get you into my life...

Bee Gees - Wedding Day
We both acknowledge what we came here forWe take each other and walk through the open doorFrom the fir...

Beenie Man - Bad Girl
[Beenie Man:]Well mi gal dem look hot in a, hot in a, hot in a, hot in a clothesGood in a, good...

Beenie Man - Dr. Know
[Intro: Beenie Man]If yuh waan a man a bun alot a trees Not afraid to mek yuh see it a yuh knee...

Beenie Man - Eloh
[Intro:]Zo! Hey now now! If yuh waan to know di meanin of eloh, spell it backwards Yo! ...

Beenie Man - Gangsta Life
Well you done know, When gangsta touch the street, Food have fi eatIt's a gangsta lifeZagg...

Beenie Man - Good Woe
[Intro:]Oh, hey, uh, uh, uh, uh Get mad gal, lose yuh face gal, lose yuh head gal, nah nuh head...

Beenie Man - King Of The Dancehall
[Intro:] Eeeh heh, zagga zow, zagga now now now now now Ziggy, yo, lets do this ...

Beenie Man - Miss L.a.p.
Yeah dawg [laughing]Well yuh done know a wah day mi a go dung di roadAnd buck up miss L.A.P (yu...

Beenie Man - Party Hard
Livelicate to all di rude boy dem from across di world and all shottas from yardReal ballas party hard, zagg...

Beenie Man - Pure Pretty Girl
Watch unu, snatch unu, catch unu when me a flash unuMatch unu, latch unu, trash unu when me dispatch unu...

Beenie Man - Street Life
Yo, sometimes you have to just be a man and apologize to your woman, ya starThe amount of ting whe you...

Bellefire - All I Want Is You
[All:]You say you wantA diamond on a ring of goldYou say you wantYour story to rema...

Bellefire - All The Money In The World
[Kelly:]What can I do, what can I say to tell youEverything I'm feelingI never knew, love...

Bellefire - Anywhere Anytime
[Cathy:]There's no use in playing it coolHiding the feelings I'm feeling for youCos when ...

Bellefire - Buzzstyle (find My Way)
She's got the world wrapped around her little finger,He's got the power to define his destination,They...

Bellefire - Can't Cry Hard Enough
I'm gonna live my lifeLike every day's the lastWithout a simple goodbyeIt all goes by so fast...

Bellefire - Damn
[Ciara:]Is it any wonderWhy I'm sitting here waiting for you to call?I can see the future...

Bellefire - Don't Know Why
Tide changes sometimes without warningNo explanation here to findYou keep our love from overflowing...

Bellefire - Don't Let Me Down
Catch me now before I fallLeave me standing with my prideCause I've been broken many times before...

Bellefire - Each Step That I Take
Now and then,I feel as if the earth is shakingHold my breath so tightEven when,It seems as...

Bellefire - Get You Out Of My Mind
It was the last time we metI really try to forgetThough I knew it all alongI felt for sure I was...

Bellefire - I Can Make You Fall In Love Again
(I,... I can make you fall in love again)(I can make you want me back again)Let me break it down...

Bellefire - If Living Is Without You
Timeless like a pictureMoments trapped in iceMemories that sparkle in my mindColours in the rive...

Bellefire - I'll Never Get Over You Getting Over Me
I hear you're taking the town againHaving a good time with all your time friendsI don't think that you...

Bellefire - I Need To Be Next To You
Been running from these feelings for so longTelling my heart I didn't need youPretending I was better ...

Bellefire - I Wish I Could But I Can't
[Tara:]There you go again, coming on to meLike nothing here has changedYou just don't wan...

Bellefire - Nobody Loves Me Like You Do
In the morningIn the eveningAnytime at allI'll be ready, baby when you callIn the da...

Bellefire - Not Letting Go
These city lanternsFade in around youBaby tonightI'm sailing around youAnd I, I neve...

Bellefire - Perfect Bliss
[Ciara:]I think they call it loveIt's nothing to be scared about - believe meain't nothin...

Bellefire - Pieces Of You
The taste of each seasonRipe on my lipsKisses of summer, stolenThe fact that I can't forget...

Bellefire - Say Something Anyway
[Ciara:]Some say heartsGrow silentIn a world where no one caresLove keep slipping a...

Bellefire - Sold Out
Hitched a ride to central stationRevelation in my headDitched the pride, ditched the labelBut th...

Bellefire - Spin The Wheel
[Kelly:]It's a difficult choice to makeIt's a dangerous chance to takeAnd with every touc...

Bellefire - Stay
I don't have to tell you what it's likeDay's with out you by my sideThey run togetherLike stormy...

Bellefire - Surrender
[All:]When you caught my eyeI could feel insideDesireYou came up and you smiled...

Bellefire - Tell Me Now
I know it's all over, but I think of you and all that we hadThought we were forever, but I'm missing you...

Bellefire - The Flame
Another night slowly closes inAnd I feel so lonelyTouching heat freezes on my skinI pretend you ...

Bellefire - What Hurts The Most
I can take the rain on the roof of this empty houseThat don't bother meI can take a few tears now and ...

Bellefire - You Were Meant For Me
[Ciara:]I hear the clock, it's six a.m.I feel so far from where I've beenI got my eggs an...

Ben Folds - Bastard
The old bastard left his ties and his suitA brown box, mothballs and bowling shoesand his opinion so y...

Ben Folds - Give Judy My Notice
JudyCould anyone be loved anymorethan I love youdoes it hurt you too?But JudyI've be...

Ben Folds - Gracie
You can't fool me, I saw you when you came outYou got your momma's taste but you got my mouthAnd you w...

Ben Folds - Jesusland
Take a walkout the gate you go and never stoppast all the stores and wig shopsquarter in a cup f...

Ben Folds - Landed
We'd hit the bottom,I thought it was my faultAnd in a way I guess it wasI'm just now finding out...

Ben Folds - Late
Under some dirty words on a dirty wallEating takeout by myselfI played the showsGot back in the ...

Ben Folds - Prison Food
You walked the earthTalked and never spoke a wordShe wonders who'll be the first to goI sa...

Ben Folds - Sentimental Guy
There's a moment in my mindI scribbled and erased a thousand timesLike a letter never written or sent...

Ben Folds - Time
Think of meAnyway you wantI can beThe problem if that's easierIn your headMove the p...

Ben Folds - Trusted
It's funny I knowBut I'm disappointed in youI thought you could read my mindBut I came home earl...

Ben Folds - You To Thank
By the time the buzz was wearing offwe were standing out on the sidewalkwith our tattoos that looked l...

Ben Folds Five - Cool Whip
Saying shit that don't sound too cool, like lovey-dovey honey-bunny, give us all a break dude. Y...

Ben Folds Five - Guilty
Another guilty white boy, won't you turn me in?Always had it easy, charge me for my sinsAin't be...

Ben Folds Five - Kalamazoo
Ran out of time, running my mouthRan up a tab and all the way back to KalamazooAll the way back home...

Ben Folds Five - Mitchell Lane
Having isn't bliss, sunshine is amissHappy when you're cold, wanna be aloneHe's a lot of steam, she's ...

Ben Folds Five - Protection
Tourists wear their wallets in odd places when abroad,so as not to be ripped off and ways to .............

Ben Folds Five - Rocky
We were in a parkand I could jump so far.Seems that all I'd ever done,is smoking pot out in the ...

Ben Folds Five - Satan Is My Master
Satan is my masterHe has always beenHe tells me what to doHe buys my Metallica records for me...

Ben Harper - Alone
This empty room it fills my mind Freedom it leaves me confined Every single wall has cracked But...

Ben Harper - Amen Omen
What started as a whisper,Slowly turned in to a scream.Searching for an answerWhere the question...

Ben Harper - Another Lonely Day
Yes indeed, I'm alone again. And here comes emptiness crashing in. It's either love or hate, I c...

Ben Harper - Ashes
Ashes to ashesand dust to dustthat's what has becomeof our love and trustLove has no...

Ben Harper - Beloved One
We have both been here before Knockin' upon love's door Begging for someone to let us in Knowing...

Ben Harper - Blessed To Be A Witness
Corcovado parted the skyAnd through the darknessOn us he shinedCrucified in stoneStill his...

Ben Harper - Breakin' Down
You don't believe that I love youAnd even if that was trueWhy just to keep our unhappy homeI'm g...

Ben Harper - Bring The Funk
When it's on the oneYou know the funk's begunWhen you are down and outThere is no doubtYou...

Ben Harper - Brown Eyed Blues
If I knew being here with you today,Would mean being alone tomorrow.I would gladly trade all of my tom...

Ben Harper - Burn One Down
Let us burn one from end to end, And pass it over to me my friend. Burn it long, we'll burn it slow, ...

Ben Harper - Burn To Shine
We made love until we cried and cried ourselves to laughter Laughed until we realise our hearts were struck ...

Ben Harper - By My Side
Don't you get ahead of meand I won't leave you behindif you get unhappyshow me a sign...

Ben Harper - Church House Steps
Oh - I sat down upon the church house stepsI sat down upon the church house stepsI sat down upon the c...

Ben Harper - Church On Time
We're gonna make it to the church on timeWe're gonna make it to the church on timePut on your Sunday b...

Ben Harper - Diamonds On The Inside
I knew a girlHer name was truthShe was a horrible liar.She couldnt spend one day alone...

Ben Harper - Don't Take That Attitude To Your Grave
You say what's mine is mineAnd what's yours is mine tooNow you've got more than you can spendBut...

Ben Harper - Everything
Behind all of your tearsThere's a smileThere's a smileBehind all of the rainThere's a suns...

Ben Harper - Excuse Me Mr.
Oh - excuse me Mr. Do you have the time, Or are you so important that it stands still for you? E...

Ben Harper - Faded
You so easily amuselike a pantomimesuch a silent crimeYou so easily abuselack of con...

Ben Harper - Faded / Whole Lotta Love
You so easily amuse Like a pantomime Such a silent crime You so easily abuse Lack of confi...

Ben Harper - Fight For Your Mind
If you're gonna livethen live it upand if you're gonna givethen give it upif you're gonna ...

Ben Harper - Forever
Not talkin' 'bout a yearNo not three or fourI don't want that kind of foreverIn my life anymore...

Ben Harper - Forgiven
I will wait like nothing I have ever waited for I will catch your tears from falling Until from ...

Ben Harper - Give A Man A Home
Have you ever lost your wayhave you ever feared another dayhave you ever misplaced your mindwatc...

Ben Harper - Glory And Consequence
I'm more afraid of livingthan I am scared to dieI'm more afraid of fallingthan I am of flying hi...

Ben Harper - Glory & Consequence
I'm more afraid of living than I am scared to die. I'm more afraid of falling than I am of flying high. ...

Ben Harper - God Fearing Man
Listen mister brother sisterfamily and friendI fear with each day passour time grows closer to t...

Ben Harper - Gold To Me
You look like gold to meand I'm not too blind to seeyou look like goldyou make me wanna si...

Ben Harper - Ground On Down
I believe in a few things : God, the Devil and Love, Cause I've looked up from the bottom and I've sta...

Ben Harper - Homeless Child
Nowhere hereto call my homeno one nearto call my ownall that's leftis for me to roam...

Ben Harper - How Many Miles Must We March
Exactly how much will have to burnBefore we will look to the past to learnWe walk along this endless p...

Ben Harper - I'll Rise
You may write me down in historyWith your bitter twisted liesYou may trod me down in the very dirt...

Ben Harper - In The Lord's Arms
Like the wings stolen from an angel Like petals gone from a rose Like a dove caught in a storm ...

Ben Harper - I Shall Not Walk Alone
Battered and tornstill I can see the lighttattered and wornbut I must kneel to fight...

Ben Harper - I Want To Be Ready
How I am strongis to know what makes me weakhow I am foundis to know just whom I seekthe g...

Ben Harper - Jah Work
Tell me do you really knowyour brother mancause a heart speaks louderthan a color canand w...

Ben Harper - Less
I could give you more, but you still wouldn't be happy I could give all you need, but you still wouldn't be ...

Ben Harper - Like A King
Well Martin's dreamHas become Rodney's worstNightmareCan't walk the streetsTo them we are ...

Ben Harper - Like A King / I'll Rise
Well Martin's dream has become Rodney's worst nightmare. Can't walk the streets, to them we are fair game, ...

Ben Harper - Mama's Got A Girlfriend
Papa, he left home today and said he ain't comin' back again. Said he ain't gonna be nobody's second best, j...

Ben Harper - Mama's Got A Girlfriend Now
Papa he left home todaySaid he ain't comin' back againSaid he ain't gonna be nobody's second best...

Ben Harper - Mama's Trippin'
Can you tell me whyyou're so uptightout of your headand ain't talkin' rightCan you t...

Ben Harper - Mother Pray
How sweet and happy seem those days of which I dreamMemories I recall now and thenAnd with a rapture s...

Ben Harper - Not Fire Not Ice
There is not a river wide. Not a mountain high. And neither sin nor evil. Could change how I fee...

Ben Harper - One Road To Freedom
Tell me which road are you travellingwhich road are you travelling ontell me who will you turn to...

Ben Harper - Oppression
Oppressionyou pray on us when we sleepoppressionyou chase after the tired the poor the weak...

Ben Harper - People Lead
When the people leadthe leaders they will have to followand all their lies and their alibiesthey...

Ben Harper - Picture Of Jesus
It hangs above my altarLike they hung him from a crossI keep one in my walletFor the times I fee...

Ben Harper - Please Bleed
Make me feel like a beggar Make me feel like a thief Make me feel like a battle, that cannot end in pe...

Ben Harper - Please Me Like You Want To
Don't do me any favorsmatter of fact why don't youdo yourself a fewyour presence ain't nob...

Ben Harper - Pleasure And Pain
I'm leaving here on the morning train and I'll never see this world again. Oh- I've felt pleasure and ...

Ben Harper - Power Of The Gospel
It will make a weak man mighty. It will make a mighty man fall. It will fill your heart and hands or l...

Ben Harper - Roses From My Friends
I could have treated you better But you couldn't have treated me worse But it's he who laughs last ...

Ben Harper - Satisfied Mind
How many times have you heard someone say"If I had his money I'd do things my way"But little they know...

Ben Harper - Sexual Healing
Oh- baby now let's get down tonight. Baby, I'm hot just like your oven. Oh- I need your lovin' A...

Ben Harper - She's Only Happy In The Sun
I know you may not want to see meOn your way down from the cloudsWould you hear me if I told you...

Ben Harper - Show Me A Little Shame
You, you've been looking at me just a little too long, now I can never look the same Blindness and kindness,...

Ben Harper - So High So Low
Oh- Once you know you can neverYou can never turn backOh- But I understand'Cause we all fear wha...

Ben Harper - Suzie Blue
Won't you sing me the blues Won't you sing me the blues Sing me something my heart can use; misery lov...

Ben Harper - Take My Hand
Lord I work to serve youAnd I hope I've served you wellOh - I've lived a life to join youAnd now...

Ben Harper - Temporary Remedy
I killed a snake with a bibleI was living a Johnny Cash songI'm afraid for this I may be liableS...

Ben Harper - The Drug's Don't Work
All this talk of getting old It's getting me down my love Like a cat in a bag waiting to drown T...

Ben Harper - There Will Be A Light
I wish we could live foreverThen melt into the sunMelt into the sunTime is gonna change you...

Ben Harper - The Wil To Live
I met a girl whose heartwas on the right hand sideand upon the leftan angel did residethey...

Ben Harper - Touch From Your Lust
I need to sleep but I'm too tiredI need to come down but I'm too wiredWhen the sun comes up I miss the...

Ben Harper - Two Hands Of A Prayer
First time that I saw her she had white doves in her eyes She spoke to me but I could not reply, not reply ...

Ben Harper - Waiting On An Angel
Waiting on an angel. One to carry me home. Hope you come to see me soon, cause I don't want to go alon...

Ben Harper - Walk Away
Oh no- here comes that sun again. And (that) means another day without you my friend. And it hurts me ...

Ben Harper - Welcome To The Cruel World
Welcome to the cruel world. Hope you find your way. Welcome to the cruel world. Hope you find yo...

Ben Harper - Well Well Well
The man who stole the water will swim forevermoreBut he'll never reach the land on that golden shoreTh...

Ben Harper - When It's Good
You're a prison I can't escapeYou're a decision I never makeHeard me laughingYou heard me weep a...

Ben Harper - When She Believes
Well - The good Lord is such a good LordWith such a good mother tooThey have blessed meThey have...

Ben Harper - Where Could I Go
There's no deals to be made with the dawnNow I fear that our time has come and goneThey say free...

Ben Harper - Whipping Boy
Well you can need me Well I want you toAnd you can feed meHow I like that tooBut don't you...

Ben Harper - Wicked Man
Children come running to the truthBut you've got to peel the skin to get the fruitAnd while one's livi...

Ben Harper - Widow Of A Living Man
Mama why does he treat me so coldwhy do I feel so oldhow long has he treated me unkindor have I ...

Ben Harper - With My Own Two Hands
I can change the worldWith my own two handsMake a better placeWith my own two handsMake a ...

Ben Jelen - Christine
Christine, she tells me that she's in love againChristine, she says that she still loves meShe stands ...

Ben Jelen - Criminal
Leaving waves of lies behind, no time to contemplate Sailing ships of solitude, I never let the sadness diss...

Ben Jelen - Every Step
You know me,You know my every step Since you I feel like no one understands I know this, I tangl...

Ben Jelen - Falling Down
At a stoplight in the middle of the night,Stuck in first and I wonder if I should stayThe right is his...

Ben Jelen - Give It All Away
Swinging round in circles, looking for the way,Fleeing from the time when she wanted me to stay.My wor...

Ben Jelen - Rocks
Strokes of dark, a brush of light, I watch you bring your canvas into light. Oh I know thats how you s...

Ben Jelen - Setting Of The Sun
She sits beside her,Stares out across the waves as she's digging in the sandAnd looks around her,...

Ben Jelen - She'll Hear You
The years flash by, today melts to yesterdays memories, Time's holding us tight I'm looking back to re...

Ben Jelen - Slow Down
All of my answers and all my reasons And all my excuses they never askedCause all of my answers they k...

Ben Jelen - Wicked Little Town
You know, the sun is in your eyesAnd hurricanes and rainsAnd black and cloudy skies.You're...

Ben Kweller - Ann Disaster
Ann Disaster make it better,Make this whole thing come togetherWith your false alarmin'.I ...

Ben Kweller - Believer
When you're hurt you heal others.When you're in need you give.Because of you I am living the most that...

Ben Kweller - Commerce, Tx
i got a bad flavori got dirty clothesi got a strange neighborwho doesn't have curtains on her wi...

Ben Kweller - Different But The Same
There's no time to phone home when you'reRacing your own time.We contemplate, you gotta wait your own ...

Ben Kweller - Down
I am empty and I'm tiredAnd I'm homesick and inspired.I can't know everything that you know'caus...

Ben Kweller - Falling
Wind is cold alright back in Dallas. The neon light from the building letsyou know you're home.You'd g...

Ben Kweller - Family Tree
Bop bop.Care about the moonlightand holding you tightand asking my questions.Everyon...

Ben Kweller - Harriet's Got A Song
I don't stand a chance in this fucked-up world.New school took romance and messed it up real bad.But y...

Ben Kweller - Hear Me Out
Breaking the Rubik's cube.Making me lose the beat.Blue jean-baby girl,We are an apogeeDown...

Ben Kweller - Hospital Bed
La la la la la.We are jus ta sexual making me an alcoholic relation.Words hit much harder than bullets...

Ben Kweller - How It Should Be (sha Sha)
when i was a movie star, an asteroid had hit the earth and prematurely ended my career. i thought out loud, but no...

Ben Kweller - I Need You Back
Take me back when you think that it's good.It feels worse than they said it would.You're gone but not ...

Ben Kweller - In Other Words
another night slips away in other words i should say there are no words he should say there are ...

Ben Kweller - I Quit
Talk to the people with your handsCome prize new mountains with your friendsThe fireflies out ahead...

Ben Kweller - Living Life
The greenest trees you'll ever seeAre the ones in your mind.And all the answers and the dreamsWi...

Ben Kweller - Lizzy
sign me up, i volunteervotes are in for lifeguard of the yearher feline past lives are plain to see...

Ben Kweller - Make It Up
I need a new direction to get me around.You don't have protection as you're coming down.Light my...

Ben Kweller - My Apartment
Sometimes I wish I had a farmWhere the only pollution is your cigarettesWhere your mind is clear....

Ben Kweller - No Reason
Let me get lost.I'll drive you around 'till I run out of gas.Find me a boss.There are ripples in...

Ben Kweller - On My Way
I want to kill this man but he turned around and ran.I'll kill him with karate that I learned in Japan....

Ben Kweller - The Rules
Years ago I lost my guard.Ever since it's been hardStanding up like a man, like a father,Underst...

Ben Kweller - Tylenol
TylenolI need some TylenolGive me some TylenolTo kill that headache you gave meTo ki...

Ben Kweller - Walk On Me
sometimes i wonder if you're still here look in' out for anything that could fall and hit your head fl...

Ben Kweller - Wasted & Ready
Force field super shield AA.Junior high love affair is OK.Jump on the big wagon cause I'm so Cal....

Benzino - Bang Ta Dis
Oh (I dont' know what they thought)Hangmen 3Runnin off topic[Chorus]Aiyyo, st...

Benzino - Die Another Day
[Benzino]Lord help us, my peoples bein' raped (uh)Deliver me from evil and I sell his devils fa...

Benzino - G-a-n-g-s-t-e-r
G-A-N-G-S-T-E-R[Benzino]Uh.......Hangmen 3 (Gangsta jugga)Uh huh (Gangsta jugga) Uh...

Benzino - Go Hard
[Intro: Benzino]Unh, Hangmen 3 2 Times and J.B.Yeah, Benzino, c'monLet's take it to...

Benzino - Niggas Don't Want It
[Intro: Benzino]Niggas don't want itThese niggas don't want itNiggas don't want it ...

Benzino - Pull Your Skirt Up
[Intro]Just let the pigeons loose let the games begin ToneMust be crazy, ay yo Sin, what's up C...

Bethany Dillon - Aimless
The curtain falls, down she goes So long worth All the applause seems beautiful It's got a hold ...

Bethany Dillon - All I Need
When the day is done And there's no one else around While I'm lying here in bed You're in my hea...

Bethany Dillon - A Voice Calling Out
I hear a voice calling out I hear a voice in this wilderness Where darkness has reigned for so long ...

Bethany Dillon - Beautiful
I was so unique Now I feel skin deep I count on the make-up to cover it all Crying myself to sle...

Bethany Dillon - Exodus
Come, come fallen onesDance in the healing streamHe has faithfully kept youBrought you out of ca...

Bethany Dillon - For My Love
Walk towards meI want to hear The heavens singing over youWhen you breatheAnd look at me...

Bethany Dillon - Great Big Mystery
Air is dry, the sun is gone When I breathe, I breate alone Ten times a day I cry Just to prove t...

Bethany Dillon - Lead Me On
Shoulder to the wheel For someone else's selfish gain Here there is no choosing Working the clay...

Bethany Dillon - Move Forward
My name is Foreigner From a far away land My feet are covered in earth They've been here and bac...

Bethany Dillon - Revolutionaries
Many have traveled this road beforeI see their tracks in the dirtBut maybe I dont agreeWith wher...

Bethany Dillon - Why
This house is echoing With the sound of You knocking at the door But with three locks And the sh...

Bette Midler - A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes
"When I was a little girl my father used to say, "If trouble ever troubles you, just dream your cares away."...

Bette Midler - Alabama Song
Oh, show me the way to the next whiskey bar.Oh, don't ask why. Oh, don't ask why.'Cause I must find th...

Bette Midler - All I Need To Know
Look at my face. I know the years are showin'.Look at my life. Still don't know where it's goin'.I don...

Bette Midler - All Of A Sudden
All of a sudden all the past was behind me.All of a sudden nothing stood to remind me.All of a piece I...

Bette Midler - Am I Blue
I'm just a woman, a lonely woman,waiting on the weary shore.I'm just a woman who's only human,on...

Bette Midler - As Dreams Go By
When the white bird fliesfrom your heart to mine,I surrender every part of meto the tenderness....

Bette Midler - Baby Mine
Baby mine, don't you cry.Baby mine, dry your eyes.Rest your head close to my heart,never to part...

Bette Midler - Bang, You're Dead
"Oh god, oh god.Dumping so early in the evening. I really didn't mean that. I really didn't mean...

Bette Midler - Beast Of Burden
Now write this down!I'll never be your beast of burden.My back is broad, but it's a' hurtin'....

Bette Midler - Bed Of Roses
Long, long ago, where the tall grass growsand the still air is sweet with summer flowers;in the shade ...

Bette Midler - Big Noise From Winnetka
This is the story of a young girl who was the Einstein of the dance.They called her Big Noise from Winnetka,...

Bette Midler - Big Noise From Winnetka - Divine Madness Version
[Harlettes:] This is the story of a young girlwho was the hippest chick in town.They call her B...

Bette Midler - Big Socks
Mmmmmm, you talk about you and only youand the things that you do for you.You say you're not a lean cu...

Bette Midler - Billy-a-dick
Every night while I'm undressin',sayin' my prayers and lightly confessin',I can hear hot licks f...

Bette Midler - Birds
"Oh, that's so heavy. We're goanna do a, a Neil Young song. Neil is so heavy. Neil is so mellow ...

Bette Midler - Bless You Child
Bless you chi-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-ild. You suffer, you're human,you sin, you fail,you love, you ...

Bette Midler - Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy
He was a famous trumpet man from out Chicago way.He had a boogie style that no one else could play.He ...

Bette Midler - Bottomless
I took a dive into your eyesand I was in a sea of deep blue green emotion.Now in my dreams it often se...

Bette Midler - Breaking Up Somebodys Home
I got a funny feelin' that all of you girlshad better hold on to your man.'Cause I feel, I says I feel...

Bette Midler - Buckets Of Rain
[Bette:] Ohh-oh, Ohh-oh, ahSing to me baby, baby.Buckets, nuggets of rain.[Bette...

Bette Midler - Chapel Of Love
Woah! Spring is here and the sky is so very blue.Wo-o-o-oah, birds all sing as if they knew,today's th...

Bette Midler - Color Of Roses
I held you close to meonce in a distant dream,far from the shores of my fear.I sailed on the oce...

Bette Midler - Come Back, Jimmy Dean
I read the paper and I hear the news.I search the heavens vainly for clues.Where has he gone to, and w...

Bette Midler - Come Rain Or Come Shine
[Eddie:] "Hey, Sarge . . . Sing him a song, honey. He's earned it! Ha ha!"I'm gonna love ...

Bette Midler - Cradle Days
You took me from my mother's lovin' arms.I still had about a foot to grow.Whoa-ooh, I must have been o...

Bette Midler - Daytime Hustler
Daytime Husler, you're out of line.Don't ya try to change my mind!Don't you try.You see, I ain't...

Bette Midler - Delta Dawn
She was forty-one and her daddy still called her baby.Everyone in Brownsville thinks she's crazy,'caus...

Bette Midler - Do You Want To Dance?
Do you wanna dance, and hold my hand?Tell me you're my lover man.Oh baby, do you wanna dance?...

Bette Midler - Dreamland
"Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. Angels on my left and right to keep me safe al...

Bette Midler - Drinking Again
Drinkin' again.Thinking of when you loved me.Having a few.Wishing that you were here....

Bette Midler - Empty Bed Blues
Woke up this mornin'with an awful achin' head.Woke up this mornin'with an awful achin' head....

Bette Midler - E Street Shuffle
It's ninety-three degrees,and the radio says a storm front's movin' in.Sure is hot.There's a dou...

Bette Midler - Every Road Leads Back To You
Old friend, here we are,after all the years and tearsand all that we've been through.It feels so...

Bette Midler - Everything's Coming Up Roses
I had a dream, a dream about you, baby.It's gonna come true, baby.They think that we're through, but b...

Bette Midler - Fat As I Am
Fat as I am.Who wants to see a diva fat as I am?I get mistaken now for Lainie Kazan.How is it th...

Bette Midler - Favorite Waste Of Time
You're my-i-i-i-i-i, baby, you're my favorite waste of time.My-i-i-i-i-i, baby, you're my favorite waste of ...

Bette Midler - Fire Down Below
Here comes The Rose, looking mighty fine.Here comes ol' Nancy, walking right in time.Here comes the st...

Bette Midler - For All We Know
Sweetheart, the night is growing old.Sweetheart, my love is still untold.A kiss that is never tasted,...

Bette Midler - Friends (side 2, Cut 1)
Oh, you got to have friends,the feeling's oh so strong.You got to have friendsto make that day l...

Bette Midler - Friends (side 2, Cut 6)
And I am all alone.There is no one here beside me.And my problems have all gone.There is no one ...

Bette Midler - God Give Me Strength
Now I have nothing, so God give me strength, 'cause I'm weak anyway,and if I'm strong, I might still b...

Bette Midler - Hang On In There, Baby
Well hello. Gee, I can't believe you're here with me.Oh, I've wanted to see you alone for so long.Wher...

Bette Midler - Heart Over Head
I had a will of iron.I had a heart of steel.I always call the shots.But, honey, you shoot to kil...

Bette Midler - Heaven
I think I'll go to Heaven.There I will lay me down,leave all the pain behind me;bury it in the g...

Bette Midler - Hello In There
We had an apartment in the city.Me and my husband liked living there.It's been years since the kids ha...

Bette Midler - He Was Too Good To Me / Since You Stayed Here
He was too good to me.How will I get along now?So close he stood to me.Everything seems all wron...

Bette Midler - Higher And Higher (your Love Keeps Lifting Me)
Mm, your love is lifting me higherthan I ever been lifted before.Ooh, baby, keep it up, sweet baby....

Bette Midler - Hurricane
You drove into town like the wind.Hot on the heels of the rain.And in your eyes all is calm.That...

Bette Midler - Hurry On Down
Hurry on down to my house, honey,ain't nobody home but me.Hurry on down to my house, baby.Oh, I'...

Bette Midler - I Believe In You
I don't believe in superstars,in fancy food or foreign cars;that Hagen Dazs and motherhoodhave d...

Bette Midler - I Don't Want The Night To End
And I don't want,I, I don't want,I don't want the night to end.Oh, daddy, daddy.Oh, ...

Bette Midler - I Know This Town
I know these streets and these backyards,this barn that's falling down.We come to where they're buildi...

Bette Midler - I Know You By Heart
[B:] Everybody wants to find a love,somebody, somebody who will always care.But we get locked u...

Bette Midler - I'm Beautiful
"That's it, baby! When you got it, flaunt it, flaunt it!" "This is the Divine Miss M and I'm her...

Bette Midler - I'm Hip
"Oh man, do you believe that chick? She has got no idea what's happening, no idea. I am the one who's ...

Bette Midler - I'm Singing Broadway
I'm singing Broadway and I love it!I'm singing Broadway and I'm proud!You can keep your Springsteen....

Bette Midler - I Never Talk To Strangers
[B:] "Bartender, I'd like a Manhattan, please."[T:] Um, stop me if you've heard this one...

Bette Midler - In My Life
"It's Christmas time. Gonna sing a little song for you."There are places I rememberall my life, ...

Bette Midler - In The Mood
Jumping with my boy, Sidright here in the city.Don't you know that is was grand?Really grand, so...

Bette Midler - In These Shoes
"Gentlemen, gentlemen please! Senors, por favor!"I once met a man with a sense of adventure.He w...

Bette Midler - In This Life
For all I've been blessed with in this life,there was an emptiness in me.I was imprisoned by the power...

Bette Midler - I Remember You
I remember you.You're the one who made my dreams come true,a few kisses ago.I remember you...

Bette Midler - I Shall Be Released
They say everything can be replaced.That every distance is not near.So I remember every faceof e...

Bette Midler - Is It Love
Don't ask me whyyou feel the need to cry.Stop. We don't need your sad, sad eyes.I've been ...

Bette Midler - I Sold My Heart To The Junkman
I gave my heart to you, the one that I trusted.You brought it back to me all broken and bustedso I sol...

Bette Midler - I Think It's Going To Rain Today
Broken windows and empty hallways,a pale dead moon in a sky streaked with grey.Human kindness is overf...

Bette Midler - I've Still Got My Health
I'm always a flop at a top-notch affair,but I've still got my health, so what do I care?My best ring, ...

Bette Midler - Just My Imagination (running Away With Me)
Each day through my windowI watch him as he passes by.I say to myself, "What an incredible guy."...

Bette Midler - Keep On Rockin'
You know I been thinkin'Lord, about the hard sides of rock and roll.They say you can't make no money,...

Bette Midler - Laughing Matters
Live at Five and CNNkeep us all abreastof breaking stories that can tendto make us anxious and d...

Bette Midler - La Vie En Rose
Hold me close and hold me fast.This magic spell you cast;this is la vie en rose.When you k...

Bette Midler - Leader Of The Pack
"Hey, Betty? Is that Jimmy's ring you're wearing?""Uh huh.""Oh! Must be nice riding on that motorcycle...

Bette Midler - Let Me Call You Sweetheart
Mmm, why dontcha let me call you sweetheart?I'm in love with you.Mm, let me hear ya saythat you ...

Bette Midler - Let Me Drive
Honey, you're from Detroit.You know a lot about wheels.A summertime hot rod's givin' me the brake job....

Bette Midler - Let Me Just Follow Behind
Oh, to have you walking so near.You're an angel, my dear,and you ease my mind.I'll not kiss or h...

Bette Midler - Long John Blues
"Doctor Long John. My dreams are full of Doctor Long John."I got a dentist who's over seven feet tall....

Bette Midler - Love Me With A Feeling
[Man:] "All right! She's gonna sing!"[Rose:] "All right, we all turn to page 438. Now, y...

Bette Midler - Love Says It's Waiting
You were told to wait there for love.Love says it's waiting for you.And all I want to sayi...

Bette Midler - Love Tko
OoooohOoooohLookin' back over my yearsI guess I've shed some tears.Told myself time ...

Bette Midler - Lullaby In Blue
I know that I'm no saint.My head is in the clouds.They called you a mistake,but I still, I still...

Bette Midler - Make Yourself Comfortable
I've got some records hereto put you in the mood.The phone is off the hookso no one can intrude....

Bette Midler - Marahuana
I wait alone here in the Mexican sunlight,but the Mexican sunlight seems so lifeless and cold.Sad and ...

Bette Midler - Married Men
The world is full of married menwith wives who never understand.They're looking for someone to share...

Bette Midler - Midnight In Memphis
It's midnight in Memphisand all the boys are out tonight.Oh, midnight in Memphis,but my true lov...

Bette Midler - Millworker
Now my grandfather was a sailor.He blew in off the water.My father was a farmerand I his only da...

Bette Midler - Miss Otis Regrets
"Oh, hi! A-heh heh! Is Miss Otis in?""Miss Otis regrets she's unable to lunch today."Miss Otis r...

Bette Midler - Moonlight Dancing
How 'bout a little bit, a little bit of moonlight dancin'underneath the starry sky?How 'bout a little ...

Bette Midler - Moses
Diamonds, roses, I need Mosesto cross this sea of lonliness,part this red river of pain.I don't ...

Bette Midler - Mr. Goldstone
[Rose:] Have an eggroll, Mr. Goldstone.Have a napkin, have a chopstick, have a chair.Have a spa...

Bette Midler - Mr. Rockefeller
"Hi, operator.""May I help you?""Yeah, it's me again. Did you get him on the line yet? . . . Oh,...

Bette Midler - My Eye On You
Your hair's so fair, your eye's so dark.I love you hard as my life.You pass me by as though I were a s...

Bette Midler - My Knight In Black Leather
Time: 2:15, the AM.Place: Ronardo's "Boom-Boom-Room" on South Street.I'm a hot blonde and it was a col...

Bette Midler - My Mother's Eyes
"I think I'll sing you a little ballad. It's a new one. I just learnt it. Oh, I hope you like it."...

Bette Midler - Nanette
"Uh! Here is another lady; She is not as amusing as Sophie, but she has a, she has a little something....

Bette Midler - Night And Day
Ohhhhhhh.Maybe you and I see life with two different visions,and neither one of us is wrong or right....

Bette Midler - Nobody Else But You
Who loves me even though I'm crazyand nothing that I say is true?Who won my heart and soul forever?...

Bette Midler - No Jestering
My Momma says that I must leave him alone.But how can I do that when I want him in my home?He wa...

Bette Midler - Oh Industry
I am the captain and this is my shrine.Lord of the manor. See what I leave behind.River in flames, cit...

Bette Midler - Oh My My
[Harlettes:] She called up the doctorto see what's the matter.He said, "Come on over."...

Bette Midler - Old Cape Cod
If you're fond of sand dunes and salty air,quaint little villages here and there,you're sure to fall i...

Bette Midler - One More Round
5, 6, 5, 6, 7, Let's go!Let's go, go, go!Let's go, let's go, let's really go!One more roun...

Bette Midler - Only In Miami
Walking along the beach last nightwho do you think I spy?A girl with ebony fire eyes.Soft and lo...

Bette Midler - Optimistic Voices / Lullaby Of Broadway
You're out of the woods,you're out of the dark,you're out of the night.Step into the sun,s...

Bette Midler - Otto Titsling
"This next story is a true story. It concerns two of my favorite subjects: industrial theft . . . and-...

Bette Midler - Paradise
There is a land I knowwhere lovers go and flowers growforever more;where time is standing still...

Bette Midler - P.s. I Love You
Dear, I thought I'd drop a line.The weather's cool. The folks are fine.I'm in bed each night at nine....

Bette Midler - Rain
Come on down lightning.Come on down thunder.Come on down raindrops.Don't leave me to wonder....

Bette Midler - Ready To Begin Again
When my teeth are rinsed in a glass by my bed,and my hair lies somewhere in a drawer,you know, the wor...

Bette Midler - Red
I read that it's all black and white.Oooh, the spectrum made a shade I like!Ooh, those crinsom rays of...

Bette Midler - Rose's Turn
Here she is, boys!Here she is, world!Here's Rose!Curtain up!Light the lights!P...

Bette Midler - Say Goodbye To Hollywood
Bobby's driving through the city tonight,through the lights in a hot new rent-a-car.He joins the lover...

Bette Midler - Shining Star
Honey, you are my shining star.Don't you go away.I wanna be right here where you areuntil my dyi...

Bette Midler - Shiver Me Timbers / Samedi Et Vendredi
Well, I'm leavin' my family, leavin' all my friends.My body's at home, but my heart's in the windwhere...

Bette Midler - Skylark
Skylark, have you anything to say to me?Can you tell me where my love may be?Is there a meadow in the ...

Bette Midler - Soda And A Souvenir
Don't start talking the poetry, darlin'.That's not what I wanna hear tonight.I'm just a girl with moon...

Bette Midler - Sold My Soul To Rock 'n' Roll
Drive me home silver eagle.Drive me away from last night's news.Empty beds, crowds of people.Oh,...

Bette Midler - Some People
Some people can get a thrillknitting sweaters and setting still.That's okay for some peoplewho d...

Bette Midler - Some People's Lives
Some people's lives run down like clocks.One day they stop, and that's all they've got.Some lives wear...

Bette Midler - Spring Can Really Hang You Up The Most
Once I was a sentimental thing;threw my heart away each spring.Now a spring romancehasn't got a ...

Bette Midler - Stay With Me
Where did you go when things went wrong, baby?Who did you run to?Find a shoulder to lay your head upon...

Bette Midler - Storybook Children
Daybreak.How can I ever leave this place beside you?You were the only one I ever cried to.The ni...

Bette Midler - Strangers In The Night
Ooooooh. Wooooh.Strangers in the night, exchanging glances,wondering in the night what were the chance...

Bette Midler - Stuff Like That There
"Here she is, direct from the convent, Miss Dixie Leonard."I was alone on a shelfin a world by m...

Bette Midler - Summer (the First Time)
It was a hot afternoonthe last day of June,and the sun was a demon.The clouds were afraid....

Bette Midler - Superstar
Long ago and so far away,I fell in love with you before the second show.And your guitar just sounds so...

Bette Midler - Surabaya Johnny
I was young, I was just sixteen then,when you came up from Burma one day.And you told me to pack up my...

Bette Midler - That's How Heartaches Are Made
That's how heartaches are made.That's how heartaches are made.They told me I was such a fool to ...

Bette Midler - The Girl Is On To You
I'll bet you think you can just use her the wayyou used to do. I've got news for you.Your fuse is out....

Bette Midler - The Glory Of Love
"This is a song I've been singing for a long time. It's like an old friend. But, you know, I think it,...

Bette Midler - The Last Time
Let this be the last time.Let this be the last time, Ooooooh.Let this be the last time.Let this ...

Bette Midler - The Perfect Kiss
Across the bridge of mercy bound,rooms so full of Say You Willand trains that rock like cradles in the...

Bette Midler - The Rose
Some say love, it is a riverthat drowns the tender reed.Some say love, it is a razorthat leaves ...

Bette Midler - To Comfort You
You've been down in the dumpsit seems like forever.Now, what have they done to you?Not a single ...

Bette Midler - To Deserve You
I see so many golden women;when they walk their feet don't touch the ground.How I want, how I want to ...

Bette Midler - Tragedy
Wind storm, comes the sound.From the stars my dark has come.You've gone from me.Whoa, tragedy....

Bette Midler - Twisted
"How ya doin' girls? Long time, no see. Listen, I've been to the doctor lately. Honey, I just spent fo...

Bette Midler - Ukulele Lady
A do-dooooo. A do-dooooo.I saw the splendor of the moonlight on Honolulu Bay.There's something tender ...

Bette Midler - Up The Ladder To The Roof
Come with me, come with meand we shall run across the sky.We illuminate the night.Ohhhh, I, I wi...

Bette Midler - Uptown / Don't Say Nothin' Bad (about My Baby) / Da Doo Run Run
He gets up each morning and he goes downtownwhere everyone's his boss,and he's lost in an angry land....

Bette Midler - Up! Up! Up!
My grandpa died from asbestos.My daddy's name was Estes.And I don't know if that messed us up,or...

Bette Midler - When A Man Loves A Woman
When he held me in his arms,when he held me in his arms and said,"Baby, baby, baby, you are the only o...

Bette Midler - When Your Life Was Low
Always remember my friend,the world will change again.And you may have to come backthrough every...

Bette Midler - Whose Side Are You On?
Every time I touch youmy heart skips a beat.Every time I kiss youI feel love from my head to my ...

Bette Midler - Wind Beneath My Wings
Ohhhh, oh, oh, oh, ohhh.It must have been cold there in my shadow,to never have sunlight on your face....

Bette Midler - Yellow Beach Umbrella
When I am a flyer, I'll fly down to Miami,get a room in one of those big resort hotels.And nobody ther...

Bette Midler - You Can't Always Get What You Want
I saw her today at the reception.She had a glass of wine in her hand.She said, "Well, now I have to go...

Bette Midler - You Don't Know Me
You give your hand to meand then you say, "Hello."And I can hardly speak,my heart is beating so....

Bette Midler - You're Moving Out Today
I stayed out late one night and you moved in.I didn't mind 'cause of the state you were in.May I remin...

Better Than Ezra - Allison Foley

Better Than Ezra - At The Stars

Better Than Ezra - Beautiful Mistake

Better Than Ezra - Briefly
Wake me upSlap my faceDraw me closer inTo your embraceCause nobody wants to be the b...

Better Than Ezra - Closer
And the morning light was breakingSlowly moving across the bedHe gets up without her wakingTo th...

Better Than Ezra - Coyote
Heading out, your heart beating in your head.Riding on the Texas wind.Raise your feet as you cross the...

Better Than Ezra - Cry In The Sun
You cleaned out your room and under your bed, lay a picture long forgotten.With a hand to your head, ...

Better Than Ezra - Desperately Wanting
Past the road to your houseThat you never called homeWhere they turned out your lightsThough the...

Better Than Ezra - Everything In 2's

Better Than Ezra - Get You In
I sit and watch your flowers wilting in the kitchenI felt like I was one of them gasping for air.I go ...

Better Than Ezra - Good
Looking around the house.Hidden behind the window and the door.Searching for signs of life but there's...

Better Than Ezra - Happy Day Mama

Better Than Ezra - Happy Endings
And though you will say I'm wrong.It's much easier with you along.Sundays were made for this.See...

Better Than Ezra - Heaven
Will you fight for the cause?Can you teach the savage mind, their ways are wrong, Help them see what t...

Better Than Ezra - Hung The Moon
They say you're off (a bit confused)But when the day is doneI'll be with youI like your eyes...

Better Than Ezra - I Do
I got a little bit of reasonFor everything I've doneI might just serenade the moonlightAnd...

Better Than Ezra - In The Blood
How can you be so warm?How can you know what I feel?Well, it's the way you move your hands,and i...

Better Than Ezra - Je Ne M'en Souviens Pas

Better Than Ezra - Juarez
Worn out in JuarezAsking the dust for changeWorn out in JuarezA punch drunk assassinGettin...

Better Than Ezra - King Of New Orleans
There's an angel on the stairs(as if you'd even care)When the lights go up,and the sun has nearl...

Better Than Ezra - Like It Like That

Better Than Ezra - Live Again

Better Than Ezra - Long Lost
Are you lost?Do you find life turning outNot quite the way you planned?Come around stay awhile...

Better Than Ezra - Misunderstood
Talking in her sleep againReciting lines start to endBut she's not crazy(Knock on wood)Jus...

Better Than Ezra - New Kind Of Low

Better Than Ezra - Normal Town
I still remember you dressed in grey.Working undercover for the CIAYou were cursing Silber living in B...

Better Than Ezra - One More Murder

Better Than Ezra - Particle

Better Than Ezra - Porcelain
Hey, you've got a lot of nerve to show your face around here.Hey, you've got a lot of nerve to dredge up all...

Better Than Ezra - Pull

Better Than Ezra - Return Of The Post Moderns
Ten cent loversbeneath the covers Riding on a wet dream Silver tonic freeHigh stool sweet ...

Better Than Ezra - Rewind
Cut a tape of my favorite songsSaid what I can't face to faceI hoped that you would share all my thoug...

Better Than Ezra - Rosealia
Where have you gone, my Rosealia?Into the crowd, he'll never find you.If you walk real fast, and you s...

Better Than Ezra - Scared Are You?
Strong handsBig plansAll reduced to this.Hard won FreedomHow could you have missed?...

Better Than Ezra - Sincerely, Me
I can still recallThe way you looked that fallIn your favorite dressThe day before you left...

Better Than Ezra - Southern Gurl
There she is.White light,descending like the color of rain.July or fall, one thing will ne...

Better Than Ezra - Speeding Up To Slow Down
If they calm you down,Then excite themIf they call you out,Then ignore them.You're s...

Better Than Ezra - Still Life With Cooley
Everybody talking saying you will be walkingThis neighborhood will never be the sameYou said we'd unde...

Better Than Ezra - Summerhouse
Down by the dock, hot blood in the sun.The body lays up against the reeds.The locals said, the man had...

Better Than Ezra - Teenager
Listen to them fight.Hear your mother cry.Weekend at your dad's.They don't know what they do to ...

Better Than Ezra - The Killer Inside
Well, she believes that I'd be better off without her.And she believes in me.Well, she believes ...

Better Than Ezra - This Time Of Year
Well, there's a feeling in the airJust like a Friday afternoon.Yeah, you can go there if you want...

Better Than Ezra - Under You

Better Than Ezra - Waxing Or Waning?

Better Than Ezra - Wwoz
WWOZ is on in stereoA string of flowers haloed around your headCandle lightCeiling fanCurt...

The Beu Sisters - Anytime You Need A Friend
La La LaLa La La La LaLa LaWhen your sadWhen your feeling lowWhen your h...

The Beu Sisters - Catch Me If You Can
What you get isWhat you seeAnd you can bet it's worth it, baby'Cause what you get is me....

The Beu Sisters - Crushed
Always thought someday you would notice meMore than friends you would see me differentlyThen I heard y...

The Beu Sisters - Dear Santa
Oh Oh YeaDear Santa Dear SantaSanta please dont forget me tonightI've been acting real good doin...

The Beu Sisters - Decisions
Don't just go from one nest to the nextMama said to meIt's not where you go or where you left.It...

The Beu Sisters - Emily
Emma loves Emily in her little own waySo alone in this world from their very first day.With her hand o...

The Beu Sisters - Falling Out Of Love With You
I swore I saw you in a crowdSuddenly my heart began to poundEmotions flowing up and down(are you...

The Beu Sisters - He's A Tramp
Mmm Mmm MmmOh look at thatPut a leash on himBetta learn how to train himAin't nothing but ...

The Beu Sisters - I Was Only (seventeen)
I was only trying to keep the walls from closing inI was only waiting 'round for something to beginI w...

The Beu Sisters - Living Ain't Easy
It's not pretty noIt ain't pretty at all(it ain't pretty no, it ain't pretty no)I hear my mama s...

The Beu Sisters - My Christmas Was In June
It was summerI did love you trueFeelin' like a foolFall passed byI though you'd fade...

The Beu Sisters - Once Upon A Broken Heart
Once upon a broken heartI was walking alone in the darkLooking for a way to start againWhat I wo...

The Beu Sisters - Stop! Stay Away From My Sister
I don't know just what you came here looking forDid you really think we'd let you back inBetter keep o...

The Beu Sisters - Unbelievable You
You knew meLong before I knew myselfI could not seeWith all the darkness who could tellThe...

The Beu Sisters - Why Don't You Just Kiss Me
At a party with my friendsWaiting for the night to endTill I saw you standing there with a smile...

Beverley Knight - Affirmation
Intuition I could not ignoreCame to help me in my time of dangerWasn't easy walking out the door...

Beverley Knight - Ambition (it All Comes 2 U)
In my life I have but one obsessionIt consumes my thought both night and dayIt shows in everything I'v...

Beverley Knight - Below My Radar
The cab I didn't call, didn't comeIt's four in the morningSometimes I know you're telling me the truth...

Beverley Knight - Bestseller Mystery
Oohhh you hit me like a high speed freight trainJust when I thought all was lostNow intrigue desire ra...

Beverley Knight - Come As You Are
The weather's hot like hellIt's sort of casts a spellI want a friendly faceInside a cool dark sp...

Beverley Knight - Fallen Soldier
Stranger on the face of it.Brother in the heart of a nation that prays for you, loves you, calls you by name...

Beverley Knight - First Time
Through these misty eyesIt's plain to seeEven though you're hereYou're not with meTortured...

Beverley Knight - Get Up!
You stand tall while people sway(True to your self)Leave them fakers on the shelf(Heed your call...

Beverley Knight - Gold
Some people never recognise itThough it's right before their eyesAnd shines in all its gloryThey...

Beverley Knight - Hurricane Jane
Call me Hurricane Jane,Dry season's over, here comes the rain,Sweeping over your plain, blazing as I g...

Beverley Knight - Keep This Fire Burning
Even when you don't knowI'll be right by your sideEven when you think you're all aloneI'll be by...

Beverley Knight - No One Ever Loves In Vain
Every day found us togetherBut no-one knew of fate's designJust as we begun to really live our dreams...

Beverley Knight - Not Too Late For Love
Do you wonder if your future rests on a mountain made of clay?Climbing higher ain't an easy quest 'cause you...

Beverley Knight - Remember Me
Do you rememberThere was once a young womanAnd she had loved you like no other beforeWhen you we...

Beverley Knight - Salvador
In the corner of the cityThere's this vibrant little kidLoves to sing and play his air guitarIn ...

Beverley Knight - Same (as I Ever Was)
Still got my fire, I'm never coldIt burns within me, It's taken holdStill finding mountains , I've yet...

Beverley Knight - Shape Of You
This woman's eyes ain't got no colourWhen I think about life without youEven if it's for the best, reg...

Beverley Knight - Shoulda Woulda Coulda
People say that together we were both sides of the same coinThat we would shine like Venus in a clear night ...

Beverley Knight - Straight Jacket
Why, why can't you be happy for me?Now I've found someone who'll put up with meI'm no little girl, I'm...

Beverley Knight - Supasonic
The morning after, oh what a nightThis little picture was painted rightI got the memory stuck in my mi...

Beverley Knight - Tea & Symphony
There she goes againShe tells you all the things your heart wants to hearProblem is, my friendHe...

Beverley Knight - Till I See Ya
Just one momentIn the blink of an eyeDid I miss itWhen you said your goodbye?Heaven help m...

Beverley Knight - Under The Same Sun
Running about in a daze in the heart of LondonI'm on a mission to make it to work on timeHow many peop...

Beverley Knight - Whatever's Clever
[Intro]Are you ready for me?Better let me knowAre you ready for me?Better let me kn...

Beyonce Knowles - Be With You
Ooh babyI love the way you make me feelIt slows down timeCome in my bedroom and turn off the lig...

Beyonce Knowles - Beyonce Interlude
[talking]I believe that harmonies are colorsEvery time I paint it sharpens my harmony...

Beyonce Knowles - Daddy
I remember when you use to take me on a Bike ride everyday on the bayou (You remember that? We were insepara...

Beyonce Knowles - Dangerously In Love 2
I love you... I love you... I love youBaby I love youYou are my lifeMy happiest moments we...

Beyonce Knowles - Gift From Virgo
I wish i could look in your eyesAnd tell you how i feel Right now insideBaby i know that it's re...

Beyonce Knowles - I'm Leaving
[Chorus:]When I first met you, you told me exactly how it would beYou had a lady and couldn't s...

Beyonce Knowles - In Da Club
[Originally by 50 Cent]No shorty, it's Beyonce,We gon' party like, it's ya birthday,...

Beyonce Knowles - Me, Myself & I
All the ladies if you feel me, help me sing it out...I can't believe i believedEverything we had...

Beyonce Knowles - Naughty Girl
I love to love you babyI love to love you baby.I'm feelin' sexyI wanna hear you say my nam...

Beyonce Knowles - Speechless
Youve got meYouve got meYouve got meYouve got me speechlessWhere you been baby...

Beyonce Knowles - Summertime
Out of all the guys that approach meWalking up to me like they know meYour were the one that stayed as...

Beyonce Knowles - Work It Out
How you doing honey babyYou know I don't ask for much butFor a girl spending time alone can be pretty ...

Beyonce Knowles - Yes
I said yes to your numberAnd yes to you dating meYes we can be togetherBut you gotta wait for me...

Biffy Clyro - 27
I stroke your silken skin, kiss you goodbye, your eyes just pierce me throughI am bleeding with blood I'd gi...

Biffy Clyro - 57
The sun shone in, the glint in your eyeYour beautiful face, your beautiful faceI held her tight, close...

Biffy Clyro - A Day Of...
I get my drugs from God oh yeah (oh yeah), you should see the shit he's got oh yeah (oh yeah) And then it st...

Biffy Clyro - All The Way Down (chapter 2)
It sat beside his bed as near as it could goHe read it every night just before he'd goAsleep for the n...

Biffy Clyro - All The Way Down; Prologue, Chapter 1
Taking part's what counts, but you were not around, never understand my goals for youLooking back, see...

Biffy Clyro - A Man Of His Appalling Posture
Conglomerate inspection, we'll breed that infection, release it to the worldWe'll blame it on the girls, we'...

Biffy Clyro - And Now The Action Is On Fire
I'm cagey about stories involving time, it's like I'm slowly burning, breathing crimesThis is all right, bur...

Biffy Clyro - And With The Scissorkick Is Victorious
You will become the victorious (become what may)With the skill to fell the rest of them down, you are what I...

Biffy Clyro - Being Gabriel
The clouds disperse, there's a rainbowWith big eyes looking so pure That say everything about everythi...

Biffy Clyro - Bodies In Flight
You're free to choose what we want you, feel free to do what we want toWhen we collide, the air will rise, i...

Biffy Clyro - Breatheher
I see her, with her hands in the air, held up to the sky to float awayIf you'd seen half the things in my mi...

Biffy Clyro - Christopher's River
You and me, always, you held my head above the waves Paddling around, pretending that it was not, too cold ...

Biffy Clyro - Convex, Concave
Six more times slide in your eye, you think you're innocent, innocentPull back and assess the skinned sky, t...

Biffy Clyro - Diary Of Always
(I just wish we all could betray)I'm the one distinctly plain to you, for a solemn glance is another hopeful...

Biffy Clyro - Do You Remember What You Came For?
How do you suppose we go from east to left in a semi tangent graph?Collapsed inside a useless thin-screened ...

Biffy Clyro - Eradicate The Doubt
You are the summer, I'll feel forever, I'll bleed foreverYou think you are the greatest, I'll feel forever, ...

Biffy Clyro - Ewan's True Mental You
Can't help seeing what I have with the non stop bickering involvedBelieve in what you know, no we'll never s...

Biffy Clyro - Glitter And Trauma
Diamonds, glitter and trauma tears, with an unfriendly atmosphere.We'll make our night, we'll make tonight....

Biffy Clyro - Good Practice Makes Permanent
All sons and sisters are on their own, brothers, blisters, leave when they're doneI win, you win, wherever y...

Biffy Clyro - Got Wrong
I'm wrongI'm wrong I'm wrongI don't know, why i take, it out on youCould you dance in the ...

Biffy Clyro - Hero Management
Iron man, I return to you, to be the way you wantedBut I have no strength or the decency in me to be a hero...

Biffy Clyro - Hope For An Angel
I believe in the human need to believe there's hope for an angelOne who's gone, for he had become, in the sk...

Biffy Clyro - I Hope You're Done
Any time I wander through your heartless night, words have all but left me, freezing in my mindYou are my pe...

Biffy Clyro - Joy. Discovery. Invention
Look at slow motion, asleep at the doorNext to destruction, reach for the sores Get up, get up, ...

Biffy Clyro - Justboy
Every once in a while I see your face, I'm feeling half the man Then you cup your hands, you throw me away, ...

Biffy Clyro - Kill The Old, Torture Their Young
This will kill... Open your head, turn your back away, from me Sensations, collapse under ...

Biffy Clyro - Less The Product
If you were happy, just to love I'll know If you were happy, just to love I'll knowIf you love m...

Biffy Clyro - Let's Get Smiling
Heart's beating slow again like the leaves, you're not around, we just laugh and smileWe're indestructible, ...

Biffy Clyro - Liberate The Illiterate
Don't be sad, keep smiling, leave this open to communicate Lying there on the desk you left a letter, when I...

Biffy Clyro - My Recovery Injection
I've been waitin on the overdrive.Slick and polished on the inside.It ruins feeding time.I...

Biffy Clyro - Only One Word Comes To Mind
This time its now or neverthe ones we aresupposed to bow toIn time we all crawl ...

Biffy Clyro - Questions And Answers
Grab a handle, twist it 'til something dropsYou're up when you're winning, you feel like your head's gone so...

Biffy Clyro - Scary Mary
What must I have become to deserve all the shit that you gave me The rocks look like a body in the river, no...

Biffy Clyro - Solution Devices
Want it, feel it, is what you say Our turn, our turn, fuck you and all your games Who'd have eve...

Biffy Clyro - Stress On The Sky
You're just a.... I'm not to blame, broke your heart for fun You're just a.... I'm not to blame, you're just...

Biffy Clyro - Strung To Your Ribcage
You'll never catch me.My belly is black, and, red.Black and red. [x3]You complete m...

Biffy Clyro - The Go-slow
Remember when, the insects fed off all our momentsCan't deny, the structure's failed us and the go-slow...

Biffy Clyro - The Houses Of Roofs
She said that you'd remember my name, when I leave they'll exploit againWait for things to never be said, wh...

Biffy Clyro - The Ideal Height
You've opened the door to reason, without invitationForget what you had, it's vanished - except for the mini...

Biffy Clyro - There's No Such Man As Crasp
Ribs breakSouls stay bareThis i knowYour forked stareCuts throughFace up to a ...

Biffy Clyro - There's No Such Thing As A Jaggy Snake
Look up!!C-c-c-c-c-captain christ says!!You think too much about the wrong things.You sing about...

Biffy Clyro - Toys Toys Toys Choke Toys Toys Toys
Would you change, I have, fallen in love with you, anyway(We suffer, we suffer, I suffer, we suffer, you'll ...

Biffy Clyro - Travis Perkins
What you wanted I can't give you, what you said was true now my old friendYou can have it but I wanted every...

Biffy Clyro - Unsubtle
Every time I'm thinking of you, everything is greatYou know that I'm looking for some action, it's a shame...

Biffy Clyro - Waiting For Green
I am waiting for an answer to, all the lies they told to try and spoil you We were half a mile away fr...

Biffy Clyro - Wave Upon Wave Upon Wave
Why bother talking, if nobody's listeningBlame it on the final, phase of your inductionWhy bother talk...

Biffy Clyro - When The Faction's Fractioned
Today's a blur, little baby, been up for days, waking up, waking upDevised a plan, little darling, to split ...

Biffy Clyro - With Aplomb
Fix my new memory with a cold naked stare, chew up the words but with floods bewareFondness can escalate bey...

Bif Naked - Any Day Now
anyday, now... it's gonna start - my real life. and anyday, now: everything is gonna be all right... a...

Bif Naked - Anything
i used to follow you and your friends to the ice rink the back of your skidoo made me all wet (from snow) ...

Bif Naked - Choking On The Truth
Sucking on a suckerrunning down the alleyaway from worthlessness.It's dusk.The lovely, pin...

Bif Naked - Chotee
i was just outa high school in my first band:i married my drummer. our love was grand.i thought it wa...

Bif Naked - Daddy's Getting Married
my mama followed her lover to india the mongoose and the roti walla on your front porch tear me from a...

Bif Naked - Dawn
For you I'm a good for nothing woman:Red lips, red leaves.Fall on my knees like autumn.I miss ci...

Bif Naked - Everything
my mother gave me one more reason not to call you on the phone.she told me, "chase girls like that ...

Bif Naked - Hold On
Baby, I'm angry.Baby, I'm scared.We're living in a dark time.And nobody cares.Baby, I'm ti...

Bif Naked - If I
have you heard da news, today? i left you in the dust, and that's where you'll stay. you never mattere...

Bif Naked - I Love Myself Today
You left me like a broken dollIn pieces as I took the fallfor you, you dumb chump!You left me fr...

Bif Naked - Leader
Get offa me!Away from me!Get me outa here!Don't follow me!Don't bother me!I'm no lea...

Bif Naked - Lifeline
you live so far away from me,fate brought you into my world,and then one night your eyes were bu...

Bif Naked - Make Like A Tree
all i wanted was to be by myself, (leave me alone) all you did was hurt me instead of help, ...

Bif Naked - Moment Of Weakness
i stand in the pouring rain you couldn't even be there to pick me up yer taking me for granted, again ...

Bif Naked - My Bike
the last time i fell in love she had red, red, hair and a ring in her lip she called me "jellybean" wh...

Bif Naked - My Whole Life
i don't wanna wait forever but you know i would you'd better hope i don't say "now or never" 'ca...

Bif Naked - Never Alone
lying in your hotel bed you cry for the years that were wasted and time gone by darling girl can...

Bif Naked - October Songs
If I fall outa my nest,will ya pick me up? Will ya help me fly?If I fall outa my nest,will ya sh...

Bif Naked - Only The Girl
my love's an ice-cold latte and it's running down yer shirt. you took my little heart and then y...

Bif Naked - Over You
my mind's wandering i savor the passion that your torture brings my breath's quickening inhaling...

Bif Naked - Papa Va Se Marier
Ma mere suivi sa petite sur les Indes Le mango et le roti walla sur leurs chemins C'est moi pour oubli...

Bif Naked - Regular Guy
Let me tell ya about the kinda guys that like me:They're in jail.Either that, or they are slumming......

Bif Naked - Religion
Suck my mouth.Suck my pain away.Helplessness,I am hard to stain.Potentially inappropriate....

Bif Naked - Sophia
i picked you up on a gray day - the new jersey turnpike i'll give you lots of yummy candy if ya like s...

Bif Naked - Stolen Sidewalk
I'm a junkie.I'm a whore.That's what you always called me.I am raw,an open sore.I ac...

Bif Naked - Story Of My Life
Our love was volatile and weird.All I thought as I hopped the Grayhound was,"Get me the fuck outa here...

Bif Naked - Succulent
falling off of my own skateboard praying to my almighty lord look up and what do i see? your fac...

Bif Naked - Tell On You
it seemed like days had passed... are you finished? i could no longer move my arms. ...

Bif Naked - The Gross, Gross Man
he keeps looking at me with his groping, watching eyeballs: gross! we women, we are supposed to just drop ou...

Bif Naked - The Letter
can you remember chestnut street and algae ripping at our feet? i was just a little girl and you...

Bif Naked - The Peacock Song
my mind's an ashtray full of ashes lick the tears from my eyelashesoh, whatever will i see that's good...

Bif Naked - Twitch
i got a boyfriend. he's a bad boy.he is my favorite. he is my joy.i got a boyfriend. "danger boy!"...

Bif Naked - Vampire
baby get ready - i'm coming for you,i'm a vampire!i want you - nothing you can do,i'm a vampire!...

Bif Naked - Violence
smiley, little baby snuggled in her mommy's arms.pray you'll always keep yer daughter safe and free fr...

Bif Naked - We're Not Gonna Take It
Oh we're not gonna take itNo, we ain't gonna take itOh we're not gonna take it anymoreWe'v...

Bif Naked - You Are The Master
I am tied up in the burning sun.Baby, you are my only shade.You're the bowl of water beyond my reach....

Bif Naked - You Got The Job
if smiling raver chubby girls with fragrant barretted blond curls won't lead you to got the job!...

Big Brovaz - Baby Boy
From the day that I saw youI knew that we would pursueCause the chemistrywe felt that dayF...

Big Brovaz - Don't Matter
Let me know pretty babyIs he doin you right?You might need somebody new in your lifeSomebo...

Big Brovaz - Don't Watch That
I came in the gameDisplaying amazing thingsDrop top whipsIce chains and ringsThe flo...

Big Brovaz - Favourite Things
[Intro]Buy me diamonds and rubiesI'm crazy bout Bentley'sGucci dresses and drop top kompr...

Big Brovaz - Find A Way
Man Im so broke it aint a jokeSome people got rims I got spokesIm working with changethey got no...

Big Brovaz - Gotta Get
[Chorus x2]Gotta get a crib, gottaget a car, get a diamond ringWhen Im steppin up a...

Big Brovaz - Little Mama
Hey lil moma why dontyou ever smile?I know life aint easyBringing up a child, but yo...

Big Brovaz - Nu Flow
[Intro.]Ladies and Gentlemen:Boys and girlsIt is my pleasure tointroduce to you all...

Big Brovaz - O.k.
OK is what you say whenyoure ready to ballWere too hot for clubthey aint ready at allAnd i...

Big Brovaz - Summertime
Oh yeah! know what?Im envisioning,Pretty women, Rims spinningAll my homies dressedI...

Big Brovaz - Taking It Global
This is how the flow goesThe flow goes from myhead to my lipsFrom my lips to the micFrom t...

Big Brovaz - We Wanna Thank You
This is a little song thatWe wrote for youJust for everything thatYou are and you doWe wan...

Big Dismal - Gave It All Away
Second chances don't come aroundWhat's done is done you should've thought of thatBefore you lied down ...

Big Dismal - Hanging On
I close my eyesAnd everything feels so rightLike a magic carpet rideWe fly away up high...

Big Dismal - Just The Same
I don't want to be the one to break youBut could I please borrow some changeYou see my car's broke dow...

Big Dismal - Losing You
Your persuasion has lead me hereThe lies you told me were sincereI never wanted to second guess it...

Big Dismal - Missing You
I don't want to say goodbyeI can see the fear inside your eyesIt's so hard to walk awayI k...

Big Dismal - Reality
Every now and thenI need some time to myselfI need some time to thinkSo I can breathe...

Big Dismal - Remember (i.o.u.)
When I was a young childYou watched over meYou kept me safe inside your armsAnd then you set me ...

Big Dismal - Run Away
Wake up in the morningAlways rushing aroundTrying not to be late again'Cause it's no time to slo...

Big Dismal - Running Through My Mind
Endless streets of blackLeading nowhere it seemsLessons from being trappedInside a dream...

Big Dismal - Too Pretty
It's obvious what you think about me'Cause you won't even give me a chanceI don't mind what you say ab...

Big Punisher - Beware
[CHORUS:]I gave you fair warning, beware...beware...beware... [2x][Mobb Deep sample]...

Big Punisher - Boomerang
[Big Punisher]Niggaz is flossin a lot, time to start extortin the plotJust a portion of prod' o...

Big Punisher - Fast Money
I got the sweetest heist, million in cash, another 3 in iceWho can I trust? Cuban'll bust plus ?good thief ...

Big Punisher - How We Roll '98
[dice being shook up and thrown, i.e. "Tumblin Dice"][Big Pun]You know I'm well kn...

Big Punisher - I'm Not A Player
[Intro: from the O'Jays "Darlin' Darlin' Baby" by (K. Gamble, L. Huff)]You're my darlin' darlin...

Big Punisher - Leather Face
[Big Punisher]What I gotta do let y'all niggaz know?I am +THE NICEST+.. +EVER+.. heh..Har...

Big Punisher - My Turn
[Big Punisher]Uhh.. psssh.. it's my turn, y'knahmean?Get this motherfuckin money y'know?S...

Big Punisher - My World
Uhh.. yes y'all babyYeah, yeah, work it outWork it out dawg, work it out nowUhh.. y'all motherfu...

Big Punisher - Nigga Shit
[Big Punisher]Yeah..This is for my peoples on the street, y'know?Gave me love since day o...

Big Punisher - The Dream Shatterer
Ay-yo I shatter dreams like Jordan, assault and batter your teamYour squadron'll be barred from rap like Ada...

Big Punisher - The Dream Shatterer (original)
Aiyyo I shatter dreams like Jordan, assault and batter your teamYour squadron'll be barred from rap like Ada...

Big Punisher - Watch Those
[Big Punisher]Earth to Pun.. come in Pun..[some whining noise]Yeah yeah yeah.....

Big Punisher - Who Is A Thug
[Big Punisher]Yeah.. 6430.. Ty Fyffe where you at?Aww shit.. smooth it outWhere my chick ...

Big Punisher - You Ain't A Killer
[Verse 1]The harsh realities of life is takin tollsEven Jesus Christ forsake my soulPleas...

Big & Rich - Big Time
My hair might be a little to longFor your taste my friendMy car might cost a little lessThen tha...

Big & Rich - Deadwood Mountain
I've been a rambler, all my lifeBeen a bet it all gamblerYeah I let it all rideNever been afraid...

Big & Rich - Drinkin' 'bout You
All my life I've been telling myselfI don't need no no nobody elseI'm sitting here thinkingSitti...

Big & Rich - Kick My Ass
Well I walked up to the barI laid down my platinum cardThen I ordered fifty longnecks for my new frien...

Big & Rich - Live This Life
Met a man on the street last nightSaid his name was JesusMet a man on the street last nightThoug...

Big & Rich - Love Train
I see people gettin mad on CNNWho's right... democrats or republicansI don't care who's right or wrong...

Big & Rich - Real World
There's a girl on channel 13I know she's gonna fall in love with meAnd I'm gonna win the lottery tomor...

Big & Rich - Rollin' (the Ballad Of Big & Rich)
Brother and sistersWe are here for one reasonAnd one reason aloneTo share our love of music...

Big & Rich - Save A Horse (ride A Cowboy)

Big & Rich - Saved
There was a time I tried to kill a manJust for looking at me wrongAnger so strong I couldn't stop myse...

Big & Rich - Six Foot Town
My brakes are on fireFrom trying to slow downI'm always burning my tiresAnd my horn is to loud...

Big & Rich - Wild West Show
I'm feelin' like Tonto, Ridin' a Pinto,Tryin' to chase the Lone Ranger down.I'm a little unravel...

Big Tymers - #1
[Chorus (2x) (Mannie Fresh):]All the niggas was, buck, buckin' in the crowdAnd all the ladies w...

Big Tymers - 10 Wayz
[Mannie Fresh {talking}]Turn it upTurn it upTurn it up[Hook2x (children)]...

Big Tymers - Against The Wall
[Baby talking]Hey Fresh!We back at it baby[Chorus: Manny Fresh]Here ba...

Big Tymers - Beautiful
[Baby]Now I'm feeling good and fineSmokin green and drinkin wineTen thousand dollars at t...

Big Tymers - Beautiful (vol. 2 Version)
[Mannie]Now I'm feelin good and fineSmokin green and drinkin wineTen thousand dollars at ...

Big Tymers - Big
[Baby]You knowDo it big niggaIf you don't do nothing do it big, fuck itAin't like y...

Big Tymers - Big Ballin'
[Manny Fresh]I told ya fuckin' ass I be back In a brand new Fleetwood CadillacLicense pla...

Big Tymers - Big Money Heavyweight
[Baby and Mannie Fresh talking:][Baby:] yeah, big tymers, this what its hitting for nigg...

Big Tymers - Broads
[Manny]See these broads, I like'em and shitWish I could, give all these hoes a picturemy dick...

Big Tymers - Drop It Like It's Hot
[Baby]Shhhhh, nigga drinkin don pie, and crystal (Huh Bra?)All that in the ass, fuckin these ho...

Big Tymers - Hello
[Intro][Man:] Ladies and gentlemen, see its likeHello, Hello, Hello[Woman:]...

Big Tymers - How U Luv That
Awww man, Man I sure believe this one here man, gon' be so beautifulI know everyone out there gon' hafta lov...

Big Tymers - I'm A Dog / I'm Sorry
[Mannie Talking (high pitched voice)]Follow me baby, come with me baby [whistles]Follow ...

Big Tymers - Money & Power
[Chorus: Manny Fresh (2x)]If you could be me for an hourHave Money and PowerStand tall an...

Big Tymers - My People
[Hook]To all my peoples, to all my peoplesTo all my peoples, yeeeaaahhhTogether we stand ...

Big Tymers - No Love
[Chorus X2 (Jazze Pha & Mannie Fresh)][Jazze Pha]Its a beatiful life, colourful ice, fly...

Big Tymers - Oh Yeah!
[Manny Fresh]Yeah, mmm hmmm This one goes out to all the pretty young ladies out therein ...

Big Tymers - On Top Of The World
[Mannie]I know you wish you could find aNigga wit a dick like a anacondaNeighborhood hot ...

Big Tymers - Pimpin'
[Hook][Man] Pimpin is a alive, these niggas just jive[Man] I've been stackin and ...

Big Tymers - Pimp On
[Chorus]Play on, play on, play onPlay on, play on, play onPlay on, play on, play on...

Big Tymers - Playboy (don't Hate Me)
[Lil' Wayne]What, what what, what, huhHuh, huh, Big Tymers, huhBetter act like you know...

Big Tymers - Snake
Wha Wha Wha[Mannie Fresh]You a one man bitchGo ahead and make that switchI go...

Big Tymers - Southern Boy
[Mannie Fresh talking:]yeah, yeah, yeah, If David Banner was here right now, he would just look at y'...

Big Tymers - Still Fly
[Baby :]Whats up Fresh , its our turn babyGator Boots, with the pimped out Gucci suit...

Big Tymers - Stun'n
[Verse1]Nigga, now since my career be on shineThese haters be packin' they nineBut look n...

Big Tymers - This Is How We Do
[Chorus, Mannie Fresh x1]This how we do it, where I'm fromThuggin in the club until I see the s...

Big Tymers - Top Of Tha Line Nigga
Top of the line nigga....Check it![Verse 1]Excuse meLet me introduce meLook, ...

Big Tymers - Top Of Tha Line Nigga (vol. 2 Version)
[Lil' Wayne]Top of the line niggaCheck [Verse 1:]Excuse me, let me in...

Billy Gilman - About Memories
Memories are a great giftMemories are given to us by GodAs a keepsake and a treasureMemories all...

Billy Gilman - About Things That Matter
It matters that the workd knowsWe must celebrate the gift of lifeEveryday in some waywe must alw...

Billy Gilman - About Watches
I like wearing watchesLots and lots of watchesFor two reasonsFirstIf they are all set a li...

Billy Gilman - Almost Love
What am I going to get you girlI wanna buy you the whole wide worldAll I got is a letter jacket and a ...

Billy Gilman - Angels We Have Heard On High (traditional)
Angels we have on heard highSweetly singing ore the plainsAnd the mountains in replyEchoing thei...

Billy Gilman - Awaken The Music
There was always the voice of an angelIn the sweet lullaby of my dreamsWho would sing me a song made i...

Billy Gilman - Away In A Manager (traditional)
Away in a manger, no crib for his bedThe little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet headThe stars in the sky...

Billy Gilman - Coming Home
When you change the way you look at thingsThe things you look at changeI can see the world so differen...

Billy Gilman - Elisabeth
Namesake to ElisabethHer daddy's pride and joyBaptized in her mama's tears soon after she was born...

Billy Gilman - Everything And More
You never looked more beautifulThan you look tonightIn your eyes I see all I can beAnd how you c...

Billy Gilman - For Our World
We need to stop, just stopStop for a momentBefore anybody saysor does anythingThat may hur...

Billy Gilman - Gift Of Color
[Chorus:]Color, the gift of colorIs so beautifulColor, the gift of colorIs so natur...

Billy Gilman - God's Alive And Well
When I see the stars hang in the sky, ohWhen I watch a bird spread its wings and flyAnd each time I he...

Billy Gilman - Hey, Little Suzie (the Cause Of All That)
I remember herShakin' off the dustShe could walk the walkShe was one of usWhen she went aw...

Billy Gilman - I Am / Shades Of Life
I am black, I am whiteI am all skins in betweenI am young, I am oldI am each age that has been...

Billy Gilman - I Could... If They Would
If they would find a cure when I'm a kidI could ride a bike and sail on rollerblades, andI could go on...

Billy Gilman - I'm Not Me Anymore
Is this my bed?What's going on in my head?I feel so different todayI have this image of yo...

Billy Gilman - Is Anybody Out There
When the thunder cameWith our flag in flamesEverybody change the colorWhen the night became so d...

Billy Gilman - It Happened Anyway
When Jamie diedAnd I didn't understandThe eternity of my sadnessI wised I could have prevented i...

Billy Gilman - I Think She Likes Me
I think she likes me And I know I like her It's kind of frightening 'Cause it's too soon to be s...

Billy Gilman - I've Got To Make It To Summer
My heart skips a beat when I watch her go byI don't know if she knows if I'm even aliveI'd love to ask...

Billy Gilman - I Wanna Get To Ya
I've got a secret I can't keepI've got my eyes on something sweet It feels like my heart's pounding th...

Billy Gilman - Jingle Bell Rock
Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rockJingle bells swing and jingle bells ringSnowing and blowing ...

Billy Gilman - Little Bitty Pretty One
Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah Ah-ah-...

Billy Gilman - Little Things
Little things that you do Make me glad I'm in love with you Little things that you say Make me g...

Billy Gilman - Looked Into The Wings
I could feel you reaching out for me before we ever touchedAnd I knew you would always be someone I could tr...

Billy Gilman - Making Real Sense Of The Senses
Our eyes are for looking at thingsBut they are also for cryingWhen we are very happy or cery sad...

Billy Gilman - Missed You On Sunday
You're flying loose and I'm losing ground with youWant you to stay cause I can't follow youYou know I'...

Billy Gilman - Morning Gift
Don't you love the morningsWhen you go outside and there on the groundIs a fresh perfect green leaf...

Billy Gilman - My Time On Earth
My time on EarthLong as it seemsIs just a momentIn the grande scheme of thingsA shor...

Billy Gilman - O Holy Night
Oh holy nightThe stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of the dear Savior's birthLong lay th...

Billy Gilman - Oklahoma
Suitcase packed with all his things Car pulls up, the doorbell rings He don't want to go He thou...

Billy Gilman - Our First Kiss
The last thing on my mindWhen I closed my eyesOooo Oooo Oooo my myIs our first kissI...

Billy Gilman - Peaceable Kingdome
A leopard with a harmless kid lay downAnd not one savage beast was seen to frownThe wolf did with the ...

Billy Gilman - Possession
One of my greatest fears is "It."I can't touch "it," but I can feel "it."It does not have a taste or s...

Billy Gilman - Pray For Him
Knocked on his door last nightHe should have been thereI waited till 6pmLord I'm worrying again...

Billy Gilman - Rockin' Around Christmas Tree
Rocking around the Christmas treeAt the Christmas party hopMistletoe hung where you can seeEvery...

Billy Gilman - Shamey, Shamey, Shame
I sleep with one eye open andOne foot on the floor andWhen I see that the coast is clearI slip r...

Billy Gilman - She's Everything You Want
Can't you hear your heart it's talking to your brainA little voice inside you keeps calling out her name...

Billy Gilman - She's My Girl
All the guys have gone blind from starin'My baby, she ain't even carin'And they're crazy if they think...

Billy Gilman - Silent Night
Silent night, holy nightAll is calm, all is brightRound yon virgin mother and childHoly infant s...

Billy Gilman - Something 'bout Heaven
When I'm walkin' by myselfAlong the path that I should followI can see one reason whyI'm happy I...

Billy Gilman - Some Things I Know
There's some things I know to be trueSnow is white, and the ocean is blueRain is wet, and it falls fro...

Billy Gilman - Songs Of The Wind
Listen to the windIf you listen carefullyYou will hear soft noteslisten with your mindList...

Billy Gilman - Spend Another Night
I instantly knew when I saw you You and I would be forever Hearts never apart true from the start ...

Billy Gilman - The Christmas Song (chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire)
Chestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Frost nipping at your noseYule-tide carols being sung by a choi...

Billy Gilman - There's A New Kid In Town
We're looking for the king, the new MessiahWe're following the star shining brighter."Old man, won't y...

Billy Gilman - The Snake Song
He swallered a frog and hollered yum-yumHe slid down the hillside and darted his tongueHe entered the ...

Billy Gilman - The Woman In My Life
The woman in my life wakes me up in the morningWith a gentle touchShe kisses me and whispers "darling...

Billy Gilman - Three Words, Two Hearts, One Kiss
For a straight A student who knows so muchYou don't know nothin' bout loveWell you and me make history...

Billy Gilman - 'til I Can Make It On My Own
I'll need time to get you off my mind I may sometimes bother you, try to be in touch with you Even ask...

Billy Gilman - Warm & Fuzzy
Sleigh bells ringingQuire singing,Wondering what ole Santa's bringingIt's the warm and fuzzy tim...

Billy Gilman - What's Forever For
I've been looking at people And how they change with the times And lately all I've been seeing are peo...

Billy Gilman - White Christmas
The sun is shining, the grass is green The orange and palm trees sway There's never been such a day ...

Billy Gilman - Winter Wonderland
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,In the lane, snow is glisteningA beautiful sight,We're happ...

Billy Gilman - You Don't, You Won't
You don't, you won'tNo way I sayYou didn't, you doesn'tYou isn't, you wasn'tYou wouldn't, ...

Billy Idol - Adam In Chains
Do you want to be hypnotizedAll you have to do is move your bodyIn what ever way feels comfortable for...

Billy Idol - All Summer Single
What should I do baby, a-what should do,Where should I go, what should I do?Yes, I got the blues, the ...

Billy Idol - Baby Talk
All around the worldI said listen, listen what I say nowFor every boy and girlWanna hear some ha...

Billy Idol - Beyond Belief
Oh yeah, mm yeah.Show no fear, it's here, babe.I know there, there were tears, babe.Don't hear w...

Billy Idol - Bitter Pill
Riding down this road Like I've riden down a million I've run thru the epic rome But I can't mis...

Billy Idol - Blue Highway
Show my dear friendsIt's to put your handsI ought to start this hereRain for a day glowBut...

Billy Idol - Buried Alive
It's the season of the dark horseThe ocean of nightIt's the angel of mercyLeaving you behind...

Billy Idol - Catch My Fall
I have the time so I will sing yeahI'm just a boy but I will win yeahLost song of lovers fellow travel...

Billy Idol - Come On, Come On
Darlin' through these clothes that I bought you no less(Won't) get you what you need onThe trouble cro...

Billy Idol - Concrete Kingdom
I hear cries tonightI hear cries tonightAin't no loveAin't no lifeI hear cries tonight...

Billy Idol - Congo Man
Now, ma ma-e, ma ma-eMa ma-e, ma ma-e... ...

Billy Idol - Crank Call
If you're waiting for a callIt is double trouble the pressure of it allThis line is due for communicat...

Billy Idol - Dancing With Myself
On the floor of TokyoOr down in London town to go, goWith the record selectionWith the mirror re...

Billy Idol - Daytime Drama
Day by dayHour by hourWhat haunts my nighttimeSharts my daylightEven good friendsHav...

Billy Idol - Dead On Arrival
Dead on arrivalWell that's how they pronounced himBut I'm out for survivalI'm alive in this town...

Billy Idol - (do Not) Stand In The Shadow
Hearts which beat to a precise beatFading shadows on the wallWe'll cut our cardsDrive out bars...

Billy Idol - Don't Need A Gun
A human heart goes out tonightYes a red hot love on a red stop lightI see a scene so cold it ech...

Billy Idol - Don't You (forget About Me)
Hey, hey, hey ,hey Watching ooh... yeah Won't you come see about me? I'll be alone, dancin...

Billy Idol - Endless Sleep
The night was black rain fallin' downI looked my baby she's no where aroun'Chased her footsteps down t...

Billy Idol - Eyes Without A Face
I'm all out of hopeOne more bad dream could bring a fallWhen I'm far from homeDon't call me on t...

Billy Idol - Fatal Charm
There may be trouble ahead, baby, yeah.There may be teardrops to shed, ahuh.I'm comin' in from the col...

Billy Idol - Flesh For Fantasy
There's a change in paceOf fantasy and tasteDo you like good music?Do you like to dance? Oh yeah...

Billy Idol - Heroin
Well I wish, I was bornA thousand years agoAnd I wish that I sailedThe darkened seaOn a gr...

Billy Idol - Hole In The Wall
Hey babe, where did you goWhen the down down got too muchHey baby, where will you be foundWhen t...

Billy Idol - Hot In The City
Stranger, stranger, stranger, strangerIt's hot here at night, lonely, black and quietOn a hot su...

Billy Idol - Into The Night
And you say you wanna live foreverAnd you've got all the time to killAnd you're living in the dark for...

Billy Idol - It's So Cruel
Here I am again pretty babyHanging aroundTonight I've been in every bar in townHere I am again p...

Billy Idol - L.a. Woman
Well, I just got into town about an hour agoTook a look around, see which way the wind blowWhere the l...

Billy Idol - Licence To Thrill
Breath of lifeFor which a man must grieveBlood of loveInto my heartTonight we'll dream...

Billy Idol - Love Calling
Sun goes down I riseRed hair flames so brightIced gin breaks the nightSteal into her mindW...

Billy Idol - Love Labours On
Back thru time, I knowYou're calling meFor a saviour--I knowIt's my destinySo I'm gonna ri...

Billy Idol - Love Unchained
They say all lifeWill end one dayAnd friends yeahForget and die awayWell if fate is cruel...

Billy Idol - Man For All Season
Time on my side, are you ready to learn?Said baby, are you ready to burn?Oh, burning desire, I'm a sou...

Billy Idol - Mark Of Caine
It's Christmas timeAnd I'm lonelyHere y'know the livingAin't easyIf you forgetThe po...

Billy Idol - Mother Dawn
Hold me, hold meBreathe the light into meHold me, hold meMother dawnMother dawn...

Billy Idol - Neuromancer
Age of destructionAge of oblivionAge of destructionAge of oblivionDiscovered love,...

Billy Idol - Nobodys Business
What a fool to step into those shoesEither way you know they win or loseYou know money talksYour...

Billy Idol - One Night, One Chance
One night, one chance, she do most anything,One night, one chance, she do and dream sweet dreams for y...

Billy Idol - Power Junkie
I'm out of controlI think I'm goin' crazyI'm out of my mindYou can see it in my eyes...

Billy Idol - Prodigal Blues
Riding my lifeLike a run-a-way trainMoving fromOne track to thatHowling, crying,Scre...

Billy Idol - Pumping On Steel
Let there be light (Oh yeah)Divide heaven tonightOh open my sight (Oh yeah)Yes pump it on home t...

Billy Idol - Shakin' All Over (live)
Well I feel you right up close to meThat's when I get the shakes all over meWell it quivers in my back...

Billy Idol - Shangrila
I'm bathing in warm liquid colourFeel every cell in my body is musicFloating in hyperspacial sound...

Billy Idol - Shock To The System
Woah yeahIt was a night, L.A., burning brightOh what a nightSay yeah,come onIt makes my wo...

Billy Idol - Shooting Stars
Here I come againIt is the end of the nightAnd baby stuck out tonightOh but to her strange vibes...

Billy Idol - Soul Standing By
Oo, babe. Oh moon light, cool angel, be on us tonight.Oh baby, pretty baby, I'm wild for you alright....

Billy Idol - Speed
Running from the nightmareIn the middle of the roadHell's no place for sleepingIn a world beyond...

Billy Idol - Sweet Sixteen
I'll do anythingFor my sweet sixteen,And I'll do anythingFor little run away childGa...

Billy Idol - The Dead Next Door
Watch the skyFor a reason whyI'm safe hereSunday it was partMonday it was noneMonday...

Billy Idol - The Loveless
Well I know she's waiting for meYeahOutside of societyI know she's sailing for meOoo baby...

Billy Idol - Then The Night Comes
In this world of wild illusionMy room cold as the graveYes she knows I never pull my shade...

Billy Idol - The Right Way
Had enough of hard timesFoolin' my babeHad enough of hard timesAny old which wayHad enough...

Billy Idol - To Be A Lover
Have I told youLately that I love youIf I din't, darlin',You see, I'm so sorryDidn't I rea...

Billy Idol - Tomorrow People
A time warp sceneA cy-fi storyA dirt coloured loveHey hope for gloryI like to fight,...

Billy Idol - Trouble With The Sweet Stuff
(Wanna give it upGotta give it upCan't give it up)Oh mama oh ohThe money's run out...

Billy Idol - Untouchables
You and me have a passionEscaping the days that go byJust our desirePatronise a secret painted s...

Billy Idol - Venus
Aha ahaAha ahaYou know you, me, we are so lonelyYou look to me I'll be there my only...

Billy Idol - Wasteland
Out into the wastelandOut into the wastelandNo religionNo religion, no religion at all...

Billy Idol - White Wedding
Hey little sister what have you doneHey little sister who's the only oneHey little sister who's your s...

Billy Idol - Worlds Forgotten Boy
My road is long, it lingers on.You stare at me and I'm holding on.My eyes are dim, my breath is weak ...

Billy Talent - Cut The Curtains
Oh my girlYour so hot when you walk you melt snowAnd now that disco has finally grown oldLets bu...

Billy Talent - How It Goes
Everybody is tired and poor and sick of tryingIf you see me on the cornerWill you stop or will you spl...

Billy Talent - Lies
Forced conversationHidden agendaYou think we're stupid, how dare youThe rug has not been pulled...

Billy Talent - Line And Sinker
What you see is what you get (don't you know)Fishing for the answer with a line and sinkerLook at me a...

Billy Talent - Living In The Shadows
Constant quick fixes, don't make no senseHop on bandwagons, you make me sickDon't you tell me, w...

Billy Talent - Nothing To Lose
Need more friends with wingsAll the angels I knowPut concrete in my veinsId always walk home alo...

Billy Talent - Prisoners Of Today
I never bit off more than I can chew,But then she came and bit meI never bit off more than I can chew ...

Billy Talent - River Below
Rejected...since day oneMy name is...bastard sonI've been many times I've lost count!...

Billy Talent - Standing In The Rain
My head, it hurtsEach day it's getting worseMy looks and smile Have now become my curseTig...

Billy Talent - The Ex
Well, I looked at her face and then I knew she changed, My heart turned black and then the sky turned gray! ...

Billy Talent - Try Honesty
[Note: There are (at least) 2 versions of this song, one seems to be a demo version, the other the CD version. ...

Billy Talent - Voices Of Violence
Don't wait for, a knight in shining armorYour savior's, reflected in the mirrorThese flowers, have gro...

Binocular - As The End Of The World
from the night sky she comes i tell one lie and she runs i follow her down to the lake she takes me back to ...

Binocular - Deep
So this is what you meanAnd this is how you feelSo this is how you seeAnd this is how you breath...

Binocular - Don't Say Goodbye, Say Goodnight
i lie awake and feel your nearness i never wanted more than this i don't wanna run beneath your tears ...

Binocular - Everything Turns
when everything falls apart and you can't make out the end and you live life in the dark without pretense to...

Binocular - Fire Burns Bright
as we've heard before today, the land is ripe in times of change so why can't we look at things the way we u...

Binocular - Gone Away
i step outside and take the cold in like a pill then i wake up and dream it was a dream i dreamt that ...

Binocular - Let Me Fly So Long
oh yes it's over now we can go back home oh i'm caught up in a cloud yes i've waited for it the sky ha...

Binocular - Never
so just go go away 'cause I never wanna know so just run run away but the shadows take your place ...

Binocular - Paradise Club
as i walked across the land a thousand faces came before me and i followed it all the way from the night unt...

Binocular - Wait Until
pictures fade in and out as i dig into the recess of your mind so if you hold the other hand and i'll hold m...

Binocular - You
you you're everything I ever wanted to be when you're here with me I just wanna lose me in your love t...

Binocular - You Were The One
it's friday night and i can just talk for hours and hours 'till I wake up and wonder where the time went ...

Bishop - U Know U Ghetto
[lil kids (Bishop)]U know u ghetto (dont be ashamed )U ghettoU ghetto ( dont be ashamed )...

Bizzy Bone - Be Careful
[Bizzy]Little Layzie made the plan upAnd Wish said I wouldn't bustTil he was witness to m...

Bizzy Bone - Before I Go
[Verse 1]You have been sentenced to 567I ain't even do shit what the fuck WHAT!! this is bullsh...

Bizzy Bone - Better Run, Better Hide
[Intro] (Yeah!) Yeah, Bizzy the Kid, the midwest cowboy Galloping to a hood near you Imag...

Bizzy Bone - Demons Surround Me
Demons surround me all the time [Bizzy - repeat 2X]Demons surround me all the time ...

Bizzy Bone - Died 4 U
[Chorus] Wish I would a died for you baby I would a died for you LayzieI would a died for...

Bizzy Bone - Don't Be Dumb
[Chorus]Don't be dumbIgnorance was bliss, and this is something that I won't miss,and thi...

Bizzy Bone - Don't Doubt Me
[Intro - Talking]And now we will comence with a prayer WELCOME Hooked back up with tony C...

Bizzy Bone - Father
We all so scared cause its, its war everywhere, you knowWar everywhere[Chorus]How m...

Bizzy Bone - Fried Day
[lighter clicking in the background]Now this is what I'm talking about baby (inhaling)And...

Bizzy Bone - I Understand
Shit- heh, friends- heh A friends come and go I done learned that shit Either through death or money i...

Bizzy Bone - Jesus
[Intro:]I don't think they ready for this one, EricTell him (Shed your blood) *in backgro...

Bizzy Bone - Marchin' On Washington
[Gunfire & Explosions Sound][Bizzy Speaking]It's time to give up the ghost. (Yo, w...

Bizzy Bone - Menensky Mobbin'
[Bizzy]Menensky-muthafuckin'-Tribe mobbin' on muthafuckas See, it's like the Menensky Mob, see ...

Bizzy Bone - Mr. Majesty Ii
[Crowd cheering][Mr. Majesty]This is Mr. Majesty representin' on behalf of the 7th...

Bizzy Bone - Murderah
Murdarah, MurdarahMurdarah, MurdarahEnemies please I keep my chest out believe me 700 layw...

Bizzy Bone - My Niggaz
It's another studio rap production Let's do this baby Please believe it Another studio rap (seve...

Bizzy Bone - Never Grow
You better be careful where you go Be careful where you go Be careful where you go Be careful wh...

Bizzy Bone - Nobody Can Stop Me
[Bizzy]What are you goin' through? What are you goin' through?If you only knew, if only you kn...

Bizzy Bone - Not Afraid
Yeah Studio rap productions (this is how we ride) Uh (and this is how we ride, seventh sign) ...

Bizzy Bone - On The Freeway
[Bizzy & (Cat Cody)]She's ridin' on the highway, highway, highway (She's ridin' on the highway)...

Bizzy Bone - Roll Call
[Announcer]I present to you, our leader, Gambino with the Nina Ross...(Applause)...

Bizzy Bone - Schizophrenic
[Bizzy]Yeah, Daddy's the crackhead Mama's just lookin' for love Marijuana, weedman, littl...

Bizzy Bone - Sit Back Relax
[Verse 1] Hey it's the Martin and Malcolm And the Bobby and the Q-we ebony ivory Brother ...

Bizzy Bone - Social Studios
I don't spread no strong message of violence nobody silence mequiet gun shots start riots so do children fry...

Bizzy Bone - Still Thuggish Ruggish
[Verse 1]Niggas stay hashed out, hashed outMash on these niggas til we passed out, passed out...

Bizzy Bone - (the Roof Is) On Fire
For the Menensky tribe worldwide (will you please sing along with the old negro spiritual?)[C...

Bizzy Bone - Thug World
[Chorus] Yeah The world ain't yours yeah The wor-or-or-or-orld (the wor-or-or-or-old) ...

Bizzy Bone - Thugz Cry
For the ghetto media Don't let the light skin fool y'all I will fuck you up[Chorus: Biz...

Bizzy Bone - Time Passing Us By
[Chorus - repeat 2X]As time keep passin' us by in my communityWathcin' the children dieBi...

Bizzy Bone - Voices In The Head
We's gon' be free one day... Whoo! Aaron, don't let these voices take me away. (Help!) We's gon' be fr...

Bizzy Bone - Waitin' For Warfare
[Bizzy]There is no way in hell (marching factions...)That the blind can lead the blind (...regi...

Bizzy Bone - Whole Wide World
This is for..[Chorus]The whole wide world, The whole wide world, the whole wide wor...

Bizzy Bone - Yes Yes Y'all
[Bizzy Bone]Now Gary really wants to sue meStressin out tellin my groupies set it outI al...

Bjork - 107 Steps
31, 35, 38, 42...48, 51, 54, 58...64.... 68, 69.... 75...79, 83, 86, 89....

Bjork - 5 Years
You think you're denying me of somethingWell I've got plentyYou're the one who's missing outBut ...

Bjork - Aeroplane
i can not livepeacefully without youfor even a momentl miss you terriblywhen you're away...

Bjork - Alarm Call
I have walked this earth And watched people It doesn't scare me at all I can be sins...

Bjork - All Is Full Of Love
you'll be given loveyou'll be taken care ofyou'll be given loveyou have to trust itm...

Bjork - All Neon Like
Not 'til you halo all over meI'll come overNot 'til it shimmers 'round your skullI'll be yours...

Bjork - An Echo A Stain
She touchedMy armAnd smiledOne of these daysSoonVery soonLove you 'til t...

Bjork - Army Of Me
stand upyou've got to managei won't sympathizeanymoreand if you complain once more...

Bjork - A Sst Ekki Stari Mey
Thad lenti drtti, - It was quite a delay ad mdir mn mig tti, - When my mother had me thvi hn var svo ...

Bjork - Aurora
ThreadingThe glacier headLooking hard forMoments of shineFrom twilightTo twilight...

Bjork - Bachelorette
I'm a fountain of bloodIn the shape of a girlYou're the bird on the brimHypnotised by the Whirl...

Bjork - Bella Smamr
Hn Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella smamr,Er ekki alveg fdd gr.Hn Bella, Bella, Bella, Bella smamr,Hn...

Bjork - Big Time Sensuality
i can sense it something importantis about to happen it's coming upit takes courage ...

Bjork - Blavsur
Ertu ad koma?J elskam min gdaAlveg hreint mintunniH - ertu nyjum bil?Alveg ertu ge...

Bjork - Bresti Og Brak
Slmar eru nefndirnar, thungt er theirra hlass. Samt vid munum skjta theim, rebba fyrir rass. Thv vid g...

Bjork - Brnin Vi Tjrnina
Gaman er fyrir hin gdu brn,Ad ganga med pabba t ad tjrn.Sj thar ltinn bra-bra-bra,Og brnin skemm...

Bjork - Cocoon
Who would have knownThat a boy like himWould have entered me lightlyRestoring my blisses...

Bjork - Come To Me
come to mei'll take care of youprotect youcalm, calm downyou're exhaustedcome lie do...

Bjork - Cover Me
while i crawl into the unknowncover mei'm going hunting for mysteriescover mei'm goi...

Bjork - Crying
i travel all around the city go in and out oflocomotivesall alonethere's no-on...

Bjork - Cvalda
Clatter, crash, clack!Racket, bang, thump!Rattle, clang, crack, thud, whack, bam!It's musi...

Bjork - Dansi Me R
Srdu rmbudansinn duna n, Dnsum thv, g og th. Svifum ltt um glfid til og fr, Tfrabr, logathr....

Bjork - Desired Constellation
It's tricky whenYou feel someoneHas done something On your behalf It's slippery when...

Bjork - Enjoy
i wish: i want to stay herei wish: this be enoughi wish: i only love youi wish: simplicity...

Bjork - Gling-gl
Gling gl, klukkan sl, - Tic toc, the clock chimed mninn ofar skyum hl, - Moon smiled above the clouds ...

Bjork - G Veit Ei Hvad Skal Segja
g veit ei hvad skal segjaEg hugsa dag og nttThad veldur stundum vandaAd vera eftirstt!...

Bjork - Harm Of Will
If there is a troubador washingIt is heIf there is a man about townIt is heIf there is one...

Bjork - Headphones
genius to fall asleep to your tape last nightsounds go through the musclesthese abstract wordless move...

Bjork - Heirloom
I have a recurrent dreamEverytime I loose my voiceI swallow little glowing lightsMy mother and s...

Bjork - Hidden Place
Through the warmthestCord of careYour love was sent to meI'm not sureWhat to do with...

Bjork - Human Behaviour
If you ever get close to a humanand human behaviourbe ready to get confusedthere's definit...

Bjork - Hunter
if travel is searchingand home has been foundi'm not stoppingi'm going hunting...

Bjork - Hyper Ballad
we live on a mountainright at the topthere's a beautiful viewfrom the top of the mountaine...

Bjork - I Can't Help Loving That Man
Fish got to swim, birds got to fly I got to love one man 'til I die Can't help loving that man of mine...

Bjork - I Miss You
i miss youbut i haven't met you yetso specialbut it hasn't happened yetyou are gorgeous...

Bjork - Immature
How could I be so immature ?To think he could replace,The missing elements in me,How extremely l...

Bjork - In The Musicals
Why do I love it so much?What kind of magic is this?How come I can't help adore it?It's just ano...

Bjork - Isobel
in a forrest pitch-darkglowed the tiniest sparkit burst into flamelike melike me...

Bjork - It's Not Up To You
I wake upAnd the day feelsBrokenI tilt my headI'm trying to get an angle'Cause the e...

Bjork - It's Oh So Quiet
it's. oh. so quietit'a oh. so stillyou're all aloneand so peaceful fall ...

Bjork - I've Seen It All
I've seen it all, I have seen the trees,I've seen the willow leaves dancing in the breezeI've seen a m...

Bjork - Joga
all the accidents that happenfollow the dotcoinsidense makes senseonly with youyou don't h...

Bjork - Kata Rokkar
Sj... Kata, Kt med ljsa lokka, Lfsgld, hefur yndisthokka, Kata, kann svo vel ad rokka rokk. ...

Bjork - Litli Tnlistarmaurinn
Mamma - ertu vakandi mamma mn?Mamma - g vil koma til thn mamma - gaman vri ad vera strTha vildi ...

Bjork - Luktar Gvendur
Hann veitti birtu bdar hendur,um baeinn srhvert kvldhann luktar Gvendur liinni ld grum h...

Bjork - Mouths Cradle
There is yet another one That follows me Where ever I go And supports me This tooth is war...

Bjork - New World
Train-whistles, a sweet clementineBlueberries, dancers in lineCobwebs, a bakery signOoooh ...

Bjork - Oceania
One breath away from mother Oceana Your nimble feet make prints in my sands You have done good for y...

Bjork - One Day
one day it will happen one day, one dayit will all come trueone daywhen you're...

Bjork - Pabbi Minn
, pabbi minnHve undursamleg st in var , pabbi minn avalt tkst mitt svarAldrei va...

Bjork - Pagan Poetry
Pedalling throughThe dark currentsI findAn accurate copyA blueprintOf the pleasure...

Bjork - Play Dead
darling stop confusing mewith your wishful thinkinghopeful enbracesdon't you understand?i ...

Bjork - Pleasure Is All Mine
The pleasure is all mine To get to be the generous one Is the strongest stance The pleasure is a...

Bjork - Pluto
Excuse meBut I just have toExplodeExplode this bodyOff meI'll be brand new...

Bjork - Possibly Maybe
your flirt finds me outteases the crack in mesmittens me with hopepossibly maybe probably ...

Bjork - Ruby Baby
I've got a girl and Ruby is her name She don't love me but I love her just the same Ruby, Ruby, how I ...

Bjork - Scatterheart
Black night is fallingThe sun is gone to bedThe innocent are dreamingAs you should, sleepy-head...

Bjork - Show Me Forgiveness
Show me forgivenessFor having lost faith in myselfAnd let my own interior upTo inferior forces...

Bjork - Sonnets / Unrealities Xi
It may not always be soAnd I say that if your lipsWhich I have lovedShould touch another's...

Bjork - Submarine
When will it be time do document, do it now! This submarine behaviour, do it now! When time? To ...

Bjork - Sun In My Mouth
I will wade outTill my thighs are steepedIn burning flowersI will take the sun in my mouth...

Bjork - The Anchor Song
i live by the oceanand during the night i dive into itdown to the bottom underneath all cu...

Bjork - The Modern Things
all the modern thingslike cars and suchhave always existedthey've just been waiting in a m...

Bjork - There's More To Life Than This
come on girl let's sneak out of this partyit's getting boringthere's more to life than this...

Bjork - Tondeleyo
sudrnum slskinsdegiEg s thig, o stin mn, fyrstTh settist hj mr sandinnTh var sungid og fadmad ...

Bjork - Triumph Of A Heart
The nerves are sending shimmering signalsAll through my fingersThe veins supportBlood that gushe...

Bjork - Undo
It's not meant to be a strifeIt's not meant to be a struggle uphillOh IIt's not meant to b...

Bjork - Unison
One hand allows the otherSo much and meBorn stubborn meWill always beBefore you coun...

Bjork - Unravel
while you are awaymy heart comes undoneslowly unravelsin a ball of yarnthe devil collects ...

Bjork - Venus As A Boy
his wicked sense of humoursuggests exciting sexhis fingers focus on hertouches, he's venus as a ...

Bjork - Violently Happy
since i met youthis small town hasn't got roomfor my big feelingsviolently happy 'ca...

Bjork - Vkur
Brinn minn, berinn minn og innSefur sll kyrrFellur mjll hljtt hmi jrGrasi mitt, grasi mitt og...

Bjork - Where Is The Line?
Where is the line with you? Where is the line with you? Where is the line with you? Where is the...

Bjork - Who Is It
His embrace, a fortressIt fuels meAnd placesA skeleton of trustRight beneath usBone ...

Bjork - You've Been Flirting Again
all that she said was trueall that she said was truegive her some timegive her some spacea...

Blackalicious - 40 Oz. For Breakfast
[Gift of Gab]A forty ounce for breakfast gets a brother through the dayI guess I shoulda had a ...

Blackalicious - A2g
--We're going to learn to hear words with vowel "A" sound....Listen with care[Gift of Gab]...

Blackalicious - Alphabet Aerobics
(Now it's time for our wrap upLet's give it everything we've gotReady? Begin)Artificial am...

Blackalicious - As The World Turns
"Now, I thought I would talk about todayFor your consideration, as the world turnsAs the world turns, ...

Blackalicious - Aural Pleasure
In amidst, of the deep blue abyss, without your love found chanceEnergy surround, enhance spirit now Aural P...

Blackalicious - Blazing Arrow
Amazin phase your days your hazy ways my Blazing ArrowThe rays that range from Asia way to Rio De Janeiro...

Blackalicious - Cheezit Terrorist
Fee fi fo fum, I smell the blood of a rapper that's wackAs a matter of fact, I smack a back of the style, ja...

Blackalicious - Chemical Calisthentics
[Gift of Gab]I can do anythingNeutron, proton, mass effect, lyrical oxidation, yo irrelev...

Blackalicious - Cliff Hanger
"Whole house freeze!"It was a Thursday I stepped to the club, there she wasDraped in a burgundy ...

Blackalicious - Clockwork
We getting' ready, to start the setIt's clockwork, got workPut it in like doctors with awkwardne...

Blackalicious - Deception
[Gift of Gab]Don't let money change ya!Laaaaah, di-dah, da-da-dee-dahLah-di-dah, da...

Blackalicious - Do This My Way
I be the first ever Asian astronautBlastin' off, castin' offThe ties that bind like a smashed guitar...

Blackalicious - Fabulous Ones
Super fabulous the patterns have been uplifted Smoke a chalice with the maddest and the most spliffted...

Blackalicious - Green Light: Now Begin
[Chorus:]Green light, now beginGreen light oh-wayEe-yah-oh-way [x3]Green lig...

Blackalicious - Lyric Fathom
[Gift Of Gab:]Rappers step to me like I'm a doormatCheck the format, I pour rapsNot your ...

Blackalicious - Make You Feel That Way
[Chorus x15]Make you feel that way[Verse One]Up an early for the hope of a b...

Blackalicious - Making Progress
[Chorus: Gift of Gab]We keep embellishin upon a new uncharted pathExpressin what we see a...

Blackalicious - Nowhere Fast
[Sample (Scratched by Chief Xcel):]Now you, who ever you are, as you're listening to what...

Blackalicious - Reanimation
[Chorus]It's the Gift, uh-huhHere to give your mortal mind a lift, uh-huhMack rap verball...

Blackalicious - Rhymes For The Deaf, Dumb And Blind
[Gift of Gab]I got rhymes for the deaf dumb and blindAnd a 20/20 eyesight; big mouth yappin...

Blackalicious - Rock The Spot
[Chorus]Homeboys take time and elevate your mindWe came to rock the spot, rock the spotHo...

Blackalicious - Shallow Days
I just keep moving on... (moving on...)I just keep moving on... (moving on...)Time and time, a b...

Blackalicious - Sky Is Falling
Rain and thunder and lightningCrumbling buildingsFalling hurricanesEarth shattering membranes...

Blackalicious - Sleep
(Sleep)[chorus]The hazy days go to nights returning on and onThe eye in the sky tha...

Blackalicious - Smithzonian Institute Of Rhyme
[Gab:]yeah yeah [2x] [Lateef:]BlackaliciousLateef the truth sp...

Blackalicious - Swan Lake
[Verse One: Gift of Gab]Sittin on top of the bay, watchin the tideIt's time to break the ...

Blackalicious - Trouble (eve Of Destruction)
{mc's are in..} [x2] Ripping you to shitzoGet you on your tiptoesI'm a drama dropp...

Black Eyed Peas - Anxiety
I feel like I wanna smack somebodyTurn around and bitch slap somebodyBut I ain't goin' out bro (no, no...

Black Eyed Peas - Audio Delite At Low Fidelity
Ever since I was a little young-aI always had a ryhme that I flung-aAny situation that you brung up...

Black Eyed Peas - Ba Bump
[] Yea (woo) Uh (woo) the shit (woo) ya...Hey This is the beat...

Black Eyed Peas - Bep Empire
Three, four..Chk UHH.. chk UHH..I'm the W-I, double-L-I-AmLinkin up with the Primo, ...

Black Eyed Peas - Bridging The Gaps
[Will]YeaKimmy Kim Kimmy Kim Kimmy Kim Kimmy KimWhy don't ya take it to the place where w...

Black Eyed Peas - Bringing It Back
[Verse One]I know I'm not the only one that's filling the voidCreatively hip-hop is being destr...

Black Eyed Peas - Cali To Ny
[Verse One]As soon as A La stepped off (the floor)People started hollerin (for more)Beggi...

Black Eyed Peas - Don't Phunk With My Heart
No, no, no, no, dont phunk with my heart (Yeah) No, no, no, no, dont phunk with my heart I...

Black Eyed Peas - Feel It
[Chorus]Can you feel it in your body-ah (can you feel it)Can you feel it in your body-ah (can y...

Black Eyed Peas - Fly Away
When the world changes, you adjustSo, on this joint right here we about to take flight ya'll(Oo ooo)Ch...

Black Eyed Peas - Get Original
What?[Verse One]A lot of brothers, claimin they hard (HUH?)I grab the microphone an...

Black Eyed Peas - Hands Up
Hands upComing with rhythms to make your head jerkHands upWe makin' the whole joint short circui...

Black Eyed Peas - Hey Mama
(La la la la la)Hey mama, this that shit that make you groove, mamaGet on the floor and move your boot...

Black Eyed Peas - Hot
[Apl De Ap]It's so amazing when a show is captivatin'Gettin' everybody jumpin' and celebratin'...

Black Eyed Peas - Labor Day (it's A Holiday)
When I stepped in the room I bring the heat like the month of juneCrank the volume make the bass go boom ...

Black Eyed Peas - Latin Girls
Mira mira mira mira mira....Mira mira mira mira mira....Mira mira mira mira mira....Mira mira yo...

Black Eyed Peas - Let's Get It Started
Let's Get It Started, in here...And the base keep runnin' runnin', and runnin' runnin', and runnin' ru...

Black Eyed Peas - Let's Get Retarded
Let's Get Retarded, in here...And the base keep runnin' runnin', and runnin', and runnin', and runnin'...

Black Eyed Peas - Lil' Lil'
[Chorus in Tagalog]Lapit mga kaibigan at makinig kayoAko'y may dala-dalang, balita galing...

Black Eyed Peas - Pump It
Ha ha ha Pump it Ha ha haAnd pump it (louder) [4x]Turn up the radio Bla...

Black Eyed Peas - Rap Song
[Wyclef]Wyclef on guitar.. with the Black Eyed PeasHere go the rap song, they wanna sing it to ...

Black Eyed Peas - Release
[Will]Just had a show tonightVoice all scraggly and allYo Tab and Ap let's go interact...

Black Eyed Peas - Shut Up
Shut upJust shut upShut up [3x]Shut it up, just shut upShut upJust shut up...

Black Eyed Peas - Smells Like Funk
Yeah, that's Funky (Funky)Yeah, that's Funky (Funky)Yeah, that's Funky (Funky)If it smells...

Black Eyed Peas - Tell Your Momma Come
Everybody gather 'round, this is a testDancin', dancin', dancin', dancin'Dancin', dancin', dancin', da...

Black Eyed Peas - The Apl Song
[Chorus in Tagalog]Lapit mga kaibigan at makinig kayoAko'y may dala-dalang, balita galing sa ba...

Black Eyed Peas - They Don't Want Music
They don't want music, they don't know how to use it All they want is (a boom, boom, boom, boom) ...

Black Eyed Peas - Weekends
I called Chad on Wednesday nightSo we could make plans for Thursday nightHe said "we could go hit the ...

Black Sabbath - After Forever
Have you ever thought about your soul - can it be saved?Or perhaps you think that when you're dead you just ...

Black Sabbath - Air Dance
She sits in silence, in her midnight worldHer faded pictures, of her dancing girlsHer, distant dreamer...

Black Sabbath - All Moving Parts (stand Still)
Super animation, turning on a nationAnd they're saying all moving parts stand stillSince he was electe...

Black Sabbath - Am I Going Insane (radio)
Everybody's looking at me, feeling paranoid insideWhen I step outside I feel free, think I'll find a place t...

Black Sabbath - A National Acrobat
I am the world that hidesThe universal secret of all timeDestruction of the empty spacesIs my on...

Black Sabbath - Back Street Kids
I'm just another back street kidRock 'n Roll music is the only thing I really digCan't stop the music ...

Black Sabbath - Behind The Wall Of Sleep/wasp
Precious cups within the flowerdeadly petals with strange powerfaces shine a deadly smileback up...

Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath
What is this that stands before me?Figure in black which points at meTurn around quick, and start to r...

Black Sabbath - Blow On A Jug
Blow on a JugEverybody come on - blow on a jugBe like me and blow on a jugI want you to blow on ...

Black Sabbath - Changes
I feel unhappyI feel so sadI lost the best friendThat I ever hadShe was my woman...

Black Sabbath - Children Of The Grave
Revolution in their minds - the children start to marchAgainst the world in which they have to liveand...

Black Sabbath - Cornucopia
Too much in the truth they sayKeep it 'till another dayLet them have their little gameIllusion h...

Black Sabbath - Dirty Women
The neon lights are shining on me againI walk the lonely streets in search of a friendI need a lady to...

Black Sabbath - Electric Funeral
Reflex in the sky warn you you're gonna dieStorm coming, you'd better hide from the atomic tideFlashes...

Black Sabbath - Evil Woman
I've seen a look of evil in your eyesYou've been filling me all full of liesSorrow will not change you...

Black Sabbath - Fairies Wear Boots/jack The Stripper
Goin' home, late last nightsuddenly I got a frightYeah I looked throught the window and surprised what...

Black Sabbath - Gypsy
Watching the universe at the end of another dayFatalistic ships froma distant shoreIn the back of my m...

Black Sabbath - Hand Of Doom
What you gonna do? Time's caught up with youNow you wait your turn, you know there's no returnTake you...

Black Sabbath - Hard Road
Old men crying, young men dyingWorld still turns as Father Time looks on On and onChildren playi...

Black Sabbath - Hole In The Sky
I'm looking through a hole in the skyI'm seeing nowhere through the eyes of a lieI'm getting closer to...

Black Sabbath - Into The Void
Rocket engines burning fuel so fastUp into the night sky they blastThrough the universe the engines wh...

Black Sabbath - Iron Man
Has he lost his mind?Can he see or is he blind?Can he walk at all,Or if he moves will he fall?...

Black Sabbath - It's Alright
Told you once about your friends and neighboursThey were always seeking but they'll never find itIt's ...

Black Sabbath - Johnny Blade
Tortured and twisted, he walks the streets alonePeople avoid him, they know the street's his ownCold b...

Black Sabbath - Junior's Eyes
Junior's eyes looked up to the skies in tearsHe prayed that his maker, the giver and taker, would `pear...

Black Sabbath - Killing Yourself To Live
Well people look and people stareWell I don't think that I even careYou work your life away and what d...

Black Sabbath - Looking For Today
It's complete but obsoleteAll tomorrow's become yesterdayIn demand but second handIt's been hear...

Black Sabbath - Lord Of This World
You're searching for your mind don't know where to startcan't find the key to fit the lock on your heart...

Black Sabbath - Luke's Wall/war Pigs
Generals gathered in their massesjust like witches at black massesevil minds that plot destruction...

Black Sabbath - Meglomania
I hide myself inside the shadows of shameThe silent symphonies were playing their gameMy body echoed t...

Black Sabbath - Never Say Die
People going nowhere, taken for a rideLooking for the answers that they know insideSearching for a rea...

Black Sabbath - N.i.b./basically
Some people say my love cannot be trueplease believe me, my love, and I'll show youI will give you tho...

Black Sabbath - Over To You
Born in the windowCold blooded spoofRaised in the prisonYou called the schoolTaught young ...

Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my mindpeople think I'm insane because I am frowning...

Black Sabbath - Planet Caravan
We sail through endless skiesstars shine like eyesthe black night sighsThe moon in silver trees...

Black Sabbath - Rock 'n' Roll Doctor
Well I'm sick and tired of hearing 'bout the world and it's hang upsGonna get myself together, take a ride d...

Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath
You've seen life through distorted eyesYou know you had to learnThe execution of your mindYou re...

Black Sabbath - Sabbra Cadabra
Feel so good I feel so fineLove that little lady always on my mindGives me lovin' every night and day...

Black Sabbath - She's Gone
I've been gone a long long time - waiting for youI din't want to see you go, oh, no, noAnd now it's hu...

Black Sabbath - Shock Wave
There's no reason for you to runYou can't escape the fate of the chosen oneBlack moon rising, in a blo...

Black Sabbath - Sleeping Village/a Bit Of Finger
Red sun rising in the skySleeping village, cockerels crySoft breeze blowing in the treespeace of...

Black Sabbath - Snowblind
What you get and what you seeThings that don't come easilyFeeling happy in my veinIcicles within...

Black Sabbath - Solitude
My name it means nothingmy fortune is lessMy future is shrouded in dark wildernessSunshine is fa...

Black Sabbath - Spiral Architect
Sorcerers of madnessSelling me their timeChild of god sitting in the sunGiving peace of mind...

Black Sabbath - St. Vitus' Dance
So you think you know what's going on inside her headYou think she wants your money but it's you she wants i...

Black Sabbath - Supernaut
I want to reach out and touch the skyI want to touch the sunBut I don't need to flyI'm gonna cli...

Black Sabbath - Sweet Leaf
ALRIGHT NOW!Won't you listen?When I first met you, didn't realizeI can't forget you, for y...

Black Sabbath - Swinging The Chain
It's against my uniformTo be a civil judgeAll the songs are history now`Bout rock stars and thei...

Black Sabbath - Symptom Of The Universe
Take me through the centuries to supersonic yearsElectrifying enemy is drowning in his tearsAll I have...

Black Sabbath - The Thrill Of It All
Inclination of direction, walk the turned and twisted riftWith the children of creation futuristic dreams we...

Black Sabbath - The Wizard
Misty morning, clouds in the skyWithout warning, the wizard walks byCasting his shadow, weaving his sp...

Black Sabbath - The Writ
The way I feel is the way I amI wish I'd walked before I started to run to youJust to youW...

Black Sabbath - Tomorrow's Dream
Well I'm leaving tomorrow at daybreakCatch the fastest train around nineYes I'm leaving the sorrow and...

Black Sabbath - Under The Sun / Every Day Comes & Goes
Well I don't want no Jesus freak to tell me what it's all aboutNo black magician telling me to get my soul o...

Black Sabbath - Wheels Of Confusion / The Straightener
Long ago I wandered through my mindIn the land of fairy tales and storiesLost in happiness I had no fe...

Black Sabbath - Who Are You?
Yes I know the secretThat's within your mindYou think all the peopleWho worship you are blind...

Black Sabbath - Wicked World
The world today is such a wicked thingFighting going on between the human racePeople give good wishes ...

Black Sabbath - You Won't Change Me
I'm just a man and I am what I amNobody will ever change my waysI don't need money and I don't need no...

Blackstreet - Before I Let You Go
Before I let you go, before I let you goCan I get a kiss, goodnight, baby [2x]Baby...

Blackstreet - Black & Street Intro
[Spoken]Yo BlackWhat's up Street?Soup's readySure it's ready?I know it's read...

Blackstreet - Black & White
Yeah, I have dreams of you and IAnd those dreams that I dreamIt's in black and white[1]...

Blackstreet - Buy Me Love, (money Can't)
[1] - Buy me loveMoney can't buy me loveBuy me loveMoney can't buy me loveBuy me lo...

Blackstreet - Confused
Kick it, uh, uh, uh, uh I wanna be all alone I guess I got to be alone But why I got to be alone...

Blackstreet - Deep
Yeah{Ooh...}Tell me how you like it{I like it deep}You want me to go a little deeper...

Blackstreet - Drama
Yo, I know it's youI had to run out for a minute to take care a few thingsI ain't gon' be longBu...

Blackstreet - Finally
[Hezekiah]You know you and I've been through many hardships in lifeThey say people who believe,...

Blackstreet - Fix
More and more on and onYeah, can we get everybody to clap your handsA little something like this...

Blackstreet - Good Lovin'
Good lovin'Unh..... yeahBlackstreet coming back inchesWe're getting 9-6Kicking it live...

Blackstreet - Happy Song (tonite)
[1] - TonightGotta take these records off the shelfPlay something special for yourselfIt'...

Blackstreet - Hustler's Prayer
[1] - My soul is so dirtyI've been hustlin' everydayNow I know that I should prayBut I wo...

Blackstreet - I Can't Get You (out Of My Mind)
It's alright baby[1] - I can't, get you out of my mindYour love is, one of a kindYo...

Blackstreet - I Got What You On
Yo, yoHo, hoNo, noYouYo, yoYo, be, beMe, meSee, seeCan't let go cu...

Blackstreet - I'll Give It To You
[1] - Whenever you want itI'll give it to youWhenever you need itYou don't have to ask...

Blackstreet - I'm Sorry
I'm sorry, I would do anything for youWill you forgive me?Just don't cry, don't cry, listenOh ye...

Blackstreet - I Wanna Be Your Man
Baby, Baby, BabyI wanna know you, Place no one above youI wanna love youBaby, Baby, Baby...

Blackstreet - Let's Stay In Love
Listen, I know we have our ups and downsOur fights, our good times, and our bad timesBut through it al...

Blackstreet - Love's In Need
Good morn or evening,friendsHere's your friendly announcerI have serious news to pass on to every-body...

Blackstreet - Motherlude
[Mark]Hey, whassup?This is MarkI'm not in right nowSo leave a messageAnd I'll...

Blackstreet - My Paradise (interlude)
You take me up so highHigher up and high, I reach the skyFeel so good you're in my lifeMy paradi...

Blackstreet - Never Gonna Let You Go
[1] - Never gonna let you go awayYou belong to meAnd I'm never gonna let you goNever gonn...

Blackstreet - Taja's Lude (interlude)
Baby, baby, babyI wanna know you Place no one above youI wanna love youBaby, baby, baby...

Blackstreet - The Lord Is Real (time Will Reveal)
We givin' honor to GodWho's a head of our houseThanking Him for His many blessingsAnd all He's d...

Blackstreet - Think About You
Yo' (Yo')Yo', girl (Yo', girl)I take a shower (I take a shower)I think about you (I think about ...

Blackstreet - This Is How We Roll
When we rock the partyLadies and Gentlemen, we got BLACKstreet in the house tonight.. And they g...

Blackstreet - We Gonna Take U Back (lude) / Don't Leave Me
What we're gonna do right here is go backWay backBack into timeNo baby, no baby, no baby...

Blackstreet - Yo Love
Get higher, baby, uh, yo Get higher, baby, catch the beat Get higher, baby, ugh, yo Get higher, ...

Blaine Larsen - Best Man
My mama got married to someone I barely knewThey had me and then they had my sister tooI was too young...

Blaine Larsen - In My High School
In my High School, we separate the rich from the rest.Those who wear rags from those who only wear the best....

Blaine Larsen - I've Been In Mexico
Well, I didn't even bother to set the alarmIf I'm a few hours late, whats the harmI've been in Mexico,...

Blaine Larsen - Off To Join The World (the Circus Song)
Now, friends listen well, let me tell you a storyI remember just like yesterdayOf a footloose young la...

Blaine Larsen - Teaching Me How To Love You
Her name was Sarah Jean, it was a night like thisIn front of the Dairy Queen, she gave me my first kiss...

Blaine Larsen - That's All I've Got To Say About That
I don't have too much to sayAbout most things anywayThe weather's cold or it's hotIt's either we...

Blaine Larsen - That's Just Me
I don't like getting up too earlyI like staying up watchin' late night TVSometimes I get my kicks from...

Blaine Larsen - Yesireebob
Sittin' on the sofa just watchin' TVFlippin' through the channels and what do I seeA swimsuit model on...

Blaque - 808
[Blaque (Natina)]Oooh (yea yea yea yea)Oooh (yea yea yea yea)Oooh (yea yea yea yea)...

Blaque - Blaque Intro
System loadingReadyWelcome and thank you for choosing The Bionic Linium Acoustic Quadrosonic ...

Blaque - Don't Go Looking For Love
Ooh, yeah yeah yeah yeahOh ho ho[Shamari]It's oh so typicalYou don't know whe...

Blaque - I Do
Can't nobody tell me what I can'Cause I be lovin my man ridiculouslyWhether I should or shantCan...

Blaque - I'm Good
Yeah Uh huh New Blaque Darckchild, Darkchizzle The jump off Is it true that im...

Blaque - Leny
Drip, drip, drip, drop, drop, drop, drop, drip, dripDrip, drip, drip, drop, drop, drop, drop, drip, drip...

Blaque - Mind Of A King
[Natina]I was sitting on my throneRapping on how no one else knowsWe're not really into e...

Blaque - Questions
[1]I wanna know why this feels so rightI wanna know why u hold me tight Each and every ni...

Blaque - Rainbow Drive
[Brandi]People all over the worldLet's come togetherWe need some unity and peace among on...

Blaque - Release Me
[Brandi]I'm drowning in the shallow watersAnd I'm trying so hard to reach the topSomethin...

Blaque - Right Next To Me
[Intro:]What's up baby? It's me andMy plane leave for Kenya in the morningI wanted to see...

Blaque - Roll With Me
[Shamari]Mmm, yeah baby, ooohh, ohhhI've got to know what's going on babyWhy things...

Blaque - Stay By Your Side
Stay by your side no matter what they sayI will be alright as long as you don't turnUour eyes from me,...

Blaque - Time After Time
Lying in bed I hear the clock tick and I think of youCaught up in circles confusion is nothing newFlas...

Blaque - When The Last Teardrop Falls
It's so hard to lose the one you loveTo finally have to say goodbyeYou try to be strong but the pain k...

Blazin' Squad - All About The Music
[Flava][Chorus]Nobody wants blood to bespilt, its all about the musiclove wr...

Blazin' Squad - All We Wanna Do Is Rap
Don't Watch ThatAll We Wanna Do Is Rap-Thats What We Live ForAll We Wanna Do Is Rap-Thats Why We're He...

Blazin' Squad - Baby It's The Weekend
Yo, Yo, Lets GoNow Its Friday I've Been Waiting I've Spent All Week Working Nine 2 FiveI Call My Ladie...

Blazin' Squad - Biggest Fan
[Krazy]From the moment that i saw you that nightOnly thing that kept me going was your vibe...

Blazin' Squad - Bounce
[Chorus]We can make u bounceWe create da soundThis years guna be oursIts nothing pe...

Blazin' Squad - Crossroads
bone bone bone bone bone bone bone bone so tell me what youre gonna do when there aint nowhere 2 run ...

Blazin' Squad - Dirty
[Talking][KRAZY]We're Blazin' and dirty's the word , i'm the man with the verses a...

Blazin' Squad - Easy Come Easy Go
alight rocky u up for this blud,yeah freek everyones in position,the bags r in place,...

Blazin' Squad - Flip Reverse
[All]Hey (yeah) i wanna see you work it baby,I want you to be my lady,I love the way you ...

Blazin' Squad - Girls
Baby You Drive Me CrazyI Like Your Sexy StyleYou Always Seem To Amaze Me Come With Me I'll Make ...

Blazin' Squad - Here 4 One
YeahU dont know blazin' squadWere the weighty plates clickSnowflakes, yeah were about to blow th...

Blazin' Squad - How Blazin' Rolls
[Chorus:] everything we do is magic, everything we touch is classic, girl we always knew we had it an...

Blazin' Squad - I Belong To You
[Krazy]Everytime i see your face itmakes me wanna sing, andeverytime i think about your...

Blazin' Squad - In Your Eyes
In your eyesI can see your smiling in your eyesI know that you love me in your eyesI can see you...

Blazin' Squad - I Understand
[Krazy]I think about you every dayevery night, I know you seeI know you think I know you...

Blazin' Squad - Keep On
Blazin Squad-This Ones 4 All The Ppl's AmbitionsKeep FocusedKeep Ur Mind StraightYour Time Will ...

Blazin' Squad - Life's A Struggle
Baby Mama Don't CryEverything Will Be FineIt Might Take A Little TimeSo Till Then Keep Your Head...

Blazin' Squad - Love On The Line
[CHORUS]Call me baby, we can get hotCome and get my love girl on the wire1, 2 wacha gonna...

Blazin' Squad - Made For Me
[REEPA]this is just one of those stories about when u just see that girl that u wantso u ...

Blazin' Squad - No Angels
UK, It's Now Or Never, It's A New Day,When The Pressures OnWe're Never FallThat's The Way It Is...

Blazin' Squad - Offering
[Chorus]This is not just a physical thing Love is what im offerin Diamond rings and sente...

Blazin' Squad - Play The Game
Play the game, We're like the blazin flame, you know we're gonna break it up, rip it up, you know we'regonn...

Blazin' Squad - Price To Pay
Why you playin games with meI think its funny how you think im gonna be with you againYou got a price ...

Blazin' Squad - Reminisce
[Chorus]Reminiscing about the time,back in the day when you were mine, wish that i could ...

Blazin' Squad - Revolution
You Try To Put Wool Over My Eyes No It Was Cumnin Why Coz You Made It BaitAnd I See Mistakes Do You Dare Tem...

Blazin' Squad - Ride
Baby We Can Ride Got My Car Parked Right OutsideI'll Even Let You DriveThat's Cool With Me...

Blazin' Squad - Riders
[Flava]I have a vision, tell me what's wrong with dat, x-ray so I can see what's guarn wid dat,...

Blazin' Squad - Shorty
[Strider]It's the way that you move The way you grind The way you grooveThe way you...

Blazin' Squad - Standard Flow
[Rocky B]In the beginning there were two decks and a microphone, in the end the Blazin Squad stood...

Blazin' Squad - Still Thinking About You
Yo Baby Girl Are You Missin MeCos Im Still Missin UI'm Just Callin To Say That I'm Really,...

Blazin' Squad - Stop
Baby Just Stop What Your DoingBaby Just Stop Or I'm Going AwayBaby Just StopI've Got You Crazy F...

Blazin' Squad - Supastar
[Kenzie]Supastar, supastar, supastar,supastar, lets blaze it.You're my Supastar, Im you'r...

Blazin' Squad - The Love Song
[Rocky B]Of all the clubs in all thetowns you had to walk inmine, of all of the girls in ...

Blazin' Squad - Uproar
[CHORUS]Everywhere we go uproar Wen u see us in the club on tour uproar We get we spit we...

Blazin' Squad - We Just Be Dreamin'
[Chorus:]Close my eyes an' I'm there again we got girls, girls, weed, smoke in the air again We...

Blazin' Squad - Where The Story Ends
[Flava]I just want you to listen,troubled minds of the troubled times, keep yourself together, ...

Blessid Union Of Souls - All Along
Seems like yesterday but years have passed us byPrecious memories are clear before my eyesI can hear y...

Blessid Union Of Souls - As Long As We're Together
Here we are we're on this ride to nowhere On this road to somewhere we have never been before We'll be...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Brother My Brother
Brother my brotherTell me what are fighting forWe've got to end this warWe should love one anoth...

Blessid Union Of Souls - End Of The World
You spend half the time dreaming and the other half's a lieYou don't know where you're going and you don't k...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Forever For Tonight
Could I be with you aloneI'm not sure where this will goCause we don't have the time we needJust...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Heaven
Well it's all right to feel like time is running downAnd make amends with those who once have let you down...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Hold Her Closer
When you see loveAnd you don't know what it isYou might find yourself in fearTo show your heart...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Home
If you can look into his tired and weary eyesThe can tell a million stories of all he holds insideWait...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Humble Star
Back lounge tree houndGlazed sun hell boundCall up all your closest friendsSo we can do it all a...

Blessid Union Of Souls - I Believe (punky Irie Remix)
Walk blindly to the light and reach out for his handDon't ask any questions and don't try to understand...

Blessid Union Of Souls - If She Couldn't Sleep
As I lie awake in the other room I could probably stay awake til noon time So frustrating knowing what...

Blessid Union Of Souls - It's Your Day
It's your dayColored pictures from a kid's eyeAcross the wayAnd the animals all curious today...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Jelly
I saw our future in her eyesWe searched for love amidst the liesI didn't mean to draw her inTo a...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Lucky To Be Here
All my life has been a show that never endsMade a lot of music and I've made a lot of friendsI've got ...

Blessid Union Of Souls - My Friend
Put your head on my shoulderNo need to worry 'bout a thingI'll be the cure for your lonlinessI'l...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Nora
I went to see my grandma todayI learned the difference betweenLiving and aliveWall to wall roach...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Oh Virginia
Here's my chance to say thank you to a place whereAll my memories are fond and an essence of my heartW...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Peace And Love
May every star you wish uponAnd every hope you're hangin' on come trueOut of everybody in the world...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Real Good Friends
You came all this way to see me There must be something I should know Did you come here just to leave ...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Scenes From A Coffee House
I remember Sunday afternoons at Kaldi'sI was never really down with coffee shopsA group of beatniks re...

Blessid Union Of Souls - South Hampton Avenue
She lies in bed out of her head sucking a cigaretteClosing her eyes she really tries to make believe she's d...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Standing At The Edge Of The Earth
I knew that this moment would come in time That I'd have to let go and watch you fly I know you're com...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Stone Glass Window
Was conceived outta nuthin' Always be what I've been If I focus the real world One day I might t...

Blessid Union Of Souls - That's The Girl I've Been Telling You About
I don't know what I was thinking when I seen her I just had to find a way I could meet her Cause I've ...

Blessid Union Of Souls - The Last Day
See the outline of the frames Of where the pictures used to be Closets full of clothes are empty ...

Blessid Union Of Souls - The Rest Of My Life
I know you're heard the excuses before So I won't waste your time and I'll keep this short I've bound ...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Walk Away
No one has all the answers For the question on your mind You just want to know the reasons The r...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Walking Off The Buzz
Amy woulda died for me She would've had my baby If I needed a favor It was yes, she never said m...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Way We Were Before
When we started it was years agoWe tried so hard to find our soulsAnd lose the innocence that won't le...

Blessid Union Of Souls - What Have I Got To Lose
I started to write you a letter the other dayDidn't know exactly what I was going to sayAnd at the las...

Blessid Union Of Souls - When She Comes
Passing all the pictures on the wallCounting all the stairs I know them allKnowing there is nothing le...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Who's To Blame?
She is gone, seventeen And her son, just turned three Lives off of society and contempt Feeds he...

Blessid Union Of Souls - Would You Be There
If I needed you so desperatelyTo come to me and talk to meTo take my heart and hand into your comfort ...

Blind Melon - All That I Need
All that I need is the air that I breatheAnd all that I need are things I don't needAnd all that reall...

Blind Melon - Glitch
Sitting' on the back of my timeFishing' through the cities phone linesSuddenly, Suddenly 'til my back'...

Blind Melon - Hell
I have no fingertips They were burned away from too many stove trips Can't find no fingernails I...

Blind Melon - John Sinclair
It ain't fair, John SinclairIn the stir for breathing airWon't you care for John SinclairIn the ...

Blind Melon - Letters From A Porcupine
UnderlyingOh, so more important hereAny kindOh, what ever shakes a thrillMark my face...

Blind Melon - Life Ain't So Shitty
Life ain't so shittyThere's a lot that you can beAnd ain't it a pityBut its alright to smile bac...

Blind Melon - No Rain (ripped Away Version)
All I can say you know my life it's pretty plainAnd all that I can do, is just pour some tea for twoAn...

Blind Melon - Pull
Pull you down nowKnees knelt, I got my arms open wideI got the shades turned, so the colors die...

Blind Melon - Soul One
How come, girl was there when I needed oneHow come, girl was there when the song is doneSome say, open...

Blind Melon - Soup
The clothesline of cold eyesIs washing away the face beforeNow tell me what's wrong you see everyone's...

Blind Melon - St. Andrew's Hall
Big stretch and not much sleepI got a couple of plam trees on each side of my cheekAnd it's a bright b...

Blind Melon - Swallowed
Come down from the ceilingOh, these pills were made for feelingOh, so divineI've got a lum...

Blind Melon - The Pusher
Snow flakes rolling over my car, goose bumbing weatherIf I'm hungry at 4:30 in the morning,Pink dot wi...

Blindside - 3:16
For God so loved the world that Hegave His only Son, that whosoever believethin Him should not perish ...

Blindside - About A Burning Fire
I thought about fire in the skyI thought about fireI thought about love burning in your eyeI tho...

Blindside - Across Waters
That day I woke up, screaming of emptinessA thought crushed my mindTo all of them she's just a worn-ou...

Blindside - Across Waters Again
WaitingHow can someone so closeBe allowed to be so far awayYour red leaves fall in the evening...

Blindside - Act
I will drive a thousand milesTo escape the smog in this townI will drive although I don't have a licen...

Blindside - After You're Gone
I could not lieSkin untouched growing thicker for every step unwalkedAnd I don't know if it's the cold...

Blindside - All Of Us
As soon as you stepped through my door,I saw You for the first time all over again.And time well spent...

Blindside - As You Walk
Just one last cigarette and flyCoincidences made sorrow rule over your soulI'm standing with my wings ...

Blindside - Born
As I stand here watching your worn-out shellYou used it wellI can feel it in the atmosphere somehow...

Blindside - Caught A Glimpse
What just happened?The Hollywood Empire strikes backAnd this time I am standing in their wayNow ...

Blindside - Coming Back To Life
Guess it's in all those small thingsEyes closed or eyes wide openSomething in the corner of everyone's...

Blindside - Cute Boring Love
She said what I was supposed to thinkThank God for freedomThank God for liberation(She said) Now...

Blindside - Daughter
You kissed me on my cheek goodbyeBut I didn't meanCrazy it may seemBut to me you were never ever...

Blindside - Die Buying
Tempting lifeWon't come and beg for the last timeIt's already ours we just came here to claim it...

Blindside - Empty Box
The charade is over nowStill you're trying to hide it somehowAm I wrong when I say a piece is missing?...

Blindside - Eye Of The Storm
I think I've stayed for the last time, goodbyeHope is so much closer to beauty than sorrowI think I'll...

Blindside - Follow You Down
It's the smallest thingsThat have a tendency to hurt for the longest timeIt's like you found a way ins...

Blindside - In Black
i inhale take it in the hate the angerit clouds my thinking it pulls me underfurther further my eyes l...

Blindside - In The Air Of Truth
I'm waiting for YouUntil you give my spirit wingsI'm waiting for YouUntil winter breaks into spr...

Blindside - Invert
Start the motor let the engine spinGive it fuel so it can't stop withinPrecious harmony I sayWon...

Blindside - Irrelevant Thoughts
When I'm feeling low I consult my friendsWhen I get depressed, contemplate the endWhen I don't know ri...

Blindside - King Of The Closet
I answer with a restless ok but I'm about to blow when you're goneI keep this to myself; a restless ok but I...

Blindside - Knocking On Another Door
knocking on another doorwe're knocking on another doorso you said you wanted to SHOW me your world...

Blindside - Liberty
LibertyEverything is allowedSocietySex gathered crowdIt ticklesYou just want t...

Blindside - Life Cure
The crown is brokenKing has fallenChild lies bleedingcrying insideno love no hateno ...

Blindside - Midnight
Fast lane, sane, insane this world is runningAnd I'm walking with a caneSeek, seek you can be unique...

Blindside - My Mother's Only Son
Talks about it all the timeIt's a sickness he saysSo sure all the timeHe hates itAnd I hon...

Blindside - Nerve
Force me to open my mouthAgain because they know I don't want toSpeak loud when they make me feel...

Blindside - Never
One, two, three stop breakCount to three and if I don't see YouYou're fakeI heard You care...

Blindside - Nothing But Skin
I put on my stinking coat againBut that so much rain would come from insideI didn't understandI ...

Blindside - Nra (close)
[In Swedish]Hennes hjrta slog hrdare fr varje sekundSkalet hll emot som aldrig frutEn vgr...

Blindside - One Mind
I used to be making future plansAs I would danceAt your funeral that's meThe superman I always w...

Blindside - Painting
The world you painted was newThe colors were so aliveTook a lie and made it trueA final touch an...

Blindside - Pitiful
As I recall with my stomach turningI was hiding away from myself, away from youLike nothing, though so...

Blindside - Replay
It seems so clear todayWhy not yesterday instant replayThere I go again without having anything to say...

Blindside - Roads
Last nightStopping byGreeting me with an embracing bad breathFive woke me out of a...

Blindside - Shekina
Vattnet svartvarm nattbris viskarAtt jag ar naken och nyWater blackAs the moon is fu...

Blindside - She Shut Your Eyes
She shut your eyesNow you could say better luck next timeBut I know you're about to dieHow deep ...

Blindside - Sidewinder
i see everything you breakevery vow every promise you makeyou've got this desire to fakeand then...

Blindside - Silver Speak
They spoke their mindsAs I stood there smilingThis brain understood their argumentsSo I just sto...

Blindside - Sleepwalking
Words so secure screaming like an alarmAre you trying to wake me upNow what was that you were trying t...

Blindside - Still
look at faces bruised and beatenthe life you took will leave you emptythe unwanted blood it trickles d...

Blindside - Sunrise
back off, back offi can hear you knockingthat day for the first timei heard you scream out loud...

Blindside - Superman
I would like to seeDifferentlyI would like to walkLike I talkWould like to breatheTh...

Blindside - Swallow
Been waiting and now you're sinking slowBeen watching how you rated me lowYou say water is supposed to...

Blindside - Teddybear
I'm hereYou've got meHave no fearSavior that's meOn a stable rock I'll place youYou ...

Blindside - The Endings
So you think that I could rideThis wave all the way throughSo you think that I could just stand here...

Blindside - This Shoulder
Come with me, ride upon my shoulder why don't youDon't you see, you can't fall down when you'reOn my s...

Blindside - Thought Like Flames
I hear you, so don't you say another wordNow here you are standing there crushing yourselfI'll near yo...

Blindside - Time Will Change Your Heart
With big guns and big ambitionsNever ending argumentsWhen is your ammunition spentWith big guns ...

Blindside - Violate
Why are you doing this to me? Have I done something wrong?My childhood eyes can't see. Innocence! It was bor...

Blindside - Vow Of Silence
I'll break my vow of silenceBecause I am what you told me you areBecause you showed me your unhe...

Blindside - Walking Home
please just take one step closerfor it is me who hasn't let You keep me warmonce marked my heart, each...

Blindside - Where Eye Meets Eye
One glimpse of You and I shrinkThe hand of shame squeezes my stomachYou don't really know me I allowed...

Blindside - Where The Sun Never Dies
I think I saw a place in the distanceWe've always known it was thereWhen I have breathed for the last ...

Blindside - You Can Hide It
Now you have been staring at the sun for a whileIs it hurting your eyesI know you want to put those sh...

Blink 182 - 13 Miles
13 miles down the road lives a young boyhe's got jet black hair and blue-green eyesand he's mine...

Blink 182 - 21 Days
My mind wanders as I,m trying not to fall in love with you'Cause everytime I wake I ponder on my mistakes of...

Blink 182 - A Letter To Elise
[Originally by The Cure]Oh Elise it doesn't matter what you sayI just can't stay here eve...

Blink 182 - All Of This
With all of this I know nowEverything inside of my headIt all just goes to show howNothing I kno...

Blink 182 - Alone
what were doing here, now no one knowsthe thoughts, the things that i dont knowimages all but a mind ...

Blink 182 - Always
I've been here before a few timesAnd I'm quite aware we're dyingAnd your hands they shake with goodbye...

Blink 182 - Another Girl, Another Planet
[Originally by The Only Ones]Always flirt with deathI look ill, but I don't care about it...

Blink 182 - Asthenia
Last night it came as a pictureWith a good reason, a warning signThis place is void of all passion...

Blink 182 - Ben Wah Balls
(No we ain't gonna take it unless it's from a doverman pincherLadies and gentlemen, for your listening pleas...

Blink 182 - Blow Job
[Tom] You guys wanna hear a song that I wrote about 4 days ago? You really dont have a choice so you might ...

Blink 182 - Cacophony
When you talk about tomorrowI'm not sure about todayWhen you tell me that you love meWhat am I s...

Blink 182 - Carousel
I talk to you every now and thenI never felt so alone againI stop to think at a wishing wellMy t...

Blink 182 - Dancin' With Myself
From the walls of Tokyodown in London town's a go-gowith the record selectionand the mirror's re...

Blink 182 - Dead Man's Curve
I was cruising in my Stingray late one nightwhen an XKE pulled up on the rightand rolled down the wind...

Blink 182 - Depends
I don't want to urinate on myselfI don't want to urinate on anyone elseWell, I guess that really doesn...

Blink 182 - Does My Breath Smell
Who makes up all the rules about those girls I want?Who tells them all to laugh?Who tells them all to ...

Blink 182 - Don't
There was a time long ago But it seemed like yesterday When all I wanted was you And now you mak...

Blink 182 - Don't Tell Me It's Over
I hear the phone it rings so violentlyCan't leave my room, can't breathe since she left meI will admit...

Blink 182 - Down
The drops of rain they fall all overThis awkward silence makes me crazyThe glow inside burns light upo...

Blink 182 - Easy Target
All her signals are getting lost in the ether (Thats what she wanted)She's a landslide with a city beneath h...

Blink 182 - Family Reunion
Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, tits, fart, terd, and twatShit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksuck...

Blink 182 - Feeling This
{Get ready for action!}I got no regret right now (Im feeling this)The air is so cold and low (Im feeli...

Blink 182 - Fentoozler
At the risk of sounding rudeJust who the fuck do you think you areTo tell me what you expect of me tod...

Blink 182 - Freak Scene
Seen enough to eye youbut I've seen to much to try youit's always weirdness while youdig too muc...

Blink 182 - Fucking Dogs
[tom]I want to fuck a dog in the ass[mark]he wants to fuck a dog in the ass...

Blink 182 - Genie In A Bottle
I'm a genie in a bottle baby, come, come, come on and let me outI'm a genie in a bottle baby, come, come, co...

Blink 182 - Go
Are we all victims of opportunity Locked outside the door back in '83I heard the angry voice of the ma...

Blink 182 - Good Times
Good Times [x3]Oh baby, Good times...Good TimesEverytime you need a...E...

Blink 182 - Here's Your Letter
Cut the skin to the boneFall asleep all aloneHear your voice in the darkLose myself in your eyes...

Blink 182 - Hope
[Originally by Descendents]Why can't you see you torture me?You're already thinking 'bout...

Blink 182 - I Know A Guy
I know a guy...He has sex with his sisterHe used his dick to pop herFour foot blister...

Blink 182 - I Miss You
(I miss you, I miss you)Hello there, the angel from my nightmareThe shadow in the background of the mo...

Blink 182 - I'm Lost Without You
I swear that I can go on forever againPlease let me know that my one bad day will endI will go down as...

Blink 182 - I Won't Be Home For Christmas
(Deck the halls with boughs of holly fa la la la la la la la la)(Tis the season to be jolly fa la la la la l...

Blink 182 - Just About Done
Just about done with your butt we'll let you know, hey [4x]Just about done with your buttJust a...

Blink 182 - Marlboro Man
I whistle good I'm kinda straight And I can can can have fun No matter what I do I'v...

Blink 182 - M+m's
You and I should get away for awhileI just want to be alone with your smileBuy some candy and cigarett...

Blink 182 - Mother's Day
Fuckin' and suckin' and touchin'Fuckin' and suckin' and touchin'Fuckin' and suckin' and touchin'...

Blink 182 - My Pet Sally
I'm gonna wanna see myself with someone too Friends I don't pay are friends i never knew So I took the...

Blink 182 - Obvious
I saw you againI think you used me againShould we try this before we give up and move onAnd pret...

Blink 182 - Peggy Sue
I know what it's like to be alone sitting in your roomListening to all the doubts that your parents have to ...

Blink 182 - People, People, People
People, people, peopleWhere's the love in this world?People, people, peopleWhere's the love in t...

Blink 182 - Point Of View
Two different people, two different placesThrough a one way window with two different facesAgreements ...

Blink 182 - Red Skies
Why can't people just understandmoney's something in the nature of the handnow as we need something to...

Blink 182 - Reebok Commercial
You are better than me,girls,money,and everything I try to compete with you, but you beat me at everything i...

Blink 182 - Romeo & Rabecca
Walking through the grassAnother blade next to you from the groundAs the wind does passI notice ...

Blink 182 - Romeo & Rebecca
Walking through the grassAnother blade next to you from the groundAs the wind does passI notice ...

Blink 182 - Silent Night Sing Along
[Mark:] Can we turn off all the lights and have everyone bring up there lighters like its a big rock show, ...

Blink 182 - Sometimes
Oh, how I wish that they would lastMoments of peace that just slip through me so fastJust when I think...

Blink 182 - Stockholm Syndrome
This is the first (thing I remember)Now it's the last (thing left on my mind) Afraid of the dark (do y...

Blink 182 - Strings
I would do anything and that'sWhat scares me so badDon't want to live my life aloneDon't want to...

Blink 182 - The Country Song
Uh ohUh ohOh shitMotherfucker!I'm gonna start dancing!Take off your pants dad...

Blink 182 - The Fallen Interlude
Down, down, down,Pick me up I'm falling[4x] ...

Blink 182 - The Family Next Door
Oh how your mom is so inbredlast night I caught your motherwith your brother in her bedfive arms...

Blink 182 - The Girl Next Door
White girl living in the big city In a big apartment house She's living with her boyfriend now...

Blink 182 - The Longest Line
In the darkest tunnel it's nice to see a lightnot just a headlightlike the one that's heading right fo...

Blink 182 - This One Song
This one goes outTo all our fansTo all the punk rock kidsWho've been into our band...

Blink 182 - Time
When the clock strikes twoThere's so much to doand I cant explain what i needJobs and soci...

Blink 182 - Time To Break Up
I guess its only the menWho get fucked now and againWe take our chicks to the mall,We wait in pa...

Blink 182 - Toast & Bananas
Do you wanna know what I think of you?'Cause you're not the way I thought you should beDo take back wh...

Blink 182 - Touchdown Boy
There's this one guyThere's no one like him in all the world'Cause you can always seeThose girls...

Blink 182 - Transvestite
My mom, she's not a woman anymore,She dresses like a mandresses like a man,She's not as feminine...

Blink 182 - Tv
When I'm at work, ya, I always rush right home for lunchSo I can check out what's up on the Brady Bunch...

Blink 182 - Violence
6 bottles went down the drain, one hours waste of time, Id ask if you feel the same, still pushi...

Blink 182 - Wasting Time
I'm wasting time thinking about a girlAnd stealing her away from her worldShe and I would run away...

Blink 182 - What Went Wrong
[tom]I'm sick of always hearingAll the sad songs on the radioAll day it is there to remin...

Blink 182 - When You Fucked Grandpa
Unos, dos, tres, quatro...when you fucked grandpa did he tell you that he loved you?did he hold ...

Blink 182 - Wrecked Him
With all those words you bringWhy do you say what you don't mean?To those people who don't care about ...

Blink 182 - Zulu
I'm feeling what I want to feelI'm saying what I've said all alongBecause I know the things that are i...

Bloc Party. - Banquet
A heart of stone, a smoking gunI can give you life, I can take it awayA heart of stone, a smokin...

Bloc Party. - Blue Light
You'll find it hiding in shadowsYou'll find it hiding in cupboardsIt will walk you home safe every nig...

Bloc Party. - Compliments
We sit and we sighAnd nothing gets doneSo right, so clued-upWe just get oldAnd all t...

Bloc Party. - Helicopter
North to southEmptyRunning onBravadoAs if to say, as if to sayAs if to say, he doesn...

Bloc Party. - Like Eating Glass
It's so cold in this houseOpen mouth swallowing usThe children staying home from schoolWill not ...

Bloc Party. - Little Thoughts
Been thinking little thoughts Keep on walking try to stay up Pay Attention to the details We go ...

Bloc Party. - Luno
And you're tired of your MumAnd you're tired of your DadGot you jumping through hoopsGot you sha...

Bloc Party. - Pioneers
If it can be broke then it can be fixed, if it can be fused then it can be splitIt's all under control...

Bloc Party. - Plans
Wake up dreamerIt's happening without youCut your hair and shave your beardYou squandered your c...

Bloc Party. - Positive Tension
He said you're just as boring as everyone elseWhen you tut and you moanAnd you squeal and you squelch...

Bloc Party. - Price Of Gas
I've been driving, a mid sized car,I never hurt anyoneIs that a fact?The price of gas keeps on r...

Bloc Party. - She's Hearing Voices
She's hearing voices call herShe's hearing voices warn herShe just can't sleep in her bedShe jus...

Bloc Party. - Skeleton
All my thoughts are of iceAll my thoughts are of iceAll my bones are so tiredAll my bones are so...

Bloc Party. - So Here We Are
I caught a glimpse, but its been forgottenSo here we are againI made a vow, to carry you home... home...

Bloc Party. - Staying Fat
I rely on (bitter cold)I depend on (arctic snow)A pair of trainers (I've got mine)Could make a G...

Bloc Party. - Storm And Stress
Promise you'll say if it getsPromise you'll say if it gets too muchDon't be so scared of corners...

Bloc Party. - The Answer
Feeding the five thousand was not done with prayers aloneIt takes blood and guts and it takes devotion...

Bloc Party. - Tulips
When you said tulipsI knew that you're mineWhen I caught you thereCrying in the nightWeari...

Blondie - 11:59
Leaning in your corner like a candidate for waxSidewalk social scientist don't get no satisfaction from your...

Blondie - Accidents Never Happen
No I don't believe in luckNo I don't believe in circumstance no moreAccidents never happen in a perfec...

Blondie - Angels On The Balcony
Afterglow in a distant rowThe door is open and the lights are coldThe children come in here and they d...

Blondie - A Shark In Jets Clothing
I always had my eyes on you but you came from across the lineI had to make good time to see you but you had ...

Blondie - Atomic
Uh-huh make me tonightTonightMake it rightUh-huh make me tonightTonightTonight...

Blondie - Backfired
BackfiredYour plan, your plan backfiredBackfiredMy man, your plan backfired in your face...

Blondie - Backfired (remix)
BackfiredYour plan, your plan backfiredBackfiredMy man, your plan backfired in your face...

Blondie - Bermuda Triangle Blues (flight 45)
Flight 45, last seen alive on the runwayLeaving for some fun in the hot tropic sun (back next Monday)A...

Blondie - Call Me (ben Liebrand Remix)
Colour me your colour, babyColour me your carColour me your colour, darlingI know who you are...

Blondie - (can I Find) The Right Words (to Say)
Look up the right wordsThe ones for todayAnd use them correctlyAnd mean what I sayAnswer t...

Blondie - Cautious Lip
(All the way down do itAnother way downWhy, yeah. What do you know, huh?)I seen you skipTh...

Blondie - Contact In Red Square
1 2 3 4Although I'm young I got a job to doHid the microfilm in the lining of my shoeCall it a b...

Blondie - Danceaway
Be my TV guideIn between the stationsBe my satelliteSecret informationStairwayGoing ...

Blondie - Denis
Oh Denis doo-be-doI'm in love with you, Denis doo-be-doI'm in love with you, Denis doo-be-doI'm ...

Blondie - Denis (dancin' Danny D Remix)
Oh DenisOh DenisOh DenisOh when we walk it always feels so niceAnd when we talk it seems l...

Blondie - Detroit 442
You know he can't be tested, he can't be read or foundUrban grey takes breath away, he wants to push his ped...

Blondie - Die Young Stay Pretty
Die young, stay prettyDie young, stay prettyDeteriorate in your own timeTell 'em you're dead and...

Blondie - Do The Dark
There you are, giving candyMaking confidence with an easy eyeEasy words, oh, what a dancerDance ...

Blondie - Dragonfly
Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen of Earth and all native intelligences of the forty planets, satellites, moons...

Blondie - Dreaming
When I met you in the restaurantYou could tell I was no debutanteYou asked me what's my pleasure...

Blondie - Eat To The Beat
You gotta jump up, a-to the beatStand up, wo-on your feetToes are tippi tippi tippi tappingAnd y...

Blondie - English Boys
When I was 17I saw a magazineIt had those English BoysWho had long hairWhen I was on my ow...

Blondie - Europa
Based on the desire for total mobility and the serious physical pursuit of religious freedom, the auto drove...

Blondie - Faces
FacesCracked for reason beyond recognitionUh-huhHis space isAt the Palace, he sleeps for t...

Blondie - Fade Away And Radiate
Oooo baby, I hear how you spend night timeWrapped like candy in a blue, blue neon glowFade away and ra...

Blondie - Fan Mail
I set my hand to writing youIt drifted off the pageI sold my one vision for a piece of the cakeI...

Blondie - Feel The Spin (extended Version)
Uno, dos, uno dos tres quatroHey, now honey, I'm about to beginHear the intention near me againB...

Blondie - Follow Me
Far from day, far from nightOut of time, out of sightIn between earth and seaWe shall fly, follo...

Blondie - For Your Eyes Only
Don't look over my shoulderI'm trying to readRemember those intimate momentsDon't forget my priv...

Blondie - French Kissin'
Love's touch comes to mean so muchEmbrasser c'est FrancaisEmbrasser c'est FrancaisLove's way, s'...

Blondie - Go Through It
She knew it about Route ThreeOh, she blew it, you know she could've told meHe can't say no, he can't a...

Blondie - Hanging On The Telephone
I'm in the phone booth, it's the one across the hallIf you don't answer, I'll just ring it off the wall...

Blondie - Heart Of Glass
Once I had a love and it was a gasSoon turned out had a heart of glassSeemed like the real thing, only...

Blondie - Heart Of Glass (disco Remix)
Once I had a love and it was a gasSoon turned out had a heart of glassSeemed like the real thing, only...

Blondie - Here's Looking At You
As I sit staring into this liquid amber, ripples move out to the edge of the glass. Is that really your refl...

Blondie - I Didn't Have The Nerve To Say No
You got ants in your pants, I don't understand, I don't trust the flick of your eyesYou're a viper and love'...

Blondie - I Know But I Don't Know
Hey, y'know?Uh, I dunno!I know but I don't knowI know but I don't knowI know but I don't k...

Blondie - (i'm Always Touched) By Your Presence Dear
Was it destiny I don't know yetWas it just by chance? Could this be Kismet?Something in my cons...

Blondie - I'm Gonna Love You Too
You're gonna say you miss meYou're gonna say you'll kiss meYou're gonna say you love meAnd I'm g...

Blondie - I'm On E
I'm on E. I'm on E. I'm on E. Got nothin' to say. I used to have a car of my ownI'm on E. I'm on E. I'm on E...

Blondie - In Love With Love (justin Strauss And Murray Elias Remix)
In love with love, in love with a passionate heartIn love with love, in love even when we're apartIn l...

Blondie - In The Flesh
Darlin' darlin' darlin'I can't wait to see youYour picture ain't enoughI can't wait to touch you...

Blondie - In The Sun
Surf's upIn the sun, I'm waiting for the dayHaving fun, in warm far awayMoonlight nights, water ...

Blondie - Island Of Lost Souls
In BabylonOn the boulevard of broken dreamsMy will power at the lowest ebbOh what can I do?...

Blondie - Just Go Away
O Don't ya knowDon't wanna see you any morePut up or shut upYou spell, you readD O O R...

Blondie - Kidnapper
Hey, you've got an unnerving faceAnd twitching eyes like Norman BatesYou got a cigarette, eye on a mir...

Blondie - Kung Fu Girls
1 2 3 !Down in Chinatown (the year of the Cock)He sold the silver belt, put it in hockFistful of...

Blondie - Little Caesar
My name is Little CaesarFriends call me LCMy Daddy's named the sameAnd passed it on to meI...

Blondie - Little Girl Lies
She loves you right now, so don't close your eyesShe'll be talking and laughing with six other guysFli...

Blondie - Live It Up
Your old lover's lying in the gutterHe used to be such an all night strutter"Oh, my heart," I heard hi...

Blondie - Living In The Real World
(Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, UHONE TWO A-ONE TWO THREE FOUR!!!)Every day you've go to wake upDis...

Blondie - Look Good In Blue
You look good in blueIt matches your skin, your eyes dripping with painSomeone like youGetting o...

Blondie - Love At The Pier
We fell in love down at the pierYou were sunbathing, I was aroundSoon we were sharing a beerWe f...

Blondie - Man Overboard
Man overboard, sinking in a sea of loveMan overboard, he jumped, didn't need a shoveOh, I've been sail...

Blondie - No Imagination
Eyes that tell me "Baby, you don't need no invitation"Let me smoke another cigarette before I make a move...

Blondie - One Way Or Another
One way or another I'm gonna find yaI'm gonna getcha getcha getcha getchaOne way or another I'm gonna ...

Blondie - Orchid Club
Ah ah ah adventureVery near and then you vanishRescue from invasionNarrowly avoidedHave to...

Blondie - Picture This
All I want is a room with a viewA sight worth seeing, a vision of youAll I want is a room with view, o...

Blondie - Platinum Blonde
I wanna be a platinum blondeJust like all the sexy starsMarilyn and Jeane, Jayne, Mae and Marlene...

Blondie - Pretty Baby
Stars live in the eveningBut the very young need the sun, uh-huhPretty baby, you look so heavenly...

Blondie - Rapture (original Promo Single Version)
Toe to toeDancing very slowBarely breathingAlmost comatoseWall to wallPeople hypnoti...

Blondie - Rapture (teddy Riley Remix)
[Spoken] And now, here is The VoiceToe to toeDancing very closeBody breathing...

Blondie - Rifle Range
I was all alone with the scent of a boneAnd my heart was stuck in this emptiness zoneI had not a care,...

Blondie - Rip Her To Shreds
(Hey! Psst PSST! Here she comes now.)Oh, you know her, would you look at that hairYeah, you know her, ...

Blondie - Rush Rush (extended Version)
He's on the level if he's inclinedThe son of a devil, he wants mine and moreOoh, he's a high, high cli...

Blondie - Shayla
Shayla worked in a factoryShe wasn't history. She's just a numberOne day she gets her final payA...

Blondie - Slow Motion
What's all that commotion going on?The boy in the back on his second attackWants his baby back (wants ...

Blondie - Sound Asleep
You close your eyes and you will seeMicro-flashing neon lightsOpen your eyes and you will seeIt ...

Blondie - Sunday Girl
I know a girl from a lonely streetCold as ice cream but still as sweetDry your eyes Sunday girlH...

Blondie - Sunday Girl (french Version)
Je connais une fille dans une rue deserteFroide comme glace mais tout aussi sucreSeches tes pleurs Sun...

Blondie - Sunday Girl (the Best Of Blondie Mix)
I know a girl from a lonely streetCold as ice cream, but still as sweetDry your eyes, Sunday girl...

Blondie - Susie And Jeffrey
Even though Jeff was worriedThey weren't in a hurryThey planned a lovely honeymoonSue had a bran...

Blondie - T-birds
Circle high, circle lowJammers fly, T-birdsYou show, you show, whiplash goYou show, you show, T-...

Blondie - The Attack Of The Giant Ants
Giant ants from space snuff the human raceThen they eat your face, never leave a traceLa la la la la, ...

Blondie - The Beast
We want fun we wanna runWe want fun we gotta runWe want fun get out among the hottest clubs and find s...

Blondie - The Hardest Part
Twenty five tons of hardened steel rolls on no ordinary wheelInside the armoured car ride two big armed guar...

Blondie - The Hunter Gets Captured By The Game
Everyday brings changeAnd the world puts on a new faceCertain things rearrangeAnd this whole wor...

Blondie - The Jam Was Moving (chris Stein And Debbie Harry Remix)
The order came directly from the CIATo start the following investigationFind out what's the hidden pow...

Blondie - The Tide Is High
The tide is high but I'm holding onI'm gonna be your number oneI'm not the kind of girl who gives up j...

Blondie - The Tide Is High (coldcut Remix)
The tide is highThe tide is highThe tide is high but I'm holding onI'm number oneI'm...

Blondie - Underground Girl
She's an underground girl in an underground worldShe never comes around, she stays undergroundAfter wa...

Blondie - Union City Blue
Oh, oh, what are we gonna do?Union, Union, Union City blueTunnel to the other sideIt becomes day...

Blondie - Victor
Oh, I don't want you to goOh, please don't leave me aloneOhNo, I don't want you to goOh, p...

Blondie - Walk Like Me
We don't wear that uniformPaper men from pages tornRight off the press (it could be Tass)Suits f...

Blondie - War Child
I need city lightsDefence and weaponryNo way of knowingMy life expectancyI learn resistanc...

Blondie - Will Anything Happen?
I always said you could make itI know what I said and I meant itI always liked the way you played guit...

Blondie - X-offender
[Spoken]I saw you standing on the corner, you looked so big and fine. I really wanted to go out...

Blondie - Youth Nabbed As Sniper
Don't look in here, yeahSundown finds him out of town on the overpassHis inner self glued to his point...

Bloodhound Gang - A Lap Dance Is So Much Better When The Stripper Is Crying
I was lonelier than Kunta Kinte at a Merle Haggard concert That night I strolled on into Uncle Limpy's Hump ...

Bloodhound Gang - Along Comes Mary
Every time I think that I'm the only one who's lonelySomeone calls on meAnd every now and then ...

Bloodhound Gang - Asleep At The Wheel
Bloodhounds shall cruise rendezvous Break curfew new trip ensues You never know Bloodhounds just go ...

Bloodhound Gang - Boom
Stop as we drop this bomb Blow up this place like another Vietnam Heavy like a Tyson blow to the dome ...

Bloodhound Gang - Coo Coo Ca Choo
Coo Coo Ca Choo Baby You That's What You Are You Are A Hollywood Star You're The High Priestess By Far...

Bloodhound Gang - Earlameyer The Butt Pirate
Ahoy, sissy! Whatcha got in your mouth sissy? ...

Bloodhound Gang - Fire Water Burn
The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire,The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire,The roof, the roof, th...

Bloodhound Gang - Go Down
Step Back Cause The Bass Is Fuzzin'Bloodhound Gang Bangs More Than The Dirty DozenAlley Oop Here Comes...

Bloodhound Gang - Going Nowhere Slow
Got the mike in my hand but can I make you understand That a-hole bands have a-hole fans Bloodhound's ...

Bloodhound Gang - Hell Yeah
Alright now boys and girls we've got another story for you now!We want to introduce to you another friend of...

Bloodhound Gang - I Hope You Die
...You must die I alone am best!I hope ya flip some guy the bird,He cuts you off and you're forced to ...

Bloodhound Gang - It's Tricky
This beat is my recital I think it's very vital To rock a rhyme That's right on time It's ...

Bloodhound Gang - I Wish I Was Queer So I Could Get Chicks
If your ass is a Chinese restaurant I'll have the poo-poo platter My friend Jerry Vandergrift kissed me in H...

Bloodhound Gang - Kids In America
Looking Out A Dirty Old WindowDown Below The Cars In The City Go Rushing ByI Sit Here Alone And I Wond...

Bloodhound Gang - K.i.d.s. Incorporated
?? let's try againThis time we're sloppyLike child birth!Where's my fucking bass guitar?...

Bloodhound Gang - Kiss Me Where It Smells Funny
You came twice last year like a Sears catalog,Cause your last boyfriend makes love like Boss Hogg,Well...

Bloodhound Gang - Legend In My Spare Time
Ashes To Ashes And Funks To FunkyDaddy Long Legs Is A Mean Ass HonkyAnd Jimmy Pop Ain't No Heiny Hobbi...

Bloodhound Gang - Lift Your Head Up High (and Blow Your Brains Out)
Lift your head up high and blow your brains out!Do you still go to raves?,Do you think that Chri...

Bloodhound Gang - Magna Cum Nada
Why try? I'm that guyHolden Caulfield from "Catcher In The Rye"Put away 'cause he wasn't all there...

Bloodhound Gang - Mama Say
It Goes One Two Three When I'm Kicking Funky LyricsI'm Busting Up Vocabulary I Want You All To Hear It...

Bloodhound Gang - Mama's Boy
[Mother]: Hello Frank,[Jim:] Hello mother dear,[Mother:] Hi, what are you doin'?,...

Bloodhound Gang - Nightmare At The Apollo
Haha, all right Apollo!Let's hear it one more time for mister, Gary, Coleman!Whatcha talk about Willis...

Bloodhound Gang - No Rest For The Wicked
I Get Bombed Much Like Pearl Harbor The Price Is White Right And I'm Bob BarkerThis Is Your Brain On D...

Bloodhound Gang - One Way
Jimmy Pop's Not Pooper Not A Pauper But A PopperAnd I Got More Pop Than Orville RedenbacherI Gots More...

Bloodhound Gang - Rang Dang
So Set Your Phasers On Kill If Ya Will So Catch The FeelingGot Your Head A Pumping A Back And Forth Until It...

Bloodhound Gang - Rip Taylor Is God
Hey! Da dee dada dee da daThis is Rip TaylorHey there sprinkle genies!Haha!Did you know th...

Bloodhound Gang - Rsvp
Ooh, that was creepy,I would rather slurp rancid tunasalad out of my own ass,or scour my boobies off w...

Bloodhound Gang - She Ain't Got No Legs
YeahThe First Time I Saw You Darling I Knew I Was In LoveTell Her DaddyThe Way You Took Your Whe...

Bloodhound Gang - Shut Up
I'm Jimmy Pop here in a jiffy heat me up and add oil I'm like a zit a wart a corn a cyst a festering boil ...

Bloodhound Gang - Take The Long Way Home
May I have your attention please?May I have your attention please?Did you ever read Voltaire's "...

Bloodhound Gang - That Cough Came With A Prize
Coughing.... ...

Bloodhound Gang - The Bad Touch
Ha-Ha! Well now, we call this the act of matingBut there are several other very important differencesB...

Bloodhound Gang - The Ballad Of Chasey Lain
Dear Chasey LainI wrote to explainI'm your biggest fanI just wanted to askCould I eat your...

Bloodhound Gang - The Evils Of Placenta Hustling
Excuse me, have you seen my wife's placenta? ...

Bloodhound Gang - The Inevitable Return Of The Great White Dope
A is for "Apple",B is for "Balloons",C is for "Crayons",D is for "Drum",Like my scrotum he...

Bloodhound Gang - This Is Stupid
How do you let someone know If your hot cakes are selling well? ...

Bloodhound Gang - Three Point One Four
My last girlfriend didn't like me thought she might be,Most likely a dyke she just didn't excite me,Le...

Bloodhound Gang - Turn Clyde
Times New Roman you know the typeCalling me Public Enemy, but don't believe the hypeTough guy like the...

Bloodhound Gang - We Are The Knuckleheads
Who's The Knuckleheads?We Are The Knuckleheads? [X4]If You Would Be The Peanut Butter Then I Wo...

Bloodhound Gang - We Like Meat
Hey, look at all that meat, ain't she the bitter end? ...

Bloodhound Gang - Why's Everybody Always Pickin' On Me
Why is everbody always pickin' on me? The morn' that I was born my old man beat up the doctor He...

Bloodhound Gang - You're Pretty When I'm Drunk
One Night Me And The Crew Hit The Road On A MissionTo Slurp Free Brew And Go Fuzzy Flounder Fishin'Kay...

Bloodhound Gang - Your Only Friends Are Make Believe
Yea well I sing like an amputee though Why? Cause can't hold a note can't cary a tune Knoc...

Bloodhound Gang - Yummy Down On This
Yummy down on yummy down on this down onYummy down on yummy down on this down onYummy down on yummy do...

Blu Cantrell - 10,000 Times
Been in love 10,000 times, and I've been hurt 10,000 timesYet and still you want a try But what would do if ...

Blu Cantrell - All You Had To Say
All you had to sayWas that you want meAll you had to sayWas that you caredAll you had to s...

Blu Cantrell - Blu Is A Mood
State of mindColorWay beyondYonderDeeperParadiseAll describeAll describe...

Blu Cantrell - Breathe
Oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, ohBig up to all the Brooklyn massive crewSome they pay no mind, ...

Blu Cantrell - Don't Wanna Say Goodbye
[VERSE 1:]I can barely rememberWhat it was that made me walk awayBut something inside my ...

Blu Cantrell - Happily Ever After
Happily ever afterI'll be Let's start a story chapterHappily ever after we'll beNever have...

Blu Cantrell - Holding On To Love
[VERSE 1:]Rearrange,you've changed the wayThat I love and the waythat I live my lif...

Blu Cantrell - I Can't Believe
It was you and meTill there was no moreI promised you love and trustWhy wasn't that enough...

Blu Cantrell - I'll Find A Way
The promise of loveIt came from my heartThought all that we sharedWould last foreverSo whe...

Blu Cantrell - I Love You
[VERSE 1:]We live in a world where realityDepresses all emotions that live inside of meLi...

Blu Cantrell - Let Her Go
[HOOK:]Why don't you just keep it realLet her know just how you feelIf you love her let h...

Blu Cantrell - Make Me Wanna Scream
[VERSE 1:]What's done in the dark comes to light, for shoSo the thing you did with her, I was g...

Blu Cantrell - No Place Like Home
[VERSE 1:]I've met a lot of different peopleAnd I have seenmy share of thingsSo muc...

Blu Cantrell - Risk It All
[HOOK:]What what I do without the joy you bring meWhere would I be withoutthe love you gi...

Blu Cantrell - Sleep In The Middle
Bad ass decisions made from a fear of being alone all by myself again Sitting in the den and looking at the ...

Blu Cantrell - So Blu
You see me at the bottomTrying to get on topYou see me at the clubYou know I se to rockYou...

Blu Cantrell - Swingin'
Hangin' in the VIP Saw him comin' to holla at me a Playboy pique my curiosity when He asked me i...

Blu Cantrell - The One
[Verse1]I've been looking for a manTo stay here till the endHe will not just be my lover...

Blu Cantrell - Till I'm Gone
[Verse 1]I gave him loveI gave my allI gave myself, I lost controlHeld nothing back...

Blu Cantrell - U Must Be Crazy
You must be twisted Must be tripping If you're thinking that I'm Gonna keep on messing with you ...

Blu Cantrell - Unhappy
[VERSE 1:]Here we go againI'm going through it with my manIt seems like everything I do...

Blu Cantrell - When I Needed You
See it's a damn shameYou got caught up in the gameSo much to offerBut so little to giveNow...

Blue - A Chi Mi Dice
["Breathe Easy" - italian version][Written by Tiziano Ferro]Sorriderai E ti ...

Blue - After The Show
Been on every stage In every place Been around the world and back again A million times ...

Blue - Ain't Got You
I say Blue- you say whatBlue - what - Blue - whatI say Blue- you say whatBlue - what - Blu...

Blue - Alive
You ready Yo lets ride...c'mon...YoI was made for youYou were made for meEverybody used to sayWe...

Blue - All Rise
Yo, yoStargateYo, yoYour honour pleaseGotta believe what I say(Say)What I will...

Blue - Back It Up
Back It, Back it, back it, back it upCome a little bit closer to me (back it up)Don't it feel a ...

Blue - Back Some Day
When you're aloneI want you to knowI'll be back some day When you're aloneI want you...

Blue - Back To You
Come back, baby come back to meYou're all girl,You're all I needCome back baby come back to me. ...

Blue - Best In Me
From the moment I met you I just knew you'd be mineYou touched my handAnd I knew that this was gonna b...

Blue - Bounce
Give give me more, step on the floorYou're the type of girl that I've been looking for I don't k...

Blue - Breathe Easy
Cruel to the eyeI see the way he makes you smileCruel to the eyeWatching him hold what used to b...

Blue - Bubblin'
[Intro]YoCome onBlueThat's rightYou know what I'm saying[Verse...

Blue - Curtain Falls
[Duncan]We come from humble beginnings andWho could have guessed it whenYou sit and doubt...

Blue - Don't Treat Me Like A Fool
It's been hard wakin' up, wakin' up to the truthI've been so blind, couldn't see for love no.Tried my ...

Blue - Flexin'
I was flexin', anticipating. I was wondering what I could sayI was driving around, around in circles, It's a...

Blue - Fly By
All dressed up you're good to goCheckin your style from head to toeHooked up and naturalYou're f...

Blue - Fly By Ii (remix)
Y'all, y'all, y'all, y'all, y'all oh.. whoo whoo... uh-huh All dressed up you're good to go ...

Blue - Get Down
YoC'mon C'monThat's rightC'mon C'monCheck this outI'm not the kind of guy you ...

Blue - Get Down On It
What you gonna do?Blue gonna get down?What you gonna do?Blue gonna get down?What you gonna...

Blue - Girl I'll Never Understand
This is a story of how it is Lovin' every morningGood loving every nightThat is what I gav...

Blue - Guilty
[VS 1 - (DUNCAN)]I never want to play the games that people playI never want to hear the ...

Blue - How's A Man Supposed To Change?
Yo, check it outFirst verse, drop itLord knows I'm gonna make it.To brighter days I'm on m...

Blue - If It Takes All Night
You think i'm just coming on to youI know exactly what i got to doYour eyes kinda give the game away I...

Blue - If You Come Back
C'mon c'monYeahCan you feel me?(Baby can you feel me?)I've got something to sayCheck...

Blue - Invitation
2003, with the flow. Blue.Ooh right, finished work on a Saturday nightIn a mood and I wanna play...

Blue - I Wanna Know
[Intro]Yeah, BlueGet to the floor (that's right)Step to the floor (you heard)Get to...

Blue - Like A Friend
I never had anybody treat me quite like you doI love your honestyWe met, we clicked, we shared a vibe ...

Blue - Long Time
The warmth in your smile is the warmth that I desire,'Cos it's cold and lonely in this place, oh yeah....

Blue - Love At First Sight
Yeah See if you can relate to this oneHope I'm not disturbing youBecause you look into tho...

Blue - Love R.i.p
If you say that you're not seriousWalk away and just forget about usHey babyI'm not gonna take i...

Blue - Make It Happen
Tonight you'll callWe'll talk the way we always doBut still you won't say anything I want you to...

Blue - No Goodbyes
Yeah no more tears, no more goodbyesDon't you know it's time for me to goEven though it hurts to...

Blue - One Love
It's kinda funny how life can changeCan flip 180 in a matter of daysSometimes love works in mysterious...

Blue - Privacy
Everytime I see you with that guy, it blows my mind,How someone like that could get a girl so fly,I co...

Blue - Riders
Girl we waited long enough, short dress is dangerousPersonality major plus, come back it upWhen ...

Blue - Right Here Waiting
Go, go back.Bet you didn't think I could do it, come on.Got my feet back on the ground, lo...

Blue - Rock The Night
Dance with me, dance with meC'mon C'monRock with me, rock with meC'mon C'monDance with me,...

Blue - She Told Me
There was a girl I knew, she was more the beautifulShe had a mind of her own - 5 foot 8 or more. She w...

Blue - Signed, Sealed, Delivered I'm Yours
Like a Fool I went and stayed too longNow I'm wondering if your loves still strongOoh baby, here I am,...

Blue - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
(Sorry seems to be the hardest word)What I got to do to make you love me?What I got to do to mak...

Blue - Stand Up
Ooh aahAlbum three ya'llOoh ahhBlueOoh ahhOh I like what you doTake the time out ton...

Blue - Supersexual
There's something in the way you moveEverybody wants you,To me you are, a shining star. Baby wha...

Blue - Taste It
Where you gone, honeyYou got the flowSo why would you wanna to be leavingThink again, honey...

Blue - This Temptation
You wanna get it on right now I seeI just wanna say that's cool with meBut now the moment's come...

Blue - Too Close
alright, hold on, too close...[Chorus 1]Baby when we're grindingI get so excited...

Blue - U Make Me Wanna
You know you make me wanna.You know you make me wanna.To start it off I know you know meTo...

Blue - Walk Away
Is this masquerade finally overCan we put down the roles that we've played so many timesIs this really...

Blue - When Summer's Gone
She was a lonely typeHer heart can not disguiseHer passion...for lifeShe had a love for ar...

Blue - Where You Want Me
Whooahh baby(yeah uhu check it out)Whooahh baby(yeah yeah yeah)Gotta make a li...

Blue - Without You
I couldn't live without my cellphone,I couldn't live without my 4 x 4,I couldn't live without my credi...

Blue October - 3 Weeks, She Sleeps
For 3 weeks, she sleepsThrough the rainI've gotta try, to keep her dryOr I'm out of waysSe...

Blue October - Amazing
How am I supposed to breathe?I try to relax. I touch your still frameSo I can watch you closerAn...

Blue October - Amnesia
TrampolineI'm yourTrampolineOh you jump so hard but I always catch your fallSo now I'll ju...

Blue October - Angel
I'm wishing the bath water cleanShe hides in the back and is unseenI take off the mask that surrounds ...

Blue October - Answer
If I can't crawl inside of you,I'm laughing with a broken faceI stumble across my self esteem.Bu...

Blue October - A Quiet Mind
A slow strangle with feet on the floorI've got 14 angels and we're sleeping aloneIn the back of a cave...

Blue October - Balance Beam
I haven't been quite the sameSo sure the story of my life would never changeIn a bright eyed way...

Blue October - Breakfast After Ten
White kitchen walls with a thousand windowsTurn on Winston in the denAnd I'm still asleep but I can he...

Blue October - Calling You
There's something I can't quite explainI'm so in love with youYou'll never take that awayAnd if ...

Blue October - Chameleon Boy
I changed my color for youI shed my coat with cautionI lack the beauty you displaySee here there...

Blue October - Clumsy Card House
By the wayBy your side I'll stayIf that's okayThen by your side I'll stay foreverHere I am...

Blue October - Come In Closer
The first born, my heart will call TrulyA God-like boy of the skyThe fog hissed away like a movie...

Blue October - Conversation Via Radio
You must be brokenBy a thousand ways of wasting timeGet to the pointAnd off a hundred lines a we...

Blue October - Drop
I touch the tongue to seeA devil's face in front of meYou blow your nose and cryThe clown demand...

Blue October - Holler
When you holler babyWhen you holler at me What you want me to beWhen you holler babyWhen y...

Blue October - Hrsa
Comitted at twenty two Just to get over youMy belly aches blueLorazepam fluI'm down for th...

Blue October - Independently Happy
I feel that it's hard enough to say good-bye.I feel there's the water. Should I sink or dive?An empty ...

Blue October - Inner Glow
I'm like a storm cloud eager when you go outCalm again I'll ask permission for the wrong to winD...

Blue October - James
Kneel downClose your eyesHit the groundI want you to, to kneel all dayAlone in this desola...

Blue October - Libby I'm Listening
Innertube sunsetWith a kiss and a cigaretteYou're better than any midnight sexI can't stop cause...

Blue October - Razorblade
In the day by day collisionCalled the art of growing upThere's an innocence we look for in the stars...

Blue October - Schizophrenia
A silver plated numbing gumAnd Jesus resting on my thumbA hard to reach malariaI've got the mood...

Blue October - Sexual Powertrip (one Big Lie) Bla Bla
I'm sorry for the way I treated youI'm stuck in my ways to just runIn the opposite way when things get...

Blue October - Somebody
So you dropped meHeld me by my feet and let me goI fell between the seat, but nothing brokeI've ...

Blue October - Ugly Side
I must have sneezedOn knees I freezeI mean I just choked upSomehow I sleptI dream, I mean...

Blur - 1992
Going into businessAn agreement of your bombastYou'd love my bedYou took the other instead...

Blur - 7 Days
Here's one from the headThe one that bounced straight throughThe rubber soulIt's good advice...

Blur - Advert

Blur - Ambulance
I ain't gotNothing to be scared of,No I ain't gotNothing to be scared ofNo I ain't got...

Blur - Bad Day
Do you do anything you ever doNo she said Do you wantAnything you ever wantedNo,she said...

Blur - Badgeman Brown
This is the voice of someoneCalling from a lonely hillTo the hard of hearingFor those who never ...

Blur - Badhead
So far I've not really stayed in touchWell you knew as much it's no surprise that todayI'll get up ear...

Blur - Bang
Sitting in a SDTWaiting for an undreground trailTo rumble underneath my teethBang goes another d...

Blur - Bank Holiday
Grandma has got new denturesTo eat the crust of pizzaBee taken out by daughterBecause she though...

Blur - Battery In Your Leg
This is a ballad for the good timesSo put a battery in your legPut a rock beat over anythingGet ...

Blur - Battle
Battle, Battle, Battle, Battle, BattleBattle Someone..ooohBattle, Battle, BattleBattle Som...

Blur - Best Days
Door bells say goodbye to the last trainOver the river they all go againOut into leafy nowhere hope so...

Blur - Birthday
It's my birthdayNo one here dayVery strange dayI think of you dayGo outside daySit i...

Blur - Black Book
Put away my black bookThrow it on the fireGetting out the side doorYou are my one desireBa...

Blur - Blue Jeans

Blur - B.l.u.r.e.m.i.
Group using a loopOf another pop groupGroup shooting a hoopAnd starving it up in to the soup...

Blur - Brothers And Sisters
Brothers and sistersRebuild your livesWe're all drug takersGive us something tonight...

Blur - Bugman
I am an ex offenderThey let me out in the summerI think I was in a comaI didn't know what to do...

Blur - Caramel
I've gotta get overI've gotta get overI've got to get betterWill love you foreverI've gott...

Blur - Caravan
Caravan is lostIn the sun and the dustNo-one loves youWhen you are lostYeah I've been a cl...

Blur - Charmless Man
I met him in a crowded roomWhere people go to drink away their gloomHe sat me down and so beganT...

Blur - Chemical World

Blur - Clover Over Dover
I'm on the white cliffs of DoverThinking it over and overBut if I jump its all overA cautionary ...

Blur - Coffee & Tv
Do you feel like a chain store?Practically flooredOne of many zerosKicked around boredYour...

Blur - Colin Zeal

Blur - Come Together
I don't understandYou're walking over meAll over me,to youWell you must be madAnd you know...

Blur - Coping

Blur - Country House
And so the the story beginsCity dweller, successful fellaThought to himself oops I've got a lot ...

Blur - Crazy Beat
Crazy beat crazy beat yeah yeah Crazy beat crazy beat yeah yeah Crazy beat crazy beat yeah yeah ...

Blur - Dan Abnormal
Meanie Leanie come on downCome and entertain the townIt's friday night and we're all boredTimes ...

Blur - Day Upon Day
Waiting on this empty dayIt's just the same as any dayAnd although I've nothing to sayI'm going ...

Blur - End Of The Century
She said there's ants in the carpetDirty little monstersEating all the morselsPicking up the rub...

Blur - Entertain Me
The weekend is backBut so is heHead to the floodlightsSee the fraternityThey're waiting...

Blur - Ernold Same
Ernold same awoke from the same dream in the same bed at the same timeLooked in the same mirror made the sam...

Blur - Es Schmecht
Looking out for N?1Conversation, daily routineIt's beautiful, but neurotic& in the future it wil...

Blur - Fade Away
They stumbled into their livesIn a vague way became man and wifeOne got the other they deserved one an...

Blur - Far Out
I spy in the night sky don't IPhoebe io e lara leda callisto sinopeJanus dione portia so many moons...

Blur - For Tomorrow

Blur - Fried
Oh you are so very strangeSometimes I think you've gone insaneTwisted hearts you've gone insaneI...

Blur - Gene By Gene
I got a brain in left hand driveI don't asleep other sideI ride a bullet like I'm Steve McQueenE...

Blur - Girls And Boys
Street's like a jungleSo call the policeFollowing the herdDown to GreeceOn holiday L...

Blur - Globe Alone
Who met this one on the m1Who hasn't stopped sucking his thumbWho very straight and never grinsW...

Blur - Good Song
Waiting, I got no town to hide inThe country's got a hold of my soulTV's dead and there ain't no war i...

Blur - Got Yer!
Okay coming up manyou sad oldHe's got a fly between his earsIt catches lifeAnd buzzes in m...

Blur - Hanging Over
I'm alive and I can breath the airI can hurt youI can float up hereso soft and tinglingYou...

Blur - Headist / Into Another
It starts feeling now It makes no inference of difference It still won't see it's his Faint from...

Blur - He Thought Of Cars
Moscow's still red, the young man is deadGone to heaven instead, the evening news says he was confused...

Blur - High Cool
When you come hereWhich sometimes doDon't think thatI really want you toAnd if you come he...

Blur - Inertia
Fear of being left behindCan take you overSuddenly you will chokeMaybe it's just a jokeI'm...

Blur - It Could Be You
Churchill got his lucky number but tomorrow there's anotherCould be me, could be you, no silver spoonS...

Blur - Jets
Jets are like comets at sunsetJets are like comets at sunsetJets are like comets at sunsetJets a...

Blur - Jubilee
Jubilee slouches in the setteeHe losing all will to moveHe gone divy too much tellyHe watching 2...

Blur - London Loves
A malady has taken him overCoughing tar in his japanese motorThe lights are magicAnd he feels lu...

Blur - Luminous
Don't look at me asYour only regret what you don't seeYou know more than ISo think for meT...

Blur - Mace
Pedaling on a bicycleI'm on my way to make a callI've tried to touch youThrough the double glazi...

Blur - Maggie May
Wake up MaggieI think I've got something to say toyouIt's late SeptemberAnd I really should be b...

Blur - Magic America
Bill Barret has a simple dreamHe calls it his plan BBuildings in the sky and the air is sugar free...

Blur - Mellow Song
I left my streetI'm a guillotinePulling awayIn my machine, Where have I been, now?No...

Blur - Miss America

Blur - Moroccan Peoples Revolutionary Bowls Club
The trees are spinning oxygenThey're the rockets we should fearIf we go and let them off then we will ...

Blur - Mr. Robinsons' Quango
Mr. robinson and his quangoDirty dealer, expensive carRuns the buses and the evening starHe got ...

Blur - Music Is My Radar
You really got me seeing youReally got me done y'all Music is my radarReally topped my joy y'all...

Blur - No Distance Left To Run
It's overYou don't need to tell meI hope you're with someone who makes you feel safe in your sle...

Blur - Oily Water

Blur - On The Way To The Club
On my way to the clubI fell down a holeAll the people thereSaid you come aloneAnd I, I jus...

Blur - Out Of Time
Where's the love song? To set us free Too many people down Everything turning the wrong way arou...

Blur - Parklife
Confidence is a preference for the habitual voyeur of what is known as (parklife)And morning soup can be avo...

Blur - Peach
Chemical wasteBest part of the beachYou're always the way you areWhat of that going to close you...

Blur - Popscene

Blur - Pressure On Julian

Blur - Repetition
So sure,so sure you areNothing can,touch you knowI need to knowBut you're forgetting me now...

Blur - Resigned

Blur - She's So High
I see her face Everyday I see her faceIt doesn't help meShe's so high She's so...

Blur - Sing
I can't feel cos I'm numbI can't feel cos I'm numbWhat's the worth in all of this?Sing to me...

Blur - Slow Down
It's up to youYou know it isI can't convince youAll you have to do isSlow DownI've a...

Blur - Star Shaped

Blur - Stereotypes
The suburbs they are dreaming, they are a twinkle in her eyeShe's been feeling frisky since her husband said...

Blur - Sunday Sunday

Blur - Swamp Song
Give me good timesGive me sali-vaGive me feverI'm a believerGive me insaneGive...

Blur - Sweet Song
What am I to doSomeone here is really not happyPut myself on a lineIt seems I never got through ...

Blur - Theme From An Imaginary Film
What if I told you I love youWhat if I called you in rhythmIn this world there's nothing leftWel...

Blur - There's No Other Way
You're taking the funOut of everythingMaking me runWhen I don't want to thinkYou're taking...

Blur - The Universal
This is the next centuryWhere the universal's freeYou can find it anywhereYes, the future has be...

Blur - This Is A Low
And into the sea goes pretty England and meAround the Bay of Biscay and back for teaHit traffic on the...

Blur - Threadneedle Street
The time has comeNot to be cautiousYou must be careful no to make mistakesFor every heart flower...

Blur - Top Man
This is a public warningBe careful when you're outWe are having freaky weatherThere's a lot of i...

Blur - To The End
All those dirty wordsThey make us look so dumbBeen drinking far too muchAnd neither of us mean w...

Blur - Tracy Jacks
(Tracy Jacks) works in civil service(Tracy Jacks) it's steady employment(Tracy Jacks) it's a golfing f...

Blur - Trailerpark
Freestyle Freestyle...45FreestyleI'm a country boy I got no SoulDon't sleep at night...

Blur - Trimm Trabb
I got no styleI'll take my timeAll those losers on the piss againI dose dose awayTha...

Blur - Trouble On The Message Centre
I am the message centreLocal and directRoom to room an operatorNo calls today they'll just have ...

Blur - Turn It Up

Blur - Villa Rosie

Blur - Wear Me Down
Every time I come hereI'm not sure what to sayI know it should be easyBut it never seems that wa...

Blur - We've Got A File On You
We got a file on you We got a file on you We got a file on you We got a ... on youWe...

Blur - When The Cows Come Home
Good morningWake upWake up with purpose and polite efficiencyStuff vitamin pills down your...

Blur - Yuko And Hiro
This is my work placeAnd these are the people I work withYuko and hiroWe work togetherWe w...

Bobby Valentino - Come Touch Me
[verse 1]It's one of those nights girlyou know just what I need I don't have to spell it ...

Bobby Valentino - I'll Forgive You
[Verse 1]I might as well admit itThat I still miss youI know what I said but it'sKi...

Bobby Valentino - Lights Down Low
Baby yeahCome onBaby yeahCome on I wanna make loveOh babyI wanna make love...

Bobby Valentino - Love Dream
[Verse 1:]Never have I wantedsomeone like this beforeNow we are all alonelet me exp...

Bobby Valentino - Slow Down
I saw you walking Down on Melrose You looked like an angel Straight out of heaven, girl I ...

Bobby Valentino - Slow Down (remix)
Tim and BobBobby ValentinoLet's slow it's the remix[Verse One]...

Bobby Valentino - Some Bobby
[Female Voice (Bobby Valentino)]I really need some bobby,You really need some Bobby (I kn...

Bobby Valentino - Tell Me
[Speaking]Bobby Valentino hahaAh ay yo Tim drop the beat for meAh yeah hahaDo it re...

Bob Dylan - 10.000 Men
10.000 men on a hill10.000 men on a hillSome of them going down some of them gonna get killed....

Bob Dylan - 4th Time Around
When she said"Don't waste your words, they're just lies"I cried she was deafAnd she worked on my...

Bob Dylan - Absolutely Sweet Marie
Well, your railroad gate, you know I just can't jump itSometimes it gets so hard, you seeI'm just sitt...

Bob Dylan - A Fool Such As I
Now and then there's a fool such as IPardon me if I'm sentimental, came to say goodbyeDon't be angry, ...

Bob Dylan - A Hard Rain's A-gonna Fall
Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son ?And where have you been my darling young one ?I've stumbled...

Bob Dylan - Alberta #1
Alberta, let your hair hang low, Alberta, let your hair hang lowI'll give you more gold than your apron can ...

Bob Dylan - Alberta #2
Alberta, let your hair hang low, Alberta, let your hair hang low, I'll give you more gold than your apron ca...

Bob Dylan - All Along The Watchtower
"There must be some way out of here" said the joker to the thief"There's too much confusion", I can't get no...

Bob Dylan - All I Really Want To Do
I ain't lookin' to compete with youBeat or cheat or mistreat youSimplify you, classify youDeny, ...

Bob Dylan - All The Tired Horses
All the tired horses in the sunHow am I supposed to get any riding done ? ...

Bob Dylan - Apple Suckling Tree
Under that apple suckling tree, oh yeah, under that apple suckling treeOh yeah ! Underneath that tree, there...

Bob Dylan - Are You Ready
Are you ready, are you ready ?Are you ready, are you ready ?Are you ready to meet Jesus ?A...

Bob Dylan - Arthur Mcbride
Oh, me and my cousin, one Arthur McBrideAs we went a-walkin' down by the seasideMark know what followe...

Bob Dylan - A Satisfied Mind
How many times have you heard someone sayIf I had his money I'd do things my wayHmm, but little they k...

Bob Dylan - As I Went Out One Morning
As I went out one morningTo breathe the air around Tom Paine'sI spied the fairest damselThat eve...

Bob Dylan - Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
- I first heard this from Ric von Schmidt. He lives in Cambridge.Ric is a blues guitarplayer. I met him one ...

Bob Dylan - Baby, Stop Crying
You been down to the bottom with a bad man, babeBut you're back were you belongGo get me my pistol, ba...

Bob Dylan - Ballad In Plain D
I once loved a girl, her skin it was bronzeWith the innocence of a lamb, she was gentle like a fawnI c...

Bob Dylan - Ballad Of A Thin Man
You walk into the roomWith your pencil in your handYou see somebody nakedAnd you say, "Who is th...

Bob Dylan - Ballad Of Hollis Brown
Hollis BrownHe lived on the outside of townHollis BrownHe lived on the outside of townWith...

Bob Dylan - Belle Isle
One evening for pleasure I rambled to viewThe fair fields all aloneDown by the banks of Loch Eiron...

Bob Dylan - Big Yellow Taxi
They paved paradise, they put up a parking lotA pink hotel, a boutique and a swinging hot spotDon't it...

Bob Dylan - Black Crow Blues
I woke in the mornin' wand'rin'Worried and worn outI woke in the mornin' wand'rin'Worried and wo...

Bob Dylan - Black Diamond Bay
Up on the white verandaShe wears a necktie and a Panama hatHer passport shows another faceFrom a...

Bob Dylan - Blackjack Davey
Black Jack Davey come a-ridin' on backA whistlin' loud and merryMade the woods around him ringAn...

Bob Dylan - Blood In My Eyes
Woke up this morning, feeling blueSeen a good looking girl, can I make love with youHey, hey, babe, I ...

Bob Dylan - Blowin' In The Wind
How many roads most a man walk downBefore you call him a man ?How many seas must a white dove sail...

Bob Dylan - Blue Moon
Blue moon, you saw me standing aloneWithout a dream in my heart, without a love of my own.Blue m...

Bob Dylan - Bob Dylan's 115th Dream
I was riding on the MayflowerWhen I thought I spied some landI yelled for Captain ArabI have yuh...

Bob Dylan - Bob Dylan's Blues
Well, the Lone Ranger and TontoThey are ridin' down the lineFixin' ev'rybody's troublesEv'rybody...

Bob Dylan - Bob Dylan's Dream
While riding on a train goin' westI feel asleep for take my a restI dreamed a dream that make me sad...

Bob Dylan - Boots Of Spanish Leather
Oh I'm sailin' away my own true loveI'm sailin' away in the morningIs there something I can send you f...

Bob Dylan - Born In Time
In the lonely night in the blinking stardust of a pale blue lightYou're coming through to me in black and wh...

Bob Dylan - Broke Down Engine
Feel like a broke down engine ain't got no drivin' wheelFeel like a broke down engine ain't got no drivin' w...

Bob Dylan - Brownsville Girl
Well there was this movie I seen one timeAbout a man riding across the desert and starred Gregory Peck...

Bob Dylan - Buckets Of Rain
Buckets of rainBuckets of tearsGot all them buckets coming out of my earsBuckets of moonbeams in...

Bob Dylan - Bye And Bye
By and by, I'm breathin' a lover's sighWhile I'm sittin' on my watch so I can be on timeI'm singin' lo...

Bob Dylan - Canadee-i-o
Well, it's all of a fair and a handsome girlShe's all in her tender yearsShe fell in love with a sailo...

Bob Dylan - Can't Help Falling In Love
Wise men say, only fools rush inBut I can't help falling in love with youShall I stay, will it be a si...

Bob Dylan - Can't Wait
I can't wait, wait for you to change your mindIt's late, I'm tryin' to walk the lineWell, it's way pas...

Bob Dylan - Cat's In The Well
The cat's in the well the wolf is looking downThe cat's in the well the wolf is looking downHe got a b...

Bob Dylan - Changing Of The Guards
Sixteen yearsSixteen banners united over the fieldWhere the good shepherd grievesDesperate men, ...

Bob Dylan - Chimes Of Freedom
Far between sundown's finish an' midnight's broken tollWe ducked inside the doorway, thunder crashingA...

Bob Dylan - Clean-cut Kid
Everybody's asking why he couldn't adjustAdjust to what, a dream that bust ?They took a clean-cu...

Bob Dylan - Clothes Line Saga
After a while we took in the clothes Nobody said very muchJust some old wild shirts and a couple pairs...

Bob Dylan - Cold Irons Bound
I'm beginnin' to hear voices and there's no one aroundI'm all used up and the fields have turned brown...

Bob Dylan - Copper Kettle
Get you a copper kettle, get you a copper coilFill it with new made corn mash and never more you'll toil...

Bob Dylan - Country Pie
Just like old Saxophone JoeWhen he's got the hogshead up on his toeOh me, oh myLove that country...

Bob Dylan - Covenant Woman
Covenant Woman got a contract with the LordWay up yonder, great will be her reward Covenant woman, shi...

Bob Dylan - Crash On The Levee (down In The Flood)
Crash on the levee, mamaWater's gonna overflowSwamp's gonna riseNo boat's gonna rowNow, yo...

Bob Dylan - Cry Awhile
Well, I had to go down to see a guy named Mr. GoldsmithNasty, dirty, double-crossin', back-stabbin' phony I ...

Bob Dylan - Dark Eyes
Oh, the gentlemen are talking and the midnight moon is on the riversideThey're drinking up and walking and i...

Bob Dylan - Day Of The Locusts
Oh the benches were stained with tears and perspirationThe birdies were flying from tree to treeThere ...

Bob Dylan - Days Of 49
I'm old Tom Moore from the bummer's shore in that good old golden daysThey call me a bummer and a ginsot too...

Bob Dylan - Dead Man, Dead Man
Uttering idle words from a reprobate mindClinging to strange promises, dying on the lineNever being ab...

Bob Dylan - Dear Landlord
Dear landlordPlease don't put a price on my soulMy burden is heavyMy dreams are beyond control...

Bob Dylan - Death Is Not The End
When you're sad and when you're lonelyAnd you haven't got a friendJust remember that death is not the ...

Bob Dylan - Delia
Delia was a gambling girl, gambled all aroundDelia was a gambling girl, she laid her money down....

Bob Dylan - Desolation Row
They're selling postcards of the hangingThey're painting the passports brownThe beauty parlor is fille...

Bob Dylan - Diamond Joe
Now there's a man you'll hear aboutMost anywhere you goAnd his holdings are in TexasAnd his name...

Bob Dylan - Dirge
I hate myself for loving you and the weakness that it showedYou were just a painted face on a trip down to s...

Bob Dylan - Dirt Road Blues
Gonna walk down that dirt road'Til someone lets me rideGonna walk down that dirt road'Til someon...

Bob Dylan - Disease Of Conceit
There's a whole lot of people suffering tonight from the disease of conceitWhole lot of people struggling to...

Bob Dylan - Don't Fall Apart On Me Tonight
Just a minute before you leave girlJust a minute before you touch the doorWhat is it that you're tryin...

Bob Dylan - Don't Think Twice It's All Right
It ain't no use to sit and wonder why, babeIt don't matter, anyhowAnd it ain't no use to sit and wonde...

Bob Dylan - Don't Ya Tell Henry
Don't ya tell HenryApple's got your fly.I went down to the river on a saturday mornA-looki...

Bob Dylan - Do Right To Me Baby (do Unto Others)
Don't wanna judge nobody, don't wanna be judgedDon't wanna touch nobody, don't wanna be touchedDon't w...

Bob Dylan - Down Along The Cove
Down along the coveI spied my true love comin' my wayDown along the coveI spied my true love com...

Bob Dylan - Down The Highway
Well, I'm walkin' down the highwayWith my suitcase in my handYes, I'm walkin' down the highwayWi...

Bob Dylan - Drifter's Escape
Oh, help me in my weaknessI heard the drifter sayAs they carried him from the courtroomAnd were ...

Bob Dylan - Driftin' Too Far From Shore
I didn't know that you'd be leavingOr who you thought you were talking toI figure maybe we're even...

Bob Dylan - Early Morning Rain
In the early morning rain with a dollar in my handAnd an aching in my heart and my pockets full of sand...

Bob Dylan - Emotionally Yours
Come baby, find me, come baby, remind me of where I once begunCome baby, show me, show me you know me, tell ...

Bob Dylan - Every Grain Of Sand
In the time of my confession, in the hour of my deepest needWhen the pool of tears beneath my feet flood eve...

Bob Dylan - Everything Is Broken
Broken lines broken stringsBroken threads broken springsBroken idols broken headsPeople sleeping...

Bob Dylan - Father Of Night
Father of night, Father of dayFather who takes the darkness awayFather who teacheth the birds to fly...

Bob Dylan - Fixin' To Die Blues
Feeling funny in my mind, Lord, I believe I'm fixing to die, fixing to dieFeeling funny in my mind, Lo...

Bob Dylan - Floater
Down over the windowFrom the dazzling sunlit raysthrough the back alleys, through the blindsanot...

Bob Dylan - Forever Young
May God bless and keep you always May your wishes all come trueMay you always do for others And ...

Bob Dylan - Frankie & Albert
Frankie was a good girlEverybody knowsPaid one hundred dollarsFor Albert's new suit of clothes...

Bob Dylan - Freight Train Blues
I was born in Dixie in a boomer shedJust a little shanty by the railroad trackFreight train was it tau...

Bob Dylan - Froggie Went A Courtin'
Frog went a-courtin' and he did ride, uh-huhFrog went a-courtin' and he did ride, uh-huhFrog went a-co...

Bob Dylan - From A Buick 6
I got this graveyard woman, you know she keeps my kidBut my soulful mama, you know she keeps me hidShe...

Bob Dylan - Gates Of Eden
Of war and peace the truth just twistsIts curfew gull just glidesUpon four-legged forest cloudsT...

Bob Dylan - Girl From The North Country
If you're traveling in the north country fairWhere the winds hit heavy on the borderlineRemember me to...

Bob Dylan - Girl Of The North Country
If you're traveling in the north country fairWhere the winds hit heavy on the borderlineRemember me to...

Bob Dylan - God Knows
God knows you ain't prettyGod knows it's trueGod knows there ain't anybody ever gonna take the place o...

Bob Dylan - Going, Going, Gone
I've just reached a place Where the willow don't bendThere's not much more to be said It's the t...

Bob Dylan - Goin' To Acapulco
I'm going down to Rose Marie'sShe never does me wrongShe puts it to me plain as dayAnd gives it ...

Bob Dylan - Gonna Change My Way Of Thinking
Gonna change my way of thinkingMake myself a different set of rulesGonna change my way of thinking...

Bob Dylan - Gospel Plow
Mary wore three links of chain Every link was Jesus nameKeep your hand on that plow, hold onOh L...

Bob Dylan - Got My Mind Made Up
Don't ever try to change me I been in this thing too longThere's nothing you can say or do To ma...

Bob Dylan - Gotta Serve Somebody
You may be an ambassador to England or FranceYou may like to gamble, you might like to danceYou may be...

Bob Dylan - Gotta Travel On
Done laid around, done stayed aroundThis old town too longSummer's almost gone, winter's coming on...

Bob Dylan - Had A Dream About You, Baby
I got to see you baby, I don't careIt may be some place, baby, you say you whereI had a dream about yo...

Bob Dylan - Handy Dandy
Handy Dandy controversy surrounds himHe's been around the world and back againSomething in the moonlig...

Bob Dylan - Hard Times
Let us pause in life's pleasures and count its many tearsWhile we all sup sorrow with the poorThere's ...

Bob Dylan - Hazel
Hazel, dirty blonde hair I wouldn't be ashamed to be seen with you anywhereYou got something I want pl...

Bob Dylan - Heart Of Mine
Heart of mine be stillYou can play with fire but you'll get the billDon't let her knowDon't let ...

Bob Dylan - Highlands
Well, my heart's in the highlands, gentle and fairHoney suckle bloomin' in the wildwood airBluebells b...

Bob Dylan - Highwater - For Charlie Patton
Highwater risin', rising night and dayAll the gold and silver are being stolen awayBig Joe Turner look...

Bob Dylan - Highway 51 Blues
Highway 51 runs right by my baby's doorHighway 51 runs right by my baby's doorIf I don't get the girl ...

Bob Dylan - Highway 61 Revisited
Oh God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"Abe says, "Man, you must be puttin' me on"God say, "No." Abe sa...

Bob Dylan - Honest With Me
Well, I'm stranded in the city that never sleepsSome of these women they just give me the creepsI'm av...

Bob Dylan - Honey Just Allow Me One More Chance
Honey, just allow me one more chanceTo get along with youHoney, just allow me one more chanceAh'...

Bob Dylan - House Of The Risin' Sun
There is a house down in New Orleans they call the rising sunAnd it's been the ruin of many a poor girl and ...

Bob Dylan - Hurricane
Pistols shots ring out in the barroom nightEnter Patty Valentine from the upper hallShe sees the barte...

Bob Dylan - I Am A Lonesome Hobo
I am a lonesome hoboWithout family or friendsWhere another man's life might beginThat's exactly ...

Bob Dylan - I And I
Been so long since a strange woman has slept in my bedLook how sweet she sleeps, how free must be her dreams...

Bob Dylan - I Believe In You
They ask me how I feelAnd if my love is realAnd how I know I'll make it throughAnd they, they lo...

Bob Dylan - Idiot Wind
Someone's got it in for me, they're planting stories in the pressWhoever it is I wish they'd cut it out quic...

Bob Dylan - I Don't Believe You (she Acts Like We Never Have Met)
I can't understandShe let go of my handAn' left me here facing the wallI'd sure like to know...

Bob Dylan - I Dreamed I Saw St. Augustine
I dreamed I saw St. AugustineAlive as you or meTearing through these quartersIn the utmost miser...

Bob Dylan - If Dogs Run Free
If dogs run free, then why not we Across the swooping plain ?My ears hear a symphony Of two mule...

Bob Dylan - If Not For You
If not for you, babe, I couldn't find the doorCouldn't even see the floorI'd be sad and blue if not fo...

Bob Dylan - I Forgot More Than You'll Ever Know
I forgot more than you'll ever know about her.You think you know the smile on her lipsThe thrill...

Bob Dylan - If You See Her Say Hello
If you see her say hello she might be in TangierShe left here last early spring is living there I hear...

Bob Dylan - I'll Be Your Baby Tonight
Close your eyes, close your doorYou don't have to worry any moreI'll be your baby tonight....

Bob Dylan - I'll Remember You
I'll remember youWhen I've forgotten all the restYou to me were trueYou to me were the best...

Bob Dylan - In My Time Of Dyin'
Well, in my time of dying don't want nobody to mournAll I want for you to do is take my body homeWell,...

Bob Dylan - In Search Of Little Sadie
Went out last night just to take a little roundI get my little Sadie and I brought her downI run right...

Bob Dylan - In The Garden
When they came for Him in the garden, did they know ?When they came for Him in the garden, did they know ?...

Bob Dylan - In The Summertime
I was in your presence for an hour or soOr was it a day ? I truly don't knowWhere the sun never set, w...

Bob Dylan - I Pity The Poor Immigrant
I pity the poor immigrantWho wishes he would've stayed homeWho uses all his power to do evilBut ...

Bob Dylan - I Shall Be Free
Well, I took me a woman late last nightI's three-fourths drunk she looked all right'Til she started pe...

Bob Dylan - I Shall Be Free No. 10
I'm just average, common tooI'm just like him, the same as youI'm everybody's brother and sonI a...

Bob Dylan - Isis
I married Isis on the fifth day of MayBut I could not hold on to her very longSo I cut off my hair and...

Bob Dylan - Is Your Love In Vain ?
Do your love me, or are you just extending goodwill ?Do you need me half as bad as you say, or are you just ...

Bob Dylan - It Ain't Me Babe
Go 'way from my windowLeave at your own chosen speedI'm not the one you want, babeI'm not the on...

Bob Dylan - I Threw It All Away
I once held her in my armsShe said she would always stayBut I was cruelI treated her like a fool...

Bob Dylan - It Hurts Me Too
So run here baby, put your little hands in mineI've got something to tell youI know you're gonna chang...

Bob Dylan - It's All Over Now, Baby Blue
You must leave now, take what you need, you think will lastBut whatever you wish to keep, you better grab it...

Bob Dylan - It's Alright, Ma (i'm Only Bleeding)
Darkness at the break of noonShadows even the silver spoonThe handmade blade, the child's balloon...

Bob Dylan - It Takes A Lot To Laugh It Takes A Train To Cry
Well, I ride on a mailtrain, babeCan't buy a thrillWell, I've been up all nightLeanin' on the wi...

Bob Dylan - I Want You
The guilty undertaker sighsThe lonesome organ grinder criesThe silver saxophones say I should refuse y...

Bob Dylan - Jack-a-roe
Oh, there was a wealthy merchant, in London he did dwellHe had a lovely daughter, the truth to you I'll tell...

Bob Dylan - Jim Jones
Come and listen for a moment, ladsAnd hear me tell my taleHow across the sea from EnglandI was c...

Bob Dylan - Joey
Born in Red Hook Brooklyn in the year of who knows whenOpened up his eyes to the tune of an accordionA...

Bob Dylan - John Wesley Harding
John Wesley Harding Was a friend to the poorHe trav'led with a gun in ev'ry handAll along this c...

Bob Dylan - Jokerman
Standing on the water, casting your breadWhile the eyes of the idol with the iron head are glowingDist...

Bob Dylan - Just Like A Woman
Nobody feels any painTonight as I stand inside the rainEv'rybody knowsThat Baby's got new clothe...

Bob Dylan - Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues
When you're lost in the rain in JuarezAnd it's Eastertime tooAnd your gravity failsAnd negativit...

Bob Dylan - Lay Lady Lay
Lay, lady, lay, lay across my big brass bedLay, lady, lay, lay across my big brass bedWhatever colors ...

Bob Dylan - Lenny Bruce
Lenny Bruce is dead but his ghost lived on and onNever did get any Golden Globe award, never made it to Syna...

Bob Dylan - Leopard-skin Pill-box Hat
Well, I see you got your brand new leopard-skin pill-box hatYes, I see you got your brand new leopard-skin p...

Bob Dylan - Let It Be Me
I bless the day I found youI want my arms around youAnd so I beg you: Let it be me.Don't t...

Bob Dylan - Let's Stick Together
Well, a young marriage vow, you know, it's very sacredThe man put us together, now, you wanna make itS...

Bob Dylan - License To Kill
Man thinks 'cause he rules the earth he can do with it as he pleaseAnd if things don't change soon, he will...

Bob Dylan - Like A Rolling Stone
Once upon a time you dressed so fineYou threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn't you ?People'd call...

Bob Dylan - Lily Of The West
When first I came to Louisville, some pleasure there to findA damsel there from Lexington was pleasing to my...

Bob Dylan - Lily, Rosemary And The Jack Of Hearts
The festival was over and the boys were all planning for a fallThe cabaret was quiet except for the drilling...

Bob Dylan - Little Maggie
Oh, where is little Maggie ?Over yonder she standsRifle on her shoulderSix-shooter in her hand....

Bob Dylan - Little Sadie
Went out last night just to take a little roundI get my little Sadie and I brought her downI run right...

Bob Dylan - Living The Blues
Since you've been goneI've been walking aroundWith my head bowed down to my shoesI've been livin...

Bob Dylan - Lo And Behold
I pulled out for San Anton I never felt so goodMy woman said she'd meet me there And of cource I...

Bob Dylan - Lone Pilgrim
I came to the place where the lone pilgrim layAnd patiently stood by his tombWent in a low whisper I h...

Bob Dylan - Lonesome Day Blues
Well, today has been a sad and lonesome dayYeah, today has been a sad and lonesome dayI'm just sitting...

Bob Dylan - Long-distance Operator
Long-distance operatorPlace this call, it's not for funLong-distance operatorPlease, place this ...

Bob Dylan - Love Henry
"Get down, get down Love Henry," she cried"And stay all night with meI have gold chains, and the fines...

Bob Dylan - Love Minus Zero / No Limit
My love she speaks like silenceWithout ideals or violenceShe doesn't have to say she's faithfulY...

Bob Dylan - Love Sick
I'm walkin' through streets that are deadWalkin', walkin' with you in my headMy feet are so tired...

Bob Dylan - Maggie's Farm
I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no moreNo, I aint gonna work on Maggie's farm no moreWell, I wake ...

Bob Dylan - Make You Feel My Love
When the rain is blowin' in your faceAnd the whole world is on your caseI could offer you a warm embra...

Bob Dylan - Man Gave Names To All The Animals
Man gave names to all the animalsIn the beginning, in the beginningMan gave names to all the animals...

Bob Dylan - Man In The Long Black Coat
Crickets are chirpin' the water is highThere's a soft cotton dress on the line hangin' dryWindow wide ...

Bob Dylan - Man Of Constant Sorrow
I am a man of constant sorrowI've seen trouble all my daysI'll say goodbye to Colorado Where I w...

Bob Dylan - Man Of Peace
Look out your window, baby, there's a scene you'd like to catchThe band is playing "Dixie", a man got his ha...

Bob Dylan - Mary Ann
Oh, fare thee well, my own true love, fare thee well but for a whileThe ship is waiting and the wind blows h...

Bob Dylan - Masters Of War
Come you masters of warYou that build all the gunsYou that build the death planesYou that build ...

Bob Dylan - Maybe Someday
Maybe someday you'll be satisfiedWhen you've lost everything you'll have nothing left to hideWhen you'...

Bob Dylan - Meet Me In The Morning
Meet me in the morning 56th and WabashaMeet me in the morning 56th and WabashaHoney we could be in Kan...

Bob Dylan - Million Dollar Bash
Well, that big dump blonde With her wheel in the gorgeTurtle, that friend of theirs With his che...

Bob Dylan - Million Miles
You took a part of me that I really missI keep askin' myself how long it can go on like thisYou told y...

Bob Dylan - Minstrel Boy
Who's gonna throw that minstrel boy a coin ?Who's gonna let it roll ?Who's gonna throw that minstrel b...

Bob Dylan - Mississippi
Every step of the way, we walk the lineYour days are numbered, so are mineTime is piling up, we strugg...

Bob Dylan - Moonlight
Seasons they are turning and my sad heart is yearningI hear again the songbird weep below his toneWon'...

Bob Dylan - Most Likely You Go Your Way And I'll Go Mine
You say you love meAnd you're thinkin' of meBut you know you could be wrongYou say you told me...

Bob Dylan - Most Of The Time
Most of the timeI'm clear focused all aroundMost of the timeI can keep both feet on the ground...

Bob Dylan - Motorpsycho Nightmare
I pounded on a farmhouseLookin' for a place to stayI was mighty, mighty tiredI had come a long, ...

Bob Dylan - Mozambique
I like to spend some time in MozambiqueThe sunny sky is aqua blueAnd all the couples dancing cheek to ...

Bob Dylan - Mr. Bojangles
I knew a man Bojangles and he'd dance for you in worn out shoesSilver hair, ragged shirt and baggy pants, th...

Bob Dylan - Mr. Tambourine Man
Hey ! Mr Tambourine Man, play a song for meI'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going toHey ! Mr T...

Bob Dylan - My Back Pages
Crimson flames tied through my earsRollin' high and mighty trapsPounced with fire on flaming roads...

Bob Dylan - Neighborhood Bully
Well, the neighborhood bully, he's just one manHis enemies say he's on their landThey got him outnumbe...

Bob Dylan - Never Gonna Be The Same Again
Now you're here beside me, babyYou're a living dreamAnd every time you get this closeIt makes me...

Bob Dylan - Never Say Good Bye
Twilight on the frozen lake A north wind about to breakOn the footprints in the snow Silence dow...

Bob Dylan - New Morning
Can't you hear that rooster crowing ?Rabbit running down across the roadUnderneath the bridge where th...

Bob Dylan - New Pony
I had a pony, her name was LuciferI had a pony, her name was LuciferShe broke a leg and needed shooti...

Bob Dylan - Ninety Miles An Hour
I took you home from a party and we kissed in funA few stolen kisses and no harm was doneInstead of st...

Bob Dylan - North Country Blues
Come gather 'round friendsAnd I'll tell you a taleOf when the red iron pits ran emptyBut the car...

Bob Dylan - Not Dark Yet
Shadows are fallin' and I've been here all dayIt's too hot to sleep and time is runnin' awayFeel like ...

Bob Dylan - Nothing Was Delivered
Nothing was deliveredAnd I tell this truth to youNot out of spite or angerBut simply because it'...

Bob Dylan - No Time To Think
In death you face life with a child and a wifeWho sleep-walks through your dreams into wallsYou're sol...

Bob Dylan - Obviously Five Believers
Early in the mornin'Early in the mornin'I'm callin' you toI'm callin' you toPlease come ho...

Bob Dylan - Odds And Ends
I plan it all and I take my placeYou break your promise all over the placeYou promised to love me but ...

Bob Dylan - Oh Sister
Oh sister when I come to lie in your armsYou should not treat me like a strangerOur Father would not l...

Bob Dylan - On A Night Like This
On a night like this I am so glad you came aroundHold on to me so tight And heat up some coffee ...

Bob Dylan - One More Cup Of Coffee
Your breath is sweetYour eyes are like two jewels in the skyYour back is straight your hair is smooth...

Bob Dylan - One More Night
One more night, the stars are in sightBut tonight I'm as lonesome as can beOh, the moon is shinin' bri...

Bob Dylan - One More Weekend
Slipping and sliding like a weasel on the runI'm looking good to see you, yeah, we could have some fun...

Bob Dylan - One Of Us Must Know (sooner Or Later)
I didn't mean to treat you so badYou shouldn't take it so personalI didn't mean to make you so sad...

Bob Dylan - One Too Many Mornings
Down the street the dogs are barkin'And the day is a-gettin' darkAs the night comes in a-fallin'...

Bob Dylan - Only A Pawn In Their Game
A bullet from the back of a bush took Medgar Evers' bloodA finger fired the trigger to his nameA handl...

Bob Dylan - On The Road Again
Well, I wake up in the morningThere's frogs inside my socksYour mama, she's a-hidin'Inside the i...

Bob Dylan - Outlaw Blues
Ain't it hard to stumbleAnd land in some funny lagoon ?Ain't it hard to stumbleAnd land in some ...

Bob Dylan - Oxford Town
Oxford Town, Oxford TownEv'rybody's got their hats bowed downThe sun don't shine above the ground...

Bob Dylan - Peggy Day
Peggy Day stole my poor heart awayBy golly, what more can I sayLove to spend the night with Peggy Day....

Bob Dylan - Please Mrs. Henry
Well, I've already had two beers I'm ready for the broomPlease, Missus Henry, won't you Take me ...

Bob Dylan - Pledging My Time
Well, early in the morning'Til late at nightI got a poison headacheBut I feel all rightI'm...

Bob Dylan - Po' Boy
Man came to the door, I say 'for whom were you lookin'?'Says 'your wife', I say 'she's busy in the kitchen c...

Bob Dylan - Political World
We live in a political worldLove don't have any placeWe're living in timesWhere men commit crime...

Bob Dylan - Precious Angel
Precious angel, under the sunHow was I to know you'd be the oneTo show me I was blinded, to show me I ...

Bob Dylan - Precious Memories
As I travel down life's pathwayKnow not what the years may holdAs I ponder hopes grow fonderPrec...

Bob Dylan - Pressing On
Well I'm pressing onYes, I'm pressing onWell I'm pressing onTo the higher calling of my lord....

Bob Dylan - Pretty Peggy-o
I've been around this whole country But I never yet found Fenneario.Well, as we marched down, as...

Bob Dylan - Property Of Jesus
Go ahead and talk about him because he makes you doubtBecause he has denied himself the things that you can'...

Bob Dylan - Queen Jane Approximately
When your mother sends back all your invitationsAnd your father to your sister he explainsThat you're ...

Bob Dylan - Ragged & Dirty
Lord I'm broke, I'm hungry, ragged and dirty tooBroke and hungry, ragged and dirty tooIf I clean up sw...

Bob Dylan - Rainy Day Woman # 12 & 35
Well, they'll stone ya when you're trying to be so goodThey'll stone ya just a-like they said they would...

Bob Dylan - Rank Strangers To Me
I wandered again to my home in the mountainWhere in youth's early days I was happy and freeI looked fo...

Bob Dylan - Restless Farewell
Oh all the money that in my whole life I did spendBe it mine right or wrongfullyI let it slip gladly t...

Bob Dylan - Ring Them Bells
Ring them bells ye heathen from the city that dreamsRing them bells from the sanctuaries cross the valleys a...

Bob Dylan - Romance In Durango
Hot chilli peppers in the blistering sunDust on my face and my capeMe and Magdalena on the runI ...

Bob Dylan - Sad Eyed Lady Of The Lowlands
With your mercury mouth in the missionary timesAnd your eyes like smoke and your prayers like rhymesAn...

Bob Dylan - Sally Sue Brown
Look who's back in townAin't nobody but Sally Sue BrownAll you boys better run for coverIf you d...

Bob Dylan - Sara
I laid on a dune I looked at the skyWhen the children were babies and played on the beachYou came up b...

Bob Dylan - Sarah Jane
I got a wife and five little chillunI'm gonna take a trip on the big McMillanWith Saro JaneSaro ...

Bob Dylan - Saved
I was blinded by the devilBorn already ruinedStone-cold deadAs I stepped out of the wombBy...

Bob Dylan - Saving Grace
If you find it in Your heart, can I be forgiven ?Guess I owe You some kind of apologyI've escaped deat...

Bob Dylan - Seeing The Real You At Last
Well, I thought that the rain would cool things downBut it looks like it don'tI'd like to get you to c...

Bob Dylan - See That My Grave Kept Clean
Well there's one kind of flavor I'll ask for youWell there's one kind of flavor I'll ask for youThere'...

Bob Dylan - Senor (tales Of Yankee Power)
Senor, senor, can you tell me where we're headin ?Lincoln County Road or Armageddon ?Seems like I been...

Bob Dylan - Shelter From The Storm
I was in another lifetime one of toil and bloodWhen blackness was a virtue and the road was full of mud...

Bob Dylan - Shenandoah
Oh, Shenandoah, I long to hear youLook away, you rollin' riverOh, Shenandoah, I long to hear Loo...

Bob Dylan - Shooting Star
Seen a shooting star tonight And I thought of youYou were trying to break into another worldA wo...

Bob Dylan - Shot Of Love
I need a shot of love, I need a shot of love.Don't need a shot of parish to kill my diseaseDon't...

Bob Dylan - Sign On The Window
Sign on the window says, "Lonely"Sign on the door said, "No company allowed"Sign on the street says, "...

Bob Dylan - Silvio
Stake my future on a hell of a pastLooks like tomorrow is a coming on fastAin't complaining about what...

Bob Dylan - Simple Twist Of Fate
They sat together in the parkAs the evening sky grew darkShe looked at him and he felt a spark tingle ...

Bob Dylan - Sittin' On Top Of The World
Was in the summerOne early fallJust tryin' to find my Little all and allNow she's gone...

Bob Dylan - Slow Train
Sometimes I feel so low-down and disgustedCan't help but wonder what's happening to my companionsAre t...

Bob Dylan - Solid Rock
Well, I'm hanging on to a solid rockMade before the foundation of the worldAnd won't let go, and I can...

Bob Dylan - Something's Burning, Baby
Something is burning, baby, are you aware ?Something is the matter, baby, there's smoke in your hairAr...

Bob Dylan - Something There Is About You
Something there is about you that strikes a match in meIs it the way your body moves or is it the way your h...

Bob Dylan - Song To Woody
I'm out here a thousand miles from my homeWalking a road other men have gone downI'm seeing a new worl...

Bob Dylan - Spanish Harlem Incident
Gypsy gal, the hands of HarlemCannot hold you to its heatYour temperature's too hot for tamingYo...

Bob Dylan - Spanish Is The Loving Tongue
Broke my heart, lost my soulAdios, mi corazonSpanish is the loving tongueSoft as music, light as...

Bob Dylan - Stack - A - Lee
Hawlin Alley on a dark and drizzly nightBilly Lyons and Stack-A-Lee had one terrible fightAll about th...

Bob Dylan - Standing In The Doorway
I'm a-walkin' through the summer nightsThe jukebox playing lowYesterday everything was goin' too fast...

Bob Dylan - Step It Up And Go
Got a little girl, little and lowShe used to love me but she don't no moreShe gotta step it up and go ...

Bob Dylan - Stuck Inside Of Mobile With The Memphis Blues Again
Oh, the ragman draws circlesUp and down the blockI'd ask him what the matter wasBut I know that ...

Bob Dylan - Subterranean Homesick Blues
Johny's in the basementMixing up the medicineI'm on the pavementThinking about the government...

Bob Dylan - Sugar Baby
I've got my back to the sun 'cause the light is too intenseI can see what everybody in the world is up again...

Bob Dylan - Summer Days
Summer days, summer nights are goneSummer days and summer nights are goneI know a place where there's ...

Bob Dylan - Sweetheart Like You
Well the pressure's down, the boss ain't hereHe gone North, for a while They say that vanity got th...

Bob Dylan - Take A Message To Mary
These are the words of a frontier manWho lost his love when he turned bad.Take a message to Mary...

Bob Dylan - Take Me As I Am
Why must you always try to make me over ?Take me as I am or let me goWhite lilies never grow on stalks...

Bob Dylan - Talkin' New York
Rambling out of the wild westLeaving the towns I love bestThought I'd seen some ups and down 'Ti...

Bob Dylan - Talkin' World War Lll Blues
Some time ago a crazy dream came to meI dreamt I was walkin' into World War ThreeI went to the doctor ...

Bob Dylan - Tangled Up In Blue
Early one morning the sun was shiningI was laying in bedWond'ring if she'd changed it allIf her ...

Bob Dylan - Tears Of Rage
We carried you in our arms On Independence DayAnd now you'd throw us all aside And put us on our...

Bob Dylan - Tell Me That It Isn't True
I have heard rumors all over townThey say that you're planning to put me downAll I would like you to d...

Bob Dylan - Temporary Like Achilles
Standing on your window honeyYes, I've been here beforeFeeling so harmlessI'm looking at your se...

Bob Dylan - The Ballad Of Frankie Lee And Judas Priest
Well, Frankie Lee and Judas PriestThey were the best of friendsSo when Frankie Lee needed more money o...

Bob Dylan - The Ballad Of Ira Hayes
Gather round you people and a story I will tellAbout a brave young Indian you should remember wellFrom...

Bob Dylan - The Boxer
I'm just a poor boyThough my story's seldom toldI have squadered my resistanceFor a pocketful of...

Bob Dylan - The Groom's Still Waiting At The Altar
Prayed in the ghetto with my face in the cementHeard the last moan of a boxer, seen the massacre of the inno...

Bob Dylan - The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll
William Zanzinger killed poor Hattie CarrollWith a cane that he twirled around his diamond ring finger...

Bob Dylan - The Man In Me
The man in me will do nearly any taskAs for compensation, there's a little he will askTake a woman lik...

Bob Dylan - The Mighty Quinn (quinn The Eskimo)
Everybody's building the big ships and boatsSom are building monuments, others jotting down notesEvery...

Bob Dylan - The Times They Are A-changin'
Come gather 'round peopleWherever you roamAnd admit that the watersAround you have grownAn...

Bob Dylan - The Wicked Messenger
There was a wicked messengerFrom Eli he did comeWith a mind that multipliedThe smallest matter...

Bob Dylan - They Killed Him
There was a man named Hatma GandiHe would not bow down he would not fightHe knew the deal was down and...

Bob Dylan - This Wheel's On Fire
If your mem'ry serves you wellWe were goin' to meet again and waitSo I'm goin' to unpack all my things...

Bob Dylan - Three Angels
Three angels up above the streetEach one playing a horn Dressed in green robes with wings that stick o...

Bob Dylan - Tight Connection To My Heart (has Anybody Seen My Love)
Well, I had to move fastAnd I couldn't with you around my neckI said I'd send for you and I didW...

Bob Dylan - Time Passes Slowly
Time passes slowly up here in the mountainWe sit beside the bridges and walk beside the fountainsCatch...

Bob Dylan - Tiny Montgomery
Well, you can tell everybody Down in ol' FriscoTell 'em Tiny Montgomery says hello.N...

Bob Dylan - To Be Alone With You
To be alone with youJust you and meNow won't you tell me the trueAin't that the way it oughta be...

Bob Dylan - Tombstone Blues
The sweet pretty things are in bed now of courseThe city fathers they're trying to endorseThe reincarn...

Bob Dylan - Tomorrow Night
Tomorrow night, will you remember what you said to night ?Tomorrow night, will all the thrill be gone ?...

Bob Dylan - Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You
Throw my ticket out the windowThrow my suitcase out there tooThrow my troubles out the doorI don...

Bob Dylan - Too Much Of Nothing
Too much of nothing Can make a man ill at easeOne man's temper might rise While another man's te...

Bob Dylan - To Ramona
Ramona, come closerShut softly your watery eyesThe pangs of your sadnessWill pass as your senses...

Bob Dylan - Tough Mama
Tough mama Meat shaking on your bonesI'm gonna go down to the river and get some stonesSister's ...

Bob Dylan - Trouble
Trouble in the city, trouble in the farmYou got your rabbit's foot, you got your good-luck charmBut th...

Bob Dylan - True Love Tends To Forget
I'm getting weary looking in my baby's eyesWhen she's near me she's so hard to recognizeBut I finally ...

Bob Dylan - Trust Yourself
Trust yourself,Trust yourself to do the things that only you know bestTrust yourselfTrust yourse...

Bob Dylan - Trying To Get To Heaven
The air is getting hotter, there's a rumblin' in the skiesI've been wading through the high muddy water...

Bob Dylan - Tv Talking Song
One time in London I gone out for a walkPast the place called Hyde Park where people talkAbout all kin...

Bob Dylan - Tweedle Dee And Tweedle Dum
Tweedle Dum and Tweedle DeeThey're throwin' knives into the treeTwo big bags of dead man's bones...

Bob Dylan - Two By Two
One by one they followed the sunOne by one until there where noneTwo by two to their lovers they flew...

Bob Dylan - Ugliest Girl In The World
Well the woman that I love she got a hook in her noseHer eye brows meet she wears second hand clothes ...

Bob Dylan - Under The Red Sky
There was a little boyAnd there was a little girlAnd they lived in an alley under the red sky....

Bob Dylan - Union Sundown
Well, my shoes, they comes from SingaporeMy flashlight's from TaiwanMy tablecloth's from Malayisia...

Bob Dylan - Visions Of Johanna
Ain't it just like the night to play tricks when you're tryin' to be so quiet ? We sit here stranded, though...

Bob Dylan - Watered-down Love
Love that's pure hopes all thingsBelieves all things, won't pull no stringsWon't sneak up into your ro...

Bob Dylan - We Better Talk This Over
I think we better talk this overMaybe when we both get soberYou'll understand I'm only a manDoin...

Bob Dylan - Went To Se The Gypsy
Went to see the gypsyStaying in a big hotelHe smiled when he saw me coming And he said, "Well, w...

Bob Dylan - What Can I Do For You ?
You have given everything to meWhat can I do for you ?You have given me eyes to seeWhat can I do...

Bob Dylan - What Good Am I ?
What good am I some like all the restIf I just turn away when I see how you're dressedIf I shut myself...

Bob Dylan - What Was It You Wanted
What was it you wantedTell me again so I'll knowWhat's happening in thereWhat's going on in your...

Bob Dylan - When Did You Leave Heaven
When did you leave heaven ?How could they let you go ?How's every thing in heaven ?I'd like to k...

Bob Dylan - When He Returns
The iron hand it ain't no match for the iron rodThe strongest wall will crumble and fall to a mighty God...

Bob Dylan - When The Night Comes Falling From The Sky
Look out across the fields, see me returningSmoke is in your eye, you draw a smileFrom the fireplace w...

Bob Dylan - When The Ship Comes In
Oh the time will come upWhen the winds will stopAnd the breeze will cease to be breathin'Like th...

Bob Dylan - When You Gonna Wake Up ?
God don't make promises that He don't keepYou got some big dreams baby, but in order to dream you gotta stil...

Bob Dylan - Where Are You Tonight (journey Through Dark Heat)
There's a long distance train rolling through the rain, tears on the letter I writeThere's a woman I long to...

Bob Dylan - Wiggle Wiggle
Wiggle wiggle wiggle like a gypsy queenWiggle wiggle wiggle all dressed in greenWiggle wiggle wiggle t...

Bob Dylan - Winterlude
Winterlude, Winterlude, oh darlingWinterlude by the road tonightTonight there will be no quarreling...

Bob Dylan - With God On Our Side
Oh my name it is nothin'My age it means lessThe country I come fromIs called the MidwestI'...

Bob Dylan - World Gone Wrong
Strange things have happened like never beforeMy baby told me I would have to goI can't be good no mor...

Bob Dylan - Yea! Heavy And A Bottle Of Bread
Well, the comic book and me, just us, we caught the busThe poor litlle chauffeur, though, she was back in be...

Bob Dylan - You Ain't Goin' Nowhere
Clouds so swiftRain won't liftGate won't closeRailings frozeGet your mind of wintertime...

Bob Dylan - You Angel You
You angel you You got me under your wingThe way you walk and the way you talk I feel I could alm...

Bob Dylan - You're A Big Girl Now
Our conversation was short and sweetIt nearly swept me off-a my feetAnd I'm back in the rain oh oh...

Bob Dylan - You're Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go
I've seen love go by my doorIt's never been this close beforeNever been so easy or so slowI've b...

Bob Dylan - You're Gonna Quit Me
You're gonna quit me, babyGood as I been to you, Lawd, LawdGood as I been to you, Lawd, LawdGood...

Bob Dylan - Your Wanna Ramble
Well I told my babyI said "Baby, I know where you beenWell, I know who you areAnd what league yo...

Bob Guiney - Bleed On
It's easy for youAs it's never been for anyoneTo tell me what to doYou forced it on me...

Bob Guiney - Come Undone
Inching closer to finally realize,Your will to live, became a will to die...So quick to questioning ev...

Bob Guiney - Craziest Girl I Know
She talks to God when my back is turnedI can't live with this I guess I'm gonna have to learnShe...

Bob Guiney - Fortunate
Staring down the walls, with your empty handsNever forced you to feel anythingStealing back the time a...

Bob Guiney - Girlfriend
Room 421In an airport hotelI know I should be sleepingBut it's too soon to tellIf I'll fly...

Bob Guiney - How Long
How long can you feed on the fire that you never get to feelHow long has it seemed to be since you felt anyt...

Bob Guiney - Slow 44
The colors bleed in from the downslide, it's always been a part of the gameYou're still standing around in s...

Bob Guiney - So Wrong
You and me standing on the edgeOf a waterfallAnd through the clouds I can see the sunShining thr...

Bob Guiney - Spare Minute
Bogus reasons for leaving me hangin' by a threadYa turn me down it turns me on,It really messed with m...

Bob Guiney - Temporary Life
I drove a hundred miles just to see youBut your still a hundred miles awayI fought the fire of your wa...

Bo Bice - Vehicle
Hey, well I'm the friendly stranger in the black sedanOh won't you hop inside my carI got pictures, go...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - #1 Assassin
[Bone]Stop, everybody, what's that sound?AK-47, so ya better hit the groundStop, everybod...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - 2 Glocks
[Bizzy Bone:]Give it to em, bring your gunGive it to em, bring your gun[Krayzie ...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Ain't Nothin Changed (everyday Thang Part Ii)
[Chorus - Krayzie]Ain't nothin' changed, everydayAin't nothin' changed [x3]I...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - All Original
[Krayzie (Flesh)]Better not be so quick test us,(May they lay, they lay, may they lay, may they...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - All The Way
[Intro: Bizzy]Yeah [laughs]Bone Thug in this mutha whaa whaa whaaYeah Big Wish in ...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Bad Weed Blues
[Wish] Man I hear y'all got some good ass weed around here[Dealer] Yeah nigga, what's happenin...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Battlezone
[Bizzy (Krayzie)]Pick up you'r wings and prepare them to fly(Bone thug souljah bone thug soulja...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Blaze It
So high [x8]I'm so highSo high [x7]If refer really makes you happyNigga Blaz...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Bless Da 40 Oz.
[Layzie]It's all because of brewI'm feelin fresh and newI bless a forty a daySo now...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Body Rott
[Chorus 2X]I say the war shouldn't stopUntil these playa-hatin niggas body rott (body rott)...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Bone Bone Bone
[Krayzie]Who be the niggas that's sneakin' the pistol up in the partyDrinkin' that 151 Bacardi...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Buddah Lovaz
[Bizzy]Shit[Layzie]Nigga, it's the niggas night out tonight, nigga[...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Budsmokers Only
Budsmokers Only, Budsmokers Only...OnlaaaaaaayBudsmokers Only, Budsmokers Only...OnlaaaaaaayBudsmokers...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Can't Give It Up
[Krayzie Bone - repeat 4X]There's always something you got to give up (Yeah, I know)If you want...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Clog Up Yo Mind
[Chorus] Sit back, and let this thugshit,Clog Up Yo' Mind [x3][Krayzie] ...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Creepin On Ah Come Up
Right about now, Thugs-n-harmony is on a come upSo to all you bustas out there, bewareStalkin' (...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Crept And We Came
[Hook: Bizzy]Stalkin' gat fools walking jack movesReady ta pap you if we have to daily,...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Da Introduction
[DJ U-Neek]Welcome to the dark side......[playing in reverse throughout Bizzy's intro]...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Days Of Our Livez
[Bone-Thugs-n-Harmony]Bone (xalot)Wasteland soldier, These are tha dayz of our livez...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Def Dick
[Layzie Bone talking]Bone enterprise orignizationPlayas of the nationSo pass the pussy on...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Die Die Die
[Bizzy Bone (whispering)]Shut up nigga...Shut the fuck up niggaHere they come...Here they come...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Don't Worry
[Krayzie Bone]Everything's gonna be alright(it's gon' be alright)Everything's gonna...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Down '71 (the Getaway)
Playa hatin' ass muthafuckas man fuck datMan put that shit out manYou ain't 'posed to be smokin' no mu...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Down Foe My Thang
[Layzie]Creepin' up outta the woods, gotta give love to my hoodSmoke, and I choke, and I creep ...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - East 1999
[Layzie Bone]East ninteen ninety nine my niggas....Thinkin' bout back in the days w...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Ecstasy
[Krayzie] What's happenin nigga?[Dealer] Hell yeah, what's up my nigga? Ain't notin ju...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Eternal
Where you from nigga?[Layzie Bone]Straight from the muthafuckin' land ah the heartless...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Everyday Thang
Everyday it was almost the same thang'Cause it's all about survival of the fittestWhat you are a...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Evil Paradise
Life, life, life, life(What ya gonna do, what ya gonna do, what ya gonna do?)Or death, death, death, d...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Family Tree
[Krayzie]Yeah come on come on come on, this is my family this is my familymy family, this is ...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Flow Motion
Flow, flow, flow, flow, flow, flow, flowI flow (flow) when I go (go) in flow mo[Layzie]...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Friends
[Chorus: Bone Thugs]Friends, Friends, Friends, Friends, how many of us have them? (How ma...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Frontline Warrior
[Chorus]Nigga thought I told ya, (told ya) that the war ain't over (over)You can roll (you can ...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Ganksta Attitude
[Krayzie]Yeah, Bone Enterpri$e in tha muthafuckin house, nigga!Yo, y'all muthafucka's that didn...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Get' Cha Thug On
If you come my way, you might hear buckshots in the air, Yeah, YeahBut we like this thug shit, that's ...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Ghetto Cowboy
You better count yo' money [2x](Ghetto Cowboy) You better count yo' money [2x](Ghe...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Handle The Vibe
[Krayzie] This track is tight you should be clapping your hands (clapping your hands) [4x]...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Hardtimes
[Krayzie:]im just tryin to protect myselfyou know what im sayinfor the wars to come...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Hatin Nation
[Krayzie]Playa playa playa (hate me,hate me)Playa playa playa (like you do on me)Playa pl...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Hell Sent
[Intro]One, two, Bone is coming for youThree, four, better lock the doorsFive, six, bette...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - If I Could Teach The World
Why do I stay high [repeat 9X][Chorus: Bone Thugs (repeat 2X)]If I could tea...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - If I Fall
[Chorus: Krayzie Bone]Indeed if I fall. Every time I'm fallin', fallinTheres no doubt that god ...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Intro
[Layzie]Bone Enterpri$e in the houseAnd just left tha liquor storeSo nigga, anything goes...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - It's All Real
[singing]Krayzie Bone and the bone, with my mighty-mighty warriorsWith my mighty-mighty warrior...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Land Of Tha Heartless
[Krayzie Bone]Don't niggas don't wanna start shit,Buck, buck to the bang,Sendin' bullets ...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Let The Law End
[Krayzie]Fuck 'em, let the law end'Cause we simply get the raw endCoffins open, dump 'em ...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Look Into My Eyes
[Krayzie]We thuggish ruggish niggas always, always,and ready to bring the war up your way, if y...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Look Into My Eyes (atlantis Remix)
Yeah, it's the remix[Krayzie Bone]We thuggish ruggish niggas alwaysAnd ready to bri...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Me Killa
Domm, doom, doom, doom, doom [Krazie]Killa [All Bone]Me killa, m...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Mind Of A Souljah
[Layzie]It's all about Mo Trues Humbly United Gathering SoulsBabi Boi, my Angel, Daddy'll meet ...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Mind On Our Money
[Hook - Krayzie 2x]People ask me how do you maintainYou got to keep your mind on money (T-H-U-G...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Mo' Murda
[Hook:]Mo murda mo murdaCome come again[Repeat 8x][Verse 1: Krayzie...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Money, Money
[Layzie Bone]Thangs can get rough, when you live in the ghettoYou gotta survive, no matter the ...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Mo Thug
Mo thug, mo thug, mo thug, mo thug, it's all about...Mo thug, mo thug, mo thug, mo thug, it's all about......

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Mr. Bill Collector
[Hook: Krayzie (Layzie)]Them callin' me Mr. Bill Collector,Needin' me money, no ease up t...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Murder One
[Verse 1: Flesh N Bone]We in the last five days of these trials and tribulationsAnd I'm w...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Neighborhood Slang
[Krayzie:]I87 is a lesson for them niggazthat want to testbring more than cause me ...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - No Shorts, No Losses
[Hook:]Bone come break 'em downTaking no shorts no losses manBone come break 'em do...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - No Surrender
[Bizzy]My nigga just entered your business,so can I get a witness?Can you duck? Fuck the...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Not My Baby
[Krayzie - Intro]Wassup?Nothin just bangin'. ["I see you tryin to play me" x4 in background]...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - No Way Out
[Bizzy]Could you tell me where you run to(When it's rent time and I done spent mine ba-by...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - One Night Stand
[Chorus]('cuz I know I'm son of the survivor -vivor -vivor.....) Get up and wash my ass and dam...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - P.o.d.
[Chorus: Krayzie]My nigga, let's get P.O.D.'ded (P.O.D.'ded, P.O.D.'ded)(So high, so high am I....

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Pump, Pump
[Intro: Krayzie]That's right Bone Thugs-N-Harmony back up in this muthafuckaNigga, duce double ...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Retaliation
guess who's back[scream+loud gunshot]right about now its time for those notorious thugsBi...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Servin' Tha Fiends
Hey hey holla holla niggaWhat's happening?I got the biggest boulders right here motherfuckerThes...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Set It Straight
[Intro: Krayzie Bone]Bone Thugs-N-Harmony back in this motherfucker(That's right That's right) ...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Shoot 'em Up
[Hook: Krayzie Bone]Shoot, shoot, shoot 'em up, shoot 'em up, shoot 'em upShoot, shoot, shoot '...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Shotz To Tha Double Glock
Ooooooooooooo....killa [x2]If you're down to glide and slide on the Clair, then let's ride...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Show 'em
[Bizzy Bone/Layzie Bone &Krayzie Bone:]Shit, who Bone Thugs? Hell yeah Bone Thugs Man the...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Sons Of Assassins
[Layzie]Now see I'm cockrrring up my nineI'm poprrring in the clip and capAnd let you kno...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Souljahs Marching
[Hook:]The souljahs marching on prepared for warThe souljahs marching on prepared for war...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Tha Crossroads
[Bone]Bone Bone Bone Bone.. Bone.. Bone.. Bone.. Bone.. Bone Now tell me whatcha gonna do...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Thug Music Plays On
[Wish]"bone" [X16] [Layzie]"New millenium Bone, Thugs...and Harmony"...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - U Ain't Bone
[Verse 1: Bizzy Bone]I'm sending a message to warn you impostersAll hating in my business...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - We Be Feindin'
[Bone]Ya ya ya ya ya ya yaOh yo yo yo yo yo yo[Krayzie]Me take a puff ...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Weed Song
[Krayzie Bone]Take meHigher, higher, babyCan you feel it?? (feel it, feel it, feel it)...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - What About Us
[Chorus 2x](What about us?) What about my niggaz still out on the street?(What about us?) What ...

Bone Thugs N Harmony - Whom Die They Lie
[Bizzy talking]It's East 1999 time[Bizzy]I promise that I'll hunt you bastar...

Bon Jovi - 634-5789
If you need a little lovin', ya call on me And if you want a little huggin', ya call on me baby, ooh yeah, ...

Bon Jovi - 99 In The Shade
I feel I'm burning up with fever But the fire's feeling really good tonight And it's alright I'm...

Bon Jovi - All About Loving You
Looking at the pages of my lifeFaded memories of me and youMistakes you know I've made a fewI to...

Bon Jovi - All I Want Is Everything
Some 15 year old kid sits on his porch, just half-past noon Trying to figure out just what he's doing ...

Bon Jovi - Always
This romeo is bleeding But you can't see his blood It's nothing but some feelings That this old ...

Bon Jovi - Always Run To You
The clock strikes ten Out on the streets again I been looking for something to please me since I don't...

Bon Jovi - Bad Medicine
I ain't got a fever got a permanent disease It'll take more than a doctor to prescribe a remedy I got ...

Bon Jovi - Bitter Wine
We met some time ago, when we were almost young It never crossed my mind to ask, where did you come from? ...

Bon Jovi - Blame It On The Love Of Rock & Roll
First time I heard the music I thought it was my own I could feel it in my heartbeat I could fee...

Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory
I wake up in the morning And I raise my weary head I got an old coat for a pillow And the earth ...

Bon Jovi - Blood On Blood
I can still remember When I was just a kid When friends were friends forever And what you said w...

Bon Jovi - Born To Be My Baby
Rainy night and we worked all day We both got jobs 'cause there's bills to pay We got something they c...

Bon Jovi - Bounce
I been knocked down so many timesCounted out 6, 7, 8, 9Written off like some bad dealIf you're b...

Bon Jovi - Captain Crash And The Beauty Queen From Mars
Dressed up for a big date Like Halloween day but it was Fourth of July now A car crash with a suitcase...

Bon Jovi - Como Yo Nadie Te Ha Amado (this Ain't A Love Song)
Yo no vi las flores marchitar, ni ese frio en tus ojos al mirar, no,no vi la realidad me ibas a ...

Bon Jovi - Damned
I'm lying here beside you in someone else's bed Knowing what were doing's wrong But better left unsaid...

Bon Jovi - Dry County
Across the border they turn Water into wine Some say it's the devil's blood They're squeezing fr...

Bon Jovi - Everyday
I used to be the kind of guyWho'd never let you look insideI'd smile when I was cryingI had noth...

Bon Jovi - Fear
I see you looking over your shoulder Tell me who do you think's out there You're reaching for your fou...

Bon Jovi - Fields Of Fire
There's no-one watching over me tonight and I'm afraid to turn out the lights, If I close my eyes, it'll all...

Bon Jovi - Hey God
Hey God, I'm just a little man got a wife and family But I almost lost the house Yeah, I bought into t...

Bon Jovi - Homebound Train
When I was just a boy The devil took my hand Took me from my home He made me a man So, don...

Bon Jovi - Hook Me Up
Hello, is there anybody out there?I'm alone hanging by a threadEverywhere around the worldEveryb...

Bon Jovi - I Believe
All I know is what I've been sold You can read my life like a fortune told I've seen the dream, there'...

Bon Jovi - I'd Die For You
If you could see inside my heart Then you 'd understand I'd never mean to hurt you Baby I'm not ...

Bon Jovi - If I Could Make A Living Out Of Loving You
If there's something that needs fixing I'm the man to see Look me up, I'm listed Just check unde...

Bon Jovi - If I Was Your Mother
If I was your mother Would you let me hold your hand Would you say you were my baby Would you al...

Bon Jovi - If That's What It Takes
I played the part of a broken heart upon a show I played that part so lonely and so well Thought that ...

Bon Jovi - I Got The Girl
It feels like I'm walkin' on air When we walk down our street When the neighbors stop to watch us walk...

Bon Jovi - I Thank You
You didn't have to love me, like you did But you didn't, but you did And I thank you You didn't ...

Bon Jovi - (it's Hard) Letting You Go
It ain't no fun lying down to sleep And there ain't no secrets left for me to keep I wish the stars up...

Bon Jovi - It's My Life
This ain't a song for the broken-hearted No silent prayer for the faith-departed I ain't gonna be just...

Bon Jovi - I Want You
The last time I saw her Was the night she said goodbye She said that love's a stranger And it's ...

Bon Jovi - Joey
Joey Keys was from my neighborhoodSome would say that he was bad and Joe thought that was goodJoey got...

Bon Jovi - Just Older
Hey, man, it's been a while Do you remember me? When I hit the streets I was 17 A little wild, a...

Bon Jovi - King Of The Mountain
Listen people can't you hear the voices that are crying out There's a hunger burning in the heart of their s...

Bon Jovi - Lay Your Hands On Me
If you're ready, I'm willing and able Help me lay my cards out on the table You're mine and I'm yours ...

Bon Jovi - Let It Rock
The weekend comes to this town Seven days too soon For the ones who have to make up What we brea...

Bon Jovi - Little Bit Of Soul
You been robbed You been used You been crucified and You been abused You been sacrificen a...

Bon Jovi - Living In Sin
I don't need no license To sign on no line And I don't need no preacher To tell me you're mine ...

Bon Jovi - Love For Sale
Well I wake up this morning I rolled out of bed I felt like a dog who's been kicked in the head Checke...

Bon Jovi - Love Me Back To Life
This world don't give you nothing it can't take awayEverybody holding on to somethingNobody wants to f...

Bon Jovi - Misunderstood
Should I? Could I?Have said the wrong things right a thousand timesIf I could just rewind, I see it in...

Bon Jovi - My Guitar Lies Bleeding In My Arms
Misery likes company, I like the way that sounds I've been trying to find the meaning, so I can write it dow...

Bon Jovi - Mystery Train
There are days when she's a whisper Nights when she's a scream A reason to wake up in the morning ...

Bon Jovi - Next 100 Years
Time ain't nothing but time It's a verse with no rhyme Man, it all comes down to you Chang...

Bon Jovi - One Wild Night
It's a hot night, the natives are restless We're sweating by the light of the moon There's a voodoo mo...

Bon Jovi - Open All Night
I saw you coming from a mile awayTrying to hide behind that pretty faceBet my last dollar baby you bee...

Bon Jovi - Raise Your Hands
You - you got a nasty reputation We're in a sticky situation - it's down to me and you So tell me - is...

Bon Jovi - Ride Cowboy Ride
Ride cowboy ride. Through the back door to heaven. To the other side. I wanna know the danger of...

Bon Jovi - Right Side Of Wrong
A friend of a friend needs a favorNo questions asked, there's not much more to sayMe and the wif...

Bon Jovi - Rockin' In The Free World
There's colors on the street Red, white and blue People shufflin' their feet People sleepin' in ...

Bon Jovi - Save A Prayer
Dear Lord, Jesus, Buddah, Allah or can I just call you Joe I've got a lot of things to tell you and some thi...

Bon Jovi - Save The World
I never went to college I don't have a degree Let's say I went to night school I learned all I k...

Bon Jovi - Say It Isn't So
I just can't believeIt was all a lieNo man in the moonJust a big light in the skyI hear Di...

Bon Jovi - She Don't Know Me
What more can I do, there's nothing I haven't tried Still it's so hard for her to notice I've tried ha...

Bon Jovi - She's A Mystery
She won't let me buy her jewelry She don't want things that she can keep She wears wildflowers in her ...

Bon Jovi - Shot Through The Heart
Would you be content to see me crying After all those little games you put me through After all I've d...

Bon Jovi - Social Disease
You can read it in the papers In some places it comes in thirty-two flavors But you wouldn't tell no o...

Bon Jovi - Something To Believe In
I lost all faith in my God, in his religion too I told the angels they could sing their songs to someone new...

Bon Jovi - Stick To Your Guns
So you want to be a cowboy Well you know it's more that just a ride Guess you got to know the real thi...

Bon Jovi - Thank You For Loving Me
It's hard for me to say the things I want to say sometimes There's no one here but you and me An...

Bon Jovi - The Distance
There's a train out in the distance, destination still unknownFar away where no one's waiting, so far from h...

Bon Jovi - These Days
I was walking around, just a face in the crowd Trying to keep myself out of the rain Saw a vagabond ki...

Bon Jovi - Undivided
That was my brother lost in the rubbleThat was my sister lost in the crushThat was our mothers, those ...

Bon Jovi - Wild In The Streets
Joey comes from a sacred part of town Where sometimes you talk so tough That your feet don't touch the...

Bon Jovi - Wild Is The Wind
I tried to make you happy You know I tried so hard to be What you hoped that I would be I gave y...

Bon Jovi - Without Love
She wasn't young, but still a child There still was innocence In painted smiles She called to me...

Bon Jovi - Woman In Love
Call it social commentary Call it just what me eyes see Seems that there's more pretty women Tha...

Bon Jovi - You Had Me From Hello
At the mirror you fix your hair and put your makeup onYou're insecure about what clothes to wearI can'...

Bonnie Mckee - A Voice That Carries
I gotta get away from here,Where its always coldI wanna warm my soulBecause I'm watching the emb...

Bonnie Mckee - Confessions Of A Teenage Girl
I'm just a girlWith good intentionsI don't cry to get attentionMost of the timeI'm j...

Bonnie Mckee - Green Grass
Are you leaving,do I feel you disapperAm I cryingAm I dreaming, will I wake up years agoOr am I ...

Bonnie Mckee - Honey
Memories haunting my evenings,Eyes watching me through the moonI hope my good days aren't overNo...

Bonnie Mckee - I Hold Her
Smokey is my appleAnd green are my eyesSilent is snowfallI whispher goodbyeFarewell to the...

Bonnie Mckee - January
You say al though your love for me is strong.That a lover under seventeen is wrong.Another night goes ...

Bonnie Mckee - Marble Steps
I climb the marble stairs that lead awayAway from everything I used to knowI try to keep my eyes down ...

Bonnie Mckee - Open Your Eyes
Day after dayAll I saw was youAnd the sky came a tumblin' downSmoke in the airAll I want i...

Bonnie Mckee - Somebody
I sit aloneIn the dark theatre watchin' the people go byHand in handEverybody but meOh...

Bonnie Mckee - Trouble
Ah yesI remember too wellHow hardI tried avoiding your spellIt was a cold October night...

Bonnie Mckee - When It All Comes Down
I knewShe knewWe both knew that someday all of this would endI tried to helpBut all ...

Boomkat - Answers
Ah la dee dah dee dah ohAh la dee dah dee dah ohAh la dee dah dee oh daaaah ohSo just the ...

Boomkat - B4 It's 2 L8
I won't breakI might bendBut I won't breakSpinning 'roundI hit the groundAnd lift ba...

Boomkat - Bein' Bad
Put the needle on the recordAnd let's commenceBecause I need to blow off steamWith all my friend...

Boomkat - Crazy Love
does anybody know what, what they have crazy love for? (i do)if u do raise your hands up high for me if u go...

Boomkat - Daydreamin'
Crazy how time flies by so fastWe must all remember to enjoy the rideFor it's too late once you crash...

Boomkat - Know Me
Prepare to fightI've slaved too long to be where I amWon't let any man into my landBut if ...

Boomkat - Left Side / Right Side
I've been down this road beforeAnd I don't wanna go backI always have regretsAbout the things I ...

Boomkat - Look At All The People
Ah, yeah(Look around...) All their eyes are starin' at uLook at all the people,Starin at u...

Boomkat - Move On
i saw u from afarstandin by the cari watched ui realized we were kinda alikethe way u dres...

Boomkat - Now Understand This
You gotta understandyou gotta understand.... this...C'mon (c'mon, c'mon)Now un...

Boomkat - The Wreckoning
I came I saw I kicked some assThe pain I cause it makes me laugh'Cause the way I do my thing is strang...

Boomkat - Wastin' My Time
I don't think you understandThat what your doing is not so coolYou think it's funny to mess with my mi...

Boomkat - What U Do 2 Me
Who's that boy across the roomLookin fine from head to toeHold my dirnk I think we need to be,pr...

Boomkat - Yo!verture
When boomkats playin,u can be certainThat we keep the crowd swayin,till' they drop the curtain...

Bosson - All Because Of You
It's all because of you Yeah you It's all because of you Nobody else makes me feel like you do ...

Bosson - Hole In My Heart
There's a hole where my heart should be And baby only you can fill this emptiness in me There's a hole...

Bosson - I Believe
You say of love There's no such thing You've only known The pain it brings You quest...

Bosson - I Don't Wanna Say Goodbye
I don't wanna say goodbye I don't wanna be alone I give you one more chance to say how much you want m...

Bosson - Let Your Soul Shine
your the ruler of your destiny.... i need to talk to you about a thing or two its not right that...

Bosson - One In A Million
You're one in a millionOhNowYou're one in a millionOh Sometimes love can hit y...

Bosson - Over The Mountains
I've made up my mind I've packed my bags Im not returning home,until someone will give me reason to I ...

Bosson - Stay
We'll be rockin' till the morning after If you stay one more night with me Just stay one more night wi...

Bosson - This Is Our Life
Baby this is our life And I still believe that love is the answer This is our life I sit a...

Bosson - We Live
[Chorus:]We Live and we die and we learn to find the things we live and die for ...

Bosson - We Will Meet Again
It's hard to say goodbye It hurts to be alone And all that is left is a memory To love and...

Bosson - Where Are You?
Where are you.. oh oh where are you i'm caling your name where are ah so...

Bowling For Soup - 1985
[Originally by SR-71]WoohoohooWoohoohooDebbie just hit the wallshe neve...

Bowling For Soup - 2113
Had to kiss you one more timeso i followed you homeAnd i almost lost you at the lighti've seen y...

Bowling For Soup - Ack!!
She's a lovely girlBut only when she gets her wayShe can be thoughtfulWhich is cool sometimes...

Bowling For Soup - A-hole
When I came home my stuff was on the lawnI thought she was happy, but I was wrongThe note she left it ...

Bowling For Soup - All Figured Out
I was the one who had shit for brainsI never took the time to noticethat I was always wrong and you w...

Bowling For Soup - Almost
I almost got drunk at school at 14Where I almost made out with the homecoming queenWho almost went on ...

Bowling For Soup - Andrew
Everybody knows if youve got the coolest clothesYouve got everybody on your sideAnyone can see if you ...

Bowling For Soup - Assman
I tried to break into your house on Friday nightI got attacked by your big dogI tried to play my guita...

Bowling For Soup - One More Time
Oh baby babyHow was I supposed to knowThat something wasn't right hereoh baby babyI ...

Bowling For Soup - Belgium
Lately I feel so smallOr maybe its just that my bed has grownI never noticed it before but you were th...

Bowling For Soup - Bipolar
Oh no here we go, here we go again You were so afraid you let me back inBack in thru a doo...

Bowling For Soup - Boulevard
Back there somewhereI can hear her calling outIve got so much I can tell herShe knows I miss her...

Bowling For Soup - Captain Hook
She looks at me and my world stopsI've got to let her knowBefore she has to goAnd i hope she doe...

Bowling For Soup - Cody
I know you don't come from hereBelieve me i'm very awareand i'm sorryYou were a sad little girl...

Bowling For Soup - Cold Shower Tuesdays
Her finger traced I love youIn the palm of my handThat's still the only timeMy belly's ever hit ...

Bowling For Soup - Corndog
I was all alone on a Saturday nightthe funny thing is, we didn't even have a fightI stayed up all nigh...

Bowling For Soup - Dance With You
Whats it mean to be alone nowHows it feel to be by yourselfYou got me, I didnt get you backthen ...

Bowling For Soup - Down For The Count
Ladies and Gentlemen, in this corner weighing in at 131lbsI'm sorry girl, 126lbs, the girl that broke my hea...

Bowling For Soup - Emily
[Verse 1]It wasn't supposed to be like thisAnother dose of unhappinessI gave it all and m...

Bowling For Soup - Friday
Tuesday seemed like it was ThursdayYesterday i came back downStanding thereJust like the fool i ...

Bowling For Soup - Friends O' Mine
Well it was ugly but we made it this farSome have gone but I forget who they areNow the hangovers are ...

Bowling For Soup - Get Happy
She packed her shit and she left for the cityOn the 8:10 train and I still can't believe it Man, I don...

Bowling For Soup - Girl All The Bad Guys Want
8 o'clock, Monday night and I'm waitin' To finally talk to a girl a little cooler than me. Her name is...

Bowling For Soup - Greatest Day
[VERSE 1:]I've got the keys to the carI'm goin out on an afternoon vacationThey all know ...

Bowling For Soup - Hang On
I used to see you every morningEven when I didnt want toYou used to like to watch us play downtown...

Bowling For Soup - Hard Way
I'm moving inShe's moving out to Los AngelesShe's got a truck; she's got my stuff Packed into it...

Bowling For Soup - I Don't Know
I'm on my way to west hallAnd i don't knowWhat you're thinkin when i show upYou invite me in...

Bowling For Soup - I Don't Wanna Rock
It really sucks to give your heart to a girlYou want to know her like she knows the whole worldBut 10 ...

Bowling For Soup - Kool-aid
Why i was sitting all by myself just thinkingNow i'm lyin awake in bedI can't forget about what you sa...

Bowling For Soup - Last Call Casualty
you, you called me outyou said your done with mebut I cant seem to remember anything at 3amam I ...

Bowling For Soup - Last Rock Show
Stand in line behind meWe've got tons of time toLet it all hang out And cast the demons out....

Bowling For Soup - Life After Lisa
I'm waking up and bakin'Watching the parade cause today's the day I got over youTaking out the trash a...

Bowling For Soup - Lil' Red Riding Hood
[howls]Who's that I see walkin' in these woods? Why it's Little Red Ridin' Hood...

Bowling For Soup - London
I hate youThe things you doI love youThe things you doAnd we've got things so confus...

Bowling For Soup - Major Denial
You've got style, You've got classYou've got a boyfriend that wants to kick my assI made him angry, I ...

Bowling For Soup - Make This Up To You
I got lost inside my head again I guessI made quite a mess of the whole thingI've lost count of all th...

Bowling For Soup - Milo
Yeah it was ten years in the making,but they finally got to tourI bought all their albums, i've got th...

Bowling For Soup - Monopoly
It's good to see youWould you like to sit and talk about itOr do you want to waste my timeAnd si...

Bowling For Soup - My Hometown
This song goes out to my good friends,Especially the ones I had before the Grammy nominations in 2003A...

Bowling For Soup - Nebraska
It seems like I should know betterI guess I don't know muchWhen I'm alone I'm everythingBut I'm ...

Bowling For Soup - Next Ex-girlfriend
I dont wanna meet your dadDont wanna hump your sisterDont wanna do it to your best friend either...

Bowling For Soup - Ohio
Hello...Hello..Hello...Hello..Hello![Band Talking to each other]Wooo.......Move around ki...

Bowling For Soup - Ohio (come Back To Texas)
She said she needed a breaka little time to thinkbut then she went to Cleveland with some guy na...

Bowling For Soup - On An On (about You)
I'm happy again to be stuck here againAnd you're so happy again to be stuck here againNow we can rap a...

Bowling For Soup - Out The Window
You said to never ever come backI wasn't sure exactly what you meant by thatI know that we have had so...

Bowling For Soup - Pictures He Drew
He got up this morningRolled out of bedAnd went out to change the worldHer head on his shoulder...

Bowling For Soup - Psycho
I told you time and time againthat we would meet just as friendsand now i just can't seem to get my st...

Bowling For Soup - Really Might Be Gone
(Maybe I'll get through it)Not much to lean on, I'll get through itYou know I do it to myself anyway...

Bowling For Soup - Ridiculous (looking Up)
Try not to talk when there's nothing to say.Kept bottled up, we get carried away.Then I fall, then I f...

Bowling For Soup - Running From Your Dad
Remember the summer time we were swingingOn the front porch out in the rainIt was Sunday you were all ...

Bowling For Soup - Sad Sad Situation
Alright, this is sad sad situationOne, two, threeHitched a ride, I was so messed upBut I s...

Bowling For Soup - Sandwich
Sometimes I lose control and I don't seem to care,It's time to light this candle and get the blank out of he...

Bowling For Soup - Scaring Myself
She slams the front doorCuz she knows that I can't stand itGives me the fingerCuz she knows I'm ...

Bowling For Soup - Scope
I dont know when it all began to simmer down. Suddenly I dont want you aroundAnd Im sitting here...

Bowling For Soup - Self-centered
I got it stuck in a bindI don't even know whyIt sucks to even tryBut I won't try anymore...

Bowling For Soup - She's Got A Boyfriend Now
She used to be the happiest girl I knewI remember seeing her laughI remember the time she criedW...

Bowling For Soup - Shut-up And Smile
Its not the end of the worldIn fact its not even the end of the summerBut thank god the tv is on...

Bowling For Soup - Smoothie King
She dont even know exactly where she wants to goIs that a double negative oh never mind lets goTo the ...

Bowling For Soup - Somebody Get My Mom
woke up today in a van traded my pillow for a miller lite can and in two more days i lose the guitar that i hawked...

Bowling For Soup - Suckerpunch
Here she comes again with another boyfriend,introduces me and says,this is the sweetest guy Ive ever k...

Bowling For Soup - Surf Colorado
I saw you thereYour long brown hairFalling on your face the way it used to fall on mineAt one ti...

Bowling For Soup - Swim
Seems like every time you reapI am nowhere to be seenBut I know you'll be around tomorrowI...

Bowling For Soup - The Bare Necessities
Look for the bare necessitiesThe simple bare necessitiesForget about your worries and your strife...

Bowling For Soup - The Bitch Song
Is it OK if I speak to you todayYouve been pissed off for a week nowbut, nothing I can say could make ...

Bowling For Soup - The Gilligan's Island Theme
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,A tale of a fateful trip,That started from this tropic port...

Bowling For Soup - Thespian
I met her just todayBut i've seen her beforeNow i sit beside herShe told me her nameI said...

Bowling For Soup - Thirteen
Pinch my arm because I'm dreamin'Better get me out of hereOnce again my head is screamin'Gotta g...

Bowling For Soup - Trucker Hat
This is the song that reminds me of my trucker hatThat I used to wear not to block out the sunWith a j...

Bowling For Soup - Two-seater
I wanna wake up in your armsI wanna set off your alarmI wanna break into your carand I wanna tak...

Bowling For Soup - Valentino
She got a valentine from GaryI opened it up it said, Would you please be mine.I gave her flowers and s...

Bowling For Soup - Where To Begin
Sail away, sail away with meI don't have a ship But we could get one easilyDrift away, drift awa...

Bowling For Soup - Wisk
She was 17 and she, she was a loserThat didn't mean that much to meShe got drunk one day and stole my ...

Bowling For Soup - You And Me
All I needed was an answeri didnt ask for nothin moreand she said, just leave your jacket at the door...

Bow Wow - Eighteen
[Intro:]Let's take a pause for a minuteLet's goCheck it out manSee man, Bow Weezy r...

Bow Wow - Follow Me
I'm game (what?)I'm game (ok)I see that ya'll wanna be like the boy wonder (true true)Well, don'...

Bow Wow - Get It Poppin'
[Intro: Swizz Beatz (dogs barking)]One, Two..One, two Bow Weezy, Swizz BeezyLadies n gentlemen...

Bow Wow - I Can't Lose
[Intro:]Haha let's goYeah uh uh uh yeahI know ya'll can hear thatJust need to holla...

Bow Wow - I Got Ya'll
Bounce, bounce, bounce Bounce wit me, wit me, wit me, wit meBounce wit me, wit me, uhu uh, bounce...

Bow Wow - I'm Back
[Intro:]West coast why dont ya'll just we-walk wit meEast coast just harlem shake sh- shake wit...

Bow Wow - Let's Get Down i go yallok what is in () is what is being said in tha back ground...Some of the words i DO...

Bow Wow - The Don, The Dutch
Uh NeptunesBow Wow a.k.a. the don the dutchFa sho Star Trak collabo uh huh[Chorus 2x:]...

Bow Wow - The Movement
[Pharell:]Oh lord[Bow Wow:]Young and confusedWith nothin to lose...

Bow Wow - To My Mama
Yeah, this song right here is dedicated to that one special woman in my life, right(Thank you for loving me)...

Boy Hits Car - A Letter From Prison
Sometimes I wonder torn between my heart,Torn between my heart and my mind.And I feel my body to see i...

Boy Hits Car - As I Watch The Sun F**k The Ocean
Break!Can we ever forgive love for its pain?A tragic poem that forever burns on my brain.T...

Boy Hits Car - Before We Die
Before We Die *Can the creatious night learn to prototize?*The sun sealed the day, after painting canv...

Boy Hits Car - Benkei
Benkei Hey!You're so beautiful...*Insecure*Like a tire.You're always loc...

Boy Hits Car - Going To India
Going to India when the love breaks.Going to India watch all elephants.Fly away from the pain....

Boy Hits Car - I'm A Cloud
And you will heal yourself when the rain begins to fall.Feel the fireBurning inside us all.Remov...

Boy Hits Car - Love Core (welcome To)
Oh...All my life I never wanted to cause painTo anyone, but these words are in vain.She's ...

Boy Hits Car - Man Without Skin
Can you see the line where the water ends? Throws itself off into oblivion.As sky goes so complacent ...

Boy Hits Car - The Rebirth
Thanks Parris.Immerse yourself in this momentThink about our rebirthLets get connect...

Boy Hits Car - Turning Inward
Turning in, what else am I? *Through your game what else I'm doing.*Pondering a world of hope. W...

Boy Hits Car - Unheard
Thrust your hand through her wave. What was on the other side Of the flowing blue carton?You're ...

Boyz Ii Men - Ain't A Thang Wrong
[VERSE 1]Its 11:45Gang of Escalades parked outsideBig bladess chromed up with shine...

Boyz Ii Men - Can You Stand The Rain
On a perfect day I know that I can count on you When that's not possible Tell me, can you weathe...

Boyz Ii Men - Everything Is You are my everything...i've been thinking of a way to phrase itseem to never find the words ...

Boyz Ii Men - Fallin'
Everytime I think of you The woman all my life been waiting There's nothing that I'd rather do T...

Boyz Ii Men - Forever
Forever in my heartIn my life you'll always be a partThe waves will crash, the wind will blow but fore...

Boyz Ii Men - Howz About It
(Hey, whassup, this is Michael.Just call to see what you guys going on this weekend.You know ever sinc...

Boyz Ii Men - I Can Love You
If I ever had the chanceTo be the king of this whole landI wouldn't do it if you couldn't be beside me...

Boyz Ii Men - I Do
Uuhhhhhhhhhuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh yeeaaah yeeaah yeah [Verse One - Nate]I'm telling the world ...

Boyz Ii Men - I'll Show You
What is loveThat I'm deserving nowThat you would give to meExclusivelyTo have and to hold ...

Boyz Ii Men - I'm Ok, You're Ok
[Verse 1]The first thing I did wrongWas hook up with a girl who wasn't grownShe looked li...

Boyz Ii Men - In The Still Of The Night
In the still of the night I held you, held you tight 'Cause I love, love you so Promise I'll nev...

Boyz Ii Men - I Sit Away
Who says the sea can't move in winter Or clouds stand still in a storm Who says a man can't cry ...

Boyz Ii Men - I Will Get There
Ohohah Hey Yeah I've been wanderin' 'round in the dark Been lost somewhere where no light ...

Boyz Ii Men - Just A Little Luv
This world can beFull of undying hateThere's no sympathyIt's so hard to find someoneWho tr...

Boyz Ii Men - Just Hold On
I know you've been going through some thingsThe pain you hold inside's written on your faceI know you'...

Boyz Ii Men - Little Things
Little things mean a lot Little things mean a lot When I wanted someone to give me the world You...

Boyz Ii Men - Lonely Heart
[Mike and a girl talking to each other:][Girl:] Mike.. [Mike:] Yeah, baby ...

Boyz Ii Men - Luv N U
[Verse 1]Your Eyes are telling meOn my knees is where I should beOn your lips I can read ...

Boyz Ii Men - Not Me
I once knew all the answers, I stood on certain groundA picture of true happiness, confidence so effortless...

Boyz Ii Men - Oh Well
[Nate:]Since you've been gone I've been lonelyLonging to be with you onlyMaybe there's st...

Boyz Ii Men - On Bended Knee
Darlin' I can't explainWhere did we lose our wayGirl it's drivin' me insaneAnd I know I just nee...

Boyz Ii Men - On The Road Again
[Verse 1]And I met her, at a time whenThere were possibilities of being friendsIt was jus...

Boyz Ii Men - Please Don't Go Away
Hey baby I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you Please don't go Slowly my eyes began to see T...

Boyz Ii Men - Right On Time
[Spoken:] Honey, come hereI wanna show you somethingYou know it. ListenBeen away th...

Boyz Ii Men - So Amazing
Oh, ooh, oh yesWhen you're life's walkCan't see the light of dayAnd your hope is goneWhen ...

Boyz Ii Men - Star Spangled Banner/america Medley
Oh say can you seeBy the dawn's early lightWas so proudly we hailedAt the twilight's last gleami...

Boyz Ii Men - Sympin'
Baby let me tell you about how I feel This urge is seizing me, controlling it's unreal Ooh, ahh baby, ...

Boyz Ii Men - That's Why I Love You
Uhhhh yeahSay it onceUhhh, mmmmYeahwhen it's storming (when it's storming)You'...

Boyz Ii Men - The Birth Of Christ
Well they traveled over hills and mountainsOn a cold December night just like thisFor they knew what w...

Boyz Ii Men - The Color Of Love
[Nate]I was lonely,I needed someone, to see me threw,I was at the, end of my rope,I...

Boyz Ii Men - This Is My Heart
[Chorus:]Loving and kissing and holding you tight Letting you know everything is all right ...

Boyz Ii Men - Uhh Ahh
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six Five, four, three, two, one Injection, follows. Uhh ahh...

Boyz Ii Men - Under Pressure
[spoken]Hey guys? Yo what's up y'all? Hey why don't we do something for the jeeps you kno...

Boyz Ii Men - Visions Of A Sunset
Oh Yeah Lived all my days trying to embrace Life with my heart by all the beauty I feel and crea...

Boyz Ii Men - Whatcha Need
Girl I see you cryingTears rolling down your faceYou're sick of him lyingNeed someone to take hi...

Boyz Ii Men - Wishes
Here I am on my own It gets hard sometimes when I'm traveling this empty world All alone I get tired ...

Boyz Ii Men - Woman Don't Cry
So you're feelin' lonelyLike love has gone away at nightYou're brokenhearted cause your man ain't neve...

Boyz Ii Men - Work It Out
[Intro] Yeah, NFL, Boyz II Men Characters baby Meet me on the dance floor, come on ...

Boyz Ii Men - Your Home Is In My Heart
[Mike:] Don't be afraid, love has no age.[Chorus 1:] Even from across the sea (so far ac...

Boyzone - Addicted
Just one more kissAnd I'll be goneI won't write, I won't call youNo more girl, I swear that I'll...

Boyzone - A Different Beat
[African voices]Let's not forget this placeLet's not neglect the our raceLet unity become...

Boyzone - All That I Need
I was lost and aloneTrying to grow, making my way down that long winding roadHad no reason, no rhyme...

Boyzone - All The Time In The World
I know you're feeling kind of nervous'Cause we're finally all aloneI know you've had some other lovers...

Boyzone - And I
It's been a while how have you been doingDo you over think about me and you andAll the things we used ...

Boyzone - And You
For the way you hold your headThe way you lie across my bedThere is nothing to be saidAbout you...

Boyzone - Angel
See herDreamin'Don't wake me'Cos it's realAngelCome flyThrough the skyI ...

Boyzone - Arms Of Mary
The lights shine down the valleyThe wind blows up the alleyOh how I wish I were lying in theArms...

Boyzone - At The End Of A Perfect Day
It's all in a perfect wayJust a part of the perfect way And as long as the world goes aroundI wi...

Boyzone - Baby Can I Hold You Tonight
"I'm sorry,"It's all that you can sayYears gone by and stillWords don't come easilyLike "s...

Boyzone - Believe
You said you could see no endhe world and himself were all on your backI vowed to take your hand...

Boyzone - Believe In Me
I'm been asking all the timeCould I be blindHey, I'm kinda feelingThat there's just one reason w...

Boyzone - Ben
Ben, the two of us need look no moreWe both found what we were looking forWith a friend to call my own...

Boyzone - Brighter Days
I've done a lot of living in my lifeChased my share of rainbows in the skyBefore I stopped to ask the ...

Boyzone - Bright Eyes
Is it a kind of a dream Floating out on the tide Following the river of death downstream Oh is i...

Boyzone - Can't Stop Me
I just can't imagine how it would beTo look in your eyes and feel miseryI can't believe what I would s...

Boyzone - Chiquitita
Chiquitita, tell me what's wrong You're enchained by your own sorrowIn your eyes there is no hope for ...

Boyzone - Close To You
As I stood and said goodbyeWith a lump in my throatCouldn't bear the hurt insideAs I found your ...

Boyzone - Coming Back
Keep coming backComing backComing back for moreKeep coming backComing backComing bac...

Boyzone - Coming Home Now
"Weeks, day, hours, minutes('till I'll be home)."A kiss on the cheek in the old town parkCarved ...

Boyzone - Crying In The Night
Alone just sitting thereThinking of you till it hurtsYou're young, so innocentWithout a care in ...

Boyzone - Daydream Believer
OK Kid K get off your horseAnd drink that milkOh I could hide 'neath the wingsOf the blue ...

Boyzone - Don't Stop Looking For Love
Been so long since I found someoneYou came as some surpriseBut I knew you were meant for meWhen ...

Boyzone - Do Without Me
Once, twice, three times, yeahOnce I can understand itTwice I can let it beThree times is one to...

Boyzone - Every Day I Love You
I don't know, but I believeThat some things are meant to beAnd that you'll make a better meEvery...

Boyzone - Experienca Religiosa
Un poco de ti para sobrevivirDe esta noche que viene fria y solaUn aire de exstasis en la ventana...

Boyzone - Far From Love
It's been a while it seems so longI still remember when we were youngLiving our lives as one - always...

Boyzone - Father And Son
It's not time to make a changeJust relax--take it easyYou're still young--that's your faultThere...

Boyzone - Games Of Love
Many years ago nowin the Garden of LoveA temptation that was watched from aboveI'll be your Adam...

Boyzone - Get Up And Get Over
Get up and get overAny old particular placeGet up and get overAin't nobody dragging me down...

Boyzone - Give A Little
Give a little, take a little, pray a littleGive a little, you know you've got toTake a little, just on...

Boyzone - Good Conversation
Everybody's so mixed up about love these daysAnd everybody's trying to work it out in different waysI ...

Boyzone - Grease Medley
[GREASE IS THE WORD:]I solve my problems and I see the lightWe got a lovin' thing, we gotta fee...

Boyzone - Heal Me
Heal me..Steal me..Feel Me..Heal MeWhen things don't turn out rightAnd it feels like you lost the figh...

Boyzone - Heaven Knows
Tears run dry on a young man's faceFeel the glow of a warm embraceBeen on a boat to theedge of s...

Boyzone - Here To Eternity
You're gonna hold me upYou ain't gonna let me downYou're gonna hold me upYou ain't gonna let me ...

Boyzone - I Believe
If I believe that I could do anything,Could I spread my wings and say goodbyeSo many people told me I ...

Boyzone - If I Don't Tell You Now
I kept it inside for the longest time And I can't keep keeping itAll this love that's inside of my hea...

Boyzone - If Only You Were Here
If only you were hereTodayForeverAnd if only you were mineI would sayIt's forever...

Boyzone - If You Love Me
Wish I could tell by the look in your eyes (where I stand)Wish I could tell what you're feeling inside (but ...

Boyzone - If You Were Mine
I see what he's doing to youAnd it hurts me soI wish I could steal you awayBut you just won't go...

Boyzone - I'll Never Not Need You
I may not need to sail the oceanI've got no need to climb a mountain highBut there'll be no time I won...

Boyzone - I Love The Way You Love Me
I like the feel of your name on my lipsAnd I like the sound of your sweet gentle kissThe way that your...

Boyzone - I'm Learning - Part 1
I never meant to hurt you babyI didn't wanna cause you any painBut you never knew how I felt now honey...

Boyzone - I'm Learning - Part 2
How is it now have you moved onAnd do you still think of meWhen I'm goneI think of you and I jus...

Boyzone - In This Life
For all I've been blessed with in this lifeThere was an emptiness in meI was imprisoned by the power o...

Boyzone - Isn't It A Wonder
It's the sign of the times, girlSad songs on the radioIt's the sign of the times, girlAs the lea...

Boyzone - It's Time
Here at homeThe thoughts racing through my crazy mindTrying to figure outIf I'm loving you this ...

Boyzone - I've Got You
I don't need any moneyand I guess you think that's funnyI got all I need right here with youI do...

Boyzone - I Will Miss You
I thought that I Was like an islandGuess I was wrong Guess I was wrong I see your face ...

Boyzone - Judgement Day
Someday I know I'll find my way to sayWhat makes the world a better place, you sayMy mind is telling m...

Boyzone - Just Can't Say Goodbye
Here I'm standing like an open bookIn front of you - my page is turningPick a chapter babe, and take a...

Boyzone - Keep On Walking
Seems like I was always runningFrom someone or somethingSo scared what life could holdDidn't eve...

Boyzone - Key To My Life
You're the key to my life...Rain on the window covers the traceOf all the tears that I've had to waste...

Boyzone - Let The Message Run Free
In this world of confusionUnder the same sunSave us from complicationLet the message runI ...

Boyzone - Life Is A Rollercoaster
Hey baby you really got my tail in a spinHey baby I dont even know where to beginBut baby I got one th...

Boyzone - Love Me For A Reason
Girl when you hold meHow you control meYou bend and you fold meAny way you pleaseIt must b...

Boyzone - Love Me Tender
Love me tenderLove me sweetNever let me goYou have made my life completeAnd I love you so...

Boyzone - Melting Pot
Take a pinch of one manWrap him up in suntanAdd a touch of blue bloodAnd a little bitty bit of...

Boyzone - Mowtown Medley
[RONAN:] Calling out around the world,are you ready, for a brand-new beat, yeahThe summer's her...

Boyzone - Must Have Been High
(And I must have been highAnd I must have been high)I thought of every reasonExcuses I could giv...

Boyzone - Mystical Experience
Looking for you, lost in my emptinessWhen the night makes me weary, cold and lonelyLooking for ecstasy...

Boyzone - Never Easy
Say goodbye...woahIt's another fightOn another nightto a stranger's homethat's far from ho...

Boyzone - New Beginning
Seven years of waitingSeven years of holding onYes it's beenYes it's been...Always kept my...

Boyzone - No Matter
I saw a tear in your eyeHow could I be so gladTo let you walk right out of my lifeJust watch you...

Boyzone - No Matter What
Chica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha ha haChica cha...

Boyzone - Oh Carol
I've got to tell yougirl you're in dangerNo one can save you nowYou're going to be mine somehow...

Boyzone - Once Upon A Lifetime
Once upon a lifetimeI looked in someone's eyesAnd felt the fire burning in my heartFor the very ...

Boyzone - One Kiss At A Time
I woke up this morningWith a brand new point of viewSomething has changed my worldAnd girl that ...

Boyzone - Only For You
Baby I've been thinking of youGotta picture in my mindThey say I'm falling in loveMakes you blin...

Boyzone - Palabras
Smile an ever lasting smileA smile can bring you near to meY no, no quiero ni pensarLlorar porqu...

Boyzone - Paradise
It's not often that you find someoneWho can fulfill all your dreams insideLike an angel from above...

Boyzone - Picture Of You
Didn't they say that I would make a mistakeDidn't they say you were gonna be troublePeople told me you...

Boyzone - Price Of Love
Fumbling round now in the darkI hear the banging from my heartI'm getting so close to youLooking...

Boyzone - She Moves Through The Fair
My young love said to meMy mother won't mindAnd my father won't slight youFor your lack of kind...

Boyzone - She's The One
I was afraidOf ever letting you in nowAnd showing you my heartWas something that won't begin...

Boyzone - Shooting Star
OoohNo one seems to think too much of me hereand they're glad to tell it to my faceAnd though I ...

Boyzone - Should Be Missing You Now
Should be missing youSat on a chairAnd I stared at the wallMemories of youI couldn't recal...

Boyzone - Since 13
You get lost and lonelyDo you remember times we hadWhen we were young and crazy foolsWell we wen...

Boyzone - So Good
I've heard it beforeAnd you're telling me no, and I'm crazyWe're talking too fastWe've just got ...

Boyzone - Speak As One
It's time that you knowIt's now that you showIt's now that you showThat we are one(that we...

Boyzone - Stay
(Shoo-do-do oh yeah)(Oh stay)StayStayI wanna show youEvery single dream I got inside...

Boyzone - Strong Enough
Strong enough for twoLove see us throughBecause of youI know we're strong enoughLove see u...

Boyzone - Te Garder Pres De Moi
I'll be working my way back to you, babeQui m'emmenera vers toiYeah, I'm working my way back to you, b...

Boyzone - Temptation
Oh yeah!Your love is temptationRacing through my veinsTemptationStop playing silly games...

Boyzone - Thank God I Kissed You
Yeah it's 4 am and the earth stands stillThe city's took a sleeping pillBut I'm awake and lying next t...

Boyzone - That's How Love Goes
How many timesHave I told you tonightThere's no need to worryIt'll all be alrightSo don't ...

Boyzone - These Days
[Brian:]These days I've been feeling luckyLooking all around me I see so many dreams that have ...

Boyzone - The Way You Make Me Feel
Couldn't feel much betterThan the way I fell tonightFeel like Icould live foreverFeel like I cou...

Boyzone - This Is Where I Belong
Here I stand in the northern rainAnd I can't believe I'm home againAnd I can't believe how nothing's c...

Boyzone - This Is Your Song
Live your life to the fallWith a lifetime of smilesMade us know right from wrongAlways knowing a...

Boyzone - Together
Together, it's better by farThat's what we are, you'll seeNow that we're togetherIt's better by ...

Boyzone - Too Late Tonight
And it's too late for us to argue nowAnd it's too late for you to cryAnd it's too late for you to ask ...

Boyzone - Waiting For You
I sit and watch the time go byCan someone please tell me the reason whyHow can a man stay dignified...

Boyzone - Walk On (so They Told Me)
Walk on, she's goneBetter leave the girl aloneWalk on, she's goneDon't even call her on the tele...

Boyzone - Wanna Be Where You Are
(Oh yeah)(My baby baby baby)(Yeah yeah yeah yeah)(Oh yeah)(Oh)It's Monday morning...

Boyzone - What Can You Do For Me
What can you do forWhat can your lovin' ever do forWhat can you do for meLet me hear you say...

Boyzone - When All Is Said And Done
Days that we spentWhen I was so smallNever let me fallYou never let me fallTaught me to se...

Boyzone - When The Going Gets Tough (the Tough Gets Going)
When the going gets toughThe tough get going, tough, tough, huh, huh, huhWhen the going gets tough, th...

Boyzone - When The World Was Mine
It never rained, the sun was always shiningEvery traffic light was always greenThere was a time when e...

Boyzone - When Will You Understand
Will you understandWill you understandDead on a Wednesday morningTrying to make sense of it all...

Boyzone - When You Say Nothing At All
It's amazing how you can speak right to my heartWithout saying a word, you can light up the darkTry as...

Boyzone - Where Did You Go?
Tell me where did you go?Tell me where did you go?Tell me where did you go?Hoping and praying ma...

Boyzone - Where Do We Go
I ask, when will I see you againOnce was all that we hadAnd your touch I've forgottenHow good it...

Boyzone - Where Have You Been?
You took the lot and there's only dirtYou took the bet and you lost my shirtYou walked my dog and you ...

Boyzone - While The World Is Going Crazy
Here we are, just the two of usFar away from the crazy rushAnd while the storm is ragingIt's saf...

Boyzone - Will Be Yours
Nananananana NananananaAll that you want, will be yours(All that you want, will be yours)Look he...

Boyzone - Will I Ever See You Again
We were on the right track babyDefinitely maybeRunning with a dream in our heartWe could make a ...

Boyzone - Words
Smile, an everlasting smileA smile can bring you near to meDon't ever let me find you wrongCause...

Boyzone - Words Can't Describe
(Ba ba baah ooh-ooh ba ba ba-ah ooh-ooh)(Words can't describe yeah)Turn down the lightsNo need t...

Boyzone - Working My Way Back To You
I keep working my way back to you, babeWith a burning love insideYeah I'm working my way back to you b...

Boyzone - Yesterday
Yesterday (yesterday)All my troubles seemed so far awayNow I need a place to hide awayOh..I beli...

Boyzone - You
People on planesPeople on trainsPeople in cars and travelin' in spaceshipsTo a trillion stars...

Boyzone - You Are Not Alone
Another day has goneI'm still all aloneHow could this beYou're not here with meYou never s...

Boyzone - You Flew Away
Let you leave that dayLet you walk on byBreaking up would payBut you had far more prideIf ...

Boyzone - You Lied
I can't figure out just what went wrongI remember a love so strongGood bad times, were carelessly so f...

Boyzone - You Needed Me
I cried a tearYou wiped it dryI was confusedYou cleared my mindI sold my soulYou bou...

Boyzone - You're My Angel
I found my way out of the darknessAfter all this timeNow I see your smiling faceLoking back at m...

Boyzone - Your Song
It's a little bit funny, this feeling insideI'm not not of those, who can easily hideI don't have much...

Brad Paisley - Ain't Nothin' Like
I like kickin' back on the sofaFlippin' through the channels just to see what's onI enjoy eatin' eggs ...

Brad Paisley - All You Really Need Is Love
So you say you wanna tie the knotAnd you're askin' me if I think that the two of you have got What it ...

Brad Paisley - Celebrity
Someday I'm gonna be famous, do I have talent, well noThese days you don't really need it thanks to reality ...

Brad Paisley - Cloud Of Dust
West Texas forecast more of the sameSunny and mild no chance of rainThat old John Deere tractor ain't ...

Brad Paisley - Come On Over Tonight
You know I'm stubborn, set in my ways, said I'd neverFall in love, used all the old clichesBut just no...

Brad Paisley - Don't Breathe
Oh yeah, sure, no problemI'll just throw away these feelingsLet go of all these hopesAnd never t...

Brad Paisley - Famous People
Well you're the first car in an hour or soI'm glad you stopped in it's sure been slow around here today...

Brad Paisley - Farther Along
Tempted and tried we're oft made to wonderWhy it should be thus all the day longWhile there are others...

Brad Paisley - He Didn't Have To Be
When a single mom goes out on a date with somebody newIt always winds up feeling more like a job interview...

Brad Paisley - Holdin' On To You
I'm holdin' on to youWhen I close my eyesYou're still in my armsAnd we never said goodbyeA...

Brad Paisley - Hold Me In Your Arms (and Let Me Fall)
[Chorus]Hold me in your armsJust see how it feelsDon't make we wait foreverJust bec...

Brad Paisley - I'm Gonna Miss Her
Well I love herBut I love to fishI spend all day out on this lakeAnd hell is all I catchTo...

Brad Paisley - In The Garden
I come to the garden aloneWhile the dew is still on the rosesAnd the voice I hear falling on my ear...

Brad Paisley - Is It Raining At Your House
Is it raining at your house like it's raining at mineDo you miss me like I miss you, is it cloudy all the ti...

Brad Paisley - It Never Woulda Worked Out Anyway
Oh lighten up, where's your sense of humorThey're just tiny little rumorsThat I started 'cause I'm loo...

Brad Paisley - I've Been Better
Darlin' after you left I got that promotionThey transferred me out to La Jolla right on the oceanAnd n...

Brad Paisley - I Wish You'd Stay
I talked to my sister in MemphisAnd I told her you were movin' to townHere's her numberShe said ...

Brad Paisley - Little Moments
Well I'll never forget the first time that I heardThat pretty mouth say that dirty wordAnd I can't eve...

Brad Paisley - Long Sermon
They've read the scripture, they've passed the plateAnd we're both prayin' he don't preach lateBut he'...

Brad Paisley - Make A Mistake
You over think thingsYou say what if we're not meant to beWell you know what so whatMake a mista...

Brad Paisley - Me Neither
Darlin' I've been standin' here just watchin' you all nightAnd I think I've even caught you watchin' me a co...

Brad Paisley - Mud On The Tires
I've got some big news The bank finally came throughAnd I'm holdin' the keys to a brand new Chevrolet...

Brad Paisley - Part Two
Hollywood never fails to make a sequelFor each and every movie that does wellWhy can't love be more li...

Brad Paisley - Sleepin' On The Foldout
[Chorus]Sleepin' on the foldout thanks to me and my big mouthWhy did I do what I didI sho...

Brad Paisley - Somebody Knows You Now
You used to say you wanted someone to know you inside outAnd as I look back on things well congratulations b...

Brad Paisley - The Best Thing That I Had Goin'
Finally got that promotion I worked hard to getOne that came with a company carWhen they gave me the k...

Brad Paisley - The Cigar Song
Well I'm a sucker for fine Cuban cigarsThe problem is I can't afford 'emBut last year I went and got m...

Brad Paisley - The Old Rugged Cross
On a hill far away, stood an old rugged CrossThe emblem of suff'ring and shameAnd I love that old Cros...

Brad Paisley - Too Country
Too country what's thatIs it like too Republican or too DemocratIs it too far to the left Too fa...

Brad Paisley - Two Feet Of Topsoil
Yesterday I thought that I was low as I could getI had hit rock bottom ever since you up and leftBut t...

Brad Paisley - Two People Fell In Love
A baby's born in the middle of the night in a local delivery roomThey grab his feet, smack him till he cries...

Brad Paisley - We Danced
The bar was emptyI was sweeping up the floorThat's when she walked inI said, "I'm sorry but we'r...

Brad Paisley - Who Needs Pictures
There's an old Kodak camera in my dresser drawerI ran across it just this afternoonAnd I realized that...

Brad Paisley - Wrapped Around
Every day I clock outAnd head straight to her houseWe cuddle up on the couchBut it always ends t...

Brad Paisley - You Have That Effect On Me
Every morning the last couple of weeksIn between shaving and brushing my teethI'd lean on the sink and...

Brad Paisley - You'll Never Leave Harlan Alive
In the deep dark hills of eastern KentuckyThat's the place where I trace my bloodlineAnd it's there I ...

Brand New - Am I Wrong
Well I talk Too much To myself And I turn my back on my faith It's like glass When w...

Brand New - Failure By Design
[Verse 1:]Watch you on the one's and two's.Through a window in a well lit room.Become a r...

Brand New - Good To Know That If I Ever Need Attention All I Have To Do Is Die
Am I correct to defend the fist that holds this pen?It's ink that lies,the pen, the page, the paper....

Brand New - Guernica
Ever since I was young your word is the word that always won. Worry and wake the ones you love. A phone call I'd r...

Brand New - I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light
The time has come for colds and overcoats. We're quiet on the ride, we're all just waiting to get home...

Brand New - Jaws Theme Swimming
In a car outside, we stalk the idle kind. If you're leaving, just let me know. Tobacco and peppermint,...

Brand New - Jude Law And A Semester Abroad
Whatever poison's in this bottle will leave me broken sore and stiff.But it's the genie at the bottom who I'...

Brand New - Last Chance To Lose Your Keys
I cashed in all my chips tonight and combed my hair till it was just right.Cause I've been thinking about yo...

Brand New - Logan To Government Center
Consider this a letter that I never sent However inconsiderate it seems Do you still consider me, ...

Brand New - Magazines
Laetitia, you destroy me, so I can't see why I feel so lonely when you and me could be forever p...

Brand New - Me Vs. Maradona Vs. Elvis
With one or two I get used to the roomWe go slow when we first make our movesBy five or six bring you ...

Brand New - Mix Tape
I got a twenty-dollar bill that says no one's ever seen you without makeup.You're always made up.And I...

Brand New - Moshi Moshi
I think I'm crazy, baby, let you off the hook to easy If you were a telephone, you'd still be off the hook ...

Brand New - My Nine Rides Shotgun
This happened before and I'm sure it'll happen again It's getting old, I could never know This is not ...

Brand New - No Seatbelt Song
So, it's sad this doesn't suit you now.And me fresh out of rope...Please ignore this lisp, I never mea...

Brand New - Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't
i am heaven sent, don't you dare forget.i am all you've ever wanted,what all the other boys all ...

Brand New - Play Crack The Sky
We sent out the SOS call. It was a quarter past four in the morning when the storm broke our second anchor line. F...

Brand New - Secondary
And it comes down to you.Never and ever.Wrecked his day with looks and flirtsand midnight in you...

Brand New - Seventy Times 7
Back in school they never taught us what we needed to know,like how to deal with despair, or someone breakin...

Brand New - Shower Scene
It's funny how your worst enemies always seem to turn out to be all of your best friend's best friends...

Brand New - Sic Transit Gloria...glory Fades
Keep the noise low.She doesn't wanna blow it.Shaking head to toewhile your left hand does "the s...

Brand New - Soco Amaretto Lime
Passed out on the overpass Sunday best and broken glass Broken down from the bikes and bars Susp...

Brand New - Sudden Death In Carolina
Last night I swallowed liquor and a lighter and this morning I threw up fire.But it's nothing new. I've been...

Brand New - Tautou
I'm sinking like a stone in the sea. I'm burning like a bridge for your body. ...

Brand New - The Boy Who Blocked His Own Shot
If it makes you less sad, I will die by your hand. I hope you find out what you want. I already know what I am. An...

Brand New - The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows
We saw the western coastI saw the hospitalNursed the shoreline like a woundReports of lover's tr...

Brandy - Afrodisiac
[INTRO:]Ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha...

Brandy - All In Me
[VERSE 1]There's so much going onYou can think of meWhen your hope is goneYou can t...

Brandy - Almost Doesn't Count
Almost made you love me Almost made you cry Almost made you happy, baby Didn't I didn't I ...

Brandy - Always On My Mind
Oooh...[1] - Always on my mindYou're always on my mindThoughts of you all the time...

Brandy - Angel In Disguise
[Brandy Talking]An Angel is always been thoughtTo be one of God's most precious worksI gu...

Brandy - Anybody
[VERSE 1]I didn't want to have to say this to youIt's not that I don't love youI just can...

Brandy - Apart
[CHORUS]I never do anything that pleases youSo maybe we are better off apartI don't wanna...

Brandy - As Long As You're Here
Don't let your fear of a broken heart[1] - Well as long as you're hereCan we sit together...

Brandy - Baby
[CHORUS:]Baby baby baby baby Don't you know that you're so fine Baby baby baby baby ...

Brandy - Best Friend
Whenever I'm down, I call on you my friend A helping hand you lend, in my time of need so I I'm callin...

Brandy - Brokenhearted
Da da Da da da da Da da da da Da da da da, da da [repeat]I'm young but I'm wi...

Brandy - Can We
[VERSE 1]Let me tell you the (truth)I may not be what you want me (true)I may not have al...

Brandy - Come A Little Closer
[VERSE 1]I know that it's lateAnd maybe I shouldn't be so into youIt's just that tonight...

Brandy - Come As You Are
I was just a girlInnocent like a doveI was just a girlWith no thoughts of making loveI was...

Brandy - Finally
Yo..YoThis Is A Champion SongFeel MeMe And BrandyWe Have Rised To The OccasionCome O...

Brandy - Focus
Should anybody ask for meTell 'em I'll be right backIn a real short time,It's just that I lost m...

Brandy - Full Moon
[Verse 1]Boy, I saw you soon as you came bouncin' through the doorYou and your mans and them ju...

Brandy - Give Me You
Is there a problem?That you can't solve, whoaYou're all aloneAnd no one wants to get involved...

Brandy - Happy
I don't even knowHow it got this wayWhen I first met youI never thought your love was true...

Brandy - He Is
[Verse 1]It's the only explanationTo the question at handLike years of pain gone away...

Brandy - How I Feel
[Verse 1]I Thought About Callin You (Callin You)But I Changed My MindThe Moment I Thought...

Brandy - I Dedicate (part I)
[Fuzzy]Yo yo what's up B? [Brandy] What's up bro, how ya doin'?[Fuz...

Brandy - I Dedicate (part Ii)
I dedicate, I dedicate I dedicate, I dedicate I dedicate, I dedicate I dedicate, I dedicate...

Brandy - I Dedicate (part Iii)
I dedicate, I dedicate I dedicate, I dedicate I dedicate, I dedicate I dedicate, I dedicate...

Brandy - I'm Yours
How can I let you know How much you mean to me I know sometimes you wonder why Are you the one t...

Brandy - I Thought
[VERSE 1]You claimed you love me (no you didn't)You said you'd care for me (no you didn't)...

Brandy - I Tried
[First Verse]Im sittin' home on a cold dayUnderneath the covers like a little babyThink I...

Brandy - It's Not Worth It
[INTRO]Don't tell me you want out of thisDon't say it's time for us to quitDont say goodb...

Brandy - I Wanna Be Down
I would like to get to know if I could be The kind of girl you that you could be down for Cuz when I l...

Brandy - Learn The Hard Way
[Chorus]It's a shame you have to learn the hard wayNow I have to take my love awayU see I...

Brandy - Like This
[VERSE 1]I have a questionCan I takeover our creation of loveGimme your attentionAn...

Brandy - Love Is On My Side
Whoa, whoa...Love, love, love, love...Love, yeah, yeah, yeah...Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...Hm...

Brandy - Love Wouldn't Count Me Out
[Verse 1]Oh, I believed in usTell me what are you thinking?Why can't we make it?Why...

Brandy - Movin' On
So if the role (so if the role) don't fit me Got to be movin' onI be a typical kind of girl ...

Brandy - Necessary
If I could have your heartI sho would love yaI love you moreThan I could love myselfMounta...

Brandy - Never Say Never
Who would ever thought a guy Would want a girl like me Who would ever thought that I Would fall ...

Brandy - Nothing
[VERSE 1]Nobody knows the pain I feelNobody knows but it's for realI can feel it, I do...

Brandy - Put That On Everything
If you're looking to find A love that will stand till the end of time Baby relax your mind my love is ...

Brandy - Sadiddy
You can't deny it a lil bitAll the lies, all the lil shitI've worked for minesYou'll get none of...

Brandy - Say You Will
Ohhhhhhhh, ohhh ohhh, oohhhhhhhhhOhhhhhhhh, ohhh ohhh, oohhhhhhhhhI never met a guy so sweet...

Brandy - Should I Go?
[Verse 1]I'm Standing On The Edge Of The IndustryWondering If It's All That Important To Me...

Brandy - Sunny Day
[Chorus: (2x)]What's a sunny day without you Just another 24 that passes byAs I sit...

Brandy - Tomorrow
If you would only treat me right I'd stay here by your side But I am down to my last cry So I'm ...

Brandy - Truthfully
How could she ever fool around Don't know what she was thinking 'bout While you were giving love ...

Brandy - Turn It Up
[Verse 1:]Give me a sour power I'ma need a sponge roller and some sweet pajamas Give me s...

Brandy - U Don't Know Me (like U Used To)
How could you lie to me After all we've been through It's just so sad to see me in love with you ...

Brandy - When You Touch Me
[INTRO]All I can do is sit and think aboutThe way you used to love meThe way you used to ...

Brandy - Who I Am
[Chorus]Thank you For all the tears All the tears all the stress Your the best ...

Brandy - Who Is She 2 U?
Timbaland C'mon, Uh, uh, uh Uh, uh, uh, uh, c'mon Ge, ge, get on down Ge, uh, get on down ...

Brandy - Wow
[VERSE 1]No more sittin' at home at nightWaiting for you to come hereNo more will I cry f...

Bratt Pack - Carousel
You Ready We're gonna take you on a ride For 2 triple O Hang on here we go We're gonna sen...

Bravehearts - B Train
[yelling]All aboard! All tha whores!Yo' We came to take shit to tha next stageAnd a...

Bravehearts - Cash Flow
[talking]yea , 2004, BraveHeart, uh huh[Chorus]First a studio, then a video,...

Bravehearts - I Wanna
[Chorus]Baby, I wanna fuckI'll be yo' down ass slutYou know I like it roughYou can ...

Bravehearts - I Will
[Chorus-Wiz and Jungle]Now when I pull out that thangYou know what I'ma doYou's a d...

Bravehearts - Sensations
[Chorus 2x]I get a sensation when you suck my dickAnd you lick my ballsGimme dat good pus...

The Bravery - An Honest Mistake
PeopleThey don't mean a thing to youThey move right through youJust like your breathBut so...

The Bravery - Give In
All I want is everything Everything that I'll ever beEveryone that's coming for meNothing happen...

The Bravery - No Brakes
No brakes this timeI slit the lineBut if you want me, it's coolYou can take me for a foolI...

The Bravery - Public Service Announcement
All this time I should have knownOne of these days you'd follow me homeMess up my room and proceed to ...

The Bravery - Rites Of Spring
Youre the women who made me a man I was down you taught me to stand I was made up of nothing ...

The Bravery - Swollen Summer
Downtown in the shadeStaring at the sunshine in my faceTelling me to come and hide, come and play...

The Bravery - Tyrant
Everytime you come aroundThere's a bouquet for meA corsage of promisesAnd I am pinnedLike ...

The Bravery - Unconditional
I've spent my whole life surroundedand I've spent my whole life aloneI wonder why I never wonder why...

Breaking Benjamin - Away
Cold am II'm beside myselfBecause there's no one else Have I grownSo blindOnly god c...

Breaking Benjamin - Blow Me Away
[Verse 1:]They fall in lineOne at a timeReady to play(I can't see them anyway)...

Breaking Benjamin - Breakdown
Breakdown!Let the fun and games beginShe is spayed and broken inSkin is cold and white...

Breaking Benjamin - Break My Fall
You fought me once but not againYou let me feel your heavy handI will clean your fuckin messAnd ...

Breaking Benjamin - Firefly
You my friendYou're a lot like themBut I cut your lineAnd you know I didNow I'm lost in yo...

Breaking Benjamin - Follow
I'm losing sightDon't count on meI chase the sunIt chases meYou know my nameYo...

Breaking Benjamin - Forever
do you know that i could never leave you?and you know i could never beat you?and if i, if i could neve...

Breaking Benjamin - Forget It
It's a crime you let it happen to meNevermind, I'll let it happen to youOut of mind, forget it there's...

Breaking Benjamin - I Wish I May
Shove me under you againI can't wait for this to endSober, empty in the headI know I can never w...

Breaking Benjamin - Ladybug
What did you say to meI'm not a noveltyYou're playing revelryBut no one's listeningI am a ...

Breaking Benjamin - Natural Life
hold stillall of my lifeall of my timeI don't wanna come back around tonightand all that I...

Breaking Benjamin - Next To Nothing
beneath this waveI just can't take your breath awayyou cut me downyou know I'll always be around...

Breaking Benjamin - No Games
This game is overI'm mean and olderYou're coming closerOver and overMy dear BriannaI...

Breaking Benjamin - Ordinary Man
Cast away all the enemies of yesterdayTo alleviate all the memories that come our wayThere's a better ...

Breaking Benjamin - Shallow Bay
come onthe sun will riseanother timethe colors blindyour virgin eyesI'm so inclined...

Breaking Benjamin - Simple Design
I live a chemical lifeI'm on a mission to tryYou went insane for a dayI'll have to shove it away...

Breaking Benjamin - Skin
Well I know you don't know the reasonAnd it's cold, a sign of the season'Cause you're old, and battere...

Breaking Benjamin - So Cold
Crowded streets are cleared awayOne by OneHollow heroes separateAs they runYou're so...

Breaking Benjamin - Sugarcoat
It started againClaimin' a friendI couldn't beI've never beenI'm all aloneOut in the...

Breaking Benjamin - Water
what's all this talk of a notion?I'd rather drink from the oceanwhat did you mean when you said no?...

Breaking Point - 27
Well, it's trapped up inside youThere's no peace, there's no hopeWhen it's trapped up inside you...

Breaking Point - Angry Side
I know you've got your reasonsYour reasons to leave himYou'll get to start againI know you've be...

Breaking Point - Coming Of Age
All my life I've been waitingFor someone like youThat I could believe inAll that I'm wanting, al...

Breaking Point - Falling Down
Don't you lie to me, cause I'm not blind I see theLessons that you teach create the hate in meI'm not ...

Breaking Point - Get Up
Well you think that you're safeWell I just think that you're a wasteWell you've been striving to win...

Breaking Point - Live For Today
We shared a timeYou walked awayNever had a chance to tell you just how I feltSo we carried lies ...

Breaking Point - One Of A Kind
I've got that feeling deep insideWell what it is I don't knowMy vengeance starts to changeMy min...

Breaking Point - Open Wide
It's so nice to see youIt's so nice to remain hereYour life's been a strange rideTaking sides...

Breaking Point - Phoenix
It was gone in a momentIt went in a blazeI felt so helpless, being so far awayThe skeleton frame...

Breaking Point - Under
Hey, you see right through meWait, isn't that your specialtyI see your soul's inclined to shadows...

Brian Mcfadden - Be True To Your Women
I was talking last nightTo a friend who was thinking he mightRisk it all for a moment of lust and adve...

Brian Mcfadden - Demons
Have you ever been lost in a different worldWhere everything you once knewIs goneAnd you find yo...

Brian Mcfadden - He's No Hero
It's another 6 amAs he stumbles in againAnd the mother croes'don't wake the children'Throu...

Brian Mcfadden - Irish Son
I was born in the heart of DublinTo a Holy book full of rulesMade get on our knees every Sunday with t...

Brian Mcfadden - Lose Lose Situation
When we fall out I like to go driving in my carListen to something ironic and end up in a barGet an ea...

Brian Mcfadden - Pull Myself Away
I found myself magnetizedMy senses they were hypnotizedEverything was drawing to youI lost all s...

Brian Mcfadden - Sorry Love Daddy
It seems like only yesterday I held you in my arms and saidYou will never need to fear the darkB...

Brian Mcfadden - Uncomplicated
Uncomplicated that is what I amA little bit jaded should have walked before I ranCant perform miracles...

Brian Mcfadden - Walking Disaster
(we need some help here still, I donno if you want to post them already, but there are some parts I just can't fig...

Brian Mcknight - 6,8,12
Ooh, oohDo you ever think about me?Do you ever cry yourself to sleep?In the middle of the night ...

Brian Mcknight - After The Love
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ohh, ahh, ooh, hey hey[verse]I thought that love would conquer all...

Brian Mcknight - All Over Now
Every mornin' runnin' lateYour boss is trying not to hateYou find it hard to concentrateThinkin'...

Brian Mcknight - Anytime
I can't remember why we fell apart From something that was so meant to be, yeah Forever was the promis...

Brian Mcknight - Anyway
[verse]I have been through many disappointments and regretsNever known yetThe joy of last...

Brian Mcknight - Back Seat (gettin' Down)
Its only 3 your plane lands at 8Girl its been so longI can hardy waitGirl is u i cravin'Ca...

Brian Mcknight - Been So Long
Praising right out of the blueAnd i felt got the reasons whyWhy i went awayFunny how u open that...

Brian Mcknight - Biggest Part Of Me
If you've ever had a broken heart,You promise yourself to never let it happen again.Don't wanna think ...

Brian Mcknight - Can You Read My Mind
When I'm all alone at nightI can hear the beating of your heartI should tell you and I mightBefo...

Brian Mcknight - Cherish
[I]Thinkin' back in timeSomeone said that love was blindBut they were wrongYou just...

Brian Mcknight - Come Back
Thought about itNo doubt about itWhen you seek you findSince I left youCan't seem to get y...

Brian Mcknight - Could
[Verse 1]Lying alone in my room Don't know what I'm gonna do Trying to figure out I...

Brian Mcknight - Crazy Love
I can hear her heart beat for a thousand miles And the heavens open up every time she smiles And when ...

Brian Mcknight - Discovery
Moon needs the suns Then the earth exists tall trees will grow All because of mist Then th...

Brian Mcknight - Every Beat Of My Heart
[verse]I could feelIt coming from a mile awayWhen I opened up the doorI saw everyth...

Brian Mcknight - Everything
Yesterday, came in your eyes, I caught a glimpse of tomorrowAnd that's when I realized, that dreams come tru...

Brian Mcknight - Everything I Do
Baby, no matter what I'm doin'You know I'd rather be home with youAnd honey, doin' all the things wit ...

Brian Mcknight - Everytime We Say Goodbye
uh huh, uh huh, uh huh, uh huh,......... Could it be that I can't stand to be alone This long distance...

Brian Mcknight - Every Time You Go Away
Every time that Im with you girlI cant believe you share my worldBut its realAnd every tim...

Brian Mcknight - For The Rest Of My Life
Star light, star bright,Have you ever felt the way I feel tonight?Sparkle in your eyes, as the diamond...

Brian Mcknight - For You
Some ask us how How can we singIn a strange landThey can't seem To comprehend ...

Brian Mcknight - Get Over You
Should've Been ThereEverytime you calledShould've Given you everythingGiven you my all...

Brian Mcknight - Groovin' Tonight
[Brian McKnight]Tonight's the night, tonight's the niiiiiiigggghtGirl you lookin so fly, do, do...

Brian Mcknight - Grown Man Business
If you ever had a grown manLet me put you in a grown man businessIf you ready for a grown manLay...

Brian Mcknight - Here With You
The night is overThe DJ's 'bout to play a slow jamI'm waitin' 'bout an hourFor this moment to da...

Brian Mcknight - Hold Me
[Chorus:]Hold me, Love me Givin' me all that you've got Tell me, truly Can I get in...

Brian Mcknight - Home
Thinking back when we first metI remember what you saidYou said you'd never leave meI let go of ...

Brian Mcknight - I Belong To You
I want you for myselfI don't wanna have to share you with nobody elseI want you, babyCome to me...

Brian Mcknight - If It Was Cool
I see that look in your eyes, girl,I might cross the room, that you're leading,And I can't deny that I...

Brian Mcknight - I Remember You
How, how we carried onHow I used to walk with youAnd talk with youUntil I moved awayOh, al...

Brian Mcknight - Is The Feeling Gone
Is the feeling gone, my loveIs it not as strong to you and IAre we still in loveHas the fire die...

Brian Mcknight - Jam Knock
[1] - Baby don't stop, let your body rockWhile you listen to my jam knockWe can party all night...

Brian Mcknight - Kiss Your Love Goodbye
[verse]Tell, tell me it isn't soYou say you have your reasons for leavingYou have to go...

Brian Mcknight - Last Dance
Oh yeahFa, la, la, laFa, la, la, laFa, la, la, la, la, heyFa, la, la, laFa, la...

Brian Mcknight - Lonely
Are you lonely for me?Sunday night, two weeks pastThe last time, I saw your faceOur separa...

Brian Mcknight - Love Of My Life
First, first time I looked into your eyesI saw heaven, oh, heaven in your eyesEverything I did before ...

Brian Mcknight - Marilie
[verse]Dear, every time you're nearUnreal as it may seemYou stepped right out of a dream...

Brian Mcknight - Me & You
[Verse 1]In the garden spoke to His Father for the last time (Yeah)And Satan tried to trick Him...

Brian Mcknight - Must Be Love
[verse]I used to hang out all nightLadies on the left and and the rightThey used to call ...

Brian Mcknight - My Kind Of Girl
When I was younger never went to farHeld my feelings and never even wanted to startSo when i met you, ...

Brian Mcknight - My Prayer
I have been so far awayCounting the times until todaySo long I have wanted a chanceWhen I could ...

Brian Mcknight - Never Felt This Way
There will never come a day you'll ever hear me say that I want and need to be without you. I wa...

Brian Mcknight - Niko's Lullaby
Lullaby, say good nightClose your eyesFall away to sleepEyes like mineDon't you cryC...

Brian Mcknight - Oh Lord
Can you hear meI'm calling your name oh LordI can't go on this wayWill I make it another day...

Brian Mcknight - One Last Cry
My shattered dreams and broken heartAre mending on the shelfI saw you holding handsStanding clos...

Brian Mcknight - On The Down Low
Maxine was 5'9'' Had a man, and she didn't mind Walked up to me nice and slow What she wanted ...

Brian Mcknight - On The Floor
[verse]The bed givesCupboard might break underneath youHard as I tryThe table might...

Brian Mcknight - Played Yourself
All you do is tell me liesCan't you see I'm not surprisedThat you think that I'm A fool...

Brian Mcknight - Shall We Begin
I remeber the day whenwe first metWe both got caught in the rainAnd we were soaking wet...

Brian Mcknight - Shoulda Coulda Woulda
Mmm, mmmAlright, yeahListenBaby, can you put them bags downJust wait hold on for a m...

Brian Mcknight - Show Me The Way Back To Your Heart
I remember days and nights were never cold Had you in my life, I had you there to hold And I remember ...

Brian Mcknight - Someday, Someway, Somehow
I try to pull myself together,One lie, tore us apart.We left so many words unspoken.You walked a...

Brian Mcknight - So Sorry
For everytime you had to go asleep alone.For everytime I tried to rush you off the phone.For everytime...

Brian Mcknight - Stay
It's been too longSince last time I saw your faceYou've been keeping it tight and everythingAppe...

Brian Mcknight - Stay (gemini Version)
You know you got me openAn' it's crazy peekin' at you sittin' in my rideYou better not be jivin'...

Brian Mcknight - Stay Or Let It Go
What's up girl?I need to talk to you for a minuteI can't keep playing myself like thisThere's on...

Brian Mcknight - Stay With Him
When we startedDown this crooked pathIt was a point in timeWasn't meant to beI told you no...

Brian Mcknight - Still
Funny when you stop and thinktimes goes faster then you blinknothings ever like it wasbut girl w...

Brian Mcknight - Still In Love
[verse]I think I must be dreamingThat you are here with meMust have died and gone to heav...

Brian Mcknight - Superhero
[Verse 1:]One look in your eyeThough I'm stronger than a locomotive I can't tell a lie ...

Brian Mcknight - The Day The Earth Stood Still
He was a king without a crownThy hanged him on on his throneAnd nailed him in the groundThe prop...

Brian Mcknight - The Only One For Me
la la lla la la la la la la la la la la la la la la lla la la la la la la la la la l...

Brian Mcknight - Thinkin' Bout Me
Ooh, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, ooh Yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, ...

Brian Mcknight - Till I Get Over You
I remember the way you used to Touch me all timeI told you how I wasThe luckiest man alive...

Brian Mcknight - Up Around My Way
[chorus]You can call me day and night, night and dayGirl you're all that I wantI need you...

Brian Mcknight - Whatcha Gonna Do?
Tell me no if you dont like itI know what that meansBut its different from when I touch youAint ...

Brian Mcknight - Whatever You Want
Did ya have a bad daywell sometimes shit go that waycome on let me rub your feetbaby I know just...

Brian Mcknight - What We Do Here
I never been down for the kiss n' tellAnd I realize that you don't know me wellI'm talkin' 'bout grown...

Brian Mcknight - When The Chariot Comes
Hey ho, hey ho [repeat throughout song]Oh, oh, gidyupAll of these flowersFor this f...

Brian Mcknight - When Will I See You Again
Can't believe the daily newsIt's mostly bad, its sad but trueI realize how close the end is near...

Brian Mcknight - When You Wanna Come
Some fellas only think of themslevesThemselves and no one elseDont care if it's good for youAnd ...

Brian Mcknight - Where Do We Go From Here
I found an old photographI couldn't help but laughI remember that dayAnd it was the best of time...

Brian Mcknight - Win
Dark is the nightI can weather the stormNever say dieI've been down this road beforeI'll n...

Brian Mcknight - You Could Be The One
You could be the oneDid you say you had to leaveCan you stay the night with meIs that the ...

Brian Mcknight - You Got The Bomb
I can't rememberThe last time I felt this wayYou're keeping a smile on my faceYou know exactly h...

Brian Mcknight - Your Love Is Ooh
Your love is oohYour love is ooh baby[verse]I contemplate, as we layCaught up...

Brian Mcknight - Your Song
Whenever were aloneI get beside myselfCant wait til you get homeIts you and no one else...

Brides Of Destruction - 2 Times Dead
I can feel compassionI can feel you your painI can see you slippin' down the drainIt's so insane...

Brides Of Destruction - Brace Yourself
You want loveYou fake loveYou take it for grantedIt slips through your fingersYou're...

Brides Of Destruction - I Don't Care
Well you're all spaced out like a UFOYou're a semi hemi baby but your motor's blownStrung out el...

Brides Of Destruction - I Got A Gun
You, father, you ever wonderfound out what you are, wishing on a starOr if my dealt card has numbed th...

Brides Of Destruction - Life
It seems so hard to stay so positiveI know how it feelsIt just takes time something's gotta give...

Brides Of Destruction - Natural Born Killers
There you are, the superstarCaged and bound - don't they look smashingWith all your camera punk ass fl...

Brides Of Destruction - Only Get So Far
I remember our first goodbyeAnd the kiss in the doorway as you criedTo let you go it breaks my heart...

Brides Of Destruction - Revolution
Revolution, RevolutionProceed mission bride injectionOperation mass detectionDisengage governed ...

Brides Of Destruction - Shut The Fuck Up
I can see you smile on my TVA spewing bile necessaryDementia of your deception"I don't wanna be ...

Brie Larson - She Said
Yeah, she said (she said) Get outta my way cause Im goin' somewhere This is not where I wanna be ...

Britney Spears - Anticipating
Top down, on the stripLookin' in the mirror andI'm checkin' out my lipstickGirlfriends up in the...

Britney Spears - Autumn Goodbye
[CHORUS:]I never promised you a happy endingYou never said you wouldn't make me crybut su...

Britney Spears - Baby One More Time
Oh baby, babyOh baby, baby Oh baby, babyHow was I supposed to knowThat something wasn't right he...

Britney Spears - Beat Goes On
Drums keep pounding rhythm to the brainLa-dee-da-dee-deeLa-dee-da-dee-daWait till you have...

Britney Spears - Before The Goodbye
Laying here in your armsAnd you hold me tight, tightTryin' not to watch the clockTick, Tickin' a...

Britney Spears - Bombastic Love here to testifythat your the only one i belong toI don't know where to startit turned into...

Britney Spears - Born To Make You Happy
I'm sitting here alone up in my roomAnd thinking about the times that we've been through (oh my love)I...

Britney Spears - Boys
For whatever reason,I feel like I've been wanting you all my lifeYou don't understandI'm so glad...

Britney Spears - Brave New Girl
Shes gonna pack her bagsShes gonna find her wayShes gonna get right out of thisShe dont want New...

Britney Spears - Breathe On Me
It's so hot in hereOh, it's so hot, and I need some air.And boy, don't stop 'cause I'm halfway t...

Britney Spears - Can't Make You Love Me
I'm just a girl with a crush on you Don't care about moneyIt doesn't give me half the thrill...

Britney Spears - Chaotic
There's too much of this noiseBoy, let's get a seatSo you can talk sweet to meI see these other ...

Britney Spears - Cinderella
I used to be your girlfriend and I know I did it wellOh yes you know its trueYou'd call me Cinderella...

Britney Spears - Dear Diary
Dear diaryToday I saw that boyAnd I wondered if he noticed meHe took my breath away ...

Britney Spears - Deep In My Heart
Walking through time looking for an answerHow can it be this wayWhat have I doneI just can't hel...

Britney Spears - Don't Go Knocking On My Door
Don't go knock on my doorDon't go knock on my door Time is upNo more cheat n' lieNo ...

Britney Spears - Don't Hang Up
[Bonus Track]Baby, I'm lying all alonePillow, is all I have to holdcan't feel you, ...

Britney Spears - Don't Let Me Be The Last To Know
My friends say you're so into meAnd that you need me desperatelyThey say you say we're so complete ...

Britney Spears - Do Somethin'
[Intro]Do you feel thisI know you feel thisAre You ready?I dont think so...

Britney Spears - Early Mornin'
Early mornin'All right, I was out real late last nightGot a little messyEarly morningCan't...

Britney Spears - Email My Heart
It's been hours seems like days, since you went away,And all I do is check the screen to see if you're ok....

Britney Spears - Everytime
Notice meTake my handWhy are weStrangers whenOur love is strongWhy carry on without ...

Britney Spears - From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart
"Never look back," we saidHow was I to know I'd miss you so?Loneliness up ahead, emptiness behind...

Britney Spears - Girl In The Mirror
There's a girl in the mirrorI wonder who she isSometimes I think I know herSometimes I really wi...

Britney Spears - Girls & Boys
Lying in bed, touching my skinOh God I wish you weren't sleepingI long for your lips, to kiss me again...

Britney Spears - Heart
Heart, I know Ive been hard on youIm sorry for the things Ive put you throughBefore you start to break...

Britney Spears - I'll Never Stop Loving You
Oh, yeahThey say in this world, nothing lasts foreverBut I dont believe thats trueCause the way ...

Britney Spears - I Love Rock 'n' Roll
I saw him dancing thereBy the record machineI knew he must haveBeen about seventeenThe bea...

Britney Spears - I'm So Curious
So curious, so curious.Im so curious, about our love. I dont understand, why you dont take my hand,...

Britney Spears - Intimidated
(Ooh, I see you over there. Don't be shy. Come here.)You got that thing that I can't denySo move...

Britney Spears - I Run Away
You took your love away, too fastLeft no chance to say look backAnd now I know the truth,It make...

Britney Spears - I've Got The Urge (to Herbal)
I've got the urge (i can i can) i can wait another minutei've got the urge to herbal (ow baby ba...

Britney Spears - I've Just Begun (having My Fun)
[Bonus Track]Here is a little story that I made upSo Let's make believeFour years a...

Britney Spears - I Will Be There
Oh yeahYou don't have to say what's on your mind'Cause I know where you've beenGive it up ...

Britney Spears - I Will Still Love You
[Britney] Time may take us apart, but I will still love you. I promise[Both] And when the star...

Britney Spears - Let Me Be
You try to read meYou try to figure outYou try to breathe meBut you can't blow me outYou t...

Britney Spears - Lonely
To think I'm so naiveHow dare youPlay with me?I gave youHeart and soul, yeahTell me ...

Britney Spears - Lucky
This is a story about a girl named Lucky Early morning, she wakes upKnock, knock, knock on the d...

Britney Spears - My Only Wish This Year
Last night I took a walk in the snow.Couples holding hands, places to goSeems like everyone but me is ...

Britney Spears - My Prerogative
[Spoken:]People can take everything away from youBut they can never take away your truthB...

Britney Spears - One Kiss From You
I'm dreaming of one kiss from youA love long and trueWe'll go on and on and I don't wanna ...

Britney Spears - Oops! ...i Did It Again
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I think I did it againI made you bel...

Britney Spears - Outrageous
OutrageousWhen I move my bodyOutrageousWhen I'm at a partyOutrageousIn my sexy jeans...

Britney Spears - Overprotected
[Spoken:]I need time (time)Love (love)Joy (joy)I need spaceI need me (A...

Britney Spears - Pepsi Joy Of Cola
My heart wont skipa beatI never look before I leapridejust enjoy the ridethere'll be...

Britney Spears - Right Now (taste The Victory)
Are you ready for me?Yeah? I Thought SoNo, Nothing will stop itYou can waste your time...

Britney Spears - Satisfaction
I can't get no satisfactionI can't get no satisfactionAnd I try, and I try, and I try, and I try...

Britney Spears - Shadow
Your bodys warmBut you are notYou give a littleNot a lotYou coup your loveUntil we k...

Britney Spears - Showdown
YeahSometimes I just love to have that outJust something a girls gotta do, ohNever thought...

Britney Spears - Soda Pop
Ooh-OohAh, here we go nowOh[male rapper] Like a great boy, all my other women are insoles...

Britney Spears - Stronger
Ooh hey, yeah Hush, just stopTheres nothing you can do or say, babyIve had enoughIm ...

Britney Spears - That's Where You Take Me
Oh Baby, Oh BabyOh Baby, Oh Baby In love, In no beliefNever found inside of MeBuilt these ...

Britney Spears - The Answer
[Bonus Track]Yeah,I've been waiting for youSo patientlyAnd now you're here...

Britney Spears - The Hook Up
He was lookinSaid he wanna hook upBut she dont wanna hook upTold him, just goAnd then she ...

Britney Spears - Thinkin About You
Oh, oh-ohOh, oh, oh-ohFriends say, I'm awayBecause I'm down with you every dayThey s...

Britney Spears - Touch Of My Hand
Im not ashamed of the things that I dreamI find myself flirting with the verge of obsceneInto the unkn...

Britney Spears - Toxic
Baby, cant you seeIm callingA guy like youShould wear a warningIts dangerousIm falli...

Britney Spears - Walk On By
I'm coming down with a heartache tonight Only you can make it all right If I can be with you holding y...

Britney Spears - What U See (is What You Get)
You used to say that I was specialEverything was rightBut now you think I'm wearing too much make-up...

Britney Spears - When I Found You
I believeWe all have one true loveSomewhere in this worldI do (I do, I do)When it se...

Britney Spears - When Your Eyes Say It
I love to hear you say that you love meWith words so sweetAnd I love the way with just one whisper...

Britney Spears - Where Are You Now
Calling out your nameYour face is everywhereI'm reaching out to youTo find that you're not there...

Britney Spears - You Got It All
Ooh...Ooh...Yeah...I...I was the game he would playHe brought the clouds to my...

Brooke Fraser - Arithmetic
I've been staring at the sky tonightMarvelling and passing timeWondering what to do with daylight...

Brooke Fraser - Better
Take my shoulder back nowYour head's too heavy for mePlease don't come around here no more'Cos I...

Brooke Fraser - Indelible
Walk along here,feel you move somewhere in front of meI can't place you with these eyes for the doubt I can'...

Brooke Fraser - Lifeline
I have this sinking feelingSomething's weighing me downI am completely saturatedThe waves are cr...

Brooke Fraser - Mystery
I wanna get your words stuck in my headI wanna touch your soul with mineI want to always be, be by you...

Brooke Fraser - Reverie
I'm having trouble remembering where the lines cross your faceYour smile is fading from memoryWon't yo...

Brooke Fraser - Saving The World
Didn't I tell you everything's fine?If there's a good and bad we're somewhere in betweenOften I feel l...

Brooke Fraser - Scarlet
Middle of nowhereFinally you can breatheNobody knows your nameIt's easierShut your e...

Brooke Fraser - Still In Love
I'm not hanging on your every wordI'm thriving on my self-sufficiencyI'm not listening to the things I...

Brooke Fraser - Waste Another Day
Don't you say it's too earlyBaby I don't wanna waste the dayWhen we've everything on our sideAnd...

Brooke Fraser - Without You
The sky opens up over me and youAnd you don't seem to mind that we're soaked through You kiss me in th...

Brooke Hogan - Everything To Me
[Verse 1]You wanna go,And as you open up the door,You change your mind,I'm no...

Brooke Valentine - American Girl
[Verse 1:]MmmI'm watchin' day time TVI'm young and I'm restlessI'm on no sunset bea...

Brooke Valentine - Cover Girl
Hey, oh oh ohHey, oh heyOh yeah, oh yeahI wish I could beThat girl in the magazine e...

Brooke Valentine - Ghetto Superstarz
Hey Oh yeahooh, ey eyOh!they gon' know who we are (ey, Ow!)Oh!They gon' know w...

Brooke Valentine - Girlfight
[INTRO] Boy stop Its about to be a girl fight She really know Brook Valentine ...

Brooke Valentine - I Want You Dead
[Spoken]You know, there's a few things I been wanting to say. There's a few things I been wanti...

Brooke Valentine - Laugh Til I Cry
[Verse 1:]Right from the start hell yeahYou were the one even without a kiss you were so much f...

Brooke Valentine - Long As You Come Home
I loved you, before I knew you lied I've always been right here So, don't you try to deny I've b...

Brooke Valentine - Pass Us By
He walked right by meI knew he was a hottieI had to back it upSo I can go and say hi (hottie)...

Brooke Valentine - Taste Of Dis
[Intro Vamp:]I'm getting off about sixI'm rollin' trough da hood all anxiousHitting up a ...

Brooke Valentine - Tell Me Why You Don't Love Me
Now you can say I'm addictedI admit I'm afflictedBy the way you affected me so hardI am helpless...

Brooks & Dunn - Believer
What do I do to make you love meBaby, like I love youWhy do you keep the key to your heartBehind...

Brooks & Dunn - Caroline
My darling, I have wronged youDown the devil's path I have roamedRegret, sadness and sorrowNow i...

Brooks & Dunn - Feels Good Don't It
What's it like girlTo have somebody love youWith a loveToo good to be trueYou oughta know...

Brooks & Dunn - Good Cowboy
Say things to me like a cowgirl wouldI'll do tricks for you like a cowboy shouldYou look romantic layi...

Brooks & Dunn - Good Day To Be Me
Some folks call me crazy my momma call me 'honAnd depending on the mood your in, I might be either one...

Brooks & Dunn - Holy War
[Chorus]Some say a holy war is comin'Gonna be the end of mortal manThere's a TV preacher ...

Brooks & Dunn - It's Getting Better All The Time
I don't stop breathing everytime the phone rings,My heart don't race when someone's at my door,I've al...

Brooks & Dunn - I Used To Know This Song By Heart
I sat down to say itThe words wouldn't comeI just couldn't play itAnd it tore me all apart...

Brooks & Dunn - Memory Town
There's a house down on the corner with the porch light onAnd a window I can look in and see you're always h...

Brooks & Dunn - My Baby's Everything I Love
My baby's like a honky tonkOpen all night, make you feel rightGets me going, got me buzzing like a neo...

Brooks & Dunn - Red Dirt Road
I was raised off of old Route 3Out past where the blacktop endsWe'd walked to church on Sunday morning...

Brooks & Dunn - She Was Born To Run
She said goodbye to her daddy while her mamma criedI kept the motor runnin' in my car outsideShe kisse...

Brooks & Dunn - That's What She Gets For Loving Me
She said what she wants is a man to be faithfulA true heart somebody willin' and ableTo stay by her si...

Brooks & Dunn - Till My Dyin' Day
Sometimes I think about how lucky I amTo live where I do, to be what I canAnd to know that you're mine...

Brooks & Dunn - When We Were Kings
Tommy got off at the TexacoCame bustin' in to Norma's CafeSaid come on man we gotta goYou know h...

Brooks & Dunn - You Can't Take The Honky Tonk Out Of The Girl
Connie came back for her second cousin's weddingFirst time she'd been home in a year or twoJust in tim...

Bruce Springsteen - All I'm Thinkin' About
One, two, three, fourBlind man wavin' by the side of the roadIn a flatbed Ford carryin' a heavy ...

Bruce Springsteen - All The Way Home
I know what it's like to have failed babyWith the whole world lookin' onI know what it's like to have ...

Bruce Springsteen - Black Cowboys
Raney William's playground was among Haven's streetsWhere he ran past melted candles and flower wreaths...

Bruce Springsteen - Countin' On A Miracle
It's a fairytale so tragicThere's no prince to break the spellI don't believe in magicBut for yo...

Bruce Springsteen - Devils & Dust
I got my finger on the triggerBut I don't know who to trustWhen I look into your eyesThere's jus...

Bruce Springsteen - Empty Sky
I woke up this morningI could barely breatheJust an empty impressionIn the bed where you used to...

Bruce Springsteen - Further On (up The Road)
Where the road is dark and the seed is sowedWhere the gun is cocked and the bullet's coldWhere the mil...

Bruce Springsteen - Into The Fire
The sky was falling and streaked with bloodI heard you calling me then you disappeared into the dustUp...

Bruce Springsteen - Jesus Was An Only Son
Jesus was an only sonAs he walked up Calvary HillHis mother Mary walking beside himIn the path w...

Bruce Springsteen - Leah
I wanna build me a house, on higher groundI wanna find me a world, where love's the only soundHigh abo...

Bruce Springsteen - Let's Be Friends (skin To Skin)
I been watchin' you a long timeTrying to figure out where and whenWe been moving down that same line...

Bruce Springsteen - Lonesome Day
Once I thought I knewEverything I needed to know about youYour sweet whisper, Your tender touchB...

Bruce Springsteen - Long Time Comin'
Out where the creek turn shallow and sandyAnd the moon comes skimmin' away the starsWhen the mesquite ...

Bruce Springsteen - Maria's Bed
Been on a barbed wire highway 40 days and nightsI ain't complainin', it's my job and it suits me right...

Bruce Springsteen - Mary's Place
I got seven pictures of BuddhaThe prophet's on my tongueEleven angels of mercySighin' over that ...

Bruce Springsteen - Matamoras Banks
(Each year many die crossing the deserts,mountains and rivers of our southern borderin search of a bet...

Bruce Springsteen - My City's In Ruins
There is a blood red circleOn the cold dark groundAnd the rain is falling downThe church door's ...

Bruce Springsteen - Nothing Man
I don't remember how I feltI never thought I'd liveTo read about myselfIn my hometown paper...

Bruce Springsteen - Paradise
Where the river runs to blackI take the schoolbooks from your packPlastics, wire and your kissTh...

Bruce Springsteen - Reno
She took off her stockingsI held 'em to my faceShe had your anklesI felt filled with grace...

Bruce Springsteen - Silver Palomino
(A mother dies leaving her young sonto come to terms with the loss.In remembrance of Fiona Chappel,...

Bruce Springsteen - The Fuse
Down at the court house they're ringin' the flag downLong black line of cars snakin' slow through town...

Bruce Springsteen - The Hitter
Come to the door, Ma, and unlock the chainI was just passin' through and got caught in the rainThere's...

Bruce Springsteen - The Rising
Can't see nothin' in front of meCan't see nothin' coming up behindI make my way through this darkness...

Bruce Springsteen - Waitin' On A Sunny Day
It's rainin' but there ain't a cloud in the skyMusta been a tear from your eyeEverything'll be okay...

Bruce Springsteen - Worlds Apart
I hold you in my arms, yeah that's when it startsI seek faith in your kiss and comfort in your heartI ...

Bruce Springsteen - You're Missing
Shirts in the closet, shoes in the hallMama's in the kitchen, baby and allEverything is everything...

Bryan Adams - Ain't Gonna Cry
Well I hardly knew ya baby And you were comin' on Mama told me there'd be days like these I shou...

Bryan Adams - A Little Love
Some people walk the straight and narrow - some walk the rocky roadsome get the silver spoon and some get th...

Bryan Adams - All I Want Is You
Don't want diamonds don't want goldDon't want fashion don't wanna be coolDon't wanna hustle just to ge...

Bryan Adams - Another Day
Woke up lyin' on the floor Can't recall the night before Oh - another day Outside it's col...

Bryan Adams - Blessing In Disguise
Are you lonely - are you cryingare those teardrops in your eyesis it more blues - is it bad news...

Bryan Adams - Brothers Under The Sun
I had a dream - of the wide open prairie I had a dream - of the pale morning sky I had a dream - that ...

Bryan Adams - C'mon C'mon C'mon
c'mon c'mon c'mon - we're gonna make it home tonightc'mon c'mon c'mon - everything's gonna be alright...

Bryan Adams - C'mon Everybody!
Well c'mon everybody and let's get together tonight I got some money in my jeans and I'm really gonna spend ...

Bryan Adams - Coming Home
All those nights I've spent alone, Uninspired, so tired and wasted. There's lots of times I'd have tel...

Bryan Adams - Crei Morir E Ir Al Cielo
Amor, es eternoCuando junto a mi estas tuYo crei que no hobiaSolas para solitariosMe equiv...

Bryan Adams - Depend On Me
When you're losin' directionBaby you can depend on meFor a little love and affectionYou can depe...

Bryan Adams - Diana
Oh the first time I saw you was in a magazine The next time you was walking 'cross my television screen ...

Bryan Adams - Don't Drop That Bomb On Me
We sailed our ships upon the shoresThat once were out of reachTurned the silence into war and bloodied...

Bryan Adams - Don't Give It Up
Don't give it upDon't give it upDon't worry if the sun don't shineYou've seen it before, y...

Bryan Adams - Don't Leave Me Lonely
I won't stand bein' broken hearted I won't be pushed around The rules were set when we got start...

Bryan Adams - Don't Look Now
Now you took your love from me, When I needed it most, I wanted you so desperately, So baby, ...

Bryan Adams - Don't Turn Me Away
Call me in the nighte babecall me in the daydon't say I'm getting olderchanged in every way...

Bryan Adams - Don't Ya Say It
Things you said to me Sentimentally Are always on my mind. Seems you haunted me But you se...

Bryan Adams - East Side Story
There was this girl I used to see - down on 42nd streetShe'd walk by on her way to work - n' make the air sm...

Bryan Adams - Empty Spaces
What shall we use to fill the empty spaces where waves of hunger roar?Shall we set out across this sea of fa...

Bryan Adams - Fearless
it's 3 am - and i'm lying here next to youwhat cha gonna do?will you tell a story - when he asks you w...

Bryan Adams - Finalmente Encontrei Alguem
que me deixou de quatroFinalmente encontrei aquele que me completaCome?ou no cafeCome?amos como ...

Bryan Adams - Fits Ya Good
Well in the air for the world today yeah. Five O'Clock and those walls are slowly closin'.You get home...

Bryan Adams - Flying
If you ever feel like you're gonna fall - oh I'll be thereAnd if you ever feel down or feel small - oh don't...

Bryan Adams - Getaway
drove all night form new york cityin your best friend's carknocked on my door about five thirtyn...

Bryan Adams - Get Off My Back
Well you think that you can take me on You must be crazy There ain't a single thing you've done ...

Bryan Adams - Give Me Your Love
I can fool myself for a night Goin' on Like I don't need you any more. That's like walking...

Bryan Adams - Hey Baby
hey baby you oughta be freeyou gotta get out and chase all your dreamsthere ain't no point in you wait...

Bryan Adams - Hey Elvis
Hey Elvis won't cha come back homeI left a message on your code-a-phone I tried to reach ya but I can'...

Bryan Adams - Hey Honey - I'm Packin' You In!
Had enough of your crazy waysHad enough of your leavin' for daysDon't wanna hear you waggin' your chin...

Bryan Adams - Hey Little Girl
I would walk a million miles to see ya I'd drive through the pouring rainI'd dive into your deepest oc...

Bryan Adams - Hidin' From Love
I'm riding in the middle Halfway into you And halfway into something else,I dont't know what to ...

Bryan Adams - Home Again
When I was younger My life was torn asunder And I was carried far away Now somewhere in th...

Bryan Adams - Hound Dog
* You ain't nothin' but a hound dog Just cryin' all the time You ain't nothin' but a hound dog C...

Bryan Adams - House Arrest
Well there's gonna be a party gonna make some noiseYeah we're invitin' all the girls - invitin' all the boys...

Bryan Adams - How Do Ya Feel Tonight
is there anybody out there?anyone that's loved in vainanyone that feels the sameis there a...

Bryan Adams - I Don't Wanna Live Forever
all i want is a real fast cari wanna go too fast - i wanna go too fari wanna take a bite of this sweet...

Bryan Adams - If I Had You
if i was blind - you could make me seeif i was down - you could comfort mewell i ain't got a lot - but...

Bryan Adams - I Fought The Law
Breakin' rocks in the hot sun I fought the law and the law won I fought the law and the law won ...

Bryan Adams - If Wishes Were Horses
Come with me you can wish upon a starYou can do all the things that you've longed toAnd you won't have...

Bryan Adams - If Ya Wanna Be Bad Ya Gotta Be Good
She got a nasty reputation and a talent for sinShe's the kinda trouble i'd like to be inI wanna be a l...

Bryan Adams - If You Wanna Leave Me
You can't stand still for a momentYou can't stand still for a nightYour feet just starta move when it'...

Bryan Adams - I Hear You Knocking
You went away and left me long time ago And now you're knocking on my door I hear you knocking ...

Bryan Adams - I Love Ya Too Much
Every morning when I wake upYou put the sugar in my coffee cupI try to get to work - try to be on time...

Bryan Adams - I'm A Liar
maybe i told you right from the startyou can have mebut you can't have my heartit's easy enough ...

Bryan Adams - Inside Out
the biggest lie you ever told - your deepest fear 'boutgrowin' oldthe longest night you ever spent - t...

Bryan Adams - Into The Fire
Life - thin as a thread Sometimes you're lucky Sometimes you're better off dead Your first...

Bryan Adams - Is Your Mama Gonna Miss Ya?
I might as well bin blindThought I owned this world and all its timeMade up my mind not to love again...

Bryan Adams - I Want It All
I don't need no million dollars- just need a couple of bucks don't need no life insurance -I jus...

Bryan Adams - I Was Only Dreamin'
She left her shoes out on the beachShe left my dreams just out of reachShe left her footprints in the ...

Bryan Adams - I Will Always Return
I hear the wind call your name It calls me back home again It sparks up the fire - a flame that still ...

Bryan Adams - I Will Always Return (finale)
I hear the wind call your name The sound that leads me homeIt sparks up the fire - a flame that still ...

Bryan Adams - Jealousy
I can't complain about the way we tried, So maybe it's time to say goodbye, Not gonna look around ...

Bryan Adams - Last Chance
Well you take it all for granted, So it should come as no surprise, That your big balloon is gonna bur...

Bryan Adams - Let Him Know
Another day goes by and still you wonder what happened You'd give the world for one more tryBut ...

Bryan Adams - Let Me Take You Dancin'
From the edge of the city comes the sunit makes you wanna turn your head around fills youwith desire s...

Bryan Adams - Let's Talk About Love
Everywhere I go all the places that I've been Every smile is a new horizon on a land I've never seen ...

Bryan Adams - Lie To Me
I walkde in - you walked outi knew right then - something was upya said 'don't ask me no questions - w...

Bryan Adams - Little Red Rooster
I am the little red rooster, too lazy to crow todayI am the little red rooster, too lazy to crow today...

Bryan Adams - Lonely Nights
Will you risk your reputation? I don't know. You just don't know what you're sayin'Anymore....

Bryan Adams - Long Gone
The telephone's bin ringin' - ringin' off the wall It's your Las Vegas lawyer - another long distance call...

Bryan Adams - Low Life
I've been on my best behaviourmy conscience is a little too cleanmy halo's just a little too tight now...

Bryan Adams - Native Son
I've seen many moons through these wrinkled eyes The years have made me old but they've made me wise N...

Bryan Adams - No. 5243605 Smith
Stone cold cellRaised from hellHoldin' meFor first degreeOne more mornFor calm, for ...

Bryan Adams - No One Makes It Right
Everything's been said, A hundred times Everything's been said, A hunderd times Then I know, if ...

Bryan Adams - Not Guilty
Who are you to say that I'm wrong?Who are you to say I'm crazy?Ain't a crime of passion comin' on stro...

Bryan Adams - Nothing I've Ever Known
Right now I feel - just like a leaf on a breeze Who knows where it's blowin' Who knows where it's goin...

Bryan Adams - Not Romeo Not Juliet
This is story about a boy and girlTrying find a life in the big worldSomehow they're togetherThe...

Bryan Adams - Nowhere Fast
We're always on the run these daysWe hardly have the time to sayWhat matters most of allYa you'v...

Bryan Adams - On A Day Like Today
Free is all you gotta bedream dreams no one else can seesometimes ya wanna run awaybut ya never ...

Bryan Adams - One Good Reason
I've got one hand on the door,One hand in my pocket, The world is on my shoulders,And I'm tryin'...

Bryan Adams - Only The Strong Survive
When the pressure's on and you're all aloneTake a little ride into the danger zone When the moon is up...

Bryan Adams - Open Road
I'm sitting at the wheelI got a green lightNot afraid of nothin' cuz heart and soulI'm built for...

Bryan Adams - Pushin' & Shovin'
I could love her if she were a Rolls RoyceBut she handles like a model - TSo get her in high gear, she...

Bryan Adams - Rebel
He made his way back to the old town And everything looked just the same The shops and the schools and...

Bryan Adams - Reggae Christmas
Every year I get the same feelChristmas come I wanna pack my backs and fleewanna get away from New Yor...

Bryan Adams - Remember
Pardon me, Have you got the time To let me say hello. Couldn't help but see That you look ...

Bryan Adams - Remembrance Day
For our king and our country and the promise of glory We came from Kingston and Brighton to fight on the fro...

Bryan Adams - Right Back Where I Started From
You don't know what you got - until you lose itAnd I can testify that that's the truthI had it all and...

Bryan Adams - Room Service
When a hotel room's the closest thing you got to homeYou could be in Philadelphia you could even be in Rome...

Bryan Adams - Roxy Roller
Moxy from the Roxy might turn some heads tonightFlashlight dream, peaches and cream delightRoxy Roller...

Bryan Adams - Run Rudolph Run
Out of all the reindeer you know you're the mastermindRun, run Rudolph, Randalph's not too far behindR...

Bryan Adams - Say Hello Say Goodbye
The costumes, the scenery that make up the propsThe audience that lifts you when you're downThe headac...

Bryan Adams - Shake
Shake! Shake! shake! Listen while I talk to you I'll tell you what we're gonna do ...

Bryan Adams - She's A Little Too Good For Me
She got the brains - she got the looksShe knows all the right people - reads all the right booksShe's ...

Bryan Adams - She's Only Happy When She's Dancin'
Monday mornin' - it's time to get up Two cups of coffee and she runs for the busLooks in the window an...

Bryan Adams - Shut Up
May it never be said she's knockin' them deadBut is there a fame, it's such a cryin' shame what they're sayi...

Bryan Adams - Song For A Star
This is a song for a starIf you really are a starHere is a song for you allTake a lesson before ...

Bryan Adams - Sound The Bugle
Sound the bugle now - play it just for me As the seasons change - remember how I used to be Now I can'...

Bryan Adams - State Of Mind
I know that you're curious, So don't be serious, You know there's no cause for alarm.When ...

Bryan Adams - Take Me Back
I shoulda seen it coming I shoulda seen the signs Didn't really think that she needs meMust've '...

Bryan Adams - Tantalize
From the east-side street, kick a tin can beatRun through the jungle, a lion, a mongrel like you.Such ...

Bryan Adams - Tears Are Not Enough
As every day goes byHow can we close our eyesUntil we open up our heartsWe can learn to sh...

Bryan Adams - That's Enough About You
Talking to you is like watching paint stay way traffic is all I ever get.I try to share my fee...

Bryan Adams - The Best Was Yet To Come
Just a small town girl in the city lights The best was yet to come Then lonely days turned to endless ...

Bryan Adams - The Only One
Well I made up my mind Not gonna let you get away To think that I'm the lucky guy I've almost go...

Bryan Adams - This Is Where I Belong
I hear the wind across the plain A sound so strong - that calls my name It's wild like the river - it'...

Bryan Adams - This Side Of Paradise
I'm ridin' in the back seat - nine years oldStarin' out the window countin' the highway polesAnd then ...

Bryan Adams - (todo Lo Que Hago) Lo Hago Por Ti
Mira mis ojosy verasque siento por tiExplora en tu sery hallaras, no buscaras ...

Bryan Adams - Tonight
Who are you gonna run to, Now your ass is on the line. Who do you think you're foolin' We ain't ...

Bryan Adams - Touch The Hand
Stand up - if ya wanna fightI'm tellin' all the women - stand up for your rightsIf ya wanna wear the t...

Bryan Adams - Try To See It My Way
Ooh ... Try to see it my way.Ooh ... Try to see it my way. Well, I know you cover upFrom a...

Bryan Adams - Tudo Por Amor
Quando for amor que voce der,eu serei seu homem de confian?aQuando o amor voce viver,u resistire...

Bryan Adams - Until I Find You
I'm feelin' tired, my thoughts are lost without youBut I won't quit, I'll go down with my shipUntil I ...

Bryan Adams - Vanishing
People all over build on solid groundThey build it up and then they tear it downTake it or leave it wh...

Bryan Adams - Voce Ja Amou Realmente Uma Mulher?
Para amar realmente uma mulherpara compreende-lavoce deve conhece-la profundamentouvir todos os ...

Bryan Adams - Wait And See
There you go looking cool, Writing rules For your theories of romance.I know that you doub...

Bryan Adams - Walking After Midnight
I got out walkin' after midnight Out in the moonlight just like we used to do I'm always walkin' after...

Bryan Adams - Wastin' Time
Could have been a winner, Should have taken me. It was so damn cold I shoulda held ya 'Cause you...

Bryan Adams - What Does It Do To Your Heart?
well, maybe you don't need complicationsbut this is a simple situationthere's a chance that this could...

Bryan Adams - What's It Gonna Be
If it was up to me I'd say it's his decisionAnd maybe you should wait and see You haven't got a ...

Bryan Adams - Where Angels Fear To Tread
well i'm wrapped around your fingeri'm never letting goyou know i'm happy just to lingerand let ...

Bryan Adams - Why Do You Have To Be So Hard To Love
Was it some man that didn't treat you rightLeft you reaching out for him in the middle of the nightIs ...

Bryan Adams - Wild Thing
Wild thingI think I love youWild thingI wanna know for sureWild thingC'mon hold me t...

Bryan Adams - Win Some, Lose Some
Now you know That I stood outside your window Just a little too long. What you're gonna do...

Bryan Adams - You Can't Take Me
Got to fight another fight - I gotta run another night Get it out - check it out I'm on my way and I d...

Bryan Adams - Young Lust
I am just a new boyStranger in this townWhere are all the good times?Who's gonna show this stran...

Bryan Adams - You Want It, You Got It
I think I told you maybe once or twice before, They'll only hold you down, leave you wanting more. ...

Bubba Sparxxx - Back In The Mud
1,21,2,3, let's go[Chorus]Back in the mud I've been inI confess, I'm so happy...

Bubba Sparxxx - Betty Betty
Uh-uh.. wassup ladies?Bubba can't forget about y'all.. [Intro]Hey Betty Betty, hush...

Bubba Sparxxx - Bubba Sparxx
Its Bubba Sparxx in the streets [2x]I just hitch hiked my way from Athens to CascadePaid ...

Bubba Sparxxx - Bubba Talk
[Bubba Sparxxx]I can't do that Timbaland shit, that that shoop shit..There goes that damn...

Bubba Sparxxx - Comin' Round
I see you comin round the bendI just cant think of anything that can make me smile like you canI see y...

Bubba Sparxxx - Dark Days, Bright Nights
[Bubba Sparxxx]OkayIf you shed blood with me to this point, you deserve an explanationFor...

Bubba Sparxxx - Deliverance
[Chorus]I've been travelin for some time (echo)With my fishin pole and my bottle of shine (echo...

Bubba Sparxxx - Disappear
And we areThe krush groovin, the body-movinThe record makin and the record breakinAnd it goes a ...

Bubba Sparxxx - Get Right
[Bubba Sparxxx]Get your ass up.. get your ass up.. get your ass up..I hear your car keys ...

Bubba Sparxxx - Intro
Optimisum, about the faith of the people that have accepted of the mission of improbable, to become some particle,...

Bubba Sparxxx - Jimmy Mathis
New south, Athems Joy, Mudd Kat'z,The Mathis family, they cant hide that money from us no moreJi...

Bubba Sparxxx - Lovely
[Bubba] Here it comes again[Timmy] Come on, come on[Bubba] Here it comes again...

Bubba Sparxxx - My Tone
[Chorus - Male voice (background singer)]My tone(Tell me do you love it)My southern slang...

Bubba Sparxxx - Nowhere
[INTRO:]Listen, first, you must travel, a long, desolate roadThis road that you shall travel, w...

Bubba Sparxxx - Overcome
[Bubba Sparxxx - talking](I hope we're tapin now)Party peopleIt's the place to beI ...

Bubba Sparxxx - Regardless
[C.I.]Yeah, ha (B.K.) C.I. (okay?)YoYou ever rolled up in a convenience store with ...

Bubba Sparxxx - She Tried
(Good Lord, May God have mercy on my soul)I love her, but you never would knowThat by the way I just l...

Bubba Sparxxx - Take A Load Off
Oh! (ah, ah, ah, ah)Oh! (ah, ah, ah, ah)Oh! (ah, ah, ah, ah)Oh! here we goAll my mam...

Bubba Sparxxx - Take Off
[airline stewardess making announcements][Bubba Sparxxx]I can't forget the bumps o...

Bubba Sparxxx - Twerk A Little
[Bubba] Feel me[Timbaland]Uhh! .. Uhh!C'mon, c'mon, ah c'mon, ah c'mon...

Bubba Sparxxx - Ugly
[Timbaland:]Uhh uh-oh, uh-ohTch, tchka, tchka, tchka, tchkaUhUh-oh, uh-ohTchk...

Bubba Sparxxx - Well Water
[Intro]Let that water cleanse yo' mindFeel it tricklin down yo' spineIt's all about the w...

Bush - Float
it's a beautiful world everyone's insane either you swim either you fade it's a revo...

Bush - Fugitive
we got the soul we got the honey stayed alive we keep on running house is on fire ...

Bush - Head Full Of Ghosts
I stand around at american weddings I stand around for family At my best when I'm terrorist inside ...

Bush - Hurricane
Skies ripped open by the sun Daylight comes but not soon enough Speed down your track in search of you...

Bush - Inflatable
Let it slide Overhead When i believe in you My soul can rest But as love It's ...

Bush - Land Of The Living
i found myself in another world i found myself alive and well i am the vapor i...

Bush - My Engine Is With You
what makes it go round the way we're up and down we're minutiae staring at the whole sky battle sense ...

Bush - Out Of This World
When we die We go into the arms of those who remember us We are home now Out of our heads ...

Bush - Reasons
watch the water feed the soil so the circle is complete see what you have become is the earth be...

Bush - Solutions
the devil you know is back here again the devil is stoned he's making friends we mov...

Bush - Superman
crucified for eternal sins re-invent myself shape my alter skin try to break the mol...

Bush - The People That We Love (speed Kills)
Speed kills coming down the mountainSpeed kills coming down the streetSpeed kills with presence of min...

Busta Rhymes - All Night
Turn it up (ha ha ha)Flimode (ha ha ha)Busta Rhymes (ha ha ha)Another banging niggas (ha ha ha)...

Busta Rhymes - Anarchy
[CHORUS]What this world is comin to, to, toCan you see, see, see, seeWhat's in store for ...

Busta Rhymes - As I Come Back
Here we come yo, here we go (Its goin on now) - [3x]Busta Rhymes nigga, here we goFlipmode nigg...

Busta Rhymes - Ass On Your Shoulders
[People talking][Hook: Kokane]Likes to go, eventualLead you home, come insid...

Busta Rhymes - A Trip Out Of Town
[skit][Busta Rhymes]yo, it all began like, bust itMy nigga City bout to boun...

Busta Rhymes - Bad Dreams
[Busta Rhymes]Yo me and my niggas and my clique be getting mad creamBalling the club, now I'm d...

Busta Rhymes - Betta Stay Up In Your House
[Busta Rhymes]Yea, I know it's kinda cold outside Bring your nasty ass inside ("Eddie you...

Busta Rhymes - Bladow!!
Now (now)Ready for wylin' my niggasLet's set it like we on an island my niggasI'm with it (What ...

Busta Rhymes - Bounce (let Me See Ya Throw It)
[Busta Talking]Bounce, Bounce, Bounce niggasCome on bounce, come on bounce, bounceCome on...

Busta Rhymes - Break Ya Neck
[Busta Rhymes]Yea.. Check it out, seeThe only thing you need to do right here is,Is nod y...

Busta Rhymes - C'mon All My Niggas, C'mon All My Bitches
YoAll my niggas in the placeWhat nowTalk to my bitchesAll up in the placeSee my nigg...

Busta Rhymes - Do It To Death
Huh huh-huh huh-huh huh huh-huh-huh huhHuh huh-huh HUH HUH-huh huh-huh-huh huhHuh huh-huh, huh huh WOO...

Busta Rhymes - Do My Thing
Hahahhahhhhhahhhh, ah![in background:] Watch me get down and just do my thing baby [8X]...

Busta Rhymes - Do The Bus A Bus
Uhhh!Yo Bus a Bus (yeah)Yo Bus a Bus (c'mon, c'mon)Yo Bus a Bus, (UHH) rockin to the beat(...

Busta Rhymes - Enjoy Da Ride
[Busta Rhymes]"We just sparkle now""Yeah, We just sparkle now""We just gon' sparkle now"...

Busta Rhymes - Everybody Rise
[Intro:]New York, Jersey, Philly, B-more, D.C.Virginia, Atlanta, everybody rise!!! Cmon!N...

Busta Rhymes - Everybody Rise Again
[Busta Rhymes]Let's get it goinYeah... yeahI'm about to Picasso a new picture for you muf...

Busta Rhymes - Everything Remains Raw
Word up, let me just fuck with your mind, pleaseAiy! Aiyyo-yo-yo, yo! Let me fuck up your mindOn tim...

Busta Rhymes - Extinction Level Event
Uugh, yeah yeah here we go y'allHere we here we here we go y'allBusta Rhymes Flipmode y'allYeah ...

Busta Rhymes - Finish Line
This is dedicated to all those who don't see it coming...[Chorus: Busta Rhymes]You ...

Busta Rhymes - Fire
[Intro:]Busta Rhymes, 2000We got the fire nowCome on![Verse 1:]...

Busta Rhymes - Genesis
[Busta Rhymes]GenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesisGenesis...

Busta Rhymes - Get High Tonight
[Verse 1:]Before I set it off and show what I'm gonna do to yaPossess the bomb chocolate ...

Busta Rhymes - Get Out!!
Yeah, yeah, yeah (Get out)Such a remarkable sound (Get out)Yeah (Get out of here) Such a remarka...

Busta Rhymes - Gimme Some More
YeahAs a shorty playing in the front yard of the cribFell down, and I bumped my headSomebody hel...

Busta Rhymes - Hey Ladies
Here we go now, yeaC'mon, yea, check it[Verse One]I said my solo jump off, been boo...

Busta Rhymes - Holla
Yeah, yeaThis shit sound two o'clock in the mornin with the full moon outNiggaz in the...

Busta Rhymes - Hop
[group speaking in a a different language][Intro: Busta Rhymes: (talking)]See we, ...

Busta Rhymes - Hot Fudge
Yo, I rearrange your wholesome changeComplicate your vision and make the world look strangeTry to rema...

Busta Rhymes - Hot Shit Makin' Ya Bounce
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahJust bounce aroundAll my niggas in the place need to bounce aroundJust b...

Busta Rhymes - How Much We Grew
[Intro:]yeah this next joint right dedicated to all my niggas that I loveall th...

Busta Rhymes - It's All Good
Let me talk to youLet me talk to you babyI've got some shit to share we your freaky ass, ha...

Busta Rhymes - Just Give It To Me Raw
Straight bang up your head shit withPhenomenal swing like the ass on a black chickFat dick to all of y...

Busta Rhymes - Keepin' It Tight
Yeah Flipmode SquadYeah their ain't nothing illerBusta Rhymes got another killerNiggas be gettin...

Busta Rhymes - Live It Up
YeahPick up the pace nowC'monYeahThis feel like that tight shitThat make you just go...

Busta Rhymes - Make It Hurt
We gon' change thingsYea, Genesis niggazWe gotta introduce y'all to the motherfuckin new millenium bou...

Busta Rhymes - Match The Name With The Voice
[Busta Rhymes Talking]Greatness, yeah, yeahAiiyo, turn the beat up a little bit louderTru...

Busta Rhymes - Party Is Goin On Over Here
Yo, ever since Jimmy Crack Con Rockin' on ever since the day I was born Yes we get busy whenever we ha...

Busta Rhymes - Rhymes Galore
Rhymes galore [7x]This is for the motherfuckers out there on some real hiphop shit.Ya'll,...

Busta Rhymes - Riot
[Busta Rhymes]Come on, yea, ha, ya, Busta Rhymes baby, yea, haIt's Flipmode baby, yea, come on...

Busta Rhymes - Salute Da Gods!!
[Busta Rhymes]Yeah, yeah, yeahThe Anarchy, Busta Rhymes shit c'mon![Chorus: Bust...

Busta Rhymes - Show Me What You Got
Hoo!Yeah it's another one of them marvelous shitsYeah, Flipmode, huh, Busta Rhymes shit, yeahSo ...

Busta Rhymes - So Hardcore
Zigga [7x]Ha ha ha, yoYa'll [25x]Yo, I walk through brick wallsFuck ar...

Busta Rhymes - Still Shining
RRRRRROAW RRRR.. RRRRRROAW RRRRRRROAW til my dragon baby stop whininI see my influence still.....

Busta Rhymes - Street Shit
[Busta Rhymes]Yeah.. this one appears to be very forceful..Very forceful.. yeah, here we go now...

Busta Rhymes - Struttin' Like A G.o.d.
[Chorus: repeat 2X]Listen; I am the sun, I am the seaI am the land, I am the treeI'm ever...

Busta Rhymes - Survival Hungry
[Chorus: repeat 3X]All my niggas dirtyHungry and thirstyHitcha like 30 30 for watch...

Busta Rhymes - Take It Off
Take off your shoesMake you dance in your socksFor blocksNigga be dippin a million.What, h...

Busta Rhymes - Taste It
[Repeat 5x (Taste it, taste it, taste it)]Here we goAy yo, ladies where you at c'mon c'mon...

Busta Rhymes - Tear Da Roof Off
Yea, HmmmAlright nowYeaAfter the ultimate world blast that ended all thingsthis is how we ...

Busta Rhymes - The Struggle Will Be Lost
[Chorus]Now this is the tale of a murderer who comes from the caucus cliffs[Busta in backgro...

Busta Rhymes - The Whole World Lookin' At Me
[Chorus 3x:]The whole world lookin' at meWatchin and waitin to seeIf I fullfill my destin...

Busta Rhymes - Things We Be Doin' For Money (part One)
Huh, yeah, fuck that,Niggas go out to get it,Niggas is out there holding until I see niggas,Nigg...

Busta Rhymes - Together
[Busta Rhymes]Hey yo Swizz..This shit sound like some shitThe streets wanna do the mereng...

Busta Rhymes - Truck Volume
[BUSTA:]Yeah, yeah.Yeah, yeah.Turn my music up (C'MON)Turn my music up (C'MON)...

Busta Rhymes - Turn It Up
[Verse 1:]We grind ya'llBounce back, open your mind ya'llGrind your whole ass till ...

Busta Rhymes - We Comin' Through
YeahSerious nowSeriousAll my niggasONE TWOLine up andCOME THROUGHI...

Busta Rhymes - We Goin' To Do It To Ya
Aiyyo Mega' gimme some of that barefoot jungle shitand let me shake a leg nigga! (Megahertz)Let...

Busta Rhymes - We Got What You Want
[Busta Rhymes]Yeah I though all y'all was goin'Uh, Yeah, yeah, yeahWere gonna take y'all ...

Busta Rhymes - We Put It Down For Y'all
shit is about to get real seriousBusta Rhymes, Flipmode Squad, Swizz Beatz, check it out[vers...

Busta Rhymes - What Do You Do When You're Branded
[Chorus: Busta - singing]Branded... scorned is the one who raaaanWhat do you do when your brand...

Busta Rhymes - What The Fuck You Want?!
Flipmode motherfuckasFlipmode motherfuckasWhat the fuck you wantWhat the fuck niggaWhat yo...

Busta Rhymes - What Up
[scratched: "It's the new!!"]Yeah! Yeah, Busta Bust down, Flipmode nowI know what y'all ...

Busta Rhymes - When Disaster Strikes
Yeah..Good God![in background:] "Tra-la-la-la-lah" [4X]Yeah, for all you motherfuck...

Busta Rhymes - Where We Are About To Take It
Brand new, yea brand newHa, brand new for all y'all massive and crew people across the worldYea ...

Busta Rhymes - Wife In Law
[Jaheim]Yeah yeah yeah yeah,Yeah yeah yeah yeah...Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah...Jah an...

Busta Rhymes - Woo-hah!! Got You All In Check
Yah Yah Yah, Yah YahYah Yah Yah, Yah YahYah Yah Yah, Yah YahYah Yah Yah, Yah Yah[...

Busta Rhymes - You Ain't Fuckin' Wit Me
Yea.. aiyyo Uncle Pat, turn up the beat just a lil' more for me bruhYea.. [imitating the beat]T...

Busted - 3am
I don't give a damn about youNo nothing can change my mindNo wayI'm happy just to let you walk a...

Busted - Air Hostess
(Let's go!)(Yeah! Alright!)Walking through the terminalI saw something beautifulYou ...

Busted - All The Way
It happens every time,You've given me the sign, We start to get it on,But then you stop me....

Busted - Better Than This
The more I look the more I find it hard to seeI'm uncultured but I'm not quite sure what that meansWhy...

Busted - Britney
your face is everywhere i go nowand you're on every television show now,Baby i need youyou're ev...

Busted - Brown Eyed Girl
Hey where did we goDays when the rains cameDown in the hollowPlayin' a new gameLaughing an...

Busted - Can't Break Through
I hate when you say,I Don't blow you away,I can't break through that wayOur Friends told us...

Busted - Crash & Burn
You're so fit and you know itAnd i only dream of you cos my life's such a bitchbut you can chang...

Busted - Crashed The Wedding
I'm so rushed off my feet, (oh-oh)Looking for Gordon street,So much I need to say, Im sorry that...

Busted - Dawson's Geek
You think you know it all,I see it in the way youre speaking.The long words that you use,Are sta...

Busted - Everything I Knew
Everything I knew just went out the windowKnow I can't depend on you - foreverAnd I never thought I'd ...

Busted - Fake
I can't believe what my girlfriend did todayShe screamed so loudly then she turned awayWhy did s...

Busted - Fall At Your Feet
I'm really close tonightAnd I feel like I'm moving inside herLying in the darkI think that I'm b...

Busted - Falling For You
Semester's coming soonSo I would like to mentionI woke up in my roomAlone your always welcome...

Busted - Fun Fun Fun
Well, she got her daddy's carAnd she cruised through the hamburger stand, now.Seems she forgot all abo...

Busted - Hurra, Hurra Die Schule Brennt
[Matt:]HeyHoLets Go!The girls in the suburbsThey wear nose-rings made o...

Busted - Last Summer
When I saw you girlAll aloneIt made me stare You held me captivatedAnd your wondering, acr...

Busted - Late Night Sauna
Saw you sittin in the cornerSomething crossed my mindAnd i couldnt hideA feeling deep inside...

Busted - Let It Go
Ringing starts, on my phone,Youre talking with, a scary tone,You tell me that, youre all alone, ...

Busted - Loner In Love
It was an amazing end to the perfect daySun sinking low in the skyWe sat and watched all the dolphins ...

Busted - Loser Kid
I was always picked last for teams,I wore my sisters jeans,I was a loser kid.And the teachers di...

Busted - Losing You
YeahhhhhSitting here alone thinking it through trying to convince myself that i'mNot losing you,...

Busted - Meet You There
I'm waitingFor the perfect time to call you backCos' I remember sayingDon't wanna know the truth...

Busted - Mrs. Robinson
And here's to you, Mrs. RobinsonJesus loves you more than you will know (Wo, wo, wo)God bless you plea...

Busted - Mummy Trade
I don't believe this We've been friends for so long It's so hard to see You do this to me ...

Busted - My Good Friend
It was a friday nightAll my friends had gone homeWhen I turned out the lightsI was not alone...

Busted - Nerdy
It's always been up to your friends They'll make your mind up for youThe popularity's gone to your hea...

Busted - Over Now
Here we goTake a bowBecause we're over nowYou were notThere for meWhen I needed you ...

Busted - Peaches
[Chorus:]Movin' to the country,gonna eat a lot of peachesMovin' to the country,Gonn...

Busted - Psycho Girl
she's so weird it scares mei don't think she likes me.And thinking of her name is driving insane.......

Busted - Runaway Train
Call you up in the middle of the night,Like a firefly without a light,You were there like a slow torch...

Busted - She Wants To Be Me
At first I told myselfI need my head inspectedI notice little thingsSame t-shirt and sun glasses...

Busted - Sleeping With The Light On
Along she came, with her picture,Put it in a frame, so I won't miss her,Got on a plane, from London; H...

Busted - Teenage Kicks
(1,2,3,4)(alright)Teenage dreams so hard to beat,Every time she walks down the street,...

Busted - That Thing You Do
Well I woke upSo proud to see you lying naked next to meAnd the clothes you woreThe night before...

Busted - What I Go To School For
Her voice is echoed in my mindI count the days till she is mineCant tell my friends cos they will laug...

Busted - When Day Turns Into Night
Nobody's there when you get homeYour renting movies on your ownMy photo's on your bedroom wallYo...

Busted - Where Is The Love
[James:]What's wrong with the world mama?People living like aint got no mamasI think the ...

Busted - Who's David
You've always been this way since high schoolFlirtatious and quite loudI find your sense of humour spi...

Busted - Why
Look at me up in the skyI watch the world just pass me byAnd all my feelings give me awayIt's ha...

Busted - Without You
The way you always made me look at youWith all the simple things you saidThe way so many things surrou...

Butch Walker - #1 Summer Jam
Don't put another thing on my plateMy brain is so full of your faceI ate I counted the hoursSinc...

Butch Walker - Alicia Amnesia
She drives a black Iroc with hot pink leather.Got a good butt, but can't remember whethershe's a good ...

Butch Walker - Best Thing You Never Had
Hello how you doing?What's it like to ruin all my self esteemLet me blow off some steamFor 5 yea...

Butch Walker - Diary Of A San Fernando Sexx Star
Little Jewish princess, never recognized.Replaced the Star of David for the ones in your eyes.So you p...

Butch Walker - Don't Move
Good morning sunlightAs I get used to youIt's all gonna be all rightI did all I can doAnd ...

Butch Walker - Far Away From Close
I was set up from the get-up, and I drove the wrong way home.Into your eyes of blue, yeah I could barely tak...

Butch Walker - Get Down
So you had a lot of friends, big black Benz,Rockin' like "Dokken" til the party ends.Pink champagne, c...

Butch Walker - If (jeannie's Song)
All alone in your dirty chair, washin' all your dirty hair,and you're wonderin' how long 'til they come for ...

Butch Walker - Into The Black
I walk around in circles, just like a dog with vertigo,As I go insane. The sun shines all around me, o...

Butch Walker - Maybe It's Just Me
Maybe it's just me, but you seem finally happyI don't think I've seen your face just glowLike a neon s...

Butch Walker - My Way
So you grew up in a town where everybody's all the same. Like a city full of zombies going by the same name....

Butch Walker - Promise
Well I fumbled for a pencilAnd my I'm so sorry padAnd I wrote until I sprained my stupid brainWe...

Butch Walker - Race Cars And Goth Rock
I see him look at you and speak with such eloquenceAll I can do is rhyme eloquence with presidenceIt's...

Butch Walker - So At Last
So at last southern CaliforniaSun sets like a long goodbyeI've been dreaming about it for daysBu...

Butch Walker - Sober
Can you please, remind me how you feel?This emptiness is real, I can't bear the thought of it.and plea...

Butch Walker - Suburbia
Oh! Well, remember the guy who was a football star?He had it made with the ladies but he never got far....

Butch Walker - Sunny Day Real Estate
And yeah it's another sunny day(outside of my rainy life)Outside of my rainy life(How long till ...

Butch Walker - Take Tomorrow (one Day At A Time)
You got lost, For a while.You've been trying to find a smile.You got stood up, then you fell down, ...

Butch Walker - Thank-you Note
As she woke up for the final injectionThe sickness was hardWhen there was no one aroundAnd it sp...

Butch Walker - Trouble
Partied at a house 'til four, came out from a closet door, makeup all over my face. We just do what pe...

Butch Walker - Uncomfortably Numb
Detox, Detox where are you?You coulda saved me from a disasterWhat with all these cell phone numbers...

Butterfly Boucher - A Beautiful Book
The treeThat wanted to beA beautiful bookIt would dieIf that's what it took...aahhhT...

Butterfly Boucher - Another White Dash
There isSomething exciting about leaving everything behindThere is somethingDeep and pulling lea...

Butterfly Boucher - A Walk Outside
Which came firstThe love or the love song?Which is more important In the long run?Do...

Butterfly Boucher - Busy
This could be so funI might just like itI might just love itI might get busyI might get lo...

Butterfly Boucher - Can You See The Lights?
How farHow farDo you run to catch it?How longHow longDo you wait to find it?...

Butterfly Boucher - Changes
Oh yeah Mm Still dont know what I was lookin for And my time was running wild A million de...

Butterfly Boucher - Don't Point, Don't Scare It
We hide behind the hillsWe walk through tunnelled fieldsAnd no-one sees us holding handsLo...

Butterfly Boucher - Drift On
If the waters coolI might just swimIf the sun shines right I might be here all dayI'd drift away...

Butterfly Boucher - I Can't Make Me
All the things I want to say but I can'tAll the things I want to do but I won't Hold me tightNot...

Butterfly Boucher - Never Leave Your Heart Alone
And it's openFor distractionYou found all the words you needWell I found nothingI just gru...

Butterfly Boucher - Never Let It Go
If I find that love I've known before...I will never everNever ever let it goIf I find...

Butterfly Boucher - Soul Back
I must have left it on the table Of the chairNot sureI didn't feel it it was painless Oh d...

B-witched - Blame It On The Weatherman
It's just one more day No one said There would be rain again Won't blame it on myself I'll...

B-witched - Castles In The Air
Here my head up in the clouds I feel I'm spinning around Dreams will come and go But this is her...

B-witched - C'est La Vie
[Spoken]Some people say I look like me dadWhat?! Are you serious?Ah Ohh Hey H...

B-witched - Freak Out
We're so friendly to the better looking guys Watching em wiggle in front of our eyes We just laugh, we...

B-witched - Like The Rose
Every little word With every lesson learned I think I know why hearts are made of stone Every li...

B-witched - Mickey
Oh Mickey, you're so fine you're so fine you blow my mind, hey Mickey (huff huff), hey Mickey (huff huff)...

B-witched - Never Giving Up
Tell me about your day What you been thinking Cos I been waiting outside your place Waiting a lo...

B-witched - Oh Mr Postman
Angel, I can feel it's not you Angel, I wish it were not true And as I walk to the beat of my heart in...

B-witched - Rev It Up
Hurry up we're all ready And all you need to bring is yourself Gonna go slow take it steady Caus...

B-witched - Rollercoaster
Today's the day, we're out to play And lost our way, it's always the same - oh baby now Climbed the tr...

B-witched - To You I Belong
Rain fell down You were there I cried for you when I hurt my hand Storm a-rushing in ...

B-witched - We Four Girls
So are you ready to go Here we go Come on We four girls are here to stay Come on ...

C 21 - Be With You Again
I set the course I'm coming backI never should have goneI started listen? to the radioThey write...

C 21 - Could You Ever
Please forgive what I saidall my words I regrethope you never ever let gonow I know I needed you...

C 21 - Cuts Deep Inside
Hold me closeyou never really know until it goeswhy it endscan't you seethe way your actin...

C 21 - Deep Down
Drifting in a tide of emotion my state of mindsgot me spinning round upside downI'm tumbling to the gr...

C 21 - Don't Wanna Lose You
Say - say it ain't overcuz my heart is crying for youDown - deep down you know thatso can you fo...

C 21 - Hanging On A String
I can't sleep I'm incompleteas long as you don't tell me babythe one thing I need to know right know...

C 21 - Learning By Living
How are doing are you okayIts lovely day why hide awayForget the ceel phone and just let it ring ...

C 21 - Love Will Never Die
So many words to say so many words to spellthe way you make me feelI want my heart to tell...

C 21 - Say It Again
I can't believe that were sitting hereit's like a dream come trueafter all these years...

C 21 - She Cries
I've been trying to believeI've been trying but it's overShe's been hoping for that you wi...

C 21 - Standing On The Edge
Life is more thanjust a feelingand love is more than you and meNo matter what ...

C 21 - Stuck In My Heart
Can't you tellyou've been all over me like a spell - I know(I never wanna let you go)Can't...

C 21 - Stuck In My Heart (acoustic)
Can't you tellyou've been all over me like a spell - I know(I never wanna let you go)Can't...

C 21 - You Are The One
It's early in the morningsoon another day will dawnI can't wait to feel your armsaround me again...

C 21 - You Just Wait & See
If I could right those wrongs I did you Tell me would it be like thisSometimes this ...

Cake - Ain't No Good
She's gonna hand you a red-headed Gabriel,Coming from the bar in a plastic tie.He's gonna swing from t...

Cake - Alpha Beta Parking Lot
standing in the alpha beta parking lotwatching the sun setI'll never forgetwatching all the reds...

Cake - Carbon Monoxide
Too much carbon monoxide for me to bearToo much carbon monoxide for me to bearWhere's the air?Wh...

Cake - Comfort Eagle
We are building a religionWe are building it biggerWe are widening the corridors And adding more...

Cake - Commissioning A Symphony In C
So you'll be an Austrian NoblemanCommissioning a symphony in CWhich defies all earthly descriptions...

Cake - Cool Blue Reason
Cool blue reason empties on the pageYour colleagues are in prison and your enemies enragedCool blue re...

Cake - Dime
In the brown shag carpet of a cheap motelIn the dark and dusty corner by the TV shelfIs a small remind...

Cake - End Of The Movie
People you loveWill turn their backs on youYou'll lose your hairYour teethYour knife will ...

Cake - Haze Of Love
It's three o'clock in the morning,Or maybe it's four.I am thinking of you,Wondering what I shoul...

Cake - Hem Of Your Garment
I am intrinsically no goodI have a heart that's made of woodI am only biding timeOnly reciting m...

Cake - I Bombed Korea
I bombed Korea every night.My engine sang into the salty sky.I didn't know if I would live or die....

Cake - Is This Love?
I can't believe it's true.I can't believe that youDon't want me anymore.You're with him,An...

Cake - I Will Survivie
At first I was afraid.I was petrified.I kept thinking I could never liveWithout you by my side....

Cake - Jesus Wrote A Blank Check
Jesus wrote a blank check,One I haven't cashed quite yet. I hope I've got a little more time.I h...

Cake - Let Me Go
When she walksShe swings her arms, instead of her hipsWhen she talks she moves her mouth, instead of h...

Cake - Long Line Of Cars
There's a long line of carsAnd they're trying to get throughThere's no single explanation ...

Cake - Love You Madly
I don't want to wonderIf this is a blunderI don't want to worry whether We're gonna stay togethe...

Cake - Meanwhile, Rick James...
DisempoweredThe scattering flockDances in a feverAt the Castle RockDust devils cypre...

Cake - Mr. Mastodon Farm
Birds fall from the window ledge above mine.Then they flap their wings at the last second. You s...

Cake - No Phone
No phone No phone I just want to be alone todayNo phone no phoneRinging stingingJerking like a n...

Cake - Palm Of Your Hand
When the house was standingYou'd never have believed itWhen the house was standingYou'd never ha...

Cake - Pentagram
Your pentagram is down below our floor.Your naked body shimmers in the night.Dancing and chanting in a...

Cake - Pretty Pink Ribbon
Without the pretty pink ribbonYou'd end up just like meWithout the pretty pink ribbonYou'd fload...

Cake - Ruby Sees All
Do you think she's swimming in your lies?Do you think it's all just murky green?Don't you think that s...

Cake - Shadow Stabbing
Adjectives on the typewriterHe moves his words like a prize fighterThe frenzied pace of the mind insid...

Cake - She'll Hang The Baskets
She'll hang the baskets on the wallsDon't you know I've seen it all before?She'll hang the baskets on ...

Cake - Short Skirt / Long Jacket
I want a girl with a mind like a diamondI want a girl who knows what's bestI want a girl with shoes th...

Cake - Take It All Away
You keep pushing me away In spite of what you sayI found out yesterday That I've been wasting al...

Cake - The Guitar Man
Who draws the crowd?Who plays so loud?Baby it's the guitar manWho's gonna steal the showYo...

Cake - Tougher Than It Is
Well there is no such thing as youIt doesn't matter what you doThe more you try to qualifyThe mo...

Cake - Up So Close
Up so close, I never get to see your face.Microscope, I might as well be out in space.Up so close, I n...

Cake - Waiting
So we think that we're importantAnd we think that we make senseAnd we think there's something better o...

Cake - Walk On By
Walk on by,The house where you still live,Walk on by,The place where we would kiss, ...

Cake - Wheels
In a wooden boat in the shipping lanesWith the freighters towering over meI can hear the jets flying o...

Cake - When You Sleep
when you sleep where do your fingers go?what do your fingers knowwhat do your fingers showwhere ...

Cake - Where Would I Be?
I've been waiting for so longI've been hoping your love's not goneHouses are sliding in the mudR...

Cake - World Of Two
I don't want toHear you whisperI don't want to orbitYour world of twoThere's only ro...

The Calling - Anything
I will be there Always waiting Waiting for you To let me inside Where your fire burns ...

The Calling - Chasing The Sun
The sky is her blue eyes Begin to open The storm is upon me But I'm chasing the sun And sh...

The Calling - Dreaming In Red
Once upon a time Somewhere far away from here I was drowning in a deep sleep Got no ground benea...

The Calling - For You
[bonus track]I am a visionI am justiceNever thought that I could loveLiving i...

The Calling - If Only
What's the way of love? Tell me your fiction Tell me your lies Say to me now, you'll never forge...

The Calling - London Calling
[Bonus track]London calling to the faraway towns Now that war is declared - and battle co...

The Calling - Lost
Well, I'm alone and I'm feeling lost If I could only have it allThen I'd be alright'Cause I can'...

The Calling - Our Lives
Is it love tonightWhen everyone's dreamingOf a better lifeIn this worldDivided by fear...

The Calling - Somebody Out There
Well the scene begins, a little girl is crying And the light in the hallway is dim And the sits right ...

The Calling - Surrender
So, here we are, all alone As the wine makes you mine for the night Soft is the way that you feel ...

The Calling - Things Will Go My Way
I came to tell you How it all began Nothing seems to work out right I'm broken down again ...

The Calling - When It All Falls Down
Heaven's in your eyesAnd it's begging me to lieYou're waiting for a little moreOf those words yo...

The Calling - Your Hope
When your hope is lost When your hope is fading... What would you do if you had Just one l...

Calvin Richardson - Cross My Heart
There's one thing I'm sure aboutI can't live without your loveBelieve you me, I've tried to before...

Calvin Richardson - Falling Out
[SPOKEN:]Everything changesYou knowEven the seasonsIf things are going wrongW...

Calvin Richardson - I'm Worthy
[Hook]Look at what you have to do To get him to notice youHe don't deserve you Baby...

Calvin Richardson - I've Got To Move
Baby BabyOhhh[CHORUS]I've got to moveBut I want to stayGot to find me s...

Calvin Richardson - I Wansumo
Listen, as I look into the galaxyCan't help but wonder what this means to meGazing at Venus and Mars...

Calvin Richardson - Keep On Pushin'
Girl I've lied, but please for give meIt's been a few months since I did it,I don't want to go on reli...

Calvin Richardson - More Than A Woman
Listen...Looking back, reminscing on, caught a brother doing bad, and you put me onYou tol...

Calvin Richardson - Not Like This
Girl, I know a thing or two about the way things goWith someone as fine as youYou be constantly dealin...

Calvin Richardson - Put My Money On You
[Chorus:]Put my money on youBet she won't abuse my loveNo, she won't (yes, she will)...

Calvin Richardson - She's Got The Love
She's got the love... (oh yeah)[Chorus:]She's got the love that a brotha needsHers ...

Calvin Richardson - You Got Me High
[Hook:]You got me high, I can't lieI wanna make you feel alright tonightSaid you got it g...

Calvin Richardson - Your Love Is
Girl the way I feel for youI never felt this way beforeLike a child that's born to growComes a l...

Cam'ron - 357
What up on my Harlem niggasMy BK niggasBack uptown babyLennox Ave.My Oyas on Broadway all ...

Cam'ron - Boy Boy
[Cam:] What up boy, boy?[Guy:] Ain't nothin' boy, boy, it's good in the hood[Cam:]...

Cam'ron - Bubble Music
(but i still get in trouble) killa, uh, but what, uh[verse 1]mami all on me cause i'm tou...

Cam'ron - Come Kill Me
[skit]Yo Weez wasup manYo word man, you hear them niggas man, them niggas is pussy man, w...

Cam'ron - Confessions
[Cam] Father[Minister] Yes my son[Cam] Forgive me for I have sinnedIts been...

Cam'ron - Death
[chorus][Biggie on "Suicidal Thoughts"]I swear to God it feel like death isfucking...

Cam'ron - Dip-set Forever
Let's do it!Santana, Jim Jones, Killa, FreekeyHow long we gon' have this shit on lock, man?Yes s...

Cam'ron - D Rugs
[Cam'ron]This song is about young childrenwho live in single family homes andtheir ...

Cam'ron - Family Ties
Man I spit that pimp talk you hang out where the pimps collide it's a pimp in my ride, no needTo pimp the ri...

Cam'ron - Freak
[Guy singing]I need a freakI need a freakGirl I need a freak[Verse 1]...

Cam'ron - Fuck You
[Background]Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccck yooooooooou [Repeats through...

Cam'ron - Get Down
Remember I'm a man of Respect (remember)Remember Santana was nextNow its not techs, its checksAn...

Cam'ron - Get 'em Girl
I get the boasters boasting, I get computers putingY'all get shot at, call me, I do the shootingI do t...

Cam'ron - Girls
[Intro]Killa!!Dipset, shallowmainJim jones, santana, freakyLets go! what they want ...

Cam'ron - Glory
[Cam'ron]I'm here now!Ha! Ha!I'm here now!They should have never let me in the muth...

Cam'ron - Harlem Streets
Killa (Killa)Dipset manAye yo you know I've been all over the motherfucking world manBut ain't n...

Cam'ron - Hey Lady
[Verse 1]I know you heard me in british robBut I get you bracelets till ya wrist is throbbed...

Cam'ron - I'm A Chicken Head (skit)
[ck head:] and your right ill be a chicken cause ur a cat so ill do like dogs do bark and get my buddy pass...

Cam'ron - I'm Nice
[Cam'ron]Yo, turn me up some b!I'm about to lace ya'll Check it outI'm not a ...

Cam'ron - Intro (purple Haze)
[Voiceover]Welcome to Purple Haze, previously written 20012, 0-4, 76, they wired my mom...

Cam'ron - Killa Cam
[Voice]Killa kamKilla kamKilla kamKilla killaKilla kam[Cam'ron...

Cam'ron - Leave Me Alone, Pt. 2
[Intro]BITCH! Uh!Killa! Uh!Dipset Bitch!The Union(Uh huh!)Harlem! Killa!...

Cam'ron - Let Me Know
All my harlem niggas my bk niggasback uptown baby, lennox aveWe bout to spit hospitablePhy...

Cam'ron - My Hood
[Cam'ron (intro)]You do what you do where you liveI do what i do where i liveThat's what ...

Cam'ron - On Fire Tonight
[Cam'ron] Wake yo a** upYou know I'm looking for a ho[Zeek] Word?[Cam'ron] ...

Cam'ron - O.t. (skit)
[Cam'ron:] Hey Yo Shorty Wuts Going On Wuts Popin'[Girl:] oh shit wuts up killa wuts going on...

Cam'ron - Rockin' And Rollin'
[J.D.] Lets rock and roll baby[Cam'Ron] Killa Cam[J.D.] Yea[Cam'Ron]...

Cam'ron - Rude Boy (skit)
[phone rings][Cam'ron] Hello[Jamacain Male] Yo dis Cam'ron[Cam'ron] ...

Cam'ron - Shanghai
[Cam'ron]Shut the fuck up punk!Give me that shit!You feel sorry for who!!Gave...

Cam'ron - Soap Opera
[Chorus]If only you...could let me inI know that would beginIf only I...could r...

Cam'ron - Sports, Drugs & Entertainment
[Jay-Z]uh huh, yeah[Cam'Ron]This goes to all my hustlers, entertainers...

Cam'ron - Take Em To Church
KillaThis that Harlem Music Right Here.This that Diddy Bop, Get ready for the winter music...

Cam'ron - Welcome To New York City
[Jay-Z] Turn the motherfucking music up[Cam'Ron] Just Blaze, man. You owe me nigga[J...

Cam'ron - Welcome To Purple Haze (skit)
Hi, im mizzleFormer herion addictCoke headCrack fiendMan if killa had it , i tried it...

Cam'ron - What Do I Gotta Live For
I aint got shit to live for anyway Yes you doI'll see these niggas in hell anywayYou gotta lot t...

Cam'ron - What Means The World To You
killa, killa, killa, killa, killa, killa dog, its killa dog, ill kill you dog,What means the wor...

Cam'ron - Where The Fuck You At
Move 'em in, move 'em outTrapped in shoot it outBone a whoreCorner storeWant it rawO...

Cam'ron - Wrong Ones
[Phone Conversation][Cam:] Hello[Girl:] Yo Kam[Cam:] Yo mom whatsup ...

Carbon Leaf - Changeless
Call my friends to share some wineTo share some laughs, and last goodbyesMy photographs of these years...

Carbon Leaf - Grey Sky Eyes
Grey sky, always in your eyeWhere is the girl behind the cloud?Grey sky, always floating byBut I...

Carbon Leaf - Let Your Troubles Roll By
Love endures, it clings awayWhen asked to leave, it begs to stayLike the perfect song, at imperfect ti...

Carbon Leaf - Life Less Ordinary
Live a life less ordinaryLive a life extraordinary with meLive a life less sedentaryLive a life ...

Carbon Leaf - One Prairie Outpost
Not been here since I was a boy The sky unwrapped, the world my toy A movie reel a million miles long ...

Carbon Leaf - Paloma
Chase the high ground - where you'd rather be Where you might be found Face all aglow, to leave from h...

Carbon Leaf - Raise The Roof
Raise the roof, that I might see the starsTo gain wisdom, to see things for what they arePlease, I nee...

Carbon Leaf - The Sea
I woke up from a dreamA white rose was floating to greet... the seaMorning light, race me downTh...

Carbon Leaf - This Is My Song!
My name is Luck, this is my songI happened by while you were gone, well...I apologize that I could not...

Carbon Leaf - What About Everything?
Holiday quiet on these streets, except for some stubborn leavesThat didn't fall with the fall, and now they ...

Carbon Leaf - When I'm Alone
I opened up the music boxI wish you would have changed the locksTo keep me from replayingAll the...

Carl Thomas - Cold, Cold World
I can remember the day I left youWasn't that long agoI said some things I shouldn'ta saidAnd I'm...

Carl Thomas - Come To Me
[Intro]Baby, there's something that I just wanna tell you And, you know I never needed you more...

Carl Thomas - Emotional
I knew you whenI had a friendVery deeplyLovely withinBut somehow we got looseFrom wh...

Carl Thomas - Giving You All My Love
[Intro]I just wanna hold you in my armsOh oh, oh yeahAll alone by the phoneWa...

Carl Thomas - Hey Now
Hey now, hey nowYou are so wonderfulAnd I would give anythingHey now, hey nowI would...

Carl Thomas - I Wish
It was love at first sightI know from the way she looked at meHer eyes said it allLong days and ...

Carl Thomas - Lady Lay Your Body
Oh, lady would you layLady would you layI'll rub them all aroundLady, lay your bodyL...

Carl Thomas - Make It Alright
Ooh OohOoh oo oh[Verse 1:]Ooh, for everytime he broke your precious heartAnd ...

Carl Thomas - My Valentine
[Intro]Yeah, yeah, yeahOh, yeahSometimes at night I can not sleepI think of y...

Carl Thomas - She Is
Oh...Oh...heyHo...oh...Oh...oh...Like my favorite sceneIn the best movie...

Carl Thomas - Special Lady
Baby, for every time that you felt love was taken for grantedAnd I didn't careWell, these are just a f...

Carl Thomas - Summer Rain
Storming outside, rainShe keeps me homeQuiet conversation makes me warmSoSummer rain...

Carl Thomas - Supastar
Girl You're a starThat's what you areSomething wonderfulI gotta let you knowYo...

Carl Thomas - Woke Up In The Morning
Woke up in the morning, you were not thereAll I seen was an imprint of your headIn my pillow, weeping ...

Carl Thomas - You Ain't Right
I'm working hard50 hours a week paying for the carAnd the house we had built on the boulevardAnd...

Case - Already Have
You seem to think my loveFor you could some how passCause I was told by friendsAbout your scanda...

Case - Another Minute
Yeah, can I taste youYou know you want me toLet's not waste another minuteLet's not waste ...

Case - A Song For Skye
You know a man could never truly understandThe beauty of a womanUntil he takes part in making one...

Case - Call A Cab (interlude)
[Method Man "Bring The Pain" in background][Case (Girl)]Yo what's up?(What's...

Case - Can't Force Love (interlude)
My loveIt's been so many moments since we touchedBeen so many motions since the last time we kissed...

Case - Caught You

Case - Conversate
Oh yeah, oohI know every now and thenWe will have our problems I know sometimes we won't s...

Case - Crazy
I just feel sad when I think of loveAnd this is the saddest day I'm going through, hmmmEven though I k...

Case - Crooked Letter
[1] - M I crooked letter, crooked letter I I think I wanna hump that I M I crooked letter, croo...

Case - Don't Be Afraid
Oh, oh, babyDon't be afraidSitting here just thinking about you Wonder what I'd do without...

Case - Driving
[Intro]You wanna come play my sex games babyYou still want me to taste you dont youBaby, ...

Case - Even Though
I remember summer girlWe fell apartWe were so close girlI never thought another in my life...

Case - Happily Ever After
[Case]Guess what i did todayThose were the words i said to youIt was last May, don't know...

Case - Having My Baby
Having my baby You're having my babyMy baby is having my babyOnly God knows how much I love you...

Case - He Don't Love You
[CHORUS]I've been wondering, Trying to figure out.Why you still love him, He don't love you....

Case - If
[Chorus]If you want meJust whisper, you could let me knowLetting all my feelings go...

Case - I Gotcha
[1] - Don't worry 'bout a thingMy love is on the wayDon't worry 'bout a thingCuz I gotcha...

Case - Love Of My Life
Such vivid thoughts came running through my mindAll the time I had the chance to make you mineI let th...

Case - Missing You
Standing here looking out my windowMy nights are long and my days are coldCause I don't have you...

Case - More To Love
[1] - There's more to love than making love babyThere's more to love than making love to youThe...

Case - No Regrets
Loving you was incredibleIt came so natural to meCause you were always availableFor every one of...

Case - Not Your Friend
Your girlfriend wants to get with meI can tell how she looks at meAnd how she licks her tongue at me ...

Case - Personal Conversation (interlude)
OoohYeaaahI just want to get personal with you, babeYeah, yeah, yeahHeeyyyyyyyyyeeaaahhh...

Case - Rain
Oh, hmmThe sun gone downAnd I'm all aloneRain drops fall on my window pane, hmmI'm waiting...

Case - Scandalous
[Cam'Ron]Yo, yo, uh, uhY'know how Cam act drunk or playin' sacks, stand backHave a girl w...

Case - Sex Games
I know you're lying all aloneWaiting for my callTo tell me that your body's craving meWell the p...

Case - Shine
Oh babeLittle lady dying to find The love that she can call her ownShe can't be alone And ...

Case - Tell Me
[Lil' Mo]Damn, I got honey right hereI like to make her goRecipient of multiple heartbeat...

Case - The Day That I Die
We've been friendsFor as long as I can thinkBut I realize nowI need more, oohAnd right now...

Case - Think Of You see no nolisten babythere's something crazy I'm feelin...

Case - Touch Me, Tease Me (radio Edition)
You're the only one for meYou're the only one I needCan't nobody make me feelThe way you're maki...

Case - What's Wrong
I need to be with youBut I don't know if it's worth the time it takesFor us to get long, yeahThe...

Case - Where Did Our Love Go
Where did our love go, baby?Tell me, where did our love go wrong?Tell me, where did our love go?...

Case - Wishful Thinking
Ooh, oh babe, ooh yeahThere's a reason why I'm trippinCause today I saw the finest thing life's ...

Casey Donovan - Better To Love
Saying goodbyeIt's never easySometimes loveIs a fair weather friendJust when you thought...

Casey Donovan - Flow
Have my words run dry?Seems the more I tryTime is in my mindAnd spreading down for rumours...

Casey Donovan - For You
Your heart is my soulYou life is my whole entire worldYour love is for me and nobody else ohoh why can...

Casey Donovan - How Could I Fall (for That)
I closed my heartI was perfectly numbAll my tears had crumbled to dustI was doing just fine...

Casey Donovan - Listen With Your Heart
When you can't find your way through the nightWhen you've lost touch and nothings feeling rightYou can...

Casey Donovan - Shine
You can try to hide away from every drop of rain that's hanging over you.And you can say it's all a waste....

Casey Donovan - Something Beautiful
Sun at my windowI'm taking this rideOn my ownTo be aloneGet me away from itFind me a...

Casey Donovan - Symphony Of Life
Stars are shinning in your eyesAnd I begin to realiseThat our path through times unbrokenD...

Casey Donovan - Till I Found You
I couldn't feel the wind blowOr see the rain fallI couldn't smell the flowersHear the oceans roa...

Casey Donovan - What's Going On
It's 3am I start to cryI'm alone againI try so hard not to fall in loveBut here I am...

Casey Donovan - You Believed
I've been down troddenAnd pushed aroundI've been brokenAnd burntMy hearts been rung ...

Cash Money Millionaires - Project Chick
[Verse 1: Mannie Fresh]This is for Deshawn, Eshlawn, Lil Mama, an her friendsLisa, Teresa, Mari...

Cassidy - Around Tha World
[Swizz Beats]Let's go round and round the world, CassRound and round the world. Cassidy Tha Pro...

Cassidy - Husslin'
[Swizz Beats]Turn it up so they can hear this.It's Full Surface, y'all.Cassidy c'mon!...

Cassidy - I'm Hungry
[CHORUS]I'm hungry (What?!) I'm hungry (What?!)I'm hungry (What?!) I'm hungry (What?!)I b...

Cassidy - Lipstick
[Jazze Pha]To my supa fly girls, all around the worldShake ya ass in the club, make it twist an...

Cassidy - My Interpretation
Okay.This joint is knockin' right hereI don't even need to write to this joint this easyI'mma ju...

Cassidy - Real Talk (skit)
[Blood Pressue Playing in Backgroud][Justin:] My blood pressures building my blood...

Cassidy - Tha Problem
[Swizz Beats]1-2 1-2.I need all my real niggaz to stand up.All you fake ass niggaz fall b...

Cassidy - Tha Problem (skit)
[Bell rings, door opens]...[Arab Man singing]...[Cassidy]Aye yo...

Cassie Steele - A Sinners Prayer
Mother help me find my wayWill temptations sway my faithMy beliefs of purityAre corrupted by ins...

Cassie Steele - Blue Bird
As I swim mermaids dance with meAnd I drown they romance with meThey sing sweet little harmonies...

Cassie Steele - Broken (how Much For Happy)
If I had any meaning in this ol big worldCan you tell a lost and lonely girlIf I was happy for a day I...

Cassie Steele - Crimson Tears
So the mourning after heartbreak got me tearstained And all my cries have hurt my sides in losing you pain...

Cassie Steele - Drink Me Dry
Drink me dryCandy coated deathLined with crystal methHow it takes my breath awayIts ...

Cassie Steele - Empty Eyes
I sit, watching nothing On the TV setStarting to forgetPromises you've saidYou stare at TV...

Cassie Steele - Famous
I will be famous one dayThe people screaming my nameI will be famous one dayYour gonna know my f...

Cassie Steele - Fantasy
You want something I can't giveYou wanna life that I can't liveYou need anything but meBaby...

Cassie Steele - Jaded
Isn't it cold outside?When it feel like no ones loving youBut I'm watching youAnd I'll never hol...

Cassie Steele - Love Cost
Do you miss me?Am I still on your mindThought I made you happy babyThen why was I left behind...

Cassie Steele - Not Yours Truly
Watch me, as I'm coming in the room I feel your stareWatch me, in a crowd of people I can feel you there...

Cassie Steele - Rock Your Bones
She called and asked honey where could he be?So sorry girl but your man is with meShe called and asked...

C-block - Broken Wings
[Hook Goldie:]Take this broken wings and learn to fly again and learn to live so free and when ...

C-block - Eternal Grace
As I look to the sky, throw my hands up and pray to Jesus to eas us this pain is enough, believe us Be...

C-block - Keep Movin'
[Chorus:]I gotta keep movin', up and down this life I gotta keep movin', leave the past behind ...

C-block - So Strung Out
[Chorus]I'm so strung out And now I don't know what to do Should I take my life away Dear God o...

C-block - Summertime
[Rap 1]Da first nigga to slip'sthe first nigga I'm a trip onget my flip on lay em down N...

C-block - Time Is Tickin' Away
[Intro]Ahaha ahahakeep it on, keep it onkeep your head ontime is tickin', time is t...

C-block - You Win Again
[Hook Misty:]There's so fight, you can't fight this battle of love with me, you win again so li...

Celine Dion - Adeste Fideles (0 Come All Ye Faithful)
O come, all ye faithful,Joyful and triumphant,O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem.Come and behold ...

Celine Dion - All By Myself
When I was youngI never needed anyoneAnd making love was just for funThose days are goneLi...

Celine Dion - All The Way
When somebody loves youIt's no good unless he loves you - all the wayHappy to be near you When y...

Celine Dion - Amar Haciendo El Amor
To Love While Making Love Sola en mi silencio andaba en la ciudadEl calor de tu mirada me hizo despert...

Celine Dion - A Mother's Prayer
I pray you'll be my eyesAnd watch her where she goesAnd help her to be wiseHelp me to let go...

Celine Dion - A New Day Has Come (radio Remix)
A new day...A new day...I was waiting for so longFor a miracle to comeEveryone told ...

Celine Dion - Another Year Has Gone By
So many 25th's of DecemberJust as many 4th of July'sAnd we're still holding it togetherIt only c...

Celine Dion - Apprends-moi
Apprends-moiLes petites chosesDes couleurs que tu portes, au noir de ton cafeApprends-moi...

Celine Dion - A Quatre Pas D'ici
Ne cherche pas mon petit ton coin de paradisIl t'attend gentiment a quatre pas d'iciDon't look f...

Celine Dion - At Last
At last my love has come alongMy lonely days are overAnd life is like a songOhh yeah yeah...

Celine Dion - Aun Existe Amor (love Still Exists)
Cuando te adormeces junto a miEntonces no me quedan dudasDe que aun existe amor(When you f...

Celine Dion - Avec Toi
Descends de ton fil toi l'artiste heureux toi le doux pierrotC'est tout un autre monde que tu vois a tout re...

Celine Dion - Ave Maria
Ave Maria!Maiden mild!Oh, listen to a maiden's prayerFor thou can't hear amid the wildThis...

Celine Dion - Baby Close Your Eyes
Sun is creeping downBehind the hillEverything is calmEverything is stillSo baby clos...

Celine Dion - Beautiful Boy
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful BoyClose your eyes, Have no fear, The monster's...

Celine Dion - Beauty And The Beast
Tale as old as timeTrue as it can beBarely even friendsThen somebody bendsUnexpectedly...

Celine Dion - Because You Loved Me
For all those times you stood by meFor all the truth that you made me seeFor all the joy you brought t...

Celine Dion - Benjamin
Quand le soleilA traversLa foretSe change en orDans vos bras c'est beauUn garcon qui...

Celine Dion - Be The Man
I would fight not to ever fall too deepNever sure that love would growNow at night as I lay me down to...

Celine Dion - Billy
Donnez-moi le monde un jourEt tout ce qu'il faut pourEcrire une chansonDonnez-moi des choses a d...

Celine Dion - Blue Christmas
I'll have a Blue Christmas without youI'll be so blue thinking about youDecorations of red on a green ...

Celine Dion - Brahms' Lullaby
Lullaby and good nightIn the sky stars are bright'Round your headFlowers gaySet you slumbe...

Celine Dion - C'est Pour Toi
Quelques fois je dis des mots bizarresQuelques fois je parle tropEt tu me regardes et mon coeur tombe ...

Celine Dion - C'est Pour Vivre
C'est pour vivreQue le monde chanteDans la douleur ou dans la joieC'est pour vivreQue le m...

Celine Dion - Christmas Eve
Snow falling gently on the ground'Tis is the night beforeAnd in my heart there is no doubtThat t...

Celine Dion - Come To Me
I will always love you no matter whatNo matter where you go or what you doAnd knowing youYou're ...

Celine Dion - Comment T'aimer
Ne me raconte pasLe roman de la roseLe gout et la couleur des chosesJe les connait deja...

Celine Dion - Comme Un Coeur Froid
Matin solitaireSoleil a l'enversMes jours s'endormentQuand tu t'en vasMurs de ma maison...

Celine Dion - Contre Nature
Et on a eteint notre lumiereCelle qui nous guidait encore hierAlorsJe voudrais te direQu'i...

Celine Dion - Coulda Woulda Shoulda
Did you ever fall in loveAt the right time or place Does it always have to moveAt its own kinda ...

Celine Dion - D'abord C'est Quoi L'amour
Attention mon coeurSouvent tu parles tropSouvent tu joues avec les motsMoi quand tu parles...

Celine Dion - D'amour Ou D'amitie
Il pense a moi, je le vois je le sens je le saisEt son sourire me ment pas quand il vient me chercherI...

Celine Dion - Dans Un Autre Monde
Loin, loin, c'etait certainComme une immense faim, un animal instinctOh, partir, partir et filer plus ...

Celine Dion - Declaration Of Love
Come on, yeahYou are my knight in armorThe hero of my heartWhen you smile at me I see...

Celine Dion - Delivre-moi
Si tu me cherchesJe suis comme une ombreJe suis le reflet de ton coeurC'est toi l'horlogeQ...

Celine Dion - Des Milliers De Baisers
Des milliers de baisers, des milliers de millierUn a un de mes levres a tes levres deposesDes millions...

Celine Dion - Des Mots Qui Sonnent
Come'on baby, fais-moi une chansonReponds au moins au telephoneJe sais bien que ton occupationPr...

Celine Dion - Did You Give Enough Love
You say you still don't know the reason whyI walked awayI know you thought you were so good to me...

Celine Dion - Don't Save It All For Christmas Day
Don't get so busy that you missGiving just a little kissTo the ones you loveDon't even wait a li...

Celine Dion - Dreaming Of You
Lyin' in my bedThoughts in my headVisions of youBut I can't get through the nightSo ...

Celine Dion - Du Soleil Au Coeur
Il est arrivePar un matin de maiEt du premier jourJ'ai su que je l'aimaisVous allez sourir...

Celine Dion - En Amour
D'ou je suis je vois des anges et des tourterellesSi l'on m'avait dit qu'un jour je vivrais dans le ciel...

Celine Dion - En Attendant Ses Pas
En attendant ses pas, je mets la musique en sourdine, tout basTrop bete, on ne sait pas, s'il sonnaitS...

Celine Dion - Everybody's Talking My Baby Down
People are sayin'That boy is gonna hurt youHis kind of love is not for realHe's only playin'...

Celine Dion - Faith
Don't be afraid to feel this wayGonna make you understandIt's not about you, cause I am the fool...

Celine Dion - Falling Into You
And in your eyes I see ribbons of colorI see us inside of each otherI feel my unconscious merge with y...

Celine Dion - Feliz Navidad
Feliz NavidadFeliz NavidadFeliz NavidadProspero Ano y Felicidad.Feliz NavidadF...

Celine Dion - Goodbye's (the Saddest Word)
MammaYou gave life to meTurned a baby into a ladyMammaAll you had to offerWas ...

Celine Dion - Halfway To Heaven
Come and go with meWherever I am I want you to beWalking with your hand in mineFeel so fine...

Celine Dion - Happy Xmas (war Is Over)
So this is ChristmasAnd what have you doneAnother year overAnd a new one just begunAnd so ...

Celine Dion - Have A Heart
Lying in bed aloneThinkin' 'bout how much I need youOh, give me one more chance to see you again...

Celine Dion - Hymne A L'amitie
Si c'est un amiS'il est pour toiCe que tu es pour luiIf it's a friend If he's for yo...

Celine Dion - I Don't Know
A mountain of stone, a door of steelCan't stand in my way, I'd go onBrutal machines, unbending laws...

Celine Dion - I Feel Too Much
I just wanted you to talk to meBut baby you captured my heart so easyAnd I know love, baby when I see ...

Celine Dion - If I Could
If I couldI'd protect you from the sadness in your eyesGive you courage in a world of compromise...

Celine Dion - If Love Is Out Of The Question
You bought me flowers and you sold me a lineYou gave me compliments and too much wineI've played that ...

Celine Dion - If That's What It Takes
You're the bravest of hearts, you're the strongest of soulsYou're my light in the dark, you're the place I c...

Celine Dion - (if There Was) Any Other Way
Sorry I know I'm lateGuess I lost all track of timeStarted walking and couldn't stopTurning it o...

Celine Dion - If Walls Could Talk
Can you keep a secret?These walls keep a secretThat only we knowBut how long can they keep...

Celine Dion - If We Could Start Over
I never found out why you walked awayAnd never said good-byeBut now that I see youI'm torn insid...

Celine Dion - If You Could See Me Now
Here they comeEvery night the sameSilent starsLight from a distant flameJust like the memo...

Celine Dion - I Know What Love Is
I was forgottenUntil you called my nameLost in the shadowsUntil you shined your light my way...

Celine Dion - I Love You
I must be crazy nowMaybe I dream too muchBut when I think of youI long to feel your touch...

Celine Dion - I Love You, Goodbye
Wish I could be the oneThe one who could give you loveThe kind of love you really needWish I cou...

Celine Dion - I'm Alive
Mmmmm ... Mmmmm ...I get wings to flyOh, oh ... I'm alive ... YeahWhen you call on me...

Celine Dion - I'm Loving Every Moment With You
Do you realize how long it's beenWhere does all my time with you go?And all the memoriesWe share...

Celine Dion - I'm Your Angel
No Mountains too high, for you to climbAll you have to do is have some climbing faith, oh yeahNo river...

Celine Dion - Incognito
IncognitoBien dans ma peau!IncognitoFeeling good about myself! [lit.: good in my ...

Celine Dion - In His Touch
Forgive meDon't know where to startI guess we've come toThe serious partI need to find out...

Celine Dion - In Some Small Way
There's a tree, standing thereIn such an ordinary wayBut as I, Look aroundEverything keeps chang...

Celine Dion - Introduction
RegardesLe monde est dans nos yeuxUn monde d'amourSans frontieresUn monde pour toi et moi...

10000 Maniacs - Across The Fields
Well they left then in the morning, a hundred pairs of wings in the light moved together. In the colors of t...

10000 Maniacs - All That Never Happens
She walks alone on the brick lane, the breeze is blowing. A year had changed her forever, just like her grey home....

10000 Maniacs - A Room For Everything
You were looking away from me, western skies calling you. Colors spilling, running dazzling you. I was...

10000 Maniacs - Beyond The Blue
I was thinking today if you would remember you choose to remember what you left me out there in the cold day...

10000 Maniacs - Big Star
I saw a big star running from me, a world from a record on my bed. Turn the tables on me, what would happen ...

10000 Maniacs - Cabaret
Shards of glass cut through my gaze broken streamers hanging at my legs drunk and giddy full of fate at the ...

10000 Maniacs - Ellen
Eager to please was just the way that he was though his attempts there falling short, expectation see ...

10000 Maniacs - Even With My Eyes Closed
Funny how I know it's harder, it's harder now. Young girl in my young girl days, thinking I could live for a...

Celine Dion - I Remember L.a.
I remember L.A.Seems a lifetime agoWe were stars on Sunset BoulevardWhat a movie we made...

Celine Dion - It's All Coming Back To Me Now
There were nights when the wind was so coldThat my body froze in bedIf I just listened to itRigh...

Celine Dion - I Want You To Need Me
I want to be the face you see when you close your eyesI want to be the touch you need every single night...

Celine Dion - J'ai Besoin D'un Chum
[Choeur:]J'ai besoin d'un hommeJ'ai besoin d'un chum[Chorus]I need a m...

Celine Dion - Je Chanterai
Et quand nous aurons fait le tour de nos ultimes projetsQuand nous apprendrons a aimer nos echecs et nos reg...

Celine Dion - Je Crois Toi
Je crains la nuit quand tu n'es pas laCe tout petit au-delaJe crains le silence apres les voixCe...

Celine Dion - Je Danse Dans Ma Tete
L'avenir est planetaireY'a six milliards d'humains sur terreMais chacun vie sa vie en solitaire...

Celine Dion - Je Lui Dirai
Je lui dirai qu'il est de ce paysOu son grand-pere etait bucheronQue dans son sang l'Orient coule auss...

Celine Dion - Je Ne Veux Pas
Douceur d'un ciel d'AmeriqueReveur comme une musiqueJ'oublies deja que tu es tout en pleursC'est...

Celine Dion - Je T'aime Encore
Here the autumn ends bringing back the rainThe old Chevy's dead they tried to fix it in vainElisa's go...

Celine Dion - Jours De Ffievre
Leve, leveFievre, fievreLeve, leveStand, stand Fever, fever Stand, stand...

Celine Dion - Jours De Fievre
Leve, leveFievre, fievreLeve, leveStand, stand Fever, fever Stand, stand...

Celine Dion - Just A Little Bit Of Love
Just a little bit of loveI was alone, I was afraidI couldn't face another day of pain in my life oh oh...

Celine Dion - Just Walk Away
I know I never loved this way beforeAnd no one else has loved me moreWith you I've laughed and cried...

Celine Dion - L'abandon
Le soleil en automne, indulgentLes peaux nues se donnent aux tiedes ventsLa-bas les tempo paraissent...

Celine Dion - La Do Do La Do
La do do la doDeux doigts sur un pianoCe vieux piano a bon dosMe suivre dans mes revesCe n...

Celine Dion - L'amour Existe Encore
Quand je m'endors contre ton corpsAlors je n'ai plus de douteL'amour existe encoreWhen I f...

Celine Dion - La Religieuse
Meme a genoux, meme en priereElle se souvient de l'ItalieJesus Marie et notre PereC'est peu vous...

Celine Dion - Le Blues Du Businessman
J'ai du succes dans mes affairesJ'ai du succes dans mes amoursJe change souvent de secretaire...

Celine Dion - Le Fils De Superman
Tout comme son pereLe petit Jean-PierreEtait un fanUn fan de SupermanJust like his f...

Celine Dion - Le Loup, La Biche Et Le Chevalier (une Chanson Douce)
Une chanson douceQue me chantait ma maman,En suant mon pouceJ'coutais en m'endormant.Cette...

Celine Dion - Le Monde Est Stone
J'ai la tete qui eclateJ'voudrais seulement dormirM'etendre sur l'asphalteEt me laisser mourir...

Celine Dion - Les Chemins De Ma Maison
Si j'ecrivais le livre de ma vieJe parlerais de mon amie MadeleineQue j'ai vu rire et pleurer a la foi...

Celine Dion - Les Cloches Du Hameau
The bells of the village Les cloches du hameauChantent dans la campagneLe son du chalumeau...

Celine Dion - Les Oiseaux Du Bonheur
Tous les amoureux se sont donnes rendez-vousA la fenetre de mon coeurEt sur mon balconChantent l...

Celine Dion - Les Uns Contre Les Autres
On dort les uns contre les autresOn vit les uns avec les autresOn se caresse, on se cajoleOn se ...

Celine Dion - Le Vol D'un Ange
Et j'ai suivi le vol d'un angeIl m'a emmene jusqu'a toiUn battement de cilEt tu es laLa nu...

Celine Dion - Little Bit Of Love
Look at you babyThe picture of a broken manYour confidence is shakenThe world caved in on you ag...

Celine Dion - Lolita (trop Jeune Pour Aimer)
Tu dis qu' je suis trop jeunePour vivre avec un hommeMoi je te disJe m'en fous, je m'en fous...

Celine Dion - Love By Another Name
Somewhere past midnightWhen the moment is just rightWe ride the streets of desireWe take it slow...

Celine Dion - Love Can Move Mountains
There ain't a dream that don'tHave a chanceTo come true nowIt just takes a little faith baby...

Celine Dion - Love Doesn't Ask Why
Love doesn't ask whyIt speaks from the heartAnd never explainsDon't you know thatLove does...

Celine Dion - Love Is All We Need
She was living in a perfect houseWith pictures of smiling facesBut there's a different story told insi...

Celine Dion - Lovin' Proof
I know some lovers would be satisfiedWith sweet "I Love You's" and some pretty linesBut that won't get...

Celine Dion - Ma Chambre
La vie vient du palierLe vent vient de la courMa chambre est habiteePar des secrets d'amour...

Celine Dion - Make You Happy
No more sadnessI wanna be the one to make you happyI wanna be the one to give you hopeBut in the...

Celine Dion - Medley Acoustique
[Ce n'etait qu'un reve:]Ce n'etait qu'un reveCe n'etait qu'un reveImpossible a oubl...

Celine Dion - Miles To Go
I would walk to the edge of the universe for youPaint you a crimson sunset over sheltering skiesI coul...

Celine Dion - Miracle
You're my life's one Miracle,Everything I've done that's goodAnd you break my heart with tenderness,...

Celine Dion - Misled
I tought I knew youTought that I knew you wellWe had a rhythmBut I guess you never can tell...

Celine Dion - Mon Ami M'a Quittee
Mon ami m'a quitteeJe vous le ditCa devait arriver a moi aussiJe le voyais rever d'une autre fil...

Celine Dion - Mon Homme
Il a le regard economeIl a le verbe rare, ca me plaitIl aime le chant des colombes et l'odeur du cafe...

Celine Dion - Mon Reve De Toujours
Sur une plage tout en nuagesJe courais je couraisEt j'entendais crierLe vent la mer et les orage...

Celine Dion - My Precious One
My precious one, my tiny one, lay down your pretty head.My dearest one my sleepy one, its time to go to bed...

Celine Dion - Naked
Under this midnight skyWith you here by my sideThere's nothing that I could hideYou know me bett...

Celine Dion - Ne Bouge Pas
Tu charmes, tu blesses mais tu ne mens jamaisTu choisis seul, bon ou mauvaisQui decide de ce qui se fa...

Celine Dion - Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi
Vous qui cherchez l'etoileVous qui vivez un reveVous heros de l'espaceAu coeur plus grand que la...

Celine Dion - Next Plane Out
I listen to the sound of the rain fallin' down my windowPrayin' for a gentle windTo bring my baby back...

Celine Dion - No Living Without Loving You
If you ever leave meLife will go onStars will still beBright as diamonds in the sky nowEve...

Celine Dion - Nothing Broken But My Heart
I've been over you for some time now babyI don't miss your kiss like before now anymore nowIf you aske...

Celine Dion - O Holy Night
O Holy night, the stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of our dear Savior's birthLong lay the wor...

Celine Dion - One Heart
(One heart you are following)You can run and you can begin'In a place where you don't fit in...

Celine Dion - Only One Road
I'm looking back through the yearsDown this highwayMemories, they all lead up to this one dayAnd...

Celine Dion - On Ne Change Pas
On ne change pasOn met juste les costumes d'autres sur soiOn ne change pasUne veste ne cache qu'...

Celine Dion - On Traverse Un Miroir
Qu'est-ce qui se passeQuand on est lasseQuand le coeur a perdu ses couleursUne emotionComm...

Celine Dion - Oxygene
Comme tous les matinsLe soleil se leveEntre les buildingsAs every morning The sun ri...

Celine Dion - Papillon
Tombent les feuillesAux jours, plus courtsQui retiennentMon corps et ma voixJe voulais vou...

Celine Dion - Partout Je Te Vois
J'ai tant besoin de toiQue j'invente des imagesJe joue avec tes yeuxQuand tu n'es pas laJ'...

Celine Dion - Piaf Chanterait Du Rock
Elle etait nee dans la rueOn croyait a son histoireElle mettait son ame a nuComme aujourd'hui le...

Celine Dion - Prayer
Can we touch the soul of heavenCan we unite a sacred lessonEvery child creates a skylight of beauty ...

Celine Dion - Quelqu'un Que J'aime, Quelqu'un Qui M'aime
A quoi ca sertD'avoirL'univers a mes piedsWhat's the use Of having The univers...

Celine Dion - Rain, Tax (it's Inevitable)
I did not know there was a planSomewhere a perfect manI don't believe in the starsThen you smile...

Celine Dion - Real Emotion
You don't have to give me rings on my fingersPromise me the moon and the stars in the skyOr bring me r...

Celine Dion - Refuse To Dance
Got your invitation to the danceWear your party dressMaybe I was just an innocentBut I confess...

Celine Dion - Retiens-moi
Si tu me vois tourner la teteRegarder trop par la fenetreOh, retiens-moiSi tu me surprends...

Celine Dion - Rien N'est Vraiment Fini
Aux promesses eternellesAux jours de grand soleilAux instants d'or et de lumiereAux silences des...

Celine Dion - River Deep, Mountain High
When I was a little girlI had a rag dollOnly doll I've ever ownedNow I love you just the way I l...

Celine Dion - Seduces Me
Everything you areEverything you'll beTouches the current of loveSo deep in meEvery sigh i...

Celine Dion - Show Some Emotion
I've tried my best for so longTo break down these wallsBut you build them strongSo I stand here ...

Celine Dion - S'il Suffisait D'aimer
Je reve son visage, je decline son corpsEt puis je l'imagine habitant mon decorJ'aurais tant a lui dir...

Celine Dion - S'il Suffisait De S'aimer
Je reve son visage, je decline son corpsEt puis je l'imagine habitant mon decorJ'aurais tant a lui dir...

Celine Dion - Sleep Tight
Now Hush My Little one, Don't be afraid, your daddy's right hereIt's just a little dream, ...

Celine Dion - Sola Otra Vez (all By Myself)
Alone once again. Quise volarY conoci la soledadJugue al amor sin entregarSin esperar...

Celine Dion - Stand By Your Side
I cry and you comfort meI'm lost and you hear my screamSo it's hard to watch you fallingWhen you...

Celine Dion - Superlove
Some people they search their whole livesLookin' for somebody who's just rightSometimes they settle fo...

Celine Dion - Sur Le Meme Bateau
Sur les passerelles a l'embarquementPopulaires ou premieres, derriere ou devantOn monte les malles, de...

Celine Dion - Tellement J'ai D'amour Pour Toi
Tu m'as ouvert les yeuxTu as guide mes jeuxDis-moi ce que tu veuxJe t'aimerai toujoursTell...

Celine Dion - Ten Days
At the doorway of my heartAll the leaves have fallen downAnd though I try to pick them upThere's...

Celine Dion - Terre
Terre,J'ai passe trop de temps sur la routeA esperer les faibles traces que tu as semeesTerre,...

Celine Dion - That's The Way It Is
I can read your mind and I know your storyI see what you're going throughIt's an uphill climb, and I'm...

Celine Dion - The Christmas Song
Chestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Frost nipping at your noseYuletide carols being sung by a choir...

Celine Dion - The Last To Know
Let me be the first to say, , , Ain't it always so?But there's no other way to find outWhat I ne...

Celine Dion - The Magic Of Christmas Day (god Bless Us Everyone)
Deck the halls with boughs of hollyIt's the season to be jollyAnd be thankful for all that we have...

Celine Dion - Then You Look At Me
Laugh and cryLive and dieLife is a dream we're dreamingDay by dayI find my way...

Celine Dion - The Prayer
I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go.And help us to be wise in times when we don't know...

Celine Dion - The Reason
I figured it outI was high and low and everything in betweenI was wicked and wild, baby, you know what...

Celine Dion - These Are Special Times
In these moments, moments of our livesAll the world is oursAnd this world is so rightYou and I s...

Celine Dion - Tous Les Blues Sont Ecrits Pour Toi
"I woke up this morning baby,The blues was pouring out of me"Cent fois ces mots je les ai ditsCe...

Celine Dion - Tout L'or Des Hommes
J'ai depose mes armesa l'entree de ton coeur sans combatet j'ai suivi les charmeslentement en do...

Celine Dion - Trois Heures Vingt
Je t'ai dit non, , , ca ne voulait rien direJ'avais encore tres peur hierIl me fallait le temps de ref...

Celine Dion - Tu Nages
Je connais bien ce regardCes yeux qui se ferment par instantsCes pensees qui nous separentEt qu'...

Celine Dion - Un Amour Pour Moi
Je le vois prenant ma main chaque jour de mes joursJe le vois bien caressant mes cheveuxJe crois bien ...

Celine Dion - Un Garcon Pas Comme Les Autres (ziggy)
Ziggy, il s'appelle ZiggyJe suis folle de luiC'est un garcon pas comme les autresMais moi je l'a...

Celine Dion - Unison
Somewhere tonite we come aliveTwo hearts ignite we're one of a kindHere we are undivided by anything...

Celine Dion - Valse Adieu
La nuit a ete longueElle croise le matinS'allongent les ombresEncore et encoreEt c'est dej...

Celine Dion - Visa Pour Les Beaux Jours
Le feux vert avale un feu rougeMon moteur est plus fou que moiAujourd'hui je prends l'autorouteQ...

Celine Dion - Water From The Moon
I've looked everywhere I canJust to find a clueOh to get to youAnd make you want meAnd I'v...

Celine Dion - What A Wonderful World
(Thank very much!I would like... on behalf of all the dancers,The musicians, the singers, the...

Celine Dion - When I Need You
When I need youJust close my eyes and I'm with youAnd all that I so want to give youIt's only a ...

Celine Dion - When The Wrong One Loves You Right
i don't care, what they thinkhow they feel, or what they sayyour're everything, i ever knewi alw...

Celine Dion - Where Does My Heart Beat Now
So much to believe in - We were lost in timeEverything I neededI feel in your eyesAlways tought ...

Celine Dion - Where Is The Love
If ever a boy stood on the moonAll the heavens would call them angels 'roundStop the tears from troubl...

Celine Dion - With This Tear
With this tearI thee wantI long 4 u 2 talk 2 me like u didThat night in the restaurant...

Celine Dion - Words Spoken Between The Songs
[End of the Let's Talk About Love:]Merci a la Maitrise des hautes scenes! Thanks to...

Celine Dion - You And I
High above the mountains, far across the seaI can hear your voice calling out to meBrighter than the s...

Celine Dion - Your Light
Hey man, come over hereThere's a secret that I wanna whisper in your earI've waited so long, too long...

Celine Dion - Zora Sourit
Une rue les gens passent, les gens comme on les voitJuste un flux, une masse, sans visage, sans voixQu...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Always A Woman
She can kill with a smileShe can wound with her eyesAnd she can ruin your faith with her casual lies...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Before You
Baby, before youWell, I was bad newsIn lettin' me love youI think I can get throughO...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Believer
I carry my microphone with meEverywhere I goIt makes for a very good deadweightIn case of an eme...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Blow Up The Outside World
Nothing seems to kill me, no matter how hard I tryNothing is closing my eyesNothing can beat me down f...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Blue
They say we're in a state of emergencySo how come no one is panickingWhere were you when they wr...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Boot
Na na na na na naNa na na na na na naNever been here beforeNever opened up this door...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Boys Of Summer
Nobody on the roadNobody on the beachI feel it in the airThe summer's out of reachEmpty la...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Co-dependent
When I go swimmingIn your intellectThe water's so shallowAnd the dialect is so phonyBut I ...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Danny Boy
Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are callingFrom glen to glen, and down the mountain sideThe summer'...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Dealer
[Spoken:]That puts me in a good moodThinking about surfingWow, we should go surfing...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Dear Life
Ah ah ah ah ah ah ahAh ah ah ah ah ah ahYou'll never know how you run me downAnd I don't e...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Disagree
Ooh ... oh ... you know itYou know I'd rather disagreeYou tell me what you want from meWel...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Don't Be Good
Do do do do do do do do Do do do do do doWell, I don't know when you learn itBut when you ...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Eve
Eve is gone againBack to her palaceBack to her islandEve can smile againAnd run 'round the...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Far Away
Make me believe in youHonestly for real, one thing trueTake me in, in your armsWandering alone s...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Feels Like Home
Somethin' in your eyes, makes me wanna lose myselfMakes me wanna lose myself, in your armsThere's some...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Flying Home (brenda's Song)
Its hard to let you goYou've always let me inAnd helped with all the endingsAnd you know where t...

Chantal Kreviazuk - God Made Me
(You got a quarter for your phone?)I'm jaded, and you're beautifulI'm deluded, and I'm envious o...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Grace
Please don't goI cannot breathe you inYour air is too thick for meAnd it makes my lungs sting...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Green Apples
You're toast and jamAnd you are cotton candyYou're double rainbowsBeside a settin' sunYou'...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Hands
Ooh ... ooh ...Ho ...Ah ho ho ho ah ...Oh ...There's a man outside my door tonight...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Have yourself a merry little ChristmasMay your days be lightFrom now on our troubles will be out of si...

Chantal Kreviazuk - I Can't Make You Love Me
Turn down the lights, turn down the bed Turn down these voices inside my head Lay down with me, tell m...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Imaginary Friend
It scares me to speak my mindIt might sound self-absorbedI don't say half of what I thinkI wonde...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Imagine
Imagine there's no heavenIt's easy if you tryNo hell below usAnd above us only skyImagine ...

Chantal Kreviazuk - In My Life
Oohh ...There are places I rememberAll my lifeThough some have changedSome forever ...

Chantal Kreviazuk - In This Life
Let me show you what I'm made ofGood intentions are not enoughTo get me though today and this life....

Chantal Kreviazuk - Julia
Well you looked so at peaceTrying to find real loveYou hair was like a fireSuch a pretty woman...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Ken's Song
I hadn't seen the boy in fifteen years He had lines that said he cried a rainbow of tears He left one ...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Leaving On A Jet Plane
I'm ... I'm ...All my bags are packed, I'm ready to goI'm standin' here outside your doorI...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Little Things
Da da da da da da da da da da da daDa da da da da da da da da da da daMisery's turning my luck a...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Love Is All
I don't knowWhat you're leaving behindI'm not so sure that I really want to find outYou do...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Love's Recovery
During the time of which I speak It was hard to turn the other cheek To the blows of insecurity ...

Chantal Kreviazuk - M
They must mean businessTo say there's nothing worseThen to let your precious love childLeave the...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Miss April
Welcome back miss AprilHope you feel all rightYou've had a long vacationFrom real lifeWelc...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Morning Light
Hold me to nothingNo truth, no liesI have not a needI do have desireI love a little loving...

Chantal Kreviazuk - O Canada
O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons commandWith glowing hearts...

Chantal Kreviazuk - O Holy Night
O Holy night, the stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of the dear Saviour's birthLong lay the wo...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Old Man
Old man, look at my lifeI'm a lot like you wereOld man, look at my lifeTwenty four and there's s...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Ready For Your Love
Lately I'm thinkingYou've been such a good friendAlways listeningTo my heartAnd my head la...

Chantal Kreviazuk - San Diego Serenade
Never saw the morning till I stayed up all night Never saw the sunshine till I turned out the light Ne...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Souls
Messages from where I used to growTwenty thousand frames of mindThis is my soulRelentless ...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Soul Searching
[laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh][laugh]You were...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Stewart's Coat
Hold me, love, I can't sleep againOr will I have to kiss your lipsOh, I want to lay in this day, in lo...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Time
Time, where did you go? Why did you leave me here alone?Wait, don't go so fastI'm missing the mo...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Turn The Page
I'm out here on my ownPlease pick up the phoneI'm hiding from the morningInside the dead of nigh...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Until We Die
I could almost remember your faceWhen I heard your voice todayI could see your lips movingAt the...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Waiting
Well it all comes down to the things that I never even wantedI should live my life without holding on to you...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Wayne
I'll be the girl with the long blond hairAnd the really pale skin, if you careI sit in the corner of t...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Weight Of The World
I used to carry the weight of the worldAnd now all I wanna do is spread my wings and flyI don't know w...

Chantal Kreviazuk - What If It All Means Something
If I could do anything for you, believe me I wouldDo you feel the same? Feel the same as me?If I could...

Chantal Kreviazuk - Wild Horses
Childhood living is easy to doThe things you wanted I bought them for youGraceless lady you know who I...

Charli Baltimore - Everybody Wanna Know
Yeah, what(Charli Baltimore)Bout to lay it down for these muthafuckas(Charli Baltimore)Wha...

Charli Baltimore - Feel It
Can you feel it?Can you feel it?Can you feel it?[teddy riley]It's makin' me hot, it...

Charli Baltimore - Have It All
[verse 1]Time fliesStill remember all the good times spentTrips to the beach and watchin'...

Charli Baltimore - Horse & Carriage (remix)
[Intro: silkk (cam'ron)]Remix(that's right) silkk the shockerUh, cam'ron (you ain't...

Charli Baltimore - Ice
Uhh niggaUhm, yeah(Do you wanna [repeat through song])[Charli Baltimore (M...

Charli Baltimore - Infamous
What, whatUh, uhWhat, uhWhat, yeahUh, yoYo, whatYo, uhYo, uh...

Charli Baltimore - Making Love
[Intro:][Charli]Hello?[Guy]Yo, what deal baby sis'? (what's up?...

Charli Baltimore - Money
For the love of what...Uh huh, UntertainmentCharli DangerousH-Class, little EUhh uhh...

Charli Baltimore - N.b.c.
(This is the way it should sound)This is the way it should sound[Intro: Cam'Ron (Noreaga)]...

Charli Baltimore - Pimp Da 1 U Luv
[Charli - Intro]Yo, yoCharli BaltimoreSuave House, what (pimp da one you love)Yo, U...

Charli Baltimore - R.i.t.z.
Charli BaltimoreKilla CamCam'RonCharli I don't think they know that I'm menstrulLet me tel...

Charli Baltimore - Stand Up
[Ghostface]Be friends wit'cha gram!I want everyone to stand up and be counted tonight...

The Cheetah Girls - Cheetah Sisters
[Verse 1:]Theres a time when we all chooseTo either quit or follow throughTo just loose f...

The Cheetah Girls - Girl Power
Throw your hands up if you know that you're a starYou better stand up if you know just who you areNeve...

The Cheetah Girls - Together We Can
We can do anythingJust you and me baby baby baby babeWait and see.[Verse 1]Ho...

Chely Wright - 10 Lb. Heart
People say I care too muchI'm so emotionalA tender soul who's out of controlI've been told a hea...

Chely Wright - Alligator Purse
I called him for days, he didn't answer the phoneI drove by his house, I knew he was homeA week's wort...

Chely Wright - Back Of The Bottom Drawer
In the back of the bottom drawerOf the dresser by our bedIs a box of odds and ends that I have always ...

Chely Wright - Before You Lie
I think I know what you're about to sayI can see it in your eyes and on your faceWe swore we never wou...

Chely Wright - Between A Mother And A Child
I know you don't like meDon't like the things I doThe saddest part just might beThat I don't lik...

Chely Wright - Bumper Of My Suv
I've got a bright red sticker on the back of my carSays United States MarinesAnd yesterday a lady in a...

Chely Wright - C'est La Vie'
It was a teenage weddingAnd the old folks wished them wellYou could see that PierreDid truly lov...

Chely Wright - Day One
Woke up this mornin', put the coffe onOpened up the blinds and there was the sunNow, this ain't just a...

Chely Wright - Deep Down Low
Everybody says don't lose your headYou gotta keep that pretty smile upon your faceWell I did that for ...

Chely Wright - Emma Jean's Guitar
I found it in a pawn shop in a ragged cardboard caseWith the guns and dusty watches it looked so out of plac...

Chely Wright - Everything
I heard a real good joke that you would loveAnd if I'd heard it a few weeks beforeI would've reached f...

Chely Wright - Feelin' Single And Seein' Double
[Chorus:]Well I really had a ball last nightI held all the pretty boys tightI was f...

Chely Wright - For The Long Run
Last night you came home lateYou tried to tiptoe inI sat here for hoursWondering where you've be...

Chely Wright - Go On And Go
Don't waste your time givin' me your reasonsLet's skip the ceremony of goodbyeLet's get down to the pa...

Chely Wright - Gotta Get Good At Givin' Again
They married young, right out of schoolBack in '78She rubbed his back, he rubbed her feetAfter a...

Chely Wright - Heart Shaped World
Columbus said the world was roundBack when everyone said it was flatJust between me and you and the ma...

Chely Wright - He Don't Do Bars Anymore
All the boys he played cards withCouldn't wait til he cameBut they haven't seen himSince I got h...

Chely Wright - He's A Good Ole Boy
To steal him's been your number one ambitionBut sister here's one safe that you don't have to crackI'l...

Chely Wright - Horoscope
Every morning on my way to workI stop off at Ernie's Corner StandHe sees me comin' from a half a block...

Chely Wright - I Already Do
Cautions in the windThe hardest part is throughYou don't have to try so hardTo make me fall for ...

Chely Wright - If I Were Jackie
If I had married JFKI would have lost my mind'Cause everybody seemed to knowHow he spent his lei...

Chely Wright - I Got Him Ready For You
I taught him how to talk to meI showed him what a woman needsA hand just to hold in the darkHe u...

Chely Wright - I Love You Enough To Let You Go
It breaks my heart to seeThat you're unhappy here with meThe hurt you've tried to hide can't help but ...

Chely Wright - Is It Love Yet?
It's been a long time comin'I've been alone so longMy heart is doin' somethin'Can't put my finge...

Chely Wright - It's Not Too Late
The clock is ticking loud as thunderIn this silent roomThe morning comes and I wait to seeIf it ...

Chely Wright - It's The Song
Different day, different townSet it up to tear it downOh I ain't been home in almost fifty daysH...

Chely Wright - It Was
I guess we guess are way through lifeHow many times do we really know for sure?I was just hoping for t...

Chely Wright - Jezebel
I give him love the best I canBut you don't seem to understandIt's not always deepBut it's alway...

Chely Wright - Just Another Heartache
I'm fallin' head over heals for himHe's callin' me twice a night then callin' againWhen I talk he like...

Chely Wright - Just The Way We Do It
We don't ever stay mad for long and IGuess I've always liked that 'bout usWe usually end up on the flo...

Chely Wright - Let Me In
There are times I stand in wonderTo look at you and all you areAnd I think I can unlock the mystery...

Chely Wright - Listenin' To The Radio
He wears a Harley Jacket and a kiss me smile.Through his steel blue eyes I can see for miles.He digs b...

Chely Wright - Love Didn't Listen
He was a rebel she was born across the tracksHer parents had his never didTo look at them it didn't fi...

Chely Wright - Love Lets Go
I can't count the times we've sat and criedUp all night, trying to work it outBut this feels different...

Chely Wright - Never Love You Enough
If all of my life I try and I tryBaby I could never show youAll this love I have inside'Cause ev...

Chely Wright - Nobody But A Fool
Nobody but a fool would love youAfter the way you've done meBroke every vow you made me, broke every r...

Chely Wright - Not As In Love
I've seen "Sleepless In Seattle" way too many timesAnd I guess my expectations might seem a little high...

Chely Wright - One Night In Las Vegas
Flight 709 pulled up to the gateAn hour and 45 minutes lateAnd of course our connection was already in...

Chely Wright - Picket Fences
Little boys and little girls dream of big, big thingsThey're taught at a tender age just what life should br...

Chely Wright - Right In The Middle Of It
They're either fallin' in or they're fallin' outThat's the only kind of love you ever hear aboutBut we...

Chely Wright - Rubbin' It In
Last night, I went out with some old friendsI couldn't help but to think of you againSomeone was weari...

Chely Wright - Scars
I'm not the first to make you cryI always promise baby this is the last timeYou believe in second chan...

Chely Wright - Sea Of Cowboy Hats
I'm not afraid of growing oldOr dying young or never finding someoneAnd I'm not scared of the great un...

Chely Wright - Sex, Drugs And Rock 'n Roll
I never really partied a lotSteamed up a few windows, kissing in carsAnd that's as dangerous as I got...

Chely Wright - She Went Out For Cigarettes
He was glued to the T.V.When she asked him for the keysSaid, "I'm going to the marketIs there an...

Chely Wright - Shut Up And Drive
Shut up and driveYou don't know what you're talking aboutHe's not the oneYou ought to know that ...

Chely Wright - Single White Female
I know that every morning you go thumbingThrough the personal want adsYou grab the latest copy, a cup ...

Chely Wright - Some Kind Of Somethin'
I wouldn't bet the farm on it yetBut I find myself on this dangerous ledgeDon't know if I'm fallin'...

Chely Wright - South Side Of Lonesome
It's so nice of you to callTo check on me todayIt's ironic 'cause after allYou left me this way...

Chely Wright - The Fire
He's dating a lawyer with a gentle natureSays she ain't nothing like meAnd there's fire and there's wa...

Chely Wright - The Last Supper
I spent all day long just slavin' in the kitchenI wanted everything to be just rightYeah, the table's ...

Chely Wright - The Love He Left Behind
I talk to him everydayEven though he's oh-so-far awayAnd every night I lay in bedAnd hug the pil...

Chely Wright - The Love That We Lost
Going through old dresser drawersFumbling through there closetsIt's got to be here somewhereI kn...

Chely Wright - The Other Woman
She picked up his jacketAnd hid her earrings in his pocketSo he'd have a reason to callBut her t...

Chely Wright - The River
On a Friday night where I grew upThere ain't a whole lot you can doThe same ole' faces the same ole' p...

Chely Wright - Till All Her Tears Are Dry
I sat bored at my pianoWhen he walked into the barWhen he nodded from his tableI said I know jus...

Chely Wright - Till I Was Loved By You
I tried my hand at the game enoughBut I ain't lucky when it comes to loveI want it all but I never wan...

Chely Wright - Unknown
Fire and Rain is my favorite songI say a prayer at 11:11I could watch old movies all night longI...

Chely Wright - What If I Can't Say No Again?
I'm not afraid of growing oldOr dying young or never finding someoneAnd I'm not scared of the great un...

Chely Wright - What If We Fly
ReasonsWe've got a millionTo stop taking chancesAnd start playing it safeMemoriesOf ...

Chely Wright - What I Learned From Loving You
Sometimes I still think of youLove that's gone by and the things I didn't doTime heals hearts, so they...

Chely Wright - Wheels
I've made you mad as hell heard you yellBut I've never seen you cryingIt's clear to us it's serious...

Chely Wright - While I Was Waiting
I fumbled with a napkin, I had a glass of wineI was a little early, I had a little timeI sat up at the...

Chely Wright - Why Do I Still Want You
There's an old tear stained, worn King JamesBible on my lapI can hear mama now say it won't let you do...

Chely Wright - Woman In The Moon
Another lonesome nightStaring at the skyBut I don't help to ease an aching heartThe man up in th...

Chely Wright - Wouldn't It Be Cool
Wouldn't it be cool if all the supermodels tried to look like meAnd wouldn't it be cool if someone's charact...

Chely Wright - Your Shirt
There's a rip in the elbow of the left sleeveAnd one button doesn't matchYou sewed that one on yoursel...

Chely Wright - Your Woman Misses Her Man
Layin' on my back in a cornfield back in KansasI think I might'a had my first original thoughtJust me ...

Cher - A Different Kind Of Love Song
What if the world was crazy and I was saneWould it be so strangeI can't believe that I am alone in say...

Cher - Alive Again
All aloneI must standEven when I'm runningAnd it feels, like a dreamI need to awaken from...

Cher - Angels Running
Well I heard enough And I've seen enoughAnd I know anough to know I know a good thing when I see...

Cher - Believe
After love, after love [repeat]No matter how hard I try You keep pushing me aside And I c...

Cher - Body To Body, Heart To Heart
Body to body, body to bodyHeart to heartBody to body, body to bodyHeart to heartLook...

Cher - Dov'e L'amore
Dov'e L'AmoreDov'e L'AmoreI cannot tell you of my lifeHere is my storyI'll sing a lo...

Cher - Fire And Rain
Just yesterday morning they let me know you were gone Susan the plans they made put an end to you I wa...

Cher - Half Breed
My father married a pure Cherokee My mother's people were ashamed of me The indians said I was white b...

Cher - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother
The road is long, with many a winding turn That leads us to who knows where, who knows whereBut I'm st...

Cher - If I Could Turn Back Time
If I could turn back time If I could find a way I'd take back those words that hurt you and you'd stay...

Cher - I Got You Babe
[HER:] They say we're young and we don't know We won't find out until we grow [HIM:] Wel...

Cher - Just Like Jesse James
You're struttin' into town like you're slingin' a gun Just a small town dude with a big city attitude ...

Cher - Love Is A Lonely Place Without You
Love is a lonely place without youI know I'm not aloneI should not be afraidCause I hear y...

Cher - Love One Another
Everybody needs a little tendernessEverybody needs a releaseFrom the cell they lock themselves in...

Cher - Love So High
Every morning I would wake upAnd I'd tie the sun around a cupAnd I felt your love higher than the sky...

Cher - One By One
When you pray with every breath You know that is free as the love you have Where does it end It's too ...

Cher - Rain, Rain
Ooh Ooh OohEverywhere I look I see rain. . .Why am I here if you're thereSo far away it's ...

Cher - Real Love
Do you understand just how much I feel for you, do youDo you comprehend when I say my love is true, do you...

Cher - Runaway
Nobody said it would be easyNobody gives you guarantees'Cos a heart can always be brokenAnd ther...

Cher - Strong Enough
I don't need your sympathyThere's nothing you can say or do for meAnd I don't want a miracleYou'...

Cher - The Music's No Good Without You
Everyone was watchingYou were the freakiest thing on showdazzle in the crystal ballThey all love...

Cher - (this Is A) Song For The Lonely
When you're standing on the edge of nowhereThere's only one way upSo your heart's got to go there...

Cher - Walking In Memphis
Put on my blue suede shoes And I boarded the plane Touched down in the land of the Delta Blues I...

Cher - When The Money's Gone
When the money's goneWill you be my friendFloat a small row boat till our ship comes inWhen the ...

Cher - You Take It All
Every place that we ever knewJust a time we held on toEvery space that we ever madeJust a piece ...

Chevelle - An Evening With El Diablo
High up on you, you display,Good traits, though few.We've found, time alone will tell.This disea...

Chevelle - Another Know It All
Damn you're so dullStill need to borrow your hateChange what they canPersuade us back under cove...

Chevelle - Anticipation
This anticipation Seen in you As you prepare for new life Don't forget your war The cuts o...

Chevelle - Bend The Bracket
So the water's thickeningHis collar's pulled, begin to be awareIt's on, that he needs to focusBe...

Chevelle - Blank Earth
A scratchy throatI wish you would lift this, I drink liquidsSpreading true, I hopeA blank earth ...

Chevelle - Breach Birth
Be brave reshapeCan't force all into moldsPassing out schematicsForcing all into moldsOnce...

Chevelle - Closure
Breathe, trust, bless me and release,Climb, hard or never be seen.Closed off, rescue to breathe....

Chevelle - Comfortable Liar
Broad, is this seaThe salt, enters the woundsMy take, on you is simpleSo heal, your fearTo...

Chevelle - Don't Fake This
Ignoring a loss of sight,Afraid to blink, I might lose the sun.But don't make this out, to be more,...

Chevelle - Dos
Begging - do you mean groveling Settling - it's not the same Begging - do we take what's left Se...

Chevelle - Emotional Drought
It's possible that the worstOf the insideCould take our pencils awayEnd creatingCan't let ...

Chevelle - Family System
Im tired of your open mouth,Crawling inside my skin,Endless pain we never quit,The fight within ...

Chevelle - Forfeit
Will not be shaken,And jump into this,And be pursuasive, just carry on.Make my mind up, to go th...

Chevelle - Get Some
I tried an idea for no reasonKeep the sun off our shouldersCrawling back to[Chorus]...

Chevelle - Long
Comrades bond, this day will be long Don't count your losses, gain what he gave And we blame him for h...

Chevelle - Mia
Watch me heap up what Ive sown Im made of peanuts, not of shells God spares a quality of himself ...

Chevelle - One Lonely Visitor
Am I alone in here?Am I alone in here?Am I alone in here?Am I alone in here?Knew you...

Chevelle - Panic Prone
Gave in AgainThe bastardCan't keep refusing rightsSo he'll loan the cashBut the sinI...

Chevelle - Peer
I'd like to leave this In my youth Pick me up on your way Send away virus Drink sight is w...

Chevelle - Sma
Don't grip, you're choking What life was, trying to Lift up the rage from a season of play I don...

Chevelle - The Clincher
TouchI'll stand for nothing lessOr never stand againThese are the limits when one's buried...

Chevelle - The Red
They say freak,When you're singled out,The red, well it filters through.So lay down, the t...

Chevelle - To Return
To return to the coldIt isn't much funTo touch the trees no one has knownGo rest your head...

Chevelle - Tug-o-war
Feed the cut and get in lineTo live and burn is tug-o-warRapedGo back and forth until it's learn...

Chevelle - Until You're Reformed
Not about to tryTime to please no oneThe first and last beginsYou mutter, you childY...

Chevelle - Vitamin R (leading Us Along)
Some will learn; many do.Cover up or spread it out.Turn around, had enough,Pick and choose or pa...

Chevelle - Wonder What's Next
It sometimes feels like a burden,I want to succeed,Is this a good quality,I wonder what's next,...

Chingy - Bagg Up
(Bagg up) Bounce, bounce, bounce then (Bagg up) [repeat 2]Straight playa baby2 rides outs...

Chingy - Balla Baby
[Intro:]You know the definition... of a BallaThat's me... C-H-I-N-G to the YLemme explain...

Chingy - Chingy Jackpot
[Robotic voice]This is another Trak Star production[Record scratching]...

Chingy - Gettin' It
Unh.. Unh, Unh.. Chingy, gettin' it, Yeah.. Unh, Unh....Hope you know how to get itCuz right herre, we...

Chingy - Give Em Some Mo
[Intro]Its your boy chingyRepresentin the kingG.I.B. git it boysStop hatin' derrty...

Chingy - He's Herre
Uh...Uh...Uh..He's here...He's Here...He's he..really?[Chorus]...

Chingy - I Do
Chingy track stars (how many rides you got Dirty?) Well I got a caprice on 24s I got a range rover wit...

Chingy - Jackpot The Pimp (skit)
Hey wassup!With the ladies and gentlemen this evenin'Ya dig?I'm Jackpot the Pimp steppin in fo a...

Chingy - Juice
[Chingy]Whats up yall Chingy slot a lot in tha house,We got Jackpot The Pimp in the back,...

Chingy - Madd @ Me
[Chorus]They mad at meCheck got Os, diamonds in my chain (they mad at me)Good got Jordans...

Chingy - Mobb Wit Me
Uh uh uh uh..uh uh uh uh uh huhThat's Right[Hook: repeat 2X]Who wanna Mob wit me (I...

Chingy - Right Thurr
Uh, hey dirty, (what?)Look at that girl right there (oh)She make me sayOoh, ooh, (yeah) ooh, ooh...

Chingy - We Clubbin'
[Chingy]Yeah, G.I.B.Get it boys[Chorus]I dont know what yall about to ...

Chingy - Wurr Da Git It Gurlz At
Yeah yeah yeah Ohhh Yeah yeah yeah Ohhh Yeah yeah yeah Ohhh Yeah yeah yeah ...

Chingy - Wurrs My Cash
[Chorus]Ho, Wurrs My Cash?( Got his money ho? )You don't have it?( You trippi...

Choppa - Choppa Style
C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'mon C'monOOOOOWWWWW!what she want (ugh) what she want She want (repeat)...

Chris Isaak - 5:15
Oh, 5:15 is just a train. 5:24 it leaves the station again.Tell me why.Did she go?5:...

Chris Isaak - 7 Lonely Nights
Seven lonely days without a word.Did I do something somehow that you heard?Well I'll be fine.. You're ...

Chris Isaak - Always Got Tonight
Here's to good times, baby now it's up to youTell me darlin what it is you wanna doIf you want me, you...

Chris Isaak - American Boy
I'm the original American boyLove you baby, with all my heartTen times better than those movie stars...

Chris Isaak - Another Idea
She never sleeps at night she's quiet but she dreams.Her mind is racing, she plans, she plots, she schemes. ...

Chris Isaak - Auld Lang Syne
Should auld acquaintance be forgotAnd never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgot...

Chris Isaak - Baby Did A Bad Bad Thing
Baby did a bad bad thing, baby did a bad bad thing.Baby did a bad bad thing, baby did a bad bad thing....

Chris Isaak - Back On Your Side
You can talk about true love, say we're through.And I do my best pretending I, don't love you.But when...

Chris Isaak - Beautiful Homes
In beautiful houses, with beautiful gardens, and beautiful friends inside.And I stand all alone, the rain fa...

Chris Isaak - Black Flowers
Children lieing in there beds.Just remember what your mother said.Don't you worry, don't you cry....

Chris Isaak - Blue Christmas
I'll have a blue Christmas without you;I'll be so blue just thinking about you.Decorations of red...

Chris Isaak - Blue Hotel
Blue Hotel, on a lonely highway,Blue Hotel, life don't work out my way.Blue Hotel, on a lonely h...

Chris Isaak - Blue Spanish Sky
It's a big blue spanish sky,Lay on my back and watch clouds roll by.I've got the time to wonder why,...

Chris Isaak - Breaking Apart
Just another day without you.I'll be okay without you .I'll be fine.I'll be alright....

Chris Isaak - Brightest Star
I saw a star above the cloudsIt was the brightest oneAnd I have just begun to understand youYou ...

Chris Isaak - Can't Do A Thing (to Stop Me)
Here I go again, dreaming, here I go again.(Can't do a thing to stop me now)(Can't do a thing to stop ...

Chris Isaak - Changed Your Mind
Over where the rainbow meets the darkened sky.I pretended there was hope for you and I.Now to late I g...

Chris Isaak - Christmas On Tv
I'm watching Christmas on TVAnd wishing you were here with meMerry Christmas from one million miles aw...

Chris Isaak - Cool Love
Love is a flameI just got burned againYou're always thereEach time I need a friendCo...

Chris Isaak - Courthouse
You see his gentle smiling faceThen you go, ohAnd all the good and bad you've doneHe will know, ...

Chris Isaak - Cryin'
You tell me stories that I wish were true. But I know better than believe in you.I keep on cryin', I keep on...

Chris Isaak - Dancin'
I keep on dancin', dancin'.Nothing left to say, nothing left to do.I find myself alone, I'm thinking j...

Chris Isaak - Diddley Daddy
Diddley, diddley, diddley, diddley, daddy.Diddley, diddley, diddley, diddley, daddy.Diddley, diddley, ...

Chris Isaak - Don't Get So Down On Yourself
I got the picture, that you finally sent.I read your letter, and I know what you meant.That's you and ...

Chris Isaak - Don't Leave Me On My Own
I've been thinking alot about you. I'm so lonely here without you please.Don't leave me on my own....

Chris Isaak - Don't Make Me Dream About You
Don't make me dream about you, don't make me dream about you.Don't make me dream about you, don't make me dr...

Chris Isaak - Except The New Girl
Drive your mustang down, to where you hang out.Alone without a friend.Girls walk by you, some in fact ...

Chris Isaak - Fade Away
Flowers and Gardens, abandoned from view.Cry for their love, like I do.People throw their love t...

Chris Isaak - Flying
I was playing a club by the Eiffel Tower.Taking a break for half an hour.A girl from the bar came out ...

Chris Isaak - Forever Young
I knew the first time we meet we'd be lovers.The last time we kissed I was blue.The first time you lef...

Chris Isaak - Funeral In The Rain
I wait, too long, I'll die, If I'm alone.I wait, too shy, love dies, I'm alone to cry.I'm walkin...

Chris Isaak - Goin' Nowhere
Like the clothes, like the tan, like the way you shake it.Your the kind of a girl I can tell you make it....

Chris Isaak - Gone Ridin'
Well the moon is on the highway, darkness fills the sky.As long as I keep driving, I know that I won't die....

Chris Isaak - Go Walking Down There
I go walking down there, I go searching down there,There's nothing left for you and me.I go walking do...

Chris Isaak - Graduation Day
Driving slowly, watching the headlights in the rain.Funny how things change.Think of the good times wi...

Chris Isaak - Have Yourself A Merry Little
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,Let your heart be lightFrom now on,Our troubles will be o...

Chris Isaak - Heart Full Of Soul
Sick at heart and lonely, deep in dark despair.When you want her only, tell me where is she, where?And...

Chris Isaak - Heart Shaped World
Trouble, going round. Trouble, going down.What happend to you little baby? What happened to you little girl?...

Chris Isaak - I Believe
I believe the stars keep shining all throught the night.I believe if we just keep trying it will be alright....

Chris Isaak - I Like The Way She Moves
I met a girl she was half out of her mind.That's okay cause I'm half out of mine.She said I'm tired of...

Chris Isaak - I'm Not Sleepy
In the middle of the night I wake up.In the middle of the dream I call your name.In the middle of the ...

Chris Isaak - I'm Not Waiting
I'm not waiting, I'm not waiting.I have pictures in my troubled past, and they're shaped like broken g...

Chris Isaak - In The Heat Of The Jungle
In the heat of the jungle, in the heat of the night.Sat an African princess in the pale moonlight.She ...

Chris Isaak - I See You Everywhere
You've been telling everybodyHow much you love meBut I don't know, I don't knowYou throw your ar...

Chris Isaak - I Want Your Love
Put out your hand, open up your heart.How can I love you when we're so far apart?And all I want is you...

Chris Isaak - I Wonder
When I was younger I believed, that dreams came true.Now I wonder.Cause' I've seen much more dark skie...

Chris Isaak - Kings Of The Highway
The one that I loved, used to laugh when I cried.The one that I loved, wouldn't stay by my side.If lov...

Chris Isaak - Last Month Of The Year
Tell me when was Jesus bornLast month of the yearTell me when was Jesus bornLast month of the ye...

Chris Isaak - Let It Snow!
Oh, the weather outside is frightful,But the fire is so delightful,And since we've no place to go,...

Chris Isaak - Let Me Down Easy
Here she comes Don't say anything At first you smile, then turn awayI've been thinking of ...

Chris Isaak - Lie To Me
There is a woman, far over the sea.Standing and waiting, praying for me.Here I lie sleeping, a girl by...

Chris Isaak - Life Will Go On
Broken skies, heartaches that flowers won't mendSay goodbye knowing that this is the endTender dreams,...

Chris Isaak - Livin' For Your Lover
When I cry, I cry for you.When I'm blue, it's just for you.When I'm sad, it's always you.Someone...

Chris Isaak - Lonely With A Broken Heart
It's hard to know the way I feel, not knowing if your love is real.So I won't, upset myself.Seen you r...

Chris Isaak - Lover's Game
I call you up and tell you that I love you, I call you up and play my lovers game.Love is just a game to me ...

Chris Isaak - Mele Kalikimaka
Mele Kalikimaka is the thing to say,On a bright Hawaiian Christmas Day,That's the island greeting that...

Chris Isaak - Move Along
All the good hearts have been taken.No more hearts around here were breaking.All the good girls know I...

Chris Isaak - Nothing's Changed
Let's take a drive through the old town.Back past the place where we meet.Some things are hard to reme...

Chris Isaak - Nothing To Say
Days can be lonelyNight lets you downWonder and wanderThere's no one aroundNothing to say ...

Chris Isaak - Notice The Ring
Long leggedGood lookingYou got everythingSlow walkingYou come up Then I notice the r...

Chris Isaak - One Day
Don't tell me that you love meOr that you'll never leave meGive me one day in your life Ju...

Chris Isaak - Only The Lonely
Only the lonely, know the way I feel tonight.Only the lonely, know this feeling ain't right.Ther...

Chris Isaak - Please
I keep listening, very quietly.You're discussing, your philosophy.There's a long list, of what's wrong...

Chris Isaak - Pretty Girls Don't Cry
Pretty girls don't cry, they know exactly what they want.Pretty girls walk by, with eyes that smile faces th...

Chris Isaak - Pretty Paper
Pretty paper, pretty ribbons of blueWrap your presents to your darling from youPretty pencils to write...

Chris Isaak - Return To Me
Return to me, oh my dear I'm so lonely.Hurry back, hurry back, oh my love I'm yours.Return to me, for ...

Chris Isaak - Round 'n' Round
Here we go round & round. State your case and then sit down.Tell me why you want to go, I don't ...

Chris Isaak - Rudolph The Red-nosed Reindeer
You know Dasher and Dancer,Prancer and Vixen,You know Comet and Cupid,Donner and Blitzen,S...

Chris Isaak - San Francisco Days
I still love you, I still want you.I still need you, don't hang up and say goodbye.Walking on th...

Chris Isaak - Shadows In A Mirror
I'm watching somebody's heart break in two.And wondering if somewhere your crying to.Shadows in a mirr...

Chris Isaak - Solitary Man
Belinda was mine till the time that I found her,Holding Jim, loving him.Sue came along loved me strong...

Chris Isaak - Somebody To Love
Don't you want somebody to loveSomeone who could be your true loveGoing, always goneDon't you wa...

Chris Isaak - South Of The Border (down Mexico Way)
South of the border, down Mexico way.That's where I fell in love where stars above, came out to play.A...

Chris Isaak - Speak Of The Devil
Speak of the devil.The devil appears.Waiting for some one.Been waiting for years.And it's ...

Chris Isaak - Sweet Leilani
Sweet leilani, heavenly flower oh. I dreampt of paradise for two. (My lovely Leilani)You are my paradi...

Chris Isaak - Talkin' 'bout A Home
Pretty girls they go walking by.I don't even give a glance.Since I met you I changed everything....

Chris Isaak - Talk To Me
Talk to me, tell me that you love me, and that you'll never leave me.Talk to me, tell me that you love me, a...

Chris Isaak - Tears
Tears, all night long.That's ok, I'm not strong.I'm not strong enough, to live without her....

Chris Isaak - The Christmas Song
Chestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Frost nipping at your noseYule-tide carols being sung by a choi...

Chris Isaak - The End Of Everything
This is the end of everything, this is the end I know.This is the end of everything, take your love with you...

Chris Isaak - The Lonely Ones
If you drive late at night, and pass the town at night.And know that someone lies awake not sleeping.I...

Chris Isaak - There She Goes
There she goes, there she goes.All dressed up and walking, you found somebody new.I don't want n...

Chris Isaak - Things Go Wrong
Trying to rememeber what I know I should forget.Trying to forget her but I really haven't yet.Things g...

Chris Isaak - Think Of Tomorrow
The future looks so bright ahead, the past is far behind.I think of all the things we said, and you are on m...

Chris Isaak - This Love Will Last
If I had to tell now the way I feel about you I'd say nothing.'Cause when I try to tell how I feel you know ...

Chris Isaak - This Time
I know I let you down the last time.You said then there'd be no next time.One more chance is all I'm a...

Chris Isaak - Two Hearts
No stars in the sky, the night seems so dark around you.You won't say a word, and wonder why no one's found ...

Chris Isaak - Unhappiness
I know I should try, and I do. I know that I can't win.But I try for you, sometimes I pretend.I'...

Chris Isaak - Voodoo
I know what to do when your sad and lonely, I know what to do when you love her only.I know what to do...

Chris Isaak - Waiting
Here I stand and I'm waiting, here I stand and I'm waiting.Here I stand and I'm waiting down, where I used t...

Chris Isaak - Waiting For My Lucky Day
I watched the sun roll down in Texas.Out on the edge of town in Texas.I keep on hanging round in Texas...

Chris Isaak - Waiting For The Rain To Fall
You and I don't love each other,We don't talk to one another,I don't think you love anyone in this wor...

Chris Isaak - Walk Slow
Friends are talking to you.They tell you you whould go.They say that I don't love you.But baby t...

Chris Isaak - Wanderin'
Big clouds pick on the little ones.Evenin shade drives out the sun.Sorry for the stuff I've done....

Chris Isaak - Western Stars
Western stars light up the sky, hear the desert wind roll by.Tonight, tonight.Western stars can break ...

Chris Isaak - White Christmas
I'm dreaming of a white ChristmasJust like the ones I used to knowWhere the treetops glistenand ...

Chris Isaak - Wicked Game
The world was on fire and no one could save me but you.It's strange what desire will make foolish people do....

Chris Isaak - Wild Love
I told you romance, this is your last chance.Why stand and whisper, go up and take her love.Why stand ...

Chris Isaak - Worked It Out Wrong
I don't have anything I got to do all dayLie in bed and watch TVI don't have anything that I need to s...

Chris Isaak - Wrong To Love You
Little girl standing, and I'm so alone,Little girl whispers, stranger come home.Sad little eyes, so mu...

Chris Isaak - Yellow Bird
Yellow bird, up high in banana tree. Yellow bird, you sit all alone like me.Did you lady friend ...

Chris Isaak - You Owe Me Some Kind Of Love
Think of all the things we've done and now, you've decided I'm not the one.A love like ours just can't go on...

Chris Isaak - You Took My Heart
Under the sun there are many pretty things,You talk of love and the happiness it brings.You took my he...

Christina Aguilera - Angels We Have Heard On High
[Christina Aguilera]Glo-glo-glo-glo-riaYeah, ooh, oh, ooh oh, yeahAngels we have he...

Christina Aguilera - At Last
At lastmy love has come alongmy lonely days overand life is like a songAt last...

Christina Aguilera - Believe Me
Ohh yeahMmmmYeah, oh yeah, oh ohOh yeahI was alone just becauseI wasn't like t...

Christina Aguilera - Believe Me (dance Mix)
Ohh yeahMmmmYeah, oh yeah, oh ohOh yeahI was alone just becauseI wasn't like t...

Christina Aguilera - By Your Side
So if you call my nameYou know my heart you claimI'll be right hereBy your sideThrough thi...

Christina Aguilera - Christmas Time
Fa la la la lafa la la la la la la...Oh, heyWhen I was young every Christmas EveI co...

Christina Aguilera - Contigo En La Distancia
No existe un momento del diaEn que pueda apartarte de miEl mundo parece distintoCuando no estas ...

Christina Aguilera - Cuando No Es Contigo
Oh, oh, ohQuisiera echar atras el tiempoLlegar a nuestro encuentroY volver a comenzar, oh...

Christina Aguilera - Dame Lo Que Yo Te Doy
T no quieres ver que es loQue pasa aquNo hace falta decirte queYo no soy solo para tiPor q...

Christina Aguilera - Don't Make Me Love You
Don't make me love you till I'm readyDon't make me give you more than my kissesI need you to go slow a...

Christina Aguilera - Dream A Dream
I dream, there's nothing that's too toughThere's nothing that's hard enoughFor me and you, to get thro...

Christina Aguilera - Dreamy Eyes
I'm reaching out to touch you In the middle of the night And I don't know if I've been sleeping ...

Christina Aguilera - El Beso Del Final
Oh, ohHay en mi corazon una inquietudHoy te veo tan distanteHay algo que me aleja de tu am...

Christina Aguilera - Falsas Esperanzas
Oh, no te creo noNo me digas todo lo que piensasNo lo digas, noSolo dime cuanto me deseas...

Christina Aguilera - Genie In A Bottle (remix)
[TJ Dilenquent]: Yeah, ugh, cmon, 99, remix Wha-what, wha-wha-what, y-y-y-y-yo Playaz of ...

Christina Aguilera - Genio Atrapado
Vamos, vamos Un siglo llevo en soledad Atrapada queriendo escapar Socando que era alguien me lib...

Christina Aguilera - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Oh yeah, mmmHave yourself a merry little ChristmasLet your heart be lightFrom now on your troubl...

Christina Aguilera - Infatuation (interlude)
Yo te contare una historia De como un puertoriqueno me robo el corazon Nunca mas he vuelto a amar de e...

Christina Aguilera - I Turn To You
When I'm lost in the rain,In your eyes I know I'll find the lightTo light my way.And when I'm sc...

Christina Aguilera - I Will Be
Mmm...The world seems so coldWhen I face so much all aloneA little scared to move on...

Christina Aguilera - Just Be Free
Ohh, yeah yeah yeahOn your feet, on your feet, ohhMove it to the beat, yeahOh yeahMove it ...

Christina Aguilera - Just Be Free (remix)
Just Be FreeOhh, yeah yeah yeahOn your feet, on your feet, ohhMove it to the beat, yeah...

Christina Aguilera - Loving Me For Me (interlude)
Ooo you make me want to flyCrying sky on that mountainI'm so so afraidAfraid of love's embrace...

Christina Aguilera - Make Me Happy
Baby you make me happyBaby you make me happy (ohh oh)Baby you make me happyThe way you make me s...

Christina Aguilera - Mi Reflejo
Para tiLo que ves de miEs la realidadMas tu no conocesEl papel que la vidaMe hace ac...

Christina Aguilera - Move It
This oneCan you feel it, feel the grooveLet the music take controlAnd let your body move...

Christina Aguilera - Move It (dance Mix)
Get this party going onShake it babyGotta, gotta make it strongMove it to the musicGet thi...

Christina Aguilera - Oh Holy Night
Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, ooh yeahOh holy nightThe stars are brightly shiningIt is the night...

Christina Aguilera - Our Day Will Come
Ooh, ohh yeah yeah, ohhMmmm ohh, yeahOur day will come and we'll have everythingAnd ooh, w...

Christina Aguilera - Pero Me Acuerdo De Ti
Ahora que ya mi vida se encuentra normal, ooh, oohQue tengo encasa quien suena con verme llegar, ooh, oh...

Christina Aguilera - Por Siempre Tu
Cuando este por caer, yo se que tu amor me volvera a socorrervencere el temor mientras sepa que ...

Christina Aguilera - Reflection
Look at me You may think you see Who I really am But you'll never know me Every day ...

Christina Aguilera - Running Out Of Time
AlrightI can see you, from a farTaking notice, who you areI know that you, can see me too...

Christina Aguilera - Silent Night (noche De Paz)
Oh, oohSilent night, holy nightAll is calm, all is brightRound yon virgin Mother and Child...

Christina Aguilera - Si No Te Hubiera Conocido
[Christina] (Fonsi)Oh yeah, oh yeah(Ooh)OhComo un bello amanecerTu amor un di...

Christina Aguilera - Somebody's Somebody
Watchin lovers walkin' Hand in hand they pass me by Wish I was one of them Wish I had somebody ...

Christina Aguilera - Stripped Pt. 1
Waited a long time for this, feels right nowAllow me to introduce myself,Want you to come a little clo...

Christina Aguilera - Stripped Pt. 2
Sorry if I ain't perfectSorry I don't give a -what-Sorry I ain't a divaSorry just know what I wa...

Christina Aguilera - The Christmas Song (holiday Remix)
Ooh, hmm, oh yeahChestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Frost nipping at your nose Yuletide caro...

Christina Aguilera - These Are The Special Times
Oh yeah, ohIn these moments, moments of our livesAll the world is oursAnd this world is so right...

Christina Aguilera - The Way You Talk To Me
Over the phone, love to hearAll of the things you say to me, mmmI just can't wait, to hear your voice...

Christina Aguilera - This Christmas
Hang all the mistletoeI'm gonna get to know you better, yeahThis ChristmasAnd as we trim the tre...

Christina Aguilera - This Year
Oh, ooh, oh, uhOoh, oh yea-yeah, oh, ooh, ahYou'll be my New Year's Day, my ValentineNow I...

Christina Aguilera - Too Beautiful For Words
[Verse 1]When I try to describe how I feel when you hold meI get butterflies I hear lullabies, ...

Christina Aguilera - Una Mujer
Una mujer quiere sentirUna mujer quiere sentirOoh yeah, yea-yeahYo te agradezco por insist...

Christina Aguilera - Ven Conmigo (solamente Tu)
Ven conmigo, ven conmigo babyVen conmigo, ven conmigo babyOh yeahVen conmigo, ven conmigo baby...

Christina Aguilera - We're A Miracle
Here we are, safe at last We can breath a sigh, seems the storm has passed Through it all, no one knew...

Christina Aguilera - What A Girl Wants (remix)
What a girl wantsWhat a girl needsWhat a girl wantsWhat a girl needsI wanna thank yo...

Christina Aguilera - When You Put Your Hands On Me
When you put your hands on me.. When you put your hands on me..I don't know about the travel of ...

Christina Aguilera - Xtina's Xmas
It's Christmas time(It's Christmas time)It's Christmas time(Christmas time)(It's Christmas...

Christina Milian - 7 Days
[VERSE 1:]I'm in love with my man but it seems like everyone always asks meHow is it that we ca...

Christina Milian - A Girl Like Me
You know like I know you ain't never ever met nobody like meYou know like I know you ain't never ever met no...

Christina Milian - Ain't No Reason
Tell me have you ever feltLike u start fallin' downbut the sun is gonna shine againTell me...

Christina Milian - Call Me, Beep Me! (the Kim Possible Song)
Ooohh yeahh yeahI'm your basic average girlAnd I'm here to save the worldYou can't stop me...

Christina Milian - Dip It Low
Says he wants youHe says he needs youIt's real talk, then why not make him wait for youIf he rea...

Christina Milian - Down For You
[VERSE 1:]Boy you know I'm the type of girl Who will always understandAnd whatever you're...

Christina Milian - Get Loose
Whether you're whinin' it grindin' it or straight tworkin' itI don't care as long as you're workin' it...

Christina Milian - Got To Have You
You and I have been best friends for yearsThrough good and bad you're always hereAnd no matter what yo...

Christina Milian - Hands On Me
[VERSE 1:]I can't help it, oh I got a thing for this guyInfatuated by, the way he looks in my e...

Christina Milian - Highway
[VERSE 1:]I love a fast carand you got a fast ride so won't u take me for a spin out on y...

Christina Milian - I Can Be That Woman
[VERSE 1:]Someday you're gonna knowThere's more to get than what you've gotYou gotta lear...

Christina Milian - I'm Sorry
I'm So Sorryummmmm [Verse 1]Boy we've been cool for so long nowTell me w...

Christina Milian - I Need More
[Verse 1]I can no longer see myself being the girl for you I used to see you've done so much to bring...

Christina Milian - Intro
[Announcer:]Ladies and gentlemenId like to introduce to you. . .Christina!...

Christina Milian - It Hurts When
Hmmmmmmmmm.There you were last night sitting close to her by candlelightI couldn't let you see m...

Christina Milian - Miss You Like Crazy
[CHORUS:]I miss you like the sky misses the birdsI miss you like a song without the words...

Christina Milian - Oh Daddy
[VERSE 1:]I used to be Daddy's little girlTo us you meant the worldAnd oh, how we seemed ...

Christina Milian - Peanut Butter & Jelly
I'm feeling sexyI'm feeling sexy(rock like this, rock like this)[Verse 1:]Sat...

Christina Milian - Perfect
Hello old friendI never thought that I would see you againDo you remember all of the time that we spen...

Christina Milian - Satisfaction Guaranteed
Hey boy I know that you don't know meBut if you took a little bit of time to seeHow I could be I wanna...

Christina Milian - Someday One Day
[Verse 1:]Day to day and each night I prayThat there's someone out there that's gonna melt my h...

Christina Milian - Thank You
Once upon a time I walked an easy roadDidn't think I needed anyone.I could make it on my ownNeve...

Christina Milian - Twitch
Baby every now and then you disappear from this earthAnd where you been and where you go I don't knowB...

Christina Milian - Until I Get Over You
Woke up today thinking of youAnother night that I made my way throughSo many dreams still left in my m...

Christina Milian - Whatever U Want
[Joe Budden:]Once again it's onAnd we gonna ride out Once again till dawnCut the li...

Christina Milian - When You Look At Me
[Hook:]Tell me who do you think you seeYoure standing in your corner looking out on meYou...

Christina Milian - You Make Me Laugh
You make me laugh, oooh, make me laugh, you make me laughSticks and stones may break my bones your words wil...

Christina Milian - Your Last Call
Hey what's up, you've reached Christina's answering machine. Please leave me a message after the tone....

Christina Milian - You Snooze You Lose
You snooze you're gonna lose and she won't want you back againThe way you keep on playin' is impossible to w...

Christy Carlson Romano - Anyone But Me
We never seem to get along.I'm always right,You're never wrong.Wish that you could see the way...

Christy Carlson Romano - Colors Of The Wind
You think you own whatever land you land onThe Earth is just a dead thing you can claimBut I know ever...

Christy Carlson Romano - Could It Be
I know we've been friends foreverBut now I think I'm feeling something totally newAnd after all this t...

Christy Carlson Romano - Dream Vacation
Im cutting school todayIm gonna get away Im leaving now to preciseDont that sound niceIn a...

Christy Carlson Romano - Let's Bounce
Waiting For the start of somethingBefore we go out of our mindsAll of this doing nothing is taking up ...

Christy Carlson Romano - Say The Word
All you have to do is, say the wordI'm thereI'm on it, I've got itI can do anythingW...

Christy Carlson Romano - Toy Town
(To see the toys at Christmas time)Gonna Bring You Down To Toy TownBetter Take A Warm Coat For T...

Chronic Future - Eyes Wide Open
It's like taking your medicineAdmitting the relevanceOf every experienceYou're thanking the elem...

Chronic Future - Memories In F Minor
You're the element of surprise that none of us were prepared forThe dead body behind the curtain that we cou...

Chronic Future - New York, Ny
Well all these people of the city will keep you in their blind spotsEspecially when they know that you're ou...

Chronic Future - Say Goodbye
The tenth day before I leftEverythign was just fineShe must have waited to cave in On that day n...

Chronic Future - Shellshocked
Lies won't save you from the bomb that you just droppedI'm standing shellshocked but I'm still hereAnd...

Chronic Future - Static On The Radio
What's that song on the radioIt's been so long since I've heard a song that I want t oknowEvery word a...

Chronic Future - Stop Pretending
If for just one nightWe could stop pretendingThat we're never endingCause soon I'll have to go...

Chronic Future - Thank You
I want to go for a walk outsideI've got nothing to hideI want to go for a walk outside with youA...

Chronic Future - Time And Time Again
Inspiring, shining, risingAnd when you're in my wayI'm not dividing me from you cause we're working to...

Chronic Future - Wicked Games
Did I wait too longIt made me somber wondering onward strongerOn and onBut I'm still awake...

Chronic Future - World Keeps Spinning (a Chronic Future)
Stationed in hollow basicsThis world will never face itWe'll keep participating in community wide face...

Ciara - And I
[verse 1]I dont need me a basketball playerAll I need is somebody thats down for meAnd he...

Ciara - Ooh Baby
[verse 1]Everytime I look upHe be slidin' through in the F150 pickupOn them things shinin...

Ciara - Other Chicks
I know you and her got something goin on,and I respect that,but you gotta admit,there's something between us.. ...

Ciara - Pick Up The Phone
Uh huh uh huh uh huh uh huhuh huhWhere u at boyWhere u at boy[Hook:]Ohh I've been c...

Ciara - The Title
[Intro:]Uh, I want the titleUh, I need the titleShoo do do doShoo do do do...

Citizen Cope - 200,000 (in Counterfeit 50 Dollar Bills)
One day he's a GreekOne day he's ItalianHe's 42 years oldHe's George from BaltimoreHe's a ...

Citizen Cope - Appetite (for Lightin' Dynamite)
Everybody knows when he's coming to townThey're locking the doorsAnd they don't make a soundPeop...

Citizen Cope - Bullet And A Target
Mr.Dali LamasAnother sister's shootin' heroin tomarrowAmputees in FreetownSierra Leone'sTh...

Citizen Cope - Contact
You're walking down the streetYou've got this white Chevy Lumina undercoverChecking you to seeTh...

Citizen Cope - D'artagnan's Theme
I've been sinningI've been livin'I've been beatenBy SaturdaysOn a diamondI lay on a ...

Citizen Cope - Hands Of The Saints
It all began with this ladyWho wanted a photographAnd a woman who wanted some changeSo she could...

Citizen Cope - Hurricane Waters
I will carry you through the hurricane watersAnd I'll remember you in the blue skiesI will carry you t...

Citizen Cope - If There's Love
Where you been hidin'?I'm believingYou give me lifeLife my dearYou give me strength to bea...

Citizen Cope - Let The Drummer Kick
Let the drummer kickLet the drummer kick that[repeat]RelationsCreationI...

Citizen Cope - Mistaken I.d.
There's this lady around my wayWho sees me like every other dayWho swears and screams a nameShe ...

Citizen Cope - My Way Home
Sometimes I miss a stepI stumble here and thereI'm findin' my way homeIf I'm lost then I'll admi...

Citizen Cope - Nite Becomes Day
Things have been getting real heavy these daysThe media the systemthe people chasing paySomebody...

Citizen Cope - Pablo Picasso
The woman that I loveIs forty feet tallShe's a movie starShe's all in the papersAnd everyw...

Citizen Cope - Penitentiary
Well I'm waiting on the dayWhen the people walk free to seeWhen the penitentiary is on fireWhen ...

Citizen Cope - Salvation
Say Judas came up to D.C.He'd been down in Georgia for a whileHe drove a 944He bought with the s...

Citizen Cope - Sideways
You know it ain't easy For these thoughts here to leave meThere's no words to describe itIn Fren...

Citizen Cope - Son's Gonna Rise
Rollin' down the highwayLike a rocketHeaded to town nowYou can't stop itGot wheel in my ha...

Citizen Cope - Teresa
This feelingDon't happenBy yourselfAloneIs noWay to liveBreathingIt don'...

City High - 15 Will Get You 20
15 will get ya 2016 will get ya 10Don't think it can't happen to you cause It happened to one of...

City High - 3-way
Now the way it went Got me in this messed up predicamentCause I ain't know how to be monogamousI...

City High - Best Friend
[Robby (Ryan)](What's up my nigga?)Heh, chillin' yo(What's up man, ya ready to go? Come o...

City High - Cats And Dogs
City High '99If you my dawg let me hear you barkit aint my fault that the thought that hit your ...

City High - City High Anthem
They just gave up on our entire generationSo we were all pushed to the side cuz we didn't see the world thro...

City High - Didn't Ya
Who is she?That be pagin' you and callin' all night?Just tell me pleaseAin't no need for you to ...

City High - Sista
Now you's my boy and all, but we need to talkStop by the store bring ya ball, let's hit the park,I wan...

City High - So Many Things
[Verse I]I don't understand why you had to goI guess I'll never knowLife seems so hard...

City High - Song For You
How many people out there like Donny Ha thaway?Let me see your hands up Know what I'm sayin'City...

City High - The Only One I Trust
This is a ghetto fairytaleIt was two weeks before my son's birthdayD.T's ringing my bell (Ma'am ...

City High - Why
City High, Booga BassmentHere come another one, uhI know things ain't work out for you and me...

City High - You Don't Know Me
You don't know meThey don't know meY'all don't know meSo don't try to judge meCause ...

Cky - 96 Quite Bitter Beings
With my perceptions in a mixDown twenty miles through the sticksTo the cloudy town of Hellview: Popula...

Cky - All Power To Slaves
There's no need to be thinking for yourself or at all. The overrated are locked inside of man, theweak and s...

Cky - As The Tables Turn
As it all disappears... Can't you see that I'm sneering from ear to ear? I call it hardly a shame. Noconsist...

Cky - Attached At The Hip
failed attempts have turned us into one pathetic twisted wreckall is eerie, you're standing near meI f...

Cky - Barbara Jean's Ass (a Christmas Song)
Up on the housetop Santa ClauseHe was fidgeting with his ballsDown to the chimney with broken toys...

Cky - Big Boy
[Originally by Sparks]The earth is shaking, so am IIf you don't run, it's suicide B...

Cky - Chemical Control
I used to be now i'm not; what you seem to forgetDont try to understandTheres a lot that you dont know...

Cky - Deceit Is Striking Gold
Speaking gibberish the shrieking drivel almost making senseLet down your guard and sign the donor card...

Cky - Destination Undefined
What if the presentSuddenly became the past futureThe systems reroute the situationLead to anoth...

Cky - Disengage The Simulator
With the error that's in my mindAnd in my soulI'm driving blindI got a picture in th...

Cky - Don't Hold Your Breath
I create to destroy at handThis path i made in the sandAnd I'm off to the deepest depthsTo forfe...

Cky - Drunken Freestyle
You can't stop it if I stop you I canHere comes Jess, the garbage manOoh ahh, I'll page ya on your fac...

Cky - Escape From Hellview
the fire dies on its ownleaving us to ourselves but not exactly aloneI think that something is out the...

Cky - Familiar Realm
With the pressure on,intent is to run,When you're feeling ineffective and dumb,You bet it's true, the ...

Cky - Far Cry Behind
I am immortalOh no you can'tBut you will never know itI drive the night category...

Cky - Fat Fuck
I want cheese but I can't digest the shitI'm on a leave in the middle of WashingtonThese are some of t...

Cky - Flesh Into Gear
I can't expect you to seeme when i'm not aroundand my voice is destroyedby confinement of sound...

Cky - Foolin'
F-F-F-FoolinStop foolin myself f-f-f-faggotJess is a faggot, a f-f-faggot, YEAH!Fuck...

Cky - Frenetic Amnesic
a blackout they peel him off of the floorfrenetic amnesiche's delirious, he thinks he's been here befo...

Cky - Genesis 12a
A new project unveiled not by manGenesis 12/a is underwayThe seed has been planted, the forming begins...

Cky - Halfway House
Sometimes I get the strangest feelingsI want to bust your head inI've got the whole world freaking...

Cky - Inhuman Creation Station
arriving in at work behind speed up the assembely linedont force units together follow the instruction sign this i...

Cky - Knee Deep
Some people don't knowDon't know what is wrongSo they're knee deepKnee deep in sorrow ...

Cky - Lost In A Contraption
I was lost in a contraptionTook me days to find directionSuddenly the moments collideFinal...

Cky - My Promiscuous Daughter
I caught my daughter giving head to my brotherI caught my daughter giving head to my brotherI caught m...

Cky - Planetary
Planetary signs:An obsolete mind, oxygen deprivation, beyond cloud nineDo us all a favor and end your ...

Cky - Plastic Plan
these things don't belong on my list at allculture is white mixed with redbut I won't be caught ...

Cky - Rio Bravo
I've seen it done like the way the dogs doI'll think it over, we're standing intoYour phony life but n...

Cky - Rio Bravo Reprise
Pulled into a truck luck is overThe plan is failing....I think not ...

Cky - Santa's Coming
You better watch out, you better not cryYou better not pout I'm telling you whyCause I'm gonna k...

Cky - Shippensberg
You know what makes me happyThe things that make you sadThe feel that I controls absorbed by the radio...

Cky - Shock And Terror
the psychotic dress the senseless featureit terrifies every living creaturepredictability is wearing t...

Cky - Sink Into The Underground
I can't breathe I can't get this outDon't know and I can't explainBut still I feel that I will... I'll...

Cky - Sporadic Movement
vital signs are slow and steadyso attentive still not readyas I was just about to sayyou are the...

Cky - Test It Out
The distance between us is all in the sameDon't stop or forever will take you awayExisting could only ...

Cky - The 12 Days Of Christmas
On the first day of christmas my true love gave to me,A GOD DAMN SON OF A BITCH!!!On the second day of...

Cky - The Human Drive In Hi-fi
I can't deny it all my lifeIt's the token of my lifeSomething you would tryFor the best in...

Cky - The Other Side Of The End Of The Universe
The white is wideWhat is on the other sideBlackened skyYou won't believe your own two eyes...

Cky - The Undiscovered Numbers And Colors
Colors and numbersAnd there's so many never be seenIt's not the big pictureNothingThe syst...

Cky - To All Of You
The mirror doesn't look like themI guess it never willWhat would you sayIf I took a piece for me...

Cky - We Wish You A Shitty Christmas
I wish you a fucking ChristmasI wish you a sucky ChristmasI wish you a shitty ChristmasAnd hate ...

The Clarks - All That Much
On a cold, rainy night in a town where nothing is newI'm walking alone and I'm thinking of youAll I wa...

The Clarks - All The Things I Wanted
Somebody told me sadness makes a space Inside your soul where wisdom takes its placeSomebody told me n...

The Clarks - Already Down
Stay away from me becauseI might just lose my coolIt happens every time you knowAnd makes me fee...

The Clarks - Anymore
I gave my love everythingI tied an old glass heart to a ringBut she put it on a shelfAnd I found...

The Clarks - Behind My Back
Lost in love and lost in liesLost in.... my mind's eyesOf all the things I've lost in lifeMy min...

The Clarks - Better Day
Everybody wants to find a wayEverybody wants a better dayYou want to know, you've gotta find a better ...

The Clarks - Better Off Without You
You are sultry, dirty, soft and hardYou are close to me and you're so farAnd I'm thinking of the time ...

The Clarks - Blue
Hey now, the storm is overheadI can't believe the words you saidSomehow I missed the point that we wer...

The Clarks - Born Too Late
Vincent will you teach me how to paintTeresa will I ever be a saintJohn I really think your songs are ...

The Clarks - Boys Lie
She said, boys, they can't be trusted,I get so disgustedShe says it over and overYou stuttered a...

The Clarks - Butterflies And Airplanes
Never had to walk a single mile in my shoesI'm not saying that you ever really wanted toWe can never g...

The Clarks - Caroline
You can scrutinize my actions, you can break me into fractions, you canwalk awayYou can polarize my fr...

The Clarks - Chasin' Girls
I've been chasin' girlsI've been drinkin' beerI've been getting stoned right hereI've been hangi...

The Clarks - Cigarette
In a black and far off corner of my mindThere's a box of something I can't quite defineIt houses circu...

The Clarks - Climb Down
Climb down from your high horse boyOr somebody's gonna knock you downClimb down from your high horse b...

The Clarks - Courtney
Everyone's gonna look at me, confounded by my decencyI've got no tales of personal tragedyEveryone's g...

The Clarks - Daylights
Don't look around for meDon't tell me what you wanna beDon't say it's not the sameDon't walk ahe...

The Clarks - Dear Prudence
[Written by John Lennon - 1968]Dear Prudence, won't you come out to playDear Prudence, gr...

The Clarks - Everything Has Changed
I thought we'd always be togetherWe'd sit around and drink black coffeeTalkin' 'bout the people we had...

The Clarks - Fast Moving Cars
Lonely faces all along the wayBroken city all dressed up in grayIn the rain outside the restaurant...

The Clarks - Fatal
It's a funny kind of feeling, it's got me to the coreShe's dripping from the ceiling, I'm lying naked on the...

The Clarks - Flame
The ceiling's low the walls are thinThe little stars upon your skinI cannot sleep I'm wound too tight...

The Clarks - Goodbye
She burns his evil heart with her evil eyeShe gets her wicked way with her wicked smileShe takes him b...

The Clarks - Gypsy Lounge
My sometimes ladyCall her sexy Sadie when she comes aroundShe dances for meI spend my twenty whe...

The Clarks - Happy
I'm never gonna smileI'm never gonna stay for awhileI'm never gonna laughYou might as well just ...

The Clarks - Hear It From You
You are the one for me I don't think you know it yetYou are the one for me though we've never even met...

The Clarks - Hell On Wheels
I've got the moon over my shoulder, I'm not a looking backI've got the world in my headlights, and it just f...

The Clarks - Help Me Out
You always told me that you'dUnderstand if I ever found something elseThat I wanted to doYou alw...

The Clarks - Hesitating
Saw this kid get bustedGot thrown against a wallI saw Ron and Nancy doing laps inside the mallI ...

The Clarks - Hey You
If you're gonna jumpHey you, hang onIf you feel like giving upHey you, hang onI won'...

The Clarks - Highwire
My head wouldn't give a second thoughtAbout telling me what to doMy feet wouldn't give another inch...

The Clarks - Hollywood
[Bonus Track]I'm living in the hillsMy accountant pay my billsI got a Mercedes-Benz...

The Clarks - If I Fall Through
If i stop and say that's it what would you doIf i lie down and quit and put and end to youIf i fall th...

The Clarks - If Memory Serves
I couldn't think of someone that I'd rather seeI couldn't think of any place that I'd rather beI thoug...

The Clarks - I'm A Fool
If I sing you one more song, baby would you come alongyou can tell me what to doIf I kiss you one more...

The Clarks - I'm The Only
You are the one for me I don't think you know it yetYou are the one for me though we've never even met...

The Clarks - Inside You
Will you walk with meWill you talk with meTake my hand let fate decideWe'll go out for a moonlig...

The Clarks - In The End
Thank you, thank you, for the things you said when you leftI hope you still remember them in the endIt...

The Clarks - King Of The Asylum
Your mama cries your daddy lies your sister falls to the groundYou make your way upstairs pulling out what's...

The Clarks - Last Call
It's a late night in this townIt's time to move onAnd our time, it came and wentFind your coat, ...

The Clarks - Let It Go
Good days, bad days, pioneers of love and hope and sex and dreamsand Sunny came clearEverything remind...

The Clarks - Let Me Die
Got a message on the phoneShe said let's meet I'm all aloneDo you want to see me dieWould you pl...

The Clarks - Let You Go
He met a girl on the beach in his ChevroletA girl that he loved that he gave awayShe said go boy go, w...

The Clarks - Lost And Found
[Bonus Track]I didn't think you had it in you to up and move awayAll the dreams we shared...

The Clarks - Love Is What You Need
Until we meet againI'll think of you my friendIf thoughts are what you needUntil we say hello...

The Clarks - Madeline
Madeline flows like the summer streamShe talks with her eyes, she moves in a dreamSerenity grows in a ...

The Clarks - Maybe
Maybe I should turn and walk awayMaybe I should run, but I'll probably bow my head and prayMaybe I'll ...

The Clarks - Mercury
Leave for the country let the day beginI carry my share of original sinI'm writing you a letter from a...

The Clarks - Never Let You Down
I'm you, you're meYou can't run from a lack of mysteryPlease just go awayI'm right, you're...

The Clarks - No Place Called Home
Momma ran off with a man from townDaddy came home, found the note, got drunk and fell downJessie was c...

The Clarks - Now And Then
Days pass and the weeks go byDream for hours 'bout the futureSee the faces and the names go byBe...

The Clarks - One Day In My Life
I met a girl that I dreamed about for yearsDreamed I'd have no fears, a place to stayBelieve me when I...

The Clarks - On My Way Back Home
The expressway endsIn front of meI've been here beforeI was too close to seeWell, I'm goin...

The Clarks - On Saturday
I'm gonna quit cause it's getting oldAnd it'll save my life or so I've been toldYou see I got th...

The Clarks - Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind
You grew up in a sheltered world where money meant a lotYour mother was a faker your parents always fought...

The Clarks - Penny On The Floor
There's a penny on the floor and you're goneThe television's onHave you found another man to take my p...

The Clarks - Perfection Not Required
Trade you my girlfriend for your guitarKnow that string will only bend so farEverybody sells meE...

The Clarks - Pretty As You Please
I don't know about youI don't know about your lifeShe's living without youShe's living without y...

The Clarks - Promised Land
It's my decision, I'm gonna be the manSmash the television and take a standAnd it's my opinion, you co...

The Clarks - Rain
Well we've all been through it, thinking times are toughAnd I'll see you through it, when you've had enough...

The Clarks - She Revolves
She says she's freeBut she's got a baby and she don't look free to meShe don't need loveShe call...

The Clarks - She Says Don't Miss Me
She is sitting all alone but he sent flowersAll alone she sits there thinking this is not rightShe que...

The Clarks - Shimmy Low
I've been down this road ten timesI would run, I would hide From the fears that ruled my mind An...

The Clarks - Snowman
Pick me upAre you holding, manUp all nightPlease don't meltFalling downBump me up...

The Clarks - Sound The Warning
All I wanted was to find my wayAll I wanted was to save the dayAll I wanted was to be your friend...

The Clarks - So You Can Sleep At Night
If I had a dollarI'd buy a house where we could liveCaring for each otherJust a place to call ou...

The Clarks - Stop!
Sometimes I think of youIt happens oh so fastIf I closed my eyes, it would all go byThe stranges...

The Clarks - Sun Don't Shine
He takes the pain with his coffeeStirs up his memoryOn the streets where he wants to beMixing up...

The Clarks - Superstar
You changed the world, you blinked your eyesBut you never said goodbyeYou saved a life with words my f...

The Clarks - Take Your Time
Know what you're feelingIt's all so real to youThrough your glass ceilingYou can't see the sky...

The Clarks - Tell Me
By the look in your eyes I can seeThat you'll never be alone againBy the look in your eyes I can see...

The Clarks - The Box
In a box, by the doorI keep a letter you sent beforeIt says keep, your head up highI'll think ab...

The Clarks - The Letter
I can see your eyes they're right in front of meThey follow me through townI can hear your voice it sp...

The Clarks - These Wishes
After 3 years ya know I'd die for you But I wouldn't cross the street to shake your hand If it turns o...

The Clarks - Think Of England
It only happens when I'm dreamingIt keeps on playing in my headRecalling something that was steaming...

The Clarks - This Old House Is Burning Down Tonight
This old house is burning down tonightI'm gonna watch it burnI'm gonna stand out in the roadThis...

The Clarks - Thought It Was Free
If i met you you were mistakenAnd i'll bet you'll be gone todayCause you got what you wanted from othe...

The Clarks - Today
Well they come from miles aroundJust to listen to the soundOn a train and getting closeCaravan f...

The Clarks - Train
They grew up in the shadow of the armoryLand of freedom right out their back doorBrothers near the mid...

The Clarks - Train Of Love
There's a train of love comin' round the cornerThere's a train of love crossing the borderThere's a tr...

The Clarks - Treehouse
Where you going, whatcha looking forYou're looking alright to meWhen you grow up what do you want to b...

The Clarks - Twist My Arm
Blame it on the whiskeyBlamed it on your jobBlame the broken promisesAnd the words can cut so st...

The Clarks - Wait A Minute
Wait a minute can we stop the car right hereCan I take a picture here can IHave a second just to take ...

The Clarks - Wasting Time
At the end of motionCommit me to the oceanAt the end of thinkingAll I want is sinkingThe w...

The Clarks - What A Way To Go
I met a man out on a bridge pierHe said he's gonna jump to save his soulI said what's the world done t...

The Clarks - You Know Everything
You lift me up to knock me downBut I don't want to play your gameI'm giving back this thorny crown...

Clay Aiken - Bridge Over Troubled Water
When You're Weary Feeling Small When Tears Are In Your Eyes I Will Dry Them All I'm On Your Side Oh W...

Clay Aiken - Don't Save It All For Christmas Day
Don't get so busy that you missGiving just a little kissTo the ones you loveAnd don't even wait ...

Clay Aiken - Hark The Herald Angels Sing / O Come All Ye Faithful
Hark the herald angels sing"Glory to the new born KingPeace on earth and mercy mild ,God an sinn...

Clay Aiken - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,Let your heart be lightFrom now on,our troubles will be o...

Clay Aiken - Invisible
Whatcha doin tonightI wish I could be a fly on your wallAre you really aloneWho's stealin' your ...

Clay Aiken - I Survived You
I see the picture clear now, the fog has lifted.The wool you tried to pull over my eyes was clever.Yea...

Clay Aiken - I Will Carry You
Yeah I know it hurts, Yeah I know you're scared walking down the road that leads to who knows where. Don't you han...

Clay Aiken - Joy To The World
Joy to the worldThe Lord is comeLet earth receive her KingLet every heart prepare Him room...

Clay Aiken - Mary Did You Know
Mary, did you knowthat your Baby Boy would one day walk on water?Mary, did you knowthat your Bab...

Clay Aiken - Measure Of A Man
If one day you discover himBroken down he's lost everythingNo cars, no fancy clothes to make him who h...

Clay Aiken - Merry Christmas With Love
She leaned with her head on the windowWatching evergreen bend in the snowRemembering Christmas the way...

Clay Aiken - No More Sad Songs
This is the way, That i state my independence, That i'm no longer connected to your memory. This is the day that i...

Clay Aiken - O, Holy Night
O holy night! The stars are brightly shining, This is the night of the dear Saviour's birth. Long lay ...

Clay Aiken - Perfect Day
I was fading last night, lost out in the coldCouldnt see the light then she opened up the doorI came i...

Clay Aiken - Proud Of Your Boy
Proud of your boyI'll make you proud of your boyBelieve me, bad as I've been, MaYou're in for a ...

Clay Aiken - Run To Me
Don't, you don't have to save my lifeNo, you're not ready I can feel itOutside it's raining, but I'll ...

Clay Aiken - Shine
You can try to hide away from every drop of rain that's hanging over you.And you can say it's all a waste....

Clay Aiken - Silent Night
O holy night! The stars are brightly shining,It is the night of the dear Saviour's birth.Long lay the ...

Clay Aiken - Sleigh Ride
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring-ting-tingling, too.Come on, it's lovely weather for a sleigh rid...

Clay Aiken - Solitaire
There was a man, a lonely manWho lost his love through his indifferenceA heart that cared, that went u...

Clay Aiken - The Christmas Song
Chestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Frost nipping at your noseYuletide carols being sung by a choir...

Clay Aiken - The Way
There's something 'bout the way you look tonight, There's something 'bout the way that I can't take my eyes ...

Clay Aiken - This Is The Night
When the world wasn't upside down, I could take all the time I hadBut I'm not going to wait when a moment ca...

Clay Aiken - Touch
Blue, is the ocean in your eyes,Blue as cool September skies, as a lonely waterfall.Red, is the fire i...

Clay Aiken - What Are You Doing New Year's Eve?
Maybe it's much too early in the gameOoh, but I thought I'd ask you just the sameWhat are you doing Ne...

Clay Aiken - When You Say You Love Me
I've been watching you, from a far and the way you make your way around the bar. You laugh like your really entert...

Clay Aiken - Winter Wonderland
Sleigh bells ring, are you listenin'In the lane, snow is glistenin'A beautiful sightWe're happy ...

The Clipse - Comedy Central
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh[Verse 1 - Malice]Say dog, let's not get involvedYou don't wa...

The Clipse - Cot Damn
[Chorus - Pharrell]Cot' damn, it's a new dayCot' damn, but the nigga wanted moneyHoooo, h...

The Clipse - Ego
[Pusha T]Yes sir..[Chorus 2X's]Don't let 'cha ego trick yo ass'Cause t...

The Clipse - Gangsta Lean
[HOOK]Gimme somethin' to rollSomethin' gangstafiedGimme somethin' to rollSomethin' ...

The Clipse - Grindin' (selector Remix)
[Intro & Chorus: Pusha T (Pharrell)]What's the size of them rims on that car nigga huh? (Grindin!)...

The Clipse - I'm Not You
[Pusha T Talking]No no no.....I told you.... I live this shit [echoing]I aint just...

The Clipse - Intro
[Pusha T]Playas we ain't the same, I'm into 'caine and gunsShow par with the fishes, make the f...

The Clipse - Let's Talk About It
[Jermaine Dupri]Uh huh, ohOh, damn babyShit...........How you get all that in them ...

The Clipse - Ma, I Don't Love Her
[Pharell]I wanna love you girlJust wanna love you girlPlease let me love you girlJu...

The Clipse - The Funeral
[Malice]Wheter they gag me bound me hollow point round me (I feel ya)Dump me off the side of a ...

The Clipse - Virginia
[Pharrell]You ready to do this, nigga?You ready to come down here?It's Virginia, nigga......

Closure - Afterglow
Sinking in the sunset here alone with youA photograph so perfect we'll just stay and never move ...

Closure - Crushed
It's out of my controlI never thought I'd hearThat our world was endingI feel so aloneAnd ...

Closure - Fragile
If it's gonna stay the sameI'd rather you walk away'Cause I don't wanna be the blameIt tends to ...

Closure - I Don't Mind (the Rain)
When I sit and stare through your empty eyesI can see you cursing out the sky againIf you come apart I...

Closure - Lie To Me
Can you even imagineWhat I go throughAlways stuck on the outsideWaiting for youYou always ...

Closure - Live Again
I came down from my mountainI opened up my eyesI saw everything that slipped awayAnd all I took ...

Closure - Look Out Below
All my lifeI deniedEver knowing what it's likeYou came aroundYou shook my groundNow ...

Closure - Oxygen
I can't sit back and watchYou jump in the deep endWith him as your oxygen'Cause it's a long way ...

Closure - Whatever Made You
Soaking in your own suspicionYou rattle off in all directionsI can tell the glow is wearing thin...

Closure - What It's All About
So this is what it's all aboutI just had to let you know'Cause you've always got me tripping out...

Closure - You Are My Hatred
How's your haloBroken and fadingSelfish and hatingI see through youYou're good at lying...

Coal Chamber - Alienate Me
So sadistic, I'm coming apart like a ten-cent toySoul sedition, I know it's something you enjoyTrap, s...

Coal Chamber - Amir Of The Desert
I am Amir of the desertI fly come run through youto ascend in the nighttime I brings the camelan...

Coal Chamber - Anything But You
sweetened possesive farce. our saints become sparce.and now its an option to be transparent. so ...

Coal Chamber - Beckoned
All dressed in blackEyes of attackComing with one hand in pocketTo take from meSin in the ...

Coal Chamber - Big Truck
too small, too small don't compromiseso have fast, too fast don't realizehave hand on wheel, set the s...

Coal Chamber - Bradley
try to remembertry to forgettry to rememberlook back try to rememberthat name sounds...

Coal Chamber - Burgundy
Did you say make it rain for you.I'd make it storm with a wind like you've never seen before. So sick ...

Coal Chamber - Clock
clock tick tick tick, tick tock, tick tockwicked mind you hold the hourbut my mind it holds the ...

Coal Chamber - Dark Days
It feels like abuseSo subtle the nooseSo subtle the nooseThere is no lightThat's wha...

Coal Chamber - Dreamtime
something in my mind keeps me satisfiedshoved aside, pushed to the waysideif you lead, i will follow y...

Coal Chamber - Drove
Keep my enemies close to meAnd I've been watching you closelyYes I despise you mostly, yes you!Y...

Coal Chamber - El Cu Cuy
"There's a point in time when you can't think for yourself. Paulie - shots!!!."I'm placeable listen to...

Coal Chamber - Empty Jar
Godless lot it's not a lotBut it's my lot in lifeNo fear is my weakness I hearWhen faith has bee...

Coal Chamber - Entwined
Could we please shut our mouths for a while. For only just a while I could take it.And if we could lay...

Coal Chamber - Feed My Dreams
Time is a canvas and I will paint it.and with you I bestow what I have it.And you are my colors and yo...

Coal Chamber - Fiend
It's the darkest placeLike beneath the stairsThe "IT" it comesAnd it takes me thereWe take...

Coal Chamber - First
if someone should ask you then saythat he fell awayfrom what he wanted at firstfrom what he want...

Coal Chamber - Friend?
Living a lie, let's not pretendThat you like me or we are friendsWe can call it for the fewThat ...

Coal Chamber - Glow
All my mightIs funeral flightTonight it glows for youIt's fueled with fireA killing desire...

Coal Chamber - I
let down through the breakthroughi travel as i hunger for the darkness below mewhen i'm praying for th...

Coal Chamber - Loco
pull - steamroller rollin' throughmy head said attached to locopower up coal through the systemo...

Coal Chamber - My Frustration
where was i when god had shownhow to make a happy homelie in bed and sleep don't comehave ...

Coal Chamber - My Mercy
When I die I'll die with my mercy, when she criesI'll cry with her, in my lifeSee I've loved an angel...

Coal Chamber - No Home
No home. This is not any form of home.home home is where the heart home no ...

Coal Chamber - Notion
there is goes it goes with her. it never leaves so easilyand there it goes it goes with him. it ...

Coal Chamber - Not Living
I realize I'm dead I'm fucked in the head I'm not living without you.My life is a game my life is a shame I'...

Coal Chamber - Oddity
this is the way it's got to be...crawl beneath this filthy groundand underneath this dirty groun...

Coal Chamber - One Step
Never again!All my life it's been much the same gameAltogether now who pass the blame game...

Coal Chamber - Pig
lost and lonelyyour colors surrounding meit's only my way to breakn' freein my mind i hear the s...

Coal Chamber - Shari Vegas
That guilt you've denied will only defeat you.So stay clean for me cause that's what you should do.Tha...

Coal Chamber - Something Told Me
Some thing told me to tell youNot to tell me what you doI am what I fuckin' amMany have tried to...

Coal Chamber - Sway
the roof the roof the roof is on firewe don't need no water let the motherfucker burnburn motherfucker...

Coal Chamber - Tragedy
Cynics and Christ-like hypocrites. How They stick to you like glue.Jealous and Thoughtless lunatics fl...

Coal Chamber - Tyler's Song
Go son. If you get up but they slap you around. Then just remember that i will always be there.W...

Coal Chamber - Unspoiled
always cold inside this glasstrust it's hard, i know this trust will never lastit's never been much of...

Coal Chamber - Untrue
Where Have you been? I've been here. Waiting anticipating, coping with tears. Where have you been?...

Coal Chamber - Watershed
You did what you didYou're a fucked up kidAnd now you sit and reflectOn all of the shit...

Coal Chamber - What's In Your Mind
Creature do the ones you hurt come into the dreams your schemes of ripping these lives apart who screwed you...

Coco Lee - All Around The World
I wish I had much more time to show I love you babyBut things have been so hectic ever since I'm in this gam...

Coco Lee - All Tied Up In You
[Verse 1:]Even when your lips begin to speakI feel the feeling coming over meBut meeting ...

Coco Lee - A Love Before Time
If the sky opened up for me,And the mountain disappeared,If the seas ran dry, turned to dustAnd ...

Coco Lee - Belly Dance
[Intro]Yeah come on[Verse 1]You want me so bad that you started dreaming abo...

Coco Lee - Can We Talk About It
[Verse 1:]Boy I know something ain't right between me and youIt's plain to seeI haven't s...

Coco Lee - Do You Want My Love
Do you want my loveCan you make me sweat Do you want it bad enough to make it soakin' wet Do you...

Coco Lee - Hush now keep our love quiet.It must stay on the low.And I know ...

Coco Lee - I Will Be Your Friend
When every moment gets too hardThe end of the road can feel so farNo matter how much time we'll part...

Coco Lee - Just No Other Way (to Love Me)
[Verse 1:]Here we are Alone againIn your arms againAnd it keeps on getting better...

Coco Lee - Magic Words
[Verse 1]I want you to come to me when you're feeling down.Knowing I can count on you during ha...

Coco Lee - Music As We Make It
[Verse 1]I saw the face of a boy in a magazine.Couldn't have been older than five.Crying ...

Coco Lee - Rock It
Do you wanna rock it baby?Do you wanna rock it baby?[Verse 1]The room is shaking,go...

Coco Lee - So Good
Let me get that. Uh-uh-uh-uh - yeah that's it. You feel that? I know you feel that... Let's ride...

Coco Lee - Step In
Step in my world (cause I know that you're ready to ride)Now it's my turn (to give it to you just how you li...

Coco Lee - Touch
[Whispers]7 whole days.7 whole nights.I can't wait to get you by my side so you can-touch...

Cold - Anti-love Song
Well I saw the preacher But I won't be there on Sunday Everyone came again Everyone loved her...

Cold - Black Sunday
["Falling" repeated over and over until 1st chorus]I can't breath at all It hurts to thin...

Cold - Bleed
I'm feeling crossed I take it inside Burn up the pain My thoughts are strange Just lik...

Cold - Change The World
thinking of the mess we made you became a part of me Thinking of the wish you made to break free...

Cold - Confession
Everybody loves stars Everyone fell Into her world she made here Where everybody rates love ...

Cold - Cure My Tragedy (a Letter To God)
Remember all the times that we used to play? You were lost and I would save you I don't think those fe...

Cold - Don't Belong
My mind takes you to where you need to be Cure for your heartbreak to take away the pain I could descr...

Cold - End Of The World
Everyone came around here Everyone else got sick And watched the clock tickin' slowly Everyon...

Cold - Everyone Dies
Take me back form God, well I can't sleepNo one can hear the sound of your heartbreakEvery little thin...

Cold - Go Away
All the sounds around you used to play alongWith your torn up headAs the music seeps into you everyone...

Cold - Gone Away
Do you prayIn the nightCan you appreciate the windAnd I won't careI won't fightI nee...

Cold - Goodbye Cruel World
All my friends are takin overTo make a mess of meAll my friends are broke and uglyAnd make a mes...

Cold - Insane
Everyone around you suffocatesThinI don't believe in GodEvery little pill that helps you thinkMa...

Cold - It's All Good
Take another motherfucking hit of LSD Let all the love inside the world belong to you Well, I can't ...

Cold - Just Got Wicked
I can taste your innocence Young and sweet like mother made you Everything frozen in ice Thes...

Cold - Kill The Music Industry
They change your faith It's gone to far to name the way you see The things they'll change ...

Cold - Makes Her Sick
All the world is just a fakeMade to drop you when you fallEveryone gets blown awayAnd everyone i...

Cold - No One
Well I can't ever really believe No one was sent to get me And I feel like I'm being erased No o...

Cold - Outerspace
This is the time To let them know who's side your on Everythings fine No one got raped here ...

Cold - Rain Song
When it rains I dont mind Let me stand here all night Did she take her own life Let me know she'...

Cold - Remedy
I don't love how you love but please don't leave me here alone I don't feel how you feel Well it...

Cold - Sad Happy
She was only seventeen and forced to blame it on herself as she hides away to tame the pain she feels ...

Cold - Same Drug
I bet you'd never come down From your tower for me I'll let you take it real slow While I try...

Cold - Send In The Clowns
They kept on coming down to this place Cause I could see it in their eyes They made the world a fuck...

Cold - Serial Killer
Everyone around you suffocatesI can see your madness rip your brainI can see th bodies on the wall...

Cold - She Said
I'll be here alone Bury everything around me Her destinations unknown I can't believe how she...

Cold - Sick Of Man
Gave all the vampires back To God that day No one got raped here But the pains still inside ...

Cold - Strip Her Down
Everybody played a gameHow come you won't tell me the rulesI'm tired of tryin on a new skinI nev...

Cold - Stupid Girl
Wanna love ya Wanna bug ya Wanna squeeze ya Stupid girl Wanna touch ya, Wanna ...

Cold - Suffocate
I could take every fucking word she says Throw it in her face but would she even care I still re...

Cold - Superstar
I don't listen much to reasonEverybody wants to be hereSanta Claus has lost his mindEaster Bunny...

Cold - The Day Seattle Died
Turn all the lights down low Trying to fade your apathy Made up a world where you cant even be you ...

Cold - The Switch
I can take another betShe loves to fuck, I must confessEverything is so abusedThe little things ...

Cold - Ugly
All the world loves things of beauty and intrigueThese 2 things I've never had oneBorn in this old ski...

Cold - Wasted Years
There's a game life plays makes you think you're everything they ever said you were Like to take some ...

Cold - Whatever You Became
Whatever you became Blame it on my fame Always away from you Sold my life for a song Whate...

Cold - Witch
I never knew, she's gone She's flown away Everyone said she's not Your kinda girl I'm ...

Cold - With My Mind
In a violent worldWhere deception's freeThings I can't controlTaking over meDid they try t...

Coldplay - Speed Of Sound
How long before I get in?Before it starts, before I begin?How long before you decide?Before I kn...

Coldplay - Square One
You're in control, is there anywhere you wanna go?You're in control, is there anything you wanna know?...

Coldplay - Talk
Oh brother I can't, I can't get throughI've been trying hard to reach you, cause I don't know what to do...

Coldplay - Twisted Logic
Sunlight, opened up my eyesTo see for the first timeYou'll open them upAnd tonight, rivers will ...

Coldplay - X&y
Trying hard to speak andFighting with my weak handDriven to distractionSo part of the plan...

Collective Soul - 10 Years Later
Lack of knowledge has a source (oh boy)Still my thoughts must run their course (oh yeah)And they do...

Collective Soul - After All
We steal to lose every colourFrom the skyThen crawl as a childWhile the shadows burn our eyes...

Collective Soul - All
Watch my world spin roundIt stops for youI'll give you heaven for a viewI set my sights on high ...

Collective Soul - Better Now
Oh I'm newly calibratedAll shiny and cleanI'm your recent adaptationTime to redefine me...

Collective Soul - Blame
You pushed me down For all the world to see I guess that's your price For my loyalty So wh...

Collective Soul - Bleed
I think her gun'sunloaded now.I guess tomorrowwill be after all?Who made me judgeand...

Collective Soul - Boast
Yeah you want to'Cause you say so'Cause you need toYeah you need to need toI don't want to...

Collective Soul - Breathe
Down by seaI think I saw (yeah yeah yeah yeah) Our love dissolveSo plant a little seed...

Collective Soul - Burning Bridges
Been thinking a lot about my waysGuess I'm trying babyBeen searching out a way to sayGuess I'm s...

Collective Soul - Collection Of Goods
Resonate tones of saving graceSeparate from the gods of hateAlleviate all our doubting waysCongr...

Collective Soul - Compliment
Now I've taken the sideOf a beautiful calmCan you see this disguiseFading to a resolve...

Collective Soul - Counting The Days
Hey baby are you listeningI've batten all the hatches downI've taken all of your prescriptions but no ...

Collective Soul - Crowded Head
All the words that I want to hear Are distorted by your weaknesses and fear And your lies that I push ...

Collective Soul - Crown
Who's gonna be my saviornow that I've learned to believeWho's gonna be the answerTo all of my qu...

Collective Soul - Dandy Life
Took a walk to a caution sceneGuess I crossed the line somehowAnd if I lost some of your hopeI'm...

Collective Soul - December
Why drink the waterfrom my hand?Contagious as you think I amJust tilt my sun towards your ...

Collective Soul - Disciplined Breakdown
I never ever can remember All the things that go bump in the night Quietness uncovers Betrayal n...

Collective Soul - Everything
With the faces I now wear It's only proof my thoughts Have become impaired And the courage I sha...

Collective Soul - Feels Like (it Feels All Right)
Feels like a new regimeAll hail to the soul machineFeels like what I tasteAlways better than yes...

Collective Soul - Forgiveness
In my silence I would love to forget But restitution hasn't come quite yet And with one accord I keep ...

Collective Soul - Full Circle
Drowning to discover I'd swim but then why bother Wrestled with decisions And fools with their o...

Collective Soul - Gel
Color me any color.Speak to me in tongues and share. Tell me how you'd love to hate me. Tell me ...

Collective Soul - General Attitude
Time, you've had more than your share of mineI'm a criminal with no crimeSing like a bird that is now ...

Collective Soul - Generate
Hey you give me no choiceI entertain by the silenceThat you created by noiseHey I'm flirti...

Collective Soul - Giving
Giving me cause so I may yearn Giving me words so I may learn I want more I want more Giving me ...

Collective Soul - Goodnight, Good Guy
Somebody told me about a worn out distraction That I had let slip awayThen it comes back and rides my ...

Collective Soul - Happiness
Congratulations, oh baby I'm back againI'm loaded down with my god and my medicineI know wisdom ...

Collective Soul - Heaven's Already Here
Wake up to a new morningGot my babe by my sideNow I won't yield to new warnings'Cause I got my p...

Collective Soul - Heavy
Complicate this world you wrapped for meI'm acquainted with your sufferingAnd all your weight...

Collective Soul - Him
Well I took a little ride through the pouring rainTo think about the casualties of your exchangeCause ...

Collective Soul - Home
Poetry of politics and lost entitiesGovernment is loneliness on this we agreeHigh are the angels and l...

Collective Soul - How Do You Love?
There once was love thrown into your roomBut you never knewA calendar of days just for youBut yo...

Collective Soul - In A Moment
The walls came up as the thoughts went downTo the hush of disparitySure we know the problem lies...

Collective Soul - In Between
In between us Good and evil wait To lie beside us In our bed we make In between us ...

Collective Soul - Link
I'm sleeping to encompass myself I wake up then distribute what's left With my anger well defused ...

Collective Soul - Listen
Hey you're now thirsty Walking in the desert all alone Hey you're now searching Lost in isolatio...

Collective Soul - Love Lifted Me
Wait just a second nowLove's easier Lost than foundSo learn baby learnIt's time to up and turn t...

Collective Soul - Maybe
The sky now divides To bring you back into the fold Welcome home Still my need to recognize ...

Collective Soul - Needs
All around me I see what weakness has madeToo much tomorrow I think I'll take all todayAm I a poison, ...

Collective Soul - No More, No Less
Here I lie motionlessCatch me if you canMy properties of no defenseSo, strike at your command...

Collective Soul - Not The One
I waltzed around youSeven timesOnly to becomeA melody you never sangI'm not the oneO...

Collective Soul - Over Tokyo
Got a photograph of a smileTaken way back when we could smileNow this plane will take meWhere I ...

Collective Soul - Perfect Day
There she stumblesFalling to her kneesI think she tripped on realityI have witnessed...

Collective Soul - Perfect To Stay
She said good day boy, are you ready to shakeI said I love noise and this life that it makesSee ...

Collective Soul - Precious Declaration
Hitched a ride to the peaceful side of town Then proceeded where thieves were no longer found Can't cr...

Collective Soul - Reach
Should I thirst for knowledgeCan I beg you for some waterShould I fight your battlesCan I rest u...

Collective Soul - Reunion
Change will comeChange is hereLove fades outThen love appearsNow my water's turned t...

Collective Soul - Satellite
Soon a man will kneel to praySoon the light will burn our shadeAnd with the sweet the bitter fades...

Collective Soul - Scream
Push me to the left, hold me to the rightI never know where to goBurning that trail to the promised la...

Collective Soul - She Gathers Rain
Today she dressesFor the change she's facing nowAnd the storm that's ragingA safe haven she has ...

Collective Soul - She Said
She said that time is unfairTo a woman her ageNow that wisdom has comeEverything else fades...

Collective Soul - Shine
Give me a wordGive me a signShow me where to look Tell me what will I findLay me on the gr...

Collective Soul - Simple
Tangle up your twisted tongue. It's simple.Mesmerize your everyday. It's simple.Hey hey can't you see?...

Collective Soul - Sister Don't Cry
Overseas through the airTouched your heart down with careAll the thoughts left behindSoon will c...

Collective Soul - Skin
I'm starting to feel loopyYour dizziness consumes meJesus don't speak EnglishBut I do thin...

Collective Soul - Slow
Morning like thisMake me feel like I could never floatGlimpses of peacePortray all that you neve...

Collective Soul - Smashing Young Man
Beggar's descriptionOf what I've been missingExploit your positionDon't think I didn't listen...

Collective Soul - The World I Know
Has our conscience shown?Has the sweet breeze blown?Has all the kindness gone?Hope still lingers...

Collective Soul - Tremble For My Beloved
The Hour has BegunYour eyes have now openedTo a world where madness cravesTo A World Where...

Collective Soul - Turn Around
There floats our conversationLike clouds in our mindsWe leave an open invitationTo this world we...

Collective Soul - Under Heaven's Skies
Whenever I taste honey from your lipsIt's a moment of purpose only you can giveWhatever I hear whateve...

Collective Soul - Untitled
Who have I left to please?Take what you've yet to seize.No more questioning'Cause love is what l...

Collective Soul - Vent
Shut your mouthMy mother saidDon't saddle meWith selfishnessDo you feel your tongue ...

Collective Soul - Wasting Time
Something's going wrong inside of youBurdens bearing down and seeping throughWell, I don't want to ble...

Collective Soul - When The Water Falls
She's a picture perfect childOf innocence.Searching out in childlike waysFor knowledge.Now...

Collective Soul - Where The River Flows
Give me a momentGot to get this weight up off my chestDon't feed me sorrowPain is a poison I dig...

Collective Soul - Why Pt. 2
In the air I'm tasting your perfectionForgive me dear for my misdirectionAs I crawl beneath this tortu...

Collective Soul - You Speak My Language
All around the worldEverywhere I goNo one understands meNo one knowsWhat I'm trying to say...

Combustible Edison - '52'
Fortune is bleakA dog returns to his masterToo much luck is bad luckA man who lives well...

Combustible Edison - Bluebeard
Ba-da-da-ba-da-dum, ba-da-da-da-da-dum... Your world is a stranger that stands with open arms Yo...

Combustible Edison - Cry Me A River
Now you say you're lonely You cry the long night throughWell, you can cry me a riverCry me a riv...

Combustible Edison - Guadeloupe
The wind softly drifting along The Caribbean sunriseAs the day goes by things get slowerand more amusi...

Combustible Edison - Laura's Aura
Twilight turns to eveningEvening turns to morningLaura doesn't heed themDoesn't hear their warni...

Combustible Edison - Lonelyville
LonelyvilleThe name of my town is LonelyvilleNobody down in LonelyvilleNobody here but me...

Combustible Edison - Pink Victim
Each day you say that you can't forget it Happiness' way is in your own backyardIt could be yours, but...

Combustible Edison - The Millionaire's Holiday
If your pad is a wax museumBe a swinger if you dareJoin the ranks of the young and exoticFollowi...

Combustible Edison - Tickled To Death
Touch me, touch me, make me giggle Make me giggle, make me sighMore, more, more, moreTouch me, t...

Combustible Edison - Utopia
Aaaah... Aaaah...Aaaah...Welcome to UtopiaLife here is perpetual blissNo cares...

Combustible Edison - Utopia (scanner's Reprise)
Aaaah... Aaaah...Aaaah...Welcome to UtopiaLife here is perpetual blissNo cares...

Combustible Edison - Vertigogo
Do yah dot'n duyba da dot'n duy yahoo-ee dot'n duy.Oo-ee zabba duydo yah zabba dot'n...

Common - Aquarius
[Common]Yeah!Yeah![Common]Nigga deep in the rhythm, experience s...

Common - Be (intro)
I want to be as free as the spirits of those who leftI'm talking Malcom, Coltrane, my man YusefThrough...

Common - Chi-city
[Chorus][Common sample] And you say Chi cityWe don't stop naw we don't quit[Rep...

Common - I Got A Right Ta
[Common]Yeah! Hah! Yeah, we got, come onY'all cats know the abstract nigga with the attitude...

Common - Love Is...
Yeah, yeah[Chorus]How beautiful love can beOn the streets love is hard to see...

Common - Real People
[Intro]Yeah, yeah, you know how me and 'Ye do[Verse 1]Real People walk in th...

Common - Soul Power
[Intro]Yeah, for the world!Keep going so you can(yo you can rock on)We keep going so you ...

Common - Star *69 (ps With Love)
Let's do it now, it's me and youClose my eyes Erotica, I'm seein' youListen to me wishin' I could be w...

Common - Testify
[Common]She walk into the court her knees buckleSaying for a man to survive he needn't hustle...

Coo Coo Cal - My Projects
[Hook]In my project [5x][Verse 1]Dawg my project is sweetinBut ...

The Cooper Temple Clause - A.i.m.
Tounge chewed off and head in booksLately I've been taken illAll we do is drive that's coolBut i...

The Cooper Temple Clause - Amber
Remember the time i couldn't speak Everybody heard The pin didn't drop it came and crashed down ...

The Cooper Temple Clause - Been Training Dogs
Been training dogs again To bite your little princess And making sure they make a scene Running ...

The Cooper Temple Clause - Blind Pilots
I hope you never changeI hope you never goI hope you always keepOur little secrets thoughB...

The Cooper Temple Clause - Did You Miss Me?
Did you miss me? I bet you did? Did you miss me? And what I did? How's it going kid? ...

The Cooper Temple Clause - Digital Observations
I guess i'm not the kind of boy Who's seen it all before Anymore I thought i'd figured out the w...

The Cooper Temple Clause - Film-maker
This movie would've killed us It would've made a mess I'd have lit the fires but i'd have pulled you o...

The Cooper Temple Clause - Into My Arms
One night one night is never enough with youPlease come back into my armsSo we can hold and share what...

The Cooper Temple Clause - In Your Prime
Like to dreamCos when I dreamI'm with youAnd you let me do things to youThat I would not n...

The Cooper Temple Clause - Let's Kill Music
We dare you to mean a single word you say Feel free if you've time to try and change our minds You mig...

The Cooper Temple Clause - Murder Song
As he sits on the moor With his new found friend Who had shown him the way To bow out at the end...

The Cooper Temple Clause - Music Box
This is my music boxAnd this is my homeCome in take a look if you likeJust you on your own...

The Cooper Temple Clause - New Toys
We came we played we drifted awayWe came we played but it got away oh noWhat's happening to us?W...

The Cooper Temple Clause - Panzer Attack
Short sleeved shitkicking animals Lining me up It's all over their face Here's a new chicken shi...

The Cooper Temple Clause - Promises, Promises
It's got me going inside I think it's happening againI think there's gonna be some actionCoz you got m...

The Cooper Temple Clause - Talking To A Brick Wall
I'm not quite how I should bebeen finding tricks too hardI'm thinking something must be brokenCo...

The Cooper Temple Clause - The Lake
Hey you Over there Won't you help a stranger That's a sorry sight my friend It's not me ...

The Cooper Temple Clause - The Same Mistakes
And so it has to changeThe notebook's now in pieces Words we'll never singI know you'll say i've...

The Cooper Temple Clause - Who Needs Enemies?
My oh my, i'm seeing the potential Lets just see what we can do First we'll take you down back to the ...

Corey - 2 Can Play That Game
I lost all the love I had for you the day that you cheated on me boo and there can never be no me and ...

Corey - All I Do
All I do think of you day and night that's all I do I can't get you off my mind I think about yo...

Corey - Cutest Girl
Seen her walking by lady caught my eye girl was so devine got let her know I wanna make her mine wanna...

Corey - First Time
Still remember when I first saw her face it was just your average day it was May or maybe June I think...

Corey - Ghetto Superstar
[Verse 1]Can I tell ya'll a storyAbout my historyI'm sure a lot ya'll can relate to me...

Corey - Soldier
I rode my bike passed your house at least a thousand timesNo matter what I do I just can't get you off my mi...

Corey - Stop Talkin' About Me
Talk about me, talk about me, talk about me, talk (Mmm)(Talk) Talk about me, talk about me (Ooh), talk about...

Corey - What
Don't really know if your feeling me, but some how I think your on to me wanna say if you want you can...

The Corrs - 1999
Don't worry, I won't hurt UI only want U 2 have some fun I was dreaming when I wrote this 4give ...

The Corrs - All In A Day
All in a day, she saw the face in the mirror lieTo her dismay, she saw the child that was in her dieAn...

The Corrs - All The Love In The World
I'm not looking for someone to talk toI've got my friend, I'm more than O.K.I've got more than a girl ...

The Corrs - Angel
She lived like she knew nothing lasts Didn't care to look like anyone else And she was beautiful, so b...

The Corrs - At Your Side
When the daylight's gone and you're on your ownAnd you need a friend just to be aroundI will comfort y...

The Corrs - Baby Be Brave
Maybe deep down inside, you don't believe it Your wailing wall, it isn't weeping at all And you're not...

The Corrs - Borrowed Heaven
All beauty all fade away, borrowed All moonlight, return today, borrowed All sunrise all shooting star...

The Corrs - Breathless
Go on go onLeave me breathlessCome on [echo...]Hey... yeah...The daylig...

The Corrs - Closer
I see you, walking everydayWith a smile beneath frownBut I won't look away, yeahWhat does ...

The Corrs - Confidence For Quiet
What a day, that I've left behind You forgave, said I've done my time I've been good, animation rhyme ...

The Corrs - Don't Say You Love Me
I've seen this place a thousand timesI've felt this all beforeAnd every time you callI've waited...

The Corrs - Dreams
Now here you go again, you say you want your freedomWell who am I to keep you downIt's only right that...

The Corrs - Even If
For what it's worth I think there's nobody like you You've got grace got a heart beating and despite ...

The Corrs - Everybody Hurts
When your day is longAnd the nightThe night is yours aloneWhen you're sure you've had enough of ...

The Corrs - Forgiven Not Forgotten
All alone, staring onWatching her life go byWhen her days are greyAnd her nights are black...

The Corrs - Give It All Up
They say that I'm crazyAnd it's probably trueBut I'm at my happiestJust when I'm with youT...

The Corrs - Give Me A Reason
Give me a reason... (Give me a reason... Give me a reason...)It's not romantic here in blueSwimm...

The Corrs - Goodbye
I never thought one day you'd be gone, away forever more No one can say, no one could explain wh...

The Corrs - Head In The Air
Walking by the riversideThe colours change, the seasons have turned whiteReflecting the way I feel abo...

The Corrs - Heaven Knows
Deep, deep in our heartsStrangers apartOh please come back to meNo more to leaveNever to g...

The Corrs - Heaven Knows (no Frontiers)
[SHARON:]If life is a river and your heart is a boatAnd just like a water baby, baby born to fl...

The Corrs - Hello And Goodbye
[MADONNA:]Hello and goodbyeI've just unemployed youYou can go back to schoolYou've ...

The Corrs - Hideaway
It's time to change, throw out the books and start again Break all the rules, fall on your face ...

The Corrs - Hopelessly Addicted
Opened my eyes todayAnd I knew there's something differentSaw you in a brand new wayLike the clo...

The Corrs - Humdrum
Hey you're too true to be good And I'm to bad to pretend Transparent and transfixed, I'm uncool ...

The Corrs - Hurt Before
She's a girl in a world, she's moving as fast as she goesLoves her mum and her dad, the only secure that she...

The Corrs - I Know My Love
I know my love by his way of walkingAnd I know my love by his way of talkingAnd I know my love dressed...

The Corrs - I Never Loved You Anyway
You bored me with your storiesI can't belive that I endured you for as long as I didI'm happy, it's ov...

The Corrs - Irresistable
You're irresistable, you're na-ia-ia-ia...Don't want you for the weekendDon't want you for a day...

The Corrs - Judy
Judy has her own desireShe wants to step into your fireShe wants you tangled in her webShe wants...

The Corrs - Just In Time
Lately I've been talking to some friends of mine(You know the kind who understand)Trying to get a hand...

The Corrs - Leave Me Alone
I'm alone, hiding in the darkI'm looking for a lifeTo come and rescue meI sleep, I riseHea...

The Corrs - Lifting Me
Lifting me I don't know how you do it but it's lifting meAnother day another way he finds a point to pressur...

The Corrs - Little Wing
Now she's walking through the cloudsWith a circus mindThat's running wildButterflies and zebras...

The Corrs - Long Night
It doesn't really matter now you're gone You never were around that much to speak of Didn't think that...

The Corrs - Looking In The Eyes Of Love
I wonder should I tell youAbout all the crazy things that I have doneI've been hiding all my life...

The Corrs - Looking Through Your Eyes
Look at the sky tell me what do you seeJust close your eyes and describe it to meThe heavens are spark...

The Corrs - Love In The Milkyway
She's a girl with many quirky waysShe can take you to another placeWhere she'll explore you and adore ...

The Corrs - Love To Love You
I would love to love you like you do meI'd love to love you like you do meThere's a pillar in my way y...

The Corrs - Love To Love You (radio Edit)
I would love to love you like you do meI'd love to love you like you do meI met you on a sunny A...

The Corrs - Miracle
[bonus track]You let an open windowBreathe over your bedA whisper in the moonlight...

The Corrs - No Good For Me
I see a home in a quiet placeI see myself in a strong embraceAnd I feel protection from the human race...

The Corrs - No More Cry
I wanna feel just like beforeBefore the rain came in my doorShook me up turned me aroundMade me ...

The Corrs - One Night
Lond day and I'm ready - I'm waiting for your call'Cos I've made up my mindMy heart aches with a hunge...

The Corrs - Only When I Sleep
You're only just a dreamboatSailing in my headYou swim my secret oceansOf coral blue and red...

The Corrs - On My Father's Wings
If you were with me nowI'd find myself in youIf you were with me nowYour the only one who knew...

The Corrs - On Your Own
Oh, Oh, Goodnight hush now baby, go to sleep I've read your bedtime story, kissed your cheekAnd just l...

The Corrs - Ooh La La
Poor old Grandad I laughed at all his wordsI thought he was a bitter manHe spoke of women's ways...

The Corrs - Radio
It's late at nightAnd I'm feeling downThere're couples standing on the streetSharing summer kiss...

The Corrs - Rain
Going crazy in the middle of the nightSlipping, sliding into heavenly bliss...Fallen angel spinning fr...

The Corrs - Rainy Day
A bomb drops and no-one stirsOn a lazy summers eveningSeated with a manShe knows she shouldn't b...

The Corrs - Remember
I see you in my memoryAs vivid as todayAnd I wonder do you see meIn that same familiar way...

The Corrs - Runaway
Say it's true, there's nothing like me and youI'm not alone, tell me you feel it tooAnd I would ...

The Corrs - Runaway (radio Edit)
Say it's true, there's nothing like me and youI'm not alone, tell me you feel it tooAnd I would ...

The Corrs - Say
Gone are the days when I was young and freeThe future I can't seeGone are the days of precious love...

The Corrs - Secret Life
From red giant to supernovaBack to you and meA cloaked entity withinA virtual realityMecha...

The Corrs - Somebody Else's Boyfriend
Someone elses man has captured my heartAttention seeking maybe and it's tearing me apartI tried my bes...

The Corrs - Somebody For Someone
There's a deep girl in the corner shopSelling sugar for money in the dead of the nightAnd her soul's i...

The Corrs - Someday
Fragments of our loveThat's all we haveWhat we had was fantasyDreams and photographsHypnot...

The Corrs - So Young
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah YeahYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah YeahWe are taking it easyBright and breezy, yeah...

The Corrs - So Young (k-klass Remix)
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah YeahYeah Yeah Yeah Yeah YeahWe are taking it easyBright and breezy, yeah...

The Corrs - Summer Sunshine
Everyone's changing, I stay the same I'm... a solo cello outside a chor-us I've got a secret, It...

The Corrs - The Right Time
This is the right timeOnce in a lifetimeSo I find it hard to sleepDon't you knowThe ...

The Corrs - The Right Time (radio Edit)
This is the right timeOnce in a lifetimeSo I find it hard to sleepDon't you knowThe ...

The Corrs - The Winner Takes It All
I don't wanna talkAbout the things we've gone throughThough it's hurting meNow it's history...

The Corrs - Time Enough For Tears
Let's read the trees and their Autumn leaves, As they fall like a dress undone At the end of Summers, ...

The Corrs - We Are Family
Wow..., say it to meYeah yeah yeah yeah-ie yeah..., wow....We are familyI got all my siste...

The Corrs - What Can I Do
I haven't slept at all in daysIt's been so long since we've talkedAnd I have been here many times...

The Corrs - What I Know
I know what I knowMaybe I was young and didn't understandOr maybe I just didn't give a damn...

The Corrs - When He's Not Around
I can't breathe, I can't sleepHe's uncool an unsophisticatHe's a tightrope walker on an open pat...

The Corrs - Would You Be Happier
WooDid you ever wonder where the story ends, and how it all began, I do (I do, I do, I do, I do)...

Cosima - Cost Of Love
The cost of love can be a broken heartThe cost of love can rip your world apartIt can tear you up till...

Cosima - I Just Wanna Cry
Don't think of you as much as I used toSince we've been apartI don't miss youDon't dream of you...

Cosima - Now That You Can't Have Me
Remember you told me you didn't want my loveAnd how you just threw my love awayFunny how the tables tu...

Cosima - One Night Without You
Been telling my arms, they don't need your touch.Been telling my heartYou don't mean that much, baby...

Cosima - Painted On My Heart
I thought you'd be out of my mindAnd I'd finally found a wayTo learn to live without youI though...

Cosima - Show Me The Way Back To Your Heart
I remember days nights were we're never coldHad you in my life, I had you here to holdAnd I remember l...

Cosima - Taste The Tears
You're gonna taste the tearsTears like I cried over youYou're gonna taste, you're gonna taste the tear...

Cosima - Too Lost In You
You look into my eyesI go out of my mindI can't see anythingCos this love's got me blindI ...

Cosima - What Kind Of World Would This World Be
I could survive through the coldest nightFor you I could make any sacrificeBut if I didn't have you I'...

Cosima - What My Heart Says
So let them say its wrong for me to love youThey could never feel the way that I do When we kissWhen w...

Cosima - When The War Is Over
Ain't nobody gonna steal this heart away,Ain't nobody gonna steal this heart away, ooohWhen the ...

Counting Crows - 40 Years
I was born in the jungleWith the sickening smell of cinnamon in the airI was born in a white hole and ...

Counting Crows - 99 Days
She said,"I wanna be the rain, I am a red balloon, I got a book of dates."She's gonna go away and leav...

Counting Crows - Accidentally In Love
So she said what's the problem babyWhat's the problem I don't know Well maybe I'm in love (love) ...

Counting Crows - A Little Discipline
This time is better than last timeI feel better todayA little discipline can lock you up insideT...

Counting Crows - All My Love (richard Manuel Is Dead)
Got a message in my headthat the papers had all goneRichard Manuel is deadAnd the daylight's com...

Counting Crows - A Mona Lisa
I Heard my Lisa say"I can't believe you could leave me looking this way."When ever music plays... I sm...

Counting Crows - Angels In America
people dying from lonely dayswere walking and trying to take our souls awayWere just spending out our ...

Counting Crows - Babies
After you're gone, babiesride the soft machinethreading the warm childrendown the space between...

Counting Crows - Baby, I'm A Big Star Now
Gonna get out on the road tonightCause, I got a hollow in my headChecking it upBaby, one more ti...

Counting Crows - Barely Out Of Tuesday
Woke up to this morning staring at the ceilinghoping for deliverance from the distances in you. ...

Counting Crows - Black And Blue
Fading everything to black and blue You look a lot like you Shatter in the blink of an eye You k...

Counting Crows - Bulldog
Hey now bulldogdont you rush inwith your eyes wildhey there big beartake a momentto ...

Counting Crows - Butterfly In Reverse
Maryann you're better than the world They took a lot of time getting it right on this girl I said Mary...

Counting Crows - Carriage
If anything it should have been a better thing From underneath you staring at the ceiling ...

Counting Crows - Closer To You
come a little closer if you canjust forget your fears come to me cause where I want to be ...

Counting Crows - Daylight Fading Demo
Sunday morning paper dated 1992There are cowboys in my kitchenempty bottles on the roofI've been...

Counting Crows - Diamonds And Babies And Cars
"My turn this time," he says."Never get better than this,we never get better than bad.""My turn ...

Counting Crows - Einstein On The Beach
Albert's always sincere, he's a sensitive typeHis intentions are clear, he wanna be well-likedIf every...

Counting Crows - Floating Over You
Getting dressed and bunger boundshuffling through the heatherneighbors drop their flowers down and wor...

Counting Crows - Good Luck
Larry's in vegas..with some chick from Lathe best things are sevens and sex is just ok so please stay ...

Counting Crows - Goodnight La
I said goodnight LA Cause I'm awake in my room I've been up for 38 hours And it don't look like ...

Counting Crows - Good Time
The gentle man caller in the blue suede shoesHe don't know what to dohe just wants to look good for yo...

Counting Crows - Hard Candy
On certain Sundays in November When the weather bothers me I empty drawers of other summer's Whe...

Counting Crows - Here Comes That Feeling Again
here comes that feeling again you're always around me this island life never ends it just circle...

Counting Crows - Holiday In Spain
Got no place to go but there's a girl waiting for me down in Mexico She's got a bottle of tequila, a b...

Counting Crows - Jaded
Happy birthday babyWhat's it gonna beMonday morning' with a hurricane warning'Oh well, I guess y...

Counting Crows - Lightning
Its crazy but often clear often clear..We shimmer and disappearIn color in black and white black and w...

Counting Crows - Love And Addiction
Put on your bad self get out your party dress and fix up your makeup try to make a good impression thi...

Counting Crows - Margery Dreams Of Horses
In the still water she lies downShaking through the press of sunlightWe rolled into LexingtonShe...

Counting Crows - My Love
my love lives out at the end of the road takes what you give her and goes says things that every...

Counting Crows - New Frontier
Come on children mind the gapMiracle people with marvelous hairAnd a knack to do anything better than ...

Counting Crows - Nothing But A Child
Nothing but a Child Glass upon me walking on the ocean Sun upon me walking on a wave You can slide lik...

Counting Crows - Open All Night
Exit 8Small cafeGeorgia moonlightIt's three a.m.I've been driving all nightGot a fun...

Counting Crows - Ordinary Superman
He's unimaginative at his best but you know that's all rightWe like the way he singsHe's unimaginative...

Counting Crows - River Shannon
Oh ShannonI might be dreaming'The stars fell down on the factoryThe cathedrals repeating, the li...

Counting Crows - Sailor Song
Walk out Amanda, our fortunes are clearThese are the last of our daysLeft San Francisco with time on m...

Counting Crows - Shallow Days
Mary Jane says it's all rightShe's just around the corner from the main light.Any day now, it's all ri...

Counting Crows - She Don't Want Nobody Near
She can't keep away from themWaits here and disappearsFrom the wrong things she intends (?)Prett...

Counting Crows - She Likes The Weather
Life is simple. Life is sweet.Oh, so saddle up and go.Little cowgirl, in the underground,she tal...

Counting Crows - Someone Else's Chapstick
Inside your plastic head you make decisionsUpon her lemon world they fall foreverbreak the chains that...

Counting Crows - Suffocate
Good morning baby, guess you wanna touch me nowYou wanna put your hands on my faceTell me you love me,...

Counting Crows - The Greening Of America
She's closing all the shadesshe finds the daylight just a little frighteningshe pulls the pedals overh...

Counting Crows - Up All Night (frankie Miller Goes To Hollywood)
Is everybody happy now?Is everybody clear?We could drive out to the dunes tonight,'cause summer'...

Counting Crows - Way Home
If you don't stop lying' on the floor.You don't know what your dying' for. The last thing that you nee...

Counting Crows - Were Only Love
Who built the ball that is this earth?Gave me life, and water for my thirst.Home for a heart till deat...

Counting Crows - Why Should You Come When I Call
It's 1:30 in the morningthat's alright by meyou just waiting by the phoneI should give a little ...

Counting Crows - Wishing Well
Did you think you were unbelievableThen, I see thatTwenty-four hours in a wishing wellThinking a...

Course Of Nature - 1000 Times
I wasn't sure of when but IKnew there'd come a time when IWould feel this way about someoneAnd a...

Course Of Nature - After The Fall
I am not afraid of youLook at me you'll see it's trueYou are broken falling downAnd now you're n...

Course Of Nature - Better Part Of Me
Something says to me don't be afraidBut if I don't worry I'll surely slip awayI need to speak to you, ...

Course Of Nature - Caught In The Sun
You're my distanc, destination of choiceI'd give anything just to hear your voiceI couldn't passed you...

Course Of Nature - Could I've Been
Could I've beenSomething more than what I've becomeReally wonderful than someThen today I ...

Course Of Nature - Difference Of Opinion
I see my life is taking time away from meChains that bind the things I want to change, I can't break f...

Course Of Nature - Gain
A selfish act of decencyI supplied you on the phoneFaded past, lost memoriesYou think it best if...

Course Of Nature - Remain
I feel it coming from a far off placeI need assistance with a change of paceIn my heart now there's an...

Course Of Nature - Someone Else To You
If I could help the way I feel insideThen I could say those words to youNow I don't mean to be unjusti...

Course Of Nature - Wall Of Shame
Something has happened to your worldCan you imagine you coldThere's too much pressure on you now...

Courtney Love - All The Drugs
The devil's driving my car tonight and he's drunkHe's pissed he's madAnd i dont care which of you he f...

Courtney Love - Almost Golden
Oh all the thingsI'll never do to youOh honey do all the thingsI'll never do to youS...

Courtney Love - But Julian, I'm A Little Older Than You
Hey!Busty co-eds live live liveYou'll crash the car, man, if you drive1-800, 1-800, 1-800 ...

Courtney Love - Hello
Shut up!I'm about to take all your innocense for freeShut up!In the end you're gonna wanna pay m...

Courtney Love - Hold On To Me
Hey, this life is never fairThe angels that you need are never thereBut sometimes he comes to me...

Courtney Love - I'll Do Anything
Gimme your tired Gimme your poor, yeah You need to be free, yeah Your hungry huddled masses ...

Courtney Love - Life Despite God
You shouldn't have loved me baby When i was nothin, nothin at allI used to bleed for you Just to...

Courtney Love - Mono
Hey yeah we had everything Vinyl in mono And we looked the other way man We were so dumb I...

Courtney Love - Never Gonna Be The Same
Called me up todayShould've stood in your wayYou liedAnd everywhere a dreamNothing came be...

Courtney Love - Sunset Strip
Sitting here on top of the worldI got everythingI need from this worldOh tonight, I got it right...

Courtney Love - Uncool
Pretty faces grab the headlinesYou leave me nothing but my nameAnd all the grief keeps multiplying...

Courtney Love - Zeplin Song
Will you accept a collect callFrom Robert Plant?We picked him up on VineOn a bus bench singing t...

Cowboy Troy - Crick In My Neck
[Chorus]Mmm hmm! Got a crick in my neck!Mmm hmm! Got a crick in my neck![Repeat ...

Cowboy Troy - El Tejano
[Verse 1]Escuchen a la musica, the beat is groovin' yaGroovin' with the record in secreto y la ...

Cowboy Troy - Wrap Around The World
[Chorus]Wrap around the world, all the boys and girlsRaise your hands and sing along tonight...

Craig David - 7 Days
On my way to see my friendswho lived a couple blocks away from me (owh)As I walked through the subway...

Craig David - Apartment 543
Oh...Oh...Ah...YeahGirl when u call me on the phoneSaid your all aloneI said that u could drive ...

Craig David - Booty Man
One two buckle my shoethree four step inside the venue and i see in the corner of my eyethis bea...

Craig David - Can't Be Messing 'round
uh uh yeahcraig davidit's another onegonna make ya dance to thisgonna make ya dance to thi...

Craig David - Eenie Meenie
Another oneCraig DavidYall ready for thisYoOn my way from the studiodriving on...

Craig David - Fast Cars
Fast cars,Fast women,Speed bikes with the nitro in them,Dangerous when driven,Those are th...

Craig David - Follow Me
can you tell mehow do you feelhow do you feeltalk, talk to mein your letter it said ...

Craig David - Hands Up In The Air
Ou baby..It's all about a partyYou really wanna, really wanna, get down tonight, down tonight...Come o...

Craig David - Hidden Agenda
Come on baby, doo doo doo doo dooOoh, yeah, come on Now baby he keeps on saying thatHe tel...

Craig David - Human
(To the heartbeat tocking on, stop, stopTo the heartbeat clocking on, stop, stopTo the heartbeat clock...

Craig David - Key To My Heart
Lonely hours, Lonely days, Never meant to drive you away from me, I shouldda listened to ya lady and w...

Craig David - Last Night
yo you don't even know about this girl i met last nightshe was badyou've never seen nothing like it, t...

Craig David - Once In A Lifetime
Once in my life I have the chance to find once in my life I have the chance to findOnce in a lif...

Craig David - Pass Me By
Craig David this is how we do it (this is how we do it)yeah, c'mon check it outwhatcha doing coz...

Craig David - Personal
Anything you want from meI'll dobut firstLet's get personalpersonalpersonal...

Craig David - Rewind
Inter selctaHyper, hyper, hyper that's what we make yaTime to mash up the speakerCraig Dav...

Craig David - R U Ready
R U Ready Ready LondonR U Ready Ready LondonR U Ready (R)R U Ready Ready LondonR U Ready R...

Craig David - Slicker Than Your Average
Yo craig (yeah)there's some real jealous people out there right (uh huh)tryin' to say how you're whack...

Craig David - Something
Umm taking Umm taking overUmm taking Umm taking overUmm taking Umm taking overUmm taking Umm tak...

Craig David - Spanish
Would you like a drink with me?(If you dont mind, can I talk to you if its all right)I want your body ...

Craig David - Time To Party
On friday time to partylet me see you swing and swaylet me see you swing tell me are you down wi...

Craig David - Two Steps Back
Ooh, ooh [Craig David]Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah You know I'm the kinda guy that does 9 to ...

Craig David - Walking Away
I'm walking away from the troubles in my lifeI'm walking away oh to find a better dayI'm walking away ...

Craig David - What's Changed
Hey, babyOh tell me, babeWhy do you wanna play these games with me?Thought you always wanted to ...

Craig David - What's Your Flava
Whats your flavaTell me whats your flava [x4]I met this fly girl in the clubWent by the n...

Craig David - What's Your Flava (remix)
Whats your flavaTell me whats your flava [x4]Girl you look to delicious bootylicious my w...

Craig David - Woman Trouble
I feel fantastic, bombastic, Ecstactically astoundedHow a girl can really lose her brainI feel s...

Craig David - World Filled With Love
[Verse]Saw some pictures in the paper,of a girl I'd met the day before.I couldn't believe...

Craig David - You Don't Miss Your Water ('til The Well Runs Dry)
As I sail with you across the finest oceansOn our way to find the key to our emotionsTogether we will ...

Craig David - You Know What
Yeah I know thatI said I'm feelingI'm feeling it I'm feeling it yeahI know that you like the way...

Cranberries - Analyse
Close your eyesClose your eyesBreathe the air out thereWe are free, we can be wide open ...

Cranberries - Animal Instinct
Suddenly something has happened to meAs I was having my cup of teaSuddenly I was feeling depressed...

Cranberries - Away
Turn Away, Turn AwayFrom Me, From MeAnd I pray, yes I prayFor thee, for thee, for thee-ee-ee...

Cranberries - Bosnia
I would like to state my vision, Life was so unfair. We live in our secure surroundings, And peo...

Cranberries - Carry On
I didn't understand the things you're going throughI never understood, I really never knewCarry on...

Cranberries - Chocolate Brown
But I try And I sight He didn't listen to you I feel that way Still I try And I sigh...

Cranberries - Close To You
Why do birds suddenly appear Everytime you are near? Just like me, they long to be Close to you....

Cranberries - Cordell
Once you ruled my mind, I thought you'd always be there. And I'll always hold on to your face. B...

Cranberries - Daffodil Lament
Holding on, that's what I do since I met you. And it won't be long. Would you notice if I left you? An...

Cranberries - Delilah
Shout shout shout DelilahShout shout shout at the top of your lungsShout shout shout DelilahShou...

Cranberries - Desperate Andy
He always holds on to his girlfriendThat's where he likes to beHe like to wear the ball and the chain ...

Cranberries - Disappointment
A disappointment. Oh, you shouldn't have done, You couldn't have done, You wouldn't have done th...

Cranberries - Do You Know
I need you awhile My this was smile My this was smile I will be strong I will carry ...

Cranberries - Dreaming My Dreams
All the things you said to me today, Change my perspective in every way. These things count to mean so...

Cranberries - Dreams
Oh, my life is changing everyday, In every possible way. And oh, my dreams, it's never quiet as ...

Cranberries - Dying Inside
Terrible thingIt was a terrible thing to see you're dyingIt was a terrible thingIt was a terribl...

Cranberries - Dying In The Sun
Do you rememberThe things we used to say?I feel so nervous When I think of yesterday...

Cranberries - Electric Blues
Electric blue eyes where did you come from? Electric blue eyes who sent you? Electric blue eyes, alway...

Cranberries - Empty
Something has left my life, And I don't know where it went to, ah, ha, ha. Somebody caused me strife, ...

Cranberries - Every Morning
My god the years have passed me by where was I hidingAnd then around the world for sometimesit's...

Cranberries - Everything I Said
It makes me lonely, It makes me very lonely, When I see you here, waitin' on. It makes me ...

Cranberries - False
Something has changed and I don't know what to say.I used to stand here alone and in my mind say...The...

Cranberries - Fee Fi Fo
Fee fi fo she smells his body She smells his bodyAnd it makes her sick to her mindHe has got so ...

Cranberries - Forever Yellow Skies
Yellow skies, I can see with yellow skies. See you again, I see you again. In my dreams. [X4]...

Cranberries - Free To Decide
It's not worth anything, More than this at all. I'll live as I choose, Or I will not live at all...

Cranberries - God Be With You
The truth will ever hide Even though I tried They tried to take my pride But they only took my f...

Cranberries - Go Your Own Way
Loving you Isn't the right thing to do How can I ever change things That I feel If I...

Cranberries - How
Look, you're standing alone (Standing alone.) How ever I should have known, (I should have known.) ...

Cranberries - I Can't Be With You
Lying in my bed again, And I cry 'cause you're not here. Crying in my head again, And I know tha...

Cranberries - I Don't Need
The world is consuming me and I don't feel so happy here todayI'm not and I don't feel and I used to be a ba...

Cranberries - I Just Shot John Lennon
It was the fearful night of December 8th. He was returning home from the studio late. He had perseptiv...

Cranberries - I'm Still Remembering
I'm still remembering the day I gave my life away. I'm still remembering the time you said you'd be mine. ...

Cranberries - In The Ghetto
As the snow fliesOn a cold and gray Chicago mornin'A poor little baby child is bornIn the ghetto...

Cranberries - I Really Hope
I've been down this road beforeNow I'm coming back for more This is like a de-ja-vu I was born t...

Cranberries - I Still Do
I'm not ready for this, Though I thought I would be. I can't see the future, Though I thought I ...

Cranberries - I Will Always
And now, it's all the same to me, So be whatever you want to be, And go wherever you need to go....

Cranberries - Joe
Oh, oh oh oh yeah... There was a time, I was so lonely, oh hey yeah... Remember the time, it was...

Cranberries - Just My Imagination
There was a game we used to playWe would hit the town on Friday nightAnd stay in bed until Sunday...

Cranberries - Liar
Say it if you want to and say it if you will But if you don't say what you are thinkin' No, I won't ta...

Cranberries - Like You Used To
When I think about the things I said to you last night Well I was wrong, I didn't know what I was saying ...

Cranberries - Linger
If you, if you could return, don't let it burn, don't let it fade. I'm sure I'm not being rude, but it...

Cranberries - Loud And Clear
I hope that you miss mePut me down on historyI feel such a reject nowGet yourself a lifeI ...

Cranberries - Never Grow Old
I had a dream Strange it may seemsIt was my perfect day Open my eyes I realize ...

Cranberries - No Need To Argue
There's no need to argue anymore. I gave all I could, but it left me so sore. And the thing that makes...

Cranberries - Nothing Left At All
Know it's over but the thoughts of you go on,Nothing here, nothing left at all.How I swore that ...

Cranberries - Not Hollywood
I've got a picture in my head, in my head. It's me and you, we are in bed, we are in bed. You've alway...

Cranberries - Not Sorry
Keep on looking through the window again, But I'm not sorry if I do insult you. I'm sad, not sor...

Cranberries - Ode To My Family
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo... Understand the things I say, don't turn away from me, ...

Cranberries - Pathetic Sense
Time is an illusion baby, I'm on your side.Love is a confusion baby, You'll never hide.Come to the con...

Cranberries - Pretty
You're so pretty the way you are. You're so pretty the way you are. And you had no reason, ...

Cranberries - Pretty Eyes
Pretty eyes, pretty eyes Not a cloud in my day Not a cloud in my way Angel eyes, no disguise...

Cranberries - Promises
You'd better believe I'm comingYou'd better believe what I sayYou'd better hold on to your promises...

Cranberries - Put Me Down
Let me take you by the hand, Away from here to another land. Oh, this land in which we live, ...

Cranberries - Reason
Nothing to say, nothing to do, nowhere to go, And I can't get over it and be with you. I don't know wh...

Cranberries - Ridiculous Thoughts
Twister, oh, does anyone see through you? You're a twister, oh, an animal. But you're so happy, now. I...

Cranberries - Salvation
To all those people doin' lines, Don't do it, don't do it. Inject your soul with liberty, It's f...

Cranberries - Saving Grace
It could happen here todayIt could happen here todayAnd I can't wait to see your faceNo I can't ...

Cranberries - Shattered
I'm trying to control myselfSo please don't stand in my wayI've waited for the longest timeThis ...

Cranberries - So Cold In Ireland
Here is a story of hope and of glory.He's eighteen years oldand well I fell in love.But af...

Cranberries - Sorry Son
Sorry son, this is what I've doneThis is what I've doneIt was a long sad supper without youI had...

Cranberries - Stars
The Stars are bright tonightAnd I am walking nowhere I guess I will be alrightDesire gets ...

Cranberries - Still Can't
Still can't recognize the way I feel (I feel, I feel). Nothing of what you said to me was real. ...

Cranberries - Sunday
Oh, do you know, Where to go, where to go? Something on your mind, Wanna leave me behind, ...

Cranberries - Take My Soul Away
That was some revealing light That you shone on me last night Have you turned away from me Becau...

Cranberries - The Concept
Come here, my lover Something's on your mind Listen to no other They could be unkind ...

Cranberries - The Icicle Melts
When, when will the icicle melt, The icicle, icicle? And when, when will the picture show end, T...

Cranberries - Them
Don't listen to what they say,Make up your mind, walk away,Oh don't even give them the time of day,...

Cranberries - The Picture I View
I haven't changed but my life has People are strange when it's like as I did something wrong to them ...

Cranberries - The Rebels
Seems like yesterday we were sixteen. We were the rebels of the rebel scene. He wore Doc Martens in th...

Cranberries - The Sun Does Rise
Nightime has when all was still Moon shone the way as we climbed the hill When we arrived we raised ou...

Cranberries - The Sweetest Thing
I am getting ready for my lover,He is coming home to me tomorrow,I am getting ready for no other,...

Cranberries - This Is The Day
I never had a friend like you This is the day Your skin is white, your eyes are blue This is the...

Cranberries - Time Is Ticking Out
We'd better think about the things we sayWe'd better think about the games we playThe world went round...

Cranberries - Twenty One
I don't think it's going to happen anymore. You took my thoughts from me. Now I want nothing mor...

Cranberries - Uncertain
Tears on your face honey,You're a total disgrace, oh why,Why did you bring me here.Oh star...

Cranberries - Wake Up And Smell The Coffee
I, I went to hell I might as well Learn by my mistakes I at twenty-four Was insecure...

Cranberries - Waltzing Back
Who gave them the right, Waltzing back into, Your life, your life, your life? Now I feel f...

Cranberries - Wanted
Sittin' in an armchair,With my head between my hands; I wouldn't have to feel like this If...

Cranberries - War Child
Who will save the war child baby? Who controls the key? The web we weave is thick and sordid, Fi...

Cranberries - What's On My Mind
Baby I would do anything for youNobody's ever treated me quite like you do I've wasted too much time...

Cranberries - What You Were
Now it's easy for to see, Why peoples lives are so lonely? And you never understood, You n...

Cranberries - When You're Gone
Hold onto love that is what I do now that I've found you. And from above everything's stinking, they're not ...

Cranberries - Will You Remember
Will you remember the dresse I wore? Will you remember my face? Will you remember the lipstick I wore?...

Cranberries - Yeat's Grave
Na, na na na. Na, na, na... Silenced by death in the grave, Da da da da. William Butler Yeats co...

Cranberries - Yesterday's Gone
I heard she loved you, I heard she cared, I heard she miscarried and you were scared. Did you ru...

Cranberries - You And Me
I'm not going out tonight 'cos I don't want to goI am staying at home tonight 'cos I don't want to know...

Cranberries - Zombie
Another head hangs lowly, Child is slowly taken. And the violence caused such silence, Who are w...

Crash Test Dummies - A Cigarette Is All You Get
I'm all freaked out I'm all tweaked out I'm being chased by insects And I wanna eat my cigarette...

Crash Test Dummies - Afternoons And Coffeespoons
What is it that makes me just a little bit queasy?There's a breeze that makes my breathing not so easy...

Crash Test Dummies - All Of This Ugly
I was walking through the countryAnd passing through lovely sceneryWhen I came upon some rotting remai...

Crash Test Dummies - Androgynous
Here comes Dick, he's wearing a skirtHere comes Jane you know she's sportin' a chainSame hair, a revol...

Crash Test Dummies - An Old Scab
I sit each morningLook at my empty notebookThe room is quietThe air conditioning sounds like rai...

Crash Test Dummies - At My Funeral
I'm still young, but I know my days are numbered1234567 and so onBut a time will come when these numbe...

Crash Test Dummies - A Worm's Life
Although you think me cold and slimyI've got a nice homeI've tasted your best guacamoleAnd siest...

Crash Test Dummies - Comin' Back Soon
I've all my wisdom teethTwo up top, two beneathAnd yet I'll recogniseMy mouth says things that a...

Crash Test Dummies - Get You In The Morning
I want it cheap, I want it now I want it fast, and I want it with feelingI want it deep, I want a vow ...

Crash Test Dummies - Give Yourself A Hand
Hello, Mr. Fussy Hello, Mrs. Nice Have you ever shared a bathtub Full of beer and ice?I kn...

Crash Test Dummies - God Shuffled His Feet
After seven daysHe was quite tired so God said:"Let there be a day Just for picnics, with wine a...

Crash Test Dummies - He Liked To Feel It
There was a boyWho liked to wiggle his tooth loose so he could show itAnd then we'd watchWhile h...

Crash Test Dummies - Here I Stand Before Me
My doctor told me that it was time for me to have my X rayOf course, I had many nightmares about that fatal ...

Crash Test Dummies - Here On Earth (i'll Have My Cake)
Some folks say that life is just a veil of tearsNot me man I can't pack enough into these yearsI don't...

Crash Test Dummies - How Does A Duck Know?
How does a duck know what direction south is?And how to tell his wife from all the other ducks?You can...

Crash Test Dummies - I'll Think I'll Disappear Now
Running into you like this without warningIs like catching a sniff of tequila in the morningBut I'll t...

Crash Test Dummies - I'm A Dog
I'm a dog, and I can smell your smell right through your clothesAnd I espouse some views that you yourself j...

Crash Test Dummies - I'm Outlived By That Things
I threw out a stupid common paperweightAnd it went out into the countryTo a place where other solid ob...

Crash Test Dummies - In The Days Of A Caveman
When you go on camping trips you're stuck right out in natureForaging the forests like a primateUsing ...

Crash Test Dummies - I Want To Par-tay!
Well looky here now, my oh my I got a bug stuck in my eye I feel the chill right through my coat ...

Crash Test Dummies - Just Chillin'
You said you like mixin' it up I said I don't like to chat You said you smoked the big kahunas I...

Crash Test Dummies - Just Shoot Me, Baby
Take off your mink coat, take off your muffGet on the table and show us your stuffRight here next to m...

Crash Test Dummies - Keep A Lid On Things
Who put the doggy in the doghouse?You did, baby - you didWho put your granny in the grannyhouse?...

Crash Test Dummies - Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
Once there was this kid whoGot into an accident and couldn't come to schoolBut when he finally came ba...

Crash Test Dummies - My Enemies
I sit and concentrate, and try hard not to hate my enemiesI try to picture them dressed up as furry little b...

Crash Test Dummies - My Own Sunrise
When we met, it was in the hot green jungleYour perfect flesh impervious to anything fungalYou would s...

Crash Test Dummies - Our Driver Gestures
When you start your journey, you go and meet your driverYou shake his hand, and hope he's feeling well...

Crash Test Dummies - Overachievers
Long ago, a woman prayed that her suitors beRepelled so she might serve God, be His onlyGod heard her ...

Crash Test Dummies - Pissed With Me
You try to play it cool, but you're pissed with meIn the swimming pool where you kissed with meYou're ...

Crash Test Dummies - Superman's Song
Tarzan wasn't a ladies' manHe'd just come along and scoop 'em up under his armLike that, quick as a ca...

Crash Test Dummies - Swatting Files
Now that I've used up all my ideasHere in my little house by the seaI search for a usable memory but n...

Crash Test Dummies - Swimming In Your Ocean
When I'm sampling from your bosomSometimes I suffer from distractions likeWhy does God cause things li...

Crash Test Dummies - The Country Life
Darling I've been thinking this one throughWe've been fighting like cat and dog now here's what we've go to ...

Crash Test Dummies - The Ghosts That Haunt Me
There's a skeleton in everybody's closetI can think of one or two in my own roomBut I would like to in...

Crash Test Dummies - The Psychic
She knows the future like the palm in your handShe knows your past like the lay of the landThe first t...

Crash Test Dummies - There Are Many Dangers
If your toast gets stuck in the toasterDo not put a fork in the toaster while it is hooked up, or look out...

Crash Test Dummies - The Voyage
It may be that I'd like toBut I won't fall in love with youWe won't spend the rest of our lives togeth...

Crash Test Dummies - Thick Necked Man
We're talkin' about a thick necked man in the cityBuild a pub a blood and sweatSwears by God he'll sta...

Crash Test Dummies - Two Knights And Maidens
Once there were two knights and maidensThey'd walk togetherOut in the gardensIn all kinds of wea...

Crash Test Dummies - When You Go Out With Artists
When I go out with artistsThey talk about language and the cubists and the dadaistsAnd I try to catch ...

Crash Test Dummies - Winter Song
I can't say that I miss my old dog muchAnd I've never looked back since I left home long agoBut I hope...

Crazy Town - Battle Cry
No time for words just choose sidesNo fear cause no one can hideNo room to keep this insideI'm o...

Crazy Town - B-boy 2000
This is the last trip.This is the last trip.CXT KRS-OneBoogie down, Crazy Town. [...

Crazy Town - Beautiful
Now when the shit goes down, I'm always forced to grow forced to see all the things that I still don't know ...

Crazy Town - Black Cloud
Now people say Im jinxed.I got some kind of voodoo hex.Life is so complex.Theres no telling what...

Crazy Town - Butterfly
Come my ladyCome come my ladyyou're my butterflySugar.babyCome my ladyCome com...

Crazy Town - Candy Coated
Now can you hear the cling-clang of my ball and chain gang?The sound of heavy metal that tastes like celloph...

Crazy Town - Change
Now in these cynical times Sterotypical minds Got me falling from my pinnacle the minute I climb ...

Crazy Town - Darkside
Dreamlands of dangerDarkside pleasures Bad behaviorDreamlands of dangerDarkside pleasures ...

Crazy Town - Decorated
Nothing comes from nowhere One thing remains and I swear Nail polish cellophane hair Bleached, b...

Crazy Town - Drowning
Everything is so complexEveryday is like a test full of obstaclesThat seem almost impossible...

Crazy Town - Face The Music
Now, we push rhymes, crazy rhymesWords force fed to your mind.Trace the source brother, brother....

Crazy Town - Hollywood Babylon
If you got an itch to catch some havoc.Theres mayhem in the plastic.City of La La, I mean the land of ...

Crazy Town - Lollipop Porn
Dancing with the devil on the 13th floorNon stop knocking on heavens doorThinking faster flirting with...

Crazy Town - Players (only Love You When They're Playing)
No doubt Im the one your mama Warned you aboutIm known for taking ladies homeAnd turning them ou...

Crazy Town - Revolving Door
[CHORUS:]Now Ladies come, ladies go,Out my revolving doorSome ladies never come back,...

Crazy Town - Skulls And Stars
[Chorus:]I was a skull in the ground now I'm a star in the sky I went from crawling around to b...

Crazy Town - Sorry
I'm sorry, I'm not what you are, so sorry, the ugly of it all, all my life, I was beneath you, i...

Crazy Town - Take It To The Bridge
Tripple X bottle, role models from hellLivin' our dreams we like to scream and yellWhite boys, B-Boys ...

Crazy Town - Think Fast
You Know that bitch baby he's talking shit about our clique but he don't CrazyYou see the writing on my dick...

Crazy Town - Toxic
Catch a fire, Fire it upCorrupt stirring it upIt's buring hot, drifingHitting every slot ...

Crazy Town - Waste Of My Time
She was My Heart, my soul, my girl, my life I want that shit, I'll make that sacrifice. you know I kno...

Creed - Are You Ready?
Hey, Mr. Seeker hold on to this advice If you keep seeking you will find Don't want to follow Do...

Creed - Beautiful
She wears a coat of color Loved by some, feared by others She's immortalized in young men's eyes ...

Creed - Bound And Tied
Tongue-tied, restless, and wanting Looks like you might bite, you might biteBreathin in, breathin out,...

Creed - Bullets
Walking around I hear the sounds of the earth seeking reliefI'm trying to find a reason to liveBut the...

Creed - Faceless Man
I spent a day by the river It was quiet and the wind stood stillI spent some time with nature To...

Creed - Freedom Fighter
The mouths of enviousAlways find another doorWhile at the gates of paradise they beat us down some mor...

Creed - Higher
When dreaming I'm guided to another world Time and time again At sunrise I fight to stay asleep ...

Creed - Illusion
The sun rises to another dayMy constitution keeps changing'Til it slips awaySo I lie awake and s...

Creed - I'm Eighteen
Lines form on my face and hands Lines form from the ups and downI'm in the middle without any plans...

Creed - In America
Only in AmericaWe're slaves to be freeOnly in America we kill the unbornTo make ends meetO...

Creed - Inside Us All
When I'm all alone And no one else is there Waiting by the phone To remind me I'm still he...

Creed - Is This The End?
The rage in my eyesCould have compared to the eye of a sunThen rainTook it's course through the ...

Creed - Is This The End? (acoustic Version)
The rage in my eyes Could have compared to the eye of the sunThen rage Took it's course through the ha...

Creed - Lullaby
Hush my love now don't you cryEverything will be all rightClose your eyes and drift in dreamRest...

Creed - My Own Prison
A court is in session, a verdict is inNo appeal on the docket todayJust my own sinThe walls are ...

Creed - My Sacrifice
Hello my friend, we meet againIt's been awhile, where should we begin?Feels like foreverWithin m...

Creed - Never Die
Hands on a window pane Watching some children laugh and playThey're running in circles With cand...

Creed - Ode
Hang me, watch awhileLet me see you smile as I dieTake me, as my body burnsLet me see you yearn,...

Creed - One Last Breath
Please come now I think I'm fallingI'm holding to all I think is safeIt seems I found the road to nowh...

Creed - Pity For A Dime
An artificial seasonCovered by summer rainLosing all my reasonCause there's nothing left to blam...

Creed - Roadhouse Blues
Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel Keep your eyes on the road, your hands upon the wheel...

Creed - Say I
The dust has finally settled on the field of Human Clay Just enough light has shown throughTo tell the...

Creed - Signs
This is not about ageTime served on the earth doesn't mean you grow in the mindThis is not about God...

Creed - Sister
Caught up in the middleHad no choice, had no choiceBirthright forgotten, so silentNo voice...

Creed - Stand Here With Me
You always reached out to me and helped me believeAll those memories we shareI will cherish every one ...

Creed - Torn
Peace is what they tell meLove am I unholyLies are what they tell meDespise you that control me...

Creed - To Whom It May Concern
Oh, I didn't mean to yell But sometimes I get beside myself And oh, I didn't mean to rush you Bu...

Creed - Unforgiven
I kept upWith the prophecy you spokeI kept up with the message insideLost sight of the irony...

Creed - Wash Away Those Years
She came calling One early morning She showed her crown of thorns She whispered softly To ...

Creed - Weathered
I lie awake on a long, dark nightI can't seem to tame my mindSlings and arrows are killing me inside...

Creed - What If
I can't find the rhyme in all my reason Lost sense of time and all seasonsFeel I've been beaten down ...

Creed - What's This Life For?
Hurray for a childThat makes it throughIf there's any wayBecause the answer lies in youThe...

Creed - Who's Got My Back?
Run...hideAll that was sacred to usSacred to usSee the signsThe covenant has been broken...

Creed - With Arms Wide Open
Well I just heard the news today It seems my life is going to change I closed my eyes, begin to pray ...

Creed - Wrong Way
What makes you touch? What makes you feel? What makes you stop and smell the roses in an open field? ...

Creed - Young Grow Old
He said he's falling to pieces Fighting the boy and the man Over his shoulder there was freedom ...

Crime Mob - Ain't No Joke
[Hook: repeat 8X]But alright I ain't no jokeI ain't no joke[Verse 1: Diamond]...

Crime Mob - Crunk Inc.
Ay, Crunk Incorporated. We ain't taking nuttin this year, We comin straight for ya. Talkin bout gettin crunk nigga...

Crime Mob - Ellenwood Area
[Hook (10x)]Ellenwood area fuck wit us we bury yaEllenwood area fuck wit us we bury ya...

Crime Mob - Fuck Nigga
[Intro]Yeeah (Aiight) [repeat 7x]YeeahOl' stankin ass (Hoe) Jank ass (Hoe)Su...

Crime Mob - If You Gonna Try
[Verse 1]AyeWe gon bury ya, cause Lil Jay gon bust a bitchComin wit a monster click, Elle...

Crime Mob - If You Got Ana
[Chorus:]If you got Ana well nigga lets go!Boy u dont want it cuz i am to crunk!When we g...

Crime Mob - I'll Beat Yo Azz
[Chorus][M.I.G] I'll beat yo azz[Princess] I'll beat azz[M.I.G] I'll...

Crime Mob - Knuck If You Buck
[background][chorus]Knuck if you buck boy [repeat 10x]Knuck if you buck...

Crime Mob - Put Yo Hands Up
(Let's gone run it) Dj Montaewhat's up what's up niggazthis Dj Desart Southnumber 1 mufuckin' Dj...

Crossbreed - Breathe
My last, chance at sex was simple enough where I could breathe Why can't,everthing just be a certain way to ...

Crossbreed - Concentrate
take your hands, put them in the water begin to bless yourself the waters red the cross is burning again ...

Crossbreed - Lost Soul
facing, drifting which way should it be down under beneath, the soul is lostnow absent minded i dont and i d...

Crossbreed - Machine
you - complain of breathing you cant wait to die you - just wait just wait tosuffocate you dont ...

Crossbreed - Painted Red
You're red - you're so resistant You're so intense you're red i'm slowly lifted youre painted red im down in...

Crossbreed - Pure Energy
Intercept your intellect waste the lines on all the sex intercept your intellectnothngs left to erase inside...

Crossbreed - Regretful Times
the doors open into the room a fulfilled life and a lot to regret for thesummers rays and winters cold and n...

Crossbreed - Release Me
the war that's in your mind you explained to me sounds like youre obsessed butcertainly somewhere you will f...

Crossbreed - Seasons
when desire becomes alive when it fades it becomes inactive when attached sparates cause you will not le you...

Crossbreed - Severed
You wanna feel it go Won't you color me a picture of your shallow needs together you and me will ...

Crossbreed - Stem
There's a search for you you were wished away pissing off fathers that you paidhe waived the cross it flew i...

Crossbreed - Underlined
practicing the silence muting all the sounds you hear somones getting violent cutting off all the ends you s...

Crossfade - Broken Like An Angel
She was a queenLost within a dreamMisconceived that he was fit to reignLies take victimsSe...

Crossfade - Cold
Looking back at me I seeThat I never really got it rightI never stopped to think of youI'm alway...

Crossfade - Death Trend Setta
Yea it's what I've become that I fear the most I never thought it could get so wrong.I believe there's a par...

Crossfade - Disco
You would give it all up in an instant i bet you'd torch your house with your own hands.You'd let me break y...

Crossfade - No Giving Up
So you found out today your life's not the sameNot quite as perfect as it was yesterday butWhen you we...

Crossfade - So Far Away
I've been changin' but you'll never see me now(I've been changin' but you'll never see me now)Now I'm ...

Crossfade - Starless
If only you could watch me fallI cannot feel it anymoreThe soul you cut the soul you adoreCannot...

Crossfade - The Deep End
I built my life like my bike on a rigid frameSo nothing bends it only breaks into pieces and piecesI w...

Crossfade - The Unknown
Can you hear me Can you see any part of me Can you feel me Can you bleed for me Can'...

Crucial Conflict - 1-900-off-your-square
Have you been feelin' like a laim? Have you been plaid by bitch?Do niggas mass up at tou when you come...

Crucial Conflict - 2 Bogus
[Hook: X 4]We bogus bogus and mafia!Say what? [Never]Stand tall when t...

Crucial Conflict - Airplane
[hook: repeat 2X]Keep on taking me high, so highIf they say we fly, we fly(Who dat?) Flic...

Crucial Conflict - Back Against The Wall
Y'all motherfuckers don't want to do none [x2]In the light never see a nigga like me, things co...

Crucial Conflict - Bogus Mayn
[Hook:]Can't help to be bogus mayyyynnnnn!Comin' from the C-H-IWe hollarin' FlictCa...

Crucial Conflict - Desperado
Whee-hee-hee-hee![Chorus]Desperado. Can't help it. I just can't let it ridewanted ...

Crucial Conflict - Faceless Ones
I'm catching feelings that somebody watching meTapping on my phone when I'm all alone (ain't got no privacy)...

Crucial Conflict - Hay
Sittin on a quarter 'p of hayThangs is feelin good today.I'm tore up,from the floor upSippin on ...

Crucial Conflict - I'm Bout To Explode
[hook]I'm bout to explodeI don't know when I'm gonna go, I got so much been on my mind...

Crucial Conflict - Ride The Rodeo
[Chorus]Hoochie, Coochie EverythingIt's all hidey-hoshake the partydrink forties...

Crucial Conflict - Roll Somethin'
I dont know bout y'all man but im ready to get my motherfuckin smoke onI want some of dat green shit, ...

Crucial Conflict - Scummie
[Hook:]You know it's time to get 'em onno doubt about it we gettin' scummieYou know...

Crucial Conflict - Showdown
[Threats, fighting, and drum loops in background][Chorus]Niggas laying down on the...

The Cure - 10.15 Saturday Night
10.15 Saturday nightAnd the tap dripsUnder the strip lightAnd I'm sittingIn the kitc...

The Cure - 39
So the fire is almost out and there's nothing left to burnI've run right out of thoughts and I've run right ...

The Cure - Accuracy
We sit in the same roomSide by sideI give you the wrong lines Feed youAccuracyAccura...

The Cure - A Letter To Elise
oh elise it doesn't matter what you sayi just can't stay here every yesterdaylike keep on acting out t...

The Cure - All Cats Are Grey
I never thought that I would find myselfIn bed amongst the stonesThe columns are all menBegging ...

The Cure - All I Want
Tonight I'm feeling like an animalTonight I'm howling insideTonight I'm feeling like an animalTo...

The Cure - Alt.end
Yeah it's a big bright beautiful worldJust the other side of the doorSix billion beautiful faces...

The Cure - A Night Like This
Say goodbye on a night like thisIf it's the last thing we ever doYou never looked as lost as this...

The Cure - Anniversary
A year ago today we stoodAbove this same awakening worldI held you...You never wanted me to know...

The Cure - Another Day
The sun rises slowlyOn another dayThe eastern sky grows ColdWinter in water coloursS...

The Cure - Apart
he waits for her to understandbut she won't understand at allshe waits all night for him to call...

The Cure - A Short Term Effect
MovementNo movementJust a falling birdCold as it hits the bleeding groundHe lived and died...

The Cure - A Strange Day
Give me your eyesThat I might see the blind man kissing my handsThe sun is hummingMy head turns ...

The Cure - A Thousand Hours
For how much longer can I howl into this wind?For how much longerCan I cry like this?A tho...

The Cure - At Night
Sunk deep in the nightI sink in the nightStanding alone underneath the skyI feel the chill of ic...

The Cure - Bananafishbones
Curl into a ball like you have more funThat would make it fasterWhy do you do it do you act like you?....

The Cure - Bare
If you've got something left to sayYou'd better say it nowAnything but "stay"Just say it now...

The Cure - Before Three
The happiest day I ever knewIn a sea of gold down next to youSo blurred and tired under summer sun...

The Cure - Bird Mad Girl
This girl has got a smileThat can make me cryThis girl just burns with loveShe's burning burning...

The Cure - Bloodflowers
"this dream never ends" you said"this feeling never goesThe time will never come to slip away""t...

The Cure - Catch
Yes I know who you remind me ofA girl I think I used to knowYes I'd see her when the day got colder...

The Cure - Closedown
i'm running out of time i'm out of step andclosing down and never sleep for wanting hoursthe empty hou...

The Cure - Club America
I ride into your town on a big black trojan horseI'm looking to have some funSome kind of trigger-happ...

The Cure - Cold
ScarredYour back was turned Curled like an embryoTake another faceYou will be kissed again...

The Cure - Disintegration
oh i miss the kiss of treachery the shamelesskiss of vanity the soft and the black and thevelvety up t...

The Cure - Doing The Unstuck
it's a perfect day for letting gofor setting fire to bridgesboatsand other dreary worlds you kno...

The Cure - Doubt
Stop my flight to fightAnd dieAnd take a stand to change my lifeSo savage with red desperation...

The Cure - Dressing Up
Going under slowlyIt never seems too lateGoing under so slowDressing up to kissDress...

The Cure - End
i think i've reached that pointwhere giving up and going onare both the same dead end to meare b...

The Cure - Faith
Catch me if I fallI'm losing holdI can't just carry on this wayAnd every time I turn away...

The Cure - Fight
Sometimes there's nothing to feelSometimes there's nothing to holdSometimes there's no time to run awa...

The Cure - Fire In Cairo
Slowly fading blueThe eastern hollows catchThe dying sunNight-time follows Silence and bla...

The Cure - From The Edge Of The Deep Green Sea
every time we do thisi fall for herwave after wave after waveit's all for heri know this c...

The Cure - Give Me It
Get away from meGet your fingers out of my faceThis room's so hotThis room's so hotI...

The Cure - Gone!
Oh you know how it isWake up feeling blueAnd everything that could be wrong isIncluding you...

The Cure - Grinding Halt
No lightNo peopleNo speakNo peopleNo carsNo peopleNo foodNo people...

The Cure - Hey You!!!
Hey you!!!Yes youYes you the one that looks like ChristmasCome over here and kiss meKiss m...

The Cure - Homesick
hey hey! just one more and i'll walk away allthe everything you win turns to nothing todayand i forget...

The Cure - Hot Hot Hot!!!
The first time I saw lightening strikeI saw it undergroundSix deep feet below the streetThe sky ...

The Cure - How Beautiful You Are
You want to know why I hate you?Well I'll try and explain...You remember that day in ParisWhen w...

The Cure - Icing Sugar
Your deliciousDreamingSlack jawedGreen eyedRub my nose inIcing sugarSmooth as...

The Cure - (i Don't Know What's Going) On
I don't know what's going onI am so up close to youI don't know what's going onI don't know what...

The Cure - If Only Tonight We Could Sleep
If only tonight we could sleepIn a bed made of flowersIf only tonight we could fallIn a deathles...

The Cure - In Your House
I play at night in your houseI live another lifePretending to swimIn your houseI change th...

The Cure - It's Not You
You wear your smileLike it was going out of fashionDress to inflameBut douse any ideas of passio...

The Cure - Jumping Someone Else's Train
Don't say what you meanYou might spoil your faceIf you walk in the crowdYou won't leave any trac...

The Cure - Jupiter Crash
She follows me down to the sound of the seaSlips to the sand and stares up at me"is this how it happen...

The Cure - Just One Kiss
I remember the time that you rained all nightThe queen of Siam in my armsRemember the time that the is...

The Cure - Killing An Arab
Standing on the beachWith a gun in my handStaring at the seaStaring at the sandStaring dow...

The Cure - Kyoto Song
A nightmare of youOf death in the poolWakes me up at quarter to threeI'm lying on the floor of t...

The Cure - Labyrinth
Say it's the same sun spinning in the same skySay it's the same stars streaming in the same nightTell ...

The Cure - Lament
Today there was a tragedyUnderneath the bridgeA man walkedCold and blueInto La MentT...

The Cure - Last Dance
i'm so glad you came i'm so gladyou remembered to see how we're endeding our lastdance together expect...

The Cure - Like Cockatoos
She walked out of her houseAnd looked aroundAt all the gardens that lookedBack at her house...

The Cure - Lost
I can't find myselfI can't find myselfI can't find myselfI can't find myselfIn the head of...

The Cure - M
Hello imageSing me a line from your favourite songTwist and turnBut you're trapped in the light...

The Cure - Maybe Someday
No I won't do it again, I don't want to pretendIf it can't be like before I've got to let it endI don'...

The Cure - Meathook
I went into the butchersI said wanted wanted wanted someMeatPassMe some of that steak over...

The Cure - Mint Car
The sun is upI'm so happy I could scream!And there's nowhere else in the world I'd rather beThan...

The Cure - Never
She wants so much to please me she always does it rightShe wants so much to please me all day and every nigh...

The Cure - Numb
Yeah this is how it endsAfter all these yearsTired of it allHopelessly helplessly broken apart...

The Cure - Object
You know you turn me onEyes so white and legs so longBut don't try to talk to meI won't listen t...

The Cure - One Hundred Years
It doesn't matter if we all dieAmbition in the back of a black carIn a high building there is so much ...

The Cure - One More Time
I'd love to touch the sky tonightI'd love to touch the skySo take me in your armsAnd lift me lik...

The Cure - Open
i really don't know what i'm doing herei really think i should've gone to bed tonight but...just one d...

The Cure - Other Voices
Whisper your name in an empty roomYou brush past my skinAs soft as furTaking holdI taste y...

The Cure - Out Of This World
When we look back at it all as I know we willYou and me, wide eyedI wonder...Will we really reme...

The Cure - Piggy In The Mirror
Shapes in the drink like christCracks in the pale blue wallI'm walking slowly and quickly butAlw...

The Cure - Plainsong
"i think it's dark and it looks like rain" you said"and the wind is blowing like it's the end of thewo...

The Cure - Plastic Passion
Plastic passion is a hard to handlePlastic passion is a sold out scandalOh it's a plastic passion...

The Cure - Play For Today
It's not a case of doing what's rightIt's just the way I feel that mattersTell me I'm wrongI don...

The Cure - Pornography
A hand in my mouthA life spills into the flowersWe all look so perfectAs we all fall downI...

The Cure - Prayers For Rain
you shatter me your grip on me a hold on meso dull it kills you stifle me infectious sense ofhopelessn...

The Cure - Primary
The innocence of sleeping childrenDressed in whiteAnd slowly dreamingStops all timeSlow my...

The Cure - Push
Go go goPush him awayNo no noDon't let him stayHe gets inside to stare at herT...

The Cure - Return
Oh I really love it here!Oh you've thought of it all!Candlelight! coconut ice! and fur on the floor!...

The Cure - Round And Round And Round...
Round and round and round and round and round we goTrying so hard to get a hold of everyone hereWe've ...

The Cure - Screw
When you screw up your eyesWhen you screw up your faceWhen you throw out your armsAnd keep chang...

The Cure - Secrets
SecretsShare with another girlTalking all night in a roomAll nightEverything slowing down...

The Cure - Seventeen Seconds
Time slips awayAnd the light begins to fadeAnd everything is quiet nowFeeling is goneAnd t...

The Cure - Shake Dog Shake
Ha ha haWake up in the darkThe after-taste of anger in the back of my mouthSpit it on the wall...

The Cure - Shiver And Shake
You're just a waste of timeYou're just a babbling faceYou're just three sick holes that run like sores...

The Cure - Siamese Twins
I chose an eternity of thisLike falling angelsThe world disappearedLaughing into the fireI...

The Cure - Sinking
I am slowing downAs the years go byI am sinkingSo I trick myselfLike everybody else...

The Cure - Six Different Ways
This is stranger than I thoughtSix different ways inside my heartAnd everyone I'll keep tonightS...

The Cure - So What?
Cake icing and decorating setSpecial offerOnly 3 pound 30Save 1 pound 52 on recommended retail p...

The Cure - Speak My Language
It was only yesterdayWaving arms across the streetYour white face left me blueHow can I say all ...

The Cure - Strange Attraction
It started with a dedication"lost in admiration - happy birthday - I'm forever yours - blossom"Faded r...

The Cure - Subway Song
Midnight in the subwayShe's on her way homeShe tries hard not to runBut she feels she's not alon...

The Cure - Taking Off
Tomorrow I can start againWith back to earth and carry onThe same as I did yesterdayYeah I'll pi...

The Cure - The 13th
"Everyone feels good in the room" she swings"Two chord cool in the head" she sings"A-buzz a-buzz a-buz...

The Cure - The Baby Screams
HeavenGive me a signWaiting for the sun to shinePleasure fills up my dreamsAnd I love it...

The Cure - The Blood
Tell me who doesn't loveWhat can never come backYou can never forget how it used to feelThe illu...

The Cure - The Dream
You're too far awayToo far away to touchAnd this mother's love inside meHurts too muchPret...

The Cure - The Drowning Man
She stands twelve feet above the floodShe staresAloneAcross the waterThe loneliness ...

The Cure - The Empty World
As stiff as toys And tall as menAnd swaying like the wind torn treesShe talked about the empty w...

The Cure - The End Of The World
Go if you want toI never try to stop you know there's a reasonFor all of this you're feeling low...

The Cure - The Figurehead
Sharp and openLeave me aloneAnd sleeping less every nightAs the days become heavier and weighted...

The Cure - The Funeral Party
Two pale figuresAche in silenceTimelessIn the quiet groundSide by sideIn age and sad...

The Cure - The Hanging Garden
Creatures kissing in the rainShapeless in the dark againIn the hanging gardenPlease don't speak...

The Cure - The Holy Hour
I kneel and wait in silenceAs one by one the people slip awayInto the nightThe quiet and empty b...

The Cure - The Kiss
Kiss me kiss me kiss meYour tongue is like poisonSo swollen it fills up my mouthLove me lo...

The Cure - The Last Day Of Summer
Nothing I amNothing I dreamNothing is newNothing I think or believe in or sayNothing is tr...

The Cure - The Loudest Sound
Side by side in silenceThey pass away the daySo comfortable, so habitual...And so nothing left t...

The Cure - The Perfect Girl
You're such a strange girlI think you come from another worldYou're such a strange girlI really ...

The Cure - The Promise
How time will healMake me forgetYou promised meTime will healMake me forgetYou promi...

The Cure - There Is No If...
Remember the first time I told you I love you -It was raining hard and you never heard -You sneezed! a...

The Cure - The Same Deep Water As You
kiss me goodbye pushing out before i sleepcan't you see i try swimming the same deepwater as you is ha...

The Cure - The Snakepit
Well we're a mile under the groundAnd I'm thinking that it's ChristmasAnd I'm kissing you hardLi...

The Cure - The Top
I don't careIf only I could say thatAnd not feel so sick and scaredI don't careIf only I c...

The Cure - The Upstairs Room
I love it allThese games we playI close my eyesYou run awayI'm sure I asked you to stay...

The Cure - This Is A Lie
How each of us decidesI've never been sureThe part we playThe way we areHow each of us den...

The Cure - Three Imaginary Boys
Walk across the garden In the footsteps of my shadowSee the lights outNo one's homeIn amon...

The Cure - Torture
I'm in the room without a lightThe room without a viewI'm here for one more treacherous nightAno...

The Cure - To Wish Impossible Things
remember how it used to bewhen the sun would fill up the skyremember how we used to feelthose da...

The Cure - Trap
Drowning like a fly in my drinkYou drone about being on the brinkBut I really don't care what you thin...

The Cure - Treasure
She whispers"please remember meWhen I am gone from here"She whispers"please remember me...

The Cure - Trust
there's no-one left in the worldthat i can hold ontothere is really no-one left at allthere is o...

The Cure - Untitled
hopelessly drift in the eyes of the ghost againdown on my knees and my hands in the air againpushing m...

The Cure - Us Or Them
There is no terror in my heartDeath is with us allWe suck him down with our first breathAnd spit...

The Cure - Wailing Wall
The holy city breathedLike a dying manIt moved with hopeful tears With the tears of the blind...

The Cure - Want
I'm always wanting moreAnything I haven't gotEverythingI want it allI just can't stop...

The Cure - Watching Me Fall
I've been watching me fall for it seems like yearsWatching me grow small, I watch me disappearSlipping...

The Cure - Wendy Time
you look like you could do with a friend she saidyou look like you could use a handsomeone to make you...

The Cure - Where The Birds Always Sing
The world is neither fair nor unfairThe idea is just a way for us to understandBut the world is neithe...

The Cure - World War
Dressed in Berlin blackI was only playingDisguise my words to fool youFrom what I was saying...

Custom - Beat Me
if i'm not the crack of the corkand the shot in the arm acrossthe room like a four alarmsome kin...

Custom - Hey Mister
Hey Mister I really like your daughter,I'd like to eat her like ice cream Maybe dip her in chocolate ...

Custom - Like You
Sitting in an empty houseOn a simple chair in the cornerOf an empty roomOn a wooden floorW...

Custom - Mess
You dont really want to get involved in my lifeits kinda scary like a slurpee brain frezze,you d...

Custom - Morning Spank
you lie and cheat i might have to beat you you stab my back i might put the heat to you dont drag your feet you...

Cyndi Lauper - 911
There's a riot in the kitchen and the bed's on fireThere's a locket in my pocket that I can't findOh I...

Cyndi Lauper - All Through The Night
All through the nightI'll be awake and I'll be with youAll through the night This precious time ...

Cyndi Lauper - A Night To Remember
I look out my windowInto the pouring rainI wish I could tell youThat I stopped hearing your name...

Cyndi Lauper - Anna Blue
Anna Blue ohAnna Blue ohAnnaNot me, not youJust time and a sighOn a line look ...

Cyndi Lauper - A Part Hate
Somber sisterThis is a strange and bitter fruitBecause you taught me to sing And the rhythm in m...

Cyndi Lauper - At Last
At last my love has come along my lonely days over and life is like a song Ooh At la...

Cyndi Lauper - Ballad Of Cleo And Joe
Every day the clock kicks off the beat.Little Joe struggles just to get up on his feet.Waits in his pl...

Cyndi Lauper - Boy Blue
You never knew yourself well enoughBut she never knew you at allAnd when she put you out on your own...

Cyndi Lauper - Brimstone And Fire
I met a woman at the laundry matShe left her sock in my dryerI met a woman in a yellow capIt sai...

Cyndi Lauper - Broken Glass
Ever since I could understandMy mother said to me"Don't you ever let a man hit you,Don't you gro...

Cyndi Lauper - Calm Inside The Storm
I can get upOn the right side of the bedBut that won't stop the rainFrom coming down on my head...

Cyndi Lauper - Can't Blame Me
Baby I want theLove you been savin'Tell me the truthBoy why you been waitin'Oh, oh, oh, oh...

Cyndi Lauper - Change Of Heart
Here I amJust like I said I would beI'm your friendJust like you think it should beDid you...

Cyndi Lauper - Christmas Conga
It's time to make the Christmas punchLet's hang the streamers from the ceilingBring out the old cheer...

Cyndi Lauper - Comfort You
Lot of havoc in the seaPeople rushing endlesslySometimes I think it's just their way Of capturin...

Cyndi Lauper - Cut Out
Wo, woWo, woWo, woWo, woCut outCut outCut outCut out ...

Cyndi Lauper - Dancing With A Stranger
Holding on to the rhythmI'm standing in my leather and lacePeople move to the left, andMove to t...

Cyndi Lauper - Dear John
Dear John,What's wrong ? Why can't you just be anything you want ?Why not ? Why not ? I tried to...

Cyndi Lauper - December Child
[Chorus:]Close your eyes December ChildAnd dream a while my little son and moonMay the st...

Cyndi Lauper - Early Christmas Morning
Listen to the children singWatch them dancing all 'round the Christmas tree ...Waiting for the opening...

Cyndi Lauper - Eventually
I met a man And talked about youHe seemed like a man from Osaka I knew And he listened while I t...

Cyndi Lauper - Everybody's Got An Angel
Don't worry, everybody's got an angelSooner or later somebody's gonna love you wellThere's no hurry...

Cyndi Lauper - Fade
I think I'm walkin' down your streetI sense a silent shuffle to my heartbeatWhy cry, I'll just fade...

Cyndi Lauper - Fall Into Your Dreams
Little baby, on my shoulderI could fall into your dreams ...Wrap myself up, all around youTill y...

Cyndi Lauper - Fearless
Sometimes I'm afraid when you goSometimes I'm afraid when you come homeUnderneath it all ...I th...

Cyndi Lauper - Feels Like Christmas
If you want to see me Don't break down and cryI can be your sweetieIf you be a friend of mine...

Cyndi Lauper - Hat Full Of Stars
I was folding up your letters Unpacking winter clothesSearching for my hat I thought I left it b...

Cyndi Lauper - Heading West
I drop my hatTo a restless windThis time I'm not gonna chase it againIn a jigsaw dream with soft...

Cyndi Lauper - He's So Unusual
You talk of sweeties bashful sweetiesI've got one of thoseOh he's handsome as can beBut he worri...

Cyndi Lauper - Higher Plane
Wake MeShake meCome on take meTo a Higher PlaneMake the music and the rhythmCarry me...

Cyndi Lauper - Hole In My Heart (all The Way To China)
I've got a ticket, no turning backMy destination...The sea of trouble, the land of painYou're se...

Cyndi Lauper - Home On Christmas Day
Sitting in some hotel roomSome place far awaySaw a shop light screaming ChristmasBought your pre...

Cyndi Lauper - Hot Gets A Little Cold
Heaven,You say it could be heaven ...But I don't really know ...Lovers come and go ...When...

Cyndi Lauper - Hymn To Love
If the sky should fall into the seaAnd the stars fade all around meAll the times that we have known he...

Cyndi Lauper - I Don't Want To Be Your Friend
I don't wanna see your faceI don't wanna hear your nameI don't wanna thingJust stay away baby...

Cyndi Lauper - I Drove All Night
I had to escapeThe city was sticky and cruelMaybe I should have called you firstBut I was dying ...

Cyndi Lauper - I Had A Love
I had a loveSweeter than you'll knowOh I had a lifetime in a momentHe was a boyI loved so ...

Cyndi Lauper - Iko Iko
My grand-ma and your grand-ma wereSit-tin' by the fire. - My grand-ma toldYour grand-ma: "I'm gon-na s...

Cyndi Lauper - I'll Kiss You
Went down to the local gypsyAnd I handed her the same line -'You know what I want from youSo hon...

Cyndi Lauper - I'm Gonna Be Strong
I can seeYou're slipping away from meAnd you're so afraidThat I'll plead with you to stayB...

Cyndi Lauper - Insecurious
I want to know if I'm something to youHey, I know I'm not your typeI may come on just a little too str...

Cyndi Lauper - In The Bleak Midwinter
In the bleak midwinterFrosty wind made moanEarth stood hard as ironWater like a stoneSnow ...

Cyndi Lauper - It's Hard To Be Me
You see me everywhere, in my underwearYou may wonder what I'm here to sellBut underneath my stare, I'm...

Cyndi Lauper - Just The Other Day
Just the other day-I heard you walked out on herJust the other day-I heard it's not forever...

Cyndi Lauper - Kindred Spirit
If you think you're hearing somethingAnd you can't think what it isIf you feel a quiet longingLi...

Cyndi Lauper - Late
My oh my it's a quarter to eightDon't shoot me down dreamboat I'm a late dateDon't ask me no questions...

Cyndi Lauper - La Vie En Rose
Hold me close and hold me fast The magic spell you castThis is la vie en roseWhen you kiss...

Cyndi Lauper - Lies
The street lightThrough my windowMakes me feel secureThere's no one to distract meI'm lock...

Cyndi Lauper - Like A Cat
I lived in your shadowI drove your carYou thought I belonged in your four wallsI was never your ...

Cyndi Lauper - Like I Used To
I know you expected meTo act just like a schoolgirlFollowed your rulesJust like a foolWrap...

Cyndi Lauper - Lorraine
Long ago a lonely man stoodOff of a quiet avenueA pretty girl in passing chanced to lookThat's w...

Cyndi Lauper - Love To Hate
Fashion fascists out in droves,Some with powder up their nose ...And the money men who had to steal aw...

Cyndi Lauper - Madonna Whore
What are you thinking when you're looking at meWhat can you tell me of reality?I'm only woman... not j...

Cyndi Lauper - Makin' Whoopee
Another bride, another June Another sunny honeymoonAnother season, another reasonFor makin' whoo...

Cyndi Lauper - Maybe He'll Know (first Version)
Maybe he'll knowI'm not so sureMaybe he'll knowMaybe he'll be my cureah, ah, ah....

Cyndi Lauper - Maybe He'll Know (second Version)
Oh oh, oh oh, oh ohMaybe he'll knowI'm not so sureMaybe he'll know, wellMaybe he'll ...

Cyndi Lauper - Minnie And Santa
Worked with a woman named MinnieOne Christmas eve long agoWhen I asked "What you doing this evening ?"...

Cyndi Lauper - Money Changes Everything
She said I'm sorry baby I'm leaving you tonightI found someone new he's waitin' in the car outsideAh h...

Cyndi Lauper - Mother
Over land and over seaShe reaches out to meWeaving and threading the loomFrom womb to womb...

Cyndi Lauper - My Baby Just Cares For Me
My baby don't care for showsMy baby don't care for clothesMy baby just cares for meMy baby don't...

Cyndi Lauper - My First Night Without You
I'm driving home from workKnowing you're not thereI used to hurry homeNow I don't even care...

Cyndi Lauper - New Year's Baby (first Lullaby)
When I first saw you you looked alienLike someone in mid danceLike a little old manWhen you firs...

Cyndi Lauper - One Track Mind
Ah, ahAh, ah(Got a one track mind)Something's happeningI want everything...

Cyndi Lauper - Primitive
My heart keeps beating me to deathI see you move and I can't catch my breathI want to touch you with m...

Cyndi Lauper - Product Of Misery
She's just a product of misery...Everyday she'd go aroundEverytime I see that frownBroken ...

Cyndi Lauper - Rather Be With You
Sometimes I look at youFeel like I make you blueWish I could make us all brand newWish I had som...

Cyndi Lauper - Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree
Rockin' Around the Christmas TreeAt the Christmas party hopMistletoe hung where you can seeEvery...

Cyndi Lauper - Sally's Pigeons
When I was eight I had a friendWith a pirate smileMake believe and play pretendWe were innocent ...

Cyndi Lauper - Say A Prayer
Say a prayer for all the souls in bloom cut downFar too soon under the scarlet moon ...Under the scarl...

Cyndi Lauper - Searching
Feel like I'm crawling on my bellyLonging and glad ...Excited at prospects, Humbled and mad...

Cyndi Lauper - Shine
Shine I'll stand by youDon't try and push me away'cause I'm just gonna stayYou can shine I won't...

Cyndi Lauper - Silent Night
Silent night, holy nightAll is calm, all is brightRound yon virgin mother and childHoly infant s...

Cyndi Lauper - Sisters Of Avalon
Felt someone calling me into the howling of the wind.I heard the reflection of a sound echoing through my sk...

Cyndi Lauper - Someone Like Me
Midnight falls on the snow-lit treesAnd as I stand inside I know that I Can't watch life through a win...

Cyndi Lauper - Stay
People stay just a little bit longer We want to play - just a little bit longerNow the promoter don't ...

Cyndi Lauper - Sunny Side Of The Street
Grab your coat and get your hat Leave your worries on the doorstepLife can be so sweetOn the sun...

Cyndi Lauper - Take A Chance
I wanna run my fingers through your hairSqueeze your hand and tell you that I carePark in the dark and...

Cyndi Lauper - That's What I Think
Sometimes I thinkThings are overwhelmingSometimes I thinkI don't know what I'll doBut I fo...

Cyndi Lauper - The Faraway Nearby
Out in the faraway nearbyCan your hear my callOut in the faraway nearbyI'm breaking down the wal...

Cyndi Lauper - This Kind Of Love
This kind of love ain't rightWon't take us through the nightThis kind of love's not trueNot good...

Cyndi Lauper - Three Ships
[Chorus:]I saw three ships come sailing inOn Christmas day, on Christmas dayI saw three s...

Cyndi Lauper - Unchained Melody
Whoa! My love, my darling, I hunger for your touch,Alone. Lonely time.And time goes by, so slowl...

Cyndi Lauper - Unconditional Love
I wanna fall into you And I wanna be everything You want me to But I'm not sure I know how ...

Cyndi Lauper - Unhook The Stars
Just when everything's in order and good, things fall apartJust when life should be resolving I'm back at th...

Cyndi Lauper - Until You Come Back To Me
Though you don't call anymore I sit and wait in vain I guess I'll rap on your door Tap on your w...

Cyndi Lauper - Waiting For Valentino
When I was young, way back in Sicilyyou should have seen meMy hair then was long There was...

Cyndi Lauper - Walk On By
If you see me walking down the street And I start to cry each time we meetWalk on by, walk on by...

Cyndi Lauper - Water's Edge
I went to the water's edge, forgot I couldn't swimI went to the water's edge, all ready to jump inI sa...

Cyndi Lauper - What's Going On
Mother, motherThere's too many of you cryingBrother, brother, brotherThere's far too many of you...

Cyndi Lauper - When You Were Mine
When u were mineI gave u all of my moneyTime after timeU done me wrongCause, just like a t...

Cyndi Lauper - Who Let In The Rain
Things like thisCan always take a little timeI always thoughtWe'd be together down the line...

Cyndi Lauper - Who Let In The Rain (new Version)
Things like thisCan always take a little timeI always thoughtWe'd be together down the line...

Cyndi Lauper - Wide Open
I used to stand in my doorstepI used to dance in the rainI used to cast out wishesThat never cam...

Cyndi Lauper - Witness
You're sorry nowAnd you'll change some how -And I am what you need to get out, but -I don't wann...

Cyndi Lauper - Yeah Yeah
Through the burning sunAnd the driving rainOver the seaAnd across the plainOh I'll ask you...

Cyndi Lauper - You Don't Know
You don't know where you belongYou should be more carefulAs you follow blindly along ...You just...

Cypress Hill - 16 Men Till There's No Men Left
Ladies and gentlemenWe would like to present to youa group that is simply just marvelous, just marvelo...

Cypress Hill - A Man
[Sen Dog]Don't let nobody treat me like crapI'm pullin heads off sharp and smack em off francs...

Cypress Hill - Amplified
[Intro]["Say what?" scratched repeatedly][Sen Dog]I be that, short-te...

Cypress Hill - Another Body Drops
[Verse One]My first missionRunning through the hood with small jacksMy memories popping i...

Cypress Hill - Another Victory
Get ready motherfuckers!You can't fuck with the [spanish] Please no interruptions Y...

Cypress Hill - Bitter
[B-Real]I lost my innocence at birth but I make no excusesfor the trivial things and the pain l...

Cypress Hill - Busted In The Hood
[B-Real]WELLLLLLLLLLLLLL... here's a little story, I got to tellAbout a thugged out homey, I kn...

Cypress Hill - Can I Get A Hit
Handle it, handle itYou know, motherfuckers need to have some weed etiqueteTrue, trueYou see, mo...

Cypress Hill - Can't Get The Best Of Me
[Sen Dog]Hell nah, you can't handle a man of my superior strengthI've been rockin for years, no...

Cypress Hill - Catastrophe
[B-Real]I slay punks who don't know their own identityYou spit my name and use it like an obsce...

Cypress Hill - Certified Bomb
[B-Real]Call me the serial rhyme killerMic-cord strangling, mangling, tangling, you in the web ...

Cypress Hill - Checkmate
[Sen Dog]Bout to mash these niggaz manDon't come in my backyard motherfuckerHahaha, B-Rea...

Cypress Hill - Clash Of The Titans
[Zeus:] "Make certain that no stone standsThat no creature crawlsI command you to let lose the ...

Cypress Hill - Cuban Necktie
[Verse 1]I do it to ya all like in your earhole, cuzI'ma "Goodfella" just like Deniro, punk...

Cypress Hill - Dead Men Tell No Tales
[B-Real]Pam Pa Ra Ra [4x]Any die, if the beholder the soldier begins to bore...

Cypress Hill - Dr. Dedoverde (dr. Greenthumb)
[B-Real]Hola me dicen Dedoverde (hola!)Deja te explico de donde vineEn los montes donde c...

Cypress Hill - Dr. Greenthumb
[a short skit opens the beginning of the song]Hello, I'm Dr. GreenthumbHave you ever had the pr...

Cypress Hill - Dust
When people stare at the scene like a machine of the teamlooking for theme between cracks searching for crea...

Cypress Hill - From The Window Of My Room
[B-Real]Now lately I've been findin myself, pourin my guts outExpressin my thoughts, lettin my ...

Cypress Hill - (goin' All Out) Nothin' To Lose
[B-Real]I got nothin to lose, I'm goin all outThe deuce never stop, I refuse to play by the rul...

Cypress Hill - Here Is Something You Can't Understand
[Intro - Kurupt]Yeah bitchDogpound and Cypress you fuckersWhat you think about that...

Cypress Hill - Highlife
[B-Real]I rolled you up like my RizlaCut you up, with my sistersYou wanna get us - yeah, ...

Cypress Hill - High Times
Now this some baaad weeed... [B'Real:]The very first time I hit the weed I was young...

Cypress Hill - Ilusiones (illusions)
[B-Real]Hay mucha gente que me diceQue no valgo madre y no voy hacerNada porque me critic...

Cypress Hill - It Ain't Easy
[B-Real]I remember times I hustle, times I struggleTimes I had to get over the everyday shuffle...

Cypress Hill - Jack You Back
[B-Real]You're a lost soul rollin down the streetHustlin, scramblin, money you eatYou wan...

Cypress Hill - Latin Lingo
Maagghhh, let's start the fuckin show, ah?[Sen Dog]Freak to the funk that no-one else is ...

Cypress Hill - L.i.f.e.
[Bobo]Once againWe're backIt's the big bad Cypress HillYou know what time it is...

Cypress Hill - Lightning Strikes
"Attention all personnelThe time has come!Attention all personnelAttention all personnel"...

Cypress Hill - Loco En El Coco
[B-Real]Para ese que se hace, pero nunca ganaTira ese jamon en la palaY gana como rana, r...

Cypress Hill - Looking Through The Eye Of A Pig
[B-Real]I wake up every morning, kiss my wife goodbyeHug my kids, tell em I love em, my mouth, ...

Cypress Hill - Marijuano Locos (stoned Raiders)
[Intro: Sen Dog]... y que cabron... me vale... a huevo...Tonces pues, pa mi clicka digoLa...

Cypress Hill - Memories
As I sit in my silver stack thinking about way backEven before I started blazing the chronic sackI was...

Cypress Hill - Muevete (make A Move)
[B-Real]Quemando putos que se creen mazisosDejando ceniza, tu no quieres ser laVictima de...

Cypress Hill - Never Know
[Chorus 2X]You never knowI just might die tonight so lets get hight tonightMight try to f...

Cypress Hill - No Entiendes La Onda (how I Could Just Kill A Man)
[Sen Dog]Esto es un poquito del poder del grupo Cypress HillSabes lo que te digo? Te voy a dar ...

Cypress Hill - Once Again
[Intro - samples + vocals]"Once again!"[B-Real] Once again it's Cypress Hill"Once ...

Cypress Hill - One Last Cigarette
(Fuck you motherfucker! Untie me from this chair manYou better untie me from this chair niggaYou know ...

Cypress Hill - Psychodelic Vision
[Intro 4x]Lalalala-lala-lalala[B-Real]I'll admit, I was a wild seed when I w...

Cypress Hill - Puercos (pigs)
[B-Real]Este puerco se bajo con nosotrosEste trabaja en la estacionEste mato a mi compa...

Cypress Hill - Red, Meth & B
Y'all ready for this?Ha! I don't think so!Yeah! Oh, listen to this!We gonna come at ya!...

Cypress Hill - Riot Starter
[TV Reporter 1]"We understand all of the officers in the Central Divisionhave been ordered to w...

Cypress Hill - Rock/rap Superstar
[chorus:][B Real]So you wanna be a rap/rock superstar, and live largea big house, ...

Cypress Hill - Stank Ass Hoe
[Sen Dog]Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Once again, ha ha ha We back, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

Cypress Hill - Street Wars
[church bells gong][Verse One: B-Real]As a kid, I was known, son of a thugSn...

Cypress Hill - Tequila Sunrise
[Intro: B-Real and Sen Dog][B-Real:] Mira joven... si busco a alguien, que mueva product...

Cypress Hill - Tequila (tequila Sunrise)
[Sen Dog:] Pa la salud![B-Real:] Pa la salud... primero yo[Sen Dog:] Primero uste...

Cypress Hill - Till Death Comes
[Chorus 2X]My game so strong, I can't go wrongMy dough so long, baby why prolongBaby we g...

Cypress Hill - Till Death Do Us Part
[B-Real]How many times have we been thru thisI can tell you that it's getting harder everytime ...

Cypress Hill - Tres Equis
[Sen Dog] Conozco una muchacha y ella es finaTremendos cocos y tambien es lindaA veces me...

Cypress Hill - Trouble
[B-Real]It's been a while nowBeen around the block many miles Many faces, many places ...

Cypress Hill - Tu No Ajaunta (checkmate)
[Sen Dog]Ahi vamos caballero, ese el negro lo correctaNo me llames policia porque nada te prote...

Cypress Hill - Valley Of Chrome
[B-Real]You can't hide from the man with the master planHuntin for your head "How I Could Just ...

Cypress Hill - Weed Man
[Inhale, exhale repeated throughout intro][Intro: B-Real]You know, there are times...

Cypress Hill - We Live This Shit
[Chorus: Sen Dog]Eastside L.A. Cypress Hill all daySpark the lahWe live this ...

Cypress Hill - What U Want From Me
[B-Real]Huh, what you want?What you want?Want you want from me?Tell me what, tell m...

Cypress Hill - Worldwide
[Verse 1: Sen-Dog]You better hope I'm chained up, shackled with a yardI'll snatch you by the ne...

Cypress Hill - Yo Quiero Fumar (i Wanna Get High)
[Chorus: repeat 4X]Yo quiero fumar... mota[B-Real]Mucha gente me decia...

D12 - 40 Oz
[Intro (background "WHAT! WHAT! WHAT!")]Yeah nigga! It's D12 up in this motherfucker!You know h...

D12 - 6 In The Morning
[Intro: Eminem]Good morninHaha, wake your mother fuckin asses upYo what is the what?...

D12 - Act A Fool
[Proof]Niggas bite what they cant be The rich throw what they cant eat Niggas you aint sw...

D12 - Activity As Phuctivity
Check it out This is my shit fo real Its gunna be off tha hook Peep this out The Kon Artis...

D12 - Aint Nuttin' But Music
[Eminem]It's shit like this I kick to these rich white kidsWho just might see how fucked up thi...

D12 - American Psycho
[Eminem]I'm the devil - if ever there was such a thingThe results of much too many drugs what y...

D12 - American Psycho 2
[Chorus - B-Real]I'm a little bit off the chain, you can call me insane, but the fact remains T...

D12 - Amityville
(kill kill kill)Dahh-dum, dahh-dum.. dumDahh-dum, dahh-dum, duh-da-da-da-da(kill kill kill)...

D12 - Another Public Service Announcement
[Bass Brother]OkThis is another Public service announcement Brought to you in part....

D12 - Bad News
[Chorus]Brigade jump on a couple of punksNigga, we bad news(We bad news, nigga)To b...

D12 - Bitch
[Intro: Eminem]Bitches always be all... gigglin and shit. (come on BITCH)But they get mad when ...

D12 - Bizarre (skit)
[Bizarre]Man did you see that hoe with them big tities?[Kuniva]Yo nigga what...

D12 - Bizarre (skit) (d12 World)
[Nasty Minds D12 Background]Shit dog,Hahaha[Swifty Mcvay]I jus told hi...

D12 - Blow My Buzz
[Swifty McVay]Hmm, yeahThis just one of them days when yo' ass just wanna chill outand mo...

D12 - Bring Our Boys
[IQ]Your fakeness is atrocious post is deep in your hypnosis then focus roll this ...

D12 - Bugz' 97
[Bugz]Fuck that!Who run shit, watch these drums hit You dove head first into some old dum...

D12 - Chance To Advance
[Gun shots followed by screaming][Proof:]Pow-pow! Straight off the corral No...

D12 - Cock And Squeeze
[Bugz]Gimme some hashand when i trip nigga gimme ya maskthen after that lend me your mack...

D12 - D12 World
[Intro]Welcome to D12 World!Where you can get anything from sex, X, to girls.Welcome to D...

D12 - Devils Night
[Eminem]I make music to make you sick of fake musicHate music like devil worshippin Satan music...

D12 - Down Low
[Bizarre]Yeah... This is dedicated to the big broads.I'm involved with this lady an...

D12 - Dude (skit)
[Kuniva]That shit was off the hook.That shit was hype ass hell [Bizarre]I'm ...

D12 - Fight Music
[Chorus: Eminem]This kind of music, use it, and you get amped to do shitWhenever you hear some ...

D12 - Filthy
Fuck fat ass nasty dirty niggas FILTH, Shit, Fuckin filth yeeaLalalalalala [Proof]A...

D12 - Fuck Battlin
[Kon Artis]You wont last long like weed in brass bongs Just another fag on sum sad bitch ass so...

D12 - Get Back
[Eminem]Get back, get backYou better get back, get back, backYou better get back, g...

D12 - Get My Gun
[Eminem]I'm gonna get my gun![Eminem:] This motherfucker wants to disrespect me?...

D12 - Get The Dick
[Hook]Them niggas tried to rob meCould get the dickAll them bitches tried to play me...

D12 - Girls
[Eminem]Hey yo dawgI got some shit on my motherfuckin chest thatI need to get off cause, ...

D12 - Good Die Young
[Intro]Dawg....I shouldn't have left, They wouldn't have tried this shit if I was wit yaMaybe w...

D12 - How People Get Fucked Up
This is how it happens to youThat's how people get fucked upThis is how it happens to youThat's ...

D12 - I'll Be Damned
[Proof - Intro]Yeeaah! This is DJ Seven Deuce, live atClub Runyan, where all girls with burgund...

D12 - Instigator
[cut 'n scratched: "I'm an instigator" -> Swifty McVay][Chorus: Swifty McVay]"I'm ...

D12 - I Remember
Your Mother! You fuckin faggot There once was a man who liked to jump around But he got to...

D12 - Just Like U
Daddy?[Chorus x4:]I wanna be just like youWhen I grow up. Yes I do[V...

D12 - Keep Talkin'
[Intro- Bizarre]Yea Detroit mother fucker DJ Green Lantern (the evil genious) D12 ...

D12 - Leave Dat Boy Alone
[Chorus: Eminem]Yall better leave dat boy aloneCuz if they dontYou know they goin come ba...

D12 - Lies & Rumors
[CHORUS:]They say that one little lie turns into another. Then you go and cheatBy the time you ...

D12 - Maxine
Maxine!! [Phone Rings][Maxine:] Hello[Kon:] Can I speak to Maxine?...

D12 - My Ballz
[Intro - Eminem]Ballz, Ballz, Ballz [x2]You'll never touch my...[Chorus -...

D12 - My Band
[Intro]I don't know dude...I think everyone's all jealous and shit cuz I'm like the lead singer...

D12 - My Words Are Weapons
[Chorus x 2]My words are weapons (I use em to crush my opponents) My words are weapons ...

D12 - Nasty Minds
[girl giggling] Stop!You want me to do what? What are those?You want me to stick those in your ...

D12 - No One's Iller Than Me
[Bizarre]Yeah...ha ha ha (BANG!), Yeah, Bizarre Kid comin' at youEminem and Fuzz, and Mr. Swift...

D12 - No Rubber
[Bizarre]So Funky!! Dj Butters stinkin ass Dirty dozen nigga You know who your fuck...

D12 - Pistol Pistol
[Bizarre]Yeah, welcome to Amityville[Swifty]Detroit, nigga![B...

D12 - Purple Hills
[Chorus]I've been so many placesI've seen so many facesBut nothing comparesTo these...

D12 - Purple Pills
[Chorus]I take a couple uppersI down a couple downersBut nothing comparesTo these b...

D12 - Purple Pills (video Edit)
[Chorus]I've been so many placesI've seen so many facesBut nothing comparesTo these...

D12 - Quitter
Yo, I dedicate this, to yo...To all my fans, keeping y'all in healthLet's tell this Whitey Ford ...

D12 - Rap Guys
This guy is crazy This guy is a weirdo Outsidaz, what you wanna do This is the gang im in ...

D12 - Searchin'
[Women Singing:]Ain't no one special, special like you [4X]I been searching, but your th...

D12 - Shit Can Happen
BitchYeah...[1] - Shit can happen [8X][Kon Artis]Yo, yo, ...

D12 - Shit On You
I'LL SHIT ON YOU...Da da..da da..I'LL SHIT ON YOU...Da da..da da..I'LL SHIT ON YOU...Da da..da da.....

D12 - Steve Berman (skit)
[Eminem]Hey Steve, Vanessa said you waned to see me[Steve]Marshall, I can ca...

D12 - Steve's Coffee House
Kum ba yah, Kum ba yahKum ba yah, D12, Kum ba yahD12, Kum ba yahI've had a special request...

D12 - That's How...
[scratched:] "Niggaz, crackers, whiteys, jews.."[D-12] This is how it happens to you[...

D12 - That's How (skit)
[Shit Can Happen Being Performed Live][Fan Throws shit on the stage][Music Stops]...

D12 - These Drugs
[available only on the European "bonus disc" edition][Chorus 1]It's (it's) be (be)...

D12 - Trife Thieves
[Chorus: repeat 2X]Trife thieves we can't be trusted step into my clique the wrong way ...

D12 - Under The Influence
[Eminem]So you can suck my dick if you don't like, my shitCause I was high when I wrote this so...

D12 - U R The One
[Kon Artis - Chorus]Now out of all the women in the place,you got me starin' at your pretty fac...

D12 - W.e.g.o. (interlude)
[Proof]Here's Soul Intent checkin' in at number one baby, this week.Know what I'm sayin'?...

D12 - Words Are Weapons
[available only on the European "bonus disc" edition][originally appeared on "Funkmaster Flex IV"]...

Da Band - Bad Boy This, Bad Boy That
[Intro:][Puff] Bad boy baby,We the last standin' check the records,Check the score...

Da Band - Chopped Up
[Intro (Chopper Talking)]What's happenin'this ya boy Chopper City, ya heard meNew Orleans...

Da Band - Go Steady
[Sara]When I'm with you, you make me feel so sexy, oohMade up my mind, I agree that we are read...

Da Band - Hold Me Down
[Babs]Yeah, Brooklyn New York, stay focusedIts ya girl, Babs Bunny, the streets first lady...

Da Band - Holla (outro)
[Freddie P:] Big Shout out to little Fp[Babs:] Bently[Dylan:] Mr. Becklty...

Da Band - How U Like Me Now
[Sara]Oo ma how you like me nowNow that you know that im blinginOo you coulda took me the...

Da Band - I Like Your Style
[Diddy]This That Sexy Right HereDa Band BabyBad BoyTo Hot For T.V.Yea...

Da Band - Living Legends
[Dylan]Yo, Blaze the fire and watch the enemies crumble[Jamaican chant]See the blo...

Da Band - My Life
[Sara in background saying welcome][Fred/Miami]This CrazyI'm ThankfulYea...

Da Band - Stick Up
[Fredrick (Ness)]Ya'll motha fuckas freeze!Take a seat on tha floI'm approachin the...

Da Band - Tonight
[Sara]Somethin happens when you touch meI get open, and my legs starts quiveringThis sens...

Da Band - We Here (intro)
[Babs] We love this Diddy, you know what I'm saying, you you worked the shit out of us dog, Iain't go...

Da Band - Whatchu Be Doin (interlude)
[Helicopter wings spinning][Babs] Yo..whatchu be....whatchu be doin....whatc...

Da Band - What We Gonna Do
[Sarah]What we gonna do tonight,What we gettin into tonightWhat we gonna do tonight...

Da Band - Why
[Dylan talking]Out and aboutAnd I saw an angel come down from heavenHaving the key of the...

Da Brat - In Luv Wit Chu
Yo, So So (wassup) So DefYeah, LT Hutton, uhAnd it's the rat-tat-tat y'all, huhAnd it's another ...

Daddy Yankee - Corazones
Daddy!Ecko!Dice..Aqui hay corazon ah..De que estas hecho..Si las miradas matar...

Daddy Yankee - Cuentame
Nadie te ama como lo hago yoNadie te ama como lo hago yoCuentame, cuentame yal, que voy a hacer...

Daddy Yankee - Dale Caliente
(Ahh...)(Vuelve de new, Daddy Yankee...)(And recognize again!)(Hey Daddy Yankee...)(Muevas...

Daddy Yankee - El Empuje
RrrrrrrrrrrrrraDementeMAMI TU AGUANTAS EL EMPUJE(DALE DADDY) [x3]Aaaah que lo perro...

Daddy Yankee - El Muro
AaaaaaaaaaaOh ohTodas las mujeres que se preparen al viaje del cangriReady? 3,2,1Con...

Daddy Yankee - Gasolina
Zumbale el mambo pa' q mis gatas prendan los motores, Zumbale el mambo pa' q mis gatas prendan los motores, ...

Daddy Yankee - King Daddy
Ooooooooooo!!! Da-ddy [x2]Quiere mambo azotalo Quiere mambo agarralo Quiere mambo s...

Daddy Yankee - Machete
(Hey, hey!) Machete... [x5]Hey, hey!) Pllala contra el muro...Machete... (Afilao'!)Machet...

Daddy Yankee - Que Vas A Hacer?
no no no no no no no..daddy otra vesohhh.. na na na na na na...para todas esas ladies que ...

Daddy Yankee - Saber Su Nombre
Daddy! Yankee!Mata con mata brand new pa las mami's en el club you know sola en un esquina...

Daddy Yankee - Sabor A Melao
(Sabor pa toa las mujeresQue con mi salsa se mueven) [4x]Barrio Fino, Dad-Dy Yan-kee...

Daddy Yankee - Santifica Tus Escapularios
No es cuestion de Ego!Solamente hay que ser realista (DADDY!)Estas escuchando uno de los mejores MC q ...

Daft Punk - Around The World
Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the world Around the world, around the wor...

Daft Punk - Daftendirekt
Dafunk back to the punk come on ...

Daft Punk - Digital Love
Last night I had a dream about youIn this dream I'm dancing right beside youAnd it looked like everyon...

Daft Punk - Face To Face
What's going on ?Could this be my understandingIt's not your fault I was being too demandingI mu...

Daft Punk - Human After All
We are human... after all'Atcha' comin'... after all[x8]Human, human, human, human,...

Daft Punk - Oh Yeah
Oh Yeah ... Everybody dance Crazy on the dance [x2]Oh Yeah ...

Daft Punk - One More Time
One more time... One more time We gonna celebrate Oh yeah, all right Don't stop danc...

Daft Punk - Revolution 909
Stop the music and go home I repeat stop the music and go home (crowd goes wild) ...

Daft Punk - Robot Rock
Rock, robot rockRock, robot rockRock, robot rockRock, robot rockRock, robot rock...

Daft Punk - Something About Us
It might not be the right timeI might not be the right oneBut there's something about us I want to say...

Daft Punk - Steam Machine
Steam, steam, steam, steamSteam, steam, steam, steamSteam, steam, steam, steamSteam, steam...

Daft Punk - Teachers
Paul Jonson DJ Funk DJ SneakDJ Rush Waxmaster Hyperactive Jammin Gerald ...

Daft Punk - Technologic
Buy it, use it, break it, fix it,Trash it, change it, melt - upgrade it,Charge it, pawn it, zoom it, p...

Daft Punk - Television Rules The Nation
Television rules the nationTelevision rules the nationTelevision rules the nationTelevision rule...

Daft Punk - The Brainwasher
I am the brainwasherI am the brainwasherI am the brainwasherI am the brainwasher...

Daft Punk - The Prime Time Of Your Life
The prime time of your lifeThe prime time of your lifeThe prime time of your lifeNow, live...

Daft Punk - Too Long
It's been much too long, I feel it comming onThe feeling is getting strongIt's been much too long, I f...

Daft Punk - Wdpk 83.7 Fm
Music [x10]WDPK 83.7 the sound of tomorrow, the music of today brings you exclusively Daft Punk...

Damien Rice - Amie
Nothing unusual, nothing strangeClose to nothing at allThe same old scenario, the same old rainA...

Damien Rice - Cannonball
Still a little bit of your taste in my mouthStill a little bit of you laced with my doubtStill a littl...

Damien Rice - Cold Water
Cold, cold water surrounds me nowAnd all I've got is your handLord, can you hear me now?Lord, ca...

Damien Rice - Eskimo
Tiredness fuels empty thoughtsI find myself disposedBrightness fills empty spaceIn search of ins...

Damien Rice - I Remember
I remember it wellThe first time that I sawYour head around the door'Cause mine stopped working...

Damien Rice - Lonelily
I gave me awayI could have knocked off the eveningBut a lonelily landed my waltz in her handsIn ...

Damien Rice - Older Chests
Older chests reveal themselvesLike a crack in a wallStarting small, and grow in timeAnd we alway...

Damien Rice - Silent Night
Silent night,Broken night.All is fallen,When you take your lifeI found some hate for you,...

Damien Rice - The Blowers Daughter
And so it isJust like you said it would beLife goes easy on meMost of the timeAnd so it is...

Damien Rice - The Professor
Well I don't know if I'm wrongCause she's only just goneHere's to another relationshipBombed by ...

Damien Rice - Woman Like A Man
I need a piss, Wanna hate,Fuck it up, come.My love, Each and me,Keep your teet...

D'angelo - Africa
Africa is my descentand here I'm far from homeI dwell within a land that's meantmeant for many m...

D'angelo - Alright
That's Alright,We may have a misunderstandingThat's okay.Because your my girl and I'm your man,...

D'angelo - Brown Sugar
Let me tell you 'bout this girlMaybe I shouldn'tI met her in Philly and her name was Brown Sugar...

D'angelo - Chicken Grease
let me tell U' bout the chicken greasestuffs and things 2 make the people get out ya Seateverybody it'...

D'angelo - Devil's Pie
[CHORUS]Fuck the slice we want the pieWhy ask why till we fryWatch us all stand in line...

D'angelo - Higher
[1ST VERSE]Feels like heaven when I think about yousparking that love within my souland w...

D'angelo - Jonz In My Bonz
[Chorus]Said I got a jonz in my bonzI said this feeling that I gotWon't leave me 'lone...

D'angelo - Lady
[CHORUS:] You're my ladyYou're my ladyYou're my ladyYou're my ladyDon't...

D'angelo - Me And Those Dreamin' Eyes Of Mine
[1st VERSE]When I first saw you baby, I wanted to dieMe and those dreaming eyes of mine, starte...

D'angelo - Playa Playa
Steal U wit my 2 shotControl U wit my dropBlaze U wit my handleBless U wit my popsPlay U l...

D'angelo - S****. D***. M*******.
[1ST VERSE] Why are you sleepin with my womanWhy are you sleepin with my womanThis comes ...

D'angelo - Send It On
[CHORUS]Send it upSend it throughSend it right back 2 USend it upSend it thro...

D'angelo - Smooth
[1st VERSE]How do you retain your cool,Seems you love breaks all the rules,You may think ...

D'angelo - Spanish Joint
whenever it rains I feel this waya little something 2 get me thorugh thisgive me a little that, no tim...

D'angelo - Untitled (how Does It Feel)
Girl it's only UHave it your wayAnd if U want U can decideAnd if you'll have meI can provi...

Daniel Bedingfield - A Kiss Without Commitment
[Bonus Track]A kiss without commitment'sLike a flower without the rainIt only leads...

Daniel Bedingfield - All The Little Children
Walking down the same worn paths againDo you fly?Do you?I'd correct my own wayIf I could...

Daniel Bedingfield - All Your Attention
Don't want you looking at the stars tonightI just want your eyes on meI wanna be the only thing on you...

Daniel Bedingfield - Blown It Again
Ive done it Ive blown it againGone and lost my one true friendIf I cant stop it its gonna endIve...

Daniel Bedingfield - Complicated
How long can you hold out against meHow long can you resist to kiss meCause you know you want to...

Daniel Bedingfield - Don't Give'r It All
You can play it hardYou can play it fastYou can play it slow so that it'll lastYou can play it c...

Daniel Bedingfield - Draw You
[Bonus Track]I see the spirit movingIn the very fabric of the universeI tell you so...

Daniel Bedingfield - Friday
I live in an Ice house a I never do dance salsaI'm living in JamacaI live in an Ice Breaker...

Daniel Bedingfield - Girlfriend
GirlfriendYou make my head start spinning aroundAnd all I can ever hear is the sound Of your hea...

Daniel Bedingfield - Growing Up
No-one told meGrowing upWould be this hard, babyNo-one told meGrowing upWould be thi...

Daniel Bedingfield - He Don't Love You Like I Love You
He don't love you like I love youDon't think about you like I think about youHe don't want to have you...

Daniel Bedingfield - Holiness
Holiness covers my weaknessesMelting my selfishnessCause of youTry with all my mightBut it...

Daniel Bedingfield - Honest Questions
Can you seeThe honest questions in my heart this hourI am opening like a flowerTo the rain...

Daniel Bedingfield - I Can't Read You
I'm never shy but this is differentI can't explain the way I'm feeling tonightI'm losing control of my...

Daniel Bedingfield - James Dean (i Wanna Know)
I could be james Dean of the Music sceneI could be a big star like that man called QueenI could have f...

Daniel Bedingfield - Never Gonna Leave Your Side
I feel like a song without the wordsA man without a soulA bird without its wingsA heart without ...

Daniel Bedingfield - Nothing Hurts Like Love
Broken hearts, broken dreams,There just some things love bringsWhen you learn that its all the lie you...

Daniel Bedingfield - Right Girl
Im gonna do it right girl Im gonna hold you tight girl Till then, I gonna wait, anticipate that day...

Daniel Bedingfield - Show Me The Real You
Hey remember me?Hard to forget, right?Insistent, demandingWhen we were both sixteenI remem...

Daniel Bedingfield - Sorry
You're my best friendNo you're notYou're my sister, stay in your placeI can't pretend that you'r...

Daniel Bedingfield - The Way
To love somebody like youWould take the rest of my lifeThis is my revelationI feel my heart fall...

Daniel Bedingfield - Without The Girl
And mama told me if I want her. I gotta take it slowYou just cant tell her, you gotta find other ways to let...

Daniel Bedingfield - Wrap My Words Around You
Is it fair to write a song to a woman?Is it fair play to try and win her heart?Is it right to bring he...

Dannii Minogue - A Piece Of Time
Gimme... erGimme... erGive me just a piece of time'Cos you took a long time to findC...

Dannii Minogue - Creep
[verse]You throw a look, i catch a stareYou're checkin' me, up and downTemptations in the...

Dannii Minogue - Don't Wanna Lose This Feeling
[verse 1]I'm back for more, and i got the cureI know where i'm going for sureWhat we thre...

Dannii Minogue - For The Record
[Verse 1]I follow you around It's like I'm trippin' I don't know, why I do It...

Dannii Minogue - Hey! (so What)
Ah Ah Ah AhOh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh OhOh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh[Verse 1]Oo...

Dannii Minogue - I Begin To Wonder
When I'm walking down the street I call your nameInside my head I go insaneDon't you know that it's re...

Dannii Minogue - It Won't Work Out
Hold me'Cause this is the endingI'm bruisingFrom fightingAgainst the timeTell ...

Dannii Minogue - Mighty Fine
Ooh, he's so mighty fine (and it really got me) ooh, he's so mighty fine [Verse 1]...

Dannii Minogue - Mystified
Yeah, yeah yeahUh-huh lately, you ain't been the sameYou're always saying, you ain't playin' gam...

Dannii Minogue - On The Loop
I don't wanna be alone I wanna be togetherOn the loopI dont wanna be aloneI wanna be toget...

Dannii Minogue - Push
PushPush [whisper]Let me see ya wutcha gonna do babbbbbyWe gonna push ya like we did yest...

Dannii Minogue - Put The Needle On It
Put the needle on itPut the needle on itPut the needle on itPut the needle on itTake...

Dannii Minogue - Vibe On
Instead of just lying therewhy don't you show me that you're powerful?I, I put in triple x batteries...

Dannii Minogue - Who Do You Love Now
AhhWhere do we go now?I don't knowInnocence overFading fastAnd it's hard...

Dante Thomas - Fly
Set yourself on a movie screen play any part or be anything know what i mean its all about right...

Dante Thomas - Goodbye
Yeah, bye bye bye... Have you ever loved someone so much it hurts to see them leave and you hope...

Dante Thomas - Let It Be Love
Lets spend the weekend just you and me babe.We'll take no phone callsno company Cause toni...

Dante Thomas - Miss California
[1st verse]She's a rich girl from the top of the food chain love and material things, kin...

Dante Thomas - Money Can't Buy
yeah, ohhh baby, ohhh she lives a high life in the city never a time in her life she had a 9-5...

Dante Thomas - Never Give Up
Mmm, ehy, ehy We've been togheterAnd then through the extremeYou put your trust in me...

Dante Thomas - She Says
I've been here before but never made a choiceinstead I made the most of a bad situationbut who's...

Dante Thomas - Should Have Loved Her Then
she walked into the room all dressed in blue what am i to do he vowed to take her handrais...

Dante Thomas - Tina Colada
hey, shake it babyshake it shake it, ohhh tina shake it nowshake it shake it, ohhh tina shake it now...

Dante Thomas - Wait For Day
I wait for the day, heylove is a prisoner in a lonely roomI'm standing here in a pool of tears...

Darius - Better Man
It's two o'clock in the morningThought you said that you would callYou took all my pride from me...

Darius - Better Than That
I thought I knew you Better than I knew myself girl, I thought I found you Hiding in the strengt...

Darius - Colourblind
[Verse #1]Feeling Blue, Well im trying to forget the feeling that i miss you, Feeling Gre...

Darius - Devil In You
You, got my head in a spinDon't know how you got into my heartYou've bewitched the man that I used to ...

Darius - Dive In
So what's it all about? I can't work you out... There's a chemistry between us Getting hard to disguis...

Darius - Girl In The Moon
How can I sleep tonight? Tell me how mars survived Fallen with stars - She opened her arms... ...

Darius - How Do You Like It?
I'm not sureIf yes means no or whatI'm not sureIf go means stop or notAnd I need more...

Darius - If I Could
If I had youAnd you were hereIf I could kissAnd wipe away your tearsIf I couldHow I ...

Darius - I Gotta Know Tonight
I feel vulnerable, I'm scared... I hang on every word like Like there's a hidden meaning. It cau...

Darius - I'm Not Buying
So many times we find ourselves here - Looking just about anywhere But in each others eyes, I'm ...

Darius - Incredible (what I Meant To Say)
You said its over I said "that's ok I wasn't in to you anyway" I told you "lately you irri...

Darius - Journey's End
Are we really out of time?If there nothing we can try?If I say what's in my heartDo you promise ...

Darius - Kinda Love
I'm feeling tiredShe kept me up all night and I'm wiredGod bless cupidI'm walking on water...

Darius - Live Twice
Don't leave nowNot yetThere were time we regretAnd I'm sorrySomehowI onlyWante...

Darius - Love To Love
You really got me babeYou got my struckI'm hit by lighteningGot me strung out on a limbAnd...

Darius - Mercury Rising
Eleven days, A dozen nights, A thousand tears... And you are my shoulder. From summer's ha...

Darius - Mocking Bird
He tells you when, He tells you why, He tells you wherefore - What to do and how it's done, ...

Darius - Only You
Sunrise will never feel the sameMesmerizedAnd I can't escapeI just can't breatheWhen you'r...

Darius - Resolution
You see I wear myself just as I pleaseI don't have my nerves sewn on my sleevesAs I walk this path the...

Darius - Rushes
Shes got a blind smile and a soft touch A cute little dimple when she laughs too much They say you fal...

Darius - Save Me
Is there in any love in your heart?Is there any blood in your veins?If there any feeling in youT...

Darius - Secret Song (songwriting Demo)
If I was a tearI'd be born in your eyeI'd live on your cheekAnd then I would die on your lips...

Darius - Simple Like The Truth
I love you You love me But you never say that to me, I want you You want me So how c...

Darius - Sliding Doors
Another Friday night, And the week is over - Got a bottle of wine And a meal for one, Neve...

Darius - Stars Crash Down
Dusk 'til dawnYou don't miss a kiss 'til its goneSo just hold onWe don't have forever for long...

Dark Lotus - Ali Baba
This is the Lotus The Underground Where all darkness meets For the judgement of their afterlife ...

Dark Lotus - Bad Rep
Everybody love me (No) Mom and daddy love me (No) All my neighbors love me Someone gotta love me...

Dark Lotus - Bitch I'm Sexy
Bitch, Do you wan't me? Do you wan't me? Cause I'm famous I'm famous Is that right? ...

Dark Lotus - Black Crows
[woman crying]Oh my god [still crying]Don't leave me [Monoxide Chil...

Dark Lotus - Black Rain
[Anybody Killa]I can see the Earth startin' to shiftInside outNo trace of the moons...

Dark Lotus - Call Upon Your Gods
[Violent J:]I think it's funny how...the toughest criminals and thugs and whatever...when they'...

Dark Lotus - Cigam Kcalb
[Reverse Messages:]"Wizards, Witchdoctors, Sorcerers, Black Magic!" "God bless Mike E Clark, IC...

Dark Lotus - Consume Your Soul
[Monoxide Child]I turn a dead body inside outand leave a Lotus cross painted in the middle of y...

Dark Lotus - Corrosion
[Monoxide Child]I'm all in the dark now So dance with dead I can't do shit I'm fallin' ap...

Dark Lotus - Death Don't Want You
[Blaze:]It ain't no place to be, trust meAnd why is that you askAin't no lights at the en...

Dark Lotus - Doornail Dorothy
[Shaggy:]I was skipping down the block when I heard some moaningIt was Dorothy she said she nee...

Dark Lotus - Dot Com
This is a lot of important people Involved in making the Juggalo world go around And this right here ...

Dark Lotus - Gimme Dat Blood
Oh what I wouldn't do to taste your blood HHAHAHAHA Your blood HHAHAH Things that I wouldn...

Dark Lotus - Headache
[Monoxide Child:]I hear the words are spoken I think my mind is broken I keep on steady s...

Dark Lotus - Hell House
In every neighborhood, you got your house that's supposedly haunted. Well in our neighborhood, there's the hell ho...

Dark Lotus - Hurt Myself
[barking]Pain is sexual And I'm horny, I'm horny, horny [Violent J:]I ...

Dark Lotus - Intro
During each cycle of life on this very planet You have a begining, and you have an ending As each cycl...

Dark Lotus - I Wanna Die
[Monoxide Child:]Now that I'm dead and gone Look at me I'm floating like the breeze ...

Dark Lotus - Jump-off
[Blaze:]Look into my mind, tell me what you see, what you findCan somebody tell me what's happe...

Dark Lotus - Ka-boom!
Dark Lotus (Lotus)I can make it thunder (Dark Lotus make it thunder)[Jamie Madrox]D...

Dark Lotus - My 1st Time
[Violent J:]The first time, I didn't even feel guiltyNever washed off, stayed bloody and ...

Dark Lotus - Pass The Ax
We would like to invite you on a journeyA tale of an instrument of deathWatch us as we pass the axe....

Dark Lotus - She Was
[Shaggy 2 Dope]Woo hoo You shoulda seen her Man, her fid in my hand heavy sweatin' like a...

Dark Lotus - Something
[Violent J:]Scariness Your butthole just spit in your pants Scariness What's scary,...

Dark Lotus - Swarm
(God Is Here) AHHHHH (God Is Here) Necronomicon is coming (God Is Here) EWWWWIEWWWDU...

Dark Lotus - That's Me
"The music might sound strange and beautiful. It might feel disembodied,..boundless, spinning helplessly thr...

Dark Lotus - The Walls
[Shaggy:]I sit up at night, it's at least 3 or 4Blood drippin out my knuckles From knocki...

Dark Lotus - Under The Lotus
Under the Lotus[Legs Diamond]Black rain falls indoors and outside[Dark Lotus together]...

Dark Lotus - We Danced
[Violent J:]It was a dark and stormy night,when five children of the Lotus crept into a local c...

Dark Lotus - With The Lotus
With the Lotus You can see anybody in my mothafuckin' Juggalo family Yeah! So try bringing that ...

Dark New Day - Bare Bones
Hold on, I can't feel youIt's been too long for any rescue.Is it lost, or just too hard to find?...

Dark New Day - Brother
Once upon a time I knew everythingWhen I stop to think back on everythingIt all runs away like a memor...

Dark New Day - Evergreen
I've been living it my way. I've been living it for myself.It's the things that you don't say about the way ...

Dark New Day - Fill Me Again
Like a postcard picture fading out to desert winter,Once an ocean now it leaves me dry.Clouds are sepa...

Dark New Day - Follow The Sun Down
I know tomorrow is a maybe.It doesn't seem so guaranteed.It seems for once we're finally happy, ...

Dark New Day - Free
Can you live without one red cent?Can a little true heart really pay the rent?NoIt'll take a lot...

Dark New Day - Heal In Time
There's something every day that keeps on pulling at me.Mental pictures of a firing lineYou put me in ...

Dark New Day - Lean
By popular demand you fall to waste again.Brought to the execution by a friend.The guilt is wearing do...

Dark New Day - Taking Me Alive
You desecrate your temple with anger.A hollow body fueled by hateHollowI feel no better.An...

Dark New Day - That's Enough
Hover above my head and call me outI'm beneath it allJust a thief caught in the redHands dirty f...

Darren Hayes - Creepin' Up On You
Creepin' up on you is the wrong thing to doI found your address got your phone number tooVisit all the...

Darren Hayes - Crush (1980 Me)
Cyndi Lauper Jackson Simon Le Bon I put Eurythmics On Poppin' and Lockin' in the U.S.A...

Darren Hayes - Darkness
Been spending so much time undergroundI guess my eyes adjustedTo the lack of lightI gotCov...

Darren Hayes - Dirty
lookin' like first class acting like a cheap date honey drippin' smile so stylin' bet you know what you do d...

Darren Hayes - Dublin Sky
I've been down a lonely street tonightAnd I don't know what's wrong with meI don't know what's wrong w...

Darren Hayes - Ego
I have been contemplating Letting go of you egoThought I'd let you knowYou're getting old...

Darren Hayes - Falling At Your Feet
And when you walk into the roomI feel the world dissolveI fall at your feetAnd when you lo...

Darren Hayes - Feel
You teach me how to feelIt feels all rightThere's nothing left to fearFinding myselfThe fu...

Darren Hayes - Good Enough
If I woke up late Couldnt get out of bed If I bought you a caf latte instead If I lied when I sa...

Darren Hayes - Heart Attack
Ive cracked My tempers spat Hot coal, fire and acid jack Ive been used I feel abusedSometh...

Darren Hayes - Hero
Outside confidence is kingI am all that you're projectingInside feel the rising tideAnd the revo...

Darren Hayes - I Can't Ever Get Enough Of You
Well I know that I have only ever held your handBut just one touch is more than enough to understandTh...

Darren Hayes - I Forgive You
(Shut up)For all the anguish,And degradationFor every time I needed truthAnd you wer...

Darren Hayes - I Like The Way
Somewhere inside my evolutionKarmically I seek retributionLooking for love in physical beautyDes...

Darren Hayes - I Miss You
Gimme a reasonWhy I'm feeling so blueEverytime I close my eyes, all I see is youGimme a reason...

Darren Hayes - Lift Me Up
When I'm down on my luck and im searching for my soulWhen i'm feeling too much and i start to lose control...

Darren Hayes - Light
The light, it flickersYour light, travelling down so deepIlluminationI have been cold, I h...

Darren Hayes - Like It Or Not
I've been broken, shut down and uselessFeet above meHands in the airYou got me falling over and ...

Darren Hayes - Love And Attraction
I do not want anyone, anyone who really wants me,Every one that I desire, wants to be with someone else. . ....

Darren Hayes - Popular
I've gotta plan to make it rich, and famous.Lucky for me for you it's a bitch you ain't in.My plans ar...

Darren Hayes - Ride
Come onBaby baby come onBaby baby come on You only know one half of me Up until now ...

Darren Hayes - Right Dead Back On It
I've got a burning desire It feels like a fire burning deep in my soul You know its out of control...

Darren Hayes - Sense Of Humor
You will like my sense of humorYou will be addicted to my smileLaughing all the whileAnd I will ...

Darren Hayes - So Bad
When you move electricity pulsesAnd the crowd clears out of your wayWhen you dance it gets a little ex...

Darren Hayes - Spin
Governments elected nobody votesPolitically correct isn't that a joke?We censor music then give childr...

Darren Hayes - Strange Relationship
Do you love me? Or am I just another trip in this strange relationship? You push and pull meand ...

Darren Hayes - The Heart Wants What It Wants
You say one thing and there I go turning around againWorking things over better left unsaidSpinning ar...

Darren Hayes - Touch
One touch, spark, electricityFlame, burns, hot and viciouslyMicroscopic, glitteryCatalystic ener...

Darren Hayes - Unlovable
Are my lips unkissable?Are my eyes unlookable?Is my skin untouchable?Am I unlovable?...

Darren Hayes - Void
I've seen so many facesThese hands have lied beforeI've kissed so many lips it's blocked my mind...

Darren Hayes - What You Like
I want to thank you my friendFor making me feel worthwhileSweeter than the honey of your lipsand...

Darren Hayes - When You Say You Love Me
I've been watching you from afarAnd the way you make your way around the barYou laugh like youre reall...

Darren Hayes - Where You Want To Be
Hey there strangerDo you remember?You were a part of my lifeEarly DecemberThink I remember...

Dashboard Confessional - Again I Go Unnoticed
So quietanother wasted night,the television steals the conversationexhale,another wasted b...

Dashboard Confessional - Age Six Racer
So long sweet summer,I stumbled upon you and gratefully basked in your rays.So long sweet slumber....

Dashboard Confessional - Am I Missing
Sharp disaster in a fresh new comaWas it worth it when it was overProving yourself rightYou'd ma...

Dashboard Confessional - Anyone, Anyone
I'm not sure of anyone, anyoneBut I've got plansI'm not asking for everything but sure I could use a h...

Dashboard Confessional - A Plain Morning
It's yet to be determined,but the air is thick,and my hope is feeling worn.I'm missing home,...

Dashboard Confessional - As Lovers Go
she said "i've gotta be honest,you're wasteing your time if you're fishing round here."and i said "you...

Dashboard Confessional - Bend And Not Break
I catalog these steps now Decisive and intentioned precise and patterned specifically to yours.I...

Dashboard Confessional - Carry This Picture
carry this picture for luckkept in a lockettucked in your collerclose to your chestmake it...

Dashboard Confessional - Carve Your Heart Out Yourself
Carve your heart out yourself Hopelessness is your cell Since you've drawn out these lines Are y...

Dashboard Confessional - Drowning
Am i drowning you out?Boasts of defectionIf everything was up to me,I would be gone by the first...

Dashboard Confessional - Ender Will Save Us All
It's just like you to contestyou wear it like a label on your breastdon't you see what this takes of m...

Dashboard Confessional - For Justin
It's been a year now, since you were here nowAnd I've been trying to heal insideDedications have all b...

Dashboard Confessional - For You To Notice...
I'm starting to fashion an idea in my headwhere I would impress youwith every single word I said....

Dashboard Confessional - Hands Down
Breathe in for luck,breathe in so deep,this air is blessed,you share with me.This night is...

Dashboard Confessional - Hey Girl
Hey girl, you've got a smart way About you that makes me wish that I was smart enough for you. H...

Dashboard Confessional - Hold On
She had a history of killing herself I had a habit of dying I think she gave me something to live for ...

Dashboard Confessional - If You Can't Leave It Be, Might As Well Make It Bleed
What you've found sure upsets youNever saw it coming did you?Its easy to be surprised with both your e...

Dashboard Confessional - I Need A Sure Thing
You are a razor bladeYou are precision-cutYou are a stare sharp as the tack in my eye?At rest in...

Dashboard Confessional - Jamie
[Originally written by Weezer]Jamie, what you doing now?What you doing now girl?Ple...

Dashboard Confessional - Living In Your Letters
I'm always assuming the worst,but you're going on nonethelessand there's nothing to cushion your heart...

Dashboard Confessional - Morning Calls
Morning calls for pain relief A line above the step beneath The worst that you could do And the ...

Dashboard Confessional - Remember To Breathe
She fixes her lips theyAlways look perfectnever a smudged linenever too muchI try on my bl...

Dashboard Confessional - Saints And Sailors
This is where I say I've had enoughand no one should ever feel the way that I feel now.A walking open ...

Dashboard Confessional - Screaming Infidelities
I'm missing your bedI never sleepAvoiding the spots where we'd have to speak,And this bottle of ...

Dashboard Confessional - Several Ways To Die Trying
Pacific Sun, you should have warned us, it gets so cold here.And the night can freeze, before you set it on ...

Dashboard Confessional - Shirts And Gloves
When I'm back from the road and you're out on it& I'm tired of this distance& I believe it's ove...

Dashboard Confessional - So Beautiful
I heard that you were home again, but you don't look like your back to meWith your focuses changing your gaz...

Dashboard Confessional - So Impossible
So she says"Everyone's going to the party,won't you come if I comewith a friend for your friend?...

Dashboard Confessional - Standard Lines
Which of the bold faced lies will we use? I hope that you're happy, you really deserve it, this will b...

Dashboard Confessional - The Best Deceptions
I heard about your trip.I heard about your souvenirs.I heard about the cool breeze, in the cool nights...

Dashboard Confessional - The Brilliant Dance
So this is odd, the painful realization that has all gone wrong. And nobody cares at all, and no...

Dashboard Confessional - The Ghost Of A Good Thing
I guess its luck, but its the same Hard luck, youve been trying to tame Maybe its love, but its like y...

Dashboard Confessional - The Good Fight
Consider the odds, Consider the obvious. The martyr is meaningless, The campaign has died. ...

Dashboard Confessional - The Places You Have Come To Fear The Most
Buried deep as you can dig inside yourselfAnd covered with a perfect shellSuch a charming, beautiful e...

Dashboard Confessional - The Sharp Hint Of New Tears
On the way home,this car hears my confessions.I think tonight I'll take the long way.This weathe...

Dashboard Confessional - The Swiss Army Romance
Sleep with all the lights on.You're not so happy.You're not secure.You're dying to look cute in ...

Dashboard Confessional - This Bitter Pill
Walking away.It's not the same as running.Is it to you now that you've run in this ground.And yo...

Dashboard Confessional - This Is A Forgery
This is a forgery, this is a forgeryEvery single word is plagiarized.Copied twice and thrice inscribed...

Dashboard Confessional - Turpentine Chaser
This paint has been tasting of lead& their chips will fall as they may,but it's not just my finish tha...

Dashboard Confessional - Vindicated
Hope dangles on a stringLike slow spinning redemptionWinding in and winding outThe shine of it h...

Dashboard Confessional - Warmth Of The Sand
Relax and stand in the warmth of the sand the day is long and here for us to take for granted. W...

Dave Matthews - An' Another Thing
Rain for me on you but call me It's my broken heart just where you leave me The way I see you ooh ...

Dave Matthews - Baby
Baby, it's alright Stop your crying Now Nothing is here to stay Everything has to be...

Dave Matthews - Dodo
Once upon a time When the world was just a pancakeFears would arise That if you went too far, yo...

Dave Matthews - Gravedigger
Cyrus Jones 1810 to 1913Made his great granchildren believeYou could live to a hundred and three...

Dave Matthews - Grey Blue Eyes
I feel for the light Your glory was lost that night And no mind can't get me right And now I'm p...

Dave Matthews - Oh
The world is blowing up The world is caving in The world has lost her way again But you are here...

Dave Matthews - Save Me
I'm driving through the desert I, met a man Who told me of his crazy plan He'd been walking there for ...

Dave Matthews - So Damn Lucky
Everything's different My head in the clouds I hit this corner With my foot on the gass ...

Dave Matthews - Some Devil
One last kiss one only Then I'll let you go Hard for you I've fallen But you can't break my fall...

Dave Matthews - Stay Or Leave
Maybe different but rememberWinters warm where you and iKissing whiskey by the fire With the sno...

Dave Matthews - Too High
Your bones are brittle Inside you Wrapped so soft your blood Is running I'll be there If y...

Dave Matthews - Trouble
Trouble Don't you see That in your bed I find no sleep I confess you came because of me ...

Dave Matthews - Up And Away
Everyday, Everyday with youEvery little thing you do the way you do Little darlin' in your eyes ...

Dave Matthews Band - American Baby
If these walls came crumblin' downFell so hard, to make us lose our faithFrom what's left you'd figure...

Dave Matthews Band - Dreamgirl
Yeah, Ya, YeahYeah, Ya, Yeah Oh.Yeah... Hey, alright...(I) I would dig a hole all the way ...

Dave Matthews Band - Everybody Wake Up (our Finest Hour Arrives)
Everybody wake upIf your living with your eyes closedSee the man with a bomb in his handEverybod...

Dave Matthews Band - Hello Again
Sinnin' I've done my share of this, still I hope the Lord forgive me my sinsTen years ago down by the lake, ...

Dave Matthews Band - Hunger For The Great Light
Oh great light of loveOh great light of loveOh great light of loveHere you go, you dirty g...

Dave Matthews Band - Louisiana Bayou
No no momma now devil don't do si doTwo young boys lyin' dead by the side of the roadThe coins in thei...

Dave Matthews Band - Old Dirt Hill (bring That Beat Back)
Bring that beat back to me againCome on take me back, can't catch me can't catch meBring that beat bac...

Dave Matthews Band - Out Of My Hands
Out on my window ledgeI don't feel safeAnd I stayLooking down on youIt's out of my h...

Dave Matthews Band - Smooth Rider
Last night, no wayI was gonna be left hungryand then your daddy caught me sneakin' out your bed....

Dave Matthews Band - Stand Up (for It)
[The devil speaks]Boys... Get up y'all!Stand Up!I woke up to the angels...

Dave Matthews Band - Steady As We Go
I walk half way around the world,Just to sit down by your side.And I would do most anything girl,...

Dave Matthews Band - You Might Die Trying
To change the world,Start with one step.However small,The first step is hardest of all....

Dave Navarro - Avoiding The Angel
I never wanted you to live hereI only asked if you would stayI never minded that you slept hereI...

Dave Navarro - Everything
Call me babyTry to sit thereDon't be afraidDrink your proteinTry to sit thereDon't r...

Dave Navarro - Hungry
Where is her dinner?Where are the flowers she can press?When will she leave here?Been here for h...

Dave Navarro - Mourning Son
She gave herself to meShe's gone away from meWhere is the heartbeat coming from?Lost is the hear...

Dave Navarro - Not For Nothing
Not for nothingStarfucker yeahNot for nothingStarfuckerNot for nothingStarfucker bab...

Dave Navarro - Rexall
I'm running out of roomDon't make me say itThere is nothing left in meDon't make meToo muc...

Dave Navarro - Slow Motion Sickness
Continued the waitingTearing at the wingI lost a friendA terrible playthingBroken on a swi...

Dave Navarro - Sunny Day
It's a sunny day outsideLovely sunny day outsideHappy butterfly outsideI'm locked up inside...

Dave Navarro - Venus In Furs
Shiny, shiny, shiny boots of leatherWhiplash girlchild in the darkComes in bells, your servant, don't ...

Dave Navarro - Very Little Daylight
I always knew that the secrets could hurt meI never knew it was yours that would kill meI never tried ...

David Banner - Cadillac On 22's
[Intro]It's gon' be aight though (ohh)This one's for you, yeah!Cadillacs on 22s...P...

David Bowie - 5.15 The Angels Have Gone
5:15I'm changing trainsThis little townLet me downThis foreign rainBrings me down...

David Bowie - '87 And Cry
It's just a one dollar secretA lover's secrets in the UKTorn apart in the UKIn the dribble of Ma...

David Bowie - A Better Future
Please don't tear this world asunderPlease take backthis fear we're underI demand a better futur...

David Bowie - Afraid
I wish I was smarterI got so lost on the shoreI wish I was taller Things really matter to me...

David Bowie - African Night Flight
African nightmare one-time MormonMore men fall in Hullabaloo menI slide to the nearest barUnderm...

David Bowie - After All
Please trip them gently, they don't like to fall, Oh by jingoThere's no room for anger, we're all very...

David Bowie - Algeria Touchshriek
My name is Mr. Touchshriek Of Touchshriek with mail over and fantasyMy shop sells egg shells off the s...

David Bowie - All The Madmen
Day after day They send my friends away To mansions cold and grey To the far side of town ...

David Bowie - Always Crashing In The Same Car
Every chance, every chance that I takeI take it on the roadThose kilometres and the red lights...

David Bowie - Andy Warhol
Like to take a cement fixBe a standing cinemaDress my friends up just for showSee them as ...

David Bowie - An Occasional Dream
I recall how we livedOn the corner of a bedAnd we'd speak of a Swedish roomOf hessian and wood...

David Bowie - Anyway, Anyhow, Anywhere
[CHORUS]I can go anyway (way I choose)I can live anyhow (win or lose)I can go...

David Bowie - Ashes To Ashes
Do you remember a guy that's beenIn such an early songI've heard a rumour from Ground ControlOh ...

David Bowie - A Small Plot Of Land
Poor soulSpit upon thatPoor soulHe never knew what hit himAnd it hit him soPoor dunc...

David Bowie - As The World Falls Down
There's such a sad loveDeep in your eyes.A kind of pale jewelOpen and closedWithin your ey...

David Bowie - Baby Grace (a Horrid Cassette)
Test, testing, testingThis, hmmm, Grace is my name And and I was that phot... a fa...

David Bowie - Bang Bang
Wow this ain't the right thing to do so let's goYoung girls they know what they're afterYoung gi...

David Bowie - Battle For Britain (the Letter)
My, my, the time do fly When it's in another pair of handsAnd a loser I will beFor I've never be...

David Bowie - Beat Of Your Drum
Photograph king, watches you goFashions may change, heaven knows,but you still leave a stain on me...

David Bowie - Because You're Young
Psychodelicate girl - come out to playLittle metal faced-boy don't stay awayThey're so war-torn ...

David Bowie - Be My Wife
Sometimes you get so lonelySometimes you get nowhereI've lived all over the worldI've left every...

David Bowie - Big Brother
Don't talk of dust and rosesOr should we powder our noses?Don't live for last year's capersGive ...

David Bowie - Black Country Rock
Pack a pack horse up and rest up here onBlack Country RockYou never know, you might find it here...

David Bowie - Blackout
Oh you, you walk on pastYour lips cut a smileon your faceYour scalding faceTo the cage, to...

David Bowie - Black Tie White Noise
Getting my facts from a Benetton ad I'm lookin' thru African eyesLit by the glare of an L.A. fire...

David Bowie - Blue Jean
Blue Jean-I just met me a girl named Blue JeanBlue Jean-she got a camouflaged face and no money...

David Bowie - Bring Me The Disco King
You promised me the ending would be clearYou'd let me know when the time was nowDon't let me know when...

David Bowie - Cactus
Sitting here wishing on a cement floorJust wishing thati had just something you woreI put ...

David Bowie - Candidate
I'll make you a deal, like any other candidateWe'll pretend we're walking home 'cause your future's at...

David Bowie - Cat People (putting Out The Fire)
See these eyes so greenI can stare for a thousand yearsColder than the moonIt's been so long...

David Bowie - Come And Buy My Toys
Smiling girls and rosy boysCome and buy my little toysMonkeys made of gingerbreadAnd sugar horse...

David Bowie - Cracked Actor
I've come on a few years from my Hollywood HighsThe best of the last, the cleanest star they ever had...

David Bowie - Criminal World
You never told me of your other facesYou were the widow of a wild catAnd now I know about your special...

David Bowie - Cygnet Committee
I bless you madly, sadly as I tie my shoesI love you badly, Just in time, at times, I guess...

David Bowie - Dancing With The Big Boys
Something's going on in society(Dancing with the big boys)You chew your fingers and stare at the floor...

David Bowie - Day In Day Out
Day-In Day-OutStay-In Fade-OutDay-In Oo OoDay-Out Oo Oo OoShe was born in a ha...

David Bowie - Days
Hold me tightKeep me coolGoing madDon't know what to doDo I need a friend?Well, I ne...

David Bowie - Dead Man Walking
He swivels his headTears his eyes from the screenAs his past puts him back in Atlantic City...

David Bowie - Don't Bring Me Down
I'm on my own, nowhere to roamI tell you baby, don't want no homeI wander round, feet off the ground...

David Bowie - Don't Let Me Down & Down
Still I keep my love for youNo place to hide no way to fallNowhere to lie no world so wideI'm si...

David Bowie - Don't Look Down
Don't look downThey're making sorta crazy soundsDon't look down, noDon't know who else came to k...

David Bowie - Eight Line Poem
The tactful cactus by your windowSurveys the prairie of your roomThe mobile spins to its collision...

David Bowie - Everyone Says 'hi'
Said you took a big tripThey said you moved awayHappened oh, so quietlyThey sayShoul...

David Bowie - Everything's Alright
Oh, little babyYou know I've been awayOh, little babyYou know I'll come todayDon't you kno...

David Bowie - Fall Dog Bombs The Moon
Hope little girlCome blow me awayI don't care muchI win anywayJust a dogI'm Go...

David Bowie - Fantastic Voyage
In the eventthat this fantastic voyageShould turn to erosion and we never get oldRemember ...

David Bowie - Fascination
Got to use herEvery time I feel fascinationI just can't stand still, I've got to use herEv...

David Bowie - Fashion
There's a brand new dancebut I don't know its nameThat people from bad homes do again and again...

David Bowie - Fill Your Heart
Fill your heart with love todayDon't play the game of timeThings that happened in the pastOnly h...

David Bowie - Five Years
Pushing thru the market squareso many mothers sighingNews had just come over, we had five ...

David Bowie - Friday On My Mind
Monday morning feels so badEverybody seems to nag meComing Tuesday I feel betterEven my old man ...

David Bowie - Future Legend
And in the deathAs the last few corpses lay rotting on the slimythoroughfareThe shutters lifted ...

David Bowie - Glass Spider
Up until one century ago there lived,In the Zi Duang province of eastern countryA glass-like spider...

David Bowie - God Knows I'm Good
I was walking through the counters of a national concernAnd a cash machine was spitting by my shoulder...

David Bowie - God Only Knows
If you should ever leave meMy life would still go on believe meThe world could show nothing to me...

David Bowie - Hallo Spaceboy
(Hallo) Spaceboy, you're sleepy now Your silhouette is so stationaryYou're released but your cus...

David Bowie - Hang On To Yourself
Well she's a tongue twisting storm, she will come to the show tonightPraying to the light machine...

David Bowie - Heathen
Steel on the skyline Sky made of glass Made for a real world All things must passOo-o ...

David Bowie - Here Comes The Night
Ohhhhh... here it comesHere comes the nightYeah, here comes the nightOh, yeah (here comes the ni...

David Bowie - I Can't Explain
New feeling insideIt's a hot certain kindI feel hot and coldDown in my soul, babyI c...

David Bowie - I Feel Free
Dear when I dance with youWe move like the seaYou, you're all I want to knowI feel freeI f...

David Bowie - If I'm Dreaming My Life
Was she never there?Was she ever?Was it air she breathed?At the wrong timeAll the fl...

David Bowie - I Have Not Been To Oxford Town
Baby Grace is the victimShe was 14 years of ageAnd the wheels are turning, turningFor the finger...

David Bowie - I Keep Forgetting
I keep forgettingyou don't love me no moreI keep forgetting you don't want me no moreI kee...

David Bowie - I Know It's Gonna Happen Someday
My love wherever you areWhatever you are, don't lose faithI know it's gonna happen someday to you...

David Bowie - I'm Afraid Of Americans
Uh-uh-uh uh, uh, uh-uh uh-uh-uhJohnny's in AmericaNo tricks at the wheelUh-uh-uh uh, uh, uh-uh u...

David Bowie - I'm Deranged
Funny how secrets travelI'd start to believe if I were to bleedThin skies, the man chains his ha...

David Bowie - It Ain't Easy
When you climb to the top of the mountainLook out over the seaThink about the places perhaps, where a ...

David Bowie - I Took A Trip On A Gemini Spacecraft
I took a tripon a gemini spacecraftAnd I thought about you I passed through the shadow of Jupite...

David Bowie - It's No Game (part 1)
121-2-2Shiruetto ya kage ga kakumei o miteiruMo tengoku no giyu no kaidan wa nai2...

David Bowie - It's No Game (part 2)
Silhouettes and shadowswatch the revolutionNo more free steps to heavenJust walkie-talkie - heav...

David Bowie - I've Been Waiting For You
(I've been looking, I've been looking)(I've been looking, I've been looking)I've been lookingFor...

David Bowie - I Wish You Would
Early in the morning by the break of dayThat's when my baby went awayCome back baby I wish you would...

David Bowie - I Would Be Your Slave
Walking in the snowy streetLet me understandDrifting down a silent parkStumbling over land...

David Bowie - Janine
Oh my love, JanineI'm helpless for your smileLike a Polish wandererI travel ever onwards to your...

David Bowie - Joe The Lion
Joe the lionWent to the barA couple of drinks on the house an' he said"Tell you who you are ...

David Bowie - Join The Gang
Let me introduce you to the gangJohnny plays the sitar, he's an existentialistOnce he had a name, now ...

David Bowie - Jump They Say
When comes the shaking manA nation in his eyesStriped with blood and emblazed tattooStreaking ca...

David Bowie - Kingdom Come
Well I walked in the pouring rainAnd I heard a voice that cries "It's all in vain"The voice of d...

David Bowie - Kooks
[CHORUS (x2)]Will you stay in our Lovers' StoryIf you stay you won't be sorry'Cause we be...

David Bowie - Lady Grinning Soul
She'll come, she'll go.She'll lay belief on youSkin sweet with musky oilThe lady from another gr...

David Bowie - Lady Stardust
People stared at the makeup on his faceLaughed at his long black hair, his animal graceThe boy i...

David Bowie - Law (earthlings On Fire)
I don't want knowledge, I want certaintyIn the street a man shouts out loudA wallet drops ...

David Bowie - Leon Takes Us Outside
Valentines Day, 25, June, 16th, Wednesday, July 6th, 20, 0, 20, 15, Martin Luther King Day, June 18th, June ...

David Bowie - Let's Dance
Let's dance put on your red shoes and dance the bluesLet's dance to the song they're playin' on ...

David Bowie - Let's Spend The Night Together
Well, don't you worry 'bout what's been on my mindI'm in no hurry I can take my timeI'm going re...

David Bowie - Letter To Hermoine
The hand that wrote this letterSweeps the pillow cleanSo rest your head and read a treasured dre...

David Bowie - Little Bombadier
War made him a soldierLittle Frankie MearPeace left him a loserThe little bombardierLines ...

David Bowie - Little Wonder
Stinky weather, Fat shaky handsDopey morning Doc,Grumpy gnomesLittle wonder then, little wonder...

David Bowie - Looking For Satellites
[REFRAIN]NowhereShampooTVCome backBoy's ownSlim tieShowdown...

David Bowie - Looking For Water
Silver leaves are spinning roundTake my hand as we go down and down and downLooking for waterBut...

David Bowie - Love You Till Tuesday
Just look through your window, look who sits outsideLittle me is waiting, standing through the nightWh...

David Bowie - Loving The Alien
Watching them come and goThe Templars and the SaracensThey're travelling the holy landOpening te...

David Bowie - Lucy Can't Dance
Lucy I know what you're going to going to doOh Lucy look what you're doing I'm doing it tooNow you're ...

David Bowie - Magic Dance
You remind me of the babeWhat babe? babe with the powerWhat power? power of voodooWho do? you do...

David Bowie - Maid Of Bond Street
This girl is made of lipstickPowder and paintSees the picture of herselfEvery magazine on every ...

David Bowie - Memory Of A Free Festival
The Children of the summer's endGathered in the dampened grassWe played Our songs and felt the London ...

David Bowie - Miracle Goodnight
Burning up each others' love, burning up our livesTried all kinds of working out, miracle goodnightFut...

David Bowie - Modern Love
I know when to go out And when to stay in Get things done [spoken]I catch a paper b...

David Bowie - Moonage Daydream
I'm an alligator, I'm a mama-papa coming for youI'm the space invader, I'll be a rock 'n' rollin' bitch for ...

David Bowie - Move On
Sometimes I feelThat I need to move onSo I pack a bagAnd move onMove onWell I ...

David Bowie - Nathan Adler
Old Touchschriek was the main nameserverSuspected of being a shoulder surferBut he didn't know f...

David Bowie - Neighborhood Threat
Down where your paint is crackingLook down your backstairs buddySomebody's living there andHe do...

David Bowie - Never Get Old
Better take careThink I better go, better get a roomBetter take care of meAgain and again...

David Bowie - Never Let Me Down
When I believed in nothing I called her nameTrapped in a high-dollar joint in some place I...

David Bowie - New Angels Of Promise
New Angels of PromiseWe despairWe are the dead dreamsWe take the blameTake us to the edge ...

David Bowie - New Killer Star
See the great white scarOver Battery ParkThen a flare glides overBut I won't look at that scar...

David Bowie - New York's In Love
Do you see that thingI'm sure it's loveWould you do one thingNew York's in loveThe city gr...

David Bowie - Nite Flights
There's no holdThe moving has come throughThe danger passing youTurns its face into the heat and...

David Bowie - No Control
Stay away from the futureBack away from the lightIt's all deranged - no controlSit tight in your...

David Bowie - Outside
Now. Not tomorrow.YesterdayNot tomorrowIt happens todayThe damage todayThey fa...

David Bowie - Pablo Picasso
Swinging on the back porchJumping off a big logPablo's feeling better nowHanging by his finger n...

David Bowie - Pallas Athena
God is on top of it allThat's allWe are we are we are ...

David Bowie - Panic In Detroit
He looked a lot like Che Guevara, drove a diesel vanKept his gun in quiet seclusion,such a humbl...

David Bowie - Please Mr. Gravedigger
There's a little churchyard just along the wayIt used to be Lambeth's finest arrayOf tombstones, epita...

David Bowie - Quicksand
I'm closer to the Golden Dawn Immersed in Crowley's uniform Of imagery I'm living in a silent fi...

David Bowie - Ramona A. Stone / I Am With Name
I was Ramona A. StoneI started with no enemies of my ownI was an artisteIn a tunnelB...

David Bowie - Reality
Tragic youth was looking young and sexyThe tragic youth was wearing tattered black jeansBearing arms a...

David Bowie - Red Money
Oh, can you feel it in the wayThat a man is not a man?Can you see it in the skyThat the landscap...

David Bowie - Red Sails
Feel a bit roughed up, feel a bit frightenedNearly pin it down some timeRed sail actionwak...

David Bowie - Repetition
Johnny is a manAnd he's bigger than youBut his overheads are highAnd he looks straight through w...

David Bowie - Ricochet
Like weeds on a rockface waiting for the scytheRicochet - RicochetThe world is on a corner waiting for...

David Bowie - Right
[CHORUS 1]Taking it all the right wayKeeping it in the backTaking it all the right way...

David Bowie - Rock 'n Roll With Me
You always were the one that knewThey sold us for the likes of youI always wanted new surroundings...

David Bowie - Rosalyn
Hey Rosalyn, tell me where you've beenHey Rosalyn, tell me where you've beenAll the night and all the ...

David Bowie - Rubber Band
Rubber bandThere's a rubber band that plays tunes out of tuneIn the library garden Sunday afternoon...

David Bowie - Running Gun Blues
I count the corpses on my left, I find I'm not so tidySo I better get away, better make it todayI've c...

David Bowie - Saviour Machine
President Joe once had a dreamThe world held his hand, gave their pledgeSo he told them his sche...

David Bowie - Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)
She had an horror of rooms she was tired you can't hide beat When I looked in her eyes they were...

David Bowie - Scream Like A Baby
Well I wouldn't buy no merchandiseAnd I wouldn't go to warAnd I mixed with other coloursBut the ...

David Bowie - See Emily Play
Emily tries but misunderstandsShe's often inclined to borrow somebody's dreams 'til tomorrow...

David Bowie - Sell Me A Coat
La la la la la la, la la la la la la laA winter's day, a bitter snowflake on my face My summer girl ta...

David Bowie - Seven
I forgot what my father said I forgot what he saidI forgot what my mother saidas we layed upon y...

David Bowie - Seven Years In Tibet
"Are you OK?You've been shot in the headAnd I'm holding your brains"The old woman saidSo I...

David Bowie - Shake It
I feel like a sail-boatAdrift on the seaIt's a brand new daySo when you gonna phone me...

David Bowie - Shapes Of Things
Shapes of things before my eyesJust teach me to despiseWill time make man more wiseHere within m...

David Bowie - She'll Drive The Big Car
She waited by the moonShe was sick with fear and coldShe felt too old for all of thisOf course s...

David Bowie - She's Got Medals
She'd walk through the door and she'd set up the drinks on the houseShe played a good game of darts, a...

David Bowie - She Shook Me Cold
We met upon a hill, the night was cool and stillShe sucked my dormant willMother, she blew my brain, I...

David Bowie - Shining Star (makin' My Love)
Eddie boy lit like paraffin spending two weeksin a crack houseBurns on his brain like Cher...

David Bowie - Silly Boy Blue
Montains of Lhasa are feeling the rainPeople are walking the Botella lanesPreacher takes the school...

David Bowie - Slip Away
Oogie waits for just another day Drags his bonesto see the Yankees play Bones Boy talks and flic...

David Bowie - Slow Burn
Here shall we live in this terrible townWhere the price for our mindsshall squeeze them tight like a f...

David Bowie - Somebody Up There Likes Me
He's everybody's token, on everybody's wallBlessing all the papers, thanking one and allHugging all th...

David Bowie - Something In The Air
Your coat and hat are goneI really can't look at your little empty shelfA ragged teddy bearIt fe...

David Bowie - Song For Bob Dylan
Oh, hear this Robert ZimmermanI wrote a song for youAbout a strange young man called Dylan...

David Bowie - Sons Of The Silent Age
Sons of the silent ageStand on platformsblank looks and note booksSit in back rows of city...

David Bowie - Sorrow
With your long blonde hairand your eyes of blueThe only thing I ever got from you was sorrow...

David Bowie - Soul Love
Stone love - she kneels before the graveA brave son - who gave his life to save the slogansThat ...

David Bowie - Space Oddity
Ground Control to Major TomGround Control to Major TomTake your protein pills and put your helme...

David Bowie - Star
Tony went to fight in BelfastRudi stayed at home to starveI could make it all worthwhile as a ro...

David Bowie - Station To Station
The return of the Thin White Duke throwing dartsin lovers' eyes Here are we one magical moment...

David Bowie - Stay
This week dragged past me so slowlyThe days fell on their kneesMaybe I'll take something to help...

David Bowie - Strangers When We Meet
All my friendsNow seem so thin and frailSlinky secretsHotter than the sunNo peachy prayers...

David Bowie - Subterraneans
Share bride failing starCare-line care-linecare-line care-line driving meShirley, Sh...

David Bowie - Sunday
Nothing remains We could run when the rain slowsLook for the cars or signs of life Where t...

David Bowie - Survive
Got Oh my, naked eyesI should have kept youI should have triedI should have been a wiser kind of...

David Bowie - Sweet Thing
It's safe in the city, to love in a doorwayTo wrangle some screens from the doorAnd isn't it me, putti...

David Bowie - Sweet Thing (reprise)
If you want it, boys, get it here thing'Cause hope, boys, is a cheap thing, cheap thingIs it nic...

David Bowie - Teenage Wildlife
Well, how come you only want tomorrowWith its promise of something hard to doA real life adventu...

David Bowie - Telling Lies
Gorgeous girls are bound to meetTo talk of stars and kings and feetThrough the chromosomes of space an...

David Bowie - The Bewlay Brothers
And so the story goes they wore the clothesThey said the thingsto make it seem improbableT...

David Bowie - The Dreamers
Black eyed ravensThey spiral downThey tilt his head backTo the flame filled sunsetRise the...

David Bowie - The Hearts Filthy Lesson
(Heart's filthy lesson) There's always the Diamond friendlySitting in the Laugh MotelThe Heart's...

David Bowie - The Last Thing You Should Do
What have you been doing to yourselfIt's the last thing you should doNobody laughs any more It's...

David Bowie - The Loneliest Guy
Streets damp and warmEmpty smell metalWeeds between buildingsPictures on my hard driveBut ...

David Bowie - The Man Who Sold The World
We passed upon the stair, we spoke of was and whenAlthough I wasn't there, he said I was his friendWhi...

David Bowie - The Motel
For we're livingin a safety zoneDon't be holding back from meWe're living from hour to hour down...

David Bowie - The Prettiest Star
Cold fire, you've got everything but cold fireYou will be my rest and peace childI moved up to t...

David Bowie - The Pretty Things Are Going To Hell
What to do?What to say?What to wear on a sunny day?Who the phone?Who to fight?Who to...

David Bowie - There Is A Happy Land
There is a happy land where only children liveThey don't have the time to learn the ways Of you sir, Mr. Gro...

David Bowie - The Supermen
When all the world was very youngAnd mountain magic heavy hungThe supermen would walk in fileGua...

David Bowie - The Voyeur Of Utter Destruction (as Beauty)
I shakeAnd stare at the sunTill my eyes burnI shakeAt the mothers brutal verminI sha...

David Bowie - The Wedding Song
These are silver wingsThese are golden eyesThese are floating cloudsAngel for lifeDr...

David Bowie - Thru These Architect's Eyes
Stomping along on this big Phillip JohnsonIs delay just wasting my timeLooking across at Richard...

David Bowie - Thursday's Child
All of my life I've tried so hardDoing my best with what I had Nothing much happened all the same ...

David Bowie - Time
Time - He's waiting in the wingsHe speaks of senseless thingsHis script is you and me boys...

David Bowie - Time Will Crawl
I've never sailed on a seaI would not challenge a giantI could not take on the churchTime will c...

David Bowie - Tonight
I saw my babyShe was turning blueI knew that soonHer young life was throughAnd so I got do...

David Bowie - Too Dizzy
There's too much talking for a night driveToo much mist in front of my eyesI'm trying not to lose cont...

David Bowie - Try Some, Buy Some
Way back in timeSomeone said try someI tried someNow buy some, I bought some...Oh oh oh...

David Bowie - Tumble And Twirl
I've seen the cityI took the next flightFor BorneoThey say it's prettyI like the tee shirt...

David Bowie - Uncle Arthur
Strikes the bell for 5 o'clock, Uncle Arthur closes shop Screws the tops on all the bottles, turns the light...

David Bowie - Unwashed And Somewhat Slightly Dazed
Spy, spy, pretty girlI see you see me through your windowDon't turn your nose upWell, you can if...

David Bowie - Up The Hill Backwards
The vacuum created by the arrival of freedomAnd the possibilities it seems to offerIt's got noth...

David Bowie - Warszawa
Mmmm-mm-mm-ommm Sula vie dilejo Mmmm-mm-mm-ommm Sula vie milejo Mmm-ommCheli v...

David Bowie - Watch That Man
Shakey threw a party that lasted all nightEverybody drank a lot of something niceThere was an ol...

David Bowie - We Are Hungry Men
[spoken]Here is the newsAccording the latest world population surveyThe figures have reac...

David Bowie - We Are The Dead
Something kind of hit me todayI looked at you and wondered if you saw things my wayPeople will h...

David Bowie - We Prick You
White boys falling on the fires of night(I wish you'd tell, I wish you'd tell)Flesh punks burning ...

David Bowie - What In The World
You're just a little girl with grey eyesNever mind, say somethingWait until the crowd criesOh, w...

David Bowie - What's Really Happening
Grown inside a plastic boxMicro thoughts and safety locksHearts become outdated clocksTicking in...

David Bowie - When I Live My Dream
When I live my dream, I'll take you with meRiding on a golden horseWe'll live within my castle, with p...

David Bowie - Where Have All The Good Times Gone
In my life I've never stopped to worry about a thingOpened up and shouted out and never tried to...

David Bowie - Width Of A Circle
In the corner of the morning in the pastI would sit and blame the master first and lastAll the roads w...

David Bowie - Wild Eyed Boy From Freecloud
Solemn facedThe village settles downUndetected by the starsAnd the hangman plays the mandolin be...

David Bowie - Win
Me, I hope that I'm crazyI feel you driving and you're only the wheelSlow down, let someone love you...

David Bowie - Wishful Beginnings
Cruising around me the flames burn my bodyWishful beginningsDoes this remind them again & again...

David Bowie - Within You
How you turn my worldYou precious thing.You starve and near exhaust me.Everything I've don...

David Bowie - Without You
Just when I'm ready to throw in my handJust when the best things in life are goneI look into my ...

David Bowie - Word On A Wing
In this age of grand illusion You walked into my lifeout of my dreamsI don't need another change...

David Bowie - Yassassin (turkish For Long Live)
[CHORUS]Yassassin - I'm not a moody guyYassassin - I walk without a soundYassassin - ...

David Bowie - You've Been Around
Where's the pain in the violent night?I'm depressed by the grinI stay over many yearsI should ha...

David Bowie - Zeroes
(Ladies and GentlemenTonight, yes, the Zeroes will be singing for you!)Yeah Yeah [x4]...

David Franj - God Only Knows
Look at the street there's a crack in the windowDraws my attention into the kitchenI never noticed, I ...

David Franj - Never Be Amazing
I'll never be the waterAnd I'll never be the wineAnd I'll never be the last hand you hold before you w...

David Franj - Oxygen
Head-lights, swirving cars, white man chasing ghosts, bleeding my heart,City smog feels your eyes, let me ca...

David Sneddon - All My Life
Took a little bit of money, tried to find my soulStanding on the corner of a street where nobody goesA...

David Sneddon - Best Of Order
Once upon a time not so long agoThis boy he took to the stageHe wandered around like a travelling show...

David Sneddon - Don't Let Go
I don't even know if I could cryBeen so long, it seems like I've run drySomething in your eyes tonight...

David Sneddon - Follow Me
The Devil picked me up todaySaid c'mon boy it's time to play!We got places to go and people to see...

David Sneddon - Lazy
Like a kid in a candy storeYour mama told you what to take and leave behind.But kid - you're older now...

David Sneddon - Long Time Coming
Should have never used the phoneGot to do this on my ownIt's been a long time coming to me nowI ...

David Sneddon - Neverland
Maybe it's time to compromiseStop moving your mouth and use your eyesYou think you know what people li...

David Sneddon - Ok
It takes forever to convince them that you're who you say you are.They like to judge youBut you know t...

David Sneddon - Stop Living The Lie
He sits alone at a table in a small cafe Drowning his tears in a bottomless cup of coffee And hes tumb...

David Sneddon - The Bluebird
Listen to your heart and not your headI know that this is what the wise man saidMaybe he's wrong......

David Sneddon - Time To Fall Down
Hey yay-ay....Got a face like thunderYou're looking like the world came down on youYou're ...

David Sneddon - Without You
Looking out over the oceanAnd I'm wondering why it is blueAnd the only reason can be...Cause I'm...

David Usher - A Day In The Life
Did you feel small today when everyone had gone'Cause I was beaten up and jaded by the newsAnd underne...

David Usher - Alone In The Universe
Jamie's on the bathroom floor she don't know whyShe's shaking underneath the sink can't feel a thingSh...

David Usher - Babyskin Tattoo
I am just the grey one I'm the darker side of youAnd there's a place you left inside meI hope it will ...

David Usher - Black Black Heart
Something ugly this way comesThrough my fingers sliding insideAll these blessings all these burns...

David Usher - Blinded
Turn me out then turn me onPretty flower can you tell me what's become of who we areOnly asking what y...

David Usher - Butterfly
You came apart on me last Sunday morningChocked and indicted by the truthAnd it's always tough when th...

David Usher - Closer
You had to loseA funny thing the part we can't playI'd love to offer you with all the blameBut n...

David Usher - Devil By My Side
Believe in hope, Believe in faith, Believe in things I can't fight, Believe in truth, Beli...

David Usher - Everything Is All Right By Me Now
Conscience has come its incest as alwaysmade us believers i am not the onewanting fought off des...

David Usher - Faithless
Lord oh lordcant you hear me callinglord of lordhope it wont take longim feeling quite goo...

David Usher - Fast Car
You got a fast carI want a ticket to anywhereMaybe we can make a dealMaybe together we can get s...

David Usher - Fearless
We are all just aching, we're waiting, For heartbreak in this world of light and darkness, I lost it, ...

David Usher - Final Thoughts And The Last Day On Earth
Heaven haunts me kill for a cigaretteHeaven is all that I gotMy god left me without one word of ...

David Usher - Forestfire
What if I were you and you were meStill can't see the forest fire beyond the treesNow I'm standing in ...

David Usher - F Train
(Just one sec)(Lavalamps are good)Traveled on the f train downThe people press and crowd...

David Usher - Going Home
Here it comes again at 3 amthat empty space it just takes my breath awaywalk outside its the strangest...

David Usher - Hallucinations
BreatheHallicinations start to fadeAll the colours are back to grey I never understood these thi...

David Usher - Hey Kids
Speak speaking for myselfpretned im someone elsei never felt the samewell this timebreath ...

David Usher - Hope (tell Everyone)
Light breathe exhalethe damage is donetonight weve failedso tell everyonethe ships have go...

David Usher - How Are You
How are youHow are youHow are youHow are youHad a dream I could turn back time...

David Usher - If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next
The future teaches you to be aloneThe present to be afraid and coldSo if I can shoot rabbitsThen...

David Usher - I'm Coming Down
Turn the lights out, The party is over and the wines all gone, Your good friends are headed home, ...

David Usher - In This Light
Hey, are you asleep now? I thought I heard you talking, Cause they're draining out my heart, And...

David Usher - Jesus Was My Girl
So he dies and I'm the jokeA playdoh mask a million miles to goA suped up cock tease with a little twi...

David Usher - Joy In Small Places
Well I woke up last night in a technology hazeMy eyes were all sparkedFrom this common malaiseSo...

David Usher - Long Goodbye
Just a reminal case like the fish on a hook im baitedyoure welcome inside my armies are marching i cat save ...

David Usher - Love Will Save The Day
The pornography made me do itSo those drugs that got us highWas the thoughts of revolutionThey'v...

David Usher - Message Home
If I fell in love, Would you sort me out, Would you take me deep, Would you go without? If...

David Usher - Million
Borrowed in black you are mineDon't make it easy don't make it hardDon't make it so simple again...

David Usher - Mood Song
I'm so dead and angryI'm justified to feel this wayI'm broken in piecesThe only game I would not...

David Usher - My Way Out
Standing at the edgeThe edge of it allSpitting off the topWatch the day unfurlCannot see t...

David Usher - Numb
Hey, have you fallen off the shelf? Can I help you get yourself, back together? I'm so tired, can I he...

David Usher - See You Fall
Just another afternoon and im choking down tea for twowhen youve flown so far awayand you know im wait...

David Usher - Souring
Daylight mornings creeping in had the blackest breamare you souringand i dreamt that i wiped all the b...

David Usher - St. Lawrence River
Smells on the airSee there it's crushing the final impressionThe stains on the paperWhere words ...

David Usher - Surfacing
Car crash East side of town, The waters deep here you can feel your own Strength fading, You're beginn...

David Usher - The Wolves
Walk dont run or these wolves will chase you down keep your heart well buried underground and we arevicious ...

David Usher - Time Of Our Lives
I once saw a man on fireStaring at his windowWatching as the flames grew higher and higherI thou...

David Usher - Tomorrow Comes
I can see miles above the clouds, And what was it like on the day you fell to Earth, Knocked you out c...

David Usher - Too Close To The Sun
High above your atmosphereDo they all still cheer for who they think we areAnd once more past the sun ...

David Usher - Trickster
I'm the trickster burn so brightly I still hate you motherfuckers everyoneWrapped in glory bound so ti...

David Usher - Unholy, Dirty And Beautiful
Bound by the time on the clockBittersweet wondering the quiet transfusionHold tight nothing is complic...

Days Of The New - Best Of Life
I found a place, another placeA different smile, a different faceDo you realize I'm not the one?...

Days Of The New - Bring Yourself
I can see your everthingDon't you know it's not hard to bringBring yourself to me, you knowIt's ...

Days Of The New - Cling
It seems so slow to meWatching them drop like fleasGot to runGot to get over thisI've face...

Days Of The New - Dancing With The Wind
I'm stuck in a daze, only I can save meThese eyes are staring at meChildren of the diseasedStuck...

Days Of The New - Days In Our Life
I said that I want toIt's not what you say, it's all in what you doNothing has the values of life, I s...

Days Of The New - Die Born
I am cold and I don't know whySaid you got to keep me warmYou will run from my eyesThey stare yo...

Days Of The New - Dirty Road
I've waited to say so long to the shame that owns youThe limits are bound, there's more to be foundIns...

Days Of The New - Enemy
Listen down you little manI'm not the one whos trying to change youAnd if you come to understand it wi...

Days Of The New - Face Of The Earth
I'm the one receiving the pain from youYou would make these liesI would take them trueYou're sel...

Days Of The New - Fighting With Clay
I've kept my differenceI look at you another wayNobody knows youNobody even knows your name...

Days Of The New - Freak
Watch the timeWait for mePatience is realityI don't know how it feelsNo, I can't see with ...

Days Of The New - Giving In
We want you to make itYou're given the lifeAnd you choose to take itOpen the door, the sna...

Days Of The New - Hang On To This
Keep me past the gateI've worn the world without a wordAnd I don't care too much for what they say...

Days Of The New - How Do You Know You?
All I see is all to seeStubborn mind in front of meIf you want I'll go awayI'll be here some oth...

Days Of The New - I Think
It feels so good outsideI think i'll stay here (stay here)And if you want to dieI think i'll car...

Days Of The New - Last One
Alone with painI thought i'd made a friendWhy do you leave nowIs this what you've planned...

Days Of The New - Never Drown
I am the dirt, the dust, the stain, the rust that's on your fingersYou're here to get inside the place...

Days Of The New - Now
I feel alone even with myselfBut it does better meI'd like to tell you how I'm feeling nowBut it...

Days Of The New - Once Again
Take this with strideYou know what I likeI give this part of me for youIt's on my time...

Days Of The New - Phobics Of Tragedy
Nothing is real when you're talkin'I don't believe what i'm watchin'Shelter me 'til it's overOf ...

Days Of The New - Provider
Don't you knowIt is hard to let go from the world where you've grownDon't you knowIt is hard to ...

Days Of The New - Shelf In The Room
The key is so distant..ive open doorsNow when to listenNo what to listen for ,yaThe shelf in th...

Days Of The New - Solitude
You are plain insane / inside you liveTonight / afraid the pain will giveDon't you want to feel...

Days Of The New - Take Me Back Then
Take Me Back ThenNothing's wrongI'm just wastin'All the time that I've tastedTake me back ...

Days Of The New - The Downtown
I know a town where people are runningAway from life - it seems always funnyThey think they are smart...

Days Of The New - The Real
Nothing is realBut its real if you want it to be(ideas in my mind none self subsisting)Look forw...

Days Of The New - Touch, Peel And Stand
Since I know how low to goI wont let it showWon't you touch me touch me, I won't let it goAnd no...

Days Of The New - Weapon And The Wound
I won't break thisIt took so long to make thisThe life I lead is getting through to meI wo...

Days Of The New - What's Left For Me?
Taken by surprise by the size of my brainKnowing all the time all the lies, all the gamesThinking up a...

Days Of The New - Where Are You?
It's hard to let you goThere's more than what you knowAnd if you drift awayI'll be there with be...

Days Of The New - Where I Stand
Some of us play lifeLike a board gameIt's newFunAnd you play itWith peopleTher...

Days Of The New - Whimsical
I can see the orange sky in front of meI can see things you'll never seePeople say its all a f--ing dr...

Days Of The New - Words
I will run for youAnd I would kill for youI think I'd let you strangle me tooAnd I would s...

Dead Celebrity Status - 5 Deadly Fingers
(Heavy mixing through-out)Next to step up.All the fuckers that know who's the best, know meAlott...

Dead Celebrity Status - Back To '88
I could make a earth shake, I'm your worst mistake,between skinny dipping and Camp Crystal Lake.I feel...

Dead Celebrity Status - Erica
[Bobby] Dear Erica, I would cherish you more than life itself.[Yas] Wait, no you wouldn't.-...

Dead Celebrity Status - If These Walls Could Talk
[Whisper]Back and forth, forth and back I keep pacing.I stay the same while this world keeps ch...

Dead Celebrity Status - In This Day And Age
[Yas][arabic talking:] God Forbid us from the devilLet me introduce myself my name...

Dead Celebrity Status - Intro
I remember the stories they used to tell me,about how beautiful and powerful she was.She was a goddess...

Dead Celebrity Status - Messiah
Move out the way when I'm passing through.I got heads to the front and the back of you.I got the world...

Dead Celebrity Status - Somebody Turn The Lights Off
(Click Click Click, sshh)Somebody turn the lights off.Sometimes my eyes are hollow and sleepy...

Dead Kennedys - A Child And His Lawnmower
Some clown in Sacramento was dragged into courtHe shot his lawnmowerIt disobeyed, it wouldn't start...

Dead Kennedys - A Commercial
Have we got a telethon for you coming soon on MTV! A rockin' bankrollextravaganza featuring all your vigilan...

Dead Kennedys - A Growing Boy Needs His Lunch
In lonely gas stations with mini-martsYou'll find rows of them for saleLiquor-filled statues of Elvis ...

Dead Kennedys - Anarchy For Sale
Step right up folks Anarchy for sale!T-shirts only 10 dollarsBadges only 3.50I nicke...

Dead Kennedys - At My Job
If your machine might slip a gearPush this button to help it clear Your time card says your name's Joe...

Dead Kennedys - Bleed For Me
You've been hanging 'roundWith an enemy of the stateCome with me to the buildingThat no-one stop...

Dead Kennedys - Buzzbomb
Buzzbomb BuzzbombMacho-mobileThe road's my slave That's how I feel I cruise alone...

Dead Kennedys - Buzzbomb From Pasadena
Buzzbomb buzzbomb macho-mobileThe road's my slave, that's how I feelI cruise alone, I cruise real far...

Dead Kennedys - Cesspools In Eden
Poison is bubblingBeneath your dreamhomeBuried there years before Kid runs in crying...

Dead Kennedys - Chemical Warfare
Down at the arsenal they keep the nerve gassesGuarded day and night by caged white rabbitsBeen sitting...

Dead Kennedys - Chicken Farm
Another rainy morning mingling at the marketBartering for food for another dayRifle shots ring out beh...

Dead Kennedys - Dead End
Once I had a close friendI knew him for quite a whileHe seemed alright to meWe had this deal tog...

Dead Kennedys - Dear Abby
Dear Abby, Got a problem. I'm a decent, underpaid, hardworking county coroner. It'simportant tha...

Dead Kennedys - Dog Bite
Dog biteOn my legNot rightSupposed to beg Daily to the filling stationUnderwater nav...

Dead Kennedys - Do The Slag
Have you heard about the latest crazeThat's sweepin' across the nationAll the punks from coast to coas...

Dead Kennedys - Drug Me
I don't want to thinkDon't make me careI wanna melt in with the groupI need the ballsTo le...

Dead Kennedys - Fleshdunce
We're world industry's thoughtlordsThe entertainment wingWe keep you all in line By fixing...

Dead Kennedys - Forest Fire
No junk food, just earthly goodsI ate weird berries in the woodsNow I'm seeing colors, I'm getting hig...

Dead Kennedys - Forward To Death
I don't need your way of life I can't stand your attitudes I can do without your strife I don't ...

Dead Kennedys - Funland At The Beach
Sunny Sunday at the amusement parkSee the fat kids spill their popOh babe-lots of flags and balloons...

Dead Kennedys - Gone With My Wind
Wake up! Get down here quick!The president's had too much to drinkHis days of power are about gone...

Dead Kennedys - Goons Of Hazzard
Happy hour belongs to America's best-loved thugsHere comes the 4-wheel prosthetic penisesGot yer gun r...

Dead Kennedys - Government Flu
We got a drugWe're gonna try it out on youWon't make you dieIt'll getcha just a little bit sick ...

Dead Kennedys - Halloween
So it's HalloweenAnd you feel like dancin'And you feel like shinin'And you feel like letting loo...

Dead Kennedys - Hellnation
Hellnation's when they teach usProfiting from greedHellnation's what they give usCoke, heroin & ...

Dead Kennedys - Holiday In Cambodia
So you been to school for a year or twoAnd you know you've seen it allIn daddy's car thinkin' you'll g...

Dead Kennedys - Hop With The Jet Set
I say, come on!To pleasures unknownWhere we fly to when we are all boredC'mon for the ride...

Dead Kennedys - Hyperactive Child
I'm tired of kissin' assI can't sit still all dayYou know I know your school's a lieThat's why y...

Dead Kennedys - I Am The Owl
I am your plumberNo I never went awayI still bug your bedroomsAnd pick up everything you say...

Dead Kennedys - I Kill Children
I kill childrenI love to see them dieI kill childrenAnd make their mamas cryCrush 'em unde...

Dead Kennedys - Ill In The Head
In a desperate mindLittle gardens growThey grow very wideThey grow very tall Why am ...

Dead Kennedys - In-sight
Who's that kid in the back of the roomWho's that kid in the back of the roomHe's setting all his paper...

Dead Kennedys - I Spy
You look at me from the back of the roomAll I see is a bumbling buffoonHead down like you don't see mu...

Dead Kennedys - Jock-o-rama
You really like gorillas?We've got just the pet for youIt's the way you're forced to actTo survi...

Dead Kennedys - Kepone Factory
I finally found a job in a paperMovin' barrels at a chemical plantThere's shiny-looking dust on my fin...

Dead Kennedys - Kill The Poor
Efficiency and progress is ours once more Now that we have the Neutron bomb It's nice and quick and cl...

Dead Kennedys - Kinky Sex Makes The World Go 'round
Greetings:This is the Secretary of War at the State Department of the United StatesWe have a problem. ...

Dead Kennedys - Let's Lynch The Landlord
The Landlord's here to visitThey're blasting disco down belowSez, "I'm doubling up the rentCos t...

Dead Kennedys - Life Sentence
You used to be a partner in crimeNow you say you ain't got the time Gotta get serious, gotta pla...

Dead Kennedys - Macho Insecurity
Name one thing on earth lower than a tough guyWho talks with his fists instead of using his headWho be...

Dead Kennedys - Moon Over Marin
The crowded future stings my eyesI still find time to exerciseIn uniform with two white stripes ...

Dead Kennedys - Moral Majority
You call yourself the Moral MajorityWe call ourselves the people in the real worldTrying to rub us out...

Dead Kennedys - M.t.v.-get Off The Air
Fun Fun Fun in the fluffy chairFlame up the herbWoof down the beer[click!]HiI...

Dead Kennedys - Nazi Punks Fuck Off
Punk ain't no religious cultPunk means thinking for yourselfYou ain't hardcore cos you spike your hair...

Dead Kennedys - Night Of The Living Rednecks
Ray's guitar broke. No, we won't play Rawhide, won't play anything. We'll play the theme from the Dinah Shor...

Dead Kennedys - One-way Ticket To Pluto
Get ready for the Blast Off! And don't forget the Hype! We're going into space. Distinguis...

Dead Kennedys - Police Truck
Tonight's the night that we got the truckWe're goin' downtown gonna beat up drunksYour turn to drive I...

Dead Kennedys - Pull My Strings
I'm tired of self respectI can't afford a carI wanna be a prefab superstar I wanna be a to...

Dead Kennedys - Rambozo The Clown
Got a deadly toyTo brainwash your boy An egocentric muscle thugKicks butt on screen like a...

Dead Kennedys - Rawhide
God damn, well let's do a tune called Rawhide, okayGod damn tape's rollin', let's go Let's move ...

Dead Kennedys - Religious Vomit
[Chorus]All religions make me wanna throw upAll religions make me sickAll religions make ...

Dead Kennedys - Riot
Rioting-the unbeatable highAdrenalin shoots your nerves to the skyEveryone knows this town is gonna bl...

Dead Kennedys - Saturday Night Holocaust
There's a prefab building and a funny smellAround the hill outside of townEvery now and then we wonder...

Dead Kennedys - Short Songs
I like short songs[Repeat 13 times] ...

Dead Kennedys - Shrink
If only people could shrinkOur world wouldn't be so overcrowdedBring ourselves down to sizeThere...

Dead Kennedys - Soup Is Good Food
We're sorryBut you're no longer neededOr wantedOr even cared about here Machines can do a ...

Dead Kennedys - Stars And Stripes Of Corruption
Finally got to Washington in the middle of the nightI couldn't waitI headed straight for the Capitol M...

Dead Kennedys - Stealing People's Mail
We ain't going to the partyWe ain't going to the gameWe ain't going to the discoAin't gonna crui...

Dead Kennedys - Straight A's
Sixteen, on the honor rollI wish that I was deadParents hate me, I got zitsAnd bruises 'round my...

Dead Kennedys - Take This Job And Shove It
Take this job and shove itI ain't working here no moreI will not get all the piecesI've be...

Dead Kennedys - Terminal Preppie
I go to collegeThat makes me so coolI live in a dormAnd show off by the pool I join ...

Dead Kennedys - The Great Wall
Great Wall of ChinaIt's so big it's seen from outer spacePut there to keep starving neighborsLoc...

Dead Kennedys - The Man With The Dogs
I am no oneBut I'm well knownFor I am the Man with the Dogs I stare at you shoppingW...

Dead Kennedys - The Prey
You're from out of townI can tell that by your shoesFlew in for the conventionGetting tipsy in a...

Dead Kennedys - This Could Be Anywhere (this Could Be Everywhere)
Cold concrete apartmentsRise up from wet black asphaltBelow them a few carcassesOf the long gone...

Dead Kennedys - Too Drunk To Fuck
Went to a partyI danced all nightI drank 16 beersAnd I started up a fight But now I ...

Dead Kennedys - Triumph Of The Swill
Life can only get betterAll you need to do is fall in loveEveryone else has fun but youBuy that ...

Dead Kennedys - Trust Your Mechanic
TV invents a diseaseYou think you haveSo you buy our drugsAnd soon you depend on themPain ...

Dead Kennedys - Viva Las Vegas
[Originally by Elvis Presley]Twilight City gonna set my soulIt's gonna set my soul on fir...

Dead Kennedys - Well Paid Scentist
You're a well paid scientistYou only talk in factsYou know you're always right'Cause you know ho...

Dead Kennedys - We've Got A Bigger Problem Now
Last call for alcohol. Last call for your freedom of speech. Drink up. Happy hour is now enforced by l...

Dead Kennedys - When Ya Get Drafted
Are you believing the morning papers?War is coming back in styleThere's generals here, advisors there...

Dead Kennedys - Winnebago Warrior
Roughin' it in the great outdoorsGuidebooks tell us where to goWinnebago Warrior Slow down...

Dead Kennedys - Your Emotions
Your mommy told you thisAnd your daddy told you thatAlways think like thisAnd never do that...

Deadstar Assembly - A Deep Breath
Never thought we'd end up this wayNever thought everything would changeIts so hard to leave your side ...

Deadstar Assembly - Breathe For Me
Listen toListen to meI need youA disaster's waiting to happenThese are the things I can't ...

Deadstar Assembly - Comes To Tongue
You said I'm sugarYou'll taste itBut it's anotherWhen you're next to meI see through...

Deadstar Assembly - Hot To Destroy An Angel
I'll teach you how to destroy an angelCross a shadow across my faceIt's the face of a young manL...

Deadstar Assembly - Just Like You
Born into a world that you'll grow to hateFall into the system of the church and stateWe all have the ...

Deadstar Assembly - Normal
Everyday I play the gameIt keeps me somewhat saneAn attitude adjustmentA fliter for my fucking b...

Deadstar Assembly - Precious Nothing
I know your bad for me It makes me want you moreI will do anything Cause I'm your filthy whore....

Deadstar Assembly - Send Me An Angel
Send me an angelSend me an angelRight nowRight nowSend me an angelSend me an angel...

Deadstar Assembly - Therapy Scares Me
Prescribe the chemical dependencyMake me dependent on your playing god degreeYou think you know just w...

Deadstar Assembly - Undone
I don't know this person in front of meI knew you one but then you departedA vicious circle a lashing ...

Deadstar Assembly - Where The Beauty Ends
You've waited here just to be thrown awayAnd your a paracite,Feeding off the last one standingAn...

Deadstar Assembly - Your Fiend
A fix that saves the deadI'll do it onceAnd my mouth's wide openNow I'm here againAn...

Deadsy - Anti-pop
I reach between the mind and burnYou've got a lot to learnYou believe everything you hearYou guy...

Deadsy - Brand New Love
The desperate eyes that close, maybe it goes away.Please rest tomorrow,and bring a satisfied day.The r...

Deadsy - Commencement
We gather today, with ill invitaion.To commence here under the sun, a black congregation.Some know me ...

Deadsy - Cruella
How the story rollsMagic's taught and history's toldA glory holeWhich through gazed her eyes of ...

Deadsy - Flowing Glower
Now you knowPlaces where I liveWhen I couldn't growDownward you'll soon driftOn the saille...

Deadsy - Future Years
A morbid beautyGlows in resonationMercurial signs they readMake real our mindsTrue fascina...

Deadsy - Lake Waramaug
Laid awake throughout the nightToday the school's so loudAnd now it's all so quietI plan to pack...

Deadsy - Le Cirque En Rose (obsolescence)
Once far away, through a dimension adjacent the day,transcending azure surrounds.One more try to hypno...

Deadsy - Mansion World
Once upon, and once up highA dandy dream, what means to die?Things to come, as life goes byThe c...

Deadsy - Seagulls (the Macroposopus)
Let us pretend love For the day This life we live Alludes to things awaySuppose in youth t...

Deadsy - She Likes Big Words
Well she comes from the land Of Valencian winds Deciduous daydream Dressage round the bend ...

Deadsy - Sleepy Hollow
Came to see himFor you only might findGone take my layFor you and I will find Form to see ...

Deadsy - The Elements
Through the mind we flee to spaceAs the shadows choose the placeThough afraid, my sleeper must awake...

Deadsy - This Goodnight
Cast in other greyTrapped in hyperspaceMotionless we stay Still we climb these ceilings, w...

Deadsy - Tom Sawyer
A modern day warrior Mean mean stride Today's Tom Sawyer Mean mean pride Though his ...

Deadsy - Winners
Let's take the longest way through the hallways of your mind.Upon your knees, the phantom breeze of a shipwr...

Death Cab For Cutie - 20th Century Towers
We'll correct collegiate mistakes,A shower of formal ideals,Completely soused, The hearts on our sleev...

Death Cab For Cutie - 405
I took the 405 and drilled a stake down into your center,And stated that it's never ever been better than th...

Death Cab For Cutie - 405 (acoustic)
I took the 405 and drilled a stake down into your center,And stated that it's never ever been better than th...

Death Cab For Cutie - All Is Full Of Love
You'll be given loveYou'll be taken care ofYou'll be given loveYou have to trust it,...

Death Cab For Cutie - A Movie Script Ending
Whenever i come back, the air on railroad is making the same sounds. And the shop fronts on holly are dirty ...

Death Cab For Cutie - Amputations
And if it was just how you wantedYou'd be glued to his bones and his brainstemAnd changing your image ...

Death Cab For Cutie - Bend To Squares
Gravitated towards a tasteFor foreign films and modern playsBut that machine could onlyBend to s...

Death Cab For Cutie - Blacking Out The Friction
I don't mind the weatherI've got scarves and caps and sweatersI've got long johns under slacks for blu...

Death Cab For Cutie - Champagne From A Paper Cup
I think i'm drunk enough to drive you home nowI'll keep my mouth kept shut from under lock and keyThat...

Death Cab For Cutie - Christmas (baby Please Come Home)
The snow's coming downI'm watching it fallWatching the people aroundBaby please come home...

Death Cab For Cutie - Company Calls
I'll take the best of your bad moods and dress them up to make a better you,'cause all the company calls amo...

Death Cab For Cutie - Company Calls Epilogue
Synapse to synapse... the possibility's thin.I'm dressed up for free drinks and family greetings on your wed...

Death Cab For Cutie - Company Calls Epilogue (alternate)
Synapse to Synapse: the possibility's thin.I'm dressed up for free drinks and family greetings on your...

Death Cab For Cutie - Coney Island
Sitting on a carousel ride without any music or light.Everything was closed at coney island, and i could not...

Death Cab For Cutie - Debate Exposes Doubt
The workadays were propping the bar quietly erasing the week and i was in a cornerbooth thinking(pretending ...

Death Cab For Cutie - Fake Frowns
Bent at the knee, a last resortBackfired and made things worseOnce on the bus, it was quite possible...

Death Cab For Cutie - For What Reason
This won't be the last you'll hear from me... it's just the start.I hope that he keeps you up for weeks like...

Death Cab For Cutie - Information Travels Faster
I intentionally wrote it out to be an illegible messYou wanted me to write you letters, but i'd rather lose ...

Death Cab For Cutie - I Was A Kaleidoscope
I put on my overcoat and walked into winter - my teeth chattered rhythmsAnd they were grouped in twos or thr...

Death Cab For Cutie - Line Of Best Fit
There things take my time and energyDon't stand too close without apologiesCutthroat; cut out candid g...

Death Cab For Cutie - Little Fury Bugs
You'll discover that casual friends kept notes in their pockets to remember your name.And all thses places w...

Death Cab For Cutie - Lowell, Ma
You've been forewarned of the shakedown.Opinions stamped on the pulp of the tabloid newsstand gossip that's ...

Death Cab For Cutie - No Joy In Mudville
Last night i dreamt that i was you. i was dressed all in black with dark glasses and attitude.Such a pose i ...

Death Cab For Cutie - Passenger Seat
I roll the window downAnd then begin to breathe inThe darkest country roadAnd the strong scent o...

Death Cab For Cutie - Photobooth
I remember when the days were long,And the nights when the living room was on the lawn.Constant quarre...

Death Cab For Cutie - Pictures In An Exhibition
I think you caught me on the downslide, downturnI was busy writing with a pen and paper thin dreamAnd ...

Death Cab For Cutie - Scientist Studies
What ghosts exist behind thses attic walls?There's got to be a simpler explanation,'cause i scrimped a...

Death Cab For Cutie - Sleep Spent
I can't expel the truthIt's much more than i thought i could doAnd with time my worth with stain...

Death Cab For Cutie - Song For Kelly Huckaby
Photographs of the best time you had, windows smugded by the speed. Leaving home with our bags from Ir...

Death Cab For Cutie - Stability
Time for the final bout.Rows of deserted houses..All our stable mates are highway bound.Give us ...

Death Cab For Cutie - Steadier Footing
It's gotten late and now i want to be aloneAll of our friends were here, they all have gone homeAnd he...

Death Cab For Cutie - Technicolor Girls
Technicolor girls are always on the phone talking about their homes and the conversations continue end...

Death Cab For Cutie - The Employment Pages
We spread out and occupy the cracks in the urban streets.Idle now... i rearrange the furniture as you sleep....

Death Cab For Cutie - The Sound Of Settling
I've got a hungerTwisting my stomach into knotsThat my tongue was tied offMy brain's repea...

Death Cab For Cutie - Title Track
Left uninspired by the crust of railroad earth that touched the lead to the pages of yout manuscript.I took ...

Death Cab For Cutie - Transatlanticism
The atlantic was born today and i'll tell you how...The clouds above opened up and let it out.I ...

Death Cab For Cutie - We Laugh Indoors
When we laugh indoors, the blissful tones bounce off the walls and fall to the ground. Peel the hardwood bac...

Death Cab For Cutie - Your Bruise
It's a backwards attraction to your forward eyesBut you're so far-sighted that you can't place trustIn...

Death From Above 1979 - Black History Month
Can you remember a time when this city wasA great place for architects and debutantesA nice place for ...

Death From Above 1979 - Cold War
This war is cold and silentOur love has turned to violenceYou've got three years to live for something...

Death From Above 1979 - Go Home, Get Down
So that you're not aloneI wanna take you home with meWell let's stay up all nightOr you can whil...

Death From Above 1979 - Going Steady
Oh you should see her nowWe still love her nowShe is going steadyBut we're not readyTo see...

Death From Above 1979 - Little Girl
My brother has a lady, oh, and one day she will have a babyMy brother has a baby oh, and one day, and one da...

Death From Above 1979 - Pull Out
I love my girlI want to get her offTurn the lights upSo I can seeTurn the lights upT...

Death From Above 1979 - Romantic Rights
Your romantic rights are all that you gotPush them down son it's more than just lipC'mon girls I know ...

Death From Above 1979 - Sexy Results
Sexy girl meet me in the bathroomSexy girl call me on the phoneWoman friend take me to your bedroom...

Death From Above 1979 - Turn It Out
Be there for you someday soonDon't hold your breath I'm on the moveI know you have so much to say...

Death From Above 1979 - You're A Woman, I'm A Machine
Take what you wantMy head is fullTake what you needMy price is goodYou want it allI'...

Deborah Cox - 2 Good 2 Be True
It's obvious, that you got it goin on And I'm contemplating I'm curious, it you mean what you say when...

Deborah Cox - Absolutely Not
Always waitin' for someoneTo make me happy, pick me upI realize that someone is meWhat you call ...

Deborah Cox - Call Me
Someone who loves you Wants to give you all you've been searching for I've been here waiting You...

Deborah Cox - Couldn't We
There were words between us Words that hurt inside Still that's just no reason to say the word "good-b...

Deborah Cox - Givin It Up
You know he's wrong, when he stays out all night long And he don't return your calls, well I ain't got time ...

Deborah Cox - I'm Your Natural Woman
You've gotta know You are my heart and soul I can't just let go I gave you years Cried a r...

Deborah Cox - It Could've Been You
Congratulations baby, it's been a while I heard through the grapevine that you're seeing a friend of mine ...

Deborah Cox - It's Over Now
Try to forget about it Ordinary things:typical predictable Baby I knew the end before it started ...

Deborah Cox - Just A Dance
Well it's a party The lights are low and I'm seein everybody Just havin some fun And there's a c...

Deborah Cox - Just Be Good To Me
Friends tell me I am crazy That I'm wasting time with you You'll never be mine That's not the wa...

Deborah Cox - Like I Did
Oh you think you found somebody that could treat you (like I did) Spend their time doin for you (like I did)...

Deborah Cox - Mr Lonely (hex Hector Mix)
Each night you held me in your arms Still you never did keep me warm Conversation was a waste of time ...

Deborah Cox - My First Night With You
Yesterday was not just another day Not like before Yesterday I saw your smiling face Love walked...

Deborah Cox - My Radio
Somebody, somebody's been telling me That you've been doing me wrong now What's going on between me an...

Deborah Cox - Never Gonna Break My Heart Again
You never knew how much you hurt me baby You never cared how much I cried Baby I gave my heart to you ...

Deborah Cox - (never Knew Love Could) Hurt So Much
Heard a million stories about love Some were good some were bad I found that if you hold on too tight ...

Deborah Cox - Nobody's Supposed To Be Here (dance Mix)
I've spent all my life, on a search to find The love who'll stay for eternity The heaven sent to fulfi...

Deborah Cox - Oh My Gosh!
[Chorus:]Boy you really blow my mind (OH MY GOSH) I'm just lookin' at you like (OH MY GOSH) ...

Deborah Cox - One Day You Will
You don't miss me now You don't miss me now One day you will Be walking down the street ...

Deborah Cox - Play Your Part
[Chorus:]Can you pretend to be the man I should have been with Can we fake the life you know I ...

Deborah Cox - Starting With You
Look at you Different day but same damn bags You're on my porch And I don't even have to ask ...

Deborah Cox - The Morning After
Hush, don't say a word Cause I already know what you're thinking, yeah Things just got more complicate...

Deborah Cox - The Sound Of My Tears
Always the life of the party Always the clown of the class All of my friends see me happy baby B...

Deborah Cox - Things Just Ain't The Same (dance Mix)
I saw you the other day And I almost lost my mind I remember the things we did I can't believe i...

Deborah Cox - Up & Down (in & Out)
Ooh baby I didn't come here to fight So why you wanna mess with me Ooh I'm always willing to compromis...

Deborah Cox - Who Do U Love
Last night I slept alone I stayed at home For the first time since you've been gone babe No frie...

Deborah Cox - Who Do U Love (morales Mix)
Last night I slept alone I stayed at home For the first time since you've been gone babe No frie...

The Decemberists - A Cautionary Song
There's a place your mother goes when everybody else is soundly sleeping Through the lights of beacon street...

The Decemberists - Angel, Won't You Call Me?
Angel, won't you call me? Could I be the only though I am a lost cause, Angel, won't you call me...

The Decemberists - As I Rise
I have come a few miles. I got blisters on my slippered feet As I rise, as I ri-ise. California'...

The Decemberists - Billy Liar
Billy Liar's got his hands in his pockets Staring over at the neighbor's, knickers down. He's got his ...

The Decemberists - California One / Youth And Beauty Brigade
Take a long drive with me On California one, California one Take a long drive with me On Califor...

The Decemberists - Clementine
You slept in your overalls After the wrecking ball Bereft you of house and home And left you wit...

The Decemberists - Cocoon
This cocoon, caught in vesuvius' shadow Only the ashes remain And I waited there for you Why cou...

The Decemberists - Eli, The Barrow Boy
Eli, the barrowboy, you're the old town Sells coal and marigolds and he cries out all down the day Bel...

The Decemberists - From My Own True Love (lost At Sea)
Four score years Living down in this rain swept town Sea salt tears Swimming round as the rain c...

The Decemberists - Grace Cathedral Hill
Grace Cathedral hill All wrapped in bones of setting sun All dust and stone and moribund I paid ...

The Decemberists - Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect
And here I dreamt I was a soldier And I marched the streets of birkenau And I recall in spring T...

The Decemberists - I Don't Mind
Truly, with his thorn in your side and you don't know why Julie dips her toe in the tide and she...

The Decemberists - I Was Meant For The Stage
I was meant for the stage, I was meant for the curtain. I was meant to tread these boards, Of th...

The Decemberists - July, July!
There is a road that meets the road That goes to my house And how the green grows there And we'v...

The Decemberists - Leslie Anne Levine
My name is Leslie Anne Levine My mother birthed me down a dry revine My mother birthed me far too soon...

The Decemberists - Los Angeles, I'm Yours
There is a city by the sea A gentle company I don't suppose you want to And as it tells its sorr...

The Decemberists - My Mother Was A Chinese Trapeze Artist
My mother was a Chinese trapeze artist In pre-war Paris Smuggling bombs for the underground. And...

The Decemberists - Oceanside
Sweet Annabelle, As seen reclining on an ocean swell As the waves do lather up to lay her down 'til sh...

The Decemberists - Odalisque
They've come to find you, Odalisque As the light dies horribly On a fire escape you walk All rar...

The Decemberists - Of Angels And Angles
There are angels in your angles There's a low moon caught in your tangles There's a ticking at the sil...

The Decemberists - On The Bus Mall
In matching blue raincoats, Our shoes were our show boats We kicked around. From stairway to sta...

The Decemberists - Red Right Ankle
This is the story of your red right ankle And how it came to meet your leg And how the muscle bone and...

The Decemberists - Shanty For The Arethusa
We set to sail on a packet full of spice, rum and tea-leaves. We've emptied out all the bars and the bowery ...

The Decemberists - Shiny
By the bumper cars In the pretty twining light I may have gone too far I may have gone too much,...

The Decemberists - Sixteen Military Wives
Sixteen military wives Thirty-two softly focused brightly colored eyes Staring at the natural tan ...

The Decemberists - Song For Myla Goldberg
Myla Goldberg sets a steady hand upon her brow Myla Goldberg hangs a crooked foot all upside down ...

The Decemberists - The Apology Song
I'm really sorry Steven But your bicycle's been stolen I was watching it for you 'Til you came b...

The Decemberists - The Bachelor And The Bride
There's a wrinkle in the water where we laid our first daughter And I think the wind blows so sweetly ...

The Decemberists - The Bagman's Gambit
On the lam from the law On the steps of the capitol You shot a plainclothes cop on the ten o'clock ...

The Decemberists - The Chimbley Sweep
I am a chimbley, a chimbley sweep No bed to lie, no shoes to hold my feet Upon the rooftops in dead of...

The Decemberists - The Engine Driver
I'm an engine driver On a long run, on a long run Would I work beside her She's a long one, such...

The Decemberists - The Gymnast, High Above The Ground
The gymnast, high above the ground, Limbers up and falls timbers down. Ankles splayed and all tied. ...

The Decemberists - The Infanta
Here she comes in her palanquin On the back of an elephant On a bed made of linen and sequins and silk...

The Decemberists - The Legionnaire's Lament
I'm a legionnaire Camel in disrepair Hoping for a frigidaire to come passing by I am on reprieve...

The Decemberists - The Soldiering Life
Ambling madly all over the town The call to arms, you're likened to a whisper I liken to a radio ...

The Decemberists - The Sporting Life
I fell on the playing field The work of an errant heel The din of the crowd and the loud commotion ...

The Decemberists - The Tain (parts I, Ii, Iii, Iv, V)
[PART I][crone:] here upon this pillow made of reed and willow you're a fick...

The Decemberists - We Both Go Down Together
Here on these cliffs of Dover So high you can't see over And while your head is spinning Hold ti...

Default - All She Wrote
Something's wrong with your mindIt won't think of me anymoreWas it all a waste of timeTell me wh...

Default - Alone
It's late againIt didn't seem to be a problem I couldn't seeYou made that choice that made me want to ...

Default - Break Down Doors
Seems forsakenNo mistake hereI watch you followIt's not your call thoughAround and a...

Default - Crossing The Line
I've broken clean free off the leach nowI don't have to go and please you anymoreYou fooled me fooled ...

Default - Cruel
Oh yeah Born no longer a babyAlways trying to keepIn one place for long, oh long enough to...

Default - Enough
I don't know what you've been toldI'm hopin you don't knowYour ears are ringing insideThink I've...

Default - Made To Lie
It's late againAcross the bar her night just beganHer search will endShe spots her tonight frien...

Default - Movin' On
To take not give your only wayYou used up all I have each dayWhispers of where your head has laid...

Default - (taking My) Life Away
They reach besideA leech to findI dreamed of this so longThis used to feel so strong...

Default - Throw It All Away
This feeling's back todayIt's so deceiving like it's never leavingsame as yesterdayAs the pressu...

Default - Who Followed Who?
Starting fights that can't be wonJust one round and you'll be goneWhen it's lost you'll reret it...

Default - Without You
All these changes taking placeIt was time I didn't wasteNo regrets here to eraseThrow them all a...

Def Leppard - 21st Century Sha La La La Girl
Twenty-four hours of every dayI'd walk on glass just to hear you sayGettin' it on is like a drug to me...

Def Leppard - Action
So you think you'll take another piece of me To satisfy your intellectual need Do you want, do you wan...

Def Leppard - Action! Not Words
I'm sick and tired of the damn TV I'm gonna make my own movie I wanna star in a late night show ...

Def Leppard - All I Want Is Everything
I don't know how to leave you And I don't know how to stay I've got things that I must tell you ...

Def Leppard - All Night
I like a woman who loves to drive Loves to do it fast, yeah, above 95 Oh, yeah, oh, yeah, oh yeah ...

Def Leppard - Animal
A wild ride, over stony ground Such a lust for life, the circus comes to town We are the hungry ones, ...

Def Leppard - Another Hit And Run
Union Jack is back with a hole in his head He's gettin' badly burned every time He's laughin' at me an...

Def Leppard - Answer To The Master
When the night time unfolds and the memories that you hold Bring a light to your eyes though you know it's d...

Def Leppard - Armageddon It
Ya better come inside when you're ready to But no chance if ya don't wanna dance You like four letter ...

Def Leppard - Back In Your Face
Hey! Hey! Hey! I'm back in your face like I've never been away I'm back in your face and it's wh...

Def Leppard - Beyond The Temple
Beyond the temple There lies a tomb with a king from long ago A traveler from a distant planet T...

Def Leppard - Billy's Got A Gun
Billy's got a gun, he's on the run Confusion in his mind, the blind leads the blind Oh, Billy's got a ...

Def Leppard - Blood Runs Cold
I heard this line one time 'bout tryin' to save the world But have you ever tried to save yourself A w...

Def Leppard - Breathe A Sigh
Let me down slow and easy Cause there ain't nothin' I can do I hope and pray my faith won't leave me ...

Def Leppard - Bringin' On The Heartbreak
Gypsy, sittin' lookin' pretty The broken rose with laughin' eyes You're a mystery, always runnin' wild...

Def Leppard - Bringin' On The Heartbreak (remix)
Gypsy, sittin' lookin' pretty A broken rose with laughin' eyes You're a mystery, always runnin' wild ...

Def Leppard - Burnout
Friday night and I crashed your party Saturday night and I crashed your car Sunday night when you thre...

Def Leppard - (can't Keep Away From) The Flame
Lonely, lonely, lonely child Crystalline and lace Won't you walk me awhile Put a smile upon my f...

Def Leppard - Comin' Under Fire
Your kind of woman gotta heart of stone But watch it break when I get you alone Take a chance, come la...

Def Leppard - Cry
Here comes the floodCan you feel the loveWashing over youLike a tidal wave inside of you ...

Def Leppard - Day After Day
You know me, just look in my eyesI shed my skin, got a new disguiseMy heart still beats and I'm still ...

Def Leppard - Deliver Me
I'm tired of feeling hateful I'm tired and I can't breathe So tired that I would be grateful If ...

Def Leppard - Demolition Man
Let me loose, I just got back I was pushed and I got dragged I tasted mud, I tasted wine I've ki...

Def Leppard - Desert Song
Dark and dirty like you have never seen a mind so twisted with thoughts so unclean. My hea...

Def Leppard - Die Hard The Hunter
Shotgun Let's welcome home the soldier boy from (Far away, far away) No angel of mercy just a need to ...

Def Leppard - Don't Shoot Shotgun
Run for cover (Run for cover) Don't shoot! - Shoot! She's so dangerous (Shotgun!) (G...

Def Leppard - Elected
I'm your top prime cut of meat, I'm your choice I wanna be elected I'm a yankee doodle dandy in a gold...

Def Leppard - Everyday
I gave in when you gave outYou showed me the way to love, there ain't no doubtAlways together and neve...

Def Leppard - Excitable
"Are you excitable?" (Stand up, say yeah, stand up) (Stand up, say yeah, stand up, never go down) ...

Def Leppard - Foolin'
Lady luck never smiles So lend your love to me, awhile Do with me what you will Break the spell ...

Def Leppard - Four Letter Word
Ain't just your kiss, K I S S that I missAin't just the way that you squeeze me tightIf there's a wish...

Def Leppard - Fractured Love
I'm caught in a dream Sometimes it ain't what it seems I'm all in a daze Can't find my way out o...

Def Leppard - From The Inside
I am bad, I am evil I am winter, I am pain I'll mess up your life I'll beat up your wife I...

Def Leppard - Gift Of Flesh
I am all destiny, a trade A grain of sand I am the lesson to be learned I take the throat of inn...

Def Leppard - Girl Like You
Boy meets girl in prime of lifeBlinded by big city lightsI'm on fire and you're the flameYou ins...

Def Leppard - Glad I'm Alive
Hello and welcome my friend It's good to see you again Do you know anything new Tell me is this ...

Def Leppard - Gods Of War
Feelin' like it's all over, feelin' like there's no love Feelin' like it's not easy, breathin' life in the d...

Def Leppard - Goodbye
I've been waiting, goin' crazy I can't sleep when I know you're not around I've been saving what you'r...

Def Leppard - Good Morning Freedom
Well good morning freedom I've been woken to a brand new day Good morning freedom Now it seems t...

Def Leppard - Gravity
Can't sleep at nightThe darkness enslaves meI turn out the lightAnd no one can save me ...

Def Leppard - Guilty
Guilty as sin, yes I confessI can't denyStrong in the heart, weak in the fleshI never meant to d...

Def Leppard - Heat Street
What can I hear? Who can I see? What's this I fear that's followin' me? It's getting louder, it's comi...

Def Leppard - Heaven Is
Hey boys, Miss Magic is back No Hollywood waste, or tinsel trash A street kid, she's no stray cat, ...

Def Leppard - Hello America
Hello America, hello AmericaHello America, hello AmericaWell I'm takin' me a trip I'm going down...

Def Leppard - High 'n' Dry (saturday Night)
Saturday, I feel right I been drinking all day Yes I got a date, a midnight ride I had to get it...

Def Leppard - Hysteria
Out of touch, out of reach yeah You could try to get closer to me I'm in luck, I'm in deep, yeah ...

Def Leppard - I Am Your Child
Was it something I did Was it something I said Was the vision you had Just a voice in your head ...

Def Leppard - Immortal
Do you have the will to walk on water Do you have the strength to part the waves Do you have the lips ...

Def Leppard - It Could Be You
Who's the one to knock me over Who's the one to take me by surprise Who's the one who's out to get me ...

Def Leppard - It Don't Matter
Now in your big flash motor and your wild reputation You're ready to hit the streets Winking at the bo...

Def Leppard - It's Only Love
Na na na na na na na na naNa na na na na na na na na If you could feel what I feelIf I cou...

Def Leppard - I Wanna Be Your Hero
I wanna be your hero I'll be a trick of the light I wanna be your hero I'll be your heat in the ...

Def Leppard - I Wanna Touch You
I wanna touch U - Till we're stuck like glue I wanna touch U - Yeah I get high on U I'm on...

Def Leppard - Kings Of Oblivion
Cold nights, dark daysLove moves in mysterious waysIt's so sweet like a mother's tongueWhose sym...

Def Leppard - Lady Strange
Ow Ooh yeah Oh I never needed love before Till I met you girl A girl like you I have...

Def Leppard - Let It Go
Yeah Cool woman, cool eyes, Got me hypnotized So head down, get a rhythm Stop your stallin...

Def Leppard - Let Me Be The One
Something in the way you moveLets me get too close to youI tremble when I look at your faceAnd I...

Def Leppard - Let's Get Rocked
Do ya wanna get rocked? Let's get, let's get, let's get, let's get Rocked...... I'm ...

Def Leppard - Little Wing
Well she's walking through the clouds With a circus smile that's running round Butterflies and zebras ...

Def Leppard - Long, Long Way To Go
You held my hand and then you slipped awayAnd I may never see your face againSo tell me how do to fill...

Def Leppard - Love And Affection
You got the fire, baby, I got the heat, can you handle it? I got the time, baby, you got the need, oh surren...

Def Leppard - Love Bites
If you've got love in your sights Watch out, love bites When you make love, do you look in the m...

Def Leppard - Love Don't Lie
Yeah, whoa Time, just watching the time slipping awayGimme a sign, where do you go when you can'...

Def Leppard - Make Love Like A Man
Make love like a man I'm a man That's what I am, uh! C'mon All you girls 'round the ...

Def Leppard - Me And My Wine
Well I'm down in the alley of Sally and I'm feeling my way And it's four in the morning, I don't have a lot ...

Def Leppard - Me And My Wine (remix)
Oh yeah C'mon Oh yeah Oh Well I'm down in the alley of sally And I'm feeling my way ...

Def Leppard - Medicine Man
I'm the doctor, I can mend your broken heart I'm the healer, I could take you right back to the start ...

Def Leppard - Mirror, Mirror (look Into My Eyes)
Mirror mirror Just watchin' with your eye of glass You're just a fortune wheel With something th...

Def Leppard - Miss You In A Heartbeat
I believe, that there's something deep inside That shouldn't be from time to time. I sure found out, t...

Def Leppard - Miss You In A Heartbeat (electric Version)
I believe, that there's something deep inside That shouldn't be from time to time. I sure found out, t...

Def Leppard - Miss You In A Heartbeat (secret Version)
I believe, that there's something deep inside That shouldn't be from time to time. I sure found out, t...

Def Leppard - Misty Dreamer
The sun that is rising is glistening down on the hill The pool of confusion is silently still The thou...

Def Leppard - Move With Me Slowly
I'm lost in imagination Still contemplate animation I just groove on your breathing I do it all ...

Def Leppard - No No No
Oh yeah She was a foxy rocker, a roxy roller An unchained sex machine Yeah Slippin' slidin...

Def Leppard - Now
I wanna know you betterLet's spend some time togetherI wanna be what's on your mindLook in my ey...

Def Leppard - Now I'm Here
Here I stand Look around, around, around, around, around, around But you won't see me Now I'm th...

Def Leppard - Only After Dark
Ahh, I feel my spirit fly, only after dark Ahh, Ahhh I, I kiss the world good-bye, only after da...

Def Leppard - On Through The Night
The wait is done, the battle's won So count the cost before you run 'Cos on and on your time was power...

Def Leppard - Overture
And with this message that I bring to you A beacon of light to see you through For the time is on our ...

Def Leppard - Paper Sun
Does it hurt to remember Does it help to forget Do you know what you started When you lit the fu...

Def Leppard - Pearl Of Euphoria
Your price, name the time The suspect or the crime The shadow of my gun Get down or you can run ...

Def Leppard - Personal Property
She's a gold-plated lover Twenty-four carat cool She can walk on water She can walk in my room ...

Def Leppard - Photograph
Huh! I'm outa luck, outa love Gotta photograph, picture of Passion killer, you're too much ...

Def Leppard - Pour Some Sugar On Me
Step inside, walk this wayYou and me babe, Hey, hey! Love is like a bomb, baby, c'mon get it on ...

Def Leppard - Promises
Last night I was blown away I said a million things I'd never say I was knocked right down, it got to ...

Def Leppard - Release Me
Hey please release me, let me goAnd for I don't love you anymoreTo waste our lives would be a shame...

Def Leppard - Ride Into The Sun
Revvin' up, hundred 'n' four Hammer down, foot to the floor Such a hard ride Ride into the sun ...

Def Leppard - Ring Of Fire
Fun girl, you tempted me, a feast of sparks in the night is what I need Ooh I'm a-ready to roar, and I...

Def Leppard - Ring Of Fire (alternate Lyrics)
Thunder, you're tempting me, a feast of spice In the night is what I need Oooh, I'm ready to roar and ...

Def Leppard - Rock Brigade
Well, in the middle of the night and the early morning lightYou can hear them a million miles awayThey...

Def Leppard - Rocket
Ah ah Ooh ooh Ah ah Ooh ooh White lights, strange city, mad music all around Midnigh...

Def Leppard - Rock Of Ages
Gunter glieben glauchen globen All right I got something to say Yeah, it's better to burn out ...

Def Leppard - Rock! Rock! Till You Drop
Hold onto your hat, hold onto your heart Ready, get set to tear this place apart Don't need a ticket, ...

Def Leppard - Rocks Off
Well, we were gettin' ready just the other night When a knock on the dressing room door Gave way to a ...

Def Leppard - Run Riot
Ah Living by the law is a bloody necessary bore Everybody are you gettin' what you're lookin' for? ...

Def Leppard - Satellite
Midnight, bright light, shining from the sky Circulating round the earth, trying to catch your eyeLowd...

Def Leppard - Scar
OoohhhahhhhhHow can I knowHow can I see it through your eyesNow you knowAll those pr...

Def Leppard - See The Lights
Well I came down here from manhattan to see the lights on the mall but when I got here early this morn...

Def Leppard - She's Too Tough
Black stockings and a high-heeled dress Good-looking but her face is a mess She's no angel, oh no ...

Def Leppard - Slang
Sittin' Dark Getting taken 'Cause I said Something lewd in a Low down accent Y...

Def Leppard - Sorrow Is A Woman
You're always pretending to be Someone who prefers to be freeYou think you can fool me with your lyin'...

Def Leppard - Stagefright
I said Welcome to my show It's just a-you and me baby We got the whole damn night to go Yo...

Def Leppard - Stand Up (kick Love Into Motion)
I gotta know right now It's got to be this time I wanna show you how Gonna make you change your ...

Def Leppard - Switch 625
Oh oh oh whoah Oh oh oh whoah Oh oh oh whoah ...

Def Leppard - Tear It Down
You got the look of a howlin' wolf I like it The kind of eyes that could start a fire Yes, I lik...

Def Leppard - To Be Alive
I know you don't believe itLike I believe itOh no, it's not your thoughtYou sit alone inside a r...

Def Leppard - Tonight
Ohhhh...Oooooh... I don't wanna play The wailting game And drift away Leavin' an illusion ...

Def Leppard - Too Late For Love
Somewhere in the distance I hear the bells ring Darkness settles on the town as the children start to sing ...

Def Leppard - Torn To Shreds
I don't wanna fall in loveBut it's been taken outta my handsAnd right now I realizeI don't wanna...

Def Leppard - Truth?
I've been burning And dousing the flames I feel the whiplash Of the backlash on my face I ...

Def Leppard - Truth? (original Version)
Why don't you tell me what's behind the green door Why don't you tell me, 'cause I heard it all before ...

Def Leppard - Turn To Dust
The concentration drifts In and out of me Conversation slides away Turn and face the change in a...

Def Leppard - Two Steps Behind (acoustic Version)
Walk away if you want to it's ok, if you need to you can run, but you can never hide From the sh...

Def Leppard - Two Steps Behind (electric Version)
Walk away if you want to It's ok, if you need to You can run, but you can never hide See my shad...

Def Leppard - Unbelievable
Hey, ahhAhh, yea yeah Had your name all tattooed on my heartIt's gone, how could this be w...

Def Leppard - Under My Wheels
The telephone is ringing You got me on the run I'm driving in my car now Anticipating fun ...

Def Leppard - Warchild
Warchild, your heart is broken Your mind is breakin', it's such a shame Warchild, your body's broken ...

Def Leppard - Wasted
Well I've been lying awake all night just thinking of you But a bottle of whiskey lies heavy obstructing my ...

Def Leppard - When Love And Hate Collide
You could have a change of heart, if you would only change your mindInstead of slamming down the phone girl,...

Def Leppard - When Saturday Comes
Wind me up and see what I can do for you Switch me on, I'd do anything you want me to Let me go and I ...

Def Leppard - When The Walls Came Tumbling Down
On the first day of the first month in some distant year The whole sky froze golden Some said it was t...

Def Leppard - Where Does Love Go When It Dies
Could you ever steal a prayer to deny your God Could you ever buy your love and not count the cost Cou...

Def Leppard - White Lightning
No promises No guarantees When you come down here you're Already on your knees You wanna r...

Def Leppard - Women
Ooh we ooh Ooh wee ooh In the beginning God made the land Then He made the water and creat...

Def Leppard - Work It Out
Day and night black and white You take it all for granted I'm the one who turns you on Whe...

Def Leppard - Worlds Collide
Never gonna die now Crawling from a wrecked jam, I'm laughing out loud Angel on my shoulder Livi...

Def Leppard - You Can't Always Get What You Want
I saw her today at the reception A glass of wine in her hand I knew she was gonna meet her connection ...

Def Leppard - You Got Me Runnin'
Hang on Yeah Ha ha ha ha ha I don't care too much For your backstabbin' and side steppin' ...

Def Leppard - You're So Beautiful
You say all I do is think about youThat's right, you're the only thing that's on my mindYour light, wo...

Def Leppard - Ziggy Stardust
Ziggy played guitar, jamming good with Weird and Gilly And The spiders from Mars, he played it left hand ...

Deftones - 7 Words
I'll never be the same, breaking decencyDon't be tree trunk, don't fall on my living rootsI've been hu...

Deftones - Anniversary Of An Uninteresting Event
No more gold lights for the queen earth to keep you warm in your kingdomsHigh on the waves you make for us...

Deftones - Answers
I'm searching need to find her dont think i know when im right beside ya' too much social ...

Deftones - Around The Fur
hey vanity, this vile's empty, so are youhey glamorous, this vile's not god anymore....yeah...sp...

Deftones - Back To School (mini Maggit)
So run...Right...Right back to schoolLook back I sift through all the cliquesRoaming the h...

Deftones - Battle Axe
I want to sleep if you are awakeStill making believe that you aren't at all crazyAnd if you don't beli...

Deftones - Bender
Sweet, contain me around Only To.. I Spit! Step on my disease,So nice to see me bleedStep ...

Deftones - Be Quiet And Drive (far Away)
This town dont feel mineI'm fast to get away-FAR I dressed you in her clothesNow drive me ...

Deftones - Birthmark
I'd meet you in wrong bury allThen I would be alright with herIn whole cherished by twoIt makes ...

Deftones - Bloody Cape
In waves the ships have all sailed to the seaWell do you wanna wait or leave with me tonightCross your...

Deftones - Bored
Hear me spit on you, wither I Remold into gold and bury I from - SunReborn left to sigh, recure maybe ...

Deftones - Cant Even Breathe
i can't breathe and arrivewith stylei'm still a suckerfeeding it pillswith wine, it's tric...

Deftones - Change (in The House Of Flies)
I've watched you change Into a flyI looked awayYou were on fireI watched a changeIn ...

Deftones - Crenshaw
Remember that one time I bit you on the arm?I was just afraid of solitude and being alone...I want to ...

Deftones - Dai The Flu
i always wondered what it takes fifteen stitches and a soft parodyto make my eyes be like deceit, believe t...

Deftones - Damone
sleep in this holestinging in your eyesashamed, for you, causeso far, i've been down thats true...

Deftones - Deathblow
Soon as you came in, all the beast went awayThey noticed that you're warm, wait till you leave then come bac...

Deftones - Digital Bath
you move like I want toto see like your eyes dowe are downstairs whereno one can seenew li...

Deftones - Elite
When you're ripe you'llbleed out of controlyou'll bleed out of controlyou like attentionit...

Deftones - Engine #9
This ain't no motherf**kin' stick up just pick up the stick upAnd watch it roll real close rolling out of my...

Deftones - Feiticiera
stop I'm drunkbut I'm off my kneesthe police stopped chasing I'm her new cool meatshe pops...

Deftones - Fireal
We are beggers where blownand I will meet you fourth floorThen we'll make-up no...No fist to f**...

Deftones - Fist
Hello memory loverYou are mineI gave everythingI need youAnd somedayI'll be with her...

Deftones - Freaks
hoh, ok, (my dick is small at times my dick is misbled?) ya cop(tall?),ya make out (think "oh maybe youll su...

Deftones - Gods Hands
hey y'all i'm marryin' that girlwith the pain and dont lieliquify your meaning but wonttell her ...

Deftones - Good Morning Beautiful
One of these days you'll break me of many thingsSome cold white day, but you're crazy if you think I would l...

Deftones - Headup
Got back out, back off the forefronti never said, or got to say bye to my boy, butits often i try...

Deftones - Hexagram
Paint the streets in white!Death is the standardBreach for a complex prize!I think it's sw...

Deftones - Hogburg Hop
skinny double overgrowingplastic sliding down your backi change youyoure the reason that my moth...

Deftones - Knife Prty
My knife it's sharp and chromeCome see inside my bonesAll of the fiends are on the blockI'm the ...

Deftones - Korea
I taste you much betteroff teeth tasteof white skin on red leathercheck the claws we gotni...

Deftones - Lhabia
Somewhere outside there are tricks and evilHoller downstairs while I driveI want to watch you bu...

Deftones - Lifter
Watch me with your eyesBeen giving god, A pedophileI want to be just like youThen I'd be cool, m...

Deftones - Linus
Oh, when I think nowIt's so unrealWhat did I just imagineWas I awake was I asleep godPleas...

Deftones - Lotion
i meant to come back to put out blissbut the style is crumbling, covered cannedit was sick and no you ...

Deftones - Lucky You
They'll come soon I keep waiting... and I wait...Won't me.... And if you'r...

Deftones - Mascara
i feel soon i will sink into you what do you think cause there's still blood in your hair and i'...

Deftones - Minerva
I get all...numbWhen she sings it's overSuch a strange numbAnd it brings my knees to the earth...

Deftones - Minus Blindfold
Done feeding, I leaned back head rested on the couch's topMust leave the house soon mean gone cause my pops ...

Deftones - Moana
Somehow calm as she walks on stageHer entire empire becomes your taste...your me...comeLe...

Deftones - Mx
you're so sweetyour smile, your pussy and your bonesyou're on fireyou move like music with your ...

Deftones - My Own Summer (shove It)
Hey you, big star, tell me when it's overHey you, big mood, guide me to shelter`Cause i'm throug...

Deftones - Needles And Pins
How neat. I'm did you come to be so blessed?You're a star. You blaze...out like ...

Deftones - No Ordinary Love
I gave you all the love I've got I gave you more than I could giveGave you loveI gave you all that I h...

Deftones - Nosebleed
No means no lie now find out what you get - you're no goodYou'll sit around and throw a f**kin fitWe a...

Deftones - One Weak
Nerve, Here I borned feeding on his lungVerve, is his curse because he wanted to meet christ aloneYeah...

Deftones - Passenger
Here I layStill and breathlessJust like alwaysStill I want some moreMirrors sideways...

Deftones - Pink Maggit (rap Metal Version)
So run! Right Right back to school Check it Look back I sift through all the cliques ...

Deftones - Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want
Good times for a changeSee the luck i've hadWould make a good man turn badSo please please pleas...

Deftones - Rickets
it's so simple to look at every little thing i do wrongit's so simple to overlook every little thing i do ri...

Deftones - Root
To be forced under and look up to your home becauseWe gave our eyes but no one will yes I know because...

Deftones - Rx Queen
I won't stop following younow help me pray forthe death of everything newthen we'll fly farther...

Deftones - Savoury
Hey angel Consider Your positionFramed to be consumed Savory SavoringYour sympathy Hey angel Fly over...

Deftones - Say It Aint So
Somebody's heina is crowdin' my iceboxSomebody's cold one is givin' me chillsGuess I'll just close my ...

Deftones - Street Carp
It's not that I care(truly)but you're that girl(with sharp teeth)who grabs at the walls...

Deftones - Sweetest Perfection
The sweetest perfectionTo call my ownThe slightest correctionCouldn't finely honeThe sweet...

Deftones - Teenager
I climbed your armsthen you pulled awaya new cavity moved intomy heart todaythe more I scr...

Deftones - Teething
First you smile at lord, I found you first Liquified inside you, But it hurts if I even see you Make y...

Deftones - The Boys Republic
blue starshine your light downon everyone causei don't caretheir soothing meyes tear...

Deftones - The Chauffer
Out on the tar plains, the glides are movingAll looking for a new place to driveYou sit beside me, so ...

Deftones - Venison
blood stain, on his eyereefer on his mindwell!shut up and listen, you might be missinyour ...

Deftones - When Girls Telephone Boys
Always the same old taste just new injuryWell I'll wear the claws if you'd like thatYeah if you'd like...

Deftones - Wicked
Yo Chuck we got running the headphones, Ah ha ha ha Wicked!!!!Ha Ha 1..2..3 and I come with the w...

Delays - Bedroom Scene
Underneath the table for shade,I leave you to the living againArabesque a Flowery grave,I ...

Delays - Hey Girl
Hey girl Where in the worldDid you come fromHey girl where in the worldDo you belong...

Delays - Long Time Coming
Tore it up and walked awayWhy'd you wanna go do that for?Threw your Lego in The lakeWhy'd ...

Delays - Nearer Than Heaven
You are nearer than heavenI get the feeling I get nearer by the dayI've seen The people go forev...

Delays - No Ending
I've Seen you hanging from blistering skiesHolding yourself with a grace that defiesLaw after ...

Delays - On
OnI can see you, I Can see youOn and on and on we'll go until we freezeOn and on and...

Delays - One Night Away
There's nothing in the morning,Just flowers and a feelingThat yesterday was Stalling for time...

Delays - Satellites Lost
This satellites lost,Where has the fire goneDown deeper he knows,There's Still a chance to...

Delays - Stay Where You Are
Tell everybody I'm leaving,Not treading water todayI've left the spoons in the Backroom,It...

Delays - There's Water Here
Don't look down, looks like troubleDistant sound, must be troubleAll that I Have learntGoe...

Delays - Wanderlust
Can you Hear that knocking in your soulNo, you don't listenCan you hear that knocking Over...

Delays - You Wear The Sun
Oh Hey baby there's something wrongYou burnt away, you wear the sun,And maybe I slept too ...

Delta Goodrem - A Year Ago Today
Another year older A little bit stronger A little bit wiser than? a year ago today Looking...

Delta Goodrem - Born To Try
Doing everything that I believe inGoing by the rules that I've been taughtMore understanding of what's...

Delta Goodrem - Butterfly
i won't hurt you i'll protect you i won't let the rain fall down i'll always be around ...

Delta Goodrem - How A Dream Looks
Hey I wonderHow a dream looksFrom the surface Of the seaIf its closerOught to be the...

Delta Goodrem - I Don't Care
Ohh yeah, who cares what they say?That boy is working you, be careful what you do,They say he's ...

Delta Goodrem - In My Own Time
So much is happening to me. So much that I can't even see. So many words of wisdom that I am trying to...

Delta Goodrem - Innocent Eyes
Do you remember when you were 7? And the only thing that you wanted to do Was show your mum that you c...

Delta Goodrem - Longer
I see you everyday I guess we walk the same way To wherever we're going Every morning and every ...

Delta Goodrem - Lost For Words
Lost for words in our world thatDoes it knowWhat you mean to sayDoesn't come out soL...

Delta Goodrem - My Big Mistake
amazing fairytale that had come true Mr reliable romantic was you blinded misguided in the arms of lov...

Delta Goodrem - Nobody Listened
[hidden track]I am in one of those dreamsWhere you just just keep on fallingNo one ...

Delta Goodrem - Not Me, Not I
You mixed me up for someone Who'd fall apart without you Yeah you broke my heart for the first time ...

Delta Goodrem - Out Of The Blue
A new beginning A new chapter of my life Started the day When I thought It could be my las...

Delta Goodrem - Predictable
I smile You say I take your breathe away You say you love me and you make All the right promises...

Delta Goodrem - Running Away
I close my eyes and make a wish for Inner peace and tranquillity inside My mind I feel it's changing ...

Delta Goodrem - Silence Be Heard
Let my silence be heardIs this what I got?Oh Oh, oh, ooh, ooh, yeahIt was late October...

Delta Goodrem - The Analyst
Prepare yourself to meet a girl who can not sleep Dividing every question 'til the questions are complete ...

Delta Goodrem - This Is Not Me
Oooh What happened? Why didn't I listen to myself I thought I'd know how to handle it ...

Delta Goodrem - Will You Fall For Me
Woo oooh Yeah ah My head's full of thought Thoughts of you And I'm distracted so eas...

Depswa - Charades
You think I'm so easyAnd you think I'm so naveWell you better think a little harderBecause you'r...

Depswa - From The Inside
Without Warning, Emotions Tide in like a Breaking Wave, I can't remember yesterday, I don't reca...

Depswa - Let It Go
You know it wasn't so long ago When things weren't as we know Back when I was younger and had a hunger...

Depswa - Needles
searching for higher meaning i stumble to a fall laid you back and forth between the innocence a...

Depswa - Not Responsible
I've taken in all you bringAn ever-moving stream of dramatic evolutionAnd I've taken in what's happeni...

Depswa - Silhouette
Sometimes Mixed emotions they ramble on inside For a false sense of reality So I try to escape ...

Depswa - The Path
And I know I've been so far awayAnd I know all the hardshipes that it makesAnd I wish that I could cha...

Depswa - The Prom Song
They're more than just words, They're colors, To paint my feelings for you. and i know how, ...

Depswa - This Time
I want to hurt you and don't know why Though i know it's not like me I can not help it, though I try t...

Depswa - Traveler's Song
Well I'm on the roadAnd I've traveled so farThrough the roads and winding hillsIt seems my trave...

Depswa - Voyeur
I see you coming in And it's as if I've been awakened Maybe you were born for me And I'm feeling...

Depswa - Where I've Begun
i'm giving to myself most of the time i don't need no one else to bring me down and i don't want to hu...

Des'ree - Cool Morning
When the sun met the moon,it was for the very first time.Said the moon to the sun,where have you...

Des'ree - Doesn't Matter
I know you've heard it all before,but the message don't get much better.Always competing with someone ...

Des'ree - Fate
Standing on ceremony. Waiting for life to beginI ain't looking for nothing necessarily,then in you sau...

Des'ree - Human
Sometimes I'm guilty of prejudiceSometimes I'm guilty of fear,Sometimes I be so unreasonable.Som...

Des'ree - It's Okay
Sun is up should be feeling great,your feeling rough got too much on your plate,a busy day got a lot t...

Des'ree - Love Beautiful
I know you think that I don't want to.I know you think that I don't care.I know you said that I don't ...

Des'ree - Nothing
Hold me don't let go, cos I'm revelling in insecurityIt's so unlike me, yes I know.But what am I to do...

Des'ree - Righteous Night
Tell me, do you fly in your dreams? Yeah.And uh, tell me, are you paralyzed when you scream.Do you ris...

Des'ree - Something Special
Sitting here, my minds an empty page,But I'll try, yes I will to exist.A funky guitar, liberates me fr...

Des'ree - Why
You can always win me over,with your cool vibes and logical point of view.For you I'd go babe, the ext...

Destiny's Child - 8 Days Of Christmas
[Speaking:]You know x-mas Was made for the children Destiny's Child 2G x-mas ...

Destiny's Child - A Dc Christmas Medley
Dashing through the snowOn a one-horse open sleigh,Over the fields we go,Laughing all the way;...

Destiny's Child - After All Is Said And Done
Here I amLooking in the mirrorAn open face, the pain erasedNow the sky is clearerI can see...

Destiny's Child - Amazing Grace
Amazing Graa-aaccee How Sweet- How sweet The sound- Sound That saved, saved ...

Destiny's Child - Bad Habit
[Kelly]How many timesAre you gonna apologize about the same thingAnd how many times can I...

Destiny's Child - Bills, Bills, Bills (maurice's Xclusive Livegig Mix)
[Beyonce:]At first we started out real coolTaking me places I ain't never beenBut now, yo...

Destiny's Child - Birthday
It's your birthday, you dont have to nothing[Verse 1 Kelly:] The time has come and its finally ...

Destiny's Child - Bridges
[Chorus:]I'll be the bridge you can use toI'll be the bridge you can use toWhenever you n...

Destiny's Child - Confessions
[Missy] Uh, uh, oh[Beyonce:]Ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh Ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh ooh, ooh, oo...

Destiny's Child - Dance With Me
Oooooh-oooh.... oh-oh-oh-ohhh, oh yeahOh-ohhhhh... oh-ooh, oh-oohDance with me, you watching me...

Destiny's Child - Dot
Dot dot dah dot dot dah dahDot dot dah dot dot dah dahDot dot dot dot dot dah dahDot dot dot dot...

Destiny's Child - Dot (the E-poppi Mix)
Ah, ahMusic world, ahaWhat, what me, ahaWhatDC, The D O T remix, ah, come onDo...

Destiny's Child - Emotion (the Neptunes Remix)
This (This), is for the old school playas, huhthe old school playasthe old school playasIt...

Destiny's Child - Free
[Verse 1- Beyonce]Wait a minute, wait a minuteI think I got to take some time and clear m...

Destiny's Child - Girl
[Verse 1 Beyonce]Take A Minute Girl Come Sit DownAnd Tell Us What's Been HappeningIn Your...

Destiny's Child (michelle Williams) - Heard A Word
Dun dun du du du du dun unhLa da da da da daaListenYou know I've had my share of ups and d...

Destiny's Child - If You Leave
[1] - [Destiny's Child]:If you leave her, I'll leave him We'll pack our bags, don't say a word ...

Destiny's Child - Illusion
[Verse 1 Kelly:]Searching for a destiny thats mineTheres another place, another timeTouch...

Destiny's Child - Killing Time
[Verse 1 Beyonce:]Hooo, Hooo,Sitting on the stairwayHoping that your okWaiting pati...

Destiny's Child - Love
[Beyonce]It had been many years since I've been in loveWith a real man I had given up on love...

Destiny's Child - My Heart Still Beats
You're holding meI close my eyesYou're whisperingAnd I start to cryYou feel so goodS...

Destiny's Child - My Song
[Beyonce:] say lil mama[Kelly:] wud up whoadi[Beyonce:] say say lil mama...

Destiny's Child - My Time Has Come
[Verse 1 Beyonce:]Its too farIts too fastIts to quick It wont lastIts not rig...

Destiny's Child - Nasty Girl (azza's Nu Soul Mix)
Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh oh oh ohh oh oh oh...

Destiny's Child - No More Rainy Days
No more rainy daysYou brought back the joy and I thank you baby, thank you babyNo more rainy days...

Destiny's Child - No, No, No Pt 1
You'll be sayin' no, no, no, no, noWhen it's really yes, yes, yes, yes, yesYou'll be sayin' no, no, no...

Destiny's Child - Opera Of The Bells
Hark how the bells, sweet silver bellsAll seem to say throw cares awayChristmas is here, bringing good...

Destiny's Child - Perfect Man
Oh, oh, oh, oh Caramel complexion With the sexiest expression Curly hair and corn rows Ver...

Destiny's Child - Platinum Bells
Ladies remember long ago (long ago),we asked santa to get us Christmas dolls (toget us christmas dolls),...

Destiny's Child - Sail On
[Verse 1 Beyonce and Kelly:]Sail on down the lineBut I have some money so, and I dont really wa...

Destiny's Child - Say My Name (timbaland Remix)
[Timbaland:]Heh-he, yeahYou want me to say your name, right?Alright, uh, uh(O...

Destiny's Child - Second Nature
[Verse 1 Beyonce:] Why does love always seem so very hardIt's such a struggle to win the reward...

Destiny's Child - Show Me The Way
[Verse 1 Kelly:]I wanna know, If i could get to know youSo many things, baby I cant wait to sho...

Destiny's Child - So Good (maurice's Soul Mix)
[a lot of people talking][Beyonce]I know that you hating me,But I'm, yeah ih...

Destiny's Child - So Good (to Da Dee Remix)
[Verse 1 Beyonce:]Uh, yeah - to da Dee, like me!Go down, in style, baby! Baby!...

Destiny's Child - Spread A Little Love On Christmas Day
It's beautiful outside and the wind is whistlingI look outside my window as I see my neighbor's Christmas tr...

Destiny's Child - Stay
[1:]Baby i want for nothing just your tender sweet lovingI know youve got your things to do...

Destiny's Child - Tell Me
[Verse 1 Beyonce:]Why dont you just admit itCause I dont need your graditudeAnd dont you ...

Destiny's Child - This Christmas
Hang all the mistletoe,I'm gonna get to know you better, this Christmas .And as we trim the tree,...

Destiny's Child - T-shirt
[Spoken Beyonce]Hey BabyI Wish You Could See What I Have On Right Now You So SexyIm...

Destiny's Child - White Christmas
I'm dreaming of a white ChristmasJust like the ones I used to knowMay your days be merry and bright...

Destiny's Child - With Me Part 1
[J.D.:]Everything ya like is with meSo if you know like I know This is where ya need to b...

Destiny's Child - With Me Pt 2
[Master P:]Your my destiny, you wanna be with meSo holla if you hear me(ugh!) Your my des...

Dexter Freebish - Breakdown
I'm breaking down again, can't close my eyesDon't wanna die again tonightI'm ripped in two again, can'...

Dexter Freebish - Breathe
I wake up everyday scared about tomorrowI just don't know what to believeAnd are we running out of all...

Dexter Freebish - Bring Me Water
Bring me waterBring me laughterDancing children in a pastureGoing nowhereLife's disa...

Dexter Freebish - Deeper
At the end of the dayAnd into the nightThat's when I get my peace and quietI'm on a fast ride an...

Dexter Freebish - Falling Down
She smokes like there is no tomorrowShe says it makes her feel aliveShe drinks her wine like it is wat...

Dexter Freebish - Ghosts (voices In My Head)
Yesterday I bought a gunTo kill the ghosts I'm runnin' fromAnd oh yeah, I'm still runnin'Looking...

Dexter Freebish - Heavy
Telephone, sounds like a sirenHear your voice, it's like an earthquakeFar from home againAdrift ...

Dexter Freebish - Higher
She was driving the carOne thumb on the wheel Cigarette burningLife to her was no big deal...

Dexter Freebish - How Do I Get Through To You
You're pushing me backBut I pass right through youI'm slippin' through your cracksI wanna get cl...

Dexter Freebish - Leaving Town
Oh your reputation is so goldenyour never lonely and your never homeI know you've been talking about l...

Dexter Freebish - Life Of Saturdays
I just wanna sail the seven seas andHide behind the sun and never close my eyesLay on my back and fant...

Dexter Freebish - My Madonna
I don't ever want to wake upI don't ever want to shut my eyes againShe's like a fantasy I've made up...

Dexter Freebish - No One Knows
It's been one of those days when the sky falls downAnd the world around me comes crumbling downI'm pic...

Dexter Freebish - Pretty People
We are the pretty peopleWe are the pretty peopleI cannot help it that I'm so good lookingI...

Dexter Freebish - Prozak (be Like Me)
I'm gonna spend another night all by myselfLike a loser on the outside looking inNo one cares if I dis...

Dexter Freebish - Save Me
Some days I need to change my worldOne desire fills this empty voidTonight I wanna be saved by you...

Dexter Freebish - Spotlight
You're the one they wantSo give them what they needA temporary touchFeeling so ashamedDon'...

Dexter Freebish - Tomorrow
To all that came before meTo all that left their markTo all that tried and failed soTo all that ...

Dexter Freebish - Twilight
She's got eyes like deep blue skiesReminds me of the times I've gone inside her mindWhen I crossed the...

Dexter Freebish - What Do You See?
You wake up in the morning and clear your headYou sometimes think you'd be better off deadYou drive to...

Dexter Freebish - What I Need
I cannot focus here, I cannot find my wayMy mind is blurred by all the things that people sayI dream o...

Dexter Freebish - Wild Things
Late night, neon hotelsThat's where the wild things areNext door, you think that you're safeThat...

Dexter Freebish - Wonderland
You sit in a stairwell, there is no soundYou feel like a king that has lost his crownYou're not turnin...

Df Dub - Country Girl
[DF Dub]Oh yeaIll tell ya a storyAbout a country girlOh yea[Verse 1]...

Diana Degarmo - All I Never Wanted
You were all I never wanted anyhow, yeahBut I sure want you now, yeahBut it's all over nowSo it ...

Diana Degarmo - Blue Skies
Thank you for blue skiesWhen my head is down you remind me to look upAnd thank you for all those times...

Diana Degarmo - Boy Like You
You say I'm your best friendYou know that you can count on meYou say I'm nice, I'm funnyIs that ...

Diana Degarmo - Cardboard Castles
There's a girl in New York CitySkylines no longer prettyBound to destination anywhereShe grew up...

Diana Degarmo - Don't Cry Out Loud
Baby cried the day the circus came to town'cause she didn't want parades just passin' by herSo she pai...

Diana Degarmo - Dream, Dream, Dream
Do me a favorAnd tell me what you think about meTell me how you want this to beGo out on a limb ...

Diana Degarmo - Dreams
Dreams are just dreamsWhen they're stuck inside your headAnd all it takes is a little help from you...

Diana Degarmo - Emotional
Sometimes I get emotionalSometimes I do some stupid thingsSometimes I say what I should just keep insi...

Diana Degarmo - Go On And Cry
What goes around comes back aroundSeems thats just the way heartach fallsI learn to live without you b...

Diana Degarmo - I Believe
Have you ever you ever reached a rainbow's endAnd did you find your pot of goldEver catch a shooting s...

Diana Degarmo - The Difference In Me
Beneath empty walls,I've been talking to myself againYou don't hear a wordWhy bother to explain ...

Diana Degarmo - Then I Woke Up
Get into the carTurn the radio up real farTo shut the noiseSo I can hear my voiceThere's a...

Diana Krall - Abandoned Masquerade
The glitter on a paint and plaster faceIs covering desire and disgraceWe could be loversBut no o...

Diana Krall - A Blossom Fell
A blossom fell from off a tree It settled softly on the lips you turn to me The gypsies say and I know...

Diana Krall - All Night Long
Never knew the softness of his tender kiss Don't know if he's weak or strong All I know is that he's e...

Diana Krall - All Or Nothing At All
All or nothing at all Half a love never appealed to me If your heart never could yield to me The...

Diana Krall - Almost Blue
Almost blueAlmost doing things we used to doThere's a boy here and he's almost youAlmost all the...

Diana Krall - As Long As I Live
Baby I can't live to love you As long as I want to Life isn't long enough baby But I can love yo...

Diana Krall - Baby, Baby All The Time
Once I had a man, sweet as he could be Once I had a man and he was right for me Kind of curly hair, ey...

Diana Krall - Besame Mucho
Besame, besame mucho,Como si fuera esta noche la ltima vez,Besame, besame mucho,Que tengo miedo ...

Diana Krall - Black Crow
There's a crow flyingDark and raggedTree to treeHe's black as the highway that's leading me...

Diana Krall - Body And Soul
My heart is sad and lonely For you I sigh, for you dear only Why haven't you seen it? I'm all fo...

Diana Krall - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
I walk along the street of sorrow The boulevard of broken dreams Where gigolo and gigalette Can ...

Diana Krall - Broadway
Broadway, Broadway Everybody's happy and gay Where the night is brighter than day Up along Broad...

Diana Krall - Cry Me A River
Now you say you're lonely You cry the long night throughWell, you can cry me a riverCry me a riv...

Diana Krall - Dancing In The Dark
Dancing in the dark 'til the tune endsWe're dancing in the dark and it soon endsWe're waltzing in the ...

Diana Krall - Deed I Do
Do I want you? Oh my do I Honey, indeed I do Do I need you? Oh my do I Honey, ...

Diana Krall - Departure Bay
The fading scent of summertimeArbutus trees and firsThe glistening of rain-soaked mossGoing to t...

Diana Krall - Devil May Care
No cares for me I'm happy as I can be I learn to love and to live Devil may care No ...

Diana Krall - Do It Again
Ohh, do it again I may say no, no, no but do it again My lips just ache to have you take the kiss that...

Diana Krall - Do Nothin' Till You Hear From Me
Do nothin' till you hear from me Pay no attention to what is said Why people tear the seams of anyone'...

Diana Krall - East Of The Sun (west Of The Moon)
East of the sun and west of the moon We'll build a dream house of love dear Close to the sun in the da...

Diana Krall - Folks Who Live On The Hill
Someday we'll build a home on a hilltop high You and I, shiny and new Cottage that two can fill ...

Diana Krall - Frim Fram Sauce
I don't want french fried potatoes, red ripe tomatoes I'm never satisfied I want the frim fram sauce ...

Diana Krall - Garden In The Rain
T'was just a garden in the rain Close to a little leafy lane A touch of color 'neath skies of gray ...

Diana Krall - Gee Baby, Ain't I Good To You
Love makes me treat you The way that I do Gee baby, ain't I good to you There's nothing in...

Diana Krall - Gentle Rain
We both are lost And alone in the world Walk with me In the gentle rain Don't be afraid, I...

Diana Krall - Hit That Jive, Jack!
Hit that jive Jack Put it in your pocket till I get back Going downtown to see a man And I ain't...

Diana Krall - How Deep Is The Ocean (how High Is The Sky)
How much do I love you? I'll tell you no lie How deep is the ocean? How high is the sky? H...

Diana Krall - I Can't Give You Anything But Love
I can't give you anything but love, baby That's the one thing I've got plenty of, baby I dreaming awhi...

Diana Krall - I Don't Know Enough About You
I know a little bit About a lot of things But I don't know enough about you Just when I think yo...

Diana Krall - I Don't Stand A Ghost Of A Chance With You
I love you oh so madly I need your love so badly But I don't stand a Ghost of a chance with you ...

Diana Krall - If I Had You
I could show the world how to smile I could be glad all of the while I could turn the gray skies to bl...

Diana Krall - I Get Along Without You Very Well
I get along without you very wellOf course I doExcept when soft rains fallAnd drip from leaves, ...

Diana Krall - I'll String Along With You
You may not be an angel Cause angels are so few But until the day that one comes along I'll stri...

Diana Krall - I Love Being Here With You
I love the East, I love the West North and South, their both the best But I only want go there as a gu...

Diana Krall - I'm An Errand Girl For Rhythm
Here's something that I'd like to bring to you Wrapped all in cellophane, designed for you Tell you wh...

Diana Krall - I'm Coming Through
I looked down at a sparkling bandAnd only saw my Mother's handThe things I've earnedThey never c...

Diana Krall - I Miss You So
Those happy hours I spent with you That lovely afterglow Most of all, I miss you so Your s...

Diana Krall - I'm Just A Lucky So And So
When I walk down the street Seems everyone I meet Gives me a friendly hello I guess I'm just a l...

Diana Krall - I'm Pulling Through
I'm pulling through and it's because of youWhen I was stranded came your helping handLonely, hurt I ha...

Diana Krall - I'm Through With Love
I'm thru with love I'll never fall again Said adieu to love Don't ever call again For I mu...

Diana Krall - I Remember You
I remember youYou're the one who made my dreams come trueA few kisses agoI remember you...

Diana Krall - Is You Is Or Is You Ain't (my Baby)
I got a guy who's always lateEvery time we have a dateBut I love himYes I love himI ...

Diana Krall - I've Changed My Address
An invitation came my wayKnowing it's dangerous to followThat girl in her Sunday suitWould have ...

Diana Krall - I've Got The World On A String
I've got the world on a string Sitting on a rainbow Got the string around my finger What a world...

Diana Krall - I've Got You Under My Skin
I've got you under my skin I have got you deep in the heart of me So deep in my heart, you're really a...

Diana Krall - Let's Face The Music And Dance
There may be trouble ahead But while there's music and moonlight and love and romance Let's face the m...

Diana Krall - Let's Fall In Love
I have a feeling, it's a feeling, I'm concealing, I don't know why It's just a mental, sentimental ali...

Diana Krall - Lost Mind
If you could be so kind To help me find my mind I'd like to thank you in advance Know this befor...

Diana Krall - Love Letters
The sky may be starlessThe night may be moonlessBut deep in my heartI know that you love me...

Diana Krall - Love Me Like A Man
The men that I've been seeingTthey got their soul up on a shelfYou know they could never love me...

Diana Krall - Maybe You'll Be There
Each time I see a crowd of peopleJust like a fool I stop and stareIt's really not the proper thing to ...

Diana Krall - My Love Is
My love, my love is a mountainside so firm- So firm it can calm the tide My love for you is a mountain...

Diana Krall - Narrow Daylight
Narrow daylight entered my roomShining hours were briefWinter is overSummer is nearAre we ...

Diana Krall - Only Trust Your Heart
Never trust the stars When you're about to fall in love Look for hidden signs before you start to sigh...

Diana Krall - Peel Me A Grape
Peel me a grape, crush me some ice Skin me a peach, save the fuzz for my pillow Talk to me nice, talk ...

Diana Krall - Pick Yourself Up
Nothings impossible I have found For when my chin is on the ground I pick myself up, dust myself off, ...

Diana Krall - Popsicle Toes
When God gave out rhythm Sure was good to you You can add, subtract, multiply and divide by two ...

Diana Krall - Squeeze Me
Treat me sweet and gentle When you hold me tight Just squeeze me But please don't tease me ...

Diana Krall - Stop This World
Stop this world, let me offThere's just too many pigs in the same troughThere's too many buzzards sitt...

Diana Krall - Straighten Up And Fly Right
Buzzard took a monkey for a ride in the air Monkey thought that everything on the square Buzzard tried...

Diana Krall - 's Wonderful
'S wonderful! 'S marvelous!You should care for me!'S awful nice! 'S paradise!'S what I love to s...

Diana Krall - Temptation
Rusted brandy in a diamond glassEverything is made from dreamsTime is made from honey slow and sweet...

Diana Krall - The Best Thing For You
I only want what's the best thing for you And the best thing for you would be me I've been convinced ...

Diana Krall - The Girl In The Other Room
The girl in the other roomShe knows by nowThere's something in all of her fearsNow she wears thi...

Diana Krall - The Look Of Love
The look of love is in your eyesA look your smile can't disguiseThe look of love is saying so much mor...

Diana Krall - The Night We Called It A Day
There was a moon out in spaceBut a cloud drifted over its faceYou kissed me and went on your way...

Diana Krall - They Can't Take That Away From Me
The way you wear your hat The way you sip your tea The memory of all that No, no they can't take...

Diana Krall - This Can't Be Love
This can't be love because I feel so well No sobs, no sorrows, no sighs This can't be love I get no di...

Diana Krall - When I Look In Your Eyes
When I look in your eyes, I see the wisdom of the world in your eyes I see the sadness of a thousand goodbye...

Diana Krall - Why Should I Care
Was there something more I could have done? Or was I not meant to be the one? Where's the life I thoug...

Diana Krall - You Call It Madness
I can't forget the night I met you That's all I'm dreaming of And now you call it madness But I ...

Diana Krall - You're Getting To Be A Habit With Me
Every kiss, every hug seems to Act just like a drug You're getting to be a habit with me L...

Diana Krall - You're Looking At Me
Who had the boys turning hand springs? Crazy to lov her claimed she Who could so misunderstand things?...

Dido - All You Want
I'd like to watch you sleep at nightto hear you breathe by my sideAnd though sleep leaves me behind...

Dido - Don't Leave Home
Like a ghost don't need a keyYour best friend I've come to bePlease don't think of getting up for me...

Dido - Don't Think Of Me
So you're with herand not with meI hope she's sweetand so prettyI hear she cooks delightfu...

Dido - Do You Have A Little Time
If you're feeling low and lost todayYou're probably doing too much againYou spend all your hours just ...

Dido - Here With Me
I didn't hear you leaveI wonder how am I still hereAnd I don't want to move a thing It might cha...

Dido - Honestly Ok
I just want to feel safe in my own skinI just want to be happy againI just want to feel deep in my own...

Dido - Hunter
With one light on in one roomI know you're up when I get homeWith one small step upon the stairI...

Dido - I'm No Angel
If you gave me just a coin for every time we say goodbyeWell I'd be rich beyond my dreams, I'm sorry for my ...

Dido - Isobel
I thought it was funny when you missed the trainWhen I rang you at home they said you left yesterdayI ...

Dido - Life For Rent
I haven't ever really found a place that I call homeI never stick around quite long enough to make itI...

Dido - Mary's In India
Danny is lonelyMary's in India nowShe said she'd call but that was three weeks agoShe left all h...

Dido - My Life
What I choose to do is of no concern to you and your friendsWhere I lay my hat may not be my home, but I wil...

Dido - My Lover's Gone
My lover's gonehis boots no longer by my doorhe left at dawnand as I slept I felt him goRe...

Dido - Paris
Coming back from paris on the train,I really didnt care if the journey took all day,Trying to turn the...

Dido - See The Sun
I'm comin' 'round to open the blinds You can't hide here any longer My God you need to rinse those puf...

Dido - See You When You're 40
I've driven round in circles for three hoursIt was bound to happen that I'd end up at yourI temporaril...

Dido - Slide
Even on a day like this when you're crawling on the floorReaching for the phone to ring anyone who knows you...

Dido - Stoned
When you're stoned, baby, I am drunkAnd we make love, it seems a little desolateIt's hard sometimes no...

Dido - Take My Hand
Touch my skin,and tell me what you're thinkingTake my hand and show me where we're goingLie down next ...

Dido - This Land Is Mine
From behind these walls I hear your songOh, sweet wordsThe music that you play lights up my world...

Dido - White Flag
I know you think that I shouldn't still love you, Or tell you that.But if I didn't say it, well I'd st...

Dido - Who Makes You Feel
I don't touch you the way I used toI don't call and write when im awayWe don't make love as often as w...

Dido - Worthless
I know what you came forAnd I know when you'll leaveYou came for my heartAnd it's lost to me...

Dierks Bentley - Bartenders, Etc...
Bartenders, Barstools and BarmaidsA jukebox and a pocket full of changeJust a few of my favorite thing...

Dierks Bentley - Distant Shore
Everyday I swim an ocean, fightin your memory like endless wavesI surrender to the truth, I'll always love y...

Dierks Bentley - Domestic, Light And Cold
Hey bartender, can I make one special request?My woman left me, so tonight I'll be drinkin' your best....

Dierks Bentley - Down On Easy Street
Guess you heard I'm doin' wellStruck it rich, to hear some folks tellBut I'm still the same old me...

Dierks Bentley - Gonna Get There Someday
Well its been a year and there so much to tellbeen doing alright in spite of myselfjust wish I could s...

Dierks Bentley - Good Things Happen
The world is cold but I don't careWhen you have flowers in you hairI see color and I hear soundA...

Dierks Bentley - How Am I Doin'
It's strange to hear your voiceI did not expect for you to callYou wonder how I'm doinHow I'm ho...

Dierks Bentley - I Bought The Shoes
Designer names and diamond ringsAre just some of the finer thingsI thought it took to keep her saticfi...

Dierks Bentley - Is Anybody Loving You These Days
Midnight stoplight, happens everytimePretty girl in a carNo resemblance whatsoeverI wonder how y...

Dierks Bentley - Lot Of Leavin' Left To Do
These old boots still got a lot of groundThey ain't covered yetThere's at least another million miles...

Dierks Bentley - Modern Day Drifter
I'm gonna be a modern day drifterAnd get out while I canGonna trade in this life I've been livin...

Dierks Bentley - My Love Will Follow You
Take your suitcase and take your heartTake a train to the boulevardMy love will follow you, my love wi...

Dierks Bentley - So So Long
Girl I caught you in your little white lieRed handed, red handedYou said you had to work tonight...

Dierks Bentley - What Was I Thinkin'
Becky was a beauty from south alabamaHer daddy had a heart like a nine-pound hammerThink he even did a...

Dierks Bentley - Whiskey Tears
There's things in my life that I've been missin'The touch of a woman, and lovin' after darkCome here l...

Dierks Bentley - Wish It Would Break
That old picture frame keeps hangin' 'roundCause' I ain't ready yet to take it downBut every now and t...

Die Trying - Die Trying
I'm naked and violentThis is the first day of my lifeFinish last at the staring lineI live...

Die Trying - Dirty Dirty
The clothes you wearThe smell of your hairIt's driving me wildYour make-up's onYour boyfri...

Die Trying - Fuck You
My emotion runs highCan you counterweight and make me feel?Can you hear my voice come down, come down?...

Die Trying - Love And Guns
You know you got it it's just what I needyour sex sells and I'm sold honeySo come over to me yeah...

Die Trying - Never Good Enough
The words you say that are so meanThe way they cut-cutThe way they hurt meAs if I am never good ...

Die Trying - One Day At A Time
Relationships they sting likeBees to butterfliesYou must remember to keep a cautious mindIt's al...

Die Trying - Oxygen's Gone
Closer to closureTake this out of meTake anything you want'Cause I'll still breathe, I'll still ...

Die Trying - Runaway
No one said this would be easyNo one said that you weren't rightYou always stop to think about the way...

Die Trying - So Long
Wake me up 'cause I can't sleepCall me any time you needI put my pain into youI hurt myself thro...

Die Trying - Turn Up The Radio
I woke up todayNothin's changed though nothin's the sameLook out my window I should have knownNo...

Die Trying - Words That Kill
My world's on fireMy life's overwhelmingJust breatheYou're on the next train to life without me...

Dilated Peoples - Big Business
[Rakaa Iriscience]no questionsI pledge resistance to the grassthat hides the snakes of Am...

Dilated Peoples - Love And War
[Sample and scratch over Mobb Deep - Give Up The Goods:]"I got lots of love for my crew that is" [...

Dilated Peoples - Marathon
Make-Make-Make-em-Make-em clap to thisTo show our appreciation for your supportMake-Make-Make-em-Make-...

Dilated Peoples - Reach Us
Dilated, dilated, dilated..[Evidence]YoI kill ciphersThat's how I went from g...

The Diplomats - Aayoo-iight
Killa, DipSet, SantanaKay Slay in the HouseLets start the year off rightLets go[C...

The Diplomats - Beautiful Noise
[Jim Jones]My homey Cash, well he gone for fiveSend my prayers, do your thing, I'll be going fo...

The Diplomats - Bigger Picture
[Cam'Ron]Killa, Uh HuhHeatmakerz,Yes SirJones, Santana, Freekey, The UnionHolla At ...

The Diplomats - Crunk Muzik
[Juelz Santana]Now this here is that bomb diggy (diggy)Diggy dang, the dons with meKilla,...

The Diplomats - Dead Muthafuckas
[Indistict female singing sample in background][Cam'Ron]Killa!JonesWe ...

The Diplomats - Family Ties
[Verse 1 - 40 Cal.]Y'all niggaz down on ya hard luckYou must be takin' bird baths we can all se...

The Diplomats - Gangsta Music
[Juelz Santana]Oh, come on, fuck with your boyIt's Santana, Heatmakers, where we at?Let m...

The Diplomats - Get From Round Me
Get from 'round meGet from 'round meGet from 'round me{Jha Jha's in this muh' fucka)get fr...

The Diplomats - Get Use To This
[Intro]Let's do it man(I'm so bad!!!)I'm in the building[J.R. Writer]...

The Diplomats - Ground Zero
[Juelz Santana]YeahY'all know what this is we back at it (uh huh)Come onIt's that n...

The Diplomats - I Love You
[Juelz Santana]People say my theories is backwardsI tell them, sincerly, it's clearly, you hear...

The Diplomats - I Really Mean It
[Woman singing in background][Intro: Jimmy Jones]You see manLet's get off of...

The Diplomats - Juelz Santana The Great
[Chorus]Uh-oh, it's Santana the Great, ohUh-oh, it's Santana the Great, ohUh-oh, it's San...

The Diplomats - Let's Go
[Marvin Gaye]I've been really tryin' babyTryin' to hold back these feelings for so longAn...

The Diplomats - More Than Music
[Juelz Santana]Yo I try to be easyI try to be calm breathe easy, it don't seem easyI'm on...

The Diplomats - Purple Haze
[Cam'Ron]Tito, crack that dutchRoll that purple upNiggaz slacking in their mackingS...

The Diplomats - Real Niggaz
[Cam'ron]Dip Set, Jim Jones, FreekyAight Santana man...let's do thisKilla, let's do it ma...

The Diplomats - S.a.n.t.a.n.a.
[high pitched laugh][Juelz] I'm backkkkkkkkk[Ja'quaye - voice altered high] Juelz...

The Diplomats - So Free
uh-huhs.a.sDipSet.....KillA!....REPHAN....[Mayhem]-We ain't the usual w...

The Diplomats - Stop-n-go
[Cam'Ron]Dipseeeet!, Killa, In the buildin, Wanna welcome y'all backDiplomatic Immunity Vol. 2...

The Diplomats - Take 'em To Church
[Cam'Ron]Uh, This that Harlem music right hereThis that diddy bop, let's get ready for the wint...

The Diplomats - The First
[Jim Jones]Come on, yo, yo[Verse]Aiyoo my Dip Set Taliban, we are not a crew...

The Diplomats - Who I Am
Uh-huh, SantanaI like that man, that bad-da-ba-ba, that's hotI like that, yeah who are you? Santana...

The Diplomats - Wouldn't You Like To Be A Gangsta Too?
OkayI'm sure you heardHe's back in the buildingIt's official ticialHell Rell DipSet ...

Dirty Vegas - 7:00 A.m.
First light in the morningShadows start to fallTemptation is callingComing for us all...

Dirty Vegas - Alive
Through these eyes I seeThere's a place for meAnd life is full of questionsThat keep me alive...

Dirty Vegas - All Or Nothing
I have been out of my headHanging on by a threadTo the world I'm missingDid I fall asleep ...

Dirty Vegas - Burning The Candles
You're going down And it feels goodBut you ain't wearing What you shouldAll the people tha...

Dirty Vegas - Days Go By
YouYou You are still a whisper on my lips A feeling at my fingertips That's pulling ...

Dishwalla - 40 Stories
This life is, harder, so much harderYou say that life has so much weight it wears you downHigher, your...

Dishwalla - Angels Or Devils
this is the last timethat I'm ever gonna come here tonightthis is the last time - I will fall in...

Dishwalla - Bleeding Out
Do you know just what it's like to burn inside so often?To see the life you give is not in vain and not forg...

Dishwalla - Candleburn
on Vineland past the candle shrine that burns on every nightfor someoneshe lets herself golike a...

Dishwalla - Collide
When I came here there was more.Now I've come back to destroy,And I've got nothing left,And it's...

Dishwalla - Coral Sky
Summertime, it's been almost a year since Coral SkyAll the time, I could tell that you were just untouchable...

Dishwalla - Creeps In The Stone
I feel it in the bones,The creeps are in the stonesAnd i cant live another life among these streets of...

Dishwalla - Drawn Out
so the lines are loston the smallest detailsof the life that we tossedpushed out over the rail...

Dishwalla - Ease The Moment
Say that this life's unkindBlasted out silent mind and quiet painThey say we run with a demon's lie...

Dishwalla - Every Little Thing
Let me into see you in the morning lightto get me on and all along the tears they comesee all co...

Dishwalla - Home
I'm so sick and tired of all these thingsthat drag me downI've got no where to gothey say ...

Dishwalla - Mad Life
sweet life I knowhow we give it allhold me uphold me up into the sun and watch me burn com...

Dishwalla - Nashville Skyline
Don't go on looking for the lovein the illusion of it allthe answers in the dreamcause I h...

Dishwalla - Opaline
summer dies here and so could I somewhere underneathwhere the ground is made of stars and everything unclean...

Dishwalla - Somewhere In The Middle
I was out the other dayand I saw you in your big black carand I was waving as you were passingca...

Dishwalla - Surrender The Crown
Stay with me so far awayThe world is beyond our reachBrighten me with a thousand sunsLove me whe...

Dishwalla - Today, Tonight
waiting for a train to catchwaiting for the perfect matchwaiting for someone to make a callif on...

Dishwalla - When Morning Comes
feel the burnfeel the demons come to mixfill the street with madness - don'tlay your hands and l...

Dishwalla - Winter Sun
I could hear you fall,I could feel your body through the floor,And all I see is the red of your blood ...

Dispatch - Bang Bang
She woke me up with a bang, bangLooking over cross eyed had a bigHunch that the world was a big lie...

Dispatch - Bats In The Belfry
old man river saidyou can go your own wayif you just leave him alonedo not deliver all your thin...

Dispatch - Blood
One old man a ten hour day And not a dime to spare Playin' on his pawn shop horn And breathin' i...

Dispatch - Born Normal
born a normal child, but the dream it didn't last longwould you hold him down, my god why does he hang on...

Dispatch - Bridges (stringth In Numbers)
the furrowed bed of sand worries againas it had before, waves left the land.for the falling leaves the...

Dispatch - Drive
Daddy I want to drive todayI wanna get up and gowanna find some timeMama I hear what you're sayi...

Dispatch - Elias (live In Studio)
Dai Jesu achoinekwa ndaizofara naye.Dai Jesu achoinekwa ndaizofara naye.Taizofara naye fara naye....

Dispatch - Even
come now to the edge of the roomyou can see them all crowdin' aroundsoon they'll come in and come up h...

Dispatch - Flying Horses
the river of doubt gave birth to a beautiful stoneand in my hands I held it and I knew I was on my own...

Dispatch - General
there was a decorated general witha heart of gold, that likened him toall the stories he toldof ...

Dispatch - Headlights
headlightshighwaysyour life collides with mineleavin' our shoes behindwe cross the w...

Dispatch - Here We Go
[CHORUS:]here we goleave it on the back burnertake it to the dry townI got th...

Dispatch - Hey...hey...
Well I'm moving kind of slowDown that same old pathWasting time inside this hour glassShe's comi...

Dispatch - Just Like Larry
I'd like to jettison your medicineback to where you came fromyou keep your bell and edisonaway f...

Dispatch - Lightning
we hear the dealers with their wordsthat ride the tailsof their cigarette smokesliding through t...

Dispatch - Mayday
[man:]I saw you yesterdayyour eyes were the colorof some kind of grey.I hear what y...

Dispatch - Mission
let it be known, to all you misbelievin'what you've been seein'that we will not standwill not be...

Dispatch - Open Up
they were looking for me when I came tothey were looking for me when I came backsaid hey you, you're l...

Dispatch - Out Loud
Would you be the wind to blow me homeWould you be a dreamOn the wings of a poemAnd if we were wa...

Dispatch - Parade Speed
Wanna beYour bread and butterWanna beThe honey in your jarWanna beYour bread a...

Dispatch - Passerby
I'm not crazy like my brotherBut it's the way I chooseI don't hang around with a six penceWhen I...

Dispatch - Past The Falls
the wind blew and her hair stood stillhe sits beneath her window sill...she awaits the magic in his ha...

Dispatch - Prince Of Spades
coming back coming home the queen of love enters the roomsilence ensues... to the king what have you done to...

Dispatch - Questioned Apocalypse
I went down to the drug store to check my head againstthe bright light but she caught me from behindan...

Dispatch - Railway
so all of a sudden I'm facing araging river that passed me bydo I turn around, do I turn my eyet...

Dispatch - Steeples
I heard a story about a boy, who was swept off the deckthe sweeping tide swept the sea over his neckbu...

Dispatch - Time Served
hold up the firing linehold steady on the trigger's timewalk away counting backwards from nineho...

Dispatch - Two Coins
I stick loneliness, you lipsand the two coins of your eyesinto my pocketswell the train sk...

Dispatch - Walk With You
and I will walk with youusing the stars as guideson a homeward path we goknowing our time is nig...

Dispatch - Water Stop
when you dove, drunk with sleep in your eyesyou stole what was left of the sky,I remember how you free...

Dispatch - Whirlwind
a whirlwind cam into my lifeand it tried to rescue mewill you come, will you gowill you tell me ...

Disturbed - Awaken
Stripped of life, aloneIn the midst of something that IWant to play with your evil insidewanting...

Disturbed - A Welcome Burden
Shout!Heavy! You want it heavy!Welcome to my world, either way you pick you're winding down...

Disturbed - Believe
Believe, when you lieYou will never need to recognize yourselfTo deceiveTo remove all chance of ...

Disturbed - Bound
ReadyDarkness cover meI'm not ready to die, girlBecause of what you don't tell me...

Disturbed - Breathe
You will realease your lifeForgetting what's forsaken the reason whyYou are alone againYou will ...

Disturbed - Conflict
You are, enemyYou are my hated enemyI am enemyNumber one rated enemyI'm labelled enemy...

Disturbed - Devour
Still enoughAlthough I know you're not beggingStill as the thoughts running through your mindSti...

Disturbed - Droppin' Plates
Wew Here we go again, get upA little somethin' for your earhole, get upbaring a part of my soul again,...

Disturbed - Fear
RejectAre you no oneFeel you nothingYou know I'll bet you thinkYou have a good reason to b...

Disturbed - Glass Shatters
Step up! Cause you're the next one in line for the kill. You don't believe me but I'm betting that you will. ...

Disturbed - God Of The Mind
Na Ha-nha Get in get in get in get into now Get in get into come...

Disturbed - Intoxication
Now you tell me you like itYou tell me you want itYou're mineAnd you don't need another one...

Disturbed - Liberate
Liberate your mindYou motherfucker, you're so narrow-mindedSo narrow-mindedLiberate your mind...

Disturbed - Mistress
I stand on the brink of your mindLiving inside a nightmare from whichI just cannot awakenStand o...

Disturbed - Numb
Bleeding now I'm Crying out I'm Falling down and I'mFeeling nothing likeLaughing now I'm ...

Disturbed - Prayer
Another dream that will never come true Just to compliment your sorrow Another life that I've taken fr...

Disturbed - Rise
RiseThrow awayThe charade of your lifeLet the flame of my heartBurn awayYour complac...

Disturbed - Violence Fetish
Bring the violenceIt's significantTo the lifeIf you've ever known anyoneBring the violence...

Disturbed - Voices
So, are you breathingNo, noAre you breathingSo, are you breathingNo[x2]...

Disturbed - Want
Your mind wont let you say that you want meYour mind wont ever, never let you say what you wantYou how...

Disturbing Tha Peace - Break Sumthin'
[Chorus (2x)]I'm 'bout to break sumthin'Break sumthin', take sumthin'Break sumthin', brea...

Disturbing Tha Peace - N.s.e.w.
Just get on down [8x][Chorus]North, North, South, South, East, East, West, W...

Disturbing Tha Peace - Outro On Ya Ass
[I-20]Don't make me swang on ya bitch assFuck around and pull that thang on ya bitch assS...

Disturbing Tha Peace - Smokin' Dro
[Chorus: I-20]I'mmmm smokin dro, choppin O'sBeat knockin with the big blaze choppin nigga...

Dixie Chicks - A Home
I mistook the warnings for wisdomFrom so called friends quick to adviseThough your touch was telling m...

Dixie Chicks - Am I The Only One (whose Ever Felt This Way)
There Is No Good ReasonI Should Have To Be So AloneI'm Smothered By This EmptinessLord I Wish I ...

Dixie Chicks - Don't Waste Your Heart
For the life of me I can't believeThe you're on your knees beggin' pleaseAll the pushing' away and put...

Dixie Chicks - Godspeed (sweet Dreams)
Dragon tales and the "water is wide" Pirate's sail and lost boys fly Fish bite moonbeams every night...

Dixie Chicks - Hey Dixie
[CHORUS:]Hey DixieI can hear you callingHey DixieI can hear you calling meHey...

Dixie Chicks - Hole In My Head
Hole in my headhole in my headI need a boy like you like a hole in my headI need a boy like you ...

Dixie Chicks - I Believe In Love
I made a promise to myselfLocked it away deep down insideTold my heart we'd wait it outSwore we'...

Dixie Chicks - I Can Love You Better
She's got you wrapped up in her satin and lace. Tied around her little finger. She's got you thinkin' ...

Dixie Chicks - Let 'er Rip
I Can Tell There's Something You Don't Wanna Tell MeIt's Killing You 'Cause The Words Are Hard To Find...

Dixie Chicks - Love Me Like A Man
The men that I've been seeingWell they got their soul up on a shelfYou know they could never love me...

Dixie Chicks - More Love
I'm so close to you babyBut I'm so far awayThere's a silence between usAnd there's so much to sa...

Dixie Chicks - Never Say Die
Lyin' Next To You In The DarkI Can Feel Your Beating HeartYou've Been Here Beside Me Through The Test ...

Dixie Chicks - Ready To Run
When the train rolls byI'm gonna be ready this timeWhen the boy gets that look in his eyeI'm gon...

Dixie Chicks - Sin Wagon
He pushed me 'roundnow I'm drawin' the lineHe lived his lifenow I'm gonna go live mineI'm ...

Dixie Chicks - Stand By Your Man
Sometimes it's hard to be a womanGiving all your love to just one manYou'll have bad times and he'll h...

Dixie Chicks - There's Your Trouble
Should Have Been Different ButIt Wasn't Different, Was ItSame Old Story, Dear John, And So LongS...

Dixie Chicks - Tortured, Tangled Hearts
Well there was a little falter at the altar of confession Down on its knees true love did fallAfter 31...

Dixie Chicks - Travelin' Soldier
Two days past eighteenHe was waiting for the bus in his army greenSat down in a booth in a cafe there...

Dixie Chicks - White Trash Wedding
You can't afford no ringYou can't afford no ringI shouldn't be wearing white and you can't afford no r...

Dixie Chicks - Wide Open Spaces
Who doesn't know what I'm talking about Who's never left home, who's never struck out To find a dream ...

Dixie Chicks - You Were Mine
I Can't Find A Reason To Let GoEven Though You've Found A New LoveAnd She's What Your Dreams Are Made ...

Dizzee Rascal - Brand New Day
Looks like i'm loosin friends There's a lot of hostility in my endz We used 2 argue, always make other...

Dizzee Rascal - Cut 'em Off
[Chorus]Socialize in a crucial sitiation (and negotiate)I cut em off [x2]Review th...

Dizzee Rascal - Do It
[INTRO]Ohh...oi it's real out hear like noone undastands sometimes,like people can see wh...

Dizzee Rascal - Dream
I'm not gunna pull this off man without signing the dotsThis is too sensible for me manHow u gunna hav...

Dizzee Rascal - Everywhere
I ain't on a high ting (Nah!!)Jus out here tryin' to do da right thingAnd even though you know I don't...

Dizzee Rascal - Flyin'
YeahWhat up man, what are ya this week?He thinks he's rough, and he's always got a screw-faceHe'...

Dizzee Rascal - Graftin'
[Dizze talking]So what you thinkin bout london city now aye, Who dya city love[Background]...

Dizzee Rascal - Hype Talk
Hype talkInside outsideRa ra raToo many man talk nuff' bla blaTalk like Dizzee aint got a ...

Dizzee Rascal - I Luv U
I luv uIII...I..I..I Luv uI luv I Luv I Luv UIII...I..I..I Luv uIII...I..I..I Luv u...

Dizzee Rascal - Imagine
Imagine if i showed u 1 day i was leavin da hood, Wud u call me a sell out, wud u say its all good? Wu...

Dizzee Rascal - Jezebel
Yo, look, look, lookThey call her Jezebelyou might find her in your neighbourhoodAlways in some ...

Dizzee Rascal - Jus' A Rascal
He's jus a rascal He's jus a rascal He's jus a rascal, Dizzee Rascal [x4]Yo London ...

Dizzee Rascal - Knock, Knock
[Chorus]Knock knock whos there? DizzeeDizzee who? RasAnd I kick assKill a MC fast...

Dizzee Rascal - Learn
Like who the fuck are you,Yer, who the fuck are you,Is it recording yer,I come direct and ...

Dizzee Rascal - Live O
[Answerphone Voice:]At the tone please record your message At the tone please record your...

Dizzee Rascal - Respect Me
You people respect me, if it kills you [x4]Do it how they didn't, now they really wanna try to ...

Dizzee Rascal - Round We Go
[Chorus:]Aint no love ting here, it's just one big cycle here,aint no friendship here it's just...

Dizzee Rascal - Sittin' Here
Roll deep alive, liveO...Im just sitting here, I aint saying much I just thinkAnd my eyes dont m...

Dizzee Rascal - Stand Up Tall
Stand up tall...Rascit, boy in the corner I still roll deep young star gimmee the beat and let me prov...

Dizzee Rascal - Stop Dat
Stop Dat!!!Stop dat Start datGet dat, wah?!?Been der done dat had dat, wah?!?H...

Dizzee Rascal - Wot U On
Love talks to everyoneLove talks to everyoneLove talks to everyone, money talks moreLove talks t...

Dj Pied Piper - Do You Really Like It?
Enter the dragon.I was just kickin out some karate kicks,With some tantalising lyrics!Send...

Dj Sammy - Beautiful Smile
My love is like a turing wheelit is spinning, spinning aroundWaking up see your beautiful smileI...

Dj Sammy - California Dreamin'
All the leaves are brown and the sky is grayI've been for a walk on a winter's dayI'd be safe and warm...

Dj Sammy - Find A Way
Find a way to my heart,And I will always be with you.From wherever you are,And I'll be waiting....

Dj Sammy - Golden Child
Golden childWhen ever you feel lonelyI'm on your sideNo matter where you goI will be there...

Dj Sammy - Heaven (candlelight Mix)
Oh, thinking about all our younger yearsThere was only you and meWe were young and wild and free...

Dj Sammy - Life Is Just A Game
Life, life is just a gameWe all end up the sameLets be freeAnd come along with meLif...

Dj Sammy - Loona Bailando
Bailando, bailandoAmigos adios, adios - el silencio locoBailando, bailandoAmigos adios, adios - ...

Dj Sammy - Magic Moment
I feel that magic moment, when I hold you in my armsI wish that it could always be, but I know you've got to...

Dj Sammy - Prince Of Love
Can you tell me where you are?I'm searching you, but I can't find you - nowhere.When I look up to the ...

Dj Sammy - Sunlight
SunlightI'm drifting away somehowby the presense of the morning sunI'm falling into the night...

Dj Sammy - The Boys Of Summer
Nobody on the roadNobody on the beachI feel it in the airThe summer's out of reachEmpty la...

Dj Sammy - Wait
Wait - until my love is free to feel - all over.And see - that it can be you and me, so closer.Don't g...

Dj Sammy - You Can Run
You can run but you can't hideOpen your eyes and start the fight.Together we can find a way.Give...

Dj Sammy - You're My Angel
You're my angel and you're my starYou're my light that is shinning in the nightI wanna touch you but y...

Dmx - 24 Hours To Live
[Puff Daddy] I want you to ask yourself one question If you had twenty four hours to live, what...

Dmx - 4321
4, 3, 2, 1 [Redman] Hahh [Method] hah [Method] Yeah [Redman] yeahhh [LL C...

Dmx - (ain't) No Sunshine
It's dark and hell is hotAin't no sunshine when it's onOnly darkness every dayAin't no sun...

Dmx - Aint No Way
Uhh Swiss beats (Uhh uhh) Nigga, ryde or die (uhh uhh uhh) DMX what what (uhh uhh uhh) ...

Dmx - A Minute For Your Son
You got a minute for your son, Father?I need to talk Im so tired of trying to run, FatherLets take a w...

Dmx - Atf
[DMX] Got me on the run Uh, uh BOOM, BOOM, BOOM, open the door, ATF To late t...

Dmx - Bloodline Anthem
[Chorus]Believe me! It's our TIIIIME now to let 'em know(WHAT?!) It's our TIIIIME now to let '...

Dmx - Born Loser
And away we go(we go we go we go) Some old born loser type of shit (shit) On the remix tip (tip, tip) ...

Dmx - Bring Your Whole Crew
Uhh! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Come on, uhh, uhhh huhhh But they don't hear me though Uhh, bu...

Dmx - Bug Out
[DMX] Ughhh Aieyo (ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!) These niggaz is crazy baby They cant fuck wit ...

Dmx - Catz Don't Know
Uh, it's that real shit yo Grrr! [1] - Can't stop Gotta eat Stepping on, my f...

Dmx - Crime Story
Mnn Man, uh Shit stay happen Ya know Its crazy dog Its off the hook But you kn...

Dmx - Damien
UH DefJam Uh RuffRyders (The Snake the rat, the cat, the dog, how you go...

Dmx - Damien Iii
[Verse One]Hey yo D, it's your nigga DUh-huhWhat the fuck, you forgot about me?You'...

Dmx - Dog Intro
[Whisper]Ruffriders, Ride Or Die, Get at these Niggaz Dawg [Whisper]Yep Yep Yep......

Dmx - Dogs Out
This is dedicated to, this is dedicated toThe streets, this is dedicated to[Chorus]...

Dmx - Don't You Ever
[DMX] Don't do it dog, it's just not worth it Uhh.. grrrrrr.. what the fuck have they done? ...

Dmx - Dope Money
What, what? (This goes out to the general public) Yo.. you over there Styles? - Yeah dog (Anybod...

Dmx - Do That Shit
[Eve: Verse 1] Uh Sick when she rock shit, stop when block shit Never try to run when she...

Dmx - Down Bottom
[Juve] Mmmm hmmmmm [Drag] Ha ha hah Oh! Damn, now bop to this Yeah, uhh, uhh...

Dmx - Do You
[Intro] That "T" would help though Here we go again Yeah, check it out, y'all Check...

Dmx - Fame
[DMX] Uh-huh (Y'KNOW?) ARF! Uhh.. Take it for what it's worth, my birth was a...

Dmx - Flesh Of My Flesh, Blood Of My Blood
[DMX] Flesh of My Flesh, Blood of My Blood Flesh of My Flesh, Blood of My Blood Flesh of ...

Dmx - Freestyle
Uh, uh, uh Niggaz gettin trampled on, what's all the fuss about? Suckin my dick so hard, I'm bustin in...

Dmx - Friend Of Mine
[DMX]Uh-oh! (GROWLS)Don't tell me!(GROWLS)Don't tell me it's another one of these PK join...

Dmx - Fuckin Wit D
[Quick Skit: gun fire][DMX:] TALK IS CHEAP MUTHAFUCKA!!!!! [Verse one:]...

Dmx - Fuck Y'all
[Chorus]Ay yo fuck y'all niggaz(Man fuck you too)Ay yo fuck y'all niggaz(Man fuck y...

Dmx - Fuhgidabowdit
[LL Cool J] Get the fuck out of here, I'm LL Cool Soakin wet with bad bitches in the indoor poo...

Dmx - Get Your Shit Right
[DMX:]Grrrrrrr Grrrrr Grrr [JD:]Yeah. [Chorus:]...

Dmx - Heat
Heat Uh yeah yeah [gunshots]! Uh..arf arf arf.. ...

Dmx - Here We Go Again
[DMX] Same old shit dog, just a different day You know how niggaz do, when we play, how we play...

Dmx - How's It Goin Down
[Phone rings][Guy:] Whose dick you sucking? [Girl:] Don't call me with that...

Dmx - I Can I Can
Uh, Ruff Ryderz, DMX, Swizz Beatz [Verse 1] I be, I be that dog that gots to flow That's ...

Dmx - I'ma Bang
Let's knock it out....that's all, oh we gon' do it(Another one of these, huh) Knock it the fuck out(On...

Dmx - I'm A Ruff Ryder
Babe I'm a Ruff Ryder Hey I'm a Ruff Ryder Oh no no, yeah yeah yeah Mmmmm-hmmmm, yea...

Dmx - I'm Gonna Crawl
Uh Live and learn Life's a lesson (life is a lesson) And I'm the teacher [CHORUS:...

Dmx - Inc Anthem
[Intro: Jay-Z]Whut the Fuck? Niggaz, Ya'll Ready for this Bitches, Ya'll ready for this ...

Dmx - Intro
[Interviewer:] Yo I'm sayin, these Ruff Ryder Niggas [DMX:] Dog [Interviewer:] I ...

Dmx - It's All Good
It's All Good Love my niggaz, but wheres my bitches? I love my niggaz, but wheres my bitches? Lo...

Dmx - It's Murda
[DMX:]URRRRRRR Uh huh Y'all motherfuckers ready or what? Is y'all motherfuckers rea...

Dmx - It's On
Ugh Dmx Clueminati Is ya'll motherfuckers ready for the Ruff Ride! Grrrrr! [1st V...

Dmx - Jigga My Nigga
Roc-A-Fella, Ruff Ryders, Swizz Beats It's almost over y'all Jigga, how real is that? Uhh, uhh, ...

Dmx - Keep Your Shit The Hardest
[Chorus(2x):]What y'all want me to do Keep your shit the hardest It's about to go down ...

Dmx - Kiss Of Death
AHH!! [Jadakiss] They tryin-they comin' for my head po (uh) They're tryin' to put p...

Dmx - Let Me Fly
[DMX:]Uh. Yea. Uh. If you love something let it go, if it comes back to you it's yours. If it d...

Dmx - Life Is What You Make It
[Nas] Yo ill will, ruff ryders what what, sraight like that You a killer or a hustl...

Dmx - Look Thru My Eyes
Judge not and shall be judged first Die nigga, die nigga [chorus]Look in my eyes, s...

Dmx - Make A Move
[DMX] Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.. mm.. [Chorus: DMX]I gots to make a move and mak...

Dmx - Money, Cash, Hoes
[Jay-Z:]Turn the lights all the way Turn the lights all the way down What Uhhuh Yea...

Dmx - More 2 A Song
[DMX] Uhh.. c'mon! [Chorus: DMX](Dog) It's more to a song than, jewelry and ...

Dmx - Murdergram
[Jay-Z:]Niggas is dead, dead I tell you, can't be serious What you think is gonna happen ...

Dmx - My Niggas
Just cause I love my niggas, (Ruff Ryders) I shed blood for my niggas. (Ryde or die) Let a nigga holla...

Dmx - Niggaz Done Started Something
[Sheek] Yo, ayo let's get papers and pop Mo' with holes up in skyscrapers In condiminiums, over...

Dmx - Nowhere To Run
[ODB] It's that shit, you know what I'm sayin'? I'm a give a shout out to my niggas ...

Dmx - Number 11
Yo, uhhOhh, huh, that's how it's goin down huh?You niggaz hit me like thatin the fuckin back? I...

Dmx - One More Road To Cross
[DMX] Uhh.. this is life (this is life) This is what I know (this what I know) So to me (...

Dmx - Party Up
[DMX] Uhh.. UH! .. WHOO! [Chorus:] [DMX] Y'all gon' make me lose my m...

Dmx - Pina Colada
-Vaya -Come on -Vaya -A vailar [Chorus 2x:]Where're my niggers with the...

Dmx - Platinum Plus
[Jermaine Dupri] uh-huh, yea-yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, (tell 'em who we is) yeah, yeah, yeah ...

Dmx - Prayer
I come to you hungry and tired you give food and let me sleep I come to you weak you give streng...

Dmx - Prayer 3
[DMX] Let us pray Lord Jesus it is you, who wakes me up every day And I am forever gratef...

Dmx - Pull It
[dogs barking][Cam'Ron] Uh, let me tell you somethin Act your age, and I ain...

Dmx - Pure Uncut Remix
[Eightball] DMX McGruff and Canibus. You know where you heard it first. My man Card...

Dmx - Ready To Meet Him
[Talking] Please give me the strength I need to live... Bear with me Amen We ...

Dmx - Right / Wrong
THIS...IS...MY...LIFE[Chorus](Right and wrong)Whatever which way they go (right and...

Dmx - Rob All Night (if I'm Gonna Rob)
[Chorus: repeat 2X]If I'm gonna rob, I'ma rob all night (yeah!)If I'm lookin' for something' th...

Dmx - Rolllin (urban Assault Vehicle)
Play the fucking track! Play that fucking track!! Oh there it is Limp Bizkit, DMX, Redman, Metho...

Dmx - Ruff Radio 2 (skit)
[Man] Are you gone mofuckin' play my shit?[DJ] Mmm Mmmammm[Man] Take ...

Dmx - Ruff Ryders Anthem
[Chorus(2x):]Stop, drop, shut 'em down open up shop Oh, no That's how Ruff Ryders roll ...

Dmx - Ryde Or Die
[Sheek] Yo if gon' sleep on somethin, might as well be a bed And if you gon' crack a nigga, mig...

Dmx - School Street
Grrrrrrr.. uh, uh, uh, YEAH!UHH! Fourth motherfuckin time baby (WHAT?)Out the gate! (uh-huh)You...

Dmx - Shorty Was Da Bomb
Thursday, June 28, 2:02 A.MI just called you, you said that you were on your way but theres just one p...

Dmx - Shut Em Down
[Intro:]Straight up nigga Motherfuckin' South side nigga Brooklyn what! Word up ...

Dmx - Sincerity
Uh..Uh Now there's two ways we can do this, keep it real or front I know you got what I need and I got...

Dmx - Slippin
Ha ha ha ha ha ha uhh See to live is to suffer but to survive Well that's to find meaning in the suffe...

Dmx - Sometimes
[DMX]Sometimes I wonder what life's aboutSometimes I wonder why the lights are outSometim...

Dmx - Some X Shit
[left and right DMX parts simultaneous] Whoo whoo! Dog ni-gga WHAT? Whoo whoo! Dog ni-gga...

Dmx - Stop Being Greedy
[DMX] uh-huh, uh-huh [x4][Hook] Y'all been eatin long enough now stop...

Dmx - Take Whats Yours
[Mase] Yo, I be that young fly fellow, got thorough Down for denaro, hit everything in the Trib...

Dmx - Tales From The Darkside
And now, the tale from the darkside... [DMX] Uh, I got to remind y'all niggas What ...

Dmx - The Convo
You tell me that there's love here. But to me it's blatant. Nothin' but all the blood here. I'm ...

Dmx - The Future
[Meeno] They got my back to the wall Nobody to turn to, nobody I can trust I used to have...

Dmx - The Great
[DMX] Wooh Come on Wooh Uh, uh, wooh Come on Wooh Uh, uh uh...

Dmx - The Hood
Shit, this shit right for the thugs in the street Do yall here me? Shit, and this shit right...

Dmx - The Omen
[Barking] (You, right here shorty, told you, I got you Like the way I scooped you, when those f...

Dmx - The Prayer Iv
[DMX]Let us prayFather God I am just learning how to pray, so bear with meFirst I thank y...

Dmx - The Prayer V
Let us prayFather thank you for makin me righteousand accepted through the blood of JesusBecause...

Dmx - The Professional
[Chorus: DMX]Niggaz won't creep these streets with me cause you know fuckin what these streets'...

Dmx - The Rain
[singing] Now I know, only I, can stop the rainUh.. uh.. uh, uh, uh[singing] Now I know,...

Dmx - The Story
[DMX] I'm always talking shit, cause wherever I go I walk in shit And now they got me on some s...

Dmx - Time To Build
It's Time, it's time, it's time, it's time This is time to build, it's time to build It's time to buil...

Dmx - Top Shotter
[DMX] Rrrrrgh, uh, uh-huh Uh.. uhh uhh, uh-huh Here comes the boom [8X]...

Dmx - Trina Moe
WHAT!UHH!WHAT!C'MON![HOOK:]AYO!Bounce to that Trina MoeNigg...

Dmx - Trippin Remix
[Puffy:]Huh, you know what time it is This is the remix (this is the remix) '99 to infini...

Dmx - We Don't Give A Fuck
[Chorus 2X]Uhh used to be my dog you was in my left titty Scream RYDE OR DIE I thought yo...

Dmx - We Got This
.....[Forte & DMX Growling].... [Chorus - Forte' & DMX] [Forte'] ...

Dmx - We In Here
Yeah you know how we do it, Funk Flex, Big Kap, Def Jam The Tunnel, Ruff Ryders, Let's go baby ...

Dmx - We Right Here
[DMX]Uh, uh, uh, uh[Chorus]Bring it! What?We right hereWe're not...

Dmx - Whatcha Gonna Do
[Chorus]I say I can give it to you but whatcha gon do wit it, I can give it to you but wh...

Dmx - What's My Name
This is the fuckin shit I be talkin about Half rappin' ass mothafuckers You think it's a game? You thi...

Dmx - Where The Hood At
[DMX talking]Aiyyo, ya niggaz must be outcha fuckin mindThinkin dog can't pull another motherfu...

Dmx - Who We Be
[DMX]Uhh, yeah Another one of those - this is for my nigga Q - down to earth jointsRest i...

Dmx - Why We Die
Uhh, that's some shit.. ..that that that niggaz ain't even seen before That's that shit! (Motherfucker...

Dmx - X Is Coming For You
Hey Mimi Word? [dogs barking]Get em boy.. get em boy! Get em boy! Get em boy! Boyyyyyyy! ...

Dmx - You Could Be Blind
[Chorus 2x]You could be blindBut you gon' see it when you need to see itYou gon' be fine...

Donell Jones - Come Back
I remember when we used to loveIt seems like yesterdayYou know that I understandBut I wish that ...

Donell Jones - Don't Leave
Don't leave, cuz I really wanna love youSo what you wanna do, I gotta be with you tonightDon't leave, ...

Donell Jones - Do You Wanna
[Intro]Whassup, baby?This is a night that you'll never forgetHuh, for all the things that...

Donell Jones - Freakin' You
To all the girls around the way what you wanna doCuz we bout to come throughPut your sundresses on for...

Donell Jones - Gotta Get Her (outta My Head)
Gotta get her out of my headI gotta get her out of my heartBut I don't know where to startEvery ...

Donell Jones - Guilty By Suspicion
[Intro]ManWhat am I say this timeShe already heard the one about staying at work late...

Donell Jones - I Hope It's You
Someone who can satisfy my every little needI'm hoping it's youI've been waiting for someone to bring ...

Donell Jones - Life Goes On
[Donell Talking]Damn man...I had it all before I got up in here[Jail Bars Slam Shut]...

Donell Jones - Put Me Down
If I lace you, would you lace me backIf I blaze you, would you blaze me backSpending big faces on the ...

Donell Jones - Still
[Intro]Uh, whatWhat's goin' onYeah, uh, whatWhat's goin' onSeemed like ...

Donell Jones - Where You Are (is Where I Wanna Be) Part 2
I'm saying I'm sorry for leaving you But I wanted to start my life brand newI was going through change...

Donell Jones - You Know That I Love You
Mmm...I really gotta knowIf you trust me, do you trust me now, heyI really gotta know...

Don Omar - Aunque Te Fuiste
Vuelve ie ie...Vuelve ie ie...Que el dolor me mataVuelve ie ie...Vuelve ie ie...Que ...

Don Omar - Dale Don Dale
Gocho!Don, Don!(M-V-P)DaleDale, Don, dalePa' que se muevan las yalesPa' ...

Don Omar - Dile
Dile que bailando te conoc (Cuntale) Dile que esta noche me quieres ver (Cuntale) Cuntale ...

Don Omar - Guayaquil
La vi en Guayaquil, bailando en SantiagoLa vi en Guayaquil, bailando en SantiagoTiene loco a to los ba...

Don Omar - Intocable
Eliel!Don!Don!Quisiera pasar la noche bailandote, intocableTe estoy cazandoAun...

Don Omar - La Recompenza
La recompenza es bastaY la vida una solaVivir hora tras horaPara morir y ser yoLa recompen...

Don Omar - Pobre Diabla
Se dice que se te a visto por la calle vagandoLlorando por un hombre que no vale un centavoPobre diabl...

Don Omar - Provocandome
'tas provocandome...(Eliel!)(Don! Don!)Tu lo que quieres es que te pegue...Bailalo afincao...

Don Omar - Quien La Vio Llorar
Contigo sufrioConmigo vivioY con tus mentirasLlenastes su vidaDe desilucionNo le hab...

Do Or Die - 3 A.m.
[Chorus 1]I'm a pick you up at 3 when you hear me blow my horn, bump bump bump bump bump.....Wh...

Do Or Die - 6 Million
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 million ways to dieDouble em' I lock the glockTo pop open up six more (??)...

Do Or Die - Alpha And Omega
[Do or Die]The alpha is the beginningThe omega is the endThe alpha is when you doTh...

Do Or Die - Anotha One Dead And Gone
[Chorus: x4] Just another one dead and goneAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhahhhhhaA year from now w...

Do Or Die - Caine House
[Chorus]So I told you where I hang outYa got some sellin then Haller my name out...

Do Or Die - Dead Or Alive
[Chorus x 4]Wanted dead or alive[AK]I don't know which way to goFuck i...

Do Or Die - Don't Touch My Money
[Chorus 4X]Don't touch my money manDon't touch my money manDon't touch my mothafuckin mon...

Do Or Die - Gangsta Shit
Nigga we can handle this like some gentelmenOr we can get into some gangsta shit(Gangsta Shit)(G...

Do Or Die - I Got A Problem
[Chorus x2: Ak 47/Young Buck]I got a problem with you bitches, and since I got a problem with you bit...

Do Or Die - Just Ballin'
Playas been asking, what y'all been doing lately?[Chorus (2X):]Ask what we're doing, just...

Do Or Die - Kill Or Be Killed
Let's start it the land of heartless assassin killersConcrete gorillasCold blooded mind mentally dead ...

Do Or Die - La, La, La
[Chorus: repeat 4X]Gotta make the paper Cant let the paper make meLa di da di da di...

Do Or Die - Lil Sum Sum
Mic check Mic check Mic checkCmonI'm a professional, pimpin like rationalWorld...

Do Or Die - Paper Chase
[Chorus:]Paperchase, I'm on a motherfuckin' paperchasePaperchase, I'm on a motherfuckin' ...

Do Or Die - Pimpology
.. but somebody's gotta do itPimpin ain't easy, but somebody's gotta do it..[Verse One]...

Do Or Die - Promise
[Intro/Chorus:]The last thing that I saw was when he criedShot him in the face and walked...

Do Or Die - Shut 'em Down
[Do or Die]Ew weee them niggas down there tipDam man they holding down thereWho the fuck ...

Do Or Die - Ultimate Shutdown
[Verse One:]This be those Zero mutherfuckers and I'm full of that liquorMan fuck your tea...

Do Or Die - V.i.p.
There's a lot of things that I never understood, (never understood)Somethin' like Victory, look here, (look ...

Dope - America The Pitiful
Thoughts of prison lying in my bed Over visions dosing in my headI've already lost much more Tha...

Dope - Another Day Goes By
Another day goes byAnd I don't understand or know the reasons whyI'm looking for a change in life...

Dope - Bitch
There's something about the way we fitThere's something about this psycho tripThere's something about ...

Dope - Bring It On
Bring it onYou say a lot of thingsA lot of things you never doWho'd want too be like youAn...

Dope - Burn
We don't know what to believeWe only go by the t.v.I don't know but I will fightI won't let my b...

Dope - Crazy
Are you looking Are you laughing at meAre you reminiscingDo you remember meTry how I...

Dope - Debonaire
I don't need diamond rings or highpriced suits that shineLimosines and flashy things or ancient bottled wine...

Dope - Die Mf Die
I don't need your forgivenessI don't need your hateI don't need your acceptanceSo what should I ...

Dope - Easier
Would it make things easier if I were goneWould it make things right if I was never wrongWould it make...

Dope - Everything Sucks
If somebody's askin I've gone awayYeah somebody's packin and gone todayThe sumer was lovely and I enjo...

Dope - Falling Away
The more things changeThe more things changeAin't it funny howApparently everything is the same...

Dope - I Am
Sometimes you don't understandSometimes I am what I amSometimes I just can't beEverything you ho...

Dope - I Am Nothing
Come on You could say I am nothingFew could say I am somethingYou could say I am nothingYo...

Dope - Intervention
You'd lik to take control of meI'm not how you'd have hoped I'd beFor what you're reaching out to me...

Dope - Jenny's Cryin'
Just som one to hold and someone to hateAnd something to blame for all the painI could ignore he...

Dope - Kimberly's Ghost
I dont know what makes me hard for youI dont know what I'm about to do, yeahI dont need this anymore...

Dope - March Of Hope
Tried a miilion ways to take control of meThere's a million things tht I will never beI got forty-five...

Dope - Motivation
I don't know whyI'm paralyzedIf you don't get it you never will get itIf you just don't get it g...

Dope - Move It
Get up, get it outAnd groove it, in and outAnd move it up and down"All you got to do is"...

Dope - Nothing (why)
I dreamt of all that we could beAnd all the thing you couldn'tI let you walk away from meI guess...

Dope - Now Is The Time
Now is the timeFor me to step into your mind, listen upCause now is the timeFor me to stand and ...

Dope - Now Or Never
What'd you go and do that forI see the way you'reLooking at meAnd I don't know whyI ...

Dope - One Fix
About time, I dont care how you've beenI know you've got and I want itLong night, and I dont want it t...

Dope - Paranoia
You say I'm paranoidIsn't that what you saidYou say it's my imaginationAnd I'm fucked in the hea...

Dope - Pig Society
Polite to say that I drifted awayand I never though I'd careAlong the way I've made mistakes but I made them...

Dope - Shit Life
Simplistic, Domestic, Shit life processed to fit in placePathetic, ascetic, shit life, depressed to fill in ...

Dope - Sick
Here's to tomorrow babyI'm feelin sickComplain the whole world's angryYou make me sickWith...

Dope - Sing
Some people sing for life some people sing for deathSome people sing to sing the songs that they like best...

Dope - Slipping Away
I'm trying hard to understandI'm trying hard to do the things it takes to be a manLife's slippin...

Dope - So Low
I got a lot to do I got a lot to doI got a lot to do how bout youI got a lot to say I got a lot to say...

Dope - Spine For You
Somethin's wrong with my life and I'm crazySomethin's hard on my mind, guess whoIt's tough to live wit...

Dope - Stop
Can't you see that we areRunning out of timeI am dying but I will not dieSomebody save me from m...

Dope - Take Your Best Shot
Go on and take your best shotBlow them awayI dont know whyAnd lately I dont understand ...

Dope - Thanks For Nothing
Give me a breakFrom your take and your takeCome on andgive me a breakWhat do you want from me...

Dope - Today Is The Day
Today is the day that I will let it go awayThat I will let it be okayThat I will throw it all away...

Dope - Wake Up
Dissolved the life in meYou crawled inside of meYou wanted everythingYou took it all from me...

Dope - What About
Every time I go to bedI hear the voices in my headThey sayWhat about meEvery time I feel t...

Doro Pesch - Alone Again
Alone again, alone againI'm in the twilight zone againAnother lonely star crossed nightShivered ...

Doro Pesch - Always Live To Win
Feels your life is just a living hellBut you know that you canThat youll do it wellCome on...

Doro Pesch - Black Rose
I heard your echoAs I walked these hallsI saw your pictureOn the stone cold wallsI remembe...

Doro Pesch - Burn It Up
A heartbeat like thunderBurning down underReady to fly into the great skyWhen the flames getting...

Doro Pesch - Chained
Do unto othersAs youd have them do to youIt would make our life so easyYeah theres gold in that ...

Doro Pesch - Constant Danger
Give my heart to any strangerThrough my heart out any doorPut my heart in constant dangerI don't...

Doro Pesch - Danke
Danke, dass Du bei mir bistUnd dass Du mich auch nicht aufgibst.Danke, dass Du zu mir stehstUnd ...

Doro Pesch - Descent
One IllusionIts one for all were gonna payToo much confusionSo much abuse cant get away...

Doro Pesch - Fight
Never a day going by that Im not afraidAnd I sleep in the dark with one eye awakeIm often left without...

Doro Pesch - Fight By Your Side
The moon above youIt seems so sadBut thats not the reasonWhy I feel so badI cant believe y...

Doro Pesch - Fuel
I'm so exhausted baby I need a shotCan't make it through the dayThe work was too muchI need a br...

Doro Pesch - Give Me A Reason
This is another lonely morningIt feels like another lonely nightI'm almost sure I'll give up hoping...

Doro Pesch - Hoffnung (hope)
Des Lebens Sinn ist Hoffnung tragenDurch Dornen seinen Weg zu schreitenSich durch ein Hllentor zu wage...

Doro Pesch - Ich Will Alles
Ich bin von Dir besessenUnd ich kann Dich nicht vergessenDenn ich bin in Deinem BannUnd ich denk...

Doro Pesch - I Give My Blood (dedication)
I'm sick and tiredof hangin' on for too longof what they told mewhen it feels so wrong, so wrong...

Doro Pesch - I Wanna Live
You never thoughtI would lastJust another ratCaught up in your trapI fought freeI pl...

Doro Pesch - I Want More
You know you've my obsessionAnd I'll make you my possessionPut you under my spellAnd you know I ...

Doro Pesch - Kiss Me Like A Cobra
Can you feel my heartbeatWhen danger comes aroundI sense a sudden smell of poisonJoined by a hyp...

Doro Pesch - Legends Never Die
You were the god in the halls of timeYouve seen them come and seen them goWhy cant you sleep at night...

Doro Pesch - Love Me Forever
Love me forever, or not at all,End of our tether, backs to the wall,Give me your hand, don't you ever ...

Doro Pesch - Now Or Never
It's getting late and getting colderThe nights are strange I need to hold ya'I wait for you for the lo...

Doro Pesch - Rock Before We Bleed
We all loveWe all breatheWe all feel the risin heatTimes are changinOur life goes on...

Doro Pesch - Salvaje (untouchable)
I drive with Lemmy down Woodland HillsYou know its feeling good, its overkillWere smoking, drinking, s...

Doro Pesch - Scarred
My eyes just drink you inAnd I always feel so muchI'm contemplating sinAnd you know I'm losing t...

Doro Pesch - Sister Darkness
I see you after midnightWhen the moonlight mirrors in my eyesAnd I do what I likeAnd I do what i...

Doro Pesch - Song For Me
I remember every place and everytimeThat I have sung for family and friendsAnd the words have their re...

Doro Pesch - Undying
Lately Ive been thinkingThat forever is just a lieCause Ive remembered all the pain I feltWhen m...

Doro Pesch - White Wedding
Hey little sister what have you doneHey little sister who's the only oneHey little sister who's your s...

Doro Pesch - Who You Love
Who you loveReally makes a differenceWho you loveKeeps you sad or happenin'Who you love...

Doro Pesch - Wild Heart
You call me a wayward childMeant to be free, born to be wildThats the way its been till now...

Doubledrive - 11:59
Somewhere else it's still yesterdayIn a little while it'll be right nowContinuum of both time and spac...

Doubledrive - Big Shove
I met my real loveI let my eyes closeI got the big shoveEntirely exposedYou and me were th...

Doubledrive - Evenout
Expression is by sometimes consequenceLittle more than common sense againI watch you all build up the ...

Doubledrive - Freightrain
It ain't rightFeel like I just fell off a freight trainA hundred miles from nowhereFace down on ...

Doubledrive - Hollowboy
Keep it on the fast trackHow do you match thisBut I digressYou said it best"I love that so...

Doubledrive - I Don't Care
Rollin' back your eyesHoldin' back your headLearning about youFrom nothing that you saidCo...

Doubledrive - Imprint
One step I make an imprintTwo steps it's a commitmentThree steps I'm not done yetDraw my other l...

Doubledrive - Inside Out
I turned inside out todayI went and tripped and fellSaw the eyes that would follow meSaid take a...

Doubledrive - Million People
How could I be so happyAnd still feel so messed up insideI've broken all the recordsFor the unha...

Doubledrive - The Hand
I get a rise outta people who comeIn walkin' sidewaysi have to ask 'em nicelyWhat do I get from ...

Doubledrive - Track Number 7
Make no mistakeYou can't get a breakWhen you're up to your neck in itHere comes the manThe...

Dr Dre - Ask Yourself A Question (bonus Cut)
[Intro: Kurupt]Check it outHere's a penny for your thoughts A nicklebag of bliss...

Dr Dre - Bad Intentions
(Super ugly!)Put your cups up, get your smoke inBaby, we partyin, ain't nobody loc'nWho yo...

Dr Dre - Been There, Done That
[Chorus: 2x]I been there...Done thatYou got guns? we got guns...Yo, I got str...

Dr Dre - Blunt Time
DEAD! [INTRO](Blunt time-pull out your philly)Ha ha,mighty Aftermath(Sip a glass of...

Dr Dre - California Love
California love! [1]-California...knows how to partyCalifornia...knows how to party...

Dr Dre - East Coast/west Coast Killas
East coast (killer), West coast (killer) [repeat 8X][Verse One: RBX]While ch...

Dr Dre - Fame
Fame, I'm the man that takes things over Fame makes me loose, hard to swallow Fame puts me there where...

Dr Dre - Fuck Wit Dre Day
[Intro: Dr. Dre]Ha, yeah, hell yeah, ha knowhatI'msayin(Sssss)[Verse One: ...

Dr Dre - Ghetto Fabulous
[Ice-T] I got juice but I can't stop no ocean liner baby![Ras] I'm down with you baby, I'm the...

Dr Dre - Got Me Open
[Intro: Dr. Dre]Ai Aiyo Butter is, uhh, Hands-On in the houseWell check it out, put some ...

Dr Dre - Keep Their Headz Ringin
[Intro:]Yeah, whattup, this is Dr. DreThe party's goin onThank God it's Friday ...

Dr Dre - L.a.w. (lyrical Assault Weapon)
[Intro:]It's like, it's like thisWord up, knowhutI'msayin? One time for your mind, y'know...

Dr Dre - Let Me Ride
[Verse One:]Creepin' down the back street on DeezI got my glock cocked cuz niggaz want th...

Dr Dre - Nigga Witta Gun
[Chorus:]Who is the man with the masterplan?A Nigga Witta muthafuckin' Gun! ...

Dr Dre - No Diggity
Hey, yeah ya know what?I like the playersNo Diggity, No doubtPlay on play thatPlay on play...

Dr Dre - The Watcher
[Dr. Dre]Things just ain't the same for gangstas.Times is changing, young niggas is aging,...

Dr Dre - U Better Recognize
[Verse One: Sam Sneed (Dr. Dre)](I heard Sam was going solo) God damn, you didn't know so,...

Dream - Baby
Whatcha gonna do baby?Whatcha gonna do?Whatcha gonna do baby?Whatcha gonna do?I know you w...

Dream - Back 2 U
[spoken]Dear Justin...I miss you. I can't believe we're spread apart. I hope this letter ...

Dream - Do You Wanna Dance
Do (do you wanna dance) Do you, want (cause I wanna dance) To, dance, with meCause (do you want ...

Dream - He Loves U Not
He loves me, He loves you not.He loves me, He loves me not.He loves me, He loves YOU not.HE LOVE...

Dream - How Long
There's a place in my heartThat I go when I dreamA place that nobody can seeEvery night I see lo...

Dream - I Don't Like Anyone
I don't like anyone but you...Nikki says, we're all downtownWhat's my problem I don't wanna soci...

Dream - I Miss You Like Crazy
I miss you like crazy Tell me when you're comin back home I miss you like crazy Tell me when you...

Dream - In My Dreams
[Puff Daddy:]Ashley (Ashley...)Melissa (Melissa...)Diana (Diana...)Holly (Holly...)...

Dream - It Was All A Dream (intro)
Dream... it was all a dream(It was all a dream)I can't believe this is happeningHmm, hmm, ...

Dream - Mr. Telephone Man
[Chorus:]Mr. telephone man, there's something wrong with my lineWhen I dial my baby's number, I...

Dream - Pain
Play the record...[Chorus:]All you do is bring me pain, Boy you crazy, pain, painAl...

Dream - This Is Me (remix)
[Puffy:]Yeah, cm'on Bad Boy Baby.This is the remixHaha, you know how we do it.Dream...

Dream - What We Gonna Do About Us
What we gonna do about usWhat we gonna do about usWhat we gonna do about usWhat, what, what, wha...

Dream - When I Get There
WoooooooYour still trying to capture the moment I'm living in ityour still tryin to pry yo...

Dream Street - Dream On
Well, we've come a long long wayAnd there's no turning backThe road ahead is clear at lastWe can...

Dream Street - Feel The Rain (live Version)
Feel the rain falling down on meI call your name, I miss you, can't you seeI'll take the blame, we sho...

Dream Street - Gotta Get The Girl
Gotta gotta gotta get her (Get her, get here...)Gotta get the girl, get the girl...Gotta get the...

Dream Street - Hooked On You
Oh... Yeah, yeah...Every time you come around meI get strange shivers up my spineEver sinc...

Dream Street - I Miss You
Although you're so many miles from meI just want you to know I could never forget you...Sitting ...

Dream Street - I Say Yeah (if You Say Alright)
Alright...Yeah...(Alright)...I know that you know that I can't stop watching youI feel it, belie...

Dream Street - It Happens Every Time
Can you hear the music playing?Can you feel the rhythm swaying?This is the sound of dreams come true...

Dream Street - Jennifer Goodbye
Been there, done thatOne time too manyThis time I'm hoping You won't come back to me, Jenny...

Dream Street - Let's Get Funky Tonite
Wanna rock you steady babyCome on now, let's go crazyYou know the time is rightSo let's get funk...

Dream Street - Matter Of Time
It's just a matter of, it's just a matter ofIt's just a matter of timeYeah...Ooh ooh ooh...It's ...

Dream Street - Someone To Hold Me Tonight
Woh-Woh-Oh........Yeah-Yeah........Well,wellL.......Oh-oh-oh.......I just don't understandCan't ...

Dream Street - Sugar Rush
Woh...Yeah...I get a high whenever you're aoundSweeping from my head to my toesI, I gotta ...

Dream Street - This Time
Ooh ooh ooh ooh.....I never thought that I could missThe touch of your hand, or just one kiss...

Dream Street - With All My Heart
Late at night, awake and aloneI count the stars in the skyEvery cloud that rolls byand I think o...

Dream Street - You're Taking Me Over
Over, taking me over, over and over, loving me every night, every dayOver, taking me over, over and over, lo...

The Dresden Dolls - Bad Habit
Biting keeps your words at bayTending to the sores that stayHappiness is just a gash awayWhen i ...

The Dresden Dolls - Coin-operated Boy
Coin operated boy Sitting on the shelf he is just a toyBut i turn him on and he comes to life Au...

The Dresden Dolls - Good Day
So you dont want to hear about my good song?And you dont want to hear about how i am getting onWith al...

The Dresden Dolls - Gravity
Gravity plays favorites i know it cause i sawHonest to god officer it's awful Down at work i'm getting...

The Dresden Dolls - Half Jack
Half underwaterI'm half my mother's daughterA fraction's left up to disputeThe whole collection...

The Dresden Dolls - Missed Me
Missed me missed me now you've got to kiss meIf you kiss me mister i might tell my sisterIf i tell her...

The Dresden Dolls - Slide
A late april day and it's sunny outsideAnd a red little girl's at the top of a slide And an an orange ...

The Dresden Dolls - The Jeep Song
I've been driving around town With my head spinning aroundEverywhere i look i seeYour '96 jeep c...

The Dresden Dolls - The Perfect Fit
I could make a dress A robe fit for a prince I could clothe a continent But i can't sew a stitch...

The Dresden Dolls - Truce
You can have washington i'll take new jerseyYou can have london but i want new york cityI should...

Dropbox - End Of Days
Far behind your eyes I see your rageThat holds you down There's no better timeTo burn the ...

Dropbox - I Feel Fine
Rip apart my only means to unwindSwim through the mudI am a slave to the mindWho ever would deny...

Dropbox - Nowhere Man
Apread your cardsUpon the tableNow's the timeTo show your ableNowhere man you will f...

Dropbox - Wishbone
Ride out her open roadFell to the waste sideDinned on her dirt soulAin't willing to pass it by...

Drowning Pool - All Over Me
Something I just might regretSomething you will not forgetMaybe I should throw awayEverything I'...

Drowning Pool - Bodies
Let the bodies hit the floorLet the bodies hit the floorLet the bodies hit the floorLet the bodi...

Drowning Pool - Break You
Trying to find a way to fight the painBut it seems, there's no way around itReaching for the sun and f...

Drowning Pool - Bringing Me Down
Everyday, always the same I hear your name and it cuts through me like a chainsaw And I fall back into...

Drowning Pool - Cast Me Aside
So you think that you got it all figured out I told you, you've got no clue what it is all about Now y...

Drowning Pool - Follow
Right nowHere I am understandWith this comes frustrationA better way to follow throughI'm ...

Drowning Pool - Forget
I can see it your eyes Why you're here tonight Lookin' for that something sacred you'll never find ...

Drowning Pool - Hate
Burry the priest and burn religion alive Baptize at birth with the black brush's wine The uncrowned ki...

Drowning Pool - I Am
I've never felt so aliveI've never had to run and hideThe things I want I cannot haveThe things ...

Drowning Pool - Killin' Me
Like cigarettes and gasoline I light a match and watch this scene Burn away in front of me Ashes...

Drowning Pool - Love And War
Promise that you always will Keep candles lit on the windowsill You know I'll be comin' home ...

Drowning Pool - Mute
Shouldn't have that far to goThe less you think the more you knowIt seems the dream is impossible...

Drowning Pool - Nothingness
And this blood on my hands Now it won't go away I've been out on this road for days And th...

Drowning Pool - Numb
Numb To the man looking back at me Said why don't you go away We've all heard your misery ...

Drowning Pool - Pity
My life served on a plateFor all of you to eatTake my love and hateBut what is this inside of me...

Drowning Pool - Reminded
Down too long like I was beforeAnd I've never thought I'd see the dayCan't be wrong 'cause I know the ...

Drowning Pool - Sinner
Bend me shape me misdirect meIt's all the same to meLook at all this useless talk [x3]Upo...

Drowning Pool - Step Up
1, 2, 3 - Go!Broken,Yeah, you've been living on the edge of a broken dream.Nothing,Y...

Drowning Pool - Tear Away
I'm tearing awayPieces are falling I can't seem to make them stayYou run awayFaster and faster y...

Drowning Pool - Think
And just before you fade out to I will hold a place for you Do you rememeber when we used to ...

Drowning Pool - This Life
And when it's cold out I will wait for her And I will roam out To the edges of the earth A...

Drowning Pool - Told You So
It took some time to realizeAll the bullshit in my eyesUntil I got away from youAnd then I guess...

Dru Hill - 5 Steps
I don't know how much longer You're going to be here So I say my prayers Every night One 4...

Dru Hill - All Alone
[Verse 1 (Woody)]I'm gonna stay to myself Where there's no one else around me I'm gonna s...

Dru Hill - Angel
[Intro:]Yo, yo, can ya'll hear me out there? Cool ,cool Allow me to introduce myself, lad...

Dru Hill - April Showers
[Woody]Loving you is all I need Never take your love from me Cuz I think I would lose my ...

Dru Hill - Beauty
Sorry, didn't notice you there But then again you didn't notice me So we'll remain passers by Un...

Dru Hill - Holding You
Damn (Check it out) I can't remember why we fell apart Or even how the arguments all start...

Dru Hill - I Do (millions)
Does anybody stay together any moreSeems like love nowadays doesn't endure oooohWe havent always Gotte...

Dru Hill - If I Could
[Verse 1:]I can't believe, You were the girlNo one ever wanted to be with kiss,hold,or do a tha...

Dru Hill - I'll Be The One
I'll be the one I'll be the one I heard a rumor there's a vacancy Somebody said he put you...

Dru Hill - I Love You
[Nokio:]The beauty's goneMy time wasn't enough (I'm spendin it all with you)My heart wasn...

Dru Hill - Im Wondering
Two o'clock and I'm all alone Callin' you on the phone Wanna come over but you ain't home Get in...

Dru Hill - In My Bed
I got this feeling, and I just can't turn it loose That somebody's been getting next to you I don't wa...

Dru Hill - In My Bed So So Def Rmx
[Jermaine Dupri]You wanna dance?Ha, I'ma make you danceYou wanna move?Ha, I'ma make...

Dru Hill - I Should Be (steps)
Girl I know he ain't taking care of youI can see it in your face And I know that's not the man that yo...

Dru Hill - Its All About Me
I cook your dinner I wash your clothes Baby hell no that's not the way it goes It's All about me...

Dru Hill - Love / Hate
Love is great to me that's why I should be your boyfriend.Love you like a baby girl you know yo body desever...

Dru Hill - Men Always Regret
In 1997, Beauty changed my lifeWho would've known that she would be my future wifeOr the mother of a c...

Dru Hill - My Angel / How Could You
[Spoken]This is dedicated to my real angel Ms. Joan I Milburn Green love you mommyYou tau...

Dru Hill - Never Make A Promise
I don't have to think about it I've never been in love I've only dreamed about it I wondered wha...

Dru Hill - Never Stop Loving You
You know I never stopped wanting youYou know I never stopped needing youYou know I never stopped lovin...

Dru Hill - No Doubt
Ya'll gon have to excuse me for a minute but I need you to play this in the club you know what I'm sayin...

Dru Hill - Nowhere Without You
Remember us from "Tell Me" And sleeping "In My Bed" We "Never Made A Promise" And "Five Steps" ...

Dru Hill - Old Love
Baby, I would like to reminisceAll times that we were intimate (because some things have changed)Baby,...

Dru Hill - One Good Reason
[Intro:]Can I talk to you for a second Got something I wanna say I'm remembering in...

Dru Hill - Tell Me
Tell me what you want Tell me what you need Tell me if it ain't good enough for ya babe Tell me ...

Dru Hill - The Love We Had (stays On My Mind)
[Spoken:]I just can't believe it, girl I can't believe that it's over But I'm your man, a...

Dru Hill - These Are The Times
[Jazz:]God knows that you're a sexy thang It's taking everything in me Not to kiss you ov...

Dru Hill - This Is What We Do
Yeah, baby, hey yeah, yeah And you know, said you know Said you know, said you know babe, yeah ...

Dru Hill - We're Not Making Love No More
[Verse One:]Sure I've been in love a time or two But in the end I still chose you No one ...

Dru Hill - What Are We Gonna Do
[Intro:]Whispers passed in silence Two lovers passing in the night A love that's left and...

Dru Hill - What Do I Do With The Love
[Intro:]What do I do, what do I do babe I can put away the letters Hide them in the...

Dru Hill - Xstacy Jones
Hoo...hoo...yeah...Mmm...mmm...Doo doo doo dooI told you I was crazy 'bout youLoved ...

Dru Hill - You Are Everything
[Intro:] Can I play for you baby Hey yo Woody, help me out, yeah Hey yo Jazz, you chill f...

D-side - Anybody Else But You
Well I did it again we're not talking and then You keep throwing things and starting a fight It's been...

D-side - Back In His Arms (where She Belongs)
My town is on the news Some guy is spreading the blues Can't get this girl out of his head And ...

D-side - Can We Dance
I wasnt looking for another lover I didnt need another long lost friendI know that feelin when I start...

D-side - Crazy World Of Love
We talk every day We don't say what's going through our minds It's just a way of passing time...

D-side - Dear You
Dear darling Just writing to say Been together so long nowThat I can't do this face to face...

D-side - Everything About You
It's everything about you Girl this is why I like you like I do It's everything about youY...

D-side - Favourite
Goodbyes are so sad, so blue Girl my life won't be the same without you No one else could love you, in...

D-side - Fix Me
What, what would you doIf I was alone somewhere with you Would you want to explore Do something...

D-side - Here I Stand
I imagine your presence is nearI open my eyes and see youre not thereI wish I could hold you and sa...

D-side - I'd Be Lyin'
I still remember how your lips feltAnd how your kiss melted mineOh baby I still get shills when ...

D-side - Invisible
What ya doin' tonight I wish I could be A fly on your wallAre u really aloneWhose stealin'...

D-side - My Best Chance
You don't know, what it's like Day after day, night after lonely nightThinking about all the good time...

D-side - Pushin' Me Out
Lately you've been acting crazy,Call my number then you hang up babyGirl what do you think's going on...

D-side - Real World
Last night I dreamt you were lying beside meI smelt the sweetness of your hairYou gently reached out t...

D-side - Speechless
SpeechlessOooh yeah yeah, oh yeah yeah Tragic, completely When the one you love keeps runn...

D-side - Stronger Together
They all said it wouldnt last That it was never meant to beThought commitment was too much to ask ...

D-side - Where Do You Run
Standing at the station Waiting for the train I still can't believe today You're leaving me agai...

D-tent Boys - Dig It
[Zig-Zag]You've got to go and dig those holes,with broken hands and whithered soles,emanc...

Duncan Sheik - For You
For you I want to sing a happier songfor you I'm gonna try to right all my wrongsfor you I'm gonna bre...

Duncan Sheik - Genius (never Came Through)
Clearly I'm a geniusIf she only knew itbut somewhere in her radiusI really blew itI know, ...

Duncan Sheik - Good Morning
I awake to find the devilsitting near my bed.we have a conversation...........he says:...

Duncan Sheik - Half-life
I'm awake in the afternoonI fell asleep in the living roomand it's one of those momentswhen ever...

Duncan Sheik - Magazines
you see them everywhereyou know those magazinesyeah I've bought a fewthey show you everything...

Duncan Sheik - Memento
I'm threading through the eveningit's later than I thoughta friend of mine is waitingfor cigaret...

Duncan Sheik - On A High
I'm on a high, I'm on a highthere's nothing more to it.We are the sea and the skyand the blue th...

Duncan Sheik - On Her Mind
She's wearing the tee-shirtof a band I really likemaybe that's coincidencemaybe that's alright...

Duncan Sheik - Shine Inside
Are you aware? when you just stare,for hours, into the skywhat do you see? can you show it to me...

Duncan Sheik - Start Again
Peace has lost its meaningnow we've hit the ceilingall is said and all is donehere goes start ag...

Duncan Sheik - Such Reveries
you and I in the room with the balconyyou lie on the bed while I stare at the seaI stare at the sea...

Dungeon Family - Crooked Booty
Make ya,and Shake yo shit (woo Lord)I am puttin poetry into motion my addiction is overdosing from a natural...

Dungeon Family - Excalibur
[Big Rube]Ask not what the Family can do for youAsk only what you can do for the Family...

Dungeon Family - Follow The Light
[click]You don't use our music to get highThen use our music to get by[click]...

Dungeon Family - Forever Pimpin' (never Slippin')
[Cool Breeze]Cool Cutter, Cool Cutter he ain't nuttin to meCool Cutter.. he ain't dirty fuckin ...

Dungeon Family - Intro: Presenting Dungeon Family
[crowd yelling in background][banging on door]Dungeon Family! Dungeon Family!...

Dungeon Family - On & On & On
[scratching]"The beat" "Goes!" - "The beat-beat" "Goes!""The beat" "Goes!" - "The beat-be...

Dungeon Family - Rollin'
Oooooooooooooooooooo-weeeDo-do-doShoo-bob-shoo-bob doo-ooooooDo-do-doShoo-bob-shoo-bob doo...

Dungeon Family - Six Minutes (dungeon Family It's On)
[Big Rube]360 seconds it's onUnlimited firsts, from calibers unknownCome wit it in ya ver...

Dungeon Family - They Comin'...
Here's some shit make ya go "Hmmmm"Have you ever wondered why the world hates you?Maybe it's because y...

Dungeon Family - Trans Df Express
[Hook]Grab your ticketCome get wit itTrans DF Express, Trans DF ExpressGrab your ti...

Dungeon Family - What Is Rap?
[Witchdoctor]What is rap? (What is rap?)What is rap? (Ha ha ha)What is rap... (Well I'm g...

Duran Duran - 911 Is A Joke
Now I dialed nine one one a long time agoDon't you see how late they're reactin'They only come and the...

Duran Duran - All Along The Water
Guess you knowWhere I wanna goGot to see the water flowTry to understandGot me trapp...

Duran Duran - All She Wants Is
All she wants isAll she wants isAll she wants isSpend your money on the corner nowKn...

Duran Duran - A Matter Of Feeling
How does it feel When everyone surrounds you?How do you deal? Do crowds just make you feel lonel...

Duran Duran - American Science
It's a little bit late now,But there's times you willGet a little bit out of hand,Making all of ...

Duran Duran - Astronaut
Makes my hair stand up on end,Something alien happening,Sychronize but don't comprehend,'Cause w...

Duran Duran - Ball Of Confusion
People moving outPeople moving inWhy?Because of the color of their skinRun, Run, Run but y...

Duran Duran - Bedroom Toys
I been around the worldI seen a lot of thingsThat make your chicken curlYou're squeezing like bo...

Duran Duran - Be My Icon
I follow you, I wait for you You know there's no escape from meYou're more than wallpaper in my room...

Duran Duran - Big Bang Generation
Falling into spaceAt the end of timeBlack as the black in your eyeStaring through a hole in the ...

Duran Duran - Big Thing
Get it up get it out get it in timeHang it up hanging out hanging on a big thingMove it in move it out...

Duran Duran - Breath After Breath
Breath After BreathAma! Danca!Every day I wake up in this roomAnd I don't knowWhere ...

Duran Duran - Buried In The Sand
Can't say that I was surprisedWhen you broke the tiesThey were hanging by a threadBut now I have...

Duran Duran - Can You Deal With It?
There must be somebodyWho'll make love to meBlow the rules awayTrash these yesterdays...

Duran Duran - Careless Memories
So soon,Just after you've goneMy senses sharpenBut it always takesSo damned longBefo...

Duran Duran - Chains
An hour since the sundownThe ghosts are creepin inAre gathering around meLike starlings in the w...

Duran Duran - Come Undone
Mine, immaculate dream made breath and skinI've been waiting for youSigned, with a home tattoo,H...

Duran Duran - Cracks In The Pavement
I shed my skinWhen the party was about to beginI'm light years away but I'm walking back tonight...

Duran Duran - Crystal Ship
Before you slip into unconsciousnessI'd like to have another kissAnother flashing chance at bliss...

Duran Duran - Downtown
Deliver us from evilWe go with the flowBut here's a little secret I think you ought to know...

Duran Duran - Do You Believe In Shame
Do you believe in love? Do you believe in shame?And if love can conquer all Then why do we only...

Duran Duran - Drive By
It was the hottest day in JulyAnd all along Santa Monica Blvdcars were stood stillAnd a gleaming...

Duran Duran - Drowning Man
He's sinking faster than a drowning manHe'll grab a hold of anyone he canGun in his poket and a heart ...

Duran Duran - Drug
Take me every morningTake me every nightTake me when you're feeling lowTake me when you want to ...

Duran Duran - Electric Barbarella
I knew when I first saw you on the showroom floorYou were made for meI took you home and dressed you u...

Duran Duran - Fallen Angel
From this cloud where I hang dangle in the blueI spy you all tiny creatures on the ground belowFor my ...

Duran Duran - Femme Fatale
Here she comes you better watch your step.She's going to break your heart in twoIts true it's not hard...

Duran Duran - Finest Hour
How does it feel out on the ice?You speak to the crowd but nobody hearsIt's not a dream and you are no...

Duran Duran - First Impression
(rock-n-roll star)He turns on the animalIt's that time of dayHere comes little Johnny...

Duran Duran - Friends Of Mine
Friends of mine they said they were friends of mineSaid they were passing time more like a waste of time...

Duran Duran - Girls On Film
See them walking hand in hand across the bridge at midnightHeads turning as the lights flashing out it's so ...

Duran Duran - Hallucinating Elvis
(I was hallucinating, I was hallucinating)I was hallucinating Elvis Hawaii to Las Vegas Sp...

Duran Duran - Hold Back The Rain
Hold back the rainYes we're miles away from nowhere and the wind doesn't have a nameSo call it what yo...

Duran Duran - Hold Me
Yeah, this time.Shall we walk?Shall we run through my head, you understand?Does the body you con...

Duran Duran - Hothead
(We will situation very closely)Here in the shadows where we stand...

Duran Duran - Hungry Like The Wolf
Darken the city, night is a wireSteam in the subway, earth is a afireDo do do do do do do dodo dododo ...

Duran Duran - I Don't Want Your Love
I don't mind if you're keeping someone else behindI don't care 'cause you've got something I can share...

Duran Duran - Is There Anyone Out There?
I never found out what made you leaveAnother day's over just an hour to goWell I tried to phone last n...

Duran Duran - Is There Something I Should Know
Please please tell me nowPlease please tell me nowPlease please tell me nowPlease please tell me...

Duran Duran - I Take The Dice
Midnight I think I'm gonna make itFeel the magical lash of the roll and the crash in their lives...

Duran Duran - I Wanna Take You Higher
Beat is getting stronger, feel it getting strongerSound is getting longer, tooMusic is a thought...

Duran Duran - I Wanna Take You Higher Again
Beat is getting stronger, feel it getting strongerSound is getting longer, tooMusic is a thought...

Duran Duran - Khanada
Didn't no one tell you money is a game playing so hard to get nowI don't even know your name(Kha...

Duran Duran - Lady Xanax
Here comes the morning light you can't face Lie on your bed staring into space Watch the time slip gen...

Duran Duran - Land
Baby, I'm really sorry To break your dreamWhen it's so earlyHeadlightsOn the windowpane...

Duran Duran - Last Chance On The Stairway
I don't remember quite how I met you wasn't long agoI just get a picture of sun in your eyes the waves in yo...

Duran Duran - Last Day On Earth
Mesmerised You get sucked in by the hype Headlights in your eyes Flame burns fast Th...

Duran Duran - Lava Lamp
In the half light of the evening I can almost see you glow Can tell by the way you're moving Tim...

Duran Duran - Lay Lady Lay
Lay lady laylay across my big brass bedLay lady laylay across my big brass bedWhatev...

Duran Duran - Liberty
I'll tell you somethingTo let you understand the way i feelJust what you mean to meThank y...

Duran Duran - Lonely In Your Nightmare
Even on the darkest night when empty promise means empty handAnd soldiers coming home like shadows turning r...

Duran Duran - Love Voodoo
When I first met you on the roofYou cought me in your web of youthBut now I know the wicked truth...

Duran Duran - Mars Meets Venus
Thirtysomething graduate - green eyes - Perfect Christian lady - candlelit dinner - Slim female figure...

Duran Duran - Medazzaland
(Oh, Medazzaland)I have a problem, they said they can solveSoon I won't speak I have no words le...

Duran Duran - "meet El Presidente"
Miss November Tuesday,Bend your rubber rules.Take your time, but don't takeOff your high heeled ...

Duran Duran - Michael You've Got A Lot To Answer For
I came over your place todayIn a roundabout sort of wayNothing holding meJust the companyG...

Duran Duran - Midnight Sun
As I watch you flickering slowlyIn the shadows, nothing to holdIt's as if I don't recall our time befo...

Duran Duran - My Antarctica
Once I thought that I was in controlBut that was just another trick of fatePlaying with my lifeT...

Duran Duran - My Own Way
I saw you at the airace yesterday April showers get out of my wayFear of flying no not meI'm never bot...

Duran Duran - Needle And The Damage Done
I've caught you knocking on my cellar doorI love you baby can I have some more ooo-ooo the damage done...

Duran Duran - New Moon On Monday
Shake up the picture the lizard mixtureWith your dance on the eventideYou got me coming up with answer...

Duran Duran - New Religion
I've been now sauntering Out and down the path sometimeCome on, it takes me nowhere, which I knew...

Duran Duran - Nice
Take the beautiful sting of a Scorpio A careless smile and it begins to snow And it hurts me to think...

Duran Duran - Night Boat
Standing on the edge of a quay no lights flashing on the water for meFog in my mind darkens my eyes silently...

Duran Duran - None Of The Above
There was a time I was so afraidOf everything people around me saidThat I wanted to hide my face in th...

Duran Duran - Notorious
No-no-Notorious. Notorious. Ah. No-no-Notorious. I can't read about it.Burns the skin from your ...

Duran Duran - Of Crime And Passion
Why did you let me runWhen you knew I'd fall for the gaping holeWhere your heart should beLiar-c...

Duran Duran - One Of Those Days
Suddenly it all looks so familiarGone and wrecked it like I always doDon't you know it?Life is o...

Duran Duran - Ordinary World
Came in from a rainy ThursdayOn the avenueThought I heard you talking softlyI turned on th...

Duran Duran - Out Of My Mind
Light a candleLay flowers at the doorFor those who were left behindAnd the ones who've gone befo...

Duran Duran - Palomino
She lays on the wallWatching the strangers drift awayMid-day's ore--thickWith the sun of Arabia...

Duran Duran - Planet Earth
Only came outside to watch the night fall with the rainI heard you making patterns rhymeLike some new ...

Duran Duran - Playing With Uranium
In for an evening Of light entertainment And who would believe you Could worry the neighbours? ...

Duran Duran - Point Of No Return
The random aspects of our livesCome together once in a whileSo blinding and decidedlyNaivete fal...

Duran Duran - Pop Trash Movie
Saw a close up of your pretty face Overnight sensation Smiling for cameras From all around the w...

Duran Duran - Proposition
"Bring back that child," she said.Spare me the price of freedom.Cold is my baby's head,Blown by ...

Duran Duran - (reach Up For The) Sunrise
Now the time has comeThe music's between usThough the night seems youngIs at an endOnly ch...

Duran Duran - Read My Lips
(ROCK IT!)I got somethingYou got nothing to loseI could give you So much more than y...

Duran Duran - Rio
Moving on the floor now babe you're a bird of paradiseCherry ice cream smile I suppose it's very niceW...

Duran Duran - Save A Prayer
You saw me standing by the wall, Corner of a main streetAnd the lights are flashing on your window sil...

Duran Duran - Secret Oktober
Wise on a birthday party in a world full of surprising fireworksAnd sudden silence shhhLying on a stra...

Duran Duran - Serious
Oh woman you make me feelLike I'm on fireOh woman you make it realIt's the only way for me...

Duran Duran - Shadows On Your Side
Shackled and raised for a shining crowdThey want you to speak but the music is louder thanAll of their...

Duran Duran - Shelter
I watch you from my window working this vicious roadYou shudder when the wind blowsGirl you're looking...

Duran Duran - Shotgun
Get it togetherThing is jumpin'I wanna see your Bullets pumpin'ShotgunIt...

Duran Duran - Silva Halo
You shineWhere others fadeYou dareTo be so braveDon't compromiseNo one can tou...

Duran Duran - Sin Of The City
Coat check girl up in HappylandHas a violent row with a Cuban manJulio leaves in a drunken rageC...

Duran Duran - Skin Trade
Working on the weekend, baby.She's working all through the night.A jump into the deep end gave her...

Duran Duran - So Long Suicide
Do you know how to feel?Do you know what it means?Rock-a-bye baby it's time to breakThe ha...

Duran Duran - Someone Else Not Me
Now while the beat is slow Here in your arms I swayNow that the light is low Something I want to...

Duran Duran - So Misled
I,.......So Misled. In the summer of a London life,"Gold," she said, was a month before IR...

Duran Duran - Sound Of Thunder
I've been in this grass here for the last ten hoursMy clothes are dirty but my mouth isn't dryHow does...

Duran Duran - Starting To Remember
How to begin do I shed a skin? Now that I am starting to remember It takes a while But you find ...

Duran Duran - Still Breathing
Home, it's not brick or stoneOr comfort in the firelight,Not in that sense anyway.Dreams, if onl...

Duran Duran - Success
Here comes successOver my hillHere comes successHere comes my carHere comes my Chinese rug...

Duran Duran - Taste The Summer
Doo doo doo doobeedooDoo doo doo, doo doo dooDoo doo doo doobeedooDoo doo doo, doo doo doo...

Duran Duran - Thank You
If the sun refused to shine,I would still be lovin' you.When mountains crumble to the sea,There ...

Duran Duran - The Chauffeur
Out on the tar plains, the glides are movingAll looking for a new place to driveYou sit beside me, so ...

Duran Duran - The Edge Of America
Walk the edge of AmericaA concrete beach to scrape my handInside the subway stinking fear and shame...

Duran Duran - The Reflex
"You've gone too far this time"But I'm dancing on the valentineI tell you somebody's fooling around...

Duran Duran - The Seventh Stranger
Those words are all remaindersEchoes growing in the heart of twilightThey lay back laughing at naivety...

Duran Duran - The Sun Doesn't Shine Forever
At the end of the rainbow Found each other there Strange, we never thought the colours would fade ...

Duran Duran - Too Late Marlene
Waking out of nowhereAnd I let you inTil my imagination went for a spinI seen you every night...

Duran Duran - Too Much Information
Destroyed by MTV, I hate to bite the hand that Feeds me so much informationThe Pressure's on the...

Duran Duran - To The Shore
Oh when your nine day feed is up and you've drained your loving cupCome stands reeling to the shore oh when ...

Duran Duran - To Whom It May Concern
Dear Mr. Bones, I've (We've) had enoughYou can try to pull us downWith your pinstipe weasle stuff...

Duran Duran - Umf
Here we stand In the shadow of the master planMakin' touble wherever we can, Stir it up, stir it...

Duran Duran - Undergoing Treatment
We are undergoing treatmentWatching others in the newsStudying our worst reviewsThey say we'll g...

Duran Duran - Union Of The Snake
Telegram force and readyI knew this was a big mistakeThere'sa fine line drawingMy senses togethe...

Duran Duran - Venice Drowning
Venice breeding shy chimerasOf sex and violenceIn the purple evening silenceVenice dreaming of a...

Duran Duran - Vertigo (do The Demolition)
Hey guys, turn it up to get sleazy.Twist it in a viceNobody said it was easy.Just use your naked...

Duran Duran - Violence Of Summer (love's Taking Over)
Pick it upThis'll get you out of your headChina's hangin' out by the railingsOf the motors...

Duran Duran - We Need You
Time will see we're not searching for a wild excuseTo put emotions back on holdToo much has gone down ...

Duran Duran - White Lines
White! Ooh-white! White! Ooh-white! White! Ooh-white! White! Ooh-white!(White Lines) Vision drea...

Duran Duran - Who Do You Think You Are
I'm giving you the newsYour domination's throughYou gave the best you've gotNow I'm out on top...

Duran Duran - Wild Boys
The wild boys are calling On their way back from the fireIn august moon's surrender to A dust cl...

Duran Duran - Winter Marches On
The trade's on.She drains emotionTo drink from her breast of fortune.Dreams have frozen crystal ...

Eagles - After The Thrill Is Gone
Same dances in the same old shoes Some habits that you just can't lose There's no telling what a man m...

Eagles - All Night Long
We get up early and we work all day We put our time in 'cause we like to stay up All night long ...

Eagles - Already Gone
Well, I heard some people talkin' just the other day And they said you were gonna put me on a shelf Bu...

Eagles - Bitter Creek
Once I was young and so unsure I'd try any ill to find the cure An old man told me Tryin' to sco...

Eagles - Certain Kind Of Fool
He was a poor boy, raised in a small family He kinda had a craving for somethin' no one else could see ...

Eagles - Chug All Night
You scare me a bit, but that's all right you know when I want you most every night And I'v...

Eagles - Desperado
Desperado, why don't you come to your senses? You been out ridin' fences for so long now Oh, you're a ...

Eagles - Doolin-dalton
They were duelin', Doolin-Dalton High or low, it was the same Easy money and faithless women Red...

Eagles - Doolin-dalton / Desperado Reprise
The queen of diamonds let you down, She was just an empty fable The queen of hearts you say you never ...

Eagles - Earlybird
Early in the morning about the break of day the earlybird is working so his life don't fade away...

Eagles - Funky New Year
Went to a party just last nightWanted to bring the year in rightWoke up this morning I don't know how...

Eagles - Get Over It
I turn on the tube and what do I see A whole lotta people cryin' "Don't blame me" They point their cro...

Eagles - Good Day In Hell
Move in, Can't you see she wants you She has you deep in her eyes You been wond'rin' why she hau...

Eagles - Hole In The World
[Chorus:]There's a hole in the world tonight.There's a Cloud of fear and sorrow.There's a...

Eagles - Hollywood Waltz
Springtime, and the acacias are blooming Southern California will see one more day Dreamland, and bus'...

Eagles - I Can't Tell You Why
Look at us baby, up all night Tearing our love apart Aren't we the same two people who live thro...

Eagles - In The City
Somewhere out there on that horizon Out beyond the neon lights I know there must be somethin' better ...

Eagles - Is It True?
How come you love him when he Takes you for a fool He's only lookin' for a good time How can he ...

Eagles - I Wish You Peace
I wish you peace when the cold winds blow Warmed by the fire's glow I wish you comfort in the, the lon...

Eagles - James Dean
James Dean, James Dean I know just what you mean James Dean, you said it all so clean And I know...

Eagles - Learn To Be Still
It's just another day in paradise As you stumble to your bed You'd give anything to silence Thos...

Eagles - Life's Been Good
I have a mansion Forget the price Ain't never been there They tell me it's nice I li...

Eagles - Love Will Keep Us Alive
I was standing All alone against the world outside You were searching For a place to hide ...

Eagles - Lyin' Eyes
City girls just seem to find out early How to open doors with just a smile A rich old man And sh...

Eagles - Midnight Flyer
Oo, Midnight Flyer Engineer, won't you let your whistle moan? Oo, Midnight Flyer I paid my dues ...

Eagles - Most Of Us Are Sad
Most of us are sad No one lets it show I've been shadows of myself How was I to know? Tell...

Eagles - My Man
Tell me the truth, how do you feel? Like you're rollin' so fast that you're spinnin' your wheels? Don'...

Eagles - New York Minute
Harry got up Dressed all in black Went down to the station And he never came back They fou...

Eagles - Nightingale
I'm hanging on to my peace of mind I just don't know I'm hanging on to those good times, baby Ju...

Eagles - Ol' 55
Well, my time went to quickly I went lickety-splitly out to my old fifty-five As I pulled away slowly,...

Eagles - One Of These Nights
One of these nights One of these crazy old nights We're gonna find out Pretty mama What tu...

Eagles - On The Border
Cruisin' down the center of a two way street Wond'rin' who is really in the driver's seat Mindin' my b...

Eagles - Outlaw Man
I am an outlaw, I was born an outlaw's son The highway is my legacy On the highway I will run In...

Eagles - Out Of Control
Oh, my, don't the sky look spacious With the stars all shinin' down Well, I can hear the night wind ho...

Eagles - Peaceful Easy Feeling
I like the way your sparkling earrings lay, against your skin, it's so brown and I wanna sleep with yo...

Eagles - Please Come Home For Christmas / Funky New Year
Please Come Home For ChristmasBells will be ringing this sad sad newsOh what a Christmas to have the b...

Eagles - Pretty Maids All In A Row
Hi there, How are 'ya? it's been a long time Seems like we've come a long wayMy, but we le...

Eagles - Saturday Night
Seems like a dream now, it was so long ago The moon burned so bright and the time went so slow And I s...

Eagles - Seven Bridges Road
There are stars In the Southern sky Southward as you go There is moonlight And moss in the...

Eagles - Take It Easy
Well, I'm running down the road tryin' to loosen my load I've got seven women on my mind, ...

Eagles - Take The Devil
Open up your eyes take the devil from your mind he's been holding on to you and you're so hard t...

Eagles - Tequila Sunrise
It's another tequila sunrise Starin' slowly 'cross the sky, said goodbye He was just a hired hand ...

Eagles - The Disco Strangler
Lookin' for the good life dressed to kill She don't have to worry 'cause there's always someone ...

Eagles - The Girl From Yesterday
It wasn't reall sad the way they said good-bye Or maybe it just hurt so bad she couldn't cry He packed...

Eagles - The Greeks Don't Want No Freaks
There was beer all over the dance floor and the band was playin' rhythm and blues You got down and did...

Eagles - The King Of Hollywood
Well, he sits up there on his leatherette Looks through pictures of the ones that he hasn't had yet Wh...

Eagles - The Last Resort
She came from Providence, the one in Rhode Island Where the old world shadows hang heavy in the ...

Eagles - The Long Run
I used to hurry a lot, I used to worry a lot I used to stay out till the break of day Oh, that didn't ...

Eagles - Those Shoes
Tell us what you're gonna do tonight, mama. There must be someplace you can go In the middle of the ta...

Eagles - Too Many Hands
She's one of a kind Sometimes hard to find Like a rainbow Well, she's lost all her glory A...

Eagles - Train Leaves Here This Morning
I lost ten points just for being in the right place at exactly the wrong time I looked right at the fa...

Eagles - Try And Love Again
When you're out there on your own Where your memories can find you Like a circle goes around You...

Eagles - Tryin'
I'm just arriving in the city and there's music on my mind lookin' for my destination and my hom...

Eagles - Twenty-one
Twenty-one and strong as I can be I know what freedom means to me And I can't give the reason why ...

Eagles - Visions
Visions, that you stir in my soul Visions, that will never grow old Sweet baby, I had some visions of ...

Eagles - Wasted Time
Well baby, there you stand With your little head, down in your hand Oh, my God, you can't believe it's...

Eagles - Witchy Woman
Raven hair and ruby lips sparks fly from her finger tips Echoed voices in the night she's a rest...

Eagles - You Never Cry Like A Lover
You never cry like a lover should Sigh when it feels real good Or see the sky through the stone and wo...

Eamon - 4 The Rest Of Your Life
[Chorus:]I may not be your man babyBut you know i`m driving you crazyThats why you`ll fuc...

Eamon - All Over Love
Hard to believe it, its kinda amazing, but its true, now that I neededSomeone so special, here comes you....

Eamon - Controversy
On my way to the studio, when the beat rise through, like pure as gold.And you know I got 'dro to up my flow...

Eamon - Finally
Wake up and I'm feelin right, hop outta bed and I grab a bite, break up a fatty and roll itTight, thinkin wh...

Eamon - Fuck It (i Don't Want You Back)
Whoa oh oh Ooh hoohNo No No[Verse 1:]See, I dont know why I liked you so much...

Eamon - Girl Act Right
Yeah, uh, commonWhen i first met youYou were so uniqueLike what i seenLet a few week...

Eamon - I'd Rather Fuck With You
[Person 1:] Royalty [Eamon:] yea..ya this one of dem songs you can kick bak smoke a blunt nd g...

Eamon - I Love Them Ho's (ho-wop)
Yeah...Girl i thank ya for this wondeful nightWishing i could see ya one more timeBut i don`t th...

Eamon - Intro
Shaolin stand up!Ladies and Gentlemen,Children of all ages I welcome you to the world of Ho-Wop!...

Eamon - I Want You So Bad
First I saw your gorgeous eyes,then noticed your ass was flyI just thought we could have fun,I c...

Eamon - My Baby's Lost
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uhIt's like that, its like that, like that, like that, like that, like thatHad t...

Eamon - On & On
On and on and on [2x's]On and on and on [2x's]Everytime i finish i could see it in...

Earshot - Again
As I poner myThoughts and fears in lifeI stand tempted to throw it all awaySo I sit and I ...

Earshot - Asleep, I Lie
I can't stay forever and you're too insulting to me (darling)I can't live forever and be who they want...

Earshot - Control
Stuck insideA world inside my headA place where I think too muchA place where no one can touch...

Earshot - Down
IWonder what the day will bring tomorrow when I wakeWhyDo I decide to dwell upon mistakes I have...

Earshot - Fall Apart
So you finally found a wayTo lessen all your painWhat you'd give to feel againFor even just the ...

Earshot - Get Away
You stay all in one piece when broken Kind remarks, and your words soft-spoken Driving far from the pa...

Earshot - Goodbye
HollowSeem the stars in the skyWhere my dreams they seem to followShadowsIn the walls of m...

Earshot - Headstrong
Strapped down and heavy, tied up and bound This weight I carry, this weight I've found So,...

Earshot - Misery
Looking through the hole of timeI can see the end is comingcloser - I can hear it calling(beatin...

Earshot - My Time
I struggled with this pain inside, but it was too strongyou looked so catatonic, ya knew it was wrongd...

Earshot - Nice To Feel The Sun
Sometimes I feel as though my life's getting strangerNow I need to find a way to get this strain off of my b...

Earshot - Not Afraid
Don't leave me aloneI'm feeling so numbI need you to be here, I need you to calland everything's...

Earshot - Ordinary Girl
Wait, there is too much on my mindare we here just to simply pass the time?all these questions awake i...

Earshot - Rotten Inside
Once was a time I'd give the world to youBut it was never enoughSworn by your handBut you ...

Earshot - Should've Been There
I hope I'm not too lateI hope that you're okI left in a hurryAs soon as they told meSo I p...

Earshot - Someone
And if you could make upFor every single time you lied I'd probably whisper thisHello, goodbye...

Earshot - This World
I never cared much for this world(I just want to be someone like you)but I never said I wouldn't reach...

Earshot - Tongue-tied
Last night I dreamt that you were dead.The only that I could find to clear you from my head.I find it ...

Earshot - Unfortunate
I wanna be sureI wanna make clearI want you to knowI love you my dearme, I'm so dirty, cov...

Earshot - Wait
Something's wrong,Trying to conquer these fears i thought were gone.And it's been so long, I'm dying t...

Earshot - Wake Up
Fall to my knees just to be close to Godand I fall to the floor from your loveI am weakened by your te...

Earshot - We Fall, We Stand
Sometimes I feel like I'm losing it allabused and beat down and thrown to the wallhow can they do this...

Eazy-e - 2 Hard Mutha's
[Eazy-E]Yo Dre where's the goddamn drum machine?[Dre]Aw shit I left the muth...

Eazy-e - 8 Ball
Like the big funky Nick named Eazy-E Yo 8-Ball Junkie Bass drum kickin To show my sh*t ...

Eazy-e - Amy Last Wordz
This is a real life jack in progress. Nigga give up your shit or taketwo tha chest with tha cripnesscu...

Eazy-e - Automobile
Yo Dre man, I take this bitch out to the movies and shit man we're kissin'and grindin' and shit, so we hop i...

Eazy-e - Boyz N Tha Hood (g-mix)
[Intro:]Yeah, gangsta Dresta steps in this muthafucka and this one goes out tah allthe O.G.'s o...

Eazy-e - Boyz-n-the-hood (remix)
[Dr. Dre]Hey yo, remember that shit Eazy did a while backMotherfuckers said it wasn't gonna wor...

Eazy-e - Creep N Crawl
[INTRO]Straight off tha streets of muthafuckin ComptonIt`s the downest nigga I knowEazy m...

Eazy-e - Down 2 Tha Last Roach
[Dr. Dre:] "I still express yo I don't smoke weed or sess"BITCH!!!Ah, greetings eartlings...

Eazy-e - Eazy-chapter 8 Verse 10 (b.u.l.l.s.h.i.t.)
(Alright Go)This comes from the E Chapter 8 verse 10 and it readsIts time to put some niggaz in check...

Eazy-e - Eazy-duz-it
Well I'm Eazy-E, I got bitches galoreYou may have a lot of bitches but I got much moreWit my super dup...

Eazy-e - Eazy-er Said Then Dunn
[Dre]Yo man I don't think they heard youwhy don't you tell 'em what ya name is.[...

Eazy-e - Eazy Street
[Eazy-E]Now I'mma Break it down and tell a storyAbout a nigga in the wrong territorySharo...

Eazy-e - Eternal E
[Yella]Yo this is Yella As we wine down to the final songI wanted to make this one to rem...

Eazy-e - First Power
"I am the ressurection and the life. He who believes in me, though hedies, yet shall relive, and whoever liv...

Eazy-e - Gangsta Beat 4 Tha Street
[Verse 1: (Gangsta Dresta)]I got beat for the streetTa pump in ya jeepOr in ya cara...

Eazy-e - Gimmie That Nutt
[Intro:]Cruisin' down tha street in my '64Verse One:It's like that and it's like th...

Eazy-e - Hit The Hooker
[Eazy-E]Big titie shitty bang bang sittin' on a dickTryin' to play a pimp by the fifteen clicks...

Eazy-e - I'd Rather Fuck You
Aaaah, this is one of them songs you can kick back and smoke a joint toAnd get real fucked upI l...

Eazy-e - I'mma Break It Down
[Eazy-E]My eternal jam is the juice of the radiotakin' out profanity so they can play it though...

Eazy-e - It's On
Todays a good day to die! (lady screaming)Bow wow wow yippie yo yeppie yahSuck on these nuts nigga suc...

Eazy-e - Just Tah Let U Know
[Verse One:]It's that man comin up from that land of tha C-P-T("What's my motherfuckin na...

Eazy-e - Licking, Sucking, Fucking
[Girl]Let me hear it[Eazy-E]You want this babyI want it hot and juicy...

Eazy-e - Merry Muthafucking Xmas
[Uncle Dolamite]Come on over hunnie And give your uncle Dolamite a kiss[kissing sounds...

Eazy-e - My Baby'z Mama
(I'm sittin here writin a song about baby'z mothers who try toSue the daddies for child support. Even though...

Eazy-e - New Year's Evil
Hahahah 5150,,,,hahahahah tha home for tha sick hahahahahBut I got something I want everybody to knowH...

Eazy-e - Niggaz My Height Don't Fight
Gimmie this, gimmie that, gimmie this, gimmie thatBitch, step back and don't try to jack"But mister do...

Eazy-e - Nobody Move
Yo Ren, you're ready to go get this move?(Believe that, boy)You're strapped?(Yeah, you know it)...

Eazy-e - No More ?'s
[Female:] We're sitting here with Eazy EBelieve that [Female:] How are you doing ?...

Eazy-e - Nutz On Ya Chin
One and in comes the two to the muthaphukkin three then comes the EazyTo the other fuckin E playin niggaz li...

Eazy-e - Ole School Shit
[Eazy-E]Hey Yella Kick that shit199-muthaphukkin-EThe muthaphukkin year Of th...

Eazy-e - Only If You Want It
[Chorus]Only if you want itYes I really want it[x4][Eazy-E]...

Eazy-e - Radio
[DJ:] This is radio K-EAZY-E. Hi, this is Greg Mac. Mac AttackAnd we're gonna go to the phones right ...

Eazy-e - Real Muthaphuckkin G's
[Intro]Comp-tonComp-tonComp-ton Real muthaphuckkin G's...Real mut...

Eazy-e - Ruthless Villain
[MC-Ren:] "Yo Dre, how much time we got left on ths tape?"[Dre:] "About a couple of minutes."...

Eazy-e - Sippin On A 40
[Chorus]Sippin on a 40Sippin on a 40[Gangsta Dresta]Aye Yo lets roll t...

Eazy-e - Sorry Louie
(Hi, Claude again...You remember I told you about my cousin whenI was 15...Well, the year after that, I kill...

Eazy-e - Still A Nigga
("Str8 off tha streetx of Compton,dedicated and by most suckashated. But I got something I want you mutha fu...

Eazy-e - Still Talkin'
[Baby Cryin', Scary music, laughin' voice .. ]Good evening, and welcome to Eazy's playhouse, ...

Eazy-e - Tha Muthaphukkin' Real
[M.C. Ren]Well it be the real niggaz backWith that hard street shitBitch niggaz be pissin...

Eazy-e - We Want Eazy
"We want eazy!"Well, clap ya hands then-come onClap ya hands everybodyClap ya hands, come on, co...

Eazy-e - Wut Would You Do
Inside the minds of real g'sDeath row is looked upon as the studio gansters of the 90'sA joke hahahaha...

Eden's Crush - 1,000 Words (mil Palabras)
Ooh-ooh Yeah Ooh, yeah, yeah Oh, yeah, yeah Baby, Baby Tengo, que decirtelo ...

Eden's Crush - Anywhere But Here
I picked up the phone and heard her voiceIs she takin my timeShe sounded so cute so innocentYou ...

Eden's Crush - Get Over Yourself
Uh-huhYeah, yeah, yeahGet over, get over (listen)Yeah, I was right there like a little wif...

Eden's Crush - Get Over Yourself (spanish Version)
Si, yo estuve alli, tu esposita fui. Tu necesidad, nada mas yo te ise y di. Yo confi en ti, para ti, c...

Eden's Crush - Glamorous Life
She wears a long fur coat of mink Even in the summertime Everybody knows from the coy little wink ...

Eden's Crush - It Wasn't Me
I hear she told you that I took her manYou can tell her I can do better than thatShe should point her ...

Eden's Crush - I Wanna Be Free
I know he said we'd be togetherIn my mindIt meant foreverBut things have changedThey're no...

Eden's Crush - Let Me Know
I don't understandWhy you have to talk behind my backWhy you tell your friends I'm no good for you...

Eden's Crush - Love This Way
I wanna run into someones armsLie on a bed of rosesI wanna feel just like julietI wanna fall in ...

Eden's Crush - No Drama
I was sittin at home just sofrustrated,aggravatedwondering why I let people make me so crazythen...

Eden's Crush - Promise Me
I can't see tomorrowWhat the future holdsBut I believe my heart knows enoughThough sometimes I'm...

Eden's Crush - Two Way
Who drew the lines that sayThat it has to be one wayYou and me's a two-way thingI can feel a spa...

Eden's Crush - What's Good For The Goose
Yeah yeahIvetteRosannaMaileAna MariaNicoleI'm hanging outWith the fellas...

Eden's Crush - You Know I Can
When I see you sadWith your head down lowDidn't know what she hadShe was a fool to let you go...

Edgewater - As If You Know Me
I collect myself from falling downDisengage to rearrange myself without your fateAnd it rainsAnd...

Edgewater - Asteroids
A million miles awayWe can run, we can be lost in spaceCounting down from tenWith a spark we can...

Edgewater - Break Me Out
I sit, I sit and watch my days they disappearWaste away in fearWill you wait? Why won't you wait for m...

Edgewater - Circles
I see you walk around pushing people out of shameI see you walk around you're hung overI see you walk ...

Edgewater - Down Communication
I thought that you should knowIt's all a fucking fixWe saw the light tonightAnd you just missed ...

Edgewater - Enemy
Shady day, I'm the preyIt's the rage, I know that you are huntingEverything, inside of meEnemy, ...

Edgewater - Exposure
It's Just a misunderstandingIt's just a little adviceAll the gods have blessed down on your face...

Edgewater - Eyes Wired Shut
I've thrown away again the pills that make meI've thrown away again the chance to want to changeI've t...

Edgewater - Gone By December
She says it's hard to say goodbyeIt's not forever lastingJust pull a smile on outHow come you le...

Edgewater - Inhale
Yeah you're shaking now falling out and you can't take itJust breathe in breathe out let it flowJust e...

Edgewater - Lifter
Down a road less traveled and I see my purpose in front of meAnd it's simple and It's gentle I foundDo...

Edgewater - Neglected
I feel sometimes that she's not missed at allI feel this time that she's been left behindI feel ...

Edgewater - One Perfect Something
She says she's sick of all the things that fallShe makes no sense tonight her minds alrightBut age set...

Edgewater - Quitter
So disappointed, always a step behindCan't you here all of the noisesScraping the back of my mind...

Edgewater - Science Of It All
Heard it all beforeBut it's this time it's calling outComing back for moreLooking through the ce...

Edgewater - Selfish
I think you should pack your bags and leave todayBut she staysShe paced around the room all dressed in...

Edgewater - Squeeze
I want to be the one who captures timeI want to sit and squeeze the days of lifeAnd then I claim my wa...

Edgewater - Story Of...
Your evil eyes with your glass shaped prizeYou smell of smoke with your dirty clothesWe're all afraid ...

Edgewater - Submerged
QuicksandI'm sucked down in againBlinded by the Earth todayDeep beneath the undertowBut I'...

Edgewater - Sweet Suffocation
Crawling under lost in a perfect sinWhat's my addiction to breatheI will sleep and I will breath and I...

Edgewater - Tres Quatros
Recognize the position of the moonAnd the waves are highThe earth begins to move and I want to see...

Edwin Mccain - 3 A.m.
It's 3:00 AMI'm awake and my heart is still dreamingIt's 3:00 AMOutside I hear the souls still s...

Edwin Mccain - Alive
Al, he sells records down on old St. Charley's StreetHe's cleaning up Fat Tuesday's mess he keeps the sidewa...

Edwin Mccain - America Street
Rubber on my tires making contact with the roadSign on the street post tells me which way I should goR...

Edwin Mccain - Anything Good About Me
Rolled in last nightTo the dawn, the porch, and both our floodlights No excuse But we were havin...

Edwin Mccain - Beautiful Life
Another beautiful morning under stars and barsAnd F series pickups and rusted out carsAnd they're eati...

Edwin Mccain - Bitter Chill
Sweet love is keeping a very close scoreShe's cheated death more than one timeThe tears roll down her ...

Edwin Mccain - Cleveland Park
Pacing gently, summer windThe king stares softly to the skyWill he ever see his home againDeep f...

Edwin Mccain - Coming Down
Welcome back to earth my fine young lucky southern sonHow was your trip to outer-space it sure did look like...

Edwin Mccain - Couldn't Love You More
After the big parade, when all the limelight fadesI'll be the one to kiss your eyesThe roar fades in t...

Edwin Mccain - Darwin's Children
Seven million years of progress handed down on silver wingsOf gossamer and protein still we haven't learned ...

Edwin Mccain - Day Will Never Come
The smile on your face could sacrifice salvationAs the winter sunshine fades to bring you downA fumble...

Edwin Mccain - Don't Bring Me Down
Well I don't drive a fast carYou know it just ain't my styleAnd I don't give a damn about thatYo...

Edwin Mccain - Do Your Thing
Just do your thingIf it makes you feel better Go on and sing If it makes you feel better S...

Edwin Mccain - Dragons
Well I'm watching the dragons as they make another claimHe used to be a friend of mine, I called him by his ...

Edwin Mccain - Farewell To Tinkerbell
Hey Tink it's me Peter, I know it's been a long, long timeI hope you and the lost boys are doing just as fin...

Edwin Mccain - Far From Over
Well this life's stretched out before meThe highway shimmering with starsThe knowing glances of the ru...

Edwin Mccain - Get Out Of This Town
It's time to get out of this townThere's no more fun to be foundI'm rolling thunder with the top down...

Edwin Mccain - Ghosts Of Jackson Square
Ghost on the street todayDoorways of Jackson Square In tinsel and tap shoes Mardi Gras beads in...

Edwin Mccain - Go Be Young
Perfumed and smokyShe swears that she knows me She's falling down drunk again I say she's mistak...

Edwin Mccain - Good Enough
When footsteps from that Sunday march faded out into the darkThe melody blows in to ease the painTwo t...

Edwin Mccain - Grind Me In The Gears
I'm holding my last breathIt's burning in my lungsClenching up my eyesBloody up my tongue...

Edwin Mccain - Guinevere
After all the corridors are darkenedWhen the royal crown is off your headTo your chambers I will creep...

Edwin Mccain - Hearts Fall
And the hearts fall in the right placesAnd the hearts fall in the right placesPin feathers, dust...

Edwin Mccain - Holy City
Midnight in the Holy CityPlayground for restless soulsGraveyards for the sons of Ft. SumpterAnd ...

Edwin Mccain - How Can You Say That To Me
The air that you breathe it must be poisonedAnd you're dressed up in your best disguiseAnd I don't wan...

Edwin Mccain - How Strange It Seems
I'm a hack driver in New York CityI've got seven kids on the lower east sideI'm not a strong man, I'm ...

Edwin Mccain - I Could Not Ask For More
Lying here with you Listening to the rain Smiling just to see the smile upon your face These are...

Edwin Mccain - I'll Be (acoustic Version)
The strands in your eyes that color them wonderfulStop me and steal my breathEmeralds from mountains t...

Edwin Mccain - (i've Got To) Stop Thinkin' 'bout That
I like to think about the time I met youLiving with your people down in New OrleansMad at your mama ca...

Edwin Mccain - I've Seen A Love
I've seen a love that rolls like thunderI've seen a love that falls like rainThat kind of love it make...

Edwin Mccain - Jesters, Dreams & Thieves
Looking back on younger days the view stretched on for milesWe charged into our futures with laughter and sm...

Edwin Mccain - Jesus, He Loves Me
I've been through the valley but I feared no manSaw the beach and the footprints alone in the sand...

Edwin Mccain - Kentucky
The night before your wedding I dreamed what I would sayI beg you for forgiveness for all the mess I made...

Edwin Mccain - Kitchen Song
Sitting in the kitchenJust staring at the cracks in the wallI've been sitting here since yesterday...

Edwin Mccain - Letter To My Mother
Mama, how do I write the words to youYou were the only one who loved me trueBut there's a woman ...

Edwin Mccain - One Thing Left To Do
She walked in, I tipped my hatShe said, "Boy don't you look at me like that"And I said, "No, you...

Edwin Mccain - Prayer To St. Peter
Let them in, PeterFor they are very tired Give them couches where the angels sleep And light tho...

Edwin Mccain - Promise Of You
Promise of youIt sleeps in the airThe air that I breathe And I know that it's true Don't h...

Edwin Mccain - Punish Me
Do I fuel my hunger deprive my dreamsLive my lonely worn out seamStitches weary and the scars they lea...

Edwin Mccain - Radio Star
I tell you my story on VH1And all of my personal hellAnd how my dad beat me and how much he drank...

Edwin Mccain - Russian Roulette
Hey boy pushin' on your girlfriendTrying to show her all the pain you feel insideYeah and head all scr...

Edwin Mccain - Save The Rain
When you feel locked in and you feel left outAnd you don't know if your face fits in the crowdWhen you...

Edwin Mccain - See Off This Mountain
She's a Blue Ridge cradleShe's a mother to someAnd home to the laughterOf road weary onesS...

Edwin Mccain - See The Sky Again
Whispered from my heart and soul to my unwilling eyesLift my vision from the ground lift it to the sky...

Edwin Mccain - Shooting Stars
We keep our love in a plain brown boxWe keep it tied with a simple lockWe hold it close 'cause it's al...

Edwin Mccain - Sign On The Door
Wendy's sittin' next to meShe's trying hard to drink it away And I feel the rumble of the subway ...

Edwin Mccain - Solitude
Tim he was a good friendYeah was a brother of mineWe were imaginary comic book super heroesKids ...

Edwin Mccain - Sorry To A Friend
Sittin' on the edgeLooking for songs in a bottleTalking with strangers who don't know my painBlu...

Edwin Mccain - Sun Will Rise
I know the sun will riseJust like the stars in the skiesHey there busy boy why are you so blue...

Edwin Mccain - Take Me
I pull my boots off, throw my weapons on the floorCry my eyes out, in my private little warWell it see...

Edwin Mccain - The Rhythm Of Life
The rhythm of lifeHeaven withstanding and smiling we're all swept awayThe rhythm of lifeIs not s...

Edwin Mccain - Thirty Pieces
Thirty pieces of silver screenDeep inside our soulsHow did we betray our imaginationWatching our...

Edwin Mccain - Throw It All Away
It's taken all this time to work you outAnd if I wasn't sure before now I'm in no doubtYou're running ...

Edwin Mccain - Turning Around
Yes all the vampires know my nameBut they don't treat me quite the sameI've pulled the leather from my...

Edwin Mccain - What Matters
Have you given up on passion living day to dayYou keep your dreams locked down insideChoking on a life...

Edwin Mccain - White Crosses
Well I packed all of my things into this blanketTo call this year to earn coyotes fillKiss my wife and...

Edwin Mccain - Wild At Heart
Sometimes I wish there were two of meOne to stay at home, the other runs freeOne man to hold you, the ...

Edwin Mccain - Wish In This World
One little gutter town 3:00 in the morningI whispered these words I believedSaid leave me alone girl...

Edwin Mccain - Write Me A Song
Kelly is raising her sonHis dad left just after the birthNow she's living on child support checks...

Eels - 3 Speed
Got a 3 speed and banana seatSitting back on the sissy barWent to sev and got a drinkWish i was ...

Eels - A Daisy Through Concrete
Wake up the dying Don't wake up the deadChange what you're sayingDon't change what you said...

Eels - Agony
Am i gonna be all right?No i'm not gonna be all rightNothing is all right nowAm i gonna see the ...

Eels - All In A Day's Work
When i was born the doctor saidThere's something wrong inside that baby headWhen i was a boy at sunday...

Eels - Animal
If i could love youI'm sure i wouldIf i could hold youAnd feel understoodI'd be there now...

Eels - Ant Farm
Hate a lot of thingsBut i love a few thingsAnd you are one of themHard to believeAft...

Eels - Are You & Me Gonna Happen
Are you and me gonna happenAre you and me gonna happen soonThe gods smile hard down uponA ...

Eels - Baby Genius
Baby geniusLook how you've grownWhere do you go from here?Didn't we have some good timesAf...

Eels - Bad News
Guess i'm doing something wrongNever feel right in these shoesPocket full of matches and a head full o...

Eels - Beautiful Freak
You're such a beautiful freakI wish there were more just like youYou're not like all of the others ...

Eels - Birdgirl On A Cell Phone
She has eyes disability blueA german dog and a strict curfewAnd if one man's cage is another man's sta...

Eels - Blinking Lights (for Me)
Blinking lights on the airplane wingsUp above the treesBlinking down a morse code signalEspecial...

Eels - Blinking Lights (for You)
Blinking lights on the airplane wingsUp above the treesBlinking down a morse code signalEspecial...

Eels - Bus Stop Boxer
I don't miss where i came fromBut each night i dream about being back homeWhen i wake up in the mornin...

Eels - Cancer For The Cure
The kids are diggin' up a brand new hole Where to put the deadbeat momGrandpa's happy watching video p...

Eels - Checkout Blues
I've got somethingMaybe i should tell youI may check outAt any given timeThings won'...

Eels - Christmas Is Going To The Dogs
Get off your sled and go to bedDon't you ever tire?Throw a bone i'm finally homeCurled up by the...

Eels - Climbing To The Moon
So i wrote it all in a letterBut i don't know if it cameThe nurse she likes my writingSo she kee...

Eels - Daisies Of The Galaxy
Take heart, my little friendAnd push back your seatSoon we'll be far awayFar from the street...

Eels - Day I Wrote You Off
I saw some photos of a happy familyHanging up on the thrift shop wallI paid the man and i brought them...

Eels - Dead Of Winter
Standing in the dark outside the houseBreathing in the cold and sterile airWell i was thinking how it ...

Eels - Dirty Girl
I like a girl with a dirty mouthSomeone that i can believeWe had a window not open too longBut t...

Eels - Dog Faced Boy
Coming home from the school todayCrying all along the wayAin't no way for a boy to beBegging ma ...

Eels - Dog's Life
What would you say if i left this town tomorrowI guess i wouldBut know i'd miss the trainI know ...

Eels - Dust Of Ages
This is the dayThat i give myself up coldThe dust of ages Settles on your daysAnd so...

Eels - Efils' God
Efils good and the time is rightI'll bundle up and slip awayThe count is down and the drip is up...

Eels - Eight Lives Left
Eight lives leftOne chapter downStill nothing newIn this old townI'd like to spend a...

Eels - Electro-shock Blues
Feeling scared todayWrite down "i am ok"A hundred times the doctors sayI am okI am ok...

Eels - Elizabeth On The Bathroom Floor
Laying on the bathroom floorKitty licks my cheek once moreAnd i could tryBut waking up is harder...

Eels - Estate Sale
These are the soundsOf things that are past... ...

Eels - E's Tune
Have two eyes But i cannot seeI have a heart But i cannot feel anythingDon't give up now...

Eels - Everything's Gonna Be Cool This Christmas
Remember last year when you were on your ownYou swore the spirit couldn't be foundDecember rolled arou...

Eels - Eyes Down
Well, the sun is shining but it don't feel goodDon't smile down on this neighborhoodWhen i go walking ...

Eels - Fashion Awards
Let's go down to the fashion showWith all the pretty people that you don't knowWe'll sit down in the v...

Eels - Fitting In With The Misfit
Dear maYou might find it hard to believeBut i think i finally found a homeThe weather's lovely...

Eels - Flower
Turn the ugly light off godWanna feel the nightEveryday it shines down on meDon't you think that...

Eels - Flyswatter
Little field mice living under the houseNever eating muchTough life for a mouseAnd if you think ...

Eels - Fresh Feeling
You don't have a clueWhat it is like to be next to youI'm here to tell youThat it is goodT...

Eels - Friendly Ghost
If you're scared to dieYou better not be scared to liveI've been spending all my daysGiving all ...

Eels - From Which I Came / A Magic World
Ten pounds and a head of hairCame into without a careWhat they thought were criesWere little lau...

Eels - Fucker
Came home tonightAnd i felt like i'd die of lonelinessStrange you thinkPopularityLoo...

Eels - Funeral Parlor
Sitting in the funeral parlorOn the night before the dayThink i might have left the stove onThin...

Eels - Going Fetal
Everyone is going fetalIt's the dance the kids all feelJust get down under your deskFeels like y...

Eels - Going To Your Funeral, Pt. 1
Going to your funeral and feeling i could scream Everything goes awayDriving down the highway through ...

Eels - Grace Kelly Blues
The cut-rate mime walking through the dirty streetsOf paris in the hot august heatSun melting the fake...

Eels - Guest List
Are you one of the beautiful peopleIs my name on the list Wanna be of the beautiful peopleWanna ...

Eels - Hello Cruel World
Hello cruel worldSo this is youA broken heartBut with a viewI'm looking out to face anothe...

Eels - Her
Nobody's quite sure how it becameThat something so good Could become of this dayBut she's like a...

Eels - Hey Man (now You're Really Living)
Do you know what it's like to fall on the floorAnd cry your guts out 'til you got no moreHey man now y...

Eels - Hidden Track
So you've got balls nowMarie on the runDown on newberry streetSeventeen seconds of fun...

Eels - Hospital Food
Coming through the alleyTrying to walk without a soundIt doesn't really matter'cause there ain't...

Eels - If You See Natalie
If you see natalieSend along this messageI know that you've been throughAn awful lot of late...

Eels - I Like Birds
I can't look at the rocket launchThe trophy wives of the astronautsAnd i won't listen to their words...

Eels - I'm Going To Stop Pretending That I Didn't Break Your Heart
I'm gonna tell you what you need to hearAnd i'm a little too lateBy three or four yearsAnd it ma...

Eels - I Need Some Sleep
I need some sleepIt can't go on like thisI tried counting sheepBut there's one I always miss...

Eels - In The Yard, Behind The Church
In the yard, behind the church whereButterflies and blackbirds search forA safe place to rest the nigh...

Eels - It's A Motherfucker
It's a motherfuckerBeing here without youThinking 'bout the good timesThinking 'bout the bad...

Eels - I've Been Kicked Around
Well i've been kicked aroundWhatd'ya seeAm i alrightI'm alrightWell i've been kicked aroun...

Eels - I Write The B-sides
I write the b-sidesThat make a small portion of the world cryI like the seasideAnd singing songs...

Eels - Jeannie's Diary
How does her world spin Without me in her nest? Could there really be such happiness? Oh, ...

Eels - Jehovah's Witness
Jehovah's witness leave me aloneJehovah's witness i'm not at homeKeep on a-knockin' and ringin' the be...

Eels - Jungle Telegraph
Mama had an epideral Hoping i would be a girlThe night was blackThe sky was boomingDarker ...

Eels - L. A. River
Walking along by the l.a. riverThis river's such a jokeAnd so am iI don't know why i should beli...

Eels - Last Stop: This Town
You're dead but the world keeps spinningTake a spin through the world you leftIt's getting dark a litt...

Eels - Last Time We Spoke
When you calledYour voice was so graveI knew it would beThe last time we spokeYou sa...

Eels - Lone Wolf
I am a lone wolfI always was and will beI feel fineI am resigned to thisI am a lone wolf...

Eels - Looking Out The Window With A Blue Hat On
Oh she comes on like a fogAnd then she goes out Like a neurotic dogSo now i'm sitting here...

Eels - Losing Streak
Was i wrong about the worldIt's a beautiful new placeWhere else could a creep like meMeet such a...

Eels - Love Of The Loveless
Don't got a lot of timeDon't give a damnDon't tell me what to doI am the manIf there's a g...

Eels - Manchester Girl
She hides in the library readingHenry miller books'til they flash the lights it's time to goWhen...

Eels - Manchild
And every time you crave for me i'm hereAnd anything you hunger for i'll shareAnd i will be quietly st...

Eels - Mass
It's really more than i can sayLooking at this towerAngels are off duty and asleepIn these wee h...

Eels - Mental
It's like i dressed up in my mama's clothingIt's like i'm talking to a voice that doesn't existIt's li...

Eels - Mighty Fine Blues
Feeling mighty fineFeeling mighty fine at this timeYes i amFeeling mighty fineFeeling migh...

Eels - Mockingbird Franklin
She'd never known acceptanceShe'd never known the wordShe says "i like to call myself mBut my re...

Eels - Most Unpleasant Man
Well i'll rise aboveOnce I forgetWhat it was like thenBefore we metI had no dreamsTh...

Eels - Mother Mary
People talking sound like dogsBarking through the treesMaking no sense at allMeaning nothing to ...

Eels - Mr. E's Beautiful Blues
The smokestack spitting black soot into the sooty skyThe load on the road brings a tear to the indian's eye...

Eels - My Beloved Monster
My beloved monster and meWe go everywhere togetherWearing a raincoat that has four sleevesGets u...

Eels - My Descent Into Madness
Springfield's looking pretty dusty todayI see their dreams coming undoneThe view from inside ward nine...

Eels - My Old Raincoat
Oh noShe's giving back my old raincoatThe one i said she could keepOkayShe's taking back h...

Eels - Not Ready Yet
There's a world outsideAnd i know 'cause i've heard talkIn my sweetest dreamI would go out for a...

Eels - Novocaine For The Soul
Life is hardAnd so am iYou'd better give me somethingSo i don't die Novocaine for th...

Eels - Nowheresville
I wanna see parisInsane on the seineI wanna do that bull run thing in spainI wanna go to england...

Eels - Numbered Days
DaisyI never thought i'd goCrazyBut i never thought you soUntil now that i seeAll th...

Eels - Old Shit / New Shit
Everyone loves youNobody caresAn awful collectionOf enemies and friendsCongratulations to ...

Eels - Packing Blankets
Today is a lovely day to runStart up the car with the sunPacking blankets and dirty sheetsA room...

Eels - Permanent Broken Heart
I walked by your windowTo see if you're homeThe candle was burningI could see you weren't alone...

Eels - Pray
Never much of a hopeful manNothing good to sayBut i couldn't help it When i saw herI had t...

Eels - P.s. You Rock My World
I was at a funeral the day i realizedI wanted to spend my life with youSitting down on the steps at th...

Eels - Rags To Rags
There's a spider crawling on the bathroom mirrorRight on top of my right eyeAnd i can't stop staring b...

Eels - Railroad Man
Feel like an old railroad manRidin' out on the bluemont lineHummin' along old dominion bluesNot ...

Eels - Restraining Order Blues
Life goes onNothing is newJudge made it clearI can't be near youEverybody knows that I'm n...

Eels - Rock Hard Times
They told me that i couldn't come back here againTook me for some kind of foolSaid i was doing things ...

Eels - Rotten World Blues
Well i went walkingOut yesterdayA man was carrying a sign that says"the world is gonna end tomor...

Eels - Sad Foot Sign
Sad foot signWhy you gotta taunt me this wayThe happy side is broken nowIt's gonna be an awful d...

Eels - Saturday Morning
Saturday morningAnd who's gonna play with meSix in the morning babyI got a long long day ahead o...

Eels - Selective Memory
If i lay my head downI will see you in my dreamWearing that polka dot dressAnd sitting by the st...

Eels - She Loves A Puppet
Don't know whyShe thinks she loves himDon't go cryHe's just a toyShe calls it only l...

Eels - Shine It All On
Tarot cardsSaid i'm already deadCrystal ballFell down onto my headTendernessIf i wan...

Eels - Skywriting
Don't cryAll the songs you singAll the flowers you bringI'm part of everything there ever was...

Eels - Somebody Loves You
Woke up with a bangAnd a bug on your faceIt crawled in your mouthAnd gave you a taste of T...

Eels - Someone To Break The Spell
You up thereDon't you think there's something you can doWell no one ever told me it was gonna be this ...

Eels - Something Is Sacred
Taking a walk down to the mallSmelling piss and beer and gasThat could be me in a couple yearsSu...

Eels - Son Of A Bitch
Mother couldn't love meBut that didn't stop meFrom liking herShe was my momAnd i was no so...

Eels - Souljacker Pt. I
22 miles of hard road33 years of tough luck44 skulls buried in the groundCrawling down through t...

Eels - Souljacker Pt. Ii
Souljacker can't get my soulAte my carcass in a black manholeSouljacker can't get my soulHe can ...

Eels - Spunky
Spunky don't like her uniformIt never fit so goodGoing back to the orphanageAnd the place where ...

Eels - Standing At The Gate
So whatch'ya gonna do about meI've been hanging 'round a whileTrading books and knowing glancesI...

Eels - Stepmother
Your stepmother hates my gutsBut i don't really careShe don't like me comin' 'roundWith my short...

Eels - Strawberry Blonde
There she goes down in my headSaying things she never saidE.e. cummings coming soonBut she'll be...

Eels - Suicide Life
You think you'll get under ol' monsieur's lidAnd try to imagine all the things that he didYou don't kn...

Eels - Susan's House
Going over to susan's houseWalking south down baxter street Nothing hiding behind this picket fence...

Eels - Sweet Li'l Thing
The feeling of understanding is very rareFor someone like me it's hard to findSomebody to careSh...

Eels - Taking A Bath In Rust
Why don't you get me a way out of hereBuy me a ticketA seat in the rear'cause i'd say that dayli...

Eels - Teenage Witch
Look at downtownSunrise of samBring it on down nowI'm in a jamWhere did you find such a ro...

Eels - That's Not Really Funny
Did you think that i would laughWhen you said i was small?Did you think that that would passAs i...

Eels - The Good Old Days
I know i'm not too much of a bargainAnd you know that's not what you bargained forAs the hours turn in...

Eels - The Medication Is Wearing Off
See this watch she gave me?Well it still ticks awayThe days i'm claiming back for meThe me...

Eels - The Only Thing I Care About
She had the eyes of someone olderI have the eyes that wander 'roundI couldn't see what really mattered...

Eels - The Other Shoe
It's a beautiful morningThe sky is black as inkThe city's sleeping stillAnd soon they'll wake up...

Eels - The Sound Of Fear
Sun comes up on the old neighborhoodSpray-painted bricks and dead firewoodWell i don't know where i'm ...

Eels - The Stars Shine In The Sky Tonight
I can't live in a world that you have left behindSeen a lot, been through too muchBut this is where i ...

Eels - Things The Grandchildren Should Know
I go to bed real earlyEverybody thinks it's strangeI get up early in the morningNo matter how di...

Eels - Tiger In My Tank
I bought some rock star ashesFrom the back of rolling stoneI guess he wouldn't mind itThey could...

Eels - To Lick Your Boots
Miss o'malley didn't mean what she saidGot a heart but a head full of leadShe can dream but she never ...

Eels - Tomorrow I'll Be Nine
Tomorrow i'll be nineAnd everything will be the sameTomorrow i'll be nineIt's only gonna be anot...

Eels - Trouble With Dreams
There's nothing that i wanna doMore than get alone and be with youTrouble with dreams is they don't co...

Eels - Ugly Love
Dear cousin,I got your letterIt was more than i thought i deservedWell she sounds perfect, all i...

Eels - Understanding Salesmen
A knock on the door meansHello jesus callsA ring on the phone meansA trip to niagara falls...

Eels - Whatever Happened To Soy Bomb
Blue light is flickeringThrough the city streetsOne billion tv setsGlowing off concreteOne...

Eels - What Is This Note?
The sun kisses the morning dewJust the way that i'm kissing youThe birds are tweeting in sweet harmony...

Eels - Woman Driving, Man Sleeping
Woman driving, man sleepingWith a suitcase on the rackWhite lines shooting byOn the pavement lik...

Eels - Wooden Nickels
Went down by the old courthouseStumbling through the streetsHad to get out of the houseHad to us...

Eels - World Of Shit
In this world of shitBaby you are itA little light that shines all overMust take over And ...

Eels - Wrong About Bobby
I was wrong about bobby I admit he's not the dumbest angry young nitwitNo he can cut it with the best...

Eels - You'll Be The Scarecrow
One day i'll have to flyTo the next great unknownOne day i'll be out of hereBack on my own...

Eels - Your Lucky Day In Hell
Mama gripped onto the milkman's handAnd then she finally gave birthYears go by still i don't know...

Eiffel 65 - Another Race
it's another race from outer's another race away,'s another race from outer space....

Eiffel 65 - Back In Time
Back In Time (Time, One More Time)Up And Down, Everytime, I'm Flying HighBack In Time, In My Tim...

Eiffel 65 - Blue (da Ba De)
Yo listen up here's a storyAbout a little guy that lives in a blue worldAnd all day and all night and ...

Eiffel 65 - Brightly Shines
You use to hide behind a wall The part of you nobody knows No one ever saw it And your flo...

Eiffel 65 - Crazy
Im going Crazy The colours I breathe. are the colours I need. The people I see are j...

Eiffel 65 - Dub In Life
everyone,is looking for the dub in this life.everyone,just keep on asking why why why.what...

Eiffel 65 - Far Away
Cause When Im faraway, I float away. I try and try again. Nothing brings me back on earth. ...

Eiffel 65 - Hyperlink
i want a click, a click to your hearta hyperlink into you.a sexual browser from here to the end...

Eiffel 65 - I Dj With The Fire
Dj With the fire, rock ya , move Dj With the fire, DJ rock ya , move Dj With the fire, rock DJ D...

Eiffel 65 - I Don't Wanna Lose
Space house of black house of lights House of moise youve never heard Full of vacuum and crowded of sh...

Eiffel 65 - Johnny Grey
My name is Johnny Grey, Its just a name and I know that for you its the same, The world I know seems n...

Eiffel 65 - Journey
Oh the Journey into the people, Into their selves , into their truth oh oh. The truth is out there wai...

Eiffel 65 - King Of Lullaby
Dreams, Truth or Belief I see a man sleep on the street with golden clothes. Oh Oh O...

Eiffel 65 - Life Like Thunder
I wanna live my life like thunder Dont wanna live my life like numbers Wondering why tonight Bre...

Eiffel 65 - Living In A Bubble
the bubble's are not reality but it's inside your mind,making you forget where you're from and what's behind...

Eiffel 65 - Losing You
Cant get over losing you, And so Im tired. I just cant get over losing you. And so I cant get ov...

Eiffel 65 - Lucky (in My Life)
Ive been lucky in my lifeIve been lucky Ive been lucky in my life I know Ive been lucky in my li...

Eiffel 65 - Morning Time
Morning time, now time.. Morning time, I sit and watch the sun arise, ...

Eiffel 65 - Move Your Body
Work your mind mind Work your body move your mind Move your mind mind Work your body body ...

Eiffel 65 - New Life
Baby ! I need a miracle Im searching ! to find a way into a new life and Im moving o...

Eiffel 65 - Now Is Forever
the past is all that's gone,the future is yet to come.this moment is all our own.we should live ...

Eiffel 65 - One Goal
All We Need Is One More GoalAll We Need Is One More GoalAll We Seek Is One Goal, One GoalAll We ...

Eiffel 65 - People Of Tomorrow
Na na na.CPU Generation, You are the Nation, You are the future World. Today, youre ...

Eiffel 65 - Silicon World
cause all that i want is a silicon come into my silicon world.cause all that i want is a silic...

Eiffel 65 - The Edge
i've been to the edgeand i've been to the edge.yes i've been to the edge.i've been to the edge...

Eiffel 65 - Too Much Of Heaven
too much of heaven,can bring you undergroundheaven, can always turn around.too much of heaven,...

Eiffel 65 - World In A World
When the world will fall apart, And it feels like theres no air, Theres a place where you can run ...

Eiffel 65 - Your Clown
i don't wanna be your clown again.and i don't wanna live this i don't wanna be your clown ...

Eisley - Brightly Wound
Its happening all the timeWhen I open my eyesI'm still taken by supriseI hold sunlight and swall...

Eisley - Golly Sandra
G-g-g-golly Sandra!You've grown up really crazy...Have I been too denying of you?G-golly S...

Eisley - I Wasn't Prepared
Oh, when the day is blueI'll sit here wondering about youAnd how the pollen fellAll around your ...

Eisley - Just Like We Do
Dear dear you know that people love eachotherJust like we do, just like they doDear dear you know you'...

Eisley - Lost At Sea
Sailing over wave and tide oh ho hoFantastic waves against our sides oh ho hoAnd I'm not so afraid...

Eisley - Marvelous Things
I awoke the dawnSaw horses growing out the lawnAh ah .....I glimpsed a bat with butterfly ...

Eisley - Memories
He was throwing grain into the ground below, ground belowWith dreary circles of his arm, going slow, very sl...

Eisley - My Lovely
Why do you wait on me?Why do you wait on me?I'm feeling alone without you here by side.I'm...

Eisley - One Day I Slowly Floated Away
One day I slowly floated awayOne day I slowly floated awayAll the war horses wore rubber bandsto...

Eisley - Trolley Wood
Out one dayWalking one dayOut one day, with you hallelujahWe found a wood with Trolly's on wheel...

Elan - Another Woman
Spend most of your time looking in a mirrorSame face you saw yesterdayWhy won't you give yourself a br...

Elan - Call Home
Didn't you know my life would fallOh no, and now you've really gone and done itWas I waiting here too ...

Elan - Hideaway
There's a constant cry in the parkBaby lost his blue eyes in the darkHe'd been working all night long...

Elan - Jeremy
I'm on the road againThe last to leave himWould he ever remember meNow I'm far awayT...

Elan - Leave Me
Leave me, in my sweet misery'Cause I'd rather be alone than chase you around all the time'Cause you kn...

Elan - Midnight
Between the lines I get it, all ready when you spoke to me last night,Don't think I don't know what's goin o...

Elan - Shy
If you're going into the cityCan I follow behindAnd if you think it's all so prettyI might just ...

Elan - Sorry Baby
Just when you think you've been forgottenThere's a letter at your doorYour face turned red when you th...

Elan - Street Child
We are the little ones who roam the underbelly Of the streets that normal people walkWrong side of the...

Elan - The Road
Before you goThere are some things I should tell youAnd prepare you for what you might have not seen...

Elan - They Came From The City
They came from the cityHad to get out for a whileNow they're sitting on the fieldsWatching the w...

Elan - Time
They saidYou gotta read between the linesWhere are you going...It's too dark outsideLittle...

Electric Six - Dance Commander
You must obey the dance commanderGivin' out the order for funYou must obey the dance commanderYo...

Electric Six - Danger! High Voltage
Fire in the discoFire in the taco bellFire in the discoFire in the gates of hellDon'...

Electric Six - Electric Demons In Love
I got so much love,I don't know where to put itI feel so good,I don't know what to doAnd I...

Electric Six - Gay Bar
You!I wanna take you to a gay bar,I wanna take you to a gay bar,I wanna take you to a gay bar, g...

Electric Six - Getting Into The Jam
I look in the mirror and I know i'm a man,I know she's a woman and she's looking for a man,We've got s...

Electric Six - I Invented The Night
Hey little kitty with your tail dragging on the floorYou could have a following in every town that you go...

Electric Six - Improper Dancing
Every bodys doin,What they shouldn't be doinEvery bodys doin itIn the middle of the street...

Electric Six - I'm The Bomb
Now who elected you judge and juryIn the body of a beautiful girl?And I suspect heavy gerrymandering...

Electric Six - Naked Pictures (of Your Mother)
Well nobody wants to burn in HellBut everybody's got a soul to sell.When I was young my mama gave me s...

Electric Six - Nuclear War (on The Dance Floor)
Nuclear war,On the dance floorNuclear warOn the dance floorElectric Six is on ...

Electric Six - She's White
I was born a prisoner in your dungeon of flesh, oh yeah(yeah, yeah, yeah)Solitary confinement undernea...

Electric Six - Synthesizer
You can shake it all aroundYou can go up and downYou can lose what you foundBut you can't ignore...

Electric Six - Vengeance And Fashion
I saw fire, when I looked in my lovers eyes,Woooaaahhhooo,I saw, the devil dressed up in disguise, ...

Elefant - Annie
The smell of the ocean on her skinThe rags of her dress blowing in the windA chorus of angels on the b...

Elefant - Bokkie
Jumping with your eyes closed, Landing on the sunBeing young and beautiful, In love with no oneBut you...

Elefant - Ester
Ester why do you look all blueWhat did I say to you to make you feel all blueEster when you walk in th...

Elefant - Love
I want the girl all dressed in whiteShe turns and says helloShe changes colors like a birdI grab...

Elefant - Make Up
You finally take your make up off, I like your eyesYou finally take your lipstick off, I like your smile ...

Elefant - Misfit
Picked a girl up at the trainstop where I liveTook a drive along the beach by the oceanTalk about the ...

Elefant - Now That I Miss Her
When I first saw her, I knew that I loved herWhen I said goodbye, I knew that I lost herNow that I mis...

Elefant - Static On Channel 4
Moon and stars above us shineEverybody knows you're mineStatic on the channel 4Television radio,...

Elefant - Sunlight Makes Me Paranoid
The sunlight's making me feel paranoidI look outside and see the world at warThe people walk to work l...

Elefant - Tonight Let's Dance
She was wearing her favorite dressShe was waving a blue handkerchiefShe was laughing aloud in the corn...

Element Eighty - Bloodshot
Thinking about you for the last hundred daysbeen dreaming about you so don't push me awayAnd I'v...

Element Eighty - Broken Promises
The day you left methere was a feeling I have never shownThe day you told methere were the words...

Element Eighty - Dummy Block
You are a walking contradictionYou speak with false intentionsbut I know what you really want from me...

Element Eighty - Flatline
You're under meI really love youand I really hate youYou're under meYou're und...

Element Eighty - Goodbye
You say goodbyeI've tried (I've tried)I've tried so hard to keep this alive (alive)But you...

Element Eighty - Pancake Land
You don't know the truthso much more tha you knewlifeless and bleedingI'm screaming inside of yo...

Element Eighty - Parachute
Inside of meAll my life I've waited for you to find meTaken from me and now I'll never knowjust ...

Element Eighty - Rabies
Well I'm so sickI'm sicker than youClosing wallsWhat can I doWell I'm so sickI'm sic...

Element Eighty - Rubbertooth
Devil's in my shoeboxYou were in my shoebox [x4]Devil's inYou were in [x8]...

Element Eighty - Scars (the Echo Song)
You said that we would always be friendsYou said our love would never endBut all you gave to me were s...

Element Eighty - Slackjaw
No, don't mock meDon't you look at me, pity me, feel for meIt's okaylook down on mecause n...

Element Eighty - Texas Cries
Texas cries insidebut I feel youTexas cries insideI still feel youI don't know why you run...

Elephant Man - Bad Man
Yeah, I dedicate this one to all my dogs n all thugs across da globe (all over). My big bulla my jackass cor...

Elephant Man - Blase
[Intro]BlasYep, everybody dance nowJohn[Chorus]Chris, me and di ...

Elephant Man - Fan Dem Off
[Intro:]Yep! Dyah, good to mad dem Gi dem a box, gi dem a box Gi dem a box, gi dem a box ...

Elephant Man - Fuck You Sign
Shizzle! Siddung pon mi name a labba labba (Fuck Off now!!!) Mon mi haffi tell yuh bout yuh modda (Fuc...

Elephant Man - Head Gone / Wine Up Uh Self
[Chorus]Man dem down a TG doh got no head (head fly way) Man dem down a Jungle doh got no head ...

Elephant Man - Jamaica
J-A-M Jamaica I-C-A Jamaica, J-A-M Jamaica I-C-A JamaicaYu na see us walk, me say if yu nu hear we man bumba...

Elephant Man - Jook Gal (wine, Wine)
[Intro: Elephant Man (Lil' Jon)]Elephant (Hey!) Lil' Jon (Hey!)Bone Crusher wid anotha hit song...

Elephant Man - Mexican Girl
El hombre senorita (senorita) tenoritaLadies, I am here to tell a storyAbout a lady I met in Mexico...

Elephant Man - Pon De River Pon De Bank
Yea good to go [Chorus]I've Seen Nuff Dance Before (John) But I've Never Seen A Dan...

Elephant Man - Signal De Plane
[Intro:]MaydayYep, Good to go again[Chorus:]Dancehall nice again...

Ellie Campbell - Don't Want You Back
don't want youdon't want you backsorry is the hardest wordand flowers don't say much...

Ellie Campbell - Forgive Me
i did you wrong,i'm sorry babyso come on over and let me make it up to youlike the way that you know i...

Ellie Campbell - I Love How I Feel
you've got to understand,it took a special manto reach inside of mewas easy letting go,cause you were ...

Ellie Campbell - Jackie
got a call theotherdayand it took me by suprisedidn't quite know what to saybut he kept me on th...

Ellie Campbell - Just Another Rainy Day
sitting here for hours just listening to the rainwaiting for the showers to dissapeari'm losing track ...

Ellie Campbell - My Heart Will Find No Home
stop before you go too far and say something you'll regreti've heard every little lie before and this is the...

Ellie Campbell - Never Gonna Give Up On Love
yeah...never gonna give up on loveforever and all that stufftakes more than a broken heart...

Ellie Campbell - Say What You Mean
say what you meanooh ooh yeah yeahsay what you meanyeah yeah yeahone day, i was your...

Ellie Campbell - So Many Ways
so many waysto say how i love you (how i love you)how i need you babyoh yeah!ooh ooh...

Ellie Campbell - Suspicion
i don't need suspicion in my lifeyeah,yeah,yeahalrighttell me baby,what's going oni ...

Ellie Campbell - Sweet Lies
baby please...keep tellin sweet liesmy mistake was lovin' youmuch more than your lovin' me...

Ellie Campbell - The Things You Do
[J]: we gotta get down,we gotta get downwe gotta get,gotta get down,so what babyellie c,ellie c...

Ellie Campbell - You're No Good
say it again say it againno nosay it againsay it againsay it againsay it again...

Elton John - Act Of War
This ain't no battle honey, this ain't no fightHow come you take it so hard when I stay out all nightI...

Elton John - Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing
Ain't nothing like the real thing, babyAin't nothing like the real thingAin't nothing like the real th...

Elton John - All Quiet On The Western Front
All quiet on the Western Front, nobody sawA youth asleep in the foreign soil, planted by the warFeel t...

Elton John - All That I'm Allowed (i'm Thankful)
Breaking down never seems to be that hardFalling short is always in the cardsI'm on the road, sunrise ...

Elton John - All The Girls Love Alice
Raised to be a lady by the golden ruleAlice was the spawn of a public schoolWith a double barrel name ...

Elton John - All The Nasties
If it came to pass that they should askWhat could I tell themWould they criticize behind my back...

Elton John - American Triangle
Seen him playing in his backyardYoung boy just starting outSo much history in this landscapeSo m...

Elton John - Amoreena
Lately I've been thinking how much I miss my ladyAmoreena's in the cornfield brightening the daybreakL...

Elton John - Amy
Tread on my face if you like little ladyTurn me inside out if you have to babyBut don't you cross me o...

Elton John - Angeline
Well I'm work shy, I'm wild-eyedSo shut that door when the baby criesAnd keep me well fed, give me war...

Elton John - Answer In The Sky
Well they say that it's a factIf you watch the sky at nightAnd if you stare into the darknessYou...

Elton John - Bad Side Of The Moon
It seems as though I've lived my lifeOn the bad side of the moonTo stir your dregs in sickness still...

Elton John - Ballad Of A Well Known Gun
I pulled out my Stage Coach TimesAnd I read the latest newsI tapped my feet in dumb surpriseAnd ...

Elton John - Ballad Of The Boy In The Red Shoes
I'm stoned in the twilightScreaming on the insideGive me your water, help me surviveGonna miss t...

Elton John - Bennie And The Jets
Hey kids, shake it loose togetherThe spotlight's hitting somethingThat's been known to change the weat...

Elton John - Better Off Dead
There was a face on a hoarding that someone had drawn onAnd just enough time for the night to pass by withou...

Elton John - Between Seventeen And Twenty
I wonder who's sleeping in your sheets tonightWhose head rests upon the bedCould it be a close friend ...

Elton John - Bid Dipper
Now I saw you talking to a cute little slip of a sailorAnd it looked at first like the whole thing would end...

Elton John - Billy Bones And The White Bird
Take the wheel I hear the timbers creakingTake the wheel I think this ship is sinkingJamaica seems so ...

Elton John - Birds
There's some things I don't have nowSome things I don't talk aboutThese things are between myself and ...

Elton John - Bitter Fingers
I'm going on the circuit, I'm doing all the clubsAnd I really need a song boys to stir those workers up...

Elton John - Blue Avenue
I gotta quit this habitIt's like some drug for youYou've been my sweet sweet addictI've been you...

Elton John - Blues For Baby And Me
Your old man got mad when I told him we were leavingHe cursed and he raged and he swore at the ceiling...

Elton John - Boogie Pilgrim
Crime in the streetsI read about it everyday in the papersJustice needs and justice wantsBut jus...

Elton John - Border Song
Holy Moses I have been removedI have seen the specter he has been here tooDistant cousin from down the...

Elton John - Born Bad
You've been cryingAnd there ain't no use denyingIt was meWho put you through this miseryAn...

Elton John - Born To Lose
Born to loseI've lived my life in vainEvery dream has only brought me painAll my life I've alway...

Elton John - Breaking Down Barriers
I recall how it used to beIn my younger daysI built a wall all around my heartTo keep the pain a...

Elton John - Breaking Hearts (ain't What It Used To Be)
They used to say that boys are tough as nailsIn every way he keeps his heart as guarded as a jailNow t...

Elton John - Burn Down The Mission
You tell me there's an angel in your treeDid he say he'd come to call on meFor things are getting desp...

Elton John - Burning Buildings
It used to be a sweet sensationNo price too high for loveNow I pay for this bitter tasteAnd the ...

Elton John - Candle In The Wind
Goodbye Norma JeanThough I never knew you at allYou had the grace to hold yourselfWhile those ar...

Elton John - Candy By The Pound
Well I'm keeping off the streets since you came to townSince you claimed my heart from the lost and found...

Elton John - Can I Put You On
Also available on the album Rare MastersI work for the foundry for a penny and a half a dayLike a blin...

Elton John - Can You Feel The Love Tonight
There's a calm surrender to the rush of dayWhen the heat of a rolling wind can be turned awayAn enchan...

Elton John - Chameleon
The last I heard of youYou were somewhere on a cruise in the MediterraneanSo imagine my surprise to se...

Elton John - Chasing The Crown
I built a wall in China, I sank an ocean linerI've wrecked homes, I've burned thrones, chasing the crown...

Elton John - Circle Of Life
From the day we arrive on the planetAnd blinking, step into the sunThere's more to be seen than can ev...

Elton John - Cold As Christmas (in The Middle Of The Year)
We still sit at separate tablesAnd we sleep at different timesAnd the warm wind in the palm trees...

Elton John - Come And Get It
If you want it, here it is, come and get itMake your mind up fastIf you want it anytime, I can give it...

Elton John - Come Down In Time
In the quiet silent seconds I turned off the light switchAnd I came down to meet you in the half light the m...

Elton John - Cottonfields
When I was a little bitty babyMy Momma done rocked me in the cradleIn them old cottonfields back home...

Elton John - Country Comfort
Soon the pines will be falling everywhereVillage children fight each other for a shareAnd the 6:09 goe...

Elton John - Crazy Water
On a bench, on the beachJust before the sun had goneI tried to reach youPlain faced and falling ...

Elton John - Crocodile Rock
I remember when rock was youngMe and Suzie had so much funholding hands and skimming stonesHad a...

Elton John - Crystal
We're caught up in a web, you and ISince Crystal came between usThe knots of friendship seem to be unt...

Elton John - Cry To Heaven
I found a black beret on the street todayIt was lying in the gutter all tornThere's a white flag flyin...

Elton John - Dan Dare (pilot Of The Future)
Can you tell me how old Dan might have done itIf he'd been here now, holy cowMy stars might have been ...

Elton John - Daniel
Daniel is travelling tonight on a planeI can see the red tail lights heading for SpainOh and I can see...

Elton John - Dark Diamond
Oh, I'm a dark diamondI've turned hard and coldOnce was a jewel with fire in my soulThere's two ...

Elton John - Dear God
Dear God, are you thereCan you hear me, do you careDear God, here are weLess than perfect, far f...

Elton John - Dear John
I got home todayTook a look aroundTrying to find that girl of mineShe could not be found...

Elton John - Did He Shoot Her?
Sling your hook in with him babyHe's a real sharp-shooter nowIf he's out there hiding in the tall gras...

Elton John - Dirty Little Girl
I've seen a lot of women who haven't had much luckI've seen you looking like you've been run down by a truck...

Elton John - Dixie Lily
Showboat coming up the riverSee her lanterns flicker in the gentle breezeI can hear the crickets singi...

Elton John - Don't Trust That Woman
She's a real ball-buster, don't trust herShe's in a most peculiar phaseYou can rear end her oh it'll s...

Elton John - Durban Deep
I won't see you `till ChristmasI breathe coal dust, I get blistersBut the foreman he don't worry...

Elton John - Elderberry Wine
There's a fly in the windowA dog in the yardAnd a year since I saw youThere's a trunk in the cor...

Elton John - Elton's Song
Staring all aloneAnd your grace and styleCut me to the boneWith your razor blade smileI wa...

Elton John - Emily
The church bells ring out morning gloryWhen summer bends to the winter's rageEmily walks through the c...

Elton John - Empty Sky
I'm not a rat to be spat on locked up in this roomThose bars that look towards the sun at night look towards...

Elton John - Fascist Faces
I read about how you're slow with the truthLike any old Aesop's FableBut when you're turtlesque, I'm a...

Elton John - Feed Me
Don't close the shadesI'm scared of the darknessI'm cold as a razor bladeInches from madness...

Elton John - Fisrt Episode At Hienton
I was one as you were oneAnd we were two so much in love foreverI loved the white socks that you wore...

Elton John - Freaks In Love
Me and you we're not that prettyMe and you could use a liftI'm out here on the corner cryingI go...

Elton John - Georgia
When it's springtime down in GeorgiaIt's winter time up in MaineYou can go from snow to sunshine...

Elton John - Give Me The Love
You've been crying, and I'm crazy about youI've been lying, and hanging you up, `causeI'm deep on the ...

Elton John - Go It Alone
It's so hard to say goodbyeWhen there's nothing left to giveWhen this house is just a hill of bones...

Elton John - Goodbye
And now that it's all overThe birds can nest againI'll only snow when the sun comes outI'll shin...

Elton John - Goodbye Marlon Brando
Say goodbye to loneliness, say goodbye to Marlon BrandoSay goodbye to latitudes and the confusion that surro...

Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
When are you gonna come downWhen are you going to landI should have stayed on the farmI should h...

Elton John - Good Morning Freedom
Good morning world, it's a brand new dayI'm packing my bags and I'm going awayI'm moving my legs and m...

Elton John - Go On And On
On and OnOn and OnShe broke my heart, he hurt me tooThat's something that only unworthy so...

Elton John - (gotta Get A) Meal Ticket
I can hound you if I need toSip your brandy from a crystal shoeIn the corner, in the cornerWhile...

Elton John - Grey Seal
Why's it never light on my lawnWhy does it rain and never say good-day to the new-bornOn the big scree...

Elton John - Grimsby
As I lay dreaming in my bedAcross the great divideI thought I heard the trawler boatsReturning o...

Elton John - Gulliver
Gulliver's gone to the final command of his masterHis watery eyes had washed all the hills with his laughter...

Elton John - Hard Luck Story
Sometimes I think I'm going crazyStaring at the same four wallsWaiting for the working day to end...

Elton John - Harmony
Hello, baby helloHaven't seen your face for a whileHave you quit doing time for meOr are you sti...

Elton John - Have Mercy On The Criminal
Have you heard the dogs at nightSomewhere on the hillChasing some poor criminalAnd I guess they'...

Elton John - Heart In The Right Place
I've got a good by-line, they all know my nameThe queen of the sly line, I feed on your fameBut I got ...

Elton John - Heavy Traffic
Shakey wake up thirsty from a night in the barAnd snake hips Joe is Mr. CoolOut on the boulevard...

Elton John - Heels Of The Wind
Just like a broken marriage, when two people just don't careLike when the cupboard is empty or there's no fo...

Elton John - Hercules
Ooh I got a busted wing and a hornet stingLike an out of tune guitarOoh she got Hercules on her side...

Elton John - High Flying Bird
You wore a little cross of gold around your neckI saw it as you flew between my reasonLike a raven in ...

Elton John - Holiday Inn
Boston at last and the plane's touching downOur hostess is handing the hot towels aroundFrom a termina...

Elton John - Honky Cat
When I look back boy I must have been greenBopping in the country, fishing in a streamLooking for an a...

Elton John - Hoop Of Fire
You say that all you want are the simple thingsLong walks on lonely beaches, guitars with nylon strings...

Elton John - Hymn 2000
She chose the soft centerAnd took it to bed with her motherAnd the ideal confusionWas just an il...

Elton John - I Am Your Robot
I've been beaming aboard her for a light yearFrom a strange craftShe's got a subtle touch on the silve...

Elton John - I Can't Keep This From You
I can't keep this from youI've held it in so longIt's time to tell the truthKeeping it from you ...

Elton John - I Can't Tell The Bottom From The Top
And every time I get to thinkingEvery thought of you I want to shout aloudThen I think about the love ...

Elton John - Idol
He was a light starTripping on a high wireBulldog stubborn, born unevenA classless creature, a m...

Elton John - I Don't Care
I got feet sticking out of my shoesI got heat more than I can useI got love, I got all I needI g...

Elton John - I Fall Apart
Without you I no longer swim upstreamWhere are you when I try to fill the spaces in betweenThe red let...

Elton John - If There's A God In Heaven (what's He Waiting For)
Torn from their familiesMothers go hungryTo feed their childrenBut children go hungryThere...

Elton John - If You Were Me
If you were meAnd I was youIf you had to play my part outWhat would you doTwo crazy storie...

Elton John - I'm Going To Be A Teenage Idol
Well there's slim times when my words won't rhymeAnd the hills I face are a long hard climbI just sit ...

Elton John - Indian Sunset
As I awoke this evening with the smell of wood smoke clingingLike a gentle cobweb hanging upon a painted tee...

Elton John - I Need You To Turn To
You're not a ship to carry my lifeYou are nailed to my love in many lonely nightsI've strayed from the...

Elton John - I Never Knew Her Name
Well she swept through the churchLike a sweet Sunday prayerWhile the choir sang Son of HeavenAnd...

Elton John - In The Summertime
In the summertime when the weather is highYou can stretch right up and touch the skyWhen the weather's...

Elton John - I Stop And I Breathe
We are still all rightWe took it on the chinBut in the thirteenth hourNo one ever winsBut ...

Elton John - It Ain't Gonna Be Easy
It ain't gonna be easy from now onYou've been messing around while I've been goneBut sometimes telling...

Elton John - I Think I'm Going To Kill Myself
I'm getting boredBeing part of mankindThere's not a lot to do no moreThis race is a waste of tim...

Elton John - It's All In The Game
Many a tear has to fallBut it's all in the gameAll in the wonderful gameThat we know has love...

Elton John - It's Getting Dark In Here
It's getting dark in hereDon't want to leaveShadow's fallingAnd I believeWinds picking up...

Elton John - I've Seen That Movie Too
I can see by your eyes you must be lyingWhen you think I don't have a clueBaby you're crazyIf yo...

Elton John - I've Seen The Saucers
Tune in, wouldn't it be somethingRumours spreading into panicI've seen movements in the clearing...

Elton John - Jamaica Jerk Off
When she gets up in the morningIt's enough to wake the deadOh she turning on the radioAnd dancin...

Elton John - Japanese Hands
Outside I can hear the fireworksBeyond the paper wallsWhere the symbols painted black and whiteR...

Elton John - Johnny B. Goode
Deep down in Louisiana close to New OrleansWay back up in the woods among the evergreensThere stood an...

Elton John - Just Like Belgium
Remember Belgium and the Brussels MuseumWhere we piled on the front steps like stray cavaliersOur code...

Elton John - Lady D'arbanville
My Lady D'ArbanvilleWhy do you sleep so stillI'll wake you tomorrowAnd you will be my pill, yes ...

Elton John - Lady What's Tomorrow
Look up little brotherCan you see the cloverNo not over thereA little bit left and over there...

Elton John - Leather Jackets
Do you pray to someone newWhen you're locked up in the rockIs the golden age dead and goneAre th...

Elton John - Levon
Levon wears his war wound like a crownHe calls his child Jesus'Cause he likes the nameAnd he sen...

Elton John - Li'l Frigerator
She looked so easy `cause she looked so youngWith a geisha smile made in TaiwanShe got cherry bombs in...

Elton John - Look Ma No Hands
I'll take a rainy dayTo make a champagne showerPoach some horn and tuskTo build an ivory tower...

Elton John - Love Her Like Me
You can take herMake her change her nameYou and your old moneyDance around the flameBut yo...

Elton John - Love Letters
Love letters straight from your heartKeep us so near while apartI'm not alone in the nightWhen I...

Elton John - Love Lies Bleeding
The roses in the window boxHave tilted to one sideEverything about this houseWas born to grow an...

Elton John - Love Of The Common People
Living on free food ticketsWater in the milk from the hole in the roofWhere the rain came through...

Elton John - Madman Across The Water
I can see very wellThere's a boat on the reef with a broken backAnd I can see it very wellThere'...

Elton John - Mansfield
It's a case I guess of paradise lostTen years back on the hands of the clockIn that little house on Ma...

Elton John - Medley (yell Help, Wednesday Night, Ugly)
Yell help, too many cooks and a bird in the bush, yell helpYell help, if your mirror busts and your cat gets...

Elton John - Mellow
Cool grass blowing up the passDon't you know I'm feeling mellowI love your Roman nose, the way you cur...

Elton John - Midnight Creeper
Walk a mile in my tennis shoesTina Turner gave me the highway bluesBut I don't love nobody but you hon...

Elton John - Mona Lisas And Mad Hatters
And now I knowSpanish Harlem are not just pretty words to sayI thought I knewBut now I know that...

Elton John - My Baby Loves Lovin'
My baby loves loving, my baby loves lovingShe's got what it takes, and she knows how to use itMy baby ...

Elton John - My Elusive Drug
I'm not the same as I used to beAll the things you've heard seem hard to believeHaven't always been go...

Elton John - My Fathers Gun
From this day on I own my father's gunWe dug his shallow grave beneath the sunI laid his broken body d...

Elton John - Natural Sinner
Sometimes I feel too old to work, too young to dieI'll drink my whisky, I'll keep smoking 'till I dieI...

Elton John - Neanderthal Man
I'm a neanderthal manYou're a neanderthal girlLet's make neanderthal loveIn this neanderthal wor...

Elton John - Never Gonna Fall In Love Again
Never meant to be so friendlyNever made the room look niceNever heed a word of warningNever take...

Elton John - No Shoe Strings On Louise
Lady love rides a big red CadillacBuys the hoedown show salt and beansGoes to church to pray for Lucif...

Elton John - On Dark Street
I'm staring down a mile of disappearing trackIs this the best that we could doI'm leaning through the ...

Elton John - One More Arrow
He said I want to grow upAnd look like Robert MitchumAnd I hope that when I'm goneThere'll be so...

Elton John - Original Sin
Oh, it's carnival nightAnd they're stringing the lights around youHanging paper angelsPainting l...

Elton John - Paris
Nobody left in the airport loungeThey cleaned the ashtraysTV's just wound downI've got to wait t...

Elton John - Passengers
Deny the passenger, who want to get onDeny the passenger, who want to get onDeny the passenger, who wa...

Elton John - Pinky
I don't want to wake youBut I'd like to tell you that I love youThat the candlelight fell like a cresc...

Elton John - Poor Cow
There's another one due in three month's timeShe'll have to paint the spare room blueShe'll work a lit...

Elton John - Porch Swing In Tupelo
There's a porch swing in TupeloIn the shade of the southWhere the sweet honey drips off that old hush-...

Elton John - Razor Face
Has anybody here seen Razor FaceI Heard he's back looking for a place to lay downMust be getting on...

Elton John - Religion
Well he could almost taste the moneyBut he was sitting in a den of thievesLooking for the great awaken...

Elton John - Restless
It's a hot summer night in the blackboard jungleCrime sits heavy on the city shoulderCan't get no work...

Elton John - Return To Paradise
It's paradise here where the sun meets the seaThere's nothing to fear and so much to beBut soon I must...

Elton John - Rock And Roll Madona
If anyone should see me making it down the highwayBreaking all the laws of the landWell don't you try ...

Elton John - Rocket Man (i Think It's Going To Be A Long Long Time)
She packed my bags last night pre-flightZero hour nine a.m.And I'm gonna be high as a kite by then...

Elton John - Rotten Peaches
We've moved on six miles from where we were yesterdayAnd yesterday is but a long long ways awaySo we'l...

Elton John - Roy Rodgers
Sometimes you dream, sometimes it seemsThere's nothing there at allYou just seem older than yesterday...

Elton John - Sails
I viewed in my presenceMy hand on my foreheadAnd sighting the linersOf mad merchant seamen...

Elton John - Saint
You don't pass your time in limboOr hang out with the crowdSitting on the stoop like a little girl...

Elton John - Salvation
I have to say my friendsThis road goes a long, long wayAnd if we're going to find the endWe're g...

Elton John - Satellite
Well you come on like a comet, ideas in your headStarving for affection, waiting to be fedCrazy ...

Elton John - Saturday Night's Alright (for Fighting)
It's getting late have you seen my matesMa tell me when the boys get hereIt's seven o'clock and I want...

Elton John - Shine On Through
Oh my loveI have cursed the stars aboveThat lead my heart to youBut as hard as I tryStill ...

Elton John - Shooting Star
I'm still in love with you oh shooting starAnd when I start to wonder where you areThere you are, ther...

Elton John - Shoulder Holster
Now it was just like Frankie and JohnnyAnd it was just like Stagger LeeDolly Summers was a simple girl...

Elton John - Since God Invented Girls
The mother of invention made it good for meTighter in the rearLonger in the seamKicked out yards...

Elton John - Sixty Years On
Who'll walk me down to church when I'm sixty years of ageWhen the ragged dog they gave me has been ten years...

Elton John - Skyline Pigeon
Turn me loose from your handsLet me fly to distant landsOver green fields, trees and mountainsFl...

Elton John - Slave
There's a river running sweat right through our landDriven by a man with a bullwhip in his handAnd I'v...

Elton John - Slow Down Georgie (she's Poison)
Hey there Georgie got a couple of things to sayOne you're my friend, and two it's hurting meSeeing you...

Elton John - Slow Rivers
The weather man he looks confusedShakes his fist at the sky like you used to doBut you don't remember ...

Elton John - Social Disease
My bulldog is barking in the backyardEnough to raise a dead man from his graveAnd I can't concentrate ...

Elton John - Solar Prestige A Gammon
Oh ma cameo molestingKee pa a poorer for teaSolar prestige a gammonLantern or turbert paw kwee...

Elton John - Someone's Final Song
He died when the house was emptyWhen the maid had goneHe put a pen to paper for one final songHe...

Elton John - Son Of Your Father
I'll catch the tramline in the morningWith your leave Van Bushell saidHe had further heard the cock cr...

Elton John - Soul Glove
You say today was not so easyPressure tends to get the best of youWell don't let them break your spiri...

Elton John - Spiteful Child
I don't want to worry you none but I got the hurt on the runI just cut out the poison that was in me so long...

Elton John - Spotlight
Night life, hot spot lightI've gotta make them dance tonightNight life, hot spot lightI really w...

Elton John - Stinker
Say what you will but I'm a stinkerI come crawling up out of my holeDirt in my toes, dirt up my nose...

Elton John - Stones Throw From Hurtin'
Help me informationGet emotion on the lineThis war that's raging in my heart'sGetting harder all...

Elton John - Street Boogie
Street guys, walking, dancingSidewalk, music, hot thingThey got their boxes tuned into their favorite ...

Elton John - Street Kids
They must have had the whole thing plannedThere must have been a hundredIf we make a standI thin...

Elton John - Susie (dramas)
I got frostbitten in the winterIce skating on the riverWith my pretty little black-eyed girlShe'...

Elton John - Sweat It Out
No ceiling on hard livingPeace keepers keep on breathingCan't deny eye for eyeIt's open season...

Elton John - Sweet Painted Lady
I'm back on dry land once againOpportunity awaits me like a rat in the drainWe're all hunting honey wi...

Elton John - Take Me Back
If you want my loving take me backIf you miss my touch little girl take me backWhen the dreams you lea...

Elton John - Take Me To The Pilot
If you feel that it's real I'm on trialAnd I'm here in your prisonLike a coin in your mintI am d...

Elton John - Talking Old Soldiers
Why hello, say can I buy you another glass of beerWell thanks a lot that's kind of you, it's nice to know yo...

Elton John - Teacher I Need You
I was sitting in the classroomTrying to look intelligentIn case the teacher looked at meShe was ...

Elton John - Tear Drops
Whenever I hear good-byeReminds me, baby, of youI break down and cryThe next time I'll be true, ...

Elton John - Tell Me What The Papers Say
I spy headlines, newsprint tells liesTell me what the papers saySave lives don't drive, everybody's go...

Elton John - Tell Me When The Whistle Blows
There's a dusty old gutter he's lying in nowHe's blind and he's oldAnd there's a bottle that rolls dow...

Elton John - Texan Love Song
I heard from a friend you'd been messing aroundWith a cute little thing I'd been dating uptownWell I d...

Elton John - The Ballad Of Danny Bailey
Some punk with a shotgun killed young Danny BaileyIn cold blood, in the lobby of a downtown motelKille...

Elton John - The Cage
Have you ever lived in a cageWhere you live to be whipped and be tamedFor I've never loved in a cage...

Elton John - The Camera Never Lies
I see you tempt the nightI see you take a biteYou can tell me you were homeBut the camera never ...

Elton John - The Emperor's New Clothes
We bet on our lives and we bet on the horsesIn that upstairs apartmentOn Orlando and 4thAnd the ...

Elton John - The Fox
Being wiry and thinking loudlyAbout the things sent to make you moveYou can't help it, there's no one ...

Elton John - The Greatest Discovery
Peering out of tiny eyesThe grubby hands that gripped the railWiped the window clean of frostAs ...

Elton John - The King Must Die
No man's a jester playing ShakespeareRound your throne room floorWhile the juggler's act is danced upo...

Elton John - The North
Have you seen the NorthThat cold grey placeDon't want its shadow anymoreOn my faceA man gr...

Elton John - The Scaffold
In Orient where wise I wasTo please the way I liveCome give the beggar chance at handHis life is...

Elton John - The Wasteland
Some days I think it's all a dreamThe things I've done, the places that I've beenThis life of mine see...

Elton John - The Wide-eyed And Laughing
Are you still in control of the boat that you rowOr do you still cling to me when its sinkingI never c...

Elton John - They Call Her The Cat
She threw back that shiny hairLike the mane on a Delta queenGonna spend my last dime on a telephone ca...

Elton John - This Song Has No Title
Tune me in to the wild side of lifeI'm an innocent young child sharp as a knifeTake me to the garretts...

Elton John - This Town
It's closing time the boys are all together at the barStaring in their glassesLooks like another layof...

Elton John - Thunder In The Night
Ain't no loving tonightMy woman says she ain't my womanI sure put up a fightTo keep it right...

Elton John - Ticking
"An extremely quiet child" they called you in your school reports"He's always taken interest in the subjects...

Elton John - Tiny Dancer
Blue jean baby, L.A. lady, seamstress for the bandPretty eyed, pirate smile, you'll marry a music manB...

Elton John - Too Low For Zero
Six o'clock alarmI get the wake up callLet that sucker jingle-jangleRing right off the wall...

Elton John - Too Many Tears
Did you see the first man on the moon?Have you seen the first light of day?When there wasn't someone s...

Elton John - Too Young
Your mother's eyes look straight through meWhenever we meetYour father swears it'll never beAs l...

Elton John - Tower Of Babel
Snow, cement and ivory young towersSomeone called us BabylonThose hungry huntersTracking down th...

Elton John - Town Of Plenty
I'll say it again this is not my cityI don't belong looking for a town of plentyThere weren't these th...

Elton John - Travellin' Band
737 coming out of the skyWon't you take me down to Memphis on a midnight rideI want to move, yeah...

Elton John - Turn The Lights Out When You Leave
Your bags out on the bedYour closet's all cleared outYou say you're goin' to Jacksonville'Cause ...

Elton John - Two Rooms At The End Of The World
Through a mutual agreement, we got that aching feelingTo look up one another one more timeTracking dow...

Elton John - Understanding Women
Rolling over trying to sleepAnd understanding womenThinking of you out there somewhereLooking fo...

Elton John - United We Stand
There's nowhere in the world that I would rather beThan with you my loveAnd there's nothing in the wor...

Elton John - Up Around The Bend
There's a place up ahead and I'm goingJust as fast as my feet can flyCome away, come away if you're go...

Elton John - Val-hala
The seadogs have all sailed their shipsInto the docks of dawnWhile the sirens sit and comb their hair...

Elton John - Victim Of Love
You said you'd never fake itYou swore we'd always make it lastAnd it sounded so realAnd I fell i...

Elton John - Warm Love In A Cold World
City boy, city girlArm in arm in our city worldA lot of love, a lot of hopeHope our love don't g...

Elton John - Weight Of The World
I'm weary and I'm staying up lateAnd the rain hits my roof so hardYou know I'm no longer thirtyT...

Elton John - Western Ford Gateway
It's hard to feel what's in your headWhere the gas lamps growAnd the garbage blowsAround the pap...

Elton John - When A Woman Doesn't Want You
She may be lostShe may be out of boundsAll her tenderness and charms could be somethingA man lik...

Elton John - When I Think About Love (i Think About You)
Holding all the pictures that my life's drawnI never find I'm missing loveRemembering all parades that...

Elton John - Where Have All The Good Times Gone?
See the changes here on every streetAs time goes marching to a different beatMoving on into the restle...

Elton John - Where's The Shoorah?
She grows, she's grown like pampasTall in the windShe's sinful and spitefulShe's all girl, woman...

Elton John - Where To Now St. Peter?
I took myself a blue canoeAnd I floated like a leafDazzling, dancingHalf enchantedIn my Me...

Elton John - White Lady White Powder
Dust settles on a thin cloudSends a fog drifting to a worn out crowdI've had my face in a mirror for t...

Elton John - Whitewash County
Tonight it's hot down hereI can almost smell the rainAnd I can almost taste the fearBehind your ...

Elton John - Who Wears These Shoes?
There's a light on in your windowThere's a shadow on the streetTwo silhouettes tell me it's over...

Elton John - Writing
Is there anything leftMaybe steak and eggsWaking up to washing upMaking up your bedLazy da...

Elton John - Yellow River
So long, boy you can take my placeI've got my papers, I've got my paySo pack my bags and I'll be on my...

Elton John - Young Gifted And Black
Young, gifted and blackOh what a lovely precious dreamTo be young, gifted and blackOpen your hea...

Elton John - Your Sister Can't Twiest (but She Can Rock N Roll)
I could really get off being in your shoesI used to be stone sold on rhythm and bluesA heard of a plac...

Elton John - Your Song
It's a little bit funny this feeling insideI'm not one of those who can easily hideI don't have much m...

Elvis Presley - A Little Less Conversation
A little less conversation, a little more action pleaseAll this aggravation ain't satisfactioning meA ...

Embrace - A Glorious Day
Who could send something so pure to lure me awayI fought the last of my breathBut you came along on a ...

Embrace - Ashes
[Verse 1]I've waited, and given the chance again,I'd do it all the same, but either wayI'...

Embrace - Gravity
Honey, It's been a long time comingAnd I can't stop nowSuch a long time runningAnd I can't stop ...

Embrace - Keeping
Keeping me up on my feet, was a love so completeI have chased, but never betteredEverything seemed lik...

Embrace - Looking As You Are
I told the Devil and the deep blue sea to hideI thought that you were after themI was rightBut i...

Embrace - Near Life
You would be wrongs for a tale so sadTo end upon a note just like thatHappy lost and still unaware...

Embrace - Out Of Nothing
Out of nothing you came to my arms and you're rightI fell every timeYou're the first and the last time...

Embrace - Someday
Someday, you're gonna see the way I see thingsBreak out the box they keep you sealed inSomeday, you fi...

Embrace - Spell It Out
Heres my list of all the things I should have said and doneThe boats I missed and all the fights I lost I re...

Embrace - Wish 'em All Away
Stars are wheeling in the sky, I guard the last of my lineLike a sleeping army I will waitSo drum the ...

Eminem - 3 Verses
I'm the illest rapper to hold a cordlessPatrolling cornersLooking for hookers to punch in the mouth wi...

Eminem - 8 Mile
[Eminem]Sometimes I just feel like, quittin I still mightWhy do I put up this fight, why do I s...

Eminem - 8 Mile Freestyle Pt.iii Vs "papa Doc"
Now everybody from the 313 Put your mothefucking hands up and follow meEverybody from the 313 Pu...

Eminem - 8 Mile Freestyle Pt.ii Vs "lotto"
[Lotto][Spoken]Yo, it's time to get rid of this coward once and for all.I'm sick o...

Eminem - 8 Mile Freestyle Vs "lickty Spilt"
[Lickety Split]This guy's a choke artistYa catch a bad oneYour better off shootin y...

Eminem - '97 Bonnie And Clyde
Just the two of us.. (8X)[Eminem]Baby your da-da loves you (hey)And I'ma always be ...

Eminem - Any Man
[Eminem]Hi!Original Bad Boy on the case, cover your faceCame in the place blowed, and spr...

Eminem - As The World Turns
[Chorus: Repeat 2X]I dont know why this world keep turningRound and RoundBut I wish...

Eminem - Backstabber
[Police voice:]Attention all units, attention all unitsWe have an All Points Bulletin out on a ...

Eminem - Bad Influence
[Chorus One]{Just pull the plug!}People say that I'm a bad influenceI say the world's alr...

Eminem - Brain Damage
[Doctor] Scalpel[Nurse] Here[Doctor] Sponge[Nurse] Here[D...

Eminem - Bully
[Intro]Yo, check it out, it's fucked up, and I don't see either one of us budging[Vers...

Eminem - Business
Marshall, sounds like an SOS...Holy wack, unlyrical lyrics Andre, you're fuckin' right...T...

Eminem - Can I Bitch
[in a high falsetto voice]Uncle Marshall!Will you tell us a bedtime story?[regular voi...

Eminem - Cleanin Out My Closet
Where's my snare, I have no snare in my headphones, there ya' go, yeah, yo', yo'...Have you ever been ...

Eminem - Criminal
[Eminem]A lot of people ask me.. stupid fuckin questionsA lot of people think that.. what I say...

Eminem - Cum On Everybody
[Girl]Hmm-hmm-hmhmhmmhm.. ahhh, whooooo!! Shit[Em]Yo, mic checkTesting one,...

Eminem - Curtains Close (skit)
[Ken Kaniff]Is this thing on?Where'd everybody go?Guess who's back?Back again....

Eminem - Curtains Up (encore Version)
Still on?Yo, is the mic on?Check, check, checkAlright, let's do itLet's go, come on(...

Eminem - Drug Ballad
[Girl] Yeaaah, hahahaha...whooooo, shit! [Em] (aight)[Eminem] Guess what? I ain't...

Eminem - Em Calls Paul (skit)
Aye yo Paul, It's EmI got your call about the Michael Jackson thingAnd I know that he's not 'thrilled'...

Eminem - Evil Deeds
Lord please forgive me for what I doFor I know not what I've done[Chorus]Father ple...

Eminem - Final Thought (skit)
[People chanting eminem][Paper folding/tearing][Footsteps][Door open and...

Eminem - Hailie's Revenge
[2Pac] Get on yo knees nigga, get on yo knees and pray [radio tuning in]...

Eminem - Hailie's Song
[Intro - Spoken]Yo, I can't sing itI feel like singin'I wanna fuckin' singCuz I'm h...

Eminem - If I Had...
Life.. by Marshall MathersWhat is life?Life is like a big obstacleput in front of your optical t...

Eminem - I Love You More
[Intro]You still love me?Take this. [2 guns cock]You ready? 1.. 2.. 3! [2 shots...

Eminem - I'm Back
[Chorus: Eminem repeat 4X]That's why they call me Slim Shady (I'm Back) I'm Back (I'm Bac...

Eminem - I'm Shady
[Eminem]Who came through with two glocks to terrorize your borough (huh?)Told you how to slap d...

Eminem - Infinite
Oh yeah, this is Eminem baby, back up in that motherfucking assOne time for your mother fucking mind, we rep...

Eminem - Invasion (the Realest)
"So let's get down to businessI don't got no time to play around, what is this?"[scratching]...

Eminem - Jealousy Woes Ii
Men singing:Jealous! (8X)[Girls voice: (Talking over the singing)]Jealous!?! What ...

Eminem - Just Don't Give A Fuck
[Intro: Frogg]Whoah!A get your hands in the air, and get to clappin 'emand like, ba...

Eminem - Just The Two Of Us
Just the two of us.. (8X)[Eminem]Baby your da-da loves you (hey)And I'ma always be ...

Eminem - Kill You
[Eminem]When I was just a little baby boy,my momma used to tell me these crazy thingsShe ...

Eminem - Kim
[Eminem]Aww look at daddy's baby girlThat's daddy babyLittle sleepy headYesterday I...

Eminem - Low, Down, Dirty
Warning, this shit's gon be rated R, restrictedYou see this bullet hole in my neck? It's self inflicted...

Eminem - Marshall Mathers
[Eminem]You know I just don't get itLast year I was nobodyThis year I'm sellin records...

Eminem - Monkey See, Monkey Do
[intro][laughing]ay yo 50what i tell youwe aint even have to say shitt...

Eminem - Murder Murder
[CHORUS]All I see is murder murder, my mind state - [2Pac]Makes it too late for cops in ...

Eminem - Murder Murder (remix)
[Chorus: Eminem (repeat 4X)]It's murder she wrote (it's murder she wrote)It wasn't nuttin...

Eminem - My Fault
[Eminem does the voices of all characters in the song][G - Eminem as Susan (the girl)]...

Eminem - My Name Is (bootleg Version)
[Chorus: repeat 2X]Hi! My name is.. (what?) My name is.. (who?)My name is.. {scratches}...

Eminem - My Name Is.. (radio/video Edit)
[Chorus: repeat 2X]Hi! My name is.. (what?) My name is.. (who?)My name is.. [scratch...

Eminem - Nail In The Coffin
[Eminem]This motherfucker man, just won't shut up will you? Talk about I owe you, bitch you owe...

Eminem - Never 2 Far
Hey what up man?What up god?Ya heard?Chillen, cold as hellYes it is, hey Busta didn't come...

Eminem - Paul Rosenberg (skit)
Em, it's Paul.Listen, Joel just called me and he said you're in the fucking back behind his studio,sho...

Eminem - Paul (skit)
Hey Em, it's PaulUh, listen I just got a call from the labelAnd you're probably not gonna be surprised...

Eminem - Ricky Ticky Toc
Once you call my name out things will never be the same....They should have never let us get off foot in thi...

Eminem - Rock Bottom
A-yo! This song is dedicated to all the happy peopleAll the happy people who have real nice lives...

Eminem - Role Model
OK, I'm going to attempt to drown myself You can try this at home You can be just like me!...

Eminem - Say Goodbye Hollywood
[Chorus]Sayin' goodbye, sayin' goodbye to HollywoodSayin' goodbye, sayin' goodbye to Hollywood...

Eminem - Sing For The Moment
[Verse 1]These ideas are nightmares to white parentsWhose worst fear is a child with dyed hair ...

Eminem - Soldier
I'm a soldier, i'm a soldier, i'm a soldier, i'm a soldier...Yo', never was a thug, just infatuated wi...

Eminem - Spend Some Time
[Eminem]If there's any bitches in this room, then there's something I gotta sayFor all the fool...

Eminem - Square Dance
[Intro:]People!! It feels so good to be back. Ladies and gentleman, introducing the new and imp...

Eminem - Steve Berman (skit)
[Eminem] This muthafucka man...[Berman] It's ridiculous! I can't believe it!! Hold on... Em......

Eminem - Still Don't Give A Fuck
[Eminem]A lot of people ask me.. am I afraid of death..Hell yeah I'm afraid of deathI don...

Eminem - Stimulate
Psst... hey, listen! Lalalalala! I love my job. Whoo! Makes me feel like Superman!Can you fly? I can. ...

Eminem - Sweet Home Alabama
Well Jimmy moved in with his motherCos he ain't go no place to goAnd now i'm right back in the gutter...

Eminem - The Kids
[Mr. Mackey] (Eric Cartman)And everyone should get along..Okay children quiet down, quiet down...

Eminem - The Kiss (skit)
[Eminem] I'm gonna kill this bitch. I'm gonna kill her. I'm going to fuckin' jail, cause i'm gonna kill thi...

Eminem - Tonight
[Women Singing:]Tonight, Tonight, Tonight, Tonight, Tonight[Verse 1:]I'm get...

Eminem - Wake Up Show Freestyle
[Eminem]Yo, speed racer, 97' burgundy BlazerWanted for burglary, had to ditch the mercury trace...

Eminem - We As Americans
[Eminem singing]There's an intruderin my houseHe cut my phone-linescan't dial...

Eminem - White America
America, hahaha, we love you, how many people are proud to be citizens of this beautifulCountry of our's, th...

Eminem - Who Knew
I never knew I..I never knew I..Mic check one-twoI never knew I..Who woulda knew?I n...

Emma Bunton - A Girl Like Me
What you get is what you seeLet me tell you basicallyThis is how it's gotta beCan't - with a gir...

Emma Bunton - A World Without You
I know that you can hear the rhythm of the rainAlthough we're miles apart I know you feel my painI try...

Emma Bunton - Been There, Done That
I've been there, done thatOoh-ooh(Yeah) been there, (yeah) done that(I've been there, done that)...

Emma Bunton - Better Be Careful
I was going crazySeeing you aroundAnd baby you're askingAre we getting downCos I see...

Emma Bunton - Breathing
Everything you say is lost out in the coldA distant memory of the times I've been aloneI don't know yo...

Emma Bunton - Crickets Sing For Anamaria
Hey Maria Papa saidYou better go to bedMaria Mama saidYou better go to bedAnd little siste...

Emma Bunton - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
So don't go breaking my heartI couldn't if I triedAnd Honey if I get restlessBaby you're not tha...

Emma Bunton - Free Me
Being with youLonging for something to happenBiting my tongueHoping to get a reactionAtmos...

Emma Bunton - (hey You) Free Up Your Mind
Hey you over there, know you gotta problem but dont dispairsee me, I had no soul, till I found myself with t...

Emma Bunton - High On Love
Well I know that you're with me when I'm sleepingAnd I know that you hear me when I'm speakingNo I'm, ...

Emma Bunton - I'll Be There
Farewell the days, Come melt the ice, on many a cold heart.Till the clouds roll inAnd then you'l...

Emma Bunton - Lay Your Love On Me
You, me, inseparableWhen we touch, when we kissI'm in heaven babyAin't this incredibleI ca...

Emma Bunton - Maybe
Ba-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-daBa-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-daBa-da-da-da-da, ba-da-da-da-da-da...

Emma Bunton - Merry Go Round
Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeahYeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah-yeahStep right up and welcome to my showYeah...

Emma Bunton - No Sign Of Life
I wake up crying and I think of uThere's something dying and my world lines broken in twoA voice says ...

Emma Bunton - She Was A Friend Of Mine
Ooh yeahOh-oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-ehOh-oh, yeah-yeah-yeah-ehI trusted her with him...

Emma Bunton - So Long
Day after dayI can hear you thinking of words you just won't saySo out of my wayWill it hurt; wh...

Emma Bunton - Something So Beautiful
All the simple things you say (never gone away)Take all my breath awaySo why I come back to stay...

Emma Bunton - Spell It O.u.t.
If I spell it O U TWill you get the message finallyI don't wanna fight you seeBut it's the end f...

Emma Bunton - Sunshine On A Rainy Day
Yeah, yeahOoh, ooh-oohI see you in the darknessI see you in the lightI see your eyes...

Emma Bunton - Take My Breath Away
If I told you how I feel about youWould you say the same andIf I wrote it in a letterWould you k...

Emma Bunton - Takin' It Easy
When I close my eyesThe feeling of sunshine awakesColors in my mindEverything else melts away...

Emma Bunton - Tonight's The Night (gonna Be Alright)
Stay away from my window Stay away from my back door too Disconnect the telephone line Relax bab...

Emma Bunton - We're Not Gonna Sleep Tonight
Ooh, uh-huh, yeahSomething 'bout your friends are always there for youHelp you with your bedtime...

Emma Bunton - What I Am
I'm not aware of too many things I know what I know, if you know what I mean Philosophy is the talk on...

Emma Bunton - What Took You So Long?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.Oh, talk to me, can't you seeI'll help you work things out.Oh, don't wann...

Emma Bunton - Where Did Our Love Go?
Baby, baby, babyBaby don't leave meOoh, please don't leave meAll by myselfI've got t...

Emma Bunton - You Are
All the simple things that you do to me make me feel so rightI've been waiting for a man like you for all my...

Enigma - Age Of Loneliness
Tosonguyn Oroygoor Toosrood Carly don't be sadLife is crazyLife is madDon't be afraid ...

Enigma - Between Mind & Heart
It's hard to find the balance when you are in love. You're lost in the middle cause you have to decide betwe...

Enigma - Beyond The Invisible
I look into the mirrorSee myself, I'm over meI need space for my desiresHave to dive into my fan...

Enigma - Callas Went Away
Callas went awaybut her voice forever stayCallas went away She went away Ah! je les ...

Enigma - Camera Obscura
In reverse mode Cause we are the fightersJust fighting for our rights Stand up, join us, modern ...

Enigma - Find Love
The principles of lustare easy to understanddo what you feelfeel until the end the princi...

Enigma - Following The Sun
Following The Sun, To Find The OneWho`s Giving You The Wings To FlyFollowing The Sun, The Golden One...

Enigma - Gravity Of Love
"O Fortunavelut Luna" "O Fortunelike the Moon" Turn around and smell what you don't see Cl...

Enigma - Hallelujah
Turn off the light take a deep breathand relax Turn off the light relax take a d...

Enigma - I Love You...i'kill You
I see love, I can see passionI feel danger, I feel obsessionDon't play games with the ones who love yo...

Enigma - Incognito
Like A Shadow On The WallIf You Come or If You GoNot protected by The LawBut Still... Incognito...

Enigma - In The Shadow, In The Light
I promise you, for all my lifeI'll be Always on your sideIn the shadow, in the light.I'll ...

Enigma - Knocking On Forbidden Doors
Eia, ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos ad nos converte Et Iesum, benedictum fructum vent...

Enigma - Le Roi Est Mort, Vive Le Roi
X RAY Delta 1This is Mission Control.Roger you are one niner-three zero Things are changing...

Enigma - Look Of Today
Come in and see the newest thingsFeel what just money can bringDon't you know, that's the load of toda...

Enigma - Mea Culpa
Kyrie eleisonChriste eleison Je ne dors plus (The time hascome) Je te desire(...

Enigma - Mea Culpa (fading Shades Mix)
Turn off the light,take a deep breath and relax O Sacrum Conviviumrecolitur passionis eius ...

Enigma - Modern Crusaders
Don't look back The time has comeAll the pain turns into love We're not submissive, we're not ...

Enigma - Morphing Thru Time
Earth. A biosphere.A complex,subtly balanced life support system. et turtur nidum,ubi rep...

Enigma - Odyssey Of The Mind
Things are changingBut nothing changesAnd still there are changesLe roi est mort, vive le roi! ...

Enigma - Out From The Deep
We came out from the deepTo learn to love, to learn how to liveWe came out from the deepTo avoid...

Enigma - Prism Of Life
I am hunted by the futureWill the future be my past?Or is time a fade out pictureOf my everlasti...

Enigma - Push The Limits
Basic instincts, social lifeParadoxes side by side Don't submit to stupid rulesBe yourself and n...

Enigma - Return To Innocence
That's not the beginning of the endThat's the return to yourselfThe return to innocenceLove - De...

Enigma - Sadeness
Procedamus in paceIn nomine Christi, Amen Let us go forth in peaceIn the name of Christ, So be it ...

Enigma - Sadeness (reprise)
Cum angelis et pueris, fideles inveniamur Sade dit moiSade donnes moiSade dit moi Hosanna ...

Enigma - Second Chapter
We came out from the deepto help and understand but not to kill It takes many lives till we succeed...

Enigma - Silence Must Be Heard
Look into the others eyes, many frustrations Read between the lines, no words just vibrations Don't ig...

Enigma - Silent Warrior
Long ago, for many yearsWhite men came in the name of GODThey took their land, they took their lives...

Enigma - Smell Of Desire
Je ne dors plus Je suis folle. Je m'abandonne I can't sleep anymoreI am crazyI am letting...

Enigma - The Child In Us
prasanna vadanaaM saubhaagyadaaM bhaagyadaaMhastaabhyaaM abhayapradaaM maNigaNair-naanaavidhair-bhuush...

Enigma - The Cross Of Changes
If you understand or if you don'tIf you believe or if you doubtThere's a universal justiceAnd th...

Enigma - The Dream Of The Dolphin
In every colour there's the light.In every stone sleeps a crystal.Remember the Shaman, when he used to...

Enigma - The Eyes Of Truth
The Eyes of Truthare always watching you Alsyn Gazryn ZeregleennAduu shig mal shig torolzonoo...

Enigma - The Gate
Closest approach to earth 34,600,000 miles Mean distance from the sun 141,600,000 miles Me...

Enigma - The Rivers Of Belief
Take me back to the rivers of beliefTake me back to the rivers of beliefmy friend I look ins...

Enigma - The Roundabout
Life is a wheel of changesBut changes are lifeAnd someday we will have to say good byeBut our sp...

Enigma - The Screen Behind The Mirror
Here's the mirrorBehind there is a screenTurn around On both ways you can get inThe experi...

Enigma - The Voice And The Snake
The first bowl on the earththe second bowl on the seathe third bowl on the riversthe fourth bowl...

Enigma - The Voice Of Enigma
Good evening This is the voice of Enigma In the next hourwe will take you with usint...

Enigma - Third Of Its Kind
The first is the fatherThe second is the motherAnd the third is the child ...

Enigma - T.n.t. For The Brain
Smell your skinFeel your breathYou on my sideI couldn't resist I hope I'll understand som...

Enigma - Total Eclipse Of The Moon
Miles Away From Light At NoonTotal Eclipse Of The MoonMany Reasons To Believe In LifeJust Listen...

Enigma - Voyageur
Viens chez moi voyageurViens, viens voyageurViens, viens chez moi voyageurJe t'attends, je t'att...

Enigma - Way To Eternity
...quem quaerimus adjutorem, nisi te, Domine... Sancte Deus, Sancte fortis, Sancte misericors Salvator, ...

Enigma - Weightless
Weightless, my baby's asleepSome things just disappear...Weightless, my baby's asleepFloat...

Enigma - Why! ...
I was childish and unfairTo you, my only friendI regret, but now it's too late I can't show y...

Enrique Iglesias - Addicted
Have I told you how good it feels to be me,when I'm in you?I can only stay cleanwhen you are aro...

Enrique Iglesias - Addicto
Cada dia al nacer, cada gota del mar.Se muere en mi.Solo se repirar...Y me envuelve la paz....

Enrique Iglesias - Al Despertar
Mirame Cuando te digo que te quieroY besame como si fuera la primera vezAbrazame Y no me s...

Enrique Iglesias - Bailamos
Tonight we dance,I leave my life in your hands.We take the floor,Nothing is forbidden anymore....

Enrique Iglesias - Break Me, Shake Me
OW!Ha haha ha ah... [x2]Anything you want,But never find the heart to leave me,Caus...

Enrique Iglesias - California Callin'
Driving through the night,Tears are running down my face,I start to realise, all the things that i onc...

Enrique Iglesias - Chica De Ayer
Un dia cualquiera no sabes que hora es,te acuestas a mi lado sin saber por qu. Las calles mojadas te h...

Enrique Iglesias - Cosas Del Amor
Que me importa el Calvariosi amarte es sufrir,o que juegues con cartas marcadas.Lo que importa e...

Enrique Iglesias - Could I Have This Kiss Forever
Over and over I look in your eyesyou are all I desireyou have captured meI want to hold you...

Enrique Iglesias - Desnudo
?Que te puedo dar, que tu no tengas,diosa de las diosas?. Solo, di.?Que prontito vas a dar...

Enrique Iglesias - El Muro
Quisiera acercarme a tiY no me atrevoY se que tu lo deseasIgual o masQuisiera oirte decir...

Enrique Iglesias - Enamorado Por Primera Vez
Cuanto silencioEn esta vieja habitaciondesde que te fuiste de mi vidasigo esperandoque el ...

Enrique Iglesias - Experiencia Religiosa
Un poco de ti para sobrevivirEsta noche ue viene fria y solaUn aire de extasis en la ventanaPara...

Enrique Iglesias - Falta Tanto Amor
Dime quien esNo me puedes mentirTe has enamorado de elNo lo quieres decirDonde fue q...

Enrique Iglesias - Free
When i moan, when you're gone, i comeI wanna jump when you wanna jumpI wanna touch, where it makes you...

Enrique Iglesias - Inalcanzable
Llevo por dentro tantoas recuerdoscaricias que he quardado entre el tiempoUna palabra cubre mi e...

Enrique Iglesias - Inventame
Por ser casi de la edadPor dudar de mi verdadTe fuiste ayerDejaste en mis brazos Un amanecer...

Enrique Iglesias - Live It Up Tonight
We're strong, we're weak, we're tiredWe're straight, we're gay, we're biWe're black, we're white - why...

Enrique Iglesias - Lluvia Cae
Ella cuando baila ay me pongo tan nerviosoMi sangre se dispara y me vuelvo peligrosoElla s...

Enrique Iglesias - Mamacita
Unos en el barro la sancionanotros con su cuerpo se obsesionanElla pasa y no se mortificacuando ...

Enrique Iglesias - Marta
Marta se viste en mi habitacinson las 6 de la maanaya sale el solSu ropa tirada por todo el suel...

Enrique Iglesias - Mas Es Amar
Pasas desnuda ante mi celdaMejor callar y que no me entiendasEres la reina en cualquier lugar Y ...

Enrique Iglesias - Mentiroso
Yo no soy aquelque t te imaginabas,yo no soy aquelque el mundo te ofreci,en el que t ciega...

Enrique Iglesias - Miente
Hoy en tu mirada hay no se que algo especialNi siquiera el beso tan de amor fue naturalFue...

Enrique Iglesias - Muneca Cruel
Un dia mas y tu no estas aquiNo me concentro tan solo pienso en tiDicen que bastaQue es ho...

Enrique Iglesias - No Llores Por Mi
Hay una cosa que te tengo que decirMientra estabas lejosOtra estuvo aquiTodo paso tan rapi...

Enrique Iglesias - No Puedo Mas Sin Ti
Puede que te alejes anos luz de miPuede que te besen otros labios alli,Pero estoy yo, siempre yo. ...

Enrique Iglesias - Not In Love
Are you ready?You call me on the phoneI act like nothings going onWe're drivng in my car...

Enrique Iglesias - Para Qu La Vida
Han pasado quince dias y seis horasdesde que te fuistes de mi vida.Lloro por las noches y duermo por e...

Enrique Iglesias - Pienso En T
Cuando siento que mi vida se deslizay la soledad me come da a da,Pienso en t... Pienso en t... C...

Enrique Iglesias - Por Amarte
Amar es una cosa especial No es un viene y vaAmar solo te pasa una vezpero de verdad Amar ...

Enrique Iglesias - Quizs
Hola viejo dime cmo ests,los aos pasan y no hemos vuelto a hablary no quiero que te pienses que ...

Enrique Iglesias - Revolucion
Anoche nos vimosOtra vez como siempreEn la sombra, en secreto escondidosComo dos disidentes...

Enrique Iglesias - Rhythm Divine
Rhythm Divine:Escucha el ritmo de tu corazon (Whispered)From the coast of Ipanema to the I...

Enrique Iglesias - Ritmo Total
Desde el mar en IpanemaHasta el cielo de Tahiti,Bajo el sol de Kuala LumpurAtravesare el planeta...

Enrique Iglesias - Roamer
(roamer, roamer)Hello, i'm coming at your town againHow's about a night, how's about a flight supernov...

Enrique Iglesias - Ruelta Rusa
Dime princesa de hielo ?donde vas?Eres tan fria que ya me quemas.Eres mi alivio. Tambien m...

Enrique Iglesias - Sad Eyes
Every day here you come walkingI hold my tongue, I don't do much talkingYou say you're happy and you'...

Enrique Iglesias - Say It
Oh Ohoh ohohohohOh Ohoh ohohohoh oh oh yeah......Dont tell me,If your leaving in the morni...

Enrique Iglesias - Si Juras Regrasar
Si juras regresarSi prometes volverCon los ojos cerradosTe creereSi juras regresarSi...

Enrique Iglesias - Sirena
Dejame un rincon bajo tu cieloy ojala no vuelva a amanecer.Llevame contigo, te lo ruegopara no v...

Enrique Iglesias - Si Tu Te Vas
Si tu te vasTe lleveras mi corazonY yo sin tiya no se por donde irSi tu te vasNunca ...

Enrique Iglesias - Solo En Ti
Se abre una ventana interiorEs una historia de amorque se ha idoTodo fue un momento ayerY ...

Enrique Iglesias - Solo Me Importas Tu
Lunes gris, me siento mal Con las horas, y siempre igual Yo se que solo tu voz me salvara Las ca...

Enrique Iglesias - Sultame Las Riendas
Bailamos un poquito en la oscuridadte voy tocando un poco cada vez un poco msperdemos la verguenza y t...

Enrique Iglesias - The Way You Touch Me
Touch meIt's the way we touch,Oh feel it, oh feel it,I was alone, waiting with...

Enrique Iglesias - Trapecista
Saliste de entre el fondo de la nocheY cruzaste mi puerta palidaTe temblaba tu piel como una hoj...

Enrique Iglesias - Tu Vacio
Todo lo que hago es por tiTodo lo que tengo me lo has dadaTodas tus palabras son de amorMi unico...

Enrique Iglesias - Vivire Y Morire
A lo mejor no te has dado ni cuentaDe que tu y yo ya no somos como ayerA lo mejor es que tienes miedo...

Enrique Iglesias - Volvere
Hoy me dada cuenta por primera vezQue solo hay una como tuQue solo hay una como tuYa lo ves...

Enrique Iglesias - Wish You Were Here (with Me)
Funny how the years,They just pass us bySeems like yesterday,You were in my lifeYou always...

Enrique Iglesias - You Rock Me
Rock rock rockSwing baby swing, you're playing with my canAnd it feels rightJump baby jump...

Erasure - All This Time Still Falling Out Of Love
As a means of releasePick up my little pieces of heaven'Tis a social disease when I cryAs you he...

Erasure - Because Our Love Is Real
Sometimes when I get upsetYou chill me out and put it to restWhen I feel in dangerous timesYou m...

Erasure - Breathe
Twenty-seven times I paint the city in lightsNow I changed my mindI was living fast now I'm running on...

Erasure - Don't Say You Love Me
(Don't say you love me)(Strange things that make me die)(Don't say you love me)(Strange things t...

Erasure - Here I Go Impossible Again
How many dreams am I looking for in your eyes, in your eyesOoh baby bet it seems that you're reaching down, ...

Erasure - I Bet You're Mad At Me
Don't justifyFor what you areAnd where you've beenFor who you are tonightSo lonesome tonig...

Erasure - I Broke It All In Two
How could I have been so cruelAfter all you've done for meI should go back to schoolTo learn...

Erasure - I'll Be There
When you throw your arms around meYou know that I'll be there'Till you were lost in the way you found ...

Erasure - Let's Take One More Rocket To The Moon
Let's take one more rocket to the moonBefore we wake I'll kiss your eyes and lie betweenWhile you slee...

Erasure - No Doubt
Where it is you wont say, but it hurtsPut your lips next to mine and apartWhy wont you open your heart...

Erasure - Sweet Surrender
All the miles of glory really nothing to meIt's our love here, we are invisble againImagine how it goe...

Eric Benet - All In The Game
Why is my heart soAfraid of letting goAnd why did I push you awayIt's so simple to see...

Eric Benet - Chains
Break the chainTracy is a good girlSweet 16Her daddy's in her bedroomMakes her feel ...

Eric Benet - Come As You Are
Here in my mindReplaying every lineRemembering all of the love we madeYou told me only yesterday...

Eric Benet - Dust In The Wind
Dust in the windAll we are is dust in the windDust in the windAll we are is dust in the wind...

Eric Benet - Femininity
Ooh what you do to me (yeah yeah)Quietly your silhouette approaches meA vision far too lovely to...

Eric Benet - If You Want Me To Stay
If you want me to stayI'll be around todayAvailable for you to seeWell I'm about to goAnd ...

Eric Benet - I'll Be There
When I'm far awayCould I ever be untrue?Naw babyCould I fade awayFind somebody new?...

Eric Benet - Just Friends
This feels so wrong, I'm so confusedYou give me love, but you can't be trueYou say you need your space...

Eric Benet - Lamentation
I saw my brotherHe did me wrongHe put a gun up to my faceMy money's goneI said pleas...

Eric Benet - Let's Stay Together
I never felt the wind so coldUntil I had to walk alone (without you girl)I never knew what it was to b...

Eric Benet - Let's Stay Together (midnight Mix)
I never felt the wind so coldUntil I had to walk alone (without you girl)I never knew what it was to b...

Eric Benet - Love Don't Love Me
TimeI still don't know the reason that for all this timeI'm all alone but see it comes as no surprise...

Eric Benet - Love Of My Own
Somewhere in my memoryAn image fades from the yearsBut still I see my love and me togetherHer fa...

Eric Benet - Love The Hurt Away
Now we've been friends girl for quite a whileI've never been the kind for beggin' and pleadin'But I ca...

Eric Benet - Loving Your Best Friend
Knock knock knock who's therewho'sKnock knock knock who's thereanybodyKnock knock knock who's therewho...

Eric Benet - More Than Just A Girlfriend
Girl it's true I can't denyI've been around a couple of timesSo you're afraidThis love in ...

Eric Benet - Poetry Girl
Sing to me...She was a poetry girl I adoredLate at night I'd hear songs from her windowMyr...

Eric Benet - Something Real
[Hook:]I just wanna do something real to youLike a real brother is suppose to doTel...

Eric Benet - Spiritual Thang
Ooh girl, lover friendFrom the day we first beganFelt a connection to youSomehow can't exp...

Eric Benet - That's Just My Way
Feel me, take me in slowlySo you can understand how deep my love can goBaby your river is flowing...

Eric Benet - True To Myself
Everybody wants to rise aboveWithout a touch of dignityWithout a stroke of loveTake a litt...

Eric Benet - What If We Was Cool
What if I made some time to listen to youWhat if you made some time to hear me tooWhat if we took the ...

Eric Benet - While You Were Here
Through this veil of tearsI can see what was suppose to beNow it's all so clearLove from you was...

Eric Benet - Why You Follow Me
OhHey heyHeyLa la laHe, friend for all my lifeI would not denyLike brothers in...

Erykah Badu - A.d. 2000
No you won't be name'n no buildings after meTo go down dilapidated oohNo you won't be name'n no buildi...

Erykah Badu - Bag Lady
Bag lady you gone hurt your backDragging all them bags like thatI guess nobody ever told youAll ...

Erykah Badu - Booty
Your booty might be biggaBut I still can pull your niggaBut I don't want himYa got sugar on your...

Erykah Badu - Cleva
This is how I look without makeupAnd with no bra my ninny's sag down lowMy hair ain't never hung down ...

Erykah Badu - Danger
[Intro]The brotha's got this complex occupationThe brotha's got this complex occupationTh...

Erykah Badu - Didn't Cha Know
Oh hey...Ooh heyI'm trying to decideWhich way to goI think I made a wrong turn back ...

Erykah Badu - Green Eyes
My eyes are greenCause I eat a lot of vegetablesIt don't have nothing to do with your new friend...

Erykah Badu - Kiss Me On My Neck
I want somebody to walk up behind meAnd kiss me on my neck and breathe on my neckI want somebody to wa...

Erykah Badu - My Life
I was standing downtown, downtownStaring at the pebbles on the groundTryin to figure out a way up out ...

Erykah Badu - ... & On
A one-one, two one twoOn & on & on & onWake the fuck up 'cause it's been too longSay wait a minu...

Erykah Badu - Orange Moon
I'm an Orange MoonI'm an Orange MoonReflecting the light of the sunMany nights he was alon...

Erykah Badu - Penitentiary Blues
Here's my philosophyLivin' in a penitentiaryBrothers all on the cornerTryin' to make believe...

Erykah Badu - Southern Gul
Hmm... Yeah, show you right Come on Shing a ling shing, shing a ling shong Shing a l...

Erykah Badu - Time's A Wastin
YeahTime's a wastinDon't you take your time young manKeep on driftin andAin't no tel...

Erykah Badu - Tyrone
[Erykah] "Lets See How Ya'll Groove to this""Alright"I'm gettin' tired of your shitYou do...

Esham - All Of My Life
"Uhh... all of my life real serious... check this out... yo" All of my life I need a husband, bo...

Esham - Back In Da Day
A thug changes, and love changes and best friends become strangers A thug changes, and love changes ...

Esham - Bang
"Who's there?" "Forgive me father for I have sinned." "Yes my son You have a confession to make?" ...

Esham - Boss Up
Boss up Don't get me crossed up We like to drink the sauce up Toss money at the bar and floss up...

Esham - Can't Take That
I know how it feels to wake up fucked up With pockets on E, and bad company. I wish I had a key too op...

Esham - Ex-girlfriend
I used to love her, too bad I had to put a slug through her Dumped her body in the trash like I never knew h...

Esham - Get Doe
Meanwhile, back on the east side All i know, Get doe (keep gettin that doe) Flip another O, Get ...

Esham - Hard Times
For the suckas that hate me Keep my gun up off safety, while you actin all shady Baby, thats where the...

Esham - Mommy
Exclusive, A world premier A world premier Mommy mommy, how ya doin? Mommy mommy, how ya d...

Esham - No More Dyin'
"What if... people... didn't die no more? You know? What if we all could just live forever? You know? Imagin...

Esham - Out Cold
Now once upon a time, way back in the day There was an MC-killer by the name of E-S-H-A-M And he was k...

Esham - Soopa Doopa
I'm used to driving Benzes and Porches and Corvettes You might see me in LA on Sunset Or in Nevada, be...

Esham - Woo Woo Woo
I wanna know, are you true? Can you Woo Woo Woo Woo? They don't thug it like I do Can you Woo Wo...

Estelle - 1980
I grew up in the 1980'sIn a 4-bedroom houseMy family, my Grandma,3 or 4 AuntiesUncles and ...

Eternal - 12 Months
[{}-only on Japanese version] {I don't know why I feel this way}{Honey I think I should d...

Eternal - All My Love
If you see me walking with a smileAnd laugh all the whileIt's because I love youIf you see that ...

Eternal - Amazing Grace
Amazing [x4]Amazing graceHow sweet the soundThat saved a wretch like meI once...

Eternal - Angel Of Mine
Oh, Angel When I first saw you I already knewThere was something inside of youSomething I ...

Eternal - Crazy
What they sayThey say I'm crazy when it comes to you(No matter what they say)(No words I know ca...

Eternal - Don't Make Me Wait
Oh yeah Don't make me wait for youCome on nowDon't be a fool, just think about it baby...

Eternal - Don't Say Goodbye
I can remember the time when I first tasted loveIt tasted so good there just wasn't enoughSince you en...

Eternal - Don't You Love Me
Child goes to the store for a loaf of bread(Don't you love me, don't you love me no more)Bullets flyin...

Eternal - Faith In Love
Hmmm, hmmmLet's all have faith in loveIt's what we're dreaming of Let's all have faith in ...

Eternal - Finally
[only on Japanese version] Finally, we're back and here to stayWe're gonna make you move...

Eternal - Good Thing
Could it be magic?Could it be a fantasy?Maybe I'm dreaming'Cause it sure seems to get to me...

Eternal - Grace Under Pressure
Every time I see a child without a home of his ownOr a woman struggling to feed her family aloneOr an ...

Eternal - How Many Tears
I see myself when I look in your eyesAnd all of the sadness you're keeping insideOh baby can't you see...

Eternal - Hurry Up
Hurry up and come with me(Hmm yeah)Only love can be our destiny(Destiny)Hurry up and make ...

Eternal - I Am Blessed
Ooh, hmm Here in the silence I say a prayerThough I've never seen you somehow I know you're there...

Eternal - If You Need Me Tonight
If you need me tonight(If you need me tonight)If you need me tonight(I will be there)If yo...

Eternal - I'll Be There
I'll be there for you babyI'll be thereI'll be there for you babyI'll be there I'll ...

Eternal - I'm Still Crying
I'm still crying One final touch of your handBut I just don't understandYou're out of sigh...

Eternal - It's Never Too Late
It's never too lateIt's never too late It's never too lateThe Lord will see you through...

Eternal - It Will Never End
Hmm, oh yeah It will never end, noNever never end You and I share a lifetimeLaughter...

Eternal - I Wanna Be The Only One
[intro - album only]You know I had to come all the way to England to sing with youAhaYou ...

Eternal - Just A Step From Heaven
Tell me that we still belongTell me that the will is still aliveThere must be another chance for us to...

Eternal - Let's Stay Together
I wanna knowWhy can't we stay together Let's stay together [x3](Good, bad, ha...

Eternal - Might As Well Be Me
No more lonely nights I'm with youAnd I'm holding you tightThe wasted nights you sat and dreamed of he...

Eternal - Never Gonna Give You Up
All my life it seems my line has been setAnd this time I'm gonna play to win'Coz here you are at my fi...

Eternal - Oh Baby I...
I feel the touch of your handAnd I understand how much I need your loveYou have given me wingsAn...

Eternal - Power Of A Woman
[{} = album version only]{Come here baby}{I got something for you}{Don't you wanna ...

Eternal - Promises
Been around the worldSeen all I can see through the look in your eyeTouch my hand and I cryWhy b...

Eternal - Redemption Song
Oh pirates, yes they rob ISold I to the merchant shipsMinutes after they took IFrom the bottomle...

Eternal - Save Our Love
Save our love [x3]Do you rememberAll of the joy we found last springOh babySo...

Eternal - Secrets
I wanna know about all of your secretsAnd all that, that you've been keepingOh, tell me your secrets ...

Eternal - So Good
Could be good [x3]OohCould be good Ooh your love babyIs so sweet and good to ...

Eternal - Someday
SomedayWhen we are wiserWhen the world's olderWhen we have learnedI praySomeday we m...

Eternal - Stay
Stay [x3]Stay babyStay, come on darling nowStay, you know I want you backStay...

Eternal - Sweet Funky Thing
There's no other love like youDid you see that guy?Which one?You're soWell he looked...

Eternal - Telling You Now
I'm telling you now, it's the only way howJust thinking about itI just want to be with you'Cause...

Eternal - Think About Me
Think about, think about me (oh)Think about, think about me(Think about me, babe)Think about, th...

Eternal - This Love's For Real
It's alright(Let's go, oh baby, let's go)Hold tight(Let's go, oh baby, let's go)Tonight...

Eternal - Up To You
It's up to youIt's up to youIt's up to youIt's up to you If you make it in time...

Eternal - What Do You Mean When You Say?
Well I've cried all my tearsI've had enough time playing foolIt's the way that you walk through my lif...

Eternal - Who Are You?
Who, who (who), who, who are you baby Who's that in the corner?Is a-standing there?Is a my...

Eternal - Why Am I Waiting
(I sit here watching the clock tick)(Why am I waiting) Sitting on my bed now, waiting for you to...

Eternal - Your Smile
Your smile, oh Your smile moves meI want you to show me howWe're meant to beThe way ...

Evan And Jaron - And Then She Says
I call her up at midnightsay I'm feeling scaredboy you've got to let it goI tell her what we've ...

Evan And Jaron - Andy Warhol (3:59 Of Fame)
was he a painterunderground majorwasn't he conspiring with ralph nadersunday afternoons in centr...

Evan And Jaron - Close My Eyes
looking over the edgeI can almost see you smilebut I can't be too surelooking to the light...

Evan And Jaron - Couldn't Care Less About
I wonder how the morning camelast night I went insaneI threw some thingsI smashed some things...

Evan And Jaron - Could've Been James Dean
another cold daythree weeks in a rowI spend more time getting dressed thanwhere it is I go...

Evan And Jaron - Done Hanging On Maybe
Last night I heard the sweetest wordsBut if I wasn't' drinkingI might have remembered more of what she...

Evan And Jaron - How To Keep The Sky From Falling
seems the morning has got you downa gray window in a small towndon't you worry darlingdon't you ...

Evan And Jaron - I Could Fall
Nobody could hurt me like I know she could hurt mebut there's nothing in this world that I want moreNo...

Evan And Jaron - Is It All That Great Without Me
could you speak a little loudercause I thought I heard you saythat you need meand you're coming ...

Evan And Jaron - Like The Rain
you never smilethe way you used to doI see you tryingbut it's just not youwhat is wrong...

Evan And Jaron - Nothing And Everything
guess who came byand asked about you last nightasked if you were seeing someone elseit's no big ...

Evan And Jaron - On The Bus
You ought to know by now that I don't wait aroundDrag my heels hold my breath and hang out underground...

Evan And Jaron - Outerspace
It's lonely here in outerspaceThe nearest stars are miles awayBut I believe I'm on to something big...

Evan And Jaron - Ready Or Not
There was nothing down in my little townNo one I could beNobody there in the empty squareSoon to...

Evan And Jaron - Show You Sometime
I never shared I never caredit didn't matter muchand no one staredI didn't pretend to be someone...

Evan And Jaron - South Of Tennessee
I stare alonefor no reason at allI could've had someone with mebut didn't think to calland...

Evan And Jaron - The Distance
The sky has lost it's colorThe sun has turned to greyAt least that's how it feels to meWhenever ...

Evan And Jaron - There You Are Again
I know you know what I'm about to saybut let me tell it to you anywayalthough I never mean to let you ...

Evan And Jaron - Wouldn't It Be Nice To Be Proud
now I've found a little timeto take a look backfrom the cabooseand follow the tracks of my life...

Evan And Jaron - You Don't Know Me
I run these stories through my headof her coming homeand us just staring at each otherand we'll ...

Evanescence - Anything For You
I'd give anything to give me to youCan you forget the world that you thought you knewIf you want me,...

Evanescence - Anywhere
Dear my love, haven't you wanted to be with meAnd dear my love, haven't you longed to be freeI can't k...

Evanescence - Away From Me
I hold my breath as this life starts to take its tollI hide behind a smile as this perfect plan unfolds...

Evanescence - Before The Dawn
Meet me after dark again and I'll hold youI am nothing more than to see you thereAnd maybe tonight, we...

Evanescence - Even In Death
Give me a reason to believe that you're goneI see your shadow so I know they're all wrongMoonlight on ...

Evanescence - Everybody's Fool
perfect by natureicons of self indulgencejust what we all needmore lies about a world that...

Evanescence - Exodus
My black backpack's stuffed with broken dreams20 bucks should get me through the weekNever said a word...

Evanescence - Forever Gone, Forever You
I wanted you to be with meFor so long I don't even know why nowBut now that I've given up on you...

Evanescence - Forgive Me
Can you forgive me again?I don't know what I saidBut I didn't mean to hurt youI heard the ...

Evanescence - Give Unto Me
I've been watching you from a distance The distance sees through your disguise All I want from you is ...

Evanescence - Going Under
Now I will tell you what I've done for you50 thousand tears I've criedScreaming Deceiving and Bleeding...

Evanescence - Goodnight
Goodnight, sleep tightNo more tearsIn the morning I'll be hereAnd when we say goodnight,Dr...

Evanescence - Haunted
Long lost words whisper slowly to meStill can't find what keeps me hereWhen all this time I've been so...

Evanescence - Imaginary
I linger in the doorwayOf alarm clock screamingMonsters calling my nameLet me stayWhere th...

Evanescence - Imaginary (origin)
Swallowed up in the sound of my screamingCannot cease for the fear of silent nightsOh how I long for t...

Evanescence - I Must Be Dreaming
How can I pretend that I don't seeWhat you hide so carelessly? I saw her bleedYou heard me breat...

Evanescence - Lies
Bound at every limb by my shackles of fearSealed with lies through so many tearsLost from within, purs...

Evanescence - Missing
Please, please forgive me,But I won't be home again.Maybe someday you'll look up,And, barely con...

Evanescence - My Last Breath
hold on to me loveyou know i can't stay longall i wanted to say was i love you and i'm not afraid...

Evanescence - October
I can't run anymore,I fall before you,Here I am,I have nothing left,Though I've tried to f...

Evanescence - So Close
I've spent so much time throwing rocks at your windowThat I never even knocked on the front door...

Evanescence - Solitude
How many times have you told me you love herAs many times as I've wanted to tell you the truthHow long...

Evanescence - Taking Over Me
you don't remember me but i remember youi lie awake and try so hard not to think of youbut who can dec...

Evanescence - Tourniquet
i tried to kill the painbut only brought morei lay dyingand i'm pouring crimson regret and betra...

Evanescence - Understanding (wash It All Away)
"You hold the answers deep within your own mind.Consciously, you've forgotten it.That's the way the hu...

Evanescence - Where Will You Go
Youre too important for anyoneYou play the role of all you long to beBut I, I know who you really are...

Evanescence - Whisper
Catch me as I fallSay you're here and it's all over nowSpeaking to the atmosphereNo one's here a...

Evanescence - You
>these lyrics were removedAt request of the band Evanescence and lead singer Amy Lee,a...

Eve - As I Grow
[Eve]Turn your negitive into a positiveThis one is for the kidsHmm[Chorus:...

Eve - Cowboy
[Verse 1]Uh, c'mon, uh, yo, yoNiggas they drug her up like liquidHow she dish shitM...

Eve - Double R What
[Intro][Jadakiss:] What up what up what up, yea![Styles:] Eve let's do it again! ...

Eve - Eve Of Destruction
Eve of destruction rocks the nationEve of destruction rocks the nation[scratches and beat com...

Eve - Figure You Out
[Chorus:]Lady look I'm tryna figure you out (OK)I'm tryna find out what you all about (Yeah)...

Eve - Gotta Man
[Little Girl]I got a boyfriend now [laughs][Eve]C'mon, uh, uh, uh, yo...

Eve - Heaven Only Knows
[1] - Heaven only knows(heaven only knows)Heaven only knowsHeaven only knows(heaven...

Eve - Hey Y'all
Yea Yea, Evie EveAnd you know, you better know[Snoop Dogg]I keep some chuck's on my...

Eve - Let Me Be
[Verse 1]Yo, yo, many they pop shit, but me I drop shit, and they cop itStay to myself most the...

Eve - Let This Go
[Chorus]You and me should just let this goWe never did take the time, to try to hold onI'...

Eve - Love Is Blind
Hey, yo I don't even know you and I hate youSee all I know is that my girlfriend used to date youHow w...

Eve - Maniac
Ladies and gentleman(Ladies and gentleman)One-two, one-twoE-V-E, party time[1]...

Eve - My Bitches
Uh,Uh,Uh,Uh,UhMy bitches my bitches that'll change the locksMy bitches my bitches that'll cut u...

Eve - My Enemies
Uh, what? What? Huh[1] - My enemies, my enemiesAll of y'all is my enemiesMy enemies...

Eve - Neck Bones
[Verse 1]It ain't so much about the words I say but how I say 'emAnd I'm gon play this game the...

Eve - Satisfaction
[Verse 1]Now I'ma do this thing like it ain't done beforeNever leave the game stranded, I had t...

Eve - What!
[Verse One: Eve]You can love Eve, hate Eve, I don't careCop my shit, dog, play this hereC...

Eve - Who's That Girl
Uh, uhYo, yo, yoThey wanna knowWho's that girl?(La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, ...

Eve - You Ain't Gettin None
First time I seen your face I was like damn Put your arm around my waist I was like man Gentle with th...

Eve - You Had Me, You Lost Me
[Chorus - Repeat 2x]You had me, You lost meAnd now you want me backYou fucked around and ...

Eve - You Me And She
(I'm sittin down in da corner,chillin wit all my boysmr.biggs is in the house..)[chorus 1]...

Eve 6 - #1
I turn away and shove my hands deep in my pockets I see her face my body aches and I start rotting I...

Eve 6 - Allison
From a distant start to this here barThe me, the you, where are we nowHorray the blues of everyone...

Eve 6 - Anytime
Gonna get in the car with a smile and the burn that I put on my arm the day you went away girl and I probabl...

Eve 6 - Arch Drive Goodbye
Wanna keep you from breakinwanna keep you from shakinwanna keep you from keepinyou down...

Eve 6 - At Least We're Dreaming
When do we get to the part where I can go home, been hiding inside the jungle gym for way too long wai...

Eve 6 - Bring The Night On
OK I'm boring you I'm warning you tonight,Is not the night for fights, lies white or otherwiseMy mood ...

Eve 6 - Foiled Again
Sitting up once again...In my bedroomShaking hand holds ugly head...In my bedroomWish I may wish I mig...

Eve 6 - Fooling Yourself
If you're doing it for yourselfAnd you don't care what they thinkI can understand having a little fun...

Eve 6 - Friend Of Mine
Are you feelin that you're on the brinkOf spilling some red in the sinkIt wasnt the easiest year...

Eve 6 - Girlfriend
Your really gone, girlfriendThe dryer's on, AmenAnd im alone for the first time(I walk away now ...

Eve 6 - Good Lives
Theres a plastic dwarf warlord in the cereal box andHes licking off the sugar off the breakfast if chumps...

Eve 6 - Hey Montana
Hey montana take your daughter back,From the bathrooms of Angeles Vall.She believes in destinyHe...

Eve 6 - Hokis
Turn turn the radio low, I've got to talk to you,Turn turn the radio low...Got a half Armenian girlfri...

Eve 6 - Indian Giver
[Chorus]You relieve meYou give meThen you take itaway from mymemory.......

Eve 6 - I Touch Myself
I love myself I want you to love meWhen I feel down I want you above meI search myself I want you to f...

Eve 6 - Jibba This
We're slaves to saving time, as if we didn't have enough We're slaves to the hormone, we're men and must be ...

Eve 6 - Leaving On A Jet Plane
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye.But the dawn is breaking, it's early morn.The taxi's waiting, he'...

Eve 6 - Nocturnal Emission
Well I'm lying in bed sweating staring at the ceiling, in my brain I have painted a beautiful picture of you, I'm ...

Eve 6 - Not Gonna Be Alone Tonight
Saw her standing in the street in a hat made out of skinUnderneath a stormy sky like a Heroine,Over me...

Eve 6 - Propaganda
I passed by some familiarfaces,But they flipped me off &cursed my name,I watched the hippi...

Eve 6 - Still Here Waiting
Lay off the coffee, and the Kafka and the coughing.Lay off the means to the ends and mean what you say more ...

Eve 6 - Without You Here
I quit lookin at the clock,it will only bring me down and it wont bring you here.If I pulled out all t...

Everclear - 1975
Brawling scratches mean a bad hair dayGo on and press your faceAll up against the glassWatch and...

Everclear - A Beautiful Life
You seem to make the same mistakes everyday Sometimes its hard to open your eyes You want to be the on...

Everclear - All Fucked Up
I am all fucked upAnd I am ready to breakI don't wanna be the guyWho is always on the outside...

Everclear - American Girl
She was an American girlRaised on promisesShe couldn't help thinking that there was a little more to l...

Everclear - Amphetamine
She came out west to find the sunShe lost her name but found a new oneAmy goes to school all day...

Everclear - Annabella's Song
I see you roll your eyesYou know it makes me smileYou are like the sun to meBright as liquid fir...

Everclear - Ateraxia
"Today, medical science recognizesThat some folks aren't helped by relaxing exercizes.In cases of diff...

Everclear - Baby Talk
This is a song about SpikeHe is a bad ass guyWho just happens to beA really good friend of mine...

Everclear - Blackjack
scary john gets his strong arm onhe can break me and make mehappy with his blackjackscary ...

Everclear - Blondes
You are a loser just like I wasYou are a loser like the rest of your friendsYou're a loser in the wors...

Everclear - Brown Eyed Girl
Sha la la la la la la la la la la laSha la la la la la la la la la la laGo!I hear a ...

Everclear - Chemical Smile
She lost her focus yesterdayShe lost her focus in the sunShe sits and stares at it for hoursShe ...

Everclear - Chrysanthemum
Yes I hate the way I feel and it makes no sense Five months gone and all I got Pretty pink flowers on ...

Everclear - Connection
All I want to do is get back to youConnection, I just can't make no connectionBut all I want to do is ...

Everclear - Deep In, Empty Out
Yeah I hear the hum in my earIt keeps me awake sometimesI can deal with most everythingI'm out o...

Everclear - Detroit
I am dreaming of a Michigan girlfriendAll bright-eyed and happy in painI am dreaming of a Michigan gir...

Everclear - Don't Change
I'm standing here on the groundThe sky above won't fall down See no evil in all directions Resol...

Everclear - Drunk Again
Kathy please just go awayDon't let Hazel see you when you're high Just take a walk to your sleazy bar ...

Everclear - Evergleam
Evergleam and I know why God is good and Jesus loves meHeaven lives and I know whereSounds to me a not...

Everclear - For Pete's Sake
We had a mutual friend and he saidYou've been talking againI'm not responsible for your life falling a...

Everclear - Happy Hour
Hey, makes me wonder,Why I just let them slip away,I'd trade my family and my friends,For an end...

Everclear - Hateful
She is livin' far away from a lonely man in the San Francisco Bay,He is dreamin' hard of a girl all claid in...

Everclear - Hating You For Christmas
Thanks for the Christmas cardI don't want to hear about your new job nowI don't want to hear about you...

Everclear - Her Brand New Skin
She is everywhere I amYeah when I don't want her to be thereI kinda want to leave in a hurryShe'...

Everclear - Here We Go Again
"Here we go again!"You know I like to watch you sleepNo I don't wanna touch you, you'll get mad ...

Everclear - How Soon Is Now?
I am the son, I am the heirOf a shyness that is criminally vulgarI am the son and heir of nothing in p...

Everclear - How To Win Friends And Influence People
It's a beautiful dayIf you look up in the airyou can see the skyIt's a beautiful day...

Everclear - Invisible
I will live, I will liveMaybe for a year or two, maybe for a yearI will die, I will die, I can rest se...

Everclear - I Want To Die A Beautiful Death
Everybody here in the small town Looks used and abused today Everybody here is looking outside M...

Everclear - Lame
Then they came on me They dragged me from the barStill wet from sweat and beerI bruise so pretti...

Everclear - Like A California King
I see you have made yourself a brand new lifeSuch a cool blue star with a bright new shineI see you we...

Everclear - Local God
You do that RomeoBe what you wanna beLook like you runnin' in placeDo that stupid dance for me...

Everclear - Loser Makes Good
I hate waking up, it means that I have to die again tonight 35 years old and I'm still sleeping outside ...

Everclear - Malevolent
Maybe I went too far this timeI just go crazy when she says noAngel turns away pulls her dress back do...

Everclear - Misery Whip
Walking wounded with a bellyfull of painAnd a big bad attitudeWe are shaking shadows for t...

Everclear - My Sexual Life
People you know try to tell you thingsBad things that you don't want to know aboutTell you tomorrow wh...

Everclear - Nehalem
There is this rumor aboutThey say you're leaving NehalemEver since our baby diedYou've been seen...

Everclear - New Blue Champion
I don't want to hear you say you're sorry I don't want to hear you say we can start all over again I t...

Everclear - Normal Like You
Yeah they said you called me maybe yesterdayI don't even have the strength to pick up the phoneYou wou...

Everclear - Now That It's Over
Yeah right!One, two, three, fourBreak down, shake for meNothing ever is the way you ...

Everclear - One Hit Wonder
Loopy says he likes it up on topYes he knows if he ever lets goThe pretty machine will swallow him who...

Everclear - Otis Redding
Do you remember when we were hungry?Do you remember when we were cold?Do you remember when we were hap...

Everclear - Overwhelming
It can come from out of nowhere,hit you when you're safe and warm.Take it easy, my star your time is g...

Everclear - Pale Green Stars
Amanda is in love with the sight of the moonShe's got pale green stars in her roomRight above her bed ...

Everclear - Pennsylvania Is...
Jackson met a girl in a valley town They fell into a teenage love she'd grow to hate He's in prison no...

Everclear - Pocahontas
Aurora borealisThe icy sky at nightOur paddles break the waterIn a long and hurried flight...

Everclear - Queen Of The Air
There is a dream I used to haveMy dream swallowed me wholeThere is a bridge where I hate to goTh...

Everclear - Science Fiction
(It's just like science fiction Who knows what the fuck they're talking about There's always one in ev...

Everclear - Short Blonde Hair
Hey I think this isgetting to me...First class livingIn a goldfish bowlJust when I t...

Everclear - Sick & Tired
I break every dayStressed out in every kind of wayI am sick and tired of bein' sick and tiredAll...

Everclear - Sin City
Diamonds and dust Poor man last, rich man first Lamborghinis, caviarDry martinis, Shangri-la...

Everclear - Slide
We were fadingLike the bottomof a bad dreamWe were heading southLooking for a good time...

Everclear - Song From An American Movie Pt. 1
The only thing that ever made sense to meIs the words to a song from an American movieThe only thing t...

Everclear - Sparkle
I remember when you seemed real shiny with the sweat of your voiceShaky hands super loud and teenage mouth...

Everclear - Sunflowers
I know where you go when you want to fallWhy do you want to be broken?I know where you go when you wan...

Everclear - Sunshine (the Acid Summer)
Roll and tumble with your big heart falling You're rolling tumbling alone Beats forever what your dirt...

Everclear - The Good Witch Of The North
You pull me downTo the floorOf our apartmentA little while laterWe are laughing at o...

Everclear - The Honeymoon Song
One, two, threeTwo, two, threeYou know I love you babyAnd I know you love me tooBut ...

Everclear - The Laughing World
Right now, day one, I fall softWhen I fall I always fall on youFace first, head down, eyes closed...

Everclear - The New Disease
I heard the news today All about your new disease This is what you said you wanted When you walk...

Everclear - The New York Times
Oh, It makes no sense to me Yeah, I was living in a different world when I heard the news I keep...

Everclear - The Swing
Never said I was innocentI will burn in Hell for the things I've done to youNever said I was anything ...

Everclear - The Twistinside
We have been sleeping with the lights onJust about every nightBecause we are afraid of what the dark m...

Everclear - Thrift Store Chair
Baby go to bed and put out the lightWe both know if we talk anymoreWe're gonna end up in a great big f...

Everclear - Trust Fund
I know a couple who are in love living in the best of times A truer-blue love you will never know Run ...

Everclear - Tv Show
I walk around in the market, late at night I walk around in the empty aisles And I don't know why ...

Everclear - Unemployed Boyfriend
[Answering machine:] ''Hi, this is Peggy. Leave me a nice message or I'll kill ya."''Hey Peggy,...

Everclear - Volvo Driving Soccer Mom
Na-na na-na na-na na-na na-na na-na You know I used to be a bad girl I got busy in the bathroom ...

Everclear - White Men In Black Suits
I am just a boy working in a record storeYes I moved to San Francisco just to see what I could beI am ...

Everclear - White Noise
All the people that you know, they say you're ready to break down All the people that you know, they say you...

Everclear - Why I Don't Believe In God
I heard the truth about youAnd it really doesn't read at all Like the whipping stick you raised me wit...

Everclear - Your Genius Hands
I have seen you shakeAnd I know what it cost youI have heard your wordsI am big on your noise...

Everlast - 2 Pieces Of Drama
2 pieces of drama The hammer's bout' to fall 2 pieces of drama there's gunplay in the hall ...

Everlast - 7 Years
It's been seven years down the roadI got no more tears that are left to flowWhen I did my baby wrong...

Everlast - Black Jesus
They call me white Devil, black JesusHeaven closes, Hell freezesEgo's trippin', scripts keep flippin'...

Everlast - Blinded By The Sun
I met a woman in West Virginia Said her name was Alabama She from a little town outside Savannah ...

Everlast - Broken
You're the air that I breathe The sun when it breaks through the clouds You're all that I need B...

Everlast - Death Comes Callin'
A yes yes y'allIt's too fresh y'allA little b-boy blueYou know it's too beucouI've b...

Everlast - Funky Beat
CheckUh huhCheck check, y'allYo Whitey Ford's the nameThe Hunchback of Notre Dame...

Everlast - Get Down
Get down, get down, get down [X4]I see everybody rockin' the same old styleAnd everyone's...

Everlast - Graves To Dig
It goes one for the prophet, two for Islam, Three for the Khutba from the ImamFour for the Mother that...

Everlast - Guru
Hey, yo yo Everlast.What up?This is big Guru from the Gangstarr, you know what I'm sayin'?Just c...

Everlast - Hot To Death
We're gonna be breakin' it down (Yeah!)You gotta know the feelYou gotta know the lifeYou know wh...

Everlast - I Can't Move
Watchin' the sunshine, peekin' over the skylineThinkin' I gotta get mine, gotta try at least one timeW...

Everlast - Letter
Yeah that's herSometimes you winSometimes you loseAll the broken heartsAnd the unpaid dues...

Everlast - Maybe
MaybeMaybe you could take a lil' piece of my painMaybe you can make it all feel the sameMa...

Everlast - Mercy On My Soul
A trust betrayed, a rusty bladeStandin' on the air, I walked the linePaid my fine, hope I know the lan...

Everlast - Money (dollar Bill)
Dollar dollar billsDeutch, marks, franks, yens, and poundsI rock the jocked up soundsFrom Devens...

Everlast - Next Man
Haha'And there, but for the grace of God, go I'It's kinda neatI wonder what it means...

Everlast - Pain
Somewhere between the lies and truths, borderlines get shady. Somewhere between the yeses and nos you can fi...

Everlast - Painkillers
[Flight Attendant:] On behalf of Pan Am Airlines, we'd like to be the firstto welcome you to New York...

Everlast - Praise The Lord
You know it's WhiteyAnd the LikwitsI say it's WhiteyAnd the LikwitsYou know it's Whitey...

Everlast - Prince Paul
Hey yo, what up Everlast?This is Prince Paul, man.Yo, I ran into Trev on the street from Nasty and he ...

Everlast - Sen Dog
Yo Everlast, what's up?It's Sen Dog.How you doin' kid?Check this, I heard you're doin' some shit...

Everlast - Sleeping Alone
[Phone Rings](Hello?) (Hey is she home yet?) (No, she's not home yet) (All right, t...

Everlast - Soul Music
-You came into my life -I don't have to wonder no more, I can feel it all in my soul It's Soul Music ...

Everlast - The Warning
This is the warning...I warned you baby [x3 (sample)]Back of the liqueur store bout' to blaze t...

Everlast - This Kinda Lonely
Sittin' alone and I hear rain fallin' on my windowsill Just wanna do what's right but I don't know if I ever...

Everlast - Tired
We can goSoul for soulOver mic controlKid you can't touch me with a ten foot poleAnd I eve...

Everlast - Today (watch Me Shine)
Yesterday is just a dream I don't rememberTomorrow, still a hope I've yet to endureI'm out of time...

Everlast - What It's Like
We've all seen the man at the liquor store beggin' for your changeThe hair on his face is dirty, dreadlocked...

Everlast - White Boy Is Back
Whitey, Whitey, Whitey, Whitey...Ford, Ford...Whitey, Whitey, Whitey, Whitey...Ford, Ford...[...

Everlast - White Trash Beautiful
White Trash Beautiful, Trailer Park Queen She slings hash at the diner from 11 to 5 She married a boy ...

Everlast - Whitey
(Whitey, Whitey)...It's my lovePunk rock the scar, disco to bluesYo, my blue seude shoes got stepped o...

Everlife - Angels Cry
All the world is but a child screaming over all your wordsNo one hears your pain there way to busy for conce...

Everlife - Even When
Looks like your staring back at meA hazy you is all I seeYou see its a lie that keeps me downI'm...

Everlife - Getting Closer
Yeah...wish I could make everybody happyBut so far it hasn't worked that wayEverybody has expectations...

Everlife - Lead The Way
Where is the helpWhere is the lightI'm crawling in a hazeI'm making a vow I'm taking a stand...

Everlife - Save Me
Lookin' a lot like i just got trampled onFeelin' a lot like i just can't get up off the groundNo, i ca...

Everlife - Set Me Free
Everybody has a reason A longin' A hunger to revealIt seems as if every where you turnI was searchin' ...

Everlife - Strangers Like Me
Whatever you do, I'll do it tooShow me everything and tell me howIt all means somethingAnd yet n...

The Exies - Baptize Me
Youre in my head tormenting meIm running scred in my time of need Cuts on my head cuts on my feet ...

The Exies - Calm & Collapsed
I don't feel anythingIsn't that amazingI don't want everythingJust a little bit of nothing...

The Exies - Can't Relate
My empathy, my empathy still makes me feel aliveAnd sufferin', and sufferin' is always on my mindMy em...

The Exies - Creeper Kamikaze
Where you're headed there is no returnYou're hell-bent on a crash and burnYou think you're winning but...

The Exies - Dear Enemy
Youre pretending to be somthing youre notYoure collecting a head full of rotYoure self righteous,the b...

The Exies - Don't Push The River
I need a meaningI need a soulThis circle is vicious but precious like goldDont push the river...

The Exies - F.s.o.s.
Alright, alright everything is just fine Here comes here comes a bundle of hiss Alright, alright every...

The Exies - Hey You
Your life, mislaidSpoon-fed, well raised[chorus]Hey you youre nodding out...

The Exies - Inertia
Got a head full of one-way ridesThat you wouldn't believeA giant leap from my heart to your arms...

The Exies - Irreversible
Turn, turn awayThe first time, I can't sayBut heaven knows, I'm fadingBefore I goInto thes...

The Exies - Kickout
Forget myself on your commandTo find you here, from where I standTo lose myself in you soI...

The Exies - Lo-fi
Reckless and indiscreet, I'm hypnotized beyond belief,Listen to my battle song, Cause it's...

The Exies - My Goddess
My GoddessI was knee deep in a sick loveI was cross eyed under your drugSchizo savior, mad messi...

The Exies - My Opinion
Dont take it out on meDont take it out on meDont take it out on meThe point youre missing...

The Exies - Normal
Can you takle me as i amAnd the sting of my sweat against your mouthYou judge me till theres nothing l...

The Exies - No Secrets
You've become a broke part of me babyI've found my empathy in your abuseI'm just a special effect to y...

The Exies - Slow Drain
Yeah, im nameless love found me lost but then im thankful, thankful righting the wrongs forgottenBlessings, ...

The Exies - Splinter
I know what it feels Like it burns from the insideI know what it hurts likeCause ive been wrong ...

The Exies - Ugly
Are you ugly?A liar like me?A user, a lost soul?Someone you dont knowMoney its no cure...

The Exies - What You Deserve
Falling and unsure why am i losing my nerveWasting my time why do i only see this through the hurt...

The Exies - Without
Wait, I didn't see it comingI took one last look aroundThe machines were out of orderThe machine...

Extreme - Am I Ever Gonna Change
I'm tired of being me,and I don't like what I see,I'm not who I appear to beSo I start off every...

Extreme - Better Off Dead
I heard your mother diedJust a few days agoAnd tears fill your eyes with grief and sorrowCause y...

Extreme - Big Boys Don't Cry
Whoever said that big boys don't cryYou say you never shed a tearWell, listen that's a lieWe're ...

Extreme - Color Me Blind
I had a dream,Last night I was blindAnd I couldn't seeColor of any kindPicture the w...

Extreme - Cupid's Dead
-you read the papers today?-I read the news today oh boy,About a tragic comedyNewspaper hi...

Extreme - Cynical Fuck
today don't look so badcompared to tomorrowif time is all we havethen we're living on borrowed...

Extreme - Don't Leave Me Alone
Now's not the time to say goodbyeAnd I'm not the kind to question whyWell I don't feel very well, and ...

Extreme - Evilangelist
little lamb come out ofthe rainyou'll catch your death inthe colda helping hand to come ea...

Extreme - Fair Weather Faith
Prentending to act so sereneOn your so called submissive kneesA shopping list of begging pleasAd...

Extreme - Flesh 'n' Blood
Flesh 'N' BloodA human fascinationAcquired the tasteRight on my faceNaughtyLost in l...

Extreme - God Isn't Dead
Ah, look at allthe lonely people,losing faith,in a worldfull of despair,no one who c...

Extreme - Hip Today
you'll be gone tomorrowyou'll be gone tomorrowgone tomorrowyou're preoccupiedwith th...

Extreme - Kid Ego
Come downHey kid, I'm talkin' to youWhat am I supposed to doYou know that you're something...

Extreme - Leave Me Alone
as for this songi'll set the moodthere's nothing wrongprefer solitudealone to thinko...

Extreme - Little Girls
It's not fair what they put me throughPlease tell me what am I supposed to doWhy do I get myself in th...

Extreme - Monica
Look at Monica walking in her sleepLook at Monica running through the fieldsIn her dream, so serene...

Extreme - Naked
so you want me to take it offjust to see what'sunderneath my clothi'll show you i'm everyi...

Extreme - Never Been Funked
Never Been FunkedI ain't trying to make no political statementI ain't trying to tell you the new...

Extreme - Nice Place To Visit
Not really lookin' for, for nothing special,Just someplace that I can call my own,I'm growing tired of...

Extreme - No Respect
respect,always everybody looking for somerespect,who do you think you're gonna get it from...

Extreme - Our Father
Oh Daddy please,take me with youwhere you goingOh Daddy please,come find the time,co...

Extreme - Peacemaker Die
PEACEMAKER DIE,Mr. Righteous OneYou say you have this plan?If we care to understandP...

Extreme - Play With Me
Ring around the rosieHopscotch, MonopolyRed light, green lightG. I. Joes and BarbiesHide a...

Extreme - Politicalamity
Wars 'n rumorsOf wars, no one knows what forToys and soldiersDeployed, on some foreign shore...

Extreme - Rise 'n Shine
Dawn wakes the silence,of a fainted lullabyDay breaks the eyelid,from a song sung in my eye...

Extreme - Rock A Bye Bye
If you could only hearThe silent screamsWhen you wake them upFrom their dreamsNothing is h...

Extreme - Seven Sundays
One daywe'll find the timeto spend, togetheruntil then, My LoveIF I HAD ONE WISH...

Extreme - Shadow Boxing
last roundlooks like i'm in for a fightknocked downthere is nowhere left to hidestick 'n' ...

Extreme - Smoke Signals
Keep your elbows off the tableLook before you crossBuckle up your seat beltParental discretion a...

Extreme - Stop The World
All the world'sa masquerademade up of foolsand philosophersWere it to rainon our cha...

Extreme - Teacher's Pet
My formal educationNever botheredWith my ABC'sTeacher student relationTaught me all about...

Extreme - Tell Me Something I Don't Know
sun going up,making its roundsit keeps on moving,painting the townbefore you know it,...

Extreme - There Is No God
so you're a self proclaimed messiahor maybe a blasphemes liara clever hypnotic hoaxa hallowed he...

Extreme - Unconditionally
so tell me what can i dothat you couldn't see throughfrom the very startthere is only one thing...

Extreme - Waiting For The Punchline
you might say hey, i lost my sense of humori'm quite surprised i didn't lose it soonerwhy waste your b...

Extreme - Warheads
Hey Kid, wanna have some fun?Choose a side and here's your gunBrought up knowing right from wron...

Extreme - Watching, Waiting
Hanging above the groundAll my limbs are boundYou're on the right handWith your head downT...

Extreme - When Will It Rain
No one ever sees you cryYou just keep it all insideIn a warm place, where you can hideWhen...

Extreme - Where Are You Going
I don't know where I'm goingBut I do know where I've beenI wonder if I'm growingForever chasing ...

Extreme - Who Cares?
Tell me, Jesus,are you angry?One more sheep has,just gone astrayA hardening of hearts,...

Extreme - Wind Me Up
I've got something that you ought to knowDon't even know whether to come or goUp down head's spinning ...

Fabolous - Bad Bitch
[Fabolous](hahahaha)Yeah, I'm a Ghetto Superstar niggaMost niggas trying to get one chick...

Fabolous - B.k. Style
Yea, Its bout to get real hard for these niggas to move manSomebody get these niggas some wheelchairs or som...

Fabolous - Breathe
WOO!WOO!WOO!BREATHE![Bridge]One and then the two Two and then the...

Fabolous - Can't Let You Go (remix)
No, no, no, no, no, no, noHomie, I don't think you know me (No)And I don't think I know you (No)...

Fabolous - Can You Hear Me
[Chorus]Cuz now I ain't wit cha, know that I miss ya, some how I carry onI can still picture, w...

Fabolous - Change You Or Change Me
You know what?Everybody goes through some changes in lifeSome poeple change for the better, some poepl...

Fabolous - Church
[Reverend preaching]Ha ha ha haaBrothers and sisters we're gathered here todayto listen t...

Fabolous - Click & Spark
[D.J Clue + Fabolous]D.J Clue, Desert StormYou know how we do things(uh) Right now (uh), ...

Fabolous - Damn
uh, it's the d-d-d-d d-d-d-d d-d-d-d-d-d-damn ha-ha yea[chorus (Woman Sings)]Damn-it's th...

Fabolous - Don't Stop Wont Stop
[Verse 1]It's been a year and some changeAnd I've been hearin' some thingsThat there's so...

Fabolous - Do The Damn Thang
[Intro]Look, I can see them niggas stuntin to this right now, not now, but right nowYea, yea, c...

Fabolous - Faboloso
[Intro]Haha, uh, uh, uh, uhuh-huh-uh, uh, uh, uh-huh-uhuh, uh, uh-huh-uh, uh, uh...

Fabolous - Forgive Me Father
[Fabolous]Unh (uh-huh unh) yeaThere's alot of money over here(Hahahahahaha) Ha HaUn...

Fabolous - Gangsta
[Hook]It's g-a-n-g-s-t-aThat's how it be and it's gon' say (Y'all know whoooooooo)That's ...

Fabolous - Get Right
[Verse 1]Yo, yall gon' hear this in the nightclubs for a yearWhen the song go on, throw on, ya ...

Fabolous - Get Smart
[Verse 1]I like'em brown, yellow, Peurto Rican or AsianWho have the weekend occaisonSneak...

Fabolous - Girls
[Hook:](Girls) Those that are bourgeoisThose that are hoochieThose are usually in Gucci...

Fabolous - Gotta Be Thug
[Fabolous]Yo, Fabolous strive for digits, even connive to get itNiggas can't tell me nothin' du...

Fabolous - In My Hood
[Chorus]When you grow up in my hoodHelp don't show up in my hoodGang signs go up in my ho...

Fabolous - Into You (remix)
I think your truly something specialJust what my dreams are really made of (dreams r really made of)Le...

Fabolous - Intro
[DJ Clue talking]Yeah, this is the world famous DJ ClueDesert Storm Fabolous the album St...

Fabolous - It's Alright
[INTRO: (SEAN PAUL)]All you need to know is the vibe round' here we built and instill itSean Pa...

Fabolous - It's In The Game
[DJ Clue]Yeah... DJ Clue...Dessert Storm...EA Sports...Come on[Fabolous]NBA ...

Fabolous - I Usually Don't
[Intro]Uh uh uhYeah yeah yeah haha[Verse 1: Fabolous]I beep my horn an...

Fabolous - Keepin' It Gangsta
[Fabolous talking]Fabolous, yeah, uh-huh, uh-huh, YeahYo, I don't care what y'all do, how y'all...

Fabolous - Ma' Be Easy
uh, uh, yeah, uh-huhyeah, yeah, yeah[verse 1]Yo, I ain't got no reason to trick or ...

Fabolous - Never Duplicated
Uh, yes I am often imitatedBut I am never duplicated, yeahYes I am often imitatedBut I am never ...

Fabolous - Next Generation
[Hook]Uh, uh yeah, yeah, ohRap's new generation, N-n-next g-gen-gene-generationRap's new ...

Fabolous - Not Give A Fuck
I'm here to shake up the world...What what what what whatWhat what what what whatRight, right - ...

Fabolous - Now Ride
[Intro]Yeah, yeah (haha) hahaYeah, uh (uh-huh-uh)Uh (uh-huh-uh)Uh (uh-huh-uh) uh...

Fabolous - Now What
[ad-libs]Uh, they call me G-H-E-T-T-O, niggaUh, uh, I'm back on that bullshitHaha, who co...

Fabolous - One Day
[Fabolous humming to the beat]It's easy to look at my life and don't see no painI remembe...

Fabolous - Real Talk (123)
[Intro]On them streetsYou better keep your hand on them heatsAnd live what you sayin' on ...

Fabolous - Respect
Yea, I ain't scared of you motherfuckersI ain't no killer rightBut y'all niggaz gon' make me one...

Fabolous - Round & Round
[Intro]Yeah man, Real Talk New YorkYeah man, Street F-F-F-Fitted, DamnYeah man...

Fabolous - Think Y'all Know
Uh, I think y'all know by now it's F-A-B-O-L-O-U-S (uh, yeah)I think y'all know by now it's .....

Fabolous - This Is My Party
[Intro: Fabolous]Hey-hey-hey yo [3x]F-A-BHey-hey-hey yo [2x]F-A-B...

Fabolous - Throw Back
[Fabolous talking]Dont try to fuck wit me yallCause you cantUhh, I stay way ahead of the ...

Fabolous - We Don't Give A
sick mothafuckers!go head, throw up niggayea yea ok, i know youi know, i know[Ver...

Fabolous - Young'n
[Fabolous talking before first verse]Brooklyn, uh uh uh uhHuh Huh uh huh do it huh YeaUh ...

Faith Evans - Again
OhhhhhhOhhhhhh[Verse 1]Now I done felt a lot of pain I done seen a lot of thi...

Faith Evans - All This Love
Come on over here Lay down next to me Let me tell you something That I've been meaning to say ...

Faith Evans - Alone In This World
It's over now, I can't competeI don't know how I'm still standing on my feetSo turned around and incom...

Faith Evans - Anything You Need
[Chorus]I'm so glad that you came and found me Don't have to cry cuz it's all right ...

Faith Evans - Back To Love
You remind me ofOf a love I once knew beforeI was so open for loveSo in love with no experience...

Faith Evans - Brand New Man
She never had respect for meShe knew I had a familyBut I blame it all on youShe used to be a fri...

Faith Evans - Caramel Kisses
[Faith Evans][Chorus]Caramel kisses you send my way I won't complain, ...

Faith Evans - Catching Feelings
Oh oh (oh oh)[REPEAT](take your time)[VERSE1:]If you just..relax...

Faith Evans - Come Over
[CHORUS:]Won't you come over and make love to me, 'Cause I haven't seen you in a while. R...

Faith Evans - Don't Be Afraid
Baby don't be afraid of Afraid of my love Since we've been together baby It hasn't been to...

Faith Evans - Don't Cry
Take just one look around meTell me what you seeYour reflection and the brokenhearted memoryI tr...

Faith Evans - Do Your Time
It's been a long timeAnd I hope you're doing fineI just wanted to write you a letterSaying hi, a...

Faith Evans - Everything (interlude)
I was lostBut nowI found the greatestLove That savedMe fromThe fallSo gl...

Faith Evans - Faithful (interlude)
Faithful to the endShe's a lover and a friendFaithful to the endAnd with this I know you can win...

Faith Evans - Faithfully
Nothing could compare to your loveI wake up feeling good everydayI used to have a problem with love...

Faith Evans - Faith (interlude)
Uhmmm I have the Faith that can move any mountain Faith Faith can conquer anything Conquer anyth...

Faith Evans - Faith (intro)
Faith is the substance of the things Things hoped for It is the heaven dance Of things not seen ...

Faith Evans - Fallin' In Love
Oh, oh...[1] - Fallin' in love, fallin' in love againFallin' in love again with you...

Faith Evans - Get Over You
I can remember the day and time that we broke upIt was December and the holidays were coming upI didnt...

Faith Evans - Give It To Me
[Sean 'Puffy' Combs]Yeah I like the way this is going down huh Check just soak up soultry ...

Faith Evans - Heaven Only Knows
Who knows what tomorrow bringsAnd heaven only knows what's on the other side of the rainbowAll I know ...

Faith Evans - I Don't Need It
[Verse:]Lately I've been worrying you out there huggin the block and im here alone again you know i'l...

Faith Evans - Jealous
[Verse 1] Now let me be real with you.About my feeling's.The way that i deal with you....

Faith Evans - Keep The Faith
I've seen the lightning flashing Heard the thunder roll I feel the cold winds blowing Trying to ...

Faith Evans - Lately I
Lately I don't wanna see the morning sun Lately I, I'm not much good to anyone Lately I don't laugh th...

Faith Evans - Life Will Pass You By
I've got three children to think about first I've got so much to do Little time to work I've pai...

Faith Evans - Love Can't Hide
Tears on my pillow keep fallingAnd I'm crying over you, crying over youHow long will the time last bef...

Faith Evans - Love Don't Live Here Anymore
[Faith Evans]1 you abandoned me love don't live here anymore just a vacancy love do...

Faith Evans - Love Song (interlude)
This is a love songThis is a love love songThis is love love songAnd I'm singing it for you ...

Faith Evans - Lucky Day
[Chorus 2] a lucky dayWe can...get away Just tell the dj to play (and play)...

Faith Evans - Mesmerized
[Intro]Now let me holla at you for a minuteCuz I just got somethin that I need to sayYou ...

Faith Evans - My First Love
[Intro]Oh, baby, yeah How come it hurts so babe Why does it feel so sad ...

Faith Evans - No Other Love
[1] - No other love, I'm thinking ofNo other love can measureNo other love, I'm thinking of...

Faith Evans - No Way
[Chorus]You promised not to let me down You promised that you'd be around You said ...

Faith Evans - Reasons
Give me the reasonThat I want...[1] - Give me the reason to love youAnd I want to l...

Faith Evans - Special Place (interlude)
You have a special place In my heart You have a special place In my heart Baby you're alwa...

Faith Evans - Stay (interlude)
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Oh yeah Why can't you stay With me for just a while ...

Faith Evans - Sunny Days
[Chorus]You turn the rain into sunny days You take the clouds away Baby you're the ...

Faith Evans - Tears Away (interlude)
All away (wipe all my) All away (my tears away) You Wipe (Yes you do) You wipe them all away (Yo...

Faith Evans - Thank You Lord (interlude)
Just wanna thank you for what you've done Just wanna tell you that You're the one I Thank you Lord...

Faith Evans - Until You Came
[Verse 1]Love was just a four letter wordMisused to entrust the heart of followersBut it ...

Faith Evans - Where We Stand
[Intro - Chorus]Is it too soon to love you Why do I believe it's perfectCould it be I'm s...

Faith Evans - You Are My Joy (interlude)
Huuuuuh my inspiration comes form you You are the love of my life And I sing this song for you Y...

Faith Evans - You Don't Understand
[1] - Is it a game that we're playingIt seems like the cloudy days Keep coming in my life, whoa...

Faith Evans - You Used To Love
[Chorus]I remember the way, you used to love me I remember the days, you used to love me ...

Faith Hill - A Man's Home Is His Castle
Linda works the diner pourin' coffee slingin' hashShe said, "I wouldn't have come in today"But I reall...

Faith Hill - A Room In My Heart
My heart was once just like a homeWith many rooms and open doorsAnd I always let love inIt would...

Faith Hill - Baby You Belong
There's a reason whyYou can look up every nightEvery star in heaven is in its placeThere's a rea...

Faith Hill - Bed Of Roses
There's something 'bout your mannerThat makes it hard to seeJust how you take advantageOf a work...

Faith Hill - Better Days
Hard times are fallin' on youEven when you smile I see the hurt come throughAnd I know it feels like i...

Faith Hill - Breathe
I can feel the magic floating in the airBeing with you gets me that wayI watch the sunlight dance acro...

Faith Hill - Bringing Out The Elvis
You're bringing out the Elvis in meYou're bringing out the Elvis in meJust like a fossilFr...

Faith Hill - But I Will
Remember when I said the next time would be the last timeThat time came this mornin' when you came inY...

Faith Hill - Go The Distance
You got me headed in a new directionGot no reason to turn aroundAin't got no looking back or second gu...

Faith Hill - I Can't Do That Anymore
Cut my hair the way you wantedWatched you become importantQuit my job to make our new home far away...

Faith Hill - If I Should Fall Behind
We said we'd walk togetherBaby come what mayBack from the twilightShould we lose our wayAs...

Faith Hill - It All Comes Down To Love
Straight shot of miserySome days make a mess of meI touch the ground when I can find my feetYou ...

Faith Hill - I Think I Will
I think I willWhat would you say if I said something strange That made a difference in how you f...

Faith Hill - It Will Be Me
When you start fallingWho's gonna catch yaI'm willing to bet yaIt will be meWho's gonna lo...

Faith Hill - I Would Be Stronger Than That
There's a friend who will callWhen her husband's asleepCrossing the phone lines for comfortAnd s...

Faith Hill - Just About Now
Just about nowI'd be watching you wake upFeeling my heart beat with yoursJust about nowIs ...

Faith Hill - Just Around The Eyes
Just around the eyesThat's where you remind meOf someone I left behind meI'm sorry if I stare...

Faith Hill - Let Me Let Go
I thought it was over, babyWe said our goodbyesBut I can't go a day without your faceGoin' throu...

Faith Hill - Life's Too Short To Love Like That
Baby we had something goin' wrongI've never seen nothin' so right go wrongYou used to wanna love me da...

Faith Hill - Me
I've changed my hair, my clothes, almostEverything about myselfI can't believe I tried to be somebody ...

Faith Hill - Mississippi Girl
Well it's a long way from Star, MississippiTo the big stage i'm singing on tonightAnd sometimes the bu...

Faith Hill - My Wild Frontier
How do I feel? Well, I feel so aloneLike a sad armadillo across this desert I roamI've been stripped d...

Faith Hill - Never Gonna Be Your Lady
I tried to say it politely I tried to give you a clue All your gold don't excite me That old tri...

Faith Hill - Somebody Stand By Me
It's quiet here tonightThere's a light burnin' far awayIt burns in my heartIn the rain, in the d...

Faith Hill - Someone Else's Dream
Her momma's still got that sequin gown that she wore in '68She taught her early how to smile that smile and ...

Faith Hill - Stronger
This is the window to my heartI just want us to be freeThere ain't no freedom where we areAin't ...

Faith Hill - That's How Love Moves
It's such a mysteryHow you found something in meThat I never knew was thereBut you uncovered it ...

Faith Hill - There You'll Be
When I think backOn these timesAnd the dreamsWe left behindI'll be glad 'causeI was ...

Faith Hill - What's In It For Me
Thought we had a good thing babyYou pulled the wool over my eyesShould've seen it coming babyNow...

Faith Hill - Where Are You Christmas
Where are you Christmas Why can't I find you Why have you gone away Where is the laughter ...

Faith Hill - Wild One
They said change your clothesShe said no I won'tThey said comb your hairShe said some kids don't...

Faith Hill - You Can't Lose Me
A little girl, a little small for her ageA little too slow for the field day raceMomma's waiting at th...

Faith Hill - You Will Be Mine
Heads I win, tails you loseI always play by my own rulesAnd I don't believe in wasting timeSo lo...

Faithless - Angeline
You've been out on the tiles,Winning the smiles of men of low persuasion,But I know you drink yourself...

Faithless - Baseball Cap
Oh, smack, there goes my baseball cap I'm on the floor,I think I took a burse to my jaw,Jumped me from...

Faithless - Bluegrass
[LSK]Love is you [2x][Maxi Jazz]My TV barks at me, from the corner...

Faithless - Bring My Family Back (paul Van Dyk Remix)
I'm on lonely street, I'm on the wrong track.Only one thing left, somebody bring my family back.I'm on...

Faithless - Crazy English Summer
Fields of fire that passed the trainThe sky is victorious but here comes the rainFriday is taking me h...

Faithless - Dirty Ol' Man
He's a dirty old man,And a dirty old man,He's a dirty old man and a friend of mine.I'm a dirty o...

Faithless - Donny X
[Instrumental]Quiet...Still...You feel there's nothing going onUn...

Faithless - Don't Leave
Packing your bags like people in the movies do,All severe, and not saying a word,And I'm sitting down ...

Faithless - Evergreen
Running with my rain face onToday I woke up feeling sadI know that you said, That one day I woul...

Faithless - Everything Will Be Alright
[LSK]Should you hear somebody cry, "The end is nigh", Don't you buy that line. Tomo...

Faithless - Flowerstand Man
'Bout a month ago, I've never seen your face -I've never heard your voice. 'Bout a month ago.I'm a car...

Faithless - Giving Myself Away
In background - "Do what I have to" Remember Emily?[In background - "That's a long time" 2x]...

Faithless - God Is A Dj
This is my churchThis is where I heal my hurtIt's a natural graceOf watching young life shape...

Faithless - God Is A Dj (yes He Is)
This is my churchThis is where I heal my hurtsThis is my churchThis is where I heal my hurts...

Faithless - Hem Of His Garment
[Maxi Jazz in background] ...wish he was a man[Dido]Oh I wish I could be...

Faithless - Hour Of Need
You know that I'm foolish, playing king for a dayI hang with my people whenever I can.You say that I'm...

Faithless - Hour Of Need (skinny Mix)
You know that I'm foolish, playing king for a dayI hang with my people whenever I can.You say that I'm...

Faithless - If Lovin' You Is Wrong
Watch me ride:I'm a sexual animal, eat you like a cannibal,Crammed full of energy,I'm inflammabl...

Faithless - In The End
[LSK]My baby was born in a bed With white sheets, machines and heatTraveled home in a car...

Faithless - Introduction
[LSK]No roots, no tree, no family, no way,No roots, no tree, no family, no way. ...

Faithless - I Want More Part 1
[LSK]Hey friend your misery bewilders meHow come you're never satisfied or gratifiedFour ...

Faithless - I Want More Part 2
[Nina Simone]I want moreI want someAnd then someAnd do you know what I wanna hear?...

Faithless - Killer's Lullaby
I'm sittin' at a coffee table, unable to see straightWatchin' parallel lines unwind and undulateBehind...

Faithless - Killer's Lullaby (nightmares On Wax Remix)
I'm sittin' at a coffee table, unable to see straightWatchin' parallel lines unwind and undulateBehind...

Faithless - Liontamer
[Maxi Jazz]If you place a thing into the center of your life That lacks the power to nourish...

Faithless - Love Lives On My Street
[LSK]A mans life got took away in the city today, they sayBut never tell how many's been born...

Faithless - Mass Destruction
[Maxi Jazz]My dad came into my room holding his hatI knew he was leaving, he sat on my be...

Faithless - Mass Destruction (single Version / P*nut And Sister Bliss Remix)
Whether long range weapon or suicide bomberWicked mind is a weapon of mass destructionWhether you're s...

Faithless - Miss U Less, See U More
[Nina Simone]O Woman[Maxi Jazz]I love the way you're so deliberate,How...

Faithless - Muhammad Ali
"If all you keep hearing it so long you will see me as a super star and you'll have time to waste with your minion...

Faithless - No Roots
[Maxi Jazz]My love is generations old,I was there when trees died as the world went coldS...

Faithless - Not Enuff Love
[Chorus]Now when you climbInto your bed tonightAnd when you lockAnd bolt the door...

Faithless - One Step Too Far
[Dido]You can sleep forever, but still you will be tired You can stay as cold as stone, but sti...

Faithless - Postcards
[Dido] My love has goneHis boots no longer by my doorHe left at dawn and as I slept, I fe...

Faithless - Postcards (rewritten Mix)
[Dido]Oh, Darling, I miss you.An boy has it hardThe thought of you leavin'is breaki...

Faithless - Reverence
Watch me ride...Take the words and the bass,Taste, and then swallow me,You're chasing the devil...

Faithless - Salva Mea
How can I change the world if I can't even change myself?I cannot change the way I am?I don't know, I ...

Faithless - She's My Baby
[Maxi Jazz]Mmm, come to papaI see you working, through the beat curtain in the kitchen....

Faithless - Swingers
[Maxi Jazz]We're floating from right to bright news [3x]Making sips of your pop skin...

Faithless - Take The Long Way Home
I got it sleepin' rough on the streets in the rainI got it learning to share my people's painI got it ...

Faithless - Take The Long Way Home (end Of The Road)
The long way home....Now I'm in the flow [11x]The long way home.... [4x]I've...

Faithless - Tarantula
Deep in the shadows of your deepest secretsI sleep next to the precepts you hold most dearYour heart i...

Faithless - The Garden
Beg you listen me, don't be kissing me 'til I'm doneUnsung champion, reason, like seasoningPepper your...

Faithless - We Come 1
All the subtle flavors of my lifeAre become bitter seedsAnd poisoned leavesWithout you...

Faithless - What About Love
[Maxi Jazz]Come on [3x]I know you so intimatelyAnger and miseryThe rea...

Faithless - Why Go?
Don't goI didn't know you'd be here, and I wasn't meant to come.I'd be sitting watching TV if there wa...

Faithless - Why Go? (radio Edit)
Stay a while [2x]I didn't know you'd be here, and I wasn't meant to come.I'd be sitting w...

Falling Up - Ambience
Legacy will never burnHard to breathe, I'll never learnAnd it moves me towards where I want to leave...

Falling Up - Arafax Deep
When this water flows down from the side of Only youCan you take Everything that I am holding on to ...

Falling Up - Bittersweet
Release the gate of beautiful, I am staying down to hide in rooms awayThese tears they build me up a house,...

Falling Up - Broken Heart
In this moment synchronized inside, words that paint a legacy of lifeA different picture will unfold, a heal...

Falling Up - Divinity
Feel, feel the woundsHold my hands cradling all the soulsAnd wait, wait for peaceAs my love make...

Falling Up - Escalates
This is everything that I wantedDo you believe that I tried so hard to take it homeBut never felt a si...

Falling Up - Falling In Love
You are my one true loveYou are the voice that is so sweetIn everything I do, you bring the best out o...

Falling Up - New Hope Generation
I've been here before, it's all I've ever knownLooking for the face that I am Where do I go? All that'...

Falling Up - Places
Playing my heart so many timesThere's always a weak hand holding mineSaying the way that I have said t...

Falling Up - Symmetry
Stop this, you're never going to find itWhen you complicate, you are left behind butLonging, steals aw...

Falling Up - The Gathering
With a longing heart you turn the tides and Say goodbyeWith a love that always fades you hold on so ti...

Fan_3 - Boom
I am the best there is I'm fan_3 and I handle my bizI'm not universally knownBut I'm known to le...

Fan_3 - Broken Home
This chick goes to schoolIn her brand new BenzIts filled with her friendsBut when the day ends i...

Fan_3 - Digits
(yeah)Hey-Whats Up-HeyJust In Case/ Cheak My PaceI rock this place/ So I'm in your f...

Fan_3 - Geek Love
With His Converse tied real tight he mightJust be my boy always and for all daysThe first boy I've kno...

Fan_3 - I Love Christmas
The First Day Of Christmas Was Pretty SweetGot New Clothes From My Head To My FeetThe Second Was Even ...

Fan_3 - It's A Small World
[Chorus:]Its a small world after allIts fanIts fan you know what the name is ...

Fan_3 - What They Gonna Think
Gimmie a little more than candy.Rap so everybody pot your hands together and clap. You rememebr ...

Fanny Pack - Camel Toe
um hmm thats right uh huh uh huhum hmm thats right uh huh uh huhwalking down the streetsom...

Fantasia Barrino - Baby Mama
[Chorus]B-A-B-Y M-A-M-A This goes out to all my baby mamas This goes out to all my baby m...

Fantasia Barrino - Chain Of Fools
For five long yearsI thought you were my manBut I found out, I'm just a link in your chainOh, yo...

Fantasia Barrino - Free Yourself
Baby you don't pay me no mindYou act like you don't love me no moreMaybe you need space or some time...

Fantasia Barrino - Good Lovin'
One sunny, sunny morningWhen my mans right by my sideHeld me closely, so close I felt love inside...

Fantasia Barrino - Got Me Waiting
[Verse 1]Just when I thought I found me Someone I can go with just When I thought I found...

Fantasia Barrino - I Believe
Have you ever reached a rainbow's endAnd did you find your pot of goldEver catch a shooting star...

Fantasia Barrino - Summertime
OooooooOooooooSummertimeAnd the livin is easyFish are jumpinAnd the cotton is ...

Fantasia Barrino - This Is Me
OooohhhhThis is me[speaking] this is who i am..[verse one]I'm st...

Fantasia Barrino - Truth Is
Ah Oh Ah Oh[Verse 1]Ran into an old friend yesterdayCaught me by surprise when he c...

Fantasia Barrino - You Were Always On My Mind
[Verse one]Maybe I didn't love you quite as often as I could have,Maybe I didn't treat you quit...

Fatboy Slim - Bird Of Pray
Bird of pray, bird of prayFly in high. fly in highBird of pray, bird of prayIn the summer sky, f...

Fat Joe - Beat Novacane
[Fat Joe]Yeah, T.S., yeah, uhhYo, yo...Wonder if we all V-S'es'usWanna know t...

Fat Joe - Does Anybody Know
[Fat Joe imitating KRS-One]Wa-ta-ta-tang, wa-ta-ta-tang, tangListen to my nine millimeter go BA...

Fat Joe - Gangsta
[Intro: Fat Joe]Ollie ollie oxen free!Like one, two, threeRed light, green light, one, tw...

Fat Joe - I Can Do U
[Chorus: singer repeats 2X]I can do you, do you, better better better than he can, baby baby...

Fat Joe - Intro
[sample of "If and When" by The Three Degrees + Fat Joe]I can see loneliness, heading my wayThe...

Fat Joe - It's Nothing
Yeah. Uhh. Joe crack the don!Ton' Sunshine. Terror, uhhTerror squad, its our time!Uhh, yea, hand...

Fat Joe - J.o.s.e.
[talking]Aiyyo Crack, these niggaz is playin mad childish gamesNiggaz act like it's a rap.....

Fat Joe - Life Goes On
[Intro - Fat Joe talking]Yeah, uh, yeah, Loyalty, hahaShe was sixteen maybe seventeen, uh...

Fat Joe - My Lifestyle
[background](Ya'll wanna live my lifestyleNever seen a brick, never seen a crackhouseWann...

Fat Joe - Prove Something
East New York!! oh god!!Yeah, got that gangsta gangsta gully gullyYeah, big business, Joe Crack the do...

Fat Joe - Rock Ya Body
[Fat Joe]Aowwwwwwwwww! Cool & DreI was the one who believed in you!Hahahaha...

Fat Joe - Safe 2 Say (the Incredible)
[Sample is courtesy of "Bring The Noise" By Public Enemy][Intro]Just Blaze you a r...

Fat Joe - Shit Is Real Pt. Iii
[Intro: Fat Joe]Slow motion baby, unhTell you what I see through these eyesAll we do is s...

Fat Joe - Still Real
[Fat Joe]It's so depressing, uh..Be the realest shit I ever wrote (Money and cars bitches)...

Fat Joe - Take A Look At My Life
[Intro: Fat Joe]Whooo.. friendly day in the neighborhoodBirds is chirpin (Hi neighbor!)Ni...

Fat Joe - Temptation Pt. 1
(Beat Novacane!)[Chorus 2X: Fat Joe]Lord forgive me temptation to killBut I gotta g...

Fat Joe - Temptation Pt. 2
[27 second skit opens song telling Pablo his sister is dead][Chorus: 'Pablo']Joe C...

Fat Joe - We Run This Shit
[Fat Joe]Yo ah! You know who rule this shitCity is mine I blaze up like Diddy and ShyneAn...

Fear Factory - 0-0 (where Evil Dwells)
LONG LIVE THE NEW FLESH!Where evil dwellsNorthport, L.I.Mutilation MurderGrisly sacrificia...

Fear Factory - Acres Of Skin
walk through the ashes of manskin like fields on firepain is only a weakness death is just an es...

Fear Factory - Act Of God
In my eyes stagnation surroundsBlood that life beaten and boundAn act of mercy, a scene painTher...

Fear Factory - Archetype
You must never forgetThe essence of your sparkAll of that which defines youIs the essence of you...

Fear Factory - Arise Above Oppression
Rise above, rise aboveSteal away to hide your shameRise above, rise above! Rise above your...

Fear Factory - A Therapy For Pain
I welcome death with open armsHer soft breath and simple charmWandering through memoriesTakes my...

Fear Factory - Back The Fuck Up
from the wastelandcold steel under my wastebandhazardous timesenemy lines drawn in the middle th...

Fear Factory - Big God/raped Souls
[Intro:]In America today, every 25 fuckingseconds someoneis viciously raped, ...

Fear Factory - Bite The Hand That Bleeds
I watch you tap the blood in my veinMy heart you feed on to keep you sustainedA parasite that leaves m...

Fear Factory - Body Hammer
I clench my teeth and realizeMy world is so near it's demiseA dying sun in a poisonous skyStinin...

Fear Factory - Byte Block
i'm nothing morenothing less than a single piece of flesh nothing morenothing less t...

Fear Factory - Cars
Here in my carI feel safest of allI can lock all my doorsIt's the only way to liveIn cars ...

Fear Factory - Concreto
Hammer downThe sicknessWipe it outOf existence Cut down corruptionCut down inf...

Fear Factory - Corporate Cloning
A Clone force mass producedSimulate, introduceDelinquint, rank and fileIncodent, stamped and sty...

Fear Factory - Crash Test
Some men believeAnimals aren't seenTesting on their mindsTesting with their livesYou can't...

Fear Factory - Crisis
You that I despiseRepentance of sortsDeath comes naturallyNot from a hated warRepentance...

Fear Factory - Cyberwaste
Nothing you say matters to usNothing you say matters to usFuck youSpread your word this po...

Fear Factory - Damaged
consequences that had left me for deadrepercussions that went straight to your headtrusting in no one ...

Fear Factory - Default Judgement
DiscriminationYour intention to scar meDiscriminationYour a suspect penaltyI suffer!...

Fear Factory - Desecrate
Desecrate the vows withinSanctify all your fearsDesecrate the holy churchDesecrateFi...

Fear Factory - Digimortal
one step! as i witness the death of innocence a predator feeding on its creationthrough th...

Fear Factory - Dog Day Sunrise
Dog Day SunriseEvery day of my lifeI'm working on a schemeWorking overtime undergroundGirl...

Fear Factory - Drones
You waste awayA spinning cageMass bided by the sunYou spend your dayStuck in a race...

Fear Factory - Escape Confusion
Escape, escapeEscape confusionEscape animosity [X2]From moralityA morbi...

Fear Factory - Flashpoint
I liedRight to your faceAnd I'll burnIn flamesInstinctHas failed me nowEnslave...

Fear Factory - Flesh Hold
Breaking out this stifled roomA jail cell, a stell tombTo see the lightMy mere existenceGo...

Fear Factory - Freedom Or Fire
How can you accept social suppresionThis weak state of mind in our timeI demand release from hypocrisy...

Fear Factory - Hi -tech Hate
These weapons of mass destructionAround our world, threat to us all!Operated by fears, cold over yea...

Fear Factory - H-k (hunter-killer)
The conscious man is deadAnd I buried himBeneath this scarred tissueArmored skeletonThe ma...

Fear Factory - Human Shields
So much violence in our nameA life, a silence masked in shameChildren running in the streets...

Fear Factory - Hurt Conveyor
all that you have and you really have nothing to show for the life that's your ownsuddenly you r...

Fear Factory - Invisible Wounds (dark Bodies)
dark bodies floating in darknessno sign of light ever given imprisoned in a world without a memory...

Fear Factory - Leechmaster
What you feelAre your needsAll you wantIs to be lovedPain!...Love!...Pain!...

Fear Factory - Lifeblind
Chosen to speakTruth of the weakWhere is your god? Truth has been lostWhere is the w...

Fear Factory - Manipulation
Your conniving wordsAre childishly insaneTo get what you wantYou'll say anythingIn your mi...

Fear Factory - Never End
after the smoke clearsand the flames subside (we have been forsaken...) a thousand eyes we...

Fear Factory - New Breed
We are the new breedWe are the futureWe are the new breedWe are the futureWe are immune to...

Fear Factory - No One
violence in my headlike a thorn that pierced my skin spilling strength on the floor where i stand...

Fear Factory - Obsolete
Nothing is the way it seemsDiscerning man from machines nowDominate as to eraseWiping man off Ea...

Fear Factory - Resistancia!
Hey!They walk over youAs if you weren't thereEquality does not existIn our cold life since...

Fear Factory - School
Won't you believe itIt's just my luck [x4]No recess [x3]Won't you beli...

Fear Factory - Self Immolation
SkinYour scarsSurface isRusty blades[Chorus:]Self immolation crying out...

Fear Factory - Slave Labor
Machines are paper thin, and they're welded with inkSealed inside a legal trap, so tight with a leakA ...

Fear Factory - Soulwound
A tortured whipping dog defiledStalked by oblivion and denialScarring lacerationsHopeless devist...

Fear Factory - Suffer Age
Compressed youthful voicesSuffer ageBelow John's floorsSpoilageLingering deathGaggin...

Fear Factory - Timelessness
I've felt darknessclosing in on meChilling shadowssurrounding meI've had the poisonl...

Fear Factory - Undercurrent
Lies are all that we hearDeath your undertones of fearLies are what causes fearDeath you and all...

Fear Factory - What Will Become?
we've cut in, cut out the face of man cut in, cut out the face of... time has given ...

Fear Factory - W.o.e.
Caught beneath visions of hatredDrowning fast in sounds of silenceCaught between divisions of hate...

Fear Factory - Your Mistake
We're here to be and the ones to succeedNo need for you to tell us how to beCan't seem to find your re...

Feeder - 20th Century Trip
Ocean Blue, Deep + Cool, Rain on me, Kisses the sea, Clouds in space, The earth rota...

Feeder - 21st Century Meltdown
We're laughing in the face of fear again We close our eyes and watch it disappear Stepping on the ston...

Feeder - 7 Days In The Sun
I've got a friend, her name is LauraWe took a holiday, seven sweet days in MajorcaWe took a plane, thr...

Feeder - Anaesthetic
I'm burning out the TV tubes, It's three o'clock & I'm confusedCause commitment is so complete, ...

Feeder - Bad Hair Day
[Muffled screaming]had a bad hair dayhad a bad hair dayhad a bad hair dayhad ...

Feeder - Bitter Glass
The thought of never knowingWould kill me just the sameThe solitary blossomReminders of a friend...

Feeder - Broken
Fading outHolding outThe innocent wayLoves run outLeft this world inside of me...

Feeder - Bullet
Gone for daysCut the chaseBite the bullet timeEase the painGive me something new she...

Feeder - Can't Dance To Disco
I can't dress so I can't dance to discoI can't move and I hate the way my feet goI can't dress but she...

Feeder - Can't Stand Losing You
I've called you so many times today And I guess it's all true what your girlfriends say You don't ever...

Feeder - Cement
It's funny how i watch the day go by, I'm sittin watching tv, Talk Shows High, Theres banging onthe walls, M...

Feeder - Cement (cd Rom Video)
It's funny how I watch the day go byI'm sitting watching TVTalk shows highThere's banging on the...

Feeder - Change
Looking through the windowshade, Stare at streets that bare no name, Now it all looks strange to me, ...

Feeder - Chicken On A Bone
Follow the riverWallow in silverVoices draw nearerI'm counting out the day's wageLet...

Feeder - Child In You
Talk about itYou dream about itYou feel that there's no place left to glowOperatics, break the h...

Feeder - Choke
She likes big boats, big yachts, designer throwsShe likes big blokes, body oil, sex that chokesHer mot...

Feeder - Circles
Yeah, we're gonna make mistakesPoliticians shake and fakesBacks against the wallFeel the world a...

Feeder - Come Back Around
Turning into somethingDrifting off to old waysGot to pull myself back inHolding back the q...

Feeder - Comfort In Sound
We fall right in and suffer the sinsTry to pull things round when the air starts to thinWe nurse regre...

Feeder - Crash
I put my best foot first & it got burned, Communication always hurts, I got myself so deep inside a ho...

Feeder - Crash (cd Rom Video)
I put my best foot first and it got burntCommunication always hurtsI've got myself so deep inside a ho...

Feeder - Day In Day Out
We queuing up the tills, Wishing for our lives to changeJust a piece of something new, A taste would keep us...

Feeder - Descend
Sittin back i only wish, Today will turn out fine, And wash away the stain, The poison in my eye...

Feeder - Dove Grey Sands
Seein' life beginHear the oceans singIt takes you backPulls you backBrings you home...

Feeder - Eclipse
You and I used to meet the sameWrapped together in cellophaneWe can try to get awayDrift forever...

Feeder - Elegy
Summer breeze, kisses meAutumn leaves retireApathy, breaking freeStill waiting for the sun...

Feeder - Emily
Gotta learn how to thinkCause I'm drowning in sinJust wanna taste that cinnamon skinI've gotta l...

Feeder - Feel It Again
December, why does it always rainWhy does it never snowTempers, pulling you round again...

Feeder - Find The Colour
Find the colour Sight and soundA new exposure comes aroundAnaesthetic for the mindHear the...

Feeder - Forget About Tomorrow
Calling, distortingReach the ends for youBurn a hole right throughTalking, we keep talking...

Feeder - Forgive
Shoot holes in me, Then you watch as i bleed, Sticks, Sticks and stones, Break my bones as i spe...

Feeder - Forgiven
Calling out again,Sweat upon my head achesMaking me feel badIll againAnd as we're dreaming...

Feeder - Frequency
Come on inI hear your voiceChange the frequencyAnd make that choiceConstitution...

Feeder - Getting To Know You Well
Turn back another pageReading the words she sent todayFeeling my capsizeGazing at photographs of...

Feeder - Godzilla
Live life in overdriveLost love in suicideGodzillaFind ways to sanitiseClean m...

Feeder - Helium
Fuel emotions, killing mePure devotion, cut and bleedYou're the crystal, the ecstasy,The drug th...

Feeder - Here In The Bubble
Keep my feet on the sand Gotta take the hand that guides me there As I reach, do they stare? Do ...

Feeder - High
Guess im stuck in a dreamSurrounded by coloured leaves on the ground, As i stare at the trees, I...

Feeder - Home For Summer
It's hard for me to comprehend Holding on with broken hands But who will understand Wallow in th...

Feeder - Insomnia
Reading magazines and counting sheep to pass the time awayHoping that tomorrow's gonna bring a smile BACK ho...

Feeder - Just A Day
Waking up at twelve in my clothes again Feel my head explode from a night of gin Another night out lat...

Feeder - Just The Way I'm Feeling
Love in, love out, find the feelingScream in, scream out, time for healingYou feel the moments gone to...

Feeder - Living In Polaroid
Breathing in, spitting outThe bittersweet sugar of lifeIt used to taste betterSucking in, pullin...

Feeder - Lose The Fear
Bu bu bu bu, bu bu bu buCome back in,As love get's thin and leaves you dry.Found that space,...

Feeder - Love Pollution
Crossing bridges over waterA new reflection creeping inGot your head so full of trafficThe love ...

Feeder - Moonshine
Floating in the evergladesFaces lit in sunA moon that lights a thousand ways acrossIs company fo...

Feeder - Morning Life
A new day has begunAnd taken us nowMorning life is hereTurn outside and soundBut you...

Feeder - My Perfect Day
Got this Dagger in my back, The balde inside me burning, Change these colours in my head, Turnto face the re...

Feeder - Opaque
It makes no difference when it's funSenses shot away who gives a damnWho I amI'm opaqueLef...

Feeder - Oxidize
Telepathic, social addictsInteractive to the massesLeft to our defenses as we change the colours...

Feeder - Pain On Pain
Stay for lifeFor lifeAll you discoverStay for lifeFor lifeThis moment together...

Feeder - Paperfaces
Staring at Paper faces, Expressions like empty pages, Day after dayWaiting for the lights to change now,, Re...

Feeder - Picture Of Perfect Youth
Left out in the sun to dry again, Washed up on a shore line south of SpainGazing up with telescopic eyes, Pl...

Feeder - Piece By Piece
Sitting on a corner streetChildren playing at my feetSee the smiles on ice cream facesFeel mysel...

Feeder - Pilgrim Soul
You said you couldYou wouldYou shouldAnd nothing could be this good againNothing could bea...

Feeder - Polythene Girl
I wish that i could touch the skyElevate MeI hope that i dont burn my eyesAs i Drift freeD...

Feeder - Power Of Love
Aye aye aye ayeFeels like fireI'm so in love with youDreams are like angelsThey keep...

Feeder - Purple
I think I'm coming roundComing round to a way of thinking nowTrying to find the groundSomewhere ...

Feeder - Pushing The Senses
Feelings you never knewPulling you under nowYour fighting the undertowBefore it sucks you down...

Feeder - Quick Fade
Time, time on your mindA conscience tickingImages passing by like picture slides arrangedLove wi...

Feeder - Radiation
Pull back my skin, Look Deep within, Transparent grins, The more you Kill Me.Just se...

Feeder - Radioman
Waking each day, No money no payLiving in a box alone with his pain, Kissing the rain that's pouring again,...

Feeder - Rain
Don't you think it's sad?Happiness is dead, our rain has goneBuilding up the wallsJust to see th...

Feeder - Remember The Silence
Feeling so aloneComplexion white as stoneLooking for a getawayBroken by the strainAn...

Feeder - Rubberband
Jumping into streams of nectarFalling through these clouds of silverReaching for these angel's faces...

Feeder - Satellite News
Sending it all right backWaiting for heart attacksWatching the days collideChanging with the wea...

Feeder - Shade
Would it always be the same Give it all to reason Let me down You watch me drown Hold me d...

Feeder - Slider
Show me how to get homeThrow me like a stoneShow me how to get homeYou love to watch me crawl...

Feeder - Slowburn
Biting down, feeling the pressure again It's no more than we deserve, eyes closed to collect sun Teari...

Feeder - So Well
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 still aliveIt's dragging me under, Don't think I'll recoverA stone in the w...

Feeder - Space Age Hero
Evaporate, exasperateWatch the world with swivel handWe're hanging on a wireCigaretes, nicorette...

Feeder - Spill
Push holes in the plasticImmaculate dolls in the hands of a child with a ratchetTwo fingers too out of...

Feeder - Standing On The Edge
There's a message on my bedA new engraving in my overloading headFeel the walls are caving inAs ...

Feeder - Stereo World
Staring at the ideal world, The bubble begins to break, Gazing at the ceiling cracks, The more t...

Feeder - Suffocate
Show it to me one way, I've gotta see it all, Scientific Radar, Reaching through the storm, ...

Feeder - Summer's Gone
Crack and break, life's big mistake,I'm feeling it too, there's no way home.The summer's gone,Th...

Feeder - Sweet 16
Get away from me and so she said You're like a social disease I'm so tired of being afraid of you ...

Feeder - Swim
Kill, kill or be killed for Expected life to be so safe Caught, caught in a mantrap Another part...

Feeder - Tangerine
Tangerine,Turning Green, Cellophane, Window pane, Socialised, Paralysed, Plast...

Feeder - Tell All Your Friends
Staring out to reach a starContemplating life on marsLife's a cover magazineI'm an eggshell unde...

Feeder - Tender
AcheCan't watch you breakAnd shatterSavedNew lives to makeUs betterI'm l...

Feeder - Tinsel Town
Falling down, reaching out, For someone to come downOblivious to all of us, The child that grows inside...

Feeder - Tomorrow Shine
Wishing for a summer without rainSeeing is believing for ourselvesBreathing as we're sinking to the sa...

Feeder - Tumble & Fall
All this for nothing, yeah yeah yeahPraying and hoping, fooling yourselfYou know that you can give lov...

Feeder - Turn
Seeing things, going placesLiving out of suitcasesEvery day's like a dreamI find myself talking ...

Feeder - Tv Me
They cover me in the clothes you seeAnd I'm suffocating I try to breatheOnly here to let them know...

Feeder - Under The Weather
I've got a pain in my sick brainTwo red eyes and broken veinsI've got a hand inside my headA cha...

Feeder - Undivided
Searching through broken piecesSame old news, the more I bleedCrucified again, the more we choose...

Feeder - Waiting For Changes
Office blocks, corner shops, traffic jams on every street, The same old rush around Obsolete, I'm a freak, I...

Feeder - We Can't Rewind
You're just a face in the crowdA tiny hole in the cloudYou're trying to find your way inTo let y...

Feeder - Whooey
We can't keep pissing in the windBleaching holes in perfect skin to make us newHold a match until it b...

Feeder - Wishing For The Sun
Lying on a bedFlying in my headWishing for the sunDon't let the rain man comeOpen up the s...

Feeder - W.i.t.
She's looking good in a new towel,Looking clear in the new crowd,She's so funny to be with,So ea...

Feeder - World Asleep
Feel like meCut away my skinThe blood on the tap washes cleanThe mirror I cracked curses me...

Feeder - Yesterday Went Too Soon
Sitting in today, watching traffic buzzing by, and faces nosing inA victim of regret, it glitters and it fad...

Feeder - You're My Evergreen
The words we say, Old flowers fade awayRemember yesterday, Wish it would bloom againApathy and pain, H...

Fefe Dobson - 8 X 10
Don't only wanna dream about you, yeahBut a dream like this should never be this hardIf I should live ...

Fefe Dobson - Bye Bye Boyfriend
I've been lying, to keep you from this pain Now your crying, and to know that I'm to blame ...

Fefe Dobson - Don't Go (girls & Boys)
I was ridin' my bike on 43rd streetPast the station andThere's one person without a seatGot my s...

Fefe Dobson - Everything
Ayo ladadayoAyo ladadayo ladeedaSometimes I give in to sadnessSometimes I don'tDoo doo doo...

Fefe Dobson - Give It Up
He wants herShe wants him tooBroken message coming throughSame story for different fools...

Fefe Dobson - If You Walk Away
Come onI've been walking, I've been runningTo the place where the traffic goesI've been tr...

Fefe Dobson - Julia
Tell me this is not the endJuliaYou, my love, my oldest friendJuliaI see you with flowers ...

Fefe Dobson - Kiss Me Fool
Tell me who should I be to make you love me?Tell me what does it mean to be alone?Can't you see me sta...

Fefe Dobson - Rainbow
Your only a rainbow awayand I'm sitting here soaking wet, waiting for youYour only a rainbow, just a r...

Fefe Dobson - Revolution Song
In my dream I break the chains that hold this place togetherbut in my dream the consequences would be so muc...

Fefe Dobson - Rock It Till You Drop It
C'mon nowRock it till you drop itMmmmRock it till you drop itYou know what I'm sayin...

Fefe Dobson - Stupid Little Love Song
It's just a stupid little love songIt's just a stupid littleIt's just a stupid little love song...

Fefe Dobson - Take Me Away
I..was waiting all my life to know you(all about you)And now..I'm staring in your eyes ocean blue...

Fefe Dobson - We Went For A Ride
We went for a rideUndercover of the twilightAnd the traffic on the roadAnd there's only you and ...

Fenix Tx - Abba Zabba
These nights, they, they go by slower and slowerI'm searching for the sun beneath the sheetsAnd I thin...

Fenix Tx - All My Fault
I guess we've had our funbut it seems our fun is over nowAnd that's all rightIt's all right...

Fenix Tx - Apple Pie Cowboy Toothpaste
How many wrong turns can I makeI'd give a million dollars just to see her smileon top of meBut i...

Fenix Tx - A Song For Everyone
Well I know that it's late but the words wouldn't wait I'm really sorry that I woke you up I don't kno...

Fenix Tx - Beating A Dead Horse
I hate your can't stand your holding back But I wanna say much more every day gets worse Can't take th...

Fenix Tx - Ben
Ask me a question I'll tell you all I knowYou ask for my adviceAnd then you take a different road...

Fenix Tx - El Borracho
Tonight I'm yours completely sharing you with painGuilt and remorse come with me They're dying to play...

Fenix Tx - Flight 601 (all I've I Got Is Time)
I think about the places I have beenAnd what I've seenAnd all the lessons I've learned in between...

Fenix Tx - G.b.o.h.
Sometimes I think of what I could've beenAnd then I kick myselfKnowing that I've ended upJust li...

Fenix Tx - Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Car
[Originally by Billy Ocean]Hey, you, get into my carWho me?Yes you, get into my car...

Fenix Tx - Jean Claude Trans Am
And if I ever hurt youYou know I never meant toso please don't hold it against mebut in the heat...

Fenix Tx - Jolly Green Dumbass
Well all the things I've saidTo try to make it workHave all been bent or misunderstoodEverything...

Fenix Tx - Katie W
The nightmares the bad dreams have become reality At least inside my mind yeah But no words that you s...

Fenix Tx - Manufactured Inspirato
You're working day and night just steady struggling You think that you can make it by yourself You fee...

Fenix Tx - Minimum Wage
Politically correct and mentally erectI'm doing everything I can to conserve the bestBut life ain't no...

Fenix Tx - No Lie
Take a chance on me she said I'll be here for a whileI should have seen the lies through her smilewhy ...

Fenix Tx - Pasture Of Muppets
It won't be longUntil you learn about this oneIs there any reason you can't say?I must be wrong...

Fenix Tx - Philosophy
Nothing good can ever seem to lastbut it's goodness that delivers usour past nothing good can ever com...

Fenix Tx - Phoebe Cates
Don't wanna hang around anyone today I'm sick of playing the same old games Cause I know I can't win t...

Fenix Tx - Rooster Song
Big cock,he's so damn bigBig cock,he even ate a pigBig cock,a big cock for your mout...

Fenix Tx - Something Bad Is Gonna Happen
My intention this deception doesn't seem to impress me anymore Three in the morning So the city should...

Fenix Tx - Speechless
I never said a thing to hurt youIt's what I didn't say that made you cryAnd in all honestyI neve...

Fenix Tx - Surf Song
Hanging out at the beach one dayAnd I heard someone say that ifI Was coolI'd be surfingTha...

Fenix Tx - Tearjerker
Picture's on the wall just waiting there to fall Still remind me that painful holiday can almost hear you sa...

Fenix Tx - Threesome
And if there's nothing left to sayI'll string you along until I get my wayUse all those subtle inquiri...

Field Mob - All I Know
[Intro: Cee-Lo]It's 6 O'clock, it's volume 1Yeah, Greg Street's mixtape[Verse On...

Field Mob - Can't Stop Us
Uh,it's hard catchin' these old rhymesI cant' remember these old rhymesIt's hard catchin' these old rh...

Field Mob - Channel 613, Pt. 1
I woke up on Fox found myself starring on CopsGot chased by squad cars and cameras for two blocksI hat...

Field Mob - Cheatin' On We
[Tasha:] I'm home![Boy:] Hey Mama![T:] Hi, where's Smoke at?[Boy:] H...

Field Mob - Crutch
[Chorus]You are not alone 'cause I'm going through this thing with you You don't have to cry no...

Field Mob - Cut Loose
[Verse One: Kalage]My shorty done cut me loose, and left me in the windGot a new man wit a Ph.D...

Field Mob - Da' Durty
The filthy, nasty, dirty, south!I represent Albany gorillas, rock choppers, and drug niggasWe bust sho...

Field Mob - Dead In Your Chevy
[Verse 1]Damn you done came up short again ain't uh Cause yo homeboy fought again ain't uh ...

Field Mob - Dimez (jazzy B's)
[Kalage]I'm lookin for a made misses, not one of them lazy chickens But one them on top of her ...

Field Mob - Don't Want No Problems
Mmhm, mmhm, mmhmMmhm, mmhm, mmhmYeah, all in my face feelin' meMmhm, mmhm, mmhmAll in my f...

Field Mob - Haters
[hook 2x]HATERSSSSSSSSSS!hatin cause my 20's be..choppin! choppin!hatin cause these hoes ...

Field Mob - It's Hell
Stay upHold ya head upIt's hell in the streets boyHold your head y'all, livin' cause it's there...

Field Mob - My Main Roni
My main girl, aint that some shitI aint with it Niggas aint shit, bitches aint either All that ...

Field Mob - Project Dreamz
[Boondox]Rent thirty days late, gotta be gone by Saturday Tired of sellin' cocaine, folks tryna...

Field Mob - Sick Of Being Lonely
[Verse 1]Little shawty, we used to be on the phone all dayTalkin' to the sunshine shinin' on my...

Fightstar - Amethyst
She smokes like an amethystMoving her way through my skinShe moves meCause East is the way I go...

Fightstar - Lost Like Tears In The Rain
I'm not from around hereI'll hold onto you butI cant hold on to this day it's all goneWaiting al...

Fightstar - Mono
If time can break us downAnd not keep us aroundI wont waitI wont mindNot this timeI'...

Fightstar - Palahniuk's Laughter
I'm not in your house,But I'm not in your head,You're not even listening.It's so hard to know...

Fightstar - Speak Up
We started running nowBut I cant see straightI cant communicateI swear we never willYou wi...

Filter - American Cliche
Last seat on the busWho you gonna trustWhich one do you followLast seat on the busDon't ma...

Filter - (can't You) Trip Like I Do
I've got the understanding of a four year oldI've got the piece of mind of a killer's soulI've got the...

Filter - Columind
What do you think you did here kid?You're living like some rich kid bitch?The scratch that make you fl...

Filter - God Damn Me
There isn't enough hot water to be in There isn't enough salt lake to to lie in There isn't enough sky...

Filter - It Can Never Be The Same
You can never be the same to me And you should never hide your shame from me Cause you yeah you ...

Filter - Jurassitol
Hey old man got something for youchange your mind gonna' make you take ityour mistake is something you...

Filter - My Long Walk To Jail
There's a little place I'm going It's a place that I know well it's a little place that's growing ...

Filter - One
One is the loneliest number that you'll ever doTwo can be as bad as one, its the loneliest number since the ...

Filter - So I Quit
MotherfuckerYou got your legal babyYou got your legal goodYou got your legal babyJus...

Filter - Thanks Bro
take another chance nowI took mineyou got something to think aboutI don't have the timeyou...

Filter - The Missing
Hey god told us that we made a very big sin You don't know where to begin He says tu...

Filter - The Only Way (is The Wrong Way)
Did you think that I'd disappear? Did you think that I'd wash away? Did you think that I'd last this l...

Filter - World Today
I like the world todayI like the world todayI like the world todayI like the world today...

Filter - You Walk Away
I got greed, it's got meI got freeze, it's on meI can't breathe, I can't seeI just bleed, I just...

Finch - A Man Alone
Woke up this morning without a faceI've fooled myself againI've sold myself againAnother wasted ...

Finch - A Piece Of Mind
Treacherous hold on meWith daggers for teethA pound of flesh for regretTied to marionetteL...

Finch - Apologetic Theory
Everything I'm saying is coming out all wrong,Please bear with meI've got so much to sayLet me e...

Finch - Awake
One devotion to an empty moment.Can't you stay tonight?Silence broken with words unspoken.Now sh...

Finch - Bitemarks & Bloodstains
My or may we be this way forever?Tell me lover what will become of the otherBones, skin, nails and fle...

Finch - Brother Bleed Brother
Hate sin not the sinnerA mold of ugliness thrown intoThe fireBrother bleed brotherWhat hav...

Finch - Bury Me
I'm sorry, but red's my color nowguess you got to me somehowthis mistake is breaking meshe said,...

Finch - Dreams Of Psilocybin
All along the water's edgeThe ripples curl and bendAs the moon bleeds"Satire's no match for a ma...

Finch - Dumb
[Originally by Nirvana]I'm not like themBut I can pretendThe sun is goneBut I...

Finch - Ender
Here I am beside myself again.I'm torn apart by words that you have said.And all in all,I know w...

Finch - Fireflies
Communications downI float withoutA light to lead me backI'm lost againThey say silence is...

Finch - Frail
Kiss the sunIn your eyesLove unveiledI can't denyBe not warnedWatch it fallMes...

Finch - Grey Matter
Bite the tongue, to live with what you've done.It's so good.Lie to myself while I lie with myself....

Finch - Hopeless Host
I feel the painCorroded arteries exposed to cold skinFeeding meDiastolic curdled oxygenI l...

Finch - Ink
I climbed the mountaintopI saw the bottom dropI'm clinging to driftwoodI swim in a deep world...

Finch - Insomniatic Meat
Oh my god. I think I'm blindI've found one color won't sufficeYou promised, sleep tonight...

Finch - Letters To You
Can't you see that i wanna be there with open armsIt's empty tonight and i'm all aloneGet me through t...

Finch - Miro
Slumber has erased meComfort is only skin deepA dirty mirror reveals reasonTo digest corrective ...

Finch - New Beginnings
Hand me downs and photographsspread across the floora broken record spins in circlesshe can't li...

Finch - New Kid
I'm on my way back homeI've lost my wayI've gone astrayand now I'm on way back down that road...

Finch - Once Upon My Nightstand
I'm sleeping to give my head a restI am so sick of these argumentsAlone, once again I'm on my own...

Finch - Perfection Through Silence
Alone at lasttogether in a photograph.Our eyes are always opendevoted to perfection through sile...

Finch - Post Script
I wish it didn't hurt, hurt like thisTo say these things to you.I'll sacrifice one moment for one trut...

Finch - Project Mayhem
She shouts, "The most incessant, the most deplete"She said, "Show me conscience with nothing to eat"Sh...

Finch - Ravenous
Below the earth lies a serpentFire and brimstoneRemove the backboneSay hello to sunshineWa...

Finch - Reduced To Teeth
Behind a mask, a man can bask onlyFor so long before being exposedTo the sunThe moon is up, a wh...

Finch - Revelation: Song
Feel like a riddle today?Glamorous - and I must sayThat you are barely okMeanwhile I fight...

Finch - Say It Ain't So
[Originally by Weezer]Somebody's HeinekinIs crowding my iceboxSomebody's cold one...

Finch - Stars
[Originally by Hum]She thinks she missed the train to mars.She's out back counting stars....

Finch - Stay With Me
once again your eyes make it hard to say goodbyeso i'll just keep drivingwhere do you wanna go?i...

Finch - The Casket Of Roderic Usher
Human fleshOpen earthPrepare your burialThis body cold and contagiousBuried with your face...

Finch - Three Simple Words
Open up my eyes,Flooded with daylight.Another sleepless night turns color black and white....

Finch - Untitled
Everything is silentI feel disconnectedWords turn to phrases, phrases turn to prayerSo now...

Finch - Waiting
Today is just like all the othersI'm not alright i've cried my last tearsI'm bleeding out my pain as y...

Finch - What It Is To Burn
She burnsToday's on fireThe sky is bleeding above me, and I am blisteredI walk these lines...

Finch - With Or Without You
[U2 Cover]See the stone Set in your eyesSee the thornTwist in your side...

Finch - Without You Here
The storm is bad tonight,so how could I awake without you here?Your picture's on the wall.You ha...

Finch - Worms Of The Earth
Worms of the earth, rise in numbersA silent night brings them upon usRising from the soil to torment t...

Finger Eleven - Above
inside i'm goneyou knew that all alongwithout the distance you never get awayplastic bag i...

Finger Eleven - Absent Elements
Everyone plays alongGet them giving or steal the life theyre breathingTheyll grow sickenedTake t...

Finger Eleven - Awake And Dreaming
i can't lose anythingso what's left is mineand I win this timeconsolation dayi'll ma...

Finger Eleven - Bones & Joints
Cloud my eyes and tell me what to seeI'm fallingEvery way I turn the same diseaseBut I like it...

Finger Eleven - Broken Words
Your sweet little handsBrush right past meSometimes you don't understandWhy you can't reach...

Finger Eleven - Complicated Questions
Easy to be taken with everything youre sayingMake us perfect and say it all againBut if every single s...

Finger Eleven - Condenser
felt the best that i could feel censored every memorygive me yours so I can feed mineanywhere but far ...

Finger Eleven - Conversations
Something changingThe secret is buildingAlmost over and somehow seems a beginningLosing focus...

Finger Eleven - Costume For A Gutterball
the mask keeps on slipping and tearingthe holes are big enough to seei strain and i'm bending to hear ...

Finger Eleven - Drag You Down
It's biting it's teething it's biting I'm bleedingIt's calling it's crawling it's calling and I'm falling...

Finger Eleven - Famous
Wait if everything's going greatCan you remember a day to tell?If someone should wish you wellTh...

Finger Eleven - First Time
I had never thoughtWe were hanging onBut the fall looks very farStaring at the groundWhat ...

Finger Eleven - For The Ocean
Without it I'm failingMy heart waits in the wings aloneThe stages I go throughKeep coming time a...

Finger Eleven - Glimpse
tell me what you need to hear and i'll tell it to you againi can fake it all if you can toowill it sto...

Finger Eleven - Good Times
Something has stuck in underneath my skinEyes all looking in for something withinSomewhere in here...

Finger Eleven - My Carousel
Spotlights are roaming The show will begin I had never thoughtBut don't give my circus away...

Finger Eleven - Obvious Heart
The obvious heart has come to collectCause it tore apart like a tortured insectThe obvious heart waits...

Finger Eleven - One Thing
Restless tonightCause I wasted the lightBetween both these timesI drew a really thin lineI...

Finger Eleven - Other Light
Never tell your friendsTheyll never understandConfessions only burn themselves in the fireChoke ...

Finger Eleven - Panic Attack
Thought I could fake this thing alrightThought it could somehow get me byWatching the doctors as they ...

Finger Eleven - Quicksand
slow sinking feeling kills the mood you're conveyingand it pulls me far down below it might be best if...

Finger Eleven - Sad Exchange
Quietly thinking to myselfSharing half our mind instead of noneThe shakings just begunThe pleasa...

Finger Eleven - Shudder
so sad to everyonedid not occur to youwake up an empty shellsomeone to crawl intodea...

Finger Eleven - Slow Chemical
The wonder of the world is gone I know for sureAll the wonder that I want I found in herAs the h...

Finger Eleven - Stay And Drown
Good God have I been dreamingThis paralyzing feeling?Was I left alone? Where have you gone?Were ...

Finger Eleven - Stay In Shadow
So cold that you cannot cope With a frozen heartI guess we blow apartI guessed it from the start...

Finger Eleven - Suffocate
Talk to meCan you listen to me nowDo you understandCan you identify? But it's as if you se...

Finger Eleven - Swallowtail
let me inand let me go tell me thati need toknowswallow the key swallow the key...

Finger Eleven - Temporary Arms
i burn and melt and stick and fadeyour temporary arms invadeone of many last warningscannot wipe...

Finger Eleven - The Last Scene Of Struggling
The static grows and kills the messageUnclear as the wind blowsThin whispers through all the wreckage...

Finger Eleven - Therapy
Wide awakened out of spinningRound the safest orbitYou controlled the ordinaryI was grateful for...

Finger Eleven - Thin Spirits
another faceanother empty spacethe feelings fadeand all the lonely ones are left hiding...

Finger Eleven - Thousand Mile Wish
Forgive me if now I wear the face of worryThis time alone could never cause any doubtBut Ive been cold...

Finger Eleven - Tip
i gave it all i gave it up theni took it in and got enough buti try to cancel outwhatever i can'...

Finger Eleven - Walking In My Shoes
I would tell you about the things,They put me through.The pain I've been subjected to.But the Lo...

Fingertight - At War
I can see the desert I can see the stars.But was it left for you or was it something that you had ignored, i...

Fingertight - Bellevue
I woke up at noon my voice was silenced. (i can see the sick in side of you.) They chained my hands but i st...

Fingertight - Bla Bla Radio
Sign your name at the bottom and set the record straight. The cannibal sold out this morning in attempt to s...

Fingertight - Emo This
There are people who don't belong here.You can tell 'cause they keep to themselves.Crack one open and ...

Fingertight - Fear In Me
The fear in me is what keeps me uip at night. And you're killing me but it makes me feel...Not here fo...

Fingertight - Guilt (hold Down)
I went to sleep last night wondering how I'd feelIf I woke up tomorrow and you were almost healed.If y...

Fingertight - Magical
For youAnd any minute we'll be sitting at the barAnd for a instant we'll forget who we are...

Fingertight - Nathaniel
Go and find himCuz this may be the only chance you have toTo redefine himAnd mold him into somet...

Fingertight - Resurface
God only knowsGod only knowsGod only knowsOn the surfaceOf the one we call belief...

Fingertight - Shut Up
Shut up - and let me apologize. I can't wait to look in your sympathetic eyes and wonder away. Will we...

Fingertight - Speak In Tongues
You can't keep me caged up forever!You can't tame me foreverNow who knows how longWe fight...

Fingertight - Surface
It's a mental philosophy... what made you do it. Why do you call out your riots without surfacing your messa...

Fingertight - Things Have Changed
I've seen the better man, And the better man is chasing after me.And I've seen the braver man, A...

Fiona Apple - A Mistake
I'm gonna make a mistakeI'm gonna do it on purposeI'm gonna waste my time'Cause I'm full as a ti...

Fiona Apple - Fast As You Can
I let the beast in too soon, I don't know how to liveWithout my hand on his throat; I fight him always and s...

Fiona Apple - Get Gone
How many times do I have to say To get away-get gone Flip your shit past another lasses Humble d...

Fiona Apple - I Know
So be it, I'm your crowbarIf thats what I am so farUntil you get out of this messAnd I will pret...

Fiona Apple - Limp
You wanna make me sick; You wanna lick my wounds,Don't you, baby?You want the badge of honor whe...

Fiona Apple - Love Ridden
Love ridden, I've looked at youWith the focus I gave to my birthday candlesI've wished on the lidded b...

Fiona Apple - Paper Bag
I was staring at the sky, just looking for a starTo pray on, or wish on, or something like thatI was h...

Fiona Apple - The Way Things Are
I wouldn't know what to do with another chanceIf you gave it to meI couldn't take the embrace of a rea...

Fiona Apple - To Your Love
Here's another speech you wish I'd swallowAnother cue for you to fold your earsAnother train of though...

Five Foot Thick - Betrayed
Coward, now what you see is what you Get, a fucking liar, you fucking liar You wanted sympathy I'll gi...

Five Foot Thick - Blood Puddle
See me I'm still here Laughin' at you through the fence Think I'd just go away Well now not a fu...

Five Foot Thick - Bored
Stuck doin time in this dead end life I got a 50/50 chance just to make it Out alive and if I do they ...

Five Foot Thick - Clarity
What would you say If I said that you're weak, if I told you to leave. I'll be okay Better off o...

Five Foot Thick - Ducked Out
Put on, another plot that went wrong Took the easy way out and said so long Turned out fucked now what...

Five Foot Thick - Envy You
So you hate me don't imitate me Who you talking about FUCKED UP WAY OF LIFE I got your ego so wh...

Five Foot Thick - Listen
What the fuck do they know? [x8]I know it's like this but that Don't it has to be You thi...

Five Foot Thick - Nothing
Dead inside eyes as cold as ice This pain with in I can't deny This time emotion pourin over Ang...

Five Foot Thick - Unfounded
No I don't fear it [x4]I don't fear it I just don't wanna hear it Constanly pissed but you can'...

Five For Fighting - 10 Miles From Nowhere
How have you beenin the shape you were inI'm suprised that you got where you're going Who ...

Five For Fighting - 2 Frogs
I sing above my vision. I sing above my face.A fat old amphibian speaker for the dead.Gather round ye ...

Five For Fighting - Angels & Girlfriends
I met her down at a Pineapple Parking lot She said I love you more I said I love you not And all...

Five For Fighting - Bella's Birthday Cake
Bella played the bridge every second loneliest night of the yearTook a certain liking to a fellow there - Be...

Five For Fighting - Day By Day
Day by Day I wake up for you I doand I rise to who knows whowell if I can say...some other day ...

Five For Fighting - Disneyland
I Woke up got my lazy ass out of bed I Watered all the rocks growing in my head I Had a thought...and ...

Five For Fighting - Dying
I'm Dying, Dying to wake up without you, without you in my head again I'm Dying, Dying to forget about you, ...

Five For Fighting - (european B-side)
Finally in the meantime since you paid for my roomI thought I'd write the European B-side or 2 S...

Five For Fighting - Happy
Big Daddy's in the back seat taking to the MammasGod don't the world smell good todayI'm bigger than a...

Five For Fighting - If God Made You
Hey Kid... Your time has come to change Though I need you more than I've needed anyone in any way tonight ...

Five For Fighting - Infidel
Heaven fell from the sky tonight There were virgins in my backyard chasing angels with fire sticks... ...

Five For Fighting - Maybe I
You were right You came over me What'd never been before You slid under my door and now I find ...

Five For Fighting - Nobody
Take off your shoes... Take off yourself Take off your rented mental health Take off your raincoat... ...

Five For Fighting - Nyc Weather Report
Got to get away from here... Got to get away from all these thinkers... drinking up my thoughts again ...

Five For Fighting - Ocean
I got a thing for fish with no eyesWho swim deep in the seaWith nothing to see I've got a ...

Five For Fighting - One More For Love
Baby there's something on my mind tonight There's a reason to believe we almost got it right There's a...

Five For Fighting - The Devil In The Wishing Well
I met Jane at the center of the earth It was dark there was dirt all around But I gather you can figur...

Five For Fighting - The Garden
Do you believe in the man in the gardenDo you believe that he was thereDo you believe in the man in th...

Five For Fighting - The Taste
So I seen her In a land that was forgotten She brought a candle to my mind But it got no easier ...

Five For Fighting - White Picket Fence
I've cut off the curlsI shaved half my faceBecame half the man you asked to replace.I'm willing ...

Flaw - All The Worst
How do we deal with this?How do we clean up all this mess?Will there be a future for the latest genera...

Flaw - Amendment
Come on and brace your faceEngulfed up in the rat race we hold our futures downSo just resist the plot...

Flaw - Best I Am
Long.I`ve Been Running away for far too longAfraid of whatAfraid of what I know is soon to come...

Flaw - Decide
Doesn't it make you nervous, at least you could have triedAnd if it doesn't disturb us, couldn't we just sit...

Flaw - Endangered Species
I try to simplify, these thoughts that plague our mindsWhat is this mood we're in, we live like saints with ...

Flaw - Final Cry
Forging a differenceWe summon existanceThis distance is not what it seemsPainstaking process...

Flaw - Get Up Again
Here we go againA very temperamental process, beginning withall of our excessAffecting our...

Flaw - Inner Strength
Here we sit all alone in an outnumbered fight Led to decipher between wrong and right And some may fai...

Flaw - Many Faces
Will it take some time, to release the inner apathyEnabled inside, and it looks like you're the enemy...

Flaw - Medicate
I've been lying awake at nightI've been hoping that im alrightI've been winding myself too tight...

Flaw - My Letter
This is my letter to youWe started following a certain description. We started simple and fair o...

Flaw - Not Enough
Wake up your lifeYou may never get the chance to make things rightRather than lieTake a moment t...

Flaw - One More Time
There must be something you can recommend. I've lost my faith in man againSo sick of trying to pretend...

Flaw - Only The Strong
what makes you think that it'll all work out in the end. afraid to feel bad. better off to try and pretend. ...

Flaw - Out Of Whack
maybe nobody told you about this life maybe nobody answered your questions why simple revelations they...

Flaw - Payback
There's another reflection involved up in my mindA wholeness that has just been lostStriving hard for ...

Flaw - Recognize
Well ive had enoughOf these selfish crimesI hurt myself againNot knowing whyIt seems so ea...

Flaw - Reliance
so you think the areas gray but it continues each day a bad example of the attitude you portray act li...

Flaw - Scheme
It woke up in me years ago how this was meant to beall of those falsehoods plain to see they dugand hu...

Flaw - Turn The Tables
Full assistance to those who bear it allUnable to fall, waiting patientlyBacks against the wallN...

Flaw - Wait For Me
All these miles, haunting questions linger in my mind. And all the while, making bad decisions out of line. ...

Flaw - What I Have To Do
Well it seems as though everyone's been led astray far away from. From what we know, still can't find a reas...

Flaw - Whole
So maybe I am bound by fateA problematic scarring induced by hateIt never seems to all pan outIs...

Flaw - World's Divide
Lost in these timesIts hard to make up our mindsThis is the reasonWe're convicted for our crime...

Flaw - You've Changed
We've been through this before......CompromiseWith me agree right nowUseless criesI'...

Fleetwood Mac - Bleed To Love Her
Once again she steals away Then she reaches out to kiss me And how she takes my breath away Pret...

Fleetwood Mac - Come
Think of me, sweet darlin' When everything is going bad Think of me, sweet darlin' Every time yo...

Fleetwood Mac - Destiny Rules
Maybe we were together in another lifeMaybe we are together in a parallel universeMaybe our paths are ...

Fleetwood Mac - Everybody Finds Out
We see no change in sightWatching her declineShe gets on a midnight planeShe's done it a thousan...

Fleetwood Mac - Goodbye Baby
Don't take me to the towerAnd take my child awayIt was I who wasThe hourglassAnd the sands...

Fleetwood Mac - Illume
Illume says the candle that I burnA reflection in the windowAll the way to Point DuneIllume-like...

Fleetwood Mac - Miranda
At the end of the day The end of the light She keeps the remains of all of her foes Miranda is d...

Fleetwood Mac - Murrow Turning Over In His Grave
All the sainted sinnersThey pay handsomelyM S C A E they make the weaponsAnd they run the prison...

Fleetwood Mac - Peacekeeper
We make all of our sons the same Every one will suffer the fire we've made They all explode just the s...

Fleetwood Mac - Red Rover
Why do you come aroundSo very much You know it just brings you down It's just something you can ...

Fleetwood Mac - Running Through The Garden
Until she herselfBecame the deadliest poison As she grew olderOoh, until she herselfBecame...

Fleetwood Mac - Say Goodbye
So you face yesterday Thinking on the days of old And the price that we paid For a love we could...

Fleetwood Mac - Say You Will
Somethin' in you brought out somethin' in me, that I've never been sinceThat part of me that was only for yo...

Fleetwood Mac - Silver Girl
She was a silver girlLost in a high tech worldShe was a golden girlImmersed in a hard core world...

Fleetwood Mac - Smile At You
Go on, save yourselfLeave the key hereYou love someone else,I shouldn't be hereDon't ask m...

Fleetwood Mac - Steal Your Heart Away
All alone we go on day after day All alone we suffer Oh, to steal your heart away It's the...

Fleetwood Mac - Thrown Down
He fell for her again, she watched it happenEvery day-- day by day But more important-- night by night...

Fleetwood Mac - What's The World Coming To?
What's the world coming to?What's the world coming to?Everyone's gone to the moonWhat's the worl...

Flickerstick - Beautiful
You could be the devil in my bed You could be the angel in my head You could be the voices that I hear...

Flickerstick - Chloroform The One You Love
And if I couldn't attain All I need to explain Would she even look me in the eye again She sits ...

Flickerstick - Coke
Says she's got another life That I am living in my friend Through and through she says It's noth...

Flickerstick - Direct Line To The Telepathic
Hey, look at me I'm causing a catastrophe But I, I just might see you and me The headlights brig...

Flickerstick - Got A Feeling
I got a feeling, it's a feeling That you'll never understand It's like a rush to my heart That I...

Flickerstick - Hey Or When The Drugs Wear Off
Hey, you do it all the time Hey, you do it all So take a breath, I know you're feeling jaded Tal...

Flickerstick - Lift (with Love We Will Survive)
Lift up your head Focus on every detail Why does this illusion bring so much confusion When all ...

Flickerstick - Right Way To Fly
Listen for sounds you've been chosen to hear Like you're laughing alone in the dark Feeling so down bu...

Flickerstick - Sorry...wrong Trajectory
Sorry...wrong trajectory Combat is a part of our chemistry Could you control me if you tried Cau...

Flickerstick - Talk Show Host
I can't describe the pressure of the hype Another show they'll have your vein opened up again But it's...

Flickerstick - You're So Hollywood
Well it's a common attraction Searching for the night club scene Cause you're so Hollywood You'r...

Floetry - Floetic
[Intro:][Marsha:]Floetry, uh huh[Natalie:]It's floetic uh it's ...

Floetry - Getting Late
BabyOoo babybaby,babyooo um babyoh baby[1st Verse (Natalie Talking)]...

Floetry - Hello
This is memory laneHelloNovember 11, 1998 (Hello) and i met this guyMan wassup Im cool...(ooh)...

Floetry - Hey You
Remember how you used to ummm, you used to phone up and (oohhh) you wouldn't say your name you, you'd just say Hey...

Floetry - If I Was A Bird
[INTRO (Talking)]Sometimes blindness finds meand leads me through ignorancenot allowing u...

Floetry - Ms. Stress
[Chorus:]It's better that it hurts, it's better that it feels this way to meI can't be too comf...

Floetry - Now You're Gone
Laundered linen sheetsTouch me their coldnessAnd thoughts I cant repeatShock me with their boldn...

Floetry - Opera
Listen uh I met this guy and uh you know I don't get down like that but we were together for a while and you know ...

Floetry - Say Yes
[Intro:]See I've been watching you for a while your smile and stuffand I don't know if I can be...

Floetry - Sunshine
You know sometimes we ummm, we don't recognize our dreams insideour reality and uh other times we're not awa...

Flogging Molly - Another Bag Of Bricks
T`was in the early evenin`Near the presence of the moonYou told me you would meet me hereWell no...

Flogging Molly - Between A Man And A Woman
1-2-3-4Between a man and a womanLife begins againBetween love and confusionLies only pain...

Flogging Molly - Black Friday Rule
I want to believe in myself once again So I dream of a man whose hopes never end To kiss with a girl w...

Flogging Molly - Cruel Mistress
Next time out to sea Bring enough soul to bury me For I don't want my final jig In the belly of ...

Flogging Molly - Death Valley Queen
Death valley queen where have you been Since they crowned you in glory Filled your head with dreams ...

Flogging Molly - Delilah
I saw the light on the night that I passed by her windowI saw the flickering shadows of love on her blind...

Flogging Molly - Devil's Dance Floor
Her breath began to speak As she stood right in front of me The colour of her eyes Were the colo...

Flogging Molly - Don't Let Me Die
I walk these streets where my soulless feetHaunt the ground where it was I once treadOn Grafton's Arca...

Flogging Molly - Drunken Lullabies
Must it take a life for hateful eyesTo glisten once againFive hundred years like GeligniteHave b...

Flogging Molly - Every Dog Has Its Day
Well I've drunk to drown, on every ocean I've been Lake Tanganyika, where the crocodiles swim Halifax,...

Flogging Molly - Far Away Boys
Well I worked on the railroad For t'pence a day Drank down one penny The other I'd save I ...

Flogging Molly - Grace Of God Go I
Lookin' down through a tide of no return Is a field where the crops no longer grow Parched is the land...

Flogging Molly - If I Ever Leave This World Alive
If I ever leave this world aliveI'll thank for all the things you did in my lifeIf I ever leave this w...

Flogging Molly - Irish Drinking Song
[Originally by Buck-O-Nine]well i stumbled in at 2 a.m. all drunk and full of smokemy wif...

Flogging Molly - Laura
This next song is about a young lady called LauraWho unfortunatley isn't with us anymoreBut she's stil...

Flogging Molly - Life In A Tenement Square
Well I kissed the day, I was on my way From those cold gray blocks of stone For seventeen years of squ...

Flogging Molly - Light Of A Fading Star
And the light of a fading starIs what you were, is what you areLike the glow that christens the moon...

Flogging Molly - May The Living Be Dead (in Our Wake)
Said her name was MarieFrom the banks of the LeeWith the prettiest eyes my own had ever seenHer ...

Flogging Molly - Never Met A Girl Like You Before
I would wrap the world in cloverBut you make me see my wayAnd I would die for you tomorrowWould ...

Flogging Molly - Queen Anne's Revenge
You can't see the demonsTill the demons come calling for youYou're deaf to them screamingTill th...

Flogging Molly - Rebels Of The Sacred Heart
Now I`m aimin' for heavenBut probably wind up down in hellWhere upon this alter I will hang my guilt r...

Flogging Molly - Salty Dog
I'll wait for you till I turn blue There's nothin' more a man can do Don't get your bollocks in a twis...

Flogging Molly - Screaming At The Wailing Wall
So God how come every wrong's been done?With deals no Christ should allowOnce the communist now the te...

Flogging Molly - Selfish Man
I don't eat I just devour, everyone in every hour All is me, is all I need and that's all that I care ...

Flogging Molly - Sentimental Johnny
I'm goin' back to Sentimental Johnny Cause Sentimental Johnny is your man Sunshine or rain, the man's ...

Flogging Molly - Seven Deadly Sins
Sail away where no ball and chainCan keep us from the roarin' wavesTogether undivided but forever we'l...

Flogging Molly - Swagger
Don't know where I'm goin',Don't know where I'm goin', YEAHDon't know where I'm goin',Don'...

Flogging Molly - The Kilburn High Road
Many's the day I took for granted Breathing the air that sinlenced some As the North Wind blew W...

Flogging Molly - The Likes Of You Again
Here's to you, I sing for my daddy-oAs I lay him down to sleepIt's been so long, since I lost my daddy...

Flogging Molly - The Ol' Beggars Bush
Stuck on limbo bridge Where below me ol' Nick grins Then laughs through the chaos of it all Gets...

Flogging Molly - These Exiled Years
It's four in the mornin' Battered and numb A loaded room, an empty gun I whistle a tune, I heard...

Flogging Molly - The Son Never Shines (on Closed Doors)
I saw her there from afar Her hair grey charcoal Takes a drag from her tar I kissed her a smile ...

Flogging Molly - The Spoken Wheel
Your passin' broke the silenceOn that dark October dayThe sun was headin' for the westAs it did ...

Flogging Molly - The Worst Day Since Yesterday
Well I know, I miss more than hit With a face that was launched to sink An' I seldom feel, the bright ...

Flogging Molly - The Wrong Company
Well I fell into prison about a quarter till threeWhere I found in my cell a glass waiting for meSo I ...

Flogging Molly - Tobacco Island
[Chorus]All to hell we must sailFor the Shores of sweet BarbadosWhere the sugar cane grow...

Flogging Molly - Tomorrow Comes A Day Too Soon
You, you never looked so goodSipping life down like I wish I couldBut these sober tears are all that's...

Flogging Molly - To Youth (my Sweet Roisin Dubh)
Tell me why must a man be of serviceTo his lord and the god seldom highFrom the grave spring the name ...

Flogging Molly - Wanderlust
[Chorus]Do you still walk the streets at night?With the wandlust you fightBack to the cor...

Flogging Molly - What Made Milwaukee Famous (made A Loser Out Of Me)
It's late and she is waiting, and I know I must go home,But every time I start to leave, they play another s...

Flogging Molly - What's Left Of The Flag
His eyes they closedand his last breath spokehe had seen all to be seena life once fullnow...

Flogging Molly - Whistles The Wind
Whistles the wind, blowing my waySweeping me back, back here to stayCan winners be losers running on t...

Flogging Molly - With A Wonder And A Wild Desire
So I will pave this road till glorySets our broken spirit freeFrom every cross-soaked nail pours endle...

Flogging Molly - Within A Mile Of Home
Dust falls on the empty halls of my old schoolWhere the memories fade like the casualty, a forgotten fool...

Foo Fighters - Another Round
When she goes storming outI run for coverRolling like thunder cloudsHanging above her...

Foo Fighters - Cold Day In The Sun
Took the high dive into your brainAnd you made your lonely callsYou just might wear your welcome out...

Foo Fighters - Friend Of A Friend
He needs a quiet roomWith a lock to keep him inIt's just a quiet roomAnd he's thereH...

Foo Fighters - Hell
This state I'm inA place I've never beenI'm dying to meet you hereCome break this skin...

Foo Fighters - In Your Honor
Can you hear meHear me screamin'Breaking in the muted skiesThis thunder heartLike bombs be...

Foo Fighters - Miracle
Crazy but I'm relieved this timeBegging for sweet relief of blessing empty skyDying behind these...

Foo Fighters - Over And Out
Restless little oneComfortable and warmLet me fall apartCrippled in your armsChase m...

Foo Fighters - Razor
Wake up it's timeWe need to find a better place to hideMake up your mindI need to know I need to...

Foo Fighters - Still
If you'd like to walk a whileWe could waste the dayFollow me into the treesI will lead the way...

Foo Fighters - The Last Song
This is the soundThe here and the nowYou got to talk the talk, the talk, the talkTo get it all o...

Foo Fighters - Virginia Moon
Dearest constellation, heaven surroundin' youStay there, soft and blue. Virginia Moon, I'll wait for you ton...

Foreigner - All I Need To Know
So I walk another mile down this crooked roadClouds rolling in Lord it's getting coldFeeling fine, fee...

Foreigner - A Love In Vain
Long night, too long and lonelyLaying there asking myselfHey, what's going on with you and meHow...

Foreigner - A Night To Remember
I can't sleep tonightI won't sleep tomorrowI'm goin deep and tightI don't need no excuseI ...

Foreigner - At War With The World
Never had no needFor any military aidAnd I never took charge of the light brigadeI got no castle...

Foreigner - Back Where You Belong
I felt so sure of the love that we sharedThere was no reason on earth to be scaredThen I heard a rumor...

Foreigner - Blinded By Science
Blinded by science, I'm on the runBlinded by science, where do I belong?What's in the future, has it j...

Foreigner - Break It Up
Made myself a prisonerI locked myself awayCan't remember the last timeI saw the light of day...

Foreigner - Can't Wait
I've been on this road a long timeI've been travellin' for daysBut it seems I'm getting nowhereI...

Foreigner - Counting Every Minute
Gonna break these chainsGonna set myself freeGonna turn on the mainsFeel the power inside of me...

Foreigner - Crash And Burn
I always thought we were in controlBut our lives could never be what they were beforeThere's a rhythm ...

Foreigner - Don't Let Go
Another long day, another long nightI try to make it home before it gets lightI'm working hard so some...

Foreigner - Do What You Like
Don't tell me what you can't doNever had a hold on youAnd don't tell me where you'd rather beJus...

Foreigner - Down On Love
Some people stay all alone and hideThey don't even want to know the reason whyThey've given up on find...

Foreigner - Face To Face
We never talk to one anotherWe just disagreeI'm the one who runs for coverAnd you turn your back...

Foreigner - Flesh Wound
It's four o' clock in the mornin' and the daylight's creepin' inI'm lyin' awake in bedOutside my windo...

Foreigner - Fool For You Anyway
Well I miss you honeyA little more every dayAnd I know if I kissed youYou'd be comin' back home ...

Foreigner - Girl On The Moon
It's night, againTime for my mind to go wanderingOff on a journey, through space and timeIn sear...

Foreigner - Growing Up The Hard Way
He's got nothing to say, he's got no excuseHe's just made that way, and he's gonna stay that wayLike a...

Foreigner - Hand On My Heart
Rescue meI can't dream this dream any more, my dream oh my dreamSet me freeI keep holdin' on but...

Foreigner - Headknocker
He drives a '57 coupeWalks with a stoopSwears James Dean isn't deadHe's a dedicated rocker...

Foreigner - Heart Turns To Stone
The days and nights you sit around wondering where canshe beHoping that she might appear, out of nowhe...

Foreigner - Hole In My Soul
I can feel these four walls around meI can feel them closing in on meBut I know there's someone out th...

Foreigner - I Have Waited So Long
I have waited oh, so longPlease don't tell me baby I was wrongDreaming of you every nightHolding...

Foreigner - I Keep Hoping
As I gather my thoughtsWith the pieces of my heartTell me, how long is foreverI'm not afraid and...

Foreigner - I'll Fight For You
I'm turning to you, when love is on my mindYou're all I want, woman, and love's so hard to findI know ...

Foreigner - I'll Get Even With You
You gave it to me real lowYou gave me such a low blowYou caught me with my guard downYou floored...

Foreigner - I'm Gonna Win
Another dark night, in the cityAnd my prospects lookin' thinThe survival, of the fittestIs the l...

Foreigner - I Need You
Selling your soul ain't the right way of givin'Oh with you I could changeThis misguided goal I've been...

Foreigner - Inside Information
One man to the leftOne man to the rightOne man in the middleOne man dressed in white...

Foreigner - Lonely Children
You go where the wind blows, leading the life you choseYour destination remains unknownNo one to help ...

Foreigner - Love Has Taken It's Toll
Some girls you meet seem so completeLike they don't need nothin' from youThey're out to show you they ...

Foreigner - Love On The Telephone
Monday, Tuesday, three days and morePretty soon you don't know anymoreFriday, the sixth day, Saturday ...

Foreigner - Lowdown And Dirty
This is the thirteenth day of waiting, the second long weekendThese liberties you've taken, have got to end...

Foreigner - Luanne
Luanne, LuanneWhy do you run and hide?Luanne, LuanneDon't keep your love insideI wai...

Foreigner - Moment Of Truth
Don't expect me to treat you like a ladyI may not always show respectIt's too soon yet, I hardly even ...

Foreigner - Mountain Of Love
Open up your windowOpen up your doorI need a taste of your sweet, sweet loveThat's all I'm livin...

Foreigner - No Hiding Place
Every time I've run away from youYou searched me out and found meI build a wall, surround myself...

Foreigner - Only Heaven Knows
My intentions are good, my hearts in the right place nowYou see I wanna be good to you babyBut sometim...

Foreigner - Out Of The Blue
Not a lot of time to think todayIt's almost over nowDidn't need it anywayGuess I knew somehow...

Foreigner - Rain
Brother, always reaching far too highBut I can see the tragic side, and it ain't easyAnd brother you w...

Foreigner - Reaction To Action
[spoken: Check 1, 1, 1]AlrightIt's hard getting through to meI'm truly elusiveI got...

Foreigner - Ready For The Rain
Early in the morning, before the daylightI hear the sound of thunder, comin' through in the nightI lie...

Foreigner - Real World
Days, times we will rememberWhen innocence was lostWe let our hearts move onSo many dreams we th...

Foreigner - Rev On The Red Line
Two in a row, everybody knowsAt the green light you rev it on the red lineBeen waitin' all week to get...

Foreigner - Running The Risk
Seeing you, watching youWatching meI hold back my emotionsI keep them veiled in secrecyI c...

Foreigner - Safe In My Heart
In this world, life can be hard on a sensitive girlWho do you turn to, when you really need someoneDon...

Foreigner - Seventeen
Late last nightI get a call from a so-called friendHe wouldn't give his nameSays he saw you with...

Foreigner - She's Too Tough
My girl, everybody says she's alrightAnd I know that she's more than alrightWell, she's a hard headed ...

Foreigner - Spellbinder
I found out the hard way, some things you just cant getWhen I fell in love with a woman I wish I never met...

Foreigner - Starrider
I stole a ride on a passing starNot knowing where I was goingHow near or how farThrough years of...

Foreigner - Stranger In My Own House
[a capella: She said:] Boy, your luck is running out...she make me feel like a my own ...

Foreigner - The Beat Of My Heart
Ooh the beat of my heartOoh the beat of my heartAlways hereI'll be close to youBut y...

Foreigner - The Damage Is Done
Is there a reasonFor things that you say?The way you're treating meAll the games I won't play...

Foreigner - The Modern Day
I stand up for my prideI don't wanna be just like anyoneIn this world I cannot hideI must finish...

Foreigner - Tooth And Nail
I'm tired of all this cheap talkWhen you walk next to meThey say I ain't good enough for youWhy ...

Foreigner - Two Different Worlds
I know this girl, she's always on my mindShe lives in her world and I live in mineI should forget abou...

Foreigner - Under The Gun
Good girl on a bad dayShe needs love in a bad wayVictim in a red dressShe won't give no more...

Foreigner - Unusual Heat
My mind tells me, what will be, shall beNot a thing I can do about it'Cause in my heart I can't do wit...

Foreigner - When The Night Comes Down
Jimmy got lost, in a schoolboy phaseYou see the lines got crossed, at a young and tender ageHe dropped...

Foreigner - White Lie
One little white lieOne white lie surrounds usOne white lie won't stop the loveThat I feel aroun...

Foreigner - Woman In Black
I knew the momentI walked through that doorI felt so close to a burning sensationIt got so warm...

Foreigner - Woman Oh Woman
Search through the yearsAnd you wipe away the tearsTo find a woman, not a girlJust that feeling,...

Foreigner - Women
Women behind barsWomen in fast carsWomen in distressWomen with no dressWomen in aeroplanes...

Foreigner - You're All I Am
I never knew a man would be so lonelyThe life of a treated man so wrongBut when the odds were all agai...

The Format - A Mess To Be Made
In a dream that i cant seem to shake she is, she is standing alone by the fence i see tears in her eyes why she cr...

The Format - A Save Situation
It feels like youve been asleep for days the television is on, i cant stay awake ill fall down, again and when you...

The Format - Career Day
Todays been a career day, futures made and fortunes lost as im standing in the lobby, im waiting for the elevator ...

The Format - Give It Up
Well i made my way back down to the valley, right on past 83rd street that's where we once belonged, but im gone i...

The Format - I'm Ready I Am
Im nicotine, im coming clean i fooled the crowd when i made it sound like i was more then ready strike up the band...

The Format - On Your Porch
I was on your porch, the smoke sank into my skin so i came inside to be with you and we talked all night, about ev...

The Format - Sore Thumb
Forgive me you cut out again, it seems so easy just to blame the reception but theres something wrong and i dont k...

The Format - The First Single
I can't stand to think about a heart so big it hurts like hell Oh my god I gave my best but for three whole ...

The Format - Tie The Rope
I'm in envy of addicts, you're obsessed with starsDon't, don't you sound so excited just showing me your van...

The Format - Tune Out
Its your bed, so please choose a side ill take the one closest to the door and you start to speak the words that t...

The Format - Wait Wait Wait
The chords we play, ways left to communicate these roads are paved with plans we've madeAnd your headboards ...

Fountains Of Wayne - A Fine Day For A Parade
Mrs. Carver says she's sorryShe knows enough not to worryBut what does she know about crime?Beli...

Fountains Of Wayne - All Kinds Of Time
The clock's running downThe team's losing groundTo the opposing defenseThe young quarterback...

Fountains Of Wayne - Amity Gardens
Angel broke her wingOh, you poor thingThe hum of the motor gave way toThe tick tick ticking of t...

Fountains Of Wayne - Baby I've Changed
She used to love meShe don't love me no moreI stepped over the lineToo many timesAnd she s...

Fountains Of Wayne - One More Time
Oh baby baby, how was I supposed to knowThat something wasn't right hereOh baby baby, I shouldn't have...

Fountains Of Wayne - Barbara H.
For a small girl Barbara sure has got a big crushThe kind that makes you want to break stuffAnd blame ...

Fountains Of Wayne - Bought For A Song
Come on, now get your ass out of bedYou heard what the man saidThe crew is already goneWe were a...

Fountains Of Wayne - California Sex Lawyer
I'm going coast to coastI'm going nation-wideI've got my hand on the triggerGot my girl by my si...

Fountains Of Wayne - Can't Get It Out Of My Head
Midnight, on the waterI saw the ocean's daughterWalking on a wave she cameStaring as she called ...

Fountains Of Wayne - Chanukah Under The Stars
Chanukah under the starsGunna jump into the carAnd have a swingin' ChanukahUnder the stars...

Fountains Of Wayne - Comedienne
In for the weekendOut for the nightShe gets caught in the curtainAnd lost in the lightsBut...

Fountains Of Wayne - Denise
I know this girl named DeniseShe makes me weak at the kneesShe drives a lavender LexusShe lives ...

Fountains Of Wayne - Elevator Up
Slim and tall behind meSpinnin' me off of my feetHeadin' for the DWe're taking our act to the st...

Fountains Of Wayne - Everything's Ruined
Slow downThere's gonna be troubleYou're gonna forgetWhat you're doingOne false move,...

Fountains Of Wayne - Fire Island
Driving on the lawnSleeping on the roofDrinking all the alcoholAll the kids from schoolWil...

Fountains Of Wayne - Go, Hippie
Go, hippieSkip down the old roadDon't even see me, do you at allSome days you get so tired of ha...

Fountains Of Wayne - Hackensack
I used to know you when we were youngYou were in all my dreamsWe sat together in period oneFrida...

Fountains Of Wayne - Half A Woman
They called him Great ScottBecause he was greatThey called her Great SusanCause she was his date...

Fountains Of Wayne - Halley's Waitress
Halley's waitressnever comes aroundShe's hiding in the kitchenShe's nowhere to be foundI j...

Fountains Of Wayne - Hat And Feet
I'm just a hat and feetThat's all that's left of meA spot on the sidewalkA mark on the street...

Fountains Of Wayne - Hey Julie
Working all day for a mean little manWith a clip-on tie and a rub-on tanHe's got me running 'round the...

Fountains Of Wayne - Hung Up On You
While I down Kentucky bourbonI am waiting for a callAnd the moon and stars tonightAre playing sh...

Fountains Of Wayne - I Know You Well
This morning under awaking glow The sun filled our room like December snowLike morning through an old ...

Fountains Of Wayne - I'll Do The Driving
She knows nothing at all about nothingThe moment I saw her was something I found alarmingThat certain ...

Fountains Of Wayne - Imperia
The day you drew your final breathAnd parted from the EarthIs carved into the stone that bears your na...

Fountains Of Wayne - It Must Be Summer
It must be summerCause the days are longAnd I dial your numberBut you're gone, gone, goneI...

Fountains Of Wayne - I've Got A Flair
I've got a flairFor pulling your hairAnd making you crazyOh yeah, oh yeahIt's something I ...

Fountains Of Wayne - I Want An Alien For Christmas
This year for ChristmasThere's something I'd really likeSo if you're up there somewhere SantaPle...

Fountains Of Wayne - I Want You Around
[VERSE 1]On this day, I'm walking a fine lineImagining my minds fine, okTougher than nylo...

Fountains Of Wayne - Janice's Party
Bah bah bah bah bah da da da daBah bah bah da da daBah bah bah bah bah da da da daBah bah bah da...

Fountains Of Wayne - Joe Rey
Joe Rey came from SpainAcross the ocean in the frozen rainAnd he lovesPoint point pointing the f...

Fountains Of Wayne - Karpet King
Gold sun-glasses and a wandering eyeHe looks like he's wearing a cheap disguiseBut it's realDon'...

Fountains Of Wayne - Kid Gloves
She's wearing kid glovesWill handle me carefullyCause I've got a history, cracked up and fragile...

Fountains Of Wayne - Killermont Street
As the city asleepShares its dreams and desiresEvery wish that we keepWill trace a line to other...

Fountains Of Wayne - Laser Show
Oh yeah we're going to the laser showOh yeah we're going to the laser showCome on baby now don't you k...

Fountains Of Wayne - Leave The Biker
Seems the further from town I goThe more I hate this placeHe's got leather and big tattoos,And s...

Fountains Of Wayne - Little Red Light
Sitting in traffic on the Tappan ZeeFifty million people out in front of meTrying to cross the water b...

Fountains Of Wayne - Lost In Space
Have you seen that girlWith the strange look on her face?She's a pretty little thing but she's lost...

Fountains Of Wayne - Maureen
I pick her up outside the stationShe's telling me about her spring vacationShe's not leaving much to t...

Fountains Of Wayne - Mexican Wine
He was killed by a cellular phone explosionThey scattered his ashes across the oceanThe water was used...

Fountains Of Wayne - Nightlight
Oh whoaLeave your nightlight onYou don't have far to goOh whoaLeave your nightlight ...

Fountains Of Wayne - No Better Place
Is that supposed to be your poker faceOr was someone run over by a trainAnd you were minding your own ...

Fountains Of Wayne - Peace And Love
Peace and lovePeace and loveThat's all I'm thinking of babyPeace and loveRiding arou...

Fountains Of Wayne - Places
PlacesWe move in and out of watchingFacesFloat around the hotel lobby likeFishesThey...

Fountains Of Wayne - Please Don't Rock Me Tonight
I was ready when the big day cameMy shoes were good and polishedAnd you know how bad I wishedI h...

Fountains Of Wayne - Prom Theme
Here we are at lastThe moment soon will passWe'll go our seperate waysWe'll vanish in the haze...

Fountains Of Wayne - Radiation Vibe
Are you alone nowDid you lose the monkeyHe gave you backachesAnd now you slouchHe di...

Fountains Of Wayne - Red Dragon Tattoo
Monday gonna take a ride onThe N train down to Coney IslandWith the money I savedGonna get me en...

Fountains Of Wayne - Senator's Daughter
Hockey teams have playoff dreamsTeenage girls red magazinesNo one hears the despirate screams of the t...

Fountains Of Wayne - She's Got A Problem
I know a girl who should never be alone (Ahhh ahhh ahhh)I know a girl who should never be alone (Ahhh ahhh a...

Fountains Of Wayne - She's Got A Problem (live)
I know a girl who should never be alone (Ahhh ahhh ahhh)I know a girl who should never be alone (Ahhh ahhh a...

Fountains Of Wayne - Sick Day
Check out the girl in the Harbor TunnelCrawling to work six feet underAnd the day has barely begun...

Fountains Of Wayne - Sink To The Bottom
I wanna sink to the bottom with youI wanna sink to the bottom with youThe ocean is big and blueI...

Fountains Of Wayne - Stacy's Mom
Stacy's mom has got it goin' onStacy's mom has got it goin' onStacy's mom has got it goin' onSta...

Fountains Of Wayne - Supercollider
Multi-colored microbusPlowing over rugged terrainWe're jacking the radioPassing the afternoon tr...

Fountains Of Wayne - Survival Car
Don't you wanna ride in mySurvival carWe can take the long way homeThrough Central Park...

Fountains Of Wayne - The Man In The Santa Suit
At the KOC Local 313There's a fat man standing by the soda machineAnd he knows, he knows, he knows...

Fountains Of Wayne - These Days
Well I've been out walkingI don't do too much talking these daysThese daysThese days I seem to t...

Fountains Of Wayne - The Valley Of Malls
The King of Araby is coming homeIt's bumper touching bumper on the motorwayThe sun is in the sky just ...

Fountains Of Wayne - Today's Teardrops
Today's teardrops are tomorrow's rainbowsAnd tomorrow's rainbows I will shareShare with youSo dr...

Fountains Of Wayne - Trains And Boats And Planes
Trains and boats and planes are passing byThey mean a trip to Paris or RomeTo someone else but not for...

Fountains Of Wayne - Troubled Times
When you think you've found something worth holding ontoWer reaching for attention, hoping she would notice ...

Fountains Of Wayne - Utopia Parkway
Well I've been saving for a custom vanAnd I've been playing for a cover bandAnd my baby doesn't unders...

Fountains Of Wayne - Valley Winter Song
Hey Sweet AnnieDon't take it so badYou know the summer's coming soonThough the interstate is cho...

Fountains Of Wayne - You Curse At Girls
They say you curse at girlsDon't you know it isn't rightYou could get yourself in troubleY...

Fountains Of Wayne - You're Just Never Satisfied
If you love me. why do you hurt meCome on baby. don't desert meI was there when you were in trouble...

Fountains Of Wayne - Your's And Mine
In about an hourThe sunlight's gonna fadeAnd you and me will divvy up the wineLike everything el...

Foxy Brown - 7:30
Whoa, whoaWhat the plurrr is this, YO!They say I'm 730, say I spaz outFB is ill, she'll wi...

Foxy Brown - B.k. Anthem
Lemme tell you where I grew up atSip mo', threw up at, flip coke, blew up thatWhere fake thugs got the...

Foxy Brown - Broken Silence - Intro
[News Reporters Speaking]"Rapper Foxy Brown was arrested today in Raleigh, North Carolina on mi...

Foxy Brown - Chyna Whyte
Chyna White.. uh.. Chyna White uh.Y'all know me right? I'm that same bitch y'all niggas want for...

Foxy Brown - Foxy's Bells
Fox Boogie Brown is bad as hellBattle anybody I don't care if you tellI excel, they all fellSuit...

Foxy Brown - Gangsta Boogie
La La La La LaIt's the motherfucking B-R-O-W-NWhoaSlow your roll niggasIt's about to go do...

Foxy Brown - (holy Matrimony) Letter From The Firm
Uhh, I mean damnMe and you forever hand in handI'm married to The Firm boo, you got ta understand (und...

Foxy Brown - Hood Scriptures
[Foxy Brown]HEY, you're 'bout to hear the most incredible shit ever writtenHard spittin', cigar...

Foxy Brown - Hot Spot
Guess who's back! UhhYeah, uhh, uhh[Verse One:]Aiyyo! Rhyme or crime, let's g...

Foxy Brown - I Can't
[Intro]Uh, y'know, uh, Boogie Brown, uhHow you expect me to love you, niggaCan't even tru...

Foxy Brown - If I...
Uhh, c'mon yeah [laughter]Brooklyn, Brook-lyn, take it back, take it backIf I... Fox Boogie, ra...

Foxy Brown - Ill Na Na
[Intro: Method Man]One time...Huhh, all up in ya like a bone when I... Johnny Blaze...

Foxy Brown - Interlude...the Set Up
[restauraunt background noise][waiter] Welcome to the Shark Bar, do you have reservation...

Foxy Brown - Intro...chicken Coop
[Rich Nice]The following previews have been approved for all audiencesby the Committee For Audi...

Foxy Brown - It's Hard Being Wifee
[Intro]Ughh, ladies, y'know how that sayin' goesBe careful what you ask for in lifeCuz yo...

Foxy Brown - My Life
[Intro](Nigga, uh)Yeah, huh (nigga uh)Why don't ya'll take a look into my life?See ...

Foxy Brown - Na Na Be Like
Trini.. yeah yes, Pretty Boy(99 Def Jam) I said itFuck y'all bitches want, whoaI'ma stay poppin ...

Foxy Brown - No One's
'Member Mossy, 'member the sweet dreams'Member the cocoa leaves, 'member Sega Gene-sisNow we live in l...

Foxy Brown - Outro
[Barry White impersonator]Oh yeah, Foxy, one more thingAnd you can tell em Panama Slim said it...

Foxy Brown - The Chase
Uhhhh yeahhhh uh, The FirmLust... hate... envy... jealousyConnivin niggazNigga nature, uh, yeah...

Foxy Brown - The Promise
[Foxy] Uhh, uh-huh, Firm[Havoc] Infamous[Foxy] The Brook-lyn, Q-B[...

Foxy Brown - Tramp
(Tramp)Whatchu call me? (Tramp)Whatchu call me? (Tramp)Whatchu call me? (Tramp)Whatchu cal...

Fozzy - All That Remains
Looking over my shoulder at the road that followsWhat once seemed to matter now dust at my feetMemorie...

Fozzy - Balls To The Wall
Too Many slaves in this world die by torture and painToo many people do not see they kill themselves, going ...

Fozzy - Big City Nights
When the daylight is falling down into the nightAnd the sharks try to cut a big piece out of lifeAnd i...

Fozzy - Blackout
I realize I missed a day, but I'm too wrecked to care anywayI look around and see this face, what the hell h...

Fozzy - Born Of Anger
Winter's breath feels so coldCalling chaos from controlDepths of madness to unfoldAs my inner de...

Fozzy - Crucify Yourself
Staring at the sun, dreaming I'm someone elseMy Mind's a smoking gun, a silent scream for some helpAnd...

Fozzy - Daze Of The Week
Lightning strikes turning ashes to embersStarting the fire ignites the fuel I bringBurning ambition wi...

Fozzy - Eat The Rich
I've been down, I've been beatI've been tossed into the streetMaking nickels, begging dimesJust ...

Fozzy - End Of Days
What happened to all of usThe things we say, our evil waysWho could we really trustOur lies and ...

Fozzy - Enemy
Do you remember meYou can't see the thingsThat make me who I amYou'll never understand...

Fozzy - Feel The Burn
Feel the burnDo the feelings you have keep you burntHas the feeling you've made help you downVio...

Fozzy - Freewheel Burning
Fast and furious we ride the universeTo carve a road for us that slices every curve in sightWe acceler...

Fozzy - Happenstance
In days like these we find ourselves searching for answersA lack of faith eating us to the bone, like a canc...

Fozzy - It's A Lie
On the radio you speakTo millions that you claim to teachMinions never out of reachPropaganda br...

Fozzy - Lazarus
A silent prayer whispered in the darknessWithout witness words descend and dieI can't understand a wor...

Fozzy - Live Wire
Plug me in, I'm alive tonight, out on the streets againTurn me on, I'm too hot to stop, something you'll nev...

Fozzy - L.o.v.e. Machine
Lady have you known me, the perfect love machineVirgo, My Leo's rising, Venus made me kingThat trail o...

Fozzy - Mob Rules
Whoa, c'monClose the city and tell the people that something's coming to callDeath and darkness are ru...

Fozzy - Nameless Faceless
See the broken man torn and twisted in griefScreaming to the sky in pain and disbeliefHow could it be ...

Fozzy - Over The Mountain
Over the mountain take me across the skySomething in my vision, something deep insideWhere did I wande...

Fozzy - Prisoner
"We want, information, information, informationWho are you?The new number 2Who is number 1...

Fozzy - Riding On The Wind
Shooting for the stars, cruise the speed of lightGlowin god of Mars, body burning brightWell I'm ridin...

Fozzy - Stand Up And Shout
It's the same old songYou've gotta be somewhere at sometimeBut they never let you flyIt's like b...

Fozzy - Stay Hungry
Are you feeling the fireAre you ready to explodeAre your dreams and desiresRiding down an open r...

Fozzy - The Test
The time is right to make a changeTo realize it ain't the sameThe time is right to make a change...

Fozzy - The Way I Am
Everywhere I look I see diseaseSeems like the world was taken from meTime seems to be tick tick tickin...

Fozzy - To Kill A Stranger
I'm drowning in the shadows, that creep in my mindAnd it's hard to escape, when there's no place left for me...

Fozzy - Wanderlust
I've been around the world a thousand timesSeen the same places and faces and tracesI never forget, re...

Fozzy - Where Eagles Dare
It's snowing outside, the rumbling sound of engines roar in the nightThe mission is near the confident men a...

Fozzy - With The Fire
You said that I'd never make it but here I amAnd it don't take long to figure out who's the manAnd it'...

Fragma - Everytime You Need Me
Everytime you need meYou know I'll be thereYou know I really careSay you willSay you dare...

Fragma - Toca's Miracle
If you're gonna save the dayAnd you're hearin' what I say I feel your touchYour kiss, it's not e...

Frankee - Don't Be Mad
[Hook]Dont be mad,cause i set your sh*t on fire,dont be mad cause your a f**king liarDont be sc...

Frankee - F.u.r.b. (f U Right Back)
Oh ohOoohNo no no(You know there is two sides to every story)See I don't know ...

Frankee - Gotta Man
At the bar when this six foot starrr came walking my wayHe said shorty your looking kinda bored, do you mind...

Frankee - Him
It's so emotional, what im feelingI never been caught between a hard place and a rockI know shes cheat...

Frankee - How You Do
I dont need to beThe one that walks aroundWithout a smile on my face, dont need a frown on my face...

Frankee - I Do Me
I dont need to beThe one that walks aroundWithout a smile on my face, dont need a frown on my face...

Frankee - I'm Leaving
I should tell you before you goThat i really cant seeLiving without you,noIt's illogical to me (...

Frankee - In Love With Me
Now if you wanna know bout me i'm a bad girlLike my guys the same sharing my worldI'm not afraid of th...

Frankee - I Told You So
[Verse 1:]Today i got a messageI was expectinCame from youSayin you hate himB...

Frankee - Who The Hell Are You
I cant take your attitudeBoy who the hell are youWalking around like you own something when the truth ...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Bang
Frankie say...Frankie say...Frankie say...Frankie say...No more ...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Black Night White Light
We are the leadersAnd nothing can beat usI feel so goodThe angels can take you thereYou be...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Born To Run
In the day we sweat it out in the streets of a runaway american dreamAt night we ride through mansions of gl...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Ferry Across The Mersey
[Originally by "Gerry And The Pacemakers"]Life goes on day after dayHearts torn in every ...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - For Heaven's Sake
Leave them behind, those clouds of troubleWe have to find a world that's newBuy a new dress and go out...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Is Anybody Out There?
If I could change the things I've doneWould I be the only oneTo with again if only I could take your p...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Kill The Pain
This wasted land is gone now andSwept away , swept awayBetter not let the side downWhirlwinds of...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Krisco Kisses
Thunder thunderI love that thunder- yeahHunger hungerYou feed my hunger - yeahHunger hunge...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Lunar Bay
Walk right through my soul, keep out the coldMake me lose control, fill me with loveMy mind is blasing...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Maximum Joy
On glory day we'll get the gifts of heaven up aboveAll around you hope and joy, to find and fall in love...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Rage Hard
Rage! rage! rage! rage!Rage hard!Laugh like the head of apolloYoung and strong on th...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax
Oh ohWee-ell-Now!Relax don't do itWhen you want to go to itRelax don't do itWh...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - San Jose
Do you know the way to San Jose?I've been away so long. I may go wrong and lose my way.Do you know the...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Suffragette City
Hey man oh leave me alone, you knowHey man oh Henry, get off the phone, I gottaHey man I gotta straigh...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Only Star In Heaven
Enjoy it or get out the gameIt's such a shame to lose a gameSo use your brain and play it saneIt...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love
I'll protect you from the hooded clawKeep the vampires from your doorFeels like fireI'm so...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The World Is My Oyster
[Mostly instrumental]The world is my oysterHa ha ha ha ha ........Yeah yeah...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Two Tribes
Ladies and gentlemen, let me present-FRANKIE GOES TO HOLLYWOODPossibly the most important thing....

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - War
Oh no-there's got to be a better waySay it againThere's got to be a better way-yeahWhat is it go...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Warrirors Of The Wasteland
From diamond mine to the factoryEverybody's doing what you've got to keep on doing for societyMake thi...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Watching The Wildlife
Watching the wildlifeOn my way home, the state of romePeople gliding on the floorPleased with li...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Welcome To The Plesuredome
The world is my oyster........Ha ha ha ha ha........The animals are winding me upThe jungl...

Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Wish The Lads Were Here
Y' talking to me buddyWell way - ow way - ow whoahNowI' out the streetAn...

Frankie J - #1 Fan
There's this girl I sawShe's about 5' doubt she's sexy...yeahShe just stepped up in the club...

Frankie J - Be Home Soon
Hello sweetheart, so how was your dayWell I'm just sittin' hereThinkin' of you...I feel like I'm...

Frankie J - Diggin' Your Style
Yo...I'm diggin your style...yeahShe was so flyShe was alrightShe looked like she came fro...

Frankie J - Don't Wanna Try
(oooo)...don't wanna try don't wanna try (try try) (oooo)..don't wanna try no more (ooo)..don't wanna ...

Frankie J - Drinks On Me
Ah...Already...Fo sho...Fo shoThat boy...Frankie J hmmmHappy P you sick for this dog...Baby Bash...

Frankie J - From The Outside Lookin' In
Yo I want to dedicate This song to everyone out there who's goin through the same thing Just keepin it real ...

Frankie J - Gone
Damn...I miss youMMM...oohI toss and's so hard for me to sleepI guess I'm no use...

Frankie J - Interlude did things get this wayYou know I still love youNo matter what I sayNo matter what I ...

Frankie J - Just Can't Say It's Love
Girl you been kicking it with me constantly, for a whileYou just can't wait to hear those three little words...

Frankie J - Obsession (no Es Amor)
(Check check ...this happened for real bash..yo.. frankie j.... obession)Well it's early in th...

Frankie J - Obsession (no Es Amor) (spanish Version)
Yo no he dormido nadaY ya es de madrugadaNo mas pensando en como voy hacer te mi mujerTu beso me...

Frankie J - On The Floor
What's dime like you holdin' up the wall forYou should be dancin'...uh yeah [2x]All the guys in...

Frankie J - The One
I see yaShe the one[Chorus:]Baby you're the one for meYou're the one girl...

Frankie J - Wanna Know
Girl I've been wanting For so long for you...Girl I think im ready to getTo the bottom of the tr...

Frankie J - We Still
[Verse 1]I know that you and I have been through many downs before oh yeah...But that don't mea...

Frankie J - What's A Man To Do see I got a lil situation right...You see my shorty she be trippin' sometimes...And I'm fitt...

Frankie J - Won't Change
i was young i was dumbdidn't know wha i was thinkinguse to think that i could rule the worldthat...

Frankie J - Ya No Es Igual
Como creer despues de tanto tiempo que pasoTu decidistes terminar con lo de nuestro amor y con los suenos,...

Franz Ferdinand - Auf Acshe
You see her, you can't touch her You hear her, you can't hold her You want her, you can't have her ...

Franz Ferdinand - Cheating On You
Goodbye girl, because I'm lonely Goodbye girl, it isn't over Goodbye girl, because it's only love ...

Franz Ferdinand - Darts Of Pleasure
You are the latest contender You are the one to remember You are the villain who sends her Light...

Franz Ferdinand - Jacqueline
Jacqueline was seventeenWorking on a deskWhen IvorPeered above a spectacleForgot that he h...

Franz Ferdinand - Michael
This is where I'll beSo heavenlySo come and Dance with me MichaelSo Sexy, I'm sexySo...

Franz Ferdinand - Take Me Out
So if you're lonely You know I'm here waiting for you I'm just a crosshair I'm just a shot away ...

Franz Ferdinand - Tell Her Tonight
I only watched her walk, but she saw it I only heard her talk, but she saw it I only touched her lips ...

Franz Ferdinand - This Fire
Eyes, boring a way through meParalyse, controlling completelyNow there is a fire in meA fire tha...

Freeway - Free
[Freeway]Okay, I see where y'all goinOkay, aight dude, you want me to fuck with that Free shit?...

Freeway - Goodbye (my Block)
This is my love song[Chorus]Goodbye There's no use living without you hereThis is w...

Freeway - Hear The Song
State Property Music uh, holla, uh...... yeah [Chorus - Freeway]When you hear the s...

Freeway - International Hustler
[Verse 1]Now I go from overseas, back to the blockFreeway, mother fucker, from the the, the Roc...

Frickin' A - Cut Number 7
I wrote a song That everyone loved With an acoustic guitar And a rhyming thesauras A...

Frickin' A - Drive
We stood there, by your front door And I felt stupid when you said I think I need some time I wa...

Frickin' A - Dump Me
My girl is unpredictable swears i'm the only one for her but never wants to be alone with me ...

Frickin' A - Jessie's Girl
Jessie is a friendYeah I know he's been a good friend of mineBut lately somethings changed, that ain't...

Frickin' A - Just Friends
Here I go, Driving by your houseMight as well throw some rocks at your windowYeah But you don't seem t...

Frickin' A - Last Summer
Sneakin'out with you midnight in junepicked you up - couldn't stand to be apartsaid you knew about an ...

Frickin' A - Merry Merry Merry Frickin' Christmas
Schools out, Christmas break Home for the holidays meatloaf and fruitcakeOff to grandmas, its so...

Frickin' A - Merry Merry Merry Frickin' Christmas (world Champion Red Sox Anthem)
Schools out Christmas break Back to Boston, the Red Sox in four straightFirst the Yankees then S...

Frickin' A - Naked In My Bed
I met her at the pool yeah she was smokin' hot she told me maybe we should get together sometime ...

Frickin' A - One Step Away
I'm down and losing faithI can't catch a breakThat's where I amAnd everyday is longer it s...

Frickin' A - Party Like A Rock Star
Saturday morning she iswalking home from a random dorm roomher arms are crossedshe's staring at ...

Frickin' A - Trend
Woke up today looking through my email it's all triple x - explicit sex But I'm not horny ...

From Zero - Check Ya
Once I told you about my secretsI say I trust you but that don't seem rightHarsh decisions is what has...

From Zero - Circumstances
Come, and wash awayThe sins of two of usThey're creeping outCrawling outSearching for some...

From Zero - Erase
You seem to think that times have changedIt's all around beside me what you cryEndless ever waiting...

From Zero - Gone
Turn away, don't you tryIf I'm not back in summerland timeThe hell with mine!Turn away, don't yo...

From Zero - Horrors
Who's to blame if we don't make a nameIs it someone we didn't know?And we see that's to be is to be...

From Zero - Jeer
You talk about it like I haven't got it in meYour wasteful thinking gets you nowhere in your mindOn to...

From Zero - Smack
Loath, I've been subjected to what you've said ,You're pissing harder than what you know is right, A j...

From Zero - Suffering
Chance, just one more chance at what you prideReasons will never let you hideThat's not considering it...

From Zero - The Other Side
I'm the one you're waiting forYes I'm the one; yes I'm the oneWho decides when times aren't right?...

From Zero - Tomorrow's Light
On my quest to find tomorrow, can you catch me to tame the ride?I'm not fair about tomorrow, then you forfei...

From Zero - Undeniable
Now that we're a familyI can feel it from all sidesWe live to do or die we're all the sameThere'...

Frou Frou - Breathe In
I - read you - and god i'm good at it - i'm so spot onChord - shapes in air - go press that dissonance - if ...

Frou Frou - Close Up
Is this a feeling of something About to happen? Like snapping out of something i didn't realize i was ...

Frou Frou - Flicks
Lung of love - leaves me breathlessTongue of fool - lap me in enmityFour walled secret lies among the ...

Frou Frou - Hear Me Out
I join the queue on your answerphoneAnd all i am - is holding breathJust pick up i know you're there...

Frou Frou - Holding Out For A Hero
Where have all the good men goneAnd where are all the gods?Where's the street-wise HerculesTo fi...

Frou Frou - It's Good To Be In Love
I don't know where to startSay i'm tired or throw a partyThese cucumber eyes are lying the more that i...

Frou Frou - Maddening Shroud
Sometimes I like to get away from this maddening shroudSometimes I love, you know, it's all insaneMayb...

Frou Frou - Must Be Dreaming
Pay close attentionDon't listen to me from nowGeorge'll be flying this oneAnd it's anyone's gues...

Frou Frou - Old Piano
[bonus track]What's that you're saying thereOh wellRain rushing window painOh...

Frou Frou - Only Got One
If this is a questionIs maybe a lie?If yes doesn't mean itDoes when lessen whyYou are held...

Frou Frou - Psychobabble
How did you get this number?I can't get my head 'round youOf course you're not coming overSnap o...

Frou Frou - Shh
Sunbeam stop tugging mePull that door shut quietlyDarling what are you doingWe don't have time f...

Frou Frou - The Dumbing Down Of Love
Well painted passionYou rightly expectImpersonationThe dumbing down of loveJaded in anger...

Fuel - Bad Day
Had a bad day again She said I would not understand She left a note and said "I'm sorry, I had a bad d...

Fuel - Bittersweet
Seven sins of wantonness andeverything that's good is goneSell it all for glory from the peersSi...

Fuel - Days With You
Rain falls down like you alibiThought you held the stars in the skyTill I found your loveWas a l...

Fuel - Down
I gave you everything I gave you trust and salvation I gave you everything that I could provide ...

Fuel - Down Inside Of You
Never thought I'd be this wayHung on every word you sayScars that you gave to meI earned all too...

Fuel - Easy
I've seen your "Johnny Come Lately" Seen your exiled love parade For you another is so easy One ...

Fuel - Empty Spaces
Mister could you maybe lend a hand To held a drowning, starving, soulless man Whose eyes are blind and...

Fuel - Falls On Me
I've seen you hanging roundThis darkness where I'm boundAnd this black hole I've dug for meAnd s...

Fuel - Getting Thru
I gave you all all my soulYou gave it all awayYou tried so hard tried to blameBut there's no mor...

Fuel - Hemorrhage (in My Hands)
Memories are just where you laid them Dragging the waters til the depths give up their dead What did y...

Fuel - Hideaway
Hideaway, take me nowI cannot face another roundAnd I'm flipping through the pagesFor a name to ...

Fuel - Innocent
Satan, you know where I lie Gently I go into that good night All our lives get complicated Searc...

Fuel - It's Come To This
And I found my head uncrowned and all life's sweet nectar flowing downthe cracks and seams wasted on some pe...

Fuel - Jesus Or A Gun
Walk away, I walk the wireAnd my fields are burning in the flamesFeel my way, blind in the mireS...

Fuel - Knives
Give me one good reason To why you're so blind I covered your back again And you'd better cover ...

Fuel - Last Time
I'm not the first you sucked downI drank your pleasure slowThen stumbled out from your veilStill...

Fuel - Luck
It's cold outside in the middle of the winter and my brain's in the fridge(Would you know what shape I'm in)...

Fuel - Million Miles
On my way for the day I find no sorrowEveryday is all the same there's no tomorrowAnd I feel like I fe...

Fuel - Most Of All
I see our stars tonightDo you recall that lightOr do you ever think of meAnd in your world somew...

Fuel - New Thing
Take me out aliveTake me out it's all so staleGive me another lifeExcuse me if I tried and faile...

Fuel - Ozone
I wanna make her go, I wanna make her comeI wanna push her awayDon't wanna feel no painDon't wan...

Fuel - Prove
Lay me down in sheets of linen where she lies I know she's grinning in there Crossed your heart and ho...

Fuel - Quarter
I know I'm dead before my timeI know It's coming downIf you could only see what's rightYou'd see...

Fuel - Running Away
Everyday you're on my mindPain is feeling passing timeBut if she found out about you she would die...

Fuel - Scar
Chase the sun in my head Blistered skin turning red I can't complain It's something to do ...

Fuel - Shimmer
She calls me from the coldJust when I was low, feeling short of stableAnd all that she intendsAn...

Fuel - Solace
Draw the shades to close my eyes (I never want to see again) I found the cost of courage high (S...

Fuel - Song For You
It's all I wantIt's all I needed now it's throughIt all comes back to youThe only oneThe o...

Fuel - Sunburn
The sky was dark this morningNot a bird in the treesAnd silence hung suspicious and anxiousLike ...

Fuel - These Things
I have this smile to hide meAnd I have this cross to bearI have your picture that still haunts me like...

Fuel - Untitled
I wanted to feel somethingTo be something To see somethingI wanted to find one thing that was mine...

Fuel - Won't Back Down
YEAH!!! [x2]I know what darkness means(and the void you left for me)The isolation s...

Fugees - Cowboys
This is the Fugees, Outsiders up in here: [(CHORUS) CLEF:]Everyone wants to be a cowboy ...

Fugees - Family Business
[OMEGA:]Where I was born, nothing is promised My life is filled with less hope than the prophec...

Fugees - How Many Mics
[CHORUS (REPEAT 2X):]How Many Mic's Do We Rip on the Daily Say me say Many Moni, Say me say man...

Fugees - Manifest
[CLEF:]I woke up this morning I was feeling kind of high It was me, Jesus Christ and Hail...

Fugees - No Woman, No Cry
[CLEF:] A dedication to all the refugees worldwide One time say, say, say I remember when...

Fugees - Ready Or Not
[CHORUS:]Ready Or Not, Here I Come, You Can't Hide Gonna Find You and Take it Slowly Read...

Fugees - The Beast
[CHORUS:]Warn the town the beast is loose, Word 'em up y'all C'mon [LAURYN...

Fugees - The Mask
[CHORUS:]Have you ever worn the mask one-two one-two, (M) to the (A) to the (S) to the (K) ...

Fugees - The Score
[CLEF:]Look into the rhymeRum to the rippleSing boo, But at times I come in triple....

Fugees - Zealots
[CLEF:]Another MC lose his life tonight, lord I beg that you pray to Jesus Christ, why O ...

The Futureheads - Alms
You wasted it, you fell asleepIt was not late, you missed the pointYou wasted it, you fell aslee...

The Futureheads - A To B
A to b, a to bOh to move yourIt is a shame, it is a pittyWhen you cant raise the energy t...

The Futureheads - Carnival Kids
I can't say what they're gonna doGot your cards markedAnd theyre coming for youGonna kneel down...

The Futureheads - Danger Of The Water
The beginning of the disaster was difficult to spotThe speed of your reaction was to slow to make a differen...

The Futureheads - First Day
Welcome to your new job, hope you have a wonderful first dayWe are so happy to have you join the team, you a...

The Futureheads - He Knows
A girl from our city went missing from her homePeople left their houses people left their homesHe was ...

The Futureheads - Hounds Of Love
When I was a child, running in the night, i was afraid of what might beHiding in the dark and hiding on the ...

The Futureheads - Le Garage
Everything was ready but he had to run awayShot for the money on the very same dayLe garage, le garage...

The Futureheads - Man Ray
It gives me manrayIt's what we likeIt gives me weston Touch eachother in black and white E...

The Futureheads - Meantime
I wasn't laughing properly, when you were talking to meI didn't find it funny, your story didn't do it for m...

The Futureheads - Robot
I am a robot, living like a robot, talk like a robot, in the habititting wayLook up to the sky (robot)...

The Futureheads - Stupid And Shallow
You eat shit 'cos you're stupid and shallowBut i like it when you're stupid and shallowWhen you're dyi...

The Futureheads - The City Is Here For You To Use
I will go to another place, nowhere special just another townYou should come to the other place, make it spe...

Future Leaders Of The World - 4 Sale
Oh beautiful America, land of the free, raped, and wasted youthif i had just one wish that i could give to y...

Future Leaders Of The World - Everyday
Trust in me its not a fantasyKnowing we're right and they're all wrongWe used to push and pull weed ge...

Future Leaders Of The World - House Of Chains
I'm so stripped down and nakedFeed me with changeLove me numbSo I can heal your painMake m...

Future Leaders Of The World - Kill Pop
Welcome to the show everyoneLet go kill your mind have some drugsI don't give a fuck where you from...

Future Leaders Of The World - Let Me Out
I found some peace todayI grit my teethAnd swallow all my pain and selfish prideI use to hide be...

Future Leaders Of The World - Make You Believe
We aint got nothing to fearWe aint got nothing to hideI wanna live in the truthI wanna live in t...

Future Leaders Of The World - Spotlight
Tell you mother to have her vision examinedTell your practitioner to practice famineChildren wearing s...

Future Leaders Of The World - Sued
What I feltWasn't wrongUse to be afraid to be this close to you Cause in my shadow I'm soothed...

Future Leaders Of The World - Unite
12 shades of greyEvery life this daya single fraction of a-maze-ingDreams I'd like to tell you...

Future Leaders Of The World - Your Gov't Loves You
For every grain of sugars here's a pound a saltTo melt away all the shit this country shoved down my throat...

Gabrielle - Don't Need The Sun To Shine (to Make Me Smile)
It's been a whileBut your smile alwaysBrightens up my dayI guess you knowBecause it show...

Gabrielle - Dreams
Move a step closer you know that I want youI can tell by your eyes that you want me tooJust a question...

Gabrielle - Falling
How could I know when I first met youI was falling in love, never wanting toCause out of the blue you ...

Gabrielle - Going Nowhere
Right at this momentYou're feeling insecureI don't want to hurt you babyYou've heard it all befo...

Gabrielle - I Wish
You don't know what you do to meSometimes I findYou knock me off my feetOh how I wishThat ...

Gabrielle - Out Of Reach
Knew the signsWasn't rightI was stupid for a whileSwept away by youAnd now I feel like a f...

Gabrielle - Over You
From the moment that we metI knew that we would connectYour eyes had told me that somehow We sha...

Gabrielle - Rise
I know that it's over But I can't believe we're throughThey said that time's a healerAnd I'm bet...

Gabrielle - Should I Stay?
Here I am, waiting for a sign, I never seem to knowIf you want me in your life, where do I standI just...

Gabrielle - Tell Me What You Dream
She turned the key, opened the doorWas he there she wasn't sure She didn't want to fight no more...

Gabrielle - Walk On By
If you see me walking down the streetAnd I start to cry, each time we meetWalk on byMake believe...

Gabrielle - When A Woman
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, de: Early in the morning My friends already calling Ready for ...

Garbage - 13x Forever
Thirteen times you fucked with my karmaAnd thirteen times I sucked on your dogmaYou taught me to hate...

Garbage - Afterglow
Centre on the wide horizonFocus on the galaxySweep away your expectationsand recognise your enem...

Garbage - Alien Sex Fiend
You're an alien sex fiend You're an alien sex fiend You're an alien sex fiend You're an alien se...

Garbage - As Heaven Is Wide
Nothing that you say will release you Nothing that you pray would forgive you Nothing's what your word...

Garbage - A Stroke Of Luck
Hanging by threads of palest silver I could have stayed that way forever Bad blood and ghosts wrapped ...

Garbage - Bad Boyfriend
I've got a feverCome check it and seeThere's something burning and rolling in meWe may not last ...

Garbage - Bleed Like Me
Avalanche is sullen and too thinShe starves herself to rid herself of sinAnd the kick is so divine whe...

Garbage - Boys Wanna Fight
The boys wanna fightBut the girls are happy to dance all nightThey know best how they can mess w...

Garbage - Butterfly Collector
So you finally got what you wanted You've achieved your aim by making me walk in line When you j...

Garbage - Can't Seem To Make You Mine
Can't you see what you do to meYou fill my life with miseryWith every breath every step I takeI'...

Garbage - Deadwood
Handcuffed in the present tenseVariations on your violenceMind games and pretty girlsA cracked s...

Garbage - Dog New Tricks
I wish I had not woke up today Everyone mistakes the things you say Take the simple truth and Tw...

Garbage - Driving Lesson
Car, car, car Car, car, car Let's get behind the wheel We'll go driving To the mount...

Garbage - Dumb
I never claimed to be your saviour I said I had a dirty mouth Stop analysing my behaviour If you...

Garbage - Fix Me Now
Things don't have to be this way Catch me on a better day Bury me above the clouds All the...

Garbage - Get Bizzy With The Fizzy
Well...I might just consider thisIf you don't let me downIf you can keep me happyWell you can si...

Garbage - Girl Don't Come
Girl don't come If it's all been said and done Don't hang around Let them kick back off the grou...

Garbage - Hammering In My Head
I'm stressed but you're freestyle I'm overworked but I'm undersexed I must be made of concrete I...

Garbage - Happy Home
In my happy home I barely breatheIn my lovers arms I find reliefAnd there's a sky that's changing and ...

Garbage - I Think I'm Paranoid
You can look, but you can't touch I don't think I like you much Heaven knows what a girl can do ...

Garbage - It's All Over But The Crying
Everything you think you know babyIs wrongAnd everything you think you had babyIs gone...

Garbage - Kick My Ass
I'm so sorry you had to kick my ass You said I ruined your life I didn't mean to do that I...

Garbage - Lick The Pavement
1 2 3 4 You got my number you know what I need And I go crazy when ever I bleed Won't you come o...

Garbage - Medication
I don't need an education I learnt all I need from you They've got me on some medication My poin...

Garbage - Metal Heart
I wish I had a metal heartI could cross the lineI wish that I was half as goodAs you think I am...

Garbage - Milk
I am milk I am red hot kitchen And I am cool Cool as the deep blue ocean I am lost ...

Garbage - My Lover's Box
My lover's charms Are in a box Beneath my bed And piece by piece I'll cherish them U...

Garbage - Not My Idea
I bit my tongue and stood in line With not much to believe in I bought into what I was sold And ...

Garbage - Push It
I was angry when I met you I think I'm angry still We can try to talk it over If you say you'll ...

Garbage - Queer
Hey boy, take a look at me Let me dirty up your mind I'll strip away your hard veneer And see wh...

Garbage - Right Between The Eyes
Don't care what they have to sayWhy you listening to them anywayWhy do you have to give them what they...

Garbage - Run Baby Run
Love can be so strangeDon't it amaze you?Everytime you give yourself awayIt comes back to haunt ...

Garbage - Sex Is Not The Enemy
No evolutionSometimes it depresses meThe same old sameWe keep repeating historyThe institu...

Garbage - Sleep
In the middle of the night Head on my pillow Looking like a little ghost Seems like all of...

Garbage - Sleep Together
I got you crawling up a mountain Hanging round my neck I got you twisted round my finger Crawlin...

Garbage - Soldier Through This
You work to hardSo when you come homeYou tell me you are tiredAnd you don't want to talk about i...

Garbage - Special
I'm living without you I know all about you I have run you down into the ground Spread disease a...

Garbage - Subhuman
Burn down all your idols Destroy your idols Create a scene There goes all your reason It's...

Garbage - Supernatural
Built a king on compliments Charisma and advertisements Still they see him shimmer ephemeral It ...

Garbage - Supervixen
Come down to my houseStick a stone in your mouthYou can always pull outIf you like it too much ...

Garbage - Temptation Waits
I'll tell you something I am a wolf but I like to wear sheep's clothing I am a bonfire ...

Garbage - The Trick Is To Keep Breathing
She's not the kind of girl Who likes to tell the world About the way she feels about herself She...

Garbage - Thirteen
Won't you let me walk you home from school Won't you let me meet you at the pool Maybe Friday I can ...

Garbage - Tornado
Come on Shirl... [x7]Come on...Come on Shirl...Come on...Come on Shirl....

Garbage - Trip My Wire
Be easy on me I'm fragile I'm easily broken Be careful with me I'm a fighter A...

Garbage - Vow
I can't use what I can't abuse And I can't stop when it comes to you You burned me out but I'm b...

Garbage - When I Grow Up
Cut my tongue out I've been caught out Like a giant juggernaut Happy hours Golden showers ...

Garbage - Why Don't You Come Over?
It's been a crazy time for usOf pushing all our limitsSnapping necks and breaking ballsNow you'd...

Garbage - Wicked Ways
I tried hard to mend my wicked ways Acted like a lunatic for years Lord knows I try to be good I...

Garbage - You Look So Fine
You look so fineI want to break your heart And give you mine You're taking me over ...

Gareth Gates - Absolutely
Everybody knows that you're a starGucci shoes, the look of CaviarThey all know exactly who you are...

Gareth Gates - All Cried Out
Tear drops in my eyesCame every day with the sunriseIt's been that way as long as you've been gone...

Gareth Gates - Anyone Of Us (stupid Mistake)
I've been letting you down, downGirl I know I've been such a foolGiving in to temptationWhen I s...

Gareth Gates - Anything Is Possible
I never thought I could be feeling this wayStanding here in front of you this perfect dayIts hard to i...

Gareth Gates - Club Hoppin
Pull up to spot like whatTime to see if the place is hotIs it on 'cause you know if notWe aint g...

Gareth Gates - Downtown
we're going downtownwoooooooooooooooooooowis the temperature hot enough for you tonight...

Gareth Gates - Enough Of Me
C'monI'm not your everyday average celebrityI don't complain about the life I liveAnd I apprecia...

Gareth Gates - Evergreen
[Verse 1]Eyes, like a sunriseLike a rainfallDown my soulAnd I wonder,I ...

Gareth Gates - Foolish
Love is a drug and I feel like getting highOne last fix with a kiss is worth risking suicide'Cause I'm...

Gareth Gates - Forever Blue
Did you ever see the rainbow?Did you ever hear the cry?Did you ever see the colours fade away?Th...

Gareth Gates - Freak My Baby
YeahOooooooh aaaaahYeahGot a feeling that you want itSimply by the way of looking...

Gareth Gates - Good Thing
I was looking for a new directionyou gotta keep moving for you're own protectionhaven't got no love to...

Gareth Gates - Go Your Own Way
Gotta go, gotta goGo your own wayWhat's it all aboutWhat're they saying nowthat I'm ...

Gareth Gates - Groove With Me
Oh yeah alright, oh oh oh yeahHey girl, excuse me, forsake me butIt's your world, can I come inside...

Gareth Gates - It Ain't Obvious
I keep tryingbut I'm running out of ways to make you want me babyI cannot be everything you want you d...

Gareth Gates - It Happens Every Time
Can you hear the music playingCan you feel the rhythm swayingThis is the sound of dreams come true...

Gareth Gates - (i've Got No) No Self Control
I'm into sweet sensations you're my one temptationI've never felt beforeI feel a strong attracti...

Gareth Gates - Just Say Yes
I wanna make a moveYou know ya got me sweatin'I'm heatin' up from youAnd here's the point I'm ge...

Gareth Gates - Lies
I waited in the summer rainI waited till my tears stop fallingYou never came alongYou had to do ...

Gareth Gates - Listen To My Heart
EndlesslyEvery time I look into your eyesI see foreverI don't know whyBut every time we to...

Gareth Gates - Mack The Knife
Oh the shark has such teeth, dearAnd he shows them pearly whiteJust a jack knife has old MacHeath, dea...

Gareth Gates - Nothings Gonna Stop Us Now
Maybe I've been too superstitiousAfraid of being too naiveNever been enough for taking chancesBu...

Gareth Gates - Oh, Look At Me Now
I'm not the guy, who cared about loveAnd I'm not the guy who cared about fortunes and suchNever cared ...

Gareth Gates - One And Ever Love
It's cold outside so understandif I don't hang around to waitI'll say goodbye and kiss your hand...

Gareth Gates - Say It Isn't So
Skies are dark it's time for rainFinal call you board the trainHeading for tomorrowI wave goodby...

Gareth Gates - Sentimental
Girl I don't believe them when they tell me you don't love mesometimes you seem to think so little of ...

Gareth Gates - Skeletons
Rumours going round in circlesThat youve been seeing some elseYou know I love surprisesBut baby ...

Gareth Gates - Soul Affection
Most of the time, love has gone wrongSo hard to get it rightI'm so afraid 'cos I'm feeling it strong...

Gareth Gates - Spirit In The Sky
When I die and they lay me to restGonna go to the place that's the bestWhen I lay me down to die...

Gareth Gates - Sunshine
I'm the first to complain about the rain 'Cause I don't like it like that, But when I see the sunshine...

Gareth Gates - Suspicious Minds
[Verse 1]We're caught in a trapI can't walk outBecause I love you too much babyWhy ...

Gareth Gates - Tell Me One More Time
Come on and tell me baby...Do U believe in loveThe way that I doAnd when u find the one...

Gareth Gates - That's When You Know
for everyone the story goesthere's a special someoneto make them wholesomeone to give thei...

Gareth Gates - Too Serious Too Soon
I wonder where you where I wonder what your thinking about tonight I wonder Maybe your alone ...

Gareth Gates - Too Soon To Say Goodbye
So many timesI've played around Moving from one to anotherI've been a foolI've been unkind...

Gareth Gates - Unchained Melody
Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the seaTo the open arms of the seaLonely rivers sigh, wait for me, w...

Gareth Gates - Walk On By
Every time you walk on byI try to say something'But end up with nothing'Every time you walk on b...

Gareth Gates - What My Heart Wants To Say
You're amazingSo amazingHave I told youEnoughYou're my angelGuardian angelGod ...

Gareth Gates - With You All The Time
I live beneath the heartI watch you from the darkI'm every breath I'm every dreamI've known you ...

Garth Brooks - A Friend To Me
Well you and IWe're buddiesAnd we've been since we first metMe and youWell we've sure been...

Garth Brooks - Against The Grain
Folks call me a maverick Guess I ain't too diplomatic I just never been the kind to go along Jus...

Garth Brooks - Alabama Clay
First time he saw the ground get busted He was ten and it was 1952 His daddy worked hard from sunup to...

Garth Brooks - Anonymous
Well I wrote our names a thousand timesJust to see yours sitting next to mineSent you flowers cards un...

Garth Brooks - Baby Jesus Is Born
Tell the children of Abraham There's a star over Bethlehem And the light in the manger Come a Ch...

Garth Brooks - Belleau Wood
Oh, the snowflakes fell in silenceOver Belleau Wood that nightFor a Christmas truce had been declared...

Garth Brooks - Big Money
My older brother TommyWas a linemanRest his soulHis job was hanging hot wiresOn them high-...

Garth Brooks - Burning Bridges
Yesterday she thanked me For oilin' that front door This morning when she wakes She won't be tha...

Garth Brooks - Cold Shoulder
There's a fire burning bright At our house tonight Slow music playing And soft candlelight ...

Garth Brooks - Cowboy Bill
He told a good story and all of us kids listened 'Bout his life on the border and the way it was then ...

Garth Brooks - Dixie Chicken
I seen the bright lights of Memphis And the Commodore Hotel And it was there beneath the streetlamp ...

Garth Brooks - Don't Cross The River
There's a little girlOut lying on her ownShe's got a broken heartShe's not the kindYou tak...

Garth Brooks - Do What You Gotta Do
Sometimes you've got to take the heatIf you're gonna walk down on the mean streetTake the heat and you...

Garth Brooks - Everytime That It Rains
Stuck in an airport in Austin, all of the flights are delayed And as the rain keeps fllin' the mem'ries keep...

Garth Brooks - Face To Face
There was a bad boy in the school yard Waited on you every day Seemed like every time you turned aroun...

Garth Brooks - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
God rest ye merry gentlemen Let nothing you dismay Remember Christ our savior Was born on Christ...

Garth Brooks - Go Tell It On The Mountain
Go tell it on the mountain Over the hills and far away Go tell it on the mountain That Jesus Chr...

Garth Brooks - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Have yourself a merry little Christmas Let your heart be light From now on our troubles will be out of...

Garth Brooks - I Know One
When all your loves have ended When all your friends have flown Who'll be around to want you Whe...

Garth Brooks - In Lonesome Dove
She was a girl on a wagon train Haded west across the plains The train got lost in a summer storm ...

Garth Brooks - Ireland
They say mother earth is breathingWith each wave that finds the shoreHer soul rises in the evening...

Garth Brooks - It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
It's the most wonderful time of the year With the kids jingle-belling And everyone telling you B...

Garth Brooks - It's Your Song
Standing in the spotlightOn such a perfect nightKnowing that your out there listeningI remember ...

Garth Brooks - I've Got A Good Thing Going
She swears there's nothing wrong, but something's missing She's never been much good at telling lies '...

Garth Brooks - Kickin' And Screamin'
Well, I don't know what my uncle did But he must have done it right They sure strung him up one Saturd...

Garth Brooks - Let It Snow
The weather outside is frightful But the fire is so delightful And since we've no place to go Le...

Garth Brooks - Mr. Blue
Our guardian star lost all its glowThe day that I lost youIt lost all its glitter the day you said no...

Garth Brooks - Mr. Midnight
Rain on the roof and time on my handsIt sure seemed quit out there in radio landThey call me at the al...

Garth Brooks - Mr Right
I can tell by the way you've been turning men down Not your ordinary guy is gonna do You've been waiti...

Garth Brooks - Much Too Young (to Feel This Damn Old)
This ol' highway's getting longer Seems there ain't no end in sight To sleep would be best, but I just...

Garth Brooks - New Way To Fly
Like birds on a high line They line up at night time at the bar They all once were lovebirds Now...

Garth Brooks - Night Rider's Lament
One night while I was out a ridin' The grave yard shift, midnight 'til dawn The moon was bright as a r...

Garth Brooks - Not Counting You
When loving turns to parting I'm always the first to leave Cause when it comes to heartaches I'd rather give...

Garth Brooks - O Little Town Of Bethlehem
O little town of Bethlehem How still we see thee lie Above thy deep and dreamless sleep The sile...

Garth Brooks - One Night A Day
There's not a lot of things to do I wouldn't rather do with you Guess I'm funny that way ...

Garth Brooks - Papa Loved Mama
Papa drove a truck nearly all his lifeYou know it drove mama crazy being a trucker's wifeThe part she ...

Garth Brooks - Pushing Up Daisies
Sometimes I tell youThe way that I feelI swear thatI'm going crazyKeep telling myself...

Garth Brooks - Rodeo
His eyes are cold and restlessHis wounds have almost healedAnd she'd give half of TexasJust to c...

Garth Brooks - Rodeo Or Mexico
For a changeI headed SouthAcross the borderFor the pesos andA different horse to ride...

Garth Brooks - Rollin'
She was born to a mother truckerRaised behind the wheelSo you can blame it on the highwayFor the...

Garth Brooks - Same Old Story
While they dance How she holds him Pulls him close And loves him so While he dreams of ano...

Garth Brooks - Silver Bells
City sidewalks, busy sidewalks Dressed in holiday style In the air there's a feeling like Christmas ...

Garth Brooks - Sleigh Ride
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling Ring-ting-tingling too Come on it's lovely weather For a s...

Garth Brooks - Standing Outside The Fire
We call them cool Those hearts that have no scars to show The ones that never do let go And r...

Garth Brooks - That Ol' Wind
She dropped her boy at school on time One less worry on her mind Now it's off to work and on the radio...

Garth Brooks - That Summer
I went to work for her that summer A teenage kid so far from home She was a lonely widow woman ...

Garth Brooks - The Change
One hand Reaches out And pulls a lost soul from harm While a thousand more go unspoken for ...

Garth Brooks - The Christmas Song
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire Jack Frost nipping at your nose Yuletide carols being sung by a cho...

Garth Brooks - The Cowboy Song
Pushin horns weren't easy like the movie said it was And I don't recall no dance hall girls Or hotel r...

Garth Brooks - The Dance
Looking back on the memory of The dance we shared 'neath the stars above For a moment all the world wa...

Garth Brooks - The Red Strokes
Moonlight on canvas, midnight and wine Two shadows starting to softly combine The picture they're pa...

Garth Brooks - (there's No Place Like) Home For The Holidays
Oh, there's no place like home for the holidays 'Cause no matter how far away your roam If you long fo...

Garth Brooks - The River
You know a dream is like a riverEver changin' as it flowsAnd a dreamer's just a vesselThat must ...

Garth Brooks - The Storm
She sits among the piecesOf broken glass and photographsReluctantly releases theLast of what was...

Garth Brooks - The Thunder Rolls
Three thirty in the morning Not a soul insight The city's lookin' like a ghost town On a moonles...

Garth Brooks - Thicker Than Blood
She was born in Kansas CityRaised in ArkansasFell in love with an ex-MarineShe already had three...

Garth Brooks - To Make You Feel My Love
When the rain is blowing in your faceAnd the whole world is on your caseI would offer you a warm embra...

Garth Brooks - Two Of A Kind, Workin' On A Full House
Yes, she's my lady luck Hey, I'm her wild card man Together we're buildin' up a real hot hand We...

Garth Brooks - Unanswered Prayers
Just the other night at a hometown football game My wife and I ran into my old high school flame And a...

Garth Brooks - Victim Of The Game
Well, it took a little time But I guess you finally learned That promises get broken And bridges...

Garth Brooks - Walking After Midnight
I go out walkin' after midnight Out in the starlight Just like we used to do I'm always walkin' ...

Garth Brooks - We Bury The Hatchet
Hey, all the neighbors lights Came on last night Just like they do every time We have a little f...

Garth Brooks - We Shall Be Free
This ain't comin' from no prophet Just an ordinary man When I close my eyes I see The way this...

Garth Brooks - What She's Doing Now
Last time I saw her it was turnin' colderBut that was years agoLast I heard she had moved to Boulder...

Garth Brooks - When There's No One Around
This is a song that nobody knowsI couldn't begin to describe how it goesBut it makes me cry or laugh r...

Garth Brooks - When You Come Back To Me Again
There's a ship outOn the oceanAt the mercy of the seaIt's been tossed aboutLost and broken...

Garth Brooks - Which One Of Them
The girl at the bar, she bought me a beerAnd she'd like to know if I'm new around hereAnd the gal that...

Garth Brooks - Why Ain't I Running
I can hearThat highway callingAs I watch the sunriseCrawling across her shoulderThis is us...

Garth Brooks - Wild As The Wind
Johnny grew upOn the dark side of the lawLivin' in the shadowOf the light he never saw...

Garth Brooks - Wild Horses
From a phone booth in Cheyenne I made a promise to Diane No more rodeos I'd gone my last go 'rou...

Garth Brooks - Winter Wonderland
Over the ground lies a mantel of white A heaven of diamonds Shine down through the night Two hea...

Garth Brooks - Wolves
January's always bitterBut Lord this one beats allThe wind ain't quit for weeks nowAnd the drift...

Garth Brooks - Wrapped Up In You
How do I love you. well let me seeI love you like a lyric love a melodyBaby, completely wrapped up in ...

Garth Brooks - You Move Me
This is how it seems to me Life is only therapy Real expensive And no guarantee So I...

Gary Jules - Boat Song
Boy when out on a boat tonightWaiting on his loverSeen his mermaid bride in the moonlightAnd the...

Gary Jules - Broke Window
Loaded tongue and dirty fingersQueen of her mother's houseCome step outside feeling full moon high...

Gary Jules - Dtla
Trapped a dragon west of Chinatown for fire-eaters up in HollywoodMy little sister took a picture of God and...

Gary Jules - Lucky
You can't save me from myselfYou can't save herYou're lucky if you save yourselfDo yourself a fa...

Gary Jules - No Poetry
"There's no poetry between us"Said the paper to the penSomething's burning in the atticThat her ...

Gary Jules - Patchwork G
It's a custom made afternoonWith shrinking hands I can't keep to myselfSpringtime...SaturdayPerf...

Gary Jules - Pills
I've taken all my pillsBut I'm still not sleepyTried to trick myself into thinkingThat I'm not a...

Gary Jules - Something Else
They never tell you truth is subjectiveThey only tell you not to lieThey never tell you there's streng...

Gary Jules - The Princess Of Hollywood Way
I've been there - believe meCrimes committed are unintentionalAfter the party we all went home alone...

Gary Jules - Umbilical Town
I hear you've got a pocket full of wordsThat you keep in the garageTogether with the feather and the f...

Gavin Degraw - Belief
BeliefMakes things realMakes things feelFeel alrightBeliefMakes things trueThi...

Gavin Degraw - Crush
When my pass came in, you dropped the ballIt didn't change the way I feelAnd I was wishing I'd break d...

Gavin Degraw - Follow Through
Oh, this is the start of something goodDon't you agree?I haven't felt like this in so many moons...

Gavin Degraw - Just Friends
I saw you there last nightStanding in the darkYou were acting so in loveWith your hand upon his ...

Gavin Degraw - More Than Anyone
You need a friendI'll be aroundDon't let this endBefore I see you againWhat can I say to c...

Gavin Degraw - Nice To Meet You Anyway
I don't want to get too closeI don't want to get too closeYou see this isn't where my head isIf ...

Gavin Degraw - Overrated
Take my homeTake everything I ownTake it, take controlYou will feel betterYou will feel wh...

Gavin Rossdale - Adrenaline
You don't feel the pain Too much is not enoughNobody said this stuff makes any senseWe're ...

G-dep - Child Of The Ghetto
Yo, yeah, yoUhh, uhh, yeah, yoUhh, uhh, yeah, yoUhh, uhh, G. Dep![G. Dep]...

G-dep - Danger Zone
[background ad libs by P. Diddy](Danger)(Danger)(Ah ah ah)(Danger)Today...

G-dep - Everyday
A yo, I walk down the block with my stomach in knotsSpent time hustling, running from copsBroke as a j...

G-dep - Shit Happens Everyday
[G-Dep]Listen...I'ma tell you straight like thisWord up! Listen...[Verse 1]...

G-dep - Special Delivery
[Verse 1]Yo, this for my niggas, though, special deliverySpit like this, get my wrists all glit...

G-dep - The Ride
[Verse 1]First off, how you gon' come offAll this rap shit, get done offMan listen this a...

Gemma Fox - Back In The Day
Well now you say you wanna be loving me,But back in the day I wasn't good enough for ya. You wanna sle...

Gemma Fox - Best Friend's Man
He was my best friend's man,I don't know why but I slept with him.Now she's mad and I feel bad,I...

Gemma Fox - Crazy
La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La,La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La, La...It s...

Gemma Fox - Daddy (skit)
You are my strength when Im weak,Oh oh oh oh,You are the love, which lovers see,You gave your ev...

Gemma Fox - Hurting Me
It's the fourth time in a week and you havn't returned my calls.Said you're out there with your boys, ...

Gemma Fox - Love Me
Woke up this morning wiped the sleet out from my eyes, opened the curtains and the birds were in the sky, oh what ...

Gemma Fox - Roles Reverse
Would u wake up on the hour,Get the kids up,Get them ready,Do the washin up,Press their cl...

Gemma Fox - Superstar
See I've had my share of ups and downs,Been picked up and kicked back down,I've had my share of abusiv...

George Huff - Go, Tell It On The Mountain
[Chorus:]Go, tell it on the mountain,over the hills and everywhere.Go, tell it on the mou...

George Huff - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Have yourself a merry little Christmas. Let your heart be light, From now on our troubles Will b...

George Huff - Medley: Angels We Have Heard On High / Hark! The Herald Angels
Angels We Have Heard On High Angels we have heard on high, Sweetly singing o'er the plains And t...

George Huff - Oh Holy Night!
O Holy NightThe stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of our dear Savior's birthLong lay the...

George Huff - Silent Night
Silent night! Holy night! All is calm, all is brightround yon virgin mother and child,Holy infan...

George Michael - A Different Corner
I'd Say Love Was A Magical ThingI'd say love would keep us from painHad i been thereHad i been t...

George Michael - A Last Request (i Want Your Sex Part Iii)
Time for bedSo i sit, and waitFor that gin and tonicTo go to your headI knowIt...

George Michael - Amazing
I was mixed up when you came to meToo broke to fixSaid 'daddy get you gone, I'm missing my baby'...

George Michael - American Angel
Bless the day you came into my life, I still rememberHorny cowboy with your stars and stripesBringing ...

George Michael - A Moment With You
(You Can't Keep Holding It In When It's Something Good)Hey this won't take much timeWe won't tou...

George Michael - Brother Can You Spare A Dime
Once I Built A Railroad, Made It Run Made it race against time Once i built a rairoad, now it's done ...

George Michael - Calling You
A Desert Road From Vegas To NowhereSomeplace better than where you've beenA coffee machine that needs ...

George Michael - Careless Whisper
I Feel So UnsureAs i take your handAnd lead you to the dance floorAs the music diesSomethi...

George Michael - Cars & Trains
Mama's gone and got herself a new manIt's a shame,He's the sameMama please please, stop pretendi...

George Michael - Cowboys And Angels
When your heart's in someone else's handsMonkey see and monkey doTheir wish is your commandYou'r...

George Michael - Fantasy
One Day You Say You Love MeThe next you tell me you don'tOne day you say you willThe next you te...

George Michael - Fastlove
Looking for some educationMade my way into the sunAll that bullshit conversationWell haby can't ...

George Michael - Flawless (go To The City)
'Cause you're beautiful (Like no other)'Cause you're beautiful (maybe tonight, they'll see you tonight)...

George Michael - Free
Feels goodTo be free... ...

George Michael - Freeek!
[V1]You got yourself some actionSaid you got yourself a bodyYou got yourself an ass with...

George Michael - Freeek! '04
You got yourself some actionSaid you got yourself a bodyYou got yourself an ass with a mind of its own...

George Michael - Hand To Mouth
Jimmy Got Nothing Made Himself A NameWith a gun that he polished for a rainy dayA smite and a quote fr...

George Michael - Hard Day
Don't bring me downDon't bring me downDon't bring me downI've never been oneFor play...

George Michael - Heal The Pain
Let me tell you a secretPur it in your heart and keep itSomething that i want you to knowDo some...

George Michael - I Can't Make You Love Me
Turn Down The LightTurn down the bedTurn down these voices inside my headLay down with meT...

George Michael - I Remember You
I Remember You You're the one who made my dreams come true A few kisses ago I remember you...

George Michael - It Doesn't Really Matter
It doesn't really matter that i loved youHow many reasons callIt doesn't really matter at all...

George Michael - Jesus To A Child
Kindness in your eyesI guess you heard me cryYou smiled at meLike jesus to a childI'm bles...

George Michael - John & Elvis Are Dead
Close friend of mine as a child fell into a slumberNo sign of life since '75Then one day he just, what...

George Michael - Look At Your Hands
I Loved You OnceBut look at you nowYou'r in somebody else's bedI loved you onceSo i don't ...

George Michael - Miss Sarajevo
Is There A Time For Keeping A Distance A time to turn your eyes away Is there a time for keeping your ...

George Michael - Mothers Pride
Oh she knowsShe takes his handAnd prays the child will understandAt the door they watch the men ...

George Michael - Move On
I've been in and out of favour with lady luckI gotta tell youI've seen things i never wanted to see...

George Michael - My Baby Just Cares For Me
My Baby Don't Care For Shows My baby don't care for clothes My baby just cares for me My b...

George Michael - My Mother Had A Brother
My mother had a brotherThey say that I was born on the day that he diedSomeone to cling to, she said...

George Michael - Older
I should have knownIt seemed too easyYou were thereAnd i was breathing blueStrange...

George Michael - Outside
I Think I'm Done With The SofaI think i'm done with the hallI think i'm done with the kitchen table, b...

George Michael - Papa Was A Rolling Stone
It was the third of septemberThat day I'll always remember, yes I will'cause that was the day that my ...

George Michael - Patience
It's like a conversation, where no-one stops to breatheIs it my imagination, or did God already leave the ta...

George Michael - Please Send Me Someone (anselmo's Song)
Some people said, if I could only care for youSome people said, he will never love againSome people sa...

George Michael - Precious Box
In my house there's a circle, where the life comes inFrom the stars to my home, down through the stone,...

George Michael - Round Here
My daddy got here on the gravy trainI guess my mama had a real bad start to the gameThey went walking ...

George Michael - Roxanne
Roxanne You don't have to put on the red light Those days are over You don't have to sell your b...

George Michael - Secret Love
Once I Had A Secret Love That lived within the heart of me All too soon my secret love Became im...

George Michael - Shoot The Dog
GTi, Hot Shot,He parks it there,just to piss me off.Bullyboy, gonna show ya who's tough,I'm gonn...

George Michael - Something To Save
If you've got something to sayWhy don't you say itIf you've got something to giveWhy don't you g...

George Michael - Soul Free
Higher, higherWon't you come with meBaby gonna get my soul freeNow you and meI guess...

George Michael - Spinning The Wheel
Spin the wheelFive o'clock in the morningYou ain't homeI can't help thinking that's strang...

George Michael - Star People
Star peopleCounting your money till your soul turns greenStar peopleCounting the cost of your de...

George Michael - Star People '97
Star PeopleCounting your money rill your soul turns greenStar peopleCounting the cost of your de...

George Michael - The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face I thought the sun rose in your eyes And the moon and the stars wer...

George Michael - The Long And Winding Road
The long and winding road that leads to your door,Will never disappear,I've seen that road before It a...

George Michael - The Strangest Thing
Take my lifeTime has been twisting the knifeI don't recognisePeople i care forTake m...

George Michael - The Strangest Thing 97
Take My LifeTime has been twisting the knifeI don't recognisePeople i care forTake m...

George Michael - They Won't Go When I Go
No more lying friendsWanting tragic endsThough they do pretendThey won't go when i go...

George Michael - Through
Is that enough?I think it's overSee, everything has changedAnd all this hatred may just make me ...

George Michael - To Be Forgiven
I'm going downWon't you help meSave me from myselfI hear the sound of a memoryMaybe time w...

George Michael - Too Funky
Hey, You're Just Too Funky For MeI gotta get inside of youAnd i'll show you heaven if you let me...

George Michael - Waiting For That Day
Now every day i see you in some other faceThey crack a smile, talk a whiteTry to take your place...

George Michael - Waiting (reprise)
Well there ain't no point in moving onUntil you've got somewhere to goAnd the road that i have walked ...

George Michael - Where Or When
When You're Awake The things you think Come from the dreams you dream Thought has wings, A...

George Michael - Wild Is The Wind
Love Me, Love Me, Love Me, Love Me Say you do Let me fly away with you For my love is like the w...

George Michael - You've Changed
You've Changed That sparkle in your eyes has gone Your smile is just a careless yawn You're brea...

Geri Halliwell - Bag It Up
I like chocolate and controversyHe likes Fridays and bad companyI like midnight, it's when I'm in the ...

Geri Halliwell - Calling
The sun is going down on meAs she surrenders to the seaSo steal the night and fly with meI'm cal...

Geri Halliwell - Circles Round The Moon

Geri Halliwell - Desire
I'm a sure-fire pussy cat I ain't gonna tell you that I'm giving myself away You're a real catch...

Geri Halliwell - Don't Call Me Baby
Do you think about me, like I think about you, as these nights grow colder,do you think about us or the love...

Geri Halliwell - Don't Get Any Better
Take a road where imperfection'sNever where you feel the pinch around the middleMakes you lose the bea...

Geri Halliwell - Feels Like Sex

Geri Halliwell - Feel The Fear
The sky is gonna cry tonightFlowing like a river it softly slips awayThe sun won't shine so bright...

Geri Halliwell - Goodnight Kiss
I aint sleeping too much in my headI've been thinking somethin's left unsaid.And in the morning feelin...

Geri Halliwell - Heaven And Hell (being Geri Halliwell)
Fame costs - and right here's where you start payingHave a drink - alcoholicGrab a coat - shopaholic...

Geri Halliwell - It's Raining Men
Humidity is rising Barometer's getting low According to our sources The street's the place to go...

Geri Halliwell - I Was Made That Way
I guess I'm a bad girlI learned to make you cryI'm hanging my guilty conscienceDrying on the lin...

Geri Halliwell - Let Me Love You
Hey little boy with those big brown eyesYou don't know what you do to meI'm just a girl and I'm in dis...

Geri Halliwell - Let Me Love You More
It's when I look at you That I'm suddenly aliveAnd it all makes sense When it feels so bea...

Geri Halliwell - Lift Me Up
Watch the first light kiss the New WorldIt's a wonder, baby like you and IAll the colours of the rainb...

Geri Halliwell - Look At Me
Good-looking, bad-tastingFull-bodied, butt-wastingLoose-living, tight-fittingWhat you see ain't ...

Geri Halliwell - Love Never Loved Me
Tout l'heure mon amour(Later, my love)I live for love, and all it bringsThe heart it heal...

Geri Halliwell - Lovey Dovey Stuff

Geri Halliwell - Loving Me Back To Life
I've been looking for love in all the wrong placesDifferent names, familiar facesI've watched the moon...

Geri Halliwell - Mi Chico Latino
Donde esta el hombrecon fuego en la sangreIve got a secret.I cannot keep itIts just a wisp...

Geri Halliwell - Passion
There's something in my heartThat I'm burning to sayLovin' you ain't easy cosMy pride gets in th...

Geri Halliwell - Ride It
I'll keep riding itI'll keep riding itWanna make some music to take me in and out of my head...

Geri Halliwell - Scream If You Wanna Go Faster
Lonely hearts are welcome hereTake my hand let's disappearSerenity is almost here, Oh Lord...

Geri Halliwell - Shake Your Bootie Cutie
Hello Daddy BabyHello Sexy Mama[Verse 1]Come on, bring your BAD self down here...

Geri Halliwell - So I Give Up On Love
Good evening ladies and gentlemen,And boys you better listen...Names have been changed to protec...

Geri Halliwell - Someone's Watching Over Me
You said I'd always be your little girlThought that would last foreverBut you left me in this grown up...

Geri Halliwell - Sometime
Treat me right, keep me safeShow me love, I'll embraceIf you take me home, where I was bornI'd f...

Geri Halliwell - Strength Of A Woman
Hey! Remember me,Weve got a date with destinyWere falling down my human raysWere searching for ...

Geri Halliwell - Superstar
A little bit of something on a bad-ass day Can help me please my my mind Cos a big bit of nothing don'...

Geri Halliwell - Surrender Your Groove
Baby, I can feel your thunderButterflies on your shoulderDon't cry, I'll show you what love isSi...

Geri Halliwell - There's Always Tomorrow
Sometimes I feel so blue insideSo when I'm lonelyI drive to St. TropezI leave the world be...

Geri Halliwell - Walk Away
There's a river of tears i need to cryBeen holding back for yearsThere's a mountain so high i need to ...

Geri Halliwell - You're In A Bubble
Big mouth, big moneyYou bitch, you ain't that funny Got somethin' to burn and love to waste it's a soc...

Get Up Kids - Action & Action
you really think you're bigger than thisto the tune of ten thousand lispswho would have thought we'd r...

Get Up Kids - Alec Eiffel
Pioneer of aerodynamics (little eiffel, little eiffel) they thought he was real smart alec (litt...

Get Up Kids - All That I Know
All we areIs partOf everythingIt's out of our controlAnd I'll sayAll you need ...

Get Up Kids - A New Found Interest In Massachusetts
If I told you that I was thinking of moving east, would you save a place for me? I'll come home cause ...

Get Up Kids - Anne Arbour
Sooner or later more, These words to paper pour. Compose apologies, To bring you back to me. Wha...

Get Up Kids - Better Half
i saw my better halfthe better half of a decadeslip through my hands inside her hands inside my pocket...

Get Up Kids - Burned Bridges
I've met that point in my life. Want came to need. Burn these fields of corn, that surround. My ...

Get Up Kids - Campfire Kansas
woke up at eight, started a fire had a few drinks, we all felt inspired jumped in the stream, our shoe...

Get Up Kids - Central Standard Time
Cold October Fall, At The Outside Of A VFW Hall, I said I minded distance but distance would def...

Get Up Kids - Close To Home
summer swallowed us whole;we waited for you to come aroundevery word you wrote down,we read it o...

Get Up Kids - Close To Me
I've waited hours for this I've made myself so sick I wish I'd stayed asleep today I never thoug...

Get Up Kids - Coming Clean
i found my place in the sun,lied my way there.i've looked in youre eyes,i'm coming clean.i...

Get Up Kids - Conversation
Of all of the space in this small worldThere's room in my life for you, girlThough we had a lot of wor...

Get Up Kids - Don't Hate Me
forgive me for runningoff to find the one things i have to doeach night you can fall asleep assured that som...

Get Up Kids - Fall From Grace
it rains and pours in twos i wonder if i'll come home no strength left to battle you run to the ...

Get Up Kids - Fall Semester
if i triedwould you still call me son?if i triedwould you call me at all?if i say that i'l...

Get Up Kids - Forgive And Forget
I think I've waited long enough. Our world was once forget-me-nots And now I wait another year. ...

Get Up Kids - Grunge Pig
I didn't take that blow to heart You couldn't tear our home apart You anything you wanted everything ...

Get Up Kids - Hannah Hold On
I never asked to be sorry If its over its over for sure I don't regret that I didn't want to Rem...

Get Up Kids - High As The Moon
i built an altar for you out of polaroids and pins on the wall of my room i don't know what to d...

Get Up Kids - Holiday
what became of everyone i used to know?where did our respectable convictions go?your words don't match...

Get Up Kids - Holy Roman
Road map is a bitter pillScene stinks of a double dealA good front like the devil willYour eyes ...

Get Up Kids - How Long Is Too Long
You keep hanging on for moreBuilding walls around the words around the worldI keep tripping over hints...

Get Up Kids - I'll Catch You
can you sleep as the sound hits your ears one at a time?an unspokenbalance here, unabridged for so man...

Get Up Kids - I'm A Loner Dottie, A Rebel
come tomorrow i'll be on my way back homein the morning call from a roadside telephoneone night doesn'...

Get Up Kids - Impossible Outcomes
In the sky is the moon This large yellow circle finds her in the mood. In her eyes I can see it all. ...

Get Up Kids - In Your Sea
Every afternooonA point I hammer homeYou had no follow through, no follow throughBetter off alon...

Get Up Kids - Is There A Way Out
If ever im wrong, whatever i doIf anyone asks, i will be hiding from youIf ever i speak, put words in ...

Get Up Kids - Last Place You Look
the grass is always greener as i'm sure that you've foundif i find my way back on the last leg of this trip...

Get Up Kids - Let The Reigns Go Loose
(Ahh)Can you take the bullet back?Change it to a heart attackmy wish, I wonder could it be true?...

Get Up Kids - Like A Man Possessed
[Verse 1:]I go on foreverOlder burns are overturnedMy life for worse or betterI'm j...

Get Up Kids - Long Goodnight
every attempt to... is filled with holesit reads like a plygraph i'm toldi'[m not bitter anywayl...

Get Up Kids - Lowercase West Thomas
It's easier to say it's over.It's easier,But I might still be pretending.Not a single one will b...

Get Up Kids - Man Of Conviction
God blessed here's a man of convictionWith evidence enough to convict himSo he stands by the side of t...

Get Up Kids - Martyr Me
Just to get by try to stay high it's a good life end of discussion hours like sandHoles in my hand I'm a goo...

Get Up Kids - Mass Pike
I wonder when I wander home If I'll be fit to drink alone. Sleep with my memories, Pictures, apologies. ...

Get Up Kids - Michelle With One 'l'
same hold from the same handsfive years strongmany times over and goneit's everything that i hav...

Get Up Kids - My Apology
You'll be accepting my apology for taking things too seriously.Sometimes I'm old enough to to keep routines,...

Get Up Kids - Never Be Alone
Never love anyone else a promise you made to yourself there's a box with his ring on theShelf and it's tarni...

Get Up Kids - Newfound Mass (2000)
If I told you that I was thinking of moving east, would you save a place for me? I'll come home ...

Get Up Kids - No Love
if i gave everything would you still listen to me?it could be so much better than thisi don't want you...

Get Up Kids - Off The Wagon
They're my reasons for getting over this and it's not much better than waking up with your head in you...

Get Up Kids - One Year Later
Wandering the K-10 As anniversaries end, Pondering events that brought us here. If anyone remember whe...

Get Up Kids - On With The Show
Frankie died just the other night Some say it was suicide But we know How the story goes ...

Get Up Kids - Out Of Reach
long way from home,lost by an echo, i'd never have knowni've got pictures to prove i was there,b...

Get Up Kids - Overdue
You're a few years overdue.I spent them waiting here for you.Now your charity's refused,I can na...

Get Up Kids - Red Letter Day
you're got some nervei never knew what with the world we gaveaway in front of youi see it all mu...

Get Up Kids - Regret
Maybe I've forgotten the name and the address of everyone I've ever known. It's nothing I regret...

Get Up Kids - Second Place
It's been proven, hundreds over since, the decision was the best that we could make. If I wasn't clear...

Get Up Kids - Shorty
It's certainly true, there's better things to do and though I don't know everything I wouldn't tell yo...

Get Up Kids - Sick In Her Skin
Baby Deleilah Sick in her skin Out on the highway livin for nothingIt's the same old song again...

Get Up Kids - Stay Gold, Ponyboy
this is the closest to this friend that i've beeni hope you find it on greener ground and bluer skiesi...

Get Up Kids - Stay Gone
I'll fawn over photographsThat you never would get to seeSwallow your own neglectWith your miser...

Get Up Kids - Suffragette City
(Hey man) oh leave me alone you know (Hey man) oh Henry, get off the phone, I gotta (Hey man) I gotta ...

Get Up Kids - Sympathy
Way to fightYou never threatened to stop breathing countless timesWhen it wouldn't make a soundB...

Get Up Kids - Ten Minutes
ten minutes to downtown is ten minutes too farwhen my friends all say i'm crazy,maybe i'm being selfis...

Get Up Kids - The Breathing Method
Made a grave mistake An all too common place not the first time back again it's obvious the risk...

Get Up Kids - The Company Dime
i watched it all come crashing down on teh verge of a world profoundstanding on unstable ground adding insul...

Get Up Kids - The Dark Night Of The Soul
Never thought anything lasts foreverHanging on every wordHold the cards in tightBut your killing...

Get Up Kids - The One You Want
All poison and thrills a handful of pills waiting around nails cut to the quick yeah youBroke what you fixed...

Get Up Kids - The Worst Idea
i'll go with the worst idea if everyone takes the toll keep following anyone who digs a deeper h...

Get Up Kids - Up On The Roof
Sometimes these fantasies come true, and now the whole thing misses me. Held down by fishing wire and ...

Get Up Kids - Valentine
it's words you forget to anniversary songsthe bottles bite backyour tolerance wrongyour good int...

Get Up Kids - Walking On A Wire
i'm the one you've been hanging 'round just stop hearing any sound found you face down on the ground ...

Get Up Kids - Washington Square Park
it's better than nothingit's better than you can getwhat more could you want, what more could you ask ...

Get Up Kids - Wish You Were Here
would you stay for one night? if i didn't come home? the end of a big fight doesn't matter anymo...

Get Up Kids - Woodson
We can not work out what has to be said. An image painted black in the back of my head. It came so cle...

Get Up Kids - Wouldn't Believe It
Rows of houses on forever what the neighbors never know when the hammer fell the kettleWhistle yells all goo...

Ghostface Killah - Beat The Clock
[Intro: Ghostface Killah]Aiyo, Ghost, what's up nigga?This "Supreme" talkin' to you and shit...

Ghostface Killah - Be This Way
[Intro: Ghostface Killah w/ Billy Stewart samples]Aiyo... aiyo, what up, yoWhat up, ya'll, this...

Ghostface Killah - Child's Play
[Ghostface Killah]Pretty little Sally sat up by the tree trunkWhite miniskirt with a Betty Boom...

Ghostface Killah - Ghostface
[Chorus: female singer (Ghostface Killah)] Ghostface... (Yo, yo who's the boss when it comes to these...

Ghostface Killah - Ghost Showers
[Singer]One goes through this rhyme that youHe made up his mindThat every little thing he...

Ghostface Killah - Interlude 1
Yo.. one-two..Yo; aiyyo he said I had fly anklesPlus my bangles was star-studded out, Ice cut it out!...

Ghostface Killah - It's Over
[Intro: Ghostface Killah]Yo... aiyo this joint right here is aboutWhen you goin' through mad sh...

Ghostface Killah - Jealousy
(Jealousy) What made you get the same shoe as mine?(Jealousy) I cop attain and bought a house then came...

Ghostface Killah - Keisha's House Skit
[Intro: "Keisha" ("Barbara") {Ghostface Killah}]Boy get your lazy ass upSo you can go to store ...

Ghostface Killah - Kunta Fly Shit
[Ghostface Killah]Yo Lord did you peep thatThat nigga pussy, that's why I'm gon' eat that...

Ghostface Killah - Malcolm
[Ghostface]AyoI'm like Malcolm out the window with the jointHoodied up blood in my eye , ...

Ghostface Killah - Mighty Healthy
[INTRO:]-My God, so they are killers. I've heard lots of people say once a man's a killer, they...

Ghostface Killah - Poisonous Darts
"Let's see you try the water technique! Hai! Ha, ha! [sounds of fists and a whoosh of air followed by a...

Ghostface Killah - Saturday Nite
[Ghostface]Yo..Saturday night, UptownRidin past Kansas Fried ChickenWhat's poppin k...

Ghostface Killah - Save Me Dear
[Intro: Freddie Scott sample (Ghostface Killah)]Uh... you got it (baby...)Uh... you got it (uh-...

Ghostface Killah - The Forest
[Raekwon - sings]I see buds that are green, red roses tooI see the blunts, for me and you...

Ghostface Killah - Wildflower
[Intro: (from the motion picture "J.D.'s Revenge")]That was the best fuckin I ever had.Th...

Ghost Of The Robot - Angel
She comes home to me after a hard night's workFalls in my arms and sleeps like a birdStartle, wakes up...

Ghost Of The Robot - Blocking Brainwaves
[Line-up for the night is announced followed by boos and jeers from the audience]Do you want to...

Ghost Of The Robot - Call 911
The sun no longer shines on your sideRemember this coldWhen the fog won't lift in your townAnd y...

Ghost Of The Robot - Dangerous
I don't think you know my nameAnd I think you'd leave me standin in the rain You're a pretty little gi...

Ghost Of The Robot - David Letterman
Wouldn't it be nice, if I could be, David Letterman?Wouldn't in be rad, if I could be, your favorite t.v. pe...

Ghost Of The Robot - German. Jewish.
I'm German, you're JewishHow could we ever make it through this?I've got this problem, that seems to l...

Ghost Of The Robot - Good Night Sweet Girl
Are we done for now,Or is this for good,Will there be something in time?With us there should. ...

Ghost Of The Robot - Liar
I don't mean to sound mean,When I talk about the day.I believed every singleWord she said,...

Ghost Of The Robot - Mad Brilliant
We are bitter opposites, it stings when you hitMe like a kick to the head when I heard what you saidDi...

Ghost Of The Robot - Valerie
Got an old Smiths' recordand I put it on endlessly.To mourn a lethal fascinationof a girl named ...

Ghost Of The Robot - Vehicles Shock Me
So you caught me all aloneDid you think I'd care at allNow I'm sitting by the phoneWaiting for y...

Gigi D'agostino - Bla Bla Bla

Gigi D'agostino - Elisir
LoveLove for meIs loveLove for meI call your name,I keep on looking for you,An...

Gigi D'agostino - I'll Fly With You
I still believe in your eyesI just don't care whatYou have done in your lifeBaby I'll always be ...

Gigi D'agostino - L'amour Toujours (i'll Fly With You) (radio Version)
I still believe in your eyesI just don't care what you've done in your lifeBaby I'll always be here by...

Gigi D'agostino - La Passion
Ooh babyCome to me baby just come to meDon't brake my heart tonightSwinging my soul desire...

Gigi D'agostino - La Passion (album Version)
Baby I love you soI never let you goI'm looking for the placeWaiting for warm embraceI'm l...

Gigi D'agostino - Super (un Deux Trois)
BassLine!Give me the drums!Tarari and Tarara and Tarara and Tarari in the place to be!Ladies and...

Gigi D'agostino - The Riddle
I got two strong armsBlessings of BabylonWith time to carry on and tryFor sins and false alarms...

Gin Blossoms - 29
Time won't stand by forever if I know it's trueAnd I've learned not to say neverOr else I'll seem the ...

Gin Blossoms - Allison Road
I've lost my mind on what I'd findAnd all of the pressure that I left behindOn Allison RoadFools...

Gin Blossoms - Angels Tonight
Party girls between the sheetsShe can't show that much to meI'd rather drink until I seeAngels t...

Gin Blossoms - As Long As It Matters
How can I find somethingThat two can takeWithout stumbling as weWalk into our future's wake...

Gin Blossoms - Cajun Song
Well, she's leaving today I do know so far awayI'm feeling so blue and it shows in every single wayOnc...

Gin Blossoms - Cheatin'
New York City where it's cold as hellAnd the streetlights shone in my blue roomI was thinking about th...

Gin Blossoms - Competition Smile
Looking up I saw nothingBut blue in the bluest skyAnd now it's creeping across my eyeGoing down ...

Gin Blossoms - Day Job
Well we've been here once beforeAnd we've stuck it out for moreWhen we come around we'll settle down...

Gin Blossoms - Fireworks
The fireworks from the rooftops fall down around whole townSo tell it seems like so long since I've had you ...

Gin Blossoms - Follow You Down
Did you see the skyI think it means that we've been lostMaybe one less time is all we needI can'...

Gin Blossoms - Found Out About You
All last summer in case you don't recallI was yours and you were mine forget it allIs there a line tha...

Gin Blossoms - Girls Can't Wait
It was dark and coolShe said I didn't know all the rulesShe made her mind up fastShe took a walk...

Gin Blossoms - Hands Are Tied
I've been waiting around all nightYour warm kiss is on my mindA piece of you is all I've gotBut ...

Gin Blossoms - Hey Jealousy
Tell me do you think it'd be all rightIf I could just crash here tonightYou can see I'm in no shape fo...

Gin Blossoms - Highwire
I wanna take you so farBut they don't want to let us outBut they do, they do, they doI don't wan...

Gin Blossoms - Hold Me Down
So I guess I must have just been dreamingWhen I thought I heard myself say noAnyway it looks like no o...

Gin Blossoms - I Can Sleep
She can be anywhere she wants to be tonightIn the arms of another man I knowBut that won't bring me do...

Gin Blossoms - I Can't Figure You Out
Who's to say what's right or wrongIf I stand out in the rain too longFilling up my drinking cupW...

Gin Blossoms - Idiot Summer
I walked home to the sunI couldn't ride another oneI thought a lot along the linesAnd I've been ...

Gin Blossoms - Just South Of Nowhere
Meet me out past the cottonwoods where we ran as kidsStraight out past the cemetery where the river turns to...

Gin Blossoms - Keli Richards
She came to L.A. all the way from Boston townShe wound up on the screen where I saw her goin' downNow ...

Gin Blossoms - Lost Horizons
The last horizons I can see are filled with bars and factoriesand in them all we fight to stay awake......

Gin Blossoms - Memphis Time
Hey, now it's all rightHey now, it's fine, it's coolSeems we've done our worstIt's time to head ...

Gin Blossoms - Mrs. Rita
You can see it in her letters on the paper with her penHer response is getting stronger I think she's coming...

Gin Blossoms - My Car
Streetlights on, the night air's coolI'm driving right past my old schoolI'm looking for my pack of ci...

Gin Blossoms - Not Only Numb
Looking all around the room I see the clutter in the gloomI'm not only back, I'm not only numbChanging...

Gin Blossoms - Perfectly Still
It's our callIt sways, it stallsI need a little extra time aloneWell maybe take the long way hom...

Gin Blossoms - Pieces Of The Night
Is it any wonder that the stars just don't rush byWhen you're only doin' 60 through this oh-so-vacant night...

Gin Blossoms - Slave Dealer's Daughter
I've been trying for so longTrying to forgetThe ports of northern Africa and the man I metHe sai...

Gin Blossoms - Something Wrong
She could be anywhere at allI know I'm heading for a fallWell I want to see her every nightI mak...

Gin Blossoms - Til I Hear It From You
I didn't askThey shouldn't have told meAt first I'd laugh, but nowIt's sinking in fastWhat...

Gin Blossoms - Until I Fall Away
I want to tell if I am or am not myselfIt's hard to know how far or if at all could goWaiting far too ...

Gin Blossoms - Virginia
It's like trying to light a cigaretteWhen the matches you got are soaking wetTallest buildings they go...

Gin Blossoms - Whitewash
This night never happenedIf it's all right with youNot a word of our weaknessSo much as a clue...

Ginuwine - 2 Way
This is for all you who are connected with The two-way. Ya heard?It's a two-way street, it a two...

Ginuwine - 550 What?
I've been searching for so longI've been searching for so longI've been searching for so longI'v...

Ginuwine - All Night All Day
[Ginuwine (Talking):]Wanna ride tonight, Wanna ride tonight.Wanna freak tonight, Wanna freak to...

Ginuwine - Bedda Man
[Girl]Do you love me?[Ginuwine]Of course I love you baby but you keep bringing up ...

Ginuwine - Bedda To Have Loved
[Verse 1]Oh girl I know,It feels like you're alone,But more have gone,Through the s...

Ginuwine - Do You Remember
[1st Verse:]It was 3 O' clock in the mornin'And you told me to come overTold me about you...

Ginuwine - Excuses
Mmm hmmmmmm... yo whats up this is Ginuwine and I wanna tell you, it aint no time for excuses with your woman, you...

Ginuwine - Ginuwine 4 Ur Mind
[Chorus]I'm gonna make it happen Ginuwine 4 Ur Mind [x3]I'm gonna make it happen ...

Ginuwine - G. Thang
Come here shorty, hey Girl you're lookin' fine I heard your searchin' for a real love And I'm re...

Ginuwine - Hello
[Telephone:]Pick up the phone:Umm HmmmBaby Pick up the phone[Chorus]...

Ginuwine - Holler
[Chorus]Baby Holler...If you want me Baby Holler...If you hear me Baby Holler...If you wa...

Ginuwine - How Would U Like It?
(Oh)Ginuwine, Funkmaster FlexIn your earhole, whoo!Drop a bomb to this, what?Let's do this...

Ginuwine - I Know
[1st Verse:]I caught your eye looking my wayBut you seem so shyDon't be scared, I won't h...

Ginuwine - I'll Do Anything
Baby I got many problemsBut my momma won't help me solve themSo I come to you (you)But your ass ...

Ginuwine - I'm Crying Out
(Can't believe you're gone)(Can't believe you're gone)[Chorus:]What did I do the de...

Ginuwine - In Those Jeans
[Chorus]Looking good plenty tightTell me is there any more room for meIn those jeans...

Ginuwine - Just Because
Just because I'm all G'd up, doesn'tmean I'm out to cutJust because,boo,I got game,doesn'tmean I...

Ginuwine - Locked Down
[Chrous]I will miss all the things I have,I will miss making love to my girl,I will miss ...

Ginuwine - Lonely Daze
Oh Oh....Can We Try...Oh...[Chorus (2x)]Can we try to make up for the Lonely ...

Ginuwine - Love You More
Since you came inside my lifeYou've givin me the best of you everyday and nightI felt my happiness in ...

Ginuwine - No. 1 Fan
[Chorus:]I'm lookin' for my #1 fanI know she's somewhere in the standsLet me see you wavi...

Ginuwine - None Of Ur Friends Business
[course]It aint none of your friends businessIt aint none of your friends businessWhat we...

Ginuwine - On My Way
[verse 1]Keep it warm,I'll be there,I'll be rollin' in 'bout two or three,I could o...

Ginuwine - Open Arms
MMMmmmm yeahHey heyMMMmmmmListen baby, it's been a while since I've talked to you An...

Ginuwine - Our First Born
[VERSE 1]Now you made me the proudest Daddy,Girl I'm at a loss for words,Can't explain th...

Ginuwine - Pony
I'm just a bachelorI'm looking for a partnerSomeone who knows how to rideWithout even falling of...

Ginuwine - Role Play
Let's play a little game; a forte'Here's a little fantasy and roleplayNo ones ever the sameso le...

Ginuwine - Same Ol' G
[verse I]the only time i drink a 40 is when i wanna drink a 40and usually when i wear a suit ...

Ginuwine - She's Out Of My Life
[Ginuwine (Talking:Whispering):]After all we've done and after all we've been through, How could you ...

Ginuwine - Show After The Show
That's how it goesMuchas chicasBumrush the doorYou know they got Grande culosThey wa...

Ginuwine - Simply Irresistable
ooooooohoh yeah babyoooooooh yeeaaaahoh oh oh ohHotter than New OrleansIn summ...

Ginuwine - So Anxious
[1st Verse:]Nine O' clock, All alone, Paging youWishing you'd come over, my place, after while,...

Ginuwine - So Fine
She's so fine, fine, fineShe's a dime, dime, dimeShe's so fine, fine, fineShe's all mine, mine, ...

Ginuwine - Superhuman
I'd have to be strongStronger than a mountain babyTo not crumble at the touch of your hand, of your ha...

Ginuwine - Tell Me D U Wanna
Oooh Oooh Aaah!Check me out Baby[Chorus:]Tell me do U wanna go home with me? ...

Ginuwine - There It Is
Said I work my fingers down to the bone I put it down from 9 to 5 so you should know (You wanna know w...

Ginuwine - Toe 2 Toe
Yeah, on my time off I seen alot of people tryin' to be like me Timbaland, I know you have, knowumsayi...

Ginuwine - Tribute To A Woman
You know babyI know alot of people are against youAll the ladies in the worldBut you can do what...

Ginuwine - Two Reasons I Cry
Yes, I've been through a lot of things andI lost my mom and I lost my dad and the painnever goes away ...

Ginuwine - Two Sides To A Story
I ran into some girls who knew you todayThey tried to tell me some thingsBut I know there's always two...

Ginuwine - Wait A Minute
[course]Wait a minute dont you hear me babyIt's gonna be alright we don't have to fightYe...

Ginuwine - What's So Different?
[(Background Vocals by Timbaland)][Intro]What's so different? (Uh huh)Baby (...

Ginuwine - When Doves Cry
Dig if you will the pictureOf you and I engaged in a kissThe sweat of your body covers meCan you...

Ginuwine - Why Did You Go
Why did you go, why did you leavewhy did you take your love from meWhat did I do, what did I say, ...

Ginuwine - Why Not Me
Why not meIs that I'm too ghetto for youWhy not meGirl there's nothing I won't cop for you...

Ginuwine - World Is So Cold
The world is so coldWhy did you leave me standing thereAlone in my shadowLooking for your presce...

Girls Aloud - 100 Different Ways
As I tried to say goodbyeYou wouldn't let meKept holding me backNow I see your face in the crowd...

Girls Aloud - All I Need (all I Don't)
You're all I need, all I don'tDon't move, but then runYou're calling my bluffI've seen you...

Girls Aloud - Big Brother
Uh-oh, Uh-oh, Uh-oh, Uh-ohUh-oh, Uh-oh, Uh-oh, Uh-ohI think about you baby every nightOh, ...

Girls Aloud - Boogie Down Love
(We got some dancing to do)I wanna be dancingToo cool for schoolWhen I'm alone I like to b...

Girls Aloud - Deadlines & Diets
It's 3am and you still look gorgeousMy morning-after feeling's kicking inI hate to say but I'm feeling...

Girls Aloud - Don't Want You Back
You know it ain't rightYou treated me wrongBut I thought we could make itThat's why I played nic...

Girls Aloud - Everything You Ever Wanted
Please allow me to introduce myselfI'm the one who's gonna make you seeThere's no one elseI'm th...

Girls Aloud - Forever & A Night
I, I never thought I'd beLost inside your eyesLiving out this fantasyBut now, with every breath ...

Girls Aloud - Girls Allowed
Oh, oh, oohI don't need a man doing everything he canAnd giving up his life and everything he ha...

Girls Aloud - Hear Me Out
I was drowning in the rainGetting lost beneath the downpourTrying to shield a dying flame, ohNea...

Girls Aloud - Here We Go
Put your tongue in my earIt's queer but kinda funWe're the tomorrow generationThere's much to be...

Girls Aloud - History
I watch you, while you're asleep The one time I ever feel at ease I got you, I know your game It...

Girls Aloud - I'll Stand By You
[Originally performed by The Pretenders]Oh, Why You Look So Sad?Tears are in your eyes...

Girls Aloud - I Say A Prayer For You
Remember when you watched me sleeping, ooohAnd I'd pretend I didn't knowI gave you everything worth gi...

Girls Aloud - Jump
Your eyes, tell me how you want meI can feel it in your heart beatI know you like what you seeHo...

Girls Aloud - Life Got Cold
Oh oh yeah oohWe text as we eatAs we listen to the freaksAs we wait for the right of way...

Girls Aloud - Love Bomb
I a mambo, chicoLet's cha cha chaNow it's time for you to shake your bootyCome let me see ...

Girls Aloud - Love / Hate
Same old routineIt's just a different dayStill I don't know what's going onWith youThe sme...

Girls Aloud - Love Machine
Ladies you're damn right You can't read a man's mind We're living in two tribes And heading for ...

Girls Aloud - Mars Attack
Oh ohSit up, listenTo the rhythmHip hopBody shockGood freakLollipop...

Girls Aloud - No Good Advice
Daddy told me look into the future Sit at your computer, be a good girl And Mama said remember your a ...

Girls Aloud - On A Round
Don't let that beat sleep in the suburbsKeep it playing undergroundIf you know what's good for you...

Girls Aloud - Real Life
Cos baby this is real lifeYou wanna get your mind on your occupationThe moment's got to feel right...

Girls Aloud - Some Kind Of Miracle
Baby, baby, won't you give me a chanceI know you're watching and I just can't danceWell honey, honey, ...

Girls Aloud - Sound Of The Underground
Disco dancing with the lights down low Beats are pumping on the stereo Neighbours banging on the bathr...

Girls Aloud - Stay Another Day
Baby if you`ve got to go awayI don`t thinkI can take the painWon`t you stay another dayOh ...

Girls Aloud - Stop
Welcome boyWelcome girlStep into a worldWhere the city never sleepsThe music rocksAn...

Girls Aloud - Thank Me Daddy
The people in my bedAre making me brain deadAnd nothing that I can sayCould get them to go...

Girls Aloud - The Show
If it's not you oh no I won't do that You'll have to wait for me and that is that Shoulda known,...

Girls Aloud - White Lies
White liesOne evening you came home an hour lateYou told me not to worryYou been out with ...

Girls Aloud - You Freak Me Out
[Verse]You hate me when im always watching videos,11:30 and you just cant sleep,You think...

Goapele - Back To You
I'm sitting in my roomThinking back on you,Memories pass;My head was leaned against your face...

Goapele - Butterflykisses
You cam eto me in a dreamAll the qualities I asked forIn a manJust understand meLove me as...

Goapele - Catch 22
Nobody knows what I go throughIndecisions made me passiveThey say I want my cake and I want to eat it ...

Goapele - Childhood Drama
I never wanted to be, like every other child abandoned in childhood drama (oh)I always felt that I was the e...

Goapele - Closer
Closer to my dreamsIt's coming over meI'm gettin' higherCloser to my dreamsI'm getti...

Goapele - Ease Your Mind
You...Me...Maybe...Well i was wonderingIf you'd fly away with meWe'd go to a p...

Goapele - Got It
OooohYou caught meLookin' at youForgive meBut if it's treasuresYou're seeking...

Goapele - It Takes More
He was fourteen years oldAll his life he never leftThe west side (oh)I walked past him everyday...

Goapele - Romantic
[intro]Oooooh, ooh, ohOooooh, ooh, oh[verse 1]Kiss my woundsLove...

Goapele - Salvation
I'm searchin for my salvationOh yeahI'm tired of draggingOn and on On and onDay by d...

Goapele - The Daze
These are the Daze my friendWe're so far from the end But we can't wait forever and a dayForever...

Goapele - Thing's Don't Exist
In my fear,I fear We're seas apart in old worlds.We began, In vibrant colors, But on...

Goapele - Too Much The Same
[verse 1]Seeking a summertime loveJust kick it on the lowYou know with a vibe and flow...

Gob - 144
i want to know thw place where you come from i like to see your face when i wake up i offer me just fo...

Gob - 236 E. Broadway
it seems so tough sometimes when you face a day with back to back conflict. when you get pushed around you m...

Gob - Asshole Tv
misinformation about the weather won't make me smile and crude shows about police nauseate me. there's...

Gob - Bad Day
excuse me, but can you, uh, fuck you! ...

Gob - Beauville
i heard your invitation so i got up to bat and i swung real hard, i think i knocked out the lights when i lo...

Gob - Been So Long
how i long to see your eyes your eyes fill me up i breathe them inside i have your image deep inside o...

Gob - Bones
i've been through here many times but you've locked the dooryou wanted more should have seeen this coming my...

Gob - Break
I'm playing cool and swell But I've been through all hell Trying to make a break, think And then...

Gob - Bully
fid yourself down on your knees againthe question is when's it gonna end?It just seems this will never...

Gob - Burying Your Past
you used to shine like a diamond all the time but now you forgot all your dreams forgot the times that...

Gob - Can I Resist
so what became of you why did you disappear? i heard you came looking for me you had something to share ...

Gob - Censorshit
censorshit. what does it really mean? to me i think it absolutely stinks, there's no question ab...

Gob - Cleansing
ever since you mounted me, im afraid you'd deny it. you never need to break the skull, just pull out the thi...

Gob - Cold Feet
I follow your friends around, I'm searching from town to town.I never knew what you meant to me, until you w...

Gob - Custer's Last 1 Nite Stand
do you remember late last night? we were jumping curbs in the parking lot, we shared some good times a...

Gob - Desktop Breaking
...and her body bleeds too much and her boy is out of touch she's learning she's yearning for somethin...

Gob - Everybody's Getting Hooked Up
lately i've had a heavything on my mind i don'tthink that i can carry itaround for very long i ...

Gob - Everyone Pushed Down
you gotta burn that building down i would love to see that world come crasing down then the people under cou...

Gob - Ex-shuffle
things coming down, it's all that i see i trun and look but it don't bother me is there any way i coul...

Gob - Extra, Extra
extra, extra! read all about it! everYone in every state thinks everyone is free. i don't know, ...

Gob - Fed Up
With tunnel vision on you are the only one all made up stare straight up and walk straight into a wall see this is...

Gob - Fido Dildo
got a call from the lady next door (she) said, "dogs running wild in the back yard. did you see the bi...

Gob - For The Moment
go away i'm afraid with you there could be no escape i have no faith, i've seen truth and reason down the dr...

Gob - Fuck Them
come stay with me, we'll be together all the time. we won't worry about responsibilities and wasting our tim...

Gob - Give Up The Grudge
Don't make me listen to the stupid broken record againThe needle's skippin' and repeatin' never reaching the...

Gob - I Cut Myself, Too
are you holding out? are yousatisfied i'm making confessionsi'm moving on and you're justwaiting...

Gob - I Don't Know
do you know what it is about you and me? no one else is gonna blame the problems circling around you. ...

Gob - I Hear You Calling
i've seen you now about the fourth time baby but you know that i've got nothing to say its so charming...

Gob - I've Been Up These Steps
It was the worst timeThe first timeIt ever went sourThings fell apart too soonI was so let...

Gob - I Want You Back Baby
you see everything you wanna see. woah oh! you hear everything you want to hear whoa oh! you say you l...

Gob - Leave Me Alone
i never understood in what it was you wanted from me because you always took everything and changed it to wh...

Gob - Lemon-aid
I go out cause I live in an empty house and itRains and it rains and it never stops Im a caseIn this p...

Gob - License From A Cereal Box
it seems every time we're driving down the trans-canada #1 the traffic's growing worse everyday it doesn't r...

Gob - Lobster Boy
lobster boy born loser he always played the fool. when it came to anything he would fuck around and an...

Gob - Looking For California
let me take a little break i'm having the hardest time convincing you that there are better ways to say what...

Gob - Losing Face
"we come from a place where the people are much more unfair" "we come from a land where the laws are much mo...

Gob - Marlena
i never lost my head but i think i'll just go home now. yesterday i felt the same i guess i'll just believe ...

Gob - Ming Tran
flat on my face, i see what it takesto cut through the bullshit. to cut to the chase.and when i get up...

Gob - My Feelings
i have a problem with my feeling if only you knew how i felt. ...

Gob - Naked
it seems so hard to find a decent place outside with no need to hide you can speak your mind you can be hone...

Gob - No Regrets
All the things that i've regretted and all the place I was headed with you i wanna pursue even though ...

Gob - Nothing New
another dollar fifty another ride on the bus the seat left alone is still warm the person next to me talks t...

Gob - Oh! Ellin
oh! Ellin what can i do? there is nothingaside from you. i hate to say i'm starting again to try to ge...

Gob - Ok
i break the bones to pieces in my hands my clenching fingers, were you the same all along? did i just get bo...

Gob - On These Days...
every thing's stagnant, inert and i feel so far away. i've got so much more to accept, i've got so much more...

Gob - Open Your Eyes
you believe everything you read and i don't understand why you do this. soon everyone will know and everyone...

Gob - Pinto
you got the first mile made it trough but you're falling apart forget the distance that you've moved s...

Gob - Reign On Your Parade
fractured life your silence heard. it's what you didn't want what other didn't see. painful past you'd...

Gob - Self Appointed Leader
did you think that i was blind? did you think i couldn't see? did you think i'd just dismiss your betr...

Gob - Sleepy Head
painted murder on the wall footsteps coming down the hall to the window through the blinds tun away bu...

Gob - Soda
like i knew that you would come to me and we'd run away with all our dreams. don't you think that i'd prepar...

Gob - Stand And Deliver
where it all began cause i don't even know but the shit keeps piling on top you don't make amends and ...

Gob - Suds
this bridge is falling down and just like it was before, it's bad, and i made it recur. crossed the br...

Gob - That's The Way
don't need no anyone don't need anybody talk to me about handling relashionships it seems like everyone ...

Gob - The Mend
it's time to think about vital parts and values to start to focus my attention on what makes me happy. ...

Gob - The Perfect Remedy
if i paint a picture of the days gone by i could tell a story minus the truth, it's the only way i couldn't ...

Gob - Things Happen All The Time
one day i went out my door two men grabbed 'em by the throat mixed up with another guy couldn't fight they w...

Gob - This Evil World
This evil worldIs punshing you from the things that you sayYou carry your weightBut II don...

Gob - Together
hard times and getting harder still but together we can make it through these days hold on and take hold of ...

Gob - What To Do
something's on my mind but you know i'm find sit around out here and think. do you even know what's going on...

Gob - When Life Gets Boring...
she creeps into my head so many morningswhat am I supposed to do when life getsboring? This fixation w...

Gob - You're Too Cool
i know that you're not too enthused you've got just me around all night. i'm totally boring i don't interest...

Godsmack - Asleep
Wait a minute.Can't you see what this pain has done to meI'm alive but I'm slippin'.What you see...

Godsmack - Awake
Wait another minute. Can't you see what this pain has fucking done to me.I'm alive and still kickin'. What y...

Godsmack - Bad Magick
Does it feel so bad when you're taking a drag and when you're looking at the world with dying eyes?Whe...

Godsmack - Bad Religion
[Preacher:] The word of God says that we will recievepraise of God. God will begin to speak forth, ...

Godsmack - Dead And Broken
Too many things I've never spokenI'm not feeling fineI never told you what to doI never made you...

Godsmack - Faceless
Hate me with everythingI'm better off without your animosityI'll even sleep better at night...

Godsmack - Forgive Me
There's nothing to me now. An empty shell unfolded.How, when we learn to pray inside our demons are laughing...

Godsmack - Get Up, Get Out!
Why are you laughing as if you're my friend?I'm gonna slap you again and again and againI like you bet...

Godsmack - Going Down
I see the world it's going 'round.Seems to me it's upside down.Looking for something to say.I fe...

Godsmack - Greed
Two faced! I feel you crawling under my skin.Sickened by your face.By the way, to think that your so f...

Godsmack - I Am
I am your spoken truthI am the lies in youI'm gonna make you shine in everything you doI am your...

Godsmack - Immune
[Intro]You have come here from all over the world Because society has no further use of you...

Godsmack - I Stand Alone
Now I've told you this once before You can't control me If you try to take me down you're gonna pay...

Godsmack - Keep Away
Sickness spilling through your eyesCraving everything you thought was alive, yeahStab me in heart agai...

Godsmack - Make Me Believe
Throw away my dreamsThis fight for my life isn't getting behind meAnd I've been told to screamWh...

Godsmack - Mistakes
No, I don't feel a thing.Life's going by me. And still I say,Oh God! I'm making the same mistakes....

Godsmack - Moon Baby
Let's take a blast to the moon babyI sit around wishing you wellhow I'm craving you, yeah!Every ...

Godsmack - Now Or Never
Can't remember my name, can't remember at allFinding you from past times, I think...How did we ever fa...

Godsmack - Re-align
Decisions made from desperationNo way to goInternal instincts craving isolationFor me to grow...

Godsmack - Release The Demons
What do you see in the darkwhen the demons come for youIf only you could have seen how fuc...

Godsmack - Running Blind
Cant find the answersIve been crawling on my kneesLooking for anythingTo keep me from drowning...

Godsmack - Serenity
As I sit here and slowly close my eyesI take another deep breathAnd feel the wind pass through my body...

Godsmack - Sick Of Life
Paralyzed. Nothing's getting through to me.Hypnotized from all my surroundings.I wanna be something I ...

Godsmack - Situation
Lying in my sweat drying my tears,Waiting for you--I am...Making me feel like I don't careI don'...

Godsmack - Spiral
Sometimes we only live for the here and nowSometimes we're lonelySometimes we feel we need a place to ...

Godsmack - Straight Out Of Line
There's no reason There's no compromise Change in seasons Living the high life I don't kno...

Godsmack - Stress
You think your head's achin', I'm not finished yetI won't be mistaken, how soon you forgetTake back wh...

Godsmack - The Journey
Ah-Ahhh-AhhhI will....I will....I will....I will....I will....I will....I will....I will....I wi...

Godsmack - The Spiral
Sometimes we only live for the here and now.Sometimes we're lonely.Sometimes we feel we need a place t...

Godsmack - Time Bomb
I am in a living hell, makes me wonder if I'm aliveCan't seem to bring myself to figure out whyI shove...

Godsmack - Touche
Find a wayA way to beYou're looking down againJust let it beAnd I'd only do for you what y...

Godsmack - Trippin'
Living a different way. You can't expect me to be the same.Separating our lives and wondering why.Face...

Godsmack - Voices
Listen to the rain fallin' day by dayListen to the rain fallin' day by day by dayHeyI hear...

Godsmack - Voodoo
[Chorus:]I'm not the one who's so far awayWhen I feel the snake bite enter my veinsNever ...

Godsmack - Why
How in my head can I forget you make me suffer, Yeah!Trying to see how far you'll push me undergroundB...

Goldfinger - 20? Goodbye
Went out today to try and phone youI guess you didn'trecognize my callthe lady on your end...

Goldfinger - Answers
I searched for a causeI climbed the highest mountainI walked to the topI stopped and then looked...

Goldfinger - Anxiety
So you've be thinkin' about itYou think that you've got the answer nowAnd you've been praying about it...

Goldfinger - Anything
After all this time you're still asking questionsYou love to fill me up with emptynessI'm a martyr in ...

Goldfinger - Authority
So you're just barely getting bynot hurting no oneSometimes you think that you're alrightsometim...

Goldfinger - Behind The Mask
It's funny to think I trusted youIt's funny to think that I have spent my whole damn life supporting you...

Goldfinger - Believe
I haven't had this feeling latelyI want to get up and goIt's like I'm thinking crazy thoughtsSom...

Goldfinger - Bro
Your not my broDon't say itDon't you pretend that you're my broDon't say itDon't you prete...

Goldfinger - Car Dog
cause she's a cardog, sleepin' on the humpeven through speed bumps, she's a cardogshe watches discover...

Goldfinger - Carlita
Well after today I'll never see youand you'll be left with your lifeCollecting all your souvenirs...

Goldfinger - Carry On
Words they echo in my mindFeelings that slow down the timeI don't know if I'm forwards or behind...

Goldfinger - Chicken Mcnuggetts
chicken mcnuggetts are bad for you!...bad for you!chicken mcnuggetts are bad for you!...bad for you!...

Goldfinger - Chris Cayton
You taught me how to play guitarYou told me that I'd gofar just by tryingyea just by trying...

Goldfinger - Counting The Days
So here I go and there you went...againJust another stupid thing that I done wrong.Locked up in my hea...

Goldfinger - Dad
Dad, I hate to tell ya Sometimes I wanna slap you in the face But Dad, I gotta tell ya If you we...

Goldfinger - Damaged
When I come homeI know it's you that I'll findPacing the floors once againI know that I'm bored...

Goldfinger - Darrin's Song
Man behind me you dont knowLikes it fast better than slowHates the lin drumIt's his foeDru...

Goldfinger - Decision
This time you should know Like the first time that I saw you there alone Like the first time tha...

Goldfinger - Disorder
My little story'sgrowing way too longi've had to sufferenough to write this songand if i g...

Goldfinger - Don't Say Goodbye
I know the way that I have picked apart at youAnd i know the way that I've had less importance too.Let...

Goldfinger - Down Pressor Man
Say downpressor manWhere you gonna run to?Downpressor manWhere you gonna run to?Downpresso...

Goldfinger - Faith
I ask myselfWhere has passion gone? Have I grown up?Am I too old?I don't feel like I didI ...

Goldfinger - Feel Like Making Love
Baby, when I think about youI think about loveDarlin, gonna live without youAnd your loveI...

Goldfinger - Forgiveness
So you've decided to blame him againFor all you choicesSeem like the softer way outYou think it ...

Goldfinger - Free Me
I didn't ask you to take me from here I didn't ask to be broken I didn't ask you to stroke my hair ...

Goldfinger - Ftn
Fuck...ahhhhaFuck...ahaahaFuck....ahahhFuck...ahhhhaYe-hay...Fuck Ted Nu...

Goldfinger - Fuck You And Your Cat
Oooh...Oooh...Oooh...Oooh...The night is chilly as the stars aboveThe things y...

Goldfinger - German Spokesman
What happened to dignity Did it go away again? Just like a worn out trend? Will I still defend e...

Goldfinger - Get Away
You ask me how I stay the sameAfter I'd seen everythingCould be the company I keepYou say I've g...

Goldfinger - Ghouls Night Out
This is the ghouls night outSuffer unto meDevils born in angels armsGhouls in heavens fall...

Goldfinger - Going Home
I can't do anything, Until I see you home tonight. I can't feel anything, Until I see you home t...

Goldfinger - Happy
If I were you and you were me And we were back in '93 We had it all and all was well And this wa...

Goldfinger - Here In Your Bedroom
Here in your bedroom,I can turn my head offThe less that I feelIs the less that I'm on top...

Goldfinger - Hopeless
Its been weeks since I felt goodits time to get out of bedNot feeling like I shouldSometimes I f...

Goldfinger - I Believe
I haven't had this feeling latelyI want to get up and goIt's like I'm thinking crazy thoughtsSom...

Goldfinger - If Only
If only I was tallerIf I had a million dollarsmaybe then you'd be with meIf only I was eig...

Goldfinger - I'm Down
What the hell do you know, you sayAs you turn your face right back to meWhat the hell do you know, you...

Goldfinger - I Need To Know
I run away cause I'm scared that you might leavethere's nothing wrongbut that's not what I belie...

Goldfinger - Iron Fist
Standing in the road and it's rush hourWishing I was far from this sceneStanding in the road and I'm f...

Goldfinger - Is She Really Going Out With Him?
Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my streetFrom my window I'm staring while my coffee grows cold...

Goldfinger - It Isn't Just Me
It isn't just methat wants to be here by your sideand I knowit isn't just methat wants to ...

Goldfinger - It's Your Life
It's up to you what you can do You're left with all your choices You're in the clear, another beer ...

Goldfinger - I Want
Don't want to spend my time, wishing you were hereDon't want to spend my time aloneDon't want to waste...

Goldfinger - January
I know you told me this before I know you told me this a million times You say you don't know how you ...

Goldfinger - Just Like Heaven
[Originally by The Cure]Show me, show me, show meHow you do that trick"The one that...

Goldfinger - King For A Day
Runnin' twice as fast, I see,you're getting sick again.You're runnin' faster all the time....

Goldfinger - Liar
Everybody lies What you gonna do Everybody lies What you gonna do Everybody lies Wha...

Goldfinger - Mable
I met her Sunday, that was yesterdayThe girl I knew from 1990Her eyes are hazel, her name is Mable...

Goldfinger - Man In A Suitcase
I'd invite you back to my placeI know its mine because it holds my suitcaseIt looks home to me all rig...

Goldfinger - Margaret Anne
Now once again, they never seem to listen much at allOnce again, they always seem to make you feel so small....

Goldfinger - Miles Away
How deep is your love?How deep is the ocean?How deep is the sea?and how deep is my love?...

Goldfinger - Mind's Eye
And if you could see meThe way that I amEvery time that I see youI act like a different man...

Goldfinger - More Today Than Yesterday
I don't remember what day it wasI didn't notice what time it wasAll I know is that I fell in love with...

Goldfinger - My Everything
I know you take from me I know you take away my everything everything I know your everyway...

Goldfinger - My Girlfriend's Shower Sucks
The temperature changesIt chills me to the boneIt makes me wish that I wascleaning myself at hom...

Goldfinger - My Head
Where are you nowI want to talk to youI'm sitting here alonewaiting by the phoneWher...

Goldfinger - Nite Klub
Is this the in place to be?What am I doing here?Watching the girls go bySpending money on......

Goldfinger - Nothing To Prove
Fly off the handle once again and now it's too lateI hear the door slam shut you've gone and now it's so lat...

Goldfinger - Ocean Size
Yeah ah, YeahYeah ah, yeahI never wantedI never needed anything but youOr any dreams...

Goldfinger - Only A Day
As I look out outsideI can see the rain about to startThe air is damp but warmAnd I remember how...

Goldfinger - Open Your Eyes
Open your eyes To the millions of lies That they tell you everyday Open your mind To the c...

Goldfinger - Pepsi-cola Sucks
Pepsi-cola sucks It tastes like fucking shit flush it down the toliet and get rid of it ...

Goldfinger - Pick A Fight
I can't be happy without youYou can't be happy without meStill you always wanna pick a fight now...

Goldfinger - Pictures
Here I am and I found youI thought I'd never be hereI told myself so many timesI have to let you...

Goldfinger - Question
You got some question about your lifeYou don't know how you'll ever make it throughIt hurts so bad but...

Goldfinger - Radio
It's 9 O'Clock she's late for work She hates her job, her boss is a jerk Her boyfriend never lets her ...

Goldfinger - Rio
Moving on the floor now babe you're a bird of paradiseCherry ice cream smile I suppose it's very niceW...

Goldfinger - San Simeon
Wherever I go, wherever I stayMy mind will always beWherever I go, wherever I stayMy mind will a...

Goldfinger - Seems Like Yesterday
So ask me all the questionsDon't tell me that I'm lyingLet's just get on with what we gotTake me...

Goldfinger - Someone Else
Sit here aloneI wonder what's the useI'm so bored I'm just killing timecan you explain to me...

Goldfinger - Spank Bank
I never felt as sick as I do now I never felt so alone The walls around confine me like a cell A...

Goldfinger - Spokesman
What happened to dignity Did it go away again? Just like some worn out trend? Will I still defen...

Goldfinger - Stalker
Oh oh oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh WOO!She calls me on the phoneHoping that I'm homeAnd th...

Goldfinger - Stay
Well if I'm sorryDoes that mean I have to change'cuz change does scare meI'd like to know how I ...

Goldfinger - Sue
What can we do about you, sueI'd do anything for youCan't you see That you're better than them...

Goldfinger - Superman
So here I amdoing everything I canholding on to what I ampretending I'm a supermanI'...

Goldfinger - Tell Me
Tell me what it's like to be with you Remind me of the things we use to do And tell me that this time ...

Goldfinger - The City With Two Faces
I tried once to be civilBut I just got put on holdI'm sick of hearing complaints The espresso is...

Goldfinger - The End Of The Day
At the end of the day i do just what i wantAt the end of the day i play just when i wantAt the end of ...

Goldfinger - The Innocent
[Tribute By Goldfinger, Good Charlotte, Mest]The start of ArmageddonAnd it's just another...

Goldfinger - The Kids Are Alright
I don't mind for the guy dancing with my girl.That's fine, I know them all pretty well.But I know if i...

Goldfinger - The Last Time
Living life and freedomwondering if my love could be as oneand if that you could possibly ...

Goldfinger - The Upper Hand
Since you've been fifteen you were confused,At that age it's so hard to just be youYou've got your fri...

Goldfinger - This Lonely Place
You come aroundto see your boyfriendyou come around to feel the painit was yesterday he tr...

Goldfinger - Too Late
The young boy has turned into a manand he's growing strongerhe's battled through thingshe ...

Goldfinger - Too Many Nights
Too many nights, with too many facesI don't know where I've beenToo many daysWith too many place...

Goldfinger - Uncomfortable
Uncomfortable, I wish I was comfortable, 'Cause I could show you loveable and sit another hour with you. ...

Goldfinger - Up The Junction
I never thought it could happenWith me and the girl from ClaphamOut on a windy commonThat night ...

Goldfinger - Vintage Queen
Once there was this girl I knewShe had all she could wantBut her unhappinessPreceded what she bo...

Goldfinger - Walk Away
They say people have their waysAnd people stay the sameAccept the way it isAccept that things do...

Goldfinger - Walkin In The Dark
There's people who get away with what you're trying to doBut I see we might not have your luckThere's ...

Goldfinger - Wasted
Im wasted againPassed out dont know who I amIm so wasted againBlack out dont know where Ive been...

Goldfinger - Wayne Gretzky
Wayne Gretzky, the only man I'd have sex withWayne Gretzky, I'd be intimate withWayne Gretzky, I think...

Goldfinger - White Christmas
I'm dreaming of a white ChristmasJust like the ones I used to knowWhere the people glisten and childre...

Goldfinger - Woodchuck
One! Two! One! Two! One! Two! Three! Four! How much wood could A woodchuck chuck? Ho...

Goldfinger - You Say You Don't Love Me
You say you don't love meWell that's alright with me 'cause I'm in love with youAnd I wouldn't want yo...

Goldfinger - Youth
In my life, been all the places That I dreamed of since I was a kid Bury the past, I'm getting on with...

Goldfinger - You Think It's A Joke
You thinks it's a joke, I find no reason,Why I should laugh at you.You think its a joke to take advant...

Goldie Lookin Chain - 21 Onces
I need to shift this draw quick as fuckFlip the cash and take my cutIt's really powerful, it's so stro...

Goldie Lookin Chain - Half Man, Half Machine
Binatone Spectrum, Pacman, CommodoreZX-81, donkey kong, fucking high scorePush it to the limit, couldn...

Goldie Lookin Chain - Roller Disco
The first time that I met my mateWas in the roller rink where I went to skateIt was early in the decad...

Goldie Lookin Chain - Self Suicide
I'm gonna lie on my back and you put your fingers down my mouth right, no, no do it right, like aaugh uuuugh!...

Goldie Lookin Chain - Soap Bar
Burned a new hole in my tracksuit today,Smoking Soap Bar without an ashtray,Red-hot nylon dripping on ...

Goldie Lookin Chain - The Manifesto
Hey, lick the tip, why dontcha...In 1983, a team of crack draw enthusiasts created a masterplan....

Goldie Lookin Chain - You Knows I Loves You Baby
I'm gonna make you sweatThe way a pig sweats on a hot day'Cos I'm feeling real sexy babyReal Sex...

Goldie Lookin Chain - Your Mother's Got A Penis
That's right, you knows what I'm sayingYour mother's offered me the goods, I'm not paying.It started a...

Goo Goo Dolls - 22 Seconds
[This song is sung by former Goo drummer, George Tutuska]I feel so important today and I wish I...

Goo Goo Dolls - Already There
I look outside my window,e verything was blanketed in white The neighbors pushing cars out from snow that fe...

Goo Goo Dolls - Another Second Time Around
Happy, smilin', cryin,Outburst to my past.I guess those stormy gray skies simply couldn't last.A...

Goo Goo Dolls - Artie
Walking over the same ole grassTrying to stay off the beaten pathI don't need to apologizeFor th...

Goo Goo Dolls - A Thousand Words (r-rated Version)
[This song's lyrics vary, but they'll be on the same general lines as the ones show below]A tho...

Goo Goo Dolls - Beat Me
Beat me, Jenny,Beat me slowly, nowBeat me, Jenny, Don't you know, I saidBeat me, Jenny, ...

Goo Goo Dolls - Close Your Eyes
I wish I had a saxophone I'd play the blues 'til you came home With a little sadness in your eyes...

Goo Goo Dolls - Come On
Come on and show meJust what you mean to meCome on and show meYour daily atrophyCome on an...

Goo Goo Dolls - Cuz You're Gone
You whispered in my mouthAnd I spit you words right back How good do you think I'll look When th...

Goo Goo Dolls - Different Light
Brand new Goo Goo Dolls!See me in a different lightI think it'll be okayWhy are you so bli...

Goo Goo Dolls - Disconnected
I don't rememberIt doesn't ring a bellAnd when you call me everything is swellI tend to fo...

Goo Goo Dolls - Domino
If you never had it thenYou don't know how bad it isThere is nothing like it, wellNeedless talk,...

Goo Goo Dolls - Don't Beat My Ass (with A Baseball Bat)
Things don't look to good to meI feel I'm out of luckAnd all because of swollen glandsAnd just o...

Goo Goo Dolls - Don't Change
I'm standing here on the groundThe sky above won't fall downSee no evil, in all directionResolut...

Goo Goo Dolls - Don't Fear The Reaper
All our time has comeHere but now they're goneSeasons don't fear the reaperNor do the wind, the ...

Goo Goo Dolls - Don't Worry
I called you up all night 'til mornin'Left my house by noon today (and I saw you standing there) No on...

Goo Goo Dolls - Down On The Corner
Early on the evening, just about suppertimeOver by the courthouse, they're startin' to unwindPoor kids...

Goo Goo Dolls - Em Elbmuh
Okay, and I was standingI don't care, I don't care, I don't careAnd I worked on it with my friend...

Goo Goo Dolls - Gimme Shelter
Oh, the storm is threatening My very life today. If I don't get some shelter Oh yeah, I'm gonna ...

Goo Goo Dolls - Girl Right Next To Me
You changed my faceI think I like it better nowIt doesn't matter anyhowCuz that's the way it is...

Goo Goo Dolls - Had Enough
If I leave today, don't know where to go that I can stayI know what I need, but I won't follow, I can't lead...

Goo Goo Dolls - Hammerin' Eggs (the Metal Song)
Dog corn another me buy gonna I'm, Mama(Mama, I'm gonna buy me another corn dog - only backwards)...

Goo Goo Dolls - Hardsores
I don't know what you wantYou and your silly stompYou shake your back for meThen wish that you w...

Goo Goo Dolls - Hey
I thought about you just last SaturdayMy voice got cracked, I didn't know what to sayDown in the shade...

Goo Goo Dolls - I Don't Want To Know
I don't want to know the reasons why love keepsRight on walking on down the lineI don't understand you...

Goo Goo Dolls - I'm Addicted
One, two, three, four!Look around this dirty townDrink it up till we fall downDon't want to live...

Goo Goo Dolls - I'm Awake Now
I've been where the river ranI'm drownin' in a sunless seaSleep has helped me find my endYou pro...

Goo Goo Dolls - I Wanna Destroy You
I wanna destroy youI wanna destroy youI wanna destroy youI wanna destroy youI feel i...

Goo Goo Dolls - James Dean
Look around outside Ain't nothing to do but hang around Think about all the stupid things that I've do...

Goo Goo Dolls - Jenny/867-5309
Jenny, Jenny, who can I turn to?You give me something I can hold on toI know you think I'm like the ot...

Goo Goo Dolls - Just The Way You Are
I'm in love because I know youAnd I'm sorry I don't show youAnd if I find that you ain't by meAf...

Goo Goo Dolls - Know My Name
What kind of situation have I brought upon myself?Some kind of bad reaction, blamed it all on someone else...

Goo Goo Dolls - Laughing
I wake up, I'm staring at the clock My belly hurts and my head is like a rock I get up to see what I c...

Goo Goo Dolls - Livin' In A Hut
I've got an ugly liver from drinking too muchI've got painful sliver from thinking too muchOh, I don't...

Goo Goo Dolls - Love Dolls
I don't wanna lie around with this feeling anymoreEvery time you push me you just push me out the door...

Goo Goo Dolls - Lucky Star
If I could walk a straight mileAnd could write it down in shorthand, I could show you If you want me t...

Goo Goo Dolls - Messed Up
Messed up, yeahMessed up, yeahMessed up, yeahMessed - up - messedMessed up, yeah...

Goo Goo Dolls - Million Miles Away
Friday night, I just got backHad my eyes shut, was dreamin' 'bout the pastI thought about you while th...

Goo Goo Dolls - Misfortune
One to many times I've seen you in a frownYou hold your head down in despairOh, but, the time is now y...

Goo Goo Dolls - Never Take The Place Of Your Man
It was only last June when her old man ran away She couldn't stop cryin', she knew he was gone to stay ...

Goo Goo Dolls - Nothing Can Change You
Yeah, it's Saturday nightWill I see you around?I'm comin' to lifeDidn't take a long, long time...

Goo Goo Dolls - No Way Out
[This song is sung by both John and Robby.]1... 2... 1, 2, 3, 4!I've been around......

Goo Goo Dolls - On The Lie
He burned down the house one night He had a loaded six-pack gun He said that Jesus Christ was just lik...

Goo Goo Dolls - On Your Side
I'm on a mission, baby,I'm not hearin' what you're sayin'Stop preaching at me nowI'm not a revel...

Goo Goo Dolls - Out Of Sight
Out of my faceI don't know your nameAs time goes byYou're the sameThe last time that...

Goo Goo Dolls - Out Of The Red
I ain't got no outfits to pick and chooseSo I really ain't got that much to losePicture's gettin' fuzz...

Goo Goo Dolls - Road To Salinas
Being afraid can be okay, if you're willing to let things goIf you'd lay me to die and try to learn what you...

Goo Goo Dolls - Scream
See me scream a thousand screamsEvery time I start to dreamScream and dream of my little loveOh,...

Goo Goo Dolls - Sex Maggot
Well I was hangin' around the railway station My mind was insane from total degradationLittle boy blue...

Goo Goo Dolls - Slaughterhouse
And if the accident will, well we'll both fade awayAnd I'll leave you still, and we will both be safe...

Goo Goo Dolls - Slave Girl
Let me tell you 'bout a girl I knowI drag her around wherever I go This little woman drives me insane...

Goo Goo Dolls - So Far Away
Why do you stare me down?Am I wrong? Should I turn and kiss the ground? And I never felt that wa...

Goo Goo Dolls - So Outta Line
I heard the floor creak, or so I thoughtI had my head a-rubbin' on the ceilingYou said that indecision...

Goo Goo Dolls - Stop The World
You need someone to hold you You need somethin' that you ain't been getting Yeah, I could be the one ...

Goo Goo Dolls - String Of Lies
I've got no politics, no influential friend or twoI've got ideas, but it's nothin' I picked up at school...

Goo Goo Dolls - Sunshine Of Your Love
It's getting near dawnThe lights close their tired eyesI'll soon be with you, my loveTo give you...

Goo Goo Dolls - There You Are
Give me a reason now that I can understandPick up the pieces now and put 'em in my handI've been up an...

Goo Goo Dolls - Torn Apart
Well I went down to your house just the other day,Only to discover you had gone astray.Torn apart...

Goo Goo Dolls - Up Yours
Up yoursStop your whineFeelin' swellAnd I'm doin' fineYeah, fuck your suicideI...

Goo Goo Dolls - We Are The Normal
It's a beautiful day, I heard everybody say The sun shines down for all of us Just the same, you know ...

Goo Goo Dolls - You Know What I Mean
It's been a long, dark, lonely hallBetween the cracks, I can read the scrawlIt's written down in a cro...

Gorillaz - All Alone
All alone...The beat's got soulDeuteronomySnatch a piece of my wonderingThis d...

Gorillaz - El Maana
Summer don't know me no moreEager man, that's allSummer don't know meHe just let me love i...

Gorillaz - Last Living Souls
Are we the last living souls?Are we the last living souls?Are we the last living souls?Are we th...

Gorillaz - O Green World
O green world,Don't desert me nowBring me back to fallen townWhere someone is still alive...

Gorillaz - White Light
White lightWhite lightWhite lightAlcohol, alcohol, alcohol, white light ...

Graham Colton Band - All The World Tonight
All of the innocence has gone awaySon, someday you'll be a manall of the air I breathe has aftertaste...

Graham Colton Band - Cigarette
You, you gotta be the one, who's in on the actionI'm wondering when we're leaving,You gotta meet every...

Graham Colton Band - Cut
The light is breaking through the windowWe count the milesDo you hum to static in your own life?...

Graham Colton Band - Don't Give Up On Me
Don't give up on me tonightWe've come this far we've made good timeAnd all the light of the world is s...

Graham Colton Band - First Week
Are you far away in a new life?Are you wearing the same dress that you wore when we met the first night?...

Graham Colton Band - How Low (breakdown)
I'm not about to change what you've becomeI won't tell you what to saycuz you don't care if I'm right ...

Graham Colton Band - Killing Me
The cars are passing down below and all that's left of you is all your clothesyou left your key the T.V's on...

Graham Colton Band - Morning Light
Sometimes I think I pass you walking on the street and i believe itSometimes I think I see you looking back ...

Graham Colton Band - Sending A Note
There's a reason for everythingCuz anything can turn you aroundThere's a dead end for everyoneCu...

Graham Colton Band - Since You Broke It
Tell me would you think less of me if I said I could do without you,Tell me would you jump up and down if I ...

Graham Colton Band - South
You went up and down inside my headThe cut of your hairThe way you smoke your cigaretteI didn't ...

Gratitude - All In A Row
Theres a mountain of cars A couple miles of garbage God, will you look what we've started ...

Gratitude - Another Division St.
When the lights go out Do you think of death? Do you make a sound? Or do you hold your breath? ...

Gratitude - Begin Again
There are times in life when you want it so badThat you hold too tight and you kill it so deadIt's bee...

Gratitude - Dream, Again
Shes always sayin maybe well never knowI cant hear it for all my fearsIm too busy prayin wishin for wh...

Gratitude - Drive Away
If you ever see her, lying hurt Don't just stare Please get up, get up, get up, Get up and help...

Gratitude - Feel Alright
So here we are now, again I'm getting sick of this again Getting sick of all this waiting To be ...

Gratitude - If Ever
It's good to hear your voice It's good to hear your breathing You're running out of hours Im run...

Gratitude - Last
Here we go again, beat and stuck up and spent andSaving for rent on our blood red homes,Cos a dream wi...

Gratitude - Sadie
Sadie you want me to be there Be there in the end Send me your letters Send me your letters ...

Gratitude - Someone To Love
Lately I'm ashamed to say I'm starving for it But I want someone to love And you may think you're to b...

Gratitude - The Greatest Wonder
I've got some oil and some matches You know i would do anything for you So whether for light or for as...

Gratitude - This Is The Part
I've built up this collection of Souvenirs from years of missed connections I'm giving it all away ...

Great Big Sea - A Boat Like Gideon Brown
Oh Gideon lived across the bayHe's gettin' older nowHis boat is big and strong and boldShe has a...

Great Big Sea - Bad As I Am
Here I go againMy heart's on the lineI'm willing to pretendOne more timeI got some life to...

Great Big Sea - Barque In The Harbour
From a barque in the harbour I went roaming on shoreAnd stepped into a pub where I was oft times before...

Great Big Sea - Beat The Drum
I still hear the snares in the squareColours ablaze in the eveningThe air was still down the stormy hi...

Great Big Sea - Berry Picking Time
Well I spied a berry bush as I was strolling home one dayAnd somehow it brought back the bygone daysOf...

Great Big Sea - Billy Peddle
Billy Peddle Billy Peddle did you see Tom White?Billy Peddle Billy Peddle did you see Tom White?Billy ...

Great Big Sea - Boston And St. John's
Girl, don't tell me that it's morningCan we keep the curtains drawnI haven't given you fair warning...

Great Big Sea - Buying Time
I stayed awake for hours again last nightSearching for a reason to keep up the fightI've made choices ...

Great Big Sea - Can't Stop Falling
I wasn't looking for a lover,I wasn't looking for a friendI wasn't working undercover, wasn't trying t...

Great Big Sea - Captain Wedderburn
A noblemen's fair daughterCame down a narrow lane.And met with Captain Wedderburn,The keeper of ...

Great Big Sea - Clearest Indication
You left in the morningYou left without a wordDid you get what you came forIs this what I deserv...

Great Big Sea - Consequence Free
Wouldn't it be great, if no one ever got offendedWouldn't it be great to say what's really on your mind...

Great Big Sea - Demasduit Dream
I dreamt I saw a womanStanding by the strandWaiting for her peopleTo come in from the land...

Great Big Sea - Donkey Riding
[Chorus:]Way hey and away we goDonkey riding, donkey ridingWay hey and away we go...

Great Big Sea - Drunken Sailor
What do you do with a drunken sailor,What do you do with a drunken sailor,What do you do with a drunke...

Great Big Sea - End Of The World
It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fineThat's great, it starts with an earthquake, bi...

Great Big Sea - Excursion Around The Bay
Well it was on this monday morningAnd the day be calm and fineA harbour grace excursionWith the ...

Great Big Sea - Fast As I Can
From the first "Hello" you gave to meI've done nothing else but smileAnd I know you're in a hurry...

Great Big Sea - Feel It Turn
I had a dream I was moving forwardFloating gently to the sunI've come to see my world rewardedA ...

Great Big Sea - Ferryland Sealer
Oh, our schooner and our sloop in Ferryland they do lieThey are already rigged to be bound for the ice...

Great Big Sea - Fisherman's Lament
I stand in my doorway as the moon rises highOver glorious ocean, reflects the bright skyMy heart it is...

Great Big Sea - Fortune
There's lots of fish in Bonavist harbourLots of fish right in around hereBoys and girls are fishing to...

Great Big Sea - French Perfume
It's of a bold young smugglerFrom Fortune he did sailHe rode the waves from St. PierreAnd never ...

Great Big Sea - General Taylor
Well General Taylor gained the dayWalk him along, John, Carry him alongWell General Taylor he gained t...

Great Big Sea - Goin Up
Well come gather all around meThere is something you should knowThere's no place quite like this place...

Great Big Sea - Great Big Sea / Gone By The Board
Great big sea hove in Long Beach,Whack fal-o-ral tad-dle did-dle i-do,Great big sea hove in Long Beach...

Great Big Sea - Greenspond
Greenspond is a pretty place, and so is Pinchard's IslandMom will buy me a new fur coat when da gets home fr...

Great Big Sea - Haven't Seen You In A Long Time
I Haven't seen you in a long timeSince I've been goneIt always seemed to be the wrong timeIts th...

Great Big Sea - Helmethead
I was just seventeen, when I made the AHLI couldn't skate in junior, but my fists rang like a bell.I'l...

Great Big Sea - How Did We Get From Saying 'i Love You'...
'It was a cold day for September',was all I thought to sayWhen I saw you on the street the other day...

Great Big Sea - I'm A Rover
Though the night be dark as dungeon, not a star to be seen aboveI will be guided without a stumble, into the...

Great Big Sea - Irish Paddy / Festival Reel / Rodgers Reel
Its of an Irishman I'm going to tell youFree from Ireland sailed awayWhere he was to he was not conten...

Great Big Sea - I'se The B'y
I'se The B'y that builds the boat andI'se The B'y that sails her andI'se The B'y that catches the fish...

Great Big Sea - Jack Hinks
Ah, when Jack comes ashoreHe's got money galoreAnd he's seldom cut short of a jobHe can dress no...

Great Big Sea - Jakey's Gin
When I was a young man I was let astrayI met with a body down in Logy BayWe went out in a weather...

Great Big Sea - John Barbour
What ails you, my daughter dear?Your eyes, they look so dim,Have you had any sore sickness,Or ye...

Great Big Sea - Jolly Roving Tar
Ships may come and ships may goAs long as the sea does roll.Each sailor lad just like his dad,He...

Great Big Sea - Let It Go
Hey man, you don't know what you're missingYou count your curses and forget about the blessingsDon't y...

Great Big Sea - Love
Love LaLaLaLa LoveWhen we're together why does something always startAre we both better off when...

Great Big Sea - Lucky Me
He was born a sailors sonNothing came easy or freeHe suffered the squalls all the rises and falls...

Great Big Sea - Lukey
Well oh, Lukey's boat is painted green,Ha, me boys!Lukey's boat is painted green,The prettiest b...

Great Big Sea - Marguarita
I see you in the front row, dancing up and downYou're ripped and ready for the night downtownAnd all t...

Great Big Sea - Mari-mac
There's a neat little lass and her name is Mari MacMake no mistake, she's the girl I'm gonna trackLot ...

Great Big Sea - My Apology
It's not the way that I intended thisI didn't realize, how much I would miss...But with every parting ...

Great Big Sea - Nothing Out Of Nothing
I left my home, my family by the oceanOut on my own, to seek my fortune,There's no work to occupy thes...

Great Big Sea - Old Brown's Daughter
There is an ancient party at the other end of townAnd he keeps a little grocery store, the ancients name is ...

Great Big Sea - Ordinary Day
I've got a smile on my face, I've got four walls around meThe sun in the sky, the water surrounds meI'...

Great Big Sea - Own True Way
It's takes a lot to get to the topAnd a little just to fall off quickAnd I think I've seen you here be...

Great Big Sea - Penelope
Penelope works in the marketDown in the coconut treesShe's saving up all her moneyTo go to Ameri...

Great Big Sea - Rant & Roar
[Chorus:]We'll rant and we'll roar like true NewfoundlandersWe'll rant and we'll roar on ...

Great Big Sea - Recruiting Sargeant
Two recruiting sergeants came to the CLB,for the sons of the merchants, to join the Blue PutteesSo all...

Great Big Sea - Run Runaway
I like black and whiteDream in black in whiteYou like black and whiteRun runaway[...

Great Big Sea - Sally Ann
All eyes on Her from dawn till duskHanging on Her every wordKings and Queens never saw such a fuss...

Great Big Sea - Scolding Wife
Well I came into a scolding wife a few short years agoAnd ever since I lead a life of misery and woeMy...

Great Big Sea - Seagulls
She left St.John's one day in MayDressed in her Sunday bestA kind man sat beside herWhile she cr...

Great Big Sea - Sea Of No Cares
When you're in love, there's no time and no spaceThere's a permanent smile on your faceYour friends al...

Great Big Sea - Shines Right Through Me
These days I feel a change, All the patterns rearrangedThough I can't explain, I know I'm not afraidNo...

Great Big Sea - Somedays
Somedays I feel sad and lonelySomedays I feel fineSomedays the clock just ticks too slowlyAnd I ...

Great Big Sea - Someday Soon
They keep talking of the things they'd do if we'd only vote them inOne more dollar and all the bickering and...

Great Big Sea - Something Beautiful
Hey You, you lost your only friendYou can't believe you're broken heart will ever mendBut every mounta...

Great Big Sea - Something I Should Know
Am I leaving you tomorrow,I can't seeIs this how it's going to be?In the morning must I go,...

Great Big Sea - Something To It
I'm sorry if i ruined your dayI really hope that you understandI'm a million miles awayLooking f...

Great Big Sea - Stumbling In
I don't mind confidingThat I make stupid mistakesBeen misled and misguidedAnd I'm easily led ast...

Great Big Sea - Summer
She doesn't see the coming fallShe doesn't show no fear at allBring on autumn moon or the driving rain...

Great Big Sea - The Chemical Worker's Song (process Man)
[Chorus:]And its go boys goThey'll time your every breathAnd every day in this plac...

Great Big Sea - The Jolly Butcher
[Chorus:]Oh won't you come along with me loveCome along with me!Come for one night ...

Great Big Sea - The Night Pat Murphy Died
Oh the night that Paddy Murphy died, is a night I'll never forgetSome of the boys got loaded drunk, and they...

Great Big Sea - The Old Black Rum
I drank sixteen doubles for the price of oneTrying to find the courage to talk to oneI asked her for a...

Great Big Sea - Time Brings
Hearken to me both high and lowI'll sing for you a songOf Kings and Queens, and rose-lipped maidens...

Great Big Sea - Trois Navires De Ble
Un gros coup de vent de nordet-nous irons jouer sur le bord de l'eau [repeat]Trois Navires de bl s'en...

Great Big Sea - Wave Over Wave
Oh me name's Able Rodgers, a share man am IOn a three masted schooner from Twillingate IsleI've been t...

Great Big Sea - What Are You At?
Well I was walking in the main land cityAnd I was feeling so aloneI was looking for someone or thing t...

Great Big Sea - When I Am King
Wake up, without a care. Your head's not heavy, conscience clearSins are all forgiven here, yours and mine...

Great Big Sea - When I'm Up (i Can't Get Down)
I am the fountain of affectionI'm the instrument of joyAnd to keep the good times rollingI'm the...

Great Big Sea - Widow In The Window
Waiting for the nightingale to singWaiting for the harbour lights to dimI've been on the outside looki...

Great Big Sea - Yarmouth Town
In Yarmouth town there lived a manHe had a little tavern by the strandAnd the landlord had a daughter ...

Green Day - 1,000 Hours
Starlit nightThe moon is shining brightYou are the one I needUp at your windowI see a shad...

Green Day - 16
Every night I dream the same dreamOf getting older all the timeI ask you now, what does this mean?...

Green Day - 2000 Light Years Away
I sit alone in my bedroomStaring at the wallsI've been up all damn night longMy pulse is speedin...

Green Day - 409 In Your Coffeemaker
I sit in the state of a daydreamWith all of your words flying over my headEven more time gets wasted...

Green Day - 86
What brings you around?Did you lose something the last time you were here?You'll never find it now...

Green Day - All By Myself
I was alone,I was all by myselfNo one was looking, I was thinking of youOh yeah, did I mention I was a...

Green Day - All The Time
All the time, every time I need it. What's the time? I'd say the time is right. Here's to me. ...

Green Day - Android
Hey old man in woman's shoesI wonder if he knows I think he's crazyWhen he was young did he have dream...

Green Day - Are We The Waiting
Starry nights city lights coming down over meSkyscrapers and stargazers in my headAre we we are, are w...

Green Day - Armatage Shanks
Stranded...lost inside myselfMy own worst friendMy own closest enemyI'm Branded...maladjusted...

Green Day - At The Library
Hey there lookin' at meTell me what do you seeBut you quickly turn your head awayTry to find the...

Green Day - Bab's Uvula Who?
I've got a knack for fucking everything upMy temper flies and I get myself all wound upMy fuse is shor...

Green Day - Basket Case
Do you have the timeto listen to me whineAbout nothing and everythingall at onceI am one o...

Green Day - Best Thing In Town
Come with me and let's go for a rideFollow me to the other sideAs I sit around and watch you pout...

Green Day - Blood, Sex And Booze
Waiting in a roomAll dressed up and bound and gaggedTo a chairIt's so unfairI won't dare m...

Green Day - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
I walk a lonely roadThe only one that I have ever knownDon't know where it goesBut it's home to ...

Green Day - Brain Stew
I'm having trouble trying to sleepI'm counting sheep but running outAs time ticks byAnd still I ...

Green Day - Brat
Mom and Dad don't look so hot these daysThey're getting over the hillDeath is closing in and catching ...

Green Day - Burnout
I declare I don't care no moreI'm burning up and out and growing boredIn my smoked out boring room...

Green Day - Castaway
I'm on a sentimental journeyInto sight and soundOf no return and no looking back or downA consci...

Green Day - Christie Road
Staring out of my windowWatching the cars go rolling byMy friends are goneI've got nothing to do...

Green Day - Chump
I don't know youBut,I think I HATE youYou're the reason for my miseryStrange how you've become...

Green Day - Coming Clean
Seventeen and strung out on confusionTrapped inside a roll of disillusionI found out what it takes to ...

Green Day - Deatbeat Holiday
Wake up, The house is on fireAnd the cat's caught in the dryerPhiliosophy's a liar whenYour home...

Green Day - Desensitized
Clenching my teeth tight My head is like a sponge Give it to me freeI wanna get ripped off ...

Green Day - Disappearing Boy
Now you see me, now you don'tDon't ask me where I'm at'Cause I'm a million miles awayTreated lik...

Green Day - Do Da Da
Every time I'm fallin down You take the reprecussions Headaches and anxieties Advancing my frust...

Green Day - Dominated Love Slave
I want to be your dominated love slaveI want to be the one that takes the painYou can spank me when I ...

Green Day - Don't Leave Me
I'll go for milesTill I find youYou say you want to leave meBut you can't chooseI've gone ...

Green Day - Don't Wanna Fall In Love
Don't want to have you hangin,Around me like a leech.I think you're just a problem,So stay the h...

Green Day - Dry Ice
Late last night I had a dreamAnd she was in it againShe and I were in the skyFlying hand in hand...

Green Day - Emenius Sleepus
I saw my friend the other day and I don't knowExactly just what he becameIt goes to showIt wasn'...

Green Day - Extraordinary Girl
She's an Extraordinary girlIn an ordinary worldAnd she cant seem to get awayHe lacks the c...

Green Day - Favorite Son
He hit the ground running,At the speed of light.The star was brightly shining,Like a neon light....

Green Day - F.o.d.
Something's on my mindIt's been for quite some timeThis time I'm on to youSo where's the other f...

Green Day - Geek Stink Breath
I'm on a missionI made my decisionTo lead a path of self destructionA slow progressionKill...

Green Day - Give Me Novacaine
Take away the sensation insideBitter sweet migraine in my headIts like a throbbing tooth ache of the m...

Green Day - Going To Pasalacqua
Here we go again, infatuationTouches me just when IThought that it would endOh but then again it...

Green Day - Good Riddance (time Of Your Life)
Another turning point, a fork stuck in the roadTime grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to goSo ...

Green Day - Governator
He's at it again And he's gonna win Gonna take it for a hell ride anyway He's on your side ...

Green Day - Green Day
A small cloud has fallenThe white mist hits the groundMy lungs comfort me with joyVegging on one...

Green Day - Ha Ha You're Dead
How do you get your sleep at night?How did you get your noose so tight?Like chewing on tinfoil, it's s...

Green Day - Haushinka
Haushinka is a girl with a peculiar name. I met her on the eve of my birthday. Did she know, did she k...

Green Day - Having A Blast
I'm taking all you down with meExplosives duct taped to my spineNothings gonna change my mind...

Green Day - Hitchin' A Ride
Hey mister, where you headed? Are you in a hurry? I need a lift to happy hour. Say oh no. ...

Green Day - Holiday
Say, Hey!Hear the sound of the falling rainComing down like an Armageddon flame (Hey!)The ...

Green Day - Homecoming
[Part 1: The death of St. Jimmy]My heart is beating from meI am standing all aloneP...

Green Day - In The End
All brawn and no brainsAnd all those nice thingsYou FINALLY got what you wantSomeone to look goo...

Green Day - I Want To Be Alone
I lock myself inside my roomI WANNA BE ALONEWith you around, you'll only add onI WANNA BE ALONE...

Green Day - I Want To Be On Tv
Wanna be a TV boy.Wanna be on Solid Gold.Wanna date a millonaire.Wanna make people stare....

Green Day - I Was There
Looking back upon my lifeAnd the places that I've beenPictures, faces, girls I've lovedI try to ...

Green Day - Jackass
To know you is to hate youSo loving you must be like suicideI don't mind if you don't mindI'm no...

Green Day - Jaded
Somebody keep my balanceI think I'm falling offInto a state of regressionThe expiration date...

Green Day - Jinx
I fucked up again it's all my fault. So turn me around and face the wall. Read me my rights and tell m...

Green Day - Johnny Be Good
[Originally by Chuck Berry]Way down Louisiana close to New Orleans, Way back up in the wo...

Green Day - King For A Day
Started at the age of 4. My mother went to the grocery store. Went sneaking through her bedroom door t...

Green Day - Knowledge
[Originally by Operation Ivy]I know that things are getting tougherWhen you can't get the...

Green Day - Letterbomb
Nobody likes you...Everyone left you...They're all out without you...Having fun...Wh...

Green Day - Longview
Sit around and watch the tube,but nothing's onChange the channels for an hour or twoTwiddle my thumbs ...

Green Day - Macy's Day Parade
Today's the Macy's Day Paradethe night of the living dead is on its waywith a credit report for duty c...

Green Day - Maria
She smashed the radio with the board of educationTurn up the static left of the state of the nation...

Green Day - Minority
I want to be the minorityI don't need your authorityDown with the moral majority'Cause I want to...

Green Day - Misery
Virginia was a lot lizard from F.L.A.She had a compound fracture in the trunkIt started when she ran a...

Green Day - No One Knows
Why should my fun have to end?For me it's only the beginningI see my friends begin to ageA short...

Green Day - One For The Razorbacks
Juliet's trying to find out what she wants, but she don't knowExperience has got her downLook this dir...

Green Day - One Of My Lies
When I was younger I thought the world circled around meBut in time I realized I was wrongMy immortal ...

Green Day - Only Of You
I wish I could tell youBut the words would come out wrongOh if you only knewThe way I felt for s...

Green Day - On The Wagon
Sometimes it gets real hard,And I need some kind of output.For input twice the size of my one inch min...

Green Day - Outsider
Oh I'm an outsider outside of everythingOh I'm an outsider outside of everythingOh I'm an outsider out...

Green Day - Panic Song
Ready for a cheap escapeOn the brink of self destructionWidespread panicBroken glass insid...

Green Day - Paper Lanterns
Now I rest my head fromSuch an endless dreary timeA time of hopes and happinessThat had you on m...

Green Day - Platypus (i Hate You)
Your rise and fall Back up against the wall What goes around is coming back and haunting you It'...

Green Day - Poprocks & Coke
Wherever you goYou know Ill be thereIf you go far,You know Ill be thereIll go anywhere,...

Green Day - Private Ale
I wonder down these streets all by myselfThink of my future nowI just don't knowI don't seem to ...

Green Day - Prosthetic Head
I see you, down in the front line. Such a sight for sore eyes, you're a suicide makeover. Plastic eyes...

Green Day - Pulling Teeth
I'm all busted upBroken bones and nasty cutsAccidents will happenBut this time I can't get up...

Green Day - Redundant
We're living in repetition. Content in the same old shtick again. Now the routine's turning to content...

Green Day - Rest
Hey can you hear me?I'm calling your nameHello? Or is this goodbye?The gleam in your eyes...

Green Day - Road To Acceptance
I always waste my time just wonderingWhat the next man thinks of meI'll never do exactly what I want...

Green Day - Rotting
I'm rotting insideMy flesh turns to dustWhisper, are you dying? in my earI'm so sick to death...

Green Day - Sassafras Roots
Roaming 'round your houseWASTING YOUR TIMENo obligation,justWASTING YOUR TIMESo why are yo...

Green Day - Scattered
I've got some scattered pictures lying on my bedroom floor. Reminds me of the times we shared. Makes m...

Green Day - Scumbag
You come around every now and thenYour clothes are different, but you're still the sameWhy else ...

Green Day - She
She...She screams in silenceA sullen riot penetrating through her mindWaiting for a signTo...

Green Day - She's A Rebel
She's a rebel She's a saintShe's salt of the earthAnd she's dangerousShe's a rebel...

Green Day - Shoplifter
Shoplifter, you'll never learn When you commit the crime Shoplifter, you're getting burned And n...

Green Day - Shout
[Originally by The Isley Brothers]Well, you know you make me wanna(Shout) Throw my hand u...

Green Day - Sick Of Me
Why can't you just admit it, you've had it, you're sick of meYou're fed up with all my bad habits, you...

Green Day - St. Jimmy
St. Jimmy's comin' down across the alleywayUp on the boulevard like a zip gun on paradeLight of a silh...

Green Day - Strangeland
Looking at the clouds in the skyfloating image in my mindNow I wonder where this place is from...

Green Day - Stuart And The Ave
Standing on the corner ofStuart and the AvenueRipping up my transferAnd a photograph of you...

Green Day - Suffocate
3 AM, I'm drunk again, My head is standing underneath my puke, So make it stop, I'm getting off. ...

Green Day - Sweet Children
See a young girl so soft and blondeDoesn't attack me but she did onceIntoxications in her veinsS...

Green Day - Take Back
You pushed me once too far again I'd like to break you fucking teeth. Stick a knife in the center of y...

Green Day - The Grouch
I was a young boy that had big plansNow I'm just another shitty old man I don't have fun and I hate ev...

Green Day - The Judge's Daughter
Princess in a school girl's dreamMay I please speak with you?I'm having troubles with controlAnd...

Green Day - The Kids Are Alright
[Originally by The Who]I don't mind all the guys dancing with my girlThat's fine, I know ...

Green Day - The One I Want
Sitting in my room last nightStaring at the mirrorI couldn't find a reason whyI couldn't be near...

Green Day - Tight Wadd Hill
Cheapskate on the hillA thrill seeker making dealsSugar city urchin wasting timeTown of lunatics...

Green Day - Tired Of Waiting
So tired, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for you.So tired, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for you....

Green Day - Too Much, Too Soon
She's always living like she's running out of timeToo much just ain't enough to keep her satisfiedHer ...

Green Day - Uptight
I woke up on the wrong side of the floor. Made, made my way through the front door. Broke my engagemen...

Green Day - Waiting
I've been waiting for a long timeFor this moment to comeI'm destinedFor allD...

Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends
Summer has come and passedThe innocent can never lastwake me up when september endslike my...

Green Day - Walking Alone
Come together like a foot in a shoe Only this time I think I stuck my foot in my mouth. Thinking out l...

Green Day - Walking Contradiction
Do as I say not as I do becauseThe shit's so deep you can't run awayI beg to differ on the contrary...

Green Day - Warning
[Verse 1:]This is a public service anouncement, this is only a testEmergency evacuation protest...

Green Day - We Are The Champions
[Originally by Queen]I've paid my duesTime after time I've done my sentence B...

Green Day - Welcome To Paradise
Dear mother,Can you hear me whining?It's been three whole weeksSince that I have left your home...

Green Day - Westbound Sign
Boxed upAll of her favorite thingsSold the rest at a rainy yard saleBig plans and leaving friend...

Green Day - Whatsername
Thought I ran into you down on the streetThen it turned out to only be a dreamI made a point to burn a...

Green Day - Who Wrote Holden Caulfield?
A thought burst in my head and I need to tell youIt's news that I for thoughtWas it just a dream that ...

Green Day - Why Do You Want Him?
I saw you standing aloneWith a sad look on your faceYou call him on the phoneLooks like he left ...

Green Day - Words I Might Have Ate
Now it seems I can't keep my mind of youMy brain drifts back to better days we've been throughLike sit...

Green Day - You Lied
You gotta problem you just can't hideCompulsive habits that never seem to dieYour breath has taken up ...

Greenwheel - Breathe
IPlayed the fool todayAnd ICan see us vanishing into the crowdLonging for home again...

Greenwheel - Dim Halo
Imagine no daylight only the moon as your guideWhen ours is to darkness what forgotten sun is too bright...

Greenwheel - Disappear
You dont seeYou never have, you never willWhat do you believeThese images are unforgivingJ...

Greenwheel - Drowning Man
Hold me insideThis asylum speaks of home thats so far awayThrough the window I see people scurry from ...

Greenwheel - Faces
Broken down, this place seems to have no faceTheres no one moving forward now theyre just drowning in it all...

Greenwheel - Identity
No one can hear all thats been saidYoure feeding me useless lines of nothingnessLet me run awayD...

Greenwheel - Louder Than Words
Can you hear me not so loud a whisperIt seems as though it fades away before you hear what I have to say...

Greenwheel - Radiance
Ive had enough of this red lightIve been waiting here for so longDriving on like reruns and feeling no...

Greenwheel - Shelter
Consumed by this greedy dispositionI give no thanks for all that's been given to meSee I'm so concerne...

Greenwheel - Strong
Here I am all aloneSituations overwhelming againBe strongI tell myself but I fall right back aga...

Greenwheel - Sustain You
So far away not knowing how to handleThe distance betweenAvoiding situations that will showThat ...

Greenwheel - The End
Is anyone else awakeDeaf ears on these words must fallDodging friendly fire Marksmanship inspire...

Greg Raposo - Don't Make Me Wait
You say you don't knowYou say it's not fairYou got your problems and you don't careAnd you'd be ...

Greg Raposo - Every Summer
(Na na na na na ...)Somewhere in the distance The radios beckoning me on i feelIm right ba...

Greg Raposo - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Have yourself a merry little ChristmasLet your heart be lightFrom now on our troubles will be out of s...

Greg Raposo - In My Eyes
With the smile of an angelYou walked into my heartI took one look at you andI felt it from the s...

Greg Raposo - Look For Me
I'm looking for someoneBut not just anybodyI've been around, I've had my funNow it's time to fal...

Greg Raposo - My Life
Living live with your eyes closedExpect to fall and it's gonna hurtWith my pain i've opened my eyes...

Greg Raposo - She's Leaving
She got lost to day and gave up on a smileClosed the door and i tried to ask her whyPut her hair up, l...

Greg Raposo - Take Me Back Home
Im reaching deeper down inside of meFor answers to questions honestyI feel like ive fallen from a stat...

Greg Raposo - We're In Love
Distance can't stand in our wayCuz I'll just miss you and love you more each dayAnd as I feel you so c...

Greg Raposo - Worthless
I woke up today with a revelationAn introduction to the truthAnd I know the world is round andWh...

Gretchen Wilson - Chariot
When it's all over but the shoutin'When God the Father's done his final accounting And I find out that...

Gretchen Wilson - Here For The Party
Well I'm an eight ball shooting double fisted drinking son of a gunI wear My jeans a little tightJust ...

Gretchen Wilson - Holdin' You
I dont need whiskey to drown out the painOr some old umbrella to hold off the rainDont have to cross o...

Gretchen Wilson - Homewrecker
Well you're a real hot cookie with a new hairdoYour high heel boots and your credit cardLong legs and ...

Gretchen Wilson - Pocahontas Proud
I was raised in Pocahontas IllinoisEverybody thought of me as one of the boysCause I'd run with a crow...

Gretchen Wilson - Redneck Woman
Well, I ain't never been the Barbie doll typeNo, I can't swig that sweet Champagne, I'd rather drink beer al...

Gretchen Wilson - What Happened
In a sandalwood frame We bout in New Mexico I was wearin' the chain that old Indian made That we...

Gretchen Wilson - When I Think About Cheatin'
I've never done anything That would ever bring a tear to your eyeI've never crossed the lineor n...

Gretchen Wilson - When It Rains
[Chorus]When it rains I pour a couple more roundsTill the hurtin' and the heartache start to dr...

Grinspoon - 1000 Miles
well i got drunk and i got stoned ,shot my family left my homewent out on a killing spreecoz wha...

Grinspoon - All The Time
Picture of a sold me a whale Yeah, it was a good one I ended up in jail How 'bout a fancy rocket...

Grinspoon - American Party Bomb
Mic check 1 2, check it... alright!I was strollin' down the avenueI was strollin down when I met...

Grinspoon - Anyday Anyhow
Forgot to mention,The new detention. Forgone Conclusion Current lack of inspiration....

Grinspoon - Bad Funk Stripe
I'm a small portion of the sampled origin Seems like your kickin it back to the policemen I need a bre...

Grinspoon - Balding Matters
Would you, could you? Lend a hand with my bbq I've got, beer beer Get round with your packed up ...

Grinspoon - Better Off Alone
I never gave a reasonof why I didn't callNow I've grown so tiredof lying to myselfIt canno...

Grinspoon - Better Off Dead
rock!why is there no fuckin reliefwired off your face trying to sleepcaught within the things yo...

Grinspoon - Bleed You Dry
If I could gove you life I would take the chanceTo make you see how muchAll peeps and forgotton plans,...

Grinspoon - Boltcutter
"K.O.S." said the warden when she arrived on the scene firstHeartattack, like the poet that needed another w...

Grinspoon - Boundary
I've got a trademark For registration So get your gold card And make me happy I lost...

Grinspoon - Champion
So you wanna be a champion! Let's not beat around the bush I got my hands in the air With ...

Grinspoon - Chemical Heart
When,look 4 a ride and u need to get high my friends,spend all ur time just walkin around instead,...

Grinspoon - Choke
Just because you choked on it ,It doesn't mean that you have to go .I can't recieve sms and I just wan...

Grinspoon - Damn Straight
dream,dont forget you got back all that you put in to itSo meet me at the interchange, no one needs to know ...

Grinspoon - Dcx3
Dead cat three times Bet it's out there on a highway line You tried to deny all of it I hang my ...

Grinspoon - Dial Tone
You made a fortune from your sole So now trying resurrecting You drew the map, they found the gold ...

Grinspoon - Don't Go Away
I think you'll need a new holiday Somewhere the weather is sunny all day I don't care just as long as ...

Grinspoon - Enemy
If you told me something that wasn't true , you doA Stop and have a look just exactly what you , you do...

Grinspoon - Gone Tomorrow
If you can't expect to take some blame,You should fucken know you aint that perfect!Sorry that i...

Grinspoon - Hard Act To Follow
You're a hard act to followSuch a fine lookin' fellowI hear you're bell's yellowYou're a hard ac...

Grinspoon - Hate
Woke up to find you weary,Left hand was in the red room,My, my our thoughts were black then,So d...

Grinspoon - Hideaway
So you have made some mistakes,You don't need beating down now you've foundThat you're alone in a crow...

Grinspoon - Hold On Me
1,2,3,4oh no its over can i give you a call?we've come so far we can't climb over the wallsyeah....

Grinspoon - Just Ace
Since since, since since your gone awayI hope that you had a better dayTried to call round the other d...

Grinspoon - Killswitch
Despite all of the negatives,I still get up and yeah i still get down.No reason, I'm made of pos...

Grinspoon - Kiss It
All you say , is give me the moneyIts hard to care , when you lie to me honey WHOA!What you do instead...

Grinspoon - Lost Control
Times up yeah you should've knownPretty little princess put it in a holeCold expect its not a disease...

Grinspoon - Make It Happen
I used to have you pinnedYou used to work at d.jsDoes it make you slimmerNow you've got credit t...

Grinspoon - Nbt
Your suffocating me Political ex bullshit I can't stay in the room With electricity on ...

Grinspoon - No Reason
If u got the rhyme and u got the reason,Somebody autta really tell u,that u've run outta all ur answer...

Grinspoon - Nylon
Someday we will find a wayto forget what has becomeYou're here, in spite of all your fearsSo jus...

Grinspoon - Ordinary
all rightright oncowgirlthat songfind something u can sellthen make a war to find it...

Grinspoon - Pedestrian
Birthday party Candles lit out back Controlled distaste Watch left, right hit run Pe...

Grinspoon - Post Enebriated Anxiety
Looks like dem baddies got bloated Blinking big red sticking ball Your hunting over exposure I'm...

Grinspoon - Pressure Tested 1984
Pressure tested 1984 Orange flavor that I can't ignore Ignore Ignore Sheperds restle...

Grinspoon - Protest
Reading metal quarry, protest Advanced professional business Chartered soap opera Voltage some i...

Grinspoon - Railrider
Something out of nowhere Like a bullet from a gun Old railrider, riding in the sun And you...

Grinspoon - Ready 1
Walking in a rain storm Supper in the ocean Wishing I was water Wishing they could sort it out ...

Grinspoon - Repeat
She looked so pretty, pity, perfect stranger Sold connections for the buy in major Lobby fucking with ...

Grinspoon - Replacements
Come on , you're not built for Sundays .. Yeah!Falloff , melt down on the runway.All that glitte...

Grinspoon - Rock Show
Would you like another pillFor printing up the dollar billsIn the end it's all the sameKeep on l...

Grinspoon - Scalped
Urge those working, with such machinery To keep their hair tied back Contained in hair nets or cut sho...

Grinspoon - Secrets
such a pityu left today from the city of broken wavesall though u promisedi've been ...

Grinspoon - She's Leaving Tuesday
Pack a suitcase , she's leaving TuesdayThis shits been over since you goneBut you know, its for sure...

Grinspoon - Sickfest
You can't try and sink your thoughts into my brain Contradict, you've always been too lame Guilt has a...

Grinspoon - Signpost
Give them reasons why Fuck the real reasons I was crucified Still the wrong season N...

Grinspoon - Truk
Do you need a truck like I need a fuck? Bring in lots of love, serve it up above I like buttered buns,...

Grinspoon - Undercover
stunned shoulder onyou're stunned shoulder on youget what you had to borrowall it co...

Grinspoon - Violent And Lazy
And it's all overSin in the ratty airI got suspended Suspended in the airI tried to kiss y...

Grinspoon - Yarni Marni
as I was going to the partyu pulled a gun and I was nakedI talked to dread it was so silentwhile...

Guano Apes - Ain't Got Time
Ain't got timeYou ain1t got timeAin't got time to say GoodbyeFeel so free my music's got m...

Guano Apes - Anne Claire
Weak her bones, cold her breathpraying fearfully in the moment of deathfeels the sleep goming near...

Guano Apes - Counting The Days
When you'RE down putting nothing but a maskAnd you GET UP and you're running out of blastWhen you pick...

Guano Apes - Crossing The Deadline
The sand, the sand it covers the landit's just a victimyou didn't stop ithigh noon and the walk ...

Guano Apes - Dick
Dont say a wordlife is like a sin-phonybrave as you daretheres nothing but your gainso tak...

Guano Apes - Diokhan
Stand updont sit in the darkor should i call out the name of d.k.the penetration of my brain is ...

Guano Apes - Don't You Turn Your Back On Me
Boy you're killing mewith your funny smilemy heart is beating loud as hellI'm diving in your eye...

Guano Apes - Electric Nights
I Close my eyesAnd forever that's the timeWhen we were brokenHey you!Why don't we hypnotis...

Guano Apes - Get Busy
What I am, what I am getting olderwhat I need is a man by my shoulderwhat I am, what you areallr...

Guano Apes - Gogan
I'm a little creaturejust a tiny foolthe whipper snapper to be your funny toolThe time wil...

Guano Apes - Heaven
The night comesI'm not at homebodies next to me onthe groundsons are running over yo...

Guano Apes - High
So hello, how is it been?Twentyfive years is still the sameIs it's me the night to take me hereR...

Guano Apes - Innocent Greed
Your ground is deepmy greed is deeperI can see everythingnothing's between usyou will see ...

Guano Apes - I Want It
I'm feeling like an angelI'm feeling like a buttercupwe're sailing around the worldyeah, I like ...

Guano Apes - Kiss The Dawn
Loaded forecast on you the pants are tightyou are ready to use searching for some troublew...

Guano Apes - Living In A Lie
Don't give me namesYou've got it all, took it all from meDrove me insaneWho'd come down to earth...

Guano Apes - Lords Of The Boards
I've got the snowboard under my feet I can fly so high, I can fall so deepBut who do I see comin' up t...

Guano Apes - Maria
Maria, ...Raw muscles in youand you kill for the thrill to get into thismight not be sure...

Guano Apes - Mine All Mine
See the signs, you left behindI won't run into the trap, something's wrong, you're under controlyour l...

Guano Apes - Money & Milk
You want to live so perfectin a world of money and milkyour time goes by it's so sad to see...

Guano Apes - Move A Little Closer
I'm dancing without my shoestemperature's risin' highI turn around and I kiss your facesuddently...

Guano Apes - Never Born
Love is like a shelterbrings me through the stormLife is full of angermaybe I'm dead again now...

Guano Apes - No Speech
O.K. Ready to take offdo it slowI'm living on the bottomI got to gofive little fingers...

Guano Apes - Open Your Eyes
Hide your face foreverdream and search foreverHave you ever been for sale ?when your isms ...

Guano Apes - Plastic Mouth
Its a long lifea long life you have to livefor only a short timeexit will let you leaveare...

Guano Apes - Pretty In Scarlet
We slept a whileto turn it offand get it out of our mindsI slept a whileto get it all...

Guano Apes - Quietly
Quietlyexplodes your loveyour insecurity is so soft to meI cant let you breathe inwe are f...

Guano Apes - Rain
I'm alonecan't wait until I feel your rainso unrealcan't find another place of your rainI ...

Guano Apes - Scapegoat
I will pray to lordI run too far away from homeBut I, when I will cross the sea alonecos' ...

Guano Apes - Scratch The Pitch
The lines fade away they disappearthe colour of your lips wants to move onso nowthe one you are ...

Guano Apes - Sing That Song
Wrecking the best of mesee me front onto past diseasewhats upwrecking the rest of meyou go...

Guano Apes - Storm
Come come trydraw your scaletry to make it specialdon't throw it all awaythe time might be...

Guano Apes - Sugar Skin
Speak your wordleave a signno more criticslay it downworst demeanI prefer you blind...

Guano Apes - Suzie
Hello, my name is Suzieand I dream for a better, better glorygod bless you and I bless youI'm an...

Guano Apes - Too Close To Leave
To be with youyou're so sweetyour naked body lies next to mineand we're here within touchi...

Guano Apes - Wash It Down
Imagine all the words we're spittingwould be killing insidebeing trapped in a junglebe cool don'...

Guano Apes - We Use The Pain
Could you step away, I'm a vicious girlcould you fill the breakwe're on the right way, to swing the li...

Guano Apes - You Can't Stop Me
Someone is coming out to see the light of our destinationa maniac neurotic fool who wants to jump off the is...

G-unit - Baby U Got
[50 Cent]Ahhhhhh! G-Unit![Intro/Chorus - 50 Cent]Baby you got, you got, you...

G-unit - Beg For Mercy
G G G, G G G-UnitNo peace talks, no white flagsNo mercy, I'm gettin yo ass[50 Cent]...

G-unit - Betta Ask Somebody
[50 Cent]I, know, you, knowI'm, on, fiiiii-re[Chorus: 50 Cent]If, you ...

G-unit - Eye For Eye
[Chorus]Nigga you shit on me , i'll shit on youYou put a hit on me, i'll put a hit on you...

G-unit - Footprints
"Walk with meeeee..."[Young Buck] Ay if you hear me out there"Walk with meeeee..."[You...

G-unit - Gangsta Shit
[50 Cent - Talking]Yeah, niggas talking all that gangsta shitActing like my money ain't no good...

G-unit - G'd Up
[Chorus: 50 Cent] Ain't it amazing how crazy the hood dun made me feel like my emotions are froze ...

G-unit - Groupie Love
YeahG-unit[Intro]Ive been so many placesIve seen so many facesGir...

G-unit - G-unit
[50 Cent]Yeah! 50 Cent.. Lloyd Banks.. Young Buck...G G G G G-Unit! Haha![Young ...

G-unit - I'm So Hood
[50 Cent]Yeah, Yeah, YeahLittle Tyrone tired of gettin' his ass whipped so he holdin' tha...

G-unit - I Smell Pussy
Son you smell that? What's that? I smell pussy. Is that you Irv?I smell pussy. Is that you Ja?I ...

G-unit - Lay You Down
[Intro: 50 Cent]G-Unit, they ain't readyAHHHH![Hook: 50 Cent]I don't k...

G-unit - Poppin' Them Thangs
[Hook X2][50 Cent]Every hood we go throughAll the gangstas around know my whole cr...

G-unit - Salute U
General, I salute youI'll put a hole in any nigga tryna shoot youIt ain't nothing 'cause loyalty is wh...

G-unit - Smile
[50 Cent]Yeah, this somethin special y'know, somethin epicLloyd Banks, you knowCause a ni...

G-unit - Stunt 101
[Chorus][50 Cent]I'll teach you how to stuntMy wrists stay rocked upMy...

G-unit - Wanna Get To Know You
[Chorus:]I wanna get to know youI really wanna fuck you, babyOne dose of my lovin'I...

Guns' N' Roses - 14 Years
I try and feel the sunshineYou bring the rainYou try and hold me downWith your complaintsY...

Guns' N' Roses - Ain't It Fun
Ain't it fun when you're always on the runAin't it fun when your friends despise what you becomeAin't ...

Guns' N' Roses - Anything Goes
I been thinkin' 'boutThinkin' 'bout sexAlways hungry for somethin'That I haven't had yetMa...

Guns' N' Roses - Attitude
Yeah!Attitude'tsa fuckin' attitudeI can't believe what ya say to meYou got some attitude...

Guns' N' Roses - Back Off Bitch
Oh baby, pretty babyOh honey, you let me down honeyI ain't playin' childhood gamesno moreI...

Guns' N' Roses - Black Leather
OohOohOohWell, she's all geared up, walkin' down the streetAnd I can feel the slime,...

Guns' N' Roses - Bohemian Rhapsody
Mama just killed a man, Put a gun against his head,pulled my trigger, now he's dead.Mama, life had jus...

Guns' N' Roses - Breakdown
We all come in from the coldWe come down from the wireAn everybody warms themselvesto a differen...

Guns' N' Roses - Bring It Back Home
Sweet little lady, don't you get crazy.Bring it back home to me.Woman little standing, dreaming to for...

Guns' N' Roses - Buick Makane
Buick Buick Buick Mackane will yaBuick Mackane will ya be my girl Oh, be my girl...

Guns' N' Roses - Chinese Democracy
It don't really matterYou'll find out for yourselfNo it don't really matterYou're gonna leave th...

Guns' N' Roses - Coma
Hey you caught me in a comaAnd I don't think I wannaEver come back to againKinda li...

Guns' N' Roses - Come Together
Here come 'ol flatttopHe come groovin' up slowlyHe got ju ju eyballHe one holy rollerHe go...

Guns' N' Roses - Crash Diet
Crash diet of reds'n'ludesA shot of vitamin C and a bottle of boozeToo stupid to live with nothin' to ...

Guns' N' Roses - Don't Cry (alt)
If we could see tomorrowWhat of your plansNo one can live in sorrowAsk all your friendsTim...

Guns' N' Roses - Don't Damn Me
Don't damn meWhen I speak a piece of my mind'Cause silence isn't goldenWhen I'm holding it insid...

Guns' N' Roses - Double Talking Jive
Found a head and an arm in da garbage canDon't know why I'm hereLivin' on the run for oh so long...

Guns' N' Roses - Down On The Farm
All I need is some inspirationBefore I do somebody some harmI feel just like a vegetableDown her...

Guns' N' Roses - Dust In The Wind
Tell everybody that I am sorry, truly sorry For all the wrong I've done I never meant to hurt nobody, ...

Guns' N' Roses - Dust N' Bones
He lost his mind todayHe left it out back on the highwayOn "65"She loved him yesterday...

Guns' N' Roses - Estranged
When you're talkin to yourselfAnd nobody's homeYou can fool yourselfYou came in this world alone...

Guns' N' Roses - Get In The Ring
Why do you look at me when you hate meWhy should I look at you when you make me hate you toI sense a s...

Guns' N' Roses - Hair Of The Dog
[spoken]Give me a little bit of volume on thisYou're a heart-breakin' soul shakerI'...

Guns' N' Roses - Heartbreak Hotel
Well, since my baby left me, I found a new place to dwell. It's down at the end of lonely street ...

Guns' N' Roses - I Don't Care About You
Yeah!I'm from South Philadelphia up on Avenue CI've seen empty hands that was waitin' to freeze...

Guns' N' Roses - It's Alright
Told you once about your friends and neighborsThey were always seeking but they'll never findThat it's...

Guns' N' Roses - It Tastes Good, Don't It?
I'm like a little bitty kid with a real big mouthAnd you're gonna have to catch me if you wanna wash it out,...

Guns' N' Roses - Just Another Sunday
I know you've been dreaming 'bout the times in our livesBut I've been screaming in my bed late at night...

Guns' N' Roses - Knocking On Heaven's Door
Mama take this badge from meI can't use it anymoreIt's getting dark too dark to seeFeels like I'...

Guns' N' Roses - Live And Let Die
When you were youngand your heart was an open bookYou used to say live and let liveyou know you ...

Guns' N' Roses - Live & Let Die
When you were youngand your heart was an open bookYou used to say live and let liveyou know you ...

Guns' N' Roses - Look At Your Game, Girl
There's a time for livingTime keeps on flyingThink you're loving babyBut all your doing is cryin...

Guns' N' Roses - Madagascar
I won't be told anymoreThat I've been brought down in this stormAnd left so far out from the shore...

Guns' N' Roses - Mama Kin
It ain't easy livin' like a gypsyTell ya, honey, how it feelsI've been dreamin' floatin' down stream...

Guns' N' Roses - Move To The City
You pack your bagsAnd you move to the cityThere's somethin' missin' here at homeYou fix your hai...

Guns' N' Roses - My World
You wan'da step into my worldIt's a sociopsychotic state of blissYou've been delayed in the real world...

Guns' N' Roses - New Rose
[spoken]Is she really going out with him?Hey!I got a feeling inside of me...

Guns' N' Roses - Nice Boys
She hit town like a rose in bloomSmellin' sweet, said sweet perfumeThe color faded and the petals died...

Guns' N' Roses - Oh My God
It's not how you're thinkingLike you've been rightYou've been living a trade-offBelieve your own...

Guns' N' Roses - One In A Million
1,2,1,2,3,4[Whistle]Guess I needed sometime to get awayI needed some piece of mindS...

Guns' N' Roses - Only Women Bleed
Man's got his woman to take his seedHe's got the power - ohShe's got the needShe spends her life...

Guns' N' Roses - Out Ta Get Me
Been hidin' outAnd layin' lowIt's nothin' new ta meWell you can always finda place to go...

Guns' N' Roses - Paradise City
[Chorus: x2]Take me downTo the paradise cityWhere the grass is greenAnd the g...

Guns' N' Roses - Perfect Crime
Kickin' back in the shadowsGot no need for the lightWho's sorry now old timerLook at how you've ...

Guns' N' Roses - Pretty Tied Up
I know this chick she lives down on MelroseShe ain't satisfied without some painFriday night is goin' ...

Guns' N' Roses - Raw Power
Dance to the beat of the living deadYou'll see baby, stay away from thereRaw power is sure to come a-r...

Guns' N' Roses - Reckless Life
I'm reckless and feelin' no painYou know I've got no need to controlLivin' with the dangerI'm al...

Guns' N' Roses - Rhiad & The Behovins
Oh-OhOhhhhOh, Oh-OhOhhhhOh-OhOhhhhOh, Oh-OhRhiad and the bedouins...

Guns' N' Roses - Right Next Door To Hell
I'll take a nicotine, caffine, sugar fixJesus don't ya git tired of turnin' tricksBut when your innoce...

Guns' N' Roses - Sail Away Sweet Sister
Sail away sweet sisterSail across the seaMaybe you'll find somebodyThat will love you half as mu...

Guns' N' Roses - Salt Of The Earth
Lets drink to the hard working people,Lets drink to the lowly of birth.Raise your glass to the good an...

Guns' N' Roses - Sentimental Movie
You better change your attitudeCause you know you want it toYou bring me all your prideBut I kno...

Guns' N' Roses - Shadow Of Your Love
Took my chances carelesslychoked on my own cigaretteYou can hand me another bottle of whiskey baby...

Guns' N' Roses - Shotgun Blues
I got the shotgun bluesShotgun bluesI said I don't know what I didBut I know I gotta moveI...

Guns' N' Roses - Silk Worms
Listen motherfuckers to this song that should be heardThrown down in the gutter, it's more than you deserve...

Guns' N' Roses - Since I Don't Have You
I don't have plans and schemesAnd I don't have hopes and dreamsI, I, I don't have anythingSince ...

Guns' N' Roses - So Fine
How could she look so fineHow could it be she might be mineHow could she be so coolI've been tak...

Guns' N' Roses - Sympathy For The Devil
Please allow me to introduce myselfI'm a man of wealth and tasteI've been around for a long, long year...

Guns' N' Roses - The Blues
All the love in the world couldn't save youAll the innocence insideYou know I tried so hard to make yo...

Guns' N' Roses - Think About You
Say baby you been lookin' real goodI remember when we metFunny how it never felt so goodIt's a f...

Guns' N' Roses - Too Much Too Soon
"Hey this bottle's empty, you got 2 bucks?C'mon, we'll buy a bottleAlright, I'm headin' to the store a...

Guns' N' Roses - Wild Horses
Childhood living is easy to doThe things you wantedI bought them for you graceless ladyYou know ...

Guns' N' Roses - You Ain't The First
I tried so hard just to get through to youBut your head's so farfrom the realness of truthWas it...

Guns' N' Roses - You Can't Put You Arms Arround A Memory
[spoken]This one's for you JohhnyIt doesn't pay to tryAll the smart boys know why...

Guster - Airport Song
Glad you made it Welcome to the farm Whos your daddy? Im your daddy now Im here seeking on...

Guster - All The Way Up To Heaven
He said to only look up He said to never look down Down is where he came from He said to hope fo...

Guster - Amsterdam
I threw away your greatest hitsYou left them here the day you splitYour bass guitar and shaggs CD...

Guster - Backyard
In the backyardIn the gardenYou were always thereDigging down where roots would burrow underneat...

Guster - Bury Me
When the day will come along And you have been there Find the angels at your feet Prone on the g...

Guster - Careful
And you walked out when I asked you to stayAs usual you will get your wayYou closed the door and stumb...

Guster - Center Of Attention
One of us won't last the night, between you and me it's no surprise There's two of us, both can't be right ...

Guster - Cocoon
Just one more time he said as he crawls into his own Im doing fine he said as the tears fall down alone ...

Guster - Come Downstairs And Say Hello
Dorothy moves to click her ruby shoesRight in tune with dark side of the moonSomeone, someone could te...

Guster - Demons
My words confuse you My eyes dont move a blink Cause its easier sometimes Not to be sincere ...

Guster - Diane
The secrets that we keepWe say them in our sleepand wrestle down our souls if we would speakI wa...

Guster - Dissolve
And its true he was so young But you are here And the moment clouds your brain You couldve even ...

Guster - Eden
All I want is the world And everything for me You can rattle off your talk All that matters is w...

Guster - Either Way
You were almost kind, you were almost true Don't let me see that other side of you You have learned in...

Guster - Fa Fa
When you look in the mirror, wish you were somebody else Just a perfect reflection, you and no one else ...

Guster - Fall In Two
He smiled to the world But his heart fell below his pain He wanted only arms But he lied to hims...

Guster - Getting Even
She leans closer to me I give a warning of higher calling Must go over with me Were not happy in...

Guster - Great Escape
Please come tempt me youve got something good in mind Dropped everything glad to be persuade this time ...

Guster - Grin
Absent in the things Ive done For the real Revelations come to people so slow Frightening ...

Guster - Happier
Say goodbye, lose your friends, make them go, don't need them around Cause it's time, lose your friends, mak...

Guster - Happy Frappy
Not much of this makes sense to me The river leaves run cold and dry But it keeps me from swinging tre...

Guster - Homecoming King
On your way to the best years of your lifeEveryone's banging on their gongsThe sooner you leave the so...

Guster - I Hope Tomorrow Is Like Today
I'm awake, you're still sleepingThe sun will rise like yesterdayEverything that we are nowIs eve...

Guster - I Spy
We went down to the May parade, mumbled words under my breath There is something I've been meaning to do, I ...

Guster - Jesus On The Radio (daddy On The Phone)
5 a.m., March 16Jesus on the radioYou took a photograph of meon your yellow bucket seatIts...

Guster - Keep It Together
When we all finally washed ashoreIt was clear there was no one else aroundWe declared a national holid...

Guster - Long Way Down
I was dead sleeping in your bedFloated up from the ground and looked downThen finally I could see comp...

Guster - Love For Me
I know there is a place A place where I belong Not mistreated or undone And if I find that place...

Guster - Medicine
Into the maze Enter the medicine handed down Within these veins Bleeding with apathy till it dro...

Guster - Mona Lisa
If in the morning you look up Fake a smile and you sigh Dont fear the future In the years to com...

Guster - Parachute
There we stand about to fly Peeking down over land Parachute behind What was that moment for whi...

Guster - Perfect
(Needle) Played follow the leader Keeping my steps in time Counting on the wonder ahead I ...

Guster - Ramona
Ramona, where have you been?I couldn't go to sleep till you came inRamona, you're Miss Oklahomaa...

Guster - Red Oyster Cult
Doesn't it bring you downSo many lights and soundsCall your mom on the telephoneTell her you're ...

Guster - Rocketship
Theyll find it on the stairs Politely placed it there Been so unkind without a hint No warning s...

Guster - Scars And Stitches
Can you remember? What the future held A little candy ring And a mystic oceans shell But t...

Guster - So Long
Yes I heard all that you had to say That's when it all fell apart Might be hated, but I can't pretend ...

Guster - The Prize
My, my how things have changed since I have been away Its the first time but its different, Im afraid ...

Guster - Two Points For Honesty
If that's all you will be, you'll be a waste of time You've dreamed a thousand dreams, none seem to stick in...

Guster - What You Wish For
Woke up today to everything grey And all that I saw just kept goin on and on Sweep all the pieces unde...

Guster - Window
A gaping wound tells the story of it all A man lost only to find What was left of his mind? With...

Guster - X-ray Eyes
To clear the conscience of who I am I break the silence that keeps it all in Ive given you everything ...

Guy Sebastian - 3 Words
If I could speak louder than wordsI'd be speechlessI show you what I can do, what I can doAnd if...

Guy Sebastian - All I Need Is You
You're all, you're (I know) all that I NeedYou are (yeah), you're all that I Need I remember in ...

Guy Sebastian - Angels Brought Me Here
[Verse 1]It's been a long and winding journey, but i'm finally here tonightPicking up the piece...

Guy Sebastian - Back In The Day
Im gonna love ya like..[times 3]Baby like i loved you back in the dayBaby I remember when...

Guy Sebastian - Can U Stand The Rain
On a perfect dayI know that I can count on youWhen that's not possibleTell me can you weather th...

Guy Sebastian - Fiend For You
When I think of you girl I get that feelingI need a hit of you babyGirl my head is spinningAnd y...

Guy Sebastian - How
How, could he ever love you, the way I couldOh and how could he ever hold you the way, I wouldIf you o...

Guy Sebastian - I 4 U
Hey OhHypnotised by your sightYoure the kinda girlWanna make you mineYour loves so fine, b...

Guy Sebastian - I Wish
Looking back on when I Was a little nappy headed boy Then my only worry Was for Christmas what w...

Guy Sebastian - Just As I Am
I can be a mystery cover up my heartNever show my emotion always keep you in the darkI could find funn...

Guy Sebastian - Kryptonite
From the very second baby I already knewI'll end up head over heels in love with youTurns out I'm righ...

Guy Sebastian - Make Heaven Wait
I see you smiling every day Looking back at me like nothing ever changedI swear i heard you call my na...

Guy Sebastian - My Beautiful Friend
A million hearts are hurting cause they love youClose your eyes and feel their arms around you nowBaby...

Guy Sebastian - No One Can Compare (to You)
ListenBack when I was down and outI thought nobody cared about meAnd that's when I found you yea...

Guy Sebastian - Oh Oh
It's your oohIt's got me frozen like iceFixated on you but iI think it's time to leaveCos ...

Guy Sebastian - Out With My Baby
[Intro]Ohhhhhhh yeahBaby, baby, babyEverybody wanna know what Im doingIm out with m...

Guy Sebastian - So I
So many people keep questioningWhats wrong with the world today?The same people that see a glass...

Guy Sebastian - Something Don't Feel Right
[Verse 1]Last night, I road round your house around eight, Lights out, no ride, closed gate...

Guy Sebastian - Sweetest Berry
You posses a beauty deep withinThat soothes me when I'm around youYour skin is butterscotch on porcela...

Guy Sebastian - Wait
Girl, before you turn and walk awayLeave me standing hereJust know I'll always love youI never w...

Guy Sebastian - What A Wonderful World
What a wonderful world I see trees of green, red roses tooI see them bloom from me and youBut I ...

Guy Sebastian - When Doves Cry
How can u just leave me standing?Alone in a world that's so cold?Maybe I'm just 2 demandingMaybe...

Gwar - Abyss Of Woe
After the carnage steam rises through snowYou have been consigned to the Abyss of WoeMy eldritch war-s...

Gwar - Aeiou
U! U! U! U! A-E-I-O-U-A-E-I-O-U!Yes, yes, these are Satan's vowels...No! No! These are Gor-Gor's vowel...

Gwar - Americanized
I'm Americanized. 9 (nine) tons o'crack a day. It's up my butt, the USAAll you people will worship us-...

Gwar - Antarctican Drinking Song
Yes this Arctic wasteland was once a paradiseBut soon we sickened of it because it was too niceDesirin...

Gwar - Anti-anti-christ
I've read these words that are lies about youI've waited for worlds to die without youAnd I will wait ...

Gwar - Baby Raper
Babyraper, sperm creator Hulking, brutish masturbator Babyraper, emasculator Fleshy flap valve n...

Gwar - Back To Iraq
We was part of the slaughter they called Desert StormWe maimed and we murdered in the name of "Norm"No...

Gwar - Bad Bad Men
Billy was and orphan, Tommy was a whore Poe got drunk in Baltimore Getting drunk and shooting gu...

Gwar - Battle Lust
I gaze through the mist at the approaching hostMy hand finds the hilt of my swordSoon they are sundere...

Gwar - B.d.f.
Dead.. Baby Dick Fuck Baby Dick Fuck Take your fat tongue! And curl it into a 'U', Y...

Gwar - Beauteous Rot
Beauteous rot!Legions of sex slaves have flocked in my callsYou are the most grotesque of them a...

Gwar - Biledriver
All creatures born are born to die but before then surviveSome creatures born they never live but still they...

Gwar - Billy Bad Ass
BILLY BAD ASSLITTLE BILLY BAD ASSCause I'm bad - Billy BadBad Bad Billy - Little Billy badass...

Gwar - Black And Huge
You know I'm totally flaccid - I'm just a limp, mega-prick You know I'm looking for a stupid white chi...

Gwar - Blimey
At home we're bored Just got off another shitty tour Moat filled with flaming pus Sleazy, he won...

Gwar - Bloody Mary
Ice world, eternal night, doors are chained and barredToiling slaved die in droves, this life is hardT...

Gwar - Bone Meal
Piles of burnt corpses, we'returning the screws--Turn 'em intobone meal for our troops to use! Turn...

Gwar - Bonesnapper (the Faces Of The Slain)
When I first saw himHe was standing in the rainFading light, it still gave sight, to the facesTh...

Gwar - Bring Back The Bomb
Hiroshima, A shadow burned in timeNagasaki, naked baby melts aliveBurnt flesh and rubble from sea to d...

Gwar - Captain Crunch
Everybody needs somebody to abuse. Everybody needs alotta stuff to eat. Everybody gonna be a body one ...

Gwar - Child
Having a child with a person I don't even know Jumping up and down in the crowd she got a face full of blow ...

Gwar - Cool Place To Park
[Sang by Beefcake, Only on CD version]Frozen it time. We watched as you grew. Now the ice...

Gwar - Crack In The Egg
The egg was spawned in our mutation pit In the bowels of your Earth it was grown Feeding on the ...

Gwar - Crush, Kill, Destroy
Everything that ever was, and all that there will ever beFlesh and blood and stick and stone, all is laid to...

Gwar - Death Pod
Death Pod comes from the sky - it does Through the space, through the stone Where the Master grows his...

Gwar - Decay Of Grandeur
Lights fade, all is shadeZombies stalk the promenadeThis is promise of eternityPiles of dead, im...

Gwar - Dirty, Filthy
Dirty, filthy, dirty, filthy, filthy, filthy, dirty, filthy,dirty, filthy, filthy, filthyYou're dirty ...

Gwar - Don't Need A Man
Hush my baby,Don't cry tonightMy ears are sick of that soundI've been searchingFor someone...

Gwar - Eat Steel
[Sang by Beefcake The Mighty] I see you coming a mile away I will not listen to a word you say ...

Gwar - Endless Apocalypse
ENDLESS...APOCALYPSE...ENDLESS... ENDLESS...APOCALYPSE...There wasn't any reasonTo c...

Gwar - Escape From The Mooselodge
GWAR, the once mighty Scumdogs of the Universe wallow in the filth that their lives have become. Drug ...

Gwar - Fight
[Sang by Beefcake The Mighty][Bass by Oderus] Cruising through town, slack-jawed tongue ...

Gwar - Filthy Flow
Well I been following the filthy flow Cause filth's the only way I'll ever know You look at me and you...

Gwar - Fire In The Lions
Oftimes you'll find me raving, sometimes you'll find me sickTo wake me up this morning you hit me with a bri...

Gwar - First Rule Is
outside bombs explodeI am sitting on the commodesoon they'll reach the day-care centersoon they'...

Gwar - Fishfuck
Fishfuck, baby Gonna fuck you with a fish [X2]Gonna take a rivercarp and ram it up your butt ...

Gwar - Fistful Of Teeth
Too soon the killing was overThe stench of death was all that remainedDeath he commands in this poison...

Gwar - Friend
You are my friend, friend, friend, friend But you no know nothing [X4]You do not treat me this ...

Gwar - Fuckin' An Animal
Oh I am Fuckin' an animal I'm fuckin' an animal I'm holding on the horns I'm fuckin' an animal ...

Gwar - Gilded Lily
Well I've been wearing a gilded lily Cunningly carved in a manner frilly To my design it was created ...

Gwar - Gonna Kill U
Oh Yeah.Oh no.YeahI'm gonna kill youI'm Gonna cut you upI'm Gonna kill youGott...

Gwar - Gor-gor
Gor-Gor... Gor-Gor comes and sirens wail Mournful drone of babbling fail Thunderous gnashing firestorm...

Gwar - Gwar Theme
Gazing through the toothy maw--you could not conceive what I saw--In my land there is no sun--In...

Gwar - Ham On The Bone
Can you hear the whispering wind Over the screams of your dying friends? Did you know your life is min...

Gwar - Happy Death Day
Happy anniversary, schools are short of fundsThis is what I say, give the kids more gunsAll of the cla...

Gwar - Have You Seen Me?
Mommies, I've been stealing your babies I gag the brat and then maybe... I'll suck out his brain You k...

Gwar - Horror Of Yig
"Horror is a face, and you must make a friend of horror horror and moral terror are your friends and they ar...

Gwar - If I Could Be That
AngryStupidDrunkenViolentAngryStupidBitterWon't be silentI wanna b...

Gwar - I Hate Love Songs
I hate love songs and I hate loversI hate everything that I can't have so I hate youI hate love songs ...

Gwar - I'm In Love (with A Dead Dog)
When I first met you, I knew I loved you.Now that one + one is two, I don't wannacum inside of you. No...

Gwar - Immortal Corrupter
Centuries of carnageCenturies of chaos yet unfoldingA planet built on boneSpinning in a space...

Gwar - In Her Fear
In her fear in her fear in her fearYou tried to walk awayHow far did you goAnd then you came bac...

Gwar - I Suck On My Thumb
Every time that I see youI think that you're dumbEvery time that I see youI suck on my thumb...

Gwar - Jack The World
Rid yourself of all the worthless crap in which you wallow Here's an iron fist of death for you to swallow ...

Gwar - Jagermonsta
If you look at it you'll get drunk Frothing mass of filthy chunk Bloodshot eye and boiling spew ...

Gwar - Je M'appelle J. Cousteau
I was there at the cattle fair, wherelump fairies swear at glories far be-yond the fabric that she wea...

Gwar - Jiggle The Handle
[Sang by Scroda Moon, The Toilet, Oderus Urungus, Slymenstra Hymen, and Beefcake The Mighty]...

Gwar - King Queen
One thing that I know: That everywhere I fucking go People writhe with piles of corpses, Rotting...

Gwar - Krak Down
Krak down! Your melted essence is my tool And I appropriate your nugget jewel Chemically wrap ar...

Gwar - Krosstika
What's that symbol above the ovenBeaming it's malice to all that we shove inIn the War Party we ake ev...

Gwar - Lets Blame The Lightman
It's falling, It's falling, It's falling on the ground, yeahIt's falling on the ground, yeahLets blame...

Gwar - Licksore
Lonely and crippled she lives all aloneStares out the window, no one on the telephoneHer only friend -...

Gwar - Lost God
All gods dieAll gods speakAll gods lieall gods forever wallow in slimeall gods before me, ...

Gwar - Love Surgery
Yes you are Your flesh is insignificant... Still you drag yourself here on bloody stumps I recreate yo...

Gwar - Maggots
Vile forms of Necros lie rotting my mind Feasting like maggots - maggots in flesh So left your ruined ...

Gwar - Martyrdumb
You remember the lessons taught in your past?And how old you wereBefore you wondered how many were lie...

Gwar - Mary Anne
[Sang by Balsac The Jaws Of Death]You don't ever call me on the phone to say "Hell-O" and if I ...

Gwar - Meat Sandwich
In the name of GWAR, in the name of loveIn the name of the blood dripping out of the sunI call out you...

Gwar - Message From The Scallop Boat
Dear Oderus UrungusHey man, do you remember me?I remember youI was the guy with the grizzled fac...

Gwar - My Girly Ways
[Sang by Slymenstra]She is the creator of life Sacrifice my will To give you some time ...

Gwar - My Knife If Yer Guts
My knife if your guts, it's all come to thisMy knife if your, you crumple and twistYou're grabbing my ...

Gwar - Nitro-burnin' Funny Bong
Ahhh...sweet youth The joys of becoming a teenage prostitute Or in my case a blood-crazed gladiator ...

Gwar - None But The Brave
Welcome back, is it the same? Smelly but now old and lameDid you ever think to miss me? Here's my ass, come ...

Gwar - Nudged
Did you ever stay up late wondering if you'd been screwed?Or ever really know how much money they're making ...

Gwar - Ollie North
LickylickylickylickylicklicklickkkLicklicklicklicklicklicklicklicklicklicTake a lickylickreemmyass lic...

Gwar - Penguin Attack
THEY ATTACKTHEY ATTACKThey are on a rampageUnleashed from ancient timeStumbling from the i...

Gwar - Penile Drip
Penile Drip You gotta love it when the blisters spread all over your hands The Penile Drip You g...

Gwar - Penis I See
They won't talk but still they say You kill for kicks, you got bills to pay Well baby I got bills to p...

Gwar - Pepperoni
You say that you want some pepperoni I'll give you a fistful of my pepperoni You say that you want some rama...

Gwar - Pocket Pool
Little Flopsy flaps around. He flaps on up and flaps on down. He's just flippy flappy happy slappy kin...

Gwar - Poor Ole Tom
This is the story of poor ole tom: He wakes, crusted in vomit He sobs, his bowels release His fa...

Gwar - Preschool Prostitute
I saw a friend just the other dayhe didn't have too much to sayHe looked crazy, he looked ashamed...

Gwar - Pure As The Arctic Snow
Long ago--We lay frozen deep in snow. Itwas nice--suspended in the endless ice. Timeflew by--Worlds di...

Gwar - Pussy Planet
Into the valley we go To bliss the witch, she sucking Ultimate power Life's suck zonk zone ...

Gwar - Ragnarok
To die, perchance to sin, that's the rubFor in that sleep of sin, what, what kingdom may come?What of ...

Gwar - Rock N Roll Never Felt So Good
I met her at a donkey show. She was minutes past thirteen. Sucking on a cherry yoo-hoo. Reading ...

Gwar - Rock & Roll Party Town
Rock and roll--Dyn-O-Mite!!!!Party all day....Party all nite!!!Hey there girl--Do you like my big...

Gwar - Saddam A Go-go
I at the time was a communist Lived on a collective farm She was a part-time antichrist Our sex ...

Gwar - Sammy
he was a boy - he was a fine childHe had the leather bootsand the riding cropin JerusalemO...

Gwar - Sex Cow
Barnyard Stompall the animals and youI got a dogI got a catI got a hogI got a bat...

Gwar - Sexecutioner
[Sang by Sexecutioner]Sexcuse me, but what-a good is all the violence in the world unless it is...

Gwar - Sick Of You
Your socks they smell, your feet they stink, You never take a bath. Your nose it runs, you bust your b...

Gwar - Slap U Around
I wake you up in the morning baby with a kick in the tit I treat you like shit! You love it Smack you ...

Gwar - Slaughterama
[Sang by Sleazy P.] With a battle cry go forth which is "Give the people what they want." ...

Gwar - Slutman City
I have travelled many miles, and I havewiped away many smiles. I've come frommy icy pit, just to rub y...

Gwar - Sonderkommando
And blundering brightly through the night Astride the thunderous, flaming trident bike The choked back...

Gwar - Stalin's Organs
They were called Katusyhas, but we called them Stalin's Organs200 MM devastating fireWhen streets hiss...

Gwar - Surf Of Syn
Unsheathe the sword, call the death squadLet loose the dogs, make me your GodBlaspheme the name, stret...

Gwar - Techno's Song
I'm the walking nightmare with the microchipbrain--A megaton Bufferin to forever endyour pain. When it...

Gwar - The Apes Of Wrath
The Apes of Wrath! The Apes of Wrath!The Apes of Wrath!Flecked with gore I face youM...

Gwar - The Bonus Plan
TabarnacMa Petite CrackJ'ai vu ToiTu sens bienJe Ment Vien Pret de Toi Pour Te Sentire Pre...

Gwar - The Insidious Sililquay Of Skulhed Face
[Sang by Skulhedface]How inquisitive, and delighting you've inquired who the hell I am.. Allow ...

Gwar - The Issue Of Tissue (spacecake)
Unblinking, unseeing, trapped in your being The issue of tissue, but that's just not the issue Strappe...

Gwar - The Master Has A Butt
I'm thinking I was once a baby Birthed deep within the Master's bowels Shat across the cosmos, banishe...

Gwar - The Morality Squad
[Sang by The Morality Squad]We're the Morality Squad Armed with the wrath of God My name is Gra...

Gwar - The New Plague
I'm just a person, and I've got the new plagueI'm wondering how I got this wayI drank some whiskey, I ...

Gwar - The Obliteration Of Flab Quarv 7
[Background words spoken by BalSac The Jaws Of Death] Y'know, back in outer space we used to drink - ...

Gwar - The Performer
I'll come to town for you Dress up like a clown for you Pull my pants on down for you Then I'll ...

Gwar - The Private Pain Of Techno Destructo
FOOLS, how dare you try to make a slave of me, Techno Destructo scumdog of theuniverse. it only allowed me t...

Gwar - The Reaganator
Deep beneath the bowels of the skillhouseWhere the bones of crusaders are hidden in wallsThe shin of S...

Gwar - The Road Behind
Well I'm traveling down the road And I'm carrying that heavy load I walk around in a stupor Sleazy, I ...

Gwar - The Salaminizer
Here's a little something from a God to a slave, I never should of been let out the fucking microwave! ...

Gwar - The Song Of Words
In the fortress of GWAR, much torment does remainDespite all of the bodies that had been hacked in twain...

Gwar - The Wheel
Bring forth those we have granted lifeSo that they...Must dieDeath!Death to life!...

Gwar - The Years Without Light
Scanning the crowd. Defiling the writhing masses. I saw your death, Impaled on iron fences. ...

Gwar - Think Ya Outta Know This
I'm the manager with the mostestI clear the profits from the concert grossesI make it snow up GWAR nos...

Gwar - Time For Death
Sun goes down, bodies on the ground. Swollenwith pus, I shall further expound. As thevultures swirl, t...

Gwar - Tune From Da Moon
[Sang by Scroda Moon]YOU! Screwed it all up, Ruined everything for everyone. YOU! Won't e...

Gwar - U Ain't Shit
My life is in a rut, I need a goodkick in the butt! My mind meets theHand of Doom--Dontcha know--He's...

Gwar - Vlad The Impaler
[Chorus:]Vlad, Vlad, Vlad the impaler Vlad, Vlad, He could have been a sailor but he's Vl...

Gwar - War Party
I hear your piteous shriekingIn this land of deathAnd boils and bees and RPG'sAnd piles of priso...

Gwar - War Toy
Churning through the bestial muck.A cosmic forklift rules my throbbingasshole. The All-Eye says you ar...

Gwar - We Kill Everything
In the hulking halls of hatred where the Master makes his throne Within the "ass"-teroid belt where his body...

Gwar - Whargoul
I'm the fucking Whargoul, I'm the ghost of Minas MorgulI destroyed your life, I raped your wifeI am Wh...

Gwar - Womb With A View
Fiendish and crudeFroosty and lewsThis is the life I have whored myself toSpackled and battered ...

Gwar - World O' Filth
Welcome to your world of filth--Wherecostly cash is jumbo puke. The wordsthey rhyme the sound you crav...

Gwar - You Can't Kill Terror
You can destroy an armyYou can kill a manBut you can't kill terrorAnd terror is what I amT...

Gwen Stefani - Bubble Pop Electric
Come on Johnny when you gonna get here?Alright hold your pretty horses ill be there in a minute you just get...

Gwen Stefani - Cool
It's hard to remember how it felt beforeNow I found the love of my life...Passes things get more comfo...

Gwen Stefani - Crash
Back it up, back it upYou got it, you got itPut your hands up, put your hands upYou got it, you ...

Gwen Stefani - Danger Zone
I can't imagine how hard it must be to be youAdopting all your history it's hard being me tooAre your ...

Gwen Stefani - Hollaback Girl
Uh huh, this is my shitAll the girls stomp your feet like this A few times I've been around that...

Gwen Stefani - Long Way To Go
We've got a long way to goWhen snow hits the asphalt, cold looks and bad talk comeWe've got a long way...

Gwen Stefani - Serious
Baby, I don't know when the danger cameI wanna find someone that I can blameCall the doctor cause I am...

Gwen Stefani - The Real Thing
I've seen your face a thousand timesHave all your stories memorizedI've kissed your lips a million way...

Gwen Stefani - What You Waiting For?
What an amazing time What a family How did the years go by? Now it's only me Tick to...

Gym Class Heroes - A Beautiful Day
Yo, My morning showers like a rebirth; reflections of the womb Crazy sentimental floatin' in lukewarm placen...

Gym Class Heroes - Band Aids
Thank you.You know exactly who you areYou played the role of superglueWhen I was falling apart...

Gym Class Heroes - Eighty-five
It seems like lately time be beatin' my ass, Every step is like a right hook from Iron Mike Tyson in his pri...

Gym Class Heroes - Everyday's Forecast
You think you know, but you have no ideaThis is the diary of a breathing onomanopiaNow here's an...

Gym Class Heroes - Extra Extra
Let the bass make your spine jerk, drums make your ears hurt,Hear me deliverin' this phat ass verse, been pu...

Gym Class Heroes - Faces In The Hall
I knew this kid named AlbertoFunny style catAnd his girl looked like a turtleNot Lisa Turtle, ju...

Gym Class Heroes - Food For Mic Skills
Travis been known to spit lyrical backflips on tracks with skate kicksOsiris had the flyest but I'm all abou...

Gym Class Heroes - Make Out Club
If I recall correctlyIt was the middle of springWalkin with my boysContiplating what summer will...

Gym Class Heroes - Nothing Boy Vs The Echo Factor
Now I could sit here and baffle youWith shallow babbleAnd a bunch of punch linesYou probably won...

Gym Class Heroes - Papercuts
She says she loves meBut she comes and goes when she pleasesWhen the door shutsIt's like another...

Gym Class Heroes - Papercuts (the Reason For The Lesions) (remix By Mr. Dibbs)
She says she loves meBut she comes and goes when she pleasesWhen the door shutsIt's like another...

Gym Class Heroes - Petrified Life And The Twice Told Joke (decrepit Bricks)
I walk on decrepit bricks And kick sticks and rusty soda cansSimply for lack of better stimulation...

Gym Class Heroes - To Bob Ross With Love
Now who you know leave the sceneMessier than canvas's by Jackson PollockThrowing multicolored thoughts...

The Hamptons - My Jacket
Hmmmmm,yea,hmmm,ooooh, I see you everyday girl, And there's something I'd like to tell ya, if yo...

Handsome Devil - Back Into Action
Oh joy lucky meI'm looking back at what I used to be - I'm looking back to seeSee what I want to see...

Handsome Devil - Barbecue
I guess I did it again...Well I embarrassed you in front of your friendsIt always happens this way...

Handsome Devil - Bring It On
Hey hey, hey hey, hey heyYou've got a problem, you've got a problem with meI don't want to hear about ...

Handsome Devil - Everything
When you speak to me, treat me like a kingBecause you know where I'm coming fromAnd I'm about to come ...

Handsome Devil - Hard Living Clean
It's so hard living clean cuz I start to feeling meanIf you say the wrong thing I'm gonna biteEverythi...

Handsome Devil - I Fall Down
You kiss me, I fall downDismiss me TinseltownStay close till I come aroundYou kiss me, I fall do...

Handsome Devil - Makin' Money
So you want to be a superstar here's a big big kissYou want a mess like this 'cuz it's the real deal bliss...

Handsome Devil - Samurai
I did some time in Tokyo in a dojoLearned karate and kung fuAnd judo because you knowI'm a fucki...

Handsome Devil - Sorry Charlie
Sorry Charlie - Sorry Hair full of cowlicks out of control his mother used Vitalis super super hold ...

Handsome Devil - Tie Me Up
You've got it right, I'm out of lineSometimes I feel like I'm losing my mindYour one way street, it's ...

Handsome Devil - Tonight
Evening's upon us, and we're all aloneFear and denial down to the boneI'll give you my heart girl, bab...

Hanson - A Minute Without You
Well I woke up this morningAnd the night had been so longSeems that I had had my mind on youWell...

Hanson - Back To The Island
This station, rules the nation!Come on, come on, yaaa, yaaa!Here we go, yaaa, yaaa, go back to the isl...

Hanson - Believe
I was holding on, now I'm letting go This is nothing more than a picture show Everything I knew now I ...

Hanson - Boomerang
There's something special about you babe,maybe it's your smile. But when I see you, youpeel the dial....

Hanson - Broken Angel
So small, yet still so proud At night before he dreams he looks into the clouds A high flyer's what I ...

Hanson - Christmas (baby Please Come Home)
They're singing "Deck the Halls"But it's not like Christmas at allI remember when you were hereA...

Hanson - Christmas Time
Everything's differentBut nothing has changedAre we going in circlesIt's Christmas againCa...

Hanson - Crazy Beautiful
Liquid, melancholy dreams Tell me what it means 'Cause you drive me crazy Driftwood, won't you f...

Hanson - Cried
You promised not to say a word You promised you would keep it quiet But you and I both knew it I...

Hanson - Dancing In The Wind
Won't deny everything can't last But it's closing in so fast Thought that I'd figured it out at last ...

Hanson - Day Has Come
Well the day has come to whereI've thought of no-oneQuite as much as I think of youAs the days g...

Hanson - Deeper
She moves like a tender kiss And I can't stop feeling She soothes with her tenderness And I can'...

Hanson - Don't Accuse
No, oh, oh, oh, oh,....[x 4]There was a boy, he was lame. He had a limp in his leg....

Hanson - Ever Lonely
[chorus:]Well if you're ever lonely you can call on meand I'll be here for you all you've...

Hanson - Everybody Knows The Claus
Don't you smell the cookies he's bakin'Can't you see that belly, its shakin'Don't take a cookie off of...

Hanson - Every Word I Say
You feel like liberationYou give me new sensationYou show me what I need andYou are my life comp...

Hanson - Get Up & Go
She plays guitar with her fingertips She'll play your heart with her tender lips She'll work it out un...

Hanson - Gimme Some Lovin/shake Your Tail Feather
Well, my temperature's risin'Got my feet on the floorGot twenty people rockin' singin' 'more more more...

Hanson - Hey
Hey, you like boots and perfume Hey, your red pumps and your Cadillac blues Hey, you want that fine wh...

Hanson - Incredible
And it's incredible, ohThe way you make me smile.And it's incredible, ohThat you make me want to...

Hanson - In The City
I see you walking out that doorand you know you can hide no moreIf I asked you now, I know you w...

Hanson - Little Saint Nick
Oooooooo Merry Christmas Saint Nick Well way up north where the air gets cold There's a tale abo...

Hanson - Lonely Again
You're supposed to give more than you takeYou had my heart on your plateYou stopped loving me so fast...

Hanson - Lonely Boy
He's looking in the spring,looking for another lonely heart,Trying to find the missing part.It's...

Hanson - Look At You
Look at you baby Standing in the shadows wondering what I'm doing hereWishing something would happen, ...

Hanson - Lost Without Each Other
I ran into your best friend today Twelve nights since you ran away I asked about you and she said, can...

Hanson - Lucy
The day that I left LucyA tear fell from her eyeNow I don't have nobody, and I was such a foolOn...

Hanson - Man From Milwaukee (garage Mix)
It started at a bus stop in the middle of nowhereSitting beside me was a man with no hairFrom the look...

Hanson - Merry Christmas Baby
Merry Christmas BabyMerry Christmas babyMerry Christmas babySure did treat me niceMe...

Hanson - Misery
This time I won't take it back 'Cause something's coming to you This time I'm going to breathe a breat...

Hanson - Money (that's What I Want)
The best things in life are freeSo give them to the birds and the bees I need money (that's what...

Hanson - More Than Anything
I love you more than anything,Than anything, I do.And I'd give anything and everythingI have jus...

Hanson - More Than Anything (reprise)
I love you more than anything,Than anything, I do.And I'd give anything and everythingI have jus...

Hanson - Penny & Me
Cigars in the summertime under the sky by the light I can feel you read my mind I can see it in your e...

Hanson - Pictures
Whoa oh yeahI've seen picturesWell I saw you just the other dayAnd I could not help but lo...

Hanson - Rain
Rain fallin' down outta my eyesAnd I'm wonderin' why you had to say goodbyeAnd leave me baby, all alon...

Hanson - River
Lately we've been talkin' 'bout who we areSeems we don't know anymoreAnd all this time that we've been...

Hanson - Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree
Rocking around the Christmas tree at the Christmas party hop Mistletoe hung where you can see ev...

Hanson - Run Rudolph Run
Out of all the reindeer you know you're the mastermind Run, run Rudolph, Randalph's not too far behind ...

Hanson - Silent Night Medley
O holy night the stars are brightly shiningThis is the night of our dear Savior's birthLong lay the wo...

Hanson - Smile
Well this feeling that you're feeling Is something I know you've felt beforeWhen I see you I want to h...

Hanson - Soldier
Can I hear the story about the one legged soldier?Please?And can you tell me the story of the soldier?...

Hanson - Something New
[Isaac in a Donald Duck voice:]Burp, "What did you say?!"[Giggling]Oh,...

Hanson - Sometimes
Whooa, well you know sometimes...Sometimes I get wrapped upIn what I want you to beI guess...

Hanson - Speechless
Everybody wonders and some people knowI guess that I'm some people 'cause baby it showsWhen will you d...

Hanson - Stories
When we were young stories were toldThat I would kiss you sweet likePeople said there was a connection...

Hanson - Strong Enough To Break
I don't feel myself today Just a figure in a big monopoly game Struggle is the price you pay You...

Hanson - Surely As The Sun
As surely as the sun rises each daySo my love will never changeAnd though the years may come and go...

Hanson - The Love You Save
Stop, na, na, na, you better save meStop! Stop! Stop!You better save me yeah, Yeah!When we...

Hanson - Thinking Of You
Have you ever stood outside a picket fenceYou can see throughBut you can't get to the inside, oh...

Hanson - Two Tears
Oh whoaYeah yeahI'm sorry if I made you cryI'm sorry if tears fell from your eyesI'm sorry...

Hanson - Underneath
Waking up this morning Thinking this can't be real But they say there is nothing love can't heal ...

Hanson - Weird
Isn't it weird. Isn't it strange.Even though we're just two strangers on this runaway trainWe're both ...

Hanson - What Christmas Means To Me
Candles burningLots of mistletoeLots of snow and iceEverywhere we goChoir singing carols...

Hanson - When You're Gone
Well I just can't seem to pity 'Cause my heart's to numb to feel And the smile does all the talking ...

Hanson - Where's The Love
Something has been going on and I don't know what it isYou don't mind the taking girl, but you don't know ho...

Hanson - White Christmas
I'm dreaming of a white ChristmasJust like the ones I used to knowWhere the tree tops glisten and chil...

Hanson - With You In Your Dreams
If I'm gone when you wake upPlease don't cry And if I'm gone when you wake upIt's not goodbye...

Hanson - Yearbook
Dear Amy, see you in SeptemberHope that you remember me next yearHey Jamie, you've been a great friend...

Harry Connick, Jr. - All These Things
The touch of your lips next to mineGets me excited, makes me feel fineThe touch of your hand, your swe...

Harry Connick, Jr. - Blue Christmas
I'll have a blue Christmas without youI'll be so blue just thinking about youDecorations of red on a g...

Harry Connick, Jr. - For Once In My Life
For once in my life I have someone who needs meSomeone I've needed soFor once unafraid I can go where ...

Harry Connick, Jr. - Frosty The Snowman
Frosty the SnowmanWas a jolly happy soulWith a corncob pipe and a button noseAnd two eyes made o...

Harry Connick, Jr. - Good Night My Love (pleasant Dreams)
Goodnight, my lovePleasant dreams and sleep tight, my loveMay tomorrow be sunny and brightAnd br...

Harry Connick, Jr. - I Come With Love
What was he saying?Looking to her on the Night of his birth?What did he know, this baby?Co...

Harry Connick, Jr. - I'll Be Home For Christmas
I'll be home for ChristmasYou can plan on mePlease have snow and mistletoeAnd presents on the tr...

Harry Connick, Jr. - I'm Gonna Be The First One
I don't much careIf I am the last in line to seeWhatever that it isThat they're lining up to see...

Harry Connick, Jr. - I Only Have Eyes For You
Are the stars out tonight?I don't know if it's cloudy or bright'cause I only have eyes for you, dear...

Harry Connick, Jr. - I Wonder As I Wander
I wonder as I wander, out under the skyHow Jesus the savior, did come to dieTo save lowly people like ...

Harry Connick, Jr. - Little Town Of Bethlehem
O little town of BethlehemHow still we see thee lie Above thy deep and dreamless sleep The silen...

Harry Connick, Jr. - Mary's Little Boy Child
Long time ago in BethlehemSo the Holy Nible sayMary's boy child Jesus ChristWas born on Christma...

Harry Connick, Jr. - More
MoreThan the greatest love the worldHas knownThisIs the love I'll give to youA...

Harry Connick, Jr. - My Blue Heaven
When whippoorwills call and evening is nigh,I hurry to my Blue Heaven.A turn to the right, a little wh...

Harry Connick, Jr. - My Prayer
My prayer is to linger with youAt the end of the dayIn a dream that's divine...My prayer i...

Harry Connick, Jr. - Nature Boy
There was a boyA very strange enchanged boyThey say he wandered very far, very farOver land and ...

Harry Connick, Jr. - Nothin' New For New Year
I see my own reflection in the windowI hear the people carry'n on belowI know the one I love is out th...

Harry Connick, Jr. - Only You
Only you can make this world seem rightOnly you can make the darkness brightOnly you and you alone...

Harry Connick, Jr. - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
You better watch outYou better not cryYou better not poutI'm telling you whySanta Claus is...

Harry Connick, Jr. - Save The Last Dance For Me
You can danceEvery dance with the guy who gives you the eyeLet him hold you tightYou can smile...

Harry Connick, Jr. - Silent Night
Silent night, holy nightAll is calm, all is brightRound yon virgin mother and childHoly infant s...

Harry Connick, Jr. - Silver Bells
City sidewalksBusy sidewalksDressed in holiday styleIn the air there's a feeling like Christmas...

Harry Connick, Jr. - The Christmas Waltz
Frosted windowpanesCandles gleaming insidePainted candy canes on the treeSanta's on his way...

Harry Connick, Jr. - The Happy Elf
Seven days a weekEv'ry week of the monthAnd ev'ry month of the yearHe's got us making presents...

Harry Connick, Jr. - The Very Thought Of You
The very thought of you and I forget to doThe little ordinary things that everyone ought to doI'm livi...

Harry Connick, Jr. - This Christmas
Hang all the mistletoeI'm gonna get to know you betterThis ChristmasAnd as we trim the tree...

Harry Connick, Jr. - You Don't Know Me
You give your hand to meThen you say helloAnd I can hardly speakMy heart is beating soAnd ...

Hawk Nelson - 36 Days
Gone away far from home, the weekend's overLet's pack up and start againTwenty days on the road, just ...

Hawk Nelson - Every Little Thing
I saw her yesterdayAnd I never felt a feeling like the one I felt todayAnd now she's taking over me...

Hawk Nelson - First Time
Stepping over two steps closerI sit around wasting time, feel like the poster for a Self-help line...

Hawk Nelson - Late Show
You get my so simplyBut my heart won't let meI won't forget that night I saw her at the movies...

Hawk Nelson - Like A Racecar
Broken words said to meThese broken mirrors make it hard to seeDoes anyone feel the same?I need ...

Hawk Nelson - Long And Lonely Road
I took a walk down a country roadI know this might sound dumb maybeBut I was all aloneIf y...

Hawk Nelson - Right Here
Every time I see you I can see right through youKnowing I could never change your mindI look into your...

Hawk Nelson - Someone Else Before
The phone starts ringing again I think it's my girlfriendThis time I know this it's finally overShe ke...

Hayley Westenra - Across The Universe Of Time
When the sea falls from the shoreAs the light sinks low, will I see you any more?As the rain falls fro...

Hayley Westenra - Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,That saved a wretch like me...I once was lost but now am found...

Hayley Westenra - Beat Of Your Heart
Carry me away from this dark and lonely roomLight me in your arms - all I want to know is youChase awa...

Hayley Westenra - Benedictus
Benedictus qui venit nomine DominiHosanna in excelsisBlessed is he who comes in the name of the ...

Hayley Westenra - Dark Waltz
We are the lucky onesWe shine like a thousand sunsWhen all of the colour runs togetherI'll...

Hayley Westenra - Heaven
A star shining in a universe far awayMy heart knows that we shall meet again some sweet dayAnd you, yo...

Hayley Westenra - Hine E Hine
E tangi ana Koe Hine, E Hine! Kua ngenge ana koe Hine, E Hine! Kati to pouri ra Noho...

Hayley Westenra - In Trutina
In trutina mentis dubiaFluctuant contrariaLascivus amor et pudicitiaSed eligo quod videoCo...

Hayley Westenra - My Heart & I
My heart and I have wandered aimlesslyBeneath the weeping willow searching for the sunTime after time ...

Hayley Westenra - Never Say Goodbye
If I could take this moment foreverTurn the pages of my mindTo another place and timeWe would ne...

Hayley Westenra - Pokarekare Ana
Pokarekare anaNga wai o waiapu Whiti atu koe hine Marino ana e E hine e Hoki m...

Hayley Westenra - River Of Dreams
River of dreams take me with you tonightLying in your arms we'll drift toIslands of wonder that gleam ...

Hayley Westenra - Who Painted The Moon Black
Did you see the shiny moon?Turned into a black balloonJust as you walked away from meDid y...

Hayley Westenra - Wuthering Heights
Out on the wiley, windy moors We'd roll and fall in green. You had a temper like my jealousy: To...

Haylie Duff - Girl In The Band
Wake up in the morningLooking a little roughToday I dont know who I amToday is not enough...

Haylie Duff - One In This World
I've been searching forA heart that needs a heart like mineI've been reaching forA hand that und...

Haylie Duff - Sweetest Pain
I was analizing Rationlizing 95in'Deep sea divingTryin' to escape the truthYour my weeknes...

H & Claire - All I Want Is You
[Chorus]Like a river to the oceanLove keeps bringing me back to youAn irresistable emotio...

H & Claire - All Out Of Love
I don't wanna hurt any moreI don't wanna hurt like I did beforeYou only made me cryTried to chan...

H & Claire - Another You Another Me
Love at first sightYou and me that breathless nightLove took shape and body in the morning light....

H & Claire - Beauty And The Beast
Tale as old as timeTrue as it can beBarely even friendsThen somebody bendsUnexpectedly...

H & Claire - Centre Of My Heart
Often wondered about loveWas it meant for me?aha I used to lose myself in dreamsI pictured in my...

H & Claire - Dj
Another Friday nightAnd the weekend's just begunEveryone's dressin' up'Cos it's time to have som...

H & Claire - Don't Give Up (don't Let Go)
I see you stare across the floor Have I played this scene before All I want is something more Th...

H & Claire - Half A Heart
Half a heart to love you Half a heart to love youYesterday you said you loved me Today you...

H & Claire - Hold Me In Your Arms
[Chorus]So hold me in your arms dont let me goDont hold back your heart and let me knowYo...

H & Claire - Invincible
Without joy, without careWithout love, tell meWhat is there?Without hope, without prideWit...

H & Claire - Let Me Carry You
Hush said the angelDon't be lonely anymoreI'm right here beside youLike so many times before...

H & Claire - Nothing At All
Every road I take thereIt leads me back to youAnd they'll be no turnin' back nowI feel it comin'...

H & Claire - No Turning Back
Love has never looked so beautifulI can't believe itYou're standing here in front of meLik...

H & Claire - Over You
Nobody ever told me Love could hurt this wayAnd I'd be feelin'How I feel tonightI try to h...

H & Claire - There You Were
I was counting down the minutesI was wishin' on the starsI was prayin' for a signAnd tryin' to b...

H & Claire - Together
As oneLooking back Now all I see Are nights apart feeling incompleteDay by day...

H & Claire - Too Close To Tears
Used to be we had so much to sayAlways thought that love would last and time would slip awayBut now I'...

H & Claire - Two Hearts Beat As One
Given up hopin' for a miracleCos the way I understand itLove always leaves you empty handedSo ma...

H & Claire - You're A Love Song
If the world was mine, to give I'd hand it overOn a silver platter, resting on my shoulderBut all I ha...

Head Automatica - Beating Heart Baby
(Beating Heart Baby)Baby is this love for real?(Beating Heart Baby)Let me in your arms to feel...

Head Automatica - Brooklyn Is Burning
You strangle people with a piercing stare,I can't believe I made it,The way you operate is so severe,s...

Head Automatica - Dance Party Plus
You'll never catch a penny-pinching liar off guard,You can't escape the tension till it leaves you undone,...

Head Automatica - Disco Hades Ii
I can not cross the line again, Idolize the body and handMy head is hot enough to spin, running through the ...

Head Automatica - Head Automatica Sound System
Here's a story for the jokers Who can't face the fact that the truth's the truthWell i knew a cat name...

Head Automatica - I Shot William H. Macy
You wanna pop pop popYou wanna click click clickYou wanna shootYou wanna shootYou wanna sh...

Head Automatica - King Caesar
You want a medal For the things you've done Well prizes don't come around As easy as you want em...

Head Automatica - Solid Gold Telephone
Teen runaway, youth depraved, your time is almost hereShimmies and shakes, stands by her sideAnd whisp...

Head Automatica - The Razor
This is television, late night television, scripted with precisionA corner store pulp fiction sits where you...

Head Automatica - The Speed Of A Yellow Bullet
I drove a tank in on the left I hid a rifle on the right When she said "I see a tunnel And at th...

Hear'say - Another Love
I'd be lying if I didn't tell you how the story wentYou see he wasn't like the other guys that I had ever me...

Hear'say - Breathe
Every breath that I takeYou're the reason I can't live without itI know for sureI'm addicted to ...

Hear'say - Bridge Over Troubled Water
When you' re weary feeling smallWhen tears are in your eyes I'll dry them all all I'm on your side oh ...

Hear'say - Carried Away
Once againI lie awake at night in storylandI'm slippin' awayUnderstandJust to escape I run...

Hear'say - I Don't Want You Anyway
Keep my CD's and books cos my taste has changed anywayLeave your worries and troubles behind With the ...

Hear'say - Love Will Never End
When you're down and you're lonelyYou know that I will be thereEven though we've been around the world...

Hear'say - Make It Happen
Like a supersonic boom coming at yaOne thing on my mindEverybody' out to get somethingAin't no c...

Hear'say - Monday Monday
Bah da bah da da daBah da bah da da daBah da bah da da daMonday Monday so good to me...

Hear'say - Not The Kind
When I'm away from youI think about the things you doAnd every single dayI hope that love will s...

Hear'say - One
Every time I get a little pressure from youStressin 'bout the things that you wanna doTalking like we ...

Hear'say - One Step Closer
I thought you were giving me all talk and no actionWell the groove I lay on youWould you give to all b...

Hear'say - Pure And Simple
Wherever you go,Whatever you do,Its pure and simple,Ill be there for you.You've been...

Hear'say - Sweet Alibi
You got your voodoo workin' on a policy6 months down with a guaranteeAnd you don't need money in the f...

Heather Headley - He Is
Oh my where do[Verse 1:]How do I beginTo answerThe questionI know you b...

Heather Headley - I Wish I Wasn't
[Verse 1]I'm home alone againAnd you're out hangin with your friends So you saySome...

Heather Nova - All I Need
Can we love each other?And respect each other?Find some joy together?That's all I need...

Heather Nova - All The Way
When birds fly they navigate by stars,These nights the walls come down,These nights are ours....

Heather Nova - Aquamarine
AquamarineAll that glitters lies beneathDeep blue, shallow greenI won't let it goAqu...

Heather Nova - Avalanche
I lie in a field, in the trailer-park of my dreamsSaving up for someday.But what does someday mean?...

Heather Nova - Bare
I want to live where the sky is bigSimple and freeThat's where I want to beSimple and free...

Heather Nova - Blessed
Tonight my life is moving fastI sit and watch the demons passA world I know but never seenA fear...

Heather Nova - Blood Of Me
Big ring around the moonGonna rain hard soonI know you're gonna leaveIt's like a storm ins...

Heather Nova - Blue Black
Eat your words, eat your heart outEat your words, eat your heart outThere's not much left, just ...

Heather Nova - Doubled Up
I saw a mountain from higher above.I held your hand and I was doubled up in love.Big sky above m...

Heather Nova - Drink It In
How many days are leftAnd what to spend them on?Should I keep workingOr sit and marvel at the sk...

Heather Nova - Ear To The Ground
I've been wondering,Waiting for something to give;I won't be a heroine -I'm just looking for som...

Heather Nova - Everytime
See the lights go byStreaks against the skyYou've been by my sideYou've been on this ride...

Heather Nova - Flying As She Falls
The leaves have turned and she has knownAnd she tells me she can't let him goAnd she looks to the moon...

Heather Nova - Fool For You
You came into my life, I don't think that you meant toYou were standing in a doorway I was trying to walk th...

Heather Nova - Frontier
Sometimes I'm an indianCaught only by the sky,I can't go further -I'm going inside.See it'...

Heather Nova - Further Than You
Come to wind, carry it from the sunCome to rain, turns up the corners of my mouthAnd I like this...

Heather Nova - Gloomy Sunday
Sunday is Gloomy,My hours are slumberless,Dearest, the shadows I live with are numberlessLittle ...

Heather Nova - Glow Stars
Kiss me, Kiss me, under a glow-star sky;If they're stuck on the ceiling I don't mind.It's a brittle wo...

Heather Nova - Heal
Fall for me, my southern cross, my starShine for me when love has gone too farI've got you belly deep ...

Heather Nova - Heart And Shoulder
Wanna cry for youWould it do any good?If I rained for youIt would just be waterAnd the nig...

Heather Nova - Heaven Sent
Got the lights down low, the street belowThe world inside is spinningAll my memories, my doubts about ...

Heather Nova - Help Me Be Good To You
"Sometimes you remember the exact moment you wrote a song and this is one of them. I really was sitting in the lig...

Heather Nova - If I Saw You In A Movie
Sweet, won't let you goSweet, won't let you goI got an e-mail from you todayWith a poem that you...

Heather Nova - I'm Alive
Your hands were covered in paintThe pillow smothered my cryYou were half charmer half snakeI liv...

Heather Nova - I'm No Angel
Are you readyFor me to be strongerI'm keeping my distanceMy voice to a whisperAre you read...

Heather Nova - I'm The Girl
I've got a memory a thousand years oldAnd I know secrets I've never been toldAnd I've got jewels I hav...

Heather Nova - Island
There are parts of me he'll never know, my wild horses and my river beds, and in my throat voices he'll never hear...

Heather Nova - I Wanna Be Your Light
Nothing's promised in this lifeSo I am thankful that we're here tonightTake my hand and let's look up...

Heather Nova - Just Been Born
My heart opened, like an oyster shellI drank salt water, from your lipsAnd just below the equator...

Heather Nova - Let's Not Talk About Love
I don't know if I love youOr if it's all in my headI don't know if I love youThough I know it's ...

Heather Nova - Light Years
You found me drifting,Big motion like a bird,Strangest song I ever heard.Now, now that you...

Heather Nova - Like Lovers Do
There is a paradise that can be foundA better life to bring us roundAnd all we really need to do...

Heather Nova - London Rain (nothing Heals Me Like You Do)
I'm coming home to youI'm alive I'm a messI can't wait to get home to youTo get warm and undress...

Heather Nova - Make You Mine
You're the one I think about time after timeYou're the one that comes to me, Visions in the night...

Heather Nova - Maybe An Angel
I put my hands where your wings should be,I put my feet where the earth should beAnd I can't see very ...

Heather Nova - Mothertongue
I got my daddy's eyesBut you gave me your double vision,I got my daddy's strideNow I'm walking b...

Heather Nova - My Fidelity
Is it something ritualI'm caught in, can't break the spell?Is it moving in my bodyIs it biologic...

Heather Nova - New Love
There's a barge going by on the river,Yellow against the blue.There's a bus driving up along the bridg...

Heather Nova - Not Only Human
Morning is almost here - let it waitI just want to lie here awhile, tempting fateI don't think I could...

Heather Nova - One Day In June
One day in june, I slipped awayCalled by desire, drawn to the flameMy virtues disappearedLight o...

Heather Nova - Only Love
LoveI used to think that I knew what we neededI just assumed we would always be fineNow I ...

Heather Nova - Paper Cup
Wishful thinking I might be yoursDrifting on every stepI'm always drawn to the dark horseSweet s...

Heather Nova - River Of Life
I wanted to feel like a bird on the wings of timeBut it was not our timeI wanted to lie for a while in...

Heather Nova - Ruby Red
I've got a ruby red desireLike a virus like my last hopeI've got a ruby red desireI've got to he...

Heather Nova - Second Skin
The bullet's deep, I'm not dreaming,The blood I keep, while you're healing.Have you found your s...

Heather Nova - Shaking The Doll
Oh I won't be your pretty baby;I won't eat from your hand again.And the man in the white says it's alr...

Heather Nova - Shell
Look at me I'm smooth like a shell,Put your head downYou can hear the ocean.Hold my body - feel ...

Heather Nova - Spirit In You
Under your skin there's something beckoning;There's something that makes me believe in you.Behind your...

Heather Nova - Storm
Storm's out on the water,I watch it getting closer,Are you coming home?All these years we've wan...

Heather Nova - Sugar
On the Vermont Transit Bus I leaned my arm into a little chink of sun, going somewhere older than I was, strapped ...

Heather Nova - Talking To Strangers
I'm talking to strangersTo see what I feel;Your face is changing nowAnd nothing seems real....

Heather Nova - Talk To Me
Talk to, talk to meLike you used to darlingI know it's cold, I know it's lateBut let's go out wa...

Heather Nova - Tested
Simplicity, is what we needAnd I know it in my heartSo many choices make us think we needWhat we...

Heather Nova - These Walls
In your heart there are oceansIn your heart there are flowering treesLook inside and live inside these...

Heather Nova - Throwing Fire At The Sun
I think of Venus sinking down into the sea.And what it is to be alone and have nothing.I don't know wh...

Heather Nova - Truth And Bone
Sometimes I can feel you breathing into me.And these hands I can feel them tugging at my sleeve,I move...

Heather Nova - Valley Of Sound
Move meDon't tryLet the music reach me tonightPush me into something newI've been riding a...

Heather Nova - Verona
It gets inside you like the sun,It makes you wet just like the rainIt makes you sound so sentimental,...

Heather Nova - Virus Of The Mind
While I was watching this talk show the other dayAnd on it there was this guyAnd he was saying "When y...

Heather Nova - Walking Higher
I carry you with me,A ghost insideAnd in these shattered armsYou're still alive.I carry yo...

Heather Nova - Walk This World
I have slept beside the winter and the green is growing slowI have watched you find the places hidden by the...

Heather Nova - Waste The Day
The streets are all busyAnd we're still in bedWe should be up workingBut we're lying here instea...

Heather Nova - What A Feeling
Now's the time when this will turn to fruitAll the poppies gonna push up throughAnd I can see the grou...

Heather Nova - When Somebody Turns You On
Can you hear meAm I loud enoughCould you see it comingLike an avalancheI only felt the nee...

Heather Nova - Widescreen
Lately I've been slipping downThinking I'm the only oneDrifting in and out of blueBut destiny's ...

Heather Nova - Winter Blue
Kiss your lashes, kiss you lowI'm driven to you like the driven snowThere's a place for us to lie...

Heather Nova - You Left Me A Song
Out of the glitter and the shine,Out of the corner of my eye,Saw you walk in, I freezed the frame,...

(hed) P.e. - 1st Song
You want me to give a show Well i don't really want to You want me to impressWell I don't really...

(hed) P.e. - 33
nine hundred ninety seven revolutionsgone round the sunthe spirits leave as they comerude people...

(hed) P.e. - Amerikan Beauty
Back door in the clubI'm not lookin for loveI'm lookin for a big buttTo squeeze on these nuts...

(hed) P.e. - Bartender
Ain't nothing working ain't nothing rightThere's a whole in me that I can't fillNo matter how hard I t...

(hed) P.e. - Bitches
I could feel it, see itthe spirit as it was leaving my bodyno, it would not stay for a whileit t...

(hed) P.e. - Blackout
I blackout!!Dont you put words in my mouthDont try to shut me upIm not about plastic skinI...

(hed) P.e. - Boom
Nobody move, nobody get hurtSomebody don't know, so that body got burntYou in the jungle baby, you gon...

(hed) P.e. - Bury Me
Im so intoxicatedI feel supernaturalIm so illuminatedSo unpredictableIm comin for you...

(hed) P.e. - Carnivale
Know your enemies wellThey enter your lifeDisguised as your friendsKnow your enemies wellT...

(hed) P.e. - Cbc
In this lifeNever look backNever do thatStay focusedStay on trackGotta fuck hos...

(hed) P.e. - Chicken
Well it gets so hard to keep my hed upThis time I just won't let upYou talk too muchI'm fed up...

(hed) P.e. - Circus
time to paylet them burnpunish and erase mehigh time i suffercount all my addictions...

(hed) P.e. - Crazy Legs
Yeah YeahCome into your house make love to your spouseFuck her in the mouth then I'm out what...

(hed) P.e. - Crazy Life
Up in the middle of TokyoI hit hydroWhenever I let my mind goIts like psycho suicidalBaby...

(hed) P.e. - Dangerous
Somethings got me falling apartSomethings got me losing all hope in youSomethings got me under control...

(hed) P.e. - Darky
Give it up smoothStick then I moveTryin' to make sense outta of nonsenseFoolTrippin' on li...

(hed) P.e. - Daydreams
I could not sleep last nightThat's not your problemI've got my problems I watched you slee...

(hed) P.e. - Fallen
Its my lifeAnd I have always done exactly what I wantedWhat else can a dog doIts not right...

(hed) P.e. - Feel Good
Ain't no more sunshine, just rain and cold sufferingGeneration born to die with their eyes wide openTh...

(hed) P.e. - Firsty
you want me to give a showi don't really want toyou want to impressi don't really need tow...

(hed) P.e. - Flesh And Bone
Another runaway train,Come and get me.Another runaway train,Come and get me.Im just a runa...

(hed) P.e. - Foreplay
You are now about to witness the power of hardcoreWelcome to the pit motherfuckerYeah bitc...

(hed) P.e. - Get Away
Why should I stick aroundWhen no one understands meWhy should I stick aroundWhen no one really c...

(hed) P.e. - Ground
see their hands in the airthey lift up their prayers to the airthe life that you livetime that y...

(hed) P.e. - Half The Man
Caught between the ones you love,And the ones who would destroy youCaught between the sunlight,A...

(hed) P.e. - Hangman
Hey yo, wesstyle What up js Let me get a hit off some of that marijuana shit Here it is Cu...

(hed) P.e. - Hill
what was the reason?didn't need onelike instinct born into a tradenot by choice but for a purpos...

(hed) P.e. - I.f.o.
Somewhere, somehow, somewhenWe'll see it happen again, my friendA simple visitation gone wrong like ba...

(hed) P.e. - I Got You
Nobody's waiting for youNobody's homeNobody's listening to youCause nobody cares They will...

(hed) P.e. - Inro
Hednigga jump up on the mic he got his dick in handCheck the purpose, ya nervous, you can't quite understand...

(hed) P.e. - Jesus (of Nazareth)
I can't believe a single word that you're sayingI see your lips moving, but nothing's coming outWho ca...

(hed) P.e. - Ken 2012
you see me running but you don't know whati'm running frommy own weaknesscome on i've got to spe...

(hed) P.e. - Killing Time
Baby, I am a survivor Baby, I'm on fireBaby, I'm bout to creep up inside yaGetting high all day,...

(hed) P.e. - Not Ded Yet
You don't understandI don't give a fuckThis is not a gameWe fight to the deathI was lost...

(hed) P.e. - Other Side
In Southern MexicoYou forget just why you cameYou run to Northern CaliforniaBut, you forget to c...

(hed) P.e. - Pac Bell
We used to drive all nightWe'd get hi all the timeShe used to call me all the timeNow she don't...

(hed) P.e. - P.o.s.
i'm sorry i couldn't live up toso sorry i couldn't be like youi'm sorry i couldn't becomewhat yo...

(hed) P.e. - Raise Hell
If you think it's too loudBitch - get the fuck outIf you wanna slow downBitch - get the fuck out...

(hed) P.e. - Represent
Let's get this shit startedYeah where my dogs atGet your drinks upYour joints outLad...

(hed) P.e. - Revelations
You are witnessing the falling of my prideYou are listening as I crumble from insideShhhhT...

(hed) P.e. - Schpamb
G.I. Joe boyMonkey suit manShamu, 5.0, flatfootMake less money than a damn school teacherI...

(hed) P.e. - Serpent Boy
count the daysdon't hold your breathchikitee chek 2012the perpetrator never knewnever prop...

(hed) P.e. - Stevie
I know your fucking with meFucking my brainFucking my friendsI know that you're no good for me...

(hed) P.e. - Suck It Up
Just bring itBow downBow downOne, two, threeSuck it up[REPEAT X 3]...

(hed) P.e. - Swan Dive
I climb, hand over hand, closing my eyesToo scared to look down I climb, hand over handPutting d...

(hed) P.e. - The Box
The industry is dumbing down the nationThey dope up the youthSo plug up your earsWhile phony pun...

(hed) P.e. - The Meadow
I don't ask why, I just fall into the meadowI close my eyes , and wait to dieYes, I am a liarYes...

(hed) P.e. - The Only One
Everybody at the partys so lonelyIn a room full of strangersEverybody knows meAnd everybodys so ...

(hed) P.e. - The Truth
Tell the children the truth...Your pussy band sounds just like shitYou're not punk rockYou...

(hed) P.e. - Tired Of Sleep (t.o.s.)
i come as i amcome when i canthis man come complete with confusioni come as i amyou know i...

(hed) P.e. - Voices
Somethin inside tells me to grab this pen and write it downThat very same voice tells me to grab this joint ...

(hed) P.e. - Waiting To Die
I don't give a fuck!I'm a hitman, I'm a stalker, I'm a solider, I'm a street walkerFuck you!You ...

(hed) P.e. - Wake Up
You see me - I see through youYou say fuck me - I say fuck youYou don't love me - I don't love you...

(hed) P.e. - War
This means war!!Don't you want your freedomDo you not daydreamSee how we split the atom...

Hell Is For Heroes - Cut Down
Seven years wash up behind meAnd i'm wondering what the time isIts a question of perceptionAnd i...

Hell Is For Heroes - Disconnector
I've been looking for the questions To the answers i've been fed A banquet of lies Digested with...

Hell Is For Heroes - Few Against Many
Found my resolve To stick to my ground To stand up and shout But i just can't make a sound ...

Hell Is For Heroes - Five Kids Go
Do you have the time to kill Let's go head for the shore Do you have the will to jump Down from ...

Hell Is For Heroes - Folded Paper Figures
Did you pledge allegience, did you question the code?Did you find out too late that you can't escape the flo...

Hell Is For Heroes - I Can Climb Mountains
Give me some kind of hope Give me one honest lie to promote And try to think better days when you chok...

Hell Is For Heroes - Kamichi
Trusting in our machine,We head for oblivion.[Chorus:]Raising the first alarm...

Hell Is For Heroes - Models For The Programme
Taste of mercury,Needles in your eyes,Creating the need,Shaping hearts to kill.Searching f...

Hell Is For Heroes - Night Vision
Under a blanket of fearDown a bottomless pitI've been waiting for this night to open my eyes...

Hell Is For Heroes - One Of Us
We've been abductedMy head corruptedSharp shock commotionStirs up confusionWe failed to no...

Hell Is For Heroes - Out Of Sight
Once more i get burned Kick out the closed gate Cos i'm ready to join the crowd And i'm ready ...

Hell Is For Heroes - Quiet Riot
I pull back the blinds, taste the air,Time to return to the warmth they gave you,All looks the same, f...

Hell Is For Heroes - Retreat
We better get injected Just to combat our demented ways If you don't care don't panic The after ...

Hell Is For Heroes - Sick / Happy
I tried to drown in your flameSomehow i let the fire escapeAnd i can only blame myselfA rubber s...

Hell Is For Heroes - Slow Song
Come down to my level And share this cold with me The space once filled heavy With loss now lies...

Hell Is For Heroes - They Will Call Us Savages
Head lights approaching, they come to point me out,Helicopters circling, they'll turn me in,Run with t...

Hell Is For Heroes - Three Of Clubs
I've been searching for a getaway A get out clause - a safe escape route If i could shape myself to fi...

Hell Is For Heroes - You Drove Me To It
Somebody better give me a stingSomebody better make me bleedFill this vacancy underneath my skin...

Hellogoodbye - All Time Lows
Whether or not the weather is on my side We could be together if i stay bright eyed I can feel the sum...

Hellogoodbye - Figures A And B (means You And Me)
Present for a presentation presented presently Theres no i in team no me in us no you in we I'll write...

Hellogoodbye - I Saw It On Your Keyboard
There exists a melody That just might change your mind If only i knew the key To sing to make yo...

Hellogoodbye - Two Weeks In Hawaii
Youve got your airplane And I've got the plain air of here You're gone and I've gone insane Oh w...

Hellogoodbye - Welcome To The Record
Welcome to the record I hope you like it I made music in my bedroom And then i miced it If...

Hidell - Going Down In Flames
You make me sit aloneWaiting by the phoneNervous but controlledI'm talking to myselfI'm pl...

Hidell - How Do You Feel
No heart feeling Cause you left me breathingNo more tears You've got your reason To ...

Hidell - I Don't Owe You Nothing
well I've got lot's of friend that come around But nothing beats the kicks that i have found wel...

Hidell - I Wanna Know
Wake up to another dayMad at what i seeI'm a complicated man But no one understand me Don'...

Hidell - Living It Up
Swinging on some dopeGonna shoot up a ropeFresh out of hopeGonna leave it to the popeThe l...

Hidell - Magazine
Picture me on the cover of your magazineAll the shiny happy people starring back at me Turn the ...

Hidell - Reality
Walking throughThrough the shadows of my past Waiting for you to come back Time is all i need...

Hidell - She Is Gone
She is gone And so now I Fine it hardTo believe it was her timeAs i look down To the...

Hidell - Thank Me Please
I walked around here Searching for my insidesAnd all i found was my ghostTalking gibberish...

Hidell - Venus Butterfly
You sick and tried of being brought down to your kneesEvery drink you down you down reluctantly Climb ...

Hidell - Who I Am
Up and down Pass it aroundSmile and sayThis is where is want to be In the crowdThey...

Hidell - World That Came Undone
Ya I'm in love with everyone Ya I'm here to soak up the sun Ya I'm glad that I'm your number one...

Hilary Duff - A Day In The Sun
Everything's working out fineYou've got all the things you want and I've got mineNo more struggle and ...

Hilary Duff - Anywhere But Here
When I'm in a crowdOr on an island by myselfSilent or too loudWishing I was somewhere else...

Hilary Duff - Come Clean
Let's go backBack to the beginningBack to when the earth, the sun, the stars all aligned'C...

Hilary Duff - Cry
Cry loveCry warCry innocenceThat is lost forever moreCry joyCry thiefCry beaut...

Hilary Duff - Dangerous To Know
Some secrets need to be keptSome stories should never be toldSome reasons shouldn't be understood...

Hilary Duff - Do You Want Me?
I cry like a baby when I don't get my wayDo you want me?I won't apologize when I make a mistakeD...

Hilary Duff - Fly
Any moment, everything can change,Feel the wind on your shoulder,For a minute, all the world can wait,...

Hilary Duff - Girl Can Rock
Hey!Ready for the big time, ready for the small Whatever's comin' to me, I'll be ready for it al...

Hilary Duff - Haters
Dont spit on me and shame yourselfBecause you wish you were someone elseYou look so clean but you spre...

Hilary Duff - Hide Away
Hiding AwayLosin' the dayAs if it doesn't really matterSaying GoodbyeScared to say why...

Hilary Duff - I Am
I'm an angel, I'm a devil I am sometimes in betweenI'm as bad it can getAnd good as it can be...

Hilary Duff - Inner Strength
Gotta find your inner strengthIf you can't then just throw life awayGotta learn to rely on you...

Hilary Duff - Jericho
Hop on a fast train out of townDownside up and Upside downGoing fast is going slowWhat could hav...

Hilary Duff - Jingle Bell Rock
Jingle bell, jingle bellJingle bell rockJingle bell swingAnd jingle bells ringSnowin' and ...

Hilary Duff - Last Christmas
[Chorus:]Last ChristmasI gave you my heartBut the very next day, you gave it awayTh...

Hilary Duff - Little Voice
I won't tell you what I'm thinking'Cause it's not the same thing you're thinking tooYou could say I go...

Hilary Duff - Love Just Is
When the night won't fall and the sun won't riseAnd you see the best as you close your eyesWhen you re...

Hilary Duff - Metamorphosis
I've been so wrapped up in my warm cocoonBut something's happening, things are changing soonI'm pushin...

Hilary Duff - Mr. James Dean
All the king's horsesWouldn't make me believeEven when the walls come crashing downYou still can...

Hilary Duff - My Generation
[Originally performed by The Who]People People People People People try...

Hilary Duff - Now You Know
In these eyesMore than wordsMore than anything that I've spokenAs the skies turned to gray ...

Hilary Duff - Party Up
You are driving me out of my mind'Cause you take me everywhere but out at nightWhat more do you need f...

Hilary Duff - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
You betterWatch out you better not cry,you better not pout i'm tellin' you why,Santa Claus...

Hilary Duff - Santa Claus Lane
I remember last Christmas EveSomething happened that I couldn't believeI went for a walk as the snow c...

Hilary Duff - Shine
Everyone knows that I'm ten feet underTill you come along and brighten my dayEveryone knows that you k...

Hilary Duff - Sleigh Ride
Just hear those sleigh bells jingle-ingRing ting tingle-ing tooCome on, it's lovely weatherFor a...

Hilary Duff - So Yesterday
You can change your life - if you wannaYou can change your clothes - if you wannaIf you change your mi...

Hilary Duff - Sweet Sixteen
Today I'm gonna ride awayAnd feel the sun throughout my hairFinally free to be who I wanna beWho...

Hilary Duff - The Getaway
Here I am againTalking to myselfSitting at a red lightBoth hands on the wheel How am I sup...

Hilary Duff - The Math
You're always trying to figure outWhat I am all aboutIf you don't know what the answer isThen ju...

Hilary Duff - Tiki Tiki Room
Welcome to our tropical hideaway You lucky people, you If we weren't in the show starting right away ...

Hilary Duff - Underneath This Smile
What I'm standing on is sinking inAnd I don't have a clue how to get off of itBut when I look at you t...

Hilary Duff - Weird
I like the way you never sleepAnd the promises you never keepI like the way you say helloAnd mak...

Hilary Duff - What Christmas Should Be
What wishes will you makeWhen the season is nearWill your dreams be the sameAs they were last ye...

Hilary Duff - What Dreams Are Made Of
Hey now Hey nowHey nowHey nowHave you ever seen such a beautiful night?I...

Hilary Duff - When The Snow Comes Down In Tinseltown
Dear Santa,I live in Hollywood, but it's not like in the movies, where Christmas is always snowy white. On m...

Hilary Duff - Where Did I Go Right?
I'm always too lateI see the train leavingI'm always laughingWhen it's not cool to smile...

Hilary Duff - Who's That Girl?
There were places we would go at midnightThere were secrets that nobody else would knowThere's a reaso...

Hilary Duff - Why Not
[in {} are lyrics from another version]You act like you don't know me {You Think you're going n...

Hilary Duff - Wonderful Christmas Time
[Girl:]simply having a wonderful christmas time[Choir:]a wonderful christmas...

Hilary Duff - Workin' It Out
Some days I start off draggin' my feetSome days I want to flySome days it all makes sense to meS...

Him - And Love Said No
And love's light blueLed me to youThrough all the emptiness that had become my homeLove's lies c...

Him - Beautiful
Just one look into your eyes One look and I'm crying 'Cause you're so beautiful Just one k...

Him - Beyond Redemption
Oh I see your scars I know where they're fromSo sensually carved and bleeding until you're dead and gone...

Him - Circle Of Fear
Heartache is knocking on her doorShadows dance outside her windowTears keep falling on the floor...

Him - Close To The Flame
The kiss sweetest And touch so warm The smile kindest In this world so cold and strong ...

Him - Death Is In Love With Us
I know it hurts too muchI know that you're scaredI know you're running out of trustWishing you w...

Him - Don't Close Your Heart
I know how it feels to be on your own In this cruel world where hearts are bound to turn to stone Wher...

Him - Endless Dark
Softly the light shines in throughThe gates of grace on me and youDeceiving our restless heartsA...

Him - For You
In the grace of your love I writhe, writhe in painIn 666 ways I love you and I hope you feel the same...

Him - Heartache Every Moment
From lashes to ashes And from lust to dust In your sweetest torment I'm lost And no heaven...

Him - Heaven Tonight
I hold your hand in mineI hold your hand and you're so lonelyOh so lonelyYour eyes have lost the...

Him - I Love You (prelude To Tragedy)
I see it in your eyesI feel it in your touchI taste it from your lipsAnd baby more i love you...

Him - Join Me In Death
Baby join me in deathBaby join me in deathBaby join me in deathWe are so youngour li...

Him - Love's Requiem
Confusion writhes around our hearts impatientlyIt drains the faith that lights the dark and sets us free...

Him - Love You Like I Do
On my heart I'll bear the shame No prayer can ease the pain No one will love you No one will lov...

Him - One Last Time
Is it so hard to believe our heartsAre made to be broken by loveThat in constant dying liesThe b...

Him - Please Don't Let It Go
We're drifting apart But I want you to know Wherever you are I belong Love's singing our song ...

Him - Poison Girl
I did it all just for herI did it all just for herAnd love's heart is deathFor me and my poison ...

Him - Pretending
Love is a flame that can't be tamed And though we are its willing prey, my darling We are not the ones...

Him - Razorblade Kiss
I taste death in every kiss we shareEvery sundown seems to be the last we haveYour breath on my skin h...

Him - Resurrection
There was a timeWhen I could breath my life in youOne by oneYour pale fingers started to move...

Him - Right Here In My Arms
She is smiling like heaven is down on earthSun is shining so bright on herAnd all her wishes have fina...

Him - Salt In Our Wounds
Here we are In the maelstrom of love Waiting for the calm To soothe our hearts Here ...

Him - Solitary Man
Melinda was mine 'til the time that I found herHoldin' JimAnd lovin' himThen Sue came along, lov...

Him - Soul On Fire
There's a flame that leads our souls astrayNo one's safe from its tender touch of painAnd every day it...

Him - Sweet Pandemonium
Today tomorrow seems so far awayAnd the wait in vain, yeahSo safe, in the blinding light of love uncha...

Him - The 9th Circle (ost)
Is it so hard to believe the hearts are made to be brokenCan't you see that the beauty of love lies in const...

Him - The Beginning Of The End
Your world is coming to it's endBut you don't have to be afraid - I'm here for youSave your happiness ...

Him - The Funeral Of Hearts
Love's the funeral of heartsAnd an ode for crueltyWhen angels cry bloodOn flowers of evil in blo...

Him - The Path
There is no turning back from this unending path of mineSerpentine and black it stands before my eyesT...

Him - The Sacrament
I hear you breathe so far from meI feel your touch so close and realAnd I knowMy church is not o...

Him - This Fortress Of Tears
No one can hurt you nowIn this haven safe and soundNo one can save you nowFrom this grace you ar...

Him - When Love And Death Embrace
I'm in love with youAnd it's crushing my heartAll I want is youTo take me into your arms...

Him - Your Sweet Six Six Six
There are things you should knowThe distance between us seems to growBut you're holding on strong...

Hitman Sammy Sam - Step Daddy
This for da stepdaddies hereDo tha stepdaddy (Step Daddy)Do tha stepdaddy (Step Daddy)Do t...

The Hives - Abra Cadaver
Ah no what's wrong with me,I got no vision see.I was the target of a notion of submission see.Oh...

The Hives - A Get Together To Tear It Apart
I had a tension. I had a ten.I was a better honey so I did it again.Thought my intentions were better ...

The Hives - A.k.a. I-d-i-o-t
You laugh at me and call me i-d-i-o-t. You laugh and turn your back cause I'm not like you're supposed to be...

The Hives - A Little More For Little You
You'll never get it rightThey got a hundred lies for youAnd when they pass them outYou gotta giv...

The Hives - Antidote
Bitter tasteIn your mouthIt's too late to get it outEverytimeI'm around youTry to le...

The Hives - Automatic Schmuck
Born only a month ago yet I'm (already) fully grown from head to toe. Lots of metal, lots of grease and put ...

The Hives - Back In Black
Back in black I hit the sack I've been too long I'm glad to be back (I bet you know I'm...)Yes, ...

The Hives - Bearded Lady
For fifteen years I've been working at the CircusBut nothing has been the same since the Bearded Lady showed...

The Hives - B Is For Brutus
Hear them saying that a lot is a lotYou think it's all that mattersYou've done your math wellYou...

The Hives - Cellblock
Turn your back I'll take anythingTurn your back and I'll be out the doorHaving done that cleptothing o...

The Hives - Closed For The Season
Called you up a few weeks ago thought Iwas going nowhere I thought that I hadlost my mind and that I w...

The Hives - Dead Quote Olympics
Can't make an omelette without breaking an eggAnd I can't make a headache if I don't aim at the headYo...

The Hives - Diabolic Scheme
Alive!Dead!I was inside your head!Had time well spent, I got your mind well bentSnuck back...

The Hives - Die, All Right!
Hey! I've got a message and tonight and Im gonna send it.Yeah! I had a body and men with knives wanted to le...

The Hives - Fever
I just stopped listening to your storyAs if I paid attention once.And I never once felt more alive,ali...

The Hives - Find Another Girl
Find yourself another girl who will love you true true true.Find yourself another girl save all her love and...

The Hives - Hail Hail Spit N Drool
I took time to think things over - time I didn't want to spare. Cause someone told me I had things to fix - ...

The Hives - Hate To Say I Told You So
Do what I want cause I can and if I don'tbecause I wanna be ignored by the stiff and the boredbecause ...

The Hives - Here We Go Again
A neon light is seen above every average teen. A sign spelling out a word that none of us has heard. F...

The Hives - How Will I Cope With That?
The light is getting better as the sun is going upIt looks to be proceeding not knowing where to stopB...

The Hives - I'm A Wicked One
They say it's off the record gotta keep it clean.Can't be too abusive can't be too odscene.But he's go...

The Hives - Inspection Wise 1999
Do you know the secret hand shake - you best use it.Here they come with ringing ears - social misfits....

The Hives - King Of Asskissing
Being the king of asskissing makes him a royal drag.And the king of asskissing, he's after me again, bringin...

The Hives - Knock Knock
This time you got it all figured out.Think it's gonna work okay but I'll make sure it won't cause I'll be st...

The Hives - Let Me Go
Buck please! ??I'f you'd like to stay awhile, ?? tell you?? got better things to doyou mak...

The Hives - Lost And Found
[Originally by The Saints]Ain't nobody tells me what to do nowI've heard all the lies and...

The Hives - Love In Plaster
I really thought that we had something going faster, that love in plaster. I really thought that we had some...

The Hives - Mad Man
Mad man he operated, he opened up went in and seperated.he mad a mess - tried to restore but it was all in v...

The Hives - Main Offender
I'm on my way. Can't settle down.I'm stuck in ways of being an ass and I got a lot of nerve that I'm ready t...

The Hives - Missing Link
If you give up and follow every whimLoose your mind before it could even beginMissing link it might be...

The Hives - No Pun Intended
So you look for authenticityBut I can see what is bothering meThe kind you want from long way back in ...

The Hives - Numbers
[Originally by The Adicts]I don't wanna be a numberJust like being a prisonerI just...

The Hives - Oh Lord! When? How?
He'll pick a moment he'll take a chance He'llinvite us all to a fatal dance Such a man andsuch a mess ...

The Hives - Outsmarted
I used to be the kid who always got caught.I used to be the one who never let thought.Interact one bit...

The Hives - See Through Head
I know what you're thinkingYou got a mind and it's stinkingYou know why?You got a transparent cr...

The Hives - Some People
So what, so what if I was wrongI said you can't get me cause I'm far too strongThat's when he hit me a...

The Hives - Statecontrol
I've been around the world I take credit for the things I've done.I've done a lot of things and I just turne...

The Hives - Supply And Demand
My boss he's a probable bore.Put me hands and knees on scrubable floor.Do it right receive the lions s...

The Hives - The Hives - Declare Guerre Nucleaire
Had an atomic bore - in 2004Did some atomic tricks - in 2006Got out way late - in 2008Let's do i...

The Hives - The Hives - Introduce The Metric System In Time
Been trying for all my life but I can't add up your subtraction.Work, eat, play then go to sleep that won't ...

The Hives - Theme From
Empty words fired at me with an oralcannonWE WANNA BE HEARD!Lousy jerks such bad breath I put th...

The Hives - Two-timing Touch And Broken Bones
It's official, Full Judicial.Ends in physical, this i know.Best keep quiet,You dont listen to me...

The Hives - Untutored Youth
We are untutored youth - and heres the proofDont wanna know anything we don't and it's the truthWe are...

The Hives - Uptempo Venomous Poison
About to tell you something, something you might already know but a green light flashes before my eyes...

The Hives - Walk Idiot Walk
Well is it true what they say about itThey say it's new but I have to doubt itAnd then they tell you e...

The Hives - Well, Well, Well
The present has scared away the past. And there's nothing left but now and future. Time is moving all ...

The Hives - Whats That Spell?... Go To Hell!
So here I am yeah!Once again yeah!Calling out the newsWhat's that spellyeah! Got to hell y...

The Hives - You Think You're So Darn Special
Frances she lost forty pounds, so what about me?Well I don't know much about anything But I know I've ...

Hoku - Another Dumb Blonde
I think that its time that I should just let you go (let you go)So I'll tell it to your face instead of tell...

Hoku - Don't Forget
[D:Don Ho, H: Hoku Ho][D:] When you go away I'll be lonely'Cause I've lived each d...

Hoku - Every Time I Speak
I don't believe in true loveI am alone by natureI did not want to let you inSo why does it feel ...

Hoku - How Do I Feel
I was free when we metYou were eating a buritoWith a girl - some brunetteAt El Torosco'sTh...

Hoku - I'm Scared
I don't know where we stand anymoreYou've got one foot in my lifeAnd the other's out the doorAnd...

Hoku - In The First Place
I don't know whyYou came back in my lifeOr why we said goodbyeIn the first placeIn your ey...

Hoku - Just Enough
It was nearly nine o'clock when I thought about youAre you with someone elseIt was almost ten o'clock ...

Hoku - Nothing In This World
Love ended here todayAnd the dreams we used to shareI watched you walk awayAs you told me you st...

Hoku - Oxygen
Baby tell me is this good for youCause for it's a dream come trueI think about you both day and night...

Hoku - Perfect Day
Sun's upA little after twelveMake breakfast for myselfLeave the work for someone elsePeopl...

Hoku - To Myself
Everybody has a story to tellAnd I'd like to share mine with youBut my heart is kind of fragileA...

Hoku - We Will Follow The Sun
Baby hear meWhen I tell you that I love youYou give me reasonsTo be always thinking of you...

Hoku - What You Need
If you belong to meNothing else would matterI'd give you the moon and the starsOn a silver platt...

Hoku - You First Believed
How many times did I prayYou'd find meHow many wishes on a starGazing off into the darkDre...

Holly Valance - City Ain't Big Enough
OohYeahOohAhhWe met at workAnd we played from the startYou were the DJ ...

Holly Valance - Cocktails And Parties
Cocktails and partiesWatch youTake the floorYou move like no one I have ever seenEver seen...

Holly Valance - Connect
Why are you searching for another lover?Why don't you give me some respect?I wanna strong, sensi...

Holly Valance - Down Boy
Down boyKeep you down boyI'm the one that you would die forThe one you long to touch...

Holly Valance - Help Me
Tell me how it feelsWhat you're going thoughIt's like a little too realA little too realTa...

Holly Valance - Hush Now
Boy we've been talking'Bout this and thatI like it fine butI love the strifeHere's my sugg...

Holly Valance - Kiss Kiss
Mwah!When you look at me tell me what do you see This is what you get it's the way I am Wh...

Holly Valance - Naughty Girl
It's after 12 Can't face the dayRemind me how hard it can be To forgetI said things I didn...

Holly Valance - State Of Mind
[Verse1]You dont need to hang around you dont need to talk right now got a feeling its th...

Holly Valance - Tuck Your Shirt In
My name is HollyAnd I likeI'm so glad that you asked me out tonightOur conversation over d...

Holly Valance - Whoop
OhUhSo here we are boy I can tell by just your look you're hookedYou wanna get with me I t...

Home Town Hero - Bed Of Dreams
The first time i saw you i promised myselfthat somehow i'd be close to youeven though we were only 15,...

Home Town Hero - Bleeds In Blue
today i'll start it with a liei love it when you crywhen all along, it hurts toobut hey, a littl...

Home Town Hero - Eighteen
You'll steal my heart, i'll count to threeyoull walk away, just like on tvyou left enchantedyou'...

Home Town Hero - Everything Out Of Water
Be right in bed and i'll meet you with flowersits all in my head, til it tastes too sourwhen it went d...

Home Town Hero - Perfect Night
She lives in a bottle with her friendsnobody else seems to carethat she may never hold the throne...

Home Town Hero - Questions
Everyone is made to break somebut it's already happened todayso sing it fast, and sing it with the rig...

Home Town Hero - Riley Joe
she stands about 5'3 1/2" and she knowsexactly how to make me laugh out loudwithout trying, whoa her n...

Home Town Hero - Run Right Through
rape my lovers shadowbreak the ones y ou thought you lovedand take your bloody lassorape my home...

Home Town Hero - Saturday Morning
Mirror on the wall, who will cause my fall?my eyes are swollen wide, but heytake me by surprisec...

Home Town Hero - Say I Do
This place tastes like salty rainlike salty rainbut never growshe wasn't pretty enough to pity...

Home Town Hero - Twelve Ounce
You were the one that swore that it would never come to thisyou were the one that swore your most sacred gif...

Home Town Hero - Who's To Say
It was amazing watching youall of the things that you could doyou changed the world before my eyes...

The Honorary Title - Anything But Else But The Truth
Pulled from seclusion, dragged out of our roomThis construction is perfectly obstructing our viewPaire...

The Honorary Title - Cats In Heat
Pulled from the liquor cabinetChoose your mood and then start to wreak havocWith your exaggerated sadn...

The Honorary Title - Cut Short
When I said you looked good babyI was thinking possibly or maybeWe could head back to your cribN...

The Honorary Title - Disengage
So you regret the last five years of your life with meDon't you think that I feel the same way too? Do...

The Honorary Title - Everything I Once Had
Everything I once hadThe bar on 1st Avenue, we went there solely for youSo you can flirt with my best ...

The Honorary Title - Frame By Frame
Days bunch up in weeks, collaborate months against me. The sheets are stained with evidence that our remains...

The Honorary Title - Petals
Petals broke from tips of roses hidden underneath my armAll the framed, different poses of places I'll soon ...

The Honorary Title - Points Underneath
What started as a crush became an obsessionIt was the classic pathYou've taken the weekend home, you'r...

The Honorary Title - Revealing Too Much
Accentuated by the mobile dungeon of fluorescenceAs I fall out of love, this wasn't supposed to happen...

The Honorary Title - Snow Day
The window fogs from my breathMy face pressed up close, up close againstCatching the snowfall under a ...

The Honorary Title - The Smoking Pose
With the color in your eyes ablazeSleeping but awakeDesperately, you're searching for remainsTo ...

Hoobastank - Better
Just when I thought that I was betterI realized that I don't know what better wasIs it.........B...

Hoobastank - Connected
[Verse 1:]No one else Will help us to get throughSo by ourselves We'll know just wh...

Hoobastank - Crawling In The Dark
I will dedicateAnd sacrifice my everything for just a second's worthOf how my story's endingAnd ...

Hoobastank - Did You
Did you say everything you could?Do the things that you thought you would?Did it ever occur to you tha...

Hoobastank - Disappear
There's a pain that sleeps insideIt sleeps with just one eyeAnd awakens the moment that you leave...

Hoobastank - Escape
Another day goes without any changeThe feeling we live with still remainsWe're stuck in a hole and we'...

Hoobastank - From The Heart
There was a time when our dreams felt so realJust out of reach but not too far to feelTogether we'd fi...

Hoobastank - Give It Back
We've shared our lives and all of what we knowBut now it seems you don't know me fromThe guy next door...

Hoobastank - Hello Again
I dream that someday we'll be able toLook back on this together and sayIt was for the best and that it...

Hoobastank - Just One
I wanna liveI wanna leaveI wanna open up and breathI wanna goI wanna beI wanna feel ...

Hoobastank - Let It Out
This is ours, we made it with our everythingSomething real, as real as it could ever beYou gave me all...

Hoobastank - Let You Know
I just thought that I'd let you knowThat although I'm farI'm close to you withinAnd all the time...

Hoobastank - Losing My Grip
Another night follows the day Like a child does to it's motherAnd everywhere I look I see your face...

Hoobastank - Lucky
I knew how it felt to be another one in need of someone to show the wayUntil you saw a part of me that nobod...

Hoobastank - Never There
[1st verse:]I'm filling up insideLike i need to open wideAnd pour my heart out to you...

Hoobastank - Out Of Control
I've done everything as you sayI've followed your rules without questionI thought it would help me see...

Hoobastank - Pieces
Turn around and pick up the piecesI, like a rock, sinkSinking til I hit the bottomThe water is m...

Hoobastank - Ready For You
Go onMake me feel it's uselessWhen in fact it's you that need to have me nearSo nowKeep me...

Hoobastank - Remember Me
I stand here face to faceWith someone that I used to knowHe used to look at me and laughBut now ...

Hoobastank - Right Before Your Eyes
When the door shuts Dont worry about me Its not attention that I want from you I need you to tru...

Hoobastank - Running Away
I don't want you to give it all upAnd leave your own life collecting dustAnd I don't want you to feel ...

Hoobastank - Same Direction
Whenever i step outside, somebody claims to see the lightIt seems to me that all of us have lost our patienc...

Hoobastank - The Reason
I'm not a perfect personThere's many things I wish I didn't doBut I continue learningI never mea...

Hoobastank - To Be With You
Make me feel againSlide across my skin againLet me uncover you to rediscover youAnd I will open ...

Hoobastank - Too Little Too Late
I've been so long in waitingPutting my life on hold for thisChance to live out my dreamsYou thin...

Hoobastank - Unaffected
[1st verse:]There never seems to beBecause what i believeA moment i'm not trying...

Hoobastank - Up And Gone
Staring at the white aboveCan't tell if I'm alive or am I deadOr is it in my head?Where'd I go w...

Hoobastank - What Happened To Us?
[Verse 1:]I thought it was too good to be trueI found somebody who understands meSomeone ...

Hootie & The Blowfish - A Fine Line
There's a curve in the highway just south of town Where a man has pulled over to figure life out With ...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Almost Home
Walking on the water in a van Tryin to think of everything I can But it's getting very late, And...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Alright
She's always reminding me that things are gonna be alright. Yes, she's always beside me. She keeps rem...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Araby
It is worth the admission "Oh my love" fogs up the glass I look on, in a window "Oh my love" fog...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Before The Heartache Rolls In
There's a chill in your kissin' And a thrill I've been missin' too long This love is deceivin', babe, ...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Deeper Side
I've found a reason to dig deep down. There's a part of you that I ain't found that's in your deeper side. ...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Dream Baby
Sweet dream baby Sweet dream baby Sweet dream baby How long must I dream Dream baby ...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Driver 8
The walls are built up, stone by stone; the fields divided one by one. And the train conductor says, ...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Go And Tell Him (soup Song)
I don't care about your man's reputation. I don't care what you say about him. All I know is you're so...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Gravity Of The Situation
We blew past the army motorcade and it's abnormal load haulage The gravity of the situation came...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Hey, Hey What Can I Do
Wanna tell you 'bout the girl I love My she looks so fine She's the only one that I been dreamin' of ...

Hootie & The Blowfish - I Hope That I Don't Fall In Love With You
Well I hope that I don't fall in love with you. 'Cause falling in love just makes me blue. Well the mu...

Hootie & The Blowfish - I'll Come Runnin'
It's been such a long time since I haven't seen your face.There's a tear on your cheek where you...

Hootie & The Blowfish - I'm Over You
The stars are shining brighter than the night that I remember My thoughts are like a river Reflecting ...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Let Me Be Your Man
I've been waiting for you I wish you could too Had you too long to lay back now First time you c...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Little Brother
How you gonna say what you can and can't do, sitting in the crib, parked in front of the tube. You're ...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Little Darlin'
Hello, little darlin'. Can't see why you're cryin'. Don't even know why you came by so soon. And...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want
Good times for a change. See the look I've had could make a good man turn bad. So please please please...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Renaissance Eyes
Are you alone, Renaissance Eyes I won't tell my family stolen from, Renaissance Eyes Is theat your car...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Show Me Your Heart
You always ask for flowers and candy, baby, never knowing I was your chocolate rose. You always tell m...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Space
I see it inside your eyes, feel it in your soul. A part of you is moving on, the other half is g...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Tears Fall Down
Now I see the time we had before is just a passing moment that we can't share anymore. And I've learne...

Hootie & The Blowfish - The Rain Song
I don't think about us much anymore. Frankly, the topic has become a bore. And you don't come up much ...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Use Me
My friends feel it's their appointed duty They keep trying to tell me all you want to do is use me But...

Hootie & The Blowfish - When She's Gone
She has a light and a faith that won't die. She has a heart of a lion and the will to survive.She has ...

Hootie & The Blowfish - Woody
Can you see me there when I'm standing alone? How did you know I needed you here? Can you feel the scr...

Horrorpops - Baby Lou Tattoo
Opening the door, Misfits playing on the stereoI'm finally homeA tattoo doll awaiting my call...

Horrorpops - Dotted With Hearts
So I stare at the wall,Feeling everything is wrongI have lost my heartTo a boy who can't be mine...

Horrorpops - Drama Queen
You crash my home and you whineYou come inside and you crySaying it's not the same as when we began...

Horrorpops - Emotional Abuse
I want out, this has gone too farThis thing is no good it has no useI don't wanna be loved by you this...

Horrorpops - Ghouls
They're always there to buy me a drinkThey're always there to drive me homeBut their hand always kind ...

Horrorpops - Girl In A Cage
The circle now has come to it's endYou've found somebody new to changeYou try to rearrange-put the gir...

Horrorpops - Julia
he's the one that always stands with a smileShe's pure and right andBathed in some kind of light...

Horrorpops - Kool Flattop
There's this boy I've seen with a huge black quiffHe's a real cool bat with old school tatsRolle...

Horrorpops - Miss Take
So there it lies, the whole mistake.It eats away on us, it feeds on my mistakes.Your satisfied s...

Horrorpops - Psychobitches Outta Hell
They're not pom-pom dancing giggling girlsThey're hard-core fun bunny maniacsNo man can deny them and ...

Horrorpops - What's Under My Bed
It's every night, the same routineFeels like something is creeping up on meWhat's that lurking b...

Horrorpops - Where They Wander
Stand back keep awayI'm not giving up my soul todayEvil men trying to eat at meIs there a lesson...

Hot Action Cop - Alayal
Aww yeah,The Hot Action comin' at ya 2003,Now what's it gonna be?Aww yeah,C'mon...

Hot Action Cop - Busted
Everybody knows trouble is easy to getBurned out dealer to the teachers petFor some fun there is alway...

Hot Action Cop - Club Slut
Chicka chicka ahh,Chicka chicka ahhYou say you want you a club slut who got the big fat ass,...

Hot Action Cop - Don't Want Her To Stay
Yeah yeah yeah,Yo every time she wanna do it like she want what I got,Maybe then we gettin' freaky but...

Hot Action Cop - Doom Boom
Forget about the party shit's in Calamazoo,And I don't feel like drivin' any more than you do,We gotta...

Hot Action Cop - Face Around
Aww way back in the day when I was still livin' in Queens,Barely hip to the hopper Run DMC,Me 'n my ma...

Hot Action Cop - Fever For The Flava
Do you think that I can get some chicky, chickyMaybe gets a little finga sticky stickyYou my electrica...

Hot Action Cop - Goin' Down On It
Uh uhWha wha?Zoom boom boom boom,UhWha wha?Uh uhOne on one,Two on one,...

Hot Action Cop - In A Little While
Once in a good while,Ya might find somebody to love you,Yeah,Kinda like ya momma,Or ya gra...

Hot Action Cop - Show Her
She got me cursed like the Kennedies,I'm trippin' like a freak,Strokin' on her solar plexus,Tick...

Hot Action Cop - The Special
Oh well,From my parked car window on the passenger side,She be leanin' over to me tellin' me I can't r...

Hot Action Cop - Why Judy
It's like it always rains when I run my brain,The chitter chatter's got me shattered,And I feel like I...

Hot Hot Heat - Aveda
I got my head shaved for herbecause she told me it would do all the right things for my identity.I nev...

Hot Hot Heat - Bandages
Bandages on my legs and my arms from youBandages, bandages, bandagesUp and down on my legs my arms fro...

Hot Hot Heat - Dirty Mouth
Wash your dirty mouthYour dirty mouthWatch your little mouthWash your dirty mouthYour dirt...

Hot Hot Heat - Elevator
Blame me for the elevator - I know you willIt's not me who's the operator but you're going downYou'll ...

Hot Hot Heat - Get In Or Get Out
He never thought that he would leave so soon.Passed out in May, but then woke up June hanging over July....

Hot Hot Heat - Goodnight, Goodnight
It's not enough to hear me say you've wonYou only wanted me for having funBut now I think you've gone ...

Hot Hot Heat - In Cairo
Walking oh so slowly.Don't know anybody.Feels like I'm in Cairo.Talking oh so quickly.Plea...

Hot Hot Heat - Island Of The Honest Man
I was picked up and then dropped off in a culture counter-clockwise turned aroundDug a hole in Southern Caro...

Hot Hot Heat - Jingle Jangle
Watch your children around the abandoned wellDon't ask me to tell if they slipped and fellI'm just a s...

Hot Hot Heat - Ladies And Gentleman
There's a gentleman who's not so gentle cuz he's too generous with his chit and his chatSo lately we've been...

Hot Hot Heat - Middle Of Nowhere
Don't get mad if I'm laughingBlame the caffeine for all the 5 am phone callsI haven't slept a single n...

Hot Hot Heat - Naked In The City Again
Says she's got it all.I don't wanna be the one to tell her that she don't.Late night, in a lonely city...

Hot Hot Heat - No, Not Now
Oh no, she's not a secret now.But, nobody cares.The wolves have smelled her scent.Some of us wou...

Hot Hot Heat - Oh, Goddamnit
Regular exposure to insecticide has caused me to break out in hives.I'm losing weight. I cannot wait till Sa...

Hot Hot Heat - Pickin' It Up
Everybody is waiting for everybody to get outI'll join 'em talking 'bout the people everybody talk about...

Hot Hot Heat - Running Out Of Time
Witless, humorous conversatoinHas filled me up like an old gas stationI'm wallowing in a pool of gasol...

Hot Hot Heat - Save Us S.o.s.
You got to save us! S-O-S!I'm out of gas. I'm out out of touch.Shipwrecked ferry... marry me -or take ...

Hot Hot Heat - Shame On You
Shame on you for getting wetNow who will dry your eyes? Shame on you for getting wetHow can you ...

Hot Hot Heat - Soldier In A Box
I found a soldier in a boxA souvenir that someone lost at such a cost The cemetery gates were closed...

Hot Hot Heat - Talk To Me, Dance With Me
You are my only girl, but you're not my owner girl.Talk to me... dance with me here in the spotlight, girl....

Hot Hot Heat - This Town
Gonna walk right through this townand laugh with a crowd of strangers chasing me.Never stop to look be...

Hot Hot Heat - You Owe Me An Iou
He was in the habit of taking things for grantedGranted, there wasn't much for him to takeAnd the only...

House Of Pain - All My Love
(Gets all my love) [4x]Pick up the pace, keep it, freak itCan ya keep a secret, so can IW...

House Of Pain - Back From The Dead
Straight out the casket, rising upOpen up your eyes, can't you see meWhat the fuck is this madness...

House Of Pain - Choose Your Poison
(Bitches, bitches, bitches, mutherfuckers)[Chorus]I say hey now c'mon ya'llIf...

House Of Pain - Come And Get Some O' This
Step to this Irish mac daddyI'll light your ass up and smoke you like a fagWith the whole crew we'll t...

House Of Pain - Danny Boy, Danny Boy
Peckerwood, peckerwood, tell me your talePlease do explain why your skin's so paleAnd you're so funky,...

House Of Pain - Earthquake
(Yes yes ya'll)(Cause I'm so fly)(Everlast be the apple of your Earth's eye)I be breakin the law...

House Of Pain - Fed Up
Lord have mercyLord have mercyI got demons running through my slateThey like to creep when my th...

House Of Pain - Fed Up Remix
I say brothers are amused by other brothers repsBut they're all playing roles just like Omar EppsI see...

House Of Pain - Feel It
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we got Bo, Duke and Daisy goin' togo see Boss Hogg. Then ya got Kooter fixin' ...

House Of Pain - Guess Who's Back
I got the skills to pay the billsI don't pop pills but I send chillsUp your spine when I rhymeI ...

House Of Pain - House Of Pain And The Rising Sun
He who breaks the law goes back to the House Of Pain [2x]I rock the ill shit, ya know I kill sh...

House Of Pain - House Of Pain Anthem
House Of Pain AnthemI'm a wood peckin' peckerwoodTake me out, ya never couldAct up in my neighbo...

House Of Pain - I'm A Swing It
[Chorus 1]On and just on, and [x10]I'm a swing itWach me bring to the next l...

House Of Pain - It Ain't A Crime
Johnny was a bad boyHe was a juvenile delinquentHe had his pictureOn the wall of every precinct...

House Of Pain - It Aint A Crime (uk Remix)
Johnny was a bad boyHe was a juvenile delinquentHe had his pictureOn the wall of every precinct...

House Of Pain - Jump Around Remix
Pack it up, pack it inLet me beginI came to winBattle me that's a sinI won't tear the sack...

House Of Pain - Keep It Comin'
Smokin' up an LMight kill a brain cellBut I might as wellI'm on a highway to hellsometimes...

House Of Pain - Legend (extended Mix)
I walk through the valley of death, 600 deepWaking up dead from the sleepJust like a diamondWatc...

House Of Pain - Legend (lethal Dose Remix)
I walk through the valley of death, 600 deepWaking up dead from the sleepJust like a diamondWatc...

House Of Pain - Life Goes On
Remember when the shit hit the fan and the man wanted to know which way you ran?(Life goes on) ...

House Of Pain - No Doubt
[Chorus (x 2)]No doubtHold tightTill the break of dawnTill the break of light...

House Of Pain - One For The Road
Huh! Check it out! Everybody in the house, check it out!The House Of Pain is in full effectCall ...

House Of Pain - On Point
I'm sick, dementedI came unrepresentedI rose from the graveI had a close shaveThe cops tri...

House Of Pain - Over There Shit
Ladies and Gentlemen [2x]Here's the new shit I'm onWe can all get alongBut if ya st...

House Of Pain - Put On Your Shit Kickers
Yea, check it out nowEverybody check it out nowYo, I got the corn beefI got the mozI got t...

House Of Pain - Put Your Head Out
I rip shit like a bow when I flowWhen I score points with the joints that I throwCause I flow deadly...

House Of Pain - Runnin' Up On Ya
Runnin' Up on YaRunnin up on yaThe House of Pain...runnin' up on ya [2x]Give me som...

House Of Pain - Salutations
Yo, the time has come for everyone to clean up their own backyardBefore they go knocking on their neighbour'...

House Of Pain - Same As It Ever Was
Uh shoot 'em all babyJust call it in one time for me real heavyBack in blackWho's the mack...

House Of Pain - Shamrocks And Shenanigans
I kicks the flava, like Steven King writes horrorIf I was a Jew then I'd light a menorahI got rh...

House Of Pain - Still Gotta Lotta Love
Still Gotta lotta love [8x]Much love to my man LeoneKeep rockin' dem beats and gettin' pa...

House Of Pain - Top O' The Morning To Ya
She won't come, just when you want itYa see, I'm Irish, but I'm not a leprechaunYou wanna fight,...

House Of Pain - Where I'm From
Thats Where I'm FromThats Where I'm FromBack in the hub we used to drop madelContemplate i...

House Of Pain - Who's The Man
I used to kick it with the thugs, pushin' drugs in the parkMakin' every mark that was out after darkSt...

House Of Pain - Word Is Bond
(Uh)[Chorus]Word is BondPop pop pop popGrab your chestNow ya blee...

House Of Pain - X-files
Truly, I say trulyTruly, TrulyWell if Jesus is your LordThen Praise your GodAnd if I...

Houston - Allright
[Intro][Jazze Pha]Ladies and gentlemen this is a Jazze Pihhzle productshizzle introducin...

Houston - Bye Bye Love
Yeah, She said u dont wanna do rightYeah, Ow[1st Verse]Now I done stayed out all ni...

Houston - Didn't Give A Damn
Yeah, Its all good, Im doing better without you (nooo)Anyway, But its funny, we look just alike (just like y...

Houston - It's Already Written Part I
Its already writtenThe past Im in the present right nowHeading to the future Houston ...

Houston - It's Already Written Part Ii
Do U hear the thunder? (The thunder)Thats the sound of the all mighty godAnd heaven do U hear the thun...

Houston - She Is
Yeah you are my love uh check it out [Verse 1]Baby only you can touch my soul to real lov...

Houston - Twizala
[Houston]I need a twizla I'm lookin for you babyI need a girl like youso beautiful...

Houston - Twizala (interlude)
Yeah (wow)U know a TwizlaIts a something Ive been looking for so long(A Twizla girl)A Twiz...

Howie Day - Brace Yourself
So you think You can hold the world up by a string With all that you have And I will hold every ...

Howie Day - Come Lay Down
Come lay down at the edgeCome lay down at the broken edgeCome lay down at the feet of angelsEyei...

Howie Day - Disco
Every night is disco night With you I'm living every moment for you Seeing things in a different way ...

Howie Day - End Of Our Days
Here, where they can't find usI dare them to call me outOr tell youWe met here on purposeI...

Howie Day - Everything Else
Pictures blurred in her head Won't let them win She'll make you come Right back and let her in ...

Howie Day - Ghost
Lately I've been thinking Lately I've been dreaming with you I'm so resistant to this type of thinking...

Howie Day - I'll Take You On
Make me fall down Make me get up And if I'm alright Make sure I'm scared to death Maybe I'...

Howie Day - Kristina
On the phone to Saturday Where did you go? 'Cause the tequila from your kiss is still around And...

Howie Day - More You Understand
1000 years ago today We as two would be the same I'd fall for you Customized relationships ...

Howie Day - Morning After
Calcutta streams from porch life Where we opened up our party gifts And you fell down the stairs on pu...

Howie Day - Numbness For Sound
A cold winter sun My feet underground A pale windless city A numbness for sound I'll...

Howie Day - Perfect Time Of Day
[Verse 1:]It's the perfect time of day It's the last day of your life Don't let it drift ...

Howie Day - Secret
It's your secret Why would you tell it to me? It's your lover on the television Scream why would...

Howie Day - Slow Down
An actress Sooner the better for me You should know by now I'm not your friend You're rave...

Howie Day - Sorry So Sorry
Spend your nights here We'll always be up late Keep each other on Chemicals can make us stay ...

Howie Day - Sunday Morning Song
It's not that bad We could have died Chalk it up to being young Can you prove it was me? ...

Howie Day - Track 11 I'm not so sure Are you? Doesn't matter Really It's almost time ...

Howie Day - Trouble In Here
All that you wanted to sayI'll never come here againAll that I wanted to sayAll gone...

Howie Day - You & A Promise
She was nervous She was late She left it up to fate Standing at a phone oh And she knows j...

Human Nature - Advance Australia Fair
Australians all let us rejoiceFor we are young and freeWe've golden soil and wealth for toilOur ...

Human Nature - All Out Of Love
I'm all out of loveI'm so lost without you I know you were right Believing for so long I'm...

Human Nature - Always Be With You
ooh, babyHow you make me feel like you doYou're so coolA lifetime's worth my waiting...

Human Nature - Angel Of Your Heart
Oh, as far as far as I rememberYou've been here walking next to meJust a friend I thought was all I ne...

Human Nature - Auld Lang Syne
Should auld acquaintance be forgotAnd never brought to mindShould auld acquaintance be forgotAnd...

Human Nature - Away In A Manger
Away in a manger, no crib for a bedThe little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet headThe stars in the brigh...

Human Nature - Baby Come Back To Me
Take it backTo the place where we used to beGirl can't you see I'm the oneWho'll be there with y...

Human Nature - Be There With You
I never cared for simple words of tendernessI never thought my life could be as sweet as thisBut now I...

Human Nature - Breaking Me Down
Oh, my loveLately I'm feeling some cold come my wayAnd oh, my loveThese days it seems you've go...

Human Nature - Bring Her Back
Bring her backJust Bring her back to meBring her backJust bring her back to meAnother nigh...

Human Nature - Can I Do You
Movin' right along to another sceneI saw you on the wayI thought I'd seen your pretty face before ...

Human Nature - Counting Down
Tell me why I'm so blueWhy I'm losing myself insideTel me what can I doNever thought I'd have te...

Human Nature - Cruel
You can say love's foreverAnd find it never staysIn you I've recoveredThe one thing that must re...

Human Nature - Deja Vu
I wanna find that perfect momentTo believe in love wanna spread my wings and flyBut every time you get...

Human Nature - Depend On Me
If you cannot depend on the one that you loveDepend on meWhere did you go?Where did you come fro...

Human Nature - Don't Come Back
Don't come backIf you're only gonna break me downDon't be like that'Cause I've given you my hear...

Human Nature - Don't Cry
Sometimes things can get crazyBut that's no reason to go run and hideI haven't heard from you lately...

Human Nature - Don't Say Goodbye
How can I go onWhen I know I gave it all?Have I given too much?Something inside your heart is pu...

Human Nature - Earth Angel
Earth angel, earth angelWill you be mineMy darling dearLove me all the timeI'm just a fool...

Human Nature - Eternal Flame
Close your eyesGive me your hand, DarlingDo you feel my heart beating? Do you understand? ...

Human Nature - Everytime
Can you believe my luckCan you believe our loveEverything you do is somehow just so amazingYou t...

Human Nature - Everytime You Cry
Ooh oo - ooh yeahOoh oo - oohNever before have I seen you look so blueI can't find a cure ...

Human Nature - Good Enough
If I take you back in the room Spin you around, my baby Take off your clothes, all of mine too L...

Human Nature - Got It Goin' On
Girl, I wanna play a little game with you'Cause I kinda like the things you doMaybe we could do a craz...

Human Nature - Haunted
Every step I takeI see your faceIn each window paneIn a house without your lightAnymore...

Human Nature - He Don't Love You
He don't love you, noIf I was your manI'd be here every dayAnd if I was your manI wouldn'...

Human Nature - House Of Cards
I live in a house of cardsMade of people I knowIt shelters me every dayMy house is a part of the...

Human Nature - If I Only Had The Heart
(Oooh yeahIf I only, if I only had, if I only had the heartOnly had the strengthIf I only had)...

Human Nature - Imagine
Imagine there's no heavenIt's easy if you tryNo hell below usAbove us only skyImagine all ...

Human Nature - It's Gonna Be A Long Night
It's Gonna Be A Long NightGirl I can see you've been cryingI know your feeling aloneI want you t...

Human Nature - Last Christmas
Last Christmas I gave you my heartBut the very next day you gave it awayThis year to save me from tear...

Human Nature - Last To Know
Where does love goWhen you're not in love?How does it feel when nobody wants it?Tell me, does it...

Human Nature - Legs
Do-do-do Bou Do-do-do Bou Do-do-do Bou Do-do-do Bou Do-do-do Bananou Do-do-do Banano...

Human Nature - Life Just Gets Better
I can see so clear that you needTime to start it all overIn your eyes there's things telling meY...

Human Nature - Love Is A Fire
Every time I look into your eyesEvery time you call my name - yeahEvery time you throw a smile at me...

Human Nature - Love Is Blind
Silent night, a lonely nightI didn't mean to wake you up I was leaving anywayWe never asked each other...

Human Nature - Love Unconditional
(Some may say it's a mysterySome may say it's a scienceBut I believe that somewhere betweenDesir...

Human Nature - Mary's Garden
Pretty girlYou got the poutYou're steppin' out from daddy's worldBut beauty fallsFor riche...

Human Nature - Meant To Be
And when I met youI looked into your eyesAnd when I saw myselfI started to cryYou held me...

Human Nature - Midnight Train To Georgia
Shoo-wap, do-do-do, do-do Shoo-wap, do-do-do, do-do Ooh, LA, it proved too much for the girl (To...

Human Nature - Now That I Found You
How can I Believe that myHeart could find someone like youYou seeThe real meNo in be...

Human Nature - Once In A Lifetime
Oh, yeah-yeah(aahhh)There's something about youWhat could it be? I finally found my ...

Human Nature - People Get Ready
People get readyThere's a train a-commingYou don't need no baggageJust a-get on boardAll y...

Human Nature - Poison Ivy
She's common like a roseEverybody knowsShe'll get you to lookYou can look but you'd better not t...

Human Nature - Raining In California
[chorus]It was raining in CaliforniaThe day that I met you the angels were crying downOnc...

Human Nature - Ride Away
Ooh, yeah, Oooh Ride away, to a better, better day Ride, ride-a, ride away I recall a better tim...

Human Nature - Send It In A Letter
I saw it somewhere in a magazineOr maybe saw it playing on a TV screenSomething about love - Now I for...

Human Nature - September Girl
Left a message on your pageA night without you's gonna be strangeBaby the time we spent together...

Human Nature - Seven Lonely Days
I wanna be just where you wanna beI wanna be just where you wanna beSeven lonely nightsSeven lon...

Human Nature - Shake You Outta My Head
Baby, baby what can I do?'Cause I just can't get over youLike an Elvis song on a 45I'm just so l...

Human Nature - She
If I hailed a taxi cab would itSend me the right wayIf I had another chancewould I want to chang...

Human Nature - She's Back
Took some time to healTo get my heartbeat backJust when I'm aheadReturning from the deadSh...

Human Nature - She's So Gone
Some days I wonder could I be a better man I open up my eyes to see myself and who I amBeen searching ...

Human Nature - She's Takin My Words
Long road ahead and ride on forever The dusty red can clear away your mind There's no need for better ...

Human Nature - Silent Night
Silent night, holy nightAll is calm, all is brightRound yon virgin mother and childHoly infant s...

Human Nature - Sleepin' Alone
(Get your notes fellas please - hmmmmm)Baby I don't want you sleeping alone(Check it out)B...

Human Nature - Something In The Way
(Something in the way she moves me)Baby you're lookin' mighty fine tonightMakes me just feel I wanna h...

Human Nature - Stay
Oh won't you stayJust a little bit longerPlease let me hear you saySay you willStayW...

Human Nature - Stomp
(Everybody C'mon)Let it out, the weekend's on the mindFill it up, let's blast the jam tonightWhi...

Human Nature - Teenager In Love
Each time we have a quarrel It almost breaks my heart'Cos I am so afraid That we will have to pa...

Human Nature - Telling Everybody
(Tellin' everybody what you're doing to meTellin' everybody what you're doin')Ain't no doubt about it...

Human Nature - Temperature Rising
Everybosy wants to feel betterWhen the pain just won't go awayBut I can feel the temperature rising...

Human Nature - To Be With You
Hold on little girlShow me what he's done to youStand up little girlA broken heart can't be that...

Human Nature - Trash
Who do you think I amBaby I'm your manI'm the back you lean on when you need a friendNow I see t...

Human Nature - Walk The Tightrope
Feel the music come aliveLet the rhythm get you highIf you wanna live then you gotta giveThe bes...

Human Nature - We Can Fly Away
When you're cold, when you're down and lonely Deep in need of a helping hand Come to me, let me take y...

Human Nature - What If I Said
Well I heard about the someone you've been seeing And it's everything you dreamed that it could be The...

Human Nature - When We Were Young
Yesterdays - been and goneWhen we were youngRemember whenWe started out as friendsWe were ...

Human Nature - When You Say You Love Me
I've been watching you from afarAnd the way you make your way round the barYou laugh like you're reall...

Human Nature - Whisper Your Name
Baby I know you've been missin' me(And he knows you've been playin' around)We make a special kind of c...

Human Nature - Whisper Your Name (the Only One)
Ready or not this is my secretI've been loving you so longI know you're surprised I tried not to tell ...

Human Nature - Wishes
Sometimes I wish that I could turn back timeI check myself 'cause I was way out of lineI only hope tha...

Human Nature - Without You
Can I just surrender now As the day is passing over There's a common wind that always brings us here ...

Human Nature - You Know
I got this feelin' babyI got this feelin' that you knowYou know you're in love with meHelp me ba...

Human Nature - You Send Me
Darling you, you send meI know you send meDarling you send meHonest you do(Honest you do, ...

Hundred Reasons - 80 Mph
Please lift the weight off us destroy and leave it all behind pour your hands and make believe so we could plot th...

Hundred Reasons - Harmony
Sing this with me now Try to harmonise this Sing this with me now try to under stand Sing this w...

Hundred Reasons - Lullaby
Heart bleeds for now its temporary Alone for now you embrace is waiting Playing down was just an act s...

Hundred Reasons - Makeshift
Hard to mould the sense choose to walk your own mile hard to mould the sense and choose to walk your own its nice ...

Hundred Reasons - My Sympathy
Against the fallen willNegates the need for me To try and dampen all the glow Don't slow down wi...

Hundred Reasons - Pop
I believe I can fly I can find my wayHome I would leave I could try but I felt its not the end I've gone bli...

Hundred Reasons - Savanna
How you plan to stop the world I don't know the plans you screened The brain will march awayClipping a...

Hundred Reasons - Still Be Here
To ponder the worst in doubt to pick up where we left off without thinking too loud when birthdays came around I w...

Hundred Reasons - Stories With Unhappy Endings
Why tread so carefully for the fourth time I am okay It pleases when you hear moreStories with unhappy...

Hundred Reasons - The Great Test
You failed the first great test And time waists for no man Would try to digest Make your stand ...

Hundred Reasons - Truth With Elegance
Try to hole onto something growing to some extent to be the water of it all crowded room belie elegance truth be t...

Hundred Reasons - What You Get
Count to ten then relax for a while Simmer down and regain control How you are sends shivers to spines...

I-20 - Eyes Open (intro)
Ahora los ojosOpen your eyesOpen your eyes[Verse 1]Its time to get lost in my...

I-20 - So Decatur
[I-20 - Talking]Eastside .. Eastside hoe this our anthemYo killa's here, I-20 let's run niggaz...

Ian Van Dahl - After All
After all this time I'm thinking:"I want to know just what you feel for me."After all this time ...

Ian Van Dahl - Believe
You don't have to worry I'll never leave your side I know you're feeling down You've lost your faith in life ...

Ian Van Dahl - Be Mine
I wonna know where you are.If only you could tell.I wonna know where you are.You're more than ev...

Ian Van Dahl - Castles In The Sky
Do you ever question your life?Do you ever wonder why?Do you ever see in your dreams..all the ca...

Ian Van Dahl - Come 2 Me
The first time that I saw you You blew my mind You made me take a look inside I couldn't hide ...

Ian Van Dahl - Crazy
You opened up my eyes Made me realize You made me stronger Ooh you changed my way of life Now I have f...

Ian Van Dahl - Crying
Lying in my bed but you are not here Trying to be strong, I can't stop my tears I keep crying for you I keep longi...

Ian Van Dahl - Do You Feel The Same
There is something You should know Now I found you I won't let go All I'm asking Will you be mine Tell...

Ian Van Dahl - I Can't Let You Go
Since you're goneEverything looks so emptyWithout youNights are so coldCan you tell ...

Ian Van Dahl - Inspiration
When your dreams are lost and blown away and you need someone to make your day I'll be your inspiration ...

Ian Van Dahl - Lonely
How about being lonely.Gonna give my soul to you.Like thousand lights shining on my skin.Can you...

Ian Van Dahl - My Own
I wonder where you are I wonder where you go I do really need you I cannot make it on my own I wonder ...

Ian Van Dahl - Nothing Left To Say
I can't change the way we live today.It's just a matter of acceptance anyway.I can't change the pain w...

Ian Van Dahl - Reason
I think it's time to talk with you.Think it's time to realize.Where is the love?Are we gon...

Ian Van Dahl - Rollercoaster
Rheneas is going on a Rollercoaster.When Rusty helps Rheneas, they look good!Rollercoaster!Skarl...

Ian Van Dahl - Satisfy Me
You always know just what to doYou satisfy meYou always know just what to sayYou satisfy me...

Ian Van Dahl - Secret Love
The night has no secrets...when we are together.Look into my eyes.You'll always be mine....

Ian Van Dahl - State Of Mind
Believe me When life seems to fade in black and white It's never too late to change your mind Live to ...

Ian Van Dahl - Tears
The day you walked into my lifeI opened up my heart to heart to you.I always thought t...

Ian Van Dahl - Time 2 Go
My heart is telling me to stay here But my mind tells me to go In the morning I won't be here If you n...

Ian Van Dahl - To Fall In Love
Hearts can be broken Love turns into pain Eyes can be blinded Love fades away Why don't you see Why do...

Ian Van Dahl - Try
Don't try to run away...'cause I understand what you're feeling.Don't try to run away...'cause I...

Ian Van Dahl - Waiting 4 You
People tell me one day I'll learn Someone will give love in return But all I can see, this picture of you ...

Ian Van Dahl - Walking Away
Another sleepless night I open up my eyes I found the reason why I feel the time has come To make it o...

Ian Van Dahl - Where Are You Now?
Where are you nowLie awake and wonder where you are tonightHow will I knowSearch for a tra...

Ian Van Dahl - Will I?
Will I ever love you again?Will we be together again?Thought the love we had was strong...and te...

Ian Van Dahl - Without You
Did you ever mean the words you said That forever you'd be mine I'm trying hard to understand Why you ...

I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business - An Oak Tree Stands Beside A Linden
She's so smart todayShe thought she could be right here again, butShe can only see, what she's afraid ...

I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business - But When The Little Fellow Came Close And Put Both Arms Around His Mother, And Kissed Her In An Appealing Boyish Fashion, She Was Moved To Tenderness
I remember a man who was true to himself, if he put his mind to something it was done, he couldHelp everyone...

I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business - End Of The Background Noise
This is the background to your life,It's what you think you see sometimes. then it's gone.It's times y...

I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business - I Know The Sum And Substance Of My Evil
We all knew this day was coming Our bitter hearts can hear it calling So proud of what youve done so p...

I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business - Salvy
Everybody wants to be the person be who you look up toAnd you see on t.v. but you know you're not, Yea...

I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business - So I Decided To Give Myself A Reason
It's a night of many frightening things to take inIt's not the way we please ourselves or our friendsI...

I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business - The Best Happiness Money Can Buy
Time goes by, And we watch our lives,As they're sadly slipping away.Alone, we cry.So...

I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business - The Kindler Burns
See james he loves to walk,It's he all he knows from themIt's all he wants, and some day someone said,...

I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business - Timshel
I sink into the wall,And staring up i saw,Im alone in all my thoughts,Too afraid to be crazy i r...

I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business - (untitled Track 12)
So now think of fear, as a person who, wants to know everyone, and what they love, And he comes at nite, whi...

I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business - (untitled Track 13)
Breathe in...out slowTheres only one confusing partWhere did all the innocence goWe love what we...

I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business - (untitled Track 8)
Wake under the sheetsThe morning took the sunSo you forget to wait but they sent you flowersto f...

I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business - (untitled Track 9)
You're always in control, you never make a big deal. You always are your own, you never need someone to feel...

I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody's Business - Wishpering Actually
So we take the nightIf we fall then we're doneSo then take it rightThis one chance we've got...

Ice Cube - 24 Mc Hours
[Ice Cube]Put the whoop on 'em (Ice Cube, a.k.a. Don Mega)Put the whoop on 'em (a.k.a. Poppa Do...

Ice Cube - A Bird In The Hand
[Big Bird: Sesame Street]Hey look at this! I was cleaning out my nestand I found a book of my ...

Ice Cube - A Gangsta's Fairytale
[Intro: Little Russ, Ice Cube] [story-teller] Once upon a time, in the black part of the...

Ice Cube - Alive On Arrival
Down at the best spotIts me and JD and they sellin more birds than a pet shopThe spot's hot and everyb...

Ice Cube - Amerikkka's Most Wanted
Ice Cube with The Lench Mob, I got it goin onA nigga that's livin in the city of the criminal zoneOne-...

Ice Cube - Ask About Me
[hook][Mr. Short Khop, (Ice Cube)]I check it in on the West Coast (Ask about me)I ...

Ice Cube - Black Korea
[blends into intro with dialogue from Spike Lee's _Do the Right Thing_]"Twenty D Energizers."...

Ice Cube - Can You Bounce
--Bounce it bounce it, shake it shake itWiggle wiggle, Make it jiggle, just a little--[Ice Cu...

Ice Cube - Cash Over
[Mack 10]Whassup Cube dog?I got this bitch-ass nigga right hereY'know, fuckin with this t...

Ice Cube - Cave Bitch
[Intro: Dr. Khalid Muhammed]Give me a black goddess sister I can't resist her. No stringy hair...

Ice Cube - Dead Homiez
[Verse One:]Up early in the morning, dressed in blackDon't ask why? 'Cause I'm down in a ...

Ice Cube - Dirty Mack
There's a new girl on my streetAnd I might introduce her to mack meTold my homeboy I was scoping hopin...

Ice Cube - Doing Dumb Shit

Ice Cube - Don't Trust 'em
You can't trust a big butt and a smileNo, that's the old styleIn ninety-deuce, shit ain't quite the sa...

Ice Cube - Down For Whatever
[Intro]Damn.I'm broke.My feet hurt.(Inside the mind of a car jacker)And...

Ice Cube - Enemy
[Intro:]Every January 16th, it's "The Dreamer, The Dreamer."And all of you say, "I have a...

Ice Cube - Extradition
[Ice Cube Talking]Dear Mama, If some people came by the house lookin for meI'm innocent of anyt...

Ice Cube - Gangsta Fairytale 2
[Intro: Little Russ]Hey motherfuckin Cube, what the fuck wrong with you?You didn't kick t...

Ice Cube - Get Off My Dick And Tell Yo Bitch To Come Here
Some don't think I can flowSo here we go To a new trackTo show the wackThat I can throw st...

Ice Cube - Get Off My Dick And Tell Yo Bitch To Come Here (remix)
[Flavor Flav] Stay off his dick!Nigga, some don't think I can flow, so here we go to a ne...

Ice Cube - Ghetto Bird
[Verse One:]Why, oh why must you swoop through the hoodlike everybody from the hood is up...

Ice Cube - Ghetto Vet
Life....niggas used to come and get me when it was time to disagree with an enemypass the hennes...

Ice Cube - Givin' Up The Nappy Dug Out
[doorbell: DING DONG!][Pops]Yeah[Cube]Umm, uhh is Cheryl here?...

Ice Cube - Gotta Be Insanity
[Ice Cube]Uhh, gotta get it...uhhh....hmmm....get it, get it--baby--[verse...

Ice Cube - Greed
Now, if the greenbacks don't stack large on my side of the yardI ain't fuckin with itThis cake has got...

Ice Cube - Heaven
[Verse One:]Listen to the preachermanBut are you talkin' to meI can't hear you with...

Ice Cube - Horny Little Devil
[Intro:]You are the prince of darknessArch enemy, father of evilHell born, demonic,...

Ice Cube - If I Was Fucking You
[Intro]['Big Worm' talking]Yeah that's coolEr, everything closed so we justW...

Ice Cube - I Wanna Kill Sam
"The army is the only way out for a young black teenager. We'll provide you with housing.We'll provide...

Ice Cube - Jackin For Beats
[Intro:]Wait a minute, hold on, get your ass upWhassup nigga?Get over there... shit...

Ice Cube - Lil Ass Gee
Look at that lil' ass Westside doped outinsane-in-the-brain little nigga servin caineUse to have to ax...

Ice Cube - Look Who's Burnin'
[intro: conversation between 1 and 2 + a Nurse][1] Ay but, what you doin up here an...

Ice Cube - Make It Ruff, Make It Smooth
[Intro: K-Dee, Ice Cube]hey yo cubeMAKE IT RUFFcube check it outwhassup?...

Ice Cube - Man's Best Friend
"I can dig it!"[Chorus: samples (repeat 2X) *1 and *2, *3 and *4 simultaneously]...

Ice Cube - My Summer Vacation
[airline attendant]This is the final boarding call for flight 1259departing from Los Angeles, f...

Ice Cube - No Vaseline
Got damn, I'm glad ya'll set it off.Used to be hard, now you're just wet and soft.First you was down w...

Ice Cube - Now I Gotta Wet'cha
It's on like Donkey KongYou wanted that fast bucknow I gotta light that ass upThe nigga with the...

Ice Cube - Once Upon A Time In The Projects
Once upon a time in the projects, yoI damn near had to wreck a hoI knocked on the door - "Who is it?"...

Ice Cube - Once Upon A Time In The Projects 2
Once upon a time in the projects yoI damn near had to wreck a hoeYellin through the screen do' (HEY, l...

Ice Cube - Penitentiary
"Attention all nigga rows and nigga hoesWe've decided to rob this motherfucker the legal wayNobs injec...

Ice Cube - Really Doe
[GUN SHOT]"Ain't nobody talkin when I'm talkin fellas so shut the fuck up!"[Slick Rick...

Ice Cube - Record Company Pimpin'
[Ice Cube]Please listen to my demo [x8]A nigga told me, the record company's the p...

Ice Cube - Roll All Day
[Ice Cube]I got a full tank of unleaded [repeat x4]Now we could roll all day, if i...

Ice Cube - Rollin' Wit The Lench Mob
You can't fuck with the criminal rapping over gangsta shitFirst I load the clip and then I make the hit...

Ice Cube - Say Hi To The Bad Guy
[Intro: (guy talking)]Good evening. Police, do not try to adjust your radios. There is nothing...

Ice Cube - Steady Mobbin
(c'mon G)[JD] Police, eat a dick straight upLook here you little god damn nigger, your not gaff...

Ice Cube - Supreme Hustle
[interigation intro...][Ice Cube]Don Dadaa, uhh, uhh, yeahYou can't see me, ...

Ice Cube - The Bomb
It's like a holocaust to the boss when I tossToo much knowledge kicked then you're lostIn a shuffle of...

Ice Cube - The Nigga Of The Century
[Ice Cube]Say you little son of a bitch, what choo tryin' to be?--when i'm big i wanna be...

Ice Cube - The Nigga Ya Love To Hate
I heard payback's a motherfucking niggaThat's why I'm sick of gettin treated like a goddamn stepchildF...

Ice Cube - The Product
I was told, cause I didn't witness the whole actIn and out was the movement of the bozackIt was hot an...

Ice Cube - The Shot (intro)
[phones ringing, babies crying][white guy:] Hi how ya doin' ?[nurse:] Doctor's of...

Ice Cube - The Wrong Nigga To Fuck With
[Verse One]God damn, it's a brand new paybackFrom the straight gangsta mack in straight gangsta...

Ice Cube - Three Strikes You In
One mo' strike and I'm through, niggaBottom of the ninth swingin, for my lifeI'm up at the plate, goin...

Ice Cube - True To The Game

Ice Cube - Turn Off The Radio
Turn on the radio take a listenWhat you're missingPersonally I'm sick of the ass-kissingWhat I'm...

Ice Cube - Us
[Verse One:]Could you tell me who released our animal instinct?Got the white man sittin' ...

Ice Cube - Waitin' Ta Hate
(Ain't no 'California Love') (Love) (Love)...I see them niggasYou see them niggas?I see th...

Ice Cube - War & Peace
Ice Cube the great!!"He has indicated to us that he has sufficient.. blow up the...

Ice Cube - We Had To Tear This Muthafucka Up
[Intro: (numerous men speaking)](Peace, quiet and good order will be maintained in our city to ...

Ice Cube - What Can I Do?
[Intro: sampled announcer]In any country, prison is where society sends it's failuresBut ...

Ice Cube - What They Hittin' Foe?
Fucking around in a crap gameNiggas think I'm soft cause now I'm in the rap gameAnd I don't hang out a...

Ice Cube - When Will They Shoot?
"Stalkin.. walkin in my big black boots" [Brother J][repeat 2X][Ice Cube] ...

Ice Cube - Who Got The Camera?
[Verse 1]Drivin down the motherfuckin highwaythe flyway hey bitch, you goin my way?...

Ice Cube - Who's The Mack?
Straight gangsta mack Straight gangsta mack Straight gangsta mack Straight gangsta mack Wh...

Ice Cube - Wicked
[Intro: (some 'dreadhead', won't translate to avoid offending)][Verse 1:]One...

Ice Cube - X-bitches
[Ice Cube Talking]Damn, what you doing over here? Whassup?Yeah I was thinking about you the oth...

Ice Cube - You Can't Fade Me
Now the taste of alcohol is filling up my bladderWhat's the date and time it don't matterHad a pocket ...

Ice Cube - You Know How We Do It
[Ice Cube]Yeah... yeah! Fool -- you know how we do itWest SideComin from the...

Ice-t - 409
It's time to start the party if ya'll don't mindMe and "E" clean our Adidas with 409He rocks the highs...

Ice-t - 6'n The Mornin'
6'n the morning' police at my doorFresh adidas squerk across the bathroom floorOut the back window I m...

Ice-t - Addicted To Danger
"Yo whats up man? Yeah I gotta trunk fulla this shitWord, broads still with me man, comin over to grapevine ...

Ice-t - Always Wanted To Be A Ho
[Intro]This goes out to all you ladies out there. A lot of you won't grow up to be lawyers or d...

Ice-t - Bitches 2
I once knew this brotherWho I thought was cool with meChilled out togetherEven went to school wi...

Ice-t - Body Count
God damn, what a brother gotta doTo get a message throughTo the red, white and blueWhat? I...

Ice-t - Check Your Heart
[Intro]Yo Ice - We heard what happened man We heard some niggas ran in on you manYeah yea...

Ice-t - Common Sense
It starts like this Gats hit harder than fists Just cock and lick it The aftermath's wicked ...

Ice-t - Cramp Your Style
(I cramp your styleWith a bullet and a smile) [Onyx][ VERSE 1 ]Ugh, niggas o...

Ice-t - Don't Hate The Playa
[Intro: Too $hort]Yeah man we just sittin' back, chillin'Bunch of players listenin' to the seve...

Ice-t - Drama
Cruisin' for a bruisin',I'm talkin' no crapPipe bomb in my trunk,got a nine in my lapI'm layin' for a ...

Ice-t - Ed
Let me tell ya a little storyBout my homeboy EdUse to drink every dayStraight 40's to the head...

Ice-t - Escape From The Killing Fields
Here we goI'm movin' off death rowYa gotta keep up hopsYa can't be slowCuse their towers a...

Ice-t - First Impression
Upon intial contact with Ice-T's music,I had envisioned him to be an ill-Mannered and psychologically...

Ice-t - Fly By
Everybody step back from the micAs I set it offAll playin' the wallIt's time to sweat it off...

Ice-t - Forced To Do Dirt
Ice-T back in that assReturn of the realMuthafuckas fakin and frontin like they don't know what time i...

Ice-t - Freedom Of Speech
[Intro] A-yo Ice, man. I'm working on this term paper for college. What's theFirst Amen...

Ice-t - Fried Chicken
Off to the studio late nightTime to cut another trackIt's gotta be hypeGot my rhyme book in hand...

Ice-t - Get Your Moneyman
[Erick Sermon]Yo whassup, this the E-Double, Green-Eyed-Bandit youknowhatI'msayin'?EPMD, ...

Ice-t - Gotta Lotta Love
[ VERSE 1 ]Woke up the other mornin, I heard a rumorThey said the gang wars was overI tol...

Ice-t - Grand Larceny
Stick up,hands in the airYou move,you lose 'cause the ICE don't careNo chance to run,don't shout...

Ice-t - G Style
[Intro:]Yeah! Right about now motherfuckers is layin for a nigga like me Ice-Tto bust so...

Ice-t - Heartbeat
Once again,my friends,it's time to rock it till the party endsRhymin' with timin',while EVIL E lets the reco...

Ice-t - Hit The Deck
"I'm the minstrel man, the cleaning man, the pole man, the shoeshine manI'm a nigger man, watch me dan...

Ice-t - Home Invasion
All right! When we go up in this goddamn houseall I want is the motherfuckin' kids!As far as pops I do...

Ice-t - I Ain't New Ta This
Come onCome on[ VERSE 1 ]Do this, ugh, come on, come onTime to get wreck and ...

Ice-t - Ice M.f. T
Yeah! 1993, I'm back motherfucker, this is Ice T.Got my nigga Ice Cube in the motherfuckin house. Ye...

Ice-t - Ice's Exodus
Yeah, This is Ice-T You've just been listening to the Seventh Deadly Sin To me the Seventh Deadly Sin ...

Ice-t - I Love Ladies
Ya heard the Ice was rockin', ticket sales were highBought some fresh Adidas so you could look flyBrok...

Ice-t - I Must Stand
Nobody ever said life was gon' be easyBut damn..[ VERSE 1 ]Just a kid, moms died wh...

Ice-t - I'm Your Pusher
Yo,it's time for me to pump the volumeNo problem,the record's revolvin'Evil's the mixer,I'm the rap tr...

Ice-t - Intro
A child was born in the East one dayMoved to the West coast after his parents passed awayNever underst...

Ice-t - It's On
[Intro:]Yo, Ice, the organization say they can't stay in business with us anylonger. Wha...

Ice-t - Lethal Weapon
[Ice-T]E-V-I-L E and Ice-T are on a jack moveLayin down the dope groove, smokin those who disap...

Ice-t - L.g.b.n.a.f.
1-2, 1-2-1-2-3, I'm the emcee called Ice-TThat's DJ Evil E, Islam creates the beatsYou girls look so s...

Ice-t - Lifestyles Of The Rich And Infamous
It's eight a.m. I roll out my silk sheetsGet fly crash the limo back seatsLookin' in the facesOf...

Ice-t - Make It Funky
(Make it funky)So the people can get down to the funky soundCause my crew don't mess around(Make...

Ice-t - Make The Loot Loop
YeahThis is goin out to all those muthafuckasThat like to use the word 'gangster'Although I am t...

Ice-t - Message To The Soldier
Yo, Ice, you been down with the struggle for a long time, man...Why don't you drop some knowledge for these ...

Ice-t - Mic Contract
Brainstorm microphone napalmThis is it, words from a timebombAttack speed, fast as an F15Raise t...

Ice-t - Midnight
Midnight chillin' at A.M P.M.Coolin' drinkin' apple juiceIn Evil's BMThe sound's up loudTo...

Ice-t - Mind Over Matter
It's been a long whileSince I hit ya with freestyleHigh tech selectionsFrom the vaults of the I...

Ice-t - New Jack Hustler
Hustler, word, I pull the trigger long,Grit my teeth, spray till every nigga's gone.Got my block sewn,...

Ice-t - Ny, Ny
The seventh baby... [Chorus:]I represent from LA All the way to (NY NY) And w...

Ice-t - O.g. Original Gangster
Ten years agoI used to listen to rappers flowTalkin' bout the wayThey rocked the mic at the disc...

Ice-t - Pain
Deuce,deuce revolver was my problem solverHad a def girl,really didn't wanna involve herIn the life of...

Ice-t - Personal
Emcee's no time out,it's time to rhyme outYou've dug your own grave,now you must climb outDig out,craw...

Ice-t - Pimp Anthem
'96Ah shitIce-T backRepresentin, nigga, once againThat real shit, niggaI thought you...

Ice-t - Pimpin' Ain't Easy (godfather Theme)
[Ice-T]Godfather's in the house..Grab yo' bitchesPimpin ain't pimpin ain't easy man...

Ice-t - Power
I'm livin' large as possible,posse unstoppableStyle topical,vividly opticalListen,you'll see'em someti...

Ice-t - Prepared To Die
Watch me flip and ripOn the freedom tipOpen your mindSee the point of the ice pickI stand...

Ice-t - Pulse Of The Rhyme
Just checkin' my microphone onceAs I check your audioIncrease the bass responseHope n the speake...

Ice-t - Radio Suckers
People,it's time for the Ice crushSo listen to my words I bring muchSense,as I commence,my lirycs inte...

Ice-t - Rap Games Hijacked
YeahToo many hardcore muthafuckas out here in this businessAin't gettin their proper lootYou kno...

Ice-t - Retaliation
[Intro: Ice-T]Every year the same shit happensMore fuckin' funerals, dead homiesNiggas ou...

Ice-t - Return Of The Real
Yo, what's up with all these niggasOn these muthafuckin records talkin all this bullshit(Man, I don't ...

Ice-t - Ricochet
[intro]Yeah,Syndicate's in the houseYeah,Geto Boys in the houseYeah,Donald D's in the hou...

Ice-t - Sex
Sex I the morning,sex at night,sex in the afternoon's alrightAin't a man on earth,that can stay aliveW...

Ice-t - Somebody Gotta Do It (pimpin' Ain't Easy!!!)
My lifestyles crazy,I'm luxury lazySo much gold that jewelry don't phase meCoroless phone,eight or ni...

Ice-t - Squeeze The Trigger
Squeeze the trigger Rampage on stage,my crews in a rageSearched my posse,found the Uzi but miss...

Ice-t - Straight Up Nigga
Damn right I'm a niggaand I don'T care what you areCause I'm a Capitaal N-I double-G-E-RBlack pe...

Ice-t - That's How I'm Livin
I was born in new jersey, I said it beforeBut I guess nobody heard meMy mother died youngNo sist...

Ice-t - The 5th
He yo, IceThis guy here say he wants to get in, manYou're sure homeboy's ready?Yo Ice, this nigg...

Ice-t - The Girl Tried To Kill Me
[Verse One:]Yo! I met this girl the other nightHype super-dope body and face, her mini-sk...

Ice-t - The House
You know the houe down the streetWhere the kids areand every dayThey seem to have a new scar...

Ice-t - The Hunted Child
[Verse 1] (Today in Los Angeles another youth loses his life. Gunshot wound tothe head....

Ice-t - The Iceberg
[Verse 1] I-C-E B-E-R-GWhat's that spell? Iceberg, nigga, can't you read?Time to ...

Ice-t - The Lane
[ CHORUS ]The fast lane, half heart, half moneyAin't nobody smilin, ain't nothin funnyRai...

Ice-t - The Tower
I'm rollin' up in a big gray busAnd I'm shackled downMyself that's who I trustThe minute I arriv...

Ice-t - This One's For Me
Yo yo whassup Ice man you look upset brotherYo man, I got a lot of things on my mind manBut I don't kn...

Ice-t - Valuable Game
[Intro: Ice-T]This song is dedicated to my man Tupac Shakur, rest in peace!!Notorious B.I.G., r...

Ice-t - Where The Shit Goes Down
Ice-T, niggaRepresentinStrictly Westside, niggaSouth Central in the muthafuckin hiddouseCh...

Ice-t - You Played Yourself
[Verse 1] This is it, dope from the fly kidThe Ice mic is back with the high bidS...

Ice-t - Ziplock
Once again I'm back in the place to beThe I, the C, the E, the TI'll never get a Grammy, so fuck the G...

Iconz - Get Fucked Up
Comittee 2000 babyIconz, street money, yall ready?C'mon...[Chorus:]If you smo...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - 12
"Wake...Revenge is mine12 people will die tonight"[Violent J]Now I look and t...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - 17 Dead
I got shot with a buck shot, shot me downBut you know you can't paint a frown on a clownSewer gutter b...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - 24
(die bitch, fuckin die!)ALL NIGHTFind me robbin your jewelsSettin firesDamaging, and break...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - 3 Rings
"Is this on?""Gather round my wealthy friendsAnd endure the horrifying sightsOnly your wor...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - $50 Bucks
[Violent J (Shaggy)](Hey yo J) What's up player? (You know they don't like juggalos...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Ain't Yo Bidness
[Intro:] Rude boy sittin pancaked on 23'sClown Love to chicago juggaloswe underground like Blaz...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Amy's In The Attic
Mr. Piser, I think you should come up hereI think you should come up hereMr. Piser, I think you should...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Angel's Falling
I climbed up the tree in the back and got on my roofto with my 22,It's hot with little pops,Started bu...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Another Love Song
Yeah...I mean I hear what you're saying, I meanYou got carried away in the momentAnd I could for...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Assassins
[Chorus 1]You know who you fucking with?W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-wicked clowns [x2]...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Basehead Attack
So there I was watching Sanford and Son, working the graveyard shift. At a party store, rolling a spliff. I'm behi...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Behind The Paint
Remember me bitch, 8th gradeball park, skinny ass well-fare aidUstler and Bruce brothers we was the sh...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Beverly Kills 50187
Juggalos, come out to play...Guess who's coming to your big town?Jugglin jesters, kick-it clown...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Birthday Bitches
[Lady:]Okay everybody, it's clown time, a clown is here.Everybody sit around right here.B...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Bizzar
I could get naked right hereI'd look like a fuckin polar bearThen I'd have to attackFuck you up ...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Blacken Your Eyes
Filled your head with lead cuz I want you dead... Girlie girlie bitch tou fucking freaky bitch I knowi...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Boogie Woogie Wu
"The beast lives out of the raging storm in the dead of nightThe ravenous, blood-sick creatures searches for...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Bowling Balls
Friends don't come easily and this I knowAnd every time I make one they always say they gotta goI wann...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Bring It On
Hey Mike, Mike...MIKE! TURN ME UP!Right about now...[1st Verse, Violent J, (Shaggy2Dope)]...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Bugz On My Nutz
[Shaggy 2 Dope]Well, I don't understand the phenomenomWe fucking these hoes that look like spal...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Burning Up
[shaggy 2 dope]This bitch resheal fucked on her boyfriend in her boyfriend's bed and crazy carlo smac...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Cartoon Nightmares
That was from 1994...Welcome to Forgotten Freshness Volume 3Draw something make sure you don't f...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Cemetary Girl
"Tonight, tonight, we gather the dead. (tonight, tonight)Tonight, tonight, off with your head.""...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Chicken Huntin'
[Violent J]Well, I'm heading down a southern trail; I'm going chicken huntin'Chopping redneck c...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Chop! Chop! With Esham
[answering machine](beep) Then you know what you can doYou can be a couple of pleasersAnd...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Clown Love
Gangsters bangin, nuts straight hangingChillen in the allyway, signs straight beeminUp in the air I he...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Confessions
Father, I confess for doingI had a brain, but life had to ruin itDissinfected, Disected, Don't Respect...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Cotton Candy
[Shaggy 2 Dope]My name is ShaggyBut some call me Shaggy BallsCuz you can me my ball sac...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Cotton Candy & Popsicles
[Intro part, syn:]Go step to them bitches over there [Anybody Killa:] Fuck that, you go ...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - C.p.k.'s
I walked into the church dressed up as an altar boy i seen a preacher, he said little boy immaTeacher, put h...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Crop Circles
[Shaggy 2 Dope]The sun rises and sets on time every day of the yearBut sporadically the circles...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Crossing Thy Bridge
I've lived one hell of a lifeIf youre to take it tonight.I've lived the life of a king.But so mu...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Crystal Ball
Insane Clown Posse, Twiztid, Dark Lotus Family, Its Our WorldLookin my crystal ball it's alright...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Deadbeat Moms
[Violent J]Bitch back up cause your dimmin my shineYou got nine kids, only two of them mine...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Dead Body Man
"This is a Channel 7 news breif because the news is happening now.""Hello, Morque Perkins reporting. Our top...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Dead Body Man (original)
Ladies and gentlemenI present to you, the Terror WheelThe most horrifying, terrifying, mystifying ride...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Dead Pumpkins
[Teacher]"J, do you have a Halloween story for the class?"[Violent J]"Y-y-ye...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Dogbeats
Yeah what you need?Yeah let me get a large order of fries and uhNo friesExcuse me?No fries...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Everybody Rize
Jump [x28]HeyHaHeh[1st Verse][Violent J]Smile! I'ma...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Everyday I Die
[Violent J]I tried to visit Shaggy, I stepped up off of my porch And it was dark as fuck I coul...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Every Halloween
I paint my face every year all daythe 31st aint nothin to me, another holidayall of a sudden face pain...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Fat Sweaty Betty
Why dont you go into the next room and start getting undressed?What's your pleasure?[1st Vers...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Fearless
I'll go to Alaska, bitch slap a polar bear and take its foodI'll mow the fuckin lawn, on a land mine field l...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - First Day Out
"Got another funky rhymeAnother funky, funky rhymeGot another funky rhymeAnother funky rhyme...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Fly Away
Spread your wingsFlying over frozen mountainsCrystal rivers and geizer fountainsDrifting above C...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - For The Maggots
[Violent J]One for the maggots, pumpkin's lightEverytime his crew gets into a fightIf I s...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Fuck Off!
[Samples]"Wicked...W-Wicked." "B-Bitch.""Wicked...W-Wicked." "B-Bitch.""Wicked...W-Wicked...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Fuck The World
[Violent J]Fuck. Fuck this shit.Fuck givin it to me.[Chorus:]If I only...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Get Off Me, Dog!
"Yo, 2 Dope, man, check this out, manYou know what the word on the streets is, dawgThe word on the str...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Get Ya Wicked On
[Shaggy 2 Dope (Violent J)]I punch bitches in their fake titties (He Does)I got warrants in lik...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Ghetto Freak Show
[Chorus X4]Ghetto freak show Ghe Ghe Ghetto FreakshowGhetto freak Ghe Ghetto Freakshow...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Graveyard
I C P the wicked clowns and Project BornSerial Slaughtering motherfuckers in the graveyardTick t...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Great Milenko
Great Milenko (Ha Ha ha Ha Ha)Great Milenko (Hm hm Hm hm Ha ha ha ha)Great Milenko (Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha)...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Guts On The Ceiling
Oh, you'll never guess what's upMy mucking head blew upMy chins in an old man's backyardI gotta ...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Halloween On Military Street
[Chorus]Fuck! Damnit! Another Halloween.People on Military know what this means.Houses on...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Halls Of Illusion
[Violent J]Ticket please, thanks, walk through the door Into the Halls Of Illusions, visit your...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Headless Boogie
[Violent J]It's Friday night, dark, scaryLonely, walking through the park, cemeteryAnd it...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Hellalujah
"Give God the first portion of your income, say that with me,Give God the first portion of your income. Give...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Hell's Forecast
[Violent J:]Something has woke my a thump on my roof, it was followed by crashing, more thumping ensu...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Hey Vato
If ya nuts hang and you bang with a gang Then tell me are you down with the clown?HEY!Hey,...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Hokus Pokus
"Serial slaughtering stranglers Jugging Juggling juggalos Folded, fat, floppy-tittied freaks I C...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - House Of Horrors
"Hey there, do you like excitement?" (yeah)"Do you like suspense?" (uh huh)"Do you like Nel Carter?" (...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - House Of Wonders
[Violent J]So there you are, you're sittin' there, just kinda chillin'A richie boy, you look a ...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - How Many Times?
How many times will I ask myself why, how many times? How many times will I ask myself why, how many times w...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - I Didn't Mean To Kill Him
This is the story of a murdererA cold blooded killer, a ruthless, harmless, slaughtererI didn't ...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - I Don't Care
People say I talk to muchI don't care I talk to muchMomma say I failed in lifeI don't care I fai...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - I Don't Wanna Die
"They want me dead in Detroit...they want me dead in St. Louis...they want me dead up in Denver......

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - If
in order, for one to metamorphasize, from one's inner self being projected out into the astral plane and to ...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - I'm Coming Home
I live my life in the gutterAnd this gutter is who I amTake me back home to my gutterAnd I swear...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - I'm Not Alone
[Shaggy 2 Dope]Maggots can't fuck with the ShaggyCuz I got a crew, bitchA crew like you a...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Insane Killers
Violent J, Shaggy, Insane Clown Posse, baby whatfrom New York to L.A.from Chile to Greecefrom Ne...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - In The Haughhh!
I'm Violent JI breath toxic fumes and throw my lungs up all over your brand new patten-leather penny l...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Intro (hell's Pit)
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha (revers talk)If you listen carefully to this you'll hear what i'm sayin...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Intro (the Calm)
[Cows mooing and carnival music plays in the background]Here we are. This is the calm before th...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - I Stab People
I...I'd like to uh, if its cool with Jake and Jack,I'd like to address the juggalos, on a, uh, personal matt...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Is That You?
Violent J, Violent J, is that you? I'm on the microphone, so what'cha wanna do? Violent J, Violent J, ...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - I Stuck Her With My Wang
Yeah, what's up, man?ICP in this bitchYa know what I'm sayingAll you bitches, manCome over...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - It
Good Schools The learning process I had no education when I was a kid I have no expl...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - It Rains Diamonds
Kill Me! Whut! Mutha Facku! Murder Murder! Whut! I can't wait to die! Please Murder my mother fuckin` ass of...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Joke Your Mind
No man get the fuck away from my store manYou make it look badGet the fuck outta hereWhat the fu...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Juggalo Paradise
I'm sweating again I always doI should probably take anotha pill or 2in the mirror I see the face of F...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Just Another Crazy Clique
I choke....nope, nah, hold up.Aight, listen....Fucking go!! I stab you with an umbrella, and the...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Just Like That
[Violent J]Jump out of bed and I head for the grapenutsEat em quick or they soggy and that suck...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Let's Go All The Way
Ain't nobody jealous, everybody has they ownNobody locked up, everybody, everybody is free to roamLook...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Like It Like That
[Violent J]Ill ride a fucking pogo stick all over your faceWith Shaggy on my shoulders adding t...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Lil' Somethin' Somethin'
"Mr. Jackson, what are you talking about? Well I've heard about those parties, they're immoral.Mr. Jac...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Love Song
"Hello, and welcome back to Pillow TalkI hope you're with your bitchCuz it's time to get cozy with the...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Manic Depressive
[Violent J]In my mind's eye You throw wickedness at me I'm just a toy to you I brin...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Mental Warp
Staring at the ceiling, the roof has a faceIt's telling me I don't belong with the human raceHe's aski...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Mom Song
[Violent J]This is for momMiss Linda HarwoodMiss Cathy HillThis is for you....

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Mr. Happy
I'm kind of fat and I sweat a lotbut that's the only bad quirky dinks I got that and maybe the whole m...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Mr. Johnson's Head
[Violent J]Sitting in the class with my head on the deskTeacher's trying to talk but I could gi...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Mr. Rotten Treats
Um well J that was an interesting Halloween StoryUm anybody else have anotherHalloween story they'de l...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Murder Go Round
[Violent J]What can I say, man, I hit him with the brickKilled the little prick, him and his ch...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Murder Rap
[Legs Diamond]Legs Diamond in the houseAnd we sendin clown love out to Above the Law...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - My Axe
I Love my faygo, my nyquil pills, shaggy, I love my buddies, my hatchetman, but I love my axeMy axe iz...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - My Funhouse
[Violent J]Rich boy's in troubleCar broke down on a drive through the ghettoAll the weird...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - My Homie Baby Mama
I don't know. She ain't even looking that good. (kinda fat)Even so, i think i'd probably fuck her if i could...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - My Kind Of Bitch
My kind of bitch ain't like your bitch Cuz my bitch don't bitch at all My bitch don't blink, she don't...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Never Had It Made
First I was born young and healthy I told my mother one day I'd be wealthy Can't forget my first day a...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Night Of The Axe
Shit, I can't fucking take thisAll this fucking pressure, I'm dyingMake me go motherfucking crazy...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Ninja
What the hell's a ninja?(ninja's posess a superior skills of ninjitsu, mu'afucka')It is a branch os a ...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Nothin' But A Bitch
[Violent J] Straight out of Warren, bitch you a joke Sucking so much dick your fucking lips smo...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Nothing's Left
Man.... I love you guysMan shut the fuck up man. Why you always gotta ruin the moment?Man fuck you....

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Nuttin' But A Bitch Thang
Now a days everybody wanna talk But nothing comes out when they moving they lips Just a bunch of...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Off The Track
[Violent J]I battle samurais, they fight like little bitches to meIve murdered everybody i need...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Ol' Evil Eye
"Start the movie.""I loved the old man. He had never wronged me. He had never given me insult. F...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Out
Let me off the Terror WheelShut up bitchLooks like it's nighty night timeOnly some of you won't ...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Piggie Pie
"Come and get it! Woo! We got some fresh fills for your fat chicken-ass to snack on, bitch! So here, s...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Piggy Pie (old School)
Once upon a time there were three little pigswho went out into the big worldto build thier homes and s...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Play With Me
[Children laughing, Toy cranks up]Hey [x54][1st Verse - Violent J]...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Please Don't Hate Me
I gotta tell him, I gotta be a man and handle my businessI know he's gonna hate me, I gotta call'emwha...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Posse On Vernor
Insane Clown Posse!ICP! about to take you way back! way back that is, to Vernor!Posse, Up!...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Prom Queen
Won't you be my prom queen? (another morning) Won't you be my prom queen? Everybody has a real good ti...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Psychopathic
The ghettos of America are breeding groundsFor the criminal mindedAs for years they have killed one an...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Questions
Why, every time I reach for the sky I can only reach so high, why why, every time I head-but a brick wall I ...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Radio Stars
Occasionally, the overwhelming temptation to reach the pinnacle of the pop music genre will reduce the most ...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Rainbows And Stuff
This one goes out to that special someone in my life,we all have someone special, this is for themI li...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Real Underground Baby
[Violent J]Underground baby Real underground baby... This clown don't smile and hon...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Rebel Flag
Stop the bus, Violent J comes outBarrels to your chest and blow your lungs outMother fucker fuckin hic...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Red Christmas
Jiggle my mutha fucken balls bitch.Insane Clown Posse back in this mutha fuckaHey yo Violent J, whats ...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Red Neck Hoe
"Rapping to this bitch with a red neckA red neck, that fucking red neckRapping to this bitch with a re...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Riddle Box
Ladies and gentlemenWelcome to your deathNow let's see where you're headedTurn the crankAn...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Rollin' Over
[intro]Rolin' over, Hell muthafuckin' yeah bitch. Hatchet chop straight to your muthafuckin' face. Ro...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Run
(What's wrong)? (Whut up homie)? You got a lot of homies, I see that nice I gotta kinda wonder i...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Santa's A Fat Bitch
Sleigh bells jingle-ling rin jing jingle-lingHorses, horses, horses, horses.Sleigh bells jingle-ling r...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Skitsofrantic
Skitsofrantic, don't panicLeave me alone, get the fuck onSkitsofrantic to the bone, when I'm home...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Smog
*The smog is coming**The smog is coming**The smog is coming**The smog is coming*Aw, ...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Southwest Song
"Good people sometimes think bad thingsGood people dream bad things, don't youGood people even do bad ...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Southwest Strangla
Ahhh, make way for the lunaticI wanna stop, I drive by the camp quickI want necks 2 or 3 maybe more...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Southwest Voodoo
Voodoo, runnin' from my magicBrain insane, Shooga whooga bahSouthwest voodoo's in the haugh!...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Stalker
The stalkerYeahThe stalker I'm gonna stalk this hoochieI'm gonna stalk this hoochie...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Still Stabbin'
I stab people like everyday folksskinny people any people I chop off their throatsMy stabbin's are nin...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Stomp!
[Shaggy 2 Dope]Take a look around ya, tell me what ya see?Ya see flames and smoke...then there'...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Suicide Hotline
It aint no point to me waking up, everyodys time im takin up, i got nobody, it aint a shoulderNear, i cant s...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Super Balls
"Yeah, you give sax lessons. Why not to spend the night? I am only to spend the night? I play music of the n...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Super Star
If I had things my way, I wouldn't be a zeroRather be respected like Pierre FerroEvery album I touch 5...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Take It!
If it was up to me I would never dare youIf it was up to me I would rather spare youIf it was up to me...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Take Me Away
Welcome to the dark carnival....Violent J....Shaggy 2 Dope....The Insane Clown Posse....We'll li...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Take Me Home
you know the irony of life is that you have likethis big dream to get where you wanna bebut once you g...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - The Amazing Maze
Ferris wheels and bumper cars are funBut those rides just aren't for everyoneBought my ticket I'ma hav...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - The Dead One
"You tried to stop me, remember?You tried to deface your own creationBut I stopped you ...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - The Joker's Wild
"Welcome to another exciting episode of Del Ray's number onegame show, The Joker's Wild! Shaggy, tell us som...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - The Juggla
[Violent J]Well, you know the juggla jumped in the mixerBeen down the road and I broke a few ne...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - The Killing Fields
[Violent J]Laying in my bed, I think of many horror talesYet I barely move, my bed is made of n...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - The Loons
[Violent J]Little Miss Muffet, oh, she never had a clueOf the psychopathic wicked clown is finn...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - The Neden Game
"Let's meet contestant number oneHe's a skitsofrantic, serial killer clownWho says, "woman love his se...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - The Night Of The 44
I ran into a gas station, and blew somebody head off they neckI thought it was a dream but then I look and s...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - The Pendulum's Promise
What did I do? Tell me:tell me what did I do?Tell me: NOTHIN'! I did nothin' wrong! Tell me. Nothin'!L...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - The Raven's Mirror

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - The Show Must Go On
[Violent J]Ohhhhhhhhhh!Hey yo, check it out manICP's back in the haugh manViolent J...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - The Staleness
[Shaggy 2 Dope:]Let me see your throat thing there buddy, I'ma chop it, see thy idea is to make you d...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - The Witch
[Shaggy 2 Dope]The witch jumped on my back last night, I couldn't breatheIn it's clutch, I was ...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - The Wraith
[Violent J And Shaggy 2 Dope:]Always uninvitedfuck offunrespected, sometimes he creeps ot...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Thy Unveiling
Carnival of Carnage, The Ringmaster, The Riddle Box, The Great Milenko, The Amazing Jeckel...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Tilt-a-whirl
Welcome to the tilt-a-whirlAll you mutha fuckas are gonna dieEverybody! You're dying everyday, constan...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Toy Box
"Ooo, I like this toy. Watch it go. Uw...wait!" [gunshots]"We're sorry the person you are calli...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Truly Alone
There ain't nobody, asking me, I've been There ain't nobody, that would name me, as a friendThere ain't nobo...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Under The Moon
I'm still here under the moon [2x][Violent J]I was just a child but you seemed lik...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Wagon Wagon
"If I'm gonna dieI'm going out riding the wagon"[Violent J]Hear it comes, the horri...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Walk Into The Light
[The Carney:] Hurry Up, Show's Startin'[The Patron:] I ca't believe they're still having it...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Wax Museum
GreetingsWelcome to the gypsy of fortunesYour coin was very much appreciatedAnd now I shall gran...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - We Belong
(crying) ahhhh little baby bitch ass is crying again whats the matter feelin like you dont fit i...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - We Gives No Fucks
"I think it's the heart's desire for every person in America and Canada to succeed," Worldwide...yeah....

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Welcome To The Show
Well hello boys and girls come on in see the show. Its the mistical, magical, great dark carnival. Dont bother loo...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - We'll Be Alright
[VIOLENT J]No Luck, Got StuckThey comin to reap on my truckBig Bills, Shit Kills...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - When I Get Out
"Comaley, get up. Let's go." "What?" "Well, it's your lucky day today, pal. You're free." "Uh, w...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Who Asked You
[Violent J]Drank my last cup of dead body stewPaint my face, creep up and say BOO!Nobody ...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Who Wanna Flex?
I sell fake dope, it don't even workSmoke you at 8:00 and won't even twirkI shoot prostitutes like pla...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Whut
you don't like the way I am,you don't like ICP & Twiztid,always wit a hatchet...Whut,Fuck You,...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Willy Bubba
Ok class, um, please settle down now, I'd like to introduce our new studentuhh, uhh Willy Bubba, Willy...

Icp (insane Clown Posse) - Wizard Of The Hood
One time, the ICP with this shitFor you and your boys to say "fuck yeah" toYo, G, kick some of that sh...

Iggy Pop - Afraid To Get Close
Watching the cat sleep on my pillowsAfraid to get close to anyone and afraid not toThe need of all cre...

Iggy Pop - Ambition
I'm the kind of girlI want that whole wide worldNothing more nothing lessI don't want second bes...

Iggy Pop - Avenue B
Rapper standing on the cornerWrappers flying in the windWaitress up from AlabamaCan't believe th...

Iggy Pop - Baby
Baby, don't you cryBaby, I'll sing you a lullabyeWe're walking down theStreet of cha...

Iggy Pop - Baby, It Can't Fall
You have loved me with energyBacked up with hard work and gutsWe inhabit eternityWe fly forever ...

Iggy Pop - Bang Bang
Well this ain't the right thing to do, so let's goYoung girls they know what they're afterYoung ...

Iggy Pop - Beside You
I been hungry way down in my heartwaiting for a reasoni been hungry like a lot of guysi want to ...

Iggy Pop - Blah-blah-blah
Pop before the warlunch before the scoresteady as she goesfollowing my noseI'm a bull mong...

Iggy Pop - Boogie Boy
i'm a boogie boogie boogie boogie boyi like to play around with boogie toysi need a boogie girl to boo...

Iggy Pop - Brick By Brick
People are so sad and I know whyWith no chance to live before you dieYou get pretty sick if you hafta...

Iggy Pop - Butt Town
The cops are well-groomed, withMuscled physiques in Butt TownTheir tan uniforms are tailored in chic...

Iggy Pop - Caesar
people of americai bring you a great armyto preserve peacein our empirethrow them to the l...

Iggy Pop - Candy
It's a rainy afternoonIn 1990The big city geez it's been 20 years-Candy-you were so fine...

Iggy Pop - Character
Well, i 'll tell youone good thing at least about someof these junkies wasthey had some characte...

Iggy Pop - China Girl
I couldn't escape this feelingWith my China GirlI'm just a wreck withoutMy little China Girl...

Iggy Pop - Cock In My Pocket
I got my cock in my pocketAnd I'm reelinDown the old highwayI got my cock in my pocketAnd ...

Iggy Pop - Cold Metal
UhI played tag in the auto graveyardI looked up at the radio towerRag tent by the railroad track...

Iggy Pop - Corruption
From the drip drip drip of the teardropsTo the chink chink chink of the cashTo the end end end of the ...

Iggy Pop - Cry For Love
Status seekers - I never caredonce I found out they never daredto seize the world and shake it upside ...

Iggy Pop - Dancing With The Big Boys
something's going on in society (dancing with the big boys) you chew your fingers and stare at the floor (dancing ...

Iggy Pop - Dog Food
I'm hanging around that same old sceneMy girlfriend Betsy she's just fourteenThere's nothing better fo...

Iggy Pop - Don't Look Down
don't look downthey're making sorta crazy soundsdon't look down nodon't know who else came to kn...

Iggy Pop - Dum Dum Boys
Things have been toughWithout the dum dum boysI can't seem to speakThe languageI remember ...

Iggy Pop - Easy Rider
In the alley where have I grownHot night sweats our clothesMy hell is crackin' fireThat's what y...

Iggy Pop - Hassels
in the morning i got hassels in the evening i got hassels i'm in the sun as my cigarette burns always there's a ha...

Iggy Pop - Hate
An evil look that tells me to fuck offfrom the one who 'll never treat me softi start to boil and to c...

Iggy Pop - Heart Is Saved
Gamblin on instincts well here's what I foundVoice from my pocket starts pulling me downTells me my bu...

Iggy Pop - Hideaway
I need to toucha live unbeaten earthso that's where i'm goingI know a town in N.W. Mexicow...

Iggy Pop - High On You
I like your wooden door, babyI never want to leave, babyIf I could rule the night, babyI'd turn ...

Iggy Pop - Highway Song
I been walkin' down the roadwhat it means i dunnoi been walkin' down the highwaywith the bad foo...

Iggy Pop - Home
I work so hard, so don't trip me upShakin' a leg like the tail o' the pupI'm payin' dues till I regist...

Iggy Pop - I Felt The Luxury
She sat on the pavementAs I pulled in the driveWearing leopard skin velvetAnd shiny black eyes...

Iggy Pop - I Got A Right
Anytime i want i got a right to moveNo matter what they sayAnytime i want i got a right to moveN...

Iggy Pop - I'm A Conservative
I used to lead a quiet lifeIn fact it was a bare existenceI passed out on many floorsI don't do ...

Iggy Pop - I'm Bored
I'm boredI'm the chairman of the bored,I'm a lengthy monologueI'm livin' like a dog...

Iggy Pop - I Need More
I walk aroundI flop uroundI need something that will be foundMore venom, more dynamite, more dis...

Iggy Pop - Innocent World
I used to live in an innocent worldI had a car and a pretty blond girlfriendWe was too young to know w...

Iggy Pop - Instinct
Standing on the borderlineBetween joy and reasonTending carefully my fireWaiting for my season...

Iggy Pop - I Snub You
You are a moronI'm glad to be hereSeeing the sight of youSmelling the smell of youYo...

Iggy Pop - Isolation
Needed you, you were only usingNeeding you just tore me downAnd here I stand in isolationfeeling...

Iggy Pop - It's Our Love
I found you lookin for the rainbowyou found me waitin for a chancenow we got something good together...

Iggy Pop - I Wanna Live
I see my future shufflingA shakey step at a timeI got no choice but carefulThank God I've done m...

Iggy Pop - I Won't Crap Out
I'm standin' in a shadow, hating the worldI keep a wall around me, block out the herdIt's a nerve-wrec...

Iggy Pop - Jealousy
He's got a great big hit he's in a limousinewhen i see his face somethin' starts to freezehe's got mon...

Iggy Pop - Keep On Believing
I woke up in the quiet darkFed the cat and hit the parkCutest chicest chocolate queenLook and sm...

Iggy Pop - Knocking 'em Down In The City
We're seeking employmentWe're ready and strongKnotkin"em down in the cityWe're knockin' 'e...

Iggy Pop - Knucklehead
Fancy Apple lap top cost 5 grandFresh girl in a T-shirt silll looks bestTravel to a sunny quiet land...

Iggy Pop - Little Miss Emperor
you're not giving an inch you're not strung like wire your open arms they flinch joan crawford style treated like ...

Iggy Pop - Loco Mosquito
My mommy told meIf I were goodyThat she would buy meA rubber dollyI got some energy ...

Iggy Pop - Long Distance
Alone with the phone againThe deepening light seeps in my mindI'm desperate to hear a voiceCan t...

Iggy Pop - Look Away
I slept wlth Sable when she was 13Her parents were too rich to do anythingShe rocked her way around L....

Iggy Pop - Louie Louie
and now...the news:louie louieoh baby i gotta golouie louieoh baby i gotta gothe com...

Iggy Pop - Lowdown
I don't want to throw away my timePlaying games I don't respect or likeI can't give away my sovereignt...

Iggy Pop - Lust For Life
Here comes Johnny Yen againWith the liquor and drugsAnd a flesh machineHe's gonna do another str...

Iggy Pop - Main Street Eyes
This whole country is scared of failure.My head keeps trying to sell me ambition.But in my heart, I wa...

Iggy Pop - Mass Production
Before you goDo me a favourGive me a numberOf a girl almost like youWith legs almost like ...

Iggy Pop - Miss Argentina
Her skin is copper and her voice is Spanish redHer vibe is golden 'till her anger kills it deadShe wan...

Iggy Pop - Mixin' The Colors
all across the continentseverywhere a soul is senta new mix of the races is taklnit's what Hitle...

Iggy Pop - Monster Men
five little monsters were riding through space their spaceship broke and they fell into this place they gotta get ...

Iggy Pop - Moonlight Lady
Who's gonna tell you goodnight?Who's gonna put out the light?I love you and love is almost crazy...

Iggy Pop - Motorcycle
I saw her in a dream but it wasn't trueThrough the smoke and fireOf the exhaust fumesShe just la...

Iggy Pop - Mr. Dynamite
They call me Mr. DynamiteI blow things up in black and whiteAn end to your charadeA button I hav...

Iggy Pop - My Baby Wants To Rock And Roll
My baby wants to rock and rollShe likes pictures and thoughts controlshe's shoppin' wild and she's com...

Iggy Pop - Nazi Girlfriend
I want to fuck her on the floorAmong my books of ancient loreSo I will make a full reportI got a...

Iggy Pop - Neighborhood Threat
Down where your paint is crackingLook down your backstairs buddySomebodies living there andHe do...

Iggy Pop - Neon Forest
I'm sliding like a lizard on my belly and backIt's a miracle I haven't fallen through any cracksThe li...

Iggy Pop - Nightclubbing
Nightclubbing we're nightclubbingWe're what's happeningNightclubbing we're nightclubbingWe're an...

Iggy Pop - No Shit
It was in the winter of my fiftieth yearWhen it hit meI was really aloneAnd there wasn't a hell ...

Iggy Pop - Outta My Head
Sally goes 'round the rosesEvery nightTrying to find a warm placeTo spend the nightShe bec...

Iggy Pop - Perforation Problems
I got a secret you can live and learni got a secret you can live and learnyou don 't know me but i bur...

Iggy Pop - Plastic & Concrete
Plastic & concrete, babythese are the facts of lifei 'm a nightmare childstuck on my own knife...

Iggy Pop - Play It Safe
Say TaEisenhower saw the thingHe said this is sickeningI swear I saw the very thingI saw i...

Iggy Pop - Power & Freedom
All my life I've been polite butI'm afraid it's ?I'm a man I know what I wantGonna take some ner...

Iggy Pop - Pumpin' For Jill
When I'm asleep, you touch my feetYou let me know that I am no creepBecause I love you, you are for re...

Iggy Pop - Pussy Power
An evil shadow across my brainA certain buring that makes me insaneShe's on my beam oh no she's in my ...

Iggy Pop - Pussy Walk
The other day I was walking down 14th StreetIt was a beautiful summer dayThe sun was shiningAnd ...

Iggy Pop - Real Wild Child
Well I'm just outa schoolLike I'm real real coolGotta dance like a foolGot the message that I go...

Iggy Pop - Repo Man
i was riding on a concrete slab, down a river of useless flab it was such a beautiful day i heard a witchdoctor sa...

Iggy Pop - Risky
born in a corporate dungeon where people are cheated of life i knew i could never stay home no as you lie in the d...

Iggy Pop - Run Like A Villain
big dick is a thumbs-up guy he shot a missile in the sky it functioned just as advertised until the fire made him ...

Iggy Pop - Search And Destroy
I'm a street walking cheetahwith a heart full of napalmI'm a runaway son of the nuclear A-bombI ...

Iggy Pop - Shades
You gave me a presentThe paper was blue and greenI unwrapped it with pleasureThese are the best ...

Iggy Pop - Shakin' All Over
When you move in right up close to meThat's when I get the shivers all over meShivers down my backbone...

Iggy Pop - She Called Me Daddy
She's goneI froze her outMove by moveFirst I didn't hold her handThen I didn't touch her i...

Iggy Pop - Shoeshine Girl
One day as I was walkingThrough an airport corridorI saw a comely goth girlWith tattos on her fo...

Iggy Pop - Sickness
hey little girl you' re black and bluehey little girl you 're six foot twoi know a man who loved too h...

Iggy Pop - Sister Midnight
Calling Sister MidnightYou've got me reaching for the moonCalling Sister MidnightYou've got me p...

Iggy Pop - Social Life
Nervous you need a drinktired you need a liftyou feel on the brinkmaybe you need new tits...

Iggy Pop - Something Wild
Sometims I don't even move a muscleBaby while you lie awake all nightI think I've got 9 lives in these...

Iggy Pop - Some Weird Sin
Well, I never got my license to liveThey won't give it upSo I stand at the world's edgeI'm...

Iggy Pop - Squarehead
You can kick me out of a real good jiveYou can use my friendship like a doorknobYou can make me super ...

Iggy Pop - Starry Night
Stars in the skyI like them better than youStars in the skyThey tell me what to doI don't ...

Iggy Pop - Strong Girl
I need a strong girlCause war's where I'm goingI need a war girlWho wants to show 'em...

Iggy Pop - Success
Here comes success, here comes successOver my hill, over my hillHere comes success, here comes success...

Iggy Pop - Sweet Sixteen
Sweet Sixteen in leather bootsBody and soul I go crazyBaby, baby I'm hungry Sweet SixteenF...

Iggy Pop - Take Care Of Me
I've been working a long long timeNow I'm caught in a wicked bindYou offered love but I threw that out...

Iggy Pop - The Passenger
I am the passenger and I ride and I rideI ride through the city's backsidesI see the stars come out of...

Iggy Pop - The Undefeated
I was gently raisedFussed over r in schoolFed and housed and entertainedWanting to be cool...

Iggy Pop - The Villagers
the villagers are out tonight uptight and bored they're pushing you underground on wintry days they stand and gaze...

Iggy Pop - Til Wrong Feels Right
I took a poundin' From the radio today I heard the radio say some piece of shit Was it the sound...

Iggy Pop - Tiny Girls
Well the day beginsYou don't want to live'Cause you can't believeIn the one you're with'Ca...

Iggy Pop - To Belong
A bird is sitting on the pavementSomeone broke his wingNow that bird is going nowhereAnd he's su...

Iggy Pop - Tom Tom
Hey little oneYou've got the wayI ain't doing nothin'That's so importantI'd like to ...

Iggy Pop - Tonight
I saw my babyShe was turning blueOh, I knew that soon, herYoung life was throughAnd ...

Iggy Pop - Tuff Baby
Psst, psst, hey girlJust come here, come on, come hereI love your hairYour pearly smile...

Iggy Pop - Tumble And Twirl
i've seen the city i took the next flight for borneo they say it's pretty i like the tee shirts in borneo some wea...

Iggy Pop - Turn Blue
See a black EldoradoOh, rolling along down below my windowThat black girl in the back looks pretty goo...

Iggy Pop - Waiting For The Man
i'm waiting for my man, 26 dollars in my hand up to lexington 125 feel sick and dirty, more dead than alive i'm wa...

Iggy Pop - Well Did You Evah?
have you heard among this clan i am called the forgotten man ? well did you evah? what a swell party this is! have...

Iggy Pop - Wild America
One night out in L.A.i met a mexicanawith a butchy girlfriendwho i thought was a manthey t...

Iggy Pop - Winners & Losers
Winners and losers which one am I,is it the same under the sky?black motorcycles and the will to survi...

Iio - Rapture
LaLa la la la la laLa la la la la laLaLa la la la la laLa la la la la la...

Il Divo - Dentro Un Altro Si
Sai l'amore cambia in noiCambia forma e poiPiano se ne vaCosi rimaniamo qaiIndifesi noi...

Il Divo - Every Time I Look At You
I used to think that I was strongI realise now I was wrong'Cause every time I see your faceMy mi...

Il Divo - Feelings
Prima c'eri, ora noPrima amavi ogni mio respiroSpiegami di come I brividi ora sonoLe spine, di u...

Il Divo - Hoy Que Ya No Estas Aqui
No dije que te amaba, jams supiste la verdad.Lo mucho que me amaste no lo supe valorar.Me equivo...

Il Divo - Mama
[Verse 1]Mama thank you for who I amThank you for all the things I'm notForgive me for th...

Il Divo - My Way (a Mi Manera)
El fin muy cerca est, lo afrontar serenamente,ya ves, yo he sido as, te lo dir sinceramenteViv la inte...

Il Divo - Nella Fantasia
Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo giusto,Li tutti vivono in pace e in onest.Io sogno d'anime che sono se...

Il Divo - Passera
Le canzoni non si scrivonoma nascono da sson le cose che succedonoogni giorno intorno a noi...

Il Divo - Sei Parte Ormai Di Me
Mentre dormi accanto a meTi guardo a pensoChissa cosa sogneraiTi sfioro appena e mormoroPu...

Il Divo - The Man You Love
Si me ves hallars en mis ojos el amoreres t la mitad que a mi vida completLo que soy te dar sin miedo ...

Il Divo - Ti Amero
La notte scivola sul mondoChe si addormenterE la luna vestir d'argentoIl mare e le cittE t...

Il Divo - Unbreak My Heart (regresa A Mi)
No me abandones ashablando slo de ti.Ven y devuelveme al finla sonrisa que se fue.Una vez ...

Ill Nino - All The Right Words
I can smell the way you tasteI chase every breath you takeAnd I'll waitWhy would I deny?...

Ill Nino - Cleansing
From guilt to dustYou think that I don't want to hate youI know that I never did like youThis is...

Ill Nino - Disposed
Entre el amor si lo hicimos rightWas rightPor ser lo mas provocar was wrongWas wrongEveryt...

Ill Nino - Fallen
Be yourselfI wonder if this was greatI'll be myselfWant to know if this can go farContigo ...

Ill Nino - God Save Us
God save us!This new life has brought us this new knifeIt's worthless and mindless to preach. I resist...

Ill Nino - Have You Ever Felt?
Sometimes I feel like the world is looking over my shoulderI don't know why but I feel my patience getting s...

Ill Nino - How Can I Live
I am so alike you,In so many ways.I know I'm just a copy,That carries on the stain.B...

Ill Nino - How Can I Live (spanish Version)
Eres parecido en todo lo que soySigo escondidoPerdido es lo que estoyNo - que no me deja v...

Ill Nino - I Am Loco
Life is weighing down on me, killing me insideSomething I could never be will guide me to the newLight...

Ill Nino - If You Still Hate Me
The feelings you are breakingAre feelings I was fakingMy eyes begin to shut, my life's a bitchWa...

Ill Nino - Letting Go
I still hear my voiceIt's calling in my headBut if I had only one choiceI'd leave it left unsaid...

Ill Nino - Liar
For all the pain that calls my nameI burn your picture in the same wayThat you burned the things you s...

Ill Nino -
Yo no entiendo lo que esEverything is just a hazeYo no entiendo lo que esEverything is just a ha...

Ill Nino - No Murder
It's time to take it back, I'm taking what is mine!Me lo vas debar!No murder! No murder! No murd...

Ill Nino - Nothing's Clear
Fuck this place up!You know you're right, I'm just tiredCorrectando, burn our fireEsta fue...

Ill Nino - Numb
I loved youYou were all that I wantedThen, I watched youTurn into someone elseWell I...

Ill Nino - Part Of The Signs
Everything that you sayEverything that you doNothing will changeYou feel my rageGive in to...

Ill Nino - Predisposed
This is my time, this is my timeAnd now you'll go back where you came fromNow is the time to acc...

Ill Nino - Re-birth
Corre perro come mierdaThis is what you get nowYou think that you can get awayYou little pig...

Ill Nino - Revolution... Revolucion
We are given this knofe, now we're taking their lifeThe pact is made;We sold our souls for nothing mor...

Ill Nino - Rip Out Your Eyes
Your mind is awakening, your soul is repentingStop pissing away all the hours and daysTake one last lo...

Ill Nino - Rumba
The Gods want somethingLaying on your back againYou know you will regret thisYo espero y q...

Ill Nino - Te Amo...i Hate You
Te amo... I hate youTe amo and I hate youTe amo... I hate youYou always think that you are right...

Ill Nino - This Time's For Real
Why do you tell me all these lies?I just want to live my lifeI don't want to leave my dreams behind...

Ill Nino - Two (vaya Con Dios)
You think you're so rightYou think you know thatYou think you know thisYou think you know everyt...

Ill Nino - Unframed
I'm feeling like I don't belongI remember when we spoke back thenI was cold and insincere...

Ill Nino - Unreal
Separate your mindOvercome in timeI'm taking what is mineTenemos que pelearNothing i...

Ill Nino - When It Cuts
I cannot justify your envyBut I will be understanding when you stayThen I will satisfy you in every (w...

Immortal Technique - Cause Of Death
[Talking]Immortal TechniqueRevolutionary Volume 2Yeah, broadcasting live from Harlem, New...

Immortal Technique - Freedom Of Speech
Freedom of speech, motherfuckerOkay, something for the kids (hahaha)[Pinocchio]I go...

Immortal Technique - Harlem Streets
[Verse 1]Yeah.... Harlem streets stay flooded in white powderLike those mother fuckers runnin' ...

Immortal Technique - Industrial Revolution
[Verse 1]Yeah nigga, Immortal Technique, metaphysicsThe bling-bling era was cute but it's...

Immortal Technique - No Me Importa
Look I ain't never been afraid to tell how I really feelNunca, I think everybody should know thatYo cr...

Immortal Technique - No Mercy
[Louis Farrakhan talking]"Brothers and sisters...friends....and I see some enemies.[Laughter...

Immortal Technique - Obnoxious
[Immortal Technique:]ha ha ha[Verse 1]I'm obnoxious, motherfucker can'...

Immortal Technique - Revolutionary
[Men talking]Yo load the fuck up (locked and loading)You too (locked and loading sir)...

Immortal Technique - Speak Your Mind
[Intro]You have to speak the truthYou have to speak your mind[Verse 1]...

Immortal Technique - The 4th Branch
[Talking]The new age is upon usAnd yet the past refuses to rest in its shallow graveFor t...

Immortal Technique - The Message & The Money
[Immortal Technique]Before we go any further..I would like to send a message to all the undergr...

I Mother Earth - 0157: H
I dreamt the red whale song Hold the moment strong Then the moment's gone I never can get enough...

I Mother Earth - All Awake
Look for me to climb fallen trees in yellow summer look for me in wide falling fields of bohemia all awake w...

I Mother Earth - And The Experience
Snowin' in July My girls mouth on my toes Complainin' old ghosts In bedsheets of love Chri...

I Mother Earth - Another Sunday
Sunday... Always hard to get to sleep when Weird noises are implying threats On cold sheets I sw...

I Mother Earth - Autumn On Drugs
A worn old suitcase so what if it's broken, hopeless a little odd in a splash of autumn on drugs, hold...

I Mother Earth - Basketball
I'm barefoot, bristling Solitude On my rooftop, solid So like this come of stars Staring a...

I Mother Earth - Blacksox
I'm afraid of a sure thing of a change in the here and now and the force when it hits me the full weight of ...

I Mother Earth - Choke
Rev high Bend low and free the dead word When I stand up and feel the head burst WHen i stand ou...

I Mother Earth - Cloud Pump
I could settle down then take it slow do the right thing and gain twenty pounds before next spring when sens...

I Mother Earth - Earth, Sky & C.
Given good ground to walk around on It would mean so much to me to see Things for my still young self ...

I Mother Earth - Gargantua
Though the sign says "Monterey: forty light years from right here," We'll go anyway got a head start on the ...

I Mother Earth - God Rocket (in The Heart Of Las Vegas)
Undertow, you're thrown An old God has one bolt left In flight An aeroplane in slow motion ...

I Mother Earth - Good For Sule
The fathers torment the one son it falls on across warm deep oceans of moments and the man he must become...

I Mother Earth - Hell And Malfunction
One night I fell Rolled over, caught some good air home Above a deep, ferocious hillside Hell an...

I Mother Earth - I Is Us
Even in the wreck house of a promise Even in the gem blow of an awe fist Everyone's an air flow throug...

I Mother Earth - Juicy
Hey alright That killer's overpaid I never liked avenging angels How good are they? That k...

I Mother Earth - Levitate
Feel Heavy Once Felt it... Hard Question an answer For a thousand days Give birth ...

I Mother Earth - Like A Girl
Can't think a straight line beyond the hill It seems like a mountain next to an ocean behind A thrill ...

I Mother Earth - Like The Sun
In light of my present messIn light of my mental weather's turnIn light of all the crash and burn...

I Mother Earth - Lost My America
A chair in the corner One leg broken And a whisper in the hall There's frustration Another...

I Mother Earth - Love Your Starfish
To hesitate, to reel and stutter in a free fall to eat your grapes and slow the runner you just need calm...

I Mother Earth - Meat Dreams
Two ripe for solar, tender rust Too unfortunate to wake up Not a problem, don't blame us In the ...

I Mother Earth - My Beautiful Deep End
You held out and hurt yourself again did i not make it clear to look around my selfish queer with unlit eyes...

I Mother Earth - No Coma
In time I'll find why everyone out there In the painted sun Has already found their root...they've fou...

I Mother Earth - No One
Shades of gray Hate influence A constant truth Put into effect The question On a dea...

I Mother Earth - Not Quite Sonic
Not yet sonic But I'd like to reach the point Where I can say Yes I am But it always seems...

I Mother Earth - One More Astronaut
One more astronaut in black skin Of universe One more travellin' man With heavy tired eyes, feel...

I Mother Earth - Passenger
Then I woke, seven whole days gone The sunrise is perfect Taking aim, changing colours while it burns ...

I Mother Earth - Pisser
Lost all my friends pulling down my Pants just to say hi and I'm still Alive without a tan, trippin', ...

I Mother Earth - Production
This man May have a shitload To prove He's got to settle a score Against the groove ...

I Mother Earth - Rain Will Fall
Lookin' At the world go Trying to understand Electric wind blowin' like A demon fan ...

I Mother Earth - Raspberry
Held in hands, a warm cup Of skin always taken in by peers And friends and the heightened fears ...

I Mother Earth - Sense Of Henry
There they are Alive, on the move, pretty young, Still unproven though they love Restless young ...

I Mother Earth - Shortcut To Moncton
Between the doors, shakin' heads and thinking Light about who you're with, where you are Blue lightnin...

I Mother Earth - Soft Bomb Salad
Inside of a moment shines the wet unbelievable Beside every problem there's a rat under siege And brok...

I Mother Earth - So Gently We Go
Fill my head with Your nonsense You can breathe my breath Till I turn red Close your eyes ...

I Mother Earth - Songburst & Delerium
Wide awake in the candlelight Stoned straight, crashing Ocean wave patterns and sunset In their ...

I Mother Earth - Summertime In The Void
i felt the break and roll of the nexus on a day when the whole world elected to sell us out there are the ha...

I Mother Earth - The Mothers
Listen to the Mothers A surreal sound of eight-legged groove A serving of today's psycadellicasy ...

I Mother Earth - The Universe In You
It's just a thing with you A spacious place Infininte Dangerous Promising Black with...

I Mother Earth - Three Days Old
The poetry of this hangover I don't want to think, not Too hard anyway The scenery and fish, the...

I Mother Earth - Undone
Living alone, body shaking Cars outside They're singing their songs The candles wave And I...

I Mother Earth - Used To Be Alright
It's pretty good, the wine The way that we look at Ten to eight in the morning Just talking, sti...

I Mother Earth - When Did You Get Back From Mars?
We never thought that you were gone until we turned the lights on and spoke to your god but he ain't saying ...

Imx - Ain't No Need
IMx is back againSo everybody run and tell a friendLDB, Bat, RomeoThey're three bad brothers 'bo...

Imx - Ashamed
Our Anniversary is what its suppose to beGoin on 2 yrs and now it ends in tragedyJust walked out the d...

Imx - Beautiful
[Chorus:]Your so beautifulBeautiful to meYour so beautifulGod sent you here for me...

Imx - Beautiful (you Are)
You know theres something bout a sexy song (that really)Turns me on (and makes me)Feel at home (and uh...

Imx - Bubbling
[Rap by Ra-Ra]Me and my niggas is gettin down like what!Immature for the 99 like what!mad...

Imx - Clap Your Hands Pt. 1
Stop, look and listenNew chick on the block Pop this So sickAverage chick Im not...

Imx - Clap Your Hands Pt. 2
[CHORUS:]All the ladies wearing stringsClap your handsAnd if you wanna get naughtyC...

Imx - Crazy
[Verse 1]Hey girl, when I looked at youI'd never seen brown eyes so trueOh, something won...

Imx - Every Time
Yeah, have you ever been with a girl?That you did wrongAnd then she knew that you did wrongAnd t...

Imx - First Of All
[Romeo speaks]Uhhh, I meanI was trying to make things work usYou knowTrying to be a...

Imx - First Time
[x3]La la la la la la la lala la la la la la la..See, normally a brot...

Imx - Hate The Playa
Stormy Day, Platinum Status2001, uhGon' make you dance, come onGon' make you dance, come on...

Imx - In & Out Of Love
Yeah I'm so tired of seeing you like thisAll stressed out, don't know what to doI know, I'm everything...

Imx - Keep It On The Low
Hey now ladies guess who's backLDB, Romeo, and BatFor the 99, it's phat stackYo Ra-Ra about to r...

Imx - Love Me In A Special Way
You knew you had meWith your sensuous charmYet you looked so alarmedAs I walked on byIn aw...

Imx - One Last Chance
Ohh, Oh babyOne last chance I'll treat you rightOne last chance I'll do no wrongOne last chance ...

Imx - Pillow
I asked myself How can IHurt someone thats by my sideKnowing how you would take me backBea...

Imx - Stay The Night
[Intro]Ooh ooh babyImmature's back, back, backOoh ooh baby baby, ooh ooh babyRomeo,...

Imx - Tears
YeahTears they keep falling from my eyez from my eyezYeahBaby girl (baby girl)You go...

Imx - Temptations
Immature, come againWith another one, ya heardThat's rightNinety-nine, for you mindY...

Imx - Trick
This is not a direct derogatory towards womenThis is only the meaning of what a trick isWhoa (tr...

Imx - What I Gotta Do
Hey yo, hey BatmanWhat's up Chris, yo?I know she's cheating on youYeah manDon't worry abou...

Imx - Why
WhyWhyWhy ohhh why [repeat 5x]What is it that I do to get you pissed Whenever...

Incubus - A Certain Shade Of Green
A certain shade of green, tell me, is that what you need? All signs around say move ahead. Could...

Incubus - A Crow Left Of The Murder
Un-learn meDitch what I read Behind what I heardLook Find Free Yet? Do you get it ye...

Incubus - Agoraphobia
Two people touching lipsHands on each other's hipsNothing else in the world but one another...

Incubus - Azwethinkweiz
Floatin' round my brain, tryin' to think about the other thing. Than that thought you know I'm conside...

Incubus - Beware! Criminal
You crawl in bed, it's 3amYou smell of wine and cigarettesA butterfly under the glass You are be...

Incubus - Calgone
On my way home, police car pulled me over. After they left, I puttered out of gas. Triple-A' came, but...

Incubus - Deep Inside
It's 3 o'clock, and we ask ourselves, "Where are we now?" It seems we've wondered out of bounds ...

Incubus - Favorite Things
I'm thinking of my soul's sovereignty, and I know everything you hate in me. Fill me up with over-piou...

Incubus - Glass
If I had a dime for every time you walked away, I could afford to not give a shit and buy a drink and ...

Incubus - Here In My Room
This party is old and uninvitingParticipants all in black and whiteYou enter in fullblown technicolor...

Incubus - Hilikus
About a hundred years ago now, thought I was left for dead. Soliloquy, she was my... A picture, ...

Incubus - Idiot Box
You keep your riches and I'll sew my stitches, you can't make me think like you, mundane. I've got a m...

Incubus - Leech
Does it make you indie?Does it make you proud?To talk the world into a paper bagSpotty stain of ...

Incubus - Made For Tv Movie
I heard a word from on highGlare like a light in the skyIt said, "quit blowing each other up"...

Incubus - Medium
Medium, medium.Medium, medium.Medium, medium.Medium, medium.Medium, medium.Medium, m...

Incubus - Megalomaniac
I hear you on the radioYou permeate my screen, its' unkind butIf I met you in a scissor fightI'd...

Incubus - Nebula
Disconnect and let me drift, until my upside down is right side in. Society must let the artist go, ...

Incubus - New Skin
At first I see an open wound infected and disastrous It breathes chaotic catastrophe it cries to...

Incubus - Pistola
On the tip of my tongue an offensive is poised and rearingMy intention a bullet, my body a trigger finger...

Incubus - Priceless
The fact that youYou think you canSpeak to meThe way you doIt bleeds me to believe that yo...

Incubus - Psychopsilocybin
Psychopsilocybin runnin horny mother fucker. Trippin on his shoelace, searchin for the hairy sucker. ...

Incubus - Redefine
Imagine your brain as a canister filled with ink yeah, now think of your body as the pen where t...

Incubus - Shaft
Who am I? I am I. Who are you? You are me! Why can't I get it straight? No! ...

Incubus - Sick Sad Little World
No, You're not the first to fall apartBut always the first one to complainYou better get careful or yo...

Incubus - Sink Beneath The Line
Solstice sun it sank beneath the line and the commoners were... drunken upon the hillside or ...

Incubus - Smile Lines
Met my match todayFelt the blood rushing and minglingA curious and enigmatic thingSpiders in my ...

Incubus - Southern Girl
Is everything a baited hook?And are there locks on all doors?If you're looking for an open bookL...

Incubus - Speak Free
You took our lives away to increase your self esteem. An underlie in the public eye. Your dub...

Incubus - Take Me To Your Leader
What if your brain, unexpectedly and suddenly, picked out things to flip around and view a lot d...

Incubus - Talk Shows On Mute
Take a bowPack on powderWash 'em out with buzzing lightsPay an audience to care"Impress me...

Incubus - The Answer
(MMMMmmmmmmmm........ hemp?!) Step outside the bounds and take a big look at the times we live in. ...

Incubus - Trouble In 421
The evening began as a positive swaret and my abode was 4-2-0 G. But little did I know that in the v...

Incubus - Version
We could live in a house outside of town, we could build our own version of society, well...there'd be...

Incubus - You Will Be A Hot Dancer
Damn, this situation's new to me, why? I see a head afraid to be himself, I bet he'd to have a little ...

Incubus - Zee Deveel
Nice carWhere'd you get your ride?A trophy? Badge of honor? Overcompensation?Price tags advertis...

India.arie - Always In My Head
You're like a cool breeze, on a summer's dayYou are a river running through the desert plainYou are my...

India.arie - Back To The Middle
She is, twenty five, spent over half of her lifeSo afraid to speak her mind, it's such a shame'Cause w...

India.arie - Beautiful
The time is rightI'm gonna pack my bagsAnd take that journey down the roadCause over the mountai...

India.arie - Beautiful Surprise
It's like yesterdayI didn't even know your nameNow todayYou're always on my mindI never co...

India.arie - Brown Skin
Brown skin, you know I love your brown skinI cant tell where yours begins, I cant tell where mine ends...

India.arie - Can I Walk With You
I woke up this morning you were the first thing on my mindI don't know were it came from all I know is I nee...

India.arie - Complicated Melody
If he were a colorHe'd be a deep dark forest greenIf he were a carHe'd be a long stretch limousi...

India.arie - Get It Together
One shot to your heart without breaking your skinNo one has the power to hurt you like your kinKept it...

India.arie - God Is Real
[Verse 1]Sweetest honey to the brightest flower the largest plantInto the smallest atom, snow f...

India.arie - Good Man
I remember the first day I met you we were so young you were a blessing and there was no g...

India.arie - Gratitude
Thankful for relaxation, complication, Hivination and irritationSucclusion, confusion are my impuritie...

India.arie - Growth
The only thing constant in the world is changeThat's why today I take life as it comes ...

India.arie - Headed In The Right Direction
[Chorus]Headed in the right directionI can see the light of dayI've got love as my connec...

India.arie - Healing
I release all these disappointmentFrom my mental physical spiritual and emotional bodyCause I know tha...

India.arie - Interested
Your favorite foodWhat you like to doYour favorite colorOr any otherThing on your mind...

India.arie - Interlude
John Coltrane andMiles DavisDizzy GillespieThis is a song for youJimi HendrixStevie ...

India.arie - Intro
This is in remembrance of our ancestorsSam Cooke and Marvin Gaye and Donny Hathaway And al...

India.arie - I See God In You
Every day that you pass my way, I wonder, I wonder about your lifeWhat is your age, are you connected if so,...

India.arie - Little Things
Oh, oh, ohOh, oh, ohOh, oh, oh, oh, ohOh, oh, ohOh, oh, ohOh, oh, ohOh, ...

India.arie - Outro
Grandma LousieUncle JoeAunt JoanneUncle paraAnd to all of the namesThat I do not kno...

India.arie - Promises
When I think about the turn my life has takenI know it's because of you, that I receive so many blessings...

India.arie - Ready For Love
I am ready for loveWhy are you hiding from meI'd quickly give my freedomTo be held in your capti...

India.arie - Simple
Now that you're right here,Let me whisper in your earNow that you're listening,Let me tell you h...

India.arie - Slow Down
So far from where I started out.So far from where I wanna be.Listening for answers in the wind,B...

India.arie - Strength, Courage & Wisdom
Inside my head there lives a dream that I want to see in the sunBehind my eyes there lives a me that I've be...

India.arie - The One
I've got this feeling that I need to expressLetting it out so you don't have to guessI'm making myself...

India.arie - The Truth
[Spoken:]Let me tell you why I love him[Chorus:]Cause he is the truthS...

India.arie - Wonderful
You are the sunshine of my life another Shakespeare of your timeYour like a ribbon in the sky you are a poet...

Indigo Girls - 1 2 3
From the bowery to the brimstone, I tried to find your heart.With drugs of initiation, bottom of the barrel ...

Indigo Girls - Airplane
Up on the airplane nearer my god to thee i start making a deal inspired by gravity if i did wrong i won't do it ag...

Indigo Girls - All That We Let In
OoooooooOoooooooOoooooooDust in our eyes our own boots kicked upHeartsick we nursed ...

Indigo Girls - Andy
Andy do you love me do you think about it will you sayTurning brushwood into blazes turning summer grass int...

Indigo Girls - Become You
I heard you sing a rebel song,sung it loud and all alone.We can't afford the things you save,we ...

Indigo Girls - Bitterroot
Tonight I'll be sleeping on the mountain top,I got a billion stars for my witness.In the morning I'll ...

Indigo Girls - Blood And Fire
I have spent nights with matches and knives,Leaning over ledges, only two flights up.Cutting my heart,...

Indigo Girls - Burn All The Letters
I am sorry that I set my sights on the things I readSomething meant for your husband maybe you left under th...

Indigo Girls - Caramia
Caramia a blank notebook and a backpocket fade,you used to mock me sometimes I would cry when I was home lat...

Indigo Girls - Cedar Tree
You dug a well you dug it deep for every wife you buried you planted a cedar tree the best you ever had i stand wh...

Indigo Girls - Center Stage
Laughing in a crown of jewels,Numbness from a scepter's wound.Toss and Turn, I spin and learn,"C...

Indigo Girls - Chickenman
I am an only child born of the wild riddled to spend my time defending my land you are my only one born in the sun...

Indigo Girls - Closer To Fine
I'm trying to tell you something about my lifeMaybe give me insight between black and whiteThe best th...

Indigo Girls - Cold Beer And Remote Control
All of my days have been misspentStuffing out the sofa and the antenna's bentInside my heart's bustin'...

Indigo Girls - Collecting You
I could paint you in the darkCause I've studied you with hunger like a work of artThese are very secre...

Indigo Girls - Come On Home
Dark clouds are comin' like an armySoon the sky will open up and disarm meYou will go just like you've...

Indigo Girls - Compromise
You wear the cloth of finest lands,The touch of women the toil of hands.Undress me now before I bend,...

Indigo Girls - Crazy Game
Crazy game, i never should have started to play, but now you couldn't tear me away cause love is sweet, sweet baby...

Indigo Girls - Cut It Out
I'm sittin in Darwin's theoryYou're down in the 48 I'm practicing politicsYou're practicing guitar and...

Indigo Girls - Dairy Queen
I heard that you were drunk and meanDown at the dairy queenThere's just enough of you in meFor m...

Indigo Girls - Dead Man's Hill
We were down at deadman's hill smoking vines like cigarettes looking through the trashy mags trying to feel what's...

Indigo Girls - Deconstruction
We talked up all night and came to no conclusionWe started a fight that ended in silent confusionAnd a...

Indigo Girls - Don't Give That Girl A Gun
She's got a case against me a jury of my peersThe rage of the righteous screaming in her ears I'm not dignif...

Indigo Girls - Everything In Its Own Time
Remember everything I told you, keep it in your heart like a stoneAnd when the winds have blown the winds ha...

Indigo Girls - Fare Thee Well
Fare thee well my bright star i watched your taillights blaze into nothingness but you were long gone before i eve...

Indigo Girls - Faye Tucker
On the night they killed Faye TuckerI was gambling away my last dimeWell I pulled down the lever...

Indigo Girls - Free In You
A hard knockA cold clockTicking off my timeA long lookBut no luckCouldn't seem to fi...

Indigo Girls - Fugitive
I'm harboring a fugitive a defector of a kind she lives in my soul drinks of my wine and i'd give my last breath t...

Indigo Girls - Galileo
Galileo's head was on the block the crime was looking up the truth as the bombshells of my daily fears explode i t...

Indigo Girls - Get Out The Map
The saddest sight my eyes can see is that big ball of orange sinking slyly down the treesSittin in a broken ...

Indigo Girls - Ghost
There's a letter on the desktop that i dug out of a drawer the last truce we ever came to from our adolescent war ...

Indigo Girls - Go
Through the dustbowlThrough the debtGrandma was a suffragetteBlacklisted for her publication...

Indigo Girls - Gone Again
I think I'll bag that trip for twoAnd pack it up to Kakadu.Honey, it's not for the weatherOr the...

Indigo Girls - Hammer And A Nail
Clearing webs from the hovela blistered hand on the handle of a shovelI've been digging too deep, I al...

Indigo Girls - Hand Me Downs
I've taken so many down, I've helped them all to dismount.I've followed so many down, I take their hand me d...

Indigo Girls - Heartache For Everyone
You spent five years saying you'd come my wayThat's a little more wait than a heart can takeYeah now t...

Indigo Girls - Hey Jesus
Hey, jesus, it's me. i don't usually talk to you but my baby's gonna leave me, and there's something you must do. ...

Indigo Girls - Hey Kind Friend
Hey kind friend don't know when I'll see you again on a ferry boat bound forVictoria laying down to hide fro...

Indigo Girls - History Of Us
I went all the way to Paris to forget your faceCaptured in stained glass, young lives long since passed...

Indigo Girls - Hope Alone
Let's not drag this out, everything's in motionThough I've only ever loved you kind and with devotionI...

Indigo Girls - I Don't Wanna Know
You followed me this far, did you find out what's inside? can you tell me what I'm doing? is it something i should...

Indigo Girls - It's Alright
It's alright forty days of rain my skin stretched our from the growing painI'd be nice to have an explanatio...

Indigo Girls - Joking
You said the world was magic i was wide-eyed and laughing we were dancing up to the bright side forget about your ...

Indigo Girls - Jonas & Ezekial
I left my anger in a river running highway five new hampshire vermont border by college farms hubcaps and falling ...

Indigo Girls - Keeper Of My Heart
For you, I would tattoo meWith lines crossing into a hand,And a heart that would never bleed.The...

Indigo Girls - Kid Fears
Pain from pearls-hey little girl-How much have you grown?Pain from pearls-hey little girl-Flower...

Indigo Girls - Land Of Canaan
You can go to the EastTo find your, inner hemisphere.You say we're under the same sky babe,You'r...

Indigo Girls - Language Or The Kiss
I don't know if it was real or in a dream lately waking up i'm not sure where i've been there was a table set for ...

Indigo Girls - Least Complicated
I sit two stories above the street it's awful quiet here since love fell asleep there's life down below me though ...

Indigo Girls - Leeds
It's dark at four PM in Leeds the steeples pierce the skylight till the last of it bleedsThe absent sound of...

Indigo Girls - Left Me A Fool
Everybody loves you, and they want to know your story, you go riding out a mystery, concealed in all your glory, b...

Indigo Girls - Let It Be Me
Sticks and stones battle zones a single light bulb on a single thread for the black sirens wail history fails rose...

Indigo Girls - Love's Recovery
During the time of which I speak it was hard to turn the other cheekTo the blows of insecurityFeeding ...

Indigo Girls - Love Will Come To You
Guess i wasn't the best one to ask me myself with my face pressed up against love's glass to see the shiny toy i'v...

Indigo Girls - Make It Easier
I'm in search of greener pastures, don't like my gar- den's what i said, although i'm working harder than last yea...

Indigo Girls - Moment Of Forgiveness
Well I guess that I was lonely,that's why I called you on the phone.'Cause in a moment of forgiveness,...

Indigo Girls - Mystery
Each time you'd pull down the driveway i wasn't sure when i would see you again yours was a twisted blind-sided hi...

Indigo Girls - Nashville
As i drive from your pearly gates i realize that i just can't stay all those mountains they kept you locked inside...

Indigo Girls - Nuevas Senoritas
Well we blew off immigration, the moon was sitting high,as we drove from the Lacandon into Comitan. ...

Indigo Girls - Our Deliverance
Now we can say that nothing's lost and only change brings round the prophecyWhere now it's melting, the soli...

Indigo Girls - Ozilline
Oh Ozilline, the moon is almost fullAnd you don't need a torch lightTo see into these woods.Sist...

Indigo Girls - Peace Tonight
Honey pick the red corner shoesThe ones that hardly ever get usedI knelt in front of my whole collecti...

Indigo Girls - Perfect World
We get to be a ripple in the waterWe get to be a rock that's thrownWe get to be a boy on the bridge...

Indigo Girls - Philosophy Of Loss
Welcome to why the church has diedIn the heart of the exiled in the kingdom of hateWho owns the land &...

Indigo Girls - Power Of Two
Now the parking lot is empty everyone's gone someplace i pick you up and in the trunk i've packed a cooler and a 2...

Indigo Girls - Prince Of Darkness
My place is of the sun and this place is of the darkI do not feel the romance I do not catch the spark...

Indigo Girls - Pushing The Needle Too Far
I woke up this morning, grey dawn,with a prayer on my breath.I lost something precious,God'll sa...

Indigo Girls - Reunion
I had guards like watchdogs dogs in a manger i could feel the protection possession and anger and i drove out of t...

Indigo Girls - Scooter Boys
Scooter boys and Argentineans Europe shed the blood of the IndianHere I sit in the land of plentyCryin...

Indigo Girls - Secure Yourself
In the ink of an eye I saw you bleed;Through the thunder I could hear you scream,Solid to the air I br...

Indigo Girls - Shame On You
My friends they wash the windows and they shine in the sunThey tell me wake up early in the morning sometime...

Indigo Girls - Shed Your Skin
115 you are 17 Itchy trigger venomousYou growing longerYou growing strongYou shed your skin ...

Indigo Girls - She's Saving Me
We were sitting round a dying fire, somebody lit incense somebody lit a cigarette and passed the bottle around...

Indigo Girls - Sister
Sister, I'm heading out of AlabamaSo you better think fast.The wind is gonna pick me up nowAnd t...

Indigo Girls - Soon Be To Nothing
Kelly Mountain road saw a heavy loadWith a sagging heart and a break apartVoices in me stood as thick ...

Indigo Girls - Southland In The Springtime
Maybe we'll make Texas by the morningLight the bayou with our tail lights in the night800 miles to el ...

Indigo Girls - Starkville
If you were here in Starkville, the townie boys would love the way you stare.If you were here in Starkville,...

Indigo Girls - Strange Fire
I come to you with strange fire, i make an offering of love, the incense of my soil is burned by the fire in my bl...

Indigo Girls - The Girl With The Weight Of The World In Her Hands
She won't recover from her losses,She's not chosen this path, but she watches who it crossesMaybe move...

Indigo Girls - The Wood Song
The thin horizon of a plan is almost clear my friends and I have had a hard time bruising our brains hard up again...

Indigo Girls - This Train Revised
It's a fish white belly lump in the throat razor on the wire skin and bone piss and blood in a railroad car 100 pe...

Indigo Girls - Touch Me Fall
I'm waking from a dream the neighborhood is green all the sounds i've missed all the years come down to wedding de...

Indigo Girls - Tried To Be True
From baby to best with no second test,Little storms destroy you. Here is the fame they promised ...

Indigo Girls - Trouble
Trouble came around hereHere in the South we fix something to eatSteam risin' up off the greenery and ...

Indigo Girls - Virginia Woolf
Some will strut and some will fret see this an hour on the stage others will not but they'll sweat in their hopele...

Indigo Girls - Walk Away
We used to walk in each other arm, "one on one," that's what you said. now the moon is a sliver in our eye, we stu...

Indigo Girls - Watershed
Thought I knew my mind like the back of my hand,The gold and the rainbow, but nothing panned out as I planne...

Indigo Girls - We Are Together
The girl's known trouble the wind's to blame it blew her to anytown USA and that's my middle nameAnd where w...

Indigo Girls - Welcome Me
Welcome me to the city of angels,devil prophets still hold my hand.I walked your stillborn streets for...

Indigo Girls - World Falls
I'm coming home with a stone, strapped onto my back.I'm coming home with a burning hope turning all my blues...

Indigo Girls - Yield
I was downstairs in the greenroomwaiting for you to appear.I said hello to your family,I said he...

Indigo Girls - You And Me Of The 10,000 Wars
You and me of the 10,000 wars,dividing life into factions of pleasure and chores -a bed to be made and...

Indigo Girls - You Left It Up To Me
When i let you go, i cursed myself with empty hands. strong enough to watch you walk, but not enough to understand...

Indigo Girls - You've Got To Show
Yes it's true I've gotten very moody over youDon't think I don't sense your caution way across the room...

Ingram Hill - Almost Perfect
Maybe her eyes are just a little bit redAlmost all the timeMaybe her hair, it smells like cigarettes...

Ingram Hill - Brother's Keeper
Stop weeping for your loss, it's over nowHe's finally gone for good. I hope he's better offStop prayi...

Ingram Hill - Chicago
Streetlights blind my eyes through a shadethat's halfway pulledCracklin' right side interrupts the rad...

Ingram Hill - Day Your Luck Runs Out
'Bout that time againStrange feelin' in the windStandin' in this placeStarin' face to face...

Ingram Hill - Hangin' Around Again
Hangin' around again, in the shadow of your broken loveYou let me down again, and I'm drownin' in the damage...

Ingram Hill - Maybe It's Me
On the radio this morningThey played our songThought about the good timesAnd I wonder what went ...

Ingram Hill - Never Be The Same
She takes another morning driveShe wonders if she's right this timeShe dreams about a life in other sc...

Ingram Hill - On My Way
I don't want your old lettersAnd I don't want to be friendsI've had enough to last a lifetimeand...

Ingram Hill - Slippin' Out
Walkin' in my sleep againWhere were youOff in some distant landWas I with youSlippin...

Ingram Hill - The Captain
Let the captain take you homePack it up and you'll be goneMake it warmer in the backYou'll never...

Ingram Hill - Timing
A dark clear sky above our headsYou're tongue is cold but still your heart it bleeds for something more...

Ingram Hill - To Your Grave
Minutes 'till dawn, I'ma wakeStare at the phone, and I waitDaylight creeps in, through the blinds...

Ingram Hill - Waste It All On You
She makes her way up to the front doorCompletely numb when she hears my voiceHer burdened eyes show si...

Ingram Hill - What If I'm Right
You tell me she's not asking for an answer, just tryin' to live her lifeBut all this waitin' 'round has caus...

Ingram Hill - Will I Ever Make It Home
I woke up from my sleep to the sound of that voiceFrom the words that I heard I had no choiceThey told...

Ingram Hill - Your Smiling Face
The weather says the sun won't shineAnd I've arrested my free timeNo bottle here to ease my mind...

In-grid - In-tango
na na nadonne-moi ton coeurna na nachaque fois je suis dans la rueet avec tout mes p...

In-grid - Tu Es Foutu
Tu m'as promis et je t'ai cruTu m'as promis le soleil en hiver etun arc en cielTu m'as pro...

In-grid - Tu Es Foutu (you Promised Me)
You promised meJust me and youYou promised me the moon and thesun, the birds in the sky...

Injected - Blood Stained Glass
pull those chains when you turn me outremind me what this life is all about.because i haven't felt pai...

Injected - Bullet
you're coming home to an empty space inside of you,there's no other're wondering hard what y...

Injected - Burn It Back
i sow these streets with my own blood it seemsmy soul is feeling unkempt and bare.i'm just like you i'...

Injected - Dawn
she threw me away, yesterdayher deadbolt locks i feel no shameshe always wondered if i'd bend of if i'...

Injected - Faithless
Could you be lost Are you so free, do you long to beWhen the sun goes down, do you feel the feeling th...

Injected - I, Iv, V
talk, wait,engage your heart at its nadir.your methods coming clear.we speak, we tastewe r...

Injected - Lights Are Low
let's all go to the underground,some kind of social lost and foundcheck all your baggage at the gate...

Injected - Misfortune
found me dead on the side of the road, barely breathing,but my soul was seething alone,from all my gui...

Injected - Only Hurts Awhile
too much left to say,you never wanted it that way.and now you wake up wondering why your life is tumbl...

Injected - Sherman
i measure time in seconds between cigarettesdon't mind choking on cold regretsenamored with the possib...

Inme - 7 Weeks
GoSo your still the same, there's nothing left in meDo you really think that we could save this?...

Inme - Almost Lost
I had fun, but now, I can't come down again,To learn, you turn, hating ahhh, closed environmentA...

Inme - A World Apart
She walks in my room,Closes the door,She looks in my eyes,and find's the person I've been search...

Inme - Crushed Like Fruit
Never Exhume Me,I don't want you,My dream,Just like a waterfall in Black and White,But you...

Inme - Energy
I was in heaven and you don't care,My lucent orb is fading bright,All of this hatred turns you on,...

Inme - Faster The Chase
(Bring You down)I feel alone (Feel alone)Someone takes my pictureBut never looks at meIn t...

Inme - Firefly
I went to your bedroom to see you again,To miss you that much and it's such a long time,I went to the ...

Inme - Gelosea
Why don't you came and feed me?Feed me all my memories,And I'll wash it down with all your goodness,...

Inme - Her Mask
I could cry, my time has come and I am stupid and forever sad,Is it you God telling me to go away,Is i...

Inme - Icewarm
You could outrage the silent sea,I want to be, I need to be something more like you,Loneliness it conf...

Inme - Just A Glimpse
Just wait, there's no need to frustrateWaiting is the best partI'll see you it's only a matter of time...

Inme - Lava Twilight
Take away your sorrows,Bringing back my pain,If you say you need me,Then I'll take all the blame...

Inme - Mosaic
Creeping, Stabbing, Heart so hollow,Too much reality for you to swallow,Wonder it is cruelty,To ...

Inme - Natural
You know why I am here, You know,I glow when you are near, I glow,I'm taking more than I deserve,...

Inme - Neptune
I wish I had a different star,I wish I had a different silhouette,You decrease me, you seclude me, agg...

Inme - Otherside
[Verse 1:]Let me know if you care,I can still feel that theres something left between us ...

Inme - Ruins
Remove the cables from my sins,Add to your collection of all my things,She sails away to an unknown la...

Inme - Safe In A Room
There's no mistakes to be made anymore for you and herI sense you're coldYou know that I'll always be ...

Inme - So You Know
Just so you know, just so you knowJust so you know, just so you knowI got to find a way to griev...

Inme - This Town
I'm curedWhen you say there's something leftIt's pureJust to know we will always be friends...

Inme - Trenches
I can't be here anymore,Because I want my lifelong dream,You made it all for me I'm sure,But mov...

Inme - Underdose
I don't know how to fit inside,All you do is try and leave me behind,I don't know what to do,Bec...

Inme - White Butterfly
Paint a perfect picture Over meSmoke away the shakes and fall asleepDream about the things I used to b...

Inme - Wounds
When a day comes along,I can feed it, make it go away, Feed it, make it go away,And it's all the...

Instruction - Are You Happy?
Are you happy? Are you happy now?Poised for Branding. Too weak to know your faultsTell me when y...

Instruction - Breakdown
You Fuckin' Piece Of Shit!Steal me. Take me I am more than this.Cause I'm feeling terrified It's...

Instruction - Death To The 4 Car Garage Band
So what if I still dare when they don't seem to care.Cause I'm left with one last thing that makes me wanna ...

Instruction - Feed The Culture
Feed the culture. Kill my head.Lifetimes alterthings unsaidAnd I feel oldI see...

Instruction - God Doesn't Care If We Blow Up The Fucking World
Bearing all your weakness on your own.Pretending that you're out there but not alone.Waiting here for ...

Instruction - Great
It's the time of our livesSo let's get started!It's the time of our livesSo join the party!...

Instruction - I'm Dead
No way out. I've accepted my own destiny.In the end I've found life is making your own history. I live and a...

Instruction - Lean On You
Sad that I feel that we're wasting away cause you don't careEverytime someone pulls the trigger i say 'I tol...

Instruction - Pissed Me Off Again
Pissed me off again, test my patence.You wish sentiments weren't contagious.Pissed me off again, so el...

Instruction - Three Stops Short Of Dagenham
Flooded with purposeCourageous but worthlessI know just who's to blame.Hard fought solutions...

Instruction - Types To Exceptions
You take you're life's dissappointments And turn them into self doubtYou're too self conscious to prot...

Instruction - Your Punk Sucks
Safe suburban thought rebellion your sad comprimiseWhite belt wearingSouless, bearing...

International Five - First Kiss
hey yeawill I close my eyeswill I hold my breathwill I wanna crywill our souls connect?...

Interpol - A Time To Be So Small
We saw you from the ocean's side, from under the boatWe saw you making knots, we saw you get the ropeT...

Interpol - Hands Away
Will you put my hands away?Will you be my man?Serve it up, don't waitLet's see about this ham....

Interpol - Leif Erikson
She says It helps with the lights outHer rabid glow is like braille to the night.She swears I'm a slav...

Interpol - Length Of Love
This could be destinyOh sweetheartI've had no sense of timeSince we startedI got friends i...

Interpol - Nyc
I had seven facesThought I new which one to wearBut I'm sick of spending these lonely nightsTrai...

Interpol - Obstacle 1
We can cap the old times make playing only logical harmWe can top the old lines clay-making that nothing els...

Interpol - Obstacle 2
I'm gonna pull you in closeI'm gonna wrap you up tightI'm gonna play with the braids that you came her...

Interpol - Public Pervert
If time is a vessel, then learning to loveMight be my way back to seaThe flying, the medal, the turnin...

Interpol - Roland
My best friend's a butcher, he has sixteen knivesHe carries them all over the town at least he tries,O...

Interpol - Say Hello To The Angels
I want your silent partsThe parts the birds loveI know there's such a placeI had my back t...

Interpol - Slow Hands
Yeah but nobody searchesNobody cares somehowWhen the loving that you've wastedComes raining from...

Interpol - Stella Was A Diver And She Was Always Down
When she walks down the street,She knows there's people watching.The building fronts are just fronts...

Interpol - Take You On A Cruise
I'm timeless like a broken watchAnd make money like Fred AstaireI see that you've come to resist me...

Interpol - The New
I wish I could live freeHope it's not beyond meSettling down takes timeOne day we'll live togeth...

Interpol - Untitled
Surprise, sometimes, will come aroundSurprise, sometimes, will come aroundI will surprise you sometime...

Inxs - All Around
I see the rising sunI feel the warming oneWe've come a circleTo the way we once begun...

Inxs - All The Voices
Deep down in my heartThere is a lot of wordsTears fall down my faceBut I hear the many voices th...

Inxs - Baby Don't Cry
Baby don't cryBaby don't cryBaby don't cryBaby don't cryBaby don't cryBaby don't cry...

Inxs - Back On Line
Maybe there's something in meTrying to hitch another rideHave you ever felt this momentWhen you'...

Inxs - Barbarian
First there's nothingTakes a long timePiece by pieceIt comes togetherHe makes drawin...

Inxs - Beautiful Girl
Nicky's in the cornerWith a black coat onRunning from a bad homeWith some cat inside...

Inxs - Big Go Go
It's the way we walk down the roadWithout the care for the good newsAs the rain plays games with our f...

Inxs - Biting Bullets
Don't you wonderIs anyone that strongIt takes me underBelieving what I'm seeingI get so ti...

Inxs - Bitter Tears
In the mistOf my endless searchThe best in lifeBecomes clearThe rest just begins...

Inxs - Black And White
Could be clear black and whiteMake a decisionGot a need inside and I don't know whyIt's a strong...

Inxs - Body Language
If you say something to meAn' you mean, you mean what you sayAn' you're wanting my attentionTher...

Inxs - Building Bridges
And where has innocence goneDo we know too muchAre you comfortable in your skinWhen does the str...

Inxs - Burn For You
It's no use pretendingThat I understandThe hise and seek we play with factsIt changes our demand...

Inxs - By My Side
In the dark of the nightThose small hoursUncertain and anxiousI need to call youRoom...

Inxs - Calling All Nations
Well you spent the whole dayWith your axe to the wheelRead the late paper it was full of bad news...

Inxs - Communication
Light beams from outer spaceDrifting to your satelliteYour dish respondsCommunication disi...

Inxs - Cut Your Roses Down
And it comes down to thisWhen you take a lookGot to find a reasonFind it outWhat the fuck ...

Inxs - Dancing On The Jetty
Watch the world argueArgue with itselfWho's going to teach mePeace and happinessWe c...

Inxs - Days Of Rust
Dirty moneyWashed richSuck my honeyIt's a cinchUse your delusionsTo get ahead...

Inxs - Deliver Me
Deep down is a mysteryAll I wanna know is whyYour ways are taking overAll the apple in my eye...

Inxs - Devil Inside
Here comes the womanWith the look in her eyeRaised on leatherWith flesh on her mindWords a...

Inxs - Disappear
Say I'm cryingI'm looking at what's on T.VPain and sufferingAnd the struggle to be free...

Inxs - Doctor
We're all running fast tonightRocket shoes on our feetThere's a planet where it's rightI'm sure ...

Inxs - Don't Change
I'm standing here on the groundThe sky above won't fall downSee no evil in all directionResoluti...

Inxs - Don't Loose Your Head
You shot your mouth off like a kidWho's scared to have a heartYour loosing grip of what really matters...

Inxs - Elegantly Wasted
Look at all that shinesBaby's down on the world and she knows itIf your spirit's runningWhy don'...

Inxs - Everything
Yeah, we're not the only onesWho bleed for the love that's lostTrust, like the air we breatheLiv...

Inxs - Face The Change
Turns back to frontTurns hate to loveThe simple things that mean a lotTurns rock to sandTu...

Inxs - Fair Weather Ahead
There's this place full of mountain headsLiving and chewing on the fatBuilt upon the hazy planLi...

Inxs - Faith In Each Other
All the peopleIn this worldAll the peopleIn this worldI gotta tell you it's alright...

Inxs - Follow
Never had a spanner on herSays she sees it straightNever took the detourAlways licks her plate...

Inxs - Freedom Deep
Show me the wayGive awayThe truthI'm looking forI need a new wayOut of here...

Inxs - Full Moon Dirty Hearts
Full moon in a dirty skyThat's all we can hope for, yeahFull moon over dirty heartsFull mo...

Inxs - Girl On Fire
I just landedGirl on fireI felt the heatFrom Sydney to LondonWell she shut my mouth...

Inxs - Golden Playpen
I'm drunk can't see my glassNot worried - chair dancing manTossed out of the golden playpen...

Inxs - Good + Bad Times
You must have heardOf all the rulesThick and thinTeaches you hardAnd all the tricksC...

Inxs - Guns In The Sky
See the soundIt crashes in, all aroundIt get's inNow take your hands and raise them upInto...

Inxs - Hear That Sound
So your time has comeChildren watch the foolsDon't let anyone tell youWhat you must do...

Inxs - Heaven Sent
Your eyes are like deep wells of desireOnce in your arms I'm on fireYou were sent girl so perfectly tr...

Inxs - Here Comes
Here comes the rationalizationHere comes the song I knowThere's a change of weather comingThere'...

Inxs - Horizons
IWant to want to sail a boat across the seaFour winds four winds in the sails and in me...

Inxs - I'm Just A Man
I'm just a manMy will is so strongWhen I've got plansI close my eyes to the painMy m...

Inxs - I'm Only Looking
I hear voicesInside my headCan I deceiveCan I believeMy whispering friendsWhat...

Inxs - In Vain
Well just the other dayWhile alone in my roomI said to myselfI need something newI've cut ...

Inxs - I Send A Message
In the silence, I think of youI send a message, and I hope it get's throughThink of the distance...

Inxs - Jan's Song
There's Jan calling from the rooftopsShe says she wants the world to hearHer people's needs their basi...

Inxs - Johnson's Aeroplane
Four long lines one darker than the restEach one has a purpose, making borders on the landFarmer's pri...

Inxs - Jumping
Say when you get downLook to your leftSay when you get upLook to your rightFigure out the ...

Inxs - Just Keep Walking
Green Fields - Grass and earthBroken bottles - bricks and dirtSunshine soothing - clouds are hazy...

Inxs - Just To Learn Again
Back in time where fear can't climbWarm and safe with a nursery rhymeThey will put your feet in very h...

Inxs - Kick
Sometimes you kickSometimes you get kickedSometimes you kickCome on come on come on come...

Inxs - Kill The Pain
Put the red lights onDon't tell them that you've goneLeave behind your fearsYou know they can't ...

Inxs - Kiss The Dirt (falling Down The Mountain)
Playing in the dirtWe find the seeds of doubtDon't water them with your tearsDon't think about a...

Inxs - Know The Difference
You're driving all over townIn your big carWindows downSweet perfume trails behindThe impr...

Inxs - Lately
I never knew muchEnough was enoughThe reasons were not always thereBut the look in your eyes...

Inxs - Learning To Smile
Slow and easy is a dimensionGonna laugh it up, laugh it upThey say you make no fool of youAn' it...

Inxs - Let It Ride
The sky is blue I'm watching youThe grass is green what does it meanClouds are white don't loose that ...

Inxs - Listen Like Thieves
On the talk back showOn the radioAt the local barIn the hot trafficBy the red tail lights...

Inxs - Love Is (what I Say)
This isFood of loveThey saidThey got it wrongSmilingYou and IThinkingNev...

Inxs - Make Your Peace
There are river's runningJust for you and meIn the darkest hoursChoices made to beI choose...

Inxs - Mediate
HallucinateDessegregateMediateAlleviateTry not to hateLove your mateDon'...

Inxs - Melting In The Sun
I'm melting in the sunAnd this is what they call the lifeI suppose to much sunMakes a desert Ara...

Inxs - Men And Women
I can't see how I canTurn around what has been doneI was just like a childWith my eyes wide open...

Inxs - Mystify
All veils and mistyStreets of blueAlmond looksThat chill divineSome silken momentGoe...

Inxs - Need You Tonight
All you got is this momentTtwenty-first century's yesterdayYou can care all you wantEverybody do...

Inxs - Never Tear Us Apart
Don't ask meWhat you know is trueDon't have to tell youI love your precious heartI...

Inxs - New Sensation
Live baby liveNow that the day is overI got a new sensationIn perfect momentsImpossible to...

Inxs - Newsreel Babies
Venetian blinds are cracklingI like the noiseIt's got textureHit it again when I'm madClos...

Inxs - Night Of Rebellion
Simple matters always seemTo make things complicatedI think of ways to understandBut it all get'...

Inxs - Not Enough Time
And I was lost for wordsIn your armsAttempting to make senseOf my aching heartIf I could j...

Inxs - Old World New World
Natives wearing turquoise and silverDirty dogs barking in the distanceOoooh people of a thousand tongu...

Inxs - On A Bus
Liquor marketLots of flatsAnother 24-hour chemistSelf-Serve gasI said all these things...

Inxs - One X One
And when your heart stops beatingAnd the stars stop shiningWhen all your tears go dryHoney one b...

Inxs - On My Way
Shake make it foreverCurling from you lipsFaith and it's not overBring on that famous word...

Inxs - Original Sin
You might know of the original sinAnd you might know how to play with fireBut did you know of the murd...

Inxs - Please (you Got That...)
I've come to tell you 'bout the story I seeIt made of honey but it sting like a beeGot the message tha...

Inxs - Questions
How do you know when it's time for you to goHow can you stop when you don't know how to startHow can y...

Inxs - Red Red Sun
There's a red red sunAnd it's coming for youI tell it a storyAs it sinks out of view...

Inxs - Roller Skating
I see a girlShe's roller skatingI don't know herBut she makes me feelLike roller skating...

Inxs - Same Direction
There are few of usWho will ever knowWe're counting on every dayI'm not sure aboutWhy thin...

Inxs - Searching
I am searchingI am not aloneI am searchingPlease, give me someHave we lost direction...

Inxs - Shake The Tree
I'd love to take this lying downBut the world we know has lost it's crownAll night talking jazz cigare...

Inxs - She Is Rising
Those pretty feet are stuck deep in the groundAll all that junk keeps comingMust be the time to rearra...

Inxs - Shine
Making up my lifeKiller in the nightRattling my brainsLooking for that lightShine, s...

Inxs - Shine Like It Does
This is the powerSince time beganEvery single hourThat we have knownAnd from each moment...

Inxs - Shining Star
Mmmm I got a planYeah, you got a planGotta plan aheadI got a plan that'll make you a starM...

Inxs - Show Me (cherry Baby)
Show me, show meShow me howShow me, show meShow me howOh cherryOh cherry baby...

Inxs - Simple Simon
Simon found love, in love he thinks he found himselfOnly has a heart for her and her aloneHe walks dow...

Inxs - Soul Mistake
Promises are carved out of lustWith a fire in the heartThat burns without regretI vow to play th...

Inxs - Spy Of Love
Have you noticed to this dayHow many times you've prayed and playedLifting lovers up and downIt ...

Inxs - Stay Young
StayStay YoungStay YoungStay YoStay YongStay YoungKeep that biting...

Inxs - Strange Desire
My strange desireIs waiting hereTo be my lightMy shadow my stormThis is all andThis ...

Inxs - Suicide Blonde
Suicide blonde, suicide blondeSuicide blonde, suicide blondeSuicide blonde was the colour of her hair...

Inxs - Taste It
Yes it's meI am the oneTo make you seeWhere we belongI was shakingLike a leafA...

Inxs - The Gift
Oh, so fineWe were tryingOut of nowhereJust in timeLet you take meDeep down the rive...

Inxs - The Loved One
Yonder she's walkingShe comes my wayHer red dress onHer long black hairWalking like...

Inxs - The Messenger
Look aroundGive your eyes a new adventureWhat you seeIs a mix of past and futureYour...

Inxs - The One Thing
Well you know just what you do to meThe way you move soft and slipperyCut the night just like a razor...

Inxs - The Stairs
In a room above a busy streetThe echoes of a lifeThe fragments and the accidentsSeparated by inc...

Inxs - The Strangest Party (these Are The Times)
Welcome to the strangest party babyIt's like were staring at the sunEverybody's got their invitations...

Inxs - The Swing
It's the swingIt's the swing like a pendulumIt marks the moments as the years go by on an innocent fac...

Inxs - This Time
I will believe youIf you say it's trueGirl you know I need you more than anyWord spokenI'v...

Inxs - Time
Got to make a sense yeahEverything affects yaYour turning up the pressureBut can you keep it on?...

Inxs - Tiny Daggers
Ever stop to wonderShould I questionMove a stone look underShould I judgeHow you hav...

Inxs - To Look At You
What is the name to callFor a different kind of girlWho knows the feelingsBut never the words...

Inxs - Underneath The Colours
No division in the ranksThe lines are long and proudNo question on their lipsBut there will alwa...

Inxs - Viking Juice
If this was easyWhere would I beI haven't said I have all the answersHow could anyone...

Inxs - We Are The Vegetables
Well I've got this feeling in the back of my headI feel like making someone's face turn redLearning bi...

Inxs - We Are Thrown Together
I walk this mileLike anyoneWhat could be foundIn this sweet damaged smileWe are lost...

Inxs - What Would You Do
I've come a long way by carThe road went narrowThe bridges too farScreaming at 90Whisper a...

Inxs - What You Need
Hey, here is the storyForget about the trouble in lifeDon't you know, it's not easyWhen you gott...

Inxs - Who Pays The Price
Yes it's dark sometimesWhen the people are shovingPushing you into the groundAnd you cry in the ...

Inxs - Wild Life
Take one stepOut the doorLook aroundFor a whole lot moreOff in the distanceFir...

Inxs - Wishing Well
If you ever want to taste itGo down to the wishing wellPoison in the well won't make itKeep your...

Inxs - Wishy - Washy
I got a place with a viewYou can see the carsAs they travel down the freewayTo clubs and bars...

Isley Brothers - Lucky Charm
I dream of you and me on a ron-de-vouSomewhere far away on a trip for twowe'll take a ride...

Isley Brothers - Prize Possession
SanctuaryIs what youAre to meYeahNo dictionaryCan find The words to sayH...

Isley Brothers - Showdown Vol. 1
Whos to blameWhats his name?Wheres he from?Is that my range hes drivin...Tell me whats he ...

Isley Brothers - Superstar
Who's that girl that considers her self a super woman andWho's that girl thats independent and hard working ...

Isley Brothers - Take A Ride
Listen BabyYou need direction, Love and AffectionSomeone to be there, a man that truly cares...

Isyss - Beautiful You
Though I have loved it was never enough Until the day you came, I was not the same You brought the lov...

Isyss - Hater
Look at the way she dress Why ya new girl's a mess See that I was the best And now you callin' m...

Isyss - Holla At Me
All night we been catchin' eyes Between the two of us And ya been bumpin' into me I really think...

Isyss - Message 2 U
I get crazy butterflies inside thinking 'bout your love Would it be too much to ask for, for you to open up?...

Isyss - No Na Na
Can't take my clothes off, got to let you know Take your time let's go slow Know that you love me it's...

Isyss - Not Letting Him Go
No girl my man He don't have a million dollars in his hand And he don't have a eighty thousand-dollar ...

Isyss - Oh No She Didn't
[Telephone Rings][Speaking]Hello.Girl this trick done lost her damn mi...

Isyss - Stood Up
Ya got me waiting in the dark of night Am I being stood up 'cause I'm lookin' right Ya got me sittin' ...

Isyss - The Way We Do (part I)
Midnight Friday night feelin' right It's about that time Call my girls see what's up Tell my dog...

Isyss - The Way We Do (part Ii)
Last night We had a fight, you ran out didn't call, didn't page me Hangin' out witcha boys knowin' tha...

Isyss - Uh Uh, Uh Uh
Uh Uh, Uh Uh, Uh Uh, Uh Uh, Uh Uh, Uh Uh Uh Uh, Uh Uh, Uh Uh, Uh Uh, Uh Uh, Uh Uh I know you bee...

Isyss - Unladylike
Why are you staring at my man Don't you know he belongs to me girlfriend, tell me why You try to take ...

Ivy - 15 Seconds
He knows it's 15 seconds awaySpend another summer underneath his coversOr find outHello --...

Ivy - Ba Ba Ba
Ba ba ba ba. Ba ba ba ba.Ba ba ba ba. Ba ba ba ba.You can talk all night.Why not let it die?...

Ivy - Back In Our Town
Back in our town You were the only one who really knew me.Laughing out loud. We always knew you ...

Ivy - Baker
He sits in the car,Walks in the park,Waits in his room as the city gets dark.He can't understand...

Ivy - Beautiful
Sprawled across the bedroom floorDripping sweat from every poreHelplessly you reach for meBut I'...

Ivy - Blame It On Yourself
I saw you walk into the store Just as I was leaving. I don't know why it should matter. It's his...

Ivy - Decay
Drifting softlyRiding shadowsLet me drift awayClosing my eyesWandering so farTrying ...

Ivy - Disappointed
Baby for the first time I'm falling, falling for the last time. Half dead on the inside Feels li...

Ivy - Don't Believe A Word
How can you sayAfter all we've done togetherIt's gonna take foreverTo mend what's come apart...

Ivy - Dying Star
In the back of the busI caught you smiling at the rainYour breath steamingOn the windowYou...

Ivy - Edge Of The Ocean
There's a place I dream about Where the sun never goes out. And the sky is deep and blue. Won't ...

Ivy - Everyday
EverydaySitting by the window.Every nightI wonder where the days go.You're not the only on...

Ivy - Get Enough
He calms me down when I'd rather be out of my mindHe calms me down when I'm not ready to unwindHe'll b...

Ivy - Get Out Of The City
Summer days are long and lonely.Cars are moving slowly.The streets are filled with air so still....

Ivy - Hideaway
All gone. The sun is off to bed. The day's done So rest your head. We'll fly to a place ac...

Ivy - I Get The Message
Well my brother says I can't live in the past.But when you're more depressed by what's aheadYou start ...

Ivy - In The Shadows
The first timeI knew that I had you.The last time I caught you,Oh had I taught you.I...

Ivy - I Think Of You
I think of you Whenever I'm alone. Whenever I get lonely. I think of you Wherever you may ...

Ivy - I've Got A Feeling
Baby, what can I do?I've been out searching for you.I've got a feeling all I need is a love that's tru...

Ivy - Let's Stay Inside
Thunder and lightning Isn't it frightening Rainy day morning Feels like a warning Le...

Ivy - Lucy Doesn't Love You
Nothing's ever going to make her happy. She doesn't mind 'cause she's used to it that way. Time, time,...

Ivy - Midnight Sun
Floating over the airwaves What a feeling I don't believe it Distant voices from deep space ...

Ivy - Never Do That Again
The cat's on the carpet.The phone doesn't work.I hate when it's quiet.It means that you're hurt....

Ivy - No Guarantee
Have you ever felt lonely?Have you ever felt lonely?Have you ever felt kicked inside,Kicked insi...

Ivy - One More Last Kiss
I'm not afraid to start over. It's just a feeling that we shared. They can't take that away. I'm...

Ivy - Over
So, so pure, our birth, our loveHope to God he's really up aboveWhen all is said and doneT...

Ivy - Point Of View
This day, so greyBetray, and decayYou said I slayBut your mind was so blindYou could...

Ivy - Quick, Painless And Easy
Anyway, you will take what you need.Anyway, you will take it from me.Straight, straight, straight to t...

Ivy - Shallow
She's in love again, oh yeahRise above again, oh yeahHis number's fading on her handAnd it's a d...

Ivy - The Best Thing
She's reformed.Just like the neighbor's girl.She's coming home Into her wonder-world.She's...

Ivy - These Are The Things About You
You can really stare.You can stare a thousand miles And yet still I know exactly what you see.Yo...

Ivy - This Is The Day
Sooner or later she feels the morning come.Isn't it safer -- dark thoughts all gone.What a sensation. ...

Ivy - Undertow
Standing by yourself. High on the hills above the ocean. This is where you'd come to walk with your fr...

Ivy - While We're In Love
While we're in love we'll bleed each other dry. We'll hold each other close. We'll make each other cry...

Ivy - Worry About You
Bye bye baby. Don't be long. I'll worry about you while you're gone. Bye bye baby. Don't b...

Ivy - You Don't Know Anything
By now there's nothing left to say-I just opened your letter.I know you're only human butI expec...

Jacki-o - Pussy (real Good)
Jacki-O you can't be playing with that pussy nowJackiLemme lemme lemme see what you working with...

Jack Johnson - Cocoon
Well based on your smileI'm betting all of thisMight be over soonBut your bound to winCaus...

Jack Johnson - Cookie Jar
I would turn on the TV but it's so embarrasingTo see all the other people I don't know that they meanI...

Jack Johnson - Cupid
How many times must we go through this?You've always been mine, woman i thought you knew thisHow many ...

Jack Johnson - Drink The Water
Drink the water drink it down This time I know I'm bound To spit it back up I didn't want this ...

Jack Johnson - Fall Line
And by the wayYou know that hope will make you strangeMake you blink, make you blinkMake you sin...

Jack Johnson - Fortunate Fool
She's got it all figured out She knows what everything's about And when anybody doubts her, Or s...

Jack Johnson - F-stop Blues
Hermit crabs and cowry shells Crush beneath his feet as he comes towards you He's waving at you ...

Jack Johnson - Gone
Look at all those fancy clothes,But these could keep us warm just like those.And what about your soul?...

Jack Johnson - Inaudible Melodies
Brushfire fairytales Itsy bitsy diamond wells Big fat hurricanes Yellow bellied given names ...

Jack Johnson - It's All Understood
Everyone laughed at her joke As if they'd never even heard it before And maybe they were truly amused ...

Jack Johnson - Losing Hope
I got a faulty parachute I got a stranger's friend An exciting change in My butchers blend ...

Jack Johnson - Mediocre Bad Guys
Well don't give me no comic book sad looks no morePlease don't use those same excuses you've used before...

Jack Johnson - Middle Man
Well he's not necessarily trying to say that he minds it But someone plays evil tricks on that kid Wel...

Jack Johnson - Mudfootball
Saturday morning and it's time to go One day these could be the days but who could have known Loading ...

Jack Johnson - No Other Way
When your mind is a messSo is mineI cant sleepCause it hurts when I thinkMy thoughts aren'...

Jack Johnson - Posters
Looking at himself but wishing he was someone else Because the posters on the wall they don't look like him ...

Jack Johnson - Rodeo Clowns
Sweepin the floors, open up the doorsYeah turn on the lights, getting ready for the nightNobody's roma...

Jack Johnson - Sexy Plexi
Sexy sexy made up of plexi disasters Pushing and pulling conservative rolling Unlike plastic, easier t...

Jack Johnson - Sitting, Waiting, Wishing
Now I was sitting waiting wishingThat you believed in superstitionsThen maybe you'd see the signs...

Jack Johnson - Situations
Situation Number oneIts the one that's just begunBut evidently its too lateSituation Number two...

Jack Johnson - Symbol In My Driveway
I've got a symbol in my drivewayI've got a hundred million dollar friendsI've got you a brand new weap...

Jack Johnson - Taylor
They say Taylor was a good girlnever one to be latecomplain express ideas in her brainWorkin on ...

Jack Johnson - The Horizon Has Been Defeated
The horizon has been defeatedby the pirates of the new agealien casinosThe horizon has been defe...

Jack Johnson - The News
A billion people died on the news tonight But not so many cried at the terrible sight Well mama said ...

Jack Johnson - Times Like These
In times like theseIn times like thoseWhat will be will beAnd so it goesAnd it always goes...

Jack Johnson - Tomorrow Morning
Well that's alrightIf that's alright2000 miles were stillAnd that's alrightAnd that's alri...

Jack Johnson - Traffic In The Sky
There's traffic in the skyAnd it doesn't seem to be getting much betterThere's kids playing games on t...

Jack Johnson - Wasting Time
YeaAnd I'm just a waste of her energyAnd she's just wasting my timeMmhmmmSo why don't we g...

Jack Off Jill - American Made
Give me some antisepticTo wash this headache awayGive me a syringeTo inject the painGive m...

Jack Off Jill - Angels Fuck
I woke up, morningI woke up dead todayI aged a thousand years or moreI flinch when you are nice...

Jack Off Jill - Author Unknown
Check your dictionSearch your memoryCreate your historyStill not trueWrite your novel...

Jack Off Jill - Cinnamon Spider
A witch will burnwhen she's thrown into the fireNot her she'll peel and writhebut never expire...

Jack Off Jill - Clear Hearts Grey Flowers
Your mouth is like funeralwhere words go to dieYour mouth is like funeralwhere kisses go to die...

Jack Off Jill - Covet
Hold on to your everybodyThe people that you know are the ones you hate, the ones you hateBreak me you...

Jack Off Jill - Cumdumpster
C-c-c-c-call me cumdumpsterC-c-c-c-call me a cuntC-c-c-call me clever Is that still okD-d-...

Jack Off Jill - Devil With The Black Dress On
Wash off those scabs dearor fingernail pick them cleanPray to all your long lost demonsand justi...

Jack Off Jill - Everything's Brown
Hello I'm here to invite youTo things you cannot feeland if you push me too farYou might believe...

Jack Off Jill - Fear Of Dying
I'm not afraid of standing stillI'm just afraid of being boredI'm not afraid of speaking my mind...

Jack Off Jill - Girlscout
If you want it did you never want for moreThe girlscout fell from graceIf you want it did you never wa...

Jack Off Jill - Horrible
I can't exist anymoretill I destroy youI hate everyoneDon't know what to doIngesting flesh...

Jack Off Jill - Lollirot
You are insatiableLatex smile peels off your skullEveryone knows you need a piece of lollirotLol...

Jack Off Jill - Losing His Touch
Hey there cracked God(you're) you're looking older(you're) you're looking oldercry on someone el...

Jack Off Jill - Lovesong
Whenever I'm alone with youYou make me feel like I am home againWhenever I'm alone with youYou m...

Jack Off Jill - My Cat
Cool catGood catPussy catWhen I see him walkingMakes no sense to meMy cat is e...

Jack Off Jill - Nazi Halo
Take a souvenir and stop your staringJust cause I'm screamingDon't mean I'm sharingCan't keep my...

Jack Off Jill - Poor Impulse Control
I envy your demiseI hope it's all you dreamed it would beOne bullet in this gunNot sure if it's ...

Jack Off Jill - Rabiteen
He said that he would stay foreverforever wasn't very longHe said that he would take the high road...

Jack Off Jill - Star No Star
I cannot distance myselfYou were the one who believedthat only half of a girlhalf more than you ...

Jack Off Jill - Strawberry Gashes
Turn her overA candle is lit, I see through herBlow it out and save all her ashes for meCu...

Jack Off Jill - Super Sadist
Super angrySuper hatedSuper evilSuper serratedSuper guitarSuper fadedNever sad...

Jack Off Jill - Surgery
I can change I can cut it openLook at me the way you did beforeI can changediagnose the symptom...

Jack Off Jill - Swollen
Hey chew toy head you're swollenand disfiguredIf I strech out your face do you feelany bigger...

Jack Off Jill - Underjoyed
The doctor released mea case of underjoyedNo lack of nutritionsomething I can't avoid...

Jack Off Jill - Vivica
Oh Vivica I wish you wellI watch you burn in humid hellNo sleeping pills no old tattooswill save...

Jack Off Jill - When I Am Queen
When I am queen I will insist with perfect scars upon my wriststhat everything you once held dear is taken a...

Jack Off Jill - Witch Hunt
Dead girl's dance they burn and twirlWitch huntWitch cunt burn this girlDead girl's dance they b...

Jack Off Jill - Working With Meat
We are desensitizedTelevision did not break meBeen broke since I was bornI am breaking up with y...

Jadakiss - Air It Out
[Jadakiss]Work wit meI wanna thank y'all fa comin outTonightDis iz sum reel' shit...

Jadakiss - Bring You Down
[Verse 1]Top of the food chain, It's just the way that I do thingsThe dungaree seats in the blu...

Jadakiss - By Your Side
I'll be by your side (General)I'll always find a wayI love you too much, to loose yaSweet dancin...

Jadakiss - Checkmate
You did it baby!Congratulations, homie!You made history!1.1 million in a short week! [laughs]...

Jadakiss - Feel Me (skit)
Uh huh...All I want you to do is feel me...Why take time out, to give you the real me...Uh, uh, ...

Jadakiss - Fuckin' Or What?
What's up ma? Is we fuckin' or what?Haha, trying to say something tonight babyI know everybody ask th...

Jadakiss - Hot Skit
Got to Make youUnderstaaaandI wanna be your man, I want to be your man ! ...

Jadakiss - I'm Going Back
K, feel me[CHORUS:]Im going back to the way (yeah)The way I used to be (uh-huh)...

Jadakiss - J-a-d-a
[Intro - Jadakiss & (Woman)](Jadakiss) Hahah (Sheek)WHOOO!!! D-Block, DarkchildUh huh, ye...

Jadakiss - Kiss Of Death
[Verse 1 - Jadakiss]Uh, I learnt the game, I know what I want and I'm in it,The time is n...

Jadakiss - Knock Yourself Out
Uh-huh, you know where I'm takin thisI'm takin it right there - they leave me no choiceAOWWWWW!! Uh, u...

Jadakiss - Put Ya Hands Up
Turn the fuckin beat on!Ha!! Yeah, we back! (?)I had to switch back to Dom Perignon in rap baby!...

Jadakiss - Still Feel Me
[Jadakiss]uh-huh, real life shitna'mean True storyFeel me, matter of fact Still feel me...

Jadakiss - What You So Mad At?
[Intro]Ah-ha![Chorus x2 - Jadakiss](Wow) What you so mad at now?Go get...

Jagged Edge - Addicted To Love
Mic check one to ready Um I'm get you sweaty And J.E. they gon bring you some [Repeat a...

Jagged Edge - Ain't No Stoppin'
[J.D.] Come on, come on, come on I wanna hear that shit bump, bump You know what I'm sayi...

Jagged Edge - All Out Of Love
I'm lying alone with my head on the phoneThinking of you till it hurtsI know you hurt too but what els...

Jagged Edge - Best Man
Tell me whats the reason that a mans own womancould be so coldtell me how the two of you could be doin...

Jagged Edge - Can I Get With You
Ha-ha I don't need no sex I just wanna get with you Oh, all I wanna know is can I get with you? ...

Jagged Edge - Can We Be Tight
Can we be tight again?Cause you wanna know something(Can we? Can we? Can we? ooh)JE y'all...

Jagged Edge - Dance Floor
JE Yall New ShitWhat yall Know about it JE Yall New ShitSt NickI see you...

Jagged Edge - Don't Wanna Say Goodbye
Sometimes...What may be the best thing for you to doSometimes it the hardest thing for you to do...

Jagged Edge - Driving Me To Drink
I need a drink cuz you're drivin me to drinkI need a drink cuz you're drivin me to drinkI need a drink...

Jagged Edge - Drivin Me To Drink
I need a drink cuz you're drivin me to drinkI need a drink cuz you're drivin me to drinkI need a drink...

Jagged Edge - Funny How
It's real funny baby How one day everything's all good and then the next Your world comes crumbl...

Jagged Edge - Girl It's Over
Baby you can leave, you can leave, you can leaveCause I've been tired of you, even you tired of meDon'...

Jagged Edge - Girls Gone Wild
Now I met this little girl in DaytonaSpring Breakin with my dawgs I was on herDidn't give a chance to ...

Jagged Edge - Hard
Hard!Hard![Chorus:]Every single nightIve been without you girlIs just s...

Jagged Edge - Head Of Household
It's like Jordan and PippenShaq and Kobe, Ike and TinaNo I ain't tryna beat you babyIt's like So...

Jagged Edge - Healing
J-E y'all Ooh, ooh, hmm, hmm, oh First time in my life I got a real woman Who don't scream...

Jagged Edge - Heartbreak
[Jagged Edge] Can't take another heartbreak (Why, why, why) Why did you do the things you...

Jagged Edge - He Can't Love You
I ain't no hata or nothing But he can't love you like I can Trust me Ooh, ooh, ooh ...

Jagged Edge - I Don't Wanna
[Intro]I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don't wanna ...

Jagged Edge - I Gotta Be
Don't wanna make a scene I really don't care if People stare at us Sometimes I think I'm dreamin...

Jagged Edge - In Private
Yo wussup baby?Its been a while since I seen you.See tonight we gonna do something a lil different....

Jagged Edge - In The Morning
I cant get enough, sometimes its way to much [2x]Got a job, I got doe, what I need with a hoe, ...

Jagged Edge - Keys To The Range
[CHORUS (x2)]You've changed you're not the girl that used to do things The way I like it ...

Jagged Edge - Lace You
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh Girl I can lac...

Jagged Edge - No Respect
ohh whoa ohh....I respect a man raisin his kids all on his ownI respect a man who makes sure he ...

Jagged Edge - Remedy
Remedy, JE y'allI know what it isIt's that jagged little thrill right hereCheck this out...

Jagged Edge - Respect
ohh whoa ohh....I respect a man raisin his kids all on his ownI respect a man who makes sure he ...

Jagged Edge - Rest Of Our Lives
Girl I wanna be your allBaby please stay togetherYou know we won't need a thingGirl I wanna take...

Jagged Edge - Shady Girl
[Verse 1]I don't like wasting my timeI know i'm young but i can do better with mineCuz i ...

Jagged Edge - Slow Motion
[JD] I had this girl in my room right She was trying to do it, do it too fast I said slow...

Jagged Edge - The Saga Continues
[JD (Jagged Edge)]Yeah, uh-huh(Hmmm)We back man!(Oh)I feel sorry for all you ...

Jagged Edge - They Ain't Je
J Fizzle (fizzle)Jagged boyz (yeah, know what i mean)[chorus:]Dont get mad your gir...

Jagged Edge - They Ain't Je (remix)
[Intro]581She said he kinda week seeHe aint providinAint like yall niggas nah ...

Jagged Edge - True Man
This song goes out to everybody Who had somebody and you knew they was right But some kind of way, you...

Jagged Edge - Trying To Find The Words
JE Yall [3x]Im trying to find the word that'll keep her down man I swear ill keep her down ...

Jagged Edge - Tryna Be Your Man
[Intro]Introducing.....JE (owww)Oh oh ohOh oh ohUh uh uh uh uh uhhUh uh uh uh...

Jagged Edge - Visions
I finally figured out why I'm always on guard when you're aroundI'm feeling so uncertain bout do you really ...

Jagged Edge - Walked Outta Heaven
[Verse 1 (Brian):]I'm rolling down a lonely highway asking god to please forgive me for messing up th...

Jagged Edge - What's It Like
Ooh ahh, Ooh ahh, ooh ahh ahh ahhEveryday I age, I just want my life to changeI done been around, put ...

Jagged Edge - What You Tryin' To Do
Hmm, ooh What you tryin' to do for me? Does it really matter for you to take a cab or a bus? ...

Jagged Edge - Without You
Ooh yeahJE y'allCheck itI'mma send this song out to my dadCause uh, one day I came to him...

Jaheim - Back Tight
Yeaah awLooking back at all I put you throughToo much of a thug nigga to tell you I love youI kn...

Jaheim - Diamond In Da Ruff
Mmmmh diamondOhh diamond (diamond)Diamond in da ruffsomeone that you don't meet twice...

Jaheim - Everywhere I Am
Ummmm I hear you voice inside my head everywhereOoooo yeah clear as day inside my head everywhere...

Jaheim - Ghetto Love
You got me baby This here going for all the ladies, oh All I really want is your ghetto love 24/...

Jaheim - Interlude
Oh OoooohMama used to sayget on your knees and prayMama used to saythat everything will be...

Jaheim - Long As I Live
[Jaheim]Yeah yeah yeah, oh, long as I live.[Chorus]Long as I live, handle my...

Jaheim - Me And My Bitch
[Verse 1]Sitting here with carats in your ears, mink on your back, your bank account stacked...

Jaheim - Special Day
[Jaheim]Breakfast when you wake,along with the candle on a cupcake that I baked,catering ...

Jaheim - Tight Jeans
[Chorus]You been looking real good lately makin me feen I know were friends but listen up...

Jaheim - Whut You Want
[Phone rings] What you want?[Phone rings] What you want?[Phone rings] What you wa...

Jakalope - Badream
It's time for the crying to stopCause I love youIt's time for you to grow upI want youAnd ...

Jakalope - Come On
Do you want a piece of my timeOr a pieceOf my mindBare another chip on my shoulderMy blank...

Jakalope - Creeper
Come to meBabyFollow my leadI've a confession to makeIt's always been this way...

Jakalope - Don't Cry
This is anything but fairDon't say that it's not causeYou get what you wantAnd IWhile I do...

Jakalope - Feel It
Is that you doing that to meWith your stareI feel the temperature start to riseAnd IReally...

Jakalope - Go Away
Why do we cryWhen there's no more goodbyesDon't wanna get left behindDon't wanna be the voice in...

Jakalope - House Of Trepidation
I've tripped to the other side I've fell in to wish the other side Don't know if you can read my mind ...

Jakalope - Light After Night
It's wonderfulWhen I am uncomfortableThis rollercoaster mindMy one track rideTell me you'l...

Jakalope - Nothing Nowhere
Oh...I'm chasing defeatSelf created- miseryWhere will this endWhere did it begin...

Jakalope - Pretty Life
I am just over your shoulder, babyYou make me feel colder by turning awayWould you stop for a second, ...

Jakalope - Screecher
I am so tiredThis is insaneJust go away nowI don't feel the sameDo you get tired...

Jamelia - Antidote
[Chorus]If you ever feel like you need,Someone to be your antidote to lonely,I'll b...

Jamelia - B.i.t.c.h.
Beautiful. Intelligent. Talented. Cool. Honey.I'm a B.I.T.C.H![Chorus x2:]I'll be t...

Jamelia - Bounce
Let me see ya bounce bounce, yeah, Baby let me see ya, bouncing baby, ah, Let me see you bounce, I wan...

Jamelia - Cutie
[chorus x2]Yo yo yo yo cutie, do you have a cutie! If you aint a cutie! just let me know, ...

Jamelia - Dirty Dirty
[Chorus:]We can be all cute, all sweet, and flirty flirtyBut won't hesitate to get dirty dirty...

Jamelia - Dj
You're gonna rock to thisYou're gonna rock to this10 o'clockWeekend, bout to head out to t...

Jamelia - Life
[Verse 1:]Baby I found your letter todayOh it was so beautifulDeclaring your undying love...

Jamelia - See It In A Boy's Eyes
When it rains, well it rainsOh my heart don't feel the sameNothing change, nothing changeComrade...

Jamelia - Stop
All that I have is all that youve given me (ooh)Did you never worry that Id come to depend on you...

Jamelia - Taxi
Too much looking with your eyesJets steaming from all sidesMy heart is jumping, I can't control it (aa...

Jamelia - Thank You
[Verse 1:]The fights, those nightsI tried to pretend it don't hurtThe way, I prayed...

James Blunt - Billy
Billy's leaving today (don't know where he's going).Holds his head in disgrace (he can't escape the truth)....

James Blunt - High
Beautiful dawn - lights up the shore for me.There is nothing else in the world,I'd rather wake up and ...

James Blunt - So Long, Jimmy
I just can't believe that it's over.We were chilling out on the sofa,Digging how the guitar goes,...

James Blunt - Sugar-coated
I'm on a bus. I'm in a rush.I would catch a cab, but I'm not that fussed.Another day. Another dime....

James Blunt - Tears And Rain
How I wish I could surrender my soul;Shed the clothes that become my skin;See the liar that burns with...

James Blunt - Wise Men
She said to me, "Go steady on me.Won't you tell me what the Wise Men said?When they came down from Hea...

Jamie Cullum - All At Sea
I'm all at seaWhere no-one can bother meForgot my rootsIf only for a dayJust me and my tho...

Jamie Cullum - Blame It On My Youth
If, I expected love, when first we kissed, blame it on my youthIf only just for you, I did exist, blame it o...

Jamie Cullum - But For Now
Sure I know you'd like to have meTalk about my futureAnd a million words or so to fill you in about my...

Jamie Cullum - Everlasting Love
Hearts gone astray, deep in her when they go. I went away just when you needed me so. You won't regret...

Jamie Cullum - I Could Have Danced All Night
I could have danced all nightI could have danced all nightAnd still have begged for moreI could ...

Jamie Cullum - I Get A Kick Out Of You
I get no kick from champagneMere alcohol doesn't thrill me at allSo tell me why should it be true...

Jamie Cullum - It's About Time
Walking down to the water's edgeWhere I have been beforeIf I don't find my love sometimeI'm walk...

Jamie Cullum - Lover, You Should Have Come Over
Looking out the door I see the rain fall upon the funeral mournersParading in a wake of sad relations as the...

Jamie Cullum - Next Year Baby
Next Year, Things are gonna change,Gonna drink less beerAnd start all over againGonna pull...

Jamie Cullum - Old Devil Moon
I looked at you and suddenlySomething in your eyes I seeSoon begins bewitching meI looked ...

Jamie Cullum - Singing In The Rain
I'm singing in the rainJust singing in the rainWhat a glorious feelingI'm happy againI'm l...

Jamie Cullum - These Are The Days
These are the days that I've been missingGive me the taste give me the joy of summer wineThese are the...

Jamie Cullum - Twentysomething
After years of expensive educationA car full of books and anticipationI'm an expert on Shakespeare and...

Jamie Cullum - What A Difference A Day Made
What a difference a day made, twenty four little hoursBrought the sun and the flowers where there use to be ...

Jamie Cullum - Wind Cries Mary
After all the jacks are in their boxes,And the clowns have all gone to bed,You can hear happiness stag...

Jamie O'neal - Brave
I been down about as low as anyone can getThe whole world was closin' inCouldn't find a friendNo...

Jamie O'neal - Devil On The Left
Down in the Delta there's a tattoo parlorWith a black and white picture hangin' on the wallOh, oh of a...

Jamie O'neal - Follow Me Home
I don't know what brought us hereBut I know there's no easy way outOne thing is perfectly clearI...

Jamie O'neal - Frantic
Wake up, ninty miles an hourTake the world's fastest showerCoffee black, microwave itI'm at at m...

Jamie O'neal - Girlfriends
I've been starin' all day at the same computer screen'Round here I'm treated like I'm just some damn machine...

Jamie O'neal - I Love My Life
Her little blond hair's blowin', she's swingin' while her daddy's mowin'The grass, and the dog needs a bath...

Jamie O'neal - I'm Not Gonna Do Anything Without You
I'm gonna make you a promiseStarting tonightIf I never do anything elseFor the rest of my life...

Jamie O'neal - I'm Still Waiting
What I'm feeling, time is gonna heal itI've been hearing that for so long nowThey say I'll move on, go...

Jamie O'neal - Naive
How you been, boy you're lookin' goodAre you still livin' down in BirminghamFunny how things didn't tu...

Jamie O'neal - No More Protecting My Heart
I been walkin' through life with a bullet proof vestShielding emotions, acting like I couldn't care less...

Jamie O'neal - On My Way To You
I worked a little while in a little town in ColoradoBut the winters were just a little bit too longSo ...

Jamie O'neal - Ready When It Comes
She wakes up some days life is cruelShe's on a chain gang sittin' in a typing poolAnd her brain feels ...

Jamie O'neal - Sanctuary
What is this thing you doMake me just tell the truthWhenever I turn to you I surrenderFears that...

Jamie O'neal - She Hasn't Heard It Yet
She looks in his eyes, he looks awayShe chalks it up as another one of those daysIf there's a reason h...

Jamie O'neal - Somebody's Hero
She's never pulled anyone from a burning buildingShe's never rocked Central Park to a half a million fans, s...

Jamie O'neal - The Only Thing Wrong
A family that loves meMore friends then I can countGot that job I always wantedNothing to compla...

Jamie O'neal - There Is No Arizona
He promised her a new and better life, out in ArizonaUnderneath the blue never ending sky, swore that he was...

Jamie O'neal - To Be With You
To be with youI would risk a thousand lifetimesTo be with youThere's no mountain that I wouldn't...

Jamie O'neal - Trying To Find Atlantis
I hear he's out there somewhereBeen looking for him everywhereFrom Rosweld to Timbuck too I thought I ...

Jamie O'neal - When Did You Know
Did you know when you were holdin' meBy that fire in Jackson HoleThat you were gonna let me goAn...

Jamie O'neal - When I Think About Angels
Why does the color of my coffee match your eyesWhy do I see you when a stranger passes byI swear I hea...

Jamie O'neal - Where We Belong
Say goodbye maybe that's one way to goWalk away and say it's over call it historyDo I believe we'd bet...

Jamie O'neal - You Rescued Me
I was a travler travellin' aloneCrossin' that desert they call the unknownLost in a valley of shadows ...

Jamiroquai - Alright
I need your love,I need your love... You, give me lightSo tonight, take me thereI, feel yo...

Jamiroquai - Black Capricorn Day
Hey heyHey heyLet the rain come down on meHey, hey, hey, heyI see people and they're cravi...

Jamiroquai - Black Crow
He sees the stormy anger of the worldAnd wants no part of it at allAnd as the weeping leaves of Autumn...

Jamiroquai - Blow Your Mind
Oh oh yeahDon't you know,That now you blow my mindHoney,You're sweeterThan anything,...

Jamiroquai - Butterfly
Little butterfly come back to meEverything that I want written on your faceI want it, I want it [x2...

Jamiroquai - Canned Heat
You know this boogie is for real.I used to buy my faith in worship,But then my chance to Heaven ...

Jamiroquai - Corner Of The Earth
Little darlin' don't you see the sun is shiningjust for you, only todayIf you hurry you can get a ray ...

Jamiroquai - Cosmic Girl
I must've died and gone to heavenCos it was a quarter past elevenOn a Saturday in 1999Right acro...

Jamiroquai - Do You Know Where You're Coming From
Oh, do you know where you're coming from?Hey, nothing is as clear!Imagine in your mind, oasis.Far awid...

Jamiroquai - Drifting Along
Nowhere to goBut I'll still be cruisingI live this life longLong long timeYou know I...

Jamiroquai - Emergency On Planet Earth
The kids need education,And the streets are never clean,I've seen, a certain disposition, prevailing i...

Jamiroquai - Everyday
Yes I doBaby, maybe, we can spend a little timeTogether now that we're aloneSo long I have been ...

Jamiroquai - Falling
Sometimes in the morning When I wake upI shed a tearI'm hopingCome the night timeYou...

Jamiroquai - Feel So Good
Feels goodI'm stranded on a spaceship hideawayAnd something makes me think I'm here to stayI'm s...

Jamiroquai - Function
1,2,3,4.1,2... oh god!Do it again... Woooo!What're we gonna do tonight?Yeah What're ...

Jamiroquai - Getting Down
Were gettin down...Aw hit em' now Aw now, just gettin down Hey a just get down And, and ju...

Jamiroquai - Half The Man
Yesterday I wasHalf the man I used to beOh, maybe that's becauseYou're the other helf of me...

Jamiroquai - High Times
You don't need your name in bright lightsYou're a rock starAnd some tin foil with a glass pipeIs...

Jamiroquai - Hollywood Swingin'
Ahh now party people!Now party people getting down!Now you've got to put your hands together!Jus...

Jamiroquai - Hooked Up
I'm so glad I got ya hooked up on my drugEverybody dance to the musicAre you feeling well now you caug...

Jamiroquai - If I Like It, I Do It
If I like it I just do it Say that we have all the time we need to make it rightDon't hurry for nobody...

Jamiroquai - Just Another Story
Nobody make a moveThis kid's got you coveredHe was just seventeenTrying to get on like his dead ...

Jamiroquai - King For A Day
That's the way love goesThere's no wayI'm coming back to youI've just got to sayThat every...

Jamiroquai - Light Years
People tell me I'm no goodCos I'm expressin' all my sentimentsNow I got to channel all my vehemence...

Jamiroquai - Little L
There you were freaking out,Trying to get your head around the fact that me and you and love is deadSe...

Jamiroquai - Love Foolosophy
My nerves are jangling with these sweet sensationsBaby Baby, looks like a superstarI'd like a promise ...

Jamiroquai - Main Vein
What are you going to do to make me hate meI can't see how you can this timeA fistful of lies and a ve...

Jamiroquai - Manifest Destiny
Four hundred years or moreSince you came to crucifyThey were taken far from homeThere were promi...

Jamiroquai - Morning Glory
All of my visions were untrueTill I had a vision of youAnd untimely end for allBut it was only t...

Jamiroquai - Mr. Moon
Have you gone astray?Or lost your way?You should have seen me yesterdayWell I knew this kind of ...

Jamiroquai - Picture Of My Life
I never had a dream that I could follow throughOnly tears left to stain, dry my eyes once againI don't...

Jamiroquai - Planet Home
You know there's no place like planet homeNowhere else I would rather beIt's the only place I know...

Jamiroquai - Revolution 1993
You've got to stand up, stay strong start movin' in the right directionDon't wait, too long, for people prom...

Jamiroquai - Scam
You say you fight to give us freedomBut often more than not this is abusedAnd the faces of a tired gen...

Jamiroquai - Signed, Sealed And Delivered
Like a fool I went and stayed too long.Now I'm wondering if your love's still strong.Oh baby, here I a...

Jamiroquai - Slipin' N' Slidin'
You know I'm Slidin'.You know I'm Slipin' N' Slidin'.I'm sliding down the wall.Trying to g...

Jamiroquai - Soul Education
I didn't have time for schoolSpent my days breaking the rules and regulationsAnd inbetween they're hav...

Jamiroquai - Space Cowboy
Everything is goodAnd brownOn I'm here againWith a sunshine smile upon my faceMy friends...

Jamiroquai - Spend A Lifetime
Touch me in the night timeAll I want from you is loveAnd I know you can give such sweet momentsT...

Jamiroquai - Stillness In Time
There's a stillness in timeWhich I cannot defineDoes your heart bleed like mineFor a place we ca...

Jamiroquai - Stop Don't Panic
My head's under pressure babyLife's the sameIt's a suicidal incubator that's killing my brainThe...

Jamiroquai - Sunny
SunnyYesterday my life was filled with rainSunnyYou smiled at me and really eased the pain...

Jamiroquai - Supersonic
Supersonic...In the whites of his eyes,There's a supersonic vibeYou can tell by the vibe...

Jamiroquai - The Harder They Come
Well they tell me of a pie up in the sky Waiting for me when I die But between the day you're born and...

Jamiroquai - The Kids
Now we're getting nasty.Everybody's talking about the kidsThe kids got funky soul and groove emotion...

Jamiroquai - Too Young To Die
EverybodyDon't want no war,'Cos we're too young to die,So many people,All around the world...

Jamiroquai - Travelling Without Moving
Get down, right onGet down. I know all we're doing is travelling without moving, hey heyI know a...

Jamiroquai - Twenty Zero One
2001 - Where do I belongI got my mind but I don't know where my head has gone2001 - Baby where y...

Jamiroquai - Upside Down
Said Upside down You're Turning Me,You're giving love instinctively.Around and around you're turning m...

Jamiroquai - Use The Force
I must believeI can do anythingI can heal anyoneI must believeI am the wind (yeah)I ...

Jamiroquai - Virtual Insanity
Oh yeah, what we're living in (let me tell ya)It's a wonder man can eat at allWhen things are big that...

Jamiroquai - Whatever It Is, I Just Can't Stop
If I pick it up, can I put it down,Whatever it is I just can't stopFor only 20 seconds at a time it's ...

Jamiroquai - When You Gonna Learn
Yeah, yeahHave you heard the news today?People right across the world,Are pledging they will pla...

Jamiroquai - Where Do We Go From Here
That's the way love goesWill it change you inside outAnd then it flowsTo the places unfamiliar y...

Jamiroquai - You Are My Love
Oh, let me tell you a little story about a heartbreaker.Honey, I don't know why you treat me so bad,We...

Jamiroquai - You Give Me Something
When I met you, you were so uniqueHad a little thing I'd love to keepEvery movement carried so much my...

Jane's Addiction - 1%
All the people I know wanna be left aloneSome people! I don't know?They wont leave you aloneYou ...

Jane's Addiction - Ain't No Right
I am skin and bones, I am pointy nose; But it motherfuckin' makes me try.Makes me try, and that ain't ...

Jane's Addiction - Ain't No Right (live)
I am skin and bones, I am pointy nose; But it motherfuckin' makes me try. Makes me try, and that ain't...

Jane's Addiction - Been Caught Stealing
I've been caught stealing; once when I was 5... I enjoy stealing. It's just as simple as that....

Jane's Addiction - Been Caught Stealing (outtake)
I've been caught stealing; Once when I was 5... I enjoy stealing. It's just as simple as that....

Jane's Addiction - Chip Away
I chip awayCause I'm not okSo II chip awayPoked a hole right into myselfAnd inside I...

Jane's Addiction - City Song (soul Kiss Version)
In the city there is something to see In the city there is nothing to breathe I'm goin' 'bout my busin...

Jane's Addiction - Classic Girl
4:05;In my neighborhood,When shots go off,No one bothers. A POP, and a reply POP, and no r...

Jane's Addiction - Everybody's Friend
Hey man where did you go?Thought I, but I guessI don't know youGave you my heartYou looked...

Jane's Addiction - Had A Dad
Had a dadBig and strongTurned aroundFound my daddy goneHe was the oneMade me what I ...

Jane's Addiction - Had A Dad (outtake)
Had a dadBig and strongTurned around Found my daddy gone He was the one Made me what...

Jane's Addiction - Hypersonic
Yeah, I got a ticket to ride for twoI'm going up to the wild blueI keep the surface ultra cooled...

Jane's Addiction - Idiots Rule
I got a lie A fat fuckin' lie About a law Idiots obey They made it easyNow cheaters ...

Jane's Addiction - I Would For You
I'm everybody's slaveI made you my slaveYou saidThis I do for youIf it would helpTo ...

Jane's Addiction - Jane Says
Jane says I'm done with Sergio He treats me like a ragdoll She hidesThe television S...

Jane's Addiction - Jane Says (live)
Jane says I'm done with sergio He treats me like a ragdoll She hidesThe television S...

Jane's Addiction - Just Because
If I were youI'd better watch outWhen was the last timeYou did anythingJust for meOr...

Jane's Addiction - Kettle Whistle
What makes a kettle whistle? What makes gold precious? How come some people, they'll show you everythi...

Jane's Addiction - Mountain Song
Comin' down the mountain One of many children Everybody has Their own opinion Everybody ha...

Jane's Addiction - My Cat's Name Is Maceo (edit) (demo Version)
My cat's name is Maceo He's a little man in a cats body He yawns just like I do He's convinced I...

Jane's Addiction - My Time
Yeah the rain cameI said hey buddy,Buddy the streets are a snake skinI belongOut there wal...

Jane's Addiction - No One's Leaving
I'm a white dread-I'm a white dread, so? I'm a got a ring and I hang it from my nose. Got a little gam...

Jane's Addiction - Obvious
Hey, you don't know me! You don't know meBut you just keep on looking at me down low. Oh no! ...

Jane's Addiction - Ocean Size
Wish I was ocean sizeThey cannot move youNo one triesNo one pulls youOut from your hole...

Jane's Addiction - Ocean Size (demo Version)
Wish I was ocean size They cannot move you No one tries No one pulls you Out from your hol...

Jane's Addiction - Of Course
Of course this land is dangerous! All of the animalsAre capably murderous.When I was a boy...

Jane's Addiction - Pigs In Zen
Pig's in the mud When he tires Pig's in zen Pig's in zen Pig is nudeUnashamed ...

Jane's Addiction - Rock 'n' Roll
Jenny said when she was just five years oldYou know there's nothing happenin' at allEvery time she put...

Jane's Addiction - Slow Divers (edit) (live)
She said Do you think you could And I said Yeah In a second I'm sitting by a waterfa...

Jane's Addiction - So What!
Man ain't meant to work C'mon build a machine! So we can sleep and make love deeper Later we can...

Jane's Addiction - Standing In The Shower... Thinking
Standing in the shower thinkingAbout what makes a manAn outlaw or a leaderI'm thinking about pow...

Jane's Addiction - Stop
Save the complaintsFor a party conversation. The world is loaded,It's lit to pop and nobody is g...

Jane's Addiction - Stop! (live)
Save the complaints for a party conversation. The world is loaded, it's lit to pop and nobody is gonna stop....

Jane's Addiction - Strays
Who's car am I driving in?You picked up a handfulI can't remember your name?I always seem to get...

Jane's Addiction - Suffer Some
She's so lucky that she had to suffer someLeft her happy home began to drink and slumShe's got problem...

Jane's Addiction - Summertime Rolls
Fell into A sea of grass And disappeared among The shady blades... Children all Ran ...

Jane's Addiction - Superhero
Yeah yeahYeah yeahyeah You were smiling by my tableHad to call up everyone that dayA...

Jane's Addiction - Sympathy
Please allow me to introduce myselfI'm a man of wealth and tasteI've been around for a long, long year...

Jane's Addiction - Ted, Just Admit It...
Camera got them imagesCamera got them allNothing's shocking...Showed me everybodyNaked and...

Jane's Addiction - Thank You Boys
Thank you boys ...

Jane's Addiction - Then She Did
Now her paints are dry... And I looked outside... At the corner boys...Ayh, oh, where did ...

Jane's Addiction - The Price I Pay
I always do the wrong thingBut for a very good reasonAlways do it wrongBut it feels rightS...

Jane's Addiction - The Riches
I loved standing by the water and just knowing what it's forIt's all right to swim and sip it- let me have a...

Jane's Addiction - Three Days
Three days was the morning. My focus three days old. My head, it landedTo the sounds of cricket ...

Jane's Addiction - Three Days (live)
Three days was the morning. My focus three days old. My head, it landed to the sounds of cricket bows....

Jane's Addiction - To Match The Sun
Sit with me nowWill watch the duskSun falling onThe two of usLet's set our heartsTo ...

Jane's Addiction - Trip Away
Mama, lick on me nowNo carePut me on the bad sideOh, so badI wanna make you loveWann...

Jane's Addiction - True Nature
Power tripping your luck is switchedOh, so now it's funnyWhen it's your turn is to laughYou go p...

Jane's Addiction - Up The Beach
Here we go nowHome...Home...Home... ...

Jane's Addiction - Up The Beach (live)
Here we go now Home... Home... Home... ...

Jane's Addiction - Whores
Way down low where the streets are litteredI find my fun with the freaks and the niggersI dont want mu...

Jane's Addiction - Whores (live)
Way down low where the streets are littered I find my fun with the freaks and the niggers I don't want...

Jane's Addiction - Wrong Girl
You messed with the wrong girlShe but small but she's fierceShe shattered the glass outWith the ...

Janet Jackson - 70's Love Groove
Hey baby, just let me do all the workWait, let me put this record onMmm, I like thatTonight you'...

Janet Jackson - Accept Me
There's something you must knowI'm so misunderstood I am a special girl Living in my special wor...

Janet Jackson - All For You
All my girls at the party Look at that body Shakin' that thing Like I never did see Got a ...

Janet Jackson - All Nite (don't Stop)
This is sick"Attention it's time to dance..."[Chorus]Work it like you're working a ...

Janet Jackson - Anything
Hold meKiss meShow meYou wanna be with meFeel meTaste meAnd maybeI...

Janet Jackson - Ask For More
Feel you, hold you, taste you as you travelDeep into my senses, so refreshingSoon you will open ...

Janet Jackson - Better Days
I used to sit and wonderWould I ever be happyLife was so bittersweetSo many disappointments...

Janet Jackson - Black Cat
All the lonely nights I spend aloneNever around to love meYou're always goneCause you're hangin ...

Janet Jackson - Can't Be Stopped
Nothing's gonna stop usWe can't be stoppedI know that it's not been easyTrying to make it ...

Janet Jackson - China Love
The energy I seeThe silence that you speakThe lust within my dreamsAnd what I t says to me...

Janet Jackson - Come On Get Up
Come on get upCome on get up babyBefore you make me change my mindCome on get up baby...

Janet Jackson - Country
JJoDunkBootyDamita JoIsn't that like a country name?It is isn't it?The D...

Janet Jackson - Damita Jo
Sexy QuietShy, but down for a good timeTaurus signLike rain, but love the sunshineMakin' h...

Janet Jackson - Doesn't Really Matter
Hmm, he-heOh, heyDoesn't matter (It doesn't matter)Doesn't matter at allDoesn't matt...

Janet Jackson - Feels So Right
Oh how can it be trueGod's gift me and youAnd I won't take it for grantedMy love for you is stro...

Janet Jackson - God's Stepchild
Gotta story for you 'Bout a little friend Never felt good enough Had a heart to mend Never...

Janet Jackson - I Get Lonely
[CHORUS: (2x)]I get so lonelyCan't let just anybody hold meYou are the one that lives in ...

Janet Jackson - I Know The Truth
[Elton]How have I come to this?How did I slip and fall?How did I throw half a lifetime aw...

Janet Jackson - Island Life
Come into this sacred and erotic dreamIt's a world I know you wanna shareBaby, let's indulge in things...

Janet Jackson - It All Comes Down To Love
TrulyIt all comes down to loveHonestlyIt all comes down to loveUndeniablyIt all come...

Janet Jackson - I Want You
Feels like going in circlesYou're like a maze I can't get throughShould I go left should I go right...

Janet Jackson - Just A Little While
Baby, I like it when it feels this goodYou always seem to make me smileCan't nobody do what you do...

Janet Jackson - Like You Don't Love Me
[Verse 1:]I saw your manhood risingCause you were fantasizingI guess that model in the li...

Janet Jackson - Livin' In A World (they Didn't Make)
Children are called the future of an adult worldThey are born with spirits so innocentTil we teach the...

Janet Jackson - Lonely
Feeling so alone and desertedWith people standing all around youShould I trust someoneShould I s...

Janet Jackson - Looking For Love
We're vulnerableWe're sensitiveAnd we're complicated people, tooSo many people rolled into one...

Janet Jackson - Love Scene (ooh Baby)
Love Scene (Ooh Baby)Ooh baby ooh babyOoh baby ooh babyOoh baby ooh babyOoh baby ooh...

Janet Jackson - Luv Me, Luv Me
Original lover, lover, mm, yeah, uh (Yeah) Catch a groove girl, catch a groove, that's right Lov...

Janet Jackson - Magic Hour
The magic hourThat's the ultimate for meWhen it's almost darkThe sun is going downAnd ther...

Janet Jackson - Miss You Much
Shot like an arrow going through my heartThat's the pain I feelI feel whenever we're apartNot to...

Janet Jackson - Moist
You're feelin' in itYou're ticklin' itYou're swimming in itYou're gonna get itI'm in...

Janet Jackson - One More Chance
Just remember everything I told you Sorry for the pain that I have caused you You know it's true, I wa...

Janet Jackson - R&b Junkie
I feel like bumpin' to some old skoolI feel like dancin' all night with youI feel like bumpin' to some...

Janet Jackson - Sexhibition
I...cause I wanna sexplore youI...put my hands up on you (babe)I...wanna feel ur sexplosionI.. a...

Janet Jackson - Skin Game
Oh See you, you in there dancin?And Il in here needing questions and answers (Ha!, ha!), h...

Janet Jackson - Slolove
I gotta take, I wanna do all the day through slow loveOohUh uhUh uhYou are all of me...

Janet Jackson - Someday Is Tonight
Here we are just you and meGot something for you babyWait and seeNo need to worry, come follow m...

Janet Jackson - Someone To Call My Lover
Back on the road againFeeling kinda lonelyAnd looking for the right guyTo be mineFri...

Janet Jackson - Spending Time With You
I close my eyes and fantasizeAnd I just imagineA tropical islandWe're all aloneOur pagers ...

Janet Jackson - State Of The World
Five A.M. rise and shineTo feed the baby before he starts to cryNo rest, no time to play15, the ...

Janet Jackson - Strawberry Bounce
[Chorus 1]La-la-la-laLa-la-la-la [repeat]I like to make itYou know I'll make...

Janet Jackson - The Islands
The islandsAnguila that's my favoriteI love the IslandsThat's my escapismThey relax me...

Janet Jackson - The Knowledge
Insight to what's going onInformation keeps us strongWhat you don't know can hurt you badTake it...

Janet Jackson - The One
The confusion liftsThe contradictions meltWe're left aloneWith the oneThe one is all we ne...

Janet Jackson - The Pleasure Principle
You might think I'm crazy but I'm seriousIt's better you know nowWhat I thought was happiness was only...

Janet Jackson - Thinkin' Bout My Ex
When I first met youI swear that I was straight with youI wasn't looking for nobody newI just ne...

Janet Jackson - Truly
[Chorus:]When I'm all alone with youWe do the things that lovers doTell me is this not tr...

Janet Jackson - Trust A Try
Trust not an easy thing you sayNever thought the game of loveThis way you'd playBy the things yo...

Janet Jackson - Truth
How did I get hereThink I know what I didAlways worked real hard Maybe I missed somethingI...

Janet Jackson - Vuelve A Mi
Buscando en mi cajon, tu carta aparecio Querias tiempo para ti, ya el tiempo nos paso Di mi vida enter...

Janet Jackson - Warmth
Pull overLet me do all the work[Chorus]My hands wrapped aroundStroking up and...

Janet Jackson - What'll I Do
What'll I doFor satisfactionHoney who'll takeCare of me nowIf you leaveI can't make ...

Janet Jackson - What's It Gonna Be?!
[Busta Rhymes:]Ah, ah Ah, ah Ah, ah C'mon Ah, ah, ah, oh, oh, oh Oh ...

Janet Jackson - When I Think Of You
Ooh baby, anytime my world gets crazyAll I have to do, to calm itIs just think of you'Caus...

Janet Jackson - Whoops Now
Friday morning and all my work is doneI've packed my bagsI'm on the runI got a feeling that I'm ...

Janet Jackson - Would You Mind
Baby would you mind touching meEver so slowlyYou're making me quiverBaby would you mind undressi...

Janet Jackson - You Ain't Right
Took myself on to the doctor wasn't feeling fineI had a fever 104Oh that blew my mindMust be I h...

Janet Jackson - You Need Me
As a child I missed a lot of love I never had And daddy he was distant Never there to hold my hand ...

Janis Joplin - All Is Loneliness
All is loneliness before meLoneliness before me.Loneliness. All is lonelinessLonelin...

Janis Joplin - Amazing Grace
Amazing graceHow sweet the soundThat saved a wretch like me.I once was lostBut now I'm fou...

Janis Joplin - As Good As Youve Been To This World
Live your loving life,Live it all the best you canAnd if you pay no attention darlingTo what you...

Janis Joplin - A Woman Left Lonely
A woman left lonely will soon grow tired of waiting,Shell do crazy things, yeah, on lonely occasions.A...

Janis Joplin - Black Mountain Blues
Out in Black Mountain a child will smack your faceI'm saying out on Black Mountain a child will smack your f...

Janis Joplin - Blindman
Well, the blind man, he stood on the way and criedBlind man, he stood on the way and criedBlind man st...

Janis Joplin - Blow My Mind
You got the mind like a child, girl,You got to fight like a woman.Well, I think you're so wild, girl,...

Janis Joplin - Bo Diddley
Bo Diddley called a nanny goatTo make his pretty baby a Sunday coatBo Diddley called a bear catT...

Janis Joplin - Bye, Bye Baby
Bye, bye-bye, baby, bye-bye.I gotta be seeing you aroundWhen I change my living standard and I move up...

Janis Joplin - Call On Me
Well, baby, when times are bad,Now call on me, darling, and Ill come to you.When youre in trouble and ...

Janis Joplin - Careless Love
Oh love, oh love, oh careless love,Oh love, oh love, oh careless love.Oh love, oh love, oh careless lo...

Janis Joplin - Catch Me Daddy
Oh, I'm so alone.Hey daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, now.No, no, no!!!No, no, n...

Janis Joplin - Caterpillar
Im a caterpillarIm a caterpillarCrawling for your loveCrawling for your loveCrawling for y...

Janis Joplin - C'mon Baby Let The Good Times Roll
C'mon baby, let the good times rollC'mon baby, let me thrill your soulC'mon baby you're the best there...

Janis Joplin - Combination Of The Two
Ooh! Yeah yeah! Alright, baby! Everybodys got it,Theyre all trying to fe...

Janis Joplin - Coo-coo
Oh, the cuckoo, shes a pretty bird, and she warbles when she fliesBut she never hollers cuckoo till the four...

Janis Joplin - Crazy Once You Know How
Oh well it's much too early, not right now,How can I love you when I, I don't know how,I don't know ho...

Janis Joplin - Daddy, Daddy, Daddy
Oh, it's daddy, daddy, daddy, it's daddy, daddy, all the timeLord, that's daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy,...

Janis Joplin - Dear Landlord
Dear LandlordPlease don't put a price on my soul.My burden is heavy, dear,And my dreams are beyo...

Janis Joplin - Down On Me
Down on me, down on me,Looks like everybody in this whole round worldTheyre down on me. Lo...

Janis Joplin - Easy Rider
Hey mama, mama, come a look at sister,Shes a-standing on the levee trying to do that twist,But easy ri...

Janis Joplin - Ego Rock
[Spoken:] Let's go, let's go let's go let's goPeter you start itRichard, you start it...

Janis Joplin - Farewell Song
Whoa, the last time that I saw yaChild, I know, no, you didn't say a word.And I knew, darlin' as I loo...

Janis Joplin - Flower In The Sun
Oh please don't you think baby that I am wrong to cry, yeah.You loved me, too,So how come you just sit...

Janis Joplin - Gutra's Garden
GutraNow now now now now now now now now now now now...GutraNow now now now now now now now now ...

Janis Joplin - Half Moon
Half moon, night time sky,Seven stars, heavens eyes.Seven songs on seven seasJust to bring all y...

Janis Joplin - Harry
Harry!Harry?Harry, please come home.Alright! ...

Janis Joplin - Hey Baby
Hey baby, babyHey, hey, hey hey, hey hey childChild, child, ohHey, hey, babyHey, hey...

Janis Joplin - Hi Heel Sneakers
Put on your hi heel sneakers,Honey put your wig-hat on your head,Honey on your head.Put on your ...

Janis Joplin - I Can't Turn You Loose
I can't turn you loose, if I do I'm gonna lose my mindI can't never turn you loose, if I do I'm gonna lose m...

Janis Joplin - I Know You Rider
I know you rider, you're gonna miss me when I'm goneI know you rider, you're gonna miss me when I'm gone...

Janis Joplin - I'll Drown In My Own Tears
He brings a tear into my eyesWhen I begin, Lord, to realize.If you don't think that, honey, you'll be ...

Janis Joplin - I Need A Man To Love
Whoa, I need a man to love me.Dont you understand me, baby ?Why, I need a man to love.I gotta fi...

Janis Joplin - Intruder
You come around hereTrying to make your demand.Youve got a need, darling,Ive seen it grow and ex...

Janis Joplin - It's A Deal
Wooh!!She's my baby, I'll tell youJust exactly what I used to doI will leave just to leave you a...

Janis Joplin - Kansas City Blues
I been rockin' and reelin', Lord as long as I can beLord, the man that I love tryin' to make a fool out of m...

Janis Joplin - Kozmic Blues
Time keeps movin on,Friends they turn away.I keep movin onBut I never found out whyI keep ...

Janis Joplin - Light Is Faster Than Sound
Light is faster than soundMy head to the groundMind going roundFaster than sound. Wh...

Janis Joplin - Little Girl Blue
Sit there, hmm, count your fingers.What else, what else is there to do ?Oh and I know how you feel,...

Janis Joplin - Magic Of Love
Ooh! Hey, hey, now!Alright,You went away, had your chance to say"I love you and I need you...

Janis Joplin - Mary Jane
Now when I go to work,I work all dayalways tutns out the samewhen I bring home my hard-earned pay...

Janis Joplin - Mercedes Benz
Oh Lord, wont you buy me a Mercedes Benz ?My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends.Worked har...

Janis Joplin - Misery 'n
I've been misery 'n,Ever since my daddy gone, yeah.I've been, honey, I've been misery 'n, yes I have, ...

Janis Joplin - Mississippi River
Ready ?Well, I'm going down that Mississippi River, yes, I am, yes I amWell, I'm going down that...

Janis Joplin - Moanin' At Midnight
Moanin' at midnightMoanin' at midnight, yeahMoanin' at midnight, babyMoanin' at midnight, baby...

Janis Joplin - Move Over
You say that its over baby, Lord,You say that its over now,But still you hang around me, come on,...

Janis Joplin - My Baby
And when I work hard all day longI tell you what, it dont bother me nohow,Cause how could anything eve...

Janis Joplin - Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out
Well, once I lived the life of a millionaire, spending my money, no, I didn't careTakin' my friend John out ...

Janis Joplin - No Reason For Livin'
I ain't got no reason to livin', I can't find no cause to dieLord, I ain't got no reason for livin', you giv...

Janis Joplin - Oh My Soul
[Spoken: This is an ol' Little Richard tune called "Oh My Soul"]Oh, my soul!Oh, my soul!...

Janis Joplin - Oh, Sweet Mary
Yeah! Oh, sweet Mary, child of confusion, she runs the hills to cryPast the willows or an illusi...

Janis Joplin - One Good Man
Honey, I love to go to partiesAnd I like to have a good time,But if it gets too pale after a while...

Janis Joplin - One Night Stand
When I'm on the road playin' in a town without a name,And I'm feelin' low an' everybody looks the same....

Janis Joplin - Raise Your Hand
If there's anythin' that you need,Hon, that you've never, ever, ever had.I know you've never had it....

Janis Joplin - River Jordan
I'm goin' down to the river JordanI'm goin' down to the river JordanI'm goin' down to the river Jordan...

Janis Joplin - Road Block
Hey! All right, all right, all right, all right!Oh, ain't no problemCarry no heavy loadWhy...

Janis Joplin - San Francisco Bay Blues
Got the blues from my babyLeft me by the San Francisco Bay.This big ocean liner took her so far away....

Janis Joplin - See See Rider
And it's hey, hey hey, she was standin' in the kitchen, honey, in her morning gownLord, she was standin' in ...

Janis Joplin - Silver Threads And Golden Needles
Silver threads and golden needles cannot mend this heart of mineAnd I'll never drown my sorrow in the warm g...

Janis Joplin - Stealin'
Well, put your arms around me like the circles in the sunI want you to love me daddy like my easy rider done...

Janis Joplin - St. James Infirmary
I went down to old Joe's bar room, on the corner by the squareWell, the drinks were bein' served as usual, a...

Janis Joplin - Summertime
Summertime, time, time,Child, the livings easy.Fish are jumping outAnd the cotton, Lord,Co...

Janis Joplin - Tell Mama
Alright!!!Alright!!!I'm ready, man!Whoaa yeah!!!You thought you had found yourself a...

Janis Joplin - The Last Time
Make it the last time, make it the last timeMake it the last time, oh darling please. But I dont...

Janis Joplin - To Love Somebody
Theres a light, certain kinda light,Never ever, never shone on me, no, no.Honey, I want, I want my who...

Janis Joplin - Trouble In Mind
Trouble in mind, I'm blueBut I won't be blue always,'Cause that sun is gonna shine in my back door som...

Janis Joplin - Trust Me
Trust in me, baby, give me time, gimme time, um gimme time.I heard somebody say, oh, The older the grape,...

Janis Joplin - Try (just A Little Bit Harder)
Try, try, try just a little bit harderSo I can love, love, love him, I tell myselfWell, Im gonna try y...

Janis Joplin - Turtle Blues
Ah, Im a mean, mean womanAnd I dont mean no one man, no good, no.Im a mean, mean woman,I dont me...

Janis Joplin - Walk Right In
Walk right in and sit right down, daddy, let your mind roll onYou'd better walk right in and stay a little w...

Janis Joplin - What Good Can Drinkin' Do
What good can drinkin' do, what good can drinkin' do?Lord, I drink all night but the next day I still feel b...

Janis Joplin - Whisperman
People come around the window,People come around the doorPeople come around and ask meIf I can s...

Janis Joplin - Winin' Boy
I'm the winin' boy, don't you deny my nameI'm the winin' boy, don't you deny my nameNow my name...

Janis Joplin - Women Is Losers
Women is losersWomen is losers, ohSay honey women is losers.Well, I know you must try, Lord,...

Janis Joplin - Work Me, Lord
Work me Lord, work me Lord.Please dont you leave me,I feel so useless down hereWith no one to lo...

Jars Of Clay - Amazing Grace
I grew this heart into a drifterI never felt the roots I bareI sold my sight, oh brother, sister...

Jars Of Clay - Art In Me
Images on the sidewalk speak of dream's decentWashed away by storms to graves of cynical lamentDirty c...

Jars Of Clay - Blind
Cynical, just your wayYou play the doubting ThomasFeel the scars and wipe the stainsSo you...

Jars Of Clay - Boy On A String
The marionetter has your numberPulling your arms and legs till you can't stand on your ownDragging you...

Jars Of Clay - Can't Erase It
Follow the crowd and love everybody now'Cause love is the best thing for you nowBut you changed your m...

Jars Of Clay - Collide
Open up your box of sunshineAnd smile as confetti comes raining down on youYou feel a lot like the goo...

Jars Of Clay - Disappear
[verse]I watch you smileYou steal the showYou take a bowThe curtain falls in front ...

Jars Of Clay - Everything In Between
Must have thought I was so strongMight have ever thought I was the one for this all alongBut I c...

Jars Of Clay - Fade To Grey
It's not hard to know what you're thinkingWhen you look down on me nowYour trance of love is seeking...

Jars Of Clay - Faith Enough
The ice is thin enough for walkin'The rope is worn enough to climbMy throat is dry enough for talkin'...

Jars Of Clay - Famous Last Words
You say you heard every word, but I watched you turn awayYour eyes grew colder than winter"Love is so ...

Jars Of Clay - Five Candles (you Were There)
A promise or a dareI would jump if I knew you'd catch meStaring over the edgeI can't tell if you...

Jars Of Clay - Flood
Rain, rain on my faceIt hasn't stopped raining for daysMy world is a floodSlowly I become one wi...

Jars Of Clay - Fly
[verse]Be stillLet your hand melt into mineThe part of meThat breathes when you bre...

Jars Of Clay - Four Seven
We have this treasurein earthen vesselsto show that this poweris from God, and not from us...

Jars Of Clay - Frail
Convinced of my deceptionI've always been a foolI fear this love reactionJust like you said I wo...

Jars Of Clay - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
God rest ye merry gentlemenLet nothing you dismayRemember Christ the Saviorwas born on Christmas...

Jars Of Clay - Goodbye, Goodnight
A flower for your vanity, a penny for your thoughtsAbout the world's insanity and how we've gotten lost...

Jars Of Clay - Grace
God, I admit I haven't changedPlaying card houses still covering my landscapeI never expected You to s...

Jars Of Clay - Hand
I'm here waiting for something new to break my heartSo callous laden, I can't feel a thing at allWill ...

Jars Of Clay - He
Don't try to reach me, I'm already deadThe pain when it grips me, for things that I've doneWell ...

Jars Of Clay - Hymn
Oh refuge of my hardened heartOh fast pursuing lover comeAs angels dance 'round Your throneMy li...

Jars Of Clay - If I Stand
There's more that rises in the morning than the sunAnd more that shines in the night than just the moon ...

Jars Of Clay - I'm Alright
It was the fear of God that led me to youAnd it's the fear of you that takes getting used toI've never...

Jars Of Clay - I'm In The Way
You sit and stare out at the skyAnd think of ways to fake a smileBut life is never what it seems...

Jars Of Clay - I Need You
[verse]Strangely out of placeThere's a light filling this roomWhere none would follow bef...

Jars Of Clay - Jealous Kind
I built another temple to a strangerI gave away my heart to the rushing windI set my course to run rig...

Jars Of Clay - Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet
"We originally heard this song on a Gavin Bryars recording.It was a 72 minute loop of a homeless man singing...

Jars Of Clay - Lesser Things
It looks a lot like givin' upPeace we bring is a bitter cupSet our bodies down like offeringsWhi...

Jars Of Clay - Like A Child
Dear God, surround me as I speak,the bridges that I walk across are weakFrustrations fill the void tha...

Jars Of Clay - Liquid
Arms nailed down,are you telling me something?Eyes turned out,are you looking for someone?...

Jars Of Clay - Little Drummer Boy
Come, they told me (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)A newborn king to see (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)Our finest gifts we bri...

Jars Of Clay - Lonely People
This is for all the lonely peopleThinkin' that life has passed them byDon't give up until you drink fr...

Jars Of Clay - Love Song For A Savior
In open fields of wild flowers,she breathes the air and flies awayShe thanks her Jesus for the daises ...

Jars Of Clay - Much Afraid
Empty againSunken down so farSo scared to fallI might not get up againSo I lay at yo...

Jars Of Clay - My Heavenly
Let the wind fall wild across my pathEven though we barely move, there's no turning backThere is a riv...

Jars Of Clay - Needful Hands
For those under the cloudsStaring up in awesome wonderAs tears come slowly downI'm reaching up a...

Jars Of Clay - No One Loves Me Like You
Collapsing was much softerStill falling always hurtOnly after sensing your loveFor always ever b...

Jars Of Clay - Only Alive
I'm a fair weather friendI'm a colorless view but I'm willin' to make a dealIf you think you can make ...

Jars Of Clay - Portrait Of An Apology
Look what I've doneThis picture I've paintedIt looks like my heartOr what still remains...

Jars Of Clay - Revolution
[verse]Peace takes a taxi To the undergroundI wanna love the worldBut I don't know ...

Jars Of Clay - River Constantine
Carry me, Your love is wider than my need could ever beCome to me, and I will walk along Your shoreFee...

Jars Of Clay - Rose Colored Stained Glass Windows
Another sleepy Sunday, safe within the wallsOutside a dying world in desperation callsBut no-one hears...

Jars Of Clay - Sad Clown
Say how's the weather, so I look out the windowTo brighten my soul, but I can't control the rainThat k...

Jars Of Clay - Scarlet
[verse]If I was your loveI would want only youI'd lay at this alterGive all I am, a...

Jars Of Clay - Show You Love
Speak- say the words that no one else will ever sayLove- love like the world we know is over in a day...

Jars Of Clay - Silence
[verse]TakeTake till there's nothingNothing to turn toNothing when you get through...

Jars Of Clay - Sing
I love the way, the way you carry onYou make me wanna say, you make me wanna sing another love song...

Jars Of Clay - Sinking
It's not my problem anymoreYou see it never really wasSo you can stop 'caring' as you call itand...

Jars Of Clay - Something Beautiful
[verse]If you put your arms around meCould it change the way I feelI guess I let myself b...

Jars Of Clay - Sunny Days
Sunny days keepin' the clouds awayI think we're coming to a clearing and a brighter daySo far aw...

Jars Of Clay - Tea And Sympathy
Fare thee wellTrade in all our words for tea and sympathyWonder why we tried, for things that could ne...

Jars Of Clay - The Chair
She always knew the things to sayShe had a smile to end a frownSometimes it seems she didn't notice...

Jars Of Clay - The Edge Of Water
[verse]Have you ever been hauntedThe way I've been by you?And have you ever feltThe...

Jars Of Clay - The Eleventh Hour
[verse]Trace the shape of my heartTill it becomes more familiarTo your eyesI've bee...

Jars Of Clay - These Ordinary Days
[verse]Not much for conversationI still find need to praySometimes I get tired of walking...

Jars Of Clay - Trouble Is
My wings don't sail me to the skyOn my own these wings won't flyJesus told me soStill I'm not so...

Jars Of Clay - Truce
Faultless in the eyes that I could never open wide enough to see me throughMuch to my surprise it never orbi...

Jars Of Clay - Unforgetful You
I never minded calling You a KingIf that meant that I could count on YouTo give me everythingI n...

Jars Of Clay - Weighed Down
Light of the worldAre you still here?And are we illuminating?When love becomes a delicate displa...

Jars Of Clay - Whatever She Wants
[verse]All her wants to fill a needShe wants to save you withHer bandages after she makes...

Jars Of Clay - Worlds Apart
I am the only one to blame for thisSomehow it all adds up the sameSoaring on the wings of selfish prid...

Ja Rule - 25 To Life
[Wyclef talking:]Yo to my people doing time, Xzibit, Juvenile, y'all need to...

Ja Rule - 6 Feet Underground
Dice are rolling, Knives are outwith thee present danger all aroundI don't say they mean harm, but the...

Ja Rule - Big Remo (skit)
I'm richI'm richI'm filthy fuckin' richMutha FuckaThankyouMother fuckerNo, tha...

Ja Rule - Bitch Betta Have My Money
What up loveYou thought I wouldn't recognize ho like statsI peep you at the strip jointYou and t...

Ja Rule - Clap Back
[Intro - Ja Rule]Yeah, yeah.. haha yeah!I gotta get my headphonesAll my gangsta niggaz is...

Ja Rule - Count On Your Nigga
[Ja Rule] Uh, yeahIt's Ja Rule niggaUh, uh, yeahFeel thisUh, Ja Rule nigga...

Ja Rule - Daddy's Little Baby
It's my heartPrayDaddy's little baby, must learn this world is shadyAnd the color of your ...

Ja Rule - Damn (should've Treated U Right)
Darkchild 9-9(They ain't ready for this)Ja RuleUh, Darkchild[Ja Rule]Ye...

Ja Rule - Destiny (outro)
[Ja Rule]yea, yo - yo - yo - YO! - (yo) - Holla (Holla)The Last Temptation, we comin' through n...

Ja Rule - Dial M For Murder
[Ja Rule]Gotti, here we go again, yo..Two two-nine and seventy-six, get off my dick, nigg...

Ja Rule - E-dub & Ja
[Ja Rule]Uh, yeah It's Ja Rule babyIt's E-DubYeahDef SquadUhY'al...

Ja Rule - Extasy
[Ja Rule]Yeah.. yeah..Uhh, uhh, you don't want itYou one of them jokers thereSplit ...

Ja Rule - Fuck You
[Ja Rule] Yo [01]Yooo.. uh[Ja Rule]Rule nigga...

Ja Rule - Grand Finale
[DMX - dialogue]I ain't goin back to jailNext time, the County or the State see meit's go...

Ja Rule - Grey Box (skit)
[Rule:] yeah yeah, hold up, hold up, hold up.What the fuck do you want before I open up this grey box...

Ja Rule - How Many Wanna (clean Version)
[Intro]Yo, yo, uhJa Rule, heh, Murder Inc.Come on, come onYo. yo[1]...

Ja Rule - I'll Fuck U Girl (skit)
Tell 'emReemo.....DistributionWell, you know what we'll do....tell 'em (baby)You know I.......(w...

Ja Rule - It's Murda
[DMX:]URRRRRRRUh huhY'all motherfuckers ready or what?Is y'all motherfuckers ready ...

Ja Rule - It's Your Life
Yo, yo, yo, yo, yoJa Rule, UhShade and Irv GottiNiggas don't want none of this[Ja...

Ja Rule - Kay Slay (skit)
[Machine talking]1st message, Tuesday 2:13 p.m. [Kay Slay]Yo, it's the...

Ja Rule - Kill'em All
[Ja Rule]: [Verse 1]It must be the way that I spit shitThat make you say damn this nigga ...

Ja Rule - Last Of The Mohicans
[Intro]Heh ha ha...Yeah...Yeah...'Last Of The Mohicans' man...Let's go!...

Ja Rule - Leo (skit)
This is leo, the cousin of the bitch that dont no nothing, next caller, ya um,i want ot know if my mom...

Ja Rule - Let's Ride
[Chorus:]Where my bitches dat would freak wit me (cum' on let's Ride)How many my niggaz dat wou...

Ja Rule - Life Ain't A Game
[Chorus x2]Life ain't a game (nooooo)If you feelin me (say yeah-yea)Flip the bird where (...

Ja Rule - Life Goes On
YeaThis one goes outTo all my niggaz across the worldGoing through that struggleFeeling th...

Ja Rule - Loose Change
[Talking]These faggot ass niggas,Ay yo Buck, word to mother,Yo they had young Malcom sile...

Ja Rule - Lost Little Girl
[Ja Rule]Yeah, uh, Ja Rule uh uh uhHere to talk about the lost oneIt's a damn shame...

Ja Rule - Love Me, Hate Me
Do you love me, do you hate meDo you love me, do you hate meDo you love me, do you hate meYeah, ...

Ja Rule - Murda 4 Life
Yeah. What y'all niggaz wantstreet shit, Memph Bleek shit, Ja rule shitYou heard niggaIt's all r...

Ja Rule - Murder Reigns
Yea [echoes]I feel the rain comin down on me nigga, heh [echoes]When the sun gon' shine?...

Ja Rule - Never Again
[talking]Uh, you make a lot of mistakes in lifeThose same mistakes keep callin us back, pullin ...

Ja Rule - Never Thought
[Chorus](I never thought)That you would fall in love with this side of me first(That I'd ...

Ja Rule - Niggas & Bitches
[Intro - Ja Rule - talking]Yeah ... ha, uh huhYou know how we do (we're gonna do how we do)...

Ja Rule - Niggaz Theme
[Case] [x2]It's plain to seeYou can't change me Cause I'm a be a nigga for life...

Ja Rule - One Of Us
(One of us) Yeah, Rule(One uf us) Yeah, niggaIf God were one of us(One of us) What about that?...

Ja Rule - Only Begotten Son
He who believeth in JaShall not be condemnedBut he that believeth notIs condemned alreadyO...

Ja Rule - Pain Is Love
[Chorus: Ja Rule]Love don't love meIs the only thing that seems to hold meGod can you exp...

Ja Rule - Pain Is Love (skit)
Here we go again, babyWhere is the pain?Had to break free from all this motherfuckin'...Beside t...

Ja Rule - Pop Niggas
[Ja Rule]How many niggas hit the scene like RuleBenley GT, pushin through bock flooded, with je...

Ja Rule - Race Against Time
[Chorus: repeat 2X]In my race against time I - can't stopRunnin through the red light - l...

Ja Rule - Race Against Time Ii
Yeah, yeah, uh huhRace against time, ha part twoYou know, haha, Uh, c'monYeah, yeah, yeah,...

Ja Rule - Reign
Yea [echoes]I feel the rain comin down on me niggas, heh [echoes]When the sun gon' shine...

Ja Rule - Represent
[Ja Rule]I represent Gangsta ShitNiggaz that spent time on the brick for keys on the strip...

Ja Rule - Rock Star
Yeah, hehe[Ja imitating guitar] Eh, uh, uh - here we goYea, yeaMurder Inc, uh, uh - class...

Ja Rule - R.u.l.e.
[Intro]Yeah (yeah)...Yeah (yeah)..You Know (you know)...Lets (lets)...Go (go)...[laughter]...

Ja Rule - Story To Tell
Aiyyo yo yo yoAll y'all niggazC'mon! Yo gather roundLay it up I got a story to tellAll y'...

Ja Rule - Stripping Game (skit)
Stripping business started in Africa long time agolong long long time agoWhite man went to Africa and...

Ja Rule - Suicide Freestyle
[Case]Ummm, Say all that I want to doIs to live my lifeUmmm, but everytime I turn around...

Ja Rule - Survival Of The Illest 2 Intro
Yo, yo, let it go nigga!What, niggas wanna motherfuckin play games?What? Fuckin faggot, we gon play ga...

Ja Rule - Survival Of The Illest Intro
Yeah! Uh, it's on now, hahaYeah, haha, Ja RuleNiggas let me in baby, it's on nowMy niggasD...

Ja Rule - The Inc.
[Caddillac Tah talking]Yo, that's rightNiggas just ain't, doin' it how we doin' itNah mea...

Ja Rule - The Inc. Intro
[Ja:] I anit much on prayin' now[people:] Alright its alright...[Ja:] I never rea...

Ja Rule - The Manual
[Ja Rule]Yeah, yeah, yeahYou talk too much shitYou know niggaz always talkin bout bitches...

Ja Rule - The March Prelude
Yeah...*sniff*...been a slave too long.ALL MY MURDERERS!!!!!!Let's march my niggas.Lord, c...

Ja Rule - The Murderers
[Black Child]Word to godY'all know who the fuck this isYou know we would kidnap yo kidz...

Ja Rule - The Rule Won't Die
Uh, uh, yeah, gangsta shitTakin my word, y'all want thisThey don't want none of meThey don't wan...

Ja Rule - The Warning
[Ja Rule]Dear god, I'm gonna teach you in this prayerAnd I thank you for all the food you've gi...

Ja Rule - Thing's Gon' Change
[Verse 1: Ja Rule]First off fuck the snitch and that unit he claimFuck Dre partial, and Eminem...

Ja Rule - True Story (skit)
True fuckin' story I swear on my mothers eyesThe greatest fuckin' come back everFuckin' bottom of the ...

Ja Rule - Watching Me
[Ja Rule]YeaRuleAre you a figment of my imagination?Or am I one of yours?Beli...

Ja Rule - Weed (skit)
No No you fucker your smoking that trash all wrong save that for the bitchsGive me a second fucker I'm make ...

Ja Rule - We Here Now
[Intro]Yeah,Here we go, feel this shit,Into the new world, the new dayJa Rule, Irv ...

Ja Rule - World's Most Dangerous
Uh, uh, uh, yeah, uh, uh[Nemesis]I could see it in your eyes[JA Rule]Y...

Jarvis - Radio
[Verse 1]Woke up this morning 10 o'clock or so And B2K is on my radioAnd my head still hu...

Jason Mraz - 0% Interest
Our friends on the front porch, well they're telling jokes and they swing swiftly towards happier timesExpen...

Jason Mraz - 1000 Things
I'm overjoyed and over loved and feeling lucky Like a little boy who's hiding under coversAnd looking ...

Jason Mraz - Absolutely Zero
You. You were a friend. You were a friend of mine I let you spend the nightYou see it was my fault. Of cours...

Jason Mraz - After An Afternoon
I bare my windowed self untamed and untrainedDreams that hardly touch our complexions truest faultsIf ...

Jason Mraz - Boy's Gone
The boy's gone. The boy's gone home. What will happen to a face in the crowd when it finally gets too ...

Jason Mraz - Common Pleasure
Said will I,I remember when we used to walk together,Used to talk together, Go to the park together,...

Jason Mraz - Curbside Prophet
Im just a curbside prophetwith my hand in my pocket and Im waiting for my rocket to come Im just...

Jason Mraz - Dream Life Of Rand Mcnally
Who is he, Mr. Rand McNally? Who , who is he?Well, I had I dream that mystery was me, now who else could I b...

Jason Mraz - I'll Do Anything
Go make your next choice be your best choiceAnd if you're looking for a boy with a voice, well baby I'm sing...

Jason Mraz - No Stopping Us
Would it take a bakers dozen to get my point to you?Would it take a half a pound to roll a joint for you...

Jason Mraz - On Love, In Sadness
Oh love it's a brittle madness, I sing about it in all my sadnessIt's not falsified to say that I found god ...

Jason Mraz - Sleeping To Dream
And II'm dreaming of sleeping next to you and feeling like a lost little boy in a brand new townI'm co...

Jason Mraz - Tonight, Not Again
The night.She brushed her hands upon my flushed cheekSmelled of childhood remnants of a dusty weeping ...

Jason Mraz - Too Much Food
You can say that I'm one curly fry in the box of the regularMessing with the flavor oh the flavor that you s...

Jason Mraz - Who Needs Shelter
Good-day sunlightI'd like to say how truly bright you areYou don't know me but I know youYou're ...

Javier - Crazy
Hmmmmmmmm......hey yea,[Verse 1]Kind of like a summer's breeze...

Javine - Real Things
[Spoken]Hottest, finest[Verse 1:]Everybody wanna be, bearing jewellery,...

Javine - Surrender (your Love)
Y'know what..It's time .. for you to surrender your loveuh uh uh It's not about what ya wa...

Javine - Touch My Fire
Do you really wanna feel my flow oh oh ohYou know its the only way to go so get with the show Ar...

Jay Sean - Come With Me
When I wake up in the morning I seeEverybody's looking at meWhispering and talking, pointin fingers at...

Jay Sean - Don't Rush
It's been a while since the last time that I saw you girlWhy is it that you just run awayWhat is it th...

Jay Sean - Eyes On You
You can tell your girlfriends about meIt's about time to get rowdyYou know I wanna work that body...

Jay Sean - Holding On
How'd I let it get this farWhat was going through my mindWhy'd you seem to have it allYet you're...

Jay Sean - I Believe In You
Theres a placeYou can run away and hideYeahA form of painGirl if only for a whileLif...

Jay Sean - Man's World (ramta Jogi)
Well here's a story of a different kinda loveWith the views of a manWho's confused and had enough...

Jay Sean - Me Against Myself
Jay Sean vs Jay SeanMe against myselfand there aint no chorusso just listenm-m-m-mentor...

Jay Sean - Meri Jaan
Tu hi tu hai meri jaanTu hi tu hai meri jaanLately things don't seemThe way they used to b...

Jay Sean - One Minute
Baby girl I want you to just listen for a whilePut your arguments on hold so you can try to hear me out...

Jay Sean - On & On
Thinking bout all of those days I left behindNowadays it seems I'm watching life just pass me byThe wo...

Jay Sean - Stolen
Churaliya he (Stolen) [x10]You were my eyes when i couldn't see,you were my air when i co...

Jay Sean - Who Is Kamaljit?
Ahh Mrs Jooti im pleased to tell you that you have given birth to a healthy baby boy.What areyou going to ca...

Jay Sean - You Don't Know Me
yo [jay sean]you dont know me no you dont know me you dont know me yeah aha straigh...

Jay-z - 22 Two's
[people clapping]Yo whassup everybody this is Mariah Davis, Mad Wednesday'swe here tonight to h...

Jay-z - A Ballad For The Fallen Soldier
[Jay-Z]This here's a ballad for all the fallen soldiersI'ma bout 'ta show you how a hustlers li...

Jay-z - All I Need
It's the Roc! Wooo!My gear is right... (check)My bucket is low... (check)My Rocawear is fittin'...

Jay-z - Allure
Young! For lifeOnce again it's the life, yessss(I don't know why, I.. get so high on)It's intox...

Jay-z - A Million And 1 Questions (extended)
[Jay-Z:]I did it again niggazFucked up, right? ha, I knowI know what y'all niggaz asking...

Jay-z - Big Chips
[Chorus: R. Kelly]Big chips! (Woo!) We off in Vegas drinkin and partyinWe got chicks in swimsui...

Jay-z - Big Pimpin' / Papercut
Ha HaYou're wasting your talent, RandyIt's like I'm paranoid lookin' over my backIt's like...

Jay-z - Bitches & Sisters
(Let's describe a certain female)(Let's describe a certain female)(Let's describe a certain female)...

Jay-z - Blueprint 2
[Jay-Z]Jay-Z this, Jay-Z that (Jay-Z won't hold my hand no more)Jay-Z this, Jay-Z thatJay...

Jay-z - Blueprint (momma Loves Me)
Yeah, yeah..Uhh, right, right, rightRight, right, right, rightUhh uhh uhh, feel me now, li...

Jay-z - Break Up (thats All We Do)
[R. Kelly]Make up, and break upThat's all we doThen we have sex, next thing you know...

Jay-z - Break Up To Make Up
[R. Kelly]Mmmmm.. ohhhh, ohhhohhhhhOooohhh.. ohhh no, mmmmm[Chorus: R. Kelly + (...

Jay-z - Breathe Easy (lyrical Exercise)
[talking]So I had to memorize these rhymes until I got homeYa understand? Once you memorize a ...

Jay-z - Can't Get With That
[Jay-Z]Yeah!!Check it, check it outUhhh, haha, gotta keep it fat[Chorus: J...

Jay-z - Can't Knock The Hustle (remix)
[Intro:](Singing) Whoooh, Paradiseyou better think twice, 'cause you're not living the life...

Jay-z - Cashmere Thoughts
[Jay-Z has a conversation with some cat]Hah, hah, hah, hah, yeah, yeahWhat it is player?Y...

Jay-z - Come And Get Me
[Jay-Z]I remove your roof nigga let the sun shine inThirty-eight waist, enough to put one nine ...

Jay-z - Dead Presidents Ii
[Chorus:]"Presidents to represent me" --> Nas "Get money!""I'm out for presidents ...

Jay-z - Dead Presidents (part 1)
[Ja -Z]Rock onRoc-A-Fella y'all[Chorus - Nas]Presidents to represent m...

Jay-z - December 4th
[Jay-Z's Mom:]Sean Carter was born December 4thWeighing in at 10 pounds 8 ouncesHe was th...

Jay-z - D'evils
This shit is wicked on these mean streetsNone of my friends speakWe're all trying to win, but then aga...

Jay-z - Diamond Is Forever
Can you hear me now? Good! (Blueprint 2 baby!)The best of times, it was the worst of times (aoww)It'...

Jay-z - Dirt Off Your Shoulder
You're now tuned into the muh'fuckin greatestTurn the music up in the headphonesTim, you can go and br...

Jay-z - Dirt Off Your Shoulder / Lying From You
I ordered a frappuccinoWhere's my fuckin frappuccinoAlright, let's do thisWhen I pretend e...

Jay-z - Don't Let Me Die
[R Kelly]Dear God, bring our P-O-Ws homeAnd our brothers on lockdown, homeAMEN!!!...

Jay-z - Do You Believe (hova Interlude)
Well, I'm the ghetto's answer to TrumpI'm cancer to the Hamptons20 million a wop, brand sac and mansio...

Jay-z - Encore
Thank you, thank you, thank you, you're far too kind[Chorus]Now can I get an encore, do y...

Jay-z - Excuse Me Miss Again
[Hook: Pharrell]Memph Bleek always smoking that lalala....(Hooo)Beanie Sigel always smoking tha...

Jay-z - Feelin It
[Chorus:]I'm feelin it fill the glass to the top with MoetFeelin it feel the Lex pushin up on t...

Jay-z - Feelin' You In Stereo
[Jay-Z]Everything ain't hardcore you knowI can't sing but my manI'ma let my man smooth th...

Jay-z - Friend Or Foe
check one check two, you know what to doprimo, cold crush when i give it to youfriend or foe yo, state...

Jay-z - Friend Or Foe '98
[Verse One:]I'm done talkingRan up in the spot gun smokingShot it in the air, one w...

Jay-z - Get This Money
[J] Yeah yeah[R] Damn it's hot[J] Like a muh'fucker[R] Yo Jigga...

Jay-z - Girl's Best Friend
Jigga man, Swizz BeatsHistory in the making, part threeLights out ladies![Chorus: 2x]...

Jay-z - Girls, Girls, Girls (remix)
"I'm not a one girl's guy... (real talk for ya, peep game)aint they know it, when it comes to love, I don't ...

Jay-z - Heart Of The City (ain't No Love)
[Jay-Z]Uh, uhh, listenFirst the Fat Boys break up, now every day I wake upSomebody got a ...

Jay-z - Hola' Hovito
[Jay-Z](J) uhh (A) uh-uh (Y) uh uh-uhAh ch-ch ah, ch-ah, ah uh-uhAh ch-ch ah, ch-ah, ah u...

Jay-z - Honey
[Intro: Jay-Z]Uh, its the boy Jay-Z, and the boy R. KelThe best of both worlds, please believe ...

Jay-z - Hova Song (outro)
[Jay-Z]Who ever thought young Shawn Carter would change the game?Used to rap to the raindrops o...

Jay-z - Hovi Baby
Yes, yes YEP!Welcome to the.. Jay-Z extravaganzaI'd like to introduce my band right nowJust Blaz...

Jay-z - H To The Izzo
Ladies and gentlemen, put our hands together for the astonishing...[girls singing]H to the izz-...

Jay-z - Imaginary Player
YeahI mean likeI gotta be like the pioneer to this shit, you knowI was popping that Cristal...

Jay-z - In My Lifetime (original Ski Mix)
[Jay-Z]This song here.... is dedicated to Danny Dan, and may he rest in peaceWho at his f...

Jay-z - Intro
[Jay-Z]It's the Dynasty niggaz... as promised...The world's most infamous...Roc-A-Fella R...

Jay-z - Intro / A Million And One Questions / Rhyme No More
[somebody whispering]Somebody's pulling me closer to the groundI ain't panicked, I been here be...

Jay-z - It Ain't Personal
[Jay-Z]Man, they go and tell me likeyou never know who your true friends until you ah umm...

Jay-z - It's Hot (some Like It Hot)
[Jay-Z]Can't stop it nigga, uhMm-hmm, uh-huh, can't stop thatTimbaland uh-huh.. Jigga Man...

Jay-z - Izzo (h.o.v.a.)
[UNTIL THE ALBUM'S RELEASE only this single is being accepted]Ladies and gentlemen, put our han...

Jay-z - Izzo / In The End
This is finalLadies and gentlemen, put our hands together for the astonishing...Welcome la...

Jay-z - Jigga My Nigga
Roc-A-Fella, Ruff Ryders, Swizz BeatsIt's almost over y'allJigga, how real is that?Uhh, uhh, uhh...

Jay-z - Jigga That Nigga
Roc-A-Fella y'all[Jay] It's the Roc!Jigga, Jigga, that nigga Jigga[Jay] R.O., R.O....

Jay-z - Jigga What / Faint
Jigga what, Jigga who?Jigga what, Jigga who?Jigga what, Jigga who?You gon' need a vocal in...

Jay-z - Justify My Thug
Uhh, this feel right right here QuikIt's like it's 'sposed to happen this one right hereYoung! God da...

Jay-z - La, La, La (excuse Me Again)
[Jay-Z]Whooo! Whooo![Chorus]Memph Bleek always smoking that La, La, La...

Jay-z - Lucifer
[Chorus:]Lucifer, dawn of de morning! I'm gonna, chase you out of EarthLucifer Lucifer, dawn o...

Jay-z - Lucky Me
How can you fairly assess something from the outside looking in?There's gotta be them times you'll be wrong....

Jay-z - Meet The Parents
Woo! Uhh, uhhIt's "The Gift & the Curse"Uhh, uhh yeaFirst they love me then they hate me then t...

Jay-z - Moment Of Clarity
(Woooooo)(Yeah)(Turn the music up turn the lights down i'm in my zone)[Chorus]...

Jay-z - Money, Cash, Hoes
[Jay-Z:]Turn the lights all the wayTurn the lights all the way downWhat Uhhuh Yeah ...

Jay-z - My 1st Song
[Notorious B.I.G. interview]I'm just, tryin to stay above water y'knowJust stay busy, stay work...

Jay-z - Naked
Baby, what we gon' do?I need you to talk to me, c'mon[R. Kelly]Suddenly, I feel the...

Jay-z - Never Change
("Never, never, never, never change")Ain't never changed, this is Jay every day("I never change!")...

Jay-z - Nymp
[Jay-Z]Geyeah, NYMP the realest, uhhThis is educated thug MU-SIC, niggazLife's a ba...

Jay-z - People's Court
JiggaBiatchYeahFuck Judge WapnerIt's JiggaYa heard?Y'all niggas in...

Jay-z - Points Of Authority / 99 Problems / One Step Closer
If your havin girl problems i feel bad for you sonI got 99 problems but a bitch ain't oneHit me...

Jay-z - Politics As Usual
You know how we do, Roc-a-Fella... forever... You can catch meskatin through your town puttin it down y'all ...

Jay-z - Pretty Girls
Uhh, y'all know what this isNow would be a good time to start bobbin your headsKels, and it, and it, u...

Jay-z - Public Service Announcement (interlude)
This is a public service announcementSponsored by Just Blaze and the good folks at Roc-A-Fella Records...

Jay-z - Pussy
[Chorus (Jay-Z)]The power of the P-U-S-S-Y,Thatz why every mutherfucka in the world dress fly....

Jay-z - Rap Game / Crack Game
Uhh...Uhh, yeahWon't stop niggaz"Somehow the rap game remind me of the crack game" --> [Nas]...

Jay-z - Regrets
StressSunshine, geyeahI sold it all from crack to o-pium, in third personI don't wanna see...

Jay-z - Ride Or Die
I'm rollin with Roc-a-Fella manCause they got money man, heh heh[Jay-Z]Uh-huh, uh-h...

Jay-z - She's Coming Home With Me
[R. Kelly]Fellas, a few tips, when you're in the clubYou must watch your girl, because she may ...

Jay-z - Shorty
[Tone aka Trackmaster]So I told shorty I be producing, I be making those beatsBe making those h...

Jay-z - So Ghetto
[Jay-Z]Back at'chaHow we doPrimo, Jigga-ManHistory in the makingLet's go...

Jay-z - Somebody's Girl
[J] The sixty second assassin[R] TrackMastahhhhhhhhhs[J] Turn that music up!...

Jay-z - Some People Hate
[unknown singing]That old fashioned word.. it's a word called LOVE!Called looooove, called looo...

Jay-z - Song Cry
The most incredible babyUhh - mmm, mmm, mmm, mmmYeah, yeah.. uhhI can't see 'em comin down...

Jay-z - Soon You'll Understand
[Jay-Z]Mmm, you don't understand now be..cause you're cryin, and you hurtYou'll understand soon...

Jay-z - Squeeze 1st
Uh, yeah, mmmmWilliam H. niggasHolla, yeah, yo[HOOK:]That's why I, squeeze fi...

Jay-z - Stop (alternate Version)
[Intro: Swizz Beats]Swizzy...Beats...[Chorus]Aiyo I cannot (Stop), I will no...

Jay-z - Super Ugly
[Verse1:]I got myself a gunBrooklyn, stand upI got myself a gunBut really, I dont n...

Jay-z - Takeover
[Jay-Z]R.O.C., we runnin this rap shitMemphis Bleek, we runnin this rap shitB. Mac, we ru...

Jay-z - Take You Home With Me A.k.a. Body
[Jay-Z]Uh, uhh uhh, Kel'sYoung, M, X, tra, money, let's go[Chorus 2X: R. Kelly +...

Jay-z - The Best Of Both Worlds
[J] Yeah, yeah, it's here niggaz! (wooo-WEEE!)[J] Rockland/Roc-A-Fella collaboration[...

Jay-z - The Bounce
Uhh, just point out the bounceUh-huh, show me the bounce, yeahJust point out the bounce, yeahTim...

Jay-z - There's Been A Murder
[*BLAM BLAM*][*woman screaming in pain*.. cops yelling "Go! Go! Go! Go!"][*police sir...

Jay-z - The Return
[Intro]Halt! Who goes there?It is I sire Tone from Brooklyn.Well, speak up man what is it...

Jay-z - The Ruler's Back
[Jay-Z]Uh-huh uhh, uhh, uh-uhhUh-huh uhh, uhh, uhhWhoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!I, am, bac...

Jay-z - The Streets
Dear God.. how can I explain myself?[J] Oh God bless me indeedWhen I'm so confused[J]...

Jay-z - The Streets Is Watching
Uh-huh uh huh uhGee-gee-geyeahBaby, watchin, streetsUh-huh uh huh uhYou don't have to look...

Jay-z - This Life Forever
Uh-huhBlackhand Ent.Roc-a-Fella RecordsIn association with the streetsThe Black Gangster...

Jay-z - U Don't Know
[Jay-Z]Turn my music high, high, high, high-er"You don't know.. what you're doing, doing, doing...

Jay-z - What More Can I Say?
(Are you not entertained?)( this not why you're here?)Uh, Uh, Huh...

Jay-z - What They Gonna Do Part Ii
Oh yeah, uh ohY'all know who it is (he's back)If you with me, throw the diamond up one time...

Jay-z - Where I'm From
[Jay-Z]uh-huh, je-je je-je-jeah ye-ye-yeah, ye-ye-yeahHow real is this, how real is...

Jay-z - Who You Wit
Uh-huh, yeah hahNever sprung huh?Jigga, Roc-a-Fella y'allNever sprung huh?Yeah, peep the r...

Jay-z - Who You Wit Ii
Uh-huh, yeah hahNever Sprung huh?Jigga, Roc-a-Fella y'allNever Sprung huh?Yeah, peep the r...

Jc Chasez - 100 Ways
Speak your mindJust speak your mindSpeak your mindSpeak your mindGave me a call afte...

Jc Chasez - All Day Long I Dream About Sex
So you wanna be a rockstarKeep it going, don't stopWork it while you're on top, call the cops...

Jc Chasez - Build My World
Clear my eyes it's the morning afterDid I fall in love, or did I find disaster?Take a second just to b...

Jc Chasez - Come To Me
Traveling the galaxies on telepathic roadsSinging in the distance, clouds of breath out in the coldAll...

Jc Chasez - Dear Goodbye
Staring out, depressed aboutWhat words I have to pleadSo torn apartShattered by impression...

Jc Chasez - Everything You Want
The shame is in the greedNo, noThe distance of being just out of reachIs taking its effect...

Jc Chasez - If You Were My Girl
YeahUhOoh-ohYeah-yeah yeah-yeah yeah-yeahYou better get it again, come on, get up on...

Jc Chasez - Lose Myself
Yeah, yeah-yeahShe loves Daffodils, andShe keeps 'em on her window sillWhen the wind blows...

Jc Chasez - Mercy
Yeah-yeahWhoa...Oh...Yeah...Yeah yeah yeahIt's like your blood runs thro...

Jc Chasez - One Night Stand
Say sweet thang(Uh-huh)You know I couldn't help but notice you looking all good over here(Yea)...

Jc Chasez - Right Here (by Your Side)
Yeah...Tell me how long(How long)Were we together, before we got together, oh...Tell...

Jc Chasez - She Got Me
Came in on a rocket shipThe middle of the nightColoring the stratospheresA beauty by her side...

Jc Chasez - Some Girls (dance With Women)
The door is coming off the hingesAbout to pass out, no doubt it's hot in hereBecause the club is full ...

Jc Chasez - Something Special
So you wanna come at me?Like you wanna come and play?Bring your body close to meAnd girl we'll p...

Jebediah - Animal
Make the most of opportunity, nothings free, nothings freeAnd don't believe everything that you seeIt ...

Jebediah - Benedict
[Verse 1:]Yeah! Benedict sits in his room, Benedict, Ben-Benedict Green men are coming so...

Jebediah - Blame
I was strolling down your road When I saw you now I know It's clear, it's all your fault dear An...

Jebediah - Bosco
[Verse 1:]Hey Bosco, what did you do To make so many men hate you You think you're right,...

Jebediah - Clint
Some things will stay the same The shape of a power point won't change And i won't back away and run ...

Jebediah - Congratulations
He's coming round tonightCatching the train outStarted work todayIt's no fun but it paysOn...

Jebediah - Denver
[Verse 1:]I was never good at what I do I'm not the one whose hurting you I was always pu...

Jebediah - Did You Really?
Think you had it much harder than the restWell this is no contestNo this is no contestAll the fi...

Jebediah - Feet Touch The Ground
So I thought the worst was overWhen my heart stopped beating againAnd the weak side of my body has com...

Jebediah - Ferris Wheel
[Verse 1:]Hey, I don't know what to say, I think of you each day And in my loneliness, I don't ...

Jebediah - Happier Sad
Falling out againJust when everything was working outAnd it's all because of meCos I like the wa...

Jebediah - Harpoon
[Verse 1:]This will take some explaining but I think you will agree There is no use prete...

Jebediah - In Orbit
You don't wanna knowThe truth will only hurt youAnd I don't wanna goBack down the road I hate to...

Jebediah - Invaders
[Verse 1:] It was in the evening, or was it afternoon It doesn't really matter, they were...

Jebediah - I Ran
I walk along the avenue i never thought I'd meet a girl like you with Auburn hair and tormy eyes ...

Jebediah - Jerks Of Attention
[Verse 1:]There is no pain, my bodies drained I never should of had that fourth slice straight ...

Jebediah - La Di Dada
Well I've been outside and it's not my scene And I know you don't know what I mean But I'm trying hard...

Jebediah - Leaving Home
[Verse 1:]Were you laughed at by your friends And were you lost for words when everybody finall...

Jebediah - Lino
There is the mat Wipe where it's at You can come in So can the cat I can see me Unde...

Jebediah - Love At Last
I'm not going to wait for the beating of my heartIt takes too long for that broken pump to startWhen y...

Jebediah - Military Strongmen
[Verse 1:]I'm on parade, you don't say: why can't you see that Keeping my feelings at bay...

Jebediah - Mister Masonic
[Verse 1:]Little man running around town - nothing more to say Doing everything the same as you...

Jebediah - Monument
[Verse 1:]I'm really gonna pack in this new job I do It's gonna be the death of me I went...

Jebediah - Please Leave
Those things you said are getting to meI closed my eyes so I couldn't seeI'm used to all the crap that...

Jebediah - Puck Defender
[Verse 1:]You and me tie ourselves on to the railway Tugging on things that catch us up ...

Jebediah - Run Of The Company
Believe you willThey'll take your honesty stillHonoured Chairman of the BoardPicking the scraps ...

Jebediah - Simple
[Verse 1:]I know, what I've found What I've found, I know It's nice, it feels cool ...

Jebediah - Skin
[Verse 1:]And the day that we leftI found a whole in my chestWhen you said we were only f...

Jebediah - Ski Trip
[Verse 1:]I don't wanna let you down But I cannot have you hanging around Hope you didn't...

Jebediah - Slightly Odd Way
You, you [x 4] ...

Jebediah - Slot Car Racing
I don't want to sit next to youI don't want to sit next to youDon't care what you say or what you want...

Jebediah - Slow Down
Slow down, I can't understand a word That you've said to me just then Please repeat yourself again ...

Jebediah - Smiler
[Verse 1:]Smile when you want and tell me your happy Laugh when you want to tell me your true ...

Jebediah - Sorry
[Verse 1:]I'm sorry that I fucked things up And I'm sorry that sorry is never enough But ...

Jebediah - Spoil The Show
[Verse 1:]I know I've said things I didn't mean to say And I know I've done thing I didn'...

Jebediah - Star Machine
Been thinking of building a ship to the starsFound plans made in fourth grade should get me that farJe...

Jebediah - Superhero 6
[Intro:][Spoken:] Ready? La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la [Verse 1:...

Jebediah - Teflon
We were going along To a particular song Just hanging around Feet scuffing the ground Catc...

Jebediah - Thought About It
It's cold in here, it's cold out there Forget it man, cos I don't care Don't need to know anyway ...

Jebediah - Tracksuit
Well I don't want to make things bad But these last few weeks are the worst I've had And that's really...

Jebediah - Trapdoor
Don't be too alarmed when you hear me raise my voice I don't want to do it but you've left me with no choice...

Jebediah - Twilight = Dusk
I don't wanna go anymore I don't wanna go anymore Stop pushing me through the door I don't wanna...

Jebediah - Weekend Away
I gotta go gotta get away just for the weekend I've gotta go cos I just can't stay just for the weekend ...

Jebediah - You
Three, Four! [Verse 1:]Well, I don't expect to see you all the time, Yeah eve...

Jeff Buckley - Back In N.y.c.
I see faces and traces of home back in New York City So you think I'm a tough kid? Is that what you heard? ...

Jeff Buckley - Be Your Husband
Be your husband if you'll be my wifeBe your husband if you'll be my wife Stick to the promise th...

Jeff Buckley - Calling You
A desert road from Vegas to nowhereSome place better than where you've beenA coffee machine that needs...

Jeff Buckley - Corpus Christi Carol
He bear her off, he bear her downHe bear her into an orchard groundLu Li Lu LayLu Li Lu Lay...

Jeff Buckley - Cruel
Oh YeahBorn no longer just a babyAlways trying to keep in one place for long, oh long enough to ...

Jeff Buckley - Demon John
Say farewell G'night, Sonny-Jim In your defenseless Winning smile What do you hope to win?...

Jeff Buckley - Dink's Song
If i had wings like noah's doveI'd fly up the river to the one i loveFare thee well, my honey, fare th...

Jeff Buckley - Dream Brother
There is a child sleeping near his twin The pictures go wild in a rush of wind That dark angel he is s...

Jeff Buckley - Eternal Life
Eternal Life is now on my trail Got my red glitter coffin, man, just need one last nail While all thes...

Jeff Buckley - Everybody Here Wants You
Twenty-nine pearls in your kiss A singing smile Coffee smell and lilac skin Your flame in me ...

Jeff Buckley - Forget Her
While this time's busy sleeping,All the noise has died away.I walk the streets to stop my weeping,...

Jeff Buckley - Grace
There's the moon asking to stay Long enough for the clouds to fly me away Well it's my time coming, i'...

Jeff Buckley - Gunshot Glitter
Don't you wanna let go of your heart Or you resist the beds of bliss Fortune makes fools of us all ...

Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah
Well I heard there was a secret chordthat David played and it pleased the LordBut you don't really car...

Jeff Buckley - Harem Man
Alright alright alright alright...woahWell...yeahWell I'm your Harem man, I was paid two by twoW...

Jeff Buckley - Haven't You Heard
Your wish is my command! Have you heard this talk about eye contact Gonna be the downfall of this town...

Jeff Buckley - If You See Her, Say Hello
If you see her, say hello, she might be in TangierShe left here last early spring, is livin' there, I hear...

Jeff Buckley - I Know We Could Be So Happy Baby (if We Wanted To Be)
There's no easy answer None to blame or forgive Two cripples dancing To the end we live ...

Jeff Buckley - I Shall Be Released
They say everything can be replaced,Yet every distance is not near.So i remember every faceOf ev...

Jeff Buckley - I Want Someone Badly
Now I want someone badlyGot a girl here tonightWant someone newSomeone newBut (a) li...

Jeff Buckley - I Woke Up In A Strange Place
Ghost calls to visit With my keys in his pocket Kisses in my mouth with his Eyes hanging out of ...

Jeff Buckley - Je N'en Connais Pas La Fin
I used to know a little squareSo long ago, when I was smallAll summer long it had a fairWonderfu...

Jeff Buckley - Jewel Box
I know you're a woman By the way you burn below I'll tell you secrets so good You'll never tell ...

Jeff Buckley - Just Like A Woman
Nobody feels any painTonight as I stand inside the rainEv'rybody knowsThat Baby's got new clothe...

Jeff Buckley - Kanga Roo
When i first saw youYou had on blue jeansYour eyes couldn't hideAnythingI saw youBre...

Jeff Buckley - Kick Out The Jams
I'm gonna kick 'em outWell I feel pretty goodAnd I guess that I could get crazy now, baby'...

Jeff Buckley - Last Goodbye
This is our last goodbye I hate to feel the love between us die But it's over Just hear this and...

Jeff Buckley - Lilac Wine
I lost myself on a cool damp nightGave myself in that misty lightWas hypnotized by a strange delight...

Jeff Buckley - Lost Highway
I'm a rollin' stone all alone and lostFor a life of sin I have paid the costWhen I walk by all the peo...

Jeff Buckley - Lover, You Should've Come Over
Looking out the door i see the rain fall upon the funeral mournersParading in a wake of sad relations as the...

Jeff Buckley - Malign Fiesta (no Soul)
You got your 24 swastika tattoo yesterday[inaudible] You got your 24 karat gold pierced earring...

Jeff Buckley - Mama, You've Been On My Mind
Perhaps it's the color of the sun cut flatAn' cov'rin' the crossroads I'm standing at,Or maybe it's th...

Jeff Buckley - Mojo Pin
It's a song about a dream Well i'm lying in my bed The blanket is warm This body will neve...

Jeff Buckley - Moodswing Whiskey
Mood swing whiskey Drank it all in the morning Waiting for the dark to move in Sitting in my ste...

Jeff Buckley - Morning Theft
Time takes care of the wound So I can believe You had so much to give You thought I couldn't see...

Jeff Buckley - Murder Suicide Meteor Slave
Would you like to meet the villain somewhere Underneath the skull of a moon Fire burned his eyes out '...

Jeff Buckley - New Year's Prayer
Oooooo, Fall in light, fall in light. Fall in light, fall in light Feel no shame for what you are [x5]...

Jeff Buckley - Nightmares By The Sea
Beware the bottled thoughts of angry young men Secret compartments hide all of the skeletonsLittle gir...

Jeff Buckley - Opened Once
I once was open And one with a travelling heart I loved this sweet guyJust like the fictio...

Jeff Buckley - Satisfied Mind
How Many Times, Have u Heard Someone Say,If I Had Money, I Would Do Things My Way.But Little They Know...

Jeff Buckley - She Is Free
Cold wind blow this waiting blood, Flow into my ashen arms.Ice stream prick my sleeping skin.She...

Jeff Buckley - Song To No One
OooohhhhhhhhhhBack when I was a baby, a baby saying his prayers, prayers soft and lonely, lonely...

Jeff Buckley - So Real
Love, let me sleep tonight on you couch And remember the smell of the fabric Of your simple city dress...

Jeff Buckley - Strange Fruit
Southern trees bear strange fruitBlood on the leaves and blood at the rootBlack bodies swinging in the...

Jeff Buckley - Sweet Thing
And i will stroll the merry way And jump the hedges first And i will drink the clear Clean water...

Jeff Buckley - That's All I Ask
Don't try to blow out the sun for me babyI'm not hoping for what I know can't beAll that I ask is for ...

Jeff Buckley - The Man That Got Away
The night is bitterThe stars have lost their glitterThe winds grow colderAnd suddenly you're old...

Jeff Buckley - The Other Woman
The other woman finds time to manicure her nailsThe other woman is perfect where her rival failsAnd sh...

Jeff Buckley - The Sky Is A Landfill
Circle around the park Joining hands in silence Watch the evil black the sky The storm has...

Jeff Buckley - The Way Young Lovers Do
Oh...We strolled through fields all wet with rainAnd back along the lane againThere in the...

Jeff Buckley - Thousand Fold
I have no desire to make contact with all the thought of "no, no".I shiver now, to think of how this answer ...

Jeff Buckley - Vancouver
Lady All the troubles are my fright, I disgust you Feel the power you cut the truth into you Why...

Jeff Buckley - What Will You Say
It's been such a long time And I was just a child then What will you say When you see my face? ...

Jeff Buckley - Witches' Rave
It sounds just like a scream I don't know what you mean Your witchcraft's all around me In your ...

Jeff Buckley - Yard Of Blonde Girls
Through the yard Through the yard of blonde girls Through the river and the sea Gold sharks glit...

Jeff Buckley - You & I
You and I Ah, the calm below that poisoned the river wild You and I Tears that dry on a rude awa...

Jeff Buckley - Your Flesh Is So Nice
I want to tell you a story About a little cutey She's ass-slappin' pretty And voluptuous fingers...

Jem - 24
Been given 24 hours To tie up loose ends To make amendsHis eyes said it all I started to f...

Jem - Come On Closer
Come on closerI wanna show youWhat I'd like to doYou sit back nowJust relax nowI'll ...

Jem - Falling For You
Said there'd be no going backPromised myself I'd never be that sadMaybe that's why you've come along...

Jem - Finally Woken
Finally Woken, Finally WokenI've been thinking 'bout thingsFor a long whileI'm feeling so ...

Jem - Flying High
You can't know, oh noYou can't knowHow much I think about you, noIt's making my head spinL...

Jem - Missing You
I wish this could beA happy songBut my happiness disappeared The moment you were goneDon't...

Jem - Save Me
Save me save me save me woohI've gotta stop my mindWorking overtimeIt's driving me insane...

Jem - Stay Now
Daylight comes, daylight comesAnd you've gotta goBreaks my heart, breaks my heartTo have to watc...

Jem - They
Who made up all the rulesWe follow them like foolsBelieve them to be trueDon't care to think the...

Jem - Wish I
Baby, you're sailing todayBaby, you're sailing awaySugar, wish I could go tooBut honey you know...

Jennifer Lopez - (can't Believe) This Is Me
How can you just say that you love me yet to leave you aloneYou said these walls were here to protect us, bu...

Jennifer Lopez - Carino
Baby, never have I ever wanted anyone like I want you babeCome and let me show you just how much I feel insi...

Jennifer Lopez - Cherry Pie
HeyYeah youYou had a dark, sexy vibe about yaAnd a strange way you turn me onT...

Jennifer Lopez - Come Over
One, you come to my room for a little gameTwo you, I'll do very erotic thingsI wanna make love, ...

Jennifer Lopez - Could This Be Love
If you only knew What I've been going through Waiting and wanting you Could this be love H...

Jennifer Lopez - Dame (touch Me)
BabyMe atrapasMe enloquecesCon tu cuerpo me tienesJustoen el punto que quieresDonde ...

Jennifer Lopez - Dance With Me
Too much is on your mindGotta let it goCan't worry all the timeJust let it flowYou say you...

Jennifer Lopez - He'll Be Back
I know better than anybody how it feels to want somebody so bad after you break upStill(Looking ...

Jennifer Lopez - I Got You
Right hereSomething in the dark shot glasses, you knowSomething that you can lean toSomething th...

Jennifer Lopez - I, Love
ILoveBoy, I love you soILoveYou and I have been around...

Jennifer Lopez - It's Not That Serious
How could you tell me that you love me When I know you were just trying to play me But you're the fool...

Jennifer Lopez - Let's Get Loud
[Chorus:]Let's get loud, let's get loud Turn the music up, let's do it C'mon people let's...

Jennifer Lopez - No Me Ames
Dime porque lloras De felicidad Y porque te ahogas Por la soledad Di porque me tomas ...

Jennifer Lopez - No Me Ames (tropical Remix)
Dime porque lloras De felicidad Y porque te ahogas Por la soledad Di porque me tomas ...

Jennifer Lopez - Open Off My Love
[CHORUS:] Baby come with me I know I can set you free If you take this trip with me ...

Jennifer Lopez - Promise Me You'll Try
I know it's on your heart That a love like ours shall never fall apart You're so afraid of the rain ...

Jennifer Lopez - Ryde Or Die
[Intro:]I don't understand why I'm crazyOver you I don't know what to doI don't understan...

Jennifer Lopez - Secretly
SecretlyI'm wanting youAnd I'm hoping you want me tooI smell your scent across the roomAnd...

Jennifer Lopez - Should've Never
I've been so Caught up in the thought of me and you Even though I love Someone else I know my he...

Jennifer Lopez - Si Ya Se Acabo
Dime que pasoSe te olivido mi nombreO ya quiza yo no te importo masYo te conozco bienTus o...

Jennifer Lopez - Step Into My World
Step into my worldUh-huh, yeah, yeahWhooaaaaUh-huh, yeah, yeahWhooaaaaLike a m...

Jennifer Lopez - Still Around
Do you remember what you said to me the day I met youLike yesterday I still can hear your voice, you promise...

Jennifer Lopez - Talk About Us
I saw you and fell in love You saw me and fell in love, too You and me; we fell in love with each othe...

Jennifer Lopez - That's Not Me
Said she gave you everythingShe broke her back to beWhat you needI tried so long to just compete...

Jennifer Lopez - That's The Way
I know you see me watchin'Although you're tryin' to play itLike you don'tWhen I know you do...

Jennifer Lopez - The One (version 2)
I just wanna be... I just wanna be...Taking awayThe fact that I care about youIt's just yo...

Jennifer Lopez - Too Late
[CHORUS:] First you say that you have to go away I never should have been with you anyway ...

Jennifer Lopez - Una Noche Mas
Como te sone, yo te imagine Seduciendome despacio Tuya me senti, todo te lo di Y hasta el alma ...

Jennifer Lopez - Waiting For Tonight
Like a movie scene In the sweetest dreams Have pictured us together Now to feel your lips ...

Jennifer Lopez - We Gotta Talk
The way you looked at meTells me you're sorryYou walked by meWhispering you love meWhen I ...

Jennifer Lopez - Whatever You Wanna Do
Come on man, give me something I can move toGive me some of that funkYeahYeahW...

Jennifer Lopez - You Belong To Me
Why'd you tell me this,were you looking for my reaction,what do you need to know?,don't you know...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Avenue Of Stars
[Voice]Yo Yo Yo! Welcome to Hollywood! What's your dream? Everybody got a dream.[Jenni...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Baby I'm A Want You
Baby, I'm a want youBaby, I'm a need youYou're the only oneI care enough to hurt about...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Barenaked
Do you ever have that dreamwhere you're walking naked down the streetand everyone just staresDo ...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Can I Go Now
What's the point of trying to meet you in the middleYou got your point of viewThere's nothing I can do...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Can't Stand In The Way Of Love
It stops... neverMeant to beYou and meUnconcious loveLove is a attractionIt's ...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Cool With You
Late last night I was goin through some old things When i Saw a picture of you and my best friend ...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Couldn't Find Another Man
If I knew that this would all Come down to a sad goodbye I would see it through Till the tears b...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Don't Push The River
Let's restore you A good thing rushing these emotions Just a big comotion that could leave us both alo...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Don't Turn Your Head Away
I don't wanna take your dreams away from you And I'll always be there All the love we've shared ...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Everywhere I Go
Last nightDid you understandHow I trembled insideWhen you held my handAnd do you kno...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - First Time
When I look at youBaby I'm amazed after we've been throughAll that I can say is there is no perfect pl...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Free To Be A Woman
Ooh, freedomEverybody's trying to tell me somethin'All about the way to live my lifeI don'...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Hey Everybody
We've all got troublesWe all make mistakesBut let's not take a little river turn it into lakeWe'...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - How Do I Deal
Every day I wake up to another day gone by Nothing but the open road and the never-ending why Anything...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - I Always Was Your Girl
I know you're down againYou see nothing but rainYou put your friends through hellThat's why we g...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - I Believe In
I saw the news todayA teenage boy blown awayAnother mother's lost her only sonHe learned h...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - I Know You Will
Baby baby try me crazy walking on the edgeThe way you touch yourself has got me hanging on a ledgeIs i...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - I'm Gonna Love You
Angel in disguiseStories in his eyesLove for every true heart that it sees.Was it just a l...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - In Another Life
If my loving youCould change the river's flowI would not let you drift away from meI'd never let...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - It's Good To Know I'm Alive
[Chorus:]You make me smile Everybody needs and little sunshine and when i do your always there ...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - I Want A Love I Can See
I want a love I can seeThat's the only kind that means a thing to meDon't want a love you have to tell...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Kiss Away From Heaven
If you believe in what's meant to beAnd you listen to your heart...My love will always find youW...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Last Night
Love, I mistreated youI had no reason toYou gave the best of your love, sweet love, to meSo unem...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Let's Go Bang
Unspoken words You know just what to do The rhythm moves like Second nature to you So prim...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Me & Bobby Mcgee
Busted flat in Baton Rouge, waitin' for a trainAnd I was feelin' near as faded as my jeansBobby thumbe...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Never A Day Goes By
Even though we're heart to heartI know you wonder when we partDo I start to lose my desire for you...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - No Ordinary Love
This could have been just another day But instead we're standing here No need for words, it's all been...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - (our Love) Don't Throw It All Away
Maybe I don't wanna know the reason whyBut lately you don't talk to me And baby I can't see me in your...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Rock The Roll
Every girl thinks I'm so luckyJust to be with youI know that you agree with themBut here comes t...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Stand In Your Way
So you wanna say goodbyeYou know that's gonna make me cryIt doesn't even matter whyI want you to...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Stronger
I'd like you to meet the girl they call next doorYou'll know cuz you've seen her face beforeHe left yo...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - The Difference Between Us
If you really love meDon't try and change meWhen you look in the mirrorIt's not me you see...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - The Garden
At nightBurned by desireI reveled in no painThat is greater than loveNor have I found any ...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - The Greatest Word
I know you and you know meWe've got a special kind of lovin' it seemsBut sometimes I, I wonder why...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - Where You Gonna Run To?
You ought to be careful with your promisesThe first rule of love is to believe youWords come so easy f...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - You
Hold me nowStop the morning light from breakingSomething's coming over meDon't know what it is s...

Jennifer Love Hewitt - You Make Me Smile
You make me smileEven the times I'm trying to be seriousYou are possessing the quality mysterious...

Jentina - Bad Ass Strippa
Uh, YeahShake shake shake shakeShake shake shake shakeBad ass strippa gonna flip you on yo...

Jerk - Blow It All Away
Take a long hard look at me, tell me what you think you see.Another one with a broken soul, taken down and l...

Jerk - Disintegration
DisintegratingIn line and waiting for somewhere to goAnd the dosage today was much too lowI just...

Jerk - Entertained
He remembers when you broke him inTook away his chance to liveKill that little boy to set him free...

Jerk - I Hate People Like That
Don't you want me? To like you more if you could save me but I forget the reason why you think Ishould care....

Jerk - Injection Of You
Piss on piss, piss on kissIt's a simple math that on thisSpit on spit, take this hitI'll make yo...

Jerk - Just What You Need
Don't believe in love, don't believe in hateDon't believe in destiny or in fateDon't believe in the fu...

Jerk - Killing Me Killing You
Why should I try?You'll make me just like youAnd I will denyThe things you say are true...

Jerk - Love Your Drugs
Took you down for one more hit, when you gonna stop that shit?'Till the next time it's OK, slowly watching y...

Jerk - Say It
What did you say?I couldn't hear ya from the other room, what did you say?C'mon TELL ME TELL ME what d...

Jerk - Sucked In
Deep inside you everyday, you do not know I will not say, your underground makes me ill if Idon't do it no o...

Jerk - Wrong
You think that it's easyYou think that it hurts meYou think you can hurt meI'd love you to try...

Jermaine Dupri (jd) - Jd's Reply (jackin' 4 Beats)
[J.D.]Gimme dat beat fool, it's a full time jack moveFuck y'all I'll make the motherfuckin trac...

Jermaine Dupri (jd) - Rock With Me
Uh-huh-uh East coast (yeah)Uh-uh-uh-huh-uh West coast (Uh-huh-uhhh)Down in the dirty (where?)Dir...

Jerzee Monet - Better Than That
[TALK]Hello?Yo, look I need to talk to youI need to talk to you because ummThings j...

Jerzee Monet - Missing You
I'm missing your faceI'm missing your face[Chorus]Missin youWishin tooT...

Jerzee Monet - One Of Those Days
Everybody out there[Chorus]Just one of those daysFeelin so much painJust one ...

Jerzee Monet - Respect
[Talk]Someday I know That there will come a timeThat we all will have to come together as...

Jerzee Monet - Stop My Flow
[Talk]You're a haterAnd you tryna stop my flow[Chorus]So many wanna st...

Jerzee Monet - Tonight Is The Night
I know I Been telling you That it's not timeTo give you loving physicallyBaby you respecte...

Jerzee Monet - Work It Out
[Talk]HelloHey babyHey lookDinner'll be ready at 8If your not gonna be on tim...

Jesse Mccartney - Best Day Of My Life
Woke up around a half past tenCant believe that Im late againPut down about a quart of caffineTo...

Jesse Mccartney - Crush'n
Kisses so candy sweet (sweet) I'm crush'n on you That thing you do Makes me lose control ...

Jesse Mccartney - Don't You
Oh I say thinking about you alwaysAnd I don't Want it to be differentBy the way Liking it ...

Jesse Mccartney - Good Life
If I were you I'd be taking it easyKick back and relax for a little whileWe'll all still be here tomor...

Jesse Mccartney - One Way Or Another
Over here in California the sun maybe shiningBack in New York there is frost on the groundI can feel i...

Jesse Mccartney - Take Your Sweet Time
It isnt a crime to wantA little space to breatheBut you will be fineThe sun again will shine on ...

Jesse Mccartney - The Second Star To The Right we go...The Second StarDream your way to the stars in the skyyou and me, me and you...

Jesse Mccartney - What's Your Name
Oh Oh Uh UhI turn around you're there againAnd suddenly your goneI wanna get to know youBu...

Jesse Mccartney - When You Wish Upon A Star
When you wish upon a starMakes no difference who you areAnything your heart desiresWill come to ...

Jesse Mccartney - Why Is Love So Hard To Find
Everyday, I look aroundSeems that no one's ever satisfiedCould it be, that underneathWe've all g...

Jesse Mccartney - Winter Wonderland
Sleigh bells ring Are you listening In the lane Snow is glistening A beautiful sight ...

Jessica Andrews - Cowboy Guarantee
There were signs all over townCome see the rodeoAnd when I saw those fairground lightsShining...

Jessica Andrews - Every Time
I laid the blanket there on the shorelineAnd saw the water shine with the moonWhat kind of fool would ...

Jessica Andrews - God Don't Give Up On Us
Who will with the holy warCan you tell me what theyre fighting forAnd do you look down in disgust...

Jessica Andrews - Good Friend To Me
There's no doubt you're good lookin' (I'll say)And now I see you're lookin' (my way)Say you wanna get ...

Jessica Andrews - Good Time
Guess its written on my faceGod, I get so sick of this placeI gotta get up, get out, and get a life...

Jessica Andrews - Heart Shaped World
This ain't the planet I've been living on It don't circle round the sun Ever since the day you came al...

Jessica Andrews - Hungry Love
Back in the woods in a shotgun shack Right above the railroad tracks In old junk cars and tractor part...

Jessica Andrews - I Bring It To You
All of these words on paperAll of these thoughts in my headDeals I've made with the makerThe nee...

Jessica Andrews - I Do Now
Where in the world did you come from Seems like I looked upI and there you were Didnt think about it t...

Jessica Andrews - I Don't Like Anyone
Suki says we're all downtownSo, what's my problemI don't wanna socializeWhy don't they leave me ...

Jessica Andrews - I'll Take Your Heart
Movin upwhere you never been Tie your seat beltstrap yourself in Start a rumornothing to it it's...

Jessica Andrews - I've Been Waiting For You
say Montana has a real big sky And the Grand Canyon is deep and wide Theres a whole lot of livin that ...

Jessica Andrews - I Wish For You
Time goes by so fast, and days they seem to danceInto the distance till they're goneIf I had a map, to...

Jessica Andrews - James Dean In Tennessee
Joey was a fighter And he fought to dream He said someday he would have a fancy car And hed leav...

Jessica Andrews - Karma
Out of nowhere you just wanna be freeCut me loose forget all about meBaby, tell me, have you ever hear...

Jessica Andrews - Never Be Forgotten
Ill always see your faceThe corner of your smileAnd all the little things that no one will ever know...

Jessica Andrews - Never Had It So Good
They could look all their livesAnd not find what we've gotUp and down, all aroundBeneath every r...

Jessica Andrews - Now
NowAll my life Ive waitedAnd Ive been afraid andI wondered If Id findSomeone to share my l...

Jessica Andrews - Now I Know
Boy I tried to write a letterI just need to make things betterI'm praying that you'll let me work this...

Jessica Andrews - Ruby Shoes
The moon cast a shadow On my bedroom wall One silhouette not two Nothing about this Is fam...

Jessica Andrews - Second Sunday
Monday mornings are bittersweetJust like the coffee in my cupIts what you need but not enough...

Jessica Andrews - Show Me Heaven
There you go Flashing fever from your eyes Hey babe, come over here and shut them tight I'm not ...

Jessica Andrews - Sunshine And Love
If I had a zillion dollars and the whole world on a stringDiamonds in my pockets and the power of a ki...

Jessica Andrews - There's More To Me Than You
[verse 1]I spent years and all this time thinking I was better off cuz you were mineYou a...

Jessica Andrews - The Riverside
We spent all night down by the riverside Laughin at nothing and talking too much And the moonlight was...

Jessica Andrews - These Wings
Love was always letting me downYou know what I meanThe man of my dreamsShould knock me off my fe...

Jessica Andrews - They Are The Roses
Born with heaven in their eyesGod sent, innocentThe promise of lifeBorn into this mess weve made...

Jessica Andrews - To Love You Once
I try to let it goI try to shut it outCleanse it from my soulBut it stays in place like a perman...

Jessica Andrews - Unbreakable Heart
An empty room a broken fairy tale A hollow girl with empty arms From an angels tears God made the star...

Jessica Andrews - Whatever
I used to take you at face value You spoke I listened and the only thing missing was the truth Y...

Jessica Andrews - When Gentry Plays Guitar
When Gentry plays guitarIt's like a song Leon sang long agoWhen Gentry plays guitarThe girls at ...

Jessica Andrews - Why'd You Have To Go And Make Me Love You
There's moonlight on the treesPaintin' silver on the leavesIt's so beautiful out hereI just had ...

Jessica Andrews - Windows On A Train
It felt like just a momentThe way they never lastWhere were you goin that you had to leave so fast...

Jessica Andrews - Wishing Well
Here goes another dayAnother hug and a kiss and we're on our wayA cup of coffee for the roadAnd ...

Jessica Andrews - You Go First
you're kicking tires I'm sitting on the fence Loves falling all around us and it don't make sense How ...

Jessica Andrews - You're The Man (that Brings The Woman Out Of Me)
Sitting here all by myself with my heart upOn the shelfThis house dont feel like home to meI wat...

Jessica Simpson - Angels
I sit and wait does an angel contemplate my fate and do they know the placesWhere we go when we're grey and ...

Jessica Simpson - Be
Way it's gonnaWay it's gonnaLately I find I'm caught up in these thoughtsHow will you come...

Jessica Simpson - Betcha She Don't Love You
Last night I saw you out Hangin with another girl Tell me what that's all about You used to be m...

Jessica Simpson - Breath Of Heaven (mary's Song)
I have traveled many moonless nightsCold and weary, with a babe insideAnd I wonder what I've done...

Jessica Simpson - Did You Ever Love Somebody
Did you ever love somebody? So much that the earth moved Did you ever love somebody? Even though...

Jessica Simpson - Everyday See You
Sometimes the breaks don't go my waySometimes there's no good news todaySometimes it all just hits the...

Jessica Simpson - Final Heartbreak
It's all about the way you're feelin Deep in your heart When she let you go I don't doubt you ca...

Jessica Simpson - Forbidden Fruit
There's a game you wanna playThere's a risk you would like to takeBut words can't change what you feel...

Jessica Simpson - Forever In Your Eyes
Eyes like fire - Burn desireAs we dance away into the nightThis attraction - Fuels a passion...

Jessica Simpson - For Your Love
You are every part of meAnd with every breath I takeYour love will light my wayAnd for every day...

Jessica Simpson - Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
Hark! the herald angels sing,Glory, glory to, glory to,The new born King...Glory, glory, g...

Jessica Simpson - Heart Of Innocence
[Written by Paula Carpenter*, Jessica Simpson, Frank Myers, Gary Baker][Zomba Enterprises Inc./Swe...

Jessica Simpson - His Eye Is On The Sparrow
Why should I feel discouragedAnd why should the shadows comeAnd why should my heart feel so lonely...

Jessica Simpson - Hot Like Fire
You told me that you would always be the only thing that I'd ever needtelling all friends that they were nev...

Jessica Simpson - I Have Loved You
Remember that blue crystal skyThe sun reflected in your eyesKissed me unexpectedlyA moment I jus...

Jessica Simpson - I Never
I never wanted to feel like thisI never thought you'd make mistakes like thisIt never was that you...

Jessica Simpson - In This Skin
They see me in a magazineI'm the one they want to beStill don't feel I'm good enoughStill don't ...

Jessica Simpson - Irresistible
You Know I don't know what it is But everything about you is so irresistible Don't you try and t...

Jessica Simpson - I Think I'm In Love With You
Every time you'r near babyI get kinda crazy in my head for you I don't know what to do And oh ba...

Jessica Simpson - It's Christmas Time Again
I see the lights are shiningAgainst the winter skyAbove the rooftopsReindeer are flyingBel...

Jessica Simpson - I've Got My Eyes On You
Oh yeah c'mon now Oh yeah x4 Boy I've been watchin you And you've been watchin me I know you wan...

Jessica Simpson - I Wanna Love You Forever
You set my soul at ease Chased darkness out of view Left your desperate spell on me Say you feel...

Jessica Simpson - Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow
Oh the weather outside is frightfulBut the fire is so delightfulAnd since we've no place to goLe...

Jessica Simpson - Little Bit
I'm not the kind of girl to sit out on sidelinesThe kind of girl who doesn't say it straight from her mind...

Jessica Simpson - Loving You
I keep onI keep on lovingOh, ohOh, ohMmm(I'm gonna keep on loving you)Mm...

Jessica Simpson - My Way Home
I will give it all We've all been down the dusty road trying to see around the bendIn search of ...

Jessica Simpson - My Wonderful
Time when I was down and out No lovin in my life This angel came and brought about A meaning of ...

Jessica Simpson - O Holy Night
O holy night! The stars are brightly shining,It is the night of our dear Saviour's birth.Long lay the ...

Jessica Simpson - Part Of Your World
Look at this stuffIsn't it neat?Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?Wouldn't you think I...

Jessica Simpson - Sweetest Sin
Can you imagine us making loveThe way it would feel the first time that we touchCan you think of it th...

Jessica Simpson - Sweet Kisses
Couldn't look me in the eye He apologizes He didn't make enough to take me out tonight I beg him...

Jessica Simpson - Take My Breath Away
Watching every motionIn my foolish lover's gameOn this endless oceanFinally lovers know no shame...

Jessica Simpson - The Christmas Song (chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire)
Chestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Frost nipping at your noseYuletide carols being sung by a choir...

Jessica Simpson - To Fall In Love Again
So faithfullyHolding tight to every dream I thought our love would ever beAs the scent of hope slips t...

Jessica Simpson - Underneath
Sometimes it's hard when you're so deep insideTo see all you can lose in a blink of an eyeDreams could...

Jessica Simpson - What Christmas Means To Me
Oh yeah...Candles burning low,Lot's of mistletoe.Lot's of snow and ice,Everywhere we go....

Jessica Simpson - When You Told Me You Loved Me
Once Doesn't mean anything to meComeShow me the meaning of completeWhere Did our lov...

Jessica Simpson - Where I Go (miles To Go)
When I can't see your faceFeel your embrace (feel you)I know your out there baby thinkin' of me ...

Jessica Simpson - Where You Are
There are times I swear I know you're here When I forget about my fears Feeling you my dear ...

Jessica Simpson - With You
The real me is a southern girl with her Levis on and an open heartWish I could save the world, like I was su...

Jessica Simpson - Woman In Me
The face that I see it's the woman in meIt's the woman that I wanna be The face that I see it's the wo...

Jessica Simpson - You Don't Have To Let Go
I don't need your strength anymorecause you've made me strongYou may not see the woman in me Tha...

Jessica Simpson - Your Faith In Me
When I see you there I'm so aware Of how lucky I am baby Cause I don't deserve I don't come close ...

Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl
Go!!So 1, 2, 3, take my hand and come with mebecause you look so fine and i really wanna m...

Jet - Cold Hard Bitch
Gotta leave townGot another appointmentSpent all my rentGirl you know I enjoyed itAi...

Jet - Come Around Again
Yeah I'm waitin' for you, it's been so longYeah I'm waitin' for you, it's been so longYeah I'm sad whe...

Jet - Get Me Outta Here
I went down to the bankTo get me a'payI'm gonna get me outta hereI got me some cashI'm hea...

Jet - Get What You Need
Call you on the telephone (she's not there)Ya always leavin' me alone (she don't care)I'm through with...

Jet - Hold On
You tried so hard to be someoneThat you forgot who you areYou tried to fill some emptinessTil al...

Jet - Last Chance
You ain't nothing to me if you got nothing to sayI don't know what you got that I can use anyway...

Jet - Lazy Gun
Lazy Gun messed up my television yeahYou get no Younger from those colours in your hairTeach your kids...

Jet - Look What You've Done
Take my photo off the wallIf it just won't sing for you'Cause all that's left has gone awayAnd t...

Jet - Move On
Well I been thinking Tbout the futureBut I'm too young to pretendIt's such a waste to always look behi...

Jet - Radio Song
Take a lookAt what I tookA leaf out of everybody's bookWe see what you can't seeI'm caught...

Jet - Rollover Dj
"Got your Rhymes going round in my headGot your supersonic beats mixing up my Keds"So dance little DJ ...

Jet - Take It Or Leave It
Yeah! Just take it or leave it yeahYeah! Did you get what you needed yeahCome on don't you know what y...

Jet - Timothy
Timothy, I took your placeTimothy, cause it's such a wasteTimothy, we found your spaceshipTimoth...

Jethro Tull - 4.w.d. (low Ratio)
Met a man just the other day ---said his name was Jim. Boy, won't you take a look!Got a car for you --...

Jethro Tull - Acres Wild
I'll make love to youin all good placesunder black mountainsin open spaces.By deep brown r...

Jethro Tull - Alive And Well And Living In
Nobody sees her here, her eyes are slowly closing.If she should want some peace, she sits there, without mov...

Jethro Tull - And Further On
We saw the heavens break and all the world go down to sleepand rocks on mossy banks drip acid rain from crag...

Jethro Tull - ...and The Mouse Police Never Sleeps
Muscled, black with steel-green eyeswishing through the rye grasswith thoughts of mouse-and-apple pie....

Jethro Tull - A New Day Yesterday
My first and last time with youand we had some fun.wenT walking through the trees, yeah!And then...

Jethro Tull - Another Harry's Bar
Wet wind on the sidewalk: I'm staring at the rain.Walking up the street, yeah, and walking down again....

Jethro Tull - Apogee
Sailing round the true-blue sphere---is it too late to bale out of here?Well, there has to be some bet...

Jethro Tull - Aqualung
Sitting on a park bench --eyeing ittle girls with bad intent.Snot running down his nose --greasy...

Jethro Tull - A Small Cigar
A small cigar can change the worldI know, I've done it frequently at partiesWhere I've won all the gue...

Jethro Tull - A Song For Jeffrey
Gonna lose my way tomorrow,gonna give away my car.I'd take you along with me,but you would not g...

Jethro Tull - Astronomy
The middle lane has trapped my carin red-light claustrophobia.I slip the shackles, cut the rope ---...

Jethro Tull - A Time For Everything
Once it seemed there would always bea time for everything.Ages passed I knew at lastmy life had ...

Jethro Tull - At Last, Forever
So why are you holding my hand tonight?I'm not intending to go far away.I'm just slipping through to t...

Jethro Tull - Audition
The actors milling helplessly--The script is blowing out to sea.But what the hell, we didn't even pass...

Jethro Tull - Automotive Engineering
In the hands of science ---the complete appliance.We're moved to motor.Do you fly a Spitfire?...

Jethro Tull - Back-door Angels
In and out of the front door, ran twelve back-door angels.Their hair was a golden-brown ---they didn't...

Jethro Tull - Back To The Family
My telephone wakes me in the morning --have to get up to answer the call.So I think I'll go back to th...

Jethro Tull - Bad-eyed And Loveless
Yes'n she's bad-eyed and she's loveless.A young man's fancy and an old man's dream.I'm self raising an...

Jethro Tull - Batteries Not Included
Six o'clock in the morningWake up by the bedThere sits a Japanese toyAnd I like itSee the ...

Jethro Tull - Beastie
From early days of infancy, through trembling yearsof youth, long murky middle-age and final hourslong...

Jethro Tull - Beggar's Farm
You're taking chances. And your reputation's going down.Going out in the night-time. You think you make no...

Jethro Tull - Beside Myself
Small child messing down, messing the streets of Bombay.Cities like this have no shame, no sha...

Jethro Tull - Big Dipper
The mist rolls off the beaches:the train rolls into the station.Weekend happiness seekers --- pent-up ...

Jethro Tull - Big Riff And Mando
Marty loved the sound of the stolen mandolin.Somebody took it on a dare in the night-time.Run up to th...

Jethro Tull - Black Satin Dancer
Come, let me play with you, black satin dancer.In all your giving, given is the answer.Tearing life fr...

Jethro Tull - Black Sunday
Tomorrow is the one day I would change for a Mondaywith freezing rains melting and no trains runningan...

Jethro Tull - Broadford Bazaar
Dirty white caravans down our road, sailing.Vivas, Cortinas, weaving in their wake.With hot, red-faced...

Jethro Tull - Broadsword
I see a dark sail on the horizon set under a blackcloud that hides the sun.Bring me my broadswor...

Jethro Tull - Budapest
I think she was a middle-distance runner...(the translation wasn't clear).Could be a budding stately h...

Jethro Tull - Bungle In The Jungle
Walking through forests of palm tree apartments ---scoff at the monkeys who live in their dark tentsdo...

Jethro Tull - By Kind Permission Of
[Introduction:]Please, let's have a big welcome for Jethro Tull.Whoop!Hello. Hang ...

Jethro Tull - Cheap Day Return
On Preston platformdo your soft shoe shuffle dance.Brush away the cigarette ash that'sfalling do...

Jethro Tull - Cheerio
Along the coast road, by the headlandthe early lights of winter glow.I'll pour a cup to you my darling...

Jethro Tull - Christmas Song
Once in Royal David's City stood a lonely cattle shed,where a mother held her baby.You'd do well to re...

Jethro Tull - Cold Wind To Valhalla
And ride with us young bonny lass ---with the angels of the night.Crack wind clatter --- flesh rein bi...

Jethro Tull - Commons Brawl
All right and honorable gentlemenAnd lady, tooWill kindly try to restrain themselvesIn derring-d...

Jethro Tull - Crazed Institution
Just a little touch of make-up; just a little touch of bull;just a little 3-chord trick embedded in your pla...

Jethro Tull - Crew Nights
Tear it down in double quick timeTo get the eighth truck shifted 'bout midnightThe locker rooms are em...

Jethro Tull - Critique Oblique
Critic of the black and whiteIt's your first night.The Passion Play gets in the way,Spoils your ...

Jethro Tull - Cross-eyed Mary
Who would be a poor man, a beggarman, a thief --if he had a rich man in his hand.And who would steal t...

Jethro Tull - Crossfire
Spring light in a hazy Mayand a man with a gun at the doorSomeone's crawling on the roof above ---...

Jethro Tull - Cup Of Wonder
May I make my fond excusesfor the lateness of the hour,but we accept your invitation, and we bring you...

Jethro Tull - Dangerous Veils
Desert candle in a tented spacethrowing softer shadows on a covered face.Sister, silent to the likes o...

Jethro Tull - Dark Ages
Darlings are you ready for the long winter's fall?said the lady in her parlorsaid the butler in the ha...

Jethro Tull - Dharma For One
[Introduction:]She's really turned on by the television, and vice versa.Here's a song called, ?...

Jethro Tull - Doctor To My Disease
I've been treated for mild depressionand I've been treated for growing pains.I've been treated for hal...

Jethro Tull - Dogs In The Midwinter
You ever had a day like I had today,when things are stacked up bad?You look around and every face you ...

Jethro Tull - Dr. Bogenbroom
I have one foot in the graveyard and the other on the bus,and the passengers do trample each other in the ru...

Jethro Tull - Drive On The Young Side Of Life
Your mother she protected youAnd softened every blowAnd brought you up to fear the worstTo be ca...

Jethro Tull - Driving Song
Will they ever stop drivin' me?Have they ever taken time to seeThat I need some restif I'm to do...

Jethro Tull - Dun Ringill
Clear light on a slick palmas I mis-deal the daySlip the night from a shaved packmake a marked c...

Jethro Tull - Ears Of Tin
In the late hours of a sunset rendezvous ---chill breeze against tide, that carries me from you.Got a ...

Jethro Tull - European Legacy
She smiles at mefrom beyond the eastern sea-shore.Flashing jewelled eyes,she hoists her skirts s...

Jethro Tull - Fallen On Hard Times
Fallen on hard times --- but it feels good to knowthat milk and honey's just around the bend.Running o...

Jethro Tull - Farm On The Freeway
Nine miles of two-strand topped with barbed wirelaid by the father for the son.Good shelter down there...

Jethro Tull - Fat Man
Don't want to be a fat man,people would think that I wasjust good fun.Would rather be a thin man...

Jethro Tull - Flying Colours
Shout if you will, but that just won't do.I, for one, would rather follow softer options.I'll take the...

Jethro Tull - Flying Dutchman
Old lady with a barrow; life near endingStanding by the harbour wall; warm wishes sendingchildren on t...

Jethro Tull - For A Thousand Mothers
Did you hear mother --saying I'm wrong but I know I'm right.Did you hear father?Calling my name ...

Jethro Tull - For Michael Collins, Jeffrey And Me
Watery eyes of the last sighing seconds,blue reflections mute and dimbeckon tearful child of wonder...

Jethro Tull - From A Dead Beat To An Old Greaser
From a dead beat to an old greaser, here's thinking of you.You won't remember the long nights;coffee b...

Jethro Tull - Fylingdale Flyer
Through clear skies tracking lightly from far down the lineNo fanfare, just a blip on the screenNo qui...

Jethro Tull - General Crossing
It's an old professionof subtle artillery.Rough wheels meshing ---button out, button in....

Jethro Tull - Gold-tipped Boots, Black Jacket And Tie
I'm banered and bruised. I got lines I can't use.My head won't deliver. Well, I'm sold down the river....

Jethro Tull - Grace
Hello sun.Hello bird.Hello my lady.Hello breakfast. May Ibuy you again tomorrow?...

Jethro Tull - Hard Liner
Hard liner, she brings ice when I bring fire.She's a hard liner.Tightrope cross NiagaraShe'd cut...

Jethro Tull - Heat
When the rats are runningand the boys are gunningfor heads on a tin plate ---you can hear the fo...

Jethro Tull - Heavy Horses
Iron-clad feather-feet pounding the dustAn October's day, towards eveningSweat embossed veins standing...

Jethro Tull - Heavy Water
I walked out in the city night,A burning in my eyes, like it was broad daylight.And it was hot, down t...

Jethro Tull - Home
As the dawn sun breaks over sleepy gardensI'll be here to do all things to comfort you.And though I've...

Jethro Tull - Hunting Girl
One day I walked the road and crossed a fieldto go by where the hounds ran hard.And on the master race...

Jethro Tull - Hymn 43
Oh father high in heaven -- smile down upon your sonwhose busy with his money games -- his women and his gun...

Jethro Tull - I Don't Want To Be Me
Got a grand house out in the country.Marble pillars holding the door.Empty bottles lining the wall fro...

Jethro Tull - Inside
All the places I've been make it hard to beginto enjoy life again on the inside,but I mean to.Ta...

Jethro Tull - It's Breaking Me Up
So many long days. In so many ways.I try to get through to what lies deep inside of you.Oh, baby. I s...

Jethro Tull - Jack-in-the-green
Have you seen Jack-In-The-Green?With his long tail hanging down.He sits quietly under every tree ---...

Jethro Tull - Jeffrey Goes To Leicester Square
Bright city womanwalking down Leicester Square everyday.Gonna get a piece of my mind.You think y...

Jethro Tull - Journeyman
Spine-tingling railway sleepers ---Sleepy houses lying four-square and firmOrange beams divide the dar...

Jethro Tull - Jump Start
In the dark of the city backwoods, something stirs then slips away.Law and order in darkest Knightsbridge. C...

Jethro Tull - Just Trying To Be
There was a time when you were so young and walked in their way.They made you feel they loved you all-seeing...

Jethro Tull - Kissing Willie
Breaking hearts in a market town. She eats filet of soleand washes it down with sparkling wine.Nice gi...

Jethro Tull - Ladies
Ladies of leisure, with their eyes on the back roads ---All looking for strangers, to whom they extend welco...

Jethro Tull - Lap Of Luxury
The money won't last forever ---rent man called twice today.I hope some day you'll find mein the...

Jethro Tull - Later, That Same Evening
Later, that same evening, she ran.I think she ran alone.Later, she had early warning froma hidde...

Jethro Tull - Law Of The Bungle
The tiger flashes sharpened teeth.Bowler-hatted; summer briefsBeneath his pinstriped skin....

Jethro Tull - Law Of The Bungle Part Ii
''Hello. This is `Law of the Bungle Part II'. By the way, I'm MartinBarre; but sometimes I'm an owl, and my ...

Jethro Tull - Left Right
The master playwrightUrges you to play right/play wrong;Life is long and every night's the first night...

Jethro Tull - Life Is A Long Song
When you're falling awake and you take stock of the new day,and you hear your voice croak as you choke on wh...

Jethro Tull - Lights Out
Last light's outThey're all abedAnd something's in my roomCreeping down towards me on the wall...

Jethro Tull - Like A Tall Thin Girl
Well, I don't care to eat out in smart restaurants.I'd rather do a Vindaloo: take away is what I want....

Jethro Tull - Living In The Past
Happy and I'm smiling,walk a mile to drink your water.You know I'd love to love you,and above yo...

Jethro Tull - Locomotive Breath
In the shuffling madnessOf the locomotive breath,Runs the all-time loser,Headlong to his death....

Jethro Tull - Look At The Animals
The tiny ant leaves his tiny ant drops in the sand,And makes his home inside a rusty watering can,Occa...

Jethro Tull - Look Into The Sun
Took a sad song of one sweet eveningI smiled and quickly turned away.It's not easy singing sad songs...

Jethro Tull - Love Story
Going back in the morning timeto see if my love has changed her mind, yeah.I know what I will find...

Jethro Tull - Man Of Principle
One day he'll walk from out of this place.You'll see a quiet determination on his face.He'll toe no li...

Jethro Tull - Minstrel In The Gallery
The minstrel in the gallery looked down upon thesmiling faces.He met the gazes --- observed the spaces...

Jethro Tull - Mother Goose
As I did walk by Hampstead FairI came upon Mother Goose -- so I turned her loose --she was screaming....

Jethro Tull - Moths
The leaded window openedto move the dancing candle flameAnd the first Moths of summersuicidal ca...

Jethro Tull - Mountain Men
The poacher and his daughterthrow soft shadows on the water in the night.A thin moon slips behind them...

Jethro Tull - Move On Alone
I feel so sad now that she's gone,I've been loving that woman too long.There is no place to go because...

Jethro Tull - My God
People -- what have you done --locked Him in His golden cage.Made Him bend to your religion --Hi...

Jethro Tull - My Sunday Feeling
My Sunday feeling is coming on over me.My Sunday feeling is coming on over me,Now that the night is ov...

Jethro Tull - Night In The Wilderness
I could he sitting on the left of you.You'd be looking straight ahead.If I was adrift right across fro...

Jethro Tull - Nobody's Car
Black Volga following me ---Nobody's car.Mr. No-one at the wheel ofNobody's car.Wet paveme...

Jethro Tull - No Lullaby
Keep your eyes open and prick up your ears ---rehearse your loudest cry.There's folk out there who wou...

Jethro Tull - No Rehearsal
Did you learn your lines today?Well, there is no rehearsal.The tickets have all been soldFor tom...

Jethro Tull - North Sea Oil
Black and viscous --- bound to cure blue lethargySugar-plum petroleum for energyTightrope-balanced pay...

Jethro Tull - No Step
I looked out of my window, saw a stencil black,NO STEP. NO STEP.There were nervous mothers...

Jethro Tull - Nothing Is Easy
Nothing is easy.Though time gets you worryingmy friend, it's o.k.Just take your life easya...

Jethro Tull - Nothing To Say
Everyday there's someone askingwhat is there to do?Should I love or should I fightis it all the ...

Jethro Tull - Nursie
Tip-toes in silence `round my bedand quiets the raindrops overhead.With her everlasting smileShe...

Jethro Tull - Occasional Demons
Well, you got a big-jib crane waiting to pick you up.Mmmm, you see those snakes that crawl, they're just dyi...

Jethro Tull - Old Ghosts
Hair stands high on the cat's back likea ridge of threatening hills.Sheepdogs howl, make tracks and gr...

Jethro Tull - One Brown Mouse
Smile your little smile --- take some tea with me awhile.Brush away that black cloud from your shoulder....

Jethro Tull - One White Duck / 0^{10} = Nothing At All
There's a haze on the skyline, to wish me on my way.And there's a note on the telephone --- some roses on a...

Jethro Tull - Only Solitaire
Brain-storming habit-forming battle-warning wearywinsome actor spewing spineless chilling lines ---the...

Jethro Tull - Orion
Orion, won't you give me your star signOrion, get up on the sky-lineI'm high on my hill and I feel fin...

Jethro Tull - Out Of The Noise
Glued to the kerbstone, staring.Frozen at the stop-sign too.See that crazy suicide mongrel.He's ...

Jethro Tull - Pibroch (cap In Hand)
There's a light in the house in the wood in the valley.There's a thought in the head of the man.Who ca...

Jethro Tull - Piece Of Cake
Come running. Go for overkill.If you don't come now, I'll be over the hill, all right?Tell me, ``All ...

Jethro Tull - Pied Piper
Now if you think Ray blew it,there was nothing to it.They patched him up as good as new.You can ...

Jethro Tull - Play In Time
Got to take in what I can.There is no time to do what must be done,While I do some thinking.Slee...

Jethro Tull - Post Last
One two three TwoThe editor lies screaming (begging in his working drink),Questioning ``Who is G...

Jethro Tull - Protect And Survive
They said protect and you'll survive ---(but our postman didn't call)8lbs. of over-pressure wave seeme...

Jethro Tull - Pussy Willow
In the half-tone light of a young morningshe sighs and shifts on the pillow.And across her face dancin...

Jethro Tull - Queen And Country
The wind is on the river and the tide has turned too late,so we're sailing for another shore where some othe...

Jethro Tull - Quizz Kid
Cut along the dotted line --- slip in and seal the flap.Postal competition crazy, though you wear the dunce'...

Jethro Tull - Radio Free Moscow
Tune into messagesfrom the Eastern avenue.Lock on to the ether ---squeeze the signal through and...

Jethro Tull - Raising Steam
Over high plains, through the snow...roll those tracks out, don't you knowI'm raising steam.Thin...

Jethro Tull - Rare And Precious Chain
Rare and precious chain --Do I have to tell you, tell you once again?Under red lights, on soft nights,...

Jethro Tull - Reasons For Waiting
What a sight for my eyesto see you in sleep.Could it stop the sun risehearing you weep?You...

Jethro Tull - Requiem
Well, I saw a bird today --- flying from a bush and thewind blew it away.And the black-eyed mother sun...

Jethro Tull - Rock Island
Savage night on a misty island. Lights wink out in thecanyon walls.Two old boys in a stolen racer. Bla...

Jethro Tull - Rocks On The Road
There's a black cat down on the quayside.Ship's lights, green eyes glowing in the dark.Two young cops ...

Jethro Tull - Roll Yer Own
Roll yer own. Don't mean you got no money.Only that you got no opportunity to shake it with that friend of m...

Jethro Tull - Roots To Branches
Words get written. Words get twisted.Old meanings move in the drift of time.Lift the flickering torch...

Jethro Tull - Rosa On The Factory Floor
She moves with machinery for the fancy sports car trade.Part of the industrial process: she sees that they s...

Jethro Tull - Rover
I chase your every footstepand I follow every whim.When you call the tune I'm readyto strike up ...

Jethro Tull - Saboteur
In and out of shady places ---walking on cold corners of the maze.Following the trace you leave unwitt...

Jethro Tull - Said She Was A Dancer
She said she was a dancer. If I believed it, it was my businesShe surely knew a thing or two about control....

Jethro Tull - Salamander
Salamander ---born in the sun-kissed flame.Who was it lit your candle ---branded you with your n...

Jethro Tull - Scenario
In long years of ancient time, stood alone a friend of mine.Reflected by the ever-burning sigh of a god who ...

Jethro Tull - Seal Driver
Take you away for my magic ship.I have two hundred deisel horses thundering loud.Sea birds call your n...

Jethro Tull - Sealion
Over the mountains, and under the sky ---riding dirty gray horses, go you and I.Mating with chance, co...

Jethro Tull - Sealion Ii
Would you like to see my lionMy friend Cecil is damp and smoothA damp smooth sea lionYes, Cecil ...

Jethro Tull - Silver River Turning
I walked down that boulder road,Through a child's eye saw places where I used to go.Where I crawled ba...

Jethro Tull - Singing All Day
Singing all day, singing `bout nothing.Singing all day, singing `bout nothing.Singing all day, singing...

Jethro Tull - Skating Away On The Thin Ice Of The New Day
Meanwhile back in the year One --- when you belonged to no-one ---you didn't stand a chance son, if your pan...

Jethro Tull - Sleeping With The Dog
Her love is like a candle: you light it up at night.Her heart is like a pack of cards: one chance to guess i...

Jethro Tull - Slipstream
Well the lush separation unfolds you --and the products of wealthpush you along on the bow waveo...

Jethro Tull - Slow Marching Band
Would you join a slow marching band?And take pleasure in your leavingas the ferry sails and tears are ...

Jethro Tull - Solitaire
Brain-storming, habit-forming, battle-warning weary winsome actor spewingspineless chilling lines--The...

Jethro Tull - Some Day The Sun Won't Shine For You
In the morning -- gonna get my things together.Packing up and I'm leaving this place.I don't believe y...

Jethro Tull - Something's On The Move
She wore a black tiararare gems upon her fingersand she came from distant waterswhere northern l...

Jethro Tull - Son
Oh, I feel sympathy. Be grateful my son for what you get.Expression and passion. Ten days for watching the...

Jethro Tull - Song For Jeffrey
Gonna lose my way tomorrow,gonna give away my car.I'd take you along with me,but you would not g...

Jethro Tull - Songs From The Wood
Let me bring you songs from the wood:to make you feel much better than you could know.Dust you down fr...

Jethro Tull - Sossity, You're A Woman
Hello you straight-laced lady,dressed in white but your shoes aren't clean.Painted them up with polish...

Jethro Tull - Sparrow On The Schoolyard Wall
You want to be a bookworm? You wanna be aloof?You wanna sit in judgement, looking down from the roof?T...

Jethro Tull - Steel Monkey
As the moon slips up, and the sun sets down,I'm a highrise jockey, and I'm heaven-bound.Do the workboo...

Jethro Tull - Still Loving You Tonight
It's a lonely life I live and I live this life to goand if I leave you with one thing it's just that I want...

Jethro Tull - Strange Avenues
Strange avenues where you lose all sense of directionand everywhere is Main Street in the winter sun.T...

Jethro Tull - Stuck In The August Rain
Brings jasmine tea on a painted trayand bends to kiss my frown away.But I'm still still stuck in the A...

Jethro Tull - Sweet Dream
You'll hear me calling in your sweet dream,can't hear your daddy's warning cry.You're going back to be...

Jethro Tull - Taxi Grab
Shake a leg, it's the big rush,can't find a taxi can't find a bus.Bodies jammed in the underground...

Jethro Tull - Teacher
Well the dawn was coming,heard him ringing on my bell.He said, ``My name's the teacher,that is w...

Jethro Tull - The Chequered Flag (dead Or Alive)
The disc brakes drag,the chequered flag sweeps across the oil-slick track.The young man's home; dry as...

Jethro Tull - The Clasp
We travellers on the endless wastes in single orbits,gliding cold-eyed march towards the dawn behindha...

Jethro Tull - The Curse
Young Gladys was a silky maidenAt thirteen, she was going strong, yeah.Oh, Gladys.Nicely f...

Jethro Tull - The Rattlesnake Trail
Got a hair shirt round my shoulder. Got a cold stew in my spoon.And I'm falling on my head, lifting feet of ...

Jethro Tull - The Third Hoorah
Hoorah!WarChild, dance the days and nights away ---sweet child, how do you do today?When y...

Jethro Tull - The Waking Edge
As I wake up in a room somewhere...dawn light not yet showing.There's just a thin horizon between me a...

Jethro Tull - The Whaler's Dues
Money speaks. Soft hearts lose. The truth only whispers.It's the whaler's dues. I've been runnin...

Jethro Tull - The Whistler
I'll buy you six bay mares to put in your stable ---six golden apples bought with my pay.I am the firs...

Jethro Tull - Thinking Round Corners
All of you sit up in bed. Don't think in straight lines ahead.Can't sleep? Head spin? Don't think in circles...

Jethro Tull - This Free Will
She peeled from a stretch black snakewhich slipped up to the hotel door.Darting looks from piercing ey...

Jethro Tull - This Is Not Love
Winds howled. Rains spit down.All these nights playing precious games.Cheap hotel in some seaboard tow...

Jethro Tull - To Cry You A Song
Flying so high, trying to rememberhow many cigarettes did I bring along?When I get down I'll jump in a...

Jethro Tull - Too Old To Rock 'n' Roll: Too Young To Die
The old Rocker wore his hair too long,wore his trouser cuffs too tight.Unfashionable to the end --- dr...

Jethro Tull - Truck Stop Runner
Stopped off on a long drive.Down from the high country.Spent a long time sitting here,Long time ...

Jethro Tull - Tundra
Short Arctic desert day ---and someone left their snow-shoes in the tundra.Look around every which way...

Jethro Tull - Two Fingers
I'll see you at the Weighing-In,when your life's sum-total's madeand you set your wealth in Godly deed...

Jethro Tull - Under Wraps #1
Keep it quiet. (Go slow.)Circulate. Need to know.Stamp the date upon your file ---masquerade, ...

Jethro Tull - Under Wraps #2
PaparazziPaparazzi, can't make the man.Paparazzi, can't break the man.Next to the tr...

Jethro Tull - Undressed To Kill
Working on the late shift --- first drink of the day.Pull a chair up to the table, have to look the other wa...

Jethro Tull - Uniform
See black, see yellow with little notebooks drawnSee grey stripes bowling down the streetSilver streak...

Jethro Tull - Up The 'pool
I'm going up the `pool from down the smoke belowto taste my mum's jam sarnies and see our Aunty Flo.Th...

Jethro Tull - Up To Me
Take you to the cinemaand leave you in a Wimpy Bar --you tell me that we've gone to far --come r...

Jethro Tull - Valley
Wake hard in the morning.See the young girl milking.Stream rushing by on a bed of stone.Old goat...

Jethro Tull - Velvet Green
Walking on velvet green. Scots pine growing.Isn't it rare to be taking the air, singing.Walking on ve...

Jethro Tull - Warchild
I'll take you down to that bright city mile ---there to powder your sweet face and paint on a smile,th...

Jethro Tull - Watching Me Watching You
I sit by the cutting on the Beaconsfield line.He's watching me watching the trains go by.And they move...

Jethro Tull - We Used To Know
Whenever I get to feel this way,try to find new words to say,I think about the bad old dayswe us...

Jethro Tull - When Jesus Came To Play
I was in my watering-hole with some ugly friends of minewhen he door came off its hinges like a cork from fi...

Jethro Tull - White Innocence
She drifted from some minor festival.Didn't look like any sumrner of love:just a thousand weekend warr...

Jethro Tull - Wind-up
When I was young and they packed me off to schooland taught me how not to play the game,I didn't mind ...

Jethro Tull - Witch's Promise
Lend me your ear while I call you a fool.You were kissed by a witch one night in the wood,and later in...

Jethro Tull - With You There To Help Me
In days of peace --sweet smelling summer nightsof wine and song;dusty pavements burning feet....

Jethro Tull - Wond'ring Again
There's the stillness of death on a deathly unliving sea,and the motor car magical world long since ceased t...

Jethro Tull - Wond'ring Aloud
Wond'ring aloud --how we feel today.Last night sipped the sunset --my hands in her hair.We...

Jethro Tull - Working John, Working Joe
When I was a young man (as all good tales begin)I was taught to hold out my handAnd for my pay I worke...

Jethro Tull - Wounded, Old And Treacherous
A walk on the quiet side, late in the day --Don't mean to get in anybody's way.The Gods seem willing: ...

Jewel - 2 Become 1
I watch u while you're sleepingMessy hair, chest bare, moonlight on your skinI wanna breathe u in...

Jewel - 2 Find U
If I asked u a questionWould u look me in the eyes?Has our love been built on lies?Well, why I'm...

Jewel - Absence Of Fear
Inside my skin there is this spaceIt twists and turnsIt bleeds and achesInside my heart there's ...

Jewel - Adrian
Adrian came home again last summerThings just haven't been the same around herePeople talkPeople...

Jewel - Amen
You're mothers' childbut night lays you downhair aflame, wile look in your eyeNaked belly to the...

Jewel - America
Walkin' 2 the corner of Main Street, USALook at the good people, hear what they gotta say-uh-huhAll ri...

Jewel - Angel Standing By
All through the night I'll be watching over youAnd all through the night I'll be standing over youAnd ...

Jewel - Ave Maria
ave mariagratia plenadominus tecumbenedicta tuin mulieribuset benedictusfructu...

Jewel - Barcelona
Barcelona where the winds all blewAnd the churches don't have windows but the graveyards doMe and my s...

Jewel - Becoming
Listen, heartListen close-listen2 the melancholyMelody of your own voiceI am weary of my o...

Jewel - Cleveland
Went walking underneath the shadowsWhere dark and sweet secrets layWhen night tonight falls gently dow...

Jewel - Daddy
My bones are tired, DaddyI don't get enough sleepI don't eat as good as I could, DaddyWhat's tha...

Jewel - Deep Water
You find yourself falling downYour hopes in the skyBut you heart like grape gum on the groundAnd...

Jewel - Doin' Fine
We are what everyone wants 2 beWe are youngAnd carefreeLife's a breeze for people like u and me...

Jewel - Don't
Don't walk too closeDon't breathe so softDon't talk so sweetDon't singDon't lay oh so near...

Jewel - Down So Long
Sun sets' cross the oceanI'm a thousand miles from anywhereMy pocketbook and my heart both just got st...

Jewel - Do You
Hey, you say you like the way the cowboys tip their hats and say, "How's it goin' ma'am?" But you're n...

Jewel - Do You Want To Play?
Met her on a friday afternoonIn a neon dayglo pinkChiffon satin roomShe never looks backSh...

Jewel - Enter From The East
I went out a-wanderingBeneath an unknown skythe heavens al shook violentlyHe caught my eye...

Jewel - Everybody Needs Someone Sometime
Mary heard boys talking in voices low Said she weren't no spring chicken Like she didn't already know ...

Jewel - Face Of Love
until tonight my heart was just half full i'd never known the fruit which fed the soul but now i...

Jewel - Fat Boy
Fat boy goes to the poolSee his reflection, doesn't know what to doHe feels little inside and filled w...

Jewel - Foolish Games
You took your coat off and stood in the rain,You're always crazy like that.And I watched from my windo...

Jewel - Fragile Heart
If u want my heartU have 2 promise not 2 tear it apart'Cause my heartHas been hurt a lotAn...

Jewel - Gloria
[Latin lyrics]gloria in excelsis deo laudamus te kyrie eleison agnus dei...

Jewel - Grey Matter
I hate you, I love youLeave, pleaseDon't go awayCan't decide ifI like your faceOr if...

Jewel - Hands
If I could tell the world just one thingIt would be that we're all OKAnd not to worry 'cause worry is ...

Jewel - Hands (christmas Version)
in the end only kindness matters in the end ah mmmmmmmmm ah if i could tell the world ...

Jewel - Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
hark! the herald angels sing"glory to the newborn king!"peace on earth, and mercy mildgod and si...

Jewel - Haunted
I will come 2 uIn the still of the nightAnd I will crush uWith the burden of sightAnd u wi...

Jewel - I'm Sensitive
I was thinking that I might fly todayJust to disprove all the things you sayIt doesn't take a talent t...

Jewel - Innocence Maintained
Ophelia drowned in the waterCrushed by her own weight Hitler loved little blue eyed boysAnd it drove h...

Jewel - I Wonder As I Wander
i wonder as i wander out under the sky how Jesus the saviordid come to die to save lowly p...

Jewel - I Won't Walk Away
A lonely street lampI'm out on the street walking homeA small pale blurLeaving trails like a sna...

Jewel - Jesus Loves You
They say that Jesus loves youWhat about me?They say that money breaks youI still wanna see...

Jewel - Joy To The World
joy to the world!the lord is comelet earth receive her king joy to the world!the lord is come...

Jewel - Jupiter
Venus de Milo in her half-baked shellUnderstood the nature of love very wellShe said, "A good love is ...

Jewel - Kiss The Flame
Please love let's make no impartial vowLet all fall awayThat's not crucial nowI want to brave lo...

Jewel - Leave The Lights On
I like your smileDon't like complicationI like your styleDon't like calculationCome toward...

Jewel - Life Uncommon
Don't worry mother, it'll be alrightAnd don't worry sister, say your prayers and sleep rightIt'll be f...

Jewel - Love Me Just Leave Me Alone
I saw you standing thereYou had gold dust in your pocket andYou combed barbed wireThrough your h...

Jewel - Medley
[a) Go Tell It On the Mountain]when i was a seeker i sought both night and day i asked th...

Jewel - Morning Song
Let the phone ring, let's go back to sleepLet the world spin outside out door, you're the only one that I wa...

Jewel - Near You Always
Please don't say I love you,those words touch me much too deeplyand they make my core trembleDon...

Jewel - O Holy Night
o holy night!the stars are brightly shiningit is the nightof our dear savior's birth...

Jewel - O Little Town Of Bethlehem
o little town of bethlehemhow still we see thee lie!above thy deep and dreamless sleepthe silent...

Jewel - Painters
Eighty years, an old lady now, sitting on the front porchWatching the clouds roll byThey remind her of...

Jewel - Pieces Of You
She's an ugly girl, does it make you want to kill her?She's an ugly girl, do you want to kick in her face?...

Jewel - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer had a very shiny nose and if you ever saw it you would even say ...

Jewel - Run 2 U
Hey little baby, little lover boyGet in my arms, give me some joyI wanna hold u tonightIt'll be ...

Jewel - Serve The Ego
Mirror, mirrorDo you likeWhat you see?I'll dance for youIf you dance for meWho says ...

Jewel - Silent Night
silent night, holy nightall is calm, all is brightround yon virgin mother and childholy infant s...

Jewel - Sometimes It Be That Way
Night with its shattered teethAttempts to speakMy pen is present butCourage left via the sink...

Jewel - Stand
Walk in a corner shopSee a shoplifting copSee the old lady with a gunSee the hero try to run...

Jewel - Sweet Temptation
Running fast through a fairy taleDark woods; starless nightFeel cold air in my lungsFull moon, u...

Jewel - The New Wild West
You see the ghosts of the buffalo Moving both fierce and slow Like glittering prophesies On the ...

Jewel - This Way
Love be stilllove be sweetdont you darechange a thingI want to photograph you with my mind...

Jewel - Till We Run Out Of Road
It's leaving time againI'm headed outWith all my friendsIt's a roll of the diceI've never ...

Jewel - U & Me = Love
Walk down the street2 a psychedelic beatI'm a real girlIn an unreal worldDisco lights and ...

Jewel - What's Simple Is True
Turn to me with frozen lipsYour hands are icy coldYour eyes burn bright against the frost-bit sky...

Jewel - Winter Wonderland
sleighbells ring, are you list'nin?in the lane snow is glist'nina beautiful sightwe're happy ton...

Jewel - Yes U Can
Make your way through mirrored hallsSee the boys with all their dollsA pretty maze, like candied stree...

Jhene - Boy
[Verse 1]I want to be close to youI want to feel what you're thinkingI want you to feel m...

Jhene - Cherry Pie
[Intro]My Oh My (Ohhh ohhh) (Myy Ohhh Myyy) My Oh My (My cherry pie) (O...

Jhene - Deja Vu
Just when I had decided and told myself I didn't want nobody,You appeared to meJust when I decided lov...

Jhene - Don't Walk Away
[Talking]Look I know I was wrong, But could you just hear me out I mean I never meant to ...

Jhene - Gonna Love You Anyway
No matter what they sayI'm gonna love you anywayMmmm...Mmm......Love you anyway...

Jhene - He Couldn't Kiss
[intro]uh yeahUh, what, what, what, whatyo yo yo drop it [giggles]Yeah, what...

Jhene - Make Believe
Lately I've been thinking about just loving youAnd all the things that we used to doI'm wishing now we...

Jhene - My Name Is Jhene (interlude)
[Guitar intro]I wanna sing for youentertain youspend some time with you open up to you...

Jhene - No L.o.v.e.
All my ladies bop yo heads (ohh)Come on and bop yo heads (ohh)let me see you bop yo heads (come on com...

Jhene - Promise Ring
T.U.G. for the trucks[Chorus]Sometimes I feel so unsure, thinking my...

Jhene - Rowdy
I love you so much, but sometimes you scare meCan't help that I look so delish in a candy 6You s...

Jhene - Santa Baby
Santa baby, slip a sable under the tree, For me.I've been an awful good girl,Santa baby, and hur...

Jhene - Sneaky
WhhhhhhhoooooooaaaaaaB2KIts Lil Fizz With my cousin JheneThis is incredible right here...

Jhene - Sorry
On no, no, no, no, no, no, noHow you thought that it's been a whileI do admit that you're still ...

Jhene - Stuck Like This (snippet)
Unfortunately Me and you could not be me more unhappy with each other its trueBut I dont understand...

Jhene - Wanna Be
[Verse 1]I wanna beYour everythingNot just a friendNot someone who you call now and...

Jhene - Wont Play The Game
[Jhene intro (Talking)]I'm not tryna mess with yall today manI know what yall gon try to do...

Jhene - You Don't Know Me
[Needa-S:](you don't even)(Platinum staus)(Jhene)[Jhene:]...

Jill Scott - Bedda At Home
[Verse:]You're that kind That turns my head and makes me lookWhoa whoa whoa uh uh uh...uh...

Jill Scott - Brotha
So many times you tried to cut weyou wanna tear we down but youcan't touch weWe ain't invincible...

Jill Scott - Can't Explain (42nd Street Happenstance)
I'm truly sorry baby for what I did to youWhile you were busy loving me, I was busy tooI played you di...

Jill Scott - Cross My Mind
I was just thinking about youWondering if you wear the same cologneSmelled goodOn youHad t...

Jill Scott - Do You Remember
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, oohOoh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, oohOh honeyWhy you got to be so mean?...

Jill Scott - Exclusively
Hello, hello, helloHello, hello, helloHello, hello, helloHello, hello, hello, helloM...

Jill Scott - Family Reunion
We at the family reunion, tellin' jokes and playin' spadesUncle Dave is on the barbeque grillGrandma b...

Jill Scott - Gettin' In The Way
You're gettin the way of what I'm feelinYou're gettin the way of what I'm feelinYou're gettin the way ...

Jill Scott - Golden
[Intro:]Heyyy, Ohh, Heyyy, Yeah, Ohh, Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeahhhh[Verse 1]...

Jill Scott - He Loves Me (lyzel In E Flat)
You love me especially different every time You keep me on my feet happily excited By your cologne, yo...

Jill Scott - Honey Molasses
Honey molasses, ebony majestyChocolate brown shuga, sweet epiphanyI waited for your call but you chooz...

Jill Scott - I Keep
Some of them wanna break you down, steal your crownUse and abuse you.Some of them smile in your face, ...

Jill Scott - I'm Not Afraid
I'm not afraid to be your ladyI'm not afraid to be your whoreI'm not afraid to be your futureI'm...

Jill Scott - I Think It's Better
It's so hard for me to say this I'm struggling to find the right words What I've felt is past tense ...

Jill Scott - It's Love
They say I'm crazy the way you got me open, baby oohThey say I'm buggin' the way I'm top sweatin' your lovin...

Jill Scott - Love Rain
Love rain down on me,on me,down on me [4x]Met him on a thursday,sunny afternoonCumulus cl...

Jill Scott - My Petition
You say you mean good for meBut you don't do itYou say you have a plan but you just don't go thru with...

Jill Scott - Nothing (interlude)
I gotta admit sometimes I feel week for loving you the way I doIt's beyond meI can't control it or for...

Jill Scott - Not Like Crazy
When we first metI was surprised to getThat feeling, That feelingThe kind that don't wash ...

Jill Scott - One Is The Magic Number
No hay nadie mas que yo,Uno es el numero magicoEn vida y en muerte,Uno es todoComprende...

Jill Scott - Rasool
His name was RasoolCarmel completed boy from the 22Rough on the outsideBut on the inside he was ...

Jill Scott - Show Me
If I asked you to trust me on all things,Could you do it?If I needed you to map your position,Wo...

Jill Scott - Slowly Surely
Slowly surely, I walk away from that old desperate and dazed love caught up in the maze of love ...

Jill Scott - Spring Summer Feeling
Feeling the way I doIt's hard to keep focusOne minute staring at the moonNext into your eyes...

Jill Scott - Talk To Me
Here you go jacket downTimbs offRemote controlAnd there you goOff into outer spaceDi...

Jill Scott - The Fact Is (i Need You)
I can pay my own light bill babyPump my own gas in my own carI can buy my own shoe collectionI'v...

Jill Scott - The Roots (interlude)
[Jill]Yeah, yeah, yeah...[Black Thought]What's your named girlfriend?G...

Jill Scott - The Way
Woke up this morning with a smile on my face Jumped out of bed, took a shower, dressed, cleaned up my place ...

Jill Scott - Try
[Chorus]If you want it to happen baybayHold fast and believeYou can make it happen baybay...

Jill Scott - Watching Me
Watching me [7 times]AhWatching me [7 times]Ah(yawn)First ...

Jill Scott - Whatever
You pulled some tricks out your sleeve last nightEverything I fantasize aboutYou had me climbing up a ...

Jimmy Bondoc - Let Me Be The One
Somebody told me you were leavin I didnt know Somebody told me youre unhappy But it doesnt show ...

Jimmy Cozier - She's All I Got
[Verse:1]I wanna Tell yall about my old ladysometimes I think she's really crazyshe black...

Jimmy Eat World - 12.23.95
I didn't mean to leave you hanging onI didn't mean to leave you all aloneI didn't know what to say...

Jimmy Eat World - 23
I felt for sure last nightThat once we said goodbyeNo one else will know these lonely dreamsNo o...

Jimmy Eat World - 77 Satellites
It's allright to be held back by's far fetched fun when you're the one.The prize.I ...

Jimmy Eat World - Amphibious
I got lonely and 32 times whose been in jail.I love stealing, I love feeling watched by you.And I will...

Jimmy Eat World - Anderson Mesa
Don't leave without intentions of ever coming back.vacation. you take them if you wanted you'd ask them....

Jimmy Eat World - Angst For Joel
Is this promenade a musician?And all that man can do is always compare original?Doesn't matter what I ...

Jimmy Eat World - A Sunday
On a Sunday I'll think it through.On the drive back I'll think it through.What you wish for won't come...

Jimmy Eat World - Believe In What You Want
Don't bother going through your motions.Nothing that makes sense ever works out.Don't kid yourself, yo...

Jimmy Eat World - Blister
Take advantage of these times, you said.You let me down.It hasn't been the first time.As I'm fal...

Jimmy Eat World - Call It In The Air
Leave home today.escape your's in your head, keep moving on.become your

Jimmy Eat World - Carbon Scoring
Here we go.(My only cold I fought.)Here I am, frozen in time I find a way from you, pave the way....

Jimmy Eat World - Caveman
A monster lives in your backyard.the 2x4's are making their way around.the big get bigger when the fig...

Jimmy Eat World - Chachi
Take me clear up.Toss me off the tower that is 40 stories tall.So I'm plastered to the floor.I m...

Jimmy Eat World - Christmas Card
Hey still staring little girl,are you looking at or past me?Worry.Simple symptoms won't leave yo...

Jimmy Eat World - Claire
one chance to show your face.this one shot all you get. pass by your one good thing.lift your he...

Jimmy Eat World - Clarity
I'll take your words as if you were talking to me.Say what I know you'll say and say it through your teeth....

Jimmy Eat World - Crooked
Why do you think I just want you for some more?If it the endings over why do you come back for more?Ca...

Jimmy Eat World - Crush
Faintest snow keep falling.Hands around your waist.Nameless, standing cold.Take in restraint lik...

Jimmy Eat World - Digits
Pay attention.stop paying for regret.fossil resources all used up.make the best use of your time...

Jimmy Eat World - Drugs Or Me
Stay with meYou're the one I needYou make the hardest thingsSeem easyKeep my heart...

Jimmy Eat World - Episode Iv
Episode IV leads us away from here.don't expect to find what you're (looking to).i can see the light l...

Jimmy Eat World - Firestarter
[Originally by Prodigy]i'm the trouble starterpumpkin instigatorim the fear addicte...

Jimmy Eat World - For Me This Is Heaven
The first star I see may not be a star.We can't do a thing but wait.So let's wait for one more.T...

Jimmy Eat World - Futures
I, I always believed in futures I hope for better in November I try the same losing lucky numbers ...

Jimmy Eat World - Goodbye Sky Harbor
"Is tomorrow just a day like all the rest." How could you know just what you did?So full of faith yet ...

Jimmy Eat World - H Model
"Straight outta Phoenix boys."Stay up late and listen in.Trading insult for your time.It breaks ...

Jimmy Eat World - House Arrest
I can't bend my arms and legs please sign my cast or be without me.And I'll see the day when you can come to...

Jimmy Eat World - Indecent Exposure
"Ha, caught you in the act you disciples of dirtiness. Officers arrest these nekkid people now."You've...

Jimmy Eat World - In The Same Room
Fingers in, listen what voices always wrote for me, ego.risk worth taking risk worth leaving....

Jimmy Eat World - Jen
Jen,Don't be scared, Don't be shyWe use to do this all the timeyou know it JenJen,...

Jimmy Eat World - Just Tonight...
I was scared but once I thought about, I let it goEverything she said to me I guess I ought to knowWe'...

Jimmy Eat World - Just Watch The Fireworks
Here you can be anything.I think that scares you.I've been here before but only by myself.What g...

Jimmy Eat World - Kill
Well, you're just across the streetLooks a mile to my feetI want to go to youFunny how I'm nervo...

Jimmy Eat World - Last Christmas
[Originally by Wham!]Last Christmas, I gave you my heartThe very next day you gave it awa...

Jimmy Eat World - Look At You
My oh my, can you save my life?It doesn't have to mean looking out for me.Hey now look at you, way coo...

Jimmy Eat World - Lucky Denver Mint
This time it's on my own.Minutes from somewhere else.Somewhere I made a wish with Lucky Denver Mint....

Jimmy Eat World - Night Drive
Lay back baby and we'll do this rightThere's blankets in back we can useI'll start the car, but we'll ...

Jimmy Eat World - No Sensitivity
I've got my car we could go and sit a whileI know it won't turn over but we'll get somewhere just the same...

Jimmy Eat World - Nothing Wrong
Hold them down our bleeding suspects(Just because, just 'cause, just who are you?)Like candle light, b...

Jimmy Eat World - Opener
You told me don't you look at the sun,it burns your eyes out.I disobeyed and see a man who's going now...

Jimmy Eat World - Pain
I don't feel the way I've ever felt.I know.I'm gonna smile and not get worried.I try but it show...

Jimmy Eat World - Patches
I'm not worried about my life, it's too big.Carpet stains on the ground and I thinkI've found a way ou...

Jimmy Eat World - Polaris
I'll say it straight and plainI know I've made mistakesI've always been afraidI've always been a...

Jimmy Eat World - Reason 346
They're disregarding us telling me I'm blind.Trying to rid my mind,and if worst comes to worst I think...

Jimmy Eat World - Robot Factory
Falling off this cycleand it really ticks me off when you calculate this time and place.looking over s...

Jimmy Eat World - Rockstar
Where you're hiding, the shine off the wall.Stop giving it up now cause you're gonna find yourself a masterm...

Jimmy Eat World - Roller Queen
I blame it on my entrance.It may have seemed to much like confidence.Let me start it over.Help m...

Jimmy Eat World - Scientific
20 million miles away like something coming in.A tidal wave from outer space and it's so near.Step out...

Jimmy Eat World - Seventeen
Hung up here on a web of comfort.Taking off with nowhere to go.Standing tall with but your new cloak a...

Jimmy Eat World - Shame
Is it dark yet outside?I'm through hiding tonightTake from the rest, your debt erasedSleep with ...

Jimmy Eat World - Softer
She's perfect in her own way.Smoke rings rising to the winter grey.Shining, stepping off a silver trai...

Jimmy Eat World - Spangle
I'm glad you found the time to ring.I just spent all day waiting.I need to know what's happening....

Jimmy Eat World - Speed Read
Save the wrapping for another.Dressing doesn't mean a thing to me.Submission for a ladder rung. You de...

Jimmy Eat World - Splat Out Of Luck
My intentions are growing but going nowhere,going nowhere near here.Seen it all oncebut lost it ...

Jimmy Eat World - Table For Glasses
Sweep the dirty stairs, the ones I waited on.This is just for me.I felt it watching her.It happe...

Jimmy Eat World - Ten
We left behind the busy crowd.So it seems we slow down.Meet me with a way out through the lies.N...

Jimmy Eat World - The Most Beautiful Things
You say the most beautiful things,an endless list of treasures of trimmings.It takes all my faith just...

Jimmy Eat World - The World You Love
I got a story it's almost finishedall i need is someone to tell it toomaybe, that's you.ou...

Jimmy Eat World - Thinking, That's All
Play your hand.don't play it off.don't play that game.out of touch.there is no pride in se...

Jimmy Eat World - Untitled
Porch light alone as you stepped out.You stepped out.It made a silhouette of your head, then you walke...

Jimmy Eat World - Usery
I don't want to be up on a Friday night,but I don't want to be there up on a Saturday night.I don't wa...

Jimmy Eat World - Wednesday
Meet a part of me that feels like every other day.It has been seen in pictures and in alleyways.Can se...

Jimmy Eat World - What Would I Say To You Now
Still sitting there with your legs crossed,not paying attention to me.If we talk, just curious, would ...

Jimmy Eat World - When I Want
Please let's not get into this tonightSee it's easy and it's what you likeDon't call me foolish cause ...

Jimmy Eat World - Work
If you only once would let meOnly just one timeThen be happy with the consequenceWith whatever's...

Jimmy Eat World - World Is Static
The longest time away.think last time the friends we made.the longest time friend is t...

Jimmy Eat World - Yer Feet
I was drunk when I met youI was drunk when I walked out the doorAnd I rolled around the night to find ...

Jimmy Eat World - Your New Aesthetic
For your time its written out.Work means nothing by itself.These days are numbered, I can tell.U...

Jimmy Fallon - Idiot Boyfriend
Ooooooo Ahhhhhh I know what you want, and I know what you need But I'm goin' screw it up, ...

Jimmy Wayne - After You
This old four way stopI've been here a lotMore times then I can countRight goes to mamaa's...

Jimmy Wayne - Are You Ever Gonna Love Me?
Tell me what else can i do?Tell me what else can i say?The closer that i get to youThe further y...

Jimmy Wayne - Blue And Brown
We were like a pair of shoes, you never saw one of usWithout the other, we were brothers but we weren't kin...

Jimmy Wayne - I Love You This Much
He can't remember The times that he thoughtDoes my daddy love me?Probably notThat didn't s...

Jimmy Wayne - Just A Dream
I had a dream last nightThat you weren't in my lifeIt felt so real, that iWoke up reacin' ...

Jimmy Wayne - Paper Angels
After every day-after-Thanksgiving sale the malls just ain't completeWithout a bunch of decorations and a pa...

Jimmy Wayne - She Runs
Fingertips tappin' on the table topShe's right there with you but she's notIt's like she hears other v...

Jimmy Wayne - Stay Gone
I've found peace of mind, i'm feeling good againI'm on the other side, back among the livingAin't a cl...

Jimmy Wayne - The Rabbit
The kids were in the living roomWatching cartoonsShe could hear 'em laughing from the kitchen...

Jimmy Wayne - Trespassin'
Cool riverHot august nightHer sweet body next to mineLonesome whistleMoans in the distance...

Jimmy Wayne - You Are
Baby when i look at youYou know it breaks my heart in twoHow beautiful you areI've seen you in a...

Jimmy Wayne - You're The One I'm Talking To
I ain't the best, i ain't the worstWon't be the last, sure ain't the firstMan who ever had a dream tha...

Jim White - 10 Miles To Go On A 9 Mile Road
They tell me miracles abound now more than ever, but I don't care. They say it's better to be blessed than it is ...

Jim White - Alabama Chrome
Sunday I am young and wild, Monday I go lame. Tuesday I start twitching, Wednesday I'm insane. Thursday I lay dyin...

Jim White - Bluebird
Bluebird on a telephone line. How are you? I'm feeling fine. Sweetly do I whisper your name. Lonely solo taxi ride...

Jim White - Borrowed Wings
That night we drank wine from the crazy well. Shot a shotgun out the window of our automobile. We was young, we wa...

Jim White - Bound To Forget
Fools wind blowing up brown bible verses. Dust storm of memory. Truck stop reverie. 3 AM in my home town, not a ...

Jim White - Buzzards Of Love
Wonder if you know, what you see ain't what you get. Wonder have you learned a dirty word - did you forget? 'Cause...

Jim White - Christmas Day
Where in the world did you come from my dear?Did some mysterious voice tell you I'd still be here? I bought...

Jim White - Combing My Hair In A Brand New Style
I found a blue hair comb with a busted tooth gonna comb out my hair in this telephone booth gonna comb out love, g...

Jim White - Corvair
Sunlight in the weeds...I wish that I was the ghostsdancing in the breeze...blowing through my mi...

Jim White - Ghost-town Of My Brain
I like to go out walking in the ghost-town of my brain. Kick the rusted scrap-iron of my memories and dream...

Jim White - God Was Drunk When He Made Me
Jesus and the fiery furnace.Devil and the deep blue sea.Preacher say I'm gonna burn in hell for all et...

Jim White - Handcuffed To A Fence In Mississippi
I'm handcuffed to a fence in Mississippi.My girlfriend blows a boozy good-bye kiss.I see flying squirr...

Jim White - Hey! You Going My Way???
Bus stop rain...busted power a broke down '69 LTD...I hocked my buy my brain...a funer...

Jim White - If Jesus Drove A Motor Home
If Jesus drove a motor home, I wonder would he drive pedal to the metal, or real slow? Checking out the stereo. Ca...

Jim White - King Of The Road
Trailer for sale or rent, rooms to let fifty cents No phone, no pool, no pets, I ain't got no cigarettes ...

Jim White - Land Called Home
[Hidden Track]Though the world is sleeping, my eyes are open. Yet it's me that's dreaming that ...

Jim White - Love That Never Fails
Devils' tools not hammer, nor nails. Everyone loving feels unnamed fears. Call them hummingbirds, 'cause the rea...

Jim White - Objects In Motion
Objects in motion tend to stay that way. You can't waste the whole damn day loving what you need to cast away. Cas...

Jim White - Phone Booth In Heaven
Oh where are we going? Oh where have we been? Our hush-a-bye angel, she's safe and tucked in. I drive around town,...

Jim White - That Girl From Brownsville Texas
I say "God, if you ain't smiling on me, then you ain't no friend of mine." It's late at night and this motel room'...

Jim White - The Wound That Never Heals
Long about an hour before sunrise she drags his body down to the edge of the swollen river wrapped in ...

Jim White - Wrong Kind Of Love
Nothing's prettier than a pretty girl digging a heart shaped hole in the ground. Hear that sound? That's the for...

Jin - C'mon
Yeah, uh, yeah[Verse 1]You at my welcome mat and I ain't mad by letting you inLong ...

Jin - Here Now
Look I'm not a gimmick, there's not a rapper I'm trying to mimicMy life move about a mile a minuteMake...

Jin - Intro / The Signing (skit)
[Guy #1: Executive]Hey Jin, buddy, how you doin'?[Jin]Yo, what's goin' on, man?...

Jin - Love Story
[Jin]This from the heart yea this From the heart right hereYea everybody has a story to t...

Jin - Senorita
[Chorus]I'm goin to Miami, I'm goin to the fairTo see a senorita, with flowers in her hair...

Jin - So Afraid
[Hook:]Most of ya'll all sound the sameWith ya fancy cars and ya diamond ringsDon't you k...

Jin - The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
[Males speaking Chinese][Verse 1]About they never talked about the guns or the dru...

J-kwon - Hood Hop
Ay world, this Streets 101I'm finna give you a head for pound of J-KwonAnd a quarter burn of Track Boy...

J-kwon - Intro
My mic on, my mic on, oh oh oh my mic on.Hey yall dont dont yah hate whenWhen people waste a perfect a...

J-kwon - Morning Light
[Intro]Father, forgive me for I have sinnedYou know, we all fall short in the glory of God ya k...

J-kwon - Parking Lot
RRR, RRR, RRR, RRR[J-Kwon]Hey I can do it, tooRRR RRR RRR RRRRRR RRR RR...

J-kwon - They Ask Me
[J-Kwon talkin' over music]Ya know, right now, whatever you smoke,Right now cuz they ask me, an...

J-kwon - Tipsy
[Intro:]Teen drinking is very bad.Yo I got a fake ID though.Yeeah, yeeah, yeeah, yo, 2 st...

J-kwon - U Ain't Gotta Like Me
Im pretty sick and tiredIm getting sick and tiredVery sick and tiredHomie[Verse 1...

J-kwon - Underwear
[Intro]Ladies and GentlemenOh,oh, we like[Chorus]Got pussy everywhere...

J-kwon - Welcome To Tha Hood
I make every mufucker in this bitch do tha wop, it's the new improved hood hopI make every mufucker in this ...

J-kwon - You & Me
[Intro]I mean, I just need to talk to you right nowYeah,,yeah, where I beginRight, yeah, ...

Jodeci - 4u
[Verse 1]Promises you made me All the things you told me You said you'd never leave me ...

Jodeci - Alone
[verse 1:]Girl where is our childSent him to your mother'sFor a whileAll your...

Jodeci - Come & Talk To Me
Been watching you babyFor a long timeYou look so goodGot my eyes on youI've been watching ...

Jodeci - Cry For You
Without you babyI feel worthlessI'm livin on the edgeIt's been an hourSince you've been go...

Jodeci - Feenin'
Hit meAll the chronic in the world couldn't even mess with youYou are the ultimate highYou know ...

Jodeci - Forever My Lady
Forever, forever, foreverSo you're having my babyAnd it means so much to meThere's nothing more ...

Jodeci - Freek'n You
I wanna freak you [repeat X8]Everytime I close my eyesI wake up feelin' so hornyI can't g...

Jodeci - Fun 2 Nite
[verse 1]Here i standAgainst the wallThe air is filledBut yet the core is sma...

Jodeci - Get On Up
Said it sounds so good to meYou gotta get on up nowSay it again, JodeciGet on upYou gotta ...

Jodeci - Good Luv
YeahYou know we gonna flip it just a little bit for y'allOohYou know what i'm sayinOoh...

Jodeci - Gotta Love
I gotta loveI wanna give youMuchTell meBassLove i wanna giveDrop itBass...

Jodeci - I'm Still Waiting
It's been so longSince i touched a ladyAnd i'm still waitingFor you to come back to meNow ...

Jodeci - Interlude (553 Nasty)
Come and talk to me [echoed]Can I talk to you [echoed]Comeee and talk to me [echoed]...

Jodeci - Jodecidal Hotline
Let us take our timeTo give you something realA feeling that is rightA groove that you can feel...

Jodeci - Let's Do It All
[verse 1]Baby won't you come alongAnd taste my love tonightI wanna take you to anot...

Jodeci - Love U 4 Life
Promises you made meAll the things you told meYou said you'd never leave meWe'll be together for...

Jodeci - My Heart Belongs To U
This is DeVanteWhatever you want, whatever you needYou know I got itAnd I'mma give it to you...

Jodeci - My Phone
Yesterday was pouringFor straight two months nowHow did we do it I just don't know howLife's a r...

Jodeci - Pump It Back
One, twoGirl what you wanna doBaby pump me while i pump youYou and I togetherCan work it f...

Jodeci - Ride And Slide
Come in and shut the door, so I can lay my back down on floor,And girl you are so bold, come and take contro...

Jodeci - Room 454: Devante's "inhermission"
OhhhhOhhhhIt's only a quarter past twoDon't wanna stop freek'n youIt's intermission ...

Jodeci - S-more
Baby, baby, baby, baby I was thinking about you last nightThe way you looked last night You left me sa...

Jodeci - Stay
Don't talkJust listenFirst of allI have to be honest with you babyI liedWhen i told ...

Jodeci - Time & Place
YeahhhHere I am sittin' in this fly ass hotel over MiamiJust watching the birds fly over the ocean...

Jodeci - U & I
If i could tell you In words how i feelAnd if i could stopI could make you hearI would tel...

Jodeci - What About Us
Come and talk to meCan i talk to youCome and talk to meK-ciYeah, we can do thisI wan...

Jodeci - Xs We Share
[verse 1:]Oh girl i see youThe time is so rightLet's plan a dayLet's go out a...

Jodeci - You Got It
[Radio DJ]Hot 98.7 Kiss FM, it's the world famous dial to pay countdownI'm Wendy Williams...

Joe - 5, 6, 3 (joe)
Y'all readyUh, uh, uh, uhYeah, yeah, yeahHmm, oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeahHmm, hmm...

Joe - Alone
AloneIt's like being in a crowded room with no familiar facesAloneIt's like thinking that I see ...

Joe - And Then...
Whooooaaaaaaa ohhhhhhDamn wheres my phones?There it isMmmmmhhhhhhh mhhHey wassup mami...

Joe - Another Used To Be
[Verse 1]I brought you here so that i can express the things i've been thinkin bout give me your ear....

Joe - Bedroom
My desire start a fire (right here in this bedroom)No attire is required (right here in this bedrrom)Y...

Joe - Better Days
Ooh Child things are going to get easierOoh Child things it's get brighterBetter Days [x 4]...

Joe - Black Hawk
Hey little shorty (Yeah, I'm watching you)Can we get naughty? (Flying high)While we keep creeping (I'm...

Joe - Changed Man
Can I talk to youPain-I know that I cause you some painAnd baby I know it's a shameT...

Joe - Get Crunk Tonight
Uh, uh-huh, uh, uh-huh, yeahGirl you know I meant to call you that nightDon't talk about that, I'm cal...

Joe - Here She Comes
Sorry baby - didn't mean to do this to youSorry baby - didn't mean to do this to youAfter a long...

Joe - I Believe In You
I never believed in dreaming, it never got me very far.I never believed that love could find me, like an arr...

Joe - I Like Sexy Girl
UnderstandGirl I'm a different brandI'm not the average manI can show you things you've never se...

Joe - Isn't This The World
Isn't this the worldThe place (that) we call homeIsn't this the worldThen why do I feel alone...

Joe - It Ain't Like That
[Verse 1]Everytime i turn around you got a quiz where you at where you going where you been. Well i...

Joe - It Won't End
All this space really don't give me no room'Cause my mind is crowded with these lonely thoughtAnd it a...

Joe - I Understand
I understand [x 4]Girl I understand, I understand,See I understand,You used to be t...

Joe - I Wanna Know
Yeah, oh yeahAlright, oh, oh, ohIt's amazing how you knock me off my feet, hmmEverytime yo...

Joe - Jeep
[Chorus]Sex in my jeep baby, Back seat on my jeep baby (baby baby),We can freak in my jeep baby...

Joe - Let's Stay Home Tonight
Hoo...babyOh...babyYeah...hey...Whoa...Doo doo doo doo dooNo, no, no, no, no...

Joe - Lover's Prayer
For loveFor life and eternityThis is my prayerI pray that our loveIs more than enoug...

Joe - Make You My Baby
Yo... I wanna talk about tonite, u knowhas gonna happen, u and melisten...I hear ur ...

Joe - More And More
[Joe talking....]Na Na Na (Baby) Na Na Na (you got that look on your face)Na Na Na (Like ...

Joe - One Life Stand
Uh, uh[1] - Girl I adore youMy body's here for youIn the bedroom of the four star...

Joe - Peep Show
Taking you from the bed, to the walls, to the floor.Sexing you, sexing me, freaky freak, behind closed doors...

Joe - Priceless
[Joe Talking]Yea...this feels like one of those songs you know..This my dedication.. to t...

Joe - Ride Wit U
Everybody say ride wit u, ride wit u, yea its 50 cent, yea and lloyd banks, yea, and youngBuck, yea, and joe...

Joe - She Used 2 Luv Me
I remember when we were so inseparableOur love was so unusualSo young and innocentI don't know w...

Joe - So Beautiful
You're such a precious shorty.Girl, tonight I'm gonna take full control.I've been waiting for th...

Joe - Soon As I Get Paid
Gotta get that moneyGet that moneyGotta get that moneyGet that money...HmmYou'...

Joe - Street Dreams
Oh, oh no, this aint hip hop, this is R&BI cant remember, remember whenWasnt ballin, did not know when...

Joe - Stutter
Baby don't go, baby don't go, baby don't go.Talk to me, tell me, where you were (late last night),...

Joe - Sweeter Than Sugar
Oh J.O.E.Good evening ladies and gentlemen (and royalty)I got my man royal on the track And my d...

Joe - Testify
Lady i use to be the typeTo share all my lonely nightsAnd wake up in the morning to a woman i barely k...

Joe - This Christmas
UmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmHang all the mistletoeI'm going to get to know you better This Christmas...

Joe - Treat Her Like A Lady
Something ain't right, something just ain't right.Lord have mercy, babe,Tell me when was the last time...

Joe - What If A Woman
What if a womanHad a man on the sideAnd she never spent time with youWhat if a womanSaid s...

Joe - World Of Girls
Met a girl on trip to SpainTook a walk and in the rain Dinner by candle-lightEvery nightSh...

Joe - You Dropped Your Dime
Wassup playboynaw man, u cant keep callin me with this shit, mannaw she told u what she wanted, all yo...

Joe Budden - #1
Joey!Let's go back in the days before your presentBack when it was a little more pleasentBefore ...

Joe Budden - 10 Mins.
See what I'ma do is, like...I just kinda wanna be able to, you know...Smoke by myself,Without ki...

Joe Budden - Calm Down
[Intro]Calm down... calm down... Baby just calm down... (Calm down... )She use to t...

Joe Budden - Drop Drop
[Intro]Uh huh, yeahUh huh, yeahOh no (louder) oh no (louder)Uh huh, uh huh...

Joe Budden - Focus
[Intro] Salutation, Joe Budden here (WOO!) I be your host tonight for this evening, you know (W...

Joe Budden - Give Me Reason
Whoahhhhhhhhh, whoaLadies and gentlemen, you now rockin with the best(Geah) Jersey City, stand up...

Joe Budden - Intro
[Joe Budden - repeat in background 9X]I'm comin, I'm comin, I'm comin[Joe - talking ov...

Joe Budden - Nba
Shoulda never put me on this beatOkay, yeah, normal ballerWe back on tizzy, on topJump Off, Dub ...

Joe Budden - Porno Star
Whatchu think that all of the rumors for?[Joe Budden]Mami - dude you love dick, caress an...

Joe Budden - Pump It Up
Pump p p pump pump p p p pumpPump p p pump pump it upPump p p pump pump p pump p pumpPump p p pu...

Joe Budden - Pusha Man
Say blood, heh-heh, what's happening?What you mean blood? I got what you need (Pusha man nigga!)Go ar...

Joe Budden - Real Life In Rap
[Intro/Chorus: repeat 2X]I hate y'all duuuuuuudesThat get real life and rap confuuuuuuused...

Joe Budden - Stand Up Nucca
[Joe Budden]Uh-huh...I just want everybody to kinda be clear..Of what's takin place right...

Joe Budden - Walk With Me
[Chorus]Come and take a walk with me...I need all of y'all to come and take a walk with me......

Joe Budden - When Thugs Cry
[Chorus]How can you just leave me standin'alone in a world that's so coldmaybe I'm just t...

Joel Turner & The Modern Day Poets - These Kids
These kids trapped in a struggle and Don't know where they're heading, no A head full of trouble is al...

Joey Mcintyre - All I Wanna Do
[Chorus] All I wanna do is be with you tonightIt's all I wanna do, girlThe feeling's righ...

Joey Mcintyre - Because Of You
[Talk intro]...I'm a new man[Verse] Feeling feelings that I never knewThat's...

Joey Mcintyre - California
*Trying to hook me up on the earpiece tooYeah you keeping the 1st two wires or not*I got a gig i...

Joey Mcintyre - Couldn't Stay Away From Your Love
Can you blame me girl?Gotta take me back![Verse] What was I to doI couldn't g...

Joey Mcintyre - Dance Like That
I've been all around the worldAnd got to know a million girlsI can see your face is from another place...

Joey Mcintyre - Easier
What do you want, what are you looking forWhat do you see if you don't open up the doorInto your heart...

Joey Mcintyre - Endlessly
Tell me why you fight Up in the open sky I only hope you know how hard it is letting go...

Joey Mcintyre - Falling
Left is right and right is wrongBeing high doesn't turn me onOne and one must not equal twoCause...

Joey Mcintyre - I Can't Do It Without You
[Verse] Someday I'm gonna buy a big fat carAnd go to work to be a movie star.I know I'm g...

Joey Mcintyre - I Cried
[Verse] Do you rememberHow we'd hold each other tight?It was all I hadTo get me thr...

Joey Mcintyre - I'd Never Get Over You
Hey girl, can we talk for a little whileAbout my world in your roomHey let me hear you say you'll neve...

Joey Mcintyre - I Don't Know Why I Love You
[Chorus]I don't know why I love youBut baby you know I doAnd it took so long to find you ...

Joey Mcintyre - If I Run Into You
If I run into you, here's what l'd do Probably say that everything is okaySay I met someone knew, it's...

Joey Mcintyre - L.a. Blue
LA Blue,Momentarily got me down.The more I think of you,the more I hate this town.and I ho...

Joey Mcintyre - Let Me Take You For A Ride
[Chorus] Let me take you for a rideWe can do Just what you like.I want you seated b...

Joey Mcintyre - Love Me That Way
Ohhhh......yeah, Hey...Dream if you like,that's what my mama told me yeahSo here I amWell ...

Joey Mcintyre - Love Song
If I could only teach my heart to talkIf I could only get my words to walkI put pen to paper...

Joey Mcintyre - Mrs. Callahan
Mrs. Callahan, is Paul Michael homeI can see the light on in his roomMrs. Callahan, is he all alone...

Joey Mcintyre - National Anthem Of Love
This is the national anthem of loveStepped into the car five words and your wrongShe wants to go home...

Joey Mcintyre - Nyc Girls
[Chorus]NYC girlsThey're the P.Y.T.s of the worldIf you get an NYC girlBetter keep ...

Joey Mcintyre - One Night
[Verse] When I look at youYou look so irresistibleWhen I see you thereI never seen ...

Joey Mcintyre - Rain
I wonder how I'll get alongI wonder where I might belongLosing your way is easy to doWandering a...

Joey Mcintyre - Someday
Spending all my timeTrying to read your mindTrying to figure out the kind of game your playingSa...

Joey Mcintyre - Stay The Same
[Chorus]Don't you ever wish you were someone else,You were meant to be the way you are exactly....

Joey Mcintyre - Supergirl
There's so much to doWhat ever it is you'll see it is you'll it throughBaby it's your worldSuper...

Joey Mcintyre - The Way (that I Loved You)
[Verse] You know that I...I gave my best to you,And me can't you seeI did it all fo...

Joey Mcintyre - This Is Different
This time baby I'm not doneYou're driving me mentalMy mind got me on the runCoz you're so specia...

Joey Mcintyre - Walk Away
You want something more than goodAlways saying you wish you couldTake a chance at living out those haz...

Joey Mcintyre - Walkin' My Baby Back Home
Last night I saw you and it wasn't enoughIt's only been one day and I miss you so muchAll I can think ...

Joey Mcintyre - We Can Get Down
[BG] It's a Party over here...[Verse] I'v been sweatin' you for such a long ...

Joey Mcintyre - We Don't Wanna Come Down
Up here we're one big happy familyRiding around checking out the galaxyBefore we come back down to ear...

Joey Mcintyre - With A Girl Like You (one Night Part 2)
[Chorus]One night is not enough with a girl like you (yeah,yeah, yeah)I won't let you get...

Joey Mcintyre - Without Your Love
[Verse] It happens all the time.All you girls are the same.I put my heart out on the line...

John Cena - If It All Ended Tomorrow
What Would You Do If It All Ended Tomorrow?Time Runnin Out, Ain't No More You Can BorrowSo Many Paths,...

John Cena - Just Another Day
[Chorus: John Cena and Trademarc]This is just another day in the lifeSeven flight connectors - ...

John Cena - Right Now
[John Cena]YeahYou can't help but feel itCan't help but feel this oneUh-huh uh yeah...

John Cena - Running Game
[20 second instrumental to open][Chorus 2X: John Cena]We roll by in the pimp ride ...

John Cena - This Is How We Roll
[Chorus: repeat 2X]Wheels is shinin.. deals we signin.. money's pilin..Low, this is how we roll...

John Cena - We Didn't Want You To Know
[20 second instrumental to open][Chorus: John Cena]If you don't know by now, we ru...

John Cena - What Now
[20 second instrumental to open][Chorus: female singer]I... will get byTouch...

John Frusciante - 666
Something these days in the airI'm afraid to sing this song'Cuz no one answers meGot in the way ...

John Frusciante - A Corner
I mean itI wouldn't go ouside and walk aroundThey may fear for your lifeBut I've reached this co...

John Frusciante - A Doubt
Everyone speaks at the same timeEveryone wonders "Who am I?"It'd be sad to blow through timeWe n...

John Frusciante - A Fall Thru The Ground
Go away you're eating big facesBend down and eat your shoelacesNext move you've gotta decide what's ri...

John Frusciante - A Firm Kick
A firm kick in the pantsThis last chance to get things rightThis was one time I closed an eyeLoo...

John Frusciante - Afterglow
UndeniedDeath before lifeYou're in my place againEchoes deprive us enoughYou're in m...

John Frusciante - A Loop
No one makes a loop around meNo one round here makes a decisionNo one makes a loop around me - ahhhhhh...

John Frusciante - A Name
These don't have a nameI've been a fool to let it out that wayAnd it'll keep on coming backA foo...

John Frusciante - An Exercise
Learning there's nothing to gain from adviceHey doubt, come on around any timeAnyhow mistakes are what...

John Frusciante - Anne
Anne you can't hideyou know we'll find youIt's a matter where pride flies out the windowI never ...

John Frusciante - As Can Be
One Two Three FourWhen you've got a clean smileYou can walk with styleHe can be naked with no br...

John Frusciante - Ascension
Coming up to the endThese feelings weren't always pretendReview your whole life and you don't even hav...

John Frusciante - At Your Enemies
Operate with full knowledge ofWhat will become of themI surrounded a jail is sickeningGod fear i...

John Frusciante - Away & Anywhere
I do dream youAllow me to believe you are the real meI see you breathing under waterSee you on b...

John Frusciante - Been Insane
I've been insane well the time is slowThe pope don't matter when the pawn is your sea, Don't you agree...

John Frusciante - Big Takeover
No one dared to shuffle that showerWhen nobody cares to be cleanWas not even pushed underwaterJu...

John Frusciante - Blood On My Neck From Success
A suit that dates spinesDoes fine in the winterOccasionally find Splinter fins pryimI've g...

John Frusciante - Breathe
[Voice 1:] hole in my pocket[Voice 2:] in mysteries[Voice 1:] sold my women...

John Frusciante - Carvel
When I try I force it outNever looking in only outNow is the time for a millions to loseNever th...

John Frusciante - Chances
This is the time to dieI'm someone on whom to relyChances come and chances goThis is letting go...

John Frusciante - Communique
This is slow communiqueThis is slow communiqueIt's a show that I hope you knowMy opposing ...

John Frusciante - Control
It's not the way I goIt's not the way I goNoone here hears meI'm sick of people knowing me...

John Frusciante - Curtians
The curtains were made for movingCause you know sometimes your not always thereYou don't need it now, ...

John Frusciante - Cut Out
Your number fakes coming along whitout youKnowing a shift took placeYour father hooks a wing about you...

John Frusciante - Dissolve
Flat on your backyour senses are lostand you're what you areJust because you mean what you say...

John Frusciante - Emptiness
And now a minute is trappedIt fell into a crackEleven tries leading the wayand then foresight co...

John Frusciante - Enter A Uh
You see me nowWhile agoYou could shred this size onlyYou are a blender uhWe are always be ...

John Frusciante - Estress
Uhhhhh I want you near, yeahhh yeahh give me .I want you near I want you near, where I amI...

John Frusciante - Everyperson
You take me by the handA hand's all I feel right nowIt's all I amIt's all that I amYou thi...

John Frusciante - Fallout
Carried thru the road so far aloneDays glue themselves to what is wrongAnd soon the hills will swallow...

John Frusciante - Far Away
Oooo Away, ahhOooo Away, ahhI can't disguise the things I doAnd things i say have a way of hurti...

John Frusciante - Femininity
Could you think of a better wayTo be even scaring the sky awayAnd making me a part of thisCorner...

John Frusciante - Goals
Sucking on a rhymeyou know I don't feel rightThese dreams they steal all my timethey take it fro...

John Frusciante - Going Inside
You don't throw your life awayGoing insideYou get to know who's watching youAnd who besides you ...

John Frusciante - Head (beach Arab)
I want to be an Arab on the beach with youClimb as those yawning from the sunYour head knows me in bet...

John Frusciante - Height Down
Fifty five...I'll send flowersAgain for herBlow some castle says a circusI give this...

John Frusciante - Hope
i feel the hope running lowwe never found our way homeThere is no more worldThe land is gone...

John Frusciante - I'm Always
Only time can show you Through an invisible doorIn the bottom of the oceanI threw a bird at the ...

John Frusciante - I'm Around
You know I'm around youI woundn't be if I didnt love youI'm going to run through youYou know you...

John Frusciante - I May Again Know John
If nothing else,Imaginations meetOoooooImaginations (?)YeaaaahhhLove meY...

John Frusciante - In Relief
To seem you're in me and over meRelief in all thingsAnd all things shoot through meAnd all thing...

John Frusciante - In Rime
I fail to do what I'm tryingI've these wallsAnd everyone who dies hears others timesThis immedia...

John Frusciante - Inside A Break
Inside a break there's only moments that hideEvery mistake is really worth a tryI know a way a lie can...

John Frusciante - Interior Two
We walk into the hands of doomWe're coming out interior twoWhy dont you come on overThings here ...

John Frusciante - Invisible Movement
Extra time when you think it's overLive a life when you've rolled over and diedI don't feel pain...

John Frusciante - Leap Your Bar
Hannah go leap your barThis is how right you areI'm in a way it seemspeople are cold and mean...

John Frusciante - Lever Pulled
You're the feeling of hurtingMore is wathI'm asking forLittle lies cross overboardWait for...

John Frusciante - Life's A Bath
Blinded me in the how babyShe wanna be happy?!Well, life's a bathSex is water.Life's a bat...

John Frusciante - Look On
I can't get throughKnots in my mindI resentThe self i can't findI can't get throughA...

John Frusciante - Loss
We make the music that divides youIt's handed down as a thing to cry toAnd all my wars they treat you ...

John Frusciante - Mascara
There's a belt of sun dripping through a portholeIn a set designCan you read your name?It's been...

John Frusciante - Moments Have You
All around you is to feel and watch youThey make patterns to peel the soundAnd I find it a pain that g...

John Frusciante - More
Well is the pipe forWhat it seems to beHell and all the babies on the babies laugh at meAnd I ju...

John Frusciante - My Life
My life goes blank, my life goes blankMy life goes blank, my life goes blankMy life goes blank...

John Frusciante - My Smile Is A Rifle
My smile is a rifleWon't you give it a try?Ma nem me mah ne ma menema.....So you like the way we...

John Frusciante - Nigger Song
Crawled into my window breathSuck a cock and I'll beThese will be, without staying the moneyOne ...

John Frusciante - Omission
Omit myself(take myself from your eyes)Omit myself as a favour for god(all my rights are evryone...

John Frusciante - Remain
I'm crowded when I'm goneI live here to seep thru this songHey laI can't go onI'm lost...

John Frusciante - Repeating
Everyone's alike here nowwhen it was right I moved outback from where I cameLife is a funny game...

John Frusciante - Representing
I'm representing a face of lightI'll take your place, it's only rightI don't hesitate this timeI...

John Frusciante - Ricky
I was afraid to be meBe anything you want to beI don't blame my weekFor my not being able to spe...

John Frusciante - Running Away Into You
Drive up and down thru waterLive where poorBig dreams niceSighing babys go to workMy...

John Frusciante - Saturation
I feel that wheels are turning 'roundReplayWe made you what you wereWe brought them up that hill...

John Frusciante - Scratches
The scratches of a dark nightThe rashes of foresightAnd I wanted youThe weight of my freezing...

John Frusciante - Second Walk
I take a second walk Down the street of fameI've paid it of and paid for it againAll these miser...

John Frusciante - Smile From The Streets You Hold
[SECTION I]It's been so long Since I've felt the heat of the sun on my paw,You're t...

John Frusciante - Someone's
Someone's waiting to fly with meSomeone's saying goodbye everytime she says helloCuz they both connect...

John Frusciante - Song To Sing When I'm Lonely
A song to play when I'm lonelyWin and never play a game againNo one to face when I'm fallingHold...

John Frusciante - Surrogate People
Surrogate People they walk on by, they walk on byWhen they replace youThey live your life, they live y...

John Frusciante - Ten To Butter Blood Voodoo
Exclaimations feelThe fall you're set to concealShe loves the man you toldCould you see me flyin...

John Frusciante - The Days Have Turned
The days have turned away from meThe lights no longer shine on my headAnd people turn away from me...

John Frusciante - The First Season
Let the pretend take overAnd that season be the firstShadows we're in become usSo we set up inte...

John Frusciante - The Mirror
Hit in the face when you open a doorUnconsiderate to yourselfYou are always out of tune to youSt...

John Frusciante - The Other
Each word in sandDay and dancers strumDo together one by onePiece of materialThe past and ...

John Frusciante - The Past Recedes
And then the past recedesand I won't be involvedThe effort to be freeSeems pointless from above...

John Frusciante - The Real
I don't know the real from what I Know I sawI can't remember where I wentWhere I wasI'm gonna mo...

John Frusciante - The Slaughter
I'll know her face a mile awayYou'll be there in the slaughterFreeing me when I'm corneredBeing ...

John Frusciante - The Will To Death
And they're thought to be liesBut we saw them, saw them We looked right in their eyesRight at th...

John Frusciante - The World's Edge
These are different livesBeing lived at the same timeLike holding in to a wholeThe world's edge ...

John Frusciante - This Cold
I don't need a ride to arriveI don't feel approached any timeIf you feel a fader on a declineOut...

John Frusciante - Time Goes Back
These things'll go slowly byThese thingsThey'll be where no one would thinkAnd when given this l...

John Frusciante - Time Runs Out
I didn't lose youIn those fights i foughtI don't owe anyoneI've been sleeping all nightThe...

John Frusciante - Time Tonight
For changing linesI've got no time tonightIn these times the wind surpasses the tidewhen the wak...

John Frusciante - Unchanging
And we will show that wherever you areThat is where all time startsIt's a pleasure to dieA pleas...

John Frusciante - Usually Just A T-shirt: Untitled #11
Sold a hole to a disasterNail the strong winds tied to a doorKnow the crimes that stick in thruU...

John Frusciante - Usually Just A T-shirt: Untitled #12
Blind your head in catastrophe iciclesNo-one's fed in cycles led by cycles deadAsk to shine the flag...

John Frusciante - Usually Just A T-shirt: Untitled #2
Shadows been wordOne win a handTo sell it thru their thick little back let clock,It's a,It...

John Frusciante - Usually Just A T-shirt: Untitled #3
A dove is a gloveThat I wear in my heart And though I like to dress smartIt doesn't have any par...

John Frusciante - Usually Just A T-shirt: Untitled #5
Speed of light, You think so?YEAH!!! COME ON DOWN!!YOU'RE A GLISERINE CLOWN!!WE'LL S...

John Frusciante - Usually Just A T-shirt: Untitled #9
Ahhh softer rook, sweet heart noisy watersP-peach come shaking tranceLong benches for heads failas bra...

John Frusciante - Walls
Rain on your mindIf I'm so inclinedIt's left you allAt there photo stallOne blast, my fast...

John Frusciante - Water
Water inside We're all in waterWater we climb and run through itWater insideWe're all in w...

John Frusciante - Wednesday's Song
You'll make it through the daySee things another way and beholdListen to wednesday's songThis ni...

John Frusciante - Well, I've Been
Well I've been dreamingIt's rainy days are overAre over, over!Rain from the roofAnd the st...

John Frusciante - What I Saw
There's one roomThere's one lightThere's one nightIn the fireIn the painIn the wire...

John Frusciante - Wind Up Space
I can't waitI can't wait for the time to breakUse it for a motorbikeYou'll spin right out of sig...

John Frusciante - Wishing
Do you throw it in the wellWishing you had someone to tellWhat it was that you wished forSo it c...

John Frusciante - With No One
Seal your wide shoresWith no one in betweenYou feel your fading dialYou know someone's happened...

John Frusciante - Your Pussy's Glued To A Buliding On Fire
Your pussys glued to a building on fireI paint my mind just cuz I'm aliveIf you see me roaming the hil...

John Frusciante - Your Warning
You're warning me to get out of the wayWas the safest thing to sayThis trying to get out of a tight sp...

John Legend - Alright
Yeah yeah yeah yeah-yeahYeah yeah yeah yeah-yeahYeah yeah yeah yeah-yeahYeah yeah yeah yeah-yeah...

John Legend - Let's Get Lifted
I've got something new for youwhen it gets you wont know what to doRelax, let me move udont resi...

John Legend - Let's Get Lifted Again
Ooh ooh-ooh...ohCome and go with meThere's so much new to seeGet high with meCome fly with...

John Legend - Ordinary People
[Verse 1]Girl im in love with youThis ain't the honeymoonPast the infatuation phase...

John Legend - Prelude
Come on and go with meThere's something new for you to seeCome on and go with meThere's somethin...

John Legend - Refuge (when It's Cold Outside)
I pray for better days to comeI pray that I would see the sunCuz life is so burdensomeWhen every...

John Legend - She Don't Have To Know
Oohhhhhhh stealing moments just to be with youThough its wrong its hard to tell the truthBut she don't...

John Legend - So High
Baby since the day you came into my lifeYou made me realize that we were born to flyYou showed me ever...

John Legend - Stay With You
We've been together for a while nowWe're growing stronger everyday nowIt feels so good and there's no ...

John Legend - Used To Love U
La La La La La La Maybe, it's me, maybe i bore uNo no, it's my fault, cos i can't afford u...

John Mayer - Bigger Than My Body
This is a call to the color-blindThis is an IOUI'm stranded behind a horizon lineTied up in some...

John Mayer - Come Back To Bed
still is the lifeof your roomwhen you're not insideand all of your thingstell the sweetest...

John Mayer - Comfortable
I just remembered, that time at the marketsnuck up behind me and jumped on my shopping cartAnd rode do...

John Mayer - Home Life
I think I'm gonna stay homeHave myself a home lifeSitting in the slow-moAnd listening to the day...

John Mayer - Love Soon
I know you've been swornI read your complaintyou're needing someone olderand though I've been wa...

John Mayer - New Deep
I'm so aliveI'm so enlightened I can barely surviveA night in my mindI've got a plan...

John Mayer - Only Heart
Do not waste this evening, baby I'm begging youYour big imagination's playing its tricks on youIf you ...

John Mayer - Quiet
midnightlock all the doorsand turn out the lightsfeels like the end of the worldthis Sunda...

John Mayer - Something's Missing
I'm not alone, I wish I was.Cause then I'd know, I was down becauseI couldn't find, a friend around...

John Mayer - Split Screen Sadness
And I don't know where you went when you left me butSays here in the water you must be gone by nowI ca...

John Mayer - Victoria
don't know why Tory came bybut I could see by the look in her eyesTory'd been driving 'round the town ...

Johnny Cash - 25 Minutes To Go
Well they're building a gallows outside my cell I've got 25 minutes to goAnd the whole town's waitin' just t...

Johnny Cash - A Boy Named Sue
My daddy left home when I was three And he didn't leave much to ma and me Just this old guitar and an ...

Johnny Cash - Ballad Of A Teenage Queen
(Dream on, dream on teenage queen prettiest girl we've ever seen)There's a story in our townOf t...

Johnny Cash - Big River
Now I taught the weeping willow how to cry,And I showed the clouds how to cover up a clear blue sky.An...

Johnny Cash - Bird On A Wire
Like a bird on a wire Like a drunk in a midnight choir I have tried in my way to be free Like a fish on a hook Lik...

Johnny Cash - Bridge Over Troubled Water
When you're weary, feeling small,When tears are in your eyes, I will drythem all;I'm on your sid...

Johnny Cash - Country Boy
Country boy, ain't got no shoes Country boy, ain't got no blues Well, you work all day while you're wa...

Johnny Cash - Country Trash
I got a crib full of corn, and a turnin' plowBut the grounds to wet for the hopper now.Got a cultivato...

Johnny Cash - Cry, Cry, Cry
Everybody knows where you go when the sun goes down.I think you only live to see the lights of town.I ...

Johnny Cash - Daddy Sang Bass
I remember when I was a lad,times were hard and things were bad.But there's a silver lining behind eve...

Johnny Cash - Delia's Gone
Delia, oh, Delia Delia all my life If I hadn't have shot poor Delia I'd have had her for my wife ...

Johnny Cash - Desperado
Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?You been out ridin' fences for so long now.Oh, you're a h...

Johnny Cash - Dirty Old Egg-suckin' Dog
Well he's not very handsome to look at Oh he's shaggy and he eats like a hog And he's always killin' m...

Johnny Cash - Don't Take Your Guns To Town
A young cowboy named Billy Joe grew restless on the farmA boy filled with wonderlust who really meant no har...

Johnny Cash - Down There By The Train
There's a place I know where the train goes slow Where the sinner can be washed in the blood of the lamb ...

Johnny Cash - Drive On
I got a friend named Whiskey Sam He was my boonierat buddy for a year in Nam He said is my country jus...

Johnny Cash - First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
The first time ever I saw your face, I thought the sun rose in your eyes.And the moon and stars were the gif...

Johnny Cash - Five Feet High And Rising
My mama always taught me that good things come from adversity if we put our faith in the Lord.We couldn't se...

Johnny Cash - Flesh And Blood
Beside a Singin' Mountain Stream Where the Willow grewWhere the Silver Leaf of MapleSparkl...

Johnny Cash - Folsom Prison Blues
I hear the train a comin'it's rolling round the bendand I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know w...

Johnny Cash - Get Rhythm
Hey, get rhythm when you get the bluesHey, get rhythm when you get the bluesYes a jumpy rhythm makes y...

Johnny Cash - Give My Love To Rose
I found him by the railroad track this morningI could see that he was nearly deadI knelt down beside h...

Johnny Cash - Green, Green Grass Of Home
The old home town looks the same,As I step down from the train,And there to meet me is my mama and my ...

Johnny Cash - Guess Things Happen That Way
Well you ask me if I'll forget my baby.I guess I will, someday.I don't like it but I guess things happ...

Johnny Cash - Hey Porter
Hey porter! Hey porter!Would you tell me the time?How much longer will it be till we crossthat M...

Johnny Cash - Highwayman
I was a highwayman. Along the coach roads I did rideWith sword and pistol by my sideMany a young maid ...

Johnny Cash - Hurt
I hurt myself today To see if I still feel I focus on the pain The only thing that's real ...

Johnny Cash - If I Were A Carpenter
If I were a carpenterand you were a lady,Would you marry me anyway?Would you have my baby?...

Johnny Cash - I Got Stripes
On A Monday I Was Ar-rested (Uh Huh)On A Tuesday They Locked Me In The Jail (Oh Boy)On A Wednesday My ...

Johnny Cash - I Hung My Head
Early one morningWith time to killI borrowed Jebb's rifleAnd sat on a hillI saw a lone rid...

Johnny Cash - I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry
Hear that lonesome whippoorwill?He sounds too blue to fly.The midnight train is whining low: I'm...

Johnny Cash - I Never Picked Cotton
[Chorus] I never picked cotton But my mother did And my brother did And my sister did And my daddy died you...

Johnny Cash - In My Life
There are places I'll rememberAll my lifeThough some have changedSome foreverNot for bette...

Johnny Cash - In The Jailhouse Now
He's in the jailhouse nowHe's in the jailhouse nowI told him once or twiceTo quit playin' cards ...

Johnny Cash - I See A Darkness
[FIRST VERSE:]Well, you're my friendAnd can you seeMany times we've been out drinking...

Johnny Cash - I Still Miss Someone
At my door the leaves are falling A cold wild wind has comeSweethearts walk by togetherAnd I sti...

Johnny Cash - It Ain't Me, Babe
Go away from my windowLeave at your own chosen speedI'm not the one you want, babeI'm not the on...

Johnny Cash - I Walk The Line
I keep a close watch on this heart of mineI keep my eyes wide open all the timeI keep the ends out for...

Johnny Cash - I Won't Back Down
[Verse 1]Well I won't back down, no I won't back downYou can stand me up at the gates of hell...

Johnny Cash - Jackson
We got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout,We've been talkin' 'bout Jackson, ever since the fire...

Johnny Cash - Kneeling Drunkards Plea
Lord have mercy on me Was the kneeling drunkard's plea And as he knelt there on the ground I know that God in heav...

Johnny Cash - Let The Train Blow The Whistle
I don't want no aggravation When my train has left the station If you're there or not, I may not...

Johnny Cash - Like A Soldier
With the twilight colors falling And the evening laying shadows Hidden memories come stealing from my ...

Johnny Cash - Man In Black
Well, you wonder why I always dress in black,Why you never see bright colors on my back,And why does m...

Johnny Cash - Mary Of The Wild Moor
Was on one cold winter's nightAnd the wind blew across the wild moorPoor Mary came wand'ring with a ch...

Johnny Cash - Mean Eyed Cat
I give my woman half my money at the general store I said, "Now buy a little groceries, and don't spend no more." ...

Johnny Cash - Meet Me In Heaven
We saw houses falling from the sky Where the mountains lean down to the sand We saw blackbirds circling 'round an ...

Johnny Cash - Memories Are Made Of This
Take one fresh and tender kiss Add one stolen night of bliss One girl, one boy, some grief, some joy ...

Johnny Cash - Oh, Bury Me Not
[Recitation:] Lord, I've never lived where churches grow I loved creation better as it stood That day you f...

Johnny Cash - One
Is it getting betterOr do you feel the sameWill it make it easier on you nowIf youve got someone...

Johnny Cash - One Piece At A Time
Well, I left Kentucky back in '49An' went to Detroit workin' on a 'sembly lineThe first year they had ...

Johnny Cash - Orange Blossom Special
Look a-yonder comin'Comin' down that railroad trackHey, look a-yonder comin'Comin' down that rai...

Johnny Cash - Personal Jesus
Your own, personal, Jesussomeone to hear your prayers,someone who caresYour own, personal,...

Johnny Cash - Ragged Old Flag
I walked through a county courthouse squareOn a park bench, an old man was sittin' there.I said, "Your...

Johnny Cash - Redemption
From the hands it came down From the side it came down From the feet it came down And ran to the...

Johnny Cash - Ring Of Fire
Love is a burning thingand it makes a firery ringbound by wild desireI fell in to a ring of fire...

Johnny Cash - Rowboat
Rowboat Row me to the shore She don't wanna be my friend no more She dug a hole in the bottom of my so...

Johnny Cash - Rusty Cage
You wired me awake And hit me with a hand of broken nails You tied my lead and pulled my chain T...

Johnny Cash - Sam Hall
Well, my name it is Sam Hall, Sam Hall.Yes, my name it is Sam Hall; it is Sam Hall.My name it is Sam H...

Johnny Cash - San Quentin
San Quentin, you've been livin' hell to meYou've hosted me since nineteen sixty threeI've seen 'em com...

Johnny Cash - Sea Of Heartbreak
The lights In the harbor Don't shine for me I'm like a lost ship adrift on the sea Sea of heartb...

Johnny Cash - Solitary Man
Belinda was mine 'til the time that I found herHoldin' JimAnd lovin' himThen Sue came along, lov...

Johnny Cash - Southern Accents
There's a southern accent, where I come from The young'uns call it country The Yankees call it dumb I got my own w...

Johnny Cash - Spiritual
Jesus I don't wanna die alone Jesus oh Jesus I don't wanna die aloneMy love wasn't true Now all I have...

Johnny Cash - Starkville City Jail
Well, I left my motel room, down at the Starkville Motel,The town had gone to sleep and I was feelin' fairly...

Johnny Cash - Streets Of Laredo
As I walked out on the streets of Laredo.As I walked out on Laredo one day,I spied a poor cowboy wrapp...

Johnny Cash - Sunday Morning Coming Down
Well, I woke up Sunday morning With no way to hold my head that didn't hurt. And the beer I had for br...

Johnny Cash - Tear Stained Letter
I'm gonna write a tear stained letter,I'm gonna mail it straight to you.I'm gonna bring back to your m...

Johnny Cash - Tennessee Flat-top Box
In a little cabaret in a South Texas border town,Sat a boy and his guitar, and the people came from all arou...

Johnny Cash - Tennessee Stud
Back about eighteen and twenty-five I left Tennessee very much alive I never would've made it through ...

Johnny Cash - That Lucky Old Sun (just Rolls Around Heaven All Day)
Up in the mornin', out on the jobWork like the devil for my pay.But that lucky old sun has nothin' to ...

Johnny Cash - The Ballad Of Ira Hayes
Ira Hayes, Ira Hayes[CHORUS:]Call him drunken Ira HayesHe won't answer anymor...

Johnny Cash - The Beast In Me
The beast in me Is caged by frail and fragile bars Restless by day And by night rants and rages at the stars God h...

Johnny Cash - The Man Who Couldn't Cry
There once was a man who just couldn't cryHe hadn't cried for years and for yearsNapalmed babies and t...

Johnny Cash - The Night Hank Williams Came To Town
Harry Truman was our presidentA coke an burger cost you thirty centsI was still in love with Mavis Bro...

Johnny Cash - The One On The Right Is On The Left
There once was a musical troupe A pickin' singin' folk groupThey sang the mountain ballads And t...

Johnny Cash - The One Rose
So blue Lonesome too But still trueRosie haunts me Makes me think of youYou're the one ros...

Johnny Cash - The Rebel-johnny Yuma
Johnny Yuma was a rebelHe roamed through the westDid Johnny Yuma, the rebelHe wandered alone...

Johnny Cash - There You Go
You're gonna break another heart, you're gonna tell another lieWell here I am and there you go, you're gone ...

Johnny Cash - Thirteen
Bad luck wind been blowing at my back I was born to bring trouble to wherever I'm at Got the number th...

Johnny Cash - Unchained
I have been ungrateful And I have been unwise Restless from the cradle But now I realize It's so hard to see the r...

Johnny Cash - Understand Your Man
Dont call my name out your window, Im leavin'I wont even turn my head.Dont sent your kinfolk to give m...

Johnny Cash - Wanted Man
Wanted man in California,Wanted man in BuffaloWanted man in Kansas City,Wanted man in Ohio...

Johnny Cash - Wayfaring Stranger
I'm a poor wayfaring strangerWhile traveling thru this world of woeYet there's no sickness, toil, or d...

Johnny Cash - Why Me Lord
Why me Lord, what have I ever done To deserve even one Of the pleasures I've known Tell me Lord, what did I ...

Johnny Cash - Would You Lay With Me (in A Field Of Stone)
[Verse 1:]Would you lay with me in a field of stoneIf my needs were strong would you lay with m...

Johnny Cash - Wreck Of The Old '97
Well they gave him his orders at Monroe, Virginia,Said: "Steve, you're way behind time,"This is not 38...

Johnny Rzeznik - I'm Still Here
I am a question to the world,Not an answer to be heard.All a moment that's held in your arms.And...

Jojo - Baby It's You
OoooohhaaaahhhhhOhhhaaaahhhh.......[Verse 1]Can somebody explain to meWhy everybody...

Jojo - Back And Forth
[intro]Boy you can't keep playin'(Back 'n forth) Ohhhhhhhh No time for delayi...

Jojo - Breezy
Are you ready?Are you ready?I get shoppin sprees off the heezyI get dough to blow, please ...

Jojo - Butterflies
Hey, it's JojoWelcome to my worldI feel butterflies floating around insideWhenever I'm wit...

Jojo - City Lights
Hmm Yeaa (Ooh Ooh)City LightsIt's on tonight Yea Yea (ooh ooh ooh ohh yea)Out on the street, I'm...

Jojo - Fairy Tales
You know the story You read the books Boy meets girl Then they fall forever in love But I ...

Jojo - Keep On Keepin' On
Ooooh-ooohhhey-yeeeahYou got to keep on keepin onYou got to keep your head up highYo...

Jojo - Leave (get Out)
I've been waiting all day for ya babe So won't cha come and sit and talk to meAnd tell me how we're go...

Jojo - Never Say Goodbye
[VERSE 1:]Never been in love Cause a girl like me Never had someone to care for Nev...

Jojo - Not That Kinda Girl
Yeah-eahhh, hmmmmyeaaahhh[Chorus:]I'm not your every day, around the way Don'...

Jojo - Secret Love
Boy youre so hard to believe Boy youre so hard to believe [Verse 1:]Just a friend ...

Jojo - Sunshine
Mmm hmm Ohh Ohh oh oh You'll always be my sunshine Sunshine You'll always be m...

Jojo - The Happy Song
[Verse 1:]Nothin makes me more happy than to know That I have such a close friend To know...

Jojo - Use My Shoulder
Hey what's your storyHate to see ya lookin worriedYou know you can tell meCause I am understandi...

Jojo - Weak
[VERSE 1:]I don't know what it is that you've done to me But it's caused me to act in such a cr...

Jojo - Yes Or No
It's Jojo in the place to be, be, be It's Jojo in the place to be, be, be You are not ready It's...

Jonah33 - All For You
His time with them had stopped, It's time for Him to carry out His father's will,Is that He drink this...

Jonah33 - All That Matters
Look at what I've gained, I've earnedSince I've been here on this earthI've collected everything that ...

Jonah33 - Beautiful
Give me just a second so I can catch my breathAs I fall into the arms of loveMy heart is overwhelmed...

Jonah33 - Death And The Life
Feel your powerFeel your furyFeel your gloryIt's all over meYour invitation's got me...

Jonah33 - Faith Like That
I have read about the days of oldAbout the men who followed YouAnd how they saw the supernatural...

Jonah33 - God Of My Life
Come and bow right now at the feet of JesusCome, throw down your crowns, at the feet of Jesus...

Jonah33 - Shine
How long's it been nowSince I called You by nameSince I felt Your presence In the midst of all m...

Jonah33 - The Difference
Good and evil decide to coincide inside The four walls of this bodyRendered helpless, they cannot help...

Jonah33 - Too Much Of Me
When I let myself believe in meI feel my faith become riddled with diseaseI remember the day You spoke...

Jonah33 - Watching You Die
Smell the despair in the air tonightFilling up your lungs as you cry for helpIt's like guns in the mid...

Jonah33 - Working Man Hands
I guess silence is not an option at this stageI've been comfortable too long now, turn the pageI see s...

Jon B - Are U Still Down
[Chorus:]Girl it's alright, baby'Cause it's there in your eyes yeahI can see that you wan...

Jon B - Bad Girl
I think about the clever linesTo spill to you babyThe time it's gonna take For me and you to get...

Jon B - Bonafide
Everybody's in the major leaguesAin't nobody wanna be straight upI see the hotties on the way to work...

Jon B - Boy Is Not A Man
[Spoken:]SweetheartWhat's up with your boy?Come onYour so-called man's got yo...

Jon B - Burning 4 You
Saying how I feel so deep inside (now girl)You are somethin' special, don't you knowTreasure is myster...

Jon B - Calling On You
Callin on, calling on youI be callin on, calling on youBabyI've been a crazy crazy crazy m...

Jon B - Can't Help It
Shoulda seen it from the get goYou were on some shitNo other girl has ever gotten under my skinG...

Jon B - Can We Get Down
What do I have to doWhat do I have to sayTo get you to come over girlAnd let me have my way toni...

Jon B - Cocoa Brown
Gently approaching you But not knowing what to say Praying you don't have a man Offering you a d...

Jon B - Cool Relax
I was just coasting awayAnd wasn't even thinkin of anybody noYou took my mind sexy no doubtEnvis...

Jon B - Do It All Again
I looked in the mirror todayTook a good look at my faceAnd all I guess that I can sayIs I'm just...

Jon B - Don't Say
[Chorus:]Don't say what you won't doYou know you'll be the first oneTo go on through yes ...

Jon B - Don't Talk
Excuse me loveCan I come dance with you?Uh, yeah(Hmm, yeah)2000, Jon B ish uh yeahAl...

Jon B - Gone Before Light
Well after the party's overBlack limousines they gather aroundOur stance, our secret romance (We're ha...

Jon B - I Ain't Going Out
They're calling me up what's the moveWhat time am I linking up with the crewIt's supposed to be lined ...

Jon B - I Do (whatcha Say Boo)
[Chorus:]So whatcha say booIf I asked would you say I do, I do, I doWhatcha say boo...

Jon B - Inside
What cha cookin' babySmells so good ladyGirl you got me cravingFor your loveBaby you...

Jon B - Isn't It Scary
I know a placeWhere we can get it on good, babyAs far away, babyFrom the world and all the city ...

Jon B - Keep It Real
[Verse 1:]Me and YouBeen kickin' it for sometimeShorty, you ain't let me know what's on y...

Jon B - Let Me Know
Girl I knew the first tmeThat I saw your pretty eyesIt was gonna take a damn good lineTo make a ...

Jon B - Lonely Girl
So he started out takin' you outDoin' what any man would doSayin' any and everything to just get wit y...

Jon B - Love Don't Do
Love's a golden bandLittle hands that have gripped a thousand yearsYou thought he was the only man...

Jon B - Love Hurts
Sometimes love can feelLike the closest thing to heavenSometimes love can feelLike you've been r...

Jon B - Love Is Candy
Strange bizarre way to start a relationshipYou got the hips to swing all tipsOva yo way, that's why I ...

Jon B - Mystery 4 Two
So I guess tonight kinda had that flowI heard you say "go for what you know"So I took upon the thought...

Jon B - Now That I'm With You
It's been 7 years since I've known you girlLovin' you's been my whole wide worldThat still hasn't chan...

Jon B - Overflow
There's many tears and sad love songsFor all of those who lost to love (yes)Nobody seems to know why w...

Jon B - Pants Off
[Chorus:]Hold up, let me take my pants off, babyHold up, let you make love to me, babyHol...

Jon B - Pleasures U Like
Hey baby loveHow you do that thing you doGonna be feeling youFacinated when you pass my way...

Jon B - Pretty Girl
Your lips, your smile, your tenderness, ooh babyThe way you walk, I can't resist your styleWhen I slee...

Jon B - Pride And Joy
You're always there for meWhenever I fall Whenever I'm in needYou always know when to call ...

Jon B - Shine
Girl why do you got that look on your faceTime is now girl i don't want to wasteU shocked my eye when ...

Jon B - Simple Melody
[Chorus:]Simple melody baby,Come and swing your love to me, babySimple melody lady, ...

Jon B - Sof'n Sweet
You peeped me at the stop lightx5 polished twenties rolin' tightI was wildin' out my sunroofOn m...

Jon B - Tell Me
These days I don't know what to do with myselfI ain't even concerned about my healthAnd I can't even s...

Jon B - They Don't Know
Heard about my past Things I used to doThe games I used to play The girls that didn't last...

Jon B - Time After Time
I learned so much about loveSince I've been by your sideAnd you spend all your timeKnowing what ...

Jon B - Tu Amor
Mi amor I'm not sure of the right words to sayMaybe these simple words will di best to best explainWha...

Jon Bon Jovi - August 7, 4:15
[This song is dedicated to the memory of Katherine Korzilius.][Sometimes God calls His angels ... ...

Jon Bon Jovi - Bang A Drum
I went to see the preacher to teach me how to pray He looked at me and smiled Then that preacher turne...

Jon Bon Jovi - Billy Get Your Guns
[William Bonney:] "Yoo-hoo, I'll make you famous!" I just seen trouble, he's calling out your n...

Jon Bon Jovi - Blaze Of Glory
[Josiah Gordon "Doc" Scurlock:] "You are not a God." [William Bonney:] "Why don't you pull the...

Jon Bon Jovi - Blood Money
Hey Patty Garrett that's what I used to call you They tell me you want me but I hear they've got you T...

Jon Bon Jovi - Destination Anywhere
Hey babe, it's me parked outside your house I know that he's asleep, so listen to me now Darlin', I'm ...

Jon Bon Jovi - Dyin' Ain't Much Of A Livin'
[Josiah Gordon "Doc" Scurlock:] "You rode a 15 year old boy straight to his grave and the rest of us ...

Jon Bon Jovi - Every Word Was A Piece Of My Heart
I've been staring at the page for what seems like days I guess I put this one off for a while Did I se...

Jon Bon Jovi - It's Just Me
You know your favorite old pair of shoes The ones with the hole in the toe you won't lose Your favorit...

Jon Bon Jovi - Janie, Don't You Take Your Love To Town
Sitting here just watching you sleep Wish I could slip inside and be in some technicolor dream But the...

Jon Bon Jovi - Justice In Barrel
[Vocals: Lou Diamond Phillips and Julia Waters]There's no country, there's no freedom The...

Jon Bon Jovi - Learning How To Fall
I was walking on a wire Looking down, there was no net Now, I'm standing at your door Me and my ...

Jon Bon Jovi - Little City
I got my call light on, gimme one more fare tonight Just get me over the bridge, I can see those shiny bay l...

Jon Bon Jovi - Miracle
A penny for your thoughts now baby Looks like the weight of the world's on your shoulders now I know y...

Jon Bon Jovi - Naked
My friend had a girlfriend She liked her drink Sucked the head off her lager Threw me a wink ...

Jon Bon Jovi - Never Say Die
As we stood there older than men And younger than the boys (that's right) We were as still as the wind...

Jon Bon Jovi - Santa Fe
They say that no man is an island And good things come to those who wait But the things I hear are the...

Jon Bon Jovi - Staring At Your Window
You think you know me just because you know my name You think you see me 'cause you've seen every line on my...

Jon Bon Jovi - Ugly
If you're ugly, I'm ugly too In your eyes the sky's a different blue If you could see yourself like ot...

Jon Bon Jovi - You Really Got Me Now
1, 2, 3, 4 Well you're dancing with the shadow You been talking in your sleep Well you can walk ...

Jonny Lang - Angel Of Mercy
Angel of mercy you don't need no golden wingAngel of mercy you don't need no golden wingThe way you ca...

Jonny Lang - A Quitter Never Wins
Seems like now days ain't nothin' meant to lastOne day you've got it all and then it disappears so fast...

Jonny Lang - Back For A Taste Of Your Love
Here I come, I'm Comin' for a taste of your loveHere I come, baby, because I Like what you do for meLi...

Jonny Lang - Beautiful One
I gave my word, I made a promiseAnd I'm gonna keep it til the endWhat would I do, if I lost itTh...

Jonny Lang - Before You Hit The Ground
I seen every one of the faces you wearLow, high and everything in betweenYour eyes are fixed on the pr...

Jonny Lang - Breakin' Me
Every day I see your face I wish I'd stayedDon't even know what made me run awayIt's just the way I pl...

Jonny Lang - Cherry Red Wine
Watching you babywatching you all the timeWatching youwatching you all the timeWatching yo...

Jonny Lang - Darker Side
Look at the man with the smile on his faceLooks like he's always feelin' goodSometimes you might want ...

Jonny Lang - Dying To Live
You know I've heard it said theres beauty in distortionBy some people who withdraw to find their headA...

Jonny Lang - Get What You Give
Father, Father speaking outWants to tell you what it's all aboutBut you don't listen, you don't care...

Jonny Lang - Give Me Up Again
Make up your mind take me or leave meI'll be doing fine with or without youI'm wasting my time letting...

Jonny Lang - Goodbye Letter
Theres a letter on the tableIve never seen it thehre beforeI dont have to read itCause i already...

Jonny Lang - Good Morning Little School Girl
Good mornin' little schoolgirlCan I go home with youTell your mama and your daddyThat I'm a litt...

Jonny Lang - Happiness And Misery
A thousand people here but im aloneMy only friend is my dads radioSeventeen feels like im thirty-four...

Jonny Lang - Hide Your Love
Try every single dayI know youre worth the waitAm i getting closer or further awaySomewhere behi...

Jonny Lang - Hit The Ground Running
I'm the biggest fool there ever was, I let you goNow I can't survive without your touch, I need you so...

Jonny Lang - I Am
If being in love means waiting aroundSo you can dance with meI am, I amIf being in love means fo...

Jonny Lang - If We Try
We walked away before we said goodbyeThat aint right babyI always thought we'd stand the test of time...

Jonny Lang - Leaving To Stay
I can't believe in what I've seenI been forsaken. I been deceivedCast aside and left behindI can...

Jonny Lang - Lie To Me
Lie to me and tell me everything is all rightLie to me and tell me that you'll stay here tonightTell m...

Jonny Lang - Long Time Coming
Yeah, its been a long time comingNever thought itd take so longI stood still but time kept running...

Jonny Lang - Matchbox
Yeah I'm Tired of sighingTired of worrying you tooI've made up my mindWhat I'm gonna doI'v...

Jonny Lang - Missing Your Love
You lay me down, whisper in my earWell, it may be my name you callBut it's his name I hear ...

Jonny Lang - Rack 'em Up
I used to hang out down at Jack's Pool HallYou go down there and don't do nothin' at all If you wanted...

Jonny Lang - Red Light
You sing a songWhile sitting at a red lightYou think of homeWhile sitting at a red light...

Jonny Lang - Right Back
Well you keep on talkin' bout itTill you're stone cold blue in the faceBut there ain't nothing darling...

Jonny Lang - Save Yourself
You got a secret under the tableNobody knows it but youNever a problem here on the outsideYoure ...

Jonny Lang - Second Guessing
Second guessin' first impressionsThere you go againRushing off in all directionsSince I don't kn...

Jonny Lang - Still Rainin'
Clouds, one by one, fill the skyJust like these tears that fill my eyesI know by now she ain't comin' ...

Jonny Lang - Still Wonder
I wonder about her, I wonder where she went from hereStill wonder about her, but nothings comin' too clear...

Jonny Lang - The Levee
I have been to Memphis but I couldn't find no peaceMy soul is feeling restless and I need some reliefI...

Jonny Lang - The One I Got
She said hey hello thereAs her eyes were dancing all around meShe told me her name sweetlyIt fel...

Jonny Lang - There's Gotta Be A Change
Oh, there's got to be a changeThings just can't stay the sameIf I got any worse offI'd have myse...

Jonny Lang - To Love Again
Id been sleeping way to longSearched for the answers but,Couldnt find oneThought i had it under ...

Jonny Lang - Touch
When I was only just a friend to youAll I wanted to do was get to know you betterNow I wanna give my h...

Jonny Lang - Walking Away
You can cryBut don't cry for meI can't take it no moreThat's the way it must beYou c...

Jonny Lang - Wander This World
The tar in the street starts to melt from the heatAnd the sweats runnin' down from my hairI walked 20 ...

Jonny Lang - When I Come To You
When I'm all aloneWhen I'm feelin' blueNo one understands me, babyNobody but youThrough al...

Jon Secada - A Donde Voy
Donde estas necesito de tiMe sobran la caricias queNunca te diY no se que hacer.Ya n...

Jon Secada - Alma Con Alma
Todo lo que sueno es tan dulceTan dulce como tuY sueno con cositas tan lindasTan lindas como tu....

Jon Secada - Always Something
You say we're falling out of loveYou say we're running out of things to sayDon't you think we've had e...

Jon Secada - Angel
Yo, no veo el futuro peroQuiero tenerte aquiConmigoLo necesito asiNo pienses, no pienses e...

Jon Secada - Believe
From that first helloThough you never asked for itYou took hold of my soulAnd what you and I don...

Jon Secada - Castigo
Esta lloviendo y mi llantoSe confunde con el del cieloEs que triste estoy llorandoPorque no veo...

Jon Secada - Ciego De Amor
Que fui lo que viDentro de tiComo crei que tu me queriasQue senti el momentoQue mi mundo t...

Jon Secada - Como En Un Sueno
Que dificil eres tuLejana como el tiempoCambias siempre de actitudY sigo a ti.No te ...

Jon Secada - Como Un Milagro
En silencio me llego tu amorTan sutil como el abrir de una florCasi fue como un milagroCapricho ...

Jon Secada - Cree En Nuestro Amor
Vas, como un volc n por dentroNadie sabe lo que es, poder amarteNo, no cambiesTienes que sentir ...

Jon Secada - Dime Que Sientes
Mi orgullo me implora que no suelten gotasMis ojos por tiY nunca se llora cuando uno abandonaUn ...

Jon Secada - Don't Be Silly
Gotta stop and think how we metI wanna stop and feel your mouth, kiss your lipsFeels so good still...

Jon Secada - Do You Really Want Me
I try a little bit of this, ease your painI try a little bit of that and moreCause I know what and whe...

Jon Secada - Dreams That I Carry
Mesmerizing point of viewHypnotic conversationsContemplative swinging moodsDrew me to you....

Jon Secada - Enloquecido
Estoy encendido...Por tu amor enloquecidoLoco, locoEntoy encendido...Con tu cuerpo sobre e...

Jon Secada - Ensename
Anoche soneQue a mi lado tu seguiasAnoche soneQue nunca me dejariasY segui sonando solo en...

Jon Secada - Entre Cuatro Paredes
Entre cuatro paredes de nuevo me encuentroY de pronto no hay nadie que oiga mis lamentosY mi concienci...

Jon Secada - Es Por Ti
Es por ti, que suspira la mananaQue canta el ruisenor en mi ventanaEs por ti, que se asoman las estrel...

Jon Secada - Estoy Tranquillo
Estoy tranquilo, me haces faltaPero estoy tranquiloEsperando el momento de estar contigoY de lo ...

Jon Secada - Eyes Of A Fool
What did I see?What made me believe?How could I believe?That you really loved me?What did ...

Jon Secada - Fat Chance
How ordinary the cat that ate the canaryHe just couldn't g et it last nightWell isn't that special the...

Jon Secada - Get Me Over You
Sketches and edges of pictures so perfectHaunt my memoryAnd girl I still weepCause I keep you wi...

Jon Secada - If You Go
Taking a day at a timeDealing with feelings I don't wanna hideLearning to love as I go, babyWit...

Jon Secada - I Live For You
The sunrise withinThat leads to nowhereSometimes I feel that wayBut my heart is filledWith...

Jon Secada - I'm Free
Do you see what I seeA rainbow shining over usIn the middle of a hopeless stormSometimes I'm bli...

Jon Secada - It's Enough
Out of sight then out of mindIt's not as easy as I expectedIs the reality I findAnd it's sad to ...

Jon Secada - Just Another Day
Morning aloneWhen you come homeI breath a little fasterEvery time we're togetherIt'd never...

Jon Secada - La La La
Herido por tu adiosHerido mortalmenteVer que ya no estasQue voy hacerMe quiero desaparecer...

Jon Secada - Mental Picture
I've been avoiding things I'm missingThen you came into my life a brand new flower, babyA reminder of ...

Jon Secada - Misunderstood
I've been living life without a reasonI've been living love without the timeYou've lost touch with wha...

Jon Secada - No Hay Nada Que Perder
Como estas?Que bueno que no hemos perdido la amistadComo estas?Que te haya visto es una coincide...

Jon Secada - No Te Importa
Quiero que seas parte de todo lo que tengoQue seas parte de todo lo que soyY a donde voy que estes a m...

Jon Secada - Otro Dia Mas Sin Verte
Solo al pensarQue cuando no estas me siento diferenteCuando estas en mis brazosQuiero amarrarte ...

Jon Secada - Perdoname Conciencia
Perdoname concienciaQue dura mi cabillaFue duro tu reprocheAunque se que esa nocheYo me lo...

Jon Secada - Pide Mi Vida
Pide mi vida todo lo que soyLo que quiera te lo doy, lo que pidas de mi serQuiero darte lo mejor...

Jon Secada - Por Fin
Por fin, mi felicidad ha llegadoLa que por tanto tiempo habia esperadoY dado por vencido, esta aqui!...

Jon Secada - Quiero Mas
Soy un hombre y como un hombre quiero hablarteY decirte lo que siento dentro de miMe haces falta, sin ...

Jon Secada - Ready For Love
Moments, commentsThen one thing that you saidDid it againTurned our world upside down again...

Jon Secada - Senora Vida
Crei saberlo todoCrei que me bastaba la experiencia de mis anosPense que el mundo terminaba en mi...

Jon Secada - Sentir
Si desde dentro de miLa luz inmensa que me dasVoy en medio de una tempestadPor un camino tan dif...

Jon Secada - Si Te Vas
Dime que vas a escucharPienso solo en que forma te pueda explicarSentimientos que siempre he ocultado...

Jon Secada - Solo Tu Imagen
He tratado de olvidarteHe tratado de ignorar mis pensamientosDe tiPero es dificil si eres todo l...

Jon Secada - Stay
[Chorus]Stay with me a while'Cause you know I'll always need youDon't go, don't goS...

Jon Secada - Suave
Que ordinario el perro es negadoEl hueso que anoche no pudo mascarFrente a frente nos mira la gente...

Jon Secada - Take Me
Take me, you're the only one that I wanna knowAnd I promise you, girl I promiseTo love you as if your ...

Jon Secada - Tiempo Al Tiempo
Te amo y nunca ser igualEso yo lo seComo a nadie, nunca a nadieMe toca perderMentira ya n...

Jon Secada - Tu Amor Es Mi Libertad
Que decirCuando a tu vida ha llegado un gran amorComo el que siento por tiEl que vivo por ti...

Jon Secada - Tu Mejor Amigo
Que, que fue lo que pasoDe donde viene esa tristezaSi tienes mi promesa que yoJamas te dejar'...

Jon Secada - Tuyo
Tuyo, solamente tuyo...De nadie masY prometo que...Y prometo quererteDane una oportunidad....

Jon Secada - Where Do I Go From You
Empty sky where the stars used to beThey shine for everybody elseBut don't shine for me noSince ...

Jon Secada - Whipped
I'm a man, I'm a man such a loving manUnderstand that I'm strong and I know I belongThat's why there's...

Jon Secada - Who Will Take Care Of My
Who will take care of meWhen you are gone awayI will have nothing leftBut your memory....

Jordan Knight - A Different Party
[Verse 1]I don't know The way that you want this to goBaby I'm so sick and tired of playing you...

Jordan Knight - Broken By You
[Verse 1]First lonely nightWhat will I doI feel my heart breaking in twoI'm such a ...

Jordan Knight - Can I Come Over Tonight
You are the kind of womanOnly found in dreamsHe is the kind of manWho leaves your heart to bleed...

Jordan Knight - Change My Ways
[Verse 1]I've seen the crystal ballAnd I got a lot to mendI drank a thousand nights...

Jordan Knight - Close My Eyes
[Verse 1]I live my days with the nights that we spentAll the love we sharedI put my heart...

Jordan Knight - Don't Run
[Verse 1]I feel like the world is on my headI don't wanna lose what made me a manStill wh...

Jordan Knight - Finally Finding Out
[Verse 1]I didn't wanna be silentI had a lot to sayI didn't wanna make movesUntil I...

Jordan Knight - I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man
[Verse 1]Only last June when her old man ran awayShe couldn't stop crying cause she knew he was...

Jordan Knight - My Heart Is Saying Now
Maybe you dont knowHow you live in my dreams, my dreamsSomething 'bout your smileStarts the butt...

Jordan Knight - Separate Ways
[Verse 1]Looking for a way inIt's a big step, when you fall inAnd every single touch says...

Jordan Knight - When You're Lonely
[Verse 1]I know he hurt you I see you cryin Girl I can stop the rain from falling J...

Josh Gracin - Endless Helpless Hoping
Let me understate how I adore how I admire and moreAnd walk a hole in the floorLike a fast freight tra...

Josh Gracin - I Want To Live
Sometimes i feel like i need To shake myself To wake myselfI feel like im just sleepwalkin'...

Josh Gracin - I Would Look Good With You
In case you haden't noticedI'm a logical guyI put two and two together And came up with you and ...

Josh Gracin - No One To Share The Blame
I can count a hundred reasons whybut ninety-nine would still be shyof a good excuse of for why you're ...

Josh Gracin - Peace Of Mind
There's a hole in my heart Seems like I've always been trying to fill with the treasures of life The p...

Josh Gracin - The Long One
There's no holding you back when you're leavingI'll have to face it alone until tomorrowAnd as your fa...

Josh Gracin - The Other Little Soldier
He used to play in daddy's uniform With the stripes across the sleeveAnd he knew when he was all grown...

Josh Gracin - Turn It Up
Friday night and feeling alright At the end of a long hard weekPicked her up she jumped into my truck ...

Josh Gracin - Wheels
I couldn't wait until the morning I couldn't wait until the time was rightI've got enough caffeine eno...

Josh Groban - Alejate
Jamas senti en el alma tanto amorY nadie mas que tu, me amo Por ti rei y llore, renaci tambien...

Josh Groban - Alla Luce Del Sole
Qui c'e il buio fuori di me ed anche un po dentro di me... che assurdita questa citta senza pers...

Josh Groban - All Improvviso Amore
Il vento che soffia pianoQuesta notte cambia il mio destinoE sento che il cuoreAncora si sorpren...

Josh Groban - Believe
Children sleeping, snow is softly fallingDreams are calling like bells in the distanceWe were dreamers...

Josh Groban - Broken Vow
Tell me his name I want to know The way he looks And where you go I need to see his face ...

Josh Groban - Caruso
Qui dove il mare luccica e tira forte il ventoSu una vecchia terrazza davanti al golfo di SurrientoUn ...

Josh Groban - Cinema Paradiso (se)
Se tu fossi nei miei occhi per un giorno Vedresti la bellezza che piena d'allegria Io trovo dentro gli...

Josh Groban - Gira Con Me

Josh Groban - Home To Stay
I know you're gone I watched you leave I always thought That it was me You made it clear ...

Josh Groban - Hymne A L'amour
Le ciel bleu sur nous peut s'effondrerEt la Terre peut bien s'croulerPeut m'importe si tu m'aimes...

Josh Groban - Let Me Fall (from Cirque De Soleil)
Let me fall Let me climb There's a moment when fear And dreams must collide Someone ...

Josh Groban - Mi Morena
And so my loveFrom my window I can seeA beautiful visionAnd when the music playsYour body ...

Josh Groban - My Confession
I have been blind, unwilling to seeThe true love you're giving.I have ignored every blessing.I'm...

Josh Groban - Oceano
Piove sull'oceano Piove sull'oceano Piove sulla mia identit Lampi sull'oceano Lampi sull'o...

Josh Groban - Per Te
Sento nell'aria profumo di tePiccoli sogni vissuti con meOra lo soNon voglio perdertiQuell...

Josh Groban - Remember
Remember, I will still be hereAs long as you hold me, in your memoryRemember, when your dreams h...

Josh Groban - Remember When It Rained
Wash away the thoughts insideThat keep my mind away from you.No more love and no more prideAnd t...

Josh Groban - She's Out Of My Life
[1st Verse]She's out of my lifeShe's out of my lifeAnd I don't know whether to laugh or c...

Josh Groban - To Where You Are
Who can say for certain Maybe you're still here I feel you all around me Your memory's so clear ...

Josh Groban - Un Amore Per Sempre
Ecco ora mai, il momento temuto da tempo, sai Gia so quello che mi dirai, e la fine di noi. So c...

Josh Groban - Vincent (starry, Starry Night)
Starry, starry night Paint your palette blue and grey Look out on a summer's day With eyes that ...

Josh Groban - When You Say You Love Me
Like the sound of silence calling,I hear your voice and suddenlyI'm falling, lost in a dream.Lik...

Josh Groban - You're Still You
Through the darkness I can see your light And you will always shine And I can feel your heart in...

Josh Kelley - Amazing
You paint a picture on the wall Cause you've got a lot to tell me But you don't think you could say it...

Josh Kelley - Amen
The open road for traveler's souls They once were lost But now they're gone A long, long time ag...

Josh Kelley - Angeles
Sometimes I never know just what to do Just what to do Thinkin' about the choices that I'm put through...

Josh Kelley - Everybody Wants You
You've been badYou know you've been goodDid you lose your mind, like I knew you wouldDid y...

Josh Kelley - Faces
I like the faces you make at meWhen we're lying in bedThey are always so beautifulI like the way...

Josh Kelley - Follow You
Everybody tells me I am wrongWhen I know I'm notSomething in me moves me to be strongCuz its all...

Josh Kelley - Home To Me
Isn't it funny how the roads just pass us byIsn't it crazy how we never get it rightTime is wasted on ...

Josh Kelley - I Saw You
I, I saw youI couldn't think of what to saySo, I stumbled to the barAnd I just froze when I saw ...

Josh Kelley - Old Time Memory
Standin 'round in a crowded roomYour face is here bring me back to youLeaving town slips into my head ...

Josh Kelley - Perfect 10
Hey Perfect tenDid you stop to check him outHey perfect ten did you leave him any doubtYou know ...

Josh Kelley - Pokerface
Play it takes me where I wanna go I love time we have A name that no one knows The feelin' flows...

Josh Kelley - Small Town Boy
Everyone wants to be a small town boyWith big town dreams in a small town worldSo I express your fears...

Josh Kelley - Travelin
Tell me I didn't miss anythingTravelin' around in your headYou know my legs are tired Of runnin'...

Josh Turner - Backwoods Boy
Woke up at 5 am, put on my camouflageWiped off my .243 and fired up my dodgeHeaded out to my old deers...

Josh Turner - Good Woman Bad
She was out last night till way past tenSame thing all over again but with my best friendWhy'd she wan...

Josh Turner - I Had One One Time
I sure do like your cadillacBrings lots of memories backI always felt like a starDrivin' around ...

Josh Turner - In My Dreams
Some men dream of crossign oceansSome men dream one day to flySpend their whole lifes out there floati...

Josh Turner - Jacksonville
It wasn't even in my planA week in the sun and some fun in the sandI was really only passing through...

Josh Turner - Long Black Train
There's a long black train comin' down the line,Feeding off the souls that are lost and cryin'.Rails o...

Josh Turner - She'll Go On You
If you've got a little girl, you better take the timeTo go to her tea parties and give her a piggyback ride...

Josh Turner - The Difference Between A Woman And A Man
You talk about your feelingSometimes I keep mine to myselfBut that doesn't mean your foolishAnd ...

Josh Turner - Unburn All Our Bridges
I miss you so muchI don't know what to doCan't bear the thought ofMy life without youPleas...

Josh Turner - What It Ain't
I have been aroundThis old block beforeI've walked into abruptly closign doorsSchooled in hard k...

Josh Turner - You Don't Mess Around With Jim
Uptowns got it hustlersThe bowery's got its bums42nd street got big jim walkerHe's a pool shooti...

Josie And The Pussycats - Come On
I don't want to be your girlfriendI'm just looking forA real good time all rightCan you guarante...

Josie And The Pussycats - Du Jour 'round The World

Josie And The Pussycats - I Wish You Well
I wish you wellCouldn't you tellAfter all these yearsI wish you wellAnd life in a world...

Josie And The Pussycats - Josie And The Pussycats
Josie and the PussycatsLong tails and ears for hatsGuitars and Marshall stacksHot, sweet, super-...

Josie And The Pussycats - Money (that's What I Want)
(This is for all youShoppers out there)The best thingsIn life are freeBut you can keep the...

Josie And The Pussycats - Pretend To Be Nice
Well he looks at me with those Innocent eyes,And says it looks like you're wearing some kind of disguise,...

Josie And The Pussycats - Real Wild Child
Well I'm just outta schoolLike I'm real real coolGotta dance like a foolGet the message that...

Josie And The Pussycats - Shapeshifter
You could sayEverything's no good'Cause you'd just sayWhat everyone else wouldYou could sa...

Josie And The Pussycats - Spin Around
Na na naNa na na naNa na naNa na na na Na na na, na na naYeah1,21, 2, 3,...

Josie And The Pussycats - Three Small Words
I'm a punk rock prom queenBrown paper magazineHotter than you've ever seenEverywhere and between...

Josie And The Pussycats - You Don't See Me
This is the place where I sitThis is the part whereI love you too muchIs this as hard as it gets...

Josie And The Pussycats - You're A Star
I feel good yeah I feel fine,I've stopped complainin' all the time,You'll get yours and baby I'll get ...

Joss Stone - All The King's Horses
[Chorus 2x]All the kings horses and all the kings menThey couldnt put our 2 hearts together aga...

Joss Stone - Dirty Man
You're a dirty, dirty manAnd you gotta dirty mindYou're a dirty, dirty manYou and that other wom...

Joss Stone - Don't Cha Wanna Ride
I know you got the hummer for the summer babyBut I got your number babyI got your number baby...

Joss Stone - Don't Know How
You caught my eyeAnd out of nowhere you appearedBy surprise and it's not like me but certainly, I ...

Joss Stone - Fell In Love With A Boy
Fell in love with a boyI fell in love once and almost completelyHe's in love with the worldAnd s...

Joss Stone - For The Love Of You
Feels goodFeels good to meFeels goodFeels good to meDrifting on a memoryAin't ...

Joss Stone - I Had A Dream
I had a dream last nightWhat a lovely dream it wasI dreamed we all were alrightHappy in a land o...

Joss Stone - I've Fallen In Love With You
I've fallen in love with youPlease, tell me, tell me what else was there to doWhen feelin lips like yo...

Joss Stone - Jet Lag
Little angelsWhisper softlyWhile my heart meltsFor you and I'll seeOnly sunshineOnly...

Joss Stone - Killing Time
Maybe life is better off this wayBut what about the others who aren't here todayWe struggle with the t...

Joss Stone - Less Is More
Don't go sending me those three dozen rosesDon't you know that just one rose will doDon't go trying to...

Joss Stone - Right To Be Wrong
I've got a right to be wrongMy mistakes will make me strongI'm stepping out into the great unknown...

Joss Stone - Security
A loss that would have thrown A hole through anybody's soulAnd you were only human after allSo d...

Joss Stone - Sleep Like A Child
Tonight when the darkness comesWhy don't we treat it like a friendThen we'll both be glad to see the n...

Joss Stone - Snakes And Ladders
In the game of loveIt takes all you gotJust to keep it moving upDon't you wanna reach the top...

Joss Stone - Some Kind Of Wonderful
I don't need a whole lotta moneyI don't need a big, fine carI got everything that a girl could want...

Joss Stone - Spoiled
I kinda thought that I'd be better off by myselfI've never been so wrong beforeYou made it impossible ...

Joss Stone - Super Duper Love
Yeh are you diggin on meYeh yeh yehIm diggin on u now babyYeh do u wanna little bit of my love...

Joss Stone - The Chokin' Kind
I only meant to love youDidn't you know it babeDidn't you know itWhy couldn't you be content...

Joss Stone - Torn & Tattered
Might as well get used to youEnd it all like you said you'll doCause talk is cheap boy out on the stre...

Joss Stone - Understand
[Chorus]I hope you'll understandThat I can't always come when you callUnderstand everybod...

Joss Stone - Victim Of A Foolish Heart
Your scars where still showing when I first met you, babyFrom all the wrong she had done to youAnd I c...

Joss Stone - You Had Me
You had meYou lost meYou're wastedYou cost meI don't want you here messing with my mind...

Joss Stone - Young At Heart
[Chorus:]You're wasting your timeTrying to tear us apartYou can't stop our plansWe ...

Js - Bye-bye
[verse one - Kim]We can't even be friendsCause everytime I see youWe be doing things that...

Js - Half
I started to burn your clothesI started to stratch your carI started to call my brothersBut I do...

Js - Ice Cream
Come and get a scoop of my ice cream, babyJS got the flavors that I know will drive you crazyTonight i...

Js - Ice Cream (remix)
[R Kelly:]Ladies and gentlemen what your ears are about to witness one of the greatest remix of all t...

Js - Love Angel
I wanna be your love angel[Verse One:]Sit here on the sofa boy Put yo...

Js - Right Here With Me
[intro - piano playin][verse one - Kim]What do we do What do we sayNow...

Js - Sister
Sister, what are you going through,Somethings bothering you,And I think I know just what it is,S...

Js - Slow Grind
[intro - JS]I just wanna slow grind (mmmm)We can dance all night (oohh)Wisper in what's o...

Js - Someone
[intro - Kandi]Someone, someone (I got) someone, someone (for me, I found) someone someon...

Js - Stay
[Verse One:]Boy I wish it never had to come to thisIt was hard to go another day without your k...

Js - Stay Right Here
[intro - Kim]Baby, don't go (Oooohhhhhh)I need you here[chorus - JS (Kim)]...

Juelz Santana - Back Again
[Juelz]Yeah nigga, I heard my man Luca was outI guess he's...[Chorus]B...

Juelz Santana - Down
[Intro - Juelz Santana]Uh, Santana, let's do itYeah, DipSet[Verse 1 - Juelz Sant...

Juelz Santana - How I Feel
[Intro]Man all I hear is Santana this, Santana thatSantana you can't do this, Santana you can't...

Juelz Santana - Jealousy
I'm sorry....I mean it too... let me talk to you..knahmsayin?, tell you what it was all about maybe...

Juelz Santana - Let's Go
I've been feeling dry babyTrying to hold back this feeling for so longAnd if you feel like I feel baby...

Juelz Santana - Okay, Okay
[Verse]I make music I consider a challengeLike this here, reminds me of Gilligan's Island...

Juelz Santana - One Day I Smile
[Verse]Now once again, a deep thought of AaliyahCrosses my mind, I rethought that I seen her, a...

Juelz Santana - S.a.n.t.a.n.a.
[Juelz + (ad libs)](Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha)Im back (Juelllllz, Santana)Im back (Juelllllz, ...

Juelz Santana - Why
[Verse 1]My name mean a lot to me, pain mean a lot to meFame means nothing, but the game means ...

Juliana Theory - 10,000 Questions
You left without a sound, 10,000 questions to the answers I never foundyour not around, and I'm left to chas...

Juliana Theory - As It Stands
Everything I have in mindIt begins to fade awayI searched for it and I longed for itAnd now I kn...

Juliana Theory - August In Bethany
With the sounds of the ocean crashing 7:30 Friday evening everything comes tumbling down I choke...

Juliana Theory - Bring It Low
So tell me is it hard to seeThe possibilitiesThat I am not the person that I seemI'll show...

Juliana Theory - Congratulations
You kiss your life goodbyeLike lovers in the nightReturning home aloneAs if you suffered a heart...

Juliana Theory - Constellation
Some things can never be explainedWhy every sky still looks the sameAnd I wonder how my world would lo...

Juliana Theory - Don't Push Love Away
Here's a thought, if you're willing to listen. I only tell the truth of the feelings I'm given. Can you hear...

Juliana Theory - Do You Believe Me?
When you tried to build me up with the wrong wordsAll it did was kill meAnd when you said you trust in...

Juliana Theory - Dtm
Hold it upMy diamond in the roughI always thought that it would be so easyLet it outIt's n...

Juliana Theory - Duane Joseph
Tell your mom you need a day offso we can play out in the rainwe'll catch a ride to the mallgo d...

Juliana Theory - Everything
How are you feeling?What are your reasons?Do you feel love or a lack there of?Love is a bond wit...

Juliana Theory - For Evangeline
in one night you made me your own the deepest embrace's creation i layed there for days and you forgot in one nigh...

Juliana Theory - If I Told You This Was Killing Me, Would You Stop?
Watch your mouth hold your toungue boy because you're running out of breathrunning out of time ...

Juliana Theory - In Conversation
This agitationRevisits meI wanna communicateSo freelyBut when you talk to meI ...

Juliana Theory - Into The Dark
Dad, your boy is about to fall.He walks the razor's edge.He's on the brink of fading out.He's at...

Juliana Theory - Is Patience Still Waiting?
Will there ever be time enough? Or are we just too naive? I haven't just given up. Oh God, I still believe. ...

Juliana Theory - Jewel To Sparkle
Please don't turn your eyes my wayThey're unnerving and undeniable underneath the work that you doI ca...

Juliana Theory - Music Box Superhero
You'd like to think I have it easy At times I think you're right but then II take a look around and se...

Juliana Theory - P.s. We'll Call You When We Get There
looking back alot has changed we never thought there'd come a day when everything we used to live for everything w...

Juliana Theory - Repeating, Repeating
I'm burning the candle at both endsWhile holding it under waterI'm looking with tunnel vision and...

Juliana Theory - Seven Forty Seven
autumn came and left the summer sun behind us with our thoughts when it stops raining i think i'll take a walk to ...

Juliana Theory - Shell Of A Man
I won't nurture, and feed this bitternessIt's worth it, seen any of thisLove and forgivenessOur ...

Juliana Theory - Show Me The Money
I thought about what you said it's not your money that i really want and i don't care. ...

Juliana Theory - Something Isn't Right Here
Something isn't right here. You've gone and left me on the ground. Something isn't right in this world calle...

Juliana Theory - The Closest Thing
You're the words that come out easy,And I am speechless at best.Your star it seems to shine above the ...

Juliana Theory - The Hardest Things
They couldn't have told meThat it would be like thisThat it could be like thisFor you...

Juliana Theory - This Is Not A Love Song
The time is 2:22 And I hope your wish comes trueBut you say I'll know before you do And I hope y...

Juliana Theory - This Is Your Life
Baby, you say, "this is your life, well where is mine?" how you gonna get there running nowhere? burn yourse...

Juliana Theory - To The Tune Of 5,000 Screaming Children
We knew you'd hate this before we wrote it. So listen up, we're telling you before you tell us. We're not mi...

Juliana Theory - Trance
You suck the lifeOut of the crowdWithout a sound.I see you kind all around andOf course, y...

Juliana Theory - Understand The Dream Is Over
Here is my new disposition. You're about to understand. Our theory is only obvious to the skeptical, and at ...

Juliana Theory - We're At The Top Of The World (to The Simple, Two)
We're at the top of the world, you and I. We've got alot of time and it sure feels right. Cause you reached ...

Juliana Theory - We're Nothing Without You
You took away all my anger. We put away all your pride. Now you're gone, it's plain to see we're nothing. No...

Juliana Theory - White Days
Rise before the sunBut leave when it liftsThe show must go onSo we start on the runBuy us ...

Juliana Theory - You Always Say Goodnight, Goodnight
Did you really think that it was over when you hung up the phone and said goodnight? And did you ever think ...

Julie Roberts - Break Down Here
Mile marker 203The gas gauge leanin on the edge of EI'll be danged if the rain ain't pourin down...

Julie Roberts - I Can't Get Over You
Ive been tryin for a long, long timeBut no matter what I doWhen I turn to leave, my heart stays behind...

Julie Roberts - If You Had Called Yesterday
Ill admit it got to meHearing your voice on my machineIt took all I had to just let you talkAnd ...

Julie Roberts - Just 'cause We Can
Honey, for our date tonightIve got the perfect place to goI was thinkin bout a candlelight seafood din...

Julie Roberts - No Way Out
Momma is cryin in the kitchenEven the dog can feel the chillShe lays her head down on the tableN...

Julie Roberts - Pot Of Gold
All alone in a cafI watch the world rushin' byThey're all dreamin' 'bout dollars and thinkin' 'bout...

Julie Roberts - Rain On A Tin Roof
His eyes are blue just like the oceanHis heart is a river freeAnd now and then he gets the notion...

Julie Roberts - The Chance
I found a book that my mama keptFilled with secrets she hidAnd in a dusty old attic, one mornin I read...

Julie Roberts - Wake Up Older
Slept in my makeupDidn't get my teeth brushedI crashed on the couchAnd now my mouth tastes like ...

Julie Roberts - You Ain't Down Home
You know all the right people You wear all the right clothes You got a snappy little sports car all yo...

Jump5 - All Because Of You
Sunlight on my windowpaneSomething new running through my veinsEvery day is like a new beginning...

Jump5 - All I Can Do
It's like I've got nothing to do but think about you (all I can do, all I can do)Everyday is a new day...

Jump5 - All I Want
Who rocks the house We say that Jump5 rocks the house And when Jump5 rocks the house They rock i...

Jump5 - Aloha, E Komo Mai
I lai laUa i laNo mala hini ohanaWelcome cousins, e komo maiAloha e komo maiOh...

Jump5 - Angel In My Heart
I heard a whisper that touched deep inside my soulLike some familiar melodyA hidden chapter from a sto...

Jump5 - Beauty And The Beast
Tale as old as time,True as it can be.Barely even friends,Then somebody bendsUnexpectedly....

Jump5 - Celebration
Celebrate good times, come onLet's celebrateCelebrate good times, come on There's a party ...

Jump5 - Change A Heart, Change The World
Every dreamer has dreamed of a perfect life I know the world has been trying for years to get it right ...

Jump5 - Dance With Me
C'mon c'mon c'mon hey heyC'mon and dance with me hey hey hey[Verse 1:]I tell you so...

Jump5 - Diamond
Everytime I turn the TV onSee another pretty face on the screenFeels like I'm not good enoughTo ...

Jump5 - Do Ya
Do ya like the freckles on my face?Do ya like my teeth they're out of place?I'd like to think so...

Jump5 - Dreaming In Color
[Verse 1:]I don't watch sad re-runsI wanna feel the new day that comesAnd If I make mista...

Jump5 - Every Part Of Me
The way You know meThe way You love meIt's so naturalCan't remember meWithout You...

Jump5 - Feels Like Falling
(Na na na na na na na na)[Verse 1:]When I'm with you I feel a rush'Cause I've never...

Jump5 - Forever In My Heart
You are the hero, ill never beBut don't You know, I wanna be like YouAnd I'm so glad You're a part of ...

Jump5 - God Bless The U.s.a.
[Bonus Track]If tomorrow all the things were gone I'd hoped for all my life A...

Jump5 - Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride
Aloha e aloha e 'Ano 'ai ke aloha eAloha ae aloha e A nu ay ki aloha e Theres no pla...

Jump5 - I Belong To You
Maybe the time has come for me to believe The safest place for me to be is in Your arms When I draw ne...

Jump5 - It's A Beautiful World
[Verse 1:]It's about friendsIt's about schoolIt's about changesThe ones you never t...

Jump5 - I've Got The Music In Me
[Verse 1:]I've go trouble in my lifeNo dreams to make me cryI've never frightened a worry...

Jump5 - Joyride
[chorus]To be free come with me, its a joyrideLove's a sweet remedy, its a joyrideFollow ...

Jump5 - Joy To The World
Joy to the world the Lord is come Let earth receive her KingLet every heart prepare Him roomAnd ...

Jump5 - Just A Dream
[Verse 1:]When I look in your eyesI see a whole different skyLike I've never seen before...

Jump5 - Love Ya Too Much
I couldn't sleep tonight 'Cause you were on my mind We've been friends so long I treated you wro...

Jump5 - Pressure
Dont try to make me make mistakesI won't forgetI don't need you to tell me What i need to do...

Jump5 - Put Me In The Picture
(suddenly my mind is photographic..)You know that I, I'm the last thing You expectedYou've seen ...

Jump5 - Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree / Jingle Bell Rock
Rockin' around the Christmas treeAt the Christmas party hopMistletoe hung where you can seeEvery...

Jump5 - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
Oh yeah! Do-do-do-oh! Santa Claus is coming to town!Oh! You better watch outYou better not cry...

Jump5 - Shining Star
When you wish upon a starYour dreams will take you very farBut, when you wish upon a dreamLife a...

Jump5 - Sleigh Ride
Just hear those sleigh bells jinglingRing ting tingling tooCome on, it's lovely weatherFor a sle...

Jump5 - Spinnin' Around
I was thinkin' 'bout it yesterdayI was thinkin' 'bout tomorrowIn a dizzy kinda sorta way, like vertigo...

Jump5 - Start Jumpin'
[Bonus Track]Everybody in the place state jumpin' Everybody in the place start jump...

Jump5 - Strange Way To Save The World
Sure he must have been surprisedAt where this road had taken him'Cause never in a million livesW...

Jump5 - Summer Song
[chorus]Its a cool break, u know I cant waitEvery day's like a Sunday and we'reHearing th...

Jump5 - Tell Me Why
Although I'll never deserve it I realize that You will give me all of Your love I couldn't ever return...

Jump5 - The Meaning Of Life
I tried to find the meaning of life Somebody told me I was looking for you And now I know whatever I f...

Jump5 - Throw Your Hands Up
Are u ready to get that feeling?Do u know when the time has come?There's a second of realizingTh...

Jump5 - Virtual Reality
I may never get it right You might find I fall away I can't live the perfect life Every hour eve...

Jump5 - Walking On Sunshine
I used to think maybe you loved meNow baby I'm sure and I just can't waitTill the day when you knock o...

Jump5 - Way Of The World
Its the way of the world (oh..)Who He is, Who I'am, how we moveIt's a wild ride, a frenzyI...

Jump5 - We Are Family
Ladies and GentlemenYea yea yea yea yea yea yea yea yea yea yea [Verse 1]Ever...

Jump5 - Welcome
It's nothing complicatedBout' the way we liveWe are here for each otherHappy to giveAll we...

Jump5 - When I Say Your Name
The way You love me It's been changing me And now I know You are all I need You're everyth...

Jump5 - Why Do I Do
Why do I do the things I doSometimes I feel like I am so insecureIf I could learn a thing or two from ...

Jump5 - Wish That I Could Read Your Mind
I hear you prayin' Your dreams would be takin' you far from here (far away) So tired of waiting ...

Jump5 - Wonderful
You're my beautiful reality And everything about you speaks to meYou're a fragrance in my mindCa...

Jump5 - Wonderful Christmas Time
The mood is right, the spirit's upWe're here tonight and that's enoughSimply having a wonderful christ...

The Junior Varsity - Anti-climactic
It's always i feel i'm not sure if i can do anything elseAlcohol fills voids temporarily it spills out leave...

The Junior Varsity - Demo Car City
I'm driving towards towers tops burning redSunny day and your real estate will drive me homeStay off t...

The Junior Varsity - Don't Forget To Set The House On Fire Before You Crawl Into Bed (house Fire)
Words like butterflies crash into my eyesA kamakize flight right into my eyesWords like razor blades s...

The Junior Varsity - Falling Far Behind
Sentimental whispersDrawing through my breathAnd i am hearing every word you saidAll these distr...

The Junior Varsity - Introduction To The Faint Remembrance Of A Dead And Dying Dream
Try to walk away and trip because i'm fallingBut who's the one who left you thereNow and then i think ...

The Junior Varsity - I Sang A Song To Be Sung
The last one that is out of this placeIs the last one that i won't forgetNow crawl from the gutter...

The Junior Varsity - Left Foot, Right Foot
Watch me become what i wasn't to those who know me so wellI'll be home forever sorry fellow griggoneers...

The Junior Varsity - Ohio (& The 178 Meter Dash To Indiana)
It's back this time only it's harderTake time rewind you could give a about thisLook at what you've be...

The Junior Varsity - Park Your Car
I wanted to tell youIf you don't make it outI wanted to show youHere's your ticket outBeen...

The Junior Varsity - Peter Cottontail And The Demise Of The Carrot Tree
Struggling to keep my head above waterLooking back to what i used to live withTalk you're losing site ...

The Junior Varsity - The Big Little City Killing Cycle
If trying seems so hard you'll know what to doYou'll know what comes nextCan someone tell me why...

Jupiter Sunrise - Arthur Nix
We're wondering what you're thinking, Arthur Nix'Cause ever since you rode your bike into that car, and were...

Jupiter Sunrise - Badge Of Honor
Of my two best stories you're the one that I don't tellSo don't worry, Josephina, you know that your secret'...

Jupiter Sunrise - Casey
Casey caught my sleeve when it was hard for me to be aloneThe hem of my sweater was just a couple of threads...

Jupiter Sunrise - Cherry Wine
Days full of cherry wine, telling you something about yourselfThat someone could have just told you if they ...

Jupiter Sunrise - Heaven And Endless
Something's familiar to meThey don't have to knowSwift and contained and caught up in life so yo...

Jupiter Sunrise - Josie's House
I went out the door this morningWalked along the concrete cracked and aged by elements that don't discrimina...

Jupiter Sunrise - Kaye
Kaye, are you even real?Do you think that maybe we could be lovers once in a while?Say something I can...

Jupiter Sunrise - Master Suzuki
Dear Master Suzuki, I am writing you todayYou say my thoughts are paper tigers and I shouldn't be afraid...

Jupiter Sunrise - September Girl
Oh, September girl, I am so scared todayAlready 28 and still haven't saved the worldWoke up this morni...

Jupiter Sunrise - Steal Me
Sleep in the grass in a blue fieldThe fireflies blinking past OrionAll sprawled out beside the bikes, ...

Jupiter Sunrise - Suddenly
I can barely see you - I can barely feel you - your fading like the dirt on my TVI'm feeling kind of scared ...

Jupiter Sunrise - Super X-ray Vision
So you like guys in uniformI think I'll buy a uniformAnd maybe you will like me betterMaybe I wi...

Jurassic 5 - Break
[Akil]Yo, yo, if you had much classAnd style like I hadYou would be so gladI see wh...

Jurassic 5 - Concrete And Clay
Now I'ma say this once again open up your mindShot heard around the world came from our fresh rhymesTh...

Jurassic 5 - Concrete Schoolyard
Now I'm a say this one time boy and that's my wordWe rockin shots and not fire through the HindenburgT...

Jurassic 5 - Contribution
[chorus]yo, either you a part of the problemor part of the solutionwhat's your contributi...

Jurassic 5 - Freedom
[Chorus]**Hold on to this feelin', Freedom (Freedom!)** [2X][Chali 2na]...

Jurassic 5 - Great Expectations
[Akil]Uh, no doubt, it took ten years, for me to pressure cook my fearsNo my front line rhymes ...

Jurassic 5 - Hey
[talking]Scorpio...Cancer...Leo...Taurus...Sagitarius...Hey...hey, hey[Sou...

Jurassic 5 - If You Only Knew
[Chali 2na]Never think just forShits and gigglesDo we spit sylable riddlesFor bits ...

Jurassic 5 - Improvise
[Jurassic 5 together]Ayo, it's like this when Allah says "Let it be like"We are some designated...

Jurassic 5 - Jayou
Yeah, testing, testing, one twoUhh, onePress the panic button God[all]We be t...

Jurassic 5 - Jurass Finish First
[Charli 2na]Yo, because of cash in the purse, guns blast in the hearseA vast universe when the ...

Jurassic 5 - Long Road To Glory
[All]J-U-R-A-S-S-I-C-F-I-V-E[Chali 2-na]He who is without sinCast the ...

Jurassic 5 - Monkey Bars
This record is particulary for then youngsters...Now you get right to the procedureNow what do y...

Jurassic 5 - Quality Control
[Jurrasic 5 Together]Ayo my quality control, captivates your party patrolYour mind, body, and s...

Jurassic 5 - Remember His Name
[Zaakir]Yo whats up ak[Akil]Who is this[Zaakir]Its ...

Jurassic 5 - The Game
All right, everybody shut upI said shut up!Now are you ready to play the game?NO!Are you r...

Jurassic 5 - The Influence
[Zaakir]Yo, I create off drum drops and ate away blacktopsGrab the mic so you don't react...

Jurassic 5 - Twelve
One, two, Jurassic CrewWhat we bout to do, brothers have no clueThree, four, tear down the doorA...

Jurassic 5 - Unified Rebelution
Party people, are you with me?Are you with me party people? [Repeat 4x]To the beat y'all,...

Jurassic 5 - Verbal Gunfight
Now what you hear is not a testThis is a verbal gunfight like the wild wild westAnd if you got beef ge...

Jurassic 5 - What's Golden?
[Zaakir]Check it out now...I work the pen to make the ink transformOn any particular surf...

Jurassic 5 - Without A Doubt
You know we turn the party out (Without a doubt)And show em what it's about (Without a doubt)We'll win...

Jurassic 5 - World Of Entertainment (w.o.e. Is Me)
Well, here's a little something for my people in the houseI'm gonna tell you what my crew is all about...

Justincase - 9:14
It was 9:14 on a Monday night when ISat alone on the couch and tried not toThink about all the things ...

Justincase - After You
When your hand touches mine and when your eye catches mineWhen your smile grabs my soul and your heart holds...

Justincase - Any Day Now (megan's Song)
There's a girl I want to be mineI want to have her all the timeI'm gonna let her see what's here...

Justincase - Be Me
When I step to stardom will you lose your touchWhen veins are open and filled with the answerCan you f...

Justincase - Breathe Tonight
I know you think you've got me figured outBut you're about to see what it's all aboutI can't keep quie...

Justincase - Constellation
I set you right back in your placeAnd put you right back where you cameAnd let you think about your li...

Justincase - Cut This Flame
He seemed so happy with his delicate handBut all he needed was some fresh airShe seemed so happy with ...

Justincase - Don't Cry For Us
It's hard to know just what to do in times like theseIt's hard to know just what to sayAnd I'm just si...

Justincase - I Can Be The Death In You
You thought that you'd be hurt in the processOf leaving it all behindWhat did they tell you to make it...

Justincase - I'll Stand Up
Our children are dyingAnd our homes are goneOur wives are cryingIt's been too long ...

Justincase - I'm There
It took so long for us to find outWhere we went wrongBut now there's no doubtWe were untrue to t...

Justincase - Inside Your Mind
I know you lie awake at nightCounting stars butYou know they're only satellitesThey don't hear w...

Justincase - It Was Something
I took a ride in the back seat of her carWe stopped at the corner to see the local barI saw them dance...

Justincase - Letter
Here is the letter that givesMy reasons we can't be togetherYou know that I don't want to hurt you...

Justincase - Shrapnel
What makes you think that all you needed was a lifeThe things you dreamed can't be mistaken for goodAn...

Justincase - Sleepless Nights
[Chorus:]I might not buy you a diamond ringStill I don't need your sympathySo all I've go...

Justincase - Tell Me (what I Mean To You)
Snow is falling across the streetlightsIt's nothing I can changeSummer left me and I wish you hadn't...

Justincase - The Best I Could Do
Well, I've been searching for aWay to write you down on my listBut now I know what it's forIt's ...

Justincase - The Hole
Concrete filled these wallsSince yesterday she's been goneIt will not end, the man insideOn both...

Justincase - The Key
Though I am not worthy to call out your nameI still inquire and I still want to be savedFrom the closu...

Justincase - Traffic Light
I was guessing what it feels likeTo have a girl that wants meSay exactly what she feels likeSo t...

Justincase - Upstart
I can't think of any way to free youI won't think of a way to persuade youI don't think I've found the...

Justincase - What I Wouldn't Do
Wipe the residue before it's too late girlAnd start your step again before you fall down nowBear the l...

Justincase - When My Heart Falls Down
I believed in no one till I found youI could see no one till I found youI never knew my heart could br...

Justin Guarini - Be A Heartbreaker
[Female & Male speaking in the background]Ooo ooh ooh, oh babyHey lady, I know I should b...

Justin Guarini - Condition Of My Heart
How much time has passed since you said goodbye.Got your message today asking how am I,Well I'm doing ...

Justin Guarini - Doin' Things (we're Not Supposed To)
ah babe, oh, baby, yeahlet me say, ive been jonesin girlsand ive never been that kindbut anyway,...

Justin Guarini - For Once In My Life
For once in my lifeI have someone who needs meSomeone I've needed so longFor once unafraid...

Justin Guarini - Get Here
You can reach me by railway, you can reach me by trailwayYou can reach me on an airplane, you can reach me w...

Justin Guarini - How Will You Know
I always told you You were the only one in my lifeI always hoped you'dYou'd be that special love...

Justin Guarini - If You Wanna
its not what you doits what you sayi heard things about youaround the wayi dont know if it...

Justin Guarini - Inner Child
Who-oo-oo-ah, (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)Yeah, yeah, ahh (yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)Oooh You gav...

Justin Guarini - I Saw Your Face
Oh yeah, mm mmm It was just another day like the day beforeI was walking in the rain with a lonely, lo...

Justin Guarini - One Heart Too Many
Ooh, whoah, oh whoahDa daa da daa, da daa da daa, da daa da daaOoohLover, it's an endless night...

Justin Guarini - Ribbon In The Sky
Oh so long for this night I prayedThat a star would guide you my wayTo share with me this special day...

Justin Guarini - Someday We'll All Be Free
Hang on to the world as it spins aroundJust don't let the spin get you down (uhmm)Things are moving so...

Justin Guarini - Sorry
[Male talking softly]Yeah, yeah[Spoken] Just listenAll this time it's been o...

Justin Guarini - Sunny
Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rainSunny, you smiled at me and you really eased the painBut ...

Justin Guarini - Thinking Of You
Look in my eyesI know you see the love inside me.I know that you're scared,but I'm not gonna hur...

Justin Guarini - Timeless
[duet with Kelly Clarkson]Baby come close, let me tell you thisIn a whisper my heart says...

Justin Guarini - Unchained Melody
Ohhhhhh my loveMy darlingI hunger for, oh for your touchA long lonely timeI need you...

Justin Timberlake - Cry Me A River
You were my sunYou were my earthBut you didn't know all the ways I loved you, noSo you took a ch...

Justin Timberlake - I'm Lovin' It
I'm lovin' itI'm lovin' itI'm lovin' itDon't you love it too?YoHi, I'm not her...

Justin Timberlake - Last Night
I just want to enjoy my lifeAnd show this world how to careAnd nothing brings more joy to my life...

Justin Timberlake - Let's Take A Ride
Hop in the car and go with meYou don't have to pack everythingDon't you wanna feel the breeze?An...

Justin Timberlake - Love Don't Love Me
5 foot 9She's got legs for days(For days)Green eyes that cut like a knifeAnd her own littl...

Justin Timberlake - Never Again
Would have given up my life for youGuess it's true what they say about loveIt's blindGirl, you l...

Justin Timberlake - Nothin' Else
I was just walking that dayAimlessly(Oh, oh no)You picked a perfect dayTo bump into me...

Justin Timberlake - (oh No) What You Got
Yea...Mr. JT, now what you got for meMr. JT, now what you got for meMr. JT, now what you g...

Justin Timberlake - Right For Me
I got plans tonightAnd you, you know what I likeAnd you're approaching me rightBut I gotta make ...

Justin Timberlake - Senorita
[Pharrell:]Ladies and gentlemenIt's my pleasure to introduce to youHe's a friend of mine...

Justin Timberlake - Still On My Brain
The beautiful days are long goneI cant seem to breatheIt feels like it hasnt been that longSince...

Justin Timberlake - Take It From Here
Sometimes, sometimes the world gets hardOh na na naI'm gonna take it from there girlDon't ...

Justin Timberlake - Worthy Of
Yeah, Yeah, YeahOhhh, Yeah, YeahGirl I find you so amazingWith everyday I learn more about...

Justin Timberlake - You're My Light (why, When, How?)
Dum dum dum dum dum-dumDo...Do... Oooh...You're still captivating even though it's been so...

Juvenile - 3rd Ward Solja
[First Verse [Juvenile]:]You gone take them 5? Or you gone take them to the trial?And go...

Juvenile - 400 Degreez
[Robotic Voice] : 400 degreez[Verse 1:]Ya see me I eat sleep shit and talk rap...

Juvenile - A Million And One Things
[Lil' Wayne]WhatThis.. this here's real, niggaIt's real, niggaToo realPay att...

Juvenile - Back That Azz Up
[Juvenile]Girl you workin with some ass yeah, you bad yeahMake a nigga spend his cash yeah, his...

Juvenile - Catch Your Cut
[B.G.]Uh-come onJuvieAre you ready?[Juvenile]Uh-huh...

Juvenile - Cock It
[Juvenile]Uh Huh, Uh HuhMic check one, twoit's Juvenile coming throughUh Uh c'mon, ...

Juvenile - Da Magnolia
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one[Juvenile]Welcome to tha section...

Juvenile - Enemy Turf
[Verse 1 (Juvenile)]C'mon, C'mon....I bet if I pull a pistol and pop you, you gon' tell me wher...

Juvenile - Flossin Season
Man what's up Playboy?I know you love these Diamonds (they beautiful ha)Nigga, "How You Luv That?"...

Juvenile - Follow Me Now
I want me a millTo see just how it feelNo worries bout no bills, negotiating dealsBuy me some sh...

Juvenile - Fuck That Nigga
[Juvenile]We drink up all the round, we drink up all the whiteWe go to all the spots, we be up ...

Juvenile - G-code
[Lil Wayne:]I ain't terrified from nuthin'I'm young wild crazy and disgustin'Better watch...

Juvenile - Get It Right
[Juvenile]You think this shit happened for me over tha nightThis is my lifeEverybody know...

Juvenile - Ghetto Children
[Verse 1]In these times we gotta hustle cuz our pockets be hurtLil niggas wanna get front...

Juvenile - Gone Ride With Me
[Juvenile]I'm charging 600 for some big hoeYou do business with me, you coming back to get more...

Juvenile - Guerrilla
[talking][B.G.] What's up, Juvie[Juvenile] What's happenin', B.Geezy...

Juvenile - Ha
That's you with that bad ass Benz haThat's you that can't keep yo' old ladycause you keep fuckin her f...

Juvenile - Ha (hot Boy Remix)
[Juvenile]Hmm... You better run for it, run for it, run!Run for it, run for it, run!Run f...

Juvenile - Ha (jay-z Remix)
[Jay-Z]Bounce, bounce, bounceJ-j-j-j-j-Juvenile and JiggaThe remix[Juvenil...

Juvenile - H.b. Headbusta
[Juvenile]Get out the way now, hey.. get out the way now..Get out the way now, headbusters on t...

Juvenile - Head In Advance
[Chorus: Juvenile]It's the one nobody likes with bad breath and saggy pantsMight bounce a littl...

Juvenile - Hide Out Or Ride Out
[Lil' Wayne]I strike a loadyou get served like we toke withfake busta get smoked with...

Juvenile - I Did That
[Juvenile]Them Hot Boys out here, ya heard me?The B.G., headbussin' Moe, fa shoBout...

Juvenile - I Got That Fire
[Juvenile]You need a nigga that stay sharp, always got moneyPockets stay full of them big-face ...

Juvenile - In My Life
[Mannie Talking:]Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girlslil children, dogs and catsright now...

Juvenile - In The Nolia
[Juvenile]Say BubbaI'm glad you, gave me the green lightso I can write some shit, for my ...

Juvenile - In Ya Ass
[Juvenile]Look I'm tryin to live right nowMake a better place for my kids right nowOr get...

Juvenile - It Ain't Mines
[Chorus 2x]Now I don't why you be acting all shadyI only want to hit, not to make you my old la...

Juvenile - Juvenile On Fire
[Juvenile]Lets say I'm in a room with a bitchAnd the hoe don't wanna fuckLike a man I'ma ...

Juvenile - Juve "the Great"
[Verse 1: Juvenile]Uh, Uh, Uh I took my first break in seventy-fiveI tell the story like yester...

Juvenile - Lil Boyz
[Juvenile]Huh...You lil boyz don't know what it mean ta get shotYou lil boyz don't wanna ...

Juvenile - Lil' Daddy
[Juvenile talking]Whoa! C'mon Whoa! I hear you niggaz heart pumpinc' mon, whoa!, whats up, whoa...

Juvenile - Livin In The Projects
[First (only) Verse:]I'm a nigga from the third with a helluva nerve,And if you cross my ...

Juvenile - Mamma Got Ass
[Juvenile](Daa-aaa-aamn!) She get it from her mammaShe get it from her mamma, she get it from h...

Juvenile - March Nigga Step
[Juvenile [Verse 1]]You live that life... slangin' that iron off tha porchWhen a nigga blow... ...

Juvenile - Money On The Couch
[First Verse:]I went through with the plan, now the man sendin' me grams,My coke organiza...

Juvenile - Never Had Shit
[Juvenile] That's right, Cash Money done took over this shit, motherfuckers. ...

Juvenile - Numb Numb
[Verse 1: Juvenile]Ay you wan' score ki, no you wan'score an ounceI ain't gon' show you shit, m...

Juvenile - Off Top
[Juvenile]Wodie we get down but to a certain extentAll that cha shoin' with them hoes be gettin...

Juvenile - Pimpinabitch
[First Verse:]The Mac Melph Calio walker, the shot caller the big ballerThe fiend that'll...

Juvenile - Rich Niggaz
Why, why, whyWhy, why, whyWhy, whyCash Money, Rich NiggazLook[Lil' Wayne]...

Juvenile - Roll With 'em
[Juvenile:]It's enemy turf that I'm on, so I'ma play it how it goCock the hollow points into my...

Juvenile - Run For It
[Juvenile]I be comin' up wit da glock toyYou can stop boyYou ain't heard I'm off tha bloc...

Juvenile - Set It Off
[Juvenile]I'ma T.C. solja, New Orleans stunnaIf a bitch leave me, I'ma take every thing from he...

Juvenile - Shake Dat Azz (if You're A Player)
If you're a player makin' money throw your hands upIf you a woman that's in love then give your man up...

Juvenile - Solja Rag
[Intro: [helicopter sound effects]][Verse One:]You 'bout dat paper?You...

Juvenile - Solja Rags (radio Version)
[helicoptor sound][Juvenile:]You 'bout dat paperYou on top You handlin' bu...

Juvenile - Something Got 2 Shake
[Juvenile:]I put my trust in myself and my 9 firstY'all niggaz second, third, and fourth becaus...

Juvenile - Spittin' Game
Fresh. Slim, Baby. Hot Boys. Hot Boys in this bitch. Check it out.[Turk:]Niggas steady ge...

Juvenile - Take Them 5
[Juvenile:]I hate to be doin' 5 but 10 even worseI'ma take it before the district attourney str...

Juvenile - Tha Man
[Juvenile]I'ma stay thuggin, how I came is how I leaveWhen I say somethin, best believe that's ...

Juvenile - That's How It Be Happenin'
That's How It Be Happenin'That's How It Be Happenin'That's How It Be Happenin'That's How It Be H...

Juvenile - U Can't See Me
[Chorus:]Now you can't hang around, my crew or my clique,Especially if you ain't about no...

Juvenile - U.p.t
[B.G. & Baby]Cash Money slangin nine nigga(Off top playboy)H.B's and The B.G.'s(Wha...

Juvenile - U Understand
CMR bitch. G -Code nigga, G-code nigga, G-code nigga[Juvenile:]I ain't no pussy ass nigga...

Juvenile - Welcome 2 Tha Section
[First Verse [B.G.]]Is you bout what I brang nigga?Biggety-bang nigga?Get it throug...

Juvenile - Welcome 2 The Nolia
[Juvenile]It's world war III where I'ma be with 2 starsbetter tighten up your act, you bout to ...

Juvenile - Who's Tha M.f.
[First Verse]Nigga just came home from jail look how he played meKicked my door down took my sh...

J Wess - Bang This
J-W, E- DOUBLE SDont We Double BestTracks Tear Holes In Ya Bubble VestsTrouble..Yes..when ya hea...

J Wess - Luv Ya
[J Wess repeat x2]Do you really want him or?Do you really want me?If you really want him...

J Wess - What Chu Want
Still Bangin'Keep the record playin'Coast to CoastKeep the record playin'North, South, Eas...

Kaci - All Over You
Oh no, hey heyMade up my mind, wasn't gonna do it this timeYou called tonight, and suddenly I'm thinki...

Kaci - Beggin' Me
You made the choice you decided to goI pleased and cried, but you still said noBut now I realise that ...

Kaci - Butterflies Don't Lie
You walk by and my heart beatsA thousand times at once it seemsAnd every time you look at meI ha...

Kaci - Everlasting
I've had enough of all these stops and startsIt always brings me back to these two heartsLet's not put...

Kaci - I'm Gonna Break Your Heart This Time
Everytime I see you baby I get crazy dizzyplayin like I'm busyAnd I never stop to notice you around th...

Kaci - I'm Not Anybody's Girl
Leaving everything at homeI headed out in the pouring rainKept thinkin' bout the two of usand ho...

Kaci - Intervention Divine
Sarah's screaming,Another Daddy's leaving,How can that much hurt be justified?Ooh,Frankie'...

Kaci - I Think I Love You
Do you think you love me..... Ooo we!I THINK I LOVE YOU!I'm sleepingAnd right in the middl...

Kaci - Just An Old Boyfriend
I see you on the streetMy broken heart still skips a beatI hear your name inside I go insaneBaby...

Kaci - Kiss Me Crazy
Baby I can't take myself away from youIt's absolutely positively what you doSo drive me outta my mind...

Kaci - Paradise
Could it be the littleThings you do to meFeelings that I'm feelingAre so new to meI'm goin...

Kaci - Tu Amor
Mi QueridoTu Amor, your loveTu Amor, your love for meTu Amor, your loveTu Amor your ...

Kaci - Un Parasio
Yo senti que estremeci cuando te viNunca que yo sepa me he sentido asiMil cosas pasan por mi mente...

Kaci - You Got Me
Boy, you got me in the groove, yeahBoy, you got me nervous, all up in a spellI'm digging what you're d...

Kaiser Chiefs - Everyday I Love You Less And Less
Everyday I love you less and lessIt's clear to see that you've become obsessedI've got to get this mes...

Kaiser Chiefs - Modern Way
I know 'cos I've seen itIt was great and I want itThere's no point in sittingGoing crazy on my o...

Kaiser Chiefs - Na Na Na Na Naa
Na Na Na Na NaaNa Na Na Na NaaNa Na Na Na NaaNa Na Na Na NaaIt does not move me it does no...

Kaiser Chiefs - Team Mate
We used to go out nightlyTo the armouryYou used to be my team mateOr that's the way it seemed...

Kaiser Chiefs - Time Honoured Tradition
Well it's time honoured traditionTo get enough nutritionStay alive until you dieAnd that is the ...

Kalan Porter - After All
Everytime Not what you wantedYou can't rewindThis house will stay hauntedRain will f...

Kalan Porter - And We Drive
I gotta goThere's something new to seeThis is the way it's all supposed to beSometimes the world...

Kalan Porter - Awake In A Dream
I never thought,That one day you'd be come a part of my lifeStill you were always with meWhen I ...

Kalan Porter - How Many Roads
All my chips are on the tableThis time aroundNo turning back when I looseNo regrets,No pro...

Kalan Porter - I Don't Wanna Miss You
The streetlights bowthe traffic singsThink about how many timesLove changes lanesMaybe we ...

Kalan Porter - In Spite Of It All
I'm through with loveLoves through with meI guess I've messed up one time too manyCan't get it t...

Kalan Porter - Lucky Day
You're much too old to be fooling aroundYou're much too young to be settling downYou close the door wi...

Kalan Porter - She's So Dangerous
She has a smile like a polaroidHer body smooth as celluloidI wanna run but there's no where to hide...

Kalan Porter - Single
I'm the hit, I'm the hookThat your looking for If your looking for the single one You can feel w...

Kalan Porter - Until You
I used to be the type who always walked aloneNever minded being on my ownI didn't think I was missing ...

Kandi - Can't Come Back
[verse1]A funny thing happened to meJust the other dayA girl came my wayShe called ...

Kandi - Cheatin On Me
[verse 1]When I got home last nightSomething didn't seem rightI think I know whats goin o...

Kandi - Hey Kandi
[verse 1]I'm feeling this brother like um...Like a big fat person likes their tumsLike ho...

Kandi - I Wanna Know
[chorus]If you got kids back home I wanna knowIf you don't I wanna knowIf you're straight...

Kandi - I Won't Bite My Tongue
[verse 1]You stood there thinkin' you were all thatAnd I did tooYou took too long to step...

Kandi - Just So You Know
I just grow weaker as the days go byI cry so much there's no reason to wipe my eyesWay down deep insid...

Kandi - Pants On Fire
[verse 1]Eenie-meenie-miny-moCaught yo' ass right by your toeHanging out with some h-o...

Kandi - Sucka For You
I was a sucka for youSo crazy in love with youBut I'll be damned if I doNothing else you want me...

Kandi - Talkin' Bout Me
[verse 1]As a woman it's my jobTo make sure my man is happyAlways assure him that he...

Kandi - What I'm Gon' Do To You
[chorus]Heard you in the booty clubTryin' to get new loveI wanted to scream and shout...

Kanye West - Graduation Day
What in the fuck was that KanyeI told you to do some shit for the kidsYou can give me your muthafuckin...

Kanye West - I'll Fly Away
Some glad morning when this life is over,I'll fly away.To a home on God's celestial shore,I'll f...

Kanye West - Intro
Kanye, can I talk to you for a minute?Me and the other faculty members was wonderin could you do a lil som.....

Kanye West - Last Call
[Intro: Jay-Z (Kanye)][laughing]Yo fuck you, Kanye, first and foremostFor making m...

Kanye West - Lil Jimmy Skit
[Man]Hey Jimmy where you going?[Jimmy]I dont know where I'm goin.My Da...

Kanye West - School Spirit
[Intro]School spirit motherfuckers[Chorus]Alpha, step. Omega, stepKapp...

Kanye West - School Spirit Skit 1
Now beat thatAnd your mothers sayin go to collegeSo u finish college and its wonderfulU feel so ...

Kanye West - School Spirit Skit 2
You keep it going man, you keep those books rolling,You pick up those books your going to readAnd not ...

Kanye West - Through The Wire
Yo G they can't stop me from rapping can they?Can they, huh?[Chorus:]Through the fi...

Kanye West - Through The Wire (remix)
Yo Ferris, they can't stop me from rappin', can they?I spit it through the wire, manIf this ain't dedi...

Kanye West - We Don't Care
[Chorus][Kanye West:]And all my people thats drug dealin jus to get by stack ya money ti...

Kanye West - Workout Plan
[Girl #1]Ay Wussup gurl[Girl #2]Heyy gurl [Girl #3]...

Kara's Flowers - Captain Splendid
Nobody caresbout ocean affairsHe's by himself 'cause nobody loves himCleaning his sandFill...

Kara's Flowers - Future Kid
Getting closer to the swineContemplating over wineAre you sure we have the timeHope that we will...

Kara's Flowers - Loving The Small Time
Save our livesCan't reviveYour magic place is nearing hellSet it straightCan't relate...

Kara's Flowers - My Ocean Blue
I once heard Captain Dan tell me a storyabout this lovely girl who's name was JaneShe was vast and dee...

Kara's Flowers - Myself
I have toldall of my enemiesvery politelyto go homeI have seenall of your reme...

Kara's Flowers - Oliver
You know that I was overblown by all the card sharksAnd the muggers that dayAnd there were several mil...

Kara's Flowers - Pantry Queen
The wind blowsYour mind falls downJust give meThe time to drownThe wind blowsY...

Kara's Flowers - Sleepy Windbreaker
We fill the day with careless displaysGoing sailing with nothing to sayWhen I fellWe could...

Kara's Flowers - Soap Disco
The crowd was getting oldThe disco's back or so I'm toldBut we've got nothing hereExcept a tired...

Kara's Flowers - The Never Saga
She was at home and feeling fine The family life it was divine She sat alone with tired eyes Pat...

Kara's Flowers - To Her With Love
See my dear I'm thinking of youMy how she has grownher building blocks have all gone homeAnd bei...

Kasabian - Butcher Blues
Coco believe meI'm a lonesome manI wanna get stoned and trip some wiresI wanna get myself underg...

Kasabian - Club Foot
One...take control of me?Yer messing with the enemySaid its's another trickMessin with my ...

Kasabian - Cutt Off
John was a scientist, he was hooked on LSDInterested in mind control and how the monkey held the keySa...

Kasabian - I.d.
No one else is hereAnd I cant get, since I'm nothingNo one else gets highAnd I cant sleep cause ...

Kasabian - L.s.f. (lost Souls Forever)
I'm on it, get on itThe troops are on fire!Ya know I need it, much closerI'm trading just a litt...

Kasabian - Processed Beats
I ran from the tidewon't let you hidewon't let you hideI drop beats from this processed meat...

Kasabian - Reason Is Treason
Here come the morning that I say goodbye to yaHere come the morning that'll say goodbyebut I dont turn...

Kasabian - Running Battle
All lyin across the groundTry not to make no soundWhen two men goin break ya down, I saidTwo men...

Kasabian - U Boat
I sit and wait for you cause' this was never overI hear the talk in codesIf you want me then come get ...

Kasey Chambers - A Little Bit Lonesome
I'm a little bit lonesomeI'm a little bit blueI can't stop cryingSince I lost youThere's a...

Kasey Chambers - A Million Tears
Take my handBreak my strideMake me smileFor everytime I've criedHold my heartI...

Kasey Chambers - Barricades & Brickwalls
Barricades and brickwalls won't keep mefrom youYou can tie me down on the railroad trackYo...

Kasey Chambers - Bluebird
If I fall like rainWill you still feel the sameWill you hold me and call out my nameIf I'm lost ...

Kasey Chambers - Crossfire
I found the answer but I never liked itI took my baby to the 10 step platformI tied a reef knot on twi...

Kasey Chambers - Cry Like A Baby
Well I never lived through the great depressionsomethimes I feel as though I didAnd I don't have answe...

Kasey Chambers - Don't Go
As your disappearing I'm hearingAll I wanted you to sayI should focus more on the thought oflett...

Kasey Chambers - Don't Talk Back
Well it's half my heart and a little bit of soulThat makes me feel I've gotta ride this roadI wouldn't...

Kasey Chambers - Everything's Turning To White
Late on a Friday my husband went up to the mountains with three friendsThey took provisions and bottles of b...

Kasey Chambers - Falling Into You
I've been crushed like paperI've been washed like rainI've been scared of sleepingIn case I wake...

Kasey Chambers - Follow You Home
In the year of 62 the land received a soulA baby cried, a mother smiles,A hero made of goldA hea...

Kasey Chambers - For Sale
Wouldn't you think thatI'd have it all figured out by nowThat I'd know exactly what I'm dongWoul...

Kasey Chambers - Freight Train
Well I just came down from ChippewaI had a station wagon and a hundred dollarsI was thinkin' about the...

Kasey Chambers - Guilty As Sin
Wrong way down a wrong way trackCold run down the length of my backWhip my heart with a mighty crack...

Kasey Chambers - Hollywood
If I was in a movieI would hold my head up highAnd if I was in a movieI would never be this shy...

Kasey Chambers - If I Were You
If I was goodI'd tell everyone I knowIf I was freeI wouldn't be so keen to goIf I wa...

Kasey Chambers - Ignorance
Don't wanna read the paperI don't like bad newsLast night a man got shotOutside the house of blu...

Kasey Chambers - I Still Pray
I still cry for Baby JesusAnd I still pray when I'm aloneAnd when I'm lostHe'll come to find me...

Kasey Chambers - Last Hard Bible
I sold my last hard bibleJust to pay my billsI called my mother To reserve me in her willA...

Kasey Chambers - Like A River
Sometimes you walk like an angelSometimes you walk like a manSometimes you crawl like a babyMake...

Kasey Chambers - Lost And Found
If I could learn how to flyMy feet would never though the groundI'd never have to say goodbyeI w...

Kasey Chambers - More Than Ordinary
I used to make the fireNow I'm running out of flameThe closer I get the more regretsAnd I won't ...

Kasey Chambers - Mother
Do you remember when I was a babyDid I cry, did I cryI only remember the days I was laughingWhen...

Kasey Chambers - Mr Baylis
Put it into gear we've got a long way to goYou can play your DylanWhen we have to take it slowAn...

Kasey Chambers - Not Pretty Enough
Am I not pretty enoughIs my heart too brokenDo I cry too muchAm I too outspokenDon't...

Kasey Chambers - Nullarbor Song
When the fire burns out hereIt's brighter than the city lightsWarmer than a heart of goldAnd din...

Kasey Chambers - On A Bad Day
Everytime my tearsHave ever fallenI keep 'em in my pocketFor a rainy daySo when it's...

Kasey Chambers - Paper Aeroplane
I'm just an old manMy hair is thinningMy head is spinningI cry myself to sleep at nightAnd...

Kasey Chambers - Pony
When I grow up I want a ponyI'm gonna ride her from dust til dawnI'm gonna brush her maneAnd fee...

Kasey Chambers - Runaway Train
I'm gonna take you down to the railway lineI'm gonna take you down to the railway lineI'm ...

Kasey Chambers - Saturated
I've been acting, high and mightyIt's just the liar here inside meit's complicated but so sincere...

Kasey Chambers - Southern Kind Of Life
I grew up along way from hereI slept with the lights on for fifteen yearsAnd Sabbath kept me home on F...

Kasey Chambers - Still Feelin' Blue
Time can pass and time can healBut it don't ever pass the way I feelYou went away a long time ago...

Kasey Chambers - Stronger
I'm a little bit stronger,I'm a little bit wiser,It's a little bit clearer in my mind.I can shou...

Kasey Chambers - The Captain
Well I don't have as many friends becauseI'm not as pretty as I wasI've kicked myself at times because...

Kasey Chambers - The Flower
Well this flower is my soulBut it's not half of what I oweI should give you every rose that I ever gre...

Kasey Chambers - The Hard Way
If I could do it all againI wouldn't change a thingI'd have you back the way I had you thenBut o...

Kasey Chambers - These Pines
These pines are not the ones that i'm used toThey won't carry me home when I cryAm I too far gone to r...

Kasey Chambers - This Mountain
Well a wise man once said to meIf your heart don't break you won't be freeI'm as free as a bird...

Kasey Chambers - Too Long In The Wasteland
Hear the trucks on the highway, And the tickin' of the clocksThere's a ghost of a moon in the afternoon, Bul...

Kasey Chambers - Wayward Angel
Well I am a wayward angelI don't suffer I don't cryAnd late in the night your sleepingI come to ...

Kasey Chambers - We're All Gonna Die Someday
We're all gonna die someday lordWe're all gonna die somedayMama's on pills daddy's over the hill...

Kasey Chambers - You Got The Car
The last time I held youYou held the cards and I wasasking for anything you hadYou saw it coming...

Kate Winslet - What If
Here I stand aloneWith this weight upon my heartAnd it will not go awayIn my head I keep on look...

Katie Holmes - On My Own
[Originally performed in the "Les Miserables" Broadway play]On my ownPretending hes besid...

Katie Melua - Belfast
I've got a ticket, To the fast city, Where the bells don't really ring, Getting off the plane th...

Katie Melua - Blame It On The Moon
Gonna blame it on the moon, Didn't want to fall in love again so soon. I was fine, feeling stron...

Katie Melua - Call Off The Search
I won't spend my life Waiting for an angel to descend Searching for a rainbow with an end Now th...

Katie Melua - Crawling Up A Hill
Every morning (a)bout half past eight, My Mummer wakes me says, "Don't be late", Get to the offi...

Katie Melua - Faraway Voice
Whoo Faraway voice, We can hear you whoo voice, What's it like to be heard, But from you n...

Katie Melua - I Think It's Going To Rain Today
Broken windows and empty hallways A pale dead moon in the sky streaked with gray Human kindness is ove...

Katie Melua - Lilac Wine
I lost myself on a cool damp night Gave myself in that misty light Was hypnotized by a strange delight...

Katie Melua - Mockingbird Song
Hush now, Honey, here's the word My Baby's gonna buy me a mockingbird If that mockingbird don't sing ...

Katie Melua - My Aphrodisiac Is You
Some people say That oysters make you come on strong, But I don't buy it, I don't believe my die...

Katie Melua - The Closest Thing To Crazy
How can I think I'm standing strong, Yet feel the air beneath my feet? How can happiness feel so wrong...

Katie Melua - Tiger In The Night
You are the tiger burning bright Deep in the forest of my night You are the one who keeps me strong in...

Katrina Elam - Drop Dead Gorgeous
Well, i hate to admitWhen you dropped your hook i bit itOne look and you swept me awayWhen i dug...

Katrina Elam - Flowers By The Side Of The Road
Her mama cussedShe was out of filmAs her baby came down those stairsLooking right at her boyfrie...

Katrina Elam - Home Running Away
Puerto Rico all day on the beachBlue water, white sand at her feetToo bad it's just a magazineIt...

Katrina Elam - I Want A Cowboy
Everybody told me he was a dreamPicture perfect like he stepped right off the silver screenSaid that h...

Katrina Elam - I Won't Say Goodbye
I won't write a noteThat's a coward's way outI won't bring it upThere's nothing left to talk abo...

Katrina Elam - No End In Sight
There's a melody in my headAnd I ain't stopped hummin' it since I saw your faceThere's a feeling I can...

Katrina Elam - Normal
Everybody does it, that's what everybody saysAs they smoke their cigarettes on Friday nightAnd if you'...

Katrina Elam - Prelude To The Kiss
Stars, the moonDo their best to entertain usDo the dance to set the moodNight, all nightIt...

Katrina Elam - Strong Anything
Oh, I love the rain when it's really coming downWhen it howls, when it moans, when it singsI'll probab...

Katrina Elam - The Breakup Song
Years go by, the singers changeSame old story but the words get rearrangedSomebody loves someone, some...

Katrina Elam - Unbreakable
I remember the day you left me cryingYou just drove awayI felt something break down deep insideI...

Katy Rose - Because I Can
I keep on looking through the looking glassAnd I want to fall on throughOut of the real world to a h...

Katy Rose - Catch My Fall
I wonder why it always feels like rainMy life is like some cheap champagneThe answers don't always see...

Katy Rose - Enchanted
I broke my crown while kissing little flowersI floated up the stairs and fell through the towerY...

Katy Rose - Glow
You can close you're eyes and tell meThat you are a visionaryAnd maybe you're a little scaryBut ...

Katy Rose - I Like
I wanna live before I dieSo don't say I have to cry onOne more freezing floorI ask you to open t...

Katy Rose - Keeping It Together
Drugs stopped working when I was bornBut all the fairy dust I breatheIs doing nothing to relieve...

Katy Rose - Kisses In A Box
I left kisses on your front stoopSo you could find them on your way homeAnd wear them at a party where...

Katy Rose - Lemon
They've clipped my wings againTore them apart and thenLeft meNo use to fly away to My yest...

Katy Rose - License To Thrill
You break me- I want my peices badlyYou take me- I want myself back madlyYou fight me- I want a nice p...

Katy Rose - Lullabye
Lose trackLose track of your mindAnd leave me behindDont look backTake a picture of me for...

Katy Rose - Mermaid Jane
She swims into a room full of floating peopleShe glides into a space full of laughing creaturesSwimmin...

Katy Rose - Original Skin
You hold me like a puppet in your clammy handsBreathing your soft inuendoesI can feel the music throug...

Katy Rose - Overdrive
Outta bed at the crack of noonBlare the music and have a swoonI can't stop thinkin of your faceL...

Katy Rose - Snowflakes
I only wish for snow to fallOn the palm trees in the dirtBut here the sun will always shine (It'll alw...

Katy Rose - Teachin' Myself To Dream
I throw myself into the rainAs we run down these old trainTracks againThe moon is naked in the s...

Katy Rose - Vacation
Oh I don't need an educationJust a microphone's intoxicationAnd I can't deal with concentrationG...

Katy Rose - Watching The Rain
I wish there was a photograph that showed me here with youAnd I could kiss the photograph and make my wish c...

Kazzer - Pedal To The Metal
Like a 454 With the 4 on the floorDeuce coupe coming at you Avoiding the captureFar from s...

K-ci & Jojo - All The Things I Should've Known
If I had been there to wipe your tears then no one else would be around If I had been there to cradle ...

K-ci & Jojo - Down For Life
Ive been lookin at a photograph of the time When life was so much simpler (Ooh, yeah, yeah) Oh (Ooh, y...

K-ci & Jojo - Fee Fie Foe Fum
Ohh babyYou been leaving every night at the very same timeYou claim you've been going to workBut...

K-ci & Jojo - Game Face
Don't give me an inchCuz I'll take it all nowAnother style for you to hateI sat up today, my sty...

K-ci & Jojo - Get Back
[Intro]Well, well, well, wellWell, well, well, wellOh yeahGave you, yeahOh, l...

K-ci & Jojo - Girl
Baby I was born to give you all of my love Baby I was born to give you all of my timeJust so we can be...

K-ci & Jojo - Hello Darlin'
Wish that I could have you in my spaceWish that I could kiss and caress your faceHow is it that I love...

K-ci & Jojo - Here He Comes Again
Tell me he didn't break your heart Tell me he didn't lie to you Tell me there's no way that he set you...

K-ci & Jojo - Honest Lover
Let's make love tonight, I'm in the mood to make love Let's make love tonight, I'm in the mood to make love ...

K-ci & Jojo - How Long Must I Cry
Baby, listenI never meant to be so, so hard on you But my, my pride had me thinkin' Thinkin' tha...

K-ci & Jojo - I Can't Find The Words
mmmmmmmmmmmmlisten baby aalistenlike a rainbow after the rainlike a cool summer rain...

K-ci & Jojo - If It's Going To Work
[Verse 1:]I'm tellin the truth You don't believe a word How can we start over again? ...

K-ci & Jojo - Intro
Ohh wee My darlin Can I make love to you tonight SweetheartI will do you rightI can ...

K-ci & Jojo - It's Me
Hold up, loveI know Im not the one that youve been speakin ofRumors startBut all the time I was ...

K-ci & Jojo - I Wanna Get To Know You
Hey pretty lady, you look so fineI wanna hit the dance floor, if you don't mindYou're the perfect hone...

K-ci & Jojo - I Wanna Make Love To You
Either you're with me or against me Tell me what you wanna do Do you wanna be with me? Baby, you...

K-ci & Jojo - Life
Just like a birdie I just wanna fly free And own a piece of land Somewhere, somewhere off in th...

K-ci & Jojo - Makin' Me Say Goodbye
It's tree o'clock And you're still not homeYou're already two hours lateI gave you the benefit o...

K-ci & Jojo - Momma's Song
We gonna do something a little different for y'all On this song because Me and my mama was watching th...

K-ci & Jojo - Never Say Never Again
I got something to tell y'all todaySome of y'all might not like itBut then again somebody out there mi...

K-ci & Jojo - One Last Time
One last time, time, time One last time, time, time Who am I to say The hurt you are to fe...

K-ci & Jojo - Ooh Yeah
[Intro:]A lot of imitators, perpetrators, duplicatorsKci and Jojo haters Copying our styl...

K-ci & Jojo - Slip And Fall
[Intro]Uh huhIt's all the pot man, don't stop itAlright alright alright alrightFall...

K-ci & Jojo - Something Inside Of Me
If you should ever go blind, I promise I'll be your eyes.I pledge of allegiance and die right by your ...

K-ci & Jojo - Suicide
Everybody thinks I'm going crazy 'Cause I don't even sleepThey say I'm lookin weakBut everything...

K-ci & Jojo - This Very Moment
Oh...oh...oh...oh...Yee...eee...I cant believe its trueIm standin here in front of you...

K-ci & Jojo - Wanna Do You Right
My lady my lady listenI'm been doin' u wrong for so damn longBut now i wanna do the right thing for yo...

K-ci & Jojo - What I Am Gonna Do
[Intro] What am I gonna What am I gonna What am I gonna What am I gonna do ...

Keane - Bedshaped
Many's the time I ran with you downThe rainy roads of our old townMany the lives we lived in each day...

Keane - Everybody's Changing
You say you wander your own landBut when I think about itI don't see how you can You're aching, ...

Keane - On A Day Like Today
On a day like todayI looked at you and ISaw something in the wayYou stared into the sky I ...

Keane - She Has No Time
You think your days are uneventfulAnd no one ever thinks about youShe goes her own wayShe goes h...

Keane - Sunshine
I hold you in my handsA little animalAnd only some dumb idiotWould let you go But if I'm o...

Keane - This Is The Last Time
This is the last timeThat I will say these wordsI remember the first timeThe first of many lies...

Keane - Untitled 1
A house on fireA wall of stoneA door that once was openAn empty face and empty bones Who a...

Keane - We Might As Well Be Strangers
I don't know your face no moreOr feel your touch that I adoreI don't know your face no moreIt's ...

Keane - Your Eyes Open
Well it's a lonely road that you have chosenMorning comes and you don't want to know me anymoreAnd it'...

Keith Sweat - 100% All Man
[Royalty]Hot, hot, Keith sweatHot, hot, hit districtHot, hot, RoyaltyHot, hot, come...

Keith Sweat - Anything Goes
[laughter]Anything goes (that's right)(come on)I got to see you in that sexy thong (yeah)...

Keith Sweat - Can It Be
Daddy do it like you use to do itAight man10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6 5 4 3 2 1 Excuse me girl (oh yeah b...

Keith Sweat - Caught Up
Oh no, not meNever thought I'd be caught up(Never, never, never thought I would)Oh no, not me...

Keith Sweat - Come Into My Bedroom
YeahCome into my bedroomBaby, don't you know you belong to meOh, yes, you doCome int...

Keith Sweat - Don't Have Me
[Keith]YeahY'all don't hear me, no noYeah yeah, yeah[Dave (Keith)]...

Keith Sweat - Don't Stop Your Love
You know it's about three o'clock when I looked at the timeAnd I had two more hours to go before I got to yo...

Keith Sweat - Games
MmmOh yeahMmmMmm, mmm, mmmYeeeeeeahWhat is thisThat I'm feelin' deep ins...

Keith Sweat - How Deep Is Your Love
Is your loveHow deep is your loveIs your loveHow deep is your loveHow, oh, howHow de...

Keith Sweat - I'll Trade (a Million Bucks)
[Intro - Lil' Mo (Keith)](Mmm) People think it's easy out here You know, they see us in the fan...

Keith Sweat - I'll Trade (a Million Bucks) (remix)
[Keith]If I go to the clubThey just wanna take me homeJust tryin' to have a good time...

Keith Sweat - I'm Not Ready
You know what you wanna doSee, I'll never ever go nowhere yetThink of all the timesBaby, w...

Keith Sweat - In And Out
Telephone, two way, pager, cell phone, e-mail, fax, home mail gram.These are just some of the ways people co...

Keith Sweat - In The Rain
Mmm...mmm...mmm...I don't wanna cry, I don't wanna cryI'm goin' out in the rain, yes...

Keith Sweat - It Gets Better
It gets better as it goes my babyWhy don't you keep it comin' onIt gets better as it goes my baby...

Keith Sweat - I Want Her
Seen you last night, say you standin' thereCouldn't picture the color of your hairAll I wanted to know...

Keith Sweat - I Want You
First me n u made eye contact,Ooh girl ur bootys lookin mighty phat.Now that u got me watchin u,...

Keith Sweat - Just A Touch
Ha, I wanna take you back just like thisJust a touch of love a little bitJust a touch of love...

Keith Sweat - Kiss You
Baby, won't you come and let meKiss you, kiss you, kiss youThen I'm gonnaTouch you, touch you, t...

Keith Sweat - Ladies Night
Ooh oh yeah yeah, Oh what a nightIt's ladies nightThis is your night tonight,Everything is going...

Keith Sweat - My Whole World
YeahI wanna kick it off something, girl, like this to youYeah, come onHere we goMy w...

Keith Sweat - Only Wanna Please You
Never made you cryNever told you liesI was there when you needed meWhen chips were downWho...

Keith Sweat - Real Man
[Girl]I want the house (what, yeah)I want the ice (what, yeah)I want the dough (yeah, yea...

Keith Sweat - Right And A Wrong Way
Mmm, oh...My, my, my, my, my, my babyYou're mine, mine, mine, mineI'm gonna love you right, girl...

Keith Sweat - Rumors
The rumor in the street, baby, girlIs that you're leavin' meAfter all I've done for youHow could...

Keith Sweat - Satisfy You
[Intro]What, you're not feelin' me no more?Seems no matter what I do, hehYou're never sat...

Keith Sweat - Show Me
(Show me the way)Show me baby, umm(Show me the way)Show me girl(Show me the way)Show...

Keith Sweat - Something Just Ain't Right
Tossin', turnin', girlI just can't sleep at nightOoh, you've been cheating on meTell me it's a l...

Keith Sweat - Tell Me It's Me You Want
Ooh (Tell me it's me you want), whoaYou got to tell me, why don't you tell me, girl(Tell me) Tell me (...

Keith Sweat - Trust Me
So you don't trust me no more, huh?MmmmNever made you mad,No I didn't girl.Never made you ...

Keith Sweat - Twisted
Oh yeah babyYou got to make your mind upYeah, Kut Klose, help me out[1]-You know yo...

Keith Sweat - Whatcha Like
[Intro]Yeah, uh-uh (uh, uh)Yeah, yeahYeah, whatcha like? (yeah yeah)(Uh-huh, uh-huh...

Keith Sweat - Whatever You Want
I've been working baby all day longOh yeah(Yeah)Now its time my girlFor you and me to get ...

Keith Sweat - What Is It?
So what is it about me, can you feel it tell meTime you get nasty babyDo you think you can handle this...

Keith Sweat - When I Give My Love
When I give my loveWhen I give my love to youWhen I give my love to you (Whoa...oh...), baby (My...

Keith Sweat - Why U Treat Me So Cold
Why you treat me cold, cold, cold, cold?Why you do me wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong?I was doin' what I ha...

Keith Sweat - Wonderful Thang
[Chorus]All I ask is let me please you baby All I ask is let me love you right I wanna op...

Keith Sweat - Yumi
Yumi yumi yumCome and give me someOoh baby, oooohYumi yumi yumCome and give me someO...

Keith Urban - A Little Luck Of Our Own
The cards are stacking up against usThese days our luck is running lowIt's hard to explain but a littl...

Keith Urban - Better Life
Friday night and the moon is highI'm wide-awake just watchin' you sleepAnd I promise you you're gonna ...

Keith Urban - Country Comfort
Soon the pines will be falling everywhereAs the village children fight each other for their shareAnd t...

Keith Urban - Days Go By
I'm changing lanesI'm talking on the phoneI'm drivin' way to fastAnd the interstate's jammed wit...

Keith Urban - Desiree
It's killin' me to write the word "goodbye"I've wadded up and tossed a thousand triesWe both know the ...

Keith Urban - Don't Shut Me Out
Don't shut me out maybe babyWe should talk about it'Cause you've got your doubts but maybe, baby...

Keith Urban - Freedom's Finally Mine
I'm on a red dirt road winding up to a sky of blueAnd I left the blacktop back about a mile or two No ...

Keith Urban - Ghost In His Guitar
Down the drain pipe cross the yard and through the fenceI risked a whoopin' every time I went'Cause wh...

Keith Urban - God's Been Good To Me
Well I can't believe I'm sittin' here todayPicking on my banjo with a big smile on my faceWritin' new ...

Keith Urban - Hank Don't Fail Me Now
I had a heck of a time gettin' into my house todayThere was a big ass U-Haul trailer in my way And she...

Keith Urban - Homespun Love
You spun your web back a Sunday or twoI ain't never met nobodyLike the likes of youYou got me pr...

Keith Urban - I Could Fly
Time stands still for no oneI know this is trueI've been stuck here waitingThen along came you...

Keith Urban - If You Wanna Stay
Go if you wana go, stay if you wana stayMy hearts not a game you can play with and out awayBaby tryin'...

Keith Urban - I Thought You Knew
I thought You knew, guess I assumed to muchI don't know how, but now wheir so far out of touchAnd I ne...

Keith Urban - I Wanna Be Your Man (forever)
You're such a pretty little thingI wanna put a wedding ring on your fingerBaby can't you see that we w...

Keith Urban - Jeans On
When I wake up in the mornin' lightI pull on my jeans and I feel all rightI pull my blue jeans on, I p...

Keith Urban - Just Some Love
I heard the rumor that we're callin' it offAnd we won't last too longBut I got this feelin' when I'm l...

Keith Urban - Live To Love Another Day
Lord I fell for her smileAnd she loved me for a whileThen she said good-bye gotta goLeft me stan...

Keith Urban - Man Of The House
Well I ain't proud of what I'm about to doAll alone up here with youWith the picture of your man...

Keith Urban - My Last Name
I can feel your goodbye comin'Like a storm up from the southThe rain'll splatter at the back door...

Keith Urban - Nobody Drinks Alone
You brought that bottle home in a paper sackDrew the blinds and locked the doorsAnd there's nothing bu...

Keith Urban - Out On My Own
Your smiles they don't come easyLike they used to come beforeThe awkwardness and boredomIs scatt...

Keith Urban - She's Gotta Be
So much for never makin' the same mistakeI can't believe I'm here againSo much for ever thinkin' that ...

Keith Urban - Somebody Like You
There's a new wind blowin' like I've never known.I'm breathin' deeper than I've ever done.And it sure ...

Keith Urban - Some Days You Gotta Dance
It was about five til' five on FridayWe were all getting ready to goAnd the boss man started screaming...

Keith Urban - Song For Dad
Lately I've been noticingI say the same things he used to sayAnd I even find myself acting the very sa...

Keith Urban - Stuck In The Middle
Well, I don't know why I came here tonightI got the feeling something ain't rightI'm so scared in case...

Keith Urban - Tangled Up In Love
You know the cards are stacked against this As we surrender our defensesAnd I've torn down all my fenc...

Keith Urban - The Hard Way
You've got your own way of looking at it babyI guess that proves that I got mineSeems like our hearts ...

Keith Urban - These Are The Days
My grandma was a wise old soulTook me by the hand not long agoSaid, "Son, what's your hurry, boy slow ...

Keith Urban - Walkin' The Country
Runnin' from the rate raceJust as fast as I canTake off my tie so I can breatheMe, I'm going whe...

Keith Urban - What About Me
I'm livin' in a world that won't stop pullin' on meI'm not complaining but it's trueIt's like I owe my...

Keith Urban - Whenever I Run
I've seen that darkness on the edge of townThe sun come up and the rain fall downAnd I've been a fool,...

Keith Urban - Where The Blacktop Ends
Gonna kick off my shoesAnd run in bare feetWhere the grass and the dirt and the gravel all meetG...

Keith Urban - Who Wouldn't Wanna Be Me
I got no money in my pocketsI got a hole in my jeansI had a job and I lost itBut it won't get to...

Keith Urban - You Look Good In My Shirt
When you walked up behind me and covered my eyes And whispered in my ear, guess whoI rattled off names...

Keith Urban - You're My Better Half
Car door slams, it's been a long day at workI'm out on the freeway and I'm wondering if it's all worth...

Keith Urban - You're Not Alone Tonight
We all drink to forget Some of us more than mostWhen reality gets too realAnd the fires of hell ...

Keith Urban - You're Not My God
It's just a piece of paper, it says, "In God We Trust"A little sure felt goodBut a lot was not enough...

Keith Urban - Your The Only One
I know it's gonna take some timeFor you to trust this love of mineI know he broke your heart in two...

Keith Urban - You Won
There was a world outside my doorI wasn't in touch with anymoreThere was a way I used to feelI k...

Keke Wyatt - Bad Boy
Oooh, ooohOooh, oooh[Verse:]Money ain't a issue of mineI need a man who can t...

Keke Wyatt - Call On Me
Oh baby, oh baby, oh baby, oh baby[verse 1]If you ever need someone that you can put your trust...

Keke Wyatt - Don't Take Your Love
Now baby you, you know my heartBetter than anyone elseAnd yes I know that it's been hardBut we a...

Keke Wyatt - I Can't Wait
Going to the salonGotta get my hair donePedicure manicure everything i need and moreIt's going d...

Keke Wyatt - I Don't Wanna
mmn mmn mmnmmm mmn mmn mmnmhmhm mmn mmn mmnmmm mmn mhmnmmn mmn mmnlately every...

Keke Wyatt - If Only You Knew
I must have rehearsed my lines a thousand times,Until I had them memorized.But when I get up the nerve...

Keke Wyatt - Push Me Away
You just keep pushing me away, hear me babeLast night I called you on the phoneNo one answered C...

Keke Wyatt - Talkin' 'bout Love
I don't need nobody but youYou don't need nobody but meLoving you is like 1, 2, 3With all the th...

Keke Wyatt - Used To Love
Wo oh ohwo oh oh, wo oh oh ohwo ohNow baby I been thinking bout how you been acting strang...

Kelis - Attention
Babe, baby, baby i ain't try'na nag you. Just come talk to me (talk to me,to me).You know we don't get...

Kelis - Easy Come Easy Go
I see the way you look at meIt's not the HennesseyCuz you're feeling meBut instead you're acting...

Kelis - Flashback
Flashbacks of the last summerIt was hot and I was boredI took a walk to the corner storeI was at...

Kelis - Game Show
Last night we were watching this game showThey were talking 'bout marriageAnd that stuff you know...

Kelis - Get Along With You
Don't need no paperDon't need no pencilsDon't need no love lettersCause I just wanna get along w...

Kelis - Get Even
You knowI saw it comingI watched her watch meThe girl wanted what I hadIsn't that the stor...

Kelis - In The Morning
Hey baby what you doing?Your flight left yet?Pshh, I'm half way thereI can't wait to see you...

Kelis - Intro
What is this?I have no ideaOkay welcome, follow come in okay single file, watch your step,Welcom...

Kelis - I Want Your Love
I'm at work and you're on my mindAnd I'm hoping to find some timeTo get your lovingLately we've ...

Kelis - Junkie
Hi everyone uhm... my name is CarlaEveryone lets welcome CarlaI'm here because uhmWell I didn't ...

Kelis - Keep It Down
Hey whatcha knowOutside of the beastie boys showSaw that kid that tried to get with meHe said by...

Kelis - Lil Suzy
Got credit cards in my pocketsBut I walk past bums all dayWhy why whyI see dealers pushing poiso...

Kelis - Marathon
[chorus]Love is this marathon, I'm running for you baby And you don't know me yet but faith is ...

Kelis - Milkshake
[Repeat x2]My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard,And they're likeIt's better than ...

Kelis - Perfect Day
Perfect day just you and meLet's make the whole wide world just leaveTurn on the answer machineW...

Kelis - Rollin' Thru The Hood
[VERSE 1]Yesterday, I rolled through the hoodAnd I seen somethin'And it hurt meYest...

Kelis - Scared Money
Come to my windowI'll leave it openSometimes a girl just needs fresh airI have a garden...

Kelis - Shooting Stars
It's a full moon (look in the sky)Bright as can be (this is one of those nights)Enough for the whole w...

Kelis - Stick Up
...Let's go... I've been lovin' u for here long knowin' I was never clear But I have no fear tod...

Kelis - Sugar Honey Iced Tea
[VERSE 1]I woke up this mornin' and seen somethin' brightWas that you?Then I heard a voic...

Kelis - Suspended
Don't wake meI'm still dreamingI don't see youI can't feel youI'm alone for real in my min...

Kelis - Trick Me
WoooThis is It YeahWoooSaid I've paid my dues for all that i've doneAnd I showed you...

Kelis - Young Fresh And New
Young and different, uhShe looked at a condom, uhAnd could still see the sun, uhDo you remember ...

Kelly Clarkson - Addicted
It's like you're a drugIt's like you're a demon I can't face downIt's like I'm stuckIt's like I'...

Kelly Clarkson - Anytime
Anytime you feel like you just cant hold on Just hold on to my love and Ill help you be strong But you...

Kelly Clarkson - Beautiful Disaster (live)
He drowns in his dreamsAn exquisite extreme I knowHe's as damned as he seemsAnd more heaven than...

Kelly Clarkson - Before Your Love
I wonder how I ever make it through a dayHow did I settle for the world in shades of grayWhen you go i...

Kelly Clarkson - Before Your Love (single Version)
I wonder how I ever made it through a dayHow did I settle for the world in shades of grayWhen you go i...

Kelly Clarkson - Gone
What you see's not what you getWith you there's just no measurementNo way to tell what's real from wha...

Kelly Clarkson - I Hate Myself For Losing You
I woke up todayWoke up wide awakeIn an empty bedStaring at an empty roomI have myself to b...

Kelly Clarkson - Low
Everybodys talkingBut they dont say a thingThey look at me with sad eyesBut I dont want the symp...

Kelly Clarkson - Some Kind Of Miracle
Prayed for an angelTo come in the nightShine some sweet light on meFound only strangers Th...

Kelly Clarkson - Thankful
You know my soulyou know everything about me there's to knowyou know my hearthow to make me stop...

Kelly Clarkson - Walk Away
You've got your mother and your brotherEvery other undercoverTellin' you what to sayYou think I'...

Kelly Clarkson - What's Up Lonely
OoohI'm gettin' kinda close to youLike a shadow I can't lose (he-ey-ey)You've been hanging...

Kelly Clarkson - Where Is Your Heart?
I don't believeIn the smile that you leaveWhen you walk awayAnd say goodbyeWell I don't ex...

Kelly Clarkson - You Found Me
Is this a dream?If it isPlease don't wake me from this highI've become comfortably numbUnt...

Kelly Osbourne - Come Dig Me Out
They wanted me To be the dreamBut my mood went southAnd I'm stuck on the couch with bad jeans...

Kelly Osbourne - Contradiction
When I see you I forget all that I sawI don't feel you anymoreOh I need youBut I don...

Kelly Osbourne - Coolhead
I'll keep a cool head'Bout all the things that you saidI've lost my innocenceI'll keep a cool he...

Kelly Osbourne - Disconnected
Beat it boy I found another He knows me just like my motherMy tempremental sidesThe reasons I di...

Kelly Osbourne - Don't Touch Me
He picked me up around a quarter to nine,I was a little shocked that he was right on time.He was reall...

Kelly Osbourne - Edge Of Your Atmosphere
Let's get to the pointEverything you haveYou don't wantAll you seem to do is whine for more...

Kelly Osbourne - Entropy
Well it's a force of nature to be recognized in the various equations of the social kind.As we look to our l...

Kelly Osbourne - Everything's Alright
10,000 hours to go before we're kicking itall nightfeels like my mind will explodeIf we don't bu...

Kelly Osbourne - I Can't Wait
Turned the page between the linesI could read it so clearlyAnd every word so definedTurned my he...

Kelly Osbourne - More Than Life Itself
You never said you were perfect, but you always were to me.Loving you was always worth it,cause ...

Kelly Osbourne - One Word
One word breaks the code of silence, Silence tells me all I need to know. One Word, One Word, te...

Kelly Osbourne - On The Run
[Kelly:]Rude in a moment there [laughs][Man:]All my pain, all my lovi...

Kelly Osbourne - On Your Own
Some peopleThink they know what I should doWell they don't really knowWhat I've been through...

Kelly Osbourne - Papa Don't Preach
Papa I know you're going to be upset'Cause I was always your little girlBut you should know by now...

Kelly Osbourne - Redlight
I'm falling Don't botherI rather end up where i dropped offNot making ExcusesI guess...

Kelly Osbourne - Right Here
You don't ever wanna see my face againBut inside you know that it's never gonna endBitter memori...

Kelly Osbourne - Save Me
From the look in my eye, why didn't you just save me?And all of my friends, Think I'm losing my mind.I...

Kelly Osbourne - Secret Lover
Who are you talkin' to babyIt's been a long, long whileAnd was she worth it though babyShe don't...

Kelly Osbourne - Shut Up
You say,I should do it differently.I don't,Necessarily agree. Stand up!Sit down! ...

Kelly Osbourne - Suburbia
How can anybody ever changeWhen the whole world wants you to stay the sameI guess you just take the bl...

Kelly Osbourne - Uh Oh
My hands are downI can no longer masqueradeYou're just like poison in my veinsKilling me inside...

Kelly Price - Again
[Verse I]Sorry I Never Meant To Hurt YouYou Know I Really Love You AndIf You Give M...

Kelly Price - Ain't No Way
Mmm, ain't no wayFor me to love youIf you don't let me(Oh no, no, no)And ain't no way...

Kelly Price - As We Lay
Whoa, it's morningAnd we slept the night awayIt happenedNow we can't turn back the hands of time...

Kelly Price - At Least (little Things)
Oh, hmm oh yeah, hmm, hmm, hmmI'm on way back to AtlantaAbout to start a new lifeCause I c...

Kelly Price - Back In The Day
[Hook]You Were Just A Boy And I Was Just A Girl In LoveCabangas Was A ToyAnd ...

Kelly Price - Can't Run Away
No, no, no, noCan not run away baby, ohI can't run away boyI can't run awayI'm telli...

Kelly Price - Don't Go Away (interlude)
I don't wanna lose The only love I've ever knownI've ever knownSo babyDon't you goDo...

Kelly Price - Don't Say Goodbye
[Intro]Oh, babyI, I, I don't wanna say Don't wanna say Don't wanna sayMmm, He...

Kelly Price - Friend Of Mine (remix)
[Kelly P.] see I was the one who picked her up when so called friends let her down[Ron I.]...

Kelly Price - Girlfriend
[Hook]Before The House, Before The KidsBefore The History And All The YearsCan We T...

Kelly Price - Good Love
Check it out, KellyYou give good loveA real good loveBaby I can't believeYou are my ...

Kelly Price - Heartbreak Hotel
This is the heart break hotelThis is the heart break hotelThis is the heart break hotelThis is t...

Kelly Price - Her
Baby, I've been watching from a distanceAnd everything it rings familiarly, MmmmBut I can't imagine wh...

Kelly Price - How Does It Feel (married Your Girl)
[Hook]How Does It FeelNow That You KnowYou Could've Had MeBut You Let Me Go...

Kelly Price - I Can't Hide
I got a secret It's here in my heartAnd I can't even tell my friends.How much I adore you ...

Kelly Price - I Don't Know About Tomorrow
Why don't we just do this?Play that song that ma used to likeTo hear me sing in church all the time...

Kelly Price - If
[Hook I]If I Could Love YouIf You Had Came Into My Life BeforeIf I Could Turn And W...

Kelly Price - I Live Here Now
[Verse I]She Couldn't Take It AnymoreSo She Got To Steppin' Out The DoorSo Many Yea...

Kelly Price - I Still Do
[Verse I]I'm Reading Your "Dear John";It Says You're Moving OnYou Need Your Space, ...

Kelly Price - It's Gonna Rain
Somethin' that you must know (Mmm...)There's somethin' that you must know (I've been waitin' on you)It...

Kelly Price - Kiss Test
[Intro]This is a testThis is only a testBoy, do you knowWhat I'm feeling...

Kelly Price - Lord Of All
[Intro]Lord, I dedicate this song to youThank you for the oppourtunity to share my gift of song...

Kelly Price - Love Sets You Free (remix)
[Aaron Hall]YeahWhen peeps give you loveThere's nothing in this worldThat could set...

Kelly Price - Married Man
Ooh, oohSaw you in the street one dayWalking up to you, wanted just to say babyInstantly you loo...

Kelly Price - Mirror, Mirror
Been looking for loveI never could find itWhile I'm standing hereAnd he is so blinded by her sil...

Kelly Price - Sister
[Hook]Sister You Don't Have To CryEverything Will Be AlrightMy Sister You Don't Hav...

Kelly Price - Someday
[Hook]Living Wasn't EasyCuz We Didn't Have Much MoneyBut I Knew I Would Make It Som...

Kelly Price - So Sweet
[Verse I]I'm Waiting At The Door With Just A Little More ThanA Birthday Suit And A ...

Kelly Price - Soul Of A Woman
[Intro]This song is dedicatedTo all the brothers out thereWho've ever loved a woman...

Kelly Price - Take It To The Head
[Hook]Breathe It In, Breathe It OutFlying High Ain't No DoubtI Take It To The Head ...

Kelly Price - Take Me To A Dream
Love of my you areSunlight, my shining star All of the world to meAll I could ever need...

Kelly Price - Three Strikes
First time I let you back insideEverybody gets another chanceSecond time my momma repliedSaid yo...

Kelly Price - Whatcha Gon Do
[Hook]Whatcha Gon' Do When You Find OutThat I Been Cheatin' On You,And Everything T...

Kelly Price - While You Were Gone
Hmm, whoa, yeah, oh baby, hmm, ohI read you wrongYou said you'd only be away a whileBut th...

Kelly Price - You Brought The Sunshine
[Verse 1]You Made My DayYou Came My WayYou Heard Me Everytime I Pray...

Kelly Price - You Make Me Feel
I Found A Love So RealIt Fills My Head Right Down To My HeelsNever Thought That I'd Ever Feel This Way...

Kelly Price - You Should've Told Me
I wouldn't call in the midnight hourI wouldn't tuck you in and turn the nightlight outYou would walk t...

Kelly Rowland - Beyond Imagination
[verse1:]you speak only what you heareasily influentialso secluded no one's nearthi...

Kelly Rowland - Can't Nobody
[verse1:]trying to let you know what it's all abouti know you wanna leaveso many little g...

Kelly Rowland - Everytime You Walk Out That Door
Oh oh yeah yeahThe table set for dinner only just for oneServing at your empty chairRemembering ...

Kelly Rowland - Haven't Told You
Look in my eyesWhat do you seeOnly meGot nothing to hideSeek and you'll findWhat's o...

Kelly Rowland - Love/hate
[verse1:]i am so in lovei am so in hatei just can't comprehend ityou get me so high...

Kelly Rowland - (love Lives In) Strange Places
[Verse1:]Clover walked inIn his baggy jeans and his Prada shoesHe had a nice shirt, nice ...

Kelly Rowland - Past 12
i met this guyhe was always on the floorbut he's dancing by himselfi don't know whycuz he'...

Kelly Rowland - Train On A Track
[verse1:]i wonderif he knows i've been watching himand i wonderif he knows i can fe...

Kenny Chesney - All I Need To Know
With a little luck this ol' truck will get me home todayWith a little more I'll still have this job tomorrow...

Kenny Chesney - Anything But Mine
Walking alone beneath the lights of that miracle mile, Me and Mary making our way into the night,You c...

Kenny Chesney - A Woman Knows
She can't put her finger on a single lipstick stainPerfume doesn't linger in a shirtThere's no matchbo...

Kenny Chesney - Be As You Are
Man, I could use a Pina ColadaLittle bit of sun on my skinA hammock, a bookNever gonna look back...

Kenny Chesney - Being Drunk's A Lot Like Loving You
I drank till I StumbledI drank till i fellWhen The drunk part was over it hurt me like hell now i know...

Kenny Chesney - Between Midnight And Daylight
Their shadows danced closer on the honky tonk wallsAs the band plays the last verse to that goin' home waltz...

Kenny Chesney - California
She lived at the end of a little dirt roadIn a house where secrets go untoldBarefoot in a cotton dress...

Kenny Chesney - Everywhere We Go
Well I just found this old picture in my walletOf you and me, down in MexicoJust look at us there on t...

Kenny Chesney - French Kissin' Life
Don't really know what day it isBeen rocking nine days in a rowAll I know is it's hurricane season...

Kenny Chesney - Grandpa Told Me So
If you don't get in the water you're never gonna learn to swimHe said a snake is just as scared of you as yo...

Kenny Chesney - Guitars And Tiki Bars
Tired of my beeper, tired of my phoneTired of this tired ol' tie I got onSick of this traffic jam that...

Kenny Chesney - Honey Would You Stand By Me
If I quit my job for the simple lifeHoney would you stand by meIf I bought a little cabin on a mountai...

Kenny Chesney - How Forever Feels
Big orange ball, sinkin' in the waterToes in the sand, couldn't get much hotterLittle umbrella shaped ...

Kenny Chesney - I Go Back
"Jack and Diane" painted a picture of my life and my dreams,Suddenly this crazy world made more sense to me...

Kenny Chesney - I Might Get Over You
Well I opened my heart, and I let you inI promised I'd never love againAnd still doin' what I'd said I...

Kenny Chesney - Island Boy
He left Maine 'cause he needed a changeAnd he was desperate to rearrange prioritiesAnd he thought the ...

Kenny Chesney - I Will Stand
I will not be the oneWho turns his back and runsWhen things get rocky down the lineAnd I will no...

Kenny Chesney - Keg In The Closet
We had a dog named Bocephus? living in the front yard he liked sleeping out on the top ofthe car hed drink b...

Kenny Chesney - Key Lime Pie
Big straw hat, banana drinkI can't remember what it is I thinkAnd my, my, my - my key lime pie...

Kenny Chesney - Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me
She said you never tell me that you love me anymoreSo I can't help but wonder if you doShe said if thi...

Kenny Chesney - Life Is Good
Darlin' if you think backTo the heartbroken pastBefore we found each otherIt's so amazin', it's ...

Kenny Chesney - Live Those Songs
Saw him sittin on a sidewalk in FresnoBraided hair and a tye-dyed t-shirt onTalkin to himself about Vi...

Kenny Chesney - Lonely, Needin' Lovin'
She comes in every morning at nine and sits down at her deskSmiles and says hello to everybody and tries to ...

Kenny Chesney - Magic
I believe there's magic here in these sailsIn the wake of these old pirate trailsThat cut through the ...

Kenny Chesney - Never Gonna Feel That Way Again
Friday night butterfliesLike clockwork they'd arriveA little chill and the October skyNervous ti...

Kenny Chesney - One Step Up
Woke up this morninThe house was coldChecked the furnace she wasn't burnin'Went out and hopped i...

Kenny Chesney - Outta Here
Lets leave town on a permanent vacation, lock up the house, pack up the station wagon, makeparadise our fina...

Kenny Chesney - Paris, Tennessee
I may not have a whole lot of moneyBut I got enough girl for you and meI'm takin' off won't you come w...

Kenny Chesney - Please Come To Boston
Please come to BostonFor the springtimeI'm stayin' here with some friendsAnd they've got lots of...

Kenny Chesney - She Always Says It First
Not a day goes by that I don't tell herHow beautiful she isHow kind and caring, I'm always swearing...

Kenny Chesney - She Gets That Way
If you see her down at a local barShowin' all the signs of a lonely heartDon't you be concernedT...

Kenny Chesney - Sherry's Living In Paradise
Sherry's living in paradiseSlinging drinks at a bar down by the beachAnd you know she came here from L...

Kenny Chesney - She's From Boston
She comes from BostonWorks at the jewelry storeDown in the harborWhere the ferries come to shore...

Kenny Chesney - She's Got It All
She's got every qualityFrom A all the way to ZIt's easy to see she's the perfect girlShe's got e...

Kenny Chesney - Someone Else's Hog
Well I got a little girl and she's got a daddyWho's got a lotta money and it makes me happyTo follow t...

Kenny Chesney - Somewhere In The Sun
Stuck here at a Holiday Inn near Austin, TexasSeen all the road that I want to seeGod I hate the snow,...

Kenny Chesney - Soul Of A Sailor
He walked in with a salty swayLookin' like Blackbeard in his dayA brother in arms just like meI ...

Kenny Chesney - Steamy Windows
Well I was thinkin' 'bout parking the other nightWe was out on a back roadMe and my lady was just gett...

Kenny Chesney - The Bigger The Fool (the Harder The Fall)
Her long legs looked like troubleAs she sasheyed through the doorAnd my mind flashed a warning sign...

Kenny Chesney - There Goes My Life
All he could think about was I'm too young for this.Got my whole life ahead.Hell I'm just a kid myself...

Kenny Chesney - There's Something Sexy About The Rain
There's something sexy about the rainShe said as it came pouring downIt feels like kisses on my skin...

Kenny Chesney - When I Think About Leaving
You know some times me and my lady have these crazy fights and when we do it makes me wonderAre we're ever g...

Kenny Chesney - When The Sun Goes Down
Sun tanned toes ticklin the sandCold drink chillin in my right handWatchin you sleep in the evening li...

Kenny Chesney - You Win, I Win, We Lose
Nothing left, no regretsNo hard feelings wish you all the bestNo blame, no shameJust time to say...

Keshia Chante - Bad Boy
[Intro:] Ohhh-o-o-yeah oh -oh yeah [Verse 1:] Ring-Ring-Ring, it's the same thing ...

Keshia Chante - Come Fly With Me
Come with me let me lead the wayI will be the one that stands beside youWe could be anything we dream...

Keshia Chante - Let The Music Take You
Let the music take you high Cuz the party aint gonna stop till daylightOooo oooo Could ya keep i...

Keshia Chante - Little Things
Catching a flight from LA it's been three weeks I've seen your faceTouching down at a quarter past 3. Lucky ...

Keshia Chante - Shook (the Answer)
[spoken]What up y'allWordYeahTo all my chicas and my fly mama citasFor real...

Keshia Chante - Singles Night
[VERSE 1] make me feel like I'm not a to treat me t...

Keshia Chante - Spinnin'
Me and my girls hangin' out tonightWe decide we gonna step in line for the club, to see what's upDidn'...

Keshia Chante - Together
Oh yaAlright[Chorus]U know im down And im there for youI know you got m...

Keshia Chante - Tonight
I been thinkin' about, all the things you said to meAnd now i'm tryin' to figure out, if this is where i wan...

Keshia Chante - True Colours
I needed a friend and you were there like a brotherThru good times and bad - always there for meWe wer...

Kevin Lyttle - If You Want Me (call Me)
[Intro] Aaaaahh babaaayy yeeaaaahhhhhhh babaaayyyy yeah yeah yeah yeaaahh Ooow ooww ooow ...

Kevin Lyttle - Last Drop
You You You You You You YeahYou You You You You Baby You You Say That You want it,You Say ...

Kevin Lyttle - My Love
(Will never die)Saw you last night again in a vision looking so lovely. Can't believe you took m...

Kevin Lyttle - Never Wanna Make U Cry
[Intro]never wanna make u crynever wanna make those tears, come to your eyes[verse 1]...

Kevin Lyttle - Turn Me On (remix)
Oh yeaa......ah ah ah....... Is ah big dancehall song in know Madzart alongside Kevin Little You...

Keyshia Cole - Never
[Verse 1]You're telling me were cool but that just aint enough'Cause everything that you do mak...

Keyshia Cole - Situations
[Verse 1]Hey, she can't love you like I love youStarted really simpleComing through cuz I...

Keyshia Cole - Superstar
Yeah superstar, whoa superstar[Verse 1]Rollin with my window droppedWind blowing, a...

Keyshia Cole - Thought You Had My Back
[Verse 1]Every girls got to go through it and every man has to go through it its a thing called...

Khia - I Know U Want It
[Chorus: repeat 4X]I know you want it niggaI know you want itI know you want it...

Khia - My Neck, My Back (dirty Version)
All you ladies pop your pussy like thisShake your body, don't stop, don't missAll you ladies pop your ...

Khia - My Neck, My Back (like It)
All you ladies pop that thing like thisShake your body, don't stop, don't quitAll you ladies pop that ...

Khia - Remember Me
[Hook]Uh huh, uh huh, uh huhUh huh, uh huh, uh huhRemember meUh huh, uh huh, uh huh...

Kid Rock - 3 Sheets To The Wind (what's My Name)
Ahh...I'm here and it's clear I'm gonna flow so yo blackJust get on up or yo get the bozakCuz it...

Kid Rock - Abdul Jabar Cut
UhKick on back to the rap I formatWhen its through what you do is just play it backRewind it...

Kid Rock - Abortion
My veins are poppin from this love insideI just can't let it outThis pipe and these needles are my onl...

Kid Rock - American Bad Ass
YeahAnd I set up and tore down this stage with my own two handsWe've travel this land packed tight in ...

Kid Rock - Baby Come Home
I got the I got them love sick blues ya'll Man, I can't find my baby I think she took off with a...

Kid Rock - Back From The Dead
Back from the dead second L.P. here we goComin at ya from the R.O.M.E.O.Pistol packed with a crew'o fl...

Kid Rock - Balls In Your Mouth
Cruisin' thru town in my jacked up truckeyes open cuz I'm scopin' for a big butt slutOne that I can ta...

Kid Rock - Bawitdaba
Bawitdaba da bang a dang diggy diggy diggy said the boogy said up jump the boogyBawitdaba da bang a dang dig...

Kid Rock - Black Bob
They used to call me namesSaid i was just a wanna beBut now they all pay to seeWhat they were ge...

Kid Rock - Black Chick, White Guy
Black chick, white guyDoes it mean shit, maybeI don't know, but yo it never phased meBut either ...

Kid Rock - Blow Me
A bottle of jack's got my manager grinnin'yeah that's me that keeps the turntables spinniN'I'm countin...

Kid Rock - Born 2 Be A Hick
See I was born a little pie-eyed motherfuckerMamma she left me and my pappa was a hard truckerOut on t...

Kid Rock - Classic Rock
Well guess whos back, with a big fat cockIt's the Kid motherfucker with the Classic RockLike Wax That ...

Kid Rock - Cold And Empty
Mabe ive been on the road to longLivin my life thru these songsI guess lovin a music manReally w...

Kid Rock - Country Boy Can Survive
The preacher man say's it's the end of timeThe Mississippi river, she's going dryThe interest is up, a...

Kid Rock - Cowboy
Cowboy...CowboyWell I'm packing up my game and I'm a head out westWhere real women come equipped...

Kid Rock - Cramp Ya Style
Everything I do gonna be funnyNew Player on the field so yield and get backTo the wallCaus...

Kid Rock - Dark & Grey
Fuck OffUnlike me, you're gonna run awayUnlike me, you'll see another dayRun like me, out ...

Kid Rock - Desperate-rado
Back in the muther fuckin saddlemy six shooter strapped and I'm lookin for a battleOut on the plains I...

Kid Rock - Detroit Thang
It's a Detroit thing, everybodyIt's a Detroit thing, tell your bodyIt's a Detroit thing, gonna show yo...

Kid Rock - Devil Without A Cause
You knew that I was coming cause you heard my nameBut you don't know my game and never felt my painCan...

Kid Rock - Do It For You
Been stiin aloneThinking about the pastAnother lonley nightAnother empty glassThis path im...

Kid Rock - Drunk In The Morning
I wanna make money to take away my problems, But my problems gettin' bigger with the more money I make ...

Kid Rock - Early Mornin' Stoned Pimp
A ha ha, that's right motherfuckersI'm Back.This is the true story about mackinCheck itTim...

Kid Rock - Feel Like Makin' Love
Baby when i think about youI think about loveDarlin dont live without youAnd you loveIf i ...

Kid Rock - Fist Of Rage
Gotta make this money and I make this moneyThis money is me this money is everything I do and seeWho y...

Kid Rock - Forever
I'm back (back) the fog has liftedThe earth has shifted and raised the giftedYou knew I'd be bac...

Kid Rock - Fred
I had a realization of God, I saw GodAnd umm, it's not a face or a figure or anythingIt was a presence...

Kid Rock - Freestyle Rhyme
Kid Rock, i'm gonna rock the house biatchIt goes, 1 for the trebble, and 2 for the bassAnd the b...

Kid Rock - Fuck Off
A shimmy shimmy cocoa cocoa pu- pu - fuckin puffs bitchIt's the K-K-Kid Rock with the K-K-Kid Rock shit...

Kid Rock - Fuck That
I sense danger, I'm a strangerI'm feelin major torn, cause I wasn't born in a mangerAnd my anger has n...

Kid Rock - Fuck U Blind
I'm on the brink I wonder what u bitches thinklike Madonna walkin round like you ship doesn't stinkNo ...

Kid Rock - Genuine Article
Do what you have toI do what I had toTo break through a pick a style that sticks like glueAnd as...

Kid Rock - Hard Night For Sarah
Its been a hard night for sarahThe divorce went through todayTen years out the windowShes been f...

Kid Rock - Hillbilly Stomp
Im drunk againExscuse the hiccupThe redneck originatorRollin in my pick upTruck jacked up ...

Kid Rock - I Am
Well fire it upChop one outSomebodys got to knowThat im two days inI got two days left to ...

Kid Rock - I Am The Bullgod
I am the bullgod...I am freeAnd I feed on all that is forsakenI'm gonna get youI see through you...

Kid Rock - I Got One For Ya
Lit up like the Fourth, I'm a happy drunkCome to poppa big momma cause your daddy's drunkI wanna pump ...

Kid Rock - I'm A Dog
See me ride across the country with my shotty ridin' shotgun Got slimmys on my jimmy with magnums rockin' pl...

Kid Rock - I'm Wrong But You Ain't Right
Breakin' the silence is the hardest thing in life Knowing that your wrong Feelin' like you cant go on ...

Kid Rock - In So Deep
My ideas like highsthey come and they goit seems I've forgotten what I need to knowI feel I'm wa...

Kid Rock - Intro
It aint no party like a Detroit party,Cause a Detroit party don't stop.I said it aint no party like a ...

Kid Rock - I Wanna Go Back
Cause I remember way back whenGot kicked out the crib and had a place to stay in the ClemWith some fri...

Kid Rock - Jackson, Mississippi
And when the sunshine showedHer face i felt like i was ready to dieWent lookin for a place to hide...

Kid Rock - Killin Brain Cells
Kid rock that's right you know I'm back hoFrom the dead where I had to lay lowSeems strange but I ain'...

Kid Rock - Krack Rocks
Who are you, who are youWell i'm the punk with the pump in the back of my packHow you step rockI...

Kid Rock - Lay It On Me
Lay it on me King Cowboy baby, you know my credits Don't ask if it's true, fuck it I said it Reg...

Kid Rock - Live
Let me hear you say "Kid Rocks up on the stage"Hey slick, check itI'm the Rock you know, i'm gonna smo...

Kid Rock - Lonely Road Of Faith
Up and down that lonely road of faith I have been there Unprepared for the storms and the tides that r...

Kid Rock - Midnight Train To Memphis
I was hiding from the sun once again I was running from the time my friend I've lost another war ...

Kid Rock - My Name Is Rock
Fly with new blast, get gasKid Rock some folks thought i'd flew right pastFaded fast, ran outta gas...

Kid Rock - My Oedipus Complex
I need somebody won't u help meI need somebody won't you tell me who I amI need somebody please please...

Kid Rock - New York's Not My Home
BurninOh no, oh no, here we go nowOh no, oh no, here we go nowOh no, oh no, here we go now...

Kid Rock - Only God Knows Why
I've been sittin hereTryin to find myselfI get behind myselfI need to rewind myselfLookin ...

Kid Rock - Outro
Oh, oh, and ya don't stopUhh, Uhh, yeah uh huhIt aint no party like a Detriot partyCause a Detro...

Kid Rock - Paid
Kid Rock an' I got all the hoes sayin': > Fuck me baby, Kid Rock come fuck me babyFuck me baby, fuck me baby...

Kid Rock - Pancake Breakfast
Smokin any thing that I can fit in a pipeslammin bottles of tussin and going fishing for pikeNever upt...

Kid Rock - Pimp Of The Nation
There's only two types of menPimps and John'sThere's one type of bitchAnd that's a hoeGod ...

Kid Rock - Prodigal Son
Cuz growin up I was never the logical onepacked my shit and left home like the prodigal sonwith a bott...

Kid Rock - Rain Check
You know how it isSome guys just gotta make time to get their rocks off no matter whatI'm like that...

Kid Rock - Rock 'n' Roll
Break out the whiskeyAnd a bottle of wineTake your shirt off bitchAnd chop me out a lineDi...

Kid Rock - Rock 'n' Roll Pain Train
15 years on this lonley roadI paid my own wayI carried my own loadI never asked too much from no...

Kid Rock - Rollin' On The Island
Bellisle B-B-BellisleBell-Bellisle Bell-Bell-BellisleHey Kid Rock, tell 'em how your livinMan i ...

Kid Rock - Roving Gangster (rollin')
Everything's tight from my loot to my friendsI ain't got time to tighten up loose ends...HuhI've been ...

Kid Rock - Run Off To La
This here aint no love songAnd it aint for youIts for the folks that relate toWhat ive been goin...

Kid Rock - Shotgun Blast
Ahhhhhhh, shit!Kid Rock back in this motherfuckin houseFeel the effects of my shotgun blastMothe...

Kid Rock - Single Father
Latley ive been spendin lots of time with my kidTellin him storiesAbout the things that we didWh...

Kid Rock - Somebody's Gotta Feel This
I used to party with the Betties on the lower east sideNever drop top forty cause I always rock b-side...

Kid Rock - Son Of Detroit
I like to play Hank Williams Jr. RecordsJust as loud as they will rockI'm into lynerd skynerd Run DMC...

Kid Rock - Step In Stride
I think you might like to hear something from usStand upPut your hands upCome on get up...

Kid Rock - Style Of X-pression
Non-commercial lyrics run like HershelWalkin fast cause I'm a smooth talkerAppeal the feel, but don't ...

Kid Rock - Super Rhyme Maker
Bonnie shadesAnd a high top fadeSo low you know on the mic with no aidYou didn't think in a blin...

Kid Rock - The Cramper
Have you ever known a free lancerThinks that he's a camperKnown around my way as the cramperLike...

Kid Rock - The Prodigal Son Returns
P-P-P pass the boota, pass the bootaCause i wanna get, P-P-P pass the bootaP-P-P pass the boota, cause...

Kid Rock - The Upside
White boy get ready to do his thing's hereUh...Uh...Uh...Uh...Uh...UhHere's a new jam for you to...

Kid Rock - Trippin' Over A Rock
People like the way my style is rollinThe crowd rebounds as I flow slowinI'm not bullshittinHere...

Kid Rock - Trippin With Dick Vitale
Dum diti dum dang dang di dum2 bums in an alley with a bottle of rum1 bum said look Jack I'm the shit...

Kid Rock - Trucker Anthem
Oh-e-o ohhhh oh Oh-e-o ohhhh oh Oh-e-o ohhhh oh Oh-e-o ohhhh oh Who's in the house? ...

Kid Rock - T.v. Dinner
Someone channel surfin:[Channel 1:] Where'd ya get the beauty scar tough guy, eatin pussy...

Kid Rock - U Don't Know Me
Here here we go from Japan to Romeomy flow is slow and it's ya know my first time on radioNow some say...

Kid Rock - Wasting Time
I'm a pimp, you can check my statsAnd rollin a Fleetwood that's how I mackI rock all the tracks, so th...

Kid Rock - Wax The Booty
[Voice Talking:] Yeah, but you know people are scared to have conversations like this and that'

Kid Rock - Welcome To The Party
Well my name's Kid Rock I'm a CapricornAnd Detroit's city where I was bornWhen I was young I knew I'd ...

Kid Rock - Where U At Rock
HUH I grew a hurding cattleI got more rhymes than heroin in SeattleYou wanna battle with the Rock quit...

Kid Rock - Where You At Rock
BitchWhere you at Rock, where you at[Answering Machine:] BeepYou fucking ass ...

Kid Rock - With A One-two
Never thought about the other side, oh noIt was always lets go try to pull some hoesAnd I pulled 'em l...

Kid Rock - Ya Keep On
Pass that dang coat boy I'm backMy name aint Jack Tripper, but i'm a day tripperSo watch me whip anoth...

Kid Rock - Yo-da-lin In The Valley
[Voice Talking:] But anyway I..I..I like to value myrelationship with women. You know sometimes I get...

Kid Rock - You Never Met A Motherfucker Quite Like Me
Yep I've been on the cover of the Rolling Stone I met the president when I was half stoned I bee...

Kiley Dean - Who Will I Run To?
You were the one Who I could tell my deepest fearsAnd you were the one Who always wiped away my ...

The Killers - Andy, You're A Star
On the field I remember you were incredibleHey shut up, hey shut up, yeahOn the field I remember you w...

The Killers - Believe Me Natalie
Believe me, NatalieListen NatalieThis is your last chance to findA go-go dance to disco now ...

The Killers - Change Your Mind
Racey daysHelp me through the hopeless hazeBut my oh myTragic eyesI can't even recognize m...

The Killers - Indie Rock & Roll
GlamorousIndie rock'n'roll is what I wantIt's in my soul, it's what I needIndie rock'n'roll, it'...

The Killers - Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine
We took a walk that night, but it wasn't the sameWe had a fight on the promenade out in the rainShe sa...

The Killers - On Top
Remember Rio and get downLike some other DJ, in some other town She's been trying to tell me to hold t...

The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It
Save some face, you know you've only got oneChange your ways while you're youngBoy, one day you'll be ...

The Killers - The Ballad Of Michael Valentine
Michael plays with starsSoul Sister won't you take a ride in his carLate to callWhen you wanted ...

The Killers - Under The Gun
She's got her halo and wingsHidden under his eyesBut she's an angel for sureShe just can't stop ...

The Killers - Who Let You Go
Who let you go? Who let you go?Who let you go? Who let you go?Who let you go? Who let you go?Who...

Kill Hannah - 10 More Minutes With You
I don't know who you areBut now somehow you're breaking my heartAnd I don't know where you areBu...

Kill Hannah - From Now On
We collided head-on And they said that we would not live very longI knew you were my love But th...

Kill Hannah - Is Anyone Here Alive?
Sunrise always burns my eyesAnd outside there may be zombies tooThe crawling mice in suits and ties ...

Kill Hannah - Kennedy
I wanna be a KennedyI wanna be a big heartbreakerLive fast and for realAnd you can follow it in ...

Kill Hannah - New Heart For Christmas
Navy pier at xmas you can go at 3amThere will be no oneThe ferris wheel still turnsAs though it'...

Kill Hannah - Raining All The Time
She fell like a meteor onto the planet And said, "Your world, it brings me downI feel like an animal...

Kill Hannah - They Can't Save Us Now
So this is how it is to be aloneYour heart beats like it's cracked and made of stoneBut whenever someo...

Kill Hannah - Unwanted
I dedicate this songTo the boys who don't belongTo the girls who get it wrongI'm dedicating this...

Killing Heidi - 12345
1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish alive 6,7,8,9,10 But then I let him go again Oh why did you...

Killing Heidi - A Jar Labelled Small
There's no inspiration just a pale transform in the worst enemy is hiding at my doorAnd where...

Killing Heidi - Ammyl
You try to be Try to feel Try to let go Try to be real, it was good Yeah I had fun F...

Killing Heidi - Astral Boy
Astral Boy your're so high, will you ever come downsoaring over everyone, you bigger than ...

Killing Heidi - Black Sheep
Will you walk from what we've gotWill you walk from what we've got?Will you walk from what we've got...

Killing Heidi - Burnt
You rode into my head You rode in bare back You hear the words I said Without a comeback A...

Killing Heidi - Calm Down
When your head is spinning and you're feeling overwhelmed,And your ears are ringing 'cause your heart is bea...

Killing Heidi - Class Celebrities
Black mascara smudges your face You sit in your grassy place The grass is oh so greener on the other s...

Killing Heidi - Coming On
Feels like tonight I'm running in my head,nothing to hold me here.I can't get rid of all the words the...

Killing Heidi - Damage Control
Well hello See you here You're behind Your stare You're hiding From me You don...

Killing Heidi - Heavensent
Ooh yeah, ooh yeah..Walking, always over windowsweeping willow wind blowsyou are not alone...

Killing Heidi - I Am
[Verse 1]I know, I know, I know, I know what you'd sayI know, I know, I know, I know all the ga...

Killing Heidi - Jon's Song
Speak to me and let us beFor you know that's how it could be ...And race, 'cause it's all I need...

Killing Heidi - Katrina
Katrina knows, where the dolly's go, to the dark places in the garden,....yeahhh. And Katrina feels, w...

Killing Heidi - Kettle
Kettle's boiling in the other room,didn't know that life would end so soon.Im not clinicly dead, ...

Killing Heidi - Leave Me Alone
Not what you take but what you leave.I never thought you could seeIt's more than fantasyYou are ...

Killing Heidi - Live Without It
You know that we can make things happen thatIs what you say when 'always' comes an'I feel what you don...

Killing Heidi - Mascara
Stumbling alongLooking at nothingCos your eyesAlways on your feetIf u ever looked up...

Killing Heidi - Miss You
I'm stranded in the vacant air,my energy is all used up,pretending I don't care.The distance is ...

Killing Heidi - Morning
I'm shooting through the stars tonight Can't you see me I'm a flash of light Don't know where I'm head...

Killing Heidi - Notebook
I was looking through your notebook,without a lock just like a little book, open it upgotta have a loo...

Killing Heidi - Not For Me
I was watching as the wall it fell,how hard it was and who could tell?Saw you run look for a place to ...

Killing Heidi - Outside Of Me
Always were out of time, the action makes you smile... When your hands are by your sides. Feed the tre...

Killing Heidi - Pave The Way
I remember waiting in line I was waiting for the bell to ring I remember waiting just to hear My...

Killing Heidi - Real People
Learn to keep the pain you feelKeep it in don't let it spillUnder lock and key - don't let it out...

Killing Heidi - Running Underwater
I think I know where this little trip ends,I know what's ahead.An' you can count on what they said,...

Killing Heidi - So Long
I came when you called it.Oh I ran to every corner,looked hard just to find you.Oh do I need to ...

Killing Heidi - Summer Long
I am just a dreamer,you are just my dream,taking me to places,the likes I've never seen.I ...

Killing Heidi - Superman / Supergirl
Superman, supergirl - show me your stuffTake a bow at the world, The bouquet is hotWatch out superman,...

Killing Heidi - Superstar
Well she wants to take it by and she tries tries and tries so hard I've seen her with her new sh...

Killing Heidi - Sweeet
Sweet home let them go Let them free Sweet home let them go And let them free Now sw...

Killing Heidi - Take It
You feel yourself alight then let go Dream of yourself tonight Then I know So where's the way yo...

Killing Heidi - The Days
I've been counting down the days I mean no harm in what I have to say I've been counting, counting dow...

Killing Heidi - To Fly
This has been so surreal It's like a dream Everything it's so shit, is what you mean I, ca...

Killing Heidi - Undertow
All the way now, can't you see I'm falling?All the way down and all around, yeahOh and it's okay...

Killing Heidi - Way Home
Caught up in the history,I wish it was new to me,But a shadow behind me reminds me of where I used to ...

Killing Heidi - Weir
Old friend of mine, we will never lose the time, that we shared all these years, these years. ...

Killing Heidi - You Don't Know
I can.. see you.. And you don't.. have a clueOf what you've done...There's no.. reason.. or what...

Killing Heidi - Your Hands
Sunlight magnifies the pieces of her broken lifeShe says everything is fine, in her head, in her headS...

Kimberley Locke - 8th World Wonder
Woke up early this morning, made my coffee like I always do.Then it hit me from nowhere, everything I feel a...

Kimberley Locke - A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes
A dream is a wish your heart makesWhen you're fast asleepIn dreams you lose your heartachesWhate...

Kimberley Locke - Before
Ooh Ooh OohNever knew I was existingGetting by from sun to sunMissing out on what my life ...

Kimberley Locke - Coulda Been
It's hard, to believeWe weren't meant to beAnd all good things end eventuallyBut here i am, walk...

Kimberley Locke - Have You Ever Been In Love
I never knew I could fly,But something is taking me higher than ever,Like something inside is lifting ...

Kimberley Locke - I Can't Make You Love Me
Turn down the lights Turn down the bedTurn down these voicesInside my headLay down w...

Kimberley Locke - I Could
I could pretend to love you,And be someone else for awhile.Make you believe your the one that i want,...

Kimberley Locke - It's Alright
She was so attractiveHer parents overprotectiveMet a little boy with a LexusThey made out on a m...

Kimberley Locke - Now I Can Fly
I can still remember how IFelt that dayLike the wind was taken outFrom under meIt sent me ...

Kimberley Locke - Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Ohhhhh yeaaaMmmmmmmmmmmmmSomewhere over the rainbow,Way up high.There's a land that ...

Kimberley Locke - Wrong
You can say I'm weak, you can say I'm frailBut your presumptions won't prevailI'm made of more than wh...

Kimberley Locke - You've Changed
You know, something's happenedIt ain't the sameStarted out as friends, no doubt we'd be to the v...

Kings Of Leon - California Waiting
Little Mona Lisa laying by my side"Crimson and Clover" pullin' overtimeSeem too close to be losin' tou...

Kings Of Leon - Day Old Blues
Toss me a breath, when you hold me down,Hot like a razor on my faceSomething's growing that don't help...

Kings Of Leon - Dusty
Dusty and you are, dirty from chainLips of your kisses are sticking like tapeWoke you at sunrise, cold...

Kings Of Leon - Four Kicks
Huffman don't take no nonsenseHe's here to rectifyHe's got his black belt buckle,And the red man...

Kings Of Leon - Genius
Everybody wants to be a showmanYeah they all got another oneEverybody thinks they got a geniusEv...

Kings Of Leon - Happy Alone
On our way, so it seems, blooming flowers waltz before meRollin' numbers, passing time, got to get outside t...

Kings Of Leon - Holy Roller Novocaine
My darling you look lovelyI've come to lay you downUncover your head and submit to meWe'll make ...

Kings Of Leon - Joe's Head
Blistered cracked and bleedingCold no one should knowRain falls down a freezingAnd sticking like...

Kings Of Leon - Milk
Salty leave, salty leaveTell me the one about the friend you knew,And the last goodnight that we...

Kings Of Leon - Molly's Chambers
Free- is all that she could bleedThat's why'll she'll never stayWhite- bare naked in the nightJu...

Kings Of Leon - Pistol Of Fire
Pistol of fire, pistol of firePistol of fire, shattered the frameGo hug your sister, go love your sist...

Kings Of Leon - Red Morning Light
You know you could've been a wonderTakin' your circus to the skyYou couldn't take it on the tight rope...

Kings Of Leon - Rememo
On a plane, on a planeOff to see the city girls againOnly bringing what to carry on,So that you ...

Kings Of Leon - Slow Night, So Long
Slow night so long, she's frenching out the flavour, She's 17 but I done went an plum forgot it...

Kings Of Leon - Spiral Staircase
Spiral Staircase goin' down,Paint your body red and brown,On our knees, we'll feast on tha sex show....

Kings Of Leon - Talihina Sky
Weeds blow tall on a broken train trackRuth B. draws we're fixin' to get highMaybe we'll hit the bluff...

Kings Of Leon - Taper Jean Girl
Aha shake taper jean girl with a motel faceAha shake bury your eyes in a secret placeAha shake black a...

Kings Of Leon - The Bucket
I'll be the one to show you the wayYou'll be the one to always complain3 in the morning come a bang ba...

Kings Of Leon - Trani
Dirty belly of a secret townCheap trick hookers that are hanging out at the bar in the Greyhound station...

Kings Of Leon - Velvet Snow
Walking like you're stuck in velvet snowWalking like you're stuck in velvet snowStart in on your story...

Kings Of Leon - Wasted Time
It's your lifeDon't you let em tell you when to bat your eyesYou're the only one who's gonna sacrifice...

Kingspade - Drunk In The Club
Yayyyuhh, we getting crunked up in here! Haha, oh it's one of them tracks huh? Yo we about to get fuck...

Kingspade - High Riders
(High riders)(High riders) We the high riders, holdin mad greenGot our pocket and pipes fi...

Kingspade - It's Alright
[Chorus (Richter)]I dont know why do u wanna hurt me When i was only flirting ...

Kingspade - Keep Risin
[Chorus]We got the top popped back And the sun is shinning D-Loc and Richter on the Pavme...

Kingspade - Life
Life"Think about it"Everybody has troublesAnd everybody's troubles are different than others...

Kingspade - Same Ol' Bitches
I've been all around the world, I been alot of places I seen alot of different faces, their attitude you can...

Kingspade - Smokin Doja
Left right left Left right left Left right left Left right Grab your swords and get ...

Kingspade - So Cal Weather
Ain't nothin better then southern Cali weatherFrom spring to the summer to the middle of DecemberNever...

Kingspade - Spaded, Jaded & Faded
[Chorus 2x]So who be spaded, jaded and faded, Kingspade 'Cuz we Be spaded, jaded and faded. All...

Kingspade - Spin Dat Shit
You know we steppin out trying to find the hottest spotWhere the girls is all 10's and the party don't stop ...

Kingspade - The Knowing
[Chucky Chuck DGAF]Silence! Here ye, here ye Come one come all You have all been su...

Kingspade - This Dat Beat
Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh, yeahYa'll better turn this one upYa'll better bang this shit, ya'll better get rea...

Kingspade - Who's Down
[Richter]Here comes the Mother fuckin' Kingspade [Loc]Got the beats that bang like...

Kirk Franklin - Always
[Verse 1]You know Ive had some lonely daysIve made mistakes and had to payIve had some fr...

Kirk Franklin - Brighter Day
When I close my eyes and think of youAnd reminisce of all the things you doI can't imagine my life wit...

Kirk Franklin - Don't Cry
Why do you cry? He has risen.Why are you weeping? He's not dead.Why do you cry? he has risen.Why...

Kirk Franklin - Don't Take Your Joy Away
Don't take your joy awayDon't take your joy awayI know that I have done wrongBut I'm asking You ...

Kirk Franklin - He Loves Me
He loves me. Even when I fall beneath His will.He loves me, oh, oh, oh, He loves me.When my broken hea...

Kirk Franklin - Hold Me Now
The spring of April is gone The leaves have all turned brown The children have all grown up And ...

Kirk Franklin - Hosanna
The angels bow down at the thought of YouThe darkness gives way to the light for YouThe price that you...

Kirk Franklin - If You've Been Delivered
If ya been delivered stand up on your feet and praise the Lord, yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah [repeat]...

Kirk Franklin - Lean On Me
[Bono] Oooooohhh[Intro:][Kirk] This is for that little child with no ...

Kirk Franklin - Lookin' Out For Me
Every time I look backAnd every time I think backOn all the stuff I've been throughI've prayed t...

Kirk Franklin - More Than I Can Bear
I've gone through the fireAnd I've been through the floodI've been broken into piecesSeen lightn...

Kirk Franklin - My Life Is In Your Hands
You don't have to worryAnd don't you be afraidJoy comes in the morningTroubles they don't last a...

Kirk Franklin - My Love, My Life, My All
[Verse 1:]My hands were made To worship youMy heart, my KingIt beats for you...

Kirk Franklin - Praise Joint
This is for the young people that are not ashamed to praise HimAnybody that knows somebody, if ya got ...

Kirk Franklin - Silver And Gold
Silver and goldSilver and goldI'd rather have Jesus than silver and goldNo fame or fortune...

Kirk Franklin - Smile Again
Tell me how you feel when you're all alone no one to say I love you and you feel all your hope is gone Try t...

Kirk Franklin - Something About The Name Of Jesus
[chorus:] There is something about the name Jesus Something about the name Jesus. It is the sweetest ...

Kirk Franklin - Stomp!
[Kirk]: For those of you that think gospel music has gone to far. You think we got too radical with o...

Kirk Franklin - The Night That Christ Was Born
[Chorus:]Listen to the angelsRejoicing e'er so sweetlyReceiving heaven's gloryThe n...

Kirk Franklin - Till We Meet Again
May His peace be with you till we meet againMay His peace be with you till we meet againTill we reach ...

Kirk Franklin - Up Above My Head
Up above my head I hear music in the airUp above my head there's a melody so brightAnd fairI can...

Kirk Franklin - Washed Away
Fill me with your joy so newSo I can show my love for YouThis joy I have is real and trueFor all...

Kirk Franklin - When I Get There
[Kirk]Now this song is about heaven alright. This song is about heaven alright.Houston, I...

Kirk Franklin - Where The Spirit Is
Where the Spirit of the Lord isThere is libertyWhere the Spirit of the Lord isThe captives are s...

Kirk Franklin - Why We Sing
Someone asked the questionWhy do we sing?When we lift our hands to JesusWhat do we really mean?...

Kirk Franklin - You Are
Jesus You are my joy withinYou are the shelter from the windYou are the forgiver of my sinsJesus...

Kittie - Brackish
She is not scared to die..The best things in life drive her to cry.Crucify then learn..(take so ...

Kittie - Burning Bridges
Hell aboveYour star is belowThere's no comprehensionThere's no voice of reason here...

Kittie - Career Suicide
Vindiction bleeds you From every poreUntil hope runs outUntil my feet leave theFloor...

Kittie - Charlotte
So, Im Nothing.You Took Something From Me, Now You've Dissapeared.You're Right Where I Want You. ...

Kittie - Choke
You're Hidden By Your Good Looks, Your Fake SmileI Loved You But It Took Me A Long WhileTo Realize You...

Kittie - Daughters Down
I feel helpless, stare in disbeliefHow can you still sleep at night?Hold her with just one look,...

Kittie - Do You Think I'm A Whore
The Knife Is On The Table. I Put Myself To Sleep. All I Know Is All I Know.Remember What You Sow...

Kittie - Get Off
You. Take me.. Down. But You're Too... Strong... I Don't.. Wanna Try.YOU CAN EAT A DICK! Dog... ...

Kittie - In Dreams
Everytime I speakWipe away all these tearsLiving every day in fearFinding nothing but empty...

Kittie - Into The Darkness
I feel helpless waiting.Could this all be the end?It's all coming down all at once.Am I losing y...

Kittie - In Winter
You fell to the ground like rainOn deaf ears your cries met hands And knees were blisteredShouting fro...

Kittie - Jonny
What does he tell me this time? We're just whores on a fucking assembly line.Believe me I was there....

Kittie - Looks So Pretty
Say what you willI will walk past that plateof glassYour time has passedDon't ever s...

Kittie - Loveless
And so we're here againI try to speak Beg forgivenessThis fall from grave is in my hands...

Kittie - Mouthful Of Poison
Blood spilled Heart-felt Head filled Play dead...Consider yourself now, my friend Enemy nu...

Kittie - No Name
Indeed I will condescendExhausting every trace to give you,What you asked forEverything you dema...

Kittie - Oracle
A glance over your own shoulder A vow that today will stand out Caged in a routineIntent unknown...

Kittie - Pain
I feel your painAlmost lost it allYou are all the sameThe wounded bleed to deathTarnish my...

Kittie - Paperdoll
I Look At her In That Paper Dress.I Wonder Why She Won't Burn.She's Just A Paper Doll, Thats All...

Kittie - Pink Lemonade
Trusted youWith my lifeShattered dreamsBroken glassI hope there is closureDown your ...

Kittie - Pussy Sugar
I can taste the wreckageOf dismembered dreamsGhostly disciple, nothing as it seemsI will follow ...

Kittie - Raven
Not Feeling, Not Nothing.Good Intentions But Jealousy Takes Over All.Excuses, Abuses.This Time I...

Kittie - Red Flag
I feel trapped and it's allIn my dirty handsThese walls are closing inYou always were so h...

Kittie - Run Like Hell
Run run run run run run run run Run, YEAH!You better make your face up in Your favourite disguiseWith ...

Kittie - Safe
In this darknessTroubled watersLies a flickerOf hopes fireCome to your sensesW...

Kittie - Severed
Look at you nowEyes wide openTruth begged to be toldI walk around in circles to revisit Where Iv...

Kittie - Spit
COWARD!!spit i think i'll spitFor all those girls, who speak contradiction The guy who crept thr...

Kittie - Suck
Free From The Sun. In The Dark I Am None. Though My Heart Sinks Like That One, I Am Told.Respect Nothi...

Kittie - Trippin'
WOAH!See What You Say To Me And I Will Tell You.See What You Say To Me I Said, "I Told You So".Y...

Kittie - Until The End
Wings spread, poisedFaintly convulsing the skyHow will I know?Bask now in this grayingLigh...

Kittie - What I Always Wanted
Opened up it's revealed!Savour thisDont get lost in a lie!Hit or missBeside, myself, with ...

Kittie - Wolves
It crawls along the floor subduedNothing amounts to Nothing realizing Nothing afraid of No...

Kmfdm - A Drug Against War

Kmfdm - Anarchy
You break my backYou won't break meAll is blackBut I still seeShut me downKnock me t...

Kmfdm - Apathy

Kmfdm - Attak / Reload
Watching youFloodlights seal your fateShallow breathQuick pulseNavigateAll this wait...

Kmfdm - Bargeld

Kmfdm - Beast

Kmfdm - Blackball
I am the fake behind the doorThe little worm that you ignoreThat brittle rage the bitter rubbleT...

Kmfdm - Blame

Kmfdm - Blood

Kmfdm - Brute

Kmfdm - Bullets, Bombs & Bigotry
One for hatred two for hellThree for the lowest high that you sellGotta four for a try but don't stop ...

Kmfdm - Craze

Kmfdm - Dirty
Just one call will cure it allTake my toll and break my fallCome and join my little warYou could...

Kmfdm - Dis-o-bedience

Kmfdm - Down And Out
[En esch:]Welcome aboard the crazy tripCircle of fools say 'hi'[Sascha:]...

Kmfdm - Flesh

Kmfdm - Friede

Kmfdm - From Here On Out
Caught a glimpse of madnessVirtual circusIt's a long way downHollow no protectionKick...

Kmfdm - Glory

Kmfdm - Godlike

Kmfdm - Go To Hell

Kmfdm - Ikons

Kmfdm - Inane

Kmfdm - Intro
Welcome backHere we go againA beautiful girl and some dirty old menBefore we continue the task a...

Kmfdm - Jihad
Homo sapiens a dying speciesPoor sick dumb numb feeding fecesHalf-eaten starved beaten multiplying lyi...

Kmfdm - Juke-joint Jezebel

Kmfdm - Kraut

Kmfdm - Last Things
The constant realization of dominance results in fearWake-up tired with a mouth full of nothingD...

Kmfdm - Leid & Elend

Kmfdm - Leid Und Elend
Dein boot verlasst den hafen unserer stadtAlleine fahrst du in die klare nachtNur noch funf minuten wu...

Kmfdm - Liebeslied / A Hole In The Wall

Kmfdm - Light

Kmfdm - Lust

Kmfdm - Megalomaniac
Die wunder dieser welt werden dir geschenktGluck ist nicht kauflich sehnsucht bleibt unerreichtPreisra...

Kmfdm - Mercy
I went thru too many peopleI went thru heaven and hellI went from rome to bagdadToo many stories...

Kmfdm - Money

Kmfdm - More & Faster

Kmfdm - Moron
Don't give a damn what i sayCoz i'm out of my mindPunkass motherfucker son of a gunJust one of a...

Kmfdm - Move On

Kmfdm - Naive

Kmfdm - Pity For The Pious
The pious pour their pity pureI can sell a little cureThe burning fleshThe sweetest smellI...

Kmfdm - Power

Kmfdm - Preach / Pervert
Blackened blood that stains this bedMy sweet addiction I thee wedYou will workI will winI ...

Kmfdm - Revenge
The empty and searching streetsThese gutters they warm my feetSince your cold lips blueGive me l...

Kmfdm - Revolution

Kmfdm - Risen
A full threesixty a complete returnWith no excuses and no concernsThe ultra-heavy-beat is going strong...

Kmfdm - Rules

Kmfdm - Save Me
If you don't know if you have found what you are looking forThe silver-lining always starts to fadeAnd...

Kmfdm - Search & Destroy

Kmfdm - Sex On The Flag

Kmfdm - Skurk
I don't need your contradictionsI'm not gonna play that roleI don't need you telling me i've got my ba...

Kmfdm - Sleep
Don't say you can't Just do what I would do for youYou watch my backAnd i'll be there to c...

Kmfdm - Son Of A Gun

Kmfdm - Spit Sperm
I keep account of my hits and my missesThe bottle makes the final callFuel me with some of your kisses...

Kmfdm - Stars & Stripes
A tyrant is a man who allows his people no freedomWho is puffed-up by prideDriven by the lust of power...

Kmfdm - Stray Bullet
I am your holy totemI am your sick tabooRadical and radiantI'm your nightmare coming trueI...

Kmfdm - Sturm & Drang
You make and break your own restrictionsYou write and prove your own revisionsYou become new...

Kmfdm - Sucks

Kmfdm - Superhero
You're so wonderfulApple of everyone's eyeYou're so cleverMultimillion-dollar smileT...

Kmfdm - Terror

Kmfdm - Torture
My motivations unresolvedThings are just never what they seemApathy's currencies deceitPitch ben...

Kmfdm - Trust

Kmfdm - Ultra

Kmfdm - Unfit
You are the sweetest disease for meI can't hear you say please to meThere's nothing you cannot say to ...

Kmfdm - Urban Monkey Warfare
All you want is a scapegoatAll you want is to get absolution from shameYou have nothing to lose anymor...

Kmfdm - Virus

Kmfdm - Waste
What I don't know I don't likeWhat I don't like I don't wantWaht I don't want I wasteI hyp...

Kmfdm - Wrath

Kmfdm - Wwiii
I declare war on the worldWar in outer spaceI declare war in a nutshellWar all over the place...

Kmfdm - Yohoho
YohohoAnd a bottle of rumI'm in the gutterBut i've got the gun16 men on a dead man's chest...

Knoc-turn'al - The Way I Am
YesImma do meImma do meYou gon do youYou gon do youImma do meImma do meY...

Koffee Brown - After Party
And you don't stop, keep keep it on keep it on, keep keep it on you don't stop, keep keep it on ...

Koffee Brown - Chick On Da Side
[Chours:]You say you ain't got nobody (body) Thought you was bout it, bout it Skele...

Koffee Brown - Didn't Mean To Turn You On
[Vee:]Baby its me out here doin my thing I just got paid todayIm shakin it from left to r...

Koffee Brown - Do You See
Never say never, now I know betterAlways said I'll never fall in love, oh noNever felt pressure, till ...

Koffee Brown - Fingerpointing
[Fonz]I don't know what you goin thru latelyBut you stressin it and its drivin me crazyYo...

Koffee Brown - Qualify
[Chorus (Repeat 2X's)][Fonz]Forget about your ex he wasn't good enough, only when ...

Koffee Brown - Quickie
Cha Ching...uh stripAh Ah Ah..Ark!Ah Ah Ah..Ark!Checkin my one shortieCheckin my vie...

Korn - Alive
I can not ever find a wayTo throw these darkened thoughts awayNeed a place to hideIts thrown in ...

Korn - All In The Family
[Fred:] What's up with this fucking 'Ball Tongue' shit? (on original lyric's sheet)[Jon:] All ...

Korn - Alone I Break
Pick me upbeen bleeding too longRight here, right nowI'll stop it some howI will mak...

Korn - Am I Going Crazy
Am I going crazy?Am I going insane and dazed?Am I too lost to face this?And what will it cost to...

Korn - Another Brick In The Wall, Parts 1, 2, 3
[Part 1]Daddy's flown across the oceanLeaving just a memoryA snapshot in the family album...

Korn - Ass Itch
I hate writing shit, it is so stupidWhat's my problem today? Maybe I'm depressed, Maybe I'm not ...

Korn - Ball Tongue
There you are alone With no hope of ever having something to be proud ofSomething earned without beggi...

Korn - Beat It Upright
Are you ready for a good pounding baby? (get down)Are you ready to get it on? (get down, get down)Don'...

Korn - Blame
So I think you are a foolHanging on my every wordI'm getting ugly, So I'm ugly..Tear me fr...

Korn - Bottled Up Inside
It ain't fading Man I gotta let it outAm I crazy?Screaming nothing ever comes outI keep fe...

Korn - Break Some Off
I am living without youYou think everything will be fineI find making it hard to lieRealize noth...

Korn - Cameltosis
[Tre:]Yeah. I should have known it from the start what I was in for.She break a tin...

Korn - Chi
Pain! Buried so far awayEnter my life of nothing Sick of the same ol' thing,so I dig...

Korn - Children Of The Korn
[Ice Cube:]Attention all parents!Report to your local therapist!Report to your local chur...

Korn - Counting
I can't bare to face what's growing in my head.Please get away from me.Take advantage of what I still ...

Korn - Counting On Me
Why can't you ever back down?Why can't you just shut your face?Oh god the feelings I feelWould g...

Korn - Daddy
Mother please forgive me I just had to get out all my pain and sufferingNow that I am done, remember I...

Korn - Dead
All I want in life is to be happy (happy). It seems funny to me.How fucked things can be.Everyti...

Korn - Dead Bodies Everywhere
Come on, step inside, and you will realize.Tell me what you need, tell me what to be.What's your visio...

Korn - Deep Inside
I'm not doing greatI feel like I'm deadNot thinking straightInside my body, troubled, full of ha...

Korn - Did My Time
Realized I can never winSometimes I feel like I have failedInside where do I beginMy mind is lau...

Korn - Dirty
Keep knocking.No one's there.Pouring down.Near be felt. I'm out here, by myself.All ...

Korn - Divine
I hide only to defy you Take away the only love inside youI see the face through everyone Inside...

Korn - Earache My Eye
[Cheech Marin:]Dun nun nun Dun nun nun Dun Dun DunOrale! (O-ra-le)...

Korn - Embrace
Blood is boringSleep is boringDon't stop runningI'm here countingThe life, the hurt,...

Korn - Everything I've Known
Away, I see it's going downToday, Hoping in time,Will bury all this painAnd will awake something...

Korn - Fake
I can't stand the sight of you I can't stand what you put me through Your life's a lie, that you hide ...

Korn - Freak On A Leash
Something takes a part of me.Something lost and never seen.Everytime I start to believe,Somethin...

Korn - Goodgod
You came into my life without a single thingI gave into your ways, but you left me with nothingI've gi...

Korn - Got The Life
Hate, something, sometime, someway,something kick on the front floor.Mine? Something, inside.I'l...

Korn - Hating
My life is such a wasteBegging on something to work this timeBut why can't I relate?Feeling all ...

Korn - Helmet In The Bush
'ello, esta Caco et eres Caco Well, you know , you fuck'n call me the Caco, okay?I keep as...

Korn - Here It Comes Again
Pounding, it starts againHurting, oh where do I begin?Screaming, they dance around my headHoping...

Korn - Here To Stay
This time, taking it awayI've got a problem, with me getting in the way,Not by designSo I take m...

Korn - Hey Daddy
Let me see (let me see).How my life has been (taken).Taken.This demon (haunts me).Haunts m...

Korn - I Can Remember
I can remember when we first met we really had some times when the success started to kick in ...

Korn - I'm Done
We are the painWe are the shameWe've gone insaneInside where no ones aroundI am to b...

Korn - I'm Hiding
Maybe Im insanewalking on a wiremaybe Im the sameNothing can take me highertell me where t...

Korn - Its Gonna Go Away
Ooh, fuck, fuck, fuck.I've gotta let her go (What happened?).(What happened then?).Never let it ...

Korn - It's On
Come on! Save some for me, it's what I like. I wanna play, you know it's time. Something is call...

Korn - It Takes Two
I wanna rock right now, I'm Rob Base and I came to get down I'm not internationally known, Bu...

Korn - Justin
Fuck all that bullshit! You watch me play.I look away.Your lights turn bright.You fo...

Korn - K@#%!
Fuck you titty suckin' two balled bitch with a fat green clit.My big conhoto bitch.Oh shit, fucking as...

Korn - Kick The Pa
You simply defy, I cannot even look to the sky, we try it single filed, take on me, and it's my denial, ...

Korn - Let's Do This Now
Run away no whereTo chicken shit, two faceI'm gunna go thereThe fear I cannot tasteYou thi...

Korn - Lets Get This Party Started
A man is crying, takes me to a certain place.Which I don't often find.You see a family walking.A...

Korn - Lies
I would like to search inside for all of the things that you will hideWhat's the problem? Can't ...

Korn - Lodi Dodi
Lodi Dodi, we likes to party We don't cause trouble We don't bother nobody We're just some ki...

Korn - Lost
Why can't I decide, why my feelings I hide?Always screwing with my mind, that thorn in my spine Oh sur...

Korn - Low Rider
This is Caco!Shhhhiiiiitt All my friends drive a lowriderand the lowrider is a littl...

Korn - Make Believe
I'm thinking of, Thanking all the fucked peopleThanking all the shit I love,They are all the thi...

Korn - Make Me Bad
I am watching the rise and fall of my salvation.There's so much shit around me.Such a lack of compassi...

Korn - Mr. Rogers
Boomerang, Zoomerang, Doomerang, Up the time has come to realize what you are, what you've done inside...

Korn - My Gift To You
There you are my precious Not long ago Hiding behind the shadows Of your broken soul Why i...

Korn - Need To
I, I am confused, fighting myself Wanting to give in, needing your help Skin cold with fear, feel it w...

Korn - No One's There
You and meWe have no facesSoon our lives theyll be erasedDo you think they will remember?O...

Korn - No Place To Hide
HaHaHa! I see your faces and I do not understand why Each time I dream you standin there, right ...

Korn - No Way
Lately things won't go my way.Lately everything is grey.It feels like something.It feels like.. ...

Korn - One
I can't remember anything Can't tell if this is true or dream Deep down inside I feel to scream ...

Korn - One More Time
Always just coming in here,starts the gameWhy can't this puzzle be solvedeach time it happens it...

Korn - Porno Creep
Pleasant things I feel... ...

Korn - Predictable
Go! I can, in every wayMistake the pain I feel insideIt comes to me Evil thoughts is...

Korn - Pretty
So... so love.Wait, but I don't realize.Small, white legsBroke, the pain between her thighs...

Korn - Proud
Must you keep looking at me before you looked the other way. Must you keep glaring at me I know ...

Korn - Reclaim My Place
What the fuck?! I'm so dumb, therefore I can't relate.I'm so dumb, there is nothing to hate....

Korn - Right Now
I'm feeling mean todayNot lost, not blown awayJust irritated and quite hatedSelf control breaks ...

Korn - Sean Olsen
What's your lie? Warm lips, a fake smile, has made your mind runs wild, this game you play I lik...

Korn - Seed
Every day it gets a little harder, can't seem to get away.I remember there's a certain place, a place I wish...

Korn - Shoots And Ladders
Ring around the rosies Pocket full of posies Ashes, ashes, we all fall down Nursery rhymes...

Korn - Somebody, Someone
I can't stand to let you win.I'm just watching you.And I don't know what to do.Feeling like a fo...

Korn - Swallow
Fuck yes! Always I'm locked in my head Know pain, you don't know what I have had By now, I'm so ...

Korn - The Camel Song
You can see I fly Disguised evil attracting everybody You can watch me play Taste your juices...

Korn - This Town
We are now the chosen toys of caddy girls and pretty boys, make up that face to win the race, life's a bitch...

Korn - Thoughtless
Thumbing through the pages of my fantasies Pushing all the mercy down, down, down I wanna see you try ...

Korn - Trash
How did it start?Well, I dont know.I just feel the craving.I see the flesh and it smells fresh....

Korn - Wake Up
Wake the fuck up!Wake the fuck up!Wake the fuck up!Wake the fuck up!Wake the fuck up!...

Korn - Wake Up Hate
We got a fucked up reason to livewho really gives a fuck?we're gunna wake up hatewe're gunna fuc...

Korn - When Will This End
Spinning inside rotting awaySomething inside of me has been taken awayFeeling my heart breaking in vai...

Korn - Wicked
Yo Chuck, we got runnin mixes in da headphones. . .Wicked!!!! Ha Ha 1. .2. .3 and I come with th...

Korn - Word Up
Yo, pretty ladies around the worldGotta a weird thing to show youSo tell all the boys and girlsT...

Korn - X-mas Song
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house,everybody was stoned, even the mouse Man f...

Korn - Y'all Want A Single
Y'all want a single say fuck thatFuck that, Fuck thatY'all want a single say fuck thatFuck that,...

Korn - You Mean I'm Not?
Woke up, didn't choke up Saw my AK, it was broke up Put it together like a jigsaw Got my nine an...

Kottonmouth Kings - All About The Weed
watch these visions get burnedlike the thumb from my lighterthe tighter we grow watch us blow and insp...

Kottonmouth Kings - Angry Youth
How could you make right look wrong?And wrong look right?And right look wrong?When your rights a...

Kottonmouth Kings - Bad Habits
Bad habitsBad habitsBad HabitsBad habits, Bad habitsPicked a few up nine years in th...

Kottonmouth Kings - Big Hoss
State of California, finds you guilty, guiltyAlthough I did them no wrong they laid a trap for meAltho...

Kottonmouth Kings - Bi-polar
Wasted awayTrapped in their mazeGotta get outMy punk rocks dirtyMy hip hops clean...

Kottonmouth Kings - Bong Tokin' Alcoholics
My mission: the commission of the dishin out for facts Cuz when I'm dimin' my rhymin never slacks, never lac...

Kottonmouth Kings - Bring It On
Bring It, Bring It, Bring It, Bring It On[DADDY X]Oh no, here we goKottonmouth King...

Kottonmouth Kings - Built To Last
Time keeps on slippin through that hour glass-I-I need to rip another vapor blast-Why do all these people ke...

Kottonmouth Kings - Bump
[Intro:]Creep, creep, I'm on the creepThe creep for the kind budO.C. late night, rolling ...

Kottonmouth Kings - Bump (remix, Radio Edit)
Bump, Bump, Bump That's the sounds of the 15's while they hittin' in my trunk Said Bump, Bump, Bump ...

Kottonmouth Kings - Coffee Shop
We love it in the palace when we smokin' off the chalice, Quiet as a mouse on the couch we sit, Fillin...

Kottonmouth Kings - Cupid's Dead
-you read the papers today?- I read the news today oh boy, About a tragic comedy Newspaper...

Kottonmouth Kings - Daydreamin' Fazes
Y2KMK, why not y'all Suburban Noize Records with that 2000 sound (??) Daydreamin' fazes, t...

Kottonmouth Kings - Dirt Slang
Yo man I got some sick ass shit, I got all kinds of bongs.I got fuckin, I got paramaxes, I got graffix...

Kottonmouth Kings - Down 4 Da Krown
Whos down, down down down.Im down for my krown, no lie oh I stay high so high.I die for my krown, spit...

Kottonmouth Kings - Dying Daze
are ya living to liveare you living to dieare you living a tale are you living a lieyou go...

Kottonmouth Kings - Endless Highway
Livin life on the endless Highway lost miles in between- If we never saw the worldtomorrow wed go out smokin...

Kottonmouth Kings - Enjoy
So enjoy my good friends may these good times last cuz in this lifetime theycome-n-go to fast one day your s...

Kottonmouth Kings - Everyday
[This one's dedicated, to the big LT and the reality of life]Take a moment smoke a bowl, let's ...

Kottonmouth Kings - Eye Of The Storm
[DADDY X]Fire It Up. The next chapter. (Yup) Legalize freedom, Free your mind...

Kottonmouth Kings - Face Facts
Figured out long time ago Nothing's as it seems don't you know Go underground if you want the scoop ...

Kottonmouth Kings - Family Trees
as we toke through these ozonesplant homegrown family treeswe blow endo smokemicrophones spreadi...

Kottonmouth Kings - Fire It Up
Fire it up Fire it up Fire it up [x4]Salu-Mutha Fuckin-TationsGlad you came i see you got a rep...

Kottonmouth Kings - First Class
It's time to smoke Blaze all day, every day Each way, the right way My way, greenhay, we h...

Kottonmouth Kings - Float Away
Every time I close my eyes I start to drift away- Thinkin bout some days gone by howtime just floats away- e...

Kottonmouth Kings - Freaks Of The Industry
Yeah, Suburban Noize, those Kottonmouth KingsFreaks come out at night, the freaks come out...Wel...

Kottonmouth Kings - Frontline
These fly rhymes and high times are brought to youby Suburban Noize.Dloc, Saint vicious, DJ Bobb...

Kottonmouth Kings - Full Throttle
No turnin back now going out full throttle Puffin crazy mad herb with our hands onthe bottle.. We some Stone...

Kottonmouth Kings - Good As Gold
I snapped a load, watch it glow, glow, glow Looks so fruity sittin' in my bowl Thanks to Mary, Jane is...

Kottonmouth Kings - Here We Go Again
Each Now who say Dog Boy only come in a reggae fashion? Hey Mon' say never judge a book by it's cover, turn ...

Kottonmouth Kings - High Society
Now, don't get me wrong the 10 Commandments is cool,See once upon a time I too believed in the Golden Rule...

Kottonmouth Kings - In Da House
YeahCome on come on come onWe still in thisAlrightYou know thier aint no party like ...

Kottonmouth Kings - Johnny's Gotta Problem
[ALL]Johnny's gotta problem and he's outta control! Johnny's gotta problem, he's outta control ...

Kottonmouth Kings - King's Blend
Good Evening ladies and gentlemen and welcome to this years Cannabis Cup finals! Some of the best buds...

Kottonmouth Kings - Leave Us Alone
[LOC]Im Hip-hop by definition. [DADDY X]Punk rock runs through my veins. ...

Kottonmouth Kings - Legalize Freedom
[Daddy X 4x]The sun, the sun, the sun will comeLegalize, legalize freedomSo we can ...

Kottonmouth Kings - Life Ain't What It Seems
Life aint what it seems, it aint no fucking dream.So get a grip up on your shit and make sure your pipe's cl...

Kottonmouth Kings - Life Rolls On
another day gone...sittin in my livin room pullin on some tubesno more bubble berry so i settled...

Kottonmouth Kings - Life Styles
We theOnes WhoMade usThe life styles that we liveRadios'scared toPlay us...

Kottonmouth Kings - Live Today
Live for today now (yeah, yeah, yeah)Forget about tomorrow (come on, everybody)When you blaze your own...

Kottonmouth Kings - Living In Fear
Full speed ahead never slow my roll lightin Js as I pass your Hi-way patrol On the sidewalk spittin as the ...

Kottonmouth Kings - Love Songs
Take a rip off the kind, yes and what you will find is another plateauTo exhilarate your mind, so break out ...

Kottonmouth Kings - Me And My Skate
Oh shit God damn, I almost hit that little punk rock kid.Oh shit, ah damn, well what's happenin here? Damn h...

Kottonmouth Kings - Misunderstood
I said my momma don't understand me, Daddy never really caredFuck the rest, I've failed their test,I g...

Kottonmouth Kings - My Mind Playin' Tricks On Me
Hey hit this motherfuckerHit that shit, hit that bitchIt's 4:20.. We got love.. Is this mo...

Kottonmouth Kings - New Destination
where you gonna go when you cant get high nowwho you gonna call when you feel so lowwhere you gonna tu...

Kottonmouth Kings - Nightlife
Night life, hey girlie don't ya frownThat's right, Saint's parents are outta townNight life, and you k...

Kottonmouth Kings - On The Run
In the aftermath, of a battle wonwe celebrate with the rising sunSub Noize tribe good god we on the ru...

Kottonmouth Kings - Outcast
[LOC]Suburban Noize Records Go Kottonmouth Kings 2004 We got this punk hip-hop shit...

Kottonmouth Kings - Paid Vacation
We put some of the illest beats from the west coast into circulationYou swept them under the rug cuz we was ...

Kottonmouth Kings - Peace Not Greed
A lonely teenage daydream, Of things I just might be, A surreal kind of thinking, Keeps on drift...

Kottonmouth Kings - Pimp Twist
That's life, that's the way it goesLayin' down laws and taxin' hosSometimes I can't take no more...

Kottonmouth Kings - Planet Budtron
Life ain't funny when you ain't got no moneyAnd that clock strikes 4:20 and you wanna get highNo bills...

Kottonmouth Kings - Play On
Kottonmouth Kings don't stand for a gang Kottonmouth Kings just let the nuts hang Everyday thing how w...

Kottonmouth Kings - Positive Vibes
[Chorus]We need some positive vibes for these rainy daysLet the sun come out keep push these cl...

Kottonmouth Kings - Psychedelic Funk
This is Kona-Gold from the Hawaiian Islands of creation,Mass plantationWith the kottonmouth kings burn...

Kottonmouth Kings - Pumpkin Carver
Hey money got a big-ass head, Folded like a, like a stop sign, Fuck dawg, hey, We gotta go get t...

Kottonmouth Kings - Pushin' Limits
Well probably waste away and pay this price for livinYeah Ima waste away my life cause I really dont c...

Kottonmouth Kings - Rest Of My Life
Im gonna smoke weed for the rest of my life you can find me postin on my porchtokin my pipe-Im gonna smoke w...

Kottonmouth Kings - Rip The Night Away
If it ain't natural, then it ain't realOhh we gon' be kickin' tonightWe gon' be sipping tonight...

Kottonmouth Kings - Roll It Up
Roll it up then, confrontationSmoke it up then, heal the nationRoll it up then, burn the ganjaI ...

Kottonmouth Kings - Round And Round
I take hits, Pull it through the Chamber, I hold it in, My lungs are in Danger, It tastes good, I can'...

Kottonmouth Kings - Shouts Going Out
This shout goes out to the most high,DJ Rob HarrisShouts going out to the next plane of realityI...

Kottonmouth Kings - Size Of An Ant
Sittin' on my front porch sippin' on my pipe, Lizard on the bowl blownin' gold shit was tight, Early i...

Kottonmouth Kings - Skunk One
[LOC]We gettin smoke out fo real! [Chorus Daddy X 2x]OOooh Skunk One's in th...

Kottonmouth Kings - Sleepers
Remeber me? You don't? You will...Fuck you, Fuck all the people always runnin their mouthFuck that bit...

Kottonmouth Kings - So High
It's time for 'Real Talk' with Bobby BAttention young ladies, attention young ladiesMan homeboy's over...

Kottonmouth Kings - Soul Surfin'
Soul surfin searching for the truth getting buried deep inside and come out wantinmoreSoul Surfi...

Kottonmouth Kings - Spies
Sick and tired, the way they walkSick and tired, the way they talkSick and tired, the things they say...

Kottonmouth Kings - Splinter
I see you couldn't catch your breathBelieve me it's all that it must beYou see I never said my piece...

Kottonmouth Kings - Strange Dayz
Magic mushrooms x-tacy, cannibus, ludes, and GHB uppers n- downers and THC bluesand vics and acid on sheets...

Kottonmouth Kings - Sub-noize Rats
What are we supposed to be like them what are we supposed to do. I gonna live my life.They way I like...

Kottonmouth Kings - Suburban Life
Suburban Life aint what it seemsSuburban life the American dreamSuburban life so pretty and clean...

Kottonmouth Kings - Tangerine Sky
Say goodbye to a tangerine sky say hello say hello to tomorrow- when you say goodbyeto a tangerine sky you l...

Kottonmouth Kings - Tell Me Why
Now why you gotta cramp my styleyou keep fuckin with my high and im about to get wildnow why you gotta...

Kottonmouth Kings - The Deal
[Richter]Left P-Town headin' out to RiversideCrusin in the ride, doin' bout 85Starin' at ...

Kottonmouth Kings - The Joint
Yo, you gots the joint? Nah, I got the joint Yo, who's got the joint? We all got the joint ...

Kottonmouth Kings - The Lottery
The Lottery, you know It's all the Same, Ain't shit Changed just a Big Game, They fuckin' with our bra...

Kottonmouth Kings - Things I Do
Why do people always wanna know about Richterwhat i do at home, how much i really smokeif i really got...

Kottonmouth Kings - Three Horny Devils
Three horny devils on the late night creepOne, two, three horny devilsKottonmouth Kings rollin' throug...

Kottonmouth Kings - Undaground Movement
Fire....It....Up[D-LOC]As the plot continues to get thickerWe move onto anoth...

Kottonmouth Kings - Unxplanetory
D - L O C, D is for the dank I bring, Dash is for the hash being passed, L is for my love, everl...

Kottonmouth Kings - Ur Done
[LOC]Ur-Done, take 1. [DADDY X]Its that time. [LOC]Actually lik...

Kottonmouth Kings - Waking Dream
The earth the wind the sky the sea the birth the life the air we breathe- The truththe lies the in between t...

Kottonmouth Kings - Welcome To The Suburbs
Home sweet homelet me take a drink of my fuckin bud lightyo richter light that jointyo X turn th...

Kottonmouth Kings - We The People
We The People Are United, The ones you never look in the eye, We The People, The Uninvited, The ...

Kottonmouth Kings - Whats Your Trip?
Some people like to lick itOthers crack a sack, blaze it up and kick it.Some like to think with a drin...

Kottonmouth Kings - Whose The Criminal
This freedom song, goes out to anybody, who's ever been judged, harassed,Or thrown in jail for smoking the p...

Kottonmouth Kings - Wickit Klowns
Kottonmouth Kings, Insane Clown Posse!! When I get to California... (It's on!!) When I get...

Kottonmouth Kings - Zero Tolerance
The war on drugs is a war on me and if its not then let me be home of the brave landof the free Its just a p...

Kristian Leontiou - Fall And I Will Catch You
She gets in 4amCrawls into another sleepDreams of days again remembers when all these feelin...

Kristian Leontiou - Hanging
Breathing in breathing outI can sit and watch for hoursYou're my TV you're my bookKnowing learni...

Kristian Leontiou - It's Ok
The rumble of the rail line on her wayAnd the summer lights fallin' downLet's go run awayYou wil...

Kristian Leontiou - Love Is All I Need
Come the evening in the silenceIt will always try to catch you in a momentI recall the time I tried to...

Kristian Leontiou - Shining
Call it overCall it goneCall it nothingSee what you've gone and doneCall it stupidCa...

Kristian Leontiou - Some Say
No more trouble in my soulNo more time to make me wholeSo today I try to tell you I'll be on my ...

Kristian Leontiou - Sometimes I Wonder
Tell me if I'm on my way to paradiseDoes it mean I need to make a sacrifice?Maybe you're right, maybe ...

Kristian Leontiou - Story Of My Life
You say it was like thisI was torn between 2 worldsOne full of promiseAnd the truth I knew would...

Kristian Leontiou - The Crying
Moving slowly, Looking livelyKnowing we're close to the edgeEvenings over, girlfriends callingTo...

Kristian Leontiou - The Years Move On
Somehow the words just seem to pass you byYou never understand meYou build me up so you can knock me d...

Krystal Harris - 1/2 My Heart
when you came into my lifei was so youngbut not that it was your faultbut things have changed ...

Krystal Harris - Angel On My Shoulder
So many nights aloneWithout you by my sideI never knew whatI was missingBut then you came ...

Krystal Harris - Goodbye
GoodbyeYou came into my lifeLike something straight out of the skyGave me what I thought was lov...

Krystal Harris - Lead Me
oh no no no no nolately somethings come over mei once was blind, oh but now i seea power f...

Krystal Harris - Let Me Be Your Friend
youve given so muchall that you areyou lifted me uponce things been certainyou helped me i...

Krystal Harris - Love Is A Beautiful Thing
Been so long since I met youand all the changes we've been throughand all this time I can't forget you...

Krystal Harris - Me & My Piano
so many times, i've been alone i didn't know what to doi don't know where i'd be if i didn't have, ...

Krystal Harris - My Religion
There's nothing wrongWith traditionBut tell me where it saysNot to follow our heartsThat's...

Krystal Harris - ...or Someone Else Will
You say that you love himyou belong to him heart and soulthen why is he so lonely?Telling me he'...

Krystal Harris - Supergirl
Sometimes I have dreamsI picture myself flyingAbove the cloudsHigh in the skyConquering th...

Krystal Harris - When You Hurt
I desire you for youto understandi wanna be there whenyou need a friendlet me be the one...

K's Choice - 20,000 Seconds
20,000 seconds since you've left and I'm still countingAnd 20,000 reasons to get up, get something done...

K's Choice - All
Is there anything you want from meMy arms, my life, my energyI don't know how far I can goEveryt...

K's Choice - Almost Happy
If I could look beyond your faceAnd photograph your hidden placeWould I find you smiling in the pictur...

K's Choice - Already There
Go on my loveI know you must goBut if there were a wayI would keep you homeYou'll fight fo...

K's Choice - Always Everywhere
You turn off the light, kiss me good nightAnd mother, I know that I'm going to be alrightI just can't ...

K's Choice - Another Year
I wish you could adoreThe way you did beforeNow you're living through another yearOh, the light ...

K's Choice - A Sound That Only You Can Hear
The thought of you and me and me and youIt's clear, it's blurryYour head, my mind, your mind, my head,...

K's Choice - Basically The Same
Don't call me sinnerDon't call me nerdDon't call me chaoticBecause you heardI have s...

K's Choice - Believe
Bravely I look further than I seeKnowing things I know I cannot be, not nowI'm so aware of where I am,...

K's Choice - Breakfast
I woke up between dawn and nightThought I heard the voice of MommySounds as if my parents have a fight...

K's Choice - Busy
You think you haven't changedYou think I'm being sentimentalYou've finally reached that ageSecur...

K's Choice - Butterflies Instead
I lock the door and lock my headAnd dream of butterflies insteadThe beauty of their colored wings...

K's Choice - Cocoon Crash
Every single night in bedA black cross says "Perhaps you're getting betterI'd like to thank you for yo...

K's Choice - Come Together
Here come old flattop he come grooving up slowlyHe got joo-joo eyeball he one holy rollerHe got hair d...

K's Choice - Dad
I was a kid, you were my dadI didn't always understandI wanted freedom, you got madYou were conc...

K's Choice - Elegia
Oh, God, I haven't read your bookI'm sure it was divineEspecially the part where you turned water into...

K's Choice - Everything For Free
I don't know who you areBut you seem very niceSo will you talk to meShall I tell you a story...

K's Choice - Favorite Adventure
There you areYour beauty consoles meI've gone farAnd I almost didn't find youAnd I almost ...

K's Choice - For All This
I feel it too, try not to talkTry not to think of why we're hereYou guide me, hit meSomewhere in...

K's Choice - Freestyle
See their heads up in a cloudWatch them follow what goes onThrough a little screenOh no, the pic...

K's Choice - God In My Bed
Before last night my heart was greyLike my country is todayBig kaleidoscope I seeA thousand peop...

K's Choice - Hide
Watch me, I'm coming closerI am the mood you're in tonightPretty poser, perfect armageddon bride...

K's Choice - Home
I was born in a cradle of love.I had two brothers who beat me upWhen I was 7 years oldI had a fr...

K's Choice - I Fall Asleep
Asleep, asleep, I fall asleepI'm never waking upI wish I could accept meBut I think I'm giving u...

K's Choice - If You're Not Scared
Outside it's raining, still you shineHow I've missed your trembling hands inside of mineI've been away...

K's Choice - I Need A Lover
I need a lover who won't drive me crazySome guy to thrill me and then go awayI need a lover who won't ...

K's Choice - In Your Room
As she falls down and hurts her headShe's lying still but she's not deadAwakens slowly, sees a picture...

K's Choice - Iron Flower
Thunder, please explainWhy you ask me how I am, I'm fine IWonder is it saneTo pierce purple eyeb...

K's Choice - I Smoke A Lot
I smoke a lotI'm not talking weed or potI smoke the regular stuffI smoke a lotAnd if you'r...

K's Choice - I Wanna Meet The Man
I've been thinking all night about this songThe music's okay but I can't find words to sayI coul...

K's Choice - I Will Return To You
Today there's nothing more to sayBut someday I'll return to youToday things didn't go our wayMay...

K's Choice - Julian
I was feeling awfulAnd I had too much to drinkAnd I could only get a bit betterIf I just knew wh...

K's Choice - Laughing As I Pray
As I'm walking through these streets againI'm crawlingAnd as I try to live my life againI'm fall...

K's Choice - Little Man
I have a brother I love more than meHe and his wife had a little babyHe hates sudden noisesHe ca...

K's Choice - Live For Real
Life has always been a pretty songAnd pretty loudYou're so beautifulWhy is it fading outI ...

K's Choice - Me Happy
That's a stupid hat you're wearingIt doesn't really match your hairDid I ever tell you that your breat...

K's Choice - Mr. Freeze
I'm about to tell you about a man I've knownSince I've been able to open up a refrigeratorI am w...

K's Choice - My Head
No, I know what you saidBut that doesn't mean that I understandAnd you don't know what I meant by that...

K's Choice - My Heart
Not so long agoWe both felt love became a wordNo more than thatWith sex that felt like wings wit...

K's Choice - My Record Company
Beware, bewareThey're on their wayThey're getting closer every dayBut I'm preparedI'm sure...

K's Choice - Not An Addict
Breathe it in and breathe it outAnd pass it on, it's almost outWe're so creative, so much moreWe...

K's Choice - Now Is Mine
My past, my future, my diseasePerhaps collapse to make me seizeA moment just a breezeGreatful, h...

K's Choice - Ol' '55
Well my time went so quickly, I went lickety-splickly out to my old '55As I drove away slowly, feeling so ho...

K's Choice - Old Woman
I saw an old woman in a wheelchairOn the highway yesterdayI saw an old woman in a wheelchairOn t...

K's Choice - Only Dreaming
I'm sure you're only dreamingYou're only juggling with my mindWhile I feel more and more like screamin...

K's Choice - Paradise In Me
Consuming far too muchIgnoring the will to touchThe ones who don't have food at all...I'm ...

K's Choice - Quiet Little Place
In this quiet little placeI can't remember having known a different paceIn this quiet little place...

K's Choice - Rockin' In The Free World
There are colours on the streetRed, white and bluePeople shufflin' their feetPeople sleepin' in ...

K's Choice - Shadowman
Any time tomorrow I will lie and say I'm fineI'll say yes when I mean noAnd any time tomorrowThe...

K's Choice - Shall I Let This Good Man In
Hey, StrangerWould you come in through my doorIf not now I'll leave it ajarAnd then maybe you co...

K's Choice - Something's Wrong
When your pubic hair's on fire, something's wrongWhen you think you're the Messiah, something's wrongW...

K's Choice - Somewhere
There's something about this dayThat feels a lot like yesterdayEverything looks the same:The wal...

K's Choice - Song For Catherine
In your dreams, in your bedIn everyone and in your headOn the wall, it ain't whiteIn every lette...

K's Choice - The Ballad Of Lea & Paul
Paul studied a lotAt least he pretended toHe had too much on his mindIt was too smallTo se...

K's Choice - The Day
There must be something more I can buy in the storeAnd I can not ignore the resemblanceWith a tune I h...

K's Choice - Tired
Show me where you found your faith andDoes it help you sleep at nightI am not that complicatedI ...

K's Choice - Too Many Happy Faces
Too many happy faces, I wonder what that meansAre you personally offended by an iron on your jeansToo ...

K's Choice - To This Day
I'm waiting for the bus to comeI'm lying on a benchThinking of a book I readAnd wondering what i...

K's Choice - Try To Get Some Sleep
There's a reason so well hiddenWhy I was torn apart from youLike a song I've never writtenLike a...

K's Choice - Virgin State Of Mind
There's a chair in my head on which I used to sitTook a pencil and I wrote the following on itNo...

K's Choice - Wait
I hold it, I fold itI throw it on the floorI wrote it, but maybe I'm afraidThat you'll be bored...

K's Choice - Walk Away
I will walk away from you(Don't stop me)I will walk away from you(Don't blame me)I h...

K's Choice - Weak
Lost in time I can't count the wordsSaid when I thought they went unheardAll of those harsh thoughts s...

K's Choice - We're Already There
Go on my loveI know you will showBut if there was a wayI would keep you homeYou fight for ...

K's Choice - What The Hell Is Love
He was not as tall and rather fatHe had a labrador and a lumping catBorn in a country with a broken he...

K's Choice - White Kite Fauna
In a dark wellLate at nightChildren crying, they've lost their kiteThey're left with nothing but...

K's Choice - Winners
If I could put you in a frame I'd draw you smilingWith a cigarette in your mouth and your hands reaching out...

K's Choice - Winter
You're crying but as long as it's transparent and not redThere's no real reason to be sad to the people who ...

Kumbia Kings - Amores Como El Tuyo
Tube enter mis manos el cielo y lo deje escapar tan soloEra decir que te quiero pero no pude hablar,los ient...

Kumbia Kings - Azucar
El ritmo que traigo es azuca Azuca pa' ti El ritmo que traigo es azuca Azuca pa' ti ...

Kumbia Kings - Baby
[Hablando:]AB Quintanilla y Los Kumbia Kings Te traen este ritmo caliente Y te pide que t...

Kumbia Kings - Boom Boom
ATENCION! Pensaron que nos olvidamos de ustedes Pensaron que no ibamos a volver A que no a...

Kumbia Kings - Cada Vez
Llegas en la noche En vuelta de misterio En medio de mis suenos Y aun estoy despierto Escu...

Kumbia Kings - Contigo
Hoy yo te vi pasarSonriente y feliz Al caminar Tu con tu nuevo amorY yo casi apunto ...

Kumbia Kings - Count On Me
[Intro]Listen to what i'm about' to say:When Its been bout 6 months, 2 weeks, bout ...

Kumbia Kings - Desde Que No Este Aqui
Que te llamo que no olvido Y no puedo estra sin ti Que me estoy volviendo loco Desde que no esta...

Kumbia Kings - Dime Porque
Dime porque Las noches son tan largas La miel me sabe amarga, Dime porque Yo pense q...

Kumbia Kings - Dime Quien
Que te va a querer sin condiciones como yo Quien hara que las estrellas brillen bajo el sol Quien sera...

Kumbia Kings - Don't Wanna Try
I can't believe you had the nerve to say the things you saidThey hurt so bad that they ended our relationshi...

Kumbia Kings - Fuego
Fuego, Kumbia Kings baby, yeah Kings are kumbia, koo-kooo (Commin' at ya!) Ya llegar...

Kumbia Kings - Fuiste Mala
Que yo vuevlo a recibirte Y otra vez a pedir Ya has vivida tormentada Por no estar junto a mi ...

Kumbia Kings - In Da Zone
Yeah, alright Alright, alright baby I need your loving girl So won't you give it to me ...

Kumbia Kings - I Need Your Love
Yo yo yo yo yo Uh huh Yeah C'mon, c'mon Millennium Millennium Here we go...

Kumbia Kings - I Never Knew
I never knew a love like this before I never knew a love like this before For once in my life ...

Kumbia Kings - Insomnio
Ya son las tres de la manana y no me duermo Todo parece sofocarme en este inviernoTantas imagines que ...

Kumbia Kings - Llevame Al Cielo
[Talks:]Yo no sabia lo que era sufrirNo conocia la soledadHoy solamente tengo tristeza y ...

Kumbia Kings - Me Enamore
Yo pensaba que el amor se habia olvidado de mi y ahora ves me enamore otra vez Yo que tenia el ...

Kumbia Kings - Me Estoy Muriendo
Me estoy muriendo como un perro abandonado Mi corazon envenenado ya casi deja de latir Me estoy murien...

Kumbia Kings - Mi Gente
[CORO:]Sufro, siento, rio, lloro,callo, grito, con toda mi gentesufro, siento, rio, lloro...

Kumbia Kings - Na Na Na (dulce Nia)
(Pee Wee) Chiquilla Te Quiero!!! Vas a ser mi dulce nia Ya lo ves estoy, tan loco por ti ...

Kumbia Kings - No Tengo Dinero
Ya muchachos vamos Vamos a empesar ya Ahora vieneSa! Kings, un poco mas de cumbia por favo...

Kumbia Kings - Oh No
El tiempo pasa Y ya no puedo olvidarte Oh no, no me vuelvo a enamorar Oh no Qu...

Kumbia Kings - Please Don't Go Girl
Yo, now listen to my story folks cause its all real and if your out there girl listen this is how i feel ...

Kumbia Kings - Primer Acto
Escuchado muchas cosas, desde que naci Personas que preguntan de que lado yo creci Aquellos que me dic...

Kumbia Kings - Quiero Ser Tu Dadda
DJ Cane, Kumbia Kings DJ Cane, Kumbia Kings DJ Cane, Kumbia Kings DJ Cane, Kumbia Kings Wa...

Kumbia Kings - Rompecabezas
Si yo era un train sin direcciontu inventaste la estacionA donde yo deje asalbo el corazonY nos ...

Kumbia Kings - Say It
Say it once, say it twice, or a million times Say you love me, say you need me, 'till the end of time ...

Kumbia Kings - Se Fue Mi Amor
Porque se fue de mi, no dijo adios Porque se fue de aqui, sobra amor Yo le pregunto al cielo, en cada ...

Kumbia Kings - Sshhh
KUMBIA KINGS!! (AAAAHHHH) SAP!! Esta es una cancion dedicada para todos los vocones (AAAAHHHH) ...

Kumbia Kings - Thinknabout U

Kumbia Kings - Together
Babee Power, Roger (together baby)Let me get some flavorKumbia Kings...This is for the ladies...

Kumbia Kings - U Don't Love Me
Girl don't tell me no more lies Pretending that you're satisfied Baby I know your love's not true ...

Kumbia Kings - Under My Skin
I feel you under my skin [4x]ohhhhhh alright oh babyFrom the very first timeI looke...

Kumbia Kings - Why Did You
Why did you break my heart And say your goodbye Why did you break my heart And leave me with tea...

Kurupt - Another Day
[Intro:](gangstas) let's spark up an idea, you know(gangstas) i don't know why you cats(g...

Kurupt - Ask Yourself A Question
[Kurupt:]Check it outHere's a penny for your thoughts, a nicklebag of blissAn m-16 with e...

Kurupt - Callin' Out Names
[intro]Sup fred?Gangsta shitWest coast...[verse one]...

Kurupt - C-walk
[Intro:]Yeah, this for the west coast cdLet me clear my throatCheck it out, check it out,...

Kurupt - Fresh
[Daz:]Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, oooohh...[Kurupt:]G'd up, we're back, that's what ...

Kurupt - Game
Game, street lessons, game, gameChapter one, alright go, yeah yeah, yo yo yoHaha, one two, this is wha...

Kurupt - Girls All Pause
Gangsta, gangsta, gangsta, gangsta (yeah, who is it)The girls all pause (roscoe)Dogg pound (nate dogg,...

Kurupt - Ho's A Housewife
[Chorus: kurupt]Now this this is one of them occasionsWhere the homies not doin it right...

Kurupt - I Ain't Shit Without My Homeboyz
Suckers![daz]How many real homeboys y'all got out there?Can y'all count on one hand...

Kurupt - I Call Shots
[snoop dogg]Yeah.. yo whassup my nigga?It's the big homeboy snoop doggAnd y'know, the str...

Kurupt - It Ain't About You
[dialtone and dialing][Soopafly:] "yea"[Kurupt:] "ay soopafly"[S:] "...

Kurupt - It's A Set Up
Let's do it doggs, ring ding dongBitch (aha, aha), bitch (yeah what what what what what?)Beeitch (set ...

Kurupt - I Wanna
For all the girls you know you in the Garden EdenThis is the dumb pick, I love to fuckTo my baby girl ...

Kurupt - Live On The Mic
[Kurupt (talking)]Yeah, this is what you would call somethin' likeOne of the things that, you k...

Kurupt - Loose Cannons
[Intro: repeat 4x]"yo man, i don't think they heard youWon't ya tell em what your name is...

Kurupt - Neva Gonna Give It Up
[intro: snoop dogg]Dpg (g), c[repeat 4 times][verse one: kuru...

Kurupt - Play My Cards
(to) (to) (to)(to the tic)(to the tic-tic) - [slick rick]Yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah-yeah...

Kurupt - Represent Dat G.c.
[w ballz d.j.]Oh y'all just wanna do with out the beatUh well fuck it we gon' do it like this...

Kurupt - Step Up
[Daz:]Aw yeah!Right about now it's time to get busyHuh, straight out the box, nonstop...

Kurupt - Tequilla
[Hook: 2x]Rock the beatRock the beatThis is for my killasThat shoot tequilla...

Kurupt - Tha Streetz Iz A Mutha
[kurupt]Daz and kurupt, kurupt and dazNickels and pennies, and pounds of hashDouble up th...

Kurupt - That's Gangsta
[Chorus]Don't make no sense (Sense, sense)Shit's shadyDon't make no senseNo false p...

Kurupt - This One's For U
[kurupt talking (kurupt talking in the background)](sniffs [2x]) (coughs [4x]) (s...

Kurupt - Trylogy
[kurupt]Rainstorm the back of the bank, bustin loose like muggsyTyphoons, kurupt calhounW...

Kurupt - We Can Freak It
Zzzzz, zzzzz, zzzzz, zzzzz, owwwwwwBounce, rock, roll, and skatinBounce, rock, roll, and skatin...

Kurupt - Welcome Home
[kurupt]Make the temperature rise, the temperature riseWe cap to ride, cap to homicideIt'...

Kurupt - Who Do U Be?
You gonna dissect man (roll this shit)Oh oh oh for the homies, who that?Yeah, it's Kurupt foolLi...

Kurupt - Who Ride Wit Us
Ride wit us, who ride wit us[Chorus: repeat 4x]Awww yeah! do you wanna ride wit us...

Kurupt - Ya Can't Trust Nobody
Man what you need man?Yo' bitch ass always come around here wit this wholeThree dollar two dollar five...

Kurupt - Your Gyrlfriend
[girl]Yeah right, i ain't no motha fucking hoeMy home girl a hoeShit nigga, i got my own ...

Kutless - Again
Awakened from a dream again to a sunrise of your ownHow could I expect any more from the one who is so pure...

Kutless - All Alone
Icy chills round your heartA heart that's made of stoneIt seems likeLife is out to get you...

Kutless - All Of The Words
How do I speak of the indescribable to YouI will try to explain these feelings that are trueSo looking...

Kutless - All The Words
How do I speak of the indescribable to YouI will try to explain these feelings that are trueSo looking...

Kutless - All Who Are Thirsty
All who are thirstyAll who are weakCome to the fountainDip your heart in the stream of life...

Kutless - Arms Of Love
I sing a simple song of loveTo my Savior, to my Jesus.I'm grateful for the things You've done,My...

Kutless - Better For You
My decision can not be put off againI see the right choice but my heart is filled with dreadIt all see...

Kutless - Better Is One Day
How lovely isYour dwelling placeOh Lord Almighty,For my soul doth longAnd even faint...

Kutless - Down
A younge girl walks into her room and doesn't like what she seesIn her reflection there,she's not what she w...

Kutless - Draw Me Close
Draw me close to youNever let me goI lay it all down againTo hear you say that I'm your friend...

Kutless - Dry
Do you remember that day of your life It seemed like yesterday that joy it filled my heart Now somethi...

Kutless - Finding Who We Are
In You we're livingIn You we're movingIn You we're finding who we areIn You we're living...

Kutless - Grace And Love
Many things in life are hard for me Many things can pull us down I don't understand why I do what I do...

Kutless - I Lift My Eyes Up
I lift my eyes up, unto the moutainswhere does my help come from?My help comes from You, maker of heav...

Kutless - In Me
Where were you last night when the party was on? Where were you when we all went down to the bar? It s...

Kutless - It's Like Me
My conversation is leading nowhereAnd we talk of God but still I don't shareSo many times that I just ...

Kutless - Jesus Lord Of Heaven
Jesus, Lord of Heaven,I did not deservethe grace that You have givenand the promise of Your word...

Kutless - Let You In
Lying here, in this pit that life's pushed me downI don't know, just how long I can take or when I might bre...

Kutless - Not What You See
Do you feel the tensions riseDo you know why we always fightTo be better, better than youAnd you...

Kutless - Passion
Within my mind's eyeFlickering from the pastCome images that terrify and calmA paradox in me...

Kutless - Perspectives
It feels like your life's crashing down all around youLet me ask if it's really so badLook at the worl...

Kutless - Pride Away
Have u ever seen a man stumble and fallen,all do to his prideI don't want to be another oneFalle...

Kutless - Ready For You
Lord, You take my heart away with Your loveand I am willing to put on my faith in Your plan.Come...

Kutless - Run
Why do you run why do you hide oh don't you know I just, just want to be with you. Looking down ...

Kutless - Sea Of Faces
I see the city lights all around meEveryone's obscureTen million people each with their problems...

Kutless - Take Me In
Take me past the outer courtsInto the Holy PlacePast the brazen altarLord I want to see your fac...

Kutless - This Time
I see you standing there I see a tear in your eye Why'd you turn away Why'd you run Run ti...

Kutless - Tonight
I hear the voice of thousands all gathered here Are they just a noise soon lost in air Or is there mor...

Kutless - Treason
It all starts here with my disgraceI give you my life then I run in hasteIn this false life something ...

Kutless - Troubled Heart
A screaming man falls to his kneesHis broken heart, inflicts the painHe's withdrawn, no one knows his ...

Kutless - Vow
Another year has come and gone but nothings changed I've wasted another year doing the same old things ...

Kutless - We Fall Down
We fall downWe lay our crownsAt the feet of JesusThe greatness of mercy and loveAt the fee...

Kutless - Word Of God Speak
I'm finding myself at a loss for wordsAnd the funny thing is it's okayThe last thing I need is to be h...

Kutless - Your Touch
Staring at a blank wall and all its white washed face Not knowing why I had to choose this way I disce...

Kut U Up - Destination
Lend my ears, destinationA lonely conversationAm the truth, live a lieA normal guyYe...

Kut U Up - Have's, Have Nots
The have's the have not'sThe don't cares, the don't wanna'sThe chair move itselfAcross the...

Kut U Up - Jms
Look at that old man without a caneShould i help him across the street no wayWalked down and bou...

Kut U Up - Night At The Beach
We came up from the beachWith some rocks we got from the wavesYou sat on a dead birdWe built a t...

Kut U Up - Rolling Rock
Aliens threw me aroundThe ship for a whileThey stabbed at meWith object unknownFinaly they...

Kut U Up - Sailed To Far
You asked me the questionWho am I to give an answerYou going back and forthSo pathetic that, i d...

Kut U Up - S&m Dens
To all the rats in the S&M dens,And the little mice that then,Have doing all the dirty work....

Kut U Up - Stupidly Clear
It's stupidly clearAnd thankfully realIt's not that hypothetical talk always ending up in tears...

Kut U Up - Waynewright
I thought Ween was punk rock,Stupid hippies fucks,At least now i got a hookup,For some Birkensto...

Kylie Minogue - After Dark
That's right, Let me give you something for your appetite, You know I wanna be with you all day and night, B...

Kylie Minogue - All I Wanna Do Is Make You Mine
[* Jason singing][+ both Kylie and Jason singing][1a:]You have got to...

Kylie Minogue - Always Find The Time
[1a:]You're the first thing in the morningAnd the last thing at nightAnd I'll always hear...

Kylie Minogue - Aston Martin (let's Go)
24 hour sunset,I got a tank of gas and...all the things I can do when driving with you in my Aston...

Kylie Minogue - Automatic Love
Would you please forgive me I feel a stranger hereit seems I've lost all my memories and all of my tears...

Kylie Minogue - Better The Devil You Know
[INTRO:]Better the devil you knowBetter the devil you knowWohBetter the devil you k...

Kylie Minogue - Bittersweet Goodbye
Here we are in the dead of nightWill you keep me warm and hold me tightAll we have is until the dawn...

Kylie Minogue - Breathe
Don't blame me just because I am boredI'm needy, I need to taste it allDon't doubt me just because I a...

Kylie Minogue - Burning Up
Down to the discoEverything stopsWalking in soloEveryone dropsHey summer madness...

Kylie Minogue - Butterfly
Mm mmmIn the morning I'll wake up with youThere's not anything I would rather doYou are mo...

Kylie Minogue - (can't Start) Giving You Up
Last night I lost my headAnd fell right back into your loveI lay intoxicated While angels circle...

Kylie Minogue - Celebration
[INTRO:]Wah-hoWah-hoWah-ho[MAIN:]Celebration good times, come on...

Kylie Minogue - Chocolate
Fragile seams, I opened up too quick and all my dreams, Were walking out I'd slowly, Lost my fire, With ever...

Kylie Minogue - Closer
[2x:]Nothing, nothingNothing I like betterTogether, now togetherNothing I like bett...

Kylie Minogue - Come Into My World
Come, come, come into my worldWon't you lift me up, up, high upon your loveTake these arms that ...

Kylie Minogue - Confide In Me
[1:]I stand in the distanceI view from afarShould I offer some assistanceShould it ...

Kylie Minogue - Count The Days
[CHORUS:]Count the days till we're together(1-2-3)Though it feels like forever(We w...

Kylie Minogue - Cover Me With Kisses
Jump back, tell a friendOoh la la laOoh la la laOoh la la laI want a movie mom...

Kylie Minogue - Cowboy Style
Shed my skin since you came inWhere do you end and I begin?Awoke my senses yet you stopped timeY...

Kylie Minogue - Cruise Control
Top down, get on the wheel Baby things are better when you just feel And you do you your own thing ...

Kylie Minogue - Dancefloor
Good times bad times baby you're in troubleYou stole my heart and you're given me upAnd we're not even...

Kylie Minogue - Dancing Queen
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your lifeSee that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing...

Kylie Minogue - Dangerous Game
[1:]Surely this can't be heavenThough it feels like I died I guess it's just goodbye then...

Kylie Minogue - Death Is Not The End
When you're sad and when you're lonelyAnd you haven't got a friendJust remember that death is not the ...

Kylie Minogue - Did It Again
Clever girlThink you are but you think too muchShut down turn aroundDon't look that way any more...

Kylie Minogue - Difficult By Design
It's a heartache And the happiness That won't let you rest It's a pleasure And the pain th...

Kylie Minogue - Disco Down
I've been thinking reminiscing'bout the days when we were wishingWe could fly and touch the skyL...

Kylie Minogue - Do They Know It's Christmas?
[1:]It's Christmas timeThere's no need to be afraidAt Christmas timeWe let in light...

Kylie Minogue - Do You Dare?
[INTRO:]Do you dare'Cause if you doDo you dareI just wanna knowCan you ...

Kylie Minogue - Dreams
To have any man but to love only oneTo wake with the moon and sleep with the sunTo be a sinner a saint...

Kylie Minogue - Drunk
I'm suffocated with desireI need to save me from myselfI ache for great experienceThere's a riot...

Kylie Minogue - Enjoy Yourself
[INTRO:]Enjoy it, enjoy it[1:]Never let lifeGet you downWhen you...

Kylie Minogue - Falling
Falling in love [1:]Kiss the past till it's betterMake it last if you canTell...

Kylie Minogue - Fever
I've been bitten by the bug and I am coming down with ohSomething that can't be curedThere aint a doct...

Kylie Minogue - Finer Feelings
The finer feelings, the finer feelings[1a:]You can't give to meAnythingI coul...

Kylie Minogue - Fragile
Innocent, that's my wayDon't know where I amCatch my breath, can't think straightGotta make a pl...

Kylie Minogue - Free
It's Night Time,We're driving,Lights go by and make stars in my eyes.It's cold out and it'...

Kylie Minogue - Gbi
HelloMy name is German Bold ItalicI am a type faceWhich you have never heard beforeWhich y...

Kylie Minogue - Getting Closer
[1:]You caught my eyeI'm looking at you babyThe way you let your body move meYou lo...

Kylie Minogue - Give It To Me
I never ask for muchI just want some good lovin'More of you tender touchI don't see the need for...

Kylie Minogue - Give Me Just A Little More Time
[CHORUS:]Give me just a little more timeAnd our love will surely growGive me just a littl...

Kylie Minogue - Glad To Be Alive
[INTRO:]Ohh life's so hardSomeday's you need something new to wearLike a brand new hat...

Kylie Minogue - Gotta Move On
Thoughts of him where love is thin Can't you see the state you're in What you're feeling isn't true ...

Kylie Minogue - Got To Be Certain
[1a:]You keep on asking meWhy can't we be togetherI keep saying won't you wait a while...

Kylie Minogue - Hand On Your Heart
[INTRO:]Put your hand on your heart and tell meThat we're through, oohOh, put your hand o...

Kylie Minogue - Heaven And Earth
[1:]I don't really wanna be the oneTo tell you time is running outBecause it's obvious...

Kylie Minogue - I Believe In You
Don't believe you know me Although you know my name I don't believe the faults I have Are only m...

Kylie Minogue - I Don't Need Anyone
I feel like speedI feel like liquidI give in to youI melt into youI felt like nothing...

Kylie Minogue - I Feel For You
Flowers grow, They're everywhere you go, I feel, I feel, Rainbow sky, Whenever you are by, I feel, I feel, I...

Kylie Minogue - If I Was Your Lover
You take a piece of me every time you leaveand never realize that way I feel about youmy tongue gets t...

Kylie Minogue - If You Don't Love Me
[1:]You can tell me anythingYou can tell me anythingI'll believe youYou know ...

Kylie Minogue - I Guess I Like It Like That
[INTRO:]I guess I like 'em like thatI like it like that, heyOh, oh, ohYeah, yeah, y...

Kylie Minogue - I'll Still Be Loving You
[1:]I'm seeing it your wayBut I don't believe it's true thatI'm not the one to make you h...

Kylie Minogue - I Miss You
[1:]As soon as I wake upI'm starting to think of only youI read all your lettersOve...

Kylie Minogue - I'm Over Dreaming (over You)
(Ohh, when you treat me like you do)[1a:]You're stringing me alongWith just a hope ...

Kylie Minogue - I'm So High
Will you take me pool sideCan feel the summer breezeThere's a place that looks invitingBy a litt...

Kylie Minogue - In Your Eyes
What on earth am I meant to doIn this crowded place there is only youWas gonna to leave now I have to ...

Kylie Minogue - I Should Be So Lucky
[1a:]In my imaginationThere is no complicationI dream about you all the timeIn my m...

Kylie Minogue - It's No Secret
[x4:] It's no secret [echoed][1:]When I first met youHow you changed my life...

Kylie Minogue - Je Ne Sais Pas Pourquoi
[1:]Rain falling downAnother minute passes byI wait for youBut this time I won't cr...

Kylie Minogue - Jump
If I'm scared let me lose itIf I'm hungry let me have itIf I'm cold let my skin riseIf I'm wrong...

Kylie Minogue - Just Wanna Love You
[1a:]Baby, there's no way of knowingIf we've got a good thing goingBetter not believe in ...

Kylie Minogue - Keep On Pumpin' It
[1:]Lose my mind [repeat]Here we go!Lose my mind [repeat]Come on [...

Kylie Minogue - Koocachoo
No-one else l know can thrill me like you doI only ever want to go-go dance with youYou're the dream b...

Kylie Minogue - Kylie's Smiley Mix (extended)
I'm seeing in your waybut I don't believe it's truethat I'm not the one to make you happyIt woul...

Kylie Minogue - Let's Get To It
[INTRO:]Let's get to itMake it happenNeed your touch oh so muchDon't you seeL...

Kylie Minogue - Light Years
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1Listen can you hear the distance callingFar away but will be with you soo...

Kylie Minogue - Limbo
I see them all smilingThose all around meThey tend to my wounds and alert my sensesAnd it would ...

Kylie Minogue - Live And Learn
[INTRO:](Live and learn)Don't be afraid toDo what you must do(Live and learn)...

Kylie Minogue - Look My Way
[1a:]I need youBut you never seem to notice meI Want youBut I think maybe something...

Kylie Minogue - Love Affair
Here in the moment I belongIn a waking dreamThe night is youngBut isn't longIf you know wh...

Kylie Minogue - Loveboat
Come join the loveboatWe're anchored offshoreMartinis and bikinisOh, l'amourLoved up in la...

Kylie Minogue - Love Is Waiting
Ohh-oh ohh-ahhhYeah, ohh, uh-uh-uh-ahYeah yeah yeah[1:]Now we're looking on a...

Kylie Minogue - Love Takes Over Me
I am lost in the world of you,can't believe where you take me to,as soon as you enter my mind,or...

Kylie Minogue - Loving Days
I'll dive deep, I have fallen all the way, Happily there's no escape, Surrender to your heart, Giving in to ...

Kylie Minogue - Made In Heaven
One kiss, one kiss(Made in heaven)[1a:]So many questions needing answersHow w...

Kylie Minogue - More More More
Here am I with my desireFeel it burning just for youMy, oh my, this love divineis talking me to ...

Kylie Minogue - My Secret Heart
[1:]I look at your pictureAnd stare into spaceI think I must knowEvery line on your...

Kylie Minogue - Never Too Late
Never Too Late[1a:]Why can't you seeThat I'm still mad about youEven though I...

Kylie Minogue - Nothing Can Stop Us
[1:]I've gone a long lone waySince the day you walked into my lifeWe've smooved out all t...

Kylie Minogue - Nothing To Lose
[INTRO:]Gotta take a chanceGotta make a moveGot everything to gainAnd nothing to lo...

Kylie Minogue - No World Without You
[1a:]The sweet perfume of flowers in bloomRemind me of youBut you're more than just a mem...

Kylie Minogue - Obsession
Dress me up a thousand ways, You're counting down the days, Till I fall from my pedestal, And then you can r...

Kylie Minogue - On A Night Like This
Don't, say, it's like a fantasyWhen, you, know this is how it should beYou kiss me, I'm falling...

Kylie Minogue - One Boy Girl
I'm a one boy, one boy girlYou know I'm a one boy girl[1:]Some girls, say in their ...

Kylie Minogue - Paper Dolls
All around meThis feeling has taken over meThank God you feel it tooCos words would fail me...

Kylie Minogue - Please Stay
I fell in love with youThe moment that we metAnd till the end of timeI never will forgetI ...

Kylie Minogue - Promises
Remember how it used to be, Remember how you promised me, That life would always be good, You forget the fac...

Kylie Minogue - Put Yourself In My Place
[1a:]I can't take this situationIt's making me feel so blue One moment you walked into my...

Kylie Minogue - Red Blooded Woman
[Verse 1]Count backwards, 5 4 3 2 1, before you get too heated and turned on, (This guy),You sh...

Kylie Minogue - Rhythm Of Love
[CHORUS:]With the rhythm in our lovin'There ain't nothing I can doWhen I feel the beat of...

Kylie Minogue - Right Here, Right Now
[1:]My desire's getting strongerI can't hold back any longerNext to me you belongNo...

Kylie Minogue - Say Hey
It's getting lateYou might be sleepingI couldn't waitI'm caught up with feeling this wayDo...

Kylie Minogue - Say The Word - I'll Be There
[1a:]Oh, in the dead of nightAdrift on the ocean wideHigh on the mountain sideYou c...

Kylie Minogue - Secrets
[1a:]Still don't know how he got my numberThought I'd got him out of my lifeBut I agreed ...

Kylie Minogue - Secret (take You Home)
Rushing up on you like a freak in the fast lane, I'm on a mission to whip you into a hurricane, And when I o...

Kylie Minogue - Shocked
[1a:]Tell me I'm only dreaming and I'll believe youCan't see how this could be trueSurrou...

Kylie Minogue - Slo Motion
Sink into serenitySpeak in lovers tongueGive in to delicious dreamsThe future has begunDar...

Kylie Minogue - Slow
Knew you'd be here tonightSo I put my best dress onBoy I was so rightOur eyes connected...

Kylie Minogue - Someday
Precious stone, Life goes on, You have abused and used me, Now I'm going home, I want my records back, To ge...

Kylie Minogue - Some Kind Of Bliss
Shut my eyesFeel the colour of youSo get to this elationSo high so fastShut my eyes...

Kylie Minogue - So Now Goodbye
Remember when I saw you for the first timeI never thought you'd be mineThen we went ahead and fell in ...

Kylie Minogue - Spinning Around
Spinning aroundOooh-ohI'm spinning aroundMove out of my wayI know you're feelin' me ...

Kylie Minogue - Stay This Way
You take me to the top,I wonder when the drop will come, You make me feel light,I wonder when th...

Kylie Minogue - Step Back In Time
[INTRO:]I wanna funkI wanna f-f-u f-u-n-k[x2:]I wanna funk, I wanna fu...

Kylie Minogue - Still Standing
I want you to remember, First kiss you ever had, When our lips met together, I knew that was that, I'm still...

Kylie Minogue - Surrender
[INTRO:]Come on come oneOoh yeh Ooh oh [1:]Come to meAnd I...

Kylie Minogue - Sweet Music
Check out this groove are you walking on air, Going into a new dimension yeah, So put your vibes on my beat ...

Kylie Minogue - Take Me With You
I try, not to panic,I hold on to the pieces,It's hard to stop my heart from breaking.If I could ...

Kylie Minogue - Tears
Never would sayI never needed anyoneNot now I have knowingOf the real loveAnd I need to ha...

Kylie Minogue - Tears On My Pillow
[1:]You don't remember meBut I remember youT'was not so long agoYou broke my heart ...

Kylie Minogue - Tell Tale Signs
[1:]You never send me flowersYou don't wanna hold my handWhen I was sad or lonelyYo...

Kylie Minogue - The World Still Turns
[INTRO:]Oh ohOh wah ohOh oh oh[1a:]If there was a chanceTo...

Kylie Minogue - Things Can Only Get Better
[1:]Make up your mind and don't believeIt's bad news everywhereTake your time and look ar...

Kylie Minogue - This Girl
Take me as I am Though I'm good at pretending I tire easily And hurry to the endingThere's...

Kylie Minogue - Through The Years
This fever I have is because of youMy body is blazingThe flames alight and lick at my earSo that...

Kylie Minogue - Time Will Pass You By
[x4:] Don't let it pass you baby[1:]Passing seasons over fade awayInto misty...

Kylie Minogue - Too Far
Caught up in this houseTrapped my very own self in the snare of my mindNo more space than a slither...

Kylie Minogue - Too Much Of A Good Thing
[INTRO:]We're gonna do it, let's get to itI hope you enjoy this as much as I do[...

Kylie Minogue - Turn It Into Love
[1a:]Do you believe I'd let you downYour jealous heart gave you the runaroundYou couldn't...

Kylie Minogue - Under The Influence
Floating on a cloudFeeling highIt happens every timeWhenever I'm with my guyTripping on lo...

Kylie Minogue - We Know The Meaning Of Love
[1:]We may be youngAre you too old to listenWe could be wrongBut that's our decisio...

Kylie Minogue - What Do I Have To Do
[INTRO:]Whats that soundP-P-P-Play itLet's get a little information to work with...

Kylie Minogue - What Kind Of Fool (heard All That Before)
[INTRO:]What kind of fool do you take me for(Do you take me for, do you take me for)(But ...

Kylie Minogue - Where Has The Love Gone?
[CHORUS:]Where has the love gone(Where's the love, where's the love?)Where has the love g...

Kylie Minogue - Where In The World?
[1:]There'll never meAnother moment like thisThe touch of your handMay me this...

Kylie Minogue - Where Is The Feeling?
[INTRO:]There's nobody better, better than youYou make me feel happyHappy, happy to know ...

Kylie Minogue - Word Is Out
[INTRO:]Ooh yeahNow word is outThe word is outInnocenceWord is outOver ...

Kylie Minogue - Wouldn't Change A Thing
[x5:] I-I-I I wouldn't change[1a:]Some people don't understandWhat I see in ...

Kylie Minogue - Your Disco Needs You
Your disco, your disco, your disco needs you!Your disco, your disco, your disco needs you!Your disco, ...

Kylie Minogue - You're The One
If you believe in me,and all we can be then we're halfway there.'Cause where would I be without you,...

Kylie Minogue - Your Love
Open your eyes to the skies up avoveNow is the time to express my loveWant you to hear my confession...

Kym Marsh - Cry
[Chorus]I would like to say that I never meant to make you cry,I think about you everyday, no m...

Kyprios - Ignorance Is Beautiful
They try to put my whole life on display,And when I got a job you know I dont delay,You aunt a pro in ...

Kyprios - Root Of All Evil
O.K. man, first you make the music, then you get the money, then you get the power OK...I made a milli...

Kyprios - This Is My Hit
Oh no oh no, well I don't knowOh yes, oh yes it's so easyButt naked on a train our thoughtlessness...

Lady Saw - Dreaming Of You
Yuh si youYuh nuh easy, yuh know, you a laugh Yuh know yuh nuh stop pressure mi dream dem though...

Lady Saw - I've Got Your Man
Girl when you call my phone just say what's on your mind, Ok?Don't call then hang up,I'm not into that...

Lalaine - All Fall Down
It's a long lonely roadWhere do I goLooking for someplace that feels like homeBeen searchin' so ...

Lalaine - Can't Stop
Saw a movie it was kind of badWho kept talking behind my backGot a burger and I only ate halfIt ...

Lalaine - Cruella De Vil
Cruella De Vil, Cruella De VilIf she doesn't scare you noevil thing willTo see her is to take a...

Lalaine - If You Wanna Rock
Every time you feel you can't find a reasonEvery time you don't know what to believe inEvery time you ...

Lalaine - Life Is Good
You walked inWhen the rest of the worldWalked outWe've always beenThere for each other...

Lalaine - Running In Circles
Even nowI find myselfThinking about what we hadAll this timeI wonder whyOur good lov...

Lalaine - Save Myself
Sometimes I wish that you could seeThe way you look at meIf you only saw things through my eyesW...

Lalaine - Shake What You Got
All myFriends are hereThis isThe party of the yearI'm notEver coming downSmili...

Lalaine - True To Me
I never believed in the word lonelyEven when I found myself all aloneI never needed someone else to wa...

Lalaine - We Had Something
We had something...This love is fadedHas left me worn out and jadedAnd nothing is sacred...

Lalaine - You Know How To Hurt A Girl
I should've seen it comingI should've run for the hillsNow I'm left here with nothingAnd baby it...

Lalaine - You Wish
You wake up one day and everything changesYou cross a line and there's no turning backYou're caught be...

Lara Fabian - Adagio
I don't know where to find youI don't know how to reach youI hear your voice in the windI feel y...

Lara Fabian - Adagio (italian)
Non so dove trovartiNon so come cercartiMa sento una voce cheNel vento parla di teQuest' a...

Lara Fabian - Broken Vow
Tell me her nameI want to knowThe way she looksAnd where you goI need to see her face...

Lara Fabian - Conquered
Tell me, tell me how you knew about my heartYou see, see the things that no one else could seeI though...

Lara Fabian - Givin' Up On You
Silence and quietAgain in my lifeFar from these momentsI wish I wasPassion and truth...

Lara Fabian - I Am
How many miles, how many steps must I take?How many tears, how many times can I break?Show me the mean...

Lara Fabian - I Am Who I Am
Feels like you've built a wall around meYou've tried your best to ground meLet me explain that I don't...

Lara Fabian - I Guess I Loved You
NowTomorrow is all there isNo need to look behind the doorYou won't standing there no more...

Lara Fabian - Intoxicated
I feel you all around meThough you're no more in this spaceYou're nowhere to be foundThere's not...

Lara Fabian - I've Cried Enough
All of my tears have been frozenAfter these years in this painMy heart has finally chosenTo beat...

Lara Fabian - I Will Love Again
Did I ever tell you how you live in meEvery waking moment, even in my dreamsAnd if all this talk is cr...

Lara Fabian - Love By Grace
I remember the rain on the roof that morningAnd all the things that I wanted to sayThe angry words tha...

Lara Fabian - No Big Deal
Looking from a distance, seems like I've lost it allAnd everyone around me is waiting for this girl to fall...

Lara Fabian - Part Of Me
Look in these eyes you'll see the darkThat little space inside my heartThe darkest side withholds the ...

Lara Fabian - Review My Kisses
I'm only happy when I'm with youI only feel good when I'm talking to youAnd I'm a mess when you don't ...

Lara Fabian - Silence
I've learned so muchAfter these years of despairAnd nothing untouchedWith the deepest side of my...

Lara Fabian - The Dream Within
FreeThe dream withinThe stars are crying a tearA sighEscapes from heavenAnd worlds e...

Lara Fabian - The Last Goodbye
We can run away togetherIf that's what you wantWe can hide away foreverIf that's what you want...

Lara Fabian - Till I Get Over You
And the sunlight on your faceIt's a memory I'll never replaceNever thought I'd have to try to let it g...

Lara Fabian - To Love Again (si Tu M'aimes)
Every nightEvery dayI tell my heartTo forget you and toMove awayNot to breakAn...

Lara Fabian - Unbreakable
OutsideThis roomNo one ever sees the whole meOnly stronger sideBut insideThis heart...

Lara Fabian - Walk Away
When I woke up todayI could have sworn you were the man that would never betrayI could have sworn you ...

Lara Fabian - Yeliel (my Angel)
Just like the seaNo one possesses youAnd no one can go down toThe deepest side of youJust ...

Lara Fabian - You Are My Heart
How did I ever get to hereWhy do I need youWhy do I have to cry these tearsWhere do they lead to...

Lara Fabian - You're Not From Here
I don't know what is going onYou turn around and touch my heartA silent moment speaks the truthS...

Lasgo - Alone
If only I had one more chanceto change my life todayThen I would never let you goAll my fr...

Lasgo - Blue
No one else can touch me like the way you doNothing seems to hurt me when I am close to youAnd I hope ...

Lasgo - Cry
Now I still wonder why did you say goodbyeYou let me stand here all aloneThe pain inside my heart, it'...

Lasgo - Don't Belong 2 U
Oh no no no no noI say what I wanna sayI do what I wanna doI go where I wanna goCaus...

Lasgo - Feelings
Don't you dare to play with my feelingsI can't take it anymoreYou spin the world around,you turn me up...

Lasgo - Follow You
I wrote a letter And I hope that you will seeThe way you make me feelAnd what you really mean to...

Lasgo - Heaven
It was hard to find out that you didn't love meIt was hard to find out you played a gameIt was hard to...

Lasgo - I Wonder
I'm sitting in my roomI'm looking thru the windowI see raindrops falling downand I can hear the ...

Lasgo - Pray
Tell me why we didn't tryTell me why you had to goCan't you see it makes me cryThere are so many...

Lasgo - Searching
I'm searching for this place Where I don't need to worry about you Where I don't feel sorrow ...

Lasgo - Something
I don't wanna say I'm sorryCause I know there is nothing wrongDon't be afraid there is no need to worr...

Lasgo - You
You did those things to me Only you could make me smile You were the one for me All my pain was ...

Las Ketchup - Aserej (spanish)
Mira lo que se avecinaa la vuelta de la esquinaviene Diego rumbeando.Con la luna en las pupilas...

Las Ketchup - Krapuleo
Te gusta el Guayte Label,sabemos que fumas Pamel, impregnado en Varn Dandy te vas a ver si pilla...

Las Ketchup - Kusha Las Payas
Nos vamos a Fuengirola que all no nos ve mi papa,nos vamos pa la costa que all podemos ser malas.Copit...

Las Ketchup - Lnzame Los Trastos, Baby
Lnzame los trastos baby,aunque me den, que me den en la cabeza.Lnzame los trastos baby, aunque m...

Las Ketchup - Me Persigue Un Chulo
Ay mama, me persigue un chuloSocorro,y es que a mi me persigue un chuloAy mama, me persigue un chulo...

Las Ketchup - Sevillanas Pink
[1.- Pink]Voy a contar,la historia de una nia de pap, que cambi D. Algodn por un li...

Las Ketchup - Tengo Un Novio Tntriko
Ya me hart de tanta tontera,quiero un novio que remueva mi energa, que me d metamrfico y meditacin, ...

Las Ketchup - Un De Vez En Cuando
Que yo no lloro por un hombreque luego se me corre el rimel y se me quedan churretes negrosy eso...

Latif - Can't Let Love
Do do do do doI keep tellin myself it's all a lieUntil something made me realizeYou're the...

Latif - Heavenly
Oooh, yeahCome on to the dance floor with meWalk me to the dance floorCome out to the dance floo...

Latif - I Don't Blame You
La la la la la laYo, baby you alright?Oh yeahCome here let me talk to you for a second(Ooh...

Latif - I Don't Want To Hurt You
Baby, you know you mean the world to me.That's why I can't keep you in this situation,Where I can hurt...

Latif - It's Alright
Uhhh, uhhhDo do do do doDo do do do doHa ha ha haCheck itWas it the firstWas i...

Latif - Love In The First
Oh noOh babySaid I mean it when I saySaid I mean what I sayListen babySee the ...

Latif - My Man's Girl
She was about five foot threeHeavenly complected and you know meI ran in her directionBecause I ...

Latif - Rain Will Go Away
Ohhh yeahOhhh yeahOhhhOhhhNa na na, na naNow that we called it quitsI ca...

Latif - Who's Loving Her Now
This is realThis is how I feel babyCheck itShe was the kind of girl that I wantedShe...

Latif - Without U
I remember that dayYou told me that yo mammaWas taking you awayThat he put her through some dram...

Lauren Christy - Boomerang Bang
I'll shake it baby, I'll break it babyI'll stoke it baby, I'll choke it babyI'll slam it baby, wham ba...

Lauren Christy - Breed
I got soul, I got touchSometimes I maybe got way too muchI got nothing left to lose I got ...

Lauren Christy - Burn
I wish that I was youI wish that you were deadI wish I was aliveAt least inside your headI...

Lauren Christy - Could've Been
Could've been a politicianTell people what to doWith intellectual visionHell, I could lie to you...

Lauren Christy - I Want What I Want
Tears, money, honey on my breadSugar on my pillow, songs in my headHead to the church, I love to repen...

Lauren Christy - Magazine
Little girls in pretty boxes, high tech sweat and younger skinWe were all delicious and smelled of Arpege...

Lauren Christy - Rain
Rain coming down on my windowpane, and I don't mindRain coming down on my windowpane, and I don't mind...

Lauren Christy - River Of Time
I saw the river today and it made me feel okay,But I never ever had a lot to say,Reading a book take a...

Lauren Christy - Steep
Softly, gently, I will let you downCause I don't love you in the same way nowI can hold you but not wi...

Lauren Christy - The Color Of The Night
You and I moving in the darkBodies close but souls apartShadowed smiles and secrets unrevealedI ...

Lauren Christy - The Rumour
Holding back cause there's nowhere to goHearing things that I don't want to knowBut the rumour flies h...

Lauren Christy - Vanessa's Father
Vanessa's father, he liked to be aloneCreating works of art, which he'd paint in a cottage made of stone...

Lauren Christy - Walk This Earth Alone
You're in the doors that keep revolvingThe sirens that keep screamingYou're in the flashing of the hea...

Lauren Christy - You Read Me Wrong
Well I admit, I tell white liesAnd I admit, I dramatize everything hat I doWell, I admit, I am headstr...

Lauryn Hill - Adam Lives In Theory
Adam lives in theoryTrying to turn stone into breadMasquerading like he got it figured out Cut o...

Lauryn Hill - Freedom Time
[Singing Chorus]Everybody knows that they're guiltyEverybody knows that they've liedEvery...

Lauryn Hill - I Find It Hard To Say (rebel)
[Lauryn Hill Talking]...I've written it about the whole Amadou Diallo situation.......

Lauryn Hill - I Get Out
[Singing Chorus]I get out, I get out of all your boxesI get out, you can't hold me in these cha...

Lauryn Hill - I Gotta Find Peace Of Mind
I gotta find peace of mindI know another cord...I gotta find peace of mindSee, this what that vo...

Lauryn Hill - Just Like Water
[Verse 1]Moving down the streams of my lifetime Pulls the fascination in my sleeve Cool...

Lauryn Hill - Just Want You Around
I just want you aroundI just want you aroundI just want you aroundI just want you around...

Lauryn Hill - Mr. Intentional
Yeah, yeaaayh, yeah heh, yeah heh, yeah heh...See the road to hell, is paved with good intentionsCan't...

Lauryn Hill - Mystery Of Iniquity
[sing songy Chorus intro]It's the mystery of Inequity...Said it's the misery of Inequity......

Lauryn Hill - Oh Jerusalem
Oh Jerusalem yeah, oh Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem, oh Jerusalem...Realizing that there's no place else to ...

Lauryn Hill - So Much Things To Say
Yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah yeyWhy, why, why, why, why, why, whyWhy, Why, hehThey've got so much ...

Lazyboy - Underwear Goes Inside The Pants
Why is marijuana not legal? Why is marijuana not legal? It's a natural plant that grows in the dirt. D...

Leann Rimes - A Different Kind Of Christmas
The lights around the Christmas tree don't burn as brightAnd all around the world it isn't a silent night...

Leann Rimes - All I Want For Christmas
Take back the holly and mistletoeSilver bells on a stringIf I wrote a letter to Santa ClausI wou...

Leann Rimes - All The Lovin' And The Hurtin'
Do you ever get past the pain you go through?When you give all you can and you can't understandWhy a d...

Leann Rimes - Amazing Grace
Amazing grace, how sweet the soundThat saved a wretch like me.I once was lost, but now I'm found....

Leann Rimes - Big Deal
Well, he used to be mineNot so very long agoI was crazyTo ever let him get awayBut, girl, ...

Leann Rimes - Blue Moon Of Kentucky
Blue moon of Kentucky keep on shinin'Shine on the one that's gone and left me blueI said blue moon of ...

Leann Rimes - Born To Lose
Born to lose, I've lived my life in vainEvery dream I dreamed has only brought me painAll my life, I'v...

Leann Rimes - Bridge Over Troubled Waters
When you're weary, feelin' smallWhen tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all.I'm on your side, Oh,...

Leann Rimes - Broken Wing
Today I watched a robinIn our front yardI thought by now that they should all be gone.With winte...

Leann Rimes - But I Do Love You
I don't like to be alone in the nightAnd I don't like to hear I'm wrong when I'm right And I don't lik...

Leann Rimes - Can't Fight The Moonlight
Under a lovers' sky Gonna be with you And noone's gonna be around If you think that you won't fa...

Leann Rimes - Cattle Call
[LEANN][Yodels]The cattle are prowlin'The coyotes are howlin'Way...

Leann Rimes - Clinging To A Saving Hand
Sing me a song of praise and gloryHelp this wandering child to understand.That when I close my eyes in...

Leann Rimes - Commitment
What I'm lookin' forIs a love that's foreverSomeone who can capture my soul in a heartbeatAnd st...

Leann Rimes - Crazy
Crazy...I'm crazy for feelin' so lonelyI'm crazy...crazy for feelin' so blueI knew you'd love me as lo...

Leann Rimes - Cryin' Time Again
Oh, it's cryin' time again, you're gonna leave meI can see that far away look in your eyesI can tell b...

Leann Rimes - Don't Worry
Don't worry 'bout me, it's all over nowThough I may be blue, I'll manage somehowLove can't be explaine...

Leann Rimes - Faded Love
As I look at the letters that you wrote to meIt's you that I am thinking ofAs I read the lines that to...

Leann Rimes - Feels Like Home
In your eyes I find the answers to my questions.In your arms, yeah, I found the world I've waited for....

Leann Rimes - God Bless America
God Bless America,Land that I love.Stand beside her, and guide her,Through the night with the li...

Leann Rimes - Good Lookin' Man
I've been catchin' a glanceDo you like what you seeEven across the roomYour eyes been talkin' to...

Leann Rimes - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Have yourself a merry little ChristmasLet your heart be lightFrom now on, our troubles will be out of ...

Leann Rimes - Honestly
Don't act like I don't know what I'm talking aboutDon't forget that I'm the one who knows you inside out...

Leann Rimes - How Do I Live
How do I,Get through one night without you?If I had to live without you,What kind of life would ...

Leann Rimes - I Believe
I believe for every drop of rain that fallsA flower grows,I believe that somewhere in the darkest nigh...

Leann Rimes - I Believe In You
You breathe, new life begings.You speak and my world makesSense, that's how it is, whenIt comes ...

Leann Rimes - I Dare You
God only knows how I've needed a friendWho can see the boldness and prideSomeone strong enough I can p...

Leann Rimes - I Fall To Pieces
I fall to piecesEach time I see you againI fall to piecesHow can I be just your friendYou ...

Leann Rimes - I Got It Bad
Six a.m. came way to earlyBut Friday means it's over soonLife gets boring in a hurryBut I got so...

Leann Rimes - I Know Who Holds Tomorrow
I don't know about tomorrow,I just live from day to day.And I don't borrow from its sunshine'Cau...

Leann Rimes - I'll Get Even With You
For all the nights you held me closeWarmed my heart when it was coldWhen I was giving upYou gave...

Leann Rimes - I Miss You Like Christmas
How long has it been?Can't remember whenYeah it's been awhileThe years look good on youbut...

Leann Rimes - I Want To Be A Cowboy's Sweetheart
I wanna be a cowboy's sweetheartI wanna learn to rope and rideI wanna ride through the plains and the ...

Leann Rimes - I Want To With You
Love is a lot like a gardenYou throw your whole heart intoOnce I was easily startedThe hard thin...

Leann Rimes - I Will Always Love You
If I should stayI would only get in your waySo I'll goBut I knowI'll think of you every st...

Leann Rimes - Just Love Me
Come on baby light the fireI got somethin' you should seeWell ya know it didn't cost me nothin'B...

Leann Rimes - Leavings Not Leaving
Sometimes the time comes along When its time Time to move on Youll still be there In every...

Leann Rimes - Leavin' On Your Mind
If you've got leavin' on your mindTell me now, get it overHurt me now, get it overIf you've got ...

Leann Rimes - Light The Fire Within
Have no fearwhen darkness falls'cause there's a light that shineswithin us allalthough thi...

Leann Rimes - Looking Through Your Eyes
Look at the skyTell me what do you seeJust close your eyesAnd describe it to meThe heavens...

Leann Rimes - Love Must Be Telling Me Something
can't see can't breathe can't get up off my knees i don't know what comes over me whenever you c...

Leann Rimes - Love Sick Blues
I've got a feelin' called the blues, oh Lord, since my baby said goodbyeI don't know what I'm gonna do, all ...

Leann Rimes - Me & Bobby Mcgee
Busted flat it Baton Rouge, waitin' for a trainWhen I was feelin' nearly as faded as my jeansWell, Bob...

Leann Rimes - More Than Anyone Deserves
If I woke up tomorrowAnd my eyes could not seeIn darkness there'd be beautyOf the love you shown...

Leann Rimes - My Baby
My baby gives me satisfactionMy baby gives me all his loveLet's me know I'm his main attractionN...

Leann Rimes - National Anthem
O, say can you see,By the dawn's early light,What so proudly we hailed,At the twilight's last gl...

Leann Rimes - Nothin' 'bout Love Makes Sense
Like a cloud full of rain shouldn't hang in the skyIce shouldn't burn or a bumble bee flyIf you feel s...

Leann Rimes - No Way Out
You've got me wrapped up in you Somehow you let me in Into your web of bittersweet, of ecstasy and sin...

Leann Rimes - O Holy Night
O holy night the stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of our dear Savior's birthLong lay the worl...

Leann Rimes - One Of These Days
wish someone would tell me wheni won't think of you again i'll get past the emptiness andlet a l...

Leann Rimes - Please Remember
Time, sometimes the time just slips awayAnd your left with yesterday Left with the memories I, I...

Leann Rimes - Purple Rain
I never meant to cause you any sorrowI never meant to cause you any painI only wanted to one time see ...

Leann Rimes - Put A Little Holiday In Your Heart
Feel the cold wind blowing-winter's coming on'Tis the season, so they sayIf you need help believing 'c...

Leann Rimes - Review My Kisses
I'm only happy when I'm with youI only feel good when I'm talking to you& I'm a mess when you don't ca...

Leann Rimes - River Of Love
My heart's been thirstyMy spirit's runnin' dryAnd I think I feel a drop of rainI see the lightni...

Leann Rimes - Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree
Rockin' around the Christmas tree at the Christmas party hopMistletoe hung where you can see every couple tr...

Leann Rimes - Rock Me
Momma, don't you cry anymore.I'm not the same girl I was before.You know I'll always be your baby,...

Leann Rimes - Share My Love
Well always be togetherWell make it through until the endAnd I will always love youAnd we will b...

Leann Rimes - She's Got You
I've got your picture that you gave to meAnd it's signed "with love," just like it used to beThe only ...

Leann Rimes - Sign Of Life
What did I just sayWell, I can't rememberThe room is spinning andMy Heart is skipping beats...

Leann Rimes - Sittin' On Top Of The World
Never seen a sky so blueNever been happy with anyoneLike I am when I'm with you, yeahLook at the...

Leann Rimes - Some People
Isn't it a gambleLayin' your heart out on the floorNothin' short of a miracleWhen you find the o...

Leann Rimes - Something's Gotta Give
Jenny's got a job, a cat named Jake,31 candles on her birthday cakeNext yearThought by now...

Leann Rimes - Soon
soon babyi will cry my last tearsoon yeahi will be over yousoon darlin'all these tea...

Leann Rimes - Suddenly
It's Independence Day I'm freeAnd it's a strange place to beI'm gonna break these chainsUnleash ...

Leann Rimes - Surrender
There is a white flag rising,About to catch the windAnd I don't wanna fight it,Or let you win...

Leann Rimes - Talk To Me
I can tell you've been crying on the insideI can see right through your eyes, what you're trying to hide...

Leann Rimes - Ten Thousand Angels Cried
Stillness filled the Heavens, on crucifixion day.Some say it rained, I don't know if it's true.Well, I...

Leann Rimes - The Christmas Song
Chestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Front nipping at your noseYuletide carols being sung by a choir...

Leann Rimes - The Heart Never Forgets
Went through the attic today,Found an old yearbook packed awayAnd I started reliving the past,Wh...

Leann Rimes - The Light In Your Eyes
Life can take your dreams and turn them upside downFriends will talk about you when you're not aroundR...

Leann Rimes - The Rest In History
Saw you across the roomFelt somethin stir inside my soulKnew Id never be the sameNow that love h...

Leann Rimes - The Right Kind Of Wrong
I know all about,Yea about your reputation And now it's bound to be a heartbreak situation But I...

Leann Rimes - The Rose
Some say love, it is a riverThat drowns the tender reedSome say love, it is a razorThat leaves y...

Leann Rimes - The Safest Place
Thank God that you were by my side..Daytime I'm fineEverything is back normalLast night I ...

Leann Rimes - These Arms Of Mine
These Arms Of Mine long to hold you again.Like they did long ago.The winds of time, if left untamed...

Leann Rimes - The Weight Of Love
Accept me for who I amThat I'm only humanAnd there are more important thingsThen what we fight a...

Leann Rimes - Together, Forever, Always
life can be distance between us days even years could pass on but the love that lies between us will ...

Leann Rimes - Twisted Angel
Ever since I was a little childI was told to do no wrongThe angel in my mama'sprecious eyes...

Leann Rimes - Unchained Melody
Oh my loveMy darlingIve hungered for your touchA long lonely timeAs time goes by so slowly...

Leann Rimes - Undeniable
Being here togetherIs like dreaming wide awakeOnce you've found perfectionYou know it's no mista...

Leann Rimes - We Can
They'll try to stop the dream we're dreamin'But they can't stop us from believingThey will fill your h...

Leann Rimes - What A Wonderful World
I see trees that are green, red roses tooI see them bloom for me and youAnd I think to myself, what a ...

Leann Rimes - When Am I Gonna Get Over You
You told me on the day that you left meTo take real good care of myself.But it's so hard to do if I ca...

Leann Rimes - When This Woman Loves A Man
Looks like she really did you inYou're a broken hearted loverJust tryin' to recoverYou need to f...

Leann Rimes - White Christmas
I'm dreaming of a white ChristmasJust like the ones I used to knowWhere the treetops glistenAnd ...

Leann Rimes - With You
A little stretch of river on a big green fieldThe kind you see from airplanes baby, that's the deal, that's ...

Leann Rimes - Won't Be Lonely Long
Leave me lonely, just don't keep me hangin' onThese sleepless nights might kill meBut what don't break...

Leann Rimes - Wound Up
Little Carrie Ann what a beautiful girlFrom the moment she was bornShe was always perfectWhole t...

Leann Rimes - Written In The Stars
I am here to tell you we can never meet againSimple really, isnt it, a word or two and thenA lifetime ...

Leann Rimes - Yesterday
YesterdayAll my troubles seemed so far awayNow it looks as though theyre here to stayOh I believ...

Leann Rimes - You Are
(one, two, three, ...)You, you've made no mistakeYou take everything I ever wanted into account...

Leann Rimes - You Light Up My Life
So many nights, I'd sit by my window,Waiting for someone to sing me his song.So many dreams, I kept de...

Leann Rimes - Your Cheatin' Hear
Your cheatin' heart will make you weepYou'll cry and cry and try to sleepBut sleep won't come the whol...

Leann Rimes - You Take Me Home
I was blinded by the city lightsLA livin' up the crazy lifeLookin' back on how far I'd comeNot q...

Led Zeppelin - Achilles' Last Stand
It was an April morning when they told us we should go As I turn to you, you smiled at me How could we...

Led Zeppelin - All My Love
Should I fall out of love, my fire in the light To chase a feather in the wind Within the glow that we...

Led Zeppelin - Babe, I'm Gonna Leave You
Babe, baby, baby, I'm Gonna Leave You. I said baby, you know I'm gonna leave you. I'll leave you when ...

Led Zeppelin - Baby, Come On Home
There was a time, I used to call you on my very own We were so happy woman, Talkin' for hours and hours on t...

Led Zeppelin - Black Country Woman
[Studio Chatter:] "Shall we roll it, Jimmy?" ("We're rolling on, what, one?") ("No, one again?"...

Led Zeppelin - Black Dog
Hey, hey, mama, said the way you move, gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove. Oh, oh, child, way you s...

Led Zeppelin - Boogie With Stu
Been in town, my baby, We just got to rock on Yeah, darling, we just got to go home I don't want no tu...

Led Zeppelin - Bring It On Home
Baby, baby... I'm gonna bring it on home to you. I've got my ticket, I've got that load. Got up, gone higher...

Led Zeppelin - Bron-y-aur Stomp
Ah caught you smiling at me, That's the way it should be, Like a leaf is to a tree, so fine. Ah ...

Led Zeppelin - Candy Store Rock
Well... Oh baby baby. Don't you want a man like me? Oh baby baby, I'm just as sweet as anybody could be ...

Led Zeppelin - Carouselambra
Sisters of the way-side bide their time in quiet peace, Await their place within the ring of calm; Sti...

Led Zeppelin - Celebration Day
Her face is cracked from smiling, all the fears that she's been hiding, And it seems pretty soon everybody's...

Led Zeppelin - Communication Breakdown
Hey, girl, stop what you're doin'! Hey, girl, you'll drive me to ruin. I don't know what it is that I ...

Led Zeppelin - Custard Pie
Drop down, baby, let your daddy see. Drop down, mama, just dream of me Well, my mama allow me to fool ...

Led Zeppelin - Dancing Days
Dancing days are here again as the summer evenings grow I got my flower, I got my power, I got a woman who k...

Led Zeppelin - Darlene
Darlene, oooh Darlene, oooh Darlene, Darlene, oh oh Darlene, oh oh Darlene oooh Come on baby give me s...

Led Zeppelin - Dazed And Confused
Been Dazed and Confused for so long it's not true.Wanted a woman, never bargained for you.Lots of peop...

Led Zeppelin - Down By The Seaside
Down by the seaside. See the boats go sailin' Can the people hear, What the little fish are sayin' ...

Led Zeppelin - D'yer Mak'er
Oh oh oh oh oh oh You don't have to go oh oh oh oh oh You don't have to go oh oh oh oh oh Baby p...

Led Zeppelin - Fool In The Rain
Well there's a light in your eye that keeps shining Like a star that can't wait for the night I hate t...

Led Zeppelin - For Your Life
You said I was the only, With my lemon in your hand Exhibition is your habit, Emotion second hand. Had...

Led Zeppelin - Four Sticks
Oh, Baby, it's cryin' time, Oh, Baby, I got to fly. Got to try to find a way, Got to try to get away, ...

Led Zeppelin - Friends
Bright light almost blinding, black night still there shining, I can't stop, keep on climbing, looking for w...

Led Zeppelin - Gallows Pole
Hangman, hangman, hold it a little while, Think I see my friends coming, Riding a many mile. Friends, ...

Led Zeppelin - Going To California
Spent my days with a woman unkind, Smoked my stuff and drank all my wine. Made up my mind to make a new star...

Led Zeppelin - Good Times Bad Times
In the days of my youth, I was told what it means to be a man, Now I've reached that age, I've tried to do a...

Led Zeppelin - Hats Off To (roy) Harper
When I done quit hollerin' baby, I believe I'll shake 'em on down Get my babe, won't be late, You know by th...

Led Zeppelin - Heartbreaker
Hey fellas, have you heard the news? You know that Annie's back in town? It won't take long just watch and s...

Led Zeppelin - Hey Hey What Can I Do
Wanna tell you about the girl I love My she looks so fine She's the only one that I been dreamin' of ...

Led Zeppelin - Hot Dog
Well I just got into town today To find my girl who's gone away She took the Greyhound at the General ...

Led Zeppelin - Hots On For Nowhere
I was burned in the heat of the moment, Though it couldn't have been the heat of the day When I learne...

Led Zeppelin - Houses Of The Holy
Let me take you to the movies. Can I take you to the show Let me be yours ever truly. Can I make your garden...

Led Zeppelin - How Many More Times
How Many More Times, treat me the way you wanna do? [X2]When I give you all my love, please, please b...

Led Zeppelin - I Can't Quit You Baby
I can't quit you babe Woman I think I'm gonna put you down for a little while I can't quit you babe ...

Led Zeppelin - I'm Gonna Crawl
Oh she's my baby, Let me tell you why Hey, she drives me crazy, She's the apple of my eye 'Cause she i...

Led Zeppelin - Immigrant Song
Ah, ah, We come from the land of the ice and snow, From the midnight sun where the hot springs blow. ...

Led Zeppelin - In My Time Of Dying
In my time of dying, want nobody to mourn All I want for you to do is take my body home Well, we...

Led Zeppelin - In The Evening
In the evening, When the day is done I'm looking for a woman, but the girl don't come So don't let her...

Led Zeppelin - In The Light
And if you feel that you can't go on. And your will's sinkin' low Just believe and you can't go wrong. ...

Led Zeppelin - Kashmir
Oh let the sun beat down upon my face, stars to fill my dream I am a traveler of both time and space, to be ...

Led Zeppelin - Living Loving Maid (she's Just A Woman)
With a purple umbrella and a fifty cent hat, Livin', lovin', she's just a woman. Missus cool rides out...

Led Zeppelin - Misty Mountain Hop
Walkin' in the park just the other day, Baby, What do you, what do you think I saw? Crowds of people s...

Led Zeppelin - Night Flight
I received a message from my brother across the water He sat laughin' as he wrote the end's in sight S...

Led Zeppelin - Nobody's Fault But Mine
Nobody's fault but mine [X2]Trying to save my soul tonight It's nobody's fault but mine ...

Led Zeppelin - No Quarter
Close the door, put out the light. You know they won't be home tonight. The snow falls hard and don't ...

Led Zeppelin - Out On The Tiles
As I walk down the highway all I do is sing this song, And a train that's passin' my way helps the rhythm mo...

Led Zeppelin - Over The Hills And Far Away
Hey lady--you got the love I need Maybe more than enough. Oh Darling... walk a while with me You...

Led Zeppelin - Ozone Baby
I hear ya knock on my door I ain't been saving this scene for ya honey Don't wantcha ringin my bell ...

Led Zeppelin - Poor Tom
Here's a tale of Tom Who worked the railroads longHis wife would cook his mealAs he would change...

Led Zeppelin - Ramble On
Leaves are falling all around, It's time I was on my way. Thanks to you, I'm much obliged for such a pleasan...

Led Zeppelin - Rock And Roll
It's been a long time since I rock and rolled, It's been a long time since I did the Stroll. Ooh, let ...

Led Zeppelin - Royal Orleans
One time love, take care how you use it Try to make it last all night, And if you take your pick Be ca...

Led Zeppelin - Sick Again
From the window of your rented limousine, I saw your pretty blue eyes One day soon you're gonna reach sixtee...

Led Zeppelin - Since I've Been Loving You
Working from seven to eleven every night, It really makes life a drag, I don't think that's right. I'v...

Led Zeppelin - South Bound Saurez
Baby, when you walk that sweet walk Oh, you walk it good, yes you walk it good Baby, when you talk tha...

Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven
There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold And she's buying the stairway to heaven. When she ...

Led Zeppelin - Tangerine
Measuring a summer's day, I only finds it slips away to grey, The hours, they bring me pain. ...

Led Zeppelin - Tea For One
How come twenty four hours, Baby sometimes seem to slip into days? Oh twenty-four hours, Baby sometimes seem...

Led Zeppelin - Ten Years Gone
Then as it was, then again it will be An' though the course may change sometimes Rivers always reach t...

Led Zeppelin - Thank You
If the sun refused to shine, I would still be loving you. When mountains crumble to the sea, there will stil...

Led Zeppelin - That's The Way
I don't know how I'm gonna tell you, I can't play with you no more, I don't know how I'm gonna do what mama ...

Led Zeppelin - The Battle Of Evermore
Queen of Light took her bow, And then she turned to go, The Prince of Peace embraced the gloom, And walked t...

Led Zeppelin - The Crunge
I wanna tell you bout my good thing I ain't disclosing no names but-- He sure is a good friend and! ...

Led Zeppelin - The Lemon Song
I should have quit you, long time ago. [X2]I wouldn't be here, my children, down on this killin' floo...

Led Zeppelin - The Ocean
[Count-In: John Bonham] - "We've done four already but now we're steady and then they went: One, two,...

Led Zeppelin - The Rain Song
This is the springtime of my loving - the second season I am to know You are the sunlight in my growing - so...

Led Zeppelin - The Rover
I've been to London, seen seven wonders. I know to trip is just to fall I used to rock it, sometimes I'd rol...

Led Zeppelin - The Song Remains The Same
I had a dream. Crazy dream. Anything I wanted to know, any place I needed to go Hear my song. Pe...

Led Zeppelin - The Wanton Song
Silent woman in the night, you came, Took my seed from my shaking frame. Same old fire, another flame, And t...

Led Zeppelin - Trampled Underfoot
Greased and slicked down fine, groovy leather trim I like the way you hold the road, mama, it ain't no sin ...

Led Zeppelin - Travelling Riverside Blues
Asked sweet mama, Let me be her kid She said, "You might get hurt if you don't keep it hid" Well...

Led Zeppelin - Walter's Walk
Ooh...know I feel so strange looking out the door oooh...tryin hard to change but can't let go oooh.....

Led Zeppelin - Wearing And Tearing
It starts out like a murmur Then it grows like thunder Until it bursts inside of you Try to hold...

Led Zeppelin - We're Gonna Groove
Hear my baby comin' down the track Betcha my baby's comin' back Someday she'll get back to me We...

Led Zeppelin - What Is And What Should Never Be
And if I say to you tomorrow. Take my hand, child, come with me. It's to a castle I will take you, where wha...

Led Zeppelin - When The Levee Breaks
If it keeps on rainin', levee's goin' to break, [X2]When The Levee Breaks I'll have no place to stay....

Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
You need coolin', baby, I'm not foolin', I'm gonna send you back to schoolin', Way down inside honey, ...

Led Zeppelin - Your Time Is Gonna Come
Lyin', cheatin', hurtin, that's all you seem to do. Messin' around with every guy in town, Puttin' me ...

Led Zeppelin - You Shook Me
You know you shook me. You shook me all night long. [X2]You shook me so hard baby. Baby, baby, please...

Lee Ann Womack - After I Fall
On the edge lookin overAll I see is a four leaf cloverMaybe a sign of things to come ...

Lee Ann Womack - A Man With 18 Wheels
He's been gone for ten long daysBurnin' up that interstateHe's got a run from coast to coastI've...

Lee Ann Womack - Am I The Only Thing You've Done Wrong
You're the life of the partyYou stand out in a crowdWhen I think of all the things you've doneIt...

Lee Ann Womack - Ashes By Now
This mornin is MondayWhere are you now? Teasin my memory ...

Lee Ann Womack - Blame It On Me
You're standing there, that look in your eyeYou're looking for good ways to tell my good-byeSomething ...

Lee Ann Womack - Closing This Memory Down
The phone rang... I said, "Hello."He said, "Can we talk baby?"And I said, "Darlin' I'm closed for the ...

Lee Ann Womack - Does My Ring Burn Your Finger
When I gave you my heartIt was not what you wantedNow the walls say your nameAnd the pictures ar...

Lee Ann Womack - Don't Tell Me
Tell my heart to stop beatingTell my mind not to thinkThrown a stone in the oceanAnd tell that s...

Lee Ann Womack - Don't You Come Around Here
Don't come back cryin' to meTellin' me, your gonna be That man you've always wanted to beWell I ...

Lee Ann Womack - Do You Feel For Me
3 a.m. sit up straight in my bedGuess I've been dreamin' about you againI look to my left, oh but some...

Lee Ann Womack - Forever Christmas Eve
It's something so magical, incomprehensibleYet it's so sensible, this you and meThe snow on the street...

Lee Ann Womack - Forever Everyday
I knew this kid, his name was MichaelHe was only four years oldWe sat on a rock and started talkin'...

Lee Ann Womack - Get Up In Jesus' Name
Get up in, get up in Jesus' nameThe Lord is calling daily to thoseWho would be savedDon't go dow...

Lee Ann Womack - Happiness
Down by the lost highway cafeI met a man there with a map in his handsHe said I'm a little bit confuse...

Lee Ann Womack - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Have yourself a merry little ChristmasLet your heart be lightFrom now on our troubles will be out of s...

Lee Ann Womack - He'll Be Back
Don't feel sorry for meIt's not like it seemsYeah, he left this morningTonight I've got my dream...

Lee Ann Womack - He Oughta Know That By Now
I guess he's working late againI don't need to wonder where he isBut I doHe oughta know that by ...

Lee Ann Womack - I'd Rather Have What We Had
It used to be red wine there in room 3-2-9Over the river where we weren't well-knownNow it's two coffe...

Lee Ann Womack - I Feel Like I'm Forgetting Something
Grabbed my keysThe door is lockedRunning late as I back out of the driveI feel like I'm forgetti...

Lee Ann Womack - If You're Ever Down In Dallas
Well, I'm sure Fort Worth has seen it's share of heartachedBut it's plain to see your heart's not broken now...

Lee Ann Womack - I Keep Forgetting
If I see you on the street and start to cryIf it looks like I'm so lonesome I might dieIf you can hear...

Lee Ann Womack - I Know Why The River Runs
When I reach to hold you, I'll still be aloneWhen I heard the ringin of the telephoneI'll think it is ...

Lee Ann Womack - I Need You
I need something like morphine only betterI need something like a kiss that lasts foreverI need someth...

Lee Ann Womack - I Saw Your Light
I was a long lost soulI was a burnt out caseI felt my heart grow oldI wore a stranger's face...

Lee Ann Womack - Last Time
Like an old abandoned ferris wheelTime for me is standing stillIt's you and me in mid-JulyUndern...

Lee Ann Womack - Let It Snow / Winter Wonderland
Oh, the weather outside is frightfulBut the fire is so delightfulAnd since we've no place to goL...

Lee Ann Womack - Lonely Too
How can you ask me how have I been?I think you should know well the shape that I'm inYou tell me you w...

Lee Ann Womack - Montgomery To Memphis
I've got a two room flat with a view of the bridgeThat crosses over into ArkansasIt's pretty to see al...

Lee Ann Womack - Never Again, Again
Never again, again.Once more I'll let you back inI know how the story endsBut I can't help mysel...

Lee Ann Womack - One's A Couple
Thanks but no thanksI didn't come here to danceI'm with somebodyI'm afraid I'll have to pass...

Lee Ann Womack - Orphan Train
Come all you broken hearted, come and lay your burden downCome kings and queens, come royalty surrender up y...

Lee Ann Womack - Painless
Met you in the kitchenSaid you needed to talk to meSaid you felt like those dirty dishesAnd it w...

Lee Ann Womack - Silent Night
Silent night! Holy night!All is calm, all is brightRound yon virgin mother and childHoly infant ...

Lee Ann Womack - Someone I Used To Know
There's a picture that I carryOne we made some time agoWhen they ask who's in the picture with me...

Lee Ann Womack - Some Things I Know
There's some things I know to be trueSnow is white and the ocean is blueRain is wet when it falls from...

Lee Ann Womack - Stronger Than I Am
Things around here haven't changed muchIt's all pretty much the same stuffDay after dayThe only ...

Lee Ann Womack - Stubborn (pslam 151)
There's a whole lot of stubborn in this roomThere's a whole lot of pride that won't let goThere's a wh...

Lee Ann Womack - Surrender
Baby, it's like dreaming when you're wide-awakeSurrenderBaby, would you, would you like to go to parad...

Lee Ann Womack - Talk To Me
If your heart is willing, then your head can restStart at the beginning, lay it down on my chestIf you...

Lee Ann Womack - The Christmas Song
Chestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Frost nipping at your noseYuletide carols being sung by a choir...

Lee Ann Womack - The Fool
You don't know me but I know who you areMind if I sit downDo I look familiar if I don't well I should...

Lee Ann Womack - The Healin' Kind
Starin out the window at the sinkin sun Another painful day is done ...

Lee Ann Womack - The Man Who Made My Mama Cry
All you've ever beenIs a call every now and thenFrom some old pay phoneAfter you'd hang up...

Lee Ann Womack - The Man With The Bag
Old Mr. Kringle is soon gonna jingleThe bells that'll tingle all your troubles awayEverybody's waiting...

Lee Ann Womack - The Preacher Won't Have To Lie
I used to believe what money could bringWas worth more than anything elseBut all that changed when I h...

Lee Ann Womack - There's More Where That Came From
I had forgotten just what love felt likeBut in that motel room all my senses came to lifeOh the passio...

Lee Ann Womack - The Season For Romance
She smiles at him, he says, "Hello"They stand beneath the mistletoeEmbarrassed by the awkward circumst...

Lee Ann Womack - Thinkin' With My Heart Again
I only needed coffeeAisle four is where he caught me off guardSeemed like a lifetimeBetween his ...

Lee Ann Womack - Trouble's Here
Trouble's here but I ain't gonna worryAbout the way things are'Cause we've got a love that can light t...

Lee Ann Womack - Twenty Years And Two Husbands Ago
Looking in the bathroom mirrorPutting my make-up onMaybeline can't hide the lines of time that's gone...

Lee Ann Womack - Waiting For The Sun To Shine
I've been standing underneath this dark old cloudWaiting for the sun to shineWaiting for the sun to sh...

Lee Ann Womack - What Are You Doing New Year's Eve
Maybe it's much too early in the gameAh, but I thought I'd ask you just the sameWhat are you doing New...

Lee Ann Womack - What I Miss About Heaven
Mama always said love is like heavenHoldin' hands in church and praying togetherLate night talks and m...

Lee Ann Womack - When The Wheels Are Coming Off
We started down this road togetherIt was paved with hope and dreams of foreverWe've been coasting for ...

Lee Ann Womack - When You Get To Me
You don't need reasons, I understandYou can't go dreaming and not change a few plansYou gotta see the ...

Lee Ann Womack - When You Gonna Run To Me
I get lonelyBut I get alongI still think about youIs that wrong?I talked to your brother...

Lee Ann Womack - White Christmas
The sun is shining, the grass is greenThe orange and palm trees swayThere's never been such a day...

Lee Ann Womack - Why They Call It Falling
It's like jumpinIt's like leapinIt's like walkin on the ceilinIt's like floatinIt's like f...

Lee Ann Womack - You Should've Lied
Should've known you'd come aroundDid your conscience bother you?Well, I guess I forgive you now, but t...

Lemar - 50/50
[Chorus x2:]Been a long time -You say you missed meWord gets round -You shouldn't h...

Lemar - All I Ever Do
Sitting at home everyNight thinking of you,I've been searching oh so longAnd I've found all I ne...

Lemar - All I Ever Do / My Boo (part Ii)
[My Boo (Part II)]Now i am alone with you this is wht i want to do (my boo) I wanna just ...

Lemar - Alright With Our Love
I would stay up all nightJust thinking of youAll the funny things you say,The silly things you d...

Lemar - Another Day
Is it really over?Between us two,Then why don't you love me?The way that I still love you,...

Lemar - Better Than This
Now here's ther deal honeyIt aint about the car crib or moneyLife could be oh so gravyIf you'd t...

Lemar - Body Talk
Tonight you gotta trust me girlIt's all about actionsNot about wordsGot plans for youWhat ...

Lemar - Call Me Daddy
Reminiscing about the day she first told me u wereGot to ring you to I lieIt wud have been a great Nov...

Lemar - Complicated Cupid
Driving my ride,Cruising down the A406,I don't know why she don't love me the same way,Trying to...

Lemar - Dance
Dance dance danceDance dance danceMakes me wanna dance When I saw you girl I knewTha...

Lemar - Dedicated
I dedicate it to you MamaPeople, sometimes I cannotBelieve how far I've made itSee not too...

Lemar - Don't Give It Up
[Chorus]Dont give it upWhat you possess is specialNo need to rushTell him how you f...

Lemar - Feels Right
Ye-ah, ye-ah, ye-ahI'll never stop loving you, till this life is over, ohhI'll never stop needin...

Lemar - Fresh
I don't need to fussI don't need to fightI wanna partyCoz I'm feeling alright tonightClass...

Lemar - Good Woman
Let that be the firstAnd the last timeYou ever put your hand on herBelieve she's like a sister a...

Lemar - Hot Summer
In life I've seen there's only a'couple' of people that are realIn life I've seen when trouble comes t...

Lemar - I Believe In A Thing Called Love
[Bonus track]Mother Mother said there's far too many of you crying.All you need is love I...

Lemar - I Don't Mind That
I seen this girlShe works at the store on my blockPretty little girl so hotFeeling her for a min...

Lemar - If There's Any Justice
Ohhh, Ye-ah-ah,Yeah,I would be your man,You would be my girl,Oh yeah,I beleive...

Lemar - Let's Stay Together
I'm so in love with youWhatever you want to doIs all right with me'Cause you make meFeel s...

Lemar - Lullaby
Open her eyesCause her to fall in love with meHelp me to speakBless me with words she will feel...

Lemar - Maybe Just Maybe
Think I'm bout to lose my head, don't know what to doI've been spending way too much time with youHave...

Lemar - No Pressure
So here I amAnd I'm ready toTalk all through theNight if you want toWe'll do whatever you ...

Lemar - Soulman
[CHORUS]I ain't trying to be no gangster, I ain't trying to be no hustler,Just remember I'm a s...

Lemar - Sweet Love
I know that sometimes it seemsIt's only studios and partiesBut baby I appreciateThe way you stan...

Lemar - Time To Grow
Last night I tried but I couldn't sleepThoughts of you were in my headI was lonely and I needed you ne...

Lemar - What About Love?
What if I took my time to love you?What if I put no one above you?What if I did the thingsThat r...

Lemar - What If?
Yeah oh babyYeah, yeah, yeah, yeahYeah, yeah babyListenYeah WoahYeah, yeah, ye...

Lene Marlin - All I Can Say
If I got scared I don't knowIt just didn't feel right anymoreSomething's changed from before, I wish I...

Lene Marlin - Another Day
Lie to me, say that you need me That's what I wanna hear That is what, what makes me happy Hopin...

Lene Marlin - A Place Nearby
I entered the roomSat by your bed all through the nightI watched your daily fightI hardly knew...

Lene Marlin - Disguise
Have you ever felt some kind of emptiness inside You will never measure up, to those people you Must b...

Lene Marlin - Eyes Closed
She could have, when she's had a chance to miss himShe could have kissed him, and you never would have known...

Lene Marlin - Faces
Pour me some wine, join me tonight Surround me with your happy faces Share some fun stories, stay up a...

Lene Marlin - Fight Against The Hours
I'm here, sitting in a bed In a place where I don't feel at home Where are you, I sure wonder why ...

Lene Marlin - Flown Away
I've flown too high on borrowed wingsBeyond the clouds and where the angels singsIn a sky containing n...

Lene Marlin - From This Day
There's a day I never will forget The day we met, when we met I know that they all thought that you we...

Lene Marlin - Hope You're Happy
I can speak about the pain you knowWhat you say you didn't seeI can show you all my scars you know...

Lene Marlin - How Would It Be
What have I done?What if it's too late now?Did I do all I could, did I?Did I make it good, did I...

Lene Marlin - It's True
I wish I could,Sit here all aloneThinking this is okayDon't need anybody tonight,Just comp...

Lene Marlin - Leave My Mind
Now I really cannot see,If you were good for me at allI wanna say, that everything's fine,But it...

Lene Marlin - Maybe I'll Go
You think you've made it everything's going so fineBut then appears someone who wannaTear you down...

Lene Marlin - My Love
Please, come and find me, my love I'm ready now, to come home Please, come and find me, my love ...

Lene Marlin - My Lucky Day
Tell me what you saw that was so badTell me all the reasonsWhy you made me so sadI wish that I w...

Lene Marlin - Never To Know
Did you know,hidden by his clothes there are some scarsSome are recent,some have been there for ...

Lene Marlin - One Year Ago
She's walking there alone,No one by her sideShe manages to fight the tears, butThe pain inside...

Lene Marlin - Playing My Game
Won't open my mouth,You know what I'll sayIt hurts me that it's gotta be this wayI can no longer...

Lene Marlin - Sitting Down Here
Sitting Down Here Your words cut rather deeply,They're just some other liesI'm hiding from a distance,...

Lene Marlin - So I See
So I see it, it's right there in front of meWhat's a matter, oh you cannot seeFeeling like I did when ...

Lene Marlin - Sorry
Do you wanna know, what I think of you Do you wanna know Do you wanna know, if I'm doing OK Just...

Lene Marlin - Story
I heard about your story from a friend To let go and make an end, that's what you did You left some wo...

Lene Marlin - The Way We Are
I watch you growing sometimes I see myself - in youIt can be scary but kinda funny tooI hear you talki...

Lene Marlin - Unforgivable Sinner
Kinda lose your sense of time'Cause the days don't matter no moreAll the feelings that you hideG...

Lene Marlin - Whatever It Takes
Tell me I'm wrong You see, I've heard this thing about you Some sad stories about you I look at ...

Lene Marlin - What If
What if I don't wanna move onIf I like it as it isWanna keep it like this, for a while...forever...

Lene Marlin - When You Were Around
I miss those times,I miss those daysWhen you were around,in so many waysAnd it felt so saf...

Lene Marlin - Where I'm Headed
I've got a suitcase in my handFilled with stuff most precious to meSidewalk brings my feetWherev...

Lene Marlin - Wish I Could
I thought I did everything rightI thought I treated you,The best way I know howBut where do I fi...

Lene Marlin - You Weren't There
She came home, just won the game Long time struggle she fulfilled her dream All she wanted was to make...

Leonard Cohen - A Bunch Of Lonesome Heroes
A bunch of lonesome and very quarrelsome heroes were smoking out along the open road; the night was ve...

Leonard Cohen - Alexandra Leaving
Suddenly the night has grown colder.The god of love preparing to depart.Alexandra hoisted on his shoul...

Leonard Cohen - Always
(Oh friends, .. don't matter if you're a man or a woman. If you're in love with somebody, these are the word...

Leonard Cohen - Anthem
The birds they sang at the break of day Start again I heard them say Don't dwell on what ...

Leonard Cohen - A Thousand Kisses Deep
The ponies run, the girls are young,The odds are there to beat.You win a while, and then its done ...

Leonard Cohen - Ballad Of The Absent Mare
Say a prayer for the cowboy His mare's run away And he'll walk til he finds her His darling, his...

Leonard Cohen - Because Of
Because of a few songsWherein I spoke of their mystery,Women have beenExceptionally kindto...

Leonard Cohen - Be For Real
Are you back in my life to stay Or is it just for today Oh that you're gonna need me? If it's a ...

Leonard Cohen - Boogie Street
O Crown of Light, O Darkened One,I never thought wed meet.You kiss my lips, and then its done:Im...

Leonard Cohen - By The Rivers Dark
By the rivers darkI wandered on.I lived my lifein Babylon.And I did forgetMy h...

Leonard Cohen - Closing Time
Ah we're drinking and we're dancing and the band is really happening and the Johnny Walker wisdom runn...

Leonard Cohen - Coming Back To You
Maybe I'm still hurting I can't turn the other cheek But you know that I still love you It's jus...

Leonard Cohen - Dance Me To The End Of Love
Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin Dance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely in L...

Leonard Cohen - Dear Heather
Dear HeatherPlease walk by me againWith a drink in your handAnd your legs all whiteFrom th...

Leonard Cohen - Death Of A Ladies' Man
Ah the man she wanted all her life was hanging by a thread "I never even knew how much I wanted you," she sa...

Leonard Cohen - Democracy
It's coming through a hole in the air, from those nights in Tiananmen Square. It's coming from the fee...

Leonard Cohen - Don't Go Home With Your Hard-on
I was born in a beauty salon My father was a dresser of hair My mother was a girl you could call on ...

Leonard Cohen - Dress Rehearsal Rag
Four o'clock in the afternoon and I didn't feel like very much. I said to myself, "Where are you golde...

Leonard Cohen - Everybody Knows
Everybody knows that the dice are loaded Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed Everybody knows th...

Leonard Cohen - Field Commander Cohen
Field Commander Cohen, he was our most important spy. Wounded in the line of duty, parachuting acid in...

Leonard Cohen - Fingerprints
I touched you once too often Now I don't know who I am My fingerprints were missing When I wiped...

Leonard Cohen - Go No More A-roving
[Dedicated to Irving Layton]So we'll go no more a-rovingSo late into the night,Thou...

Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah
Now I've heard there was a secret chord That David played, and it pleased the Lord But you don't reall...

Leonard Cohen - Heart With No Companion
I greet you from the other side Of sorrow and despair With a love so vast and shattered It will ...

Leonard Cohen - Here It Is
Here is your crownAnd your seal and rings;And here is your loveFor all things.Here i...

Leonard Cohen - Hunter's Lullaby
Your father's gone a-hunting He's deep in the forest so wild And he cannot take his wife with him ...

Leonard Cohen - I Can't Forget
I stumbled out of bed I got ready for the struggle I smoked a cigarette And I tightened up my gu...

Leonard Cohen - If It Be Your Will
If it be your will That I speak no more And my voice be still As it was before I will spea...

Leonard Cohen - I Left A Woman Waiting
I left a woman waiting I met her sometime later She said, I see your eyes are dead What happened...

Leonard Cohen - In My Secret Life
I saw you this morning.You were moving so fast.Cant seem to loosen my gripOn the past.And ...

Leonard Cohen - Iodine
I needed you, I knew I was in danger of losing what I used to think was mine You let me love you till ...

Leonard Cohen - I Tried To Leave You
I tried to leave you, I don't deny I closed the book on us, at least a hundred times. I'd wake up ever...

Leonard Cohen - Last Year's Man
The rain falls down on last year's man, that's a jew's harp on the table, that's a crayon in his hand....

Leonard Cohen - Leaving Green Sleeves
Alas, my love, you did me wrong, to cast me out discourteously, for I have loved you so long, de...

Leonard Cohen - Light As The Breeze
She stands before you naked you can see it, you can taste it, and she comes to you light as the breeze...

Leonard Cohen - Love Itself
The light came through the window,Straight from the sun above,And so inside my little roomThere ...

Leonard Cohen - Memories
Frankie Lane, he was singing Jezebel I pinned an Iron Cross to my lapel I walked up to the tallest and...

Leonard Cohen - Morning Glory
No words this time?No words.No, there are times when nothing can be done.Not this time.Is ...

Leonard Cohen - Nightingale
[Dedicated to Carl Anderson (1945-2004)]I built my house beside the woodSo I could hear y...

Leonard Cohen - On That Day
Some people sayIt's what we deserveFor sins against g-dFor crimes in the worldI wouldn't k...

Leonard Cohen - Our Lady Of Solitude
All summer long she touched me She gathered in my soul From many a thorn, from many thickets Her...

Leonard Cohen - Paper Thin Hotel
The walls of this hotel are paper-thin Last night I heard you making love to him The struggle mouth to...

Leonard Cohen - Stories Of The Street
The stories of the street are mine,the Spanish voices laugh. The Cadillacs go creeping now through the night...

Leonard Cohen - Teachers
I met a woman long ago her hair the black that black can go, Are you a teacher of the heart? Sof...

Leonard Cohen - Tennessee Waltz (live)
I was dancing with my darlin'to the Tennessee WaltzWhen an old friend I happened to seeIntroduce...

Leonard Cohen - That Don't Make It Junk
I fought against the bottle,But I had to do it drunk Took my diamond to the pawnshop But that do...

Leonard Cohen - The Butcher
I came upon a butcher, he was slaughtering a lamb, I accused him there with his tortured lamb. ...

Leonard Cohen - The Captain
Now the Captain called me to his bed He fumbled for my hand "Take these silver bars," he said "I...

Leonard Cohen - The Faith
[Based on a Quebec folk song]The sea so deep and blindThe sun, the wild regretThe c...

Leonard Cohen - The Future
Give me back my broken night my mirrored room, my secret life it's lonely here, there's no one l...

Leonard Cohen - The Land Of Plenty
Dont really know who sent meTo raise my voice and say:May the lights in The Land of PlentyShine ...

Leonard Cohen - The Law
How many times did you call me And I knew it was late I left everybody But I never went straight...

Leonard Cohen - The Letters
You never liked to getThe letters that I sent.But now you've got the gistOf what my letters mean...

Leonard Cohen - The Night Comes On
I went down to the place Where I knew she lay waiting Under the marble and the snow I said, Moth...

Leonard Cohen - The Old Revolution
I finally broke into the prison, I found my place in the chain. Even damnation is poisoned with rainbo...

Leonard Cohen - The Partisan
When they poured across the border I was cautioned to surrender, this I could not do; I took my ...

Leonard Cohen - There For You
When it all went downAnd the pain came throughI get it nowI was there for youDon't ask me ...

Leonard Cohen - To A Teacher
[Dedicated to A. M. Klein (1909-1972)]Hurt once and for all into silence.A long pain endi...

Leonard Cohen - True Love Leaves No Traces
As the mist leaves no scar On the dark green hill So my body leaves no scar On you and never wil...

Leonard Cohen - Un Canadien Errant (the Lost Canadian)
Un Canadien Errant (A wandering Canadian,)Banni de ses foyers, (banned from his hearths,)Parcourait en...

Leonard Cohen - Undertow
I set out one nightWhen the tide was lowThere were signs in the skyBut I did not knowI'd b...

Leonard Cohen - Villanelle For Our Time
From bitter searching of the heart,Quickened with passion and with painWe rise to play a greater part....

Leonard Cohen - Waiting For The Miracle
Baby, I've been waiting, I've been waiting night and day. I didn't see the time, I waited half m...

Leonard Cohen - You Have Loved Enough
I said Id be your lover.You laughed at what I said.I lost my job forever.I was counted with the ...

Less Than Jake - 107
Unless you could see inside my head,you couldn't possibly understandI'm happier when things are fallin...

Less Than Jake - 1989
Let me give you some insight into my insidesI haven't been this confused in such a long timeyou can't ...

Less Than Jake - 24 Hours In Paramus
Man this town will drive you insaneCheck my thoughts to check my brainHold my wallet like it's glued...

Less Than Jake - 867-5309 (jenny)
Jenny, Jenny who can I turn toYou give me something I can hold on toI know you'll think I'm like the o...

Less Than Jake - 9th At Pine
When it all came down, on that saturday night,should I choose a side, at 9th at Pine.Can we still say ...

Less Than Jake - All My Best Friends Are Metalheads
This is a fair request, and I promise I will not judge any person only as a teenager.You will constantly rem...

Less Than Jake - Al's War
Al said goodbye to his mom and dadfor the first time in his life.Tonight, he left the house andw...

Less Than Jake - Anchor
This one goes out to the kidswho drove 6 hours in a stolen car,then missed the show.This one goe...

Less Than Jake - Anti-christ
[Originally by Slayer]Screams and nightmares of alife I wantcan't see living this l...

Less Than Jake - A.s.a.o.k.
This song is for everyone that said I wasProgramed, hardwired, that I'd self-destructThey'd say I was ...

Less Than Jake - Ask The Magic 8 Ball
What the fuckthe fuck have I becomeI've become the product of the sumcaught in an endless circle...

Less Than Jake - Automatic
I think I know it all,but can I be sure of the things I've grown to know,and can I say I know it all,...

Less Than Jake - Awkward Age
Late at nightI can see so clearlyThey see right through meAnd I know that ten years before...

Less Than Jake - Bad Scene And A Basement Show
Well the scene here he wants her backhe's trying to use the phoneshe's hanging up he's given uph...

Less Than Jake - Beauty School Dropout
Your story sad to tellA teenage ne'er do wellMost mixed up non-delinquent on the blockYour...

Less Than Jake - Best Wishes To Your Black Lungs
By this time tomorrow You'll be out on the streets of ChicagoWalking all the way home from commuter tr...

Less Than Jake - Big
Wonder what hold things togetherIs it political positions or maybe superstitionsThe list goes on forev...

Less Than Jake - Big Crash
Sometimes, I think somethingswrong with me because,I was never one,to believe in anyone or anyth...

Less Than Jake - Bigger Picture
Breaking down from every insult that you've takenfrom one sided conversationsBurning out from all the ...

Less Than Jake - Black Coffee
If only my problems were like waterthey could be boiled awayand watching the steam drift upward,...

Less Than Jake - Blindsided
Isn't it funny that it all comes down to moneyRunning on a treadmill, wasting timeKeeps you too busy t...

Less Than Jake - Blue Moon
Blue moon, you saw me standing aloneWithout a dream in my heart, without a love of my ownBlue mo...

Less Than Jake - Boomtown
So here let's talk about the boomtown factsYou've got stick up kids coming right at my backTwo blocks ...

Less Than Jake - Bridge And Tunnel Authority
i remember every bridge i ever jumped off blindlyAnd all my boring stories keep reminding me 'ca...

Less Than Jake - Cheez (7" Version)
("Everyone to the bar!")[Chorus:]Don't call me Richdon't call me Georgejust c...

Less Than Jake - Danny Says
Danny says,that he got caught up,in all the talk ofhow it used to be.And He says,I n...

Less Than Jake - Descant
[Originally by Spoke]I won't change the world with a songperhaps it's futile to comment...

Less Than Jake - Dopeman
Dopeman dopeman's got another big planto sell it to you or anyone he canbecause this is much better th...

Less Than Jake - Dopeman (remix)
Dopeman, Dopeman's got another big planto sell it to you or anyone he canbecause this is much better t...

Less Than Jake - Downbeat
Downbeat, downbeats coming for youEverythings gone that you once knew.Trying to rely on what things us...

Less Than Jake - Down In The Mission
Like quicksand, i'm always getting deeperThe more I struggle, the more I get in deeperAnd here I am, o...

Less Than Jake - Dukes Of Hazzard
Just good ol' boysNever meaning no harmYeah, well all they ever saw was the trouble with the law...

Less Than Jake - Econolodged
Step it up my life spent round the clockhas got me running on a treadmill with no time to stopand comp...

Less Than Jake - Escape From The A-bomb House
Dear Mom and Dad,Ive been making plansTo leave this house and yes Im sureSo lock the door, and t...

Less Than Jake - Evil Has No Boundaries
[Originally by Slayer]Woo!Blasting our way through the boundaries of Hellno one can...

Less Than Jake - Faction
And II wonder if you'd understandif I said I'll never go never go along againAnd if I told you a...

Less Than Jake - Five State Drive
Got on the 47.Transfer to the 89.Left town, east-bound pass,saw the city size.You know its...

Less Than Jake - Freeze Frame
[Originally by J. Geils Band]I could see it was a rough cut Tuesdayslow motion weekdays s...

Less Than Jake - Fucked
Focus a momentOn the message sentThe anthem of a generationBased on degredation and resent...

Less Than Jake - Gainesville Rock City
This map hung up on the truck stop hallway dooris looking worn and I can hardly read it anymoreI feel ...

Less Than Jake - Glumble
Second street west of 39thTries to sleepBut he only winds up walking all nightTries to remeber w...

Less Than Jake - Goodbye In Gasoline
My lungs are achingFrom the cold from being outside.And the windows in my carHave started to fog...

Less Than Jake - Greased Lightnin'
Why this car is automaticIt's systematicIt's hydromaticWhy it's grease lightning (Grease lightni...

Less Than Jake - Great American Sharpshooter
So you think,of what it could've been.When time was all you lost,it keeps burning through your h...

Less Than Jake - Green Eyed Monster
How does it feelto be under the eyeswatching so closelybuy what you can't havewhat'd you h...

Less Than Jake - Growing Up On A Couch
How many things that you believeAre straight out of TV and magazinesAnd when comfort comes before thru...

Less Than Jake - Hamburger Hop
Now if you want somethin' that's good and hotjust eat a hamburger it'll hit the spotyou can see 'em on...

Less Than Jake - Happyman
Happyman smiles almost every single day,too numb to notice that he's walking in a haze,he's pushed him...

Less Than Jake - Hell Looks A Lot Like L.a.
He got in his car and told himself to drivegotta leave it all behind if he wants to feel alive19 and l...

Less Than Jake - Help Save The Youth Of America From Exploding
Sit down, remind me how,this is the same old storyof growing up and getting lost.Sit down, remin...

Less Than Jake - History Of A Boring Town
Just talked to this girl,used to live, yea, on my street. (woah-oh-oh)After all these years you're her...

Less Than Jake - Hopelessly Devoted To You
Guess mine is not the first heart brokenMy eyes are not the first to cryI'm not the first to know ther...

Less Than Jake - How's My Driving Doug Hastings?
Friday night on coke with a crow bar,left at two in the back of Doug's car,without a plan and being fu...

Less Than Jake - Is This Thing On?
When all the things that you've been thinkinghas you so confused and so ungluedyour head is spinning...

Less Than Jake - I Think I Love You
[Originally by The Partridge Family]I'm sleepingright in the middle of a good dream...

Less Than Jake - I Would Walk 500 Miles
[Originally by the Proclaimers]When I wake up, yeah I know Im gonna be, I'm gonna be the ...

Less Than Jake - Jay Frenzal
Looking down the barrel of a gunAll the drinks are free and your x is goneAnother day in the sun has y...

Less Than Jake - Jen Doesn't Like Me Anymore
Jen thinks it isn't fair that I don't really careIf she likes me or notAnd Jen doesn't like to settle...

Less Than Jake - Johnny Quest (thinks We're Sellouts)
Well I really don't knowif it matters at all sobut we try to keep the prices lowfor our records ...

Less Than Jake - Just Like Frank
He's just like anyonehe's just like anybodyhe's just like frankand I know itand he knows i...

Less Than Jake - Kenhoe
Ideals are like opinions and beliefs just like traditionSometimes both are not enoughFaded stickers an...

Less Than Jake - Krazy Glue
It seems I can't explain it allall the reasons gone and I just can't seem to shakewhat I've been broug...

Less Than Jake - Kroq Song
This is Less Than Jake (this is Less Than Jake)this is Less Than Jake (it's Less Than Jake)you're list...

Less Than Jake - Last Hour Of The Last Day Of Work
I couldn't help but think back to the advicethat I got from my dad a few timeshe said"...time goes by ...

Less Than Jake - Last One Out Of Liberty City
Last one out of Liberty City,Burn it to the ground.I know, I know, I know.I know just who ...

Less Than Jake - Last Rites To Sleepless Nights
Tonight i'll be wiping my slate cleanI''ll be clearing out those clouded memoriescause i don't to keep...

Less Than Jake - Last Train
(I met her in the morning, and my heart stood stilla doo ron ron ron, a doo ron ronsomebody told me th...

Less Than Jake - Laverne And Shirley
Give us any chance we'll take itLeave us any rule we'll break itWe're gonna make our dreams come true...

Less Than Jake - Liquor Store
Now listen up and hear what i'm sayingIf he's not talking to himselfThen he must be prayingShine...

Less Than Jake - Lockdown
Something's not rightUrban sprrawl, from urban blightsomething's not rightwhen history turn into...

Less Than Jake - Look At Me, I'm Sandra Dee
Look at me I'm Sandra DeeLousy with virginityWon't go to bed till I'm legally wedI can't I'm San...

Less Than Jake - Look What Happened
And I swear it's the last time and I swear it's my last tryand we'll walk in circles around this whole block...

Less Than Jake - Look What Happened (last Time)
And I swear it's the last time and I swear it's my last tryand we'll walk in circles around this whole block...

Less Than Jake - Losing Streak
I know you'll be aroundshort sighted and undecidedand you'll know where I'll be foundJust anothe...

Less Than Jake - Lucky Day
Do you see me out thereGetting ready to goPacking my frustrations awayI can always go for miles ...

Less Than Jake - Magnetic North
There's been borders and there'll be boundariesand there's been times misidirection's found meThere's ...

Less Than Jake - Malt Liquor Tastes Better When You've Got Problems
And I've been so busy tryingthat I've only wound up livingweekend to weekendgetting by just simp...

Less Than Jake - Mississippi Mud
[Originally by The Muppets]1-2-3When the sun goes down and the tide rolls outand th...

Less Than Jake - Mixology Of Tom Collins
A friend of mine he pointed out to methat who I've becomeis not the same person that I used to be...

Less Than Jake - Modern World
This is the modern worldthis is the modern worldWhat kind of fool do you think I am (whoa)...

Less Than Jake - Motown Never Sounded So Good
[Roger:]So you say, all your white flags are up and that you've had enough and that you were tired of...

Less Than Jake - Motto
Can you build ?.You know, its somethingthat keeps you sane.And you can't explain what.But ...

Less Than Jake - Mr. Chevy Celebrity
Well I thought all my friends were sanethen I met this kid in the fourth grade"let's go throw rocks th...

Less Than Jake - My Very Own Flag
Something that's inside of meIt's something that I cannot seeLike rules and regulationsPassed do...

Less Than Jake - National Anthem
does being in debt feel just like a long lost friendwell just wait around cause the desperation's kicking i...

Less Than Jake - Nervous In The Alley
On a Tuesday in the rain,I never thought there'd come a day.I never thought there'd come a day, yea....

Less Than Jake - Never Going Back To New Jersey
There was a time when I could say it right to youthat I was never going to leave this placebut now its...

Less Than Jake - Nine-one-one To Anyone
so i will, i'll be the one who's coming clean with every single thing and all my thoughts in between ...

Less Than Jake - One Last Cigarette
I check the time, it's 4:00 a.m.And I just passed the westside buildingsAll the broken glassAs I...

Less Than Jake - Out Of The Crowd
I won't compete because I don't need to beIn front of someone that wants to compete with meWho needs a...

Less Than Jake - Pete Jackson Is Getting Married
I can see it all right nowhis mom and dad so proud of his son and his new found wifeand I wonder if af...

Less Than Jake - Pez King
Watching the man up in the windowit always seems to methat in 10 more years another someone may be wat...

Less Than Jake - Plastic Cup Politics
Hello six pack of confidence Been so many nightssince we first metGlad to see you've brought...

Less Than Jake - Portrait Of A Cigarette Smoker At 19
I used to be a stereotypeHalf alive with half open eyesWith a one track mindAnd a flawed design...

Less Than Jake - Portrait Of A Cigarette Smoker At Age 19
I used to be a stereotypeHalf alive with half open eyesWith a one track mindAnd a flawed design...

Less Than Jake - Process
I've always watched the change,watched without a sound,and I have to wonder why,I don't speak a ...

Less Than Jake - Richard Allen, It's Just Cheese
Don't call me Rich,Don't call me George,Just call me Cheeze,Thats who I am!Don't call me R...

Less Than Jake - Robo
So she's been aroundLived in every townAnd she always seems to knowSo she does a zineSays ...

Less Than Jake - Robots One, Humans Zero
So what have we really learned today that some things are easier when we walk away and acting normal m...

Less Than Jake - Rock-n-roll Pizzeria
Man its really strangethis city never stays the sameits always"I've got to keep on moving and I'...

Less Than Jake - Rock-n-roll Pizzeria [7" Version]
(Right!)Man it's really strangethis city never stays the sameit's always [alt: I've gotta]...

Less Than Jake - Scott Farcas Takes It On The Chin
Well,I think of how things are.Right now it feels like,yea, it all feels likesome kind of ...

Less Than Jake - Scott Farcas Takes It On The Chin (7" Version)
When I think of how things areright now it feels likeyeah, it all feels likesome kind of circus ...

Less Than Jake - Screws Fall Out
So this pen is starting to becomeA pipe bomb and these songsHave turned to anthems againTo every...

Less Than Jake - She's Gonna Break Soon
[Chorus:]Shes gonna break soonGonna break soonGonna break soonShes gonna break soon...

Less Than Jake - Shindo
Something's out there and it takes me awayfrom a world too small to staysomething's out thereAno...

Less Than Jake - Short Fuse Burning
These are all reasons whyI'll be exploding tonightand why this chip on my shoulderfeels like a m...

Less Than Jake - Short On Ideas
Have you been feeling down, pushed aroundFeeling like everything has been done beforeDo I need to unde...

Less Than Jake - Shotgun
There was a kid so low, he couldn't stand upNo money, no respect and too much bad luckDesperation had ...

Less Than Jake - Showbiz? Science? Who Cares?
If you had all the facts all the fictionsif you knew everything about science and all about religionwo...

Less Than Jake - Sleep It Off
i might as well just sleep it off wishful thinking's got my wires crossed (whoa ho)when i am desperate...

Less Than Jake - Sobriety Is A Serious Business And Business Ain't So Good
So it's sunrisesober eyessee my room spin aroundcrowded bars and crumbling townI'm a mess...

Less Than Jake - Son Of Dick
Well Dick's son has his CD's in neat linesand has a dad that reads every sign and says"I only drive 62...

Less Than Jake - Soundcheck
I always thought of music as more than words and sound,something more like inspiration that picks you off th...

Less Than Jake - St. James Hotel
There is a place not far from the cityWhere old men go to die and bums are pissingLast night no one ch...

Less Than Jake - Suburban Myth
So let's hit the streets tonightAnd I'll show you where I lost my joband where I got chased by cops...

Less Than Jake - Sugar In Your Gas Tank
If I had a scheme for everything,It seems I'd be sure that I could change it all,If I had it in me to ...

Less Than Jake - Summer Nights
Summer loving had me a blastSummer loving happened so fastI met a girl crazy for meMet a boy cut...

Less Than Jake - Surrender
[Originally by Cheap Trick]Mother told me, yes, she told me I'd meet girls like you.She a...

Less Than Jake - Teenager In Love
[Originally by Human Nature]Each time we have a quarrel, it almost breaks my heart,Cause ...

Less Than Jake - That's Why They Call It A Union
There's a black cloud over this houseThat's been around for 3 years nowThere's a thunderstorm inside...

Less Than Jake - The Brightest Bulb Has Burned Out
You told me that your 20 years have gone by much too fastAnd you've been hoping this year will be better tha...

Less Than Jake - The Ghosts Of Me And You
I've been downwandering past 2nd streetand looking at the ghostsof you and me and thinking back ...

Less Than Jake - Theme Song For H Street
You know my best friend,just left yesterday, and I know.I know your girlfriend,wasn't here to st...

Less Than Jake - The Science Of Selling Yourself Short
I've come to my senses,That I've become senseless,I could give you lessons on how to ruin your friends...

Less Than Jake - The Upwards War And Down Turned Cycle
All my friends always talk about The stories of moving on and getting outThen packing up and heading s...

Less Than Jake - This Is Going Nowhere
I'm wondering around what used to bedowntown wet and feeling cold and kinda feeling old,I'm walking ar...

Less Than Jake - Three Quarts Drunk
There's an old man at the very endOf the parking lot leaning on his car andDrinking beer and laughing ...

Less Than Jake - Throw The Brick
Two days before his mom moved himTo a trailer park in Florida from a suburb in MichiganHe left the hou...

Less Than Jake - Time And A Half
It was a cold december on 2nd ave and 6th st.Too cold to think about anybody passing meWhen I overhear...

Less Than Jake - We Go Together
We go together like ramma lamma lamma ka dinga da dinga dongRemembered forever as shoo-bop sha whada whadda ...

Less Than Jake - Welcome To The New South
Welcome home outcasts Because I know how you have Felt over the yearsThe truth is thatLook...

Less Than Jake - We're Not Gonna Take It
[Originally by Twisted Sister][Chorus:]We're not gonna take itno, we ain't g...

Less Than Jake - Where The Hell Is Mike Sinkovich?
I've never known what made you get up and goAnd what pushed you over the edge,When we were up on the r...

Less Than Jake - Whipping Boy
The world keeps on spinning.Inside his head keeps on spinning.Wishing he could be on top for once,...

Less Than Jake - Who Holds The Power Ring
When you look aroundWhat you got don't mean a thing...Waiting, waiting, waiting - stop!You gotta...

Less Than Jake - Wish Pig
I wish I could have it allAnd even if I could and then I would take it all,Start it new with one thing...

Less Than Jake - You're The Only One That I Want
I got chills they're multiplyingAnd I'm losing controlCause the power you're supplyingIt's Elect...

Less Than Jake - Your Love
[Originally by The Outfield]Josie's on a vacation far awaycome around and talk it over...

Less Than Jake - Yo-yo Ninja Boy
Stayed awake all nightfighting the crimesWeasell, Rock and an Evil GuyGrandfather, Mandy, Wendel...

Le Tigre - After Dark
I got your name and number, you seem kinda surprised. Maybe it's 'cause I can be, you know, like cold as ice...

Le Tigre - Bang! Bang!
Murder is murder Why're they confused? Another man dead I read it in the news Who gave the...

Le Tigre - Deceptacon
Every day and nightEvery day and nightI can see yr disco disco dik is sucking my heart out of my mind...

Le Tigre - Don't Drink Poison
We learned this lesson five times fine: fake left, go right, back-stabs read minds! Taillights shine beautif...

Le Tigre - Dude Yr So Crazy!!
So defeatedThinks it's funnyFilm FestivalRetro PornShabby ChicBiCostalSoundtra...

Le Tigre - Dyke March 2001
I like going to the dyke marchBecause I like to be surrounded with women.Marching naked ladies.W...

Le Tigre - Eau D' Bedroom Dancing
I'm in the sky when I'm on the floor The world's a mess and yr my only cure There's no time for me to ...

Le Tigre - Fake French
I've got - the new sincerity.I've got - a secret vocabulary.I've got - MIDI in, out, thru.I've g...

Le Tigre - Friendship Station
The phone keeps ringing and it just won't stop There's a paper napkin in my coffeepot People freaking ...

Le Tigre - Fyr
Ten short years of progressive change,Fifty fuckin years of calling us names.Can we trade title nine f...

Le Tigre - Get Off The Internet
It feels so 80's Or early 90's to be political where are my friends? [Chorus:]...

Le Tigre - Hot Topic
Hot topic is the way that we rhyme Hot topic is the way that we rhyme One step behind the drum style ...

Le Tigre - I'm So Excited
Tonight's the night,Tonight we're gonna.Tonight's the night,Tonight we're gonna.Tonight's ...

Le Tigre - Keep On Livin'
You hide inside, so not okay(keep on, keep on livin')What if you remember more today?(Keep on, k...

Le Tigre - Les And Ray
Nine years old and climbing out the house Thru a song played on piana by my neighbors Les and Ray. I p...

Le Tigre - Let's Run
Oh we could rock Or we could bomb Or we could try Like super hard Or we could come ...

Le Tigre - Lt Tour Theme
Yeah it's weird when the club is really crowdedAnd there's no way we can do every song that's shouted,...

Le Tigre - Mediocrity Rules
So you wanna hang out with me tonight? Well You're cool, but I'm right, so I'll set the dial to ...

Le Tigre - Much Finer
My mind's on rewind and quicksand.(what?) I was up all night doing nothing.(last night? again?)D...

Le Tigre - My Art
I don't care you sing such a winner's song.No I won't respond.My silence screams ha.ha.And you c...

Le Tigre - My My Metrocard
Off the pillow and into the air I'm ready cuz it's my day Situation: it's all possible Everythin...

Le Tigre - Nanny Nanny Boo Boo
Nanny nanny, nanny nanny boo boo. Nanny nanny, nanny nanny boo boo. Nanny nanny, nanny nanny boo boo....

Le Tigre - New Kicks
Peace Now, Peace Now, Peace Now, Peace Now!We are gathered here, we come from so many different places...

Le Tigre - On Guard
All fall down...You can comment all day til dark.You can call me any name you want.You can look ...

Le Tigre - On The Verge
Play it so safe to stay on top. Shake it, imitate it, but it still sounds old. We just can't understand why ...

Le Tigre - Phanta
4 months + 8 days Been waiting here Transporter broken Horizon's clear (DAY ONE) ...

Le Tigre - Punker Plus
Backstage, everyone wants a piece of JDKathleen's on the phone and i got to go get paidSee, promoter's...

Le Tigre - Seconds
Pipe down baby, why so fake loud? You've lied now ten thousand's show business anyhow.You m...

Le Tigre - Shred A
You by my side get no reply to clarify youYou just know, yr wasting my time yr wasting my timeThere go...

Le Tigre - Sixteen
So they say I was sometimes cruelI dont know if I would say that tooOh I, I dont know about that...

Le Tigre - Tell You Now
Ill just tell you nowCuz I dont think you knowThe things you tried to killI found a way to grow...

Le Tigre - Tgif
(Intro skit) Don't fuck with me I'm the fuckin manager!And don't forget your fuckin daily planners.You...

Le Tigre - The Empty
The stars are getting in and out of automobiles And we keep wondering when we're gonna feel something real ...

Le Tigre - This Island
You must not love to hateYou must not take the baitAnd learn to hit deleteYou'd say the same thi...

Le Tigre - Tko
Want more real attention. At my expense guess you forgot to mention. You talk good, I'll eatglass. I heard y...

Le Tigre - Tres Bien
When you're walking down the street no one sees a V.I.P,I.e genius artist of our timeWell I'll be the ...

Le Tigre - Viz
Walk inGive him my nameLooks up and downTakes a good look at my pecsPuts down the clipboar...

Le Tigre - Well Well Well
Uh huh.Got to, wanna, got to, wanna.Raise your hand. Raise your voice.Raise your head up from th...

Le Tigre - What's Yr Take On Cassavettes
We've talked about it in letters And we've talked about it on the phone But how you really feel about ...

Le Tigre - Yr Critique
Yr critique is superficial but yr hatred's like the rain. We could agree to disagree, you know B...

Lfo - 28 Days
28 days till I see youI know it seems to long but listenI gotta do what I gotta doand the wheels...

Lfo - 6 Minutes
Yeah6 minutes, LFO ur onI was at a party with my mind in the guttershe walked in behind me with ...

Lfo - All I Need To Know
You've been cryin' over that other guyHe played you, betrayed you Like a fool with his games and lies...

Lfo - Baby Be Mine
Baby be mine, baby be mineI see you smilin', but when he's around you be whilin',What's the dill...

Lfo - Cross My Heart
[Verse 1]Everybody makes mistakes,I told you I was sorry. won't you tell me what to do,to...

Lfo - Erase Her
Yeah, LFOCheck it outCity lights electrify, I walk aloneone starie nightafraid to sl...

Lfo - Every Other Time
C'monnanananananananananananananananananananananananananananananaevery oth-every other tim...

Lfo - Forever
Now I've always said that loveWas nothing more but a waste of my timeI've always thought I'd be above ...

Lfo - Girl On Tv
Oooh,Yeahhhh,I'm wishin' on a fallin' star, wonderin' where you are....I wish... [Chorus]...

Lfo - Gravity
I feel gravity, holdin me downkeepin my feet on the ground every time your aroundI feel gravitya...

Lfo - If I Can't Have You
[Rich]Yo,it's a big world (for real) you probably Think I'm out there being a playa' huh?...

Lfo - I Wanna Sex You Up
[CHORUS:]I wanna sex you upLet me freak you upI wanna sex you upI know the way you ...

Lfo - I Will Show You Mine
[Rich]Chewy bubilicous and coco-pop,got you on my mind, and i just won't stop,tilt-a-wirl baby ...

Lfo - My Block
It sounds so goodIt sounds so niceCome down to my block Come around my wayThat's whe...

Lfo - Step By Step
Step by stepThe closer I get to youGonna get to you girlStep by stepThe closer I get to yo...

Lfo - That's The Way It Is
C'monI been up, I been downI been side to side, I been buried aliveI been hurt, I been rob...

Lfo - The Dome
So do you really love me like i doso do you really feel the same way toowell baby then get ready for t...

Lfo - The Reason Why
Na Na Na Na NaI'm gonna lose my mindNa Na Na Na NaYou are the reason why Left your h...

Lfo - The Sun Still Shines
On and on and on and on I think of you since you've been goneAnd every night b4 I wake dream of ...

Lfo - Think About You
[Chorus]Think (I think about you) About (I think about you) You (All the time girl)...

Lfo - Westside Story
[Chorus]Veronica's a song thats in my head, Veronica's a name i've always said, But...

Lfo - What If
Marilyn broke the heart of Joe D'maggiooh where'd that horse and carriage go?In the castle I'll build ...

Lfo - Where You Are
singin la shalalalalalala shalalalalalalasingin la shalalalalalala shalalalalalalaI just want be...

Lfo - Your Heart Is Safe With Me
I know you know that lovecan make you cry and break your heart And you've been there before, you've be...

Liam Lynch - United States Of Whatever
I went down to the beach and saw Kiki She was, like, all "ehhhh" And I was, like, "whatever!" ...

The Libertines - Arbeit Macht Frei
Roll aGasperThe guard said he could stay alive but he shovelled and burned his friends to diePeo...

The Libertines - Begging
All animals we areRound the bench in the parkYour sisters in the dark todayWatery pinned eyes...

The Libertines - Boys In The Band
You're walking like you never seen the lightYou're walking like it every nightBut I've never seen you ...

The Libertines - Campaign Of Hate
There's a campaign of hateIt's waiting at the school gates Not for what I am awareIt must be wha...

The Libertines - Can't Stand Me Now
An ending fitting for the startyou twist and tore our love apartyour light fingers through the dark...

The Libertines - Death On The Stairs
From way far across the seaCame an eritrean maiden sheHad a one track mind and eyes for meHalf b...

The Libertines - Don't Be Shy
Don't be shyDon't be shyFor if you are shy for tomorrowYou'll be shy for one thousand days ...

The Libertines - France
The ideal girl, In London from FranceCame Over and left me, She left me entranced.Now I ha...

The Libertines - Horrow Show
I've been followingYour minds instructionsOh how just to slowly, sharply screw myself to death...

The Libertines - I Get Along
You caught me in the middle dazed on the carpetI was following the lines,that move like more snakes th...

The Libertines - Last Post On The Bugle
If I have to goI will be thinking of your loveOh somehow you'll knowYou will knowThinkin o...

The Libertines - Music When The Lights Go Out
is it cruel to be kind not to speak my mind and to lie to you rather than hurt youwell ill confess all of my...

The Libertines - Narcissist
Professionally trendy in the glow of Claphams sunTheres life after work and it can be such funYou see ...

The Libertines - Radio America
If I get the callI will call across Radio AmericaRight across America I will callYes I will call...

The Libertines - Road To Ruin
How can we make you understandAll you can be is right given in your handYou won't need moneyTrus...

The Libertines - Tell The King
I've got a little secret for yaEven now there's something To be proud aboutYou come up the...

The Libertines - The Boy Looked At Johnny
The boy looked at Johnny and saidMy word that was funWhen he did it with his hat onLike in a sad...

The Libertines - The Good Old Days
If Queen Boadicea is long dead and goneStill then the spiritIn her children's children's children...

The Libertines - The Ha Ha Wall
If you get tired of hanging aroundpick up a guitar and spin a web of soundThen you could be strung out...

The Libertines - The Man Who Would Be King
Another secret for yaI've been told if you want to make it in this gameYou got to have the luckY...

The Libertines - The Saga
A problemHere comes a problemYou let down your friendsAnd you let down the peopleAnd you l...

The Libertines - Time For Heroes
Did you see the stylish kids in the riotWe were shovelled up like muckSet the night on fireWombl...

The Libertines - Tomblands
In the land of the gauching skiving sunThere's bodies in the room, ladNever an honest day's work is do...

The Libertines - Up The Bracket
I saw two shadow men on the Vallance RoadSaid they'd pay me for your addressOh I was so bold...

The Libertines - Vertigo
Kareema know just what it is she doesIt cant be hard for her to get a buzzDown in the street below...

The Libertines - What A Waster
What a waster, what a fucking wasterYou pissed it all up the wallRound the corner where they chased he...

The Libertines - What Became Of The Likely Lads
Please don't get me wrong See I forgive you in a song We'll call the likely ladsBut if its left ...

The Libertines - What Katie Did
Shoop, shoop, shoop de-lang de-langShoop, shoop, shoop de-lang de-langShoop, shoop, shoop de-lang de-l...

Liberty X - Being Nobody
Captured effortlessly,That's the way it was,Happened so naturally,I did not know it was love,...

Liberty X - Doin' It
Hey youWhat you tryin' to do?Saw you lookin' over and before I knewYou were movin' that body...

Liberty X - Dream About It
I didn't wanna talkI didn't even know your nameBut the way that you moved your bodyI could tell ...

Liberty X - Everyday
EverydayEverydayEverydayOoohEverything I ever hear you say I knowI feel, Oh Yeah...

Liberty X - Greed
How much do you really want?If you had it would it really solve your problems?Do you realise the pain ...

Liberty X - Holding On For You
Sunshine fades to grayThe second I'm awayMinutes turn to hoursWithout youTime keeps marchi...

Liberty X - I Got What You Want
Never been the kinda guy to be hanging aroundI'm feelin' it ain't you feeling it?Come on baby can you ...

Liberty X - Just A Little
Uh-huhYeah yeahHmmSexy, everything about you so sexyYou don't even know what you got...

Liberty X - Let's Get Working
I'm not looking for no mysteryGotta be real love I'm nobodies gameNot a chance for you to move from th...

Liberty X - Meant To Be
At 2amI'm driving home from being with youPlaying back our favourite songTurn it upWonder ...

Liberty X - Never Give Up
We were looking roundWaiting for the right timeEverybody saying careful what you doYou've got ev...

Liberty X - Never Meant To Say Goodbye
Oh Oh OhIf I told you I needed a friendWould you walk away?And if I told you I needed a lo...

Liberty X - No Clouds
OoohWoke up this morningOpened up my curtainsWhat do I seeWhat a lovely daySunshine ...

Liberty X - Right Here Right Now
Ooh yeahWondering how our love just slipped awayWas it something that we didn't sayCould i...

Liberty X - Saturday
I can't waitI can't waitTired of working, tired of thinkingDon't wanna read no books...

Liberty X - Thinking It Over
L to the I to the B to the E to the R to the T YI ain't mad with you babyYeah but why the wait,I...

Liberty X - Wanting Me Tonight
I know you like my styleSee I've noticed for a whileCaught you looking at me one too many timesI...

Lifehouse - All In All
Standing on top of the edge it feels like it's going downEverything stays in my mind feeling in a daze on th...

Lifehouse - Blind
I was young but I wasn't naiveI watched helpless as he turned around to leaveAnd still I have the pain...

Lifehouse - Chapter One
All the stars are out tonight it feels as though I mightMake some sense out of this madness will it turn out...

Lifehouse - Come Back Down
Staring right back in the faceA memory can't be erasedI know, because I triedStart to feel the e...

Lifehouse - Days Go By
So don't sit back and watch the days go byAre you ever gonna live before you dieAnd when things fall a...

Lifehouse - Into The Sun
It's been a while since you last saw meOne breaks down and the other ones fadeThese eyes can see the d...

Lifehouse - The End Has Only Begun
We walk in your footstepsThough I've had my ups and downsAnd I'll stand in the silenceUntil I fi...

Lifehouse - Undone
I can see it your eyes you're hurtingBut pain is part of learning who you areAll these truths can some...

Lifehouse - Walking Away
The sun goes down as the city lightsPave their way through the darkest nightRaindrops fall as an old m...

Lifehouse - We'll Never Know
Tell all the dreams that you have let slip right through your handsDo you feel lost inside of someone else's...

Lifehouse - Wish
so you found a better hiding place than on the groundinside the image of who they think you are...

Lifehouse - You And Me
What day is it? And in what month?This clock never seemed so aliveI can't keep up and I can't back do...

Lifer - Blurred
make up your mindwhat's your decision?don't say that to me!looking back to beforewas it me...

Lifer - Boring
come and take a look at what i've got insidesteppin' up to me will make you question your mind so step...

Lifer - Breathless
offended by my obscenitymouth full of soapcleansing measking for a little empathymouth is ...

Lifer - Disbelief
tell me when you've had enoughi know i need somereally? huh? do you want some of this?do you wan...

Lifer - Heave
and you try to get the fuck uplisten to me if you're scared drop to the floortry to think about ...

Lifer - My Room
save yourself while you canwatch your back because i'm comingwanna listen to me cry, i'm gonna try...

Lifer - New
take another hit and it makes me big againin, out, and around my head againhere, and i'm never giving ...

Lifer - No Need
remember things that I forget it isn't now and wasn't thennow i'm laying on my back againi don't...

Lifer - Not Like You
why do you insist that you are right and i am wrong?i know i'm no jesus christbut i'm no different tha...

Lifer - Parade
it's rainingi know you think that everyone is looking at youwhy do you think everyone is looking at yo...

Lifer - Perfect
at one time close now somehow far no more oppression no more scabs to heal or pick open again ...

Lifer - Swallow
as i wakei open my eyes i find, i realizemy drive was so far but close enough to gocompell...

Lifer - Ugly
no use running i see you there no use hiding or lying i'm becoming youi'll be all that i'll bebe...

Lighthouse Family - End Of The Sky
Would you like to go somewhere unbelievable? Where the great big blue sky seems to last forever Cos I ...

Lighthouse Family - Happy
Hey, what's happened to our lives?When did you and me forget how to have a good time? And we gotta get...

Lighthouse Family - It's A Beautiful Day
There's nothing wrong with me, I'm OKIt's only because recently been kind of Grey that I feel downI kn...

Lighthouse Family - (i Wish I Knew How It Would Feel To Be) Free
I wish I knew how it would feel to be freeI wish I could break all the chains holding meI wish I could...

Lighthouse Family - Life's A Dream
What you gonna do with your Life? When you gonna spend your time? The way that you've always wanted ...

Lighthouse Family - Run
Got a picture of a glorious day A sunny afternoon somewhere with a view And I don 't care what it's al...

Lighthouse Family - Whatever Gets You Through The Day
When all your hope has goneAnd everything you love g gone away Whatever gets you through the day ...

Lighthouse Family - Wish
I thought I got the A-Z but now I'm lostAnd I don't know where I'm going', I don't know what I'm looking for...

Lighthouse Family - You Always Want What You Haven't Got
It's like I just woke up one morning Looked at the way that we liveThought things could be so much bet...

Lighthouse Family - You're A Star
Well I try not to think about youAnd I know I can get on without you But it all seems to be so hollow ...

Lil' Bow Wow - All I Know
All I know, is when I'm with youYou make me feel so good, through & throughThe way you walk & the way ...

Lil' Bow Wow - Basketball
[Chorus]Theyre playing basketballWe love that basketballNow basketball is my favori...

Lil' Bow Wow - Bow Wow (that's My Name)
[Lil' Bow Wow]Uh, sayUh, uh, say (My name is)Say, bow wow wowUh, uh, bow wow (Yeah)...

Lil' Bow Wow - Bow Wow (that's My Name) (remix)
Hair nappy but I'm happy pocket full of doughFrom the C-O representin' So SoThe girls recognize and th...

Lil' Bow Wow - Crazy
[Chorus]I'm crazy, how I dress and keep it fresh,so many steps, I hit to ya, cuz I'm before my ...

Lil' Bow Wow - Get Up
[Lil' Bow Wow+(J.D.)](Let's go) Uh huh, uh yeah (uh)Uh huh uh (turn it up) yeahUh huh, he...

Lil' Bow Wow - Hardball
Throw me the ball and watch me what I do with itWe got Bow Wow in the houseMy man Lil' Zane, Lil' Wayn...

Lil' Bow Wow - How Many Times
Ooh, oh, oh, yeahWhy you got to make this hard?All the time so difficultWhen I'm just tryi...

Lil' Bow Wow - Intro
Once upon a time But not too long ago There was a new liter of puppies At a place called the dog...

Lil' Bow Wow - Off The Glass
ManI'm forcin it that uhI have the talent And hey[Xscape:]he's the B-O ...

Lil' Bow Wow - Pick Of The Litter
[ROC]Here we do it like 1 and 2 and 3 and to the 4 R to the O to the C's is at the doe Cruise m...

Lil' Bow Wow - Puppy Love
[JD(Jagged Edge)](Oh...)Je y'all[Lil Bow Wow(JD)]Yo I'm looking for gi...

Lil' Bow Wow - Stick Up
[Jermaine Dupri & Lil' Bow Wow](Dance) Don't nobody move till I say so(Hands) Up in the air if ...

Lil' Bow Wow - Take Ya Home
From the C-O to across the seasI'm guaranteed to everybody bounce w/ meBeen known to put it down anypl...

Lil' Bow Wow - Thank You
If you ever bought a tapePurchased a C.D or a piece of vinylDj'd my record Promoted my record...

Lil' Bow Wow - The Dog In Me
YeahI'm the hottest thing to hit the blockSince the ??From CO to ATL I keeps it lockedLike...

Lil' Bow Wow - The Future
I'm off the chainsI'm off the chainsYeah I'm off the chains[Chorus:]Have you ...

Lil' Bow Wow - The Wickedest
My Name is B-O-WThis one goes out to everybody all around the worldDog to dogGirl to girl...

Lil' Bow Wow - This Playboy
Uh Ohh u done crossed the lineBeware of the dog is right there on the signU got a mucle now getem now ...

Lil' Bow Wow - Up In Here
[JD:] Yo Yo Yo (Is IT?) Crazy you hear that that's my man Bow Wowand you know it's off the hook...

Lil' Bow Wow - We Want Weezy (intro)
Yeah Yeah Can ya'll hear thatYeahCan ya'll hear thatYeahWell clap ya hands then ...

Lil' Bow Wow - You Already Know
[Intro x2]Uh huh Uh huh, UhYeahMoneyBow Wow, So SoTo The DefYeah......

Lil' Bow Wow - You Know Me
[bow wow](you know me)yo this is bow wow(you know me)what can u do with me ..nothin...

Lil' Flip - 7-1-3
[Lil'Flip]Lil' FlipRepresent7-1-3Now when you see me in the Lamborghini...

Lil' Flip - 8 Rulez
[Chorus]1 - Never let a nigga know yo business2 - Always start what you finish3 - Stay on...

Lil' Flip - Bounce
[Lil' Flip]Yea, this track right here making them bounce - y'knowJump in the chevy and bounce...

Lil' Flip - Check (let's Ride)
[Chorus: Repeat 2x]I got my converse check, my pistol checkmy vest, plus I got VS1's around my ...

Lil' Flip - Cut 4 U
[Lil' Flip talking]Lil' Flip,this for the ladies thoughyeah this for the ladies[...

Lil' Flip - Da Roof
[Lil' Flip]Well, I smoke and lean tryna get highon Cloud 9 tryna reach they skywe call it...

Lil' Flip - Dem Boyz
[talking]Play-N-Skillz[Chorus: Repeat 2x]Is it cause dem boyz is out there s...

Lil' Flip - Drugz (screwed)
[Talking]Yeah, Play & Skillz, just let it bangNa'm sayin'? Hah-Hah, feelin' this oneYeah ...

Lil' Flip - Freestyle King Award
[talkin']Nigga, 2000, Y2KMe and Ron C all in yo muthafuckin' shit niggafo sho, ha, man it...

Lil' Flip - Game Over (flip)
[Intro]FuryAhhhhhhhhhhhhhh[Chorus: repeat 4x]Game over, Flip, Flip, Fl...

Lil' Flip - Gotta Be Me
[chorus: Cresia]And I just gotta be I'm gonna stay sucka

Lil' Flip - I Can Do Dat
If I spill drank on my clothesI can do datIt dont matter cause I buy me some moreI can do dat...

Lil' Flip - I Got Flow
[Chorus]Cause I got flow, you know I got flowIf I ain't in your gal, I'm in the studioCau...

Lil' Flip - I Shoulda Listened
huh huhI had to do somethin like disya knowhuh I shoulda listenedI shoulda listened...

Lil' Flip - Look At Me Now
[talking]yeah I represent Houston manya know they say we country down herebut everybody t...

Lil' Flip - Make Mama Proud
[talking][Lil' Flip]In elementary I used crayons, even chalkI learned to cou...

Lil' Flip - Rags 2 Riches
[Lil' Flip]It was all a dream,haha, hahaWe finally made it,From point A to point B,...

Lil' Flip - Rollin' On 20's
Here we goWelcome to my world nigga of Cadillacs and stacksTriple X throwbacks with my name on t...

Lil' Flip - Sun Don't Shine
I thank god everyday For paving the way Cause he made me what I am 2day A young entrepreneur wit...

Lil' Flip - The Ghetto
[Chorus]In this world I'm gon' pityI was raised in the ghetto-out the city(Naaaaah, mmmmm...

Lil' Flip - The Way We Ball
Heyyy, Ho (This is the way we ball)Ah ha, Houston, Texas (This is the way we ball)Ah ha (This is the w...

Lil' Flip - Throw Up Yo' Hood
Wo0o wo0o this wat i want you to do.Go to the bar and buy the most expensive drink and pourIt on the n...

Lil' Flip - We Ain't Playing
[Chorus]We, We Aint Playin'We, We Aint Playin'We, We Aint Playin'We, We Aint Playin...

Lil' Flip - We Blow Endo
uh-Huh heh-huhLil Flipper da Leprachun ak da Freestyle KingSucka Free, Fuckin wit dat Ron-C on dat Dod...

Lil' Flip - What's My Name
[Chorus: Lil' Flip](They call him Lil' Flip)who was the one that had ya'll leanin to the left?...

Lil' Flip - Ya'll
Y'all niggaz tryna steal my styleSome of y'all niggas tryna steal my styleI think y'all niggaz tryna s...

Lil' Jon & The East Side Boyz - Bo Hagon's Phone Call
Man like everything fina workout like this shit fina jump cuz this shit fina jump like atrapolena i promise ...

Lil' Jon & The East Side Boyz - Bounce Dat Ass
Get the fuck out the way, cause here they comeThem hoes shakin' that assGet the fuck out the way, caus...

Lil' Jon & The East Side Boyz - Chris Rock Let's Be Friends
[Chris Rock]Now I hate when some crazy bitch says "Let's Be Friends".Yeah I wanna be the friend...

Lil' Jon & The East Side Boyz - Contract
[Intro: Pimpin' Ken]Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, like I said this is your boy Pimpin' Ken dot netSell the ...

Lil' Jon & The East Side Boyz - Crunk Juice
A BME Clique (Yeah Yeahh)We back motha fuckers (We Back)The Kings of Motha fuckin crunk (Kings of Crun...

Lil' Jon & The East Side Boyz - Diamonds
[Chorus]Diamonds in my peace of chainDiamonds in my piece ofDiamond diamonds in my piece ...

Lil' Jon & The East Side Boyz - Don't Fuck Wit Me
[Intro]Ladies and fuckin gentlemen (Whassup)It's the kings of fuckin crunk (You know it)M...

Lil' Jon & The East Side Boyz - E40 Choppin
Hey Jon, man whas wrong wit these really foo foo rif raf ass niggas huh?Always tryna go to war over a mothaf...

Lil' Jon & The East Side Boyz - Get Crunk (gcwuwda Version)
Once again up in that south from my motherfucking mouthand creeping up on y'all niggas like a motherfucking ...

Lil' Jon & The East Side Boyz - I Like Dem Girlz
[Repeat 2x's]It's some hoes in this houseIt's some hoes in this houseIf you see them poin...

Lil' Jon & The East Side Boyz - Push That Nigga, Push That Hoe
[Lil' Jon]Yeah! BME hoe!Yeah! a' Lil' Jon hoe!Yeah! Big Sam hoe!Yeah a' Lil B...

Lil' Jon & The East Side Boyz - Put Yo Hood Up
[Chorus]Put yo hood up! [4X]Put yo click up! [4X]Represent yo' shit muthafu...

Lil' Jon & The East Side Boyz - Rep Yo City
[Hook: Lil' Jon + (Petey Pablo) - 2X]Rep yo city! Rep yo city! (Rep yo cityyyy!)Rep yo city! Fu...

Lil' Jon & The East Side Boyz - The Weedman
[Verse 1]We smoke everydayOn an average 9,10,11,12 even 13 bluntsBut when we on our last...

Lil' Jon & The East Side Boyz - Who U Wit
[Computer Voice]Ight, Ight, Ight, Ight, Ight, Ight, Ight, Ight,Ight, Ight, Ight, Ight, Ight, Ig...

Lil' Kim - Aunt Dot
[Lil' Kim].. My Aunt Dotleft a glock and some blood on my sheetsTold me clean the shit up...

Lil' Kim - Big Momma Thang
You got it goin' on, wha whaUh, wha whaYou got it goin' on, wha whaUh, wha whaYou got it g...

Lil' Kim - Came Back For You
[Intro]Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I am the one and only Queen BeeAfter me there will be...

Lil' Kim - Crush On You
UNDEASLil' Ceasar, the bitch pleaserUhh... uh, check it[Verse One: Lil' Cease]...

Lil' Kim - Custom Made (give It To You)
[Lil' Kim]I gets right to the point -- no time to play aroundWhen it comes to this cheddar -- l...

Lil' Kim - Doing It Way Big
[dice rattle][dice rattle] C'mon dice[dice rattle][dice rattle] C'mo...

Lil' Kim - Don't Mess With Me
[Lil' Kim]See.. some niggaz don't know how to I'm about to get on some Left Eye shit...

Lil' Kim - Do What You Like
[Intro]QB ya shit shit is crazy yoCan't fuck wit youFo realThey can't fuck wit you...

Lil' Kim - Dreams
Gimme all the rhythm and blues niggas then rock the shots of liquor theymake me cum quicker rub between your...

Lil' Kim - Drugs
[BIG] Never a flaw[Kim] A different kind of high[Kim] Yaknow, feel me on this, hu...

Lil' Kim - Fuck You
[Trife]Nine shots greet ya, greet ya; hang with Lil' Cease-ahBut don't sling pizza, pizza...

Lil' Kim - Hold On
[Kim - Verse One]Oh how it hurts, like child birthThe wounds heal slow, you just don't know...

Lil' Kim - How Many Licks
[Sisqo]Hold upSo what you're saying is, oh(Niggaz got me pissed like Lil' Kim)You w...

Lil' Kim - I'm Human
Ha! Ha!A queen is not a queen, because she is feltBut a queen is a queen, because failure has not stop...

Lil' Kim - Intro In A-minor
[*Sound of a car driving on a busy street*][Taxi Driver:] Alright, sir, which side of the...

Lil' Kim - Lil' Drummer Boy
[Bailiff]Will the court please rise?Judge Funk Doctor Spock residing[Prosecutor]...

Lil' Kim - M.a.f.i.a. Land
[Lil' Kim]Yeah....uhhIn the M.A.F.I.A.'s Land ya'llWhere loyalty is everything [*thund...

Lil' Kim - No Matter What They Say
[Puff Daddy]Uh, yeahQueen Bee, 2000Come on[1] - No matter what people ...

Lil' Kim - Notorious K.i.m.
[Lil' Kim (Notorious B.I.G.)]What?Here's another oneWhat?(Uh-huh uh)What? Uh!...

Lil' Kim - Off The Wall
[Lil' Cease]Now get your back up off the wallDance come onNow get your back up off the wa...

Lil' Kim - Player Haters
[Hater #1:] Hey yo[Hater #2:] Whatup, baby?[Hater #1:] That little stink ass bitc...

Lil' Kim - Queen Bitch
If peter piper pecked em, I betcha biggie bust emHe probably tried to fuck him, I told him not to trust him...

Lil' Kim - Queen Bitch Pt. Ii
[Puff Daddy]Yeah, uhYeah, uh-uh, uh-uhBeotch!Come on, yeahUh, uhHe-he y...

Lil' Kim - Revolution
[Lil' Kim]S-W nine millimeter, checkLong-nose double barreled rifle, checkSemi-automatic ...

Lil' Kim - Right Now
I need you, got to have youYeah whateverI was sitting at the barWhen this real horny guy c...

Lil' Kim - She Don't Love You
[dials phone - phone rings][Kim] Hello?[Girl] HelloIs this Lil' Kim?...

Lil' Kim - Single Black Female
Yeah yeah yeah yeahYeah, and it don't stopYeah yeah, and it don't stopYeah, and it don't stop...

Lil' Kim - Spend A Little Doe
Baby I missed youI missed you to.I waited a long time for this.So why you aint come see me, no c...

Lil' Kim - The Jump Off
[Intro: Lil' Kim (Mr. Cheeks)]Whoa! (Whoa!) Whoa! (Yeah)Aiyyo Tim man this the jump off right h...

Lil' Kim - This Is A Warning
[entire song set to the melody of R. Kelly's "A Woman's Threat"][Lil' Kim - speaking]...

Lil' Kim - We Don't Need It
[Ceas]Yea-uh, fuck that, yo, I want some pussy tonightI think I wanna fuck my bitch Goldie and ...

Lil' Kim - You Can't Win
[Puff Daddy]Ladies and gentleman(Come on throw your hands in the air like this one time)O...

Lillix - 24/7
im never ganna runim never ganna live im never ganna hideohhhi wait for you hoping t...

Lillix - Because
Here we are, it's but another little fightThey want you to be the only one in sightDon't just make bel...

Lillix - Dirty Sunshine
nah nah nah dirty bed clothes a spider creepin up the wallmoldy pizzasits were i lef...

Lillix - Fork In The Road
Day by DayI seek the possibilitesSearching forThe one and only thing that I lackLook at th...

Lillix - Invisible
What can be done in order for you to percieve that I'm not falling behind?That's your vision your delusion I...

Lillix - It's About Time
I hate you, I love youI just can't remember to forget youWho are you, who needs you?You make me ...

Lillix - Lost And Confused
So many days Have gone by without a traceI dont know what to do or to sayToo many ways For...

Lillix - Promises
It's been another day thinking what could have beenIt gets so hardBut it's not what it seemsWhat...

Lillix - Quicksand
Yesterday Seemed so much longer then today There must be something wrong with meI think im losin...

Lillix - Sick
I'm never going to be what you want to seealways got to be me and freeright or wrongyou'll be go...

Lillix - Tomorrow
Tomorrow's just another dayAnother way To spend my dayAll by myselfStarin at the tv screen...

Lillix - What I Like About You
hey..uh uh huhwhat i like about you you hold me tighttell me im the only one wanna come ov...

Lil' Mo - 1st Time
The way you kiss me babe makes my body come alive The way you hold me babe hold me close when youre deep in ...

Lil' Mo - 21 Answers
Baltimore City, New York CityYou are now rockin' to the sounds of ur girl Lil' MoYou can't hate on me...

Lil' Mo - Ain't No Reason
Before you say im buggin, im tripppinIm whilin, im slippinIm different from the girl you thought you m...

Lil' Mo - Brand Nu
Like a child that has just been bornLike a kid in a candy store You make me feel so brand nu (you make...

Lil' Mo - Disturbing Phone Call (interlude)
[Male:] Yo, I dont feel like listenin to nothing[Lil Mo:] No, you gonna hear sumtin[M...

Lil' Mo - Doing Me Wrong
You changed me and the way I felt about men I was just so disgusted cause the one I loved I couldnt trust hi...

Lil' Mo - Gangsta
Yo', this is for the streets, okayThis is for the streets, uh (Ooh...woo...)You know I keeps it gangst...

Lil' Mo - Get Over It
First of all my numbers aint listed so how you get my digits You call my crib, my cell, my job, and even lef...

Lil' Mo - Heaven (interlude)
Dont you know that heavens watching you (this is one for you heaven)Well its watching you you (thank you for...

Lil' Mo - It's Your World
Back in the day my momma used to tell me Girl you gotta stand for something Dont fall for nothing not ...

Lil' Mo - Letter To My #1 Fan
Dont you ever think of just seeing me on the TV screenOr in a magazine that my life it seems to be one big f...

Lil' Mo - More Than You Know
Baby, no more, noHmmThis is how it happenedI saw youMy dream became realityThe...

Lil' Mo - My Story
For fifteen years been doing my thangOoh, ooh, yea-e-yeah, yeahA little girl from North Island...

Lil' Mo - She'd Never Be Me
Ooh, hmphI got some nerveSitting up here thinking aboutHow it would be if I was your girlT...

Lil' Mo - Shoulda Known
Shoulda known you had a girlShoulda known you had someone to go home toShoulda known you was to good t...

Lil' Mo - So Lost Without You
Last night we had an argument, and I said things that I didnt really meanYes I let the moment get the best o...

Lil' Mo - Superwoman
Yo Black baby I'm your superwoman The kind of girl that you can lay down And everything will be ...

Lil' Mo - Superwoman (part 2)
I guess I ain't got no reason to mingle roundI found a superwoman that can leap from the truck in a single b...

Lil' Mo - Ta Da
Ta daTrying to make you disappearMake ya pack your bagsGet the hell out of hereDing-dong, ...

Lil' Mo - Why Do We Fall In Love
Lets talk about love Lets talk about love Ooh love You can feel it, but you cant see it...

Lil' O - Back Back
[Chorus]Bag Back Bag Back gimme 50 feet Or I'ma grab the gat and hit a nigga with the heat ...

Lil' Romeo - 2 Way
2 Way me Hit It [Chorus x2]Romeo, Romeo it takes two to make a thing go rightRomeo, oh Ro...

Lil' Romeo - Bobblehead
[Chorus]I didnt come to rock I came to make you move take it to the floor and act a fool shake it sha...

Lil' Romeo - Bring It
bring itbeatbring itbeatbring itbring it[verse1:]here...

Lil' Romeo - Clap Your Hands
[Chorus]If your happy and you know it clap your handsand if you like romeo clap your hands...

Lil' Romeo - Commerical
[Answering Machine:] Your mailbox is full.Caller's cannot leave new messages until you erase so...

Lil' Romeo - Feel Like Dancing
(Check it)[Romeo:] okay. Whatcha wanna do?[Girl:] You make me feel like danc...

Lil' Romeo - Girlfriend And Boyfriend
I wanna ask you one questionYou wanna be my juliet Or other words we can just be friendsLa la la...

Lil' Romeo - If I Try
I can do whatever I tryI can't life pass me byIt's okay to say noIf you wanna make it then ya go...

Lil' Romeo - Intro
[Master P]Where is romeo?where is romeo?[Lil' romeo]Here i am he...

Lil' Romeo - Intro (game Time)
R-o m-e-o, RomeoR-o-m-e-o, what's my name RomeoR-o-m-e-o, RomeoR-o-m-e-o, what's my name Romeo...

Lil' Romeo - Just A Kid
[Chorus: Lil' Romeo - repeat 2x]I'm the one wit the crushed out tankI'm the one who makin' youn...

Lil' Romeo - Let Me Shine
[Chorus]I know you gonna let me shine rightMe and my dawgs we be ballin all nightWhy? the...

Lil' Romeo - Little Souljah's Need Love Too
[Lil' Romeo]Little Soldiers need loveLittle kisses and hugsCome get wit these thugs...

Lil' Romeo - Little Star
I'm looking for a girlWho can stroll me aroundHold me downPuppy love, girlHow that sound?...

Lil' Romeo - Makes You Dance
[Romeo] Hey lil Zane[Lil Zane] Yo wassup?[R] You and Afficial. Meet me in Orlando...

Lil' Romeo - Missin' You
[Lil Romeo talking]Yo, I know we too young to be feelin' like thisWe was ment for eachother...

Lil' Romeo - My Biz
Let me be, let me live, okayI live my biz who im with, what i didWhat i didWhy you cant le...

Lil' Romeo - My Crush
[first girl:]life has been so good since romeo came back.i tried to tell mom but would she list...

Lil' Romeo - Rich Boyz
[chorus] Rich boyz on the block girls holla backThe New No Limit dirty south yea we runnin that...

Lil' Romeo - Richie Rich
[Verse 1:]i'm ya idol, the ensteindal, numeral uno, yes i'm so fresh and i speak it so that you know,...

Lil' Romeo - Romeoland (intro)
Romeo romeo romeo romeoWelcome to romeolandWell is it true Well is what trueThat romeo is ...

Lil' Romeo - Somebody's In Love
[Chorus]Fun Fun Fun kick the boomstick somebody's in love kick the boomstick Romeo's got a lady his p...

Lil' Romeo - Still Be There
I ain't tripin girl age ain't nuttin [2 times][chorus]Young girl why you wanna gro...

Lil' Romeo - Stomped Out
[Chorus:]If U Anit Wit My Team U Can Get Stomped OutWhen I Get Crunk U Can Get Stomped Out...

Lil' Romeo - The Girlies
[Lil' Romeo]They call me Romeo, soldier boyComa te llamo, ya heardThrow em up, lets do th...

Lil' Romeo - The One
[Chorus]Can I be the one?Let me show you how sure it is good!I just dont know why?...

Lil' Romeo - Throw Em Up
[chorus]Throw Em' Up woody were over here woody what's ur problem woody my gurl's Mariann...

Lil' Romeo - Too Long
[chorus]Maybe I stayed away too long (Lil'Rome Ya'll)Did I leave your mind when I was gone (Did...

Lil' Romeo - Wanna Grow Up
won't grow up won't grow up I won't grow upwon't grow upI won't grow up (but u gotta grow ...

Lil' Romeo - We Can Make It Right
We can make it right for usWe can make it right for usThis for everybody that been through the s...

Lil' Romeo - We In There
[chorus x2](whoop whoop) this for da ballas we gain(whoop whoop) this for da kids that wont cha...

Lil' Romeo - When I Get Grown
[CHORUS:]When I get grown I'm gonna cherish that big house on the hill but for now, sit back and be a...

Lil' Romeo - Where They At 2
[Chorus x6: Master P (Lil' Romeo)]Where them boys at? (Where they at?)Where them girls at? (The...

Lil' Romeo - Whoodihoop
[chorus x1]whoodihoop [x3]where dem boys at? where dem girls at? [x2]lean b...

Lil Scrappy - Bitch Niggaz
[Chorus]Bitch nigazz don't know me, Bitch nigazz don't know me, Bitch nigazz don't know m...

Lil Scrappy - Crank It
[Lil Scrappy Talking]Hey, hey, hey [repeats during hole thing]We on top of the world boy...

Lil Scrappy - F.i.l.a. (forever I Love Atlanta)
[Intro: Lil' Jon (Lil' Scrappy)]yeah! yeaah!yeah! yeaah!this ya boy Lil'Jonyeah! BM...

Lil Scrappy - Get Some Crunk In Yo System
[Hook x1: Trillville (Lil Jon)]Get some crunk in yo system (See) Get some crunk in yo sys...

Lil Scrappy - Gone
Gonego ahead and buck den,stop trippin actin like u scared to buck[Chorus]u can buc...

Lil Scrappy - Head Bussa
[LIL JON] - let's rise ! for the international headbussaz-Wassup LIL SCRAPPY LIL SCRAPPY Lil Scrappy ...

Lil Scrappy - Neva Eva
[Intro: Trillville (Lil Jon)](What, ugh)Get on my level ho (What!)Get on my level ho (You...

Lil Scrappy - No Problem
[Trillville talking][Chorus]You can get crunk in the clubRoll wit your hood...

Lil Scrappy - Some Cut
[Chorus]What it is hoe, ah what's up (what's up)Can a nigga get in them guts (them guts)C...

Lil Scrappy - Weakest Link
[Don P Talking][chorus]as far as I can see you're a bitch to me [2x]y...

Lil' Wayne - 500 Degreez
[Lil Wayne talking]It's the real shit, yeah500 Degreez this time biotchYes sir, you alrea...

Lil' Wayne - Act A Ass
[Intro]Act a ass wit it, back ya ass wit it Act a ass wit it, back ya ass wit itAct a ass...

Lil' Wayne - Ain't That A Bitch
Hey Hey Hey![Chorus]Because the cops is watchin the streets is talkinYa hoes is unf...

Lil' Wayne - Beef
[Lil Wayne]CheckHuhWhat?What?Let's go, nigga (Where you at, Wheezy?)...

Lil' Wayne - Biznite
Biznite... Biznite...Nothing but it I'm dippin' in a black milleny benny sittin on twentys...

Lil' Wayne - Bloodline
[Verse 1]The streets make the hustlasHustlas make the world go roundThe world is made of ...

Lil' Wayne - Bm J.r.
[Baby Talking]Yea shorty, you know what I'm talkin bout'I peep these niggaz out here they slipp...

Lil' Wayne - Cash Money Millionaires
[Lil Wayne]Keep pimpin [4x][Lil Wayne]Keep pimpin keep pimpin keep pi...

Lil' Wayne - Come On
[Verse 1:]where my niggaz at, it's play it raw time babyload up the guns guerilla war time baby...

Lil' Wayne - Drop It Like It's Hot
[Lil Wayne]Drop, drop, drop, what what whatAfter you back it up then stopWhat, what, wha,...

Lil' Wayne - Enemy Turf
[Juvenile]Ah hmmm hmmmmHmmmm Hmmm [Verse 1 (Juvenile)]When I say I do...

Lil' Wayne - Everything
[talking]I know, I know, Weezy Wee, this dedicated to my fatherDamn nigga, y'all excuse the exp...

Lil' Wayne - Fo Sheezy
[Verse 1]You know they saying since the bar back on the 'dro, he lackin the flowAnd if that eve...

Lil' Wayne - Fuck The World
Look, look, lookA young nigga screamin fuck the world and let 'em dieBehind tints, tryna' duck t...

Lil' Wayne - Fuck Wit Me Now
[Lil Wayne]Let's go - let's goLet's go - let's goThey can't fuck with me nowHuh? Fu...

Lil' Wayne - Fuck You
[Lil Wayne]Who that, Weezy BitchLike Sigel, you fuckin with the young don, peoplePlus I'm...

Lil' Wayne - Go Hard
[Verse 1]It's H-B Weezy Wee off the streetsStay deep 'Cedes Jeep big feetGazer seats hold...

Lil' Wayne - Hardball
Throw me the ball and watch me what I do with itWe got Bow Wow in the houseMy man Lil' Zane, Lil' Wayn...

Lil' Wayne - High Beamin
[BG]Niggas be hatin'Cause BG got itEvery top of the line car they gotLook I ride it...

Lil' Wayne - Inside
[Lil' Wayne talking]I came back around, I came back around, I came back aroundThe Carter muthaf...

Lil' Wayne - Jump Jiggy
We gone make 'em:[Chorus 2x]Jump, jiggy, jiggy, jump, jiggy, jump, jump,Jiggy, jump...

Lil' Wayne - Lights Off
[Lil' Wayne]Cut the lights off nigga (Cut 'em off)You know what time it is (What)You know...

Lil' Wayne - Look At Me
[Hook]Bright thing on my hand saying (Look at me)I got your girl doing a handstand (Look at me)...

Lil' Wayne - Loud Pipes
[Verse 1: (Mannie)]Wha wha wha nigga niggaI put piss stains on private planes cuz its my ...

Lil' Wayne - Lovely
[Verse 1]I love myselfI love what I amI love who I isI love WeezyLil girl you...

Lil' Wayne - Not Like Me
[Paparue]Original roughnecks, hear [laughing]Check![Chorus 2x]N...

Lil' Wayne - Only Way
[Baby talking to Wayne]Ay WayneI know this bullshit that I'm hearing ain't true rightYa f...

Lil' Wayne - On My Own
[lil wayne]Eagle, eagle carter manIn a 96 regal contrabandOn my way to the east to the la...

Lil' Wayne - On The Grind
[Lil Wayne]WhaaatYou can find me on the corner with stones, quarters and zonesor dope and...

Lil' Wayne - Realized
[Lil Wayne]What?!What?!!Look-Okay, let's cut the crapI'm straight gangsta - f...

Lil' Wayne - Remember Me
[B.G.]Say, Weezy (weezy)[Lil' Wayne]Can... they remember... me?Lil' We...

Lil' Wayne - Respect Us
[Lil' Wayne]What what whatWhat what whatWhat what whatListen, listenWhen.. I ...

Lil' Wayne - Snitch
[Hook - repeat 2X]Don't let your mouth open upCuz you don't wanna see the handgun open up, no...

Lil' Wayne - Tha Block Is Hot
[Lil' Wayne]Wha wha, wha wha, wha wha, wha wha, whatStraight off the black gold, nuts in ...

Lil' Wayne - Tha Blues
[Lil Wayne]Come on, come onCome on, come on, come on, come onAin't nothin' nice or sweet ...

Lil' Wayne - Tha Heat
[Lil Wayne talking]Fuck with me, you know what it is[Hook 2x]I shoot your ar...

Lil' Wayne - Up To Me
Look, where I go from here?Just lost my father last yearBut I still, remain to keep it real like dolla...

Lil' Wayne - Walk Out
[Verse 1]And in here is where the heroine bore youAnd I also got a large pot of cigarette or yo...

Lil' Wayne - Watcha Wanna Do
WhatWhat?Nigga, huh?Huh?Nigga, what?What?!What?Check!I'm sho...

Lil' Wayne - Where You At
[CHORUS]All my niggaz if you with me Where you at? (OH!)All my soldiers if you with me...

Lil' Wayne - Who Wanna
Somebody call the slick policeCapitol W Weezy Baby This is the Carter manRim low all I can...

Lil' Wayne - Wish You Would
[Lil Wayne]Look look look - don't play with meLook look lookHuh? Huh? LookLet's get...

Lil' Wayne - Worry Me
[Hook]You gotta walk like a (soldier)Talk like a (stunna)Move like a (player)And ge...

Lil' Wayne - Young'n Blues
[Intro: Lil Wayne - talking]I met her when I was young and she was youngerWith a body like woma...

Lil' Wayne - Young Playa
[Lil Wayne]He he heeI'm a young playa nigga, (what)I get the game from the big tymers, ni...

Lil' Wayne - You Want War
[Lil' Wayne]Aw awAw aw!Aw aw!!Peep me out, look!Head bustin', black fatigues...

Lil' Wyte - Bald Head Hoes
[Chorus:]bald head hoes, i see some bald head hoes, erry where i go i see some bald head hoes. Bald h...

Lil' Wyte - Bay Area
[chorus]bay area it is da hood of da bravebay area none my boys are afraid bay area we go...

Lil' Wyte - Blame It On Da Bay
[DJ Paul - repeat 8X]Fuck what you, who gives a fuck what you bitches say[Lil' Wyte]...

Lil' Wyte - Com'n Yo Direction
(yee-haw)[Lil' Wyte]Lil' Wyte's the name - their ain't a day passThat I ain't in tr...

Lil' Wyte - Drinking Song
Start this night out right so i dont fall on my faceI got some red necks wit me ready to get drunk and shot ...

Lil' Wyte - Drop It Off
[Chorus: repeat 4X]Drop it off drop it offBitch I got a sawed offPut that money in the ba...

Lil' Wyte - Everybody Gettin Crunk
[chorus]Yo mamma yo daddy yo greasy greasy grand mammyMan they gettin wild as fuck era body get...

Lil' Wyte - Good Dope
[Chorus: Lil' Wyte](sniff sniff) Don't be fuckin wit these killers on that good dope(sniff snif...

Lil' Wyte - Hoods Run Down
[LiL Wyte]Gimme da Microphone first so i could buss out dis bubbLe,whoevea idea dis was dey knew it w...

Lil' Wyte - I Did 'em Wrong
Watsup Bitch, Watsup HoeWatsup Bitch, Watsup HoeWatsup Bitch, Watsup Hoe[Chorus]...

Lil' Wyte - I Sho Will
[Intro - DJ Paul]Yeah..[echoing].. Hypnotize Minds...[echoing].. Lil' Wyte...[echoin...

Lil' Wyte - Look Like You
Man, I'm messed up [echoing] the hell [echoing] what kind of pill was that[echoing] GOD...

Lil' Wyte - My Smokin' Song
[Chorus: repeat 2X]This is my smokin' songIt ain't very long, but guaranteed to get the job don...

Lil' Wyte - Static Addict
Yeah, a lot of motherfuckersBe out here trying to act likeThey're so hard and shitBut you always...

Lil' Wyte - Ten Toes Tall
[DJ Paul sample]bustin with that 45 make them bitches back it up, back it up [repeat 4X]...

Lil' Wyte - U.s. Soldier Boy
[DJ Paul:]Yo, Right now we gonna dedicate this to all our soldiers,Over there fightin for us,...

Lil' Wyte - We Ain't Playin'
[Chorus: repeat 4X]We ain't playin' (hell naw) we ain't playin' (hell naw)We ain't playin mothe...

Lil' Wyte - Zero Tolerance (fuck Them Laws)
[Verse 1]I got an offering to refuse a five piece a dro for two'sFeeling greeky across the colo...

Lil' Zane - Beautiful Feelin'
[Chorus: repeat 4X]Such a beautiful feeling[Lil' Zane]I know a lot of times,...

Lil' Zane - Die Famous
what will it take for you to notice meit's like I'm not heredo you see us can you see us down here...

Lil' Zane - Money Stretch
What? What?Money stretchLil' Zane, what'cha saying?ATL's finest, what? What?Man you ...

Lil' Zane - None Tonight
[Lil' Zane]A yo check this outI'm sayinWe been on this dance floor all nightMan a n...

Lil' Zane - Ride On 'em
[Unknown Man]Them niggas wanna ride by do a lil' drive by But they just dont know howBut ...

Lil' Zane - The Ways Of The World
[Lil' Zane]Money is mandatory, my game is self explanitoryI hit the blunt as I proceed to tell ...

Lil' Zane - What Must I Do
Hey yo. This joint right here, is dedicated to that one girl that every player wants. I see you baby, ...

Lil' Zane - What's Up
[Lil' Zane]I was once wit a team, that, sold me a dreamWorked all day and, got, none of the cre...

Lil' Zane - You Must Really Love Me
It's not about the money[chorus 2x]You see its not the (money) [5x]You say i...

Limp Bizkit - 9 Teen 90 Nine
Fame you're claimin' is the top of the world. This stage I'm claimin' is the top of the world. Love I'...

Limp Bizkit - A Lesson Learned
This pain in my stomach wont go away. I assume this is punishment from all the...

Limp Bizkit - Almost Over
Learned how to rap as a little boyTook alot of crap as a little boyAlways had to fight back as a littl...

Limp Bizkit - Behind Blue Eyes
No one knows what it's likeTo be the bad manTo be the sad manBehind blue eyesAnd no one kn...

Limp Bizkit - Boiler
looks like i'm gonna do everything myself maybe i could use some help but hell, you want something don...

Limp Bizkit - Build A Bridge
Build a bridge to your mindTakes me there everytimeLay it all on the lineIf there's a wayB...

Limp Bizkit - Clunk
Clunk - [7x]Hey mister, elevate that mic like you missed itYou might need to rest up or pump th...

Limp Bizkit - Counterfeit
Freakin' me out you wear a mask called counterfeit, you're freakin' me out you wear a mask - [5x]...

Limp Bizkit - Creamer (radio Is Dead)
(all radio is dead)Hey kid, who you lookin' at?Why you standin' all up in my face like that?...

Limp Bizkit - Crushed
It's limp bizkit And this is how we learn You can't talk to me You're not supposed be, in ...

Limp Bizkit - Don't Go Off Wandering
Everyday is nothing but stress to me Constantly dwellin on how you got the best of meWanna know someth...

Limp Bizkit - Down Another Day
The end is near, the summer daysAll the great things go awayFeel the cold comin' 'round the bend...

Limp Bizkit - Drown
It's getting closer to the end, every part of meAnd then disaster takes it's toll, and now i'm left with onl...

Limp Bizkit - Eat You Alive
Hey you Mrs I dont know what the fuck your name is Im drawn to you somethings magnetic here If I could...

Limp Bizkit - Everything
I'm so frustratedSome things are making me so sick insideAw go with your heart, go with your heart...

Limp Bizkit - Full Nelson
why is everybody always pickin' on me? does anybody really know a thing about me? but one of these day...

Limp Bizkit - Getcha Groove On
millenium shit limp bizkit x to the z yeah bringin' it live to you and yours ladies and gentlemen my homeboy...

Limp Bizkit - Gimme The Mic
Hold up it's the motherfuckin' concreteSuicidal nightshift loaded with a vice gripPoppin' all you copi...

Limp Bizkit - Head For The Barricade
Fight...Sometimes you gotta fight for your right when you'reNot sure you're in a fight for your life, ...

Limp Bizkit - Hold On
you keep your distance i can't deny you i've got the feeling can't satisfy you i've got your picture on the ...

Limp Bizkit - I'm Broke
I aint no jokeSo you should get yourself a penAnd write yourself a little note so you don't forget aga...

Limp Bizkit - Indigo Flow
Yo what upGot Christian and Dino in the houseFear Factory actionKick off this new joint here for...

Limp Bizkit - Intro
Use your vehicle of salvation, my brothers, go buy a gun. And go give that gun to Jesus and say "Jesus...

Limp Bizkit - Intro
This is not a test This is reality We're all lying Who's in the house? Who's in the house?...

Limp Bizkit - Intro
You wanted the worstYou got the worst The one, the only, Limp Bizkit ...

Limp Bizkit - It'll Be Ok
i just read your letter it says that you'll be gone for a while everything was gettin' better i guess i'm ju...

Limp Bizkit - Just Drop Dead
Ok, where the hell you been? Said that you'd been hanging with your cute girlfriend Then I get a call,...

Limp Bizkit - Just Like This
Get up! Get up!Like This, just like this Do you wanna catch the vibe that's keepin' me alive?Fol...

Limp Bizkit - Leech
Tell me why ya came, tell me why you're hereTell me why your voice is always ringing in my earYou wann...

Limp Bizkit - Let It Go
Run, is that all you can do,Its all youve been doing since you been 2,You just run,You run away ...

Limp Bizkit - Let Me Down
Heartbreak is a headache,Like a toothache or an earthquake.Spontaneous combustionLeaves a taste ...

Limp Bizkit - Livin' It Up
this is dedicated to you ben stiller you are my favorite mother fucker i told you,didn't i drama makes the w...

Limp Bizkit - Lonely World
When i reminisce ignorance was bliss,Back in the days where the magic existNever be the same as it was...

Limp Bizkit - My Generation
if only we could fly limp bizkit style john otto take'em to the matthews bridge can you feel it my generatio...

Limp Bizkit - My Way
special, you think your special you do, i can see it in your eyes i can see it when you laugh at me look dow...

Limp Bizkit - N 2 Gether Now
[Fred:] Who can be the boss? Look up to the cross Stranded in the land of the lost Standi...

Limp Bizkit - Nobody Like You
I'm convinced that you hate meYou like to see me cryIts already a proven factAnd you wait and wa...

Limp Bizkit - Nobody Loves Me
Shut upI'm so sick of them deadlinesI cannot stand why them maniacs are in them headlinesAnd eve...

Limp Bizkit - Nookie
I came into this world as a reject Look into these eyesThen you'll see the size of these flamesD...

Limp Bizkit - No Sex
Went too fast way too soon. I feel disgusted and you should to. Its no good when all that's left...

Limp Bizkit - Outro
You wanted the worst You've got the worst The one, the only Limp Bizkit We could've stoppe...

Limp Bizkit - Outro
This, HDFW bass to Chocolate Starfish, read, over Chocolate Starfish, reading, over Your m...

Limp Bizkit - Phenomenon
Are you ready?Ain't it funny how time flies, huh?Out of sight, out of mind (yeah right)Once agai...

Limp Bizkit - Pollution
Come on drop that shitStraight comin' at ya, punkThe greatest side is critical ...

Limp Bizkit - Re-arranged
Just think about it Lately I've been skepticalSilent when I would used to speakDistant from all ...

Limp Bizkit - Red Light - Green Light
Freak baby, freak freak baby [x2]Red light, green light [x3]You ready to roll?Tell...

Limp Bizkit - Re-entry
[ringmaster:] "step right up, step right up everyone. whether you're good or bad, happy or sad,whethe...

Limp Bizkit - Rollin' (air Raid Vehicule)
alright partner keep on rollin' baby you know what timeit is chocolate starfish keep on rollin' baby move in...

Limp Bizkit - Rollin' (urban Assault Vehicle)
Play the fucken' track! Play that fucken' track! Oh there it is Limp Bizkit, DMX, Redman, that's...

Limp Bizkit - Secret Track (stereotype Me)
Am I a freak in the darknessOr am I a misfitYou speak with opinionsTo seek in so deepBut i...

Limp Bizkit - Show Me What You Got
keepin it realworld wide babylimp bizkits in the houseso bring it oni'd like to dedicate t...

Limp Bizkit - Sour
Mellow outBitchI thought I knew yaTook the time to throw my lovin' into yaScrew yaCu...

Limp Bizkit - Stalemate
It's not my mind - [5x]Yo JAnd I get a little bitYour veins flow with poisonPlease ...

Limp Bizkit - Stinkfinger
A city of canvasI'm thinking I've been there beforeYou know something, I live in this pig pen this fil...

Limp Bizkit - Stuck
Psycho female blowin up the phone lineYou need to tighten that screw, it's been loose for a long timeI...

Limp Bizkit - The Channel
[Verse 1]Check oneI don't like the radioI don't like tvThey're selling so much shit...

Limp Bizkit - The Key
[Intro]Check!Shut the fuck up! You shut the fuck up!Who the fuck are you? Who the fuck ar...

Limp Bizkit - The One
i'm dead from all the loneliness this is how i feel understanding everything has never been my deal maybe yo...

Limp Bizkit - The Only One
Hold up you're movin' too fastI'm up for something that lastsI ain't looking to screw on the first nig...

Limp Bizkit - The Priest
[Intro]It could be the absense talkingI dont think soI dont eitherIve gotta find a ...

Limp Bizkit - The Propaganda
[Intro]Uh, yeah!Tell 'em how to sell itthis propaganda[Verse 1]D...

Limp Bizkit - The Story
[Verse 1]Just live and let dieCheck, check, check, comonIf you could take a m...

Limp Bizkit - The Surrender
[Verse 1]Don't label me a monsterI'm a monster just like youDon't label me a victim...

Limp Bizkit - The Truth
[Verse 1]You can't sleep, you're restlessAnd slightly obsessed with falling too deepAnd m...

Limp Bizkit - Trust
1..2..1..2...what the fuck you gonna do?You know I see right through you you act like you don't ...

Limp Bizkit - Underneath The Gun
[fred:] "sometimes i can be my own worst enemy... i am my own worst enemy... other times whenI'm alon...

Lindsay Lohan - A Day In The Life
(Oh,Oh,Oh,Oh)[Repeat][Verse]Today is,So boring, I might aswell be snor...

Lindsay Lohan - Disconnected
Sleeping awake and awake when I'm sleepingI've got a dry kinda thirst when drenchedOn sunny days all I...

Lindsay Lohan - Don't Move On / Living For The City / Changes (medley)
You brought me to the highest Mountain,Out of my, deep despair.And you don't know how much I need you,...

Lindsay Lohan - Drama Queen (that Girl)
There was a girl I knew who always wanted to be the one to stand out from the crowdAlways believed that she ...

Lindsay Lohan - First
Is that someone you used to dateWhy she's hanging around here, what's her storyDoesn't she know that i...

Lindsay Lohan - I Decide
Don't think that you can tell me what to thinkI'm the one who knows what's good for meAnd I'm stating ...

Lindsay Lohan - Magnet
I don't know whether I should hate it or should like itThe way you read through me I'd swear you were a psyc...

Lindsay Lohan - Nobody 'til You
I never walked on water never sawA reason to be going out that farI never found a star that made a wis...

Lindsay Lohan - Rumors
Saturday steppin' into the clubThe music makes me wanna tell the DJTurn It UpI feel the energy a...

Lindsay Lohan - Symptoms Of You
There a good kind of painAnd insane kinda sane (when I'm around you [2x])There a chill in...

Lindsay Lohan - To Know Your Name
I know your nameBut I won't tellWe must keep this secret wellPrivacy's hard to findEyes ar...

Lindsay Lohan - What Are You Waiting For
[Verse]Sometimes, I get that overwhelming feeling,So sad theFaces on TV,If i try to...

Lindsay Pagano - #1 (with A Bullet)
my bad was not to let u inwhen u stood by me better then a best friendand i thank u for givin me a han...

Lindsay Pagano - Burning In Me
tired of walkin roundhead down lost & foundvictimized by a prize that ain't worth keepinfeelin a...

Lindsay Pagano - Dreams Like This
dreams like this make me feel so fineim wishin on a star yeah a star thats what u arei wanna tel...

Lindsay Pagano - Everything U R
love can b complicated2 often mistranslated 1 word for all dynamics leads 2 problematic...

Lindsay Pagano - Romeo
Lost in emotiondeep in ur ocean of liesfoolish me almost didn't seeyour honesty disguise...

Lindsay Pagano - So Bad
There is a pain inside my heartyou mean so much to meboy i love you yes i love u so bad and if u...

Linkin Park - And One
Where should I startDisjointed heartIve got no commitmentTo my own flesh and bloodLeft all...

Linkin Park - A Place For My Head
I watch how theMoon sits in the sky / in the dark nightShining with the light from the sunThe su...

Linkin Park - Big Pimpin' / Papercut
Ha HaYou're wasting your talent, RandyIt's like I'm paranoid lookin' over my backIt's like...

Linkin Park - Breaking The Habit
Memories consumeLike opening the woundI'm picking me apart againYou all assumeI'm safe her...

Linkin Park - By Myself
What do I do to ignore them behind me?Do I follow my instincts blindly?Do I hide my pride from these b...

Linkin Park - Chali
Whats up?Youve reached MikeGive me a detailed mPlease enter your passFirst messageYo...

Linkin Park - Crawling
[Chorus:]Crawling in my skinThese wounds they will not healFear is how I fallConfus...

Linkin Park - Dedicated
I have a dream of a scene between the green hillsClouds pull away and the sunlight's revealedPeople do...

Linkin Park - Don't Stay
Sometimes I need to remember just to breatheSometimes I need you to stay away from meSometimes Im in d...

Linkin Park - Esaul (a Place For My Head)
Riding with a head full of bodies are redAnd when this x is still stuck in my headBut misled doing the...

Linkin Park - Faint
I am a little bit of loneliness a little bit of disregardHandful of complaints but I cant help the fact that...

Linkin Park - Figure.09
Nothing ever stops all these thoughts and the pain attached to themSometimes I wonder why this is happening...

Linkin Park - Forgotten
From the top to the bottom Bottom to top I stop At the core Ive forgotten In the middle of my th...

Linkin Park - From The Inside
I dont know who to trust no surprise(Everyone feels so far away from me)Heavy thoughts sift through du...

Linkin Park - High Voltage
Just do something to tell you who I am, ya know? It's high voltage you cant shake the shock Beca...

Linkin Park - High Voltage (remix)
You know what I meanYou could put a label on a life,Put a label on a lifestyleSometimes......

Linkin Park - Hit The Floor
There are just too many times that people have tried to look inside of meWondering what I think of you and I...

Linkin Park - In The End
(It starts with)One thing / I dont know whyIt doesnt even matter how hard you tryKeep that in mi...

Linkin Park - Izzo / In The End
This is funLadies and gentlemen, put our hands together for the astonishing...Welcome ladi...

Linkin Park - Lying From You
When I pretend everything is what I want it to beI look exactly like what you always wanted to seeWhen...

Linkin Park - Morning After
Caught up against the wall again Time to chill in the bar again Never cease to amaze in minds So...

Linkin Park - My December
This is my DecemberThis is my time of the yearThis is my DecemberThis is all so clearThis ...

Linkin Park - Numb
I'm tired of being what you want me to beFeeling so faithless lost under the surfaceDon't know what yo...

Linkin Park - Part Of Me
Part of me wont go awayEveryday reminded how much I hate itWeighted against the consequences Can...

Linkin Park - Pushing Me Away
I've lied to youThe same way that I always doThis is the last smileThat I'll fake for the sake o...

Linkin Park - Somewhere I Belong
(When this began)I had nothing to say And I get lost in the nothingness inside of me (I was conf...

Linkin Park - Stef
Next messageYo, what's up?Its Stef, call me upIm going to be in town all this week;So, if ...

Linkin Park - Step Up
Watch as the room rocks Men only moonwalk Mixed media slang Banging in your boom box verbal viol...

Linkin Park - Super Xero (by Myself)
What do I do to ignore what's behind me?Do I follow my fate and escape blindly?Do I hide my pride away...

Linkin Park - System
You fell away, What more can I say? The feelings evolved, I won't let it out, I can't repl...

Lionel Richie - All Night Long
Well, my friends, the time has comeTo raise the roof and have some funThrow away the work to be done...

Lionel Richie - Angel
I just want to tell you all the things you areAnd all the things you mean to meYou've been with me for...

Lionel Richie - Ball And Chain
Here I am standing in the mirror, looking in my eyesTrying not to fool myself, and realizeTimes are ge...

Lionel Richie - Brick House
[Chorus:]She's a brick houseMighty might just lettin' it all hang outShe's a brick house...

Lionel Richie - Cinderella
As I was walking down apath in the woods one day Icame across a vision that caught my eyeT...

Lionel Richie - Dance For The World
Dance for the world, Dance for the worldPeople it's time now, Something's got to changePeople, W...

Lionel Richie - Dance The Night Away
One kiss, intrigueYou're all alone with meSo much, delightI want to be with you tonightCha...

Lionel Richie - Dancing On The Ceiling
What is happening here?Something is going onThat's not quite clearSomebody turn on the light...

Lionel Richie - Don't Stop The Music
On the street, in the park on the floor anywhere you areSomething fresh, something wild, take it up like a s...

Lionel Richie - Don't You Ever Go Away
Hey, can you tell my heart is aching You, It's only you that's on my mindI, I can not fight this feeli...

Lionel Richie - Easy
Know it sounds funnyBut I just can't stand the painGirl I'm leaving you tomorrowSeems to me girl...

Lionel Richie - Goodbye
I wanted you for life You and me In the wind I never thought there come a time That our st...

Lionel Richie - Hello
I've been alone with youInside my mindAnd in my dreams I've kissed your lipsA thousand times...

Lionel Richie - Here Is My Heart
Here is my heart you can take itThere's a time in your life for believingThat impossible dream i...

Lionel Richie - How Long
Every time I see you and I look into your eyesThere's a feeling that I getAnd it's way down deep insid...

Lionel Richie - I Still Believe
I still believe in you and meStill believe the sun will shine on meI still believe there's a rea...

Lionel Richie - It May Be The Water
I look at all the things I put you throughI've often wondered how it bothered youI know how close I ca...

Lionel Richie - Just For You
Golden daysNight was playPain was all a world awayWe went to schoolWe learned the rules...

Lionel Richie - Just To Be With You Again
So I still walk on through the night and through the rainI would give it allJust to be with you again...

Lionel Richie - Long Long Way To Go
You held my hand and then you slipped awayAnd I may never see your face againSo tell me how to fill th...

Lionel Richie - One World
We only have one world, We only have one loveWe have so little time together you and IAnd all we have ...

Lionel Richie - Outrageous
She's outrageous, scandalousThe way she rocks is too muchAnd she's fire and rain, She blows your brain...

Lionel Richie - Penny Lover
The first time I saw youOh, you looked so fineAnd I had a feelingOne day you'd be mineHone...

Lionel Richie - Piece Of My Heart
How could this happen, I don't understandFalling in love was just not in my planBut I want you to know...

Lionel Richie - Road To Heaven
Been a long timeSince I've seen your faceYou've been on my mindLike a dream I can't eraseI...

Lionel Richie - Running With The Night
The heart of the city street was beatingLights from the neonsTurned the dark to dayWe were too h...

Lionel Richie - Say You, Say Me
[Chorus:]Say you, say meSay it for always, that's the way it should beSay you, say me...

Lionel Richie - She's Amazing
She came on sceneI felt like I was in a movie, She parted the roomThe way that Moses did the Red Sea...

Lionel Richie - Still
Lady, morning's just a moment awayAnd I'm without you once againYou laughed at meYou said you ne...

Lionel Richie - Stuck On You
Stuck on youI've got this feeling downDeep in my soulThat I just can't loseGuess, I'm on m...

Lionel Richie - Tender Heart
Every night and every day my heart feels the painI wake up to the thought of you and I call your nameN...

Lionel Richie - The World Is A Party
The world is a party [x4]As I watch the world as it keeps spinning roundAnd try to figure out w...

Lionel Richie - Three Times A Lady
Thanks for the timesThat you've given meThe memories are all in my mindAnd now that we've come...

Lionel Richie - Tonight
Tonight, if you're ready it's timeTonight, we can make it feel so good tonightYou say you're rea...

Lionel Richie - Wasted Time
I Used to think that we've come too far to give up nowNow I see that you're really not the one for meI...

Lisa 'left Eye' Lopes - A New Star Is Born
I believe when someone passes awayEither a star is born, energy so pureThat it creates new worlds...

Lisa 'left Eye' Lopes - Breathe
Woman of my own and tranquil keyNo I'm not just the L out of TLCSongstress for the longestFelt m...

Lisa 'left Eye' Lopes - Hot (main)
5, 9 (10, 11), 12, 18 (what!)She's the one you thought would never do a solo LPYeah, now what ch...

Lisa 'left Eye' Lopes - I Believe In Me
This jam is dedicated to moiThat's right you guys it's just for...Me, I believe in me'Caus...

Lisa 'left Eye' Lopes - Jenny
3, 2, 1What what what, man turn that down...Gimme five more minutesFive more minutes......

Lisa 'left Eye' Lopes - Keep Your Head To The Sky
Keep on you so tryKeep on singing let's tryKeep on moving tryKeep your head to the sky...

Lisa 'left Eye' Lopes - Let Me Live
Let me liveLet me liveLet me liveLet me liveYa'll niggas really know me from the sto...

Lisa 'left Eye' Lopes - Life Is Like A Park
What is life?To live is to believeTo loveIs to receiveUnh, check it outCheck it out ...

Lisa 'left Eye' Lopes - Rags To Riches
A quick story from rags to richesComin' to you from Supernova (AKA Left Eye)Give it to 'em, give it to...

Lisa 'left Eye' Lopes - The Block Party
Uh, uh, shake, uh, shake it down nowUh, uh, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah, yeah, yeah one timeTwo times, shake i...

Lisa 'left Eye' Lopes - True Confessions
See it was one of them days (yeah)Like wakin' up in the stormy weather in your mind thinkin'Ooohh, thi...

Lisa 'left Eye' Lopes - Universal Quest
It's for the open mindedNowNow what do you believe?Who do you receive?Where do you g...

Lisa 'left Eye' Lopes - Untouchable
Untouchable, look at how you found meI'm lookin' around sayin' these are my friendsIt's a strange worl...

Lisa Loeb - Alone
i want to be by myself, sometimes i do.i don't want to be left behind, but sometimes i'm left by you....

Lisa Loeb - Bring Me Up
I was quiet, and I was tired. and I wanted you to bring me up.I wanted you to make it stop, yeah I wanted yo...

Lisa Loeb - Dance With The Angels
you want to dance with the angels?then embroider me with gold, and i will fly with the angels,and you ...

Lisa Loeb - Diamonds
Diamonds are a ritual A prize in a cracker jack A name that you won't get back Diamonds are a ru...

Lisa Loeb - Do You Sleep?
do you eat, sleep, do you breathe me anymore?do you sleep, do you count sheep anymore?do you sleep any...

Lisa Loeb - Drops Me Down
I walked away to get wisdomBut in the end I just walked homeAnd it drops me, drops me downAnd I'...

Lisa Loeb - Everyday
Goodbye my love, I am going. I am slowing you down. I can feel you stop breathing, when I come around. ...

Lisa Loeb - Falling In Love
she wanted to be a cowboy,she was shootin' em down,she was tramping around.he walked in cr...

Lisa Loeb - Firecracker
you want to suffer and show me you're angry.fight with your fists up or call for your want t...

Lisa Loeb - Fools Like Me
Everybody go The party's over I want to be alone in my head In my bed tonight You never sh...

Lisa Loeb - Furious Rose
"it's not really poetry but it's pretty," he he raises his voice, she lowers her head."it make...

Lisa Loeb - Garden Of Delights
i see the lights move on the ceiling.i see the stars up in the lights.i see the moonbeams on your fore...

Lisa Loeb - Hand-me-downs
I know we're in September And this is my house And this is my town But my clothes are in the cas...

Lisa Loeb - How
i didn't come this far for you to make this hard for me.and now you want to ask me "how?"it's like - h...

Lisa Loeb - Hurricane
skeleton boy by the side of the road.he warned me, he told me;he said, "there's this woman, she's a hu...

Lisa Loeb - I Control The Sun
I control the sun I turn on the stars I make all the colors that you see as you circle me I open...

Lisa Loeb - I Do
when i'm done with thinking, then i'm done with you.when i'm done with crying, then i'm done with you....

Lisa Loeb - It's Over
sorry sir, i stole your money.sorry sir, i feel,but it's so, so twisted,so

Lisa Loeb - I Wish
i wish for a placewhere the earth doesn't shakeand if the world won't be still, then i willand m...

Lisa Loeb - Jake
i'm going as far as i can go, away from here,away from you, jake, and the hole you've sunk me into....

Lisa Loeb - Kick Start
We need a kick startWe need a quick solutionWe need a next stepIf we're really goingIf we'...

Lisa Loeb - Let's Forget About It
i told you i was sorry, i told you i was wrong,i said it was an accident and don't tell anyone.b...

Lisa Loeb - Lisa Listen
who would steal on sunday?who'd made them believe make-believe?who'd buy a prayer when you can pray fo...

Lisa Loeb - Look Me In The Eye
[Chorus]Have you ever looked me in the eye?Have you ever told the truthCome on don't lie...

Lisa Loeb - Payback
Is this how it ends, laying in bedTalking to a cheap tape recorder instead of my friendsIn bed with a ...

Lisa Loeb - Probably
I probably want to hold your hand I probably want to kiss you You'll probably misunderstand I'll...

Lisa Loeb - Rose-colored Times
those were rose-colored times on rides with your eyes closed.those were rose-colored times on rides with you...

Lisa Loeb - Sandalwood
she can't tell me that all of the love songs have been written,'cause she's never been in love with you befo...

Lisa Loeb - She's Falling Apart
They pull up their chairs to the tableShe stares at the food on her plateAt the toast and the butter...

Lisa Loeb - Snow Day
it's a bad's a train's a bad're my's a snow day....

Lisa Loeb - Someone You Should Know
Who do you think you are?You're talking so loudYou bury the soundOf your heart that's singing ou...

Lisa Loeb - Split Second
i did not want to be stuckone second longer than i had to be there,stuck inside the door.i...

Lisa Loeb - Stay
you say i only hear what i want say i talk so all the time so.and i thought what i felt w...

Lisa Loeb - Summer
why do you have to leave me now and go home?summer, it starts when i see smile, it parts when i...

Lisa Loeb - Taffy
my friend's got a bruise on his leg, a bruise on his legeverytime you friend's got a bruise o...

Lisa Loeb - The Way It Really Is
I kept talking to myselfI had to get the words out of my headSo I didYou barely said a thing...

Lisa Loeb - This
in an open room that echos well, this is where i can tell you everything.this is where i meet my muse,...

Lisa Loeb - Too Fast Driving
Driving I was...thinkingYou're my flat tireToo late at night in the pitch black, out of sightAnd...

Lisa Loeb - Truthfully
this isn't what i like to call flattery,but i know that i believe that i've found what's true,that i'v...

Lisa Loeb - Try
What's the difference between you and me To me it's kind of small To you it's like prison What's...

Lisa Loeb - Underdog
I like things that are so good. you are so so good.I like you. but I am the underdog, I am the last in line....

Lisa Loeb - Waiting For Wednesday
waiting for wednesday, my stomach doesn't hurt enough,pain always is the sign.waiting for wednesday, n...

Lisa Loeb - We Could Still Belong Together
If I hold my breathIf I shut my eyesIf I disappearJust for the afternoonIf I can't h...

Lisa Loeb - When All The Stars Were Falling
when all the stars were falling,i reached up like you said.all the stars were falling, one hit me in t...

Lisa Loeb - Window Shopping
Try me onTake me homeThe tags are onIt's still a loanWarranty is in the sackYou can ...

Lisa Loeb - Wishing Heart
no teacher to follow, no prophet to tell me how,but i know what i want, i know what i want wa...

Lisa Loeb - Would You Wander
If it's really love You would follow it forever Would you wander for me? Even though you think I...

Lisa Loeb - You Don't Know Me
She's got a boyfriendAll of a suddenShe's never had one beforeShe's looking for the thumbs-up...

Lisa Maffia - All Over
[Chorus]All the thugs in the clubs get your cris on iceLadies in the club shake your body like ...

Lisa Maffia - In Love
(C'mon)Oh oh ohAC(That's me)So solidLisa maffia(Can't hide)Can't h...

Lisa Marie Presley - Better Beware
Dreams of contemplation, a resignation, know what.Useless indignation, a segregation, plant your seed....

Lisa Marie Presley - Dirty Laundry
I make my living off the Evening NewsJust give me something-something I can usePeople love it when you...

Lisa Marie Presley - Gone
Well, what do we have here Daddy.The lights are quickly changing.Will I leave your heart along with th...

Lisa Marie Presley - High Enough
Can you bring me anotherI'm not there yetDo I seem to rememberHow much 'til I forget...

Lisa Marie Presley - I'll Figure It Out
Boat rockingTrouble makerNon conforming shit starterWith the rebel DNA pirate spiritHeadac...

Lisa Marie Presley - Important
Maybe if I liked being alone I could give you your life back and let you go.Maybe if I got it together again...

Lisa Marie Presley - Indifferent
It kind of looks like we won't make it, my friend.And it looks like you can't take it again, my friend....

Lisa Marie Presley - Lights Out
You were a million miles behindAnd I was crying every time I'd leave youThen I didn't want to see you...

Lisa Marie Presley - Nobody Noticed It
I heard broken footstepsWas that you limpingWell I wish I that could have spent just a little bit more...

Lisa Marie Presley - Now What
When I left and I said goodbyeDid you know that I meant it, mmmm, that time?I guess that I didn't quit...

Lisa Marie Presley - Raven
And as the raven flies she feels unwelcome She's fallen out of her tree and caught on a limb of silver linin...

Lisa Marie Presley - Sinkin' In
This is a drag that it's too late now.And I wanted to tell you that I was wrong.I didn't realize I sti...

Lisa Marie Presley - S.o.b.
you say i seem so grimdarling do you forgive mei went out on a limbcause i needed to be...

Lisa Marie Presley - So Lovely
You know I did something right.Something that keeps me alive.Oh you sweet little babies.When you...

Lisa Marie Presley - The Road Between
Out on the road between nowhere and hellI caught a glimpse of my reflection in youBut they can't belie...

Lisa Marie Presley - To Whom It May Concern
If you can't even stop the symptoms.Then why in the hell do you drug the children.The others can make ...

Lisa Marie Presley - Turbulence
Imagine that I can't be comforted at all In pieces I went from crawling into a ball Evidence, it's in ...

Lisa Marie Presley - Turn To Black
Tell me tell me did you think you'd catch meDid you think that if you watched meId be just like the re...

Lisa Marie Presley - When You Go
Theres so much to offer so much to throw awayThe ever present darker side is making you color blind.Bu...

Lit - Addicted
She calls me up Says she's comin' over So I run home (oooh-ooh) Just to wait around ...

Lit - All Or Nothing
I hope you can hear thisA song for the way that I feel tonightWere tired and fearlessAnd run out...

Lit - Alright
Tell me when I get too crazyAnd fall in love againAnd fall in love againMaybe its the way you ki...

Lit - Amount To Nothing
It's carved into my head alright It's carved into my head Amounting to nothing You put this in m...

Lit - Beginning
You never listen to the things i have to say You're such a f**king joke It makes me go insane It's onl...

Lit - Bitter
Decisions conflictions so much they cannot see Frustration building inside meHurry up No wait up ...

Lit - Bulletproof
Take me back to a placeSummertime, AnaheimI cant wait to see your faceIm coming back, Im coming ...

Lit - Cadillac
Yeah I want to write this song about my Cadillac Cuz ther're so fuckn' cool The Nineteen sixties ...

Lit - Dozer
Timeless sheets of gold Underneath the sand here lies a friend Funeral in my heartBuried in myse...

Lit - Drop D
Got a tattoo Got it colored in with blue Cuz it's a picture of your cold, sad face And now ...

Lit - Everythings Cool
I hit the city by 3And the bottle by 4Im thinkin about the shit that I pulled the night beforeAn...

Lit - Explode
Oh i cant feel my headAll i see is the color redOk if you hold my handsFeel me tremble you'll un...

Lit - Fireman
Give me a dollar on fourI can't take anymore My head is like a cage I'm feeling in a rage ...

Lit - Forever Begins Right Now
Oh I, Im so happy that youre mineFrom now til the end of timeForever begins right nowEvery...

Lit - Fuel
Look around and see who's is watching What do they think You're such a happening player I don't ...

Lit - Habib
Love is where I'd like to spend time away from youLost the weakest part of this Taking over me I...

Lit - Happy In The Meantime
It's just another reason whyIt all comes down to you and IJust have another drinkWaste some time...

Lit - Hard To Find
Look around, look around you answers(Someone tell me)Where can I, where can I find faith again(C...

Lit - I Don't Get It
(I Dont Get It) I dont get why you take such a big amount of what we Work so hard to f*ckin' make I don't ge...

Lit - Live For This
I've been fallin' apart at the seams But it's not as it seems Broken pieces around at my feet ...

Lit - Lullaby
Hello there, how was your day?Sorry that I'm was away.Hello there, how is the weather?Sorry I'm ...

Lit - Money
I think I want my money backThis isn't what I thought it would be This isn't what you promised me ...

Lit - Moonshine
I cant remember what it is you didSomewhere along the way Im giving inI know I feel you when youre not...

Lit - My World
Sitting alone in my own world By myself Euphoric feelings of floating far away Slow burnin...

Lit - Needle & Thread
Sometimes you wonderWhats wrong with my mindYou try to find itBut theirs nothing to findWh...

Lit - Next Time Around
Well I'm dreaming 'bout a Cadillac And a girl that I used to have But I know that I could never go...

Lit - Over My Head
I'm in over my headThey wanna try and build me upSo they can tear me downI wish that I could be ...

Lit - Pictures Of You
I've been looking so long at these pictures of youThat i almost believed that they're realI've been li...

Lit - She Comes
Common sense Goes out the window like a cigarette I take a hit again When all her friends ...

Lit - Slip
I shoulda called but it was late and you were sleeping, my dear I would hate for you to hear what I was p...

Lit - Something To Someone
They say something I don't wanna hearRingin' like a shotgun in my earBut they don't know what I'm real...

Lit - Stain
Well he never bleeds and he never f*cks And he never leaves cause he's got bad luck Well he neve...

Lit - Sunny Weather
I've got a hundred thousand watts, hundred thousand dollar stereo Surrounded by speakers but I'm mono as he...

Lit - The Last Time Again
I don't wanna be an asshole anymoreSick and tired of all the promises that I make to you And I break...

Lit - Throwaway
Dry your eyes, say goodnightI dont know if I canCut the ties, say goodbyeSo I try and take it so...

Lit - Times Like This
You're the song that's stuck in my headI try to think of something elseIt keeps coming back again...

Lit - Too Fast For A U-turn
Ive got a problemIve got a big oneIve got my bloodshot eyes on uIve got the answerIve got ...

Little T & One Track Mike - Shaniqua
Moved into my apartment at the U-N-iversity. The only one who lives here is me. So why's the phone ring all ...

Live - 10,000 Years (peace Is Now)
The world is burning downCan't you smell the smoke in the air?War, disease, and famineThis demon...

Live - All Over You
our love is like waterpinned down and abused for being strangeour love is no otherthan me alone ...

Live - Ball And Chain
kill the lightsyou and ion the boathypnotizedi look at you,you say to me"i'm t...

Live - Bring The People Together
I was lost, I am found All the buildings are burnt to the ground I can't stay, I can't leave I c...

Live - Brothers Unaware
So many peopleI know only a fewYes I may say that I love this manAnd that manBut what keep...

Live - Call Me A Fool
i can't believe i finally found the key, the door, the trip it was all in my mind now i'm one with the fools...

Live - Century
everybody's herepuke stinks like beerthis could be a citythis could be a graveyardyou stol...

Live - Dance With You
sittin' on the beachthe island king of lovedeep in fijian seasdeep in some blissful dreamw...

Live - Deep Enough
we hit the room, me and my crew and it was cool, until we bumped into you now it's been years, but the...

Live - Everytime I See Your Face
I was looking everywhere to find you By and by, my intentions were good But I know I don't watch where...

Live - Face And Ghost (the Children's Song)
you got it badyou got it goodyou saw the sunlike you knew that you wouldwe gotta make this...

Live - Feel The Quiet River Rage
always fighting the stormafraid to suffer the woundall praise to that conscious onewho always su...

Live - Flow
Gotta find a way to flowin a host of things that grow,where babies become oldand love is bought ...

Live - Forever May Not Be Long Enough
forever may not be long enough for my love i have a willbut i'm lost inside your time if you could, wo...

Live - Freaks
if the mother goes to sleep with youwill you run and tell geraldoif the mother bears your children wit...

Live - Gas Hed Goes West
if i was half alivethen you were deadsubsistin' on that same old breadit's the memory that...

Live - Ghost
everybody has a ghosteverybody has a ghost who sings like you doyours is not like minebut it's a...

Live - Good Pain
He said, he said, he said"There was nothing to fear boy"And he said, he said, he said,"Worthless...

Live - Graze
people should not be afraidwe came to the earth to grazeno shortcuts to the face, this means you...

Live - Heaven
You don't need no friendsget back your faith againyou have the power to believeanother dissident...

Live - Hero Of Love
i caught a glimpse of heaven last night to the left of your body to the right of your mind lost in a riddle ...

Live - Heropsychodreamer
i'll kill you in my dreamsi turn the other cheek during the dayi'll kill you allthe subcul...

Live - Horse
all the things that they make you sayand all of the love that you hide awayI'll pick you up and it wil...

Live - I Alone
it's easier not to be wiseand measure these things by your brainsI sank into Eden with youalone ...

Live - Insomnia And The Hole In The Universe
my brother kicked his feet to sleepmy brother kicked his feet to sleepmy brother kicked his feet to sl...

Live - Iris
I liked the way my hand looked on your headin the presence of my knucklesbut the beauty of this vision...

Live - Lakini's Juice
it was an evening i shared with the sunto find out where we belongfrom the earliest dayswe were ...

Live - Libra
libra, take my eyes from meoh libra, make me blind so that i can seeeveryone's dreamin' of a truth to ...

Live - Life Marches On
In the country The farms and the orchards swell With oranges and peaches A little bit of truth a...

Live - Lighthouse
The lighthouse lost its light on her a long time ago She got so used to it, this long and winding road ...

Live - Lightning Crashes
lightning crashes, a new mother criesher placenta falls to the floorthe angel opens her eyesthe ...

Live - Like A Soldier
i just come down from the mountain a happy man turned on the television, should of chewed off my hand i'm si...

Live - Like I Do
Darling, I feel like a god when I am next to you Something sacred, someone straight and true Tell me, ...

Live - Meltdown
like himaalan cold winterthese jaws of kali yugayeah it's a crazy kind of colda lifeless slumber...

Live - Merica
looks like america's dropped her loadshe was ready to explodei could not see her from up herecuz...

Live - Mirror Song
I know that I should think about givingAnd think aboutHelping outAnd think aboutThink abou...

Live - Morning Humour
slippery jack, no more turning back,all around, morning humori am a waiter and i am a serveri'll...

Live - Mother Earth Is A Vicious Crowd
Pollution, Cain, and miseryOceans of golden mysteryArmies boisterous and armies loudPortraits of...

Live - Nobody Knows
i was on a street with a common name i prayed for love yeah i even begged i had a vision of you that carried...

Live - Ok
i am not ok with this tv in my face and liar after liar with nothin' bout nothin' higheri am on ...

Live - Operation Spirit (the Tyranny Of Tradition)
Heard a lot of talk about the oceanHeard a lot of talk about the seaHeard a lot of talk about a lot of...

Live - Out To Dry
The dust had just settled She's wonderin', what happens now? I don't know where I am I've never ...

Live - Overcome
even now the world is bleedin' but feelin' just fine all numb in our castle where we're always free to choos...

Live - Pain Lies On The Riverside
I have never taken LifeYet I have often paid the priceAnd you, you are a victim of this ageAnd t...

Live - Paper Flowers
you seem like a girl who likes to tell her bed is madeyou seem like a girl who likes to wear her pearls...

Live - People Like You
in a dream i had you were standin all alone with a dyin' world below and a microphone singin' hallejuhah i f...

Live - Pillar Of Davidson
warm bodies, I senseare not machines that can only make moneypast, perfect, tensewords for a fee...

Live - Raising A Man
let's gather round the supper table,and tell the boy he's just as ableto die with his boots untied...

Live - Rattlesnake
let's go hang out in a mall, or a morgue,a smorgasboardlet's go hang out in a churchwe'll go fin...

Live - River Town
And from a tiny river town you came With mamma's rock-star dreams in tow, and daddy's brains But the r...

Live - Run Away
"Looks like I've lost my will to carry on, my friend" she said And you can hear it in my whispered cries for...

Live - Run To The Water
oh desert speak to my heartoh woman of the earthmaker of children who weep for lovemaker of this...

Live - Sanctity Of Dreams
Paint a moustache on the Mona Lisa Ride a Harley through the heart of danger Pick up a pen and fight a...

Live - Saviour For A Day
if i talk too soft, theythink i'm preaching if i talk too slow, they think i care.if i walk too fast, ...

Live - Selling The Drama
and to love: a godand to fear: a flameand to burn a crowd that has a nameand to right or wrong...

Live - She
Bring back that 'hair-down', unguarded mystery I liked it better when your tightrope walked on me Boar...

Live - Shit Towne
the weavers live up the street from methe crackheads, they live down the street from methe tall grass ...

Live - Simple Creed
born with your back to the god that spit you out on the riverbed angry at who?me? you better back up fool i ...

Live - Sister
see me walking aimlessly about,don't know whether to whisper or to shout,i could be wrong, i could be ...

Live - Sparkle
I'm gatherin' up my friends todayand those who recognize the faceas the vision that changed my mind...

Live - Stage
I wanna feelI wanna tryI wanna rock in the city tonightI wanna dealdon't wanna dieI ...

Live - Sun
let the world be the world let the dream unfurllet it run its own gamelet it dance with itself...

Live - Sweet Release
I hope (I hope) she lights that candle I hope (I hope) she shows me everything and all that light can bring ...

Live - Take My Anthem
War in me War overseasThere ain't no difference betweenBlood in meBlood overseasThere ain'...

Live - The Beauty Of Gray
If I told you he was your brotherWe could reminisceThen you would go about your dayIf I said you...

Live - The Dam At Otter Creek
when all that's left to do isreflect on what's been donethis is where sadness breathsthe sadness...

Live - The Distance
let him come into the citylet him find his lucky pennylet him put it in his pocket and shake it all ar...

Live - The Dolphin's Cry
The way you're bathed in lightreminds me of that nightgod laid me down into your rose garden of trust...

Live - The Hands Of A Teacher
optimism,optimism perished from the face of my earthand then you came along, came along and swept me a...

Live - The Ride
in the east they can meditate they can recreate the sound of OM and bring us home i think i'll go there some...

Live - They Stood Up For Love
naked lovers feel the blood beneath their veinselectric nerves communicate with tiny explosions throug...

Live - Tibetan Book Of The Dead (t.b.d.)
in the moment I was losing my headreadin' too much and losin' my head and I wasreachin' forward, I was...

Live - Tired Of "me"
You say "Hold on to the reigns"I say "Let them go tonight"My brain wavesConfused between what is...

Live - Top
this is not helping me at allwhat you are doing herein the name of god and loveit's the distribu...

Live - Transmit Your Love
bow, bow everybody body in the hotel bow,bow everybody in the motel don't knock if the door to my suite is c...

Live - Turn My Head
anyone, caught in you mysterykeep it angrykeep it whispyi've fallen downdrunk on your juic...

Live - Unsheathed
the baby's not screaming enoughthe singer's not singing enoughramana's not breathing, to usbehol...

Live - Voodoo Lady
light up a cigarette she saidand calm the fuck downyou got a serious side to youthat could give ...

Live - Waitress
come on baby leave some change behindshe was a bitch, but I don't careshe brought our food out on time...

Live - Waterboy
What do you say to the childWhose god is in the T.V.?And what do you say to the manWho blames th...

Live - We Walk In The Dream
I was wrongwe are not these bodies alonein a dream with a mind of its ownI, I know you long...

Live - What Are We Fighting For?
Battle flag in the bassinet Oil and blood on the bayonet Crowded downtown hit the floor What are...

Live - Where Fishes Go
yeah I found god and he was absolutely nothin' like mehe showed me up like some dime-store hooker...

Live - White, Discussion
I talk of freedomyou talk of the flagI talk of revolutionyou'd much rather bragand as the ...

Live - Who Put Fear In Here?
i watched a miracle in the makingthen had a scientist tell me that icouldn't live without breaking,...

Live - You Are The World
If you've ever known loveIf you've ever know peaceIf you've ever know joyMake sure that you are ...

Liveonrelease - All Night Long
I can give you loveBaby don't you need meI can give it to you all night longI can give you...

Liveonrelease - Dirt
Take it out on me why dont youyour losing ground your losing faceyou fooled around andyou dragge...

Liveonrelease - Don't Leave Me Alone
When I first saw you I was young could not control my dreamin'I looked into your eyes and found it too hard ...

Liveonrelease - Emotional Griptape
It's dark, skate parkYou're hanging with your friends againI waited by the phoneYou lose, I choo...

Liveonrelease - Fake
Found lost, deep inside my own misconceptionWho's telling you to take a look in my directionToo much a...

Liveonrelease - Get With It
Spit fire wheels and diet colaScrew your party I'm skating homeYou don't make friends by chasing daydr...

Liveonrelease - Hardcore
Well,It's so raw,the way she screams it's hardcoreI can't ignorethe way you dress it's har...

Liveonrelease - I'm Afraid Of Britney Spears
I only just turned 15I'm filled with hopes and dreamsI turn my radio on andI hear the strangest ...

Liveonrelease - Johnny Johnny
Johnny Johnny who can you turn towhen you're seeing red in digital video Johnnyand the monsters under ...

Liveonrelease - Slow Down
Where did the time go?I take some aspirin and I rent a videoBecause I wanna slow down nowBut I'm...

Liveonrelease - Why
Hey boy take a look at mestraight through the eyeswhere you can see my realityit's not hard for ...

Liz Phair - Bionic Eyes
I love my bionic eyesI love my crystal visionIf there's anybody out thereBaby I'm not gonna miss...

Liz Phair - Extraordinary
You think that I go home at nightTake off my clothes, turn out the lightsBut I burn letters that I wri...

Liz Phair - Favorite
Don't look sexy but it just feels rightNot too dirty and it's not too tightWhy I never threw it out, I...

Liz Phair - Firewalker
My hopes are like embers lying around inside a firebed andYour mind is a firewalker, it steps on them like t...

Liz Phair - Friend Of Mine
Not a lot of patienceYou're not a patient manDon't have a heart to stay withYou get it while you...

Liz Phair - Good Love Never Dies (alternate Mix)
For the rest of my days I want you by my sideTell me what can I say to keep you in my life'Cause I can...

Liz Phair - H.w.c.
Give it to me, don't give it awayDon't think about what the others sayMy skins getting clear, my hairs...

Liz Phair - It's Sweet
Down on the lower east sideIn the dirtiest apartment you could findYou took me up to your placeB...

Liz Phair - Little Digger
Dig little digger, don't be shyYou saw your mother with another guyYou think you'll tell her that she'...

Liz Phair - Love / Hate
I was a mess in my open eyed youthI grew up thinkingWhat's good for one, oppresses the otherIt's...

Liz Phair - Red Light Fever
Lying wide awake in the darkTryin' to figure out where you areAlways goin' nowhere'Fraid of goin...

Liz Phair - Rock Me
Oh baby you're young but that's okayWhat's give or take nine years anywayI'll bet you that cigarette...

Liz Phair - Take A Look
I don't know what you're afterWannna know all the details of my disasterLike an accident on the side o...

Liz Phair - Why Can't I?
Get a load of me, get a load of youWalkin' down the street, and I hardly know youIt's just like we wer...

Ll Cool J - 10 Million Stars
[LL Cool J]You can call it a comebackI lay back, analyse the rhymes and realiseI own that...

Ll Cool J - 1-900-l.l. Cool J
[phone rings twice]Yo.. "Hello 1-900-LL Cool J?"Yeah whassup? "Can you please bust a funky rhym...

Ll Cool J - 1 In The Morning
[LL Cool J]It's one in the mornin - you know what time it is!It's one in the morninIt's o...

Ll Cool J - .357-break It On Down
[LL Cool J]That's right y'all this is the LL Cool J partyMove it, move it, move it, get on the ...

Ll Cool J - 6 Minutes Of Pleasure
Six minutes, six minutes Six minutes, six minutes[Sample]I know why you're here ...

Ll Cool J - Ahh, Let's Get Ill
I'm the Ladies Love, legend in leatherLong and lean, and I don't wear pleatherLast of the red hot lovi...

Ll Cool J - Ain't Nobody
Oh my God, you knowI'm the best when it comes to makin' love all nightThrow your butterscotch bo...

Ll Cool J - Ain't No Stoppin' This
[Laughter][LL Cool J]Party people are you with me? (Cool J)Party people are ...

Ll Cool J - A Little Somethin'
[LL Cool J]Here we go - another funky stylePeace to my brothers on "Rikers' Isle"Introduc...

Ll Cool J - All We Got Left Is The Beat
[Intro]Ey, ey, check it out homieman, you need to get up out of this spot manand get a jo...

Ll Cool J - Another Dollar
AKA John Mickens [8X]I'm the king.I floss rings, the new John MickensUhh, I'm stayi...

Ll Cool J - Back Seat
ah yeahI wanna send this one out to all the jeep lovers worldwidecity to city, ghetto to ghettos...

Ll Cool J - Big Ole Butt
I was at the mall, sippin' on a milkshakePlayin' the wall, takin' a breakAdmirin' the girls with the b...

Ll Cool J - Born To Love You
James Todd Smith, knowhatI'msayin? TrackmastersFresh off the private jet from Europe - did four months out ...

Ll Cool J - Buckin' Em Down
[Intro: LL Cool J]Yeah, man the flavour, flavourYEEEAAAHHH...!!!Ah yeah, who we doing?...

Ll Cool J - Can't Explain It
[LL Cool J]Yeah, uh-huhUh-huh, I can't explain it...You know it's that moment...

Ll Cool J - Can't Think
[LL Cool J]You ever get to the point where you so frustratedyou ready to give up?You read...

Ll Cool J - Change Your Ways
[Intro/Chorus]Come on, come on, come on, come onChange your ways[LL Cool J]...

Ll Cool J - Cheesy Rat Blues
[Intro: sampled from "The Vapors" by BizMarkie]Nothin can save yaNothin, can save ya...

Ll Cool J - Clap Your Hands
[LL Cool J]Yeah..Yeah I like that guitar man, yeahYo E-Love I like the way you flipped th...

Ll Cool J - Clockin' G's
Yeah but they need a beat that they can freak toHuh yaknahmean?Uhh, bounce, yeahUhh.. boun...

Ll Cool J - Dangerous
[LL Cool J]His realm is a new horizon of cutsThey expand from his hand as he conductsAim ...

Ll Cool J - Dear Yvette
[Verse 1]Yo Yvette, there's a lot of rumours goin' aroundThey're so bad, baby you might h...

Ll Cool J - Deepest Bluest (shark's Fin)
Uh, my hat is like a shark's fin[1] - Deepest, bluest, my hat is like a shark's fin...

Ll Cool J - Def Jam In The Motherland
[Intro: LL Cool J]Yeah, yeah, checkin' 'em outSpecial shout-out, keepin' onCheck it out y...

Ll Cool J - Diggy Down
[Chorus]Down, down, diggy, diggy, down, down (blow)Down, down, diggy, diggy, downDown, do...

Ll Cool J - Droppin Em
[LL Cool J]Just like Pauline you all-in..OooooahhhhBrace yourself, I'm the ace with...

Ll Cool J - Eat 'em Up L Chill
Chill(Eat em up, L)Chill(Eat em up, L)Chill(Eat em up, L)Chill(Eat em up...

Ll Cool J - Every Sip
[LL Cool J](Sip somethin)Uhh, sip somethin(Sip somethin)I wouldn't drink that, if I...

Ll Cool J - Fa Ha
"Don't you knowwwwww, don't you knowwwww.."See this is worldwide baby"That it's wrong.."Germany,...

Ll Cool J - Farmers Blvd. (our Anthem)
(Hey man, don't you realizeIn order for us to make this thing work, man We've got to get rid of the pi...

Ll Cool J - Fast Peg
[LL Cool J]YeahFunky! UhYeahYo, let me tell you bout a girl named PegA D.C. h...

Ll Cool J - Father
I swear to tell the truth and nothin but the help me GODI just felt like tellin the story o...

Ll Cool J - Feel The Beat
Uh yes yes y'all feel the beat y'allFreak freak y'allYou don't stopUh yes yes y'all feel the bea...

Ll Cool J - Funkadelic Relic
[Chorus: LL Cool J]Yeah, (bring in the funk baby, bring in the funk)Yeah, and its the funkadeli...

Ll Cool J - Get Da Drop On Em
Check it outI break a nigga down ugly like Coke, up on the scaleNext step throw a stack up on th...

Ll Cool J - Get Down
[LL Cool J]G, G, G, G, G, G Get... [LL Cool J]Down, to the rhythm that'll ro...

Ll Cool J - Go Cut Creator Go
[LL Cool J]1, 2, 3 'o' clock 4 'o' clock ROCK5, 6, 7 'o' clock 8 'o' clock ROCK9, 10, 11 ...

Ll Cool J - God Bless
[Intro:]UhDefinitely gonna be butter, nahmean?It's gone be butter, nahmean?Uh...

Ll Cool J - Going Back To Cali
I'm going back to Cali, Cali, CaliI'm going back to Cali.. hmm, I don't think soI'm going back to Cali...

Ll Cool J - Hey Lover
I've been watchin' you from afar,for as long as I can remmeberYou are all a real man can needand...

Ll Cool J - Hip Hop
[Intro:]Word up! Y'knowhutI'msayin?I gotta globe in the world in the mail todayNahI...

Ll Cool J - Hit 'em High (the Monstar's Anthem)
[Intro]Greetings, earthlings We have now taken over your radioooo..... [B-Real...

Ll Cool J - Hollis To Hollywood
Yeah, you know it be buggin' me out, you know what I'm sayin' that rap, how everybody like is using me...

Ll Cool J - Homicide
This for my man yo... word up[Radio transmission]"I got a 187 on the corner of Farmers bo...

Ll Cool J - Hot, Hot, Hot
uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, yeah yeah yeahuh, uh, uhI was swerving thru QueensFully growin' benz...

Ll Cool J - How I'm Comin'
boom bash, wake up, I set it off rightlook around and turn your wet dream to fright nightyou can call ...

Ll Cool J - I Can Give You More
I seen this girl, walkin down the blockI said, "WAIT!""Yo baby, you wanna come to my crib?""Have...

Ll Cool J - I Can't Live Without My Radio
[Verse 1]My radio, believe me, I like it loudI'm the man with a box that can rock the cro...

Ll Cool J - Illegal Search
Yo babyPut your seatbelt onI got my paperwork, don't worryIt's cool[ The Flex ]...

Ll Cool J - I Need A Beat
[this sounds like a remix; cutting and scratching mars some of the lyrics]If it's a Malibu beat...

Ll Cool J - I Need Love
When I'm alone in my room sometimes I stare at the walland in the back of my mind I hear my conscience call...

Ll Cool J - Intro
[LL Cool J]Ayo this is the infinite, intelligent, extravagant and eloquentThat shit y'all talki...

Ll Cool J - I Shot Ya
[Intro:]Blaze this one, word up!I'ma blaze this oneNo doubt! Uhh, check it, check i...

Ll Cool J - It Gets No Rougher
[Intro: LL Cool J]Let me tell you somethin' about an a-b-c styleThe a the b the c the d the e t...

Ll Cool J - I Want You
[Intro: LL Cool J]Look girl, I'm not gonna singcause I just don't do that[LL Coo...

Ll Cool J - Jack The Ripper
[this track only on the cassette version]Milky, and I'm backMy ace in the hole was this b...

Ll Cool J - Jealous
Yeah.. youknowhatI'msayin? Eh-hehIt's real funny youknowhatImean?I like can't believe this y'know...

Ll Cool J - Jingling Baby
[Chorus: LL Cool J and girl (repeat 4X)](They're jinglin, baby) Go 'head, baby[L...

Ll Cool J - Jingling Baby (remixed But Shill Jingling)
(And you say New York City...) [2x][Chorus:](They're jinglin', baby) Go 'head, bab...

Ll Cool J - Kanday
[ VERSE 1 ]I met this new girl with big juicy lipsAnd nice round hips, I mean her body's a trip...

Ll Cool J - Life As
Aaah, get the burner, uhh, the burner, let loose the cannonBlood drippin, slippin off my planetMan, th...

Ll Cool J - Lollipop
Uhh, yeah.. mmm, c'monYou know how long I've been waiting for thisMmm, you know how bad I want this...

Ll Cool J - Love U Better
[Intro: Marc Dorsey]This is for my number oneThis is for my number oneThis is for my numb...

Ll Cool J - Make It Hot
[Intro:]Aha , y'nahmean?Word up, just wanna bring em to it realReal rugged like, uh...

Ll Cool J - Mama Said Knock You Out
[LL]C'mon man[News Report]And with the local DBT news, LL Cool J...

Ll Cool J - Milky Cereal
Ooh yeahMhHey yo, manAin't nothin like a nice bowl of cornflakes in the morning to smooth ...

Ll Cool J - Mirror Mirror
UhhYeah, yeah [whispered:] "Oh my God"Uhh (he's back) success (he's back)[whispe...

Ll Cool J - M.i.s.s.i.
[Voice]Ahh ah, welcome to a brand new day [repeat 4X][LL Cool J]Word ...

Ll Cool J - Move Somethin'
[LL Cool J]LL..N.O. Joe, hit me baby!Push it out girl, arch your backThem 17'...

Ll Cool J - Mr. Good Bar
[LL Cool J]Nah y'all nah y'all uh-uhI ain't disrespectin thoughI'm just sayin it happen t...

Ll Cool J - Mr. Smith
[Intro:]Uh Mr. Smith, Mr Smith, Mr SmithUh Mr Smith, it's the bomb y'knowhutI'msayin? Mr ...

Ll Cool J - Murdergram
Aiyyo don't go near the speakers[LL Cool J]The big showdown the display is skillI'm...

Ll Cool J - My Rhyme Ain't Done
[ VERSE 1 ]The President woke and he called the PopeThe Pope climbed to heaven on a golden rope...

Ll Cool J - (nfa) No Frontin Allowed
Mad madnesstrashybrother from way back.We're blowin mics since the days of 8-track.Certifi...

Ll Cool J - Niggy Nuts
It's for the ghetto..For the ghetto (uh) for the ghetto (yeah)It's for the ghetto (uh) man it's for th...

Ll Cool J - Nitro
[LL Cool J]Check thisI excel, they fell, I said - well, hellL can yell or make em melt li...

Ll Cool J - No Airplay
[Intro:]Y'all wanna put it on tape and do all the real [BACKWARDS]?Ya just wanna g...

Ll Cool J - No Question
[Rap:]Concentrate, listen to me,while you do me, Should I surrender when you persue me,Yo...

Ll Cool J - One Shot At Love
One shotOh lordYou know, it's gonna be a lot of negative things surroundin youTryin to pull you ...

Ll Cool J - Papa Luv It A.k.a Poppa Luv It
[Intro:]I do this for you babyPapa luv it do', y'knowI'msayinMmm,(Do you want...

Ll Cool J - Phenomenon
Ah ahBaby girl was draped in ChanelSaid she love Tupac but hates some LLSeen her at the bar with...

Ll Cool J - Pink Cookies
The act of makin[REFRAIN]pink cookies in a plastic bag, gettin crushed by bu...

Ll Cool J - Rasta Imposter
[Intro:]What you got to do with it? What the fuck you talkin about?What the fuck you got to do ...

Ll Cool J - Rock The Bells
L.L. Cool J. is hard as hellBattle anybody I don't care who you tellI excel, they all failI'm go...

Ll Cool J - Say What
[Chorus]Most thugs front when they get the chance (say what?)Some thugs hit the blunt when they...

Ll Cool J - Shake It Baby
[LL Cool J]Yellow canary, tennis bracelet necklace, knahmsayin?Three quarter black mink; shades...

Ll Cool J - Shut 'em Down
[1st verse] I can shut a nigga down so quick my sounds so sick My talents spread around while I...

Ll Cool J - Smokin' Dopin'
[LL Cool J]Yeah..Smokin, dopin, keep your ears openPut me on the flier and I'm guaranteed...

Ll Cool J - Soul Suvivor
[Intro]Come on, yo come on (survivor, survivor)Come on, come on, come on, come on (survivor, s...

Ll Cool J - Stand By Your Man
[LL Cool J]Yeah this one goes out to all the ladies in the house [LL Cool J]...

Ll Cool J - Straight From Queens
Unclerippin the microphoneand blowin the stage apart.These MC's ain't got no heartthey nee...

Ll Cool J - Take It Off
[LL Cool J]I didn't even know a young lady could look that goodI'm ready da bounce outa queens ...

Ll Cool J - The Boomin' System
[Marley Marl:]Just kick a little something for them cars that be bumpinYeah aightBu...

Ll Cool J - The Breakthrough
[Verse]Knuckleheads spreadin' gossip all over townEvery time I drive by you're just stand...

Ll Cool J - The Bristol Hotel
[Verse 1]I know a fat girl, she wears a orange skirtYou give her twenty dollars and you c...

Ll Cool J - The Do Wop
L.L. Cool JServin em wellAnd as you all know..I AM - HARD - AS HELLWoke up at 9:30 o...

Ll Cool J - The G.o.a.t.
[LL Talking - 1st chorus]Uhh, Yeah, Hell yeah, Word upYeah, Hell yeah, hell yeah...

Ll Cool J - The Power Of God
Somethin real smoothYeah, yeahYeahWe'll get into the groovePower of God moveSomethin...

Ll Cool J - The Ripper Strikes Back
We just gon have some fun with hip hopA lil hip hop... relax, hold on to ya seatsOh yeah this is a Tun...

Ll Cool J - This Is For The Love In You
Talkin bout makin love [Face]I will love you any way baby any way and every way I can ...

Ll Cool J - Throw Ya L's Up
Uhh, hot, fire, hot, uhh[Chorus]L!!! Who bring you the hotness?L!!! Yo, you don't...

Ll Cool J - To Da Break Of Dawn
Yeah(To da break of dawn)All my sex involvedAs we get funkyRhymes so bizarre...

Ll Cool J - U Should
Uhh.. yeahUh-huh.. uh-huhUhh.. yeahUh-huh..[LL Cool J]I'ma make you fee...

Ll Cool J - Why Do You Think They Call It Dope?
Warning, MC's stand backYou better take a chill and observe the skillof the man who can, so understand...

Ll Cool J - You Can't Dance
He man, I've seen ya, think ya rockin' it on the floor...You look like a moron! Who let you in the door?...

Ll Cool J - You'll Rock
[LL Cool J]The momentum of this party can only increaseThe design of this rhyme is a masterpiec...

Ll Cool J - You're My Heart
[LL Cool J]Do you remember, the first time you fell in loveThe way it felt, the way it feels...

Ll Cool J - Zoom
[Dr. Dre]I got my mind made up, come on; get in, get into itLet it ride, tonight's the night, y...

Lloyd - Caddillac Love
OhhhhhhOh oh wooUmmm yeahHey[Verse 1: Lloyd]Now girl I know you d...

Lloyd - Feelin You
YehI feel so cool babeHmm yeh[Verse 1]Said Im rolling down the Ave with a bun...

Lloyd - Feel So Right
UmmmmmHeyOhhhh oh yeahUmmm ummLook[Verse 1:]Oh miss ladyThe...

Lloyd - Hey Young Girl
[Verse 1:]Hey young girl how you feelin todayGirl Yo body just brighten my day upSee you ...

Lloyd - I'm A G
[Verse 1:]Now see it was Monday afternoonVery first day of schoolBack of the class makin ...

Lloyd - Miss Lady (interlude)
Your in my lifeEverydayAnd barkin at every little thing I doIts because of youIm the man t...

Lloyd - My Life
Hey babyThis is my life yeah[Chorus:]This is my lifeBaby ohhhThis is li...

Lloyd - Southside (remix)
[Scarface]My southside, my getbakMy heartbreaks, my karmasMy set backs, my home town...

Lloyd - Take It Low
[Verse 1:]I wish we could have a chanceAll I need is a chanceTo really get to know you...

Lloyd - This Way
Whatz up shawtyCome on inI got some incent burningJus sit down relaxI got dis ...

Lloyd - Yesterday
Life aint sweetDamn shol aint peachyjus keep ya head up(oh babe)[verse 1:]...

Lloyd Banks - Die One Day
[VERSE 1](uh huh)I keep my hip on poundCause chickens hectic in my town...

Lloyd Banks - If You So Gangsta
[Verse 1: Lloyd Banks]Around here them boys, 'dem dont play (uh)You can hear the sounds o...

Lloyd Banks - I'm So Fly
Yee!Ayo 50, they only do it like us nigga [laughs]Yee![Chorus]Im...

Lloyd Banks - Just Another Day
[Lloyd Banks]Man what the fuck are you lookin for?Can't a young nigga make money any more...

Lloyd Banks - On Fire
[Talking]New York CityYou are now rocking with the bestLloyd BanksG-Unit...

Lloyd Banks - Smile
[50 Cent]Yeah, this somethin special ya'know, somethin epicLloyd Banks, you knowCause a n...

Lloyd Banks - Southside Story
[Intro]Yea! YeaI done learn from mistake like who's my men and whos not Like who's gone r...

Lloyd Banks - Warrior
(Warriors! Come out to Pla-a-a-y!)I'm a warrior!Aw man I never run never snitchI'm a grown...

Lloyd Banks - When The Chips Are Down
[Lloyd Banks]Yee! [laughs][Chorus: Lloyd Banks]These nigg...

Lmnt - A Whole New World
I can show you the worldShining, shimmering, splendidTell me, princess, now when didYou last let...

Lmnt - Forgot To Forget
I can't keep dreaming All this pain I'm feeling All in all, it's that you gone But why is it tak...

Lmnt - Get It All
I just want to get it all from youHere we are in the middle Of a perfect chance to get down...

Lmnt - Girl Crazy
Feels like I'm losin' my mindCaught up tryin' to count all these girls in my lifeSo hard for me to res...

Lmnt - Greatest Gift
Gotta gift gotta share Feel the love It's everywhereNow's the time feelin' fine Gonna be home in...

Lmnt - Hold Me Down
I've been thinking about you talkin about youBaby what you do to meI can't deny it, try to hide, i rea...

Lmnt - It's Just You
You can do the things That cant be doneYou can win the fights That cant be wonWhen youre o...

Lmnt - It's Your Love
Dancin' in the dark, middle of the night Takin' your heart and holdin' it tight Emotional touch, oh to...

Lmnt - Juliet
Hey I've been watching youEvery little thing you doEvery time I see you danceIn my homeroom clas...

Lmnt - Keep It Coming
SummertimeFeelin freeCome on baby lets fly awayTo a place Just you and iDoesn't matt...

Lmnt - Open Your Eyes (to Love)
You've been searching the world to find true loveLooking in all the wrong placesWhen all the times you...

Lmnt - Running Home
I..I never gave her a reason, I just said I was sorry, and I was going away... She..said it's the end ...

Lmnt - Shangri La
I know of a placeWith a pretty faceWhere the river's flowing through my mindOn a mountain high...

Lmnt - The Best
You tell me . . . you need me And you'll never leave me I want to believe that it's true ('Cause...

Lola Ray - Automatic Girl
Shrink wrap your kiss in plastic loveMake my mind up when you returnI don't know what has happened to ...

Lola Ray - Charlit Movie Star
I know I'm more selfish nowWould it calm my heart to believe somehowHave your seen your house...

Lola Ray - One By One
One by one (one by one)You can hear them collect (you can hear them collect)They don't wanna make peac...

Lola Ray - Our Brown Friends
Two fat men were walking through the forestWalking through the forestBoth of them in chorusOh my...

Lola Ray - Plague (we Need No Victims)
In the dark, in the dark you'll find usMaking noise to the beat of fashionNo name brand will keep us i...

Lola Ray - Preach On
Your red dress doesn't come alive'til you cross your legs and wave goodbyeBetter late then never...

Lola Ray - She's A Tiger
Comb your hairLike the dog you areMake some roomFor your sister in the carMake room ...

Lola Ray - Slave
All my friends wanna meet you darlingPlease stay away, away nowBite my tongueAs you're pushing m...

Lola Ray - Time Is Industry
Come along with meYou have much to seeThe surface is revealingTake a look insideTrouble is...

Lonestar - All My Love For Christmas
It don't jingle like a jingle bellIt ain't made by a bunch of elvesIt don't come from the old North Po...

Lonestar - All The Way
Hey, we're walkin' through this togetherAnd I'm holdin' onto youNothin' can separateThis little ...

Lonestar - Amie
I can see why you think you belong to meI never tried to make you think or make you see one thing for yourse...

Lonestar - A Week In Juarez
His name was Travis, hers was VanessaTwo Texas kids from west of OdessaYoung love and lust defy ration...

Lonestar - Cheater's Road
Down a dirt road in southern LouisianaFlew a white Continental with the top laid backPretty blonde sit...

Lonestar - Class Reunion (that Used To Be Us)
Well I rolled into townWith the ragtop downI was looking for that homecoming queenThat three-by-...

Lonestar - County Fair
Twenty bucks buys ten couponsTwo ears of corn and one ride onThe tilt-a-whirl with your favorite girl...

Lonestar - Crazy Nights
From the moment I walked in the roomI knew what I was in forSoft music, the smell of perfumeAnd ...

Lonestar - Danny's Song
People smile and tell me I'm the lucky oneWe've just begun, I think I'm gonna have a sonHe will be lik...

Lonestar - Does Your Daddy Know About Me
Well you say your daddy is a real cool dude and you keep no secrets from himWell he knows you got a wild hai...

Lonestar - Don't Let's Talk About Lisa
Don't let's talk about LisaDon't let's even startLet's leave Lisa out of this oneLisa broke my h...

Lonestar - Every Little Thing She Does
Ooh, when I see her in my tee shirtBrushin' her teeth, dancin' to the radioOoh, her coffee and her kis...

Lonestar - Everything's Changed (acoustic Version)
Funny you should show up after all of these yearsYeah things sure have changed around hereSeen a lot o...

Lonestar - From There To Here
Brothers Wilber and Orville WrightBuilt wings out of wood and steelFolks said that thing'll never fly...

Lonestar - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Have yourself a merry little ChristmasLet your heart be lightFrom now on, our troubles will be out of ...

Lonestar - If Everyday Could Be Christmas
Christmas lights up the cityRoof tops covered in snowLovers sharing a sleigh ride cuddled closeA...

Lonestar - I'll Be Home For Christmas
I'm dreamin' tonight of a place I loveEven more then I usually doAnd although I know it's a long road ...

Lonestar - I Love The Way You Do That
Talk about a sweet situationGirl you've got me in oneYou can lock me in your heartAnd throw away...

Lonestar - I've Gotta Find You
I've got this dream that won't go awayWhen I close my eyes your there night and dayBaby whatever it ta...

Lonestar - I Want To Be The One
I see those other guysI hear 'em tell you liesThat same old song they singThey only want one thi...

Lonestar - John Doe On A John Deere
I drove a beat up tractor down a one lane roadPick her up early and away we'd goDown to the river by t...

Lonestar - Keys To My Heart
Here's the keys to my heartHoney drive me crazyTake me anywhere you wanna goHere's the keys to m...

Lonestar - Let's Be Us Again
Tell me what I have to do tonightCause I'd do anything to make it rightLet's be us againI'm sorr...

Lonestar - Let's Bring It Back
Lotta people talkin' 'boutGivin' up and walkin' outThese daysMade up their minds don't want the ...

Lonestar - Like A Good Cowboy
Walking down the street in L.A.Caught in the middle of a heat wavePass by the star of John Wayne...

Lonestar - Little Drummer Boy
Come they told mePa rum pum pum pumOur new born King to see,Pa rum pum pum pumOur finest g...

Lonestar - Lonely Grill
Box speaker talkin' out a tuneTwo for one on a blue lagoonAnother lost and foundBartender ...

Lonestar - Love Can Change Your Mind
I've waited all of my life to find my destinyThen like a sunrise appears, you came to meI never ...

Lonestar - Mr. Mom
Lost my job, came home madGot a hug and kiss and that's too badShe said I can go to work until you fin...

Lonestar - Must Be Love
Sideways, cockamamieThe idea is just a little too brainyThat a fine girl like you wouldBumpety-b...

Lonestar - Nobody Still Loves You
I heard from a friend who's seen you againOut on a date at nightRomancin', slow dancin'Holdin' o...

Lonestar - Now
Who knows where this road will endWhat you're gonna missLife's not long enoughTo spend it on reg...

Lonestar - O Holy Night
O holy night, the stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of our dear Savior's birth. Long lay the w...

Lonestar - Only You (and You Alone)
Only you can make this world seem rightOnly you can make the darkness brightOnly you and you alone...

Lonestar - Out Go The Lights
See the moon and the stars, how they sparkle and shineBaby all around us nowHeadlights on the cars and...

Lonestar - Paradise Knife And Gun Club
Joe Bob was as rough as they come and prone to blow his stackKenny Dean was in the suicide scene and sneakin...

Lonestar - Please Come Home For Christmas
Bells will be ringing the sad, sad newsOh what a Christmas to have the bluesMy baby's gone I have no f...

Lonestar - Ragtop Cadillac
I got a black book full of numbersAll the makings of a real hot summerRadio cranked up a rockin'...

Lonestar - Reason For The Season
The shepherds are litA star in the skyOn the outskirts of townA new baby criesNo room at t...

Lonestar - Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town
You better watch out You better not cry You better not pout I'm telling you why Santa Clau...

Lonestar - Saturday Night
S.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y. nightS.A.T.U.R.D.A.Y.I gotta get out of these overallsThey're throwin' a ...

Lonestar - Simple As That
Got us a situationIt don't need no explanationIt don't take a scientistTo figure out just what t...

Lonestar - Softly
I remember that kiss in a cold world, oh girlSunlight fell from your lips, tenderly you shattered meSo...

Lonestar - Somebody's Someone
Turn to the six o'clock news, another soldier diesTried to hide it but I couldn't help it, I had to cry...

Lonestar - Summertime
I like your look in that sweaterAll warm and bundled up tightBut I keep picturing something a little d...

Lonestar - T. G. I. F.
Monday was a bummer, Tuesday was another dayThey could've left outta the weekWednesday nearly got me, ...

Lonestar - That Gets Me
It's the way you twist a curl into your hairAs you sit there unaware of how beautiful you areIt's the ...

Lonestar - The Christmas Song (chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire)
Chestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Frost nipping at your noseYuletide carols being sung by a choir...

Lonestar - This Christmas Time
Presents underneath the treeCandles burning brightStockings hung with lots of careOn this silent...

Lonestar - Unusually Unusual
She introduced herself as Amy, said call me Caroline for shortI just moved in three doors down so I wouldn't...

Lonestar - What Child Is This
What Child is this, who lays to rest, On Mary's lap is sleeping? Whom angels greet with anthems sweet...

Lonestar - What Do We Do With The Rest Of The Night
We've been through enough tequilaTo float us outta this placeAnd through the smoke I can barely see ya...

Lonestar - What I Miss The Most
I hear the sound of gentle rainLike teardrops on the windowpaneA priceless smile in a wooden frame bes...

Lonestar - What Would It Take
I held the world in my armsI threw away the moon for the starsCouldn't see the forest for the trees...

Lonestar - When Cowboys Didn't Dance
Seven hundred head of cattle on an old forgotten trailSix cowboys and one old man in another day of hell...

Lonestar - Winter Wonderland
Sleigh bells ring Are you listening In the lane Snow is glistening A beautiful sight ...

Lonestar - Without You
Fire, smoke, bad jokeThat's what my life's been turned intoHurt, cry, pray to dieThat's all that...

Lonestar - Women Rule The World
I guess just about everything I've ever doneI've been tryin' to impress or get close to one of 'emSeem...

Lonestar - You Came Waltzing In
Changing partnersAnd changing my mindAnyone who got to closeGot left behindSame song and d...

Lonestar - You Don't Know What Love Is
You say I'm aggressive, too possessiveIt's too soon, too muchYou want to wait around, slow it down, bu...

Loon - Between Us
Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo OoI love Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo Oo[Chorus - Tammy]Nothin' Nothin' can ever come be...

Loon - Don't Wanna Die
Uh check it out yeah, let me tell you a little story, a little couple street tales, on the shit i be seeing, cuz y...

Loon - Down For Me
[intro]Oh yea oh yea(it's ur turn now kid)Bad boy[chorus]I want ...

Loon - Like A Movie
(Haaaa) uh yea (haa haaa mmmm)[Verse 1]Check it out Im wit my man A Con n I go by the name Loon...

Loon - P. Diddy Intro
[P. Diddy]The year 1987 star is bornthe place Harlum thats were we from the home of hustl...

Loon - Relax Your Mind
[P. Diddy] Come on, a come on now [Loon] This is what they wanna hear right ...

Loon - Story
Yea check it out uh yoYo I was sittin on the block wit the deuce deuce the bubble goose nigga popped up the ...

Loon - This Ain't Funny
Uh yea uh yea come on uhYo how im gone forget my muscle I just had to switch my hustle n try to make hits to...

Loon - You Don't Know
[Intro - Loon - talking]Yeah, see a lotta finger pointin goin onA lot of judgment bein passed...

Los Lonely Boys - Crazy Dream
I tried to find myselfFor a very long timeSomewhere I lost myselfIts so hard to find my way back...

Los Lonely Boys - Dime Mi Amor
Dime mi amor, dime mi amor que me amasPorque tu sabes muy bien, tu sabes muy bienQue te quieroJu...

Los Lonely Boys - Hollywood
I'm calling up my Cheri Tell her that I'm gonna leaveCause I'm movin' on to Hollywood you see...

Los Lonely Boys - La Contestacion
[The Answer]Has it even been so hard on youTo carry on baby I'm here for youHas it ...

Los Lonely Boys - More Than Love
We were in love beforeBut now it's so much moreCause when I kiss your lips I can't explainWhat I...

Los Lonely Boys - Nobody Else
I can't stand to be aloneCause I go crazy when you're gone You're the one that makes me wholeI p...

Los Lonely Boys - Real Emotions
It doesn't matter how far I goIt doesn't matter how long I stayIt doesn't matter if the nights are lon...

Los Lonely Boys - Senorita
I've got to say there's something on my mindAbout the way you've been for a long long timeYou've got y...

Los Lonely Boys - Tell Me Why
We've been together for yearsYou for me and me for you, my dearIt seems you're changing your song...

Los Lonely Boys - Velvet Sky
Are you lookin' at the moon tonightYou even brave enough to try To find your strength insideChan...

Lostprophets - A Million Miles
I hear you screaming but I know that you don't mean it and itsAll gone wrong nowI get the feeling that...

Lostprophets - ...and She Told Me To Leave
and to it allfalling downwho's in touch with everyone who ever stood their ground?if you could t...

Lostprophets - A Thousand Apologies
SO AFRAID!Thoughts come my way,LOSE IT ALL!But it was nothing anyway,WHAT'S DONE IS DONE!...

Lostprophets - Awkward
Yes I feel your words but I do not hear themdon't you think its strange that time will not support my truth...

Lostprophets - Five Is A Four Letter Word
(You wanna be a superstar... You gonna have to check out the style)If you thought that I was leaving here...

Lostprophets - For Sure
if i can walk 1000 miles a day i tryto do it cos i don't know if u really sayi think i saw the sky ton...

Lostprophets - Handsome Life Of Swing
{Write to someone, Let the subject burn,If It's slow for my reply then ignore the wait,But as long as ...

Lostprophets - Hello Again
Hello again, why so old?,Wasn't time your friend? I must be toldHello again, it seems to longSin...

Lostprophets - Kobrakai
say goodbye to you, but it always dies,its taken aback watcha gonna do now,but yo...

Lostprophets - Last Train Home
One! Two! Three!To every broken heart in hereLove was once a part, but now it's disappeared...

Lostprophets - Lucky You
Hey I see the trees are green againMaybe this time around you'll set the trendToday's the day you make...

Lostprophets - Ode To Summer
Got to say,I am there,And, you are for, I had our best times,Had it our way, best times, b...

Lostprophets - Shinobi Vs. Dragon Ninja
Got it all too highGot it figured out,I wanna do whateverLaugh until septemberAnd I seem t...

Lostprophets - Start Something
Start today, now show us how you feelMake your way, it's time to chooseHave my say, I know, I know wha...

Lostprophets - Still Laughing
come take a look,because all this could mean that i,don't really care who ends up getting hurtpl...

Lostprophets - The Fake Sound Of Progress
Somebody told me that I always have to bowif that was true I would have fallen apart by nowThe more u ...

Louis Xiv - A Letter To Dominique
Well theres a house on the block thats empty now that Dominiques goneWell theres a house on the block thats ...

Louis Xiv - Finding Out True Love Is Blind
Ah chocolate girl, well you're looking like something I want(finding out true love is blind) Ah and yo...

Louis Xiv - Hey Teacher
You keep on telling me these pretty lies Well Im just a man and want you instead of the drugs that get me hi...

Louis Xiv - Illegal Tender
Well its a minor altercation Despite your hesitationBy all agrees that you will see how were causing q...

Louis Xiv - Louis Xiv
Well I'm a weapon of mass destructionGot no apologies for a hyper concussionI might swipe your identit...

Louis Xiv - Paper Doll
Ah bang a gong or get it onWe don't need to take off our clothes to get it onPull your skirt up a litt...

Louis Xiv - Pledge Of Allegiance
Ah little Stacy QWhen she doesn't have a thing to doShe comes to my houseWell, let's keep that b...

Lovher - Commitment
It's going on five years that we've been togetherIt's time to let me know, if it's going furtherYou kn...

Lovher - Don't Leave

Lovher - Do You Know Me

Lovher - Girfriend

Lovher - Girls Gonna Do

Lovher - How It's Gonna Be

Lovher - I Don't Want Your Man
I don't know what he told you but me and him are coolHe told me that you got mad and acted like a fool...

Lovher - Love

Lovher - Tell Me

Lovher - What Could've Been

Lovher - You Don't Know Me

Lovher - Your Man

Low Millions - 100 Blouses
So dizzy I can't close my eyes, so love sick I wanna be with you tonight, so desperate I think I'llhit the b...

Low Millions - Diary
I used a screwdriver, I couldn't find the key, I had to know your secrets, the thoughts you kept ofme....

Low Millions - Here She Comes
I can taste you on my tongue, I can still feel what my hands have done, I got you on my mind, morethan anyth...

Low Millions - Hey Jane
It's a beautiful night, except I'm alone, upstairs I can hear the neighbors moan, a car drives bywith loud m...

Low Millions - Julia
I never should have left you, while you were sleeping, you never would have heard a word I said, wewere both...

Low Millions - Low Millions
There's a sign on my door, say's I'm not here anymore, cause I've been missing for so long, I can'tremember ...

Low Millions - Mockingbird
Here come the nightingales, or could it be the mockingbird, they're at my windowsill, they flew in assoon as...

Low Millions - Money Thing
They're shutting off the phone, cutting off the gas, I can't afford to heat, the water in my bath,I'm barely...

Low Millions - Nikki Don't Stop
Hotter than a Puerto Rican mama, suckin' on ice in a sauna, hotter than a little cheerleader,throwin' back c...

Low Millions - Statue
The weatherman says goodnight, the Empire State Building's turning off it's lights, the refrigeratorstops, a...

Lucie Silvas - Forget Me Not
Forget me not, I ask of youWherever your life takes you toAnd if we never meet againThink of me ...

Lucie Silvas - Last Man Standing
When I feel every thing in my life's a messAnd I can't lift my head up above the restWhen all I touch ...

Lucie Silvas - Like You Love Me
Woah... mm mmmIts not every day you wake upAnd admit who you really areMost days its easie...

Lucie Silvas - No Defence
Armed with an arrow you're pointing it straight at my heart,Watching me break as I try to find my way out of...

Lucie Silvas - Seven Veils
Heaven knows it's time for usTo wake up with the sunLike a child you kiss my eyesThe tears have ...

Lucie Silvas - The Game Is Won
Am I talking too fast?I got a lot to learnI'll keep my eyes wide openAnd I will wait my turn...

Lucie Silvas - The Longer We're Apart
I have been down this road beforeAnd each time I run when I should walkDiving too deep when I can't sw...

Lucie Silvas - Twisting The Chain
I can see you're hurting,You wear it like a coat of amour,You closed your eyes and chose your battlegr...

Lucie Silvas - Without You
Without you, I have room to breatheAnd if I'm weak then you can't see my insecuritiesWithout you, I ca...

Lucky Boys Confusion - 23 - God Only Knows
Shut his eyes at 23, god only knows Doctors say it's a mystery, god only knows It's not your place to ...

Lucky Boys Confusion - 3 To 10 / Cb's Caddy Party Part Iii
It's 3 to 10 the pigs are here Give me 10 seconds to slam my beers No wounded soldiers kill them all ...

Lucky Boys Confusion - 40/80
Well, it was Friday night last week we got pulled over with an O 53 and Ogden by a condescending po Tr...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Arizona Stand
Too many eight hour long journeys out of reality Made me think nothing mattered showed me nothing was real ...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Atari
You started it off, break out the ammunitionIf not enough, you point at my friendsGrabs the keys and t...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Back Then......
1995 Looked in the mirror, man, what did I see Is this really who I am or what I'm trying to be? ...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Beware
Cut the engine when I'm all revved up, pull the rug beneath my feetPull the trigger when I'm wound up, then ...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Blame
If it's happening, then it's happened to more than youHesitate to call you back, thirty-first and rent's due...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Bossman
Your gravity is strong, its now or neverThese painted lines go on this road foreverCrowded and broke, ...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Breaking Rules
Words divideTouched down on a southwest runwayTime collidesShipments that never cameI dran...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Broken
Looking down from the skybox, watching the whole blockThrow 'em in the air if you hate me nowNot getti...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Child's Play
I'm in the wrong fucking place, at the wrong fucking time Don't worry motherfucker cause I'll still get mine...

Lucky Boys Confusion - City Lights
I'm addicted to the city lights, I guess you're right But something changed tonight I made it through ...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Closer To Our Graves
The world is blocked out in the bedroomThe radio won't let her downEvery note is a reminderAnoth...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Commitment
Under the gun to wear my teenage aggressionTell everyone it's the high school's newest successionWe di...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Deja Vous
This scene seems so god damn familiar to me I'm getting a tingle of deja vous Obsessive attraction and...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Do You Miss Me (killians) Gutierrez
It's half past ten, no sign of cops the barrels going strongThree more beers I'm sure'll make me feel like I...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Dumb Pop Song
I'm gonna steal your girlfriend I went to my boys house I met his sister I knew right then I had to ge...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Envy
Who fed our fire at such a young age Good intentions coming off as rage Taking sides turn another page...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Fred Astaire
You can call it anything you want the fact remains the same I never got to be your Fred Astaire You ca...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Gwendolyn B. Sings Sin
Counting heads as I enter the room Straight check the ration, but it's cool, it's cool I'll be kicking...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Hey Driver
[Verse 1:]Sparks fly, i hit the ground runningThumb in the air on the side of the roadGoo...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Keep Talking
We got a new groove on this scene And nobody's gonna stop me from livin out my dreams I hear your talk...

Lucky Boys Confusion - King Of Apathy
I'm the king of apathy and I'm reversing your harmony But I don't understand why I stray And to my fut...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Lbc
So let's go back to the Caddy won't slow down, go down Hit the next street at the party gonna throw down ...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Masala
Sit and think about me upbringing And tearing it apart is a serious thing They say I'm confused ...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Medicine And Gasoline
It's getting quiet here againFor a minute let's pretendWhen I disapear the world stops turningGe...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Mr. Wilmington
You dreamed he'd shine like the sunNow you son is setHey dad, grab another cigaretteAshes fall l...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Never Like This
Ive been tired before, but never like thisWhats happened to me, whats happened to meAre you talking to...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Not About Debra
She only comes my way when no one's looking The dance hall's packed again Move through your body, move...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Of Course
Stop, I know why you're running Wait, I know what you're saying We've been spinning around in circles ...

Lucky Boys Confusion - One To The Right
Still wandering Keeping my sanity But they won't let me dream to live or live to dream I'm still...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Ordinary
Forty five steps to the liquior store Just another breakdown that I can't afford butCan't worry about ...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Perfect
Lakho Hazaro chahareRaste me khade bhookeNaseeb me kya likha hayKiskee nazar lagee hayPehe...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Saturday Night
As usual Im late, whats the difference I see the same facesMy attitude is plain, just the same as the vibe i...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Slip
Sitting, attractively boredI guess I had this coming, its been a long time comingCasually she kills me...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Slow Down
Hey, slow down, slow down find the rhythm in your step If you made mistakes don't waste time on regret ...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Something To Believe
Popped up this morning just a little off centerGod fearing world, I'm so afraid to enterHaven't decide...

Lucky Boys Confusion - South Union
I left you in the morning still drunk on melodramaYou're so pretty so natural but i had to salvage honor...

Lucky Boys Confusion - Sunday Afternoon
Sunday afternoonIn a night you won't be pefect you won't be pureAnd Monday asking youWhy did how...

Lucky Boys Confusion - What Gets Me High
Well, freedom of expression and elation is my state True, true, I'm a lucky boy but I don't believe in fate ...

Lucky Boys Confusion - You Weren't There
I don't need your adviceI am the device That you are living throughHow long can this lastI...

Lucy Woodward - Always Something
Sometimes when you're lying beside meIn your eyes I seeI don't know but it's something it's something...

Lucy Woodward - Blindsided
Nothin' like walkig down Avenue A,But it' not like any other day,'Cause I feel you more than ever now,...

Lucy Woodward - Done
i wanna letcha knowwhile im still standing hereim not hopeless but i cant forget about itno matt...

Lucy Woodward - Dumb Girls
He broke my heart todayI don't know what to sayI can't feel a thing at allI did not see it comin...

Lucy Woodward - Gettin' It On
come and pull up a chair - i want you facin meyou're a long way from home nowyou got your hand on my h...

Lucy Woodward - Is This Hollywood
August, no clue, 2002,I didn't see coming, even when I came,I got what I asked for,3000 miles an...

Lucy Woodward - Standing
[Chorus]There could've been a better wayBut you had to push me away to be aloneHow come t...

Lucy Woodward - The Breakdown
There ain't enough boys in the world to go aroundYou gotta be wicked and trickyto bring that big boy d...

Lucy Woodward - Trouble With Me
Thinking that I want you, And you know that I coulda got what I want,Anybody feel that,When you ...

Lucy Woodward - Trust Me (you Don't Wanna See This)
Please just let me stray,Look the other way,I gotta do this alone,'Cause I'm the only one here,...

Lucy Woodward - What's Good For Me
i ain't no queen of hearts, i go through stagesi fall in love then complicate ityeah, you know the fee...

Ludacris - Act A Fool
[Intro]DRAH! 2 Fast...DRAH! 2 Furious...I'M TOO FAST FOR Y'ALL MAYN!DRAH! 2 Fast......

Ludacris - Blow It Out
[Ludacris]AOWWWW!I never used to snore in my sleep 'til this rap shit startedWarm thought...

Ludacris - Cold Outside
[Ludacris][Chorus]It ain't no one to trust but meAnd I got to make sur...

Ludacris - Cry Babies (oh No)
[Chorus: Ludacris - repeat 2X](Oh No!) I caught him with a blow to the chest (Oh No!) My ...

Ludacris - Diamond In The Back
Gangsta whitewalls, TV antennas in the back (the back, the back...)[Chorus]I wanna (diamo...

Ludacris - Eyebrows Down
[Ludacris]YeahGotta feel me on this oneAin't none of this shit happen overnightWe t...

Ludacris - Game Got Switched
[Chorus: Repeat 2X]I hate it when it's too many niggaz, not enough hoesToo many rookies, not en...

Ludacris - Get Back
[Intro]Heads Up! Heads Up! Here's another one.. and a.. and a.. another one.[Chorus]...

Ludacris - Hip Hop Quotables
[Ludacris]Hi, my name's Ludacris and I'm high as girrafes (yeah)And im close to the edge ...

Ludacris - Ho
[Chorus]Hooooooooo (Ho)Youza Hoooooo (Ho)Youza Hoooooo (Ho)I said that youza hooooo...

Ludacris - Hood Stuck
[Chorus (Ludacris)]Eastside, eastside nigga wha?(Eastside, eastside nigga what?)I'm talk ...

Ludacris - Hopeless
[Intro: ludacris]Ooooh you feel that as i take you to them dirt roads deep in your southern roots ...

Ludacris - Intro
Yeh, ohh!Check me out, lookIt goes love, hate, pleasure and painFo' albums in the can and ...

Ludacris - It Wasn't Us
[Chorus - repeat 2x]They wanna know why I hit like that, spit like that, shit like that, maybe ...

Ludacris - John Madden 2000 Theme
[Ludacris]Maaaaaaaaan, get out my way and watch out as I come throughBustin' in your line, crac...

Ludacris - Keep It On The Hush
[Preacher]sister, mother so glad to see youso glad your parol came throughso glad everybo...

Ludacris - Number One Spot
[Ludacris - imitating Austin Powers]Yeahhhh baby, heh heh, yeahh![Ludacris]B...

Ludacris - Pass Out
[Chorus 2X: Ludacris]If you a lame motherfucker, get yo' ass out!I'm from the A, I came to part...

Ludacris - Phat Rabbit
[Ludacris - Verse One]I be that nigga named Ludia k a L-O-V-A L-O-V-AFuck that shit...

Ludacris - P-poppin
One more again head down pussy poppin on a handstand[Hook]Head down pussy pussy poppin...

Ludacris - Rock And A Hard Place
Yeah yeahIt's an everyday stuggleTrying to get outTrying to get outTrying to make it...

Ludacris - Roll Out (my Business)
Roll out![repeat 6x]Roll out! Roll out! Roll out! Roll out![Chorus - "roll...

Ludacris - Saturday (oooh! Oooh!)
[Chorus]I gotta big weed stash, pocket full of cashJust seen a big ol' ass, it's Saturday...

Ludacris - Southern Fried Intro
[Intro]Hey, yeah! I want all you proud sistas to stand upI want everybody to stand up and be co...

Ludacris - Stand Up
[Intro]Stand up! Stand up!Stand up! Stand up![Chorus: Ludacris and (Shawna)]...

Ludacris - T Baggin' Skit
[Dial Tone][Numbers being pressed]Hello, Thank you for calling Disturbing Tha Peace....

Ludacris - Teamwork
Hey we gonna be havin some fun and...(Cause cause cause cause)Cause 2 is better than 1 and...(So...

Ludacris - Two Miles An Hour
Yeah.. we gon' send this one outto e'rybody that put mo' into they cars than they do they relationship...

Ludacris - U Got A Problem?
[Intro]- Yeah come see this niggacome see this ol' light-skinned motherfuckerI seen him a...

Lumidee - Air To Breathe
[Verse 1:]You know exactly what to say, when im tryin to get my way, you know exactly what to do, to ...

Lumidee - Break Away
I had to break away from youAnd try to get use to meBeing alone is so brand newI never felt so f...

Lumidee - For Keeps
Somethings changing in my mindI'm looking for a keyYou came through but just passed byGave me en...

Lumidee - Honestly
Honestly if I tell you babyNever has a man made me so crazyI swear it caught me by surprise (Da way I ...

Lumidee - Me & You
[1st Verse:]Could neva except reality in which I was presented livin this crazy life for real could m...

Lumidee - My Last Thug
Ey yo, I'm there for you, care for youbut never fail youand when shit get ruff I'm there to bail you...

Lumidee - Never Leave You (uh Oooh, Uh Oooh)
Uh oh,Uh OoO,uh oh, Uh OoOHonestlyIf i tellTell you whatWhat u want to know love...

Lumidee - Only For Your Good
[Chorus:]Dont let it change the good in us, its all i trust, it means so much[Verse 1:...

Lumidee - Suppose To Do
[Verse 1:]I see light as a blur so what is your concern? Aint nothin comin free, just one day i...

Luscious Jackson - Alien Lover
Lightship loverinterplanitary othersci-fi brotherif you are somewhere above usairwave rave...

Luscious Jackson - Angel
Your brother was a friend of mineNobody but a live wireCan I sing it outCan I say it loudS...

Luscious Jackson - Beloved
Saw you by the avenueselling ends and meansfull of incidents and schemeswhen you lied and when y...

Luscious Jackson - Christine
Christine was the Queen of Teensshe sang into the shadows to be freealways lookin' for something beaut...

Luscious Jackson - Citysong
I'm taking the side streetsCrusing down the alleywaysFeeling the cool breezeAcross my face...

Luscious Jackson - Country's A Callin'
Tension's risingI can't see the skyNo room to breatheThere's dirt in my eyeI hear the coun...

Luscious Jackson - Daughters Of The Kaos
No no no the kaos never lets you goDaughters of the kaosIn the house of godLove you with my six ...

Luscious Jackson - Deep Shag
I feel small when i am next to youI feel big when i forget youWhy do you make me feel so small?...

Luscious Jackson - Devotion
I'm an underwater frauleinI'm an underwater frauleinall I know is my rhymeall I know is my rhyme...

Luscious Jackson - Don't Look Back
aaaaahhhaaaaahhhaaadon't look backaaaaahhhhhhaaaahhhaadon't look aheadif it

Luscious Jackson - Electric
what do you feel when you look into my eyes babydoes it come to you as a surprise?i don't care what ...

Luscious Jackson - Energy Sucker
I'm stone freeSoulless oneI wash myself Down to the dustI might be a messBut i try t...

Luscious Jackson - Faith
i cry for the love in your eyesi try to let you be freeif you're bluedon't let it worry you...

Luscious Jackson - Fantastic Fabulous
I believe you believe in the myth of yourselfI believe you believe you couldn't be anywhere elseAnd yo...

Luscious Jackson - Find Your Mind
all her cash runningout of green glasspocketful of moneygoing down, down, downwagon's full...

Luscious Jackson - Fly
I was on an amusement park rideThe belt got loose and I fellUp into the skyUp, up away. I'm flyi...

Luscious Jackson - Friends
I got my freaks to the EastI got my freaks to the WestLet's get together...Let's celebrate......

Luscious Jackson - Gypsy
When the sun breaks through the cloudsThat's when you'll see me appearI've been watching you for a mil...

Luscious Jackson - Here
Please die for meYeah yeahPlease die for meYeah yeahYeah yeah owHold this for me...

Luscious Jackson - Keep On Rockin' It
Till its all overOriginal bone lovers straight from manhattanKeep your butt movin'Keep your hand...

Luscious Jackson - Ladyfingers
If you need me to be sweetthen I can give you what you need'cause I know you never came first baby...

Luscious Jackson - Let Yourself Get Down
Feel the beatLose the beatMove your feetStomp your feetDo the freakFeel the heat...

Luscious Jackson - Life Of Leisure
Hey what you'd say your name wasRubber backYou got a brain you ain't usingYou got charm you're a...

Luscious Jackson - Lover's Moon
Yesterday winter spokeand told me you had goneI guess I should've knownyou wouldn't stay too lon...

Luscious Jackson - Lp Retreat
you see me spinning recordsit makes me high (get high)i've got 33's and 45'si've got 33's and 45...

Luscious Jackson - Mood Swing
you come and get me when i'm all aloneon the corner just skin and bonesfever in and fever outyou...

Luscious Jackson - Nervous Breakthrough
sometimes somebody can bring you down so farbelow anywhere you've gonesometimes somebody can bring you...

Luscious Jackson - One Thing
something wrong's goin' on today...people with nothing getting thrown awaytoo much blood spilled by di...

Luscious Jackson - Pele Merengue
pele merenguei need some lovinthat's what i need ...

Luscious Jackson - Rock Freak
it's just a rainy dayaint got no games to playso come on over babywe'll bug out anywaywe'l...

Luscious Jackson - Rollin'
can you find a rolling stonethat rolls alonecan you find a busthat won't stop runningcan y...

Luscious Jackson - Satellite
Living on the edge of the worldCome on up and get with it girlsRiding roundLeave me aloneI...

Luscious Jackson - Sexy Hypnotist
A certified casino brideI roll in with the dealer's highforever yours I'm never sureI'll bake th...

Luscious Jackson - She Be Wantin It More
Wantin it moreIt's a fine line buying timeCorruption on the borderlineDisintegrating, i'm feelin...

Luscious Jackson - Soothe Yourself
i've been sootherand i've been wifetried to solve your lifestuck with you through your rainy day...

Luscious Jackson - Space Diva
She got unlimited missionssupernatural visionssuperlunar ambitionsextreme expeditionsI got...

Luscious Jackson - Stardust
one day i was telling youall about coming from dustcashed it i to buy a few locks i knew wouldn't rust...

Luscious Jackson - Strongman
When a man can take a standAnd wash his handsOf his scamsAnd watch his woman stand unafraid...

Luscious Jackson - Summer Daze
Such a long hot summer dayHow I wish you'd come to playWe could have so much funIn this lazy haz...

Luscious Jackson - Surprise
big surprise, surpriselook into your mother's eyesi go where no man goesone particular roll in t...

Luscious Jackson - Take A Ride
stay low, arrowsechoes of heroesfollow their goborrow halosclimb high, you might die...

Luscious Jackson - Under Your Skin
i'm gettin' inunder your skini got the hungry eyeat a northern spyi watch your smile...

Luscious Jackson - Water Your Garden
tired of the rain my lovei'm tired of the waitingif you watch the skywith your eyesyou'll ...

Luscious Jackson - Why Do I Lie?
i would love to be betteri would love to be freei would love to be perfectwhen you look at me...

Lustra - Scotty Doesn't Know
"Scotty Doesn't Know" lyrics are provided courtesy of ...

Luther Vandross - A House Is Not A Home
Doo doo doo doo dooDoo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo dooDoo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo...

Luther Vandross - Always And Forever
Always and foreverEach moment with youIs just like a dream to meThat somehow came true, yeah...

Luther Vandross - Any Day Now
Any day, you'll be gone, oh yeahAny day, you'll be goneAny day nowI will hear you say good...

Luther Vandross - Apologize
Your loves never been betterSo good its a sinBut its time for a decisionIs it me or him?Be...

Luther Vandross - Are You Mad At Me?
I was lost until the day I found you And I know you knowThere's not a thing for you that I wouldn't do...

Luther Vandross - Are You There (with Another Guy)
I'm standing on your doorstep And I don't know what to doShould I ring your doorbell or just walk away...

Luther Vandross - Are You Using Me?
Wait a minuteLet's try something differentThis is LutherWith the masters at workLast...

Luther Vandross - Bring Your Heart To Mine
Why am I not surprised, I see it in your eyesYou're just not happy with your lifeRunning from guy to g...

Luther Vandross - Buy Me A Rose
He works hard to give her all he thinks she wantsBut it tears her apart cause nothings for her heartHe...

Luther Vandross - Can Heaven Wait
Quarter after seven, got a phone callTelling me to get here quickSaid your girl is in a bad situation...

Luther Vandross - Crazy Love
We can't change the way we wereBut we can change the way we areAll I really wantedFrom this craz...

Luther Vandross - Dance With My Father
Back when I was a child, before life removed all the innocenceMy father would lift me high and dance with my...

Luther Vandross - Don't You Know That?
I got your loveYou need to look no furtherDon't you know thatDon't you know thatAfte...

Luther Vandross - Dream Lover
Dream lover please be mineI love you every nightDream lover where are you?You're the only one I'...

Luther Vandross - Give Me The Reason
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-oohYeah-yeahOoh-oohEah-eah-eahOhWhat's there to say, there's n...

Luther Vandross - Going In Circles
I'm an ever rolling wheelWithout a destination realAnd I'm an ever spinning topWhirling around '...

Luther Vandross - Grown Thangs
[Intro]Oh yeah, ohOh yeahWhat good is the moneyWhen lately we've been missing...

Luther Vandross - Hearts Get Broken All The Time (but The Problem Is, This Time It's Mine)
So many times I've seenSo many people's dreamsLost and washed awayOut to the sea, yeah...

Luther Vandross - How Do I Tell Her
[1] - How do I tell herI don't wanna be here anymoreNothing she didI just don't feel the ...

Luther Vandross - I'd Rather
I thought sometime alonewas what we really neededyou said this time would hurt more than it helps...

Luther Vandross - If I Didn't Know Better
I think sometimes I can read your mindWhen you make things up I can tell you lie I see the things that...

Luther Vandross - If I Was The One
I see the way he treats youI feel the tears you cryAnd it makes me sad and it makes me madThere'...

Luther Vandross - I Know
I know that you've been good to meAnd I know it's just a rumor spreading in this townAnd I know know k...

Luther Vandross - Impossible Dream
To dream the impossible dreamTo fight the unbeatable foeTo bear with unbearable sorrowAnd to run...

Luther Vandross - Isn't There Someone
Another sad day, another lonely dayFor all we know some people only cryThey have no good times, no poe...

Luther Vandross - It's Hard For Me To Say
Didn't know 'til todayThat you would love for me to sayAll of things I feelThough you don't doub...

Luther Vandross - Keeping My Faith In You
I just love how long we've known each otherAnd I know you care about meBut I can't tell just where you...

Luther Vandross - Let's Make Tonight The Night
Livin' day to day, the same old things Enough to make you want to screamLimited time, border line...

Luther Vandross - Like I'm Invisible
You talk about me as if I'm not thereYou don't even whisper cuz you just don't careI stand there and l...

Luther Vandross - Love Don't Love You Anymore (tm's Urban Mix)
Ay, love don't love you Hey, love, ah haTime rushes onAnd it's not fairWhen someone ...

Luther Vandross - Love Forgot
Learn to love and you learn to surviveMy mistake was thinking love wouldn't catch meIt was the story o...

Luther Vandross - Love The One You're With
There's a RoseIn a fisted Gloveand the eagle flies with the doveand if you can't be ...

Luther Vandross - Love Won't Let Me Wait
I need to have you next to me in more ways than oneAnd I refuse to leave till I see the mornin' sun...

Luther Vandross - Never Too Much
I can't fool myself, I don't want nobody else to ever love meYou are my shinin' star, my guiding light, my l...

Luther Vandross - Nobody To Love
Hey baby, what's your game?I ask you the question and the answer's still the sameHow can you go on day...

Luther Vandross - Now That I Have You
You found me when I was aloneYou held me and you made my heart your homeI sit around and dreamAn...

Luther Vandross - Once Were Lovers
We shared a life, we shared a heartBut what we united seems to be breaking apartIts a haunting pain, g...

Luther Vandross - Religion
It was early Sunday morningEveryone in the house was still asleepShe made some toast and coffeeT...

Luther Vandross - Right In The Middle
If you always do what youve always done, youll always get the same old stuffLife can treat you good, then tu...

Luther Vandross - Say It Now
I hope you hear this cuz I'm about to say it nowGuess I'm to blame and it's just a shameCuz I ha...

Luther Vandross - She Saw You
Why did you tell your girlfriend you were hanging with the boysShe called me last night and I tried to cover...

Luther Vandross - Stop To Love
Lately love keeps keeping up at night Tossing and turning, my love Wanna kiss you, wanna hold you real...

Luther Vandross - Sugar And Spice (i Found Me A Girl)
HeyHeyHeySugar and spiceRighter than rightNever had a feeling so nice, no, gir...

Luther Vandross - Superstar / Until You Come Back To Me (that's What I'm Gonna Do)
I wanna tell you, babyThe changes I've been goin' throughMissin' you, missin' you, oh...oh...Til...

Luther Vandross - They Said You Needed Me
Goodbye, so longWere the last words from youSeems like youre overAll the goodness we knewY...

Luther Vandross - Think About You
So close to paradise, but closer than I should beIts like Im along for the ride, it happened unexpectedly...

Luther Vandross - This Time I'm Right
Don't know what this could beCould it be love taking a hold on me?There's no pain, there's no doubt...

Luther Vandross - Too Proud To Beg
Love came to me that dayStayed longer than I plannedBut change is good, they saySo I rearranged ...

Luther Vandross - Treat You Right
I think I dream about you Most of the time. What can I say? Hey, Hey. But I don't see you much. ...

Luther Vandross - When I Need You
No one knows the side of you that I knowNo one gets to see, to feel youTo hear you when they call...

Luther Vandross - You Stopped Loving Me
You knowI've had a lot of things happen to me in my lifeAnd yetI don't spend much of my ti...

Lydia Denker - One Perfect Day
I feel you breathing inside me I know... When you are far your ever near Don't hear my wor...

Lyfe - 26 Years, 17 Days
[1st Verse:]I was looking for God at my grandmother's houseunderneath the cushions on the couch...

Lyfe - Cry
[1st Verse:]I done had moneyI done been brokeI done been talked about something awful...

Lyfe - Greedy
[1st Verse:]See I'm a wanted man barely living in these streetsSince child support saw fit to p...

Lyfe - I Can't
[1st Verse:]First things first, baby I apologize for all of the lies that I've told you up to now...

Lyfe - Let's Do This Right
[1st Verse:]This ones for my people locked upKnow we keep you in our prayersand aint forg...

Lyfe - Made Up My Mind
[1st Verse:]Lord they really think they fooling you by coming to church on Sundaypraying and la...

Lyfe - My Life
[1st Verse:]See I done been discriminated againstTalked about by my friendsPlayed a fool ...

Lyfe - She Got Kids
[1st Verse:]I know a lot of women gonna hate itbut, somebody's gotta say itAnd so I nomin...

Lyfe - Smile
[1st Verse:]Feels like I'm in heavenRollin' my 67Cadillac DeVillebumpin' that old S...

Lyfe - Stick Up Kid
[1st Verse:]Rolling in my 2-door Monte CarloLooking for somebody I can borrow5 or 10 doll...

Lyfe - The Way I Feel About You
[1st Verse:][Lyfe:] Well Hello[Female:] Hey! How you doin'[Lyfe:] Ha...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - All Funked Up
Oooohhh.... Ahhhhhhhhh....Tornados spinnin', I sit here grinnin'I think we've all se...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - All I Can Do Is Write About It
Well this life that I've lead has took me everywhere There ain't no place I ain't never gone But its k...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Am I Losin'
I recall when I used to come home never had a dime But Lord I always had a good time And I recall drin...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Comin' Home
It's been so long since I've been gone Another day might be too long for me Traveling around I've had ...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Crawl
Your love does something to me that I can't describe Dark eyes see right through me and I just can't hide ...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Dead Man Walkin'
MMMMmmmmmm...Hahaaa...Let me tell you a story...Outside of Macon off a country roadJ...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Double Trouble
Eleven times I been busted, eleven times I been to jail Some of the times I been there nobody could go my ba...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Down South Jukin'
Well Billy Joe told me, said everything's lookin' fine He's got the place all secured, got the icebox full o...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Gimme Back My Bullets
Life is so strange when its changin', yes indeed Well I've seen the hard times and the pressure's been on me...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Gimme Three Steps
I was cutting the rug Down at a place called The Jug With a girl named Linda Lu When in walked a...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Hell Or Heaven
Mama used to say to me, you can make your destinyKeep your feet planted on the groundYou can always ge...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Jake (when The Smoke Clears)
A boy gets crazy when he's sittin' at the barDon't you mess with Jake don't you push him too farRotgut...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Life's Lessons
MMMMMmmmmmm...I listen, and still I haven't heardTell me what is the wordAnd if I ever hea...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Lucky Man
MMMMMmmmmMMMMMmmm....Well it took so long for me to realizeThat my destiny was right before my e...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Mad Hatter
Oooohhh...Mmmmmm Yeah...We just landed, we just touched downIt just hit home yeah, that a ...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - One More Time
How can you stand there smilin' After all you've done You know it seems to make you happy When y...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - On The Hunt
I said baby mama, I don't know your name But I said baby, sugar I can play your game Every night when ...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Pick 'em Up
Ooooooooo.... Yeah OOOOOOOOOWell sometimes I lose my direction, And sometimes I jump off trackBu...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Red White And Blue
We don't have no plastic L.A. Frynds,ain't on the edge of no popular trend.Ain't never seen the inside...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Rockin' Little Town
MMmmmmm... That's rightYeah...Big bad machine still makin' the sceneBig wheels keep on tur...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Mama
Here we go...C'mon...I was raised on the west side Shanty TownI didn't get up 'til the sun...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - That's How I Like It
Let me tell ya...Where I come from it's grits and gravy not champagne and caviarGot pickup truck...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - The Way
Well the sun don't shine where it used toAnd the angels are hidin' their headsPeople don't listen to t...

Lynyrd Skynyrd - You Got That Right
Well I've heard lots of people say They're gonna settle down You don't see their faces And they ...

M2m - Dear Diary
Dear Diary,Something good happened todayHe finally called me by my nameI didn't know how to beha...

M2m - Don't
When you walked into my worldI was someone else's girlEvery time you look in my eyesAll that I f...

M2m - Don't Mess With My Love
I thought you were a friend of mine but I was wrongYou tried to fit into the arms where I belongYou mo...

M2m - Do You Know What You Want
Someone who treats you rightStay with you day and nightI can tell that's what you needI know jus...

M2m - Eventually
Open your eyesUndo the seemIt's not like beforeIt's not just a dreamA hint of a smil...

M2m - Everything
It's been nine days, eight hoursForty minutes, ten secondsSince you calledI've been so crazy...

M2m - Everything You Do
From the moment you looked at meAnd ever since you called my nameYou've been everything that I've seen...

M2m - Girl In Your Dreams
I was walking down the street one dayThen I saw you I didn't know what to sayYou're eyes were shining...

M2m - Give A Little Love
[V1]Everytime I think I've had enough of youI take you back againNot because I need a fri...

M2m - Jennifer
She's so beautifulShe is suuuuuuper niceEverybody say she's specialShe is wonderfulU...

M2m - Leave Me Alone
Leave me aloneStop calling me at homeWhere did you get my number anyway?Don't write me e-m...

M2m - Love Left For Me
You just said the worst thing you could ever sayWell, I don't understand why it just can't be this way...

M2m - Mirror Mirror
Mirror mirror lie to meShow me what I wanna seeMirror mirror lie to meWhy don't I like the...

M2m - Miss Popular
She's miserableWhy make everyone else miserable too?Oh, can't she see?What she's putting innocen...

M2m - Our Song
I'm lying in my bed, all aloneCalled you once again, no one is homeIt's raining outside, on Saturday n...

M2m - Payphone
Just cryYou don't have to hide it from meRely on meJust cryEven if you don't know why...

M2m - Pretty Boy
I lie awake at nightSee things in black and whiteI've only got you inside my mindYou know you ha...

M2m - Smiling Face
[V1]Sitting on the busLooking through the windowAnd I close my eyesI see the shade ...

M2m - Sometimes
The rain's pouring downAnd you wish you could findA deep whole in the grownAunt red knocks on yo...

M2m - The Day You Went Away
[VERSE 1]Well I wonder could it beWhen I was dreaming 'bout you babyYou were dreaming of ...

M2m - The Feeling Is Gone
The feeling is goneListen to me as I explain this situation Its not like I wanna destroy his reputatio...

M2m - Wanna Be Where You Are
Here I go againStanding in your arms cryingHere you go againMake me forget everythingYou k...

M2m - What You Do About Me
I wish that I was her and I wish that she was meYou gotta let her go, and I know that you agree'Cause ...

M2m - Why
Why don't you call meAre you afraid?Your friends all told meYou think I'm all thatWe...

Macy Gray - A Moment To Myself
I saw a rainbow earlier today Lately those rainbow be comin' round like everyday Deep in the struggle ...

Macy Gray - Boo
he tends to get carried awaylike a talk show he's got drama everydaylots of rage and mental abusing...

Macy Gray - Caligula
Hush the neighbors hear you moanin and groanin But I just can't help it specially when we be bonin "I ...

Macy Gray - Come Together
Do me some wrong songs make money all the time, but your fineChocolate ass brings nothing negative to mind. ...

Macy Gray - Don't Come Around
i have finally faced itthe well is dryand we're not gonna make itout of the war alivehe br...

Macy Gray - Do Something
[Verse One:]Like Cleopatra Got the masses at my feetGot a living dwell Down on easy...

Macy Gray - Every Now And Then
It's the mood I'm in it's how hard it's been the ultimate sinDon't want to commit - but I think of it every ...

Macy Gray - Forgiveness
we need the honey like the beesgimme soundneed to be touched by you but you're not aroundforgive...

Macy Gray - Freak Like Me
sorry that I'm lateI been searchin' for something greatsomething to fill me uphe said join the c...

Macy Gray - Gimme All Your Lovin' Or I Will Kill You
he drives a g wagonand he looks just like my dreamI been climbin' all his mountainsI been swimmi...

Macy Gray - Happiness
All hail the higher, I'm higher every day and there is a willThere is a skill a powder a pill to make me sta...

Macy Gray - Harry
you must be smellin' cherries and strawberries and peachesand plumsroses and dandelionsspe...

Macy Gray - Hey Young World Part 2
check one twocheck one twohey young worldcheck one twocheck one twoyoung world young...

Macy Gray - I Can't Wait To Meetchu
I tried to live without you What a misery it turned out to be Sorry for the time I doubted you C...

Macy Gray - It Ain't The Money
Heart of mine, milk and honey, it ain't the money no we know.Doin' lines, ain't it funny that it ain't the m...

Macy Gray - I've Committed Murder
My baby works down at the boulevard caf Just a fine young man with big dreams Trying to make his wn wa...

Macy Gray - Jesus For A Day
Run the creature has come, there's no cover for you no prizeWhen you've won.Be. If I could be je...

Macy Gray - Love Is Gonna Get You
I want too much to be with youBut I'm working night and dayI came all this way to see youAnd you...

Macy Gray - My Fondest Childhood Memories
When I was 10 I had a live in babysitter, she had a petKangaroo wore big breasts and feathers. She gave me i...

Macy Gray - Oblivion
it's real sickthe state of the world todayit's real thickto come up and find a waysolution...

Macy Gray - Relating To A Psychopath
hot like hot wings with hot chocolate in hellcold like in my isolation cellin the winterwhile ki...

Macy Gray - Screamin'
Don't hear nothing but bad news lately, and all my family hasGone crazy but I guess it don't matter since th...

Macy Gray - Sex-o-matic Venus Freak
Superlove is something that they say is very rare In the dark, In your world it's everywhere And I fee...

Macy Gray - Sexual Revolution
everybody shake ittime to be free amongst yourselvesyour mama told you to be discreetand keep yo...

Macy Gray - She Ain't Right For You
Wrote me in a letter that she makes u feel better and all of theThings u said to her but I feel what I feel,...

Macy Gray - She Don't Write Songs
She may be pretty got more money than me but she don't writeSongs about you. She's always cooking and studyi...

Macy Gray - Speechless
Sure do like the way it's going down with you we could beTogether for years, and I'm ready to make that move...

Macy Gray - Still
In my last years with him there were bruises On my face In my dawn and new day I finally got awa...

Macy Gray - Sweet Baby
Many times I've been told that I should go but they dont knowwhat we got baby then they not see ...

Macy Gray - The Letter
All I ever wanted was some love and peace and harmony I could dance in the raw in the sun underneath the sta...

Macy Gray - Things That Made Me Change
Sure would like to see you and visit your big house in the sky. IWish you didn't have to leave us, but since...

Macy Gray - When I See You
It's been 3 days since I screamed and hung up on yaAll I wanted was to hold you tightI'm sorry, baby, ...

Macy Gray - Why Didn't You Call Me
We went out one night Everything went right We got something started It was outta sight We...

Madison Avenue - Don't Call Me Baby
[Verse 1]You and me, we have an opportunityAnd we could make it something really coolBut ...

Madison Avenue - Who The Hell Are You
[1st verse]Now when I, was a little girlMy mama sat me down and tole me all about the world...

Madonna - A Cinema In Buenos Aires, 26 July 1952
[Julieta:] Carlos.[Carlos:] Julieta, mi querida Julieta.[Julieta:] Ca...

Madonna - Act Of Contrition
[Whispered:]For thou art the Kingdom and the Power and the GloryForever and ever. Amen.Ha...

Madonna - Ain't No Big Deal ('81 And '97 Extended)
[Spoken:]Reach out, reach out [repeat 3 times][Chorus:]Ain't no...

Madonna - Ain't No Big Deal ('97 Edit)
[Spoken:]Reach out, reach out [repeat 3 times][Chorus:]Ain't no...

Madonna - Amazing
You took a pretty pictureAnd you smashed it into bitsSank me into blacknessAnd you sealed it wit...

Madonna - American Life
Do I have to change my name? Will it get me far? Should I lose some weight? Am I gonna be a star...

Madonna - American Life (headcleaner Rock Mix)
American lifeAmerican dreamAmerican lifeAmerican dreamDo I have to change my name?...

Madonna - American Pie
A long, long time agoI can still remember how that music used tomake me smileAnd I knew that if ...

Madonna - And The Money Kept Rolling In (and Out)
[Che:]And the money kept rolling in from every sideEva's pretty hands reached out and they reac...

Madonna - A New Argentina
[Peron:]Dice are rolling, the knives are outWould-be presidents are all aroundI don't say...

Madonna - Angel
Why am I standing on a cloudEvery time you're aroundAnd my sadness disappearsEvery time you are ...

Madonna - Another Suitcase In Another Hall
[Eva:]I don't expect my love affairs to last for longNever fool myself that my dreams will come...

Madonna - Back In Business
I'm gonna show you that good guys don't always winI'm gonna show you the brighter side of living in sin....

Madonna - Bad Girl
Something's missing and I don't know whyI always feel the need to hide my feelings from youIs it me or...

Madonna - Be Careful With My Heart
[Ricky Martin:]Be careful with my heartYou could break itDon't take my love for granted...

Madonna - Buenos Aires
[Eva:]What's new Buenos Aires?I'm new, I wanna say I'm just a little stuck on youYou'll b...

Madonna - Burning Up
Don't put me off, 'cause I'm on fireAnd I can't quench my desireDon't you know that I'm burning up for...

Madonna - Bye Bye Baby
This is not a love songBye bye babyI keep on waiting, anticipatingBut I can't wait forever...

Madonna - Candy Perfume Girl
Young velvet porcelain boyDevour me when you're with meBlue wish window seasSpeak delicious fire...

Madonna - Can't Stop
Can't stop[Chorus:]Can't stop thinking about you babe, can't stopCan't stop s...

Madonna - Causing A Commotion
[Chorus:]I've got the moves baby, you got the motionIf we got together we'd be causing a ...

Madonna - Charity Concert / The Art Of The Possible
[Magaldi:]On this nightOn this nightOn this night of a thousand starsLet me take yo...

Madonna - Crazy For You
Swaying room as the music startsStrangers making the most of the darkTwo by two their bodies become on...

Madonna - Crimes Of Passion
[Chorus:]Crimes of passionGive me such a sweet reactionOh, crimes of passionG...

Madonna - Cry Baby
My guy is really something, he's sensitive and shyMy guy is such a bumpkin, it doesn't take much to make him...

Madonna - Cyberraga
May all be well with mankindMay the leaders of the earth in every wayProtect the earth by keeping to t...

Madonna - Dear Jessie
Baby face don't grow so fastMake a special wish that will always lastRub this magic lanternHe wi...

Madonna - Deeper And Deeper
Deeper and deeper and deeper and deeperSweeter and sweeter and sweeter and sweeter[Chorus:]...

Madonna - Did You Do It?
Tick tick tock, Mo is on the jockI did her in the limo as we went around the blockSucked the mole on h...

Madonna - Die Another Day
I'm gonna wake up, yes and noI'm gonna kiss some part ofI'm gonna keep this secretI'm gonna clos...

Madonna - Don't Cry For Me Argentina
[Eva:]It won't be easy, you'll think it strangeWhen I try to explain how I feelThat I sti...

Madonna - Don't Cry For Me Argentina (miami Spanglish Mix)
(Evita, Evita, Evita, Evita)(Evita, Evita, Evita)It won't be easy, you'll think it strange...

Madonna - Don't Stop
[Verse:]Get up on the dance floor, everything is groovin'Get up on the dance floor, got t...

Madonna - Don't Tell Me
Don't tell me to stopTell the rain not to dropTell the wind not to blow'Cause you said so, mmm...

Madonna - Don't You Know?
[Chorus:]You, you make my life much bright, babyYou're always on my mindDon't you k...

Madonna - Dress You Up
You've got style, that's what all the girls saySatin sheets and luxuries so fineAll your suits are cus...

Madonna - Drowned World / Substitute For Love
I traded fame for loveWithout a second thoughtIt all became a silly a gameSome things cannot be ...

Madonna - Easy Ride
I want the good lifeBut I don't want an easy rideWhat I want is to work for itFeel the blood and...

Madonna - Erotic
My name is DitaI'll be your mistress tonightI'll be your loved one darlingTurn off the light...

Madonna - Erotica
Erotica, romance [repeat]My name is DitaI'll be your mistress tonightI'd like to put you ...

Madonna - Eva And Magaldi / Eva Beware Of The City
[Eva:]To think that a man as famous as you areCould love a poor little nothing like me...

Madonna - Eva's Final Broadcast
[Eva:]The actress hasn't learned the lines you'd like to hearShe's sad for her country, sad to ...

Madonna - Everybody
[Spoken:]I know you've been waiting, yeahI've been watching you, yeahI know you wanna get...

Madonna - Everybody ('97 And '81)
Everybody, come onEverybody, you can do your thing[repeat for track 7][Chorus:]...

Madonna - Express Yourself
[Spoken:]Come on girlsDo you believe in love?'Cause I got something to say about it...

Madonna - Fever
You give meYou give me feverNever know how much I love youNever know how much I care...

Madonna - Freedom
"No" is just a wordThat people say when they're afraidAnd if you say "no" to meThen I will fight...

Madonna - Frozen
[Verse:]You only see what your eyes want to seeHow can life be what you want it to be...

Madonna - Gambler
Gambler, gambler[Chorus:]I'm a gambler, and I will take you by surpriseGamble...

Madonna - Get Up
Get out of bedAnd you look in the mirrorAs my hate in your headDoesn't get any clearerThe ...

Madonna - Gone
Selling outIs not my thingWalk awayI won't be broken againI'm notI'm not what you th...

Madonna - Goodbye To Innocence
I don't wanna say goodbyeThere are some who believe that I owe them somethingBut they're wrong, ...

Madonna - Goodnight And Thank You
[Che:]Goodnight and thank you HuevoShe is in every magazineBeen photographed, seen, she i...

Madonna - Guilty By Association
You've been sanctifiedAnd I've been triedGuilty by associationYou've been canonizedA...

Madonna - Has To Be
Breathe in, breathe outI say a little prayerHow the gods aboveCould be so unfair[...

Madonna - Hello And Goodbye
[Eva:]Hello and goodbye, I just unemployed youYou can go back to schoolYou've had a good ...

Madonna - He's A Man
All work and no play,Makes Dick a dull dull boy, career gets in the way.Square jaw, ooo, such a handso...

Madonna - High Flying, Adored
[Che:]High flying, adoredSo young, the instant queenA rich beautiful thing, of all the ta...

Madonna - Holiday
Holiday CelebrateHoliday Celebrate[Chorus:]If we took a holidayTook som...

Madonna - Hollywood
Everybody comes to HollywoodThey wanna make it in the neighborhoodThey like the smell of it in Hollywo...

Madonna - I'd Be Surprisingly Good For You
[Eva:] Colonel Peron[Peron:] Eva Duarte[Eva and Peron:]I've heard so ...

Madonna - I Deserve It
This guy was meant for meAnd I was meant for himThis guy was dreamt for meAnd I was dreamt for h...

Madonna - If You Forget Me
I want you to know one thingYou know how this isIf I look at the crystal moonAt the red br...

Madonna - I Know It
I don't know why I thought that I could make you happyThese tears I cry for you are so hopeless, yeahI...

Madonna - I'm Going Bananas
Hola! Ese bato loco!I'm going bananas,And I feel like my poor little mind is being devoured by p...

Madonna - Impressive Instant
Universe is full of starsNothing out there looks the sameYou're the one that I've been waiting for...

Madonna - I'm So Stupid
'Cause I used to liveIn a fuzzy dreamAnd I wanted to beLike all the pretty peopleI'm...

Madonna - Inside Of Me
I can't stop thinking of youThe things we used to doThe secrets we once sharedI'll always find t...

Madonna - Intervention
I got to save my babyBecause he makes me cryI got to make him happyI got to teach him how to fly...

Madonna - In This Life
Sitting on a park benchThinking about a friend of mineHe was only 23Gone before he had his time...

Madonna - Jimmy Jimmy
Where you goin' boy, I see your legs twitchin'Jimmy Jimmy, oh Jimmy JimmyMy daddy says you just need a...

Madonna - Just A Dream
[Chorus:]Was it just a dream?Did I feel your devotion?Dreams are never what they se...

Madonna - Justify My Love (the Beast Within Mix)
[from Revelation 1:3]Blessed is he who reads aloud the words of the prophecyAnd blessed are tho...

Madonna - Keep It Together
Keep, keep it togetherKeep people together forever and everI got brothers, I got some sisters to...

Madonna - Lament
[Eva:]The choice was mine, and mine completelyI could have any prize that I desiredI coul...

Madonna - Latin Chant
[Choir:]Respice, quaesumus, DomineFamulam tuam EvitaIn infirmitateEt animam r...

Madonna - Laugh To Keep From Crying
I can't lock my doorOh, I don't have no privacyThe only thing that's mineIs what's inside of me...

Madonna - Let Down Your Guard (rough Mix Edit)
[Verse:]Won't you come inside, and lay down next to my fireCan you feel my heartbeat, let...

Madonna - Lies In Your Eyes
Ooh ooh ooh ooh oohI'm dreaming you are here with meCan feel your body close to meBut ever...

Madonna - Little Boy Lost
He runs through the streetCause his house's falling downAnd his eyes are burning as they touch the gro...

Madonna - Love Don't Live Here Anymore
[Chorus:]You abandoned meLove don't live here anymoreJust a vacancyLove don't...

Madonna - Love Makes The World Go Round
Make love not war we sayIt's easy to reciteBut it don't mean a damnUnless we're gonna fight...

Madonna - Love On The Run
Talk about it peopleIf you dream and shout itWas I nothing, feel the actionI can't get no satisf...

Madonna - Love Profusion
There are too many questionsThere is not one solutionThere is no resurrectionThere is so much co...

Madonna - Love Profusion (headcleaner Rock Mix)
I got you under my skinI got you under my skinI got you under my skinI got you under my skin...

Madonna - Love Song
Je suis prete. Est-ce que vous etes pret, aussi?Are you wasting my time, are you just being kind...

Madonna - Love Tried To Welcome Me
These are my hands, but what can they give me?These are my eyes, but they cannot seeThese are my arms,...

Madonna - Lucky Star
You must be my Lucky Star'Cause you shine on me wherever you areI just think of you and I start to glo...

Madonna - Material Girl
Some boys kiss me, some boys hug meI think they're O.K.If they don't give me proper creditI just...

Madonna - Me Against The Music
[with BRITNEY SPEARS]All my people in the crowdGrab a partner take it down! ...

Madonna - Mer Girl
I ran from my house that cannot contain meFrom the man that I cannot keepFrom my mother who haunts me,...

Madonna - More
Once upon a time I had plenty of nothing,Which was fine with me.Because I had rhythm, music, love,...

Madonna - Mother And Father
There was a time I was happy in my lifeThere was a time I believed I'd live foreverThere was a time I ...

Madonna - Music
DJ put a record onI wanna dance with my babyDo you like toBoogie woogie, do you like to Bo...

Madonna - Nobody Knows Me
I've had so many livesSince I was a childAnd I realiseHow many times I've diedI'm no...

Madonna - Nobody Knows Me (mount Sims Old School Mix)
No ones telling you how to live your lifeBut it's a set up, until you're fed upNobody knows meNo...

Madonna - Nobody's Perfect
Cool I amWhen I am with youCool I'm notWhen I am lonelyI feel so sadWhat I did...

Madonna - Nothing Fails
I'm in love with you, you silly thingAnyone can seeWhat is it with you, you silly thingJust take...

Madonna - Nothing Fails (nevins Mix)
I'm in love with you, you silly thingAnyone can seeWhat it is with you, you silly thingJust take...

Madonna - Nothing Really Matters
When I was very youngNothing really mattered to meBut making myself happyI was the only one...

Madonna - Now I'm Following You (part I)
Let's dance, you can do a little two-stepI'll go anywhere that you step to, 'cause I'm following you.M...

Madonna - Now I'm Following You (part Ii)
Let's dance, you can do a little two-stepI'll go anywhere that you step to, 'cause I'm following you.M...

Madonna - Oh Father
It's funny that way, you can get usedTo the tears and the painWhat a child will believeYou never...

Madonna - Oh What A Circus
[Che:]Oh what a circus, oh what a showArgentina has gone to townOver the death of an actr...

Madonna - One More Chance
I turned around too late to see the fallen starI fell asleep and never saw the sun go downI took your ...

Madonna - On The Balcony Of The Casa Rosada 1
[Announcer:]People of ArgentinaYour newly elected President, Juan Peron[Crowd ch...

Madonna - On The Balcony Of The Casa Rosada 2
[Eva:]Just listen to that, the voice of ArgentinaWe are adored, we are loved[Off...

Madonna - On The Ground
I live at the top of the hillNo one keeps me against my willI don't need no save neighbourhoodI ...

Madonna - On This Night Of A Thousand Stars
[Che:]Now Eva Peron had every disadvantageYou need if you're gonna succeedNo money, no ca...

Madonna - Open Your Heart
[Spoken:]Watch out!I see you on the street and you walk on byYou make me wanna hang...

Madonna - Over And Over
Hurry up, I just can't waitI gotta do it now I can't be lateI know I'm not afraid I gotta get out the ...

Madonna - Papa Don't Preach
Papa I know you're going to be upset'Cause I was always your little girlBut you should know by now...

Madonna - Paradise (not For Me)
I can't rememberWhen I was youngI can't explainIf it was wrongMy life goes onBut not...

Madonna - Partido Feminista
[Crowd:](Evita Peron, Partido Feminista) [repeat in background][Eva:]...

Madonna - Peron's Latest Flame
[Che:] At the watering holes of the well-to-doI detect a resistance to[Aristocrats:] Pre...

Madonna - Physical Attraction
You say that you need my loveAnd you're wantin' my body, I don't mindBaby all I've got is timeAn...

Madonna - Pretender
He's a pretender, he knows just what to sayHe's a pretender, yeah you meet him every dayHe's a pretend...

Madonna - Promise To Try
Little girl don't you forget her faceLaughing away your tearsWhen she was the one who felt all the pai...

Madonna - Rain
I feel it, it's coming[Chorus:]Rain, feel it on my finger tipsHear it on my w...

Madonna - Rainbow High
[Eva:]There again I've more to doThan simply get the message throughI haven't started...

Madonna - Rainbow Tour
[Peron:]People of Europe, I send you the Rainbow of Argentina[Che:]Spain has...

Madonna - Requiem For Evita
[Crowd:]Requiem aeternum dona EvitaRequiem aeternum dona EvitaRequiem Evita, Requie...

Madonna - Runaway Lover
You lost your reputation on a womanYou didn't understand or care to knowYou get your education from yo...

Madonna - Sanctuary
[Spoken:]Surely whoever speaks to me in the right voiceHim or her I shall followWho...

Madonna - Santa Baby
Santa baby, slip a sable under the tree, for meI've been an awful good girlSanta baby, and hurry down ...

Madonna - Santa Evita
[Children:]Please, gentle Eva, will you bless a little child?For I love you, tell Heaven I'm do...

Madonna - Scheherazade
He was the sultan of SamarcandHe had a harem of dancing girls at his commandHe owned all the eye could...

Madonna - Secret Garden
In my secret garden, I'm looking for the perfect flowerWaiting for my finest hourIn my secret garden, ...

Madonna - Shanti / Ashtangi
Vunde gurunam caranaravindeSandarsita svatma sukhavabodheNihsreyase jangalikayamaneSansara halah...

Madonna - She Is A Diamond
[Peron:]But on the other hand, she's all they haveShe's a diamond in their dull gray lives...

Madonna - Shine A Light
Hear me, I'm knocking at your doorCould it mean I'm coming back for moreCould it be I could not stay a...

Madonna - Shoo-bee-doo
Shoo bee doo bee doo ooh la laWhen I look in your eyesBaby here's what I seeI see so much confus...

Madonna - Sidewalk Talk (extended Dance Mix)
Watch where you walk 'cause the sidewalks talkAnd you can't keep a secret from the ground beneath youS...

Madonna - Skin
[Chorus:]Do I know you from somewhere?Why do you leave me wanting more?Why do all t...

Madonna - Sky Fits Heaven
Sky fits heaven so fly itThat's what the prophet said to meChild fits mother so hold your baby tight...

Madonna - Something To Remember
Seems I've played the game for much too longI let people buy my love and INever got to sing my songs f...

Madonna - Sooner Or Later
Sooner or later you're gonna be mine,Sooner or later you're gonna be fine.Baby, it's time that you fac...

Madonna - Spanish Eyes
I know for sure his heart is here with meThough I wish him back, I know he cannot seeMy hands tremblin...

Madonna - Stay
You, you make my life much brighterYou're always on my mindYou, you make my load much lighterTru...

Madonna - Stay ('81)
[Verse:]Am I just dreaming or did you walk through my door?Do you still feel the same way...

Madonna - Supernatural (original Arms House Mix)
Made your acquaintance late one nightYou were floating aroundYou know you gave me quite a fright...

Madonna - Swim
Put your head on my shoulder babyThings can't get any worseNight is getting colderSometimes life...

Madonna - The Actress Hasn't Learned The Lines (you'd Like To Hear)
[Aristocrats:]Thus all fairy stories endOnly an actress would pretendAffairs of state are...

Madonna - The Lady's Got Potential
[Che:]In June of forty-three there was a military coupBehind it was a gang called the G.O.U....

Madonna - The Look Of Love
Should have left you standing right where you stoodShould have let you go, should have had the sense to know...

Madonna - Thief Of Hearts
Bitch!You're a thief of hearts and now you'll have to payHow many licks does it take?You're a th...

Madonna - Think Of Me
I'm getting tired of waitin' aroundI feel like I'm always trackin' you downI don't wanna point my fing...

Madonna - This Used To Be My Playground
[Chorus (first time without background vocals):]This used to be my playground (used to be)...

Madonna - Till Death Do Us Part
[Chorus:]Our luck is running out of timeYou're not in love with me anymoreI wish th...

Madonna - True Blue
I've had other guysI've looked into their eyesBut I never knew love before'Til you walked throug...

Madonna - Veras (you'll See)
Tu piensas que yo no podre vivir sin tiTu piensas no podra sobrevivirQue nada me queda, si no estas ju...

Madonna - Vogue
Strike a poseStrike a poseVogue, vogue, vogueVogue, vogue, vogueLook around everywhe...

Madonna - Waiting
Well, I know from experienceThat if you have to ask for something more than once or twiceIt wasn't you...

Madonna - Waltz For Eva And Che
[Che:]Tell me before I waltz out of your lifeBefore turning my back on the pastForgive my...

Madonna - What Can You Lose
What can you lose?Only the blues.Why keep concealing everything you're feeling?Say it to her, wh...

Madonna - What It Feels Like For A Girl
[Spoken:]Girls can wear jeansAnd cut their hair shortWear shirts and boots'Cause it...

Madonna - Where Life Begins
Warm inside, yeahI'd like to direct your attentionTo something that needs directing toA lot of p...

Madonna - Where's The Party
Working Monday through FridayTakes up all of my timeIf I can get to the weekendEverything will w...

Madonna - White Heat
[Spoken:]A copper.How do ya like that boys, a copper.And we went for it, I went for it...

Madonna - Who's That Girl
Who's that girl, who's that girlWhen you see her, say a prayer and kiss your heart goodbyeShe's ...

Madonna - Why's It So Hard
Why's it so hard to love one anotherWhy's it so hard to love[repeat]What do I have ...

Madonna - Words
[Chorus:]Words, they cut like a knifeCut into my lifeI don't want to hear your word...

Madonna - X-static Process
I'm not myself when you're aroundI'm not myself standing in a crowdI'm not myself and I don't know how...

Madonna - You Must Love Me
Where do we go from here?This isn't where we intended to beWe had it all, you believed in meI be...

Madonna - Your Little Body's Slowly Breaking Down
[Peron:]Your little body's slowly breaking downYou're losing speed, you're losing strength, not...

Ma$e - Another Story To Tell
[Intro]Yo, since I been in this game, yoAlot of funny shit that happend with these hoes, man...

Ma$e - Awards Show (interlude)
[Announcer]And the award goes to...The pretty boy himselfMaseLet's hear it for Mase...

Ma$e - Blood Is Thicker
[Mase]What whatFor my family, niggaThis for my family, niggaH-World in here (Yeah)...

Ma$e - Feel So Good
You ready Mase?Party peopleIn the place to be (Uh huh)It's about that timeFor us to ...

Ma$e - Gotta Survive
[Ma$e talking]I don't regret nothin' that i've ever done at this point i don't owe n obody an explana...

Ma$e - Hater (interlude)
Bitches is drop dead gorgeous yoWassup with Ma$e B?Why he be showin no love this way B?Come thro...

Ma$e - If You Want To Party
[Intro]What the fuck? '99, get your name back nigga(Get your name back nigga)Double...

Ma$e - Into What You Say
[Verse 1]You know I neva had time for the he say she say,Cats act breezay I put em on the 3-way...

Ma$e - Intro
[Puff Daddy]Yeah,Here we go one more time,For all you ballers and ballette's out there,...

Ma$e - I Wanna Go
Hey i juss wanna see you doin goodFrom the first day i met you, i knew you was specialYou had lo...

Ma$e - Jail Visit (interlude)
[Mase:] Yo, yo check it, when we go in to see the nigga, B just say it, B. That's all you gotta do wi...

Ma$e - Keep It On
Do the thing manFo real, dont stop(And I like it, I, I)H World dont stop(And I like it, I,...

Ma$e - Mad Rapper (interlude)
[Mad Rapper:]Yo, yo, yo, yo son, what the fuck is allYo, where you get all that money from?...

Ma$e - Mad Rapper (interlude)
And welcome back from that commercial breakUm I found out some please ladies and gentlemenHold your ap...

Ma$e - Make Me Cry
[Sample From "Oh Daddy" by Natalie Cole (in fast speed)][1 - NC] Oh daddyYou know ...

Ma$e - Money Comes And Goes
[Ma$e]Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahGet money, make moneyWhy's it always got to be about some mon...

Ma$e - My Harlem Lullaby
Yeah, YEAHC'monMan I just do what the doers doC'mon, yeah you heard the manI just do what ...

Ma$e - No Matter What
[Puff] Yeah, here we go[Mase] Uh UhLet's party again, let's party againLet's party...

Ma$e - Phone Conversation (interlude)
[phone ringing]Dre get the phone![Mase:] Chill Dre I got it. Hello?[OREON...

Ma$e - Same Niggas
[Intro]Uh, yeah, yeahShit is crazy, yo(I feel you though, nigga) Who woulda ever th...

Ma$e - The Love You Need
Hey whats up?Yo I been tryin to call you all day man where you been?Now it ain't like that he been wit...

Ma$e - Wanna Hurt Mase?
[1] - Do you really wanna hurt Mase? Or do you...

Ma$e - Wasting My Time
[Intro]H-world, keep dreamingKeep working, working, don't stopKeep working, working, don'...

Ma$e - Watch Your Back (interlude)
This Mase, what up?Yo Mase I'ma make this short and to the pointI'm a fan of yours, you know, my kids ...

Ma$e - Welcome Back
Welcome back, welcome backWelcome back..Weclome back (Oh! Oh!)Yeah man, how you doin' (Com...

Ma$e - White Girl (interlude)
I told them I was gonna give them a call on the phoneNigga I'ma get them on the phone, tell you they bad tho...

Ma$e - You Ain't Smart
[Intro]What, whatWhat, what, what(H-World)What, what, what(All Out)What...

Magna-fi - Beautiful
Debutante you dress far beyond your means.Slipping through your routine.Pretending it's a dream....

Magna-fi - Bradbury Heights
Lit the arena.Filled it with cheers.10.000 lighters, 20.000 ears.The top of the world and the co...

Magna-fi - Down In It
Lying here beneath me.I could feel your soul.Wrapped in understanding that was long ago. F...

Magna-fi - Drown
I need to hear your voice.To know you're there.Ineed to feel your arms around me.To make me whol...

Magna-fi - My Heaven
We can get high.So close that we almost die.It's easy, Roll your life on a gamble.Burn both ends...

Magna-fi - Seconds, Minutes, Hours
She burned up just like parafin.Fighting a battle she could not win.Like a blazing angel full of rage....

Magna-fi - This Life
Now i lay me down.Tried so long I forgot what i'm trying for.My heart laid before.All that i wan...

Magna-fi - Tv Killed Me
Tv killed me.In league with the boredom.Alone and my life was such a mess.Im throwing the towel ...

Magna-fi - When I Leave You
Too bad.So sad.You're not the one i wante.It's o.k.It's your fualt.But you should ta...

Magna-fi - Where Did We Go Wrong
This world is burning down I sleep to the sound.From helping it along.Just where id we go, just where ...

Mandy Moore - 17
Some people tell me, that you're not my kindAnd i believe them, but i can't get you out of my mindSome...

Mandy Moore - Anticipation
We can never know about the days to comeBut we think about them anywayAnd I wonder if I'm really with ...

Mandy Moore - Breaking Us In Two
Don't you feel like trying something newDon't you feel like breaking out or breaking us in twoYou don'...

Mandy Moore - Can We Still Be Friends
We can't play this game anymore butCan we still be friends?Things just can't go on like before but...

Mandy Moore - Drop The Pilot
I'm right on targetMy aim is straightSo you're in loveI say what of itThings can change...

Mandy Moore - Everything My Heart Desires
YeahEverything About you babyCome onYeahOne kiss, heaven isn't farYou're every...

Mandy Moore - From Loving You
(I had you, I had everything I ever needed)From that first look I knewI found heaven in your eye...

Mandy Moore - Have A Little Faith In Me
When the road gets darkAnd you can no longer seeLet my love throw a sparkHave a little faith in ...

Mandy Moore - Help Me
Help meI think I'm fallingIn love againWhen I get that crazy feeling, I knowI'm in trouble...

Mandy Moore - I Feel The Earth Move
I feel the earth move Under my feetI feel the sky tumbling downI feel my heart start to tremblin...

Mandy Moore - I Like It
You are the perfect one in my lifeYou make me happy, so very happy, don't you know, don't you know,I l...

Mandy Moore - In My Pocket
Among the many muted facesYou try to find me in the spacesYou're drawn to my songYou only move t...

Mandy Moore - It Only Took A Minute
Don't tell me how i had a visonThat this day would come to beCall it luck, call it intuitionHere...

Mandy Moore - It's Gonna Be Love
It's gonna be me babyIt's gonna be you babyTime I've been patient for so longHow can I pre...

Mandy Moore - Let Me Be The One
Let me be, let me be Baby, let me be the only one Let me be the one You give your love to ...

Mandy Moore - Lock Me In Your Heart
Mandy, Mandy, the sound of your voice is sweet like candy There was a time when I was all alone Waitin...

Mandy Moore - Love Shot
Here we are now face to face Gonna make it very clear 'Cause I don't have time to waste If your ...

Mandy Moore - Love You For Always
One, two, three, fourOne, two, three, fourBoy I want to be where you areDon't matter if you're n...

Mandy Moore - Mona Lisas And Mad Hatters
And now I knowSpanish Harlem are not just pretty words to sayI thought I knewBut now I know that...

Mandy Moore - Moonshadow
One, two, threeHey, hey, ohI'm bein' followed by a moonshadowMoonshadowMoonshadow...

Mandy Moore - Not Too Young
You looked at my face Thought you could get meBetter look twice It won't be that easy Thin...

Mandy Moore - One Sided Love
I know you're tried your bestBut that's not good enough for meUnderstand, neverthelessLove's got...

Mandy Moore - One Way Or Another
One, two, four, MandyThis is the lifeOh, One way, One way, or anotherOne wayOn...

Mandy Moore - Quit Breaking My Heart
You were my first slow dance Thouht that we had a chance But together it was too hard for you Ha...

Mandy Moore - Saturate Me
The desert I wander lacks in it's mirageThere's no mistaking in the barrageOf sand and wind that tears...

Mandy Moore - Secret Love
Once I had a secret loveThat lived within the heart of meAll too soon my secret loveBecame impat...

Mandy Moore - Singing To The Song Of Life
There's a rhythm of this worldIn every nationA never-ending songOf celebrationA song that ...

Mandy Moore - So Real
Innocence is what I got. It'll take true love to hit the spot. Can't control my every move, When...

Mandy Moore - Split Chick
I can run as fast as the boysI can sing and dance balletI can show you all of my toysthough I'd ...

Mandy Moore - Stupid Cupid
Stupid Cupid you're a real mean guy,I'd like to clip your wings off so you can't fly.I am in love and ...

Mandy Moore - The Way To My Heart
You're the oneYou set my freeWhen you're close to meAll that I doIs think about a way...

Mandy Moore - Top Of The World
For a time, I thought my faith, it must be hidingSearching through the sky, hoping to find a wayA way,...

Mandy Moore - Turn The Clock Around
We were talking to each other 'til dawnYou put your arms around me and you asked me what was wrongI tr...

Mandy Moore - Walk Me Home
Baby would you walk me homeI don't want to go all the way alone Baby would you walk with me home ...

Mandy Moore - Want You Back
Last night I saw you the first time since we broke upI tell you baby it all came back to mewhen I look...

Mandy Moore - What You Want
I.... Love to love you I... Love to love you Some boys are full of noise But boy you caugh...

Mandy Moore - When I Talk To You
Remember meFeels like foreverSince the daysWhen we were friendsI don't understandAll...

Mandy Moore - Whole Of The Moon
I pictured a rainbow You held it in your hand I had flashes butYou saw the plan I wandered...

Mandy Moore - You Remind Me
When I first saw you I couldn't believeThe way you smiled took the breath out of meAnd maybe I'm seein...

Mandy Moore - Your Face
Oh yeahYour faceI'm still not overYour FaceHeadlights break through the rainOver Lon...

Mandy Moore - Yo-yo
It's brokenI know what you wantI'm not a Yo-YoI'm not a thing you let go...I keep ha...

Manic Street Preachers - 4st. 7lbs.
I eat too much to dieAnd not enough to stay aliveI'm sitting in the middle waitingDays sin...

Manic Street Preachers - Another Invented Disease
Drugs come out of boredom babeU.N. exports it everydayTheir armies feed the ghetto lameGovernmen...

Manic Street Preachers - Archives Of Pain
I wonder who you think you areYou damn well think you're God or somethingGod give life, God taketh it ...

Manic Street Preachers - Australia
I don't know if I'm tired and I don't know if I'm illMy cheeks are turning yellowI think I'll take ano...

Manic Street Preachers - Baby Elian
Blockades won't win you more votes A Cuban adjustment act Offer the world a dream Dress it up - ...

Manic Street Preachers - Behave Yourself Baby
Bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bahBah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bahBah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah ...

Manic Street Preachers - Be Natural
Been naturalFor once in my lifeNow I'll have to swallow some prideKnow that I should never give ...

Manic Street Preachers - Black Dog On My Shoulder
There's a black dog on my shoulder againLicking my neck and saying she's my friendSolitude the one thi...

Manic Street Preachers - Born A Girl
Do I look good for you tonightWill you accuse me as I hideBehind these layers of disguiseAnd the...

Manic Street Preachers - Born To End
Get some pain and I feel alive - born to endClose my eyes overdose on hell - born to endGet run over b...

Manic Street Preachers - Condemned To Rock 'n' Roll
Always feeling torn and slowLove song cull destroy poemMisery and trauma making loveBest go shoo...

Manic Street Preachers - Crucifix Kiss
so mighty so hegemonic so hating so desecrating so there so nowhere so hurtingwe fall between indifference r...

Manic Street Preachers - Damn Dog
This is Damn Dog by the Manic street preachersTake oneTwo, three, fourI can lick you...

Manic Street Preachers - Dead Martyrs
Dead martyrs All stigmartys Dead heroes For fear of zeroes Dead martyrs Always...

Manic Street Preachers - Democracy Coma
Sovereign fingers scrape our lives until we are boughtScreaming comatose with blackboard chalkSiphoned...

Manic Street Preachers - Die In The Summertime
Scratch my leg with a rusty nail, sadly it healsColour my hair but the dye grows outI can't seem to st...

Manic Street Preachers - Drug Drug Druggy
So much fun to be had in my headNo more sunshineSo much fun just lying in my bedNo more sunshine...

Manic Street Preachers - Elvis Impersonator: Blackpool Pier
20ft. high on Blackpool promenadeFake royalty second hand sequin facadeLimited face paint and dyed bla...

Manic Street Preachers - Enola / Alone
The Statue of Liberty looks so solemn on the tv100% risk of stepping outsideEvery second too precious ...

Manic Street Preachers - Epicentre
We use ourselves like politicians For all the money and indecision - indecision Indecision ...

Manic Street Preachers - Everything Must Go
Shed some skin for the fear withinIs starting to hurt me with everythingFreed from the memory...

Manic Street Preachers - Faceless Sense Of Void
We blur into images of state coercionClassified machines die misunderstoodCity reflections pour out mi...

Manic Street Preachers - Faster
I hate purityHate goodnessI don't want virtue to exist anywhereI want everyone corrupt...

Manic Street Preachers - Found That Soul
Show me a wonderYou can't be sure ofI exist in a placeA self-made vacuumBut still stranded...

Manic Street Preachers - Freedom Of Speech Won't Feed My Children
Liberty, sweet liberty Charitable respectability Then pacifism killed us all For all the tourist...

Manic Street Preachers - From Despair To Where
I write this alone on my bedI've poisoned every room in the houseThe place is quiet and so alone...

Manic Street Preachers - Further Away
The further away I get from youThe harder it gets for everyone else, for everyone elseThe happie...

Manic Street Preachers - Generation Terrorists
Find your faith in your cocaineThe only god I need is a brainJam your brain with broken heroesLo...

Manic Street Preachers - Gold Against The Soul
Somebody told me to vote conservativeTragedy is not known under this dimmest of lightsEverybody feels ...

Manic Street Preachers - His Last Painting
The nothing in me The apostle in me No interpretation For the heart of me I can't se...

Manic Street Preachers - Ifwhiteamericatoldthetruthforonedayitsworldwouldfallapart
Next Thursday you're invited to watch Rising Tide's live coverage of a gala tribute in salute to Ronald Reag...

Manic Street Preachers - If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next
The future teaches you to be aloneThe present to be afraid and coldSo if I can shoot rabbitsThen...

Manic Street Preachers - I'm Not Working
Petryfied for the millionth timeSlowly my soul evaporatesNo parachutes no dismal cloudsJust this...

Manic Street Preachers - Interiors (song For Willem De Kooning)
Who sees the interiors like young Willem once didYour beautiful triangle of distortionNow you seem to ...

Manic Street Preachers - Intravenous Agnostic
Into a vein exhibit the derelict A secular mosaic distracted at birthA Cubist abstraction let it live ...

Manic Street Preachers - Just Can't Be Happy
Standing in your _ of a dress,With your shoulders bare to the wind,And your hazel hair tumbles down an...

Manic Street Preachers - Kevin Carter
Hi Time magazine hi Pulitzer PrizeTribal scars in TechnicolorBang bang club AK 47 hourKevi...

Manic Street Preachers - La Tristesse Durera (scream To A Sigh)
Life has been unfaithfulAnd it all promised so so muchI am a relicI am just a petrified cry...

Manic Street Preachers - Let Robeson Sing
Where are you now?Broken up or still around?The CIA says you're a guilty man Will we see the lik...

Manic Street Preachers - Life Becoming A Landslide
Childbirth tears upon her muscleVery first second a screaming iconBabies in time barely even recognise...

Manic Street Preachers - Little Baby Nothing (with Traci Lords)
No one likes looking at youYour lack of ego offends male mentalityThey need your innocenceTo ste...

Manic Street Preachers - Love's Sweet Exile
between the billboard masturbation across highways of metallic isolationthere lies the deafening screaming o...

Manic Street Preachers - Mausoleum
Wherever you go I will be carcassWhatever you see will be rotting fleshHumanity recovered glittering e...

Manic Street Preachers - Methadone Pretty
I am nothing and should be everythingYou're methadone pretty, surrender in pityIntentional destruction...

Manic Street Preachers - Miss Europa Disco Dancer
Miss Europa disco dancerFeel the drug of your personaMiss Europa disco dancerI'm in heaven when ...

Manic Street Preachers - Motorcycle Emptiness
Culture sucks down wordsItemise loathing and feed yourself smilesOrganise your safe tribal warHu...

Manic Street Preachers - My Guernica
I'm small and I'm tired I'm blurred to bits and wired I'm nothing in this universe Nothing but p...

Manic Street Preachers - My Little Empire
My little empireHas risen and it's setMy little empireIs as good as it can getMy little em...

Manic Street Preachers - Natwest-barclays-midlands-lloyds
Economic forecast soothe our derelictionWords of euthanasia, apathy of sick routineCarried away with u...

Manic Street Preachers - Nobody Loved You
What's your story babyNo control of what I am sayingWinter leaves still make me believeNo vendet...

Manic Street Preachers - Nostalgic Pushead
One two three four five six seven eightI am the raping sunglass gazeOf sweating man and escort a...

Manic Street Preachers - No Surface All Feeling
Embarrassed possessed and so uncivilisedJust take a look at the whites of my eyesSee me now and I will...

Manic Street Preachers - Ocean Spray
Me-totemo-utsukushi-i-desu-ne,Totemo-utsukushi-i-me-wo-shitemasu-ne *It's easy to see, it's easy...

Manic Street Preachers - Of Walking Abortion
I knew that someday I was gonna dieAnd I knew before I diedTwo things would happen to meThat num...

Manic Street Preachers - P.c.p.
Teacher starve your child, P.C. approvedAs long as the right words are usedSystemised atrocity ignored...

Manic Street Preachers - Razorblade Beat
Sweet razorblade start your beatCut through the mire and skid through the grass and make it deep...

Manic Street Preachers - Ready For Drowning
Here's a true storySaid someone to me yesterdaySaid he'd heard it in a taxiMust have had him at ...

Manic Street Preachers - Removables
Conscience binds you in chainsTrail by stone hammer and nailsNo-one made the holes but meMisery ...

Manic Street Preachers - Repeat
London, England, consider yourselves warnedRepeat after meDeath sentence heritageRepeat af...

Manic Street Preachers - Repeat (stars And Stripes)
I've seen this happen beforeThis is a message from occupied EnglandBritish adults expect a nucle...

Manic Street Preachers - Repeat (uk)
London, England, consider yourselves warnedRepeat after meFuck queen and countryRepeat aft...

Manic Street Preachers - Revol
Mr. Lenin - awaken the boyMr. Stalin - bi-sexual epochKruschev - self love in his mirrorsBrezhne...

Manic Street Preachers - Roses In The Hospital
Roses in the hospitalTry to pull my fingernails outRoses in the hospitalI want to cling to somet...

Manic Street Preachers - Royal Correspondent
You've been this way since school Dysfunctional, translucent Royalty on your wall So desperately...

Manic Street Preachers - She Is Suffering
Beauty finds refuge in herselfLovers wrapped inside each others liesBeauty is such a terrible thing...

Manic Street Preachers - Slash N' Burn
You need your stars, even killers have prestigeAccess to a living you will not see24 boredom, I'm conv...

Manic Street Preachers - Sleepflower
Morning always seems too stale to justifyLament blossoms, hours minutes of our livesBroken thoughts ru...

Manic Street Preachers - Small Black Flowers That Grow In The Sky
You have your very own numberThey dress your cage in its natureOnce you roared now you just grunt lame...

Manic Street Preachers - So Dead
Learn to sleep through miseryNever gonna wake feeling freeNo one fucks as good as MarilynPlastic...

Manic Street Preachers - Soul Contamination
Everyone is staring with the glaze of obsessionInterlocking cartels bypassing the boneThe empty statem...

Manic Street Preachers - So Why So Sad
Things get clear when I feel freeWhen whatever next comes easilyWhen gentle hands give life to me...

Manic Street Preachers - Spectators Of Suicide
Obedience to the law is free desireUnder curfew from neon barbed wireWasting away this country, wearin...

Manic Street Preachers - Stay Beautiful
Find your faith in your securityAll broken up at seventeenJam your brain with broken heroesLove ...

Manic Street Preachers - Suicide Alley
I'm going down to suicide alley'Cos the air that I breathe tastes better down thereI'm going dow...

Manic Street Preachers - S.y.m.m.
The subtext of this songI've thought about it for so longBut it's really not the sort of thingTh...

Manic Street Preachers - Symphony Of Tourette
Stutter stutter says the little boyI wanna blow a hole in my headI swear what this world wants to hear...

Manic Street Preachers - Tennessee
Your dream can never earn enoughUltimate nihilistic loveTennessee nights just zip-code love...

Manic Street Preachers - The Convalescent
My bedroom wall recalls what's in my head A collage constructed and constantly fed Goya mixes Picasso ...

Manic Street Preachers - The Everlasting
The gap that grows between our livesThe gap our parents never hadStop those thoughts control your mind...

Manic Street Preachers - The Girl Who Wanted To Be God
There are no sunsets just silenceYou could see that she was true and faithlessBut see through the futu...

Manic Street Preachers - The Intense Humming Of Evil
The court has come. The court of the Nations and into the courtroom will come the martyrs of Majdanek ...

Manic Street Preachers - The Year Of Purification
Detoxification Purification The ravaged corner Cold and embittered Run away - run aw...

Manic Street Preachers - This Girl's Got Nothing
This girl's got nothing and she wears her heart on her wristShe swears by her attitude and the smile she nev...

Manic Street Preachers - This Is Yesterday
Do not listen to a word I sayJust listen to what I can keep silentThe only way to gain approvalI...

Manic Street Preachers - Tsunami
For you my dear sisterHolding onto me foreverDisco dancing with the rapistsYour only crime is si...

Manic Street Preachers - Wattsville Blues
I got the Wattsville blues I got nothing to lose now baby I got the Wattsville blues I got nothi...

Manic Street Preachers - We Are All Bourgeois Now
There's something wrong somewhere hereSo through unclean streets I made my wayWith holes in my shoes a...

Manic Street Preachers - Yes
You can buy her, you can buy herThis one's here, this one's here, this one's here and this one's hereE...

Manic Street Preachers - You Love Us
Love love love love love love love loveWe are not your sinnersOur voices are for realWe re...

Manic Street Preachers - You're Tender And You're Tired
You're so fragile tonightBeen up hurting all nightIt's not trivial like they thinkYes you're des...

Manic Street Preachers - Yourself
Your ritual everydayA mild shower soak in aftershaveBest clothes do your bestLook in the mirror ...

Manic Street Preachers - You Stole The Sun From My Heart
Drinking - water to stay thinOr is it to purifyI love you all the sameBut there's no - no ...

Marc Anthony - Ahora Quien
A quin van a engaar ahora tus brazosA quin van a mentirle ahora tus labiosA quin vas a decirle ahora "...

Marc Anthony - Amar Sin Mentiras
Aqu me venTratando de dejar atrsLas malas cosas del pasadoLimpindome toda la pielDe lo que...

Marc Anthony - Amigo
T eres mi hermano del alma, realmente el amigoQue en todo camino y jornada est siempre conmigoAunque e...

Marc Anthony - Contra La Corriente
No hay dia que paseque yo no me acuerde de tino hay labios que beseque no, no me sepan a ti...

Marc Anthony - El Ultimo Beso
El ultimo besoque puse en tus labiostodavia lo sientoMe diste un abrazoy con el rostro tri...

Marc Anthony - Escapmonos
Escapmonos tan lejos de aquDistantes de todoEn la oscuridad donde no haya msQue ver en tus ojos ...

Marc Anthony - Hasta Ayer
Comprendan que nopretendo ofenderlatampoco le estoy haciendoun reprocheusted es duena de s...

Marc Anthony - Hasta Que Te Conoci
No sabia de tristezasni de lagrimas, ni nadaque me hicieran lloraryo sabia de carino, de ternura...

Marc Anthony - La Luna Sobre Nuestro Amor
mirandonos tu y yodeseandonosla luna sobre nuesto amorcada segundo se hacia eternomi...

Marc Anthony - Me Voy A Regalar
Diciembre me parece hermosome parece bellopara olvidarlo todoy comenzar de nuevoporque pen...

Marc Anthony - Nada Personal
Vienes cada da destrozadaA comentarme que te duelen tantas cosasQue l te engaa, que te hiere, que te m...

Marc Anthony - Nadie Como Ella
Ella sabe darse todaen un instantederretir con la miradaun corazonella es fuego que se sie...

Marc Anthony - Necesito Amarte
Que pretendesaduenandote de todoconfundiendo el mundo enteroenganando quien te quiere sin razon...

Marc Anthony - No Me Conoces
No me conocesy hace tres noches que dormisteentre mis brazosya no recuerdas las tantas cosas...

Marc Anthony - No Sabes Como Duele
Otra noche que prometeser igual de cruelpara mi corazonuna mas que pasaresin escuchar tu v...

Marc Anthony - Preciosa
Yo se lo que son los encantosde mi borinquen hermosapor eso la quiero yo tantopor siempre la lla...

Marc Anthony - Se Esfuma Tu Amor
Quiero decirte que crea en tu palabraQuiero explicarte que la vida era a tu ladoQue haba puesto yo mis...

Marc Anthony - Si Te Vas
Si es verdad que quierestu dejarme ya, pues veteyo conozco ya de sobra tu razonno expliques...

Marc Anthony - Si Tu No Te Fueras
Te veo obstinadaen hacer tu maletaen borrar al marcharteuna vida completaen tirar tierra a...

Marc Anthony - Suceden
suceden, cosas muy extranascada vez que te miroun fuerte temblor me estremeceme robosa de frio...

Marc Anthony - Tan Solo Palabras
Creme que no existen otras vidasMrame que se esfuman los segundosQudate, ya no hay tiempo ms que el ti...

Marc Anthony - Te Amare
No quise lastimarteno quise hacerte a ti llorarte hice tanto danome arrepiento y quisiera cambia...

Marc Anthony - Te Conozco Bien
Siento pena, pena porque te quise de verasrabia porque te dilo que nuncaimaginaste un dia ...

Marc Anthony - Tu Amor Me Hace Bien
Te quiero as deliciosa insospechadaPorque creo en tu palabraPorque yo siento que an te necesitoP...

Marc Anthony - Un Mal Sueno
Que me esta pasandoque me pesa el aireque estoy respirandoy se me acaba el diasin yo comen...

Marc Anthony - Vali La Pena
Mirndote a los ojos se responden mis porqusMe inspiro en tus palabras y mi casa est en tu pielQue tier...

Marc Anthony - Volando Entre Tus Brazos
Perdname si yo te corto las alasTe retengo en mi vida atada a mi almaY tu mundo es mi piel que te quem...

Marc Anthony - Y Hubo Alguien
De repente te dapor volverme a buscarpor hablar de los dosy salir a cenartal parece que yo...

Marc Broussard - Blue Jeans
Oh Never would I have imagined I'd be here with you tonight Holding you in my arms as we dance ...

Marc Broussard - Come Around
My life was black and white until you came aroundSo baby come around, keep on comin' aroundI didn't kn...

Marc Broussard - French Cafe
Friendly people But I can't make out all the words Melodies so sweet through all the trees From ...

Marc Broussard - Gotta Be More
Cast my eyes towards the sky Looking down on me So far all I've seen are clouds But I'm not gonn...

Marc Broussard - Hope For Me Yet
I could bless the waterBut it wouldnt turn to winePaint a picture of the sunsetHanging there in ...

Marc Broussard - Jeremiah's Prayer
Why did it have to end so soon? Why did you go away? Although I know it may never come true I ho...

Marc Broussard - Just Like That
I try to say the words But they don't come out right It'd be much easier If you would just stay ...

Marc Broussard - Let Me Leave
How many times have I come to youHow many times have you taken me inHow have you never quite realized...

Marc Broussard - Lonely Night In Georgia
Stoplights turn into skylinesAnd my mind turns to youTwo hundred miles behindOff to this roadsid...

Marc Broussard - Momentary Setback
Staring out the window Watching the world go by Oh Sometimes it's as if God Takes too long...

Marc Broussard - My God
My God, my God Why have you forsaken me? I cannot find the light And I'm constantly running from...

Marc Broussard - Rocksteady
I think I feel like sleepin inI won't woke up 'til Friday nightThe moment the weekend beginsI'm ...

Marc Broussard - Saturday
I gotta little thing comonna kayaCool sheets, real fine, lay me down in the hot julyI wish I may, I wi...

Marc Broussard - Save Me
You know the summer time is gone nowAll the leaves are on the groundEverything is turningStuck i...

Marc Broussard - The Wanderer
Dance for me sweetheart while I strum my guitarYou sure look pretty tonightI've just come off the road...

Marc Broussard - Where You Are
Your skin is like the moonlightDancing in the midnightYour touch is sweet as candyYour kisses th...

Marcy Playground - A Cloak Of Elvenkind
A cloaking robe of elvenkindHangs in my wardrobe behindAll those things that motherSaid were pro...

Marcy Playground - All The Lights Went Out
She came in from stormy weatherAnd asked her friend to be there with herWhen she slid down Cupid's bow...

Marcy Playground - America
Lucy came to the timberlineClimbed up on to Rainier andLooked out over WashingtonSwore she could...

Marcy Playground - Ancient Walls Of Flowers
Ancient walls of flowers tumblin' downBlack cat petals and a smiling clownI like to keep them in ...

Marcy Playground - Barfly
She come around herePast midnightShe's always looking soft and far awayYea she knows shes lookin...

Marcy Playground - Blood In Alphabet Soup
I think I'll tell a friendJust to let 'em in on a secret I knowNo, I better notI'm too paranoid ...

Marcy Playground - Brand New Day
The secret that you keepIs trouble on your mindEven when you sleepIt's trouble on your mind...

Marcy Playground - Bye Bye
Red velvet loveseat from olden timesThere's nobody on it but meEveryone's cryin they're caught up in g...

Marcy Playground - Deadly Handsome Man
Some cats, they know how to fightSome cats runI'm a thousand generations, ahead of themCool as t...

Marcy Playground - Death Of A Cheerleader
She was so pretty, everyone saidThe more so the pityThat she was found deadAnd now the flag only...

Marcy Playground - Dog And His Master
Hey little boy See the Johnny and JanesHey little boyYou see them all go insaneLook and se...

Marcy Playground - Flag And Finger
So where o' where do all the revolutionaries hideHave they all decided not to come outsideGive me a si...

Marcy Playground - Gone Crazy
Come back and beCome back for freeCome back and stay childHave you gone crazyMolly, it mus...

Marcy Playground - Hotter Than The Sun
The sign says...Rainbow's ending two milesThe sign says here..That there is a pot of goldF...

Marcy Playground - It's Saturday
Mom I'm dyin'I'm dizzy and fryin'My throat hurtsI think I should stay in bed Cause I...

Marcy Playground - Jesse Went To War
Jesse when you went to warAnd never did returnSummer came and all the girls wereSitting on the l...

Marcy Playground - Love Bug
Here is love bugFound in heavenYeah, love bug is blindAnd one of a kind It is growin...

Marcy Playground - Never
On through the woods and you go through the snowWalk to the tree and you breathe on the limbHow many t...

Marcy Playground - No One's Boy
Angel,You missed your chanceTo be the prom queenAnd so you turnedInto a wet dreamSta...

Marcy Playground - One More Suicide
Christopher O' MalleyWent out on a bridgeDown in ChehalisAnd clutching his bibleAnd a lett...

Marcy Playground - Opium
Blue like waterBlue like heaven is All of the timeI'm all rightI'm just gagging on all the...

Marcy Playground - Our Generation
Are you a child of the free to be you and me generationAnd are you in tune with the world around youI ...

Marcy Playground - Paper Dolls
Who's the captain of the ship I think it's sinking I know I don't know what I know I don't know what was I t...

Marcy Playground - Pigeon Farm
If you could see in my eyesI'd show you a darlingSurpriseThere is a placeThere is a fortun...

Marcy Playground - Poppies
Long long ago in ChinaI'm toldTo England was tradedSome teaAnd so sealed the fateIn ...

Marcy Playground - Punk Rock Superstar
I wanna be a Punk Rock SuperstarI'm gonna be a Punk Rock SuperstarAnd if you love me when I'm a star...

Marcy Playground - Rebel Sodville
Puppets of hay and a king for saleCries Jolly RogerThe jester dance the 'joker strut'In the cour...

Marcy Playground - Rock And Roll Heroes
Rock and roll heroesKeep me so mesmerizedIn the confines of my roomI'm moving to the sound...

Marcy Playground - Saint Joe On The School Bus
Saint Joe he said he's never beenDressed up like a womanSaint Joe they said your dad is gayThey ...

Marcy Playground - Secret Squirrel
Secret squirrel splashes inSirens warn TsunamiSecret's come to save us allSirens warn eminent do...

Marcy Playground - Sex And Candy
Hangin' round downtownBy myselfAnd I had so much timeTo sit and thinkAbout myselfAnd...

Marcy Playground - Sherry Fraser
Oo I saw stars falling allAround her headRed, gold, and blueSherry Fraser where are you'Ca...

Marcy Playground - Sleepy Eyes
Dreaming againWarm in your armsSing me a songBeautiful soundAnd you love meWith your...

Marcy Playground - Spoonfed
Forces in my mindTalking all the timeDon't let the home fires burn awaySpoonfed mush and jam...

Marcy Playground - Sunday Mail
I'm just out here in the street practicallyI'm just waitin' for the Sunday mailOooo it doesn't come ...

Marcy Playground - The Shadow Of Seattle
RainLike tin angels fallingDownLike a mission and we'reHalfway thereFrom some old dr...

Marcy Playground - The Vampires Of New York
Come see the vampires of New YorkCome lose your mind in Central ParkBut don't leave your soul behind...

Marcy Playground - Wave Motion Gun
Backstage behind the curtain there's anThere's an armchair with a secret engine and youYou climb in an...

Maria - Always
Why don't you say, what's on your mindStop playing games, and wasting my time'Cause we both know that ...

Maria - Coffee In Bed
I thought you know mw well enough that you could tellThat just one thing will do when I'm in this mood...

Maria - Hate To Love You
I still believe that if you and iCould turn the clocks back, we'd realizeThat what we have has gone fr...

Maria - I Give, You Take
If you cut, I will bleed, bring me down to my kneesYou make me feel what I am is never good enoughCan ...

Maria - Intoxicated
Temporarily, I lost my mind, but it feels alrightWhen you're here with me, I get so highI taste you on...

Maria - Lonely
I've been alone, since the day that you left me'cause i never told, just what you mean to meI guess im...

Maria - Miss You
I know i told you i don't feel the way i used toI know i said things that were hard to accept from meB...

Maria - My Soul
Why you wanna make me cryAren't you tired of disappointing meDon't you know that I deserve better...

Maria - Nowadays
Why you wanna make me cryAren't you tired of disappointing meDon't you know that I deserve better...

Maria - Simplified
It's more than chemistry, I feelJust the thought of you's surrealShould I be afraid to feel this way...

Maria - Weakness
Please stop pretending we're not the sameThat you don't feel no pain when I knowAnd don't try to turn ...

Maria - You, Me And She
Seems like lately, you're far awayEven when you're sitting nearDrives me crazy, that you don't seem to...

Mariah Carey - Fly Like A Bird
Somehow I know thatThere's a place up aboveWith no more hurt and strugglingFree of all atrocitie...

Mariah Carey - I Wish You Knew
I've got to see youWherever you areAnd I've got to be thereI'm wishing on starsI've got to...

Mariah Carey - Joy Ride
[Verse 1]Baby baby don't you ever let goMore and more until we both overflowGot a feeling...

Mariah Carey - Stay The Night
You're kissing meAnd saying I'm the one you needTo keep you warmAnd lay with you tonightBa...

Mariah Carey - Your Girl
See, I used to be so shySit at home and fantasize(I should be your girl)but I ain't wastin' no m...

Maria Mena - A Few Small Bruises
Out here on the ledgeI'm not far away from stepping offI finally picked out my cloudIt's the one...

Maria Mena - Blame It On Me
The rain falls on your daysgiving you a reason for mysterious waysbehind doors the darkness falls ...

Maria Mena - Free
I`ve been walking around all day, thinkingI think i have a problem, I think I think too muchI`ve been ...

Maria Mena - Just A Little Bit
Just a little bit strongerJust a little bit wiserJust a little less needyAnd maybe i'd get there...

Maria Mena - Lose Control
Oh ohoh ohohShame on you for making me waitTime and time again you're too lateAnd I'm abou...

Maria Mena - My Lullaby
Mom,please tell me what to do,I'm so disappointed in you,You said those words that made me cry,...

Maria Mena - Patience
Damn you for trusting mewhat's wrong with you?I'll work for nothing less.Damn you for acce...

Maria Mena - Shadow
I wish you'd see it on my faceBut I'm caught up in those long lost daysAnd how can I then make you see...

Maria Mena - Sorry
Vague sound of rainpierces through my song againbut I get distracted by the way his toes move when he ...

Maria Mena - Take You With Me
November came down hard this yearAnd I saw you standing clear of the rainFalling free but I was ready ...

Maria Mena - What's Another Day
You give this way more thought than it deservesYou say when I tell you about my fear of reajectionI wo...

Maria Mena - Your Glasses
What could you possibly see in me?Is it my soul hung out to dry?I think my dysfunctional familyH...

Marilyn Manson - 1996
anti choiceanti girlI am the anti-flag unfurledanti white and anti manI got the anti-futur...

Marilyn Manson - Angel With The Scabbed Wings
He is the angel with the scabbed wingsHard-drug face, want to powder his noseHe will deflower the fres...

Marilyn Manson - Antichrist Superstar
you built me up with your wishing hellI didn't have to sell youyou threw your money in the pissing wel...

Marilyn Manson - A Place In The Dirt
We are damned and we are deadall god's children to be sentto our perfect place in the sunand in ...

Marilyn Manson - Apple Of Sodom
I found the center of fruit is late,It is the center of truth today,Cut the apple in two,Oh, I p...

Marilyn Manson - A Rose And A Baby Ruth
Doo, doo, doo, doo...We had a quarrelA teenage quarrelNow I'm as blue as I know how to beI...

Marilyn Manson - Astonishing Panorama Of The Endtimes
The boy's got a head like an atom bombHang him from a cross like the number one sonAnd he's been waiti...

Marilyn Manson - Believe
in a favor of a good intentionnever mind the destination(future lay) your sure destruction...

Marilyn Manson - Better Of Two Evils
Haters call me bitchCall me faggot call me whiteyBut I am something that you'll never be(Hey)...

Marilyn Manson - Born Again
Do you or don't you want this to be your song?It doesn't take a rebel to sing along. This art is weak...

Marilyn Manson - Burning Flag
They want to sell it outBuy it upDumb it downA good god is hard to findI'll join the crowd...

Marilyn Manson - Cake And Sodomy
I am the god of fuck, i am the god of fuckvirgins sold in quantity, herded by heredity red-neck-burn-o...

Marilyn Manson - Coma Black
[ a) EDEN EYE ]My mouth was a crib and it was growing liesI didn't know what love was on ...

Marilyn Manson - Coma White
There's something cold and blank behind her smileShe's standing on an overpass In her miracle mile ...

Marilyn Manson - Come Together
Here come old flat topHe come groovin' up slowlyHe got jew jew eyeballsHe want holy rollers...

Marilyn Manson - Count To Six And Die (the Vacuum Of Infinite Space Encompassing)
She's got her eyes open wideshe's got the dirt and spit of the worldher mouth on the metal the l...

Marilyn Manson - Cruci-fiction In Space
this is evolutionthe monkeythe manand then the gunif Christ was in Texasthe hammer...

Marilyn Manson - Cryptorchid
Each time i make my mother cry anangel dies and falls from heavenwhen the boy is still a worm it's har...

Marilyn Manson - Cyclops
cyclops woman got one eye in her headmascara-clotted vision she is fedcyclops woman can't see nothing ...

Marilyn Manson - Dead God
Rewrite the consitution.Let's justify the revolution.The end is here.If you're a part of t...

Marilyn Manson - Deformography
when you wish upon a stardon't let yourself fall, fall in too hardI fell into you and I'm on my back...

Marilyn Manson - Diamonds And Pollen
America bled to deathElectric & pregnantBrilliant sluts & fire worshipDevouring the righteous...

Marilyn Manson - Disassociative
I can tell you what they say in space That our earth is too grey But when the spirit is so digital ...

Marilyn Manson - Dogma
burn the witches, burn the witches, don't take time to sew your stitchesburn the witches, burn the witches...

Marilyn Manson - Doll-dagga Buzz-buzz Ziggety-zag
Doll-dagga buzz-buzz ziggety-zagGodmod grotesque burlesque dragDoll-dagga buzz-buzz ziggety-zagG...

Marilyn Manson - Dope Hat
i peek into the hole, i struggle for controlthe children love the show, but they fail to see the anguish in ...

Marilyn Manson - Down In The Park
Down in the parkWhere the machmen meet the machinesAnd play 'kill-by-numbers'Down in the park wi...

Marilyn Manson - Five To One
Five to one baby one in fiveNo one here gets out alive nowYou get yours baby I'll get mineGonna ...

Marilyn Manson - Get My Rocks Off
Some men need some killer weed, some men need cocaineSome men need some cactus juice, to purify the brain...

Marilyn Manson - Get Your Gunn
Goddamn your righteous handI eat innocent meatThe housewife I will beatThe prolife I will kill...

Marilyn Manson - Godeatgod
Dear god do you want to tear your knuckles down And hold yourselfDear god can you climb off that...

Marilyn Manson - Golden Years
Golden years, gold whop whop whopGolden years, gold whop whop whopGolden years, gold whop whop whop...

Marilyn Manson - Highway To Hell
Living easy, living freeSeason ticket on a one-way rideAsking nothing, leave me beTaking everyth...

Marilyn Manson - I Don't Like The Drugs (but The Drugs Like Me)
Norm life baby "we're white and oh so hetero and our sex is missionary." Norm life baby "we're quitters and ...

Marilyn Manson - I Hate
You are the wind beneath my wings.The grill across my face.You are the fuel in my machine.That s...

Marilyn Manson - In The Shadow Of The Valley Of Death
We have no futureheaven wasn't made for mewe burn ourselves to hellas fast as it can beand...

Marilyn Manson - I Put A Spell On You
I put a spell on youBecause you're mine.I can't stand the things that you do.No, no, no, I ain't...

Marilyn Manson - Irresponsible Hate Anthem
I am so all-american, I'll sell you suicideI am totalitarian, I've got abortions in my eyesI hate the ...

Marilyn Manson - I Want To Disappear
Look at me now I've got no religion Look at me now I'm so vacant Look at me now I was a virgin L...

Marilyn Manson - Ka-boom Ka-boom
We're a death-marching bandPeter Pan off the wagonEntertain but never trust anyone sober.We're t...

Marilyn Manson - King Kill 33o
Is this what you wanted?This is what you get.Turned all your lives into this shit.You never acce...

Marilyn Manson - Lamb Of God
There was Christ in the metal shellthere was blood on the pavementThe camera will make you godth...

Marilyn Manson - Like A Virgin
I made it through the wildernessSomehow I made it throughDidn't know how lost I wasUntil I found...

Marilyn Manson - Little Horn
There's an apple in the pussy mouthNow I am the dinner whoreThere's a tumor in the t.v. mouthBur...

Marilyn Manson - Long Hard Road Out Of Hell
I want to fly into your sunNeed faith to make me numbLive like a teenage christIm a saint, got a...

Marilyn Manson - Luci In The Sky With Demons
I'll spread me open, stuck to my ribsAre all your infants in abortion cribsYou run like roaches, and y...

Marilyn Manson - Lunchbox
[Kid:] Next motherfucker's gonna get my metalOn we plowThe big bully try to stick his fin...

Marilyn Manson - Man That You Fear
the ants are in the sugarthe muscles atrophiedwe're on the other side, the screen is us and we're t.v....

Marilyn Manson - Mechanical Animals
We were neurophobic and perfect the day that we lost our souls Maybe we weren't so humanBut If w...

Marilyn Manson - Misery Machine
man in the front got a sinister grin, careen down highway 666we wanna go, crush the slow, as the pitchfork b...

Marilyn Manson - Mister Superstar
Hey. Mr. Superstar:"I'll do anyhting for you""I'm your number one fan"hey mr. porno star, I, I, ...

Marilyn Manson - Mobscene
"Ladies and Gentlemen"We are the thing of shapes to comeYour freedom's not free and dumbThis Dep...

Marilyn Manson - My Monkey
I had a little monkeyI sent him to the country and I fed him on gingerbreadAlong came a choo choo, kno...

Marilyn Manson - New Model No. 15
I'm as fake as e wedding cake And I'm Vague and I know that I'm homopolitan Pitifully predictable ...

Marilyn Manson - Organ Grinder
I am the face of piss and shit and sugarI do a crooked little dance with my funny little monkeyWhat I ...

Marilyn Manson - Para-noir
[Unknown Woman:]I fuck you because you're famous.I fuck you for your money.I fuck you to ...

Marilyn Manson - Personal Jesus
Reach out and touch faithYour own personal JesusSomeone to hear your prayersSomeone who ca...

Marilyn Manson - Posthuman
She's got eyes like Zapruder And a mouth like heroin She wants me to be perfect like Kennedy Thi...

Marilyn Manson - Prelude (the Family Trip)
There's no earthly way of knowingWhich direction we are goingThere's no knowing where we're going...

Marilyn Manson - President Dead
this is for the people, they want youthis is for the people, they want yougetting high on violence, ba...

Marilyn Manson - Redeemer
The hunger inside given to me, makes me what I amAlways it is calling me, for the blood of man...They ...

Marilyn Manson - Rock Is Dead
All simple monkeys with alien babies Amphetamines for boys Crucifixes for ladies Sampled and sou...

Marilyn Manson - Rock 'n' Roll Nigger
And the world spreads its legs....And the world spreads its legsFor another fuckin' star!'Cause ...

Marilyn Manson - Sick City
Sick city, yeah, restless peopleSick city burn their houses downTo make the sky look prettyWhat ...

Marilyn Manson - Slutgarden
I'll pretend that I want youFor what is on the insideBut when I get inside,I'll just want to get...

Marilyn Manson - Spade
The beauty spot was borrowed andNow my sweet knife rusts tomorrow.I'm a confession that is waiting to ...

Marilyn Manson - Speed Of Pain
They slit our throats Like we were flowers And our milk has been devoured When you want it...

Marilyn Manson - Suicide Is Painless
Through early morning fog I seeVisions of the things to beThe pains that are withheld for meI re...

Marilyn Manson - Surrender
Mother told me, yes, she told me I'd meet girls like youShe also told me, "Stay away, you'll never know what...

Marilyn Manson - Sweet Dreams (are Made Of This)
Sweet dreams are made of these.Who am I to disagree?Travel the world and the seven seas.Everybod...

Marilyn Manson - Sweet Tooth
her heart shivers in my handshe's melting on me like cotton candyi make the faces that make you cry...

Marilyn Manson - Target Audience (narcissus Narcosis)
Am I sorry your sky went black, put your knives in babies backs?Am I sorry you killed the Kennedy's an...

Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People
I don't want you and I don't need youDon't bother to resist, I'll beat youIt's not your fault that you...

Marilyn Manson - The Bright Young Things
We'll be the worms in your apple pieFake abuse for our biosBlacken our own eyesThe grass isn't g...

Marilyn Manson - The Death Song
we're on a bulletand we're headed straight into godeven he'd like to end it toowe take a pill, g...

Marilyn Manson - The Fall Of Adam
The Abraham Lincoln town carsarrive to dispose of our king and queenthey orchestrated dramatic new sce...

Marilyn Manson - The Fight Song
Nothing suffocates you more than the passing of everyday human eventsIsolation is the oxygen mask you ...

Marilyn Manson - The Golden Age Of Grotesque
All our monkeys have monkeys we drive our deathcrush diamond Jaguar LimosinesWe're not fantastic mothe...

Marilyn Manson - The Love Song
[The bullet:]"I've got a crush on a pretty pistolshould I tell her that I feel this way?F...

Marilyn Manson - The Minute Of Decay
there's not much left to lovetootired today to hateI feel the emptyI feel the minute of decay...

Marilyn Manson - The Reflecting God
Your world is an ashtrayWe burn and coil like cigarettesThe more you cry your ashes turn to mudI...

Marilyn Manson - The Suck For Your Solution
Your mouth is like a suicideTalkin like you never diedAutomatic charismaFor your chemical mind...

Marilyn Manson - This Is The New Shit
Everything has been said beforeThere's nothing left to say anymoreWhen it's all the sameYou can ...

Marilyn Manson - Tourniquet
she's made of hair and bone and little teethand things I cannot speakshe comes on like a crippled play...

Marilyn Manson - Track 99
Go aheah and build a better messiah,we can dig another graveThis is your calling. If you are hearing t...

Marilyn Manson - Untitled
In The End I Became Them And I Led ThemAfter All None Of Us Really Qualified as HumansWe Were Hardworn...

Marilyn Manson - User Friendly
Use me when you want to come I've bled just to have your touch When I'm in you I want to die ...

Marilyn Manson - Use Your Fist And Not Your Mouth
Come on, come on! Come on, come on! I am overground, outselling itSince God thinks I don't...

Marilyn Manson - Valentine's Day
She was the color of TVher mouth curled under like a metal snakealthough Holy Wood was sadthey'd...

Marilyn Manson - Vodevil
I wake up everyday onThe wrong side of the bedBut I won't lay down on the floorLike I'm the whor...

Marilyn Manson - White Trash (remixed By Tony Wiggins)
Virgins sold in quantity, African-American heredity. I'm playin' my guitar and I'm feelin' fine. ...

Marilyn Manson - Working Class Hero
As soon as you're born they make you feel smallBy giving you no time instead of it allTill the pain is...

Marilyn Manson - Wrapped In Plastic
guilt is a snake we beat with a raketo grow in our kitchen in the pies we bakefeed it to us to squirm ...

Mario - 18
All I wanna do Is do me Feel me? Come on [Chorus]Next time y'all niggas...

Mario - 2 Train
(This is the Uptown 2 Train, 42nd Street Next)(Watch the closing doors)Theres a baby girlT...

Mario - Call The Cops
I met her right outside of the club,Her conversation got the best of me when she said she gonna shut it down...

Mario - Chick With The Braids
The girls so bad, you'd be like howfiner than my ex, and the girl i've got now5 foot frame, shorty kee...

Mario - C'mon
oo, oo, oo, oo,Where did you come from, I wanna thank your momsfor bringin' u into this life, and maki...

Mario - Could U Be
Lisa had me thinkin that she was the only one for me And Nikki had those angel eyes that changed my mi...

Mario - Directions
[Mario Talking]Baby If you tryin to get to good love you have to [Mario Singing]...

Mario - Girl I Need
I want a girl that can really blow my mind i mean an extraordinary one of kind a banging bodylike a CL5 doub...

Mario - Girl In The Picture
[Chorus:]Think I love the girl in the picture She's a fantasy someone that I need to seeM...

Mario - Here I Go Again
[Intro]HahamMmMmlistenmMmMmoOo nomMmMmHAaaalistenchec...

Mario - Holla Back
Shorty you've got to be bout 17Sporting your daddy truck on 23sYou are the finest girl I've ever seen...

Mario - Let Me Love You
Mmmm ..... Mmmmm.... Yeah....Mmmmm....Yeah, Yeah, YeahMmmm...Yeah....Mmmm..... Yeah, Yeah[Ver...

Mario - Like Me Real Hard
We've had such a great timeIn these past two monthsI never laughed so muchIn my lifeIt's b...

Mario - Never
Girl u wanna know what's up I can truly say that I love u And we know that love is not puffed up ...

Mario - Nikes Fresh Out The Box
Aint nothing likeA pair of fresh all white air force ones.And I said to my self. I got to have. ...

Mario - Put Me On
Yo loon, looncome here for a secondI wanna holla at yawhats upyo, you know that girl...

Mario - What Your Name Is
Girl I've been watchin you for a very long time (mmmm)And theres no doubt in my mind that your not the...

Mario Winans - 3 Days Ago
[Mario]Time, is taking a toll on my lifeThese days keep on passing me byI want to see you...

Mario Winans - Already Know (interlude)
I can't believe this manMaybe I should ask herI already knowI smell the sent in the carpet...

Mario Winans - Can't Judge Me
[Intro]Oh babyIm only human babyOh lady[Verse 1]We had some word...

Mario Winans - Disbelief
[Verse 1]First time we met, didn't think you wanted me.Now, when i'm around you hardly ever spe...

Mario Winans - Enough (interlude)
[Phone Rings][Girl] Hello[Guy] Hey yo[Girl] Hey baby[Guy]...

Mario Winans - I Got You Babe
[Speaking] Sometimes in lifeYou come across a womanIts just undeniableAnd you...

Mario Winans - Never Really Was
[Talking]I just need to talk to you for a second,It won't take me long,I gotta get this o...

Mario Winans - Pretty Girl Bullshit
[Intro:]Oh baby, I can't live with you I can't live without you {yeah}Live with you I can't liv...

Mario Winans - Ready For Love (interlude)
You should of told me how you feltThe day we metI probly would of loved you anywayOohhhhhhhh ye...

Mario Winans - Should've Known
If I had to do it all over I wouldve never kissed you but at that time I just couldntResists still cant beli...

Mario Winans - So Fine
Oooh baby...oooooh...oh yea, yea yeaYou were there all the timeA perfect picture pain-ted in ma mind,...

Mario Winans - Turn Around
Everything you said to meTell me I was buggin,dreaminCause it's not that real to meThere has bee...

Mario Winans - What's Wrong With Me
[Verse 1]Little tired, I can't sleep what's wrong with me?Still all in denial and you've been g...

Mario Winans - You Knew
You know...Oh baby....You know....You know the time I was lovin'Girl out of time, girl out...

Marisa Monte - Ainda Lembro
Ainda lembro o que passouEu voce em qualquer lugarDizendo "aonde voce for eu vou"E quando eu per...

Marisa Monte - Amor I Love You
Deixa eu dizer que te amoDeixa eu pensar em voceIsso me acalmame acolhe a almaIsso me ajud...

Marisa Monte - Beija Eu
Seja eu,Seja eu,Deixa que eu seja eu.E aceitao que seja seu.Entao deita e aceita eu....

Marisa Monte - Bem Que Se Quis
Bem que se quisdepois de tudo ainda ser felizmas ja nao ha caminho pra voltar.O que e que a vida...

Marisa Monte - Comida
bebida e agua.comida e pasto.voce tem sede de que?voce tem fome de que?a gente nao quer so...

Marisa Monte - De Noite Na Cama
De noite na cama, eu fico pensandoSe voce me ama ... E quandoSe voce me ama, eu fico pensandoDe ...

Marisa Monte - Eu Sei
Um dia eu vou estar a toaE voce vai estar na miraEu sei que voce sabeQue eu sei que voce sabe...

Marisa Monte - Nao Va Embora
E no meio de tanta gente eu encontrei voceEntre tanta gente chata sem nenhuma graca, voce veioE eu que...

Marisa Monte - O Que Me Importa
O que me importaseu carinho agoraSe e muito tardepara amar voceO que me importase vo...

Marisa Monte - Panis Et Circenses
Eu quis cantarMinha cancao iluminada de solSoltei os panos sobre os mastros no arSoltei os tigre...

Mark Owen - Are You With Me?
Taking a walkThrough the valley of a roadsideTaking a walk through the valley of a roadsideon a ...

Mark Owen - Ask Him To
Last night in my dreamsI saw you with anotherAnd when I turned around, you were goneIt all came ...

Mark Owen - Backpocket And Me
We're all the same nowWe're all the sameWe're all the same nowWe're all the sameIn t...

Mark Owen - Child
Sleep peacefully now my childI hope that you go awayTo a place where your dreams can playWipe al...

Mark Owen - Clementine
She heard a voice from so far awayIt told her her mother had gone awayIn the next room down the corrid...

Mark Owen - Confused
Sitting at home with my head in my handsWondering what the day's gonna bringSitting alone with my feet...

Mark Owen - Green Man
Early morning juices blend he choosesBowl of seed and water cleansesCaffeine free with herbs for tea...

Mark Owen - Home
Is it true, what they saydid you really lose your wayUp and down i see you strollnever looking o...

Mark Owen - I Am What I Am
Looking at me through the eye of a needleis a scary thing to doI feel a mole hill lies in front of me ...

Mark Owen - Is That What It's All About?
Could somebody give me an answera solution to fill up my spaceAs I take a peep out of the whole in my ...

Mark Owen - Johnny
Johnny [x16] Johnny's a child, we better watch outwas top of the class before he was even bornJ...

Mark Owen - Move On
Ok so now its overIt'll never be the same againThe shade has changed its colorThe light is shini...

Mark Owen - Mr. You
We're still waiting out here for youwe're still waiting come back soonyou said that you'd make things ...

Mark Owen - My Love
Today I feel a change,in the way you look at meAnd all I have to sayis that I like itToday...

Mark Owen - Naturally
Loving comes naturallyLoving comes naturallyAs the sun rises aboveShadows are formed...

Mark Schultz - Cloud Of Witnesses
We watched them runnin' down the aisles,Children's time, Sunday morning.The preacher asked them who th...

Mark Schultz - He's My Son
I'm down on my knees again tonight,I'm hoppin' this prayer will turn out right.See, there is a boy tha...

Mark Schultz - I Am The Way
You've got a secret no one knowsLocked away where no one goesDeep inside your heart,It's tearin'...

Mark Schultz - I Saw The Light
I saw the light - I saw the light - Oh I saw the light - He lived in a crowdedJamaican infirmary - Many were...

Mark Schultz - Learn To Let Go
I'm holding this picture - You drew when you were four -It was one we proudly hung - On our refrigerator doo...

Mark Schultz - Legend Of Mcbride
Long ago on the Texas PlainsWas a little townThat never changedUntil a man rode into town,...

Mark Schultz - Let's Go
You gotta nice jobIn an office on the seventh floor,Oh, but you're lookin' outThe window and you...

Mark Schultz - Remember Me
Remember MeIn a Bible cracked and faded by the years.Remember MeIn a sanctuary filled with silen...

Mark Schultz - When You Come Home
My first day of recessThey all laughed at meWhen I fell off the swing setAnd scraped up my knee...

Mark Schultz - When You Give
King of KingsLord of LordsPrince of PeaceI amEarly morning, summer's dayAt a p...

Maroon 5 - If You Only Knew
I wake upThoughts of youTattooed to my mindAs I wonderWhat to wearWhat to eatW...

Maroon 5 - Must Get Out
I've been the needle and the threadWeaving figure eights and circles round your headI try to laugh but...

Maroon 5 - Not Falling Apart
Hold onHold onWe're on Our wayI'm not falling apartHold onHold on...

Maroon 5 - Ragdoll
How ya feelin'?The day has had its way with both of usAnd oh, I've gone out of my wayBut I'm not...

Maroon 5 - Secret
Watch the sunriseSay your goodbyesOff we goSome conversationNo contemplationHit the ...

Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved
Beauty queen of only eighteenShe had some trouble with herselfHe was always there to help herShe...

Maroon 5 - Shiver
You build me upYou knock me downProvoke a smileAnd make me frownYou are the queen of runar...

Maroon 5 - Sunday Morning
Sunday morning rain is fallingSteal some covers share some skinClouds are shrouding us in moments unfo...

Maroon 5 - Tangled
I'm full of regretFor all things that I've done and saidAnd I don't know if it'll ever be ok to show...

Maroon 5 - The Sun
After schoolWalking homeFresh dirt under my fingernailsAnd I can smell hot asphaltCars scr...

Maroon 5 - This Love
I was so high I did not recognizeThe fire burning in her eyesThe chaos that controlled my mindWh...

Maroon 5 - Through With You
Can you see meFloating above your headAs you lay in bedThinking about everythingThat you d...

Maroon 5 - Woman
If I be so inclined to climb up beside you, Would you tell me that the time just isnt right? And if I ...

Marques Houston - 12 O'clock
[Marques talkin]Its ya boi M.H.[1st verse][Joe Budden]Ok I got ...

Marques Houston - Alone
[Verse 1:]AloneNa na na na naAloneNa na na na naI know (listen up)Quest...

Marques Houston - Because Of You
[Talking:]YoYour my everything, ya knoEverything I ever wantedUh..check it ...

Marques Houston - Cancel
[Verse 1:]You been saying that you're on a busy scheduleWell I'm standing here today just to le...

Marques Houston - Can I Call You
[Verse 1:]Girl I mustAdmit that ISeen some fine ones in my timeBut if you dare too...

Marques Houston - Cheat
[Exhaling]I dont know how to say this....Baby, I'm sorry but I cheated. I don't know what...

Marques Houston - Do You Mind
[Marques Talking]Yea...uhhGirl u lookin so sexy, u noCome ova hereLet me talk to fo...

Marques Houston - Good Luck
YeahSick and tired of the same ol thingSeeing the came ol facesCheck it out girl[...

Marques Houston - Grass Is Greener
[Verse 1:]Tell me where the hell you get the nerve coming back asking for a second chanceAfter ...

Marques Houston - I Can Be The One
[Verse 1:]Baby I can beYour everythingI can give you the world, if you just let meA...

Marques Houston - I Like It
[Chorus][Ra Ra]I like it with your tight jeans on I can see your thong ...

Marques Houston - Intro
Yo What's Up? You've reached MHLeave a message at the tone[Romeo & LDB]...

Marques Houston - Love's A Game
Ohhhh................ohh ohhManI can't believe I was such a foolTo let you get away from me...

Marques Houston - Smile
[Marques:]Yea,wuts up girl,how u doin'?,Look my name is MH know what I'm sayin',I t...

Marques Houston - Tempted
I think you should know thisYeah Yo I'm trying to tell you rightI know you got a man but...

Marques Houston - That Girl
[Marques talking]Yo Can I talk to you for a minuteLookAll I did was lookWhy y...

Marques Houston - Walk Away
[Talking]Your truly beautiful you knowJust thought I'll do a little somethingTo let you k...

Martha Wainwright - Ball And Chain
Got your hand up all in my shirtAnd you know that it hurtsBall & chainMy ball & chain...

Martha Wainwright - Bloody Mother Fucking Asshole
Poetry is no place for a heart that's a whoreAnd I'm young & I'm strongBut I feel old & tiredOve...

Martha Wainwright - Don't Forget
Summer comes and rain falls awayBut the very next day it seemsThe snow comes to stayAnd yo...

Martha Wainwright - Factory
These are not my people, I should never have come hereThe chick with a dick and the gift for the gabI ...

Martha Wainwright - Far Away
Far awayIn some lovely way I hear your callWhatever happened to them all?Whatever happened to us...

Martha Wainwright - G. P. T.
Cop a ride or catch a feelI won't be late, I won't declineyour invite tonight this starry cold night...

Martha Wainwright - These Flowers
These flowers are coming up wildThey're coming up, they're coming upThey're coming up wild...

Martha Wainwright - This Life
ThisThis life is boringThisThis life right now is snoringBut that's all rightThat's ...

Martha Wainwright - Tv Show
I'm not such a good loverI'm a better talkerSo when you touch me thereI'm scared that you'll see...

Martha Wainwright - When The Day Is Short
When the day is shortAnd the nights are longIt's a different worldWhere the rules are wrong...

Martha Wainwright - Who Was I Kidding?
Left the pain before the dawnShe never thought it would or could be easyBeen inclined to carry on...

Martine Mccutcheon - I'm Over You
Yeah...I should've known, I should've thought twiceI should've listened to my own adviceBut then...

Martine Mccutcheon - I've Got You
Flowers, they don't always bloomAnd even when they do they're not meant to last foreverLove can turn o...

Martine Mccutcheon - On The Radio
Ooh,Ah, yeah Someone found a letter you wrote meOn the radioAnd they told the worldJ...

Mary J Blige - All My Love
uh huyeaohoooh uhaww yea babe...Can we just talk about the love and all the th...

Mary J Blige - Beautiful Ones
Oh no, so beautifulSo beautifulI'd give my flesh for yoursI'd sacrifice everythingYo...

Mary J Blige - Don't Go
[1st Verse:]Everyday is not a perfect day for you and I somedays.Somedays things are just not r...

Mary J Blige - Don't Walk Away
Oh:[1] - Don't you walk, away from meCause I don't want to see you leave[R...

Mary J Blige - Feel Like Makin' Love
Take my handLead me to another placeI never beenI wanna be releasedSet me freeI'm no...

Mary J Blige - Finally Made It (interlude)
It's not all about the money(It's not all about the money).Cause I love what I'm doing for the people....

Mary J Blige - Flying Away
Me, you will go flying awayI'm gon' take you lil' higherWe'll go flying awayWhere the sun is wet...

Mary J Blige - Give Me You
I don't ask for too many thingsOnly one thing I really needThat is you baby next to meWith that ...

Mary J Blige - I'm Goin' Down
Time on my handsSince you been away boyI ain't got no plansNo no no noAnd the sound of the...

Mary J Blige - I'm In Love
La, la, la, la, la[1] - La, la, la, la, la, la, laFeeling you, there is nothing I won't d...

Mary J Blige - It's A Wrap
You came home late last night you smelled just like the scent of herNot only that but you had lipstick all o...

Mary J Blige - Let Me Be The 1
[50 Cent singing]MJ, 50 Cent. G UUUNIT!This is simple. I know you understand.Anoth...

Mary J Blige - Let No Man Put Asunder
I'm surprised to see your suitcase at the doorRemember the good times, don't you want some moreIt's no...

Mary J Blige - Let No Man Put Asunder (remix)
Uh, uh-huhYeah somebody always walking outWhether it be me or youBut before you go let me lay it...

Mary J Blige - Love
Well it was like a partyBut the kids seem to scatter off(Kids seem to scatter off)You told me al...

Mary J Blige - Memories
Sitting here all alone on Valentine's DayI really wanna call him upBut my pride is all in the way, hey...

Mary J Blige - Never Been
I've never been touched like this- I've never beenI've never been kissed like this- I've never beenI n...

Mary J Blige - No Happy Holidays
I can't believeAfter all this timeI'm in love with a manWho could never be mineAnd just to...

Mary J Blige - Ooh!
[1st Verse:]In the middle of the night.When you hold me tight.Say it's all right.I'...

Mary J Blige - Pms
I wanna talk to the ladies tonightAbout situation I'm pretty sure y'all be able to relate toTrust me...

Mary J Blige - Press On
[1st Verse:]Life has a way of making you live it.Sometimes it takes you to giving it.Do y...

Mary J Blige - Special Part Of Me
You know when you...Finally find that person that...makes you feel like you're really aliveLike ...

Mary J Blige - Steal Away
Is just that ghetto ghettoGhetto ghettoIs just that ghetto ghettoGhetto ghettoWe still ghe...

Mary J Blige - The Love I Never Had
[Intro - Spoken]You know sometimesThere come a time in your lifeWhen you love something...

Mary J Blige - Time
[1] - If I have my wayLife would be just fineBut the world is too muchAnd it makes me cry...

Mary J Blige - Ultimate Relationship (a.m.)
ooh... ohoho...ohoho[Chorus]Its about the things you say to me in the a.m.Its about...

Mary J Blige - When We
Baby...Ooh baby...When we...I gotta man to love me down all nightI just hate it when...

Mary J Blige - Willing & Waiting
Willing & waitingBut it's all up to you, ohhhThe very first time I laid my eyes on youI kn...

Mary J Blige - Your Child
It's too bad, it's too badIt's too bad, it's too bad, babyBut I gotta face realityIt's too bad, ...

Mary Mary - Be Happy
My heart has found a new beatEver since you came into my life No I don't lose no sleep'Cause I k...

Mary Mary - Can't Give Up Now
There will be mountains that I will have to climbAnd there will be battles that I will have to fightBu...

Mary Mary - Give It Up Let It Go
When the weight of the world seemsLike it's on your shouldersBogging you downWhen you feel like ...

Mary Mary - God Bless
In the mall one day I saw youWalking pastAnd then I looked again andYou were goneWell anyw...

Mary Mary - God Has Smiled On Me
This morning I picked up a paperI read about tragedy I stopped andI realized that it could've been me ...

Mary Mary - Good To Me
No, No it ain't the way it used to be andYea, yes, it may be hard to believeWhen, When I think about a...

Mary Mary - He Said
Whatever you need for him to doHe will do it if you give him the chanceAnd I am telling he's already p...

Mary Mary - Hold On
[Chorus:]Hold on to your faithNo matter what you been throughI know he'll make a way...

Mary Mary - I Got It
The situation is telling me I should believe all hope is lostBut from the looks of thingsI shoul...

Mary Mary - Incredible
[Chorus:]I can't believe you chose someone like meWhen I've done nothing to deserve it, no...

Mary Mary - In The Morning
[Chorus:]In the morning you'll be alrightIn the morning the sun's gonna shineIn the morni...

Mary Mary - I Try
[Hook:]I try but sometimes I failNow I realize that I need your help'Cause I can't make i...

Mary Mary - Little Girl
[Little girl:] Hey Erica and Tina can sing a song about little girls for me, pleaseShe wa...

Mary Mary - One Minute
I Know it now that I was such a foolTo turn my back on youWhen you had given me everythingI let ...

Mary Mary - Ordinary People
[Chorus:]I'm just ordinary people Who found extraordinary loveSometimes it's hard to beli...

Mary Mary - Shackles (praise You)
Whoo!It sure is hot out hereYa know?I don't mind thoughtJust glad to be freeKnow wha...

Mary Mary - So Close
There's something in your yesterdayThat's keeping you away from himMaking you believe what you've done...

Mary Mary - Thankful
Lord i'm thankful for my blessingseverything that you gave Times when danger was around meMy lif...

Mary Mary - Thank You
Tragedies are commonplaceAll kinds of diseases, people are slipping awayEconomies down, people don't g...

Mary Mary - This Love
When you say loveYou use it so lightlyBut when I think of itThis is what comes to meLoving...

Mary Mary - Trouble Ain't
Can't promise you no pain no tearsCan't say you'll never be lonely againMy friendBut you see the...

Mary Mary - You Will Know
Lonely one at young so broken hearted Traveling down the rigid road of lifeUsing pharmaceutical extrac...

Mason Jennings - 12/8 Time
12/8 time seemed to her to be some sort ofLife of crimeWith the handcuffs and the billy clubsCom...

Mason Jennings - 1997
Southern minnesota in the year of 1997There was a great natural light in the skyAnd people ran in fear...

Mason Jennings - Adrian
Looking down from the apple treeMy hands tied in back of meWith this rope below my chinWe don't ...

Mason Jennings - Ain't Gonna Die
Pardon me my dear you've gone straight to my headIt's now been two months that i expected to be deadAn...

Mason Jennings - Amphetamine Girl
Well she told me let's stay out lateLet's stay out lateLet's walk the worldWell she told me, it ...

Mason Jennings - Ballad For My One True Love
Sleeping in a cherry treeHigh above a monasteryWhere the bells are ringing slowTo say farewell w...

Mason Jennings - Ballad Of Paul And Sheila
October morning, little plane on the forest floorUp on the tv between a rerun and another warHere in a...

Mason Jennings - Big Sur
Just let the disc playThis is a song to give you hopeI wouldn't have it any other wayThis is a s...

Mason Jennings - Birds Flying Away
I left my country when i was nineteen1925And drifted to a town on the Cuban coastMet a woman who...

Mason Jennings - Black Panther
Black panther defy the powerFight the violence with nonviolenceWhat good is justice if the scales are ...

Mason Jennings - Bullet
This is a bullet from a gun called "what the fuck?"If i was standing in your shoes i'd throw my hands straig...

Mason Jennings - Butterfly
Look at me nowI'm all dressed up in your words todayDo you think about meWhat do you think about...

Mason Jennings - California
Don't you know baby i'm a leading manI dig down deep when i say i love youAnd i can hold my own with t...

Mason Jennings - California (pt. Ii)
I tell you what i'm gonna doI'm gonna lighten upI'm gonna throw a box of books and my beloved guitar...

Mason Jennings - Century Spring
Through our love there runs a century springWhat we've got is all we'll ever needAnd i will love you l...

Mason Jennings - Confidant
And with the world comes miseryComes jealousy and painAnd with new friends come enemiesThe fortu...

Mason Jennings - Crown
I took the train up from illinoisI was following through on a letter you sentI always feared that you'...

Mason Jennings - Darkness Between The Fireflies
I woke up before you in the total darknessEarly morningI could hear the wind in the treesI was l...

Mason Jennings - Dewey Dell
My galveston girlI hold you like a childAnd kiss away your tearsMy sweet dewey dellYou've ...

Mason Jennings - Drinking As Religion
After all this useless fighting, after all our schemesWe could sense a final battle and started picking team...

Mason Jennings - Dr. King
Dr. kingI think often of youAnd the love that you learnedFrom jesusDr. kingI think o...

Mason Jennings - Duluth
Nobody says the things he saysNobody moves like he movesNobody makes me feel this wayI'm going t...

Mason Jennings - East Of Eden
I'm just a student of this life, just like my fatherI am a stranger to this heart, just like my mother...

Mason Jennings - Empire Builder
All day, everyday I swing my hammer to the metal on the northern railwayAlways a movie playing in my h...

Mason Jennings - Family Tree
Well all the dreams have gone from my worried mindAin't no pretty pictures left by luck's designAnd ba...

Mason Jennings - Forgiveness
Sitting on a bench in an old time stationWaiting for a train to forgivenessI've brought no baggage, i'...

Mason Jennings - Fourteen Pictures
There you said it, it slipped outNow it's out there and i'm filled with doubtPlease say something to l...

Mason Jennings - Godless
This is not a conqueringI am not conqueredEven as the helicopters come for meMy wife sleeps in h...

Mason Jennings - Hospitals And Jails
We could sit beneath the eveningAnd let the day turn blueI could never let the darknessReplace t...

Mason Jennings - In My Grave
Hollow body bones and shoesYou can never get back what you loseWhen will I stop cryingWhen will ...

Mason Jennings - Isabel
It might have been some other storyOur book must have been bought used'cause it was missing all the la...

Mason Jennings - Isabella Part Ii
Isabella, isabella Don't you turn me downI've been knockin' on the front doorOf my very own hous...

Mason Jennings - Keepin' It Real
It was bound to happen and it happened todayLife turned to us to say "i'm about to go your way"And it'...

Mason Jennings - Killer's Creek
I followed you to killer's creek on motorcycleThe streets were fast and filled with flamesKids were sc...

Mason Jennings - Lemon Grove Avenue
If i have my wayI'm never gonna leave lemon grove avenueWhere the summer breezeBlows through the...

Mason Jennings - Little Details
There's no street lamps on the road i takeI'm not blessed with brakesI've got no place to beThe ...

Mason Jennings - Living In The Moment
I thought i could live forever here on my ownIt seemed things were so much better out here aloneA lone...

Mason Jennings - New York City
New york city, you're so prettyAll your faces, going placesAnd i believe if you fall in loveI be...

Mason Jennings - Nothing
Make yourself at home, 'cause i'm going outAcross the street to get us some water'cause this water's b...

Mason Jennings - Rebecca Deville
Last night the willows stopped weepingAnd everything sat hushed and stillAnd while my body lay sleepin...

Mason Jennings - Simple Life
Well she's sitting on the edge of my bedTaking her shirt off over her headI should be somewhere else b...

Mason Jennings - Sorry Signs On Cash Machines
Oh, my heart is a thoroughbredI can't sleep in my bedEverything is burning up inside meI need so...

Mason Jennings - Southern Cross
I woke up at 4:35 still jet lagged from another plane rideAnd opened my window over bondi beachWhere a...

Mason Jennings - Stars Shine Quietly
Dawn breaks across our little roomYou're sleeping silently and stillI love you and i always will...

Mason Jennings - Summer Dress
Dark clouds coming, honey we go to the seaDark clouds coming, honey we go to the seaDark clouds coming...

Mason Jennings - The Light
So glad I found youGod is around youAnd all that's about youShines with the lightLove won'...

Mason Jennings - The Light (part Ii)
And regardless, in the eveningA light is thrown by the setting sunIt speeds along this vast familiar...

Mason Jennings - The Mountain
I was waken late the other nightThere was a bird trapped in my heartI tried to open up and let it out...

Mason Jennings - Train Leaving Gray
Hoping that I see you on the streetIt's your kind of dayNothing has the color of your eyesTrain ...

Mason Jennings - Ulysses
I went in to twelve bookstores looking for ulyssesMotherwell led me to believe all my questions would be ans...

Mason Jennings - United States Global Empire
Our united states of americaHas quickly become a global empireCome onSee it now for what it real...

Massive Attack - Angel
[Horace Andy]You are my angelCome from way aboveTo bring me loveHer eye...

Massive Attack - Antistar
Can you lick my wounds please Can you make it numbAnd kill the pain like cortizone And grant me ...

Massive Attack - Any Love
[Tony Bryan]You go out every night as a singleBut you don't really know what to doY...

Massive Attack - A Prayer For England
In the name of And by the power of The holy spirit May we invoke your Intercession for ...

Massive Attack - Be Thankful For What You've Got
[Tony Bryan]Though you may not drive a great big cadillacGangster whitewalls tv antenna i...

Massive Attack - Better Things
[Tracy Thorn]Don't drag me downJust because you're downAnd just cause you're blue...

Massive Attack - Black Milk
[Liz Fraser]You're not my eaterI'm not your foodLove you for GodLove you for ...

Massive Attack - Blue Lines
[Tricky]Can't be with the one you love then love the one you're withSpliff in the ashtray...

Massive Attack - Butterfly Caught
Weightless falls honeysuckleStrangers (strange this) Lights from pagesPaper thin thing ...

Massive Attack - Daydreaming
[Shara Nelson]I quietly observe standing in my spaceDaydreamingI quietly observe st...

Massive Attack - Dissolved Girl
[Sara Jay]Shame, such a shameI think I kind of lost myself againDay, yesterday...

Massive Attack - Eurochild
[3D]Sitting in my day care, the art is decopaintedBlessed by the drinkUpon the corn...

Massive Attack - Euro Zero Zero
[3D]Sitting in my day careIt was day-glo paintedYou see me i'm a drinkerYou s...

Massive Attack - Everywhen
My love Your lightIncantations Struck starsLike tears fallThe sequence ends ...

Massive Attack - (exchange)
[Horace Andy]Yeah yeah yeah ahYou see a man's faceBut you don't see his heart...

Massive Attack - Fake The Aroma
You sure you wanna be with me i've nothing to giveDon't lie and say this lovin's bestDon't leave us in...

Massive Attack - Five Man Army
[Daddy G]Trendy wendys you know what i meanHangin' around with girl who's rolling up her ...

Massive Attack - Future Proof
Borderline casesReinforced glass Absent friends Passport photosAn elastic past Empty...

Massive Attack - Group Four
[3d]A flask I drink of sober teaWhile relay cameras monitor meAnd the buzz surround...

Massive Attack - Home Of The Whale
[Caroline Lavelle]Oh my love he works upon the seaOn the waves that blow wild and free...

Massive Attack - Hymn Of The Big Wheel
[Horace Andy]The big wheel keeps on turningOn a simple line day by dayThe earth spi...

Massive Attack - Inertia Creeps
[3d]Recollect me darling raise me to your lipsTwo undernourished egos four rotating hips...

Massive Attack - I Want You
[Madonna]I, yi yi yiI want you the right wayI want you, but i want you to wan...

Massive Attack - Karmacoma
[Tricky]You sure you want to be with meI've nothing to giveWont lie and say this lo...

Massive Attack - Lately
[Shara Nelson]Summertime always gives me the bluesThinking about the things we used to do...

Massive Attack - Light My Fire (live)
[Horace Andy]You know that it would be untrueYou know that i would be a liarIf was ...

Massive Attack - Man Next Door
[Horace Andy]There is a man that live next doorIn my neighborhoodIn my neighborhood...

Massive Attack - Mezzanine
[3d]I'm a little curious of you in crowded scenesAnd how serene your friends and fiends...

Massive Attack - Name Taken
HallwaysI seeAlwaysIcyOpen roomsContra-zoomsPictures mayFace...

Massive Attack - One Love
[Horace Andy]It's you I love and not anotherAnd I know our love will last foreverYo...

Massive Attack - Protection
[Tracy Thorn]This girl I know needs some shelterShe don't believe anyone can help her...

Massive Attack - Reflection
[3D]Take me where the tides startAnd i can pull you into meYou're really crushing g...

Massive Attack - Risingson
[3d]I seen you go down to a cold mirrorIt was never clearer in my era soYou lick a ...

Massive Attack - Safe From Harm
[Shara Nelson]Midnight ronkersCity slickersGunmen and maniacsAll will feature...

Massive Attack - Sly
[Nicolette]I try to believe what i feel these daysIt makes life much easier for meI...

Massive Attack - Small Time Shot Away
Took her inDropped a line Turned me on(I travel I travel)We never leave each other 'cause ...

Massive Attack - Special Cases
Don't tell your man what he don't do right Nor tell him all the things that make you cry But check you...

Massive Attack - Spying Glass
[Horace Andy]You live in the cityYou stay by yourselfYou a-find all weaknessS...

Massive Attack - Teardrop
[Liz Fraser]Love, love is a verbLove is a doing wordFearless on my breathGent...

Massive Attack - The Hunter Gets Captured By The Game
[Tracy Thorn]Everyday brings change,and the world puts on a new faceSudden things rearran...

Massive Attack - Three
[Nicolette]Three's my lucky numberAnd fortune comes in threesBut I wish I knew that...

Massive Attack - Unfinished Sympathy
[Shara Nelson]I know that i've been mad in love beforeAnd how it could be with youR...

Massive Attack - What Your Soul Sings
Don't be afraid Open your mouth and say Say what your soul sings to you Your mind can neve...

Master P - 4, 3, 2, 1 (e-dub Remix)
HUHHHHHH![Erick Sermon] Def Jam, No Limits[Master P] No Limit[Erick Sermon]...

Master P - 6 'n Tha Mornin'
[Verse One:]6 'n tha mornin' police at my do' *door knocking*Fresh Nike's squeak across m...

Master P - Act A Fool
[Intro]Yeah nega I'm going rep this motherfucking No Limit to I D.I.ECheck this out nigga...

Master P - Always Come Back To You
[Chorus:]I'll always come back to you I'll always come back to you I'll always come back ...

Master P - Anything Goes
[Intro - Master P]Some of your friends take your kindness for weaknessMake a nigga wanna live l...

Master P - A Woman
(More than a woman...)This for all the soldierettes that made it through the warWas able to maintain t...

Master P - Back Against The Wall
[E-40]Tryin to make it..It's been a long roadSic-Wid-It Records[Master P &...

Master P - Basketball
If you still love this game make some noiseThey're playing basketballWe love that basketball ...

Master P - Best Hustler
[Intro]It's the return of a living legend mayne; I done did it onceAnd you ain't never seen nob...

Master P - Bitch I Like
[Master P] Wassup babooski? [.....] haha [Master P] Who you i...

Master P - Ghetto In The Sky
It's like my adversaries plottin on my deathBut I put my life in God's hands, y'knowI'm thugged out fo...

Master P - Homies And Thuggs
[Verse 1:]Ghetto niggas remain violent while the killers remain silentniggas strapped wit...

Master P - Homies And Thugs (remix)
[Verse 1:(Scarface)]Ghetto niggaz remain violent all the killers remain silentniggaz strapped w...

Master P - I Ain't Play'n
[Intro]Nigga what'chu worryin 'bout whassup with me?What fire is that, what house I'm rollin on...

Master P - I Don't
Yo, this for all them niggas and bitchesthat thought it was over for No LimitAnd now y'all wan' holla...

Master P - I Don't Give Ah What
[Intro- Master P]Oh yeah, I done delivered the mail, all platinumGhetto Postage wodyAnd I...

Master P - I'm Alright
[Intro]I'm too strong to lose, I meanMy hustlin skills keep me in the gameI've got too mu...

Master P - Is It You? (deja Vu)
[Master P]My adversaries hate me, this ghetto got me crazyI hope these streets don't play me, m...

Master P - Is There A Heaven 4 A Gangsta?
Hah, light ya lighta Damn, I done did some messed up stuffRest in peace Tupac ...

Master P - Kenny's Dead
This is Master PI'm down here in South ParkI just put a million dollar reward upFor any informat...

Master P - Let's Ride (radio Edit)
[MP] Let's get rowdy, let's get rowdy[MJ] Know Montell is Bout It Bout It[MP] Let...

Master P - Live Or Die
[sounds of an automatic being fired, then a single gunshot][Master P]Unnnnnnnnnnnn...

Master P - Made Niggaz
[Master P (Mack 10)]Third ward, New Orleans. To Inglewood.To the motherfuckin world, nigga....

Master P - My Dogs
[Intro]My dogs on the block, my dogs in the gameThem dogs locked up doin time in the jail...

Master P - Oh Na Nae
Yo como aqui, tambien el dinerosYo quiero la pesos[Chorus: Master P (repeat 2X)]...

Master P - Only God Can Judge Me
[Master P]My military mind.. makes me a soldierAnd I'm the last one left (last one left)A...

Master P - Playa 4 Life
[intro: Master P (4-Tay)]Whatsup Franky J (You know how we do it Bad Boy)You think they ready f...

Master P - Playaz From The South
[U.G.k]Ya, hahaha...Well I been direct, break yokneck to get a peep of a TRU 11 goddamn fool. ...

Master P - Pure Uncut
[Verse 1-(Silkk)]AHHHHHH! I kicks it off, nigga what rhyme wit no fuckin problem,down wit...

Master P - R.i.p Tupac
Follow me!I see death around the corner[Master P]Ya thought it was overBut it...

Master P - Souljas
[Master P]You in the ghetto.. and you ain't got no hustlin skills?GET DOWN AND GIVE ME TEN PRIV...

Master P - Step To Dis
[D.I.G.]Whassup man?I think you need to back up off me brahCause right now, I'm not feeli...

Master P - Stop Playing Wit Me
HOOODY HOOOOO! Knuckle up niggaWhen we catch y'all..WE GON' BUST Y'ALL AND Y'ALL DICKS UPALL BIT...

Master P - Take It Outside
Gameface (what, what, what, what, what)UUUNNNGGGHHH! WE BACK![Chorus]Boy! (fuck boy...

Master P - Tell 'em
Y'all done made me go back to the old meI'm the last soldier standing and I will not lose(All Ready, A...

Master P - The Block
[Intro]This one here goes out, to the GhettoTo the Street corneresTo the homeless thats d...

Master P - The Farm
[Master P Talking]You know what?I mean, society treat me like I'm a insectI'm out here hu...

Master P - Them Jeans
C'mon in VIP baby[Chorus]Shake what you got in them jeans (them jeans)Girl grab the...

Master P - We All We Got
[Chorus (2x):][Master P]These boys don't talk a lot (ooh oooh)My soldiers don't ru...

Master P - What I'm Bout
[Master P talking]Look Pezee. What's happening?This how we gonna do this one here baby.Ya...

Master P - Who Want Some
[Chorus 4X: Master P]Who said he want someBoy you don't want noneWe wile out in the club ...

Master P - With Me Part 2
[Master P]You're my destinyYou wanna be with meSo holler if ya hear me (Uhhh)...

Matchbox 20 - 3 Am
She say it's cold outside and she hands me my raincoat She's always worried about things like that She...

Matchbox 20 - Angry
So scream you, out from behind the bitter acheYou're hanging on the memory, you need mostYou still wan...

Matchbox 20 - Argue
She don't, but she will He says anything to keep her by him She takes, what she gets, and she never di...

Matchbox 20 - Back 2 Good
It's nothing, it's so normal you Just stand there I could say so much But I don't go there cuz I don't...

Matchbox 20 - Bed Of Lies
No I would not sleep in this bed of liesSo toss me out and turn inAnd there'll be no rest for these ti...

Matchbox 20 - Black & White People
One more day downEverybody has those daysWhere one soft sweet song'sJust enough to clear my head...

Matchbox 20 - Busted
I forget when words were only words She knows the party makes me nervous In this stage we can't get hu...

Matchbox 20 - Could I Be You
Something is wrong with the sum of usThat I can't seem to eraseHow can I be the only oneWithout ...

Matchbox 20 - Crutch
I don't want to be the crutchOne step away from downI don't want to be the crutchOne step away f...

Matchbox 20 - Damn
This old world well Don't it make you wanna think damn This cold girl well Don't she wanna make ...

Matchbox 20 - Girl Like That
You think this life would make me bolder But I'm running scared is all I hang on everything about you ...

Matchbox 20 - Hang
She grabs her magazines She packs her things and she goes She leaves the pictures hanging on the wall,...

Matchbox 20 - Heavy
It's bad enough that we had to learnThe hard way about giving it upMan I thought that you were joking...

Matchbox 20 - Kody
Kody sat down on the avenue He tapped his feet, to the humming of the highway He watched the light shi...

Matchbox 20 - Leave
It's amazingHow you make your face just like a wallHow you take your heart and turn it offHow I ...

Matchbox 20 - Long Day
It's sitting by the overcoat, The second shelf, the note she wrote That I can't bring myself to throw ...

Matchbox 20 - Real World
I wonder what it's like to be the rainmaker I wonder what it's like to know that I make the rain I'd s...

Matchbox 20 - Rest Stop
Just three miles from the rest stopAnd she slams on the breaksShe said I tried to be but I'm not...

Matchbox 20 - Shame
What we learned here is love tastes bitter when it's gone Past yourself forget the light, things look dirty ...

Matchbox 20 - Stop
Yes it's true that I believeI'm weaker than I used to beI wear my heart out on my sleeveAnd I fo...

Matchbox 20 - Suffer Me
She wanted something just like the real thingHe needed love and it all worked out somehowHe knows that...

Matchbox 20 - The Burn
I thought aboutLeaving but I couldn't even get outta bedI'm hangin' cause I couldn't get a ride outta ...

Matchbox 20 - Tired
You've been talking for an hour,and I swear to God that I can't hear a word you saySo would you come t...

Matchbox 20 - You And I & I
Well, its for sure Well, things came down hard But you couldnt wait here Well all I ever think a...

Matchbox 20 - You Won't Be Mine
Take your head around the worldSee what you getFrom your mindWrite your soul down word for word...

Matt Dusk - Always
Can I have a moment of your time And leave this far behind Can you find the time to take a chance ...

Matt Dusk - Cold As Ice
You're cold as Ice, Dark as night, like a thorn left in my mind So why should I still long for you A m...

Matt Dusk - Don't Go Looking
Cry sad tears, then dry your eyes and mend your heart Life's too short to waste sweet time, love is gone now...

Matt Dusk - Every Mother's Son
Life Goes On like a carousel, Life goes on a never-ending tale Of love reborn, from the cradle warm ...

Matt Dusk - Five
Just Five minutes to your house It took five hours to say goodbye Five weeks to wonder whyAnd fi...

Matt Dusk - Fly Me To The Moon
Fly me to the moon And let me play among the stars Let me see what Spring is like On Jupiter and...

Matt Dusk - Lonely Road
I sit and stare, and empty chair, another day without you Each one for me, can only be, another day without ...

Matt Dusk - Miracle
Well... Remember when moses stopped to part the sea Walking on water down in galilee And the changing ...

Matt Dusk - Please Please Me
Last night I said these words to my girl I know you never even try girl Come on, come on, come on, com...

Matt Dusk - Precious Years
When love is young The tallest tree Is there to climb Is evergreenIn summer fields we drea...

Matt Dusk - The Theme From Loaded Gun
He plays the game Like a moth that finds love in a flame He's flying high But desire will burn h...

Matt Dusk - Two Shots Of Happy, One Shot Of Sad
Two shots of happy, one shot of sad You think I'm no good, well I know I've been bad Took you to a pla...

Matthew Good - 21st Century Living
[Matt:]You know, today I was asked only one questionOne question all dayDo you know what ...

Matthew Good - Alert Status Red
In the wilderness uncountable voices earplugs for the birds and the animals and blinders for your beas...

Matthew Good - Avalanche
One foot in front of the otherOne foot back to counter itDays like these you've got to find it in some...

Matthew Good - Blue Skies Over Bad Lands
What if you woke up in the middle of the night And in your bare feet you walked outside And realizing ...

Matthew Good - Bright End Of Nowhere
Here's the bright end of nowhereHere's the results of all our daysUsed to lay on the roof and drink be...

Matthew Good - Buffalo Seven
A hand off the heart One on the wolf until your lambs itch Life lives in the dark But you joke a...

Matthew Good - Double Life
How now are you gone awry?How now are we back here tonight?That's all there isRoll the dice...

Matthew Good - Empty Road
Throw away your anger Throw away the sheath Charge and spike your heavy guns Because that ain't ...

Matthew Good - Ex-pats Of The Blue Mountain Symphony Orchestra
Saturdays Saturdays I'm reminded of Bombs away Over our house when it could have been, should ha...

Matthew Good - House Of Smoke & Mirrors
There's the houseThere's the doorwayBeen locked outThe lights are out anywayAnd loosely re...

Matthew Good - In A World Called Catastrophe
Here it comes and there it goesAnother day of decomposing lightIn a world called catastrophe, my nativ...

Matthew Good - In Love With A Bad Idea
Line up crooked my eyes straight up at the sun In and out of consciousness Neither is much fun S...

Matthew Good - It's Been A While Since I've Been Your Man
Way up in that sky I look up and I wonder If that's you passing by It's been a while since I was...

Matthew Good - Little Terror
Little terror Pack your stars Here's a big wind for your sails From the motherland Little ...

Matthew Good - Long Way Down
Today I'm leavingThis bullshit one horse townFull of cowboys and indiansWho only have balls when...

Matthew Good - Lullaby For The New World Order
I've a favor to ask, maybe this is a bad timeYou know whenever you ask there's never a good timeHow do...

Matthew Good - Near Fantastica
The pink pills are for your sanityWe are buried in the earth because we can't beat gravityYou are stil...

Matthew Good - North American For Life
Ain't got a job but the future's bright Flip off the world you know they say it's all right You never ...

Matthew Good - Pledge Of Allegiance
This is a commercial for my army and my navyThis is a rehearsal for all the empty promises I will beAn...

Matthew Good - Poor Man's Grey
From Chicago to Miami Shout New York, shout LA Today we take the White House And paint it poor m...

Matthew Good - Put Out Your Light
Put out your lights You're taken over Sit on your hands for the new national anthem It sounds a ...

Matthew Good - Song For The Girl
This lightning's fineShe picks up these tired parts of mineWho's carrying you tonight?She carrie...

Matthew Good - Weapon
Here by my side, an angelHere by my side, the devilNever turn your back on meNever turn your bac...

Matthew Good - We're So Heavy
Go shoot down the sun and moon Close your eyes, live at noon We don't know what we are But we're...

Matthew Good - While We Were Hunting Rabbits
Buy in it'll shut you upTry it, it should shut you upWe've brought someone in to shut you upIt's...

Matthew Good Band - A Boy And His Machine Gun
don't move, stay right where you aretalking can only give you awayand there's so nothing to sayt...

Matthew Good Band - Advertising On Police Cars
Hey Mr. Chipshow's the wife?And are the kids still poison?Do you still eat them?Been under...

Matthew Good Band - Alabama Motel Room
What is life if not a jokeone night she went out for smokesand they took her apart like a ragdoll...

Matthew Good Band - Anti-pop
Do do doDo do doDo do doDo do do Let's get the party startedAll born to stay up late...

Matthew Good Band - Apparitions
Say hello Remain Close to me No good-bye suicide mystery The rat In your brain...

Matthew Good Band - Born To Kill
There's a big beatYou're spinning in my tvA magicianThe antidoteSo I'm with himFloat...

Matthew Good Band - Carmelina
Can you feel me slide in?can you hear your blood pound?I will think of you in piecesI will pictu...

Matthew Good Band - Change Of Season
If they dropped the bomb Would you love me then If I was wrong Would it be okay Well I can...

Matthew Good Band - Deep Six
Deep Six Come to bare Good night and take care Who knows Maybe our luck could change ...

Matthew Good Band - Enjoy The Silence
Words like violenceBreak the silence Come crashing in Into my little world Painful to me ...

Matthew Good Band - Every Name Is My Name
I made a movie about the end of the world it was 12 seconds long and it didn't have a plot it just hap...

Matthew Good Band - Everything Is Automatic
Miss my head, miss my heart, miss my lungs Be what you want to be Watch what you want to see Kil...

Matthew Good Band - Failing The Rorschach Test
Hey alicei'm caving ini know it's not allowedbut sometimes i fantasizei'm peeling off my s...

Matthew Good Band - Fall Of Man
You pray for the sheep I get closer to hell I stand on the hill then I run down I look in ...

Matthew Good Band - Fated
There's a space man in my basementthere's an IV keeping time beside my bedand a painting of Jesus wand...

Matthew Good Band - Fearless
Is there anything that I need to say that hasn't been said before I have been polite for too long ...

Matthew Good Band - Flashdance Ii
[Monkey:] I am a very naughty monkey, and I really think this band is really shit. Ha ha. I'm naughty...

Matthew Good Band - Flight Recorder From Viking 7
Space is colderthan the air in the mountainswhere I come fromThe air in the mountainswhere...

Matthew Good Band - Generation X-wing
Venus was a fly trap The man you loved devoured I used to dream about your sister Standing in th...

Matthew Good Band - Giant
Shake me, i'm waitingin your new arc they're sayingi'm the creature in your sick thingeverybody ...

Matthew Good Band - Going All The Way
Well this is itso where it's at monomaniacsbaby you know all we're good fordrugs for the kids, i...

Matthew Good Band - Haven't Slept In Years
Make me your animal make me your freak and i will pack them in it's understandable after all you...

Matthew Good Band - Hello Time Bomb
I found me a reasonSo check me tomorrowWe'll see if I'm leakingPush and push and push till it hu...

Matthew Good Band - I Miss New Wave
Going to fly to Hawaiiget laid in a lawn chairdrown in a bathtubfill it with cheap beeri m...

Matthew Good Band - Indestructible
Died in a motor crash I came back for you The perfect version of myself Tomorrow we start again ...

Matthew Good Band - Intermezzo : M. Good V. M. Trolley
[piano playing][Matt :]how the hell does that guy do it?its impossible...

Matthew Good Band - Invasion 1
We wore pink in the 80s What were we thinking I got a brain cloud from the black light in your room ...

Matthew Good Band - I, The Throw Away
Made a man out of meA killing machineYour baby's going to die maYour baby's coming homeYou...

Matthew Good Band - Jenni's Song
Jenni killed her dad with her carand now she's a millionareshe got beat on mostly for being at home...

Matthew Good Band - Let's Get It On
hey there bad seedslet's get it oni'll shut up and keep my endlet's get it onour sycophana...

Matthew Good Band - Life Beyond The Minimum Safe Distance
Monster, monster feedingLike a climberlost in the mountainsi dreamonly of sleeping...

Matthew Good Band - Load Me Up
Picture yourselfsleeping on a planethere's something ticking in the overheadand inside your brai...

Matthew Good Band - Look Happy, It's The End Of The World
Where will you be this afternoon I cut off all my fingers No fame i spill my guts And orphaned d...

Matthew Good Band - Man Of Action
Between the night and daylost in the law of averageswhat would you knowunless you'd lived a life...

Matthew Good Band - Middle Class Gangsters
Ain't got no action grip Don't come with a full compliment of weapons Get off your illin tip I d...

Matthew Good Band - My Life As A Circus Clown
The lights go downthe knife man sleepsand I wonder where you aretrapped inside a burning mini...

Matthew Good Band - My Out Of Style Is Coming Back
Some days are short Some days are longer I sold my skin I sold the skin that I am in for a plan ...

Matthew Good Band - Native Son
Can you spare me a quarter though I have no one to call I just thought it might save my ass one day ...

Matthew Good Band - Omissions Of The Omen
Wait for me if I don't show upTake from me this hypocrite's cupAnd somewhere around the worldSom...

Matthew Good Band - Prime Time Deliverance
The red red lips Of some secret solution The Central Intelligence Agency Has a file that's a mil...

Matthew Good Band - Radio Bomb
Just slide the hood, it's nothing much you be Starsky and I'll be Hutch they'll never find out where w...

Matthew Good Band - Rat Who Would Be King
Even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a whileOnce you're in you're pretty much fucked When I was t...

Matthew Good Band - Raygun
Shoot me with your raygun Full of holes so the day light can get to what's dark I remain trapped insid...

Matthew Good Band - Rico
Rico was a short man Wants to live with a long haired girl inCosa Meda Rip off fruit stands ...

Matthew Good Band - Running For Home
They beam things into your headthe ghosts of your pleasure and contemptwhen we were liars things were ...

Matthew Good Band - She's Got A New Disguise
Suffocate for me well you can pretend that you're pretty it's too loud in here for me to tell I ...

Matthew Good Band - So Long Mrs. Smith
So long Mrs. Smith This spring I think that I should go And I have had enough of this And this p...

Matthew Good Band - Sort Of A Protest Song
I can't remember 1989I can't remember what you look likeCause I was dimedWasn't the whole world ...

Matthew Good Band - Strange Days
Good morningDon't cop outYou crawled from the cancer to land on your feetAre you crazy to want t...

Matthew Good Band - Strangest One Of All
Hate deliver me Back into the shiny land Of opportunity Where I have the name I am Melted ...

Matthew Good Band - Suburbia
You will come back within yourselfyou can be art when we meltand i will know what you were fori ...

Matthew Good Band - Symbolistic White Walls
I'm tired of blood and over priced bubble gum, mom nobody wake up there's nothing you could have done wrong ...

Matthew Good Band - The Fine Art Of Falling Apart
I walk alone and I I ride alone and I I rock myself to sleep Baby, there ain't enough room in th...

Matthew Good Band - The Future Is X-rated
There's holes up in the skyThe devil punched down to the monkeysAnd now they've got drive through...

Matthew Good Band - The Inescapable Us
The day I met you Decay will let you Learn to bend We are better butterflies Meek we get t...

Matthew Good Band - The War Is Over
A man once told me that life was like a collage he said there's nothing much to spies like us just kil...

Matthew Good Band - Truffle Pigs
Don't fail me nowDon't you even fucking think itWe're dead somehowBut somehow we're still breath...

Matthew Good Band - Under The Influence
I dreamed I was a pigeonslipping through the heavens like a 747everyone left down belowlocked in...

Matthew Good Band - Vermillion
Take me to the shore and wrap me in a blind tomorrow I won't fight no more and I won't scream ...

Matthew Good Band - Workers Sing A Song Of Mass Production
He snuck out of the citythe night it had come earlyshe always used to saylife's a dirty business...

Maxwell - As My Girl
Hey babe, it's been a long while Baby, baby, been a mighty long time I watched you, even though you wo...

Maxwell - Changed
Uh ah oohoohBack when I was 4 or 3clouds came rushing round into my sunshineclouds g...

Maxwell - Drowndeep: Hula
Confusing as this is I hope my kiss can rectify The lack of part time bliss A weightlessness ins...

Maxwell - Eachhoureachsecondeachminuteeachday: Of My Life
How can I do wrong babe? When right is where your heart is near me With each and every song baby ...

Maxwell - Everwanting: To Want You To Want
[1] - Lay all night, here on top If you want to I'm giving you all I've got, every drop D...

Maxwell - For Lovers Only
This ain't for the onesThat just love for funThat just love and runthat just hold the gunT...

Maxwell - Fortunate
[Verse1:]Never seen a sun shine like this Never seen the moon glow like this Never ...

Maxwell - Gestation: Mythos
She became filled earlier As the late of destiny carved her creation To the unsuspecting few Hol...

Maxwell - Get To Know Ya
They be tryin' to bring you flowersyou prefer your roses bluebrothers try to get in your trousers ...

Maxwell - I'm You: You Are Me And We Are You (pt. Me & You)
[1] - I'm you: you are me and we are you I'm you: you are me and we are you I'm you: you are me...

Maxwell - Know These Things: Shouldn't You
You stung, as if you knew I'd sting right there And you shouldn't know these things about me Abused as...

Maxwell - Let's Not Play The Game
[1] - So if this is you Here's what you should do Don't even come up Don't even say stuff...

Maxwell - Luxury: Cococure
Took a high from a low Took my icy freeze and thawed the cold An inspired undisclosed It's a pri...

Maxwell - Matrimony: Maybe You
[1] - Maybe you might be more than Just a one night lady Maybe you might be matrimony Try...

Maxwell - Now/at The Party
Now I knowNow I foundNow I feel just like thisSo unitedNow I feel somethin' special(...

Maxwell - Silently
(Yeah, look at you)Look at youYou look fineHow do you doBeen a while since alone in your r...

Maxwell - Submerge: Til We Become The Sun
Over to under Enter your wonder baby Submerge into me baby And take me to higher Sub...

Maxwell - Symptom Unknown
There's an ocean, drained of all it's fishtook a bath, I just can't get cleanwonder when you'll show ...

Maxwell - Temporary Nite
Earthquake in the makinI'm gonna love you when you persist with all that shakin' what you expect...

Maxwell - The Lady Suite
It's been so long since I've seen youand your chocolate legs wrapped around meYour sexy smell drives m...

Maxwell - W/as My Girl
Turn the lights down lowsomething you gotta see, yeahgotta let you knowall that's here in me...

Mcfly - Broccoli
Everything was going just the way I plannedThe Broccoli was done!She doesnt know Im a virgin in the ki...

Mcfly - Down By The Lake
Well you better get home cos your dad is awakeSaid he saw you last nite making out by the lakeWith a g...

Mcfly - Get Over You
She was looking kinda sad and lonely,And I was thinking to myself if only,She'd give me a smile but,...

Mcfly - Guy Who Turned Her Down
It hasn't been the best of days,Since she drove off and left me standing in a hazeBecause I've been s...

Mcfly - Lola
I met her in a club down in old sohoWhere you drink champagne and it tastes just like cherry-cola C-o-...

Mcfly - Met This Girl
Well i met this girl, just the other day,I hope i don't regret, the things that i said no,And when we'...

Mcfly - Not Alone
Life is getting harder day by dayAind i don't know what to do or what to sayAnd my mind is growing wea...

Mcfly - Obviously
Recently I've been,Hopelessly reachingOut for this girl,Who's out of this world.Believe me...

Mcfly - Room On The Third Floor
Room on the third floorNot what we asked forIm not tired enough to sleepOne bed is broken,...

Mcfly - Saturday Nite
When my parents outta town, I got all my buddies round, So we gonna have a party tonight And if ...

Mcfly - She Left Me
She walked in and said she didn't wanna know AnymoreBefore i could ask why she was gone ut the door...

Mcfly - Surfer Babe
Well its quarter to fourWere hanging out at the pizza placeAnd weve all got our boardsLater on w...

Mcfly - That Girl
1,2,3,4Went out with the guys an before my eyes,There was this girl she lookd so fine.And she bl...

Mcfly - Unsaid Things
This girl that moved up the road from me, She had the nicest legs I've ever seen.Back then, she wrote ...

Mcfly - You've Got A Friend
When you're down and troubledAnd you need a helping handAnd nothing, nothing is going rightClose...

Meja - All 'bout The Money
Sometimes I find another worldinside my mindwhen I realisethe crazy things we doIt makes m...

Meja - April Love
Life couldn't be much betterIt makes me wonderCould it be the weatherIt's so clear and blue...

Meja - Beautiful Girl
Let me take you to this placeit's not so very far awayto meet the only peace of mindJust follow ...

Meja - Daniellas Eyes
The first timeshe burned him with her eyesHe was drinking coffeeat the cafe she was working at...

Meja - Flower Girl
My , Oh my. Days are passing byLittle flowergirl today it's long agoMemories, starts to dance in...

Meja - How Crazy Are You?
Here I walk down the avenuelooking at the pretty viewmaybe there's a reasonI got my eyes on you...

Meja - I Didn't Know
I was alone thinking I was just fineI wasn't looking for anyone to be mineI thought love was just a fa...

Meja - I'm Missing You
I miss your love, since you've been goneI find it hard to go onThe summer sky don't mean a thing...

Meja - Intimacy
Last night before you fell asleepYou whispered something to meWas it just a dream?I'm gonna list...

Meja - Invisible
It's invisiblethings that we knowtreasures we hide we can findsomething to show us a sign...

Meja - It Ain't Over
Right, out of my lifeout of this houseout of our homeand I'm all alone-now I'm all alone...

Meja - I Wanna Make Love
Livin'all alone in a big apartmentI got cash, I'm independentbut who am I?And where's the magic?...

Meja - Lay Me Down
I get so weary sometimesOf all the pain and the sorrowThere's too much on my mindWhere will the ...

Meja - Luxury
Who's giving you luxuryIt's funny how circumstancestakes controltaking you places with you...

Meja - My Best Friend
My best friend is myselfI don't need nobody elseto be there for mecare for me, and for myb...

Meja - Pop & Television
You're itching from the feveryou get from your receiverForever gonna be there,always tuning in t...

Meja - Rainbow
Can somebody tell mehow clouds can make youforget a blue skyThought I'd hide in the rainbu...

Meja - Seven Sisters Road
The footlights are fadingthe last note is playingAnd all the balloons are falling downhere on th...

Meja - Too Many Nights Late
I woke up this morning with afeeling of just feeling so fineCould it be Mr Amour calling?B...

Meja - Welcome To The Fanclub Of Love
Welcome to the fanclub of love You, staring at the sky wish upon a star now I see what you...

Melanie B - Abc123
You'll let me take you to the next levelLet your mind be freeLet your mind be freeIf you wanna g...

Melanie B - Feel Me Now
I like it when we do it this wayRemember this, listen...Feel me now (Feel me now, this is your chance ...

Melanie B - Feel So Good
I was gonna get all soft and smoochy(Oh yeah) I love you baby (oh yeah)(Oh yeah) I love you baby (oh y...

Melanie B - Hell No
WaitBefore you leave I've got something to sayso listen to meI know you wanted to hate meW...

Melanie B - Hotter
Get picture thisCome with me body and we can floss in the whipBut he didn't know I wasn't on money shi...

Melanie B - I Believe
I believe in my babyOur love will always be (I believe in my baby)I believe in my baby (ah yeah)...

Melanie B - I Want You Back
[Mel B:] I'm the M to the E-L-B you know me.[Missy:] I'm the M-I-S-S-Y, with an E.[Me...

Melanie B - Lullaby
Sometimes I think aboutWhat life was like beforeWas it full of old remediesThat kept me reaching...

Melanie B - Pack Your S**t
Pack your shit and get the hell outDon't come back around here no moreBoy you gottaPack your shi...

Melanie B - Sophisticated Lady
I got this feeling baby,Inside it's driving me crazyI just don't know what to do Why don't you g...

Melanie B - Step Inside
Step inside and steal some timeHide and seek is on your mindThink you'll find your destinyShallo...

Melanie B - Tell Me
What made you think I would be fooled I now see through you And you're the fool Tell me Ho...

Melanie B - Word Up
You pretty ladies around the worldGot a weird thing to show youSo tell all the boys and girlsTel...

Melanie C - Beautiful Intentions
I couldn't help but open my big mouthAs I stumbled into you the words fell outWell you asked me the qu...

Melanie C - Be The One
The situation is getting boring. You're not gonna spoil another day.I don't expect you to be calling. You'...

Melanie C - Better Alone
I understand your point of view letting me go But I thought you had more faithEverything I've done for...

Melanie C - Closer
Loving you madly will be forever.I see the ocean in your eyes when we're together.There are no boundar...

Melanie C - Do I
Someone said in the book I readLove turns on like a light in your headWhen it does, you can't see why...

Melanie C - Don't Need This
City limits never changeWhispers keep me huntedThough I challenge everything I remain captivated...

Melanie C - Feel The Sun
These thoughts can be evil and they often deceive.Gotta believe that I can overcome.My fears are the w...

Melanie C - Ga Ga
I don't want your adoration.Don't want your train stoppin' at my station.You hurt me and I'm grateful....

Melanie C - Go!
I've gotta go, find another direction.I've gotta go, I wanna get your attention.I am so sorry th...

Melanie C - Goin' Down
How come I didn't see you were making fun of me?How dare you change the rules. You made me look a fool....

Melanie C - Good Girl
I feel so badNever felt like this 'bout anything I never haveNo, please don't tell me thatWhat's...

Melanie C - Here And Now
I walked the line so carefullyI took my time, I wonderedThe here and now, what matters nowNo loo...

Melanie C - Here It Comes Again
Hey, don't you worry, everything's alright you knowWe're gonna be just fineIf the rain crashes down ov...

Melanie C - Home
Once upon a timeBefore all this mess beganI never felt aloneAll now stolenSimple and...

Melanie C - If That Were Me
Where do they go and what do they do?They're walking on by. They're looking at you.Some people stop, ...

Melanie C - I Turn To You
When the world is darker than I can understand.When nothing turns out the way I planned.When the sky t...

Melanie C - Last Night On Earth
Hey sugar, HeyYou think I'd ever let you go get awayAin't gonna happen you know what I meanHard ...

Melanie C - Let's Love
Now that we're hereWe're on our ownTell me your secretsCut to the boneBaby you're vicious...

Melanie C - Little Piece Of Me
I can see you think that you're the oneI could fall for you but I wouldn't waste my timeI should be le...

Melanie C - Lose Myself In You
So many timesI can hear you by my sideBut you seem so far awayIn my mindIn my heartI...

Melanie C - Melt
Caught in the eye of a stormWhere we are bornNo truth is spokenSeems so long agoAnd you re...

Melanie C - Never Be The Same Again
Come on. Ooh, yeah.Never be the same again.I call you up whenever things go wrong.You're ...

Melanie C - Never Say Never
You say never say never babyDoes it make you feel like everything's alright?I say why all of your fant...

Melanie C - Next Best Superstar
Sign a name, sign away every hour, every dayYou're living your dreamPlay the game; take the blame for ...

Melanie C - Northern Star
They tried to catch a falling star.Thinking that she had gone too far.She did but kept it hidden well....

Melanie C - On The Horizon
People see different thingsWhen they look on the horizonDo you see dark clouds rolling in fastCo...

Melanie C - Positively Somewhere
I'm here going nowhereAnd that's how I want it to stayNobody beside meAnd I wouldn't want it any...

Melanie C - Reason
So you put your cards on the tableYou're here, you're willing and ableDo you really understand the cha...

Melanie C - Soul Boy
Won't you be my soul boyWon't you be my soulThere's been no one like youTrusted and true...

Melanie C - Suddenly Monday
Suddenly Monday appears again.Were was the weekend? I lost it again.Run to the bus stop. It's never ...

Melanie C - Take Your Pleasure
Do you feel I should say goodbye?That will not be necessaryHere's the reason whyBecause your dre...

Melanie C - Water
I've been waiting all my life to fly so highUnbelievable, now the sun is shining in my lifeEvery day I...

Melanie C - Why
Why does the rain fall from the sky?How can a sugar pill take this pain away?I should have known that ...

Melanie C - Yeh Yeh Yeh
Easier to let goGive in to yourself tonightGet on with the showExpect me not to be so pure...

Melanie C - You'll Get Yours
Should have trusted my own feelingsBut I silenced intuitionWhen you sacrificed your honestyI bel...

Melanie C - You Will See
I 'm caught up in a mystery wayI'm in a constant distant stateI pray for this to always beThe pa...

Melee - Got It All
Here's my address it's just emptinessHere's a liar's story i'm about to tellTragedy struck and i've ru...

Melee - Hey Stranger
My voice is yours to keep for yearsAnd all the while your dreams of me can sleepIs this the only way t...

Melee - Lion's Cage
You simple thing undone by sufferingI'll help you to build back your crubling wallNot worth a thing br...

Melee - Mestizo's Love Song
There is no denying truth can leave you cryingWhen you've never loved beforeI hope you're never leavin...

Melee - New Day
Morning sunshine come light my life like you said you canWith the windows open, all the spirits fly away...

Melee - Pennsylvania
Remember somewhere I'll be found next to youRight next to youI'm stuck in the shadows of a man that I ...

Melee - Perfect Mess
Ithaca was just a dream before I met you Ithaca my home's beenlost to strangers a path left by invaders...

Melee - Routines
Get up you lazy slob the day is almost goneYou've lost another one the hours ramble onAnd this song wo...

Melee - Sleeping Through Autumn
She was the girl who had finally come alongInto my life and became a mysteryCan you be real enough so ...

Melee - The Curse
Give a prayer to the purseCan a blessing really be a curseIs it right, is it wrong, or is it even wors...

Melee - The War
It's so soft to the see the glow from the city up aheadConnect my heart to the rhythm it's leadStraigh...

Melissa Etheridge - All The Way To Heaven
I want to find me a carWith only one headlightA straight six FordOn a good luck nightI wan...

Melissa Etheridge - An Unusual Kiss
It's 1:25 a.m. I think I've seen that look somewhere before1:25 a.m. I thought that you were headed for the ...

Melissa Etheridge - Beloved
They say that they don't know meNever saw my faceAnd if they've never been thereCan they be sure...

Melissa Etheridge - Breakdown
How could I stayHow could I breathe There had to be more for me Promises gonePlastic and s...

Melissa Etheridge - Breathe
I played the fool today I just dream of vanishing into the crowd Longing for home again Home, is...

Melissa Etheridge - Change
You woke me up at 3:00 a.m. To tell me about the fire You said that she was more than a friend Y...

Melissa Etheridge - Cherry Avenue
And so you meet meDown at the bar7th and CherryThat's where we areAnd I promise not to tak...

Melissa Etheridge - Chrome Plated Heart
I got a chrome-plated heartI got wings on these fingers trying to tear it apartI got angels crying fro...

Melissa Etheridge - Come On Out Tonight
Well you got some tips and you learned some licks you wanna try and teach this old dog some new tricks, huh?...

Melissa Etheridge - Don't You Need
I had a dream late last nightThe water was running lowAnd my fields were on fire, burning my sky...

Melissa Etheridge - Giant
You tried to hold us down You tried to hold us back You tried to make us wrong You tried to make...

Melissa Etheridge - How Would I Know
You say you don't feel like yourself Does that mean you're somebody elseHow would I knowOh you s...

Melissa Etheridge - I Could've Been You
Take, take a look at the skySometimes your heaven seems so far awayTake, take a look under hereW...

Melissa Etheridge - If You Want To
Hello Yes that's what I said Guess I thought that I was dead So I just called you from my bed ...

Melissa Etheridge - Into The Dark
There were stairs they were steepI was falling falling deep You were there you were small There ...

Melissa Etheridge - I Really Like You
I'll buy you mangos babyYour favorite fruitI'll shave everything babyI'll press my suitI'l...

Melissa Etheridge - It's For You
Hey you watching as this light bleeds all over me Shadows rise and fall listen as I call is this reality ...

Melissa Etheridge - I Want You
I can see your darkened eyesAcross the room turn into lies and laughterAnd asking for my name again...

Melissa Etheridge - I Will Never Be The Same
So you walked with me for a whileBared your naked soulAnd you told me of your planHow you would ...

Melissa Etheridge - Keep It Precious
You brought me to trust you brought me to tears In one tender touch the pain disappears I have been to...

Melissa Etheridge - Kiss Me
Baby what you doin' tonight? I'll go anywhere that you want to go jump into my car go down to that bar...

Melissa Etheridge - Let Me Go
Am I the snake inside your gardenThe sugar in your teaThe knock upon your back doorThe twist tha...

Melissa Etheridge - Lucky
I want to see how lucky Lucky can beI saw you through my blind intoxicationMy shock induced insa...

Melissa Etheridge - Meet Me In The Back
Meet me in the back Don't make me wait too long I could change my mind And tell you that it's wr...

Melissa Etheridge - Meet Me In The Dark
Keep your eyes down, keep your head lowered Keep to your self dear, do not tell a soul You know it's w...

Melissa Etheridge - Mercy
Well I have lived ten years plus ten And ten and ten again I have seen too much to pretend And t...

Melissa Etheridge - Must Be Crazy For Me
You tell me not to call you up Cause it ties you down Don't tell your friends You've been hangin...

Melissa Etheridge - My Back Door
When I was a childI dreamed like a child of wonderWith my back in the grassMy eyes to the sky to...

Melissa Etheridge - My Lover
No one conceals me likeNo one reveals me like My loverNo one can disconnectNo one can resu...

Melissa Etheridge - Occasionally
I saw you with your new friendsYou wear them so wellBroken shoes and loose endsGee you look swel...

Melissa Etheridge - Place Your Hand
I've an image in my pocket Of some dark demon That temptation brought to life And it chokes all ...

Melissa Etheridge - Precious Pain
Everybody's got a hungerNo matter where they areEverybody clings to their own fearEverybody hide...

Melissa Etheridge - Resist
The sign says do not enterNo trespassing allowedWith visions of redemptionI walk against the cro...

Melissa Etheridge - Royal Station 4/16
It's so hard to listen to these trainsOutside my window here it comes againAnd it's calling me begging...

Melissa Etheridge - Ruins
Don't try to callThere are some bridges that burnBeyond recognition beyond repairDon't say you'v...

Melissa Etheridge - Scarecrow
Showers of your crimson blood Seep into a nation calling up a floodOf narrow minds who legislate ...

Melissa Etheridge - Secret Agent
Smooth as cream She's every young boy's dream She's like a hot rollercoaster on a video screen S...

Melissa Etheridge - Shriner's Park
I wonder what you're doingIn the night out thereIs a sad summer breath tangled in your hairCan y...

Melissa Etheridge - Silent Legacy
Why did you steal the matchesFrom the one room motelOnce they gave you answersNow they give you ...

Melissa Etheridge - Skin Deep
I ain't asking you to keep no secretsMy reputation already shotI ain't asking you to commit treason...

Melissa Etheridge - Sleep
After your laughter like thunder After your skin like coffee and cream After it takes our bodies into ...

Melissa Etheridge - Stronger Than Me
So you closed your eyes in the morning You said you want to start smoking again You said you had that ...

Melissa Etheridge - Talking To My Angel
Don't be afraidClose your eyesLay it all downDon't you cryCan't you see I'm goingWhe...

Melissa Etheridge - Testify
Morning's hard coffee's coldPretending that the days mean more than getting oldStale headlines other d...

Melissa Etheridge - The Angels
Sometimes I feel like an innocent oneTo deserve this fate what I have I ever doneI know that I made al...

Melissa Etheridge - The Late September Dogs
Just outside my window I hear the late September dogsAnd I understand their warning I understand their song...

Melissa Etheridge - The Letting Go
I came here to let you know The letting go Has taken place I have held the winter's son Be...

Melissa Etheridge - This Moment
I... I am watching you sleep It's the promise you've made One I find I can keep Oh I...want to s...

Melissa Etheridge - This War Is Over
Take off my shieldCarry my swordI won't need it anymoreFind me a skyGive me my wings...

Melissa Etheridge - Touch And Go
In a room full of silver shadowsA customary kiss goodnightAnd it slips through your tightened shoulder...

Melissa Etheridge - Tuesday Morning
10:03 on a Tuesday morning in the fall of an American dream a man is doing what he knows is right ...

Melissa Etheridge - Watching You
That's a good questionWhy am I standing out here aloneI guess I don't know enough to come in from the ...

Melissa Etheridge - When You Find The One
Well I was a slick midwestern gal On a long hard road into southern cal Didn't find any crime fillin' ...

Melissa Etheridge - Will You Still Love Me
The sky is too high to paint tonight The wind is too strong to hold on to I climb on your roof and cal...

Memphis Bleek - Bounce Bitch
Yeah, yeah, yeahHuh, huhYeah, yeah, yeahY'all ain't ready for this shitY'all ain't ready...

Memphis Bleek - Everybody
[Memphis Bleek]Yea(uh huh)What they want god?Niggaz know the deal hereIt's real...y...

Memphis Bleek - I Get High
All my fans askin' me and shit"Yo Bleek what you be doing on your spare time and shit?"This what I do ...

Memphis Bleek - In My Life
In my life [echoes two times]In my life [echoes two times][Chorus]In ...

Memphis Bleek - I Won't Stop
[Memphis Bleek]Yea Memph Bleek(it's not a game)Get this money(no doubt)For the Nine doubl...

Memphis Bleek - Live Life 2 Tha Fullest
[Memphis Bleek]For this 98 shit, you rap cats better lay shitCuz Bleek's gonna lay shitYo...

Memphis Bleek - Memphis Bleek Is...
[Chorus] Memph Bleek is... (murda)Memph Bleek is...(drugs)Memph Bleek is...(money)M...

Memphis Bleek - My Life
[Bleek talking:]yeah, MADE, no mob shit,money additude direction and education,on some re...

Memphis Bleek - Regular Cat
[Chorus]Yo I grew up like a Regular CatSome nigga hit me wit a signingShit, yo I'll settl...

Memphis Bleek - R.o.c.
[Intro]Yo Just man, gimma a heat rock manDGL we back in the club again, ya know? HollaJ-J...

Memphis Bleek - Roc-a-fella Get Low Respect It
[Memphis Bleek]Ayo Roc-A-Fella Records runnin the streets wrecklessGet Low the future you gotta...

Memphis Bleek - Stay Alive In Nyc
Yea,Yea street lifeGutter shitSoldier life niggaGet it rightNew York CityWhere...

Memphis Bleek - They Will Never Play Me
This for my thug, thugDrug, drugAnd guns, gunsCome on, come onCome on, it's the ROC nigga...

Memphis Bleek - Thug Nigga
[M.Bleek]Huh?YeahM-e-m-p-h-i-s BleekY'all punk ass niggazCheck it out yo...

Memphis Bleek - U Know Bleek (intro)
[Memphis Bleek]Yea.. serious shit..[Record scratch]Aiyyo, this time it's for...

Memphis Bleek - War
[Intro]Yeah! yeah! Right back niccas huh?!Yeah that bounce we need, ya knowMarcy where we...

Memphis Bleek - We Get Low
[Memphis Bleek]Ge-geah, R.O.C.Yeah yeahGe-geah.. yeah, geahG-yo, g-yoAi...

Memphis Bleek - Who's Sleeping
[verse 1]Yo, yo, yo, yo, aiyyo who sleeping on bleek Wake his ass upI'm a show em all the...

Mercyme - All Because Of This
Why do we do the things we doHow can we sing when there seems no reason toHow do we smile when there's...

Mercyme - All Fall Down
Your Word Oh Lord is eternal It stands firm Your faithfulness continues through all the earth Al...

Mercyme - All The Above
Stuck in a dayLike a runner with no raceAre you afraidYour joy has been misplacedIt's been...

Mercyme - A Million Miles Away
My imaginationGets me all the timeNo matter where I look You're all I'm seeingYou're my fascinat...

Mercyme - Bless Me Indeed
My Jesus, I need you now May your grace look my way To hear you sing over me Make your desires a...

Mercyme - Call To Worship
I will worship the one who threw the stars to the night I will worship the one who tells the sun to shine ...

Mercyme - Cannot Say Enough
What can we say to describe just a glimpse of Your glory How can our words portray but a thread of your maje...

Mercyme - Caught Up In The Middle
I've found a placeWhere I can finally be a part of the storyI've been embracedBy the wonderful a...

Mercyme - Come One, Come All
Come you who are wearyCome you who are strongTake in His wondrous gloryAnd dance the freedom son...

Mercyme - Crazy
Why I would I spend my life longing for the day that it would end..Why would I spend my time pointing to ano...

Mercyme - Everything Impossible
I was taught to be practical in everything I doHolding on to what is tangible, and then came YouThat's...

Mercyme - Go
My life has been instilledBy a hope that never movesAnd yet it moves me stillSo I'm crying out t...

Mercyme - Here Am I
On the other side of the world She stands on the ocean shore Gazing at the heavens she wonders I...

Mercyme - Here With Me
I long for your embrace Every single day To meet you in this place And see you face to face ...

Mercyme - Homesick
You're in a better place, I've heard a thousand timesAnd at least a thousand times I've rejoiced for you...

Mercyme - House Of God
Welcome to the house of God my friend All are welcome, all may enter in Come experience the peace and ...

Mercyme - I Can Only Imagine
I can only imagine What it will be like When I walk By your side I can only imagine ...

Mercyme - In The Blink Of An Eye
You put me here for a reasonYou have a mission for meYou knew my name and You called itLong befo...

Mercyme - In You
I put my hope in You I lay my life in palm of your hand I'm constantly drawn to You Lord In ways...

Mercyme - I Worship You
I've been walking with a big grin Singing with my eyes closed Lifting up my hands I've been lost...

Mercyme - Keep Singing
Another rainy dayI can't recall having sunshine on my faceAll I feel is painAll I wanna do is wa...

Mercyme - Never Alone
It's been one of those daysWhen everything just feels so far awayHope don't be a strangerWon't y...

Mercyme - On My Way To You
Almost there, almost where I'm supposed to be It's not all clear, but you keep showing me With every s...

Mercyme - Shine On
If we're to be the lightThat shines for all of manThen how can we light the wayIf we don't go to...

Mercyme - Spoken For
Take this world from meI don't need it anymoreI am finally freeMy heart is spoken for...

Mercyme - The Change Inside Of Me
Pardon meIf I've been acting strangeI haven't been myself latelyWhat you seeIs a person re...

Mercyme - The Love Of God
The love of God is greater farThan tongue or pen can ever tellIt goes beyond the highest starAnd...

Mercyme - There's A Reason
Now's the timeLet the redeemed celebrateIf you know what I knowYou can't wipe the smile off your...

Mercyme - Unaware
Forgive me if I stareBut I am taken backThat You would let me hereRegardless of my pastOh ...

Mercyme - Undone
No apologiesFor who I'm meant to beThe only thing that matters isI am freeWhen I am overwh...

Mercyme - When You Spoke My Name
When I first spoke Your nameI used it like a bladeCutting sharp a mask to hide the painWhen I fi...

Mercyme - Where You Lead Me
What is life?A thousand roads, a thousand waysWhy am I so afraid to moveI crossed the line...

Mercyme - Word Of God Speak
I'm finding myself at a loss for wordsAnd the funny thing is it's okayThe last thing I need is to be h...

Mercyme - Your Glory Goes On
Well I'm amazedBy Your wondrous gloryStruck by the way it's consuming meAnd I embraceThis ...

Meredith Brooks - 50,000 Candles Burning
The world's asleep, don't despairGot all I need, my love is strong and clearLet's break away, you and ...

Meredith Brooks - All For Nothing
I was walking down the street doing nothingWhen she ran right into me and I was wonderingIf it could b...

Meredith Brooks - Back To Eden
Fill me up with a promiseTouch my eyes so I can seeThe tears have dried the clouds have brokenCo...

Meredith Brooks - Back To Nowhere
If you could have told meI wouldn't find my way back homeNever would have closed the door INever...

Meredith Brooks - Bad Bad One
I wouldn't blame you if you threw away the keyI can't expect you to keep the door unlocked for m...

Meredith Brooks - Bored With Myself
I'm just a little defensiveBut I'll be o.k. tomorrowThis happens once in awhile'Till I'm back on...

Meredith Brooks - Careful What You Wish For
Snap your fingers and they'll comeRunning to you awesome oneGetting lonely out in spaceIt's not ...

Meredith Brooks - Company Man
I get him up for workEarly in the morningWhile he's getting dressedI get the coffee goingA...

Meredith Brooks - Cosmic Woo Woo
Spirituality is a henna tattooThat you wash off when you find something new to get intoStanding in the...

Meredith Brooks - Crazy
Jump in it's fine without a lifeboat I will give it another tryYou say come back, don't go in too deep...

Meredith Brooks - Fear No Love
Living a lifetime without love, I swear that it's a sinI could turn away from you, but something pulls me in...

Meredith Brooks - High
I love the sound of summer disco in the air.I throw my hands up like I just don't care.It makes no dif...

Meredith Brooks - I Have Everything
The list has been long full of complaints full of desires full of thingsThat keep me amused I don't even wan...

Meredith Brooks - I Said It
Hold on now I'm slow to burnI know you've been waiting your turnI'm not giving inIt's just the t...

Meredith Brooks - Jessica
JessicaOh JessicaJessicaOh JessicaShe walks in and the fighting beginsIt's the...

Meredith Brooks - Lay Down (candles In The Rain)
Lay down lay downLay it all downLet your white birds smile upAt the ones who stand and frown...

Meredith Brooks - Lay Down Your Arms
Your words are quick, and they cut so deepThe walls go up, waiting here, wishing here, wishing here, waiting...

Meredith Brooks - Lucky Day
I'm gonna spin some lies of my own'cause your truth has got me reelin'You always think of things that ...

Meredith Brooks - Nobody's Home
She can talk for hourswords don't cover the scars.She thinks she's crazy,but they've just pushed...

Meredith Brooks - Out In The Fields
Empty streets like winter cold, feelings cut without a traceHands reach out ready to fold, another tear fall...

Meredith Brooks - Pain
Holding us togetherThen we're tearing us apartIt's tragic then it's beautifulWe shine and then i...

Meredith Brooks - Perfect View
Sitting in your car, it's the edge of the nightYou turn to me baby, and I say that it's alrightYou sta...

Meredith Brooks - Pick It Up
Baby don't hang aroundYou're making me sadI guessI needed more than you hadAnd I don't nee...

Meredith Brooks - Pleasure
I stayed up all nightThinking about this lifeI've been working so hard babynow it's time to fly...

Meredith Brooks - See It Through My Eyes
It's after midnight againAnd we sleep in separate roomsWondering what went wrongI know we tried ...

Meredith Brooks - Shine
Lucky that you found meYou gotta hang around me some moreCause I'll remind youI'll be around...

Meredith Brooks - Should I Let You In
Should I let you in, into my house with its concrete wallsShould I let you in, into my room with its curtain...

Meredith Brooks - Shout
It's 2:00 a.m. and the neighbors are jumpin'Mr. Cray threatens to call the policeHe jumps out of bed h...

Meredith Brooks - Sin City
In this town of painYou could be the lucky oneFate turns on a dimeThe only thing that will chang...

Meredith Brooks - Stand
I search through my mindAnd it's hard trying to findWords that we haven't saidTo tame the though...

Meredith Brooks - The Look
East Side JohnnyAre you slummin' aroundYou're looking for some actionOn the west side of town...

Meredith Brooks - Thunder And Lightning
The trees are thinAnd the sky is grayI watch the rain fallin' on LAHey, I'm thinkin' of you...

Meredith Brooks - Time Waits For No One
Days go by, nothing stays the sameAs you and I move on, move onTonight is tomorrow's memoryWho k...

Meredith Brooks - Tomorrow
This is no place for a ladyThis city's never been too kindWinter winds blow down the alleyThe on...

Meredith Brooks - Video Idol
I hear a knock on my doorI hear the telephone ringBut I can't break awayI'm just ignoring all th...

Meredith Brooks - Walk Away
Got a lot to say but I couldn't get it inAnd we couldn't get along so it got in the wayI'll give you t...

Meredith Brooks - We Never Met
He appears in a dream I can't forgetThough we never met, no we never metI wake up with my eyes all soa...

Meredith Brooks - When The Sun Goes Down
When the sun goes down, when the night star fallsI can see you come, I can hear you callIn every...

Meredith Brooks - Where Lovers Meet
Today I write in my bookDear God I need a changeI can't keep hidingWishing the mirror was lying...

Meredith Brooks - Who's Fooling Who
You're so badYou look so goodCharisma of a playboyWho made it big in HollywoodThe money so...

Meredith Brooks - You Don't Know Me
I was wrong this was my mistakeI resolve to save what's mine againI've always wanted to believe in thi...

Meredith Brooks - Your Attention
Baby, what is wrong with youCan't you see I want you aroundAnd baby...I'm not cryin'I'm ju...

Meredith Brooks - You're Gonna Miss My Loving
You told me what I wanted to hearSo I fell in love with youI believed that you were sincereNow y...

Meredith Brooks - Your Name
You're everywhere I walkI don't remember if I smiledI don't think we talkedBut you always hung a...

Mest - 2000 Miles
did i miss your call again? no, you never called it was a thought inside my head. did i take the fall again? i sho...

Mest - 25 To Life
This is my story and here's how it goesDon't tell nobody 'cause nobody knowsThe government says what I...

Mest - 3'z My Lucky Number
the one that I want is gone and the two I never had are back but I'll give up everything with those tw...

Mest - Another Day
[VERSE:]Another day gone byAnd still no reason whyYou say goodbye but then you cryA...

Mest - Beer
we're drinking our lives awayI think it was better yesterday that was when I had a hold on life my goa...

Mest - Breaking Down
[VERSE:]When we first met, it seemed so rightMe and youWe had it all, we had it made...

Mest - Burning Bridges
It was a late Thursday night, when I decided to write this songJust me, bow wow, my dirty floor and all the ...

Mest - Cadillac
[Verse:]It's Friday nightWhat's going on tonightI'll see her later on tonight...

Mest - Chance Of A Lifetime
The end of the world's in front of meHard to believe all I seeIt comes so close but pulls away T...

Mest - Change
[VERSE:]I said what is that you're saying todayThe exact opposite of yesterdayIt's funny ...

Mest - Chelsea
[CHORUS:]I thought you were the oneBut I was wrong cause you've already leftAnd I hope th...

Mest - Compulsive Prep
so pissed off i can't get it off my mindbecause it's happened again for the second time i know she's l...

Mest - Dody Road
it's about 11:30 and it's getting kinda latewell i don't think tonight i'll participatethen ricky show...

Mest - Drawing Board
[VERSE:]I can recall only this one timeThis kind of control the girl had on my mindI fall...

Mest - Forget You
[VERSE:]What went on last night Was it just another stupid fight Will we be again O...

Mest - Fuck The Greyhound Bus
[VERSE:]The morning after our first trip to Green Bay We headed off to the station of Greyhound...

Mest - Fuct Up Kid
[VERSE:]The words you say I'll never listen toCause if I did I'd be just like youBut you'...

Mest - Girl For Tonight
[VERSE:]When was the last time I saw you Who would have known I'd still be blueI'm gettin...

Mest - Hotel Room
[VERSE:]I'm all alone in this hotel roomThe fear inside of me is uncontrolableI hear the ...

Mest - I Melt With You
Moving forward using all my breath Making love to you was never second best I saw the world crashing a...

Mest - I'm Stuck
here's a little story about my lifeI was a normal kid livin' it rightand I don't really know just what...

Mest - Indian Pete
took a trip with your friends up to michigan couldn't wait to get back 'cause you wanted to see her again ...

Mest - Is This The End? (at The Age Of 17)
is my family falling apart or has it already and is my life falling apart because I'm not ready to liv...

Mest - It's Over
[Verse:]You've been waiting forYou never knew for sureCause time was goin' byAnd ne...

Mest - Jaded (these Years)
There's a time and place, for everything.There's a reason why, certain people meet.There's a destinati...

Mest - Living Dead
[VERSE:]There came atime in my lifeWhen everything seemed alrightBut everything turned ou...

Mest - Lonely Days
[VERSE:]When will you phone and will you tell me And will you try because I'm lonelyI wan...

Mest - Long Days Long Nights
[VERSE:]If I could be anything at allI'd be an angel spread my wings and fly awayBut I'm ...

Mest - Lost, Broken, Confused
Did you get scared standing alone in the crowd? Did you give up when i was nowhere to be found? Did yo...

Mest - Misunderstood
[VERSE:]I know you're not exactly crazyAbout the way I have been latelyAnd I don't know w...

Mest - Mother's Prayer
[VERSE:]I wonder if you're alone up thereSince you've been gone, I've been alone down here...

Mest - Movin' On
This one's for the ladies[VERSE:]Sitting underneath the moonlightMissing my baby to...

Mest - Muckaferguson
let's go it's so funny sometimes what you seeit really blows my fuckin' mind please tell me what are y...

Mest - Night Alone
This wasn't just another night aloneMy mind has cornered me against the wallBleeding, scratching finge...

Mest - On My Mind
my mind thinks in a weird waychanging a thought from day to dayone day i thought i'd like toand...

Mest - Opinions
One, Two, Three, Four[VERSE:]Frustrated with what's going onI feel lost and I don't...

Mest - Paradise (122nd And Highland)
Shot memory and a fucked up mind. Can't remember what I left behind. A dead-end street nights with no ...

Mest - Random Arrival
[VERSE:]What's going on these days I havent seen you in so long What went on those days ...

Mest - Reason
[CHORUS:]You say you love me but you can not leave himSo now I'm leaving you this here same rea...

Mest - Rebel With A Reason
no i aint got a high school diplomano i aint got a masters degreebut what you got to realize is ...

Mest - Return To Self Loathing
sick of the way i am feeling. waking up watching myself slipping. should i just take out my eyes? no longer want t...

Mest - Richard Marxism
[VERSE:]Well I know I've let you down And I guess I won't be seeing you aroundI dont know...

Mest - Rooftop
Starin' at the broke street light,Some of those lonely nights,I didn't know if we would make it throug...

Mest - R Ska Song
well i went to your house and i knocked at the doorparents tell me to get down on the floori got nothi...

Mest - Same Old Same Old
you would never turn around your turning everything upside down and tryin' to put the blame on me but ...

Mest - Shell Of Myself
the nightmares not over. the sky is still covered. the blood that we both spilled. the night tha...

Mest - Slow Motion
[CHORUS:]It's slow motion, ya got me trapped inside this worldIt's slow motion, will somebody p...

Mest - That Song
I'll say it once I'll say it twice you look real fine you look real nicebut from here what do I do ...

Mest - The Last Time
[CHORUS:]Cuz its the last time I ever want to see you It's the last time I ever wan...

Mest - To All My Homies
good and bad things come in life and I wish the good things would stay but usually it don't go my way ...

Mest - Until I Met You
Shaking on the outsideBecause of what I'm feeling insideMy chest is fucking hurtingAnd my stomac...

Mest - Walking On Broken Glass
Time goes by, I just tryTo hold my head up highPeople try to denyClassify, or just hide...

Mest - Wasting My Time
[VERSE:]I've waited I'm lonely You faded I'm jadedTrying to hold on to The things t...

Mest - What's The Dillio?
[VERSE:]There's this little girl and I think she's so fineAnd I'm not giving up until she is mi...

Mest - Without You
[Chorus:]I warned you I told you I'd be better without youBut you didn't care youTold me ...

Mest - Y
I got this story don't know what it's about but I'm gonna' tell you anyway what I do with my life I do...

Mest - Yesterday
[VERSE:]I said sit back relaxIt's not the endWe're gonna postpone itPut it off agai...

Mest - Your Promise
I'm looking for answers to all the questions noone knows.Bleeded and begged, asked you for nothing, but some...

Metallica - All Within My Hands
All within my handsSqueeze it in, crush it downAll with my handsHold it dear, hold it suffocate...

Metallica - Dirty Window
I see my reflection in the windowIt looks different, so different than what you seeProjecting judgment...

Metallica - Frantic
If I could have my wasted days backWould I use them to get back on track?Stop to warm at karmas burnin...

Metallica - Invisible Kid
Invisible kidNever see what he didGot stuck where he hidFallen through the gridInvis...

Metallica - My World
The motherfuckers got in my headTrying to make me someone else insteadIt's my world now...

Metallica - Purify
Tear it downStrip the layers offMy turpentineOld pain, old looksCover up the pastWhi...

Metallica - Shoot Me Again
I won't go awayRight here I'll stayStand silent in flamesStand tall 'till it fades...

Metallica - Some Kind Of Monster
These are the eyes that can't see meThese are the hands that drop your trustThese are the boots that k...

Metallica - Sweet Amber
Wash your back so you won't stab mineGet in bed with your own kindLive your life so you don't see mine...

Metallica - The Unnamed Feeling
Been here beforeBeen here before couldn't say I liked itDo I start writing all this down?J...

Method Man - 2 Tears In A Bucket
[Sheek]Soon as I cop the nine, I pop the nineWhen I take it out the box, I represent LoxN...

Method Man - 4, 3, 2, 1
[Redman] Hahh [Method] hah[Method] Yeah [Redman] yeahhh...

Method Man - A Bitch Is A Bitch (unreleased Freestyle)
[Method Man]Ooh yea I'm on my way to get some hayI'd Rather not say right now, but anyway...

Method Man - Act Right
"Yeah, that's right everybody get some act right"Awww shit! Ya know the nameWho flip flows like ...

Method Man - And Justice For All
[Chorus (x2)]Fuck yall analog niggas we be digitalwu-tang, killarmy we indespensiblewe ne...

Method Man - And You Don't Stop
[Ol' Dirty Bastard]Yeah, now we're gonna give a shout out, knowumsayin'?Def Jam, knowumsayin'?...

Method Man - Biscuits
[Intro:]What? What you want?Represent represent representYeah, represent, check it...

Method Man - Bring The Pain
Basically, can't fuck with me[Verse One:]I came to bring the pain hardcore from the...

Method Man - Buck 50
[Method Man]Supreme ClienteleWho on this? The Fenon, them niggas can't liveWho on t...

Method Man - Bulworth (they Talk About It While We Live It)
[Prodigy]Aiyyo, wordup DunnMan you know how I feelGotta be more to it than this, word up...

Method Man - Collaboration '98
[Johnny Blaze]So what we smoke cancer sticks and weed and all that good shitFuck the world, wor...

Method Man - Dart Throwing
[Raekwon the Chef]Let's get it on KokomoJohn John Blazeini, Donna J-BirdYeahAnother...

Method Man - Diesel
[Raekwon the Chef]So yo yo all I want to do is just tell them catsOn the real, keep your game h...

Method Man - Dirty Dancin
[Ol Dirty Bastard is doing a Martin Lawrence comedy skit from Raw][this is going on in the backgro...

Method Man - Dog In Heat
[Missy]Gimme that funk, mmm..Funk, mmm.. yo gimme thatFunk.. sho' nuff thatFunk.....

Method Man - Double Deuces (st. Ide's Malt Liquor Commercial)
[Redman]Oh here they come with the ruckus of the drunkFunk doc (Methical) the veterans of medic...

Method Man - Do What Ya Feel
[laughing] Yea [more laughing]Follow... Juss do what ya feel and never follow...

Method Man - Enjoy Da Ride
[Streetlife]Yo, I know the streets is watchin'Dirty date niggas caught blockin' or glockin'...

Method Man - Even If
Yo, c'mon!Even if I died a thousand deathsWhen I resurrect I'll still be MethThe jams will still...

Method Man - Evil Streets (remix)
[Intro: Method Man]Spark that shit upand lets flyOh my peopleHeyyy Ohhhh...

Method Man - Extortion
[Intro:]Yeah...Time to let these niggaz know SonNiggaz don't even wanna motherfucki...

Method Man - Fast Shadow
[Method Man]I'm sayin, you-could-you could just come over top of that shit...Did I hear it?...

Method Man - Freestyle
[Redman]Microphone coming down when I have to tweak ya(Break ya) ass, blow your ass one time, p...

Method Man - Fuck Them
[Method Man:]Yo, yo, yo, yoFuck you[Chorus: 2x]What you wanna be when ...

Method Man - Fuhgidabowdit
[LL Cool J]Get the fuck out of here, I'm LL CoolSoakin wet with bad bitches in the indoor pool...

Method Man - Get It Up (remix)
Is y'all ready to go up in here?Aiight, pull the black mask downWe bout to rush the door(Ah shit...

Method Man - Ghetto B.i.
[Method Man]Yeah ha.. we vibin'Channel livin' all day ha c'monYo its me the m-e-t-h uh o-...

Method Man - Gold
[Intro: Method Man]Aiyyo Shorty, yo that's my wordOh, y'all smellin y'all piss now y'all ...

Method Man - Got My Mind Made Up
[Verse One: Daz]You find an MC like me who's strongLeavin motherfucker's aborted, with no...

Method Man - Got The Flava
[Chorus:]Show & A.G. got the flavas (the flavas)Rollin with the dwellas and the neighbors (the ...

Method Man - Grand Finale
[DMX - dialogue]I ain't goin back to jailNext time, the County or the State see meit's go...

Method Man - Gravel Pit
[RZA]1,2, 1,2, yo check this out, it's the jump off right nowI want everybody, to put your work...

Method Man - Gunz 'n Onez (iz U Wit Me)
Haayyoahhh! Ahhh..[Intro/Chorus: Rock]Iz u wit me.. yo throw your hands in the air...

Method Man - Half Man Half Amazin'
[Pete Rock] To all my Bronx niggaz (Yeah!)"And I say right about now get ready to get downto th...

Method Man - Hard To Kill
[Method Man:]Yeah, play times over mutha phuckaz, Spice 1's defiantly in muthaphuckin' ef...

Method Man - Hit 'em High (the Monstar's Anthem)
[Intro]Greetings, earthlingsWe have now taken over your radioooo.....[B-Real]...

Method Man - I Get My Thang In Action
[Verse 1]Niggas wanna test my stees,Nigga please,I black that eye like peasYou bett...

Method Man - Ill Na Na
[Intro: Method Man]One time...Huhh, all up in ya like a bone when I... Johnny Blaze...

Method Man - It's In The Game
You know I'm bout it bout itWhat? Huh?You knowHuh?It's like, you don't limit yourself to ...

Method Man - Judgement Day
First.. there was the collapse of civilizationAnarchy, genocide, starvationThen.. when it seemed like ...

Method Man - Killin' Fields
[News Lady]Good news Hip-HoppersThe big alert has been called offIt turns out that the ea...

Method Man - Know Your Role
[The Rock]Do you smell what The Rock is cooking?[Method Man]I smell it...

Method Man - Left And Right
[Redman]Yo, yoYeah, come on[D'Angelo]I see you dancing right now...

Method Man - Method Man (home Grown Version)
1,2 Uhh 1,11,2 Uhh 1,1M-E-T, H-O-D, MANM-E-T, H-O-D, MANM-E-T, H-O-D, MANM...

Method Man - Method Man (remix)
[Chorus:]M-E-T, H-O-D, ManM-E-T, H-O-D, ManM-E-T, H-O-D, ManM-E-T, H-O-D, Man...

Method Man - Milk The Cow
[Cappadonna]Let us milk this cow, the best way we know howPark Hill projects, chicka-POWO...

Method Man - Motto
[Intro: Method Man]Yo... aww shhhhhhiiiiiiit![Hook: Method Man]My niggaz, ho...

Method Man - N 2 Gether Now
Dj....Premier...[Fred Durst]Uh uh uhWho could be the boss?Look up to the cros...

Method Man - Next Up
[ 60 Second Assassin ]I traveled so farIm chewin niggas lyrics for a Mars barNew era, bus...

Method Man - No Hooks
[RZA:]Spectacular cardiovascular attacker!Shaq's on the track with the blackular,Puzzler!...

Method Man - N.y.c. Everything
[RZA/Bobby Digital]Yo, yo, yoFrom the heart of Medina to the head of Fort GreeneNow-Y-C/N...

Method Man - Off The Wu-headbanger
[Method Man]The mad stola, the mad stola(Who? Russel who?)Ha ha, nah let me stopWor...

Method Man - One More To Go
[Intro]5...4...3...2...1...0 [explosion][Inspectah Deck]Yea, this is ...

Method Man - Party Crasher
[Intro: club bouncer]Aww shit... not these niggaz again!Aiyyo listen!I'm only letti...

Method Man - Perfect World
[Dialogue]First, they dropped the bombThen came the diseaseThen deathThis our world...

Method Man - Protect Ya Neck (the Jump Off)
[INS]Ladies and gentlemen, we'd like to welcome to youAll the way from the slums of Shaolin...

Method Man - Pussy Pop
[Method Man]It's the Meth in the house! Ha, yeah, break it down.[Xzibit]...

Method Man - Rap Phenomenon
"Well it's the Funk Docta Spock..""Meth-Tical..""Biggie.. Biggie.." (mmmhmmmmmm)[Notori...

Method Man - Release Yo' Delf
[Intro/Chorus: Blue Raspberry]When I first stepped on the scene, niggaz was petrifiedJet ...

Method Man - Retro Godfather
Come on (come on)Take it back (take it back)70's style (style)I'll do, anythingAll y'all o...

Method Man - Rollin' (urban Assault Vehicle)
[Fred Durst]Play the fuckin track!Play that fuckin track!! Oh there it isLimp Bizkit! DMX...

Method Man - Rumble
[U-God]Countdown...Are you ready? Are you mad inside?Got you strapped down to your seats...

Method Man - Se Acabo (remix)
[Method Man]Beatnuts, Mista Mef, you know how we do"Se Acabo"[Ju Ju]...

Method Man - Shaolin What?!?
[Method Man]I'm the bastard the total package like Lex LugerPull a sting like a yellow jacket m...

Method Man - Simmons Incorporated
[Intro: Dig Dast (Jamel Simmons) {Gold D}]Yo my nigga Jamel Simmons what the deal nigga?(Gold D...

Method Man - Simon Says Remix
[Pharoahe Monch]GET THE FUCK UP!Simon says "GET THE FUCK UP!"Throw ya hands in the sky (b...

Method Man - Step By Step
[Method Man]This goes outto all the big head niggazAnd all them big head bitchesYou...

Method Man - String Play (like This, Like That)
[Method Man]Uh, and it goes like thisUh uh uh uh, it goes like thatNow let me tell you wh...

Method Man - Sub Crazy
[Intro/Chorus:]We can all get by if we want nowGet a phat piece of the pie if we want...

Method Man - Sucker Mc's
[ODB]Daddy's home, your daddy's home to stay[Meth]Yo, yo, yo, yo, yo same ti...

Method Man - Supa Ninjaz
[repeating in background:] "rock, the body body -- rock the body body"[U-God]Dino ...

Method Man - The Show
[Intro: sample]"Wanna see the world, ain't scared to do itEven if, your shocked by itMe a...

Method Man - The What
[Verse One: Notorious, Meth]I used to get feels on a bitchNow I throw shields on the dick...

Method Man - This Is What We Do
Yeah, baby, hey yeah, yeahAnd you know, said you knowSaid you know, said you know babe, yeah...

Method Man - Tical
[sounds of fighting]"You've been lucky... I wish I got you last time.En garde, I'll let y...

Method Man - Torture
Through bein humblesTru Mast' on da track.. LIKE THAT y'know?Been in this rap game for like the past ...

Method Man - True
[Meth]Jeeeez!Now rightYou know you dead wrongYo know...Turn me up, turn...

Method Man - Whatcha Gonna Do
[Chorus]I sayI can give it to you but whatcha gon do wit it,I can give it to you but what...

Method Man - What The Beat
[DJ Clue]Ha haaaaa... [echoes][Method Man]

Method Man - What The Blood Clot
All I hear is gun shots. Can I touch something?What the blood claat! Niggaz want tical, make it happen....

Method Man - Wu-tang Cream Team Line Up (a.k.a. 'american Cream Team')
[Rae] Aiyyo, American Cream Team productions, bustin[THH] Harlem World, Shaolin[Rae]...

Method Man - You're All I Need (all That I Need Remix)
[Intro: Method Man]Rugged style, it's enough to make a hardrock smileHa ha ha, cheeba che...

Metric - Combat Baby
We used to leave the blue lights on and there was a beatEver since you have been gone it's all caffeine-free...

Metric - Dead Disco
Skip town. slow down Push it to the east coastStep down turn around Push it to the westNee...

Metric - Down
I wondered if you could come and help meI want to get from here to thereI saw your face looked d...

Metric - Grow Up And Blow Away
Grow Up and Blow AwayFloating the room Two by two From the womb To the holiday There...

Metric - Hustle Rose
Behold the fishnet slut tonightHustle Rose goes from limb to limbFingertip to painted lip she sways he...

Metric - Iou
Old world underground where are you now?Subtract my age from the mileageOn my speeding heart, credit c...

Metric - List
All dressed down to catch a whiff of the buzzSmells like the death of the last great causeBut you & I ...

Metric - London Halflife
Middle-aged, do the low rise on the waistLondon half-lifeMiddle-aged, you're the low risergettin...

Metric - Love Is A Place
There's spring in the airThey're sweeping the streetsWind is a breeze The sun becomes her he agr...

Metric - On A Slow Night
True beautiful oneWhat have you gone and doneI can see all your moves are newTell me what did th...

Metric - Siamese Cities
I said, I'm sorry to change my mindIt was a little bit cold that nightI was dreading the ride back to ...

Metric - Soft Rock Star
Climb the wall to make the sun rise in timeBut the night had already begunClimb the wall to make the s...

Metric - Succexy
Lonesome for no one when The room was empty and War as we knew it was obsoleteNothing could beat...

Metric - Wet Blanket
Falling for the creep the body leech here he comesVicious hypnosis, a clenched fist saying it's wrong ...

Michael Buble - A Foggy Day (in London Town)
I was a stranger in the cityOut of town were the people I knewI had that feeling of self-pityWha...

Michael Buble - Anyone To Love
Another night, another drinkAnother time to contemplate and thinkWill I ever, ever have anyone to love...

Michael Buble - Can't Buy Me Love
Can't buy me love, loveCan't buy me loveI'll buy you a diamond ring, my friend, if it makes you ...

Michael Buble - Come Fly With Me
Come fly with me, let's fly, let's fly awayIf you can use some exotic boozeThere's a bar in far Bombay...

Michael Buble - Crazy Little Thing Called Love
This thing called love I just can't handle itThis thing called love I must get round to itI ain't read...

Michael Buble - Dream A Little Dream
Stars shining bright above you, night breezes seem to whisper, "I love you".Birds singing in the sycamore tr...

Michael Buble - Fever
Never know how much I love you, never know how much I careWhen you put your arms around me, I get a fever th...

Michael Buble - For Once In My Life
For once in my lifeI have someone who needs meSomeone I've needed so longFor once unafraid...

Michael Buble - Guess I'm Falling For You
When I look into your eyesI see sunshineThe coulds are blown awayI hope you're here to stay...

Michael Buble - How Can You Mend A Broken Heart
I can think of younger daysWhen living for my lifeWas everything a man could want to doI could n...

Michael Buble - How Sweet It Is
How sweet it is to be loved by youHow sweet it is to be loved by youI needed the shelter of someone's ...

Michael Buble - I've Got You Under My Skin
I've got you under my skinI've got you deep in the heart of meSo deep in my heart, that you're really ...

Michael Buble - Kissing A Fool
You are farWhen I could have been your starYou listened to people Who scared you to death ...

Michael Buble - Love At First Sight
I'm making this one special eveningTaking a chance in my lifeHoping you feel the same way as I do toni...

Michael Buble - Mack The Knife
Oh, the shark has pretty teeth, dearAnd it shows them pearly whiteJust a jackknife has MacHeath, babe...

Michael Buble - Me & Mrs. You
I can't stand stillI'm looking for somethingAnd that something is youYou can be my rainbow...

Michael Buble - Moondance
Well, it's a marvelous night for a moondanceWith the stars up above in your eyesA fantabulous night to...

Michael Buble - Peroxide Swing
Grab a gal. You're gonna, gonna make her spin and swirlYou jump and jive'n gonna make her twirlYou're ...

Michael Buble - Put Your Head On My Shoulder
Hold me in your arms, babySqueeze me oh so tightShow me that you love me too.Put your lips...

Michael Buble - "spider-man" Theme (junkie Xl Remix)
Spiderman, Spiderman, Does whatever a spider can. Spins a web, any size. Catches thieves- just l...

Michael Buble - Summer Wind
The summer wind, came blowin' in - from across the seaIt lingered there, so warm and fair - to walk with me...

Michael Buble - Tell Him He's Yours
Love the one that's rightNot the one you keep thinking ofOpen your eyesTake a look, let him in...

Michael Buble - That's All
I can only give you love that lasts forever, And a promise to be near each time you call. And the only...

Michael Buble - That's How It Goes
That's how it goesWhen you feel so sad you feel so lowLife seems so bad I know, I knowThat's how...

Michael Buble - The More I See You
The more I see you,The more I want you.Somehow this feelingJust grows and grows.With every...

Michael Buble - The Way You Look Tonight
Some day, when I'm awfully low,When the world is cold,I will feel a glow just thinking of youAnd...

Michael Buble - Try A Little Tenderness
I may get wearyWomen do get wearyWearing the same shabby dressBut to one who's wearyTry a ...

Michael Buble - You And I
Here we areOn earth togetherIt's you and IGod has made us fall in loveIt's trueI've ...

Michael Buble - You Don't Know Me
You give your hand to meThen you say helloI can hardly speakMy heart is beating soAnd anyo...

Michael Buble - You'll Never Find Another Love
You'll never find, as long as you liveSomeone who loves you tender like I doYou'll never find, no matt...

Michael Jackson - 2000 Watts
Bass note, treble, stereo control, how low you goJust enough to make your juices flowPress play, dont ...

Michael Jackson - 2 Bad
Told me that you're doin' wrongWord out shockin' all aloneCryin' wolf ain't like a manThrowin' r...

Michael Jackson - Another Part Of Me
We're Takin' OverWe Have The TruthThis Is The MissionTo See It ThroughDon't Point Yo...

Michael Jackson - Baby Be Mine
[1st Verse]I Don't Need No Dreams When I'm By Your SideEvery Moment Takes Me To ParadiseD...

Michael Jackson - Bad
Your Butt Is MineGonna Take You RightJust Show Your FaceIn Broad DaylightI'm Telling You...

Michael Jackson - Beat It
[1st Verse]They Told Him Don't You Ever Come Around HereDon't Wanna See Your Face, You Better D...

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean
[1st Verse]She Was More Like A Beauty Queen From A Movie SceneI Said Don't Mind, But What Do Yo...

Michael Jackson - Black Or White
I Took My BabyOn A Saturday BangBoy Is That Girl With YouYes We're One And The SameN...

Michael Jackson - Blood On The Dance Floor
She got your numberShe know your gameShe put you underIt's so insaneSince you seduce...

Michael Jackson - Break Of Dawn
Hold my hand, feel the touch of your body cling to mineYou and me, makin love all the way through another ni...

Michael Jackson - Burn The Disco Out
[1st Verse]There's A Steam BeatAnd It's Comin' After YouYou Can Take ItIf You Only ...

Michael Jackson - Butterflies
All you gotta do is just walk away and pass me byDon't acknowledge my smile when I try to say hello to you, ...

Michael Jackson - Can't Let Her Get Away
I Thought She Had To Have ItSince The First Time She CameWho Knows The SituationMysteries Do Rem...

Michael Jackson - Carousel
She's from a worldOf popcorn and candyPony rides for a dimeLittle children laughingI...

Michael Jackson - Childhood
Have you seen my Childhood?I'm searching for the world that I come from'Cause I've been looking around...

Michael Jackson - Come Together
Here come ol' flat topHe come groovin' up slowlyHe's got Joo Joo eyeballHe one holy roller...

Michael Jackson - Cry
[Verse 1]Somebody shakes when the wind blowsSomebody's missing a friend, hold onSomebody'...

Michael Jackson - Dangerous
The Way She Came Into The PlaceI Knew Right Then And ThereThere Was Something DifferentAbout Thi...

Michael Jackson - Dirty Diana
Oh No . . .Oh No . . .Oh No . . .You'll Never Make Me StaySo Take Your Weight Off Of...

Michael Jackson - Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough
[1st Verse]Lovely Is The Feelin' NowFever, Temperatures Risin' NowPower (Ah Power) Is The...

Michael Jackson - Don't Walk Away
Dont walk awaySee I just cant find the right thing to sayI tried but all my pain gets in the way...

Michael Jackson - D.s.
They wanna get my assDead or aliveYou know he really tried to take meDown by surpriseI bet he mi...

Michael Jackson - Earth Song
What about sunriseWhat about rainWhat about all the thingsThat you said we were to gain......

Michael Jackson - Elizabeth, I Love You
Welcome to HollywoodThat's what they told youA child star in HollywoodThat's what they sold you...

Michael Jackson - Get On The Floor
[Intro]Ah Get On The Floor And DanceAh, On The Floor And Dance[Chorus]...

Michael Jackson - Ghosts
There's a ghost down in the hallThere's a ghoul upon the bedThere's something in the wallsThere'...

Michael Jackson - Girlfriend
[1st Verse]GirlfriendI'm Gonna Tell Your Boyfriend (Yeah)Tell Him (Woo Hoo)Exactly ...

Michael Jackson - Give In To Me
She Always Takes It With A Heart Of Stone'Cause All She Does Is Throw It Back To MeI've Spent A Lifeti...

Michael Jackson - Gone Too Soon
Like A CometBlazing 'Cross The Evening Sky Gone Too SoonLike A RainbowFading In The ...

Michael Jackson - Heal The World
There's A Place InYour HeartAnd I Know That It Is LoveAnd This Place CouldBe MuchBri...

Michael Jackson - Heartbreaker
Deceitful eyes, she's got those come get me thighs she only knows how low that she can go She speaks t...

Michael Jackson - Heaven Can Wait
[CHORUS]Tell the angels no, I dont wanna leave my baby aloneI dont want nobody else to hold you...

Michael Jackson - History
He got kicked in the backHe say that he needed thatHe hot willed in the faceKeep daring to motiv...

Michael Jackson - Hot Street
Stone shaker is looking fineShe's a heart-breaker every timeShe never seems to realizeThat somed...

Michael Jackson - I Can't Help It
[1st Verse]Looking In My MirrorTook Me By SurpriseI Can't Help But See YouRunning O...

Michael Jackson - I Just Can't Stop Loving You
I Just Want To Lay Next To YouFor AwhileYou Look So Beautiful TonightYour Eyes Are So Lovely...

Michael Jackson - In The Closet
[Princess Stephanie of Monaco]There's SomethingI Have To Say To YouIf You Promise You'll...

Michael Jackson - Invincible
If I could tear down these walls that keep you and I apartI know I could claim your heart and our perfect lo...

Michael Jackson - Is It Scary?
There's a ghost out in the hall Theirs a goul beneath the bed Now it's coming through the walls ...

Michael Jackson - It's The Falling In Love
[1st Verse]You're Not Like Anybody I Ever KnewBut That Don't Mean That I Don't Know Where We Ar...

Michael Jackson - Jam
Nation To NationAll The WorldMust Come TogetherFace The ProblemsThat We SeeThen Mayb...

Michael Jackson - Just Good Friends
[Stevie]Na Na Na-Na Na Na Na Nah![Michael]Hoo Hoo!Dancin'-Hee!Doggone ...

Michael Jackson - Keep The Faith
If You Call Out LoudWill It Get InsideThrough The Heart Of Your SurrenderTo Your AlibisAnd...

Michael Jackson - Leave Me Alone
Aaow!-Hoo Hoo!I Don't Care What You Talkin''Bout BabyI Don't Care What You SayDon't ...

Michael Jackson - Liberian Girl
(Naku Penda Piya-Naku TakaPiya-Mpenziwe)(I Love You Too-I Want YouToo-My Love)Liberi...

Michael Jackson - Little Susie
Somebody killed little SusieThe girl with the tuneWho sings in the daytime at noonShe was there ...

Michael Jackson - Man In The Mirror
I'm Gonna Make A Change,For Once In My LifeIt's Gonna Feel Real Good,Gonna Make A Difference...

Michael Jackson - Money
Money.Money...Lie for itSpy for itKill for itDie for itSo you call it trust...

Michael Jackson - Morphine
He got flat babyKick in the back babyA heart attack babyI need your bodyA hot kiss h...

Michael Jackson - Nite Line
Calling on the Nite LineWaking me upCalling on the Nite Line (Calling on the Nite Line)Can't get...

Michael Jackson - One More Chance
Uh huh alrightThis time gonna do my best to make it rightCan't go on without you by my sideHold ...

Michael Jackson - On The Line
No sense pretending its overHard times just don't go awayYou gotta take that chip off your shoulder...

Michael Jackson - Privacy
Aint the pictures enough, why do you go through so muchTo get the story you need, so you can bury meYo...

Michael Jackson - P.y.t. (pretty Young Thing)
[1st Verse]Where Did You Come From LadyAnd Ooh Won't You Take Me ThereRight Away Won't Yo...

Michael Jackson - Remember The Time
Do You RememberWhen We Fell In LoveWe Were YoungAnd Innocent ThenDo You RememberHow ...

Michael Jackson - She's Out Of My Life
[1st Verse]She's Out Of My LifeShe's Out Of My LifeAnd I Don't Know Whether To Laugh Or C...

Michael Jackson - Smile
Smile, though your heart is achingSmile, even though it's breakingWhen there are clouds in the sky...

Michael Jackson - Smooth Criminal
As He Came Into The WindowIt Was The Sound Of ACrescendoHe Came Into Her ApartmentHe Left ...

Michael Jackson - Someone In The Dark
All alone wishing on starsWaiting for you to find meOne sweet night I knew I would seeA stranger...

Michael Jackson - Speechless
Your love is magical, that's how I feel But I have not the words here to explain Gone is the grace for...

Michael Jackson - Speed Demon
I'm Headed For The BorderIt's On My MindAnd Nothin' Really MattersI've Got To Be On TimeLo...

Michael Jackson - Stranger In Moscow
I was wandering in the rainMask of life, feelin' insaneSwift and sudden fall from graceSunny day...

Michael Jackson - Superfly Sister
Yeah Shoo-heeOoohHee hee!Shoo-heeWohWohHee!Love ain't what it used...

Michael Jackson - Tabloid Junkie
Speculate to break the one you hateCirculate the lie you confiscateAssassinate and mutilateAs th...

Michael Jackson - The Girl Is Mine
[1st Verse (Michael)]Every Night She Walks Right In My DreamsSince I Met Her From The Start...

Michael Jackson - The Lady In My Life
[1st Verse]There'll Be No Darkness TonightLady Our Love Will ShineJust Put Your Trust In ...

Michael Jackson - The Lost Children
We pray for our fathers, pray for our mothersWishing our families wellWe sing songs for the wishing, o...

Michael Jackson - The Way You Make Me Feel
Hee-Hee!Ooh!Go On Girl!Aaow!Hey Pretty Baby With TheHigh Heels OnYou Giv...

Michael Jackson - They Don't Care About Us
Skin head, dead headEverybody gone badSituation, aggravationEverybody allegationIn the sui...

Michael Jackson - This Time Around
This time around I'll never get bitThough you really wanna fix meThis time around you're making me sic...

Michael Jackson - Threatened
[ROD SERLING INTRO]Tonights story is somewhat unique and calls for a different kind of introducing...

Michael Jackson - Trouble
I don't wanna move when I'm in her handsThere's nothing I can do or say. Uh!Put everything on hold. Ca...

Michael Jackson - Unbreakable
Now I'm just wondering why you think that you can get to me with anything seems like you'd know by now...

Michael Jackson - Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'
[Chorus]I Said You Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'You Got To Be Startin' Somethin'I Said You ...

Michael Jackson - We're The World (usa For Africa)
There comes a time when we hear a certain callWhen the world must come together as oneThere are people...

Michael Jackson - Whatever Happens
He gives another smile, tries to understand her sideTo show that he caresShe's consumed with everythin...

Michael Jackson - Who Is It
I Gave Her MoneyI Gave Her TimeI Gave Her EverythingInside One Heart Could FindI Gave Her ...

Michael Jackson - Why You Wanna Trip On Me
They Say I'm DifferentThey Don't UnderstandBut There's A Bigger ProblemThat's Much More In Deman...

Michael Jackson - Will You Be There
Hold MeLike The River JordanAnd I Will Then Say To TheeYou Are My FriendCarry Me...

Michael Jackson - Working Day And Night
[1st Verse]Ooh My HoneyYou Got Me Workin' Day And NightOoh My SugarYou Got Me Worki...

Michael Jackson - You Are My Life
Once all aloneI was lost in a world of strangersNo one to trustOn my own, I was lonelyYou ...

Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone
Another day has goneI'm still all aloneHow could this beYou're not here with meYou never s...

Michael Tolcher - Bad Habits
[Verse 1]I get all my bad habits watchin' youIt's trueWell, I wish that things were so di...

Michael Tolcher - I Am
[Intro]Alright, this one's called "I Am"...[Verse 1]Whatcha doing?Not ...

Michael Tolcher - Kings In Castles
[Verse 1]People said it would go so fastBefore you know it you'll be hereLiving life inno...

Michael Tolcher - Kiss And Tell
[Verse 1]Find myself Lookin' forSome companyBeautiful Multiplied by two...

Michael Tolcher - Miracle
[Verse 1]So how long had you goneBefore you realized your maps were wrong?You're turning ...

Michael Tolcher - Mission Responsible
[Verse 1]Be a part of an institutionLead the way in a revoloutionWear a wig and a permane...

Michael Tolcher - No One Above
[Verse 1]I'm gonna let you inWith some poetry we beginGet loose while the record spins...

Michael Tolcher - Sooner Or Later
[Verse 1]Pull the hair back from your eyes Let the people see your pretty faceTry not to ...

Michael Tolcher - Taxi Ride Kinda Night
[Intro]That's the oneYou found it right awayYou found it right away[Chorus...

Michael Tolcher - The Sun Song
[Verse 1]One more beginning for as long as it lastsA new day for the living all forgiving of th...

Michael Tolcher - This Is What I Mean By That
[Verse 1]Get behind my eyes for another viewOf painted skies beautiful blueDon't be supri...

Michael Tolcher - Waiting
[Verse 1]There's anger far behind the thingsThat surface on your mindAnd bring your spiri...

Michelle Branch - All You Wanted
I wanted to be like youI wanted everythingSo I tried to be like youAnd I got swept away...

Michelle Branch - Are You Happy Now?
Now, dont just walk awayPretending everythings okAnd you dont care about meAnd I know theres jus...

Michelle Branch - Breathe
I've been driving for an hourJust talking to the rainYou say I've been driving you crazyand its ...

Michelle Branch - Drop In The Ocean
Love took me by the handLove took me by surpriseLove led me to youAnd love opened up my eyes...

Michelle Branch - Empty Handed
Here I am take meIt's easier to give inSome people mistake meThey only hear what they want to he...

Michelle Branch - Everywhere
Turn it inside out so I can see The part of you that's drifting over me And when I wake you're, you're...

Michelle Branch - Find My Way Back
I used to get away with so muchNow I can't get awayI even thought that it was simpleTo say the t...

Michelle Branch - Here With Me
It's been a long, long time since I looked into the mirrorI guess that I was blindNow my reflection's ...

Michelle Branch - Hotel Paper
I write mostly on Hotel PaperKnowing that my thoughts will never leave this roomI'd be out of line tel...

Michelle Branch - I'd Rather Be In Love
I cannot help it I couldn't stop it if I triedThe same old heartbeat fills the emptiness I have inside...

Michelle Branch - If Only She Knew
I don't know whose side I'm takin'But I'm not takin' things too wellI can see inside you're achin'...

Michelle Branch - I'll Always Be Right There
When you're all alone,and you need a light,someone to guide you through the night,just remember ...

Michelle Branch - It's You
If tomorrow never comes I would want just one thing I would tell it to the stars and the sun I w...

Michelle Branch - Leap Of Faith
One less call to answer,feeling full of despair,don't think I can get through it,just one last p...

Michelle Branch - One Of These Days
I didn't noticeBut I didn't careI tried being honestBut that lead me nowhereI watched the ...

Michelle Branch - Paper Pieces
Dada duda duda duda duda du dada duda dadadada duda duda duda duda du dada duda dadaCalled your ...

Michelle Branch - Second Chances
Sometimes we get second chancesAnd sometimes we never make it past the firstIt really makes you wonder...

Michelle Branch - Something To Sleep To
She's his yellow brick roadLeading him onAnd letting him go as faras she lets him goGoing ...

Michelle Branch - Stewart's Coat
Hold me love,I can't sleep again,will I have to kiss your nose,I wanna lay here next to him,...

Michelle Branch - Sweet Misery
I was lostAnd you were foundYou seemed to stand on solid groundI was weakAnd you wer...

Michelle Branch - Til I Get Over You
Everytime I feel aloneI can blame it on youAnd I do, oh You got me like a loaded gun...

Michelle Branch - Tuesday Morning
I remember stormy weatherThe way the sky looks when it's coldAnd you were with meContent with wa...

Michelle Branch - Washing Machine
Your eyes they look so bright,a funky flair in my appetite,but there's no room for you,my feet a...

Michelle Branch - Where Are You Now?
Maybe I'd be better on my ownNo one ever seems to understand meIt's easier for me to be aloneBut...

Michelle Branch - You Get Me
So I'm a little left of center I'm a little out of tuneSome say I'm paranormalSo I just bend the...

Michelle Branch - You Set Me Free
Can't you see?There's a feeling that's come over meClose my eyesYou're the only one that leaves ...

Michelle Mcmanus - All This Time
This time yesterday, I thought I was gonna die, Standing at the edge, Of my ordinary life. ...

Mick Jagger - Brand New Set Of Rules
I will be kind won't be so cruelI will be sweet I will be trueThe pains of love you'll quickly learn...

Mick Jagger - Dancing In The Starlight
I was tossing and a turningLike as ship out in the stormAnd I could not feel the spiritThere was...

Mick Jagger - Don't Call Me Up
I was trying to forget youBut you won't tell me howLately I'm finding it trickyWith your picture...

Mick Jagger - Everybody Getting High
Everybody getting highHigh high high high high highEverybody getting highHigh high high high hig...

Mick Jagger - Goddess In The Doorway
Demons in the bedroomDogs are on the roofI am in the basementLooking for the truthTi...

Mick Jagger - God Gave My Everything
You can see it in a clear blue skyYou can see it in a woman's eyesYou can hear it in your baby's cries...

Mick Jagger - Gun
Your friends will sayIt's self defenseWith no hope of recompenseAnd anyway it makes no sense...

Mick Jagger - Hide Away
Hide away hide awayMake sure that I never come backDisappear and I never come backI'...

Mick Jagger - Joy
Oh joy love you bringOh joy make my heart singAnd I drove across the desertI was in my fou...

Mick Jagger - Lucky Day
I know you're livin, in a fantasyI know that love has got the best of me cash your chipsI know you're ...

Mick Jagger - Too Far Gone
Let it down let it downLet it down nowLet it down let it downLet it down nowLet it down le...

Mick Jagger - Visions Of Paradise
Don't tell me whenSomething is beautifulAnd don't tell me how toTalk to my friendsJust tel...

Mikaila - Because Of You
I gotta go, get awayHow I feel about you makes me wonderIf our love is trueYou wanna go, all the...

Mikaila - Emotional
I don't need a heartacheand crushes can be so fakesooner than you know itthey turn your world ar...

Mikaila - Forever, For Always, For You
Ooooooooh...yeahNever had a feelingOf love like thisNever thought my life could change...

Mikaila - It's All Up To You
Everytime we talk about the futureYou run awayWhy do you always see the dangerYou're so afraid...

Mikaila - My Dream Is Gone
Late at night when you're all aloneI'll be there for youAfter dark when you're on your ownI'll b...

Mikaila - My Heart Can't Let You Go
Here sitting all alone In the stillness of my roomSilence fills the roomWhere I once held you ...

Mikaila - My Heaven
I have this vision I keep inside me I've told to nobody elseBaby I'm gonna share it with youCaus...

Mikaila - Perfect World
I can't believe all the games you playedYou had it all and then threw it awayMaybe I'd still be your g...

Mikaila - Playground
Come into my playgroundNo one else can seeBaby let me show you...Come into my playground, ...

Mikaila - So In Love With Two
My number one: There could never be no one like youHow come I feel this way aboutMy number two: Never ...

Mikaila - Straight To My Face
[Chorus]Did me wrong and baby that's okBut you didn't have to lie to meIf there's a...

Mikaila - Talkin' 'bout Me
Hey yeahAhOhhhhYeahMy friend overheard a conversationCouldn't wait to tell meT...

Mikaila - The Art Of Letting Go
OOOOOOHhhhhhhhhh Put away the pictures. Put away the memories. I put over and over T...

Mike Jones - Grandma
Ohhh grandma (MIKE JONES! Who?)DJ Slice, tear me up baby, tear me upThis heah for my grandma mayne...

Mike Jones - Intro
GEAH! Tha wait is ova!Who is Mike Jones- is finally here baby!Be on tha look out- fa my next album...

Mike Jones - Know What I'm Sayin'
[Chorus]Represent yo hood,represent yo block,represent yo spot."Know what I'm sayin...

Mike Jones - Screw That
[Deep voice]We gon' screw dat[Chorus 2X: Mike Jones]Bring your music down to...

Mike Jones - Turning Lane...
Who? Mike Jones!! Who? Mike Jones!! Who? Mike Jones!!2 8 1, 3 3 oh, eight zero zero fo' baby, geah!...

Mike Jones - Type Of Nigga U Need
[Mike Jones]MIKE JONES! For the ladies baby!Who? Mike Jones! [3x](Yeeah!)Thi...

Milano - Extasy
[Chorus:]Ohh it feels so good to meIt feels like extasy when your laying here next to me...

Millencolin - A Bit Of Muslin
I see her eating maggots and I thin it's coolI watch her as she throws up.She's a bit of muslin,...

Millencolin - Afghan
Just like the children's sandpitJust like the wild wild westAt random choose a targetIt's not en...

Millencolin - Airhead
You think you're not cool cause you know every girl in town, but you don't do, cause when you're out at nigh...

Millencolin - An Elf And His Zippo
Receive a slicky effort, avoid mental disasterpollute attempt to trape a breed authorityso long, Mr. T...

Millencolin - A Ten
I'm holding you as you feel scared and small. You've lost someone you love and it's her you're thinkin...

Millencolin - Battery Check
Walkin around the streets of Linn?Reloading batteries in my own wayNobody around here would know who I...

Millencolin - Biftek Supernova
I had a dream last night, a dream about a bear,dancing in a trenchcoat, hat, and vest.It didn't take m...

Millencolin - Birdie
Everything is up to you, oh that you awareyeah you know just what you gotta do, the heart must be fare...

Millencolin - Black Eye
So now I got a Black EyeEven though I never got smackedBut if I get a retryThen I will try to gi...

Millencolin - Black Gold
Can you pass me the black gold?I wanna know how many shirts got soldI'm gonna beat you in soccer...

Millencolin - Boring Planet
When I was a kid I thought that I could flythrew myself out of a window, right out into the skynow whe...

Millencolin - Botanic Mistress
All I wanna doIs live my life with youTalk you've gotta growI'll give you H2OAll I want to...

Millencolin - Bullion
Twenty one, feeling downI tell you nothing with a thousand wordsand I weaker get, with every step...

Millencolin - Buzzer
Take your silly words and listen to yourself, cause I'm living my life tonight and nothing's gonna hurt me, ...

Millencolin - Cash Or Clash
I shouldn't live in this part of town. Human nature sure has let me down. Segregation! Does it ring a ...

Millencolin - Chiquita Chaser
Maybe just because I was newly washed likeBrandon Walsh you took notice of meyou thought I was a rocks...

Millencolin - Dance Craze
I'm in the bar when I should be infront of you I play the pinball when Ireally should be skanking it d...

Millencolin - Da Strike
You strike get pissed that is just the way it is use yournose to the melancholy funk sound we are just a cou...

Millencolin - Devil Me
Yes, I'm Yugoslav, indeed a Swede. Got two brothers, girlfriend, dad and mom. Good boxershorts I need,...

Millencolin - Disney Time
Puffin' again so happy with his friendshe can dance even in his carstraight guys should know whatever ...

Millencolin - Domestic Subway
You've got so many things going yourway today but still you are lonely andno one listens to the things...

Millencolin - Dragster
Can't you see that he's a fake thingCan't you see that he will break thingsFor a start he will break y...

Millencolin - Dr. Jackal & Mr. Hide
On your knees cause you're not wanted, your life is achaos and you wonder will it ever end, and all these...

Millencolin - Duckpond
Everybody is leaving from this town and from me. They've got the burning flame, they sure achieve their aim....

Millencolin - Entrance At Rudebrook
The joy and the pain, it's all in the gamebut right now the joy's far awaywe're gonna take it back to ...

Millencolin - Farewell My Hell
Everything will soon turn black, so here's my letter.To get it off my chest.Promise father, don'...

Millencolin - Fazil's Friend
One day slackin' with no one doingnothing the best way that I cansearching thru records looking for...

Millencolin - Fingers Crossed
I alway knew you were a keeperMaybe not exactly from day oneGuess I never wanted it to be overdone...

Millencolin - Flippin' Beans
I got a plan for you and II wanna take you to for this rideacross the flippin' beansI'll sit and...

Millencolin - Fox
I met a fox the other day. When I asked how much she cost, I had to pay. All of a sudden I'd brought h...

Millencolin - Friends 'til The End
First words you say in tears, complaining how I'm never nearI know I'm lost sometimes cause I'm grounded in ...

Millencolin - Greener Grass
I'm not harmonicI can't reach self-esteemThat's quite ironicCoz I thought I'd be living my dream...

Millencolin - Happiness For Dogs
I think I've been wrong in this family affairIt's been too long that we got usedTo everything unfair...

Millencolin - Hard Times
When you are winning, when you are winning I'm with you.I'm sun and springing, yeah,sun and spri...

Millencolin - Hellman
No matter what I feel for you, those three words I can't say. I regret the times I used the word OK. ...

Millencolin - Highway Donkey
When I was younger I did not know how to be. I lived my own lie and I never asked the questions why. I...

Millencolin - Home From Home
For six weeks I had this jobCleaning the local hospitalThe pay was o.k. but I didn't like to swab...

Millencolin - House Of Blend
I haven't much to say today because thenowhere album's on thinking too muchabout tomorrow and the insp...

Millencolin - In A Room
The sun is shining and the babes are surfing nudeI've got a Bud in my hand and I'm relaxing in the sand...

Millencolin - Jellygoose
You know the times when I'm lost and confused, I lose control, and I find youto abuse, I feel like shit now ...

Millencolin - Kemp
I gotta learn how to lose and to choose my own warsI gotta understand it's not me against the world no more...

Millencolin - Killercrush
I wonder what the best thing isto have a face or to have charm?Well, my girl's twofaced and she's a fa...

Millencolin - Leona
We lost our luggage welost our smiles we've beenthe melancholy brothersso many times and when...

Millencolin - Lights Out
Looking back in anger, looking back with joy and laughsdon't ask me all those questions, cause I don't have ...

Millencolin - Lowlife
I don't know what to say, cause I don't feel that good todayI don't know what to do, I left my mind in all t...

Millencolin - Lozin' Must
When I am lozin' must in a conversation it makes me use my imaginationstart to think that they're afte...

Millencolin - Man Or Mouse
Yeah, yeah, yeah...I hate myself when goingYeah, yeah, yeahHear me I sound like a Beatle...

Millencolin - Material Boy
I'm leaving the Wat. To Buddhism no longer loyal. I'm breaking my heart, as my compassion to the third worl...

Millencolin - Melack
So what if I don't understandI'll always be an equal man to myselfI don't know who he is, I don't know...

Millencolin - Melancholy Protection
Things you never would have told aren't secrets anymoretoday you talk about that time when your mind was rea...

Millencolin - Monkey Boogie
A snake, a fake, he's lame, he's in the gamefor the money and for the famea spin, a grin, he's on and ...

Millencolin - Montego
I know I get what I giveSince I don't feel too good guess I don't give muchMaybe I just wanna live...

Millencolin - Mooseman's Jukebox
Take warning, Boxer, I threw it all away.She, Tag's along, I'm only sleeping, Can't make me, Stay.Time...

Millencolin - Move Your Car
When you've been pushed to the sideyou feel kind of uselessit feels like something left insideso...

Millencolin - Mr. Clean
Mr. Clean tell meis that really youI wonder what you've doneto become so big and dumbbut I...

Millencolin - My Name Is Golden
I thought the hard times were well over now.Brighter days would come and stay.I guess I'm just not tha...

Millencolin - Mystic Reptile
You say that most things in life is forfree but I doubt you can be so stupidthat you never see. I say ...

Millencolin - Niap
When i saw you, I was not even lookingI heard you scream without raising you voicewill I run or let yo...

Millencolin - No Cigar
Tell us where you're from, what you want to become. And we'll say if you're OK. Where did you go...

Millencolin - Nosepicker
You pick your nose while I'm watchingand I'm quite impressedif you pick again, pick one for your frien...

Millencolin - Novo
Looking back on what I've doneRegret is all I seeI miss youAnd the way it used to be...

Millencolin - Olympic
Could it be I'm a lonely onethat made everything so upsidedown nowcould it be all the lies I told that...

Millencolin - Otis
I remember when this was different than a jobfor friendship and for fun, in harmony we got it donewe h...

Millencolin - Pain
When i saw you, I was not even lookingI heard you scream without raising you voicewill I run or let yo...

Millencolin - Penguins & Polar Bears
I don't want you to know too much about me, oh no. 'Cause I know you'll take advantage of the words that I s...

Millencolin - Pepper
So you ain't got all your chickens home, but from what I do recall, you don't have incurable syndromes...

Millencolin - Punk Rock Rebel
Hardcore skater used to beOne of few who inspired meTo get into the punkrock scenethe year I tur...

Millencolin - Puzzle
Here we are again with another bunch of soft songsmaybe you are wondering why it took us so longwith a...

Millencolin - Random I Am
Every morning, it's a new surprise don't know who I am before I roll the dicethe options is the only t...

Millencolin - Ray
Hey, what the hell do you want me to do? Hey, does itlook like I'm static to you? Well, you might look twice...

Millencolin - Replay
Another fairytale about these enndless feelings and when it's heating upI think I'm stuck forever, I try to ...

Millencolin - Right About Now
I gotta get me a grip and be strong. Gotta show I can rip, moving on. As I'm trembling, it's not endin...

Millencolin - Shake Me
I spend all the weekdays hangin' out with youI guess I haven't got a better thing to doyou give me not...

Millencolin - Shut You Out
Even the smallest thing could be enough for you,Still it was too hard for me to give.Even the smallest...

Millencolin - Simple Twist Of Hate
I'm on the bottom, deep down. Yeah, in fear is where I stay, cause penalization and bullying have made me wh...

Millencolin - Softworld
One step forward two steps backwe're the masters of disaster,pillowpride and shumway lies isn't what y...

Millencolin - Stalemate
You say you wanna leave me,say you wanna be freefrom everything you hate. Get yourself together,...

Millencolin - Stop To Think
You never wanted to go. You didn't dare to let me know. The luck could turn back to my side. I k...

Millencolin - Take It Or Leave It
Not even close to magic and a failure can't be astar take a piece of madness and a bit ofmystique pine...

Millencolin - The Einstein Crew
Do you know about the Einstein crew?Do you know what they do?They're always drinking never thinking ju...

Millencolin - The Mayfly
Everything's complete, the newly wed syndrome. The mayfly hit the street, everybody in plus. ...

Millencolin - The Story Of My Life
The story of my life, well let's just say it's a fork and a knifethere is one thing on my mind, one thing al...

Millencolin - Trendy Winds
Trendy winds are blowing thru my hairthe punk elite are checking everything I wearI'm tired of their e...

Millencolin - Twenty Two
I'm one year older now since last time I saw youin case you wanna know, I'm about to say what I'm up to...

Millencolin - Use Your Nose
Use your nose as your tail, going switchstance, never bailfind a curb, do a grind, feel the things you can n...

Millencolin - Vixen
I take a piece of paper, make a heart and send it to youand I sure wanna cut a paper, I wanna scream and sho...

Millencolin - Vulcan Ears
In a tiny spaceship, with four legs and a pillow and some sheets, that's where myidols always mee, I'd like ...

Millencolin - Yellow Dog
Tell me where you need to goKick me if I move too slowHear me listen with your mindsee me even i...

Mindless Self Indulgence - 1989
Goodbye 1989I wanna be the one in controlRock my white shoes, polo tieThe next big thing for fiv...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Apple Country
drop an apple - appleapple country - country ...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Backmask
you guys man - you gotta get organized - come onwhen i say "we" you say "suck"we - suck - we - suck...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Bitches
bitches love me cause they know that I can rockbitches love me cause they know that I can rhymebitches...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Boomin'
here she comes - she's the oneonce again - right back at you babyrespect little girlsboomin' at ...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Bullshit
After this the rest is all bullshitAfter this the rest is all bullshitAfter this the rest is all bulls...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Clarissa
Every single one of you goddamn bitches ain't never gonna give me no loveI'm telling you every single one of...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Cocaine And Toupees
you know it - you know thati got the boom with the bit and you babies gonna flip - yo yo yoyou know it...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Diabolical
ooh - ooh - babyit's to the best of my knowledge I guess that I'm fresh - soooh - ooh - babycaus...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Dicks Are For My Friends
dicks are for my friends when they come to my housei said dicks are for my friends when they come to my hous...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Ecnegludni Fles Sseldnim
hello james, hi, i'm calling and interested in seeing if, um, i don't know,if you book this band, um, that b...

Mindless Self Indulgence - F
who you calling a faggot?yo yo - yo yo - when you out gay-bashingi'm gonna be at your house fucking yo...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Futures
let me introduce myselflet me introduce my bad selfhundred beats per minute baby don't mean shit...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Golden I
yo - i be that golden iyou watch me burning deep inside of youi be that golden inow i rock stead...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Hail Satan
hail satani sneak up and hit you like a fuckin' tornadoyou ain't no operator so who the fuck are you t...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Harry Truman
what the - what the - what the - owsmoke my guns - i kill your peoplesi said "i'll do it sir"smo...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Holy Shit
i'm fine then i die - holy shiti'm flying so high - holy shiti'm right cause i'm blind - holy sh...

Mindless Self Indulgence - I'm Your Problem Now
i love my mommy cause she fucked my dadi love my mommy cause she fucked the shit out of my dadi love m...

Mindless Self Indulgence - J
White the wall white the wallWhite the wall plaster never catch onThe white wall plaster never catch o...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Keepin' Up With The Kids
Now, - what I wanna know isWhy don't finish your home anymore knock me up and take my funkCause I'm to...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Kick The Bucket
hey hey hey - what the - what the fuck's the problemi'm so desperatei don't know the things that are t...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Kill The Rock
i can handle this but i can't handle anything elseit's my own mistake - it's based on me and not on my groin...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Last Time I Tried To Rock Your World
Last time I am stupid enoughTo think that I could rock your fucking worldLast time I am stupid enough ...

Mindless Self Indulgence - London Bridge
London Bridgeya goddamn bitch - muthafuking - owya motherfucking shitthis is for youbitche...

Mindless Self Indulgence - M
yo yo muthafuckas is faggots yoi say y'all be sucking dick manbitches be eating pussy - know what i'm ...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Mindless Self Indulgence
date: tuesday june 30th at 9:34 PMhello james hi this is octavio, i was calling to see about, um,possi...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Planet Of The Apes
i never noticed you were illegalrest of my life in San Bernadinono no no no no - this ain't no walk in...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Played
[Beginning]So happyI have lost my edgeSo happyI have lost my edgeSo happy...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Prom
Everyone in highschool will worshipThe fucking ground I walk onIf it was up to meI'll neve...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Pussy All Night
jesus christ almighty beanchildme gonna toss it like dis word inme got the good girl and a good girl w...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Ready For Love
if y'all don't like it, just don't buy itlike you need to be toldmy whole sound sucks the stereo...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Royally Fucked
chuck it - you son of a bitchmom, dad, why don't you finger me too?i can't say the same for me - you s...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Seven-elven
girls from seven-eleven stay up all night24 hours a dayi said girls from seven-eleven stay up all nigh...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Step Up, Ghetto Blaster
lately i've been ghetto blastinso nope i don't need that rest - i say lately i've been ghetto blastin...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Tight
yeah - yeah - tell me what you want me to bewhat you want me to bewhat you want me to be - oohi ...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Tom Sawyer
The Modern with the warriorThe mean with the strideThe Tom with the sawyerAnd the mean, mean, me...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Tornado
i sneak up and hit you like a fuckin' tornadoyou ain't no operator so who the fuck are you then?i snea...

Mindless Self Indulgence - What Do They Know?
Beat me upBeat me downMess me upBeyond all recognitionFor what it's worthI'd d...

Mindless Self Indulgence - Whipstickagostop
bust your ave.yeah yeahcantinflas was a body rockerit's what i mean, not what i saypush it...

Mindless Self Indulgence - You'll Rebel To Anything (as Long As It's Not Challenging)
You don't mean itYou need a uniformSo you won't be ignoredYou are affectedAnd so you...

Mindy Smith - Angel Doves
When you're bilndsided and decievedAnd chained to the floorWhen it's diffucult to seeRiding on t...

Mindy Smith - Come To Jesus
Oh, my baby, when you're olderMaybe then you'll understandYou have angels to dance around you shoulder...

Mindy Smith - Down In Flames
I don't usually take chancesMost would easily agreeSomething in your eyesIs saying you can ease ...

Mindy Smith - Falling
It seems like Out of nowhereI'm coming apartNothing could've saved meYou went straight for...

Mindy Smith - Fighting For It All
You can try to keep me downYou can try to keep me underBut you'll never get my will, You'll neve...

Mindy Smith - Hard To Know
(Maybe you should rattle the cage)Well, you should've heard the wayI've been talking to myself...

Mindy Smith - Hurricane
I felt the Faint trace of thunderRattle this old houseI saw the fire light the skyBut ther...

Mindy Smith - One Moment More
Hold meEven though I know you're leavingAnd show meAll the reasons you would stayIt's just...

Mindy Smith - Raggedy Ann
These hand me downs I am wearingAre worn at the knees, color faded...yeahAll the little children are l...

Mindy Smith - Train Song
I've been listeningFor tose metal wheelsTo come scraping across that Old rusty track...

Miranda Lambert - Bring Me Down
Sweet like a kiss sharp like a razor bladeI find you when I' m close to the bottomYou cant appreciate ...

Miranda Lambert - Greyhound Bound For Nowhere
Rain on the window makes me lonelyTime keeps on passing so slowlyThe old man sittin' next to me is fal...

Miranda Lambert - I Can't Be Bothered
I can't be bothered to miss you anymoreMonth twelve, day thirty-one and hour twenty-fourI used to thin...

Miranda Lambert - I Wanna Die
You know it's so complicated, first you love then you hate itSomeone's laughing, someone's crying, someone l...

Miranda Lambert - Love Is Looking For You
Maybe you're just jaded from some nobody's unforgotten wordsMaybe you're just faded, a little gray from ever...

Miranda Lambert - Love Your Memory
I don't want to see you or feel youI don't want to look into your eyesI don't want to touch you or mis...

Miranda Lambert - Mama, I'm Alright
Well the sun just got through going down on a sleepy little Texas townPopulation plus one minus oneA n...

Miranda Lambert - New Strings
I bet this road will take me out of hereTake me far away from AmarilloI bet this car will go real fast...

Miranda Lambert - There's A Wall
I'd run away but I can't escape the power of your prideYour eyes are cold like an empty soul and I'm burning...

Miranda Lambert - What About Georgia?
You draw it out like a highwayWith every word that you sayExcuses for the answers that you lackY...

Misfits - 1,000,000 Years Bc
They're calling me, creatures of the nightBeautiful musicAnimal instincts survivedThe serp...

Misfits - 20 Eyes
20 eyes in my head 20 eyes in my head 20 eyes in my head they're all the same, they're all the same 20 eyes in my ...

Misfits - Abominable Dr. Phibes / American Psycho
Inside a wall street mind a psycho lurksLines of cocaine cut in hellObsessive hands gently grab your n...

Misfits - All Hell Breaks Loose
walls start closing in around you my twins of evil they shake you by the collarbone then snap your ribcage and bro...

Misfits - American Nightmare
Hot cherry on Friday nightWhen the sun goes down my spineI put an axe in my baby's headI'm gonna...

Misfits - Angelfuck
Little AngelfuckIt's a shame that luck is the only thingDid you like the funDid you like the tim...

Misfits - Astro Zombies
oh, all i want to know all i want with just a touch of my burning hand i send my astro zombies to rape the land pr...

Misfits - Attitude
Attitude, you got some fucking attitudeI can't believe what you say to meYou got some attitude...

Misfits - Blacklight
A pounding pulse stirs anxious feelingsInside sick breaths of undead life"Help me angel evil" cr...

Misfits - Bloodfeast
when they pull out her tongue pull off her face, pluck out her eyes well the blood runs cold for when it drips fro...

Misfits - Braineaters
OI! OI! OI! Brains for dinnerBrains for lunchBrains for breakfastBrains for brunch...

Misfits - Bruiser
All I feel is pain it seems todayA dark angel leads me to evil far beyond the graveDeclares me a phant...

Misfits - Bullet
President's bullet-ridden body in the streetRide, Johnny rideKennedy's shattered head hits concrete...

Misfits - Children In Heat
Children in heatThey have no conscienceNo resistanceYou gotta see this big reactionNo resi...

Misfits - Come Back
Come back little raven and bite my faceI've been waiting, endless waiting Come back and bite my face ...

Misfits - Cough/cool
This street we walk uponThis corner full of piss and fearThis street won't bear it longIt ...

Misfits - Crawling Eye
It's such a steep climbUp the mountain's south sideIt has a cloud that acts in such peculiar ways...

Misfits - Crimson Ghost
I know your every move behind this faceI have control over expendableWhen confrontation comes down to ...

Misfits - Day Of The Dead
Hell is full time to emptyHuman flesh feeding frenzy"Here comes the dead"Open graves ghoul...

Misfits - Day The Earth Caught Fire
[Originally by Balzac]There was life here onceThe tension, the harshness of life,Lo...

Misfits - Dead Kings Rise
Bound by battle scarsWhen the savages reignedThe lord of warFrom his right hand man betrayed...

Misfits - Death Comes Ripping
turn the lights down low and close the door, oh future is coming future risin' whoa shotgun blast, a demon piece o...

Misfits - Demonomania
look upon me i am the beast demonomania, demonomania, demonomania my father was a wolf demonomania, demonomania, d...

Misfits - Descending Angel
torn from the heavensthey fall from the skyand walk the streets among mortal menthey hide ...

Misfits - Devil Doll
Once upon a long time ago lived a humble puppet makerHis son lost and diedBlamed himself as he tried...

Misfits - Devilock
so make this demon offering best demon offering curious about the eye of death, oh gonna make it public gonna make...

Misfits - Devil's Whorehouse
she works at the devil's whorehouse she loves carnality in her human pit of love entrance to heracy, well when i s...

Misfits - Diana
I'm so young and you're so old This, my darling, I've been told I don't care just what they say ...

Misfits - Die Die My Darling
Die, die, die my darlingDon't utter a single wordDie, die, die my darlingJust shut your pretty m...

Misfits - Die Monster Die
First things first, Ms. Monroe rises from the deadThe henchmen came, knocked down the doorTo my never ...

Misfits - Dig Up Her Bones
Anything is what she isAnywhere is where she's fromAnything is what she'll beAnything as long as...

Misfits - Donna
Oh, Donna, Oh, Donna Oh, Donna, Oh, Donna I had a girl Donna was her name Since she ...

Misfits - Dont Open Til Doomsday
Buried beneath the statue the answer hidesEnduring throughout the agesThe transmitter liesOnce t...

Misfits - Dream Lover
Every night I hope and pray a dream lover will come my way A girl to hold in my arms and know the magic of h...

Misfits - Dr. Phibes Rises Again
Years ago they took from meThe only thing I ever lovedFor I've returned, hear me sayThere's nowh...

Misfits - Dust To Dust
Hate you fatherfor you have sinnedWhy did you, Lordlet this life begin?I'm not your ...

Misfits - Earth A.d.
1, 2, 3, 4 whoa oh, when you feel like you're going too slow i bet you're gonna like it in ad ad people gonna talk...

Misfits - Fiend Club
We won't pretend that this is the endWe're not losers all of the timeWe march and we fallWe're o...

Misfits - Fiend Without A Face
See the features of my rage, begin to shoot the fiend without a face, my face. The fever rots, the brain goes numb...

Misfits - From Hell They Came
In the nightI hear their voices callingThey seem to speak my nameGlowin' brightI see...

Misfits - Ghouls Night Out
This is the ghoul's night outSuffer unto meDevils born in angels' armsGhouls in heaven's fall...

Misfits - Great Balls Of Fire
You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain Too much love drives a man insane You broke my will, oh wh...

Misfits - Green Hell
here in this place lies the genie of death touch it, see it whoa here in this place is a means to your end touch i...

Misfits - Halloween
bonfires burning bright pumpkin faces in the night i remember halloween dead cats hanging from poles little dead a...

Misfits - Halloween Ii
Formulae ueteres exorsismorum et excommunicationumStrigas et fictos lupos credereDaemon pellem l...

Misfits - Hate Breeders
whoa oh oh no whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh whoa oh oh hate breeders whoa oh oh brain invasion goin' on in e...

Misfits - Hate The Living,love The Dead
Hate the Living, love the deadSmashing embryos, cut off headsFind the brain for my bride to beWe...

Misfits - Helena 2
If I cut off your arms and cut off your legsWould you still love me anyway?If you're bound and you're ...

Misfits - Helena/kong Unleashed
If I cut off your arms and cut off your legsWould you still love me anyway?If you're bound and you're ...

Misfits - Hellhound
got a hellhound dog that hellhound's gonna rip your face off got a hellhound dog that hellhound's gonna be there i...

Misfits - Hell Night
Thirteen have come and goneCrimson death, crimson bloodRise from Hell, it's fire burns everywhere...

Misfits - Hollywood Babylon
Who came along for the rideHey, you can't come insideDo the citizens kneel for sexIt's heaven cu...

Misfits - Horror Business
too much horror business drivin' late at night psycho '78 my bathroom is new you, you don't go in the bathroom wit...

Misfits - Horror Hotel
check into horror hotel this place is creepy and it's somber too and a little vampira wrapped on my neck, said say...

Misfits - Hunting Humans
Upon this threshold of disasterThe birth of the eleventh plagueThe fires burn at night, I begin to dou...

Misfits - Hybrid Moments
if you're gonna scream, scream with me moments like this never last When new creatures rape your...

Misfits - I Got A Right
OwYeahI got a rightOwAny time I want, I got a right to voteNo matter what they...

Misfits - In The Doorway
Light in the doorway shining so bright in the doorway i clench your hips for the flesh you tore my prose in the do...

Misfits - I Turned Into A Martian
oh go possession of the mind is a terrible thing it's a transformation with an urge to kill not the body of a man ...

Misfits - I Wanna Be A Ny Ranger
I wanna be a New York RangerI wanna live the life of dangerI wanna be a New York RangerI wanna l...

Misfits - Kong At The Gates/the Forbidden Zone
Some say that's where man beganOn this wasted piece of landWhere evolution's yet to show...Forbidden Z...

Misfits - Last Caress
I got something to sayI killed your baby todayAnd it doesn't matter much to meAs long as it's de...

Misfits - Latest Flame
A very old friend came by today 'Cause he was telling everyone in town Of the love that he just found ...

Misfits - Living Hell
Imprisoned in this world of darkness few have knownA monster lusting blood and the hunger growsO...

Misfits - London Dungeon
they called us walking corpses unholy living dead they had to lock us up put us in their british hell make sure yo...

Misfits - Lost In Space
Of all the things they taught you, I'm telling you this, sonAll the wars fought before won't compare to this...

Misfits - Mars Attacks
Their eyes for many centuriesPeered in from spaceSincere the hope, their wise believedThey could...

Misfits - Mephisto Waltz
waltz, the pagan master waltz, his evil shines waltz, to the devil's depot waltz, it's gonna be so great woah oh o...

Misfits - Mommy, Can I Go Out And Kill Tonight?
1, 2, 3, 4 singled out the kids who are mean to me get straight a's but they still make fun i don't give a, i'll l...

Misfits - Monster Mash
I was working in the lab late one night When my eyes beheld an eerie sight For my monster from his sla...

Misfits - Night Of The Living Dead
whoa oh oh oh whoa oh whoa oh stumble in somnambulance so pre-dawn corpses come to life armies of the dead survivi...

Misfits - Nike A Go-go
go it's a missile girl in a missile world human tongue feels aluminum-plate it's a missile boy oh oh oh oh oh deat...

Misfits - No More Moments
We have been waiting for youWe have been waiting for youFor youWe're still waiting for you...

Misfits - Only Make Believe
People see us everywhere They think you really care But myself I can't deceive I know it's only ...

Misfits - Pumpkin Head
Now this is the storyOf a good man named EdLeft his son for a momentReturned, found him dead...

Misfits - Queen Wasp
go, go, go, go vampire girl's gonna strike to kill gonna kiss your vertebrae with the kiss of poisoned love well, ...

Misfits - Rat Fink
F, I said F IF I N, F I N KFinkF I N K, fink, fink, finkR, I said R AR A T, R A T T...

Misfits - Resurrection
Complications inside of meReminds me that my heart won't always beatThe ugly face of death that's smil...

Misfits - Return Of The Fly
Return of the flyReturn of the flyWith Vincent PriceYeah, return of the flyHelen Del...

Misfits - Runaway
As I walk along, I wonder what went wrong, With our love, a love that was so strong. And as I st...

Misfits - Saturday Night
There's 52 ways to murder anyone One or two are the same, And they both work as well I'm coming ...

Misfits - Scarecrow Man
Hangin' in a field, you'll never know I'm out hereI'm telling you people best bewareI creep into town,...

Misfits - Scream!
A chill runs up your spineIt crawls into your brainThe freezing touch of fearIt's driving ...

Misfits - She
she walked out with empty arms machine gun in her hand she is good and she is bad no one understands she walked in...

Misfits - Shining
Control the urge to spit up vile worms... soulMonsters seduced by her attentionTry draining the infect...

Misfits - Skulls
the corpses all hang headless and limp bodies with no surprises and the blood drains down like devil's rain we'll ...

Misfits - Some Kinda Hate
There's some kinda loveAnd there's some kinda hateThe maggots in the iron lungWon't copulate...

Misfits - Speak Of The Devil
Traded in my bible for a little black catThe time of armageddon's hereSome call me the son of the morn...

Misfits - Spinal Remains
this isn't really sex. this isn't really life. this isn't really anything i think i like, and i will n...

Misfits - Static Age
Static, static, staticWe're on a video rageStatic, static, staticWe're on a video rage...

Misfits - Teenagers From Mars
We land in barren fieldsOn the Arizona plainsThe insemination of little girlsIn the middle of we...

Misfits - The Haunting
The darkness bleeds of violent sitesIt purges from withinDeath it holds you in its armsAnd kisse...

Misfits - The Hunger
We become... Erupt in violenceDestroy the silenceOur time has come - Go!We are the outcast...

Misfits - Them
Man's atomic age is hereHorrifying hordes appearExo-Skeleton armoredExo-Skeleton might...

Misfits - Theme For A Jackal
Dry drunk on a cornerWet waste of a girlTheme for a jackalPlay you a death-songYou p...

Misfits - This Island Earth
Furious the exodus walksAlong the maddening march of deathWith the furor and the massesWhose sup...

Misfits - This Magic Moment
This magic moment So different and so new Was like any other Until I kissed you And ...

Misfits - Tv Casualty
There are paint smears on everything I ownThe vapor rub is lying on a table of filthChristmas cards to...

Misfits - Vampira
hey black dress moves in a blue movie graverobbers from outer space well, your pulmonary trembles in your outstret...

Misfits - Violent World
pregnant mothers in mexico give birth to stillborn monster babies hideous deformed two-headed monsters vivisected ...

Misfits - Walk Among Us
They'll find pieces of youscattered on the groundI am the madman in your dreamsWe are the evil o...

Misfits - We Are 138
We are 138, We are 138, We are 138We are 138, We are 138, We are 138We are 138, We are 138In the...

Misfits - We Bite
1, 2, 3, 4 we walk the streets, i'm out to get you we bite just a feast of gore and blood we bite carnivores live ...

Misfits - Where Eagles Dare
we walk the streets at nightwe go where eagles darethey pick up every movementthey pick up every...

Misfits - Who Killed Marilyn?
5:25 august fifth, 1962 found her lying on her chest her face all turning blue you think it was an overdose but co...

Misfits - Witch Hunt
Wipe out the weak and dyingI've got no use for youSent from Hell, I know they're lyingJust anoth...

Misfits - Wolfsblood
You don't know who I'm talking toWhy? Because...No one ever didI feel it coming down my head...

Misfits - You Belong To Me
See the pyramids along the Nile Watch the sun rise on a tropic isle Just remember, darling, all the wh...

Missy Higgins - All For Believing
Pull back the shield between us, and I'll kiss you, Drop your defenses and come, into my arms. I'm all...

Missy Higgins - Any Day Now
How long, how long, how long will we take to come undone? If you know the answer tell me now and I'll write ...

Missy Higgins - Casualty
Give me my dream and give me a scene Where you have a past of which you are clean. Oh, give me a lie. ...

Missy Higgins - Dancing Dirt Into The Snow
Alone you find yourself just hanging, and to fill the hole you cling to all that seems, to hide the li...

Missy Higgins - Don't Ever
Let's take the train to anywhere I wanna feel the wind in my hair with you. Let's tell them all, that ...

Missy Higgins - Falling
Don't say what you're about to say. Believe me, you are my fate. And I believe you'll find a way, ...

Missy Higgins - Greed For Your Love
Bursting with blood my fingertips pulse. You didn't forget least immediately. So here I will h...

Missy Higgins - Katie
Katie was a little girl who said "I'll find a way". Katie was a little girl who said "it'll be ok". Ti...

Missy Higgins - Nightminds
Just lay it all down. Put your face into my neck and let it fall out. I know I know I know. ...

Missy Higgins - Scar
He left a card, a bar of soap and a scrubbing brush next to a note That said "use these down to your bones" ...

Missy Higgins - Ten Days
So we've put an end to it this time. I'm no longer yours and you're no longer mine. You said this hill...

Missy Higgins - The Catcus That Found The Beat
Somebody said, "can you find your way to God?" I said I've found my way in bi-bap-ba-doo-bap, that's h...

Missy Higgins - The River
She ran until her face was numb with cold and Wore a cotton gown that blazed the night untold. She ran...

Missy Higgins - The Sound Of White
Like a freeze-dried rose, you will never be, What you were, what you were to me in memory. But if I li...

Missy Higgins - The Special Two
I've hardly been outside my room in days, 'cause I don't feel that I deserve the sunshine's rays. The ...

Missy Higgins - They Weren't There
You breathed infinity into my world And time was lost up in a cloud and in a whirl. We dug a hole in t...

Missy Higgins - This Is How It Goes
Suddenly I can't stay in this room. You'll never sway, and I have nothing left that I can think of to say. ...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Ain't That Funny
[Intro: Missy]This is another Missy Elliot exclusive[Verse 1: Missy]I rememb...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Beat Biters
[Missy]She's ah......uh uh....bitchYo...I'ma tell yall straight up and downIt's like this...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Don't Be Commin' (in My Face)
[Verse One:]You never know a good thing till I'm goneYou spending many, many nights home ...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Don't Be Cruel
[Beenie Man]zaga, zaganaga, U hear she moans? Boom!(come on)[Missy Elliott...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Get Ur Freak On
hit me, hit me gimme some new shit gimme some new shit gimme some new shit gimme some new ...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Go To The Floor
Mama say, Mama san, Mama can you do dis.Talking like you bad is when you just knew dat is.Everytime I ...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Higher Ground
Mmmhmmmm.. mmmmmm..Ohh yea yea yeaOhhhh.. mmmm-mmmhmmmmI'm movin.. higher ground..(O...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Hot
[Missy]This is an old school Missy exclusive[Verse 1]Look I ain't on no ra-r...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Hurt Sumthin
Yeah, this for all my mixshow DJ's, underground DJ's and wannabe DJ'sWho know how to get the party started, ...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - I'm Movin' On
[Missy]See, I had to make a record thatGive thanks to my Lord Savior in Jesus ChristA lot...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - I'm Really Hot
[PRE-HOOK]oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,oh,ohI'm,I'm,I'm,I'm,I'm really,reallyHot,Hot,Hot,Hot,Hot...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - I'm Talkin
[Verse One:]Nigga, waz up?You think you tough, I'm fly shitHas a bitch, dope as fuc...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - It's Real
[Intro]Yeah, ohhh-ohhYeaahhh, yeaaaI love you more then my mouth can sayI'll take a...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Izzy Izzy Ahh
[Verse One:]I pulls up in my strech,I let my homegirls flex my 9-8close and closer they f...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Lady Marmalade
[Lil kim:]Wheres all mah soul sistasLemme hear yall flow sistas[Mya:]H...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Let It Bump
[Timbaland]Gotta cut the music up man[Missy Elliott]AAhhhh[Ti...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Let Me Fix My Weave
What's up motherfuckers?I need to know is V-A up in this bitch?New York, St. Louis, Chicago, Philly, L...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Lick Shots
[Missy]Ugh, Ay yo Timberland, see what they don't understandIs we about to flip our whole style...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Missy's Finale
Yo, you have come almost to the close of my albumbut before I go I just wanna thank God for staying with me...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Old School Joint
Flip da beatOh yeah I'm feelin this oneYou remember back in the old school daysYou used to have ...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Pass That Dutch
[Intro]Listen up everyone! we have been just informedThat there's an unknown virus that's attac...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Play That Beat
To the beat y'all, play that beat [5x](This is a Missy Elliott exclusive)[1st Verse]...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Release The Tension
I'm the best and that's B and that's capitalI hang low like testiclesMCs when it come to these men who...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - She's A Bitch
To the M-I prrrrrrrr, cat like a semiNigga stole my car, why'nt you get myGive yo' ass a black eye...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Slide
My twinkies looks stanky on the benzand don't I gotta look shweet for my mensi make em think i got a w...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Smooth Chick
Party Time (Uh uh)Uh (Say what?)Uh huh (Yo)Uh (Say what)Uh huh, uh huhUh Uh (What)...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Spelling Bee
[Chorus]I hope you can s-p-e-l-lNigga please you don't know me that wellI got a truck sit...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Step Off
I know your not my manThat you belong to someone else (nah)Now come on in, an shut the doorI mak...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Toyz
[INTRO]Whatchu mean I don't need you no more?Cause I don't!I gotta bag full of toys and I...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - We Did It
We made love, now you goneNow you don't wanna claim me no moreTold your boys, you never knewYou ...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Who You Gonna Call
Any Give Sunday babyOww! Yo, yo, yoOh zigi-zigiZig-zigi-zig-zig, oh ohZigi-zigi-zigi-zigi-...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - Work It
DJ, please pick up your phoneI'm on the request lineThis is a Missy Elliott one-time exclusive (...

Missy 'misdemeanor' Elliott - X-tasy
[Missy]Read between the linesEcstacy, a place of fullfillment and fantasiesWere your drea...

Mis-teeq - Better Better
Make you feelDon't you ever get restlessDon't you ever wanna chase a thrillWhen you find i...

Mis-teeq - B With Me
What I want is for you to be with meLoving you everyday would be easyWhat I know is that we will never...

Mis-teeq - Can't Get It Back
You cant get it back You cant get it backYou cant cant get get it it back backYou cant cant get ...

Mis-teeq - Nasty
[Intro:]I'm gonna tell you a little story about this girl we used to know.She's was a friend an...

Mis-teeq - One Night Stand
Job done, wanna have funGonna call my girls gonna get my hair doneSo I dress tight, with my heels high...

Mis-teeq - Roll On (blacksmith Rub)
You, yo, Mis-TeeqHere we go with the one BlacksmithAye, Oh and away we goYou're gonna get your r...

Mis-teeq - Scandalous
So, so, so scandalousYou're dangerousJust get it upThe way you move so scandalousIt'...

Mis-teeq - Secrets Of The Night
Theres something we gotta tell ya - we're not like other girls,Shape the light and away we go.Midnight...

Mis-teeq - Stamp Reject
Welcome to the Mis-Teeq boutiqueIf your man's not doing good by youShop Around, Shop Around...

Mis-teeq - That Type Of Girl
Thought it was good,I thought that we were tight,Heard a sweet words every day and night,You wan...

Mis-teeq - These Days
Ah Ah OhhhhhhhMis-TeeqSometimes you get happy Sometimes you get blueNo matter ...

Mis-teeq - Why?
We've always been so close togetherDoing things that only best friends doAlways there for one another...

Mis-teeq - You're Gonna Stay
So you're coming to my house OK (So) (so)Tell me if you're gonna stayIf you feel you can't resist my w...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - Angel Eyes
She blinded me with her lightIt's such a beautiful sightThe way she moves like an angelShe's got...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - Blue Night
Lately you have been asking meif all my words are trueDon't you know I'll do anything for you ...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - Digging Your Love
No more lonely talkingwaiting for the phoneNo more lonely walkingin the streets alone ...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - Don't Have To Lose
If we want it we just have to chooseIf we need it we don't have to loseI see into your eyesIt's ...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - Eternal Flame
The doors are open and you're on your wayThe eyes of the world are on you to dayFire is deep in your h...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - Final Destination
I believe in the worldWhen I see the beauty in a girl like youAnd I believe that all my dreams of yest...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - Fools Direction
I was lost on my ownhad become a rolling stoneYou talked to meYou talked to me Holdi...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - Frostbite
I'm running on empty alone in a steel cold townThe colours are fading to grey when you're not around...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - Ghost Of You
Summer's ended and without a tracetime goes by - while you remainFunny how I thougt I walked on throug...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - Hit By A Feeling
I've been looking for an angleFor a shortcut to your mindThere's no point for us to wrangleSo ba...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - If You Leave My World
What about the life that you were dreaming ofWhat about the picture in my headWhat about the love that...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - Laugh & Cry
Listen baby this is the dealI need a minute to tell you how I feelI've got this one thing on my mind...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - More Than A Friend
You got me counting the secondsIt happens every timeI'm waiting for the momentwe can sit down an...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - One Way Street
I wanna climb Mount EverestI wanna see the girls undressedI wanna drift across the sea in a hot balloo...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - Salvation
Should I close my eyes so I don't see your smileWould it be a clever thing to doAnd should I stay away...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - Stuck In The Heat
Somewhere inside I can feel it comingIt's gonna rain where it never rained beforeThe air is clear and ...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - Take Me To Your Heart
Hiding from the rain and snowTrying to forget but I won't let goLooking at a crowded streetListe...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - Tell It To Your Heart
Tell it to your hearteveryone's a starSo she saidAnd landed in the street early one morning...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - This Is Who I Am
Now baby who's to blameYou keep my picture in a frameWithout room to moveNow show me the m...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - Watch Your Back
In her eyes you seeshe'll bring you down to your kneesAnd your mind will bendShe'll get to you i...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - Whatever It May Take
You made me crawl feeling so smallCreeping like shapes along the walls Life fades to grayW...

Mltr (michael Learns To Rock) - You Took My Heart Away
Staring at the moon so blueTurning all my thoughts to youI was without hopes or dreamsI tried to...

Mobb Deep - Amerikaz Nightmare
[Havoc]Yea.. Amerikaz Motherfuckin Nightmare bitch[Havoc]They wanna know, wh...

Mobb Deep - Bounce
[Havoc]YeahAnother banger You can feel me if you don't, you don'tI'll feed yo...

Mobb Deep - Clap
clapmm-hm[Havoc]yosome niggas need the henny to endure the dramaall I n...

Mobb Deep - Crawlin
[Havoc]Without a doubt, you gonna hear that thing clapDog I take shit to heart cause I was born...

Mobb Deep - Flood The Block
Yeah, yeah, yeahAll day baby, all day[Chorus: Havoc]I'ma flood the block block, wit...

Mobb Deep - Get At Me
[Man talking]I saw him, I saw himThere he is right over there, over there(I see him)Okay....

Mobb Deep - Get Away
[Havoc:]nigga Sometimes I feel I got to get away For these streets like a fe...

Mobb Deep - Got It Twisted
M.O.B.B. nigga yeah a huhUh yeah cmon now yeah yo yo Aint no party once we crash the party...

Mobb Deep - Handcuffs
[Havoc]Girl I know you love a thug be wildin'Smack flames out a nigga and I got you smilin'...

Mobb Deep - Hurt Niggas
[Verse 1: (Prodigy)]I'll noose ya'll, and push ya'll off the edgeI'm like Ray Benzino 'ca...

Mobb Deep - I Won't Fall
[Havoc]Yo, you got these niggas running around like they head cut offLike they gully when switc...

Mobb Deep - Kill That Nigga
[Havoc]Yo, It's like this man, It's real simpleIf my nigga was my nigga like I thought he...

Mobb Deep - Live Foul
Yeah, yeahYo sonNo fucking doubt babyYeah, yeah, yeahIts real, its realIts real, its...

Mobb Deep - Neva Change
[Havoc]Gun wars, money, hustle, the hoesNiggaz that don't get along for life, that's how it go...

Mobb Deep - On The Run
[Havoc]You know my weapons conventional, blow a hole, then you foldingYou be the death of you, ...

Mobb Deep - Real Niggaz
[Intro Havoc]Yeah y'all know what it isInfamous has just entered the buildingYeah, yeah m...

Mobb Deep - Shorty Wop
Yeah-h-h-h, one two one twoYeah, okay, nowYou know who we got up in this bitchM.O., M.O.B.B.B....

Mobb Deep - So Long
[Verse One: Havoc]Why the fuck did your your ass have to go and get knockednow you got me on th...

Mobb Deep - Throw Your Hands (in The Air)
Kanye.. And we have.. M-O-B-B, Yo, YeahC'mon drop that, Yeah, Uh-huhJust throw your hands in the air...

Mobb Deep - We Up
Yeah, bout to get my head right on this oneOh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, yeah, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, uh-huh uh-huhYe...

Mobb Deep - When U Hear The
Alchemist - fuck is the deal nigga?Uh-huh, yeah..Yeah.. when you hear the..Yeah.....

Mobb Deep - Win Or Lose
"Here I go again, whether I, win or looooose" -> [Jean Plum]"... whether I, win or looooose"...

Moby - All That I Need Is To Be Loved (house Of Suffering Mix)
All that I need is to be lovedCan't you take this out of me?All I want is to be near youOh my go...

Moby - All That I Need Is To Be Loved (live At The Splash Club)
This song is called All That I Need Is To Be Loved, let's play it a little fasterOne two LET'S GO!...

Moby - All That I Need Is To Be Loved (mv)
All that I need is to be lovedCan't you take this out of me?All I want is to be near youOh my go...

Moby - Another Woman
You leave your home for days and daysAnd I know, said I knowYou got another woman somewhere around...

Moby - At Least We Tried
oh my baby, don't cryoh my babe, just say goodbyeoh now baby, don't cryoh my babe, at least we t...

Moby - Beautiful
Come on babyCome on girlCome on babyCome on girlI love you babyI love you now...

Moby - Bodyrock
Rock ya'all, No stop ya'll,To the beat ya'all,The bodyrock ya'll,Today is rock ya'al...

Moby - Bring Back My Happiness
It's hard to let you goOne time (?) ...

Moby - Dream About Me
BabeDream about meLieOn the phone to meTell me no truthIf it hurts badTh...

Moby - Evening Rain
I can't stand to see the morning comeWhile the evening rain's still fallingI can't stand to see the mo...

Moby - Everytime You Touch Me
Is everybody under controls?Oh....come and take me awayOh....'cause everything is wrong today...

Moby - Extreme Ways
Extreme ways are back againExtreme places I didn't knowI broke everything new againEverything th...

Moby - Feeling So Real
Some system rockin' [x7]Set it up djI'm feeling so real [x2]yes yes here we ...

Moby - Find My Baby
I'm gone find my babyWhouhBefore that sun goes down ...

Moby - Forever
Two simple placesWe wanted to goTwo simple thingsYou wanted to knowEverything around...

Moby - Honey
get my honey come back, sometimesi'm gonna rap that jack, sometimes (?)get a hump in my back, sometime...

Moby - If Things Were Perfect
[sample: "give me summer" x2][sample: "give me summer" x2]broken darkness my...

Moby - I Like It
OhOhI Like itI like it a lotOhI like it a lotOhI like it a l...

Moby - I'm Not Worried At All
all round me burdensseem to fallI'm not worried at allI'm not worried at allI don't ...

Moby - In My Heart
Lord I wantTo be upIn my heartBeOhhJust in my heart, oh LordJust in my h...

Moby - In My Life
In my lifeNo, noMy whole life is fucking youYou...youAnd in my life...

Moby - In This World
Lordy don't leave meAll by myselfGood time's the devilI'm a force of heavenLor...

Moby - Into The Blue
All alone, I open my eyesWild rideHold your fireI'm not about to dieKeep backL...

Moby - Let's Go Free (live '95)
Let's [x2]Let's goLet's [x2]Let's goLet's go freeAnd I Was...

Moby - Machete
yesterday i felt so cold, i felt like i could dietook the needles from my arms and put them to the sky...

Moby - Natural Blues
[Refrain:]oh lordy, trouble so hardoh lordy,trouble so hard,don't nobody know...

Moby - One Of These Mornings
One of these morningsWon't be very longYou will look for meAnd I'll be gone ...

Moby - Porcelain
In my dreams I'm dying all the timeAs I wake its kaleidoscopic mindI never meant to hurt youI ne...

Moby - Raining Again
Never know but nothing lessCouldn't see that I have guessedCouldn't see, couldn't stay away...

Moby - Run On
Lord God Almighty let me tell the newsmy head got wet in midnight dewgreat God i been down on my bende...

Moby - Signs Of Love
If I was beautifulIf I had the timeThey'd flock to meBathe me in the wineI know that's not...

Moby - Sleep Alone
as the sun was setand the pieces of light touch your hairperfect love come softlywith the dawn, ...

Moby - Spiders
We just had to askMaybe some one out of heavenWould hear us down hereWe couldn't bear to s...

Moby - Sunday (the Day Before My Birthday)
Sunday was a bright day yesterdayDark cloud has come into the wayThey sing to the darkest night...

Moby - Temptation
HeavenA gateway to hopeJust like a feelingI need, it's no jokeAnd though it hurts me...

Moby - That's When I Reach For My Revolver
Once I had my heroesOnce I had my dreamsBut all of that is changed nowThe truth begins again...

Moby - The Rafters
MmmmhmmmmhmmhmmmmmC'mon give me them handsOh wave your hands tonightOh wave your han...

Moby - The Sky Is Broken
see the storm is brokenin the middle of the nightnothing left here for meit's washed awayt...

Moby - Time's Up (deep Mix)
[spoken style]wake up, face the futurecause I feel I have to salute youon the thing...

Moby - Very
You would never make itInside , oh insideLove you won't be aloneInside, oh insidePai...

Moby - We Are All Made Of Stars
Growing in numbers Growing in speedCan't fight the futureCan't fight what I see Peop...

Moby - What Love
Goin' down to see my girl, gonna see what I can findI'm going down to see my love, gonna mean her in behind...

Moby - When It's Cold I'd Like To Die
Where were you when I was lonesome?Locked away with freezing coldSomeone flying only stolenI can...

Moby - Where You End
Some things fall apartSome things makes you holdSomething that you findAre beyond your control...

Moby - Whip It
crack that whipgive the past the slipstep on a crackbreak your momma's backwhen a pr...

Moby - Why Does My Heart Feel So Bad ?
Why does my heart feel so bad ?Why does my soul feel so bad ?These open doors ...

Modern Day Zero - Better Side Of Me
The sooner that I realizeThese scars were never thereI could place the blame on youAnd now that ...

Modern Day Zero - Broken
It's hard to changeWhat's in front of meIt's hard to findAnything realDid it ever even cro...

Modern Day Zero - Clear Day
A faded pictureEmpty cigarette caseIt's on the night standThat reveals my placeEmpty bottl...

Modern Day Zero - Concentrate
Everyday she turns and fadesEvery time that I can't seeShe could show me the wayThis is why I ca...

Modern Day Zero - Down
Between you and I You seem to have control Never giving in For love even though You can't ...

Modern Day Zero - It Don't Matter
It's all been sold It's all been told But do look close See things unfold [Pre-Ch...

Modern Day Zero - Nothing's Ever Fine
Something about the way You don't seem to smile anymore Something about your face Telling me you...

Modern Day Zero - Sick Inside
I can seeThe sickness deep insideIt is the end of me,It's rising to the surfaceI feel the ...

Modern Day Zero - Smother Me
I never really meant to beSo coldWhen it came right down to beingAloneI never thought that...

Modern Day Zero - Watch Me Drown
Why I do the things I doIt isn't all because of youAnd how you make me feel sometimesForget all ...

Modern Day Zero - Way Out
Simply stated Could we be around On our way out Now we're on our way to behold The space t...

Modern Day Zero - When You Lie
Going back to yesterday When everything it just seemed fine Feeling doubt in what you say And I ...

Modest Mouse - 3 Inch Horses, Two Faced Monsters
It's the big show tongue tip tied to the roof of my mouth bad naughty littleangels come rushin' out.I ...

Modest Mouse - 5-4-3-2-1... Lips Off
whatcha do whatcha do whathca do with your own lifewhatcha see whatcha see whatcha see as an astronaut, okay...

Modest Mouse - A Different City
I wanna live in a city with no friends or familyI'm gonna look out the window of my color T.V.I wanna...

Modest Mouse - A Life Of Arctic Sounds
as long as your gone,i can't apologizefor all the things that i haven't said and doneAnd 100 mil...

Modest Mouse - All Nite Diner
Yeah, yes, yesHave I told yaYou could really get it on?I was at an all night dinerThe sign...

Modest Mouse - Alone Down There
How do, how do you do?My name is youFlies, they all gather around me and you tooYou can't see an...

Modest Mouse - A Manic Depressive Named Laughing Boy
So you brush you hair downand you let your makeup dryStupidand you let the ball dropWhy di...

Modest Mouse - Austral Opithecus
australopithecus, friend to the end and but it's overover, over againyou wanted to chase around the ca...

Modest Mouse - Baby Blue Sedan
A nice heart and a white suit and a baby blue sedanAnd I am doing the best that I canAll the eunuchs, ...

Modest Mouse - Bankrupt On Selling
well all the apostles-they're sitting in swingssaying "i'd sell off my savior for a set of new ringsan...

Modest Mouse - Beach Side Property
"Wow!" said the broken Californian downOn the beach that used to be by the beachTown hasn't moved but'...

Modest Mouse - Beta Carotene
You didn't dye your hair and oh my hair went blackNow what you knew you knew you knew you know what the fuck...

Modest Mouse - Birds Vs. Worms
self pity me so pitifulyou can see that birds and worms don't get alongself righteous me so wrong...

Modest Mouse - Breakthrough
I got one two three fourFive, six, six, sixRunning round the neighborhoodPerjorative, "Jinx." he...

Modest Mouse - Broke
Broke account so I broke a sweatI've bought some things that I sort of regret about nowBroke your glas...

Modest Mouse - Bukowski
Woke up this morning and it seemed to me, that every night turns out to be A little more like Bukowski...

Modest Mouse - Bury Me With It
We were shootin' at a mound of dirt. Well nothing was broken, nothing was hurt. But I probably really ...

Modest Mouse - Classy Plastic Lumber
Buh duh buh buh buhBud duh buh buh buh buh buh buh buhYou go right through meI go right through ...

Modest Mouse - Convenient Parking
Soon the chain reaction started in the parking lotWaiting to bleed on the big streetsThat bleed out on...

Modest Mouse - Cowboy Dan
Well, Cowboy Dan's a major player in the cowboy sceneHe goes to the reservation drinks and gets meanHe...

Modest Mouse - Custom Concern
Their custom concern for the peopleBuild up the monuments and steeplesTo wear out our eyesI get ...

Modest Mouse - Dark Center Of The Universe
I might disintegrate into the thin air if you'd likeI'm not the dark center of the universe like you thought...

Modest Mouse - Dirty Fingernails
dirty dirty fingernails...dirty dirty fingernails...Out of the shower, on to the bathroom floorO...

Modest Mouse - Dog Paddle
I'm down on the water(I'm down on the water)I don't know so I don't bother.(I don't know so I do...

Modest Mouse - Doin' The Cockroach
I was in heavenI was in hellBelieve in neitherBut fear them as wellThis one's a doctor...

Modest Mouse - Dukes Up
So you wonder howget em' up, put em upget your dukes up nowgot no time no money, that's why...

Modest Mouse - Edit The Sad Parts
Sometimes all I really want to feel is loveSometimes I'm angry that I feel so angrySometimes my feelin...

Modest Mouse - Exit Does Not Exist
Does not Exist, Take an ExitI hear voices insinuatingFeeds me lyrics to this song that I am saying...

Modest Mouse - Float On
I backed my car into a cop car the other dayWell he just drove off sometimes life's okI ran my mouth o...

Modest Mouse - Follow Through
Follow Throughand Follow throughAnd What you Gonna do with your life?Follow ThroughAnd Fol...

Modest Mouse - Four Fingered Fisherman
You're in the back seat and you say to yourself"OK it doesn't matter anyway"it's weeds pulling weeds a...

Modest Mouse - From Point A To Point B
Point A To Point B oh I Knowlots of points with no points in between, for meSo lonely but never alone ...

Modest Mouse - Gravity Rides Everything
Oh gotta see, gotta know right nowWhat's that riding on your everything?It isn't anything at all...

Modest Mouse - Grey Ice Water
you're standing by the grey ice waterout in the wind above ground out in the weatheryou had yourself a...

Modest Mouse - Head South
A surf rock man from the land of plentySurf rock mess with no surf but pine treesStruck by being asham...

Modest Mouse - Heart Cooks Brain
Slow walkIt's land mineIt's coal mineIt's a bad thoughtOn the way to god don't knowm...

Modest Mouse - Here It Comes
"Here it comes (the place and the time that we knew that things could gowrong)"Walk to your house on m...

Modest Mouse - Humpin' Pumpklin
my dads got a doghe calls it humpin pumpkinif you give it a chanceitll make you its womanm...

Modest Mouse - I Came As A Rat
Well I ain't sure, but I been toldHe's baking cakes inside our soulsStayed awake, took a napGot ...

Modest Mouse - I Came As A Rat (long Walk Off A Short Dock)
Well I ain't sure but I been toldHe's baking cakes inside our souls stayed awake took a nap got myself my...

Modest Mouse - Interstate 8
Spent 18 hours waiting stoned for spaceI spent the same 18 hours in the same damn placeI'm on a road s...

Modest Mouse - It Always Rains On A Picnic
No, I don't supposeDownpour, downpourIt always rains on a picnicDownpour, downpourDon't le...

Modest Mouse - Jesus Christ Was An Only Child
Well Jesus Christ was an only childHe went down to the riverAnd he drank and smiledAnd his dad w...

Modest Mouse - Karma's Payment
uh-oh down lowI am not who I want to beI probably will not ever beI drove my car June 14th...

Modest Mouse - Life Like Weeds
And in this life like weeds, you're just a rock to meI could have told you all that I love youAnd in t...

Modest Mouse - Lives
Everyone's afraid of their own lifeIf you could be anything you wantI bet you'd be disappointed, am I ...

Modest Mouse - Long Distance Drunk
Hang it up now or neverHang it up again(Hang it up now or never)Hang it up now or neverHan...

Modest Mouse - Lounge
He don't remember, how it got thereIt had a number, written on his forearmIt spelled disasterAll...

Modest Mouse - Lounge (closing Time)
She was going with a cinematographerEveryone knew that he was really a pornographerThey went down to t...

Modest Mouse - Make Everyone Happy/mechanical Birds
And I said you shouldn't make facts out of opinionsHe said that I was rightYou're right I knew that I ...

Modest Mouse - Medication
this is the part of me that needs medicationthis is the part of me that believes in heaven....thinks o...

Modest Mouse - Mice Eat Cheese
what are you doing here?I came to get a case of factory outlet beer, thenI go homeI don't feel l...

Modest Mouse - Might
I mightAnd you mightBut neither of us do, thoughAnd neither of us willI broke every bone i...

Modest Mouse - Needlepoint
Stay gone for a while [2x]Stay gone eyes twich and thin smileStay gone for a whileit Take...

Modest Mouse - Never Ending Math Equation
I'm the same as I was when I was 6 years oldAnd oh my God I feel so damn oldI don't really feel anythi...

Modest Mouse - Nothing New
you read a lot into iti never even flipped right through itso what'cha gonna do withall this stu...

Modest Mouse - Novocain Stain
When I can work out how it wasThen I'll tell youTV stained my memories, yeahI don' think that sh...

Modest Mouse - Ocean Breathes Salty
Your body may be gone, I'm gonna carry you in. In my head, in my heart, in my soul. And maybe we'll ge...

Modest Mouse - Ohio
Took a bus straight to BaltimoreOn the way he took a napDropped off a note that said "I'm giving this ...

Modest Mouse - One Chance
We have one chance. One chance to get everything right. We have one chance, one chance. And if w...

Modest Mouse - Other People's Lives
this is how it seems to beother people's lives seem more interesting cuz they aint minewell i'm fed up...

Modest Mouse - Out Of Gas
Out of gasOut of roadOut of carI don't know how I'm going to go andI had a drink the other...

Modest Mouse - Path Of Least Resistance
gone fishin'i'm takin'the path of least resistance. ...

Modest Mouse - Perfect Disguise
You've got the Perfect disguise and you're lookin' o.k.From the bottom of the best of the worst, well what c...

Modest Mouse - Polar Opposites
Polar opposites don't push awayIt's the same on the weekends as the rest of the daysAnd I know I shoul...

Modest Mouse - Satin In A Coffin
You were laying on the carpet like you're satin in a coffin. You said, "Do you believe what you're say...

Modest Mouse - Secret Angent X-9
Got a racecar grin and a calculationAnd every gun for a secret agentDefunct that timebomb at the space...

Modest Mouse - She Ionizes And Atomizes
She ionizes and atomizesThen turns to sunlightHe realizes and itemizesPulls harder than gravity...

Modest Mouse - Shit Luck
This plane is definately crashingThis boat is obviously sinkingThis building's totally burning down...

Modest Mouse - Sleepwalking
I fell in love andI needed a roadmapTo find out where you livedSo excited nowSleepwalking,...

Modest Mouse - So Much Beauty In Dirt
Out of breath and out of cash, find yourself watching M.A.S.H., every nighton the couch. Woman says let's ta...

Modest Mouse - Space Travel Is Boring
Won herself a pass to some far off moonIt was second class but what's to loseAnd looking out her windo...

Modest Mouse - Styrofoam Boots / It's All Nice On Ice, Alright
Well all's not wellbut i'm told that it'll all be quite niceyou'll be drowned in boots like Mafia...

Modest Mouse - Summer
wake-up we're stealing cars1996 1997 1998 we're all waiting for the year 2000just the smell on the sum...

Modest Mouse - Sunspots In The House Of The Late Scapegoat
it was on the rotating eyesit was all on the same postcardit was all on the same damn shirtsaid ...

Modest Mouse - Sweater
it was like this in 1999it was like this in 1874it was like this when you were a childit was lik...

Modest Mouse - Swy
you're no oneyou're going nowhereyou got a fast car.a e i o u and sometimes y ...

Modest Mouse - Talking Shit About A Pretty Sunset
Oh noose tied myself in, tied myself too tightLooking kind of anxious in your cross armed stanceLike a...

Modest Mouse - Teeth Like God's Shoeshine
From the top of the ocean - YeahFrom the bottom of the sky -GoddamnWell I get claustrophobicI ca...

Modest Mouse - The Cold Part
So long to this cold, cold part of the worldSo long to this cold, cold part of the worldSo long to thi...

Modest Mouse - The Fruit That Ate Itself
Take a drive in the wrong hand laneGot bad breath talking bout fresh rainmy hand my hand gonna shake t...

Modest Mouse - The Good Times Are Killing Me
The good times are killing me. Here we go! Got dirt, got air, got water and I know you can carry...

Modest Mouse - The Parasites Will Be Excited When You're Dead
Eyes bulging ants are in your headand all your thoughts yeah they rotGod And Satan they gamble when yo...

Modest Mouse - The Stars Are Projectors
In the last second of life, they're gonna show you howHow they run this show, sure, run it into the ground...

Modest Mouse - The View
Your gun went off. Well you shot off your mouth and look where it got you. My mouth runs on too. ...

Modest Mouse - The Waydown
On the waydown they saw a lot they don't rememberand if you asked them how, they couldn't say how they got ...

Modest Mouse - The World At Large
Ice-age heat wave, can't complain.If the world's at large, why should I remain?Walked away to another ...

Modest Mouse - Third Planet
Everything that keeps me together is falling apart, I've gotthis thing that I consider my only art of fuckin...

Modest Mouse - This Devil's Workday
All those people that you know. All those people that you know. All those people that you know, ...

Modest Mouse - Tiny Cities Made Of Ashes
We're goin' down the road towards tiny cities made of ashesGonna hit you on the face gonna punch you in your...

Modest Mouse - Too Many Fiestas For Reuben
He's 25, hanging out at the high schoolEveryone but the butt-rockers knows that aint coolGot a teen gi...

Modest Mouse - Trailer Trash
Eating snow flakes with plastic forksAnd a paper plate of course, you think of everythingShort love wi...

Modest Mouse - Trucker's Atlas
I'm going to Coloradoto unload my headI'm going to New York Cityand that's in New York,friends...

Modest Mouse - Tundra/desert
Every sick, fickle fuckerChildhood's what makes yaTill they treat ya like tundraWeigh those opin...

Modest Mouse - Ugly Cassanova
Ugly Cassanova Says "Slow down if I Cant"The Ghost of the haunted inn in the ghost horror(?)Ugly Cassa...

Modest Mouse - Wagon Ride Return
hopped on the wagon, went two feetnow i'm back againi hit a hard wallshout two wordsi don'...

Modest Mouse - What People Are Made Of
Rag weed tall better hope that his ladder don't crackOr he'll hit the ground low, hard and out of his back...

Modest Mouse - Whenever You Breathe Out, I Breathe In (positive/negative)
Hey, haven't seen you around in a while [x4]I didn't go to work for a monthI didn't leave my be...

Modest Mouse - Whenever You See Fit
(You and me, whenever we go wrong)Wake up early and you'll live to regret (Nothing is clear)And you'll...

Modest Mouse - Wild Pack Of Family Dogs
A wild pack of family dogs came runnin' through the yard one dayMy father got his gun, shot it up, they ran ...

Modest Mouse - Willful Suspension Of Disbelief
Everywhere everywhere everywhereIt's all so plain it's all a planThe sky doesn't ever endThe air...

Modest Mouse - Workin' On Leavin' The Livin'
In heaven everything is fineIn heaven everything's alrightIn heaven everything is fineIn heaven ...

Modest Mouse - You're The Good Things
You were right I"m hangin' 'round becauseSlight of hand won't separate us from themYou were right I'm ...

Modjo - What I Mean
What I mean, what I am What I feel about the meaning of my life What I need, what I feel What I ...

Moffatts - A Little Something
There's a whole lotta love insideThis little bitty heart of mineAnd if you wanna take it a little at a...

Moffatts - All I Have Is A Dream
I wake up every morningWith these memories in my headI think of you all the time But most of all in be...

Moffatts - All I Need Is You
I catch myself staring off into space, With pain in my heart and tears on my face. The sorrow that lin...

Moffatts - Always In My Heart
One day I'll finally get the nerve to sayHow I feel, I hide away all the painI wish you'd stay ...

Moffatts - Antifreeze And Aeroplanes
I can feel your stareI'm caught up in the after glareSomething tells me you're not thereMindless...

Moffatts - Baby Come Back To Me
Say it to my heart You just cut me like a knife, Staring often love in the night. Now I see what...

Moffatts - Bang Bang Boom
Early morningI got Mona Lisa by my sideWhat's the storyBehind that devious smile?doo...

Moffatts - Believe In Your Dreams
They said Elvis was the devil His music burned your soul. The Beatles, just a flash in the pan T...

Moffatts - Billy & Tammy
Billy wants to be a rock star, (hey hey hey) Billy wants to be a rock star, (hey hey hey) Thinks about...

Moffatts - Bird Dog
Johnny is the joker (he's a bird)A very funny joker (he's a bird)But when he jokes my honey (he's a do...

Moffatts - California
I open my eyesTo see her faceIn a daze we engagedLast night I slept about an hourTo fill h...

Moffatts - Call The Doctor
Woke up sunday morningShe's a hangoverI can't get overMy head is always poundingThe ...

Moffatts - Caterpillar Crawl
Well, all the worms are ganging up down at the town hallWorking on plans for their annual ballThey've ...

Moffatts - Christmas Eve
You can't believe everything you hearAnd only half of what you seeBut you can't deny the magic of a Ch...

Moffatts - Crazy
Life is such a funny thing You never know what it'll bring You know I'm just takin' it day by day ...

Moffatts - Destiny
Desperate and scared I search through my past, Asking myself Why nothing seems to last. ...

Moffatts - Dogs Is Dogs
Dogs is dogsChickens is chickensYou can break my heartBut it keeps on ticking awayCan't yo...

Moffatts - Don't Judge This Book
If they only knew How I felt insideMaybe they'd understandIf they only knew What I could d...

Moffatts - Don't Walk Away
Look in my eyes and let the moment begin You make me feel like I can do anything One look fron you jus...

Moffatts - Do Wah Diddy Diddy
There she was just a-walkin' down the streetsingin' do-wah diddy-diddy down diddy-dosnappin' her finge...

Moffatts - Earl The Christmas Squirrel
Earl the Christmas Squirrel works form dawn till duskScurrying all around the world collecting Christmas nut...

Moffatts - Frustration
There's no windows in this place For me to show my weary face Rage I hold within my soul At time...

Moffatts - Girl I'm Gonna Get You
Girl, I've been watching you Wondering what's your name and could I get ya I'm hoping that you feel th...

Moffatts - Girl Of My Dreams
[Chorus:] You are the girl of my dreams In my heart, I believe You are the girl of my dreams, b...

Moffatts - Girls Of The World
Swiss girls are hip, We like the way they wear their hair. Spanish girls have that look, That ma...

Moffatts - Grandma
I've got a special friendThat I see each dayWe like to sit and talkSometimes we just playD...

Moffatts - Guns Of Love
[Chorus]With Guns of love brought into battleThe nights will burn like never beforePride ...

Moffatts - Hallucinating
Am I hallucinating, Or am I just imagining things? I've thought what our life could be, together. ...

Moffatts - Heal The Pain
I know it's pretty crazy to call you up, In the middle of the night. But I just had this feeling, ...

Moffatts - How Would Jesus Feel
Think about a little boyBorn on Christmas DayThere's a party going onBut he feels so out of plac...

Moffatts - I
Woke up this morning and you weren't there, The only scent was your perfume in the air. How could some...

Moffatts - I Don't Know
Watch her walking through the night, I never could forget that lonely sight. She blew me off like a hu...

Moffatts - I Don't Want You To Want Me
Jump in let's goSit back and enjoy the showThere are miles to goThere are miles to go...

Moffatts - If Life Is So Short
Isn't it funny how time seems to slip away so fast One minute you're happy, the other you're sad But i...

Moffatts - I'll Be There For You
Saw you this morning, with that look in your eyes I hate to see you looking like, you're lost and lonely ...

Moffatts - I Think I'm Falling In Love
I think I'm falling in loveWith the girl next door'Cause I'm getting the kind of feelingThat I'v...

Moffatts - I Think She Likes Me
I think she likes meAnd I know I like herIt's kind of frighteningCause it's too soon to be sure...

Moffatts - Itty Bitty Smile
She's got that itty bitty smileMakes my heart go wildAnd I feel like a puppet on a stringI'd sur...

Moffatts - Jump
[Chorus:] Jump If you wanna get up If you wanna get down Take your body and move it...

Moffatts - Just Another Phase
Sit around and watch tvGod, I hate what I seeLock me up and throw away the keySpend my time chug...

Moffatts - Just Thinkin' About You
Walking down this ol' river bankThinking what needs doneI've got my swimming trunksAnd my fishin...

Moffatts - Lara (my Love)
Searched this world all over, For that one special girl; Who was lookin for love Not diamonds or...

Moffatts - Let's Party
It's Friday night, times right to give you a call I pick you up, went to the dance hall Open the door,...

Moffatts - Life On Mars
Captain May I has asked us to take a seatThis is the end of the beginningWe hope you can sleepPo...

Moffatts - Love
The first time I saw you You were walking down the beach at night With the waves bowing down to you In...

Moffatts - Mama Never Told Me 'bout You
Mama always told me don't play in the streetNever talk to strangers and look before you leapShe had a ...

Moffatts - Misery
I cry myself to sleep again tonight 'Cause I cannot hold you tight I wish I could see you again tomorr...

Moffatts - Miss You Like Crazy
I used to call you my girlI used to call you my friend I used to call you the love The love that...

Moffatts - Now And Forever
What would I do If you took your love away from me What would I say I could never make it without you ...

Moffatts - Oh What A Wonderful Day
It's Christmas morning and Daddy's snoring as we sneak down the stairsOutside it's snowing, our tree is glow...

Moffatts - Old Man Winter
He's got a real long beard that's white as snowHe's got icicle fingers and popsicle toesHe's got chest...

Moffatts - One More Chance
You broke my heart When you walked away. On bended knees I begged you to stay, Cause I'm s...

Moffatts - Over The Rainbow
Over the rainbow There's a pot of gold There's a pot of gold For me, yeah Over the rainbow...

Moffatts - Raining In My Mind
Since November, I've been waiting for your sunrays to break through How I wish that I could hold you, ...

Moffatts - Santa Knows
Heard a scream and right before my eyesThere was Daddy swingin' byUsing those Christmas lights like a ...

Moffatts - Santa Left A Hole In Daddy's Pocket
Christmas time rolls around once a yearAnd I can't hardly waitBut Daddy looks at it differentlyH...

Moffatts - Santa's In My Neighborhood
I hear footsteps on my roofSure must be some awesome dudeBailing down the chimney with a big sack of l...

Moffatts - Say'n I Love You
[Chorus:] Say'n I love you It's the hardest thing to do And if I ever do Girl I'll always...

Moffatts - See The Light
Your eyes are bluer than the bluest sky, Your lips keep me comfortable when I'm with you at night, You...

Moffatts - She Said
The wind is whispering out her name, Calling me closer to her flame The clouds have spelled out words ...

Moffatts - Spy
Seen through a blur on the wallI feel so disillusioned of it allI spy on myselfThrough that blur...

Moffatts - That's All Right
Well, that's all right now MamaThat's all right for youThat's all right now MamaJust any way you...

Moffatts - The Brightest Star
God said "I will place a star over BethlehemSo that all can find their way to see the Son of Man."The ...

Moffatts - The Greatest Gift
Peace On EarthNo sugar plumsNo stockings hungBut in their heartsChristmas carols wil...

Moffatts - This Boy
That boy took my love awayThough he'll regret it somedayThis boy wants you back again That...

Moffatts - Typical
Open your eyesHear all the voices inside my headIt's no surpriseFiltering through all the things...

Moffatts - Until You Loved Me
Monday morning came too soon I think about you now Lay'n in my room Hearing everything you said ...

Moffatts - Walking Behind
She's runningAnd he's walking behindHe's tryingBut he's last in her lineHis love's dying b...

Moffatts - We Are Young
Do you remember me 'Cause I remember you I was a little scared I never knew what I could do It w...

Moffatts - We're Off To The Rodeo
We're off to the rodeoTo watch the cowboy showThe thing that makes them differentThan what we've...

Moffatts - What A Wonderful World
Don't know much about historydon't know much biologyDon't know much about a science bookdon't kn...

Moffatts - When God Made You
God made the oceans and with a wave of his handHe made the mountains, the deserts and the plainsBut I ...

Moffatts - Who Do You Love
Here we areYou tell me I'm the only oneWho makes you feel love againThere you goI see you ...

Moffatts - Why
Turned on the news today, What else do I see? Something going on somewhere else It means the wor...

Moffatts - Wild At Heart
I don't like sitting around I don't like beating the ground I wanna hear the sound Of me and you just ...

Moffatts - Written All Over My Heart
Here I go again Well I can;t hold it aymore I can't hold in the pain The pain has knocked down this ol...

Moffatts - Ya Ya
Maybe the earth is flat, Maybe when we can we can't. Maybe the sky is the ground, Maybe the sun ...

Moffatts - You Are What You Do
Coulda been my grandpa, coulda been my preacherCoulda been my third grade history teacherSomebody said...

Moist - Breathe
savesave me from thiswandered around the townall the thousand thingsi might miss ...

Moist - Underground
Sitting by a judas mantelunderneath where i cant tell found the places im destroying only hoped ...

Moments In Grace - Broken Promises
So I've blown it all on cures for pain and I've learned to regret the choices I've made. I wantto stay awake...

Moments In Grace - Curtain Call
Drown me out with silenceBreathing oxygenThe first time seems timelessForever follows...

Moments In Grace - Distant And Longing Light
You're on my mind, You're all that I think of now, These days these nights, And in my eyes the w...

Moments In Grace - Don't Leave
I suffer with my pride, On a cold November night, The whispers move above the waves, A gesture g...

Moments In Grace - Monologue
We gave it all to chance, And yet you question all that we've said, We gave it all to chance, Bu...

Moments In Grace - My Dying Day
Please believe me that this is all I have to give, I gave you my last breath and you left mewith nothing. A ...

Moments In Grace - My Stunning Bride
Finally I turnedAnd then I walked outAfter writing downThe words that you willWake and red...

Moments In Grace - No Angles
I lived my lifeCrippled by your spellsI walked blindly toward this lifeless hellThe truth ...

Moments In Grace - Stratus
Feeling the sunlight breaking down our souls, learning that love will soon be the sign promiseof new days, a...

Moments In Grace - The Blurring Lines Of Loss
TimeTime passes right byThe blurring lines of lossScaredScared to find the trustThe ...

Moments In Grace - The Past
I watched as the dark fades to dawn,And wished the past never happened (never happened)Walking h...

Moments In Grace - The Patient
An easier resolution medicine, medicating scientists concentrating on the pills you are taking.We have proof...

Moments In Grace - The Silencing Truth
The silencing truththat we will lose everything we hold trueI dreamt of endless milesand woke up...

Moments In Grace - We Feel The Songs
We feel the songsOf that day and time.The burning of theStars and life we hide.Was i...

Monica - Ain't Gonna Cry No More
da da da da dumum umyeah yeah, oh, ho oh ohoh woum, can I talk to you for a minute?...

Monica - Angel
Now here's the situationLack of communicationIt's tearing our love apartYou play me like a ninny...

Monica - Angel Of Mine
When I first saw you I already knewThere was something inside of youSomething I thought that I would n...

Monica - Breaks My Heart
[Verse 1]When I think of what i've doneAll the pain that I brungBaby you should've walked...

Monica - 'cross The Room
See ya from across the room [Verse 1:]It's Friday night andI'm going to a party ...

Monica - Don't Take It Personal (just One Of Dem Days) Remix
Its just one of dem daysWhen I want to be all aloneIts just one of dem daysWhen I gotta be all a...

Monica - Forever Always
[Verse 1]Oh Baby Baby let's talk it outCause you're so special and mean so much to meOh b...

Monica - For You I Will
When you're feeling lost in the night,When you feel your world just ain't rightCall on me, I will be w...

Monica - Get Down
[Verse 1:]I don't want to make this sound so coldBut every now and then I'm gonna let you know,...

Monica - Grown Up Christmas List
Do you remember me?I sat upon your kneeI wrote to you with childhood fantasiesWell I'm all grown...

Monica - Hurts The Most
[Verse 1:]Boy its been a long time,Since the last time I saw youFeels like nothings chang...

Monica - If U Were The Girl
[Jermaine:]Let's kick a little something out there for all them cars that be bumpin. uh uh uh MO wass...

Monica - I Keep It To Myself
I looked at you a thousand timesThis time when I looked at youThere was something newHow could I...

Monica - I'm Back
It's been a while Since I saw youAnd since you hurt meAnd it's been a whileSince I saw sta...

Monica - Inside
Inside...Inside...Inside...Inside...Last night when I saw youWith somebody new...

Monica - I Wrote This Song
[Intro]I can't believe he's gone Why'd you leave? Sometimes it hurts so bad ...

Monica - Knock Knock
Its funny how the tables turn turn turn turn[Missy]so upsetThis that hot newU...

Monica - Like This And Like That
[Verse I:]I just can't keep on goingI'm falling in love with youI need to know if you wan...

Monica - Miss Thang
Miss Thang.. (oohh)Miss Thang.. (Ooh ahh ooh..)Miss Thang.. (Oh yeah..)[Verse 1:]...

Monica - Misty Blue
Oh, Its, been such a long long timeLooks like I got you off of my mindBut I can't, just the thought of...

Monica - Never Can Say Goodbye
[Verse 1:]Baby, understand everythingThere's no one else in my lifeMaybe I can make you h...

Monica - Now I'm Gone
[Male]Monica baby, I'm sorryI know I was wrong, but I think we can work it outJust try to...

Monica - Ring Da Bell
I've been talkin to some friends of mine about you boyThey say you're bout to have a childWhen you goi...

Monica - Skate
[Chorus:]Everybody skate to the music, put your hands in the airDon't stop 'til it grooves ya, ...

Monica - So Gone
So gone over you, you, you, youYeah}{New Monica}{Woo}Silly of meDevoted ...

Monica - Street Symphony
There's something that I wanna say I feel a little out of place But I need you to make that change ...

Monica - Street Symphony (cyptron Zone Iii Remix)
How dare u go and make me chooseMy hustling is what made you, youYou never had nothing until I paid th...

Monica - Street Symphony (rap Remix)
There's something that I wanna say I feel a little out of place But I need you to make that change ...

Monica - Take Him Back
If he keeps changing for no shoes, I need 2Come right back at me alone againMaybe I didn't need the us...

Monica - Tell Me If You Still Care
Tell me, if you still careTell me, if you still careLet me knowHave you started to lose yo...

Monica - Too Hood
[INTRO: JD]I don't think ya'll can handle this, I don't really really think ya'll can handle this, MO...

Monica - U Deserve
Oh...oh...yeahOh...oh...oh...Listen to meYou deserve all the heartache and the pain (Yes, ...

Monica - U Should've Known
I didn't ask to go with you to Mexico.I really didn't need the shoppin spees inL.A, on Melrose,boy if ...

Monica - What Hurts The Most
Yeah...yeahOh...oh...Oh...ListenBoy, it's been a long timeSince the last time ...

Monica - What My Heart Says
La, la, la, la, laLa, la, la, laSo let them say its wrongFor me to love youThey coul...

Monica - With You
[Verse 1:]It's sunny outside, and I need somewhere to goThe day is just right, and I want to be...

Montell Jordan - Mine, Mine, Mine
Hey babyI like it when you're next to meWith that body horizontallyYour pretty legs comfortable ...

Montell Jordan - Mj V Intro
[Talking]Man, who would've thought I would've made it this far?It's number fiveFive album...

Montell Jordan - The Rain
[Intro]ListenShh..You hear that?Can you hear that?ListenOhh, ohh,...

Montell Jordan - Why Can't We
Girl I've got a question, here it isHow much longer 'til you let me taste your lips?You can make a nig...

Montell Jordan - You Must Have Been
Oh yeah, yeahMmmMmm, mm-hmmOh, ohDamnMust've been C-R-A-Z-YWe got all ou...

Montgomery Gentry - All I Know About Mexico
I didn't know you weren't supposed to drink the water I never knew it was so hard to get through south of th...

Montgomery Gentry - All Night Long
Well the party started early About a quarter to three Just a few close friends Charlie, Troy, an...

Montgomery Gentry - A Self-made Man
I could say it's all her fault She never had any patience at all I'm a complicated guy And she d...

Montgomery Gentry - Bad For Good
Well I changed my ways to please that woman But I could never be good enough Yeah, I gave up drinkin',...

Montgomery Gentry - Black Jack Fletcher And Mississippi Sam
Every Friday evening about sundown Ole' Black Jack Fletcher and Mississippi Sam Come ridin' their mule...

Montgomery Gentry - Break My Heart Again
How many Mrs. Rights have I had to wrong Every one that's come along And how many finish lines H...

Montgomery Gentry - Carrying On
There's those who turn their nose up When we play our music loud Those folks would love to take contro...

Montgomery Gentry - Cold One Comin' On
Weatherman says it might hit 95 September's gonna feel more like July He's callin' for a night that's ...

Montgomery Gentry - Daddy Won't Sell The Farm
His cows get loose and run right thru the fast food parking lots And Daddy gets calls from the mini-malls ...

Montgomery Gentry - Didn't Your Mama Tell Ya'
Sorry to hear That you're down on luck Sometimes you give Til you just give up It's hard t...

Montgomery Gentry - For The Money
Ah, let me tell you a little story about my family Daddy almost made a living with eighty acres and a ...

Montgomery Gentry - Free Fall
I slept straight through to eight a.m. That same old lame alarm clock excuse just ain't gonna work again ...

Montgomery Gentry - Gone
This ain't no temporary, typical, tearful good-bye, uh uh uh This ain't no breakin' up and wakin' up and mak...

Montgomery Gentry - Good Clean Fun
Eye on the crowd, baby For folks who want to satisfy my need Someway, somehow Gonna find someone...

Montgomery Gentry - Hellbent On Saving Me
She likes to read her Bible I like a good bar room rival Sunday morning she's in church while my hangover ju...

Montgomery Gentry - Hell Yeah
He works way too much for way too little He drinks way too early till way too late He hasn't had a rai...

Montgomery Gentry - Hillbilly Shoes
I was there when the men came, and told us all the news Father forgive them for they know not what they do ...

Montgomery Gentry - I Ain't Got It All That Bad
I ain't got it all that bad There's tougher lives I might've had Sometimes I live hand to mouth ...

Montgomery Gentry - If A Broken Heart Could Kill
I've never had a broken bone, I hardly ever get a cold, I keep myself in pretty good shape, But ...

Montgomery Gentry - If It's The Last Thing I Do
I've been living on truck stop coffee Cigarettes and vitamin C It's a wonder that the devil ain't caug...

Montgomery Gentry - If You Ever Stop Loving Me
My old man's backhand used to land, Hard on the side of my head. I just learned to stay out of his way...

Montgomery Gentry - I Got Drunk
I got drunk so sue me I made up my mind to not give a damn I tried to forget the way that you do me ...

Montgomery Gentry - I Never Thought I'd Live This Long
I've treated this ol body like a stolen car, Just some old disposable machine, Pedal to the metal and ...

Montgomery Gentry - It's All Good
Lazy summer sundown Front porch of this old house Lighting bugs in a mason jar There's a four-la...

Montgomery Gentry - I've Loved A Lot More Than I've Hurt
Well I've spent more money than I've made And I've grown more whiskers than I've shaved I've worked ha...

Montgomery Gentry - Lie Before You Leave
I know it's over I won't hide from that Once that door closes you won't be coming back I've only one f...

Montgomery Gentry - Lonely And Gone
Pulled in the driveway, picked up the paper Found my key, and unlocked the door I walked in, felt like...

Montgomery Gentry - Lonesome
One coffee cup, one toothbrush One set of keys, one car out in the drive One half of the closet empty ...

Montgomery Gentry - Lucky To Be Here
I'm not one to whine or cry or wallow in self-pity I take life in stride and smell the roses when I can ...

Montgomery Gentry - My Father's Son
Old white washed barn doors Rain rusted tin Straw packed shirt and blue jeans Hangin' in the win...

Montgomery Gentry - My Town
There's a "For Sale" sign on a big old rusty tractor. You can't miss it, it's the first thing that you see. ...

Montgomery Gentry - Ramblin' Man
I've been down the Mississippi, down through New Orleans I've played in California there ain't too much I ha...

Montgomery Gentry - Scarecrow
Ninety four degrees as far as the eye can see Corn is blowing in the wind Seven days a week out here i...

Montgomery Gentry - She Couldn't Change Me
Sometime I think what turned her onWas my old broke down bootsShe wanted her a real cowboyIt was...

Montgomery Gentry - She Loved Me
I met her down in Tampa Bay Spring break '88 She came in to hear my band play And man we were on...

Montgomery Gentry - Speed
I'm tired of spinning my wheels I need to find a place where my heart can go to heal I need to get the...

Montgomery Gentry - Talking To My Angel
It's me again with this whiskey on my breath again And I'm ashamed about the shape I'm in And how bad ...

Montgomery Gentry - Tattoos And Scars
A young kid stepped in from the cold And he ordered up a drink He said don't look surprised old man I'...

Montgomery Gentry - The Fine Line
I told my mom goodbye when I was eighteen She told me bye for good at age seventy-three She was an ang...

Montgomery Gentry - Too Hard To Handle... Too Free To Hold
Everybody's talking saying this will never last Trying to see the future Judging me by my past I...

Montgomery Gentry - Tried And True
I was born in a small town in the hills of Tennessee Kentucky raised, just a country boy and that's all I'll...

Montgomery Gentry - Trouble Is
Trouble is I can't make her see I said some bad things I didn't mean Now it's all come dow...

Montgomery Gentry - Trying To Survive
I've been lookin' for a sign Runnin' through the rain Shiver to the bone But I still can't shake...

Montgomery Gentry - While The World Goes Down The Drain
Some kids grew up on mean streets Dealin' with the crips and bloods But me I was born on a back road ...

Montgomery Gentry - Why Do I Feel Like Running
When I was just a little baby My mama held my hand Tried to hold me steady all she could But I p...

Montgomery Gentry - You Do Your Thing
Put me on a mountain, way back in the back woods Put me on a lake with pickin on the line Put me 'roun...

Moody Blues - 22,000 Days
Even tho' I know it's onlyMe and my dreamsThat drive me so let me go pleaseLet me go onto tomorr...

Moody Blues - After You Came
Since it began I've got one dream and really It's my only blessingIf I can come through then so can you...

Moody Blues - All That Is Real Is You
All the world over I've searched for a dreamI've found out that life is not what it seemsI've seen all...

Moody Blues - And The Tide Rushes In
I've been searching for my dreamA hunderd times todayI build them up, you knock them down,Like t...

Moody Blues - Are You Sitting Comfortably
Take another sip my love and see what you will see,A fleet of golden galleons, on a crystal sea.Are yo...

Moody Blues - A Simple Game
As time goes by you will seeThat we're going to be freeYou and me, we'll touch the skyCan you se...

Moody Blues - Bless The Wings (that Bring You Back)
Like the rose that blooms in the wintertimeAs it reaches up through the snowThe more life keeps apart...

Moody Blues - Blue World
Heart and soul took controlTook control of mePaid my dues spread the newsHands across the sea...

Moody Blues - Breaking Point
Is that the windOn your face?Are you sure you're alone?Are you sure you're alone?Fee...

Moody Blues - Candle Of Life
Something you can't hideSays you're lonelyHidden deep insideOf you onlyIt's there for you ...

Moody Blues - Celtic Sonant
Deep peace of the running wave to youDeep peace of the flowing air to youDeep peace of the quiet earth...

Moody Blues - Cities
Neon, the city's sunTaxis like beetles run, and I seePavements with yellow linesGrey walls and b...

Moody Blues - Dawn: Dawn Is A Feeling
Dawn is a feelingA beautiful ceilingThe smell of grassJust makes you passInto a dream...

Moody Blues - Dawning Is The Day
Rise, let us see you,Dawning is the day,Miss, misty meadow,You will find your way,Wake up ...

Moody Blues - Dear Diary
Dear diary, what a day it's been.Dear diary, it's been just like a dream.Woke up late. Wasn't where I ...

Moody Blues - Deep
Every time I hear the sound of the rainBeating on my roof againI want to taste your loveAnd I wa...

Moody Blues - Departure
Be it sight, sound, the smell, the touch.There's something,Inside that we need so much,The sight...

Moody Blues - Don't You Feel Small
Ask the mirror on the wallWho's the biggest fool of all,Bet you feel small,It happens to us all....

Moody Blues - Driftwood
Just like the driftwood of a dreamLeft of the seashore of sleepJust like the words that wouldn't rhyme...

Moody Blues - Dr. Livingston, I Presume
Doctor Livingston, I presume,Stepping out of the jungle gloomInto the midday sun.What did you fi...

Moody Blues - Emily's Song
Lovely to know the warmthYou're smile can bring to meI want to tell you but the words you do not know...

Moody Blues - English Sunset
I want to ride the rangeAcross those skies of blackI want to see for myselfAnd see me coming bac...

Moody Blues - Eternity Road
Hark listen here he comesHark listen here he comesTurning, spinning, catherine wheelingFor ever ...

Moody Blues - Evening: The Sunset
When the sun goes down,And the clouds all frown,Night has begun for the sunset.See it with...

Moody Blues - Eyes Of A Child (part 1)
Listen hear the soundThe child awayWander all aroundThe child awayNow in his life he never...

Moody Blues - Eyes Of A Child (part 2)
I'm gonna sit and watch the webThat you will build this dayWill it be a thread of love you weave...

Moody Blues - Floating
Floating free as a birdSixty foot leaps it's so absurdFrom up here you should see the viewSuch a...

Moody Blues - Fly Me High
I'm up to the eyes n' I love everyoneToday I could cry I could reach for the sunI'm walking on air 'n'...

Moody Blues - Foolish Love
We ran through the summer fieldsBetween the earth and skyLittle did we realiseWe were flying you...

Moody Blues - Forever Now
If we could live foreverWhere would our dreams lead us toLiving in a world of everChanging expec...

Moody Blues - Gemini Dream
Long time no seeShort time for you and meWe're on the roadLike you knew we wouldFirs...

Moody Blues - Gimme' A Little Somethin'
My life is not as easy as you sayMy life is not anything but as the dayMy life is surrounded by the th...

Moody Blues - Going Nowhere
Once more I've loved I've laughed and I've lostNow I'm alone left counting the costOnce more sweet chi...

Moody Blues - Gypsy
A gypsy of a strange and distant timeTravelling in panic all direction blindAching for the warmth of a...

Moody Blues - Had To Fall In Love
What mattered to meWas the right to be freeLike I'll be somedayI'm waiting for my heart to lead ...

Moody Blues - Haunted
I really miss you when the nights are longAnd only silence is heard in this world of songBut life goes...

Moody Blues - Have You Heard (part 1)
Now you know that you are real,Show your friends that you and meBelong to the same world,Turned ...

Moody Blues - Have You Heard (part 2)
Now you know how nice it feels,Scatter good seed in the fields.Life's ours for the making,Eterni...

Moody Blues - Here Comes The Weekend
Somewhere in the nightThere's a heart that beats so fastI can feel the heatOf the fire in your e...

Moody Blues - Higher And Higher
Blasting, billowing, bursting forthWith the power of ten billion butterfly sneezesMan with his flaming...

Moody Blues - Hope And Pray
I see the headlightsShining on the wallIt seems I've got a visitorWho is kind enough to call...

Moody Blues - House Of Four Doors
Mystery spead it's cloakAcross the skyWe'd lost our wayShadows fell from treesThey knew wh...

Moody Blues - House Of Four Doors (part 2)
Walking thru that doorOutside we cameNowhere at allPerhaps the answers hereNot there anymo...

Moody Blues - How Is It (we Are Here)
How is it we are here, on this path we walk,In this world of pointless fear, filled with empty talk,De...

Moody Blues - I Am
Salt water never grew rosesSeems roses can't grow in the seaA river can fasion a valleyFrom a th...

Moody Blues - I Just Don't Care
The indestructible has broken downThe undeniable is turned aroundAnd I don't care my loveI just ...

Moody Blues - I Know You're Out There Somewhere
I know you're out there somewhereSomewhere, somewhereI know I'll find you somehowSomehow, someho...

Moody Blues - I'll Be Level With You
Little guy, little hands, little eyes and lots of timeWhat you gonna be what you gonna seeWhen your ey...

Moody Blues - I'm Just A Singer (in A Rock And Roll Band)
I'm just a wandering on the face of this earthMeeting so many peopleWho are trying to be freeAnd...

Moody Blues - I'm Your Man
Here I go againFinding it so hard to explainThe way I feel when I hold you nearStill it hurts wh...

Moody Blues - I Never Thought I'd Live To Be A Hundred
I never thought I'd live to be a hundredI never thought I'd get to doThe things that all those other s...

Moody Blues - I Never Thought I'd Live To Be A Million
I never thought I'd get to be a millionI never thought I'd get to be the thingThat all these other chi...

Moody Blues - In My World
In my worldIt's heaven on earth when you're close to meI could seeThat moment of truth when you ...

Moody Blues - In The Beginning
[First Man:] I think, I think I am, therefore I am, I think.[Establishment:] Of course y...

Moody Blues - I Really Haven't Got The Time
You want me to rideIn your car outsideSpend some time with youJust an hour or twoBut...

Moody Blues - Isn't Life Strange
Isn't life strangeA turn of the pageCan read like beforeCan we ask for more?Each day passe...

Moody Blues - Is This Heaven?
Walking home with you last nightYou said the world is beautifulAnd how things look that way when you'r...

Moody Blues - It May Be A Fire
It may be a fireTomorrow it could be nothingIt may reach out to the skyLight up everything that ...

Moody Blues - It's Cold Outside Of Your Heart
The harder I trySeems the further I fallThe deeper my love seems to beAnd I know that INev...

Moody Blues - It's Up To You
When the breeze between us calls, love comes and lingers into our lives,And the leaves begin to fall, you po...

Moody Blues - King And Queen
It's like awaking from a dreamAll I remember is a lullabyI couldn't tell you where I've beenA th...

Moody Blues - Late Lament
Breathe deep the gathering gloomWatch lights fade from every roomBedsitter people look back and lament...

Moody Blues - Lazy Day
Lazy day, Sunday afternoon,Like to get your feet up, watch T.V.Sunday roast is something good to eat,...

Moody Blues - Lean On Me (tonight)
Lean on meI'll be thereWhenever you need someoneTo share in every prayerIn every dream...

Moody Blues - Leave This Man Alone
Ah, leave this man alone, Ah, leave this man aloneYoung girls with long faces come to me at night and ...

Moody Blues - Legend Of A Mind
Timothy Leary's dead.No, no, no, no, He's outside looking in.Timothy Leary's dead.No, no, no, no...

Moody Blues - Long Summer Days
Long summer days, I keep thinkingWhat to do with my timeSo many ways, I keep sinkingWhat's to do...

Moody Blues - Lost In A Lost World
I woke today, I was cryingLost in a lost worldSo many people are dyingLost in a lost world...

Moody Blues - Love And Beauty
I look around at other peopleI brush their shoulders at the corner of the streetBut all they notice is...

Moody Blues - Love Don't Come Easy
The way you looked at me tonightI've never seen that lookIn your eyes beforeBut then again...

Moody Blues - Love Is On The Run
Just because it's raining hereIt doesn't mean the sun isn't shiningSomewhere else for someone...

Moody Blues - Lovely To See You
A wonderful day for passing my way.Knock and my door and even the scoreWith your eyes.Love...

Moody Blues - Lunch Break: Peak Hour
I see it all through my window it seemsNever failing like millions of beesAll that is wrongNo ti...

Moody Blues - Magic
When I look in your eyesI can't see whyThere's no reflection of meWhen I look in your heart...

Moody Blues - Meanwhile
Just in a simple conversationYou can hear the feeling changeDown to the seaAnd if you need an ex...

Moody Blues - Meet Me Halfway
Never dream't I would hopeWhile I count the milesThrough the wind and the rainI can see your smi...

Moody Blues - Melancholy Man
I'm a melancholy man, that's what I am,All the world surrounds me, and my feet are on the ground.I'm a...

Moody Blues - Minstrel's Song
Words a simple songA minstrel singsA way of life in his eyesHear the morning call of waking bird...

Moody Blues - Miracle
I closed the door and I walked awayFrom the life I knewOn a night in JuneI took a chance and I l...

Moody Blues - My Little Lovely
Fairy tales sometimes come trueUse fairy dust and pixie glueThen all the love will stick to youM...

Moody Blues - My Song
I'm going to sing my songAnd sing it all day longA song that never endsHow can I tell you, all t...

Moody Blues - Nervous
Why I am so nervousPlease explain to meWhy I can't sleepI close my eyes to shelterIn the d...

Moody Blues - Never Blame The Rainbows For The Rain
Sailing alongThe river of timeAdrift on dreamsThrough midnight chimesPositively frozen...

Moody Blues - Never Comes The Day
Work away today, work away tomorrow.Never comes the day for my love and me.I feel her gently sighing a...

Moody Blues - New Horizons
Well I've had dreams enough for oneAnd I've got love enough for threeI have my hopes to comfort me...

Moody Blues - Nice To Be Here
Nice to be here hope you agreeLying in the sunLovely weather, must climb a treeThe show has just...

Moody Blues - No More Lies
I need you like you need meTruly and completelyNever be apartI think that you should tell me...

Moody Blues - Nothing Changes
The dark cloak of winter's warLeft a future still unsureSitting in a classOf the future's past...

Moody Blues - Om
The rain is on the roofHurry high butterflyAs clouds roll past my headI know why the skys all cr...

Moody Blues - Once Is Enough
Just ask me onceDon't ask me twiceNever ask me three timesI don't give that much adviceI t...

Moody Blues - One More Time To Live
[Verse 1(a)]Look out of my windowSee the world passing bySee the look in her eye...

Moody Blues - One Step Into The Light
One step into the lightOne step away from nightIt's the hardest step you're gonna takeThe ship t...

Moody Blues - Our Guessing Game
Walking in the sandThinking of things, adventures in my mindTall ships that sailAcross the ocean...

Moody Blues - Out And In
Gazing past the planetsLooking for total viewI've been laying here for hoursYou gotta make the j...

Moody Blues - Painted Smile
I can singI can danceJust give me a chanceTo do my turn for youThere's a change I'll slip...

Moody Blues - Please Think About It
There in your eyes, I seeThat you want to be freeThere by your side, I'll beIf you still want me...

Moody Blues - Procession
Desolation...Creation...Communication... ...

Moody Blues - Question
Why do we never get an answerWhen we're knocking at the door?With a thousand million questionsAb...

Moody Blues - Reflective Smile
'Your painted smile hides you stillWhile you search yourself withinYesterday and tomorrow's found...

Moody Blues - Ride My See-saw
Ride, ride my see-saw,Take this placeOn this tripJust for me.Ride, take a free ride,...

Moody Blues - River Of Endless Love
I'm looking for a better worldWhere there's no more hurtWhere there's only hopeFor the eagle and...

Moody Blues - Rock 'n' Roll Over You
Like a rockI'm gonna roll over youLike a rockI'm gonna roll over youNot gonna lose m...

Moody Blues - Running Out Of Love
Some days you're gonna put me on holdSome days you're gonna put meOn a pedestal up highI don't k...

Moody Blues - Running Water
Time hurries onLook and it's goneThe changing of the autumn tideThe hopes that liveThe dre...

Moody Blues - Say It With Love
I've been thinkingThe way people do'Bout the things that matterTo me and youI've decided...

Moody Blues - Say What You Mean
Say what you meanMean what you saySay what you meanMean what you sayThink about the words...

Moody Blues - Say What You Mean (part Ii)
Say what you mean, mean what you saySay what you mean, mean what you sayLet's walk into the fore...

Moody Blues - Send Me No Wine
Send me no wineTo make an invitation.Leave me no timeIn your imagination.Only to find...

Moody Blues - Shadows On The Wall
When the fantasy we live inLies in pieces on the groundAnd there is no false illusionThat can tu...

Moody Blues - Sitting At The Wheel
I can hear the music playingI can hear the word that you're sayingI can see the lovelife in your eyes...

Moody Blues - Slings And Arrows
Slings and arrows, slings and arrowsSlings and arrows, slings and arrowsNo chance for a second chance...

Moody Blues - So Deep Within You
Talk to me baby, I want to sleep at night.My heart is heavy, it's weighed down by the night.And now I'...

Moody Blues - Sooner Or Later (walkin' On Air)
Walk on the waterSwim with the life tideClear away the storm cloudsOohh ...You got t...

Moody Blues - Sorry
Just look at me knowBecause I'm tired of yellingLook at me nowIt's only me I'm sellingI'm ...

Moody Blues - Steppin' In A Slide Zone
I took a ride in a limousineI took a road I'd never beenI met a stranger by the wayHis coat was ...

Moody Blues - Strange Times
Long time ago, back in the mist of timeBack when the crystal waters flowedThere was a worldSo st...

Moody Blues - Sun Is Still Shining
The sun is still shining, look at the viewThe moon is still dining, with me and youNow that we're out ...

Moody Blues - Survival
Shadows of night falling over my headPeople walkingPassing me byShadows of dreams falling out of...

Moody Blues - Talking Out Of Turn
When I took a little loving from youOh I, never thought about the hurting insideBut I took a little mo...

Moody Blues - Talkin' Talkin'
Talking, talkingIt doesn't really matterIf you know my nameIt doesn't really matterIf you ...

Moody Blues - The Actor
The curtain rises on the sceneWith someone shouting to be freeThe play unfolds before my eyesThe...

Moody Blues - The Afternoon: Forever Afternoon
Tuesday, afternoon,I'm just beginning to see,Now I'm on my way,It doesn't matter to me,Cha...

Moody Blues - The Best Way To Travel
And you can flyHigh as a kite if you want toFaster than light if you want toSpeeding through the...

Moody Blues - The Day Begins
Cold hearted orb that rules the night,Removes the colours from our sight,Red is gray and yellow white,...

Moody Blues - The Day We Meet Again
The day we meet againI'll be waiting thereI'll be waiting there for youCos the years have been s...

Moody Blues - The Dream
When the white eagle of the North is flying overheadThe browns, reds and golds of autumn lie in the gutter, ...

Moody Blues - The Land Of Make-believe
We're living in a land of make believeAnd trying no to let it showMaybe in that land of make believe...

Moody Blues - The Morning: Another Morning
Balloons flyingChildren sighingWhat a day to go kite flyingBreezy schoolAway from school...

Moody Blues - The Night: Nights In White Satin
Nights in white satin,Never reaching the end,Letters I've written,Never meaning to send....

Moody Blues - The One
No surpriseHey that you wanna be the one againNo surpriseYou wanna be the oneH...

Moody Blues - The Other Side Of Life
The AtmosphereOn the streets tonightIs the driving beatOf the worldThe word down here...

Moody Blues - The Spirit
The sun and moon every dayDay and night mark my playSee the future in the pastTry to change or m...

Moody Blues - The Story In Your Eyes
I've been thinking about our fortuneAnd I've decided that we're really not to blameFor the love that's...

Moody Blues - The Swallow
Time goes bySeems like the blink of an eyeIt's so crazyWhat can we doIt's so strange...

Moody Blues - The Voice
Won't you take me back to schoolI need to learn the golden ruleWon't you lay it on the lineI nee...

Moody Blues - The Word
This garden universe vibrates complete.Some we get a sound so sweet.Vibrations reach on up to become l...

Moody Blues - Top Rank Suite
Rain on the riverTurns the torrent to a floodSwim or you'll never rise aboveTwo lonely people...

Moody Blues - Tortoise And The Hare
You know he's moving fast,Be he's still going slow,He's ahead in the race,And there is not far t...

Moody Blues - To Share Our Love
Makes me feel good,Now I can seeIt takes more than one to giveThe life we need.[P...

Moody Blues - Under Moonshine
The dawn crept into by roomAnd stole my dreamNow I'll never knowJust what it meansOr what ...

Moody Blues - Under My Feet
It's a hard lifeNever let yourself get downYou may never get backYou may never ever turn it roun...

Moody Blues - Veteran Cosmic Rocker
The lights go downThe stage is setThe man in the wings breaks out in sweatA backstage joker spik...

Moody Blues - Vintage Wine
I remember the taste of the vintage wineFrom '63 through to '69And I'm proud of the things we believed...

Moody Blues - Visions Of Paradise
The sounds in my mind just come to meCome see, come seeAnd the call of her eyes makes waterfalls...

Moody Blues - Voices In The Sky
Bluebird, flying highTell me what you singIf you could talk to meWhat news would you bring...

Moody Blues - Want To Be With You
When I think of all the thingsthat we've been throughAnd the the things we've yet to doI... I st...

Moody Blues - Watching And Waiting
Watching and waitingFor a friend to play withWhy have I been alone so longMole he is burrowing h...

Moody Blues - What Am I Doing Here
Pale the young squire who goes to fightTo die at his master's sideLiving is just a dream insideY...

Moody Blues - When You're A Free Man
Time... quickly passes byIf only we could talk againSomeday I know I'll see you smilingWhen you'...

Moody Blues - Wherever You Are
These times have passed and goneIt's time that we moved onInto a new tomorrowAnd leave behind th...

Moody Blues - Words You Say
Words you say to meI listen in sympathyBut I don't know what it isThat makes me ignore you....

Moody Blues - You And Me
There's a leafless tree in AsiaUnder the sun there's a homeless manThere's a forest fire in the valley...

Moody Blues - You Can Never Go Home
I don't know what I'm searching forI never have opened the door,Tomorrow might find me at last,T...

Moody Blues - Your Wildest Dreams
Once upon a timeOnce when you were mineI remember skiesReflected in your eyesI wonder wher...

Mos Def - Bedstuy Parade & Funeral March
Turn the drums upTurn my vocals, tooI hear myself a lil moreYeahMore [7x]Moto...

Mos Def - Black Jack
Black Jack Was a fighting man Black Jack Was a mighty man You stand them up He...

Mos Def - Brooklyn
[Mos Def]Hey hey, ha ha say what say whatHa ha bust it yoSometimes I feel like I don't ha...

Mos Def - Champion Requiem
[Mos Def]Bismillah ir Rhman ir RaheemPeace, peace whats up y'all this is Mos DefAnd this ...

Mos Def - Climb
La La La [humming...]People climbed into the night like space suitsPeople stepped into th...

Mos Def - Do It Now
[Mos Def]Back up, back up, back up, back upBack up back up back up back up EASE offThis g...

Mos Def - Fear Not Of Man
[Mos Def]Bismillah ir Rahman ir RaheemIf you can hear me ladies and gentlemen...

Mos Def - Ghetto Rock
[Intro: Mos Def]Hello Children[Chorus 1: Mos Def]Black Jack Johnson N.Y.C....

Mos Def - Got
Some cats really like to, you know...Profile and front.And then the jooks go down, all at once they li...

Mos Def - Habitat
[Chorus]We all got to have, a place where we come fromThis place that we come from is cal...

Mos Def - Hip Hop
You say one for the trebble, two for the timeCome on y'all let's rock this!You say one for the trebble...

Mos Def - Know That
[Mos Def]Hey, hey, heyyy manI Strike the Empire Back..I Strike the Empire Back..Fuc...

Mos Def - Life Is Real
[Intro + shout outs]Boogie man, boogie man, boogie manBOOGIE MAN! (Hello children!)My who...

Mos Def - Love
They say the goodness in life belongs to those who believeSo, I believe...YES![Chorus 2x]...

Mos Def - Mathematics
[Mos Def]Booka-booka-booka-booka-booka-bookaHa hahYou know the dealIt's just me yo...

Mos Def - Modern Marvel
This desire...[Mos Def Singing]I come home high and she start to cryI can't t...

Mos Def - Mr. Nigga
Say ho, everybody say hoBy the way yoI said shake your soul like way back in the day-yoBy the wa...

Mos Def - Ms. Fat Booty
I know, I can't afford to stopfor a moment.. that it's too soon.. to forgetI know, I can't afford to s...

Mos Def - New World Water
[Mos Def]There's nothing more refreshing (that cool refreshing drink)Than a cool, crisp, clean ...

Mos Def - Rock N Roll
[Mos Def]Make me wanna HOLLA.. aowwWWWWWWWWWWWWW!"Ah.. ah-ah, ah-ah.. ah-ah, ah-lert the squad....

Mos Def - Sex, Love & Money
Sex love and money, funBrooklyn,. Sex love and money, get up, comeDanger!!You are now rock...

Mos Def - Speed Law
Relax, pump the brakesYou're speeding moneyYou'll smash your whole shit up (slow down)Lights be ...

Mos Def - Sunshine
[Intro: Mos Def + (Sample)](Let the sun shine)Yeah yeah its a brand new day y'all (Let the suns...

Mos Def - The Beggar
[Mos Def]Woman you know I love youWoman you know just how I feelYou try to tell me that y...

Mos Def - The Boogie Man Song
[Mos Def]Bismillah ir Rhman ir Raheem{In The Name Of God, The Most Merciful, The Most Compassio...

Mos Def - The Panties
I just want you toRelaxEase into itBaby slow down, just take your timeYou and me goi...

Mos Def - The Rape Over
(Boogie man business)ListenAll white men is runnin this rap shitCorporate force's runnin t...

Mos Def - Umi Says
I don't wanna write this down, (world... premiere)I wanna tell you how I feel right now (world... premiere)...

Mos Def - War
War is a global economic phenomenonAin't a batch of guns on where, hellfireSpittin', run up ever...

The Motors - Airport
So many destination faces going to so many placesWhere the weather is much betterAnd the food is so mu...

Mr. Big - 30 Days In The Hole
All right, all right, all rightShe called up an old friendTalkin' bout Black LebaneseA dirty roo...

Mr. Big - Ain't Seen Love Like That
I've been miles from nowhereCrossed and doubled backTime is a healerAnd I've done my timeC...

Mr. Big - A Little To Loose
Misguided woman knows my nameAin't go nobody else to blameI gota a girl back homeShe's waiting a...

Mr. Big - Alive And Kickin'
Black top blazin', hometown fadin'Out of sight in the rear view mirrorStevie Ray blasting on the radio...

Mr. Big - Anything For You
You have me burnin' up With your bad timingOne small momentI'm lost in your loveI'm ...

Mr. Big - Big Love
I swear by loveYou got it All and much more Than one could ever hope for'Cause I would tak...

Mr. Big - Blame It On My Youth
I live my life, one after the otherCan't seem to shake trouble ollows me where ever I goMy mama ...

Mr. Big - Cdff-lucky This Time
Lost and alone in this city of darknessEmpty of lovers and full of liesYou build a wall between your d...

Mr. Big - Colorado Bulldog
Ace high in goldenI was tall and on the rocksAnd a little touch of attitudeWho's that Madame X...

Mr. Big - Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy
If you're a red hot fire crackerI will light your fuseIf you cry like a little girlI'll dry your...

Mr. Big - Goin' Where The Wind Blows
Someone said life is for the takingHere I am with my hand out waiting for a rideI've been living on my...

Mr. Big - Green-tinted Sixties Mind
She just woke up, but she's still tiredIs that the telephone ringing?The curtains can't hold back the ...

Mr. Big - Had Enough
Ain't like any other dayFinally comes a time to decideI won't spend another day Stuck here in th...

Mr. Big - How Can You Do What You Do
You can knock me outI've been down for the ten-count beforeBetter give it upDon't have to show m...

Mr. Big - I've Learned My Lessons
Met a man at the stationHe stopped me from throwing myself on the tracksHe said son, "It ain't always ...

Mr. Big - Mama D
Mama D.Has a way of fixing the holeWhere the water runs out my soulWhen you sing with meSa...

Mr. Big - Merciless
Shake the waist, you got to love that taste andSmell the rain, what a shame to let her get awayTie me ...

Mr. Big - Mister Gone
You feel a tap upon your shoulderTurn around, there's no one thereIs your mind just getting older?...

Mr. Big - Mr.big
All right, huh!I work hard every dayCome rain or shineDon't need nobody To tell about a gi...

Mr. Big - My Kinda Woman
Way back in the early days1946 She walked in with the look o'loveThat girl had bedroom eyesFire ...

Mr. Big - Nothing But Love
Guess what babyThe things we saycame true todayCoz we listened to our heartsNo one but you...

Mr. Big - Out Of The Underground
Hey man, are you ready to goDown where you reach a higher lowMmm, you can breathe the sweet & sacred a...

Mr. Big - Promise Her The Moon
Hey, yeah yeahYou don't know what you've gotTill the love is almost goneThis time, yeah she's gi...

Mr. Big - Road To Ruin
Good lord, I triedTo push her memory to the back o'my mind"Mustang Sally" from her head to her toe...

Mr. Big - Rock & Roll Over
When the honeymoon's overWhere do we go from here What do we do when we get there Who's at the o...

Mr. Big - Seven Impossible Days
Sunday morning, out of my mindFeel like it's going to waste25 years, 7 Impossible daysMonday mor...

Mr. Big - Take A Walk
Equal Opportunity knockedTwice too late to stay on top of it allAll for one, one for all.Push me...

Mr. Big - Take Cover
Words in my mouthSomeone told me to sayThey go unspoken My mind gets in the wayI hold my t...

Mr. Big - Temperamental
She's shakin' like a dash-board dollCool, cruel and calculatingA beauty in the back seatShe ru...

Mr. Big - The Chain
I hear their voices inside my headThere's no denying it's my private hell asI lie in bedI take a...

Mr. Big - The Price You Gotta Pay
I could take what I want, but I take what I need.How can I help myself if I need everything ?I get pos...

Mr. Big - The Whole World's Gonna Know
Your secret is safeI'll keep it on the insideCover your play, makin' up a white lieI can't compl...

Mr. Big - Trapped In Toyland
20 long years ridin' somebody's coattalisWatching the vermin go by thru a heavy coat of chain mail...

Mr. Big - Voodoo Kiss
I've got the full moon feverA black cat cut across my pathPut a little spell o me mademoiselleI ...

Mr. Big - What's It Gonna Be
What's it gonna be, baby?Shivers down my spineSwim on to your islandIs your treasure mine?...

Mr. Big - Where Do I Fit In?
Don't you color me by the way you paint your pictureI'm happy just the way I amIt's been soaked into m...

Mr. Big - Wild World that I've lost everything to youYou say you want to start something new...

Mr. Cheeks - Lights, Camera, Action
[Mr. Cheeks]I'm talkin to these motherfuckersYea, okYea, ooh, ooh (This one's a vivrant t...

Mr. Vegas - Pull Up
[Intro: Mr. Vegas]Mr. Vegas, alongside Wayne Anthony[Chorus: Wayne Anthony]T...

Mr. Vegas - Tamale
[Intro]Ketch this ketch dah one yah pon yu musical disk just ketch this She's ah she's ah she's...

Ms. Dynamite - Afraid 2 Fly
[Verse One:]In my heart the sharpest pain,The darkest clouds up in my brain.Anger s...

Ms. Dynamite - A Little Deeper
Have you ever had a broken heart, felt so much painLived in so much dark thought you'd never see the light a...

Ms. Dynamite - All I Ever
[Verse One:]When I'm with you I only feel completness,I can feel taste on my lips,I...

Ms. Dynamite - Brother
[Verse 1:]When we were young,Life was so unjust,At times i felt it was just us,...

Ms. Dynamite - Dy-na-mi-tee
Yo I'm the same little girl that grew up next door to youWent through all the things a teenage girl goes thr...

Ms. Dynamite - Gotta Let U Know
[Verse One:]I don't wanna be the one to turn and walk away.I still feel u in my heart but...

Ms. Dynamite - It Takes More
The shit that you promoteFighting, fuckin'Like you don't want to growYour talking so much sex...

Ms. Dynamite - Krazy Krush
Long time I been waitin' to get next to you,Long time I been anticipatin' the things that I wanna do,L...

Ms. Dynamite - Natural High
lifes full a painlifes full a sttressspecialy when your comin from the streetsinhale ma vi...

Ms. Dynamite - Now U Want My Love
[Verse One:]Remember when I was so weak 4 u,Remember when I felt so deep 4 u,I reme...

Ms. Dynamite - Put Him Out
[Verse One:]Now im'a tell it like this girlfriend,He don't love you.Never have I se...

Ms. Dynamite - Sick N Tired
Woo Woo...Cuz when a womans fed up...well, well, well...Hmmm mmm[Verse 1:]...

Ms. Dynamite - Watch Over Them
Every day I wake I feel like crying,Every second I feel like praying,Every where I turn my prople dyin...

Ms. Jade - Blow Ya Mind (dj Ren Freestyle)
[Intro]Yo this is Ms. JadeAnd Philly's number one DJ, DJ RenUh, yeah[Ms. J...

Ms. Jade - Dream
[Intro]Hey...heyHey...heyHey...heyHey[Verse 1]Who the hell...

Ms. Jade - Feel The Girl
[Intro Timbaland (Ms. Jaded)]Ladies and gentlemenLadies and gentlemen(Ms. Jade) Lay lay l...

Ms. Jade - She's A Gangsta
[verse 1:]who da hell wan test me big guns and thingssee me in the source book bitch frozen rin...

Mudvayne - -1
Losses, losers and more, gain of life's pleasures cohorts listenbehind the doors to a life sheltered in, les...

Mudvayne - All That You Are
Repeating in my headBetrayalRepeating in my headInsecuritiesRepeating in my headDivi...

Mudvayne - Central Disposal
My perspective on life is painSponge textured soul so porous i cant drainI just absorb violations of t...

Mudvayne - Choices
Leaders are guilty of nothingThey're perfectly insaneBut if they'd point the finger at themselves...

Mudvayne - Coal
My soul simply wont bleedCoal blackened walls surround my sceneHardened, callous ive been stung by bee...

Mudvayne - Cradle
Breathe...Push......I lost you, you were my god thought what do I do nowyou were never there for...

Mudvayne - Cultivate
Got the disease in my mind that chaos runs through in youGuilty toys for your insidesJust plead and I'...

Mudvayne - Death Blooms
Cold seems crippling lame meander through corridors aroma's thickwith age mark off the day reflections of my...

Mudvayne - Determined

Mudvayne - Dig
Dig bury me underneathEverything that I am rearrangingDig bury me underneathEverything that I wa...

Mudvayne - Dig (everything And Nothing Remix)
I would love to beat the face,Of any mother fucker that's thinkin' they can change me,White knuckles g...

Mudvayne - Dig (future Evolution Remix)
I would love to beat the face,Of any mother fucker that's thinkin' they can change me,White knuckles g...

Mudvayne - Everything And Nothing
We swallow the spit,Steal acceptance lend denial,Telling me that my life is free and boundless,T...

Mudvayne - Fall Into Sleep
Dreams of earthquakesDreams of hurricanesDreams of pouring rainDreams of tidal wash u...

Mudvayne - Fear
Mr p ? you have that funni little acidy taste in the back ofYour throat ?like that ?uh huh you can taste it ...

Mudvayne - Forget To Remember
What have I done?Where have I come from?When I burnt the backs with the sun through a glass did I seal...

Mudvayne - Goodbye
Pendulum stops and falls awayLife sifted through like sandStorms of summer rainFlooding lifeline...

Mudvayne - I.d.i.o.t.
Through my skin you climb, To my eyesI say goodbyeNow that you're on the insideBlinded eye...

Mudvayne - Imn
SuicideDon't give a fuck about thisMy life or any otherJust go away and let me hangImpossi...

Mudvayne - Internal Primates Forever
Cop provisions feed my addictions mistakes I made thenI opened up the holes and they crawled in,Now wh...

Mudvayne - Just
Just a few seconds away from everyoneFrom everythingJust a few seconds awayA second of your time...

Mudvayne - Key To Nothing
no more doorsno more locksno more windowsno more boxno moreno lessno more noth...

Mudvayne - (k)now F(orever)
Frozen moments in time,Stopped hourglass,They predicate, what you will know,Dispositions lie wit...

Mudvayne - Mercy, Severity
We've come here, from so far away,I can save you,If you leave it all behindThis suffering's, bee...

Mudvayne - Not Falling
Always, known in, all my time,A little left of center nowReflect as I realize,That all I need is...

Mudvayne - Nothing To Gein
Cold and silent, soiled face I will wash it all away,With my love,That's all she's ever needed, from m...

Mudvayne - On The Move
Pack up my shit Im on the road like Kerouac (whooo)Found tranquility in the cover that holds me (down down)...

Mudvayne - (per)version Of A Truth
When everything is lost (peel it all away)Haunting us with questions (asking)Will we...Ever find...

Mudvayne - Pharmaecopia
Does your god come in a capsule,To sedate you tear the walls down,Headless prison cannibals chew,...

Mudvayne - Poop Loser
[Baby crying]Your a mother piece of shit and you'll never amount to nothin'Your a mother piece ...

Mudvayne - Prod
Emotions inside us troubling,The hatred inside us escalating,The sickness inside us keeps you weak,...

Mudvayne - Rain. Sun. Gone.
So farLeft with nothingHanging by a memoryNo starsTo give me one wishSo lost in the ...

Mudvayne - Seed
Fall downCant pick myself up off the groundHead downI see catastrophyAnd its right in fron...

Mudvayne - Severed
And we hide behind,Lies, anger, Hate they shoo love away,Build shells of ourselves outside,It sh...

Mudvayne - Shadow Of A Man
Mirror mirror... Upon the wall I'm asking you"Who is the most confused of them all?"Mirror mirror... S...

Mudvayne - Silenced
Sticker this, censor this, ban thisWe've got something to sayPolice this, condemn this, damn this...

Mudvayne - Skrying
This puzzle's dead insideMissing pieces growing eyes,MysteryLittle girls severity,Little b...

Mudvayne - Solve Et Coagula
Fire, fireI dissolve and solidify,Destroy to recreate,Disassemble to assemble something pure,...

Mudvayne - Some Assembly Required
Holy god manWell wont you lend me insightTo your counterfeited tyrannyMouth fulls of christian v...

Mudvayne - The End Of All Things To Come
All over with, Fuck all the flags, the greed, the world leadersRun for the fenceWe're coming, We...

Mudvayne - The Patient Mental
Patient,Just as I am,As always,Watch the time go by,Nothing left to pass by,The minu...

Mudvayne - Trapped In The Wake Of A Dream
Do I deserve these beatings?Hating me, well then,Cut, cut the nooseand let me fall away......

Mudvayne - Tv Radio
You incomplete meYou tune me intoWhitewashSpoon fedBrain deadSlothI'd wa...

Mudvayne - Under My Skin
Nailed inside my head,Fuck this I don't need your shit,All the lies deceit and arrogance,Talk yo...

Mudvayne - World So Cold
When passion's lost and all the trust is gone,Way too far, for way too longChildren crying, cast out a...

Murder By Death - A Caucus Race
Take the last bus home with the quarters in your pockets left over from pinball machines at the bar many streets f...

Murder By Death - A Masters In Reverse Psychology
Put the bullet in the barrell take the safety off keep shootin' at the devilin the moonlight put it all on b...

Murder By Death - Canyon Inn Room 16
Your hourglass shape in the light half covered in cloth the rest untouched Thinking I don't feel like being a sent...

Murder By Death - End Of The Line
All the kids have run inside grabbed a spot under the stairs they've barricaded all the windows and rigged the doo...

Murder By Death - Flamenco's Fuckin Easy
Life in the city everyone's busy packin' portfolios to kill competition hey boss hey boss i'm capable of making yo...

Murder By Death - For Matt Davis
oh let me lay down beside my dear friend who has gone away cover me over with dirt and sod let me hasten my depart...

Murder By Death - Holy Lord, Shawshank Redemption Is Such A Good Movie!
You're all the way over there but we can dance to your music from here. ...

Murder By Death - I'm Afraid Of Whos Afraid Of Virginia Woolf
I didn't mean to make you feel out of place by the comments on your clothing or the makeup on your face i didn't m...

Murder By Death - Intergalactic Menopause
We were drunk and carsick when we rolled into town pulling up to the drive-in there was no one around when the lig...

Murder By Death - Joe Bou
We were sitting in the back of the car watching the lights go by on the ceiling in a sleeping bag we were hungry d...

Murder By Death - Killbot 2000
a smell like cigarettes creeps softly through the vents the room is fillingup with smoke and little bodies t...

Murder By Death - Knife Goes In, Guts Come Out
Maria's mixing up the poison in the bathroom combines blue and green and brown and black and red She puts it on th...

Murder By Death - Pillars Of Salt
Our fingers are missing they litter the ground grass will never grow nearthis town again the frames on the w...

Murder By Death - That Crown Don't Make You A Prince
All the drunks in the alleys are takin' up arms to undo their whole lives in a day if their hearts they don't chan...

Murder By Death - The Desert Is On Fire
I'll leave a trail of fire across this desert just to see the desperation inyour eyes you think you've suffe...

Murder By Death - The Devil In Mexico
Well I'll take two shots said the devil to the man and layed a little book on the bar well lord knows the devil he...

Murder By Death - Three Men Hanging
Get on with it put off the fuss you chickenshit get on with it can't you see its time to quit I seen three men han...

Murder By Death - Until Morale Improves, The Beatings Will Continue
I walked the road from Tucson to San Antonio with the smell of blood on my breath ninety days of sweat and dirt fe...

Murder By Death - You Are The Last Dragon (you Possess The Power Of The Glow)
Fill up your mouth with smoke hourly and wash it down into your body these are directions that come with a tag you...

Murderdolls - 197666
In 197666 I was born a bastard and a son of a bitchAnd Im sick, sick motherfucker sickIn 197666 ...

Murderdolls - B-movie Scream Queen
Another dead girl on the tubeShes my Lilly Munster crawling from her tombDark black circles around her...

Murderdolls - Crash Crash
I'm at the end of my noose,I've got nothing to loose.I'm digging my own grave,And thats the trut...

Murderdolls - Dawn Of The Dead
When tomorrow comes, well be one of themAnd our only purpose is, to kill off those not dead[P...

Murderdolls - Dead In Hollywood
Hey Frankenstein, whats on your mind?Hey dracula, I heard you suckNow Vincent Price was Dr. Phibes...

Murderdolls - Dressed To Depress
I got a snotty noseI got nappy hairMy mommy dont love meAnd my daddy dont care, noMy siste...

Murderdolls - Grave Robbing U.s.a.
Well I come from the planet beyond the starsLooking for some human body partsIm gonna pull your body f...

Murderdolls - I Take Drugs
[chorus]I take drugsI take drugsI take drugs and you should too[repeat]...

Murderdolls - Kill Miss America
I wanna be a fucking prize winning drag queenWith the platform boots and the tombstone looksI want the...

Murderdolls - Let's Fuck
I don't wanna' meet your mom and dad,Unless you'll let me fuck your mom and dress your dad in drag....

Murderdolls - Let's Go To War
Im the motherfucking wrenchThrown in the gearsEverything was great til I got hereIm a bad guy in...

Murderdolls - Love At First Fright
When I saw you piss on the rug, my heart flutteredAnd I knew it was love, true loveAll the things you ...

Murderdolls - Motherfucker I Don't Care
I hate your voice and I hate your faceExterminate you from the human raceLifes a joke and the joke is ...

Murderdolls - People Hate Me
I'm wretched, I'm infested, rejected and infectedI'm a loser, I'm a winner, a born-again sinnerCut my ...

Murderdolls - She Was A Teenage Zombie
Dont know what Im feeling or what I should sayOn how my life changedThe day I stumbled on her grave ...

Murderdolls - Slit My Wrist
Paranormal chicken geekDrugged up superstar fiendGenderbending galactic freakSci-fi lobotomy...

Murderdolls - Twist My Sister
Old MacDonald had a farmE-I-E-I-Oh my GodThou shalt not take any more shitAnd Ill split my siste...

Murderdolls - Welcome To The Strange
NowhereNo place I'd rather beI'm my own sideshowI can feel the miseryI lived my whol...

Murphy Lee - Granpa Gametight
[Hook - Murphy Lee]Hey Maa, what ya need, what ya like?You can get it from Granpa Gametight...

Muse - Agitated
You make me agitated,You know i appreciate itWhy can't i complicate itSo why should i look at yo...

Muse - Apocalypse Please
declare this an emergencycome on and spread a sense of urgencyand pull us throughand pull us thr...

Muse - Blackout
don't kid yourselfand don't fool yourselfthis love's too good to lastand i'm too old to dream...

Muse - Bliss
Everything about you is how I wanna beYour freedom comes naturallyEverything about you resonates happi...

Muse - Butterflies And Hurricanes
change,everything you areand everything you wereyour number has been calledfights, battles...

Muse - Cave
Leave me alone it's nothing seriousIll do it myselfIt's got nothing to do with youAnd there's no...

Muse - Citizen Erased
Break me in, Teach us to cheatAnd to lie, cover upWhat shouldn't be shared?All the truth u...

Muse - Coma
Confide in meSustain on my apathyYou're such a messYou can learn not to confessYou w...

Muse - Con-science
I cant pretendChoose how it endsYou slipped awayQuestions you to sayIn fearIn ...

Muse - Dark Shines
Passing by you light up my darkest skiesYou take only seconds to draw me inSo be mine and your innocen...

Muse - Dead Star
Shame on you for thinkingYou're an exceptionWe're all to blameCrashing down to earthWastin...

Muse - Do We Need This?
Too many young and too many oldToo many people left during the coldYou want everything to change...

Muse - Endlessly
There's a part of me you'll never knowThe only thing I'll never showHopelessly I'll love you end...

Muse - Escape
You would say anythingYou would try anythingTo escape your meaninglessAnd your insignificance...

Muse - Falling Away With You
i can't remember when it was goodmoments of happiness eludemaybe i just misunderstoodall o...

Muse - Falling Down
Im falling downAnd fifteen thousand people screamThey were all begging for your dreamIm falling ...

Muse - Feeling Good
Birds flying high You know how I feel Sun in the sky You know how I feel Reeds driftin' on...

Muse - Fillip
It's happening soonIt's happening soonIt's scent has been blowing in my directionTo me it is new...

Muse - Fury
[Japanese Bonus Track]You're so happy nowBurning a candle at both endsYour self-lov...

Muse - Hate This & I'll Love You
Oh I am growing tiredOf allowing you to stealEverything I haveYou're making me feelLike I ...

Muse - Host
Ive read you wellI just want to get awayCos you used my loveI just need to get awayM...

Muse - Hypermusic
Your golden lies feed my roleIn this forgotten space race under my controlWho's returned from the dead...

Muse - Instant Messenger (pink Ego Box)
It's gonna be okI cant afford another dayAt 50 bytes per secondIve never seen your face...

Muse - In Your World
I'm hurting you againTo lonely to pretendLike everything is newI promise you toBlow it all...

Muse - Jimmy Kane
Jimmy Kane cant sleep at nightSex in painKeeps me aliveYou cant confuse yourselfThey...

Muse - Map Of Your Head
I'm sick of feeling my soulTo people who'll never knowJust how purposeless and empty they've grown...

Muse - Micro Cuts
Hands are red with your blameMegaphone screaming my nameWhimpers someone I should've lovedSouls ...

Muse - Muscle Museum
She had something to confess toBut you dont have the time soLook the other wayYou will wait unti...

Muse - Nature_1
Conforming on a mondayToo often and too coldBut you aren't even listeningBecause you are just...

Muse - New Born
Link it to the worldLink it to yourselfStretch it like a birth squeezeThe love for what you hide...

Muse - Overdue
You needed it when I was awayAnd no matter what I sayYour'll never forget when I wasn't there so...

Muse - Plug In Baby
I've exposed your lies, baby The underneath is no big surprise Now it's time for changing And cl...

Muse - Recess
ResuscitateIn my sleepAwake to seeYou're never hereBut the losing yieldsAnothe...

Muse - Screenager
Who's so phoney and always surrounded?Stop your screaming, no one can hearAll the scars on your skin: ...

Muse - Showbiz
Controlling my feelings for too longControlling my feelings for too longControlling my feelings for to...

Muse - Sing For Absolution
lips are turning bluea kiss that can't renewI only dream of youmy beautifultiptoe to...

Muse - Sober
Royal Canadian blendedThe spicy aroma had mended meMatured for years and importedInto my glass y...

Muse - Space Dementia
Height is the one for meIt gives me all I needAnd helps me co-excist with the chillYou make me s...

Muse - Spiral Static
Who's ever knownHow much to moan and groanAnd quiver insideHe needs to give youEverything ...

Muse - Stockholm Syndrome
I won't stand in your waylet your hatred growand she'll screamand she'll shoutand she'll p...

Muse - Sunburn
Come waste your millions hereSecretly she sneersAnother corporate showA guilty conscience grows...

Muse - The Smallprint
take, take all you needand i'll compensate your greedwith broken hearts sell i'll sell your memo...

Muse - Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist
Eerie whisperstrapped beneath my pillowwon't let me sleepyour memoriesand I know you...

Muse - Time Is Running Out
I think I'm drowningAsphyxiatedI wanna break this spellThat you've createdYou're som...

Muse - Twin
Your warmth, your warmth,Is so deep,Your gaze,Beams a hole inside meControlling agai...

Muse - Unintended
You could be my unintendedChoice to live my life extendedYou could be the one I'll always loveYo...

Muse - Uno
This means nothing to me'Cause you are nothing to meAnd it means nothing to meThat you blew this...

Mushroomhead - 2nd Thoughts
I Hold Your Throat Within My Naked Hand I Can Never HopeTo Have You Hear My Word I Lose Control At The Sight...

Mushroomhead - 43
Mind hemorrhage fuckin' folding chairs in the hallway crucified, paralyzed, you laugh, I c...

Mushroomhead - Almost Gone
This cant be so all overAnd out of my time i've wastedSo much of my mind is racingTo the point o...

Mushroomhead - Along The Way
(I'm thirsty - And weary from the heatAs the Sands rinse the hands of timeI will suck the venom from y...

Mushroomhead - Becoming Cold (216)
Never heard my name calledNever any one at allNever in the rightAt the heart of every fault...

Mushroomhead - Before I Die
Set Me Free Let Me Be Who And What I Am Why Can't You See? You Never Seem To Understand ...

Mushroomhead - Big Brother
Open Up Your Mind And Let Some Thought Inside Open Up Your Mind As They All Survey 4 Out Of 5 And They All S...

Mushroomhead - Born Of Desire
Wait I Feel So Helpless In This Haze Better Days Are Laid To Rest. Life's A Test World Of ...

Mushroomhead - Bwomp
We're Piling It Too High Talk Not Saying Anything What We Leave Behind What We Can't Afford To K...

Mushroomhead - Bwomp
Drop It From The Top Don't Let The Motherfucker Stop Cops Want The Props Tripping Like A Bunch Of Pork Chops...

Mushroomhead - Chancre Sore
Self Absorbed Chancre Sore Love You Like A Matador Life Is Just A Metaphor Nothing's Fair ...

Mushroomhead - Conflict-the Argument Goes On
Just because you're a saved how does that make me lost?Eyes wide hands tied capsized in flouride 4 out of 5 ...

Mushroomhead - Destroy The World Around Me
As they feed the war machine and pull the strings behind the scenesWith a bloated sense of supremacy...

Mushroomhead - Ego Trip
With A Guilt Ridden Frown Hidden Smiling Deep DownLaughing At The Crowd Nauseating Sound As The BlindL...

Mushroomhead - Elevation
How Am I Supposed To Think?Can I Feel? My Hands Are Numb,My Feet Oh No My Dick Is DumbAnd The Ra...

Mushroomhead - Eternal
Face the day embrace the painWage my war internalSave my soul eternalReach out for redempt...

Mushroomhead - Exploiting Your Weakness
The mind is a sponge absorbing your secrets the body'sat one exploiting your weakness a brand new kind of le...

Mushroomhead - Fear Held Dear
ListenListen To MeListenListen To MeListenYou Left Your MarkLike A Handp...

Mushroomhead - Flattened
An Early Incarnation, Of A Bad Day I Got Up On The Wrong Side Again The First Hours Crawl Emotional Starvati...

Mushroomhead - Idle Worship
I've Got A Great Choice Of Career Staring Endlessly Into The Mirror I've Got A Blank Look On My Face Never T...

Mushroomhead - Indifferent
Distraught In Deprived Thought Within A Golden Rave I MakeIt A Point Of Being Pointless Brainwash It All Awa...

Mushroomhead - Inevitable
There's always a downside impossible together not ever happy aparti cut myself to the bone, again cut it too...

Mushroomhead - Kill Tomorrow
Want toWe can if we want toLead you from behind youTime will takes it's toll re-evaluate...

Mushroomhead - Mommy
Mother may I? Mother may I please go outside and play?Don't put me back in the dark I promise I will not tel...

Mushroomhead - Mother Machine Gun
(Can we make progressHave we learned our lessonHow can we take the test Without the questions...

Mushroomhead - Never Let It Go
No I'll Never Ever Let It Go Caressing The Downfall Out Stretched Arms On Your Knees Crawl ...

Mushroomhead - Nowhere To Go
Morning's gone Echoes of dawn Shaking my soul All but doneDeliriumThe rain with the ...

Mushroomhead - Our Own Way
Confuse the way we all live life We want the same pursue the prizeOur own wayOur own way...

Mushroomhead - Simpleton
Beat Like A Dog, Pissing All Over Shit ON The Rug,Lie Down And Roll Over,Shove My Nose In The Floor Ma...

Mushroomhead - Solitaire Unraveling
Locked Away In A Cage My Rage Has Got The Best Of Me Time Finds A Way Each Day Of Leaving Less O...

Mushroomhead - Sun Doesn't Rise
Some kind of evidenceSome kind of reasonWhy I can't find a wayTo begin my lifeSomewh...

Mushroomhead - The Dream Is Over
Betrayed - by my soul The blame - placed on my shouldersWeight - I will carry all the way to my grave...

Mushroomhead - The Final Act
Wide eyed sleepers death in motion daylight creepers wearing all nightpain bleeding moments spilling over no...

Mushroomhead - The New Cult King
In That Dream I Recall Pieces Of Prisons I'm Escaping In The Next Big Religion I Do The Cr...

Mushroomhead - These Filthy Hands
Haphazardly, Tumbling Hard Fall Right Down, Laugh Out Loud All In The Scheme Of Things, We...

Mushroomhead - The War Inside
How could such potential go unrealizedThe natives speak in tongues and tangled truths while chanting d...

Mushroomhead - The Wrist
Acting Tragically, In An Inept Manner Trying To Act Like Something Really Mattered When I ...

Mushroomhead - Thirteen
In a church by the faceHe talks about the people going underOnly child knowA man decides after s...

Mushroomhead - Too Much Nothing
Too much nothingI'm always excusing myselfBut now it's getting hard to tell the reason why I even care...

Mushroomhead - Xeroxed
Fall From Grace False Messiah Laid To Waste Amidst Desire Never Found The Fuel That ...

The Music - Bleed From Within
Shooting star across the desert skyThe sun is bleeding into my eyeI can't help but notice the way you ...

The Music - Breakin
Going away there's nothing to stay forEverything we do is some diseaseLove is hidden by your fear...

The Music - Cessation
I never want to beI never want to be like youI wanna be myselfBut you make me out to be somebody...

The Music - Disco
Have you ever looked Across the midight sky The stars roll down The ocean floods To where ...

The Music - Fight The Feeling
I've been waitingSearching, lonelyTake me walkingUnderneath the starsLove is hereNo ...

The Music - Float
We're so nearly You wanna get where we are You love me Love me Love me Love me yeah ...

The Music - Freedom Fighters
I don't knowWhy these people can't get it onAnd what you didn't knowThat its just people having ...

The Music - Getaway
What's it like up there Do you worry anymore How's it feel up there So much left to say If...

The Music - Guide
I was coming downFrom what I don't knowThe life inside of meIn time will set us freeBut wi...

The Music - Human
HumanHuman YeahHumanHuman YeahI can hear the silenceOf what we used to be...

The Music - I Need Love
So to the worldI'll raise a glass andTurn my back on lifeI wish that you were here with me...

The Music - Into The Night
Tonight we'll start a fireYou know we'll let it burnSomehow we'll over come itI'll never know...

The Music - One Way In, No Way Out
We all know the situation yeahWe all know the fear will soon be leavingAnd we all know it's gonna be o...

The Music - Open Your Mind
I thought life was supposed to beA lesson in itselfBut each day I find it so much harderBelieve ...

The Music - People
Hey Monday morning, See what you're missing, I can't live my life like this boy, I said hey litt...

The Music - Take The Long Road And Walk It
She said she didn't know me Said I'm sweet She said she didn't know me Now I'm not so swee...

The Music - The Dance
This This This Aint Heaven yeah yeah Longing for love Fed up of loss ...

The Music - The Truth Is No Words
People try to judge methey remember the old meAll I know is all I ownEverybody movin...

The Music - Too High
This Mountain They Want to climb it Too far Too high Too hard to climb T...

The Music - Turn Out The Light
Turn out the light Turn out the light Tell me a story Does it feel right We all hate...

The Music - Welcome To The North
My time is emptyAnd I want, I want to break freeTheir minds, your minds are always closedBut you...

Musiq Soulchild - 143
How many times have I called you While you were working just to sayLeft messages on your answering mac...

Musiq Soulchild - Babygirl
[Verse 1]Pardon me my darlinBut do you have a secondJust so I can tell you How you ...

Musiq Soulchild - Babymother
[Conversation:]Yo Zac, I got something to tell youIight was sup? I'm lateYou late, yeah, ...

Musiq Soulchild - Caughtup
[Verse 1]Just a few years ago she was too young for me to knowSo I had to let her goIt ki...

Musiq Soulchild - Forthenight
Let's pretend for one night, I'm the man in your lifeAnd we do the things that lovers doAll the loving...

Musiq Soulchild - Future
[Chorus I]Hey ya'll, hey ya'll don't you ever let no one tell you to grow up and give up on your...

Musiq Soulchild - Givemorelove
The childrenNeed somethingWith more substanceAnd more meaningA message, intendedTo l...

Musiq Soulchild - Her
Let me tell you something about herAint nobody else around like herevery time I spend some time with h...

Musiq Soulchild - Infatueighties
Its kinda funny how we met backWhen you waked down the hall where I worked atA caramel shorty with a f...

Musiq Soulchild - Intermission: Juslisen
juslisenjuslisenSometimes I wonder why people, act like the way they doAll the drama and changes...

Musiq Soulchild - Just Friends
Girl I know this might seem strangeBut let me know if I'm out of orderFor stepping to you this way...

Musiq Soulchild - Leaveamessage
Yo, you've reached Musiq's cell phone, uh,I'm sorry I cant pick up right nowI'm kinda busy at the mome...

Musiq Soulchild - Mary Go Round
[Verse 1:]Maybe my mind is playing tricks on me but I could've swornThat the kiss that was mean...

Musiq Soulchild - Missyou
I've been holding out so long,I've been sleepin all aloneGirl I miss you,I been hangin on the ph...

Musiq Soulchild - Motherfather
[Chorus]Mother-Father before I forgetThank you for all that you have been to meAnd just i...

Musiq Soulchild - Newness
[Verse 1]Hey girl how you doingDo you feel like talking?Or do you need me to call you bac...

Musiq Soulchild - Onenight
[Verse 1]All, all this time we've been wasting babyYou've been playing babySending me all...

Musiq Soulchild - Poparatzi
[Verse 1:]Before you go can we just talk a momentWe shouldn't end it like thisCan we just...

Musiq Soulchild - Previouscats
[Verse 1]First things first girl recognize Who is wit you nowSecond thing, can't blame me...

Musiq Soulchild - Reallove
[Verse 1]I know this girl from way back some time agoFine as the autumn sun with a heart of gol...

Musiq Soulchild - Religous
One Sunday morning I woke up with you on my mindCuz I knew later on I'd see you in your glory looking so fin...

Musiq Soulchild - Romancipation
All this time you've been missing something girlAnd I've been trying to fill in all the empty spacesUp...

Musiq Soulchild - Scratch Introlude
Alright nowEverbody gather aroundCheck it outHey ladies get closer, fellas you know what to do (...

Musiq Soulchild - Settle For My Love
Your love means the world to me Words could not express the joy you bring Your love moves me tenderly ...

Musiq Soulchild - Seventeen
[Verse 1]Five foot seven with light green eyes Body built like a woman over twenty-five P...

Musiq Soulchild - Solong
[Verse 1]See we both shared a crowded roomNot formally introducedBut I've been watching h...

Musiq Soulchild - Something
Something in the way she moves Attracts me like no other lover Something in the way she moves me...

Musiq Soulchild - Soulstar
Last night I had a dreamOf a beautiful dayAnd like a songAn angel passed my wayShe was the...

Musiq Soulchild - Stopplayin
[Verse 1]We've been chilling together for a whileAnd I'm finding it hard to figure you out...

Musiq Soulchild - Thereason
Back when I was just meYou were always there to help and support my dreamsAnd you've encouraged me to ...

Musiq Soulchild - Time
[Verse 1]I'd like to take a minute to apologizeFor not taking advantage of youThrough all...

Musiq Soulchild - Whereareyougoing
Oh baby, can I change my mind, long ago you left meYou think I would have listened, when you said to m...

Musiq Soulchild - Whoknows
Now what we came here to doIt means more to me than just a nightThat we shareSo make sure that y...

Musiq Soulchild - You And Me
[Verse 1:]I never thought on the first night You would bare what you hold so dear to life...

Musiq Soulchild - You Be Alright
[Verse 1:]So many people are on a search to findWithin their days for that placeWithin th...

Musiq Soulchild - Youloveme
Girl lately I been thinking boutThe times that I shared with youAnd there's somthing that i figured ou...

Mxpx - 17 (i Saw Her Standing There)
[Originally by The Beatles]Well, she was just 17,You know what I mean,And the way s...

Mxpx - Americanism
have they got what they wanted? cause they've taken everything was it for the money? or is polit...

Mxpx - Andrea
Meeting you was just so unexpected I guess I was scared of being rejected Since you were so nice...

Mxpx - Another Song About Tv
another song about tv how much tv sucks washes your brain of intelligence you sit around a...

Mxpx - Anywhere But Here
it seems like life would be better some other way some other day, life is what you make it that's what...

Mxpx - Arrest Me
I feel like I'm lost and there's no going back,To the place where I know I belong.Ive changed through ...

Mxpx - Bad Hair Day
i'm sorry i can't relate i refuse to associate so don't go balming me for your bad hair day bad ...

Mxpx - Begin To Start
They say to me "Don't be hangin' on. If you won't go on, Do I want to?"Pray to see and pray to know...

Mxpx - Biased Bigotry
it's so easy to find the faultsin everyone else & not look at myselfi'm geting used to not having to...

Mxpx - Blue Moon
You saw me standing aloneWithout a dream in my heartWithout a love of my ownBlue MoonYou k...

Mxpx - Broken Hearted
Im broken hearted, broken hearted for youSo dont get me started on repairs I know what youre gonna do...

Mxpx - Broken Hearts Disease
I admit it I'm a jerk and I'm taking all the blame.I'll take it like a man, I'll run into the flames.I...

Mxpx - Buildings Tumble
Waking up is hard to do when no one loves youYears pass by, that's something you have gotten used to...

Mxpx - Call In Sick
Oh how I missed you,Oh how I needed you today,Oh how I missed you,Oh how I needed you today,...

Mxpx - Can't See Not Saying
It's been so long, I feel so out of touchThoughts cloud my heart and headI think I think too much...

Mxpx - Chick Magnet
Well he's a chick magnet, if ya know what I mean The way the girlies just go to him Well ya should've ...

Mxpx - Christalena
Cristalena, ya she's so coolCristalena, she's out of controlHalf the time she don't know where she's a...

Mxpx - Christmas Night Of The Zombies
Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa I dreamt that there were zombies right outside my window christmas lights hungy for some flesh...

Mxpx - Circumstance
Are you happy with your life?You make just enough to scrape byYou pay the rent, and your check is spen...

Mxpx - Circumstances
are you happy with your life? you make just enough to scrape by you pay the rent, and your check is sp...

Mxpx - Cold And Alone
I know I'm mean but I'm real sorry I didn't mean to make you cry I feel so bad by then it's too late ...

Mxpx - Cold Streets
I hear the cold streets calling me, (cold streets)I hear the cold streets calling me,I feel the dark d...

Mxpx - Correct Me If I'm Wrong
Did you forget what's important in you life? Somewhat confused, everthing is going wrong Do you regret...

Mxpx - Creation
You don't understand my views, or what it is I seeNothing you say is news cause you wouldn't listen to me...

Mxpx - Cristalena
Cristalena, ya she's so cool Crsitalena, she's out of control Half the time she don't know where she's...

Mxpx - Dead End
choose a direction which way you gonna go? you chose rejection because you didn't know what he ...

Mxpx - Delores
My girl hates the IRA it's true she just a Fantasy Don't know her she don't know me We'd make th...

Mxpx - Democracy
believing the lies defines american they don't realize their ignorance and sin democracy ain't real it...

Mxpx - Destroyed By You
Can someone tell me why I'm feeling this way? Can someone tell me why this world is so grey? It's neve...

Mxpx - Different Things
she's been told so many differnt things she just don't know what she believes it all makes sense at th...

Mxpx - Do & Don't
i still don't know what i want to do i'd probably still ask you if i knew what i'm doing now seems to ...

Mxpx - Doing Time
I remember times I had some were happy, some were sad memories me and my partners in crime throw...

Mxpx - Don't Look Back
Does it matter to you, does it matter to me?Does it matter to anybody?Just when you thought it was saf...

Mxpx - Don't Walk Away
I need the comfort,That's in your arms,Squeeze and hold me tight, and keep me warmI need the pas...

Mxpx - Do Your Feet Hurt
Can I call you sweetheart or even baby doll? If I had your number, you'd be getting a phone call Can I...

Mxpx - Drum Machine Joy
drum machine joy - drum machine joy soon the goodness king will hear your heart from within the castle to hi...

Mxpx - Ears To Hear
right now there's nothing left for me to say now you want me to go away heard it one to ma...

Mxpx - Easer Said Than Done
no one here is innocent as far as i can see. it happens each and everyday condoned by you and me. is i...

Mxpx - Easier Said Than Done
no one here is innocent as far as I can see.It happens each and everyday condoned by you and me.Is if ...

Mxpx - Educated Guess
Everything's gotten so complicatedNow you're older now you're jadedYou despise what you used to love...

Mxpx - Elvis Is Dead
That voice inside my brain Elvis talking to me againI think I'm going insaneHe says that he's my...

Mxpx - Emotional Anarchist
Stack your bricks up to the sky,Name each one and throw them high,The trouble with trouble is it comes...

Mxpx - Everything Sucks
All I ever needed was to eat popcorn with you,Come on over,Watch the late show,Stay up talking u...

Mxpx - Falling Down
you're only interested when our power's threatened you're only paranoid cause you know what you're doing ...

Mxpx - First Class Mail
She says I'm negative I just can't seeIt's her negativity depressing meMaybe I'm anti-American me...

Mxpx - First Day Of The Rest Of Our Lives
Not a lot right now makes sense to me And it wont go quietlyNot a lot right now makes sense to me ...

Mxpx - Fist Vs Tact
I've dwelt long on the past and I just can't take it anymore I struggle in vain at last, I've managed ...

Mxpx - Foolish
Some people say that I threw my brain awayThat I'm illogical and don't have much to saySome people say...

Mxpx - For Always
If we help each other out along the way Then maybe everything will be OK Who decides if you'll succeed...

Mxpx - Get Me Out
Get Me OutI don't wanna move, I just wanna lay hereShacky hands, sweaty sheets, can't get my mind in g...

Mxpx - Get With It!
Kid quit it, get with it Kid quit it, get with it You're getting on my nerves Is that what I des...

Mxpx - Grey Skies Turn Blue
You say you want me to say "I'm sorry."But I don't have to and I don't want to say it'Cause I'm not so...

Mxpx - Gsf
You didn't have to be so mean to meI guess now I see how it's gonna beI'm joining GSF, I've made up my...

Mxpx - Heard That Sound
Without a window to see through,I did my time, in here without you,Slept on the floor down in LBC,...

Mxpx - Here With Me
Would it be too much to ask?Too much too fast?I'm all-alone and I want you here with meI'm not t...

Mxpx - High Standards
you'll never be th man they want you to be you've got no goals in life it don't make since ...

Mxpx - Honest Answers
I'll try to shed some common sense, situation so intensemany questions, don't know whys & all the lies got t...

Mxpx - Hot And Cold
What day is this so I can singThe kind of day you start recyclingYou feel so good you could explode...

Mxpx - I'm Ok, You're Ok
What's going on tonight? Is everything alright? I hope that nothing's wrong. I haven't seen you in so ...

Mxpx - Important Enough To Mention
They all wanna talk when I'm not aroundbut when I'm back in town they're no where to be foundthey got ...

Mxpx - Inches From Life
There's something wrong inside of us It's important to discuss A narrow mind a hardened heart An...

Mxpx - Inquiring Minds Want To Know
how you fell depends on what you think about what you need depends on what you can't live without how ...

Mxpx - Invitation To Understanding
Come on understanding visit me for once today I'll be grateful, you don't even have to stay It must be...

Mxpx - Is The Answer In The Question?
Wonder and complete surpriseIt's all seen through those eyesTired, lonely and afraidEvery card's...

Mxpx - It's Alright
There is no map, there are no signs,We're on our way, we're crossing linesStrap on your boots, go pack...

Mxpx - It's Undeniable
It doesn't matter what you need just where you go to get itIt doesn't matter what you've done there's no nee...

Mxpx - Jars Of Clay
a promise from a cardboard box so commonly thrown on the street how easily we break apart ...

Mxpx - Jay Jay's Song
i am myself and no one else because my eyes see so much negativity pressuring me every day ...

Mxpx - Kicking And Screaming
Lie to me just one more time and maybe, I'll believe you,Promise me the world and what you're saying now is ...

Mxpx - Kings Of Hollywood
I remember times back in Hollywood,Best friends making music-we were feeling good,The top was always d...

Mxpx - Late Again
Late again,Forgive me friends,For I am late again,Til' the day I die, Lord knows I'll try,...

Mxpx - Late Last Night
Late last night so many thoughts were going thru my mindsince the fall selfish, sophist people; i guess that...

Mxpx - Let It Happen
I want someone to lovea girl that when i think ofwill put a smile on my facei want to hold her h...

Mxpx - Letting Go
I've got a voice and I'm gonna use itI've had a change of mindI know things now that I didn't know bef...

Mxpx - Life In General
I don't understand what's going on in my life these daysEverything upside down turned aroundWon't wast...

Mxpx - Lifetime Enlightenment
you want something you take itcan't hide from God can't fake ithe knows your heart he knows mine...

Mxpx - Like Sand Thru The Hourglass...
so are the days of out lives" it seems like every time i get something going it falls apart right in m...

Mxpx - Lonesome Town
They always said that lonesome townWas where I'd spend my daysCuz I just couldn't settle downMy ...

Mxpx - Marie, Marie
marie marie playing guitar on the back porch i sit in my car while she sings so sad marie marie it's so lone...

Mxpx - Middlename
Emotion, is my middle name I lay in bed and listen to the rain Put happy thoughts in to my head ...

Mxpx - Misplaced Memories
If I could take what I've learnedFrom all the mistakes I've madeFrom the pages that I've turnedF...

Mxpx - Misunderstanding
been told once, been told twice he just won't listen to advice it's in God's book but he don't wanna l...

Mxpx - Money Tree
4 more years ain't right for me, i don't think so won't let them teach me how to be a money tree that'...

Mxpx - More Everything
I'm taking off,Heading out of this townGet this plane off the ground,And safely set it down...

Mxpx - Move To Bremerton
When I meet a special girl She always lives somewhere else in the world I don't want to call her on th...

Mxpx - My Life Story
I was on my wayTo be with you todaywell you know it's trueBecause I wouldn't lie to you...

Mxpx - My Mom Still Cleans My Room
I'm not always nice, not always mean My room has never been seen clean The way I feel is not always ho...

Mxpx - Never Learn
Why am I in love with a girl who treats me oh so badly? Why am I in love with a girl who made me feel so sad...

Mxpx - New York To Nowhere
Going nowhere fast, watching cars go past Why won't the snow melt faster? This trip is a disaster ...

Mxpx - No Brain
give her milk, milk and cookies give her everything, even cooties that girl's insane, suprised she eve...

Mxpx - No Room
who could it be it's probably me i know there's something wrong it should be a big mistake...

Mxpx - Oh Boy
all my love, all my kissing you don't know what you've been missing oh boy - oh boy when you're with me the ...

Mxpx - Oh Donna
Oh Donna, Oh Donna Oh Donna, Oh DonnaI had a girl. Donna was her name.Since she left me, I've never be...

Mxpx - One Step Closer To Life
Some would say tomorrow is just one step closer to deathI'd say tomorrow is just one step closer to life...

Mxpx - One Way Window
there's barriers in my mind that i think about all the time and i know there's no way past them ...

Mxpx - Party Ii (time To Go)
It's time to goI don't care who you are or who you knowIt's time to goI don't care who you are o...

Mxpx - Party My House, Be There
It's about time for a party at my house And it wouldn't be the same without you No not at all as I rec...

Mxpx - Play It Loud
1, 2, 3 GO!Asleep at the wheel 40 miles left to go rollin' in on fumes to rock the show, w...

Mxpx - Prove It To The World
I can't hold backI can't relaxI can't let goI can't say noCan't take the timeCan't m...

Mxpx - Punk Rawk Show
we ain't got no place to go so let's go to the punk rock show darling take me by the hand we're ...

Mxpx - Pxpx
you could never put it on a map once you're in there's no turning back we work together or we ...

Mxpx - Quit Your Life
Ive been everywhere around the world and finally here tonightYou seem to be the only one to make me feel alr...

Mxpx - Rainy Day
they just point the finger they don't care they don't think i know you think where did i go wrong? wha...

Mxpx - Reaize
intimidation has put me thru what i need to stand up to you don't protest i've made up my mind i've go...

Mxpx - Responsibility
I don't want this responsibilityAnd don't use me because I don't agreeWhy lie, do or die?W...

Mxpx - Rock And Roll Girl
i don't know what to do, i don't know what to say. it hurts me to let go when she looks at me that way. ...

Mxpx - Rock N' Roll Girl
I don't know what to do, I dont know what to say.It hurts me to look up when she looks at me that way....

Mxpx - Self Serving With A Purpose
Next time my heart breaks in cold rage I'll be on your page Waves of misunderstanding crashing D...

Mxpx - Set The Record Straight
Did we ever have an understanding? Did we ever have anything at all? Not that I recall You were ...

Mxpx - Sick Boy
Sick Boy in his faded blue jeans - Sick Boyblack leather jacket seen - Sick Boyalways in trouble with ...

Mxpx - Small Town Minds
You're the least of my problems, I won't give you the timeYou're the least of my worries you're not worth yo...

Mxpx - So Kill Me
Losing my mindYou've lost yours long agoWasting your timeYou want me to goSo when you feel...

Mxpx - Something More
i've lost all words to say, driving everyone away am i really all that bad, or am i going mad? i'm a f...

Mxpx - Sometimes You Have To Ask Yourself
Never quite just knew how to get it through The utilitarian sloganeerian minds And its time to stand u...

Mxpx - Sorry So Sorry
I should have stayed in bed today I couldn't think of a positive thing to say My friends all hate me n...

Mxpx - Southbound
It's all the same same old town witha different name That's fine by me there's only one place th...

Mxpx - Study Humans
everyday i go to school and study humans i sit and watch them all go by everyday's a new day to study ...

Mxpx - Sugarcoated Poisned Apple
it eats at you i know, but it's so hard to let it go let yourself go yah just let yourself go it consu...

Mxpx - Suggestion Box
So many unanswered questionsabout those who hate so muchMost of which are misleadmost of which a...

Mxpx - Summer Of 69
i got my first real six-string bought it at the five and dime played it till my fingers bled it was the summ...

Mxpx - Swing Set Girl
It doesn't make any sense to meI was in the park, almost too dark to seei just couldn't help but stare...

Mxpx - Take On Me
talking away i don't know what what to say - i'll say it anyway today's another day to find you shying away ...

Mxpx - Talk Of The Town
I've seen you come aroundIt's not what I expectedI guess I must have known all alongI'd always b...

Mxpx - Teenage Politics
no i'm not mad but i think they forget what it's like and how hard it is to be a teenager this is a ne...

Mxpx - T/false Fiction
they guarantee our freedom but freedom isn't real unless you know Christ you won't know how i feel inf...

Mxpx - The Aspect
every now and then i get time alone so my solitude gives me time to roam through my ideals i ...

Mxpx - The Capitol
When there's nowhere else to hide, When there's no one left to stand beside,When everthing seems wrong...

Mxpx - The Darkest Places
Maybe it is dangerousTo invite a stranger into the room with usThe noise is growing louder but i'm not...

Mxpx - The Downfall Of Western Civilization
What do you call yourself? What did you call me? Excuse me but you don't know me And I sur...

Mxpx - The Final Slowdance
You're taking all the space up in my head With all the things that we could do and All the things that...

Mxpx - The Next Big Thing
Music today isn't the way it's supposed to beYou like what you're toldAnd if you know what's good then...

Mxpx - The Opposite
You're the opposite of meAnd I'm the opposite of youI know I'm really young And that my life has...

Mxpx - The Opposite Of Intellect
it seems so hard to get away from last week and yesterday i have to sit right here and watch it all go by ...

Mxpx - The Silver Screen
The screaming was silver, this silence was goldThe skin felt so warm, the blood ran so coldI felt like...

Mxpx - The Story
Can i get a new head?Cause the one i've gotIs worn out and so very brokenAnd now my mind feels d...

Mxpx - The Struggle
The struggle is in our hearts, it's in our handsSo whom do we really serveWhat can we trust, what have...

Mxpx - The Wonder Years
I don't understand what's going on in my life these days Everything upside down turned around Won't wa...

Mxpx - Think Twice
it tears me apart inside i know think twice it tears me apart inside i know i do it too you can run bu...

Mxpx - This Weekend
This weekend, we'll have a ball,We'll hit the town and see it all,So let's go out on Friday night,...

Mxpx - Thoughts And Ideas
Are you intellectual? Do you really think you're in control?You know what you believe, illogical, ...

Mxpx - Time Brings Change
why can't things be the way the used to be? why can't i feel the way; i used to feel? back in th...

Mxpx - Time Will Tell
I know I'm on the edge of falling through the cracksMy strength is spent but I can't turn backNothing'...

Mxpx - Today Is In My Way
It breaks my heart it makes me sad to think of all the times we had You made me laugh and you make me ...

Mxpx - Tomorrow's Another Day
I don't want to let my life fly by Do you ever stop, stop to wonder why? And time flies by ...

Mxpx - Too Much Thinking
i can't get to sleep at night just thinking about the day that you'll be here everything's gonna...

Mxpx - Twisted Words
have you ever noticed how people twist the words that you have said to them funny how these ...

Mxpx - Two Whole Years
Well this is true I miss youAnd this is true I've got to see you, I've got to see youWell I know we're...

Mxpx - Under Lock And Key
There's something crazy, something strange about The way I'm lazy and how I go about Giving my time an...

Mxpx - Unopposed
we're all walkin' down a dusty road i wouldn't care to bear the load i know my limits but you won't le...

Mxpx - Unsaid
Somewhere deep inside your mindYou don't want anyone to findThat you'reSomeone with very big ide...

Mxpx - Waiting For The World To End
Drawing closer, end of days, with much still left undoneEven as i turn this phrase, the end has now begun...

Mxpx - Walking Bye
i ask myself the question what is wrong with me can't figure what it is or why it's never me the...

Mxpx - Want Ad
i need the kind of girl that knows a girl that likes to wear my clothes someone who always buys me cok...

Mxpx - Weak
Light my path show me the way filter everything i say try to forgive try to forget why do i do w...

Mxpx - Well Adjusted
Am i the one that's going crazy I'm so tired of masquerading I pretend to be so well adjusted Ma...

Mxpx - What's Mine Is Yours
As soon as I figured out that you wouldn't be there As soon as I figured out that you didn't care I tr...

Mxpx - Without You
I got a confession to makeThat my heart would breakTo hear you say goodbyeYou're my every dream...

Mxpx - You Found Me
thought that i was- was a goner everyone had written my life off dreamed about better days and hoped that i ...

Mxpx - You Make Me, Me
Every night I get down on my knees and prayI thank the Lord above for you each dayI was lost and then ...

Mxpx - Young And Depressed
Youve got so many problems No one else thinks you can solve them Where did the time go Everybody...

Mxpx - You Put This Love In My Heart
i found it hard to believe, someone like you came for me you put this love in my heart i tried, i coul...

Mxpx - You're Not Alone
The time is near when I dont need this phoneAnd we'll stay home alone and watch the twilight zone...

Mxpx - Your Problem My Emergency
Get a clue, I'm not here for you And I'm not like you I'm not gonna do what you say is right ...

Mxpx - Yuri Wakes Up Screaming
Yuri wakes up screamingYuri wakes up screamingOh, Yuri wakes up screamingYuri must be drea...

Mya - After The Rain
OhLa la la la laYeah ,yeah ,yeahLa la la laLa la la la La la la La laTri...

Mya - Anatomy 1on1
Undressin' you with your clothes onStandin' up while we're layin' downYou found a position that turns ...

Mya - Anytime You Want Me
Anytime you want me just say soCause when it comes to you i cant say noAnytime you want me just say so...

Mya - Baby It's Yours
[Chorus]Baby it's yoursNo one does it betterBaby it's yoursMake it last forever ...

Mya - Can't Believe
You told me that you didn't love her anymore, ohThen you turn around and you walked out the door, ohWh...

Mya - Dont Be Afraid
[Chorus]Don't be afraid to look in my eyesI'll catch you if you fall in loveDon't be afra...

Mya - Do You Only Wanna Dance
Funny thing is when I look into your eyesI sense something so sincere in your disguiseYou whisper secr...

Mya - Fallen
OhYeahHuh OhYou complete meLike air and water boyI need theeAnd when I'm...

Mya - Fear Of Flying
I've got a fear of flying On my plane cuz we've got no say in how it ends up Well in my mind love's th...

Mya - For The First Time
[Intro]I can't explain why I'm feeling for you so badLet's do thisFor the first time ...

Mya - Free Fallin'
Mmm, mmmOh, ohShe goes to Church every Sunday morningPerfect attendance in school to get a...

Mya - How You Gonna Tell Me?
See every time me and my man get into a fightThis girl is giving her adviceShe wanna say that he ain't...

Mya - If You Were Mine
[Chorus]If you were mine I'd treat you rightI would be there for you always take care of you (m...

Mya - Keep On Lovin' Me
Is it really real The love that you feel for me Or is it a game For you to get into my groove ...

Mya - Late
La la laLa la laLa la laGirl yesNaw, for real28 days pass me byAnd she a...

Mya - Man In My Life
[Verse One]They'll be no darkness tonightBaby our love will shine (light in your love) We...

Mya - No Sleep
[Man]Hello?[Mya]Hey w'sup baby?[Man]Nothin', chilli...

Mya - Now Or Never
I've seen the rest beforeAnd I've settled for less beforeAn offer so much more Has been knocking...

Mya - Pussycats
Where my ladies atWhere the fellas atNow where the dogs atWhere the cats at[Choru...

Mya - Ride & Shake
Uh uh What uhWho meLet's ride and shakeUh uh yeahLet's ride and shakeNow you k...

Mya - Sophisticated Lady
OwUh uh uh uhUh uh uh uh uh uhSophisticated ladyBut nasty when I wanna beI see...

Mya - Step
All I want is a little respectAll I need is a little respectHa OhOhhhHave you ever h...

Mya - Take A Picture
Sittin here thinkin bout yesterdayAnd all the friends I've hadNever ever thought that I would change...

Mya - Taste This
I'm tired of this shitI'm tired of these silly ass gamesI can't even look at you no moreAnd I do...

Mya - Tears On My Pillow
OohNow it's officialYou're out of my lifeToo many tears I've criedI'm leaving the moments...

Mya - That's Why I Wanna Fight
[Verse One]We fight all day, make up all nightOur love's up and downIt makes the mood jus...

Mya - Things Come And Go
I've done some stupid shit I've even lied to you. You know that for a fact Plus all I've put you throu...

Mya - We're Gonna Make You Dance
We gon make you dance, UHWe gon make you move (oooh oh oh ooh)While you up in dis motha (Uh, uh)...

Mya - Whatcha Say
[Intro]Ladies, tell us, are ya readyWell, come on, yeahEenie, meenie, miney moe...

Mya - Whatever Bitch
You're callin' mea Ho cause I'm tryingto get my freak onBut Bitch we're in a club, what the hell do you expe...

Mya - Why You Gotta Look So Good
Mmm mmmMmm mmmMmm mmmMmm mmmYesterday was not a good dayI went to the Doctor t...

Mya - You
I didn't know you'd change my world aroundWhen you came into my life I foundThat what I've been search...

Myra - 25 Hours A Day
25 hours a dayThat's what I needTo show the love that's inside meWant you so muchI wish th...

Myra - As If
You, you've got a lot of nerveI guess you haven't heardI'm doin' fine out here on my ownYou, you...

Myra - Bye-bye My Love
I know that my eyes could only see as far as youBut you broke my heart and went awayI know that I can'...

Myra - Candy Boy
Lips like cinnamonFell like giving inTo the sweetest eyes I've ever seenStrawberry kiss with a t...

Myra - Dancing In The Street
Callin' out around the worldAre you ready for a brand new beat?Summer's here and the time is right...

Myra - Girls Like Boyz
Girls are born into this worldJust clingin to their motherWe grow up playin with our friendsOr f...

Myra - Hanging Up On You
You called me on the phoneAnd made like everything was alrightYou said you were aloneJust hangin...

Myra - Lie, Lie, Lie
I tell myself that I don't love youI tell myself that you're not good for meYour eyes are green, grey,...

Myra - Like A Girl In Love
My friends all say there's something goin on,I'm not the sameThey say I'm acting crazySo what if...

Myra - Miracles Happen (when You Believe)
Miracles happen, miracles happenYou showed me faith is not blind I don't need wings to help me fly...

Myra - Where You At?
I can remember your wordsAnd I can feel how it burned to knowThat you were only playinHow I stil...

Myra - Wishing On The Same Star
It's so hard to leave youI don't really wanna goI don't wanna say goodbye to youIt's the last th...

Mystikal - 13 Years
19 nigga 7, bitch what's happenin?[Chorus:]Thirteen muthafuckin years!I know what t...

Mystikal - Ain't Gonna See Tomorrow
[Mystikal]Listen!...Listen!...huh...Listen!God forgive me but you can't do shit no mo'...

Mystikal - Ain't No Limit
Wuz up yall, wuz up soldiers? This M-P, The Colonel.We ain't no rookies at makin recordsMystikal, Sil...

Mystikal - Big Truck Boys
[Chorus 2x]Buckle Up Boy Dont Give a fuck boyHere The GillatineBig Ryders With The ...

Mystikal - Born 2 Be A Soldier
[Intro Master P]What's up niggas and bitches.It's the muthafuckin kisarme.It's No Limit, ...

Mystikal - Bouncin' Back (bumping Me Against The Wall)
[Hook: Mystikal]You keep bumping me against the wallYeah I know I let you slide beforeBut...

Mystikal - Come See About Me
[Da Brat]Mystikalwhats up nigga Its the brat tat tat Lettin the whole mutherfukin world ...

Mystikal - Dedicated To Michelle Tyler
[A brief tone][Mystikal]Miss Michelle Tyler: Sweet, beautiful,intelligent, ...

Mystikal - Dick On The Track
[mystikal talking]Hey there, Sup boo?Whats happenin?Come holla at meNaww come here,...

Mystikal - Did I Do It
[Scarface voice]Ok, ok, jou wanna fuck wit me? Come on.Who put this fuckin shit together?...

Mystikal - Dirty South, Dirty Jerz
[Treach] No Limit[Myst.] Naughty![Treach] Da bomb Ill[Myst.] Mysti...

Mystikal - Family
[Chorus: Mystikal & Girl]Tell me where you from round? (I'm from here)Tell me where you f...

Mystikal - Game (triple H Theme)
[Chorus: Ras Kass]I'ma do what I wanna do, when I do itAin't nuttin that you can do, when...

Mystikal - Gangstas
[Intro Snoop]No Limit. Soldiers. (Ughhhhhhhh!)DPGC. Gangstas. (Ha, ha!)Look here, you got...

Mystikal - Ghetto Child
[Master P]It's crazy out here (uhhhhhhh)Yo mama I'm tryin to keep my head strong (whats up Myst...

Mystikal - Ghetto Fabulous
[Mystikal]Since I'm so fucking badgive me mineget yoursooooh...[Vers...

Mystikal - Here I Go!!
what you what you gon dowhat you gon uhwhat you what you gon do nigga?what you what ...

Mystikal - Here We Go
[Intro E-40]Uh, uh, hah!Alright, Mystikal, (BITCH! Hombre!) Mystikal.Alright nigga, this ...

Mystikal - I Ain't Playin
[Mystikal]I aint playin!(Huh)Yall see me enter this motherfucker SHUT THE FUCK UPI ...

Mystikal - If It Ain't Live, It Ain't Me
[Mystikal]Why.., why why why whyCause I keep bangin' y'all mother-fuckin ass, with this shit...

Mystikal - I'm On Fire
What the fuck? Shit..It's.. HOT!I'm steamy, sweatin, tossin and turninThe whole house on fire, ...

Mystikal - I Rock, I Roll
[Mystikal's "human door" opens twice]Huh, BOOM! Huh.. guess who it is?I rock, I roll.. te...

Mystikal - I Smell Smoke
I'm in the land..L.A. -- land of the stickySup?What ch'all niggaz know bout that purple weed nig...

Mystikal - It Yearns
[Intro, some guy talking]Old school niggas. (IT'S YEARN!)True hip hop niggas. Ha, ha. (IT'S YEA...

Mystikal - Jump
[Mystikal's human door opening]Poof, oh no not you, fuckin right bitchUhh, what uhh poof, fuck,...

Mystikal - Jump Any Given
Poof, oh no not you, fuckin right bitchUhh, what uhh poof, fuck, jump round jumpC'mon jump, jump jump ...

Mystikal - Keep It Hype
Testin testin testinYou can hear me, what what what?MIC, check one, check, check checkYou can he...

Mystikal - Let's Go Do It
[Silkk] [Mystikal]Man these niggas...They might have to learn the hard way.(Y'all gon' le...

Mystikal - Life Ain't Cool
[Master P]Woman like my mommaAin't no woman like my momma (11X)Sharin liquor with t...

Mystikal - Light It Up
[Master P.](Hoody Hoo)Put this bitch on fire........We dont need no water let burn(...

Mystikal - Mind Of Mystikal
[laughing]Walking through the mind of MystikalNo holds barredStill don't give a fuck abou...

Mystikal - Mr. Hood Critic
[G-Quikk]Unh....yeah...I got that Boot Camp Clicc in this muthafucka tonightMe & my nigga...

Mystikal - Mr. Shittalker
Diaherrea mouth muthafucka,Talk shit constantly,Talk so much shit....wipe my mouth with toilet paper.....

Mystikal - Murderer
[Chorus Mystikal & Insane: repeat 2X][Insane] Guns murder niggas at night.......

Mystikal - Murderer 2
Mothafuckin' murderer [x2]Murdered my sisterthe only thing ?I'm tryin to tell? is to take...

Mystikal - Murderer Iii

Mystikal - Mystikal Fever
Humph, Come on [Verse 1]Itsthe nigga that get hard than starch in yo fuckin creases ...

Mystikal - Neck Uv Da Woods
[Intro - Mystikal]This is, Mystikal and OutkastI'm representin [Mystikal]...

Mystikal - Never Gonna Bounce (the Dream)
[Chorus:]Neva gon' bounce, neva, neva gon' bounce (Never.... say never) [3X]...

Mystikal - Ooooh Yeah
[Hook]Oooh ooh yeah, ooh oooh ooh yeah yeahClap-clappin' that-clappin' that ass, clap-clappin' ...

Mystikal - Out That Boot Camp Clicc
[Chorus: Mystikal]Bitch I'm out that Boot Camp CliccBitch I'm out that Boot Camp Clicc...

Mystikal - Pussy Crook
[Officer]Callin all cars, callin all carsBe on the look out for a pussy vandalism. OverA ...

Mystikal - Ready To Rumble
Let's start something dogLet's make it happen[Chorus - repeat 2X]I rock (I rock) I ...

Mystikal - Respect My Mind
Fuckin right I'm hip-hopI hoe hop, I'm funky as a pair of Reeboks with no socksI'm hot like a nigga ? ...

Mystikal - Round Out Tha Tank
me that's who,me me that's who,me me that's who,I'm tha round out tha tank,I'm tha round o...

Mystikal - Runnin From The Police
[Chours] [C-Murder]Running from the police, they never capture meRunning from the police...

Mystikal - Shake Somethin'
[Chorus: KLC and Mystikal]Twerk somethin'Shake somethin'Twerk somethin'Shake someth...

Mystikal - Shine
Michelle Elizabeth Tyler [4X]There we go right there, ok were on the airLet's go...

Mystikal - Sleepin' With Me
[Mystikal]The Bitch [x6]The bitch been [Chorus:] O'Dell ...

Mystikal - Smoked Out
yo h-hit that bitch up ah ah coo!we bout to get smoked out in this bitch here TONIGHTwhen the la...

Mystikal - Smoke One
[Mystikal talking]The Medicine man. Oh yeah. Smoke OneYeah. This that shit nigga that you sm...

Mystikal - Smoke Something
[Mystikal]Smoke something niggasThis one go out to all the niggas that be getting loadeda...

Mystikal - Stack Yo Chips
(Ughhhhhh) Stack yo Chips, get yo paper Ball til you fall, young nigga fuck the haters Stack yo ...

Mystikal - Still Smokin'
Still Smokin Bud, Still Smokin Weed King Edward, Philly Blunt, Swisha, keep groovin, Tampa Sweet, good ol...

Mystikal - That Nigga Ain't Shit!
Nigga you ain't shitI woke up this morning dick rock hardHad to piss so bad, that shit made me s...

Mystikal - That's That Shit
Shit ShitMystikalThat's That Shit[1. (1x)]That's the reason the bitches be tr...

Mystikal - That's The Nigga (a.k.a. That's The Rapper)
Microphone check (what), check oneMicrophone check (what), check twoMicrophone check (what), check thr...

Mystikal - The Braids
[Chorus:]Don't fuck, don't fuck with the braids! Can't fuck, can't fuck with the braids! ...

Mystikal - The Edge Of The Blade
[Intro:] [Mystikal]Man I got something to tell youI don't know how to explain itBut I'm d...

Mystikal - The Man Right 'chea
Uh oh, whutcha want whutcha gon do niggaIt's the man right CheaI know yall nigga ain't fuckin wit me, ...

Mystikal - There He Go
Whatcha gone do, Whatcha gone do nigga huh?There He Go, There He Go, There He Go (GET THAT MOTHE...

Mystikal - The Stick Up
[Mia X] [Mystikal]MC.. (Whoa)This is your motherfuckin time nigga, you ready? (Huh bro?)...

Mystikal - U Can't Handle This
[mystikal talking]You would if you couldBut you can't So you ain't[mystika...

Mystikal - Unpredictable
If it ain't live, it ain't meOh nigga, I'm too deaf to move a step through shards or slip and slideTal...

Mystikal - U Would If U Could
I had thought i heard u laughin, talkin trashBitch, whats happeninStart shit but dont take itPul...

Mystikal - We Got The Clout
[Mystikal]bitch we ain't your standard his and hers rap duo [X2]Mystikal, Mia X, w...

Mystikal - Whacha Want, Whacha Need
[Mystikal:] Ugh camera rollingShouldn't a did that Me and Busta Rhymes[Busta Rhy...

Mystikal - What Cha Think
Time to get with yaWhat ya think niggaTime to get with yaWhat ya think niggaI alread...

Mystikal - What's Your Alias?
[Fiend] A tell me what's your name?[Mystikal] MC Mystikal[Fiend] What's your alia...

Mystikal - Who Rock This?
We got the hook-upHook it up hook it up[Chorus]Who rock this bitchWe ro...

Mystikal - Yahh!
Da da da daahDa da da daahMC's!Da da da daahDa da da daahYaah! [Choru...

Mystikal - Y'all Ain't Ready Yet
[Precise]Man, them niggas can't fuck with you, man, fuck them niggas man![Mystikal]...

Mytown - Body Bumpin'
She was just a young girlWith the mind of a queenHer body bumpin'Do you know what I meanI ...

Mytown - C'mon Everybody
Yeah, Mytown, Big Shawn, T.R.C'mon, you say you wanna danceYou say you wanna get downSo get on t...

Mytown - Everything She Wants
Somebody told meBoy everything she wants is everything she seeI guess I must have loved youBecau...

Mytown - Girl In Tears
She got in bed and turned out the lightI knew that something wasn't quite rightWhen I touched her I fe...

Mytown - I Like Your Style
Hey girlWe've only just met I know, (yeah yeah)But I like the little I know about youGirl I can'...

Mytown - Lifetime Affair
I know I never realized how muchI need you in my lifeBut it hit me when I was sleepin'I had a vi...

Mytown - Love Sent Angel
When it's to keep my head up high girlYou're there by my sideWhen life itself can be so coldYou'...

Mytown - Now That I Found You
How can I believe that myHeart would find someone like youYou see the real meNo in-betweens, I h...

Mytown - Party All Night
Come on, Mytown, Yeah, Can you feel me?Get down, get on and make some noiseGonna get down with t...

Mytown - The Day
I fell in loveI fell in love with you, I fell is love with youWhen you were youngNot much ...

Mytown - This Is The Time
(Yeah, now it's time)(Tonight's the night)(Let's get dirty now)This is the timeWe'll...

Mytown - Time Will Tell
(Da da da da da da da?-)Only time will tellLooking back at what we used to haveNow I know...

Nada Surf - 80 Windows
Clusters of people talking secretly to each other. In a bar you cannot talk openly to anyone you don't alrea...

Nada Surf - Amateur
You made me feel like i'm ok, i could be happy Now i can sit, not run away stupidly laughing Wipe out ...

Nada Surf - Bacardi
When you walk home from the party Drunk on bacardi and listening To the voices that lie to you nightly...

Nada Surf - Bad Best Friend
I only wanna say things that are pure: now i won't be talking anymore. I only wanna do things that are true....

Nada Surf - Blizzard Of '77
In blizzard of '77The cars were just lumps on the snowAnd then laterTripping in 7-11The sh...

Nada Surf - Blonde On Blonde
Cats and dogs are coming down14th street is gonna drownEveryone else rushing roundI've got blond...

Nada Surf - Deeper Well
If I fellDown a big holeWould you tellHow do you knowIt's a deepening wellLike the b...

Nada Surf - Dispossesion
My coat, leave behind my coat and my belt, Leave behind my coat and all that, I don't want it back... ...

Nada Surf - Everybody Lies
Everybody liesEverybody lies Everybody all the time I lie to go to sleep when all is wrong or ri...

Nada Surf - Firecracker
This time, the win is mine. My perfect life. Room spin, don't know how to stop, don't know how to star...

Nada Surf - Fruit Fly
Left some food wrapped upIn a plastic bagOn the kitchen tableWay too longI sat down to eat...

Nada Surf - Happy Kid
I'm just a happy kidStuck with the heart of a sad punkDrowning in my idAlways searching like it'...

Nada Surf - Hi-speed Soul
Do you ever feel like you just landedOn this earth?See the creatures all do their dancesBack and...

Nada Surf - Hollywood
Been trying to be cool ever since high schoolCool like the stars and sexy people in barsThe stars will...

Nada Surf - Hyperspace
Hands up who thinks it's now Home base is the bathroom where the lights are bright It's never too late...

Nada Surf - Ice Box
Stay untilYou're sure that i'm asleepWarm safe and very stillGive all my things awayJust w...

Nada Surf - Inside Of Love
Watching terrible tvIt kills all thoughtGetting spacier thanAn astronautMaking out with pe...

Nada Surf - Killian's Red
I'm putting this night down to bedCause i was sitting at the barHoping you're walk in the doorTh...

Nada Surf - La Pour Cas
Pense a moi la prochaine fois queTu entendra la rumeur des vaguesEt si elles te disent que tu m'as fai...

Nada Surf - Me And You
Me and you Got nothing better to do Than to push each other around In our own way I'm gonn...

Nada Surf - Mother's Day
I wanna knowDo you have the balls to ask?What do you see when you look at a girl?Is she a game y...

Nada Surf - No Quick Fix
There's no quick fixYou gotta take your licksStrange times long linesThere are no clean cups...

Nada Surf - Nothing
I didn't do anything today Lazyhead I didn't do anything today Stay in bed I'm finally doi...

Nada Surf - Paper Boats
Sit on a train, reading a bookSame damn planet every time i lookTry to relax and slow my heartbeat...

Nada Surf - Popular
Three important rules for breaking upDon't put off breaking up when you know you want toProlonging the...

Nada Surf - Psychic Caramel
Take a look at what's been doneThe killing wound is the thousandth cutA dead turtle on the beach puts ...

Nada Surf - River Phoenix
Born to hippie parents Given a different name Which he caught much flak for The world was his oy...

Nada Surf - Robot
You're just walking round your little mazes figuring out how to get by, How to get laid and get famous, get ...

Nada Surf - Sea Knows When
Sea knows whenShy of blue getting through Dodging pain from me and you It's my cave, my last ide...

Nada Surf - Silent Fighting
Don't know what to say Don't know what to talk about Don't know what to do About me and you ...

Nada Surf - Sleep
Step in my shoes, wait 'till you see the big flash nowGlued to the sheets, sleep with the sheep all month lo...

Nada Surf - Slow Down
You see yourself sitting on top so self assured - happy, But when your parents bail you out you somehow feel...

Nada Surf - Spooky
Do you remember lying on the ground You were smart and spooky We rented a car and left our bands ...

Nada Surf - Stalemate
Stalemate when do I jump out of the cakeStalamate when do we admit it's a fakeStalemate when do I jump...

Nada Surf - Telescope
I think i lost some years, sometimes i don't know howI forget to remember now You used to tell me thin...

Nada Surf - The Manoeuvres
The lover's crime is to think alone Waste your time in another zone My wicked mind thinks you're on lo...

Nada Surf - The Plan
There's a way to drive, I see it once in a whileI watch the tail-lights and memorizeI won't be too sca...

Nada Surf - The Voices
Why do i worry, what do they think? What is she saying to them? I can't ignore anything. You're ...

Nada Surf - The Way You Wear Your Head
Don't push me cause i'll fall in loveWith whatever you just saidDon't push me cause i'll fall in love...

Nada Surf - Treading Water
Movies like zoosTry another me and i will try another youOr put my arms around youLike i think y...

Nada Surf - Treehouse
I can see The things she does for me I'm living in a treehouseI live in constant fear Awak...

Nada Surf - Troublemaker
Why do i feel bad again? I shouldn't be sad or miss a grin. Doubt creeps in and doubt creeps out, ...

Nada Surf - Zen Brain
I'm going from strange to strangerEvery yearIt's going from strange to strangerEvery year...

Nappy Headz - Robbery
Ay GeeSmelt, hit this shit, it off tha chainThis one here for the thugsAll my thugs cock y...

Nappy Roots - Awnaw
Yeah, haha Nappy RootsAwwnaw![Hook]Awnaw! Hell naw! ManY'all done up and done...

Nappy Roots - Ballin' On A Budget
[Ron Clutch]I'm just a, big bang baller on a budgetDank weed, smokin like "fuck it"City s...

Nappy Roots - Blowin' Trees
Yes sir...Nappy Roots...Well.. I gotta go..Aww.. alright..[R. Prophit]I...

Nappy Roots - Country Boyz
[Hook: All]We just some country boys - country walk, country talkDon't bring it round here 'les...

Nappy Roots - Dime, Quarter, Nickel, Penny
[Skinny DeVille]I broke a dollar down the gutter (?) the dime, quarter, penny, nickelFlipped th...

Nappy Roots - Good God Almighty
YoAlrightIt's that new Wooden Leather[Skinny DeVille]Yo, well it's a new day,...

Nappy Roots - Headz Up
Use your head silly...[Chorus]Where yo' head at?Shawty, where yo' head at?Sho...

Nappy Roots - Headz Up (refried)
Use your head silly...[Chorus]Where yo' head at?Shawty, where yo' head at?Sho...

Nappy Roots - Kentucky Mud
[Chorus: Skinny]Trunk funk and the Cadillac thump, really loudPuff skunk in the back of the jun...

Nappy Roots - Lac Dogs & Hogs
[Cars revving][Chorus 4x - Nappy Roots](Yes) Oh yes it's them Lac Dogs, Caddy Hogs...

Nappy Roots - Life's A Bitch
[talking]Aye man, I wonder what's gon' happen the minute my cash get droppedYou ever thought ab...

Nappy Roots - My Ride
[SKINNY DEVILLE]feelin easy like its sunday morning steak and eggshey livin off some big rims l...

Nappy Roots - No Good
[B Stille]Yooooo!I said Yooooo!For all them industry haters that said we couldn't do it.....

Nappy Roots - One Forty
[Ron Clutch]No more wine for me, no more dimes of weedCuz I'm tryin to see, if my mind can reac...

Nappy Roots - Po' Folks
Awwww....Mmmmm, awww..[Chorus]All my life been po'But it really don't matter ...

Nappy Roots - Roll Again
[Intro]Niggaz was goin crazy with meIt was our first video, niggaYou know we was gon' com...

Nappy Roots - Roun' The Globe
The whole damn world is country...The whole damn world is country...[Skinny DeVille]...

Nappy Roots - Sell It Out
[Skinny DeVille]Smoked the bong to the bang and got crunkShorty with the thong and the chain's ...

Nappy Roots - Sholiz
Sholiz...Yean know dat?[Skinny DeVille]Yo, I snuck a dollar out my momma purse, hea...

Nappy Roots - Sick & Tired
[Chorus - Anthony Hamilton]I'm sick and tired of being critisizedI'm sick and tired of barely g...

Nappy Roots - Slums
[sample is cut up]"Please baby, please don't leave"[R. Prophit]We represent ...

Nappy Roots - Start It Over
[Skinny DeVille]Fell in the dump, it's about a quarter past twelve (twelve)Skinny with the rest...

Nappy Roots - These Walls
HmmmmmmmmWell, well, well, well[Chorus]These walls are closin' inHow long I'm...

Nappy Roots - Twang
[Intro]What is it you tryna hide off..Them jeans so tight you know ain't nothin'..The way...

Nappy Roots - War / Peace
[R. Prophet]Welcome[Chorus 4x - Nappy Roots]War/Peace, c'mon NappyLove...

Nappy Roots - What Cha Gonna Do? (the Anthem)
[Big V]YeahCountry boys, Nappy RootsLil' John, King of CrunkY'all know this was com...

Nappy Roots - Work In Progress
[Intro, spoken: B Stille]Wise words being spokeHuhY'all know what it isNap-Nappy Ro...

Nas - 2nd Childhood
[Nas] Yeah, hahaha"Cause when I flow the for the street.." - ".. who else could it be""Na...

Nas - Album Intro
[Yee-hah's and whips cracking in background]-Hey Nas, hey hey boy, you see what they done did to Jimm...

Nas - A Message To The Feds, Sincerely, We The People
[Verse 1: Nas]I walk the block like whatever god, my message to y'all fedsWho desperate to arre...

Nas - Big Girl
[Chorus](You're a big girl now)Fully grown with your hormones nowGot your own home and yo...

Nas - Big Things
[Verse 1]Get yours niggaCuz Imma get mineIn due timeEverybody gotta shineGet ...

Nas - Black Zombie
Uhh[Nas]Yo, you believe when they say we ain't shit, we can't grow?All we are is do...

Nas - Blaze A 50
Blaze a 50, sit back in the drop top Azure Bentley.of course wit me, this chick who'd make Bobby divorce Whi...

Nas - Book Of Rhymes
Alchemist you know me manI'm the type of nigga that write rhymes right on the spot in the studiosoon a...

Nas - Bridging The Gap
[Nas talking]"The light is there."[Intro: Olu Dara singing]See I come from M...

Nas - Come Get Me
And as a special treat this eveningI have asked America's foremost young poetto read his latest poem f...

Nas - Destroy & Rebuild
This is a journey into the worlds most largestAnd notorious projects, QueensbridgeListen while Nas sav...

Nas - Doo Rags
Uhh[Nas]Pushin drop-tops, Stacy Lattisaw tapes, the 80's had us all apesYoungest go...

Nas - Dr. Knockboot
Hell yeahCheck it check it check, check checkYo, when it come to sex advice, I'm the one to call...

Nas - Drunk By Myself
Uhh,Uhh, Where am I going?Where am I? Yo, it's ill[Verse 1] Yo my wife's tire...

Nas - Ether
[gunshots][Nas talking]("Fuck Jay-Z")What's up niggas, ay yo, I know you ain...

Nas - Everybody's Crazy
[Nas]Nasir bin Olu Dara bis do AllahFisk full of dollars in a dice game godD & D glass cl...

Nas - Fetus
YeahI want all my niggas to come journey with meMy name is Nas, and the year is 1973Beginning of...

Nas - Get Down
"Get-get.. get down!" - [James Brown][Nas]Uh.. uh.. uh..New York streets whe...

Nas - Getting Married
[Chorus]Say hello to the man, goodbye to the gigoloIt was difficult for me to find a chick I wa...

Nas - Ghetto Prisoners
[Nas]Uhh.. regulate niggaBravehearts niggaLive for thisSome of y'all don't live at ...

Nas - God Love Us
[Nas]Uhh..Uh.. speak without thinkin..speak without speakin.. huh..Feel without rea...

Nas - Got Yourself A Gun
[sample singing]"Woke up this mornin', you got yourself a gun, you got yourself a gun".....

Nas - Halftime
(Right..) (Right..)Check me out y'all, Nasty Nas in your areaAbout to cause mass hysteria...

Nas - Heaven
[Chorus](If Heaven was a mile away)Would I pack up my bags and leave this world behind?(I...

Nas - I Can
[Kids]I know I can (I know I can) Be what I wanna be (be what I wanna be) If I work hard ...

Nas - I Gave You Power
[Nas]Damn! Look how muh-fuckers use a niggaJust use me for whatever the fuck they wantI ...

Nas - Intro
[Nas]Peace, how you?I aint mean to be late, it was my night to watch my little girl.It's ...

Nas - It Ain't Hard To Tell
It ain't hard to tell, I excel, then prevailThe mic is contacted, I attract clienteleMy mic check is l...

Nas - I Want To Talk To You
[Chorus: repeat 2X]I wanna talk to the mayor, the governor, the motherfuckin presidentI w...

Nas - K-i-ss-i-n-g
[Chorus]Picture us married, you and me; K-I-S-S-I-N-G I remember the first time, girl you and m...

Nas - Last Real Nigga Alive
[Intro]Uh, uh, uh, uh[Chorus 2X]Lord have mercy, Jesus ChristHe's just...

Nas - Life We Chose
[Nas]To my niggaz.. huh..We all we got..Let's hold it down though, y'know?However i...

Nas - Live Now
[Chorus]Live now niggaz, there's no promise of a second time around, put it downWe'll just live...

Nas - Made You Look
[shotgun blast][old school break beat, thugs chant "Bravehearts!" 7X][Verse 1: ...

Nas - Mastermind
Uh-uh, uh-uh, uh-uh...[Chorus]A Mastermind - Sees it coming before it comesA Master...

Nas - Memory Lane (sittin' In Da Park)
(Check that shit)Aight fuck that shit, word wordFuck that other shit, youknowhatI'msayin?We gon'...

Nas - Me & You (dedicated To Destiny)
[SPEAKING:]I'd like to dedicate this one here to my star,To the one I cherish, She loves ...

Nas - Money Is My Bitch
[kissing]I love you so much, dont never leave me, I wont let you leaveThe ho turned me ou...

Nas - My Way
[Nas]Word to Will, buried in his fila suit and heavy chainI wanna be iced-up nigga, bury me the...

Nas - Nas Is Like
"Nas is . . ." - [Nas (7x)][Nas]Freedom or jail, clips inserted, a baby's bein bor...

Nas - Nastradamus
[Nas]Uh, 2000 GYo, I need an encore y'all, you should welcome me backYou wanna ball...

Nas - Nazareth Savage
[Man laughing][Verse 1: Nas]I had bad chicks that blow cum bubbles like bubblegum...

Nas - New World
Uh, it's a new world, it's a new world, It's a new world, it's a new worldUh, it's a new world, it's a...

Nas - No Idea's Original
Uhh, uhhUhhh, uhhh, uhhh[Intro: repeat 2X]No idea's original, there's nothin new un...

Nas - Nothing Lasts Forever
A lot of times it seems like, you ain't gon' make it where you wanna be in lifeBut, yo if you got a plan, be...

Nas - N.y. State Of Mind Pt. Ii
[Nas]UhhYo, yo-yo, y'allWhattup? WhattupIt's time man (Word, it's time?)Stra...

Nas - One Mic
[speaking softly, gradually getting louder]One time.. yeah.. yeah..Yo, all I need is one ...

Nas - Poppa Was A Playa
To My Nigga who brought me in this worldTaught us right NiggaMy old dad imported to the family s...

Nas - Purple
Light it, uhhLight it up, uhh[Nas]The whole, city is mine, prettiest DonI don...

Nas - Pussy Killz
UghCrazyHA [echo]Yo pussy kill meUgh UghYa ya yaHuhUgh Ugh Ugh...

Nas - Reason
[Chorus: Woman singing]I see people hating other peopleTell me what's the reasonThat your...

Nas - Remember The Times
[Nas]I think I can remember some...Brenda the back-bender used to have me in the twister...

Nas - Represent
Represent, represent!! [repeat 4X]Straight up shit is real and any day could be your last in th...

Nas - Rewind
Listen up gangstas and honeys with ya hair donePull up a chair hon' and put it in the air sonDog, what...

Nas - Rule
[talking]Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, Nas, uh, yo, yoLife, they wonder, can they take me under?...

Nas - Sekou Story
[Verse 1: Nas]Uh, I knew a few pharmacists, fuck frozenThey kept pneumonias on their arms and w...

Nas - Shoot 'em Up
[Nas] One 44, two 45's3 loaded clips, 4 niggas roll, one nigga drives500 Benz, 6 reasons ...

Nas - Shootouts
Yo, release what's in meBesides the Henny, it's eyes that's seen plentyFiends get skinny as if Queens ...

Nas - Silent Murder
[Chorus: (X4)][whisper]Silent, silentMurder[Nas]It's sort...

Nas - Small World
[Nas]See no evil.. fear no evil.. speak no evil.. hear no evil..If you don't bring that shit ar...

Nas - Smokin'
Bis-Mi-Allah A-Rahman A-Rahim(To the Gods.. to the Gods.. to the Earths)Pass that shit homey...

Nas - Some Of Us Have Angels
[Chorus: Nas (repeat 2X)]Some of us have angels -- the kingdom, the powerSome of us have ...

Nas - Suspect
[45 seconds of talking/skit][Nas]It was a murderJake just hit the corner peo...

Nas - Take It In Blood
"I made it like that, I bought it like that, I'm livin like that" [repeat 2X][--> Kool Keith from ...

Nas - The Cross
[Chorus 2X: Nas]I carry the cross, if Virgin Mary had an abortionI'd still be carried in the ch...

Nas - The G.o.d.
The G-O-DAiyyo, check it out...It's God's SonI know I always give you clowns a little lean to come out...

Nas - The Makings Of A Perfect Bitch
[Chorus]I know you think you got it together player, but fuck the bird you withAnd listen close...

Nas - The Message
Fake thug, no love, you get the slug, CB4 GustoYour luck low, I didn't know til I was drunk thoughYou ...

Nas - These Are Our Heroes
[Nas:] "This ain't for everybody. Y'all know who y'all areYeah you, y'all know who y'all are. These a...

Nas - Thief's Theme
[Intro]One, twoCheck, one, twoOne, two, who got more style, the son do[rewind]...

Nas - Thugz Mirror Freestyle
[Verse 1]Yo, my man was regulatin on niggas he used to thug withOlder niggas in this murder gam...

Nas - U Gotta Love It
Real conversation for that ass(Its what they want) Huh(Its what they want) What you said, can't hear y...

Nas - Undying Love
[Nas]Uh..Pacino life, G a roll, casino diceat the Mirage, Vegas strip, neon lightsG...

Nas - War
[Chorus - singing]There's a war in the streets tonightAnd nobody's really feelin' alright...

Nas - We Will Survive
Still somehow I believe, we always survive.. but why?[Nas]To my dogs.. wherever you are...

Nas - What Goes Around
[Chorus]Ayo its poison, ecstacy, cokeYou say its love, it is poisonSchools where I learne...

Nas - You Know My Style
[Verse 1: Nas]Cup'a Hen', cup'a Goose, cup'a Cris'White chain, colored watch on the wrist...

Nas - You're The Man
Uh uh, yoThey plan was to knock me out the top of the gameBut I overstand they truth is all lame...

Natalie - Emptiness
There's some things that I feel that really just ain't my style(Even though it hurts, you gotta make i...

Natalie - Going Crazy
Ever since the day you went away and left me lonely and coldMy life just hasn't been the same ohh baby, nooo...

Natalie - I Can't Wait
I cant waitI cant wait until tonightWhere we can be aloneIm gonna make you feel so right...

Natalie - Me Faltas Tu (goin' Crazy - Spanish Version)
[verse 1]Desde el primero dia que te fuist me falt tu amor.Fue un gran golpe en mi corazn...

Natalie - Ooh
Always thinkin' of you (always thinkin' Of you (ooh, uh, ooh, ooh))I jus wanna touch you (I jus wanna touch ...

Natalie - Something About You
[Chorus]When I'm without you, I think about youBaby boy, all dayThere's something about y...

Natalie - Stay
Take all I'm going to give to youWhat I have is trueYou're the one for meEverything I feel insid...

Natalie - You Don't Love Me No More
I still wanna be with you cuz I promised to But I feel something's going on going on with you So tell ...

Natalie - You're The One
[Chorus]You're the one that I'm always gonna loveAnd you're the one that I'm always thinking of...

Natalie Imbruglia - Come Home
Beautiful dayShined when I needed that mostShined on the church yardTin cans full of goldC...

Natalie Imbruglia - Contradictions
Seventeen years in a dead end jobtelling his dreams to a deaf eared godHangin' on tight by a single th...

Natalie Imbruglia - Counting Down The Days
You were rightAnd I don't wanna be hereIf your gonna be thereWas that supposed to happen...

Natalie Imbruglia - Diving In The Deep End
Why should it besomeone like mecould make the same mistakes againhaven't I learnedpeople g...

Natalie Imbruglia - Frightened Child
I hear your silent screamdeep in your private dreamTwo ways to go from hereone way will bring yo...

Natalie Imbruglia - Honeycomb Child
Melting honeycombTie my shoelace on my ownThat boy laughing youWhere are your warm handsTo...

Natalie Imbruglia - I've Been Watching You.
When the rose.slaps your facesays your pain is a state of grace (I think that's right)mirror cra...

Natalie Imbruglia - I Won't Be Lost
Fallen three times in a rowWaking up with vertigoBut you were there to break my fallBefore I had...

Natalie Imbruglia - On The Run
I'm looking for a way to calm these voices in my headWith all this mad confusionI don't wanna leave th...

Natalie Imbruglia - Perfectly
When I say it doesn't matterIt matters most of allYou're not up for conversationSo I'm blinded b...

Natalie Imbruglia - Sanctuary
Sit down, wait a minuteI thought we were specialThis town, and everyone in itMoves a little fast...

Natalie Imbruglia - Satisfied
This summer time I have no furyNo chance of sinking sailing shipsIf time stood still I'd take aim and ...

Natalie Imbruglia - Shiver
I walk a mile with a smile I dont know I dont care where I amBut I know its alrightJump the tracks can...

Natalie Imbruglia - Slow Down
You got it the wrong way round completelyThe fact that I love you soDoesn't make me a foolOne da...

Natalie Imbruglia - Something Better
I won't say anythingI'm hiding in the pinkif I move would I break the spellor am I boring you...

Natalie Imbruglia - Sometimes
Isn't it like meto want to saythings I can't explain simple ways?Why should I ...

Natalie Imbruglia - Starting Today
Starting today I'm not gonna waste another momentEven if I had the chance before I would have blown it...

Natalie Imbruglia - Tomorrow Morning
Lonely, lost every part of memaybe, outstayed my companywalking in to sad sceneshold me tight an...

Natalie Imbruglia - When You're Sleeping
The sun came upDesperate, desperateThe stars aboveHeld you backOnce againHalf ...

Natalie Imbruglia - Why
The sky has fallen on my yesterdayI watch my moon and blue sun (?) slip awayEverybody's asking questio...

Natalie Merchant - Beloved Wife
You were the loveFor certain of my lifeYou were simply my beloved wifeI don't know for certain...

Natalie Merchant - Break Your Heart
People downcast, is despairSee the disillusion everywhereHoping their bad luck will changeGets a...

Natalie Merchant - Build A Levee
When I was just a little girl my mamma said to me,"beware of the devil my childIn the dark rocky place...

Natalie Merchant - Bury Me Under The Weeping Willow
Well, my heart is sadAnd I am lonesomeFor the only one I loveWhen shall we meet? Oh no nev...

Natalie Merchant - Carnival
I've walked these streetsA virtual stageIt seemed to meMake up on their facesActors took t...

Natalie Merchant - Cowboy Romance
It's a Saturday afternoon romanceBetween a cowboy and a fool... A drunken meet upIn a crud...

Natalie Merchant - Crazy Man Michael
Within the fireAnd out upon the seaCrazy man Michael was walkingHe met with a ravenWith ey...

Natalie Merchant - Diver Boy
Young Emily was fair lady brightShe loved her diver boyWho sailed over the oceanTo gather up som...

Natalie Merchant - Down On Penny's Farm
Come here ladies and gentlemanListen to my songPlay it to you rightBut you may think it wrong...

Natalie Merchant - Frozen Charlotte
Blue like the winter snow in this full moonBlack like the silhouettes of the treesLate blooming flower...

Natalie Merchant - Golden Boy
Top of the foldToast of the townEveryone stops when you come aroundThey hold their breath for yo...

Natalie Merchant - Henry Darger
Who'll save the poor little girl?Henry DargerHenry Darger Who'll save the poor little girl...

Natalie Merchant - House Carpenter
"well met, well metAnd I know true loveWell met, well met", said he"I'm just returning from the ...

Natalie Merchant - I May Know The Word
I may know the wordBut not say itI may know the truthBut not face I may hear a sound...

Natalie Merchant - I'm Not Gonna Beg
I'm not gonna beg you for nothingI'm not gonna beg you for your love Straight talk, give me the ...

Natalie Merchant - Jealousy
Ooo, jealousy Is she fineSo well bredThe perfect girlA social deb Is she...

Natalie Merchant - Just Can't Last
I swear I know your face,I wish I knew your nameI wish I could take you by the handIf I could na...

Natalie Merchant - Kind & Generous
You've been so kind and generousI don't know how you keep on givingFor your kindness I'm in debt to yo...

Natalie Merchant - King Of May
Farewell todayTravel on nowBe on your way Go safely thereNever worryNever care...

Natalie Merchant - Life Is Sweet
It's a pityIt's a crying shameWho pulled you down again? How painful it must beTo bruise s...

Natalie Merchant - Motherland
Where in hell can you goFar from the things that you knowFar from the sprawl of concreteThat kee...

Natalie Merchant - My Skin
Take a look at my bodyLook at my handsThere's so much hereThat I don't understand Yo...

Natalie Merchant - Not In This Life
Lately I've been walking all aloneThrough the wind and through the rainBeen walking through the street...

Natalie Merchant - Ophelia
Ophelia was a bride of godA novice CarmeliteIn sister cells the cloister bellsTolled on her wedd...

Natalie Merchant - Owensboro
Well, I lived in a townWay down southBy the name of OwensboroAnd I worked in a millWith th...

Natalie Merchant - Poor Wayfaring Stranger
I am a poor wayfaring strangerTravelling through this world of woeBut there's no sickness, toil or dan...

Natalie Merchant - Put The Law On You
Do I have to put the law on you babyFor all the wicked things you do? Am I gonna have to put the law o...

Natalie Merchant - River
Young & strong Hollywood sonIn the early morning lightThis star fell downOn Sunset Boulevard ...

Natalie Merchant - Saint Judas
Saddle up the horses and wear your Sunday bestSing your Sacred Harp, you be holier than the restFill u...

Natalie Merchant - Sally Ann
A woman of beautyA woman of painIn France or JakartaHer shadow's the sameYou go home with ...

Natalie Merchant - San Andreas Fault
Go westParadise is thereYou'll have all that you can eatOf milk & honey over there Y...

Natalie Merchant - Seven Years
How did I love you? There was no measuringFar above this dirty worldFar above everythingIn...

Natalie Merchant - Soldier, Soldier
Said, "soldier, now soldierWould you marry meBefore the fight comes on?" "how can I marry...

Natalie Merchant - Tell Yourself
I know what you tell yourself, you tell yourself. Look in the mirror, look in the mirror what does it show? ...

Natalie Merchant - The Letter
If I ever write this letterThe pages I could writeBut I don't know where to send itYou have vani...

Natalie Merchant - The Living
What's it like there outsideWith the living? From this broken down placeWhere I hideFrom t...

Natalie Merchant - The Worst Thing
So you're in love, that's so good for youLive it up girl 'cause it never lasts too longIt's heaven for...

Natalie Merchant - Thick As Thieves
Remember how it all beganThe apple and the fall of manThe price we paidSo the people sayDo...

Natalie Merchant - This House Is On Fire
This House is on fire! Kick off your boots, come and sit a spellListen to me worry, come and listen we...

Natalie Merchant - Weeping Pilgrim
If you see them fatherPlease tell themI'm a poor mourning pilgrimBound for Canaan land ...

Natalie Merchant - When They Ring The Golden Bells
There's a land beyond the river That they call the sweet forever And we only reach that shore by faith...

Natalie Merchant - Where I Go
Climbing underA barbed wire fenceBy the railroad ties Climbing overThe old stone wal...

Natalie Merchant - Which Side Are You On?
Come all you good workersGood news to you I'll tellOf how the good old unionHas come in here to ...

Natalie Merchant - Wonder
Doctors have come from distant citiesJust to see meStand over my bedDisbelieving what they're se...

Natasha Bedingfield - If You're Gonna Jump
I got a short attention spanCan't sit around couch potato landI wanna do all kinds of stuffTalki...

Natasha Bedingfield - I'm A Bomb
Taxi ride, going down townMe and my girls, going outcounting down to detonation10 to zero, mushr...

Natasha Bedingfield - Peace Of Me
Standing still but still movingLying down but not restingBreathing air, suffocatingAll the while...

Natasha Bedingfield - Silent Movie
We're in a picture black and whiteWho took the light out of my lifeWhen you, gave inWe're playin...

Natasha Bedingfield - Single
Ah yeah that's right All you single people out there This is for you I'm not waitin' aroun...

Natasha Bedingfield - Size Matters
Bu-bada Bu-bada Bu-bada bada ba ba baBu-bada Bu-bada Bu-bada bada ba ba baIve been sizing you up...

Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten
I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefinedI'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned...

Natasha Bedingfield - We're All Mad
Oh, I think the lady did protest too muchShe wouldn't take the flower from my handShe only saw the sha...

Natasha Bedingfield - Wild Horses
Hmmm woah yea...I feel these 4 walls closing inMy face up against the glassIm looking out....

Natasha Thomas - Can't Turn Back Time
So sorry, that you're gone, I never meant to hurt you, no noAnd leaving you was wrong, I thought I was in lo...

Natasha Thomas - Hold Me Closer
I just wanna be with youIt is so crazy but it's trueI want you to be my siteUh I need you every ...

Natasha Thomas - I'm Just A Little Bit Shy
[Chorus:]I'm just a little bit shyDam dam dubi doTell me what can I doI'm just a li...

Natasha Thomas - It's Over Now
Can you tell me your secretsThen I tell you mineShow me that you still love meThen I show real l...

Natasha Thomas - Loving You Is Not Easy (uh La La)
[Chorus:]Uh la la la la la [3x]loving you is not easyEasyUh la la la la la ...

Natasha Thomas - More And More
[Chorus:]Lovin youmore and moreI can feel the glow of your kissI don't have the str...

Natasha Thomas - More Than Friends
Why are we just friends? I can not pretendWhen all I do is kiss you, I'm gonnaHave to let you know the...

Natasha Thomas - Rollercoaster Ride
Sometimes I feel our love is strongSometimes I think our love is wrongAre we really meant to beO...

Natasha Thomas - Save Your Kisses For Me
[Chorus:]Save your kisses for meshow me how you miss meall so easilymy lovins...

Natasha Thomas - Suddenly
Baby, when you're far away from mecall me up on my cell phoneI feel your vibrations come through the p...

Natasha Thomas - Sunshine After Rain
She never really loved youIt was right from the startThe only thing she gave youWas a broken hea...

Natasha Thomas - Why (does Your Love Hurt So Much)
[Chorus:]We-dee-da-dee-daLa-dee-da-dee-daLa-dee-da-dee-daLa-dee-da-dee-daWhy ...

Natasha Thomas - Young And Carefree
I don't wanna worry to much about my lifewe don't wanna hurry, no rugh noe, we're alrightme and my fri...

Natasha Thomas - Young Hearts
Friday nightshe's dynamiteShe's all dressed up to goPutting on her make-up in the backseat of a ...

Nate Dogg - Almost In Love
[Verse 1]I was almost head over heels I was almeost the man of your dreamsAnd you almost ...

Nate Dogg - Another Short Story
[Nate Dogg]Another short storyWhen he be acting bad, don't he make you madWanna kick his ...

Nate Dogg - Backdoor
[Chorus: Nate Dogg]When your days get lonely (days get lonely)When your nights get cold (nights...

Nate Dogg - Because I Got A Girl
When the cats, awakethe mice will playthats what the people sayall I know is doggs play anyways...

Nate Dogg - Concrete Streets
[Chorus]I'm from the jungle with the concrete streetsYou don't wanna rumble wit the real O.G.'s...

Nate Dogg - Crazy, Dangerous
[Nate Dogg (Nancy Fletcher)]Now life for me (Life for me)livin on the streets (On the streets)...

Nate Dogg - G Funk
[Chorus:]G is for the gang of money I makeF is for the gang of fools I breakU is fo...

Nate Dogg - Hardest Man In Town
Will the hardest man please stand, the homie stood right upSaggin pants, gat in hand, the nigga was a nut...

Nate Dogg - I Got Love
[Nate Dogg]I got love... I got love...I got love... I got love...I got love - I, go...

Nate Dogg - Just Another Day
[Chorus]Just another day Just another day Just another dayJust another day ...

Nate Dogg - My Money
[Chorus x4]I gonna makeI'm gonna make my money (money)From the time that I was only...

Nate Dogg - My World
[Chorus]If this were my world (If this were my world) My worldIf this were my world (If this we...

Nate Dogg - No Matter Where I Go
[Chorus]No matter where I go I'm lettin' people know No matter where you go the grass is ...

Nate Dogg - One More Day
[Intro:]We would like for you to help us welcome a very distinguished speakerHe hails fro...

Nate Dogg - Scared Of Love
[Chorus]I'm just a manI'm just a manI'm just a man I'm just a man in love...

Nate Dogg - She's Strange
[Nate]I've been lookin' for a girl Someone to share my world For maybe just a day or two...

Nate Dogg - Stone Cold
"And can no hood fuck with gangsta shit" ---> [Tray Deee][Intro/Chorus - x4]Stone ...

Nate Dogg - Who's Playin Games?
Just in case you didn't know, I blow (I blow)constantly for doughI'm sittin next to my heat (my heat)...

Nate Dogg - Why
[Intro/Chorus]Why did my homie have to die, with tears in my eyesI came to say goodbye, s...

Natural - Ancient History
[Marc]I'll build you a templeOoh[Ben]Yeah[Marc]I'll build...

Natural - Blue
After what I said, I'm sorryCan't believe I said we're throughDon't know what got into me girlGu...

Natural - (can't Live Without Your) Love And Affection
Here she comes, ooh just like an angelSeems like forever that she's been on my mindBut nothing has cha...

Natural - Human Being Human
Karma took the day offKeep your heads upI'm not jokingThey don't give you manyI don't take...

Natural - I Count The Minutes
This world don't turn when you're not in my armsThe sun don't shine whenever I'm without youAnd there'...

Natural - I'll Be Back For More
Trust me I know youre shy But when youre with me I see the love in your eyes Tell me why ...

Natural - (i'm Not Your) Steppin' Stone
I I I I I'm not your stepping stone I I I I I'm not your stepping stone You're trying to make yo...

Natural - Inside Out
[Marc]Liar, liar I'm a liarI tell myself that I don't need any more of your loveI can't ...

Natural - I Still Gotta Live With Myself
Here I am standing alone and I talk with my heart in my handMy mind's stuck on pictures of you,People ...

Natural - It's Your Love
Dancing in the dark, middle of the nightTaking your heart and holding it tightEmotional touch, touchin...

Natural - Left 2 Right
[All]Na, na, na, naNa, na, na, naNa, na, na, naNa, na, na, na[Ben]...

Natural - Let Me Count The Ways
Waking up in the morning laying next to youI stare at you and I listen to you breatheI cant imagine me...

Natural - Paradise
I live the long lifeTo get to where I am right hereI walk the long roadWith just the wind in my ...

Natural - Put Your Arms Around Me
How am I supposed to wait, when the nights, last forever?When am I supposed to stop, missing you, when I kno...

Natural - Runaway
I'm sick of all the days gone byWhen I didn't have you to myselfI'm tired of E-mail conversations...

Natural - This Is Where The Party's At
Yeah, this is where the partys at This is where the partys at Come on This is where the partys a...

Natural - Will It Ever
Can you see me baby Im right here I hang around but you dont seem to care I wish I knew just how to ma...

Nb Ridaz - 4-ever
This song right here Is dedicated to someone real special This for you baby Jus to let you know ...

Nb Ridaz - Dollar Bill
Whats up yall its radical mike again coming to you right here right nowon wnbr radio check this out you know...

Nb Ridaz - Girl
[Intro]you're my lady always been so truethis is why , I sing this song for youand you're...

Nb Ridaz - Intro
Have you ever met somebody that's always down to rideHave you ever rocked a party, till early in the morning...

Nb Ridaz - I Wanna Luv U
[Intro]If I tell you that I love you and I put my trust in you,If I say that every minute all I...

Nb Ridaz - Major Ways
[Chorus][Verse 1]Take it like its force fed I'm the one who put the secondasshole ...

Nb Ridaz - Mexicanos
Dos mil uno - para mis MexicanosHasta el. futuro[Chorus]Mexicanos - Mexicanos levantense...

Nb Ridaz - No Longer There
[Intro]Baby baby I miss you I need you here with me my life is incomplete how Ilong to see your...

Nb Ridaz - Notice Me
Ohh I wanna let you know That I'll always love you babySometime I think about Everything t...

Nb Ridaz - Panties Droppin'
[Intro]Mira chulo tu me llamas e' Aqui esta mi numero!The beat don't stop till the panties drop...

Nb Ridaz - Party In Az
[Intro]On a hot dessert high way rollin my 64 feel the heat from the blacktoprepresent with my ...

Nb Ridaz - Pretty Girl
Ohh can I run away with you, I wanna get lost in love baby, To all those pretty girls (pretty gi...

Nb Ridaz - Ride With Us
[Chorus]Ride with us; take you to a level that you never seenPuttin' in work just to live the d...

Nb Ridaz - Runaway
I would give my life for you You mean the world to meBaby baby baby babeYou know I love you (uh ...

Nb Ridaz - So Fly
Oh woo oh (you so fly lady)[chorus:]You look so fly, so coolTell me girl can I talk...

Nb Ridaz - Sunshine
[CHORUS]I wanna be your sunshine I wanna be your lady I wanna make you happy I wann...

Nb Ridaz - U Got Me Hot
This song right here Is dedicated to that pretty little mama right there. Tell me mama, how you feel i...

Nb Ridaz - What Kind Of Man
[intro]Yea, tell me what kind of manWould do the things I do for youWhat kind a man would...

Neil Young - 4-way Street Medley
He's a perfect strangerLike a cross of himself and a foxHe's a feeling arrangerAnd a changer of ...

Neil Young - Act Of Love
The fruit of love was in the futureAround the corner and over the hillThe act of love was slowly pound...

Neil Young - A Dream That Can Last
I feel like I diedand went to HeavenThe cupboards are barebut the streetsare paved with go...

Neil Young - After Berlin
Just like a young boyrunning down the roadI'm singing outthe same old songCan't go back...

Neil Young - After The Goldrush
Well, I dreamed I saw the knightsIn armor coming,Saying something about a queen.There were peasa...

Neil Young - Ain't It The Truth
Ain't it the truthAin't it the truth, now, babyAin't it the truth, nowWhat I say?Eat...

Neil Young - Alabama
Oh AlabamaThe devil foolswith the best laid plan.Swing low AlabamaYou got spare change...

Neil Young - Albuquerque
Well, they saythat Santa FeIs less than ninety miles away,And I got time to roll a numbera...

Neil Young - Already One
What can I do, what can I sayRunning downthis suspicious highwayI can't forgethow love let...

Neil Young - A Man Needs A Maid
My life is changingin so many waysI don't know whoto trust anymoreThere's a shadow running...

Neil Young - Amber Jean
Every morning got sun to shineEvery day got plenty of timeEvery nightthere's a moon so fine...

Neil Young - Ambulance Blues
Back in the old folky daysThe air was magic when we played.The riverboat was rockin'in the rain...

Neil Young - American Dream
I used to see youon every T.V. Your smiling facelooked back at me. I used to see you...

Neil Young - Are There Any More Real Cowboys?
Are there any morereal cowboysLeft out in these hills?Will the fire hit the ironOne more t...

Neil Young - Are You Passionate?
Are you passionate?Are you livin' like you talk?Are you dreamin' nowthat you're goin' to the top...

Neil Young - Are You Ready For The Country
Slipping and slidingand playing dominoLefting and then Righting,it's not a crime you know....

Neil Young - Around The World
Boy and girl fall in loveDreamin' under stars aboveMeanwhile push comes to shoveAround the world...

Neil Young - Back To The Country
When I was a younger manGot lucky witha rock 'n' roll bandStruck gold in HollywoodAll that...

Neil Young - Bad Fog Of Loneliness
Bad fog of lonelinessPut a cloudon my single-mindednessI dream of sweet caressFrom you....

Neil Young - Bad News
Bad news is come to townHe's walkingthree feet off the groundHe's ordering another round.B...

Neil Young - Bad News Beat
Have you heard the newsI lost my baby to another manI got a bulletin of newsLate breaking story...

Neil Young - Bandit
Turnin' the pagesIn this old bookSeems familiarMight be worth a second lookWrappin' ...

Neil Young - Barefoot Floors
Sleep, baby sleep,I know your day has been oh so longSleep, baby sleep,I know your day has been ...

Neil Young - Barstool Blues
If I could hold onto just one thoughtFor long enough to knowWhy my mind is moving so fastA...

Neil Young - Beautiful Bluebird
One mornin' when I was ridin'In my old pickup truckA beautiful bluebirdcame flyin' downMy ...

Neil Young - Be The Rain
Save the planet for another day"attention shoppers, buy with a conscience and save"Save the planet for...

Neil Young - Better Than Silver And Gold
Workin' hard every dayNever notice howthe time slips awayPeople come, seasons goWe got som...

Neil Young - Be With You
Crossin' the river in a big old boat,With a dollar bill in my hand.Gonna go fishin' in the afternoon,...

Neil Young - Big Green Country
Across the plainflew the lone grey riderLeather bagpounding on his backAbove the clouds th...

Neil Young - Big Parade
I don't wanna get personalWhy have you put me on the spot?I don't know how you feelBut for me it...

Neil Young - Big Room
Welcome to the big roomEverything's alright.People, welcome to the big room'Cause everything's a...

Neil Young - Big Time
Gonna leave the pain behindGonna leave the fools in lineGonna take the magic potionGettin' in an...

Neil Young - Birds
Lover,there will be another oneWho'll hoverover you beneath the sunTomorrowsee the t...

Neil Young - Bite The Bullet
There's a bar hall queendown in Charlotte town.I'd sure like to see herwhen the sun goes down....

Neil Young - Blue Eden
Embracing,distorting,supporting,comfortingConvincing you,consoling youControll...

Neil Young - Born To Run
I see the lightof a thousand lampsburning in your eyesStill I have to turn awayfor you to ...

Neil Young - Borrowed Tune
I'm climbin' this ladder,My head in the cloudsI hope that it matters,I'm havin' my doubts....

Neil Young - Bound For Glory
Out on the trans-Canada highwayThere was a girlhitchhiking with her dogFireflies buzzin' round h...

Neil Young - Box Car
I'm just a passengeron this old freight trainI ride the boxcarthrough the nightI doesn't m...

Neil Young - Bridge
The bridge, we'll build it nowIt may take a lot of timeAnd it maybe lonely butOoh baby, ooh baby...

Neil Young - Bright Sunny Day
If you wake up in the morning lightSomething doesn't seemor know is rightLay back and let your f...

Neil Young - Bringin' Down Dinner
The evening fog was rolling inIt was getting hard to seeThe old white car edged down the roadHea...

Neil Young - Broken Arrow
The lights turned onand the curtain fell down,And when it was overit felt like a dream,The...

Neil Young - Buffalo Springfield Again
Used to playin a rock 'n' roll band,But they broke up.We were young and we were wild,It at...

Neil Young - Burned
Been burnedand with both feeton the ground,I've learnedthat it's painfulcomin' down....

Neil Young - California Sunset
I remember long agoHow I wondered where I'd goWhile the blizzards,cold wind and snowPounde...

Neil Young - Campaigner
I am a lonely visitor.I came to late to cause a stir,Though I campaigned all my lifetowards that...

Neil Young - Can't Believe Your Lyin'
Daylight breaks and I go to bedAnd I find myself worryin'about things you saidOh honey,I c...

Neil Young - Captain Kennedy
I am a young mariner headed to warI'm thinkin' 'bout my familyand what it was forThere's water o...

Neil Young - Carmichael
Silk scarf and a napkinHidden in a drawerTwo hundred bucks in an envelopeLabeled lenore...

Neil Young - Change Your Mind
When you get weak,and you need to test your willWhen life's complete,but there's something...

Neil Young - Changin' Highways
We're changing highwaysIn heavy trafficSee the lights turnTo something graphicWith my suit...

Neil Young - Cinnamon Girl
I wanna livewith a cinnamon girlI could be happythe rest of my lifeWith a cinnamon girl....

Neil Young - Citizen Kane Jr. Blues
Good lookin' Milly's gota gun in her handBut she don't know how to use it.Sooner or later she'll...

Neil Young - Coastline
Down on the coastline, Highway OnePeople headin' out for the sunThat's where I found you,long ti...

Neil Young - Cocaine Eyes
Ain't a day goes by,I don't burn a little bit of my soulAin't a day goes by,I don't burn a littl...

Neil Young - Color By Numbers
Someone wants to blow up the planetJohnny wants to find out whyJohnny did a show in St. LouisLov...

Neil Young - Come Along And Say You Will
Come along and say you will,Be the one to change the meaningOf the writing on the wallThe lonely...

Neil Young - Come On Baby Let's Go Downtown
Come on, baby, let's go downtown,Let's go, let's go,let's go downtown.Come on, baby, let's go do...

Neil Young - Comes A Time
Comes a timewhen you're driftin'Comes a timewhen you settle downComes a lightfeelin'...

Neil Young - Comin' Apart At Every Nail
It's awful hard to find a jobOn one side the government,the other the mobHey, hey ain't that rig...

Neil Young - Computer Age
Cars and trucksFly by me on the cornerBut I'm all rightStandin' proudbefore the signal...

Neil Young - Computer Cowboy
Well, his cattle each have numbersAnd they all eat in a lineWhen he turns the floodlightson each...

Neil Young - Cortez The Killer
He came dancing across the waterWith his galleons and gunsLooking for the new worldIn that palac...

Neil Young - Country Girl (medley)
Winding pathsthrough tables and glassFirst fall was newNow watch the summer passSo close t...

Neil Young - Country Home
I don't like to go down to flats'Cause I can't park on a hillInstead getting a rolling startI ha...

Neil Young - Coupe De Ville
I got a coupe de villeI got a bed in the houseWhere you once lived.I had a few cheap thril...

Neil Young - Cowgirl In The Sand
Hello cowgirl in the sandIs this placeat your commandCan I stay herefor a whileCan I...

Neil Young - Crime In The City (sixty To Zero Part 1)
Well, the cop made the showdownHe was sure he was rightHe had all of the lowdownFrom the bank he...

Neil Young - Crime Of The Heart
When I think about loveHoney, you alwayscome across my mindIs it the way that you hold meO...

Neil Young - Cripple Creek Ferry
Hey, heyCripple Creek ferryButting throughthe overhanging treesMake wayfor the Cripp...

Neil Young - Cry, Cry, Cry
Cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry,Cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry,Cry, cry, cry, cry, cry, cry.Wel...

Neil Young - Cryin' Eyes
Who's gonna dry your cryin' eyes?Who's gonna wake you upto that big surprise?Who's gonna dry you...

Neil Young - Daddy Went Walkin'
My old dad went a walkin' one day,Pushing tall weedsright outta his way,My old dad went a walkin...

Neil Young - Dance, Dance, Dance
Never thought lovehad a rainbow on itUsed to think a cloudwas a nightmareThat was up until...

Neil Young - Danger Bird
Danger bird, he flies aloneAnd he rides the windback to his homeAlthough his wingshave tur...

Neil Young - Day And Night We Walk These Aisles
Day and night we walk these aislesIn the same old movie showAnd look for someoneto feel for a wh...

Neil Young - Days That Used To Be
People say don't rock the boat,let things go their own wayIdeas that once seem so right,now have...

Neil Young - Deep Forbidden Lake
On the lake,the deep forbidden lake,The old boats go gliding by,And the leavesare falling ...

Neil Young - Depression Blues
Got a woman that loves meAnd I love her soBut she's all dressed up nowWith nowhere to go....

Neil Young - Devil's Sidewalk
"when the red light shinesOn the streets of hateWhere the devil dinesWho knows what he ate...

Neil Young - Differently
Wish you told me by and by,That my life would come to this,That I'd have to find a wayto let thi...

Neil Young - Distant Camera
The flash of a distant camerareconnectingthoughts and actions,Fragments of our missing dreams,...

Neil Young - Doghouse
Well, I came home late one nightAnd much to my surpriseI was thrownright across the kitchen floo...

Neil Young - Do I Have To Come Right Out And Say It
Do I have to come right outand say it,Tell you that you look so fine?Do I have to come right out...

Neil Young - Don't Be Denied
When I was a young boy,My mama said to meYour daddy's leavin' home today,I think he's gone to st...

Neil Young - Don't Cry
Don't cry my sweet girlNothin' I say is written in stoneDon't cry my sweet loveYou won't really ...

Neil Young - Don't Cry No Tears
Don't cry no tears around meDon't cry no tears around me'Cause when all the water's goneThe feel...

Neil Young - Don't Let It Bring You Down
Old man lyingby the side of the roadWith the lorries rolling by,Blue moon sinkingfrom the ...

Neil Young - Don't Pity Me Babe
Young Pegi just died todayYoung Pegi just died todayAnd I guessnobody even knows the caseB...

Neil Young - Don't Say You Love Me
Don't say you love meThat's what she saidDon't say you love meThat's what she saidHe...

Neil Young - Don't Say You Win, Don't Say You Lose
Once I was in loveNow, it seems that timeIs better spentSearching than in findingBut no on...

Neil Young - Don't Spook The Horse
If you want to go ridingin the tall green grass,Try to not spook the horse.If you want to ...

Neil Young - Don't Take Your Love Away From Me
There's just one thingI'm askin' of youThere's just one thing,baby, I'm askin' of youDon't...

Neil Young - Double E
Back in the countryLivin' on the double eIn the sunshine of her lifeThere's a ready young filly...

Neil Young - Down By The River
Be on my side,I'll be on your side,babyThere is no reasonfor you to hideIt's so hard...

Neil Young - Down Down Down
Come to see her in the river?She'll be there to wave to you.In the hope that you'll forgive her,...

Neil Young - Down To The Wire
Every time you touch hersets your hands on fire,And every thing you've gotis all that she requir...

Neil Young - Downtown
There's a place called DowntownWhere the hippies all goAnd they dance the charlestonAnd they do ...

Neil Young - Dreamin' Man
I'm a dreamin' man,yes, that's my problemI can't tellwhen I'm not being real.In the meadow...

Neil Young - Dream Machine
Live to ride,ride my dream machineGood conditionssometime are extremeRunning from the dail...

Neil Young - Dream That Can Last
I feel like I diedand went to HeavenThe cupboards are barebut the streetsare paved with go...

Neil Young - Drifter
I'm just a drifterI'll stay until youtry to tie me downI'm not a quitter, babyI'd like to ...

Neil Young - Drive Back
Whatever gets youthrough the nightThat's all right with meWhen it's time to say goodbyeI h...

Neil Young - Driveby
It's a random kind of thingCame upon a delicate flowerI can't believea machine gun singsDr...

Neil Young - Drivin' Thunder
People put me down,say that I'm a foolBut I got news for themI ain't never going backto dr...

Neil Young - Eldorado
In the crystal ballThe gypsy sees the villaThe riders on the hillThe fire in the fieldsShe...

Neil Young - Evening Coconut
The Statue of Libertyis breathing in the airAtlantis is waiting down below.Late at night, flashi...

Neil Young - Everybody I Love You
Know you got to run,Know you got to hideStill there is a great lifeLingerin' deep within your ey...

Neil Young - Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
I think I'd like to goback homeAnd take it easyThere's a woman thatI'd like to get to know...

Neil Young - Everybody's Alone
If you're looking for meYou'll find meresting in the shadeOf the mountains and treesBeneat...

Neil Young - Everybody's Rockin'
When grandma and grandpaget out on the floorThey rock until they dropand then they rock some mor...

Neil Young - Expecting To Fly
There you stoodon the edge of your feather,Expecting to fly.While I laughed,I wondered whe...

Neil Young - Extra, Extra
Selling papers on the corner,I saw a man yesterday.I asked him if he'd wannaTell me what made hi...

Neil Young - Fallen Angel
Fallen angelWho's your saviour tonightYou're surroundedby these wallsand neon ...

Neil Young - Falling From Above
Grandpa said to cousin jedSittin' on the porch,"i won't retire But i might retreadSe...

Neil Young - Farm Aid Song
Well I hate to say the farmerWas the last of a dying breedLiving off the landAnd taking what he ...

Neil Young - Farmer's Song
Well I hate to say the farmerWas the last of a dying breedLiving off the landAnd taking what he ...

Neil Young - Feel Your Love
High on a balcony,right where we used to be,This city dancinglike a sparkling sea.I wanna ...

Neil Young - Field Of Opportunity
I've been wrong beforeAnd I'll be there againI don't haveany answers my friendJust this pi...

Neil Young - Find Another Shoulder
I told you babe once beforeDon't want you hangin'around my doorYou better find another shoulder...

Neil Young - Fingers
Back in the days of covered wagonsA man had his own wayWhether talkin' to a womanOr crossing the...

Neil Young - Flying On The Ground (is Wrong)
Is my world not falling downI'm in pieces on the groundAnd my eyes aren't openAnd I'm standing o...

Neil Young - Fonda Wanda
Well, I went with Mary LouTried Peggy SueHad a date with DonnaAnd Barbara Ann tooBut I'm k...

Neil Young - Fontainebleau
Who put the palmover my blonde?Who put all the taron the morning sand?Who took everything...

Neil Young - Fool For Your Love
All through the lonesome nightI tossed and I turnedLost in these dreams of yousince the day I le...

Neil Young - For The Turnstiles
All the sailorswith their seasick mamasHear the sirens on the shore,Singin' songsfor pimps...

Neil Young - Friend Of Mine
Live to ride,ride my dream machineGood conditionssometime are extremeRunning from the dail...

Neil Young - From Hank To Hendrix
From Hank to HendrixI walked these streets with youHere I am with this old guitarDoin' what I do...

Neil Young - Fuckin' Up
Mindless drifter on the roadCarry such an easy loadIt's how you look,and how you feelYou m...

Neil Young - Gateway Of Love
Try to findThe perfect timeTo say something to youFilled with meaningFilled with truth...

Neil Young - Get Back On It
Think I'll get back on the highwayI hope I'll see you soonGet back on it, get back on itThink I'...

Neil Young - Get Gone
When I was a young boy,it weren't too lateI had me a Buick, was a '48Yeah, tons and tonsof...

Neil Young - Give Me Strength
A lonely man I know myself to beIt's not as badas some things I have seen.The picture painted he...

Neil Young - God's Perfect Plan
There's plenty of foodon the tableLots of love in the houseThe children all do whatthey're...

Neil Young - Goin' Back
In a foreign landThere were creatures at playRunning hand in handLeading nowhere to stayDr...

Neil Young - Goin' Home
On the hill where Custer was,Making his last stand,With the Indians all around,And his gun in hi...

Neil Young - Goodbye Dick
But I saw you walkinthe White House lawn.Goodbye Dick, goodbye Dick.Goodbye Rosemary,goodb...

Neil Young - Good Phone
Back in the days of covered wagonsA man had his own wayWhether talkin' to a womanOr crossing the...

Neil Young - Good To See You
Good to see youGood to see you againGood to see your face againGood to see youI'm th...

Neil Young - Grandpa's Interview
"grandpa here's your coffee,"Said edith as she filled his cup,"nobody'll find you hereAnd earl i...

Neil Young - Great Divide
In the canyons of the great divideFamiliar placesthat we can run and hideAre filled with strange...

Neil Young - Greatest Song On Earth
Fire chief, car thief, misled skinhead,Tell me where it's at?Is it cool to bring it up again?Wil...

Neil Young - Grey Riders
The night was coldAnd the wind was howlingI was awaken by the soundOf hoof beats pounding....

Neil Young - Guilty Train
Whoooo-ooWhoooo-ooGuilty train,don't whistle my way againGuilty train,don't wh...

Neil Young - Hangin' On A Limb
Though the river flowsGently to the seaHe was on the shoreRooted like a treeShe was here a...

Neil Young - Hard Luck Stories
Don't tell me hard luck storiesAnd I won't tell you mineDon't tell me hard luck storiesAnd I won...

Neil Young - Harvest
Did I see you downin a young girl's townWith your mother in so much pain?I was almost there...

Neil Young - Harvest Moon
Come a little bit closerHear what I have to sayJust like children sleepin'We could dream this ni...

Neil Young - Hawaiian Sunrise
Pretty Maui MamaLying over the waterWith my sun in your eyesWhen you hear the melody playI...

Neil Young - Hawks & Doves
Ain't getting old,ain't getting younger thoughJust getting usedto the lay of the landI ain...

Neil Young - Heart Of Gold
I want to live,I want to giveI've been a minerfor a heart of gold.It's these expressions...

Neil Young - Heavy Love
I may not mystify youIn your search for higher loveI may just slip right by youWith your eyes tu...

Neil Young - Hello Lonely Woman
Well, hello lonely womanWon't you take a walk with me.I know a place where we can goGrab a bite ...

Neil Young - Hello Mr. Soul
Oh, hello Mr. Soul,I dropped byto pick up a reasonFor the thought that I caughtthat my hea...

Neil Young - Helpless
There is a town in north Ontario,With dream comfort memory to spare,And in my mindI still need a...

Neil Young - Here We Are In The Years
Now that the holidays have comeThey can relax and watch the sunRise above allof the beautiful th...

Neil Young - Hey Babe
Hey babe,say you're mine, all mine.I need it oh so bad.Hey babe, hey babe.I know that all ...

Neil Young - Hey Hey
Well, I've seen some womenThey put your soul on iceThey want a piece of the actionBut they never...

Neil Young - High Heel Shoes
Now, New York Cityon a Friday nightA lot of things happenin',a lot of bright lights.Saw a ...

Neil Young - High School Graduation
The brick jail doorsthat closed behind are crackingThe school boy told the woman in the streetLa...

Neil Young - Highway Of Our Love
Morning has come,With the first rays of sun,Breakin' through our window pane.Songs fill the air,...

Neil Young - Hillbilly Band
There was an ill wind blowingThrough my hair last nightThat froze me in my blue jeans.I couldn't...

Neil Young - Hippie Dream
Take my adviceDon't listen to meIt ain't paradiseBut it used to beThere was a timeWh...

Neil Young - Hitchhiker
When I was a hitchhiker on the roadI had to count on youBut you needed me to ease the loadAnd fo...

Neil Young - Hold Back The Tears
Hello, my old friend.It's goodto see you smiling.You've been around so long,you must be st...

Neil Young - Hold On To Your Love
Hold on to your loveHold on to your loveThough you may feeltired and blue.The things you s...

Neil Young - Hold You In My Arms
When I hold you in my armsit's a breath of fresh air,when I hold you in my armsI forget what's o...

Neil Young - Homefires
I'm not the same manI was a while agoI've learned some new things,I hope that it shows....

Neil Young - Homegrown
Homegrown'sall right with me.Homegrownis the way it should be.Homegrownis a good thi...

Neil Young - Honey, I Got The Blues
Now, New York Cityon a Friday nightA lot of things happenin',a lot of bright lights.Saw a ...

Neil Young - Horseshoe Man
In the land of the broken heartedPeople lookingfor the horseshoe manThey've beenpicking up...

Neil Young - Human Highway
I come downfrom the misty mountainI got loston the human highwayTake my headrefreshi...

Neil Young - I Ain't Got The Blues
Well, I'm a little light-headedBut my body feels the sameAnd it feels like fallin' on downAnd fi...

Neil Young - I Am A Child
I am a child, I'll last a while.You can't conceiveof the pleasure in my smile.You hold my hand,...

Neil Young - I Believe In You
Now that you found yourselflosing your mindAre you here again?Finding that what you onceth...

Neil Young - If I Could Have Her Tonight
All of a sudden shewas on my mindI wasn't ready for her kindAnd she was taking her time....

Neil Young - If You Got Love
When you walk in a roomYou hold your head up highYou talk to people eye to eyeThere's nothing to...

Neil Young - I Got A Problem
I got a problemI can't explainIt's hard to solve it,I can't lose faceThey all try to help ...

Neil Young - I'm Goin'
Well, I'm goin', I'm goin'Goin' on a downhill slide.I'm goin', I'm goin'Goin' on a downhill slid...

Neil Young - I'm Just A Passenger
I'm just a passengeron this old freight trainI ride the boxcarthrough the nightI doesn't m...

Neil Young - I'm The Ocean
I'm an accidentI was driving way too fastCouldn't stop thoughSo I let the moment lastI'm f...

Neil Young - I'm Your Kind Of Guy
Baby,Why don't you be my girl?I'll give it a try,Cause I'm your kind of guy.I said, ...

Neil Young - Inca Queen
Once there was an Inca QueenShe gazed at her sundialAll around her workers raisedGolden idols to...

Neil Young - Interstate
Children are laughingin the sunI count the voicesone by oneBut I'm not thereto share...

Neil Young - In The Great Divide
In the canyons of the great divideFamiliar placesthat we can run and hideAre filled with strange...

Neil Young - In Tune With You
When you see the golden triggerStand before your eyesBy the time you stop to figureLady Wingshot...

Neil Young - It Might Have Been
The saddest wordsOf tongue or penAre these four wordsIt might have beenWe had big dr...

Neil Young - It's A Crime Of The Heart
When I think about loveHoney, you alwayscome across my mindIs it the way that you hold meO...

Neil Young - It's So Hard To Wait
I just can't seem to get movin'Love me enough to beginAnd I'll never forget youI hope that you c...

Neil Young - I've Been Waiting For You
I've been lookingfor a womanto save my lifeNot to beg or to borrowA woman withthe fe...

Neil Young - I've Loved Her So Long
She's a victim of her sensesDo you know her?Can you see her in the distanceAs she tumbles by?...

Neil Young - I Wonder Why
For the love of manWho could understandWhat goes onWhat is rightand what is wrongWhy...

Neil Young - Jellyroll Man
Well, if you've got the cravingfor some jellyrollYou've got to have it right nowWell, if you've ...

Neil Young - Johnny
Someone wants to blow up the planetJohnny wants to find out whyJohnny did a show in St. LouisLov...

Neil Young - Journey Through The Past
When the winter rainscome pourin' downOn that new home of mine,Will you think of meand won...

Neil Young - Kansas
I feel like I just woke upfrom a bad dreamAnd it's so good to have yousleeping by my sideA...

Neil Young - Keep On Rockin' In The Free World
There's colors on the streetRed, white and bluePeople shufflin' their feetPeople sleepin' in the...

Neil Young - Keep The Homefires Burning
I'm not the same manI was a while agoI've learned some new things,I hope that it shows....

Neil Young - Kinda Fonda Wanda
Well, I went with Mary LouTried Peggy SueHad a date with DonnaAnd Barbara Ann tooBut I'm k...

Neil Young - L.a.
In a matter of time,There'll be a friend of mineGonna come to the coast,You're gonna see him...

Neil Young - Lady Wingshot
When you see the golden triggerStand before your eyesBy the time you stop to figureLady Wingshot...

Neil Young - Last Dance
Wake up! It's a Monday morningNo time left to say goodbyeCan't breatheand the lights are changin...

Neil Young - Last Of A Dying Breed
Well I hate to say the farmerWas the last of a dying breedLiving off the landAnd taking what he ...

Neil Young - Last Of His Kind (the Farm Aid Song)
Well I hate to say the farmerWas the last of a dying breedLiving off the landAnd taking what he ...

Neil Young - Last Trip To Tulsa
Well, I used to drive a cab,you knowI heard a siren screamPulled over to the cornerAnd I f...

Neil Young - Leave The Driving
Out on the old coast highwayFlyin' through the nightJed got stopped by the CHPFor speedin' and n...

Neil Young - Leavin' The Top 40 Behind
Here comes another dayAnd anotherI got so many ills and pillsI'm about to smotherHit 39, l...

Neil Young - Let It Shine
There's a light onover my head, my LordThere's a light onover my head, my LordLet it shine...

Neil Young - Let's Roll
I know I said I love you,I know you know it's true,I've got to put the phone down,and do what we...

Neil Young - Let Your Fingers Do The Walking
Back in the days of covered wagonsA man had his own wayWhether talkin' to a womanOr crossing the...

Neil Young - Life In The City
People sleepin' on the sidewalksOn a rainy dayFamilies livin' under freewaysIt's the American wa...

Neil Young - Light Of Love
I don't wanna get personalWhy have you put me on the spot?I don't know how you feelBut for me it...

Neil Young - Like A Hurricane
Once I thought I saw youin a crowded hazy bar,Dancing on the lightfrom star to star.Far ac...

Neil Young - Like An Inca
Said the condorto the preying mantisWe're gonna lose this placejust like we lost AtlantisB...

Neil Young - Little Thing Called Love
See somebodywalkin' down the streetHangin' headand a-shufflin' feetDon't take much to see...

Neil Young - Little Wing
All her friends call her Little WingBut she flies rings around them allShe comes to town when the chil...

Neil Young - Live To Ride
Live to ride,ride my dream machineGood conditionssometime are extremeRunning from the dail...

Neil Young - Lonely Weekend
Come along and say you will,Be the one to change the meaningOf the writing on the wallThe lonely...

Neil Young - Loner
He's a perfect stranger,Like a crossof himself and a fox.He's a feeling arrangerAnd a chan...

Neil Young - Long May You Run
We've been throughsome things togetherWith trunks of memoriesstill to comeWe found things ...

Neil Young - Long Walk Home
If you see Liberty tell her I willBuy her windows on the hillLaud her flowers on the sillTill th...

Neil Young - Lookin' For A Love
I've been looking for a loverBut I haven't met her yetShe'll be nothing likeI pictured her to be...

Neil Young - Looking Forward
Morning has come,With the first rays of sun,Breakin' through our window pane.Songs fill the air,...

Neil Young - Look Out For My Love
There's a lot to learnFor wastin' timeThere's a heart that burnsThere's an open mind....

Neil Young - Lookout Joe
A hip drag queen anda side-walkin' street wheeler,Comin' down the avenue.They're all your friend...

Neil Young - Loose Change
I built a house of cardsBuilt a house of rainBuilt a house of loveIt's hard to build again...

Neil Young - Losing End
I went into town to see youyesterdaybut you were not home.So I talked to some old friendsf...

Neil Young - Lost In Space
Live with me, live with meLive with me, live with meLive with me.Lost in spaceI hear...

Neil Young - Lotta Love
It's gonna take a lotta loveTo change the way things are.It's gonna take a lotta loveOr we won't...

Neil Young - Love And Only Love
Long ago in the book of old,Before the chapterwhere dreams unfoldA battle ragedon the open...

Neil Young - Love Art Blues
I've got the love art bluesDon't know which one to chooseThere's really something to lose,With t...

Neil Young - Love Hotel
If you travel withThose who know you wellI can recommendStay at Love Hotel.Every roo...

Neil Young - Love In Mind
Woke up this morningwith love in mindIt was raining outsidebut my love still shinedKept me...

Neil Young - Love Is A Rose
Love is a rosebut you better not pick itIt only grows when it's on the vine.A handful of thorns ...

Neil Young - Love To Burn
Late one night I was walkingin the valley of hearts.A spirit came to me and said:You gotta move ...

Neil Young - Mansion On The Hill
Well, I saw an old manwalking in my placeAnd he looked at me,it could have been my faceHis...

Neil Young - Married Man
Well, I'm a married manRespect my happy homeI'm a married manRespect my happy homeDon't te...

Neil Young - Maui Mama
Pretty Maui MamaLying over the waterWith my sun in your eyesWhen you hear the melody playI...

Neil Young - Mediterranean
Mediterranean,If I could meet you there,Who would ever care,We'll get in right on time...

Neil Young - Mellow My Mind
Baby mellow my mind,Make me feel like aschoolboy on good time,Jugglin' nickels and dimes,S...

Neil Young - Mideast Vacation
I used to watch "Highway Patrol"Whittlin' with my knifeBut the thought never struck meI'd be bla...

Neil Young - Midnight On The Bay
It's midnight on the bayAnd lights are shinin'And the sailboats swayAnd that cool ocean breeze....

Neil Young - Misfits
Up in that new space stationLiving Kennedy's dreamThere was an automatic cameraShooting elephant...

Neil Young - Modern World
We live in a modern worldWith communicationbetween boy and girlOh YeahBut under the stars ...

Neil Young - Mother Earth (natural Anthem)
Oh, Mother Earth,With your fields of greenOnce more laid downby the hungry handHow long ca...

Neil Young - Motion Pictures (for Carrie)
Motion pictureson my TV screen,A home away from home,livin' in betweenBut I hear some peop...

Neil Young - Motor City
My old car keeps breaking downMy new car ain't from JapanThere's already too many DatsunsIn this...

Neil Young - Motorcycle Mama
Motorcycle MamaWon't you lay your big spike downMotorcycle MamaWon't you lay your big spike down...

Neil Young - Mr.disappointment
Where did all the feelings go?What about that happy glow?Was that so long ago,When we were first...

Neil Young - Mr. Soul
Oh, hello Mr. Soul,I dropped byto pick up a reasonFor the thought that I caughtthat my hea...

Neil Young - Music Arcade
Have you ever been lostHave you ever been found outHave you ever felt all aloneAt the end of the...

Neil Young - My Boy
Why are you growin' up so fastMy boy?Oh, you'd better take your time.Why are you growin' up so f...

Neil Young - My Heart
Down in the valleythe sheperd seesHis flock is close at handAnd in the night skya star is ...

Neil Young - My My, Hey Hey (out Of The Blue)
My my, hey heyRock and roll is here to stayIt's better to burn outThan to fade awayMy my, ...

Neil Young - Name Of Love
You who ruleupon the land, You hold the futurein your hand, When you take your people...

Neil Young - Natural Anthem
Oh, Mother Earth,With your fields of greenOnce more laid downby the hungry handHow long ca...

Neil Young - Natural Beauty
On the roller coaster rideThat my emotions have to take me onI heard a newborn baby cryThrough t...

Neil Young - Needle And The Damage Done
I caught you knockin'at my cellar doorI love you, baby,can I have some moreOoh, ooh, the d...

Neil Young - New Mama
New mama's got a sun in her eyesNo clouds are in my changing skiesEach morning when I wake up to rise...

Neil Young - Night Song
Tell me whereDoes it sayWhen you're lostyou stay that wayWhy a forest of foolsgettin...

Neil Young - No More
Livin' on the edge of nightYou know the sun won't go down slowYou don't know which drug is right...

Neil Young - No One Seems To Know
Once I was in loveNow, it seems that timeIs better spentSearching than in findingBut no on...

Neil Young - Nothing Is Perfect
There's plenty of foodon the tableLots of love in the houseThe children all do whatthey're...

Neil Young - Nowadays Clancy Can't Even Sing
Who's that stompingall over my face?Where's that silhouetteI'm trying to trace?Who's putti...

Neil Young - Ocean Girl
In the jungle landWith the sea and the sandCan I meet you there?We'll be drinkin' bananas...

Neil Young - Ohio
Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,We're finally on our own.This summer I hear the drumming,Four dead...

Neil Young - Oh Mother Earth
Oh, Mother Earth,With your fields of greenOnce more laid downby the hungry handHow long ca...

Neil Young - Old Country Waltz
They were playingthat old country waltzIn this empty barechoin' off the wall.When I first ...

Neil Young - Old Hillbilly Band
There was an ill wind blowingThrough my hair last nightThat froze me in my blue jeans.I couldn't...

Neil Young - Old Homestead
Up and down the old homesteadThe naked rider gallopsthrough his headAnd although the moon isn't ...

Neil Young - Old King
King went a-runnin' after deerWasn't scared of jumpin'off the truck in high gearKing went a-snif...

Neil Young - Old Laughing Lady
Don't call pretty Peggy,she can't hear you no moreDon't leave no message'round her back door....

Neil Young - Old Man
Old man look at my life,I'm a lot like you were.Old man look at my life,I'm a lot like you were....

Neil Young - Old Ways
Old ways,it sure is hardto change 'emCome what mayIt's hard to teacha dinosaur a new...

Neil Young - Once An Angel
Once an angelAlways an angelYou're as close to heavenAs I'll ever beIt's been six ye...

Neil Young - Once I Was In Love
Once I was in loveNow, it seems that timeIs better spentSearching than in findingBut no on...

Neil Young - One More Sign
No I'm not gonna,Hide my feelings,Couldn't if I tried.No, I'm not holding them inside....

Neil Young - One Of These Days
One of these days,I'm gonna sit downand write a long letterTo all the good friends I've known...

Neil Young - One Thing
When I tryto tell you one thingYou don't listenWhen I tryto tell you one thingYou do...

Neil Young - Only Love Can Break Your Heart
When you were youngand on your ownHow did it feelto be alone?I was always thinkingof...

Neil Young - On The Beach
The world is turnin',I hope it don't turn away,The world is turnin',I hope it don't turn away....

Neil Young - On The Way Home
When the dream cameI held my breathwith my eyes closedI went insane,Like a smoke ring day...

Neil Young - Open Road
I came to you,when I needed a restYou took my love,and put it to the testI saw some things...

Neil Young - Opera Star
So your girlfriendslammed the door shutIn your face tonight,but that's all rightThen she t...

Neil Young - Ordinary People
In a dusty towna clock struck high noon,Two men stood face to face.One wore black and one wore w...

Neil Young - Out Of Control
Once high on a hill, There was a song, Nothing was wrong, That's when time stood still....

Neil Young - Out Of My Mind
Out of my mindAnd I just can'ttake it anymoreLeft behindBy myself andwhat I'm living...

Neil Young - Out Of The Blue
My my, hey heyRock and roll is here to stayIt's better to burn outThan to fade awayMy my, ...

Neil Young - Out On The Weekend
Think I'll pack it inand buy a pick-upTake it down to L.A.Find a place to call my ownand t...

Neil Young - Over And Over
At night when the sky is clearand the moon is shining downMy heart goes running back to youI lov...

Neil Young - Pardon My Heart
It's a fallen situationWhen all eyes are turned inAnd a love isn't flowingThe way it could have ...

Neil Young - Passenger
I'm just a passengeron this old freight trainI ride the boxcarthrough the nightI doesn't m...

Neil Young - Payola Blues
This one's for you Al Freed,Wherever you go, whatever you do'Cause the things they're doing today...

Neil Young - Peace And Love
Peace and loveFlying so highPeace and loveToo young to diePeace and loveNow you deci...

Neil Young - Peace Of Mind
You know it takesa long, long timeYou know it takesa long, long timeYou love her soa...

Neil Young - People On The Street
People on the streetneed a place to goPeople on the streetneed a place to goWalkin' with t...

Neil Young - Philadelphia
Sometimes I think that I knowWhat love's all aboutAnd when I see the lightI know I'll be all rig...

Neil Young - Pictures In My Mind
Someone's hanging out,We can't forget about.Things that people dowhen they're free.Like vi...

Neil Young - Piece Of Crap
Tried to save the treesBought a platsic bagThe bottom fell outIt was a piece of crap...

Neil Young - Pocahontas
Aurora borealisThe icy sky at nightPaddles cut the waterIn a long and hurried flightFrom t...

Neil Young - Politician
Come along and say you will,Be the one to change the meaningOf the writing on the wallThe lonely...

Neil Young - Powderfinger
Look out, Mama,there's a white boatcomin' up the riverWith a big red beacon,and a flag,...

Neil Young - Pressure
A funny thinghappened yesterdayI felt the pressurein a brand new wayIt kept hitting me...

Neil Young - Price That You Pay
If you wake up in the morning lightSomething doesn't seemor know is rightLay back and let your f...

Neil Young - Prime Of Life
Shadows climb upthe garden wallUpon the greenthe first leaf fallsIt's the prime of life...

Neil Young - Prisoners Of Rock 'n' Roll
People tell usthat we play too loudBut they don't knowwhat our music's aboutWe never liste...

Neil Young - Pushed It Over The End
Good lookin' Milly's gota gun in her handBut she don't know how to use it.Sooner or later she'll...

Neil Young - Queen Of Them All
Who's the hand in your handWho's the one who knowsWhen you're on the ropesShe's the one you can ...

Neil Young - Railroad Town
When the red sun setson the railroad town,And the bars begin to laughwith a happy sound,I'...

Neil Young - Rainin' In Paradise
It's rainin' in paradiseIt's rainin' in paradiseIt's rainin' in paradiseHere come the clouds...

Neil Young - Rapid Transit
Rapid transit.Public service.I'm standing in my line.Melt down.Containment.I'm...

Neil Young - Razor Love
I got to betthat your old manBecame fascinatedwith his own planTurned you loose,your...

Neil Young - Red Sun
When the red sun setson the railroad town,And the bars begin to laughwith a happy sound,I'...

Neil Young - Rent Is Always Due
Your silver childsuspended in spaceCrying outto youBeckons youto yet another fine pl...

Neil Young - Revolution Blues
Well, we live in a trailerat the edge of townYou never see us'cause we don't come around.W...

Neil Young - Ride My Llama
Remember the AlamoWhen help was on the wayIt's better here and now,I feel that good today....

Neil Young - Road Of Plenty
One day a visitortook a trip through my townWe all were dancin'till he took his beat awayC...

Neil Young - Rockin' In The Free World
There's colors on the streetRed, white and bluePeople shufflin' their feetPeople sleepin' in the...

Neil Young - Rock Rock Rock
Down the highway,all across the nationTrucks are moving rough,we pass the break of daySure...

Neil Young - Roll Another Number (for The Road)
It's too darkto put the keysin my ignition,And the mornin' sun is yetto climb my hood orna...

Neil Young - Round And Round And Round
Round and round and round we spin,To weave a wall to hem us in,It won't be long.It won't be long...

Neil Young - Round & Round (it Won't Be Long)
Round and round and round we spin,To weave a wall to hem us in,It won't be long, it won't be long...

Neil Young - Run Around Babe
Run around babe,I'm only losing my mindRun around babe,Don't try to beSomething you weren'...

Neil Young - Running Dry (requiem For The Rockets)
Oh, please help me,oh please help me,I'm livin' by myself.I need someone to comfort me,I n...

Neil Young - Saddle Up The Palomino
Oh, oh, Carmelina,The daughterof the wealthy banker.Since she came to townall my friends a...

Neil Young - Sad Movies
Day and night we walk these aislesIn the same old movie showAnd look for someoneto feel for a wh...

Neil Young - Sail Away
I could live inside a tepeeI could diein Penthouse thirty-fiveYou could lose me on the freeway...

Neil Young - Sample And Hold
Sample and HoldHair: BlondeEyes: BlueWeight: 110Disposition: EvenMood Code: Rotary A...

Neil Young - Saturday Night
How can I tell her that I love her,When windy week-end warningstell me summer teases?When I firs...

Neil Young - Scattered (let's Think About Livin')
I'm a little bit highI'm a little bit lowHear you name wherever I goI'm a little bit wrong...

Neil Young - Scenery
Looking at the graveAt the scenery around youHome of the braveSometimes they leave youlike...

Neil Young - Sea Of Madness
How can I bring youTo the Sea of MadnessI love you so muchIt's gonna bring me sadnessI've ...

Neil Young - Sedan Delivery
Last night I was coolat the pool hallHeld the table for eleven gamesNothing was easierthan...

Neil Young - See The Sky About To Rain
See the sky about to rain,broken clouds and rain.Locomotive, pull the train,whistle blowing...

Neil Young - Sell Out
Fire chief, car thief, misled skinhead,Tell me where it's at?Is it cool to bring it up again?Wil...

Neil Young - Separate Ways
I won't apologizeThe light shone from in your eyesIt isn't gone,It will soon come back again....

Neil Young - Sharpshooter
Someone's hanging out,We can't forget about.Things that people dowhen they're free.Like vi...

Neil Young - She's A Healer
There ain't no wayI'm gonna let the good times go,There ain't no wayI'm gonna let the good times...

Neil Young - Shots
ShotsRinging all along the borderscan be heardStriking outlike a venom in the skyCut...

Neil Young - Silver And Gold
Workin' hard every dayNever notice howthe time slips awayPeople come, seasons goWe got som...

Neil Young - Sixty To Zero
All the champs and the heroesThey got a price to payThey go from sixty to zeroIn the split of a ...

Neil Young - Sleeps With Angels
She wasn't perfectShe had some trips of her ownHe wasn't worriedAt least he wasn't aloneTo...

Neil Young - Slip Away
She lives in the TV skyShe lives in such painShe rides in a bulletproofStretch limousineTh...

Neil Young - Slowpoke
Something opened upthe gates again,I can't control it,so I rushed right in.Here comes a me...

Neil Young - Soldier
Soldier, your eyes,they shine like the sunI wonder why.Soldier, your eyesshine like the su...

Neil Young - Someday
Wake up all you sleeping beautiesMore are being born while you restThey're pipin' music inWe all...

Neil Young - Something More Tame
Well, I'm a little light-headedBut my body feels the sameAnd it feels like fallin' on downAnd fi...

Neil Young - Song Of Love
The flash of a distant camerareconnectingthoughts and actions,Fragments of our missing dreams,...

Neil Young - Song X
Hey ho away we goWe're on the road to neverWhere life's a joyfor girls and boysAnd o...

Neil Young - So Tired
Time for me to show my handLet them know just who I am'Cause I've been down and back again....

Neil Young - Soul Of A Woman
You can't help nobody,until you help yourselfYou can't help nobody,until you help yourself...

Neil Young - Southern Man
Southern manbetter keep your headDon't forgetwhat your good book saidSouthern change...

Neil Young - Southern Pacific
Down the mountainsideTo the coastlinePast the angry tideThe mighty diesel whines.And...

Neil Young - Speakin' Out
I went to the moviethe other night,The plot was groovy,it was out of sight.I sat with my p...

Neil Young - Spud Blues
I don't like to go down to flats'Cause I can't park on a hillInstead getting a rolling startI ha...

Neil Young - Standing In The Light Of Love
I don't wanna get personalWhy have you put me on the spot?I don't know how you feelBut for me it...

Neil Young - Star Of Bethlehem
Ain't it hardwhen you wake upin the morningAnd you find outthat those other daysare ...

Neil Young - Stayin' Power
Our love, baby, feels so rightWhen you're smilin' in the morning lightI ain't leavin' no way...

Neil Young - Stringman
You can say the soul is goneAnd the feeling is just not thereNot like it was so long ago.O...

Neil Young - Stupid Girl
You're just a stupid girlYou really got a lot to learnStart living againForget about remembering...

Neil Young - Such A Woman
You are such a woman to meAnd I love youOur love with liveUntil the end of all time....

Neil Young - Sugar Mountain
Oh, to live on Sugar MountainWith the barkers and the colored balloons,You can't be twenty on Sugar Mo...

Neil Young - Sun Green
Sun green started makin' wavesOn the day her grandpa diedSpeakin' out against anythingUnjust or ...

Neil Young - Sunny Inside
Don't need drugs,don't want moneyYou come alongand shook me honeyAll I want isyou ri...

Neil Young - Surfer Joe And Moe The Sleaze
Here's a story about Surfer JoeHe caught the big one,but he let it goThere's somebody satisfied...

Neil Young - Sweet Joni
Sweet Joni from SaskatoonThere's a ring for your fingerIt looks like the sunBut it feels like th...

Neil Young - T-bone
Got mashed potatoesGot mashed potatoesGot mashed potatoesAin't got no T-BoneAin't got no T...

Neil Young - Tell Me Why
Sailing heart-shipsthru broken harborsOut on the waves in the nightStill the searchermust ...

Neil Young - Ten Men Workin'
We are men at workWe got a job to doWe gotta keep you rockin'To keep your soul from the blue....

Neil Young - Thank God I'm On The Road Tonight
There was an ill wind blowingThrough my hair last nightThat froze me in my blue jeans.I couldn't...

Neil Young - There Goes My Babe
The end has comeThe sky has lost it's sunThe harm is doneHe was the only oneThere go...

Neil Young - There's A World
There's a world you're living inNo one else has your partAll God's children in the windTake it i...

Neil Young - This Note's For You
Don't want no cashDon't need no moneyAin't got no stashThis note's for you.Ain't sin...

Neil Young - This Old House
Midnight, that old clockkeeps ticking,The kids are all asleepand I'm walking the floor.Dar...

Neil Young - This Town
I'm not asleepwhen I'm lyin' downI'm asleepwhen I' walkin' aroundThis townThis town...

Neil Young - Thrasher
They were hiding behind hay bales,They were plantingin the full moonThey had given all they had...

Neil Young - Through My Sails
Still glaringfrom the city lightsInto paradise I soaredUnable to come downFor reasons I'd ...

Neil Young - Throw Your Hatred Down
Here in the conscious worldWe place our theories downWhy man must bring usto our kneesBefo...

Neil Young - Till I Pass This Way Again
Well, hello lonely womanWon't you take a walk with me.I know a place where we can goGrab a bite ...

Neil Young - Till The Morning Comes
I'm gonna give youtill the morning comesTill the morning comes,till the morning comes....

Neil Young - Time Fades Away
Fourteen junkiestoo weak to workOne sells diamondsfor what they're worthDown on pain stree...

Neil Young - Time Off For Good Behavior
My brother went to prisonHe's in Kingston doin' timeHe got seven years for sellin'What I've been...

Neil Young - Tired Eyes
Well he shot four menin a cocaine dealAnd he left themlyin' in an open fieldFull of old ca...

Neil Young - Tonight's The Night
Tonight's the night,tonight's the nightTonight's the night,tonight's the nightTonight's th...

Neil Young - Too Far Gone
When I woke up you were goneAnd the sun was on the lawnEmpty pillow with perfume onI smelled it....

Neil Young - Too Lonely
Too lonely, too lonelyToo lonely to fall in loveToo lonely, too lonelyToo lonely to fall in love...

Neil Young - Touch The Night
Out on the roadthe traffic sloweddown to a crawlStrobe lights flashin'on the overpass...

Neil Young - Traces
Believe me,When I tell youThat a love trueIsn't hard to find.'Cause I found mine...

Neil Young - Train Of Love
Train of loveRacing from heart to heartRunning lateStill in the lonely partThis train will...

Neil Young - Trans Am
Trans AmThe wagons in the valleyhad pulled up for the nightSeth said"go get the plow...

Neil Young - Transformer Man
Transformer man, transformer manYou run the showRemote controlDirect the actionwith the pu...

Neil Young - Truth Be Known
Saw your friendworking in this hotelSays he used to know you whenAnd your dreamsLucky as t...

Neil Young - Turbine
The summer ends and the winter windsBegin to holler all around the bend.We will smile and sail away...

Neil Young - Twilight
The sun is settingon the long road homeAnd I've been gone too longMy little girl's waitin'...

Neil Young - Two Old Friends
Preacher went up to the Golden Gate,And met God there,With the glow of love in his flowing hair....

Neil Young - Union Man
I'm proud to a union manI make those meetings when I can, yeahI pay my dues ahead of timeWhen th...

Neil Young - Unknown Legend
She used to work in a dinerNever saw a woman look finerI used to order just to watchher float ac...

Neil Young - Vampire Blues
I'm a vampire, babe,suckin' bloodfrom the earthI'm a vampire, baby,suckin' bloodfrom...

Neil Young - Violent Side
Here comes the nightHere comes the angerHidden so deep insideNo one can seeBehind these ey...

Neil Young - Walking After Midnight
There's a face in the windowLookin' back at meThere's a face in the windowI just can't see....

Neil Young - Walk On
I hear some peoplebeen talkin' me down,Bring up my name,pass it 'round.They don't mention...

Neil Young - War Of Man
The little creaturesrun in from the coldBack to the nestjust like the days of oldThere in ...

Neil Young - War Song
In the morning when you wake upYou've got planes flying in the skyFlying bombs made to break upA...

Neil Young - Ways Of Love
You are my special oneMade my heart come all undoneWe've been havin' too much funNow someone els...

Neil Young - Wayward Wind
In the lonely shackby the railroad trackI spent my younger daysAnd I guess the soundof the...

Neil Young - Weight Of The World
I used to carrythe weight of the worldOn my backI never trustedmy friends or my girl...

Neil Young - Welcome To The Big Room
Welcome to the big roomEverything's alright.People, welcome to the big room'Cause everything's a...

Neil Young - Welfare Mothers
People, pick upon what I'm puttin' down nowWelfare mothersmake better loversDo...

Neil Young - We Never Danced
Between heaven and earthThere's a ballroom floorWhere the couples glideIn the evermore....

Neil Young - We're Gonna Rock Forever
Down the highway,all across the nationTrucks are moving rough,we pass the break of daySure...

Neil Young - We R In Control
We control the data banksWe control the think tanksWe control the flow of air.We're contro...

Neil Young - Western Hero
Frontier town,home of the western heroFrontier justice,dealt with the iron handHe wo...

Neil Young - What Did You Do To My Life?
When we were living togetherI thought thatI knew you would stay.Still when you left meI tr...

Neil Young - Whatever Happened To Saturday Night
How can I tell her that I love her,When windy week-end warningstell me summer teases?When I firs...

Neil Young - What Happened Yesterday
Can't forgetwhat happened yesterdayThough my friends saydon't look backI can feel it...

Neil Young - When I Hold You In My Arms
When I hold you in my armsit's a breath of fresh air,when I hold you in my armsI forget what's o...

Neil Young - When It Falls, It Falls All Over You
Selling papers on the corner,I saw a man yesterday.I asked him if he'd wannaTell me what made hi...

Neil Young - When You Dance I Can Really Love
When you dance,Do your senses tingle?Then take a chance?In a trance,While the lonely mingl...

Neil Young - (when You're On) The Losing End
I went into town to see youyesterdaybut you were not home.So I talked to some old friendsf...

Neil Young - When Your Lonely Heart Breaks
When your lonely heart breaksDon't sit counting your mistakesDon't be waitingfor love to come ba...

Neil Young - Where Is The Highway Tonight?
I would be feelin' so lowShe'd have a new place to goShe'd take me in her armsAnd show me all he...

Neil Young - Whiskey Boot Hill
Winding pathsthrough tables and glassFirst fall was newNow watch the summer passSo close t...

Neil Young - White Line
I came to you,when I needed a restYou took my love,and put it to the testI saw some things...

Neil Young - Will To Love
It has often been my dreamTo live with onewho wasn't thereLike an ocean fishwho swam upstr...

Neil Young - Winterlong
I waited for you, WinterlongYou seem to be where I belong.It's all illusion anyway.If thin...

Neil Young - Winter Winds
The summer ends and the winter windsBegin to holler all around the bend.We will smile and sail away...

Neil Young - Without Rings
Someone's hanging out,We can't forget about.Things that people dowhen they're free.Like vi...

Neil Young - Wonderin'
I've been walking all night longMy footsteps made me crazyBaby, you've been gone so longI'm wond...

Neil Young - Words (between The Lines Of Age)
Someone and someonewere down by the pondLooking for somethingto plant in the lawn.Out in t...

Neil Young - World On A String
You know I lose,you know I winYou know I call forthe shape I'm in.It's just a game you...

Neil Young - Wrecking Ball
My life's an open bookYou read it on the radioWe got nowhere to hideWe got nowhere to goBu...

Neil Young - Yonder Stands The Sinner
Well, you heard aboutthe Great Pretender?I went to see himand he's not the sameDown by the...

Neil Young - You And Me
Open up your eyesSee how life time fliesOpen up and let the light back in.Open up your hea...

Neil Young - You're My Girl
Well I took you for a walkup on the forest floor,'Cause I wanted to share some things.But it sur...

Neil Young - Your Love
Your love is good to meI should be standing tallAnd walking proudYour eyes keep looking out...

Neil Young - Your Love Again
I don't wanna bring you downI don't wanna change youAll I want isYour love againYou ...

Nellie Mckay - Baby Watch Your Back
Baby watch your backBaby watch your back ...I watched you come and go and never noticedLike dail...

Nellie Mckay - Change The World
I wake upI am boredTo my pictures I imploreShould I go or stayWhat should I be today...

Nellie Mckay - Clonie
My oh my walkin' byWho's the apple of my eyeWhy it's my very ownClonieOh if I should strol...

Nellie Mckay - David
Look at you you're youngHavin' so much funGonna be a starBlah blah blahAnd click there goe...

Nellie Mckay - Ding Dong
My cat died and I quickly poured myself some ginDid she die from old age or was it for my sins God I l...

Nellie Mckay - Inner Peace
In high school it was cool to say You look funnyYou're a retard dummyA retarded dummyYeah ...

Nellie Mckay - It's A Pose
Jimmy, you know my love is trueAnd Davy, you know I love only youAnd Mitchie, you give meaning to ever...

Nellie Mckay - I Wanna Get Married
I wanna get marriedYes, I need a spouseI want a nice Leave it to BeaverishGolden retriever and a...

Nellie Mckay - Manhattan Avenue
Send a breeze A pitbull's yelp A tender squeeze A cry for help Make it now And make ...

Nellie Mckay - Really
Am I sadNot sad enough really Am I mad Not mad enough clearly Am I Complacent ...

Nellie Mckay - Respectable
There's a rich boyBut he doesn't spendHe just drinks his Poland Spring He's a quick boy walkin' ...

Nellie Mckay - Sari
Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't apologize so muchThat it's jive it's a crutchI just used when I'm ju...

Nellie Mckay - Suitcase Song
When it says goodbyeYou don't hear it sighDoes that it meanThat it's gone far far awayIs t...

Nellie Mckay - The Dog Song
I'm just a walkin' my dogSingin' my songStrollin' alongYeah it's just me and my dogCatchin...

Nellie Mckay - Toto Dies
And when the dawn breaks through the drums start Beating the morning to the farmYour grimace widens an...

Nellie Mckay - Waiter
Oh waiter bring me my check soonI have a hectic schedule I'm saddened by the news that we won I ...

Nellie Mckay - Won't U Please B Nice
If you would sitOh so close to meThat would be niceLike it's supposed to beIf you don't I'...

Nellie Mckay - Work Song
Deliver the paper deliver the pornDeliver the baker deliver the mornA quiverin' jibberin' shiverin' ma...

Nelly - Air Force Ones
[Intro]Big boy.. Big boy.. Big boy[Chorus]I said give me two pair(caus...

Nelly - American Dream
[Chorus:]Yo we be out man, fukin it up for erbodyI can't lie man, they thought I was just getti...

Nelly - Another One
[Intro](This, is, Derty E-N-T, Bassment Beat Productions)Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, sing that shit!...

Nelly - Batter Up
[Sports personalities]Welcome ladies and gentlemenThis is Mark... oh-Who-gives-a-fuck from '93 ...

Nelly - Die For You
You, dontcha know i'd die for yaI'd lay down my life for ya (i would, die for)You, dontcha know i'd di...

Nelly - E.i. (the Tipdrill Remix)
[Hook] I said it must be ya ass cause it ain't ya face I need a tipdrill, I need a tipdrill I s...

Nelly - Flap Your Wings
[Hook]Drop down and get your eagle on, girl (flap your wings)Drop down and get your eagle on, g...

Nelly - Greed, Hate, Envy
Right up in here, is the sweet spotStay right up in here, and don't bend unda pre'sureIs that what it ...

Nelly - If
[Intro - Nelly]Dirty E & TWe All We GotStarTracks on the G-M-B[Verse 1]...

Nelly - Iz U
She said iz u iz or you ain'tIz u iz or iz u ain'tIz u iz or iz u ain'tIz u iz or iz u ain't...

Nelly - Luven Me
Ay yo ma, how you doin, it's ya son nowAnd I picked up the mic and put the drugs downNow I'm tryin to ...

Nelly - N Dey Say
Yeah, Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah, Let's Go[Chorus]Ha ha ha ha ha ohhhhhhhhN dey ...

Nelly - Nellyville
[Nelly]Welcome to Nellyville, where all newborns get a half-a-mill'Sons, get Sedan DeVille, soo...

Nelly - Oh Nelly
[Nelly]They said a country boy, came through and then - changed the gameIf you what you got ain...

Nelly - On The Grind
Uh...yea...swing Nel my dirty JacobYea Come on[Hook][Nelly]Now i...

Nelly - Paradise
She said her name was (paradise)Thats what she said to meShe said (paradise)Thats what she said ...

Nelly - Pimp Juice
[Intro]One pound for the house, that's all we need babyJust one for the house.. c'mon...

Nelly - Play It Off
[Chorus: Nelly]She got that ba-da-buh-daYour girl ain't gotta know I hit ya last nightI w...

Nelly - Ride Wit Me
Where they at [8X][Chorus]If you wanna go and take a ride wit meWe three-whe...

Nelly - Roc The Mic (remix)
[Intro - Beanie] You know we hadda do a remix right?Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho!All you Young Gunnerz!...

Nelly - Say Now
[Nelly]Gun shots reigned out over the cityAnd had everybody duckin and runnin checkin for any...

Nelly - Spida Man
[Nelly]That motherfucker was horrificYes it was, yes it wasOkay, I was[Cho...

Nelly - Splurge
[Chorus]You see the magazines andMe on your TV screens andYou think you know me but you r...

Nelly - The Gank
[Intro]Come onWoooooooooShit Lord have mercy[Verse 1: Nelly]...

Nelly - Thicky Thick Gurls
[Chorus:]See now you could be a lady or a bitch girlStill, you're thicky thicky thicky th...

Nelly - Tho Dem Wrappas
[Nelly]Uhh, I boss thru in a Hummer, Murphy the Don, Lizzie, KeyuanWith the best thunder than S...

Nelly - Utha Side
Uhh uh-uh uhhYeah, uhh, yoYou wanna come go with me?My nigga, that ain't no problemMy nigg...

Nelly - Woodgrain & Leather Wit A Hole
[Intro: Nelly]Come over baby, come over here, sit down sit downI need to talk to you for a seco...

Nelly - Work It
Let's go ohBaby Show SomethingDon't say nothing (Don't you say a word)I just want to ...

Nelly - Wrap Sumden
[Chorus x2]Hey this is no lieMe and my niggas gettin highYo if you look up in the sky...

Nelly Furtado - Build You Up
Baby don't believe itOh, it's in your eyesI can see the weaknessYou don't have to hideI ca...

Nelly Furtado - Childhood Dreams
I can't believe you need meI never thought would be needed for anythingI can't believe my shoulder wou...

Nelly Furtado - Explode
Vera's face burnt as a memory of bedroom funWith a ligther and some hairspraySmoking in the girls' roo...

Nelly Furtado - Forca
It is the passion flowing right on through your veinsAnd it's the feeling that you're oh so glad you came...

Nelly Furtado - Fresh Off The Boat
I'm fresh off the boatfresh off the boatfresh off the boatfresh off the boat I rock ...

Nelly Furtado - I'm Like A Bird
You're beautiful, that's for sureYou'll never ever fadeYou're lovely but it's not for sureThat I...

Nelly Furtado - Island Of Wonder
The man wrinkles his faceBut it's already wornThe coffe is sourAnd the shirt is tornBut th...

Nelly Furtado - Onde Ests
Nas horas do diaNas horas do diaEspero... a noiteEspero... a noite[2x]Vejo as...

Nelly Furtado - One-trick Pony
[Talking:]You say, you're identical to nonebut you're identical to some, who wants to be a some...

Nelly Furtado - ... On The Radio (remember The Days)
You liked me till' you heard my shit on the radioWell I hate to say but pop aint' going soloYou liked ...

Nelly Furtado - Picture Perfect
Picture perfect a life that you saw in a magazineOr maybe a travelling bookWanted to get on that plane...

Nelly Furtado - Powerless (say What You Want)
Paint my face in your magazines Make it look whiter than it seems Paint me over with your dreams ...

Nelly Furtado - Saturdays
Hot motel Stuffy incideI know wellThis eleven wallsHot black tarI tan my legsR...

Nelly Furtado - Scared Of You
I'm sorry I forsake youI'm sorry that I left youI'm sorry I did forget youAnd I'm sorry that I m...

Nelly Furtado - The Grass Is Green
Oh, i once had somethingSomething that was so goodBetter than the last thing i touchedThen I tur...

Nelly Furtado - Try
All I knowIs everything is not as it's soldbut the more I grow the less I knowAnd I have lived s...

Nelly Furtado - Turn Off The Light
It's getting so lonely inside this bedDon't know if I should lick my wounds or say woe is me insteadAn...

Nelly Furtado - Well, Well
Well, well, what do I say Looks like what goes around comes around And everyone will have their final ...

N.e.r.d. - Am I High
La la la la Listen La la la Hey Didn't you know I can help or hurt you So there's no...

N.e.r.d. - Baby Doll
Girl you don't know what you are to me You are my baby doll You are my compass star You drive me...

N.e.r.d. - Backseat Love
[Pharrell]I was walking, down the streetSaw this girl, she smell so sweet....Hey baby......

N.e.r.d. - Bobby James
Hi I'm 17 and my name is Bobby James Everyday in school all my classmates call me names And so this pu...

N.e.r.d. - Brain
[Verse One] What do you think baby I know I want you And you know you want me But c...

N.e.r.d. - Breakout
It just happend So what? But they're all laughing What's up? [Hook] Why...

N.e.r.d. - Chariot Of Fire
Sorry that we took so longYou probably thought we forgot your songIt makes us smile Just so you ...

N.e.r.d. - Don't Worry About It
[Intro - Pharrell]It's her dark skin..It's your juicy lips girl, ah-ahhh[Chorus]...

N.e.r.d. - Drill Sergeant
[Clapping hands][Chorus] Drill sergeant, I don't work for you I'm not going ...

N.e.r.d. - Find My Way
[Hidden track][Adlib:]I Love YouYou mean the world to me[1st ...

N.e.r.d. - Fly Or Die
Oooh [x3]Fly.. This is for the kids! This is only for the kids! Mummy, ...

N.e.r.d. - Lapdance
Dirty Dog I'm, I'm a dirty dog I'm a dirty dog I'm, I'm a dirty dog Dirty Dog I'm a ...

N.e.r.d. - Maybe
Love was the egg See and it was born in a cloud with silver lining But it broke, I mean it hatched on ...

N.e.r.d. - Perseverance
[Hidden track]Hate when they call me superstarDo I look like a superstar?Yet unreac...

N.e.r.d. - Provider
Woke up I had the same clothes on I had on last night Damn I must have passed out And cash is ju...

N.e.r.d. - Run To The Sun
Thinking about the time we share And how I wasn't there It hurt me These people overwork me ...

N.e.r.d. - She Wants To Move
[Intro - Pharrell Williams]Shake it up.. shake it up girlShake it up.. bassHey! Shake it ...

N.e.r.d. - Stay Together
Hey we need to stay together girl Think about it There was something about me and you girl Look ...

N.e.r.d. - Tape You
Babe For what I'm about to ask Don't be ashamed I just love you girl Babe As time wi...

N.e.r.d. - The Way She Dances
Unzip your skirtTake off your blouseI hope your toes are paintedCos your gone dance in your undi...

N.e.r.d. - Things Are Getting Better
Check it out bitch See sometimes You gotta realize Where you are in your life In order to ...

N.e.r.d. - Thrasher
[Intro]HO! HO! HO! HO!HO! HO! HO! HO![Verse 1 - Pharrell]Every once in...

N.e.r.d. - Truth Or Dare
Yeah, yeah, yeah I'm on the dance floor burning up Music turn it up Baby I'm Real hot so i...

N.e.r.d. - Waiting For U
[Hidden track]So she tells her man "lets go fishin" Well go tommorow morning when the sun...

N.e.r.d. - Wonderful Place
[Verse] Damn, it's setting in now (so high) Cuz cartoons are turning into real life Lemon...

Nesian Mystik - Brothaz
Its been a while since last we caught upCollaborate bout old times and those schemes that we thought up...

Nesian Mystik - For The People
Listen in right cos my jam be the jointPress play on the track till it hits ya boiling pointWhen the c...

Nesian Mystik - It's On
Mr sound selecta Hook me up with the melody Mr sound selecta Hit me with the beat Cmon ...

Nesian Mystik - Nesian Style
Nesian style is here Ladies beware Now tell me if you are down all the sounds get down Pol...

Nesian Mystik - Unity
There exists no forceThat could ever hold us backFrom the mic comes forth The cause to counterac...

New Edition - Been So Long
[P. Diddy]Ladies and Gentlemen it's about that time The newest addition to the Bad Boy Family ...

New Edition - Best Man
[Ricky]me and you babe ooh mmm,mmm,mmm,mmm, mmm,mmm,mmm,mmm ooh mmm,mmm...

New Edition - Come Home With Me
[Verse 1]I'm standing here all alone this nights about to end (I'm looking for somebody) ...

New Edition - Feelin' It
Uh huhWe back yallThis the jumpoffN.E. YeahHot new babyFeelin it jointWe bad b...

New Edition - Hot 2nite
Ohhh (yeah)All rightHeyNE keep it hot for y'allNow let me set it off in the right wa...

New Edition - Last Time
[Ralph Speaks] Last time [Verse 1]I never had a love I couldn't handle but lately ...

New Edition - Leave Me
I know it comes as no suprise, that I.... am so in love with u When I think of us two, I start feelin'...

New Edition - Newness
Look at you, more beautiful than ever [Verse 1]Did I stay away too long Have we gro...

New Edition - Re-write The Memories
[Mike:]Man (oh yeah) I don't know what I'm gonna say to her Rizz ya know? (oo...

New Edition - Sexy Lady
Oh, Oh I Shoo do do dohey yeahsha da da ooh yeah[Verse 1]Gi...

New Edition - Start Turnin' Me On
[Chorus](When you)Start turning me onI just react (when you)Start turning me on ...

New Edition - That's Why I Lied
[Intro]Listen up ma I got something to tell you[Verse 1]Theres no kiss from ...

New Edition - Wildest Dreams
I heard you like to ball alotAnd you like shoppin' at the mall alotBraggin' to your friends about what...

New Found Glory - 2's + 3's
I sat and stared at the sky.I knew I'd find myself there again.I wonder how else to cope with the air....

New Found Glory - 3rd And Long
pick up the pieces that i've left behind i woke up today feeling older and never so much better i know i tal...

New Found Glory - All About Her
Let me practice this before I say it to youI know it might come out wrong but I want it toAnother chan...

New Found Glory - All Downhill From Here
Youre hiding something, cause its burning through your eyesI try to get it out, but all I hear from you are ...

New Found Glory - Anniversary
I thought I'd write you something to remember me by,A commemorative for the two years you spent by my side,...

New Found Glory - At Least I'm Known For Something
I'm in and out of conversationIt's hard to keep my attention locked downSo don't take offence to anyth...

New Found Glory - Ballad For The Lost Romantics
I've grown sickI've gotten olderI finally have an audience to ignoreI can yell all I wantB...

New Found Glory - Belated
I've never felt so bad in my entire lifeBut this time i did it to myselfWhat do u expect from me?...

New Found Glory - Better Off Dead
Ash his heart onto the groundPull his guts out by frustrationBe careful you might kill himJust c...

New Found Glory - Black And Blue
It's time to open your eyesAnd wake up to the morningToday calls out your nameAnd I can never be...

New Found Glory - Boy Crazy
Some girls are crazyJust listen to what I have to say about itYou've gotta watch out for the beautiful...

New Found Glory - Broken Sound
i wake up something more than what i'm supposed to be something more than i have meant to show how was i sup...

New Found Glory - Certain
my life is an open book of changes and this just occured to me i dream of all these different places that i ...

New Found Glory - Congratulations Smack & Katy
[Reggie And The Full Effect cover, sung by James Dewees]Girl, where's your head full of lead?...

New Found Glory - Constant Static
YeahI'm on the verge of something goodIt's been up my sleeve this whole time, waitingYeah...

New Found Glory - Doubt Full
This letter explains everythingThe content it is the truthEach word could cut like daggers If I ...

New Found Glory - Dressed To Kill
I know it's hard for youTo understand what I'm going throughBut now I sit here to remind myselfY...

New Found Glory - Ending In Tragedy
I tried to save usBut little did I knowYou are a speeding train off trackWith little time to go...

New Found Glory - (everything I Do) I Do It For You
Look into my eyes - you will seeWhat you mean to me.Search your heart - search your soulAnd when...

New Found Glory - Ex-miss
Everything that could have went wrong, went wrong this year. Nothing recently has made me want to stand up a...

New Found Glory - Eyesore
Forget me notThose weren't your wordsI'm home haven't you heard the ring?The sound of my voice...

New Found Glory - Failure's Not Flattering
what's your problem can't you see it and you go and blow it like everyone knows you will ...

New Found Glory - Faithfully
[Originally by Journey][Sung by Ian Grushka (bassist)]Highway runInto the mi...

New Found Glory - Forget Everything
Can we pretend for one second that we are together,What's the point of keeping my feelings at bay,It t...

New Found Glory - Forget My Name
tell all my friends I'm dead I'm leaving you, this time its for good tell all my friends that I'm dead...

New Found Glory - For The World
[Shai Hulud Cover, Performed 4/21/2001 Albany, NY]Poured myself out:I am the empty cup...

New Found Glory - Head On Collision
I've been waiting for a good day I've been holding back long enough I've been hurting to tell you some...

New Found Glory - [hidden Track #1]
Theres a cold winter coming this yearTheres a cold winter comingTheres a cold winter coming this year...

New Found Glory - [hidden Track #2]
I'm an old salty dog in the waterlooking for a fish, a fish, a fishI'm going hunting in the ocea...

New Found Glory - Hit Or Miss
The needle on my record player has been wearing thinThis record has been playing since the day you've been w...

New Found Glory - I'd Kill To Fall Asleep
Eyes open, I'm wide awakeI feel I'm in a coma stateI'll lay here on my back and watch the fan turn...

New Found Glory - I Don't Wanna Know
I don't wanna know I don't wanna know Your eyes were covered in sunglasses When they first...

New Found Glory - I Don't Want To Miss A Thing
i could stay awake just to hear you breathing watch you smile while you are sleeping while you're far away a...

New Found Glory - Intro
Don't believe a word, A word they say. It's more than a T-shirt,It's more than a tattoo,...

New Found Glory - It Never Snows In Florida
distance means nothing to me it only makes me want to see you longer my words just like a mentioned kiss wit...

New Found Glory - It's Been A Summer
I'm cracked from my head down to my spineReady to Self-Destruct at any timeAnd I'm trying to convince ...

New Found Glory - Jb
well i started all alone and i watched you grow and now please don't take this away from me you rise t...

New Found Glory - Joga
[Originally by Bjork]All these accidents,That happen,Follow the dot,Coinciden...

New Found Glory - My Friends Over You
Im drunk off your kissFor another night in a rowThis is becoming too routine for meBut I did not...

New Found Glory - My Heart Will Go On
every night in my dreams i see you, i feel you, that is how i know you go on far across the distance and spa...

New Found Glory - My Solution
well i feel there's something wrong with my life but that's the way it should be i really hate it when i lie...

New Found Glory - Never Ending Story
turn around, look at what you see in her face, the mirror of your dreams make believe i'm everywhere, ...

New Found Glory - Never Give Up
living with me I don't think it would be so bad this is the first time this year that I'm not go...

New Found Glory - Never Sometimes
well i never wanted it to be this way with you so broken-hearted look at all the things we've been through s...

New Found Glory - No News Is Good News
All along, we follow blindly,Force fed prime-time, previewed nightly,Why would anybody leave the safet...

New Found Glory - Over The Head, Below The Knees
You must not have a heart Have nothing in your chest To let it go for so long And let this go so...

New Found Glory - Passing Time
what a waste of a day such a waste of time i'd never admit to say that the fault is mine i'm never too far a...

New Found Glory - Radio Adelaide
You'll never see a straight face from meI've got a problem showing emotion and sucking up my gutsYou'l...

New Found Glory - Scraped Knees
looking back now i see how far i've gone it's been a while now for only one song past intentions i never eve...

New Found Glory - Second To Last
I hate myself for losing youI blame myself for pulling you apartI guess this is the only wayI ha...

New Found Glory - Shadow
staring at my shadow i see the world around me never felt as if my existence reflects these walls so proudly...

New Found Glory - Sincerely Me
Dear your name here....It's been a long time, very long timeSince I've heard your voiceAnd I bet...

New Found Glory - Singled Out
I figured all the years we shared were proof enough to extend my hand and help you I know that getting...

New Found Glory - So Many Ways
There must be so many ways to say goodbyeI'm breaking up againBut just when I thought I could hear her...

New Found Glory - Something I Call Personality
Before you jump down my throat I'd like to present you with Something I call personality Word tr...

New Found Glory - Sonny
I'm sorry I heard about the bad news todayA crowd of people around you Telling you it's okay...

New Found Glory - Son Of A Gun
[Originally by Nirvana]Take a step outside yourselfAnd turn aroundTake a look at wh...

New Found Glory - Standstill
it's three in the morning and i stayed up all night drowning in my words writing about you time seems to sta...

New Found Glory - Sucker
You're more than tongue tied this timeWell I can feel it in you lipsNobody told me you were a sucker f...

New Found Glory - Tell Tale Heart
don't tell me what it's like to love someone a different song for a different girl and to think i might be w...

New Found Glory - That Thing You Do
you, doing that thing you do breaking my heart into a million pieces like you always do and you don't mean t...

New Found Glory - That Winter Of 95'
do you remember when we used to talk on the phone for hours, or just kill time by counting stars before we w...

New Found Glory - The Blue Stare
your eyes, the blue stare surrounds me they only make you stronger still feeling this way won't get yo...

New Found Glory - The Glory Of Love
Tonight its very clearAs we're both lying here There's so many things I wanna say I will always ...

New Found Glory - The Goodbye Song
last year was one of our better years in a life full of separation it's ok to second guess just as long as y...

New Found Glory - The Goonies R Good Enough
here we are hanging onto strains of greed and blues break the chain then we break down, oh, it's not real if...

New Found Glory - The Great Houdini
All dressed up And nowhere to go I think I'm taking this trip alone Thirty seconds till I pass ...

New Found Glory - The Minute I Met You
I would like to start off by saying I had everything to do with it,You may think that I lie real well, you c...

New Found Glory - The Story So Far
I can't remember the time or place, or what you were wearing, it's unclear about how we met, all...

New Found Glory - This Disaster
are you aware of how much you complicate me?and are you aware your words suffocate meand dont deny you...

New Found Glory - Truth Of My Youth
There was a time and place,Where I never thought,I'd leave my own hometown,But those days finall...

New Found Glory - Understatement
I'm Sick of SmilingAnd so is my jawCan't you see my front is crumbling down?I'm sick of being so...

New Found Glory - Vegas
It doesn't take much to keep holding someone's handYou have to keep your eyes open as wide as you canY...

New Found Glory - Who Am I
Don't say it'll stay this way foreverI'm afloat in the ocean trying not to sinkI'm a crack in th...

New Found Glory - Your Biggest Mistake
What do you think inside your head (i wanna know)so you think that this could end up (breaking you)...

New Found Glory - You've Got A Friend In Pennsylvania
my heart is pumping for one reason maybe it's my imagination, but it's true it's all in your hands i no long...

New Kids On The Block - Angel
(Angel) (Angel) [Chorus:]Angel, baby you make my dreams come true Angel, spend my w...

New Kids On The Block - Are You Down?
[Danny:] Yo, Jordan! What's up? [Jordan:] Hey Danny! What's happening? Oh, here comes li...

New Kids On The Block - Be My Girl
Girl, I think it's time That I let you know About the way I really feel I just can't wait no mor...

New Kids On The Block - Call It What You Want
I can tell you've been watching me, girl, I've been watching you too. I got the feeling you want my love, I ...

New Kids On The Block - Christmas Song (chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire)
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire, Jack Frost nipping at your nose. Yuletide carols being sung by a choir a...

New Kids On The Block - Dirty Dawg
You should have treated me rightBut you left me lonely and cold at night.Since you won't, someone will...

New Kids On The Block - Don't Give Up On Me
[Chorus]Baby don't you give up on me You got to know you're my insperation Baby don...

New Kids On The Block - Funky, Funky, Xmas
Ho, ho, ho, oh, little train, my little elf, another great Christmas. Ah, man, it's boring, it's boring, sam...

New Kids On The Block - Funny Feeling
All I asked for was your hand, love was in demand, how was I to understand?Then you told me how you feel, it...

New Kids On The Block - Games
Somebody said somebody wouldn't last too long, somebody's still going strong. Somebody said somebody was all...

New Kids On The Block - Girls
I like what you know, I like what you showNo doubt about it, I wanna be where you go.I wouldn't change...

New Kids On The Block - Hold On
Hold on, girl, ooh, girl, hold on. Girl, let's rock around the clock, we can dance and never stop. Com...

New Kids On The Block - I Can't Believe It's Over
We should talk That's what you said to me On the beach You know the place will be So here ...

New Kids On The Block - I Can't Imagine The World Without Me
What I tell is a different story, What i have, I take, then give it all away, So if you'd like to come...

New Kids On The Block - If You Go Away
Girl, I just can't live without you I know I hurt you That's the last thing I meant to do Someti...

New Kids On The Block - I'll Be Missin You Come Christmas (a Letter To Santa)
Did you ever really start to cry over something you just wrote? Well I'm writing you, my dear St. Nick, it's...

New Kids On The Block - I'll Be Waitin'
Hey baby Hello What's on your mind I miss you so much I miss you too But you ain't g...

New Kids On The Block - I'll Still Be Loving You
Oh, baby Don't matter for how long life goes on I'll Still be loving you, girl I know it's real ...

New Kids On The Block - I Need You
Girl, my heart is in your hands, I need you to understand. Please, swallow your pride, I want you to be my g...

New Kids On The Block - I Remember When
Days are gone but my love lives on in this space and time. I remember playing the games, funny nicknames, an...

New Kids On The Block - I Still Believe In Santa Claus
I still believe in Santa Claus, maybe that's just because I'm still a child at heart, and I still beli...

New Kids On The Block - I Wanna Be Loved By You
I Wanna Be Loved by YouI wanna be loved by you I wanna be loved by you Hi, I'm Danny, and ...

New Kids On The Block - Keepin' My Fingers Crossed
[Chorus: ]We gotta work it out Get back what we lost I see shadows of a doubt, But ...

New Kids On The Block - Keep On Smilin'
... Oh baby, yeah, girl, you always make me feel so good inside What about you and me? We were suppose...

New Kids On The Block - Last Night I Saw Santa Claus
I hope everybody's havin' a merry christmas, I know I am, hey! I feel good, I feel alright, hey! ...

New Kids On The Block - Let's Play House
Oh baby Think it's time That you let me come inside your happy home Show what you what a man lik...

New Kids On The Block - Let's Try It Again
I've heard of true loves that lasted forever, I guess there is a way, and I've heard of true loves that need...

New Kids On The Block - Little Drummer Boy
Come, they told me, pa-romp-pa-pom-pom, the newborn King you'll see, pa-romp-pa-pom-pom. Our finest gi...

New Kids On The Block - Merry, Merry Christmas
Peace to the world from the New Kids On The Block, we are here, we're spreading all our joy, spreading all o...

New Kids On The Block - Mrs. Right
Keepin' on..... Keep keepin' on.... [Rap: ]Yo, all I wanna do is like swing with you,is l...

New Kids On The Block - My Favorite Girl
My favorite girl, oh, she's my favorite girl, don't you know, my favorite girl, oh, she's my favorite girl. ...

New Kids On The Block - Never Gonna Fall In Love Again
[Rap:]Never gonna fall in love again, never gonna fall in love again,never gonna fall in love again, ...

New Kids On The Block - Never Let You Go
[Chorus: ]Close your eyes Realize It's you and I Take my hand Understand ...

New Kids On The Block - New Kids On The Block
We know you've heard this beat many, many times But we bet you've never heard it with such a vicious rhyme ...

New Kids On The Block - Please Don't Go Girl
We've been together for a long time, baby Do you have to leave? Please don't go girl I just can'...

New Kids On The Block - Popsicle
[Chorus]You're my pop-si-cle! From the very first time I met you, Girl, you captured me Y...

New Kids On The Block - Since You Walked Into My Life
Time after time Everything that I've tried Can't do nothing at all Everywhere I walk, nowhere to...

New Kids On The Block - Stay With Me Baby
[Spoken:] Yeah, man, oh, we're going to have some fun with this one, man, and I don't know where it's...

New Kids On The Block - Stop It Girl
Stop it! Stop it, Girl! Stop it! Stop it, Girl! I said stop it, girl. Look what you're doing to ...

New Kids On The Block - Strength Of A Woman
You've been so quiet lately Sometimes I wonder has the cat got your tongue You seem to be a thousand m...

New Kids On The Block - Time Is On Our Side
Girl, there's more to love than meets the eye, girl, there's more to what I feel inside. And if I told...

New Kids On The Block - Tonight
Remember when we said, girl, please don't go, and how I'd be loving you forever, taught you 'bout hang...

New Kids On The Block - Treat Me Right
Come on girl! Oooh! Yeah! You're my pretty little angel, gorgeous little girl I really love to see you...

New Kids On The Block - What'cha Gonna Do About It?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, baby. Girl, you've done me wrong, now you're running back to me. T...

New Kids On The Block - Where Do I Go From Here?
Where do I go from here? Do I tell you I still love you? And where do I go from here? Do I tell you I still ...

New Kids On The Block - White Christmas
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas just like the ones I used to know, where the tree tops glisten and childre...

New Kids On The Block - You Got The Flavor
I don't really mean to lead you onAll I wanna do is take you homeYou got that flavorBaby, ...

New Order - 1963
It was January, 1963When Johnny came home with a gift for meHe said I bought it for you because I love...

New Order - 5.8.6.
I see dangerOn the corner sent by meShadows the waysStraight away you ran from meI heard y...

New Order - 60 Miles An Hour
I don't know if I told you, but I'm seeking sanctuaryYou'll never guess the things that I doI'll have ...

New Order - Age Of Consent
Won't you please let me goThese words lie inside they hurt me soAnd I'm not the kind that likes to tel...

New Order - All Day Long
This is a song about an innocentWho died at the hands of a desperate manHe trusted those who he though...

New Order - All The Way
It doesn't take a geniusTo tell me what I amOr lecture me with poetryAnd tell me that I can...

New Order - Angel Dust
What shall I sayI fear you will betray meHow many waysCan you prolong this tragedyWho told...

New Order - As It Is When It Was
I've kept my head against the wallI've been this way for so long nowYou weren't exactly falling over y...

New Order - Behind Closed Doors
There is a secret place Underneath a treeWhere if you go and hasteYou will find a keyThe k...

New Order - Bizarre Love Triangle
Every time i think of youI feel shot right through with a bolt of blueIt's no problem of mine but it's...

New Order - Blue Monday
How does it feel to treat me like you do?When you've your hands upon meAnd told me who you areI ...

New Order - Broken Promises
Oh I don't know why people lieAnd I don't know why people dieEvery time I see you, you shout at me...

New Order - Ceremony
This is why events unnerve me,They find it all, a different story,Notice whom for wheels are turning,...

New Order - Chemical
Any kind of fool with the will to liveTries to get it right with the one they're withBut even though I...

New Order - Chosen Time
One day it's now or neverTo stay at homeSometimes the dreams are betterOne thing you holdB...

New Order - Close Range
I wanna scream, I wanna shoutI wanna know what it's all aboutI've seen it before but not like this...

New Order - Confusion
You just can't believe meWhen I show you what you mean to meYou just can't believe meWhen I show...

New Order - Crystal
We're like crystal, we break easyI'm a poor man, if you leave meI'm applauded, then forgottenIt ...

New Order - Denial
Here I am in a house full of doors but no exitsIn a light that is grey like the stain on my windowsAll...

New Order - Doubts Even Here
Those steps which seem to take a lifetimeWhen eyes just turn and stareThe day begins, collapsing witho...

New Order - Dream Attack
Nothing in this worldCan touch the music that I heardWhen I woke up this morningIt put the Sun i...

New Order - Dreams Never End
My promise could be your fiendA given end to your dreamsA simple movement or rhymeCould be the s...

New Order - Everybody Everywhere
At the end of the dayThere's no food on our plateSo we beg and we stealFor we know love is real...

New Order - Every Little Counts
Every second countsWhen I am with youI think you are a pigYou should be in a zooI guess I ...

New Order - Everything's Gone Green
Help me, somebody help meI wonder where I amI see my future before meI'll hurt you when I can...

New Order - Face Up
Ever since I've seen your faceThis life of mine has gone to wasteI was young and you were oldAnd...

New Order - Fine Time
You're much too youngTo be a part of meToo youngTo get a hold on me You're much too ...

New Order - Guilt Is A Useless Emotion
Just another day in the weekWaiting for an opportunity to step in front of meMaybe I'm losing my mind...

New Order - Guilty Partner
Listen to meI know what I'm sayingBut lord it don't come easyTo admit that I was wrongIt t...

New Order - Hey Now What You Doing
Hey now what you doingDon't go down the road to ruinLook back at where you came fromCount to ten...

New Order - Hurt
(One, two, three, four)I am for you can enjoy I can give you(Give me, give me, give me)It's a ti...

New Order - Icb
My love falls from heavenTo talk of this strange designThen it goes foreverWhere all things neve...

New Order - In A Lonely Place
Caressing the marble and stoneLove that was special for oneThe waste and the fever and hateHow I...

New Order - I Told You So
It's been ten long years since I've been homeI've been waiting here with nowhere to goIt's an occupati...

New Order - Jetstream
(It's only one more day)Can you waitMy plane will be arriving shortlyRight there at the ga...

New Order - Krafty
Some people get up at the break of dayGotta go to work before it gets too lateSitting in a car and dri...

New Order - Leave Me Alone
On a thousand islands in the seaI see a thousand people just like meA hundred unions in the snow...

New Order - Liar
I haven't time to sympathiseWith all this nonsense and your liesYou are the king of nothingBut y...

New Order - Lonesome Tonight
I walk along the streetI look into your eyesI'm pleasant when we meetI'm there when you go home...

New Order - Love Less
There was a time I call beforeWhen all I knew was what I sawThe keeper of a major keyI lived in ...

New Order - Love Vigilantes
Oh I've just comeFrom the land of the sunFrom a war that must be wonIn the name of truthWi...

New Order - Mesh
Below the surface this day I need it lightInside dimension lies another sacrificeOnce out of reach, we...

New Order - Morning Night & Day
One time didn't do itTwo times didn't feel quite rightI didn't know where i was goingI just knew...

New Order - Mr Disco
How can I ever forget youYou don't know just what I've been throughThe holiday we spent together...

New Order - Murder
Crows, crows, crows, I hate them!Crawl across![sampled from the film "Caligula"] I ...

New Order - Paradise
If we left this town, we could walk the earth togetherIf you let me down, I will live in you foreverI ...

New Order - Perfect Kiss
I stood there beside myself,Thinking hard about the weatherThen came by a friend of mineSuggeste...

New Order - Primitive Notion
It doesn't take a lot to confuse meI'm not aware of the passing of timeAnd I'd like to say to those wh...

New Order - Procession
There is no end to thisI have seen your faceBut I don't recognize all these thingsYou must have ...

New Order - Regret
Maybe I've forgotten the name and the addressOf everyone I've ever knownIt's nothing I regretSav...

New Order - Rock The Shack
I've been accused of everythingFrom Tombuctu to old BerlinI need some armor for my fleshI need t...

New Order - Round & Round
I just can't help thinkingWhat you've done to meYou built a wall of love and tore it right downI...

New Order - Ruined In A Day
ListenI may be wrong but you're missingThere's something wrong you could sayRuined in a day...

New Order - Run
Answer meWhy won't you answer meI can't recall the day that I last heard from youWell you don't ...

New Order - Run Wild
Open heartsEmpty spacesDusty roadsTo distant placesBut all the timeWhen I'm alone...

New Order - Senses
My eyes are weary of you before meI see for their sake, the light of daybreakIt shines upon me, this d...

New Order - Shellshock
That's the way - ShellshockHold on!It's never enoughIt's never enough until your heart stops beating...

New Order - Slow Jam
As I look at the morning skyToday the wind is blowing hardSee that bird is floating highPretty s...

New Order - Someone Like You
This can't be realMy heart is burningHow does it feelWell let's say I'm learningIt had to ...

New Order - Sooner Than You Think
Hello, everyone, it's nice to be hereI've come so far to see you allI can see your deep blue eyes...

New Order - Special
It isn't what it used to beI wake up every nightOn the stairsWaiting for the dawn to comeE...

New Order - Spooky
Once in a while I need a friendSo why won't you let me recoverIt's just a moment in your lifeBut...

New Order - State Of The Nation
You can walk, or you can runYou don't have to be someoneI went on a summer cruiseUpon an ocean b...

New Order - Subculture
I like walking in the parkWhen it gets late at nightI move `round in the darkAnd leave when it g...

New Order - Sunrise
I've been waiting to hear your voice for too long nowOne way conversations do not work somehowTell me ...

New Order - Temptation
Oh, you've got green eyesOh, you've got blue eyesOh, you've got grey eyesAnd I've never seen any...

New Order - The Him
Some days you waste your life awayThese times I find no words to sayA crime I once committed filled me...

New Order - The Perfect Kiss
I stood there beside myselfThinking hard about the weatherThen came by a friend of mineSuggested...

New Order - The Village
When a new life turns towards youAnd the night becomes a bayWe shall remain foreverEveryone who ...

New Order - Thieves Like Us
I've watched your face for a long timeIt's always the sameI've studied the cracks and the wrinkles...

New Order - This Time Of Night
We all feel the sameAll pleasure nothing to gainI've known you from the startI've grown used to ...

New Order - Times Change
In a manger like Christ I layYellow fever, yellow hayFeel the rhythm, sweetest soundMaking, brea...

New Order - True Faith
I feel so extraordinarySomething's got a hold on meI get this feeling I'm in motionA sudden sens...

New Order - Truth
Oh, it's a strange dayIn such a lonely wayI saw some children danceI watched my life in a trance...

New Order - Turn
It's a hard way to come homeYou've got me on my kneesThe walls are tumbling downThe falling nigh...

New Order - Turn My Way
Take my hand And don't let goTrust this manAnd let it flowDon't take me downCa...

New Order - Ultraviolence
Who saw those dark eyesWho saw those dark eyesThese years gone byDeep withinBurn my skin...

New Order - Vanishing Point
Grow up children, don't you sufferAt the hands of one anotherIf you like a sleeping demonListen ...

New Order - Vicious Streak
What am I gonna doI feel like I'm on fireIf you only knewThat you're the object of desire...

New Order - Waiting For The Sirens' Call
What does this ship bring to meFar across the restless seaWaiting for the sirens callI've never ...

New Order - Way Of Life
You told me about yourself,How you once lived with someone elseThe way of life that you had tried...

New Order - We All Stand
Three miles to goThree miles to goAt the end of the roadThere's a soldier waiting for me ...

New Order - Weirdo
The other day I came acrossSomeone I knew and he was lostI don't care what we have doneYou never...

New Order - Who's Joe?
Hey Joe what you're doing?It seems like it's all going wrongThere's a storm in the sky passing over...

New Order - Working Overtime
Who's that over thereLooks like he dont careAlmost lost his timeToo much working overtime...

New Order - World
I turn sideways to the sun keep my thoughts from everyoneIt's a jungle, I'm a freakHear me talk,...

New Order - Young Offender
Pictures of an image of a person who could not be blamedYou are a colour and you are a numberWe need a...

New Order - Your Silent Face
A thought that never changesRemains a stupid lieIt's never been quite the sameNo hearing or brea...

Next - Admit The Rat
I got a story bout all these ratsall the sewer ratsall these gun ratsim talkin bout all th...

Next - All Because Of You
[female]How do I know you wont hurt me?What makes me so different?I spent my whole ...

Next - Banned From Tv
[Intro]Man, I could kill this bitchAnd this bitch nigga tooAnd what I can doYo, yo...

Next - Beauty Queen
[Intro]WelcomeYa see, what we wanna talk about todayIs dimes that turn to penniesWo...

Next - Brand New
Yo...Let me start off by first apologizing...Girl you think I take you for granted...But um......

Next - Butta Love
Hsss ugh I gotta be real wit' you, baby Just gotta let you know You've got the love that I...

Next - Call On Me
Call on mewhenever you feel freakyI'm all you needso come on, come see meCall on me...

Next - Cozy
Yo, whassup baby?It's me, R.L. the realYeah, I know you all heard about meIt ain't even like tha...

Next - Cybersex
I want ya P.CSit on my laptopPush all my buttonsBaby, please don't stopDownload all over m...

Next - Do Your Thing
Yah...Don't stop now...We done did it again...I see you there from time to time...I know w...

Next - Do You Think About Me
[1] - Do you think about meWhen you're laying next to himHow I used to flex you rightHow ...

Next - Feels Good
Feels Good...(Oooh)Oh So Good...(Oooh)Im in the E five-O-OGoin outOne-0-0 listenin t...

Next - Freak In Me
[Intro]Take your clothes offLay downPleaseFreakin' meAnd I wanna do it with t...

Next - Girl, Lady, Woman
Divine Mill...Next...[Chorus]I need a girlSomeone I can just chill with...

Next - Hold Me Down
Ghetto...Yo...Hold me down...[Chorus]All I ever need is my wifeyAnd som...

Next - Imagine That
Dream...Imagine...Close your eyes...Ooh...(yah)Ooh...(Next) Ooh...(Divine Mill...

Next - I'm Tryin' To What
[female]This is...Another Next presentation...For the streets...The cars, the clubs...

Next - I Still Love You
[1] - I still love you babeI'm still for you girlI'll never leave you babyCuz I realize I...

Next - It's Okay
[Female talking Arabic:]I Like that...You tellin me you wanna come overBut gi...

Next - Jerk
[50 Cent]Next and 50(Uh-huh)Next and 50Next and 50Next and 50Yo, ...

Next - Just Like That
I'm all in the spotPosted upPark the dropChill in the cutSee a couple hotsI'm like "...

Next - Let's Make A Movie
[1] - Baby, let me direct yaBe the co-star witcha booLet's make a movieIt's gonna be me a...

Next - Lights Out
[female]Baby...I can't sleep...Can you tell me a lullaby...Uh...Heh......

Next - Minnesnowta (interlude)
This Tweet' the freakNext, tell 'em where we atYeahWe're in MinnesnowtaWhere it's a ...

Next - My Everything
My everythingI only imagine you in every wayI only think of you, all night and all dayI only wan...

Next - My Love
Yo...Uh...Cant you see I need to findMy Love, My LoveWhere, Where isMy Love, M...

Next - My Place
DamnI had alot planned for us this evenin(ready Set)It don't have to be ruined why dont we just ...

Next - Phone Sex
[Phone dials and rings][Girl]- Hello? Tweety-hahaha [Girl]- Hello? Tweety- Guess ...

Next - Sexitude
[Intro]This is for LakeshaThis is for LaquanaThis is for TiawanaThis is for Crystal...

Next - Splash
Welcome to nextasy babyohh yesI've gotta know can I splash-splash-splashbaby I wanna jump ...

Next - Stop, Drop And Roll
Oh, it's six o'clock in the eveningI just wanna be on top with heavy breathingOh, baby are ya thinking...

Next - Taste So Good
[Intro]Please play at low volumePreferably, while having sexCan I taste you, can I ...

Next - That's My Word
Next, Next, Next...Da, Da, Da Da Da...Da, Da, Da Da Da...Da, Da, Da Da Da...Da...

Next - The Best Man I Can Be
[R.L.]Yeah this is for my brothers in the hoodAnd the high risers, on the mansions with the mai...

Next - Too Close
I wonder if she could tell I'm hard right now, hmmmYeah, come on, dance for me baby, ha ha, yeahUt oh,...

Next - Welcome Ii Nextasy (intro)
YeahWe want our sensuous sonic soundTo send you to a stimulating and satisfying experienceA plac...

Next - Whatever You Want
[Intro][Girl] Next[R.L.] Oh uh, How ya doin'[Girl]...

Next - When We Kiss
[Intro]2000Nextasy2-GRemember when the first day when I met youI looked...

Next - Wifey
Uh, uh, uhUh, uh, uhYou're never try neAlways stood right by meMake living lively...

Next - You Are My High
Ohhhh yeahYou you by myside conquor the worldyou be my guiding lightmmmmmyou you by ...

Next - Your Love Is
Next...2003...holla...[chorus]Your Love Islike an exotic sunrise ...

Nick Cannon - I Owe You
Uh this real (its you that i owe)I owe you (said i owe you)They say the ones you take for grante...

Nick Cannon - Main Girl
N-I-C-K C-A-N-N-O-N (I'll make you mine)Can I be your main girl? (Of course you can)Can I be the...

Nick Cannon - My Rib
Uh can I ball?yeah can I ball?uh can I ball?This is to every female that's ever been in my life...

Nick Cannon - Whenever You Need Me
[Intro]Talk to your girl dog she down for you you just got to make sure you down for her ...

Nick Cannon - You
[Nick Cannon]Yo lets do this for the grown folks[Chorus]Broken glass everywh...

Nick Cannon - Your Pops Don't Like Me
Oh, females dads be trippin for real I mean, Im a player with ma, right And see what had happened was ...

Nick Carter - Blow Your Mind
Girl I saw you dancing I'm lookin like trash Yet you're glancingI said hello I'm a rock st...

Nick Carter - Do I Have To Cry For You
Don't wanna close the door,Don't wanna give up on itDon't wanna fight no more,We'll find a way a...

Nick Carter - End Of Forever
Runnin from all the situationsYa mess me up, bring me downIm waitin for the right momentTo lift ...

Nick Carter - Forever Rebel
I got no educationGot no communicationDont need no one to waste my timeDont need no face to tell...

Nick Carter - Girls In The Usa
For all the pretty girls just say yeah yeah yeah!To all my girls in the USA Ya got a fine thing ...

Nick Carter - Heart Without A Home
Girl I love to watch you You're like candy to my eyes Like a movie that you've seen But you gott...

Nick Carter - Help Me
I wish I could defineAll the thoughts that crossed my mindThey seem too big for me to chooseI do...

Nick Carter - I Got You
People tell me, you stay where you belongBut all my life I've triedTo prove them wrongThey say I...

Nick Carter - I Just Wanna Take You Home
Girl, I dont know what to sayI feel so insecureSo I start off by saying a clicheLike Ive seen yo...

Nick Carter - Is It Saturday Yet?
I'm a product of the nation My Nintendo's on the floor On a permanent vacation Momma's bangin' a...

Nick Carter - I Stand For You
I'm gonna run forever, say whateverI take a chance in, what I believe inI'm gonna have a tattoo, I'm g...

Nick Carter - Love To Love
Feels so good, when you love me like you shouldI'd stay forever here with you, if I knew that I couldI...

Nick Carter - Miss America
Early morning A small cafe A beautiful vision Comes my way I watch her hips swing ...

Nick Carter - My Confession
I'm just trying to figure out what's wrong with your headEverytime I look around you're somewhere else inste...

Nick Carter - Payback
Its a paybackGet outta my faceGet outta my pocketGet off of your free rideAnd get right ou...

Nick Carter - Scandalicious
I entered the party ready to leaveWhen somebody offered me sex on the beachI turned around and got int...

Nick Carter - Wanna Shout
Ignorance of people purchasing diamonds and necklaces,And barely able to keep the payments up on their lesso...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Abattoir Blues
The sun is high up in the sky and I'm in my carDrifting down into the abattoirDo you see what I see, d...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Are You The One That I've Been Waiting For?
I've felt you coming girl, as you drew nearI knew you'd find me, cause I longed you hereAre you my des...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Babe, I Got You Bad
Babe I got you badDreaming blood-wet dreamsonly madmen haveBaby I got you badI wish to God...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Babe, I'm On Fire
Father says it, mother says itSister says it, brother says itUncle says it, Auntie says itEveryo...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Babe, You Turn Me On
Stay by me, stay by meYou are the one, my only true loveThe butcher bird makes it's noiseA...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Black Hair
Last night my kisses were banked in black hairAnd in my bed, my lover, her hair was midnight blackAnd ...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Breathless
It's up in the morning and on the downsLittle white clouds like gambolling lambsAnd I am breathless ov...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Bring It On
This garden that I built for youThat you sit in now and yearnI will never leave it, dearI could ...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Brompton Oratory
Up those stone steps I climbHail this joyful day's returnInto its great shadowed vault I goHail ...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Cannibal's Hymn
You have a heart and I have a key Lie back and let me unlock you Those heathens you hang with down by ...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Carry Me
I lay down by the riverThe shadows moved across me, inch by inchAnd all that I heardWas the war ...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Come Into My Sleep
Now that mountains of meaningless wordsand oceans divide usAnd we each have our own set of stars...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Crow Jane
Crow Jane Crow JaneCrow JaneHorrors in her headThat her tongue dare not nameShe lives alon...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Dead Man In My Bed
She sat in a wicker chair, her eyes they were downcastShe breathed in the future, by breathing out the past...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Death Is Not The End
When you're sad and when you're lonelyAnd you haven't got a friendJust remember that death is not the ...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Easy Money
It's difficult. It's very tough.I said to the man who'd been sleeping roughTo sit within a fragrant br...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Fable Of The Brown Ape
Farmer Emmerich went into his barnAnd found a cow suckling a serpentAnd a brown ape clanking a heavy c...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Far From Me
For you dear, I was bornFor you I was raised upFor you I've lived and for you I will dieFor you ...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Get Ready For Love
Get ready for love! Praise Him!Get ready tot love! Praise Him!Get ready for love! Get readyl...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Green Eyes
Kiss me again, rekiss me and kiss meSlip your frigid hands beneath my shirtThis useless old fucker wit...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - He Wants You
In his boat and through the dark he rowedChained to oar and the night and the wind that blowedHorribly...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Hiding All Away
You went looking for nur, dear,Down by the seaYou found some Iittle silver fishBut you didn't fi...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Idiot Prayer
They're taking me down, my friendAnd as they uskher me off to my endWill I bid you adieu?Or will...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - I Do Love Her So (lime Tree Arbour)
The boatman calls from the lakeA lone loon dives upon the waterI put my hand over herDown in the...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Into My Arms
I don't believe in an interventionist GodBut I know, darling, that you doBut if I did I would kneel do...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - King Kong Kitchee Kitchee Ki-mi-o
(Can you turn me up a bit?)King kong kitchee kitchee ki-mi-o [4 times and throughout song]...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Knoxville Girl
I met a little girl in KnoxvilleA town we all know wellAnd every sunday eveningIn her home I'd d...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Let The Bells Ring
C'mon, kind Sir, let's walk outsideAnd breathe the autumn airSee the many that have lived and died...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Little Empty Boat
You found me at some partyYou thought I'd understandYou barreled over to meWith a drink in each ...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Lovely Creature
There she stands, this lovely creatureThere she stands, there she standsWith her hair full of ribbons...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Messiah Ward
I hope you're sitting comfortablyI saved you the best seat in the houseRight up in the front row...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Nature Boy
I was just a boy when I sat downTo watch the news on TVI saw some ordinary slaughterI saw some r...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - O Children
Pass me that lovely little gunMy dear, my darting oneThe cleaners are coming, one by oneYou don'...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - O'malley's Bar
I am tall and I am thinOf an enviable hightAnd I've been known to be quite handsomeIn a certain ...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - People Ain't No Good
People just ain't no goodI think that's welll understoodYou can see it everywhere you lookPeople...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Right Now I'm A-roaming
When I get home, I'm gunna clean up my houseWhen I get home, I'm gunna kick out that mouseWhen I get h...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Right Out Of Your Hand
Please forgive meIf I appear unkindBut any fool can tell youIt's all in your mindDow...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Rock Of Gibraltar
Let me say this to youI'll be steadfast and trueAnd my love will never falterThe sea would...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - She Passed By My Window
She passed by my windowHer eyes were all aglowAnd bent to pick her glove she'd droppedFrom the b...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Song Of Joy
Have mercy on me, sirAllow me to impose on youI have no place to stayAnd my bones are cold right...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Spell
Through the woods, and frosted moorsPast the snow-caked hedgerows IBed down upon the drifting snow...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Stagger Lee
It was back in '32 when times were hardHe had a Colt .45 and a deck of cardsStagger Lee He wore ...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Still In Love
The cops are hanging around the houseThe cars outside look like they've got the bluesThe moon don't kn...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Supernaturally
Through the windswept coastal treesWhere the dead come rising from the seaWith a teddy-bear clamped be...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - The Ballad Of Robert Moore And Betty Coltrane
There was a thick set man with frog eyeswho was standing by the doorand a little bald man with wing-nu...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - The Curse Of Millhaven
I live in a town called MillhavenAnd it's small and it's mean and it's coldBut if you come around just...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - The Kindness Of Strangers
They found Mary Bellows cuffed to the bedWith a rag in her mouth and a bullet in her headO poor Mary B...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - The Lyre Of Orpheus
Orpheus sat gloomy in his garden shedWondering what to doWith a lump of wood, a piece of wireAnd...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - There Is A Kingdom
Just like a bird that sings up the sunIn a dawn so very darkSuch is my faith for youSuch is my f...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - There Is A Town
There is a townWhere I was bornFar far awayAcross the seaAnd in that townWhere...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - There She Goes, My Beautiful World
The wintergreen, the juniperThe cornflower and the chicoryAll the words you said to meStill vibr...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - The Willow Garden
Down in the willow garden, me and my love did meetAnd as we sat a-courting, my love fell off to sleepI...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - West Country Girl
With a crooked smile and a heart-shaped faceComes from the West country where the birds sing bassShe's...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Where Do We Go Now But Nowhere
I remember a girl so very wellThe carnival drums all mad in the airGrim reapers and skeletons and a mi...

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Wonderful Life
Come in, babeAcross these purple fieldsThe sun has sunk behind youAcross these purple fields...

Nickelback - Another Hole In The Head
I'm through, thinking of things to say to youIt's true, I've said enough and so have youJust drive, yo...

Nickelback - Because Of You
Hands on the mirror, can't get much clearerCan't make this all go awayNow that you're bleeding you sta...

Nickelback - Believe It Or Not
Believe it or not, everyone have things that they hideBelieve it or not, everyone keeps most things inside...

Nickelback - Breathe
Two menThey started walkingStarted talking bout better daysOne says to the otherWe do it a...

Nickelback - Cowboy Hat
Yes he wore a cowboy hatEach bone broken in his backAll the money and all the goldCouldn't buy m...

Nickelback - Curb
Have I gone all too far?Have I been here before?If I have let me knowHow it goesTake her p...

Nickelback - Deep
And you see much better than I seeAnd you know all that I'm thinkingTo define or redefine too slow...

Nickelback - Detangler
I asked you to stayBut you said there's no wayI begged-- you callAnd you leave me after all...

Nickelback - Diggin' This
You say you don't want it Just watch and you'll flaunt it You stare at the ceiling And ignore wh...

Nickelback - Do This Anymore
Left on an eastbound train, gone first thing this morningWhy's what's best for you, always the worst thing f...

Nickelback - Falls Back On
No, I don't guessI don't sacrificeAnd I knowI don't realizeJust how muchI can idoliz...

Nickelback - Feelin' Way Too Damn Good
I missed you so muchThat I begged you to fly and see meYou must've broke downCoz you finally sai...

Nickelback - Figured You Out
I like your pants around your feetAnd I like the dirt that's on your kneesAnd I like the way you still...

Nickelback - Flat On The Floor
Not like I need to depend upon anyoneSince I can see the lack of need for me to be here at allOne more...

Nickelback - Fly
Father, tell me somethin'Where do bad men go when they die?And mother says you'll go there butWi...

Nickelback - Good Times Gone
Lost it on the chesterfield Or maybe on a gamblin wheel Lost it in a diamond mine It's dark as h...

Nickelback - Hangnail
My hopes just fell, and I can't see The reason why, why there is blood on my sleeve And all this time...

Nickelback - Hold Out Your Hand
All men with stars upon the chestSave yourselves, your family,don't worry 'bout the restSmall ch...

Nickelback - Hollywood
Please don't be too long while you're gone There ain't enough to keep me here too long Not like the la...

Nickelback - How You Remind Me
Never made it as a wise manI couldn't cut it as a poor man stealingTired of living like a blind man...

Nickelback - I Don't Have
I don't live anymoreI don't love me this wayI don't have wings to flyI don't have, gone away...

Nickelback - Just For
I want to take his eyes out Just for looking at you Yes I do I want to take his hands off ...

Nickelback - Leader Of Men
Tell your friends not to think aloudUntil they swallowWhisper things into my brainYour voice sou...

Nickelback - Learn The Hard Way
Hey there little darling, where'd the old man gone?Why don't we get out of town and do it all night long?...

Nickelback - Left
I saw the river, just pulled him downI knew the man who hunted him downWe watched the river, take him ...

Nickelback - Little Friend
Manhunt to find your daughterBuried underneath the waterNow they consult a psychicFind how much ...

Nickelback - Money Bought
Cherry stem with her mouth she could tie in a knot Favourite trick she does, One in ten that she's got ...

Nickelback - Never Again
He's drunk again, it's time to fight She must have done something wrong tonight The living room become...

Nickelback - Not Leavin' Yet
Come lie next to me Jesus Christ Holes in hand where a cross used to fit just right The meeting called...

Nickelback - Old Enough
Shes old enoughShe knows enoughShes thrown upSo throw herOut to meAnd I'll treat her...

Nickelback - One Last Run
Best of friends where'd they all goTry and find but no one ever knowsThis small town makes you wanna s...

Nickelback - Pusher
And some sayWhy you follow somethings so longSo I asked himAnd he convinced me before long...

Nickelback - Saturday Night's Alright (for Fighting)
It's getting late I haven't seen my dateso tell me when the boys get hereIt's seven o'clock and I wann...

Nickelback - Sea Groove
Take away from meThat what you just gaveNothing left to healNothing left to saveGiven half...

Nickelback - See You At The Show
Crowds that scream at superstarsWhere bouncers show they're battle scarsI've been the first to sign on...

Nickelback - Should've Listened
There's clothes all over the floorI don't remember them being here beforeSmell of perfume isn't here, ...

Nickelback - Someday
How the hell did we wind up like this?Why weren't we able, to see the signs that we missedAnd try turn...

Nickelback - Throw Yourself Away
Baby's born on a bathroom floorHer mother prays that it'll never cryBut nothing's wrong you've got you...

Nickelback - Where Do I Hide
Got a criminal record, I can't cross state lines First on the bad list, and you're last on mine Lookin...

Nickelback - Window Shopper
Forevers a lonely time and the dogs aren't alwaysAren't always on my mindCause I didn't free them...

Nickelback - Woke Up This Morning
I paid my last respects this mornin' on an early grave Already said goodbye, nothin left to say A tiny...

Nickelback - Worthy To Say
They usually come around about 10 o'clockYou can hear themYou can tell them by the way they knock...

Nickelback - Yanking Out My...
Feeling fine, Lets rip out yours instead of mineAnd all you needAre several ways to watch me bleed?...

Nickel Creek - Beauty And The Mess
blue waters blue eyes color meif any could come this close I'd let them seeget it out again and play '...

Nickel Creek - Brand New Sidewalk
Five years agoyou pressed your handinto a brand new sidewalkits well worn nowand though so...

Nickel Creek - Green And Gray
I'm in a room full of people, hanging on one person's breath.We would all vote him most likely to be loved t...

Nickel Creek - Hanging By A Thread
There's a kind of emptiness that can fill you There's a kind of hunger that can eat you up There's a c...

Nickel Creek - House Carpenter
Well met, well met, said an old true loveWell met, well met, said heI just returned from the salt, sal...

Nickel Creek - I Should've Known Better
It's been a long time comin' and the card were stacked.It's been a long hard road to hell and back.You...

Nickel Creek - Out Of The Woods
I wish you out of the woods And into the picture with me. I wish you over the moon, Come out of ...

Nickel Creek - Reasons Why
Where am I today? I wish that I knew 'Cause looking around there's no sign of you I don't remember one...

Nickel Creek - Sabra Girl
lonely the life, that once, i ledstrange the paths, on which, we treadled me to you, unlikely but true...

Nickel Creek - Seven Wonders
when shadows fall, he'll close his eyesto hear the clocks unwindpowerless to leash the hands of time...

Nickel Creek - Speak
Well I sat down next to a photograph Tried my best almost made her laugh She was my toughest crowd ...

Nickel Creek - Sweet Afton
Flow gently, sweet Afton, among thy green braes, Flow gently, I'll sing thee a song in thy praise; My ...

Nickel Creek - The Fox
The Fox went out on a chilly night He prayed for the moon to give him light For he had many a mile to ...

Nickel Creek - The Lighthouse's Tale
I am a lighthouse, worn by the weather and the waves. I keep my lamp lit, to warn the sailors on their way. ...

Nickel Creek - When You Come Back Down
You got to leave me now, you got to go alone You got to chase a dream, one that's all your own Before ...

Nickel Creek - Young
Young and with no clue Now I wanna love you Give me the key to what it's about Everything I've r...

Nick Lachey - Can't Stop Lovin' You
Don't think I can ever stopI can't help the way I'm feelin'So babe, tell me what you gotMy love,...

Nick Lachey - Carry On
Hopeless, wondering if anybody noticed,Feeling like you're drifting out of focusCause you're hopeless...

Nick Lachey - Could U Love
(Can you get it too, can you get it tooCan you get it too, can you get it tooCan you get it too,baby...

Nick Lachey - Edge Of Eternity
Destiny cannot be shaken Fate will send us where we need to be Many turns our love has taken But...

Nick Lachey - Fall In Love
I don't know what it is tonightYour smile, your eyes, yeahEven in a candlelightYou shine so brig...

Nick Lachey - It's Alright
It's alright, it's alrightWell I don't even know your nameBut I've been watchin' all the same...

Nick Lachey - Let Go
YeahI met this girl Friday night she said why don't you come with meAnywhere let's take a flight...

Nick Lachey - On And On
When the darkness finds the nightMy heart still beat for youIn your eyes I see the lieWhat can I...

Nick Lachey - Open Your Eyes
Yeah baby He told you he could be the man that I could never be He has a way at making promises ...

Nick Lachey - Shut Up
Oh, oh, oh Shut Up You say you want me That you hate me Try to love me wanna break m...

Nick Lachey - This I Swear
You're there by my side In every way I know that you would not forsake me I give you my life ...

Nick Lachey - You're The Only Place
Seems like our love is on the road to nowhere fastAll my life I thought a love like this would lastBut...

Nikka Costa - Around The World
Everyone around the worldWill find themselves about to fallIn my case I've gotten down, gotten up...

Nikka Costa - Can'tneverdidnothin'
Can'tneverdidnothin'And neither did couldn'tNever did nobody no goodYou better plant in your gar...

Nikka Costa - Corners Of My Mind
Meet me in the stillnessAway from all this madnessI'll give you a piece of meIf you'll give me a...

Nikka Costa - Everybody Got Their Something
My face to the skyDreaming about just how highI could go and I'll knowWhen I finally get there...

Nikka Costa - Fatherless Child
Heaven spoke too loudLeft me a fatherless childOccurs to me everydayBut your memory makes me pro...

Nikka Costa - Fooled Ya Baby
I hid my heart in self-defenseI felt the break and consequenceNever to return to meltin' feelings insi...

Nikka Costa - Funkier Than A Mosquito's Tweeter
You're nothing but a dirty dirty old manYou do your thinkin with a one track mindKeep talking 'bout he...

Nikka Costa - Happy In The Morning
With kisses sweet you wake meWith the first tease of the sunAnd I'm gonna have my day madeBefore...

Nikka Costa - Hey Love
You've said all you have to sayYou've hit the wall and can't get through another wayYou got your eyes ...

Nikka Costa - Hope It Felt Good
Y'all know my steeloWhat if I was the one to leave your sorry ass behindWhat if all these tears ...

Nikka Costa - I Gotta Know
I gotta knowIf I give my heart to youThat everything you say is trueAnd everything you say you'l...

Nikka Costa - Just Because
I take you in and I hold my breathTry to save the time that's passing byAnd if you came to say goodbye...

Nikka Costa - Like A Feather
I'm coming out of my wishing wellWhere only echoes lonely hear m prayersI'm coming around to bend caus...

Nikka Costa - Nothing
It's late in the eveningAnd you're breathing with someone elseYou come home to call meAnd I ask ...

Nikka Costa - On & On
Make your mama proud like a real man shouldScream so loud I wake the neighborhoodMake me write a song ...

Nikka Costa - Push & Pull
Mr. Nothing's got a lotHe's got a lot to sayHe's good at being what he's notGives nothing away...

Nikka Costa - So Have I For You
I am a woman with a mission and a past to outdoI don't need a gun I've got a microphone and a melody or two...

Nikka Costa - Some Kind Of Beautiful
Like the day looks forward to the rising sunLike the sun that everyday kiss the tideLike the bridges t...

Nikka Costa - Swing It Around
I can see it in you eyesYou can hardly contain yourselfWith everything you feelYou say, halleluj...

Nikka Costa - Till I Get To You
My lover A was absolutely alrightBut my lover B would bump my tunes in his rideThen my lover C caught ...

Nikka Costa - Tug Of War
There are times in our livesWhen our hearts fear our mindsWe can't afford to ignoreWhat our hear...

Nina - Foolish Heart
I need a love that growsI don't want it unless I knowBut with each passin hourSomeone, somehow...

Nina - Jealous
Jealous of the girl who caught your eyeOne of my darker daysWhen you looked at her where was I?S...

Nina - Loving You
Its been quite a whileIt really kept me wanting youYouve got some style thats so uniqueSo beauti...

Nina Gordon - 2003
hey baby why'd you turn away i was about to saysomething baby i thought would make you smileat least f...

Nina Gordon - Badway
the pinch one inch half a head and half dead nopain no gain there's a million voices in my brain it'sl...

Nina Gordon - Fade To Black
and it feels like a movie 'cause i've donesomething heavy now i'm all alone and you know ilike it well...

Nina Gordon - Got Me Down
and this is the way it's going to be i gave himaway and now i'm free but he was the life imeant to lea...

Nina Gordon - Hate Your Way
i hate your way i don't care what you say i hateyour way i don't care and i 'm only half there so idon...

Nina Gordon - Hold On To Me
we're the same and you don't even know itwe're afraid and we try not to show it and you'retired and i ...

Nina Gordon - Horses In The City
they walk the horses home at night right by mywindow they pull their carriages along busy citystreets ...

Nina Gordon - New Year's Eve
normally i'd be french-twisting my hair andselecting the right earrings to wear it's a specialevening ...

Nina Gordon - Now I Can Die
he takes me everywhere he goes and he goes everywhere helikes to try on all my clothes but not my underwear ...

Nina Gordon - Number One Camera
number one camera so here i go i know this feelingawfully well i could build a camera custom madeto ta...

Nina Gordon - The End Of The World
Why does the sun go on shining Why does the sea rush to shore Don't they know it's the end of the worl...

Nina Gordon - Tonight And The Rest Of My Life
Down to the earth I fell With dripping wingsHeavy things won't fly And the sky might catch on fi...

Nina Gordon - Too Slow To Ride
from the moment i arrived until the day that idied i was selfish and slow too slow to ride byyour side...

Nina Sky - Faded Memories
Neva wanted to say good-byeTime passes, people change (you changed)At this moment, I can't crySa...

Nina Sky - Goodbye (interlude)
I'm writin this letter toLet you know that i'llBe leavin tomorrowDidnt want to goBut ya pu...

Nina Sky - In A Dream (remix)
Ooh, in a dream you're here, next to me.I'm makin' your every fantasy come true, in my dreams,I'm with...

Nina Sky - Let It Go
[verse:]I'm to the point where I can't take no more your immaturityIt adds ton fustrating like ...

Nina Sky - Nina Sky Is... (intro)
A lot of people have asked us,"What is Nina Sky?" (What is Nina Sky?)What is Nina Sky?Who is Nin...

Nina Sky - Runaway
[Chorus]Sometimes I feel like I wanna runawayPack my things and make a quick getawayFrom ...

Nina Sky - Surely Missed
Im sitting here all confusedNever-ending thoughts of youMy days and nights, theyre lonelyHappies...

Nina Sky - Temperature's Rising
[2x]Oh ohOh ohOh oh Oh oh ohTemperature's RisingMy bodys screamin...

Nina Sky - Time To Go
[Verse 1]Finally you saw meFound out I was seeing someone newKnew you wouldnt ask me...

Nina Sky - Turnin' Me On
[Talking]Have you ever seen someone that you thought was so sexy and even though you had ...

Nina Sky - You Deserve
[Verse 1]Knew tonight would be a rainy dayWhen you barely smiled, then you walked awayI c...

Nina Sky - Your Time
When we first meet I was drawn to youAttracted to your style your brand new suitDidnt take that long t...

Nine Days - 257 Weeks
You could be waiting for a day that won't come, And you could be so much more than you've become. And ...

Nine Days - Back To Me
If you would just come back to me I would be so GOOD! Put your trust back in me the least I think you should...

Nine Days - Beautiful
You're beautiful, just like Mary's son,You spin around me like the Earth to the Sun...And everyt...

Nine Days - Bitter
In my heartsent my confession my condolence, You're indefinite you're incompetent inconsiderate. You'r...

Nine Days - Bob Dylan
Bobby's in the basement making his movie, He paints a little picture but not to be cheesy. He wants th...

Nine Days - Crazy
I drive in the rain, With the window open. But it's not the same. When everything has changed. ...

Nine Days - Don't Look Back
How does it feel up therebreathing in the fine airYou can't look downbut you do not carewh...

Nine Days - Down With The Ship
Well it's been past four years since we went down in flamesIn the mouth of the lion's denWhile we held...

Nine Days - Emily
Now Emily hides in a wayshe is waiting for aknight in shining armorand I know that nothing I'd s...

Nine Days - End Up Alone
What I see is what's to be, Cartwheels to eternity. 'Round and 'Round my head she goes, In the g...

Nine Days - Everything
I wont let you down, if I'm not aroundand you will be free, and I will be myselfI wont fil...

Nine Days - Favorite Song
What if everything you had Was like a castle made of sandWhy don't you open up your handand hold...

Nine Days - Good Friend
I used to think that you were someone elseThen I'd loose my mind each dayI used to think that I could ...

Nine Days - Great Divide
Every moment is a memoryon and on until eternitybut as far as any eye can seethere's a gre...

Nine Days - Greener Grass
Well, a man has two facesBut still he's half blindWell, he searches with one eyeFor what he won'...

Nine Days - I Feel Fine
Breathing out and breathing inis harder than it's ever beenfor meGod I think you're beauti...

Nine Days - If I Am
So your standing on a ledge, It looks like you might fall. So far down, Or maybe you were thinki...

Nine Days - Marvelous
So you've been wellI couldn't tellI know you betterRemember whenSpoken back thenYou'...

Nine Days - Mexico
Hey!Well, morning out of bed, the carpet's red, well I knowThe flood has startedThe day goes so ...

Nine Days - Ocean
fading like a wilted flowereven in our finest hourall the dreams you realizeare sleeping here wi...

Nine Days - On Her Way To Boston
Parked outside in a car down by the church this mornin'We never knew we'd get this farThe songs I play...

Nine Days - Regrets
Who's got time for faded wordsThere's nothin' new we haven't heardI wish to hell that I could tell the...

Nine Days - Revolve
I want to crawl inside your womb, I want to watch the rose on your cheeks bloom. I want to be the face...

Nine Days - Shoes On The Bed
Some dreams mean somethin' that you'll never knowSome dreams mean nothin', just a river that flowsMoon...

Nine Days - So Far Away
IF YOU LEAVE where will you go? Before the regret you hold in your heart will start to show... IF YOU ...

Nine Days - Sometimes
Shadows they fall on the stage of your own life, Trailing behind footsteps. There's comfort in ghosts ...

Nine Days - Still Here
You hold tight to your tomorrowCuz there's no one here except yourselfI did not come to beg or borrow...

Nine Days - The Joneses
Keeping up with the joneseskeeps you keeping outas long as you have the will to get alongand wha...

Nine Days - Two Ghosts In The Graveyard
Two ghosts in a graveyardTwo stones in a row they areTwo lost in a blue carCan't boast about who...

Nine Days - Wanna Be
To watch the leaves grow on the trees with you is out of question. I walk into this summer all alone the usu...

Nine Days - Wonder
Hidden thoughts that lie within the apathy of my own goal and dreamsI cry myself to sleep with all the insec...

Nine Inch Nails - All The Pigs, All Lined Up
step right up march pushcrawl right up on your kneesplease greed feed (no time to hesitate)...

Nine Inch Nails - Big Man With A Gun
I am a big man(yes I am)and I have a big gungot me a big old Dick and II like to have fun...

Nine Inch Nails - Closer
you let me violate you, you let me desecrate youyou let me penetrate you, you let me complicate youhel...

Nine Inch Nails - Down In It
wimp. wimp.kinda like a cloud i was up way up in the sky.and i was feeling some feelings you wou...

Nine Inch Nails - Eraser
Need youDream youFind youTaste youFuck youUse youScar youBreak you...

Nine Inch Nails - Even Deeper
I woke up todayto find myself in the other placewith a trail of footprintsfrom where I ran away...

Nine Inch Nails - Gave Up
perfect little dream the kind that hurts the mostforgot how it feels well almostno one to blame always...

Nine Inch Nails - Get Down, Make Love
Get down make loveGet down make loveGet down make loveGet down make love -You take my body...

Nine Inch Nails - Happiness In Slavery
slave screams he thinks he knows what he wantsslave screams thinks he has something to sayslave scream...

Nine Inch Nails - Heresy
he sewed his eyes shut because he is afraid to seehe tries to tell me what I put inside of mehe's got ...

Nine Inch Nails - Home
EverythingIs catching up with meI awakeTo find i'm not at all where IShould beAnd it...

Nine Inch Nails - I Do Not Want This
I'm losing groundyou know how this world can beat you downI'm made of clayI fear I'm the only on...

Nine Inch Nails - I'm Looking Forward To Joining You, Finally
as black as the night can geteverything is safer nowthere's always a way to forgetonce you learn...

Nine Inch Nails - Into The Void
tried to save myself but myself keeps slipping awaytalking to myself all the way to the stationp...

Nine Inch Nails - Kinda I Want To
i can't shake this feeling from my head.there's a devil sleeping in my bed.watching you from across th...

Nine Inch Nails - La Mer
and when the day arrivesI'll become the skyand I'll become the seaand the sea will come to...

Nine Inch Nails - Last
gave up trying to figure out my head got lost along the wayworn out from giving it up my soul i pissed it al...

Nine Inch Nails - March Of The Pigs
step right up march pushcrawl right up on your kneesplease greed feed (no time to hesitate)I wan...

Nine Inch Nails - Maybe Just Once
i can't believe that what i feel is really happening to me.make it hurt.and point the finger at my ins...

Nine Inch Nails - Memorabilia
wherever I goI take a little piece of youI collectI rejectphotographs I took of you...

Nine Inch Nails - Mr Self Destruct
I am the voice inside your headand I control youI am the lover in your bedand I control you...

Nine Inch Nails - No, You Don't
smiling in thier faceswhile filling up the holeso many dirty little placesin your filthy little ...

Nine Inch Nails - Physical (you're So)
I wanna take you babyI wanna take you outI wanna wine and dine youOh I wanna twist and twist and...

Nine Inch Nails - Piggy
hey pigyeah youhey pig piggy pig pig pigall of my fears came trueblack and blue and broken...

Nine Inch Nails - Please
this is howit beginspush it away but it all comes back againall the fleshall the sin...

Nine Inch Nails - Purest Feeling
purest feeling.purest feeling.well i think i'm gonna push it as far as it will go.give in to des...

Nine Inch Nails - Reptile
she spread herself wide open to let the insects inshe leaves a trail of honey to show me where she's been...

Nine Inch Nails - Ringfinger
well you've got me working so heard lately.working my hands until they bleed.if i was twice the man i ...

Nine Inch Nails - Ruiner
you had all of them on your side, didn't you?you believe in all your lies, didn't you?the ruiner's got...

Nine Inch Nails - Sanctified
It's still getting worse after everything I've tried.What if I found a way to wash it all aside.What i...

Nine Inch Nails - Self Destruction (final)
i am the voice inide your head and i control youi am the lover in your bed and i control youi am the s...

Nine Inch Nails - Self Destruction (part Two)
I am the voice inside your head and I control youI am the lover in your bed and I control youI am the ...

Nine Inch Nails - Something I Can Never Have
I still recall the taste of your tears.Echoing your voice just like the ringing in my ears.My favori...

Nine Inch Nails - Somewhat Damaged
so impressed with all you dotried so hard to be like youflew too high and burnt the winglost my ...

Nine Inch Nails - Starfuckers, Inc.
my god sits in the back of the limousinemy god comes in a wrapper of cellophanemy god pouts on the cov...

Nine Inch Nails - Suck
There is no god up in the sky tonightNo sign of heaven anywhere in sightAll that was true is left behi...

Nine Inch Nails - Terrible Lie
hey Godwhy are you doing this to me?am i not living up to what i'm supposed to be?why am i seeth...

Nine Inch Nails - That's What I Get
just when everything was making took away all my all that i've been hear...

Nine Inch Nails - The Becoming
I beat my machine it's a part of me it's inside of meI'm stuck in this dream it's changing me I am becoming...

Nine Inch Nails - The Big Come Down
there is a game I playtry to make myself okaytry so hard to make the pieces all fitsmash it apar...

Nine Inch Nails - The Day The World Went Away
I'd listen to the words he'd saybut in his voice I heard decaythe plastic face forced to portray...

Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral
he couldn't believe how easy it washe put the gun into his facebang!(so much blood from such a t...

Nine Inch Nails - The Fragile
she shinesin a world full of uglinessshe matters when everything is meaninglessfragile...

Nine Inch Nails - The Great Below
Staring at the seaWill she come?Is there hope for meAfter all is said and doneAnything at ...

Nine Inch Nails - The Only Time
i'm drunk.and right now i'm so in love with you.and i don't want to think too much about what we shoul...

Nine Inch Nails - The Perfect Drug
I got my head but my head is unravelingcant keep control can't keep track of where it's travelingI got...

Nine Inch Nails - The Way Out Is Through
all I've undergoneI will keep onunderneath it allwe feel so smallthe heavens fall...

Nine Inch Nails - The Wretched
just a reflectionjust a glimpsejust a little reminderof all the what aboutsand all the mig...

Nine Inch Nails - Throw This Away
I want you to take meI want you to take meI want you to break meand I want you throw me away...

Nine Inch Nails - Underneath It All
all I doI can still feel younumb all throughI can still feel youhear your call...

Nine Inch Nails - We're In This Together
I've become impossibleholding on to whenwhen everything seemed to matter morethe two of us...

Nine Inch Nails - Where Is Everybody?
did you happen to catchor did it happen so fastwhat you thought would always lasthas passed you ...

Nine Inch Nails - Wish
this is the first day of my last daysi built it up now i take it apart climbed up real high now fall down re...

Nitty - Nasty Girl
Do it.Whoo, Little nasty girl(Yo man, see that??)Damn!Yo Yo Yo YoHey girl I li...

Nivea - 25 Reasons
1... your smile, don't have to say no more2... your guidance and all the things you show me3... the wa...

Nivea - Don't Mess With The Radio
One, don't mess with the radioTwo, don't tell me which way to goThree, just leave it up to me cause...

Nivea - Exgirlfriend
Guess it's my faultThat I got caught upKnowing damn well that you & her just broke upYou say its...

Nivea - Gangsta Girl
[R Kelly]I pulled up in this all chrome Whole body is all stone Hopped out on tha cell ph...

Nivea - Have Mercy
Baby (baby.. mmm)What can I do to make you forgive meFor ever cheating on youSee I was a fool, I...

Nivea - I Can't Mess With You
[Chorus]I can't mess with you cuz I'm still in love with you (Ohhh)I can't mess with you cuz I'...

Nivea - Indian Dance
[Verse 1:]Step in the club head low with the lights downMade my way to the floor fellas gather ...

Nivea - It's All Good
[Chorus:]Its all goodWhen ya down they gonna hate you like that used toAnd when your up t...

Nivea - Just In Case
I know this music loud, but I'm gon say this I hope you can hear through all this crazinessSee, I don'...

Nivea - No Doubt
You should knowNo doubt, no doubt, no doubt, no doubtYou should knowNo doubt, no doubt, no doubt...

Nivea - No More
[Chorus]No more no more no more no more no more(I can't take this shit no more)No m...

Nivea - Okay (remix) (red-cup Version)
[The Dream]Had to do a remiz for tha West side pimp[Chorus]That's it now sha...

Nivea - So Far
[Chorus]Whetha were're on the phone listenin' to each other breathOr cuddlein' at home its like...

Nivea - Still In Love
Still in loveStill in loveStill in loveStill in love[Verse 1]Thinkin' m...

Nivea - The One For Me
There was a lonely, lonely place that I used to knowIt used to lie way down deep in my soulUntil I met...

Nivea - You Don't Even Know
You dont hear me, even tho you say you really feel me babayin my mind I cant stop thinkingthat you don...

No Address - A Step Away
What would be enoughTo turn your head around?From your heavy tongueThe heaviest of-S...

No Address - How Could I?
You broke another nailThat's too bad for the soulWhat to do besides go readA magazine and smoke...

No Address - It's Alright
Most nights she keeps a very sharp knifeNext to a burning stove.So hot that the water tops offAn...

No Address - Lasting Words
I met a girl from BrownsvilleShe kamikaze head-turn got me into a frill,I told her about my friends ba...

No Address - Love At Your Momentum
Katie's just a little girl whoAlways, never, talk laugh listen.She just wants me to wait here by her s...

No Address - Mother Sunday
There are places that I've been toPlaces part of mePlaces that I've leftAnd I don't remember the...

No Address - Never Coming Back
Mom and Dad won't you listen to meListen to me cuz what I'm thinkin' isCool the quiet little loo...

No Address - Perfect
Don't you strut like you think you're cool?Look how you walk with a giant step.Makes the cute me...

No Address - Pretty Girl
She's just a pretty girlWho comes around hereTo make you smileRed wine all stains your lip...

No Address - Time
You come to seeWhat's been going on with meAin't got no doubtsAs you sit down on my couch...

No Address - Too Proud
Heard that you were messing around loveI never wanted that at allWhen I come aroundBaby I ...

No Address - Walk Away
Your brown eyes are so wicked,The sky is yellow.The ocean fell asleepWith one hefty bellow....

No Address - When I'm Gone (sadie)
Let's hop a trainAnd stow awayDown into MexicoAnd on the wayAs music playsWe'l...

No Angels - 100% Emotional
I've been waitingFor this momentSo won't you come hereClose to me, next to me, babyW...

No Angels - 2 Get Over U
The sky has quite aDifferent shade of blueDon't see no storm-cloudsRollin'into viewThere's...

No Angels - Anchor Your Love
It was the first time we met I never forget The way you looked at me I felt my heart skip a beat...

No Angels - Atlantis 2002
Way down below the ocean where I wanna be she may be,The continent of Atlantis was an islandWhic...

No Angels - Autumn Breeze
[Vany]So hard to trust that you can live and be sureI made a promise that I wonder no more...

No Angels - Be My Man (the Plan)
Tell me watch wanna doWon't you tell me what's your planJust be strong enough if you can if you can...

No Angels - Cold As Ice
I could never beI could never feelFree without your loveYou count on meTruly honesty...

No Angels - Come Back
You've been so close to mecloser than I ever thought you wouldand you were there for mewhen no o...

No Angels - Couldn't Care Less
I couldn't care less if you don't love meI couldn't care less if you don't want meBut I gotta confess ...

No Angels - Cry For You
Lost and by myself all aloneLife can be so cold since you've goneHaven't seen you for so long I feel s...

No Angels - Daylight In Your Eyes
Wanna know you betterWanna push you babyBut never to farWanna show you heavenWanna be like...

No Angels - Don't Hesitate
Don't hesitate, cross the Faith,You've got the world in your Hands,lonely to wait,It's not too l...

No Angels - Faith Can Move A Mountain
Sitting here at the end of the roadAnd I don't know what to doSinging all alone a sad songThis i...

No Angels - Go Ahead And Take It
Come on girlsLet's get busy on some hot shitsWe gonna show you the way how real girls gonna make it...

No Angels - Let's Go To Bed
I get in it when I'm high strungI lay back and dream of the Carribean sunThe only place that we all lo...

No Angels - Like Ice In The Sunshine
When you walk along the beach, you see the boys and the girls.In the midday heat is all you need, an ice cre...

No Angels - Lost In You
[Jessi]I have waited for so long to find meSomeone there can reach down deep inside meNev...

No Angels - Lovestory
So you said you're gonna give it all,that you would never ever hold back on me.But I've been feeling kind of...

No Angels - Now That We Found Love
When I wake up in the morningThe first thing I doIs when I see your smiling faceI give the world...

No Angels - Promises Can Wait
Promises can wait my babySo let's not hesitate let's playI'm looking for a smileI'm looking for ...

No Angels - Push Me To The Limit
Push me to the limit, I can't waitPush me to the limit, can't you feelTime to time I'm (just) to...

No Angels - Rivers Of Joy
I've been around and I'm just wishing on a starI've travelled a long ways but I've never been this far...

No Angels - Say Goodbye
This Song goes out to all the man in the world who don't know how to treat a lady![Chorus]...

No Angels - Send Me Flowers
Send me flowers shana nananaOh send me flowersJust to say you're sorrySend me flowersOh se...

No Angels - Shield Against My Sorrow
passionsometimes my life just runs so fasti wish myself back to the pastbut since you're m...

No Angels - Something About Us
I bet you think we don't knowHow to be a part of this gameWe don't wanna talk aboutThe reason wh...

No Angels - Stay
[Verse 1]Close your eyes and imagine I'mHere with you to keep you safe from the dark...

No Angels - Still In Love With You
Hey... oh The best time I ever hadWhen you were mine so do myself to keepin' me Never let ...

No Angels - That's The Reason
I'm going through good and bad timesWorking hard to live my dreams and IDon't know if it is the right ...

No Angels - There Must Be An Angel
No-one on earth could feel like thisI'm thrown and overblown with blissThere must be an angelPla...

No Angels - What Am I Supposed To Do
What am I supposed to doIf I know I have to live without youDeep down in my soul it looks so sad...

No Angels - When The Angels Sing
And when the angels singI want you by my sideI don't care how long I've been waiting for my baby...

No Angels - You Could Be The First
You could be could be the firstSo what about divingIn the falling rainAnd what about waiti...

No Authority - Beautiful Girl
Oh yeahOh, oh, oh, ohSitting by the phoneGirl, I'm feeling so aloneHow I wish I knew your ...

No Authority - Can I Get Your Number (a Girl Like You)
Can I get your number babyHit me with the seven digitsCan I get your number babyHit me with the ...

No Authority - Can't Go On
[Intro:]Girl I know I was wrongPlease come back to meWithout you I just can't go on...

No Authority - Don't Get Better
If anybody wants to knowWhy it is i feel for youBaby you're first thing on my mindWhen no one el...

No Authority - Don't Go
I've been wrongI'm not afraid to admitAnd I knowI only gave lonelinessBaby don'tThro...

No Authority - Don't Stop
[Chorus:]Don't stop till you get enoughIf its right for youDo what you want to do...

No Authority - Girlfriend
I want you to be my girlfriend I want you to be my girlfriend[Chorus:]I want to sho...

No Authority - Here I Am
HeyBaby, heyI can't change your mindBut if I got to let you go that's what I'll doBut I kn...

No Authority - If You Want Me
Girl, sometimes I need some helpSee, I can't do this thing all by myselfWe're supposed to have a mutua...

No Authority - I Like It
I've been thinking 'bout you, for quite a whileYou're on my mind every day and every nightMy every tho...

No Authority - I'm Telling You This
Oh, ohBaby, yeahOh, ohYeah, yeahThere was a timeWhen I was downAnd thing...

No Authority - Keep On
[Chorus:]Keep on, keep on girl, it's on and poppin'Keep on, keep on, ain't no need for stoppin'...

No Authority - Never Let You Go
[Chorus:]I'll never let you goMy feelings prove and showI'll never let you downI'll...

No Authority - One More Time
It was a year ago early one summer dayYou wanted to see me before I left for a few daysI thought that ...

No Authority - Please Don't Break My Heart
Girl please, girl please, don't break my heart[Chorus:]Please don't break my heart'...

No Authority - She Drives Me Crazy
[Chorus:]She drives me crazy, oh, oh she makes me Lose control when she comes my wayI won...

No Authority - Up And Down
[Chorus:]Up and down, round and round it goesSometimes we just lose controlUp and down, r...

No Authority - Why
[Chorus:]Someone tell me why, why, whyDoes it hurt everydayAll I do is cry, cry ,cry...

Nobody's Angel - Boom Boom
I told my girls Today's the dayGonna get it get it Going going swing your wayGonna hold my...

Nobody's Angel - Cherry Crush

Nobody's Angel - I Can't Help Myself
You smile a lotIt makes me wonder what your thinking of your always on my mindand rig...

Nobody's Angel - If You Wanna Dance
Hey if you wanna danceGet your body on the floor in your hot pantsIf you really wanna dance hey come o...

No Doubt - Ache
Woke up this morning and felt no too cool -ooh ooh ooh ooh'Cause every time I tried to make my mouth...

No Doubt - A Little Something Refreshing
Yeah yay ohI'm hungry yeahI said I'm starving yeahI want some Pizza Coke and ice cream popcorn...

No Doubt - Artificial Sweetener
Oh yes I'm guiltyFor leasing myself outNot ready to go up for saleCan't seem to give it up...

No Doubt - Bathwater
You and your museum of loversThe precious collection you've housed in your coversMy simpleness threate...

No Doubt - Big City Train
Can you hear that whistleLoud clackety-clackWell it's calling to meThe station is where it's at...

No Doubt - Blue In The Face
Just like a bee rushing to a comb of honeyWhy can't you see you look so very funny You worry yourself ...

No Doubt - Brand New Day
At the end of the day you are worn out, you areworn out, and too tired to sleepBut then you do dream o...

No Doubt - By The Way
By the way Every little thing about her face Fills him up The image so pleasing it could never b...

No Doubt - Comforting Lie
I started out on the wrong footNow I'm not myselfI am Jekyll, I am HydeFound this place to hide...

No Doubt - Dark Blue
I'm tired from exploring youI'm sorry you've had some scary daysI'm lucky, they had me on a leash...

No Doubt - Detective
Peek in, sneak aboutpeek in, sneak aboutyour broken hearted detectivehey girl save the lia...

No Doubt - Different People
Things can be broken down In this world of ours You don't have to be a famous person Just to mak...

No Doubt - Doghouse
Out to the doghouse with you, that's what she said You've been inside too long now, I must clean the mess ...

No Doubt - Don't Let Me Down
Laughing so hardI got tears in my eyesWalk in the parkUnder sapphire skiesOh, I can'...

No Doubt - Don't Speak
You and me We used to be together Everyday together always I really feel That I'm losing m...

No Doubt - Doormat
Woo hey! Uh uh - no wayNo way complain huhI'm not your doormat, your floormatSo don't wipe your ...

No Doubt - End It On This
You see in the pastI had a dream A fantasy I thought that we would last Become a little fa...

No Doubt - Excuse Me Mr
I'm like a beggar with no luckI'm holding signs upOn your street corner stopsLike most you try n...

No Doubt - Ex-girlfriend
I kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girlfriendI kinda always knew I'd end up your ex-girlfriendI ki...

No Doubt - Get On The Ball
Don't wait too long or she'll be gone fast as ablinkGet on the ball if you love your loverNo ges...

No Doubt - Greener Pastures
Go ahead, get out and see the world But then I think, why should I I'd rather stay home and cryI...

No Doubt - Happy Now?
You had the best But you gave her up 'Cause dependency might interrupt Idealistic will so hard t...

No Doubt - Hey Baby
Im the kinda girl that hangs with the guysLike a fly on the wall with my secret eyesTakin it in, try t...

No Doubt - Hey You
Hey you with the wedding dress on Made of white chiffon blowing in the wind Hey you with the dreams in...

No Doubt - Home Now
I'm hanging out with meAnd you're a vacant chairA chosen compromise This space we rarely share...

No Doubt - In My Head
I try to think about rainbows When it gets badYou got to think about something To keep from goin...

No Doubt - It's My Life
It's funny how I find myselfIn love with youIf I could buy my reasoningI'd pay to loseOne ...

No Doubt - Just A Girl
Take this pink ribbon off my eyes I'm exposed And it's no big surprise Don't you think I know ...

No Doubt - Let's Get Back
Get back together aahThis is a very interesting situationI sense a gradual loss of communication...

No Doubt - Magic's In The Makeup
Can you tell I'm faking it? But I want to be myselfA counterfeit dispositionCan't be good for my healt...

No Doubt - Making Out
Yeah... I'm on the second floor with a lock on my doorI'm looking at a picture of your face...

No Doubt - Marry Me
I can't help that I like to be kissedAnd I wouldn't mind if my name changed to Mrs.This is one side, m...

No Doubt - Move On
Some chickens crossed the road, straying farfrom the henFive reached the side one step below Zen...

No Doubt - New
Don't let it go awayThis feeling has got to stayDon't let it go awayThis feeling has got to stay...

No Doubt - Open The Gate
I see you from the distanceFrom beyond the fence you madeHiding all your feelings Behind your ba...

No Doubt - Paulina
Paulina - she's on the cover of a magazinePaulina - a woman in my nightly dreamsPaulina - who makes me...

No Doubt - Platinum Blonde Life
I'm closing all the curtains So don't you even botherAnd they'm calling out the murderBut I'm un...

No Doubt - Rock Steady
Our love is rock steadyRock steady, rock steadyOur love is rock steadyLove is like a punis...

No Doubt - Rock Steady (intro)
A real love survives a rock steady vibeA real love survives a rock steady vibe ...

No Doubt - Running
RunRunning all the timeRunning to the futureWith you right by my sideMeI'm the...

No Doubt - Sad For Me
Please Miss FriedHe don't mean to be mean He just needs to leaveHe hopes he does not Cause...

No Doubt - Simple Kind Of Life
For a long time I was in loveNot only in love, I was obsessedWith a friendship that no one else could ...

No Doubt - Sinking
You're on a wide open oceanNo one around you for milesYou're thinkin' of drinkin' on waterWhile ...

No Doubt - Six Feet Under
In the morning I wake upAnd in the night I sleepSince the day that I was bornRepeat, repeat, rep...

No Doubt - Snakes
Open the basket Listen to the flute play Open the basket Listen to the flute play Toot too...

No Doubt - Sometimes
Sometimes sunshineDoes not want to shine on meAnd sometimes I find myself blindAt first I cannot...

No Doubt - Spiderwebs
You think that we connectThat the chemistry's correctYour words walk right through my earsPresum...

No Doubt - Squeal
I can't begin to tell you How bad I feel about it So now that it is all out How do you feel - di...

No Doubt - Staring Problem
My eyes are so rootlessThey wander, I followI keep staring, I can't stop it I know I shouldn't ...

No Doubt - Start The Fire
C'mon baby get the lighterWe're gonna start the fireThe army of words is in me Silent the ...

No Doubt - Stricken
I love you completely I guess I'm kinda mad about you I love you, I love you I doLove overcomes ...

No Doubt - Sunday Morning
Sappy pathetic little me That was the girl I used to be You had me on my knees I'd trade you pla...

No Doubt - Suspension Without A Suspense
My divorce from dependenceThat's when you found meI was still softAnd we always were in trouble...

No Doubt - That's Just Me
You think that I will change But you know that will never be I'm just that way and that's just me ...

No Doubt - The Climb
Step by step I've come closer to reaching the topEvery step must be placed so that I don't fall off ...

No Doubt - Too Late
I just want to take you away from everyoneAnd keep you stashed under my pillowAnd then I'd take you ou...

No Doubt - Total Hate 95
You're livin' your life without a care in the world That's the way it should be What's life like in a ...

No Doubt - Trapped In A Box
Trapped in a box of tremendous sizeIt distorts my vision, it closes my eyesAttracts filthy flies and p...

No Doubt - Waiting Room
I sign in my nameI guess I have to wait a whileI'm gonna play this gameCall me up if you know ho...

No Doubt - World Go 'round
In the quickness of our haste It seems we forget how to live The old blueprint No longer manifes...

No Doubt - You Can Do It
Since you've been goneSince you've been unglued It's hard to figure out Your next move One...

No Mercy - Please Don't Go
Please don't go Please don't goDon't you know that I love you soSay your mine and give me tonight...

No Mercy - Where Do You Go
[1]Where do you go, my lovelyWhere do you goI wanna know, my lovely, I wanna know ...

Nonpoint - Any Advice?
Making choices and hoping that they're all right.Hating waiting for something to make this worth the waiting...

Nonpoint - Back Up
Wise up because I'm fed you better back up. You got a bad attitude comin' up from inside you better watch yo...

Nonpoint - Broken Bones
You forget I got this far without youI'm not the person that you think I amThe life I want to lead nee...

Nonpoint - Circles
Going around in circles again.Pedal to floor, back in the seat, purpose and will verus modern machine....

Nonpoint - Development
Now, theres a crack on the inside, and i start to play.Now, my fingers stuck, over stood my stay.Now, ...

Nonpoint - Done It Anyway
I would have dont it anywayWere gonna free you allAnd make you all one of us(bullshit)Were...

Nonpoint - Double Stacked
...The things we need and the things we strive for that feeling again comes so deep and warm. I taste ...

Nonpoint - Endure
Even with a diagram of My DNA I leave scientists baffled 'till the end of the day they try to pick apart ...

Nonpoint - Excessive Reaction
Gotta get from the point of pressure,to the point of no return, to turn me inside out.Brother please, ...

Nonpoint - Get Inside
What I do makes the worst of you.And a good situation gone bad from the start:a classification that sl...

Nonpoint - Gimmick
Chased by a dark cloud negativity the story of my so called life questions no answers no actions just words ...

Nonpoint - Hands
I dont know how to say to make you understand thatwhen i turn my head to look I wanna see your hands....

Nonpoint - Hide And Seek
Forearms can't cover up lies in hiding.Counting makes the only sound, while I wait for hours to be found....

Nonpoint - H.i.v.e.
...Go... It's time To do a quick rewind And find another line And bring it back to get The...

Nonpoint - Impossible Needs
I collapse from working thanThe average work-a-holicI intend then reaching father thanInfinity...

Nonpoint - In The Air Tonight
I can feel itComing in the air tonightOh LordIve been waiting for this momentFor all my li...

Nonpoint - Levels
Scenes are changing and you collect the sand on our souls. You can make it okay if you pave your own way. ...

Nonpoint - Mindtrip
You're about to take a mindtrip So get your ticket stamped Pack your thoughts on up And set your...

Nonpoint - Mint
I'll take back what is left of what you had barley enough to keep me dead.Tell me how to make some sen...

Nonpoint - Misled
Twisted, intricate, obscure and tangled double-edged through My head leaving Me mangled incomprehensib...

Nonpoint - Mountains
One more problem.How you've got them.All tied up with a million things to do.Two more problems, ...

Nonpoint - Move Now
No control of Nothing to holdCant be sold by anyoneIts everywhere Its stealing the air you...

Nonpoint - My Own Sake
"Just be patient" the best advise I did not take."Super stellar first impression" i did not make.My ow...

Nonpoint - Normal Days
Strange Days are normal.Trying to find the words, making my mind up from what you've heard....

Nonpoint - Orgullo
PUNETAAA!!!!! Criado en la isla del coqui Puerto Rico es lo unico pa' mi honrado y alegre me sie...

Nonpoint - Past It All
This is getting oldThe way that you speak to meNever could decideHow you wanted us to beI ...

Nonpoint - Peace Of Mind
Trapped insidePlaces i'm starting to hateStuck insideWasted i fall into placeWatching the ...

Nonpoint - Piper
Split open your head And let me pour it in All the knowledge and feeling Of these five deadly si...

Nonpoint - Rabia
I am the last great victimBack upSlpit out of hereGet our of hereI am the only oneNo...

Nonpoint - Reward
Rooms spin like hurricanesWalls begin to breathWhen will this be overLike it moreThen i sh...

Nonpoint - Senses
How was I ever so naive That I could never see What was in front of me I grew up and you let me down ...

Nonpoint - Side With The Guns
I say plentyInsufficientYou say anyBut not this oneYou want me to pick a sideI choos...

Nonpoint - Struggle
Con Fuerza Boriqua Strugglin goin through the motions Day in day out Another commotion Bac...

Nonpoint - The Same
Things havent changedYou havent changedAnd I havent changedThings that you say You want to...

Nonpoint - The Truth
If we only knew the truth about itMaybe we could work our way around itThen maybe we could ignor...

Nonpoint - Two Tone
Two tone straight gay misfits runaway different from the rest of you I said don't look at me I got a differe...

Nonpoint - Victim
Thinking suicide Thinking suicide Thinking suicide Thinking suicide Thinking suicide ...

Nonpoint - Wait
Just staring off into space againWhat am i looking forMaybe a cigarette mightCalm me down or kee...

Nonpoint - What A Day
Sittin' on your ass all day thinkin' about your hangover and the party you left your fuckin' keys at a...

Nonpoint - Years
Funny feeling my guts intuition doesn't know No bravery could convince you To more or less say no ...

Nonpoint - Your Signs
Gotta make the list of what is best gotta make the fist and beat against have to leave an impression ...

No Question - Come Back Home
Somebody told you that I've been sleeping around because of this lie, you let somebody come along and tears ...

No Question - Cover Me
I'm layin' here trippin'About the phone conversation that we had last nightThoughts of skinny dippin'...

No Question - Do What You've Gotta Do
[Verse 1:]It's been 24 hours Since I heard you on the phone Pleading with your moms...

No Question - He Say, She Say
[Verse 1:] What's going on You're questioning everything I do And everywhere I've b...

No Question - How You Like It (lights On/lights Off)
[chorus](unh! tell me how you like it baby) with the lights on, or the lights off (tell me what...

No Question - I Don't Care
Tell me what the deal is What's goin on Why ya peeps don't like me Said I ain't the one Th...

No Question - If You Really Wanna Go
[Thomas Blackwell] [No Question]Ooh...yeah, yes Oh, oh, oh yeah Tell me why you're trippi...

No Question - Interlude
[Man] Hello[Woman] You ain't no damn good[Man] Ho, ho, ho, slow down[Wom...

No Question - Just Can't Go On
[Verse 1:]We've been through so much and felt so much pain when I'm going through fire ...

No Question - New Love
I know that he hurt your heart, Broke it in a million pieces, And left you lonely. Cry your eyes...

No Question - No Question (intro)
ShamrockNagDanteJer'CoreComin' at you for the year 2000WhatSo sit back, relax...

No Question - Private Dancer
Let me tell you about your girlfriendI know you think that she's your best friendTrue blue 'till the v...

No Question - Remember Us
last night I peeped your skeelo I watched you from afar another lover with lots of money let you drive his f...

No Question - Thank You (outro)
We would like to take this opportunityTo thank God, our loved ones, our familiesWe'd like to thank Ken...

No Question - This Weekend
[Intro]We are Bonafide, whut?[Female Rap]Look closely bought a unboard, no s...

No Question - To Be Without You
Did you ever love someone so muchThat it was bad for youYou'd try to find ways to make 'em happy...

No Question - Whose Is This
so I hear you trying to holla huh? but there's a little something in-between us come here let me show ...

No Question - You Make Me Feel Brand New
My love I'll never find the words my love to tell you how I feel my love mere words can not explain ...

Norah Jones - Above Ground
Underground I'm waitingJust below the crowded avenueWatchin' red lights fading out of view...

Norah Jones - All Your Love
All of your love, baby, can it be mineAll of your love, baby, can it be mineI'll hate to be the one, t...

Norah Jones - Be Here To Love Me
Your eyes seek conclusion in all this confusion of mine Though you and I both know it's only the warm glow o...

Norah Jones - Carnival Town
Round 'n roundCarouselHas got you under it's spellMoving so fast...butGoing nowhere...

Norah Jones - Cold Cold Heart
I've tried so hard my dear to showThat you're my every dream Yet you're afraid each thing I doIs...

Norah Jones - Creepin' In
There's a big ol' holeThat's gone right through the soleOf this old shoeAnd the water on the gro...

Norah Jones - Deceptively Yours
I couldn't make a changeI might have known you had foundAnother loveI sat at home all night...

Norah Jones - Don't Miss You At All
As I sit and watch the snowFallin' downI don't miss you at allI hear children playin' laughin' s...

Norah Jones - Heart Of Mine
Heart of mine, Be stillYou can play with fire,But you'll get the billDon't let him know...

Norah Jones - Humble Me
Went out on a limbGone too farBroken down at the side of the roadStranded at the outskirts and s...

Norah Jones - In The Morning
I can't stop myself from callin' Callin' out your name I can't stop myself from fallin' Fallin' ...

Norah Jones - New York City
I can't remember what I planned tomorrowI can't remember when it's time to goWhen I look in the mirror...

Norah Jones - Strange Transmissions
I believe, you sayDon't think, we stayDrawn through the ebbLost in the flowerBeneath...

Norah Jones - Sunrise
Sunrise, sunriseLooks like mornin' in your eyesBut the clocks held 9:15 for hoursSunrise, sunris...

Norah Jones - The Nearness Of You
It's not the pale moon that excites me That thrills and delights me, oh no It's just the nearness of y...

Norah Jones - The Prettiest Thing
The prettiest thingI ever did seeWas lightening from the top of a cloudMoving through the dark a...

Norah Jones - Things You Don't Have To Do
I walk down the diamond studded concrete canyonNobody looked me in the eyeTried to fly to the moon...

Norah Jones - Toes
The current is strong from what I've heard It'll wisk you down the stream But there never seems to be ...

Norah Jones - What Am I To You?
What am I to you Tell me darling true To me you are the sea Fast as you can be And deep th...

N.o.r.e. - Head Bussa
[Intro]Head bussa . . .Head bussa . . .Head bussa . . .Head bussa . . ....

No Secrets - Comes Back
[Bonus track]Honey, here's a little advice..You better check yourself before you wreck yo...

No Secrets - Friends Forever
Sometimes people come into your lifeLike they're meant to beAnd suddenly you've found someoneWho...

No Secrets - Here I Am
Ever since I was a little girlEver since I took my first step and said my first hello (hello)I've been...

No Secrets - Hot
Summertime, No SecretsBring it live, dance with me nowThis is for all of us right here, you feel me?...

No Secrets - I Know What I Want
I see how you look at methinking that you're being discretI here the way you say my nameand some...

No Secrets - I'll Remember You
It has been so long since we have talkedI hope that things are still the samehoping they will never ch...

No Secrets - It's Alright
The world keeps spinning, but it's moving to slowfeels like somehow you've reached the end of the road...

No Secrets - Kids In America
Looking out a dirty old windowDown below the cars in the city go rushing byI sit here alone and I wond...

No Secrets - Kiss The Girl
[Intro:]Sha la, la, la, la oh my, myKiss the girlMuahK-k-k-kiss[Vers...

No Secrets - Little Angel Of Mine
Close your eyes, go to sleepLittle angel of mineWhen you wake I'll be thereLittle angel of mine....

No Secrets - No Experience Required
Baby this ain't a testAin't about how you dressHow many movies you've seenOr if you score points...

No Secrets - No Secrets
Secrets (secrets) are no funSecrets (secrets) hurt someoneLet me tell you how it all began A lit...

No Secrets - Once Upon Another Dream
[Speaking]Once upon a time there was a princess. [echoes]She got cast under a magical sp...

No Secrets - On The Floor
Our jam is pumpin' on your radio.I know you see my brand new video.Our face is always in the magazines...

No Secrets - Skin Deep
Your tellin' me that I'm your queenThat nothing matches meYou're makin' me feel like a dreamThe ...

No Secrets - That's What Girls Do
You ask me why I change the color of my hair yeahYou ask me why I need thirty two pairs of shoes to wear...

No Secrets - What Are You Waiting For?
There is this girl, she looks a lot like meAnd all she does is think about you constantlyBut she's too...

No Secrets - When We Kiss
It was late one night and we had a fightAnd it seemed like nothing was going rightThen you turned arou...

No Use For A Name - Always Carrie
When I'm awake at night, sometimes I picture youAnd hear those words again you said, "I'm leaving"I co...

No Use For A Name - Angela
I didn't mean to drag underBut I was thinking about youAnd how your eyes swallowed me wholeI've ...

No Use For A Name - Any Number Can Play
They will mislead you, plug in and bleed youI swear I heard the DJ say"Swallow temptation", believe th...

No Use For A Name - Chasing Rainbows
Just heard the news today, let yourself down once againTrusted your feelings in a place that no one goes...

No Use For A Name - Coming Too Close
There was a time when you would come and goNow there's no time left to reactJust as it starts to heal ...

No Use For A Name - Dumb Reminders
i heard the messagethen i rang it off the hooki didn't get you till 1 amwho was wrong and who wa...

No Use For A Name - Fairytale Of New York
It was Christmas Eve babeIn the drunk tankAn old man said to me, won't see another oneAnd then h...

No Use For A Name - Feels Like Home
It's too late to talk to youAnd it's too soon to say good-byeListen where ever you may beYou sti...

No Use For A Name - For Fiona
I can't even think of words to match the way I'm feelingI don't even think a book could say enough for you...

No Use For A Name - Friends Of The Enemy
lost in confusionnot knowing which way to returnto the person you knowthis trepidation makes you...

No Use For A Name - Insecurity Alert
emergency dispatch i think something's wrongwith words its so hard to construethe images follow a drea...

No Use For A Name - Internation You Day
i'm sorry that it took so longto write this songbut i gave upyou see one million words can't des...

No Use For A Name - Let It Slide
I spend a day or nine then finally realizeThere's really nothing going onSo why should I try to shake ...

No Use For A Name - Let Me Down
She's never alone, because she's scared of what she might say to herselfAlways drinking in the backroom of t...

No Use For A Name - Lies Can't Pretend
I received your letter in the mailSounds like times are hard for you againYou said that you'd be ninet...

No Use For A Name - Life Size Mirror
She was done before the start, always mending broken heartsMaking others miserable not knowing who she's hur...

No Use For A Name - Nailed Shut
I always thought I had a pitch-black mindSurrounding voice change my viewI feel fine now, it is a sham...

No Use For A Name - Not Your Savior
Unlucky seventeen, already handed plans for the futureGlamour obsessed, told how to dress, and shown how to ...

No Use For A Name - Pre-medicated Murder
More times than fiveI've been right here by your sideStill Wondering....Where did you go?Walk do...

No Use For A Name - Pride
I see you clinging, stereotyping just to feel comfort, just to belongDesperate for meaning to make sense of ...

No Use For A Name - Room 19
It's been so long since you've been here, and I'm dyingIs there something you would like to say?Just d...

No Use For A Name - Saddest Song
What's wrong with everyone? There's a panic in their eyesLike others getting close are aliens, in disguise...

No Use For A Name - Six Degrees From Misty
When you were little she sold you outOut be the ounce the drugs and alcohol was freeOr maybe it was yo...

No Use For A Name - Sleeping In
Packing up the pictures in an old shoe boxIt's so silent I can almost hear you walkDown the hall stand...

No Use For A Name - Solitaire
I can pretend for you, that I mean every word said it's trueThat I'd probably rather be like a stranger in d...

No Use For A Name - This Ain't No Way To Live
Everything I've tried has been worthlessAnd I don want to die in search of something betterDropped the...

No Use For A Name - This Is A Rebel Song
[girl:]I love you my hard englishmanYour rage is like a fist in my wombCan't you fo...

No Use For A Name - Undefeated
I see you have lost the ambition to loveWhen did you get so hard and callous?Things are good today...

No Use For A Name - Why Doesn't Anybody Like Me?
Maybe you don't understand it, what keeps them awake at nightWhat goes through their little minds when you t...

'n Sync - All I Want Is You This Christmas
Snowy NightWhere it's warm here by the fireHere with you (here with you)I have all that I desire...

'n Sync - Beegee's Meedley
Jive talkin'You're telling me lies, yeahJive talkin'You wear a disguiseJive talkin'S...

'n Sync - Believe In Yourself
Oh you can be what you wanna beSee what you wanna see Believe in yourself, just believe in yourself...

'n Sync - Bringin' Da Noise
[repeat x2:]Bringin' da noiseBring down the houseWe came here to turn the party out ...

'n Sync - Bring It All To Me
There you areLooking as fine as can beIn your fancy carI can see you looking at meWhat you...

'n Sync - Bye, Bye, Bye
(Hey, Hey)Bye, Bye, ByeBye, Bye...Bye, Bye...Oh, Oh..I'm doin' this tonight,...

'n Sync - Celebrity
If I wasn't a celebrityWould you be so nice to me?If I didn't have G's like everydayWould you st...

'n Sync - Children Of The World
This goes out to all the childrenAll over the world This one's for the childrenChildren of the w...

'n Sync - Crazy For You
Wherever I go, whatever I do,Whenever my heart is crying out for you.Wherever I go, Whatever I do...

'n Sync - Digital Getdown
[Spoken low]Baby baby we can do all that we wantWe're gettin nasty nasty, we're getting freaky ...

'n Sync - Do Your Thing
Waiting, for your peice of the pie to drop out of the sky (gotta go get it)Hesitating, for somebody el...

'n Sync - Everything I Own
You sheltered me from harm.You kept me warmYou kept me warm And you gave my life to meYou ...

'n Sync - Falling
Yeah yeah.. oh hmm I don't know howI don't know whyBut girl it seemsYou've touched my life...

'n Sync - For The Girl Who Has Everything
Hey....ohhh...You drive a pretty car - you know how fine you areAnd nobody needs to say it.. no way.....

'n Sync - Giddy Up
Gotta giddy up...Gotta giddy up...'N Sync - giddy up... like thisGotta giddy up..C'mon...j...

'n Sync - God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You
Yeah....Oh yesOhhh..yeah..Can this be true?Tell me, can this be real?How can I put i...

'n Sync - Gone
There's a thousand words that I could sayTo make you come homeOh, seems so long ago you walked away...

'n Sync - Gone (spanish Version)
Que palabras te puedo decirQue te hagan volverTu perdida con el tiempo y yo,Sin tu quererT...

'n Sync - Here And Now
Here and nowIs the way I liveUnafraid of what life gives And there've been times in my life ...

'n Sync - Home For Christmas
Crossing the ocean with my window viewThinking of the time I spent with youAnd I close my eyesI ...

'n Sync - I Don't Wanna Spend One More Christmas Without You
This is the time of year, that we learn to giveAnd the greatest gift is learning to forgiveWe will hav...

'n Sync - If I'm Not The One
If I'm not the one you wantTake your time to figure outI'm staring at your picture every night...

'n Sync - If Only Through Heaven's Eyes
I never thought you were a fairweather friendYou never let me down, you're true to the endYoure in the...

'n Sync - I Guess It's Christmas Time
Feel the magic in the airChristmas is all aroundSomethin' about this special time of yearA blank...

'n Sync - I Just Wanna Be With You
Na, na na na na na na na...Na, na na na na na na na...I just wanna be with you,G...

'n Sync - I'll Be Good For You
[Justin:]Ohh..Ya'know I'll be good for you baby yeahhh ohhhI'll be good for you...

'n Sync - I Never Knew The Meaning Of Christmas
Lookin back on childhood daysI cant believe my foolish waysThought that Christmas only came from a sto...

'n Sync - In Love On Christmas
Jingle bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the wayJingle bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle all the wayJingle bel...

'n Sync - I Thought She Knew
She was my once in a lifetimeHappy ending come trueOh I guess I should have told herBut I though...

'n Sync - It Makes Me Ill
[Justin:]I was hanging with the fellasSaw you with your new boyfriend, it made me jealous...

'n Sync - It's Christmas
Oh it's Christmas.. (ooh..)I'm so glad that you came my wayfrom a million stars you and you areI...

'n Sync - It's Gonna Be Me
[Lance:] It's gonna--be--me[Justin:] Oooh, yeah[Justin:]You might've ...

'n Sync - Just Don't Tell Me That
Oh Oh, No no, AlrightYou like to be seenAt every party at the Playboy MansionFun, sad...

'n Sync - Just Got Paid
Thank God it's Friday night and Ijust-just-just-just-juuuuuuust got paid(money, money, money, money......

'n Sync - Kiss Me At Midnight
Kiss me at midnight(5...)hey yeah...(4...)oh...(3, 2, 1!) Kiss me at midnight ...

'n Sync - Let The Music Heal Your Soul
Oh, if someone writes a songWith a simple rhymeJust a songWhere his feelings showAnd if so...

'n Sync - Love's In Our Hearts On Christmas Day
I know great distance still remains..Between usBut there's good reason to hold onIt's the happie...

'n Sync - Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays
Merry Christmas and Happy HolidaysMerry Christmas, Merry ChristmasHappy HolidaysWe've been waiti...

'n Sync - Music Of My Heart
You'll never knowWhat you've done for meWhat your faith in meHas done for my soul......

'n Sync - No Strings Attached
Baby you're not the only one...Oh oh oh yeahHey yeah[JC:]I see the things he ...

'n Sync - O Holy Night (a Cappella)
[various ooohs and ahhhs]Oh holy nightThe stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of ou...

'n Sync - Overjoyed
Over time, I've been building my castle of love, ohJust for twoThough you never knew you were my reaso...

'n Sync - Pop
Dirty pop, yoB.T.[Justin:]Sick and tired of hearingAll these people talk about...

'n Sync - See Right Through You
Tell me what kind of girl would want to play me?Tear me down and try to break me? Baby how could you b...

'n Sync - Selfish
I just don't understandWhy you're running from a good man babyWhy you wanna turn your back on love...

'n Sync - Something Like You
So many times I thought I held it in my handsbut just like grains of sandlove slipped through my finge...

'n Sync - Somewhere, Someday
When clouds above you start to pourAnd all of your doubts Rain like a storm And you don't know w...

'n Sync - Space Cowboy (yippie-yi-ya)
Riprock, AGCome in overYo, turn me upI wanna be heardSee, I'm talking bout the future y'al...

'n Sync - Sundreams
She stood out just like a diamond ladyAmongst the tourists in a crowded roomI took her walking on the ...

'n Sync - Tell Me, Tell
Oh oh Hold on Ah you know what? Can we back it up just a little bit? (rewinding noises, va...

'n Sync - That Girl Will Never Be Mine
That girl will never be mineFirst time I saw her at the front doorThat girl, her face on every b...

'n Sync - That's When I'll Stop Loving You
When winter comes in summerWhen theres no love foreverYeah, that's when I'll stop loving you ...

'n Sync - The Christmas Song (chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire)
Chestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Frost nipping at your noseYoultide carolsBeing sung by a ...

'n Sync - The First Noel
Noel, Noel, Noel, NoelBorn is the King of Israel The first Noel, the angel did sayWas to certain...

'n Sync - The Game Is Over
[Pinball machine noises]The game is over Ahhh yeah Ahh yeahInvincibleIs...

'n Sync - The Only Gift
I was making my listI was checking it twiceIn the middle of this I got tears in my eyesFor...

'n Sync - The Two Of Us
Oh, hey yeah yeah..Girl when we started baby we were friends But that's not how this fairy tale is gon...

'n Sync - This I Promise You
Ohh ohh...When the visions around you,Bring tears to your eyesAnd all that surround you,...

'n Sync - This Is Where The Party's At
Yeah,This is Where the Party's At(this is where the party's at)C'mon babe... this is where the p...

'n Sync - U Drive Me Crazy
U Drive Me CrazyWhy are you messin with my mind?U Drive Me CrazyWhy are you tellin' all these li...

'n Sync - Under My Tree
It's that time of yearChristmas is hereEverybody's back together againSpreading the joy,Sp...

'n Sync - Up Against The Wall
You know we don't care at alllet me see you up, up against the wallI was just doin' my thing...

'n Sync - You Got It
Oh, oh, oh..right now babySoon as the stars shineI'm gonna make you mineOh baby...Yo...

Nu Flavor - 3 Little Words
One look in your eyesI knew we two would always be togetherAnd there are, 3 little words that say it a...

Nu Flavor - Call Me
The word is out, that I'm a bad "g"Girl you know that's crazyThey just don't know a damn thingg about ...

Nu Flavor - Did You See Her?
Oh, oh, oh, ohSee that girl, everyone wants herIf I could just have herCan't stop thinkin' about...

Nu Flavor - From This Day
[CHROUS:]From this day, I swear, my love will be good to youInto your eyes, I vow, that I will ...

Nu Flavor - Groove Tonight
[CHORUS:]It's a super future funkalistic, come on baby let's get with itIt's the future dance...

Nu Flavor - Heaven
First time I saw you girl,You turn me upside downI can't stop thinking bout youMy head is spinni...

Nu Flavor - It's On
Hey there sweet sexy thingGirl you know that you got everythingSo baby let me break it down for you...

Nu Flavor - Love Fantasy
I once was told, that love was just a gameNow I need to know baby, if you feel the same way (tell me)I...

Nu Flavor - Most Beautiful Girl
Ooo girl I'd walk a hundred milesTo see your pretty face each time you smileThere is no distance for m...

Nu Flavor - Promise
Through the storm and the rainThrough the joy and through the painI promise to love you, 'til the end...

Nu Flavor - Sprung
You used to be this little girl around the wayBut you've grown up andnow you got me feeling thingsYour...

Nu Flavor - Tell Me Why
[CHORUS:]Tell me, tell me, tell me whyWhy you tell me lies, even after all I do for you?A...

Nu Flavor - Unconditionaly
UnTiL eTeRniTYUnCoNdiTi0NaLLy...HeRe aL0Ne Up In My Ro0mWisHin I cOuLd Be ALoNe WiTh YoU...

Nu Flavor - Whenever
Girl you can't imagineThe way I feel todayI feel like a miracleHas finally come my wayAnd ...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - About And Hour Ago (the Gas Was Low)
There was a man on the road bout an hour agoand he was looking for a ride to New MexicoWell we was dri...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - About Mr. Brown
What can you say about tomorrow?What do you know about my life?What do you say to your daughter?...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Any Time Now
Any time now I'm gonna wake up and see the day.Any time now I'm gonna wake up and find my way.And by t...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Anyway
Never say that nothing ever came from a mouse, anyway.Might crawl to your house, take that cat away.Do...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Black Rock
On the black rock is where i spend my timewriting a memory or writing a rhymethinking about what is ri...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - City On Down
Well, in the end my friend, we will all be together againClutching onto my hand, in a valley we'll stand, ju...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Coalminer
Daddy was a coalminer.He worked the pits all day.In Rock Springs, Wyoming.It was meant to be a s...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Conquering Fools
set out on the voyage of the conquering foolslooking for the gold and the modern day jewelsit come to ...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Dareh Meyod
Tuesday's coming my baby. I told you Wednesday morning.It's not too late for us.My bags aren't o...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Delicate Few
Amazing how we all want this life a little more everyday.It's crazy how we pick ourselves up just to let us ...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Destination
destination, rock steadydestination, people get readydestination, i'm lovin you all the timedest...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Earthward
love was never enough throughout time, yet some give it upwell, you kept me standing aloneif only i co...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Favorite Book Of Poetry
called her last night and i read her a line from my favorite book of poetryand i, i started to cry...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Get Away
Is it me or does it seem that life just carries on?Now was it him who said that life is just a song?No...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Here's To You
Well there was a time when life caught you by surprise.What you see going by is a shadow.You've got to...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Hey Girl
I took this girl out last night and we left around 12,We walked along lonely streets and got to know ourselv...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Hold On True
back in the day...oh, it wasn't that far.not a day goes by that won't be in the back tomorrow.ta...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - I Feel Home
There are few things pure in this world anymore,and home is one of the few. We'd have a drink outside,...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - If Only She Knew
if only she knewwhat was going right,if only she knew,i would not be alone tonight.if only...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - James
You said, "Young man, don't rely on a sword.Cause your words will outlive even time."I've counted my b...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - King Of The Thing
It's been a long, long time since I lost myself.Put my pride down on the table, put my fear on the shelf....

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Ladanday
now peter sat on the mountain topnorthern wind blowing through his hairnow peter never took the time t...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Missing Pieces
i woke up with a headache from the night beforecause sometimes i drinki spent the night with my head i...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Mr. Moon
A little boy, alone, he relies on fairytales.And the moon is his castle late tonight.Smiling down upon...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - My Life
she takes it deep to her heartright from the startshe talks softly over a glass of whineno...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Night Shift
It's 3 a.m. and i wanna go to bedI got a lady running through my headRan out of money, looking for a n...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Night Shift...stir It Up
It's 3 a.m. and i wanna go to bedI got a lady runnin' through my headRan out of money, looking for a n...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Old Man Time
I have been falling again for so long, for so long.I've been off that track. There's a mystery in that and ...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - On Top The Cage
I look out below me the clouds on top the bluekids thinking about nothing, cause there's absolutely no...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Ran Away To The Top Of The World Today
i don't know nothing, i don't know a thingbut if i just keep on listening, together we'll singi've bee...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Revisited
Peter sat on a mountaintop, nothern wind blows through his hair all day long.Peter never took no time for hi...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Right On Time
I know it's been a long, long year.God forbid you to listen to me now.I may have laid the pressure on ...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Risen
I'm not quite sure how I got here.A minute passed and I'm on my feet.I never knew life could taste so ...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Road Outside Columbus
There's a road outside Columbus, Ohio.Feels like I drove along for years.this Midwest way of ease it s...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - She Gone (only In Dreams)
He walks these streets some nights until way past twelve.His mind can't decide if he's in heaven...he just c...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Short A Try
i'm picking up these broken pieces againi'm feeling like i'm lost and all i do is find you therewe've ...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Someone In The Road
I was riding down the highway when I thought I Spotted someone in the roadI said, "You going my way?"...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - So Moved On
I woke today, felt another way,everything was gonna be fine.My head rose up then my legs came too,...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - The Wonderer
Down the road there was a man walking, walkingKnapsack round his back radio talking, talkingAnd his bl...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Toy Store
Hoping to find something better At least better than what ya thought So many aisles to venture down ...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - To Zion Goes I
light of the candle, bright one's soul shinedwoke up new morning feeling better than ever, finechest n...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Untitled
She takes it deep to the heart right from the startshe talks softly over a glass of wine.Now and again...

O.a.r. (of A Revolution) - Whose Chariot?
A patterned sunrise swept along away the sunrise.And over these underpasses a towering mountain does rise....

Oasis - A Bell Will Ring
A little spaceA little timeSee what it can doA little faithPeace of mindSee wh...

Oasis - Guess God Thinks I'm Abel
I could be your loverYou could be you mindWe go on foreverTill the end of timeYou co...

Oasis - Keep The Dream Alive
Four Seasons.. seconds flick and flash... I'm aloneA lonely scream provides the sceneIt's no home...

Oasis - Love Like A Bomb
I'm seeingA whole other world in my mindGirl I feel itI'm breathing a love all the time...

Oasis - Lyla
Calling on the stars to fallAnd catch the silver sunlight in your handsCome for me and set me free...

Oasis - Mucky Fingers
I know you think you deserve an explanation on the meaning of lifeBut what you think that you heard slipped ...

Oasis - Part Of The Queue
Suddenly I found that I lost my way in the cityStreets in the thousands all the colours bleed into one...

Oasis - Turn Up The Sun
I carry madnessEverywhere I goOver a borderAnd back to the snowSo if you see me...

Obie Trice - Adrenaline Rush
Get the fuck up, motherfuckerHey yo, when i step up on the bareverybody hits the fuckin floor...

Obie Trice - Average Man
[Verse 1]Hey yo I'm focused, it's the locustO. Trice is holdin the soldiers, the prognosis...

Obie Trice - Cheers
[Intro]A lotta' mathafuckas man...Who Green, Shine Stringer, Keith Stringer Lawan, U Serv, Litt...

Obie Trice - Don't Come Down
Don't come down things will always work outDon't come down things will always work outDon't come down ...

Obie Trice - Dope Jobs Homeless
Shitted on, ran from it (I did it all)I sold dope, watch fiends crave for rockWatch 'em watching...

Obie Trice - Gimmie My Dat Back
[Chorus]I want my Dat backI want my Dat backI need my Dat backI want my Dat back...

Obie Trice - Got Some Teeth
[talking in background][Obie Trice - talking]WOO!Damn ..There's a lot ...

Obie Trice - Hoodrats
[Skit][Woman #1:] I know that ain't my homie over there[Obie:] Keep sendin pages ...

Obie Trice - Look In My Eyes
[Obie Trice]Every man determined his definition of realnessWhat's real to himEverybody's ...

Obie Trice - Mr. Trice
[Hook]YeaThis is the CoonI'm with my man Mr. TriceDef entertainment bout to take ov...

Obie Trice - Never Forget Ya
[Verse 1 - Obie Trice]Yes I understand I done came a long wayFrom huggin them corners to appear...

Obie Trice - Rap Name
[Obie Trice]Obie Trice, real name no gimmicksRap; I been in it ever since I was inventedT...

Obie Trice - Well Known Asshole
[Chorus - (Scratched)](I am in fact, unbelivable)The name's Obie Trice, the well known asshole...

Obie Trice - Yo!
[Obie Trice]Yo, Obie Trice, yoI'm with backdoor productions, no discussion,O Trice be the...

Ok Go - 1000 Miles Per Hour
Another long quiet night...Another long quiet, lonely night spent at your side.Not a lot left to say.....

Ok Go - Bye Bye Baby
"Bye bye, baby" Cybil says as she walks out the door. You can bet that Hollywood looks oh-so-good, muc...

Ok Go - C-c-c-cinnamon Lips
C-C-C-Cinnamon lips and candy kisses, on my tongue. Fun! B-B-B-Buttery eyes, if only cries could come from t...

Ok Go - Don't Ask Me
Quit acting so friendly. Don't nod don't laugh all nicely. Don't think you'll up-end me. Don't s...

Ok Go - Get Over It
Lot of knots, lot of snags, lot of holes, lot of cracks lot of crags. Lot of naggin' old hags, lot of ...

Ok Go - Hello, My Treacherous Friends
Sitting for lunch in a square in this town (this town that I'm new to), new fellow from my new town sa...

Ok Go - Return
Now its years since your body went flat and even memories of thatare all think and dull, all gravel and glas...

Ok Go - Shortly Before The End
How long did we all think this all would last?Who could have counted days as they flew past?But before...

Ok Go - The Fix Is In
When we got to Boston, we knew we'd missed a turn.No one back in traffic school hadtold us there are s...

Ok Go - There's A Fire
Stop getting me off track. I mean it, there's a problem here. This time it is for real... how ca...

Ok Go - What To Do
Come on in, sweetie-pie! Have an apple, have some lye...Leave your friends, righteous and pathetic, standing...

Ok Go - You're So Damn Hot
I saw you sliding out the bar. I saw you slipping out the back door, baby. Don't even try and find a l...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - All In Together Now
[Ol' Dirty Bastard]Yeah youknowhatI'msayin? It's all I'm sayinKnahmsayin? Yo I'ma tell all y'a...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Baby C'mon
Yo, are you taping baby?Baby are you taping?Ohh yeahhahhahheeyahhhyahhhhohhhyahhhhBaby baby c'mo...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Brooklyn Zoo
[Ol' Dirty Bastard]Word up, I bust that nigga ass right now!Ain't none of them niggaz can't fuc...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - C'mon
[Intro:]Yo, are you taping baby?Baby are you taping?Ohh yeahhahhahheeyahhhyahhhhohhhyahhh...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Cold Blooded
Y'all no nothing about the pimp game,I wanna thank Rick James for letting me do this songThank you ver...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Cracker Jack
"C'mon baby, c'mon c'mon baby" [repeats in background all throughout the song]"You bitches can'...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Dirt Dog
[Ol' Dirty Bastard]C'mon, fuck that shit[panting hard seven times]Yo bitches out t...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Dirty The Moocher
[Ol' Dirty Bastard]Ladies and gentlemen introducing Cab CallowayFeaturing the Dirt DogFir...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Don't U Know Part Ii
[Intro: Ol Dirty Bastard, Shorty Shit Stain]Yo, turn the-- drop the, drop the drumsYeah, ...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Drunk Game (sweet Sugar Pie)
Yo imagine, imagine the shitDrunk as hell and shitAnd you going into a fuckin bar and shitYou st...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Give It To Ya Raw
[Ol' Dirty Bastard]Give it to ya raw!Yo, it's that old school shitAbout 12 years old...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Goin' Down
I am the U-N-I, The Q-U-E, the G to the O-DI said I go by the unforgettable name of the man called Unique G...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Harlem World
[Intro: Ol Dirty Bastard, Shorty Shit Stain, and others][the first line originally ended "Di...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Hippa To Da Hoppa
My beats are slammin...[Verse One:]My beats are slammin from the rugged programming...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - I Can't Wait
Yo, Yo MiamiYo Cali-ForniaNorth East West and South motherfuckaYo Check this outThis is Di...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Intro
Ahh ahh, I never saw so many people tonightI mean y'all all got it crowded up in here and that's goodI...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - I Want Pussy
Stink hos [repeat 6X]I want pussy for free, I want pussy for freeYou can not have my mone...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Nigga Please
[ODB]I ain't no niggaMy words can't be held against meI'm not caught up in your law...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Raw Hide
(fest. Method Man, Raekwon)[Intro: Ol' Dirty Bastard + (some Jamaican woman)]Yeah!...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Reunited
[Chorus: Ol' Dirty Bastard (singin)]Reunited cuz it feels so good Reunited cuz we're understood...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Rollin' Wit You
You can't imitate me on this fuckin tapeYou ain't ringing the bell I'm ready when you are(You ai...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Shimmy Shimmy Ya
[Intro:](Oh, fuck, you can't even sing.)Hey, baby, I like it rawww...Yeah bab...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Shimmy Shimmy Ya (extended Version)
[Intro:]Oooh baby I like it rawYeah baby I like it rawwwOooh baby I like it raw...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Stomp
[Intro]Sing the song, sing along with meSing the song, sing the song with me...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Sussudio
Dirty?Phil CollinsOl' DirtyYeah, Su-su-ssudioSudioo[Ol' Dirty Bastard...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - You Don't Want To Fuck With Me
Yo, when I say you don't want to fuck with me I'm not talking to you girl (and woman)Yo, 'cause y'all ...

Ol' Dirty Bastard - Zoo Two
[Ol Dirty Bastard]I'll grab and the mic and now I damage you, cut your whole staminaHere comes ...

Oleander - 30 60 90
Hey, you can't complain about the sunshineWhen you're feeling a flatlineAnd you're stuck in a low...

Oleander - Are You There?
When I feel too far awayFrom where I want to beThere's nothing left for me, yeahWhen I feel too ...

Oleander - Back Home Years Ago
Summer of love came and it wentWe played with our lives before they were spentWe were young and unafra...

Oleander - Benign
Would it be so hard for youTo state just for the recordThat you've done your best to do nothing at all...

Oleander - Better Luck Next Time
Some say life is what you make itSome say life is for the takingAs for me, I'm only getting by...

Oleander - Boys Don't Cry
i would say i'm sorry if i thought that it would change your mindbut i know that this time i have said too m...

Oleander - Champion
ThanksFor everything you areFor everything you wereFor always taking care For always makin...

Oleander - Come To Say
If you're sad and madBut glad to be away and freeFrom all the pain you've knownInside you feel y...

Oleander - Don't Break My Fall
What can I say?When every word you won't believe anywayNo promise madeJust means there's nothing...

Oleander - Down When I'm Loaded
who is to blame for the way that you are, the things that you say andall the things that you do.who is...

Oleander - Fountain & Vine
Open your shelters and let us all inTired and homeless and hungry againOutside my window at fountain &...

Oleander - Goodbye
Anything that you wantAnything that you needAnything that you haven't gotten yetThat you want fr...

Oleander - Halo
And it's always little things That to the surface bringsThe comfort in the pain The fear behind ...

Oleander - Hands Off The Wheel
Don't it make you sadTo lose the things you loveFor what you never had?Don't it make you c...

Oleander - How Could I?
memories and silence fills each roomoverwhelming heavy as the tidal waves consumeburied underneath the...

Oleander - I Walk Alone
I can't take this anymoreAnd I'm almost pretty sureI've been here beforeI can't take this any lo...

Oleander - Jimmy Shaker Day
Come onEveryoneGrab a gunRunOh yeahBut try not to be yellow Surrender to me...

Oleander - Joyride
You got to get it to give awayYou got to give it to get awayOutside feelin kind of fadedIn...

Oleander - King Of Good Intentions
There's nowhere left to turnThere's no one left to burnThere's nothing left to gainThere's no on...

Oleander - Leave It All Behind
Here we goCloser to the endLet me knowI'll be your only friendThings you thought you under...

Oleander - Lost Cause
even if we say we do, it don't mean that we willit don't mean that we're going toeven if we say we'll ...

Oleander - Never Again
some of us never see the lightuntil it's out of sightgive up without a fightsome of use fall and...

Oleander - Off & On
Do you hide from the way you feel inside?Do you rage?Can you turn the page in time?If its ...

Oleander - Rainy Day
Another rainy daySunlight in your eyesI sleep the day awayWithout you by my sideI wanna sa...

Oleander - Runaway Train
Its a corner that you turnIts a lesson that you learn in timeIts a worry that you feelAnot...

Oleander - She's Up, She's Down
It's easier to fallWhen there's someone there to break itIt's easy to abuseWhen there's someone ...

Oleander - Shrinking The Blob
the deeper you get the more you sink into itfaster you fall the more you crawl away from itwe're siame...

Oleander - Stupid
so sad to hear that you don't want to hang around with meso lame to see you leave and to know that you belie...

Oleander - Tightrope
Can't find yourselfIf you're lost in a crowdCan't hear advice If you're screaming out loud...

Oleander - Unwind
Evolution's overwhelmingCheck your head this train is wreckingIn timeUnwind Everyone just ...

Oleander - Where Were You Then?
sooner or later you and me will be lost dumb blind and freesooner or later you and i won't have anywhere to ...

Oleander - Why I'm Here
it's the reason for my painin a season to celebratei don't wanna be full of hatefor anybody, but...

Oleander - You'll Find Out
even if you turn awaysweep it all asideunder the rugnothing ventured nothing gainedbut you...

Oleander - Your If You Like
Caught a glimpse and like a fool I let her inConsequently I discovered there's no end Open your eyes...

Olivia - Are U Capable
[Rap:]Get your cock stiff and change the topicMansion in the tropics, hot shitLaser cut k...

Olivia - Bring Da Roof Down
[Hook:]Two in the morning And you're ready to rockI got my ladies sitting at the bar ...

Olivia - It's On Again
[Verse 1:]The places brings back memories as I walk by quiet streamsThe caress of a wind ...

Olivia - Lower 2 My Heart
I've been waiting, anticipating, don't make me wait, ummm, don't make me waitTick tock feelin' k...

Olivia - Silly Bitch In Love
There's two things you don't fuck withA girl's dough, and her heartSo I'm here to let y'all niggas kno...

Olivia - When 2 Souls Touch
It's a natural feelingAnd it always comes easyLike a gentle summer breezeBlowing softly through ...

Olivia - Woop-t-woo
[Verse1:]I'm sick and tired of you coming home lateI look across the table, all I see is a cold...

Olivia - You Got The Damn Thing
UnderdogsYou know you got the damn thingYou got the damn thing I like(oh yeah)you know you got t...

Omarion - Damn
[Omarion talking:]Yeah, uhh, YeahI don't know if yallready for this one right hereO...

Omarion - Fiening You
Uh yeah ahh one of those ? Kind of thangs T.U.G Listen (Baby Girls)[Verse One]...

Omarion - Growing Pains
I cant live with you, but I cant live with out yaNot breathing with you, it hard to breathe without ya...

Omarion - I Know
[Verse 1]With him thinkin about me.Huggin me and kissin me.Say that you're dreamin ...

Omarion - I'm Gon' Change
[Omarion verse 1]I'm gon changeI'm gon changeI'm gon changeI'm gon change...

Omarion - I'm Tryin'
[Omarion Talking:]Damn, I really messed up this timeBut Imma make it up to youListen...

Omarion - O
O...Let me tell you girlOh...hey here I go, here I goI know you heard me say itTime and ti...

Omarion - Slow Dancin'
[Verse 1:]ISee you across the roomI had to come get at youYou want itModel Ch...

Omarion - Touch
Yeah. Lets get real comfortableLay backWhatLemmie tell you what i'm thinkin'Look...

One True Voice - After You're Gone (i'll Still Be Missing You)
We started out togetherNever knew what lay aheadWe knew it wasn't easyNot even knowing where lif...

One Voice - All That 2 Me
It only took one look at your faceIn seconds i know you are the one I'd be with night and dayOnl...

One Voice - Always On My Mind
my friends tell me i'm crazythey say that i'm strangethey tell me ever since i met you i've changed...

One Voice - Before You Go Tomorrow
I cant leave you but i know you cant stayi never thought our love could end up this wayand i cant imag...

One Voice - Boyfriend
[chorus]u wanna be mah boyfriend u know ure not readyu wanna be mah boyfriendu know...

One Voice - Come With Me
[1st Verse:]I got a call, a telephone call todaySomebody's offing a job a thousand miles away...

One Voice - Crying Game
I think that I have played this game beforeIt's been a little whileSo I'm no that sureMaybe they...

One Voice - Do We Stand A Chance
Ever since I set mah eyes on youI knew you were the oneThat I've been waiting for so long...So m...

One Voice - Get Your Hands Off Me
[1st Verse:]365 you call me all the timeI'm picking up my line, U say I'm looking fineTal...

One Voice - Here I Go (fallin' In Love Again)
I swore i'd never get involved Said i'd never ever fall in lovecuz it hurt me once beforewould i...

One Voice - I Don't Wanna Dance Alone
She pinches herself because the thought it was make believeFoolish girl her happiness she could not see...

One Voice - Lovin' U
lovin uish easy cuz u're beautifuland makin luv wit uish all i wanna dolovin u...

One Voice - Mad About U
i've been hoping everyday that you would come my waymy dreams came true the minute i laid my eyes on u...

One Voice - Make Believe
[Rap:]I know it's hard to believe itWhat were you thinkingEverything you thought was gone...

One Voice - My Angel
[1st Verse:]As I sit and think about yesterdayI feel the pain inside (oh yeah)All the tro...

One Voice - Never Leave Your Side
I know you're feeling downBecause she broke your heartDon't think that it's the end you just gotta try...

One Voice - Never Leave Your Side - Remix
[1st Verse:]I know your feeling downBecause she broke your heartDont think that it's the ...

One Voice - Serenade
Bah Bah Bah Haa HaaBah Bah Bah Haa Haa[1st Verse:]Must have been an angelSwee...

One Voice - So Badd
My recollectionI was lookin' in my rearview reflectionU were at the spotlight headin' the other direct...

One Voice - Swing Your Love 2 Me
[1st Verse:]Hey - Baby - Boy - Ya get down - With a girl - That don't appreciate - U What U - W...

One Voice - Thru It All
I used to think that lonely was what I'd always beI used to lie awake at night afraid of facing my fear...

One Voice - Too Much Heaven
Nobody gets to muchHeaven no moreIt's much harderTo come byI'm waiting in line...

One Voice - True Love
Never wanna fall in love again Don't ever wanna feel the pain againDon't wanna see another love turn i...

One Voice - U Brighten Up My Life
[1st Verse:]Hopin' 4 the sun - One rainy dayWishin' that the rain - Would go awaySo many ...

One Voice - When U Think About Me
[Talking:]I know you want meI got your mind paralysedIs it the infatuation that keeps you...

Opm - Brighter Side
Sometimes I forget that you're not here Can't believe it's been a year Since you flew away ...

Opm - El Captitan
Ive been rockin since the 1900sa microphone and two 1200'sso back in the day we use to fuck with Alize...

Opm - Fish Out Of Water
picture this... another monday morning, you go to work but you don't know why your going, everyday it'...

Opm - Heaven Is A Halfpipe
If I die before I wakeat least in heaven I can skatecause right now on earth I cant do jackwitho...

Opm - Stash Up
Put your hands up This is a stash up Pull the trigger and you're gonna get mashed up [x4]...

Opm - Trucha
Masked with nylon with a can of krylon while onpoint see you through the walls we write on ride strong...

Opm - Unda
Now Id like to dedicate this to all my teachers who said Id be a failurean under achiever ...

The Ordinary Boys - In Awe Of The Awful
You barged into this a lie And now you're far too deep to...stop, When your eyes were full of fire ...

The Ordinary Boys - Just A Song
Oh, to get ahead in this world,Takes a lot of kind words,And ruthless damning actions,And I hope...

The Ordinary Boys - Little Bitch
If you ever hear a noise in the nightyour body starts to sweat,it shakes and shivers in frightyo...

The Ordinary Boys - Maybe Someday
One, two, three, four!Why should, you leave your home,Oh, when the TV's on,Oh, when I was ...

The Ordinary Boys - Over The Counter Culture
Over the counter culture,Well that's right where you belong,You try to sever your ties with the London...

The Ordinary Boys - Robots & Monkeys
Where have they gone?Where have they gone?All the days when we didn't know right from wrong, oh no....

The Ordinary Boys - Seaside
Well I'm here,But where are you?You're inside with better things to do.With better things ...

The Ordinary Boys - Settle Down
Brimming with useless information,Spilling thoughts void of true opinion,Yet you'll fight it to the de...

The Ordinary Boys - Talk Talk Talk
A healthy argument to start the day,What better way?We chew the fat of life,We're moved to tears...

The Ordinary Boys - The List Goes On
Radio play just depresses me todayWhy is it so throw awayThe lists that you writeJust to classif...

The Ordinary Boys - Weekend Revolution
The daily drudge deals a mean hand,Menial commerce makes a mean man,You're gonna, you're gonna have a ...

The Ordinary Boys - Week In Week Out
Is there something more?Surely there must be.You can't lose everything,So you're quite happy....

Orgy - 107
It's about this constant addiction About this greater demand As i reach for the laugh with only second...

Orgy - All The Same
You think it's all the same But I want you to believe I could be so like you By now you've figured out...

Orgy - Ashamed
You and your misfit friends leaving dirty f*****g messagesYou're always right, you're always right, you're a...

Orgy - Beautiful Disgrace
I see the real youYou put me in my placeClose to perfectionYou're out of control; you're out of ...

Orgy - Blue Monday
How does it feel to treat me like you do When you've laid your hands upon me And told me who you are ...

Orgy - Can't Take This
I can't take thisNo I can't take this No I can't take this 'Cause this is f*****g up my mind...

Orgy - Chasing Sirens
If you need to change your style sometimes To please and satisfy They'll call you a hypocrite Yo...

Orgy - Dissention
Found out you're really something They talk about you Then turn your confidence against you now ...

Orgy - Dizzy
You're just another pretty face In a room full of whores No you don't mean much Used to be so na...

Orgy - Dramatica
I caught their sparkle from the runway Such a fool for the amazon Nothing's wrong but it's just not ri...

Orgy - Eva
you know i've started to grow since you've been away.lately it's scarier not knowing, what's become of...

Orgy - Eyes-radio-lies
Slipping past position You know i watch you drive Watching you painted in chrome Max Factor And ...

Orgy - Faces
Did you think I'd play these games with you?Did you think I couldn't help it?I'm strong enoughI'...

Orgy - Fetisha
Fe-tish-a Day glow all of you Made for those little sick ones Played out in super drag ...

Orgy - Fiction (dreams In Digital)
she's lost in coma where it's beautifulintoxicated from the deep sleep, deep sleepdo you wonder what i...

Orgy - Fiend
What's behind your painted face Can you see the real pig in the mirror Revenge you breed I hate ...

Orgy - Gender
I wish I was infinite and given my way I'd be so fucking cool When I'm feeling the rush I look a...

Orgy - Inside My Head
Every time you think of me like your g*****n trophyIt just pushes me awayPushes meI never ...

Orgy - Leave Me Out
I know you don't mindInvading my space, just leave me alone(get you're a** off the phone)Just be...

Orgy - Make Up Your Mind
Make up your mindYou couldn't make me Anymore crazyThan I could stand to beSo ...

Orgy - Opticon
Let's fake an answer for the curious Let's fake it all for the fame They'll think delivering was easy ...

Orgy - Pantomime
They feel they've raised her the new queen of evolution Her fate won't see to that Cause we're gonna k...

Orgy - Platinum
You can't escape what makes you tragic you know Vicious cause you want to be Leaving time possessed to...

Orgy - Pure
Don't you bring me downKick me when I'm downPut me away again Every now and thenYour...

Orgy - Re-creation
I could've made you a wish but it wouldn't come true The white trash bitch controls you Born and...

Orgy - Revival
So what's with your kind You scavenge to find what makes you Supreme in design Accuse you 'cause...

Orgy - Saving Faces
She lives the glamour days The Euro-fashion phase So set another trap some other way 'Cause she'...

Orgy - Social Enemies
Social weapons that miss Pretend them to save cowards Bastards to shame Condemned social slaves ...

Orgy - Stitches
If it stayed i'd never leave it If that turned around I'd grieve the special dirty things that we used...

Orgy - Suckerface
Bringing back the time cause we know you're special.And we think you know you're wrong. Bringing back ...

Orgy - The Obvious
Wake me from this altered stateMy future's looking, brighter all the timeI'm stumbling and delirious...

Orgy - The Odyssey
What would you do if you finally believed in yourself, but you just don't know your ass from a hole in the g...

Orgy - Vague
Chemicals keep me under controlChemicals keep me under controlChemicals keep me under controlChe...

Orgy - Vapor Transmission (intro)
welcome to the andrion systemtransmission sequesnce activatedvapor engagedwaiting transmission a...

Orgy - Where's Gerrold
You're light bright and animated A demolition color scheme mismatched and complicated Who put the hex ...

O'ryan - 45 Minutes
Yeah, ORyan T-ScottMH[Chorus x2]In The Club 5 minutes mami looking at me ...

O'ryan - Anything
If you want it and i got itI'll give it to youAnd if you need itJust call me, i'll be there for ...

O'ryan - Bad Situation
See Baby Its hard cause I care about you But you my best friends girlAnd I cant get in between t...

O'ryan - Going Out Your Way
[Chorus]We both got somethinWe wantingWhose gonna get what they wantI'm tryin give ...

O'ryan - I'm Coming
[Verse 1:]I'm working late againIt seems as soon as I get backI'm on the plane again...

O'ryan - In A Bad Way
YeahTurn me up a lil bitOkUhYo, i never felt this way about a girl beforeBut I do......

O'ryan - Jus Anotha Shorty
[1st Verse]Tell me how did I get in a situation like thisWhere I'm feelin fadinGirl you g...

O'ryan - She Loves The Club
[Verse 1:]Damn you playing games already'Cause you sorta got me sea-sick, waving your belly...

O'ryan - Shorty
[Verse 1:]Hip hop, that hop-hop the hippy, when theyJ-Kwon I'm known to stay pretty, when...

O'ryan - Take It Slow
[Verse One:]I'm in my ride at the corner by the lightBout to pull up in front of your door...

Otep - Autopsy Song
Open wide, look inside [x2]At my autopsyI feel likeA womanI feel likeI ...

Otep - Battle Ready
KUAN!!simple souls overload as i explode data bankscuz the earth & space gave birth to this pale...

Otep - Blood Pig
eye'm sorryeye'm uglyall that i amand i can never live upeye'm failingeye'm an...

Otep - Buried Alive
I speak in verses, prophecies, and curses [x2]I hate my lifeNo miracle is comingHate you...

Otep - Emtee
eye remembersufferingeye remember... feeling the stingof childhood& inje...

Otep - Fillthee
Lying naked aloneOn the bathroom floorEvacuating pain... fearNO MORE!And I can't get...

Otep - Gutter
I onceDreamed of a worldWithout consequencesWithout remindersOf thisBrutalGutt...

Otep - Hooks & Splinters
You fucking parasiteI'll beat you til you dieIt hides inside me [x3]Sic semper tyrannus...

Otep - House Of Secrets
Shh It's okay, it's okayThis is ourDirty, little, secretWe're all alone in the cityM...

Otep - Menocide
killing mehe's killing mewe killing meme killing mekilling me ......infe...

Otep - My Confession
... my confessionbecause i'm diluted&perfectly flawedi shalllive by pass...

Otep - Nein
My pain, my pride, these scars are mine [x3]I will tell you a storyThat's never been told...

Otep - Requiem
Oh great fanged mother I call upon theeAriseWith VengeanceAnd a voiceOf blasphemy...

Otep - Sacrilege
(resurrection .. is for those ..who didn't get it right - the first time ...)(eternal salvation ...

Otep - Self-made
No [x3]Into the defectThe reasonThe sourceOf all this MyseryAnd extract...

Otep - Sepsis
Sha Nagba Imurru [x2]All names, all formsObsessed aboutMoney and powerObsessed abou...

Otep - Shattered Pieces
And this is how the world died [x2]I can hear you judging meI'll hear your confessionI fo...

Otep - Suicide Trees
I spent mywhole lifeIn love with despairKept my lungs fullWith the breath of thierMu...

Otep - The Lord Is My Weapon
eternal salvation suffers from invasionsay what you need to, save your soulbut don't fuck with m...

Otep - Thots
nothings changedthe senates still corrupt& the emporer remains insaneand everydayis ...

Otep - Tortured
and eye was like 13and it was a Sunday morning eye thinkandeye think both my parents were ...

Otep - T.r.i.c.
To all u weak mcs.... all u hardcore wannabe'zif u step into the ring be prepared to swing!! ...(WHUT??)...

Otep - Warhead
Why?The king of liesIs aliveLook aroundLook insideInfidel [x3]It begins...

O-town - All For Love
All for love, babyGirl what I do, I'll do it for youAll for love, babyBaby, my love, it's all fo...

O-town - American Game
So here it goesThe story of my life so I've been toldGet on follow boy or you'll be left out in the co...

O-town - Been Around The World
Hey Yeah HmmmmWell it's been four lonely days and three lonely nightsLooking for my baby but she...

O-town - Comin' To The Rescue
If you're tumbling down and your spirits fallHelp's on the wayWe hear your call On a missi...

O-town - Craving
Lying here on the couchWith my heart in the mouthRealize you were right I was wrong andI'm in pi...

O-town - Every 6 Seconds
Every six seconds Every six seconds Baby I can't stop My mind from slipping Every six seco...

O-town - Favorite Girl
Mmmmm, MmmmmYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahMmmmm, YeahIt was like there she was (she's ...

O-town - From The Damage
This time I'm done with always screwing upI'm sick of one direction downI'm a broken picture frame...

O-town - Girl Like That
We're goin' out tonightNew shell toes with blue stripesMy braves cap to the sideFaded blue Levi'...

O-town - I Only Dance With You
Ohh, ohhOhhhGirl, I remember how it all beganYou introduced her as your friendBut I ...

O-town - I Showed Her
It's catching up to me right nowEverything that I've saidThe night I left her thereWhen I said I...

O-town - I Still Love You
Well I knew something wasnt right the other nightWhen she came to bed angryWe used to talk before but ...

O-town - Make Her Say
in a world full of posers, phonies, and wannabees,there finally emerges a groupwhich has come to set t...

O-town - Meant For You
Ooh OohWake Up in the morningI can't wait to see your faceNever been this happy in all my life...

O-town - One Heart
One heart, can make a difference.One joy, can change it all.One road, can drive all the distance....

O-town - Over Easy
You said that it's over, over easyIf I let go the pain will subside'cause sayin' goodbye's never prett...

O-town - Say, Say
Are you thinking what I'm thinkingEvery little momentEvery special wordHas so much meaning that ...

O-town - See You Again
Ohhhh!I like your styleI love your smile baby Taken my durabilityTaken the ability...

O-town - Suddenly
She said it wasn't my faultShe said we gave it our allAs she walked awayI never saw a girl's eye...

O-town - Take Me Under
I want you to close your eyes And fall into a deep trance And when I count to three You'll wake ...

O-town - The Joint
(DJ can you play it as a favour for me?)[scratch](DJ can you play it as a favour for me?)...

O-town - We Fit Together
I've been waiting for the stars to come out Dinner it was fine, But I can't lie 'cause I've been waiti...

O-town - You Bring Me Under
Oooh...My mind is suffocatingBy your deep sighThe scent of you has got meSo blind, why, wh...

O-town - You Can't Lose Me
OoohYeah yeahYou can't lose meYou can lose your faith in lovingYou can lose the will...

Our Lady Peace - All My Friends
All my friendsAlone on a hillThey're just looking downWith violent minds out on loanThey'r...

Our Lady Peace - Annie
You're a little bit shyA little too quietYou're the mixed up girlThat everybody leaves behind...

Our Lady Peace - Are You Sad?
Your life has been so hardIt's dried up angels that can't keep guardI'm trying to reach your hand...

Our Lady Peace - Blister
Lately I can't breatheWaiting they're chasing meNo one listens but i'm ok with itOnly I wo...

Our Lady Peace - Bring Back The Sun
A little white houseIts everything we've dreamed aboutI wanted you to knowIm hanging up my ego...

Our Lady Peace - Consequence Of Laughing
Take all your pills and divide themBy colour & sizeTake all your problems and advise themThat e...

Our Lady Peace - Dear Prudence
dear prudence, won't you come out to play dear prudence, greet the brand new day the sun is up, the sk...

Our Lady Peace - Denied
the telephone is ringing, disconnect the line the tension is building but I'm alright the stars are co...

Our Lady Peace - Dirty Walls
so you feel that stain of dried up discussions without weight It's that feeling you will not have to destroy...

Our Lady Peace - Do You Like It
I crawled out from the pain of yesterdayI crawled to you andI said all the things that you said to say...

Our Lady Peace - Eternal Life
eternal life is now on my trail got my red glitter coffin, man, just need one last nail while all thes...

Our Lady Peace - Everyone's A Junkie
I'm not waiting for the answers On a Sunday afternoon I'm just too drunk to remember Why I alway...

Our Lady Peace - Happiness & The Fish
I confessEveryone is overweightAnd I'm obsessedTalking is just masturbatingWithout the mes...

Our Lady Peace - Hope
Hope climbs atop of the piano reaching out towards the warmth of the sun some man tries to ask her dow...

Our Lady Peace - If You Believe
So, you've made up your mindYou're tired of tryingTime to be scaredAnd you wanted to flyYo...

Our Lady Peace - Innocent
Oh, Johnny wishes he was famousSpends his time alone In the basementWith Lennon and Cobain...

Our Lady Peace - In Repair
Well it's good to know that you'll be okayI've been waiting for thisAnd I'll be there to sitWhil...

Our Lady Peace - Is Anybody Home?
Goodbye, the future's sold outThere's no use screaming Who thought we'd ever get this farTonight...

Our Lady Peace - Is It Safe?
time can't fix it fast enough, so we won't notice what it was that went wrong I saw something there mu...

Our Lady Peace - Julia
Can you see her standing there,Well shes trying to find just anywhere.Flowers in her hand, yesSh...

Our Lady Peace - Life
How many times have you been pushed around?Was anybody there?Does anybody care?How many time hav...

Our Lady Peace - Lying Awake
I'm here to wear you outI'm here to watch you hideNothing to figure outI'm here to watch you die...

Our Lady Peace - Made Of Steel
I can be anything That you want me to beA punching bagA piece of stringThat reminds you no...

Our Lady Peace - Made To Heal
I gave up on you. And your exercise And the world that I knew Then, I fell back on you. Ca...

Our Lady Peace - Middle Of Yesterday
You feel the love You feel the past It's all the things you thought you had Oh, I woke up ...

Our Lady Peace - Naveed
are you there, and is it comfortable? did you want to escape, try to escape the population? the pressu...

Our Lady Peace - Neon Crossing
all you people can feel it waiting innocence and love, wrapped in the arms of the burning neon I feel ...

Our Lady Peace - Not Enough
Theres nothing you can sayNothing you can doNothing in betweenYou know the truthNothing le...

Our Lady Peace - One Man Army
Take these plastic peopleRead their lips, now let it lingerIs there anything that makes them sound sin...

Our Lady Peace - Out Of Here
you don't understand and you don't try and see the white is too dull we need the reds and the gr...

Our Lady Peace - Potato Girl
We live , we dieI don't know the reasons we ask whyWe hate , we pushRecent tests show we all are...

Our Lady Peace - Right Behind You (mafia)
You haven't seen the world outside for days You sleep, you hope, you waitImagination disappearsA...

Our Lady Peace - R.k. 1949-97
In 1949 George Orwell portrays a chilling world in which computers are used by large bureaucracies to monito...

Our Lady Peace - R.k. 2029
The year is 2029. The machines will convince us that they are conscious, that they have their own agen...

Our Lady Peace - R.k. 2029 (pt. 2)
2029 there is a growing discussion about the legal rights of computers and what constitutes being human ...

Our Lady Peace - R.k. Intro
The age of spiritual machines. Ten to fifteen billion years ago, the universe was born ...

Our Lady Peace - R.k. On Death
Take death for example. A great deal of our effort goes into avoiding it. We make extraordinary effort...

Our Lady Peace - Sell My Soul
How do you feelHow do you hate How do you wake up withThat smile that's on your faceOut on...

Our Lady Peace - Sorry
Today's a reason for livingToday's the blood from a stoneToday's the light from a candleHelping ...

Our Lady Peace - Supersatellite
i've read the bible, i've read Dylan, i'm reading people now because it is much more chilling i ...

Our Lady Peace - The Birdman
hopelessly a man starts to feed your dayonce he was there you never looked backhow did you think that ...

Our Lady Peace - The Needle And The Damage Done
caught you knocking at my cellar door love you baby can i have some more? oh... the damage done ...

Our Lady Peace - The Wonderful Future
She builds her own satelliteFrom an old rusted chairShe leaves this old world behindAnd the thin...

Our Lady Peace - Thief
I don't want to understand this horrorThere's a weight in your eyesI can't admitEverybody ends u...

Our Lady Peace - Tomorrow Never Knows
listen to the colour of your dreams... turn off your mind, relax and float downstream then it's not dy...

Our Lady Peace - Trapeze
can't believe she fell the silence was unnerving the crowd began to yell was the thought of her ...

Our Lady Peace - Under Zenith
maybe they'll come back again maybe they're all gone one day you'll find me sending their message strong ...

Our Lady Peace - Waited
Hit the ground,Weighed down againYou walked outBut I'm sure you're my friendIt must ...

Ours - As I Wander
As I wander at the bottom of the sandThe fish tonight swim in melodyOh these people, we've got to love...

Ours - Bleed
She won't mind, she's got bills to payShe won't mind, because I come todayIts feels so wrong to be rig...

Ours - Broken
It's not your faultThey pushed you too farAnd all of your thoughtsCame apart within soThey...

Ours - Chapter 2 (money)
They pissed around me and tried to drown meThey wake in panic to a poisoned atticThey wake in panic...

Ours - Dancing Alone
Waking from his eyes ......He's just a child we'll have to tryI was just kidding all the timeHow...

Ours - Disaster In A Halo
Lately Ive been thinking about what you saidTime is growing old and I am getting colderHungers just a ...

Ours - Dizzy
We ranWe starved the thingsThat feelOutbackThe drunken waters steal from meIf ...

Ours - Drowning
Oh it sounds like a fire in storeHolding down while the tides are strongI survive a wave but now I'm g...

Ours - Fallen Souls
Pray, i don't know if it's sacred, or notyou say, that we can fall apart at anytimebreathe for the who...

Ours - Femme Fatale
Here she comes, you better watch your stepShe's going to break your heart in two, it's trueIt's not ha...

Ours - Here Is The Light
The deepest repent is coming tonight, I turn off the lightDon't leave yet... repeatedA pale colored bo...

Ours - If Flowers Turn
Flowers for a girl who was placed in the darkFlowers from a world that had taken her heartThey looked ...

Ours - I'm A Monster
Am I a bad guy?Am I a bad soul?My eyes roll backwardMy head fell forwardWe want the vampir...

Ours - In A Minute
I can be just like the othersI can act just like your brotherI can dress just like your motherI ...

Ours - Kill The Band
The sky was screaming I lost youI tried, but me what could I do?Get out the bad undo your head Think a...

Ours - Leaves
I see the morning paper, I crumble it to bitsCause it's bad againHow long will it take us?To fin...

Ours - Medication
Wake me up wise by morningI want to breath the dayThis is my final warningKeep all the clouds aw...

Ours - Meet Me In The Tower
I'm paralyzed from head downRealized pushing their doubtsI'm burned by all the fireThats spread ...

Ours - Miseryhead
christ, your head. what's it become?while the whole world's out having funi'm in a cloud, it's p...

Ours - Outside
Oh no feels like I'm fallingAway from myselfOutside feels like it's callingCalling.......

Ours - Places
Past love died, as she cried, I saw beautyGirls wished for boys and scared them awayAs I saw beauty...

Ours - Realize
Anytime, anyplace, come around, go awayThere's a sound then it fades, turn it down make it stayIf I co...

Ours - Red Colored Stars
Ill open my eyes and a new day will comeIll see red colored stars in the sky and in your eyesFast away...

Ours - Sometimes
pressure fried the coldest headbent to the side wishing he was deadand i would still defendi wou...

Outkast - Ain't No Thang
[Dre]A nigga ready from the get go (blowe, blowe, blowe) Y'all hear my shit go, it's Andre. Can...

Outkast - Aquemini
[Hook]Even the sun goes down heroes eventually dieHoroscopes often lie and sometimes "y"...

Outkast - Atliens
[Verse One: Big Boi]Well it's the M - I - crooked letter, ain't no one betterAnd when I'm...

Outkast - Babylon
I came into this world high as a birdFrom second hand cocain powder i know it sounds absurdI nev...

Outkast - Behold A Lady
[Andre 3000]Sophistafunk, aristocatsDistinguished stars, clean up your actsPull up your p...

Outkast - Benz Or Beemer
["It all started at an accident scene on Bankhead and Ash Street.It's not clear if the suspect caused it; it...

Outkast - B.o.b. (bombs Over Baghdad)
[Dre]1, 2.. 1, 2, 3; yeah!In-slum-national, undergroundThunder pounds when I stomp the gr...

Outkast - Call Of Da Wild
I'll be comin around the ghetto when I come kickin one for the trebleY'all can't stoop to my level, I'm like...

Outkast - Chonkyfire
Yo, this is my story, this is my songAnd to them rudypoots don't attempt to try this at homeIt's just ...

Outkast - Church
Man, have you ever really wonderedLike why are we here? What the meanin to all of this?[Chor...

Outkast - Claimin' True
[Big Boi]Well it is I, the pimp playin nigga that you heard about Yeah, I got the money and a h...

Outkast - Club Donkey Ass (interlude)
[people talking in club][Girl]Hey baby[Guy]Wutsup?[Girl]...

Outkast - Crumblin' Erb
[Verse One: Andre]Yessuh Let me dig into your brain, folks fallin like rain Property got ...

Outkast - Da Art Of Storytellin' (part 1)
[Big Boi]Yea..Somebody hit me the other day, for a rendezvousWas it the bitch that fucked...

Outkast - Da Art Of Storytellin' (part 2)
[Andre Benjamin]Yea yea yea yeah yah yoBaby did you hear that yea baby I heard it tooLook...

Outkast - D.e.e.p.
Greetings, earthlings. Take me to your leader (Ooh Shit!) [Chorus: repeat 2X]D.E.E.P. you...

Outkast - Elevators (dnp 86 Mix)
[Verse One: Andre]One for the money yes uhh two for the showA couple of years ago on Head...

Outkast - Elevators (me & You)
[Verse One: Andre]One for the money yes uhh two for the showA couple of years ago on Head...

Outkast - Everlasting
[Andre:]Now sittin' in the bathtub listening to the IsleyBrothers and others outside my door wa...

Outkast - Extraterrestrial
[Big Boi:]Peep what I sayEveryday--the sun sets just like clockworkPut the glock to...

Outkast - Flim Flam (interlude)
[music in background][Seller]Ey ey ey, watsup playa i got these gold chains,14 k.....

Outkast - Funky Ride
[Intro/Chorus:]Let me take you on a funky ride All around the world And ahh, if you let m...

Outkast - Ghettomusick
Whoo (Whoo)Turn me up, don't turn me downCut me up, don't let me downFind, find a way...

Outkast - Git Up, Git Out
[Chorus:]Nigga, you need to git up, git out and git somethin Don't let the days of your life pa...

Outkast - God (interlude)
God, Come in GodGod come in GodDamn youre a girlWowI guess the reason Im talking to you to...

Outkast - Good Day, Good Sir
[Switching on and off between Andre "3000" and "Bentley Farnsworth"][Andre]Ahhh, such sw...

Outkast - Happy Valentine's Day
[Intro: Andre 3000]My name is Cupid Valentino, the modern day CupidAnd I just want to say one t...

Outkast - Hey Ya
[Intro]One two three uh![Verse One - Andre 3000]My baby don't mess around...

Outkast - Hootie Hoo
[Big Boi:]Hootie Hoo Follow the funk from the skunk and the dank that is crunk in the dungeon ...

Outkast - Jazzy Belle
[Verse One: Andre]YeahOh yes I love her like Egyptian, want a description, my royal high...

Outkast - Love Hater
Everybody needs a glass of water todayTo chase the hate awayYou know you've got company comin over...

Outkast - Love In War
[Hook]Let's kiss, not fightTry to do whats right tonightMake love, not warWhat the ...

Outkast - Mainstream
[Verse 1:]Revolutionary, scaryThought provoking, spoken,Words of a chain I don't fe...

Outkast - Millenium
[Dre]Me and everything around me, is unstable like ChernobylReady to go at any moment, jumpin l...

Outkast - Ms. Jackson
[Andre 3000]Yeah this one right here goes out to all the baby's mamas, mamas...Mamas, mamas, ba...

Outkast - Myintrotoletuknow
[Big Boi]Time and time again see I be thinking about that future Back in the day when we slaves...

Outkast - Nathaniel
Shit manNigga gotta go on the got downGet the shit straight when I got damn get outWell shit...

Outkast - Ova Da Wudz
Something's gotta give!Yeah, you know what I'm sayin? UhhHerring homes, unh, martel homes, carv...

Outkast - Peaches
Yeahh.. mmm mm mmm That shit sho feel good Hey playa, dis Peaches Comin back at ya one mo gen, w...

Outkast - Phobia
[Talking:] The feeling of being 12 years old and waking up in the middleof the night and somebody in ...

Outkast - Pink & Blue
Age ain't nothin' but a number [x3][Andre 3000]Pretty pink, baby blueWhy don...

Outkast - Player's Ball (original Version)
[Intro:]Scene was so thick, low rides, seventy-seven Sevilles El Dawgs, nuttin but them 'llacs ...

Outkast - Player's Ball (reprise)
Here's a little somethin for the players out there hustlin Gettin down for theirs From East Pointe, Co...

Outkast - Prototype
[Intro]I hope that you're the oneIf not, you are the prototypeWe'll tiptoe to the sun...

Outkast - ?
[Andre 3000]Want can make a nigga wanna take another nigga lifeWhat can make a nigga wanna do a...

Outkast - Red Velvet
[Big Boi - talking]One more time for y'all, y-y-yeah, huhIf you didn't know you know now, OutKa...

Outkast - Return Of The "g"
[Dre]It's the return of the gangsta thanks ta'Them niggas that's on that blowthat run up ...

Outkast - Rosa Parks
[Hook]Ah ha, hush that fussEverybody move to the back of the busDo you wanna bump and slu...

Outkast - Roses
[Verse One - Andre 3000]Caroline! Caroline!All the guys would say she's mighty fineBut mi...

Outkast - She's Alive
[Baby crying:] Wanh wanh wanh[Andre 3000 - Bridge]A boyTo raiseAt a...

Outkast - Snappin' & Trappin'
[Killer Mike]Our shit don't mix like llao and lukewarm waterBetter make it hotter splash ice an...

Outkast - So Fresh, So Clean
[Chorus:]Ain't nobody dope as me I'm dressed so fresh so clean(So fresh and so clean clean)...

Outkast - Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik
[Big Boi]Well its the m i crooked letter coming around the south Rollin straight hammers and vo...

Outkast - Spaghetti Junction
Yeah YeahYes Spaghetti JunctionYes yesElope ski slopes(coughs) ahhDamnYeah...

Outkast - Spread
[Chorus 1]I don't want to move too fast, butCan't resist your sexy assJust spread, spread...

Outkast - Stankonia (stanklove)
[Intro:]What does love look like? Love looks like you What does love love feel like? ...

Outkast - The Love Below (intro)
Some say AtlantaSome say New YorkSome say Paris France but, who knowsWhere this flower, grows...

Outkast - The Rooster
Hold up!Oooh, oooh! Somebody done told you you wrong![Verse 1:] Ok, I start out all alone...

Outkast - The Way You Move
Boom, Boom, Boom.Heh, Heh.[Big Boi]Ready for action, nip it in the budWe neve...

Outkast - Toilet Tisha
[Andre3000]Have you heard the news? They say a little 14 year old little girl had a baby on the...

Outkast - True Dat (interlude)
Operatin' under the crooked American system too long OutKast, pronounced outcast Adjective meaning hom...

Outkast - Two Dope Boyz (in A Cadillac)
[Verse One: Big Boi, Andre]From the bottom of my lungs a nigga be blowin, spittin his game...

Outkast - Unhappy
Drowning in the gray cellTo dwell in earthly hellA pimp warrior fellOne-two! Sir Lucious Left Fo...

Outkast - Vibrate
[Hook]Every boy and girl, woman and manWhen you feel you've done about the best you canMu...

Outkast - Wailin'
[Verse One: Big Boi]In the zone like Keyser Soze, always the Usual SuspectNo check, all I...

Outkast - War
Now get the fuck up off me nigga..[Big Boi]As I, struggle to keep my balance and composur...

Outkast - Welcome To Atlanta (interlude)
[Man with deep voice talking about Atlanta over Speakerphone] ...

Outkast - West Savannah
[Big Boi]February 1st, 1975 it happenedWas born in West Savannah way before I started rappin...

Outkast - Wheelz Of Steel
[Intro: Big Boi]UhhAs I sit in my b-boy stanceWith flip-flops and socks, and sweatp...

Outkast - Where Are My Panties?
[spoken:] "the morning after"What time is it?7:48?Where Where Where are my where ar...

Outlandish - A Donkey Named Cheetah
[Chorus]Damn, I don't know why they stress me outAnd they keep looking at me with them dark eye...

Outlandish - Aicha
[Verse1]So sweet, so beautiful Everyday like a queen on her throneDon't nobody knows how ...

Outlandish - Come On
[Bridge:]Come on come on come on baby baby come on [x2][Chorus:]Ohoho...

Outlandish - Dirty Dirty East
[Intro]Okay this oneGoes out to all the people living a dirty life styleYou know what I'm...

Outlandish - El Moro
[Chorus]Out to change the game - el MoroWithstand the pain - el MoroKnock them out' the f...

Outlandish - Eyes Never Dry
[Intro]Ain't gonna be the one who's lost One who's goneOne who's wrong, noDon't wan...

Outlandish - Gritty
[Chorus]In the busBumping with my thugsYou don't want me to get up and slap you whut...

Outlandish - Guantanamo
[Intro:]El sol calienta alla en lo altoY la palma real nos alumbraOrgullo de mi tierra cu...

Outlandish - Heads To The Sky
[Chorus:]Keep ya head to the sky [x4](every man gotta story to tell bout how the made it...

Outlandish - If Only
It's all so quiet in hereIf only - I got's to do thisIf only - yeah [Rapverse1 (Isam)]...

Outlandish - Ill Kebab
Why u treating me so wrongwhen all I try to be is so strongdon't want me to maintainplease stop ...

Outlandish - Introduction
[Verse1 (Isam)]It all begins with the early morn' prayerA humble peace to the angels on each of...

Outlandish - Life Is A Loom
Sometimes I mean you should just leave it to God Coz in one way or the other we all puppets in this game...

Outlandish - Love Joint
The most incredible damestyle and grace fameall up in my facepretty delicious - Cleopatrar...

Outlandish - Mano A Mano
What makes u judge quickand talk shit when I haven't even spit and u already on my dickwhat makes u pr...

Outlandish - Peelo
[Chorus]Peelo Gutter ka pani peeloKabhi na kabhi to peeloMe hoon hero tu hai zero...

Outlandish - Renovadores
[Majid:]I got the recipe to be the greatest mc you seeMy tongue is sword my ammunition the voca...

Outlandish - Stick 'em Up
[chorus]say uno dosstick'em up high hightres quatrogive me whatch ya got right...

Outlandish - The Bond Between Us
This shit's aingent like EgyptianSo pay attention if u don't want segregationA child born destined to ...

Outlandish - Walou
[Chorus:]Hey ain't nobody wanna goAin't nobody wanna moveAin't nobody wanna tryAin'...

Outlandish - Wherever
Where ever it goesWhere ever I goWhere ever we go Where ever I goWhere ever it goesW...

Oxide & Neutrino - Bound 4 Da Reload
Bound 4 the bound bound 4 the reloadBound 4 the bound bound 4 the reloadBound 4 the bound bound 4 the ...

Oxide & Neutrino - Devil's Nightmare
I can be evil,I can be goodBut I don't knowIf I really shouldBe evil to those jealous...

Oxide & Neutrino - No Good 4 Me
[Verse 1]bound for the bound bound, we're back againoxide, Neutrino settin' the trend...

Oxide & Neutrino - Rap Dis
[DJ Swiss] Wanna test s-o that's a NO I'm a DJ but I heat up Mic's wen I flow! Spit...

Oxide & Neutrino - Up Middle Finger
(Up middle fingerI show dem)Didn't wanna back weNow they beg friendUp middle fingerI...

Ozma - Apple Trees
Deep inside my eye, there is part of you You still look the same, though you're upside down So much ti...

Ozma - Bad Dogs
It's happening all over againSomeone broke the locks and let the dogs out of the penSound the alarms a...

Ozma - Baseball
When i feel the morning grass i let down my guard Because love comes from the dirt in my own backyard ...

Ozma - Battlescars
Of all the shootingstars i knewI never felt at ease with anyone but youDon't ever wonder where i go...

Ozma - Come Home Andrea
The world we live in is so interestingA girl make a one man cry make another man singCome home andrea,...

Ozma - Continental Drift
I'm bored, you're boarding the 504 out of town It's late, so look straight, don't pull your eyes off the gro...

Ozma - Curve In The Old 1-9
Down at the curve in the old 1-9There's been a crash that's obstructing the lineAnd i'm gonna sing you...

Ozma - Domino Effect
Chances last a finite time in the warm july nighttimeEvery care that keeps you from your feet is a care that...

Ozma - Eponine
Whoa my eponine, can't you hear the words i sing?Can't you hear the words i sing?A crush can never be ...

Ozma - Flight Of The Bootymaster
Wesley willis starts to break down, feels the beat and hits the dance floor I will listen to the radio, stil...

Ozma - Flight Of Yuri Gagarin
[The russian spoken word intro is a translation of the same lyrics that are then sung:]Astronau...

Ozma - Gameover
You're hot, stop and drop and rollI'll jump in the swimming hole so i can hear your cheersI've seen al...

Ozma - If I Only Had A Heart
I'd give my heart if you'd give your attention But when i look there's just an open trench (and baby) ...

Ozma - Immigration Song
So it ends Round and round the propeller spins Seat backs up no tray tables down No turning back...

Ozma - In Search Of 1988
Every time i start to remember I remember i don't want to remember Warp me back at 88 if only for one ...

Ozma - Landing Of Yuri Gagarin
[Translation of russian spoken word:]Astronaut, send us up Once i'm out i'll beam you sho...

Ozma - Last Dance
Say hello to your last chance Same as your first chance A kinder reminder from ozma Say he...

Ozma - Light Years Will Burn
Light years will burn 'fore i returnI left it all behind with no concernFor things back then can't be ...

Ozma - Maybe In An Alternate Dimension
Deep in the hills There is a hideaway That i built with zack, the lego maniac I'm never ever gon...

Ozma - Natalie Portman
I'm telling you a story now of something that's wrong This has been developing since nineteen eighty-one ...

Ozma - No One Needs To Know
(no one needs to know) One needs to know if a lover's being faithful One needs to know if a lover's be...

Ozma - Restart
See me at my desk, rested and well dressedAlways there on timeFunny how the clock that i used to watch...

Ozma - Rocks
I've been looking for a way to find a way to find you Turning over every unturned stone I thought ever...

Ozma - Shooting Stars
I finally feel at ease, i'm on an eastern breeze It blows me into shore Come back to kiss my dear, com...

Ozma - Spending Time
Eastern time, central time, slow down If you're racing time and chasing time, slow down You're buying ...

Ozma - The Business Of Getting Down
When i woke up this morning i knew what i had to find Somewhere there exists a melody that'll make you chang...

Ozma - The Ups And Downs
I've been cheating on you ever since we broke up I've been dreaming about you ever since i woke up And...

Ozma - Turtleneck Coverup
A turtleneck will cover that upSo sweat it out and keep your mouth shutFBI (cover it up), CIA (cover i...

Ozma - Utsukushii Shibuya
I've been thrown the gaijin glare for so longBy now i take the scorn in strideGot no time for pride th...

Ozma - Wake Up
Take my hand and follow me to bedSay you didn't really mean it when you told me to go drop deadSmile t...

Ozma - You Know The Story
Check her out, she's got looks i've only seen in storybooks I had one once, read it through, now it's long o...

Ozma - Your Name
Your name was given to youOut of two hearts something newIt seemed too small when you finally grew...

O-zone - Crede-ma
Suferi mult, dar vrei sa ma uitiCrezi ca totul treceNu vreau nimic, doar sa ma ascultiCu inima t...

O-zone - Dar Unde Esti
[Refren:]Dar, unde esti?Dar, unde esti?Te caut in somn -Unde esti?Dar, unde e...

O-zone - De Ce Plang Chitarele
Oooo, stii de ce plang chitarele?Le-au ranit amintirile,Tu iubire spune-le,Ce-a fost nu s-a pier...

O-zone - Dragostea Din Tei
Ma-ia-hii Ma-ia-hoo Ma-ia-ha Ma-ia-ha-ha [x4]Alo, salut, sunt eu, un ha...

O-zone - Fiesta De La Noche
Hello everybody, noi suntem O-zone,am venit pentru dmneavoastra,sub fereastra, s vcintm ceva...c...

O-zone - Numai Tu
Sa nu ma-ntrebi de ceLumea din jur nu mai e,In mintea mea acumTraiesti doar tu.In iernile ...

O-zone - Nu Ma Las De Limba Noastra
De-o fi cumva sa fim vreodataLoviti de sus de-o soarta strambaMai bine muti o viata toataDecat l...

O-zone - Oriunde Ai Fi
Am privit-o in ochi, ultima oaraLacrimile curgeau, erau atat de amareMa ruge sa n-o uit, simtea ca-i u...

O-zone - Printre Nori
[Refren:]Am sa te chem sa mergem printre nori,Sa te simt in tunetul placerii,Am sa te tin...

O-zone - Sarbatoarea Noptilor De Vara
De noptile calde iti vei amintiToata iarna daca vii cu mine,Ziua vom dormi pana va veniSarbatoar...

Papa Roach - Be Free
Woke up and I feel like shit I don't remember last night, I'm getting sick of this I hit the bottle wh...

Papa Roach - Blanket Of Fear
I am awake under this blanket of fear, and I must say, none of the people I see belong here, now everyone's asleep...

Papa Roach - Do Or Die
Today I saw my hero fall apart, The one who taught me to be strong, On the outside I look fine, ...

Papa Roach - Getting Away With Murder
Somewhere beyond happiness and sadnessI need to calculateWhat creates my own madnessAnd I'm addi...

Papa Roach - Sometimes
I'm dreamin about tomorrow, I'm thinkin of yesterday, I consume myself in sorrow this moment in time is what I bet...

Papa Roach - Stop Looking Start Seeing
Hit or miss, fuck or fight It's time to live your life Go ahead, I know I'm right I'm gonna lay ...

Papa Roach - Take Me
Take me and let me in Don't break me and shut me out [Chorus:]So take me and let me...

Papa Roach - Tyranny Of Normality
The media is the seduction of human desire (set their money, set their money, on fire), if you try to sell me the ...

Pastor Troy - About To Go Down
[Chorus]Its bout to go down [16X][Verse]Its goin downThis tha y...

Pastor Troy - Above The Law
Yeah this song is dedicated in memory of mister Terell Alfago DavisMister Davis was gunned down at the hands...

Pastor Troy - Ain't No Sunshine
[Talking:]Cuz I'm tellin you man they aint nothing else to talk aboutthe same shit every mother...

Pastor Troy - Atlanta
I will always pray for you, AtlantaYeah, yeah we crankin' this for all tha G's on the east sideW...

Pastor Troy - Bless America
[Chorus (repeat 4x)]I am a real AmericanFight for the rights of every manWhen it ra...

Pastor Troy - Boys To Men
[Pastor Troy Talking]Ayo this ya boy Pastor Troy checkin in right, yuh(This from the soul)...

Pastor Troy - Champion
[Pastor Troy]Come onD.S.G.B ya'll know what time it isGa ya'll know what time it is,...

Pastor Troy - Chug-a-lug
[Pastor Troy talking]Pastor, disasterI'm just laying down my bass shitYou know my bass my...

Pastor Troy - Crazy
[Verse 1]We used to be down with each other like none other.Was closer than a friend to me. Lik...

Pastor Troy - Down South Nigga 4 Life
[Chorus]It's plain to see you can't change meDown South nigga 4 lifeIt's plai...

Pastor Troy - Eternal Yard Dash
Come on cuz, we almost thereWe almost there cuzGoddamn, where the finish line?Fuck this sh...

Pastor Troy - Face Off - Intro
[heavy breathing][Pastor Troy]One...Two...Three...In the beginni...

Pastor Troy - For Survival
This shit is for all the motherfuckin niggaz out there doin what the fuck they gotta do to feed the family...

Pastor Troy - Frame Me
[Pastor Troy][Verse 1:]It was this muthafucker hi' about the got damn N.A.R....

Pastor Troy - Fuck Them Niggaz
[Intro]Look..Listen here (Yuh)Yeah,I got 'emThis for all them punk ass niggaz...

Pastor Troy - Ghetto Raised
[Police sirens]...[Hook : 4x]Ghetto raised, ghetto payed, ghetto muthafucker...

Pastor Troy - Havin' A Bad Day
[Hook: 8x]Nigga don't fuck with me I'm having a bad day[Verse 1: Eleven Twenty-N...

Pastor Troy - Help Me Rhonda
[Pastor Troy:]KD had called and gave me the wordSaid this nigga had ten birds, in Augusta...

Pastor Troy - I Declare War!!!
And I am coming with the rangeNot calling no names on PBut this them same boys they said would never r...

Pastor Troy - If They Kill Me
[Chorus]If they kill me They best to be ready to move [3x]Cause my folks coming ba...

Pastor Troy - I'm Made
[Pastor Troy][Verse 1:]Introduction to a lunatic (come on):huh, y'all playin...

Pastor Troy - I'm Warning Ya (intro)
[RING RING RING][Talking][Pastor Troy:]The last chance I got to...

Pastor Troy - Intro (walk Like Y'all Talk It)
[Hook 1x]Talk like ya'll walk it, Walk like ya'll talk itWhere my ghetto thugs mind for a mug...

Pastor Troy - It's On Down Here
It was this nigga with this black CutlassNamed ChrisHe had shot at Cott but he missedFirst Error...

Pastor Troy - It's Too Late Now, We Ready!!!
[Troy:] What that shit talking[Guy:] Uh, Pastor Troy[Troy:] Get the fuck away fro...

Pastor Troy - Livin' Today Thru...
[Pastor Troy]Lord I'm sorry, I'm tiredGod I'm tired, God I'm tiredDon't nobody know what ...

Pastor Troy - Mind On My Money
[Verse 1: Pastor Troy]If this is space age pimpingThen I'ma work for NASAComing up ...

Pastor Troy - Move To Mars
[Verse 1]Now who the fuck wouldn't be fucked upIn the city where crack sells and clientele neve...

Pastor Troy - No Mo Play In Ga
[phone ringing][Pastor Troy:] Y'all watch this, watch this[laughs][Guy ...

Pastor Troy - No Mo Play In Ga Pt. 2
What's up, big mouth, you still talkin' huhPastor, blast ya, okay, and well uh huhThis for, all those,...

Pastor Troy - Oh Father
I was that cool motherfuckerbut living in the world of these cruel motherfuckers society they made me ...

Pastor Troy - Pastor Troy 4 President
[Pastor Troy]I'm the muthafucking president (come on, come on) [3x]Watch how I rep...

Pastor Troy - Representin'
[Intro]Yeah yoThis for them boys that been down wit me for tha last five yearsBefore this...

Pastor Troy - Ridin' Big
[Intro - talking]I'm outside 30 minutes,Tryna figure out Which car,Match my outfit ...

Pastor Troy - Stop Tryin'
[Pastor Troy and Lil Pete adlibs][Pastor Troy]They had me dodgin' the law, while I...

Pastor Troy - The Congregation
[Pastor Troy]Uh-huh:Uh-huh:Uh-huh:Uh-huhCome on: Uh-huh:Uh-huh[Hook: 2x]...

Pastor Troy - Then I Got Change
[Pastor Troy talking]Down South Georgia Girls I love y'allPastor Troy representing for th...

Pastor Troy - This Tha City
[Pastor Troy]Venom, all I spit is venom, a cobraFlinch my teeth and I'ma ride till its over...

Pastor Troy - Throw Your Flags
[Verse 1]I'm in my big body BenzRiding with 4 of my friendsShoot a bird at them coppers...

Pastor Troy - Throw Your Flags Up
[Verse 1: Pastor Troy]I'm in my big body Benz,Riding with 4 of my friendsShoot a bi...

Pastor Troy - Universal Soldier
[Chorus (repeat 4x)]Nigga, I always keep my composureOften full of that dojaUniversal sol...

Pastor Troy - We Dem Georgia Boyz
We Dem Georgia Boyz [4x][Hook:]We Dem Georgia Boyz, We Dem Georgia BoyzWe De...

Pastor Troy - We Ready 2000
[Verse 1: Pastor Troy]These niggas asking how I choose to dieJust like a muthafucking G i...

Pastor Troy - We Want Some Answers
You know what's funnyWhen the shit that makes you laugh, makes you cryHell I'm 'bout ready to cry now...

Pastor Troy - Who, What, When, Where
[Intro]Yo, yo mic check 1,2 1,2 (Y'all know what time it is)This song is entitled (Y'all know w...

Patty Griffin - 10 Million Miles
I must have walked ten million milesMust have walked ten million milesWore some shoes that weren't my ...

Patty Griffin - Be Careful
All the girls in the Paris nightAll the girls in the pale moonlightAll the girls with the shopping bag...

Patty Griffin - Blue Sky
The farther I come the farther I fallWhatever I knew it was nothing at allNothing at all, just making ...

Patty Griffin - Boston
I went back to Boston Back to the City of Lost Love I went back to the place And recognized your...

Patty Griffin - Carry Me
Maybe they come by landMaybe they come by sea Maybe they've already come Maybe they come by me ...

Patty Griffin - Change
Dog comes howling up behind you, sinks his teeth in your legTells you how now things are going to be a littl...

Patty Griffin - Chief
Chief had been out of the armyFor 15 years or moreHe was still marching up and down that streetJ...

Patty Griffin - Christina
If you had the real thing how would you tellLiars can say it all just as wellEvery single word you've ...

Patty Griffin - Cold As It Gets
To the end of the Earth, I'll search for your faceFor the one who laid all of our beauty to wasteThrew...

Patty Griffin - Daddy
We're rocking big daddyHow bout thatHow bout thatHere he comes againMe and my friends...

Patty Griffin - Every Little Bit
It's funny how a morning turns a love to shameDisguised and disfigured and you thought I tasted like rain...

Patty Griffin - Flaming Red
Took a walk around the blockBought a candle it was Flaming red flaming redThought a thought then...

Patty Griffin - Florida
A couple of young girls wentSailing down A1AInto the arms of FloridaSailing down a highway...

Patty Griffin - Forgiveness
We are swimming with the snakesAt the bottom of the wellSo silent and peaceful in the darkness where w...

Patty Griffin - Go Now
Here's your moonHere's your starsGo nowGo nowHere's the sunHere's the birdsHer...

Patty Griffin - Goodbye
Occured to me the other dayYou've been gone now a couple yearswell, I guess it takes whileFor so...

Patty Griffin - Icicles
TonightI sing soft and lowJust like the moonOver the snowI hear icicles falling in the dar...

Patty Griffin - Kite Song
The Sunday after there was laughter in the airEverybody had a kiteThey were flying everywhereAnd...

Patty Griffin - Let Him Fly
Ain't no talkin to this manAin't no pretty other sideAin't no way to understand the stupid words of pr...

Patty Griffin - Little God
Good morning little godI see you've come for me againWith a noose between your teethYou are not ...

Patty Griffin - Long Ride Home
Long black limousineShiniest car I've ever seenThe back seat is nice and cleanShe rides as quiet...

Patty Griffin - Long Road
Long black limousineShiniest car I've ever seenThe back seat is nice and cleanShe rides as quiet...

Patty Griffin - Love Throw A Line
Let's write a story of a title waveWe run out of luckWe run out of daysWe run out of gasA ...

Patty Griffin - Mad Mission
We were drinking like the Irish But we were drinking scotchBartender turned on a movieEverybody ...

Patty Griffin - Making Pies
It's not far I can walk Down the block To TableTalk Close my eyes Make the pies all ...

Patty Griffin - Mary
Mary you're covered in roses, you're covered in ashesYou're covered in rainYou're covered in babies, y...

Patty Griffin - Mil Besos
He encontrado en tu amor,la fe perdida, Ahora tiene mi vida una razn.No s si fue el embrujo de t...

Patty Griffin - Moses
Diamonds, roses,I need MosesTo cross this sea of loneliness, Part this red river of painI don't necess...

Patty Griffin - Mother Of God
All you kids get out the back doorI've never seen her this bad beforeShe took all her favorite things ...

Patty Griffin - Nobody Cryin'
Well he jumps in the taxi, headed for the skyHe's off to slay some demon dragonflyAnd he looked at me,...

Patty Griffin - Nobody's Cryin'
As I'm sittin' in the taxi for the skyHe's off to slay some demon dragonflyAnd he looks at me, that lo...

Patty Griffin - Not Alone
She sees him laying in the bed alone tonightThe only thing a touching him is a crack of lightPieces of...

Patty Griffin - One Big Love
Let's take a ride to the seaside We can go out swimming in the high tideJust wear your shorts and your...

Patty Griffin - One More Girl
I took off my iron smileBecause I found it weighed me downTomorrow when the world wakes upI'll b...

Patty Griffin - Perfect White Girls
Heaped from a snowy white mountainSlipped down a snowy white hill Came from a water fountain Wat...

Patty Griffin - Peter Pan
Hey, Peter PanI'm going home nowI've done all I canBesides I'm grown nowI'll think of you ...

Patty Griffin - Poor Man's House
You know you've done enough when every bone is soreYou know you've prayed enough when you don't ask any more...

Patty Griffin - Rain
It's hard to listen to a hard hard heartBeating close to minePounding up against the stone and steel...

Patty Griffin - Regarding Mary
Mary,Mary, Mary, mo ma ma mo Mary, Mary, Mary...She comes swinging inWith her tire ironShe hits ...

Patty Griffin - Rowing Song
As I row, row, rowGoing so slow, slow, slowJust down below me is the old seaJust down below me i...

Patty Griffin - Silver Bell
Silver bellSilver bellYeah that's the name of the old motelYou were traveling when they fell...

Patty Griffin - Sorry And Sad
You used to make me so madMake me so madI was almost glad why you make me so madAnd if I wasn't ...

Patty Griffin - Standing
I'm standing in the shadow of the hillI'm standing in the shadow of the hillFeel the fear everywhere...

Patty Griffin - Stolen Car
I met a little girl and I settled downIn a little house on out on the edge of townWe got married, swor...

Patty Griffin - Sweet Lorraine
Sweet Lorraine the fiery haired brown eyed schemerWho came from a long line of drinkers and dreamersWh...

Patty Griffin - Time Will Do The Talking
You were so cruelI hated being your foolSo I got a little bit more mud on my faceBut the years w...

Patty Griffin - Tomorrow Night
Tomorrow night will you remember what you said tonightTomorrow night will all the thrill be goneTomorr...

Patty Griffin - Tony
Does anyone remember TonyA quiet boy, little over weightHe had breasts like a girlWhen I wasn't ...

Patty Griffin - Top Of The World
I wished I was smarter Wished I was strongerI wished I loved JesusThe way the my wife does...

Patty Griffin - Useless Desires
Say goodbye to the old street that never cared much for you anywayAnd the different colored doorways you tho...

Patty Griffin - When It Don't Come Easy
Red lights are flashing on the highwayI wonder if we're gonna ever get homeI wonder if we're gonna eve...

Patty Griffin - Wiggley Fingers
I'll never be sad, I'll never be lonelyI'll never be hungry and I'll never be homelyNever make a noise...

Patty Griffin - You Never Get What You Want
You first found me in my holding penStopped to take a look and stuck your finger inI bit one off and y...

Paula Abdul - Ain't Never Gonna Give You Up
Well there's not a bit of truth in what you hear Just a whole lot of jealousy out there smearin' My go...

Paula Abdul - Alright Tonight

Paula Abdul - Bend Time Back Around
He led me astray When my mind was weak That's all I can say Ba-baby He filled me wit...

Paula Abdul - Crazy Love
I had everything I ever wanted in my life Wasn't lookin' for nobody to be satisfied Wasn't looking for...

Paula Abdul - Cry For Me
Close my eyes at night Who do I see Standing right in front of me Is it the one I try to forget ...

Paula Abdul - Didn't I Say I Love You
Something sweet fills my soul with wonder Tender arms wrap me in my slumber Cherished thoughts keep ou...

Paula Abdul - Get Your Groove On
I can feel this energy building up inside of me It wants to get out It wants to let go Do you fe...

Paula Abdul - Good Night, My Love (pleasant Dreams)
Good night, my love Good night, my love Good night, my love Pleasant dreams and sleep tigh...

Paula Abdul - High School Crush
Look out my window Rain comin' down Waitin' at the corner Kids all wearin' their frowns Ju...

Paula Abdul - Ho-down
That's what I want That's what I need That's what I want Ho down She sprays her lies aroun...

Paula Abdul - If I Were Your Girl
Brokenhearted UnsatisfiedI can't help it I can't get you off my mindShe was so wrong ...

Paula Abdul - I Need You
All alone, it's you and me Time to tell you now just how I feel Babe to you I bare my heart A li...

Paula Abdul - I Never Knew It
Now you tell me since you've been away There was something you've been dying to say Yes, I thought you...

Paula Abdul - It's All About Feeling Good
Baby I'm down to what you want But there's some conditions you'll have to follow You know that I'm not...

Paula Abdul - Love Don't Come Easy
It all went down at the cantina that she likedEveryone would watch her as she danced all through the lights...

Paula Abdul - Missing You
Everybody's got to cry sometimes I never understood the reason why Suddenly the answer is so clear I'm...

Paula Abdul - My Foolish Heart

Paula Abdul - Next To You
When we met The sparkle in your eyes Showed me that We were meant to be In love ...

Paula Abdul - One Or The Other
If you think you're gonna have the time To make up your mind You shouldn't even try I'm tired of...

Paula Abdul - Rock House

Paula Abdul - Sexy Thoughts
Day or night it's the way of life Whatever keeps me pumpin' Whatever makes me feel alright Well ...

Paula Abdul - Skat Strut
MC Skat Kat: Well You've never seen a kat with so much charisma Got More Moves than a mutant nina- turtle th...

Paula Abdul - Spellbound

Paula Abdul - State Of Attraction
Such a mess, such a funny feeling I must confess, I never felt like this before Runnin' hot, runnin' m...

Paula Abdul - The Choice Is Yours
Lately I've had my doubts About the way you feel Tell me there is no other love You see but me, ...

Paula Abdul - To You

Paula Abdul - U

Paula Abdul - Under The Influence
I fell in love When I first spotted you among the crowd Your eyes met mine And that's when the r...

Paula Abdul - Will You Marry Me?

Paulina Rubio - Adiosito Corazon
Adiosito Corazn Que importa la razon Adiosito Corazn Que importa quien tuvo la razn Adiosi...

Paulina Rubio - Algo Tienes
Hoy no te veo igual Algo extrao esta pasando No me siento normal Creo estar alucinando Mas...

Paulina Rubio - Alma En Libertad
Te deseo que te valla bien, por la vida Te deseo de todo corazon que seas feliz cada dia No tengas tan...

Paulina Rubio - Amor Secreto
Cuando no estas conmigo Las noches son tan largas Que me hacen llorar. Mi mundo esta vacio ...

Paulina Rubio - Baila Casanova
Toco tu piel y empiezo a caerUn peligro, demencia y excesosDe verte bailar es casi un ritualY sa...

Paulina Rubio - Baila Que Baila
[Spoken:]Siempre vendran tiempos mejores, momentos tristes y alegres,Asi es la vida, olvida lo ...

Paulina Rubio - Border Girl
I was lonelyA gypsy always running wild and free (Free, Free)Until you showed meAll that I never...

Paulina Rubio - Cancun Y Yo
Que pena que no ests t Para que vieras que mar Que agua tan ms azul Y sus olas... Qu...

Paulina Rubio - Casanova
Dark sexy skin, my passion beginsYou're the center of my obsessionWatching you dance in your leather p...

Paulina Rubio - Dame Otro Tequila
Que Suerte, Que hoy te pase a tiNo sabes lo que yo sufriEntiende, que no eres nadaSolo fuiste un...

Paulina Rubio - El Ultimo Adios
Las calles son mas grandes desde que tu te has ido Hay que reconocer Que nada me hace bien porque no p...

Paulina Rubio - Fire (sexy Dance)
I wanna play with fireEven in the pouring rainEven in the stars aboveI'm here with you aga...

Paulina Rubio - I'll Be Right Here (sexual Lover)
Sexual kind of love, gets my heart beatingCause you're an electric charge and I'm overheatingWhenever ...

Paulina Rubio - I Was Made For Lovin' You
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do Do, do, do, do, do, do, do Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do ...

Paulina Rubio - Lo Hare Por Ti
Mira que bien se nos da Eso de estar juntos los dos Esto de planear futuro Siempre acompaandos, ...

Paulina Rubio - Mia
Solo mia a si te tengo a si te quiero a si me he vuelto a enamorar siempre mia mientras en mi vida Se acabo la sol...

Paulina Rubio - Mirame A Los Ojos
Quiero encontrar la manera De lograr tu amor He de cambiar mi esperanza, Por tu corazn. ...

Paulina Rubio - My Friend, Mi Amigo
My friend, mi amigo, yo quiero que tu siempre estes conmigo, mi cuate, me late, me late el corazon como me late ...

Paulina Rubio - Not That Kind Of Girl
I know you're gonna change the way you think of meAnd so, I'm gonna show you how it supposed to beI'm ...

Paulina Rubio - Ojala
Quiero que te arrastres guey(a)!!!!!!! No se el nombre que en verdad tu te mereces Lo busque y n...

Paulina Rubio - Perros
Perros, Perros[Chorus:]Ellos deberian ser mas perrosDeberian ser ellos, un poquito ...

Paulina Rubio - Quiero Cambiarme
Quiero borrarme las huellas Que delatan a mi piel Debo borrarlas del todo Que no siempre se pier...

Paulina Rubio - Sexi Dance
11:30 de la noche, se me ha calado el fro Una copa y otra copa, muchos ojos y los mos Y derrapas por m...

Paulina Rubio - Sin Aire
Tu me descontrolas. Tu, me desconciertas De pronto sales de la nada y aciertas... Y me enredas, si, .....

Paulina Rubio - Si Tu Te Vas
Si tu te vas La luna te dir que yo te quiero verEl sol te seguir all a donde tu estsEl viento so...

Paulina Rubio - Tal Vez, Quiza
Tal vez porque nuestros encuentros Se dan tan contados quiz porque todo Los besos de ti son robados ...

Paulina Rubio - Tan Sola
Mira que no se nada, Que a veces me pregunto Si cambiar, esperar o seguir este ritmo Constante, ...

Paulina Rubio - Te Quise Tanto
Agua que cayo en el mar. No puedo vivir en esta realidad. Hay como me cuesta entender, Que no tengo una gota...

Paulina Rubio - The Last Goodbye
The streets are big and emptyEver since you left meI really hate to sayThat nothing's good for m...

Paulina Rubio - The One You Love
When you're on top of the worldOr it's got you downWhen you're flying through the air Or you're ...

Paulina Rubio - Todo Mi Amor
Cuando tu sientas calor sin saber porqueEs que alguien desde lejos piensa en ti creemeCuando duermas e...

Paulina Rubio - Undeniable
In your brightly painted roomThere's a trace of my perfumeAnd even though the lights are all onI...

Paulina Rubio - Vive El Verano
Disfruta el sol, ama la luna Que la fortuna No tendra que sonreir Con el 2000, que esta ll...

Paulina Rubio - Volveras
Tu y yo, siempre asi tu y yo Para mi nada mas fue tu amor Si eres tu mi sentimiento Eres mi alie...

Paulina Rubio - Yo No Soy Esa Mujer
Tienes una idea falsa del amor Nunca fue un contrato ni una imposicin Y aunque te quiero cada vez ms ...

Paulina Rubio - Y Yo Sigo Aqui
Tu qumica con mi piel, hacen carga positiva Tu qumica con mi piel, hacen carga positiva Y cuando...

Paulini - Angel Eyes
[Verse 1]Hey youre looking good tonightAnd every girl has got you in her sightWhat, you d...

Paul Oakenfold - Starry-eyed Surprise
Hey DJ!Tonight..starsTonight Im seein starsTonight..starsTonight Im seein starsTonig...

P. Diddy - Dance With Me (remix) / Peaches & Cream (remix)
[P. Diddy]Bad BoyLet's dance [7x]Yo, everybody report to the dance floorRepo...

P. Diddy - No More Drama (remix)
[P. Diddy]Here we go againYeah, that's rightHere we go againHa Ha, yeahThis i...

P. Diddy - Notorious B.i.g. (remix)
[Notorious B.I.G.]Yo, check itCall Lil' CeaseTell that muh'fucker to bring me some muh'fu...

P. Diddy - Special Delivery (remix)
[Intro: Ghostface Killah]Fuck the whole industry!!!!You tried to get rid of me!!! Y'all must be...

P. Diddy - Unfoolish
[Chorus: Ashanti and (Notorious B.I.G.)]See, my days are cold without you (Here's another one)B...

P. Diddy - Woke Up In The Morning (remix)
[Chorus: Carl Thomas]Woke up in the morning, you were not thereAll I seen was an imprint of you...

P. Diddy - You Gets No Love (remix)
[Intro: Faith Evans (P. Diddy)]Uh, uh-uh, (There's another one)What-what (And another one)...

Pearl Jam - 1/2 Full
Climbing on a mountainFloating out on the seaFar from lights of a cityThe elements they speak to...

Pearl Jam - All Or None
It's a hopeless... situationAnd I'm starting to believeThat this hopeless... situationIs what I'...

Pearl Jam - All Those Yesterdays
Don't you think you oughtta rest?Don't you think you oughtta lay you head down?Don't you think you wan...

Pearl Jam - Alone
Ooh, yeah. Ooh, yeah.Mmm, Wide awake and he shakes in a panic. Never woke up alone ever before.H...

Pearl Jam - Angel
Like an angel fly over your houseLike an angel pass out wishesLike an angel I will move the arrow...

Pearl Jam - Animal
one, two, three, four, five against onefive, five, against onesaid one, two, three, four, five against...

Pearl Jam - Around The Bend
i'm wishing you a-wellmind at peace within your cellcovers up, i cast you off i'll be watching a...

Pearl Jam - Aye Davanita
awooh...aye davanita...awooh...awooha... jahooh...jahooh... awooh...aye davanita...awooh...awooha......

Pearl Jam - Bee Girl
Bee girl, you're gonna die.You don't wanna be famous, you wanna be shy.Do your dances alone in your ro...

Pearl Jam - Better Man
waitin', watchin' the clock, it's four o'clock, it's got to stoptell him, take no more, she practices her sp...

Pearl Jam - Black, Red, Yellow
Exponentially serving. Perpetually unnerving. Vehicle swerving.The adjectives they are all a-blurring....

Pearl Jam - Blood
spin me round, roll me over, fuckin' circusstab it down, one way needle, pulled so slowlydrains and sp...

Pearl Jam - Brain Of J.
Who's got the brain of JFK?What's it mean to us now?Oh, it's sound insuranceBut I can tell you, ...

Pearl Jam - Breakerfall
there's a girl on a ledge, who's got nowhere to turnbecause all the love that she had was just wood that she...

Pearl Jam - Breath
Oh, tonight began with anything.Shaft of a light. A warm breath and a scream.Ah, yeah.Oh, tamper...

Pearl Jam - Brother
You should be happy with what you got...You should be hard to be a brother...You should be happy with ...

Pearl Jam - Bugs
all these...i got bugsi got bugs in my roombugs in my bedbugs in my earstheir eggs i...

Pearl Jam - Bushleaguer
How does he do it? How do they do it? Uncanny and immutable.This is such a happening tailpipe of a party....

Pearl Jam - Can't Keep
I wanna shakeI wanna wind outI wanna leaveThis mind and shoutI've livedAll thi...

Pearl Jam - Cropduster
Light green to green, dark green, brown..Every life is falling downBrown to black, it's coming back...

Pearl Jam - Daughter
you guys ready...alone...listless...breakfast table in an otherwise empty roomyoung girl...violence......

Pearl Jam - Dead Man
Sailing on my every step. Inching off of the earth.Is magnified by the things I've done.The thing that...

Pearl Jam - Deep
on the edgewindowsillponders his makerponders his willto the street belowhe just ain...

Pearl Jam - Dirty Frank
Ragh woo eats meat eats meat hahaha look outDirty Frank Dahmer he's a gourmet cook, yeah.I got a...

Pearl Jam - Dissident
she nursed him there, over a nighti wasn't so sure she wanted him to staywhat to say...what to say...

Pearl Jam - Do The Evolution
Woo..I'm ahead, I'm a manI'm the first mammal to wear pants, yeahI'm at peace with my lust...

Pearl Jam - Down
Down. Fall by the wayside no getting out.Down. Cry me a river dried up and dammed.The names can be cha...

Pearl Jam - Drifting
Drifting, drifting, drifting away.I got myself a mansion, then I gave it away.It's not the world that'...

Pearl Jam - Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
i seem to recognize your facehaunting, familiar, yet i can't seem to place itcannot find the candle of...

Pearl Jam - Evacuation
the sirens scream wanton attentiontime to take heed and change directiontime to take stock and make om...

Pearl Jam - Even Flow
Freezin', rests his head on a pillow made of concrete, againOh, Feelin' maybe he'll see a little better, set...

Pearl Jam - Faithful
Plaque on the wall says that no one's slept hereIt's rare to come upon a bridge that has not been around...

Pearl Jam - Footsteps
Don't even think about reaching me. I won't be home.Don't even think about stopping by. Don't think of me at...

Pearl Jam - Garden
the direction of the eyeso misleadingthe defection of the soulnauseously quickI don'...

Pearl Jam - Get Right
i want for to lay down, i'm waiting 'till sundown i'm searching the haystacks, water is sunshine, wait for t...

Pearl Jam - Ghost
The mind is grey,... like the cityPacking in and overgrownLove is deep,... dig it outStanding in...

Pearl Jam - Given To Fly
He could've tuned in, tuned inBut he tuned outA bad time, nothing could save himAlone in a corri...

Pearl Jam - Glorified G
got a gun, fact i got twothat's ok man, cuz i love godglorified version of a pellet gunfeels so ...

Pearl Jam - Go
please don't go out on me, don't go out on me nownever acted up before, don't go on me nowi swear i ne...

Pearl Jam - Gods' Dice
it's out of my hands, making your hands meetstumble as it's crumbling out of reachit's in the cards on...

Pearl Jam - Green Disease
It's a disease,... and they're all greenIt emminates from their beingAgitation,.. with occupation...

Pearl Jam - Gremmie Out Of Control
1, 2, 1, 21, 2, 1 2 3 4Every beach has a clown who thinks he knows it all.Hang-ten outta S...

Pearl Jam - Grievance
have a drink they're buyingbottom of, bottle of denialbig guy, big eye, watchin mehave to wonder...

Pearl Jam - Habit
seen it happen to a couple of friendsseen it happen and the message it sendstaken up for what's an obv...

Pearl Jam - Hail, Hail
ah, is there room for both of us?both of us apart?are we bound out of obligation?is that all we'...

Pearl Jam - Hard To Imagine
Paint a picture forty shades of gray.Light your pillow. Lay back. Watch the flames.I'll tell a story b...

Pearl Jam - Help Help
Tell me what I wanna hearThis suits too good to be trueMy dearTell me liesTell me li...

Pearl Jam - Hey Foxymophandlemama, That's Me
don't you want people to love you?my spanking, that's the only thing i want so much...spanking, that's...

Pearl Jam - Hold On
Nothin' left for me...I can't live down here no more.I can't fall from a tree,I got wings, it ai...

Pearl Jam - I Am Mine
The selfish, they're all standing in lineFaithing and hoping to buy themselves timeMe, I figure as eac...

Pearl Jam - Immortality
vacate is the word...vengeance has no place on me or hercannot find the comfort in this worldartificia...

Pearl Jam - I'm Open
a man lies in his bed in a room with no doorhe waits hoping for a presence, something, anything to enter...

Pearl Jam - Indifference
i will light the match this mornin', so i won't be alonewatch as she lies silent, for soon light will be gon...

Pearl Jam - In Hiding
I shut and locked the front doorNo way in or outI turned and walked the hallwayAnd pulled the cu...

Pearl Jam - In My Tree
up here in my tree, yeahnewspapers matter not to me, yeahno more crowbars to my head, yeahi'm tr...

Pearl Jam - Insignificance
all in all, it's no one's faultexcuses turn to carbon wallsblame it all on chemical intercourset...

Pearl Jam - In The Moonlight
Take a ladder up to my room. Take a ladder up to the moon. I am a light reflected off of the moon to y...

Pearl Jam - Jeremy
at homedrawing picturesof mountain topswith him on toplemon yellow sunarms raised in...

Pearl Jam - Last Exit
lives opened and trashed..."look ma, watch me crash" time to question...why'd nothing last...gras...

Pearl Jam - Leash
troubled souls unite, we got ourselves tonight..i am fuel, you are friends, we got the means to make amends...

Pearl Jam - Leaving Here
Hey fellas have you heard the news? Oh yeah.The women in this town are being missused. Oh yeah.Yeah I ...

Pearl Jam - Let Me Sleep
Cold wind blows on the soles of my feetHeaven knows nothing of meI'm lost nowhere to goOh when I...

Pearl Jam - Light Years
i've used hammers made out of woodi have played games with pieces and rulesi undeciphered tricks at th...

Pearl Jam - Love Boat Captain
Is this just another day,... this god forgotten place?First comes love, then comes pain. Let the games begin...

Pearl Jam - Low Light
Clouds roll byReeling is what they sayOr is it just my way?Wind blows by, low lightSide-tr...

Pearl Jam - Lukin
drive down the street can't find my keys to my own fucking homei take a walk so i can curse my ass for being...

Pearl Jam - Mankind
you'll be going out with radio going out with discogoing out like bacchanali'll be g...

Pearl Jam - Man Of The Hour
Tidal waves don't beg forgivenessCrashed and on their wayFather he enjoyed collisions; others walked a...

Pearl Jam - Mfc (mini Fast Car)
Sliding out of reverse into drive, thisWheel will be turning right, then straightOff in the sunset she...

Pearl Jam - Nothing As It Seems
don't feel like home, he's a little out...and all these words elope, it's nothing like your poemputtin...

Pearl Jam - Nothingman
once divided...nothing left to subtract...some words when spoken...can't be taken back...walks on his ...

Pearl Jam - No Way
Here's a token of my opennessOf my need to not disappearHow I'm feeling, so revealing to meI fou...

Pearl Jam - Oceans
hold on to the threadthe currents will shiftguide me towards youknow something's leftand w...

Pearl Jam - Off He Goes
1, 2, 1, 2...know a man, his face seems pulled and tenselike he's riding on a motorbike in the stronge...

Pearl Jam - Of The Girl
oh he deals em off, off the top, ties em offfills it up, with his past, gets carried awayoh half his l...

Pearl Jam - Once
I admit it...what's to say...yeah...I'll relive it...without pain...mmm...Backstreet lover on the side...

Pearl Jam - Parting Ways
behind her eyes there's curtains...and they've been closed to hide the flames, remains...she knows the...

Pearl Jam - Pilate
Talk of circles and punching outLooking in, drawing circles downFalling up the south marking ground...

Pearl Jam - Porch
What the fuck is this worldRunning to?You didn't leave a messageAt least I could have...

Pearl Jam - Present Tense
do you see the way that tree bends? does it inspire?leaning out to catch the sun's raysa lesson ...

Pearl Jam - Pry, To
p-r-i-v-a-c-y is priceless to me p-r-i-v-a-c-y is priceless to me p-r-i-v-a-c-y is priceless to me ...

Pearl Jam - Push Me, Pull Me
I had a false beliefI thought I came here to stayWe're all just visitingAll just breaking like w...

Pearl Jam - Rats
they don't eat, don't sleepthey don't feed, they don't seethebare their gums when they moan and squeak...

Pearl Jam - Rearviewmirror
i took a drive todaytime to emancipatei guess it was the beatings made me wisebut i'm not about ...

Pearl Jam - Red Mosquito
watched from the window, with a red mosquitoi was not allowed to leave the roomi saw the sun go down, ...

Pearl Jam - Release
I see the worldFeel the chillWhich way to goWindowsillI see the wordsOn a rocking ho...

Pearl Jam - Rival
all my rivals will see what i have in store, my gun...i've been harboring fleets in this reservoir, red sun....

Pearl Jam - Satan's Bed
it's not all been said...been said and done...i've never slept in satan's bedalthough i must admit...s...

Pearl Jam - Save You
Gonna save you fucker,....not gonna lose youFeeling cocky and strong,.. can't let you go,...Too import...

Pearl Jam - Sleight Of Hand
routine was the theme, he'd wake up and...wash and pour himself into uniformsomething he hadn't imagined bei...

Pearl Jam - Smile
don't it make you smile?don't it make you smile?when the sun don't shine? (shine at all)don't it...

Pearl Jam - Soldier Of Love
Lay down your arms and surrender to me.Oh lay down your arms and love me peacefully. Yea.Use your arms...

Pearl Jam - Sometimes
large fingers pushing paintyou're god and you've got big handsthe colors blend... the challenges you g...

Pearl Jam - Soon Forget
sorry is the fool who trades his soul for a corvette thinks he'll get the girl, he'll only get the mechanic ...

Pearl Jam - Spin The Black Circle
see this needle...a see my hand...drop, drop, dropping it down...oh, so gently...well here it comes......

Pearl Jam - Strangest Tribe
It's five below in evidence.The winded eves and sideways snow.His eminence has yet to show....

Pearl Jam - Thin Air
there's a light when my baby's in my armsthere's a light when the window shades are drawnhesitate when...

Pearl Jam - Thumbing My Way
i have not been home since you left long ago i'm thumbing my way back to heaven counting steps, walkin...

Pearl Jam - Tremor Christ
winded is the sailor...drifting by the storm...wounded is the organ he left all...bloodied on the shore......

Pearl Jam - "u"
Thought it was easy to fall in love but you, you, you.You're different this much I know yeah, you, you, you....

Pearl Jam - Untitled (the Color Red)
We're all crazyWe're all crazy and we're ...

Pearl Jam - Wash
Oh please let it rain today. This city's so filthy. Like my mind in ways.Oh it was the time. Like a clean ne...

Pearl Jam - Whale Song
The sun was in clouds. The sun looked out. Exposed a trail of mist and spouts.Ships followed the ancient lea...

Pearl Jam - Whipping
don't need a helmet, got a hard, hard headdon't need a raincoat, i'm already wetdon't need a bandage, ...

Pearl Jam - Who You Are
come to send, not condescendtranscendental consequenceis to transcend where we arewho are we? wh...

Pearl Jam - Why Go
she scratches a letterinto a wall made of stonemaybe somedayanother childwon't feel as alo...

Pearl Jam - W.m.a.
he won the lottery when he was borntook his mothers white breast to his tonguetrained like dogs, color...

Pearl Jam - You Are
This broken wheel is coming undoneAnd the roads explodingBut you're keeping me strongRolling alo...

Pennywise - 30 Seconds 'till The End Of The World
30 seconds till the end of the worldWell blow it all to bits (End of the world)30 seconds till the end...

Pennywise - Alien
Everyday convince myself of everything I can and can't believe abused confused Everyday you feel ever...

Pennywise - American Dream
Things you can't deny you best believe it when everything you wanted is gone Struck down although you don't ...

Pennywise - Anyone Listening
Far below beneath a burning hot sun, our civility's waking up, hate your neighbor cause he's not your kind, ...

Pennywise - Badge Of Pride
All the bullshit that I see so much I can't believe grown man just tryin' to be true to myself impossi...

Pennywise - Bro Hymn Tribute
To our best friend, Present past and beyond Even though they weren't with us too long Your life ...

Pennywise - Broken
Been stuck on the outside since I can't remember when Got up just long enough for them to beat me down again...

Pennywise - Can't Believe It
Wait! Can't Believe itAnother victim another life another wasted casualtyThe youth are shooting, robbi...

Pennywise - Can't Take Anymore
Thought you could face the world now you lost your nerve All the things you held so close until the tables t...

Pennywise - Change My Mind
Every time i talk - you just say i'm wrongI can't take it anymore a thousand lies a billion strongYou ...

Pennywise - City Is Burning
society reflects tonightan ugly mirror showing an animal instincta twisted way to wrong a righth...

Pennywise - Clear Your Head
take all that you've readand all you've heard saidtake every little bit of infoclogged up in you...

Pennywise - Closer
You let me violate youYou let me desecrate youYou let me penetrate youYou let me complicate you...

Pennywise - Come Out Fighting
voices you're letting voices tell you what to do when you yourself don't know voices you g...

Pennywise - Covers
I'd rather stay in bed all day.In bed with you lying closely right by my side. With no one to make us ...

Pennywise - Date With Destiny
A burning plane as its going down the last scream before it hits the groundA lost ship on a raging sea a bli...

Pennywise - Depression
When the world's coming down like an anvil on your head.You must make it, you can take it, if you just kick ...

Pennywise - Did You Really
Tell me all your problems I'll save your soul It could make you feel better But you never really...

Pennywise - Divine Intervention
You don't need divine intervention for all the things that you never can face, you don't need good intention...

Pennywise - Dying To Know
I'll carry the torch - feed off my flamelove is the hottest word for me -it knows my nameand you...

Pennywise - Enemy
Well, it comes as no surprise, don't you realize you can't back up deceit with more sad alibisBecause ...

Pennywise - Every Single Day
See all the people longing to beLiving their lives regretlesslyTrying to repress the pain in their liv...

Pennywise - Every Time
Every time I turn around I see places that look so unreal Every time I try to say exactly how I feel A...

Pennywise - Falling Down
Falling Down everday - to where I can't be foundLeft like some wreckage that's been shot down over sacred gr...

Pennywise - Fight It
Somethings gone wrong todayWhat are we fighting for?Theres got to be something betterSo finally ...

Pennywise - Fight Till You Die
Look all around you there's a war that's going onA struggle against the odds thats's breaking out and must b...

Pennywise - Final Chapters
Outside my window I see trouble. On the faces on the people in the streets below. One gets a feeling d...

Pennywise - Final Day
You got a problem you don't know it Don't know how long you can suffer it And it burns you can feel it...

Pennywise - Freebase
I got some shit for sale you oughtta get someYou'll be the highest guy that ever livedIt might kill yo...

Pennywise - Fuck Authority
Someday you gotta find another way, you better right your mind and live by what you sayToday is just a...

Pennywise - Get A Life
Wake up with the feeling that the whole world got you down Pressure that keeps building got you dragging on ...

Pennywise - Give And Get
you sit around herejust complaining bout your lifethink you have nothing it's not workingand you...

Pennywise - Go Away
A world full of pollution A shit infested sea We'll make our own solutions Take 'em down make 'e...

Pennywise - God Save The U.s.a.
God you must be kidding me, thought this was supposed to beThe home of the brave and the free for you and me...

Pennywise - Gone
I'm falling down, I'm staggeringI'm here and then I'm goneAnd if you try to find meI'm nowhere t...

Pennywise - Greed
Everything you see you always think you needYou are so crazy motivated by greedYou never take responsi...

Pennywise - Holiday In The Sun
How dose it feel to be one of those with your backs against the wallThe wrong way down a one way street and ...

Pennywise - Homeless
look at all these people lying around look at all these people being scraped right off the ground beca...

Pennywise - Homesick
I walk down my old streetUsed to be home for me andnow there's spraypaint on the wallsI see a ho...

Pennywise - It's Up To Me
Held down by a heavy skyI followed rules and I don't know whyIgnored the options that I could not see...

Pennywise - It's Up To You
I see things happening, they fall before my eyes, pretend I'm blind like I could never see the heartache tha...

Pennywise - It's What You Do With It
Too mich time in this same place got to get outAn undenying feeling I gotta get awayToo many thoughts ...

Pennywise - I Won't Have It
A model brother a model dadA model citizen has somehow turned out badPledging allegiance to another fl...

Pennywise - Judgement Day
Who ever knew there's be days like these when the world could knock us to our knees?We didn't fear the futur...

Pennywise - Just For You
Confusion just sets in it always does where does life begin you never know you won't know until it hits you ...

Pennywise - Killing Time
On my tv, violent actions race across my screenA world of hate staring at the rise in murder rateI can...

Pennywise - Kodiak
so many trials and tribulations but the wiser man am I such fixations are fixed on me I tell you...

Pennywise - Land Of The Free?
Land of the free and we're united, make our destiny, we take control, yeah, never divided, we got the power ...

Pennywise - Living For Today
you look around what do you see? I'll tell you what I see is a world belonging to me take time to find...

Pennywise - Look Who You Are
Asleep at the wheelYou didn't know till it's too late'Til now you're blinded by the things you could n...

Pennywise - Might Be A Dream
The look in your eyes tells me you can't disguise why won't you try and face the truthYou're stuck nowhere I...

Pennywise - Minor Threat
[Originally By Minor Threat]We're not the first, I hope we're not the last'Cause I know w...

Pennywise - My God
People on the street they wannna find a god they'll never know, organized religion pulls the blinds then the...

Pennywise - My Own Country
Fools run the government sick foreign policyTheir words sound valiant but their hands are greenUnendin...

Pennywise - My Own Way
I got my way of life and I won't back down or apologizefor things I cannot change guess I gotta do things my...

Pennywise - Need More
Everything you say to me is a lie you've lost control All you say is just a mask for what you feel down deep...

Pennywise - Never Know
With so much bullshit what can you believe So many lives all divided by greed No way to stop no way to...

Pennywise - No Reason Why
I look at my self the person in the mirror is asking me asking me why I lie to myself what's the...

Pennywise - Not Far Away
Hey it's my timeTo change my direction in life just by reading the signsHey it's my turnTo see h...

Pennywise - Nothing
Life - I was a lonely manwith my lead boots nailed to the floordancing the best that I canSweets...

Pennywise - No Way Out
So many times you'd like to just leave behind.But there's no way out, no way out.In my eyes, I see wha...

Pennywise - Nowhere Fast
And so you spread your lies, won't face reality And endless fight a struggle to be free Close minded f...

Pennywise - Now I Know
woke up to a perfect day no hope in sight but the futures bright aheadtoday things will go my way i got to f...

Pennywise - One Voice
A million faces are blurred in today A million lives that are so far away I'm alone and I want you to ...

Pennywise - Open Door
never had the luck to see that face before at most I've only had a fleeting chance: but now it looks a...

Pennywise - Peaceful Day
Listen up everyone there's something wrongWe got the answers in our sights nowBut somehow still we str...

Pennywise - Pennywise
clear your mind hide your fear don't look around don't turn around pennywise is here evil ...

Pennywise - Perfect People
All the perfect people shaStaring back at me on tv in magazineslook so good like a box of fresh twinki...

Pennywise - Punch Drunk
Punch-drunk intoxicationThere are jackals in power who feed on frustrationSheer will you move it or lo...

Pennywise - Rise Up
Well it's up to you what you really want to do - take time - to find a wayFocus on your vision you're on a s...

Pennywise - Rules
I've come to realize that life is but a game and it doesn't matter how you score but how you play and ...

Pennywise - Running Out Of Time
People all around us are covering up their eyes Hard to find the answers believing all the lies Wonder...

Pennywise - Salvation
I want your salvation - we need some liberationAnd I believe in history yeahIt's time to make a differ...

Pennywise - Same Old Story
It's patience trying when you tell me how to liveWell you don't know anythingYour expectations are wea...

Pennywise - Searching
Can't run can't hideNo one here gets out aliveIt don't get better that's the best you're gonna get...

Pennywise - Set Me Free
Life is a lesson you can only learn for free and time keeps on slippin' like a faded memoryAnd I got t...

Pennywise - Side One
when you're alone you're on your own this world is no place for the weak we've got to find ourse...

Pennywise - Slow Down
Responsibility is a foreign word to meit's time to buckle downtime to stand your groundset any w...

Pennywise - Society
Society, We all know there's something wrong and we know it all along Sincerity, You may think there's no on...

Pennywise - Something To Change
Another boring day just fades away a cycle that's never gonna changeAnother casualty of humanity awash in my...

Pennywise - Something Wrong With Me
I'd like to encourage you to believe the tings I do, fact is something's wrong inside of meAt times I ...

Pennywise - Stand By Me
When the night has comeAnd the land is darkAnd the moon is the only light we'll see ...

Pennywise - Still Can Be Great
Every time you try to change something always goes wrong And by the time you figure it out everything you wa...

Pennywise - Straight Ahead
All the things you wantall the things you needyou got the power to chooseyou got the right to be...

Pennywise - Tester
I see your problems are all insidebut you don't ever knowif you'd start trying to open your mind then ...

Pennywise - The Long Road
Can't take back the things that you say,hey sure beats a hole in your head; world runs by, don't you w...

Pennywise - The Secret
listen children I've got a secret one that they don't want me to tell I hope you register this little messag...

Pennywise - The World
Hatred from your closed mind, nothing you think is gonna change, your actions speak so loud, not gonna try a...

Pennywise - This Is Only A Test
This is only a test of the emergency broadcast systemThis is a product of hysterical mass confusionA s...

Pennywise - Time Marches On
Time has changed, what's goin' wrong?We can only regress as time marches on, down with the system, eno...

Pennywise - Time To Burn
Time - never bothered metill I saw it slipping slowly away from meand time took my years awayGiv...

Pennywise - Try
You've been looking for me in the most obvious placesStill I'm nowhere to be foundI'm perched atop the...

Pennywise - Try To Conform
try - still you got nowheretry and stay in lineand live by all the rulesthesy say to follow...

Pennywise - Twist Of Fate
Feels great when you get the runaround, life you led was full of lies, too late when you start to look aroun...

Pennywise - Unknown Road
"...two roads diverged in a wood, and i - i took the one less traveled by, andthat has made all the differen...

Pennywise - Vices
You never listen you never knownever the lender you always followcause it's you doing it you say it's ...

Pennywise - Victim Of Reality
Take a ride and you will see another dose of realityIt's your life that becomes a victim of meI think ...

Pennywise - Waiting
Waiting is hereEverything in my mind is clearNever going back to a world that singsNever going b...

Pennywise - Waste Of Time
I've got a question for all you sinnersHave you ever wondered is this all there is to life?A quick adv...

Pennywise - Watch Me As I Fall
I am a puppet on a string I am the worst thing worst thing you've ever seen I am impossible to believe...

Pennywise - What If I
I've heard it all before Could hear it all a thousand times more Playing with me all the time No...

Pennywise - Who's On Your Side
Looking ahead, not far away, someday soon but not today things may get better, things may get worse dependin...

Pennywise - Who's To Blame
one day you'll have to ask yourself am I doing what I want for someone else from that day forward you'...

Pennywise - Wouldn't It Be Nice
I have a vision of many things to come a way to erase mistakes that have previously been done and a ti...

Pennywise - Wto
I just can't understand and I don't know how anyone can cause with every passin' day it gets worse in every ...

Pennywise - Yesterdays
Up from the ashes and over the hillWe knew more than we ever willBack when the days passed by so slow...

Pennywise - You Can Demand
Hey listen people, I'd like to sayA million minds have a choice butthey choose to walk this wayS...

Pennywise - You'll Never Make It
First you're on a roll and then you loose control Then you can't decide you think you lost your mind W...

Pepper - 7 Weeks
You rip my guts with every sharp word,When you use that monster Hiding underneath your tongue,My...

Pepper - Are You Down
You seem to follow me down,You seem to follow me down, Girl you got a fuse at the end of your he...

Pepper - Ashes
It's been so long; it's hard to breatheWhen the trust is gone,And you face of steel just melts away in...

Pepper - Back Home
Memories and old cd's of living easy,Three o'clock bus stop; regards my elementary,I recall my sandy f...

Pepper - Border Town
I got started this morning,Barely up, filled my cup while I'm yawning.Turn on my TV, Bad news her to g...

Pepper - Keep Your Head Bangin'
This is the story Of Rock n' Roll glory Cause new metal bores me So keep your head bangin' ...

Pepper - Look What I Found
Look what I found in Kona Town,While the sky gets weary and the sun goes down,It's summer living, oh, ...

Pepper - Love Affair
If you got a problem with your love affair,If you got a problem with your love affair,Cry to someone w...

Pepper - Punk Rock Cowboy
He was never into leather and studs,But, he liked them all the same.He bought his records from a magaz...

Pepper - Use Me
Miss joker, joker laughing at me,Ohhh, 'cause I know all of your schemes lately,Like the way you move ...

Pepper - Wanna Know You
I saw a street corner angel,Platinum problems pressed against the wall.She paid her dues, bought stile...

Pepper - Your 45
Lost in pictures Baby I'mLost and foundReminiscing bout my teensIt's a postcard scen...

Pete Murray - Bail Me Out
Two weeks away from realityAnd I was beginning to feel,I couldn't be myself,I feel like a fly ca...

Pete Murray - Fall Your Way
Can you tell me whenAre you going to realiseThat you can dependOn you instincts or your allabies...

Pete Murray - Feeler
You got inside my head today, I felt youSaid my imagination's tryin' to hold youResponsible for all my...

Pete Murray - Freedom
Freedom, comes my way some timesBut I have got no place to goFreedom, has it's own silenceBut I ...

Pete Murray - Lines
Passin' timeYou've come so far but you're still behind,Lose you mind,If you cut this lineI...

Pete Murray - My Time
Look at the time its on my life slowly ticking awayDead to my mindTry to ride the bike but i'll never ...

Pete Murray - No More
He puts his hand down into his pocketPulls out a rose and hands it to his girlShe says, hey man (what ...

Pete Murray - So Beautiful
Found myself just the other dayIn the backyard of a friends place,Thinkin' about you,Thinkin' of...

Pete Murray - Ten Ft Tall
And if I couldSurely would todayAnd if I knewAll the words to sayAnd I couldWisp you...

Pete Murray - Tonic
See your face, just the other dayTakes me back, to the other placeWhen I feel, it's not to far away...

Peter Andre - Mysterious Girl
Baby girl, i said 2night is your lucky night, Peter Andre along wid Bubbla Ranks on de mic.I sto...

Peter Gabriel - ...and Through The Wire
And through the wire I hear your voiceAnd through the wire I touch the powerAnd through the wire I see...

Peter Gabriel - Animal Magic
What did you mean when you opened your mouth and let all our secrets out?You told him what I was about, my c...

Peter Gabriel - A Wonderful Day In A One Day World
Saturday is shopping day and I drive my car but there's no place to park it,No respect for supermen in the s...

Peter Gabriel - Big Time
I'm on my way I'm making it, Huh!I've got to make it show yeah, Hey!So much larger than lifeI'm ...

Peter Gabriel - Biko
September '77Port Elizabeth weather fineIt was business as usualIn police room 619Oh Biko,...

Peter Gabriel - Blood Of Eden
I caught sight of my reflectionI caught it in the windowI saw the darkness in my heartI saw the ...

Peter Gabriel - Come Talk To Me
The wretched desert takes its form, the jackal proud and tightIn search of you, I feel my way, though the sl...

Peter Gabriel - Darkness
i'm scared of swimming in the sea dark shapes moving under me every fear i swallow makes me small ...

Peter Gabriel - Digging In The Dirt
Something in me, dark and stickyAll the time it's getting strongNo way of dealing with this feeling...

Peter Gabriel - D.i.y.
D.I.Y., D.I.Y., D.I.Y., D.I.Y.Don't tell me what I will do, 'cos I won't.Don't tell me to believe in y...

Peter Gabriel - Don't Give Up
in this proud land we grew up strongwe were wanted all alongI was taught to fight, taught to win...

Peter Gabriel - Down The Dolce Vita
"Hey Mac, see you down the Dolce Vita!"Get back, we don't have time'Cos I hear we're sending off the h...

Peter Gabriel - Excuse Me
Excuse meYou're wearing out my joie de vieGrabbing those good years againI want to be alone...

Peter Gabriel - Exposure
ExposureSpace is what I need, it's what I feed on.ExposureOut in the open......

Peter Gabriel - Family Snapshot
The streets are lined with camera crewsEverywhere he goes is newsToday is differentToday is not ...

Peter Gabriel - Flotsam And Jetsam
Doing nothing, stuck in the mud, just pumping the blood.The water level's getting low, something ugly's goin...

Peter Gabriel - Fourteen Black Paintings
From the pain come the dreamFrom the dream come the visionFrom the vision come the peopleFrom th...

Peter Gabriel - Games Without Frontiers
Hans plays with Lotte, Lotte plays with JaneJane plays with Willi, Willi is happy againSuki plays with...

Peter Gabriel - Growing Up
folded in your fleshy purse i am floating once again while the muted sounds are pumping rhythm a...

Peter Gabriel - Here Comes The Flood
When the night showsthe signals grow on radiosAll the strange thingsthey come and go, as early w...

Peter Gabriel - Home Sweet Home
Met this girl called Josephine and took her up on my machine,We had a little fun, and now we got a little on...

Peter Gabriel - Humdrum
I saw the man at J.F.K.He took your ticket yesterdayIn the humdrumI ride tandem with a ran...

Peter Gabriel - I Don't Remember
I got no means to show identificationI got no papers show you what I amYou'll have to take me just the...

Peter Gabriel - I Grieve
it was only one hour ago it was all so different then there's nothing yet has really sunk in loo...

Peter Gabriel - I Have The Touch
The time I like is the rush hour, cos I like the rushThe pushing of the people - I like it all so much...

Peter Gabriel - Indigo
It's too late, this model's out of date.Got every spare part, but there ain't much heart inside here.N...

Peter Gabriel - Intruder
I know something about opening windows and doorsI know how to move quietly to creep across creaky wooden flo...

Peter Gabriel - In Your Eyes
love I get so lost, sometimesdays pass and this emptiness fills my heartwhen I want to run awayI...

Peter Gabriel - Kiss Of Life
See me a big woman, big woman look how you danceSee me a big woman, big woman caught in a trance ...

Peter Gabriel - Kiss That Frog
(Aah, yeah)Jump in the waterSweet little princessLet me introduce his frogness...

Peter Gabriel - Lay Your Hands On Me
Sat in the corner of the Garden Grill, with plastic flowerson the window silNo more miracles, loaves a...

Peter Gabriel - Lead A Normal Life
It's nice here with a view of the treesEating with a spoon?They don't give you knives?'Spect you...

Peter Gabriel - Love To Be Loved
(Aaaaahi, byeeee)So, you know how people areWhen it's all gone much too farThe way their m...

Peter Gabriel - Mercy Street
for anne sexton looking down on empty streets, all she can seeare the dreams all made solid...

Peter Gabriel - Modern Love
Hey, I'm feeling so dirty, you're looking so cleanAll you can give is a spin in your washing machineI ...

Peter Gabriel - More Than This
i woke up and the world outside was dark all so quiet before the dawn opened up the door and walked ou...

Peter Gabriel - Moribund The Burgermeister
Caught in the chaos in the market squareI don't know what, I don't know why, but something's wrong down ther...

Peter Gabriel - Mother Of Violence
Walking the street with her naked feet,So full of rhythm but I can't find the beat.Snapping her heels,...

Peter Gabriel - My Head Souns Like That
the metal jangles as the key turns unlock the door, wipe my feet clean oh my head sounds like that ...

Peter Gabriel - No Self-control
Got to get some foodI'm so hungry all the timeI don't know how to stopI don't know how to stop...

Peter Gabriel - Not One Of Us
It's only waterIn a stranger's tearLooks are deceptiveBut distinctions are clearA foreign ...

Peter Gabriel - No Way Out
saw a group of people forming round a figure lying down and someone runs to make a phone call an...

Peter Gabriel - Only Us
Only Us [x3]It wasn't in the words that kept sticking in their throatsIt wasn't with the ...

Peter Gabriel - On The Air
Built in the belly of junk by the river, my cabin stands;Made from the trash I dug off the heap with my own ...

Peter Gabriel - Perspective
I need perspective, 'cos I'm facing the wall.I need perspective, 'cos I'm not that tall.I need perspec...

Peter Gabriel - Red Rain
red rain is coming downred rainred rain is pouring downpouring down all over me I am...

Peter Gabriel - San Jacinto
Thick cloud - steam rising - hissing stone on sweat lodge fireAround me - buffalo robe - sage in bundle - ru...

Peter Gabriel - Secret World
I stood in this sunsheltered place'Til I could see the face behind the faceAll that had gone before ha...

Peter Gabriel - Shock The Monkey
Shock the monkey to lifeShock the monkey to life Cover me when I runCover me through the f...

Peter Gabriel - Signal To Noise
you know the way that things go when what you fight for starts to fall and in that fuzzy picture ...

Peter Gabriel - Sky Blue
lost my time lost my place in sky blue those two blue eyes light your face in sky blue i k...

Peter Gabriel - Sledgehammer
you could have a steam trainif you'd just lay down your tracksyou could have an aeroplane flying...

Peter Gabriel - Slowburn
We're character actors from the Tower of BabelBewildered, burned out hardly ableTo sit astride the hig...

Peter Gabriel - Solsbury Hill
Climbing up on Solsbury HillI could see the city lightWind was blowing, time stood stillEagle fl...

Peter Gabriel - Steam
Stand Back!Stand Back!What are those dogs doing sniffing at my feetThey're on to something...

Peter Gabriel - That Voice Again
I want to be with youI want to be clearbut each time I tryit's the voice I hearI hear that...

Peter Gabriel - The Barry Williams Show
let's go one man at the window one girl at the bar saw that look of recognition when...

Peter Gabriel - The Drop
moving down the fuselage toward the open door catch you looking down outside to see what lies ah...

Peter Gabriel - The Family And The Fishing Net
Suffocated by mirrors, stained by dreamsHer honey belly pulls the seamsCurves are still upon the hinge...

Peter Gabriel - The Rhythm Of The Heat
Looking out the windowI see the red dust clearHigh up on the red rockStands the shadow with the ...

Peter Gabriel - This Is The Picture
excellent birds flying birdsexcellent birdswatch them fly, there they gofalling snow...

Peter Gabriel - Waiting For The Big One
The wine's all drunk and so am IHere with the hoi-poloi, don't ask me whyWe're celebratin' anticipatin...

Peter Gabriel - Wallflower
6x6 - from wall to wallShutters on the windows, no light at allDamp on the floor you got damp on the b...

Peter Gabriel - Washing Of The Water
River, river carry me onLiving river carry me onRiver, river carry me onTo the place where I com...

Peter Gabriel - We Do What We're Told
milgram's 37 we do what we're toldwe do what we're toldwe do what we're toldtold to ...

Peter Gabriel - White Shadow
Ten coaches roll into the dust, chrome windows turned to rust.Hang on inside, they know they must, hanging o...

Pete Yorn - A Girl Like You
SomedayI'll look into her green eyesAnd know that she'll come with meA girl like you...

Pete Yorn - All At Once
Every now and then I get like thisAnd it isn't hard to seeBut the old man in the kitchenI think ...

Pete Yorn - Black
Black is a cast,And two is a crowd,And gold rim is an answer.Black is a crowd.I am j...

Pete Yorn - Burrito
It's a 7-11Do you wanna take a walk outsideIf you want a burritoYou can have another bite of min...

Pete Yorn - Carlos (don't Let It Go To Your Head)
Into the roomKeep it burning throughHear what they said?Don't talk about this:If you know ...

Pete Yorn - Closet
Oh Billie I want you so,I'm trying to meet you.Too many things they dont know,too many repeating...

Pete Yorn - Come Back Home
Come back home for another yearAnd find yourself in the thick of itCome back home for another year...

Pete Yorn - Committed
It's alrightI won't commit my friendAnd if you pay for your mistakesYou can break apologyI...

Pete Yorn - Crystal Village
Take my handCome with meInto this crystal sceneryAnd wait, til I retain the ticketYou woul...

Pete Yorn - Ever Fallen In Love
You spurn my natural emotions You make me feel like dirt And Im hurt And if I start a commotion ...

Pete Yorn - Ez
Only save,try to find another way,Im taking what I gave to you again.Some new day I could unders...

Pete Yorn - For Nancy
And when you said I could not stay with youThat's not the way you would have wanted to beConvince your...

Pete Yorn - Intro
I've seen the silence grow between usAnd not to make this sound so hardBut all my troubles and my just...

Pete Yorn - June
Pots and pans are indestructible.How do you respect your room?If you hadnt gone tomorrow,You cou...

Pete Yorn - Just Another
You and I,were two of a kind,I hate to say it but youll never relate,what makes you tick?I...

Pete Yorn - Life On A Chain
I live on a chain and you share the same last name, as a joke,I sent a bottle of whiskey, as you choked,...

Pete Yorn - Long Way Down
I don't love youSo why should I compete with other guys?All I know is: my father told me look out...

Pete Yorn - Lose You
Im taking a ride off to one sideIt is a personal thing.Where?When I cant standUp in this c...

Pete Yorn - Man In Uniform
Man in uniform told me he wants to get outDidn't see it coming head in from the westAnd it's he who ch...

Pete Yorn - Murray
I know a man who lives under his coversuh uh uh uh uh uhLost his mind from the TVNow hes playing...

Pete Yorn - On Your Side
Im outside your house2 am its darkSo many mistakesCome back home from barsI am on yo...

Pete Yorn - Pass Me By
The words you never cared to sayI want to find a better placeWhen we rely on something more than this...

Pete Yorn - Sense
Time flew away,But something wont forgive it all,Days and weeks,Lets start from the beginning of...

Pete Yorn - Simonize
Hey,dont take your life away,I think youd rather stay,then follow me into the alleyway,we ...

Pete Yorn - Sleep Better
Calls him every day,He took a kind of vacation,Was heading for something,Wont leave her alone,...

Pete Yorn - So Much Work
There was a timeShe could never see himAnd her faultWas to always need himThey became thei...

Pete Yorn - Strange Condition
Read me the letter, baby,Do not leave out the words.Stories and cigarettes ruined lives of lesser girl...

Pete Yorn - Turn Off The Century
Saw my reflection, covered in glassHow it reminds me of youBroken like a vision, an unfinished season...

Pete Yorn - When You See The Light
When you see the lightYou could imagineWhere you can goAnd when you walk outsideYou could'...

Petey Pablo - Be Country
I'm gonna be country till the day i dieJust because i got this and thatAnd moved out from the projects...

Petey Pablo - Blow Your Whistle
[Intro]Hey hey! Everybody come here, I need all y'all to come over hereCome here come here, yea...

Petey Pablo - Boy's Bathroom
[Filbert]Psssst Hey I bet you thought the record was over didnt you?[Petey Pablo...

Petey Pablo - Diary Of A Sinner
[In Backround]I feel you Pablo[Petey Pablo]This Petey PabloApril the 9...

Petey Pablo - Didn't I
[Petey arguing with cop]"All inmates are asked to stay inside the cell"Hey dog, you think I cou...

Petey Pablo - Fool For Love
Today we will be discussing... Love(I dont think you hear me though)Is there anyone.. (I don't think y...

Petey Pablo - Freek-a-leek
[Petey Pablo:]Let's take some calls from the request line.Caller number one........

Petey Pablo - Funroom
HeyAnd I can't be to lateHow long we gon be here?To whenWhere the hell is this taken me to...

Petey Pablo - I
[Petey]Man holla at ya dogPetey Petey hey yall hey yallCarolina bird dog, still got my sh...

Petey Pablo - Intro
My momma said "It seemed like yesterday my brother Said him was gunna leave hereSaid he was gunn...

Petey Pablo - I Swear
[Chorus]I swear, I would lock the door if the cops came and tell em you goneI swear, I would re...

Petey Pablo - I Told Y'all
Ah.. Hih.. Ha...Petey Pablo... Mmm Hmm...[Chorus:]I told y'all (t...

Petey Pablo - Jam Y'all
Ay, Check this out,This the Carolina BirddogAKA Ginboy, Mister Ginboy, Y'all know what it isI got my m...

Petey Pablo - La Di Da Da Da
Ladies and Gentlemen (ladies and gentlemen)The party will continue (the party will continue)in 5,4,3,2...

Petey Pablo - My Testimony
with no hopes and my will to live barely a care in this world to mei found a way kidnapped...

Petey Pablo - Part 2
[Petey Pablo: Talking]Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to present to you todayThe new album fro...

Petey Pablo - Petey Pablo
[Petey Pablo talking]To get with me, 2000Yo Pete, I think they ready for youGive y'all so...

Petey Pablo - Raise Up
[David Nevermind (Petey Pablo)]This is David NevermindAnd today's controversy is coming from ye...

Petey Pablo - Raise Up (all Cities Remix)
This is David NevermindAnd today's controversy is coming from yet another member or should I say membe...

Petey Pablo - Raise Up (usa Flag Remix)
In the time of needWhen the world is going through so many changesSo many ups and downs, so many obsta...

Petey Pablo - Roll Off
Who rang my phone?That boy gon be a singer one day fo realNaw man get serious for a minute...

Petey Pablo - Stick 'em Up
Yeah I seen em come through here a couple timesI didnt think nuttin of emY'know what I'm sayinBu...

Petey Pablo - Test Of My Faith
Petey hereI wanna tell im dead broke and im bout to go crazyhalf a tank of gas, two ciggaretts s...

Petey Pablo - Truth About Me
Ayo cuzWhen y'all tellin folk... about my lifeI don't want y'all to add nothingI don't want y'al...

Petey Pablo - What You Know About It
[Verse 1]Hail to the king, high on the throneWho the hell is this, answer the phoneTurn h...

Petey Pablo - Y'all Ain't Ready (come On)
I can make em' (i can make em')I can make em' (i can make em')I can make em' bounce if i want to...

Pet Shop Boys - Absolutely Fabulous
Absolutely FabulousAbsolutely (absolutely) Fabulous (fabulous)Absolutely (absolutely) Fabulous (fabulo...

Pet Shop Boys - A Red Letter Day
Go to work and take your callsHang the fruits of your labour on the wallsSuch precision and care...

Pet Shop Boys - Before
The telephone's not answeredSo many times you'll callFor many different reasonsSo many tears wil...

Pet Shop Boys - Decadence
You don't care about nothingSo you don't care about loveIf you want me to come backYou'd better ...

Pet Shop Boys - Discoteca
Hay una discoteca por acqui?Hay una discoteca por acqui?Hay una discoteca por acqui?Hay una disc...

Pet Shop Boys - Domino Dancing
(All day, all day)I don't know why, I don't know howI thought I loved you, but I'm not sure now...

Pet Shop Boys - Electricity
(What does it mean?)(What are you doing in San Francisco?)(Get out of here and take this case wi...

Pet Shop Boys - Euroboy
(Viva viva viva viva)(Viva viva viva viva)(Viva viva viva viva)(Viva viva viva viva)...

Pet Shop Boys - Hit Musica
Hit music on the radioHit music on the radioWhen you dance with me we dance foreverAll nig...

Pet Shop Boys - How Can You Expect To Be Taken Seriously?
You live upon a stage, and everyone's agreedYou're the brightest hope by far that anyone can seeSo whe...

Pet Shop Boys - I'm Not Scared
Take these dogs away from me(Ah Ah Ah Ah - Ah Aah Aah, Ah Ah Ah Ah - Ah Aah Aah)(Ah Ah Ah Ah - Ah Aah ...

Pet Shop Boys - In The Night
Zazou, what you're gonna do?There's a lot of people coming for you Zazou, comment allez-vous?A k...

Pet Shop Boys - It Always Comes As A Surprise
I can't be cool, or nonchalantCall me an impulsive fool, you're all I wantYou may be right, it's too m...

Pet Shop Boys - It Couldn't Happen Here
Yesterday, remember how clear it seemedIn six inch heels, quoting magazinesGo all the way, you knew yo...

Pet Shop Boys - It's A Sin
(Twenty seconds and counting...T minus fifteen seconds, guidance is okay)??When I look back upon...

Pet Shop Boys - I Want A Dog
I want a dog,A chihuahuaWhen I get back to my small flatI want to hear somebody barkOh, yo...

Pet Shop Boys - I Want A Lover
At this time of night, when the crowds have passedWe're the last to leave, we need some companyNo need...

Pet Shop Boys - I Want To Wake Up
I heard what you said, and I can tell you it's trueI heard you've said that I am crazy about youTurn i...

Pet Shop Boys - King's Cross
The man at the back of the queue was sentTo feel the smack of firm governmentLinger by the flyposter, ...

Pet Shop Boys - Later Tonight
You wait 'til later'Til later tonightYou wait 'til later, 'til later'Til later tonight...

Pet Shop Boys - Metamorphosis

Pet Shop Boys - My October Symphony
So much confusionWhen autumn comes aroundWhat to do about OctoberHow to smile behind a frown?...

Pet Shop Boys - Nervously
A nervous boy in several waysI never knew the world could operate this wayI was nervous when we stoppe...

Pet Shop Boys - One More Chance
The city is quiet, too cold to walk aloneStrangers in overcoats hurry on homeTonight I've been walking...

Pet Shop Boys - Only The Wind
It's only the wind blowing litter all aroundJust a little wind and the trees are falling downThere's n...

Pet Shop Boys - Paninaro
Passion and love, sex, money,Violence, religion, injustice, deathPaninaro, Paninaro, oh oh oh...

Pet Shop Boys - Saturday Night Forever
I don't care what these commentators sayI swear I don't care, for what difference do they make?I go wh...

Pet Shop Boys - Se A Vida E
(Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh)(Aah-aah-aah-aah)Come outside and see a brand new dayThe troubles in your...

Pet Shop Boys - Single
I'm single bilingualSingle bilingualThey call this a community, I like to think of it as home...

Pet Shop Boys - So Hard
I double-cross youAnd you get mysterious mailI've tried hard not to shock youIt's hard not to wi...

Pet Shop Boys - Some Speculation
There's been some speculation about a recent invitationThere's been some speculation about a recent invitati...

Pet Shop Boys - Suburbia
Lost in the high street, where the dogs runRoaming suburban boysMother's got a hairdo to be done...

Pet Shop Boys - The End Of The World
Floods of tears and doors slammingStamping feet across the landingBecause of your obligationTo s...

Pet Shop Boys - The Survivors
(Aaah - Aaah)Cross a windy bridge one winter nightPast Embankment Gardens enter warmth and light...

Pet Shop Boys - This Must Be The Place I Waited Years To Leave
(Everybody E-E-EverybodyEverybody E-E-EverybodyEverybody E-E-EverybodyEverybody jump to attentio...

Pet Shop Boys - To Face The Truth
You know it hurts me when you lieSometimes it even makes me cry'Cause I'm so in love with youIf ...

Pet Shop Boys - Tonight Is Forever
I may be wrong, I may be rightMoney's short and time is tightDon't even think about those billsD...

Pet Shop Boys - To Step Aside
By the cathedral into the sunPilgrims are singing, their journey doneI look at my short life and think...

Pet Shop Boys - Two Divided By Zero
(Two divided by zero, zero)(Two divided by zero, zero, zero)Let's not go home, we'll catch the l...

Pet Shop Boys - Up Against It
News in this cityBreaks without pityLong after the war has endedWe're still in fatigues...

Pet Shop Boys - Violence
The sons and brothers, fighting for another causeAnything to give their lives some meaningBusy with th...

Pet Shop Boys - We All Feel Better In The Dark
The secrets (Got to me)- Thank You - (Got to me)of sexual (Got to me Got to me)attraction ...

Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls
(....forever)Sometimes you're better off deadThere's gun in your hand and it's pointing at your ...

Pet Shop Boys - Why Don't We Live Togheter?
There comes a time in everyone's lifeWhen all of the parties every nightThey're not enoughYou wa...

Phantom Planet - 1st Things 1st
You should get your story straight before I start to doubt itCuz if you've worn your lipstick off, I want to...

Phantom Planet - After Hours
Watching everybody leaving, I tell myself, "Looks can be deceiving." Oh, I'm hoping that I'm not dead ...

Phantom Planet - All Over Again
Your crash is waiting to happenAnd you you're dragging me downAll over againI give in I gi...

Phantom Planet - Always On My Mind
Everybody in this place can up and move awayFor all I care this town's already dead and emptyI'm told ...

Phantom Planet - Anthem
I woke up today a song was swimming in my headAnd I hummed it to myself as I got out of bedAnd on the ...

Phantom Planet - Badd Business
So you've been trying to get aheadBut coming out empty handedLosing all the friends you made instead...

Phantom Planet - Big Brat
It was all his fault, Introduced me to knowitall And the cannibalOh, well...By the time th...

Phantom Planet - By The Bed
Her eyes were closed when I caught her in bedOh, she seemed much happier thenI sat by her side and I c...

Phantom Planet - Can't Take It
Something strange,Somehow I get the feelingI'm where everyone knows your name,It's not much diff...

Phantom Planet - Don't Get Down
I wanna live on the moon, Never see a human again,And as the earth explodes,I'll light a candle ...

Phantom Planet - Down In A Second
Can I find a place of solace to unscale?Should I take a social climb? Should I fail?Have we gathered h...

Phantom Planet - Dying Of Silence
So as I stand here dying of silence tonight,The quiet spell you slung on the ceiling fanYou will retur...

Phantom Planet - Hey Now Girl
Well let me tell you I have seen a monster age of seventeenWho'll let you in to kick you out and knows what ...

Phantom Planet - In Our Darkest Hour
Oh yeah it started today in a cloud If I was the sun I would shoutI've got so much shining left before I'm o...

Phantom Planet - I Was Better Off
From my mouth,now more & more everyday,Words that have nothing to sayWell I'll find something, s...

Phantom Planet - Jabberjaw
Isn't there enough to talk about?I don't want what else is running out your mouthChewing my ears from ...

Phantom Planet - Knowitall
I came home as someone elseMust have wished it on myselfWhen I gotLost in thought whileWe ...

Phantom Planet - Lisa (does It Hurt You?)
Behind the bleachers,I'll tell you a secret,of locker room dreamsLunchbox angelWill you te...

Phantom Planet - Lonely Day
I could tell from the minute I woke up It was going to be a lonely lonelylonely lonely day.Rise ...

Phantom Planet - Making A Killing
Cut your lossesCut your tiesStart a new lifeThese things they can tie you up, weigh you do...

Phantom Planet - Nobody's Fault
Everything is ok everything is fineI give you everything you ask for don't be so unkindWell every time...

Phantom Planet - One Ray Of Sunlight
Goodness sometimes things get badBut I swear I'm doing all I canSo try all you want toI'm ...

Phantom Planet - Recently Distressed
Dear recently distressed,I am sorry, to inform you,that I lost your kid's address,you see my win...

Phantom Planet - Rest Easy
It's all clear,No need for you to fear,Nothing's under the bed tonightIt's alrightNo need ...

Phantom Planet - Sleep Machine
Some things melt away,As night dissolves to daySome things only stay,As silent darkness slowly k...

Phantom Planet - So I Fell Again
I can't say if this feeling coming over me is real,But I know it's something you cant steal,So I'll bu...

Phantom Planet - Something Is Wrong
Burn me down if that's how everything's gonna startWith a flame from the heat off the look on your face...

Phantom Planet - The Happy Ending
There's nothing for me hereI'm starting to get oldTime just ticks onWe've all been taking some c...

Phantom Planet - The Local Black And Red
Sitting in your room,Drinking your perfume,Wondering which day of the weekI'll die on now,...

Phantom Planet - The Meantime
Hold onHold outYour day's fullOk, that's fineI don't mindThe meantimeYou...

Phantom Planet - Turn Smile Shift Repeat
Here they come the business men like a herd of cattle rumbling inThe exchange has officially begunNow ...

Phantom Planet - Wishing Well
It cursed us all on our way homeWe passed the sights like passing stonesAnd I will never go back there...

Phantom Planet - You're Not Welcome Here
Upon the hour of your arrivalI will draw the lineYou take your side of the cityDon't set foot on...

Phil Collins - All Of My Life
All of my life, I've been searchingFor the words to say how I feel.I'd spend my time thinking too much...

Phil Collins - Behind The Lines
I held the book so tightly in my hands,I saw your picture, heard you call my nameIt was strange I coul...

Phil Collins - Big Noise
[Chorus:]Just set your sight high, look'em right in the eye and take itAnd make a big big...

Phil Collins - Can't Find My Way
'...To try to do the right thing...always the right thing.' I've been doing some thinking, here on my ...

Phil Collins - Can't Turn Back The Years
'No matter how much you think you want or need it, the past has to remain just that, the past...'Could...

Phil Collins - Colours
Deep inside the borderChildren are cryingFighting for foodHolding their headsBreaking thei...

Phil Collins - Come With Me
I'll try to make the sun shine brighter for youI will even play the fool if it makes you smileI'll try...

Phil Collins - Don't Get Me Started
Don't get me started on politiciansAnd the lies they spreadDon't even mention sex and religionAn...

Phil Collins - Don't Let Him Steel Your Heart Away
You were lonely and you needed a friendAnd he was there at the right time with the right smileJust a s...

Phil Collins - Do You Know, Do You Care
You said you would, you didn't and I wanna know whyAnd don't make no excusesYou promised, you promised...

Phil Collins - Driving Me Crazy
No matter where you go I'll be thereNo matter where you hide I'll find youI'll be there looking throug...

Phil Collins - Father To Son
Somewhere down the road, you're gonna find a placeIt seems so far, but it never isYou won't need to st...

Phil Collins - Find A Way To My Heart
Find a way to my heart, and I will always be with youFrom wherever you are, I'll be waitingI'll keep a...

Phil Collins - For A Friend
When I saw him lasthe had that look in his eyesI said, "Do you need to talk?"he said, "No."...

Phil Collins - Heat On The Street
You've gotta shout if you've got something to sayI know it's getting bad, you read it every dayAnd you...

Phil Collins - I Don't Want To Go
I don't want to see you goThere's too much to say.But it's gone on for too longI know how ...

Phil Collins - If Leaving Me Is Easy
I read all the letters, I read each word that you've sent to meAnd though it's past now, and the words start...

Phil Collins - I Like The Way
I look out the window every day, I see the world go byWatching I sit and wait for youJust hoping you'l...

Phil Collins - I'm Not Moving
If you feel it do it,You don't need a reasonFor all you know it could be good for youTo sh...

Phil Collins - It Don't Matter To Me
Well it don't matter to me what you say, what you sayAnd it don't matter to me what you're doing alright, al...

Phil Collins - It's In Your Eyes
It's in your eyes,the love you hide away.You can't disguisethe things you feel, the thing you sa...

Phil Collins - It's Not Too Late
Gently rolling Father timeIs calling to him now, And though he hears himHe looks out to sea....

Phil Collins - It's Over (home Demo)
With a young man, with his heart on his sleeveHad the body of a man, and a trust of a childHe never me...

Phil Collins - I've Forgotten Everything
'...I get along without you very well' [Hoagy Carmichael. 1939]I've forgotten everything about ...

Phil Collins - Just Another Story
Father comes home 'cos his money's run out -seems a little loose tonight, he starts to shout.Din...

Phil Collins - Like China
My mom and daddy both sayI must be crazy to be this infatuatedBut I know you knowWe got somethin...

Phil Collins - Lorenzo
Once upon a time I made a lion roar -he was sleeping in the sunbeams on the old zoo floor.I had gone t...

Phil Collins - Love Police
Sometimes I lie awake, wondering if I'll make it out of here,but the wind blows round my heels, so I stay...

Phil Collins - No Matter Who
Well it's a long, long road when you're out there alone,no matter what side you're on,but there's a he...

Phil Collins - Oughta Know By Now
You oughta know by nowthat a man can't hold on forever,so why do you keep waiting herewhen you k...

Phil Collins - Please Come Out Tonight
'...When all is said and done, there's just you and me.' Please come out tonight I need you here...

Phil Collins - River So Wide
If we can cross at the place that divides us.cross the river, the river so wide,if we can smother the ...

Phil Collins - Son Of Man
Oh, the power to be strongAnd the wisdom to be wiseAll these things willcome to you in time...

Phil Collins - Strangers Like Me
Whatever you do, I'll do it tooShow me everything and tell me howIt all means somethingAnd yet n...

Phil Collins - Survivors
'...I never meant to break your heart, please forgive me.' No I never meant to hold you backI ne...

Phil Collins - Swing Low
The sun is rising in the skyHere we're waiting, standing byRound in circles, round and roundPuls...

Phil Collins - Take Me Down
Seems I've lingered too long in the darknessunlock the door, turn the light on and wait.I should know ...

Phil Collins - Take Me With You
If you see the light on in the window of my roomI'll be looking out though the shades are drawnIf you ...

Phil Collins - Testify
I want to testify, testify my love for youI'm here to testify, testify my love for youAnd I will do, a...

Phil Collins - That's How I Feel
Well I've been waiting so longI've been waiting so patientlyOut of the blue you callYou're leavi...

Phil Collins - That's Just The Way It Is
All day long he was fighting for youAnd he didn't even know your nameYoung men come and young men go...

Phil Collins - That's What You Said
I remember the night you weren't at home(had to work late is what I heard)That's what you saidI ...

Phil Collins - The Least You Can Do
I was lying awake last night, waiting for your callBut if the rumours are true, that won't bother you at all...

Phil Collins - The Man With The Horn
They come from miles around just to hear him playHe's on the same street corner almost every dayAnd th...

Phil Collins - There's A Place For Us
'...There's a place for us, somewhere a time and a place.' So here we are togetherjust you and m...

Phil Collins - The Same Moon
When the daylight comes and I look across the room,I see you're gone.As the morning breaks and I reach...

Phil Collins - The Times They Are A-changin'
Come gather 'round people wherever you roam,and admit that the waters around you have grown,and accept...

Phil Collins - This Love, This Heart
This love, this heart, these arms to holdSo tight to you, I won't let goCan this be real, or just some...

Phil Collins - This Must Be Love
It must be love, I'm feelingThis must be loveOh this must be love, I'm feelingThis must be love...

Phil Collins - Thru My Eyes
It's never where you think you'll find itThe thing you think you're looking forIt could take you all y...

Phil Collins - Thru These Walls
I can hear thru' these wallsI can hear it when they're foolin' aroundI can hear thru' these walls...

Phil Collins - Thunder And Lightening
I never thought I'd ever get tired of playing gamesBut I've been holding back for too longNow the time...

Phil Collins - Tomorrow Never Knows
Turn off your mind, relax and float downstreamIt is not dying, It is not dying.Lay down all thoughts, ...

Phil Collins - Two Worlds
Put your faith in what you most believe inTwo worlds, one familyTrust your heartLet fate decide...

Phil Collins - Wake Up Call
This is your wake up call... young hearts be freeGet up, get on, get out about and shout itTell ...

Phil Collins - Wear My Hat
She came looking for me with her arms open wide,like some long lost friend of mine.She said 'Exc...

Phil Collins - We Fly So Close
'We never realise just how close we come to disaster whether in love or everyday life...' My harbour l...

Phil Collins - We're Sons Of Our Fathers
'It seems that family values have changed since I was a kid, at least I remember it that way...' When ...

Phil Collins - Why Can't It Wait 'till Morning
Why can't it wait 'til morning?We can talk about it then'Cos I've had a drink too manyAnd my tro...

Phil Collins - You Know What I Mean
Just as I thought I'd make itYou walk back into my lifeJust like you never leftJust as I'd...

Phil Collins - You'll Be In My Heart
Come stop your cryingIt will be all rightJust take my hand Hold it tight I will protect yo...

Phil Collins - You Touch My Heart
Somehow you reach in and you touch my heartSomehow you reach in, you touch my soulWhen I look at you, ...

Phil Collins - You've Been In Love (that Little Bit Too Long)
You've been in love that little bit too longYou've been in love and I think that you knowYou've been i...

Philly's Most Wanted - Cross The Border
[Boobonic]Yo, once the Mo start drippinHoes start trippinTell em my name BooYou kno...

Philly's Most Wanted - Please Don't Mind
You could turn the mic down a lil' bitC'mon, with the hands, yeah see[both talking]...

Phish - Access Me
The first time I came over I was bitten by your dogYou weren't even there 'cause you were walking in the fog...

Phish - Army Of One
Northern dilemmaCall of the coldThe arms of the arctic begin to unfoldSit in a circle faci...

Phish - A Song I Heard The Ocean Sing
A song I heard the ocean singA shining light in darkness deepI prayed a prayer into the tideAnd...

Phish - Back On The Train
When I jumped off, I had a bucket full of thoughtsWhen I first jumped off, I held that bucket in my hand...

Phish - Bug
There've been times when I wanderAnd times when I don'tConcepts I'll ponderAnd concepts I won't ...

Phish - Crowd Control
Listen now I'm talkingI've been here for weeksWaiting in this growing crowdStaring at my feet...

Phish - Dirt
I'd like to live beneath the dirtA tiny space to move and breatheIs all that I would ever need...

Phish - Driver
I'll tell you about the driver who lives inside my headStarts me up and stops me and puts me into bedH...

Phish - Farmhouse
Welcome this is a Farmhouse We have cluster flies alasAnd this time of year is badWe are so very...

Phish - Gotta Jibboo
Mama sing sing when she gotta jibbooPapa sing gotta jibbooMama sing sing when she gotta jibbooPa...

Phish - Grind
Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind, Grind, GrindI can bend in sixty-eight waysI have lived for tw...

Phish - Heavy Things
Things are falling down on meHeavy things I could not seeWhen I finally came aroundSomething sma...

Phish - Mist
Several times unconsciously I've stumbled on the pathAnd seen a mountain in the mistRain falls on my s...

Phish - Nothing
Nothing's ensconcedNothing's entrenchedNothing's entangled or twisted or wrenchedEverything smoo...

Phish - Piper
Piper, Piper, the red, red wormWoke last night to the sound of the stormHer words were words I sailed ...

Phish - Sand
If you can heal the symptomsBut not affect the causeIt's quite a bit like trying to healA gunsho...

Phish - Scents And Subtle Sounds
If you would stop and notice that we number every dayBut allow the many moments left uncounted slip away...

Phish - Scents And Subtle Sounds (intro)
If you would only start to liveOne moment at a timeYou would, I think, be startledBy the things ...

Phish - Secret Smile
Sometimes when the evening's youngThe wind dies down, the setting sunCrochets the clouds with yarn so ...

Phish - Sleep
I can't describe the feeling whenI'm in my bed asleep and thenI wake up with a vision blurredAnd...

Phish - The Connection
When I see the connectionThough I see I don't stareThough I see I don't stareWhen I'm lost...

Phish - Tomorrow's Song
Today I sing tomorrow's songIn this place we learn to wait ...

Phish - Twist
I spoke your name for many daysPronouncing it in several waysAnd moving letters all around...

Phish - Two Versions Of Me
Ten mountains stand tallNine seasons since fallEight eons of sandSeven oceans beganNow the...

Phish - Undermind
Undecided, undefinedUndisturbed yet underminedRelocated not retiredReprimanded and rewindM...

Pillar - Above
For all those people I've metThinkin' I live my life in regret for all those choices I've madeI have t...

Pillar - Aftershock
It's plain to see that all you care about are the pockets that you fillBut you don't want to hear me talk ab...

Pillar - All Day Everyday
It's Sunday morning and you struggle with the sheetsYou hear the alarm kick the snooze go back to sleep...

Pillar - A Shame
You are afraid to say it's true reality escapes youTime after time you try to prove to yourself you're right...

Pillar - Behind Closed Doors
Open up and reveal what's goin' on in the backroom (Uh oh)I see you I never knew what it was you were goin' ...

Pillar - Bring Me Down
You can't bring me down, you can't bring me downBack in the day when nothing really mattered to me...

Pillar - Dirty Little Secret
Why can't we try and understand?All these images are out of handAnd in demand by every man that think ...

Pillar - Echelon
You know it's time for us to step it upAnother level now 'cause we finished warming upSo we rise up el...

Pillar - Epidemic
Is it such a crime to be a paradigmSo many people have to think it's just a waste of timeBut the truth...

Pillar - Father
Your life is like a castle built upon the sandAll the work is done but it will not standYour life is l...

Pillar - Fireproof
Here's a chance to show you how I feelA chance for you to see it's realTo see just what I feel inside ...

Pillar - Frontline
It's not like I'm walking alone into the valley of the shadow of deathStand beside one another, 'cause it ai...

Pillar - Further From Myself
It's pressure the pleasures measureThe pressure is overbearingIs it me myself that's caringFor e...

Pillar - Galactic Groove
Here's a little story I got to tellabout my Father up in heaven who you know so wellBut let me start o...

Pillar - Guess Who's Won
That's it that's the last strawYou've tried so many times that I have to declare warI'm sick of your f...

Pillar - Hindsight
I wanna be a transparency live my life so that you can see ElohimNo longer see a little boy in his teens get...

Pillar - Holding On
I'm gonna keep on holding onTimes are changing, rearrangingAll the raging over little things has...

Pillar - Hypnotized
It's been far too long, we've known all alongThis was going on, can't seem to respond to anything, so, we ca...

Pillar - Indivisible
For all the people in the world that don't understandExactly what it is we have here in this motherland...

Pillar - Just To Get By
Listen up here's another lessonChapter 2 of this sagaSparks yet another questionAre you doing ju...

Pillar - Let It Out
I don't know if we'll ever really see the dayWhen we look around and we don't know what to sayHow did ...

Pillar - Light At My Feet
As I aimlessly wander around how could I ever expect to be foundUntil looking down and seeing the light at t...

Pillar - Live For Him
Give me a couple of minutes maybe one or twoto tell you 'bout the time I'm spendin with my crewTraveli...

Pillar - One Thing
Sometimes, our minds can make us believe and teach us to seeThat there's nothing there, we fool ourselves kn...

Pillar - Open Your Eyes
Your runnin' the race that never ends to make amendsWith the friends that you've had since the day that your...

Pillar - Original Superman
He heals the sick He saves the lost and died for you in case you've forgot, manHe'll jump a building in a si...

Pillar - Reaching Out
Getting started with a new song for our friends.Something that can help us we can always make amends.I...

Pillar - Rewind
It seems just like yesterday was the first time that I heard You call my nameSince then, so much has changed...

Pillar - Simply
I've made it so hard on myself, turning my back on how You feltSeeing a lie that led me on, leaving a love t...

Pillar - Something Real
I ain't talkin' about cartoons Saturday morning TVRemote control, it's time to set your mind freeKick ...

Pillar - Staring Back (reflections)
There seems to be something going on inside of youMaybe what you need is just another point of viewBut...

Pillar - Time To Play
It's time to rock it's time to play so jump around if you feel the same way.We're gonna hit you with a new s...

Pillar - Underneath It All
I can see you stepping to me just by the look in your eyesYou think that I can't be who I am if I don't live...

Pillar - Unity
There's you and I in unityIt's time we take a stand so we can let the world seeGod made different colo...

Pillar - You Should Know
Say it ain't so Joe here we go soWriting words that'll flow Drop another verse til I'm oldHit 'em with...

Pink - Can't Take Me Home
[Chorus:]Can't take me home to mama cuz she wouldn't think I'm properShoulda thought about that...

Pink - Catch Me While I'm Sleeping
[Verse 1]How many times have you sat across from me?And how many times have you told me you wer...

Pink - Do What You Do
Some people like the summer when it's hotSome people like the winter coldSome people speak they minds ...

Pink - Feel Good Time
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo.....[laughs]we go where we like,we got over time,we get...

Pink - God Is A Dj
[VERSE 1:]I've been the girl with her skirt pulled highBeen the outcast never running with masc...

Pink - Hell Wit Ya
What is thisI heard you got a new missWe just broke up so you know that I'm pissedThey say you'r...

Pink - Hiccup
[Chorus:]Why everytime I try to tell you how it feelIt's like a hiccup-cup come and it won't co...

Pink - Hooker
[Chorus 2x]And you ain't nothin' but a hookerSellin' your fuckin' soulBack up! They...

Pink - Humble Neighborhoods
We don't wanna go homeWe're bad people and we do bad things [2x][Verse 1]Her...

Pink - Is It Love
[Chorus:]Is it love, or just a curseDo you feel good when I hurtI need your heart to open...

Pink - Last To Know
[Chorus]Why was I the last to know That you weren't coming to my show you coulda Called m...

Pink - Let Me Let You Know
Dear baby, I'm not sorry for leavin you this wayBut I know that I should have told you face-to-faceWe'...

Pink - Love Is Such A Crazy Thing
I never thought I'd find someoneBut you came along and made me seeThat you were the only one for me...

Pink - Love Song
I've never written a love song That didn't end in tearsMaybe you'll rewrite my love songIf you c...

Pink - Private Show
Silly you, silly meTo letcha in and put a move on meYeah yeah yeahNever once asked for love...

Pink - Save My Life
She's back on drugs againEven though she knows it ain't rightShe can't even call up her friendsA...

Pink - Split Personality
I do not trust, so I cannot love(can't no man be trusted)Oh no no noAnd I would not dare to open...

Pink - Stop Falling
[Chorus:]I ain't lookin for a steady thingI ain't lookin for what love bringsI'm still yo...

Pink - Tonight's The Night
Well tonight's the night I'm gonna get rightGonna hit the scene with my friendsTonight's the night Imm...

Pink - Trouble
No attorneysTo plead my caseNo opiatesTo send me into outta spaceAnd my fingersAre b...

Pink - Try Too Hard
123...You follow every line, you wear your perfect patch and styleBut you're like a satellite and you'...

Pink - Unwind
[Verse 1]I hide my pain like the rest of themThat's why I'm always laughingI'm troubled, ...

Pink - Waiting For Love
[Verse 1]She looks to the sun Help her to carry onBraking down all the years Wonder...

Pink - Walk Away
[Verse 1]I gave you three years of my lifeYou always said I'd be your wifeWhat happened t...

Pink Floyd - A Great Day For Freedom
On the day the wall came downThey threw the locks onto the groundAnd with glasses high we raised a cry...

Pink Floyd - A New Machine - Part I
I have always been hereI have always looked out from behind the eyesIt feels like more than a lifetime...

Pink Floyd - A New Machine - Part Ii
I will always be in hereI will always look out from behind these eyesIt's only a lifetimeIt's on...

Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall (part I)
Daddy's flown across the ocean Leaving just a memory A snap shot in the family album Daddy what ...

Pink Floyd - Another Brick In The Wall (part Iii)
I don't need no arms around me I don't need no drugs to calm me I have seen the writing on the wall ...

Pink Floyd - Apples And Oranges
Got a flip-top pack of cigarettes in her pocketFeeling good at the topShopping in sharp shoesWal...

Pink Floyd - A Spanish Piece
Bath of tequila, ManuelLeaf and cringleLaugh at my lisp and kill youI thinkThis Spanish mu...

Pink Floyd - Astronomy Domine
Lime and limpid green a second scene a fight between the blue you once knewFloating down the sound resounds ...

Pink Floyd - Biding My Time
Wasting my time, Resting my mind And I'll never pine For the sad days and the bad days Whe...

Pink Floyd - Bike
I've got a bike. You can ride it if you like.It's got a basket, a bell that rings andThings to make it...

Pink Floyd - Brain Damage
The lunatic is on the grassThe lunatic is on the grassRemembering games and daisy chains and laughs...

Pink Floyd - Breathe
Breathe, breathe in the airDon't be afraid to careLeave but don't leave meLook around and chose ...

Pink Floyd - Breathe - Reprise
Home, home againI like to be there when I canWhen I come in cold and tiredIt's good to warm my b...

Pink Floyd - Bring The Boys Back Home
Bring the boys back home Bring the boys back home Don't leave the children on their own Bring th...

Pink Floyd - Burning Bridges
Bridges burning gladly,Merging with the shadows,Flickering between the lines.Stolen moments floa...

Pink Floyd - Candy And A Current Bun
Oh my, girl sitting in the sunGo buy, candy and a currant bunI like, to see you runLike that.......

Pink Floyd - Chapter 24
A movement is accomplished in six stagesAnd the seventh brings return.The seven is the number of the y...

Pink Floyd - Childhood's End
You shout in your sleep.Perhaps the price is just too stepp.Is your conscience at rest if once put to ...

Pink Floyd - Cirrus Minor
In a churchyard by a river,Lazing in the haze of midday,Laughing in the grasses and the graze.Ye...

Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
Hello, Is there anybody in there Just nod if you can hear me Is there anyone at home Come ...

Pink Floyd - Coming Back To Life
Where were you when I was burned and brokenWhile the days slipped by from my window watchingWhere were...

Pink Floyd - Corporal Clegg
Corporal Clegg had a wooden legHe won it in the war, in 1944.Corporal Clegg had a medal tooIn or...

Pink Floyd - Crying Song
We smile and smileWe smile and smileLaughter echoes in your eyesWe climb and climbWe climb...

Pink Floyd - Cymbaline
The path you tread is narrow and the drop is shear and very highThe ravens all are watching from a vantage p...

Pink Floyd - Dogs
You gotta be crazy, you gotta have a real needYou gotta sleep on your toes, and when you're on the street...

Pink Floyd - Don't Leave Me Now
Ooooh Babe Don't leave me now Don't say it's the end of the road Remember the flowers I sent ...

Pink Floyd - Echoes
Overhead the albatross hangs motionless upon the air And deep beneath the rolling waves in labyrinths of cor...

Pink Floyd - Eclipse
All that you touchAll that you seeAll that you tasteAll that you feelAll that you love...

Pink Floyd - Embryo
All this love Is all I am, A ball is all I am.I'm so new Compared to you And I am ve...

Pink Floyd - Empty Spaces
[Backwords]Congratulations, you have found the secret message.Please send your answer to Old Pi...

Pink Floyd - Fat Old Sun
When that fat old sun in the sky is falling,Summer evening birds are calling.Summer's thunder time of ...

Pink Floyd - Flaming
Alone in the clouds all blueLying on an eiderdown.Yippee! You can't see meBut I can you.La...

Pink Floyd - Free Four
The memories of a man in his old ageAre the deeds of a man in his prime.You suffle in gloom in the sic...

Pink Floyd - Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert
brezhnev took afghanistanbegin took beirutgaltieri took the union jackand maggie over lunch one ...

Pink Floyd - Goodbye Blue Sky
[Childs voice:]Look, Mummy. There's an airplane up in the sky.Oooooooo ooo ooo ooooh ...

Pink Floyd - Goodbye Cruel World
Goodbye cruel world I'm leaving you today Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye all you pe...

Pink Floyd - Grantchester Meadows
Icy wind of night, be gome.This is not your domain.In the sky a bird was heard to cry.Misty morn...

Pink Floyd - Green Is The Colour
Heavy hung the canopy of blueShade my eyes and I can see youWhite is the light that shines through the...

Pink Floyd - Gunners Dream
floating down through the cloudsmemories come rushing up to meet me nowin the space between the heaven...

Pink Floyd - Have A Cigar
Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar. You're gonna go far, fly high,You're never gonna die, you're gon...

Pink Floyd - Heroes Return
Jesus Jesus what's it all abouttrying to clout these little ingrates into shapewhen i was their age al...

Pink Floyd - Hey You
Hey you ! out there in the cold Getting lonely, getting old, can you feel me Hey you ! Standing in the...

Pink Floyd - Ibiza Bar
I'm so afraid of mistakes that I madeTaking every time that I wakeI feel like a hard-boiled butter man...

Pink Floyd - If
If I were a swan, I'd be gone.If I were a train, I'd be late.And if I were a good man, I'd talk with y...

Pink Floyd - In The Flesh
So ya Thought ya Might like to go to the show To feel the warm thrill of confusion T...

Pink Floyd - Is There Anybody Out There?
Is there anybody out there?Is there anybody out there?Is there anybody out there?Is there anybod...

Pink Floyd - It Would Be So Nice
It would be so niceIt would be so niceIt would be so niceTo meet, sometimeEverybody ...

Pink Floyd - Jugband Blues
It's awfully considerate of you to think of me hereAnd I'm much obliged to you for making it clearThat...

Pink Floyd - Julia Dream
Sunlight bright upon my pillowLighter than an eiderdownWill she let the weeping willowWind his b...

Pink Floyd - Keep Talking
For millions of years mankind lived just like the animalsThen something happened which unleashed the power o...

Pink Floyd - King Bee (slim Harpo 1957)
Well, I'm a King BeeBuzzing around your hiveYes, I'm a King Bee, childBuzzing around your hive...

Pink Floyd - Learning To Fly
Into the distance, a ribbon of blackStretched to the point of no turning backA flight of fancy on a wi...

Pink Floyd - Let There Be More Light
Far, far, far away - wayPeople heard him say - sayI will find a way - wayThere will come a day -...

Pink Floyd - Lucifer Sam
Lucifer Sam, siam cat.Always sitting by your sideAlways by your side.That cat's something I can'...

Pink Floyd - Lucy Leave
Leave, when I ask you to leave, Lucy Please, far away from me, Lucy Oh, go little girl Seen, is ...

Pink Floyd - Matilda Mother
There was a king who ruled the land.His majesty was in command.With silver eyes the scarlet eagle...

Pink Floyd - Money
Money, get awayGet a good job with more pay and your O.K.Money it's a gasGrab that cash with bot...

Pink Floyd - Mother
Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb Mother do you think they'll like the song Mother do you thin...

Pink Floyd - Nobody Home
I've got a little black book with my poems in I've got a bag with a toothbrush and a comb in When I'm ...

Pink Floyd - Not Now John
fuck all that we've got to get on with thesegot to compete with the wily japanesethere's too many home...

Pink Floyd - One Of My Turns
Day after day, love turns grey Like the skin of a dying man Night after night, we pretend it's all rig...

Pink Floyd - One Slip
A restless eye across a weary roomA glazed look and I was on the road to ruinThe music played and play...

Pink Floyd - On Of The Few
when you're one of the few to land on your feetwhat do you do to make ends meet?teachmake them m...

Pink Floyd - On The Turning Away
On the turning awayFrom the pale and downtroddenAnd the words they sayWhich we won't understand...

Pink Floyd - Outside The Wall
All alone, or in twos The ones who really love you Walk up and down outside the wall Some hand i...

Pink Floyd - Paint Box
Last night I had too much to drink Sitting in a club with so many fools Playing to rules Trying ...

Pink Floyd - Paranoid Eyes
button your lip don't let the shield sliptake a fresh grip on your bullet proof maskand if they try to...

Pink Floyd - Pigs On The Wing (part One)
If you didn't care what happened to me,And I didn't care for youWe would zig zag our way through the b...

Pink Floyd - Pigs On The Wing (part Two)
You know that I care what happens to youAnd I know that you care for meSo I don't feel aloneOf t...

Pink Floyd - Pigs (three Different Ones)
Big man, pig man, ha ha, charade you areYou well heeled big wheel, ha ha, charade you areAnd when your...

Pink Floyd - Point Me At The Sky
Hey, Eugene, This is Henry McCleanAnd I've finished my beautiful flying machineAnd I'm ringing t...

Pink Floyd - Poles Apart
Did you was all going to go so wrong for youAnd did you see it was all going to be so right for me...

Pink Floyd - Remember A Day
Remember a day before todayA day when you were young.Free to play alone with timeEvening never c...

Pink Floyd - Run Like Hell
Run, run, run, run [repeat line four times]You better make your face up in Your favourite disgu...

Pink Floyd - San Tropez
As I reach for a peach Slide a rind down behind the sofa in San Tropez Breaking a stick with a b...

Pink Floyd - Scream Thy Last Scream
Scream thy last scream old woman with a casketBlam blam your pointers point your pointersWhat'll be to...

Pink Floyd - Seabirds
Mighty waves come crashing down, The spray is lashing high into the eagle's eye Shrieking as it cuts t...

Pink Floyd - Seamus
I was in the kitchen Seamus, that's the dog was outside Well, I was in the kitchen Seamus, my ol...

Pink Floyd - See Emily Play
Emily tries but misunderstands, ah oohShe often inclined to borrow somebody's dreams till tomorrowTher...

Pink Floyd - See-saw
Marigolds are very much in love, but he doesn't mindPicking up his sister, he makes his way into the seas or...

Pink Floyd - Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun
Little by little the night turns aroundCounting the leaves which tremble at dawnNovices lean on each o...

Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (i-v)
Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun.Shine on you crazy diamond.Now there's a look in ...

Pink Floyd - Shine On You Crazy Diamond (vi-ix)
Nobody knows where you are, how near or how far.Shine on you crazy diamond.Pile on many more layers an...

Pink Floyd - Sorrow
The sweet smell of a great sorrow lies over the landPlumes of smoke rise and merge into the leaden sky:...

Pink Floyd - Southampton Dock
they disembarked in 45and no one spoke and no one smiledthere were too many spaces in the linega...

Pink Floyd - Speak To Me
"I've been mad for fucking years, absolutely years, beenover the edge for yonks, been working me buns off fo...

Pink Floyd - Stay
Stay and help me to end the day.And of you don't mind,We'll break a bottle of wine.Stick around ...

Pink Floyd - Stop
Stop I wanna go home Take off this uniform And leave the show And I'm waiting here in this...

Pink Floyd - Summer '68
Would you like to something before you leave?Perhaps you'd care to state exactly how you feel.We say g...

Pink Floyd - Take It Back
Her love rains down on me easy as the breezeI listen to her breathing it sounds like the waves on the sea...

Pink Floyd - Take Up Thy Stethescope And Walk
Doctor doctor!I'm in bedAchin' headGold is leadChoke on breadUnderfedGold is l...

Pink Floyd - The Dogs Of War
Dogs of war and men of hateWith no cause, we don't discriminateDiscovery is to be disownedOur cu...

Pink Floyd - The Final Cut
through the fish eyed lens of tear stained eyesi can barely define the shape of this moment in timeand...

Pink Floyd - The Fletcher Memorial Home
take all your overgrown infants away somewhereand build them a home a little place of their ownthe fle...

Pink Floyd - The Gnome
I want to tell you a storyAbout a little manIf I can.A gnome named Grimble Grumble.And lit...

Pink Floyd - The Gold It's In The...
Come on, my friends,Let's make for the hills.They say there's gold but I'm looking for thrills.Y...

Pink Floyd - The Great Gig In The Sky
"And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, Idon't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying?...

Pink Floyd - The Happiest Days Of Our Lives
When we grew up and went to school There were certain teachers who would Hurt the children any way the...

Pink Floyd - The Narrow Way
Following the path as it leads towards the Darkness in the NorthWeary strangers' faces show their sympathy...

Pink Floyd - The Nile Song
I was standing by the NileWhe I saw the lady smile.I would take her out for a while,For a while....

Pink Floyd - The Post War Dream
tell me true tell me why was Jesus crucifiedis it for this that daddy died?was it for you? was it me?...

Pink Floyd - The Scarecrow
The black and green scarecrow as everyone knowsStood with a bird on his hat and straw everywhere.He di...

Pink Floyd - The Show Must Go On
Oooh Ma Oooh Pa Must the show go on Oooh Pa take me home Oooh Ma let me go There must be s...

Pink Floyd - The Thin Ice
Momma loves her baby And Daddy loves you too And the sea may look warm to you Babe And the sky m...

Pink Floyd - Time
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull dayYou fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand wayKick...

Pink Floyd - Two Suns In The Sunset
in my rear view mirror the sun is going downsinking behind bridges in the roadand i think of all the g...

Pink Floyd - Us And Them
Us and ThemAnd after all we're only ordinary menMe, and youGod only knows it's not what we would...

Pink Floyd - Vegetable Man
In yellow shoes I get the bluesThough I walk the streets with my plastic feetWith my blue velvet trous...

Pink Floyd - Vera
Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn Remember how she said that We would meet again Some sunny d...

Pink Floyd - Waiting For The Worms
Ooooh you cannot reach me now Ooooh no matter how you try Goodbye cruel world it's over Walk on ...

Pink Floyd - Wearing The Inside Out
From morning to night I stayed out of sightDidn't recognize I'd becomeNo more than alive I'd barely su...

Pink Floyd - Welcome To The Machine
Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.Where have you been? It's alright we know where you've been.You...

Pink Floyd - What Do You Want From Me
As you look around this room tonightSettle in your seat and dim the lightsDo you want my blood, do you...

Pink Floyd - What Shall We Do Now
What shall we use to fill the empty spaces Where waves of hunger roar? Shall we set out across the sea...

Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell,blue skies from pain.Can you tell a green field from a ...

Pink Floyd - Wots...uh The Deal
Heaven said the promised landLooks allright from where I standCause I'm the man on the outside looking...

Pink Floyd - Yet Another Movie
One sound, one single soundOne kiss, one single kissA face outside the window paneHowever did it...

Pink Floyd - Young Lust
I am just a new boy A stranger in this town Where are all the good times Who's gonna show this s...

Pink Floyd - Your Possible Pasts
they flutter behind you your possible pastssome brighteyed and crazy some frightened and losta warning...

Pitbull - Back Up
[Intro:]WooYeahPitbullDbBig star Oh, oh [Chorus:]...

Pitbull - Dammit Man
[Intro] Dammit man (Lil Jon), D-D-Dammit man (Pitbull) D-D-Dammit man, D-D-Dammit man Dam...

Pitbull - Get On The Floor
[Chorus repeat 2x]Ohh Girl you better (ohh)St-Stop playin (ohh)Bitch what'cha waiti...

Pitbull - Hurry Up And Wait
Hees baaacckk!!To rip on this track, Ill rip any broadI dont care, white or black!Hees baaacckk!...

Pitbull - Hustler's Withdrawal
[Verse 1]Yo, he went from a street kid doin regular street thingsStraight to a street king...

Pitbull - I Wonder
Everytime I see you, youre trying to take me homeAnd it makes me wonder, if we were to get it onWould ...

Pitbull - Shake It Up
Baby you aint gotta front (front, front)Shorty cuz I want you Baby you aint gotta front (front, front)...

Pitbull - She's Freaky
One time for my freaks That know what to do when ISkeet, Skeet! That like it Hard, rough, face d...

Pitbull - Toma
[Chorus][Repeat 3x]Oye Loca! Ven paca! Come here!What!Muevelo, muevelo...

Pitty Sing - Anyway
I'm scared, I'm scared you'll run away and never know meI'm scared, I'm scared you'll run away and never sho...

Pitty Sing - Bleeding Hearts
And throw into the snowAnd you blow him for freedom from fameOne starlit day in the snowFound yo...

Pitty Sing - Ctwyl
We're always thereWhen you've lost your friendsCus they say you're never thereBut we'll be every...

Pitty Sing - Easier
You want to make things easierThis isn't the way to beI doubt you'll make things easierThis isn'...

Pitty Sing - Fallen
tart my soldiers ripping through my landTake my horses drown them in the sandAnd tear down my heart an...

Pitty Sing - Go Cry
I lost my love on the other sideI lost my love and I fear tonightI'll lose my love and get fucked up a...

Pitty Sing - Hanging On Me
Heart attack, attack I wanna be dressed in circlesI wanna be over, I wanna be overHeart attack, attack...

Pitty Sing - Motherlover
My intoxicated lover gives intoxicated love my baby and she wants my babyIn the standing of believing will t...

Pitty Sing - Radio
I know ya think we're all over the place and we're such a disgraceBut we'll be fighting dying living crying...

Pitty Sing - Robots
And there are stars on the ground so safe they never make a soundAnd there are things and just in between ou...

Pitty Sing - Telephone
You don't really want me, you don't really want me, you don't really want meWhatever I do, whatever I do, wh...

Pitty Sing - The Wedding Song
Black was the night when I found you,But you've been running awayRunning to gray, andBlack were ...

Pitty Sing - We Know Better
Our thronesBehind stoneWe'll make it our homeDust in the will of steppersDressed as lepers...

Pitty Sing - We're On Drugs
When she's not at homeI walk this world aloneUntil she gets the phoneGo to sleep in this state...

Pixies - Alec Eiffel
Pioneer of aerodynamics(little eiffel, little eiffel)they thought he was real smart alec(little ...

Pixies - Allison
from distant starto this here barthe me, the youwhere are we now?horray the bluesof ...

Pixies - All Over The World
with a pet at my sideGod in the skysnow falling downfreeze my body to the groundi can't ri...

Pixies - Ana
she's my faveundressing in the sunreturn to sea - byeforgetting everyoneeleven highr...

Pixies - Bailey's Walk
Bailey!He takes some stepsAnd bopped his headHe spins(turns around) (?)...

Pixies - Bird Dream Of The Olympus Mons
Speed leaving withoutwarningi need some place to sleep tonightblowing in the rocking of the pine...

Pixies - Bleed
as loud as hella ringing bellbehind my smileit shakes my teethand all the whileas va...

Pixies - Blown Away
now the sun is burning in deepest spacethat's the way things arethrough a storm i called you...

Pixies - Born In Chicago
I was born in Chicago1971I was born in Chicago 1970What my father told me,"Son, you'd bett...

Pixies - Break My Body
I'm the hard looserYou'll find me crashing through my mother's doorI am the ugly loverYou'll fin...

Pixies - Brick Is Red
A fist is fastAnd Jimmy's castHang meA white moon's hotThe other side's notHan...

Pixies - Broken Face
I got a broken faceI got a I got a broken faceUh-hu, uh-hu, uh-hu, uh-hu, oooI got a broke...

Pixies - Cactus
Sitting here wishing on a cement floorJust wishing that I had just something you woreI put it on...

Pixies - Caribou
I live cementI hate this streetGive dirt to meI bite lamentThis human formWhere I wa...

Pixies - Crackity Jones
jose jonestold me alonehis storyhe got friends like paco picopiedrala munecahe...

Pixies - Dancing The Manta Ray
Woooooo!-Grunt-Do the manta ray [4X]Your head can go real screw with sa...

Pixies - Dead
you crazy baby bathsheba, i wanchayou're suffocating you need a good shedi'm tired of living, shebe, s...

Pixies - Debaser
got me a moviei want you to knowslicing up eyeballsi want you to knowgirlie so groovy...

Pixies - Dig For Fire
there is this old womanshe lives down the roadyou can often find herkneeling inside of her hole...

Pixies - Distance Equals Rate Times Time
I had a visionthere wasn't any televisionfrom looking into the sunlooking into the sunwe g...

Pixies - Down To The Well
down to the wellbetty always knowsbetty always tellsshe laughing desperatelyshe said...

Pixies - Ed Is Dead
Her head is in a bitter wayHer brain's on fireShe's just looking for the perfect waveIt's her br...

Pixies - Evil Hearted You
Corazon de diablo siempre me intentas rebajar,Con las cosas que haces Y las palabras que difundes cont...

Pixies - Gigantic
And this I knowHis teeth as white as snowWhat a gas it was to see himWalk her every dayInt...

Pixies - Gouge Away
gouge awayyou can gouge awaystay all day if you want tomissy aggravationsome s...

Pixies - Hang On To Your Ego
I know so many people who think they can do it aloneThey isolate their heads and stay in their safety zone...

Pixies - Hang Wire
they're going higherwind is whistling on the barbsyour head's a hammerhang wire, hang wire...

Pixies - Havalina
HavalinaWalking in the breezeOn the plains of old SedonaArizonaAmong the treesHavali...

Pixies - Head On
As soon as I get my head around youI come around catching sparks off youI get an electric shock from y...

Pixies - Here Comes Your Man
outside there's a box car waitingoutside the family stewout by the fire breathingoutside we wait...

Pixies - Hey
hey been trying to meet youheymust be a devil between usor whores in my headwhores a...

Pixies - I Can't Forget
I stumbled out of bedI got ready for the struggleI smoked a cigaretteAnd I tightened up my gut...

Pixies - I'm Amazed
- ...girls and fucked 'em at schoolAll I know is that There were rumours he was into field hockey play...

Pixies - In Heaven (the Lady In The Radiator Song)
In HeavenEverything is fineIn HeavenEverything is fineIn Heaven Everythi...

Pixies - Into The White
And there ain't no nightAnd there ain't no nightDid you hear what I saidCome into the whit...

Pixies - Is She Weird
i know you're rich ingood clothes and little thingsyour mind is fancy(and your car is bitchin')...

Pixies - I've Been Tired
One two threeShe's a real left winger 'cause she been down southAnd held peasants in her armsShe...

Pixies - I've Been Waiting For You
I've been lookingFor a womanTo save my lifeNot to beg, or to borrowA womanWith the f...

Pixies - La La Love You
[whistle] yeahi love youi doi love youall i'm saying pretty babyla la love yo...

Pixies - Letter To Memphis
The day since i met heri can't believe it's trueshe came here from memphisacross the ocean saili...

Pixies - Levitate Me
Give me helpGive me helpYou can... levitate meThen take off them ringsOff them hose...

Pixies - Lovely Day
At the station, at the border an egression to the exterior law and orderupward plantationi remember yo...

Pixies - Make Believe
I've been lostSince she's goneThe pianoShe's really onI don't want you toMarry me...

Pixies - Manta Ray
All in a dayAll for meTrek across the spaceIt'll be just like they sayOo, oo, ...

Pixies - Monkey Gone To Heaven
there was a guyan under water guy who controlled the seagot killed by ten million pounds of sludge...

Pixies - Motorway To Roswell
Las night he could not make ithe tried hard but could not make itlast night he could not make it...

Pixies - Mr. Grieves
hope everything is alright hope everything is alrightwhat's that floating in the wateroh neptune's onl...

Pixies - Nimrod's Son
One night upon my motorcycle through the desert speadAnd smashed my body so that all my friends thought I wa...

Pixies - Number 13 Baby
got hair in a girlthat flows to her bonesand a comb in her pocket if the winds get blownst...

Pixies - Oh My Golly!
Entro las Pinones y la ola es pequena,Oh my Golly!Vamos para la luna caribe,Oh my golly!...

Pixies - Palace Of The Brine
In a place they say is deadin the lake that's like an oceani count about a billion headall the t...

Pixies - Planet Of Sound
One fine day in my odd pasti picked me up a transmissioni turned the fission ignitionwent lookin...

Pixies - River Euphrates
Ride, ride, ride, ...Stuck here out of gasOut here on the Gaza StripFrom driving in too fa...

Pixies - Rock A My Soul
I turned you on the roofto shine your face at me.Drink wine from your tears, rollin'.Holly molly...

Pixies - Rock Music
Your Mouth's A Mile Away [repeat about 8 times]AHHHHHHHI'm already gone...Hey you know...

Pixies - Santo
By the old seasideAin't no place far to goI don't knowI don't knowAin't no pla...

Pixies - Silver
in this land of strangersthere are dangersthere are sorrowsi can't see this ladyit is shad...

Pixies - Something Against You
Here it comes...?I have something against youYou have something against meI have som...

Pixies - Space (i Believe In)
We needed something to move and fill up the spacewe needed something this always is just the casejefre...

Pixies - Subbacultcha
This is a song about something therethere is something about this songwe did the clubs what assi...

Pixies - Tame
got hips like cinderellamust be having a good shametalking sweet about nothingcookie i think you...

Pixies - The Happening
they got a ranch they callnumber fifty-onethey got a ranch they callnumber fifty-onecan't ...

Pixies - The Holiday Song
Well sit right down my wicked sonAnd let me tell you a storyAbout the boy who fell from gloryAnd...

Pixies - The Navajo Know
Upon constructionthere is the mohawkhis way of walkingquite high above the groundfearless ...

Pixies - There Goes My Gun
yoo hoo [3x]there goes my gun [4x]looka me [3x]there goes my gun [4x]...

Pixies - The Sad Punk
I smell smoketaht comes from a gunnamed extintionit was a long time agocould have happened...

Pixies - Tony's Theme
This is a song about a superhero named TonyIt's called Tony's Theme He's got the oil on his cha...

Pixies - Trompe Le Monde
Why do cupids and angelscontinually haunt her dreamslike memories of another lifeis painted on h...

Pixies - U-mass
In the sleepy west ofthe woody eastis a valley full, full o' pioneerwe're not just kids, to say the le...

Pixies - Vamos
Estaba pensando sobreviviendo con mi sister en New Jersey, *Ella me dijo que es una vida buena alla,Bi...

Pixies - Velouria
hold my headwe'll trampolinefinally through the roofon to somewhere nearand far in time...

Pixies - Wave Of Mutilation
cease to resist, giving my goodbyedrive my car into the oceanyou'll think i'm dead, but i sail away...

Pixies - Where Is My Mind
Ooooooh - stopWith your feet in the air and your head on the groundTry this trick and spin it, y...

Pixies - Winterlong
I waited for you winterlongYou seemed to be where I belongIt's all illusion anywayIf thing...

P J Harvey - 50 Foot Queenie
Hey I'm one big queenNo one can stop meRed light red greenSat back and watchingI'm your ne...

P J Harvey - Angelene
My first name AngelenePrettiest mess you've ever seenLove for money is my sinAny man calls I'll ...

P J Harvey - A Perfect Day, Elise
He got lucky, got lucky one timeHitting with the girl in room five none nineShe turned her back on him...

P J Harvey - A Place Called Home
One day I knowWe'll find A place of hope Just hold on to me Just hold on to me ...

P J Harvey - Beautiful Feeling
Sometimes I can see for miles Through water and fire From England to America I feel life meet my...

P J Harvey - Big Exit
Look out aheadI see danger come I wanna' pistol I wanna' gun I'm scared baby I wanna...

P J Harvey - Catherine
Catherine De BarraYou've murdered my thinkingGave you my heart You left the thing stinking...

P J Harvey - Cat On The Wall
I heard our song on the radioIt wasn't long before I think of youCan't get the sound outta my head...

P J Harvey - City Of No Sun
Love me tenderly my darlingIn the city of light and truthFor this moment forever singFor my darl...

P J Harvey - Civil War Correspondent
Words leave my heart dryWords can't save lifeLove has no place hereNo joy, no tearsD...

P J Harvey - C'mon Billy
C'mon billyCome to meYou know i'm waiting I love you endlesslyC'mon billyYou'r...

P J Harvey - Down By The Water
I lost my heartUnder the bridgeTo that little girlSo much to meAnd now I'm oldAnd no...

P J Harvey - Dress
put on that dress i'm going out dancing starting off red clean and sparkling he'll see me music play make it d...

P J Harvey - Dry
I caught it in the faceComing around againI thought it was worth waitingYou're caught up in my h...

P J Harvey - Ecstasy
FlyingI'm flyingHitting heavens highI'm head on brake too lowFloatingI'm float...

P J Harvey - Electric Light
The beauty of her, under electric lightThe beauty of her, under electric lightTears my heart out every...

P J Harvey - Fountain
standunderfountaincool skinwash cleanwash himfrom mealong comes wind...

P J Harvey - Good Fortune
Threw my bad fortuneOff the top of A tall building But I'd rather have done it with you ...

P J Harvey - Hair
samson the strength that's in your arms oh to be your stunning bridesamson your hairglistening...

P J Harvey - Happy And Bleeding
she burst dropped off picked the fruit and realize i'm naked too so cover my body dress it fine hide my li...

P J Harvey - Heela
[P J Harvey :]I was lost in loveI was lost inside'Till he said to meYou've go...

P J Harvey - Highway '61 Revisited
Well, God said to Abraham "Kill me a son"Abe said "Man, you must be putting me on"God said "No"A...

P J Harvey - Hook
I was blindI was lameI was nothing'Till you cameYou said "Babe,Make you singMa...

P J Harvey - Horses In My Dreams
Horses in my dreams Like waves, like the sea They pull out of here They pull, they are free...

P J Harvey - Is That All There Is?
I remember when i was a girlOur house caught on fireAnd i'll never forget the look on my father's face...

P J Harvey - Is This Desire?
Joseph walked on and on the sunsetWent down and down coldnessCooled their desire and Dawn said"L...

P J Harvey - I Think I'm A Mother
You think you'll come overI'll give you my numberYou lover supporterThen give me your mother...

P J Harvey - It's You
Oh dear sweet mamaI'm not feeling wellCan I step outFor a little while?But I go miss...

P J Harvey - Joe
joe ain't you my buddy thee?stay with me when i fall and diealways thought you'd come rushing in...

P J Harvey - Joy
Joy was her nameA life un-wedThirty years old, Never danced a stepShe would have lef...

P J Harvey - Kamikaze
How could that happen? How could that happen again? Where the fuck was I looking When all his ho...

P J Harvey - Legs
Oh you're divineOh you're divineOh Oh Oh did I tell you you're divineOh Oh Oh Oh did I ever when...

P J Harvey - Long Snake Moan
Um-hmmmDunk youUnderDeep saltWaterBring meLoverAll your...

P J Harvey - Lost Fun Zone
I believe I am here to stayI believe his son was sent to saveThe fun zone is hereRide free so...

P J Harvey - Man-size
I'm coming up man-sizedSkinned aliveI want to fitI've got to getMan-sizedI'm heading...

P J Harvey - Man-size Sextet
I'm coming up man-sizedSkinned aliveI want to fitMmm, I've got to getMan-sizedI'm he...

P J Harvey - Meet Ze Monsta
See it comingAt my headI'm not runningI'm not scaredBig black monsoonTake me w...

P J Harvey - Me-jane
Oh damn your chest-beating, just you stop your screamingIt's splitting through my head and swinging from the...

P J Harvey - Missed
He should not be hidHe's just too bigIn a cloud please come downI'd put stars at your feet...

P J Harvey - My Beautiful Leah
Did you see her walking ?Did she come around here, sir ?Black hair, brown eyesMy beautiful leah...

P J Harvey - No Child Of Mine
I have no time for hate or loveHey child, you're so full of woeI have no time for hate or lyingH...

P J Harvey - No Girl So Sweet
In came the girl with the saddened eyesAnd asked him over again and again"Was I too weak ? Was I a chi...

P J Harvey - Oh My Lover
oh my lover, don't you know it's alright you can love her, and you can love me at the same time much to discover...

P J Harvey - One Line
Do you remember the first kiss? Stars shooting across the sky To come to such a place as this Yo...

P J Harvey - O Stella
o stella maris you're my star stand on ground look up at her just hanging in the gold stones just hanging there...

P J Harvey - Plants And Rags
plants and rags ease myself into a body- bag dreamt a man he fed me fine food, he gave me shiny things...

P J Harvey - Rid Of Me
Tie yourself to meNo one else No, you're not rid of meHmm you're not rid of meNight ...

P J Harvey - Rope Bridge Crossing
And I remember everythingSunrise on a blue horizonYou, your hand in mineI remember the things yo...

P J Harvey - Rub 'til It Bleeds
Speak, I'm listeningBaby, I'm your sweet thingBelieve what I'm sayingGod's truth, I'm not lying...

P J Harvey - Send His Love To Me
Lover had to leave me'Cross the desert plainTurned to me his ladyTell me "lover wait"...

P J Harvey - Shame
I don't need no rising moonI don't need no ball and chainI don't need anything with youSuch a sh...

P J Harvey - Sheela-na-gig
been trying to show you over and overlook at these,my child-bearing hipslook at these, my ruby-r...

P J Harvey - Snake
You snakeYou crawledBetweenMy legsSaid "WantIt all?It's yours You bet...

P J Harvey - Taut
Jesus save meJesus save meCan I tell you something ?Can I tell you a story ?It's abo...

P J Harvey - Teclo
Long goes the nightLonger the dayTeclo your deathWill send me to my graveI learn to ...

P J Harvey - That Was My Veil
It starts at daylightI see himBefore my sad eyesI hear him breathingOh lover, need you to ...

P J Harvey - The Dancer
He came riding fast like a phoenix out of fire flamesHe came dressed in black with a cross bearing my name...

P J Harvey - The Darker Days Of Me & Him
Promises, promisesI'm feeling burnedYou taught me a lessonI didn't want to learnWhy ...

P J Harvey - The Desperate Kingdom Of Love
Oh love, you were a sickly childAnd how the wind knocked you downPut on your spurs, swagger around...

P J Harvey - The Garden
And he was walking in the gardenAnd he was walking in the nightAnd he was singing a sad love song...

P J Harvey - The Letter
Put the penTo the paperPress the envelopeWith my scentCan't you seeIn my handwriting...

P J Harvey - The Life And Death Of Mr Badmouth
Baby, you got a bad bad mouthEverything is poison that's coming outCheating, lying since the day you w...

P J Harvey - The Pocket Knife
Please don't make my wedding dressI'm too young to marry yetCan you see my pocket knife?You can'...

P J Harvey - The River
And they came to the riverAnd they came from the roadAnd he wanted the sun Just to call his own...

P J Harvey - The Sky Lit Up
I'm walking in the city tonightI'm walking in the city at darkRemembering, remember lightThinkin...

P J Harvey - The Slow Drug
Blue now is the colourLove the drug I'm needingGot to keep this feelingWith the headlights...

P J Harvey - The Whores Hustle And The Hustlers Whore
Speak to me of universal laws The whores hustle and the hustlers whore All around me people bleed ...

P J Harvey - The Wind
Catherine liked high placesHigh up, high up on the hillsA place for making noisesLike whales...

P J Harvey - This Is Love
I can't believe life's so complex When I just wanna' sit here and watch you undress This is love that ...

P J Harvey - This Mess We're In
Can you hear them? The helicopters? I'm in New York No need for words now We sit in silenc...

P J Harvey - To Bring You My Love
I was born in the desertI been down for yearsJesus, come closerI think my time is near...

P J Harvey - Un Cercle Autour Du Soleil
She layBreathingSunshineBeatingTime hereLingersTrace withMy fingers...

P J Harvey - Urn With Dead Flowers In A Drained Pool
I need your lieDarling love liesAnd if you gave it to meI'd hold it in the palm of my hand...

P J Harvey - Victory
i stumble in and in you fit me with those angel wingssend me gold set me high set it up i'm in the sky...

P J Harvey - Water
waterwalking onwater for yearstaking it into my headliving by the right lines...

P J Harvey - We Float
We wanted to find love We wanted success Until nothing was enough Until my middle name was exces...

P J Harvey - Who The Fuck?
Who the fuck do you think you areGet out of my hairwho the fuck do you think you areComin' round...

P J Harvey - Working For The Man
In the night I look for loveGet my strength from the man aboveGod of piston, god of steelGod is ...

P J Harvey - You Come Through
We are waitingFor the summerThe sun will bring backTreasures for usCome on my friend...

P J Harvey - You Said Something
On a rooftop in Brooklyn One in the morning Watching the lights flash In Manhattan I see f...

P J Harvey - Yuri-g
Hey there Luna I'd like to tell yaHow sad am I So love sick I could dieNeeding water...

Placebo - 20th Century Boy
Friends say it's fine, friends say it's goodEverybody says it's just like Robin HoodI move like a rat,...

Placebo - 36 Degrees
We were tight, but it falls apart as silver turns to blue.Waxing with a candlelight, and burning just for yo...

Placebo - Allergic
Any means in your horizonHeaven in a tourniquetThe after life to keep your eyes onbitter pill yo...

Placebo - Ask For Answers
Time to pass you to the test. Hanging on my lover's breath.Always coming second best. Pictures of my lover's...

Placebo - Been Smoking Too Long
'yeah, I really, um, I really, I really wanted to kind of like,to capture some kind of like moment, but mayb...

Placebo - Bigmouth Strikes Again
Sweetnesssweetness I was only joking when I saidI'd like to smash every tooth in your head.Oh sw...

Placebo - Bionic
Harder faster, forever after,harder faster, forever after,harder faster, forever after,forever a...

Placebo - Black Eyed
I was never faithfulAnd I was never one to trustBorderlining schizoAnd guaranteed to cause a fus...

Placebo - Black Market Blood
Wasted face that swallowed timeWith Armageddon crawlingShe's insane, this friend of mineAnd she'...

Placebo - Blue American
I wrote this novel just for youIt sounds pretentious but it's trueI wrote this novel just for you...

Placebo - Brick Shithouse
Meet The Brick Shithouse [distorted]This Is The Brick Shithouse [distorted -repeated 6 Times]...

Placebo - Bruise Pristine
The means are right for taking, fade to greyTrying to be ruthless, in the face of beautyIn this matrix...

Placebo - Bubblegun
Take this migraine everywhere I goTake the fast lane everywhere I goTake this migraine everywhere I go...

Placebo - Burger Queen
Slightly bemused by his lack of directionHey You, Hey YouCame to this world by caesarean section...

Placebo - Centrefolds
Come on Balthazaa I refuse to let you dieCome on fallen star I refuse to let you dieCos that's wrong a...

Placebo - Come Home
Stuck between the do or die, I feel emaciated.Hard to breathe I try and try, I'll get asphyxiated.Swin...

Placebo - Commercial For Levi
You're the one who's always choking TrojanYou're the one who's always bruised and broken Sleep may be ...

Placebo - Dark Globe
Oh where are you nowpussy willow that smiled on this leaf?When I was aloneyou promised the stone...

Placebo - Days Before You Came
Days before you cameFreezing cold and emptyTowns that change their nameAnd a horn of plenty...

Placebo - Drawning By Numbers
Open up your heart, let me slip inside.Such determination always tries to turn the tideOpen up your ar...

Placebo - English Summer Rain
Always stays the same, nothing ever changes, English summer rain seems to last for ages. Always stays ...

Placebo - Every You Every Me
Sucker love is heaven sent.You pucker up, our passion's spent.My hearts a tart, your body's rent....

Placebo - Evil Dildo
The voices you hear on Evil Dildo were taken from Brian's answer machine...Hey motherf**ker, I'm after you. ...

Placebo - Eyesight To The Blind
You don't know me, and you never hold melike your little piece on the side.My mother told me, that you...

Placebo - Flesh Mechanic
He tries to embrace hershe wants him to race herhe needs a laserto get it through her skull...

Placebo - Haemoglobin
I was hanging from a treeUnaccustomed to such violenceJesus looking down on meI'm prepared for o...

Placebo - Hang On To Your Iq
Chinese masseuse, comes between ustalks in haikus, plastic venus.Got a headrush, in her pockettw...

Placebo - Holocaust
Your eyes are almost deadcan't get out of bed And you can't sleep You're sitting down to d...

Placebo - I Know
I know, you love the song but not the singerI know, you've got me wrapped around your fingerI know, yo...

Placebo - I'll Be Yours
I'll be your water bathing you cleanThe liquid pieceI'll be your ether you'll breathe me inYou w...

Placebo - Johnny & Mary
Johnny's always running around, trying to find certainty.He needs all the world to confirm, that he aint lon...

Placebo - Kitsch Object
Just like every lichen, how you stick to meIf your luck is dying, go and plant a treeWith artistic lic...

Placebo - Lady Of The Flowers
'Scuse me, I apologizehe likes your attitude, he tries it on for sizehe spends the afternoon, between ...

Placebo - Leni
I kneel before her, beneath this frozen skyBeneath her shoulder, beneath her evil eyeShe towers over t...

Placebo - Mars Landing Party
Embrasse - moi, mets ton doigt dan mon cul,Embrasse - moi, mets ton doigt dan mon cul,Une presence amb...

Placebo - Miss Moneypenny
Penance for his sin, he locked it in for just a little whilelubricating creams, sanitaries would only cramp ...

Placebo - My Sweet Prince
Never thought you'd make me perspire.Never thought I'd do you the same.Never thought I'd fill with des...

Placebo - Nancy Boy
Alcoholic kind of moodlose my clothes, lose my lubecruising for a piece of funlooking out for nu...

Placebo - Narcoleptic
Slip and stumble at my first offences It's not treason, it's no lieYou talk in paragraphsI write...

Placebo - Passive Aggressive
It's in your reachConcentrateIt's in your reachConcentrateIf you deny thisThen it's ...

Placebo - Paycheck
Consumed by the one's who made herShe's a faker, always let's me downdressed up like a capital shaker...

Placebo - Peeping Tom
I'm careful not to fallI have to climb your wall'Cause you're the oneWho makes me feel much tall...

Placebo - Plasticine
Beauty lies inside the eye of another youthful dreamThat doesn't sell it's soul for self-esteemThat's ...

Placebo - Pure Morning
A friend in needs a friend indeed,A friend with weed is better,A friend with breasts and all the rest,...

Placebo - Scared Of Girls
An introverted kinda soul,The earth did open, swallow whole,Careenin',Careenin',...

Placebo - Second Sight
Walk away to save your faceYou never were a geniusWalk away to save your faceYou let it come bet...

Placebo - Slackerbitch
It echoes in my brainI didn't mean itpulses through my veinsI didn't mean itI'm the one to...

Placebo - Slave To The Wage
Run away from all your boredomRun away from all your whoredom and waveYour worries, and cares, goodbye...

Placebo - Sleeping With Ghosts
The sea's evaporatingThough it comes as no surpriseThese clouds we're seeingThey're explosions i...

Placebo - Something Rotten
It seems we're here IMiss you something rottenThe stinks are hereIt's guaranteed all's forgotten...

Placebo - Special K
Coming up beyond beliefOn this coronary thiefMore than just a leitmotifMore chaotic, no relief...

Placebo - Special Needs
Remember me when you're the one who's silver screenRemember me when you're the one you always dreamedR...

Placebo - Spite And Malice
Revolution, dope, guns, fucking in the streets [x2]Aces take your timeQueens are left for dead...

Placebo - Summer's Gone
Cue to your face so forsakenCrushed by the way that you cryCue to your face so forsakenWhat a su...

Placebo - Swallow
Confiscaterazor bladeconfiscateheymarilynit kinda went like thisstay with me...

Placebo - Taste In Men
Come back to me awhileChange your style againCome back to me awhileChange your taste in men...

Placebo - Teenage Angst
Shine the headlight, straight into my eyes.Like the roadkill, I'm paralysed.You see through my disguis...

Placebo - The Bitter End
Since we're feeling so anesthetisedIn our comfort zoneReminds me of the second timeThat I follow...

Placebo - The Crawl
It takes the pain awaythat could not make you stayit's way to broke to fixno glue, no bag of tri...

Placebo - This Picture
I hold an image of the ashtray girlOf cigarette burns on my chestI wrote a poem that described her wor...

Placebo - Twenty Years
There are twenty years to goAnd twenty ways to know Who will wear, Who will wear The hat....

Placebo - Waiting For The Son Of Man
Patience comes to the ugly, not melaughter comes to the lucky, not mepeople in my head that won't stop...

Placebo - Without You I'm Nothing
Strange infatuation seems to grace the evening tide.I'll take it by your side.Such imagination seems t...

Placebo - You Don't Care About Us
If it's a bad day, you try to suffocate.Another memory... scarred.If it's a bad case, then you acceler...

Play - 11 Out Of 10
MmmmM...Ohhhh...Well it ain't my style to be jealous and bad mouthin'But i've known a while, and...

Play - 2 Blocks Down
Over the bridge...two blocks downI'm glad, we kept a line through the things I've said and done ...

Play - Ain't No Mountain High Enough
OhhhAin't no mountain highAin't no vally lowAin't no river wide enough, babyIf you n...

Play - Ain't No Mountian High Enough
OhhhAin't no mountain highAin't no vally lowAin't no river wide enough, babyIf you n...

Play - All I Want For Christmas Is You
I don't want a lot for ChristmasThere is just one thing I needI don't care about the presentsUnd...

Play - Another Love Story
I don't wanna hear another love story..Turn the page, it's all history Take a pen write your nam...

Play - As Long As There's Christmas
Don't look inside a stockingDon't look under the treeThe one thing we're looking forIs something...

Play - Boys Lie
They tell you this,They tell you that,with their fingers crossed behind their backs.You're so di...

Play - Cinderella
When I was just a little girlMy momma used to tuck me into bedand she'd read me a storyIt always...

Play - Disco Hippie
Breakout, two thousand zero zeroA purple pokemons knocken' on my doorSo free now, I'm flippin' trippin...

Play - Don't Stop The Music
This little girl didn't care what anybody saidShe got the whole world dancing to the music in her head...

Play - Evergirl
Ever dreamsEver trueEver coolEver youEver powerEver proudJust say it ever loud...

Play - Girls Can Too
Girls can too...Never give up, never give up, never give up That's what my mama told me Ta...

Play - Girl's Mind
When you hear us say yes, it sometimes means noWell tell you to stop, when we want you to goI know tha...

Play - Hand In Hand
When this world gets you downI'll always be aroundI will be there for you, I'll be there for you...

Play - Honey To The Bee
Buzz me up to heaven babyCome on, buzz me up to heavenI've been missing you I should be kissing ...

Play - Hopelessly Devoted
Guess mine is not the first heart brokenMy eyes are not the first to cryI'm not the first to know...

Play - Hot
Some girls try to compete with meLifestyle, thats what I used to beHad to have everything I wanted...

Play - I Don't Get Down Like That
I know the story and I've read the bookI knew the game with just one lookWhat your all aboutTher...

Play - I Must Not Chase The Boys
Won't someone tell me what has happen to me Why am I so misunderstood Why can't they see Now I'm...

Play - Is It Love
Got an angel at my bedsideWatching over me tonightSmiling from a photographAnd everythings just ...

Play - It's The Hard Knock Life
It's the hard knock life...It's the hard knock life..It's the hard-knock life for usIt's t...

Play - Just A Little
Uh-huhhey heyHmmlately, I been tryin' to ask you boy if maybe, I can get much closer...

Play - Let It Snow
Oh the weather outside is frightfulBut the fire is so delightfulAnd since we've no place to gole...

Play - Let's Get To The Love Part
Let's get to the, oh oh oh oh and do do do some of that, na na na nayeah yeahThere...

Play - Never Neverland
Hello? I got your message Oh, so you're sorry? No, I'm the one who's sorry 'Cause baby, yo...

Play - O Holy Night
Oh holy nightThe stars are brightly shiningIt is the night of our dear Savior's birthLong ...

Play - Remember To Forget
No oh, remember to forget you No oh, remember to forget you No oh, remember to forget you ...

Play - Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree
Rockin' around the Christmas treeAt the Christmas party hopMistletoe hung where you can seeEvery...

Play - Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
Rudolph ... rudolph ..Rudolph, the red nosed reindeerhad a very shiny noseand if you ever ...

Play - Seven
Mmmm mmm.. oOoOHh.. mm mmmI got a letter, story of frustrationI got a number, counting complicat...

Play - Silent Night
Mmmmm..Silent nightHoly nightAll is calmAll is bright'Round yon virgin M...

Play - Silver Bells
Silver Bells, Silver BellsIt's Christmas time in the cityRing-a-ling, hear them ringSoon it will...

Play - Sleigh Ride
Just hear those sleigh bells jingle-ingRing ting tingle-ing tooCome on, it's lovely weatherFor a...

Play - The Christmas Song
Chestnut roasting on an open fireJack Frost snipping at your noseYuletide carols being sung by a choir...

Play - To Live And To Die For
If I knew just what to say I would make it go away All this pain inside I don't wanna fight ...

Play - Watch Me Now
Don't you cry, don't you look so sad We both knew somehow this day would come I know you want what is ...

Play - What Is Love
it's the way you're nervous when you speak the way I know just what you mean it's the kind of thing th...

Play - Whole Again
If you see me walking down the street,staring at the sky and dragging my two feetyou just pass me by ...

Play - Winter Wonderland
Sleigh bells ringAre you listeningIn the laneSnow is glisteningA beautiful sightWe'r...

Play - You Found Me
Look at me and I'm aliveJust yesterday I could not surviveA certain something I can't describeNo...

Plus One - Be
If the tearsShould ever cloud your eyesIf the rainShould ever darkenThe skies above you...

Plus One - Be Love
So you steal itEscape away with nothing You try to feel itBut what you have is plasticYour...

Plus One - Calling Down An Angel
You're afraid, it's all come downTo this place where dreams have fallen to the froundJust look up, you...

Plus One - Camouflage
CamouflageWhat is this force around meJust like a tractor beam thatIs always pulling me down...a...

Plus One - Circle
I'll trust you now I'll trust your plan for my tomorrowI'll take the vowI'll take your hand and...

Plus One - Exodus
Can I get a hand todayThe doors are closing Can you make a plan of escapeMy time has comeS...

Plus One - Forever
I lost you in the darknessWhen I fell from the lightI held on to the world too tightI thought I'...

Plus One - God Is In This Place
[Chorus:]I need to sayThat God is in this placeAnd God is right by your sideYou nee...

Plus One - Going Crazy
Gave my life away now it's time to playGotta live with the choice I've madeThis is what I choose if I ...

Plus One - Here I Am To Worship
Light of the world, You step down into darkness.Opened my eyes let me that made this heart ...

Plus One - Here In My Heart
Wherever you are tonight girlI'll see you in my dreamsWherever I go tomorrowYou'll be here next ...

Plus One - I Don't Care
Could it be yesterdayI coulda swore the same thinghappened just the other dayPut on the spot...

Plus One - I Will Rescue You
When your days are darkAnd your nights are coldWhen you've just aboutLost all your faithWh...

Plus One - Kick Me
Why can't you be there for meA friend is no where to be foundI just don't understand why youKick...

Plus One - Last Flight Out
I'm so scared that you will seeAll the weakness inside of meI'm so scared of letting goThat the ...

Plus One - Let Me Be The One
Under the silver starsAnywhere you areNear or far you are close to meWhen you don't understand...

Plus One - Like A Kite
Like a KiteI'm coming backI traveled far And now that I lost my mapI'm searching for the s...

Plus One - My Friend
We are standing at the crossroadsAnd now it's timeFor you to go your wayAnd me to go mineI...

Plus One - My Life
Wanna go with me?Do I have to wearA shirt and tie?We can take a limousineBut everybody the...

Plus One - Outlaw
Look over your shoulderRemember that you're older Forget about who told ya That everything is ov...

Plus One - Poor Man
Bare, naked and bare is how I cameAnd I'll be leaving just the sameSo why be afraidYeah.........

Plus One - Quest Of Many Trails
If your tears want out then let them fallThey'll hit your cheek and then dissolveYou see nothing heals...

Plus One - Run To You
Sometimes when the worldGets so coldAnd my heartIs fifteen belowAnd I feel like I'mS...

Plus One - Sea Of Angels
It takes my breathe like a cheap perfumeAnd leaves me in tearsAnd everyone under the moonKnows i...

Plus One - Soul Tattoo
I just know that I've never felt like thisAnd I know it's becauseYou exist in my lifeLike hope s...

Plus One - Start To Fly
You've had your taste of all that's sweetNow you're through and what does it meanYou've sought the tru...

Plus One - The Promise
I know that latelyThings have been so hardAnd looking outThrough your broken heartAll you ...

Plus One - Tonight
I want to walk down 3rd street slowDrive up and down the coastWatching the sunset hangWhile God ...

Plus One - Under The Influence
Whenever I'm feelin' downFeelin' insecureI like the way you come aroundAnd offer me the cure...

Plus One - Use Me
Love look what you've done to meNot a sound, snuck up on meDouble take and I'm turned around...

Plus One - When Your Spirit Gets Weak
We beg to borrowWe beg to stealWe beg forgivenessWe beg to feelWe beg for loveI gues...

Plus One - Who Am I
Who am I, that you know me by my nameThat you call me friendInvite me in to be with youI don't k...

Plus One - Written On My Heart
Thinking how it might have beenIf you had neverWalked into my lifeI would have been nothing...

Plus One - You
Me,It was always all about meMy job, my plans, my timeThat's all I cared aboutMyself, I on...

P.o.d. - Asthma
Breathe!Suffocation withinbecause of what your sayin'To understand!Is to begin again...

P.o.d. - Breathe Babylon
[Chorus]Babylon Breathe BabylonI see you people babylon and on and on Graven images...

P.o.d. - Brown
Believe Recieve Obtain Withstand Never die ...

P.o.d. - Bullet The Blue Sky
In the howling wind comes a stinging rainSee it driving nailsInto the souls on the tree of painF...

P.o.d. - Change The World
Imagine a place only your soul can visionThe heart of a child who looks, sees and listensShe paints a ...

P.o.d. - Find My Way
I don't know how to let you goI've given to you all of me, all that I'll ever beWe share the same hear...

P.o.d. - Freedom Fighters
Today I heard what them people sayDem want to live free greedily, with everyone to pay.You play under ...

P.o.d. - Full Color
I cry why O' why did my mommy have to die?Too many questions, no answers confuses my mindLike what did...

P.o.d. - I And Identify
Love, Suffer, Patient, KindAnd never bow - jealousyEarth, Selfish, No angryNo memory won't, sepa...

P.o.d. - Know Me
Take 5 second, think about my crew, who am I P.O.D.[Chorus]Listen my cry, What do you hea...

P.o.d. - Live And Die
I get up Friday morning and I'm late for schoolOnly 13, but I got a mad pull, it's coolWho needs a job...

P.o.d. - One Day
The deeper and deeper I fall, deeper and deeper I seek,Deeper and deeper I try and deeper and deeper I need...

P.o.d. - Preach
Let it be know that you heard it from hereWhen I'm on this microphone you know I make myself clearWith...

P.o.d. - Revolution
More calm than a heartbeat that flat linesQuiet like a dark street under the moonlightA phrase of acti...

P.o.d. - School Of Hard Knocks
[chorus]we from the school, the school of hardknockswho's ready to rock? (ready to rock)a...

P.o.d. - Seeking The Wise
The world keeps on turningAnd you're locked up in it [4x]Before I was lost, but now I am found ...

P.o.d. - Selah
Kick down the teeth of the wicked creep undagroundWhere I stay hid lurk down the alleyways, you be stalking ...

P.o.d. - Sleeping Awake
Reveal to me the mysteries Can you tell me what it means? Explain these motions and metaphors Un...

P.o.d. - The Reasons
It's just the way it goes, and everybody does,And nobody said I can't, and this is how I feelAnd I jus...

P.o.d. - Truly Amazing
And I see amazingAnd I feel it tooI wish you could meet herCuz she comes and goes and when you s...

P.o.d. - Waiting On Today
I'm wishin', searchin' for somethin'and life is goin' on.Time is tickin', and I'm sleepin'I feel...

P.o.d. - Wildfire
Come and give me that wildfireThe uncivilized sound that I loveThe primitive ragga blaze styleCo...

P.o.d. - Will You
See you sittin' next to the window in the bedroom She breaks down - breaks down Crying over something ...

Point Break - Apocadelic
Now we've been thinkin' about the styles for a while and trippin' over what's hot and what's not...

Point Break - Baby I Don't Care
No way i'm gonna crazy with you playin' with my mind took you out to dinner but you left me bahi...

Point Break - Do We Rock
Do we rock (do we rock)?Do we rock (do we rock)?C'mon, c'mon, c'monDo we rock, yeah, yeah?...

Point Break - Freaky Time
[Chorus]'Coz if your looking for a freaky time, freaky time babyYou can always count on me, I'l...

Point Break - Give It Up
T' was the night of the 1st december you remember how we give it up for everything who would have thou...

Point Break - Say Yeah!
SAY YEAH,YEAH,YEAH we got it goin' on keep on rockin' Till the break of dawn got it goin' on and on ...

Point Break - Stand Tough
Don't you know that this is the beginning (just a game)Don't you know that this is just a game (just a game,...

Point Break - Tag The Party
Now here's the party it's a party that's funkin' it's jumpin' and bumpin' the beat the bad ballr...

Point Break - The Game
i can tell by the look in your eyes that you'r looking for something Deeper than love i can see ...

Point Break - What About Us?
Look into my mind there's version of you i cannot sleep at night for fear of the truth,OH ...

Point Break - You
You said I don't know who you areTrying to reach you so near yet so farYou said I was falling apart...

Portishead - All Mine
All the stars may shine brightAll the clouds may be whiteBut when you smileOhh how I feel so goo...

Portishead - Biscuit
I'm lost, exposedStranger things will come your wayIts just I'm scaredGot hurt along time ago...

Portishead - Cowboys
Did you sweep us far from your feetReset in stone this stark beliefSalted eyes and a sordid dyeT...

Portishead - Elysium
No one has said what the truth should beAnd no one decided that I'd feel this wayIf you felt as I...

Portishead - Glory Box
I'm so tired, of playingPlaying with this bow and arrowGonna give my heart awayLeave it to the o...

Portishead - Half Day Closing
In the days, the golden daysWhen everybody knew what they wantedIt ain't here todayThrough...

Portishead - Humming
CloserNo hesitationGive meAll that you haveAnd it's been so long, that I can't expla...

Portishead - It Could Be Sweet
I don't want to hurt youFor no reason have I but fearAnd I ain't guilty of the crimes you accuse me of...

Portishead - Its A Fire
Its a fireThese dreams they pass me byThis salvation I desireKeeps getting me downCo...

Portishead - Mourning Air
Did I see a moment with youIn a half lit worldI'm frightened to believeBut I must tryIf I ...

Portishead - Mysterons
Inside your pretendingCrimes have been swept asideSomewhere where they can forget Divine u...

Portishead - Numb
Unable so lostI can't find my wayBeen searching, but I have never seenA turning, a turning from ...

Portishead - Only You
We suffer everyday, what is it forThese crimes of illusion, are fooling us allAnd now I am weary and I...

Portishead - Over
I can't hold this dayAnymoreUnderstand meAnymoreTo tread this fantasy, openlyW...

Portishead - Pedestal
How can I believe this miracleWhere the wind blows dryThru the force of a manUndenied by his eye...

Portishead - Roads
Ohh, can't anybody seeWe've got a war to fightNever found our wayRegardless of what they say...

Portishead - Seven Months
How can I forget youDisregard how I feelSilently listenTo the words I can't seeFor a...

Portishead - Sour Times
To pretend no one can findThe fallacies of morning roseForbidden fruit, hidden eyesCurtises that...

Portishead - Strangers
Ohh........Can anybody see the lightWhere the morn meets the dew and the tide risesDid you reali...

Portishead - Undenied
Your softly spoken wordsRelease my whole desireUndeniedTotallyAnd so bare is my hear...

Portishead - Wandering Star
Please could you stay awhile to share my griefFor its such a lovely dayTo have to always feel this way...

Portishead - Western Eyes
Forgotten throes of anothers lifeThe heart of love is their only lightFaithless greeds, consolidating...

The Postal Service - Against All Odds
How can I just let you walk awayJust let you leave without a traceWhen I stand here taking every breat...

The Postal Service - Be Still My Heart
I was running late for workSo I didn't change my shirtThe evening's drinks left a lingering taste in m...

The Postal Service - Brand New Colony
I'll be the grapes fermented,Bottled and served with the table set in my finest suitLike a perfect gen...

The Postal Service - Clark Gable
I was waiting for a cross-town train in the London underground when it struck me That I've been waiting sinc...

The Postal Service - Natural Anthem
I'll write you a song and it won't be hard to singIt will be a natural anthem, familiar it will seemIt...

The Postal Service - Recycled Air
I take a breath and pull the air in 'til there's nothing leftI'm feeling green like teenage lovers between t...

The Postal Service - Sleeping In
Last week I had the strangest dreamWhere everything was exactly how it seemedWhere there was never any...

The Postal Service - Such Great Heights
I am thinking it's a sign that the frecklesIn our eyes are mirror images and whenWe kiss they're perfe...

The Postal Service - Suddenly Everything Has Changed
[Flaming Lips Cover]Putting all the vegetables awaythat you bought at the grocery store t...

The Postal Service - The District Sleeps Alone Tonight
Smeared black ink... your palms are sweatyAnd I'm barely listening to last demandsI'm staring at the a...

The Postal Service - This Place Is A Prison
This place is a prisonAnd these people aren't your friendsInhaling thrills through $20 billsAnd ...

The Postal Service - We Will Become Silhouettes
I've got a cupboard with cans of food, filtered water, And pictures of you and i'm not coming outUntil...

Powderfinger - Already Gone
You've been working all your lifeAll weekends and overtimeWhile you're trying to unwindYou can't...

Powderfinger - A Song Called Everything
How many more times will you say that you love meHow many more times will you wake up beside meYou thi...

Powderfinger - (baby I've Got You) On My Mind
Baby I've got you on my mind, honey you won't ever knowHow much I need you by my side, promise you won't eve...

Powderfinger - Belter
You goI feel like dropping bombs between your eyesBut not today Too slowI feel like ...

Powderfinger - Blanket
Is it obvious that you have had it wrong?You're attitude and angst seem to have goneIs there no way yo...

Powderfinger - Boing Boing
There's nothing to say but she came and then she went throughHer cardamom powder sneeze raised the old hotel...

Powderfinger - Bridle You
Strip me downWash me whiteLeave the spots in my eyesNoveltyWearing thinOverload of t...

Powderfinger - Capoicity
Honesty is out of styleSo hammer in the coffin nailsA message sent across to landWith kisses for...

Powderfinger - Celebrity Head
At quarter to nineMy plus one decides to make her arrivalI'll say what I likeAt the end of the n...

Powderfinger - Citadel
Patron pushed vows asideParents blest shine with prideLay child down force inside I play o...

Powderfinger - D.a.f.
Holding out for a signal to comeSolution found should appease everyoneReligion hides from developing p...

Powderfinger - Don't Panic
If I invite danger It might just do some good for meSlack jawed little stranger Slip and shuffle...

Powderfinger - Don't Wanna Be Left Out
I creep around slowly and receive from the TV signals about my lifeI've no dedication to my medication I'm o...

Powderfinger - Fathers' Pyramid
Born into peaceBorn into ignoranceMy family gave me strengthBonding my brothers And ...

Powderfinger - Give
I keep looking back for cluesThey're all mineI keep pulling back from truths They're all m...

Powderfinger - Glimpse
Tell me when does your justice startWhat you say and what I see they are miles apartNow I'm as guilty ...

Powderfinger - Good-day Ray
He's at you again rayTesting out your head spaceNo matter what you doThe money still loves you ...

Powderfinger - Grave Concern
Somebody screaming that the end is nighNever seen nobody with hopes so highUneasy feeling creeping up ...

Powderfinger - Hindley Street
A gentle winter haze creeps in at three forty-fourThe Hindley St parade shuffles to my doorThe hotel d...

Powderfinger - How Far Have We Really Come?
Despite the miseries And the lessons learned from historyThe pattern still repeatsNever to surre...

Powderfinger - Hurried Bloom
She has a hand of reasons to loose himHe liberates her often hidden smileShe buried trust faded away...

Powderfinger - Jc
Oh Jesus Christ, what name do you go by nowFor time is passing with the wind blows new decreesCanned f...

Powderfinger - Lemon Sunrise
Do do do do doAlways on timeDo do do do doWaiting in line Whatever you sayWhat...

Powderfinger - Like A Dog
In all that he takes in all that he showsThe higher the stakes the lower the blowsAnd all the mistakes...

Powderfinger - Living Type
And you'll be there to break my fallTo reassure my doubts and faultsAnd all your fables will ring true...

Powderfinger - Love Your Way
I got to keep moving to stay warm 'cause I'm freezing in this roomAnd if I prove no good here I'll skip to w...

Powderfinger - My Happiness
I see your shadow on the street nowI hear you push through the rusty gateClick of your heels on the co...

Powderfinger - My Kind Of Scene
Tell me where I'msupposed to beginan unhappy life workingsome kind of dead end jobfor ever...

Powderfinger - Odyssey #5
Welcome to the new suburban fablesDressed up like a tomb inside a cradleIf you're paying peanuts you g...

Powderfinger - Oipic
Far may you run from what you knowSermons homespun before the showOne superjudge that brings a change ...

Powderfinger - Over My Head
A combination of the two worst ideas that you might haveWell don't complain when you just concede, there's n...

Powderfinger - Passenger
CagedYou hold so tight until your knuckles showEscapeAs far away as you could ever knowYou...

Powderfinger - Pick You Up
When you are set to throw in your handWhen you are far from homeWhen what you believe is buried in you...

Powderfinger - Pockets
By now you know that I never arrivedI was too tired to moveI was gonna invent an elaborate excuse ...

Powderfinger - Private Man
I tell you he's a private manIn a public circumstanceHe's eyeing off an old doorframeLooking for...

Powderfinger - (return Of) The Electric Horseman
In my head inside my dreamsUnder my hand as no one's seenBent to the will of the othersStrange k...

Powderfinger - Rockin' Rocks
Who'd you say is you?Where'd you say you hide your proof?You're swollen like a lexiconIf you hur...

Powderfinger - Roll Right By You
Your gentle pace it provides a rhythm for the unwashed few of usLock and loaded past is a prison for the cri...

Powderfinger - Save Your Skin
If all the people that you ever knewPooled all their money and gave it to youDo you think you could ra...

Powderfinger - Since You've Been Gone
There's a truth begging to be told as the blues grab and take a holdTo continue like this only acts as a for...

Powderfinger - Sink Low
It sure is quiet around hereThe phone never rings anymoreSo I'll wallow in silenceAnd nail my so...

Powderfinger - Skinny Jean
Yeah you got knee high boots to hide focaccia fruitYou better think twice about the soy milk drink babe...

Powderfinger - Solution
There's every signThat every mind must bear a little frustrationWhen souls collideWe're all boun...

Powderfinger - Stumblin'
I got to feeling low for making light of whatever you saidThe pain went straight to my head chopping me up t...

Powderfinger - Sunsets
Sunsets over the beaches from now onEach day looking for new ways to go on Maybe I should drop b...

Powderfinger - Tail
I'll take the lead you follow meCome and relieve the friends that I keepThey're sick of meSmall ...

Powderfinger - Take Me In
Sea uprising takes me inThe crimes I'm fighting break my skinSea uprising takes me in I do...

Powderfinger - The Day You Come
Memories are fading, A single voice complainingWhile days are stacking upIt's hardly worth debating, T...

Powderfinger - The Metre
Blow the candles out raise a glass to the nightLet all the tension out you've been wound up so tightIt...

Powderfinger - These Days
It's coming round againThe slowly creeping handOf time and its commandSoon enough it comes...

Powderfinger - This Syrup To Exchange
It's a early riseHis teeth are furredAnd cleanse with hands to hunt and holdThe sun divides...

Powderfinger - Thrilloilogy
For every story gone untoldThere's a secret that dissolvesSo many pieces still unsolvedYou're no...

Powderfinger - Trading Places
I could not faceI could not face youLost my placeCouldn't I fade away Feelings hide...

Powderfinger - Turtle's Head
If I had no friends I'd have no one to ridiculeSo goes the tale of the resident foolIf I clear my spac...

Powderfinger - Up & Down & Back Again
Come and rescue meFrom in the water deepCareful now don't lose your aimThe road ahead is clear a...

Powderfinger - Waiting For The Sun
This will be an uncertain time for us my loveI can hear the echo of your voice in my headSinging my lo...

Powderfinger - Walking Stick
Spoon fed from a dirty plateA diet designed only to agitateA veil of pride and gospel truthTo co...

Powderfinger - We Should Be Together Now
What are you looking for this time aroundMight need something to bring you to groundEverything turning...

Powderfinger - Whatever Makes You Happy
If we never make it back to how far we've come along this wayWe search around for solid ground that will hel...

Powerman 5000 - 177-tr?
I'll try... I'll try... I'll try... I'll try... I'll try...[Thanks to fo...

Powerman 5000 - 20 Miles To Texas, 25 To Hell
20 miles to Texas, 25 to HellWhere the weather's hotter I could never tellSpend most of my days doing ...

Powerman 5000 - Action
Ahh... Go!The sky is falling its a curious conditionIt aint a fallacy, it aint superstitionYou l...

Powerman 5000 - A Is For Apathy
I wanna beThe richest AmericanI wanna liveOut on the streetSo many reasonsTo j...

Powerman 5000 - Assess The Mess
Let's right now assess the messWithout finesseNever forgetting all the restThere's too muc...

Powerman 5000 - A Swim With The Sharks
You get the head, the tail, the whole damn thingWell a swim with the sharks is like me I'll fin...

Powerman 5000 - Car Crash
Red, the color the lines the road 225 the fearless explodeWho burns rubber from coast to coast supernova get...

Powerman 5000 - Danger Is Go!
Go, go, go!Go, go, danger is go!Go, go, go!Go, go, danger is go! Painless, hopeless,...

Powerman 5000 - Earth Vs. Me
That's the way it's gotta beThe earth Vs. Me Tales of an ordinary madnessWho's to blam...

Powerman 5000 - Even Superman Shot Himself
Goddamn, even Superman shot himselfBlew his mind couldn't save the wealthMaybe he read the Sunday pape...

Powerman 5000 - File Under Action
12:32 just in time before we goRace cars fast but cool yeah they walk slowBlood from your nose better ...

Powerman 5000 - Free
Let's go!Everybody needs to start their own fireEverybody needs a riot of their ownEverybody nee...

Powerman 5000 - Hey, That's Right!
I'm the king of the airNot that you really careI'm the one that sends all messagesThe ones that ...

Powerman 5000 - I Knew It
The opposite of bravery has always been conformityDon't trust your friends, they'll sell you outCause ...

Powerman 5000 - Mega!! Kung Fu Radio
What's that sound that you're hearingWhat's that noise...It sounds like a trash can exploding It...

Powerman 5000 - Megatronic
Don't you knowWhat I've got you always gotCan see right through youThrough the lies and through ...

Powerman 5000 - Neckbone
Neckbone or backbone neckbone or backYou got no fiction if you've got no fact Neckbone or backb...

Powerman 5000 - Organizized
Like a kung fu maniac drunk on the blood of a thousand victimsMy case in point is I don't have a system...

Powerman 5000 - Public Menace, Freak, Human Fly
I know a man-his face is like plasticStretch smile wide, it's elasticI know a girl she can fill up a r...

Powerman 5000 - Rise
Desperate and empty and full of the lowHigh on the meaning of whatStyle and song is killing for life...

Powerman 5000 - Song About Nuthin'
This could have been about a lot of things but it's notSo don't stop and try to look for the messageTh...

Powerman 5000 - Standing 8
Out on your feet standing 8, standing, 8You can't look to me when you sealed your own fateIt's one to ...

Powerman 5000 - Stereotype
Trap door in every stepTruth is I can't connectMove along I work in stagesWhere you atIt l...

Powerman 5000 - That's Entertainment
What have we gotYeah, yeahWhat have we gotYeah, yeahThat's what we got!Check o...

Powerman 5000 - The End Is Over
Slip back slip back in time Before everything was gone Did you converse with the universe And le...

Powerman 5000 - The End Of Everything
(The fate of our civilization rest upon the finding of this group, and I say it is definitely doomed)Y...

Powerman 5000 - The Future That Never Was
(Have you nothing to contribute? Have you nothing to contribute? Have you nothing to contribute to a discussion...

Powerman 5000 - The Meaning Of Life
Wait, wait, wait, wait, waitWhat's the meaningYou must be dreamingTo want the meaning of l...

Powerman 5000 - Theme To A Fake Revolution
I'm not a spaceman, but on the other handI never really did fit in this world.Hands up to misfits, the...

Powerman 5000 - The One And Only
Yeah! Yeah!The one and onlyYeah! Yeah!The only oneYeah! Yeah!The one and onlyY...

Powerman 5000 - The Shape Of Things To Come
Time moves like the cars on the streetA million miles from here to nowhereThe only thing real is the f...

Powerman 5000 - Tokyo Vigilante #1
Tokyo Vigilante #1 Kills with hisMind not with a gunThe rumor 'round town, that heWas all washed...

Powerman 5000 - Tomorrow Is Yesterday
Let yourself be tomorrowTomorrow is yesterdaySo show me the way to get out of this worldIll be t...

Powerman 5000 - Top Of The World
Oh Yeah! Yay!Baby, baby!Look aroundLook aroundTell me what you seeIt's going d...

Powerman 5000 - Transform
Oh yeahHow come everything is not like it used to beAnd how come everything is never the sameYou...

Powerman 5000 - Ultra Mega
Ultra mega supersonicUltra mega for your headUltra mega get up jump inUltra mega until youre dea...

Powerman 5000 - Wake Up
Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! RightWake upIts time to goYou better leave now...

Powerman 5000 - What The World Does
(You can't make it!You won't break it!)RightTied up, ripped up, stitched up styleTor...

Pray For The Soul Of Betty - Cry
Cry your eyesSeen this face a thousand timesFalling from my fantasySlip insideThe wo...

Pray For The Soul Of Betty - Cut The Cord
Forgive me my presumptionSeems to be a problem hereCannot weigh it all ?But the signals crystal ...

Pray For The Soul Of Betty - Drift
Went traveling down the avenue She wants to feel all rightDeprives me of the medicineThen feel t...

Pray For The Soul Of Betty - Rich Bitch
You've got me spinning around your tornadoThen keep on making ?You've got me ? as soon as a ? Bu...

Pray For The Soul Of Betty - Some Of My Fucked Up World
Send a little loveOnly one where you should goI want to take it real slowI wanna drink your body...

Pray For The Soul Of Betty - Suicide
Hey whatcha' say, An empty dayWon't you be braveYou're everywhereOh you disappeared though...

Pray For The Soul Of Betty - Sylvan
Our worlds are all so dangerousDon't you wonder off againLet me take you by the hand and show

Pray For The Soul Of Betty - The Day
Why...don't you...pick be the dayThat you...decide...for the first time not to lieDo ...

Pray For The Soul Of Betty - Truck Stop Sally
Sally was a girl from WichitaPretty little jewel with a Cheshire smileGrew up in the heart of a traile...

Presence - Hold Up
[Verse 1]The world is minebut it ain't no cakewalk getting signedgetting my chance to shi...

Presence - One Final Breath
[Verse 1 (rap)]I just wanted to say thank youfor teaching me the thingsI couldn't have le...

Presence - Remember
[Verse 1]I'm sendin this one out to my man Sean Barneswanted to tell you what's been going on...

Presence - Rise
[Verse 1]We must organizecome togetherfortifiedshore to shoreand riseth...

Presence - Soundcheck
[Verse 1]'Twas the height of the nightand I was deep in my sleepin the middle of REM like...

Presence - Tonz Of Fun
[Intro]How shallow can a man beI borrowed this story from a friendnow an enemy'caus...

Presence - Van Down By The River
[Verse:]I'm underrated in your eyesundersized but on the riseinclined to quench your hung...

Presence - (who Says) Rock Is Dead
Enter my Delorean time machineback to the future we goto explore the rock sceneall the while...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - 5, 500 Miles
5,500 milesAcross the Texas plainJust to look at the mountainsJust to not go insane (insane, ins...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Back Porch
Happy with no teethHappy here in hibernationSlurpin' on a peachStarin' at the situationKit...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Back Porch (live)
Yeah! Drum solo.. drum solo! Phil Rott! Ladies and gentlemen.. Mr Phil RottAlright here's ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Basketball Dream
I had a dream.... Magic Johnson was illHe autographed the ball.... small rubber ball.Ten feet tall.......

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Bath Of Fire
I let my thirsty boots wander all overAnd they come home with lies about womenAnd in the evening toe u...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Blank Baby
You might say someone else said itSome worse some better then IYou might see someone taking pictures...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Body
Little salamanderWhere did you go?Edge of the yardI found you, you knowAll brown and hard...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Boll Weevil
Let me tell you bout a friend of mineHis name is boll weevil, check him outSpends all dayo...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Born In Bellevue
My father went to the country club My mother drove Mercedes around I never got dirty or sweaty I...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Bug City
Well.. I.. happened to..Find me a buggyComing out from under a rock in the grass, yeahHe got his...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Candy
The sugar's only sweetness,Salt is ocean tearsAnd you were my only weaknessFor years and years a...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Candy Cigarette
Three PM and she's under the covers Dumpster breath she's my hungover lover Strong as steel, four oliv...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Ca Plane Pour Moi
Comment allez vous? Un, deux, trois, quatre Yam! Bam! Mo chat "Splash" Git sur mon lit ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Carolyn's Bootie
I caught a glimpse of Carolyn's Bootie As she was going from the bathroom into my bedroom (into my bedroom) ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Christmas Piglet
Merry Christmas everyone Ha ha ha ha Thankyou! Christmas.... Christmas piglet in the...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Clean Machine
You've been kickin' on meI've been kickin' on youYou've been kickin' my tree just to suck on the fruit...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Cleveland Rocks
Hey.. 3,4! [x4]Ahhhhhh...All this energy callin' me Back where it comes from ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Confusion
Confusion, I trashed me life Confusion, get me out of my site Confusion, she just annoys ya Conf...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Death Star
Good evening, ...., it's for youHanging in the stars, suspended from the darkLife is long and heavy li...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Devil In A Sleepin' Bag
We here headed to Seattle Promotion sickness on the road Takin' it home to rock it out for the kids ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Drool At You
Drooling! Drooling!Drooling! Drooling!Drooling! Drooling!I wanna run my nose through your ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Dune Buggy
A little blind spider took the wheelNavigatin' grass blades completely by feelGot a sassy chassis, spa...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Farm Foods
Movin' to the country... gotta eat a lot of farm food Movin' to the country.. gotta eat me a lot of farm foo...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Feather Pluckn'
A billions of birdies squawkin' out loudtalkin' in code to clams in the cloudsThey send a secret messa...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Froggie
Froggie jumped all over the stage that dayFroggie jumped all over the stage that dayRolling Stone maga...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Fuck California
I'm in the mountains They're so beautiful and crystal clear They scrape the clouds with their top ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Gary's Teeth
His gums, his gums, his gums Are green and red His teeth, his teeth, his teeth Don't fit his hea...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - George Of The Jungle
George, George, George of the Jungle Strong as he can be Watch out for that tree George, George,...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Heading Out
I've been thinking about heading outWhere I've never beenI've been thinking bout finding outHow ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Highway Forever
WeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllThere's ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Hot Carl
Hot...Carl [x4] ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - I'm Mad
Well I'm mad, pissed off about this whole affairI'm mad, I can't believe that we don't careI'm mad, ho...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Japan
Big shiny jet plane in the sky Please drop us off as we go by We're an American bandAnd everythi...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Jazz Guy
I wanna be a jazz guyAnd play the greatest American musicI wanna be a jazz guyAnd play the great...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Jennifer's Jacket
And she's got safety pins and string holding it togetherShe can only wear her jacket in warm weatherAl...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Jupiter
Send a probe through a massive stormA million molecules make it warm and a star is born, hmmmAnd the s...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Kick Out The Jams
I've been elected to rock your asses til midnightThis is my term, and I've jammed out my perm, but it's all ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Kitty
Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meowLittle bag of bones been out all nightLittle bag of bones been...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Ladies And Gentlemen Part I
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, what is your desireAnd hello ladies and gentlemen... explosions and fire...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Ladies And Gentlemen Part Ii
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, hope you enjoyed the showGood bye ladies and gentlemen, it's time to go...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Last Girl On Earth
Your so awful, your so uglySo unattractive, so hard to get along withI'd like to hurt you, I'd like to...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Let's Lynch The Landlord
The landlord's here to visit They're blasting disco down below Sez, I'm doubling up the rent Cau...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - L.i.p.
Freckles and eyes of brownI'll take a big patty of cowBeautiful pearly statueI couldn't eat meat...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Love Delicatessen
I feel lowdown and blue I didn't have what I wanted That's when I saw the sign Outside the place...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Love Everybody
1, 2, 3!Woo!You gotta love everybody, make 'em feel good about themselvesYou gotta l...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Lump
Lump sat alone in a boggy marsh,totally emotionless except for her heartMud flowed up into lump's paja...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Lump (live)
Hello everybody Alright! How.. ooh.. How's it goin'? So they tell me that everybody down on the ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Lunatic To Love
I said I loved you and I told you on a TuesdayYou say you're happy but your mind is slidin' sidewaysYo...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Mach 5
I will survive in my Mach 5In my Mach 5, I will surviveYeah, YeahI will survive in my Mach...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Man (opposable Thumb)
I'm being hassled by the man The man The man The manMan Crush a killer with a thigh ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Meanwhile Back In The City
I was standing quiet alone in a crowded discoWhen a man I did not know showed me the doorAnd told me I...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Mobile Home
A tiny turtle in a can I dig a living room in the sand Poke a toe through a hole in the floor (F...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Monkey River
In the hazy light I see Lonely croak, dark green dreams I got no paddle and I got no shoes I'm s...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - More Rok!
Hey you know what I just wanted to let you people know Out there in the world That right now somewere ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Munky River
In the hazy light I seeLonely crow, dark green dreamI got no paddle and I got no shoesI'm solo i...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Naked And Famous
I can't explain glacial motionor why Los Angeles don't drop into the oceanI can't unfold the layers of...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - New York Groove
New York Groove New York Groove I'm just talkin' about Shaft Shut yo mouth! Many yea...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Novocaine Hurricane
Time will forward into insanity I have got the cure Eighteen miles off, off the beaches and It w...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Nuthin But Luv
You don't need nothing, don't need nothing, don't need nothing from meYou shoot out evil raysYou say y...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Peaches
Movin' to the country,gonna eat a lot of peachesMovin' to the country,Gonna eat me a lot of peac...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Poke And Destroy
Ow!([Spoken through gritted teeth:] "Wanna push it, wanna rip it, wanna kill it!")G...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Puffy Little Shoes
Little puffy cloud with a tongueFloatin' over a cheese puff rug a lugIf I had a choice between those t...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Road Runner
You're on the highway and Road Runner goes beep-beep Just step aside or you might end up in a heap Roa...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Robert Goulet (on The River Nile)
Standing up high on a mountain top Looking at the valley below Mary Poppins flies by on a rattlesnake ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Shortwave
Here come Monday mornin'Life is open wideI hide my fat bitesHere come Tuesday mornin'...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Shout It Out Loud
Well the night's begun And you want some fun Do you think your gonna find it (Think you're gonna...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Show Us Your Id
Hi this is Dave Dederer from The Presidents Of The United States Of America And your listening to.... ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Shreds Of Boa
I invited salmonella poisonThey brought their blushin' daughter, stuffed into a tuxI invited all the g...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Slip Away
I had a girl Yeah.. "had" is the word I tried to hold on But it was pretty absurd She said...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Some Postman
It's 6 AM and the sun is getting highHe picks up the mail from the slotHe feels the rush of excitement...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Spoonman
All my friends are green and red All my friends are stop signs, Spoonman All my friends are big and ta...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Stranger
You, Lynard Skinnard-hat andMe, little kittySat across with a velvet jacketWild orange hair and ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Sunshine
You're the one.. you're the sunshine [x2]Every time I see you [x2]Every time You'r...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Supermodel
Love child to Genghis KahnAnd a beautiful busty AmazonOn the Death Star with her godfatherDarth ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Supersonics
So welcome to the game Ladies and gentlemen shout the name Seattle SuperSonics Are basketball bi...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Superstar
Hey my superstar, my flying shooting starSomewhere in the night, my crashing meteoriteI got a rear vie...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Teenage Girl
They took a hot-rod motor and they put it in her heart It's a dream location but she's tearing it apart ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Tiger Bomb
Ooo, she plays the drums like a queenGot the prettiest high-hat cymbal I've ever seenI could fix a bro...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Tiki God
Hey!Had a girl and she did me wrongI didn't let that kinda shit go on too longSplit the cl...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Tiki Lounge God
I had a girl and she did me wrong I didn't let that kind of shit go on too long Split the clouds and d...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Tiny Christmas
You know Christmas time is a lovely time of the year You can crack a little soda, get a present, and have yo...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Tiny Explosions
Fire up the womantoneAnd drown the brown soundWire up the dynamiteIt tore me apartI had a ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Toob Amplifier
I got myself a brand new tube amplifierIt's large and lovely to beholdLa, La, La, La, LaI got my...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Too Much Monkey Business
Runnin' to and fro, hard Workin at the mill Never fail, get the mail He comes a rotton bill ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Tremolo Blooz
Tremelo blooz, ain't got nothin' to loose Ain't got nothin' but those tumblin', mumbling bloozBrains c...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Tv Eye
See that kid Flat on his back See that kid Flat on his back He got a TV eye on me ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Twig
Some weepy, creepy, willow, pillow boggy shitTranscendental big wheel can ya feel itI got a chickey fa...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Vestina
Vestina, VestinaYour advertising agency folded todayVestina, VestinaThe future is brighter anywa...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Volcano
Under the island... middle of a mountainThere is a big bad... boomin' systemBlowin' speakers... woofer...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Wake Up
La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, La, la, la, la, ...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - We Are Not Going To Make It
We're not gonna make itOh, no!We're not gonna make itCause there's a million better bands...

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - Zero Friction
Zero Friction (Zero Friction)Zero Friction (Zero Friction)Zero Friction (ooooo-ooooh)In My life...

Pressure 4-5 - Beat The World
Try to use a better piece of your mindBut youre inside outAnd the whole worlds there to see youD...

Pressure 4-5 - Dehydration
Faith is fallingThoughts come undoneAnd every single cell inside your body goesNumb, just like i...

Pressure 4-5 - Enough
I would like to believeThat the things that bring me downAnd the life I leadAre one in the same ...

Pressure 4-5 - Even Worse
Could I be right?This is a fightWe cant give up, we cant careAbout GodAbout the Devil...

Pressure 4-5 - Into Yesterday
Step into the lightBecause your face is darkenedFrom the nightWill I focus my attentionOn ...

Pressure 4-5 - Melt Me Down
Born into fireNo given shape noSense of a beaten roadTrained by our voicesGiven one choice...

Pressure 4-5 - New Wave
Pick a point now slowly spin around itSeems youre lost, so glad to see youve found itAnything that mak...

Pressure 4-5 - Pieces
Take me right nowUp your arm, right next to your earSo I can whisperSo what if I now forgive you...

Pressure 4-5 - Proven
Days are fading into historyMoving forward, looking backUnsure if Im finding anythingWorth the t...

Pressure 4-5 - Stares
We still cant care when you stareShut up and leaveDo whatever you pleaseSlapped me and lef...

Pressure 4-5 - These Hands
Life. Its like Im never thereTime. Ive got no more to spareAwake to the sound of a million people...

Pretty Ricky - Call Me
Girl you make me say (Oh)Girl I make you say (Oh!)You make me say (Oh!)Girl you make me say (Oh)...

Pretty Ricky - Can't Live Without You
[Verse 1 Pleasure]It's 4 O'clock in the morning. And she ain't feeling right. I'm on a fi...

Pretty Ricky - Get A Little Closer
Lick it from the front hit ya from the backFreak you in my whip baby just relaxLick it from the front ...

Pretty Ricky - Grill 'em
[Chorus]We, we, we dem, we dem, we dem Blue StarsWe, we, we dem, we dem, we dem Blue Stars...

Pretty Ricky - Grind With Me
[Hook 1]Baby grind with meRelax your mind take your time with meI love you deeper if you ...

Primer 55 - All In The Family
some people never change their livesno matter how fucked up it getssome people never question why...

Primer 55 - Dose
psychodelic suicide, trip it and you'll never diesometimes, i can not believe, the things that acid does to ...

Primer 55 - Growing
crossing the line again, it's all fundamental.feeling like these's got to be a way to control.but some...

Primer 55 - G's
everyday is the same thing, another kid shot down by the gang-bang killaon the prowl just sizin' up as the b...

Primer 55 - Hate
i toss and turn and i can't sleepi don't understand my lifei don't understand my sufferingi try ...

Primer 55 - Hesitation
feeling like i'll never understand thisall the things i hate about myselfthe mistakes i made, i never ...

Primer 55 - Introduction To Mayhem
little acts, little deeds for little mindsi'm a breed, i'm a breed of my own kindattitude, gratitude, ...

Primer 55 - Lessons
learn shit the hard way, takin' the wrong wayalways believing the lies they tell.and i've learned my l...

Primer 55 - Loose
here i come with the new style kickingjust can't help it, cause it's so damn wickedinsane in the brain...

Primer 55 - Lou Evil
open up the door and come in.i take off my coattake a good look , take a good look aroundtip toe...

Primer 55 - My Girl
me? it's always me. never seems to go awayeverything i say and do to you is wrong in every way.a...

Primer 55 - No Sleep
well i'll never, give up again. you knowwell i'll never, betray myself again.i toss and turn because i...

Primer 55 - Pigs
another mutha fuckin' pig , talkin' shit, tryin' to teach me a lessonanother fuckin' point about the way i'm...

Primer 55 - Pills
i think it's time to fade awayfrom all the shit inside my headi go instead, to a beautiful place...

Primer 55 - Ricochet
i can't stand your fucking bullshit, liar!turning me life into nightmares!pick apart my head inside, m...

Primer 55 - Stain
i like feeling the filthy i like feeling shamecall me what you want to, a fucking little staintell me ...

Primer 55 - Supa Freak Love
first time ya ever talked to meya say ya just wanna do meyeah right, go ahead talk shitcause i k...

Primer 55 - Texas
gigs up girl, i'm calling your bluffwhere your bed at? baby where your handcuffsone time and you can't...

Primer 55 - The Big Fuck You
little bitch boys thinking nothing is going to happenhear you talking shit but i can't stop laughinga ...

Primer 55 - This Life
you've got no self-esteem, and you think you're so can't stand your face, and you cannot,...

Primer 55 - Tricycle
i wake up late for school and i run like hell to try and catch the busnever thought about it but those days ...

Primer 55 - Tripinthehead
i can't stand this hate inside of mecan't get a grip get a grip on realitywhen this ain't the pain i'm...

Primer 55 - Violence
i've got the mood set, half past midnightme and my soldiers are dancin' in the street lightsset' em up...

Prince - A Million Days
It's only been a hour since U left me But it feels like a million days If Eye had a magic wand eye cou...

Prince - Call My Name
Call, call my name Call it, call my name Eye heard Ur voice this morning calling gout my name ...

Prince - Cinnamon Girl
As war drums beat in Babylon Cinnamon girl starts 2 pray Eye've never heard a prayer like this 1 ...

Prince - Dear Mr. Man
What's wrong with the world 2day? Things just got 2 get better Show me what the leaders say Mayb...

Prince - If Eye Was The Man In Ur Life
[Chorus:]If Eye was the man in your life Eye'd make U happy Eye'd treat U right Eye...

Prince - Illusion, Coma, Pimp & Circumstance
She knew which fork 2 use but she couldn't dance So he hipped her 2 the funk in xchange 4 the finance ...

Prince - Life 'o' The Party
This is the life o' the party We gonna do it right So Ur havin' a party? Goody 4 U A...

Prince - Musicology
Heard about the party now Just east o' Harlem Dougie's gonna b there But u got 2 call him ...

Prince - On The Couch
Come on baby.. ooh, ooh, ooh Don't make me sleep on the couch No.. No.. No.. Love jones is on th...

Prince - Reflection
2 sevens together Like time, indefinite Trying 2 catch the glass b4 it falls Without a fro...

Prince - The Marrying Kind
If U leave her now Ur never gonna 2 c her again - Never Now she's gonna need a shoulder 2 cry on ...

Prince - What Do U Want Me 2 Do?
I see U picked me out from the crowd Could it be the way I play guitar? Master of the soft, not 2 loud...

Princess Superstar - Bad Babysitter
Babysitting sucks but whatever they got junk food, kung fu, egg fu, Dig Dug, a dogtooAnd a hot Jew, Mr...

Princess Superstar - Dichotomy
I got a dichotomy inside of me like sodomy my brain and body fight on the potty partof me wants a lobotomy...

Princess Superstar - Super Fantasy
Golden Keys, cash on trees, raining men its all for me geezEveryone here got the name C wow they all like bo...

Princess Superstar - Trouble
Hold your breath when you see me walking byI'm obsessed with movies, like Barbed Wire throw a stiletto in ya...

Princess Superstar - We Got Panache
You know we got panacheStyle, sass, gettin mad cash keepin it under wrapsPizazz and class we sit in th...

Princess Superstar - Welcome To My World
I'm the chick who drops sick flows fill bowls with ill flows ill ho hell knowspantyhose holes full of No Doz...

Princess Superstar - Wet! Wet! Wet!
Pray I yell fore before I play before I foray let me explain, all day all waysForeplay? HmmmI can make...

Princess Superstar - Who Writes Your Lyrics
I'm the flyest MC the finest MC the nicest MC oh that's boring seeThere's another MPC so why you think most ...

Princess Superstar - You Get Mad At Napster
Please don't mess with me I'll spit you out like you were Sunny DDid you really think you could be mean baby...

Probot - Access Babylon
We're going out on a limb Our people are about to disown us nowIncrementally cahnge mentality...

Probot - Big Sky
My world has diedAll gusts and leavesYour wondrous lifeAnd love have ceasedAnd all y...

Probot - (bonus Track)
I'm going to fuck your life upI'm going to crush your soulTwo demons stand beside meAnd now i'm ...

Probot - Centuries Of Sin
Survivor - warrior princePsychopath - making differenceArchangel - bleed crimson skies New dange...

Probot - Dictatorsaurus
All set Systems on and readyMove forwardLevel reads okClick, drivePrepare to break a...

Probot - Ice Cold Man
Vampires of this earth hungry dying of thirstLifeblood in short supplyBlack skies red watching eye...

Probot - My Tortured Soul
There are times when the road gets darkSeem to have lost my waySophisticated abuse of reasonDay ...

Probot - Red War
Red war will fall on my enemiesBabylon is full of hypocricyYou feel the hate is for realCause re...

Probot - Shake Your Blood
Looking for relief in your miserable life You need some rock and roll And you better get it right ...

Probot - Silent Spring
They ravaged the landAnd polluted the seas They burned all teh forestsOr cut down the trees...

Probot - Sweet Dreams
Let me into your sweet dreamsLet me inLet me into your sweet dreamsI'm watching you, go to...

Probot - The Emerald Law
I do not die, but awaken from the dream i livedAs above? so below, be revealed, the truth be knownQues...

Prodigy - Break And Enter
Bring it down to earthEiaaeiaha... ...

Prodigy - Charly
Charly says: Always tell your mummybefore you go off somewhereORCharly says: Always tell your mu...

Prodigy - Crazy Man
This one's for those who are crazy!Crazy, crazy, cra-cr-Crazy, crazy, cra-cr- ...

Prodigy - Everybody In The Place
Let's go!Everybody's in the place! ...

Prodigy - Fire
How are you feeling?In the party!How are you feeling?Are you ready?I am the god of hellfir...

Prodigy - Fuel My Fire
I've got a word of thanksthat I'd like to sayfor the way that I feeltoday.Got stacks, got ...

Prodigy - Full Throttle
yieow...yieow...yieow... We're going in full throttle.yieow... yieow... yieow... ...

Prodigy - G-force
Countdown, baby, get ready to go!ORNon-stop energy left but you go...Everybody......

Prodigy - Hyperspeed
Let's jet out, we'll cruise at hyperspeed,I've got the beat, I've got the beatand that's all we need...

Prodigy - Jericho
The horns of Jericho.The horns of Jericho.The horns of Jericho.Eaaaaw!Eaaaaw!Eaaaaw!...

Prodigy - Music Reach
1 2 3 41...1...1...1 2 3 4The music reachMake me wanna shout!... Come on ...

Prodigy - No Good
You're no good for me,I don't need nobody.Don't need no one,that's no good for me.......

Prodigy - One Love
One love... One love....One love... One love.... ...

Prodigy - Pandemonium
I just can't hold back...I just can't hold back......Drop the base... Drop the base...Drop...

Prodigy - Poison
I got the poison.I got the remedy.I got the pulsating rhythmical remedy.I got the poison.I...

Prodigy - Rhythm Of Life
Rhythm of life...AAAAaaaaaAAAAaaaaaaAAaaaaa...AAAAaaaaaAAAAaaaaaaAAaaaaa...Rhythm of life......

Prodigy - Their Law
What we're dealing with here is a total lack of respect for the law.I'm the law and you can't beat the law ...

Prodigy - Voodoo People
Magic people, voodoo people.The voodoo, who-do-what-you-don't-dare-do people.Voodoo!The voodoo, ...

Prodigy - What Evil Lurks
What evil lurks in the hearts of menHold the beat. Stop the beat. Drop the beat! ...

Prodigy - Your Love
Your love...Your love...Your love......Wo-ho, wo-ho, wo-ho-ohoo...Wo-ho, wo-ho, wo-h...

Product G&b - Dirty Dancin'
[wyclef]Ladies N gents back by popular demandIts the G&B with Carlos Santana...

Project 86 - 1 X 7
One times seven equals heavenTraditions the creation of menReligion for the sake of religionRitu...

Project 86 - A Fruitless End Ever
"You cannot hide nowI'll find you somehowTogether we can find new ways to drown""All I rea...

Project 86 - Another Boredom Movement
You were conceived on a storyboardIn an uptown high-riseWhere your celebrity was bornFrom umbili...

Project 86 - A Shadow On Me
These PetalsThis blackened roseThis soil all my ownShrouding your hollowed groundLike seed...

Project 86 - A Text Message To The So-called Emperor
For too long cast aside, stripped of dignity, opportunityCountless sleepless days in underestimationBu...

Project 86 - Bleed Season
Trace the chalk and seize the day so Those old habits never pass away Commemorate the conception with ...

Project 86 - Bottom Feeder
So little of what seems to beIs ever really thereSo much of whats here I resentI am a demagogue...

Project 86 - Breakdown In 3/4
(Obsolete, obsolete, we're so obsolete...)Sleep soundly in silenceKnowing that we will never ret...

Project 86 - Breakneck Speed
Another day in the hurtAnother grope in the searchAnother shove with a smirkOnce more treading, ...

Project 86 - Caught In The Middle
One side of me you loveOne side of meYou love you love one side of me You love you love on...

Project 86 - Chimes
I hear a voice speaking softly amidst the breathingAn invitation to a place where hearts are breathing...

Project 86 - Circuitry
If you want to find me I'll be.LostLost in your circuitryThe only home for meNot unlike...

Project 86 - Independence?
How does it feel to find yourself playing for the wrong team with the stakes so high?How does it feel to fin...

Project 86 - Know What It Means
Remember what its like to me you?To be youRemember what its like to be me?To be meAll that...

Project 86 - Last Meal
I am lost inside your lairAnd allowed you to lure me hereYou promised immortalityIve become your...

Project 86 - Little Green Men
Out of the playgrounds ashesCome little men with little games Theyre playing war Theyre planning...

Project 86 - Me Against Me
I will not forget the day when the sides were chosenMe against me against...meClothing so drenched wit...

Project 86 - Oblivion
A double minded oneGazing into two reflectionsWho cannot recognizeThe vessel or the messenger...

Project 86 - One-armed Man (play On)
Submerged in endless (trailing off)I watch them fade by (sigh)Lifeless and blank-faced (paining on)...

Project 86 - Open Hand
Intersect; cross the linesBreak the barriers; link the areas Unify our stakes; take my handGrip ...

Project 86 - Pipe Dream
Downhill downtrodden left a slaveNew day on the verge to find the grayFloors swing and slope downhill ...

Project 86 - Ps
Her heart bleedsIt is a basis for your heartfelt hunger so gazeAt the page at the faces of namel...

Project 86 - Rebuttal
The innocence robbed at early stage Bitterness allies for the cage Pain gives birth to pain And ...

Project 86 - Run
Your weakness is numbing my brain A lack of love for my life means more than the painSo erase those we...

Project 86 - Sad Machines
An ageless question, universalThey're asking whyCreation destined cries flood the night in painT...

Project 86 - Safe Haven
I'm just a stranger here, despite your everythingI'm not attached to your world of diseaseLike father ...

Project 86 - Salem's Suburbs
They put on disguises today To hide the scarlet lettersThat each of us has put so far away...

Project 86 - Say Goodnight To The Bad Guy...
Now here I lie in the streetAn invitation for you to steal a glance at meWhile all the village, it gat...

Project 86 - Set Me Up
Right in front of me dropping another gameNow I watch your face as your eyes look downAway from my gla...

Project 86 - Shelter Me
Shelter meWith mercury vialsEscape is the machine toShelter meWith media tabletsWell...

Project 86 - Sioux Lane Spirits
Daddy, she has your eyesAnd when she grins you can only realizeThe guilt she manifests so deep inside ...

Project 86 - Six Sirens
And now I sit in thought as the plot of my days commences,and I'm left with fencesPut off the thoughts...

Project 86 - S.m.c.
Big business aint easyIm sure youd agreeEspecially when the product is eternity-To stay one step...

Project 86 - Solace
We have waited for so longTo occur this dayThere are those who fly away to a distant placeBut I ...

Project 86 - Soma
The only thing I recall isThose shadows coming my wayComforting me with their searchlightsTo gui...

Project 86 - Spill Me
My Back is so full of scrapes With the miles I've walked of wasteFade and fall away against And ...

Project 86 - Stalemate
I've sought so hard to sustain this gainNow watch me give this ground awayWhat can i do but admit I'm ...

Project 86 - Star
Outside looking down on meOutside the view is so much moreHow could I beBetter late than d...

Project 86 - Stein's Theme
Rising up above this wickednessAnd unfazed by your endless mythsHands all around reach to slow him dow...

Project 86 - Team Black
I dont even like the taste of bloodBut it was all they had for sale todayAnd this is hunger that just ...

Project 86 - The Great Golden Gate Disaster
Outside you there's a remedyInside you is an enemyThis twist (this twist) of ironyCan I say you ...

Project 86 - The Spy Hunter
One last disguisePawns standing in awe of the gameOf the stageYou've worked so hard at bui...

Project 86 - Toast To My Former Self
With all those thoughts I've left behindI'm putting to death, no remorse what's pushed insideWith a to...

Project 86 - Twenty-three
Set out to find a love, to live a lifeTo stay awake and clean and pureAnd never allow the burdens...

Project 86 - When Darkness Reigns
My failure is so evident And I cannot hide the torment Face first to the earth Plagued by the ea...

Project 86 - Your Heroes Are Dead
Theres something comingAnd its coming for youThe mob is restless Looking for something new...

Project Pat - 528-cash
[Project Pat]As I sit in my cell, might as well be in hellLeft a dead, two on one, fourth floor...

Project Pat - Aggravated Robbery
Stick 'em up, Stick 'em up Raise 'em up, Raise 'em upBuck 'em down, 'buck em down (Now that shou...

Project Pat - Bitch Smackin Killa
[(Chorus) 3x]Pistol packin, never slackin, bitch killaPistol packin, never slackin, bitch smack...

Project Pat - Cheese And Dope
[Project Pat]I been slanging on this green green that I done get cutby these police making raid...

Project Pat - Choose U
[Project Pat]Don't you get mad at me cause your broad den chose-aGlad to see the truck when I p...

Project Pat - Choppers
[chorus: 2x] On the block we got them chopperswe got them choppers in the car we got the...

Project Pat - County Jail
[Chorus]I don't wanna go to county jail no more more moreIts a big fat policeman at my door doo...

Project Pat - Easily Executed
[Hook]Easily Executed [X4][Verse 1]Cracking niggas jaws, running hoes...

Project Pat - Fight
[Chorus]Fight [x67]It's about to be some shit nigga we here nowWe's about to whoop...

Project Pat - Ghetty Green
Man, Project Pat in the house This go out to all the real niggas out there havin' money Ghetty green, ...

Project Pat - Make Dat Azz Clap (back Clap)
[Chorus: repeat 2X]Make dat ass clap make it snap (talk to me now)Make dat ass smack when I sla...

Project Pat - Niggas Got Me Fucked Up
[Chorus-16x]These niggas got me fucked up[1st verse]These niggas got me fuck...

Project Pat - North Memphis
Yeah,it's on for the 1-9-9-9Project Pat in this hoePutting this ghetto bump in ya speakerHypnoti...

Project Pat - North North
Yeah nigga. It's official. North North. It's on nigga.[Chorus: repeat 4X]Crackin' n...

Project Pat - On Nigga
[Verse One]As a youngsta guns-ahwhat I specalize inme and my dawgs selling dope on a risi...

Project Pat - Ooh Nuthin'
[(CHORUS) X 2]Whacha doin girl wit all dat (ooh nuttin)What's all that pokin from the back (ooh...

Project Pat - Red Rum
Red RumRed RumRed RumRed Rum[Project Pat]A 44 bullet shell took my nigg...

Project Pat - Rinky Dink Ii / We're Gonna Rumble
[Chorus]We gon rumble in this hoWe gon rumble in this hoAll you weak ass niggas get yo as...

Project Pat - Run A Train
[girl] Aaaaaaaaaaaaa....[Dj Paul] Please [Project Pat] Yea[girl] Aaaaaaahh Please! [Dj Paul] S...

Project Pat - Shake That Ass
[Chorus 4x]Shake that ass hoMake that cash ho[Verse One]My name aint M...

Project Pat - That Drank
[Chorus 4x]That drankThat drankThat drank will make ya think, sizzerpSippin o...

Project Pat - This Pimp
Talking...[Project Pat]Hoe I know you got this lootfuck around make me shootu...

Project Pat - We Ain't Scared Ho
[chorus]We ain't scared hoWe ain't scared hoWe ain't scared ho, naw we ain't scared ho...

Project Pat - We Can Get Gangsta
[Project Pat (talkin)]Hello, hello, hello?[Boogelou (talkin)]Pat, whats up m...

Project Pat - Whole Lotta Weed
[Chorus 2x]Real playaz like to smoke a (whole lotta weed)Drinkin bottles of that liquor (all th...

Project Pat - Y'all Niggaz Ain't No Killaz, Y'all Niggaz Some Hoes
[Talking: La Chat]Yea dis La Chat up in dis motherfucker"Murder She Spoke"will be out in a minu...

Project Wyze - Behind Closed Doors
Welcome to my wonderful world of pain and agonyLet me introduce myself my name is tragedyThe kind that...

Project Wyze - Denial
I remember the time when I was a little childMy father wouldnt call or visitHe denied the fact that I ...

Project Wyze - Erica
Dear Erica,I would cherish you more than life itselfWait, no you wouldntDont listen to him he on...

Project Wyze - Eyes Wide Shut
Tangled in the webs that she weavesDangling in disbelief, trapped I cant breatheShes the one that left...

Project Wyze - Hush
Shhh, but can you keep a secretAre you the type of person who holds it in for five minutes before you releas...

Project Wyze - Nothing's What It Seems
Ladies and gentlemenPresenting the outrageousIm music without limelightA guitarist without stage...

Project Wyze - Only Time Will Tell
Only time will tell the truthIm living proof of what could happen to a manWhen he decides to stand str...

Project Wyze - Room To Breathe
[Chorus]Jump, jump, jump, breatheJump, jump, jump, breatheJump, jump, jump, breathe...

Project Wyze - Running Away
[Chorus]Everybody get up, everybody get upThrow your hands up, throw your hands upEverybo...

Project Wyze - Strangers Among Us
They say money is the root of all evilBut I think its peopleSo many friends say they would die for you...

Prophet Jones - All I Do
[Verse 1]All that i doIs think about lovin youI've been wondering just where you been...

Prophet Jones - I Know You Wanna
[Intro]Ya'll Ya'll Ya'llWhat chu came to do, What chu came to doWould you bounce ba...

Prophet Jones - Lifetime
Thugs need Love Too! [1st. verse - Goldie] I been in love a time before but i...

Prozzak - Anna-lisa
Is it really over Anna-Lisa Seems that we've grown older and time has beat us seems I've f...

Prozzak - Be As
Julie wants to get out of town She needs to settle down Move to a place where no one knows her L...

Prozzak - Europa
I remember like it's yesterday The song we used to sing What was it's name Danced together till ...

Prozzak - Hot Show
Hot Show She's my technicolour disco Yo, Yo Ya we're gonna make a video She'll keep it on ...

Prozzak - I Like To Watch (milo's Night Out)
I like to watch I like the way you bounce bounce I like to watch Ya ya groove 'n' move it ...

Prozzak - Mediterranean Lady
Do you remember how we met? Spring time on the Island of Corfu I was lost and asked for help You...

Prozzak - New York
Was it Washington Square Or the way you wore you hair? Was it central park Or kissing after dark...

Prozzak - Omobolasire
[intro]The politics of nations got me down Geography and policy have run me out of town S...

Prozzak - Shag Tag (you're It)
Nothing much to do but watch the rain Sunday morning all alone again So I ring you up for consolation ...

Prozzak - Simon's Final Thought
Something is wrong with me Can't seem to get to sleep I've got a strange disease Words tumble ou...

Prozzak - Sleep With Myself
Ya I'll dance with you for a while But I'm not going to take you home I don't even know you last...

Prozzak - Strange Disease
A little sexual frustration Combined with lack of motivation And a loss of concentration I've go...

Prozzak - Sucks To Be You
[Tamara] - Sucks To Be You [Simon] - I know, I know [Tamara] - Sucks To Be You ...

Prozzak - Tsunami
O.K. Ya see t'was 1983 when we first walked arm in arm Across the sea it was my destiny that I'd find ...

Prozzak - Wild Thing/poor Boy
[intro][Milo]Every Time I see you.... [Simon]I know, I know ...

Prozzak - Www.nevergetoveryou
www. Incoming contact www.User is on-line I got your e-mail Disgruntled female...

Public Announcement - It's About Time
you know damn well where he was last nightit makes no sense everyday you fightmakes me so mad what he ...

Public Announcement - Mamacita
MamacitaWhere you at?Been trying to reach youAll alone, you know I need yaGot me fiendin'...

Public Announcement - Man Ain't Supposed To Cry
They say that a man aint supposed to cry but baby your tears I'll cry PA let's singThey sa...

Puddle Of Mudd - Already Gone
I wanna ride through the canyonsIm on the run with the horsesIm gonna change with the seasonI wa...

Puddle Of Mudd - Away From Me
Yea LiesLook at me now Just sittin here by myselfAnd I think you found someone elseN...

Puddle Of Mudd - Basement
Yeahlocked in the basementI'm so paranoid i'm all incased and I can't escapeand when I look up, ...

Puddle Of Mudd - Blurry
Everything's so blurryand everyone's so fakeand everybody's emptyand everything is so messed up...

Puddle Of Mudd - Bottom
Lift your head up from the clouds I know that you're shaking Breaking down How could you leave m...

Puddle Of Mudd - Bring Me Down
Make no promises to meyour slowly meltingwake up then fall back asleepyour quickly fadingh...

Puddle Of Mudd - Change My Mind
How could I believe anything you've ever said?I'm on the bottom of your shoesA little piece, a piece o...

Puddle Of Mudd - Cloud 9
I'm sitting waiting on cloud nine Sitting here waiting on cloud nine What do I have to do man Te...

Puddle Of Mudd - Drift & Die
Forgotten thoughts of yesterdaysThrough my eyes I see the past[Chorus:]Well I don't...

Puddle Of Mudd - Freak Of The World
Dont want the sun to shine upon my face And i see your eyes and their glazy hazeYour lips dont move ...

Puddle Of Mudd - Heel Over Head
Don't you walk out that doorDon't even pet the dog on the floorJust take your things in the yard...

Puddle Of Mudd - Never Change
Someone's always tellin me i'm no goodwell I don't care what you saysomeone's always giving me a hard ...

Puddle Of Mudd - Nobody Told Me
Looking back in my childhoodwasn't to bad but it wasn't that greatI carried the luggage like a bag of ...

Puddle Of Mudd - Nothing Left To Lose
Something, something's taking over me Shaking, bottled up inside of me Crawling, crawling in the shado...

Puddle Of Mudd - Out Of My Head
what is wrong with all my friendsI know that I am unlike themjust another situationdon't hold me...

Puddle Of Mudd - Piss It All Away
What I feel it is realwhat I do it's the truthwhen I drink I can't thinkwhen I use I need more...

Puddle Of Mudd - Said
Emotionless I slip in to the blackand there's no turning back noweveryone around me smoking crack...

Puddle Of Mudd - She Hates Me
Met a girl, thought she was grandfell in love, found out first handwent well for a week or twoth...

Puddle Of Mudd - Spin You Around
OooooCome on over the mountainAnd I'll meet you at the othersideCome on over the mountain...

Puddle Of Mudd - Sydney
Sydney!Why'd you have to goAnd leave everybody behind!Help meCuz im thinkin' of taki...

Puddle Of Mudd - Think
Wait wait wait You never wanna waitWait wait waitSlow downStop and thinkThink think ...

Puddle Of Mudd - Time Flies
Aint much time left in my lifeI'm all stressed out time to flyIm on my wayIm on my wayI ca...

Puff Daddy - We'll Always Love Big Poppa
(Mmm... can't believe we doin this record)We'll always love Big PoppaWe'll always love Big Poppa...

Puff Daddy - What's The 411? (remix)
[Puff Daddy]Oh shit (what's that man)I don't know kid, I think it's a party going onOh it...

Puff Daddy - You'll See
[Intro: Puff Daddy](Don't stop, I'm not finished yet) [8x]Do you ever ask yourself...

Pulp - 59 Lyndhurst Grove
There's a picture by his first wife on the wallStripped floor-boards in the kitchen and the hallA stai...

Pulp - 97 Lovers
Ninety-seven lovers twisted out of shape and just one kiss could set them straightNinety-seven lovers twiste...

Pulp - Aborigine
Starts so slowly, just a place to staySomewhere warm where they can spend their daysAir is stagnant an...

Pulp - Acrylic Afternoons
I fell asleep on your sofa and had a dream about a small child in dungarees Who caught his hands in the door...

Pulp - A Little Soul
Hey man, how come you treat your woman so bad? That's not the way you do it. No, no, sho...

Pulp - Anorexic Beauty
Sitting alone on / a cold bar stool, / your cold, hard eyes make me feel a fool. / Pastel-white features, / ...

Pulp - Ansaphone
Oh I know I don't own you / but I don't even know if I should phone you Someone sending me letters / saying ...

Pulp - Babies
Well it happened years ago when you lived on Stanhope Road. We listened to your sister when she came home fr...

Pulp - Bad Cover Version
The word's on the street: you've found someone new. If he looks nothing like me I'm so happy for you. ...

Pulp - Bar Italia
Now if you can stand I would like to take you by the hand, yeah And go for a walk past people as they go to ...

Pulp - Being Followed Home
I'm being followed home, / I'm being followed home, I don't know what for, / I don't know by whom. The...

Pulp - Blue Girls
The blue girls that bake in the sun / Skin falls in flakes from each one Like leaves from autumn trees / the...

Pulp - Blue Glow
So late looking up at your window as it bathes me in your blue midnight glow I wonder why you're not sleepin...

Pulp - Boats And Trains
Would you like to hear about the things I fear? About my life, and loves too?Well why should I t...

Pulp - Bob Lind (the Only Way Is Down)
When you think you're treading water, but you're just learning how to drown. And a song comes on the radio t...

Pulp - Cocaine Socialism
I thought that you were joking / When you said "I want to see you To discuss your contribution / To the futu...

Pulp - Common People
She came from Greece she had a thirst for knowledgeShe studied sculpture at Saint Martin's College, that's w...

Pulp - Countdown
[single intro:] "Keep very still, for the strangest things are about to happen."Oh I was seventeen wh...

Pulp - Death Comes To Town
Ah ah ah ah ah... / Tonight's the night / Open your door and I'll come inside Don't be afraid, it willbe alr...

Pulp - Death Ii
Oh uh-uh-uh OhHey Oh now the lonely nights begin and there is nowhere left to goBut watch my spirit me...

Pulp - Deep Fried In Kelvin
Oh children of the future ... conceived in the toilets at Meadowhall ... to be raised on the cheap cold slab...

Pulp - Disco 2ooo
Well we were born within one hour of each other. Our mothers said we could be sister and brother. Your...

Pulp - Dishes
I am not Jesus though I have the same initials -I am the man who stays home and does the dishes. & how...

Pulp - Dogs Are Everywhere
Dogs are everywhere almost everywhere that I goThey have too much and thenThey have too much again and...

Pulp - Don't You Know
There's not much time for talking, / all your friends are / going to walk away. If there was time for talkin...

Pulp - Don't You Want Me Anymore?
On the night that I was leaving, the moon rose in the skyAs I came to fetch my suitcase and then you began t...

Pulp - Down By The River
Nadadum dadadada dada da... Take me down to the river where I would not go beforeThrough the trees and...

Pulp - Do You Remember The First Time?
You say you've got to go home 'cos he's sitting on his own again this evening. I know you're gonna let him b...

Pulp - Everybody's Problem
Standing there before you / defences thrown aside I thought I heard you laughing / but when I asked you said...

Pulp - Fairground
As the signs outside proclaimed, nature sometimes makes mistakes. Was it the mother or the father to blame, ...

Pulp - F.e.e.l.i.n.g. C.a.l.l.e.d. L.o.v.e
The room is cold and has been like this for several months. If I close my eyes I can visualise everything in...

Pulp - Glory Days
Come & play the tunes of glory - raise your voice in celebration of the days that we have wasted in th...

Pulp - Goodnight
Now it's coming to the end of the evening The time when the ceiling sways and objects jerk out of place...

Pulp - Happy Endings
Well, imagine it's a film & you're the star & pretty Soon we're coming to the part where you realise that yo...

Pulp - Have You Seen Her Lately?
First you let him in your bed. Now he's moved inside your head. And he directs all the dreams you are dreami...

Pulp - Help The Aged
Help the aged, one time they were just like you,drinking, smoking cigs and sniffing glue. Help the age...

Pulp - His 'n' Hers
I've got the time / and you've got the space / I'm gonna wipe you down and lick the smile off your face, the...

Pulp - I Love Life
Here comes your bedtime story: Mum & Dad have sentenced you to life. Don't think twice; it's the only reason...

Pulp - I'm A Man
Laid here with the advertising sliding past my eyes like cartoons from other peoples lives, I start to wonde...

Pulp - In Many Ways
Hey you're treading on my life You're leaving marks, but that's alright In a year or so, I'll lo...

Pulp - Inside Susan
Susan catches the bus into town at ten-thirty a.m. She sits on the back seat. She looks at the man in ...

Pulp - I Spy
I spy a boy, I spy a girl. I spy the worst place in the world, in the whole world. Oh you didn't do ba...

Pulp - I Want You
Hey, / you can look, you can look just like anyone else if that's what you want to do. / I, I could la...

Pulp - Joking Aside
I hate to complain, you know, but then again I cannot pretend nothing's wrong Looking at my present si...

Pulp - Joyriders
We like driving on a Saturday nightPast the Leisure Centre, left at the lights. We don't look for trou...

Pulp - Ladies' Man
Now let's sit down too, 'cos I'm a ladies man I've got my work cut out, I'm doing what I can So hold m...

Pulp - Laughing Boy
If you stay out all nite that's alright by me but if you must kiss those guys you could at least clean your ...

Pulp - Life Must Be So Wonderful
Life must be so wonderful, living here on your own, please call / around to see. And maybe I've been l...

Pulp - Like A Friend
Don't bother saying you're sorry / Why don't you come in Smoke all my cigarettes again / Every time I get no...

Pulp - Lipgloss
No wonder you're looking thinWhen all that you live on is lipgloss and cigarettes. And scraps at the e...

Pulp - Little Girl (with Blue Eyes)
You're just a little girl (with blue eyes) Everybody looks at you (well, it's your day)And you're step...

Pulp - Live Bed Show
She doesn't have to go to work but she doesn't want to stay in bedCause it's changed from something comforta...

Pulp - Looking For Life
Sure you had something to hide I took your bag and looked inside I was looking for life Nothing ...

Pulp - Love Is Blind
Give me the cityGive me the seaGive to me everything I needThe future is shining like a giant me...

Pulp - Love Love
I thought so long and suddenly I realised / I love love I thought so long and suddenly I realised / I love l...

Pulp - Manon
Manon Manon keeps a corpse in his homeManon Manon picks the flesh from her bonesManon Manon Manon...

Pulp - Master Of The Universe
I am the master of this universe / and I've got so big it hurts Raise your eyes and graze your knees / oh fo...

Pulp - Master Of The Universe (sanitised Version)
I am the master of this universe and I've got so big it hurtsRaise your eyes and graze your knees Oh f...

Pulp - Mile End
We didn't have no where to live, / we didn't have nowhere to go 'til someone said / "I know this place off B...

Pulp - Mis-shapes
Mis-shapes, mistakes, misfits. Raised on a diet of broken biscuits, oh we don't look the same as youWe...

Pulp - Monday Morning
There's nothing to do so you just stay in bed,oh poor thingWhy live in the world when you can live in your h...

Pulp - My Legendary Girlfriend
You know sometimes ... when we're lying together ... and I know you're asleep ... I can hear the soft ...

Pulp - My Lighthouse
Come up to my lighthouse for I have something I wish to say It can wait for a moment; well in fact / it can ...

Pulp - O.u. (gone, Gone)
Ba bababa ba bababa ... Yeah yeah yeah yeahThe night was endedHe needed her undressedHe sa...

Pulp - Party Hard
I used to try very hard to make friends with everyone on the planet. I've seen you havin' it, havin' it yeah...

Pulp - Pencil Skirt
When you raise your pencil skirt like a veil before my eyesLike the look upon his face as he's zipping up hi...

Pulp - Pink Glove
You'd better watch what you're wearing if you want him to come round and see you tonight. Ma Ma Ma. He...

Pulp - P.t.a.
I know I'm getting on / and you're so very young / but would you like to stay until next Saturday / or Sunda...

Pulp - Razzmatazz
The trouble with your brother, he's always sleeping with your motherAnd I know that your sister missed her t...

Pulp - Roadkill
The feel of my arm around your waist, the pale blue nightdress that you wore. Your hair in braids, your sail...

Pulp - Seconds
She / she used to live with his brother Now she's an unmarried mother / with another / on the way He's...

Pulp - Seductive Barry
Here in the night love takes control. Making me high making me whole. *I don't know. Oh no, no, no. No...

Pulp - Separations
As the sun shines down on the land so her heart is crying for loveAnd there is no-one there, no-one to hear ...

Pulp - Sheffield: Sex City
Intake Manor Park The Wicker Norton Freshville Hackenthorpe Shalesmoor Wombwell Catcliffe Brincliffe Attercl...

Pulp - She's A Lady
Are you trying to put me on? I turned around and it was gone. Did I leave it in your car? On a table in a ba...

Pulp - She's Dead
She's dying, everybody came to seeShe's falling and I know I'll never see her face againAnd I don't re...

Pulp - Silence
At first / I could say / I could say or do / just whatever I liked You would / you would not / You would not...

Pulp - Simultaneous
Oh, there's a place for you You'd better stay in itA place for everything and of course all you can do...

Pulp - Someone Like The Moon
She likes to watch the moon as it travels through the sky 'cos she's heard that it's romantic, though she re...

Pulp - Something Changed
I wrote the song two hours before we met. I didn't know your name or what you looked like yet. Oh I co...

Pulp - Sorted For E's & Wizz
Oh is this the way they say the future's meant to feel? Or just 20,000 people standing in a field. And...

Pulp - Space
You said you wanted some space ... Well is this enough for you? ... This is what you've waited for ......

Pulp - Stacks
I saw you standing at the stop in your crochet halter top and your sky-blue training bra I know you're gonna...

Pulp - Street Lites
Doorways / corners / and the street lights dance in your eyes Behind the cinema / in the rain / in the subwa...

Pulp - Styloroc (nites Of Suburbia)
After many weeks in the wilderness we came upon a strange, exotic life. A land of happy hours where the skie...

Pulp - Sunrise
I used to hate the sun because it shone on everything I'd done. Made me feel that all that I had done was ov...

Pulp - Sylvia
You look just like Sylvia: Well you look like her to me - the way she wore her hair then.Oh, the...

Pulp - The Babysitter
Susan's babysitter / is seventeen years old / oh she looks like Susan when she still lived at home / She's a...

Pulp - The Birds In Your Garden
It's six o'clock, the birds are singing. I'm wide awake whilst you're still fast asleep. I went outsid...

Pulp - The Day After The Revolution
The dust has settled, replaced the bulbs in all the lights. I guess I'll get no sleep tonight. A...

Pulp - The Fear
This is our Music from A Bachelors Den- the sound of loneliness turned up to ten. A horror soundtrack ...

Pulp - The Mark Of The Devil
The mark of the devil is upon youYour look is no happier than mineDamnation is waiting in the mirror b...

Pulp - The Never-ending Story
When all should be done and gone, / he comes round again to see, he can't keep himself away. He touche...

Pulp - The Night That Minnie Timperley Died
"There's a light that shines on everything & everyone. And it shines so bright - brighter even than the sun"...

Pulp - The Professional
Oh I'm back in the full effect / I can't even hold myself erect I got nothing that I wanna say / I'm gonna s...

Pulp - There's No Emotion
As I lay / down in the bedroom, / there came a sound / from far away. As I strained / my ears to listen / I ...

Pulp - There Was
We're talking again / Smiling and laughing / Ignoring the past Well I hope you're happy / I know there was s...

Pulp - The Trees
I took an air-rifle, shot a magpie to the ground & it died without a sound. Your skin so pale against the fa...

Pulp - The Will To Power
Walking from the scene of some humiliation feeling like a dog. Walking from the scene of some romantic trium...

Pulp - They Suffocate At Night
His body loved her, his mind was set on other thingsKeep your face out of sight and your thoughts to yoursel...

Pulp - This House Is Condemned
He's in a room He sees the floorHe sees the wallHe sees the roofHe sees the door It'...

Pulp - This Is Hardcore
You are hardcore, you make me hard. You name the drama and I'll play the part. It seems I saw you in s...

Pulp - Tomorrow Never Lies
Tomorrow never lies so live for today Don't be afraid of the skeletons of yesterday Each morning bring...

Pulp - Tunnel
Tunnel The tenth of July, 1985Don't ask stupid questionsI got boredI had nothing to do I was bor...

Pulp - Tv Movie
Without you my life has become a hangover without end. A movie made for TV: bad dialogue, bad acting, ...

Pulp - Underwear
Why don't you close the door and shut the curtains 'cos you're not going anywhere. He's coming up the ...

Pulp - We Are The Boyz
Ooh / We are the boyz / And we are class / At getting trashed So make some noize / We are the boyz / We are ...

Pulp - Weeds
We came across the North Sea with our carriers on our kneesWound up in some holding camp somewhere outside L...

Pulp - Weeds Ii (the Origin Of The Species)
This is the true story of the weeds: the origin of the species.A story of cultivation, exploitation, civiliz...

Pulp - What Do You Say?
Woke up in the morning / raised my head still yawning Well I was in for a surprise / Stumbled to the mirror ...

Pulp - Whiskey In The Jar
As I was goin' over the Cork and Kerry mountains I met Captain Farrell and his money he was countin' I...

Pulp - Wickerman
Just behind the station, before you reach the traffic island, a river runs thru' a concrete channel. I took ...

Pulp - Wishful Thinking
When I was with this girl last night / she held me tight; it turned me on The moon was dark and those clothe...

Pulp - You're A Nightmare
All day / I'm doing fine / 'cos there are things / to pass the time Smoke a cig / and drink some tea / watch...

Pulp - Your Sisters Clothes
I never thought that you would come / your sister said your nerve had gone You're trying to make it straight...

P.y.t. - A Girl Can Dream
When I was a child the story would saySomebody would sweep you off your feet somedayThat's what I hope...

P.y.t. - Anywhere U.s.a.
Everywhere we go we see youWe feel the energy you've given back to usWe've traveled many miles to be w...

P.y.t. - Book Of Dreams
Every night before I go to sleepI open a book no one knows I keepI hold my special secrets to myself...

P.y.t. - Call Me Anytime
I see your album in the BillboardYour video's on TRLWe haven't spoken since the springtimeYou go...

P.y.t. - Deep Down
I see you all the timeYou're watching meYou're not the only one who notices meSomething about th...

P.y.t. - Down For Whatever
DFWDFWMe and my girlsChillin' on the boulevardTake a good lookYou can see how ...

P.y.t. - Kissing Game
Hey yeahI likeI like the wayI like I likeI likeAll summer long we've bee...

P.y.t. - No Ifs Ands Or Buts
Baby, can I get your number?I wonder if you wanna get with a real thingTell me what you needI gu...

P.y.t. - Prove Yourself
If you really want me babeProve yourself to meStraight up (uh huh)Get real (alright)...

P.y.t. - P.y.t. (down With Me)
Tell me whose got my back(mmmmmm tell me)Tell me whose got my back(PYT ohhhh)Why do ...

P.y.t. - Same Ol' Same Ol'
Yeah Yeah Yeah Owww Oww hmmm hmmmFirst time you said that you were leavingI cried cuz you said y...

P.y.t. - Simple Things
We swore our love foreverAnd stick always together(yeah ohhhhhhhhh) (uh huh)[CHORUS:]...

P.y.t. - Simply In Love With You
Everyone tells me this feeling will passBut I got a feeling that this is a feeling that was meant to last...

P.y.t. - Something More Beautiful
Something more beautifulSomething more beautifulI want something moreSomething more beautiful...

P.y.t. - Sooner Or Later
Ooo Ooo Ooo OooOoo Ooo Ooo OooOoo Ooo Ooo Oo Oo Oo OoAh ohh ohh ohhOoo Ooo Ooo OooOo...

P.y.t. - Sweet Kisses
As I walk with himI'm feeling something differentThe way he looksThe way he smilesThe way ...

P.y.t. - Walk Before We Run
OhhhhhI see that look of passionAll in your eyesLate at night you'v been creepin'To ...

P.y.t. - We're Dancing
When the going starts to get roughAnd you feel like you've had enoughLet the music take control of you...

P.y.t. - Yeah Yeah Yeah
[CHORUS:]Yeah yeah yeahSaid I said I heard it beforeAnd now I'm out the doorCuz I c...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Auto Pilot
Silent hell on the marble slabThe best trip that I've ever hadHigher than a jet plane, pass it around...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Avon
I see you goThrough a park in a hazeI don't listenFor traffic going the same wayA simple s...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Better Living Through Chemistry
The blue pill opens your eyesIs there a better wayA new religion prescribedTo those without the ...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Broken Box
I've got wine & so do youMine came with a corkI wish yours did tooEveryone just loves you ...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Burn The Witch
Holding handsSkipping like a stoneOn our wayTo see what we have doneThe first to speak...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Everybody Knows That You Are Insane
You wanna know why you feel so hollow?Because you are.You're missing out? Well if you say soThen...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Feel Good Hit Of The Summer
Nicotine, valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstasy and alcohol.Cocaine. ...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Give The Mule What He Wants
The mule want itThe mule want it sundayHe'll eat itHe'll eat it one dayHow longDo I ...

Queens Of The Stone Age - How To Handle A Rope
Too late to think or filter anymoreA bitter pill to swallow Maybe you're in a blanket haze of ephedrin...

Queens Of The Stone Age - If Only
If it gets you down well then I'll take itIf it gets you up well I don't want itIt let you down so bro...

Queens Of The Stone Age - I Never Came
When you say it's dead & goneI know you're wrongCut & slash, sharpest knifeIt won't die...

Queens Of The Stone Age - In My Head
It's the cruelest joke to playI'm so high, i run in placeOnly a line, we separate, soI kee...

Queens Of The Stone Age - I Think I Lost My Headache
You know whyThey called and just let it ringNo replyThe door is open I swearAin't no use i...

Queens Of The Stone Age - I Was A Teenage Hand Model
Cozied up to the toiletFace stuck to the floorI met expectations that I was tryin to ignoreJob h...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Leg Of Lamb
You're a head case with a smileCan't stop to make up your mindEducation is so lame (so lame)When...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Little Sister
Hey sister why you all alone?I'm standing out your windowHey little sister, can I come inside, dear?...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Long Slow Goodbye
Where have you gone again my sweet?Everybody wants to knowWhere have you gone again my sweet?Eve...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Medication
Medication for us all, it is a new way& we're gonna take it cause wa love itDon't you know?...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Mexicola
Setting sun deals hands of goldThere's velvet eyes in MexicoJust a fall awayAnd all she said was...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Quick And To The Pointless
[All * are lyrics sung in Dutch][Spoken:]I don't even know what I'm doing here...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Regular John
Who are you girl?Who are you boy?Bet I know what you're up toCan I come alongYour home num...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Someone's In The Wolf
Once you're lost in twillights's blueYou don't find your way, the way finds you...Tempt the fate...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Tangled Up In Plaid
I slipped,Didn't mean to do it that way.But i blew in on a whim, gone tomorrow?I'm gone today...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Tension Head
Everyday I wake up feeling this wayI take it downtown with all the action going downStike your match, ...

Queens Of The Stone Age - The Blood Is Love
I saw you, in a wayBeyond figure outThese lines of life have been drawn & can't be removedOur ey...

Queens Of The Stone Age - The Lost Art Of Keeping A Secret
I've got a secret, I cannot sayBlame all the movement to give it awayYou've got somethin, I understand...

Queens Of The Stone Age - This Lullaby
Where O where have you been my love?Where O where can you be?It's been so long, since the moon has gon...

Queens Of The Stone Age - Walkin On The Sidewalks
Got some action on the other sideLoose teeth in my headNew programs are coming inSo rise and tak...

Queens Of The Stone Age - You Can't Quit Me Baby
It's a mistake, but who knowsFollowed you home, crawled in your windowThis life is a trip when you're ...

Queens Of The Stone Age - You Got A Killer Scene There, Man...
I don't mean to make obsceneBut even the mob, know what the hell i meanThe knot is tight, on my blindf...

Queens Of The Stone Age - You Would Know
Me just happy robotLive on hill of beansYou and I cut from same clothRippin at the seamsCu...

Rachael Yamagata - 1963
Baby, I'm stuck in the middle and I don't know whyFind the words you sing to meSweeter than the words ...

Rachael Yamagata - Be Be Your Love
If I could take you awayPretend I was queenWhat would you sayWould you think I'm unreal'Ca...

Rachael Yamagata - Even So
You're gonna hate me when I tell you everythingYou're gonna question whether you really know me at all...

Rachael Yamagata - I'll Find A Way
I'll find a way to see you againI'll find a way to see you againI used to think that anything I'...

Rachael Yamagata - I Want You
You sat down next to me, like poetry to wineOut window looked upon a yellow neon signI took your hand ...

Rachael Yamagata - Letter Read
My love, my love, my love, how could you do this to meMy love, my love, my love, you were supposed to be...

Rachael Yamagata - Meet Me By The Water
Would you please meet me by the water, babyWe'll have a really good timeWould you please meet me by th...

Rachael Yamagata - Paper Doll
Only daughterYou got your ticket too soonHoly water'Cause everybody's getting ruinedThey a...

Rachael Yamagata - Quiet
Baby says I can't come with himAnd I had read all of this in his eyesLong before he even said so...

Rachael Yamagata - Reason Why
I think about how it might have beenWe'd spend out days travelin'It's not that I don't understand you...

Rachael Yamagata - Under My Skin
I hesitate to say I was bait for youCould that be something that you all would doI'd be lying if I did...

Rachael Yamagata - Worn Me Down
Gone, she's goneHow do you feel about itThat's what I thoughtYou're real torn up about itA...

Rachel Stevens - Blue Afternoon
Do Do Do Do, Do DoLove washed outThe colors fadeLove so redIs now paseNever fo...

Rachel Stevens - Breathe In Breathe Out
So breath in, breath outBreath in, breath outCan you feel what I'm feeling nowEvery dark c...

Rachel Stevens - Fools
It'll be O.K. with the next oneI always end up on a leash up having no funYeah, I'm always stuck...

Rachel Stevens - Funky Dory
(You can get what you want)I want my love to paint pretty pictures for me(You can get what you wish fo...

Rachel Stevens - Glide
I'm livin' love in the fast laneSeein' the world from an airplaneUh uhStrange little thing calle...

Rachel Stevens - Heaven Has To Wait
I can't explain what I dont understandTime slipping through my handsAs the seconds turn to yesterdays...

Rachel Stevens - I Got The Money
YeahYou got the time, I got the moneyWe'll have it all and just be happyOh-oh Yeah...

Rachel Stevens - Little Secret
Oh yeahOh yeahDown, shivers up and downWondering what we'll get up toI'm feeling hig...

Rachel Stevens - Negotiate With Love
2, 3...The other day you said, "Hello"We had a coffeeNow the next thing I know, you're pla...

Rachel Stevens - Silk
Dangerous is you to me, addicted I sure amLock me up and keep me from this devil's master planIt mysti...

Rachel Stevens - Solid
You're solid, yeahLike a rush that I don't wanna stopSaw the signs in your eyesWhat was up...

Rachel Stevens - Some Girls
My baby drives a car (hey)He calls me when he wants (hey)I don a pair of zip-up bootsI go and sh...

Rachel Stevens - Sweet Dreams My La Ex
Hey, hang your red gloves up'Cause there's nothing left to prove nowHey, hang your red gloves up...

Radiohead - 2 + 2 = 5
Are you such a dreamer To put the world to rightsI'll stay home forever Where two and two always...

Radiohead - Airbag
In the next world warIn a jackknifed juggernaut I am born again In the neon signScro...

Radiohead - Amnesiac / Morning Bell
Morning bellMorning bellLight another candleRelease meRelease meYou can keep t...

Radiohead - Anyone Can Play Guitar
Destiny, destiny protect me from the worldDestiny, hold my hand protect me from the worldHere we are w...

Radiohead - A Punchup At A Wedding
No [x42]I don't know why you botherNothing's ever good enough for you.(By the way) I was ...

Radiohead - A Reminder
If I get oldI will not give inBut if I doRemind me of thisRemind me thatOnce I...

Radiohead - A Wolf At The Door
Drag him out your window Dragging out your dead Singing I miss you Snakes and ladders Flip...

Radiohead - Backdrifts
We're rotten fruitWe're damaged goodsWhat the hell we've got nothing more to loseOne burst and w...

Radiohead - Banana Co.
Oh Banana co.We really love you and we need youAnd oh banana co.We'd really love to believe you...

Radiohead - Bishop's Robes
Dressed in Bishop's robesTerrifies me stillIn bishop's robesBastard headmasterI'm no...

Radiohead - Black Star
I get home from work and you're still standing in your dressing gownWell what am I to do?I know all th...

Radiohead - Blow Out
In my mindAnd nailed into my heelsAll the timeKilling what I feelAnd everything I to...

Radiohead - Bones
I don't want to be crippled crackedShoulders, wrists, knees and backGround to dust and ashCrawli...

Radiohead - Bulletproof.. I Wish I Was
Limb by limb and tooth by toothTearing up inside of meEvery day every hourI wish that I was bull...

Radiohead - Climbing Up The Walls
I am the key to the lock in your houseThat keeps your toys in the basementAnd if you get too far insid...

Radiohead - Coke Babies
Easy living, easy holdEasy teething, easy foldEasy listening, easy loveEasy answers to easy ques...

Radiohead - Creep (acoustic)
When you were here beforeCouldn't look you in the eyeYou're just like an angelYour skin makes me...

Radiohead - Dollars And Cents
There are things to talk about Be constructive There are weapons, we can use Be constructi...

Radiohead - Electioneering
I will stopI will stop at nothingSay the right thingsWhen electioneeringI trust I can rely...

Radiohead - Everything In Its Right Place
Kid A, Kid A, Kid A, Kid AEverything, everything, everything, everything..In its right placeIn i...

Radiohead - Exit Music (for A Film)
Wake.. from your sleepThe drying of your tearsToday we escape, we escapePack.. and get dre...

Radiohead - Faithless The Wonder Boy
I've had these jeans since I was bornAnd now they're ripped and now they're tornAnd all my friends hav...

Radiohead - Fake Plastic Trees
Her green plastic watering canFor her fake Chinese rubber plantIn the fake plastic earthThat she...

Radiohead - Fitter Happier
more productivecomfortablenot drinking too muchregular exercise at the gym (3 days a week)...

Radiohead - High & Dry
Two jumps in a weekI bet you think that's pretty clever don't you boy?Flying on your motorcycle,...

Radiohead - How Can You Be Sure?
Seen all the good things and badRunning down the hillAll so battered and brought to the groundI ...

Radiohead - How Do You?
He's bitter and twistedHe knows what he wantsHe wants to be loved and he wants to belongHe wants...

Radiohead - How I Made My Millions
I was strongerI was betterPicked you outNow don't say a wordNo don't yell outNever m...

Radiohead - How To Disappear Completely
That there, that's not meI go where I pleaseI walk through wallsI float down the Liffey...

Radiohead - I Can't
Please forget the words that I just blurted outIt wasn't me, it was my strange and creeping doubtIt ke...

Radiohead - Idioteque
Who's in bunker, who's in bunker?Women and children firstWomen and children firstWomen and child...

Radiohead - I Might Be Wrong
I might be wrongI might be wrongI could have swornI saw a light coming onI used to t...

Radiohead - India Rubber
Did it all for you to sayYou never wanted me that wayNow the dogs have had their meatI think I'l...

Radiohead - In Limbo
I'm the first in the Irish SeaAnother message I can't readI'm on your sideNowhere to hide...

Radiohead - Inside My Head
What do you want from me now you got meNow my fingers bleed now they stare at meI'm a coward now...

Radiohead - I Will
I willLay me downIn a bunkerUndergroundI won't let this happen to my childrenMeet th...

Radiohead - Just
Can't get the stink offHe's been hanging round for daysComes like a cometSuckered you but not yo...

Radiohead - Kid A
I slipped awayI slipped on a little white lieWe got heads on sticksYou got ventriloquists...

Radiohead - Killer Cars
Too hard on the brakes againWhat if these brakes just give in?What if they don't get out of the way?...

Radiohead - Knives Out
I want you to knowHe's not coming backLook into my eyesI'm not coming backSo knives ...

Radiohead - Let Down
Transport, motorways and tramlinesStarting and then stoppingTaking off and landingThe emptiest o...

Radiohead - Lewis (mistreated)
Bummed out again by your only business friendThe smell of fear is thicker than you thinkDon't do it...

Radiohead - Life In A Glass House
Once again, I'm in trouble with my only friendShe is papering the window panesShe is putting on a smil...

Radiohead - Like Spinning Plates
While you make pretty speeches,I'm being cut to shredsYou feed me to the lions,a delicate balanc...

Radiohead - Lozenge Of Love
I am goneEverybody's ragingAnd these fruitsThey still taste of poisonI won't be around...

Radiohead - Lucky
I'm on a roll, I'm on a rollThis time, I feel my luck could changeKill me Sarah, kill me again with lo...

Radiohead - Lull
You stop the crowdI cried out to break the spellYou wake and smileI just snapped and lost contro...

Radiohead - Lurgee
I feel better, I feel better now you've goneI feel better, I feel strongI got better, I got bett...

Radiohead - Maquiladora
Here it comes, here it comesI can feel the hills explodingExploding gracefullyBurning up the fre...

Radiohead - Melatonin
Don't forget that you are our sonNow go back to bedWe just know that you are oursYou won't...

Radiohead - Million Dollar Question
Was always waiting for the crushThe car to drive right through the shopsTo call in sick and late at wo...

Radiohead - Molasses
Shake hands, genocide, molassesJet powered caravans, molassesI'm too good, you're stuck onRent f...

Radiohead - Morning Bell
Morning bellMorning bellLight another candleRelease meRelease meYou can keep t...

Radiohead - Motion Picture Soundtrack
Red wine and sleeping pillsHelp me get back to your armsCheap sex and sad filmsHelp me get where...

Radiohead - My Iron Lung
Faith, you're driving me awayYou do it everydayYou don't mean itBut it hurts like hell...

Radiohead - Myxomatosis
The mongrel cat came homeHolding half a headProceeded to show it offTo all his new found friends...

Radiohead - (nice Dream)
They love me like I was a brotherThey protect me, listen to meThey dug me my very own gardenGave...

Radiohead - No Surprises
A heart that's full up like a landfillA job that slowly kills youBruises that won't healYo...

Radiohead - Optimistic
Flies are buzzing around my headVultures circling the deadPicking up every last crumbThe big fis...

Radiohead - Packt Like Sardines In A Crushed Tin Box
After years of waiting nothing cameAs your life flashed before your eyesYou realizeI'm a r...

Radiohead - Palo Alto
In a city of the futureIt is difficult to concentrateMeet the boss, meet the wifeEverybody's hap...

Radiohead - Paranoid Android
Please could you stop the noise, I'm trying to get some restFrom all the unborn chicken voices in my head...

Radiohead - Pearly
How'd you get your teeth so pearly?Dew drop denturesWhite washed facesShe runs from the third wo...

Radiohead - Permanent Daylight
The easiest way to sleep at nightIs to carry on believing that I don't existThe easiest way to sell yo...

Radiohead - Planet Telex
You can force it but it will not comeYou can taste it but it will not formYou can crush it but it's al...

Radiohead - Polyethylene (parts 1 & 2)
Go Tears of Joy Disjointed This is joy We'll scare ourselves Now Scare ourselves ...

Radiohead - Pop Is Dead
Oh no, pop is dead, long live popIt died an ugly death by back-catalogueAnd now you know it gets you n...

Radiohead - Prove Yourself
I can't afford to breathe in this timeNowhere to sit without a gun in my handHooked back up to the cat...

Radiohead - Pull / Pulk Revolving Doors
There are barn doorsAnd there are revolving doorsDoors on the rudders of big shipsWe are r...

Radiohead - Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong
I wrapped you inside my coat When they came to firebomb the house I didn't feel pain, 'cause no-one ca...

Radiohead - Pyramid Song
I jumped in the river and what did I see?Black-eyed angels swam with meA moon full of stars and astral...

Radiohead - Ripcord
Soul destroyed with clever toys for little boysIt's inevitable, inevitable, it's a soul destroyedYou'r...

Radiohead - Sail To The Moon
I sail to the moonI spoke too soonAnd how much did it costI was dropped fromThe moonbeam...

Radiohead - Scatterbrain
I'm walking out in a force ten galeBirds thrown around, bullets for hailThe roof is pulling off by its...

Radiohead - Sit Down, Stand Up
Sit down, stand upSit down, stand up Walk into the jaws of hell (sit down, stand up)Walk into th...

Radiohead - Stop Whispering
And the wise man say I don't want to hear your voiceAnd the thin man say I don't want to hear your voice...

Radiohead - Street Spirit (fade Out)
Rows of houses, all bearing down on meI can feel their blue hands touching meAll these things into pos...

Radiohead - Stupid Car
It's funny howTo drive your stupid carIt's funny how'Cause I never get that farAnd you put...

Radiohead - Subterranean Homesick Alien
The breath of the morningI keep forgettingThe smell of the warm summer airI live in a town...

Radiohead - Sulk
You bite through the big wall, the big wall bites backYou just sit there and sulk, sit there and bawlY...

Radiohead - Talk Show Host
I want to, I want to be someone else or I'll explodeFloating upon the surface forThe birds, the birds,...

Radiohead - The Bends
Where do we go from here?The words are coming out all weirdWhere are you now, when I need youAlo...

Radiohead - The Gloaming
Genie let out of the bottleIt is now the witching hourGenie let out of the bottleIt is now the w...

Radiohead - The National Anthem
EveryoneEveryone around hereEveryone is so nearWhat's going on?What's going on?...

Radiohead - There There
In pitch dark I go walking in your landscapeBroken branches trip me as I speakJust cos you feel it doe...

Radiohead - The Tourist
It barks at no one else but meLike it's seen a ghostI guess it seen the sparks a-flowingNo one e...

Radiohead - The Trickster
Rust in the mountainsRust in the brainThe air is sacred hereIn spite of your claimUp...

Radiohead - Thinking About You
Been thinking about you, your record's a hitYour eyes are on my wall, your teeth are over thereBut I'm...

Radiohead - Vegetable
I never wanted anything but thisI tried hard, worked hardI ran around in domestic blissI fought ...

Radiohead - We Suck Young Blood
Are you hungry?Are you sick?Are you begging for a break?Are you sweet?Are you fresh?...

Radiohead - Where I End And You Begin
There's a gap in betweenThere's a gap where we meetWhere I end and you beginAnd I'm sorry for us...

Radiohead - Yes I Am
I resent you callingI resent your voiceI resent that I don't have a choiceAnywhere I go...

Radiohead - You
You are the sun and moon and stars, are youAnd I could never run away from youYou try at working...

Radiohead - You And Whose Army?
Come on, come onYou think you drive me crazyCome on, come onYou and whose army?You and you...

Radiohead - You Never Wash Up After Yourself
I must get out once in a whileEverything is starting to dieThe dust settlesThe worms digSp...

Rage Against The Machine - Autologic
C'mon!Go...go...go...ugh..Go...go...go...go...Drop the A-U-T-O-L-O-G-I-C (go...go...go...go...)...

Rage Against The Machine - Can't Kill The Revolution
[Maynard:]Living on the street shoresHe didn't learn and wanted childrenSaid, "What is th...

Rage Against The Machine - Clamp Down
Clamp downWhat are we gonna do now?Yeah, Taking off his turban, they said, is this man a Jew?...

Rage Against The Machine - Clear The Lane
Hey yo!Let me be frontThis is real and not a stuntI'm comin' to the forefrontShovel for th...

Rage Against The Machine - Darkness
Greed!Causing innocent blood to flowEntire culture, lost in the overthrowThey came to seize and ...

Rage Against The Machine - Down On The Street
Down on the street where the faces shineFloatin' around i'm a real low mindSee a pretty thing in a wal...

Rage Against The Machine - Fuck The Police
Good Evening,We want to just quickly send a nice friendly message to uh, Fraternal Order of Poli...

Rage Against The Machine - Hadda Be Playing On The Jukebox
It had to be flashin' like the daily doubleIt had to be playin' on TVIt had to be loud mouthed on the ...

Rage Against The Machine - I'm Housin
Coolin on the scene like a horse in a stableA brother got ill and tried to snatch a fat cableI stepped...

Rage Against The Machine - In My Eyes
You tell me you like the tasteYou just need an excuseYou tell me it calms your nervesYou just th...

Rage Against The Machine - Intro (black Steel In The Hour Of Chaos)
[Intro][Zack:] Hey check this out right about now....I wanna introduce a brotha...who ca...

Rage Against The Machine - Kick Out The Jams
I'm gonna kick 'em outWell I feel pretty goodAnd I guess that I could get crazy now, baby'...

Rage Against The Machine - Maggie's Farm
I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more.No, I ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no moreWell, I wak...

Rage Against The Machine - Mindsets A Threat
YeahPump, pump, whee!Pump, pump, pump, pump, rightAirCheck it, uhLyrical champ...

Rage Against The Machine - People Of The Sun (original Version)
Yea...the bastard son is inswimming in a sea of funkclear tha lane, I'm gonna have to dunk yaUp ...

Rage Against The Machine - Producer
Earth shares what Earth receivesAnd now only blood brings lifeA tiller bring life, producer bring life...

Rage Against The Machine - Renegades Of Funk
No matter how hard you try, you can't stop us nowNo matter how hard you try, you can't stop us now...

Rage Against The Machine - Sound Of Da Police
Woop-woop! That's the sound of da police!Woop-woop! That's the sound of the beast!...

Rage Against The Machine - Street Fighting Man
Everywhere I hear the sound of marching, charging feet, boy'Cause summers here and the time is right for fig...

Rage Against The Machine - Testify (original Version)
Here we go9-5 is the blood for your sweatPay the landlord, he's taking your blood for the rentYo...

Rage Against The Machine - The Ghost Of Tom Joad
Man walks along the railroad trackHe's Goin' some place, there's no turnin' back The Highway Patrol ch...

Rage Against The Machine - The Narrows
Drop itHeyUghTry to crackAnd some will reactVocal snap so trap I'm tryin...

Rage Against The Machine - Zapata's Blood
Zapata's bloodWasn't spilt in vainSo now the most poor wage warTo reclaim their name...

Raghav - Ain't Nobody
No more waiting anticipatingNow she's coming round my wayIf she could only see within meAll the ...

Raghav - Another Bad Goodbye
OhToo many miles awayBut youre never here to stayAnd I just cant seem to get you out of my mind...

Raghav - Baby I'm Amazed
Keep it on the lowBaby when youre day is overNo one needs to knowHow youre getting what you need...

Raghav - Bad, Bad, Bad
From the moment I saw her she had to be mineThere's just something about her so awesomely rightShe's n...

Raghav - Chodh Diya (the Ultimate Sacrifice)
Athe mujhkoMera dil aur chain gayaOh mere dilbar janiTuj par sab kurbaan sanamYeh ja...

Raghav - C'mon
Sometimes I think I need a place to get away or runaway toEverybody keeps on stressing at me everydayI...

Raghav - No I
Girl you look so mesmerizingYou got me fantasizingYour man's lost but you don't wanna find himHe...

Raghav - No No
No need to say a wordYeah girl it's so clearOoh I can read through those tearsThat man just stol...

Raghav - So Confused
Oh baby...Ooh...Well I know we just met yesterdayBut things feel oh so right'Cause y...

Raghav - Teri Baaton (your Words)
[Bonus track]Ho... Oh...O teri ankhon maiIkraar ki baaton maiBhigee, bh...

Raghav - Weakness
Girl you know my weaknessGirl you know my weaknessGirl you know my weaknessI can never say no to...

Raghav - Winter In My Mind
Remember howThe way we wereThe way we used to beSo hot to trotI thought we could not stop...

Rammstein - Adios
Er legt die Nadel auf die Aderund bittet die Musik hereinzwischen Hals und Unterarmdie Melodie f...

Rammstein - Alter Mann
Er wartet auf den Mittagswinddie Welle kommt und legt sich mattmit einem Facher jeden Tagder Alt...

Rammstein - Amour
Die Liebe ist ein wildes TierSie atmet dich sie sucht nach dirnistet auf gebrochnen Herzengeht a...

Rammstein - Asche Zu Asche
Warmer Korperheisses Kreuzfalsches Urteilkaltes Grab Auf dem Kreuze lieg ich jetzt...

Rammstein - Bestrafe Mich
Bestrafe mich bestrafe mich Stroh wird Gold und Gold wird Stein deine Grosse macht mich kl...

Rammstein - Buck Dich
Buck dich befehl ich dirwende dein Antlitz ab von mirdein Gesicht ist mir egalbuck dich ...

Rammstein - Dalai Lama
Ein Flugzeug liegt im AbendwindAn Bord ist auch ein Mann mit KindSie sitzen sicher sitzen warmUn...

Rammstein - Das Alte Leid
Aus der Bohne und in das Lichtein Wesen mich zu gehen drangtfur die selbe Sache und das alte Leid...

Rammstein - Das Modell
Sie ist ein Modell und sie sieht gut ausich nehm sie heut gerne mit zu mir nach Haussie wirkt so kuhl ...

Rammstein - Der Meister
Lauft! Weil der Meister uns gesandtverkunden wir den Untergangder Reiter der Boshaftigkeit...

Rammstein - Du Riechst So Gut
Der Wahnsinnist nur eine schmale Bruckedie Ufer sind Vernunft und Triebich steig dir nachd...

Rammstein - Eifersucht
Bin ich schoner zerschneid mir das Gesicht bin ich starker brich feige mein Genick bin ich...

Rammstein - Engel
Wer zu Lebzeit gut auf Erdenwird nach dem Tod ein Engel werdenden Blick gen Himmel fragst du dann...

Rammstein - Engel (english Version)
Live in virtue, no desire In the grave an angel's choir You look to heaven and wonder why No one...

Rammstein - Feuer Frei !
Getadelt wird wer Schmerzen kenntvom Feuer das die Haut verbrenntIch werf ein Licht in mein Gesi...

Rammstein - Feuerrader
Leg mir das Halsband umdann geh ich auf die Knieund fang zu bellen ander Schmerz ist schon wie n...

Rammstein - Hallelujah
Er ist fromm und sehr sensibelan seiner Wand ein Bild des Herrner wischt die Flecken von der Bibel...

Rammstein - Heirate Mich
Mann sieht ihn um die Kirche schleichenseit einem Jahr ist er alleinDie Trauer nahm ihm alle Sinne...

Rammstein - Herzeleid
Be - Wahret - Ei - NanderVor - Herz - LeidDenn - Kurz - Ist - Die - ZeitDie - Ihr - Bei - Sammen...

Rammstein - Ich Will
Ich will Ich will dass ihr mir vertrautIch will dass ihr mir glaubtIch will eure Blicke sp...

Rammstein - Keine Lust
Ich hab' kein LustIch hab' kein LustIch hab' kein LustIch hab' kein LustIch habe kei...

Rammstein - Klavier
Sie sagen zu mirschliess auf diese Turdie Neugier wird zum Schreiwas wohl dahinter seihint...

Rammstein - Kokain
Sind die Freunde mir gewogendie weisse Fee spannt ihren Bogenschiesst meiner Sorge ins Gesichtun...

Rammstein - Kuss Mich (fellfrosch)
Sie halt immer still weil sie gefingert werden will blaht sich auf im durren Gras das feuchte Au...

Rammstein - Laichzeit
Er liebt die Mutterund von der Seiteden Fisch gibt er ihr selbstdieser hautet sich vor leerem Ho...

Rammstein - Links 234
Kann man Herzen brechenkonnen Herzen sprechenkann man Herzen qualenkann man Herzen stehlen ...

Rammstein - Los
Wir waren namenlosUnd ohne LiederRecht wortlosWaren wir nie wiederEtwas sanglosSind ...

Rammstein - Mein Teil
Suche gut gebauten Achtzehn- bis Dreiigjhrigen zum SchalchtenDer MetzgermeisterHuete treff ich e...

Rammstein - Morgenstern
Sie ist hlich da es grautWenn sie in den Himmel schautDann f"rchtet sich das LichtScheint ihr vo...

Rammstein - Moskau
(Eta pesnya o samom prekrasnom gorode v mire - MOSKVA) [this song is about the most wonderful city in the...

Rammstein - Mutter
Die Tranen greiser Kinderscharich zieh sie auf ein weisses Haarwerf in die Luft die nasse Ketteu...

Rammstein - Nebel
Sie stehen eng umschlungenEin Fleischgemisch so reich an TagenWo das Meer das Land beruhrtWill s...

Rammstein - Ohne Dich
Ich werde in die Tannen gehenDahin wo ich sie zuletzt gesehenDoch der Abend wirft ein Tuch aufs Land...

Rammstein - Rammstein
RammsteinEin Mensch brenntRammsteinFleischgeruch liegt in der LuftRammsteinein Kind ...

Rammstein - Rein Raus
Ich bin der Reiterdu bist das Rossich steige aufwir reiten losdu stohnst ich sag dir vor...

Rammstein - Schwarzes Glas
Ein kleiner Wunsch, ach wart ihr blind wir sind Opfer boser List schwarzes Glas ist uberall schu...

Rammstein - Seemann
Komm in mein Bootein Sturm kommt aufund es wird Nacht Wo willst du hinso ganz allein...

Rammstein - Sehnsucht
La? mich deine Trane reiten ubers Kinn nach Afrikawieder in den Schoss der Lowin wo ich einst zu...

Rammstein - Sonne
Eins, zwei, drei, vier, fnf, sechs, sieben, acht, neun, ausAlle warten auf das Lichtfurchtet euc...

Rammstein - Spiel Mit Mir
Wir teilen Zimmer und das BettBruderlein komm sei so nettBruderlein komm fass mich anrutsch ganz...

Rammstein - Spieluhr
Ein kleiner Mensch stirbt nur zum Scheinwollte ganz alleine seindas kleine Herz stand still fur Stunde...

Rammstein - Stein Um Stein
Ich habe Plne groe PlneIch baue dir ein HausJeder Stein ist eine TrneUnd du ziehst nie wieder au...

Rammstein - Stripped
Come with me Into the trees We'll lay on the grass And let the hours pass Take my ha...

Rammstein - Tier
Was macht ein Mann was macht ein Mann der zwischen Mensch und Tier nicht unterscheiden kann ...

Rammstein - Weisses Fleisch
Du auf dem Schulhofich zum Toten bereitund keiner hier weissvon meiner Einsamkeit Ro...

Rammstein - Wilder Wein
Wilder Wein - vor deinem SchlossWilder Wein - ich bin bereitman meldet Ankunft - nur fur den Konig...

Rammstein - Wollt Ihr Das Bett In Flammen Sehen?
Wollt ihr das Bett in Flammen sehenwollt ihr in Haut und Haaren untergehenihr wollt doch auch den Dolc...

Rammstein - Wut Will Nicht Sterben
Sag mir, wie weit willst Du geh'nwillst Du ihn am Boden seh'n - Jawillst Du, da? er vor Dir kniet...

Rammstein - Zwitter
Ich hab ihr einen Kuss gestohlensie wollte sich ihn wiederholenich hab sie nicht mehr losgelassen...

Ramones - 53rd & 3rd
If you think you can, well come on manI was a Green Beret in Viet NamNo more of your fairy stories...

Ramones - 7-11
I met her at the 7-11Now I'm in 7th heavenTell me, tell meCan this be trueI never thought ...

Ramones - 7 And 7 Is
When I was a boy I thought about the times I'd be a manI'd sit inside a bottle and pretend that I was in a c...

Ramones - All Screwed Up
Without you baby's like suicideI need you baby, that I just can't hideI miss you honey when it's cold ...

Ramones - All's Quiet On The Eastern Front
Watch the watch the way i walkCan't you think my movements talk See me silently quietly creep...

Ramones - All The Way
Feedback blasting out my earsMakes me so highI love all the monitor menBut why are they alive...

Ramones - Animal Boy
Gonna kill and destroyI'm not an animal boyWhy don't they understandI'm not an ape man...

Ramones - Anxiety
Anxiety, anxiety keeps me happy.Anxiety, anxiety keeps me happy.Always stieff, all day long.Noth...

Ramones - Any Way You Want It
[Originally by Dave Clark Five]Any way you want itYou can call me any day - ay, hey, hey...

Ramones - Apeman Hop
He's go so many problemsYou can count them one by oneHe's a filthy, stupid apemanHe never has an...

Ramones - A Real Cool Time
When I saw you at the Cat ClubYou looked really kind of coolWell come along with me 'cause...

Ramones - Baby, I Love You
Have I ever told youHow good it feels to hold youIt isn't easy to explainAnd though I'm re...

Ramones - Babysitter
She says she's babysitting tonight She says come over, it's alrightOn the couch with my special one Bu...

Ramones - Bad Brain
I used to be an A studentI never used to complainI used to be a truant But I'm still the same...

Ramones - Beat On The Brat
Beat on the bratBeat on the bratBeat on the brat with a baseball batOh yeah, oh yeah, uh-oh....

Ramones - Believe In Miracles
I used to be on an endless run.Believe in miracles 'cause I'm one.I have been blessed with the power t...

Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop
Hey ho, let's goHey ho, let's goThey're forming in a straight lineThey're going through a ...

Ramones - Bop' Til You Drop
Bop 'til you dropBop 'til you dropBop 'til you dropBop 'til you dropNo matter what...

Ramones - Born To Die In Berlin
Intoxicated by the orchids abandoned in the gardenDemanding morphine curse my soul is burningStranded ...

Ramones - Bye Bye Baby
Woke up thinking bout you todayWhy does it have to be this wayWe drove each other crazyBye bye b...

Ramones - Cabbies On Crack
Guided to a path, Broadway, 59Took off like a blastAlmost lost my mind - oh, ohCabbies on ...

Ramones - California Sun
Well I'm going out west where I belongWhere the days are short and the nights are longAnd I'll w...

Ramones - Can't Control Myself
I can't stand still cause you've got me goinYour slacks are low and your hips are showinI take you gir...

Ramones - Can't Get You Outta My Mind
I can't get you outta my mind, oh no no I can't get you outta my mind oh no no, oh no no no...

Ramones - Can't Seem To Make You Mine
I can't seem to make you mineI can't seem to make you mineYou fly around like a beeHurtin' every...

Ramones - Carbona Not Glue
Wondering what I'm doing tonight I've been in the closet and feel all rightRan out of Carbona Mom thre...

Ramones - Censorshit
Tipper, what's that sticker sticking on my CD?Is that some kind of warning to protect me?Freedom of ch...

Ramones - Chain Saw
Oh, oh, ohSitting here with nothin' to doSitting here thinkin' only of youBut you'll never get o...

Ramones - Chasing The Night
Standing here in front of the mirrorIts gonna be all right tonightFeelin hot yeah I'm on fireI'm...

Ramones - Chinese Rock
Somebody calls me on the phoneSay hey-hey-hey is Arty homeYou wanna take a walkYou wanna go cop...

Ramones - Come Back, Baby
Well life's a drag without youI found out a little bit too late, oh yes I did nowI want you and ...

Ramones - Come On Now
Come on nowCome on nowWe got no wheels to raceCome on nowCome on nowPolice are...

Ramones - Commando
They do their best, they do what they canThey get them ready for Viet NamFrom old Hanoi to East ...

Ramones - Cretin Family
I am not so upset about my horrible selfBut why don't you go upset yourselfHey here's the mirror see y...

Ramones - Cretin Hop
There's no stoppin' the cretins from hoppin'You gotta keep it beatin'For all the hoppin' cretins...

Ramones - Crummy Stuff
I had enough, I had it toughI had enough of that crummy stuffCrummyCrummy StuffCrumm...

Ramones - Danger Zone
New York city is a real cool townSociety really brings me downOur playground is a pharmacyKids f...

Ramones - Danny Says
Danny says we gotta goGotta go to IdahoBut we can't go surfin''Cause it's 20 belowSo...

Ramones - Daytime Dillema (dangers Of Love)
She came from a happy homeA very happy homeA very happy homeMiss personality, a grade 'a' ...

Ramones - Death Of Me
We've got to stop this crazy carrying onIt's gonna be the death of youStop this crazy carrying on...

Ramones - Don't Bust My Chops
I'm sick and tired of you calling me namesI'm sick and tired of your childish gamesI'm sick and tired ...

Ramones - Don't Come Close
Youn know it's generally knownYou got everything at homeKisses out of desperationBring you more ...

Ramones - Don't Go
She was everything to me oh yeahShe was everything to meBut how I ever let her goI'll never know...

Ramones - Do You Remember Rock N Roll Radio?
Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's goRock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's goRock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go...

Ramones - Do You Wanna Dance?
Do you wanna dance and hold my hand?Tell me baby I'm your lover manOh baby, do you wanna dance?...

Ramones - Eat That Rat
One-two-three-fourYou don't want to share with anyone elseYou got all the money, you got all the...

Ramones - Endless Vacation
I kill myself kill the painA suicide death a suicide gameMy skull he's bleaching in the dustMy r...

Ramones - Everytime I Eat Vegatables It Makes Me Think Of You
She was a really good friendA really good friend to me, yeahShe was a really good friendA really...

Ramones - Freak Of Nature
I need psychiatric therapyI could use a lobotomyGuess I'll never learnSuppose I'll always be a w...

Ramones - Garden Of Serenity
Come on take my handCome on little strangerThe spirits are angryStay away from dangerThis ...

Ramones - Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment
I was feeling sick I was loosing my mind I heard about these treatmentsFrom a good friend of mine he was alw...

Ramones - Glad To See You Go
Gonna take a chance on her one bullet in the cylinderAnd in a moment of passion get the glory like Charles M...

Ramones - Go Lil' Camaro
Go lil' Camaro goOohh!Go lil' Camaro goOohh!Come on baby shakeCome on baby move...

Ramones - Go Mental
I'm going mental I'm going mentalOut of the hospitalOut against my willLife is so beautifu...

Ramones - Got A Lot To Say
I got alot to sayI got alot to sayI got alot to sayI got alot to sayI can't remember...

Ramones - Hair Of The Dog
When I woke up this morning from the night beforeMy brain was pulsating, I was battered and soreNothin...

Ramones - Havana Affair
PT-boat on the way to HavanaI used to make a living, manPickin' the banana.Now I'm a guide for t...

Ramones - Have A Nice Day
I heard it from the gangsterI heard it from the priestI heard it from my best friendWay down in ...

Ramones - Have You Ever Seen The Rain
Someone told me long ago, there's a calm before the storm.I know, and it's been comin' for some time.W...

Ramones - Heidi Is A Headcase
Headcase babyShe's a cool kind of crazyWild and she's willing(It's an early Dylan)Sh...

Ramones - Here Today, Gone Tomorrow
Oh oh oh, oh oh ohI love youOh oh oh, oh oh ohI love youI do, I doBut I told h...

Ramones - Highest Trails Above
Sinking into the starsDiving in for a swimSoaring like a superheroPast the end of Disneyland...

Ramones - High Risk Insurance
High risk insuranceThe time is rightHigh risk insuranceThe time is rightGot enduranc...

Ramones - Howling At The Moon (sha-la-la)
Sha-la-la-laSha-la-la-la-la-laShips are dockingPlanes are landingA never ending supp...

Ramones - Humankind
Humankind, it's not fair, why should we all live in fearHumankind, it's a test, to see who's the very best...

Ramones - I Can't Be
I can't beDo what you want with meI can't beDo what you want with meNow you say you ...

Ramones - I Can't Give You Anything
You better know what you wantYou know how little I gotI can't give you anythingYou think I...

Ramones - I Cant Make It On Time
I can't make it on timeI can't make it on timeI keep tryin' and tryin'I can't make it on time...

Ramones - I Don't Care
I don't careI don't careI don't careAbout this worldI don't careAbout that girl...

Ramones - I Don't Wanna Be Learned/ I Don't Wanna Be Tamed
And I dont wanna be learnedAnd I dont wanna be tamedAnd I dont wanna be learnedAnd I dont wanna ...

Ramones - I Don't Wanna Go Down To The Basement
Hey, daddy-oI don't wanna go down to the basementThere's somethin' down thereI don't wanna go...

Ramones - I Don't Wanna Walk Around With You
I don't wanna walk around with youI don't wanna walk around with youI don't wanna walk around with you...

Ramones - I Don't Want To Grow Up
When I'm lyin' in my bed at nightI don't wanna grow upNothing ever seems to turn out rightI don'...

Ramones - I Don't Want You
You said that you'd be trueBaby said that you'd be trueI don't care, I don't care I don't care, ...

Ramones - Ignorance Is Bliss
Ignorance is bliss, ya know it's trueIgnorance is bliss, just look at youIs it goin' anywhere?...

Ramones - I Just Want To Have Something To Do
Hanging out of Second AvenueEating chicken vindalooI just want to be with youI just want to have...

Ramones - I Lost My Mind
I lost my mindI lost my mindI lost my mindI lost my mindGive me some skinGive ...

Ramones - I Love You
When I look in your eyesI see words I can't describeAnd these words I'm tellin' youAnd I tell yo...

Ramones - I'm Affected
When I look into your big brown eyesAnd I feel like I'm in paradiseI want you by my side'Cause I...

Ramones - I'm Against It
Well I'm against it I'm against itWell I'm against itI'm against itI don't like politics...

Ramones - I'm Not Afraid Of Life
I am not afraid of lifeOf the poor man's struggleOf the killer's knifeI am not afraid of life...

Ramones - I'm Not Jesus
Don't wear a crown of thornsGot no holes in my handDon't accuse me of that crimeDon't hang me up...

Ramones - I Need Your Love
Went to my girlfriend's yesterdayThe only thing I wanted to sayIs little girl won't youCome out ...

Ramones - In The Park
All dressed up an' the sun sets lowWhen the big bright moonShines a friendly helloWhen my heart ...

Ramones - I Remember You
I remember you I remember You I remember youI remember lying awake at night and thinking just of you...

Ramones - It's A Long Way Back
You by the phoneYou all aloneIt's a long way back to Germany ...

Ramones - It's Gonna Be Alright
To our fans far and nearWe're so glad you could all be hereAnd when life get so-oh-oh hardYou ma...

Ramones - It's Not For Me To Know
Easy come and easy go for me that was the funIt was something that I didn't think was so badNow I'm lo...

Ramones - It's Not My Place
My mom and dad are always fightingAnd it's getting very unexcitingTo get a good jobYou need a pr...

Ramones - I Wanna Be Sedated
Twenty-twenty-twenty four hours to go I wanna be sedatedNothin' to do and no where to go-o-oh I wanna be sed...

Ramones - I Wanna Be Well
Yeah, I wanna be wellI wanna be wellI wanna beI want I want I wantI want I want I want...

Ramones - I Wanna Be Your Boyfriend
Hey, little girlI wanna be your boyfriendSweet little girlI wanna be your boyfriendDo you ...

Ramones - I Wanna Live
I've been thinking it overAnd I know just what to doI've been thinking it overAnd I know I just ...

Ramones - I Wanted Everything
I heard about the Easter bunnyPresents under a Christimas treeIt was dreaming and fantasyThere w...

Ramones - I Won't Let It Happen
Got my socks baby said are newThe things she said, well, maybe they're trueBut it's not gonna ha...

Ramones - Journey To The Center Of The Mind Amboy Dukes
Leave your cares behind come with us and findThe pleasures of a journey to the center of the mind...

Ramones - Judy Is A Punk
Jackie is a punkJudy is a runtThey both went down to Berlin, joined the Ice CapadesAnd oh, I don...

Ramones - Know Better Now
[CHORUS]NobodyCan tell meI knowI know better nowYou're a kid...

Ramones - Learn To Listen
You gotta learn to listen, listen to learnYou gotta learn to listen, before you get burnedLearn to lis...

Ramones - Let's Dance
Hey baby won't you take a chance?Say that you'll let me have this dance?Well let's dance; let's dance....

Ramones - Let's Go
Don't wanna study on the G.I. billWant more action, haven't had my fillMercenary, fight for anyone...

Ramones - Lifes A Gas
Life's a gas, Life's a gas, Life's a gas, a gas, oh yeaLife's a gas, Life's a gas, Life's a gas, a gas, oh y...

Ramones - Listen To My Heart
Next time I'll listen to my heartNext time, well I'll be smartThat girl could still be mineBut I...

Ramones - Little Bit O Soul
Now when you're feelin' lowAnd the fish won't biteYou need a little bit o' soulTo put you right...

Ramones - Locket Love
Lovely lovely locket loveYou could use a little ofHang a chain around youYou're hangin' too...

Ramones - Loudmouth
You're loudmouth babyYou better shut upI'm gonna beat you up'Cause you're a loudmouth babe ...

Ramones - Love Kills
Sid was a punk rock kingNancy was a broken queenTheir lives were so glamorousSid and Nancy were ...

Ramones - Main Man
When I start movin, you see a blur.Get hooked on me baby, there ain't no cure.I've always been able to...

Ramones - Makin Monsters For My Friends
Everybody said so man you could see it on T.V.They stood there ashamed with nowhere to goNobody wants ...

Ramones - Mama's Boy
Couldn't keep a secretGot a concrete skullCouldn't shut up you're an imbecileYou're an ugly dog ...

Ramones - Mental Hell
Evil in my head, in my head, inside this private hellI'm not feeling very well Frustration, disgust, a...

Ramones - Merry Christmas (i Don't Want To Fight Tonight)
Merry Christmas, I don't want to fight tonightMerry Christmas, I don't want to fight tonight Merry Chr...

Ramones - My Back Pages
Crimson flames tied through my earsRollin' high and mighty trapsPounced with fire on flaming roads...

Ramones - My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down (bonzo Goes To Bitburg)
You've got to pick up the piecesC'mon, sort your trashYou better pull yourself back togetherMayb...

Ramones - My My Kind Of A Girl
When I saw you on 8th streetYou could make my ife complete, balyYeah, yeah, yeahYou're my-my kin...

Ramones - Needles And Pins
I saw her today, I saw her face It was the face of love, and I knew I had to run away And get do...

Ramones - No Go
I got a call late saturday night alrightYeah I got a call late saturday night alrightBeat, dead, burnt...

Ramones - Now I Wanna Be A Good Boy
Now I wanna be a good boy I don't wanna be badNow I wanna run away from home now I wanna be on my own...

Ramones - Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue
Now I wanna sniff some glueNow I wanna have somethin' to doAll the kids wanna sniff some glueAll...

Ramones - Oh Oh I Love Her So
I met her at the Burger King we fell in love by the soda machineSo we took the car downtown the kids were ha...

Ramones - Out Of Time
You don't know what's going onYou've been away for far too longYou can't come back and think you are s...

Ramones - Outsider
I am an outsiderOutside of everythingI am an outsiderOutside of everythingI am an outsider...

Ramones - Palisades Park
Last night I took a walk in the darkTo a place called Palisades ParkTo have some fun, to see what I co...

Ramones - Pet Sematary
Under the arc of a weather stain boards,Ancient goblins, and warlords,Come out of the ground, not maki...

Ramones - Pinhead
Gabba gabba we accept you, we accept you one of us!Gabba gabba we accept you, we accept you one of us!...

Ramones - Planet Earth 1988
The solution to peace isn't clearThe terrorist threat is a modern fearThere are no jobs for the young...

Ramones - Please Don't Leave
You say you're gonna leaveYou say you're gonna leave meBaby, babyDon't say you're gonna le...

Ramones - Poison Heart
No one ever thought this one would surviveHelpless child, gonna walk a drum beat behindLock you in a d...

Ramones - Psycho Therapy
Psycho TherapyPsycho TherapyPsycho TherapyThat's what they wanna give mePsycho Therapy...

Ramones - Punishment Fits The Crime
I hear the bells of freedom chimingAnd inside my heart I feel I'm dyingWise guys never compromise...

Ramones - Questioningly
Questioningly her eyes looked at meAnd then she spoke aren't you someone I used to knowAnd weren't we ...

Ramones - Ramona
Hey Johnny, hey Dee DeeLittle Tom and JoeyYou know we're comin' overSweet sweet little Ramona...

Ramones - R.a.m.o.n.e.s.

Ramones - Rockaway Beach
Up on the roof, out on the streetDown in the playground the hot concreteBusride is too slowThey ...

Ramones - Rock N Roll High School
Well I don't care about historyRock, rock, rock'n'roll high school'Cause that's not where I wanna be...

Ramones - Scattergun
Smooth bore, scattergun, you are the only oneTo cover me when I sleep, cover me in my dreamscarry a sm...

Ramones - She Belongs To Me
What makes you think she'll go with youWhat makes you think you're better than meYou think you can rea...

Ramones - Sheena Is A Punk Rocker
Well the kids are all hopped up and ready to goThey're ready to go nowThey've got their surfboards...

Ramones - She's A Sensation
She's a sensationShe's a sensationShe looks so sweetShe's a sensationShe's a sensati...

Ramones - She's The One
Yeah yeah she's the one Yeah yeah she's the oneWhen I see her on the streetYou know she makes my...

Ramones - She Talks To Rainbows
She's a little lost girl in her own little worldShe looks so happy but she seems so sadah ah oh yea oh...

Ramones - Sitting In My Room
Sitting in my roomRecord player onSitting in my roomHumming a sickening tuneSitting in my ...

Ramones - Smash You
hangin out on the avenuelookin for somethin to dodidnt know when we first metthat you would be s...

Ramones - Somebody Like Me
Tired of naggin' nothin's ever happenin'That's the attitude that isn't funa bottle of wine, a tube of ...

Ramones - Somebody Put Something In My Drink
SomebodySomebody Put Something In My DrinkSomebodyAnother night out on the streetSto...

Ramones - Somebody To Love
When the truth is found to be liesand all the joys within you diesdon't you want somebody to love...

Ramones - Something To Believe In
I wish I was someone elseI'm confused, I'm afraid, I hate the lonelinessAnd there's nowhere to run to...

Ramones - Spiderman
Spiderman, Spiderman Does whatever a spider canSpins a web any size Catches thieves just like fliesLoo...

Ramones - Strength To Endure
Walking through the cross fire heartFeeling heavy and hopeless.Wonderin' how I ever willseeThrou...

Ramones - Substitute
You think we look pretty good together.You think my shoes are made of leather.But I'm a substitu...

Ramones - Surf City
I bought a pretty cool wagon and we call it a woody Surf City, here we comeYou know, it ain't very cherry, i...

Ramones - Surfin' Bird
Well everybody's heard about the birdBird bird birdBird is the wordDon't you know ab...

Ramones - Suzy Is A Headbanger
Ooo-whee, do it one more time for me!Ooo-whee, do it one more time for me!Can't stop stop that g...

Ramones - Swallow My Pride
Winter is here and it's going on two years swallow my prideAnd things were looking very grim but they'...

Ramones - Take It As It Comes
Time to live, time to lieTime to laugh, time to dieTake it easy babyTake it as it comes ...

Ramones - Take The Pain Away
I went out today for a walk in the rainI was so sad and blue I could feel any painI was worried about ...

Ramones - Teenage Lobotomy
Lobotomy, lobotomy, lobotomy, lobotomy!DDT did a job on meNow I am a real sickieGuess I'll have ...

Ramones - The Crusher
Now I wanna wrestle in the gardenI'm on my way to stardomI know I'm ready I know I'm greatBut fi...

Ramones - The Job That Ate My Brain
Out of bed at 6:15 In a rush and you can't thinkGotta catch the bus and trainI'm in a rush and feelin'...

Ramones - The Kkk Took My Baby Away
She went away for the holidaysSaid she's going to L.A.But she never got thereShe never got there...

Ramones - The Return Of Jackie And Judy
Jackie is a punk, Judy is a runtThey went down to the Mudd ClubAnd they both got drunkOh-yeah...

Ramones - The Shape Of Things To Come
There's a new sun Risin' up angry in the skyAnd there's a new voice Sayin' "we're not afraid to die"Le...

Ramones - This Ain't Havana
I had no advantage over youThere was troubles and I had'em tooJust 'cause you're so strung outDo...

Ramones - This Business Is Killing Me
I'm sick to deathI'm a nervous wreckThis business is killing meYouThis business is killing...

Ramones - Time Bomb
I'm gonna brag about itI'm not gonna stay in schoolI'm gonna rob and stealGonna break every rule...

Ramones - Time Has Come Today
Time has come todayYoung hearts can go their wayCan't put it off another dayI don't care what ot...

Ramones - Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World
I'm a shock trooper in a stupor Yes I am.I'm a Nazi schatzeY'know I fight for fatherlandLi...

Ramones - Tomorrow She Goes Away
Infatuation, she's a fatal attractionHang around, screw up my mindI hope I've seen her for the very la...

Ramones - Too Tough To Die
I am a tu tu tu tu tough tough guyI tell no tales I do no lieI am a tu tu tu tu tough tough guy...

Ramones - Touring
Well, we've been to London and we've been to L.A. Spain, New Zealand, and the U.S.A. Europe, Japan, an...

Ramones - Wart Hog
Wart, wart hogWart, wart hogWart, wart hogWart, wart hogI take some dope, I feel so ...

Ramones - Weasel Face
Twenty four hours agoNo one could help meI'm alone in lifeNo where to goSo I picked ...

Ramones - We're A Happy Family
We're a happy familyWe're a happy familyWe're a happy familyMe mom and daddySiting h...

Ramones - We Want The Airwaves
9 to 5 and 5 to 9Ain't gonna take itIt's our timeWe want the worldand we want it know...

Ramones - What'd Ya Do?
A Koo Koo KooI don't a care about you no moreA Koo Koo KooI don't a care about you no more...

Ramones - What's Your Game
I know your name I know your gameSweet Mary Jane you're quite insaneAnd all you ever want to be ...

Ramones - When I Was Young
The rooms were so much colder thenMy father was a soldier thenAnd times were very hardWhen I was...

Ramones - Why Is It Always This Way?
Hey hey heyWhy is it always this way?Last time I saw her aliveShe was wavin', wavin' bye b...

Ramones - Worm Man
I'm a worm manI'm fed upThere's no hopeI wanna pukeI want some dirt[CHORUS]...

Ramones - You Didn't Mean Anything To Me
Skies were cloudy everydayNothing wanted to growWe had our last chanceI think I told you so...

Ramones - You're Gonna Kill That Girl
I saw her walking down the street he jumped down,he knocked her off her feet and then I knew it was the end ...

Ramones - You Should Have Never Opened That Door
Mama, where's your little daughter?she's here, right here on the altarYou should never have open...

Ramones - You Sound Like You're Sick
Well I can't understandAnything about youHelp you if I canWhat can I doHere's your n...

Ramones - Zero Zero Ufo
It landed in a field in IdahoWhere it came from, I don't knowIt did not look like it came from Japan...

Rancid - 1998
White Stones, Queens 1974Fathers talking shit, motherfucker slam the doorHit the streets runnin' canno...

Rancid - 7 Years Down
There's a place where i like to goWhen i got no food or i got no shelterIt's a house where i can get a...

Rancid - Adina
i want to go where the action isi want to fly through the urban blighti want to live like a shadow in ...

Rancid - Animosity
break down the feari got my animosityi'm gonna breake it down armageddon is coming so you ...

Rancid - Another Night
in the dark with the okland skylineas i cross the city i avoid the landlinesall i wanna do is make it ...

Rancid - Antennas
Your selling sexism your selling racism your selling anything you get your fucking hands onAn understa...

Rancid - Arrested In Shanghai
They assured me I was guilty but I commited no crimeThey said confessions bring lenience so they put me on t...

Rancid - As One
War between racesWar between liesWar between something that was deep insideYou was wrong all alo...

Rancid - As Wicked
I saw an old man on the streethe was in a dumpster lookin' for somethin' to eathe moved so slow like a...

Rancid - Avenues & Alleyways
I figured out the problem yea the problem is youyou didn't see us comin' now there's nothin' you can do...

Rancid - Axiom
On the cusp of an explosionI answer with evil that's the way that I play itStreet Turks multiple contu...

Rancid - Backslide
Los Angeles take your dreams awayBurnin' on the groundAt the end of the day it's your life, your loss...

Rancid - Back Up Against The Wall
Rock gets hot, now she cant stopShes a lot, a lot like a robotAnd she cant be bought, and her nerves a...

Rancid - Battering Ram
Some people are rotten deep down to the coreSome people got the kick of a bulland the lies of a chroni...

Rancid - Black & Blue
I started watchin' them all down the lineKeep steppin' and rejectin' all the timeThey try to pull me i...

Rancid - Black Derby Jacket
Books on emerson books on thoreauBut all I read was maps of the roadAnd I was three thousand miles awa...

Rancid - Blackhawk Down
Blackhawk down blackhawk down blackhawk down belowThere's a blackhawk down in Mogadishu American Government ...

Rancid - Black Lung
Sign a petition under working conditionUnion is in bed with the coal operators (call of berettas)Carry...

Rancid - Bloodclot
Hey Ho, Hey Ho, Hey Ho, Hey Ho, Hey Ho Well I'm a crazy upsetter (Driving me insane)Yea I'm a st...

Rancid - Born Frustrated
Is it you?Is it you who's been orchestrated?Is it you?Is it you who's born frustrated?...

Rancid - Burn
13 red and white stripes flyingWhite for skin and red for dyingWhy can't iwalk on through...

Rancid - Cash, Culture And Violence
Yeah! She says his power is what's happeningWell I'll be sure to be respecting nothing's stoppin...

Rancid - Cocktails
Broke, dough, dope, the line is chokedSmoked the last dollar to her nameAre you buying?Are you s...

Rancid - Coppers
Yeah Rancid and Buju drop, imagine thatAll punk rock masters move inside, all trick masters move inside....

Rancid - Corazon De Oro
It's over before it starts, oh don't you knowSo on your marks, stand by; Ready, goFrom London to New Y...

Rancid - Corruption
A fire from the sky rains brimstone from above (no god no truce)A whole world implosion got too close to the...

Rancid - Crane Fist
And the fighting and the robbing induce slaveryA decision, a descention into insanityOh no!!!...

Rancid - Daly City Train
He was an artist and a writerand a poet and a friendIn a man's life he will take a fallbut how l...

Rancid - David Courtney
Well all you motherfuckers, criminals will be suckers,If you don't step aside for David Courtney,Well,...

Rancid - Dead Bodies
Disfigured and obliqueFrom the appetite that I seekI'm a hungry cannibalI'm a rabid animal...

Rancid - Detroit
I didn't know what time it was until the sun went downDetroit Michigan on the bus downtownLast night I...

Rancid - Disgruntled
If the police come and tromp the stateAnd there's a strait crisis and maleyAnd gradually arodes world ...

Rancid - Disorder & Disarray
Business man come shake my handShow me numbers that i understandYour my candle i'm burning your wick...

Rancid - Django
Get one thing clear, first you live in fear, then you disappear, and that unityShift gear, and i, try to ste...

Rancid - Don Giovanni
You're making enemiesLike Don GiovanniYou're making enemiesLike Don GiovanniDon killed Any...

Rancid - Dope Sick, Girl
This song is about a girlwho has been offshe was dope sickDope sick girl hit and run...

Rancid - Fall Back Down
Don't worry about me, I'm gonna make it alrightGot my enemies crossed out in my sightI take a bad situ...

Rancid - Get Out Of My Way
Go ahead start causing troubleGet outta my way get outta my way...Don't want your lies and I don't wan...

Rancid - Ghetto Box
Ghetto box talkin' (time for the back streets)Cocaine's rockin' (time for the back streets)And I'm not...

Rancid - Ghost Band
WooooooooohGhost band, ghost band,There's a ghost band, girl, playing our songs now,Ghost band, ...

Rancid - Golden Gate Fields
This is not Churchhill downs this is not Hollywood ParkWhen the field is wide openI'll pick the horse ...

Rancid - Gunshot
Everybody wants to come downbut no one wants to payI try to show 'embut they do anyway ...

Rancid - Harry Bridges
Bloody thursday was July 5thThe pigs killed 3 workers harry bridges grabbed the micThe city shut down ...

Rancid - Holiday Sunrise
so i packed everything i ownedmidnight christmas evea kid could feel alonei drink my scotch...

Rancid - Hooligans
(Rancid?... Jah love...) Yeah!Here's the new face of rock-n'-roll!It's about fightin' toe ...

Rancid - Hoover Street
She's a Salvador immigrant, head through a thin wall A frail hooker, holding her carnal walls Gleaming...

Rancid - Hyena
I'm money broke and it's no joke can't core use the rope this time (Hey !!)nuckel up buckel up the ride's ge...

Rancid - I Am Forever
I am forever is what he saidLost in a dream he never hadDoors bust open doors slam shutThe key t...

Rancid - I Am The One
I'm the one who got a religionI'm the one who couldn't take my knifeI'm the one who got a religion...

Rancid - Idle Hands
Chaos discontent I'm a lunaticThirty days in the street is how I'm doing itA life of no money a quart ...

Rancid - I'm Not The Only One
She's got her life going she is still breathingIt's not a proven fact it's just a feelingHer old man d...

Rancid - Indestructible
And I know, Im indestructibleAnd I know, Im indestructibleTonight!Break down! Caught tell ...

Rancid - Injury
excuse me while i put i knife out of my backhow could i ever trust a person like thatalong side the sl...

Rancid - International Cover-up
[repeat 2x]Back down no back down comin' upRise up no rise up showin upLock down no lock ...

Rancid - Intro
The phenomena you are about to witnesscould well revolutionize your way of thinkingWe are presenting s...

Rancid - It's Quite Alright
I can tell you how itll go down but only you can tell me how it will endAll systems can stop right here and ...

Rancid - Ivory Coast
For 24 hours on the Ivory Coast,They release soldiers from their post,They dedicate champagne, for a t...

Rancid - Journey To The End Of The East Bay
Reconcile to the reliefconsumed in sacred ground for methere wasn't always a place to gobut ther...

Rancid - Junkie Man
The common man doesn't suffer pain like thisonly the soul that has never been kissedlet us adore our b...

Rancid - Killing Zone
Drop bombs, Youre gonna be warnedYoure gonna be scorned, Youre gonna be tornThere's a storm hittin' yo...

Rancid - Lady Liberty
I want nothing to do with your crazy worldBroken promises, just poor annoyancesI am branded by that ti...

Rancid - Leicester Square
I got some hard times, two punks upon a subwayIt's a long way to go to get to Leicester SquareA hard l...

Rancid - Let Me Go
Ok check this outIt aint impossible, it aint easyOpportunity shifting hereSo far the strategy ai...

Rancid - Let's Go
Jimmy said he could handle thisOhhhh, he's from Los Angeles ohh!Jimmy said he could handle this...

Rancid - Life Won't Wait
Jesus and his ? wage a final warReligious self-prestigious keep the quest for the holy grailThe eye at...

Rancid - Listed M.i.a.
Stuck in the sewer beneath all the maggotsi ain't foolin' i've been pursuing god damn it man i almosth...

Rancid - Lock, Step & Gone
The ending isn't here (there's somethin' wrong)but it's comin'real soon (i lock step I'm gone)i said t...

Rancid - Loki
Set out to misleadSets out to murderFalse appearance is everything to himIs he good today, or is...

Rancid - Maxwell Murder
Maxwell can't tell he's in hellhe just wants you to visit him theresame old game that he's playin'...

Rancid - Media Controller
Another show with a fucked up promoterKids sent in by the media controllerThey arrived in a '87 Ford w...

Rancid - Memphis
I've lived my whole life, made mistakes,From the get-go,Street kid from the start, right, no regrets t...

Rancid - Meteor Of War
John brown set the tone he was a meteor in a guilty landAbolitionist understand freedom to the despondent ma...

Rancid - Midnight
MidnightI know where i amThat's rightI know where i'm goingShut downVacant city ghos...

Rancid - Motorcycle Ride
If you wanna make a move then you better come inIt's just the ability to reason that wears so thinLivi...

Rancid - Name
[repeat 3x]You don't know my nameman you don't know my name Paint a number on my he...

Rancid - New Dress
Ah no!No no! Go!!! With a gleaming successWith a different tryReligious indiff...

Rancid - Nihilism
Hey! [x4]come into the union districtdrive down on sharmon palmswhite ghettos paint...

Rancid - Not To Regret
Some people say I'm fuckin crazyBut it don't phase meIt's just amazingSomeone shout out Halleluj...

Rancid - Old Friend
[Chorus:]Good morning heartacheYou're like an old friend Come and see me again ...

Rancid - Olympia Wa.
Hangin' out with Lars down on 6th streethe knew I was in troubleI was feeling much like the devil...

Rancid - Otherside
Nananana,Nananana,Nananana,Nananana,Nananana,Nananana naaaa.....Nananana...

Rancid - Out Of Control
Let's Go! The prophet speaks his language, reeks,A vile dogma that steams and stinksHis plot is ...

Rancid - Outta My Mind
you're working like a monkeywho's been training by a sick junkieon a mission to get moneyfor a n...

Rancid - Poison
Like Chancre'sCanterbury talesWhen three men find a pot of goldand end up killing one another in...

Rancid - Radio
Never fell in loveuntil i fell in love with youNever know what a good time was until i had a good time...

Rancid - Radio Havana
El Diablo is like a soundtrackAll concurrent playback'57 chevy with the radio onIt's a sad song...

Rancid - Rats In The Hallway
knock knockcome inyou wanna fighti'm gonna wini'll take you outin a minutestep...

Rancid - Rattlesnake
For weeks your falling, that's my darlingHear them calling drawing you backSawing you in two, using me...

Rancid - Reconciliation
Spread out like a million locusts covering the sunProtagonists and infidels gonna speak out on the run...

Rancid - Red Hot Moon
Under a red hot moon, take a bus downtown to the Grave yard shift tonightUnder a red hot moon, take a bus do...

Rancid - Rejected
i could not fit ini was the one who got caughti was the one who got realizedi was the one who go...

Rancid - Rigged On A Fix
Charles Van Doren never seemed to want itA 64,000 dollar questionIt was rigged on a fix end of innocen...

Rancid - Roadblock
Go!Go!Go!Walk into the party, didn't know who you are,Said quick quick on the living...

Rancid - Roots Radicals
Took the 60 busout of downtown Cambell. Ben Zanotto, he was on there he was waitin' for meall th...

Rancid - Ruby Soho
Echoes of reggae comin' through my bedroom wallhavin' a party up next door but i'm sittin here all alone...

Rancid - Rwanda
Rwanda yeah your moon shines brightRwanda over planned genocideRwanda, won't you be strong like a lion...

Rancid - Salvation
Come on baby won't you show me what you gotI want your salvation there's a neighborhood called b...

Rancid - She's Automatic
The way that she moves well i was arousedimpowered impassioned by every moveit's cold outside we need ...

Rancid - Sick Sick World
Creeps burn and run their life too calm too windyTo form a wastelandAtomic blowA total nothing...

Rancid - Side Kick
I had i dream i was a vigilante sidekickmy name is tim im a lesser known characterI had a dream i was ...

Rancid - Solidarity
Solidarity love and unitySet me free with a bullet and a gunYou said it was nothingI knew ...

Rancid - Something In The World Today
Yeaaaaaaaah !!!There's something in the street tonightI Don't know what it is, but it won't keep...

Rancid - Something's Going To Die Tonight
This is one of the good times when When his brains lies on the pavement With a broken bone in his hand...

Rancid - Spirit Of '87
Saturday,Where else you gunna go?There's no way,I'm gonna end up at the disco,Make my way,...

Rancid - Stand Your Ground
Hold your head up high,Cuz tomorrow you may die,Cuz no one's safe around here,No one's safe arou...

Rancid - Start Now
Another lesson has been learned,In this days' modern times,Strangers in the mist appear,Now ther...

Rancid - Stickin' In My Eye
[Originally by Nofx]When I look 'round, I only see outta one eyeAs the smoke surrounds my...

Rancid - St. Mary
She's got a ticket and she's waiting at the stationShe's got to get away as far as she canHer problems...

Rancid - Stop
Small sacrifices or otherwise few Unity for the sake of the many formsOh they use imagination only few...

Rancid - Tenderloin
Realize you're dehumanizedYou critisize your existanceIt's your demise when no sun ariseWhen you...

Rancid - The 11th. Hour
Hey little sister do you know what time it waswhen you finally seen all your broken dreamscome crashin...

Rancid - The Ballad Of Jimmy & Johnny
Jimmy and johnny two friends of mineskinheads what they clamedOutside simalarities but they don't feel...

Rancid - The Bottle
climb inclimb inclimb inside me.. pain another night of drinkin'another night of bee...

Rancid - The Sentence
My life the blessingUnderstand my aggressionI don't regret nothingIt's all been a lessonMe...

Rancid - The Wars End
Little Sammy was a punk rockeryou know his mother never understand himwent to his room and smashed his...

Rancid - The Way I Feel
Pick me back up just to throw me back downapoogies too like when you're up against the wallcompassion ...

Rancid - The Wolf
I didn't trust him, 'cause he smiled at me firstJust like the wolf before he bites meAnd I didn't go t...

Rancid - Time Bomb
If you wanna make the movethen you better come init's just the ability to reasonthat wears so th...

Rancid - Travis Bickle
All the junkies they know my nameAnd every city looks the fucking sameAnd the derilics who roam the st...

Rancid - Trenches
1987 at a 7-11police out looking for problemsbut i'm no average hoodlumstill running from the pi...

Rancid - Tropical London
If you lose me, you lose a good thing, that's one thing I know for sure.If you lose me, girl, you lose a goo...

Rancid - Turntable
Yeah!!!He's gonna go go get it, gonna run run set itIn another white hidden realm (?)Every...

Rancid - Union Blood (untitled)
Bloody thursday was july 6ththe pigs killed 3 workersharry bridges grabbed the micThe city shut ...

Rancid - Unwritten Rules
kick the kick drum increase the weight of the soundthe dialog of maximum decibles is enough to move the fuck...

Rancid - Warsaw
(That is the vision of the anarchist... it is also a boy's dream)True to Warsaw, glad we did itB...

Rancid - Whirlwind
every city got an artery where the blood breaks downan avenue or a boulevard and a boy who wears a crown...

Rancid - Who Would've Thought
Who would've thought that the dreams come true?And who would've thought I ended up with you?And who wo...

Rancid - Wrongful Suspicion
All right this one goes out to all our friends in New York:H2O, The Slackers, Stubborn All StarsMust r...

Rancid - You Don't Care Nothin'
A cat lies awake when it sleepswas she conscious of her own miserieswill the amount of her painw...

Rancid - Young Al Capone
In the army of Babylon I'm a young Al CaponeMy self an outlaw in the eyes of the lordGood man lose and...

Rascal Flatts - Baby Don't Get Hooked On Me
Girl, you're getting that look in your eyes and it's starting to worry me See, I ain't ready for no fa...

Rascal Flatts - Bless The Broken Road
I set out on a narrow way many years agoHoping I would find true love along the broken roadBut I got l...

Rascal Flatts - Break Away
Opened my eyes this mornin' with a smile on my faceMy arms wrapped around you took me awayAnd it got m...

Rascal Flatts - Bubba's Girl
Bubba is a friend, he's a beer drinkin' buddy of mineBut lately somethin's happened that ain't hard to defin...

Rascal Flatts - Dry County Girl
A tall drink of water in a cotton dress That preacher's daughter, she sure is blessed As sunlight pass...

Rascal Flatts - Falling Upside Down
There's no gravity up here It's kind of hard to explain Every time I'm holding you It's like bac...

Rascal Flatts - From Time To Time
From time to time I have regretsFor all the things I didn't sayThat were on my listFrom time to ...

Rascal Flatts - God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
God rest ye merry gentlemenLet nothing you dismayRemember Christ our saviorWas born on Christmas...

Rascal Flatts - Head Over Heels
Sitting here with youyou ask me why my tongus is tiedI've tryed to make some since of all these things...

Rascal Flatts - Holes
There's three in the Hall from those pictures in the closetTwo in the bedroom from that night I lost it...

Rascal Flatts - I Melt
When you light those candles Up there on that mantle, setting the mood Well, I just lie there staring ...

Rascal Flatts - I'm Moving On
I've dealt with my ghosts and I've faced all my demonsFinally content with a past I regretI've found y...

Rascal Flatts - It's Not Just Me
Tell me you've had trouble sleeping That you toss and turn from side to sideThat it's my face you've b...

Rascal Flatts - Like I Am
Lying here with you I watch you while you sleep The dawn is closing in With every breath you bre...

Rascal Flatts - Long Slow Beautiful Dance
Sounds like a scene from the silver screenYeah, that's how it wasLove doesn't always look like a pictu...

Rascal Flatts - Love Another Day
It's 3 AM and you're still wide awakeWondering how much more your broken heart can takeAll he left you...

Rascal Flatts - Love You Out Loud
I have always been a little shy I've always been the quiet type till now And I never let my feelings s...

Rascal Flatts - Mayberry
Sometimes it feels like this world is spinning fasterThan it did in the old daysSo naturally we have m...

Rascal Flatts - My Worst Fear
Last night you gave me a kiss You didn't know it, but I was awake when you did You were quiet, you wer...

Rascal Flatts - One Good Love
One good loveErases all the bitter tears on an empty dance hallAll those lonely nights when she never ...

Rascal Flatts - See Me Through
Before we met I was freeI never had to worry about anyone but meNow that boy is gone and in his place...

Rascal Flatts - Shine On
I was lost in darkness and sinking sand Well I was barely nothing, a broken man But you picked up the ...

Rascal Flatts - Some Say
There's that star, the one they said we'd never reachAnd just close your eyesThere's the missing moon,...

Rascal Flatts - The Day Before You
I had all but given up on findingThe one that I could fall intoOn the day before youI was ready ...

Rascal Flatts - The Glory Of Life
Safe in the eye of the stormMercy and faith keep me warmOh the dreams I've seen tattered and torn...

Rascal Flatts - The Man In Love With You
If you think I've second guessed itOr for one minute I'd regret itThis life with youNo, there's ...

Rascal Flatts - Then I Did
I thought about calling you when I got off the planeEvery time I see this city through the clouds I get that...

Rascal Flatts - This Everyday Love
Can't get enough of this everyday loveCan't get enough of this everyday loveEach morning the sun...

Rascal Flatts - Too Good Is True
I guess it's cause and effect Your heart and mine The way that we connect Keeps blowing my mind ...

Rascal Flatts - Waiting All My Life
Everybody needs itEverybody wants itEverybody's searching for someoneBeen down a thousand highwa...

Rascal Flatts - Walk The Llama Llama
Walk The llama llamaWalk The llama llamaTake in the panoramaWalk The llama llama - llama llama...

Rascal Flatts - Where You Are
There you are standing strong, I'm a leaf holding onYou believe like a child, In this fire runni...

Rascal Flatts - You
[Chorus]Every road that I've been down The only truth that I have found There's only one ...

Rascalz - Movie Star
well she looks like a movie star [x6]well she looks like a movie star like a chocolate candy ba...

The Rasmus - Back In The Picture
There were times in my life I was down on my knees, now it's overDeep inside my heart I knowSimply put...

The Rasmus - Blue
Follow me come on you know meYeah, into the blueFollow me come on you know meYeah, Into the blue...

The Rasmus - Bullet
I think I should go and leave you alone, yeah.Stop this game and hang up the phone. And more.I should ...

The Rasmus - Can't Stop Me
Time to laughter but you know the answerWho will be the oneTo finally stand up and take a chance...

The Rasmus - Carousel
Groove it up, it's Friday nighttime to have some fun, know what's up, I gotta reachn'...

The Rasmus - Chill
I gotta make a phonecall to my best friends.I gotta let them know that I'm leaving.Everything behind m...

The Rasmus - City Of Dead
Glad you landed on time,In the city of the dead.How was your flight?I'm glad that we met....

The Rasmus - Days
I knew that you would come, I know you.Welcome to my kingdom,some days are cold like the ice in here....

The Rasmus - Dirty Moose
Funk the neigbourhood,Rock your body to the...kinky beat we more time!Baby don't you sl...

The Rasmus - Every Day
We get along, it's like a magic has come between us.We did it all first and now everybody'sGotta learn...

The Rasmus - F-f-f-falling
I don't go to school every mondayI've got my reason to sleepDon't you tell me how I should be...

The Rasmus - First Day Of My Life
Feel like I'm stonedwanna be alone, just for a while, unknownWeeks on the road a long way from home...

The Rasmus - Fool
I'm feeling restless, but I don't know why.Fels like time is standing still.So many people and I'm fee...

The Rasmus - Frog
Go!Why you watch me?Am I ugly?Am I slimy?'n' when you touch meIs there somethi...

The Rasmus - Funeral Song
I dumped you againI don't understandIt's happened beforeCan't take it no more These ...

The Rasmus - Funky Jam
So hard to get that dog is dead 'n' lying feet to the roof on my friend's bed.We called an ambulance without...

The Rasmus - Guilty
I feel guiltymy words are emptyno signs to give youi don't have the time for you you...

The Rasmus - Heartbreaker
Well anyway it's a long story.She's been waiting for so longStill got the songs in her mind and the au...

The Rasmus - Help Me Sing
Is there anybody who can help me sing?Don't let me down, I refuse to believeThat you're outdated by yo...

The Rasmus - Ice
I see you try to avoid meYou ain't so friendlyCold like ice I can see what that meansLet m...

The Rasmus - Jailer
Would you please, would you please help me Mr. JailerI better get out of this place n' soon.Don't know...

The Rasmus - Julen Ar Har Igen
It all started up when I was fighting with a cop.At least I could stop. I guess I couldn't stop.Hey, I...

The Rasmus - Kola
Yes, yes, yes, things're gonna be fine,when the sky is my cover, a big yellow ball,the sun is my lover...

The Rasmus - Last Waltz
Make me blindCover my eyesYou can do what you wantI'm paralyzed by the perfect moodWhen we...

The Rasmus - Life 705
It is preventing tomorrow,It's so tough.It is a fanning horror,It's so rough.It's not a pa...

The Rasmus - Liquid
I go liquid when you come around,And I know.I go solid but don't get me wrong,Yes I go....

The Rasmus - Madness
Too much, too fast maybe.I don't know where my destiny's taking me.So I'll go where ever it leads me....

The Rasmus - Man In The Street
I spin around 'n' find myself again with a thought:I'm just a man on the street.You check it out, anot...

The Rasmus - Myself
I have always been different, I like to be,But everytime they got something to say to me.One day I had...

The Rasmus - Not Like The Other Girls
No more blame I am destined to keep you saneGotta rescue the flameGotta rescue the flame in your heart...

The Rasmus - One & Only
Ahahahahahah yeahHave I been away too long?Did I miss all the action?What happened to the ...

The Rasmus - Outflow
You gotta be fineIf you one day wanna be mine'n' give me satisfaction twice a day,Three, four, m...

The Rasmus - Panda
It's like freedom, making some people jealous.It's like a rope between you n' your fellows.It's like a...

The Rasmus - Pa-pa
As you can see right now my friend I'm falling...'n' I'm not falling in love.As you can see right now ...

The Rasmus - Playboys
As you might know, my father was a rich man,his father was rich, I'm gonna be a rich man too, oh yeah!...

The Rasmus - Play Dead
Darling stop confusing me With your wishful thinkingHopeful embraces Don't you understand? ...

The Rasmus - Postman
Now we're gonna talk about the postman,Who brings the paper in the morning,Who wakes up at the night t...

The Rasmus - P.s
My big sister is the best of all the sisters in the world.She says enjoying of the life is the main thing. I...

The Rasmus - Raggatip
I can never be the same that I was yesterday.I'm losing my mind, I'm losing control.You tickled me so ...

The Rasmus - Shame
Talking about life, what it was 'n' what its gonna be.Get ready for the best time.He's a friend ...

The Rasmus - Small
If I could be the king of this planetI would order some more.Making rules is not the easiest part of i...

The Rasmus - Small Town
Oh yeah!LalalalalalaLalalalalalaYou get no kick out of champagneThings make yo...

The Rasmus - Smash
Understand that you're holding a bomb in your handTake control, hand in hand with yourself from now on...

The Rasmus - Sold
There you come again, I see you're having your everlasting smile on yourface, like now n' then.I canno...

The Rasmus - Someone Else
She drinks the blood of the dinosaurs to get her powers backto make her boyfriend understandThat thing...

The Rasmus - Sophia
I'm lost, I'm alone I wish I had a bone Long 'n' wide white you know, what I'm talking about, just a f...

The Rasmus - Still Standing
I wish you here tonight with me to see the northern lightsI wish you were here tonight with meI wish I...

The Rasmus - Swimming With The Kids
I can't deny the fact that you know me better than I do,it doesn't matter 'cos I know that you say that I'm ...

The Rasmus - The One I Love
Haven't slept in a weekMy bed has become my coffinCannot breath, cannot speakMy head's like a bo...

The Rasmus - Time To Burn
Fear of the dark tears me apartwon't leave me alone and time keeps running out Just one more lif...

The Rasmus - Tonight, Tonight
Now that you know that committing is hard,It's time to fly around 'n' I say...No more walking hand in ...

The Rasmus - Used To Feel Before
It seems that there is something,Something I should know But I don't want to ask you Ask you wha...

The Rasmus - Vibe
Call me your lover!If you hang around with me tonightI'll show you how to do,Something wic...

The Rasmus - Violence
I think you better run, 'cos they're coming at ya.n' what the fuck you're gonna do when they get ya?Yo...

The Rasmus - Wicked Moments
I've got my moments, when I feel like...I should be doing something else, yeah.The voice of conscience...

Raven Symone - Alice
I'm giving you only the truth. This is your last chance. After me there will be no more. If y...

Raven Symone - Best Friends
Your my friend...(our friendship will never end,,,)A friend so true and near to my heart, i'd wish that we w...

Raven Symone - Bounce
All I want ot do is!Feel the flow everyone came to see my showLove ot hear ...

Raven Symone - Bump
Too lowTurn it up some moreToo chillTo get us on the floorHot jamWhere's the v...

Raven Symone - Grazing In The Grass
It sure is mellow grazin' in the grass (grazin' in the grass is a gas, baby, can you dig it?)What a trip jus...

Raven Symone - Hip Hoppers
Yo i'm ready to go, I got rhymes to flowPull the plug on my set, and ya still couldn't my showI get bu...

Raven Symone - Just Fly Away
[Verse 1]Whenever the sun doesn't shine your wayIf ever the clouds in your sky turn gray...

Raven Symone - Life Is Beautiful
I get so tiredOf the world passing by usMakes me want to jump out of my skinWhat are we doing in...

Raven Symone - My Christmas Wish
Its My Christmas WishThat You Love Me TooI Wanna Spend Everyday With YouIts My Christmas W...

Raven Symone - Mystify
Alright, mystifyMystify(yeah you mystify)With your eyes(oh yeah now with your eyes)P...

Raven Symone - Overloved
I need to find somebody who can't sleep at nightWithout holding me without holding me tightI want some...

Raven Symone - People Make The World Go Round
Trash cans sittin' cause it's trash dayOhh, why because they want more payBuses on strike, gonna raise...

Raven Symone - Pure Love
Pure loveSomething you can't perchase in a storeSeems we just don't see it anymoreTrue when gran...

Raven Symone - Set Me Free
Each step that I takeI feel like you're worried bout meEvery move that I makeI feel like you've ...

Raven Symone - Slow Down
Slow downYou're not ready nowSlow downYou're not ready nowI know what's on your mind...

Raven Symone - Supernatural
WoooSupernatrualHa[1st Verse]Did you see a shooting star,Cross the sky ...

Raven Symone - Superstiton
[Digital:] SuperstitionHmmmm Hmmmm (ooh)Very superstitiousWritings on...

Raven Symone - This Is My Time
Oh,At times I felt like I had lost my selfCuz people try to make you someone elseI had to learn ...

Raven Symone - Typical
I'm not justAn ordinary meI've got my ownIndividualityNot the sameSo why shoul...

Raven Symone - What Is Love?
It's the way you're nervous when you speakAnd the way I know just what you meanIt's the kind of thing ...

Raven Symone - What's Real?
She's strutting down the streetWith a diamond necklaceThe size of a dimeIt looks real nice ...

Raven Symone - With A Child's Heart
With A Childs HeartEnd Of All Wories Of The DayWith A Childs HeartTurn Each Problem Into Blame...

The Raveonettes - Attack Of The Ghost Riders
Lipstick On My FaceThunder In The SkyThe Shades Are DrawnDon't Ask Me WhyBut With Th...

The Raveonettes - Beat City
Wanna Die In Beat City And Run, Run, RunWanna Hang With Girls And Shoot My GunWanna Catch The Rays Off...

The Raveonettes - Bowels Of The Beast
Come Drink With The Vegas Stars TonightCome Drink With The Vegas Stars TonightWe'll Find You In The Bo...

The Raveonettes - Chain Gang Of Love
Walk Away Nothing To DoI Forgot What Doing Time Can DoI'm On The Chain GangThe Chain Gang Of Lov...

The Raveonettes - Chains
Maxed MaryDelinquent GirlAnd All Her Angels On Death RowAlcoholic AnnViolent Girl...

The Raveonettes - Cops On Our Tail
Driving Through The Desert Looks All RightDriving Through The Desert Looks All RightGoing To A Place W...

The Raveonettes - Dirty Eyes (sex Don't Sell)
Jimmy Says That Sex Don't SellJimmy Says That Sex Don't SellI Think He's Just Oh WellYeah...

The Raveonettes - Do You Believe Her
She Says All The Things You Never Want To HearShe Says All The Things That Make You SickBut Do You Bel...

The Raveonettes - Heartbreak Stroll
Take A Little Time To Get To Know MeThe Night Is Open Don't You Feel The Same As ICause I Can Do Every...

The Raveonettes - Here Comes Mary
Here comes MaryAll dressed in blackHer heart so heavyA love attackHer dying cigarette in t...

The Raveonettes - If I Was Young
If I was young and you were tooThen I'm sure we'd run awayBut life it takes twisted turnsMakes w...

The Raveonettes - Let's Rave On
Let's Rave On Cause I Know That You Want ItLet's Make Out Cause I Know That You Want ItLet's Go Down W...

The Raveonettes - Little Animal
My Girl Is A Little AnimalShe Always Wants To FuckI Can't Find A Reason WhyI Guess It's Just My ...

The Raveonettes - Love Can Destroy Everything
If You Were Me And All You Could Think OfWas To Die In Your Arms TonightHow Would You Tell Me And How ...

The Raveonettes - Love In A Trashcan
If you touch that girlYou know it's okayPeople say she's a whore anywayI think she looks like a ...

The Raveonettes - My Tornado
Come On NowDo That ThingYou Do So WellYou Do So WellHard To PleaseHard To GetH...

The Raveonettes - New York Was Great
And New York Was Great And We Loved It AllAnd New York Was Great And We Loved It AllBut Time Was Ridin...

The Raveonettes - Noisy Summer
Chewin' On A Whip Your Little Dress Is TightGonna Make Me Burn Gonna Make It RightTell Your Little Sto...

The Raveonettes - Ode To L.a.
Come on let's go to where it's funI want a slice of L.A. sunWhoa ho ho hoHoney let's go...

The Raveonettes - Red Tan
Valentine I adore youHer eyes tearing when I say I love youMy brass knuckles you know them well...

The Raveonettes - Remember
And I Never Think You'll Get ItTonight You're Doing SomethingThis Fix Is More Important Than You Are...

The Raveonettes - Seductress Of Bums
I love when you kiss meAnd hold me tightI love when you squeeze meAnd teach me right...

The Raveonettes - Sleepwalking
SleepwalkingThink you look good todayPretty in black you got it downI can't hold my breath...

The Raveonettes - Somewhere In Texas
Somewhere in Texas by the yellow sandSomewhere in Texas by the yellow sandSomewhere in Texas I lost my...

The Raveonettes - That Great Love Sound
Changing Your Strut When You Know I'm Behind YouChanging Your Ways Cause You Don't Know What To DoI On...

The Raveonettes - The Heavens
Oh, now don't you never disappearOn a night where the moon hangs so lowHold me amongst falling stars...

The Raveonettes - The Love Gang
Here Comes The Love GangHere Comes The Love GangTwo Delinquents In LoveYeah Their Love Just Won'...

The Raveonettes - The Truth About Johnny
Johnny Where You BeenJohnny Where You BeenCan't Say The Night Was LongAnd Girls Were Out O...

The Raveonettes - Twilight
Honey don't kill that last cigaretteI got a long, long ways to goI've been a-drinking and a-thinking a...

The Raveonettes - Uncertain Times
Too many fucked up yearsAnd I can't hold herToo many fucked up timesHave come my wayToo ma...

The Raveonettes - Untamed Girls
You Came Into My TownYou Came And You Fell DownSweet Summer All AroundCan It Feel It Going Down ...

The Raveonettes - Veronica Fever
Talk Of The Town And You're Always So AroundHolding Me Down To That Sultry Sexy SoundWalking Around Wi...

The Raveonettes - You Say You Lie
You sayYou lieTo meAnd IBelieveYouOh noThat's meI've heard...

Ray J - Can't Run, Can't Hide
Can't run, cant hide (you can't run) You know you can't get away I often wonder who you know Wha...

Ray J - Changes
[Bridge:]If I ever give you all of me (if I ever) Just a piece of me that you can see ...

Ray J - Everything You Want
Hey, who is that [laugh]Better calm down around here Hey girl, whatever you want... I got ...

Ray J - I Tried
Damn, she crazy, and she done a whole lot too,She gone tap my phone, she stole my credit card.she turn...

Ray J - Keep Your Head Up
Whoaa, I see you walking with your head down girl,Come here, whoa, lemme lift your spirits up, aight.I...

Ray J - Let It Go
Uh huh, yeah Uh huh, yeahCome on y'all Don't stop y'all Gotta make y'all rock, y'all...

Ray J - No More
Can I undertsand?Can I undertsand?Can I undertsand?Oh no I can'tI know so much it's ...

Ray J - Takin' Control
Yo, yo this one's for you boo (yeah), ha ha you know what's up, been drivin around in my car wit the windows...

Ray J - That's Why I Lie
[Chorus:]If I told you why, why, why I'd probably lie, lie, lie Can't stand to see ...

Ray J - Wait A Minute
Neptunes, tell me, Ray J, where you at, come onI been workin' all day (and now it's on),Pull up ...

Razorlight - Dalston
It's a big big worldAnd you can do what you likeYou can do anything you wantBecause darling, it'...

Razorlight - Get It & Go
We talked all night about suicideAnd she said if this is livingHow come i never feel alive?...

Razorlight - Golden Touch
I know a girl with the golden touchShe's got enough, she's got too muchBut I know, you wouldn't mind...

Razorlight - In The City
Well it's a close one, a real close one And no-one gets hurt, but she's got twice the funBut now they ...

Razorlight - Leave Me Alone
Oh when did you decideTo start living like it's suicideAnd wasting all my timeAnd messing up my ...

Razorlight - Rip It Up
Hey girl, get on the dancefloorAnd rip it up, yeahThat's what it's there forThat's what it's the...

Razorlight - Rock N Roll Lies
There's too much silence in her nightShe calls herself an angel, and she comes to townI said L-O-N-D-O...

Razorlight - Stumble & Fall
I heard that it was a really big deal But then I found out it was just nothing at all You always say i...

Razorlight - To The Sea
Away and away, over bridges and sighsAnd on and on, on and onShe keeps it all locked up right inside ...

Razorlight - Up All Night
I lost the sacred feeling but I Made a couple of friends and now Our things have never looked so good ...

Razorlight - Vice
Wild is the wind that strips away our sinsYours is the night, but you don't know where to beginBut I h...

Razorlight - Which Way Is Out
This party isn't working, oh noYeah we need to find days like we used toLiving off a shoe string...

Redman - Diggy Doc
It's the Diggy Diggy Doc y'all, pumpin it yes y'allD.O.C. on the system, we kick it fresh y'allLettin ...

Redman - Doggz Ii
[Throughout the song in the background]["Doggz" - George Clinton Sample][Redman...

Redman - Lick A Shot
Smokin! (Okay!)[monkey sounds:] oooh oooh ahh ahh ahhHere we go.. smokin! (Okay!)[more...

Redman - Muh-fucka
Yo, this for all my live motherfuckers!(Motherfuckers) YO! ..What the deal muh-fucka? Chill muh...

Redman - Uh-huh
[Verse One]Yo, now first of all I'm a kid about moneyTalkin hot bid'ness and my paper work, run...

Redman - Wkya (drop)
[radio announcer]This is DJ Sayyyy WHAT?! on this motherfuckerComin at you live on WKYA Radio f...

Reel Big Fish - A Little Doubt Goes A Long Way
I gotta go gotta go gotta go before I do something stupid I gotta goGotta go gotta go gotta go before I do s...

Reel Big Fish - Alternative, Baby
well, i see you up on stage andi don't know justwhat you're sayin', but you're my hero...and a g...

Reel Big Fish - Average Man
I just became a member of a club known as the bumbling foolsBotching the game and the best things in life is...

Reel Big Fish - A-w-e-s-o-m-e
Oh yeah!Alright!A-W-E-S-O-M-E! so A-W-E-S-O-M-E!Like tattered sails,The ...

Reel Big Fish - Ban The Tube Top
Youre 17, evil and mean, comfy and cozy nowhere sceneYou cant deny the loser inside all of your bad taste wo...

Reel Big Fish - Beer
[verse]She called me late last night, to say she loved me soIt didn't matter anymore, I s...

Reel Big Fish - Big Fuckin' Star
Now that Im a big star, what am I gonna do?I'm so bored counting all my money, I sit hereand I think o...

Reel Big Fish - Big Star
now that i'm a big star what am i gonna do i'm so bored countin' allmy money. i sit here and i think of you ...

Reel Big Fish - Boss Dj
Theres a steel train coming through, I would take it if I couldAnd I would not lie to you, cause Sunday morn...

Reel Big Fish - Boyfriend
All the kids down in London, and everybody in New York City,if they listen to that "Alternative", if they're...

Reel Big Fish - Brand New Hero
I've got big dreams but no self-esteem, you know? I'd reach for the stars but I can't find my arms All...

Reel Big Fish - Brand New Song
i've got a brand new girlfriendshe is so lovely lovelyi've got a new ex-girlfriendshe is so fat ...

Reel Big Fish - Call You
Got the telephone in my hand, gonna call you up tonight.Planned every word I'll say, I'm gonna do it right....

Reel Big Fish - Cheer Up
You say you're down you cant lose that frownLife sucks. What else is new? Thats tough.There's not much...

Reel Big Fish - Dateless Loser
We are all on our own with no one by our sideYou are so lucky, beautiful and bright All the cool kids ...

Reel Big Fish - Don't Start A Band
Don't start a band no body wants to hear no body wants to hear nobody understandsdon't start a b...

Reel Big Fish - Down In Flames
you don't know me but here i am in your living roomyou don't own me but you paid and that means alot to you...

Reel Big Fish - Drinkin'
she told methat I was lame with her middle finger in my facewont waste her time with such a lose...

Reel Big Fish - Drunk Again
If I had a dollar bill for every time Ive been wrongId be a self-made millionaire and youd still be gone...

Reel Big Fish - Everything Is Cool
i'm so glad you're gone, you just led me onwhere did it go wrong, too bad for too longi live without y...

Reel Big Fish - Everything Sucks
there's a ska band on my street, a little ska bandeverybody thinks that they're so $#&%!# neat,there w...

Reel Big Fish - Fuck Yourself
Why can't she make up her fuckin' mindI'm just sittin' here wastin' so much timeI know it's my fault b...

Reel Big Fish - Go Away
She was never what I wanted,I just wanted someone else.Now Im sittin' here alone, I'msittin' her...

Reel Big Fish - Good Thing
I never felt too good but in this world who wouldI was always thinkin somethin wasn't right But then y...

Reel Big Fish - Hate You
Hey, hey everybody! Look who's on TV, look who just got famousdon't you know it should have been me......

Reel Big Fish - I'll Never Be...
Everybody's lookin' at meThought I saw my face on MTVOr a magazine that she won't read, stoleHer...

Reel Big Fish - I'm Cool
You know I'm cool when all the guys wanna be my friend.And everylittle girl here,they all wanna hold my hand...

Reel Big Fish - I'm Her Man
let me put my finger in your nosewhoa, its not funny, no no no noi can you you lookin down her shirt...

Reel Big Fish - I Want Your Girlfriend To Be My Girlfriend Too
There's a little girl I know,you might know her too,she looks so good, she looks so cute,standin...

Reel Big Fish - Join The Club
was gonna call my friends and get 'em all togetheri was gonna go and start a band,but everything i wan...

Reel Big Fish - Kiss Me Deadly
(lemme tell you what I did. what did you do?)I went to a party last saturday night,I didnt get laid I ...

Reel Big Fish - Last Show
This is the Last ShowI will ever play with youthis is the end of what you put me throughthe Last...

Reel Big Fish - New York, New York
Start spreadin the news, Im leavin todayI want to be a part of it, New York, New YorkThese vagabond sh...

Reel Big Fish - Nothin'
everytime i try so hard i getnothin' (nothin')they say try and you won't fail, iget nothin' (not...

Reel Big Fish - One Hit Wonderful
Fourteen minutes and fifty-nine seconds into our fifteen minutes of fameWhen the luck runs out, I won't wond...

Reel Big Fish - Revolution
[Originally by Tracy Chapman]Don't you know They're talkin' bout a revolution It so...

Reel Big Fish - Rock It With I
Say I've got to save my soulYou know I wont let you go nowNo no I wont let you go nowYou know I ...

Reel Big Fish - Rock 'n' Roll Is Bitchin'
Rock n roll is bitchin yeah, yeahRock n roll is bitchin yeah, yeah Rock n roll is bitchin yeah, yeah, ...

Reel Big Fish - Say Goodbye
i know you feel like a whoreworking for a dream that isn't even yourspleasing everybody but yourself...

Reel Big Fish - Say "ten"
she's not eatin' bacon, noteatin' sausage,and she won't eat eggs,not eatin' chickennot eat...

Reel Big Fish - Scott's A Dork
we like pizza but she doesn't eat the crusti love her and she loves everyoneshe said she likes my band...

Reel Big Fish - Sell Out
[verse]well, I know you can't work in fast food all your lifebut don't sign that paper tonight,...

Reel Big Fish - She Has A Girlfriend Now
she has a girlfriend nowshe has a girlfriend nowshe has a girlfriend now, she said"guys don't do...

Reel Big Fish - She's Famous Now
i've got the measles and she got the mumps i'm sick of waiting by the door in case she comeshome you won't b...

Reel Big Fish - Skatanic
watchin' you sleep,i'm lookin'in your window,everyday i drive pastyour housestandin'...

Reel Big Fish - Snoop Dog, Baby
i just couldn't believe it,when i turned onthe radio, try to run, try tohide, try to keep it ins...

Reel Big Fish - Somebody Hates Me
i just made an enemy of someone i don't knowand they are upset about somethin' that imust have done. i...

Reel Big Fish - Somebody Loved Me
All of my friends- theyre not my friendsA knife in the back, felt it again. What did I do? Was it so wrong?...

Reel Big Fish - Spin The Globe
Flick on the light switch It's your love light Why what a big hand you have Stick out your thumb...

Reel Big Fish - S.r.
BRA Stick'mHa Ha-Ha-Ha Stick'mBRA Stick'mHa Ha-Ha-Ha Stick'mWhat ever happened to su...

Reel Big Fish - Story Of My Life
[Originally by Social Distortion]High school seemed like such a blur,I didn't have much i...

Reel Big Fish - Suckers
Hey everybody Ive got somethin to tell it's what I learned from relationship hell Lust turns to disgust a he...

Reel Big Fish - Take On Me
We're talking awayI don't know what's left to sayI'm sayin' it anywayToday's another day to find...

Reel Big Fish - Thank You For Not Moshing
when i'm in the pit, i'm gonna punch and kickwhen i'm in the pit, don't you know i'm gonna%$@# up $#!%...

Reel Big Fish - The Bad Guy
This is not a song about the one that got awayThis is not a song about the girl who didn't love meOnce...

Reel Big Fish - The Fire
I'm gonna say it like I mean it,We've let this go on to long.You know I'm starting to believe it...

Reel Big Fish - The Joke's On Me
The old days were no funIm not sorry that they're goneI don't miss them and I won't miss them an...

Reel Big Fish - The Kids Don't Like It
got some words, i don't know gonna sing'emhere i go wanna try not to be lamewanna make you feel the sa...

Reel Big Fish - The Set Up (you Need This)
i guess it's not fairfor me to not carebut i don't, and that's whyyou think i'm a great guy...

Reel Big Fish - Trendy
everybody'sdoin' the fishyea! yea! yea!everybody's doin' the fish, yea, yea,yea......

Reel Big Fish - Turn The Radio Off
I hate music, I hate the sceneI hate my records, I hate CDsI hate everyone at shows, and I hate that R...

Reel Big Fish - Unity
[Originally performed by Operation Ivy]There's a war goin' down between my brothers tonight....

Reel Big Fish - Valerie
Back when I met you I didnt have a clue of the horrible agony you would put methroughbut now that weve...

Reel Big Fish - We Care
thanx for the money thanx for dancin' and singin' along and everything you do wejust want you to know we car...

Reel Big Fish - We Hate It When Our Friends Become Successful
[Originally by Morrissey]We hate it when our friends become successfulWe hate it when our...

Reel Big Fish - What Are Friends For
Guess what? They found out about me, You cant count on me- I hate to be wrongGuess what?All thos...

Reel Big Fish - Where Have You Been?
You called me up last night in tears and said you missed me after all these yearsWell Ive been waiting here ...

Reel Big Fish - Why Do All Girls Think They're Fat?
There's a little girl,on my mind,all the time,there's always one,look what shes done...She makes me look at ...

Reel Big Fish - You Don't Know
well first of all i'd like to say %@&# offif you don't get it why don't yougo shove your head back up ...

Reel Big Fish - Your Guts (i Hate 'em)
I wrote this song about youI wrote this song about youJust to let you know that I hate your guts...

Rehab - Crazy People
Sittin' on the corner of 33rd and utter hellYou ain't killed nobody today, but I ain't wellHangin' up ...

Rehab - Hey Fred
Nicoderm patch and a Marlboro redWild turkey out the bottle gauz covers where the wrists bledBegged an...

Rehab - It Don't Matter
Sittin in traffic another day of feeling nothingTrying to find something I guess it's back to huffin'P...

Rehab - Kick My Ass
High on coaine drunk drivin' in the rainGoin' north in the southbound laneRailroad crossing I out run ...

Rehab - Ms. Jones
Ms. JonesMs. Jones gotta yellow birdGotta pretty yellow bird that she be keepin' in a cageMs. Jo...

Rehab - Scarecrow
I am the everything the all knowingThe omnipotent oneI watch the fields I do not feelI circumnav...

Rehab - Thinkin' Again
Satisfaction is power over everything and I'm powerlessGluttony hasn't gone out of style since the fall of m...

Relient K - 12 Days Of Christmas
On the first day of christmas my true love gave to mea Partridge in a Pear TreeOn the seco...

Relient K - 17 Magazine
Talked to my sister late last night. And she gave me some advice. And what she said was right. Talked to my sister...

Relient K - Angels We Have Heard On High
Angels we have heard on highsweetly singing o'er the plainsand the mountians in reply echoing th...

Relient K - A Penny Loafer Saved, A Penny Loafer Earned
Well Brian and me well,We both agree that,That penny loafers are absurd,'Cause I dont know why o...

Relient K - Balloon Ride
There were times in my life when I was confused.There were things between me and God that were blocking my v...

Relient K - Be My Escape
Ive given up on giving up slowly, Im blending in so You wont even know me apart from this whole world that s...

Relient K - Benediction
I know that pride and summertime come before fall. Almost missed the bus, but Jesus gave me a wake up call....

Relient K - Be Rad
Sometimes in a crowd we get talkin' real loud. Making fun of weird folks, turn their lives into jokes. I don't thi...

Relient K - Breakdown
oh, what a lousy excuse for a carone mile to go, but i can't push it that fari think i've had enough...

Relient K - Breakfast At Timpani's
Oh uh... hey good morning tiffany. uh, hey you know what? I just wanted to thank you for this amazing breakfast, ...

Relient K - Chapstick, Chaped Lips And Things Like Chemistry
ok, so, who doesn't own a cell phonewho brought back their permission slipbecause i know nobody wants ...

Relient K - Charles In Charge
New boy in the neighborhoodLives down stairs and it's understood.He's there just to take good care of ...

Relient K - Cojack
Once apon a time I dreamt that you were mine. But I never expected that dream to come true. And now you're in my a...

Relient K - College Kids
someone please save us, us college kids!what my parents told me is what i didthey said go to school an...

Relient K - Combos And Skittles
So this is how the story goes.I want everybody to know.We love Skittles and Combos.So bring some...

Relient K - Deck The Halls
Deck the halls with bought of hollyFa la la la la, la la la laTis the season to be jollyFa la la...

Relient K - Down In Flames
Christians-- we're all afraid of fire.We prefer to suck on pacifiers.Baby pacifists, we're throwing fi...

Relient K - Everything Will Be
It smells so sweet outside today. The sun smiles down, I'm in the shade. I sit and think about all my friends and ...

Relient K - Failure To Excommunicate
It's the principleit's the issue that your principal would dismiss you.Because you don't fit into that...

Relient K - Falling Out
i'm falling out of grace with the worldthey say i've lost my midas touch what turned to gold now turns to ru...

Relient K - Five Iron Frenzy Is Either Dead Or Dying
five iron frenzy they were good, they were good, they were really really really good five ...

Relient K - For The Band
Now for the questionIt just won't go awaySo what are weGonna do todayCuz it seems like...

Relient K - For The Moments I Feel Faint
Am I at the point of no improvement?What of the death I still dwell in?I try to excel, but I feel no m...

Relient K - Forward Motion
whoa-o...i've been banging my head against the wallwhoa-o...for so long it seems i knocked it down, yeah it ...

Relient K - From End To End
excuse me, but i've got a requestcould you take the gag off of my mouthi admit that i'm fairly impress...

Relient K - Getting Into You
When I made up my mindAnd my heart along with thatTo live not for myselfBut yet for God, somebod...

Relient K - Gibberish
arg wu sentafinticate nar dunderfordbida menti kosticated interserdthorphilliate stinded yilla billa z...

Relient K - Handel's Messiah (the Hallelujah Chorus)
Hallelujah, Hallelujah,Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah [3x]For the Lord God omnipotent r...

Relient K - Hello Mcfly
A roll of the diceA slip of the tongueI was stirring up the hornets' nestand finally got me stun...

Relient K - High Of 75
We were talking togetherI said, "what's up with this weather?"Don't know whether or not How sad ...

Relient K - Hoopes I Did It Again
[liner note:]it's a typical cloudy day in canton, ohio, and the relient k boys are trying to score so...

Relient K - I Am Understood?
Sometimes it's embarrassing to talk to youTo hold a conversation with the only one who sees right through...

Relient K - I Celebrate The Day
And with this Christmas wish is missedThe point I could conveyIf only I could find the words to say to...

Relient K - I Hate Christmas Parties
[Performed by Matthew Thiessen & the Earthquakes] [Verse]I hope it snows this...

Relient K - I'm Lion-o
Chillin' at the lair.Snarf, me and the twins.My favorite feline is the one who wore cheetah skins....

Relient K - In Love With The 80's (pink Tux To The Prom)
so it was jeremy in 1983in his ocean pacific twho got a bloody kneeon his skateboardin the...

Relient K - I So Hate Consequences
And Im good, good, good to go I got to get away Get away from all of my mistakesSo here I ...

Relient K - Jefferson Aero Plane
if it hurts,kiss it betteryou wear skirts,i write nice lettersnever said nothing with flow...

Relient K - K Car
Is it just a car or is it so much more? It's a superstar with the gas to the floor. Zero to sixty in remarkable ti...

Relient K - Kick-off
Here's the kick off.Hope your not sick of relient k or all the songs we play.Cause then you'll want to...

Relient K - Less Is More
Jesus, I prayTake all my mistakesThrow them awayDestroy them for my sakeJesus, I cal...

Relient K - Let It All Out
Let it all outget it all outrip it out remove itdon't be alarmedwhen the wound begins to b...

Relient K - Life After Death And Taxes (failure Ii)
Hey taxi, send me straight to the heart of itThe nucleus of politics was somebodySomebody started it...

Relient K - Maintain Consciousness
Our concentration it contains a deadly flawour conversations change from words to blah, blah blahwe to...

Relient K - Maybe It's Maybeline
People make mistakeswe find that everything breaksand it always is the same, gotta find someone to bla...

Relient K - May The Horse Be With You
Bored in a stable with nothing to do.We make a game of throwing our shoes.Lead me to water, but not to...

Relient K - Mood Rings
we all know the girls that i am talking aboutwell they are time bombs and they are tickingand the only...

Relient K - More Than Useless
I feel like, I would likeTo be somewhere else doing something that mattersAnd I'll admit here, while I...

Relient K - My Cape Is Stuck In The Phone Booth
What do I do That amounts to anything at all wake me if I fall... asleep My goals ar...

Relient K - My Girlfriend
Walk through the streets of PA and you may see her.Go up to her and say you're a believer.Disgusting t...

Relient K - My Way Or The Highway...
Should I start this song off with a question?Or should I say what's on my mind.(Add a cello here to ad...

Relient K - Nancy Drew
I got this thing for Nancy Drew. Her hair is blonde her eyes are blue. Yeah, I think that I'm falling in love. I w...

Relient K - Operation
I need an...Take me to a hospitalCuz there's too much blood lost to tellIf I'll make it out aliv...

Relient K - Over Thinking
i was thinkingover thinkingcause there's just too many scenariosto analayzelook in my eyes...

Relient K - Pressing On
I think we're going somewhere.We're on to something good here.Out of mind, out of state.Trying t...

Relient K - Register
Find it funny when the punch-line was You. And You don't like my punk boy attitude. You didn't smile when I checke...

Relient K - Santa Claus Is Thumbing To Town
It was the night before Christmas,And up at the North Pole,Everybody's going crazy;Everything's ...

Relient K - Silent Night/ Away In A Manger
Silent night, Holy nightAll is calm, all is brightRound yon virgin Mother and ChildHoly infant s...

Relient K - Softer To Me
Where am I!? Where are you?There's so much time so little to doWe're busy doing nothing cause it's van...

Relient K - Staples
Cause it hasn't been that longsince you almost hit the tree.Cause it hasn't been that longsince ...

Relient K - The One I'm Waiting For
The way that girl can break a heartIts like a work of artAnd this is the worst partShe knows it...

Relient K - The Only Thing Worse Than Beating A Dead Horse Is Betting On One
Just listen to the politician wishing his position wasn't missing everything his heart would like to s...

Relient K - The Pirates That Don't Do Anything
we are the pirates we don't do anythingwe just stay at home, and lie aroundand if you ask us, to do an...

Relient K - The Rest Is Up To You
I was just aboutto quote Mark Twainwhen I realized thatit's all in vain.A twist of f...

Relient K - This Week The Trend
And this week the trendwas to not wake up till 3pmI picked the few conscious hours that I chose to spe...

Relient K - Those Words Are Not Enough
feelings, inside my headi don't know, but i'm thinking about youunderstand that it's so hard to tell y...

Relient K - Trademark
i think it might just be alrightto leave what matters out of sightold habits die hard, holding on...

Relient K - Untitled
PEPPERONI!and it was all just a dreambaby rhapsoho!i'm the confused neck...

Relient K - Wake Up Call
"It's 3p.m." she said, I said"You're crazy"She said "get out of bed, why are you so lazy? Why waste t...

Relient K - We Wish You A Merry Christmas
so we'll drive as fast as we can gothrough the black night, black ice and all snowtill we see some str...

Relient K - What Have You Been Doing Lately?
What have you been doing lately?Your life could use improving greatly.I just wanted to know what's goi...

Relient K - When I Go Down
I'll tell you flat outit hurts so much to think of thisso from my thoughts I will excludethis ve...

Relient K - When You're Around
Like a child having nightmaresI will run, I'll run into your armsI'll give you all of my cares and...

Relient K - Which To Bury; Us Or The Hatchet
I think you know what I'm getting atI find it so upsetting thatthe memories that you select you keep t...

Relient K - William
My life's been torn apart, stripped down and going nowhere. I don't know where to start, and where to go from ther...

Relient K - Wit's All Been Done Before
I wish I could, innovate,And try to stretch your minds,Cause when often, times guys like me,Do t...

Rem - Aftermath
Now the radio stutters. snaps to life.Some sour song that sets it right.And when London fallsHe'...

Rem - All The Right Friends
I know you sayMaybe some dayI need never be aloneI know I sayIt's the right wayBut y...

R.e.m. - All The Way To Reno (you're Gonna Be A Star)
HummingAll the way to renoDusted the non-believersAnd challenge the laws of chanceNo...

Rem - Animal
Hey what's the big deal? Tell me how to feel? I know where we boomeranged and fell from grace. P...

Rem - Around The Sun
I want the sun to shine on meI want the truth to set me freeI wish the followers would lead with...

Rem - At My Most Beautiful
I've found a way to make you smileI've found a wayA way to make you smileI read bad poetry...

Rem - Bad Day
A Public service announcement followed me home the other day I paid it nevermind. Go away. Shits so th...

R.e.m. - Beach Ball
Tonight's aliveThe beachball's set to flyThose well tequilaed guysWho smile at strangers....

R.e.m. - Beat A Drum
The sun reflected inThe back of my eye.I knocked my head against the sky.The dragonflies a...

R.e.m. - Chorus And The Ring
Hey there now young WillySwing alone, quote the scripturesKeep them guessing which bed you crawled fro...

Rem - Daysleeper
Receiving department, 3 a.m.Staff cuts have socked up the overageDirectives are posted.No callba...

R.e.m. - Disappear
I dragged my feet across a seatJumped out the passenger sideThe only thing worth looking forIs w...

Rem - E-bow The Letter
Look up, what do you see?All of you and all of meFluorescent and starrySome of them, they surpri...

Rem - Electrolite
Your eyes are burning holes through me.I'm gasoline.I'm burnin' clean.Twentieth century go...

Rem - Electron Blue
You're on your ear, the ocean's nearThe light has started to fadeYour high is timed, you found the cli...

Rem - Everybody Hurts
When the day is long and the night, the night is yours alone,When you're sure you've had enough of this life...

Rem - Final Straw
As I raise my head to broadcast my objectionAs your latest triumph draws the final strawWho died and l...

Rem - High Speed Train
When I look into your eyes.Your drop like an anchor eyes.I scudded and clipped the skyJust shy o...

R.e.m. - I'll Take The Rain
The rain came downThe rain came downThe rain came down on me.The wind blew strongThe...

R.e.m. - Imitation Of Life
Charades, pop skillWater hyacinth, named by a poetImitation of life.Like a koi in a frozen pond....

R.e.m. - I've Been High
Have you seen?Have not will travelHave I missed the big reveal?Do my eyes,Do my eyes seem ...

Rem - I Wanted To Be Wrong
You know where I come fromYou know what I feelYou're Yul Brenner WestworldReporting from the fie...

Rem - Leaving New York
It's quiet nowAnd what it bringsIs everythingComes calling backA brilliant night...

Rem - Losing My Religion
Life is biggerIt's bigger than youAnd you are not meThe lengths that I will go toThe dista...

Rem - Make It All Ok
You threw away the ballast and you rowed your boat ashoreDidn't you, now? Didn't you?You made your ult...

Rem - Man On The Moon
Mott the Hoople and the game of Life. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.Andy Kaufman in the wrestling match. Yeah, yeah...

Rem - Nightswimming
Nightswimming deserves a quiet night.The photograph on the dashboard, taken years ago,Turned around ba...

Rem - Orange Crush
Follow me, don't follow meI've got my spine, I've got my orange crushCollar me, don't collar meI...

R.e.m. - Saturn Return
Easy to poke yourself square in the eyeHarder to like yourself, harder to tryThese are espouses...

R.e.m. - She Just Wants To Be
It's not that she walked awayHer world got smallerAll the usual placesThe same destinations...

Rem - Stand
Stand in the place where you liveNow face NorthThink about directionWonder why you haven't befor...

R.e.m. - Summer Turns To High
Mercury is rising stillTurn the fan on highI won't step on my own shadowNo-one wants to cr...

Rem - The Ascent Of Man
So hesitation pulled me backI'm stronger when I don't attractIn your eyes I'm a lamb without a rack...

Rem - The Boy In The Well
Look at this, it's me, walking away.Look at you drowning, on display. Every time I've dropped by, I've...

Rem - The Great Beyond
I've watched the stars fall silent from your eyesAll the sights that I have seenI can't believe that I...

R.e.m. - The Lifting
Grounded 5 a.m.The nightlite is comforting.But gravity is holding you.Once settled into sl...

Rem - The Outsiders
You took me to the restaurant where we first metYou knocked a future shock crowbar upside my headI got...

Rem - The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite
This here is the place I will be staying.There isn't a number. You can call the pay phone.Let it ring ...

Rem - The Worst Joke Ever
You see there's this cat burglar who can't see in the dark.He lays his bets on 8 more lives, walks into a ba...

Rem - Wanderlust
Looks like I pulled a fast oneLooks like I went to townLooks like the world revolves around meLo...

Rem - What's The Frequency, Kenneth?
"What's the frequency, Kenneth?" is your Benzedrine, uh-huhI was brain-dead, locked out, numb, not up to spe...

Renee Olstead - Meet Me Midnight
Meet me midnight, thats when things get nice.My place midnight don't forget the ice.Don't look for me ...

Renee Olstead - Midnight At The Oasis
Midnight at the oasisSend your camel to bedShadows paintin' our facesTraces of romance in our he...

Renee Olstead - Sentimental Journey
I'm gonna take a Sentimental Journey,Gonna set my heart at ease.Gonna make a Sentimental Journey,...

Renee Olstead - Summertime
Summertime and the livin' is easyFish are jumpin', and the cotton is highYour Daddy's rich and your Ma...

Renee Olstead - Taking A Chance On Love
Here I go againI hear those trumpets blow againAll aglow againTaking a chance on loveHere ...

Renee Olstead - What A Difference A Day Makes
What a difference a day makesTwenty-four little hoursBrought the sun and the flowersWhere there ...

Republica - Bitch
I want everything, I want everythingI want a limousine, a diamond ringI want everythingI wanna t...

Republica - Bloke
You've got red shoes, and the sports carYou think you're really cool, I gotta sayYou just don't know w...

Republica - Don't You Ever
Turn your head off, turn the nusic upDont't let it push you downOut of hand get offDon't ever th...

Republica - Drop Dead Gorgeous
Backwords words, he got emShut up, I'm talkingThis time, you'll listenBut when I look at you you...

Republica - Fading Of The Man
Ice cold, Heart stoneYou want fresh meat, But I won't eat itYou can't touch me, Your insides ugly...

Republica - Faster Faster
My skin creepsI'd like to sleepWorld get up without meAnother day that I'll hateAnd it tak...

Republica - From Rush Hour With Love
No Android dreamt of Victoria or tube station allergensJust allergic to the 20th centuryBut hating eve...

Republica - Get Off
One more day on the roller coasterIf I scream they spin me fasterEverything gone backwardsAnd I,...

Republica - Holly
Marilyn baby, wants to be a pop starShe's seventeen, and very unhappyFrankie baby, used to be a big fi...

Republica - Kung Fu Movies
Kowloon gardens, Was some where a short cut through'Til I met you, Now we're lying on your bed...

Republica - Luxury Cage
Future you, Future meYou make the whole damn day feel longerIt's taking me over, It makes me fee...

Republica - Millennium
Everybody's talking 'bout a new beginningA new place to drink in, a fast new boyfriendA new science fo...

Republica - Nothing's Feeling New
Everything that I ever foundI'm switching over to a low tar brandGot cable video with surround sound...

Republica - Out Of The Darkness
Get up, Alarm clock, Lip gloss, what a shockGet dressed, front door, more stress what for?Trapped in y...

Republica - Picture Me
Picture me, on a postcardPicture me, on a magazineCall me on my private numberYou've got my phot...

Republica - Pretty Girl Hate
She said she'd lie for you, She said she'd die for youShe said she'd fly in the sky, Said she'd ...

Republica - Pub Pusher
On Heavenly Sunday as he touches your insidesHe said the last thing on my mind was to cheat on youGo d...

Republica - Ready To Go
You're weird, in tears, too near and too far away,He said, saw red, went home stayed in bed all day,Yo...

Republica - Try Everything
Jimmy came down from the northwest, Said there's a couple of thingsI wanna get off my chest, Lik...

Republica - Wrapp
Wrap your body around me so we are oneWrap your arms and your legs and your hands and your toungeWrap ...

Res - 700 Mile Situation
Now for all the times you must go Notice all the things you leave So what's behind that stare Am...

Res - Golden Boys
Why are you selling dreams of who you wish you could be A prince in all of the magazines They'd have n...

Res - Ice King
Although you're an Ice King Everything that you gave to meComes from the destitute and the tornI...

Res - If There Ain't Nuthin'
I can see our high don't come so quick no more Seems you get your kicks from at some other store Still...

Res - I've Known The Garden
[Chorus:]One of these days the gig is up Shouldn't we take the time now To show our love ...

Res - Let Love
And when the sun runs out No doubts left standing We'll see if Jah wills that we're alone again ...

Res - The Hustler
I've got something with me My soul's kinda gritty Now do I lie or run away Engine engine #...

Res - They-say Vision
I wanna try that pill that people take Make you believe all the things that people say Sick of shuckin...

Res - Tsunami
I feel so nice just when you're here The reason why is not so clear I knew the first time when you tol...

Revis - Caught In The Rain
Is it real?We're always the sameWe're almost alone nowWell, I was caught in the rainWastin...

Revis - City Beneath
The city underneathThat passes byThe city on top of the worldIs the victem to Whatever we ...

Revis - Everything After
Slipped away to the openWatched the shadows deface the groudTill the day we all Belive that we m...

Revis - Living Rooms
So whats your purpose for meWith your intentions in the airSo what if I wanted toAsk youIf...

Revis - Look Right Through Me
I found out You wereIn a messYou caught me playin songs for you Lipstick stains ...

Revis - Places For Breathing
Look around you Do you see what youve gotWith something so beautifulAfraid it would dropIn...

Revis - Re Use
How heavy the sky was outside of my windows And from the inside I watched it go by With all that I've ...

Revis - Seven
Its all overIts all over nowThe seal is brokenCreatures spoken nowI hope you come up...

Revis - Spin
I can see your inner motiveWhen you wear it on your faceIndesposed to the worldYou wont let your...

Revis - Straight Jacket Labels
Words pierce through the airThey make you wearTo get you in a stright jacket label with your face...

Ric-a-che - Coo-coo Chee
Lemme holla atcha (ooo, ooo) come here lemme holla atcha (ooo, ooo)Lemme holla atcha (ooo, ooo) come here le...

Ricky Martin - A Medio Vivir
Despues de tanto tiempo que ha pasado Te parecera mentira Pero no me acostumbro Parece como hubiera si...

Ricky Martin - Amor
Amor, only in a dreamI ever thought you'd find meAmor, fell into a kissAnd left the world behind...

Ricky Martin - Are You In It For Love
Are you in it for loveAre you in it for moneyIf I lost everything would you be there in the morning...

Ricky Martin - Asi Es La Vida
Que dificil es decir lo siento Traicionar un juramento Un aniversario sin promesas Sin un solo b...

Ricky Martin - Asignatura Pendiente
Tengo millas de vuelo para ir a Pluton Tengo un club de fans en la Luna Una casa gigante que veo desde...

Ricky Martin - Ayudame
Que me pasara Cuando te quiero conquistar Nunca he sabido que decir Y te hablo por hablar Que me...

Ricky Martin - Bella (she's All I Ever Had)
Ella dio Un paso atras Un adios Y no queda mas Me dejo la soledad A pleno sol En pleno mar Bella...

Ricky Martin - Besos De Fuego
Sera tu boca que me provoca Sera tu forma de besar Un fuego eterno, un dulce infierno Que me hac...

Ricky Martin - Bombom De Azucar
Hoy alce mi voz Gritando a la ciudad Pues nunca me hablo de tiPues tu llegaste y me cambiaste ...

Ricky Martin - Cambia La Piel
Te tomo la mano y no siento tu manoNos damos un beso y no siento tus labiosEn tus ojos no luce el azul...

Ricky Martin - Casi Un Bolero
Suenan las campanas de mi mente Que tristemente suenan por mi En esta casa sin gente Que me recu...

Ricky Martin - Como Decirte Adios
Como decirte adios Cuando todo es normal No me has dado ni solo motivo Como decirte queMe ...

Ricky Martin - Conmigo Nadie Puede
No es por ti ni en dudar ni en tu modo de ser Yo soy asi de loco me gusta correr Eres bella sexual de ...

Ricky Martin - Corazon
Corazon no vuelvas mas con ella Que me tiene loco esa mujer Si la abrazo tiemblo como un papel Y...

Ricky Martin - Corazonado
Te dire un secreto Y que quede entre tu y yo Siento que te quiero Puede ser que si, puede que no....

Ricky Martin - Corazon Entre Nubes
Es mas fuerte que el placer Mucho mas que una pasion Lo que siento hoy por ti Ni yo mismo se la explic...

Ricky Martin - Dame Mas (loaded Spanish)
Ella baila con swingEso me gusta miVeloz como un homerun de SozaEsta rica esta sabrosamire...

Ricky Martin - Dime Que Me Quieres
Enciende tu motor yo soy tu direccion Las calles de mi amor quitaron el stop ven y ven y ven y ...

Ricky Martin - Donde Estaras
No se porque Estoy cansado del amor Y es que me siento perdido Y sin razonSi vieras como me encu...

Ricky Martin - El Amor De Mi Vida
Yo no se como empezo Solo se que sucedio fue tal vez sin darme cuenta No podia ver la luz hasta ...

Ricky Martin - Ella Es
Ella es sedosa Divertida y enganosa Le tiene alergia a la verdad Cuando le hablo seriamente Me d...

Ricky Martin - Entre El Amor Y Los Halagos
Yo quisiera quererte Lo sabes bien Que no puedo entregarme Tambien Me pareces sincera Pero aun asi ...

Ricky Martin - Eres Como El Aire
Eres como el agua Que entre los dedos se va Eres como el aire Que no se puede tocarEres y no ere...

Ricky Martin - Es Mejor Decirse Adios
Es mejor a veces un adiosQue ver como llega el desamor, Y prefiero recordar lo que fuimosQue con...

Ricky Martin - Fuego Contra Fuego
Sin querer me he vuelto a enamorar ?no sera que siempre ocurre a mi edad? fue un amor relampago que me hace ...

Ricky Martin - Fuego De Noche, Nieve De Dia
Antes de que empiece a amanecer Y vuelvas a tu vida habitual Debes comprender que entre los dos ...

Ricky Martin - Gracias Por Pensar En Mi
Hoy mi tristeza no es pasajera Tengo fiebre de la verdadera Y cuando llegue la noche Cada estrella par...

Ricky Martin - Hagamos El Amor
Busco en tu piel la tormenta Y los rayos El huracan de tu cuerpo Desbocado Haz el amor conmigo ...

Ricky Martin - Hooray! Hooray! It's A Holi-holiday
Un lugar halle yo junto al mar Ali, ali, ho Si tu quieres ir te llevare Ali, ali, ho Hay un manantial ...

Ricky Martin - I Am Made Of You
I came a long way From out of nowhere I stand before you All alone Like a wolf's cry in the distance I...

Ricky Martin - I Count The Minutes
This world don't turn when you're not in my arms The sun don't shine whenever I'm without you And ther...

Ricky Martin - If You Ever Saw Her
Hey! You know what boy?That girl is amazingBut she will drive you crazyLook out!She'...

Ricky Martin - Jaleo
Mil y una vidas ya pas Muchos corazones me rob Siete maravillas pude ver Y solo tu leyenda se es...

Ricky Martin - Jaleo (spanglish)
I have lived a thousand lives or more Stolen broken hearts behind closed doors Seen the seven wonders ...

Ricky Martin - Jams
Jams volvers a mirarme como lo hiciste antes Jams volvers a ser duea del recuerdo de amor Jams volvers...

Ricky Martin - Jezabel
You will walk into a roomYou've got killer eyes that hypnotiseYou're dangerousOh yeah, you're da...

Ricky Martin - Juego De Ajedrez
Cada vez que quedamos es igual Las cosas que me dices no me van a embrujar Se hace tarde me voy ya no ...

Ricky Martin - Juramento
Asi es que te quiero yo A ver quien te quiere mas Te vi tu inocencia cuando te vi por primera v...

Ricky Martin - La Bomba
Es una bebida Que va cambiando tu vida Una gotita de nada Te vuelve locaLoca divertida Agua de r...

Ricky Martin - La Copa De La Vida
La vida es Pura pasion Hay que llenar Copa de amor Para vivir Hay que luchar Un corazon Para gan...

Ricky Martin - Las Almas Del Silencio
Si an te queda tiempo pa' una ltima cancin Pon tu odo en mi tierra y escucha su voz Si lo permite el t...

Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca
She's into superstitions black cats and voodoo dolls. I feel a premonition that girl's gonna make me fall. ...

Ricky Martin - Livin' La Vida Loca (spanish)
La reina de la noche La diosa del vudu Yo no podre salvarme Podras salvarte tu? La tela de la arana, L...

Ricky Martin - Loaded
I've loaded up a good thingTo see the way she feelsFaster than a Sosa homerunShe's gonna get a l...

Ricky Martin - Lola, Lola
Tus ojitos picoteando toda mi piel Tus andares provocando mi castidad Tus besos mitad mentira, mitad v...

Ricky Martin - Lo Que Nos Pase, Pasara
Se que estas prohibida Que hay alguien en tu vida Pero dejame Amarte una vez mas No es una avent...

Ricky Martin - Love You For A Day
Que sera oh que sera The future will be, will be with us I've seen the headlines In the paper They say...

Ricky Martin - Marcia Baila
Marcia Marcia baila Se va quitando su vestido Marcia Marcia baila Pasito a paso yo la sigo Marci...

Ricky Martin - Maria
Un, dos, tres un pasito pa'lante, MariaUn, dos, tres un pasito pa'atras. Un, dos, tres. Un, dos, tres ...

Ricky Martin - Me Amaras
Me amaras Aunque tenga que rogarte me amaras Aunque tenga que obligarte me amaras Eres cosa mia ...

Ricky Martin - Nada Es Imposible
Es tarde ya Pero da igual La noche es fria Las manos ni las sentiaQuietos los dos Callando...

Ricky Martin - Nadie Ms Que Tu
No hizo falta nada ms Fue tan suficiente verlo en tu mirada Clara como cristal Me ensesat...

Ricky Martin - No Importa La Distancia
Una vez sone Que en algun lugar Yo podria ser alguien Si lograse amarY tambien sone Que si he de...

Ricky Martin - No Me Pidas Mas
Llegas Como la tempestad Vuelan tus ropas Rompes mi camisa Vas directa a mi Casi obsesiva No disimulas...

Ricky Martin - One Night Man
COME ON!It's the story of my lifeIt's how it always beginsI see you onceI see you tw...

Ricky Martin - Perdido Sin Ti
Quedate cada noche Y suename en la luna Amame por las calles Perdidas de mi vida Besame po...

Ricky Martin - Popotitos
Mi amor entero es de mi novia popotitos Sus piernas son como un par de carrisitos Y cuando a las fiest...

Ricky Martin - Por Arriba, Por Abajo
Santa Cecilia yo quiero cantar Ay, san meliton ensename el son Santa Lucia la quiero mirar Yo te lo pi...

Ricky Martin - Private Emotion
Every endless night has a dawning day Every darkest sky has a shining ray And it shines on you baby ca...

Ricky Martin - Que Dia Es Hoy
Que dia es hoy no me aguanto Que caray si es mi santo Sin control en mis actos Mal humor me levanto ...

Ricky Martin - Raza De Mil Colores
Son los ecos de mi tierra El sonido de mi tambor [x2]Lo que corre por mis venas Y que sal...

Ricky Martin - Revolucion
Eh, eh Voy disparar a tu soledadSalvar tu corazonEs una revolucionFijate como va mi ...

Ricky Martin - Saint Tropez
There's a place that's full of dangerNot a good place for good girlsIt's a place that's full of strang...

Ricky Martin - Ser Feliz
Te encontre como en un suenoMis palabras torpes sin saber que mas decir Y me pierdo en tus ojos ...

Ricky Martin - Shake Your Bon-bon
I'm a desperado underneath your window.I see your silhouette. Are you my Juliet? I feel a mad co...

Ricky Martin - She Bangs (spanish)
La encontre sola en un barSenti el embrujo de su mirarY fui cayendo en su trampa de amorLa menti...

Ricky Martin - She's All I Ever Had
Here I am. Broken wings, quiet thoughts, unspoken dreams. Here I am. Alone again and I need her now to hold ...

Ricky Martin - Si Tu Te Vas
Si tu te vas Todo se va Se va mi ilusion Y con ella mi razon Si tu te vas es mi vid...

Ricky Martin - Si Ya No Ests Aqu
Si ya no ests aquMi vida es diferente Si ya no ests aquTraspaso entre la gente Soy caminan...

Ricky Martin - Somos La Semilla
Tu y yo locura de amor Cuando el uno aprende a ser dos En la pasion Y a viajar y a sonar y sonar de corazon ...

Ricky Martin - Spanish Eyes
I met a girl at the carnival in Rio de Janeiro. We danced all night on the boulevard,In doorways we di...

Ricky Martin - Susana
Sentada estabas en la sala con buen ambiente musical Aguardando el momento que te abrazara tu galan ...

Ricky Martin - Tal Vez
Tal vez sera que esa historia ya tiene final no se porque hoy te siento tan distante de m que a pesar ...

Ricky Martin - Te Extranjo, Te Olvido, Te Amo
Traigo en los bolsillos tanta soledad Desde que te fuiste no me queda mas Que una foto gris y un trist...

Ricky Martin - Te Voy A Conquistar
Hey bienvenidas hu que suenen esas palmas por ser mis amigas hu eso es. Muy bien vamos ya Vengo ...

Ricky Martin - The Cup Of Life
Do you really want it? [x3]Go, go, go, ale ale ale [x2]Go, go, go, here we go, yeah...

Ricky Martin - The Touch
Oh, it's the middle of the nightAnd I'm reaching out for youIn the darkness I can feel your touch brea...

Ricky Martin - Ven A Mi
Hoy siento que te alejas mas de miY que te pierdo masMi alma es fuerte cuando estoy cerca de tiE...

Ricky Martin - Volveras
Solo tu Solamente tu lo sabras Mira lo que siento Un amor de viento nada masYo que te ame ...

Ricky Martin - Vuelo
En un instante tu amor es causa De aventura nueva De temores y vencida esperanza Y sobre todo de...

Ricky Martin - Vuelve
Algo me dice que ya no volveras Estoy seguro que esta vez No habra marcha atrasDespues de todo f...

Ricky Martin - You Stay With Me
Met you underneath the moon Night was over much too soon We shared a kiss till daylight came And...

Ricky Martin - Y Todo Quedo En Nada
Escucho el comentario De todos mis amigos Que me hallan diferente Estoy tan destruido ...

Riddlin' Kids - Apology
The problems in my headI wish that i could make it easier for you and i to deal with this ...I like to...

Riddlin' Kids - Believe
Look at this world we live in, nobody cares for anything we're doing. I hear the end is near. You're r...

Riddlin' Kids - Blind
You know I've seen it all before. I'd like to see her out the door. But who the hell am I to whine ...

Riddlin' Kids - Can't Think
Roam the streets at night cause I'm not feeling. And, ther's a world of you in everything I see. Try t...

Riddlin' Kids - Crazy
Well I almost blew it. I'm glad I saw right through it. Her other half was out of town, I kind of knew...

Riddlin' Kids - Explanation
It's over nowCause you haven't calledAnd maybe I said somethingAnd that's all my faultI ne...

Riddlin' Kids - Faithful
There I go again throwing caution to the wind. Cause, I can't pretend it's not true and we are only friends....

Riddlin' Kids - Follow Through
You never thought I had the discipline. The way you looked at me, I can see it's true. And, I know tha...

Riddlin' Kids - Get To It
Come on, Come on, Come on,Let's get to itWith you every nightI don't know a way to tell yo...

Riddlin' Kids - Here We Go Again
Well another bad day's gone by.Another day of being angry.Never known a person who could spend so much...

Riddlin' Kids - Hit Me With Your Best Shot
Well youre the real tough cookie with the long historyOf breaking little hearts, like the one in meTha...

Riddlin' Kids - I Feel Fine
Right now I really don't care if I'm alone or if I got you sittin' here. Oh, no look I've done it again. ...

Riddlin' Kids - I Hate You
Tell me what to thinkWhen you look deep into my eyesDo you begin to realizeThat we're in misery?...

Riddlin' Kids - I Want You To Know
I see you all the timeI cant go anywhere without you walking by meAnd I think I must have lost my mind...

Riddlin' Kids - Just Another Day
Another days gone byAnd nothin ever seems to changeAnd everything I loveIm watchin waste away...

Riddlin' Kids - Never Live It Down
Every time you open your eyesYou hope it's alrightWonderin' if it's all in your mindHopin' that ...

Riddlin' Kids - Nowhere To Run
I can't take another day. Seems like everything is slowly fading far away. And I don't know what to th...

Riddlin' Kids - Okay
I don't know I don't care, cause all we ever do is fight And, I relize it's the end but that's all right. ...

Riddlin' Kids - Pick Up The Pieces
Used to be a time where everything I did was right and nothing could go wrong. Nothing could go wrong. ...

Riddlin' Kids - Promise You Anything
Girl I met you beforeI I always wanted it to be more than thisIve got to ask you this timeSo let...

Riddlin' Kids - See The Light
Never thought this time would come this time I can't believe it, And now I don't know what to do. Neve...

Riddlin' Kids - Ship Jumper
So you say youre leavinTurn your back and walk away nowYou never did believe inAny of this anywa...

Riddlin' Kids - Stop The World
I'm walkin' on broken eggshellsTryin' to make some sense of thisTryin' to save face with false appeara...

Riddlin' Kids - Take
Think about the youth. Never knowing what's instore never knowing what they're gonna see. Alway's need...

Riddlin' Kids - Talk Of The Town
Theres this guy in this placeAnd he looks me in the faceAnd he tells me bout this girl that took him h...

Riddlin' Kids - Tina
You walk into this place. The light shines on you're face, and I wish you were mine. There used to be ...

Riddlin' Kids - Turn Around
When you got pissed the other dayI didnt mean to but I called you by your best friends nameWell give m...

Riddlin' Kids - Wasted Away
She doesn't feel like she fits in in the small town she lives in. She doesn't think the same and they can te...

Rihanna - Pon De Replay
[Hook x2:]Come Mr. DJ song pon de replay Come Mr. DJ won't you turn the music up All the ...

Rj Helton - All We Need To Know
Here we areWalking through the darkness of a broken worldAsking whyHere we areStumbling on...

Rj Helton - Canto De Amor
Busque Amor, Pero no pude encontrarloFue como un camino que nunca tiene finAlze mi voz y clame tu nomb...

Rj Helton - Crazy
One by oneThey say these things will come undoneBut these things that they say make it no less true...

Rj Helton - Delicate Child
SevenSo smallIt took foreverTo speak at allA lost childTasting tea...

Rj Helton - Even If
In this moment I will have no fearsThere ain't gonna be no doubt ain't gonna be no tearsAs I'm walking...

Rj Helton - Forgive
This pain goes onDeep inside my heartChanging all that I knewThis feels so wrongI'm tired ...

Rj Helton - Freedom
It's all about that freedom yeahLet the music free ya yeahBa da dat dat da da daIt's all about t...

Rj Helton - Love Song
I could reach but I'd never touched the bottomIt's like a roadA road that has no endI coul...

Rj Helton - Missing Me
I love the way it feels when you touch my handDon't wanna let you goI love the way you say that I am y...

Rj Helton - My Devotion
Start that trackYeahHey RJ, you ready?OhhYeah yoOoo yeah yeah Only when ...

Rj Helton - Tell Me
Tell me if you want me to go. Uh huhAnd I'll be onI'll be on my way Tell me baby...

Rj Helton - Why Don't We Pray
It didn't take much for me to uncoverWhat was going on insideThe look on your face was telling me a st...

R Kelly - 12 Play
[Verse 1:]Yo I got 12 things to say and 12 ways to say em Check it out check it out Do yo...

R Kelly - 2nd Kelly
Hey yo, R. Let me handle my businessI just wanna take over the show for a minuteNot the whole sh...

R Kelly - All I Really Want
Baby, we been knowing each other for a long, long time for somethin' like this to just go and break up everything....

R Kelly - As I Look Into My Life
As I look into my life Searching for that paradiseOh Lord will you help me, find meTake th...

R Kelly - A Soldier's Heart
All hope was goneHard to hang onHard to be strongWas blind, could not seeNothing but walls...

R Kelly - A Woman's Threat
My time, my patience, my loveMy blood, my sweat, my tearsMy burdens, my drama, my painMy car, my...

R Kelly - Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby
[Spoken]Anything you want babyAnything your heart desiresBecause you've been there for me...

R Kelly - Break Up To Make Up
[R. Kelly]Mmmmm.. ohhhh, ohhhohhhhhOooohhh.. ohhh no, mmmmm[Chorus: R. Kelly + (...

R Kelly - Bump N' Grind
My mind is tellin me no but my body my body's tellin me yes I (baby) don't want to hurt nobody But the...

R Kelly - Chocolate Factory
When I discovered you I discovered a piece within, joy like no other, your my closest friend, if you could b...

R Kelly - Dancing With A Rich Man
EntreaAy, tantas cosas que quieroDecirte yo quiero Hacer por tiBut first we must dancce...

R Kelly - Did You Ever Think
[1] - Did you ever think that you would be this richDid you ever think that you would have these hits...

R Kelly - Don't Put Me Out
Baby now I realize All of those times I told you I loved youI just didn't show itI'm sorry...

R Kelly - Don't You Say No
Don't you say no tonight (ooh)Don't you say no tonight (don't you say no baby)Don't you say no tonight...

R Kelly - Down Low
Listen girl you want me but he needs youYet you're tellin' me that everything is coolTryin' to convinc...

R Kelly - Down Low Double Life
Down low double life1, 2 equals us, she, she and me, I fell in lovesHow could something so right go so...

R Kelly - Dream Girl
So amazing, unbelievacle, miraculous women you are.Incredible, unforgetable, your the worlds greatest by far...

R Kelly - Etcetera
Baby, I'm so glad you're over hereNow I get to show you all the thingsThat I been wanting to show you ...

R Kelly - Feelin' On Yo Booty
[1] - This is my song for real, no doubtSaid the DJ's making me feel thugged outAs I walk you t...

R Kelly - Feelin On Yo Booty (remix)
Damn,This sound real familiarThis sound real familiar[Chorus :] What remix is this?...

R Kelly - Forever
Baby I have something that I want to ask you Baby so sit back and listenHey beloved we are here, to join eac...

R Kelly - Forever More
Baby, I've just been sitting here thinking, how blessed I am to have someone like you in my life and I'm so ...

R Kelly - For You
I understand your every needs and how you feel about, the way, he left you.Take my hand, come go with me....

R Kelly - Get Up On A Room
Baby, we both just sittin' hereWe need to get somewhere privateJust you and me, listenIt's...

R Kelly - Gotham City
I'm lookin over the skyline of the cityHow loud, quiet nights in the mist of crimeHow next door to hap...

R Kelly - Gotham City (remix)
Gotham city for the ghetto ghetto [2x]Uhhh Yo yo! Everybody's talkingabout the good old d...

R Kelly - Half On A Baby
Oh, na, na, na, na, na, naYour body, na, na, na, naOh, na, na, na, na, na, naYou're body, na na ...

R Kelly - Happy People
Ladies and gentlemenThis here is another one for tha steppasDJ Wayne WilliamsPut the record on...

R Kelly - Heart Of A Woman
There are so many answers to the question what ya'll do for us and so many reasons for the word why we love ...

R Kelly - Heaven, I Need A Hug
I'm just bein' real, you knowI'm like the sun, I'm tryin' to shine on everybodyYou know what I'm sayin...

R Kelly - Homie Lover Friend
Homieee lover friend is what im looking for,Some one who can relate to what i have in store,She can ki...

R Kelly - Hump Bounce
It's SaturdayI'm ready to go out and have some funGet in the club around 'bout twelvishMe my hom...

R Kelly - I Believe I Can Fly
I used to think that I could not go onAnd life was nothing but an awful songBut now I know the meaning...

R Kelly - I Can't Sleep Baby
Girl I must have been crazy To say that it was overI had to be a fool To yell out we were throug...

R Kelly - I Decided
[Chorus]I decided to stay home toniteI decided I'ma treat you rightI decided to be there ...

R Kelly - I Don't Mean It
Baby, oh babyI know we had an argument and allOoh babeAnd I must have said some pretty foul shit...

R Kelly - If
I mean everybody say "What if." What if I could fly? What if man could fly for real? Wouldn't that be something? M...

R Kelly - If I Could Make The World Dance
Ba-da-ba-da (woah)Ba-da-ba-da (woah)Ba-da-ba-da (woah)Bu-da (you)Bu-da-bu-da (woah)B...

R Kelly - If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time
How did I ever let you slip awayNever knowing I'd be singing this song some dayAnd now I'm sinking, si...

R Kelly - If I'm Wit You
I don't understandI do all this for youYou contemplating on meOr is it him Or is it me...

R Kelly - Ignition
You remind me of somethin'I just can't think of what it isGirl, please let me stick my key in yo...

R Kelly - Ignition (remix)
Now,um,usually I dont do this but uh....Go head' on and break em off wit a lil' preview of the remix.......

R Kelly - I Like The Crotch On You
I like the ... with big booties in 'emI like the crotch on youI want what you've got babyG...

R Kelly - I'll Never Leave
Shut upI don't ever wanna hear you say that againBaby, i'm not goin; nowhereLook at me, you unde...

R Kelly - Imagine That
Close your eyesNow relax your mindNow I want you to picture yourself far far away(Prepare yourse...

R Kelly - I Mean (i Don't Mean It)
[Intro]Yeah, like I was sayingI ain't, ya know whatI'm not tryin' to say things to hurt y...

R Kelly - I Surrender
Yeah I know, y'know, what a calling isI mean we all have a calling in our life, I believeYou know I'm ...

R Kelly - It Seems Like You're Ready
Temperatures rising, And Your body's yearnin' for me. Girl, lay it on me, I place no one above t...

R Kelly - It's Your Birthday
SurpriseGirl I bet you thought I had went and forgotIt's a special dayTonightYour gift wil...

R Kelly - I Wish
I wish, I wish, I wishTo every cityI wish, I wish, I wishEvery hoodI wish, I wish, I wish...

R Kelly - Just A Touch
I was on my wayTo getting close to youUntil you flipped the script on meAnother personality...

R Kelly - Just Like That
[R-Kelly]Oh baby , If I could Explain the joy I feel .......Oooh If I could explain the j...

R Kelly - Ladies' Night (treat Her Like Heaven)
Uh, yeah, uh huh, uhGo ladies, go ladiesGo ladies, go ladiesGo ladies, go ladiesGo ladies,...

R Kelly - Leap Of Faith
There is strength deep inside me that I never knew I had There's a fire within burnin' bright There is...

R Kelly - Like A Real Freak
[Intro]YeahYou know2000, TP, C'mon uh uhC'mon yeah C'monRock Land baby, C'mon...

R Kelly - Looking For Love
Out of all the girls I've loved beforeOut of all the stages I've performed onOut of all of the cities ...

R Kelly - Love Signals
Yeah, yeah, yeahWoah, woah, woahThere areSo many people around the world lacking love...

R Kelly - Love Street
Hey yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahOh woah woah ohYeah yeah yeah yeahWoah woah ohIt seems w...

R Kelly - Not Gonna Hold On
Can't you see we were meant to be, oh babyDown for each other for eternity, oh baby, babyLet me know i...

R Kelly - One Man
Baby, I'm sorry (Not gonna let you down)Sorry for the things that happened to you, babeFor what ...

R Kelly - One Me
[Chorus ]There can only be one me(can't nobody can't nobody do your body like me) [2X ]...

R Kelly - Only The Loot Can Make Me Happy
RocklandIn my lifeUhh, Track MastersYou're all I need in my lifeMake moneyYou're all...

R Kelly - Peace
(Peace) it's what I prayer for(Peace) oh my(Peace)(Peace) all around the world(Peace) it's...

R Kelly - Prayer Changes
Somebody just look back over your life andSee where he brought you fromHow many of you know? ...

R Kelly - Pussy
[Chorus (Jay-Z)]The power of the P-U-S-S-Y,Thatz why every mutherfucka in the world dress fly....

R Kelly - R&b Thug
Ooh, ooh, oohAhh, ahh, ahhUhh, uhh, uhh, yeah, yeah, yeahOoh, ooh, oohAhh, ahh, ahhY...

R Kelly - Reality
She didn't have a house, a house up in the hillsI never heard her ask for some car with the chromed out whee...

R Kelly - Red Carpet (pause, Flash)
Oooo Yeah Yeah Yeah Ooo Yeah Yeah Yeah Check 12 Its the piperAKA Kellz I'm in the bulding Right now an...

R Kelly - Religious Love
Dearly beloved, why did you goWhen being with you forever is all I hopeSlowly the rain is falling in o...

R Kelly - Sadie
Early one Sunday morningBreakfast was on the tableThere was no time to EatShe said to me b...

R Kelly - Sex In The Kitchen
Girl you're in the kitchenCooking me a mealSomething makes me wanna come in there and get a feel...

R Kelly - Sex Me (part 1) / Sex Me (part 2)
Yea 1993 Check this freaky style i was born with I feel so freaky tonight And i need someone to ...

R Kelly - She's Got That Vibe
A yo R. KellyWhat's up manYou been spending a lot of time with this girl manI don't know man ...

R Kelly - Spendin' Money
[1] - All that money I spendAll those places I beenI can't forget you babeHere's life wit...

R Kelly - Spirit
I can see my destination , I can hear my callNo more hesitation this time I'm going for allCause I kno...

R Kelly - Step In The Name Of Love
Many lovers has come, andMany lovers have gone.Similar to an old fashion song(A thousand years f...

R Kelly - Step In The Name Of Love (remix)
[talking]now, now, now --see u got to understand stepping is not just a dance its a its a culture--it...

R Kelly - Step Into My Room
Yo, what's up baby?I don't see no sign on my door that says it's closed[Chorus]Step...

R Kelly - Steppin' Into Heaven
It's the Piper y'allI just wanna know what y'all are doin' this weekendHa, haI got somethin' goi...

R Kelly - Strip For You
Hey baby...What you doin'?Well, stay there.I got a surprise for you.I'm on my way over....

R Kelly - Suicide
[1] - I say the easiest thing in the worldIs to love youAnd the hardest thing in the world...

R Kelly - Summer Bunnies
Girl, you know you knock me outYou're a real girl with your looks now babyGirl you know you knock me o...

R Kelly - Tempo Slow
What's up babyI know what you're thinkingWhat did I call you over here for I wanna take you some...

R Kelly - Thank God It's Friday
Finally the weekend's come And everything is goin' downNine to five and now it's time For me to ...

R Kelly - The Chase
This is Player Hater One reporting from PHD base. Over.This is PHD base, go ahead Hater One.Yeah, we h...

R Kelly - The Diary Of Me
Umm pum-pum-pumPum-pum, pum-pum, pum-pumLook behind myselfAs I reflect on all the memories...

R Kelly - The Greatest Sex
From beyond this bed of mine I seeCeiling fans with you on top of meAnd the window blinds are filled w...

R Kelly - The Greatest Show On Earth
How many of you can step?Who can step? Can you step?Can you really step? Can you cut a rug?Aight...

R Kelly - The Opera
Enter into my roomDim the lights and hop right into bed with meI will satisfy your needs going half on...

R Kelly - The Return
[Intro]Halt! Who goes there?It is I sire Tone from Brooklyn.Well, speak up man what is it...

R Kelly - The Storm Is Over Now
I was in a tunnelAnd couldn't see the lightAnd whenever I'd look upI couldn't see the skyS...

R Kelly - The World's Greatest
I am a mountainI am a tall treeOhhh, I am a swift windSweepin' the countryI am a river...

R Kelly - Thoia Thoing
[Intro:]Thoia thoia thoia thoia thoing thoing (uh)Thoia thoia thoia thoia thoing (It's Kellz)...

R Kelly - Tp-2
Hit it hard from the backRoll around on the frontI know you've heard a lot of tracksBut 12 Play ...

R Kelly - Trade In My Life
[Chorus]Trade in my life Oh for you, oh yes, oh yesTrade in my life for youSi...

R Kelly - Up And Outta Here
I was so wrapped up in all of the finer thingsThat I never took the time to show yaWhat you meant to m...

R Kelly - U Saved Me
I was riding in my car one dayIn the express lane rollin on the freewayAnd suddenly the phone rings th...

R Kelly - Weatherman
1-2-3 L-O-V-E (love-love yeah)What's up America and the rest of the WorldIt's the piedpiper, your musi...

R Kelly - What I Feel / Issues
I'm sick and tired of the games you playedEvery move I make your ass got something to sayScandalize my...

R Kelly - When A Woman's Fed Up
I'm standing here looking in the mirrorSaying "damn" to myselfI should have known the day would come...

R Kelly - When I Think About You
When I wake up in the morning time and see the sun I sayHallelujah, thank you Jesus for waking me up today...

R Kelly - You Knock Me Out
You got you got you got (whooo)Come on baby and show me what you gotCome on baby (don't be shy, no don...

R Kelly - You Made Me Love You
The power of loveThe power of loveListenSaid ISaid I didnt, said I didnt, said I didnt wan...

R Kelly - Your Body's Callin'
Yeah, I don't want you to hold back any longer babyCause tonight, I'm gonna give you all the little things ...

R Kelly - You Remind Me Of Something
You remind me of somethingI just can't think of what it is[1] - You remind me of my jeep,...

R.l. - Good Man
You could catch me in the Gentlemens clubSubstitutin lap dances just for love, love, lovegoin home to ...

Robbie Williams - Ain't That A Kick In The Head
How lucky can one guy be? I kissed her and she kissed meLike the fella once said, "Ain't that a ...

Robbie Williams - Antmusic
Well I'm standing here looking at youWhat do I see?I'm looking straight throughIt's so sad when ...

Robbie Williams - Are You Gonna Go My Way
I was born long ago I am the chosen I'm the one I have come to save the day And I won't leave un...

Robbie Williams - Average B-side
You say you're sick and tiredOf feeling sick and tiredI walked and told the truthDo you wish I'd...

Robbie Williams - Baby Girls Window
I've got you rainbows seen your sunbeamsI know a place where heaven breathesAnd it's through her windo...

Robbie Williams - Better Days
I'm gonna write you a letterI think the sooner the betterCause the time is right to find a better day...

Robbie Williams - Better Man
Send someone to love meI need to rest in armsKeep me safe from harmIn pouring rainGi...

Robbie Williams - Beyond The Sea
Somewhere beyond the seaSomewhere waiting for meMy lover stands on golden sandsAnd watches the s...

Robbie Williams - By All Means Necessary
Canned laughter for applauseYou've opened doorsIn and out of their wivesIn and out of your small...

Robbie Williams - Cheap Love Song
Take your time, to unwindYou will find it's love you are livingClear the space, find a placeYou ...

Robbie Williams - Clean
There was a timeWhen crazy days would start with wineAnd now I tow a different lineI stay in bed...

Robbie Williams - Coke & Tears
[Spoken: "Ok settle down you all, settle down lady, he's gonna be on stage real soon, that's right Mama put ...

Robbie Williams - Come Fly With Me
Come fly with me, let's fly let's fly away If you can use some exotic booze There's a bar in far Bomba...

Robbie Williams - Come Undone
So unimpressed, but so in aweSuch a saint, but such a whoreSo self-aware, so full of shitSo inde...

Robbie Williams - Cursed
Dig your polished nails into the dirtRip your skirt off, wipe the hurt offYou know it tears my heart o...

Robbie Williams - Deceiving Is Believing
I always have an alibiYou allow me thereBut tonight I have no conscienceSo what comes after that...

Robbie Williams - Do Nothing Till You Hear From Me
Do nothing till you hear from mePay no attention to what's saidWhy one should tear the seam of anyone'...

Robbie Williams - Ego A Go Go
Where were you when you stole my prideDid you ever get the feeling that someone diedHide away in your ...

Robbie Williams - Eternity
Close your eyes so your don't hear thenThey don't need to see you cryI can't promise I will heal you...

Robbie Williams - Every Time We Say Goodbye
Everytime we say goodbye I die a little Everytime we say goodbye I wonder why a littleWhy ...

Robbie Williams - Falling In Bed (again)
I met her at an aftershow party I said have we met before? She said hardly She had a curry stain...

Robbie Williams - Feel
Come and hold my handI wanna contact the livingNot sure I understandThis role I've been given...

Robbie Williams - Forever Texas
First you say you want meThen you don't want me reallyBaby do I scare youAm I talkin' too freely...

Robbie Williams - Get The Joke
Put my hand on the BibleDo me for liableIt's suing season,And I am brokeBuy me some ...

Robbie Williams - Grace
Sometimes I feel like I amSailing on a sunken dreamI try to read the signsBut I don't know what ...

Robbie Williams - Handsome Man
Hello. Did you miss me?I know I'm hard to resistY'all can come and help me pick the sweetcorn out of t...

Robbie Williams - Happy Song
Let's all make babiesAnd salsa from Sainsbury'sCos this is a Happy SongPlay on my pink flute...

Robbie Williams - Have You Met Miss Jones?
Have you met Miss JonesSomeone said as we shook handsShe was just Miss Jones to me Then I ...

Robbie Williams - Heaven From Here
Know no fear I'll still be here tomorrowBend my ear I'm not gonna go awayYou are love so why do you sh...

Robbie Williams - Hello Sir
Hello Sir, remember me?I'm the man you thought I'd never beThe boy who you reduced to tearsLad c...

Robbie Williams - Hot Fudge
Queen bitch eat the richI'm on the second course todayI'm not the first and I won't be the worst...

Robbie Williams - How Peculiar
How peculiarI am all of the above babeJohnny long strokes to the graveSaving all the stamp...

Robbie Williams - I Am The Res-erection
(Hello, hello, hello)Yoko's cutting keys in SohoI've been there and I should know oh face it...

Robbie Williams - If It's Hurting You
Please don't think of meIf you do you gotta block itI got chills tonightAnd you can't be here to...

Robbie Williams - It's Only Us
And they want us to grow up We don't want to get a job We all need a decent rock Where it's all ...

Robbie Williams - It Was A Very Good Year
When I was seventeen, it was a very good year. It was a very good year for small town girls and soft summer ...

Robbie Williams - I Wouldn't Normally Do This Kind Of Thing
Ask me why,I say it's most unusualHow can I even try to explainWhy today I feel like dancing...

Robbie Williams - Jesus In A Camper Van
Ooh we've got a live one, featherweight iconHeroes let 'im down so he sleeps with theLight onAnd...

Robbie Williams - John's Gay
We've learnt to kick a ball, but we're not quite cynicalAnd we've written on the wall, John's gay He's gay...

Robbie Williams - Karaoke Overkill
We're all so chic living in class APartying and search sweet sorrow today When you don't know who your...

Robbie Williams - Karma Killer
(talking: You've been naughty...very very naughty)Are you cut upOr do you easily forgetAre you s...

Robbie Williams - Killing Me
I don't mind the abuseIt fills in timeWhen I'm not much useBut it's killing me, killing me slowl...

Robbie Williams - Knutsford City Limits
You said I was northern scumI was wounded babyThat's fighting talk where I'm fromAnd I'm not mov...

Robbie Williams - Kooks
Will you stay in our lover's storyIf you stay you won't be sorryCos we believe in youSoon you'll...

Robbie Williams - Lazy Days
Lazy days calling to youCome out to playThe future lies with youNow you can be sure love is the ...

Robbie Williams - Let Love Be Your Energy
Out of a million seedsOnly the strongest one breathesYou made a miracle motherI'll make a man ou...

Robbie Williams - Let Me Entertain You
Hell is gone and heaven's hereThere's nothing left for you to fearShake your arse come over here...

Robbie Williams - Life Thru A Lens
Wake up on Sunday morningAnd everything feels so boringIs that where it endsWith your life thru ...

Robbie Williams - Love Calling Earth
This is love calling earthDo you know how much it hurts?I didn't die overnightIn the wind I had ...

Robbie Williams - Love Cheat
It's the end of the night I want to know youGet the phone, call a cab and take you home yeahI th...

Robbie Williams - Mack The Knife
Oh the shark has pretty teeth, dearAnd he shows them pearly whiteJust a jack knife has MacHeath, dear...

Robbie Williams - Making Plans For Nigel
We're only making plans for NigelWe only want what's best for himWe're only making plans for Nigel...

Robbie Williams - Man For All Seasons
One eye on the shadows, protecting his fellows,From sun up till the moon on his back.Send the villains...

Robbie Williams - Man Machine
Sitting in the cheap seats underneathThe starsI'm heading back to base, I'll drop you offAt Mars...

Robbie Williams - Misunderstood
Trying to be misunderstood,But it doesnt do me any good, Love the way they smiled at meHeld that...

Robbie Williams - Monsoon
I've sung some songs that were lameI've slept with girls on the game.I've got my Catholic shameL...

Robbie Williams - Mr. Bojangles
I knew a man BojanglesAnd he'd dance for youIn worn out shoes With silver hair a ragged sh...

Robbie Williams - Nan's Song
You said when you'd die that you'd walk with me every dayAnd I'd start to cry and say please don't talk that...

Robbie Williams - No Regrets
Tell me a storyWhere we all changeAnd we'd live our lives togetherAnd not enstranged...

Robbie Williams - Old Before I Die
She's taking me placesI should never have beenShe's showin' me facesI should never have seen...

Robbie Williams - One For My Baby
It's quarter to three, there's no one in the placeExcept you and meSo set 'em' up Joe, I got a little ...

Robbie Williams - One Of God's Better People
You're one of God's better peopleAnd you don't knowThat's why you're specialAnd I cry so I can t...

Robbie Williams - Phoenix From The Flames
Silence shields the painSo you say nothingFeel they've rigged the gameAnd you're done with lovin...

Robbie Williams - Radio
OuchHe's chosen my atticI feel it in the staticHe lives in my basementAnd I can hard...

Robbie Williams - Revolution
Don't fight the feeling, relaxOh child the knot's in your back'Cause you've been holding onI fee...

Robbie Williams - Rock Dj
Me with the floorshowKickin' with your torsoBoys getting highAnd the girls even more soWav...

Robbie Williams - Rocks
Dealers keep dealin'Thieves keep thievin'Whores keep whorin'Junkies keep scorin'Trade is o...

Robbie Williams - Rome Munich Rome
Rome Munich RomeAll the women and the money I've blownRome Munich RomeThere's still a shitload o...

Robbie Williams - Sexed Up
Loose lips sunk shipsI'm getting to grips with what you saidNo it's not in my headI can't awaken...

Robbie Williams - She Makes Me High
Ah, yeah, yeah Oh Baby She is callingAnd you don't want to answer back I'm falling ...

Robbie Williams - She's The One
I was her she was meWe were one we were freeAnd if there's somebody calling me onShe's the one...

Robbie Williams - Singing For The Lonely
Singing for the lonelyYou're not the only ones who feel thisSo scared of what we're doingAll the...

Robbie Williams - Something Beautiful
You can't manufacture a miracleThe silence was pitiful that day.A love is getting too cynicalPas...

Robbie Williams - Song 3
Come join the bandCome shag the damnedGod I blow them awayA heart of chromeA broken home...

Robbie Williams - South Of The Border
I know a freaky young ladyName of Cocaine KatieShe makes my temperature freezeShe's got a blood ...

Robbie Williams - Stalkers Day Off (i've Been Hanging Around)
I've been hanging aroundJust in case you fall in love with meI know you have doubts I hear when ...

Robbie Williams - Stand Your Ground
Stand your groundYou're big enoughStand your groundYou know too muchToday drifts into tomo...

Robbie Williams - Straighten Up And Fly Right
A buzzard took a monkey for a ride in the air,The monkey thought that everything was on the square....

Robbie Williams - Strong
My breath smells of a thousand fagsAnd when I'm drunk I dance like me DadI've started to dress a bit l...

Robbie Williams - Supreme
Oh it seemed forever stopped today All the lonely hearts in LondonCaught a plane and flew awayAn...

Robbie Williams - Teenage Millionarie
[Announcer:]Hi out there. This is Shaun Goldberg and you're listening to W.A.N.K.This evening I...

Robbie Williams - The Full Monty Medley
You've done it all, you've broken every code and pulled the Rebel to the floor You spoilt the game, no...

Robbie Williams - There Are Bad Times Just Around The Corner
They're out of sorts in SunderlandAnd terribly cross in KentThey're down in HullAnd the isle of ...

Robbie Williams - There She Goes
There she goesThere she goes againChasing through my faceAnd I just can't containThis feel...

Robbie Williams - The Road To Mandalay
Save me from drowning in the seaBeat me up on the beachWhat a lovely holidayThere's nothin...

Robbie Williams - These Dreams
She lies on the bedWith her hands in her headAnd she screamsHe gets a kick out of losing the plo...

Robbie Williams - Things
Ev'ry night I sit here by my window (window)Starin' at the lonely avenue (avenue)Watching lovers holdi...

Robbie Williams - Toxic
Sticks and stones may break my bonesBut names can burn a happy homeIt's trueI've got words for y...

Robbie Williams - United
You sit and scream at all the scandalThat put the monkey on your back Don't put your idols on a mantel...

Robbie Williams - Walk This Sleigh
Peace on earth see two old menWe're gonna get boozed up againI'm an actor, pope, messiahs Roasti...

Robbie Williams - Win Some, Lose Some
We didn't think it'd last beyond summerI met her father she met my motherWe didn't have anywhere else ...

Rob Mills - Bad Timing
One little mistake Leads to one big problem Slipped out of my hands Everything that I've ever wa...

Rob Mills - Can't Sleep
I love it when the light reflects on your beautiful brown eyes But lately when we fight it leaves me so mess...

Rob Mills - Control
Ask me the question You might not get the answer you wanna hear You can predict my fortune I wil...

Rob Mills - Dirty Girl
Girl you're buggin' me Sure enough you're always busy pushin' me You don't want to treat me like that ...

Rob Mills - Every Single Day
Seems only yesterday When you put your faith away And you slammed the door and locked your heart away ...

Rob Mills - Goodbye
Well I'm hearing the voice inside my head again It's just like the time, and the time before that Well...

Rob Mills - Holding On
I feel like something's going down Too many things that I can frown upon And I don't, like to feel tha...

Rob Mills - I Confess
I like to party, I like to cruise I only like it when I'm feelin' kinda bruised My mind is dirty when ...

Rob Mills - Inviting
You like to play with yourself Don't wanna share your toys Now they sit on the shelf You're hang...

Rob Mills - Ms Vanity
Calls at 3 am And stands you up again She has ten thousand friends It's just the way she is ...

Rob Mills - Overrated
I've been thinking about you And I don't like it I've been walking around here Far too long ...

Rob Mills - Right Here
No one makes me smile Laugh or even cry The way that you do So tell me that there's others ...

Rob Mills - That's All You Are
Yesterday I couldn't say this Yesterday I would have said yes I'm happy you've changed your mind ...

Rob Thomas - All That I Am
I am the one winged bird for flyingSinking quickly to the groundSee your faith in me subsidingSe...

Rob Thomas - Fallin' To Pieces
Pray you don'tLose your placeDead of nightUnderwayAll your daysPass you by...

Rob Thomas - I Am An Illusion
Take this confusionRunnin' round my headTake back my unkind wordsLay that weight on me instead...

Rob Thomas - Lonely No More
Now it seems to meThat you know just what to sayWords are only wordsCan you show me something el...

Rob Thomas - My, My, My
The light from the window is fadingYou turn on the nightThe sound from the avenue's calling youO...

Rob Thomas - Now Comest The Night
When the hour is upon usAnd our beauty surely goneNo you will not be forgottenNo you will not be...

Rob Thomas - Something To Be
Hey manI don't wanna hear about love no moreI don't wanna talk about how I feelI don't really wa...

Rob Thomas - Streetcorner Symphony
It's morningI wake upThe taste of summer sweetness on my mindIt's a clear dayIn this city...

Rob Thomas - This Is How A Heart Breaks
Don't you wanna go for a rideJust keep your hands insideAnd make the most out of lifeNow don't y...

Rob Thomas - When The Heartache Ends
It's never easy and you never knowWhat leaves you cryingAnd what makes you wholeThere ain't no w...

Robyn - Bumpy Ride
Sometimes life can be a bumpy rideSometimes it feels like you're drivin with covered eyesAnd you liste...

Robyn - Don't Want You Back
I know what can I expect you're just a manBut even But even a man should understand his woman...

Robyn - Do You Know (what It Takes)
Don't you know i can see what you're doingRunnin' around with your cheap talk, cheap talkWhat I need i...

Robyn - Do You Really Want Me (show Respect)
Boy listen to me careful nowCause this is something every man should knowOh this is a lesson about how...

Robyn - Here We Go
I couldn't wait another minute when I had you here again'Cause baby it's been more than minutes since we wer...

Robyn - How
Often things in life don't make senseIt's when the timing is right thins can happenAnd I feel that my ...

Robyn - In My Heart
Hope things will get better 'cause that's what I needI think about the good times that we had and now I see ...

Robyn - I Wish
Do you know what I think all these nights when I can't sleep, sleep at allSlowly I close my eyes My th...

Robyn - Just Another Girlfriend
You say that I am all a gilr like me could beAnd you say that all that you need you find in meAnd that...

Robyn - Robyn Is Here
Robyn is hereRobyn is hereRobyn is here gotta let you knowLend me your ears can you hear my flow...

Robyn - The Last Time
Ever since I was a little girl even younger than I am nowI always felt good about you in a special way, I do...

Robyn - Where Did Our Love Go
Thoughts about you and me Thinkin' about what we used to beLove was strong so were we Until one ...

Robyn - You've Got That Something
Look at me here I amI'm givin all of my lovin' every day of my life to youAll you see can be yours...

Rob Zombie - Bring Her Down (to Crippletown)
I went out walking to CrippletownMy crutch hit the floor with a boney soundNow all the girls go beep b...

Rob Zombie - Call Of The Zombie
And out of the darkness, the Zombie did callTrue pain and suffering he brought to them allAway ran the...

Rob Zombie - Dead Girl Superstar
well, she threw downtown on a gambling greenand fenced a chicken dog in a moviea long haired baby got ...

Rob Zombie - Demonoid Phenomenon
Hell on EarthFor What It's WorthDead on DreamingYou started screamingThe wizard of how...

Rob Zombie - Demon Speeding
Hey, do ya love me. I'm untouchable darknessA dirty black river to get you through thisHey, do ya love...

Rob Zombie - Dragula
Dead I am the one, Exterminating sonSlipping through the trees, strangling the breezeDead I am the sky...

Rob Zombie - Feel So Numb
I feel so good I feel so numb yeah Mud bath, acrobat, a midnight driveeverybodys slippin everybo...

Rob Zombie - (go To) California
Blonde haired baby standing by the roadA pistol in her hand and talking on the phoneSaid go to Califor...

Rob Zombie - Halloween (she Get So Mean)
Aw! Pack the moon with coffin, eyes so crazy for the deadshe go-go in the devils house with a satan on the b...

Rob Zombie - Hands Of Death (burn Baby Burn)
Sometimes the wicked ones????????? the mortal stingI am the only one?Across the dreary plane?...

Rob Zombie - House Of 1000 Corpses
She had a corpseUnder her bedShe had her funBut now he's deadHear momma saidCome fee...

Rob Zombie - How To Make A Monster
She freak out at a damaged life like a jailbait in the parkA teenage wolf with a bloody knife going down in ...

Rob Zombie - Iron Head
what is the purposedemonoid phenomenonregulate the flux and refluxso get it onloose upon t...

Rob Zombie - Meet The Creeper
Creature core you can't ignoreI got a 5000 fingers of dead yeahA Rats are we you can't break free...

Rob Zombie - Never Gonna Stop (the Red, Red Kroovy)
yeahmy durango number 95take me to the homekick bootsand ultra livesee heaven flash...

Rob Zombie - Return Of The Phantom Stranger
Shape shifting highand a haunted eye.Falling plastic and paper demons!No trace of time,I'm...

Rob Zombie - Scum Of The Earth
Scum of the earthCome onYeahRun and killDestroy the willA hero that doesn't ex...

Rob Zombie - Spookshow Baby
Oh High noon dead moonA hangin all over you yeahDevilman yes I can cut a little peice of you yeah ...

Rob Zombie - Superbeast
Shriek the lipsAcross ragged tongue,Convulsing together.Singviolently, Move the jawCry alo...

Rob Zombie - The Ballad Of Ressurection Joe And Rosa Whore
Insane Blue at the green man innCut the lights and pray that you're deadOpium dreams through the seven...

Rob Zombie - The Great American Nightmare
Dig deep down from Planet X, yeahThirteen ghosts in the devil's headStep right up and feel the fire...

Rob Zombie - Two-lane Blacktop
We've been goin', I'v never been at easeI met a gyspie girl and took her on the trackThe kinda girl wa...

Rob Zombie - What Lurks On Channel X?
What is lurking?What is here?What is lurking?What you fear! What is lurking?Wh...

Rod Stewart - A Nightingale Sang In Berkeley Square
When two lovers meet in Mayfair, so the legends tell,Songbirds sing; winter turns to spring.Every wind...

Rod Stewart - But Not For Me
They're writing songs of loveBut not for meA lucky star's aboveBut not for meWith lo...

Rod Stewart - Crazy She Calls Me
I say I'll move the mountainsAnd I'll move the mountainsIf she wants them out of the wayCrazy sh...

Rod Stewart - Don't Get Around Much Anymore
Missed the Saturday danceHeard they crowded the floorCouldn't bear it without youDon't get aroun...

Rod Stewart - Embraceable You
Embrace me, my sweet embraceable youEmbrace me, you irreplaceable youJust one look at youM...

Rod Stewart - For All We Know
For all we knowWe may never meet againBefore you goMake this moment sweet againWe wo...

Rod Stewart - I Can't Get Started
I've been around the world in a planeI've settled revolutions in SpainThe North Pole I have charted...

Rod Stewart - I'll Be Seeing You
I'll be seeing youIn all the old familiar placesThat this heart of mine embracesAll day through...

Rod Stewart - I'm In The Mood For Love
I'm in the mood for loveSimply because you're near meFunny, but when you're near meI'm in the mo...

Rod Stewart - I Only Have Eyes For You
Are the stars out tonight?I don't know if it's cloudy or brightCause I only have eyes for you dear...

Rod Stewart - My Heart Stood Still
I laughed at sweetheartsI met at schoolsAll indiscreet heartsSeemed romantic foolsA house ...

Rod Stewart - Night And Day
Like the beat beat beat of the tom-tomWhen the jungle shadows fallLike the tick tick tock of the state...

Rod Stewart - Our Love Is Here To Stay
It's very clear, our love is here to stayNot for a year but ever and a dayThe radio and the telephone ...

Rod Stewart - Smile
SmileThough your heart is achingSmileEven though it's breakingWhen there are cloudsI...

Rod Stewart - Someone To Watch Over Me
There's a somebody I'm longing to seeI hope that she turns out to beSomeone who'll watch over me...

Rod Stewart - Stardust
And now the purple dusk of twilight timeSteals across the meadow of my heartHigh up in the sky the lit...

Rod Stewart - That's All
I can only give you love that lasts forever,And a promise to be near each time you call.And the only h...

Rod Stewart - The Nearness Of You
It's not the pale moon that excites meThat thrills and delights me, oh noIt's just the nearness of you...

Rod Stewart - The Very Thought Of You
The very thought of youAnd I forget to doThe little ordinary thingsThat everyone ought to do...

Rod Stewart - The Way You Look Tonight
Some day, when I'm awfully low,When the world is cold,I will feel a glow just thinking of youAnd...

Rod Stewart - They Can't Take That Away From Me
The way you wear your hatThe way you sip your teaThe memory of all thatNo no they can't take tha...

Rod Stewart - 'till There Was You
There were bells on a hillBut I never heard them ringingNo, I never heard them at allTill there ...

Rod Stewart - Time After Time
What good are words I say to you?They can't convey to you what's in my heartIf you could hear instead...

Rod Stewart - Until The Real Thing Comes Along
I'd work for you, I'd even slave for youI'd be a beggar or a knave for youIf that isn't love, it'll ha...

Rod Stewart - We'll Be Together Again
No tearsNo fearsRemember there's always tomorrowSo what if we have to partWe'll be togethe...

Rod Stewart - Where Or When
It seems we stood and talked like this beforeWe looked at each other in the same way thenBut I can't r...

Rod Stewart - You Go To My Head
You go to my head and you linger like a haunting refrainAnd I find you spinning 'round in my brainLike...

Romeo - Romeo Dunn
[Chorus]Romeo, Hes the type of guy that you wanna be with. Romeo, Hes the kind that...

Ronan Keating - Addicted
Just one more kissAnd I'll be goneI won't write,I won't call youNo more girl,I swear...

Ronan Keating - As Much As I Can Give You Girl
I had a bad dayAs much as I can give you girl [3]I had a bad day and then I heard w...

Ronan Keating - At The End Of A Perfect Day
It's all in a perfect wayJust a part ofThe perfect wayAnd as long asThe world goes around...

Ronan Keating - Back In The Day
She left me aloneShe told me on the phoneNow that just dont seem rightI will close my eyes, and ...

Ronan Keating - Believe
You said youCould see no endThe world and himselfWere all on your backI vowed to take your...

Ronan Keating - Blown Away
Blown awayBlown awayBaby I'm gonna aft blow you awayI'm blown [15]...

Ronan Keating - Brighter Days
I've done a lot ofLiving in my lifeChased my share ofRainbows in the skyBefore I stopped t...

Ronan Keating - Come Be My Baby
Come be my babyPlease come be my baby nowCan we just make loveTrust me let me show you how...

Ronan Keating - Fairy Tale In New York
It was Christmas Eve babeIn the drunk tankAn old man said to me,Won't see another oneAnd t...

Ronan Keating - First Time
Valentines, those butterflies Gets me out best top inside Got me feeling like a kid again Oh I e...

Ronan Keating - Give You What You Want
Why didn't I call, why didn't I fallWhy didn't I hang my heart on your wallWhy didn't I know, why didn...

Ronan Keating - Heal Me
HHeal meSteal meFeel meHeal meWhen thingsDon't turn out rightAnd it feels like...

Ronan Keating - Hold You Now
If I could just hold you now If I could just feel you now I wouldn't be standing out in the rain ...

Ronan Keating - If I Don't Tell You Now
I kept it insideFor the longest timeAnd I can't keep keeping itAll this love that'sInside ...

Ronan Keating - If Tomorrow Never Comes
Sometimes late at nightI lie awake and watch her sleepingShe's lost in peaceful dreamsSo I turn ...

Ronan Keating - If You Love Me
Wish I could tell byThe look in your eyes(Were I stand)Wish I could tellWhat you're feelin...

Ronan Keating - I Love It When We Do
I love it when we do what we [x2]Ahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa [x3]When you're around t...

Ronan Keating - In Love There Is No Pride
I was full ofSimple dreams, yeahThought I'd find herAnd be with her full timeShe's not min...

Ronan Keating - In This Life
For all I've beenBlessed with in this lifeThere was anEmptiness in meI was imprisoned by...

Ronan Keating - I've Got My Heart On You
OH OH OH OH YeahOh Baby (Oh baby)Everybody got their heart on somethingI got my heart on you...

Ronan Keating - I Will Miss You
I thought that IWas like an islandGuess I was wrongGuess I was wrongI see your faceA...

Ronan Keating - I Wouldn't Change A Thing
You took my body, yeah yeah andeverything I haveMy heart, my soul, my money and itwas so easy fo...

Ronan Keating - Joy And Pain
Heaven ain't your place girl , not now anywaysAnd in this hell yeah yeah , you cant eraseAll of the pa...

Ronan Keating - Keep On Walking
Seems like I was always runningFrom someone or somethingSo scared what life could holdDidn't eve...

Ronan Keating - Let Her Down Easy
You're top man on scene You don't think life comes in between But yet she's just seventeen She f...

Ronan Keating - Life Is A Rollercoaster
Hey baby you reallyGot my tail in a spinHey baby I don't evenKnow where to beginBut baby I...

Ronan Keating - Lost For Words
If I can't find the words... Waiting for this feeling That I'm drowning in to subside You ...

Ronan Keating - Love Won't Work (if We Don't Try)
Whooooooah whooooooah yeahwhooooooah...whoooah yeahI don't know what you do to meI only kn...

Ronan Keating - Lovin' Each Day
Yeah-UhWe're loving each day as if it's the lastDancing all night and havin' a blastOh baby I ne...

Ronan Keating - My One Thing That's Real
I hope you feelThe same way I feelMy one thing that's realAnd I pray your mineTo the end o...

Ronan Keating - Only For You
Baby I've beenThinking of youGotta picture in my mindThey say I'mFalling in loveMake...

Ronan Keating - On My Way
I am on my way, yeahhhhRain wont catch you and the wind wont blowWhere youre blowing no one knows it...

Ronan Keating - She Believes (in Me)
While she lays sleepingI stay out late at night and play my songsAnd sometimes all the nights can be s...

Ronan Keating - She Gets Me Inside
Heres a song for the makerMaybe the rest are just displayHeres my heart go on and take itFor one...

Ronan Keating - Since 13
You get lost and lonelyDo you rememberTimes we hadWhen we wereYoung and crazy foolsW...

Ronan Keating - Song To
You think you've seen it allYou've been allYou can beOne thing comes alongAnd changes ever...

Ronan Keating - Thank God I Kissed You
Yeah it's 4 am andThe earth stands stillThe city's tookA sleeping pillBut I'm awake and...

Ronan Keating - The Best Of Me
Every time you cross my mindI catch my breath and sighAnd every memory that we sharedStill lives...

Ronan Keating - The Long Goodbye
I know they say if you love somebodyYou should set them free (so they say)But it sure is hard to do...

Ronan Keating - The Way You Make Me Feel
Couldn't feel much betterThan the wayI feel tonightFeel like ICould live foreverFeel...

Ronan Keating - This Is Your Song
Live your life to the fallWith a lifetime of smilesMade us know right from wrongAlways knowing a...

Ronan Keating - Time For Love
Time Time....Ah ah ah..time timeWe've got time to climb a mountainThe time to build a wall...

Ronan Keating - Turn It On Again
I know you're wild I know you're dangerous I know you're bad for the both of us So stick around ...

Ronan Keating - We've Got Tonight
I know it's late,I know you're weary I know your plans don't include me Still here we are, both of us ...

Ronan Keating - When The World Was Mine
It never rained, theSun was always shiningEvery traffic lightWas always greenThere was a t...

Ronan Keating - When You Say Nothing At All
It's amazingHow you can speakRight to my heartWithout saying a word,You can light up the d...

Ronan Keating - You
People on planesPeople on trainsPeople in cars andTravellin' in spaceshipsTo a trillion st...

Ronan Keating - You're Picking Me Up
You're picking me up girl [x2]What hell? Because of you [x2]Your picking me ...

Rooney - Blueside
The colors have built up in my mindThey're bleeding through my heartAnd nobody knows that they exist...

Rooney - Daisy Duke
I wanna knowAll there's to know about youI want you to knowNothing about me although......

Rooney - If It Were Up To Me
She doesn't have the answer yetThe answer yetI'm breathing down her neckMaybe i should give her ...

Rooney - I'm A Terrible Person
I'm a terrible personI'm a terrible personI'm a terrible personCause I've made up my mindI...

Rooney - I'm Shakin'
I've forgotten what it feels like to feel normalTo be normalI've forgotten what food tastes like...

Rooney - Losing All Control
I'm losing youI'm losing all controlJust let me beLet me be alone for nowI want to be alon...

Rooney - Popstars
Hey babyYou've hit me again one more timeYou said bye bye bye bye bye bye good-byeWell i don't w...

Rooney - Simply Because
Can you guessWhy I haven't called you backI said I'm screening callsEven your callsW...

Rooney - Sorry Sorry
Well, i met this girl on aSaturday night, saturday nightSaturday night, saturday nightSaturday n...

Rooney - Stay Away
Stay away from my friendsThey're smooth operatorsLooking for a way inStay away from me tonight...

Rooney - That Girl Has Love
I don't know a lot about herBut she, she knew a lot about meHer family seemed to love herIf what...

Rooster - Angels Calling
You and I we were oneAnd i swore Id stay foreverBut they say all good things come to an end- my friend...

Rooster - Deep And Meaningless
I, I dont know why i miss you so muchYeah I, I dont know why I still feel your touchYou, you left me f...

Rooster - Drag The Sunrise Down
Wanna bes and gonnas beis this the day that youre gonna seizeOr maybe just sit around waiting for that...

Rooster - Joy Ride
When I wake and the sky seems to breakand the bang in my head is my heart just trying to keep me alive...

Rooster - Platinum Blind
Sick and tired of being brokeTheres no way out of such a jokeCant get out of the red, on the bread lin...

Rooster - She Don't Make Me Feel
Shes got a killer smileShes got devils eyesShe lives wicked wildWants me to take her home with m...

Rooster - Standing In Line
I spent a lifetime searchingFor what I thought I'd foundBut you're just the sameIt's still a los...

Rooster - Staring At The Sun
Daylight on my shoulderMakes me feel aliveYou kept me standing in your shadowAnd its a cold cold...

Rooster - To Die For
How can it hurtWhen I feel no painHow can it healIf i look the same[Bridge:]...

Rooster - You're So Right For Me
Well I lost my faith in fellow manI've been living alone so longThat I dont know who I amWhy did...

The Roots - 100% Dundee
One one one one twoP-P-5-DYeah, yeah, P-P-5-DI'm sayin, yoTouch this yo, knahmsayin what? ...

The Roots - Act Fore (the End?)
[Black Thought]Yeah yeah yeah, yes I, no doubt yes I (P-5-D)Check it out, yo yoAreegato, ...

The Roots - Boom!
Hold your flix, I'm not for the photo op'sIt's Black, code name Yaphet Kotto ockMy twist like a ratche...

The Roots - Clones
Yeah, to all the Jim Carrey ass large co-opKnowhatI'msayin? Large co-op, what the fuck?To the clones,...

The Roots - Common Dust
Ashes to ashes, and dust to dust [8X][Chorus: Black Thought 4X]It's Common D...

The Roots - Complexity
[Chorus: repeat 2X]I've been wondering about the complexityOf what we have it shouldn't be...

The Roots - Concerto Of The Desperado
[Chorus]The concerto, of the desperadoR-double-O-T-S check the flowIf you know like I kno...

The Roots - Datskat
Datskat! I know you dig it when I kick it baby! [4X]Di-bi-dis-banks, hip-flip-a-didip-didim-do...

The Roots - Distortion To Static
[Verse One: Malik B]Yo, I'm every MC, it's all in meThat's the way it is, when ya gotta b...

The Roots - Don't Say Nuthin'
[Verse 1 - Black Thought]Yeah! That all mighty amazing, ill, highly contagiousKamikaze south sp...

The Roots - Do You Want More?!!!??!
[Black Thought:]Well I'm a fly Philly nigga, finger on the triggaMCs repent from sins, God's co...

The Roots - Duck Down!
[Black Thought]Yea we gettin' ready to break y'all it's winner take allThe game is locked we do...

The Roots - Good Music
[?uestlove]Peace to all the hip cats, all the nappy sweetsThis is the BROther ?uestion, broadca...

The Roots - Good Music (prelude)
[Black Thought]On the actual, I swings like I'm SatchelAnd brings groovy things to my peoples o...

The Roots - Grits
Yo Malik Blunt[B] Whassup?Tell me how you like your grits man[B] Man I like ALL KI...

The Roots - Guns Are Drawn
Yeah it would be cool it could be tooStop Running round in circles off of what we fuelLiving a lie eve...

The Roots - I Don't Care
[Chorus: sung 2X]I don't care, as long as the bassline's pumpinThe drumline bangin awayMa...

The Roots - I'm Out Deah
[Black Thought]Uhh.. the molecular massof that rhythmic ass grassis organic hip-hop jazz...

The Roots - I Remain Calm
I remain calm, lyrically I got the bombwhen you put me on, I remain calm[repeat 4X]...

The Roots - Lazy Afternoon
[Chorus]It's a lazy afternoon(Summertime, as I recline, lay back and relax, let the sun s...

The Roots - Leonard I-v
[Black Thought]From The Never Never Tunnels via satelliteCeremonies be commencing in the candle...

The Roots - Mellow My Man
[Black Thought]One twoYes, The Roots layin back, rela-xinCoolin out with my man Malik B...

The Roots - No Alibi
[Chorus:]If you seen it or heard it,maybe probably I did itmaybe or maybe not,I'll admit what I...

The Roots - No Great Pretender
[Malik B]Check it out, one twoM-illi-tantI be the, alias Malik BInternationale rati...

The Roots - Panic!!!!!!!
[Black Thought:]I woke up in the darkness at shots and sirenesLook out the window, p...

The Roots - Pass The Popcorn
[Black Thought]It looks like another one's comin around [3X]So the Black Thought gots to...

The Roots - Peace
[Black Thought]Peaceful minds.. in a land of warSeek peace of mind, through mental peacefulness...

The Roots - Popcorn Revisited
[Black Thought]Pass the what? Pass the popcorn [8X]Yo, I wrote this, basement, Ne...

The Roots - Proceed
Just think, what if you could just, just blink yourself away?Just think, what if you could just, just blink ...

The Roots - Quills
[Chorus]Don't stop (uh don't stop yo)Tonight (cheeba cheeba yo, soul shock yo)(Give it ev...

The Roots - Respond / React
[Black Thought]It's jazz - hip-hop hangin in my head heavyMalik said "Riq, you know the planet ...

The Roots - Rock You
[Chorus]Rock you [repeat 6X]Come on [repeat 2X]Aiyyo y'all rappers le...

The Roots - Section
[Chorus: Black Thought: (2X)]You can't front, we comin with the shots to pumpWe got more cuz it...

The Roots - Silent Treatment
[Intro/Chorus: repeat 2X]Girl you know that you needto stop givin' me the silent.. treatm...

The Roots - Somebody's Got To Do It
[Hook:]Somebody's gotta be there when it gets uglySomebody's gotta be there when it gets bloody...

The Roots - Star / Pointro
[40 seconds of instrumental to start][Black Thought]Get 'em up high - okay, yeah...

The Roots - Stay Cool
[Black Thought]Bass for your face, highs for your eyesDon't blink, Black Ink has arrived, all r...

The Roots - Step Into The Relm
[Chorus: repeat 4X]Step into the realm, you're bound to get caughtAnd from this worldly l...

The Roots - Swept Away
MC's who slept for days, must be swept away [4X][Malik B]The rhythm just sways, an...

The Roots - Table Of Contents (part 1 & 2)
[Part One][Black Thought][Background]Is this fast or normal speed?...

The Roots - The Anti-circle
Yo I'm tha anti-circleOn tha mad train like a rainThats verbal I stormNever comin twice in one f...

The Roots - The Hypnotic
(The hypnotic, the hypnotic)(The hypnotic, the hypnotic)[7X]Yo,I knew this gi...

The Roots - The Lesson Pt. 1
[Verse One: Black Thought]Lyrically versatileMy rap definition is wildI wrote graff...

The Roots - The Next Movement
[Black Thought]C'mon.. and yes y'allYou are now in tune to the sounds..of the legendary.....

The Roots - The Roots Is Comin'
The Roots is comin' [16X][Black Thought]I rip the vocal backflip yo the kid is a b...

The Roots - The Session (longest Posse Cut In History)
[Black Thought]From the Tunnels in the wee hours of the black morningFrom The Roots sprout the ...

The Roots - The Spark
["You'll soon depart.." echoes from the last track][Chorus: Malik B (2X)]Yo,...

The Roots - Thought @ Work
[Black Thought]Yo, where the freaks at? Lookin' at meYou wanna see Black? Then jump on it...

The Roots - Water
[Black Thought]South Philly, North SideOakland, TexasGeorgia, Black PeopleYo, World...

The Roots - Web
[Black Thought]Uh huhuhAnd it weights a ton'riq geez motherfuckers I'm a son ...

The Roots - What Goes On Pt. 7
Do you wanna know.. what goes on? [2X](Tell me baby!)Do you wanna know.. what goes on? [2X]...

The Roots - Why (what's Going On?)
WHY?? [6 x's]Sky's the limit so you know I'm gonna rise and shineI gotta do my thing, I'm...

The Roots - Writters Block
[Black Thought]OoohUp, up.. up, up.. Up, UpUp, Up.. UP, UP UP UP!!UP!! UP!! UP!!...

The Roots - You Ain't Fly
You ain't flyYou ain't flyYou ain't flyso go 'head, witcha self[repeat 4X]...

Rose Falcon - Up Up Up
[CHORUS]Get ready or not Cause here I comeDance dance dance Have some fun654 ...

Roxette - 7twenty7
7twenty7 is ready to moveYou know she packed her bagsWith nothing left to proveI thought I didn'...

Roxette - Almost Unreal
Babe, come in from the cold and put that coat to rest. Step inside, take a deep breath, and do what you do b...

Roxette - Anyone
Anyone who have a love close to thisKnows what I'm sayingAnyone who wants a dream to come trueKn...

Roxette - Beautiful Things
Beautiful things Are comin' my wayBeautiful things I want them to stay But after a while ...

Roxette - Bringing Me Down To My Knees
Been thinking about youWithout even trying, I've done itThere's something about youI can't put m...

Roxette - Call Of The Wild
I know her, and every notion I get from her I wear inside me. I know her, all of the broken leaves of love s...

Roxette - Chances
Hear my call, here and everywhereI've been walking the streets in despair.One more fire turns a ...

Roxette - Church Of Your Heart
Can't we leave the world outside Just for a while? Just for a while? Spend some time, you and I ...

Roxette - Cinnamon Street
Growing upon Cinnamon Street.Everywhere you lookthere are lots of people to meet,it's seve...

Roxette - Come Back (before You Leave)
Never looked back on a love affair.I never spent minutes on history,it made me sad,it made me so...

Roxette - Como La Lluvia En El Cristal (watercolours In The Rain)
Tantas emocionessin vivir.Tanto desamor,aciui no entro nunca el sol.Cu ntas ilusiones...

Roxette - Cooper
Cooper went out late last nightI heard the slam from her door Foggy ways, November dazeAll the w...

Roxette - Crash! Boom! Bang! (crash! Boom! Bang!)
Mi propio padre qua me conociano se equivoco,dudaba da mi.Mi madre siempre todo lo sabiaNo...

Roxette - Crazy About You
Ooooo...I'm crazy about youI'll give you all my loveYes I'm crazy about youNight and day, ...

Roxette - Crush On You
I'm a zombie in the moonlightI'm sleepin' when it's daylight I really should be alright But I'm ...

Roxette - Cry
Living here without youis not an easy way of life.I spend my time without you,I try to make it a...

Roxette - Cuanto Lo Siento (i'm Sorry)
Nos vimos los dos,que sucedio.Todo perfecto, todo correcto.Un beso tu, un beso yo.Dos prom...

Roxette - Dance Away
There's a hidden meaningin everything he says,every close encounter,every kiss, every caress....

Roxette - Dangerous
You pack your bag.You take control.You're moving into my heartand into my soul.Get out of ...

Roxette - Directamente A Ti (run To You)
Oye, a veces me siento males una cuestion personal.Tengo un corazon para nadie,nadie se lo quier...

Roxette - Don't Believe In Accidents
Anything can happenwhen I wind up alone with youPut your finger on the things I like to doWell a...

Roxette - (do You Get) Excited?
When the day gets dark Over a thousand streets And you feel your heart Is a living beat ...

Roxette - Do You Wanna Go The Whole Way?
Before we take off all our clothes and get close togetherBefore it gets too serious both of us need to know...

Roxette - Dressed For Success
Tried to make it little by little,tried to make it bit by bit on my own.Quit the job, the grey believe...

Roxette - Drowning In You
Lead me to the river of lovePour a little water and wash my pain awayLeave me in the ocean of joy...

Roxette - El Dia Del Amor (perfect Day)
Dia grissin ilusion.Donde vami corazon.Necesito descansar.Este no esun dia mas...

Roxette - Fading Like A Flower (every Time You Leave)
In a time where the sun descends alone I ran a long long way from home To find a heart that's made of ...

Roxette - Fingertips
You're sliding down a dream, o yea.Where nights are born in blue,that's the truth.You're swimmin...

Roxette - Fireworks
I once knew a girlI can't remember her name but I remember her face cos her sister looked the same. ...

Roxette - Fool
I was alone I told my mouth to shut up cos I was talking to myselflike I always do when I'm stuck...

Roxette - From Head To Toe
I knew the minute I saw youThat we, we were two of a kindAnd I knew, yea, when I danced with you...

Roxette - From One Heart To Another
Echoes of loneliness, traces from love affairs, will never disappear, always come thru. I thought I'd ...

Roxette - Goodbye To You
Goodbye to you, goodbye to broken hearts, goodbye to romance, hiding in the dark, nights that leave a ...

Roxette - Go To Sleep
There's a shadow on the terraceA snow dance for the livingThere's heavy weather on the wayI hear...

Roxette - Habla El Corazon (listen To Your Heart)
En realidad yo dudo tanto de ti,por m?s que intento no me dejp llevarPruebo tu amory me siento f...

Roxette - Half A Woman, Half A Shadow
Daylight is breaking again.I hide in the dark.I'm watching the rain.You're out of touch.Yo...

Roxette - Harleys & Indians (riders In The Sky)
When I go to heavenHarley Harley heavenI want to meet a KingLike the Panhead 48I want to m...

Roxette - Heart Of Gold
I wanna live, I wanna giveI've been a miner for a heart of goldIt's these expressions I never give...

Roxette - Here Comes The Weekend
Every shapeof every word you saythat breaks the silenceof an ordinary day.Every look...

Roxette - Hotblooded
You know I'm hotblooded, baby... Get on up and kick it all the systems are ready to go Well, are...

Roxette - How Do You Do!
I see you comb your hairand gimme that grin.It's making me spin now,spinnin' within.Before...

Roxette - I Call Your Name
It's a madman's situation, reminiscing in the rain, and I've lost your love again, I call your name. A...

Roxette - (i Could Never) Give You Up
I've been hiding,lost in the love of another.I've followed the moon and a songand I thought it w...

Roxette - I Don't Want To Get Hurt
In everything I see you appear with me, how come? How come? And everything I do involves you too. We are lik...

Roxette - I Love The Sound Of Crashing Guitars
Mao Mao Mao... I love the sound of smashing guitarsI love the sound of crashing guitarsRed...

Roxette - I'm Sorry
The first time we met time stood stillYou left me breathlessSuddenly speechless. Within th...

Roxette - I'm Under Your Magic Spell
Like a light coming down, from the skyThundering Venus and ApolloAnd my invitation of the physical kin...

Roxette - I Never Loved A Man (the Way I Love You)
You're no good, heartbreakerYou're a liar and you're a cheatI don't know why I let you do these things...

Roxette - I Remember You
Are you ready? Go! I hear your footsteps like you're walking I hear your voice like you're talki...

Roxette - It Takes You No Time To Get Here
Why don't you take the rest of the day offYou do deserve a breakFollow that road, it ain't longJ...

Roxette - It Will Take A Long, Long Time
Sunny called, I was in the hall And made a note I have to paint the kitchen walls An angel smiled acro...

Roxette - I Was So Lucky
It's no secret I've been waiting But I didn't expect this Nothing will remain Nothing stays the ...

Roxette - Jefferson
Jefferson was always out of luckI remember when we both grew upJefferson got hit by a westbound truck...

Roxette - Joy Of A Toy
You wake me up in the middle of the night and burn the cover down. You're on the phone in the air like a rec...

Roxette - June Afternoon
Didn't I tell you everything is possible in this deja vu? Try the river boat, the carousel, feed the pigeons...

Roxette - Keep Me Waiting
I hit the coast with the faith of a preacherman.I saw a ghost with a face like a madman.I had this dre...

Roxette - Knockin' On Every Door
Hey now honey You got to face the floor You headed for the heart But you couldn't find the door,...

Roxette - Lies
Put 'em onPut the big boots onBaby put them big boots on. Make a markMake a good kic...

Roxette - Like Lovers Do
Take the line between us and hold it close to you, I want us to get together, like lovers do. Let me k...

Roxette - Listen To Your Heart
I know there's something in the wake of your smile.I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea.You'...

Roxette - Little Girl
Once upon a time there was a little girlOnce she was mineIn my heart the only oneI wonder where ...

Roxette - Looking For Jane
Where did she go? Where did she go from here? The last time I saw her she made all the clouds di...

Roxette - Love Is All (shine Your Light On Me)
Love is allLove is all around youLove is there in your laughter In your hairLove flows eve...

Roxette - Love Spins
Hold back the nightI wonder what she's doing When she's not in sightI wonder where she's going Who she...

Roxette - Make My Head Go Pop
I don't know much about you, but I pretty sure I wanna be with youI haven't got a clue what is wrong, what i...

Roxette - Milk And Toast And Honey
Milk and toast and honey make it sunny on a rainy Saturday, he-he-heyMilk and toast, some coffee take the st...

Roxette - My World, My Love, My Life
Somedays are covered in rainWhile other days are made of gloryAnd you are the summer sunThe only...

Roxette - Neverending Love
Chasing your shadow, the senses together, four-leafed and clever I come from behind. Chasing your shad...

Roxette - Never Is A Long Time
You build it up and tear it down,there's no reason to follow you.You left the song without a sound,...

Roxette - No Se Si Es Amor (it Must Have Been Love)
Es corno amorpero no lo se.Sabe a besosmi almohadamadrugaday el no est ....

Roxette - One Is Such A Lonely Number
I never knew when you walked in the room.I sold my soul to a stranger, an angel face yea.I never had t...

Roxette - Paint
I've got a hot chilly feeling I don't understand.I've got to run through this minute like a hurricane....

Roxette - Pay The Price
I try to keep your name And still get rid of your face I hate to be by myself All locked away in...

Roxette - Pearls Of Passion
There was a banquet of believers when we walked into the room. December days of Christmas felt like days in ...

Roxette - Perfect Day
Breathe some faith into my chest Lay me down, I need the rest Ever since the sky turned grey I'v...

Roxette - Physical Fascination
Hi! I got to go, get aboard attack a love jet Heaven and back My- my-my-my-my-my-my ...

Roxette - Place Your Love
SundaySick o' my tearsMonday morningI could've felt much better. TuesdayYou're...

Roxette - Queen Of Rain
In that big big housethere are fifty doorsand one of them leads to your heart.In the time of spr...

Roxette - Quiero Ser Como Tu (i Don't Want To Get Hurt)
Lo mucho que vivite lo debo a tiNo se por que.Lo que yo senti, lo senti per ti.No se por q...

Roxette - Reaching High
I stand aloneon the street Where I have walked you home aloneI see your house, I hear your main gates ...

Roxette - Real Sugar
Right in the front door I recognized the perfumeThe scent was perfect in the dusk by the moonThere mus...

Roxette - Run To You
Baby, sometimes I feel like dyingDriving while I'm closing my eyesMoving in and out of hidingTry...

Roxette - Salvation
I can barely remember my past Everything seems to disappear so fast But I recall being jealous and alo...

Roxette - Secrets That She Keeps
I move all right, I got the wheels going round, making ways in the night. yea we're movin' all right, ...

Roxette - Seduce Me
Don't ever say you doDon't ever say you want to make me shineYou keep your mystery, don't ever try...

Roxette - Shadow Of A Doubt
I heard your heart,you held it close to me.The wild embrace, the silent sea,a whisper of imagery...

Roxette - She Doesn't Live Here Anymore
We grew up together, we've been here forever. Barefoot in the summer, cold in stormy weather. She taug...

Roxette - Silver Blue
I got to get a message through,I don't know where we're going.I wrap my arms around your naked shoulde...

Roxette - Sleeping In My Car
I'll tell you what I've doneI'll tell you what I'll doBeen driving all nite just to get close to you...

Roxette - Sleeping Single
Here's the house.Here's the city and the stream.Here's the father to my dream.Here's the lost an...

Roxette - Small Talk
It's not the chapters he reads when you're feeling low down It's not the touch of his skin when you kiss him...

Roxette - So Far Away
In the coldest time of year,Darkness all around my heart.I was alone but didn't fearTo wander in...

Roxette - Soul Deep
Save a prayer for a sinner and a saint, my baby's coming back Say a prayer, hide hide away yea baby's coming...

Roxette - So You Wanna Be A Rock 'n Roll Star
So you want to be a rock & roll starWell listen now to what I sayJust get an electric guitarAnd ...

Roxette - Soy Una Mujer (fading Like A Flower (every Time You Leave))
Puede serqua la tonta sea yoqua sin saberio algo fallo.Puede que si ... puede que no.E cas...

Roxette - Spending My Time
What's the time? Seems its already morning I see the sky, its so beautiful and blue The TV's on ...

Roxette - Staring At The Ground
I'm staring at the ground I'm bloodless, thrown away from the sun What's lost cannot be found I ...

Roxette - Stars
You keep on walkin' on the other side Other side, other side You keep on walkin' on the other side ...

Roxette - Surrender
She knows I'd do anything she wants me to, the love she finds is deeper than the ocean. She knows I'd ...

Roxette - The Big L.
She's the top, she's got the world on a string She makes me boogie, makes me do anything, yea yea ...

Roxette - The Center Of The Heart (is The Suburb To The Brain)
What am I gonna do when I get a little excited a little in vain? Tell me,What am I gonna say when I find the...

Roxette - The First Girl On The Moon
She was the first girl on the moonShe didn't compromiseWhen she took off that cold afternoonHead...

Roxette - The Heart Shaped Sea
Babe it's timeto tell me that it's over,tell me that it's over,it's plain to see.And this ...

Roxette - The Rain
I was raised the northern wayand my father had a northern name,I did my crying out in the pouring rain...

Roxette - The Sweet Hello, The Sad Goodbye
Red like fire was the day I met you.I tell you now, there are no regrets.In this room there are many m...

Roxette - The Voice
Between the open heart and the whisper goodbye,there's a perfect teardrop in your eye.Between the love...

Roxette - Things Will Never Be The Same
Lay it down, pull my heart to the ground Time's getting cold, now the leaves all turn hard and blue ...

Roxette - Timida (vulnerable)
Es asi, la veo sonreircon ojos distraidos,quieta en una esquina corno siyo no estuviera alli....

Roxette - Try (just A Little Bit Harder)
I left and wrote down this song cos my life looked so shatterdI thank the Lord I'm still strong like before...

Roxette - Turn To Me
Turn to me - when your heart breaks awayTurn to me - don't turn me awayWhen everything's sad and down...

Roxette - Una Reina Va Detras De Un Rei (queen Of Rain)
Una puerta m suna llave maisy todas me llevan a ti.Hace tiempo quetu casa abriy no t...

Roxette - Un Dia Sin Ti (spending My Time)
Que hora es?,bienvenida la manana.Tan sola yo y el cielo tan azul.En mi cafe, en mi radio y en m...

Roxette - View From A Hill
Raging waves sweep this heavy heart.Cold is the colour of the dark.Find a byway and climb that hill,...

Roxette - Voices
I knew this would happen and I don't want to be around when it gets out. I've closed the last picture ...

Roxette - Vulnerable
Everywhere I look I see her smileHer absent-minded eyesAnd she has kept me wondering for so long...

Roxette - Waiting For The Rain
I'm waiting for the rain I'm waiting for youI'm waiting for the rainTo clean my soulI'm wa...

Roxette - Watercolours In The Rain
Going through the motions Ending up Nowhere at all Can't see the sun on my wall Goin...

Roxette - What's She Like
What's she like when she turns around to kiss you goodnight?When she wakes up in the morning by your side? ...

Roxette - Wish I Could Fly
Halfway through the night I wake up in a dream Echoes in my head Make every whisper turn into a ...

Roxette - You Can't Put Your Arms Around What's Already Gone
I saw red, stayed at home Placed a big pillow over the phoneIn this town where I'm from I've lea...

Roxette - You Don't Understand Me
I've been up all night, you've been puttin' up a fight. Seems like nothin' I say gets through. How did...

Roxette - You Turn Me On
I wake up in a different daylightGuess I haven't been aroundSee me follow the shadow haunting your bod...

Royce Da 5'9" - Beef
[Royce Da 5'9"]Ha ha ha ha ha, check out this bizarre mixture5'9", 6 July, and Asar hits'll...

Royce Da 5'9" - Bombist
[Chorus]Bomb First niggazYou gotta hurt niggazPut in work niggazGod made dirt nigga...

Royce Da 5'9" - Boom
[ticking][Royce Da 5'9]Uhh.. boom...Tick tick tick.. yeah.. 5'9 uhhYo....

Royce Da 5'9" - De-elite
[Royce Da 5'9"]Once again relax, it's just music.Niggaz right here, show you how I doNigg...

Royce Da 5'9" - Don't Hate
[Royce]From Sony Records all the way to Optik RecordsYeahFrom the US to overseasThe...

Royce Da 5'9" - Hip Hop
[Intro]Woo! haha, uh[Chorus - Royce Da 5'9"]I know my streets, I know my sou...

Royce Da 5'9" - I & Me
[Intro - Woman talking]Royce is goin to fuckin kill you[Royce Da 5'9" - imitating Tupa...

Royce Da 5'9" - I'm The King
What....wha...5'9! I'm the King!What...yeah...what, yo...[CHORUS]I'm-a rhyme...

Royce Da 5'9" - It's Tuesday (intro)
It's Royce 5'9!![Royce talking]Yeah, you scared ain't you? HahaRelax.. it's just mu...

Royce Da 5'9" - I Won't Be
[Royce]What was that?"I'm bout to blow the fuck up, UHH!" "Yeah" [4x]...

Royce Da 5'9" - King Of Kings
Lemme school you..[Chorus: sung - in background]I wake up... and I don't know where I am....

Royce Da 5'9" - Mr. Baller
(fet. Clipse, Pharell Williams, Tre-Little)[Pharell]Nah man, we don't take our chains off...

Royce Da 5'9" - My Friend
[Intro]A man is defined by his (Boing!)Catch my drift[scratching] I got to keep it...

Royce Da 5'9" - Nickel Nine Is...
[Intro: Royce]Uhh-uhh uhh uhh, yeah homeboyTwo gangstas, whattup Smut Peddlers?My man Mil...

Royce Da 5'9" - Regardless
[Intro - Royce Da 5'9"]Yeah, yeah (M-I-C), yeah, yeah[Verse 1 - Royce Da 5'9"]...

Royce Da 5'9" - Scary Movies (sequel)
What's your favourite scary movie?Live from the dungeon, we comingY'all besta be running, we com...

Royce Da 5'9" - Soldier's Story
[Intro - Man talking w/ (Royce)]We're in a situation, where everybody involved knows the stakes...

Royce Da 5'9" - Take His Life
What...what...yo...(Take his life) all these niggaz wana do is talk(Nigga take his life) fuck around a...

Royce Da 5'9" - Throw Back
[Chorus - Royce Da 5'9"](R) You niggaz can hold it (O) cause I am a throwback (Y)I'm spillin th...

Royce Da 5'9" - We Live
[Hook]We live ladies, so fuck witha nigga like,--meYou not ready, to fuck with a niggaOh ...

Royce Da 5'9" - What I Know
[Royce Da 5'9"]Unlock ya locks, and keep ya keysThe Pac in me, got me thinkin deeplyI got...

Royce Da 5'9" - Who Am I
Yo I could strike physically or mentally orI exist in you, I'm wit' you get your sense of the callI ha...

Royce Da 5'9" - You Can't Touch Me
[Royce The 5'9'']T-M-Royce 5PauseListen to why girls drop they drawlsAlot of em the...

Ruben Studdard - Ain't No Need To Worry
[Chorus:]Ain't no need to worryingWhat the night is gonna bringBecause it will be all ove...

Ruben Studdard - Amazing Grace
Amazing grace, how sweet the soundThat saved a wretch like meI once was lost, but now I'm foundW...

Ruben Studdard - Center Of My Joy
Jesus You're the center of my joyAll that's good and perfectComes from YouYou're the heart of my...

Ruben Studdard - Don't Give Up
Just got out of jail and you don't know what to do.Seems like everyone has turned there back on you.An...

Ruben Studdard - Don't Quit On Me
Time up Hold up Wait a minute nowTime up Hold up Wait a minute nowGotta let u know how a playa f...

Ruben Studdard - Fix It Jesus
On my way homeOh on my way homeon my way homeoh on my way homeI'm on my way homeOh o...

Ruben Studdard - Flying Without Wings
[Verse 1]Everybody's looking for that somethingOne thing that makes it all completeYou'll...

Ruben Studdard - For All We Know
For all we knowWe may never meet againBefore you goMake this moment sweet againWe wo...

Ruben Studdard - Goin' Up Yonder
Anybody asked youIf anybody asks you where I'm goingWhere I'm goingWhere I'm going soon...

Ruben Studdard - How Can You Mend A Broken Heart
I can think of younger days when living for my life Was everything a man could want to do. I could nev...

Ruben Studdard - I Need An Angel
I've run out of answers I've run out of timeAnd im so confused that im loosin my mindIts gonna take a ...

Ruben Studdard - I Surrender All
All to Jesus I surrenderAll to Him I freely give;I will ever love and trust Him,In his presence ...

Ruben Studdard - No Ruben
Yeah man, these folks think just cause I won some American Idol show, everythang aint the same. Man you kno they s...

Ruben Studdard - Play Our Song
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a Jazzy Fizzle produshizzle.Id like to introduce yall to somebodythat yo...

Ruben Studdard - Restoration
Restore me,Restore to me the joy[repeat 1x]This is my prayer today yeah[ve...

Ruben Studdard - Running Back To You
[Verse 1:]How can you forgive mewhen I've often gone astrayhow can You think of me ...

Ruben Studdard - Shout To The Lord
My Jesus, my SaviorLord there is none like youAll of my days, I want to praiseThe wonders of you...

Ruben Studdard - Sorry 2004
(I'm sorry)(I'm Sorry)It's like I missed a shot,It's like I dropped the ball. (Damn ...

Ruben Studdard - Superstar
Long ago and oh so far awayI fell in love with you...Before the second showAnd your guitar ...

Ruben Studdard - Take The Shot
Ladies and Gentlemen the time is now, ya'll all been waitin, we gone rock this now (swiss beats)Oh yea...

Ruben Studdard - What If
Mm mm mm mmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm somebody bayyyy ooohohoooooo aw baby what ifWhat if [x3]...

Rufio - Above Me
If I was to walk till time saw no end. If I was to climb till the air was too thin. I could not find a...

Rufio - Control
If I could,I'd prove you wrong.And if I could,I'd let you know,You control, by your ...

Rufio - Countdown
Make up your mind,We're hurting inside,Every single breath I take is spitting out your name.We'l...

Rufio - Decency
Feeling locked up and,I'm seeping in this,Falling over myself.Sheltered memories.I'm trapp...

Rufio - Dipshit
He said you want my heart in yours For some popularity But what am i? She said i want you by my ...

Rufio - Don't Hate Me
I remember when we would laugh all nightand nothing could stop usmoments shared we're picture perfect...

Rufio - Face The Truth
You take a look around. You don't like what you see. There's people you don't know. But you know...

Rufio - Follow Me
you're all i see these daysbut you're so far away this dream is never ending you're falling thro...

Rufio - Goodbye
Goodbye my lonely life,You're shaking restless in thoughts.Goodbye my lonely life,You're making ...

Rufio - In My Eyes
You're graceful, your grace falls, down around me in my eyes. You're lovely, your love leaves, S...

Rufio - Just A Memory
The sadness comes when it's least expected It shot out of the dark, and slammed in our face The hurt i...

Rufio - One Slowdance
You're standing there alone And so am I But I want you here By my side Your smile at me ...

Rufio - Over It
I can't believe that your wasting your timeThought you could find your way backYou heard my story but ...

Rufio - Pirate
Let's kill the playlistAll the same bandsSo repetitiousDenying us the freedom we deserveWi...

Rufio - Road To Recovery
He never thought someone would come along And show him a feeling he's always dreamed of. She didn't pl...

Rufio - Save The World
You pull me by the arm Tell me what to believe You tell me there is only one way One way to see ...

Rufio - Science Fiction
These are the whispers that you hear inside your mindSubtle yet forceful they are tearing at your side....

Rufio - Selfishness
Harden up to everyone. Emotion's all dead. Face first in the mudd. A lost cause, upsidedown. ...

Rufio - Set It Off
One day they set it offBlowing confusion into our mindsSome say we'll never seeThe beauty within...

Rufio - She Cries
Gone again she said heading for the longest road One too many times He's beaten you down to the ...

Rufio - Still
Trapped inside of your eyes, Gleam like stars above, emptiness inside. Caught inside of your arms, war...

Rufio - Stop Whining
so close to no one that you care for cause you don't care it's not worth it can't th...

Rufio - Tears
i sit and hear you sleep i don't want to go your there beside me but you're so far away i ...

Rufio - We Exist
Cannot fight this feelingThat's all you want is to break meFighting in my wonderThat when I try ...

Rufio - White Lights
honestly, with the things i've seenit seems as though we flystories go, stories leavethey imprin...

Rufio - Why Wait?
Growing old, and living forthe moment, you'researching for somethingcannot find, the truth insid...

Rufio - Why Wait? (ep Version)
Growing old and living for The moment you're searching for somethingCannot find the truth inside ...

Rufus Wainwright - 11:11
Woke up this morning at 11:11Woke up this morning and it wasnt in heavenThose are the reason 'bout ...

Rufus Wainwright - 14th Street
You've got my lost brother's soulMy dear mother's eyesA brown horse's maneAnd my uncle's name...

Rufus Wainwright - Agnus Dei
Agnus deiAgnus deiQui tollis peccata mundiAgnus deiAgnus deiQui tollis peccata mundi...

Rufus Wainwright - April Fools
Oh what a shame that your pockets did bleed on st. valentine'sAnd you sat in a chairThinking "boy i'm ...

Rufus Wainwright - Baby
Nothing so brightNothing so smallNothing so pure as my babyAll of my lifeDays into n...

Rufus Wainwright - Barcelona
The summer sun set a vicious circusWhen shadows held the world in placeBut today i felt a chill in my ...

Rufus Wainwright - Beautiful Child
When i am older than all these goddamned hillsAnd theres no reason for my mind to be stillOh, ho...

Rufus Wainwright - Beauty Mark
I never had itI never wanted itI never had your beauty markNor did i have your black hairA...

Rufus Wainwright - California
California, CaliforniaYou're such a wonder that I think I'll stay in bedBig time rollers, part time mo...

Rufus Wainwright - Cigarettes And Chocolate Milk
cigarettes and chocolate milkthese are just a couple of my cravingseverything it seems i like's a litt...

Rufus Wainwright - Damned Ladies
Desdemona, do not go to sleepBrown-eyed tosca, don't believe the creepI see it in his eyes...

Rufus Wainwright - Danny Boy
Your skin is coldBut the sun shines within your holdYour hair is goldBut you see through a goldf...

Rufus Wainwright - Dinner At Eight
No matter how strongI'm gonna take you downWith one little stoneI'm gonna break you downAn...

Rufus Wainwright - Evil Angel
For to see my depth of sorrowYou are not allowed to follow meInto this town squareAnd then run a...

Rufus Wainwright - Foolish Love
I don't want to hold you and feel so helplessI don't want to smell you and lose my sensesAnd smile in ...

Rufus Wainwright - Gay Messiah
He will then be rebornFrom 1970's pornWearing tubesocks with styleAnd such an innocent smile...

Rufus Wainwright - Go Or Go Ahead
Thank you for this bitter knowledgeGuardian angels who left me strandedIt was worth it, feeling abando...

Rufus Wainwright - Greek Song
you who were born with the sun above your shouldersyou turn me on, you turn me onyou have to know...

Rufus Wainwright - Grey Gardens
Honey I'm a roller concrete cloverTadzio, Tadzio Arm wrestle your motherSimply overT...

Rufus Wainwright - Hallelujah
I've heard there was a secret chord That David played, and it pleased the Lord But you don't really ca...

Rufus Wainwright - Harvester Of Hearts
If a person should ever like a personThen a person should like youBeing that I'm only just a person...

Rufus Wainwright - Hometown Waltz
The drummers and jugglers in MontrealDon't even exist at allSo I'm tearing up these tarot cards and Ve...

Rufus Wainwright - I Don't Know What It Is
I don't know what it isBut you got to do itI don't know where to goBut you got to be there...

Rufus Wainwright - Imaginary Love
Every kind of loveOr at least my kind of loveMust be an imaginary love to start withGuess that c...

Rufus Wainwright - In A Graveyard
Wandering properties of deathArresting moons within our eyes and smilesWe did rest Amongst the g...

Rufus Wainwright - In My Arms
You gave me all your love in one dayYou gave it all and almost faded awayI'm going to take this sad an...

Rufus Wainwright - Little Sister
Little sister come and sit beside me, beside meAnd we'll play a tune on this old piano, forteJust for ...

Rufus Wainwright - Matinee Idol
This is the dayThe day of the deathThe death of the matinee idolStill so beautiful as the ...

Rufus Wainwright - Memphis Skyline
Never thought of HadesUnder the MississippiBut still I've come to sing for himSo southern furies...

Rufus Wainwright - Millbrook
The boys and girls of millbrook are on a train from new yorkWearing new hatsShooting the shitDee...

Rufus Wainwright - Movies Of Myself
Stop me falling down, stop me making movies of myselfPut that old dog down, stop me making movies of myself...

Rufus Wainwright - Natasha
You walk alone in the valley of lifeIn the shadow of love under the trees of happinessYou walk a...

Rufus Wainwright - Oh, What A World
Men reading fashion magazinesOh what a worldIt seems we live inStraight manOh what a world...

Rufus Wainwright - Old Whore's Diet
An old whore's dietGets me going in the morningAin't nothing like itGets me going in the morning...

Rufus Wainwright - One Man Guy
People will know when they see this showThe kind of a guy I amThey'll recognize just what I stand for ...

Rufus Wainwright - Peach Trees
Is true love a trip to ChinatownOr being held in one's opium gazeUnder the peach treesThere I'll...

Rufus Wainwright - Poses
The yellow walls are lined with portraitsAnd I've got my new red fetching leather jacketAll these pose...

Rufus Wainwright - Pretty Things
Pretty things, so what if I like pretty thingsPretty lies, so what if I like pretty liesFrom where you...

Rufus Wainwright - Rebel Prince
Where is my master the rebel princeWho will shut all of these windowsIt's these windows all around me...

Rufus Wainwright - Sally Ann
My true love did breathe by the sally ann so softlyThat while walking through townOnly my heart did he...

Rufus Wainwright - Shadows
Who will keepKeep me in this eveningEven thoughThey are not here with me I could be ...

Rufus Wainwright - The Art Teacher
There I was in uniformLooking at the art teacherI was just a girl then;Never have I loved since ...

Rufus Wainwright - The Consort
Prepare your thingsDissolve your mind'Cause I'm your consort beautiful queenof seventeen ...

Rufus Wainwright - The One You Love
The mind has so many picturesWhy can't I sleep with my eyes openThe mind has so many memoriesCan...

Rufus Wainwright - The Tower Of Learning
I'm looking for the tower of learningI'm looking for the copious prizeI saw it in your eyes what I'm l...

Rufus Wainwright - This Love Affair
I don't know what I'm doingI don't know what I'm sayingI don't know why I'm watching all these white p...

Rufus Wainwright - Vibrate
My phone's on vibrate for youElectroclash is karioke tooI try to dance Britney SpearsI guess I'm...

Rufus Wainwright - Vicious World
Thought that maybe we'd fall in love over the phoneThought that maybe I'd really love being aloneEvery...

Rufus Wainwright - Waiting For A Dream
Waiting for the present, for the present to passWaiting for a dream to lastYou are not my lover, and y...

Rufus Wainwright - Want
I don't want to make it rainI just want to make it simpleI don't want to see the lightI just wan...

Run Dmc - 30 Days
Heard that they said that it's rainin menBut the offer that I make, it won't be made againYou don't ha...

Run Dmc - 3 In The Head
"Do or die!" [2X][Run]Come on stand up, still-a, a nigga that's gettin iller...

Run Dmc - Back From Hell
[D.M.C.]On the lower level where the devils dwell..Comin from the one, comin back from hell...

Run Dmc - Beats To The Rhyme
[D.M.C.]DJ's and MC's, coming up next is the one and onlyincredible, Jam MasterYo, back u...

Run Dmc - Big Willie
[Run] One two, one two..[DMC] And this is, the hardcore rawLyrical law, never seen befor...

Run Dmc - Bob Your Head
Bob your head.. [2X][D.M.C.]As we bop the break of dawn..the no...

Run Dmc - Can I Get A Witness
[Chorus: Run-D.M.C. (repeat 4X)]Can you kick it like I kick it when I kick this,can I get...

Run Dmc - Can I Get It, Yo
[Run]Can I get this?Now DJ Run I run amuck and run to hit this"Hit it Run!" My name is J...

Run Dmc - Can You Rock It Like This
If I eat, a little kid, sticks his finger in my plateI be signing autographs, for three months straight...

Run Dmc - Crown Royal
For they, is the kingdome and the power, and the glory Forever...The King's a ruler, the ruler r...

Run Dmc - Darryl And Joe (krush-groove 3)
[Run] Well I rehearsed for the verse and I'm number oneNot the best, not the worst, cause my name is ...

Run Dmc - Don't Stop
[Run]As I proceed indeed to take the lead with speedAll the suckers'll back off and fallB...

Run Dmc - Dumb Girl
[Run]I seen you jockin J.C. cause he got a Mercedesand you know about his ladies, and all his b...

Run Dmc - Faces
[D.M.C.]In your face, all the timeAll in your face when I'm kickin my rhymeAll these face...

Run Dmc - For 10 Years
[D.M.C.]For the past, decade..and the last, ten years..many reps were made..many de...

Run Dmc - Get Open
We get open! [8X][Run]I seen you hopin and scopin I'm copin as I get you wide open...

Run Dmc - Groove To The Sound
[D.M.C.]Groove to the sounds of Jam Master JayThe high-potent, super-chargedspiritual lyr...

Run Dmc - Hard Times
Hard times spreading just like the fluWatch out homeboy, don't let it catch youP-p-prices go up, don't...

Run Dmc - Hit 'em Hard
[Run]Next.. next.. next..Next y'all it's yes y'allest the tallestThree the hardest from H...

Run Dmc - Hit It Run
[D.M.C.]Born to rock around the clockYou can't say I'm notAnd in case you forgotI'm...

Run Dmc - Hollis Crew (krush-groove 2)
Sucker MC's who did not learnIf you don't this time, we shall returnThe beat is big, it's kind o...

Run Dmc - How'd Ya Do It Dee
[D.M.C.]Yeah, one two one twoAnd I sayas we let the music playThis is dedicated to ...

Run Dmc - I'm Not Going Out Like That
[Malcolm X]Many of our people..stealing..gambling..Many of our people turn to.....

Run Dmc - In The House
[Run]Back, back, back with the boom, so give a nigga roomCame with the fame with my name came a...

Run Dmc - Is It Live
[Intro:][Run & D.M.C]The microphone master DMCCauses 1, 2, 3, 4 casual...

Run Dmc - It's Like That
[Run] Unemployment at a record highs People coming, people going, people born to die Don'...

Run Dmc - It's Not Funny
[Run-D.M.C.]IT'S NOT FUNNY - when you buy a TV off the streetYou take it home, plug it in, BAM,...

Run Dmc - It's Tricky
[Intro]This speech is my recital, I think it's very vitalTo rock (a rhyme), that's right ...

Run Dmc - Jam Master Jay
Kick off shoes, jump on the jockListen to the Jam Master as he starts to rockHis name is Jay and he's ...

Run Dmc - Jam Master's Jammin'
Couldn't wait to see, Jam Master jammin'Couldn't wait to see, the Master jamCouldn't wait to see...

Run Dmc - Kick The Frama Lama Lama
AUHHH![Run]Yes yes y'allOff to the lagoon, so soon, my tune'll have roomto go...

Run Dmc - King Of Rock
I'm the king of rock, there is none higherSucker MC's should call me sireTo burn my kingdom, you must ...

Run Dmc - Let's Stay Together (together Forever)
Let's stay together Yo, yeah, DMC my man In the place to be Yo, this song is dedicated to (word)...

Run Dmc - Livin' In The City
livin in the.. livin in the.. livin in the.. livin in the ci-tayyyy!(This what happens in the city e'ryday)...

Run Dmc - Mary, Mary
"Mary, Mary.." WHY YA BUGGIN?"Mary, Mary.." I NEED YA HUGGIN[Run]Had a fly girl Flo...

Run Dmc - Miss Elaine
My my my teacher came in class, breathin hard as could beAnd then she made a pass at my homeboy DI sai...

Run Dmc - My Adidas
My Adidaswalked through concert doorsand roamed all over coliseum floorsI stepped on stage, at L...

Run Dmc - Naughty
[D.M.C.]And I say.. the brother's about to get naughty!Rockin you on down.. to the last.. STOP!...

Run Dmc - Not Just Another Groove
[Jay]One two, one two, and I sayI go by the name of Jam Master JayAnd the Hollis Crew, we...

Run Dmc - Ooh, Whatcha Gonna Do
Never let a punk get away with murderGun shots, gun shots, all you heard-aWhat's up? What's up? What...

Run Dmc - Papa Crazy
[Run]Now papa don't give a damn, or say, "Thank you, ma'am"Eatin filet mignon, lobster tails an...

Run Dmc - Party Time
[Intro/Chorus: unknown singers]It's party time, and we came here to partyso get up and mo...

Run Dmc - Pause
Afros.... yeahhhAFROS! YeahhhBrothers be out there doin crack... NOOOOOOOThey be doin dope... N...

Run Dmc - Perfection
[DMC] Everyone out there ready?[Run] It goes a one, two, three, and..[Run]...

Run Dmc - Peter Piper
Now Peter Piper picked peppers but Run rocked rhymesHumpty Dumpty fell down that's his hard timeJack B...

Run Dmc - Proud To Be Black
[Run]You know I'm proud to be black y'alland that's a fact y'allAnd if you try to take wh...

Run Dmc - P Upon A Tree
[Run]Yo Dee let's break out we late man, hurry up[DMC]Alright man let's go to Popp...

Run Dmc - Radio Station
[Run]Radio station, on vacationWonder where Run was, damn be patientComin to the rescue, ...

Run Dmc - Ragtime
[Run]I.. woke up this morning got ready to rollPut on my green bomber it was, freezing cold...

Run Dmc - Raising Hell
[Run-D.M.C.]Kings from Queens from Queens come KingsWe're raisin hell like a class when the lun...

Run Dmc - Rock Box
[Run]Run.. (Run..) D.. (D) M.. (M) C.. (C)Rock.. (rock.. rock..)For you! (for you.. for y...

Run Dmc - Rock The House
[Run]And this is the way..we rock the house!Ha hah..Ya don't..Ya can't....

Run Dmc - Run's House
[RUN]A whole lot of superstars, on this stage her tonightBut i want yall to know one thing-this...

Run Dmc - Son Of Byford
[D.M.C.]Aiyyo Jay yo Jay, check this outI was bornSon of Byford, brother of AlBad a...

Run Dmc - Soul To Rock And Roll
[scratching by Jam Master Jay]"I'm the.. I'm the.. I'm the.. I'm the..""I'm the king of.....

Run Dmc - Sucker D.j.'s
[D.M.C.]And you say..As we go, with the rhyme flowJust to let you know, Darryl and Joe...

Run Dmc - Sucker M.c.'s
[Run]Two years ago, a friend of mineAsked me to say some MC rhymesSo I said this rhyme I'...

Run Dmc - The Ave.
[D.M.C.]These are the words that I wrote so I hope that ya don't manI'll never joke about the c...

Run Dmc - They Call Us Run-d.m.c.
Now that I waxed the crowd, I'm feeling proud and loudShoulda screamed on a sucker, but I stepped and bowed...

Run Dmc - Three Little Indians
One little, two little, three little indians!("check this out")One little, two little, three little in...

Run Dmc - To The Maker
Auggggggggggggh, auuuuuuughAuggggggggggggh, auuuuuuugh[repeats in background][Ru...

Run Dmc - Tougher Than Leather
[Run-D.M.C.]Unconceivable, unbelievableGrammar like a hammer information receivableSent b...

Run Dmc - Wake Up
(Wake up), (wake up)(Get up)(Wake up), (wake up)(Get up)(Wake up)When I woke u...

Run Dmc - What's It All About?
[Run] I would like to throw "Rock Box" in the start of this one..[Jam Master Jay obliges wit...

Run Dmc - Word Is Born
[Run] Let's begin, to talk!![D.M.C.]1990, and this is what's goin onto the b...

Run Dmc - Wreck Shop
We wreck shop, you know we wreck shop [3X]You know we know we know we wreck shopWe wreck shop, ...

Run Dmc - You Be Illin'
[Verse 1](One) day when I was chillin' in Kentucky Fried ChickenJust mindin' my business,...

Run Dmc - You're Blind
[Run-D.M.C.]Tenement buildings, and skyscrapers[Run]Are polluted and often i...

Run Dmc - You Talk Too Much
Shut up!!!You talk too much...You talk too much...You talk too much...You talk too m...

Rupee - 1 On 1
[Verse 1]Every week the club ah see youBut i never have enough courage toCome over there ...

Rupee - Crime Of The Century
[Verse 1]GuiltyAre the feelings that you and i share insideThough we both love somebody e...

Rupee - Do The Damn Thing
[Verse 1]Outside insideDe place it ramDance floor tightBut we don't give a damn...

Rupee - Flaunt It
[Chorus]If you've got itThen flaunt itIf you've got itShow it off show the world ...

Rupee - Helpless
[Chorus]I can't help myselfWhenever your around me girlI want no one elseLady you j...

Rupee - If I Can't (have You)
[Chorus]If i can't if i can'tHave youThen baby i don't wanna beWith no-one else...

Rupee - Jump
[Bonus track]Whey... look at peopleYou make me wannaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, ...

Rupee - Punked
[Verse 1]All the lies that you toldOn the promises madeHow could you be so boldNow ...

Rupee - Steamroller
[verse 1]De way you shake dat bumpaGirl can't believe my eyesI'm under pressureAnd ...

Rupee - What Happens In De Party
[Chorus 1]What happens in de partyStays in de partyWhat happens in de partyStays in...

Rupee - Woman (i'll Always Be There)
[Verse 1]Many nights we would sit down and cryTears from mine would be tears from your eye...

Rupee - You Never Know
[Chorus]Enjoy yourself in de massCause you never knowIt could be your lastEnjoy you...

Rush - 2112
'I lie awake, staring out at the bleakness of Megadon. City and sky become one, merging into a single plane,...

Rush - A Farewell To Kings
When they turn the pages of historyWhen these days have passed long agoWill they read of us with sadne...

Rush - Afterimage
Suddenly, you were goneFrom all the lives you left your mark uponI remember How we talked ...

Rush - Alien Shore
You and I, we are strangers by one chromosomeSlave to the hormone, body and soulIn a struggle to be ha...

Rush - Anagram (for Mongo)
There's a snake coming out of the darknessParade from paradiseEnd the need for EdenChase the dre...

Rush - Animate
Polarize meSensitize meCriticize meCivilize meCompensate meAnimate meComplicat...

Rush - Anthem
Know your place in life is where you want to beDon't let them tell you that you owe it all to meKeep o...

Rush - A Passage To Bangkok
Our first stop is in BogotaTo check Colombian fieldsThe natives smile and pass alongA sample of ...

Rush - Available Light
The restless windHas seen all thingsIn every kind of lightRising with the full moonTo go h...

Rush - Bastille Day
There's no bread, let them eat cakeThere's no end to what they'll takeFlaunt the fruits of noble birth...

Rush - Before And After
Love won't see me comin'On a Sunday noon todayStill don't believe we're fadin'But now the world ...

Rush - Beneath, Between And Behind
Ten score years ago, defeat the kingly foeA wondrous dream came into beingTame the trackless waste, no...

Rush - Best I Can
I've got a livin' that's rough, a future that's toughYou know what I meanBlankers and boasters, all th...

Rush - Between Sun And Moon
There is a lake between sun and moonNot too many know aboutIn the silence between whisper and shout...

Rush - Between The Wheels
To live between a rock and a hard placeIn between time Cruising in prime timeSoaking up the cath...

Rush - Bravado
If we burn our wingsFlying too close to the sunIf the moment of gloryIs over before it's begun...

Rush - By-tor And The Snow Dog
Tobes of Hades, lit by flickering torchlightThe netherworld is gathered in the glarePrince By-Tor take...

Rush - Carve Away The Stone
You can roll that stoneTo the top of the hillDrag your ball and chain behind youYou can ca...

Rush - Ceiling Unlimited
It's not the heatIt's the inhumanityPlugged into the sweat of a summer streetMachine gun images ...

Rush - Chain Lightning
Energy is contagiousEnthusiasm spreadsTides respond to lunar gravitationEverything turns in sync...

Rush - Chemistry
Signal transmittedMessage receivedReaction making impactInvisiblyElemental telepathy...

Rush - Cinderella Man
A modest man from MandrakeTravelled rich to the cityHe had a need to discoverA use for his newly...

Rush - Circumstances
A boy alone, so far from homeEndless rooftops from my windowI felt the gloom of empty roomsOn ra...

Rush - Closer To The Heart
And the men who hold high placesMust be the ones who startTo mold a new realityCloser to the hea...

Rush - Cold Fire
It was long after midnightWhen we got to unconditional loveShe said, 'Sure, my heart is boundless...

Rush - Countdown
Lit up with anticipationWe arrive at the launching siteThe sky is still dark, nearing dawnOn the...

Rush - Crossroads
[Originally by Robert Johnson]I went to the crossroads, fell down on my kneesI went to th...

Rush - Cut To The Chase
It is the fire that lights itselfBut it burns with a restless flameThe arrow on a moving targetT...

Rush - Cygnus X-1, Book Ii: Hemispheres
[I. Prelude]When our weary world was youngThe struggle of the ancients first beganT...

Rush - Cygnus X-1, Book One: The Voyage
[Prologue:]In the constellation of Cygnus, there lurks a mysterious, invisible force: the black hole ...

Rush - Different Strings
Who's come to slay the dragon?Come to watch him fall?Making arrows out of pointed wordsGiant kil...

Rush - Digital Man
His world is under observationWe monitor his stationUnder faces and the placesWhere he traces po...

Rush - Distant Early Warning
An ill wind comes arisingAcross the cities of the plainThere's no swimming in the heavy waterNo ...

Rush - Dog Years
In a dog's lifeA year is really more like sevenAnd all too soon a canineWill be chasing cars in ...

Rush - Double Agent
Where would you rather be?Anywhere but hereWhen will the time be right?Anytime but now...

Rush - Dreamline
He's got a road map of JupiterA radar fix on the starsAll along the highwayShe's got a liquid-cr...

Rush - Driven
Driven up and down in circlesSkidding down a road of black iceStaring in and out storm windowsDr...

Rush - Earthshine
On certain nightsWhen the angles are rightAnd the moon is a slender crescentIt's circle sh...

Rush - Emotion Detector
When we lift the covers from our feelingsWe expose our insecure spotsTrust is just as rare as devotion...

Rush - Entre Nous
We are secrets to each otherEach one's life a novelNo one else has readEven joined in bonds of l...

Rush - Everyday Glory
In the house where nobody laughsAnd nobody sleepsIn the house where love lies dyingAnd the shado...

Rush - Face Up
You turn my headI spin my wheelsRunning on emptyYou know how that feelsI'm on a roll...

Rush - Finding My Way
Yeah, oh yeah!Ooh, said I, I'm comin' out to get youOoh, sit down, I'm comin' out to find youOoh...

Rush - Fly By Night
Why try? I know whyThe feeling inside me says it's time I was goneClear head, new life aheadI wa...

Rush - Force Ten
Tough times demand tough talkDemand tough hearts demand tough songsDemand...We can rise an...

Rush - For What It's Worth
[Originally by Buffalo Springfield]There's something happening hereWhat it is ain't exact...

Rush - Freewill
There are those who think that life has nothing left to chanceA host of holy horrors to direct our aimless d...

Rush - Freeze
The city crouches, steamingIn the early morning half lightThe sun is still a rumorAnd the night ...

Rush - Ghost Of A Chance
Like a million little doorwaysAll the choices we madeAll the stages we passed throughAll the rol...

Rush - Ghost Rider
Pack up all those phantomsShoulder that invisible loadKeep on riding North and WestHaunting that...

Rush - Grand Designs
A to BDifferent degrees...So much style without substanceSo much stuff without style...

Rush - Half The World
Half the world hatesWhat half the world does every dayHalf the world waitsWhile half gets on wit...

Rush - Hand Over Fist
Hand over fistPaper around the stoneScissors cut the paperCut the paper to the boneHand ov...

Rush - Heart Full Of Soul
[Originally by The Yardbirds] Sick at heart and lonely,Deep in dark despair.Thi...

Rush - Here Again
I said I played this song so many times beforeThat the melody keeps repeatingGrowing new ideas, flowin...

Rush - Heresy
All around that dull grey worldFrom Moscow to BerlinPeople storm the barricadesWalls go tumbling...

Rush - High Water
When the waters rose in the darknessIn the wake of the endless floodIt flowed into our memoryIt ...

Rush - How It Is
Here's a little trapThat sometimes catches everyoneWhen today's as far as we can seeFaith in bri...

Rush - In The End
Well, I can see what you meanIt just takes me longerAnd I can feel what you feelIt just makes yo...

Rush - In The Mood
Hey, now, babyWell, I like your smileWon't you come and talk to meFor a little while?...

Rush - I Think I'm Going Bald
I looked in the mirror todayMy eyes just didn't seem so brightI've lost a few more hairsI think ...

Rush - Jacob's Ladder
The clouds prepare for battleIn the dark and brooding silenceBruised and sullen storm cloudsHave...

Rush - Kid Gloves
A world of differenceA world so out of touchOverwhelmed by everythingBut wanting more so much...

Rush - Lakeside Park
Midway hawkers calling'Try your luck with me'Merry-go-round wheezingThe same old melodyA t...

Rush - Lessons
Sweet memoriesFlashing very quickly byReminding meAnd giving me a reason whyI know that...

Rush - Limelight
Living on a lighted stageApproaches the unrealFor those who think and feelIn touch with some rea...

Rush - Lock And Key
I don't want to face the killer instinctFace it in you or meWe carry a sensitive cargoBelo...

Rush - Losing It
The dancer slows her frantic paceIn pain and desperationHer aching limbs and downcast faceAglow ...

Rush - Madrigal
When the dragons grow too mightyTo slay with pen or swordI grow weary of the battleAnd the storm...

Rush - Making Memories
There's a time for feelin' as good as we canThe time is now and there's no stoppin' usThere's a time f...

Rush - Manhattan Project
Imagine a time when it all beganIn the dying days of a warA weapon that would settle the scoreWh...

Rush - Marathon
It's not how fast you can goThe force goes into the flowIf you pick up the beatYou can forget ab...

Rush - Middletown Dreams
The office door closed earlyThe hidden bottle came outThe salesman turned to close the blindsA l...

Rush - Mission
Hold your fireKeep it burning brightHold the flame 'til the dream ignitesA spirit with a vision ...

Rush - Mr. Soul
[Originally by Buffalo Springfield]Oh, hello, Mr. Soul, I dropped by to pick up a reasonF...

Rush - Mystic Rhythms
So many things I think aboutWhen I look far awayThings I know, things I wonderThings I'd like to...

Rush - Natural Science
[1. Tide Pools]When the ebbing tide retreatsAlong the rocky shorelineIt leaves a tr...

Rush - Need Some Love
I'm runnin' here, I'm runnin' thereI'm lookin' for a girl'Cause there's nothin' I need, there's nothin...

Rush - Neurotica
You just don't get itWhat it is...well, you're not really sureYou move like you're walking on this ice...

Rush - New World Man
He's a rebel and a runnerHe's a signal turning greenHe's a restless young romanticWants to run t...

Rush - Nobody's Hero
I knew he was different in his sexualityI went to his parties as a straight minorityIt never seemed a ...

Rush - Nocturne
Did I have a dream?Or did the dream have me?Set off on a night-sea journeyWithout memory o...

Rush - One Little Victory
A certain measure of innocenceWilling to appear naiveA certain degree of imaginationA measure of...

Rush - Open Secrets
It went right by meAt the time it went over my headI was looking out the windowI should have loo...

Rush - Out Of The Cradle
It's not a placeIt's a yearningIt's not a raceIt's a journeyIt's not an actIt'...

Rush - Peaceable Kingdom
A wave toward the clearing the skyAll this time we're talking and sharing our rational viewA bil...

Rush - Presto
If I could wave my magic wand...I am made from the dust of the starsAnd the oceans flow in my ve...

Rush - Prime Mover
Basic elemental instinct to surviveStirs the higher passionsThrill to be aliveAlternating ...

Rush - Red Barchetta
My uncle has a country placeThat no one knows aboutHe says it used to be a farmBefore the Motor ...

Rush - Red Lenses
I see redAnd it hurts my headGuess it must be somethingThat I readIt's the color of ...

Rush - Red Sector A
All that we can do is just surviveAll that we can do to help ourselves is stay aliveRagged lines...

Rush - Red Tide
Nature has some new plagueTo run in our streetsHistory some new wrinkleWe are doomed to repeat...

Rush - Resist
I can learn to resistAnything but temptationI can learn to coexistWith anything but pain...

Rush - Roll The Bones
Well, you can stake that claimGood work is the key to good fortuneWinners take that praiseLosers...

Rush - Scars
I've stood upon my mountaintopAnd shouted at the skyWalked above the pavementWith my sense ampli...

Rush - Second Nature
A memo to a higher officeOpen letter to the powers that beTo a god, a king, a head of stateA cap...

Rush - Secret Touch
The way outIs the way inThe way outIs the way in...Out of touchWith the weathe...

Rush - Seven And Seven Is
[Originally by Love]When I was a boy I thought about the times I'd be a manI'd sit inside...

Rush - Shapes Of Things
[Originally by The Yardbirds]Shapes of things before my eyes,Just teach me to despise....

Rush - Show Don't Tell
How many times do you hear it?It goes on all day longEveryone knows everythingAnd no one's ever ...

Rush - Something For Nothing
Waiting for the winds of changeTo sweep the clouds awayWaiting for the rainbow's endTo cast its ...

Rush - Stick It Out
Trust to your instinctsIf it's safely restrainedLightning reactionsMust be carefully trained...

Rush - Subdivisions
Sprawling on the fringes of the cityIn geometric orderAn insulated borderIn between the bright l...

Rush - Summertime Blues
[Originally by Eddie Cochran]Well, I'm gonna raise a fuss I'm gonna raise a holler ...

Rush - Superconductor
Packaged like a rebel or a heroTarget mass appealTo make an audience feelHe really means it...

Rush - Sweet Miracle
I wasn't walking on waterI was standing on a reefWhen the tide came inSwept beneath the surface...

Rush - Tai Shan
High on the sacred mountainUp the seven thousand stairsIn the golden light of autumnThere was ma...

Rush - Take A Friend
Well, I'm lookin' at youAnd I'm wond'rin' what you're gonna doLooks like you got no friendsNo on...

Rush - Tears
All of the seasons and all of the daysAll of the reasons why I've felt this waySo long...So long...

Rush - Territories
I see the Middle Kingdom between Heaven and EarthLike the Chinese call the country of their birthWe al...

Rush - Test For Echo
Here we go...vertigoVideo vertigoTest for echoHere we slo-moVideo vertigo...

Rush - The Analog Kid
A hot and windy August afternoonHas the trees in constant motionWith a flash of silver leavesAs ...

Rush - The Big Money
Big money goes around the worldBig money undergroundBig money got a mighty voiceBig money make n...

Rush - The Big Wheel
Well, I was only a kid - didn't know enough to be afraidPlaying the game, but not the way the big boys playe...

Rush - The Body Electric
One humanoid escapeeOne android on the runSeeking freedom beneath a lonely desert sunTryin...

Rush - The Camera Eye
Grim faced and forbiddingTheir faces closed tightAn angular mass of New YorkersPacing in rhythm...

Rush - The Color Of Right
I don't have an explanationFor another lonely nightI just feel this sense of missionAnd the sens...

Rush - The Enemy Within
Things crawl in the darknessThat imagination spinsNeedles at your nerve endsCrawl like spiders o...

Rush - The Fountain Of Lamneth
[I. In the Valley]I am bornI am meI am newI am freeLook at meI am...

Rush - The Necromancer
[I. Into the Darkness]'As grey traces of dawn tinge the eastern sky,the three travelers, ...

Rush - The Pass
Proud swagger out of the school yardWaiting for the world's applauseRebel without a conscienceMa...

Rush - The Seeker
[Originally by The Who]I've looked under chairsI've looked under tablesI've tried t...

Rush - The Speed Of Love
Love is born with lightning boltsElectro-magnetic forceBurning skin and fireworksA storm on a ra...

Rush - The Spirit Of Radio
Begin the day with a friendly voiceA companion unobtrusivePlays the song that's so elusiveAnd th...

Rush - The Stars Look Down
Like the fly on the wheel who says'What a lot of dust we're raising'Are you under the illusionTh...

Rush - The Trees
There is unrest in the forestThere is trouble with the treesFor the maples want more sunlightAnd...

Rush - The Twilight Zone
A pleasant faced man steps up to greet youHe smiles and says he's pleased to meet youBeneath his hat t...

Rush - The Weapon
We've got nothing to fear...but fear itself?Not pain, not failure, not fatal tragedy?Not the faulty un...

Rush - Time And Motion
Time and motionWind and sun and rainDays connect like boxcars in a trainFill them up with precio...

Rush - Time Stand Still
I turn my back to the windTo catch my breathBefore I start off again.Driven on without a moment ...

Rush - Tom Sawyer
A modern day warriorMean, mean strideToday's Tom SawyerMean, mean prideThough his mi...

Rush - Totem
I've got twelve disciples and a Buddha smileGarden of Allah, Viking ValhallaA miracle once in a while...

Rush - Turn The Page
Nothing can survive in a vacuumNo one can exists all aloneWe pretend things only happen to strangers...

Rush - Vapor Trail
Stratospheric traces of our transitory flightTrails of condensation heldIn narrow paths of white...

Rush - Virtuality
Like a shipwrecked mariner adrift on an unknown seaClinging to the wreckage of the lost ship FantasyI'...

Rush - Vital Signs
Unstable conditionA symptom of lifeIn mental and environmental changeAtmospheric disturbance...

Rush - War Paint
Girl before the mirrorAppraises her disguiseChild become a motherTries to fix her eyesNo m...

Rush - What You're Doing
Well, I see you standin' thereWith your finger in the airEverything we do, you wanna leave it up to yo...

Rush - Witch Hunt
The night is blackWithout a moonThe air is thick and stillThe vigilantes gather onThe lone...

Rush - Working Man
I get up at seven, yeahAnd I go to work at nineI got no time for livin'Yes, I'm workin' all the ...

Rush - Xanadu
'To seek the sacred river AlphTo walk the caves of iceTo break my fast on honeydewAnd drink the ...

Rush - You Bet Your Life
Just another hunter, like a wolf in the sunJust another junkie on a scoring runJust another victim of ...

Ryan Adams - 1974
The sun is shining hard at my feetAnd the city is an animal ready to eatIt's raining like a nose...

Ryan Adams - Afraid Not Scared
Look at this ocean with everyone drowningIdiots screaming and everyone sinking in slowlyWe're surround...

Ryan Adams - Amy
I don't know why I let go I want to be your friend Flowers grow through my window and I love you again...

Ryan Adams - Answering Bell
Did I slip? I know I stumbledDid I trip? 'Cause I know I fell All's I know is I'll wake up here in my ...

Ryan Adams - Anybody Want To Take Me Home
So, I am in the twilight of my youthNot that I'm going to rememberAnd have you seen the moon tonight...

Ryan Adams - Avalanche
I found your photograph in a cardboard box in a magazineI can't remember you, remember us or anythingI...

Ryan Adams - Bartering Lines
Hold me up hold me down Leave me in the withering pines Steal my love steal my kisses Take...

Ryan Adams - Beautiful Sorta
All I wanna do is get up, is get up, is get upIn the morning in the morningAnd not wanna die...

Ryan Adams - Blossom
Without anyone to love youWhat will you blossom into?Without anyone to hold youHow will you grow...

Ryan Adams - Boys
I'm as lonely as boysI'm as lonely as boysI'm as lonely as monkeys taught to destroyAnything the...

Ryan Adams - Burning Photograhs
I finally see the lightDown on the east sideWasted like a memoryIf I had a car I'd driveSt...

Ryan Adams - Call Me On Your Way Back Home
Oh baby why do I miss you like I do Oh I miss my sweet And the birds all singing blue And white ...

Ryan Adams - Cherry Lane
Every night I read this novel about youHolding roses in the pouring rainBut the ending's tore up, tryi...

Ryan Adams - Chin Up, Cheer Up
Took a walk with you In the shadow of my shoes Danced around the broken blues In the dirty summe...

Ryan Adams - City Rain, City Streets
Oh, the city rain It floods the city streets And in my city bed Out of my fuckin' head Is ...

Ryan Adams - Cold Roses
The mirrors in the room go black and blueOn a Sunday morning in her Saturday shoesWe don't choose who ...

Ryan Adams - Come Pick Me Up
When they call your name Will you walk right up With a smile on your face Or will you cower in f...

Ryan Adams - Cry On Demand
So, it's how the story goes. And we come to the scene where I'm holding you close. She moves, moves li...

Ryan Adams - Damn, Sam (i Love A Woman That Rains)
As a man I ain't never been much for sunny days I'm as calm as a fruit stand in New York and maybe as strang...

Ryan Adams - Dance All Night
She ain't lonely nowSee her shuffle across the floorYeah, she's happier nowSee her smile and say...

Ryan Adams - Dear Chicago
Dear Chicago, You'll never guess. You know the girl you said I'd meet someday? Well, I've got so...

Ryan Adams - Desire
Two hearts fading, like a flower. And all this waiting, for the power. For some answer, to this fire. ...

Ryan Adams - Do Miss America
So, tell me how you feel without your medicineHold you head feelin' paranoidSweet sixteen for a schizo...

Ryan Adams - Don't Ask For The Water
I hate this old placeAnd what it representsAnd I hate who I wasAnd who I ended up sinceBut...

Ryan Adams - Easy Plateau
Let's take a ride to the easy plateauWhere the cold don't come and the wind don't blowMoonlight flicke...

Ryan Adams - Enemy Fire
Enemy fire Enemy blanks Enemy colored roses Red colored tanks It's too late baby ...

Ryan Adams - English Girls Can Be So Mean
English girls are pretty when they play guitar Crazy like a day just a-breaking I ain't sure what for ...

Ryan Adams - Firecracker
Black birds slow and softly breaks a glass of wineBroken bluesy whisper sing to me tonightWell, everyb...

Ryan Adams - Friends
As pretty as a songA song could ever beLike Christmas on a riverWithout a boat or Christmas tree...

Ryan Adams - Gimme A Sign
Here's a picture of your lonely Fridays Turned to nothing on a Friday night Firecracker with a pile of...

Ryan Adams - Gonna Make You Love Me
Riot on the streets, the touch beneath the sheets It's only gonna make me love you more The cops they ...

Ryan Adams - Goodnight, Hollywood Blvd.
It's happening baby They're putting up the chairs Zaking the money And all we can do is pray ...

Ryan Adams - Hallelujah
I've been a desperate man I've been sheltered by a lonely dream There's a stranger here Looking ...

Ryan Adams - Harder Now That It's Over
They slapped 'em on you Where that bracelet used to be You know the one I bought you in phoenix ...

Ryan Adams - Hotel Chelsea Nights
How long's it gonna be, babe Before I get over you, doll You're tearin' the stuff right out of me kid ...

Ryan Adams - How Do You Keep Love Alive?
Lord, I miss that girlOn the day we met the sun was shining downDown on the valleyRiddled with h...

Ryan Adams - If I Am A Stranger
For all the hours here that move too slowThere's all this letting go, that don't passIf all this love ...

Ryan Adams - In My Time Of Need
Will you comfort me, in my time of need?Can you take away the pain of a hurtful deeds?Cause when we ne...

Ryan Adams - I See Monsters
Baby, I know you cannot hear me now 'Cause you're fast asleep But I love you now Colors inside y...

Ryan Adams - Jesus (don't Touch My Baby)
In California Forever summer and hot Into the ocean You're smiling a lot On sandy beaches ...

Ryan Adams - La Cienega Just Smiled
"Ah the it comes again"It's on with the jeans, the jacket and the shirtHow'd I end up fee...

Ryan Adams - Let It Ride
Moving like the fog on the Cumberland RiverI was leaving on the Delta QueenAnd I wasn't ready to go...

Ryan Adams - Life Is Beautiful
You plant a roseAnd if the rose comes upYou're thankful to GodAnd when it doesn't you cuss him...

Ryan Adams - Love Is Hell
There's strange weather in the back of the room And she's pretty, Jesse's spinning the tunesEyelashes,...

Ryan Adams - Luminol
Nobody with no one to callAnd all this timeHot metal as her clothes dissolveEmergency lights...

Ryan Adams - Magnolia Mountain
I want to go to Magnolia MountainAnd lay my weary head downDown on the rocksOn the mountain my s...

Ryan Adams - Meadowlake Street
There's something about youThat reminds me of all those timesWhen I wasn't sorry, when I wasn't blue...

Ryan Adams - Mockingbird
Mockingbirds singSing me what the Lord was singingOn the day He made the waterThe color of the b...

Ryan Adams - My Winding Wheel
Well nighttime let her through Yeah I'm talking to you I wanna see her Precious little thing ...

Ryan Adams - New York, New York
Well, I shuffled through the city on the 4th of JulyI had a firecracker waiting to blowBreakin' like a...

Ryan Adams - Nobody Girl
Well, the night makes moves And it shatters like broken glass Better play it cool... better let it pas...

Ryan Adams - Not To Self: Don't Die
I'm as blueI'm as blue as the ocean is true, it's just refelctions of the skyI'm as coldI'm as c...

Ryan Adams - Now That You're Gone
I ain't afraid of hurtI've had so much it feels just like normal to me nowI'm alone and I'm danc...

Ryan Adams - Nuclear
This is where the summer ends In a flash of pure destruction, no one wins Go nuclear. Nuclear. T...

Ryan Adams - Oh My Sweet Carolina
I went down to Houston And I stopped in San Antone I passed up the station for the bus I was try...

Ryan Adams - Please Don't Let Me Go
If the walls in the room could talk I wonder to myself would they lie It's like some kind of jail...

Ryan Adams - Political Scientist
He is drinking water from the faucet from the riverFrom the tributary it comes through rusted pipesOut...

Ryan Adams - Rock N Roll
Everybody's cool playing rock n rollEverybody's cool playing rock n rollI don't feel cool at all...

Ryan Adams - Rosebud
When I pick up my guitarThis is the song that always comesDon't know what I'm singing 'bout andD...

Ryan Adams - Shadowlands
God, please bring the rain Yeah, and bring it soon Let it flood right through the houses Into Ju...

Ryan Adams - Shakedown On 9th Street
Head on down to 9th street galLets go out kicking with the boys and the galsWear your dress and bring ...

Ryan Adams - Shallow
Girl, don't tell me how you want meTell me how to get throughGirl, don't tell me how you want me...

Ryan Adams - She's Lost Total Control
So much for the days of gloryIt's not like your idols died and are holy nowYou cross the street and co...

Ryan Adams - She Wants To Play Hearts
I am a broken toy For a lonely girl Use once and destroy And go find some more Back home, ...

Ryan Adams - So Alive
Today I watched the boatsMoving through the harborWalking on waterIn your arms I'd stayFor...

Ryan Adams - Somehow, Someday
I want to tell you somethingThat I should've, long agoI wish that you and I had those kidsMaybe ...

Ryan Adams - Starting To Hurt
It's a long way down, but I feel alright It's a long way down, but I feel alright And the cops get in,...

Ryan Adams - Sweet Illusions
Let me go I'm only letting you downI 've got nothing to say to you nowI lose the feelings that are wei...

Ryan Adams - Sweet Lil' Gal (23rd / 1st)
Fair haired galYou got a sister that's meanHanging around the cigarette machineBut when I'm lone...

Ryan Adams - Sylvia Plath
I wish I had a Sylvia Plath Busted tooth and a smile And cigarette ashes in her drink The kind t...

Ryan Adams - Tennessee Sucks
There you go Waving your arms like a girl Secondary clothes Don't worry, nobody knows Some...

Ryan Adams - Thank You Louise
Everyone, when she was young, They said she was the pretty one She's lovely now, just watch her as she...

Ryan Adams - The Drugs Not Working
I was shooting in the back of the carWhen the windows smashed on the police carsI was swimming through...

Ryan Adams - The Rescue Blues
Everybody wants you to be specialAnd everybody wants you to be highThey throw you down a rope when you...

Ryan Adams - This House Is Not For Sale
Tell 'em that the house is not for sale We're still livin' here, how come nobody can tell They're taki...

Ryan Adams - This Is It
Let me singa song for youThat's never been sung beforeAll the words were meant for youAnd never ...

Ryan Adams - Tina Toledo's Street Walkin' Blues
Sweet talkin' Johnny push a john quicker than he spit Street walkin' tin with a crooked crown waitin' for it...

Ryan Adams - To Be The One
Well the pills I got they ask me lets go out for a while And the knives up in the kitchen are all too dull t...

Ryan Adams - To Be Young (is To Be Sad, Is To Be High)
Young boy you done me bad I went and did ya wrong Young boy you done me bad I went and did ya wrong Th...

Ryan Adams - Tomorrow
Pulled into the station And they're playing Waylon Jennings When you're driving through so late at nig...

Ryan Adams - Touch, Feel & Lose
I knew I was never gonna talk to you tomorrow And oh, the birds how they sing If you were a bird could...

Ryan Adams - When The Stars Go Blue
Dancin' where the stars go blue Dancin' where the evening fell Dancin' in your wooden shoes In a...

Ryan Adams - When Will You Come Back Home?
There's something in the way she eases my mindAnd lays me across the bed till I close my eyesStirs me ...

Ryan Adams - Why Do They Leave?
Oh, why do they leave?Oh, why do they leave?On the day that you needed them the most Simple card...

Ryan Adams - Wild Flowers
Poor girl, no Ma Nothing much to speak of but a rough diamond Sleep now and your angels will come, dea...

Ryan Adams - Wish You Were Here
Cotton candy and a rotten mouthYou know you're so fucked upYou know I couldn't help but have it for yo...

Ryan Adams - World War 24
Porcelain doll Your mother runs an antique shop She takes some stuff, I take a lot We sleep all ...

Ryan Adams - You Will Always Be The Same
Go on to the street to the cars in the pouring rain Go on to the bus that left us in the dust and the flames...

Ryan Cabrera - 40 Kinds Of Sadness
Two days chasing me aroundI go crazy when you're outside of my worldWhen you're outside of my world...

Ryan Cabrera - Blind Sight
Life, its crazy how some things never work out, But I'm hoping that this time goes right, Cause I've t...

Ryan Cabrera - Echo Park
Today it rained in L.A.Smog's been beaten down for awhileDrove up a hill where I could feel the ocean....

Ryan Cabrera - Exit To Exit
Was it the little things I left unsaid?The thoughts are wrapped around my head, in love, in lifeCould ...

Ryan Cabrera - Illusions
Middle of the night and it's getting so hard to breathe.You can't sleep, can't think, can't hardly dream....

Ryan Cabrera - Let's Take Our Time
I wanna give every part of you the attention it deservesI want to take it slow get you in the moodCuz ...

Ryan Cabrera - On The Way Down
Sick and Tired of this worldThere's no more airTrippin' over myselfGoin' nowhereWaiting...

Ryan Cabrera - Shame On Me
I know you wanna talkAnd tell me about your dayBut i keep wandering offOooh how your hair....

Ryan Cabrera - She's
She looks into my eyes and i'm alive againAnd when she says goodbye, I just die againThat's when my re...

Ryan Cabrera - Take It All Away
So much beauty in lifeShining on the outsideEmpty on the insideI get lost sometimesBlinded...

Ryan Cabrera - True
I wont talkI wont breatheI wont move till you finally seeThat you belong with meYou ...

Ryan Duarte - You
Its all about you [x4]The way your makin me feel inside feels just so rightGirl I've trie...

Ryan Malcolm - Absolutely Perfect
Sometimes we don't, haven't a clue, what we are doin'We fumble around out in the wind like a piece of paper...

Ryan Malcolm - Crash & Burn
There's a picture in my windowOf a world that sleeps outsideAs still as it was midnightIs Heaven...

Ryan Malcolm - Good Girls
Her name was Sheila, she was a dreamer, You know we never seen eye to eyeThen there was Mona, just 'ro...

Ryan Malcolm - Home
Jump in the car I gotta feeling, pretty soon things might get heated, We're not safe here anymore, The...

Ryan Malcolm - I Gotta Be Me
My first grade teacher said that if I wanted to get ahead, IHave to learn to pay attentionBut I've nev...

Ryan Malcolm - Memory Lane
I don't know, don't know where to start to feel like, letting go, When the things get so far from alright, w...

Ryan Malcolm - Nothing Left To Say
Nothing left to say, sayNothing left to say, sayNothing left to sayI've been looking on th...

Ryan Malcolm - October Skies
As I'm travelling, top down, through the streets of this town, leave it all behindGonna start a new life cha...

Ryan Malcolm - Ride
Hot summer night, let's go for a rideLet's leave the city lights behind,Turn the radio on, there's a S...

Ryan Malcolm - Something More
I don't think that I can tell you what this means to meBut here I am, it's so hard to believeThat I'm ...

Ryan Malcolm - Star Of All The Planets
Don't you know you're beautifulThe light you shed, it overflows my eyes, Can't take your blinding glow...

Ryan Malcolm - Straight Up The Middle
I've been knocked downI'll get myself togetherFace to the groundI know it's now or neverTh...

Ryan Malcolm - You Made This Fool Become A Man
Travelling on the road to nowhere, and I was driving much to fastTrying to be ahead of things, but I always ...

Ryan Malcolm - Your Heart Will Know
You feel the world is rushing by youWhile you're waiting for someone to understandYou tend to see love...

Rza - A Day To God Is 1000 Years
"I wanna stay with you, forever"[RZA]Yo, yo, the A-1 sauce, the Divine ForceMy mind...

Rza - Bob N'i
[Intro: sample]Birth flying high, you know how I feelSun in the sky, you know how I feelB...

Rza - Drink, Smoke & Fuck
[RZA]Aiyo, raise 'em up, hold ya cupUp, let the Alize fill them upThug passion, love pass...

Rza - See The Joy
See the joy of life beginningSee the joy of life beginningOh sweet joy!A brand new baby boy...

Sade - Bullet Proof Soul
I was so in love with youYou rarely see a love that's trueWasn't that enough for youWasn't that ...

Sade - Clean Heart
Clean heartClean and sharpClean dreamBad start He loved his brother and his sisterLu...

Sade - Fear
Blue is the color of the red skyWill he, will he come home toniteBlue is the color that she feels insi...

Sade - Feel No Pain
Mamma been laid offPappa been laid offMy brother's been laid offFor more than two years now...

Sade - Give It Up
Tell me the secrets of your soulGive it up and let go Give it upGive it allGive it up...

Sade - Haunt Me
Haunt meIn my dreamsIf you pleaseYou're breath is with me now and alwaysIt's like a breeze...

Sade - I Couldn't Love You More
I couldn't love you moreIf time was running outCouldn't love you moreOh right now baby Tak...

Sade - I Never Thought I'd See The Day
You shed a shaddow on my lifeShed a shaddow on a loveTook the shelter out of my lifeTook the she...

Sade - Keep Looking
Some will tell you that you're wrongYou do it all the wrong waySome will tell you that you're wrong...

Sade - King Of Sorrow
I'm crying everyone's tearsAnd there inside our private warI died the night beforeAnd all of the...

Sade - Maureen
MaureenIt's hard to explainI'm never going to see you againAnd you'll never meet my new friends ...

Sade - Mr. Wrong
He don't careWhere he's been playingHe doesn't hearA word she's sayingShe's a fancy girl...

Sade - Tar Baby
Granma came to seeSomething she could not believeHow could her girl beSo naive Tar baby, t...

Sade - Turn My Back On You
To turn my back on youNow would I turn my back on meTo turn my back on youNow would I turn my ba...

Sade - War Of The Heart
I could aimBut I could not fireGot a bullet to spareTo kill my desire Who's calling the sh...

Sade - Why Can't We Live Together
Tell me why tell me why tell me whyUmm why can't we live togetherTell me why tell meUmm why can'...

Sade - You're Not The Man
You're not the man who gave me everythingI've ever wanted You're not the manWho stepped inside m...

Saliva - Bait & Switch
Back in the day, I dedicated my life to becoming a big rock 'n roll star.Back in the day, I dedicated my lif...

Saliva - Bleed For Me
All I ever wantedwas to be at your servicebut now I'm alonecause you were here and you're gone...

Saliva - Carry On
I found a treasure in you, a black coal diamond in the rough.I chipped away to find out, that there was noth...

Saliva - Fuck All Y'all
Heres a little story that needs to be told, about the devil doing business in the fiery hole. Here's a littl...

Saliva - I Want You
I thought this was a perfect love affair.Not like the other ones, not like the other ones. But now I t...

Saliva - King Of My World
I'll never seen any side of heavenI'll walk for miles through a blazin' hellIt doesn't matter what you...

Saliva - No Hard Feelings
All the pain that haunts me still.And all the shame surrounding you.And all the past that I can't kill...

Saliva - No Regrets, Vol. 2
All the pain that haunts me still.And all the shame surrounding you, is now the past that I can't kill....

Saliva - One Night Only
I always wanted to be president, I always wanted to be Superman.I ended up a fuckin' superstar.I...

Saliva - Open Eyes
Miles and miles of cold and lonely road.And now I'm standin' here alone. And all the truth that I've b...

Saliva - Razor's Edge
Walking on Razor's edge, so hard for me to find my way home.How could it have come to this? So hard to...

Saliva - Rock & Roll Revolution
What's this monkey business going on todayYou music business whores are all about just getting paid.Yo...

Saliva - Survival Of The Sickest
1 2 3 4!I'm the hand up Mona Lisa's dress,I'm the smile on every criminal you'll ever acquit....

Saliva - Two Steps Back
I see the end of every book I've ever read.I see the price of everything I ever said. I feel the break...

Salt 'n' Pepa - A Salt With A Deadly Pepa
I'm Salt here to resource so start steppin'When me and my homegirl Pepa start pepperin'Try and dis the...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Beauty And The Beat
Oooh, baby, I like the sound whenThe switch is on, and you start poundin'Out my radio and pretty soon...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Big Shot
A-one, a-one-twoIt's like, it's like, it's like, it's like, it's like...[CHORUS]...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Blacks' Magic
(I'd like to send this one out to the partnerPepa MC, and her first born, whatever it may be)Yo,...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Boy Toy
Yeah, heh hehS-N-P, hmm, for youBrand New, uh, uh, uh, yeah[Chorus:]Boy...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Brand New
[DJ Flex:]Uh, uh, Here we go, uhAh yeah, DJ Flex with Salt and PepaAnd we about to ...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Break Of Dawn
(Yes, yes, y'all, and you don't stop)Keep-keep it on 'til the break of dawn(Boom-bam-slam) Keep-...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Chick On The Side (remix)
Don't touch me! Get away from me!Homeboy, you better stop it, keep up you're gonna get itYour mouth is...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Do Me Right
Cuz I need a manS'alright, yeah, oh[Deidra "Spinderella" Roper:]Hold up, wait...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Doper Than Dope
Ah, to the beat y'allYes, yes, y'allSalt and Pepa's here with a brand new callPeople are saying,...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Do You Want Me
You said it loud, and I heard youNever tried to hurt youSome say I'm old-fashionedI like to take...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Expression
Oh yeah, oh yeahYou know life is all about expressionYou only live once, and you're not coming back...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Friends
[Mad Lion:]Oh someone go on like them ya born to find if I bought themBorn for prime star...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Get Up Everybody (get Up)
Ok, y'all, this is it now bust itThe mic will sing soon as I touch itDo this smooth and easy like...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Gitty Up
[Spin: Gitty up babe][Cheryl "Salt" James & Rufus Blaq:]You can buy that...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Good Life
[Intro:]Ooh, yeah, SNP livin' the good lifeCan you pace platinum and goldLexus, dro...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Groove Me
Got the phat groove on the reel...(Can you groove with me?)Got the phat groove on the reel...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Heaven Or Hell
[CHORUS]Children play, women produceKids killing kids just for the juiceNow Africa is loo...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Hold On
[Kirk Franklin:]Let's have a little church up in hereHow ya doin', this is Kirk Franklin...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Hyped On The Mic
I'd like you to meet my mic, last name is phoneThis is my house make yourself at homeNow see those cha...

Salt 'n' Pepa - I Desire
We're on a missionDissin' all of the oppositionMCs, it's my butt you're kissin'Because I desire...

Salt 'n' Pepa - I Don't Know
(Yo, Play, I never expected that from youA guy's entitled to one mistake, CherylOne mistake? That ain'...

Salt 'n' Pepa - I Gotcha
You told me today that you quit your girlfriendI'd be the next one to ease on inYou promised me it wou...

Salt 'n' Pepa - I Like To Party
Let's kick it like this, ah yeahWe gotta kick it like this, ah yeahWe need to kick it like this, ah ye...

Salt 'n' Pepa - I'll Take Your Man
Salt and Pepa's back, and we came to out rap youSo get out my face before I smack youHo, don't you kno...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Independent
When duty call, the leader Pep come hardTry to dis my girl Salt, up goes my guardStill feminine, femin...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Intro Jam
Pepa...Yes, Salt?Are the mics loud enough?Yes, SaltShall we begin?Yes, Salt...

Salt 'n' Pepa - It's Alright
Hey-a, forward the music selectorWe get tougher, aye (??)Salt and Pepa draw the people into hysterics...

Salt 'n' Pepa - I've Got Aids (psa)
Well, for a long time, me, Pep, and Spin have been involved in the fightagainst AIDS, and we always say the ...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Knock Knock
You and I together forever baby[Chorus:]I've been knockin' knockin'Knockin' a...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Let's Talk About Sex
(Punch it, HurbYo, I don't think we should talk about thisCome on, why not?People might misunder...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Let The Rhythm Run (remix)
Salt and Pepa's on the mic makin' sure you likeThe type of hype that's unbelievable to writeSpinderell...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Live & Let Die
I'm a sister with a grip on her lifeI only live once so I gotta get rightThe first time cuz there won'...

Salt 'n' Pepa - My Mic Sounds Nice
Are you ready?Yo, Hurb, take it from the topOne, two...My mic sound nice, check oneM...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Negro Wit' An Ego
Here we go (yo), I'm a negro with an egoSo? Don't tell me what I'm doin' is illegalNo, I resort to vio...

Salt 'n' Pepa - None Of Your Business
What's the matter with your life?Why you gotta mess with mine?Don't keep sweatin' what I doCuz I...

Salt 'n' Pepa - No One Does It Better
Baby...Baby, baby, baby (give it to me)Oh, yeah (I need it)Come and get it (I'm ready)Cuz ...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Ru Ready
R U ready?Pum, pump, let me see you jumpShake your rump, push it real goodBreak it down with the...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Say Ooh
[Intro:]Say, say (Ooh)Say, oohSay, say (Ooh)Say, ooh[Salt:]...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Sexy Noises Turn Me On
Sexy noises turn me on and onTalk to me and you can't go wrongI love the sound of your voice when you ...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Silly Of You
Uh, come on, uhCome on, uh, yeahUh, if ya want some, come and get some[Chorus (2x):]...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Solo Power (let's Get Paid)
Pep had to step, she'll be back in a secBut in the meantime, I like to have sound checkOne-two's...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Somebody's Gettin' On My Nerves
Hey, yo, show 'em what ya gotShow 'em what ya gotShow-show 'em what ya gotShow 'em what ya got...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Somma Time Man
Somebody's knockin' at my door (Yo, yo!) (Who is it?)Somebody's ringin' my bell (Open the door!) (I'm comin'...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Soul Power (syncopated Soul)
As I was way in the back I noticed thatSalt was rockin' the hell out of some of you catsThen I decided...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Spinderella's Not A Fella (but A Girl Dj)
When the needle's picked up, the volume's kicked upShe's gonna fix up anything that's mixed upWhen the...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Start The Party
I'm gettin' dressed for the jam about to jump in my MercedesSlippin' on my dancin' shoes cuz I'm a lady of t...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Step
I'm your honey-dipper so you say, you knowThen you react and attack every flirt and hoBut oh, no - you...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Swift
The duo is back, competition check out the new styleThen get the heck outPut on your battlin' gear, bu...

Salt 'n' Pepa - The Clock Is Tickin'
[Chorus:]Hurry up and change your mindDon't let love make you blindWell now don't r...

Salt 'n' Pepa - The Showstopper
(Once again my friends and countrymenLend us your ears and eyesThe Showstopper is stupid freshWh...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Tramp
[Verse 1]Homegirls, attention you must paySo listen close to what I sayDon't take t...

Salt 'n' Pepa - Twist And Shout
Yo, Salt, your micYo, Pepa, your micYo, Spin, you hypeWe're def, you're rightThe bass shak...

Salt 'n' Pepa - You Showed Me
You showed me what to do, exactly what to doWhen I was in love with youYou showed me many of things, p...

Samantha Mumba - Always Come Back To Your Love
Show me where I belong tonight. Give me a reason to stay. No matter if I go left or right. I alw...

Samantha Mumba - Baby Come Over
Baby Come Over [Chorus:]Baby come on over tonight, we can make it all rightTake a p...

Samantha Mumba - Believe In Me
Don't You Save Me For Your Rainy DaysYou Gotta Believe In MeYou Got Ta Believe In Me Babydon't Y...

Samantha Mumba - Body Ii Body
Mama said Don't you play around town But I just can't control myself Picking up that boy tonight...

Samantha Mumba - Can It Be Love
Can It Be Love?It could be just in my fantasyIt could be just in my mindA funny feeling yo...

Samantha Mumba - Don't Need You To Tell Me I'm Pretty
[Verse 1:]I don't need you toTell me i'm pretty to make me feel beautifulI don't need you...

Samantha Mumba - Feelin' Is Right
I Know That You Want MeBut Maybe you're ShyYou'll Never Know If You don't Even Tryit's now or ne...

Samantha Mumba - I'm Right Here
Back in the day I did not knowWhat to look for in my new beauSo, I would just settle for guys I should...

Samantha Mumba - Isn't It Strange
Isn't It StrangeHow life is so realEverytime you meet someone you feelSomeone you hold Every nig...

Samantha Mumba - Lately
Lately been thinkin bout you baby Just sittin away watchin the dayz go by [x2]Have you ev...

Samantha Mumba - Never Meant To Be
I remember when I still believed the things you saidNever would have thought that this would come to an end...

Samantha Mumba - Stand By Your Side
I've been moving far away from youBabyI don't wanna see another dayWithout YouHow Can I ev...

Samantha Mumba - Till The Night Become The Day
Sometimes You FeelLike you've been Left BehindSometimes the lightCan Be So Hard To FindThe...

Samantha Mumba - What's It Gonna Be
You Know There Is No Need To Run No Need To HideCos Baby I'm not gonna fightNo NoJust me a...

Samantha Mumba - Where Does It End Now
Where does it End Now?Ohh OhhWhere does it end now?I don't know what to sayI don't k...

Santana - Aye Aye Aye
[Intro] shoutStanding in the doorwayBeneath the moonlit skyAn angel stood before me...

Santana - (da Le) Yaleo
Yo la vi cantando en Paris Ella quiso estar junto de mi Yo me sorprendi Quando dijo Yaleo ...

Santana - Day Of Celebration
Freedom, freedom Get up stand up, let's celebrate Freedom, talking about freedom This is the tim...

Sara Evans - Backseat Of A Greyhound Bus
She wore a dress with cherries on itGoing somewhere where she'd be wantedIn a town this small all they...

Sara Evans - Big Cry
[Chorus]Give me a sad song that I can hold on toAnything to set me freeJust one big cry, ...

Sara Evans - Born To Fly
I've been tellin' my dreams to the scarecrow'Bout the places that I'd like to seeI said, friend do you...

Sara Evans - Cryin' Game
Do me right don't do me wrongTreat me nice or I'll be goneI know where to find the doorAin't gon...

Sara Evans - Cupid
Tell Cupid not to point that thing at meOne more hole in my poor heart is just what I don't needI've b...

Sara Evans - Even Now
You said when I broke your heart that I'd regret itNo one else would love me half as much as youWell I...

Sara Evans - Every Little Kiss
Way out here working on the docksEveryone sees the long day throughOh, what would I doWithout th...

Sara Evans - Feel It Comin' On
What's this your kissIs as cold as fallen snowAnd your eyes cannot disguiseThere's a secret in y...

Sara Evans - Fool, I'm A Woman
Use to think that I would be so sad. If you ever walked away. Use to think I needed you so bad. ...

Sara Evans - Four-thirty
It's been so longI should be used to this by nowLoneliness that keeps coming back aroundThe moon...

Sara Evans - I Could Not Ask For More
Lying here with youListening to the rainSmile just to see the smile upon your faceThese are the ...

Sara Evans - I Don't Wanna See The Light
There's a cold wind howlin' at the trailer doorAnd the wolf that's been scratchin'Is coming back for m...

Sara Evans - If You Ever Want My Lovin'
If you ever want my lovin'There's a few things you should doBring me coffee in the early morning...

Sara Evans - I Give In
When I look at youI see the souls of our unborn childrenIf I reach for youWill you take my hand...

Sara Evans - I Keep Looking
Back when I was youngCouldn't wait to grow upGet away and get out on my ownAnd looking back now...

Sara Evans - I Learned That From You
I remember the windows rolled down and the wind in my hairDriving 'round in your Daddy's old ChevyLike...

Sara Evans - Imagine That
Imagine me, still loving youAfter all you've put me throughWell, I can't help it, I just doImagi...

Sara Evans - I Thought I'd See Your Face Again
I never wanted to, but I said goodbye to youIt happens, people changeSometimes their dreams go separat...

Sara Evans - I've Got A Tiger By The Tail
I've got a tiger by the tailIt's plain to seeI won't be much when you get through with meWell, I...

Sara Evans - Let's Dance
Baby, hold my handShow me you're my manTake me to that landWhere we can get crazyCause thi...

Sara Evans - Love, Don't Be A Stranger
Love I haven't seen you in a long timeSince then I ain't been worth a dimeHasn't been that longB...

Sara Evans - Need To Be Next To You
Been running from these feelings for so longTelling my heart I didn't need youPretending I was better ...

Sara Evans - Niagara
Standing at the edge of this cliffGravity being what it isI'm afraid that I might stumble'Cause ...

Sara Evans - No Place That Far
I can't imagine, any greater fearThen waking up, without you here,And though the sun, would still shin...

Sara Evans - Otis Redding
Fireflies are out tonightAir is heavy and the moon is brightI love this time of yearI talked to ...

Sara Evans - Perfect
If you don't take me to ParisOn a lover's getawayIt's all right, it's all rightIf I'd rather wea...

Sara Evans - Restless
I'm a leaf on the riverFallen from the tall oak treeDrifting down this moving streamWherever thi...

Sara Evans - Rockin' Horse
The rocking horse cameFrom an old oak treeJust missed the houseWhen it was hit by lightning...

Sara Evans - Saints And Angels
We're only human, babyWe walk on broken groundWe lose our wayWe come unwoundWe'll turn in ...

Sara Evans - Shame About That
I heard the word goin' roundSomebody said she's leavin' townPacked up her bags and left you flat...

Sara Evans - Show Me The Way To Your Heart
I've been trying to break down your wallsBut I don't know how to get throughYou say that you want me...

Sara Evans - The Great Unknown
Fire up the motor baby, I'm already packedI'll ride shotgun, navigate, throw the cooler in the backLet...

Sara Evans - The Knot Comes Untied
She's a got a Rand McAlly mapAnd a tank full of gasolineYeah love's been headin southAnd now she...

Sara Evans - There's Only One
Ain't got no money No place to sleep No one has ever been down as me I'm just a stranger trouble...

Sara Evans - These Days
These days seem like yearsWhen the nights are spent in tearsTomorrow seems a lifetime awayThese ...

Sara Evans - The Week The River Raged
The river ran through Howard CountyIt was the life blood of the landIt make fields of green tobacco...

Sara Evans - Three Chords And The Truth
On a highway bound for nowhereI ran my fingers through my tangled hairAs I pulled in for another tank ...

Sara Evans - Time Won't Tell
Can't believe that after all this timeYou keep slipping back across my mindDid we maybe leave the love...

Sara Evans - To Be Happy
If I had one wish, I would wish for twoFor me and you to be happyWith the way things are, sometimes ge...

Sara Evans - Tonight
If I had a weaknessYou sure found it tonightSome hidden desperationYou saw floatin' in my eyes...

Sara Evans - True Lies
I look into those blue eyesSomething happens to meAlthough I know again tonightI'll hear nothing...

Sara Evans - Unopened
There's a key in a letter unopenedBuried back in an old dresser drawerThere's a name stained with tear...

Sara Evans - Walk Out Backwards
I'd rather live a life of lies and fantasyThan to face the truth and realize you're leaving meYou buil...

Sara Evans - Why Should I Care
OohWhy should I care if you found somebody newAnd you look like you're in loveAnd why should I c...

Sara Evans - You Don't
You don't know what you doWhen you look at me that wayYou don't how my heart breaksEverytime you...

Sarah Brightman - Anytime Anywhere
Strade son' cambiate.Faccie son' diverse.Era la mia citt.Non la conosco pi.La ora io sono ...

Sarah Brightman - Arabian Nights
[Part 1: Scimatar Moon]Don't you forget the echo's of timeWon't you regret the losing of ...

Sarah Brightman - A Salty Dog
All hands on deckWe've run afloatI heard the captain cryExplore the shipReplace the cook...

Sarah Brightman - A Whiter Shade Of Pale
We skipped the light FandangoAnd turned cartwheels across the floorI was feeling kind of seasick...

Sarah Brightman - Bailero
Pastr d dla l'ao, As gar d buon tms? Dio lou balro lr, Lr lr lr lr balro l.Pastr lou...

Sarah Brightman - Beautiful
If you can dependOn certaintyCount it out and weigh it up againYou can be sureYou've reach...

Sarah Brightman - By Now
I look in your eyesAnd I see a little bit of heaven in viewI face your disguise andI See you run...

Sarah Brightman - Captain Nemo
Under the surface so crystal clearEveryone was really tenseWaiting down thereHe had his own worl...

Sarah Brightman - Deliver Me
Deliver me, out of my sadnessDeliver me, from all of the madnessDeliver me, courage to guide meD...

Sarah Brightman - Dust In The Wind
I close my eyesonly for a moment and the moment's goneAll my dreams pass before my eyes in curiosity...

Sarah Brightman - Eden
Did you ever think of me,As your best friendDid I ever think of you,I'm not complaining...

Sarah Brightman - En Aranjuez Con Tu Amor
Aranjuez,Un lugar de ensueos y de amorDonde un rumor de fuentes de cristalEn el jardn parece hab...

Sarah Brightman - Figlio Perduto
Muri die ventoNotte scesaPadre e figlio sono insiemCon un cavalloVanno avanti...

Sarah Brightman - First Of May
When I was small, and Christmas trees were tall,we used to love while others used to play.Don't ask me...

Sarah Brightman - Gloomy Sunday
Sunday is gloomyMy hours are slumberlessDearest the shadowsI live with are numberlessLittl...

Sarah Brightman - Harem
Burning sands winds of desireMirrored the waves that reflect a burning fire within my heartUn-watered,...

Sarah Brightman - He Doesn't See Me
When he passes me byHe's a ray of lightLike the first drop of sunFrom the skyAnd I knows h...

Sarah Brightman - Here With Me
I didn't hear you leaveI wonder how am I still hereI don't want to move a thingIt might change m...

Sarah Brightman - Hijo De La Luna
Tonto el que no entienda.Cuenta una leyendaQue una hembra gitanaConjur a la lunaHast...

Sarah Brightman - How Fair This Place
It is beautiful here...Look, in the distanceThe river sparkles like fire,The meadows are lying l...

Sarah Brightman - Il Mio Cuore Va
Ogni notte in sogno, Ti vedo, ti sento, E cos io so che ci sei. Tu, da spazi immensi, Da g...

Sarah Brightman - In Pace
Diligite justitiam,O judices terrae,O judices terrae.Justorum animae in manu Dei sunt,...

Sarah Brightman - In Paradisum
Requiem aeternam dona eis.Domine, et lux perpetuaRequiem aeternam,Aeternam dona eis.Perpet...

Sarah Brightman - In Trutina
In trutina mentis dubiaFluctuant contrariaLascivus amor et pudicitiaSed eligo quod video...

Sarah Brightman - Island
What's life revealing?But base realityTake it how you want toNothing comes for freeWe go a...

Sarah Brightman - It's A Beautiful Day
un bel giorno...un bel giorno per morire.Un bel di, vedremolevarsi un fil di fumodal...

Sarah Brightman - Johnny Wanna Live
I got something on my mindMakes me sad and makes me cry - oh noJohnny wanna liveJust an or...

Sarah Brightman - La Califfa
Tu non credere percheQuesta crudelta di padroniHa visto in meSolo una cagna cheMi mett' an...

Sarah Brightman - La Luna
Scende la notte, tranquillitPiano il buio respiraSolo la luna veglierCon argento ci coprir...

Sarah Brightman - La Lune
Sous les nuages de la nuitje marche vers la clairire.D'un clat argent je la vois,la lune....

Sarah Brightman - La Mer
Ancient unkown animalsOn a stormy seaLike Buddha in the waterA velvet energyAs the n...

Sarah Brightman - Lascia Ch'io Pianga
Lascia ch'io pianga la cruda sorte, E che sospiri la libert!E che sospiri, e che sospiri la libert! ...

Sarah Brightman - La Wally
Ebbene? ... N'andr lontana,come va l'eco della pia campana,l, fra la neve bianca;l, fra le nubi ...

Sarah Brightman - Moon River
[Hidden track]Moon river, wider than a mile,I'm crossing you in style, some day.Oh,...

Sarah Brightman - Naturaleza Muerta
No ha salido el sol y Ana y Miguel ya prenden llamaElla sobre l, hombre y mujer deshacen la camaY el m...

Sarah Brightman - Nella Fantasia
Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo giusto, Li tutti vivono in pace e in onest.Io sogno d'anime che sono s...

Sarah Brightman - Nessun Dorma
Nessun dorma!Nessun dorma!Tu pure, o Principe,Nella tua fredda stanza guardi le stelle,Che...

Sarah Brightman - No One Like You
And reach out will it not be soft and kindAt rest from lifefrom patience and from painAt rest fr...

Sarah Brightman - O Mio Babbino Caro
O mio babbino caro,mi piace bello, bello;vo'andare in Porta Rossaa comperar l'anello!S, s...

Sarah Brightman - Once In A Lifetime
Cuando anochezcaTe esperareQuiero volverte loco esta nocheCon la luna llenaTe esperare...

Sarah Brightman - Only An Ocean Away
I see a shadow every day and night.I walk a hundred streets of neon lights,Only when I'm crying....

Sarah Brightman - Scarborough Fair
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thymeRemember me to one who lives thereHe once was a true love of mine...

Sarah Brightman - Seven Seas
Waters deepAnd waters blueThe gently flowFrom me to youYour coloured voiceIts ...

Sarah Brightman - She Doesn't See Him
When she passes him byShe's a ray of lightLike the first drop of sunFrom the skyAnd he kno...

Sarah Brightman - Ship Of Fools
Remember the dayWhen I first set my eyes on you andYou said the sameSeemed like everything was r...

Sarah Brightman - Solo Con Te
Gioia nel cuor troverCon te il ciel raggiungerPace ci sarGioia nel cuor trover Con t...

Sarah Brightman - So Many Things
And so many things I'd forgottenIn a world that we sharedWith so many things for the askingNever...

Sarah Brightman - Stranger In Paradise
Take my handI'm a stranger in paradiseAll lost in a wonderlandA stranger in paradiseIf I s...

Sarah Brightman - T
T, sin ms porqu, T que bsame, T me tienes de furriel, De un roto de tu piel. T, como...

Sarah Brightman - The Journey Home
The journey home is never too longYour heart arrives before the trainThe journey home is never too lon...

Sarah Brightman - The Second Element
Eyes were glancingHopes set highBut just another day went byTears are fallingLike never be...

Sarah Brightman - The Second Element Ii
Burning fireA light in the darkShining day and night for meFlowing waterThe source of our ...

Sarah Brightman - This Love
This loveThis love is a strange loveA faded kind of day loveThis loveThis love...

Sarah Brightman - Tu Quieres Volver
Ahorat me pierdes la raznno digas nadasiempre siempre sern los dossabemosaquella noc...

Sarah Brightman - Un Jour Il Viendra
Un jour il viendra. Mon bel amour d'hier L'amour reviendra Par un jour de lumire. Da...

Sarah Brightman - Until The End Of Time
Around the world in eighty days we sailed theSeven seasA thousand nights and one, and forty more...

Sarah Brightman - What A Wonderful World
I see trees of green, red roses tooI see them bloom for me and youAnd I think to myself, what a wonder...

Sarah Brightman - What You Never Know
What you never know won't hurt you What you never know won't lieWhat you never know won't desert you...

Sarah Brightman - When It Rains In America
Do you wanna feel freedomDo you wanna see sun and rainDo you wanna be near meDo you wanna ...

Sarah Brightman - Who Wants To Live Forever
There's no time for usThere's no place for usWhat is this thing that builds our dreamsYet slips ...

Sarah Brightman - Winter In July
Look around wounder whyWe can live a life that's never satisfiedLonely hearts troubled mindsLoki...

Sarah Brightman - You Take My Breath Away
Dilgi-ta gia-he My life is goneApp meri jan-le giye Because you take my soul (breath) awayDilgi-ta g...

Sarah Connor - 1+1=2
[intro]One and one is twoAnd the one for me is youOnly you[verse 1]...

Sarah Connor - Beautiful
[verse 1]It's bigger than the universeBe thankful for the miraclesIt seems so unconceivab...

Sarah Connor - Better Half
Been waiting for you the longest timeBut I was too shy to speak my mindI get these shivers down my spi...

Sarah Connor - Bounce
[Verse 1]Said you're going with your boys today and "Don't worry cause I'll be home late"...

Sarah Connor - Can't Get None
[Chorus:]U like the cars, U want the stars no no no still can't get noneU watch me ball, with a...

Sarah Connor - Every Little Thing
[Verse 1:]Whenever you go away from meGo out with your friends I see that there's something in ...

Sarah Connor - French Kissing
[Intro:]Come on, you say you love meI make you believe that it's love you receiveLike a t...

Sarah Connor - From Sarah With Love
[Verse 1:]For so many years we were friendsAnd yes I always knew what we could doBut so m...

Sarah Connor - He's Unbelievable
[chorus:]So tonight I'm gonna get himGot a rendezvous at sevenFaire lamour toujours, so f...

Sarah Connor - I Can't Lie
[Verse 1:]So many times I had imagined youYou were a dream waiting to come trueI've never...

Sarah Connor - If U Were My Man
[Chorus:]If you were my man, I could be your fantasyAnd if you were my man, I'd give you sweet ...

Sarah Connor - Imagining
[Verse 1:]Someone like you is rareYou're not afraid to careAlways say how you feelI...

Sarah Connor - In My House
[Verse 1:]Boy, you can just best believeI'm the only girl in your lifeI'll be your sugar ...

Sarah Connor - I Wanna Touch U There
[verse 1]Oh baby when the nightFalls on you and II wanna be with you and share each breat...

Sarah Connor - Let Us Come Together
[Intro:]Hey boy, come on over hereLet's shake itLet us come 2gether'Cause you're th...

Sarah Connor - Magic Ride (whatever U Wish 4)
[Chorus:]Come on let me take you on a magic rideBoy I wanna show you better ways to flyWh...

Sarah Connor - Make My Day
[verse 1]Found a note layin' on the bedroom floorRead it and felt my emotions start to soar...

Sarah Connor - Make U High
[Intro:]I'm gonna make u high, highWhen you're feeling low, lowShow you all the joy, joy...

Sarah Connor - Man Of My Dreams
[Verse 1:]I remember the first day I met youAll I thought was dawn how can I get youYou b...

Sarah Connor - Put Your Eyez On Me
[verse 1]Just two years ago there didn't nobody know'Bout a crazy girl suddenly part of the sho...

Sarah Connor - Skin On Skin
[intro]Just a little bit more loveJust a little bit more passionThis is how it should beg...

Sarah Connor - Sweet Thang
[chorus]I don't care about diamond ringsAll the money won't make me singLovin' you's my m...

Sarah Connor - Teach U Tonite
[verse 1]Hey, don't care about the things you've done todayDon't care about what other people s...

Sarah Connor - That Girl
Are you talkin' about me?You're talkin' trash![verse 1]Red carpet rollin', pockets ...

Sarah Connor - That The Way I Am
[verse 1]I know just who I be, I know just what I needDon't need no sympathy, I just wanna live...

Sarah Connor - The Loving Permission
[intro]This time I don't wanna go outLet's just stay insideAnd look what we can find...

Sarah Connor - Undressed
[Verse 1:]Each and every dayEach and every single dayPeople wanna tell me what to do...

Sarah Connor - Wait 'til You Hear From Me
[intro]This song is about MariaA close friend of mineWho lost herself in drugsShe t...

Sarah Connor - When I Dream
[Verse 1:]Day by day I'm lost for words to sayI try to speak but the words won't comeWher...

Sarah Connor - Where Did You Sleep Last Nite
[chorus]I've been waiting all night longJust for you to come back homeAnd I've tried to c...

Sarah Connor - Where Do We Go From Here
[Verse 1:]No matter how hard I tryA love like that keeps pushing me insideBut after all i...

Sarah Hudson - Bad Habit
They always said you were unhealthyWouldn't be there for me, but I knew differentThey always sai...

Sarah Hudson - Call It My Life
There's tight turns and roadblocks and rivers to crossDead ends and dirt roads and miles to walkDark c...

Sarah Hudson - Fake Rain
Like everyone else in HollywoodI'm good at make-believeI know how to make my entrance but I don't know...

Sarah Hudson - Gandhi
I wanna find peace like Mahatma GandhiWanna drink champagne and be cool like BlondieBuy a backpack, le...

Sarah Hudson - Girl On The Verge
ObservationMy situationAin't looking upI'm having stupid suicidal thoughtsComplication...

Sarah Hudson - I Know
I have been lost in my life and I mean over and over againBut there was something inside me that felt ...

Sarah Hudson - Little
Once there was a little girlWho lived in a little houseLeft there by her little selfQuiet as a l...

Sarah Hudson - Naked Truth
You can hate me but what do I careEverything from the tattoo on my wrist to the colorof my hairY...

Sarah Hudson - Sentimental Saturday
Sad lookin' faces On these money makin' races yaA tired childWith a soul that's running wild ya...

Sarah Hudson - Strange
I don't talk the way I shouldIf I could just fit in I wouldI'm the new chick in the neighborhood...

Sarah Hudson - Unlove You
I felt in a perfect wayI never had a choice to makeCrest into your tidal waveI didn't even strok...

Sarah Mclachlan - Answer
I will be the answerAt the end of the lineI will be there for youWhile you take the timeIn...

Sarah Mclachlan - As The End Draws Near (extended Remix)
[Chorus:]Into the valleysThe shadow of deathGriefs silently across the darkened sea...

Sarah Mclachlan - Back Door Man
You open your eyes, look aroundYou feel the earth it wanders -Out, from under your feet - the ground...

Sarah Mclachlan - Ben's Song
On the hills of fire the darkest hourI was dreaming of my true love's pyreWho will bring a light to st...

Sarah Mclachlan - Black
As the walls are closing inAnd the colors fade to blackAnd my eyes are falling fast and deep into me...

Sarah Mclachlan - Blue
Blue, songs are like tattoosYou know I've been to sea betoreCrown and anchor meOr let me sail aw...

Sarah Mclachlan - Dear God
Dear God,Hope you got the letter andI pray you can make it better down here.I don't mean a big r...

Sarah Mclachlan - Dirty Little Secret
If I had the chance, loveI would not hesitateTo tell you all the things I never said beforeDon't...

Sarah Mclachlan - Drawn To The Rhythm
When we wore a heart of stone, we wandered to the seaHoping to find some comfort there, yearning to feel fre...

Sarah Mclachlan - Drifting
You've been gone so long all that you knowhas been shuffled aside as you bask in the glowof the beauti...

Sarah Mclachlan - Gloomy Sunday
Sunday is Gloomy,My hours are slumberless,Dearest, the shadows I live with are numberlessLittle ...

Sarah Mclachlan - Home
Child walks down to the river's edgeAnd looks out as far as she can seeAnd draws each breath as if it ...

Sarah Mclachlan - Into The Fire
Mother teach me to walk againMilk and honey, so intoxicatingI'm reunitedInto the fire...

Sarah Mclachlan - I Will Not Forget You
I remember the nights I watched as you lay sleepingYour body gripped by some far away dreamWell I was ...

Sarah Mclachlan - Lost
By the shadows of the night I goI moved away from the crowded roomThat sea of shallow faces masked in ...

Sarah Mclachlan - Mercy
Mercy - pure and simpleLonging - cold and hollowWith sweet breath you'd come to warm meBut I hel...

Sarah Mclachlan - Out Of The Shadows
Crouching down inside a deep ravineThose angry cries pass quickly by, he can't be seenSo many ways spe...

Sarah Mclachlan - Perfect Girl
Am I faithful, am I strong, am I good enough to belongIn your reverie a perfect girlYour vision of rom...

Sarah Mclachlan - Push
Every time I look at you the world just melts awayAll my troubles all my fears dissolve in your affections...

Sarah Mclachlan - Sad Clown
A time so haunting moonlight in the mistLay me down Beside you oh as long as it lastsFrom the river co...

Sarah Mclachlan - Shelter
They're crowded into the smallest spacesWhile outside, all of nature criesIt's known to be cruel and u...

Sarah Mclachlan - Silence (delirium)
Give me releasewitness meI am outsidegive me peaceHeaven holds a sense of wonder...

Sarah Mclachlan - Song For A Winter's Night
The lamp is burnin' low upon my table topThe snow is softly fallin'The air is still within the silence...

Sarah Mclachlan - Steaming
You're always waiting on the tideIt's time you decideI've walked down long roads that seem to have no ...

Sarah Mclachlan - Strange World
We walk without a sound across a barren landscapeYour eyes are twisted down to a dew entrailed groundW...

Sarah Mclachlan - Stupid
Night lift up the shadeslet in the brilliant light of morningbut steady there nowfor I am weak a...

Sarah Mclachlan - The Path Of Thorns
I knew you wanted to tell meIn your voice there was something wrongBut if you would turn your face awa...

Sarah Mclachlan - Time
Time here,all but means nothing, just shadows that move across the wallThey keep me company, but they ...

Sarah Mclachlan - Train Wreck
Your love in all it's finery Tear up the darkness all around me Until I can breathe again Until ...

Sarah Mclachlan - Trust
Somewhere deep inside meI hold a picture of a time long goneA time of ease and simple pleasuresA...

Sarah Mclachlan - Wear Your Love Like Heaven
[Originally performed by DONOVAN]Color in sky prussian blueScarlet fleece changes hue...

Sarai - Black & White
Questions in mind will I be accepted or notIf not that's fine won't let it hold me downThe mold I'm br...

Sarai - I Know
Im about to shock the worldBring it to ya nowJaws drop when you see this girlBig like whoa gotch...

Sarai - It's Not A Fairytale
It all started like thisNinth grade freshman yearSo happy to be in high schoolI shedded a tear...

Sarai - It's Official
It's been along time comin locked in the lab wit a infa-red pen and a padA lot of chicks in tha game sound d...

Sarai - Ladies
hey mr. dj turn the music up loudand everybody report to the dance floor nowlock em up cause we best g...

Sarai - Mary Anne
Bring it on back to the young days when things wasn't so hardPlayin kickball in the school yardThe yea...

Sarai - Mind Ya Business
Dam I wish you peoples would just mind your businessDam I wish you peoples would just mind your business...

Sarai - Pack Ya Bags
YeahOkayUhYou see a woman got to do what a woman got to doIf your man keep on trippi...

Sarai - Swear
[Verse 1:]How many dimes you done dropped the same lines toPlayed games and lied to got i...

Sarai - What Mama Told Me
Forget what mama told me as a little girlBout to get grown get on and rock your worldYour body telling...

Sarai - You Could Never
[Verse One]I don't bust guns, I bust rhymes to see fundsFour-four caliber tongue, you want some...

Sarina Paris - I Love You
I Love You[repeat endlessly] ...

Sarina Paris - Just About Enough
Just About Enough,Just About Enough,Just About Enough,Just About Enough,Just About E...

Sarina Paris - Look At Us
For all the times that we,We ever wouldn't be,Look at us baby,Look at us now,For everyday ...

Sarina Paris - Love In Return
If you wanna getIf you wanna getIf you wanna getIf you wanna get to know meThen you ...

Sarina Paris - Romeo's Dead
Love [8x's]Come out and play, you hide I'll find you'Cuz anyway, my love will track you -...

Sarina Paris - So I Wait
Contemplating everyday Wondering if Im wasting all of my timeYou know Im dedicatingEvery thought...

Sarina Paris - The Single Life
Freedom's all aroundDancing as we paint the townFriends they do surroundWe are single yeah...

Sarina Paris - True Colors
You with the sad eyesDon't be discouragedOh I realizeIt's hard to take courageIn a world f...

Sarina Paris - True Love
I'm giving up[repeat]I'm giving up the feelingDo I take it or leave itI'm giv...

Sarina Paris - You
You [8x's]My phone's not ringing, my door bell isn't singing ?My bed is empty, I'm fragil...

Sash - Adelante
[In Spanish]?Oye, piensa en tu futuro, no pierdas mas tiempo!?Por que?Porque la vida es c...

Sash - Colour The World
Colour The World, Colour The WorldDuni, akwe tuleba, lebaMama lebaDr Alban's Rap...

Sash - Ecuador
[In Spanish]Dame tu manoy venga conmigoVamonos al viaje parabuscarlos sonidos magic...

Sash - Enocore Une Fois
[In French]Mesdames, Messieurs, le disc-jockey Sash! est de retour.Apres le succes imprevu du t...

Sash - Halleluja
Yeah! Hmmmmm!I wanna thank you,I wanna thank you,I wanna thank youSing Halleluja,Sin...

Sash - Hoopstar
Don't be a hoopstar.There's a way to the meadow,You gotta get to the run,Don't go overboar...

Sash - Just Around The Hill
What if the world was out of troubleWhat if the world was out of painWould it be a world thats worth l...

Sash - La Primavera
[In Italian]Senti Allora dammi la tua manoTi farei scoprire il piu beltempo d...

Sash - Le Soliel Noir
[In French]La lune cache le soleilLa lumiere s'en va,Un petit moment d'obscurite,...

Sash - Move Mania
(Movin', movin', movin', movin')We are livin' in a Move Mania, movin' people that's what we are....

Sash - Mysterious Times
LifeMysterious lifeWhere we're moving around, dancing the rhythm of life.TimeMysteri...

Sash - Non Existent Nothing
In the beginning there was a non existant nothing.Au debut.In the beginning there was a no...

Sash - Rock The Block
Haha, Deejay Sash! Is about to rock the block!Rock The Block!He's been dancing all night,'...

Sash - Show Me The Right Way
[Chorus]Show me the right way!Show me the right way!Show me the right way!Show me t...

Sash - Stay
[Message:]I had a dream last nightYou were thereYou held my hand so tightI thought ...

Sash - Sweat
You got me there where you want me,You got me there where you want me,You got me there where you want ...

Sash - Tell Me Now
With a little bit of love (oh, love, oh, love)Are you lonesome tonight, are you here on your own, can ...

Sash - The Trip 1:03
This is The Trip,The game that we play,Looking for meanings,Drifting away.Music's my langu...

Sash - Together Again
[Chorus]I don't know whereI don't know how,But I only know,That one day,We'll...

Sash - With My Own Eyes
With my own eyes, I saw a light, shining so bright,With my own heart, I had a feeling, that made me cry,...

Savage Garden - Affirmation
I believe the sun should never set upon an argumentI believe we place our happiness in other people's hands...

Savage Garden - All Around Me
Well you know everytime I look at that expression printed on the page I think I hear you, Whisp...

Savage Garden - A Thousand Words
We stumble in a tangled web, decaying friendships almost dead And hide behind a mask of lies We ...

Savage Garden - Carry On Dancing
The moonlight... Shines down interstellar beams And the groove tonight Is something more than yo...

Savage Garden - Chained To You
We were standing all alone you were leaning in to speak to meActing like a mover shaker dancing to Madonna t...

Savage Garden - Crash And Burn
When you feel all aloneAnd the world has turned its back on youGive me a moment please to tame your wi...

Savage Garden - Fire Inside The Man
Woman I need your guiding hand show me the way to the promised landthe fever that burns in my heart...

Savage Garden - Gunning Down Romance
Love and other moments are just chemical reactions in your brainIn your brainAnd feelings of aggressio...

Savage Garden - Hold Me
HeyIf we can't find a way out of these problemsThen maybe we don't need thisStanding face to fac...

Savage Garden - I Don't Care
I ride this train in the windswept afternoon and the sunlight warms the faces of the faithless w...

Savage Garden - I Don't Know You Anymore
I would like to visit you for a whileGet away and out of this cityMaybe I shouldn't have called but so...

Savage Garden - I Knew I Loved You
Maybe it's intuition But some things you just don't questionLike in your eyesI see my future in ...

Savage Garden - I'll Bet He Was Cool
You know every once in a while I shoot the breeze I spend my time I talk about silly things I li...

Savage Garden - Last Christmas
last Christmas I gave you my heartbut the very next day you gave it away and this year to save me from...

Savage Garden - Love Can Move You
Get me through the heart of the freeway Got to see the lights up in New York city I'm so close I think...

Savage Garden - Mine
I wait in the darkness. Frozen winds surround my face.In the cover of darkness I can make believe it's...

Savage Garden - Promises
Well don't you know I need a little indulgence? Listen to the hunter becoming hunted Every...

Savage Garden - Tears Of Pearls
And we stare each other down Like victims in the grind Probing all the weakness And hurt still l...

Savage Garden - The Animal Song
When superstars and cannonballs are running through your head A television freak show cops and robbers every...

Savage Garden - The Best Thing
Never want to flyNever want to leaveNever want to say what you mean to meNever want to run...

Savage Garden - The Lover After Me
Here I go again I promised myself I wouldn't think of you todayIt's been seven months and countingYou'...

Savage Garden - This Side Of Me
I want to move in time with youI want to breathe in rhyme with you I want to feel the deepest kiss ...

Savage Garden - Two Beds And A Coffee Machine
and she takes another stepslowly she opens the doorcheck that he is sleepingpick up all the brok...

Savage Garden - Universe
Well I want to take you as I find you Imagine our clothes are on the floor Feel my caress so soft and ...

Savage Garden - Violet
If there's a way that you could be everything you want to be, Would you complain that it came too easy...

Savage Garden - You Can Still Be Free
Cool breeze and autumn leavesSlow motion daylight A lone pair of watchful eyes Oversee the livin...

Save Ferris - Angry Situation
You've always been runnin' from some thing or anotherBut your fear has never had such a nameYou let yo...

Save Ferris - Artificial Life
He's got a song about a love that's gone awaySometimes his eyes shed tiny teardrops when he playsHis t...

Save Ferris - Build Me Up Buttercup
[Originally by The Foundations]why do you build me up (build me up) buttercup, baby just ...

Save Ferris - Can't Stop
YeaI found myself a drinkin' every night to protect myselfI never thought I'd even think about the wor...

Save Ferris - Christmas Wrapping
Ho Ho Ho woke up this morning with a scary feelingRealized it was November firstChristmas oh my god it...

Save Ferris - Come On Eileen
Poor old Johnny RaySounded sad upon the radioMoved a million hearts in monoOur mothers cried...

Save Ferris - Everything I Want To Be
I find myselfI'm just awastin' my time awayNo matter what I doIt always ends up the sameOn...

Save Ferris - Father Christmas
When I was small I believed in Santa Claus,though I knew it was my dad. And I would hang upmy stalking...

Save Ferris - For You
I never told you how to live your lifeI never said you had to be something you don't want to beI never...

Save Ferris - Goodbye
Deep in the heart of every manLies a hidden dream or planTo be a milloinaireLife without a care...

Save Ferris - Holding On
Working at the 601 you're tryin' to get it doneBut Mr. Man keeps callingHe won't let you have no fun...

Save Ferris - I Know
Mama said to stay away from guys like youShe said they were nastyMake me do things I dont wanna do...

Save Ferris - I'm Not Crying For You
Baby listen to meI've got something to sayI have finally realizedThat I'm wasting my life away...

Save Ferris - Let Me In
I've been watching you and all you doFor quite some timeKnowing all the ins and outs of youI sho...

Save Ferris - Lies
Lies, to deceiveTellin' lies, tellin' liesI can't believeLies, to deceiveSo many lies, so ...

Save Ferris - Little Differences
Something strange is happenin' latelyWe no longer see eye to eyeTime has changed us, rearranged us...

Save Ferris - Mistaken
There's no joy without the painIt's the pain that makes us strongBut sometimes it's just so hard to ca...

Save Ferris - Modified
You just can't seem to understandThe reason why I am goneThat was the last time that you make me...

Save Ferris - Nobody But Me
I was on the outsideTrying to find my way back inYou were the answerI was searching for, my frie...

Save Ferris - No Love
Listen to my storyOf a love gone wrongSo wrongIt's a story of a man and a lonely girlAnd h...

Save Ferris - One More Try
Know what happens babyKnow what happens babyKnow what happens babyKnow what ha...

Save Ferris - Sorry My Friend
I wrote this song for you to say i'm sorryI know that I was wrong and you don't like meWhy, why, why...

Save Ferris - Spam
[chorus:]SpamIt's pink and it's ovalSpamI buy it at the MobilSpamIt's m...

Save Ferris - Superspy
Just the other dayI was walking by myselfLittle kids at playOld man talking to himselfI we...

Save Ferris - Sylsb
Support your local ska band even though they just may stinkSupport them despite what the real musicians just...

Save Ferris - The Only Way To Be
Hello EverybodyGuess what I just foundAnother wannabe, somebodyGonna' sell their body pound for ...

Save Ferris - The World Is New
I was sitting and awaitingJust thinking, contemplating my life when I heard the phoneI picked up the r...

Save Ferris - Turn It Up
I listen to my radioI'm waiting for that song to playI wonder what you're gonna doAm I going to ...

Save Ferris - Under 21
The other night I tried to go to a showBut the man at the doorHe told me noHe said, "No one unde...

Save Ferris - What You See Is What You Get
Here's a little story that I have to tellAbout somebody that I thought I knew real wellIt seems lately...

Save Ferris - You And Me
Baby I use to think I loved you soBut now I met someone new and I really just don't knowAnd i've tried...

Save Ferris - Your Friend
I don't wanna have to be your friendI'm so tired of tryin' to be your friendI don't wanna have to be y...

Saves The Day - A Drag In D Flat
If every limb were broken,tires had all worn thinand my toes are all in pieces.Do you know...

Saves The Day - All I'm Losing Is Me
The moon hangs like the blade of an axe tonight,and it's poised to drop sometime soon enough on this d...

Saves The Day - All-star Me
This isn't the way we plannedI wasn't supposed to forget your tasteLike nights spent figuring all the ...

Saves The Day - Always Ten Feet Tall
So I said, "lets forget these days and just try to build some solid ground. Maybe someday we could stand str...

Saves The Day - Anywhere With You
I know i can't come near you Every time i do I get shaken inside and the sun in my eyes I'll sta...

Saves The Day - As Your Ghost Takes Flight
The last time that I saw you, August of '99,I should've had my hammer and a few rusty spikesto nail yo...

Saves The Day - At Your Funeral
This song will become the anthem of your underground.You're two floors down getting high in the back room....

Saves The Day - Banned From The Back Porch
I stepped out into the night and put my feet down on the wet patio floorThe sky's air had been cooling and s...

Saves The Day - Blindfolded
So now I've made the decision to walk behind you in the dark for the rest of my life and I'll never sh...

Saves The Day - Cars And Calories
Her life was magazines and faithful TV screens selling an empty dreamof cars and calories and everything in ...

Saves The Day - Certain Tragedy
And now I finally see that the further we go we're only treading ground that we already know.I could w...

Saves The Day - Cheer
[Originally by The Descendents]Its been so long since I had a smile I've stayed sad for s...

Saves The Day - Clash City Rockers
[Originally by The Clash]I wanna move the town to the clash city rockers ou need a little...

Saves The Day - Coconut
The dimly lit walkwaysand avenues.Beneath bridges,lead me through dreamy days.It's i...

Saves The Day - Collision
Three years and now I feel like completeness has set in 'cause it's something to keep time with time a...

Saves The Day - Deciding
And it's not fair-why do I have to be so? Oh I feel everything much more- much more than you ever will...

Saves The Day - Do You Know What I Love The Most?
Do you know what I love the most?Even suburbs would be o.k.With you between my sheetsAnd the bre...

Saves The Day - Driving In The Dark
Life leaks from you fingertips onto sparkling pavement havent heard the news you stumble stuttering ...

Saves The Day - Firefly
I said I'd walk you home after our third round of pouring whiskey down the barrel of our gutsand I gra...

Saves The Day - Freakish
As I'm talking my words slip to the floorand they crawl through your legs and slide under the back door...

Saves The Day - Handsome Boy
I said, "that boy's handsome" and a little bit of me wanted to be beautiful- Carrie said, "It's hard t...

Saves The Day - Hold
Oh well, you've got me under your spell and I don't think that I'm kidding around. I don't think I can...

Saves The Day - Holly Hox, Forget Me Nots
Somewhere under water maybe you could find my heart'Cause that's where I threw it after you had torn it out...

Saves The Day - Hot Time In Delaware
Ever think we should try to re-establishthat connection that we made during last summer's days? Maybe ...

Saves The Day - Houses & Billboards
Remember that last Friday before we left for Mexico? we kissed and nothing seemed to matter like Billie Holi...

Saves The Day - I Melt With You
Moving forward using all my breathMaking love to you was never second bestI saw the world thrashing al...

Saves The Day - I'm Sorry I'm Leaving
Your middle finger was clutching my thumb through the park and over macdougal. The torches were blazin...

Saves The Day - In My Waking Life
Im never in my waking life dreaming is my all the time wheather its the weather or my mind its a...

Saves The Day - In Reverie
Bottles breaking on my face are only your reminder of your love I lost a lifetime agowas I dream...

Saves The Day - Jessie & My Whetstone
To me, the only thing left after a while was that night we watched documentaries up through morning and then...

Saves The Day - Jodie
Tonight I'll stay awake long enough to stop breathing and I wonder how long it will take before I pass out d...

Saves The Day - Jukebox Breakdown
If you've got a quarter you can stick in my neckand I'll sing whatever song you want for whatever mood you'r...

Saves The Day - Monkey
Hello me are you in there making sure you're not dead, smelled some rotting fleshI h...

Saves The Day - Morning In The Moonlight
Im all out of time watching a swaying tide tomorrow has died yes no one gets out alive ...

Saves The Day - My Sweet Fracture
Could you tell me the next time that you're choking?'Cause I'll rush right overto shove some dirt righ...

Saves The Day - Nebraska Bricks
And I grew up on alcoholic evenings and slow jazz music to keep my heart beating because after all tha...

Saves The Day - Nightingale
And I will flail under these lights that seep down from the bitter sky tonightand I will kick and beat my wr...

Saves The Day - Obsolete
Every day seems the same to me I sit around and think about how alone I feel then I wind up rather enj...

Saves The Day - Rise
Lets call it off ive had enough of the games if you could see into me all my veins are tangled u...

Saves The Day - Rocks Tonic Juice Magic
Let me take this awkward sawAnd run it against your thighsCut some flesh awayI'll carry this pie...

Saves The Day - Seeing It This Way
I never thought I could watch someone come apartfrom the insides to outsides but every day I see strin...

Saves The Day - See You
My gut is burning. Won't you find me some water?Hey, just forget it can you bring me gasolineand coll...

Saves The Day - Sell My Old Clothes, I'm Off To Heaven
There's a beautiful sky tonight andif you were by my side then we could share it but you are gone.So c...

Saves The Day - She
She is a dying dandelion floating on the breezeSwirling sweetly in the eveningShe is the stars glowing...

Saves The Day - Shoulder To The Wheel
And I say, "Just go.Please, Dave, just drive.Get us as far as far can be.Get us away from tonigh...

Saves The Day - Sometimes, New Jersey
I called you up to see if maybe we could hang out and I told you I was nervous and feeling lonely but ...

Saves The Day - Take Our Cars Now!
Don't you remember the last time we were speeding down this highway? Anna slept in the back seat, dreaming i...

Saves The Day - The Art Of Misplacing Firearms
(I guess the only reality is the one you seem to believe in. Well I'm walking out, this is the last time, I ...

Saves The Day - The Choke
Don't leave yet it's still early and I haven't even said a word and I'm hoping that I might upset you ...

Saves The Day - The Last Lie I Told
I'm in a parking lot by myselfIt's quarter to nine and I've been here since 5:45Oh, there's no one but...

Saves The Day - The Vast Spoils Of America
There's something sweet about seeing the worldThere's something great about KansasIt's like staring ac...

Saves The Day - The Way His Collar Falls
Leif and I are on the train to New York in car 1399. There's a guy with a quarter in his ear and I've ...

Saves The Day - Third Engine
The sky grows bigger every dayAnd the other week I hopped on a trainCutting through state linesT...

Saves The Day - This Is Not An Exit
Tonight will be the night that we begin to ease the plugs out of the dam.And we still stand knee deep in the...

Saves The Day - Three Miles Down
Oh great here I go again I'm stuck in this rut and I'm not sure how to begin- should I tell you everyt...

Saves The Day - Through Being Cool
You know what?The next time you see NickTell him I'm gonna stick some needles in his faceAnd wat...

Saves The Day - Tomorrow Too Late
Light beams through windows stream into my eyes my eyes explode like red ballons as it reminds m...

Saves The Day - Wednesday The Third
Now as I lay by your side would you tell me why everything has to be lies leaving everyone wondering w...

Saves The Day - What Went Wrong
A month ago there we were surrendering ourselves to the local police paying them not to tell ...

Saves The Day - Where Are You
Where are you? and where am I? we've been slippin slowly south I guess my tounge is tied ...

Saves The Day - You Vandal
Last night I dreamt you called from Costa RicaThe place you've been for the last two weeksYou said, "I...

Scandal 'us - Be That Way
You said I was your everythingThe only one you want or needI don't know what's going onBut I can...

Scandal 'us - High On Your Love
Whoo whooWhoo whooWhoo whooHighWhoo whooWhoo whooWhoo whooHigh...

Scandal 'us - History
Ooh YeahJa Si Break it down:C'mon:Yeah [Verse 1]A turn of the key early in the morn...

Scandal 'us - Love You To (be My Baby)
Everybody's thinking I would never be the kind of guy to fall in loveAnybody making plans with another would...

Scandal 'us - Make Me Crazy
Make me crazyMake me crazy[Verse 1]Must have picked the stars out of the skyA...

Scandal 'us - Me, Myself & I
You're so sexyAnd talking smoothHad no idea thatYou're gonna loseThe game you're playing...

Scandal 'us - Startin' Somethin'
You were the one I would have stayed withI would have spent a thousand days withBut you were determine...

Scandal 'us - Think Again
[Verse 1]Say I, did not, see what I just saw you doDon't give me that, don't act like I don't h...

Scandal 'us - You Bring Me Love
You bring me love (baby)You bring me love (baby yeah yeah)Baby don't you know that I've been thi...

Scarface - A Minute To Pray And A Second To Die
[Scarface]Life goes on in the streets of my hood when you diebut some cry, and gets by, while o...

Scarface - Born Killer
I'ma born killer, you're face to face with ScarfaceYou tried to ice an X, but thats a motherfuckin waste...

Scarface - Comin' Agg
[ VERSE 1 ]Ah shit.. I'm sick of niggas jumpin up with choppersRunnin for your shit, tryin to m...

Scarface - Dyin Wit'cha Boots On
Trouble seems to catch a motherfucker with his cards downGotta keep my drawers up, shit's gettin hard now...

Scarface - For Real
[verse 1:]I got this coffee pot of white soapstuck my hanger down the center when I...

Scarface - Fuck Faces
[Scarface]Man I met this chick so fineSo bad She made me sick some timeI just had t...

Scarface - Goin' Down
(riiinnnngggg) "Dont answer that""Hello, I'm not at home, leave a message" (beep)"Yo, bitch, this is ...

Scarface - G's
(And meanwhile, on the Southside of town...)[Chorus:]Now when you're rollin' throug...

Scarface - He's Dead
Old McDonald had a farmEe-eye-ee-eye - my dick(Is he dead?)[ VERSE 1 ]Y...

Scarface - I'm Black
They try to take advantage of a nigga cause I'm blackThey lookin' at me strange so I'm lookin' at they ass b...

Scarface - I'm Dead
[Scarface]I woke up to a tune on the radio, check itAn old church hymn behind a breakbeat recor...

Scarface - In My Time
[Verse 1]It was a cold morning, gloomy, sun barely shiningFigured it was gon rain today, so i'm...

Scarface - I Seen A Man Die
So what you gonna do cat daddy?[Scarface:] I don't know dawg..juss trying to live it one day at a tim...

Scarface - It Ain't Part Ii
[Verse 1]I got a problem how you do that thereIt's been thirteen years and aint went nowhere...

Scarface - Jesse James
Snuck up behind him, had his hands in his pocketToo my pistol out, unlocked itPulled the hammer back a...

Scarface - Lettin' Em Know
Yeah niggaBack in this muthafucka once againI'm just lettin a nigga knowYou know...

Scarface - Look Me In My Eyes
[Scarface] Look me in my eyes, tell me what you see Do you think I'm cra-zy??? (AAAAAGHHH!! Jus...

Scarface - Ma Homiez
[Verse 1][Scarface](Bring it back)I bring it back with all my old school gam...

Scarface - Maryjane
[Scarface whispering:]I don't really remember feeling like thisGot this love formin' in m...

Scarface - Mind Playin Tricks On Me '94
I sit alone in my four cornered room starin' at candlesAre we on the radio dukes?Awww yeah, give it to...

Scarface - Money And The Power
[Chorus: Scarface]Money and the power, money and the powerI ain't fallin short I got the...

Scarface - Mr. Scarface
Mr. Mr. Scarface from walking down the blockOut jumps some fiends and steals all his rocksPulls out a ...

Scarface - Mr. Scarface: Part Iii The Final Chapter
(All I have in this world)--> Tony 'Scarface' Montana [ continues through intro ]He...

Scarface - No Tears
[Scarface]Now the funeral is overAnd all the tears are dried upNiggas hangin deep on the ...

Scarface - No Warning
It's the return of the real nigga wit real shit and when the smoke dies down its still a nigga left to deal ...

Scarface - Now I Feel Ya
...It's a new day... ya know what I'm sayin'?A new day, brings a new problem to a brotherand all...

Scarface - Smartz
[ VERSE 1: Scarface ]It's been a long time cominBut now I'm back up in this bitch to hit these ...

Scarface - Suicide
[Scarface]I took my chances, but I did my dirtAnd my adivce to any nigga if you crime, then you...

Scarface - Sunshine
[verse 1:]He wanted drama so I brought him painwadadadanglisten to my nine millimet...

Scarface - The Last Of A Dying Breed
The lastof a dying breedI don't remember much about bein bornBut I do remember this: I was...

Scarface - The Wall
So Brad, tell me what's going on in your world?[verse one:]Its fucked up, I'm looki...

Scarface - The White Sheet
[Chorus: x4] Rat tat tat tat to your ass is the mutha fucking flowHere comes the White Sheet...

Scarface - Untouchable
Its on and once again I come to you wit rough shitGame to bust shit when mutha fuckers wanna fuck witT...

Scarface - Ya Money Or Ya Life
One up for the hustlers and two times for the mathematicsLong as I can grind I'm scratchingStacking ca...

Scarling - Alexander The Burn Victim
There's no second chancesNo time for romances, o-ohNo consequence weighingHis heart left decayin...

Scarling - Baby Dracula
Stop your nonsence my dearI know you need attention,So slash an artery.....You are so transparen...

Scarling - Black Horse Riding Star
Black Horse Riding Star Black Horse Riding StarGood - ByeAnd Damn You.....Sick Girl ...

Scarling - Can't (halloween Valentine)
Halloween ValentineOnly take what was mineHitler heart cigaretteAm I safe here.... I forget...

Scarling - Creep
[Radiohead cover]When you were here beforeCouldn't look you in the eyeYou're just l...

Scarling - H/c
Right hook so strong You like his hair you sing along With every word, he's M, he's B He's so H,...

Scarling - The Last Day I Was Happy
I'm in a perfume heavenWith a cement skyI wanna rip her head offAnd I don't know whyI wann...

Scene 23 - All This Love
I had some problemsAnd no one could seem tosolve themBut you found the answerYou told me t...

Scene 23 - Another Night
All nightDid you know I was lonelyWas I a fool to be foolinmyselfWas it your thrill ...

Scene 23 - He Said She Said
Yeah, ohhhOh BabyCrazy Yea, CrazyShe said shed love me foreverHe said that we were t...

Scene 23 - I Really Don't Think So
Why does everything have to be a love thingThink of all the sorrows that love bringsIs it where you re...

Scene 23 - Respect Me
Respect meUh ya can you feel meYa can you feel meWe dont have to speakWe dont have t...

Scene 23 - The Greatest
Dadadadadada DadadadadadaOh yeahDadadadadada DadadadadadaHow bout' a cup of cofee?Me...

Scene 23 - What She Got
Couldn't believe that youcould seeYour true colors that youtook from a dreamThe type of gi...

Scissor Sisters - Better Luck
I know i'm into you I don't know what to do When we talk I feel like I've died twice Boxers use ...

Scissor Sisters - Filthy / Gorgeous
When you're walkin' down the street And the man tries to get your business And the people that you mee...

Scissor Sisters - It Can't Come Quickly Enough
Sailling through the tunnels In the morning by yourself There's a very special feeling True sens...

Scissor Sisters - Laura
Laura, can't you give me some time, I got to give myself one more chance. To be the man that I know I ...

Scissor Sisters - Lovers In The Backseat
She's quiet when shes down Strangers from other towns Nowhere to be found On this side of the sc...

Scissor Sisters - Mary
I love the tone that's in your laughGasping for an extra breathWaiting for the time to passI bel...

Scissor Sisters - Music Is The Victim
I left my heart in San Fransisco I'ts at some motherfucking disco The people there where dancin' on it...

Scissor Sisters - Return To Oz
Once there was a manwho had a little too much time on his handshe never stopped to think that he was g...

Scissor Sisters - Take Your Mama
When you grow up Livin' like a good boy oughta And your mama Takes a shine to her best son ...

Scissor Sisters - Tits On The Radio
Creamsicle sky while the sun sets up in the west Where are the queers on the piers, heard they gave it their...

S Club - Alive
I still remember it was day number oneWe hit the ground and then we started to runNow we're connected ...

S Club - Bittersweet
I still think about how it used to beSo entwined in my own lies, surrounded by this make believeI've b...

S Club - Dance
BabyI know I can see what you likeAs your standing by the dance floorBabyYou've got someth...

S Club - Do It Till We Drop
Come out and play with me babyLike girls doCome on and play with me babyRight nowI wanna s...

S Club - Every Kinda People
Said the fight to make ends meetKeeps a man upon his feetHolding down his jobTrying to show he c...

S Club - Gangsta Love
Stand outThere's something about the way that you do itSo bottle it up, that way you won't lose it for...

S Club - Hey Kitty Kitty
You're so fineHey, look at me, can't you seeI'm the girl in all your dreamsSo lay back, cl...

S Club - In Too Deep
10:30 one more Friday nightI got my space so I wont be getting heavy anymoreBring on the one to save m...

S Club - Let Me Sleep
OohBabyOoo-oo-ooh Ooo-oo-ooh Ooo-oo-oohShadows on the wallForming outlines of ...

S Club - Love Ain't Gonna Wait For You
Your heartbeat's taking overAnd there's nowhere you can goAnd the love that you discoverIs final...

S Club - Say Goodbye
In the years to comeWill you think about these moments that we sharedIn the years to comeAre you...

S Club - Secret Love
La la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la la-la la-la la la laLa la-la la-la la-la la-la laLa la-la ...

S Club - Straight From The Heart
I see my future there in your eyesTogether and forever, it's you and meYou see cause I wont be listeni...

S Club - The Greatest
Da da da daDa da daDa da da daDa da da (Oh yeah)Da da da daDa da daDa da da da...

S Club - Who Do You Think You Are
We've been living a lieWe're not what we seem to beAnd we've had enough of being fooledNow we wa...

S Club - Whole Lotta Nothin'
Whole lotta nothingOh yeah yeahTake me on a spinDo your thingBut you can't get in...

S Club 7 - All In Love Is Fair
Hmmm, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,Aye, aye, aye, aye, yeah, ayeFirst he said he wouldn't leave ...

S Club 7 - Best Friend
C'mon, c'mon, best friendWe all need a best friend, a best friendI remember when we was yo...

S Club 7 - Boy Like You
Come on every boy,tell me whatcha need,a crazy girl,someone like me.Oh boy, your sin...

S Club 7 - Bring It All Back
Bring it all back nowDon't stop, never give upHold your head high and reach the topLet the...

S Club 7 - Bring The House Down
As the night draws in, let the game beginIt's a groove thingLet your feet decide, gonna catch a ride...

S Club 7 - Cross My Heart
Cross my heartWe sayCross my heartI'll beWe got it allAnd we'd be fools to let...

S Club 7 - Dance, Dance, Dance
When the party startsMove to the rhythymMove your bodyDance all nightWhen the party ...

S Club 7 - Dancing Queen
Dancing QueenYou can dance, you can jive, having the time of your lifeSee that girl, watch that ...

S Club 7 - Don't Stop Moving
Don't stop movin to the funky funky beatDon't stop movin to the funky funky beatDon't stop movin to th...

S Club 7 - Down At Club S
To the S!Where do you wanna go, when your life's in a mess?Where do you wanna be, when your brai...

S Club 7 - Everybody Wants Ya
I get this feeling as you walk awayA million hearts will break in twoBut they don't know the games tha...

S Club 7 - Friday Night
Help us get this startedEveryone's excitedWe'll spend the whole time groovin'Cos what we really ...

S Club 7 - Gonna Change The World
I wanna change the worldBut I know I have to start with meCan you help me?When your world ...

S Club 7 - Goodtimes
Do do do do do do do do-doIt's for the good timesBabyYou're working too hardToo many hours...

S Club 7 - Have You Ever
Sometimes it's wrong to walk away, though you think it's overKnowing there's so much more to saySudden...

S Club 7 - Hello Friend
Hello friend,I know you're smiling but believe it,Don't have to pretend.I know at times it seems...

S Club 7 - Hope For The Future
I'm out for the weekend (da do do daaa)With nothing to do (da do do daaa)I'm missing the good times...

S Club 7 - If It's Love
If it's love, if it's love babyIf it's love, if it's love babyIf it's love, if it's love baby(wh...

S Club 7 - I'll Be There
Looking in my memory, what did I see?All the good times you gave to me.Even from the park, way after d...

S Club 7 - I'll Keep Waiting
It's been a long time girl, but I'll keep on waitingI'll keep waiting till that day whenYou come...

S Club 7 - I Really Miss You
I called you today just to hear you sayYou were not aroundWhen the message was through, though I wante...

S Club 7 - It's A Feel Good Thing
Come join the party, come on get up off your seatDoesn't matter who you are we all dance to the same beat...

S Club 7 - It's Alright
Dubbi dubbi ah a-a-ahDo do-do, do do-do Do do-do, do do-doDo do-do, do do-dubbi dubbi ah a-a-ah...

S Club 7 - I Will Find You
I've been lookin' hereLookin' thereCan you tell me whoTell me whereCos wherever I am...

S Club 7 - Natural
Loving you is not just luck or illusionIt's in the make-up of our DNAIt's not by chance we make the pe...

S Club 7 - Our Time Has Come
We're moving on, going strong,With new ideas.There's something we can all believe in.We're...

S Club 7 - Perfect Christmas
Doo doo doodoo doo dooya yado do dodo do do[Rachel:] Hello friend, it's...

S Club 7 - Reach
When the world, leaves you feeling blueYou can count on me, I will be there for youWhen it seems, all ...

S Club 7 - Right Guy
Girl you know I got a thing for youThat's right, I'm talking to you, you sexy thing, so fascinatingGir...

S Club 7 - S Club Party
S ClubGettin' down tonight, a come on, yeahGettin' down tonight, uh huh, everybodyGet down tonig...

S Club 7 - Show Me Your Colours
You cast your spell over meDon't know where to turn to anymoreI see your faceEvery morning when ...

S Club 7 - Someday, Someway
Some-someday,some-someway, I'll understand. I cant stand to see you sad, I can't bear to h...

S Club 7 - So Right
There was nothing I could do boy,I'll tell you from the heart,Right from the start,It wasn't me ...

S Club 7 - Spiritual Love
Now let me start this, if home is where the heart isWith her I feel at home even when we're apart it's...

S Club 7 - Stand By You
Damn you.I think I can feel something special,Going on,Something that has happened between us....

S Club 7 - Stronger

S Club 7 - Summertime Feeling
Come and dream an S Club feelingI've got that summertime feelingSlow down cos you're movin' too ...

S Club 7 - Sunshine
Sometimes it's hardWhen rain's pouring onI used to worryWhat tommorrow would bringThen you...

S Club 7 - The Colour Of Blue
I have always wonderedHow it can be done, to pick the oneWho's gonna be my lover for life, my baby...

S Club 7 - The Love Train
Love train, waiting for the love train.Love train, waiting for the love train.Been working so ha...

S Club 7 - The Two Of Us
Oh yeah,Uh,Oh yeah, oh yeah, oh yeahGet ready for the time of our livesGotta make he...

S Club 7 - Two In A Million
Out of all the boys, you're not like the othersFrom the very first day, I knew we'd be loversIn my wil...

S Club 7 - Viva La Fiesta
Oh viva la fiestaDancin' in the moonlightUntil the break of dayJust let the rhythm take co...

S Club 7 - We Can Work It Out
Tell me why you look fed up,Two heads are better than the one.Tell me why you look so sad,Surely...

S Club 7 - You
You are all I need to get me through (get me through now baby)Like a falling star I fell for you (I fell for...

S Club 7 - You're My Number One
Na na na na..What is love, cos baby I don't knowI got a funny feeling in my heartIf this i...

S Club 8 - Big Fun
I'm gonna love youGet downC'mon boyAlrightIf you want my loveCome and get it g...

S Club 8 - Don't Tell Me You're Sorry
You took me up, drew me inLike a moth into your flamePut your jinx in a deadly kiss Your body lo...

S Club 8 - Drawn To You
I can't offer youa lifelineBut I will catch you when you fallI can't gurantee the futureI can't ...

S Club 8 - Fool No More
I don't wanna (no, no, no..)a-a-ahNever gonna be, (a fool, fool..), no moreNever thought i...

S Club 8 - I Just Came To Dance
I Just Came To Dance [X3]I see the DJ smile at meBut I aint living in a fantasyAnd ...

S Club 8 - Love To The Limit
Boy it's Friday nightI'm looking for a place To go that's rightGot one thing on my mindI'm...

S Club 8 - One Thing I Know
I see you everydayI wonder who you areWaiting for the evening trainIt's gonna take me home...

S Club 8 - Pretty Boy
I lie awake at nightSee things in black and whiteI've only got you inside my mindYou know you ha...

S Club 8 - Rush
Feel the rushBurning up, burning upOhhh yeah I can't get enoughThe day you came...

S Club 8 - Sail On Through
Well If I could stay with you night and day I would but we're miles apart Don't know where to start...

S Club 8 - Searching For Perfection
I just want it all, baby...Baby, Baby...Searching for perfection, Let me tell you I just want it...

S Club 8 - Sundown
[All:] SundownFriday twilight in the big townParty people getting ready nowSomewhere baby...

S Club 8 - Tears On My Pillow
You don't remember me, but I remember youT'was not so long ago, you broke my heart in twoTears on my p...

S Club 8 - The Day You Came
Da da da da da da daa [x3]It started on the day you cameI lieNothings ever fe...

S Club 8 - Turn The Lights On
I love the way you areCruisin around like a movie starYou play my favourite songI hear your voic...

S Club Juniors - Anytime, Anywhere
Do do do do do doDo do do do do doI know life sometimes can spin your head aroundDon't let...

S Club Juniors - Automatic High
[Intro]Automatic, Automatic, Automatic, Automatic, AutomaticYou give me that special feel...

S Club Juniors - Feel The Beat
Move on upDo your thingMove on upDo your thing Tonight is saturday nightYou wa...

S Club Juniors - Fool No More
Never gonna be a fool no moreNever thought i'd see the dayYou'd play meBut your the kinda ...

S Club Juniors - Here We Go
Here we goCome on get the party startedCome on get the party startedGet the party startedS...

S Club Juniors - I Come Alive
OneTwoThreeFour I come alive I can describe You try to wake ...

S Club Juniors - New Direction
A-a-a-a-ahA-a-a-a-ah a-ahA-a-a-a-ah (I've been looking for a new direction)A-a-a-a-ah a-ah (I've...

S Club Juniors - One Fine Day
One fine dayYou'll look at meAnd you will know our love wasMeant to beOne fine dayYo...

S Club Juniors - One Step Closer
I've been waitin'Such a long time just tryin' to get throughAnd its takin' All of my strength to...

S Club Juniors - Only You
I thought I'd write it in a letterAs I'm too shy to say it to youI guess I should've known better...

S Club Juniors - Puppy Love
And they called it puppy loveOh i guess they'll never knowHow a young heart really feelsAnd why ...

S Club Juniors - Reach
When the world leaves you feeling blue (Frankie)You can count on me I will be there for you ...

S Club Juniors - This Is How We Party
this is how we party,fooling with your body,come on everybody,can't get enough of you.this...

S Club Juniors - Together
I am naughty but niceI am sweetness in lightI will make your dreams come trueI love to dan...

S Club Juniors - We Got You
We got you jumpin' hooplahsYou took a silly kind of look into my headI don't need a pretty face ...

S Club Juniors - Wherever You Are
Wherever you areWherever you are I feel you everytime my heart beatsOur love grows stronge...

S Club Juniors - You Are The One
Have you ever had a friend that never let you downRight by your side every night and dayAlways hear yo...

Scooter - Back In The Uk
Welcome posse!!!We're kickin' up!Once again, we have the plan,Driving you wild, as good as we ca...

Scooter - Beautiful Vibes
Oooohoowoo...Beautiful, Beautiful. ...

Scooter - Break It Up
Where in the world, where in the world,where in the world did I get this hurt?I don't mind, yeah I don...

Scooter - Call Me Manana
Start it right!!Keep it up!!Yeah! I used to say when we were starting up.Now I represent. ...

Scooter - Cosmos
OK posse...this is Cosmos for ya'!Yeeeah...feel the trance!Open your mind!See the clouds across ...

Scooter - Dancing In The Moonlight
Walking in the rain far away from nowhere.No more noise, just silence and the music that's in my brain....

Scooter - Don't Let It Be Me
You lift me upjust to put me down.You try to bring me up up up.Confusion all around, yeah....

Scooter - Endless Summer
Party people!!!!!!!!The sky has changed. Can you smell the sun?It's time, for the most exciting season...

Scooter - Expecting More From Ratty
We still represent ... represent.I can't change I just wanna do it.On the microphone just get in...

Scooter - Eyes Without A Face
I'm all out of hope. One more bad break could bring a fall.When I'm far from home don't call me on the phone...

Scooter - Faster Harder Scooter
Yeah, request:I want everybody as close to the stage as possible!Get that speed, We're going back to t...

Scooter - Fire
Switch off the lights, and close your eyes.Feel the energy inside.Chillibow, chillibow, chillibow....

Scooter - Friends
SCOOTER!! Yeah!!We're gonna hit you harder!Yeeah! C'mon, c'mon!Friends!...We'll be Friends...

Scooter - Fuck The Millenium
Transmission, here is the forceAre you ready for the new technology?Introducing the cool crewYes...

Scooter - Fuck The Millenium (single Version)
Here Is The Force.I'm The Candyman.Also known as Dave, Dave From Sheffield.Furthermore known as ...

Scooter - Hands Up!
Live and direct, busy again.Let there be rhythm, let there be fun.We're just warming up to rock the gr...

Scooter - Hit The Drum
Bass!!S.C.O.O.T.E.R infect ya! S.C.O.O.T.E.R infect ya!S.C.O.O.T.E.R infect ya! S.C.O.O.T.E.R infect y...

Scooter - How Much Is The Fish?
The chase is better the the catch.Transforming the tunes we need your supportif you've got the b...

Scooter - Hyper! Hyper!
Is everybody on the floor?We put some energy into this place!I want to ask you something...are you rea...

Scooter - I'll Put You On The Guestlist
I orginateYou must appreciate, all the others imitateYeah!You're my crowd and I want you t...

Scooter - I'm Raving
Good evening!!Put on my raving shoes and I boarded a plane.Touched down in the land where the sk...

Scooter - I Was Made For Lovin' You
Tonight I wanna give it all to you.In the darkness. There's so much I wanna do. Yeah.Tonight I wanna l...

Scooter - Kashmir
94 - we break the floor95 - we got the drive96 - we got the kicks97 - we feel like heaven9...

Scooter - Leave In Silence
Girl of my dreams,you don't know what it means to live my life without you.I hope everyday when you pa...

Scooter - Let Me Be Your Valentine
Scooter! Scooter!...Get up!!Yeah!Let Me be your valentine!!...yeah!Let Me Be Your Valentin...

Scooter - Move Your Ass
SCOOTER! Back in the house! YEAH!Get off your shirts and wait for further instructionsStarting the "mi...

Scooter - Nessaja
[Pitched voice:] Always lived my life alone, Been searching for the place called home. I know t...

Scooter - No Fate
Going back into time, blind through the night.Remember, when it's just all over.Taking me higher, forc...

Scooter - Posse (i Need You On The Floor)
Tyree Cooper the producerBut now it`s ScooterWho are supa dupaI`m the hard rhymer The trac...

Scooter - Psycho
At the timeWhen the justifief ancients of Mu Mu ruled the worldWe started to create a soundThis ...

Scooter - Ramp! (the Logical Song)
When I was youngIt seemed that life was wonderfulA miracleOh it was beautifulLogical...

Scooter - Raving In Mexico
We're getting faster!!!This, is the real, Hardcore!!Alright!FASTER! ...

Scooter - Rebel Yell
In the midnight hour!!!Last night my little dancer, came dancing to my doorLast night my little ...

Scooter - She Said
One - two - three - four - five - six - seven -eight - nine - ten - eleven - twelve - Yes!Yeeah! Yeeah...

Scooter - The Age Of Love
Yess!!Rough bad on the case, I wanna hit your face.Music that's the law, we're gonna rock the pl...

Scooter - The First Time
The first time, I've never seen this place,the first time, I ever saw your face.The first time, I've n...

Scooter - The Learning Process
Yeah Man, before succes can manifestYou got to go thru the learning processCome learn! ...

Scooter - The Revolution
What's up, what's up, reminiscing, some timesMC's on a mission, check it outWhat's up, what's up, Repr...

Scooter - Waiting For Spring
Alright, this is Waiting for Spring! ...

Scooter - We Are The Greatest
We are the greatest.There will be Scooter in the house we gonna rock you toniteand the incredibl...

Scooter - Weekend
This one is going out to everybody in the place!Sounds of the track attacker!Go ahead!Yes!...

Scooter - Well Done, Peter
ABFAHRT!!!Yeaaaah!LOUDER!!!... Yess!Abfahrt!!!Abfahrt! ...

Scooter - We Take You Higher
Posse, make your choice! Come on, feel the noise!So jump jump a little higher, jump jump a little higher!...

Scooter - When I Was A Young Boy
All right, hey!!C'mon!!Yeah!!We gonna make you loose control!!We gonna make you loos...

Scooter - Zebras Crossing The Street
Leaving the whole week behindstop the trouble, open your mind.Is it the life you want to live?Cl...

Scribe - Been This Way
Every MC, in this industry, wants one thingTo be the best, in the top of their gameYou want it? Come ...

Scribe - Dreaming
Check it out, 1, 2, hey yo, hey yoI came a long way since back in the dayFrom a teenager trying ...

Scribe - My Lady
Aye yoThis ma girls songIts called my ladyLets do it!More than all my kicks...

Scribe - Not Many
Yeah! Yeah! And no one like me. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Congratulations, we made it, welcome to tha crusader, it's been ...

Scribe - Stand Up
Yeah it's the crusada, and i don't think yo ready, i thought i told ya'llWe can not stop now, NEW ZEAL...

Seal - A Minor Groove
I get high when I touch ya...Oooooo,Oh, baby, baby, baby.First you wanted to be free,Now y...

Seal - Bird Of Freedom
Brother...You can't lose that feeling,You can't give your life away.Like a bird of freedom,...

Seal - Blues In 'e'
The dark eyed,brown haired lover,From hard time Israel,She's looking for a soul to take over,...

Seal - Bring It On
Bring it onAt first I didn't have the will to carry onIllusions in my mindLike that picture when...

Seal - Bring It On (reprise)
Ooh, can't you see it's only life.So bring it on. ...

Seal - Colour
Colour fades awayWith a light descending on the dayMidnight sees your friendOh could you call hi...

Seal - Come See What Love Has Done
Dadn dadn daada-daDadn dadn daa da-daDadn dadn daa da-daCome into the mornin' sun,An...

Seal - Crazy
In a church by the faceHe talks about the people going underOnly child knowA man decides after s...

Seal - Deep Water
I'll kiss that awayBoth of them swam from a northern blue skySmile on their faces they entered their d...

Seal - Don't Cry
Don't be so hard on yourself.Those tears are for someone else.I hear your voice on the phone.I h...

Seal - Don't Make Me Wait
Are we tired of feeling blueCan I get along with youJust don't tell me tryEvery time we fuss and...

Seal - Dreaming In Metaphors
Love serenade,Soothe me with the morning sun.Help me find someone,Peaceful and non-judgemental....

Seal - Excerpt From (let's Fall In Love)
My emotionsDrift awayI think about it but it's alright it's alright it's alright it's alrightIt'...

Seal - Fast Changes
Maybe if I search my mind a little,I'd come across the reason why you're gone.Maybe if I searched a li...

Seal - Fly Like An Eagle
Yeah, think Ibetter get upDoo...doo...du du ... Yeah ...Doo...doo...du du ... Love, love, love ....

Seal - Future Love Paradise
But if only you could see themYou would know from their facesThere were kings and queensFollowed...

Seal - Get It Together
Now's the time for stepping out of placeGet up on your feet and give account of your faithPray to god ...

Seal - Heavenly... (good Feeling)
Northern sonWe're walking down that same avenueThrow me a lifeline, won't you pleaseI'm wa...

Seal - Hey Joe
Hey Joe,Where you goin' with that gun in your hand.Hey Joe,Where you goin' with that gun in your...

Seal - Hide
Okay[laughter]You guys 'ow 'bout a bit of rock and roll?Jodi Luzen came from far away, ...

Seal - Human Beings
It is only love I feelThat will give us peace of heartIn my hour of desperate needI feel closer ...

Seal - Human Beings Reprise
Love diesChasin' awayFeels like I'mChasing nowhereDoing whatever I feelI just keep f...

Seal - If I Could
There's no reason for you to lose your mind,Cause I've seen something,That's gonna change our time....

Seal - I'm Alive
Yeah, yeah yeah yeah...Fell on my feet this morning.Two angels heard me cry...This is your fate ...

Seal - Just Like You Said
HmmmmmmmmmmmmI,I amSo unsureEvery minute that waitsEvery second that I'm awayF...

Seal - Killer
BrotherSister It's the loneliness thats the killerSo you wantTo be freeTo live your ...

Seal - Kiss From A Rose
There used to be a greying tower alone on the sea.You became the light on the dark side of me.Love rem...

Seal - Latest Craze
WarmthSecurityAnd all that comes with itStill you're wonderin'How it ever felt this good...

Seal - Let Me Roll
I'm a needle in a haystackI'm a complex soulIf you get with me babyI'm gonna do it all...

Seal - Loneliest Star
Picture the sky that is how high I reachSo far alive none have been right for meBut your love, is a ch...

Seal - Lost My Faith
We both knowThat the harder we tryCan't understand itWe're so caught up in the reasons why...

Seal - Love Is Powerful
Hey Mr. Shame won't you help me please 'cause I am feelin' poorThis crazy game I play is not the same as the...

Seal - Manic Depression
Manic Depression is touching my soul.I know what I want but I just don't know... how to go about getting it....

Seal - My Vision
I feel like the sunI feel like the rainI feel I can justify reason for living again'Cause what I...

Seal - Newborn Friend
I wash my faith in dirty water,Cause it gives my mind a little order.And I play that game, just like I...

Seal - No Easy Way
Close your heartClose your eyesFake a kiss andSay goodbyeWhen you know it's not the way...

Seal - Out Of The Window
I met an angel,I was so petrified.And through the angel,I saw the essence of life.But she'...

Seal - People Asking Why
Why, am I changing?Why do people, get complacent with the things they're told?World disasters they com...

Seal - Prayer For The Dying
Fearless people,Careless needle.Harsh words spoken,And lives are broken.Forceful ageing,...

Seal - Princess
The princess and the liarHer dress is catchin' fireDaddy's little lemon ain'tAll she's meant to ...

Seal - Puff (the Magic Dragon)
Yeah...Puff, the magic dragon,Lived by the seaAnd frolicked in the autumn mistIn a land ca...

Seal - Quicksand
I'm closer to theGolden DawnImmersed in Crowley's uniformOf imageryI'm living in a silent ...

Seal - Show Me
Different kinds of peopleDifferent kinds of lifeWe go walking towards the futureWith different s...

Seal - Sparkle
To me you're a sparkle, yeah.To me you're a sparkle, eh.To me you're a sparkle, yeah.To me you'r...

Seal - State Of Grace
So strangeIt's funny howWe came to meetThose eyes uncannyWere my invitationI couldn'...

Seal - Still Love Remains
How will I standIf you turn out the lightThat shines over meThat shines over meAnd how wil...

Seal - Stone Free
Baby babe, I'm all weak from talkingAnd if I stay too longPeople try to slow me downThey talk ab...

Seal - The Beginning
The beginning saw existence of a chosen dreamBut then came pain With energy striking on those she knew...

Seal - The Wind Cries Mary
And after all the Jacks are in their boxes,And the clowns have all gone to bed.You can hear the happin...

Seal - This Could Be Heaven
We should be right here Get through all this fear One of these days Cause when it comes al...

Seal - Tinsel Town
Check your mind, you're free to followAll the friends that you can borrowEverbody's so much fun...

Seal - Touch
Without your touch I've been lost without the thing I loveWithout your kiss I've been dreaming of the things...

Seal - Violet
I watch you comb your hair in different lightYou change the chair and seem to think that's alrightI un...

Seal - Waiting For You
Everyday, a shade of blueYou won't believeWhat I'm going throughIt just feels like I can't affor...

Seal - When A Man Is Wrong
The perils of lonelinessThe pleasures of loveThat we findThe arguement's immenentThe look ...

Seal - Whirlpool
She don't know woo-whoYo' momma would-ohYeah ooh no noOnly child knowOnly childI wak...

Seal - Who Wants To Live Forever
There's no time for usThere's no place for usWhat is this thing that builds our dreamsYet slips ...

Seal - Wild
With you on a clear day yeahIf tried I don't think I could end it better this wayAll I have is a photo...

Sean Paul - Concrete
[Intro]A the gal them international dj cominThrough, so yow!Respect due all the man...

Sean Paul - Ever Blazing
(Ever blazing ever blazing girl)(blazing up the flame blazing up the flame) (Ever blazing ever blazing...

Sean Paul - Infiltrate
[Chorus:]Woman nuh waan nuh baitDem nuh guh feel violate if yuh accelarate pon a dateDem ...

Sean Paul - Like Glue
[Intro:]Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, feel dat trend now, yeah yeahSean-A-Paul, so mi go so then...

Sean Paul - My Name
[Chorus:]Sometimes i hear you calling out my name, And i hear you deep down inna mi brain, ...

Sean Paul - Punkie
[Chorus]Hot sexy punkie, me punkieGal me see say that you want me, you want meAnd it no m...

Sean Paul - Punkie (espanol)
Sean Paul pa tu en la calle, te quiero you must be thinking me come from spanish town, spanish town, spanish...

Sean Paul - Shake That Thing
[Intro]Yeah!Well dey a hav some bwoy a gwaan like dem a gal short(Dem a get caught)...

Sean Paul - Shout (street Respect)
[Intro]Hear you shoutDutty them a tell them once again yow!Sly them a tell them once agai...

Sean Paul - Strategy
[Intro:]Dutty Yo ! Fi di gal dem again yuh know Buss di world ! Buss di world Dutty...

Seether - 69 Tea
Lonely in this white room, there are pads everywhereChafing straitjacket, I wont die in thereSave me s...

Seether - Broken (feat. Amy Lee)
I wanted you to know I love the way you laughI wanna hold you high and steal your pain awayI keep your...

Seether - Burrito
Try to hide myselfGive this to someone elseMy hands are stained with scumWish I could wash it aw...

Seether - Cigarettes
They suck you in like cigarettesWhile hanging you out to dry, yeahMaking you feel like a hyprocrite...

Seether - Diseased
Leave your mark under my skinOh my how strong you areAnd feast your eyes on my disdainAnd hope t...

Seether - Driven Under
Do you think Im fakingwhen Im lying next to you?Do you think that I am blindnothing left for me ...

Seether - Fade Away
I wanna be there when you callI wanna catch you when you fallI wanna be the one you needI wanna ...

Seether - Fine Again
It seems like every days the sameand Im left to discover on my own It seems like everything is gray ...

Seether - Fuck It
I guess I like it when we play (The way you drag me down)I guess I like it when you hate me (The...

Seether - Given
Trust all the thingsI tell you are trueDress up in your bestSo I can be proud of youAnd ne...

Seether - Got It Made
So I said this once beforeI'm never gonna give you inNo, not againCause I've wasted all I've kno...

Seether - I'm The One
Here she's coming and she's drunk againShe's only seventeenHer daddy said "well that's enough of that ...

Seether - Love Her
I met a girl who hated the world - she used her body to sell her soulEverytime they'd break her and pay - te...

Seether - Out Of My Way
Out of my wayOut of my, way[Pre-Chorus]I cant pass up this opportunity to make myse...

Seether - Pig
Have you ever wanted to die when you were without your friends? Havent you said goodbye to the one on who yo...

Seether - Pride
Take it. Break it. Rape it. Forsake it.In time you willFind it. Maim it. Thrill it and shame itI...

Seether - Remedy
Throw your dollar bills and leave your thrills all here with me And speak but don't pretend I won't defend y...

Seether - Simplest Mistake
Watch it blow my mindIt's something I am ill-prepared to remedyBut let it slow the timeIt takes ...

Seether - Sold Me
Here I stand before myselfI see somethings out of placeYou tasted all my purityNow there's nothi...

Seether - Sympathetic
And my words will be here when Im gone As Im fading away against the wind And the words you left me li...

Seether - Take Me Away
As beautiful as fire against the evening skyyou fuel the lost desire- I no longer wanna dieTake me by ...

Seether - Truth
If I gave you the truth, would it keep you alive?Though I'm closer to wrongI'm no further from right...

Seether - World Falls Away
Must be something they're hidingMust be reasons that no one will dare to tellMust be something inside ...

Seether - Your Bore
You make me feel like Im a whoreLike Im the one whos there to bore you nowIts always gonna be this way...

Selwyn - Buggin' Me
Girl, I never wanted you anyway,All I know was you were begging me to stay.I never thought much about ...

Selwyn - Negative Things
Listen babyI wonder why sometimes we fall apart oh yeahTogether we are so wonderfull yeah babyAn...

Selwyn - Rich Girl
Lets, goYou're a rich girl, and you've gone too far'Cause you know it don't matter anywayYou can...

Selwyn - Way Love's Supposed To Be
Yeah, the way that love's supposed to be, yeah.Sometimes I know we fight, sometimes things don't seem ...

Selwyn - Way You Make Me Feel
Never imagined, something just happenedThe first time that i saw youIm feeling indescribableYour...

Semisonic - Across The Great Divide
Over mountains, that's where my love livesA long, long ride to sunland here where I did thisAcro...

Semisonic - Act Naturally
Our little secret just might be the kind of thing that you can't hideIt's growing like a tangled vine & risi...

Semisonic - All Worked Out
She's got it all worked out in her mindAnd you're part of the planAnd you don't have the final word...

Semisonic - Bed
My little darling it's a crying shameThe way that you lead me onAnd I've got nobody but myself to blam...

Semisonic - Brand New Baby
Time, you needed time out of the mainstreamOut on your onlyAlone to find yourself somehowS...

Semisonic - California
Driven through the canyons I wasDazzled by the mountains and we didn't go very farClose enough to heav...

Semisonic - Chemistry
I remember when I found out about chemistryIt was a long, long way from hereI was old enough to want i...

Semisonic - Closing Time
Closing timeOpen all the doors and let you out into the worldClosing timeTurn all of the lights ...

Semisonic - Completely Pleased
I wanted to leave youCompletely pleasedSleep drifting above youSweetly releasedI wan...

Semisonic - Delicious
You're deliciousWhen you call meI've got nothing left to wait forYou're deliciousWhe...

Semisonic - Dnd
DND Now they'll leave us aloneDND Now you turn off the phoneHow like you to make the whole world...

Semisonic - Down In Flames
It's not the pain I'm used to itI'ts feeling like I'm already deadI see from the ceiling a misty spiri...

Semisonic - El Matador
Matador sweeps the veilFrom the last young day of my lifeMalibu tides inhaleSanta Ana Winds from...

Semisonic - Falling
High above the mid-way lightsHigh above the rides, you, me and the skyThe whole world looks small toni...

Semisonic - F.n.t.
Fascinating new thingYou delight meAnd I know you're speaking of meFascinating new thing...

Semisonic - Follow
I would sure love believingIn something that's never leavingWould like to let go the hurtingWhen...

Semisonic - Get A Grip
Lonely boys and you lonely girlsHere at the end of the lonely worldYou're finding outIf there's ...

Semisonic - Girlfriend
Walking into parties on your ownIt's getting old nowTwice around the room and out aloneIt feels ...

Semisonic - Gone To The Movies
Now the rain comes down the windows and it Drops onto the forehead of the waiting boyHe surveys his re...

Semisonic - If I Run
Morning comes and morning goesNow it's me against the sunThe day goes by and darkness growsAnd i...

Semisonic - I'll Feel For You
If you're afraid to cryThough you could use it once in awhileNothing will cloud your eyesYou've ...

Semisonic - In Another Life
Hold on tight to what you believe inHold on to whatever you need, o yeahStep inside the sweet illusion...

Semisonic - In The Veins
Red is the ocean which we rideCarried along on a changing tideBlind, blind rage and pure delight...

Semisonic - I Wish
I wish I could be anyone but the one that I am nowI wish I could see any scene but the one I hang around...

Semisonic - Made To Last
Made to last awhileAnd roll onMade to move in styleAnd move alongMade to dream of fl...

Semisonic - Never You Mind
Saturday morning alone and barely feelingSitting at home after rocking and a-reelingAll night in a cat...

Semisonic - No One Else
You're the moviestarOf my innerspaceCome to town a whileBring your quiet placeShow m...

Semisonic - One True Love
All above me the stars are brightAnd a sweet suburban breeze is blowingAnd down the block are the park...

Semisonic - Ordinary Life
Well I looked for the life fantasticCos I read it in a magazineWhat I got was myself as a plastic figu...

Semisonic - Over My Head
Long ago I was told there were riches inside of meSomeone old hid the gold and the finding was my affair...

Semisonic - Sculpture Garden
Twilight in the sculpture gardenWhen we walk around the placeLook upon the beautiful secretsThat...

Semisonic - Secret Smile
Nobody knows it but you've got a secret smileAnd you use it only for meNobody knows it but you've got ...

Semisonic - She's Got My Number
She's got my number she always didShe can always see where my secret's hidEverything about me is hers ...

Semisonic - She Spreads Her Wings
At night she spreads her wingsShe dreams of bigger thingsShe floats above the townShe sings with...

Semisonic - Singing In My Sleep
Got your tape and it changed my mindHeard your voice in between the linesCome around from another time...

Semisonic - Star
I wandered in the moonlightA ghost without a friendAll around the starlight found are lost and wounded...

Semisonic - Sunshine And Chocolate
All my life I've been looking forThe perfect mateAnd when I finally found the oneIt was almost t...

Semisonic - Surprise
I feel the day is arriving soonWhen I can't stay around anymoreThey'll look in all the familiar rooms...

Semisonic - Temptation
I went to see temptation yesterdayIn a fourplex on the old high driveCause something in my life was ru...

Semisonic - The Gift
It's a hurting desire strong and sweetMemory so pretty I can hardly sayYou thought I was sleeping as y...

Semisonic - The Prize
The night of a thousand versesOne thousand friends said have you heardWhat we expectedWe a...

Semisonic - This Will Be My Year
Thursday's crush is a Friday night rushAnd a Monday morning cryIt's the tail that you keep chasing...

Semisonic - Who's Stopping You?
Take all that you've gotMultiply by zeroDivide by the time you've got leftThat's xAd...

Semisonic - Wishing Well
Last night I dreamed of fallingDown a wishing well.No one could hear me callingFrom where I fell...

Serial Joe - Absense Of Mind
If I let you in, can I make you see The fear of giving up a little piece of meThere's nowhere to hide ...

Serial Joe - Centipede
Ya keep on losing your mindI'm afraid I can't say the same Complicated reasons are why. I'm not ...

Serial Joe - Confused
Back track, everybody knows just thatYou're paranoid about the things that you just don't cut it flat ...

Serial Joe - Deep
You hope that something will happenBut you're stuck with what you've gotIn a maze you're lost, thinkin...

Serial Joe - Denial
You and I bring it around again with a fresh flow Low blow, Tippin' ya over like a deck of cards I'll ...

Serial Joe - Dream Girl
Hey Girl, are you out there?I can see you in my mind. You've been messin' with my headNow I need...

Serial Joe - Face Down
Lost in amidst this false reality.Don't feel a thing anymore. On your knees and begging Face dow...

Serial Joe - Lonely Heart
What does it doWhen it's used and thrown away When it doesn't understand Love's not a game you p...

Serial Joe - Mistake
Do you know how to find what you're looking forStuck in a maze of promises, don't know what's real or not ...

Serial Joe - Obsession
Feel the rush on pipe made of wood Jump off the edge, never thought I could Wheels that fly without an...

Serial Joe - Out Of Hand
You've made the choice to go your own way Now there's nothing left to say The look in your eyes ...

Serial Joe - Outrage
You wanna take it to the next levelWalkin' among the streets and burn like the devil Everybody wants t...

Serial Joe - Push
StandingIn the corner of my mind I try to run, but I'm So far behind. I don't know the mea...

Serial Joe - Sanity
I still don't know what you mean to meBut I'm gonna lose my cool You better go 'cause I'm going crazy ...

Serial Joe - Shallow
So close yet so distantFading face embraces resistantWords kept hiddenAnd shadows darkYour...

Serial Joe - Should Have Been Mine
You shut me out,Don't hear a word, I'm sayin'Just can't understand, this crazy game you're playin'...

Serial Joe - Silently Screaming
Day into night Nothing changes Nothing changes No need to fight Oh love Be with me t...

Serial Joe - Skidrow
Yo skid, ya you, down on the row What ya gonna do now? Where ya gonna go?Yo skid, ya you, down on the ...

Serial Joe - Velocity
It's an inside drive to achieve the velocityDon't see no reason for this tauntin' animosity Frontside ...

Serial Joe - Welcome To Happyland
la la la la la la la la la la la la la la (hehe I couldn't hel myself) ...

Serial Joe - What I See
She walks around aimlessly in the night Desperately searching - for what she thinks is rightPromises m...

Sev - 24/7/365
Constantly putting fat tracks on your racksIt's SEV, yeah and we're known for that factSo ease back ,r...

Sev - All Right By Me
You got to move it got to groove itGot to get into itIntuition that I listen tooGets me through ...

Sev - All These Dreams
All these dreams seem so far away in my headDamn, I'm lovin this shitLiving in it, I got the peo...

Sev - Front Of The Line
Give into me, don't fight it just breatheAnd exhale through these memoriesof life for all to see...

Sev - Lust
We've tried to compare ourselves in timeAll along what went wrongHeyRekindling of a dwindl...

Sev - Menace
Every single day a smile on my faceConsistently around, I can not relateI distance me persistently...

Sev - Player
Saturday morning, woke up at 10:44Still all wasted from the night I had beforeTurn over in my bed, I'm...

Sev - Same Old Song
I see you're calling me again,What could you possibly want?I thought that we could be friends,Bu...

Sev - Stand Straight
Stand on the head, an illusion passing byYou're better off dead, when justice starts to flyCuz it knoc...

Sev - Twisted
Living life in the fast lane, it's all just a gameUnderstand & maintainwe're all same frame no names...

Sev - What You Got For Me
What you got for me, What you got for me,What you got baby, What you got for meAll my time is wasted, ...

Sev - When
The final hour is coming at handWe gotta stand with a grain of sandThrough the hourglass of lies & dec...

Seven And The Sun - Jump (the Velvet Rope)
Some people get luckyBorn with a silver spoonOther people got to work real hardA whole life of p...

Seven And The Sun - Walk With Me
Sitting on a park benchNot a penny in our pocketsBut thats al right nowStumming on a guitar...

Seven And The Sun - Where Do You Go From Here
So you're all aloneAnd don't know which way you're goingAnd you feel the pain, but you don't care...

Seven Channels - Breathe
It's been so long since you've gone away And I know things will never be the same I break it all down ...

Seven Channels - Chasing Monsters
crawl in the sun today as i chase all the monsters away and i am glued to you but what am i supposed to do...

Seven Channels - Circle
this is the stuff that makes us and it's kind of contagious won't swallow the pill that life decides to give...

Seven Channels - Electric Voices
think i'll lie here for a while inside out embrace your smile all the jaded memories they bring me right to ...

Seven Channels - Fluid
it becomes so clear to me the things we don't believe oh it stings us as we walk on by it changes everything...

Seven Channels - Helium
throw me 'round in circles as i run into i crash into i only want to run if i'm crashing into you as i reach...

Seven Channels - Rooftop
we would sleep to the glow of the exit sign dream that the world was yours and mine better run if you want...

Seven Channels - Submarine Dream
she's tired of breaking nothing's left for taking gone away are her dreams torn at the seams she...

Seven Channels - Superconnected
i hold the candle and the truth i see seems like i'm dreaming but i know i'm still awake hold me down throug...

Seven Channels - Velcro Parade
welcome to the velcro parade everybody now march out the shade oh i know that it's a lonely place to be some...

Sevendust - Angel's Son
Life is changing I can't go on without you Rearranging. I will be strong I'll stand by you ...

Sevendust - Beautiful
200 miles per hour That's how fast I seem to go With the weight of the world on my shoulde...

Sevendust - Break The Walls Down
Come on, (Jerichooo)You know I got ya, yeahOne, Break the wall down (Ahhhhhh)Break down th...

Sevendust - Broken Down
It takes timeTo heal the wound I've made along the wayIf I'm blindOpen my eyes 'cause I need to ...

Sevendust - Burned Out
Stick around to see the ugly look on my face You always come around - when my will is broken And I can...

Sevendust - Corrected
Sun went down, it seen your lifeIt was overDiscuss, disgusted, with ruthlessNo particular reason...

Sevendust - Crucified
So much pain to ease my simple mind No hope - I've been crucified And no one seems to care ...

Sevendust - Damaged
Didn't you hurt yourself Couldn't you wash the blood away Didn't you love yourself Couldn't you ...

Sevendust - Dead Set
Stuck in my bedroom with nothing But a voice in my head Once my feeling was dead set (I watch my...

Sevendust - Disease
I stuck my head in the sand Cut my face to hell There was nothing - nothing but my life unanswered ...

Sevendust - Disgrace
I remember almost every time I felt love Descend down and break away Til it was gone My e...

Sevendust - Enemy
Step up to me - Step up to me You wanna be a big time player - it's not to be Look at all the snide a...

Sevendust - Face To Face
Don't tell me now with a smile on your faceThat you're lost...down and outWhen there was nothing left ...

Sevendust - Follow
Time can take everything that surrounds you You can break from everything that confines you ...

Sevendust - Gone
Another day away from home another tripTo kill another place I've never beenAnother day in hellA...

Sevendust - Honesty
It's not suppsed to hurt this muchBut it can never feel the same againI'm left with nothingBut t...

Sevendust - Leech
What are you saying ?Did you forget yourself ?You kill the sicknessSecure within your health...

Sevendust - Live Again
Feeling Nothing Lonely Empty You try to walk away but you fall You cannot understand what's this...

Sevendust - Praise
What did you expect? Fools often sometimes forget Who really knows what's the truth Often dignif...

Sevendust - Redefine
Just sit down right here in front of me I'll let you see Connect your face to the fist I'll show...

Sevendust - Seasons
Do you Feel Like the walls come downeverwhere you stand? Fill the voidAnd escape the world with ...

Sevendust - Separate
Could I be the only one hereThe one and only mistakeI don't mind the sound of your voiceBut I ha...

Sevendust - Shine
This is the last time I will talk to you I feel like I'm in a blocked state of mind Am I getting throu...

Sevendust - Skeleton Song
[Verse 1]I'll stay right here with all these familiar faces And shut-out everyone else from the...

Sevendust - Suffocate
Hate all the blood on my hands And the sins that bleed from my soul Take it all away make it Go ...

Sevendust - T.o.a.b.
Tell me something cause I don't know If that look's for me Change your face and show me How is i...

Sevendust - Trust
When I hold my head down to the ground And I wish you were here with me Seems like you're always aroun...

Sevendust - Xmas Day
One step in the dark Touch her hand just to see If she's all alone again Still she hasn't seen s...

Seven Places - All In My Head
Fall, fall my eyes onto the pageFilling my mind with endless knowledge but in vainPuff, puff my mind b...

Seven Places - Along The Way
Would You ever want to walk with me?Would You ever want to talk with me today?Would You ever think wit...

Seven Places - Awakening
Jesus Christ our Savior who is the propitiation, the satisfaction if you would, for our sins,And not just fo...

Seven Places - Be My Salvation
Plead my cause oh Lord, fight for meBe my shield, stand for me[Chorus:]Jesus, my Ki...

Seven Places - Even When
This week, I prayed, one timeMy phone, it rang, I put You on the other lineAnd now my thoughts they dr...

Seven Places - Everything
There's not sweeter Name I know, there's noOther fount that flowsThere's no shadow of turning and I am...

Seven Places - Fall In Line
If you're sitting down on your feetLet's wake up those who are asleepMarch on, left to right to left a...

Seven Places - Holes In His Hands
You said your days were overThat the sun would never shine againFrom glory days, to wicked waysY...

Seven Places - I Look Upon Your Hill
I look upon Your hillYour broken body hanging stillYour blood drips downYour face and brow...

Seven Places - Into Your Heart
Your hands held up the worldYour heart bled on a hillAnd now there's no resistanceAnd I want to ...

Seven Places - It Might Be Today
The sun set on a perfect dayBut then it rose only to say"it's wrong, there's something wrong"The...

Seven Places - Landslide
I feel crazy, hope is hazy right nowBut I won't freak out, I won't freak out at the Sound of the Lands...

Seven Places - Lay It Down
Tommy's haunted by the pressure to becomeThe first family member to wear a cap and gownTime it ticks a...

Seven Places - Like It Never Happened
As deep, as deep, as deep as the ocean floorAs high, as high as the eagle soarsAs far, as far as a fal...

Seven Places - Little
In a little while I will go for you, in a little while I will bleed for you.In a little while I will hang fo...

Seven Places - Lonely For The Last Time
Driving on the road to home, a few cars backMaybe three infront, I don't knowAll I know is we are goin...

Seven Places - Perspective
Today, hasn't been the greatest dayWant to crawl back into bedand sleep the day away.You came ov...

Seven Places - See The Rain (go Away)
The trees are bending in the angry wind that blowsThose big black clouds look like they're going to exlode...

Seven Places - Someday Go
I feel the wind blow, does anyone know?Who it is breathing, sending us hope[Chorus:]...

Seven Places - Stay The Same
Staring at the stars late last nightYou placed them in the skyYet I'm all that's on Your mindLoo...

Seven Places - Thinking It Over
I've been thinking it overTaking the time to find the wordsGetting closer to this God I serveBec...

Seven Places - Watch
The dust is settling now, I can see your expressionThe look on your face is asking me howk how can you leave...

Seven Places - We're Almost There
Hollow eyes, drifting melodiesWhere is our bright spark?The world has turned, inside-outI'm chok...

Seven Places - Western Wall
My home is where we used to meet, I'd talk to You and You'd talk to me.You revealed Your mysteries, I'd make...

Seven Places - Yours
Echoes the sound of a rusty boxAround it goes till out something popsA toothless lion, he is weak and ...

Seven Wiser - Good As You Think
Seen your face in the windowLast night in the rainLooks like you had a bad day todayYou were thr...

Seven Wiser - Lies
I'm the one that was there for youWhen you cut yourself and started to bleedAnd I'm the one that you c...

Seven Wiser - Life
Tie my hands and torture meUntil I find the meaning of my lifeThe light that I see can you take me the...

Seven Wiser - Losing Grip
IF I fall to the groundWill you pick me up againI don't know who I am anymoreOr why I'm holding ...

Seven Wiser - Love To Hate
And if you ever told me that it would ever beAs hard as thisI think I would have said to go to hell an...

Seven Wiser - One In Equal
How could you take advantage of my situation?I'm fallin' far in this world without a ropeOr someone to...

Seven Wiser - Regret
Did you hear me callin'The day you walked outDidn't even turn aroundTo see me tryin'In thi...

Seven Wiser - Self Esteem
You took the words right out of my mouthDig a hole right through my headYou would do anything for me...

Seven Wiser - Sick
What are these feelings through me?How'd you get inside mindEverything that lies around me Is a ...

Seven Wiser - Take Me As I Am
I hear the words of a thousand voicesSinking in my headLong time since I've seen you last andYou...

Seven Wiser - Talk To Me
How can you live with yourselfAfter everything you did to me?And now you sit and cry a million tears...

Seven Wiser - We're Sad
I don't think you ever think about meYour cold heart is meltingSinking through meI fall far into...

Shaggy - Chica Bonita
[hook]What is cinco cervezas I really don't know But this pretty little senorita said it ...

Shaggy - Dance & Shout
Mr. Lover, Mr. Lover, Mr. LoverUh, uh, wellSugarHere's another oneAnd another day...

Shaggy - Freaky Girl
[Verse]High heels gosh you look sexy I'd steal a touch if you let me I'm just dyin'...

Shaggy - Hey Love
[chorus]Hey love can I get a rain checkJust 25 I'm not ready yetHey love let's make...

Shaggy - Hot Gal
[Intro:]Now this here goes out to all the player haters Now if you could relate to this, keep i...

Shaggy - Hot Shot
[Chorus]They call me Mr hot shot baby can I do my thing Don't stop girl I like the vibe you bri...

Shaggy - Keep'n It Real
Uh - thats rightReality checkYou kno what I meanStreet lifes ehScorpion yeah uh...

Shaggy - Leave It To Me
Uh-huhNow this one goes out to my ladyI want me and you to go on this wonderful love rondezvousH...

Shaggy - Lonely Lover
Girl gimmi little loving girl gimmi little loving baby come comeGirl gimmi little loving I want you to to be...

Shaggy - Mr. Boombastic
Mr. Boombastic What you want is some boombastic romantic fantastic lover Shaggy Mr. Lover lover,...

Shaggy - Not Fair
Boy what have you done for me I've been going down on you You not going down on me Girl that's h...

Shaggy - Oh Carolina (radio Edit)
Carolina, wine your body gal Make dem know say you have it fi mad dem Oh Carolina (Prowl off, ju...

Shaggy - Strength Of A Woman
[Opening]UghWahUghUmmmmmYoSHAGGYUghYoThis one goes ou...

Shaggy - Why Me Lord
[verse 1]Early Sunday morning in the spring of 96Chilling on the couch watching the bulls...

Shakira - Antologia
para amarte necesito una razony es dificil creer que no existauna mas que este amorsobra tanto d...

Shakira - Cazador De Amor
35 grados de temperaturahace un calor insoportable y no me puedo olvidartomo el telefono y llamo a la ...

Shakira - Ciega Sordamuda
Se me acaba el argumentoy la metodologiacada vez que se aparece frentea mi tu anatomiaPorq...

Shakira - Controlas Mi Destino
Cuando pienso que este asuntose puede solucionarte me acercas y echas todo marcha atrasy el temo...

Shakira - Cuentas Conmigo
Aunque tus dias sean largos,y te cubra un cielo gris y tristecuentas conmigoAunque tus noches se...

Shakira - Dia De Enero
Te conoc un da de enero,con la luna en mi narizY como v que eras sinceroEn tus ojos me perd...

Shakira - ?donde Estan Los Ladrones?
Los han visto por ahiLos han visto en los tejadosDando vueltas en ParisCondenando en los juzgado...

Shakira - Donde Estas Corazon
donde estas corazon?ayer te busqueentre el suelo, y el cielo, mi cieloy no te encontrey pu...

Shakira - Eres
Eres sensacionalun loco de ideas rarasmuy originaleres sentimentaltambien transparente...

Shakira - Escondite Ingles
Bienvenido has llegadoEn el momento justoY al lugar indicadoNo todo lo rico engordaN...

Shakira - Esta Noche Voy Contigo
Na na na naaaaaNa na na naaaaaNa na na na na na naaaaa Hoy me siento entre nubes, creo que...

Shakira - Este Amor Es Lo Mas Bello Del Mundo
Empezar a amardescubrir esta verdadque recien ya te conozcoy ya no hay mas.Y es pensar, se...

Shakira - Estoy Aqui
ya se que no vendrastodo lo que fueel tiempo lo dejo atrasse que no regresaraslo que nos p...

Shakira - Eterno Amor
Hace tiempo que nos conocemosque estamos los dosen algo que parece una amistad.Compartimos mil s...

Shakira - Eyes Like Yours
Oh, you know I have seenA sky without sunA man with no nationSaints, captive in chainsA so...

Shakira - Fool
Tell me liesslap me on the facejust improvisedo somethingreally cleverthat'll make m...

Shakira - Gafas Oscuras
Tus gafas oscuras me hacen vibrar cada vez que te ocultanTus gafas oscuras me hacen sentir que yo soy de otr...

Shakira - Inevitable
Si es cuestion de confesarNo se preparar cafe Y no entiendo de futbol Creo que alguna vez fui in...

Shakira - La Pared
Eres como una prediccin de las buenasEres como una dosis alta en las venasY el deseo gira en esp...

Shakira - Las De La Intuicin
No me preguntes mas por misi ya sabes cual es la respuestadesde el momento en que te vise a lo q...

Shakira - Lejos De Tu Amor
Imaginar, yo tan solo puedo imaginar,que ya deje de verme niaQue llamaras, y me invitaras hoy a cenar,...

Shakira - Lo Imprescindible
Bleibe baby bleibe babyGeh nicht wieder wegBleibe baby bleibe babyGeh nicht wieder weg...

Shakira - Magia
Magia, siento magia,desde hace poco algo nuevo nace en miMagia, siento magia,cuando me hablas ti...

Shakira - Moscas En La Casa
Mis dias sin ti son tan oscurosTan largos tan grisesMis dias sin tiMis dias sin ti son tan absur...

Shakira - Necesito De Ti
Pulso acelerado, tu cabeza va a estallary tu corazon esta sangrandoestas delirando, hasta te falta res...

Shakira - No
No, no intentes disculparteNo juegues a insistirLas excusas ya existan antes de tiNo, no m...

Shakira - Ojos Asi
ayer conoci un cielo sin soly un hombre sin sueloun santo en prisiony una cancion triste sin due...

Shakira - Peligro
Me encanta tumbarme al solpelo suelto y bronceadorcon mi walkman amarillotoalla, arena en mi odo...

Shakira - Pienso En Ti
cada dia pienso en tipienso un poco mas en tidespedazo mi corazonse destruye algo de micad...

Shakira - Pies Descalzos (suenos Blancos)
tu mordiste la manzanay renunciaste al paraisoy condenaste a una serpientesiendo tu el que asi l...

Shakira - Poem To A Horse
You're to far to bring you closeAnd too high to see belowjust hangin' on your daily doseI know y...

Shakira - Que Me Quedes Tu
Que se arruinen los canales de noticiasCon lo mucho que odio la televisionQue se vuelvan anticuadas la...

Shakira - Que Vuelvas
Y que voy a hacer con mi despiste selectivoY con mmi sueno frustrado de aprender a cocinarY que voy a ...

Shakira - Quiero
que me gaste yo la vida devorando cada pensamiento tuyo cada paso, que se borren tus lunares y a...

Shakira - Quince Aos
Este nuevo amaneceres abrir la puerta de mis aossin saber por queesta vida nunca pasa en vano...

Shakira - Se Mata
braulio tiene ojos grandes y cabellos oscuros,nunca come en exceso y jamas duerme desnudosiempre viste...

Shakira - Si Te Vas
Cuentame que harasDespues que estrenesSu cuerpoCuando muera tuTraviesa curiosidadCua...

Shakira - Sombra De Ti
Voy a dejar Que mi guitarra diga todo lo que yoNo se decir por miO quizas deba esperar...

Shakira - Sueos
Siempre soe con las estrellas y a bicicleta ir a ellasSiempre soe con ser sirena, hablar con algas y ballena...

Shakira - Suerte
Suerte que en el sur hayas nacidoy que burlemos las distanciassuerte que es haberte conocido y p...

Shakira - Te Dejo Madrid
uh... ah ah si, ya es hora de esconderdel mundo el dolorbajo la pielyo se que estare...

Shakira - Te Espero Sentada
te espero sentada enla esquina de siempre,y mas arreglada quesi fuera un viernessin ningun...

Shakira - Te Necesito
Si es la lluvia de todos los diasque ha aumentado su nivelya la musica no tiene el mismoefecto q...

Shakira - The One
So I find a reason to shave my legs Each single morning So I count on someone on Friday nights t...

Shakira - Tu
Te regalo mi cinturaY mis labios para cuando quieras besarTe regalo mi locuraY las pocas neurona...

Shakira - Tu Seras La Historia De Mi Vida
En la agenda de mis diasen sus paginas queridasestoy yo tras tu experiencia de viviry siempre tu...

Shakira - Ultimo Momento
Que me pasofue un impactoaqui en mi corazoncuando oia en elencontre tu mirada y tu voz...

Shakira - Un Poco De Amor
rasta rootsme again so come listen to onethis is the plain, no this is of messagefrom the alluland...

Shakira - Vuelve
fria como una estatua de salen un mauseleo de cristalseca hasta los huesos por llorary muerta co...

Shakira - Whenever, Wherever
Lucky you were born that far away soWe could both make fun of distanceLucky that I love a foreign land...

Shania Twain - Ain't No Particular Way
(Here it comesMmm, the thing about love)Love has a way to find yaSneaks up right behind ya...

Shania Twain - Any Man Of Mine
This is what a woman wants... Any man of mine better be proud of meEven when I'm ugly he still better ...

Shania Twain - Black Eyes, Blue Tears
Black eyes, I don't need 'emBlue tears, gimme freedom Positively never goin' backI won't live wh...

Shania Twain - C'est La Vie
It must be Monday! What a dumb day!Can't drag my butt outta bedSomebody stop me--I need another coffee...

Shania Twain - Come On Over
Get a life-get a gripGet away somewhere, take a tripTake a break-take controlTake advice from so...

Shania Twain - Crime Of The Century
I was into bein' out on my ownI could take love or leave it aloneThat's how you get when you're hurt t...

Shania Twain - Don't!
Don't.. don't you wish we triedDo you feel what I feel insideYou know love is stronger than pride...

Shania Twain - Don't Be Stupid (you Know I Love You)
You're so complicated-you hang over my shoulderWhen I read my mailI don't appreciate itWhen I ta...

Shania Twain - Forever And For Always
In your arms I can still feel the way youwant me when you hold meI can still hear the words you whispe...

Shania Twain - Forget Me
Don't go around talkin' to your friends about meBury the past, just let it rest in peaceLeave well eno...

Shania Twain - God Ain't Gonna Getcha For That
Hey you, sittin' in the cornerCan't ya hear the jukebox playin'Everybody's up doing the two-step...

Shania Twain - God Bless The Child
Hallelujah, hallelujahGod bless the child who suffersHallelujah, hallelujahGod bless the young w...

Shania Twain - God Bless The Child (extended Remix)
Hallelujah, hallelujah,God bless the child who suffersHallelujah, hallelujah,God bless the young...

Shania Twain - Got A Hold On Me
Got A Hold On MeYou're standing over meSometimes I hardly breathe at allI need a little room...

Shania Twain - Home Ain't Where His Heart Is Anymore
He knew how to reach me deep insideAnd he found a part of me I could not hideAnd we'd walk and talk an...

Shania Twain - Honey, I'm Home
The car won't start-it's falling apartI was late for work and the boss got smartMy pantyline shows-got...

Shania Twain - I Ain't Goin' Down
I'm gonna hold on--'cause what I believe in is so strongNo matter how long, no oneCan tell me I'...

Shania Twain - If It Don't Take Two
It takes two to tangoAnd two lips to seal a kissBut a flame and a candleWon't burn on a night li...

Shania Twain - If You're Not In It For Love (i'm Outta Here)
Mind if I sit down?Can I buy you a round?Haven't seen your face beforeAre you new in town?...

Shania Twain - If You Wanna Touch Her, Ask!
Let me let you in on a secretHow to treat a woman rightIf you're lookin' for a place in her heart...

Shania Twain - I'm Gonna Getcha Good!
Let's go!Don't wantcha for the weekend, don't wantcha for a nightI'm only interested if I can ha...

Shania Twain - I'm Holdin' On To Love (to Save My Life)
I don't need a shrink to tell me what to thinkThere ain't no missing link in my love lifeIt's alright,...

Shania Twain - I'm Jealous
If I were the moon, I couldcatch your eye--I'm jealous of the moonIf I were the wind, I wouldmak...

Shania Twain - I'm Not In The Mood (to Say No)!
Don't wanna wait in line--uh, uhIt's such a waste of time--uh, uh, uhWon't find me on the couch--uh, u...

Shania Twain - In My Car (i'll Be The Driver)
You can choose the channelwhen we're watchin' the T.V.Oh, babe--it's okayAnd you can pick the fl...

Shania Twain - Is There Life After Love?
Every road had a rainbowAnd every wish had a starEvery tear had a shoulder to cry onAnd every ni...

Shania Twain - It Only Hurts When I'm Breathing
Hope life's been good to yousince you've been goneI'm doin' fine now--I've finally moved onIt's ...

Shania Twain - I Won't Leave You Lonely
Together-midnight in summerThe air's so much warmerFalling in love under starlightHolding on so ...

Shania Twain - Juanita
Juanita She is the restless riverrunning through my veinsShe rides without the reins--her name's...

Shania Twain - Ka-ching
We live in a greedy little world--that teaches every little boy and girlTo earn as much as they can po...

Shania Twain - Leaving Is The Only Way Out
I'm not sayin' I have all the answersAnd I don't care who's right or wrongI'm tryin' to pick up the pi...

Shania Twain - Love Gets Me Every Time
Life was goin' greatLove was gonna have to waitWas in no hurry-had no worriesStayin' single was ...

Shania Twain - Man! I Feel Like A Woman!
I'm going out tonight-I'm feelin' alrightGonna let it all hang outWanna make some noise-really raise m...

Shania Twain - Nah!
I thought I might begin by fillin' you in--in case you didn't already knowI'll never forget how you go...

Shania Twain - No One Needs To Know
Am I dreamin' or stupid?I think I've been hit by CupidBut no one needs to know right now I met a...

Shania Twain - Raining On Our Love
Remember me the way I wasThe way I'd make you late for workI had to hold you, just because...

Shania Twain - Rock This Country!
I woke up this morning with a buzz rollin' 'round in my brainI haven't been drinkin' but it feels pretty goo...

Shania Twain - She's Not Just A Pretty Face
(Oh na, na, na)She hosts a T.V. show--she rides the rodeoShe plays the bass in a bandShe's...

Shania Twain - Still Under The Weather
My first lesson lsing a love was youLearning to live with your memory was lesson number twoAnd I can't...

Shania Twain - Thank You Baby! (for Makin' Someday Come So Soon)
Oh, thank you baby forlovin' me like you doI didn't like datin'--and trying to find someone...

Shania Twain - That Don't Impress Me Much
I've known a few guys who thought they were pretty smartBut you've got being right down to an artYou t...

Shania Twain - There Goes The Neighborhood
The house next door just came up for saleShe's goin' home to mama - she says he can go to hellThe coup...

Shania Twain - The Woman In Me (needs The Man In You)
I'm not always strongAnd sometimes I'm even wrongBut I win when I chooseAnd I can't stand to los...

Shania Twain - Up!
It's 'bout as bad as it could beSeems everybody's buggin' meLike nothing wants to go my way--yea...

Shania Twain - Waiter! Bring Me Water!
He took me to--our favorite spotA place we go to hang a lotSomething seemed to catch his eyeOh--...

Shania Twain - What A Way To Wanna Be!
I don't wanna wear thatIt only makes me look fatTime to tone my thighs-- gotta lose another size, yeah...

Shania Twain - Whatever You Do! Don't!
Deep in DenialvilleTryin' a' fight the way I feelI go jello when you smileI start blushin'-my he...

Shania Twain - What Made You Say That?
Maybe tonight I'm gonna tell him how I feelMaybe I'll leave well enough aloneMaybe, just maybe, he'll ...

Shania Twain - When
If elephants could fly I'd be a little more optimisticBut I don't see that happening anytime soonI don...

Shania Twain - When He Leaves You
I come here as a friendThough I don't really know youI know you're in love with himAnd he's made...

Shania Twain - When You Kiss Me
This could be it, I think I'm in loveIt's love this timeIt just seems to fit, I think I'm in love...

Shania Twain - Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under?
Whose bed have your boots been under? Whose bed have your boots been under?And whose heart did you ste...

Shania Twain - You Lay A Whole Lot Of Love On Me
I can feel your body tugging gently on my mind Stirring up a feeling I thought I'd never find Ever sin...

Shania Twain - You're Still The One
(When I first saw you, I saw love. And the first time you touched me, I felt love. And afterall ...

Shania Twain - You've Got A Way
You've got a way with meSomehow you got me to believeIn everything that I could beI've gotta say...

Shania Twain - You Win My Love
I'm lookin' for a loverWho can rev his little engine upHe can have a '55 ChevyOr a fancy little ...

Shannon Noll - Burn
You struck a match insideThe frozen heart of mineAnd set my soul on fireStranded dazed and confu...

Shannon Noll - Drive
I've got a carI've got a big black shiny carMaybe tonight we could go for a rideOut on the road...

Shannon Noll - Learn To Fly
When you feel the dream is over,Feel the world is on your shoulders,and you've lost the strength to ca...

Shannon Noll - New Beginning
If I'd have known what you would sayI'd have turned and walked awayCan't hold the tears back though i ...

Shannon Noll - Promises
Something is happening hereSomeone is hurting deep insideHow do I get out of hereSomeone is mumb...

Shannon Noll - Prove
We're always in this situationYour heart filling your head with doubtBut if you won't communicate then...

Shannon Noll - Sittin' Pretty
No need to tell me what your thinkingCos all the words means nothing at allRound and sound you keep me...

Shannon Noll - The Way She Loved Me
Desperately waiting for her to arriveLonging for strength that I lackTears fill my eyes when I realise...

Shannon Noll - The Way That I Feel
I'm sitting on a train bound for nowhereJust trying to survive i'm thinking about the love i hold inside me...

Shannon Noll - Tune In
Out of work, out of place and out of loveEven the sun has gone downI've been searching I've been...

Shannon Noll - What About Me
Well there's a little boy waiting at the counter of a corner shopHe's been waiting down there, waiting half ...

Shannon Noll - Wise
Never thought I'd hold another Like I'm holding you right nowBut through you I've rediscoveredHo...

Sharissa - Any Other Night
[Verse 1:]Any other night, you woulda been somewhere with your freinds Any other night, you'd a...

Sharissa - No Half Steppin'
Track track track trackTrack mastershinchmenkeep it movingMotownSharissa where you a...

Shawn Desman - Baby Stay
Baby make up your mind, one day you love meThe next day you don'tBaby quit playing games, you seem to ...

Shawn Desman - Back For More
The way you swing it back and forth you got a playa comin back for more (coming back fo sho) Never ever wann...

Shawn Desman - Better Than Me
[Verse 1]Its so illogicalSo unconceivableHow could you ever love anyone other than ...

Shawn Desman - Bow
Bow! Bow! It's Shawn D Bow! None better than meBow! Your majestyBow! Before he ...

Shawn Desman - Butterflies
[Verse 1]Everybody's got their problems, yes they do (they do).And I'm not tryna say that I'm p...

Shawn Desman - Couldn't Care Less
[Chorus]I couldnt care less if you dont love meI couldnt care less if you dont want me...

Shawn Desman - Difference
What is it that we have to do to change this world?What can I do? What can you do?[Verse 1]...

Shawn Desman - Get Ready
Friday Night, At the cribThinking about the club that we gonna hitthe spot gonna be hot tonights...

Shawn Desman - Hurt
[Verse 1]If I woulda called you up and told you I was feelin you.If I didn't hold it in then ma...

Shawn Desman - Insomniac
[Verse 1]Swear to god, I never thought it would end up this way.Always figured you'd be back so...

Shawn Desman - Just About You
Oh whoa whoa Oh ho whoaYeah yeahThis much is true, its just about you[Verse 1]...

Shawn Desman - Let's Go
[Verse 1:]Shorty lookin right in the clubI know she feelin me but she takin her time (But...

Shawn Desman - Never Change Me
We started out fine, I thought you were rightBut girl I was mistakenYou criticise me, and all that I d...

Shawn Desman - Oooh
[Intro]Yo, what up girlHow you doinI was thinkin We'd go back to my placeor sumthin...

Shawn Desman - Red Hair
[Verse 1]I guess I fell in love too quick kinda got burned up by a red head chick.So I ain't tr...

Shawn Desman - Sexy
[VERSE 1]She was unlike anything I've ever seen. Body so phat so I said "I got to be that one m...

Shawn Desman - She Ain't Coming Back
Remember when you met heryou gave her all your timeYou were so happy she liked youYou always lis...

Shawn Desman - Shook
Yeah, ooooo, yeah, yeah, yeah, This girl she got me shook With her pretty brown eyesSexy l...

Shawn Desman - Spread My Wings
why are you taking so longyou know the weather's already changed andno need in talking too mucha...

Shawn Desman - Superman
Girl I feel you trembling in my armsTell me what is wrongI know somebody hurt you, didn't stay A...

Shawn Desman - That's Love
[Intro]Eh yo ever get that feeling inside.You know dem butterflies.That makes you feel go...

Shawn Desman - Yo Yo
Baby played me like a YoYoAll this time is was she mackin' meYoYo! YoYo!Random! UOMO!YoYo!...

Shawnna - Super Freak
[Intro]See...I wanna get next to you, freak ya bodySexy baby, ooh wee, aahMy super ...

Shawnna - Weight A Minute
[breathing]Shawnna, TrackBoyz, Def Jam[verse 1]You know I keep it Dickie dow...

Shedaisy - 360 Of You
I wish you lived on the corner where I liveSo I could look at you all the day longLickety lip got me f...

Shedaisy - 5 4 3 2 Run
She stares all night at the plaster peelingOff of the shadows she painted on the ceilingTrying to find...

Shedaisy - Almost Always
So what you packed up, picked up your love and leftI can pick up 50 channels on the TV setI've got 10 ...

Shedaisy - Another Door Opens
It takes time (here in this crazy life) To find what I've been looking forThis dream of mine (burnin' ...

Shedaisy - A Really, Really Merry Scary Intro
[Child:] What's that?[Kassidy:] It's your Christmas present darling. Just open it.[Ch...

Shedaisy - A Woman's Work
Ruby's got a government that rules inside her headA third eye, a crystal ball, her mama always saidIt ...

Shedaisy - Borrowed Home
I know you're gonna break itYou're gonna break it cleanThis frame never could takeA season so cr...

Shedaisy - Brand New Year (my Revolution)
My revolutionWelcome to my revolutionMy revolution, my revolution, my revolution, my revolutionM...

Shedaisy - Christmas Children
Sing a Christmas Carol (Christmas children live in a Christmas daydream)Sing a Christmas Carol (Christmas ch...

Shedaisy - Come Home Soon
I put away the groceriesAnd I take my daily breadI dream of your arms around meAs I tuck the kid...

Shedaisy - Deck The Halls
Deck the halls with boughs of hollyFa la la, la laTis the season (we wish you a merry christmas)...

Shedaisy - Don't Worry 'bout A Thing
Ever been misunderstood, misused, or misledEver knocked on the sky and had it fall on your headw...

Shedaisy - Good Together (bucket And Chicken)
You got the bucket, babyI got the chickenYou got the Smith and WessonI got the ammunitionM...

Shedaisy - Hark The Herald Angels Sing / Carol Of The Bells
Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, GloriaGloria, Gloria, Gloria, GloriaHark the Herald Angels singGlo...

Shedaisy - He's A Hero
He's a young manIn his golden yearsHis hair of black now quickly fades to grayThe limp as he wal...

Shedaisy - How Can I Keep From Singing
How can I keep (how can I keep)How can I keep from singingMy life flows on in endless song...

Shedaisy - I Dare You
God only knows how I've needed a friendWho can see through the boldness and prideSomeone strong enough...

Shedaisy - Jingle Bells
Dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleighOver the fields we go (ah ah) Laughing all the way ...

Shedaisy - Love Goes On
When I said I love you, babyYou said knock on woodI'm afraid I knocked harderThan I probably sho...

Shedaisy - Passenger Seat
Passenger side, I slide on inVinyl seats hot from the heat of the sunChewin' on a Slim Jim, can't stop...

Shedaisy - Santa's Got A Brand New Bag
Oh, the fire's burning slowNow, where's that mistletoeDear, it's getting kind of hot in hereI ne...

Shedaisy - Sleigh Ride
Just hear those sleigh bells jinglin', ring ting tinglin' toCome on it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride to...

Shedaisy - That's What I Want For Christmas
When you said yesterday that it's nearly ChristmasWhat did I want and I thought just love me, love me, love ...

Shedaisy - The Battle Hymn Of The Republic
Mine eyes have seen the gloryOf the coming of the LordHe is trampling out the vintage Where the ...

Shedaisy - The Secret Of Christmas
Look at the happy peopleChristmas is in the airWell I know the secret of ChristmasA secret I'm w...

Shedaisy - Tinseltown
Big fake snowflakes hanging from the streetlightsMarshmallow children bundled up so tightShort fuses, ...

Shedaisy - What Child Is This
What child is this who laid to restOn Mary's lap is sleepingWhom angels greet with anthems sweet...

Shedaisy - Without A Sound
I pull the covers 'cross the bedI tuck away the thoughts in my headAnd I live behind closed doors...

Sheek Louch - 3-5-4 (tarrentino)
[Sheek Louch]A'yo four shots let off, black truck sped offBig shit, tryna take a motherfuckin h...

Sheek Louch - For You
This song is for you, not for anyone else but youIt's your own special song, I wrote it for youJust fo...

Sheek Louch - How I Love You
[Sheek talking]Yo I mean you been there for me.You know what Im sayin?And I wont you know...

Sheek Louch - I Ain't Forget
[Intro (talking)]Whoo! Haha, yeah!Uh, this is how I put it down on the M-ICan I, talk to ...

Sheek Louch - In / Out (s.p.)
Yo you gotta hear the sixteen I just laid B.G.Oh word, that shit a hit, that shit sound crazyYo check ...

Sheek Louch - Ok
[Intro: Sheek Louch]Ok ([Cocoa Channelle:] Ok) Ok ok okY.O. where you at? (Oh!) Bronx wh...

Sheek Louch - Ten Hut
D-Block, Ten Hut (Shoot!)My Street Niggaz are you readyLess more![Sheek]I ma ...

Sheek Louch - Turn It Up
Whoo, yeah, turn it upAlchemist, you know what to doBump that, turn it up, whooCrazy daddy...

Sheek Louch - Walk Witt Me
"I dont know ya'll maybe we can make a change maybe not" I'm tired of crying tired of livin i'm tired of nig...

Sheryl Crow - Abilene
Can't you see I'm holding your flagThe one that you left on the groundWell is the world too heavy for ...

Sheryl Crow - A Change
Ten years living in a paper bagFeedback baby, he's a flipped out catHe's a platinum canary, drinkin' f...

Sheryl Crow - Am I Getting Through (part 1 & 2)
[Part I:]I am strongI am ableI spill milk on your tableThen I crawl like a ba...

Sheryl Crow - Anything But Down
I light your cigarettesI bring you apples from the vineHow quickly you forgetI run the bath and ...

Sheryl Crow - Can't Cry Anymore
Took your carDrove to TexasSorry, honeyBut I suspected we were throughAnd I can't cry anym...

Sheryl Crow - C'mon, C'mon
C'mon, c'monC'mon, c'mon c'monYou lay down with angelsTo feel yourself againYou've got eve...

Sheryl Crow - Crash And Burn
I watched the sun come up on PortlandI waved goodbye to all my friendsI packed my car and headed to LA...

Sheryl Crow - Diamond Road
Walk with me the diamond roadTell me every story toldGive me something of your soulThat I can ho...

Sheryl Crow - Every Day Is A Winding Road
I hitched a ride with a vending machine repair manHe says he's been down this road more than twiceHe w...

Sheryl Crow - Hard To Make A Stand
Old James Dean MonroeHands out flowers at the Shop-N-GoHopes for money but all he gets is fearAn...

Sheryl Crow - Hole In My Pocket
You can tell me the world is round and I'll prove to you it's squareYou can keep your feet on the ground,...

Sheryl Crow - Home
I woke up this morningNow I understandWhat it means to give your lifeTo just one manAfraid...

Sheryl Crow - If It Makes You Happy
I've been long, a long way from herePut on a poncho, played for mosquitos,And drank til I was thirsty ...

Sheryl Crow - In Need
Every night I dream you're next to meTenderlyYou say my nameYou stay close enough to keep me her...

Sheryl Crow - I Shall Believe
Come to me nowAnd lay your hands over meEven if it's a lieSay it will be alrightAnd I shal...

Sheryl Crow - It Don't Hurt
It don't hurt like it didI can sing my song againIt don't hurt like it didI can sing my song aga...

Sheryl Crow - It's Only Love
I think I met my match againStanding round the candlelightIn the middle of this blizzardYou stoo...

Sheryl Crow - Leaving Las Vegas
Life springs eternalOn a gaudy neon streetNot that I care at allI spent the best part of my losi...

Sheryl Crow - Love Is A Good Thing
Watch out sister, watch out brother,Watch our children while they kill each otherWith a gun they bough...

Sheryl Crow - Lucky Kid
I want to take you down to the riverI want to wash the blood from your handsI want to make you see...

Sheryl Crow - Maybe Angels
Six-lane highway running up to my back doorBut it won't take me where I want to beI took the I-95 down...

Sheryl Crow - Maybe That's Something
We lay around just like gurusIn borrowed robesAnd talk about nothingWell maybe that's something...

Sheryl Crow - Members Only
Uncle Larry's hooked on ice againHe seems to be stuck in the 80'sHe wears his members only jacket...

Sheryl Crow - Mississippi
Every step of the wayWe walk the lineYour days are numberedSo are mineTime is piling...

Sheryl Crow - My Favorite Mistake
I woke up and called this morningThe tone of your voice was a warningThat you don't care for me anymor...

Sheryl Crow - No One Said It Would Be Easy
It's obvious the trouble we're inWhen your father pulls up in a Mercedes BenzHe says he just happened ...

Sheryl Crow - Oh Marie
Here she comes, she's all dressed up in daisesHalf the time, you'd swear that she is crazyFlowered dri...

Sheryl Crow - Ordinary Morning
I left a manAsleep in the nudeMy name is my pocketWith lipstick and rougeEverything I ever...

Sheryl Crow - Over You
I feel like cherry wineLike ValentinesLike a Spring is comingAnd everything is all rightI'...

Sheryl Crow - Redemption Day
I've wept for those who suffer longBut how I weep for those who've goneInto rooms of grief and questio...

Sheryl Crow - Resuscitation
Short circulatedSleeping through the dopamineWhen you've got nothing to fearToo low to notice...

Sheryl Crow - Riverwide
I spent a year in the mouth of a whaleWith a flame and a book of signsYou'll never know how hard I've ...

Sheryl Crow - Run, Baby, Run
She was born in November 1963The day Aldous Huxley diedAnd her mama believedThat every man could...

Sheryl Crow - Safe And Sound
Maybe this is foreverForever fades awayLike a rocket ascending into spaceCould you not be sad...

Sheryl Crow - Soak Up The Sun
My friend the communist Holds meetings in his RVI can't afford his gasSo I'm stuck here watching...

Sheryl Crow - Solidify
Pouring in and around the great wellspringOf simple feelingAnd I need bearings in the face of your...

Sheryl Crow - Solitaire
There was a manA lonely manWho lost his loveThrough his indifferenceA heart that car...

Sheryl Crow - Steve Mcqueen
Well I went to bed in MemphisAnd I woke up in Hollywood I got a quarterin my pocket And I'...

Sheryl Crow - Subway
[Chorus]Do do do do, do do do doDo do do do, do do do doI was riding on the e-train...

Sheryl Crow - Superstar
Let's all go downtownI got friends doing nothing but hanging around...wellI feel like there's somethin...

Sheryl Crow - Sweet Child O' Mine
He's got a smile that it seems to meReminds me of childhood memoriesWhere everything was as fresh as t...

Sheryl Crow - Sweet Rosalyn
Slappin' leather was devisedDuring a wild streak in her lifeShe has a cheap apartmentUp on Royal...

Sheryl Crow - The Book
I read your bookAnd I find it strangeThat I know that girl and I know her worldA little too well...

Sheryl Crow - The Difficult Kind
I think I was wrongI think you were rightThat all my angry wordsWill keep me up at nightAn...

Sheryl Crow - The Na-na Song
Video countdown cyber phallic opticsProfligate talk shows scrounging for a topicRock-a-buy gravy train...

Sheryl Crow - There Goes The Neighborhood
Hey let's partyLet's get downLet's turn the radio onThis is the meltdownGet out the camera...

Sheryl Crow - Weather Channel
Sunny morningYou can hear itSiren's warningThere is weather on both sidesAnd I know it's c...

Sheryl Crow - We Do What We Can
Downstairs they're playing KentonThe house set to swingI lay in my bedAnd listen to everything...

Sheryl Crow - What I Can Do For You
I'm so glad you're awakeThat you're not like the othersCause they're so straight-lacedAnd no fun...

Sheryl Crow - You're An Original
Give us what you gotGirl you got a lotSeems you got an itch that's scratchingLay it like it play...

Shifty - A Better Place
[Verse 1:]I wish we could live forever but everyone diesEveryone laughs and everyone cries...

Shifty - All Along
[Chorus:]I can't believe I've fallen so hard for youWe've known each other so longAll alo...

Shifty - Ez Cuz You're Beautiful
Lovin' you, is easy cause you're beautiful,Do do doot da doo, ahhhah, ahhhah, ahhhhhCome on...

Shifty - Lolita
[chorus]Oh LolitaGirl ya make it so hotIt's likes I got a feverOh LolitaI thi...

Shifty - Magical
[TC]She's magical, magicalThe girl's got a spell on meOh yeh! Oh yeh!She's magical,...

Shifty - Shorty Rock
Shorty Rock, Shorty Rock Don't StopOh baby won't you take me backShorty Rock, Shorty Rock Don't Stop...

Shifty - Slide Along Side
One love one shotIt's all we ever gotGirl you got me startedNow I'm not gonna stopNow slid...

Shifty - Special
[Chorus:]Everything I do, I do for you,And I could never live my life without,And l...

Shifty - Starry Eyed Surprise
Hey DJTonightIm seeing starsOnce again, I find myself with my friendsDancing the nig...

Shifty - Take Away The Pain
[TC]Take away the painAn let me fly awayTake away the painAn let me fly away...

Shifty - Turning Me On
[Chorus:]These other girls, have been there too,Nothin' that I wouldn't do, for you, for ...

Shifty - When We Were Young
When we were young [x5][Chorus:]When we were young, everything was so new,...

Shihad - Alive
Wannabe (Ohhh)MillionaireF***!I got something exploding inside of my headI will try to for...

Shihad - All The Young Fascists
F*** the four walls that you're stuck with, f*** itYeah we got different opinions well f*** itThe last...

Shihad - Big Future
Give us the enemy, the enemy, the enemyWe want the enemy, the enemy, the enemyGive us the enemy, the e...

Shihad - Dark Times
Stand up or move downBut I will not live and die without a sound'Cause the time is rightGot too ...

Shihad - Day Will Come
Bodies for the flowDay will come, day will comeFodder for the showDay will come, day will come ...

Shihad - Empty Shell
All the fables that you knowLight 'em up and watch 'em blowSo forget what you been toldEvolution...

Shihad - Guts And The Glory
One more year where it just keeps you guessingI can't forget any valuable lessonsWe were all the way o...

Shihad - None Of The Above
No it's funeral time againOne last time with all your friendsFeeling fragile, geeling loveFeelin...

Shihad - Saddest Song In The World
I'm drowningIt's overWe're growingUnstableUnableTo give inKeep dreamingK...

Shihad - Shot In The Head
Will I be missed by this beautiful world?Frozen in timeToo caught up in giving 'em hellTo know y...

Shihad - Stop
Will we get what we begun?Looking after number oneNever feel you have enoughAnd you can't do not...

Shihad - Traitor
Way down in your bones babyIt's written in bloodSo light the candlesAnd beat on the drumsN...

Shinedown - 45
Send away for a priceless giftOne not subtle, one not on the listSend away for a perfect worldOn...

Shinedown - Better Version
Excuse the mess, I didn't see you from behindI caught a glimpse, but the reflection's only mineIt's al...

Shinedown - Burning Bright
I feel like there is no need for conversationSome questions are better left without a reasonAnd I woul...

Shinedown - Crying Out
Don't use a weaknessDon't change the subject,Don't ask the questions if you fear the answerYou l...

Shinedown - Fly From The Inside
Here's the weight of the world on my shouldersHere's the weight of the world on my shouldersOn my shou...

Shinedown - Lacerated
Turn on the lights, paint me a tapestryGo start a fire, get close to the gasolineI followed you to the...

Shinedown - Left Out
Where's that space of fear you hide?Have you gone way beyond the centerOut there in spaceI know ...

Shinedown - Lost In The Crowd
Should I offer up my handAnd save a wish for onceFor all of usAnd should I offer up my hand...

Shinedown - No More Love
It's cold outside I'm sensing fearMy self control has disappearedI'm spinning out at each endCou...

The Shins - Caring Is Creepy
I think i'll go home and mull this over Before i cram it down my throat At long last it's crashed, it'...

The Shins - Fighting In A Sack
Just last night I woke from some unconscionable dreamAnd had it nailed to my forehead again To keep th...

The Shins - Girl Inform Me
Girl inform me all my senses warn me Your clever eyes could easily disguise Some backwards purpose ...

The Shins - Girl On The Wing
One wound up punch of intuition Lays flat my whole take on us. You're the girl on the wing of a barnst...

The Shins - Gone For Good
Untie me, I've said no vowsThe train is getting way too loudI gotta leave here my girlGet on wit...

The Shins - Kissing The Lipless
Called to see if your back Was still aligned and your sheetsWere growing grass all on the corners of y...

The Shins - Know Your Onion!
Shut out, pimpled and angry.I quietly tied all my guts into knots.Gave up on trying to make them,...

The Shins - Mine's Not A High Horse
After that confrontationYou left me wringing my cold handsWe shared some information We might no...

The Shins - New Slang
Gold teeth and a curse for this town were all in my mouth. Only, i don't know how they got out, dear. ...

The Shins - One By One All Day
"Howdy, lem," my grandfather said with his eyes closed Wiping the eastbound dust from his sunburned brow ...

The Shins - Pressed In A Book
Doted on like seeds planted in rows The untied shoelaces of you life Nutured all year then presssed in...

The Shins - Saint Simon
After all these implements and text designed by intellectsSo vexed to find evidently there's just so much th...

The Shins - So Says I
An address to the golden door I was strumming on a stone again Pulling teeth from the pimps of gore wh...

The Shins - The Celibate Life
The dust from a four-day affair is now landing All over the floor and your brown legs The glod plated ...

The Shins - The Past And Pending
As someone sets light to the first fire of autumn We settle down to cut ourselves apart. Cough and twi...

The Shins - Those To Come
Eyeless in the morning sun you werePale and mild, a modern girlTaken with thought, still prone to care...

The Shins - Turn A Square
She shone up bright like a knifeWearing tennis shorts made of stripesHand in hand to the grass and we ...

The Shins - Weird Divide
Several days a month you made The mile to my house, And had me do a stroll with you. Far b...

The Shins - Young Pilgrims
A cold and wet November dawn And there are no barking sparrows Just emptiness to dwell upon. ...

The Shins - Your Algebra
You may notice certain things before you die. Mail them to me should they cause Your algebra to fail. ...

Shivaree - 2 Far
You've gone too farI'm on my wayYou can tell the conciergeTo bring around my carYou've gon...

Shivaree - After The Prince And The Showgirl
You've gotta be hardIf you gonna get herDon't leave her scarredAll dead=all betterYo...

Shivaree - All Because You Told Me So
Moanin in the elevatorCrowded in the lady's stallMama heard the screaming But it didn't hurt at ...

Shivaree - Arlington Girl
She does raindancesWhen she's feeling dryNorth train track womanGot her arms in the sky...

Shivaree - Arrivederci
Arrivederci I'm cutting my hairTell fish and Tracy the weather's fairBeen eleven hours were on a dare...

Shivaree - Ash Wednesday
Goodnight goodnightLeave all your toysCandles and catsA few stupid boysAnd a rock for good...

Shivaree - Baby Girls
Angels in the sitting roomThe wind gets here at sevenTake the bread and baby shoes send them back to h...

Shivaree - Bossa Nova
Well I think I hate youIsn't this funYou're gonna shootAnd I darling loaded the gunI think...

Shivaree - Cannibal King
The cannibal king with the big nose ringFell in love with a sweet young maidAnd every night by the pal...

Shivaree - Daring Lousy Guy
Your bones are going to be disconnectedYou daring lousy guyYour throat is going to be explodedAn...

Shivaree - Flycatcher
Drop me off here loveSee you tomorrowSmell like a raindropLook like a girlI'll cover the b...

Shivaree - Gone Too Far
You've gone too farI'm on my wayYou can tell the conciergeTo bring around my carYou've gon...

Shivaree - Goodnight Moon
There's a nail in the doorAnd there's glass on the lawnTacks on the floorAnd the TV is onA...

Shivaree - Idiot Waltz
What have I done with the baby tonightEvery one wants to playThe phone just stopped ringingI for...

Shivaree - I Don't Care
I don't care you can do most anythingI am on a string and you can lead me anywhereI'll go there willin...

Shivaree - It Got All Black
It got all black in the bottom of my glassI looked up and there was Bridgette FontaineI've got poison ...

Shivaree - I Will Go Quietly
I will go quietlyDon't move your chairWon't even try itWouldn't even dareYou come walking ...

Shivaree - John 2:14
It's so romanticThe neighborhood's littered with white glovesThe flowers were hand pickedThey're...

Shivaree - Little Black Mess
I should try to be goodForever and ever, amenSo I'll touch woodAnd hope I don't get caught again...

Shivaree - Lost In A Dream
I'm lost in a dreamWhere my love supremeCan't find meLike I careBy chance to undermine...

Shivaree - Lunch
It's not black enough to see where any white isSo I'll wait another hour for you and your designer jeans...

Shivaree - Mexican Boyfriend
I wore the dress that you liked almost everydayBoxed up all my baby dolls and gave them awayI wrote yo...

Shivaree - New Casablanca
Please take me out of hereSo we can have a ballI've been tied upMy face against the wall...

Shivaree - Oh No
I think I love youI think I love youI think I love youOh no, oh no, oh noOh no, oh oh no...

Shivaree - Pimp
Look who's pulling up outsideWith a trunk full of fun and a European rideHeard that you were going far...

Shivaree - Queen Sized Tomb
Looks like somebody got murderedThat's the way it looks around hereI shouldn't wait for youI thi...

Shivaree - Reseda Casino
Well they're out in the yardSaid it took them all nightOver the hillon a prayer and a pillTo the...

Shivaree - Snake Eyes
It thundered like hell in the cityCount one hundred ten MississippiNow go inside and find some things ...

Shivaree - Someday
SomedayYou want me like I want youBut I'd be goneWith somebody newSomedayYou w...

Shivaree - Stealing Home
I don't need more lightI just need the phoneGot my bags and my tagsI'm driving homeYou say...

Shivaree - Ten Minutes
Silver pens, expensive smokeI's all over, satan sucksYou know it's trueJesus Presley Elvis...

Shivaree - The Fat Lady Of Limbourg
Well, I rang up PantucciSpoke to Lu-chiI gave them allThey needed to knowAnd if affa...

Shivaree - Thundercats
I can smell the change that's on your handsPacking up your philips head and honey bearBrandy danced fo...

Shivaree - Wagers
70 bucks on Congaree, That you'd end up with meAt a rumble in the jungleLike Muhammad Ali, ...

Shyne - Bad Boyz
[Shyne] Now tell me who want to fuck with us? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust I bang - and l...

Shyne - Bonnie & Shyne
[Shyne] In front of Gucci in the winter, I seen ya witcha girl Just walkin' uh - in ya chin chi...

Shyne - Diamonds And Mac 10's
JUST BLAAAAZE!I spit and reload thingsSince livin was gold ringsFuck a piece of the pie ni...

Shyne - Edge
[Verse 1]Uh uh, Uh, UhAyo, mac 10s and fake friendsLawyers little game homicide 25 with t...

Shyne - Godfather
Uh huh, Uh huh, Brooklyn VietnamWhat you, Uh yeah, Uh, Come onOh no, big Shyne PoBack up i...

Shyne - Here With Me
Heeeyyy!!Yeah! Po!For all my niggas locked under the cell (this gangsta mash)All my niggas (turn...

Shyne - It's Okay
[Shyne]Geah, uhh, uhh, uhhUh-huh, like thatGeah, uhhTen bricks nigga in the a...

Shyne - Martyr
[Talking]Shit, sometimes man, a nigga be contemplating,Yo, living in fuckin' hell, nigga die, m...

Shyne - Quasi O.g.
[Bob Marley - No more troubles]No no no more troubles.No more troubles[Shyne]...

Shyne - That's Gangsta
[Shyne]Hustler, bad motherfuckerBrooklyn to the rucker, Cali and backCourt cases pendin, ...

Shyne - The Life
It's a new day in the rap game! Nobody sells records but Shyne Po! [Verse 1] My lif...

Shystie - Get Loose
[VERSE ONE]Me and my whole squad pull up on the nightTaking up the whole road with out ca...

Shystie - Gutter
[CHORUS]Every thing I do i'm just keeping it gutter Making people shocked so they stutter...

Shystie - Make It Easy
Why didn't you say this before, them times when I wanted moreRemember I moved too you but then you said you ...

Shystie - Questions (game Show)
[VERSE ONE][HOST]Hello welcome to the Nathan never show Tonight we got many ...

Shystie - Somedayz
Some days I feel I'm standing on the end of a ledge Cos these pressures in the world are pushing me to my ed...

Shystie - Step Bac
[VERSE ONE]Understand this, here comes another bad gal lyricWhose more than over pissed t...

Shystie - Unfinished Bizzness
[VERSE ONE]It was game on when I saw himI never thought a breh could make me feel this wa...

Shystie - Woman's World (gurlz Stand Up)
[Intro]Boy sit down, stand up girlsLadies we can run this worldCome on take a stand, ...

Silk - We're Callin' You
[Intro]Oh yeahCalling all girls to the Silk partyPoint to the dance floorDial this ...

Silkk The Shocker - 1 Morning
[Silkk the Shocker]Woke up one morning, hang over from last nightI was drunk as fuck plus I was...

Silkk The Shocker - All Night
[Silkk talking:]Yeah, ha, yoI'm back back boy, finally somethin for the g'sKnow wha...

Silkk The Shocker - End Of The Road
[Silkk]how I miss my homies soI don't expect y'all to understand thisCause y'all ain't ne...

Silkk The Shocker - For Money
I need money (money), mo money. Mo money, (ching ching), money, nuthing move but the money. Money, mon...

Silkk The Shocker - Funny Guy
Uh-huh nigga uh-huhPicture me never sellin' out cause I made it alreadyImagine a lil' ghetto nigga own...

Silkk The Shocker - Give Me The World
Yo, god father I come today to ask you a favorYoung Silkk i've always liked you, today before we makey...

Silkk The Shocker - I Ain't Takin No Shorts
[Master P--Talking]Told y'allY'all should of never let No Limit in this muthafuckaCuz onc...

Silkk The Shocker - If It Don't Make $
Steped out my house wit some Daniel Greens onHouse wit Versace and shit but I just throw some jeans on...

Silkk The Shocker - If My 9 Could Talk
[Verse 1]Give me that nine, that clipAin't no talking to my 9, `cause bitch I'm bout to sop you...

Silkk The Shocker - I Represent
[Silkk--Whispering]WassupIts time, bitchWhere you from? I representCasket rid...

Silkk The Shocker - It's Going Around Outside
[Silkk:]Yo' let me holla at y'all for a minuteIt's like when, I was in the ghettoI ...

Silkk The Shocker - Made Man
[Silkk]Last Year I was the help, This year I'm the bossYou don't like it? Fuck ya'll, they'll f...

Silkk The Shocker - Mr. '99
Mistah! Mistah! Mistah! Mistah!Yeah that's me, yeah that's me, yeah that's meMistah! Mistah! Mist...

Silkk The Shocker - My World, My Way
What, What, WhatSouth, North, East, WestWhat (huh) What (huh) What (huh) What (huh) WhatWhat you...

Silkk The Shocker - We Can Dance
Oh yeah,Don't think we making endsWe down to get our feet dirtyDo you wanna danceDo ...

Silkk The Shocker - What I'm Looking For
Damn, it's mad shorty's up in hereI don't all them just one girl that can do it allYeah I feel what ch...

Silkk The Shocker - What's Heaven Like
Yeah..I Don't Know What Heaven LikeBut I know what it is to be hereAnd While I'm here, I'm gonna...

Silkk The Shocker - Where Dey At
Man, somethin ain't rightYou just get P on the phoneC'mon..[Silkk]Yo, 2...

Silkk The Shocker - Who Can I Trust
Yeah, I let you in to the organization (fucking organization)I thought you could be trusted (I t...

Silkk The Shocker - Who I Be
[Master P] Silkk the Shocker after completing your duties on this Charge it to the GameY...

Silvertide - Ain't Comin' Home
Ain't turning back it's my time to fly Too many decisions and not enough time But I always did like th...

Silvertide - Blue Jeans
She's the kind of girl you bring home to your mother She looks good in blue jeans even better under covers ...

Silvertide - California Rain
The nights are long And the days roll into each other In the City of Angels I can't get no sleep ...

Silvertide - Devil's Daughter
Hell of an angel Skin that shines like pearl Eyes that make your soul bleed Innocent and sweet ...

Silvertide - Foxhole J.c.
Brothers, sisters The war is coming so you better stand strong Brothers, sisters If peace was in...

Silvertide - Heartstrong
I'm still standing here, awkward and unaware As you scream the topic's closed, and slam down the telephone ...

Silvertide - Mary Jayne
M.J. I'm gettin' so fed up with all the shit that everyone keeps handing me M.J. whisper in my ears 'cause y...

Silvertide - Nothing Stays
Sitting in a dark, cramped basement Watching the sun go down behind the shades We all try to find a wa...

Silvertide - S.f.c.
Why don't you just try to see it all my way? 'Cause I'm really not liking what you have to say You thi...

Silvertide - To See Where I Hide
The face of doubt Stuck in a drought Thirty miles shy of the pouring rain I got the peddle stuck...

Silvertide - You Want It All
Standing there with that killer stare and a body that won't quit She said I don't want a little piece of you...

Simple Plan - Addicted
I heard you're doing okay But I want you to knowI'm a dickI'm addicted to youI can't prete...

Simple Plan - American Jesus
[Originally by Bad Religion]I don't need to be a global citizen,'Cuz I'm blessed by natio...

Simple Plan - Anything
These days I can't help but wonder why I stick to my illusions to carry on I'm so ashamed to dream of ...

Simple Plan - Crash And Burn
One more day before you goWell stay up late for one more showGrab the keys were going outWere le...

Simple Plan - Crazy
Tell me what's wrong with societyWhen everywhere I look, I seeYoung girls dying to be on TVThey ...

Simple Plan - Don't Wanna Think About You
Can you leave me here alone nowI don't wanna hear you sayThat you know meThat I should beA...

Simple Plan - God Must Hate Me
Last night I just wanted to have funTo go out with my friends I took my dad's carI never thought...

Simple Plan - Grow Up
This is who I amand this is what I likeGC, Sum and Blink and Mxpx rocking my roomif your looking...

Simple Plan - Happy Together
Imagine me and you, I doI think about you day and night, it's only rightTo think about the girl you lo...

Simple Plan - I'd Do Anything
Another day is going byI'm thinking about you all the timeBut you're out thereAnd I'm here waiti...

Simple Plan - I Won't Be There
I don't wanna make this Harder than I have to This is how it has to be There's so many things I ...

Simple Plan - Joy To The World
[Cover]Joy to the worldAll the boys and girlsThere's no place I'd rather be...

Simple Plan - Jump
Jump!I dont wanna wake up todayCause everyday's the sameAnd I'd been waiting so long...

Simple Plan - Me Against The World
We're not gonna beJust apart of their gameWe're not gonna be Just the victimsThey're takin...

Simple Plan - Meet You There
Now you're gone,I wonder whyYou left me here,I think about it on, and on, and on, and on, ...

Simple Plan - My Alien
I'm sick of being alone, when are you coming home? Just a glimpse of your face I can remember smelling...

Simple Plan - My Christmas List
Santa is coming tonight And I want a car, and I want a life And I want a first class trip to Hawaii ...

Simple Plan - One
We are the lostThe ones forgottenAnd this timeThe future is oursIt's in our hands...

Simple Plan - One By One
I remember wasting timeWatching as the planes fly byI remember hearing the engines echoing through the...

Simple Plan - One Day
Sometimes this house feels like a prisonThat I just can't leave behindThere's so many rules I go...

Simple Plan - Perfect
Hey dad look at meThink back and talk to meDid I grow up according to plan?And do you think I'm ...

Simple Plan - Perfect World
I never couldve seen this farI never couldve seen this comingSeems like my worlds falling apart...

Simple Plan - Promise
BreakdownI can't take thisI need somewhere to goI need you I'm so restlessI don't kn...

Simple Plan - Shut Up
There you goYou're always so rightIt's all a big showIt's all about youYou think you...

Simple Plan - Surrender
[Originally by Cheap Trick]My mother told meYes she told meId meet girls like you...

Simple Plan - Thank You
I thought that I could always count on you,I thought that nothing could become between us two.We said ...

Simple Plan - Untitled
I open my eyesI try to see but Im blinded by the white lightI cant remember howI cant remember w...

Simple Plan - Vacation
i know a girl whos obsessed with a guyshe talks for hours and still tomorrowshe'll call again and when...

Simple Plan - Welcome To My Life
Do you ever feel like breaking down?Do you ever feel out of place?Like somehow you just don't belong...

Simple Plan - What's New Scooby Doo?
Whats new scooby doo?we're coming after youyou're gonna solve that mysteryi see you scooby doo...

Simple Plan - When I'm With You
I'm taking my time I'm trying to leave the memories of you behind I'm gonna be fine As soon as I...

Simple Plan - Worst Day Ever
6 a.m. The clock is ringingI need to spend an hour snoozing'Cause I don't think I'm gonna make i...

Simple Plan - You Don't Mean Anything
Maybe, I'm just not good enough for youAnd maybe, i just don't wanna be like youAnd maybe I just don't...

Simply Red - Ain't That A Lot Of Love
I know the desert can't hold all the lovethat I feel in my heart for youIf I could spread it out acros...

Simply Red - A New Flame
I was bowled outI was sold down the river And her warm heartWould turn me foreverShe...

Simply Red - Back Into The Universe
This is your God [repeat]As we wander back into the universeWe render ourselves into a hi...

Simply Red - Blue
I'm blue, blue like a Monday morningRaised up in a way that I can valueAll the material things t...

Simply Red - Broken Man
Now I am a broken man, Now I am a broken manNow I am a broken man, Now I am a broken manIt's no ...

Simply Red - Close To You
This land is real, real as the next manThis land is there for all to seeYou're standing there so cold ...

Simply Red - Come Get Me Angel
This one's going out to you girl, wherever you may beI may not be the way you wanted it, I got a need to be ...

Simply Red - Come To My Aid
Come to my aid, you're sweet as everythingCome to my aid, I'd give you anythingI feel so betrayed by a...

Simply Red - Enough
Alright, you're rightLet's talk it over nowTalk it over nowI'm wrong, you're goneSo you're...

Simply Red - Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye
Ev'ry time we say goodbye I die a littleEv'ry time we say goodbye I wonder why a littleWhy the Gods ab...

Simply Red - Fairground
Driving down an endless roadTaking friends or moving alonePleasure at the fairground on the way...

Simply Red - Fake
Watching love drifting awayAnd I feel like I'm someone elseThe hurting is roughLong are the days...

Simply Red - For Your Babies
You've got that look againThe one I hoped I had when I was a ladYour face is just beamingYour sm...

Simply Red - Freedom
How long are we gonna lastHow long everybody has to askFreedom to jokeFreedom to hope...

Simply Red - Ghetto Girl
Stay at home, nowThat little girl was born on the ghetto side of townShe knows every trick in the book...

Simply Red - Heaven
Ev'ryone is trying to get to the barThe name of the barThe bar is called heavenThe band in heave...

Simply Red - High Fives
High fives, truly night jiveLiving in the night timeSoul man, golden old manWeathering the time ...

Simply Red - Hillside Avenue
Hillside Avenue, Jamaica AvenueWas the sign I saw when I suddenly thoughtYour health is your life...

Simply Red - Holding Back The Years
Holding back the yearsThinking of the fear I've had so longWhen somebody hearsListen to the fear...

Simply Red - Home
What's worth nothing else but loveTake a walk down any street nowEvery one of us in our own little wor...

Simply Red - Home Loan Blues
Just a man, good and sometimes badBut striving to do the best that I canHelp a hand when the one close...

Simply Red - Home (reprise)
Fake cool image should be over'Cause I long for a feeling of homeReal life, depicted in songA lo...

Simply Red - How Could I Fall
How could I fall for someone so superficial?Funny how the things that you can never haveNeedle y...

Simply Red - If You Don't Know Me By Now
If you don't know me by nowYou will never never never know meAll the thingsThat we've been...

Simply Red - Infidelity
When a man just can't be trustedAnd again he's gone and lost itYour call has been registered...

Simply Red - It's Only Love
It's only loveIt's only loveDon't be afraid to touch me babeGirl let's be realThere'...

Simply Red - It's You
Loving you just goes on On and on, on and onAnd onGrowing with youIs pleasure for tw...

Simply Red - I Won't Feel Bad
If I said you were evilYou'd knock me off my feetIf I said you're a good girlYou'd bore me off m...

Simply Red - Jericho
Listen boy, I'll tell you a thingI'll make you a career in the business I'm inI'll make you rich, I'll...

Simply Red - Let Me Have It All
You have turned into a prayerI can feel I'm almost thereCloser closer to the topLooking down is ...

Simply Red - Lives And Loves
Lives and loves, don't tell me about itTo respond to something permanent, you've got to be strongMmm :...

Simply Red - Look At You Now
Right from the start you tried to hurt meBut look at you now, behaving like a foolA long time ago you ...

Simply Red - Lost Weekend
(Sunshine in my soul)(Sunshine in my soul)My lost weekendBeen more now than a yearOh...

Simply Red - Love Fire
Fire fireFire fireFire fire fire fireCan't put it out with waterKeeps on burning...

Simply Red - Love Has Said Goodbye Again
Love has said goodbye again. See the road we go downWhen the wind dies down come the tearsThat bring a...

Simply Red - Love Lays It's Tune
Last night I made love for the first timeShe gave me her soul, I surely gave her mineWe lay there just...

Simply Red - Man Made The Gun
Man made the gun a sado-sexual machineIt's slaughter brings you to your kneesMan made the gun...

Simply Red - Maybe Someday
I've been a fool, talking to myself and no-one elseI play it cool, so cool that no-one ever understands me...

Simply Red - Mellow My Mind
Baby mellow my mindMake me feel, like a schoolboy on good timeJugglin' nickels and dimesSatisfie...

Simply Red - Model
Looking at yourself in the mirror babyTelling yourself to be up this morningHolding in your hand anoth...

Simply Red - Money In My Pocket (plan B Mix)
Money in my pocket but I just can't get no loveMoney in my pocket but I just can't get no loveI'm pray...

Simply Red - Money's Too Tight To Mention
I been laid off from workMy rent is dueMy kids all needBrand new shoesSo I went to t...

Simply Red - More
You've had your flingsI've had mineYou've grown your wingsI've flown mineThe only wa...

Simply Red - More Than A Dream
For those who are in loveI'm with you babiesHow can it be that we feel this way?For those who ar...

Simply Red - Move On Out
So you tell me you're certain about itSure to tell me you're rid of meHow cool can you beShruggi...

Simply Red - Never Never Love
So now we've got our independenceWhat are we gonna do with it?Learning to play different gamesAl...

Simply Red - Night Nurse
Tell her try her best just to make it quickWoman tend to the sickBecause there must be something she c...

Simply Red - No Direction
Singing hymns on roads and pavementsHungry jims, no-one saves themWalkin' north, talkin' southWi...

Simply Red - Open Up The Red Box
Why don't you look at the price I'm payingWalk in, take a look insideI've moved back the tables and th...

Simply Red - Out On The Range
It's lonely out on the rangeThat open space they call countryI wanted you, I couldn't have youYo...

Simply Red - Picture Book
Many types came to see the pictureMany types came to see the pictureOnly he had the right to come...

Simply Red - Positively 4th Street
You got a lotta nerveTo say you are my friendWhen I was downYou just stood there grinning...

Simply Red - Remembering The First Time
Remembering the first time we made loveRemembering the first time we made loveI was just recalling...

Simply Red - Sad Old Red
I walk on stone, it leads me homeWe don't have streets, just pure concreteI'm not glad when I get home...

Simply Red - Say You Love Me
Being one of those grains of sandI get blown all around the worldAnd what I make of itOh I don't...

Simply Red - She'll Have To Go
Your chances are running outI can see possibilities clearlyThe poor man who put thoseRumours abo...

Simply Red - She's Got It Bad
I get off my things, I lay down in the sidelanesI don't feel that I hide, just permanently rideAnd I'm...

Simply Red - Shine
Ooh I remember those old love lettersPlagued with memories, I can't forget usTrying to fight it, tryin...

Simply Red - So Beautiful
I was listening to this conversation Noticing my daydream stimulated me moreI was crumbling with antic...

Simply Red - So Many People
Where do you want to go ?Are you sure of the road that you're on?Who do you want to be ?All I kn...

Simply Red - Someday In My Life
Here from the top of a mountainI see you thereIn the cool night airSomeday in my life...

Simply Red - Something For You
Anyone would cry over youToo bad if they doBut baby I could try if you want me toTo help you let...

Simply Red - Something Got Me Started
Something got me startedYou know that I will love youLately since we partedI truly know that I n...

Simply Red - Stars
Anyone who ever held youWould tell you the way I'm feelingAnyone who ever wanted youWould try to...

Simply Red - Suffer
Something deep inside of meThat when it comes it won't bring too much prolongI don't know how hard it'...

Simply Red - Sunrise
As I look into your eyes I see the sunriseThe light behind your face helps me realiseWill we sle...

Simply Red - Thank You
I thank you for the things you have shown meThank you for the love of my lifeSo far anyway, now it's r...

Simply Red - The Air That I Breathe
If I could make a wish I think I'd passCan't think of anything I needNo cigarettes, no sleep, no light...

Simply Red - The Air That I Breathe Reprise
If I could make a wish I think I'd passCan't think of anything I needNo cigarettes, no sleep, no light...

Simply Red - The Right Thing
In the middle of the night, when the time is rightSexily right, I'm gonna do the right thingGonna move...

Simply Red - The Sky Is A Gypsy
The first time was the best timeThe language you useYou gotta be careful what you will choose...

Simply Red - The Spirit Of Life
Are you the best? Or the equal of every man on this earth?I introspect. I can have anything that I could wan...

Simply Red - Thrill Me
OK, I'm the one who took you for grantedI've made my mistakes, wake up let's not Break upT...

Simply Red - To Be Free
To be freeOr to feel freeThe first one is a mythYeah to be freeOr to feel free...

Simply Red - To Be With You
I can't pronounce itDon't even understandThe words I meanMy tongues tiedUp around it...

Simply Red - Turn It Up
Turn it up, turn it so loudIt don't ever stopNo no no noTurn it up, makes me so proudI bel...

Simply Red - Wave The Old World Goodbye
Wave the Old World goodbyeIt's time to say hello to the New WorldPraying it will be rightThat th...

Simply Red - We're In This Together
All eyes were closed, nobody knowsHow the world wasn't able to see that they were Washed-up failures...

Simply Red - Wonderland
People, placesPursuing the chasesOur moments were chosenHer senses, explosionTake yo...

Simply Red - Words For Girlfriends
Do I feel jealousy when you're free without me?MaybeDo I feel that my love will stay with you forever?...

Simply Red - You Make Me Believe
Sometimes you're my mamaSometimes my little baby girlOccasionally you're my puttanaBut then you'...

Simply Red - You Make Me Feel Brand New
My loveI'll never find the words, my loveTo tell you how I feel, my loveMere words could not exp...

Simply Red - Your Eyes
I wanna look into your eyes againI wanna look into the windows of your soul...again, againWho's ...

Simply Red - Your Mirror
I've got to stand up for myselfThis society don't care about nobody elseI've got to be strongEve...

Simply Red - You've Got It
This impossible powerA strength that I can't seeThere's no wayThat I can let you goWhy did...

Sinch - 433 (hypothetical Situation)
I'm less than nothing and holding my nervesExposed and lonely, addiction draws me nearDesigned to crus...

Sinch - All That's Left Behind
For what it's worth, I never felt that muchan unresolved waste of time a lesson never learnedWanted to...

Sinch - Arctic Ocean
Stained and afraid that this won't ever go awayEngulfed inside a blaze of memoriesAnd the strain of di...

Sinch - Armslength
Sold the instructions to their souls, as they bask in the material worldSo many things that I would like to ...

Sinch - Bitmap
Is someone there, I can hear you breathingI know your out there I can hear you breathing wrong wayWith...

Sinch - Dead Sentinels
Now I'm standing on my own again,what a feeling to let go of something blood from the veinKeeps me cap...

Sinch - Hydroplane
It seems like you've always known exactly what to say,meanwhile I never know what to do with myselfWhe...

Sinch - Identity Theft
Am I lying to myself when everyone else here sees right through meand all the products they've sold me...

Sinch - One In The Same
Trial by fire, to find out the hard way,what it's like without you, even my best intentions go astrayI...

Sinch - Passive Resistor
Cozy in this home, burnt up swollen painsFear is on the plate but you can't recognize the danger that you've...

Sinch - Plasma
I don't want to feel this way, I don't want to pretend that these feelings don'texistBut I'm aware, ye...

Sinch - Sails
Citizens of a starless sky have stolen the sun and held it for ransom,an endless greed unsatisfiedCan ...

Sinch - Seven
Lie awake completely satisfied and let the sweat run through my hairWell, I haven't felt this way in quite s...

Sinch - Silence Broken
Careless whispers drifting by the ears,trust in no one, silence broken by careless whispersYou've got ...

Sinch - Silent Acquiescence Of Millions
Always feeling so uncomfortable, and the situation tends to be predictableHope slips through trained fingers...

Sinch - Something More
The worst is yet to come, so vulnerable and dumb say the words and I'll dissolveTell me how long should this...

Sinch - Tabula Rasa
The kid next door is defective, the trees are rotting and bending to the groundWatch the un-tainted innocenc...

Sinch - The Last Scene
Is something wrong out of lines to keep the rats distracted,a hollow shell, habit trail, symptoms of getting...

Sinch - To Die In Fall
Sustaining life is meaningless, complacent hearts collapse in strideWe cannot know, we cannot call out for h...

Sinch - What They Mean When They Say
Focusing myself, finding clues in you and everyone else, we're hearts on a shelfBelieving that we're saved...

Sisqo - Can I Live

Sisqo - Close Your Eyes

Sisqo - Close Your Eyes (interlude)

Sisqo - Dance For Me

Sisqo - Dream
[Verse 1]Told myself time and time againThat I'm not in love with you and thenYou came to...

Sisqo - Dru World Order
Jazz, Woody, Nokio, Sisqo Dru Hill This is the foundation The foundation that made me Thes...

Sisqo - Enchantment Passing Through
WhoaaaYeah yeah yeahA few more days we'll be home in gloryAlready they'll be getting out t...

Sisqo - Got To Get It
See what I wanna do(Oooh oooh)I don't know if I can say what I wanna do(Yeah)Hmm...Maybe I...

Sisqo - Homewrecker

Sisqo - How Can I Love You 2nite
TonightI couldn't wait to get with youCuz you really turn me onI had to do ya babeBut I kn...

Sisqo - How Many Licks?
[Sisqo]Hold up(Whoa...)So what you're saying is...(Niggas got me pissed like Lil' K...

Sisqo - Infatuated

Sisqo - Intro

Sisqo - Is Love Enough
Yeah yeahWhooOoohOohhhGirl I see ya cryinAnd I know it's cuz of meYa say...

Sisqo - Last Night

Sisqo - Not Afraid

Sisqo - Off The Corner

Sisqo - So Sexual
UhCan you feel me babyOohOohYeahYeah yeahOoohOh yeahListen...

Sisqo - The Dru Joint

Sisqo - Thong Song
This thing right hereIs lettin all the ladies knowWhat guys talk aboutYou knowThe finer th...

Sisqo - Unleash The Dragon
Oooh, The DragonWhat I'm about to doI'm sure nobody expectedBut that's what I doY'all know...

Sisqo - What These Bitches Want...
[DMX]Uhh[Nokio]DMX, Sisqo..[DMX]Yo, what these bitches want fro...

Sisqo - You Are Everything Remix
Yo we gonna try somethin a little differentYo make make my voice a little more distortedYeah I don't k...

Sisqo - Your Love Is Incredible
UhOoohOh baby baby yeahBaby babyListenGirl I peeped you on the cornerSo ...

Sister Hazel - All About The Love
Tell me everything that's on your mindTell me what the trouble isAnd I'll make some timeYou neve...

Sister Hazel - All For You
Finally I figured outBut it took a long, long timeBut now there's a turnaboutMaybe 'cause I'm tr...

Sister Hazel - Another Me
Diggin' in for another dayCarrying on in my ownBut you know meI live and die nearly every day...

Sister Hazel - Beautiful Thing
Well I'll follow you whereverWhen you lead me by my noseOn another big adventure- I supposeThen ...

Sister Hazel - Best I'll Ever Be
I miss youI miss being overwhelmed by youAnd I need rescueI think I'm fading awayBut I kee...

Sister Hazel - Can't Believe
Monday morning brings the sunriseA welcome sight - a sight for sore eyesI owe my answers now to no one...

Sister Hazel - Cerilene
On final approach my brother and I, we were so sureKnew exactly the plans we'd made and what we were here fo...

Sister Hazel - Champagne High
I wasn't looking for a lifetime with youAnd I never thought it would hurt just to hear"I do" and "I do...

Sister Hazel - Change Your Mind
Hey, HeyDid you ever thinkThere might be another wayTo just feel better,Just feel better a...

Sister Hazel - Come Around
Sky fell down and pulled us inStole away my oxygenAnd left me standin' breathless there with you...

Sister Hazel - Concede
Concede and believe meI won't give up--I won't give out on youConcede and believe meI won't give...

Sister Hazel - Don't Think It's Funny
I'm far away from here if you look insideYou have a vacant stare Say what you tryin' to hide...

Sister Hazel - Dreamers
Just turn aroundTurn away from meBefore I lose my headJust turn aroundBut remember me...

Sister Hazel - Effortlessly
I won't be so hard on me todayI start to take myself so seriouslyShouldn't be so hard just to be effor...

Sister Hazel - Elvis
I'll go awayI'll go on my wordless wayDon't say anythingSay nothing, just leave me. ...

Sister Hazel - Everybody
You are so sexy my loveYou got me trippin' over my tongueAnd I can't say what I mean but I mean it whe...

Sister Hazel - Feel It
There's been days I've fallenAnd walked away the times I should have stayed.I looked away, yeah looked...

Sister Hazel - Firefly
She's not like anyone elseYou wonder why she capturedYou like a fireflyAnd makes you shine like ...

Sister Hazel - Fortress
It's bitterTastes a lot like winterAnd will it- release me So heavyHow much more to ...

Sister Hazel - Give In
It's wrong-not right so bad you know it.I've been wrung in and out.You say-you want-you need-it your w...

Sister Hazel - Green (welcome To The World)
Welcome to the world, oh yeahA very unusual placeDon't let that scare youWelcome to the wo...

Sister Hazel - Happy
I remember watchin'All the once upon a timesRemember thinkin'Who's content and who's for rent...

Sister Hazel - Hold On
I've been a heavy handful to holdLike rain slipping through your fingersYou've been tall to handle it ...

Sister Hazel - Hopeless
A grand empty canvas creating my lifeA strange situation - there's no wrong or rightAnd I'm learning -...

Sister Hazel - In The Moment
Well if you're wonderingWhere I've been all eveningIf you think that I've drifted offWitho...

Sister Hazel - Just Remember
A crooked chimney standing in the middle of a fieldOnce surrounded by the walls of workBy laughter and...

Sister Hazel - Just What I Needed
I don't mind you comin' hereAnd wastin' all my time'Cause when you're standin' oh so nearI...

Sister Hazel - Killing Me Too
Lend me your ear and I'll tell you about the things I fearOpen your heart and I'll tell you why I'm torn apa...

Sister Hazel - Lay It Down
You need a little makeup dearTo cover up all your stainsWith another trick right here, yeahYou f...

Sister Hazel - Life Got In The Way
We knew it all from a little thingIt was everything in our first minuteAnd it took us to another place...

Sister Hazel - Little Things
I know - some thingsWell they don't feel right and I can't sit tightStill there's some other things th...

Sister Hazel - Look To The Children
I took a walk by the seaNothing else--just for meYesterday was a long, long time agoThere's a ma...

Sister Hazel - One Love
We are just children understandWe're two in a million the precious grains of sandWe slip through the f...

Sister Hazel - One Nation
When you were born you didn't knowYou thought we were the sameYou know we walked the same - we talked ...

Sister Hazel - Running Through The Fields (for Jeffrey)
Well we shared a season Running through the fieldsWe never had a reason To be scared of thingsTh...

Sister Hazel - Save Me
Save me - have mercyTurn me upside downI know it sounds a little bit lazyBut I lost myself in a ...

Sister Hazel - Shame On Me
It's over and I'm overwhelmedI'm emptied out like a dusty shelfYou buried me-and I'm covered in shame...

Sister Hazel - So Long
I know that it's been a longTime since I've been goneIt's easy to forget--help me remember ...

Sister Hazel - Sometimes
By simple definition I'd be scattered, Oh where do I beginWell I'm stuck within the mortal frameworkOf...

Sister Hazel - Space Between Us
Took a left turn at AlbuquerqueYou went north and I went southIt's just time so don't you worry, Hard ...

Sister Hazel - Starfish
I saw a starfish on the groundHe was half buried in the sandJust so out of place and ahhHe was a...

Sister Hazel - Strange Cup Of Tea
Sometimes I wake with a weary head andI wonder how I'll ever get throughThen I think of the things you...

Sister Hazel - Superman
One night--One townWell there's just one manAnd he throws his bag downThen he runs awayJus...

Sister Hazel - Surreal
With my head above the water I can breathe to stay aliveBut I'll try a little harder If you want...

Sister Hazel - Surrender
On the plane to AmsterdamI left the carnage on the groundIn your seat was emptinessSo heavy we c...

Sister Hazel - Swan Dive
Would you think I was crazyIf I stripped on down to my skin orWould you think I was free as a bee...

Sister Hazel - Sword And Shield
Just when the sky runs out of rainJust when the sun runs out of lightJust when the earth is ill with p...

Sister Hazel - Thank You
I had to walk away,Down the road just to clear my head.On another fun filled day,Was doin' fine,...

Sister Hazel - Think About Me
I've seen a lot of sad peopleI've seen a lot of strange thingsI've seen a lot of bad peopleDo a ...

Sister Hazel - Used To Run
Don't know what I'm gonna make of this.Feeling contemplative today.I'm used to finding solaceIn ...

Sister Hazel - Wanted It To Be
It's your worldAnd I was just someone in itI never wanted to be your problemAnd it's your life...

Sister Hazel - We'll Find It
Help Me--She said please excuse me sir, butHelp Me--Something isn't quite rightYou See--I ain't suppos...

Sister Hazel - Will Not Follow
My aspiration grows and with it grows my pride.No consolations just frustrations I don't mind.I crosse...

Sister Hazel - World Inside My Head
On the road to safeI kinda tripped along the wayIt just seemed like a nasty hassleThe path was g...

Sister Hazel - Your Mistake
I'm not rightAnd I'm not fineI wanna be rain that tastes like wineI wanna be goodI wanna b...

Sister Hazel - Your Winter
The grey ceiling on the earth Well it's lasted for a while Take my thoughts for what they're worth ...

Sixpence None The Richer - Anything
This is my forty-fifth depressing tune.They're looking for money as they clean my artistic womb.And wh...

Sixpence None The Richer - Breathe Your Name
It's every day I'm in this place I feel this way I feel the same It's every day I'm ...

Sixpence None The Richer - Dizzy
I'm like Thomas doubting fingers running the scars Your wrists and side touching flesh will make my mi...

Sixpence None The Richer - Don't Dream It's Over
There is freedom within, there is freedom withoutTry to catch the deluge in a paper cupThere's a battl...

Sixpence None The Richer - Down And Out Of Time
I dreamt of something last night in my sleep;I saw you sitting in a room without me;You were smiling a...

Sixpence None The Richer - Easy To Ignore
You and the moon are a beautiful sight to me.The stars in your eyes make it really hard to see you.A n...

Sixpence None The Richer - Eyes Wide Open
eyes wide open all the time just like a drug store in the city where she walks the streets at night ...

Sixpence None The Richer - I Can't Catch You
I guess you could say I'm a little afraidWhat if you go away? I've seen it before,I've been here befor...

Sixpence None The Richer - I Won't Stay Long
Leaves are falling, and something's calling me here.The state of depression that I'm walking in,Got th...

Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me
Kiss me out of the bearded barleyNightly, beside the green, green grassSwing, swing, swing the spinnin...

Sixpence None The Richer - Lines Of My Earth
The lines of my earth, so brittle, unfertile, and ready to die.I need a drink, but the well has run dry....

Sixpence None The Richer - Love
"You must be the seed. Descend into the earth.Searching for the union of death, and then rebirth."...

Sixpence None The Richer - Melody Of You
you're a painting with symbols deep, symphonysoft as it shifts from dark beneath a poem that flows, ca...

Sixpence None The Richer - Moving On
It has gotten to my head. Permeates the path I tread.But I tread, I'm moving on in a new and happy song....

Sixpence None The Richer - Paralyzed
I look out to the fields Where blood is shed upon the ground I breathe in, breathe out Change th...

Sixpence None The Richer - Puedo Escribir
El viento de la noche gira en el cielo y cantaEl viento de la noche gira en el cielo(The night wind re...

Sixpence None The Richer - Sister, Mother
My life is plaguedBy mistakes, broken love, slaps in the face.But I'm trying to care, to dare to embra...

Sixpence None The Richer - Still Burning
you are still burning the flame that is turning my smoldering ash into a bird so stay close my b...

Sixpence None The Richer - Tension (is A Passing Note)
do I murder when I forget you from afar too drunk on the poison of endless roads and the countle...

Sixpence None The Richer - There She Goes
There she goesThere she goes againRacing through my brainAnd I just can't containThis feel...

Sixpence None The Richer - The Waiting Room
Fight 'til your fists bleed, baby.Beat the fate-walls enclosing you, maybeGod will unlock the cage of ...

Sixpence None The Richer - We Have Forgotten
Dreams, inconsistent angel things.Horses bred with star-laced wings.But it's so hard to make them fly,...

Skillet - Alien Youth
(It's been confirmed that the aliens have landed)Worldwide Jesus domination Love conquers all...

Skillet - A Little More
Love is all around you nowSo take a holdHidden in our wordsIt sometimes ain't enoughDon't ...

Skillet - Angels Fall Down
I saw angels fall down at the glory of the Lord and as I raise my hands I see I saw angels...

Skillet - Best Kept Secret
Shrouded in proof, You're the mystery You're the truth that lives within the world we see You're the h...

Skillet - Boundaries
I stand here closed and open Praying for the summer rains Reaching in to pull back the curtains ...

Skillet - Collide
We have fallenWe have fallen again tonightWhere do we go from hereWhen they're tearing down our ...

Skillet - Come My Way
Hundreds come from everywhereJust to see your face and touch the healer's hand Desperate, I push throu...

Skillet - Come On To The Future
Come on, Come on, Come on to the future Come all, Come all the way Come on, Come on, Come on to the fu...

Skillet - Coming Down
Things are coming down Things are coming down I can tell you Beautiful the sound Of things comin...

Skillet - Cycle Down
Crashing, covered with debrisDwelling in my own pityCry like I have notDig like I had notI...

Skillet - Deeper
Jesus pure truth Recollect my mind (ya-di-da-da-da) Hurt that I push down Shows my anger why ...

Skillet - Dive Over In
I thought distinctly Different from now Wonder dramatically All about everything always ...

Skillet - Each Other
I am yours; you are mine Believe in you, friend of mine You're not fading in my eyes Could you s...

Skillet - Earth Invasion
One man, one mission One plot to save the world Reclaim all races And embrace our destiny ...

Skillet - Eating Me Away
It's eating me away I said to God It's rotting in my mind It's like a cancer Is there anyt...

Skillet - Energy
Oh Power is another word that I use to describe YouYour mighty winds come in and blow me away...

Skillet - Fingernails
Never reaching what I want to reachNever being who I want to beBlaming me when I fall and failAl...

Skillet - Forsaken
I recall going madly in love with youAnd I remember thisHow could I forget?Regret is a needle...

Skillet - Gasoline
I'm sitting with my heart out on the table I'm doing a face to face with God He picked up my heat and ...

Skillet - Hey You, I Love Your Soul
Am I a man who knows how to love When you hate what you fear the most I'll wash your feet as you spit ...

Skillet - I Can
Looking on the sad times, the guilt and all the shame I have learned to submit my existing hurts and pains ...

Skillet - Imperfection
You're worth so muchIt'll never be enoughTo see what you have to giveHow beautiful you are...

Skillet - Invincible
I, I'm invincible I'm indestructible It's my destiny I, I'm invincible I'm unshakeab...

Skillet - I Trust You
Learning again that I am not my own Crawling back to where I belong Caught in between knowing You and ...

Skillet - Kill Me Heal Me
Break my bones and reset me Piece by piece you break me Pick up the cross 'cause it's killing time ...

Skillet - Locked In A Cage
I wanna be locked in a cage I wanna be starpped in a chair I wanna be where you are If my insani...

Skillet - More Faithful
All the things my feet thought to be firm Are falling with urgency Tearing back my false sense of secu...

Skillet - My Beautiful Robe
I want to pleasure in your sight I want to subscribe to your delight So hold on and see what I d...

Skillet - My Obsession
Your touch, your waysLeave me dumb without reasonYour love, my cageMy prison so pleasingI ...

Skillet - One Real Thing
Speak, and my heart starts aching Reach, and the numbness dims Beat, still my minds uncertain Br...

Skillet - Open Wounds
In the dark with the music on Wishing I was somewhere else Taking all your anger out on me, somebody h...

Skillet - Paint
We take a walk in the garden We share the fruits of life We live beneath this canopy Why did we ...

Skillet - Pour
Everything I am is resting in my jar Holding nothing back from entering my jar My hopes and dreams I p...

Skillet - Promise Blender
When I was a young boy I saw a vision of your face I made a my first promise to you Yeah ya know...

Skillet - Rest
Still, soft quietly spoken voice That persistenly calls my name And quickens my heart to come An...

Skillet - Rippin Me Off
They say Jesus is doing nothing They say evolution took His place There's no God that created the worl...

Skillet - Safe With You
Learning inside I will be safe with you tonight You cause the smile And the teardrops in my eyes...

Skillet - Saturn
I ask him When will I Be free he Said I am Asking him When will I Change he said No ...

Skillet - Say It Loud
Can't help but speak of what I've seen and heard I understand just what the purpose is Uncover peace; ...

Skillet - Scarecrow
Hanging on this post In my dirty clothes Try to concentrate on You But I keep forgetting ...

Skillet - Splinter
Here I lie again inside this broken body Wrestle against the tree, my muscles aching To get up now is ...

Skillet - Stronger
My skin is my disguise I'm more than a man I smile at my demise Ask who I am More than a m...

Skillet - Suspended In You
Thought You'd put me in a box Thought You'd push me into a clump Make me smaller than I was before ...

Skillet - Take
Take my strength, take my pride, Take my selfishness away Take my rights, take ambition, Capture...

Skillet - The Fire Breathes
The fire breathes The fire breathes It grows and grows and seems to have no end The fire b...

Skillet - The One
Love me like no other You have been the Savior of my life You know my weakness But see me beauti...

Skillet - Thirst Is Taking Over
[CHORUS:]You alone are what my soul needs You know the thirst is taking over Hardly breat...

Skillet - Under My Skin
When I feel you close to meIt's easy to believeTo the depths and back againTo find that I'm stil...

Skillet - Vapor
And the future's robbing my soul I'm face to face with my futility And my life is slipping away ...

Skillet - Whirlwind
Talking to God Hearing what he wants He moves in violence I stand in silence Who can...

Skillet - Will You Be There
As I fall to sleep Will you comfort me When my heart is weak Will you rescue me Will...

Skillet - You Are My Hope
Times are hard Times have changed Don't you say But I keep holding on to you It's hard to ...

Skillet - You're In My Brain
It's so urgent; it's so desperate I can feel it in my bones (yeah) To find a shovel and start digging ...

Skillet - You're Powerful
[Chorus:]You're powerful You're unshakeable You're powerful You're unshakeable ...

Skillet - Your Love (keeps Me Alive)
I walk through the desert, hide from the sun All that I desire is You Occasional water cools my thirst...

Skillet - You Take My Rights Away
You take my rights away You take control, No stopping You You take my rights away I can take it ...

Skillet - You Thought
You try to answer slow You put your head down low Cmon take your time Try to choose the most bel...

Skindred - Bruises
All I want to do is make the people rockBut them I heard dem der wordsI never trusted you lotAnd...

Skindred - Firing The Love
You're just a big Jinel,Loves hate professionalCharlatan, Now who can tell?They'll take you stra...

Skindred - Nobody
My sound we come to take overM.C. you better look over your shoulderYea we know we on and on,Oh well n...

Skindred - Pressure
Buzzing up with a musical attackRip it up with a boom sound we no lackGot the rhythms the dub plat kil...

Skindred - Selector
Easy selector cos I know that you're ruffAnd the way you play ya tunes ya know you're musically toughI...

Skindred - Set It Off
We in ah heavy weight style and we kick itKnow we inner de zone and we mash itAnd we go home and we ma...

Skindred - Start First
Now what's done in the dark must come to lightAnd some of them ah big up themselvesAnd ah grown with t...

Skindred - Tears
This just aint fairWhat you trying do to meTrying make me crazyTelling me just how it should be...

Skindred - The Beginning Of Sorrows
RootsTake Head that no man should decieve youFor many shall come and try to lead youYou'll hear ...

Skindred - The Fear
Time for talking to, work it all outCan not the pressure nuff addy youth dem ah shotChildren suffering...

Skindred - World Domination
De Dread ah comeDe Dread ah comeDe Dread ah come co come co comeDe Dread ah come whatDe Dr...

Skunk Anansie - 100 Ways To Be A Good Girl

Skunk Anansie - Aesthetic Anarchist
Unconventionally a believerIn the power of your fellow kindBut when your pockets fill to overflowing...

Skunk Anansie - All In The Name Of Pity

Skunk Anansie - All I Want

Skunk Anansie - And Here I Stand

Skunk Anansie - And This Is Nothing That I Thought I Had

Skunk Anansie - Black Skinhead Coconut Dogfight
"Blackie" in the closet. "Whitie" in the crowd.Bugeyed, cause your later in the mirror,and you know yo...

Skunk Anansie - Black Skin Sexuality
Oohh...I think I'll stay in my little closetI think I'll stay where it's nice and warmThere`s no...

Skunk Anansie - Brazen (weep)

Skunk Anansie - Breathing
I know your days are closingCool days we've said our hopes saidI don't know what you findBut the...

Skunk Anansie - Carmen Queasy
My vision is distorted by my sleazy mindTo picturesque an image to control this timeMy intimate discri...

Skunk Anansie - Charity

Skunk Anansie - Charlie Big Potato

Skunk Anansie - Cheap Honesty

Skunk Anansie - Contraband
Okay, go then!Oh, sold enough, but I smell the stink,Of the money, of the weakness that you can`t conc...

Skunk Anansie - Every Bitch But Me
You have seen me lie, you have seen me crucify my loveI want it to die, I want it to kiss your ass goodbye...

Skunk Anansie - Feed
You see these eyes, they`re darn to hurtI want to crush you, what you gave birthI want the power witho...

Skunk Anansie - Feel
You think you're on your ownBut that's just your desire'Cause all you really need, babyIs right ...

Skunk Anansie - Fragile
I've seen no fearYour purpose is clearInside, in deepI quicken, my breathes, beBefor...

Skunk Anansie - Glorious Pop Song

Skunk Anansie - Good Things Don't Always Come To You

Skunk Anansie - Hedonism (just Because You Feel Good)

Skunk Anansie - I Can Dream

Skunk Anansie - I Don't Believe
Cold blood, broken smile that is all that I have to giveYour eyes are looking up, so distorted,From th...

Skunk Anansie - I'm Not Afraid

Skunk Anansie - Infidelity (only You)

Skunk Anansie - Intellectualise My Blackness

Skunk Anansie - It Takes Blood And Guts To Be This Cool But I'm Still Just A Cliche

Skunk Anansie - Jack Knife Ginal
Your future's where your friendly dayThen it's coming to feed you in your headGoing slow, you'll yearn...

Skunk Anansie - Kept My Mouth Shut
What a fool I amA fool I am for telling you the truthWhat a fool you areA fool you are for lying...

Skunk Anansie - Killer's War
I'm watching you insense meWith your effervescent hateYou can kill without obsessionWith your mo...

Skunk Anansie - King Psychotic Size
I want you to be the way I grieve tonightI'd drained out my face too tired of being rightSo this is th...

Skunk Anansie - La Canzone Che Scrivo Per Te
Non c'e contatto di non cosa con mucosa eppur mi infetto di te, che arrivi e porti desideri e capogiri...

Skunk Anansie - Lately

Skunk Anansie - Let It Go
Two coloured eyes, blind race of iceUnturned my swallowed intent, fucking my sense up, interrogancehe ...

Skunk Anansie - Licking Cream
Corrupt my hopeIn joyous hellBetween the linesLick cream that smellsI wish you weren...

Skunk Anansie - Little Baby Swastikka

Skunk Anansie - Milk Is My Sugar

Skunk Anansie - On My Hotel Tv

Skunk Anansie - Painkillers
Isn't there the same effectDown to claimb the stainThrow me just another weekCling onto reality...

Skunk Anansie - Pickin On Me

Skunk Anansie - Punk By Numbers
I tried to fix the cooker in the kitchenGas was coming out of every holeEverything was leaking, reekin...

Skunk Anansie - Rise Up

Skunk Anansie - Sane
Crack the head against the wallIt's a never over 'til you've killed the manic expression one for allSt...

Skunk Anansie - Secretly

Skunk Anansie - Selling Jesus

Skunk Anansie - She's My Heroine

Skunk Anansie - Skank Heads

Skunk Anansie - Skunk Song
I'm living in a funny neighbourhoodThe blackies and the whities try to get alongBut here comes Johnny ...

Skunk Anansie - Song Recovery
I`d see what you want to, I`d see where you`ve been,It`s where I wanna beCold shoulder, black sw...

Skunk Anansie - So Sublime
Whatever happens, happens... go!You know I have no reasons for being wit todayI had my ?? addicted and...

Skunk Anansie - Strong
In a little while you`re gonna call meThere`ll be nothing I can sayIn my head there`s nothing cool tod...

Skunk Anansie - The Decadence Of Your Starvation
You don't remind in mean nothing to youI'd like to be like, to have the chance toFeel I like I don't w...

Skunk Anansie - Through Rage
I wonder what you're thinkingWhen your fist was in my faceWas it nice to have the feelingNone of...

Skunk Anansie - Tour Hymn
Look at you, you cokieYou're looking like a shitYou're tied up in your own sweet hellOf watching...

Skunk Anansie - Tracy's Flaw

Skunk Anansie - Twisted (everyday Hurts)

Skunk Anansie - Used
Used to be a dirty little girlUsed to be a long lost daughterUsed to be the apple of your eyeUse...

Skunk Anansie - Weak
Lost in time I can`t count the words(I) said when I thought they went unheardAll of those harsh though...

Skunk Anansie - We Don't Need Who You Think You Are

Skunk Anansie - We Love Your Apathy

Skunk Anansie - Yes It's Fucking Political

Skunk Anansie - You'll Follow Me Down

Skunk Anansie - Your Fight
You say your problem vow thee, you can always have the rightA swine of me, the ogrety, such a wither or your...

Skunk Anansie - You Want It All
Subscribe, to love, of your, big gutFill it up, with food, you love it allWatch out, I'm here, I crowd...

Skye Sweetnam - Billy S.
Wake up tired, Monday mornings suck,It's way too early to catch a bus,Why conform without a fuss,...

Skye Sweetnam - Fallen Through
I do what he says but Iend up falling off the edgeI don't know what to do, never seemsTo end up ...

Skye Sweetnam - Heart Of Glass
Once I had a love and it was a gasSoon turned out had a heart of glassSeemed like the real thing, only...

Skye Sweetnam - Hypocrite
Bubble gum brainiacBaby girl, ultra bratAngst SchmangstNo thanksHope my record doesnt tank...

Skye Sweetnam - I Don't Care
Wrap me up so superficialTied up nicely with a bowDoesn't bark - bites really hardThey'll ...

Skye Sweetnam - Imaginary Superstar
When I'm aloneAnd in my roomAnd there's nothing else to doI turn on my stereoI liste...

Skye Sweetnam - Part Of Your World
Look at this stuffIsn't it neat?Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?Wouldn't you think I...

Skye Sweetnam - Sharada
Once upon a time there was a girlYou really wouldn't call her typicalHad her own definition of cool...

Skye Sweetnam - Shot To Pieces
I sit Biting On the End of my pen Chewing It up Just like It was your he...

Skye Sweetnam - Smoke And Mirrors
For someone so young and naiveHard to know what to believeStill I thought I tried for a whileTur...

Skye Sweetnam - Split Personality
I'd like you to meetThe other side of meGotta getcha, gotta getcha, gotta getchaWhen it's ...

Skye Sweetnam - Tangled Up In Me
You wanna know more, more, more about me I'm the girl who's kicking the coke machine I'm the one that'...

Skye Sweetnam - Tidal Wave
Feel me coming- feel the tremor- hear the thunder Of your heart pound Youre surrounded- no way up to- ...

Skye Sweetnam - Too Late
I am not your hourglass Cant flip me over to let time pass Playing hard to get can backfire Dont...

Slightly Stoopid - Alibis
Kyle say thatHe don't careDon't give a fuckDont cut his hairAndHad a partyDrin...

Slightly Stoopid - American Man
American manAmerican manAmerican manSo don't try and tell me thatI am a part of aGov...

Slightly Stoopid - Anti-socialistic
Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey heyWhat it is aint what you get andTaking time out to regretThe anti...

Slightly Stoopid - Cally-man
And some man live his life For profits alone That very same man He lives his life all alone ...

Slightly Stoopid - Civil Oppression (dub)
Witness Civil oppressionOh lordWitnessCivil oppression ...

Slightly Stoopid - Collie Man
And some man live his life For profits alone That very same man He lives his life all alone ...

Slightly Stoopid - Cool Down
Skankin' little momma know right down for the rhythm i'm gon' feel you Bottom droppin' out you're Boun...

Slightly Stoopid - Couldn't Get High
I've got New sunglasses And i've got Backstage passes For y'all Girls with fine asse...

Slightly Stoopid - Devil's Door
Heard you knockin' on the Devil's door Come back tommorow baby Cause he aint takin' any more ...

Slightly Stoopid - Everything You Need
Like walkin on the moon was such a good feelingI'm lyin in bed and I'm starin at the ceilinCan't wake ...

Slightly Stoopid - Fire Shot
So me go Fire fire now Fire down below For these people they running 'round Out of control...

Slightly Stoopid - Fuck The Police
Fuck the policeFuck the governmentFuck the systemLove your mother ...

Slightly Stoopid - Hey Stoopid (live)
(skank it skank it) Hey stoopid step insideHey stoopid come on and join the rideHey stoopid step...

Slightly Stoopid - If This World Were Mine
Whoa Yeah But if this world were mine They'd play rub-a-dub all the time But then me playi...

Slightly Stoopid - I Used To Love Her
I used to love her Ooh yeah But i had to kill her I used to love her Ooh yeah But i ...

Slightly Stoopid - Killin' Me Deep Inside
I see now little girl a cryin she was looking so sadI wonder why but then I realize the pain that she had...

Slightly Stoopid - Leaving On A Jet Plane
All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go,I'm standing here outside the doorI hate to wake you up to say...

Slightly Stoopid - Nicos
I went to that corner store to Get something to eat Well i hear old nico Straight come callin' a...

Slightly Stoopid - Officer
It all started late on a saturday nightSaid who's got the spliffs and who's got the pint?Look out the ...

Slightly Stoopid - Operation
Operation send the rescue teamOperation shoot 'em on the streetOperation comin after meOh operat...

Slightly Stoopid - Opportunities
Opportunities You're knockin' at my doorGrab my pants off the floorGrab my shoes grab my hat...

Slightly Stoopid - Perfect Gentlemen
Just 'cause she dances go-go Don't make her a ho no no Maxine put your red shows on We goin' to ...

Slightly Stoopid - Prophet
But i aint no prophet To cure some damn disease And would you help me anyway If i was on my knee...

Slightly Stoopid - Punk Rock Billy
Punk rock Billy was an average JoeKickin kids shins with his steel boot toeWith his chin up high and h...

Slightly Stoopid - Questionable
You say where are we goingAnd what you gonna doWhen all those police menCome chasin after you...

Slightly Stoopid - Righteous Man
I've got this feelin' thatI'll put on overTry to fight and conquer rulesWe're non-existent...

Slightly Stoopid - Runnin' With A Gun
His name is Johnny he's got nothing to sayHe's just a bad ass motha getting in your faceYou better han...

Slightly Stoopid - Sensimilla
But everybody wants to get some Sinsemilla And everybody wants to get some We want our sinsemill...

Slightly Stoopid - Smoke Rasta (dub)
Rasta say ...

Slightly Stoopid - Souled
But hear my story Said it's standin' true But nobody callin' 'til i call you Missionaries go and...

Slightly Stoopid - Stop
Stop!Go!Hey man i say it almost every single dayThat i wanna break another bottle over someone e...

Slightly Stoopid - Sun Is Shining
But when the sun is shining But when the weather is sweet You've got to get up off the floor And...

Slightly Stoopid - Sweet Honey
[miles]Put up your hands girl but not so,so pushyIf you wanna be comn' and makn' sweet love to ...

Slightly Stoopid - To A Party
To a party the other night Yeah just to see another fightAll this violence it just aint right yeah ...

Slightly Stoopid - Too Little Too Late
But when i look inside I've got this bad bad feeling about her You know she cheated and she lied ...

Slightly Stoopid - Wake Up Hate
Wake up lateWake up lateWake up lateWake up lateSaid wake up late late afternoonI sa...

Slightly Stoopid - Wicked Rebel
Bring bring me echo kick down the trebleWatch the bass line comeTo bring the wicked rebel So the...

Slightly Stoopid - Wiseman
Said the man Who feel him a fool For he be the wiseman For the man Who don't think he's a ...

Slightly Stoopid - Zero Tolerance
Zero tolerence is somethin' that i callWhen i don't give a shit about anything at all And i don't take...

Slipknot - Confessions
I know you don't want to see. I know you're not part of me But you wonder just the same. So I'll let you in ...

Slipknot - Danger, Keep Away
We too feel aloneThat place in my mind Is that space that you call mine That place in my m...

Slipknot - Despise
Despise!!! Maze...psychopathic daze...I create this waste Back away from tangents, on the verge ...

Slipknot - Do Nothing/bitchslap
The system has failed and you have failed with it No time to care, just time to say "Who gives a shit?" ...

Slipknot - Duality
I push my fingers into my eyes... It's the only thing that slowly stops the ache... But it's made of a...

Slipknot - Get This
I don't like a fuckin' thing! Music sucks dick Suck the snot end of the tip of my prick You fucking cu...

Slipknot - Interloper
Many have come and gone, Still left out of the guttural swansong Takin' nothin' but the best in the ar...

Slipknot - Killers Are Quiet
Cycle of life and death supposedly goes 'round and 'round yet it stops with me Glorious hunter of my f...

Slipknot - Prelude 3.0
I don't know why......I never told youI don't know why... ...I never triedWhen we sh...

Slipknot - Slipknot
Pentex sucks! Pentex sucks!! They drain the life force of my tribe Pentex sucks! Bonegnawe...

Slipknot - Snap
One more time and I'm gonna snap [x 15] One more time and I swear I'm gonna SNAP! (I'm gonna sn...

Slipknot - Some Feel
Some feel I don't exist Never believing in what they see Some feel that I am not fair I leave no...

Slipknot - The Blister Exists
ONE, TWO, THREE!!!YEAH!!!DROP IT!!!Bones in the water and dust in my lungsAbsorbing archai...

Slipknot - The Opium Of The People
Watch those idiosyncrasies Watch all the idiots fall on me Running out of ways to get outta the way ...

Slipknot - Three Nil
One Two Three NIL!!! (Yeah!) Chaos - it's just the beginning Every...

Slipknot - Vermillion, Pt. 2
She seemed dressed in all of me, stretched across my shame. All the torment and the pain Leaked thro...

Slow Coming Day - A Midsummer's Nightmare
Like a record replaying in my mind,The events of that day play backIn my head. And though,Though...

Slow Coming Day - A Part Of Me Died
I woke up this morning and I forgot you were gone.I imagined all this time that you were here with me....

Slow Coming Day - Behind Blue Eyes
Her bright blue eyesMeeting with mine.Her bright blue eyesMeeting with mineFor the first t...

Slow Coming Day - Captivated
You're stealing my heart againThrough every single move you makeAnd conquer over me with every glance ...

Slow Coming Day - Don't Walk Away
Way to go this time.You've done so good for yourself.And do you realizeThere's consequences for...

Slow Coming Day - Family Ties
He takes the blameFor his family's pain."It's not your fault son,"I hear them say.And what...

Slow Coming Day - In Silence
Waiting in the silence with not a word to say.A consequence of decisions gone astray.Meaningless and e...

Slow Coming Day - Pages Yet To Be Written
Another page turns in my life as I'm left hereContemplating how the sky can appear so clearThen turn g...

Slow Coming Day - Recollections
Sit back and watch this dreamYou call your lifeQuickly pass you byAnd know this was wasted time....

Slow Coming Day - The Room Without Walls
All your work...All your work...Has been for nothing.All this time...All this time......

Slow Coming Day - Tight Wire And Cold Hands
And he finds himselfWaking up in a different bed,In a different bed.With a crook in his neck...

Slow Coming Day - Watching It Fall Apart
Caught up in appearances.What's on the outside is all that counts.And through the mirror she can see...

Smashing Pumpkins - 1979
Shakedown 1979, cool kids never have the timeOn a live wire right up off the streetYou and I should me...

Smashing Pumpkins - Age Of Innocence
We dismiss the back roads To ride these streets unafraid Resigned to scraping paint From our bon...

Smashing Pumpkins - Annie-dog
Amphetamine annie-dog Has her leash and a face Her velvet spleen her shackle spine Her dimond cu...

Smashing Pumpkins - Appels + Oranjes
What if the sun refused to shine? What if the clouds refused to rain? What if the wind refused to blow...

Smashing Pumpkins - Ava Adore
It's you that I adore You'll always be my whore You'll be the mother to my child And a child to ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Beautiful
Beautiful, you're beautiful, as beautiful as the sunWonderful, you're wonderful, as wonderful as they come...

Smashing Pumpkins - Behold! The Night Mare
I've faced the fathoms in your deep Withstood the suitors quiet siege Pulled down the heavens just to ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Blank Page
Blank page is all the rage Never meant to say anything In bed I was half dead Tired of dreaming ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Blew Away
Blew, blew awayBut I don't wanna fadeBlew, blew And if you love herYou know it will ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Blue
Hey blue, all your love is strangeCome out with all those crazy namesSo true when you lieFor you...

Smashing Pumpkins - Blue Skies Bring Tears
Unleash the armageddon So all the children go to heaven I sit by quiet still with their pictures on my...

Smashing Pumpkins - Bodies
Cast the pearls aside, of a simple life of needCome into my life foreverThe crumbled cities stand as k...

Smashing Pumpkins - Bury Me
Bury me in loveBury me in love Shared your kisses, take your heartBuried me and it hurts...

Smashing Pumpkins - By Starlight
By starlight I'll kiss youAnd promise to be your one and onlyI'll make you feel happyAnd leave y...

Smashing Pumpkins - Cherub Rock
Freak outAnd give inDoesn't matter what you believe inStay coolAnd be somebody's fool this...

Smashing Pumpkins - Christmastime
We watch the children playing Beside the christmas tree The presents are wrapped up It's beautif...

Smashing Pumpkins - Crestfallen
Who am I to need you when I'm down Where are you when I need you around Your life is not your own ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Crush
You wrap your arms aroundA feeling that surroundsLike a liquid peppermintJust taste the drinks t...

Smashing Pumpkins - Cupid De Locke
Cupid hath pulled back his sweetheart's bowTo cast divine arrows into her soulTo grab her attention sw...

Smashing Pumpkins - Daphne Descends
With the sugar sickness You spy the kidnap kid Who kids you to oblivion It's the perfect hassle ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Daughter
Hands that offerHands that takeSomeone's daughterTaking me, take me awayIn the water...

Smashing Pumpkins - Daydream
My daydream seems as one inside of youThough it seems hard to reach through this lifeYour blue and hop...

Smashing Pumpkins - Disarm
Disarm you with a smileAnd cut you like you want me toCut that little childInside of me and such...

Smashing Pumpkins - Drown
No matter where you areI can still hear you when you drownYou've traveled very farJust to see yo...

Smashing Pumpkins - Eye
I lie, I waitI stop, I hesitateI am, I breatheI meant, I think of me Is it any wonde...

Smashing Pumpkins - Farewell And Goodnight
Goodnight, to every little hour that you sleep titeMay it hold you through the winter of a long nightA...

Smashing Pumpkins - For Martha
Whenever I run Whenever I run to you lost one It's never done Just hanging on Just p...

Smashing Pumpkins - Frail And Bedazzled
Say, now listen hereI wanna be oh so clearI lost my soul, lost I'll stayBetween your hands and m...

Smashing Pumpkins - French Movie Theme
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah,Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah,Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah,Yeah yeah yeah yeah y...

Smashing Pumpkins - Fuck You (an Ode To No One)
I'm never coming backI'm never giving inI'll never be the shine in your spitI disconnect the act...

Smashing Pumpkins - Galapogos
Ain't it funny how we pretend we're still a childSoftly stolen under our blanket skiesAnd rescue me fr...

Smashing Pumpkins - Geek Usa
Lover lover let's pretendWe're born as innocentsCast into the worldWith apple eyes T...

Smashing Pumpkins - Girl Named Sandoz
Well I met a girl called sandozAnd she taught me many many thingsGood things, very good thingsSw...

Smashing Pumpkins - Glass And The Ghost Children
To the center of the earth Or anywhere god decides Full of fever pulling forth We hear our call ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Glynis
Here's a name you cannot forgetHer name is Glynis, yesAnd with these tears of respectConforms a ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Heavy Metal Machine
If I were alive If I were real Would you survive What would you feel Heavy metal Hea...

Smashing Pumpkins - Hello Kitty Kat
Say hello before you say goodbyeI should go before you make me cryShe wants to bleed every drop inside...

Smashing Pumpkins - Here Is No Why
The useless drag of another dayThe endless drags of a death rock boyMascara sure and lipstick lost...

Smashing Pumpkins - Hummer
Faith lies inThe ways of sinI chased the charmedBut I don't want them anymore And in...

Smashing Pumpkins - I Am One
I am one as you are threeTry to find messiah in your trinityYour city to burnYour city to burn...

Smashing Pumpkins - In The Arms Of Sleep
Sleep will not come to this tired body nowPeace will not come to this lonely heartThere are some thing...

Smashing Pumpkins - I Of The Mourning
Radio Play my favourite song Radio Radio Radio I'm alone Radio Radio ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Jackie Blue
Ooh-hoo, Jackie BlueLives a life from inside of her roomHides a smile when she's wearing a frown...

Smashing Pumpkins - Jellybelly
Welcome to nowhere fastNothing here ever lastsNothingbut memoriesOf what never wasWe...

Smashing Pumpkins - La Dolly Vita
I lay my head on her bosomTo cry myself to sleepI see no greater wisdomThan she has given me ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Lily (my One And Only)
Lily, my one and onlyI can hardly wait till I see herSilly, I know I'm sillyCause I'm hanging in...

Smashing Pumpkins - Love
To my mistakes, to my mistakes of cowardiceShe shimmy shakes, the jimmy jakes of consequenceBorn of th...

Smashing Pumpkins - Luna
What moonsongsDo you sing your babies?What sunshine do you bring? Who belongsWho dec...

Smashing Pumpkins - Mayonaise
Fool enough to almost be itCool enough to not quite see itDoomedPick your pockets full of sorrow...

Smashing Pumpkins - Muzzle
I fear that I'm ordinary, just like everyoneTo lie here and die among the sorrowsAdrift among the days...

Smashing Pumpkins - My Dahlia
To taste my fearSummon up your demons, dearI left you open, wonderingWhen you lie to break my he...

Smashing Pumpkins - Never Let Me Down
I'm taking a ride with my best friendI hope he never lets me down againI know where he's taking me...

Smashing Pumpkins - Obscured
Lost your head, now you sleep on the floorWhat you said, I don't want anymoreThrough the haze, make yo...

Smashing Pumpkins - Once In A While
Horses run Once in a while for you The shades will draw Once in a while for you ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Once Upon A Time
Mother I'm tired Come surrender my son Time has ravaged on my soul No plans to leave but still I...

Smashing Pumpkins - Perfect
I know we're just like old friends We just can't pretend That lovers make amends We are reasons ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Pissant
Got me a raygunGot me an altitudeCan't help feelin' something's wrongWith everyone of you ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Plume
Oh yeah, another dayOh yeah, gotta playWhat it is, it never wasI don't care to give enough ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Porcelina Of The Vast Oceans
As far as you take me, that's where I believeThe realm of soft delusions, floating on the leavesOn a d...

Smashing Pumpkins - Pug
Kiss and kill me sweetly Come and drive me home Drag the miles in me I am yours alone ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Pulseczar
YeahI see you comin' from the skyI see you callin' from the skyYour sky can't heal you again...

Smashing Pumpkins - Quiet
QuietI am sleepingin hereWe need a little hope For yearsI've been sleeping...

Smashing Pumpkins - Raindrops+sunshowers
Rain falls on everyone The same old rain And I'm just trying to Walk with you Between the ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Rhinoceros
Planned a showTrees and balloonsIce cream snowSee you in June Could have known...

Smashing Pumpkins - Rocket
Bleed in your own lightDream of your own lifeI miss meI miss everything I'll never beAnd o...

Smashing Pumpkins - Sad Peter Pan
It's the plan of most To discover that magnificent ghost When did I get perverted And my innocen...

Smashing Pumpkins - Shame
You're gonna walk on home You're gonna walk alone You're gonna see this through Don't let them g...

Smashing Pumpkins - Silverfuck
I hear your winterI hear your rainI've failed your summer waysAnd I feel no pain I h...

Smashing Pumpkins - Siva
I spin off and lose my headThrowing stray a spark insteadGather strenghth down in my heelAnd dig...

Smashing Pumpkins - Slunk
Ride on, motherfuckerSister aboveLead on my loverDaddy's not comin' home So long my ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Snail
All your seven dreamsLook close, son, and you'll believeAs your things come undoneSee you are th...

Smashing Pumpkins - Soma
Nothing left to sayAnd all I've left to doIs run awayFrom youAnd she led me on, down...

Smashing Pumpkins - Soothe
Hungry, hungry againHungry, hungry againWhen will it start to swayWhen will it start to almost b...

Smashing Pumpkins - Spaceboy
Feel itBreak your bonesMr. Jones Taste meAs I bleedTaste my needAn...

Smashing Pumpkins - Spaced
DadDeadWas I ever alive?Fucking makes you alive in one minuteSolcticeI am solctice f...

Smashing Pumpkins - Stand Inside Your Love
You and me Meant to be Immutable Impossible It's destiny Pure lunacy Incalcula...

Smashing Pumpkins - Starla
I'm in herePlease take me homeStarla dearI'm all alone When you can't decide what's ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Stumbleine
Boredoms in the bathroom shaking out the loose teethSally's in the stirrups claiming her destinyAnd no...

Smashing Pumpkins - Suffer
All that you suffer is all that you areAll that you smother is all that you areAnd you're saying you'r...

Smashing Pumpkins - Sun
What it wants is four more yearsMoving tears of pain Lost I go into your hiding roomYou'll be lo...

Smashing Pumpkins - Sweet Sweet
Sweet sweet sweet sweet little agonyI don't know just where you've beenBut I'll take take takeAl...

Smashing Pumpkins - Take Me Down
Take me down, to the undergroundWon't you take me down, to the undergroundWhy of why, there is no ligh...

Smashing Pumpkins - Tale Of Dusty And Pistol Pete
Dusty screams, through doors and imaginary floors "Why can't you miss me?" Pistol pete removes the fin...

Smashing Pumpkins - Tales Of A Scorched Earth
Farewell goodnight last one out turn out the lightsAnd let me be, let me die insideLet me know the way...

Smashing Pumpkins - Tear
The lights came on fast Lost in motorcrash Gone in a flash unreal But you knew all along Y...

Smashing Pumpkins - The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning
Send a heartbeat to The void that cries through you Relive the pictures that have come to pass F...

Smashing Pumpkins - The Crying Tree Of Mercury
This is the song I've been singing my whole life I've been waiting like a knife To cut open your heart...

Smashing Pumpkins - The End Is The Beginning Is The End
The sewers belch me up The heavens spit me out From ethers tragic I am born again And now I'm wi...

Smashing Pumpkins - The Everlasting Gaze
You know I'm not dead Now you know where I've been As you sleep Torn I am Weighted down ...

Smashing Pumpkins - The Imploding Voice
Everywhere you are Is everywhere you've been Just lost to the beat Punching thru your skin ...

Smashing Pumpkins - The Sacred And Profane
Give me tears Give me love Let me rest Lord above Send the bored Your restless ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Thirty-three
Speak to me in a language I can hearHumour me before I have to goDeep in thought I forgive everyone...

Smashing Pumpkins - This Time
This time I need to know I really must be told If it's over It's up to you uou know The th...

Smashing Pumpkins - Thru The Eyes Of Ruby
Wrap me in always, and drag me in with maybesYour innocence is treasure, your innocence is deathYour i...

Smashing Pumpkins - Today
Today is the greatestDay I've ever knownCan't live for tomorrow,Tomorrow's much too longI'...

Smashing Pumpkins - To Forgive
Ten times removedI forget about where it all beganBastard son of a bastard son ofA wild eyed chi...

Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight
Time is never time at allYou can never ever leave without leaving a piece of youthAnd our lives are fo...

Smashing Pumpkins - Tonite Reprise
And the embers never fade in my city by the lakeThe place where I was bornAs the wind-up toys wind dow...

Smashing Pumpkins - To Sheila
Twilight fades Through blistered avalon The sky's cruel torch On aching autobahn Into the ...

Smashing Pumpkins - Tristessa
Pledged your faithMy heart embracedStruggle to renew Blurry mindso hypnotizedF...

Smashing Pumpkins - Try, Try, Try
Pop tart What's our mission Do we know But never listen For too long They held me un...

Smashing Pumpkins - We Only Come Out At Night
We only come out at night, the days are much too brightWe only come out at nightAnd once again, you'll...

Smashing Pumpkins - Where Boys Fear To Tread
Candy cane walks downTo build a bonfire, to break my fallMy baby, my sweet thingJust maybe we co...

Smashing Pumpkins - Whir
I've wasted all my yearsBeen chasin' all my fearsFor another brighter than youI gave in long ago...

Smashing Pumpkins - Window Paine
Window PaineAround my heartShadows streakAround my heart Do what you got to do...

Smashing Pumpkins - With Every Light
Taking over We're taking over Throw the weight up off you shoulders now That we can show our lov...

Smashing Pumpkins - Wound
There you are As you always were In bathing light And naked blur You're a part of me ...

Smashing Pumpkins - X.y.u.
She didn't wanna be, she didn't wanna knowShe couldn't run away cause she was crazyShe gave it all awa...

Smash Mouth - All Star
Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll meI ain't the sharpest tool in the shedShe was looking k...

Smash Mouth - Beer Goggles
I don't love you but I want toJust give me something that I cant hold on toCome on baby and speed your...

Smash Mouth - Can't Get Enough Of You Baby
I can't get enough of you babyI can't get enough of you babyYes it's trueBaby yes it's true...

Smash Mouth - Come On Come On
Walking out of the door I'm on my way can you tell me just where I'm goingOccupational skills would you give...

Smash Mouth - Defeat You
Born is a human with a kung-fu spineEquipped with a detector of whats on your mindYou jive you shuck y...

Smash Mouth - Diggin' Your Scene
Tell me why we're all gluttons for pain The girl is totally insane She doesn't know the meaning of tam...

Smash Mouth - Disconnect The Dots
Today you sat up half asleep and staredInto this cluttered empty apartment and diedWhat the where the ...

Smash Mouth - Disenchanted
Government test climate bestIf you're looking for no restAnd at midnight you can grab your keysA...

Smash Mouth - Fallen Horses
A long summers day stetching out the coldSearching for the answers and some say I'm not aloneCould you...

Smash Mouth - Flo
Your friends keep telling meI bear a striking resemblance to someone you used to knowBut baby's it's m...

Smash Mouth - Force Field
Today's escape will consist of a maskI found it in a bargain binWhy do you askRosy cheeks and a ...

Smash Mouth - Heave-ho
Neighbor called my landlordShe said that she was pissedUp all night making noiseAnd she cant get...

Smash Mouth - Hold You High
When your head is spinnin' 'roundWhen everything is upside downYou can look at things differently...

Smash Mouth - Holiday In My Head
Do you believe everything that you readEverything that you see on the setYou look around at your sleep...

Smash Mouth - Home
Well here I am at my front doorAnd oh what an odor is risingIt seems I've stood on this porch at lesse...

Smash Mouth - I Just Wanna See
A planet on the goIt's O.K. watching the weeds growAnd if you listen really hard The earth she h...

Smash Mouth - I'm A Believer
I thought love wasOnly true in fairy talesMeant for someone elseBut not for meLove was out...

Smash Mouth - Keep It Down
Back in the day everything seemed to be OKBut OK is just OKAnd just alright makes you thinkWhat ...

Smash Mouth - Let's Rock
Lately I've been thinkin' about the pastAbout the good timesAnd have they all come and goneAnd a...

Smash Mouth - Nervous In The Alley
She's 15 and she's leaving homeLiving on the streets where she don't feel aloneDaddy's always gone and...

Smash Mouth - Out Of Sight
Paintings of dogs playing poolSmokin' cigarattes they drink 'til they droolWell we ain't so dumb, just...

Smash Mouth - Pacific Coast Party
Get your motor runningCalifornia Interstate 1Pacific Coast PartyIf you got to work todayGe...

Smash Mouth - Padrino
Life imitates the game of chessYou can be the rook or the pawnIf you have the strategy that's best...

Smash Mouth - Pet Names
Just when I thought everything would be okJust when I started to believe that everything was going my way...

Smash Mouth - Push
Why don't you condone itWhy don't you set me freeI don't think you own itCause it belongs to me...

Smash Mouth - Radio
Radio free fall The cat walk to the show All bets are on for those in the known Oh no Ther...

Smash Mouth - Road Man
Road man driving in the road vanHe's got to beat the clock to the next townRoad man driving in the roa...

Smash Mouth - Satellite
I see you floating by me I see a beautiful faceIt's pointed straight up towards the smog I know ...

Smash Mouth - She Turns Me On
We're on the moveThe ride was rough but she was smoothWaiting in the wings just doing her thingL...

Smash Mouth - Shoes 'n' Hats
The shoes you wear, ain't the shoes I'd wearBut I don't careYou've got things to sayBut they're ...

Smash Mouth - Sister Psychic
[CHORUS]Sister Psychic won't you tell me does it ever get betterCan you really see the future o...

Smash Mouth - Stoned
Leave me alone I'm over it And everybody's movin' on I can't see my tomorrow and yesterday has come an...

Smash Mouth - The Fonz
I wanna try your shoes onAnd wear them for a dayLearn to talk like you doAnd say what I see...

Smash Mouth - The In Set
Well I go where they goAnd I know who I wanna knowWe are the "In Set"And they don't trip if you'...

Smash Mouth - Walkin' On The Sun
It ain't no joke I'd like to buy the world a tokeAnd teach the world to sing in perfect harmonyAnd tea...

Smash Mouth - Waste
I'm lookin' at my watchAt all the time that's been stolenWhen I was carrying youIt seems I've tr...

Smash Mouth - Who's There
You you look to the stars for answersYour face glowing in blueYou smile at the thought that there's so...

Smash Mouth - Why Can't We Be Friends
[orig. performed by WAR]Why can't we be friends [4x]I seen ya, I seen ya, I ...

Smash Mouth - Your Man
I don't know why I'm with youThe only right thing I do is get along with youAnd days go bye-bye for yo...

Smile Empty Soul - All My Problems
by nowi should have been somwhereor gone to school, or fixed my hairback down tell it to s...

Smile Empty Soul - Bottom Of A Bottle
Been scared and lonelyI've asked myself is something wrong with youMy girlfriend told meI need s...

Smile Empty Soul - Eraser
some days are better, they're better than others can't run forever, you're pushing me underwhat a way ...

Smile Empty Soul - Every Sunday
i don't have time for your solutionsand i don't wanna deal with your mistakesno matter how much medica...

Smile Empty Soul - Finding Myself
I don't care anymore if I let you downI believe that I need to be freeI'm so used to my life with you ...

Smile Empty Soul - For You
i waited for youi died inside my own head and i'd die again for youi'm faded and tired ...

Smile Empty Soul - Nowhere Kids
in the land of dirt and plasterlies an army of a thousand nowhere kidslosing ground and falling faster...

Smile Empty Soul - Radio In A Hole
run to mei can't live without youi've walked up walls, over them allso don't think you're such a...

Smile Empty Soul - Silhouettes
silhouettes above the cradle hold me downthey won't let me go the wrong waymy mother taught me all the...

Smile Empty Soul - Therapy
too many weeds in the flowerstoo many pills in the pharmacy nowtoo many bugs in the showerthere'...

Smile Empty Soul - This Is War
i'm just a normal mani wouldn't hurt nothing at allbut here we areour leaders have a plan...

Smile Empty Soul - Who I Am
Another night againAnother journey without friendsAnother fight to wish away the loneliness I live...

Smile Empty Soul - With This Knife
I let myself fall into a lieI let my walls come downI let myself smile and feel aliveI let my wa...

Smile Empty Soul - Your Way
stand there with your ball and chainbitch about what you've createdall caught up in the masquerade...

Smilez And Southstar - Alright
Let's go, let's go[Southstar (Smilez)]Uh-huh (Come on)Haha it's alrightYa kno...

Smilez And Southstar - Crash The Party
[Hook]Yo we comin' what you want andShake your little somethin' somethin'Stop your fronti...

Smilez And Southstar - It's On
[Intro:]You think it's a game huhWhat you thing it's a gameSmilez, Southstar ??...

Smilez And Southstar - Let's Get Naked
[Smilez]AiyyoYou wont see Smilez in the clubUnless them chicks is X'ed out, weeded up, re...

Smilez And Southstar - Now That You're Gone
[Intro:]It's a tough one right hereA real tough oneFor everybody that lost somebody...

Smilez And Southstar - Orlando
[Intro:]OrlandoThank you for visiting Orlando, FloridaHome of the theme parks, Arlington,...

Smilez And Southstar - Tell Me
Yea this right hereis goin out to all them girls out therethat did me n south wrong, ya kno?tell...

Smilez And Southstar - What Can You Do?
Woo-woo!It's a hot one right here, oh manWhat ya gonna' do on this oneLet me tell ya man, ain't ...

Smilez And Southstar - Who Wants This?
Shake (Uh-huh) shake (Uh-huh)Shake, shake, shake (Woo) shake, shake[Chorus (x4) with various ...

Snoop Dogg - 2001
All I wanna do is make the whole crowd bounce y'all...[repeat]It's structures to this gam...

Snoop Dogg - Bang Out
[Chorus]Bang out, til the sun comes up The wheels fall off in the parking lotCause I bang...

Snoop Dogg - Bathtub
[Snoop and some girl are in a bathtub] Uhh, that felt goodDoes it baby?Yeah, rub my...

Snoop Dogg - Betta Days
Celebrate, grab a drink and put a blunt in the skyWorldwide, nigga it's 1999Shit out of control, sign ...

Snoop Dogg - Break A Bitch Til I Die
[Snoop Dogg]PimpIts pimp shit, its pimp shitNigga said his bitch took him to court for ch...

Snoop Dogg - Buss'n Rocks
Another smoke session up in this motherfuckerBlaze some shit up for me QYea, wussup Dogg, this is whut...

Snoop Dogg - Chronic Break
Can we get a motherfuckin moment of silence, for the small chronic break?A-hah, niggaz be brown-nosing these...

Snoop Dogg - Doggyland
[Chorus:]Come and go with me to Doggylaaaaaaaaaaaaand!!(Here ye, Here ye, Come one come all)...

Snoop Dogg - D.o.g.'s Get Lonely 2
[Snoop Talking]What's up baby can I get with you?Its called dogs get lonely 2Bow-wow...

Snoop Dogg - Doin' Too Much
[Snoop Dogg][inhales]Aiyyo, aiyyo, aiyyo Quik check this out dogYou know mothafuck...

Snoop Dogg - Don't Let Go
Uh.Yea.(Don't Let Go)Life, life(Don't Let Go)I'm the coldest of the coldest, t...

Snoop Dogg - Freaky Tales
These are the tales, the freaky talesThese are the tales that I tell so wellThese are the tales, the f...

Snoop Dogg - Freestyle Conversation
[Intro: (Snoop talking with homey)][Homey:] Ai Dogg, let me holla at'cha man[Sn...

Snoop Dogg - Fresh Pair Of Panties On
It's time to slow it down, steadily grindinAnd this is, the big Doggy Dogg..And I ain't talkin a...

Snoop Dogg - Gangsta Move
[Snoop Dogg talking]Yeah. Anotha Dogg House production. My nigga Meech roll it.Wussup. We movin...

Snoop Dogg - G Bedtime Stories
(Uncle Snoop Dogg.) Yo' whassup, whassup. (Could you read us a bedtime story?) Alright, alright....

Snoop Dogg - Girl Like U
[Chorus]If I didnt have no dough would you love me, if we didnt have a place to go would you still be...

Snoop Dogg - Gz And Hustlas
[Chorus:] This is for the Gz, and this is for the HustlasThis is for the hustlas, now bac...

Snoop Dogg - Hoes, Money, And Clout
[Scratching by Daz Dillinger]Dogg PoundDon Colion, whatever, whatever, Dogg Pound, East S...

Snoop Dogg - Hooked
[Talking:]Hey yo, SoopaflyThese niggaz act like they don't know my motherfuckin' name (gangsta)...

Snoop Dogg - Hoop Dreams (he Got Game)
Man I had a crazy crazy dream dogg.I had a dream I was in the NBA straight playin basketball.NBA strai...

Snoop Dogg - Hustle & Ball
[Snoop Talking]Yo whats up PYeah man these niggas think that I done fell off manThink my ...

Snoop Dogg - I Can't Swim
[Alien]I am Sir Dogg, DPG fuck... and I hate water.I never learned to swim....AAAAH! PUT ...

Snoop Dogg - I Love My Momma
[Snoop]Momma.. MOMMA..I love my mommaI LOVE MY MOMMA..Through all the drama.....

Snoop Dogg - In Love With A Thug
[Snoop Dogg]Yeah, this shit right here sound like a love song(she was in love)A gangsta l...

Snoop Dogg - (intro) I Love To Give You Light
[Minister]Say man ay ushers, deacons, lock the do'[singers - repeat in background of I...

Snoop Dogg - Issues
MeechBow WowYeah Dogg House Oh serious I heard thatSo I didn't know about all ...

Snoop Dogg - Leave Me Alone
[Snoop]Yo.. uh-huhI'ma try somethin different on this right herebut I know y'all gon' fee...

Snoop Dogg - Let's Get Blown
[Pharrell] Yesssirrr![Chorus - Pharrell Williams & Vanessa Marquez][V] Can ...

Snoop Dogg - Life In The Projects
[Intro][Thurgood of PJ's]Yeah, get up, get downThat's what P Funk say...

Snoop Dogg - Lodi Dodi
Yeah, gotta say what's up to my nigga Slick RickFor those who don't like it, eat a dickBut for those w...

Snoop Dogg - Lodi Dodi Intro
Domino motherfucker what's happenin?Ahh nigga eat a dick nigga, don't break my momma's nice ass table nigga...

Snoop Dogg - Murder Was The Case (deathaftervisualizingeternity)
[Intro: (Mista Grimm's "Indo Smoke" plays in the background)]Ay ay JayceeSup Aron?A...

Snoop Dogg - Murder Was The Case (remix)
[helicopter flying overhead]This is Angela Sanders coming to you livefrom the scene of yet anot...

Snoop Dogg - My Heat Goes Boom
[Verse 1:]Another day another dolla for the top dogg with the gold flea collaNigga make t...

Snoop Dogg - Party With A D.p.g
[Verse 1]Stacey Boots, perms and suits, I'm braided up, can fade it upI skated up, you waited u...

Snoop Dogg - Pass It Pass It
[Chorus - Pharrell Williams (Vanessa Marquez)]Pass it, pass it - get it girlPass it, pass it - ...

Snoop Dogg - Payin' For Pussy
The stock market has always been 100% when it comes to pussyThe worlds oldest professionYah it's still...

Snoop Dogg - Pimp Slapp'd
[DJ E-Z Dick]W-Balls, it's your main man DJ E-Z DickAbout to unleash another one of those platn...

Snoop Dogg - Promise I
Promise I never leave you...[Chorus]Boy Boy BoyYou know that you got me Snoop...

Snoop Dogg - Sixx Minutes
[Intro:]Yeah yeah yeah, make some motherfuckin noiseYo Doggy Dogg you're on, live on stag...

Snoop Dogg - Snoopafella
Once upon a time, in the L.B.C.On the Eastside, off of 2-1 StreetThere lived a young man, Cinderfella'...

Snoop Dogg - Snoop D.o. Double G
[Intro (Snoop talking)]Yeah! You know how we doA lil' something for the non-believersFor ...

Snoop Dogg - Snoop Dogg
S-N-double-O-P D-O-double-giz-eeD-O-double-giz-eeD-O-double-giz-ee[repeat x2]...

Snoop Dogg - Snoop's Upside Your Head
[Intro:]I think it's bout' time that we hit these n***as upsidethe head with some of that west ...

Snoop Dogg - Still A G Thang
Yeah yeah yeah I'm fin up in the corner in mylowrider dogg. Ya heard me?Top dollar with the gold...

Snoop Dogg - Stoplight
[Intro - Unknown speaker]How else could you capture the worldif you don't attack from the back...

Snoop Dogg - Suited N Booted
That's short JayGators on your feetSix piece outfitHat to the sideFour bitches on your arm...

Snoop Dogg - (tear 'em Off) Me & My Doggz
[Intro: (distressed Latino woman)]The dog saw 'im...they tear...they...looked liked they try to...

Snoop Dogg - Tha Doggfather
I put down more hits than mafioso madeAnd Lucky Lucianno 'bout to sing sopranoAnd I know, I know the w...

Snoop Dogg - Tha Shiznit
[Verse One:]Poppin, stoppin, hoppin like a rabbitWhen I take the nina Ross ya know I gota...

Snoop Dogg - The Bidness
Ay whassup my nig?Shit, just chillin, what's happenin?Shit nuttin, whatchu up to?Shit, not too m...

Snoop Dogg - The One And Only
Aw yeah, coming to you live and direct from the LBCWe have the one and only, Snoop D-O double GYeah, y...

Snoop Dogg - Vapors
Can you feel it, nothing can save yaFor this is the season of catching the vaporsSince I got time, wha...

Snoop Dogg - Wasn't Your Fault
[Voice talking (echo)]Yeah .. niggas wanna take care of these hoesNiggas wanna control these ho...

Snoop Dogg - Who Am I (what's My Name)?
[Intro:]EeeyiyiyiyiyahtheDoggPound'sinthehou-owwse (the bomb)EeeyiyiyiyiyeahtheDoggPound'...

Snoop Dogg - You Betta Ask Somebody (gz And Hustlas Intro)
[Intro:]Good Morning boys and girls, i'm yoursubstitute teacher, Mr. Buckwortthe to...

Snot - Deadfall
Well, I killed my dadIn a con gone badNearly drank myself to deathBut when he died he said Lou h...

Snot - Get Some
This sickness it burns inside meIt sticks in my throat I'm gonna choke I cannot speakBesides it runs t...

Snot - I Jus' Lie
I Jus' Lie like your typeI'm telling you what you want to hear(or do you really take me true?)It...

Snot - Mr. Brett
Born into the middle class Yeah, all you had to do was ask And mom and dad would give you what you nee...

Snot - My Balls
MY BALLS YOUR CHIN!Well it's a bad sceneI guess I never understandCause I'm just a man...

Snot - Snooze Button
Well, it's just another songTalkin' about how you let them take your rightsAnother redundant verse abo...

Snot - Snot
SNOTWe're fittin' to take your townYou know we wear the crownJust got to mess aroundLeave ...

Snot - Stoopid
Spray the masses with gunfireForeign pigs will live in fearThey never learnLight the match...

Snot - Tecato
Growin' up in broken homesYou find yourself at ten years oldRunnin' drag and startin' fightsBut ...

Snot - The Box
YesterdayWhen I was just a boyIn times of youthful hero worshipMy kind have been molded by image...

Snot - Unplugged
Ain't no room for us in your alternative nation It seems you've had control for much too long Your gre...

Snow - Black & Snow
[INTRO]Let me tell ya, Snow come backWhat goes up must come down (whos that?)But I dont w...

Snow - Girl
Been searchin all my life just to find youIn love with something about youMy soul feels empty without ...

Snow - Informer
[CHORUS:]InformerYou know say daddy me snow me-a (gonna) blameA licky boom-boom down...

Snow - Legal
[Chorus 2x]She's legal, tender and fineShe's not conceited but she knows she's a dimeShe'...

Snow - Missing You
Every time I close my eyes I think of youRemembering the things that we used to doBut now Im out here ...

Snow - Stay Ballin
[Verse 1]Have ou ever had a day yahWhen everyting was going just right for yahThe sun was...

Snow - That's My Life
I used to sit and wish for all this stuff beforeNow I got it & dont want the shit no moreNever had a g...

Snow Patrol - Absolute Gravity
Her gravity make me feel light-headedSmall-talk turns to dust in my mouthShe doesn't know that I'm alr...

Snow Patrol - Ask Me How I Am
Has nobody asked you how you are?You look like you might not last the dayI wouldn't have made it very ...

Snow Patrol - Batten Down The Hatch
Batten down the hatchCause we're all coming inLike uninvited guestsRomancing everythingKee...

Snow Patrol - Black And Blue
Blood red lips like soft intentionsKiss my eyes - they're black and blueEven if I shouldn't be here...

Snow Patrol - Chased By.... I Don't Know What
And I'll come running for my lifeScramble through greasy pathwaysI can't look up for fear of forwards...

Snow Patrol - Chocolate
This could be the very minuteI'm aware I'm aliveAll these places feel like homeWith a name...

Snow Patrol - Days Without Paracetamol
When summer falls asleepAnd winter plucks your stringsThe colder that you getMakes you feel at h...

Snow Patrol - Downhill From Here
You could get arrested forgetting your kit off in the streetHow many times have I told youIt's n...

Snow Patrol - Favourite Friend
You're my favourite friendAnd I adore youLove you to the endNo one heard a word you sayYou...

Snow Patrol - Fifteen Minutes Old
I'm good for inspiration, aren't I?You will findWell, close the door and I'll go anywhereYou tak...

Snow Patrol - Firelight
Fire light, fire light, fire, little fire lightWe won't get much sleepReaching out to touch more than ...

Snow Patrol - Get Balsamic Vinegar... Quick You Fool
Cut my eyes out, dearSo I can't see your smug grinYou're right you always winUntie my hands now...

Snow Patrol - Gleaming Auction
I'll get tired of the heart attacksEvery time it ringsI'll put myself on the waiting listAnd get...

Snow Patrol - Grazed Knees
I'm trying not to stare, it's too lateThe blankets over there, if you likeI'm broken and I'm colder th...

Snow Patrol - Holy Cow
You Holy CowThe telegraph pole knows whereIt knows where you liveYou Holy CowI'll get it t...

Snow Patrol - How To Be Dead
Please don't go crazy, if I tell you the truthNo you don't know what happenedAnd you never will if...

Snow Patrol - If I'd Found The Right Words To Say
Right about now, if I'd found the right words to sayI'd tell you you're safe and take hold of your hand...

Snow Patrol - Last Ever Lone Gunman
This heart break is never endingIt's like it never happenedA fall from grace is closeWhy not spe...

Snow Patrol - Last Shot Ringing In My Ears
Take her homeTake her past this eveningI'm not sureSure if I believe youYou carry a gun fo...

Snow Patrol - Little Hide
I wish I had a penny foreverytime she gave me those eyesThose eyes would cry, take me on the floor...

Snow Patrol - Mahogany
I could help myself to somethingLike a little bit of revelationYou could be the one to help me help my...

Snow Patrol - Make Love To Me Forever
It took half the timeI am still afraidSo stay by my sideAnd hold on to my handTry to teach...

Snow Patrol - Make Up
If I could understand this betterI might be a little closer to youBrushing my face with her hair...

Snow Patrol - Making Enemies
We're just waiting for our manTo come through with a planOf how the hell we turn this roundAnd d...

Snow Patrol - Never Gonna Fall In Love Again
Something snapped me out of a dream that I was havingI'd falled down an elevator shaft but now I'm back agai...

Snow Patrol - Nyc
Is this onI am so tooI could take you there but I don't know how to get there ...

Snow Patrol - Olive Grove Facing The Sea
Sworn to secrecy, I might go after schoolShe was an angel, I saw her swimming thereI am in such a mess...

Snow Patrol - One Hundred Things You Should Have Done In Bed
I haven't left here yet, but I'm tryingI'm still tied to the bedCan you come here?When you come,...

Snow Patrol - One Night Is Not Enough
You left your door wide openCouldn't help but walk inIt's the last place I should beBut I'm dyin...

Snow Patrol - Same
Maybe somewhere elseWill not be half as cold as meThe curtains drawn the winter sunMakes pattern...

Snow Patrol - Somewhere A Clock Is Ticking
I've got this feeling that there's something that I missed(I could do most anything to you...)Don't yo...

Snow Patrol - Spitting Games
I broke into your house last nightAnd left a note at your bedsideI'm far too shy to speak to you at sc...

Snow Patrol - Starfighter Pilot
Andrew#s a starfighter pilotHe can get high in his jetTells me about all his womenHe can get any...

Snow Patrol - Sticky Teenage Twin
To run about with no style chasing her around DundeeMaking sense about as much as nonsense is meant to make ...

Snow Patrol - Tiny Little Fractures
Is there a place I can goIs there a light to get me thereIf I've forgotten what to sayIt's becau...

Snow Patrol - Velocity Girl
Oh velocity girlWhat makes you go so fastIs it the speed you're takingSince you gave up the drin...

Snow Patrol - Ways And Means
Getting too busy to make amendsI should try to make it rightAre you ready for the shit to hitI t...

Snow Patrol - Whatevers Left
It's a feeling I've had many times beforeI can't hold the fort so don't give me moreI struggle and swe...

Snow Patrol - When It's All Over We Still Have To Clear Up
You're not fairTelling meYou faked every orgasmYou've had with meThat's just fineNow...

Snow Patrol - Wow
Don't be scared of anything at allEverything we have is all we needAll the spotlights streaming into a...

Socialburn - Ashes
Here I sitWaiting for you with a cold cup of coffeeAnd a burnt cigaretteThat has fallen like ash...

Socialburn - Break Back
Maybe it was more than just a needThe way I needed more than you for me to succeedIn this world of hat...

Socialburn - Down
Tell me, how does it feelWhen it comes to youAnd all the things you say to meYou make me feel li...

Socialburn - Everyone
How was I to know you'd ever leaveHow was I to know you cared for meWhen every time I looked at you ...

Socialburn - Happy
I've been sittin here for a whileWishing I could finally see you smileI've been wanting to see you for...

Socialburn - Never Be The Same
She came aroundI saw it in her faceAnother time, another placeIs what she wantedShe let me...

Socialburn - One More Day
Warm sunshine on my faceI hear the crashing of the wavesI really came here to hideTo try and esc...

Socialburn - Pretend
Did you see the sky tonightIt was covering a world so brightHiding from a place inside you could never...

Socialburn - Stacy
She'll take you down she'll spin you roundShe'll make your head explodeLike no one else in town will...

Socialburn - U
Take back those tearsThat you sometimes cryI'll be right hereTill your fears subsideIt won...

Socialburn - Utopia
I never thought it'd be possible to find someone againI searched long and hard for someone I didn't know ...

Socialburn - Vacancy
Time sometimes gets away from meI lost myself trying to make you seeThat every time you cry I lose my ...

Soil - Black 7
All felt is good hereAll felt is just fineLike a rapture waiting to dine on the divineIt m...

Soil - Breaking Me Down
LET IT GOHow far will a falling star take meHow far can I go can I goGotta be what the nightmare...

Soil - Butterfly
Show me the lines that bind insideTell me the lines that bind you...insideHigh chairs creakin'...

Soil - Can You Heal Me
Life is so fragileLike a trembling leafTime passes slowerWith each day of miseryThings are...

Soil - Concrete Slave
Sitting back...behind a power desk Assuming controlWalls...with doors shutLike a newly caged fool...

Soil - Cross My Heart
Gut knotted, you don't careMind rotting, through my stareYou walk awayLifeless feeling in my min...

Soil - Crucified
Look down at your handsAt the stake your about to driveFeel the tears on your cheeksEmpty needle...

Soil - Damning Eden
Gear are turningIn my head the sickness burningDamning EdenThe purest of hearts are broken even...

Soil - Damning Eden (acoustic)
Gear are turningIn my head the sickness burningDamning EdenThe purest of hearts are broken even...

Soil - Deny Me
Tell me does your pride bleedWhen you see me succeedIs that the gist of your storyNow you had be...

Soil - Everything
Excuses they are what's givingOf what's is ripe insideAnd never endingAnd they sayI ...

Soil - F-hole
We see you feelings running dry againWho am I but a man that wants to die againFelt fine till you open...

Soil - Halo
I'm the man,I'm the king,I'm the oneThat's pure insideEveryday,everyway I smell of suicideBitter...

Soil - Hello Again
Hello again sweet motherDo you still love me the way you used toSo sorry I didn't turn out The w...

Soil - Inside
Take your time take all your time babyC'monTake your time take it anytimeRaise the line raise th...

Soil - Love Hate Game
I keep your face deep inside, try to hideAll my memories bring you up again, up againI keep a place de...

Soil - Man I Am
Why you build me upJust to tear me downLike a little used soulPitches straight to the ground...

Soil - My Own
Feel my angstDeep within meFeed my strengthYour words are emptyLook inside and you w...

Soil - Need To Feel
Tell me what you want to be, and don't hide it from meTell me where you want to be, and I'll take you there...

Soil - New Faith
God friend everybody's got a planAn even eye can tell wrong from rightWe just fade awayGod damn ...

Soil - Obsession
I'll mimic everything you are to meThe way you walk, the way you talkThe way you breatheObsessio...

Soil - Pride
When you scream aloud(Heads down Heads down)That's when I plan to(Rise up Rise up)When you...

Soil - Redefine
FIRST SIGHTTurns me around againBrings me face to face with my sinI've got it, always had it...

Soil - Remember
When father time has closed my eyesAnd i've said my final goodbyesOut of sight when i'm out of your mi...

Soil - Road To Ruin
Asphalt...Burning under the wheels beneath meMy black sky's are cryingMulti-colored pain upon me...

Soil - Say You Will
Lost your mind when I made you mine Now we see eye to eyeRolled dead thoughts and smoked them blindSti...

Soil - She
Fools say that I've lost my wayThey say that from my path I've strayed awayWho'll clear my way to a be...

Soil - Shining Man
Bloody hands mark where I've beenAnd my eyes could tell the storiesThe fools that march beyond my gras...

Soil - Something Real
This broken day will come and goBroken and battered with nothing to showCould this be the better part ...

Soil - Stand To Fall
While catering perfectionThe light never shined off youAnd then again my friend it's alwaysBeen ...

Soil - Suffering
Well did you noticeWhat's wrong with meNo I can't even breatheWhen my head's lowIt's not w...

Soil - The Growing Ways
Hello there can anyone hear meSlipping through the crackJust a lifeless messengerCaught in a wor...

Soil - The One
How long have I been standing here my friendHas it been so longI've been spreading myself so thin...

Soil - Two Skins
Good GodI've got your demon seedDeep down inside of meTwo skins...One manFit in...One hand...

Soil - Understanding Me
Tie me downAnd try to take samples for examplesYou could never seeWalk on meBut watch wher...

Soil - Unreal
Sit back bare your cross to meOh won't I listenGod damn have I burned my handsOn what's been mis...

Soil - Why
You gotta believe meYou cannot deceive meYou gotta be everything I ever wantedWill you stand bye...

Soil - Wide Open
Swirling sea of emptinessYour world has made me a broken messHow are we supposed to seeThe pain ...

Solange Knowles - Ain't No Way
[Verse 1]Boy I know that you feeling thingsCalling me constantlyTalking bout you and me...

Solange Knowles - Crush
[Verse 1]Come here strangerCome and dance with meListen life changerDon't fret take...

Solange Knowles - Dance With You
[Intro][J-Boog (B2K):] Uh, yo, sing it, uh[Solange:] Doo doo too too too too...

Solange Knowles - Feeling You
There is this guy that I'm diggin'What I've been lookin' forDon't know where to beginWe've been ...

Solange Knowles - Get Together
I got red and blue lightI hand picked the guysThe girls were on their wayHelpin' me fix up the p...

Solange Knowles - Sky Away
Sky, Sky AwaySky, Sky Away...[VERSE 1:]I'm so silly thinking of my life (peaceful w...

Solange Knowles - So Be It
[Verse 1]I wanna know where we're headedWhere we're travellin toLet's try to recreate wha...

Solange Knowles - Solo Star
[Chorus]S-O-L-O, S-T-A-R that's how I rollSolo Star's keep rocking don't follow nobody's lead, ...

Solange Knowles - This Could Be Love
[Chorus]You like me, you're frightening,You're always, exciting,The timing, has got me, t...

Solange Knowles - Wonderland
OooooNo, no, no, noHmmmm[Verse 1:]Some people say that life is full of pain b...

Soluna - All Out Of Love
I'm lying alone with my head on the phone Thinkin' of you till it hurts I know you hurt too, but what ...

Soluna - Bring It To Me
Oh no, there you go again You're so trying to pretend I don't exactly what you Are thinking abou...

Soluna - Don't Want To Live My Life Without You
Here... We are...Going back to the startWhen I thought we've come so farAnd I.. I try...Tr...

Soluna - For All Time
You've been the first in my life Who has ever made me feel this way And I will not deny I'm gonn...

Soluna - He Should Be You
He doesn't taste like youHe doesn't touch like youNo, I know he can't replaceWhat never, never w...

Soluna - Hey Hey You You
I don't wanna be the one you touch I don't wanna be the one you love Never gonna be the one you need ...

Soluna - I'll Be Waiting
Can't you see You mean everything to me You're in my heart You've touched my soul You're a...

Soluna - Luna Mia
Tu amiga destellaz con tu luzPresencias mi agonia y mi dolorYo vivo en una intensa soledadEnsena...

Soluna - Monday Mi Amor
On Monday morning I feel blueAnd, boy, it's all because of youOn Tuesday heartache is my friendI...

Soluna - Nothing Looks Good
(nothing looks good on me but you) (nothing looks good on me but you) Tried to go on without you...

Soluna - So In Love
Like a dream, a childhood fantasy You came to me, wiped me off my feet Like paradise lookin' in your e...

Soluna - Spanish Lullaby
(oh, te amor, te amor, te quiero) I have always dreamed to find someone like you No more lonely ...

Something Corporate - 21 And Invincible
some days go by, i wish i was famousor maybe religious, so i could go to heavenjust like youi ca...

Something Corporate - Airports
You little creep,That's what she said, these quotes from your mother,get better every day. And y...

Something Corporate - As You Sleep
close your eyes, and i will be swimminglullaby's fill your room, and i will be singingsinging to only ...

Something Corporate - Babies Of The 80's
I grew up on five-alive And transformers and slip-n-slide Toy's R Us and Chuck-e-Cheeze Disco ou...

Something Corporate - Bad Days
It's been a bad day,another bad day and all I want to do is look at you and know I'm okay.From where I...

Something Corporate - Ben Franklin's Kite
Give me an answer Why this cancer eats me away How this restlessness Could turn into a day. ...

Something Corporate - Break Myself
I'm on fireAnd the day is feeling hopelessYou'd see me burning but the burning's turning smokeless...

Something Corporate - Caldecott Tunnel
They're closing down the caldecott tunnel, so tonight I'll dream she's the bridge. I never knew there'...

Something Corporate - Cavanaugh Park
At Cavanaugh Park Where I used to sit All alone in the dark And dream about things That I ...

Something Corporate - Down
Let's get drunkYou can drive us to the harborWish upon a star butDo you know what stars are?...

Something Corporate - Drunk Girl
I kissed a drunk girlI kissed a drunk girl, yes I didKissed a drunk girl on the lipsI let my gua...

Something Corporate - Fall
i close my eyes thought i was lost but i was stranded i go outside to my surprise the sky had la...

Something Corporate - Forget December
On Christmas morning, outside was pouringAll was hopeless in this homeAnd no one's speaking, no one cr...

Something Corporate - Globes & Maps
Light breaks underneath a heavy door And I try to keep myself awake Fall all around us on our hotel fl...

Something Corporate - Good News
she's trapped inside her room with reruns on the screen old books and movies but she can't stop ...

Something Corporate - Heroine
[This song is an early version of "Punk Rock Princess". It's done only on piano with no other instruments. Ther...

Something Corporate - Hurricane
Shake down you make me breakFor goodness sakeI think I'm on the edgeOf something new with you...

Something Corporate - (hurricane) The Formal Weather Pattern
Shake down, you make me break,for goodness sake I think I'm on the edge of something new with you.Shou...

Something Corporate - I Don't Want A Job
Departures are so hardYou claimPacking up your thingsYour necklaces and ringsYour darvidan...

Something Corporate - If I Die
A train crashed And everything slows down I was wishing I could get out of this town These dream...

Something Corporate - If I Were A Terrorist (i'd Bomb Your Graduation)
She's out of school again But she won't be calling from where she is going the lines are jammed this t...

Something Corporate - If You C Jordan
I have a story, a bitter anthem for everyone to hear,about this kid who just don't like me and that's a soli...

Something Corporate - Inside The Pocket
I met you last month at a party You brought me up, you brought me down You came to me last night as an...

Something Corporate - I Want To Save You
standing on the edge of morning scent of sex and new found glory playing as she's pulling back her hai...

Something Corporate - I Woke Up In A Car
i woke up in new york city from my sleep behind the wheel caught a train to Poughkeepsieand time...

Something Corporate - I Won't Make You
I'm under attack again my dear, I'm in the wayGot no resolutions, no clever anecdotes to sayAnd still ...

Something Corporate - Letters To Noelle
Letters to NoelleMarked up cardboard boxes fellI fell with themCrushed like themI am...

Something Corporate - Little
Climbing out of the sky a man who could fly and a painting anyone could play.It's a comic book crush that ta...

Something Corporate - Me And The Moon
It's a good year for a murdershe's praying to jesus, she's pulling the triggerthere's no tears, cause ...

Something Corporate - Miss America
Another lonely night in AmersterdamThe stars are coming out in wavesAnd I miss my Miss America from Pa...

Something Corporate - Mulligan Goes To War
He graduated with a degree in Poli-Sci Premeditated what he would do until he died And then he faded i...

Something Corporate - Not What It Seems
A long day If ever these questions were yours what would you say you don't know but I'm writing ...

Something Corporate - Only Ashes
Piece by piece, and bit by bitI'll break this down for you, real slow-But I can't whisper all of this...

Something Corporate - Plucked
(This goes out to the radio stations going out to you...) Lucy, I've confessions I don't think y...

Something Corporate - Punk Rock Princess
Maybe when the room is empty,Maybe when the bottle's full.Maybe when the door gets broke down, L...

Something Corporate - Ruthless
This is the only lonely pictureWaiting on my floor littering my shoreThis is the last true burning let...

Something Corporate - Sell The Frame
Where are you?& how did ever you find me here?I get confusedWatching my hands like I'm so scared...

Something Corporate - She Paints Me Blue
Tonight I watch the lights go out in your houseWondering how I could get so deepAnd you could still ge...

Something Corporate - Space
Home, is this the quiet place where you should be alone?Is this where the tortured and the troubled find the...

Something Corporate - Spin
So you've been knocked and you've been thrown And you've run all the way back home Saying you were sea...

Something Corporate - Straw Dog
Staring into the intersectionshe thinks that she can fly and she mightholding on in a new direction...

Something Corporate - The Astronaut
i've been sleeping with ghosts i've been watching stars crawling out of the sky and i've been ho...

Something Corporate - The Runaway
if you ran to the end of the earthi would catch you and you would be safeif you fell down the well...

Something Corporate - This Broken Heart
you woke up, in piecesfrom making these changesand holding me ransom, won't write you an anthemo...

Something Corporate - Unravel
[Originally by Bjork]While you are away my heart comes undoneSlowly unravels in a ball of...

Something Corporate - Wait
i can hear ticking clocks,running rampant in me,chiming in apogeewaiting for the cynergyof...

Something Corporate - Walking By
Your grand dad left home for the circus. He was young just like me,with hope to explore. He married a girl i...

Something Corporate - Watch The Sky
I'm lost at sea, The radio is jamming but they wont find me,I swear its for the best And then yo...

Something Corporate - When It Goes Down
When it all just fits No more waiting up 'till midnight To see if he comes home And it sinks in ...

Something Corporate - You're Gone
taking steps back through the words i should've said to youthey all got lost you went away well ...

Son By Four - All I Ever Wanted
Save every little kiss for me tonightlike the one you gave me once upon a timeand when the moon and st...

Son By Four - A Puro Dolor
Perdona si te estoy llamando en este momentoPero me hacia falta escuchar de nuevoAunque sea un instant...

Son By Four - A Puro Dolor (slow Dance Version)
Perdona si te estoy llamando en este momentoPero me hacia falta escuchar de nuevoAunque sea un instant...

Son By Four - Can Someone Tell Me
Days go by and I'm wishingthat you were kissing me goodnightevery sunrise I'm so lonelyand I'm t...

Son By Four - Como Decirselo
Como decirseloNo encuentro forma, noMuero por tenerlaY sin ella no soy yoSolo por el...

Son By Four - Cuando Seas Mia
Voy a desnudar tu alma beso a beso hasta sentirque tu cuerpo se derrama como lluvia sobre mipor el bor...

Son By Four - Donde Esta Tu Amor (balada)
Solo me quedoY aun me pregunto como a sidoComo me dejasY me condenas a este olvidoAgua que...

Son By Four - Hard To Say
I find it so hard to sayall the things in my heart I've been hidingI find it so hard to sayOh th...

Son By Four - Lo Que Yo Mas Quiero
Guarda para esta noche todos los besosQue no nos hemos dado desde aquel diaCuando la luna salga te lo ...

Son By Four - Lo Que Yo No Tengo
Tu tienes lo que yo no tengoYo tengo lo que tu no tienes [x3]Dos almas que se encuentran ...

Son By Four - Lunatica
Ella es romantica, es creativaInteresante y enigmaticaYo la extrano inmesamenteElla es fantastic...

Son By Four - Mi Corazon Te Recuerda
Yo, tengo para tiUn sitio especial en mi nueva vidaNo, nunca se ocupo el lugarQue tu despreciast...

Son By Four - Miss Me So Bad
Gonna make you feel those things no one's made you feel beforegonna give the kind of love that keeps you com...

Son By Four - Muevelo
Oye tu, ven aca para bailar, Yeah!Solo sigue el compas que ya va a empezar, Now!Haz lo que quieras, lo...

Son By Four - Pero Eres Tu
Pasaban los diasTodo era oscuro, Todo era igualNo habia motivo, no habia nada que fuera especial...

Son By Four - Poca Mujer
El amor que yo pense que era genuinoEra falsoTantas noches mendigando a su ladoUn abrazoOr...

Son By Four - Purest Of Pain
I'm sorry I didn't mean to callbut I couldn't fight itI guess I was weak and couldn't even hide it...

Son By Four - Purest Of Pain (a Puro Dolor) (spanglish)
I'm sorry I didn't mean to call youBut I coudn't fight itI guess I was weak and couldn't even hide it...

Son By Four - Que Esta Pasando
Que te sucede, que esta pasandoQue yo te noto lejanaSi no me quieres, hablame claroDime si ya no...

Son By Four - Sofia
I fell in love with a beautiful Puerto Rican girl and her name was SofiaI met her in San Juan and I knew she...

Son By Four - Sofia (bogaloo Version)
Cuenta la gente que allabajando la calle lunacuando la tarde se vase va pasar a SofiaVesti...

Son By Four - Sofia (remix)
Cuenta la gente que allabajando la calle lunacuando la tarde se vase va pasar a SofiaVesti...

Son By Four - Two To Tango
She was only seventeen when she walked into my lifeshe had head filled with dreams and she wanted to strive...

Son By Four - Vida Mia (you're My Life)
Finally my destiny took over yourswe became one soulnot knowing that you were the queenthe beaut...

Son By Four - Where Did Our Love Go
Feeling so lonelyand I keep asking myself whyBaby, you never told methat you would leave me with...

Son By Four - Why
People say and I agreeif something goes awayand it returns it's yours for keep'sbut that is not ...

Son By Four - With You
Baby every time I close my eyesthe only thing I've got on my mind is you onlyand it feel so good to kn...

Son By Four - You Are So Beautiful
You are so beautiful, to meyou are so beautiful, to mecan't you seeyou're everything I hope for...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - Another Day
So far girlfriend, I know your secrets Keep them again and again until the end Unspoken, when I'm with...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - By Chance
Take this downTurn it aroundI am water underneath a bridgeSo? What do I know?Getting here ...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - Everything Falls Into Place
I know what you're thinkingIt's all got to goAt times driven along by the meaningI need colours ...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - Final Move
I've been talking to myself againNot communicating anythingIt's a never ending fallacyThat you h...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - Get Over You

Sophie Ellis Bextor - Hello Hello
Hello Hello Where did I go I lost my head Went into your mind instead I stayed there ...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - I Am Not Good At Not Getting What I Want
I suppose that I should count my blessings For a young thing my world is not too bad Got a window, a p...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - I Believe
Hold me downSo I don't leap onto the wallWith the fever of it allThat would encourage mayhem...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - Is It Any Wonder
Turn me downTo the groundI want to feel the coolness on my faceLie me downShow me how...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - I Won't Change You
I used to change my accent, change my stance My phone number, the way I dance Some people change lover...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - I Won't Dance With You
I don't want to walk onto the floor See I am happy with my back against the wall I know you're asking ...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - Leave The Others Alone
Black and goldA safe combinationHeaviness sets the seed for the next generationYou say we're so ...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - Love It Is Love
I can't believe it's happened to me Taken over so completely I was content but nevertheless You'...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - Lover
I'm looking outI'm looking inI'm turning on and giving inI'm lying lowI'm sinkingI'm...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - Making Music
Equations such as this can be a pleasure to behold You and me, mathematically, add up or so I'm told W...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - Mixed Up World
I'm feeling all messed upI have a voice inside my head it says turn to the left then it says turn to the rig...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - Move This Mountain
What do you want from meI stand before you no attempt to leaveI'm too tired to disagreeI stand b...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - Nowhere Without You
Another day break and we face the sun You are everything to me And I am overcome, I can taste it now ...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - Party In My Head
There's a party in my head Won't let me go to bed Have to stay up instead Go to the party in my ...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - Sparkle
I'm only offering you love tonightI'm only offering you this for lifeI'm only answering your call toni...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - Take Me Home
Take me home, take me homeI know another place to beTake me home, take me homeYou deserve a girl...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - The Universe Is You
Read my lipsI don't want toGet involved withRelativityTake my timeUse it wisely...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - Walls Keep Saying Your Name
I've tried to visualise the moment When you have finally left my house But though your body left long ...

Sophie Ellis Bextor - You Get Yours
You're selfish Like me It's why we get along Famously We're English As well So...

So Solid Crew - 21 Seconds
Ha, ha, ha, whatcha laughin at? [MEGAMAN:]Megaman up first21 seconds oh shitI...

So Solid Crew - Best Of Your Love
The main feature is about to begin Tee bone Vs So Solid It doesn't take much to make me happy or make me smi...

So Solid Crew - Broken Silence
[VERSE 1]I grew up in the same places as,Ricky got shot in the face,I saw Abrahams ...

So Solid Crew - Dilemma
Attention to all ravers Tonight we represent to u the So solid crew feat Harvey Mac MC MegaMan A...

So Solid Crew - Haters
[Chorus]So many haters are clocking our figuresSo many haters don't like us rakin papers...

So Solid Crew - Nasty
I know you want some more I know you want some moreBut are you nasty girl But are you nasty girl...

So Solid Crew - Oh No!
[Verse 1]If I never been seen never heardNever happen never occurredI be there givin out ...

So Solid Crew - Ride Wid Us
Oi, aint that megaWait wait, thats mega, in a TT,Roof down, wait, with a fucking afro comb in his head...

So Solid Crew - They Don't Know
So Solid, ladies and gentleman, Im about to resort to violence.Yo, this is a So Solid criminal gangster prod...

So Solid Crew - Why
It was a dark dark night, I couldn't wait for the first sign of daylight Dark side sound, going through my h...

So Solid Crew - Woah
See when your raving out, you here a cheer and you shout out loud And out your pocket something drops out,...

Soul Decision - Baby Come Back
My love, you were the one thing in my life, that I treated bad.Sometimes enough, I made you cry,And I ...

Soul Decision - Faded
When I get you all aloneI'm gonna take off all your clothesAin't nobody gonna interrupt my game, oh no...

Soul Decision - Faded (extended Version)
When I get you all aloneI'm gonna move in nice and closeAin't nobody gonna interrupt my game, oh no no...

Soul Decision - Feelin' You
Ever since you've come my way,There's something deep inside me said,Nothing that I've ever seen could ...

Soul Decision - Gravity
You're unavoidableSimply irresistibleAnd certainly you're kissableBut next to you I'm way to shy...

Soul Decision - I Don't Need Anyone
AhhI know that you love meAhhI'll be there when you need meYou are the one who stood by my...

Soul Decision - Let's Do It Right
Lay back babe, just let it go.Cause there's something you should know.I have been waiting, oh so long,...

Soul Decision - Next Time
And how can I believe one thing you said?When hearing the truth in you is so hardThe lies you held wer...

Soul Decision - No One Does It Better
If I can't have anybody else but you,Baby don't you know what you put me through.I don't want anybody ...

Soul Decision - Only In My Mind
I want to know youBut your personality and mindAre not the things I want to tryAnd I cannot cont...

Soul Decision - Ooh It's Kind Of Crazy
If you want my lovehelp me heal the pain in my eyes...[Chorus:]Ooh i's kind of craz...

Soul Decision - Stay
Stay, forever, forever.I'm not that kind of guy who believes in wishful thinking,I do not believe putt...

South Border - Ikaw Nga
[I.]Heto na namanNag-iisip, minsa'y nagtatakaNa sa 'kin na ang lahatBakit nangungul...

South Border - Rainbow
Fallin' out, fallin' inNothing's sure in this world no, noBreakin' out, breakin' inNever knowin'...

South Park Mexican - 2 Joints
[Intro: Dum-Dum and Happy P](Lighting a joint)(Coughs)[Dum-Dum]Go head maan...

South Park Mexican - All Cot Up
[SPM]I might not know what to say, rollin up in my mercuryI'm on the sea and private toys, momm...

South Park Mexican - Anything Goes
[SPM]South Park from the heart jump start The game everybody in my hood selling Crack coc...

South Park Mexican - Block Of Rock (for Years)
[INTRO][SPM]Yo, yo, I wanna welcome, welcome everyone to HustletownAre we recordin...

South Park Mexican - Bloody War
We heard the word now, we know just what you're thinkin'You want us dead now, you want to see us sinking...

South Park Mexican - Boys On Da Cut
[First Verse:]I woke up quick, at around twoJumped in my benz, picked up DJ ScrewBo...

South Park Mexican - Burn Us Alive
[South Park Mexican]Wizard of oz. at the age of 14In New Orleans I met my first dope fiend...

South Park Mexican - Child Of The Ghetto
a child of the ghettoknow how to sleng me an elbowi made a deal with the devilthen came up out t...

South Park Mexican - Children Of The Ghetto
[Chorus][Singer & SPM]:Children of the ghettooo, hold onThey got me runnin' throug...

South Park Mexican - Comin' Up Comin' Down
[Chorus:]Comin' Up Comin' Down,That G in H-Town,South Bound as I clown,Come around ...

South Park Mexican - Cookie Baker
[hook]home maka cookie baka i need a woman that can shake and bakaquarta key down to a oz down ...

South Park Mexican - Country Life
[ESG]Just cuz we live in the countryDoesn't mean that we slow[Chorus (ESG)...

South Park Mexican - Crazy Lady
[Chorus: repeat 4X]Everything would be okayIf you wasn't crazyWhy you trying to fade me...

South Park Mexican - Dallas To Houston
[South Park Mexican talking]We ain't tripping, y'all one damn one damn time[South Park...

South Park Mexican - Deep Instrumental
[Three Minutes and Fourteen Seconds of an instrumental]Yo man, a nigga gotta say SOMETHIN' to t...

South Park Mexican - Don't Let Them Foolya
[Baby Beesh and Grimm - chorus 2x] Don't let them foolya We just come to school ya ...

South Park Mexican - Dope Game
Check one, check two, lets take a cruiseI done did the game every which way but looseNothing left to d...

South Park Mexican - Dope House Intro
Dope House Records....Dope sells itself, BIATCH!!!!The real always gonna recognize the real...If...

South Park Mexican - Duh Duh Duh
[SPM]Fo shoUgh[1st Verse]It was me, Low G, and a couple of hoest...

South Park Mexican - El Jugador (the Player)
-Que onda Frost, how you been homeboy?...-Hey wuz up dawg...-Check it out man, I want you to meet my n...

South Park Mexican - Filthy Rich
OooohhUhIt's the same ol' shit in the same ass placemy studio smells like ten ash tr...

South Park Mexican - Follow My Lead
[First Verse]Well Baby Beesh, that's my handle, money mackin'Commando, blowin' like a candle, o...

South Park Mexican - Forgotten Verse
Like that, mm.....[Spoken:] New cheese, cd's, and l.p's, playa hating lies raise of these...

South Park Mexican - Get Yo Guns
[talking]Yeah man, uh, I'm in the studio with Big FlakeUh huh, that's my nigga, he fin to wreck...

South Park Mexican - Habitual Criminal
[Girl] Hey Carlos you got a letter today.[Carlos] What is this? Some more warrants or some shi...

South Park Mexican - He's A Bird, He's A Plane
[First Verse (SPM):]The Dopehouse, got it snowin' in the summerDrug runner, fuck the "I'm...

South Park Mexican - Hillwood
[First Verse]The year is 70' I'm due at the fifth,I done did my nine months now my life take a ...

South Park Mexican - Hillwood Hustlaz Ii
[Chorus:]HillwoodHustlazYou can'tSee usWe runHoustonThousan...

South Park Mexican - H-town G-funk
[First Verse]My sweet Lac fall back just creepin' on three wheels A bitch to my right cocked gi...

South Park Mexican - Hustle Town
[SPM talking] Eh he he he he Hustle Town my city maan! Born and raised baby Yo I de...

South Park Mexican - I Am Your Future
[Verse 1]I'm gonna take you back .. to 1980People thought she was crazy for keepin' her baby...

South Park Mexican - Illegal Amigos
[Verse 1]No nutt's no glory, hear the whole storyI'll be on stage, when you kill that punk for ...

South Park Mexican - I Must Be High
I'm damned if I do and damned if I don'tHolla fuck the world with my chest full of smokeI choke on my ...

South Park Mexican - I Wanna Know Her Name
[Chorus (Russell Lee): repeat 2X]She dance the salsaShe dance the CumbiaShe dance m...

South Park Mexican - Latola
[Verse 1]I'm meetin up with the governor3-2 and the Hillwood HustlaComin straight out the...

South Park Mexican - Lord Loco's Melody
[Verse 1]The game on tilt Dope House what I builtBeans get spilt and niggas get killedSle...

South Park Mexican - Mary-go-round
[SPM]Yo-yo homeboy, pass me datYo, this is the song i wrote for the girl I love.Her...

South Park Mexican - Medicine
[First Verse:]All this time, you've been mine, heaven-sent ValentineAnd just like that, m...

South Park Mexican - Meet Your Fate
[Verse 1 Pimpstress]My click picks your pockets, splits tha profits, choose the tar...

South Park Mexican - Mexican Radio
[Spoken]One-double-oh-seven (100.7)This is for you fellasHa ha haSomething I cooked...

South Park Mexican - Miss Perfect
HelenaI love you babySodapopYou take the breath from meMake my life heavenlyI ...

South Park Mexican - My Feria
[Intro (DJ Kane):]Ooh, Feria Oh, oh, oh, My Feria [Chorus (DJ Kane): repeat 2X]...

South Park Mexican - Night Shift
[Verse 1: SPM]Now spread the wordI got them bricks on the dead end streetsAnd watch them ...

South Park Mexican - Oh My My
Uhh...yo! I can't hear myself on the mic!Uhhh....yeah maybe I can! Ugh![First Verse: SPM]...

South Park Mexican - Ooh Wee
[Chorus 1][SPM]Ooh WeeWe gonna do them bad for sureOoh WeeBabygirl I t...

South Park Mexican - Problemas
Man so many problems babyWe feena solve em cuzz24-7 Hustlers know what I'm sayinDope House Recor...

South Park Mexican - Red Beams And Rice
[South Park Mexican]Stop at the store make my bitch pump the gasAnd when we get home bitch you ...

South Park Mexican - Revenge
[First Verse:]My homie called me in the morning from a hospital bedHe got holes in his body fro...

South Park Mexican - Riddla On Da Roof
[Chorus: Robin]He's a riddla aaaaaaaaThe muthafuckin riddla aaaaaaaa[Verse 1: SP...

South Park Mexican - Rollin'
[Verse 1: Shadow Ramirez]You got g's maan pleaseI'm overseasI got the beats to keep you b...

South Park Mexican - Runaway
[Chorus:]Runaway, run for your life he's returned...[Carlos Coy]I ain't work...

South Park Mexican - Screwed Up Tape
[Rasheed]Ma, I'm sorry for the things I didAnd god thanks for all the times you let me live...

South Park Mexican - Skit
ahhh ahhh ahh damn that pussys good ahhh[RING RING]damn my fucking phone ahh ah dont answ...

South Park Mexican - Somethin' I Would Do
[SPM]I ain't got the last two sentences to this verse[Grimm]Then just freest...

South Park Mexican - Spm Vs. Los
[Los]I was raised on beans and riceand if you shot up my crib I wouldn't be surprisedMama...

South Park Mexican - Stay On Your Grind
Stay on your grind (oh I know I know I you know)Stay on your grind (my people)Stay on your grind (ever...

South Park Mexican - Streets On Beats
Yeppa Yeppa homeboysThat's the nigga Low-GPuttin' it down for the nina eightWe givin' prop, what...

South Park Mexican - Styrofoam Cup
[Verse 1: Baby Beesh]I'ma foolI'ma nut I'ma nigga from the cutSplit the blunt roll ...

South Park Mexican - Suckaz N Hataz
[Intro: Uchie]It's for real, they want to know why all these haters is talking about me and tal...

South Park Mexican - The Beach House
[South Park Mexican talking]Uh, yo, pick up the music a little bitFor my nigga, Filero on this ...

South Park Mexican - The System
[Verse 1]This Ones for those on the dead end streethustlin hard to make all they ends meet...

South Park Mexican - Throw Away Gats
[South Park Mexican] Personly, I feel my people is cursed to be Ridas till eternity My en...

South Park Mexican - Time Is Money
[Bailiff]Order in the court![Judge]The courtroom asks Carlos Coy...

South Park Mexican - Twice Last Night
We did it twice last night And once in the morning [2x][SPM]I pulled out my ...

South Park Mexican - Valley
[1] - I'm going to the valley el valle por halle Straight to the spot where the mexicans hold tons...

South Park Mexican - Watch The Block Bleed
[dialogue between Ikeman and Grimm]Ike how long I been doing this hereMan at least ten strong f...

South Park Mexican - We Did Dat
[Trae]We did datWe did datWe did datWe did datWe did datWe did dat...

South Park Mexican - West Coast, Gulf Coast, East Coast
[Chorus:]Now these West Coast players and we love to ball...And these Gulf Coast Hustlers love ...

South Park Mexican - Whatever You Do
[Rasheed]Wetblack Who is that?What does it mean?Lone Star RidazHappy Perez...

South Park Mexican - Woodson N Worthin
[SPM:]Smoke on the kill popped up on three wheelwant another peel naw nigga I'ma chillgon...

South Park Mexican - You Know My Name
I'm SPM you know my nameI'm the one that came about the dope gameI've payed my dues and kept my cool...

South Park Mexican - You Know My Name (remix)
[Chorus (Ayana M.):]SPMSouth Park Mexican[First Verse:]...

Special D - Come With Me
5...4...3...2...1...At the end of every week each one of us becomes a freak. Tonight the dj makes us m...

Spice Girls - Get Down With Me
Let me tell yaBout the night I wanna haveGonna show yaHow you're gonna make it lastAre you...

Spice Girls - If You Can't Dance
If you can't dance, if you can't dance If you can't dance, if you can't dance, if you can't dance to this yo...

Spice Girls - If You Wanna Have Some Fun
At the party after the showI see a face I wanna get to know(Wink wink, nudge nudge - tell me do you li...

Spice Girls - Let Love Lead The Way
What makes this world go roundWill the answer let her downShe is so sweet and youngAnd her life ...

Spice Girls - Love Thing
You know I don't wanna know, don't wanna know about that love thing, You know what I'm dreaming of, Do...

Spice Girls - Move Over (generation Next Theme)
Generation next, generation next (Ah, generation next) Generation next, generation next (Generat...

Spice Girls - My Strongest Suit
Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere Overwear, underwear, anytime, anywhere, ooh Now I believe in lo...

Spice Girls - Naked
Naivety and childhood left behind deprived of the goodness of mankind, past encounters have made her strong,...

Spice Girls - Never Give Up On The Good Times
Whoo She used to be a chancer, sparkle in the rain Told me she needed a friend If she's going cr...

Spice Girls - Oxygen
There will come a timeI know I'm gonna needSomeone I can trust, someone who'll fight for meThat'...

Spice Girls - Right Back At Ya
Whoa-ooh-oooh-ohWhoa-ooh-oooh-ohWe're comin right back atcha, come onThis party's begun...

Spice Girls - Saturday Night Divas
Get down get deeper and down, Get down get deeper and down, Saturday Night, Get down deeper and ...

Spice Girls - Tell Me Why
OoohWe could have had it allBut you turned your backWe started with dreamsWe started...

Spice Girls - Time Goes By
I've never had a feeling so rightLike I have with youCan't explain the things you doBut boy when...

Spice Girls - Viva Forever
Do you still remember How we used to be Feeling together, believe in whatever My love has said t...

Spice Girls - Wasting My Time
Baby whoWas the one that treated you so badThat youFelt that you had to do to me what she had do...

Spice Girls - Weekend Love
La la la la la laLa la la laYou thought that this was loveBut my plan, wasn't that for us...

Spooks - I Got U
One two Achoo Bless you I got you Caught you and taught you One two Achoo ...

Spooks - Karma Hotel
Welcome.......To the.......Karma.........Hoooooooo..........Welcome.......To the.......

Spooks - Other Script
Spooks Is on some other script That's why you be lovin' It My crew that's the butter clique be glad yo...

Spooks - Sweet Revenge
So he fooled me, ooh oohThis fools crazy foul left up but howNever do we ?Spooks allowed? got of...

Spooks - The Mission
My style cap to the bible rap to the title track I got It locked and aim like a rifle master After the...

Spooks - They Don't Know
Yeah come on chumps y'all ain't girl We pretty we hit hard we takin' over the world Reminiesce w...

Spooks - Things I've Seen
[Chorus:]You won't believe the things I've seen Far beyond your wildest dreams I've seen ...

Sr-71 - 15 Minute Idol
Smiling faces on magazinesCheckout line trash beauty queensThe Good time party has to crash...

Sr-71 - 1985
Debbie just hit the wallShe never had it allOne prozac a dayHusband's a C.P.A.Here dreams ...

Sr-71 - Alive
All she's asking is for a little more time,To walk away from his anger and leave the bruises far behind...

Sr-71 - All American
I never got high the first time I triedJust like everyoneI know the cigarettes were boldFor a li...

Sr-71 - Another Night Alone
Alone again tonightIn this empty timeThe sound in my headThe sight leaves me blindI'...

Sr-71 - Axl Rose
Where did you go Axl Rose?Angel lives alone in East BaltimoreEviction notice stapled to her fron...

Sr-71 - Blue Light Special Life
There's a holeIn my Goodwill shoesFrom walking downThe eastside street too longWell I'm tr...

Sr-71 - Broken Handed
If you wanted toCould your heart be trueIf you wanted toCould you not wantAnyone else's wo...

Sr-71 - Empty Spaces
I'm not afraid to go backwards and fix what we brokeMy gaze falls behind, you make desire seem so easy...

Sr-71 - Everything
Does it really matter what I wantDoes it really matter how I feelAren't you gonna do what you want...

Sr-71 - Fame (what She's Wanting)
Staring down from 30,000 feet above the planetShe gets the sense nothing's behind her anymoreHer quest...

Sr-71 - Go Away
Once inside the door I check my face in the mirror,As I look past this lonely minuteWas this the ride ...

Sr-71 - Gone
Do you feel the needTo laugh behind my back?Does it make up forAll the things you seem to lack?...

Sr-71 - Goodbye
I'm everything you knowYou wonder friend of foeI'm the burning in your throat when you swallowBu...

Sr-71 - Hello Hello
Hello HelloI bring you letters from the man you used to knowGive in let goTo the words that made...

Sr-71 - Here We Go Again
I met her just last WednesdayBy Friday she was mineSaturday she spent the nightAnd everything wa...

Sr-71 - In My Mind
Make this moment last forever and a dayWatching you drive byNot letting you drive awayCan you se...

Sr-71 - In Your Eyes
Love I get so lost, sometimesDays pass and this emptiness fills my heartWhen I want to run awayI...

Sr-71 - Last Man On The Moon
I just can't seem to concentrate todayIt seems my mind is wandering awayAnd all the things swimming th...

Sr-71 - Little Asshole
Hey, little asshole!I thought I told you to stay out of my room?My daddy used to call me little ...

Sr-71 - Lucky
I drowned my girlfriend in her wishing wellI'm not afraid of afterlife hell'Cause I live it everyday...

Sr-71 - Mosquito
You like when we go fastSo my foot's on the brakeUsed to be my girlBut now you're just my worst ...

Sr-71 - Non-toxic
I'm one of those things you save forever but never needLike an old newspaper no one has time to readTh...

Sr-71 - Paul Mccartney
Last night I had a dreamIt wasn't about anythingBut it made me smileIt made me scream...

Sr-71 - Politically Correct
I don't mean to piss you off with things I might sayBut when I try to shut my mouth they come out anyway...

Sr-71 - Right Now
She clings to me like cellophaneFake plastic submarineSlowly driving me insaneBut now that's ove...

Sr-71 - She Was Dead
From the minute that I met here she was different than the restBut I didn't hear her talking I was staring a...

Sr-71 - The Best Is Yet To Come
You see yourself being so smallRunning into every brick wallIt's not as far as you can goThe roa...

Sr-71 - The One
(I) always that I was the cool kid class-clownThats until you called me last year's loudmouthNow I'm f...

Sr-71 - They All Fall Down
I can be as humble as the next guyOr I can blink and make you crumble from the insideI could be every ...

Sr-71 - Tomorrow
Is it any wonder why I'm scared,If I was a little younger would Icare,feeling like the walls are...

Sr-71 - Truth
Blood and dust have changed all the colors in my mindBlack has made me see but the truth has made me blind...

Sr-71 - What A Mess
I confess it's all true.I'm a mess, what a foolNow what do I doI need your help to get up ...

Stabbing Westward - Acf
You are all I am, you are all I ever want to be I think of you A solitary cry echoes through my throat...

Stabbing Westward - Angel
I believed that love was sacredAs I dove blindly into her seaYou see, that warm embrace felt more like...

Stabbing Westward - Breathe You In
Tomorrow came too soonI barely made it through todayStill empty insideI guess nothing's really c...

Stabbing Westward - Can't Happen Here
Late last night I tripped in violent shades of green 1000 voiceless faces were chasing me I ran ...

Stabbing Westward - Control
So much of me is you I don't know just who I am Now I just can't believe in myself or in anything And ...

Stabbing Westward - Crushing Me
I'm feeling the weight of the worldAnd it's crushing me I'm feeling the weight of everyday life ...

Stabbing Westward - Darkest Days
There are times when I'm just a shell When I do not feel anything for anyone All I feel is hollow and ...

Stabbing Westward - Dawn - Escape From La
This one, as far as I know is their only non-lp song on a soundtrack This is from the Escape From LA s...

Stabbing Westward - Desperate Now
I keep breaking all the promises That I keep making to myself You'd think by now that I'd be over this...

Stabbing Westward - Drowning
I'm drowning in nothing Nothing real Nothing left Nothing I'm losing myself Sinking ...

Stabbing Westward - Drugstore
You seduced me lonely in your hell Naked, hungry I crawl into your cell A virtual drugstore is piled o...

Stabbing Westward - Everything I Touch
The more I feel The more I die Nothing to give Nothing inside Everything I touch I break ...

Stabbing Westward - Falls Apart
I'm tangled and broken Left scattered on the floor Its useless now There pieces Can never ...

Stabbing Westward - Give Me It
Get away from me Get your fingers out of my face This room's so hot This room's so hot ...

Stabbing Westward - Goodbye
So this is where I say goodbye This is where my story ends And if there's one thing that I've learned ...

Stabbing Westward - Happy
I know you've grown to hate meEven more than you haveGrown to hate yourselfBut has it really mad...

Stabbing Westward - Haunting Me
Everywhere I go I see your face Every sound I hear is the sound of your voice Why are you haunting me ...

Stabbing Westward - High
I can't hide itI can't find itWhen every nerve isCrying out for releaseI can't capture...

Stabbing Westward - Hopeless
Innocence Stumbling around Holding onto anyone who'll hold on to you Innocence Is hurt aga...

Stabbing Westward - How Can I Hold On
With nothing to hold on to Why should I hold on When there's nothing to hold on to Sex made me f...

Stabbing Westward - I Don't Believe
I'm such an asshole I'm such a stain I just keep fucking up again and again You crawled inside m...

Stabbing Westward - Inside You
I feel your lips I taste your skin I need to know I need to feel you from within As your b...

Stabbing Westward - I Remember
Do you ever wonder whereWe would be if we'd have triedA little harder?It seems like yesterday...

Stabbing Westward - Lies
Your soul a pit of stone, the depths I wish I could have known Dangerous, black and full of spite, ...

Stabbing Westward - Lost
Lost is all I will be You are all I will be Wasted broken Promise silent Lies ...

Stabbing Westward - Nothing
Some nights I feel like I have died Or something deep inside is dying I try to understand my crimes ...

Stabbing Westward - On Your Way Down
I hope I see you on your way down I hope you break every bone I hope it kills you on your way down ...

Stabbing Westward - Perfect
Lately I've noticedHow much you've changedEven though you swearYou're the sameSo why do I ...

Stabbing Westward - Plastic Jesus
From the moment that you're born from the moment that you're concieved from your first step across the...

Stabbing Westward - P.o.m.f.
You call me angry You call me a fool I'm nobodys puppet and I'm nobodys tool You tri...

Stabbing Westward - Red On White
Now I'm so tired, so so tired of working this out Going to give myself up, up to the truth of what this is, ...

Stabbing Westward - Shame
I only see myself reflected in your eyes So all that I believe I am essentially are lies And everythin...

Stabbing Westward - Shame (do You Think God Is Dead?)
Top rung of the evolutionary ladder The most efficient predator in the food chain Degrees in agricultu...

Stabbing Westward - Sleep
She's been here so many times Before she can't remember When she last felt anything at all But t...

Stabbing Westward - Slipping Away
I feel it slipping away I gave it all and no one caredI feel it slipping away I feel it sl...

Stabbing Westward - So Far Away
Each night I feel the distance that has grown between usOpen up as lonely as the space between the stars...

Stabbing Westward - Sometimes It Hurts
Six o'clock in the morning My head is ready to explode I can't believe I made it home alive I do...

Stabbing Westward - So Wrong
Wasted thoughts of you Useless prayers to you Give me back my mind I'm empty inside What h...

Stabbing Westward - Television
I sit alone contemplatingWhat is missing inside meI desperately try to rememberA life that's not...

Stabbing Westward - The Only Thing
All I needIs the air you breathAll I needIs the air I breatheAll you needIs the air ...

Stabbing Westward - The Thing I Hate (p.o.m.f.)
Lost in a world of doubt and insecurity Nothing that you hold sacred, nothing you believe Your life is...

Stabbing Westward - Throw
The night is cold as I roam these streets The air is thick with hints of coming rain Your face flashes...

Stabbing Westward - Torn Apart
I know I should have told you I was so afraid you'd leave And now there's nothing left to say We...

Stabbing Westward - Torn Apart - Spawn
I know I should have told you I was so afraid you'd leave And now there's nothing left to say We...

Stabbing Westward - Ungod
You don't understand this I think you never did Silently I search for a reason to exist I've fou...

Stabbing Westward - Violent Mood Swings
Voices whisper softly in the darkness Cries of accusation, evil, lies Voices echo - screaming, throbbi...

Stabbing Westward - Waking Up Beside You
I've been so alone for so long Forgotten by the world Forgotten to myself Your effervescent eyes...

Stabbing Westward - Wasted
I've spentMy lifeRunning from the emptinessThat haunts meAnd I've feltMy whole life...

Stabbing Westward - When I'm Dead
I know the tears you're crying in your bed at night alone I've cried those tears a thousand times But ...

Stabbing Westward - Why
I am not here I think I've never been here at all or ever will be I feel like a place Where no o...

Stabbing Westward - You Complete Me
I am lost in the darkness Between two worlds and here I'm struggling You're the light that I've been s...

Stacie Orrico - 0.0 Baby
Can I first say I've been thinking about the way my life should go Should I pray now, You say you can relate...

Stacie Orrico - Bounce Back
YeahIt blew my mind in to a million piecesPushed You asideAnd still You got my back [Ch...

Stacie Orrico - Confidant
Come a little closer You're my confidantWhen the sun fades into the nightAnd my thought dr...

Stacie Orrico - Dear Friend
Dear Friend, what's on your mindYou dont laugh the way you used toBut I've noticed how you cryDe...

Stacie Orrico - Don't Look At Me
Don't look at me if you're looking for perfection Don't look at me I will only let you down I'll do my...

Stacie Orrico - Everything
I said a prayerThat someday I would find a boyAnd together wed find joyMaybe somedayAnd he...

Stacie Orrico - Genuine
I see you passing byI don't whereI don't know whyYou choose to go the way that you're going now...

Stacie Orrico - Hesitation
Why do you spend all your time Watching life pass you by;Hanging on to your prideAll that you ca...

Stacie Orrico - Holdin' On
Sometimes the pleasures I see in this world look so attractive to mesome days I'm driven by the things...

Stacie Orrico - I Could Be The One
I could be the oneI could be the oneI wonder what I've got to beFor You to wanna use me...

Stacie Orrico - I Promise
Will I always be there for you?When you need someone, Will I be that one you need?Will I do all my bes...

Stacie Orrico - Maybe I Won't Look Back
I woke up from dreamingI dreamed I got a call from a friend of mine, she sounded really lonelyBut I ha...

Stacie Orrico - Restore My Soul
So stressed-no hopeWhere do I go nowSeems like all of life's testsTake me further from you...

Stacie Orrico - Ride
Wanna know how I got to be this way... Wanna know if you had it would you be the same... I can tell th...

Stacie Orrico - Security
Another day all alone againSomeone please love meAnother game; another broken heartWhy do I do t...

Stacie Orrico - So Pray
So pray if you love meand ill go pray ill pray that youre okayand I know that you've been ...

Stacie Orrico - Stay True
all through my life i've seen so many smiling faces come and go some of them havetryed to bring my spirit lo...

Stacie Orrico - Strong Enough
As I rest against this cold, hard wallWill you pass me by?Will you criticize me as I sit and cry?...

Stacie Orrico - Stuck
I can't get out of bed todayOr get you off my mindI just can't seem to find a wayTo leave the lo...

Stacie Orrico - That's What Love's About
I've been thinking how to step to youAnd still try my best to keep my coolAnd make sure that I don't b...

Stacie Orrico - (there's Gotta Be) More To Life
I've got it all, but I feel so deprivedI go up, I come down and I'm emptier insideTell me what is this...

Stacie Orrico - Tight
I dreamed,I was headed down to Puerto RicoNow I'm feeling like I really gotta go'Cause I really ...

Stacie Orrico - Until I Find You
I find it so unforgetable when a man knows how to treat a ladyKnows 'em from right , He's never shady...

Stacie Orrico - With A Little Faith
I'd say I'm always happy if you want me toBut sometimes it's not the caseMy life is not as perfect as ...

Stacie Orrico - Without Love
Ooh...yeah...ooh... yeah... la da da da da...Ooh. If I speak in the tongues of angels, but have not lo...

Stage - An Angel Screams From Outer Space
Maybe I'll rape you after school one day in MarchMaybe I'll learn to scream the anger from your heartY...

Stage - Country Bleeding
We're all afraid our country is bleedingWe're all OK and no one is leavingWe're all the same and no on...

Stage - Flag
If I would die tomorrowAnd you were finally freeI wouldn't feel a differenceIf you would die wit...

Stage - I Don't Know
Send my regards to my brother down thereHe walks by the ocean, the pain disappearsThe sky is now falling, he...

Stage - I Know Where You Are
I hope that you missed meI'm glad that you kissed meI'll see you again when I dieKnow that I mis...

Stage - I Will Be Something
We are falling from these rooftopsWe are losing where we standAll my lovers were forgottenWhen I...

Stage - Jesus Was A Test Tube Baby
Science is deadJesus was a test tube babyScience is readA beaker was the Virgin MaryLosing...

Stage - Live Happy, Live Anorexia
Listen to the insectsPrey on the enemyFor when you hunt the lovedYou hunt yourselfWhen the...

Stage - Perfect
Rubber bands are holding me togetherI need the perfect smile for my motherLook, we've done away with o...

Stage - The Scientist's Canvas
Let's take a walk for a whileWe'll find out all we missedI've seen all the things you have doneC...

Stage - The World Has Come Between Us
Be here loveAnd the world has come between usAnd the world has come between usBe here love...

Stagga Lee - Roll Wit Mvp
[2x]La la la la laLa la la la laLa la la la la la la la la la la[Chorus]...

Staind - A Flat
Trust In me can't trust I know, I don't believe it All my life so scarred what for, you can't co...

Staind - Break
I walk alone I am alone I think alone I'll die alone Don't think I can make it on my own ...

Staind - Bring The Noise
Gimme some guitars punk Sweet Leth Limp Bizkit in the house What fucken' house? Seattle ba...

Staind - Can't Believe
RespectRespect is what is foundRespect should be aboundRespect everything that you leave...

Staind - Change
If ever you had said to me beforeThat I would live this life that I amLiving now I guess it's all so s...

Staind - Come Again
You push yourself on me Force yourself on me Free yourself through me You better save your...

Staind - Could It Be
well i don't know what to saybecause there's truth to what you sayi know it kills you i'm this way...

Staind - Crawl
I'm so lonely You're so beautiful Not the only One that's pitiful Scratched and torn...

Staind - Epiphany
Your words to me just a whisperYour face is so unclearI try to pay attentionYour words just disa...

Staind - Excess Baggage
Well I know the words, but I can't really speak them To you And I hide all the pain that I've ga...

Staind - Fade
I try to breatheMemories overtaking meI try to face them butThe thought is too much to conceive...

Staind - Falling Down
What's happened to you?It's obvious you've changedSomething deep inside you is probably to blame...

Staind - Fill Me Up
i just had to let you knowcuz i don't always let it showyou give me needed room to growand i jus...

Staind - For You
To my mother, to my father,It's your son or it's your daughter,Are my screams loud enough for you to h...

Staind - Four Walls
The thoughts from my mind Command my lips say I hate you The thoughts from my mind Command my ha...

Staind - Fray
i know that it never goes awayall i feel, everything i'm not todayso i try and i try to make everythin...

Staind - Home
I force myself through another day Can't explain the way today just fell apart like everything Right i...

Staind - How About You
if someone else showed you the way would you take the wheel and steer?it hurts me that you're not asha...

Staind - Intro
thank you to the people in my life for putting up with meand thank you for the time you sacrificed...

Staind - It's Been A While
And it's been awhileSince I could hold my head up highAnd it's been awhileSince I first saw you...

Staind - Just Go
I'm kinda numb It's so distorted You left me here with this damage that you've caused My torture...

Staind - Layne
i heard today that you were gonei had to stop and sing alongthe song they played to say goodbyea...

Staind - Me
I hear you talk about your family life I wish I knew just what that means I guess my mother never love...

Staind - Mudshovel
You take away I feel the same You take away I feel the same All the promises you mad...

Staind - Nameless
The walls around me caving in Cracked and grey Remind me of myself, I need some help There's no ...

Staind - No One's Kind
What the fuck's the purpose I didn't scratch the surface Immune to what your saying All along de...

Staind - Open Your Eyes
As I walk along these streetsI see a man that walks aloneDistant echo of peoples feetHe has no p...

Staind - Painful
I light another cigarette Stop to think about it Come to no conclusions Take each step as it com...

Staind - Pressure
I just need this to be all rightI can't feel this another nightI can't take this I come unglued...

Staind - Price To Play
Failed to see,How destructive we can be.Taking without giving back,'Til the damage can be seen,...

Staind - Question
Which way do I go? Pain I swallow I cannot keep it down Hate I swallow I cannot keep it down ...

Staind - Raw
RAW The pictures left with me won't fade These images affect me every day Cause of you I f...

Staind - Reality
the lights are on but you're not homeyou've drifted off somewhere alonesomewhere that's safe,no ...

Staind - Right Here
I know I've been mistakenBut just give me a break and see the changes that I've madeI've got some impe...

Staind - Safe Place
Another dayInside my worldI'm married toyou and this road.A road that never letsme s...

Staind - See Thru All
"WHAT IS YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM!?" ...You wanna know what my problem is? Alone, I walk beside myse...

Staind - So Far Away
this is my lifeits not what it was beforeall these feelings i've sharedand these are my dreams...

Staind - Spleen
Can't breathe! Shut up [2x]I feel I give everything to you Can't breathe! ...

Staind - Suffer
SufferThe more you see the more you doThe television's feeding you. With whatYou want to h...

Staind - Suffocate
I feel nothing Longing for something Lie in bed to take your clothes off Show me what you're mad...

Staind - Take It
I feel like this won't go awayno matter how hard I tryto squeeze my eyes shutso i can't see the ...

Staind - Tolerate
I Don't give a fuck About all of your problems I could give a rats ass how your feeling today ...

Staind - Tonight
just try to understand this isn't what i plannedthis ride's out of my handsso now i'm forced to be som...

Staind - Waste
Your mother came up to meShe wanted answers only she should knowOnly she should knowIt was...

Staind - Yesterday
you don't know what you've put me throughit's okay, i've forgiven youbut in some way, hope it fucks wi...

Staind - Zoe Jane
Well I want you to noticeTo notice when I'm not aroundAnd I know that your eyes see straight through m...

Starfield - Alive In This Moment
It's been so long since I have met You hereSince I have said these words or cried these tearsAnd like ...

Starfield - All For You
Nothing compares toLife I have in YouNothing of this world satisfies So, I want to let goI...

Starfield - Can I Stay Here Forever
Through forgotten convictionsMisplaced affectionsI'm losing the sound of Your voiceI've been cha...

Starfield - Cry In My Heart
There's a cry in my heartFor Your glory to fallFor Your presence to fill up my sensesThere's a y...

Starfield - Filled With Your Glory
In my heart, in my heart, there's a fire burningA passion deep within my soulNot slowing down, not gro...

Starfield - Love Break Me
Mark me with Your graceShape me in Your wisdomPlace in me a heartOf mercyOpen up my eyes...

Starfield - Ordinary Life
Take me and invade meMake me someone newWake me from the dead And break me with the truth...

Starfield - Outstretched Hands
Could I talk to You?Are You listening?Would You let me ask the questionsThat burn inside of me?...

Starfield - Over My Head
After the words have all been saidAfter the songs are sungI realize I've only but just begunTryi...

Starfield - Revolution
If I'm here all aloneIf I'm left behind If they spit in my faceIf they hate my kindI...

Starfield - Tumbling After
The other day while I was driving home my world was shakenIt occurred to me that I had left too many risks u...

Starsailor - Alcoholic
Don't you know you've got your Daddy's eyes And your Daddy was an alcoholic But your mother kept it al...

Starsailor - Born Again
But for the grace of God, she cries herself to sleepBecause the grace of God is something she can't keep....

Starsailor - Bring My Love
Bells will ring and everyone will know I came to bring my love back home.Sun will shine on all our days of w...

Starsailor - Coming Down
If you don't mind Could we not fight? I see you're close woman In the night I'm sober ...

Starsailor - Fever
There's a fever On the freeway In the morning In the morning And the lover Smiling f...

Starsailor - Fidelity
You take because your neighbour does not see, That would seem like lunacy to me,This is my head, you'r...

Starsailor - Four To The Floor
With hand on heart your right from the start, You taught me to take my part.No cross to bear, no reaso...

Starsailor - Good Souls
Feel Sick after every meal I'd say 'Cos I know The life from your burning wheel Won'...

Starsailor - Love Is Here
If you could see the lover in me And we could join our hands together If you could see how good it cou...

Starsailor - Lullaby
Get back on your feet again So insincere Quiet American I held you so dearGet back o...

Starsailor - Music Was Saved
If life is a carnival, Can I stay here a whileNemesis rose, And I feel I'm about to go down, ...

Starsailor - Poor Misguided Fool
As soon as you sound like him Give me a call When you're so sensitive Its a long way to fall...

Starsailor - Restless Heart
Stayed till the morningLeft with her soul intactSomething was formingAsked her if she'd come bac...

Starsailor - Shark Food
Sunshine in the glory skies, When the broken men open up their eyes.Sunshine in the glory skies, ...

Starsailor - She Just Wept
She just wept Like I could not ignore How can I act When my heart's on the floor? She just...

Starsailor - Silence Is Easy
Everybody says that their looking for a shelter, Got a lot to give but I don't know how to help her, I...

Starsailor - Some Of Us
Heard you today, that isn't my name, you were fast asleep, Forget what he did, can I be the kid for your sou...

Starsailor - Talk Her Down
You came waltzing in Where the love had been And the boys all looked around Let me stay while yo...

Starsailor - Telling Them
We set off that day shaking all the way, Would your Mother speak to us again.Put away your doubt that ...

Starsailor - Tie Up My Hands
Wipe the make-up from your face Tie your hair and gently fall from grace Until I come again Take...

Starsailor - Way To Fall
Son You've got a way to fall They'll tell you where to go But they won't knowSon ...

Starsailor - White Dove
Found us in a small cafe, Happened to be out that day, To watch it go by.It came to pass that we...

Starting Line - A Goodnight's Sleep
a better slumberwas in your armsspent tangled up in youa sudden mourningcrashed in the roo...

Starting Line - Almost There, Going Nowhere
it's time to say a word"say it like you mean it"he spoke with a tone of hurtas my eyes rolled ba...

Starting Line - Artistic License
I have the sweetest of sights, you've got to know itIt's turned me sidewaysI had some fire in my eyes ...

Starting Line - Autography
The kids were shouting "Let us out!"And their parents didThen 2 years, then 3 yearsThen showtime...

Starting Line - Bedroom Talk
I got the talk when I was youngerAnd understood as I recall, they hadn't mentioned this at all.M...

Starting Line - Best Of Me
tell me what you thought aboutwhen you were gone and so alonethe worst is overyou can have the b...

Starting Line - Birch Hill
I spent two weeks collecting memories Just cant believe that I might never see you again Ill nev...

Starting Line - Break Up Day
Before the sun is down today I have a feeling of the words that she'll say putting all my feelin...

Starting Line - Cheek To Cheek
Bound to say something, eyes closed, It's cold, and I'm home I feel like nothing again, Pretendi...

Starting Line - Classic Jazz
Lights come on from neighbors woken up and the flash is our cue for the dash to the car to the back porch, where w...

Starting Line - Cut! Print It
So I flew across the country just to find your broken wordLike the dry wall in the bathroom of the hotel roo...

Starting Line - Decisions, Decisions
I cant wait for this to end And leave tonight behind us I'm unsettled letting go of you And slee...

Starting Line - Drawbacks
I'm always seeing something newevery time I look at you everything is gone, I say I'm falling to...

Starting Line - Forever In A Day
Tuesday's here and I'll be waking up to another day filled with life's mistakes, And the ones that lin...

Starting Line - Gainsay
I think I'm better off By seeing things this way I've been thinking a lifetime But I always seem...

Starting Line - Given The Chance
the minute before we playi'm pacing waiting anxiouslyi can't wait to hit the stageand say hello ...

Starting Line - Greg's Last Day
When you left home and moved to Ohio The summer had come to an end. My best friend goes, I try to foll...

Starting Line - Hello Houston
lead on to keep our feelings strong and make me still believe our page is one and the same ...

Starting Line - Hold On
Her life was more than mine, Like a proud shooting star into the night, She crashed through the airwav...

Starting Line - I'm Real
[Originally by Jennifer Lopez]What's my name (blowing back on this marry jane I'm analyzi...

Starting Line - Inspired By The $
[Verse 1:]closed window paneI stare out all daythis room and the wallswe wait for t...

Starting Line - Lasting Impressions
Ill wait til the clock strikes a nerve to spend some time with youI cant stand to depend on the shadow I cas...

Starting Line - Leaving
Please don't leave me without saying goodbye, without saying goodbye.You and I, cold February ni...

Starting Line - Leaving [ep Version]
You and I, cold February night It's been a half an hour Taking sweet time saying our goodbyes On...

Starting Line - Left Coast Envy
today could be a different dayif the sky lifts up the haze off of my front lawnor just another t...

Starting Line - Make Yourself At Home
"Make it a note to take your pills," she said "I'll leave them on the table in the same brown bottle you kno...

Starting Line - Making Love To The Camera
This is the distance between point A and point BThus a completion meeting the goal we've achievedAnd i...

Starting Line - Nights And Weekends
At 4 A.M. she came out of the blueI haven't seen such red since I've seen youI'm upset, but I'm fine...

Starting Line - Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now
Looking in your eyes, I see a paradise.This world that I found is too good to be true.Standing here be...

Starting Line - Nothing Short Of A Miracle
Sometimes I've been wondering if good times fade away, and things always turn out this way. You're one...

Starting Line - Photography
I've never been so happy to see a photograph of methen when graced with your company.You're making a s...

Starting Line - Playing Favorites
i guess the most that i can dois make a call and tell you the truthsing the words in melodyand h...

Starting Line - Ready
I've been waiting for good newsWords to continue singing these onesTo the same demographicBe it ...

Starting Line - Ruin The Day
Last night didn't go to planended before 9drove u home u slammed the doornot your fault but mine...

Starting Line - Saddest Girl Story
So it's safe to say that we've been here before;Heart torn out, down for the count and still come back for m...

Starting Line - Selective
Youve made quite a life for yourselfone better than youve dreamt but it's weighing downthe sides...

Starting Line - Stay Where I Can See You
For months you've been awayYou're here a couple daysI've got all of the time in the worldTo do w...

Starting Line - Surprise, Surprise
"Hey there love, let's get to catching up.'Cause I been thinking those thoughtsthat must have slipped ...

Starting Line - Thanks You're The Best
make a list top ten regrets most foolish things said this is one time i let you go a story im su...

Starting Line - The B-list
Take another hundred names and put 'em on a listAnd curse yourself for ever watching itI'm looking to ...

Starting Line - The Drama Summer
We could wait for the wind to blow Or give me a look so cold...It gives me chills And ends the summer ...

Starting Line - The Night Life
Last call everybody step up for anotherThe ring of the bell gives a yellTo the crowd that's behind you...

Starting Line - The World
You've gotta hold, hold open my eyelidsIf you're gonna shake, shake, shake 'til the morningI'm gonna p...

Starting Line - Thirty
I'm off to a lucky startand all these changes,All I got and I know it's wrong,Why can't I analyz...

Starting Line - This Ride
it says hold on and take this rideand set asidememories of all the timeswhen you collideth...

Starting Line - Three Is A Charm
Harder every time and it starts to show on my face and on my wall where all her pictures fall.Getting over a...

Starting Line - Up And Go
here it goes, and this wont take long just let me dedicate a song to a girl who turned this boy to sto...

Starting Line - West Girl Scout Road
Have I thought about What things in life mean to me? Is this how everybody sees? Some sympatheti...

Static-x - All In Wait
Drowning myself, over and overDesolate, trying it's overWhy so cynical in lifeYou think yo...

Static-x - Anything But This
Try, go anything but thisI've got to anything but this worldTry, go theres more to itOptions low...

Static-x - Behind The Wall Of Sleep
[BLACK SABBATH COVER]Precious cups within the flowerDeadly petals with strange power...

Static-x - Black And White
Lost in my own World Lost in my own World Lost in my Lost in my own World Lost in my own W...

Static-x - Bled For Days
meaninglessit's meaningless [3x]i take the hold [4x]it's mindlessness [4x...

Static-x - Breathe
RegretsI am away I froze, I froze(So frozen cold)All BetsI turned my backMy heat, it...

Static-x - Burn To Burn
Static in sound Uncurable You plant the seed You fill the need We give to take ...

Static-x - Cold
We kiss The Stars We writhe We are Your name Desire Your flesh We ...

Static-x - Control It
Everybody, soul and body coldAll this sickness, you lost controlYou can't get itYou just don't g...

Static-x - Crash
She heard it all beforeShe had a grand designBarely living on borrowed timeTurn a blind eye to...

Static-x - Dead World
Look down aroundAll is not wellVictim of changeFar out of rangeA is non-ABe or be no...

Static-x - December
i still feel the coldof long past daysi knew my worthput in my placeit's no surprise...

Static-x - Deliver Me
Ripping at the soulScratching it for moreRipping at the soulUnattainable goalGiving into s...

Static-x - Destroy All
You got something to sayBetter off stay awayMy head's a loaded gunWaiting to go offY...

Static-x - Dirthouse
My dirthouseWatch it happen from the boxMind wandersDirty dirty wordMy dirthouseThis...

Static-x - Down
Never fearNever fear to meet the resistanceWalk with meWalk with me though don't mind the distan...

Static-x - Fix
tune it inchill outdrop deadi need a fixfixi'm in youyou're in me...

Static-x - Get To The Gone
Get to the gone Under the gun Drop in drop out Get to the gone Get to the gone ...

Static-x - Gimme Gimme Shock Treatment
[RAMONES COVER]I was feeling sick, loosing my mind I heard about these treatments from...

Static-x - Head
You enveloped in yourYou enveloped in your headJustify it in yourJustify it in your headHe...

Static-x - I Am
i've been taking abuse and it's senselessfist into the wall and it's painlessi've been living the lie ...

Static-x - I'm The One
Living in the momentForgotten and repeatedNo i cannot be that oneNo i cannot be beaten...

Static-x - I'm With Stupid
great painsi've gone to gang slangi've gone to lame brainlooking for gold ii have become s...

Static-x - A Bag
Get to get it out of me I feel it I feel let down Lay it out in front of me I feel it ...

Static-x - Invincible
This moment in timeThis moment definedHow is it I feel nothing?Just don't say goodbyeYou s...

Static-x - I Want To Fucking Break It
This one's for the assholesThis one's for the freaksThis one's for the stupid fuckersTrying to k...

Static-x - Kill Your Idols
Cosmetic photogenicThis pain is fleeting, ring outMechanical the passionYour head is bleeding, s...

Static-x - Love Dump
hand me a linereally hand me a linereally hand me a line hand me a linereally hand it to me i've...

Static-x - Machine
I see your bleeding dark side I feel your angry heart Reveals forbidden places More monster yet ...

Static-x - Monster
Breathing, killing, seething, willingFighting, biting, hating, waiting for youDon't you, won't you, do...

Static-x - My Damnation
Time to take control (i control thisIt's harder than you know (i got to change this)Feel the muscle tw...

Static-x - New Pain
Misdirected, I'm awakenedManifests in, into my headI feel new pain, becoming partOf my every, ev...

Static-x - Night Terrors
In time i'll get this out ofGet this out ofOut of my mindWhere am i?I can't seeI fea...

Static-x - Otsego Amigo
Evil insideLeave death behindInto the nightOstego lifeHoly shit, start to runL...

Static-x - Otsegolation
if we gain by severancewe gain most of allannihilate your kindnesstwisting those involved...

Static-x - Otsegolectric
You sold yourselfYou sold yourselfYousold your soulYou make your hellCross this line, you ...

Static-x - Otsego Undead
Otsego OtsegoOtsegoOtsego go Strenghtening Shroud of night Waiting weak ...

Static-x - Permanence
Everything is as cold as ice Everything is as dead as life Take another as screaming eyes Take a...

Static-x - Push It
corrosivetainted by my sini'm spilling bloodand i can hardly contain itcorrosivehall...

Static-x - Set It Off
Wait every hour of every dayPlayed light, played hardHad to go my wayI feel like death wearing a...

Static-x - Shadow Zone
I get we gotta runMake me take itTake out the big oneI can't forget I cannotSee infect me...

Static-x - Skinnyman
My little girlWhere are you?My fucked up worldDestroyed youDay after dayDay after da...

Static-x - So
So I've betrayed selfSo I've betrayed youSo what now?So what do we do?Pushing you aw...

Static-x - S.o.m.
Can I not be takenTo such extremes as you whisperThe intent of your darkerNotions always remembe...

Static-x - So Real
All I see is allAll I see is allAll I see is allall I see so realThe lifeThe dream...

Static-x - Start A War
Sliding spinningTurn aroundFeel my heart poundMotor screamingSliding downGot to turn...

Static-x - Stem
stemanything that I want you to knowanything that I want you to seesee the reason to which...

Static-x - Structural Defect
I don't care what you say and I don't care what you see and There's still a better way a Structu...

Static-x - Sweat Of The Bud
gonot enough to sweat of the budin a search of means to the endgiving up all in need of no...

Static-x - The Enemy
Confines me its all that i seeSickness keeps you following meKeep it inside, all that is sharpHo...

Static-x - The Only
I'm winning, you're losingI'm falling, your agonyLower than Lower beforeYour forgotten memory...

Static-x - The Trance Is The Motion
speed toward hellshed no tearsyou don't know metake my lifesteal my tongueto defeat ...

Static-x - This Is Not
Lines and the light stream Screaming by me scream Burned down Not me you see me suffer Hau...

Static-x - Wisconsin Death Trip
what's wrongdon't you sing dong ding dongpush it the phoneyhook it up and ride awaymotion...

Stellar Kart - A Love Song
You are Lord, Lord of my life. Every day I lift you up high. I praise to you Lord. My God and myKing. You re...

Stellar Kart - Come Back Home
Don't go away. And leave me here alone. I wish there was something I could say. To make you turnaround. And ...

Stellar Kart - Finish Last
People change and plans get changed andEverything changes but YouEverybody moves around andEvery...

Stellar Kart - Gone Fishin'
I woke up todayI strapped my shoes on tightIt's gonna be a long dayI won't be home 'till tonight...

Stellar Kart - Life Is Good
Life is good, eternal life is betterLife is good, eternal life is betterLife is good, eternal life is ...

Stellar Kart - Livin' On A Prayer
Once upon a time. Not so long ago. Tommy used to work on the docks. Union's been on strike. He's downon his ...

Stellar Kart - Second Chances
[Laugh] No.No matter what you did. Or might do again. Fllowing all the worthless trends. You know he'...

Stellar Kart - Spending Time
Just so happens my schedule is empty. But still there's no room for you. Time has come and gone. Andthings h...

Stellar Kart - Student Driver
Two hands on the wheel of my fate. Sweat running down my forehead. Cars passing me like we're in arace. I do...

Stellar Kart - Superstar
Before I leave. I have something to say. I can't go on one more day. That feeling of this world. Ican't get ...

Stellar Kart - Tree Climber
Wanna be a tree climber. Wanna be a tree climber. Wanna be a tree climber. Wanna be a tree climber.All the w...

Stella Soleil - Angel Face
Angel I imagine your bodyIt tingles me in the nightYou are my obsessionAnd I want to get this ri...

Stella Soleil - Dance With Me
Will you dance with meWill you hold me closeWill you dance with meCan we just let goOh dan...

Stella Soleil - Imperfect
She's perfect all the timeShe's special nine to fiveI'd you bring you back to lifeBut you won't ...

Stella Soleil - Kiss Kiss
(Mwaa)When you look at meTell me what do you see?This is what you get It's the way I am...

Stella Soleil - Let's Just Go To Bed
I like this boy with baggy jeanMakes it hard when he looks at meHe's so cool got that faceThat s...

Stella Soleil - Look My Way
I went out with this boyHis eyes weren't even blueDon't remember a thing That he saidHe do...

Stella Soleil - Love You To Death
I love you to the skyAnd back and down againI love you like a lightning stormOn a holidayA...

Stella Soleil - Pretty Young Thing
I wanna bruise your lipsWith a tender kissI wanna crush your heartI wanna be your starAnd ...

Stella Soleil - Runaway Crush
I...carry a picture of youIn my mindI...carry a memoryOf that timeOh when you open me...

Stella Soleil - Stand Up
Jack was never a normal manHe never fit into the planAin't as easy as it seemsWhen your living t...

Stella Soleil - Twilight
Sugar girlWorked at the dollar storeShe worked her tail right offShe had these bright blue eyes...

Stella Soleil - You
In your time of troubleI wish that I could be the oneThat you'd call at nightWhen you needed a f...

Stellastarr* - In The Walls
In the walls,in the fall, I can see them all And the 44 superstores all acrooss the mall It took a whi...

Stellastarr* - Jenny
Jenny was sitting in the lounge She was talking to herself Well maybe things like that turn you on ...

Stellastarr* - My Coco
Cool my brains and soothe my head Stimulate me my Co-co-co Sneak into my empty bed And educate m...

Stellastarr* - Somewhere Across Forever
I'll run away with you We can build a goldmine We'll cross the Sahara child I'll be the truth f...

Stellastarr* - Untitled
There's a great pair of eyes And their resting in your pretty head Though I don't know quite why ...

Stephen Speaks - Complete
If i lay my voice down at Your feet would you still hear my song echoing i might end this game of hide...

Stephen Speaks - Filthy
filthy, dirty, something that I can't explainI'm so unworthy, this gift You give me every dayand somet...

Stephen Speaks - Out Of My League
it's her hair and her eyes today that just simply take me away and the feeling that i'm falling furthe...

Stephen Speaks - Passenger Seat
I look at her and have to smileAs we go driving for a whileHer hair blowing in the open window of my c...

Stephen Speaks - Puzzle Pieces
trying to make sense of this puzzlebut feeling like the pieces are scattered all around this roomclimb...

Stephen Speaks - Weather
August afternoon and the air's aflamesoftly on the breeze, thought I heard your namethis morning I'd h...

Stephen Speaks - What'll She Look Like
what'll she look like when she opens her eyesand sees what she wnats to seeinstead of this cold mirror...

Stephen Speaks - Wilderness
I come here to praise YouI come here to lift my voicebut this silence breaks my heartI come here...

Steps - 5-6-7-8
It's time to begin - now count it in...5-6-7-8[Chorus]My boot scootin' baby is drivin' me...

Steps - After The Love Has Gone
Here we are, we're perfect strangersAfter all this time there's no more you and IBut don't look for bl...

Steps - A Love To Last
I was so pre-occupiedCouldn't see what was right before my eyesA love that's meant to last...

Steps - Back To You
I know I hurt you baby and I'm sorryBut I'm back now so don't you worryDarling what can I say I couldn...

Steps - Better Best Forgotten
If only you read my mindYou'd see I was hurt insideA thousand times I've told myself it's over (it's o...

Steps - Better The Devil You Know
Better the devil you knowBetter the devil you knowOhBetter the devil you knowBetter ...

Steps - Buzzz
I see the way you act like you're nonchalantBut theres no way to hideWhats in your eyes whats going on...

Steps - Careless Whisper
I feel so unsure,As I take your hand,And lead you to the dance floor,As the music dies,Som...

Steps - Chain Reaction
You took a mysteryAnd made me want itYou got a pedestalAnd put me on itYou made me love yo...

Steps - Deeper Shade Of Blue
Into each life some rain must fallI didn't know I would catch it allThe clear skies have goneAnd...

Steps - Experienced
(She was older)Older by years she wasAll I'd been dreaming of(Sure) sure and so confidentS...

Steps - Hand On Your Heart
On the phone for hours at a time,Has your voice changed or is it a trick of the line?All alone, I'm l...

Steps - Happy Go Lucky
Love,all my love was yours,Of this I was so sure,I guess I never saw it coming baby,But now I'm ...

Steps - Heartbeat
Here I am just longing for you once again,If your arms would only let me in,You'd see the mess I'm in,...

Steps - Here And Now
Here and now I wanna be the one for youIn everything you want me toCos I couldn't live if were apart...

Steps - Hero
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah,I'd do anything to be your hero.Maybe I'm never gonna change the world,...

Steps - If You Believe
There's a bridgeI don't know how to cross yetI need your hand to hold along the wayIn your eyes...

Steps - I Know Him So Well
Nothing is so good it lasts eternally, Perfect situations must go wrong, But this have never yet preve...

Steps - I Surrender
Maybe I wanted to be freeI wanted time to be meI tried to fly so highBut something changed insid...

Steps - I Think It's Love
Hurry up love don't keep me waitingJust say the words I'm longing forRight here and now this moments f...

Steps - It's The Way You Make Me Feel
It's the things that you do,So physical,It's the things that you say,So flammable,You know...

Steps - Just Like The First Time
I used to thinkThat I had left you far behindBut time has never quite erased you from my mindMy ...

Steps - Last Thing On My Mind
There was something in your voice,That was telling me don't be too sure,Arousing my suspicions,I...

Steps - Lay All Your Love On Me
I wasn't jealous before we met, Now every woman I see is a potential threat, I'm not possessive it isn...

Steps - Learn To Love Again
How could it go wrong when I dreamed for so long,Of you and no one else,I thought you were truly the o...

Steps - Love's Got A Hold On My Heart
(Heart, heart, heart, heart, heart, heart)Love's got a hold on my heart(Love's got a hold on my heart)...

Steps - Love You More
You can make the sun turn purpleYou can make the sea turn turtleBut you know you can never make me...

Steps - Make It Easy On Me
Don't keep me dreamingIf all the hope is goneIf it's all overDon't keep me hanging on...

Steps - Movin' On
You know I miss youWhen you're goneAnd I can't pretendThat I know whenOur love started to ...

Steps - My Best Friend's Girl
Tonight she'll be waiting in the place, If she can get away, For a secret rendezvous, We've gott...

Steps - Never Get Over You
Boy, should've have known it from the start,You'd go and break my heart,But I was hoping, praying,...

Steps - Never Say Never Again
Boy look into these eyes, It's time you realised, I've had my share of life's heartaches and misery, ...

Steps - One For Sorrow
I wanted your love,But look what it's done to me,All my dreams have come to nothing,Who would ha...

Steps - Paradise Lost
Across the desert sands I watch a caravanAnd dream it could take me to youAs the east wind blows...

Steps - Say You'll Be Mine
Baby I was hypnotisedWhen I looked into your eyesSaw the love I'd been waitin' forCouldn't help ...

Steps - Since You Took Your Love Away
Holding you so gentlyI gave you room to breatheNow all I feel is emptyWhy did you have to leave...

Steps - Stay With Me
When I close my eyes, and you're not thereI feel this emptiness inside - do you care?If you have to go...

Steps - Stomp
Thank God for the weekend,Now is the time,For feeling alright,Come and taste the spice of life,...

Steps - Summer Of Love
This is the summer of loveTonight the fiesta will comeIt's the summer of loveTonight we li...

Steps - Thank Abba For The Music
Take a chance, take a chanceTake a chaka-chance-chance[repeat twice]If you change y...

Steps - This Heart Will Love Again
My love after all we've said and doneAre you tellin' me the time has come? To go our separate ways...

Steps - To Be Your Hero
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah,I'd do anything to be your hero.Maybe I'm never gonna change the world, ...

Steps - Too Weak To Resist
We stood before our friends and pledged eternal loveTo have and to holdWe both meant every word and sp...

Steps - Tragedy
Here at night In a lost and lonely part of town Held in time In a wad of tears I slowly drown ...

Steps - Turn Around
I lie awake in the dark of the nightLost without youWhy didn't I try to put up a fightFor your l...

Steps - We're Gonna Have A Party
We're gonna have a party,Let's get down tonight,So come on every body,Wanna make you feel alrigh...

Steps - When I Said Goodbye
I said too much, went way too far It's only now, now we're apart That I can see I was wrong And ...

Steps - Why
And now , I know that I was wrongYou never really cared for me all alongAnd with you every dream I had...

Steps - Words Of Wisdom
I thought that we were set for life, Will be together man and wife, But all the plans I made for us, ...

Steps - Wouldn't Hurt So Bad
I've never met somebodyThat does what you doTakes my emotions and make each oneFell brand new...

Steps - You'll Be Sorry
Heaven Knows it's a lonely way living on my own,I never thought that I would be this far from all I know,...

Steps - You're Everything That Matters To Me
Used to say I know, To Find love I'd climb any mountain, Now I've reached the top, The only way ...

Stereo Fuse - Allison
You're such a beautiful junkie You're a beautiful mess With your black eyeliner and your new sundressE...

Stereo Fuse - Ball And Chain
Feel the fire burning inside of me stronger each day Feel the fire burning inside of me never fades away nev...

Stereo Fuse - Breathe
So you found your way to the inside and you think you found a better life Then all the money's gone an...

Stereo Fuse - Everything
I remember you do you remember me tooBorn on the 14th of July the smell of roses made her cryAnd thoug...

Stereo Fuse - Flesh And Blood
The waves are rollin' in and the sun is setting downAnother little day in this sleepy little town closer to ...

Stereo Fuse - Heaven Inside You
Come closer turn away Can't find the words to say Got something on mind that I can't define Don'...

Stereo Fuse - Hey You
Yes I have seen your kind seen them come and go Youre not the only girl in this world that I've ever known ...

Stereo Fuse - Live Like A God
I can see you lookin' for another quick fixI can see you lookin' for a brand new life I see confusion ...

Stereo Fuse - Seed
So you think I lost control have I hit the wall There's no turning back as I take my fall Nobody reall...

Stereo Fuse - Superhero
Oh why can't you understand I want to be just like superman I want to fly so high up in the sky be immortal ...

Stereo Fuse - Trip To Mars
You're on a trip to mars you're a superstar that's who you are yeahYou're on a rocket ride to a suicide have...

Stereomud - Anything But Jesus
I'm not your savior I'm as simple as a lost sheepBut you think I know everythingI'm just like you I'm ...

Stereomud - Breathing
When the silence embraced you did ILeave you all alone to cryWhen it happens at all the same time...

Stereomud - Closer Now
what's the matter with you?can't you face me?i can't imagine the things that you're thinkingneve...

Stereomud - Coming Home
I want to say I want to do betterI need to start a new lifeFirst thing's to let go of the time that's ...

Stereomud - Control Freak
Something I need you won't let me haveDon't shut me out you don't know me yetAre you finding it hard t...

Stereomud - Define This
You have a fear of living not meI will not take anything for grantedNot even the breath I breathe...

Stereomud - Don't Be Afraid
you don't like them stepping on youyou don't like they make fun of your nameyou don't like they tell y...

Stereomud - Down From Here
the longest daythe longest day of my lifeand honestly I'm right on the edgeof descendingbi...

Stereomud - Drop Down
Synthetic pathetic the words you tell meYou try to trick meHypotonic demonic and always scheming...

Stereomud - Fallen
It happened and I want you to seeWhat it has done look at me right nowSo dar gone that there is no tur...

Stereomud - Get Me Out
there is nothing more for me to givetook it all away and walked out againno matter what you say to me...

Stereomud - How We Stand
how long has it been?it's good to see everything turned outhow we wanted ithow about the friends...

Stereomud - Leave (back Up)
this won't be what you want to hearcoming from mei'm tired of hiding my hate inside from youi ca...

Stereomud - Lost Your Faith
brace for the hitis it too late?did you wait undiscouraged?you didn't thinkcondescending...

Stereomud - My Addiction
You're more than my addictionYou're the beautiful one that I have foundYou're my secret and I've waite...

Stereomud - Pain
With every form you come you surprise me hypnotize me with every breath i take you're depr...

Stereomud - Perfect Self
settle down you allcan't you hear the footstepsdown the hall?you're waiting for the scream...

Stereomud - Searching
What you say sounds familiarI've been waiting for someone like youLet me ask you one to anotherD...

Stereomud - Show Me
When will I be homeis what you want to knowBut all I can say is I don't know whenCan't see to find my ...

Stereomud - Steppin Away
i thought I made it so clearyou made a change in my lifei watched you disappeartell you the trut...

Stereomud - Sunlight
was something missingthe walls were closing in andi tried to face themi tried to face my fears...

Stereomud - What
within this hour he'll be highermaybe more than he has ever beenwon't be his last timehe lights ...

Stereomud - Yesterday
I cannot believe we did itWHen everybody thought we couldn'tDid anything it took admit itLooking...

Stereophonics - A Minute Longer
they're calling out come on lets go but i'm miles away to a year before laughs from a glas...

Stereophonics - Angie
Angie Angie When will those clouds all disappear? Angie Angie Where will it lead us from here? ...

Stereophonics - A Thousand Trees
Standing at the bus stop with my shopping in my handsAnd I'm overhearing elder ladiesAs the rumours st...

Stereophonics - Billy Davey's Daughter
I never knew her name I only knew her fame she lived near my town another goldfish to drown ...

Stereophonics - Brother
Won't you take your words brother?Won't you mind your world brother?I find you so offensive punk...

Stereophonics - Buy Myself A Small Plane
I'm gonna buy myself a small plane I'm gonna crash it on the south line I'm gonna sleep down by his qu...

Stereophonics - Caravan Holiday
Seven day holiday in the rain, it's JuneAt the time we were plain old me and youIt didn't matter that ...

Stereophonics - Carrot Cake And Wine
I'm looking good Got my shoulders back A few more drinks I'm up to dance I get the eye as I lift my gl...

Stereophonics - Check My Eyelids For Holes
I gotta lose weight I swallow honey is my stand up show still that funny am I back for good I said that I sa...

Stereophonics - Chris Chambers
It sickens me to see the photograph in front of me Carnation couloured pink stand aside and take a drink ...

Stereophonics - Climbing The Wall
I'm just lying hereThinking to myself againI'm round the bendI've been driving round ...

Stereophonics - Deadhead
I got a royal flushI gotta ten bobIn my pocket for luckJust another crushI got my head rea...

Stereophonics - Devil
Ever dance with the devil baby? Oh noMake my dayDo you feel lucky? Oh noTomorrow's another day...

Stereophonics - Doorman
Doorman you got an attitudeYa like immigration in a cheaper suitYou'd like nothing more than to break ...

Stereophonics - Everyday I Think Of Money
I drive a truck, it carries moneyAnd everyday, I dream up my fantasiesYesterday, I bought my beach hou...

Stereophonics - Feel
Here it comes againLike the first time againI cant sleepI watch the rainBut im happy again...

Stereophonics - Fiddler's Green
September seventeen For a girl I know it's Mother's Day Her son has gone alee And that's where h...

Stereophonics - Getaway
Remember when we were angelsBefore we stole carsAnd when sex and drugsLived up in another world....

Stereophonics - Girl
I've seen the one to take my eyeShe's my Sunday bestShe'll blow my mind rob me blindThen she'll ...

Stereophonics - Goldfish Bowl
the same long faces in the workman's hall caramel crisp counts his birds cliff chip's lines up his dominoes ...

Stereophonics - Half The Lies You Tell Ain't True
you could lick or chew tongue in style tonight champagne drag queen suit pinstripe outta line it's tim...

Stereophonics - Have A Nice Day
San Francisco BayPast pier thirty nineEarly p.m.Can't remember what timeGot the waiting ca...

Stereophonics - Help Me (she's Out Of Her Mind)
DancingIn the mirrorYou could see her from a mile manShe was alrightShe looked right over ...

Stereophonics - High As The Ceiling
Come on get up high as the ceiling Get up on the floor Think I lost my mind and my feeling Been ...

Stereophonics - Home To Me
That's my home to me That's my home to me Please don't take it from me Please don't take it from...

Stereophonics - Hurry Up And Wait
we wait to wake to get a ride in the rain buy a ticket they can check we can claim so we don't spend w...

Stereophonics - I'm Alright (you Gotta Go There To Come Back)
I'll drink another drink for youOne, two, three, four, five, once I drank a fish aliveI'll drop anothe...

Stereophonics - I Miss You Now
I feel I wanna hold you, wanna tell you that you'll be alrightSang this song today, it's recalling your pict...

Stereophonics - In My Day
Old sailor walks my way Sipped his pint and told me about his day Hey Hey Said 'son times have c...

Stereophonics - I Stopped To Fill My Car Up
i stopped to fill my car up the car felt good that day i didn't know where i was going but it fe...

Stereophonics - Is Yesterday, Tommorow, Today?
it's another way to get through the day picking up ripped cigarette boxes hoping that one remains ...

Stereophonics - I Wouldn't Believe Your Radio
travelling through a tunnel under sea you never know if it cracks in half you're never ever gona...

Stereophonics - Jealousy
Jealousy my devilJealousy my hellJealousy insomniaJealousy sleep wellInnocence is he...

Stereophonics - Just Looking
there's things i want there's things i think i want there's things i've had there's things i wan...

Stereophonics - Last Of The Big Time Drinkers
Ten minutes flat after that day at the factoryI'm Drinking like a dog in the sunI don't need to eat or...

Stereophonics - Local Boy In The Photograph
There's no mistake, I smell that smellIt's that time of year again, I can taste the airThe clocks go b...

Stereophonics - Lolita
Oh I stepped off the train at dawnWalked along an open roadTo find youOh you made beds at the go...

Stereophonics - Looks Like Chaplin
I feel awashClose down the streetYeah Chaplin walksBe 9:15And I hear them, hear them call ...

Stereophonics - Lying In The Sun
Wish I could lie in the sunThe same things as anyoneWish I could lie down thereWith my feet, hig...

Stereophonics - Madame Helga
Mary Mary where you beenYou've been out all nightYou ain't got no sleepI've been dancing i...

Stereophonics - Maybe
Maybe one thingMaybe somethingMaybe nothingAll I know is friendIt's nothing new...

Stereophonics - Maybe Tomorrow
I've been down andI'm wondering whyThese little black cloudsKeep walking aroundWith me...

Stereophonics - More Life In A Tramps Vest
I get camping eyes in the final hourLast minute shoppers picking cauliflowerThe fuss they make, you'd ...

Stereophonics - Mr. Writer
You line them upLook at your shoesYou hang names on your wallThen you shoot them all...

Stereophonics - Nice To Be Out
You asked me so where have you beenLet me think now let me seeI stood once where Hitlers feethad...

Stereophonics - Nothing Precious At All
I been people watching againI think they watch me tooThere's a new girl at the coffee houseShe's...

Stereophonics - Not Up To You
salt grips the road awaits his lift again street orange glow shades the odds against one more sip a shoe a m...

Stereophonics - Pedalpusher
Gotta get in on the scene hun?Voice activate machineGot ya hair in a haircutYou gotta fill up th...

Stereophonics - Pick A Part Thats New
i've never been here before didn't know where to go never met you before i've never been to your...

Stereophonics - Plastic California
plastic california looks like blackpool outta date some love some hate it's all your compe...

Stereophonics - Poppy Day
She slept on an iron bed lived through the war for what? Butterflies round the fire smiled Smiled unti...

Stereophonics - Positively 4th Street
You gotta lotta nerve to say you are my friend When I was down you just stood there grinnin' You gotta...

Stereophonics - Postmen Do Not Great Movie Heroes Make
You're not in business to be popular It's become so much about personality I regard the theatre as the...

Stereophonics - Rainbows & Pots Of Gold
I heard you're doing well Selling art and everything I like you're stuff; good for you I'll buy ...

Stereophonics - Raymond's Shop
Going down la la la Going down la la la la la I used to buy my sweets and candy treats at Raymon...

Stereophonics - Rewind
It's your timeIt's your dayIt's never too lateTo change lanesHow's your life?How's y...

Stereophonics - Roll Up And Shine
why don't you take a look in my mouth why don't you take a look at yourself so why don't you take a lo...

Stereophonics - Rooftop
Standing on a rooftopTrying to clear my mindI only came up to lookBut now there's such a crowd ...

Stereophonics - She Takes Her Clothes Off
she's got another fantasy she lives in flat number twenty three picked first prize for carnival queen ...

Stereophonics - Since I Told You It's Over
Black and blue from the wind and the rain Said I'm sorry for the lies and the pain I never ever meant ...

Stereophonics - Something In The Way
Underneath the bridge The tarp has sprung a leak And the animals are trapped And have all become...

Stereophonics - Step On My Old Size Nines
I'd like to know what it's all about?What's out there?Am I gonna get old and laugh?About somethi...

Stereophonics - Summertime
Summertime and the living is easy Fish are jumping the cotton is high Your daddy's rich and your mothe...

Stereophonics - Sunny Afternoon
The tax man's taken all my dough And left me in my stately home Lazing on a sunny afternoon I ca...

Stereophonics - Superman
You don't know what it's been likeMeeting someone like youYou don't know what it's been likeMeet...

Stereophonics - The Bartender And The Thief
when you think about it he's watching every word you say hey dazed and when he's sussed you out he cal...

Stereophonics - The Last Resort
She came from Providence The one in Rhode Island Where the old world shadows Hang heavy in the a...

Stereophonics - Tie Me Up Tie Me Down
Russell said take what you need He could count large amounts on his fingers Even with false teeth ...

Stereophonics - Too Many Sandwiches
Shopping spree for the family tree, haven't seen your family tree, in quite a whileToo many sandwiches and w...

Stereophonics - Traffic
We all face the same way, Still it takes all dayI take a look to my left, Pick out the worst and the best...

Stereophonics - T-shirt Suntan
he was walking 'round to you one said french afternoon so he called in to a shop for two he brought hi...

Stereophonics - Vegas Two Times
So it started with the immigration information boreYou gotta knowGambling floor, then to theS T ...

Stereophonics - Watch Them Fly Sundays
I'd just like to sayI remember the dayI first woke with youSome days I have to admit...

Stereophonics - Who'll Stop The Rain
Long as I remember The rain been coming down Clouds of mystery falling Confusion on the ground ...

Stereophonics - You Stole My Money Honey
You stole my money honeyYou're cold your blood's stopped runningAnd know you're buying your new life...

Steriogram - Be Good To Me
And i stand at the foot of the hillThat i saw as a boy in a bon jovi worldNow i'm blessed but i'm want...

Steriogram - Big Lady Lovin
[Verse One]Well your mum is the mum, And she likes to fightListen to her heartbeat , You cant s...

Steriogram - Fat & Proud
[Verse One]Some people may be saying that Im overweightBut I think that my big body is looking ...

Steriogram - Go
You grew up in this country townI'm stuck out here it's been foreverWhere doing nothing is allowed...

Steriogram - In The City
1 2 3 and we're all in the cityYou and me yeah we're all in the cityBoys got free going out getting bu...

Steriogram - On An On
Well youre saying that youre playing.Well youre saying that youre playing but youre faking.Well youre ...

Steriogram - Road Trip
[Verse 1]Were on the road again and there aint no time for sleepWorkin real hard cause its wher...

Steriogram - Schmack!
It's the same old guysIn the same old houseLying around doing nothingOn the same old couch...

Steriogram - Tsunami
So i'm here alone againI was wondering if you think i'm a messWhat is the point of this?Did I mi...

Steriogram - Walkie Talkie Man
[Verse 1]Well youre walkin and a talkin And a movin and a groovinAnd a hippin and a hoppi...

Steriogram - Was The Day
Is was the day that it hit meFell down on my faceAnd all my friends tried to tell me thatIn so m...

Steriogram - White Trash
Well it's saturday nightAnd you know what that meansIts time for laps that's rightStart to rev t...

Steriogram - Wind It Up
Close the mockers worldPlanets in the same roomSentimental girlsAll of which had fame tooA...

Stevie Brock - All For Love
[speaking]You no girl, my heart goes out to youHear me out now, cuz it's all for love...

Stevie Brock - Flying
[Chorus]Flyin' high flyin' feeWe're kids and that's the way that weWant itHere we g...

Stevie Brock - Girl You Know It's True
In love, in love, in loveGirl you know it's true (girl) Oh, oh, oh, I love youI'm in...

Stevie Brock - I Found You
Yeah...Love found me thenI found YouI woke up from my bed about 7 AMIt was Saturday ...

Stevie Brock - If U Be My Baby
Girl u knoe all my heart is crying out for u And no matter what i try I just dont know what i should d...

Stevie Brock - Never Wanna Give You Up
[CHORUS]Never wanna give you upYou're all I want Never wanna let you goI need your ...

Stevie Brock - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
I Just Got Back From A Vary Cool TripAlong The Milky wayI Stopped Off At The North PoleTo Spend ...

Stevie Brock - Shut Me Down
I hope somedayThat I will find another wayBabeIf you shut me down shut me down all the time run ...

Stevie Brock - You're The Inspiration
You know our love was meant to be The kind of love that lasts foreverAnd I want you here with me...

Stevie Brock - Zip-a-dee-doo-dah
Come on everybody!Its a Zip-a-dee day! (its a zip-a-dee zip-a-dee day)Come on everybody!Do you w...

Stevie Nicks - Bombay Sapphires
You--beloved Were to me - everything That love stood for To love one another for awhile Wa...

Stevie Nicks - Candlebright
For no special reason I am leaving you for awhile tonight I'm flying far above you Still I love ...

Stevie Nicks - Every Day
Don't keep me hangin' on a string Tell me what I feel is no big thing Don't turn away I'm listening ...

Stevie Nicks - Fall From Grace
I choose to be his confidant And to keep him from the fire I choose to be quietly discreet If th...

Stevie Nicks - I Miss You
When I think about you I think about how much I Miss you when you're not around When I think abo...

Stevie Nicks - It's Only Love
I think I met my match again Passing 'round the candlelight In the center of this blizzard You s...

Stevie Nicks - Love Changes
It wasn't that I didn't love youI just couldn't make you seeThat as hard as I tried To make it a...

Stevie Nicks - Love Is
Do you know what this isNo, I don'tBut whatever it isIt's very powerfulHave you felt this ...

Stevie Nicks - Planets Of The Universe
The bright light is lying down The earth and the sea and the sky Is at rest with the ocean And t...

Stevie Nicks - Sorcerer
I'm tired I'm thirsty I'm wild-eyed In my misery Timeless in your finery It's ...

Stevie Nicks - That Made Me Stronger
Dreams reoccur in my solitude Breaking my heart Injuring my mood With all of the things that I t...

Stevie Nicks - Too Far From Texas
There's a plane, it's headed for London Twenty-four hours more and he'll be on it And I can't show my ...

Stevie Nicks - Trouble In Shangri-la
I remember him, he was very young No one spoke like him, he was someone And I carried on, like I could...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - All Your Love I Miss Loving
Wo the love I miss lovin'All the kiss I miss kissin'Wo the love I miss lovin'All the kiss I miss...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Close To You
I wanna be close to you baby as I can get Close to you baby as water is wet Close to you baby as hair ...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Cold Shot
Once was a sweet thing, baby Held that love in our hands But now I reach to kiss your lips It ju...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Crosscut Saw
I'm a crosscut saw,Baby, drag me across your log.I'm a crosscut saw,Baby, drag me across your lo...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Crossfire
Day by day, night after night Blinded by the neon light Hurry here, hustling there No one's got ...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Give Me Back My Wig
Give me back my wigHoney, now let your head go bald.Give me back my wigHoney, now let your head ...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Honey Bee
Like a queen bee's honey, your as sweet as can beI'm the king baby, buzz with meDive in your hive, and...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Hug You Squeeze You
God knows I love you, baby, tell the world I doGod knows I love you, darlin', tell the world I doI'l d...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - I'm Cryin'
Well now sittin' here so lonelyFeelin' oh so blueMy baby's tryin' to mistreat meAnd I don't know...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - I'm Leaving You (commit A Crime)
I'm leavin' you womanBefore I commit some crimeI'm leavin' you womanBefore I commit a crime...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Let Me Love You Baby
Woo wee baby I declare you sure look fineWoo wee baby I declare you sure look fineA girl like you has ...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Letter To My Girlfriend
I wants to know what your doin' tonightWish I could see if everything was alrightHold you long in my a...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Live Another Day
Well now sittin' here so lonely, feelin' oh so blueMy baby's tryin' to mistreat meAnd I don't know wha...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Long Way From Home
Look over hereLook over thereLook all around me everywhereWell it really doesn't matterWhi...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Lookin' Out The Window
Well I'm lookin' out the window, I'm lookin' at youYeah I'm lookin' out the window, I'm lookin' at you...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Mary Had A Little Lamb
Mary had a little lamb His fleece was black as coal, yeah And everywhere the child went That lit...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - May I Have A Talk With You
Well now now darlin may a have a little talk with you Well now now now now darlin may a have a little talk w...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Shake For Me
Well that sure look good darlin'Drummin' our thang to meYes that sure look good darlin'Drummin' ...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - So Excited
As far as I know, the only time Stevie sang the lyrics of this song was on March 18, 1985 in Manor Downs, Manor, T...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Taxman
Let me tell you how it will beThere's one for you, nineteen for me'Cause I'm the taxman, yeah, I'm the...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Telephone Song
Woke up this morning I was all alone Saw your picture by the telephoneI was missing you oh so bad...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Texas Flood
Well there's floodin' down in TexasAll of the telephone lines are downWell there's floodin' down in Te...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - The Things (that) I Used To Do
The things that I used to doc Lord, I won't do no moreThe things that I used to doLord, I won't ...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Tick Tock
One night while sleeping in my bed I had a beautiful dream That all the people of the world got togeth...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - Willie The Wimp
Willie the Wimp was buried today, They laid him to rest in a special way. Sent him off in the finest s...

Stevie Ray Vaughan - You'll Be Mine
You so sweet - you so fineHow I wish - you were mineHoney I'll - be your love You'll be mine - y...

Stevie Wonder - Ai No, Sono
There is a gardenWhere every heart canShare in the joy of givingIt like no otherHas ...

Stevie Wonder - All Day Sucker
Come on up you sayCause you can feel your love comin' downI find myself rushin' over toDo someth...

Stevie Wonder - All I Do
You made my soul a burning fireYou're getting to be my one desireYou're getting to be all that matters...

Stevie Wonder - All In Love Is Fair
All is fair in love Love's a crazy game Two people vow to stay In love as one they say But...

Stevie Wonder - Another Star
La la la la la la lala laLa la la la la la lala la La la la la la la lala laLa la la la la...

Stevie Wonder - A Place In The Sun
Like a long lonely streamI keep runnin' towards a dreamMovin' on, movin' onLike a branch on a tr...

Stevie Wonder - As
As around the sun the earth knows she's revolving And the rosebuds know to bloom in early May Just as ...

Stevie Wonder - A Seed's A Star / Tree Medley
We're a people black as is your nightBorn to spread Amma's eternal lightWhich since time beganHa...

Stevie Wonder - As If You Read My Mind
Close your eyes til the morningClose your eyes til the early dewGet inside what you've been missing...

Stevie Wonder - Bedtime For Toys
Close your eyes, beddy bye tin soldier,Mommy says that it's time for sleep,If my folks were wiser and ...

Stevie Wonder - Big Brother
Your name is big brother You say that you're watching me on the tele, Seeing me go nowhere, Your...

Stevie Wonder - Bird Of Beauty
Uuh uhDo do do do do doDo do do do do do Ooh ohDo do do do do doDo do do do do...

Stevie Wonder - Black Man
First man to dieFor the flag we now hold high (Crispus Attucks)Was a black man The ground ...

Stevie Wonder - Black Orchid
A flake of snow within a stormA new way waiting to be bornIn a world with need of changeA touch ...

Stevie Wonder - Blame It On The Sun
Where has my love gone? How can I go on? It seems dear love has gone away Where is my spir...

Stevie Wonder - Blowin' In The Wind
How many roads must a man walk down before they call him a man?How many seas must a white dove sail before s...

Stevie Wonder - Boogie On Reggae Woman
I like to see you boogieRight across the floorI like to do it to youTill you holla for more...

Stevie Wonder - Cash In Your Face
You just could not know how long we triedTo see how this building looks insideThis must be a lucky day...

Stevie Wonder - Chemical Love
People goin' round Tellin' others they are square Around and round in circles Is a ride that goe...

Stevie Wonder - Cold Chill
Feelin young and full of funHangin out with my crewHot to trot and about to popTryin to find som...

Stevie Wonder - Come Back As A Flower
The starngest thought came to me on this morningAs I awake to greet the coming dawnThe sun was hardly ...

Stevie Wonder - Come Let Me Make Your Love Come Down
There's a girl in my life about 4'10" She's the one who brings me morning joy And brings me joy when m...

Stevie Wonder - Contract On Love
Baby, baby, sign my contract on loveBaby, baby, sign my contract on loveBaby, baby, sign my contract o...

Stevie Wonder - Conversation Peace
Staring right at 2000 AD As if mankind's atrocities to man has no history But just a glance at life in...

Stevie Wonder - Creeping
I can hear you sighin'Sayin' you'll stay beside meWhy must it beThat you always creep...In...

Stevie Wonder - Cryin' Through The Night
Yes I am cryin' I got the blues and I don't know why Yes I am cryin' I got the blues, I'm so dis...

Stevie Wonder - Dancing To The Rythm
Lonely, my life used to be lonely Lonely as the single lonely number one Lonely like a lonely sun ...

Stevie Wonder - Dark 'n' Lovely
There is a place On earth's motherland Where a people Die in bantu stands Manchild at eigh...

Stevie Wonder - Did I Hear You Say You Love Me
Aaah...Did I hear you say you love meWell baby I've got to knowCause if you really really love m...

Stevie Wonder - Do I Do
When I see you on the streetMy whole body gets weakWhen you're standing in a crowdYour love talk...

Stevie Wonder - Do Like You
[Keita] Show me how to do like you[Aisha] If you say please[Keita] Please...

Stevie Wonder - Don't Drive Drunk
He and his wife have had problemsThat he's played off like nothing's wrong'Til he comes home from work...

Stevie Wonder - Don't You Worry 'bout A Thing
Everybody's got a thing But some don't know how to handle it Always reachin' out in vain Accepti...

Stevie Wonder - Do Yourself A Favour
Isolated junk yardLetting out the garbageEating through the core of life Sweet fragrance i...

Stevie Wonder - Each Other's Throat
We are supposed to be sisters and brothersBut all we do is constantly dog one anotherWe are supposed t...

Stevie Wonder - Ebony Eyes
She's a Miss Beautiful Supreme A girl that other wish that they could be If there's seven wonders of t...

Stevie Wonder - Edge Of Eternity
Wolf tickets are all you say I'm sellingWell that goes to show what you need to knowCause I ain't yack...

Stevie Wonder - Evil
Evil, why have you engulfed so many hearts...EvilEvil, why have you destroyed so many minds...Leaving ...

Stevie Wonder - Fademy Love
My love is warmer than a smileMy love gives to every needing childIf anyone should ask you who's my tr...

Stevie Wonder - Fingertips (part 2)
Everybody say yeah (yeah!)Say yeah (yeah!)Say yeah (yeah!)Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!Jus...

Stevie Wonder - For Your Love
All the gold in the world Is nothing to possess If all the things that it can bring Can't add up...

Stevie Wonder - Free
Free like the river Flowin' freely through infinity Free to be sure of What I am and who I need ...

Stevie Wonder - Front Line
I am a veteran of the war I up and joined the army back in 1964 At sixteen I just had to be a man at a...

Stevie Wonder - Fun Day
This is fun day Yours and my day This is fun day, dee ooh, wee ooh This is fun day O...

Stevie Wonder - Galaxy Paradise
You are so unpredictable When I am not You are so irresistible That I can't stop You say m...

Stevie Wonder - Get It
[SW] ... Miss Lady Girl Is putting her love on the shelf Cause she don't wantTo be hurt b...

Stevie Wonder - Girl Blue
Hello Morning, good, good morning to the one I love,Crystal Ringlets paint a picture of a gold sunrise above...

Stevie Wonder - Golden Lady
Looking in your eyes Kind of heaven eyes Closing both my eyes Waiting for surprise To see ...

Stevie Wonder - Gotta Have You
Never been too much for watchingCause there's too many things to viewAnd when eyes begin to wander...

Stevie Wonder - Happier Than The Morning Sun
Bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bom bomBom bom bom bom bom bomI'm happier than the morning sun...

Stevie Wonder - Happy Birthday
You know it doesn't make much senseThere ought to be a law againstAnyone who takes offenseAt a d...

Stevie Wonder - Have A Talk With God
There are people who have let the problems of today Lead them to conclude that for them life is not the way ...

Stevie Wonder - Heaven Help Us All
Heaven help the child who never had a home,Heaven help the girl who walks the street aloneHeaven help ...

Stevie Wonder - Heaven Is 10 Zillion Light Years Away
They say that heaven is 10 zillion light years awayAnd just the pure at heart will walk her righteous street...

Stevie Wonder - He's Misstra Know-it-all
He's a man With a plan Got a counterfeit dollar in his hand He's Misstra Know-It-All ...

Stevie Wonder - Hold Me
Hold me darling hold me And I'll always be your, be your guy Closer, baby come closer Let me be ...

Stevie Wonder - How Come, How Long
There was a girl I used to knowShe was oh so beautifulBut she's not here anymoreShe had a colleg...

Stevie Wonder - I Ain't Gonna Stand For It
Don't wanna believe what they're telling meSomebody's been pickin in my cherry treeDon't wanna mistrus...

Stevie Wonder - I Believe (when I Fall In Love It Will Be Forever)
Shattered dreams, worthless years, Here am I encased inside a hollow shell, Life began, then was done,...

Stevie Wonder - I Don't Know Why
I don't know why I love youI don't know why I love youI don't know why I love youBut I love you...

Stevie Wonder - If It's Magic
If it's magic...Then why can't it be everlastingLike the sun that always shinesLike the poets in...

Stevie Wonder - If She Breaks Your Heart
My love is gone with yesterday, my love is gonewith yesterdayWe had a love for all seasons...

Stevie Wonder - If You Really Love Me
And if you really love me won't you tell me..And if you really love me won't you tell me..And if you r...

Stevie Wonder - I Go Sailing
I took a worthless trip Down life's avenue Just to try to find a way to smile again While I was ...

Stevie Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You
No New Year's Day to celebrateNo chocolate covered candy hearts to give awayNo first of springNo...

Stevie Wonder - I Love Every Little Thing About You
Though they say you're not my friendYou've been here through thick and thinAnd for that little girl I ...

Stevie Wonder - I'm New
Try to envision you as the oldest living someoneBeing every night and day all aloneGoing through ages ...

Stevie Wonder - I'm Wondering
Jimmy was your sweetie pieYour precious one And I knew you used to loveThe very ground he walked...

Stevie Wonder - I Never Dreamed You'd Leave In Summer
I never dreamed you'd leave in summerI thought you would go then come back homeI thought the cold woul...

Stevie Wonder - In Your Corner
I hear tell there's big fun tonight On the corner of Main and Dog-Meat-Bite Friday midnights would not...

Stevie Wonder - Isn't She Lovely
Isn't she lovely Isn't she wonderful Isn't she precious Less than one minute old I never t...

Stevie Wonder - It Ain't No Use
Um um um umUm um um um There ain't no reason for us sittin' downTo try to talk our problem...

Stevie Wonder - It's You
I look inside my crystal ball of desireAnd know why rapid beats my heartI see the spark, I feel the fl...

Stevie Wonder - I Wanna Talk To You
M-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-mLord, Lordy, LordyStanding here on my own sideWaitin' Fo' the floor...

Stevie Wonder - I Was Made To Love Her
I was born in Lil' Rock,Had a childhood sweetheart,We were always hand in hand.I was hight...

Stevie Wonder - I Wish
Looking back on when I Was a little nappy headed boy Then my only worry Was for Christmas what w...

Stevie Wonder - Jesus Children Of America
Hello Jesus Jesus children Jesus loves you Jesus children Hello children Jesus loves you o...

Stevie Wonder - Joy Inside My Tears
I've always come to the conclusion that 'but' is the wayOf asking for permission to lay something heavy on o...

Stevie Wonder - Keep On Running
Some gonna get youSome gonna grab youSome gonna jump out of the bushes and grab youWhole lotta f...

Stevie Wonder - Keep Our Love Alive
Feeble is the mind that says they don't careSelfish is the heart that won't give their sharePoor them,...

Stevie Wonder - Kesse Ye Lolo De Ye
Kesse Ye Lolo De Ye (A seeds a star)Lolo Ye Kesse De Ye (A stars a seed)Diame, Diame (peace and more p...

Stevie Wonder - Kiss Lonely Good-bye
Give me a chance to catch my breathCause I'm in a state of aweGuess miracles do never ceaseFor w...

Stevie Wonder - Knocks Me Off My Feets
I see us in the park Strolling the summer days of imaginings in my head And words from our hearts ...

Stevie Wonder - Lately
Lately, I have had the strangest feelingWith no vivid reason here to findYet the thought of losing you...

Stevie Wonder - Lighting Up The Candles
Lighting up the candles, lighting up our love Lighting up the candles, lighting up our love Ligh...

Stevie Wonder - Living For The City
A boy is born in hard time Mississippi Surrounded by four walls that ain't so pretty His parents give ...

Stevie Wonder - Look Around
We are idle strangersMarried to our dangersInto space we go to change our waysFlying to ou...

Stevie Wonder - Lookin' For Another Pure Love
Never tears or sorrows came before me in my mind, I had no problems, never a problem in my life, Never...

Stevie Wonder - Love Having You Around
Please,mama, mama, mama,mama, mama, baby,baby, baby, baby,mama, mama, mama,baby, bab...

Stevie Wonder - Love Light In Flight
Make me feel like paradiseGive me what I'm missingSend me to the highest heightsTake me up and a...

Stevie Wonder - Love's In Need Of Love Today
Good morn or evening friends Here's your friendly announcer I have serious news to pass on to every-bo...

Stevie Wonder - Make Sure You're Sure
Well the night is young And the stars are out And your eyes are all aglow And you say you feel ...

Stevie Wonder - Master Blaster
Everyone's feeling prettyIt's hotter than JulyThough the world's full of problemsThey couldn't t...

Stevie Wonder - Maybe Your Baby
I'm feelin' down and some kind of lonely, Cause' my baby done left me here, Heart's blazing like a fiv...

Stevie Wonder - Moments Aren't Moments
Tender, warm and sereneAre the words that might come close to havingRemnants of the feelings that we c...

Stevie Wonder - Mr. Tambourin Man
Hey Mr. Tambourine Man play a song for meI'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going toHey Mr. Tamb...

Stevie Wonder - Ms. & Mr. Little Ones
What is that that you're looking through a pornographic magazine?When I bet you don't even know how to...

Stevie Wonder - My Eyes Don't Cry
I was a lonely no one Living in a vacuum as life's debris Victimized as one whose self deprivation ...

Stevie Wonder - My Love Is With You
I was just walking down the street Looking forward to seeing the friends I was to meet Yet what happen...

Stevie Wonder - Never Had A Dream Come True
I never, never had a dream come trueIn my every dream, I'm loved by youAnd we're free as the wind...

Stevie Wonder - Ngicuelela - Es Una Historia - I Am Singing
[Ngiculela][Zulu translation by Thoko Mdalose Hall]Ngiculela ikusasgNgliyacu...

Stevie Wonder - One Of A Kind
There we were two lonely souls Existing from day to day Feeling love would never Come our way ...

Stevie Wonder - Ordinary Pain
When by the phoneIn vain you sitYou very soon in your mind realize that it's not justAn ordinary...

Stevie Wonder - Outside My Window
La-La-La-LaLa-La-La La-La-LaLa-La-La La-La[repeat 2 times]Much has been writt...

Stevie Wonder - Part-time Lover
Call up, ring once, hang up the phone To let me know you made it home Don't want nothing to be wrong w...

Stevie Wonder - Pastime Paradise
They've been spending most their lives Living in a pastime paradise They've been spending most their l...

Stevie Wonder - Please Don't Go
Uuu uuu uuu uuu uuu uuu uuu. Please don't go, no no no;If you go I'll be sad and blue,So I...

Stevie Wonder - Power Flower
Pan is my nameI live outside the doorI have to keep the score of things around youFire and...

Stevie Wonder - Queen In The Black
Excuse me please your majesty I chance this moment nervously To share with you a fantasy That I ...

Stevie Wonder - Race Babbling
This world is moving much to fastThey're race babblingThis world is moving much to fastThe ends ...

Stevie Wonder - Rain Your Love Down
Such a lovely world was made for you and me Wondrous life for us to taste, touch, smell, hear, and see ...

Stevie Wonder - Ribbon In The Sky
Oh so long for this night I prayed That a star would guide you my way To share with me this special da...

Stevie Wonder - Rocket Love
Do Do Do, Do Do Do, Do Do Do, Do Do DoDo Do Do, Do Do Do, Do Do Do-ooI longed for you since I wa...

Stevie Wonder - Same Old Story
Born to open forMankind nature's doorA life known by a fewAnd those who knew that shared...

Stevie Wonder - Saturn
Packing my bags-going away To a place where the air is clean On saturn There's no sense to sit a...

Stevie Wonder - Seems So Long
Lady love and lady caredbut lady went away,And left me all alone to suffer.And now I feel ...

Stevie Wonder - Send One Your Love
Send her your loveWith a dozen rosesMake sure that she knows itWith a flower from your heart...

Stevie Wonder - Sensuous Whisper
I've seen you, I saw you, I see youwithout little notice, if any at allOf you knowing me watchin you...

Stevie Wonder - Shoo-be-doo-be-doo-da-day
Your precious sweetheart, she's so faithful, she's so true, oh yeah,Her dreams are tumblin', her world is cr...

Stevie Wonder - Sir Duke
Music is a world within itself With a language we all understand With an equal opportunity For a...

Stevie Wonder - Skeletons
Skeletons in your closetItchin' to come outsideMessin' with your conscienceIn a way your face ca...

Stevie Wonder - Smile Please
A smiling face is on earth like starA frown can't bring out the beauty that you areLove within and you...

Stevie Wonder - Someday At Christmas
Someday at Christmas men won't be boysPlaying with bombs like kids play with toysOne warm December our...

Stevie Wonder - Sorry
Into each life there comes a timeWhen you must pay your lovers' duesBreakin' out in a cold sweat...

Stevie Wonder - So What The Fuss?
If I'm caught at a dance party without my dancin shoesAnd everybody dances on my bare feet Shame on me...

Stevie Wonder - Stay Gold
Seize upon that moment long ago One breath away and there you will be So young and carefree Agai...

Stevie Wonder - Summer Soft
Summer soft... Wakes you up with a kiss to start the morning off In the midst of herself playing Santa...

Stevie Wonder - Superwoman
Mary wants to be a superwomanBut is that really in her headBut I just want to live each day to love he...

Stevie Wonder - Sweet Little Girl
Sweet little girl, you know your baby loves youYour love is driving me crazy, crazy, crazySweet little...

Stevie Wonder - Sylvia
Whoa, oh, oh, yeahMmm, hmm SylviaYou know you're getting to me nowMmm, mmm, mmm, SylviaYou...

Stevie Wonder - Taboo To Love
Are you telling me you feelLike you have never feltUt Oh, my heartDon't you know those famous wo...

Stevie Wonder - Take The Time Out
Lying out on the street, there's a manThat needs somewhere to sleepAnd a bag-lady digs, through the tr...

Stevie Wonder - Take Up A Course In Happiness
When life reaches out and takes youOn an unpleasent rideAnd your bridge of dreams comesTumblin' ...

Stevie Wonder - That Girl
That girl thinks that she's so fineThat soon she'll have my mindThat girl thinks that she's so smart...

Stevie Wonder - The Christmas Song
Chestnuts roasting on an open fireJack frost nipping at your noseYuletide carols being sung by a...

Stevie Wonder - The Secret Life Of Plants
I can't conceive the nucleus of allBegins inside a tiny seedAnd what we think as insignificantPr...

Stevie Wonder - These Three Words
When was the last time That they heard you say Mother or father, I love you And when was the las...

Stevie Wonder - The Shadow Of Your Smile
The shadow of your smile when you are goneWill color all my dreams and light the dawnLook into my eyes...

Stevie Wonder - The Woman In Red
Am I seeing what I think I seeOr are my eyes playing tricks on me'Cause what I see don't make no sense...

Stevie Wonder - They Won't Go When I Go
No more lying friendsWanting tragic endsThough they do pretendThey won't go when I go ...

Stevie Wonder - Think Of Me As Your Soldier
Think of me as your soldierThe man whose life is for youAnd the sweet loveThat's greater than ti...

Stevie Wonder - Tomorrow Robins Will Sing
Now every ting is lovelySo don't put yu trust inna false prophecyDis a de Edley Shine & StevieYo...

Stevie Wonder - Too High
Dodo do do do dodo Do do dodo do dodo Dodo dodo do do Dodo do do do dodo Do do do do...

Stevie Wonder - Too Shy To Say
You make me smileYou make me singYou make me feel good everythingYou bring me upWhen I've ...

Stevie Wonder - Travelin' Man
Something deep inside of meKeeps me moving aimlesslyAlways been Always beA lonely travelin' man...

Stevie Wonder - Treat Myself
There's a place I can go When the tension is high and I'm feeling low In a falsh I can be in an anothe...

Stevie Wonder - True To Your Heart
Baby, I knew at once thatyou were meant for meDeep in my soul I knowthat I'm your destinyT...

Stevie Wonder - Tuesday Heartbreak
Tuesday heartbreak seem to be unfair, Cause you say that you found another man, Tuesday break heart, g...

Stevie Wonder - Until You Come Back To Me
Though you don't call anymoreI sit and wait in vainI guess I'll rap on your doorTap on your wind...

Stevie Wonder - Uptight (everything's Alright)
Baby, ev'rything is all right, uptight, out of sight. Baby, ev'rything is all right, uptight, out of sight. ...

Stevie Wonder - Venus' Flytrap And The Bug
Hello flowerBoy, do you look juicyAnd you know just what Im coming to get, rightDont eat m...

Stevie Wonder - Village Ghetto Land
Would you like to go with me Down my dead end street Would you like to come with me To Village G...

Stevie Wonder - Visions
People hand in hand Have I lived to see the milk and honey land ? Where hate's a dream and love foreve...

Stevie Wonder - Weakness
Everytime I think our love is drifting apartSomething always throws it back togetherAnd everytime I th...

Stevie Wonder - We Can Work It Out
Try to see it my wayDo I have to keep on talking till I can't go onWhile you see it your wayRun ...

Stevie Wonder - What's That You're Doing?
What's That You're Doing?Girl I Like What You Do To MeWhat's That You're Doing?'Cos It Makes No ...

Stevie Wonder - With Each Beat Of My Heart
Honey, sweetI've got something to say to you in privacySomething I'd like for you to hearAnd onl...

Stevie Wonder - Yesterme Yesteryou Yesterday
What happened to the world we knewWhen we would dream and schemeAnd while the time awayYesterme ...

Stevie Wonder - You And I
Here we are on earth together, It's you and I, God has made us fall in love, it's true, I've rea...

Stevie Wonder - You Are The Sunshine Of My Life
You are the sunshine of my lifeThat's why I'll always be around, You are the apple of my eye, Fo...

Stevie Wonder - You Haven't Done Nothing
We are amazed but not amusedBy all the things you say that you'll doThough much concerned but not invo...

Stevie Wonder - You Met Your Match
Hey you were good at playing the fox girlWhen I was good you threw me a boneBut I ain't playing hot fo...

Stevie Wonder - You've Got It Bad Girl
When you believe in a feeling, And it's holding you back from my love, Then you've got it bad girl, yo...

Stevie Wonder - You Will Know
Lonely one of young so brokenhearted Traveling down the right road of life Using pharmaceutical extrac...

The Stills - Allison Krausse
So what do I say? So what can I say?The cards out on the table, AllisonShe lied and said she was...

The Stills - Animals + Insects
I stumble out of a night club thinking,"Animals and insects don't do drugs."I think I'll go out and ac...

The Stills - Fevered
Strange like skin That I believe inIt stretches over bone And smells like honey on the wind...

The Stills - Gender Bombs
Brains, on a brick wall, from gender bombs would fallThe sordid way allotted phrases infiltrate your skull...

The Stills - Let's Roll
Lie on the floor of the runway, baby Wait for the ride; we'll have a comfortable flyAnd don't be...

The Stills - Lola Stars And Stripes
We all need to feel secure and so middle-classBut I'm still waiting for next week's chemical blastDon'...

The Stills - Love & Death
I'll make my own way; I'll make my own wayDon't bother counting on me, loving me, just act like I'm gone...

The Stills - Of Montreal
The falling free on, it's turning me onIt drips on the street, the sun cries from the heatI love feeli...

The Stills - Ready For It
I'll see you in a second, a dirty little minuteThat was an hour ago, don't censor meSo picture me, the...

The Stills - Still In Love Song
We were lovers, we were kissersWe were holders of hands; we were make-believers just losing timeYou sa...

The Stills - Yesterday Never Tomorrows
My looks pushed too far, I'll get wrecked in some barI've lost it, my foot's on a nailThe dark w...

Sting - After The Rain Has Fallen
The palace guards are all sleeping Their fires burn into the night There's a threat of rain on the dar...

Sting - All Four Seasons
With her smile as sweet as a warm wind in summerShe's got me flying like a bird in a bright June skyAn...

Sting - All This Time
I looked out acrossThe river todayI saw a city in the fog and an old church towerWhere the seagu...

Sting - Another Day
Every day that goes by A new hungry baby starts to cryBorn astride a painful grave Drowned in hu...

Sting - A Thousand Years
A thousand years, a thousand more, A thousand times a million doors to eternity I may have lived a tho...

Sting - Be Still My Beating Heart
Be still my beating heartIt would be better to be coolIt's not time to be open just yetA lesson ...

Sting - Big Lie, Small World
I sat down and wrote this letterTelling you that I felt betterSince you've gone and I was freeI'...

Sting - Brand New Day
How many of you people out thereBeen hurt in some kind of love affairAnd how many times do you swear t...

Sting - Bring On The Night
The afternoon has gently passed me byThe evening spreads its sail against the skyWaiting for tomorrow,...

Sting - Can't Stand Losing You
I've called you so many times todayAnd I guess it's all true what your girlfriends sayThat you don't e...

Sting - Children's Crusade
Young men, soldiers, Nineteen FourteenMarching through countries they'd never seenVirgins with rifles,...

Sting - Consider Me Gone
There were rooms of forgivenessIn the house that we shareBut the space has been emptiedOf whatev...

Sting - Dead Man's Rope
A million footsteps, this left foot drags behind my rightBut I keep walking, from daybreak 'til the falling ...

Sting - Demolition Man
Oh! Demolition, demolitionDemolition, demolitionTied to the tracks and the train's fast comingSt...

Sting - Desert Rose
I dream of rainI dream of gardens in the desert sandI wake in painI dream of love as time runs t...

Sting - Don't Stand So Close To Me
Young teacher, the subjectOf schoolgirl fantasyShe wants him so badlyKnows what she wants to be...

Sting - Down So Long
The sun sets across the oceanI'm a thousand mile from anywhereAnd my pocketbook in my heartBoth ...

Sting - Driven To Tears
How can you say that you're not responsible?What does it have to do with me?What is my reaction, what ...

Sting - Ellas Danzan Solas (cueca Solas)
?Por que estan aqui, danzando solas??Por que hay tristeza en sus miradas?Hay soldados tambienIgn...

Sting - Englishman In New York
I don't drink coffee I take tea my dearI like my toast done on one sideAnd you can hear it in my accen...

Sting - Epilouge (nothing 'bout Me)
Lay my head on the surgeon's tableTake me fingerprints if you are ablePick my brains, pick my pockets...

Sting - Every Breath You Take
Every breath you takeEvery move you makeEvery bond you breakEvery step you takeI'll be wat...

Sting - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic
Though I've tried before to tell herOf the feelings I have for her in my heartEvery time that I come n...

Sting - Fields Of Gold
You'll remember me when the west wind movesUpon the fields of barleyYou'll forget the sun in his jealo...

Sting - Fill Her Up
Mobile station,Where I standThis old gas pumpIn my hand.The Boss don't like me...

Sting - Forget About The Future
I know we got some historyWe got some issues that we need to solveBut is it really such a mystery?...

Sting - Fortress Around Your Heart
Under the ruins of a walled cityCrumbling towers and beams of yellow lightNo flags of truce, no cries ...

Sting - Fragile
If blood will flow when flesh and steel are oneDrying in the colour of the evening sunTomorrow's rain ...

Sting - Fragilidad (spanish)
Manana ya la sangre no estaraAl caer la lluvia se la llevaraAcero y piel combinacion tan cruelPe...

Sting - Fragil (portuguese)
E amanha a chuva levaraO sangue que a luta deixou derramarNa pele a dor do aco tao cruelJamais a...

Sting - Ghost Story
I watch the Western skyThe sun is sinkingThe geese are flying SouthIt sets me thinking...

Sting - Heavy Cloud No Rain
Turned on the weather man just after the newsI needed sweet rain to wash away my bluesHe looked at the...

Sting - History Will Teach Us Nothing
If we seek solace in the prisons of the distant pastSecurity in human systems we're told will always always ...

Sting - I Burn For You
Now that I have found youIn the coolth of your evening smileThe shade of your parasolAnd your lo...

Sting - If I Ever Lose My Faith In You
You could say I lost my faith in science and progressYou could say I lost my belief in the holy church...

Sting - If You Love Somebody Set Them Free
If you need somebody, call my nameIf you want someone, you can do the sameIf you want to keep somethin...

Sting - I Hung My Head
Early one morning with time to killI borrowed Jeb's rifle and sat on the hillI saw a lone rider crossi...

Sting - Inside
Inside the doors are sealed to loveInside my heart is sleeping Inside the fingers of my gloveIns...

Sting - Island Of Souls
Billy was born within sight of the shipyardFirst son of a riveter's sonAnd Billy was raised as the shi...

Sting - I Was Brought To My Senses
Alone with my thoughts this eveningI walked on the banks of TyneI wondered how I could win youOr...

Sting - Jeremiah Blues (part 1)
It was midnight, midnight at noonEveryone talked in rhymeEveryone saw the big clock tickingNobod...

Sting - La Belle Dame Sans Regrets
Dansons tu disEt moi, je suisMes pas sont gauchesMes pieds tu fauchesJe crains les sots...

Sting - Lazarus Heart
He looked beneath his shirt todayThere was a wound in his flesh so deep and wideFrom the wound a lovel...

Sting - Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot
Let your soul be your pilotLet your soul guide youHe'll guide you wellWhen you're down and...

Sting - Lithium Sunset
Fill my eyesO Lithium sunsetAnd take this lonesome burdenOf worry from my mindTake this he...

Sting - Little Wing
Well, she's walking through the cloudswith a circus mindthat's running wildButterflies and zebra...

Sting - Love Is Stronger Than Justice
This is a story of seven brothersWe had the same father but different mothersWe keep together like a f...

Sting - Love Is The Seventh Wave
In the empire of the sensesYou're the queen of all you surveyAll the cities all the nationsEvery...

Sting - Low Life
Fatal fascination for the seedy part of townWalk down the street and your head spins roundDon't be see...

Sting - Mad About You
A stones's throw from JerusalemI walked a lonely mile in the moonlightAnd though a million stars were ...

Sting - Mariposa Libre
Yo la veo caminarPor las nubes va?Donde andara?Mariposa libre que sue?aQue quiere ser...

Sting - Message In A Bottle
Just a castawayAn island lost at seaAnother lonely dayWith no one here but meMore loneline...

Sting - Moon Over Bourbon Street
There's a moon over Bourbon Street tonightI see faces as they pass beneath the pale lamplightI've no c...

Sting - My Funny Friend And Me
In the quiet time of eveningWhen the stars assume their patternsAnd the day has made his journey...

Sting - Never Coming Home
Well it's five in the morning and the light's already broken And the rainy streets are empty for nobody else...

Sting - One World (not Three)
One world is enough, for all of usOne world is enough, for all of usIt's a subject we rarely men...

Sting - Perfect Love Gone Wrong
I've had a question that's been preying on my mind for some timeI won't be wagging my tail for one good reas...

Sting - Rock Steady
Saw an ad in the newspaper that caught my eyeI said to my baby this sounds like a ticket for you and I...

Sting - Roxanne
RoxanneYou don't have to put on the red lightThose days are overYou don't have to sell your body...

Sting - Russians
In Europe and America, there's a growing feeling of hysteriaConditioned to respond to all the threatsI...

Sting - Sacred Love
Take off those working clothesPut on these high heeled shoesDon't want no preacher on the TV baby ...

Sting - Saint Augustine In Hell
If somebody up there likes me somebody up there caresDeliver me from evil save me from these wicked snares...

Sting - Send Your Love
Finding the world in the smallness of a grain of sand And holding infinities in the palm of your hand ...

Sting - Seven Days
"Seven Days" was all she wroteA kind of ultimatum noteShe gave to me, she gave to meWhen I thoug...

Sting - Shadows In The Rain
I woke up in my clothes again this morningI don't know exactly where I amAnd I should heed my doctor's...

Sting - Shape Of My Heart
He deals the cards as a meditationAnd those he plays never suspectHe doesn't play for the money he win...

Sting - She's Too Good For Me
She don't like to hear me singShe don't want no diamond ringShe don't want to drive my carShe wo...

Sting - Si Estamos Juntos
Me veo aqui alli siempre junto a tiEn todo lo que pienso tu estasQue importa el tiempo si los dos esta...

Sting - Sister Moon
Sister moon will be my guideIn your blue blue shadows I would hideAll good people asleep tonight...

Sting - Something The Boy Said
When we set out on this journeyThere were no doubts in our mindsWe set our eyes to the distanceW...

Sting - Stolen Car
Late at night in summer heat. Expensive car, empty streetThere's a wire in my jacket. This is my trade...

Sting - Straight To My Heart
Well in a hundred years from nowThey will attempt to tell us howA scientific means to blissWill ...

Sting - Tea In The Sahara
My sisters and IHave this wish before we dieAnd it may sound strangeAs if our minds are deranged...

Sting - The Book Of My Life
Let me watch by the fire and remember my daysAnd it may be a trick of the firelight But the flickering...

Sting - The Hounds Of Winter
Mercury fallingI rise from my bedCollect my thoughts togetherI have to hold my headIt seem...

Sting - The Secret Marriage
No earthly church has ever blessed our unionNo state has ever granted us permissionNo family bond has ...

Sting - The Soul Cages
The boy child is locked in the fisherman's yardThere's a bloodless moon where the ocean diedA shoal of...

Sting - The Wild Wild Sea
I saw it again this evening,Black sail in a pale yellow skyAnd just as before in a moment,It was...

Sting - They Dance Alone
Why are there women here dancing on their own?Why is there this sadness in their eyes?Why are the sold...

Sting - This Cowboy Song
We rode all night across an endless desertWe had no moon to light our wayAnd though a million stars we...

Sting - This War
You've got the mouth of a she wolfInside the mask of an innocent lambYou say your heart is all compass...

Sting - Tomorrow We'll See
The streets are wetThe lights have yetTo shed their darkened luster on the sceneMy skirt's...

Sting - Until
If I caught the world in a bottleAnd everything was still beneath the moonWithout your love would it s...

Sting - Valparaiso
Chase the dog starOver the seaHome where my true love is waiting for meRope the south wind...

Sting - Walking On The Moon
Giant steps are what you takeWalking on the moonI hope my legs don't breakWalking on the moon...

Sting - We'll Be Together
I see me with you and all the things you doKeep turning round and round in my mindForget the weather w...

Sting - We Work The Black Seam
This place has changed for goodYour economic theory said it wouldIt's hard for us to understandW...

Sting - Whenever I Say Your Name
Whenever I say your name, whenever I call to mind your faceWhatever bread's in my mouth, whatever the sweete...

Sting - When The Angels Fall
So high above the world tonightThe angels watch us sleepingAnd underneath a bridge of starsWe dr...

Sting - When The World Is Running Down, You Make The Best Of What's Still Around
Turn on my V.C.R., same one I've had for yearsJames Brown on the Tammy show, Same tape I've had for ye...

Sting - When We Dance
If he loved youLike I love youI would walk away in shameI'd move town I'd change my name...

Sting - You Still Touch Me
Another night finds me aloneIn my dreamsYou still touch meYour picture by my telephoneIn t...

St. Lunatics - Boom D Boom
[Ali]Check Me and Sonny in the Escalade, TV where yo' head lay Uptown, Harlem World, seei...

St. Lunatics - Dis Iz Da Life
[talking]Man, I've been thinkingWhat you've been thinking about man?Ever since Country Gr...

St. Lunatics - Gimme What You Got
[Ali]I'm on my way to my show, uh, shirt PoloGortex figaro, jeans Hilfiger thoughStarched...

St. Lunatics - Gimme What You Got (remix)
[Ali]I'm on my way to my show, uh, shirt PoloGortex figaro, jeans Hilfiger thoughStarched...

St. Lunatics - Icey
[Nelly]I got a whole heard of cows ta die for my 6'Hockey players pagin' me to practice on my w...

St. Lunatics - Midwest Swing
[Chorus - Nelly] It's a Midwest thang y'all And ain't got a clue (Ain't got a clue) ...

St. Lunatics - Okay
[Ali]St. Lunatics and we here now, we never give up Swallowin Cris' 'til we spit up, put your s...

St. Lunatics - Real Niggaz
[(Chorus - Nelly) 2x]Real niggas ride wit' usYou haters gotta ride the busSmoke 'til when...

St. Lunatics - Scandalous
[guys talking]...coming around here with their rims and Tims and shitGet the fuck out of my nei...

St. Lunatics - Show Em What They Won
[Ali]Yeah, yeah, check, checkSee I ain't about playin, Leezy 'bout cash in advanceCash in...

St. Lunatics - S.t.l.
[Nelly talking]Check, check, check, yo, we here M-I-S-S-O-U-R-I (The best out there dirty) ...

St. Lunatics - Who's The Boss?
[Chorus (all): repeat 2X]Now who that is talkin' that about the Tics?Somebody probably je...

Stone Temple Pilots - Adhesive
My friend Blue he runs the showWith hot pink purple china glowHis family trees are moldedno long...

Stone Temple Pilots - All In The Suit That You Wear
Hey you, someone said you were lost out thereIn the grip, trying to strangle us all down hereIn the me...

Stone Temple Pilots - And So I Know
And so I know, it's begun againNever be the same, and with that I saidNever ever be this way again...

Stone Temple Pilots - Army Ants
you don't look but you kick meyou can't feel but you hit meyou can't live with the way I pray...

Stone Temple Pilots - Art School Girl
I gotta girlfriend, she goes to art schoolI gotta art school girlfriend yeahI gotta girlfriend, she go...

Stone Temple Pilots - A Song For Sleeping
Finally I've met youThe day has comeYou're more than beautifulAnd you're my sonI don...

Stone Temple Pilots - Atlanta
She lives in a bungalowShe kills me with rosegarden thornsShe waits for meMy love is unusual...

Stone Temple Pilots - Big Bang Baby
I got a picture of a photographOf a wedding and a shellIt's just a burning aching memoryI never ...

Stone Temple Pilots - Big Empty
drivin' faster in my carfalling farther from just what we aresmoke a cigarette and lie some more...

Stone Temple Pilots - Bi-polar Bear
So I'm letting it go againI'm halfway full on Left my meds on the sink todayMy head will be raci...

Stone Temple Pilots - Black Again
When you're fed up and lonelyAnd nothing else seems to matter reallyI'll be here waiting for the...

Stone Temple Pilots - Church On Tuesday
And I don't believe itIs she really gone again?And I don't believe itIs she really gone again?...

Stone Temple Pilots - Coma
Tar and feathers hide your feelingsIf you even know the meaningYour high road is overratedYou le...

Stone Temple Pilots - Crackerman
Kickin' as I'm tryin' to sleepI got the mud beaneath my shoesRubber band, rubberbandGun in hand,...

Stone Temple Pilots - Creep
Forward yesterdayMakes me wanna stayWhat they said was realMakes me wanna stealLivin' unde...

Stone Temple Pilots - Dead & Bloated
I am smellin' like the rosethat somebody gave me onmy birthday deathbedI am smellin' like the ro...

Stone Temple Pilots - Dumb Love
Loud talk, dumb love, laceratorCome and touchBleed to feel, feel to f**kKeep ya comin', comin' b...

Stone Temple Pilots - Glide
Torment the tortured, teach me thingsI'm so aliveSpeak to the speechless, seek the thingsYou hav...

Stone Temple Pilots - Heaven & Hot Rods
You can get it if you really want itBut you better off just leave it aloneYou won't forget it if you e...

Stone Temple Pilots - Hello It's Late
Hello, it's lateYou know I've tried to stop the rainDid you read about it?Did you think about it...

Stone Temple Pilots - Hollywood Bitch
You're on the outsideYou're lookin' inYou're takin' pictures of what you never beenSo kill to ki...

Stone Temple Pilots - I Got You
I got youBut it's the craving for the good lifeThat sees me through trouble timesWhen my mind be...

Stone Temple Pilots - Interstate Love Song
waiting on a Sunday afternoonfor what I read between the lines, your lies.feelin' like a hand in...

Stone Temple Pilots - Kitchenware & Candy Bars
somebody told me, I know where to gosomebody showed me, I was last to knowsell me down the river...

Stone Temple Pilots - Lady Picture Show
Lady picture show, she hides behind the bedroom doorLady picture show she hides behind the bedroom wall...

Stone Temple Pilots - Long Way Home
Leave me out, get away I gotta goLong way homeCan't see through the treesLeave me out, get...

Stone Temple Pilots - Lounge Fly
it's ok, it's ok, ok relieve mepins in me, pins in me, in me you kill methe lounge flythe lounge...

Stone Temple Pilots - Mc5
No you don't getNo you don't want itNo you don't get it, noNo you don't getNo you do...

Stone Temple Pilots - Meatplow
fine place for a day full of breakdownstakes more than a meltdown to show us howthrow a tack on the ro...

Stone Temple Pilots - My Second Album
The second album12 gracious melodies Worth list-ningHope you enjoy themLike if its sung to...

Stone Temple Pilots - Naked Sunday
You're the fuel to the fireYou're the weapons of warYou're the irony of justiceAnd the father of...

Stone Temple Pilots - No Way Out
I'm going under, I'm suffocatingDrowning but I'm holding onWhat keeps me breathing? Don't have an answ...

Stone Temple Pilots - Piece Of Pie
I broke the breadlineNobody knowsI walked the frontlineStill got far to goI mixed th...

Stone Temple Pilots - Plush (acoustic)
And I feel that time's a wasted go So where ya going to tomorrow? And I see that these are lies to come So w...

Stone Temple Pilots - Pop's Love Suicide
Can you figure out what I want,pull the trigger with a pop gunMindless fools that aggravate itpi...

Stone Temple Pilots - Pretty Penny
have you seen your mother girl?has she gone away?gone away and found the pearlbut the price she ...

Stone Temple Pilots - Pruno
Falling downward with a flaming handI knew the questions but I lost the answersI'll hold the world for...

Stone Temple Pilots - Regeneration
Regenerate the impoverished soulsThat echo youBleed to feed the massesSoup line two times two...

Stone Temple Pilots - Ride The Cliche
She no wait, but she know meIntake purge, it's my diseaseHold me closer let me beHold me c...

Stone Temple Pilots - Seven Caged Tigers
Pass the time kickin' as time rips byNeither goose nor the gander flyBuy a minute spend an hour burnin...

Stone Temple Pilots - Sex & Violence
I used to love you now I don't careNow I turn around, you're everywhereSo you can chew me up and spit ...

Stone Temple Pilots - Silvergun Superman
find you in the darkread you like a cheap surprisewithout shamesell me out, and frame your name...

Stone Temple Pilots - Sin
Holywater clouds my thinkingSinking low nowKeep on drinkingDown you go, suffer longD...

Stone Temple Pilots - Still Remains
our bed we live, our bed we sleepmaking love and I become youflesh is warm with naked feetstabbi...

Stone Temple Pilots - Too Cool Queenie
There was this girl Who lived not too long agoAs a matter of fact I thinkShe lives stillSh...

Stone Temple Pilots - Transmissions From A Lonely Room
Miles above your circumstanceThere's water on your mindI've wrestled with convictionsAnd I've se...

Stone Temple Pilots - Trippin' On A Hole In A Paper Heart
Don't cut out my paper heart, I ain't dyin' anyway Take a look at eye full towersNever trust them dirt...

Stone Temple Pilots - Tumble In The Rough
I can't eatI can't sleepI can't liveI can't cryI can't dieI can't walkI can't ...

Stone Temple Pilots - Unglued
moderation is masterbationwhat is what, and what makes you feel goodall these things I think about,...

Stone Temple Pilots - Wet My Bed
Hey everybody, where did Mary go?Where did Mary go?And where's my only cigarette?Please think fo...

Stone Temple Pilots - Where The River Goes
Yeah, I could hide in the calm of the eye of the stormAnd never blow awayWell, I'm a young man with a ...

Stone Temple Pilots - Wicked Garden
Can you feel like a child?Can you see what I want?I wanna run through your wicked gardenHeard th...

Stone Temple Pilots - Wonderful
If I were to die this mornin'Would you tell me things that you wouldn't have?Would you be my navigator...

Strata - In A Sweet Dream
You probably wish you wereAnywhere but here...Remember this now 'cos it soon will disappearYou'l...

Strata - I Will Breathe Fire
I am just a needle in your arm.I am just the skin around a scar.I am like a pill to help you heal....

Strata - Just Like Silk
I cured you once... you will live...But you can't lead yourself on your own...What did you hope to see...

Strata - Never There
I am on the brink of losing everythingHanging on the edge of every word she saysAnd you were never the...

Strata - Piece By Piece
I found these plastic parts and wiresLet's split me open at the seamsAnd rip out everything inside...

Strata - Today
My future seems so full of lifeAnd brighter now than it has ever been,But somehow I just can't allow...

Strata - Waiting
Surrender to my limitationsFall back and hide awayWaiting for you,Still breathing each breath fo...

Strata - We've Changed
Did I wear you out? Were you overwhelmed?Were you dead all along? Can you open up...Just e...

Strata - When It's All Burning
When It's all burning... when it's over...When it's all said and done,Were we ever even alive?Th...

Strata - You Are Eternal
I'm all ready.Come onAndTake meThrough it all...Please lay down - You're etern...

Straylight Run - Another Word For Desperate
And oh, the awkward ways,That you recoil when I get close,And oh, the awful grin,That greets me ...

Straylight Run - A Slow Descent
I'm tired.Cynical and broken, but wiser.Heavy with a sense of resentment,but i used to be so muc...

Straylight Run - Costello
Taking up my time again (taking up my time again), More than I can stand (more than I can stand), Coff...

Straylight Run - Dignity And Money
Damage control,There so thoroughly modern,We'll tell you how it goes,It's not a serious problem,...

Straylight Run - It's Everyone's Fault But Mine
Everything has got a sense of permanence attached to it,sucks you in and feeds you until finally you're used...

Straylight Run - It's For The Best
It takes more time than I've ever had,Drains the life from me,Makes me want to forget,As young a...

Straylight Run - Mistakes We Knew We Were Making
And all our sins,Come back to haunt us in the end,To hang around and tap us on the shoulder,And ...

Straylight Run - Now It's Done
Moving in slow like the smoke from your cigarette, Every step a closer's a step that we both will regret, ...

Straylight Run - Sympathy For The Martyr
You just can't relax,And you can't rely,On anyone for anything,So you make your complaints,...

Straylight Run - The Tension And The Terror
All the boys voices cracking,Oh, the moaning half tones,Come summer time,We're all the same age ...

Straylight Run - Tool Sheds And Hot Tubs
Replacing old dreams with flattery from new loves,A hurricane self help into this evacuation from this....

Straylight Run - Your Name Here (sunrise Highway)
Your name here,Believe me it's not what you think, Wish what you want,It's all the same to me, ...

The Streets - Blinded By The Light
Thats the one, Oy How did he not find the baggy, with his hand in my shoe? Way too close for me, ah we...

The Streets - Could Well Be In
Cuz her last relationship fucked her up. Got hurt majorly, finds it tough to trust. Looked at the asht...

The Streets - Dry Your Eyes
In one single moment your whole life can turn 'round I stand there for a minute starin straight into the gro...

The Streets - Empty Cans
If I want to sit in and drink super tennants in the day I will, No-ones going to fucking tell me jack, ...

The Streets - Fit But You Know It
See I reckon you're about an 8 or a 9,Maybe even 9 and a half in four beers time.That blue top shop to...

The Streets - Geezers Need Excitement
Geezerz need excitementIf their lives don't provide them this they incite violenceCommon sense simple ...

The Streets - Get Out Of My House
[CHORUS (GIRL):]Go, get out of my house PleaseAnd actually give me back my keysBut ...

The Streets - Has It Come To This?
Original Pirate Material Yer listening to the streets Lock down your aerial Make yerself at home...

The Streets - It's Too Late
She said meet me at the gates at 8Leave now don't be lateShe said one day she'd walk away cos I'm alwa...

The Streets - I Wouldn't Have It Any Other Way
I should be standing at the barWaving a ten pound note aroundBut I sit here on the sofa at my girls ho...

The Streets - Let's Push Things Forward
This ain't the down it's the upbeat Make it complete So what's the story? Guaranteed accuracy en...

The Streets - Not Addicted
It's his lucky day, thats a given He'll tick the box on the slip, and then just watch and learn He's n...

The Streets - Same Old Thing
Yeah, street levelOh oh yeah, that's it..Right thereAt street levelThat's it that's it tha...

The Streets - Sharp Darts
Sharp Darts Spitting Masters Spitting darts faster Shut up I'm the driver, you're the passenger ...

The Streets - Stay Positive
Cos this world swallows soulsAnd when the blues unfoldIt gets cold silence burns holesYou're goi...

The Streets - Such A Twat
Yeah safe man, you ok? Just calling to ensure you got back in Hope you coped yesterday, cos I felt wel...

The Streets - The Irony Of It All
Hello, Hello. My names Terry and I'm a law abiderThere's nothing I like more than getting fired up on beer...

The Streets - Too Much Brandy
Smell of good earthy herbs makes my nerves shudder but where were you that cold December cos we were in th...

The Streets - Turn The Page
That's itTurn the page on the day, walk away 'cos there's sense in what I say I'm 45th generatio...

The Streets - Weak Becomes Heroes
Turn left up the streetNothing but grey concrete and dead beatsGrab something to eatMaccy D's or...

The Streets - What Is He Thinking
I wish I could read what his eyes are sayin' Staring straight and not blinking He's not giving anythin...

The Streets - Who Dares Wins
It's who dares wins in the citySit prettyLocked On not TripoliGet dressed for the partyAs ...

The Streets - Who Got The Funk?
Oi oi oi Lee Satchell you bastardStop trying to shag the birds and fight the geezersMines a Kronenberg...

Stroke 9 - 100 Girls
100 girls or maybe more Who left me passed out on the floor I know it might be wrong I had to wr...

Stroke 9 - Angels
If it's not that far from where we areI'd like to wait if I couldUntil the day that the angel comes ar...

Stroke 9 - Anywhere
Everyday something new comes my wayAnd helps me get through the pastAnyway, I can't say how long I've ...

Stroke 9 - Are You In This?
Sit still, take a trip into my eyesYou're unstable still to my supriseBe honest but never catch my lie...

Stroke 9 - California
Can't change howThe feelings will be shownDon't blame youYou're nervous on your ownPropose...

Stroke 9 - City Life
What's your story send it over to meI'll take a look and see what there is to seeAt least jot a few th...

Stroke 9 - Do It Again
You Instantly awakened my imaginationOld fashioned infatuationI can be anything that you want me to be...

Stroke 9 - Don't Worry
Woo hoo Well it's hard to say what's on someone's mindIf a woman looks mean she might really be ...

Stroke 9 - Down
Frozen fingers on my skinGuilty hands clutching ginYour tin, thin eyes can't see withinSoul to s...

Stroke 9 - Just Can't Wait
Another summer coming with the feeling it bringsAnother reason to avoid all the permanent thingsBefore...

Stroke 9 - Kick Some Ass
How many people wanna kick some ass?I used to be a nerdGrew up in the suburbsNothing there...

Stroke 9 - Latest Disaster
We met one Monday night where my friend bartends and always gives me drinks for free.I caught you staring, o...

Stroke 9 - Lead The Way
Well she says she's got it figured it outShe thinks it's getting betterI don't believe this and I'm ne...

Stroke 9 - Letters
You're leaving me here, dearAlone with all your lettersYou're letting it go, noLike innocence an...

Stroke 9 - Little Black Backpack
I know itIt's a shame A shame I can't show itAnd I see itI can see it nowBut I'm so ...

Stroke 9 - Not Nothin'
Hello I'm sitting hereThinking and writingWriting and talkingWithout youSituated in ...

Stroke 9 - One Time
I gave up 'cause I couldn't feelAnd I gave in 'cause it sounded like a stealSpending time on my back n...

Stroke 9 - Reject
No one tastes like youAnd no one wastes me with their words like you doAnd no one can change my views...

Stroke 9 - Tail Of The Sun
This is the summer that'll never comeIt's like someone's holding on to the tail of the sunI wanna wast...

Stroke 9 - Vacuum Bag
You'll never know what happened to meIt's just one of those thingsI was sitting by myselfAnd my ...

Stroke 9 - Washin' + Wonderin'
This just in...where to beginGrin and bear it, it's bare and grimAdoration, titillation, I'm the victi...

Stroke 9 - We Were Wrong
Well I'm singing this song as loud as I canAs I drive too fast with my best friendI don't wonder if yo...

The Strokes - 12:51
Talk to me now I'm olderYour friend told you 'cause I told herFriday nights have been lonelyChan...

The Strokes - Alone Together
No choice now, it's too lateLet him go, he gave upI gave upLisa says, "Take time for me"Dr...

The Strokes - Automatic Stop
So many fish there in the seaI wanted you, you wanted meThat's just a phase, it's got to passI w...

The Strokes - Barely Legal
I didn't take no shortcutsI spent the money that I saved upOh, Momma running out of luckLike my ...

The Strokes - Barely Legal (ep Version)
I didn't take no shortcutsI spent the money that I saved upOh, Momma running out of luckLike my ...

The Strokes - Between Love & Hate
Watched her as she wiped her eyes;You don't make me sorry. Now I knowThat you never listened - Listen....

The Strokes - Hard To Explain
Was an honest manAsked me for the phoneTried to take controlOh, I don't see it that way...

The Strokes - I Can't Win
That was you up on the mountainAll alone and all surroundedWalking on the ground you're breaking...

The Strokes - Is This It
Can't you see I'm trying?I don't even like it. I just lied toGet to your apartment, now I'm staying...

The Strokes - Last Nite (ep Version)
Last night, she said:"Oh, baby, I feel so down.Oh it turns me off,When I feel left out"...

The Strokes - Meet Me In The Bathroom
When they say promisesThey mean promises.They'd say, "that's ok,Long as we can celebrate"Y...

The Strokes - New York City Cops
Oh! I meant - Ah!No, I didn't mean that at allHere in the streets of American nights...

The Strokes - Reptilia
He seemed impressed by the way you came in."Tell us a storyI know you're not boring"I was ...

The Strokes - Soma
Soma is what they would take whenHard times opened their eyesSaw pain in a new wayHigh stakes fo...

The Strokes - Someday
In many ways, they'll miss the good old daysSomeday, somedayYeah, it hurts to say, but I want you to s...

The Strokes - Take It Or Leave It
Leave me aloneI'm in controlI'm in controlAnd girls lie too muchAnd boys act too tough...

The Strokes - The End Has No End
One by one, ticking time bombs wonIt's not the secret of the governmentThat;s keeping you dumbOh...

The Strokes - The Modern Age
Up on a hill is where we beginThis little story a long time agoStop to pretend, stop pretendingI...

The Strokes - The Modern Age (ep Version)
Up on a hill is where we beginThis little story a long time agoStop to pretend, stop pretendingI...

The Strokes - The Way It Is
She was still sleeping; the problem will stayOne more daySaid she's not sorry the wind blows her way...

The Strokes - Trying Your Luck
You said you couldn't stayYou've seen it all beforeI knowThey sold you on their wayO...

The Strokes - Under Control
I don't want to waste your time,I don't want to waste your time.I just want to say -I've got to ...

The Strokes - What Ever Happened?
I want to be forgotten,and I don't want to be reminded.You say "please don't make this harder."N...

The Strokes - When It Started
Won't decide, but he won't debateSaid, "Thanks my friend," but he was too lateOh why, oh whyI do...

The Strokes - You Talk Way Too Much
Now we're out of timeI said it's my faultIt's my faultCan't make good decisionsIt wo...

Submersed - Deny Me
I see my lifeFlowing dreamsWith your eyes they seeThe love in you and mePeaceful dreams...

Submersed - Divide The Hate
Father may I be shownThe man I have insideBe shown the way to swallow my prideI tried...

Submersed - Dripping
Find meWant to wantNeverWhat you seeCalling, callingThe depth becomesGrab ahol...

Submersed - Flicker
A star fades in spaceAs a candle flickersBurning out of traceLive our lives with graceAs o...

Submersed - Hollow
To youI'm all I've left undoneI'm all I haven't wonLift me up my soul's so hollowLift me u...

Submersed - In Due Time
Speak your mindI just closedOff my insidesFollowing, taking meWhere you're leading...

Submersed - Parallelism
Floating vesselSearching through timeNothing left hereSo far behindSacred pleasuresS...

Submersed - Piano Song
You curse me for the things I've done and saidYou live your life in confusion fully misleadYou let the...

Submersed - To Peace
It brings hurt toMy life to see so muchFear in this worldSo I'll sit hereThinking of all I...

Submersed - Unconcerned
Take a step outsideThe boundaries we live inGet to know yourselfThe real you, the real meJ...

Submersed - You Run
Heavy thoughts seem to slip awayWhen you were here on my darkest daysI trust in youMany debts I ...

Suede - Animal Lover
I see you're moving, see you're moving, moving in with herYou'll pierce your right ear, pierce your heart th...

Suede - Animal Nitrate
Like his dad you know that he's hadAnimal nitrate in mindOh in your council home he jumped on your bon...

Suede - Another No One
She takes the blame, takes the pain but the world smiles'Cos outside is just a taxi ride to drive away...

Suede - Asbestos
Watching all the women shaking slimmingWalking down the road againLooking at the lovers under covers c...

Suede - Beautiful Ones
High on diesel and gasoline, psycho for drum machineshaking their bits to the hits,Drag acts, drug act...

Suede - Bentswood Boys
When you're high on diesel nightlyAnd the traffic starts to rollYou smoke a cigarette and watch the bl...

Suede - Black Or Blue
There was a girl who flew the world from a lonely shoreThrough southern snow to Heathrow to understand the l...

Suede - Breakdown
Back where the dogs barkwhere still life bleeds the concrete whitetry not to go too far inside your mi...

Suede - By The Sea
She can walk out anytime, anytime she wants to walk out, that's fine,She can walk out anytime, anytime she f...

Suede - Can't Get Enough
I feel real now walking like a woman and talking like a stone age manI feel real now talking like buddha and...

Suede - Crack In The Union Jack
Draw the blinds and watch the showHeard it on the radioSaw it on the news todayHeard the lonely ...

Suede - Daddy's Speeding
Whiplash caught the silver sonTook the film to No. ICrashed the car and left us hereBroken glass...

Suede - Down
All the people in your life say you're downAnd the strangers in the night say you're downAnd the looni...

Suede - Duchess
You've had your funYour money's goneYour only friend is the telephoneOh duchess, now you're one ...

Suede - Electricity
We got a love that's cold as stoneWe got a love from our violent homesWe got a love and it got no name...

Suede - Elephant Man
I love that deafening, thundering soundThat sounds like buildinggs tumbling downAnd people wish that t...

Suede - Europe Is Our Playground
Run with me baby, let your hair downthrough every station, through every townrun with me baby, let's t...

Suede - Every Monday Morning Comes
Oh when you and IWatch the planes go by, silver in the sky,Do whatever we like,Oh you and me...

Suede - Everything Will Flow
[VERSE1:]Watch the early morning sunDrip like blood from the daySee the crazy people run...

Suede - Filmstar
Filmstar, propping up the bar, driving in a car, it looks so easy,Filmstar, propping up the bar, driving in ...

Suede - Graffiti Women
Graffiti women draw pictures on the wallGraffiti slogans and situations fallJust made up people who wa...

Suede - Have You Ever Been This Low?
Have you ever been this low?The taxis take you where you wanna goBroken windows, endless television sh...

Suede - Head Music
Lonely skiesEmpty mindsWe walk by to the rock and rhymeI said, oh come on do it againCity ...

Suede - Heroine
She walks in beauty like the nightDiscarding her clothes in the plastic flowersPornographic and tragic...

Suede - He's Dead
I wake up every day,But I don't want it that wayI take my thoughts to the round aboutCause me an...

Suede - He's Gone
Tears on a pillowEyes on the phoneYou pour all the love that you keep insideInto a songLik...

Suede - Hi-fi
Slipping through the city sliding train to trainSulking on the subway music in our brainShe and me tog...

Suede - High Rising
You'll hide among the covers and wave as the aeroplanes go by There's nothing to say when you sleep all day ...

Suede - Indian Strings
Open up my heart and see what's insideTake a look inside me, inside my mindAnd you'll see my heart is ...

Suede - Introducing The Band
Dog man star took a suck on a pillAnd stabbed a cerebellum with a curious quillEurope, America, Winter...

Suede - Jumble Sale Mums
Oh, jumble sale mums, what are they on?Kids just sit hanging round the streetAnd they've got somebody ...

Suede - Killing Of A Flash Boy
All the white kids shuffle to the heavy metal stutterAnd go shaking on the scene like killing machines...

Suede - Lazy
Here they come with their make-up onas lovely as the clouds, come and see them,Boys and girls and thei...

Suede - Metal Mickey
well she's show showing it off thenthe glitter in her lovely eyesshow show showing it off thenan...

Suede - Modern Boys
come unto me my winter sonwe could lie on the railsand when the morning comeswe'll be miles away...

Suede - Money
You thought you'd come and amaze me honey You thought you'd come on and amaze me with your money You t...

Suede - Moving
shame on me well I had the beast you seeand if he can take it I can take him home with meshame on her ...

Suede - My Dark Star
In a hired car she will come to England from the sea And as the tide flows the London snows will come. ...

Suede - My Insatiable One
In the high life, I've got this feeling nowI've got this horrible feelingon the escalator they took it...

Suede - New Generation
I wake up every day to see her back againScreaming my name through the astral planeAnd in this catalog...

Suede - Pantomime Horse
I was born as a pantomine horseugly as the sun when he falls to the floorI was cut from the wreckage o...

Suede - Picnic By The Motorway
I'm so sorry to hear about the news,Don't you worry,I'll buy us a bottle and we'll drink in the petrol...

Suede - Positivity
you say what you want to sayyour diamonds are drops of rainyour smile is ypur credit cardand you...

Suede - Sadie
Inside her is the suburbs, in the sodium lights and the streetsIn the parked cars and the pretty parks, and ...

Suede - Saturday Night
Today she's been working, she's been talking, she's been smoking,but it'll be alright,Cos tonight we'l...

Suede - Savoir Faire
[intro]She lives in a house she's stupid as a mouseAnd she going where the lights are onS...

Suede - She
She, walking like a killer,She, another night another pillow.Nowhere places, nowhere faces, no o...

Suede - She's In Fashion
She's the face on the radioShe's the body on the morning showShe's there shaking it out on the scene...

Suede - She's Not Dead
she'll come to her end locked in a car somewhere with exhaust in her hairWhat's she called? I dunno, she's f...

Suede - Sleeping Pills
Angel, don't take those sleeping pills, you don't need themThough it's just time they killAngel, give ...

Suede - So Young
Because we're young, because we're gonewe'll take the tide's electric mind, oh yeah? oh yeahwe'r...

Suede - Starcrazy
She's star, starcrazy, electric-shock-bog-brush-hair,Flat on her back in the 80's, in the 90's going nowhere...

Suede - Stay Together
Come to my house tonight,We can be together in the nuclear sky. We wildance in the poison rain, ...

Suede - Still Life
This still life is all I ever doThere by the window quietly killed for youIn the glass house my insect...

Suede - The 2 Of Us
Lying in my bed, I think of youThat song goes through my head, the one we both knewIn each line lies a...

Suede - The Asphalt World
I know a girl she walks the asphalt worldShe comes to me and I supply her with EcstasySometimes we rid...

Suede - The Big Time
I watch the slow handKill the day,I see my starring modetake away,I watch the skyline,for him to...

Suede - The Chemistry Between Us
And maybe we're just kids who've grown, and maybe not,And maybe when we're on our own, we don't have much,...

Suede - The Drowners
Won't someone give me a gun?oh well it's for my brotherwell he writes the line wrote down my spine...

Suede - The Living Dead
If I was the wife of an acrobat...Could of had it all...Could of had it all...Where's all the mo...

Suede - The Next Life
see you in your next life when we'll fly away for goodstars in our own car we can drive away from here...

Suede - The Power
Through endless Asia, through the fields of Cathayor enslaved in pebble-dash grave with a kid on the way...

Suede - These Are The Sad Songs
Lay Lady Lay and Band of GoldA Day in the Life, And Dream of SheepSeasong and Vincent and Death Disco...

Suede - The Sound Of The Streets
She walks the streets of summerInside her there's no futureShe walks the streets to pass the time...

Suede - The Wild Ones
There's a song playing on the radioSky high in the airwaves on the morning showAnd there's a lifeline ...

Suede - This Hollywood Life
"She-rocker you're wasting your time,Cos you're only a girl"She'rocker sacked the factory line for a c...

Suede - This Time
Oh, day after day, every morningThe city sighs and cars collideOh we take the trainThrough the w...

Suede - Together
She was standing smoking counting stolen change Don't someone have the guts to complain? Said "superma...

Suede - To The Birds
Don't take your life cos your bicycle won't flyYou may be going to heaven tonightDon't spoil the show ...

Suede - Trash
Maybe, maybe it's the clothes we wear,The tasteless bracelets and the dye in our hair,Maybe it's our k...

Suede - We Are The Pigs
Well the church bells are callingPolice cars on fireAnd as they call you to the eye of the storm...

Suede - Where The Pigs Don't Fly
Out in the sticks, out in the stickinessThey're chasing round in stolen ice cream vansThey're sparking...

Suede - Whipsnade
Coast to coast Side to sideShines the minds of fine enlightendminds coast to coastWe...

Suede - W.s.d.
Dressed as a cowboy on top of a hill it's sadder than it probably sounds He gets lovely the more he's ill do...

Suede - Young Men
Tony only reads Asian BabesDanny's doing doves down the ravesTerry drinks his money awayOh god, ...

Sugababes - Angels With Dirty Faces
I'm confused, I don't knowWhich way do I really goThis guy is flyBut another one pass me by...

Sugababes - Blue
I guess I saw through youI've seen your colours blueTryin' to join me when I'm on topObserving w...

Sugababes - Breathin Easy
Oooh, oooh, oohOooooh yeahI don't know how many times we've walked the streetsTalking for ...

Sugababes - Buster
Yeah, oooh, yeah yeah yeah yeah, ohhI'm standing in the club, doing my own thingWhen you thought...

Sugababes - Caught In A Moment
Your stare swallows meAnd I can hardly breatheI feel it's dangerous,Could be deadlySomehow...

Sugababes - Conversation's Over
Conversation.. oohhDid it start with an obsession?Was the writing on the wall?I can see th...

Sugababes - Freak Like Me
Let me lay it on the lineI got a little freakiness inside And you know that a man has gotta feel with ...

Sugababes - Hole In The Head
Seven hours since you went awayEleven coffees, Rickki Lake on playBut late at night when I'm feeling b...

Sugababes - In The Middle
I'm caught up in the middleJumping through the riddleI'm falling just a little tonight (uh uh)Co...

Sugababes - Just Don't Like This
Look across the roomI see some guySteaming over meHe's smirking sleazyProbably be older th...

Sugababes - Just Let It Go
He was the one for meHe made me feel alrightNow everything's gone wrongWe where so tightHe...

Sugababes - Look At Me
I know I'm still youngWith no life experienceBut can I learn from my mistakes - not yoursLet me ...

Sugababes - Lush Life
[Chorus]Lush lifeTakes away the timeLush lifeTakes away the timeTake one step...

Sugababes - Maya
Maya this song's for youI have your name print tattooed upon my skinThere's so much to say to you...

Sugababes - Million Different Ways
Every time I go down your streetI pray we'll meetI look around and nothing's changedBut all this...

Sugababes - More Than A Million Miles
You and IWe belongStill we always bring our bullshit homeTime is passing us byHolding onto...

Sugababes - Nasty Ghetto
I was looking for loveIn all the right placesHe was flirting with meAnd Lord I had to flirt back...

Sugababes - New Year
Sitting here stressing at 2:30amAbout how fast the year can goI wonder where it wentIf we start ...

Sugababes - One Foot In
No need to call me friendI understand what you meant back thenAll your times into suspendBetween...

Sugababes - One Touch
Mum I found a guy that I really wantI know you say i'm youngBut he don't wanna hurt meNever has ...

Sugababes - Overload
Strange fear I ain't felt for yearsThe boy's coming and I'm close to tearsI can't let go of you now...

Sugababes - Promises
It's OK, to go and make mistakesIt's OK, to break your promisesYou're moving on anywayI hate the...

Sugababes - Real Thing
Turn me over, turn me over againTurn me over, turn me over againTurn me over, turn me over again...

Sugababes - Round Round (alternative Mix)
Round, round baby Round, roundSpinning out on meI don't need no manGot my kicks for free...

Sugababes - Run For Cover
When you, get me downThen I, get turned aroundI tend to, cut myself offFrom things, I shouldn't ...

Sugababes - Same Old Story
You had love for meYou said that you'd give me everythingWhat's happening?How could you lie how ...

Sugababes - Shape
[Verse 1:]I live my life in chainsGot my hands in chainsAnd I can't stick with the cards...

Sugababes - Situation's Heavy
Making decisions about my lifeIt's up to me and I start to tryI can't keep running awayTrust my ...

Sugababes - Sometimes
Honestly, can I say what I meanDon't you play with meCos I'm a ladyWhen I look in your eye...

Sugababes - Soul Sound
I, touch the sky, all around, it's alrightAnd who wouldn't believeWhat's happening to meExpectat...

Sugababes - Stronger
I'll make it through the rainy daysI'll be the one who stands here longer than the restWhen my landsca...

Sugababes - Supernatural
Love comes and love goesAnd, who knows what life holdsLove is as love does soDon't ask for too m...

Sugababes - Switch
He's nothing specialDon't need his doughSettling down what is that a jokeYou're feeling his best...

Sugababes - Twisted
My personality is quite rudeOnly to the point where Im on girly duesIts so hard just being mePeo...

Sugababes - Virgin Sexy
Come onOohCome on babyOohCome onOohCome on babyOohShe wants ...

Sugababes - We Could Have It All
Slow day, might rainI couldn't hear the weather manTight fit don't sitEven when you loosen it...

Sugababes - Whatever Makes You Happy
You ain't gotta make it hard if it's easyApplying pressure on the wound when it's bleedingHangin' with...

Sugarcult - Anna's Touch
anna's got a secret, but she don't wanna tell no oneanna's got her demons, her passion and her kicks for fun...

Sugarcult - Back To California
How long Ill waitJust to say goodbyeTen different ways to enjoy this nightCant do this anymore...

Sugarcult - Beautiful Stalker
Stop, stop, staring at my windowNobody's homeI think you're scaring me to deathKnock, knock, kno...

Sugarcult - Blackout
I couldn't fake itWe wouldn't make itI couldn't give enough to youI couldn't take it...

Sugarcult - Bouncing Off The Walls
I'm bouncing off the walls again (whoa oh)I'm looking like a fool again (whoa oh)I threw away my reput...

Sugarcult - Bruises
I turn off the lightsSo you can't see my eyesMy fingers are crossedWhile I promise the world to ...

Sugarcult - Champagne
All I can taste is champagneWhen it hits the brain like cocaineSpinning around and roundI cant g...

Sugarcult - Christine
What's wrong?I feel so alone againThe look in your eyes sometimes...pretending that it's all rig...

Sugarcult - Counting Stars
Hey, I wanna crawl out of my skinApologize for all my sinsAll the things I should have said to you...

Sugarcult - Crashing Down
I've got something up my sleeve that I don't want to show youCause everytime I bleed I make a fool of me...

Sugarcult - Crying
Picking up the pieces of a life youve brokenStitching it together with the seams wide open[Ch...

Sugarcult - Daddy's Little Defect
I, don't don't don't believe I fell asleep talk's a waste of timeThe roller coaster that I rode with her on ...

Sugarcult - Debbie
Debbie was a lesbian yesterdayWoe, oh, oh, ay, ayFighting all the way her mother's hair to grayA...

Sugarcult - Destination Anywhere
Somebody help me get out of this placeToo many words that confuse what I sayCalling in the victims of ...

Sugarcult - Drive All Day
I drive all dayTo be with youAll day to be black and blueAll day to be face to faceAnd wat...

Sugarcult - First Band
Turn up your stereoI'm coming in loud and clearMaking it with your girlfriendYou never knew she ...

Sugarcult - Hate Every Beautiful Day
Something's gotta change againI'm losing, my inspirations gone, oh no oh noSeeing through some differe...

Sugarcult - Head Up
Keep your head upThe colors are beautifulWhen they say give upTurn up your radioAll the se...

Sugarcult - How Does It Feel
Well I'm back in the classFalling out of your pastAll the letters that I wroteAnd you thought as...

Sugarcult - I Changed My Name
I couldn't sleep last nightMy ears were ringing in my headBest friends with the boogie manI may ...

Sugarcult - I'm Alright
Don't wanna be here.Repeating a new year.Don't wanna let you down.'Cause i'm in a new town....

Sugarcult - I Melt With You
[Originally by Modern English]Moving forward using all my breathMaking love to you was ne...

Sugarcult - Killing Me
Yesterday I broke your heart in twoToday I wanna waste my life with youbut its over, overI...

Sugarcult - Lost In You
Six days went byTrying to forget her faceIt was you and IWe were to young for these games...

Sugarcult - Make Up (pretty Waste)
She takes off her make-upAnd looks like everyone elseHiding from a universe thats ugly like herself...

Sugarcult - No Action
[Originally by Elvis Costello]i don't wanna kiss you, i don't wanna touchi don't wanna se...

Sugarcult - Over
Everybodys watching youBreathing in your every moveLook around when the world is emptyLook aroun...

Sugarcult - Over Now
you can't feel it underneath ityou can't breathe inwhen you're screamingyou can't feel ita...

Sugarcult - Pretty Girl
pretty girl is suffering while he confesses everything.pretty soon she'll figure out what his intentions wer...

Sugarcult - Pretty Girl (the Way)
Pretty girl is suffering, while he confesses everythingPretty soon she'll figure out what his intentions wer...

Sugarcult - Real Man
I woke up and put my eyeliner on todayPainted my nails to take the world on for a changeTurned up my s...

Sugarcult - Say I'm Sorry
She's perfect so perfectSome things make-up can't fixAnd I'm perfectly incapable of being with you...

Sugarcult - Saying Goodbye
She kisses everyone goodbyeAnd waves her middle finger highThey're never gonna mess with her again...

Sugarcult - She's The Blade
Don't you make a move tonightYou can only staggerOnce shes got you in her sightYou're the one sh...

Sugarcult - Sign Off
wake up all alonesending postcards back to home...on the roadif the medication works...

Sugarcult - Stuck In America
Today, I changedIt's too lateCause everyone stayed the sameI'm gone, so longBreak out, cau...

Sugarcult - Super Hyperspastic
Dad, I think I'm gayThese guys are beautiful all dayMom, I'm your new daughterGod only knows my ...

Sugarcult - Underwear
Take a lifeand hold it underwaterWash the hands of all these things i've doneIf the body moves i...

Sugarcult - We Come Crashing Down
i've got something up my sleeve that i don't want to show youcause everytime i bleed i make a fool of me...

Sugarcult - What You Say
Wait around,If the fires there don't put it out.Lay me down,Emotions overrated now, rated now....

Sugarcult - Worst December
Its a big mistake50 days, 3 months awayId be laughing todayBut your voice on the phone gives me ...

Sugarcult - Yesterday (insane)
yesterday we went insaneoh my god, i forgot my namea nervous bitch, that's all i ami screen my c...

Sugarcult - You're The One
Everybody knows that he is gonna steal the showYou better keep it in control or you'll go crazyBack ma...

Sugar Jones - A Little Bit Of Heaven
I wait until the morning comes I look outside and then I run Down to the place, where I might find you...

Sugar Jones - Baby Boo
Hey boy gotta know what to do babe I just wanna talk to you babe I've been waiting for some of your ho...

Sugar Jones - Days Like That
Do you remember when days were like that? (Do you..)Now that I think about it, there are some things I regre...

Sugar Jones - Get Yourself Together
You need to get yourself together 'Cause right now boy you're playin' with our love You be busy trippi...

Sugar Jones - How Much Longer
Do do do do doDo do do do doI had the strangest dream last night just as I fell asleepAnd ...

Sugar Jones - How Much Longer (couplet En Francais)
Emportee par la nuit un reve se foufila sans bruit A l'aube je n'ai jamais compris Ton nom j'ai hurle ...

Sugar Jones - If You
If you think about me Like I think about you If you know what you want Then I know what to do ...

Sugar Jones - I Got U
Like a bee, a honey bee, Baby come to me, 'cause you taste so sweet Yeah you satisfy my needs Li...

Sugar Jones - It's Like Ice Cream
Laying next to you, everything's so right Diggin' on the rush, ain't this the life The way you do me o...

Sugar Jones - Keep On Walkin'
Keep on walkin' Keep on walkin' See, see me walkin' down the street, tryin' to make me look at y...

Sugar Jones - Never Leave Hurt Alone
Why don't you ever leave hurt alone It's over now you better stay gone This one thing I can't condone ...

Sugarland - Down In Mississippi (up To No Good)
Friday, payday, Lordy got to get away Had it with the wife thing, living on a shoe string What's a poo...

Sugarland - Hello
I was born in the heart of a hurricane season In the house where my mamma was raised That old Septembe...

Sugarland - Small Town Jericho
[1st Verse]Well, it's two miles East to West Only four miles North to South And whe...

Sugarland - Speed Of Life
[1st Verse]We drove all night to get to Corpus Christi My parents slept right through ...

Sugarland - Time, Time, Time
I was on a fast curve, lost my nerve on a dead end road I was goin' nowhere faster than two legs can go ...

Sugar Ray - 10 Seconds Down
I'm not the one to stay up all nightbut I am the one to turn off the lightI'm not the one to make it a...

Sugar Ray - Abracadabra
I heat upI can't cool downYou got me spinnin round and roundRound and round and round it goes...

Sugar Ray - Aim For Me
Aim For MeAim For MeAim For MeAim For Me[background] hit it!It's a great big ...

Sugar Ray - American Pig
I put my hands right through the air and close my eyes and stare [x2]You wanna talk about respect, it...

Sugar Ray - Answer The Phone
We're on this rollercoaster rideHold on, I'll stay here by your sideWe head up to the sky then we slid...

Sugar Ray - Anyone
Take, take what you want from meit's my mistake if you let it beand I dont think you even trysom...

Sugar Ray - Blues From A Gun
I want to watch the world cry I couldn't open my eyes I almost spoke but can't speak Still being...

Sugar Ray - Breathe
You pull my head back watch me bleedI need it againno time to move can't even breatheyour face i...

Sugar Ray - Bring Me The Head Of...
Al-right prey tell I'm in the mood for laughter We are filled with food & fine spiritsBring me m...

Sugar Ray - Burning Dog
Look aroundHelp me outI'm breakin' upI'm breakin' downTake him out and leave him on a miss...

Sugar Ray - Caboose
Jump up, jump backdare-devil woman try to tell me how to actI feel mean, you look cleanyour the ...

Sugar Ray - Can't Start
There's a really nice flow in the air tonight If I don't look down I feel alright Back to a time when ...

Sugar Ray - Cash
Cash, I need some fucking cash I need it kind of fastI need it now right away right awaycash, gonna ma...

Sugar Ray - Chasin' You Around
I woke up late again this morningIt's Just another morning lyin there for meIn your mind your always r...

Sugar Ray - Dance Party Usa
Im a star fuckerIm a starHouston, Detroit, Atlanta, MiamiI'm like the real world, I start in New...

Sugar Ray - Danzig Needs A Hug
Ha, ha, touch the sky, won't come back till the day I die [x4]beautiful morningthe sun is shini...

Sugar Ray - Disaster Piece
Ooh hoo!Ooh hoo!I just got hit by lightning againAnd she went right through mePick me up...

Sugar Ray - Even Though
Even thoughShe's on my mindEven thoughShe's hard to findEven though there's always somethi...

Sugar Ray - Every Morning
Every morning there's a halo hanginfrom the corner of my girlfriend's four post bedI know it's not min...

Sugar Ray - Glory
It's good to see you here againI thought you almost diedRemember when we were listeningYou barel...

Sugar Ray - Heaven
Surrounded by broken hearts Promises are torn apart Everybody looking for someone in the darkGot...

Sugar Ray - High Anxiety
all this frustration [x2]let it out [x2]i got a mental problem but i'm working it out...

Sugar Ray - Hold Your Eyes
I got what you want, you know I got what you needSee me come along my babygonna give you some disease...

Sugar Ray - In Through The Doggie Door
Well I just got back an hour ago I don't know where I've been Now I'm crawlin' across the kitchen ...

Sugar Ray - Invisible
your not alone, there's no one byyou got a reason for ityou took a try, you lost controlI got a ...

Sugar Ray - Iron Mic
He was the heavyweight king at the age of 21from the streets of NY where they're all called meanhe nev...

Sugar Ray - Is She Really Going Out With Him?
Pretty women out walking with gorillas down my street From my window I'm staring while my coffee goes cold...

Sugar Ray - Just A Little
You met herpersuade herBut still she's miles awayShe crossed her fingers, won't look back at yes...

Sugar Ray - Live & Direct
[sample machine plays the word "word" throughout tune in left speaker][DJ Sampling] Live and d...

Sugar Ray - Mean Machine
The only good thing that's creeping in cityElvis had fifty but this one's minejapanese cars, man, such...

Sugar Ray - Mr. Bartender (it's So Easy)
(Hey sugar Ray-look at that)It's so easyIt's so right (bartender)It's so easyTo rock...

Sugar Ray - New Direction
Ok boys and girlsWe're gonna listen to things for you to doTo make yourself a better personSo ju...

Sugar Ray - Ode To The Lonely Hearted
Please stay away till the end of the nightWhen nothing's on the runPlease stay away till I can't find...

Sugar Ray - One Brave Cowboy
One brave cowboyOne brave manwho gave his own life andshe'll never see him againhigh schoo...

Sugar Ray - Ours
Check it out[Chorus]She was your woman, but she was my girlOne on one, the queen of...

Sugar Ray - Personal Space Invader
Sometimes I just want to be left aloneMove your big headIt's my way go and get your own[Elija...

Sugar Ray - Photograph Of You
Where are you goin'? I never heard you say goodbye I know it's showinYou tried you're hardest no...

Sugar Ray - Rhyme Stealer
Well it don't take much for me to do my thingall I need is a mic and a ring magazinebig beats 'a pumpi...

Sugar Ray - Right Direction
Stop, cause your by yourself come on, your someone elseno time for another line, nonstop, around the clock...

Sugar Ray - Rpm
I amyou will recover when you discover babythere is no other when you recover babyand when the m...

Sugar Ray - Satellites
Easy I'm gonna fade awayI'm gonna find my way aroundKnee deep I get no where from sleepI'm runni...

Sugar Ray - Scuzzboots
Call you on the telephonesupposing that your not alonebaby talking all aroundsaying that you can...

Sugar Ray - She's Different
She was a crazy girl She's from a different world andI don't care She cashed her check at 2...

Sugar Ray - Snug Harbor
Hey, get up, have some fun tonight [x7] ...

Sugar Ray - Someday
SomedayWhen my life has passed me byI'll lay around and wonder why you were always there for meO...

Sugar Ray - Sorry Now
I let you go, let you go, like a dozen balloonsWithout even thinkingI didn't know, now I know, it was ...

Sugar Ray - Speed Home California
Hay no lugar como en la casa [x2]Can't take this anymore got my head down on the floormy brain ...

Sugar Ray - Stay On
My mind is spinningDon't you knowThat I'm outta controlI don't need you to tell me soAgain...

Sugar Ray - Streaker
your throwin' sticks and stones, your breakin' my bones manI can see you got to leave it aloneyour try...

Sugar Ray - Tap, Twist, Snap
a thousand U.S. dollars on a mountain of speedno need to know my whereabouts, cause you get what you need...

Sugar Ray - The Greatest
The Greatest [x2]I must have been away too long, I don't think I can take itwell this thing tha...

Sugar Ray - Under The Sun
Now this is somethin' from back in the dayI'll always remember Run DMCAnd all the good timesThat...

Sugar Ray - Waiting
Waiting for the night to startWaiting for the night to change your waysThere are days missing in my we...

Sugar Ray - Whatever We Are
So hard sometimes Gets so hard sometimes with youWhatever we are we are whatever we are ...

Sugar Ray - When It's Over
When it's overThat's the time I fall in love againAnd when it's overThat's the time you're in my...

Sugar Ray - Words To Me
Get up!Get up!Get up!YeahGet up!Get up!Get up!Get up!She sin...

Sunshine Anderson - A Little Sunshine
Everybody needs a little sunshine, in your lifeSometime, to brighten up your dayEverybody needs a litt...

Sunshine Anderson - A Little Sunshine (intro)
Everybody needs a little sunshine, in your lifeSometime,to brighten up your dayEverybody needs a littl...

Sunshine Anderson - Being Away
Baby im going out of town to handle some businessFor a few daysBut don't you worry'Cause I'll ca...

Sunshine Anderson - Better Off
I don't know (I don't know)I don't know (I don't know)I don't know (I don't know)I don't know (I...

Sunshine Anderson - Crazy Love
Here we go againMy heart keeps giving inTo you and your crazy loveIt's back to this againM...

Sunshine Anderson - Heard It All Before
Baby let me explain to you I'm sayinwhat you sayinIt's not even like thatIt wasn't like that but...

Sunshine Anderson - He Said, She Said
I've had it up to hereSomebody gon' make me lose mind up in hereGoing around gossiping, spreading lies...

Sunshine Anderson - I Am Ready To Move
Hope you know As far as I am concerned we're throughI am tired of tyna keeping up with youWhat m...

Sunshine Anderson - Last Night
Last night I fell in loveIt takes control of me when I see love in your eyes your like a spring ...

Sunshine Anderson - Letting Down My Guard
Tonight I'm giving youThe chance to show and proveWhat you're really all aboutEven though it's h...

Sunshine Anderson - Lunch Or Dinner
I can tell that you're used to dealing withChicken heads who have no kind of classThey're unable to ke...

Sunshine Anderson - Saved The Day
[Verse:1]I had an argument at workI was preety fed upMy head began to hurtAnd the p...

Sunshine Anderson - Vulnerability (skit)
Have you ever thought you were in loveThen found out later it wasn'tYour whole world shuts downY...

Sunshine Anderson - Where Have You Been
You had to be hiding from me, all this timeMaking me wait so very long, for youCause out of nowhere yo...

Sunshine Anderson - You Do You
Hope you know As far as I am concerned we're throughI am tired of tyna keeping up with youWhat m...

Sunshine Anderson - Your Woman
Before you came i thought every man was the sameThinkin to myself that its a dog gone shameThen when w...

Supermen Lovers - Starlight
Sun is rising up on the the east sideA chance for everyoneI've been dreaming of the city for long time...

Suzanne Vega - 99.9f
99.9 Fahrenheit degreesStable now, with rising possibilitiesIt could be normal but it isn't quite...

Suzanne Vega - As A Child
As a childYou have a dollYou see this dollSitting in her chairYou watch her face...

Suzanne Vega - As Girls Go
You make a really good girl As girls goStill kind of look like a guyI never thought to wonder wh...

Suzanne Vega - Bad Wisdom
Mother the doctor knows something is wrongCause my body has strange informationHe's looked in my eyes ...

Suzanne Vega - Big Space
He said you stand in your own shoesI said I'd rather stand in someone else'sHe said you look from your...

Suzanne Vega - Birth-day (love Made Real)
one thing I knowthis pain will gostep through all that's left to feelI wait to meet my lov...

Suzanne Vega - Blood Makes Noise
I'd like to help you doctorYes I really really wouldBut the din in my headIt's too much and it's...

Suzanne Vega - Blood Sings
When blood sees bloodOf its ownIt sings to see itself againIt sings to hear the voice it's known...

Suzanne Vega - Book Of Dreams
In my book of dreams [X3]I took your urgent whisperStole the arc of a white wingRod...

Suzanne Vega - Calypso
My name is CalypsoAnd I have lived aloneI live on an island And I waken to the dawnA long ...

Suzanne Vega - Caramel
It won't doto dream of caramel,to think of cinnamonand long for you.It won't do...

Suzanne Vega - Casual Match
I only turned to seeWhat hand had set this inner field alightAgainst the flame I seeThe outline ...

Suzanne Vega - Cracking
It's a one time thingIt just happensA lotWalk with meAnd we will seeWhat we have got...

Suzanne Vega - Fat Man & Dancing Girl
I stand in a wide flat landNo shadow or shade of a doubtWhore the megaphone manMet the girl with...

Suzanne Vega - Fifty-fifty Chance
50-50 chanceThe doctor saidIn the cardiac roomAs she's lying in bedThere's a pan on ...

Suzanne Vega - Freeze Tag
We go to the playgroundIn the wintertimeThe sun is fading fastUpon the slides into the past...

Suzanne Vega - Gypsy
You come from far awayWith pictures in your eyesOf coffeeshops and morning streetsIn the blue an...

Suzanne Vega - Harbor Song
i dreamed you were a rich manand that i had no place to goi came to you to see if you would take me in...

Suzanne Vega - Headshots
The sign said "Headshots"And that was all,A picture of a boyAnd a number you could call,Tw...

Suzanne Vega - Honeymoon Suite
the ceiling had a painting on itin our room in Franceso we were living underneath some angels in...

Suzanne Vega - If I Were A Weapon
If I were a weaponyou said I'd be a gunlethal at close range i guesswith silencer and stun...

Suzanne Vega - (if You Were ) In My Movie
If you were in my movieI'd have you as the doctorSmall black bagAnd a big black coat...

Suzanne Vega - (i'll Never Be) Your Maggie May
I'll never be your Maggie Maythe one you loved and left behindthe face you see in light of dayan...

Suzanne Vega - In Liverpool
In LiverpoolOn SundayNo trafficOn the avenueThe light is pale and thinLike you...

Suzanne Vega - Institution Green
Institution greenThe walls are cracked and dimAnd we are standing in a lineWaiting for our faces...

Suzanne Vega - In The Eye
If you were to kill me now right hereI would still look you in the eyeAnd I would burn myself into you...

Suzanne Vega - Ironbound / Fancy Poultry
In the ironbound section near Avenue Lwhere the Portuguese women come to see what you sellthe clouds s...

Suzanne Vega - It Makes Me Wonder
The virgin mary on a chainhas hit me in the mouth againas we explore the carnal scoreof sacred a...

Suzanne Vega - Knight Moves
Watch while the queenIn one false moveTurns herself into a pawnSleepy and shakenAnd ...

Suzanne Vega - Language
If language were liquidIt would be rushing inInstead here we areIn a silence more eloquent...

Suzanne Vega - Last Year's Troubles
Last year's troubles are so old fashionedthe robber on the highway the pirate on the seasmaybe it's th...

Suzanne Vega - Lolita
LolitaAlmost grownLolitaGo on homeHey girlDon't be a dog all your lifeDo...

Suzanne Vega - Luka
My name is LukaI live on the second floorI live upstairs from youYes I think you've seen me befo...

Suzanne Vega - Machine Ballerina
Am I an afternoon's pastime?a thing on a stringto be thrown and retrievedlike a phone call recei...

Suzanne Vega - Men In A War
Men in a warIf they've lost a limbStill feel that limbAs they did beforeHe lay on a ...

Suzanne Vega - My Favorite Plum
My favorite plumhangs so far from meSee how it sleepsand hear how it calls to meSee how th...

Suzanne Vega - Neighborhood Girls
"We had ourNeighborhood girl, sheUsed to hang out, in front ofMcKinsey's Bar, and we wereI...

Suzanne Vega - Night Vision
By day give thanksBy night bewareHalf the world in sweetnessThe other in fearWhen th...

Suzanne Vega - No Cheap Thrill
Ante up. And don't be shy.Who is that man who is catching my eye?What's underneath all of the deadpan ...

Suzanne Vega - Penitent
Once I stood alone so proudheld myself above the crowdnow i am low on the ground.From here...

Suzanne Vega - Pilgrimage
This line is burningTurning to ash as it hits the airEvery step is a day in the weekIt's a Sunda...

Suzanne Vega - Predictions
Let's tell the futureLet's see how it's been done.By numbers. By mirrors. By water.By dots made ...

Suzanne Vega - Priscilla
She'd come to my houseand dance in the hallwith the music up loudagainst the light on the wall...

Suzanne Vega - Rock In This Pocket
Excuse meIf I mayTurn your attentionMy wayOne momentI won't pleadIt isn't much...

Suzanne Vega - Room Off The Street
Somewhere in a roomWith a poster on a wallOf a man with his handIn a fistIs a woman ...

Suzanne Vega - Rusted Pipe
Now the time has come to speakI was not ableAnd water through a rusted pipeCould make the sense ...

Suzanne Vega - Small Blue Thing
Today I amA small blue thingLike a marbleOr an eyeWith my knees against my mouth...

Suzanne Vega - Soap And Water
Soap and watertake the day from my handscrub the salt from my stinging skinslip me loose of this...

Suzanne Vega - Solitaire
Black on the red and the red on the black.It's a tic of a tired mind.Come and sit down, won't you try ...

Suzanne Vega - Solitude Standing
Solitude stands by the windowShe turns her head as I walk in the roomI can see by her eyes she's been ...

Suzanne Vega - Some Journey
If I had met you on some journeyWhere would we be nowIf we had met some eastbound trainThrough s...

Suzanne Vega - Song In Red And Grey
The reproach in your daughter's most beautiful facemade me wonder just how she could knowof that somet...

Suzanne Vega - Song Of Sand
If sand waves were sound waves What song would be in the air nowWhat stinging tuneCould split th...

Suzanne Vega - St. Clare
call on that saint and the candle that burnskeeping her safeuntil her returnplaster ...

Suzanne Vega - Stockings
I don't care for tights, she saysand does not tell me whyShe hikes her skirt above her kneerevea...

Suzanne Vega - Straight Lines
There's a soundAcross the alleyOf cold metalTouching skinAnd you can seeIf you...

Suzanne Vega - The Queen & The Soldier
The soldier came knocking upon the queen's doorHe said, "I am not fighting for you any more"The queen ...

Suzanne Vega - Thin Man
He is not my friend, but he is with meLike a shadow is with a foot that fallsHis hand is on my back wh...

Suzanne Vega - Those Whole Girls (run In Grace)
Those whole girlsHurl down wordsRun in packsWith bloom to spareThey know health...

Suzanne Vega - Tired Of Sleeping
Oh Mom, the dreams are not so badIt's just that there's so much to doAnd I'm tired of sleeping...

Suzanne Vega - Tombstone
I like a tombstone cause itweathers welland if it stands or if it crumblesonly time will tell...

Suzanne Vega - Tom's Diner
I am sittingIn the morningAt the dinerOn the cornerI am waitingAt the counter...

Suzanne Vega - Undertow
I believe right now if I couldI would swallow you wholeI would leave only bones and teethWe coul...

Suzanne Vega - When Heroes Go Down
When heroes go downThey go down fastSo don't expect any time toEquivocate the pastWh...

Suzanne Vega - Widow's Walk
Consider me a widow, boysand I will tell you why.It's not the man, but it's the marriagethat was...

Suzanne Vega - Woman On The Tier (i'll See You Through)
Too hot. No air.Loud fan and a big tin can.Wait here. Steer clear.They've gone to get your man....

Suzanne Vega - Wooden Horse
I came out of the darknessHolding one thingA small white wooden horseI'd been holding inside...

Suzanne Vega - World Before Columbus
If your love were taken from meEvery color would be black and whiteIt would be as flat as the world be...

Svala - All About You
I wish thatI could find a wayTo make you seeSee things through my eyesMy eyesMaybe y...

Svala - Close To You
Baby baby I watch youWhile you sleepSpecial momentsIt's a treasure I will keepI whisper sw...

Svala - Count To Four
We've been through thisToo many timesAnd now I can't findA reason to stay aroundI'm not up...

Svala - Falling
Why did you have to sayIt's magic when I smile?Why did you have to tell meMmm you like my style?...

Svala - Lay Your Hands
It's a feelingSlowly risingSending starsSpinning around meSomething happensWhen I'm ...

Svala - Love Me, Love Me Not
Love me baby orLove me notTell me babyCan ya hit my spot?If you're the oneLove me ba...

Svala - Never Should Have Let You Go
I see you in the streetAnd I have to say your nameNow you're back on your feetI wish I could say...

Svala - The Real Me
Gonna show youThe real me If you took a little timeAnd just looked into my eyesI know that...

Svala - True Love
Are you sayingI broke your heart in two?Maybe I wasn't lookingI wanted to know justWhat yo...

Svala - Wonder Of My World
If I lost youIf you only knewThat I would miss youLike the stars aboveIf you needed me...

Svala - You To Me Are Everything
I would take the starsOut of the sky for youStop the rain from fallingIf you asked me toI'...

Switchfoot - 24
Twenty four oceansTwenty four skiesTwenty four failuresTwenty four triesTwenty four finds ...

Switchfoot - Adding To The Noise
What's it gonna take to slow us down to let the silence spin us around? What's it gonna take ...

Switchfoot - Ammunition
Blame it on what you've been throughBlame it on what you're intoBlame it on your religionsBlame ...

Switchfoot - Amy's Song
Amy's goneAnd time rolls onHow far? how fast? how long?The last time we saw AmyShe w...

Switchfoot - Bomb
with blankness starring back at meand screaming from the pagesi feel the fear of apathy gripping...

Switchfoot - Chem 6a
Nothing but a chemical in my headIt's nothing but lazinessCause I don't wanna read the bookI'll ...

Switchfoot - Company Car
Mike was right when he said I'd put upA fight to be someone, a fight to be meBut see now, I'm down...

Switchfoot - Concrete Girl
Bleeding thoughts Cracking boulder Don't fall over Fake your laughter Burn the tear ...

Switchfoot - Dare You To Move
Welcome to the planetWelcome to existenceEveryone's hereEveryone's hereEverybody's watchin...

Switchfoot - Don't Be There
Don't be there'Cause I'm on my wayAnd I'm already gone overAnd I'm on my wayAn...

Switchfoot - Economy Of Mercy
There's just two ways to lose yourself in this lifeAnd neither way is safeIn my dreams I see visions o...

Switchfoot - Edge Of My Seat
Nothing more That there's nothing more Nothing moreThat there's nothing moreNothing ...

Switchfoot - Erosion
Rain is a bad reminder of everything I don't want to knowRain is a backseat driver that takes me where I don...

Switchfoot - Gone
She told him she'd rather fix her makeupThan try to fix what's going onBut the problem keeps on callin...

Switchfoot - Home
It's a long way from Miami to LAIt's a longer way from yesterdayTo where I am todayIt's a ...

Switchfoot - I Dare You To Move
Welcome to the planetWelcome to existenceEveryone's hereEveryone's hereEverybody's watchin...

Switchfoot - Incomplete
He's washing face to start his dayHe's lonely, lonely, lonely, lonelyNothing in the mirror ever shows ...

Switchfoot - Innocence Again
Do you remember whenYou were way back thenYou held the world inside your handsWhen you told me l...

Switchfoot - I Turn Everything Over
Monday found me on my knees againBreathing you inTo blur the lines that mark where I beginAnd wh...

Switchfoot - Learning To Breathe
Hello, good morning, how you do?What makes your rising sun so new?I could use a fresh beginning too...

Switchfoot - Let That Be Enough
I wish I had what I neededTo be on my own'Cause I feel so defeatedAnd I'm feeling alone...

Switchfoot - Life And Love And Why
Life and love and why Child, adult, then die All of your hoping And all of your searching ...

Switchfoot - Living Is Simple
Living is simpleIt's gravityGravity isn't so hardLiving is simpleIt's entropyEntropy...

Switchfoot - Loser
Only the losers winthey've got nothing to proveThey'll leave the world with nothing to loseYou c...

Switchfoot - Love Is The Movement
A day in LA And millions of facesAre looking for movementCause everything's stuckAnd every...

Switchfoot - Might Have Ben Hur
Everything I know Tells me she's everything That I could hope for Everything I know Tells ...

Switchfoot - New Way To Be Human
Everday it's the same thingAnother trend has begunHey kids, this might be the oneIt's a ra...

Switchfoot - Ode To Chin
What's your direction?Tell me what's wrong, tell me what's right What's your direction?Think abo...

Switchfoot - On Fire
They tell you where you need to goThey tell you when you'll need to leaveThey tell you what you need t...

Switchfoot - Only Hope
There's a song that's inside of my soulIt's the one that I've tried to write over and over againI'm aw...

Switchfoot - Playing For Keeps
Do me a favorWould you sing this to me slow?'Cause I'm thinking it's my songDo me a favorW...

Switchfoot - Poparazzi
this is a tune for the poparazziThe who's who and the so and so'sThis is a tune for the graven images...

Switchfoot - Redemption
Four A.M. two hours to goI'm wearing out a lonely glow.I miss you more than I could know.Here I ...

Switchfoot - Something More (augustine's Confession)
AugustineJust woke up with a broken heartAll this timeHe's never been awake beforeAt...

Switchfoot - Sooner Or Later (soren's Song)
Come back and haunt meFollow me homeGive me a motiveSwallow me wholeThey say I've lo...

Switchfoot - This Is Your Life
yesterday is a wrinkle on your foreheadyesterday is a promise that you've brokendon't close your eyes,...

Switchfoot - Under The Floor
Under the floorBetween me and the doorThere's a presenceI cannot denyIt's under the ...

Switchfoot - Underwater
It's in her headIt's in her mindShe can't believe itCan't believe she's runningOut of time...

Switchfoot - You
There's always somethingin the wayThere's always somethinggetting throughbut it's not me...

Switchfoot - You Already Take Me There
When all I have is on the floorDivided, dividedWhen I'm a world away from peaceBehind Your eyes ...

Swollen Members - Act On It
[Prevail]Before I fade to black in the shaded shack,In a box with handles and my family in back...

Swollen Members - Adrenaline
[Mad Child]Yo' We gonna rock the whole crowd, come to your town, smash the door down, trash the whole...

Swollen Members - Against All Odds
Against all odds I worship galvanized godsSaturn sends serpents hatch from underworld causeDisguised a...

Swollen Members - All Night
Yeah, this is Swollen Members.Come on, another Battle Axe banger.Breakin' out the heat, showin' you wh...

Swollen Members - Ambush
[Moka Only]Im Pyschosimatic you might know the static that automatically comes when we hit these drum...

Swollen Members - Anthrax Island
[Mad Child]Yo, I'm a cannibal on Anthrax IslandDine on my victims swervin' through pylons...

Swollen Members - Bad Dreams
[Prevail]In the beginning all I hear is people singingDeep and low with iron bells ringing...

Swollen Members - Battle Axe Exclusive
[Mad Child]Star struck, awkward glances, rock phenomenallyArmed with honesty, Doven wove in tap...

Swollen Members - Bless + Destroy
[MadChild]I give you the creepsMy style's sickeningFirst the awakeningPrepare for t...

Swollen Members - Block Party
[Chorus]Nuclear power, you can feel how wereChanging up the game, things wont be the same...

Swollen Members - Bottom Line
Bounce, c'mon [8x][Chorus - 2x]ROCK, we're the heaviestSTOP, or you're gonna...

Swollen Members - Burn It Down
Burn it downBurn it downI just can't stop tonightCause its hot tonightI'm gonna...

Swollen Members - Camouflage
[Mad Child]We act on animal instinctSurvival of the primitiveInvade your camp, then set u...

Swollen Members - Circuit Breaker
[Prevail]I'm posted in the brightest colors availableA bright neon sign that says all MC's alie...

Swollen Members - Concentrate
[Chorus x2]Concentrate and think about the words these monsters say Moves that we make and the ...

Swollen Members - Dark Riders
[Buc Fifty: repeat 2X]Born in fire built in this EmpireCant get no higher or stop my desire...

Swollen Members - Deep End
[Prevail]What begins with an 'a' and ends with asphyxia?Me, Prev One, the microphone cripple...

Swollen Members - Don't Know Why
[Chorus]I dont know when the time will be Which side of me whom you might seeBe careful w...

Swollen Members - English Breakfast
[Prevail]My main vantage point is I use live ammunition I've survived the restrictions th...

Swollen Members - Freak Fantastic
[Mad Child and Prevail]Rock for the masses Rock for the masses Plastic explosives, ...

Swollen Members - Ground Breaking
[Madchild]Mental, torture chamber magnificent structureSwollen sculp dust surfing senses danger...

Swollen Members - Heat
[Moka Only, Mad Child, and Prevail together]Who else you think this is? It's just usI don't wan...

Swollen Members - Heavy Thinkers
"Heavy Thinkers- Got The World Spinning Hectic""Heavy Thinkers- Got The World Spinning Hectic""Heavy T...

Swollen Members - High Road
[Mad Child]It's a wonderful thought that I could take one roadAnd end up in L.A. when it's time...

Swollen Members - Horrified Nights
[Madchild]A yo I'm coming with aggressionNo question I'm steadily progressingI'm rhyming ...

Swollen Members - Killing Spree
[Mad Child]I'm the extreme case of fire and angerI'm the extreme case of fire and angerI'...

Swollen Members - Lady Venom
[Verse 1:]Ever heard of Vertigo? Well ain't no way else to goPrevail knows the faculties,...

Swollen Members - Long Way Down
[Chorus:]And its a long way downIts a long way downIts such a long way downto the p...

Swollen Members - Members Only
[Mad Child]Experiment with mind control, crowd convulsesWe don't act on false impulsesDis...

Swollen Members - New Details
"I Excel, They All Fail"[Prevail]New Details[Mad Child]Mad Child[Pr...

Swollen Members - Out Of Range
[Prevail]I choke him with strings of show and the carnival is openWe just finished stringing th...

Swollen Members - Paranoia
[Chorus:]It's all in your head, you need to unwindYour losing your grip, the paranoia never end...

Swollen Members - Remember The Name
[Chorus:]The Crew's Thick (Swollen)The Pak is phat (Swollen)The Beatz are bad (Swollen)...

Swollen Members - Rockapella
As ten thousand maniacs emerge form an oasis thats everclearMy soundgarden was invented to blind melons and ...

Swollen Members - Shatterproof
[Chorus: Prevail]shatterproof, who woulda thought that the edge of the earthis underneath...

Swollen Members - Snake Bite
[Mad Child & Rattlesnake Jones]We want you, to take a good look at what we doNot the type that ...

Swollen Members - Steppin' Through
[Moka Only]Ya'll can do what ya'll want to do just knowthat we're doin' it the way you want to ...

Swollen Members - Strength
[Prevail]My comparative dissentionFrom high as an intense discriptionOf why the valkyrie ...

Swollen Members - Take It Back
[Intro: Madchild + (Prevail)]Yo Prev (what's up)I'm thinking man; we don't always have to talk ...

Swollen Members - Temptation
[Madchild]Yo, I'm talking about Temptation things that run through your headLike I wonder...

Swollen Members - Therapy
[Madchild]I'ma pull out my knife or rifleI'm a polite psycho, its a full out cycleO...

Swollen Members - Total Package
[Mad Child] About to drill ya with a killer combo King Kong, Godzilla and Rambo Marker au...

Swollen Members - Ventilate
[madchild] Man, I can't believe I have to go through all of this againI gave you your position...

Swollen Members - Watch This
[Mad Child]My motorcycle rings are floodedIm star studdedYou motherfuckers not going to b...

Swv - Anything
There is nothing I wouldn't doFor you (All that you want, all be all that you need)'Cause boy, you kno...

Swv - Downtown
[Coko] Boy, I want you to listen closely to what I have to say 'Cause this is the way to my hea...

Swv - I'm So Into You
[Verse 1]Boy, there you go You're telling me that you love me But boy you know That...

Swv - Rain
Sometimes as soft as a myst of rainThat gently touches my soulIt cools the fire that burns in me...

Swv - Right Here
Lately there seems to beSome insecuritiesAbout the way I feelWhere I wanna beBoy, you know...

Swv - Use Your Heart
AloneYou and I intertwineRefreshingConversation for the mindAs we stareWe both seek ...

Swv - Weak
[Verse 1]I don't know what it is that you've done to me...but it's caused me to act in such a c...

Swv - What's It Gonna Be
[CHORUS]What's it gonna be?Is it gonna be youAnd me?What's it gonna be?Is it ...

Swv - When U Cry
When you cryBoy I cryDon't let goOr I'll die[CHORUS]When you cryB...

Swv - You're Always On My Mind
You're always on my mind [4x][Verse 1][Coko] Boy, I can't seem to get...

Swv - You're The One
[Chorus:]You're the one for meYou can call on meThat's all I want us to beYou're th...

System Of A Down - Blue
I, wishing and wishing away as you goI, wishing and wishing away as you goI don't see nothing bu...

System Of A Down - Cigaro
My cock is much bigger than yours,My cock can walk right through the door With a feeling so pure.....

System Of A Down - Dam
Dam youStay away from meI got a diseaseEveryone is sleepingFuck youFor putting...

System Of A Down - Honey

System Of A Down - Johnny
Hello, my name is JohnnyWell hello my name is JohnnyI would like to explain myselfAnd I would li...

System Of A Down - Marmalade

System Of A Down - Patterns
Life is a story,Go ahead and find your sight.Life is your glory,Go ahead and live the nigh...

System Of A Down - Question!
Sweet berries ready for two ghosts are no different than you.Ghosts are now waiting for you.Are you......

System Of A Down - Revenga
Poisoning a drink, Bleeding in a sink Choking with a link, Killing with a stink Just your mother's ...

System Of A Down - Sad Statue
Conquest to the lover,And your love to the fire,Permanence unfolding in the absolute.Forgi...

System Of A Down - Shame
I FUCK yo' ass up! (fuck'em up son)[Chorus:]Shame on a nigga who try to run game on a nig...

System Of A Down - Soldier Side - Intro
Welcome, to the soldier side,Where theres no one here but me....People all grow up to die,There ...

System Of A Down - Starlit Eyes
Pushin' the law againPushin' the law againJustice with a swordOur smiling knight on board...

System Of A Down - Storaged

System Of A Down - Temper
We want peace without Patriot missiles, Blown to bits are civilian targets, Parade! Laugh! Rejoi...

System Of A Down - The Metro
I'm aloneSitting with my broken glassMy four wallsFollow me through my past I was on a Par...

System Of A Down - This Cocaine Makes Me Feel Like I'm On This Song
There's nothing wrong with meThere's something wrong with youThere's something wrong with meI ho...

Take 5 - All I Want To Know
Here lately I don't see enough of you.I'm thinking maybe you don't love as hard as I doMaybe I think t...

Take 5 - Baby I Can't Let Go
[Chorus:]Baby, baby I can't let go, don't you know, girl, I love you soI-I-I-I'll never b...

Take 5 - Bounce
Bounce(yeah, yeah) Bounce (yeah, yeah) Bounce (yeah) Bounce (yeah) Bounce bounce naughty n...

Take 5 - Can I Come Over
[1st Verse]I know it's late but baby my love won't wait I've gotta get with you Got to be next ...

Take 5 - Deeper Love
Ooh YeahCome on baby[Chorus:]There's no deeper love, deeper loveDeeper love b...

Take 5 - Do That
[1st Verse]Something about the way you strut your stuff Makes me wonder how it feels to be with...

Take 5 - Easy To Love
[Pre-Chorus:]You're so easy to holdSo easy to touchAnd when you're not beside meI m...

Take 5 - Get Down Tonight
There's no excuse for what you're doingJust standing there without a clue and you look so nice,you cau...

Take 5 - Girl Next Door
I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry Forgive me, Forgive me, Forgive me Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...

Take 5 - Girl Next Door (ballad Version)
I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry Forgive me, Forgive me, Forgive me Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...

Take 5 - Girl Of My Dreams
Ah yeah, I am readyCause I've been waitin' for this moment for a long timeAnd now that I have my chanc...

Take 5 - Hottie
Hey ladies Can you tell me where the hotties at Can I hear ya'll scream from front to back I like to s...

Take 5 - I Give
I've been waitin' all my lifeFor the moment I knew it was rightTo make a promise, and give my heart aw...

Take 5 - Jump Up
[Chorus:]Jump up and downEverybody's getting' down with this soundWhen the music takes yo...

Take 5 - Never Far Away
[1st Verse]Everything I do Is all done for you Lady I'm yours And everywhere I go Y...

Take 5 - Never Had It So Good
[Chorus:]Since I met you, I never had it so goodYou bring joy to my life, like I knew you...

Take 5 - Never In My Life
[1st Verse] I remember how you use to touch me in the morning when I'd rise And how everything ...

Take 5 - Perfect Sence
uh huh, yeah, yeah, uh huh, ohhh yeah[1st Verse] You like to run and I like to chill ...

Take 5 - Please Stay
The trouble with my heart is it always goes astrayI guess that's the reason why you're leaving me this way...

Take 5 - Saved The Best For Last
Ohhhh alright baby [1st Verse]There's something special about you Could it be a spe...

Take 5 - Shake It Off
[Intro] 5-4-3 5-3-2 5-5-5-5-5-5-5 Shake it off[1st Verse] Chillin' in ...

Take 5 - Sunrise Goodbye
You and I got so tired of getting bySlow burn, wrong turn, never seeing eye to eyeWith every word unsa...

Take 5 - The Tide Is High
The tide is high but I'm holdin' onI'm gonna be your number oneI'm not the kinda guy who gives up...

Take 5 - To Make You Love Me
Hey What do I do (what do I do) To make you love me[1st Verse]I can hold you ...

Take 5 - Water
[1st Verse] Something in the spring Is making me grow in love with you, babe Something in...

Take That - All I Want Is You
If you believe that you really need someone That always will be true So what's the problem of finding ...

Take That - Another Crack In My Heart
I am just one man with his one pair of eyes I dress in normal clothes and I don't try to disguise I'm ...

Take That - Beatles Medley
[I WANNA HOLD YOUR HAND]Oh yeah, I'll tell you something I think you'll understand When I...

Take That - Broken Your Heart
It's good to be near you, even though I'm alone Reviving memories of our happy home No sign of sunligh...

Take That - Could It Be Magic
Spirits move me, every time I'm near you Whirling like a cyclone in my mind You're my life line, angel...

Take That - Don't Take Your Love
Now when I've just begun to need you Trying to throw everything away No need to tell me, know you need...

Take That - Give Good Feeling
You've got to hold me, and control my dreams I want you to fulfil my needs, I feel it babe Something g...

Take That - How Can It Be
It's funny how your life can changeMemories of love remain, inside your heart for all this timeAt last...

Take That - How Deep Is Your Love
I know your eyes in the morning sun I feel you touch me in the pouring rain And the moment that you wa...

Take That - I Can Make It
I'm tired of closing my eyes, to picture you in my mind It feels so cold to be alone Not sure where I ...

Take That - I Found Heaven
Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, yeah, woah, yeah I thought I found love With somebody else's girl,...

Take That - If This Is Love
You came to me, baby And I though that I saw love in your eyes But all the promises you made were not ...

Take That - I'm Out
I'm out Doing all the things you wanted but baby you sayCan you do it this can you do it that wh...

Take That - It Only Takes A Minute
It only takes a minute girl [music]It only takes a minute girl To fall in love, to fall i...

Take That - Meaning Of Love
Deceit and lies, is all I've taken Let me surface to breath No sacrifice, no inspiration Can you...

Take That - Never Wanna Let You Go
Lying here beside you, in a cloud of warmth I've been awake all night but move Though I know I should ...

Take That - No Si Aqui No Hay Amor
Baby, que fue de nuestro amor Me quieres, ?por que me dices ahora que no? Los dos sabemos como es nues...

Take That - Satisfied
Baby I'm watching you to see I don't like the way you've been treating me I promised you nothing and g...

Take That - Still Can't Get Over You
With my hand in my pocket I wave us off goodbye With the hand that once touched you Dried your t...

Take That - Take That & Party
Come on, come on, come on, come on take that and party Come on, come on, come on, take that: Eve...

Take That - Wasting My Time
You've maybe seen me walk behind you I follow you just everywhere you go I've heard a whisper, they're...

Take That - Whatever You Do To Me
I'm mad at you, because af all the things you do I want you to see the way your games are hurting me S...

Take That - You Are The One
You hurt my mind, you hurt my soul Never believing what I'm saying I'll hunt you down, I'll make you m...

Taking Back Sunday - A Decade Under The Influence
Sad, small, sweet, so delicate We used to be this dying breed I got a bad feeling about this I g...

Taking Back Sunday - Bike Scene
I'll leave the lights down low so she knows I mean business And maybe we could talk this over Ca...

Taking Back Sunday - Bonus Mosh Pt. 2
So, scream I heard about your message, And how it reeked of your indifference, It bleeds horizontal st...

Taking Back Sunday - Cute Without The 'e' (cut From The Team)
Your lipstick, his collar.. don't bother Angel I know exactly what goes on When everything you'l...

Taking Back Sunday - Eleven
I can remember, parking lot nightsWhat did they mean to you?Wrapping my arms around your bodyPro...

Taking Back Sunday - Error Operator
Well there's been an accident (calm down) There's been an accident, breath In and out calm down (in an...

Taking Back Sunday - Ghost Man On Third
Jynx me something crazy Thinking if it's three then I'm as smooth as the skin rolls across the s...

Taking Back Sunday - Go On
i met a girl traveling 'round the world, leaving pieces behindshe said she'd wait for me, i can't make her s...

Taking Back Sunday - Great Romances Of The 20th Century
[Talking: (From the demo version of this song)]A beautiful girl can make you dizzyLike youve be...

Taking Back Sunday - Head Club
Well it's getting colder and you're getting distant and I just keep thinkin that I never meant it to b...

Taking Back Sunday - I Am Fred Astaire
I'm under the assumption that I'm gonna be the one thats leaving you tonight, tonight...Well I f...

Taking Back Sunday - Little Devotional
Well I'm blowing smoke out of your windowAnd you're slipping back into your dressYou know you were alw...

Taking Back Sunday - Lost And Found
We were only 15I let her go like paper air planesHow can I explainThat Im lost without you aroun...

Taking Back Sunday - Lullaby
Woke up yesterdaywith you on my mindso afraid of running out of timeso come around again and i'l...

Taking Back Sunday - New American Classic
"We've got to get better," I said, "It's all in your head."We could live through these letters or forget it ...

Taking Back Sunday - Number Five With A Bullet
we're gonna die like this you knowmiserable and oldreally gotta hand it to youreally gotta hand ...

Taking Back Sunday - One-eighty By Summer
Go on just say it, You need me like a bad habit, One that leaves you defenseless, dependent, and alone...

Taking Back Sunday - One Way Conversation
One by oneThe children laugh and stareAt the boy down the road that nobody knows and nobody cares...

Taking Back Sunday - Set Phasers To Stun
Say yes, say yes, say yes, say yesSay yes, say yes, say yes, say yesI'm sorry it took me so long...

Taking Back Sunday - ...slowdance On The Inside
Passed out in our school clothes so we'd wake up in our Sunday's bestI never asked for your opinion, I just ...

Taking Back Sunday - Summer Stars
Do you remember the time when you and i were finehiding under the apple tree there was no one but you and me...

Taking Back Sunday - The Ballad Of Sal Villanueva
It's not that I don't trust youwell I just know what you've been up tooand well this dial tone is agre...

Taking Back Sunday - The Blue Channel
And I'm not so sure if I'm sure of anything anymore Well this is the last night (this is the last nigh...

Taking Back Sunday - There's No "i" In Team
Well I can't regret, can't you just forget it? I started something I couldn't finish And if we g...

Taking Back Sunday - The Things We'll Never Know
One more time in this game we playSorry that I couldn't make you stayPlacing pieces in the floor...

Taking Back Sunday - The Union
I wait around for the "Still small center"From saint to sinnerWell which one is it?Just who do y...

Taking Back Sunday - This Photograph Is Proof (i Know You Know)
Well, i'll wait till you listen I wont say a word to follow your instincts just never worked for...

Taking Back Sunday - Timberwolves At New Jersey
Get up, get up Come on, come on, lets go Theres just a few things I think that you should know ...

Taking Back Sunday - You Know How I Do
So sick, so sick of being tired. And oh so tired of being sick. We're both such magnificent liars. ...

Taking Back Sunday - You're So Last Summer
She said "don't, don't let it go to your head Boys like you are a dime a dozen, Boys like you ar...

Taking Back Sunday - Your Own Disaster
Just think of this and me as just a few of the many things to lie around to clutter up your shel...

Talib Kweli - A Game
[Intro - Talib Kweli]7-18 stand up (c'mon) Talib Kweli, BK MCTurn it up (yeah)We 'bout to...

Talib Kweli - Back Up Offa Me
Yo, yo Niggas always wanna cheak u, make sure u keepin it real niggga Im over here doing me, you do u,...

Talib Kweli - Beautiful Struggle
[Sample]This is a tear jerker[Intro - echoes]The revolution is here, the rev...

Talib Kweli - Get By (remix)
[Talib Kweli]Yeah, KweliYe-ye-ye-ye-ye yeah get backClassic Brooklyn, let's go...

Talib Kweli - Going Hard
[Hook]I got a part to play, we going hard these daysFuck the harder way, we doing it the harder...

Talib Kweli - Good To You
[Kweli + (woman's Voice)]Yea (yeaaah)Come onUhhYeahKweli[Bridg...

Talib Kweli - Gun Music
[Talib Kweli]Now, If I'm out of town my crew take of your bodies the more the merrierPoint and ...

Talib Kweli - Joy
[Talib Kweli]Wooaahh! yeahon top of the worldYeah, that's how my seeds got me feeling' ri...

Talib Kweli - Never Been In Love
[Verse One]I know there's a first time for everythingFirst time I let her in my bed she got wet...

Talib Kweli - Rush
[Talib Kweli: repeat 16X]Feel the rush[Talib over the repeated line]Yeah, I ...

Talib Kweli - Shock Body
[Kweli]Yeah, yeah[Girl]La, la, la [continuous][Kweli]It'...

Talib Kweli - Talk To You (lil' Darlin')
[Talib]Let me holler at you[Talib and Bilal]Can I talk to you? [x5]...

Talib Kweli - The Proud
[Talib Kweli]The proudStand tall or don't stand at all, c'monUhh, yeahBreak it down...

Talib Kweli - Waitin' For The Dj
[Bilal]Waitin' for the DJ to, let your body rock (It's your boy Kweli, BK MC)So I can show you...

Talib Kweli - We Got The Beat
[Talib Kweli]Yeah! Come on! What it isIt's the P-l-a-n-e-t R-o-c-kKweli, BK, se-la-vis...

Talib Kweli - Work It Out
[1st Verse]The temperature got tempers flaring people sweat when the weather hotThey argue and ...

Tamar - Can't Nobody
Hey baby I've been waiting for you all day, heh You're the only that can love me right Heh, I do...

Tamar - Get Mine
[1] - As long as I get mine It really don't matter to me It really don't matter to me If ...

Tamar - Get None
[JD] Turn it up, uh, uh, uh-uh, naw, naw [Amil] Just cause you tricked a lit...

Tamar - If You Don't Wanna Love Me
[Verse 1:]I stopped by to see you just the other day And I wanna say That I finally...

Tamar - I'm Over You
You told me you would love me forever You told me you would alway's do me right, oh When you said that...

Tamar - Miss Your Kiss
Can't wait to see you boy Cause you know it's been a while Since we've had the chance To do what...

Tamar - Money Can't Buy You Love
Oh yeah, oh yeah Oh yeah-yeah oh, ooh Don't wanna sound like I'm a golddigger But I like t...

Tamar - No Disrespect
[Missy Elliott]Ay yo see I'm your next girlNot your ex-girl boo (uh)Don't get it twisted...

Tamar - Once Again
Oh, yeah Oh...oh...oh...oh...oh... Its two nights, seven days Seven nights for the very fi...

Tamar - The Way It Should Be
That feels so good You know that I do love you babe But I don't want to rush it babe Today...

Tamar - Tonight
Hate my boss at the job Bills are stacking up And I'm going so crazy Car note's due to today ...

Tamar - Words
I wish that words could say How much I do adore you I wish that words could say How much I reall...

Tamar - You Don't Know
Sorry but you just Can't seem to give me what i need In my life, yeah Can't you see? That ...

Tamar - Your Room
Ooh, hey Don't you I love the way you take me to the limit Every time babe And don't you know ? ...

Tamia - Can't Go For That (remix)
[Snoop] [Missy]What's happenin' baby? (what's up Snoop?)Over there lookin' all good (heh, yeah)...

Tamia - Can't No Man
Mmm, mmm, mmm yeahOh oh ohh, ooh oohI can't let you go babeI don't think that I could (I n...

Tamia - Careless Whisper
Time can never mend The careless whisper of a good friendTo the heart and mindIgnorance is kind...

Tamia - Dear John
Oh yeah, ohYou had just walked in from workAnd there's a letter in the kitchen with your name on...

Tamia - Falling For You
[HOOK:]could i be falling for youis this a fantasy come trueis this a dream that i waited...

Tamia - Go
I sat outside your house todayJust thinkin' you'll never learnIt's like the time I packed your things...

Tamia - Gotta Move
[Verse:]Every now and thenI seem to get this funny feelin'When it comes to me and you...

Tamia - If I Were You
I look in the mirror, with you in my armsAnd I see a reflectionOf a smile that says you believe in lov...

Tamia - Is That You
You know how I do itI try to rock ya all night, all nightYou know how I do itI try to rock ya al...

Tamia - It's A Party
[Chorus x2]If you're sitting downTime to get upSippin' on somethingDrink it u...

Tamia - Long Distance Love
[Intro]It's so hard having a long distance loveIt seems likeWell, it just seems like he's...

Tamia - Love Me In A Special Way
[Intro]Mmm yeahTell me that you like itOh yeah, yeah(Woo, let's see if you remember...

Tamia - Loving You Still
[Verse 1:]Fell in love, and everything that I wantedWhat a life for me...Now a thing don'...

Tamia - More
Mmhmm mmhmmm [giggle] i loved you, I loved you (more) when you had no money (more) use to say i love ...

Tamia - Mr. Cool
[Tamia]Here we are right now, my baby.Saw you standin' in the crowd, just waitin',For me ...

Tamia - Never Gonna Let You Go
I don't even know the reason whyYou tell me that it's time to say goodbye, yeahYou can't even look me ...

Tamia - Poetry
He said, It's like the grass that grows between the cracks of ghetto streets, relentless inspite of the neverlasti...

Tamia - Questions
I noticed you ain't been around lately I recognize there is a sudden changeI notice you haven't been c...

Tamia - Rain On Me
I've been drowning in my own tearsWasting time running from my fearsWhen all the while you've been rig...

Tamia - Show Me Love
[Chorus]When I'm down You show me loveWhen times get roughYou show me loveWhe...

Tamia - Smile
Sometimes i sit at home and wonder how it be if he had loved me truely loved me yes, i learnedAwhile ago tha...

Tamia - So Into You
With every passing moment Thoughts of you run through my headEverytime that I'm near youI realiz...

Tamia - Still
Mmmm yea-hey-oh-woah-oh yea-hey-oh-woah-oh-woah usually when two people are together for a longTime things s...

Tamia - Tell Me Who
Wait a minuteThere's something on my mindI can't hold in any longerTurn aroundDon't just t...

Tamia - This Time It's Love
I built a wallOut of this heart of mineNever letting no one inDidn't think I need a friend...

Tamia - Tomorrow
Jesus said here I standWon't you please let me inAnd you said I willBut tomorrowJesu...

Tamia - Un'h To You
Can I have a moment just to talk to you?Let me just explain what I been goin' throughSo fine you are...

Tamia - Whispers
Yeaa oooh ooohHere we are ..?Had a thing so perfectI was scaredI wanted to find some...

Tamia - Who Do You Tell
[Verse:]There you were in a crowded roomWith someone at least I assumedHow did I know I w...

Tamia - Why Ask Why
Why even worry bout' it babyWhy even waste your time or dayCan't believe that you would think that I w...

Tammin Sursok - Pointless Relationship
Lately it seems she keeps hitting him over the headwith one word: when?Should they go left or right or...

Tammin Sursok - Whatever Will Be
Sometimes I feel like I'm a bird with broken wingsAt times I dread my now and envy where I've been'Cau...

Tamyra Gray - 17
I was only 17 when heCame around and passed my wayHe was the finest thing I'd ever seenAnd his e...

Tamyra Gray - Don't Stop (keep It Coming)
Don't wanna listen to no radioDon't wanna see no tv showCuz I been workin hard all daySo tonight...

Tamyra Gray - Faces
Playground, voices speak againThoughts of how we were in my headTell me how we lost that innocence ...

Tamyra Gray - God Bless The Dreamer
So many problems that you felt in your lifeAnd it cuts like a knifeBut remember to look for tomorrow ...

Tamyra Gray - Good Ol' Days
It's summertime, it's so hotI'm wearing shorts a tank top and flip flopsI see birds flying in the blue...

Tamyra Gray - Ha Ha
U don't even know meU don't seem 2 careIf my actions are revealingWords my mouth can't find 2 sh...

Tamyra Gray - I Believe
Have you ever you ever reached a rainbow's endAnd did you find your pot of goldEver catch a shooting s...

Tamyra Gray - Legend
I gotta say, I must admit never thoughtthere would ever be someone to open my eyesWhen you feelT...

Tamyra Gray - Like A Child
Who knows?Who knows the things she feelsWho sees?Just how deep it really isCuz every...

Tamyra Gray - Raindrops Will Fall
There's a time 4 every star 2 shineAnd a place 4 every dream 2 see the lightWhen u have everything...

Tamyra Gray - Star
The mystery of tryin to make it happenStrugglin just to make ends meetYou need a new change of space...

Tamyra Gray - The Only Thing
Pretty brown eyed girlShe's so sweet and naiveShe met a boy fell in loveCarved their name out in...

Tamyra Gray - U've Only Got 1
Here's a story that I wanna tellBout a guy I used to know so wellWho lived his life so carelessly...

Tamyra Gray - Yesterday / Today
It's just been one of those daysWhen nothing seems to be going rightAnd no ones there to lend a helpin...

Tank - One Man
A walk in the parkOr late night TVI'm a kind of simple manI need you to understandA ...

Tank - Slowly
Set the moodlight the candlesand bring the wineI'm wantin youBeen havin this feelinF...

Tantric - After We Go
Do you know how we got right here Is it something we probably asked for All the answers are not quite ...

Tantric - All To Myself
[Chorus:]I want to beI want to beAll to myself[Repeat x3]Take me...

Tantric - Alright
What you realize You feel inside Who'd ever thought you'd sit here and compromise I don't ...

Tantric - Astounded
Hey, hey Hey, hey You don't careHow I feelYou care about yourselfI understand the wa...

Tantric - Awake
Thinking back we were a struggling All the people, places We've left behind What others want you...

Tantric - Before
One thing that I must agree with You got to step outside the picture just to see it Everybody loses it...

Tantric - Breakdown
In your life you seem to have it allYou seem to have control But deep within your soul You're lo...

Tantric - Change The World
I don't have another reason Why all these thoughts are floating through my head It seems I took myself...

Tantric - Chasing After
You said that you'd never hurt me But you did anyway My Piece of mind now deserts me (It f...

Tantric - Falling Away
How did we let this *bleep* get complicated When all of this time we knew that we were wasting W...

Tantric - Frequency
Everything you knowSomebody else has taught and told youDeep within yourself if you'reYourself a...

Tantric - Hate Me
Tell me again out on a limbI won't offend you and tell youThat I gotta keep moving onI have this...

Tantric - Hero
Before you go, just listen And I'm sorry For all the things I've done to you You know that I'm s...

Tantric - Hey Now
Feel me Why are you hiding Why are you siding What happened to my friend I see your ...

Tantric - I Don't Care
Who knows which one of us will stayI think it's timeFor making it real againI know it's hard to ...

Tantric - I'll Stay Here
Look into yourselfFind out what to doLife is made of simple nothingsOpening to youThe best...

Tantric - Inside Your Head
And the nights grow colderAnd the days get olderAnd the nights grow colder So many times...

Tantric - Just Once
Just once I'd like to show A part of me that's in control I don't know how to say But I would re...

Tantric - Live Your Life (down)
If you live your lifeIf you live your life this wayIt's gonna change [Repeat]Time a...

Tantric - Mourning
Is there something that you are trying to sayDon't hold back nowIt's been a long time since I felt thi...

Tantric - Paranoid
You all alone there in the darkShadows sinking into youYou're so afraid of everythingIs there so...

Tantric - Relentless
Here we are alone again Isn't that what you wanted my friend But it's hard to believe And ...

Tantric - Revillusion
Watch the timePassing bySeeing strangers in the sky Rusty eyesStare and bleedH...

Tantric - The Chain
Listen to the wind blow Watch the sun rise Run in the shadows Damn your love Damn yo...

Taproot - 1 Nite Stand
i've come to grips unreality through fatality realized just how much happiness brings to me fight lately dou...

Taproot - Again & Again
sick and angered by my friends extremely cold and heartless talkin shit behind my back about me to my friend...

Taproot - Again And Again
sick and angered by my friends extremely cold and heartlesshonest talkin shit behind my back about me to my ...

Taproot - Art
Occasionally I feel like the walls around are closing in on mePhysically I feel sometimes I need seclusion t...

Taproot - Believed
frankly modest speech dishonest eyes uponus like a vulture in the sky hovering carcass moulding earth filthy...

Taproot - Breathe
Jealousy is raining down on me right nowAs the fear of losing you is setting inBut ill continue to do ...

Taproot - Can't Not
breakin' 'em off a piece of my wicked funky style up front str8 up, no hiding behind a facade conformed soci...

Taproot - Day By Day
looks like I've fucked up again what's new I am always getting out of hand though in control sometimes just ...

Taproot - Dragged Down
I am just a person like you, I am just a fuck-up that's true, but your the only one I'll turn to by my side ...

Taproot - Dreams
Confusing reality...I see myself but it's not really meHow could it be?When I am me?I gues...

Taproot - Emotional Times
life sucks sometimes, friendships turn to lies, a hatred in disguise it brings tears to my eyes, i can...

Taproot - Everything
Grown up an only childOne parent homeI was spoiled and doubted not trustedNeglected by others ar...

Taproot - Fault
Why did I let you inside my lifeHow could I let you inside my body my soul my brainNow I cant make you...

Taproot - Fear To See
i see the truth upon that pedistal's frowning down upon me like a trophy valued by masses of minds are close...

Taproot - Flatline
i don't care what you think about me...stuck in flatline but i'm still breathin' thinkin' about my options' ...

Taproot - I
I am seeing tunnel vision in a world thats dark and cold, I cannot believe how much I've changed since the d...

Taproot - Impact
I make an impact on lives through truth as well as lies, I overcome your eyes and leave an etched memory for...

Taproot - Justice Is Blindfolded
justice wears a blindfold...justice is blind to my kind w/ an open mind you will find that the truth w...

Taproot - Like
You look like meI'm sorry for youYou talk like meI cant understand youYou think like me...

Taproot - Lowlife
in company respect's shown mutual into it's own, indifference although when i'm left alone and true feeling'...

Taproot - Mentobe
it's ironic considerate rarity patron of love higher knowledge engulfs me 'cause the blast of fate a lesson ...

Taproot - Mine
When I look into your eyes, you help me realignAnd show me just how to be myself insideIm in control o...

Taproot - Mirrors Reflection
I'm your mirror's reflection, What you don't like about me is what you hate in yourself, You should se...

Taproot - Myself
If life was a game, could I win in the end? And if I was sane, would I fuck it up all over again? Thes...

Taproot - Negative Rein4sment
everything u say is negative thats how you live.... anothers your visions so blind thats how u fuckin live t...

Taproot - Now
well i need to be around you and i need to see your eyes on me now and i need to caress your face with mine ...

Taproot - Poem
overbearing panic attack entrenching my veinsin an hour i'll be ok i pray this pain will go away perma...

Taproot - Scapegoat
corrupt errupting authority watchin over me all the time rhyme after rhyme i'm keepin' it real w/ that...

Taproot - Shine
fly so high like a star...i'm str8 up representin' the spirit in the world that keeps on forgettin' th...

Taproot - Smile
smile, can't you see i am still me, anti-authority, same philosophy, enjoying life as much as i can i will. ...

Taproot - Sound Control
you know that i'm a fugitive that's how it is, a funky freaked out twisted lyricistical mystical energy, ...

Taproot - Sumtimes
What I excel in bestIs my excessivenessSelf deprecationI hate myself sometimesHow can I be...

Taproot - Thriftwhore
I can't tease you no more for your pleasure you whore I can't lie around your sore ass I used to adore...

Taproot - Time
TimeJust a counter-clockwise in motionTimeIt requires strength, love, and devotionTime...

Taproot - When
Can't seem to find myself in the smoke filled room againThe lesson of being bored and nave so I've been told...

Tata Young - Bad Boys, Sad Girls
La la la la....Got a ace up my sleeve if you know what I meanYou got a poker face most girls would buy...

Tata Young - Call Him Mine
I can call him mineIt was only a matter of timeBefore I got tired of your waysI tried to m...

Tata Young - Cinderella
When I was just a little girlMy momma used to tuck me into bed and she read me a storyIt always was ab...

Tata Young - Crush On You
[Chorus]I wish upon a starWanna be right where you areYou set my world on fireBabe ...

Tata Young - Everybody Doesn't
Everybody does itThat's what you keep sayingEverybody doesn'tNot everybody's playingI wann...

Tata Young - I Believe In Love
I feel the heat around meI feel the beat surrounds meCould this be for real, I wonderNo need for...

Tata Young - I Think Of You
When I'm down and all aloneWhen nothing seems to matterWhen I lose my hopeWhen I'm sad and confu...

Tata Young - I Want What I Want
Tears, money, honey on my breadSugar on my pillow, songs in my headHead to the church, I love to repen...

Tata Young - Lonely In Space
Deep in the walls of my mindMy reason is blindFor keeping you a secretI like to think about you...

Tata Young - My World's Spinning
My world's spinning 'round n 'round x 2My life's turning upside downI thought I had it all...

Tata Young - Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy
[Chorus]I pick all my skirts to be a little too sexyJust like all of my thoughts they always ge...

Tata Young - Sorry Anyway
I guess I didn't read the sign at allYou call me darling Say that you're in loveBut it doesn't f...

Tea Party - A Certain Slant Of Light
As the colours fade away my love,As the darkness turns to day above,Celebrate the one you love....

Tea Party - Aftermath
Desperate to takelost in its waketime slips away to soonPleasures of feardrawing us ...

Tea Party - Alarum
I took a slide, slipping down a staircaseA Piranesian dreamMy senses reeled, distorted about the darkn...

Tea Party - All My Charms
Walking alone,on a lonely Friday night I'm thinking about you baby.I know my timing ain't right....

Tea Party - Army Ants
Bring on the absoluteA walk on the waterCan lead you to slaughterNo one will feel you...

Tea Party - A Slight Attack
demonic little love goddo you want to see me bleedanarchistic little beggar mannow you want a pi...

Tea Party - Babylon
Now that the thrill of the massacre is overIsn't it sweet when she sucks on your veinsI've waited so l...

Tea Party - Baby What You Trying To Do
I'm standing in the sun, waiting for the rain.Thinkin' bout my girl,but I can't recall her name.What's...

Tea Party - Can You See My Tears
Where did you go toIt's not what you told meYou'd think with the lies it would changeAnd everyon...

Tea Party - Chimera
you say it's all about intentiona chimera in disguiseits about your life, the greedthe lonelines...

Tea Party - Coming Back Again
Tell me sister about the storyOf the man who lost controlWas it heaven, or temptationsOr was it ...

Tea Party - Coming Home
when frightened by changeserenity clings to my sleepand wonders remaintheir world will inherit i...

Tea Party - Correspondences
hope springs to lifecharmed by approaching listlessnesshands reaching outto grasp the open empti...

Tea Party - Drawing Down The Moon
holding on once againtake the time to look around is it all in vain can't you see st...

Tea Party - Dreams Of Reason
Oh how the paths change,When the wisdom fades away.Something's going to change these times,And w...

Tea Party - Emerald
Confess what you cravea life without painyou'd kill for the tasteBut the hurt still remains...

Tea Party - Empty Glass
These premonitions shine like stars thatFall to earth too fastI see the empty glassWhere d...

Tea Party - Fallen Angel
Falling from the sky baby, I must have lost my wings.I never thought I'd ever leave the place where angels s...

Tea Party - Fire In The Head
you stay silent, knowing, always in timesee how this love stays divinesleep herehoping, kn...

Tea Party - Gone
broken moments in time couls till shinebut they're getting oldif you could see the world with my eyes...

Tea Party - Goodman Rag
I went on down for a walk in the woods, and then I had to see to my dismay.I met a ripper, a mysteries rippe...

Tea Party - Great Big Lie
god is pressuregod is pressure more or lessand it takes a lifetimea life of lies to make a mess...

Tea Party - Gyroscope
Come face to face with itPushed on your sideLose all your selfcontrolWorlds will collide...

Tea Party - Heaven Coming Down
With nothing to do you'd waste awayObscure in exileThey've witnessed the timesYou've gone astray...

Tea Party - Hurt
What have I becomeMy sweetest friendEveryone I know goes away, goes awayIn the end.And you...

Tea Party - Inanna
over the skies and sea my loveover the sky and seariding the crest of windsabove bringing her ba...

Tea Party - In This Time
Hey hey lady looks like I'm under your spell once again.And hey hey lady, there just now ain't no denying th...

Tea Party - Let Me Show You The Door
Is that what mama, is that what you wanna do?You got something to prove.Is that what mama, you wanna b...

Tea Party - Little Miss Heaven
I am the saviour, I said yes I am the truth.Get down on that floor now child, tell me what your lies will do...

Tea Party - Lullaby
You've Been looking for godYou've been down on your kneesWill the Angels believe you now?Wanting...

Tea Party - Luxuria
There's a secret I've learnedSo many lives hold their lessons in turnJust like a fire consumes what it...

Tea Party - Midsummer Day
When you've decided to hold on to all that you've lostWhen you've decided to hold on to all that you've lost...

Tea Party - Oceans
Where are you goingCan I followBecause distance is hard to swallowYou should stay a whileL...

Tea Party - One Step Closer Away
I know your name, I heard you callA distant voice behind the wallSomething stands in our wayShe ...

Tea Party - Overload
You paint such a pretty pictureYou fuel my desireBut destiny's always uncertainWhen fate's still...

Tea Party - Poem On The Inside Cover
I'll show you the door when you've decided to hold on to all that you've lost. You see, all this is nothing ...

Tea Party - Psychopomp
You wanted thisSo sad to seeThe sweet decayOf ecstasyAnd you want it all...

Tea Party - Pulse
I saw a face in the mirrorThat made my blood run clearI think I've waited to longI went al...

Tea Party - Raven Skies
I am walking on to the place of the light.And the things I see with the starlight sight.In the dance o...

Tea Party - Release
I want the world to wakeI want to give you peaceI want to vindicateYou need to be released...

Tea Party - Samsara
please would you tell me my friendwhich direction is the waybecause i'm lost, i'm confusedthe re...

Tea Party - Save Me
I must leave you tonight my love, remain so faithfullyI must go off to war my dear, the kings await me...

Tea Party - Seven Circles
Here, here we areShelterless soulsLit by the starsAnd here, here we standDivided by lines...

Tea Party - Shadows On The Mountainside
we are spirits passing through the doors of timewith an invitation heard before we findshadows on the ...

Tea Party - Silence
silent spirit walks before mewith her beauty and with her eyesheaven help mei feel i'm fading...

Tea Party - Sister Awake
when the winter was overshe returned there to find himand her memories filled her with light...

Tea Party - Spoken Word
As you draw near I hear the mutter of the worried earthThe joyous girl, the crystal clearDeliver...

Tea Party - Stargazer
So you say that your heartWhen it beats its like a landslideAnd the word on the street from the man...

Tea Party - Sun Going Down
I woke up this morning, someone was knocking at my door.I woke up this morning, someone was knocking at my d...

Tea Party - Taking Me Away
a view from a broken windowi can hardly breathealouds are forming facesand they laugh at me...

Tea Party - Temptation
Driven by restrained desireI want what I needShacking as her sex takes holdI've lost all control...

Tea Party - The Bazaar
silence swimming in a pool of dreamsbeneath its depths the forgotten streamsabove, the city of the eve...

Tea Party - The Halcyon Days
alone, left here in dustamidst my fears and doubtslife's shattered dreams I could havegone witho...

Tea Party - The Majestic Song
With a thought you could change what you've never really known.With a lie you could take from the love they ...

Tea Party - The Messenger
Got a letter from a messengerI read it when it cameIt said that you were woundedYou were bound a...

Tea Party - The River
Sailing down, down the Styx again,Without you my love, I want to return but then,I see all my friends,...

Tea Party - These Living Arms
so a crowd he gathered around usi'm pining one last kissi'm struggling with the lifelinein the s...

Tea Party - The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove
"I thought that you had it all, seen it ten times beforethought that you had it made, (??)I love slow,...

Tea Party - The Watcher
I'm the unseenI'm disbelief...I'm undoneYou are a dreamYou are desire...You're the one...

Tea Party - Touch
catatonic listless creaturetry to comprehendeverything you've ever wantedis around the next bend...

Tea Party - Transmission
We fear what we see in the distanceWe're shattered by life's soft deceitEnslaved to our thoughts by ou...

Tea Party - Turn The Lamp Down Low
turn the lamp down lowshelter meturn the lamp down lowrising up to seeplease don't go...

Tea Party - Underground
i don't need your redemptioni don't want you to deceive meand I don't need your forgivenessi onl...

Tea Party - Walk With Me
tell me lady, shining sunto feel the warmth that's come undonedo you sleep in sympathyand if its...

Tea Party - Watching What The Rain Blows In
All these emotions, filling my mind.And all of your healers, hurting my kind.Stay with me darling, wat...

Tea Party - Wishing You Would Stay
I don't know what it is but I know that I need itA thousand things and a kiss and the chance I'll decieve it...

Tea Party - Writing's On The Wall
When it bends you try to walk a straight lineSomething more for less and in the meantimeIt changes sha...

Tears For Fears - Advice For The Young At Heart
Advice for the young at heartSoon we will be olderWhen we gonna make it work ?Too many people li...

Tears For Fears - Always In The Past
Money can't change the way you feelSmoke stains on your fingertipsMade for life is no big dealWh...

Tears For Fears - Ashes To Ashes
Do you remember a guy that's beenIn such an early songI've heard a rumour from Ground ControlOh ...

Tears For Fears - Bloodletting Go
Life, mama saysIs bloodletting goIf I care for nothingSun don't shine and the grass don't grow...

Tears For Fears - Broken
Between the searching and the need to work it outI stop believing everything will be alrightBroken...

Tears For Fears - Call Me Mellow
Fill the sky with love Fill the sky with love I wouldn't mind but she just turned up on the door...

Tears For Fears - Change
You walked in to the roomI just had to laughThe face you wore was coolYou were a photograph...

Tears For Fears - Closest Thing To Heaven
28 days of rain Flash floods in February Back in our boats again Bath water and the baby W...

Tears For Fears - Deja Vu And The Sins Of Science
Deja VuDeja vuI must learn to protect myselfI'm not a man of violenceI must learn to prote...

Tears For Fears - Don't Drink The Water
This is a religionNo, this is a dragThat man over there is smoking sweet cigarettesHey look at t...

Tears For Fears - Everybody Loves A Happy Ending
Toe the line Toe the line Wake up your time is nearly over No more the supernova And...

Tears For Fears - Falling Down
Is this world spinning roundHas this ship run aroundWhat's that shapeWhat's that soundThat...

Tears For Fears - God's Mistake
Have a friend, calls me upSays hello, and then hangs upHe must have read my mindThese are the da...

Tears For Fears - Humdrum And Humble
Mistress of the mindTake me where the air is cleanIgnorance is kindEmerald and evergreen...

Tears For Fears - I Believe
I believe that when the hurting and the pain has goneWe will be strong, Oh yes we will be strongAnd I ...

Tears For Fears - I Choose You
I knew all of this was comingAin't that oddSome things come out of nothingAs with godNot m...

Tears For Fears - Ideas As Opiates
Say what you wantSay what you will'Cos I find you think what makes it easierAnd lies spread on l...

Tears For Fears - Johnny Panic And The Bible Of Dreams
I dream of heavenI dream of heavenI dream of heaven, yeahHigh time we made a stand and shook up ...

Tears For Fears - Killing With Kindness
Don't cry for me my baby Don't say a word Everyone knows you're a dangerous bird Fly like ...

Tears For Fears - Ladybird
Tell me a story of mind over matter The hope and glory of life ever after The sound and the fury the c...

Tears For Fears - Laid So Low (tears Roll Down)
Chewed the bone down too lowGot fed on tea and sympathyBlew the sail like the windI wish you wer...

Tears For Fears - Last Days On Earth
Tired of this elegant life With the best will in the world It's a thorn in your side Dazed...

Tears For Fears - Listen
Mother Russia badly burnedYour children lick your woundsPilgrim father sailed awayFound a brave ...

Tears For Fears - Lord Of Karma
There's been some knockingThere's been some heavy knockinIt sounds like someone wants to break down th...

Tears For Fears - Los Reyes Catolicos
When time is like a needleAnd night is the longest dayA place where a king can prayGhosts ...

Tears For Fears - Los Reyes Catolicos (reprise)
A home is like a castleA place where a king can reignLos reyes catolicosRaoul and the kings of S...

Tears For Fears - Mad World
All around me are familiar facesWorn out places, worn out facesBright and early for their daily races...

Tears For Fears - Me And My Big Ideas
Me and my big ideasWon't wash away your tearsNo one else seems to mindThat I'm not that kind...

Tears For Fears - Memories Fade
There's only needI love your needSo much I'm losing meI cannot see the reason for the Pain...

Tears For Fears - Mothers Talk
My features form with a change in the weatherWeekendWe can work it outMy features form with a ch...

Tears For Fears - My Life In The Suicide Ranks
My life, my life in the suicide ranksMy life, my life in the suicide ranksMy life, my life in the suic...

Tears For Fears - New Star
Baby your deal is surreal just like lightning, streakin' onHeaven still is a state of mind, where did we go ...

Tears For Fears - Pale Shelter
How can I be sure ?When your intrusion is my illusionHow can I be sureWhen all the time you chan...

Tears For Fears - Quiet Ones
It's always the quiet ones Who are stranger than fiction They hide under tables like a child ...

Tears For Fears - Raoul And The Kings Of Spain
When the seventh son of the seventh sonComes along and breaks the chainRaoul, Raoul, Raoul and the kin...

Tears For Fears - Schrodinger's Cat
Last train to Norwich...Summer days that blind your face will soon be dead and goneBetter get it on!...

Tears For Fears - Sea Song
You look different every timeYou come from the foam - crested brineIt's your skin shining softly in th...

Tears For Fears - Secrets
It seems we caused a forest fireWith just a flicker of a flameAnd now I set alight to everything...

Tears For Fears - Secret World
This is a garden, this is a steeple I hear the crowd before I ever see the people Yours for the making...

Tears For Fears - Size Of Sorrow
Bathe in another man's grave In time we'll follow Save all your thoughts for these days Don't st...

Tears For Fears - Sketches Of Pain
Daylight savedDaylight savedTo spite the darkIn spite of the darknessThere I'll crave...

Tears For Fears - Sorry
What's the matter with your lifeDid someone come and shoot your wifeJust as you plannedWill you ...

Tears For Fears - Standing On The Corner Of The Third World
Man, I never slept so hardI never dreamt so wellDreaming, I was safe in lifeLike mussels in a sh...

Tears For Fears - Start Of The Breakdown
Scratch the iceLet the telephone ringSense of time is a powerful thingAnd we love to laugh...

Tears For Fears - Suffer The Children
It's a sad affairWhen there's no one thereHe calls out in the nightAnd it's so unfairAt le...

Tears For Fears - Swords And Knives
A waking world of innocenceSo grave those first born criesWhen life begins with needles and pins...

Tears For Fears - Tears Roll Down
Into that void of silenceWhere we cry without soundWhere Tears Roll DownWhere Tears Roll Down...

Tears For Fears - The Big Chair
She wants to sit beside you.In your big chair.In your big chair.The devil has the power to assum...

Tears For Fears - The Devil
The devil, take me now Before I'm ushered out 'Cause you are like me But I can bleed ...

Tears For Fears - The Hurting
Is it an horrific dreamAm I sinking fastCould a person be so meanAs to laugh and laughOn m...

Tears For Fears - The Prisoner
Here behind the wallI feel so smallBreathing but not preceivingHere anger is meLove sets m...

Tears For Fears - The Way You Are
Going far, Getting nowhereGoing far, The way you areGoing far, Getting nowhereGoing far, The way...

Tears For Fears - The Working Hour
These thingsThat I'veBeen toldCan rearrangeMy worldMy doubtIn timeBut in...

Tears For Fears - Watch Me Bleed
Heaven comes to he who waitsBut I know I'm getting nowhereAnd all the deeds of yesterdayHave rea...

Tears For Fears - When In Love With A Blind Man
When in love with a blind manYou watch what you sayAnd you watch yourself burnWith dreams of esc...

Tears For Fears - Who Killed Tangerine
Whatcha gonna choose the poison or the lines Lived with crazy pain in all your life Something in your ...

Tears For Fears - Who You Are
Someone's drinking all alone Someone's left the TV on I don't suppose, no I don't suppose ...

Tears For Fears - Year Of The Knife
Hallelujah, the king is dead. He said"Love was the knife "And now he'll dream some magic queen might t...

Tech N9ne - Absolute Power
[1st Verse]Ain't no way you bout to stop this sickness from theDeepest darkest part of misery p...

Tech N9ne - Bianca's & Beatrice's
[Verse 1]I'm kickin' it with this chick up in the club I'm offThe lou, and when you're on that ...

Tech N9ne - Constantly Dirty
[Verse 1]Ain't nobody ever gave me a thang in my lifetimeSo I'm on my own standin' strong...

Tech N9ne - Cursed
[1st Verse]I was born in seventy-oneIn seventy-two I started to walkSeventy-three...

Tech N9ne - Einstein
[1st Verse]If you got scratchNiggaGet the fuck upThrow your hands upIf ...

Tech N9ne - God Complex
[1st Verse]And God saidLet us make man in our imageAccording to our likenessL...

Tech N9ne - Gunz Will Bust
[Verse 1]I know you know this is Kansas CityWhere nigga life don't mean shitSo step to an...

Tech N9ne - Here Comes Tecca Nina
[Verse 1]I be bussin', parents be fussin and cussin'Cause all I talk about is silicon and muffi...

Tech N9ne - Here I Come
[1st Verse]I've been around the worldAnd I Yi YiDon't know why peopleWhat?...

Tech N9ne - I'm A Playa
1971 Aaron D. Yates was born1985 Aaron wrote his 1st rhyme1988 Aaron adopts the name TECH N9NE19...

Tech N9ne - Imma Tell
[Verse 1]The killa clowns in your town raising all hellTecca nina with the stamina coming to da...

Tech N9ne - It's Alive
[1st Verse]One And then comes the twoTo the threeAnd fourTwo-thousand T...

Tech N9ne - Keep On Keepin' On
[Chorus]You can pray and pray for my downfallBut when I rise like the sun and I ain'tFuck...

Tech N9ne - Pr 2k1
[1st Verse]You want me to jam I'm finna Enter brain waves Pain from insane da...

Tech N9ne - Psycho Bitch
[1st Verse]I want you to quitCalling meCalling meFollowing meFollowing ...

Tech N9ne - Real Killer
[1st Verse]I was kicking itWith this chick for a minuteShe picked me to hit it...

Tech N9ne - She Devil
[Chorus]Sin with me I want you. She-devils in the house let me hear ya (Hey) off top I gots to ...

Tech N9ne - Sinister Tech
[1st Verse]You're the one nigga Who's a dumb niggaAnd a bum niggaYou're a slu...

Tech N9ne - Slacker
[Chorus]Imma slacker, never did I have a lot of doughImma slacker, smoking pot and watchin' vid...

Tech N9ne - Slither
[Intro]It was a Friday night and me and my homeboysDecided to celebrate our departure from JCOR...

Tech N9ne - Stamina
Stamina I'll be damnIf I'll ever beTook away by the demonsI'll never be what 's the weathe...

Tech N9ne - Suicide Letters
[1st Verse]Picture meIn a casketBlastedNever nobodyKnew how longT...

Tech N9ne - T9x
[Verse 1]Fall into a spell way deeper than hellSensation was given to me from my homegirl Shell...

Tech N9ne - The Industry Is Punks
[Chorus]He won't play me on radio cause they be onPunk shit daily on, industry's a shady one...

Tech N9ne - This Life
[1st Verse]I used to be the ideal nigga Preppy like HilfigerPretty vill nigga ...

Tech N9ne - This Ring
[1st Verse]This ringGot me a top notchStraight hot foxWe sought rocksAn...

Tech N9ne - Tormented
[1st Verse]One for the devil, two for my GodFather please forgive me while I rock this br...

Tech N9ne - Trapped In A Psycho's Body
[1st Verse]Don't you come near me cause the devils sittin' next to meI drink my drink and smoke...

Tech N9ne - Twisted
[1st Verse]I getsMore trips than aLittle bitI smoked More dips than a...

Tech N9ne - Who You Came To See
[1st Verse]Dwamn Everybody's off up in the placeLike DwamnWomen throwin' boot...

Tech N9ne - Worst Enemy
You were supposed to be my dogHomey when I first met you what was told to me was fraudWhat a shocker a...

Tech N9ne - Yada, Yada, Yada
[Verse 1]Just think, what if I could just, just blink this shit away.Niggas think, becaus...

Teedra Moses - Be Your Girl
Don't know if you got a girl Don't mean to disrespect butThoughts of you rule my worldI even dre...

Teedra Moses - Caught Up
You have captivated me in every wayFrom the time we met, still until this dayOh boy, you got me... cau...

Teedra Moses - Caution
[Verse 1]Oh II see what I'm dealing withSee uU don't understand my gangstaWhe...

Teedra Moses - Complex Simplicity
Life is just complex simplicityThug it out...Everybody's worried bout tomorrowWill they se...

Teedra Moses - For A Lifetime
You give and you giveBut you never seem to get back in returnWhat you giveSo your heart's in fir...

Teedra Moses - Last Day
I Pray that the sun shines in the windows Like it did on thursday Wont sleep the night before ill be u...

Teedra Moses - No More Tears
I guess I must be caught between my heart and mindWanting it to be good knowing its notCrying all time...

Teedra Moses - Rescue Me
[Verse 1:]This poor heart of mine Still feel I can find A love to call my own I gav...

Teenage Fanclub - 120 Mins.
I don't wanna be aloneI don't wanna be well knownI don't wanna be unsaneI don't wanna love in va...

Teenage Fanclub - About You
I always knew the way about youI always knew the way about youAlways on my mindAlways take...

Teenage Fanclub - Accidential Life
Give in to me now I want you I know the past comes back to haunt you there are satellites in heaven ...

Teenage Fanclub - Ain't That Enough
If you can I wish you wouldOnly if you feel you shouldBring your loving overAll adds up with cir...

Teenage Fanclub - Alcoholiday
There are things I want to do but I don't knowIf they will be with you, if they will be with youThere ...

Teenage Fanclub - Bad Seeds
They keep us apart from the other kidsThey try to keep us from each other"We're no good" is what...

Teenage Fanclub - Between Us
I'm looking at you. You're looking at me.Between us, it's all so easy to see.We were made for each oth...

Teenage Fanclub - Burned
Been burned and with both feet on the ground,I've learned that it's painful comin' down.No use runnin'...

Teenage Fanclub - Can't Feel My Soul
What I'm seen throughIs what I've seenAnd what I've been throughIs what I've beenNow I've ...

Teenage Fanclub - Catholic Education
You wanna turn your back on everythingYou wanna turn your back on everyoneWell I tryYou wa...

Teenage Fanclub - Catholic Education 2
You wanna turn your back on everythingYou wanna turn your back on everyoneWell I tryYou wa...

Teenage Fanclub - Chords Of Fame
Found him by the stage last nightHe was breathing his last breathA bottle of gin and a cigarette...

Teenage Fanclub - Commercial Alternative
I wanna thank you, cause I'm a messI wanna thank you, the way you dressI wanna thank you, for staying ...

Teenage Fanclub - Critical Mass
When I touched your skinI felt your heart beating deep within.And I was sure Everything was ?...

Teenage Fanclub - Cul De Sac
Should I just keep rolling all over this town among the buildings and amid the sound feels...

Teenage Fanclub - December
I'll take this chance to tell my friends what I'm thinking of.On second thought I'll think some more and tel...

Teenage Fanclub - Discolite
Could you light me up on what I'm doingAnd waken up the sleeping words inside my headThe morning...

Teenage Fanclub - Don't Cry No Tears
Don't cry no tears around meDon't cry no tears around meCause when all the water's gone the feeling li...

Teenage Fanclub - Don't Look Back
If I could find the words to sayThe sun shines in your eyesSo brighten up my city skyBreak...

Teenage Fanclub - Don't Need A Drum
I don't need a drum, to make a songWhen I want to speak, I open my mouthIf no one listens, I don't car...

Teenage Fanclub - Dumb Dumb Dumb
Its been playing on my mind I don't want to waste your time and the thought of you is tearing me apart...

Teenage Fanclub - Escher
Tell your sins to meand I'll do them all overwith youI know it's speedso I hope you'll com...

Teenage Fanclub - Eternal Light
Fear begin to turn aroundI guess if everyone listensThere's no one left to fight.In your h...

Teenage Fanclub - Everybody's Fool
You impress me with your styleI think you're really coolEverbody looks at you'Cause you're every...

Teenage Fanclub - Every Picture I Paint
See her lying in my bedMy pillow stuffed beneath her headHer hair is like a sea of goldI'd love ...

Teenage Fanclub - Every Step Is A Way Through
Think it's time you got out of bed and followed through'Cause a working clock never stops to miss the change...

Teenage Fanclub - Everything Flows
We get older every yearBut you don't changeOr I don't notice you're changingI think about it eve...

Teenage Fanclub - Falling
Travelling at the speed of loveHey kids, whats upRemember when I used to be dope, yeahI ow...

Teenage Fanclub - Fear Of Flying
Hey, I don't look back on all the things I've doneI've never looked for answers in a songAin't got no ...

Teenage Fanclub - For You
It's for youIt's for youIt's for youIt's for youIt's for youIt's for youIt's f...

Teenage Fanclub - Four Strong Winds
Four strong winds that blow lonelySeven seas that run highAll those things that don't change come what...

Teenage Fanclub - Free Again
Well I'm free again, to do what I wanna doFree again, to sing my song againFree again, to air my longi...

Teenage Fanclub - Gene Clark
When the circle finally formed you called me upthe only one making a soundI can't work out what I want...

Teenage Fanclub - Genius Envy
I don't careI don't wanna hear aboutwhat I'm thinkingI wanna hear something newBut I...

Teenage Fanclub - Get Funky
[footsteps]Okay we're rolling...[spoken]Howdy, disco citizen![clapping]...

Teenage Fanclub - Getting Real
Used to think the stars above were growin'Used to think that I could be there tooWatch winds of time a...

Teenage Fanclub - God Knows It's True
Maybe I just got it wrongExpress the feelings in a songI didn't mean that much to youI'm given s...

Teenage Fanclub - Going Places
Bound in motionFound my headwind was blowing fineI've requested the stars to shineFor words that...

Teenage Fanclub - Golden Glades
Your mind is strongbut your will is weakAnd it's no wonderyou can't standon your own two f...

Teenage Fanclub - Goody Goody Gum Drops
I'm getting weaker, weakerEvery time I hear her nameOh, she's getting sweeter, sweeterThe girl's...

Teenage Fanclub - Guiding Star
When everything you own is lostAnd every friendship has its cost;Your rolling stone has gathered moss...

Teenage Fanclub - Hang On
Been bought and I've been soldand I've forgot what I've been toldand now I need someoneOf all th...

Teenage Fanclub - Happiness
Don't know what I want to do My laziness'll see me through Happiness is all I need The truth is ...

Teenage Fanclub - Hardcore / Ballad
You're my friend but that's not allYou're way above them allStaying here, staying dearAnd love i...

Teenage Fanclub - Have You Ever Seen The Rain?
Someone told me long ago,There's a calm before the storm,I know and it's been coming for some time....

Teenage Fanclub - Headstand
Got sunlight in your headAnd the night's still close to your bedAnd the day, today, just sit's around ...

Teenage Fanclub - He'd Be A Diamond
[CAPO 3rd FRET]When the tape runs out, the music keeps playingWhen the walls come down, i...

Teenage Fanclub - Hi-fi
Always I loved you, always untrueAnd I know I've ? when im following youWhere are you now, and where d...

Teenage Fanclub - I Can't Find My Way Home
I can't find my way home It's always there when I'm gone Stuck in time since I moved on Wh...

Teenage Fanclub - I Don't Care
I can't find what's on my mindFeeling low my thoughts are slowMonochrome til you get homeWhen I'...

Teenage Fanclub - I Don't Know
I fell downGot back up when no one was aroundI want youI want you to tell me what you found...

Teenage Fanclub - I Don't Want Control Of You
I don't want control of youDoesn't matter to meThe very heart and soul of youAre places I wanna ...

Teenage Fanclub - If I Never See You Again
If I never see you again you will stay in my mind [x2] We've only got a lifetime [x2]...

Teenage Fanclub - I Gotta Know
I got a feeling I know what I meanFeel like deceiving is almost obsceneAlways believing I'll always be...

Teenage Fanclub - I'll Make It Clear
They think they know usBut they don't know usIn love there's nothingThat they can show us anymor...

Teenage Fanclub - I Need Direction
I used to feel fine you were to be mine I need direction to take me to you I've aske...

Teenage Fanclub - It's A Bad World
I've got a reasonTo know your nameII've got a reasonTo stay the sameI've made ...

Teenage Fanclub - It's So Hard To Fall In Love
It's so hardTo fall in loveKnowing what I knowSeeing all the things I've seenMaybe I...

Teenage Fanclub - Life's A Gas
I could've loved you girl like a planetI could've changed your heart to a starIt doesn't matter ...

Teenage Fanclub - Like A Virgin
I made it through the wilderness, somehow I made it throughDidn't know how lost I was, until I found you...

Teenage Fanclub - Live My Life
I want moreMore more moreMy highs feel lowSo I'll go homeTo live my lifeTo liv...

Teenage Fanclub - Long Hair
I believe in everything I seeWhy believe in everything you hear?Everyday I prayThat this f...

Teenage Fanclub - Mad Dog 20/20
If I could ask you how you feelWould you reply or produce a shield?Such a long timeBeen dr...

Teenage Fanclub - Maharishi Dug The Scene
There's a star chart left with meMaharishi dug the sceneSaying, hare krishna, hare, hareGo...

Teenage Fanclub - Mellow Doubt
It gives me pain, when I think of youAnd the things together that we'll never doAt first it's code, an...

Teenage Fanclub - Metal Baby
Metal baby, I met her, babyI'm her mother and she's got me on her armMetal baby, I met her, baby...

Teenage Fanclub - Middle Of The Road
A lot depends on lifeAnd how much you've known itI've got friends who like to thinkThat they've ...

Teenage Fanclub - Mount Everest
In the highest mountainIn the only fountainIn the Russian riverWith youHeard a milli...

Teenage Fanclub - Mr. Tambourine Man
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for meI'm not sleepy and there ain't no place I'm going toHey, Mr...

Teenage Fanclub - My Life
My life is a fantasyI don't ? a tired of philosophyI think that I know where I wanna ...

Teenage Fanclub - My Uptight Life
The morning sun opens up my eyes What I see is the same world I know you're seeing My dreams are real ...

Teenage Fanclub - Near You
I should get out of this seat feel the world beneath my feet strive to see more of the sun try t...

Teenage Fanclub - Neil Jung
You had a girlfriendThat wasn't good enough for youShe was youngerBut that was old enough you kn...

Teenage Fanclub - Norman 3
Come on overBreak some breadClose the windowand we'll lay on the bedIf you're the future...

Teenage Fanclub - Older Guys
I don't ever think about tomorrowWhat or why, it's all on another dayAnd I think that it's been said...

Teenage Fanclub - Pet Rock
I'll never pass this way againI'll never pass this way againWhen you smile oh little girlSends m...

Teenage Fanclub - Planets
Were going over the countryAnd into the highlandsTo look for a homeWere leaving nothing behind u...

Teenage Fanclub - Radio
I think I'll kill the radio, don't want to hear this songCan't relate to yesterday, what we did was wrong...

Teenage Fanclub - Ret Liv Dead
If you don't care, why are you standing there?You're all alone with the memoryThinking about something...

Teenage Fanclub - Say No
Say noI know you're gonna stayWith more than one wayTo say noDon't goI know yo...

Teenage Fanclub - Sidewinder
Saw you there with long blonde hairEyes of blue, oh baby, I love you.When you're walking (I love your ...

Teenage Fanclub - So Far Gone
Could you be the one who wants to turn me into something new?Could you be the one, the one who has to make l...

Teenage Fanclub - Some People Try To Fuck With You
Somebody try to show you how to free your mind,It's deception to the voidYou couldn't even see the wor...

Teenage Fanclub - Song To The Cynic
No, you won't leave your mark on meI'm protected by an honestyAnd all the dead people in the world...

Teenage Fanclub - Sparky's Dream
If she lived in space, manI'd build a planeOut of luck so beam me upTo hear her talking again...

Teenage Fanclub - Speed Of Light
Drive an easy roadIf you're looking for directionDon't forget to set your seat and goTake an eas...

Teenage Fanclub - Star Sign
Hey there's a horseshoe on my door; big deal.And say there's a black cat on the floor, big deal....

Teenage Fanclub - Start Again
I don't know if you can hear meI'm feeling down and can't think clearlyEven though it's complicated...

Teenage Fanclub - Straight & Narrow
You were on the straight and narrow You were going round the bend and looking for a friend ...

Teenage Fanclub - Take The Long Way Round
Sunshine every beat when I'm around youFeels like maybe I've been here beforeThrough the cold days of ...

Teenage Fanclub - Tears
There's no future so don't fake itDon't know if you're going to make itWhen everything becomes unclear...

Teenage Fanclub - Tears Are Cool
I wanna talk to you don't want something thatI get for nothing I wanna talk to youI know when somethin...

Teenage Fanclub - That's All I Need To Know
Long ago, I used to growBut stops when I got boredBut all along, the cynic songIs something I ig...

Teenage Fanclub - The Ballad Of John And Yoko
Standing in the dock at Southampton, trying to get to Holland Or FranceThe man in the mac said, "you've got ...

Teenage Fanclub - The Cabbage
Goodbye girlWhere did you go?Woke up this morningand I didn't knowWe were together b...

Teenage Fanclub - The Concept
She wears denim wherever she goesSays she's gonna get some records by the Status QuoOh yeah...Oh yeah....

Teenage Fanclub - The Count
I thought since I was sevenThat why means more than howI don't believe in heavenMy life is right...

Teenage Fanclub - The Shadows
There was a shadow over youYou said you couldn't see it throughAnd there were demons in your head...

Teenage Fanclub - The Sun Shines From You
Even when the world is grey I go where I wanna go, I'm OK Rainy skies don't cloud my mind I do w...

Teenage Fanclub - The Town And The City
Feels good to be here again in the cool air and the driving rain in the first light that morning bring...

Teenage Fanclub - Too Involved
You never talk about itIf it's too involvedYou don't wanna knowLet it goLet it go...

Teenage Fanclub - Total Weirdness
Wanna see your faceOn my pillowI won't explainWhat I don't knowI'd feel painIf...

Teenage Fanclub - Traffic Jam
Can't you tell me what you're hidingBehind your eyesI think I know youWhere you come from...

Teenage Fanclub - Try And Stop Me
I got no time to talk to mePass the time of dayI've got to pack my bag to seeGotta get upon my w...

Teenage Fanclub - Verisimilitude
I've got a pocketful of words in my brainI pull something out when I think I shouldI feel like I'm goi...

Teenage Fanclub - Weird Horses
SeeSee what I wanna findI can find it by myselfBut I feelI feel like I recognizewhat...

Teenage Fanclub - What You Do To Me
What you do to me...I know, I can't believeThere's something about youGot me down on my knees....

Teenage Fanclub - Who Loves The Sun
Who loves the sun?Who cares that it makes plants grow?Who cares what it does since you broke my heart?...

Teenage Fanclub - Winter
The summer was out of sightWe couldn't sleep at nightShadows were closing inBack in the dark aga...

Teenage Fanclub - You're My Kind
I don't mindIf flops don't climb'Cause you're my kindI've got a message I send to myself, ...

Teenage Fanclub - Your Love Is The Place Where I Come From
Your sadness don't lieYour feelings can't hideYou always know whyBut your reasons are slyY...

Teitur - Amanda's Dream
Can you say goodbye, without ever leaving?That's some sad soul to keepAmanda awakes in a moment believ...

Teitur - I Was Just Thinking
I was just thinking that I have been missing you for way too longThere's something inside this weary head th...

Teitur - Josephine
Dreamt I was back with the pirates and cats of my sommervilleThe girl in the alphabet shirt covered in dirt ...

Teitur - Let's Go Dancing
Our minds run in circlesRacing around the resturantThey are searching for what more to sayTo say...

Teitur - One And Only
I've been wishing on a star but I never could have imaginedI would land just where you are after all this lo...

Teitur - Poetry & Aeroplanes
There was a party last night, last nightCigarettes and empty bottles, empty bottlesBetter open up this...

Teitur - Rough Around The Edges
I'm lost in my head, been thinking all aroundI've gotta find the off ramp to my heart.Stop lights in a...

Teitur - Shade Of A Shadow
Can I call you if I'm back in town?Leave a message when I'm southbound?Could I please, could I please?...

Teitur - Sleeping With The Lights On
I've been haunted by this old ghost beforeI want to hear your voice you know it's been so longLike a d...

Teitur - To Meet You
It's five miles till I see my loverI guess you could say that she's more than thatI've been sat in thi...

Teitur - You're The Ocean
There's too much sky, not enough blue There's too many questions to why I love you There's too many cl...

Tenacious D - City Hall
All you people up there in City Hall, You're fuckin' it up for the people that's in the streets. This ...

Tenacious D - Dio
Dio has rocked for a long, long time, Now it's time for him to pass the torch. He has songs of wildebe...

Tenacious D - Double Team
[spoken] Damn, a hard day's rockin'. Better slip off ma shoes. Maybe give a little stretch, and...

Tenacious D - Explosivo
Climb upon my faithful steed, Then we gonna ride, gonna smoke some weed. Climb upon my big-ass s...

Tenacious D - Friendship
Friendship is rare, Do you know what I'm sayin' to you? Friendship is rare. My derriere, W...

Tenacious D - Fuck Her Gently
This is a song for the ladies But fellas listen closely You don't always have to fuck her hard I...

Tenacious D - Karate
With karate I'll kick your ass Here to Tiennamen Square. Oh yeah, muthafucka, I'm 'onna kick you...

Tenacious D - Kielbasa
[spoken] [KG:] Dude, we gotta fuckin' write something new. C'mon. [strums] ...

Tenacious D - Kyle Quit The Band
Last week, Kyle quit the band, Now we're back together, uh. Misunderstanding, didn't understand. ...

Tenacious D - Lee
Lee, Lee, Lee, Lee, Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee Lee, We're talkin' fuckin' Lee. I had a frie...

Tenacious D - Rock Your Socks Off
[Dave Grohl (spoken):] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-6-6! [sung] It doesn't matter if it is goo...

Tenacious D - The Road
The road is fuckin' hard, The road is fuckin' tough-ah, There's no question that-eh It is rough,...

Tenacious D - Tribute
[Spoken] This is the greatest and best song in the world... Tribute. Long time ago me and...

Terri Clark - A Little Gasoline
Throwing pictures out the windowScattered by the way the wind blowsBye Bye Baby , that's the last I'll...

Terri Clark - Better Things To Do
Don't tell me the reason that you're callingIs to see if I'm all right since you've been gone'Cause I ...

Terri Clark - Emotional Girl
I've been looking at you looking meBet you're thinking that what you getIs what you seeBut under...

Terri Clark - Everytime I Cry
You call and wake me up, the way you always doSay you miss me and you're sorry, deja vuYou push the bu...

Terri Clark - Girls Lie Too
So she can't go out tonight again Her sister's sick, she's gotta baby-sit Yeah, that sounds like a pre...

Terri Clark - If I Were You
You were standin' at my front doorWhen I came home tonightAnd I could tell by the look you gave me...

Terri Clark - I Just Wanna Be Mad
Last night we went to bed not talkingCause we already said to muchI face the wall you faced the window...

Terri Clark - I Wanna Do It All
I'm sitting in trafficFor the 5th year in a rowWasting my timeJust to getWhere I don't eve...

Terri Clark - No Fear (live Version)
I want a road stretching out before me I want a radio in my ear I want a full tank of absolution ...

Terri Clark - Now That I Found You
How can I believeThat my heart would find someone like youYou see me, the real meNo in bewteens,...

Terri Clark - One Of The Guys
Hood up, bent over that carboratorI skinned my knuckleDamn that hurtGot a 6 pack chillin' on ice...

Terri Clark - Poor, Poor Pitiful Me
Well, I lay my head on the railroad trackWaitin' on the "double e"But the train don't run through here...

Terri Clark - When Boy Meets Girl
First, it's baseball, arcades in the mallSkipping out of study hall to hang with the guysThen, it's fa...

Terri Clark - You're Easy On The Eyes
Shoulda known it was you knocking on my doorAt half past a heartache at quarter to fourWere you starti...

Terror Squad - Nothing's Gonna Stop Me
[Chorus]Nothing's gonna stop, nothing's gonna stopNothing's gonna stop me[Verse ...

Terror Squad - Pass Away
[Armageddon talking]To all my, to all my, to all my, to all myTo all my peoples that passed awa...

Terror Squad - Streets Of Ny
[Verse 1: Tony Sunshine]On the streets of New York [2x]I was standing by the hydrin watc...

Terror Squad - Terror Era
[Intro - guy talking]Aiyyo Joe man whats good manAiyyo I hear niggaz poppin shitThey runn...

Terror Squad - Thunder In The Air
[Intro - Prospect Park]YeahWhat up man, this yo boy Prospect right here manT-Squad BX you...

Terror Squad - Yeah Yeah Yeah
[Remy Martin]Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeahYeah yeah yeah yeah yeahYeah yeah yeah yeah yeah...

Terrorvision - Alice What's The Matter
Something about you really puts me down,You're the life of the party you're the toast of the town,Some...

Terrorvision - American Tv
He was born diseased with a twisted mind,His hands his feet his elbows tied,Sleeps by the day and in t...

Terrorvision - Babyface
I'm sorry,can't help it,Can't help the way I look,I'm just that kind of person can't you see,Don...

Terrorvision - Bad Actress
When you laugh, it just makes me cry,When you cry, it just makes me smile,When you smile, well that ma...

Terrorvision - Cantankerous
I used to just wash, now I wash and I dry and I put away,I'd started to shop and now I shop and I cook since...

Terrorvision - Can't Get You Out Of My Mind
All right now,so she knows what going on,Just lately she hates me,can't take no more,And I cannot guar...

Terrorvision - Celebrity Hit List
I gambled with my house, when I lost my car,I gambled with my car, trying to win back my wife,I lost m...

Terrorvision - Conspiracy
Entourage by the reservoir, they're gonna test drive that new sports car,Meet around midnight less people ar...

Terrorvision - Day After Day
Nobody loves you not quite the way you do,Not saying they hate you, oh no it's more the things you do,...

Terrorvision - Desolation Town
10pm in a cold and lonely hotel room,I think of you all the time,My car was built the same year Hendri...

Terrorvision - Didn't Bleed Red
The aliens are coming wait for me I'm coming along, it's right on,Yes they're coming wait for me while I get...

Terrorvision - Discotheque Wreck
He's in the bar, he's in your hair,With his sports keyring jangling he's everywhere,He's in your view,...

Terrorvision - Dog Chewed The Handle
It was the Seventh of December in the middle of the night,The street was deserted except for smoke and moonl...

Terrorvision - Don't Shoot My Dog
Listening to the story of an angry old man,He had the whole world in his pocket but,He had a hole ther...

Terrorvision - Easy
Living out three separate lives,with nothing else to do besides, it's easy,They'd wrote Bradford off t...

Terrorvision - Enteralterego
Spacy Sunday friend of mine,Is going to cut the red wire but there isn't time,To cover your ears and p...

Terrorvision - Hide The Dead Girl
They may be able to pin the tail on the donkey,but they can't get anything to hold us down.She was duc...

Terrorvision - Hole For A Soul
Holy Shamoly, said the priest to the girl,As he wrapped his arms around her,And his guts became her wo...

Terrorvision - Human Being
Don't cry baby, rest your weary head,Don't cry mama, daddy didn't mean what he said.Wake up baby, its ...

Terrorvision - Hypnotised
I was cynical, not a great believer,I thought these things were here to deceive you,I thought it can't...

Terrorvision - If I Was You
Starts off early Monday, the beginning of the week,With a belly full of serpents wriggling round making me f...

Terrorvision - Iii Wishes
If I had three wishes, I'd wish for five,Panorama, men at work, oh man alive,If I had five wishes I'd ...

Terrorvision - In Your Shoes
It really wouldn't happen in my day,None of this was going on,we had to make our own fun and games,I d...

Terrorvision - Jason
When the cold wind blows,and the sarcasm cuts me again,A young man's pride is torn up,by what he...

Terrorvision - Josephine
I had a friend called Joe,When friends were hard to find,He had a restless soul,And something on...

Terrorvision - Junior
Junior was walking out with a friend,When he turned around and said "Stop me I might just do it again",...

Terrorvision - Killing Time
Maybe someday soon,I'll find out what it's all about,And if you don't leave it too long,Then may...

Terrorvision - Left To The Right
To the left to the right, round and round and out of sight,Up and down, side to side searching all over far ...

Terrorvision - Middleman
You know I couldn't be me, if it wasn't for you,I feel like shit and look like plastic, but I'll get through...

Terrorvision - Mugwump
Can't give it up, can't stop speaking my mind,Got to say what I'm thinking all the time,There's etique...

Terrorvision - My House
In my house, there's a place I can hide,When I feel a surge of self pity,In my house there's a place w...

Terrorvision - New Policy One
I'm the man who came to dinner,Said I wasn't stopping long,I brought a present wrapped in misery,...

Terrorvision - Oblivion
If all the people in the world camped out in your back garden,Would you write and tell the king or would you...

Terrorvision - On A Mission
Your hair's a mess, it's called distressed, It's the latest fashion don't I know,Oh where have I come ...

Terrorvision - Perseverance
I was high on a molatov of cocktails,I was low on a hundred things,I was wrong to put my money where m...

Terrorvision - Pretend Best Friend
The odds have built up of the chance you're going down,'Cos you're looking pretty guilty in the court of the...

Terrorvision - Problem Solved
We don't ask for a lot but we get even less,Dirty child playing in a rubbish dump dress,Rich in heart ...

Terrorvision - Ships That Sink
Hi my name is Candy I play bass in the band,I've got a million people worship me my head in the sand,I...

Terrorvision - Some People Say
Some people say that what I know should be kept secret,Some people say I don't know anything at all,So...

Terrorvision - Spanner In The Works
You're the spanner in the works,You're the throbbing sensation I get in my head,You're the knife in my...

Terrorvision - Stab In The Back
Powdered rock stars just add water,Pop up a treat just like they ought to,Little bit old and cliched s...

Terrorvision - Still The Rhythn
And we've all got sick with our cooler than thou,Holier than shit attitudes,Still the war goes on just...

Terrorvision - Stop The Bus
I've sold the bus man 'cos I bought myself a train,In a village that was man but it's now a motorway,T...

Terrorvision - Superchronic
I'm wearing pigtails that my mother bought,In '65 she was the queen,I'm only thinking things that Kafk...

Terrorvision - Swings And Roundabouts
I like it on a Sunday morning if I've been out the night before,I get the feeling the whole world's yawning ...

Terrorvision - Ten Shades Of Grey
Times we spent cheating and lying,Wondering when we would be back by your side again,Hoping and prayin...

Terrorvision - Tequila
Ode to Jose the curse of Cuervo, So hard to say no though it gives one the fever,Pretends to be friend...

Terrorvision - Time O The Signs
I'm high up on your cross and I'm burning, burning,I couldn't give a toss I'm just a worm that's turning,...

Terrorvision - Urban Space Crime
Ode to the guy read about in the news,Born by mistake he was born to lose,Never had much luck,Wi...

Terrorvision - Vegas
Put your shoes on,Put your coat on,Put your hat on,Put your scarf on,Pick yourself up,...

Terrorvision - What Makes You Tick
I'll find out just what it is,I'll find out what makes you tick tock tick tock,I'll find out just what...

Terrorvision - What The Doctor Ordered
I went off to the doctors for the open plan surgery,He said I just can't believe what's lying here in front ...

Terrorvision - When I Die
Yes I've been without, been down and out,Out on a limb with nowhere to go,I was told it would be one l...

Texas - Alone With You
The nightRelieves the dayWhen the nightRelieves the dayYou fill my days with laughte...

Texas - And I Dream
When I'm lostYou take my hand and make me burnAll of the timeTurn my life aroundI feel los...

Texas - Another Day
What seems like such a winter's taleLightening runs through the fallen flamesBy kneeling down we're he...

Texas - Beautiful Angel
Nobody wants to take the blameEverybody wants to stay the sameAll I want is what you hadI never ...

Texas - Beliefs
I watch you gather round and prayIt's something I can feelI hear you chant every other dayI thin...

Texas - Big Sleep
Sing low the baby 'cos we're here tonightTogether everyone is here in sightThe world and them, no they...

Texas - Black Eyed Boy
No I don't lack ambitionCan't you see what I hateThat it's you who is sickingLocked behind iron ...

Texas - Breathless
All these bruises keep me awakeI guess I'm just too tired to sleepAnd God only knows I'm too lost to c...

Texas - Broken
Every night before I rest my headHold me close as I draw another breathStill hoping, that our love's n...

Texas - Careful What You Wish For
Just lately I've had a goTo find me a new world and candy homeAll I needed was a little affection for ...

Texas - Carnival Girl
See me in the morning light A photograph of pure delight Yeah but I left too soon I don't see yo...

Texas - Day After Day
One day I'll have to face the truthI willI know I'll find it hard to wake upAnd say these words ...

Texas - Drawing Crazy Patterns
It's like he's sleeping nowHe got married in a rushEight months on and summer's goneHe finds it ...

Texas - Dream Hotel
I deal the cards aroundaround the tablePull up a seat if you are ableWelcome to the dream hotel...

Texas - Everyday Now
I just woke up and I can see it nowIt's never been this close beforeTried to tell myself I didn't care...

Texas - Fade Away
With every little smile do you know me betterYou know I'm never what I seemCause I don't worry about t...

Texas - Faith
Believe inIn what I'm sayingIt's so much harderWhen it's you who is listeningWhen I see su...

Texas - Fearing These Days
You only see me when I laughNever hear me when I cryI'm tired of fearing these daysI'm sitting h...

Texas - Fight The Feeling
I've looked down the saddest city laneI've looked at the people with faces of painI can't forget it...

Texas - Fool For Love
Have you heard the sound of disappointmentIt tears at youWhy didn't I realise that I could be conned b...

Texas - Future Is Promises
I saw him today at the stationThere was something on his mindI felt I was on the devil's mission...

Texas - Girl
All the money's on your hip nowNeed to take another trip downProtect all mothers for they lay in the p...

Texas - Good Advice
Open the window I need some airSo many people and there's such disorder hereFamiliar faces, found out ...

Texas - Halo
Bright light cityYou're her religionSuperstars in their own private moviePlay just like children...

Texas - Hear Me Now
Where were you when the lights went outI ask you this in your defenceYou fell for a river when all you...

Texas - I Don't Want A Lover
I don't want a loverI just need a friendI don't want a loverI just need a friendYou ...

Texas - I'll See It Through
When you touch meI feel there's nothing you can do to turn me awayAnd I know thatIn the past you...

Texas - In My Heart
How can I know which way to turnBetween my feelings and my dreamsI'm drowning in tennement oceans...

Texas - In Our Lifetime
There are thingsI can't tell youI love you too much to sayI stand undressedBut I'm not nak...

Texas - Insane
Somebody told me it was overNobody told me where it beganNo one believes in youI understand...

Texas - I've Been Missing You
Do I know if you are sleepinCause you lie so still and warmYeh the darness and the silenceWrap a...

Texas - I Want To Go To Heaven
You know I can't tell the truthCause all I do is lieI feel like I'm laughing all the timeBut all...

Texas - Listen To Me
You came down as if from heavenLaid a soft hand on meI kept on walking and thinkingWhere my life...

Texas - Mothers Heaven
Oh, can you heal meChild I know you heal meEmbrace the windHang your head no moreI f...

Texas - Move In
Move in, move inMove in, watch me move inInvite me to a partyHang some colour on the walls...

Texas - One Choice
There's only one reason left for me to stayBut you won't like the reason whyTried so many times to get...

Texas - Place In My World
ListenBe what you wanna beDo what you wanna doIt's your lifeIt's your life, it's your worl...

Texas - Polo Mint City
Round and round inPolo Mint CityIsn't it pretty inPolo Mint cityRound and round in...

Texas - Postcard
I'll send you a postcard from heaven's oceanI feel like staying here in heaven's oceanI've been ...

Texas - Prayer For You
All I see is the truth nowThat's all I want you to knowThat I'll never turn my back on youAnd le...

Texas - Put Your Arms Around Me
Are you ready maybeAre you willing to runAre you ready to let yourself drownAre you holding your...

Texas - Return
Why did I give you my soulWhen I knew there'd be nothing in returnYou forgot what it's likeNow t...

Texas - Saint
I'm taking my timeI'll fix it, don't worry nowI'm needing you thereMake sure that you're coming ...

Texas - Say What You Want
Twenty seconds on the back timeI feel you're on the runNever lived too long to make rightI see y...

Texas - So Called Friend
Yeh I'm gonna make you wonder if you're my friendYeh I'm gonna make you wonder if you're my friendYeh ...

Texas - So In Love With You
I'm so in love with youWhether it is right or it's wrongI'm too weak to be strongI'm so in love ...

Texas - Summer Son
I'm tired of telling the storyTired of telling it your wayYeh I know what I sawI know that I fou...

Texas - Sunday Afternoon
I can think of better daysAs I look into your eyesAnd I feel that in a wayI know that you'll be ...

Texas - Telephone X
I see your hands they're on me Just when you say helloYou see your words they drown meThen there...

Texas - Tell Me The Answer
I doesn't feel rightThe lights are too brightI'm feeling uptight in my sensual worldI need to be...

Texas - Tell Me Why
Even now I can see that dayThe fear in your eyesTell me whyWere you so afraidSomethi...

Texas - The Day Before I Went Away
I tried to tell you that on MondayThe day before I went awayI was always there when you were coming do...

Texas - The Hush
I'm a long long way from yesterdayAnd with time my ideals changeI want to spend all of my timeTh...

Texas - This Will All Be Mine
Where there are shadowsThere will be lightYou write that you know meYou'll wish that you were ri...

Texas - Thrill Has Gone
Listening I hear your voiceTogether you and I have nothing left to carry onAnd I'm seeing you slip awa...

Texas - Ticket To Lie
Attention annoys meI could disappointSo just take a walkAnd try to avoidThe cars in ...

Texas - Under Your Skin
Me and the snow vines quiet lightVery overlaid and seenI watch them falling from this categoryBu...

Texas - Walk The Dust
I find you're on my back againCause your husband's weighing you downAnd you say you find it hard to co...

Texas - When We Are Together
Oh, I remember you said can I fight and breatheSo now I always, always hold my breath you seeYou're my...

Texas - Where Did You Sleep?
You pushed away your rocking chairYour seven years of livingChoose to think it over, you could try...

Texas - White On Blonde
A perfect face comes callingA perfect hand reaches outHer perfect face in the morningDecember gi...

Texas - Why Believe In You
You're the type of person that I need to meetAnd I want to learn from youI need this now do I ask too ...

Texas - Winter's End
Sometimes it seems like winter's endThe weeks they just go on like a friend of mineThe sadness it has ...

Texas - Wrapped In Clothes Of Blue
Hold me close and understandIt's now that I need youThere's so much doubt when I'm aloneI'm wrap...

Texas - You Owe It All To Me
I never thought there would be a timeWhen all you'd wanna do is fightIt's made me suffer lonely days...

Texas - You've Got To Live A Little
Have you still got the illusionOf what's lying aheadThen you'd still have your innocenceAnd days...

Tg4 - Virginity
I know you want itYou wanna hit itBut you can't have itOops, can't touch itMaybe a kiss on...

Thalia - Alguien Real (baby, I'm In Love)
Estoy enamorada...Estoy enamorada...No me busques ms, no puedo evitar pensar en su amor...

Thalia - Another Girl
[Chorus:]I can give you upI'm so in loveI will share you with another girlI swear t...

Thalia - Baby, I'm In Love
Baby I'm in loveBaby I'm in love[Verse One:]Ah, don't be checking meBab...

Thalia - Cerca De Ti (closer To You)
El tiempo transitadespacio en mi mente,pensando en que hubiera sido diferenteNo se si tuviera un...

Thalia - Closer To You
The hand of time, start to unwindthinking how things could beI know there's a maybe that you will be m...

Thalia - Dance Dance (the Mexican) - (hex Hector Club Mix)
Something's got control of meFeels like I'm in a tranceElectricity runs through meMakes me wanna...

Thalia - Don't Look Back
Just let go stop livin' for nowIt's better than it's been beforeTrust your heart, you'll make it some ...

Thalia - Misbehavin'
What's going onYou keep creeping out the back door The minute I'm goneYou've been actin' like so...

Thalia - Save The Day
[Verse One:]Here's my promiseA love to find the wayIt's the answerTo the time...

Thalia - Toda La Felicidad (don't Look Back)
En tus ojos encuentro el amorEn tus palabras, comprensinEn tus manos va mi coraznEn tu sonrisa, ...

Thalia - Tu Y Yo (english Version)
[Verse One:]Guess the stars, so linedAnd I got it togetherWho would've thought?...

Thalia - What's It Gonna Be Boy
I can do this, or I can do thatI can move around you, out of my hatBaby I will, maybe all thatFi...

Theory Of A Deadman - Any Other Way
You've tried to open your mouth but only shit would come outI always wondered where you got it fromYou...

Theory Of A Deadman - Confession
Felt like the earth was aliveFelt like a life worth livingToo bad that knife in my back was so heavy...

Theory Of A Deadman - Hating Hollywood
What's the worst that could happen to me?They could say that it's all in my headWell how 'bout the tru...

Theory Of A Deadman - Hell Just Ain't The Same
Well I work all day and fight all nightWith my girl who I treat rightMaybe just one day she'll go on a...

Theory Of A Deadman - Hello Lonely
Hello lonelyHow you doin' today?Hello sweet thingWhy don't you walk this way?Hello, ...

Theory Of A Deadman - In The Middle
What would you do if we woke up and the whole world was gone?Well, would you believe with me is where you be...

Theory Of A Deadman - Invisible Man
Haven't seen me latelyStaying hard to findWell I know it ain't easyBut you know I don't mind...

Theory Of A Deadman - Last Song
The light that's in your eyes, like everyone wants it to beWell can't you see that it must be this way...

Theory Of A Deadman - Leg To Stand On
Get on your horse and rideWhat she said to me you would never believeSomeone should have shot th...

Theory Of A Deadman - Make Up Your Mind
Make up your mind and I'll make up mineDon't worry about me, I'll be fineThose words that you said to ...

Theory Of A Deadman - Me & My Girl
Well I know that everything's alrightWhen she's with me tonightMe and my girl, we're the modern day Bo...

Theory Of A Deadman - Nothing Could Come Between Us
Well I'm running back and forth from here to South CarolinaWishing you were here, I guess I should watch wha...

Theory Of A Deadman - No Way Out
Such a beautiful face Such a beautiful waste I sayJust when you think I'm lost you found your way...

Theory Of A Deadman - Point To Prove
The country's gone to hellBut believe me I didn't do itYou left me all aloneAnd now they call me...

Theory Of A Deadman - Quiver
You'd leave me at the side of the road to die(You'd leave me at the side of the road to die)What doesn...

Theory Of A Deadman - Save The Best For Last
That evil woman with the wicked smileShe just knocked me on my assShe says I ain't the fool that you f...

Theory Of A Deadman - Say I'm Sorry
As I sit in this coffee shopHalfway through your note, I had to stopRight near the end, the letter rea...

Theory Of A Deadman - Since You've Been Gone
It seems that nothing ever goes my waySince you broke my heart when you left that dayThere's nowhere t...

Theory Of A Deadman - What You Deserve
You try to string me upYou can never get the best of meWell I've never been to CaliforniaAnd I'l...

Theresa Sokyrka - Angel Eyes
Try to think that love's not aroundStill it's uncomfortably nearMy poor old heart ain't gaining no gro...

Theresa Sokyrka - Change The World
A spoiled cherry beneath the orchard treeA question of who or what's to blameDon't think too hard abou...

Theresa Sokyrka - Come Away With Me
Come away with me in the night Come away with me And I will write you a songCome away with...

Theresa Sokyrka - Crusin'
Baby let's cruise, away from hereDon't be confused the way is clearAnd if you want it you got it forev...

Theresa Sokyrka - God Bless This Child
Them that's got shall getThem that's not shall loseSo the Bible says and it still is news cuzMam...

Theresa Sokyrka - Good Mother
I've got money in my pocketI like the colour of my hairI've got a friend who loves meGot a house...

Theresa Sokyrka - She Let Her Hair Down
She let her hair down long and lowAnd fumbled through her bag to find, The things she'd left behind be...

Theresa Sokyrka - Summertime
SummertimeAnd the livin' is easyFish are jumpin'And the cotton is highOh your daddy'...

Theresa Sokyrka - This Masquerade
Are we really happy with this lonely game we playLooking for the right words to saySearching but not f...

Theresa Sokyrka - Turned My Back
I turned my back on all the things that gave me troubleThought that maybe you'd leave tooI placed myse...

Thicke - A Beautiful World
Many a measles and hand grenadesDo Do Do Do Do DoEveryone skinny and overweightDo Do Do Do Do Do...

Thicke - Brand New Jones
Some like to keep heat onSome never hot enoughSee I sleep with nothing onCuz I'm always burnin u...

Thicke - Flex
Oh where you goin'Bring your love out to the coldSit down and I'll tell you a little storyOne of...

Thicke - I'm A Be Alright
I had my dreams wokenMan I almost got someI had my car stolenNow my radios goneI had this ...

Thicke - Oh Shooter
I heard some shouts likeDown on the floorThen even louder we go shootersI turned around I was st...

Thicke - She's Gangsta
All i wanted to do was get up and give love a chanceAll i wanted to do was get it up and give love a chance...

Thicke - Suga Mama
I'd been missin on love it's clear (Oh no)So she bought me some brand new gear (Oh no)And she's sendin...

Thicke - The Stupid Things
Just charge it to my accountI hope I haven't gone over my limitWith interest rates so swiftNo ne...

Thicke - When I Get You Alone
Oooh...Eah![Verse 1:]Baby girl, where you at?Got no strings, got men attached...

Third Eye Blind - Blinded (when I See You)
Just an old friend coming over now to visit you and That's what I've become I let myself in though I k...

Third Eye Blind - Can't Get Away
I miss the sand on the concrete floor I miss the way it was before no one even knew me your eyes...

Third Eye Blind - Company
Start your engines Can we get the chemicals in Cause anything's better than this Mix it up...

Third Eye Blind - Crystal Baller
I close my eyes and I see a freak, I think it's me and I'm afraid to speak I keep on going from week to weak...

Third Eye Blind - Danger
I met you at the barricade It's fever pitch where the crowd had gathered You said the bow is breaking ...

Third Eye Blind - Faster
Horny & burnout now is how it always ends for me Chemicals wear me down in your summertime bacchanalian ...

Third Eye Blind - Forget Myself
Could you believe it Those sapphire eyes The brilliant girl with the famous thighs Then the came...

Third Eye Blind - Good Man
If you ever find a way to forgive me If you ever find a way to put this all to rest Because I am hangi...

Third Eye Blind - Misfits
Hey bro props at the after show Can you tell me where the greenbuds grows? I'd like to say you turned ...

Third Eye Blind - My Hit And Run
Feel the speed through the intersection Sheets of rain I seek out cars Hands in gloves grip handlebars...

Third Eye Blind - New Girl
I want a new girl, the kind everybody wants The kind that shout it out and then we laugh it off I'll b...

Third Eye Blind - One Of Those Christmas Days
I'm gonna stuff my present up your chimney And the melted snow will make it all wet Cuz it's gonna be ...

Third Eye Blind - Palm Reader
Just give me a call when you feel better but you never do and I'm just another debtor to some palm reader ...

Third Eye Blind - Scooby Doo, Where Are You?
Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you? We got some work to do now Scooby Dooby Doo, where are you? We ...

Third Eye Blind - Self Righteous
Everyone is so self-righteous Lift your head again and try this If you want this, I do And...

Third Eye Blind - Train In Vain
[The Clash cover]Say you stand by your man Tell me something I don't understand You...

Third Eye Blind - Wake For Young Souls
Where's my soul I have your face in a photo in high school when you were alive but that's all I have ...

Thirsty Merc - Baby Tell Me Im The Only One
Waves of fireThis I feelPure desireIs it realLiquid painHeaven sentAcid rain...

Thirsty Merc - Claude Monet
If I had to give your love a name, I think I'd call it something close to a flame. Because it burns me...

Thirsty Merc - Emancipate Myself
Every breath you t..As if I'd sing that song to you, you probably think you deserve it at the pr...

Thirsty Merc - Everything But You
You said you'd wait at night for me, Near where the swings have always been. I left my house and made ...

Thirsty Merc - Hope
Torn, broke, You wanted to be more.If there's a time you felt like drinkingI bet it is now...

Thirsty Merc - In The Summertime
I don't have a jobI never liked themI just wanna play in the sunshineThey say I was wrong...

Thirsty Merc - I Wish Somebody Would Build A Bridge (so I Can Get Over Myself)
Munching on a ham and cheese sando in the morning on FridayCruising down the Pacific HighwayThinking '...

Thirsty Merc - Katie Q
She gives me everything I need Everything except a guarantee She doesn't know that I'm losing sleep, ...

Thirsty Merc - Like Snow
Like snow Like everything I feel The world keeps turning My hands My hands are all I...

Thirsty Merc - My Completeness
She came to me With her arms Open wideLearnt my styleThere she stood Like a child...

Thirsty Merc - Someday, Someday
So we've already established the fact thatthings are gonna be different in the future baby.And you've ...

Thirsty Merc - Undivided Love
Listen, be yourselfThat's the most important thing I can say now girlDon't, let anyone change you...

Thirsty Merc - Wasting Time
All is fair I'm trying to make you notice me but you don't care You play me like a broken game of Snak...

This Day & Age - A New Focus
pacing back and forth in a space with barely enough room to think i'm trying to get past myself i don't know who i...

This Day & Age - Clouds And Skyscrapers
to say that apologies only come when mistakes are made is to know for the next 3 months without hesitation she pat...

This Day & Age - History Is Falling For Science
give me your hand i'll show you where we standcuz you're always asking when we'll reach the promise land and...

This Day & Age - Hourglass
goodbye's not the word that he wants to hear your life spent put on hold for almost two years you've tried and you...

This Day & Age - I Remember Me
lets make this a night to remember lets forget all the times we spent together lets run with our eyes closed cuz i...

This Day & Age - Long Walk Home
finding myself in a place i've never been where i don't know myself or anyone else i can dream about the past or i...

This Day & Age - Second Place Victory
its breathtaking to think of you and to learn that sometimes the only way out is through its mindnumbing to think ...

This Day & Age - Seven-eighty
i still don't want to play your game you said the thrill has been lost and can't be regain you said you rather wat...

This Day & Age - Slideshow
you were wrong about yesterday you never think before you speak last year thinking you could be made for me she sa...

This Day & Age - Sometimes
and sometimes she dreams the most perfect dreamsand sometimes she runs into the wrong arms and sometimes he ...

This Day & Age - The Day We Started
this is love my dear but some things aren't so clear like when you close your eyes do you dream of better, of bett...

This Day & Age - Tomorrow Is Waiting
the south seems right, cuz the nights are cold herejust like her heart as she says goodnight dearyour ...

This Day & Age - We Always Rewind The Best Part
if you go i'll wait for you, if you go i'll wait for you[chorus]you wouldn't drive withou...

Thornley - All Comes Out In The Wash
I never'd have guessed you and I would be friendsI'll never say never againI've spent hours on t...

Thornley - Beautiful
Wake up, medicate, againEver after is a friendBut you and I we get so highWe never quite came do...

Thornley - Bright Side
On my way back from nowhere nowAlways tell by my breath somehowThere's no songs worth singing out ther...

Thornley - Clever
Crush my only nerveOverstate what you deserveCrawling on the floorOne can see under the door...

Thornley - Come Again
As a child I found myself aloneAlways walking in defenseHere they come againAll I want to do was...

Thornley - Easy Comes
Early morning hitsI found a way to get out of this Underneath your deskI carve your name across ...

Thornley - Falling To Pieces
I see you coming up the drive That's when I know that I'm aliveAnd all the things we'll leave behind ...

Thornley - Found Another Way
How could you show me that life's worth livingI'll never live it with youAnd every time there's a gift...

Thornley - Keep A Good Man Down
I know this comes as no surprise but the wool's been pulled over our eyes for yearsAnd all the while w...

Thornley - So Far So Good
I feel a little bit left of center but then again we've all been there beforeEvery time I see a lost c...

Thornley - The Going Rate (my Fix)
What's the going rate on life vs. love?What's the going rate on heaven up above?I feed on the plans th...

Thornley - The Lies That I Believe
Around it comes and round it goesAround it swims around my headAll of us are lonely souls and all of u...

Thousand Foot Krutch - All The Way Live
Let's funk it up!Relate, vacate, what's today's rate?,In this day 'n' age ain't nobody safe,...

Thousand Foot Krutch - Bounce
We come rushing through your stereo system, into your ear canal, like this alignment of thesolar system. Hav...

Thousand Foot Krutch - Break The Silence
You make me feel (so alive that I'm) trying hard not to (make moves, choosing the wrong placeand time) every...

Thousand Foot Krutch - Come Along
I've met a lotta friends, Been a lotta places, Hung out in Hollywood, With all the perfect faces...

Thousand Foot Krutch - Faith, Love And Happiness
Everyone is up in my face, need to get out of this place, it's hard to see with you in frontof my face, just...

Thousand Foot Krutch - I Climb
From the middle of the room she hears the conversation moving, further from where she'sgoing without even kn...

Thousand Foot Krutch - Lift It
In my temptation to walk awayAnd through the endless troubled daysThere's a hundred million ways...

Thousand Foot Krutch - New Design
Wait, I might hesitate, am I a minute too late? Please Lord, I need to know. This pressure'sgot me letting g...

Thousand Foot Krutch - Ordinary
Diggin' slowly, flowers growing, beautiful from inside me, overlooking mispresentation of myfindings, how we...

Thousand Foot Krutch - Phenomenon
If you're like us, calling all riders, roll up beside us, no place to hide us,all freedom fighters, let's un...

Thousand Foot Krutch - Puppet
Gonna get this party startedIt's all around me, And I can't wish this away, You so amaze m...

Thousand Foot Krutch - Quicken
I've got things that make me feel unordinary, not necessarily in need of therapy, and I knowthings have been...

Thousand Foot Krutch - Rawkfist
Throw up your rockfist if you're feelin it when I drop this. Show 'em how we blow the spot,Let's make it hot...

Thousand Foot Krutch - Rhime Animal
Get Funky!Who woulda guessed,We'd be doin' it like this,Scandalous,For all the broth...

Thousand Foot Krutch - Set It Off
To all the people in the house tonite, Can ya feel me? To those who live under the street lights at ni...

Thousand Foot Krutch - Small Town
I heard a place not too far from hereIs handing out answersAbout why we are hereAnd it's a small...

Thousand Foot Krutch - Step To Me
I've been as far as you can go, I've learned a lot and now I know, you're never gonna get meon the floor aga...

Thousand Foot Krutch - Supafly
We smashing, Thousand be the head of the class 'n' Rollin thru ya party with the stereo blastin' we cr...

Thousand Foot Krutch - This Is A Call
She fooled all of her friends into thinking she's so strong, but she still sleeps with herlight on, and she ...

Thousand Foot Krutch - Unbelievable
Your Unbelievable..Check the method when I constantly flow,No joke like the pronto, loud so,...

Thousand Foot Krutch - Untitled
Hold up, wait a minuteYa know what's goin' on when Krutch is in itMove over beg your pardonKrutc...

Thousand Foot Krutch - Up Comes Down
BREAK!Well this goes out to everybodyWho came to swing when we rock this partyIt don't mat...

Thousand Foot Krutch - When In Doubt
We sat upon your bed, You said the things you saidAnd I could not believe that you seem so naive...

Three 6 Mafia - 3-6 In The Morning
[lord infamous]6 in tha mornin' police kick in my doorSlipped on my lugzQuickly thugged o...

Three 6 Mafia - 44 Killers
[DJ Paul and Juicy J]I'm bout to blow them boys ass off(Whatcha niggas wanna do?)I'm bout...

Three 6 Mafia - Act Like You Know Me
[Chorus: Three 6 Mafia]There's some cowards in this thang, if you see em point em out [4X]...

Three 6 Mafia - Anyone Out There
[juicy "j"]One cold winter of many talesTrails of blood left in frozen snowA family slaug...

Three 6 Mafia - Are You Ready 4 Us
Hahaha1998Three 6 mafiaHooked up with the motherfuckin' dayton familyAre ya'll ready for u...

Three 6 Mafia - Azz & Tittiez
"Say ahh, not a thermometer, bitch, it's the nine inches" -- [Kingpin Skinny Pimp][Cho...

Three 6 Mafia - Baby Mama
[Chorus: Juicy J + LaChat][Juicy J] It's my baby mama (yeanknow) I want child supportShe...

Three 6 Mafia - Barrin' You Bitches
I'm staying crunk I'm plenty drunk I can't be barrin' you bitchesI'm staying crunk I'm plenty drunk I can't ...

Three 6 Mafia - Beatem To Da Floor
[DJ Paul]So this is what I'm a do man, you know what I'm sayin'I'm a get each of you niggaz, yo...

Three 6 Mafia - Big Mouth, Big Talk
[Chorus 4x]What's up, big mouth, big talk, big gameTeacher pet, taking aim, pump the tech, I'm ...

Three 6 Mafia - Bin Laden
[Juicy J talking]Mane check this shit out we was up in Chicago rightWith my nigga big hamp, you...

Three 6 Mafia - Blow A Nigga's Ass Off
[Chorus]Blow a niggaz ass off, ass off , ass off Fuck, Fuck one nigga down blow a niggaz ass of...

Three 6 Mafia - Body Parts 2
[dj paul]Yeah, we back up in this mothafuckaProphet motherfuckin' posse hoeThree 6 mafia,...

Three 6 Mafia - Da Summer
[DJ Paul talking]Yeah, yall know what time it is Three 6 Mafia in this thang and we heated it...

Three 6 Mafia - Die A Soldier
[Talking][Chorus-DJ Paul-(8x)]I'd rather die a soldier Than nigga live a cow...

Three 6 Mafia - Don't Trust 'em
What what [x10][(Chorus) x4]My nigga told me once don't you trust them motherfucke...

Three 6 Mafia - Flashes
[Chorus x3]I keep on havin' these flashesMurder by the massesSick off human ashesHa...

Three 6 Mafia - From Da Back
[Chorus:][D.J. Paul]You dealing with some thugswho like to hit it from the back (b...

Three 6 Mafia - Fuck That Shit
[Chorus]Nigga buck in the club like, FUCK THAT SHIT!Got my tone in the club like, FUCK THAT SH...

Three 6 Mafia - Fuck What U Heard
[DJ Paul talking]Yeah nigga this shit still goes onPunk motherfuckas,I want you to ...

Three 6 Mafia - Fuck Y'all Hoes
[Talking-D.J Paul and Juicy "J"][Chorus 1:][Juicy "J'']If you ain't c...

Three 6 Mafia - Get Buck Muthafucka (original)
Ahhh yeah here we go[Chorus]Get buck muthafucka get buckGet buck muthafucka get buc...

Three 6 Mafia - Ghetto Chick
[Chorus: repeat 2X]I love a ghetto ass chick, break down rings for meIf I would let her shoot, ...

Three 6 Mafia - Grab The Gauge
[Hook: (4x)]Grab my guage and then eraseGrab my guage and then eraseRide up on the ...

Three 6 Mafia - Gunclaps
[Chorus x3]Gunclaps, we hear the gunclapsThe rowdy gunclaps the bloody gunclaps[...

Three 6 Mafia - Hit A Muthafucka
I bet you won'tHit a motherfucker, hit a motherfucker (bitch)Hit a motherfucker, hit a motherfucker...

Three 6 Mafia - I Ain't Cha Friend
[laughter]Yeah, ya'll thought that underground shitWouldn't gon' work in yaYeahFor ...

Three 6 Mafia - I'm So Hi
[Hook: (Crunchy Black) repeat 4x]I'm so hi', all i smell like is smokeYeah, that motherfu...

Three 6 Mafia - Jealous Ass Bitches
[DJ Paul]Jealous, jealous, jealous, jealous ass bitches!Jealous ass bitches!Jea, Jea, jea...

Three 6 Mafia - Jus Like Us
[DJ Paul talking with gunshots in background]Yeah, run bitch. Run hoe! Ya nice motherfuckas! ...

Three 6 Mafia - Land Of The Lost
[Chorus:]deep down south in da hood niggas slangHustlin' and gameTryin ta stack some chan...

Three 6 Mafia - Late Nite Tip
[lord infamous]Let me just take you somewhere secretGonna cut out of the lights down dim, forge...

Three 6 Mafia - Let's Start A Riot
[Chorus starts off w/cuts and scratches]Let's start a motherfucking riot in this bitch!Let's st...

Three 6 Mafia - Liquor And Dat Bud
Fucking wit that liquor and dat budFucking wit that liquor and dat budFucking wit that liquor and dat ...

Three 6 Mafia - Lock Down
Yeah you know what im sayin, these lil flodgin ass niggascome down on the lower level actin like they hard....

Three 6 Mafia - Long And Hard (original)
[Chorus]The dick the dick that's in your mouth long and hard (let me take my dick out insert it...

Three 6 Mafia - Mafia Niggaz
[Chorus: Lord Infamous (repeat 2X)]We gotta come like we get doen and dirty for our figures...

Three 6 Mafia - M.e.m.p.h.i.s. (remix)
[DJ Paul] Finally, I got all real niggaz on on a muthafuckin' Posse songNiggaz that's down to c...

Three 6 Mafia - Mindstate
[Gangsta Boo]I tried to warn 'em now they gunna Feel the bitches of the devil's daughterH...

Three 6 Mafia - Money Didn't Change Me
[Chorus: repeat 2X]The money I made didn't change me, nigga it changed youI stayed the same thr...

Three 6 Mafia - Motivated
[Chorus x2]Everytime i feel this shit, i'm motivatedNot only do we flow this shit, we demonstra...

Three 6 Mafia - N 2 Deep
[Chorus x2]I'm in it to deep to get out nowThey always told me death was the only way out...

Three 6 Mafia - Neighborhood Hoe
It was one saturday night in june now i clearly rememberI seen this whore that i met in decemberThe bi...

Three 6 Mafia - Nine To Yo Dome
Nine to yourNine to yourNine to yourNine to yourNine to your dome hoe Nine to your d...

Three 6 Mafia - North Memphis Area
North Memphis North MemphisNorth MemphisNorth Memphis areaSouthern South barrierNort...

Three 6 Mafia - Pass Me
[Chours 2x]Pass me da mutha-fuckin' blunt maneHurry up or else somebody's gonna get sprayed...

Three 6 Mafia - Pimpin And Robbin
Ain't No Money Comin Quicker Than That Ho Mane..Pimpin is Robbin and Droppin these Suckaz Like Ducks...Bitch...

Three 6 Mafia - Project Hoes
project project project hoe [x4]Bullshitters go for the he say she sayReal niggas go for ...

Three 6 Mafia - Prophet Posse
[Chorus x8]Prophet posse, the posse bitch[scarecrow]It's mafia timeLor...

Three 6 Mafia - Put Cha D. In Her Mouth
[Intro - Juicy J]Man let me tell you somethingMan let me tell you somethingMan this girl ...

Three 6 Mafia - Put Ya Signs
[Hook: x2]Put ya sign in his face, gang sign in his facePut ya sign in his face, gang sign in h...

Three 6 Mafia - Shake Dat Jelly
[Chorus]I like the way she shake dat jelly, jelly, jellyjelly, jelly, jelly; jelly, jelly, jell...

Three 6 Mafia - Sleep
[ScareCrow]Please stay sleep, please stay sleepplease stay sleep, you niggas stay sleepSi...

Three 6 Mafia - Smokin' On Da Dro
[Hook (2X):]Smokin' on da droYou can't act like you don't knowSmokin' on da droYou ...

Three 6 Mafia - Spill My Blood
[Chorus 1 x1]Have they come to spill my bloodHave they come to sentence meWill i leave he...

Three 6 Mafia - Studio Time
[DJ PAUL]Say hello to Three 6 Mafia Cuz this nigga through the mask we be watchin ya. Now...

Three 6 Mafia - Take A Bump
[Chours: Lord Infamous]Break bre break bre breakout the dollar and take a bumpPick out th...

Three 6 Mafia - Tear Da Club Up '97
[Intro:]three six mafia [repeat 7x]Tear da club up, nigga, tear da club up...

Three 6 Mafia - Testin My Gangsta
[DJ Paul Talking][Verse 1: DJ Paul]I comes from a city where they love to hate, es...

Three 6 Mafia - They Bout To Find Yo Body
In earlier news, the police still haven't found three well known rappersformerly employed by Hypnotize Minds...

Three 6 Mafia - Tongue Ring
[Talking]Hey we gonna do a song called Tongue RingLet me feel your Tongue Ring, is it rusty, ha...

Three 6 Mafia - War Wit Us
[Hook - repeat 4x] Do ya niggas want a war wit us Do ya niggas want to get your head bust ...

Three 6 Mafia - Watcha Do
Ah yeah, these hoes always talkin' bout' all the shit they got (??)DknyAnd i'ma tell you what they do ...

Three 6 Mafia - Weak Azz Bitch
[Chorus x4]When I say weak ass, you say bitchWeak ass, BITCH, Weak ass BITCH[Jui...

Three 6 Mafia - We Are Waiting
Fuck this shit ho Kill that nigga [8x][DJ Paul]We been waiting,killing you b...

Three 6 Mafia - We 'bout To Ride
[DJ Paul: talking]yeah nigga the mother fuckin two time two time motherfuckin champions in this...

Three 6 Mafia - Weed Is Got Me High
[Chorus x4]This weed is got me highSo high, so highThis bud is got me highSo high, ...

Three 6 Mafia - We Shootin' 1st
[Hook]'Cause bitch we shoot 'em firstWe don't ask questions laterWe're Triple 6, Triple 6...

Three 6 Mafia - Who Got Dem 9's
[juicy j]Yeah, juicy j in the house with my nigga project motherfuckin' patLettin' you niggas k...

Three 6 Mafia - Who Run It
[DJ Paul:] Who run it [15][Chorus: DJ Paul (4x)]These bitches ain't runnin'(runnin...

Three 6 Mafia - Will Blast
[dj paul:]Say hello to three 6 mafia got the stick up with the mask we be watchin ya knowIm qui...

Three 6 Mafia - Wolf Wolf
[Chorus]WOLF, WOLF!All you want, run your mouth in the streetBut you AIN'T GONNA FUCK wit...

Three 6 Mafia - Wonabees
[Chorus: Project Pat]Wonabee wonabeeEverybody wonabeeLike a young GGold teeth...

Three 6 Mafia - You Scared Part Ii
[Dj Paul:] Three Six Mafia, you scared 2003 six is goin down[Intro]You scared hoe...

Three Days Grace - Are You Ready
You'd said we'd never get this farYou said your words, we've played our partsSaid your two cents now...

Three Days Grace - Born Like This
Its not what I took from youIts not what I stoleWe are born like thisLike this The t...

Three Days Grace - Burn
Ill tell you now you cant win thisYoure way too slowIll tell you now Im gonna take thisDid you c...

Three Days Grace - Drown
Good morning daySorry Im not thereBut all my favourite friendsVanished in the airIts hard ...

Three Days Grace - Home
Ill be coming homeJust to be aloneCause I know youre not thereAnd I know that you dont care...

Three Days Grace - (i Hate) Everything About You
Every time we lie awakeAfter every hit we takeEvery feeling that I getBut I havent missed you ye...

Three Days Grace - Just Like You
I could be meanI could be angryYou know I could be just like you I could be fakeI co...

Three Days Grace - Let You Down
Trust meTheres no need to fearEveryones hereWaiting for you to finally be one of us ...

Three Days Grace - Now Or Never
In this time are we lovingOr do we sit here wonderingWhy this world isnt turning roundIts now or...

Three Days Grace - Overrated
Worn out and fadedThe weakness starts to showTheyve created the generationThat we knowWash...

Three Days Grace - Scared
At night I hear it creepingAt night I feel it moveIll never sleep here anymore I wish you ...

Three Days Grace - Wake Up
Im not sober all the timeYou bring me down at least you tryUntil we see this eye to eyeI dont wa...

The Thrills - Big Sur
So much for the cityTell me that you'll dance to the endJust tell me that you'll dance to the end...

The Thrills - Deckchairs And Cigarettes
Well, what can you doWhen all that surrounds youSays slow downDeckchairs and cigarettes...

The Thrills - Don't Steal Our Sun
So you've paid your dues,(No intention to)Those Elvis frauds, how they'll applaud,Farewell my fr...

The Thrills - Hollywood Kids
Well they're sure keen on dancin'Those Hollywood kids, those Hollywood kids got it made.When they act,...

The Thrills - Just Traveling Through
If this sounds phoney,Don't say i didn't warnThis place suffocates,And my hearts yearns me on...

The Thrills - Old Friends, New Lovers
Everybody's talking crazyThis town you're hanging up on me,Baby blue.Its such a shame when...

The Thrills - One Horse Town
Yeah you're burningOh you're burningMy ears with your travelling talesBut my in laws;...

The Thrills - Santa Cruz (you're Not That Far)
Well tell meWhere it all went wrongAnd tell meWhere you lost those damn songsI can't say I...

The Thrills - Say It Ain't So
This old world won't take me homeI said sure for the hell she goesWell i dont know man, well i dont kn...

The Thrills - 'til The Tide Creeps In
I was surfing this tidal wave,Of faded glories.A San Diego pad,And five, six years walked straig...

The Thrills - Your Love Is Like Las Vegas
Dont you knowYou can't rewriteYour own historyCigarette BarbieYour love is like a ci...

Thursday - !1100
We'll all look the same someday And even now the robot starts to think I wonder what it dreams T...

Thursday - A0001
We'll all look the same someday And even now the robot starts to think I wonder what it dreams...

Thursday - A Hole In The World
In this blackout, inertia will hold our thoughts...And the exit sign offers no light to see by.Can we ...

Thursday - Asleep In The Chapel
three chalk outlines sleep in the dirty street and in our beds, under the sheets, they're the halo of guilt hangin...

Thursday - Autobiography Of A Nation
Write these words back down inside We have burned their villages and all the people in them died We ad...

Thursday - Between Rupture And Rapture
in the veins of the ultraviolet light,the phosphor is starting a fireshooting up in the iodine;i...

Thursday - Concealer
With fists raised high in tightened knots The room explodes and now this blood is on your hands And th...

Thursday - Cross Out The Eyes
Let's call this the quiet city: Where screams are felt as a wave of stoplights Drive through the stree...

Thursday - Division St.
Lights out on Division Streetand all the hate that rises through the cracks in the pavement, as ...

Thursday - Dying In New Brunswick
You told me on your birthday all the things that this place had done to you.And in the streets you walk....

Thursday - For The Workforce, Drowning
Falling from the top floor your lungs fill like parachuteswindows go rushing by. people inside, ...

Thursday - How Long Is The Night
If we run far away do you think we will ever die? We'll throw these books in the fire Can you stop the...

Thursday - I Am The Killer
Tuesday wakes up silent And there aren't enough pills to sleep And then it cuts out like miswired shor...

Thursday - Ian Curtis
We listened to the open sound your voice projected on the radio dialLie with me I said and lying's what she ...

Thursday - In Transmission
This sunlight cutting through the open fields.Can't be communicated by radio waves.And through this fl...

Thursday - Marches And Maneuvers
this is a war we live and the sides are drawn. we're all wrapped up in fatigues and they wear us out. this is a st...

Thursday - M. Shepard
The stage is set to rip the wings from a butterfly,the stage is set,don't forget to breathe,betw...

Thursday - Paris In Flames
Now it's time to wrap our fears in the night And on the first day I'll dress this city in flames After...

Thursday - Porcelain
City of blue tile.Figure in Ceramics.Where we reach out.Grab for Porcelain.But it's ...

Thursday - Signals Over The Air
this is what you see when you look in my direction:incandescent corsets draw eyes tight like wires.thi...

Thursday - Standing On The Edge Of Summer
In this room I'm sitting by your side. 'Cause it rains for hours and the phone is off its hook. Standi...

Thursday - Steps Ascending
steps ascend to a loaded gun. the scent of matches hangs in the air (a lit one flickers out in a hearbeat). we don...

Thursday - Streaks In The Sky
It's just the southern road that you leave by and open windows in your car.It's the breathing of the city th...

Thursday - The Dotted Line
The angels sing of someone coming downTo wake us from a sleep thats brokenDeeply wont shut up again...

Thursday - This Side Of Brightness
I sewed it up Stitched all these dead end streetsInto the sewn up seams of my heartstrings unwind(unwound)...

Thursday - This Song Brought To You By A Falling Bomb
do you hear the jet plane yawning miles across the sky? do you hear the garbage truck back down the boulevard, set...

Thursday - Tomorrow I'll Be You
in the circuit, the frequency's breaking up. the speakers can barely move this is not a test tune to the broadcast...

Thursday - Understanding In A Car Crash
Splintered piece of glass falls, in the seat, gets caught These broken windows, open locks, reminders of the...

Thursday - War All The Time
Standing on the edge of the Palisades' Cliffs In the shadow of the skyline very far away Like a lightn...

Thursday - Where The Circle Ends
Mountain rangesMorning red bathed ridgesStab up at the trembling blue horizonGrey slides lazily ...

Thursday - Wind Up
Just ahead I see you winding up And you're dressing this color on the edge of fire Until these tighten...

T.i. - 24's
money, hoes, cars and clothes, thats how all my niggaz rollblowing dro on 24's, thats how all my nigga...

T.i. - Be Better Than Me
[Intro]HuhOk, yuh, yuh, yuh, yuh, yuh, yuh, yuh, yuh, yuhAy, Ok, Ay, Ay, Ay, Ay, Ok...

T.i. - Be Easy
[Intro]Ay, where the piano at shawty?Y'all ain't neva seen a dope boy play the piano and rap at...

T.i. - Bring Em Out
[Intro: Jay Z snippet](Bring 'em out, Its hard to yell when the barrels in ya mouth) Swizzie!(B...

T.i. - Countdown
[Chorus:]Five (5), Four (4), Three (3), Two (2), OneYou done when I see you (David Banner, bann...

T.i. - Doin' My Job
[T.I. - talking]Ay I'm working here, know what I'm sayingTry to put yourself in my shoes for a ...

T.i. - Do It
[Verse 1] You looking good in them guess's shawty showing yo assMake a nigga wanna grab a hold ...

T.i. - Dope Boyz
[T.I. talking]Ay, ay, ay, what you need shawtyAy shawty man a I got 5 for 45 shawty, 5 for 45...

T.i. - Hands Up
[Man speaking]We going to Cuba wit' this oneYea, I been rehabilitated, rejuvicatedAnd mos...

T.i. - I Can't Be Your Man
Yeah,To the ladies,One mo' message from T.I.P.,I represent every man in America,Naw,the wo...

T.i. - I Can't Quit
[T.I]Hell no I cant quitHell no man we got to much money to get shawti stay down grand hustle...

T.i. - I Still Luv You
[Chorus 2X]Don't hate me shawtyBut even if you hate me shawtyI still love youAnd no...

T.i. - King Of Da South
[Verse One]I been a menace to societySince when?Since menace to societyStill refuse...

T.i. - Let Me Tell You Something
[Intro (T.I.)]Want to be your man, please...tell you why(I know what y'all thinking)Doop ...

T.i. - Limelight
Look girl you sexy as you wanna beBut you just a wanna be I can't help yaI don't love ya I...

T.i. - Long Live Da Game
YEA...Dis for all my niggaz who think dey hard...[laughing]You wanna know whats hard(what...

T.i. - Look What I Got
[ad lib]Ay, ay, ay, ay, ayYou think them niggaz is hotWell shawty look what I got(n...

T.i. - My Air Forces
[T.I. talking]Bet yall niggas don't remember these wit Run-DMC...Naw, I ain't wit dem no mo...W...

T.i. - My Life
[Daz]I know it's your life do as you please (That's right)But you know we be fucking...

T.i. - No More Talk
[Verse 1]I'm either running for my life or I'm just waiting to dieI'm the supplier of the fire ...

T.i. - Prayin' For Help
[Intro:]Our fatherWho are in heavenHallowed be thy name Thy kingdom comeThy w...

T.i. - Rubber Band Man
[Chorus:](Ay, who i be?)Rubber band manWild as the Taliban9 in my right45 in ...

T.i. - Still Ain't Forgave Myself
[Singing][T.I. Talking:] Still ain't forgave myself.. damnIt's a lotta fucked up ...

T.i. - Tha King
[Intro]And in case you forgot, I'm the kingggggggYea, Yea,.....Aye, Aye, Aye,..Aye Who I'm is n...

T.i. - T.i. Vs. T.i.p.
[Rap Verse: T.I. + (T.I.P. alter ego)]I wanna talk to you shawty (Why?)'Cause you be trippin' s...

T.i. - U Don't Know Me
I'm a tell ya'll sucka niggas somethinWho wants to follow meLook here dawg[Chorus]...

T.i. - What Happened
[T.I.]Dez niggas robbing mePray to God is nothing but a robberyI gave them all I had...

T.i. - Why U Mad At Me
[T.I. Talking]I got a question fo you hatin ass niggaz out there,AyWhy you mad at me,AyOh...

Tilly And The Wall - A Perfect Fit
One heart attack and you stumble lost intoA light you make so brightly falseAnd I watch as blood spill...

Tilly And The Wall - Bessa
Morning came and I tried not to noticeIt was time for you to move alongThe minutes fell like petal all...

Tilly And The Wall - Fell Down The Stairs
You fell down the stairs into my armsAnd swiftly ran the other wayAnd I heard the steady swell of appl...

Tilly And The Wall - I Always Knew
I've lived my life inside daydream liesImaginary friends that always knew one day I'd leave for goodI'...

Tilly And The Wall - Let It Rain
"Get into the groove boy you've got to prove your love to me"Played on the radio as we drove down south to s...

Tilly And The Wall - Nights Of The Living Dead
Oh the high school kids they're all fucked upTouching each other, oh my godYeah and forty ounces was n...

Tilly And The Wall - Reckless
Oh reckless, a boy wonder, so quiet, nose broken Oh, you're standing there, look tired as your singing...

Tilly And The Wall - Shake It Out
The sun has passed from overheadLet the night come in, let the night walk through your doorFor every s...

Tilly And The Wall - The Ice Storm, Big Gust, And You
Well, I swear that you came in the form of rainThat had frozen somewhere along it's way through the evening ...

Tilly And The Wall - You And I Misbehaving
Oh Darci, Darci don't look so sadDon't let the daytime get you downBecause we will be wild like childr...

Timbaland & Magoo - 15 After Da' Hour
Run the trackOoh, it's it's so funky (yes it is)It's it's so funky (15 after da hour baby)Ooh, i...

Timbaland & Magoo - Can We Do It Again
[Intro - Timbaland - talking]This goes outFor all the peopleThat think I couldn't make it...

Timbaland & Magoo - Clock Strikes
[Magoo]See, them other crews could not figure meIt's the Mag and double-ooh, got that fat CD...

Timbaland & Magoo - Clock Strikes (remix)
[Timbaland]Yo... dot-da-dot-dot-dot, party ain't overUh-huh, what, uh-huh, what?Dot-dot-d...

Timbaland & Magoo - Deep In Your Memory
[Timbaland]Whas happenin dude?Whatchu thinkin about there?What's goin on? Talk to me...

Timbaland & Magoo - Feel It
[Timbaland]What? Can y'all feel this? [repeat 4X]Ooh Snap!My head throbbinAs...

Timbaland & Magoo - Hold Cutz
[Timbaland - talking]Uh, what's up girlWhy you trippin on me?I thought we was past that...

Timbaland & Magoo - I Got Luv 4 Ya
Yeah, uh huh, yeah, huh [echo]It's Tim and Maganoo again, uhIt's Tim and Maganoo again, a...

Timbaland & Magoo - Intro / Straight Outta Virginia
[Intro - talking - w/ ad libs]Oh! (ah, ah, ah)Oh! (ah, ah, ah)Oh!Run it back, oh...

Timbaland & Magoo - Ms. Parker
B-Silk in the house!Hello!Hello who is this?This is Ms. ParkerHey how are you doing baby?...

Timbaland & Magoo - Peepin' My Style
UhUhhI don't think they ready for thisAnother Timbaland master pieceUhI dont think t...

Timbaland & Magoo - Sex Beat (interlude)
Ahh... it's time to slow it down for a bitLike thisOooh, ahhhhhhI call this here... take off you...

Timbaland & Magoo - That Shit Ain't Gonna Work
[Old guy]Didn't I tell you fo' I left here, don't fool no guitarAnd the shit be just tearin me ...

Timbaland & Magoo - Throwback
Yeah, yeah [echo][female voice - moaning]Yeah [echo][Verse 1 - Tim...

Timbaland & Magoo - Writtin' Rhymes
[Timbaland:]Ooh, aahUh-huh,Uh-huh,HuhOoh, aahUh-huh,Uh-huh,HuhOoh, aahU...

Tim Mcgraw - 40 Days And 40 Nights
Well its been rainin' on and onEver since you've been goneThose dark clouds keep rollin' inAnd e...

Tim Mcgraw - Ain't No Angels
I've lead a lifetime fightin' this landWorkin' for nothin with these dry, callused handsI'm a slave to...

Tim Mcgraw - Ain't That Just Like A Dream
I popped the clutch on that old red FordHer daddy would holler and run to the doorDust would fly as we...

Tim Mcgraw - Ain't That The Way It Always Ends
Johnny came home broken heartedSaid he lost his girlHe bottled up all the hurt in his heartPunch...

Tim Mcgraw - All I Want Is A Life
I just want to get a little more out of my paydayFinally own a car that doesn't break down on the freeway...

Tim Mcgraw - All We Ever Find
Say exactly how you feelRight now you're free to say it allThere is no one here to judge youI on...

Tim Mcgraw - Angel Boy
My mother said there's only one way A sweet angel boy, narrow and straight Timing his past, teachings ...

Tim Mcgraw - Angry All The Time
Here we are What is left of a husband and a wife four good kids Who have a way of gettin on with their...

Tim Mcgraw - A Place In The Sun
Long ago, far awayI felt your lovin glow upon my face Was it a dream or just a promise made What...

Tim Mcgraw - Back When
Don't you rememberThe fizz in a pepperPeanuts in a bottleAt ten, two and fourA fried bolog...

Tim Mcgraw - Blank Sheet Of Paper
I'm just a blank sheet of paperThis fool's about to write you a letter To tell you that he's sorry ...

Tim Mcgraw - Can't Be Really Gone
Her hat is hanging by the doorThe one she bought in MexicoIt blocked the windIt stopped the rain...

Tim Mcgraw - Can't Tell Me Nothin'
1986 HarleyBlowing smoke and sucking oilMy daddy said, 'Buy it and you're crazy boy'You can't te...

Tim Mcgraw - Carry On
Mama went to sleep one night and never woke up Daddy cried a tear into her old coffee cup Now all he w...

Tim Mcgraw - Clay Blaker
Some people say I'm one of those guys with blessings in life overlookedSometimes I feel like the tatter torn...

Tim Mcgraw - Comfort Me
Wake me my ladyDon't let me sleepOpen my eyesTo the wonders you keepLet me look at you...

Tim Mcgraw - Don't Mention Memphis
Mister, you can take me into Little RockI'll buy the coffee and I'll fill your truckI'll listen all ni...

Tim Mcgraw - Do You Want Fries With That?
I thought that was your voiceI thought that was my carNow we ain't ever met beforeBut I know who...

Tim Mcgraw - Drugs Or Jesus
In my home townFor anyone who sticks aroundYou're either lost or you're foundThere's not much in...

Tim Mcgraw - Everybody Hates Me
Well Joe got a promotionHe's up there on topEverybody was cheerin' him onHe deserves everything ...

Tim Mcgraw - Everywhere
We were born in this little townGrowin' up I was counting downEvery single day till we made our get-aw...

Tim Mcgraw - Eyes Of A Woman
He was rough, he was toughAnd he drank his whiskey straight He would fight every night if he didnt get...

Tim Mcgraw - Forget About Us
I'm gonna drive on out to the river tonight Find a quiet spot, turn on my parking lights I'm gonna dri...

Tim Mcgraw - Give It To Me Strait
Bartender I may sit here on this barstool all night longBut I won't need much attentionI just need som...

Tim Mcgraw - Hard On The Ticker
I gave up pamento cheeseDomino's deliveryWhiskey soursApple piesFinger-lickin' chicken fri...

Tim Mcgraw - Home
Mama's got her apron onStanding in the kitchenCooking up my favorite dishWhatever she is fixing...

Tim Mcgraw - How Bad Do You Want It
Robert Johnson went to the crossroads, so the legend goes He left with his guitar and the devil took his sou...

Tim Mcgraw - I Didn't Ask And She Didn't Say
Fogged in in DallasOn my way to LAStaring up at the screenAll flights were delayedWhen a v...

Tim Mcgraw - I Do But I Don't
You always come back when I'm at my weakestWhen I'm fool enough to let you inSayin' how this time arou...

Tim Mcgraw - I Guess You Get Used To Somebody
I thought I felt you touch my cheek this morning But I must've been dreaming And in the middle of the ...

Tim Mcgraw - I Keep It Under My Hat
It looks a little weathered, so it looks good on meBut since you've left I'm wearin' this old hat differentl...

Tim Mcgraw - I Know How To Love You Well
It's been a long timeSince we walked that aisle togetherAnd you became my wifeAnd who would've t...

Tim Mcgraw - Illegal
I put my money on love againAt a hundred to oneI dealt my losing outI'll just try til I win...

Tim Mcgraw - Indian Outlaw
I'm an Indian outlawHalf Cherokee and ChoctawMy baby she's a ChippewaShe's one of a kind...

Tim Mcgraw - It Doesn't Get Any Countrier Than This
Now mama I know you've always wished me the bestAnd I've found somebody and I think she's gonna pass the tes...

Tim Mcgraw - Just Be Your Tear
Don't know why he does what he doesPlaying lost and found with your loveTrying to confuse you, use you...

Tim Mcgraw - Kill Myself
I'm gonna clean the houseI'm gonna fix the fenceIn my final hoursI'm gonna tie up these loose en...

Tim Mcgraw - Let Me Love You
Sometimes I close my eyes And imagine you're with me Chasing passion into the night All tangled ...

Tim Mcgraw - Live Like You Were Dyin'
He said I was in my early 40's,With a lot of life before me, And a moment came that stopped me on a di...

Tim Mcgraw - Memory Lane
People ask me What you doin' sonYou're gonna drive yourself insaneYou'll never find the sunshine...

Tim Mcgraw - Not A Moment Too Soon
I was standingAt the end of my rainbowNowhere to goAnd no pot of gold in sightAll my...

Tim Mcgraw - Open Season On My Heart
Here's to the corners yet to turnHere's to the bridges yet to burnHere's to the whole thing blown apar...

Tim Mcgraw - Real Good Man
Girl you've never known no one like meUp there in your high societyThey might tell you I'm no good...

Tim Mcgraw - Refried Dreams
Last Monday mornin' you left with no warnin'I started goin' insaneWell I headed South out of Del Rio, ...

Tim Mcgraw - Renegade
Baby, I go too fast too farLet's get it straight nowThe way things areI'm not the white knight i...

Tim Mcgraw - Set This Circus Down
Sometimes this road, it just keeps winding Round and round and back again But you've always kept me sm...

Tim Mcgraw - Seventeen
Backseat of her daddy's carI was trying not to go too farKept thinking about the words the preacherman...

Tim Mcgraw - She'll Have You Back
Once upon a lonely timeShe swore she'd never let you downYou held her tight without a care in mind...

Tim Mcgraw - Sing Me Home
I fell by the waysideI fell on my kneesCrying, why was I so hard to please?I stood at the crossr...

Tim Mcgraw - Sleep Tonight
Hey darkness dont you tryTo steal the moment or close my eyesI won't let you in'Cause this...

Tim Mcgraw - Smiling
The cover of a magazine, nothing but a paper dream Just another fantasy for sale Telling me what I nee...

Tim Mcgraw - Somebody Must Be Prayin' For Me
She left Oklahoma for CaliforniaSunglasses on the brim of her hatSmoke was pourin' from that old Cadil...

Tim Mcgraw - Take Me Away
My body burns like there's a desert deep in me A thirsty soul so unsatisfied But there you are like a ...

Tim Mcgraw - Tears In The Rain
It was rainin' hard in Houston when I ran into herI searched for conversation but I was lost for words...

Tim Mcgraw - Telluride
When I was nineteen I threw my stuff in the car I headed up to the Rockies, got a job at this bar Sell...

Tim Mcgraw - That's Just Me
Well I was southern born and raised on the Good BookMy old boots are worn from the hard roads I tookAn...

Tim Mcgraw - That's Why God Made Mexico
Margie said, Roy you ain't listening to meAnd I've got a whole lot more to sayRoy just crossed the flo...

Tim Mcgraw - The Great Divide
She was reading a book that she'd already readJust to pass the timeHe just sat there and stared at the...

Tim Mcgraw - The Ride
I was thumbin' my way from Montgomeryhad my guitar on my backWhen a stranger pulled up beside me in an...

Tim Mcgraw - The Trouble With Never
If I never think about her, I'll never miss her at allNever wonder what she's doin, never give her a call...

Tim Mcgraw - Things Change
They wouldn't let him play the opry With whiskey on his breathAnd it didn't take'em long to figu...

Tim Mcgraw - Tickin' Away
The clock above the barIs telling me it's 12:15And it's not such a gentle reminderThat I'm where...

Tim Mcgraw - Tiny Dancer
Blue jean baby, L.A. lady, she was a seamstress for the bandPretty eyed, pirate smile, she'll marry a music ...

Tim Mcgraw - Two Steppin Mind
Swingin' doorsNeon lightsHardwood floorsIt's Saturday nightGot on my dancing bootsI'...

Tim Mcgraw - Walk Like A Man
In the fights they had he'd cover up his earsThought big boys don't cry, fought back all the tearsMama...

Tim Mcgraw - Watch The Wind Blow By
Creek goes rippling byI've been barefoot and all day with my babyBrown leaves have started falling...

Tim Mcgraw - We Carry On
He hasn't seen a drop of rain for months it seemsRollin' river is nothing but a trickling streamThe cr...

Tim Mcgraw - Welcome To The Club
I couldn't help but overhear you talkin' to yourselfHow she slipped right through your handsAnd in bet...

Tim Mcgraw - What Room Was The Holiday In
You've got a glow that's not a suntanAnd a new gleam in your eyesOh, it must have been one great vacat...

Tim Mcgraw - What She Left Behind
She took the TV and the toasterShe took the curtains and the carI guess she took for grantedI wo...

Tim Mcgraw - When She Wakes Up (and Finds Me Gone)
With a trembling pen in hand I try the best I canTo write all the reasons I can't stayAnd I hope she'l...

Tim Mcgraw - Who Are They?
They say not to have too much funThey say not to get too much sunDemocrat, RepublicanI guess I'm...

Tim Mcgraw - Why We Said Goodbye
I remember sunday mornings walking on the beachAnd that place we'd stop for breakfast with the old red vinyl...

Tim Mcgraw - Wouldn't Want It Any Other Way
Without meMaybe you'd find somebody elseA little wiserWith a lot more wealthAnd without yo...

Tim Mcgraw - You Can Take It With You
Well, I'm gonna have to get a new mailbox'Cuz all she left me was a holeAnd I'm gonna hafta get a new ...

Tim Mcgraw - You Don't Love Me Anymore
She walks over to him and she says "do you remember me?"I think we might have met somewhere beforeSout...

Tim Mcgraw - You Got The Wrong Man
Your eyes say that you've been hurt beforeAnd you can't take the heartache anymoreYou think I'll do wh...

Tim Mcgraw - You Just Get Better All The Time
You just get better all the timeDarlin' don't you change a thingLately you're the only song I wanna si...

Tim Mcgraw - You Turn Me On
Yeah, I swore off loveI swore off womenDevoted my life to huntin' and fishin'I'd never be anybod...

Tina Arena - Aller Plus Haut
J'ai tant cache mes differencesSous des airs ou des faux semblantsJ'ai cru que d'autres pas de danses...

Tina Arena - Any Other Love
Window with a viewSeabreeze is blowingMaybe togetherWe can't fight anymoreAs long as you'r...

Tina Arena - Be A Man
If you think I'm satisfiedIf you believe everything's al rightThen you don't know day from night...

Tina Arena - Best For You
I love you too much babyTo stand in yor wayYou know I'm not afraidTo hear what you have to say...

Tina Arena - Burn
Do you wanna be a poet and writeDo you wanna be an actor up in lightsDo you wanna be a soldier and fig...

Tina Arena - Burn (acoustic Version)
Do you wanna be a poet and writeDo you wanna be an actor up in lightsDo you wanna be a soldier and fig...

Tina Arena - Burn (spanish Version)
Si tu quieres ser poeta, o actor.Y vivir un mundo hablado, el amor.O luchar como un soldado,y po...

Tina Arena - But I Lied
Wonder if it's always been this bright I could never tell you where it all went wrong Because you were...

Tina Arena - Chains
Your arms are warm but they make me feelAs if they're made of cold, cold steelA simple kiss like a tur...

Tina Arena - Close To My Heart
Woo woo, woo woo woo Woo woo, close to my heart No secrets between us It's time for us ...

Tina Arena - Dare You To Be Happy
I dare you to be happy, hit it What does it take Stop me making the same mistake Now I see...

Tina Arena - Flashback
Today I'm in the middleOf getting byI had a premonitionLet me tell you whyI still think ab...

Tina Arena - For The Sake Of Talking
Wheels within wheels You think you're such a big shot Manipulate, whoever you can Just as long a...

Tina Arena - God Only Knows
I took a ride that took me out of nowhere Life is an open door I took a chance on you when it was uncl...

Tina Arena - Greatest Gift
I awake to my beating heartYou save my soul from falling apartSay goodbye I'm leaving the raceHo...

Tina Arena - Heaven Help My Heart
Two smiling facesThat's how it used to beWhat once was foreverNow a faded memoryThe perfec...

Tina Arena - I Believe
I believe when I fall in love With you it will be forever Shattered dreams, worthless years ...

Tina Arena - If I Didn't Love You
So goodWhen it's good I wanna spend my whole life lovin' youBut I'm tiredAnd you don't know how ...

Tina Arena - If I Was A River
If I was the sunI would shine my lightTo light your worldIf I was the rainI would wash you...

Tina Arena - If You Ever
We are not strangers Could we have met some place before Am I in danger of myself You're like a ...

Tina Arena - I'll Be Here
Who knows what the future holds Who knows what tomorrow brings Somewhere there's a place for us I know...

Tina Arena - Images Of Love
One step forward Two steps back Everytime I meet someone new I draw another blank Circular...

Tina Arena - I'm Gone
I'm gone My spirit will take me somewhere I'm gone I'll be leaving before I get there I ne...

Tina Arena - In Command
Listen to me nowWanna be'sThat's all they are and all they'll ever beNot like meI know the...

Tina Arena - I Need Your Body
I need your body I got to have your body You whisper my name and I feel my heart Beat l...

Tina Arena - I Want To Know What Love Is
Gotta take a little timeA little time to think things overBetter read between the linesIn case I...

Tina Arena - I Want To Live With You
A man is beatenAnd he's leaving nowIn the pouring rainA broken hearted child is watching him...

Tina Arena - Les Trois Cloches
Village au fond de la vallee Comme egare, presque ignore Voici dans la nuit etoilee Qu'un nouve...

Tina Arena - Live
A million stars light This beautiful night This is not a night to dieLet me sing and dance...

Tina Arena - Love Is The Answer
Imagine you, imagine meWe could be happy, we could be freeIf we could only tryNo more hunger, no...

Tina Arena - Love's Funny That Way
There's no king when love's is the thingPlays the same rulesIn a heartbeat, a wise man can be a fool...

Tina Arena - Message
Once again I sit and wonderWas something I said so wrongYou're the one I really need nowGive me ...

Tina Arena - No Shame
It took me twenty years to stand up straight and tallIt took me all of twenty seconds for everything to fall...

Tina Arena - Not For Sale
Here we areFace to faceWho would have ever believed we could End up in this placeYou and I...

Tina Arena - Now I Can Dance
So I hope this finds you wellSun is shining down eastern valley waysThere's some news I need to tell y...

Tina Arena - Now I Can Dance (spanish Version)
Olvidar una pasionmuy dificil es si tambien fue amor.Mas mi madre me decia,Nunca vuelvas a amar ...

Tina Arena - One Little Christmas Tree
One little Christmas tree was standing alone Waiting for someone to come by One little Christmas tree ...

Tina Arena - On The Line
Yeah, yeah Don't you feel natural lying beside meRunning your fingers through my hairA k...

Tina Arena - Rumour Has It
Heard a rumour You've been seen out late at night with a friend And there's a word that's going 'round...

Tina Arena - Show Me Heaven
There you goFlashing fever from your eyesHey babeCome over here and shut them tightI'm not...

Tina Arena - Sixteen Years
I'm leaving nowSixteen years and comes to thisParting lines and a final kissYour hands are shaki...

Tina Arena - Something's Gotta Chance
I was lost in a world looking inside And no one could hear me I close my eyes, and I'm somewhere else ...

Tina Arena - Sorrento Moon (i Remember)
I sang your praises dailyAnd we let ourselves get swept awayIt's true babyWe held heaven in our ...

Tina Arena - Soul Mate #9 (single Version)
Soul Mate Number Nine,You say that I'm the only one,But I know it's just a lie.Soul Mate N...

Tina Arena - Soulmate No. 9
Soulmate No.9Say that I'm the only oneBut I know that's just a lieI'm your Soulmate No. 9Y...

Tina Arena - Stagefright
Walking in the shadows Constantly evading the light Shattered dreams cry out As you move through...

Tina Arena - Standing Up
There was a time I was not so certainAll the games I played just multiplied the hurtin'Mixed emotions...

Tina Arena - Stay
As the days go by without numberOne by oneAs the clouds divideI sit and wonderWhen our tim...

Tina Arena - Strong As Steel
We've been so close to each other Can't think of a moment That you weren't there We've been thro...

Tina Arena - Symphony For Life
Stars are shinning in your eyes And I begin to realise That our path through times unbroken Do y...

Tina Arena - Tangled
I'm not sure, if I love Or I hate you I'm not sure of anything at all Why should I, have to hide...

Tina Arena - That's The Way A Woman Feels
When the sky is gray and it looks like rainJust think of me, I'll come running from wherever I amJust ...

Tina Arena - The Bohemienne Song
BohemienneNo one knows where my story begins Bohemienne I was born on a road that bends Bohemien...

Tina Arena - The Flame
Is this the hope of the world in my handsI'll take this moment, to be all that I canLook to you to see...

Tina Arena - The Machine's Breaking Down
Proven patterns breaking down All controls gone underground We should have never come to this Ye...

Tina Arena - The Pagon Ave Maria
Ave Maria Please pardon me Of in your houseI have come stealing Ave Maria No o...

Tina Arena - Ti Voglio Qui
Vuoi fare il poetadai scrivivuoi fare l'eroe di un filmcambiare il mondoper amore o ...

Tina Arena - Turn Up The Beat
Every dreamer needs a dreamsometimes i just wanna screameverybody needs a shockWe are drea...

Tina Arena - Unsung Hero
You sit in silence in the shadowsYou don't complain or citiciseAnd while the world may see me as a foo...

Tina Arena - Wasn't It Good
Wouldn't you know it I've lost my courageIsn't that funny, me lost for wordsNot that it really matters...

Tina Arena - Welcome To My World
Come insideSit yourself down beside meHelp me findThe way to heal what divides mePlease ta...

Tina Arena - Whistle Down The Wind
Whistle down the windLet your voices carryDrown out all the rainLight a patch of darknessT...

Tina Arena - Woman
I've seen it all I've soaked it in I've taken breaths in world's, you've never been I've tasted ...

Tina Arena - Woman's Work
7:45 on the radio, and the voice saysTime to rise and shine Gotta get you up, then I disappear I...

Tina Arena - Wouldn't Change A Thing
We got togetherAnd then we fell apartWe had to move onAnd make a brand new start (...

Tina Arena - You Made Me Find Myself
Bet you thought my world was over Bet you thought I'd crash and burn You thought I'd never Pick ...

Tina Arena - You Make Me Feel Good
Believe me babyYou make me feel goodYou make me feel goodWhat everybody tells meI'm ...

Tina Turner - Addicted To Love

Tina Turner - Afterglow

Tina Turner - All Kinds Of People
There's a time for love and a time for healingcan't go back and undo what's been doneThe word about ti...

Tina Turner - Ask Me How I Feel
Oh I'm waiting in the storm, ask me how I feelWhen things are going wrong, why don't you ask me how I feel...

Tina Turner - Back Where You Started

Tina Turner - Be Tender With Me Baby

Tina Turner - Break Every Rule

Tina Turner - Confidential
You don't need to give me reasonsI'll understandsomethings are best kept secretand you've done a...

Tina Turner - Dancing In My Dreams
I've been running from the truthI've been running since my youthtired of runningI will stand her...

Tina Turner - Do What You Do
When you say the things you say you gotta mean itand when you do the things you do, it's gotta come from the...

Tina Turner - Falling Like Rain
Really brings me down, I don't know howThat you can say you're not my kindCouldn't find a cloud for mi...

Tina Turner - Foreign Affair
A one in a million chanceYou know the moment that you crossed over the lineA casual glanceNo one...

Tina Turner - Girls

Tina Turner - Goldeneye
See reflections on the watermore than darkness in the depthssee him surface in every shadowon th...

Tina Turner - Help

Tina Turner - I Don't Wanna Loose You

Tina Turner - I'll Be Thunder

Tina Turner - I Might Have Been Queen

Tina Turner - In Your Wildest Dreams
Oh baby, oh babyThe sun goes down and the moon comes upMy heart is pumping for you, and the mad thing ...

Tina Turner - It Takes Two

Tina Turner - I Want You Near Me

Tina Turner - Let's Stay Together

Tina Turner - Look Me In The Heart
Last night we tried to touch but we never got closeLast night we tried to talk, the words got caught in our ...

Tina Turner - Love Thing

Tina Turner - Missing You
Everytime I think of you, I always catch my breathAnd I'm still standing here, and you're miles awayan...

Tina Turner - Not Enough Romance
Should've never made eye contactShould've been a heart of stoneWhen you stopped me to say helloW...

Tina Turner - Nutbush City Limits

Tina Turner - On Silent Wings
There was a time when I would have followed youto the ends of the earthI was willing to share it all w...

Tina Turner - Overnight Sensation

Tina Turner - Paradise Is Here

Tina Turner - Private Dancer

Tina Turner - Proud Mary
Left a good job in the cityWorkin' for the Man every night and dayBut I never lost a minute of sleepin...

Tina Turner - River Deep - Mountain High
When I was a little girlI had a rag dollOnly doll I've ever ownedNow I love you just the way I l...

Tina Turner - Show Some Respect

Tina Turner - Something Beautiful Remains
Tears will leave no stainsTime will ease the painFor every life that fadesSomething beautiful re...

Tina Turner - Steamy Windows

Tina Turner - Steel Claw

Tina Turner - Thief Of Hearts
Let me tell you about a man I knew...yeah, I knew him all too wellhuh, my attitude has always been...

Tina Turner - Till The Right Man Comes Along

Tina Turner - Two People

Tina Turner - Typical Male

Tina Turner - Undercover Agent For The Blues
He was my lover, he was working undercoverThe fellow knew all of the movesHe really had me romping, ba...

Tina Turner - Unfinished Sympathy
Baby, baby, babyI know that I've been mad in love beforebut how I can be with youYou really hurt...

Tina Turner - Way Of The World

Tina Turner - We Don't Need Another Hero

Tina Turner - Whatever You Want (me To Do)
Whatever you want me to do, I will do it for youwhatever you want me to be, I will be what you needbec...

Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It
You must understandThat the touch of your handMakes my pulse reactThat it`s only the thrill...

Tina Turner - What You Get Is What You See

Tina Turner - You Can't Stop Me Loving You
You can run and you can hideYou can tell me you're untrueYou can play around with my feelingsSay...

Tina Turner - You Know Who (is Doing You Know What)
I heard some news this morningAnd it almost devastated meIt hit my heart without a warningThe st...

Tiziano Ferro - 10 Piegamenti!
E' tanto che non sto solo veramente in questa stanzaInfatti sono indietro con le analisi di coscienzaH...

Tiziano Ferro - 13 Acos
Habra pedido sloUn instante de pazHabra pedido solamente todavia escucharUn hilo de su voz...

Tiziano Ferro - Boom Boom
Dal tempo che mangiaiAl tavolo di un barAl tempo che passaiNella strada che vaDai giorni s...

Tiziano Ferro - Ciento Once
Y dices te conmueves con todas las cosasUn nio que sonrie la neblina al albaY dices que tus sueos son ...

Tiziano Ferro - Di Pi
Ieri e oggi confondo un po' Poi domani ci penser Ed ha voce lo spirito Che ora tace, non canta p...

Tiziano Ferro - En El Bao Al Aeropuerto
En este caso digo solo que no es una tragediaSi a cenar no vengo vete solo tuY separarse digo solo que...

Tiziano Ferro - Eri Come L'oro Ora Sei Come Loro
Non ha sofferto..nel silenzioQuesto amore...quando mortoMe ne sono accorto adessoChe ho perso...

Tiziano Ferro - Giugno '84
VoglioPi patti chiari e meno sessoVoglioChe mi telefoni pi spessoVoglioChe tu mi dic...

Tiziano Ferro - Il Bimbo Dentro
Che fine ho fatto io?Col viso pi rotondo ma mai pallidoMeno sicuro maPi forte a volte per la gra...

Tiziano Ferro - Il Confine
Sai che c'e?Ci sei teDa un po' in quaNo non capisco ora te lo confessoE' assurdo sai?...

Tiziano Ferro - Imbranato
E' iniziato tutto per un tuo capriccioIo non mi fidavo..era solo sessoMa il sesso e un'attitudine...

Tiziano Ferro - Le Cose Che Non Dici
Vorrei solo pi silenzio ma (ma)In quello che io faccio non (non)Si pu buio pesto qua (ma)Dormi ...

Tiziano Ferro - L'olimpiade
GridaScatta forte la tua rabbia ed cieca lei non lo sa Lei non sa quanto sei forteMa tu batti spesso ...

Tiziano Ferro - Mai Nata
Passa passa passa Poi imprechi ma non passa mai La tua fame sveglia, cazzo, no non va a dormire lei S...

Tiziano Ferro - Mi Abuela
Has querido tener todo y en el banco ya has metidoCelos, mi cabeza la paciencia y voluntadAprovecharte...

Tiziano Ferro - No Me Lo Puedo Explicar
Me falta un poco el aire que soplabaO simplemente tu espalda na na na na na na naY ese rel...

Tiziano Ferro - Perdono
Perdono... eh... Perdono- For everythin I've done you have to know I'm so sorry Just give ...

Tiziano Ferro - Perdono (italian Version)
Perdono si quel che fatto fatto io per chiedoScusa regalami un sorriso io ti porgo una Rosa su quest...

Tiziano Ferro - Perverso
Mi mirada se defiendePero se muere de ganas y t ya lo sabesTodo el da y toda la nocheTu recuerdo...

Tiziano Ferro - Primavera Non
Mi scusoDisillusoAncora accuso..Il colpo e usoIronia di circostanzaMi dispiace ti ho delus...

Tiziano Ferro - Quien No Tiene Talento Enseca
Llegar estrechndomeY yo estar ya allY sentir los sintomasY no me traicionarSabes quien no ...

Tiziano Ferro - Rosso Relativo
La voglia scalpitava, strillava, tuonava .. cantava ..Da notte fonda nel petto di ... Paola .. oh .. Paola ....

Tiziano Ferro - Soul-dier
I'm a soul-dier And I fight fight fight fight fight And I fight for my rights And my music's my ...

Tiziano Ferro - Tardes Negras
Y volveran los angelesA despertarse con tu cafPasar distraida la noticia de nosotrosY dicen que ...

Tiziano Ferro - Temple Bar
Sar foschiaBen oltre la mareaSar o noPi tempo per noi? Che parlo con DioSolo s...

Tiziano Ferro - Ti Voglio Bene
Una troppo poco...due sono tanteQuante principesse nel castello mi hai nascostoTI VOGLIO BENE...te lo...

Tlc - 3d
[Intro Layer]3 trendsetters3 aspirations3 desires3 signs3 girls3 person...

Tlc - Ain't 2 Proud 2 Beg
Yo mic check 1-2, 1-2We in the houseYeah come on1992 TLC kickin' off in your Mutha...So ya...

Tlc - Automatic
Au-to-maticDoo doo doo doo doo (doo)Doo doo doo doo doo (doo)Doo doo doo doo doo Au-to-mat...

Tlc - Baby-baby-baby
And you want my loveWell that's alrightWell it will be there for you morning, noon and nightBut ...

Tlc - Bad By Myself
Yo, get, get up on the TLC tipGet, get up on the TLC tipHey nowYou know how to pull my cha...

Tlc - Case Of The Fake People
I thought that I knew about 'emThought that they would never do me wrongWell well they smile in your f...

Tlc - Come Get Some
We gon' start this thing alright (Say what)We got the Dirty South in the house tonight (Yeah)We gon' s...

Tlc - Come On Down
Ooohh yeah yeah yeahIf you need a little tendernessCan't find it no where elseIf you want a litt...

Tlc - Das Da Way We Like 'em
Yo it's me Left Eye not about to settle for anybody wit'A thang about me havin' to paryMy life's havin...

Tlc - Depend On Myself
Guys they always wonder about me (yeah, I hear ya "T")Cause everything I have is my own (I'm feelin' dis)...

Tlc - Dirty Dirty
UhSay what say what (uh uh)2003UhIt don't get better then this (what)Here I co...

Tlc - Don't Pull Out On Me Yet
Unh, remember me?Well if you don't I think after this songYou willWe got tonight all...

Tlc - Fanmail
WelcomeWe've dedicated our entire album coverTo any person who has ever sent us fan mailThis is ...

Tlc - Girl Talk
You see I had this brother who was mad at meCuz I told my home girl that he was packin'Told the truth ...

Tlc - Give It To Me While It's Hot
I'm burnin' upIt's time to turn it upGet in the middle and stir it upGive it to me while it's HO...

Tlc - Good Love
Everytime I get to see youI get this feelin'It's so fuzzy insideAnd as soon as I walk away from ...

Tlc - Hands Up
Rollin' to the clubStop to get my grub onNothin' like those Krispy KremesSoon as I was done...

Tlc - Hey Hey Hey Hey
Oh no (uh uh uh oh no)Oh no (uh uh uh oh no)Oh no (uh uh uh oh no)Oh no (uh uh uh oh no)...

Tlc - His Story
Yo, this is a story of a male female threat to societyYou know being misjudged and not respected for what we...

Tlc - If I Was Your Girlfriend
Shoo doop dooIf I was your girlfriendWould you remember to tell meAll the things you forgot...

Tlc - If They Knew
[Chorus:]I don't know what She would do if she knewThat you were comin'To do what w...

Tlc - Im Good At Being Bad
Sunny daysBirds singin' sweet soundin' songs of love(That's so pretty girl)As we walk hand in ha...

Tlc - I Miss You So Much
I never asked for this feeling I never thought I would fall I never knew how I felt Till the day...

Tlc - In Your Arms Tonight
I just wanna have a good time (yeah, hmm)(It's all about havin' a good time)In your arms tonight yeah...

Tlc - Kick Your Game
I've been watchingCome on let me kick a little game to youBaby baby let me kick a little game with you...

Tlc - Let's Do It Again
You sweet young thang youWhatever you do Lord knows you do it nice and easyYou keep it nice and long...

Tlc - Lovesick
Saw you two the other dayAnd I would say that she looks greatYou all make the cutest twoI guess ...

Tlc - My Life
Ha ha ha ha (TLC)Whoa whoa whoaWhoa whoa whoaWhoa whooa whoaWhoa whoa whoa whoa (oww)...

Tlc - No Scrubs Remix
A scrub is a guy that thinks he's flyAnd is also known as a buster (busta, busta...)Always talkin' abo...

Tlc - Over Me
What are we gonna do Tron?We're gonna make 'em dance!Now I gave you a chanceBut you couldn...

Tlc - Quickie
Ladies and Gentlemen!Yes my fine gentlemen friendsOkay, we're gonna turn to the chapter in Eyenetics ...

Tlc - Shock Dat Monkey
Yo dis is TLCYeah and we're back to school da girliesAnd if n ya know dat yo man is startin' to flip...

Tlc - Shout
What's up ya'll(Owwww)It's Left Eye on the track(Owwww)My girl T-Boz over to my left...

Tlc - Silly Ho
Whoot Whoot Whoot WhooooWhoot Whoot Whoot WhooooWhoot Whoot Whoot WhooooWhoot Whoot Whoot Whoooo...

Tlc - Somethin' You Wanna Know
Somethin' you wanna knowAsk me boyI'll tell you so Don't you talk to the worldYou can talk...

Tlc - So So Dumb
UhOh yeahAlright (alright)Alright alrightDumb dumb dumbSo so dumb so dumb...

Tlc - Sumthin' Wicked This Way Comes
Remeber back in da timeWhen da only sign we had was picketBut now in '94 it beThis way somethin'...

Tlc - Switch
Switch switch switch switchI ain't one to be questionedAbout who and where I've beenI ain't one ...

Tlc - Take Our Time
[Chorus]Let's take our time babyLove last foreverOver and overWe'll love together...

Tlc - This Is How It Should Be Done
This is how is should be doneThis is how it should be done comin' out of the black shadeFightin' to li...

Tlc - Turntable
I used to walk around likeNothing could happen to meLife is a gamble so I Should live life more ...

Tlc - U In Me
U in me feels twice as niceAnd everything we do is right It's nasty love but that's all right with me...

Tlc - Unpretty Remix
[Left Eye:]Find the reflection you see to be so damn unprettyFind the reflection you see to be ...

Tlc - What About Your Friends
Every now and then I get a little crazyThat's not the way it's supposed to beSometimes my vision is a ...

Toadies - Away
You say foreverAnd I confess I shiverYou say hopeI say that's where I'm goin'To be i...

Toadies - Backslider
Bended kneeNine years oldWaitin' for...Just one word!I was thinkin' of all the thing...

Toadies - Dollskin
In the middle of a house, in the middle of nowhereBodies glide from room to roomI hate these walls...

Toadies - Got A Heart
I can feel iton my insidesit's workingit's movingand I feed itcarefullya...

Toadies - Happyface
I try to wish you awayI'll do more than wishin' somedayNo no no more son of a bitchNo no no more...

Toadies - Heel
Long neck, short leashSweet lips are black, black, blackYou walk, I leadLittle tricks, stagger a...

Toadies - Hell Below / Stars Above
Never heard you say goodbyeRead your letter, made me crySaw you with another guyNever one to was...

Toadies - I Burn
Driftin' upwardGently liftingLazy on the windRollin' overTurnin' slowlyBeginni...

Toadies - I Come From The Water
I come from the waterI crawled upon the shoreI left my brothers thereI got what I came for...

Toadies - Jigsaw Girl
Give me your hand and I will hold it foreverOn my nightstand in a box with your love lettersI love you...

Toadies - Little Sin
Swimming in pride, my sweet thingIt's such a pretty night for losingOur innocence, Our tenderness...

Toadies - Mister Love
Are you gonna save me?Can you save me?Are you gonna save me?Can you save me?Ya gonna make ...

Toadies - Motivational
To get a leg up you must put your foot downYou roll your sleeve upYou put your back into itYou g...

Toadies - Plane Crash
We're coming home on a plane crashWe trip away through the nightWe're breaking up on impactWe'll...

Toadies - Possum Kingdom
Make up your mindDecide to walk with meAround the lake tonightAround the lake tonightBy my...

Toadies - Pressed Against The Sky
If this is a dream I'm happy you're having it with meI will stay and savor the way you move meDon't wa...

Toadies - Push The Hand
I guess I left myself wide openI guess I earned that weightFeel that weight, feel that weight pushing ...

Toadies - Quitter
Didn't I give you everything?Didn't I take you where you want to be?Didn't I make you feel just like a...

Toadies - Ruth
ruth are you ready?do you trust me?can you feel the hand of jesus?RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN...

Toadies - Sweetness
Peel away your skin just a little moreYou can let me in just a little moreCan you taste it, I do...

Toadies - Tyler
And she runs through her days with a smile on her faceAnd she runs, and she waits, and I wait We...

Toadies - Velvet
Get Away!Get Away!You hurt me you fuck!You hurt me you fuck!You hurt me you fuck!...

Toadies - What We Have We Steal
Shut down the disease, brush it aside and stand up off your kneesTip the scales, spin me some horrible, beau...

Toadies - You'll Come Down
Give me back my legsI want to walk like I didYou stole away my breath floating over my headDo yo...

Toby Keith - Ain't No Thang
I let another one get away She said she's gone for good But that's all old hat now I always thou...

Toby Keith - A Little Less Talk And A Lot More Action
I was getting kinda tired of her endless chatterNothing I could say ever seemed to matterSo I took a l...

Toby Keith - All I Want For Christmas
You could shop until you dropAt every mall in townSearching for that special gift for meCowboy b...

Toby Keith - American Soldier
I'm just trying to be a father,Raise a daughter and a son,Be a lover to their mother,Everything ...

Toby Keith - A Woman's Touch
Lately I've been lookin' through the windows of my soulAnd I can see there's not much left to holdJust...

Toby Keith - Baddest Boots
I saw her turn her head In a drop-dead gazeShe was peekin' out over the topOf those wire-rim sha...

Toby Keith - Bethlehem In Birmingham
Christmas Eve in BirminghamIt's a long, long way from BethlehemMary and Joe live outside of town...

Toby Keith - Big Ol' Truck
Yeah you can see the girl comin'From a mile awayShe's got her big wheels turnin'She's got Oklaho...

Toby Keith - Blame It On The Mistletoe
The middle of December ain't the time to be aloneIt's just too close to ChristmasAnd too far to go hom...

Toby Keith - Blue Bedroom
Woke up this morning with day old coffeeSmoked what was left of your cigaretteSit by the phone just in...

Toby Keith - Boomtown
The people came here from parts unknown Sleepin' in their cars 'cause they didn't have homes Thought t...

Toby Keith - Christmas Rock
My billfold doesn't have a prayerThere's Christmas catalogs everywhereShe keeps looking at the jewelry...

Toby Keith - Christmas To Christmas
Seems like only yesterdayWe put our Christmas things awayNow here's another Christmas day with you...

Toby Keith - Close But No Guitar
I'd sing the harmonies and Dixie sang the melodyAnd we sing a little off key sometimesBut we had some ...

Toby Keith - Closin' Time At Home
Budweiser clock says it's almost twelveI tipped the bartender, he rang that old bellSan Bernardino nig...

Toby Keith - Country Comes To Town
Well the weatherman said it might storm todayI gotta hit the fieldGotta bail some hayAnd I can't...

Toby Keith - Die With Your Boots On
Daddy was a gamblerBack in seventy-twoHe had a taste for the nightlife and heLoved his booze...

Toby Keith - Does That Blue Moon Ever Shine On You
Day by day, we let love just walk awayAnd I'll be the first to say, I was glad to see it goAnd day by ...

Toby Keith - Do I Know You
Do I know youHave we ever metYou've got a smile I could never forgetPerhaps you've mistaken me f...

Toby Keith - Don't Leave, I Think I Love You
[Chorus:]Don't leave, I think I love youI just saw the rest of my life, honey you're in i...

Toby Keith - Double Wide Paradise
I don't want to cryI don't want to walk the floorThis mobile homeDon't feel like home no more...

Toby Keith - Dream Walkin'
She left a yellow rose and a long neck bottleOn a table beside my bedWith a short little note said I h...

Toby Keith - Every Night
Bad love, she took a good shotHeartaches, she's had a whole lot of tough breaksAnd no one could blame ...

Toby Keith - Forever Hasn't Got Here Yet
Girl whatcha talkin' 'bout, I ain't believin' thisI ain't settlin' for none of this foolishnessWe can'...

Toby Keith - Getcha Some
Well boy meets girl and it's a good betGirl's gonna play a little hard to getBut they both got the sam...

Toby Keith - He Ain't Worth Missing
He's flying high tonightHe's got a brand new loverHere you come a-runnin'You're looking for some...

Toby Keith - Heart To Heart
I watched him throw his oatmeal bowlHalfway across the kitchen floorHis momma said don't let me see yo...

Toby Keith - Hello
I was hangin' out in Mexico, I had a beachfront bungalowI know I should have gone home, but I was doin' that...

Toby Keith - Hold You, Kiss You, Love You
You're lookin' at meLike the first time we metI can tell that you're needingThat feeling you get...

Toby Keith - Hot Rod Sleigh
I saw one of Santa's helpers at the grocery store todayHe was standin' at the front door givin' candy canes ...

Toby Keith - How Do You Like Me Now
I was always the crazy oneI broke into the stadiumAnd I wrote your number on the 50 yard lineYou...

Toby Keith - I Can't Take You Anywhere
You've been a part of my life for so very longIt's hard for me to believe sometimes that you're really gone...

Toby Keith - I Don't Understand My Girlfriend
I thought it would be dandyIf I bought that girl some candyHow was I suppose to know she was allergic ...

Toby Keith - If A Man Answers
You said you need a little timeA little time to yourselfI'm staring down this telephone wonderin'...

Toby Keith - If I Was Jesus
If I Was Jesus, I'd have some real long hairA robe and some sandals, is exactly what I'd wearI'd be th...

Toby Keith - I Got It Bad
I got it badi got it bluei got it sadi aint got youi did you wrongyou got the right...

Toby Keith - I Know A Wall When I See One
Blue eyes, brown hair, yeah that's my past standing thereTurning every head in here tonightThat smile,...

Toby Keith - In Other Words
You've got my heart in unfamiliar territory It's never been out here on my sleeve But here tonight wit...

Toby Keith - Jacky Don Tucker
Jacky Don Tucker was my daddy's little brotherAnd at seventeen he jumped the fenceHe joined a rock 'n'...

Toby Keith - Jesus Gets Jealous Of Santa Claus
Layin' back in my easy chairLate last Christmas eveSilent night, twinkling lightsPresents 'round...

Toby Keith - Knock Yourself Out
If you wanna go back to him, baby, get up and goim tired of being a clown caught up in yoursideshow...

Toby Keith - Life Was A Play (the World Was A Stage)
Lookin' back on my younger days Life was a play and the world a stage Lust, love and greed were in my ...

Toby Keith - Lucky Me
I can leave my dirty laundry lyin' anywhereI don't make my bed it's alright, no one ever goes in there...

Toby Keith - Mama Come Quick
I straddled my bicycle when I was ten years oldI rode it up on Maxwell Hill where all the big boys goW...

Toby Keith - Mary, It's Christmas
You should see all the lights in our old neighborhoodI never thought that little street could ever look so g...

Toby Keith - Me Too
If I send you roses for no reason at allIf out of the blue I stop and give you a callOnce in a while i...

Toby Keith - My List
Under an old brass paperweight is my list of things to do todayGo to the bank and the hardware store, put a ...

Toby Keith - New Orleans
He was twenty-five, she was twenty-eightHe was home grown country, she'd just pulled off the interstate...

Toby Keith - Nights I Can't Remember, Friends I'll Never Forget
Me and JB and Sonny, we grew up on the buddy planWeren't we some bad mothers, closer than brothersHad ...

Toby Keith - No Honor Among Thieves
This world's a jungle there ain't no justiceLaws of nature rule this landBetter hide your horses, bury...

Toby Keith - Pick 'em Up And Lay 'em Down
She said the man's goin' home with meShe told the bar she was takin' all betsWell never trust a woman ...

Toby Keith - Pull My Chain
Got me on a short leash, tied to your screen doorI used to run with the big dogs 'til I stretched out on you...

Toby Keith - Santa I'm Right Here
I was downtown Christmas shoppingSuch a busy city streetI don't know how I noticed the piece of paper ...

Toby Keith - Santa's Gonna Take It All Back
You can have that perfume that you wantedAnd you can have those earrings, tooI'll even get that TV set...

Toby Keith - She Left Me
Her bags are packed and waitin' for someone to come and pick'em up outsideah yeah i dont knowwhere the...

Toby Keith - She Only Gets That Way With Me
She ain't shyShe's outspoken boyShe always speaks her mindExcept those quiet little moments...

Toby Keith - She Ran Away With A Rodeo Clown
She's a top barrel racerCowboy chaserShe drinks tecate like it's goin' out of styleShe's real go...

Toby Keith - She's Gonna Get It
It's not because she's always satisfiedOr that she's so easy to pleaseShe showed me what love's about...

Toby Keith - She's Perfect
I took Lisa down to the cafeThe one where we first fell in loveI played the same song that we used to ...

Toby Keith - Some Kinda Good Kinda (hold On Me)
She's got some kinda good kinda hold on me She's some kinda fine sho-nuff sweet Wrapped up in her love...

Toby Keith - Strangers Again
You couldn't tell by lookin' we'd ever met beforeI hardly ever see her, she don't come by any moreWith...

Toby Keith - Sweet
She came through the front door lookin' fast as a big trainBookin' down the lineAnd she was lookin' fi...

Toby Keith - The Critic
Tell it like it is...He gets up real early on his mornin drive.Down to the office for his 9 to 5...

Toby Keith - The Lonely
There's a band called The Lonely playin' downtown tonightAnd man, they know their way around the blues...

Toby Keith - The Night Before Christmas
Ribbons and paper cover the floorIt's been a good Christmas, presents galoreEveryone's happy, I'm happ...

Toby Keith - The Sha La La Song
Sha la la la la la la la la la la la laI'll get over youSha la la la la la la la la laJust one m...

Toby Keith - The Taliban Song
"I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' manI got a little, 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghan...

Toby Keith - Time For Me To Ride
Ain't got no tricks up my sleeveAin't got no reason to believeI've been looking for a signLove s...

Toby Keith - Tired
My name is Jackson, I was named after my fatherFollowed in his footsteps, down here to this factoryI a...

Toby Keith - Tryin' To Matter
I'm a lonely man with a lonely lifeA full-time job and part-time wifeAnd the grindstone just goes on a...

Toby Keith - Under The Fall
Everybody knows how much he meant to you, baby But you still insist that your heart's alright I can se...

Toby Keith - Upstairs, Downtown
Route 14 Box 308She said goodbye at the cattle-guard gateHoping she would find her a place in the worl...

Toby Keith - Valentine
I bought a card down at the drugstoreIt said I'm thinkin' of youI'm put some flowers on the table...

Toby Keith - Victoria's Secret
Word sure gets around in a tattle tale townThat why she never goes out at nightBut when her kids go to...

Toby Keith - Weed With Willie
I always heard that his herb was top shelfLord I just could not wait to find out for myself.Well don't...

Toby Keith - What Made The Baby Cry?
On a cold night, late DecemberAs the snow fell to earthThat's the one night, we rememberWhen a w...

Toby Keith - When Love Fades
Going through the motions pretending to beThe man you used to see in me babyYou don't want to hurt me ...

Toby Keith - Whiskey Girl
Don't my baby look good in them blue jeans?Tight on the top with a belly button ringA little tatoo som...

Toby Keith - Who's That Man
Turn left at the old hotelI know this boulevard much too well it hasn't changed since I been goneOh th...

Toby Keith - Wish I Didn't Know Now
I've never ask you where you're goin'I've never ask you where you've beenI've never called and checked...

Toby Keith - Woman Behind The Man
Had this dream forever And it's comin' true at last Now lookin' back, the hard times Were just l...

Toby Keith - Yesterday's Rain
Someboyd told you that my broken heart started mendingI'm getting by, but the truth is that I'm still standi...

Toby Keith - Yet
Burning up the phone until there's nothing left to saySo I lay here and just listen to you breatheGirl...

Toby Keith - You Ain't Much Fun
I used to come home late and not a minute too soonBarking like a dog, howling at the moonYou'd be mad ...

Toby Keith - You Didn't Have As Much To Lose
I can't believe it's come to thisTwo broken hearts, one goodbye kissIs this all that's left of me and ...

Toby Keith - You Don't Anymore
We stood at the altar, repeating our vows for lifeFor better or worse, forever a husband and wifeLove'...

Toby Keith - You Leave Me Weak
I'm the one who gets that look in your eyeAnd I'm the one who feels you tremble insideI'm the one who ...

Toby Keith - You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This
I've got a funny feelingThe moment that your lips touched mineSomething shot right through meMy ...

Toby Lightman - Coming Back In
Every time I try to walk away You pull me back with all those things you say And I find myself unable ...

Toby Lightman - Devils And Angels
I found out today that you went on a little tripSomewhere you don't belongOne of your friends made jus...

Toby Lightman - Don't Wanna Know
You're no less than perfectBut you're much more than realYou're untouchableHow does it make you ...

Toby Lightman - Everyday
Everyday is a struggle between what I wanna sayAnd what I should keep to myself And the words that man...

Toby Lightman - Frightened
Viewing lights under the surfaceKnowing I'm foundCan't run away fromCan't make it undone...

Toby Lightman - Front Row
Did I see you winking?Or is that me thinking... Should I show affectionTo the guy in the front r...

Toby Lightman - Is This Right
Love is like taking the hand from a man you just met on the streetYou don't know what he's about, and he wal...

Toby Lightman - Leave It Inside
I see no need to go through the same situationAlways so complicated with these relationsSo I got to ge...

Toby Lightman - Real Love
[Vs. 1]We are lovers true and through and though We made it through the storm I really wa...

Toby Lightman - Running Away
There's not a cloud in the sky when we walk by, noAnd the smoke spirals off your cigaretteThe wind blo...

Toby Lightman - The River
When the roads are closedDo you know where you should be? When the lights are dimAre you going t...

Toby Lightman - Voices
This was the last thing to enter my mindThis was something I was never concerned aboutPeople play thes...

Tobymac - Atmosphere
I know you keep a journal and every page is rippledFrom the tears that you cry, ain't no meanin' to your scr...

Tobymac - Burn For You
I'm a brand new man, I'm a conscious manI'm a man who's burnin' for youThe mistakes I've made have bee...

Tobymac - Catchafire (whoopsi-daisy)
Slackin' off like a bum, I'm feelin' ho humI'm feelin' luke warm like the water in my tubStarted out a...

Tobymac - Diverse City
They call us Diverse City, we're colorful goodIt's like a freak show in your neighborhoodSo, if you wa...

Tobymac - Don't Bring Me Down
Do you rememberThe southern breakfast treatReferred to as gritsBut it looks like cream of wheat...

Tobymac - Do You Know
Do you know where you're going toDo you like the things that life is showing youWhere are you going to...

Tobymac - Extreme Days
We're livin' in extreme days Comin' at ya like a whirlwindA hundred miles an hour's where we'll ...

Tobymac - Fresher Than A Night At The W
Yo, its me, Tobymac and I dont meanto trouble youIm feelin fresher than a night at the WYou probably s...

Tobymac - Getaway Car
I'm staring unaware cause I'm in the zoneIt moves in like a fog on a seaside roadParalyzed by the sign...

Tobymac - Get This Party Started
Everybody everybody in the place to beOpen up your mind and let your soul be freeI can feel the Most H...

Tobymac - Gone
I told the girl that you should treat her like a lady andShe told me all the things you did and it was shady...

Tobymac - Gotta Go
[Toby:] Yeah, hello[Reply:] Yo Tob, what's up?[Toby:] A whole lot[Reply:...

Tobymac - Hey Now
Hey now, I feel a new one comin' on so that you can sing along with itRight now and I'm gonna dedicate this ...

Tobymac - Ill-m-i
Ill-M-I, Ill-M-I, Ill-M-I, Ill-M-I and youIlluminati comin' thruIll-M-I, Ill-M-I, Ill-M-I, Ill-M-I and...

Tobymac - In The Air
I had a dream last night about the other sideAnd I must confess that it was quite the rideI had a drea...

Tobymac - Irene
Hush little baby baby don't you cryDaddy's gonna sing you a lullabyEverything's gonna be alright...

Tobymac - Love Is In The House
I clear my throat before I grab the micI need uno momentoThem cynics gonna ride me like a pintoN...

Tobymac - Momentum
Somebody said you better let go'Cause they said soBut I could never let this thing goDon't they ...

Tobymac - Phenomenon
One Phenomenon, one phenomenonAnd it just can't be stopped ya'll We rock forever, we stop whenev...

Tobymac - Poetically Correct
Fresh air, (sigh),Is what I neededI ventured through my doorProceededInto the streets of t...

Tobymac - Quiet Storm
And we're's me,your around-the-way girlrollin' through the night on theQuiet Storm....

Tobymac - Somebody's Watching
Suggestions, questionsPeople want to knowIs there life after talkCause there's talk on the row...

Tobymac - Stories (down To The Bottom)
We've been down to the bottomStories we got 'em, when we hit rock bottomIf you been there put your han...

Tobymac - The Slam
God's in the spot you can like it or notSo rip the knob off the volume when you give this a shotAnd ra...

Tobymac - Toby's Mac
This is my skizzle.For Izzle.Uh-uhDo what?What-what? What?Now when I say...

Tobymac - Triple Skinny
(Anyways I told the guy, 'Nice coat!Who shot the cow?!')(laughter)(Hey how ya doin today?)...

Tobymac - Tru - Dog
Think think dad your pity pityfulThink think dad your pity pityfulThink think dad your pity pityful...

Tobymac - Trudog: The Return
Yeah, we bout to do this, [clears throat] Drop the beat SivoTrue dog, I rule the microphone....

Tobymac - What's Goin' Down
Welcome to the world of a kid named MikeyWho had only one reason to be hated be whiteyRaised on a farm...

Tobymac - Wonderin' Why
I've played in L.A. and D.C., Manhattan and SydneyAnd Kingston, Jamaica where my Mandy was madeIt's 98...

Tobymac - Yours
Every time I turn my back I get the feeling thatI'm 'bout to take a shot to the skully with a batI'm o...

Tom Jones - 16 Tons
[1vsl]Some people say a man is made out of mud well a poor man's made outtamuscle and blood..Mu...

Tom Jones - After The Tears
Do you want a shoulderI only want to hold youIn your hour of need I hate to say I told you so...

Tom Jones - Ballad Of Tom Jones
What did I do wrong?Oh you nearly drove me cuckooAm I really all that bad?You're worse than Hann...

Tom Jones - Burning Down The House
Watch out you might get what youre aftercool babies strange but not a strangeri'm an ordinary guy...

Tom Jones - Can't Stop Loving You
I watch the leaves falling to the ground I'm walking up and down The streets of my hometown You'...

Tom Jones - Daughter Of Darkness
Woman, I can remember a womanWarm were her kisses and tender was she lying there in my armsWhyWh...

Tom Jones - Detroit City
Last night I went to sleep in Detroit City,and I dreamed about those cotton fields at home.I dreamed a...

Tom Jones - Funny Familiar Forgotten Feelings
Last night, quietly, she walked through my mindAs I lay searching for sleep.Her soft hand reached out,...

Tom Jones - Funny How Times Slips Away
Well, hel-lo there-My it's been a long, long time.How'm I do-in?Oh I guess that I'm doin' fine....

Tom Jones - Ghosts Riders In The Sky
An old cowpoke went ridin' out one dark and windy day,Upon a ridge he rested as he went along his wayW...

Tom Jones - Green Green Grass Of Home
The old home town looks the same as I step down from the train,and there to meet me is my Mama and Papa....

Tom Jones - Help Yourself
Love is like candy on a shelfYou want to taste and help yourselfThe sweetest things are there for you...

Tom Jones - I Believe
I believe for every drop of rain that fallsA flower grows,I believe that somewhere in the darkest nigh...

Tom Jones - I Couldnt Say Goodbye
I watch you as you're sleepingAs I'm standing at the doorI don't want to let you goBut I can't h...

Tom Jones - If I Only Knew
Ow!!Yeah ...YeahHome grown, on the boneAll the channels show the same old war zoneAs...

Tom Jones - I'll Never Fall In Love Again
I've been in love so many timesThought I knew the scoreBut now you've treated me so wrongI can't...

Tom Jones - I'm Coming Home
I'm coming home to your loving heartTill the one that I wasTrue way and broke apartI want ...

Tom Jones - It's Not Unusual
It's not unusual to be loved by anyoneIt's not unusual to have fun with anyonebut when I see you hangi...

Tom Jones - I Wake Up Crying
I wake up cryingAfter tossin' and turnin'And a-yearnin' the whole night longPretty baby since yo...

Tom Jones - I Wanna Get Back With You
I was a fool to say the things I said,I just lost my head.Made you cry, made you go,I didn't mea...

Tom Jones - I (who Have Nothing)
I, I who have nothingI, I who have no oneAdore you, and want you soI'm just a no one,With ...

Tom Jones - Kiss
You don't have to be beautifulTo turn me onI just need your body, babyFrom dusk till dawnY...

Tom Jones - Love Me Tonight
I know that it's late and I really must leave you aloneBut you're too good to hold that I feel such a long w...

Tom Jones - Move Closer
Hey' babyYou go your wayAnd I'll go mineBut in the meantimeMove closerWh...

Tom Jones - My Elusive Dreams
You followed me to Texas, you followed me to Utah,We didn't find it there so we moved on.Then you went...

Tom Jones - Once Upon A Time
Once upon a time there was an Eden,woaOnce upon a time Adam and Eve,A ...fell in loveUm......

Tom Jones - Puppet Man
[Backup girls voices]Puppet manPuppet ma-anPuppet manPuppet ma-an[En...

Tom Jones - Satisfaction
I can't get no - satisfactionI can't get no - satisfaction'Cause I try', and I tryYes I try, I t...

Tom Jones - The Rose
My love said to me,"A hero you'll be,If you bring me the rose of love."So, today I must go where...

Tom Jones - The Young New Mexican
In a town near AlbequerqeLived a most concerned young boyHe said lately I have noticedFolks don'...

Tom Jones - Thunderball
He always runs while others walk.He acts while other men just talk.He looks at this world, and wants i...

Tom Jones - Try To Remember
Try to remember the kind of Septemberwhen life was slow and oh, so mellow.Try to remember the kind of ...

Tom Jones - Two Brothers
Two brothers on their wayTwo brothers on their wayTwo brothers on their wayOne wore blueAn...

Tom Jones - What's New Pussycat
What's new pussycat? Woah, WoahWhat's new pussycat? Woah, WoahPussycat, PussycatI've got flowers...

Tom Jones - What You Been Missing
Forget about the pastYou won't regret itThis time we'll make it lastYou can put 'cha money on it...

Tom Jones - You Can Leave Your Hat On
Baby, take off your coat, real slow.Baby, take off your shoes. I'll help you take off your shoes.Baby,...

Tommy Lee - Hold Me Down
i dont make everyone happy..but its ok.its okive been through this beforeits nothing newnothing new...

Toni Braxton - A Better Man
[Verse 1]HelloHello it's me againYou're still not homeCause if you wereIt's a...

Toni Braxton - Always
I know that you feel like leavin'We can't seem to get alongI know you are the only one for meMy ...

Toni Braxton - And I Love You
Say there ain't no remedies for the way I feelThey say you ain't no good for me cuz you ain't for real...

Toni Braxton - Best Friend
Oh, I remember on the 4th of JulyThat's when I learned it was trueThe stories of tabooHow could ...

Toni Braxton - Candlelight
Lonely in bedAt nightAnd it never feels rightI toss and turnEach nightTill the morni...

Toni Braxton - Come On Over Here
You need good lovin'And how will you know ifLove is very hard to findHow do you sayThat yo...

Toni Braxton - Do You Remember When
[Intro]Think about itRemember whenWhen we first fell in loveI just want that feelin...

Toni Braxton - Fairy Tale
And if I was wrong, I know I don't deserve thisDon't stay too long,I need to hear those words you use ...

Toni Braxton - Gimme Some
It is an age-old storyGoes back to Adam and to EveI know you knowWhat I want forAnd if it ...

Toni Braxton - How Many Ways
Must have been heaven sent to meCause I never knew love like thisYou know you make me feelSo goo...

Toni Braxton - I Belong To You
I wouldn't changeA single thing about you babyYou shower my world with your loveYou got a ...

Toni Braxton - I Don't Want To
I really don't feel like talking on the phoneAnd I really don't feel like company at homeLately I don'...

Toni Braxton - I'm Still Breathing
Did you think my life would end that dayThat you walked out when you broke my heartDid you think I cou...

Toni Braxton - Just Be A Man About It
Hey, hey hold up a minuteLet me stop up here and use this pay Phone real quickHey, hey Toni, it'...

Toni Braxton - Let It Flow
First thing early Monday morningI'm gonna pick my tears awayGot no cause to look backI'm lookin'...

Toni Braxton - Let Me Show You The Way (out)
Uhh, yeah, uhh, yeah, check itDidn't I make a good ladyDidn't I have your babyMaybe I should hav...

Toni Braxton - Lies, Lies, Lies
[Verse 1]I see you coming through the doorCreepin'It's a quarter past fourAnd...

Toni Braxton - Love Affair
I feel before we go any furtherI think that I should let you knowI've got a boyfriendAnd I would...

Toni Braxton - Maybe
Is tonight's the night that you takeControl of meTell me boy, what's it really gonna beSpending ...

Toni Braxton - Me & My Boyfriend
(Look for me, look for me)All I need in this life of sin is me and my boyfriend Ride with me to the ve...

Toni Braxton - Never Just For A Ring
Explain to me, honestly, who is sheTell me you don't love this girlDamn it boy, why'd you go and ruin ...

Toni Braxton - Rock Me, Roll Me
Have you ever been in love before With a beautiful woman?Does she have insecurities?And have you...

Toni Braxton - Selfish
Well, it's too late for givin' inI've been waitin' for too longThere's no way that I could loseG...

Toni Braxton - Spanish Guitar
A smoky room, a small cafeThey come to hear you playAnd drink and dance the night awayI sit out ...

Toni Braxton - Speaking In Tongues
I know that it's over but I still reminise'Bout the very first time that I saw youAnd the first time t...

Toni Braxton - Spending My Time With You
I used to date and never fall in loveJust lookin' for an experienceSpending my time wasting it foolish...

Toni Braxton - Talking In His Sleep
So you know everything about your loverWanna bet?My oh myHow can this be there he goes...

Toni Braxton - Tell Me
I've got itOhh, I've got itI've got it[Verse 1:]There Ain't no need...

Toni Braxton - The Heat
Where's the sand, I'm setMy body, thumping going pitty patGettin' tan and wetAnd When I feel the...

Toni Braxton - Un-break My Heart
Don't leave me in all this painDon't leave me out in the rainCome back and bring back my smileCo...

Toni Braxton - You've Been Wrong
You've been wrong for so longAnd I can't take the pain you bring meNo moreYou've been wrong for ...

Tonic - Believe Me
Love, I hope you won't be lateYou know, how much I hate to waitBelieve, my heart is in your hands...

Tonic - Come Rest Your Head
Trust, I know, is not such a dirty wordTrust is something that I have barely heardHonesty is not so fa...

Tonic - Count On Me (somebody)
I need to be around youI want to fall into your eyesI love to feel you close to meBut there's no...

Tonic - Do You Know
Underneath the weightOf a heavy skyI will grow my wingsI will learn to flyCause even...

Tonic - Drag Me Down
There's a reason why the words gothard for me to bareBecause within them was the promise ofa lif...

Tonic - Future Says Run
Holding lightlyWords that make you awareYour head's spinningNo one knows you're not thereB...

Tonic - Head On Straight
I don't want be the one who hurts youI don't want to be the one who failsI'm keeping my head on straig...

Tonic - Irish
I said to me da, I said to me da, I said to me daI'm not fit for soldierI said to me da, I said to me ...

Tonic - Jump Jimmy (stronger Than Mine)
Come on baby walk with meCome on baby talk with meUnderneath the tree lineOhCome on baby l...

Tonic - Knock Down Walls
You killed me when you came walking down the sidewalkSaying everything was fineDressed up like a wife ...

Tonic - Let Me Go
Home, home is like an open roadWhere you will always findWhatever you've been looking forAnd gra...

Tonic - Liar
I fell down on my headMade me start to wonderHow I'd grown so madKnocked me from the shit that I...

Tonic - Love A Diamond
Love a manWho loves a diamondAnd holds it softlyIn the palm of his handKeeps it warm...

Tonic - Mean To Me
There's an empty place inside that is hurting meA place that keeps my heart out on its ownA disconnect...

Tonic - On Your Feet Again
I'll pick you up beneath the starsWhen you slowly fadeBeneath the blue skies aboveWe'll all look...

Tonic - Queen
Head strong and steadfast junkiesAll barter for the cleanThey all wait in their plastic linesTo ...

Tonic - Ring Around Her Finger
She wears a ring around her fingerShiny platinum diamond stoneSomewhere my love is hurtingShe's ...

Tonic - Roses
If you want to be my best friendThen show itIf you want to live inside meDon't blow it...

Tonic - Sugar
Come on baby get your shoes onYou're looking like you need a rescueUnderneath the southern moonlight...

Tonic - Sunflower
All I want is to be your sunflowerTo watch over you from up highWhen the wind blowsI will kiss y...

Tonic - Take Me As I Am
I never knew my fatherI never knew his painOr that an empty home lifeWould break him down again...

Tonic - Top Falls Down
He lays down in silenceKilling communicationAny pride is pointlessIn these situationsSo sh...

Tonic - Waiting For The Light To Change
Brazen is love's redeemerWhen you have so far to goIt loves the true believerFor the innocence t...

Tonic - Waltz With Me
Waltz with meMy loveTell me whatYou're dreaming ofHold me nowWe can share our love...

Tonya Mitchell - A Little Too Late
ohh hey yeh yeh ummmmits too lateNo one wanted to believe it more then meI thought you wer...

Tonya Mitchell - A Place Like This
Ooh whoa ooh ooh I've got somebody waiting at homeSomeone who gives me love like I've never know...

Tonya Mitchell - Broken Promises
No more lonely nightsBaby, that's just what you told me(Thats what you said) But you're nowhere ...

Tonya Mitchell - I Cry Real Tears
You ought to be ashamed of yourself,The way you talk down to meOh, babyAnd didn't anybody ever t...

Tonya Mitchell - I Represent
(Say what.) yeah yeahAs Far as I remember baby it was you who saidit ain't working,lets be frien...

Tonya Mitchell - Stay
I've must have been blind Not to see you look away from meWhenever you say "You love me still"I ...

Tonya Mitchell - Turn Around
What am I supposed to doI can't believe it's really youCause it's been so longEver since you wen...

Tonya Mitchell - Wasted Breath
I don't wanna hear your storiesI don't wanna hear your liesDon't wanna hear those made up alibis...

Tonya Mitchell - Your The One I Want
Your the one-The one I want yeah uh your the one i want oohur the one-The one I want yeah uh your the one I ...

Tool - Calling Dr. Love
You need my love baby, oh so bad You're not the only one I've ever had And if I say I wanna set you fr...

Tool - Cold And Ugly
Underneath her skin and jewelry,hidden in her words and eyesis a wall that's cold and uglyand sh...

Tool - Demon Cleaner
[Kyuss cover]I've got the demons withinI've got to brush them all awayI feel the de...

Tool - Divorced
Well there aren't any here yet.See your name in lights: send them in![around 13:30 into...

Tool - Jerk-off
Use to be a bunch of assholes that lived in this part of the building here, but we systematically removed th...

Tool - Lamc
[dialtone, touch-tone dialing, ring, ring]Thank you for calling the Los Angeles Municipal Court...

Tool - Maynard's Dick
It's all an open centerOpens up and lets the wind lift him awayIt doesn't have to feel waterIt's...

Tool - Merkaba
[Samples:][it's / having / in] some kind of psychedelic experience.Our body ...

Tool - Muhammad My Friend
Muhammad my friend, it's time to tell the worldWe both know it was a girl back in BethlehemAnd on that...

Tool - No Quarter
Lock all the doors, kill the lights.No one's coming home tonight.The sun beats down and don't you know...

Tool - Opiate
Choices always were a problem for you.What you need is someone strong to guide you.Deaf and blind and ...

Tool - Part Of Me
I know you are a part of me.I know you better than I know myself.I know you best,...

Tool - Pushit (intro)
[Maynard's monologue:]We've been trying somethinga little different this tour.We've...

Tool - Revolution
[Maynard:]Living on the street shoresHe didn't learn and wanted childrenSaid, "What is th...

Tool - Spasm
My, Out of my mind My life, I My mind, out of my mind My life, I So confident so, se...

Tool - Stranglehold
Here I come again now, babyLike a dog in heatTell it's me by the clamor now, babyI like to tear ...

Tool - Sweat
I'm sweating,and breathingand staring and thinkingand sinkingdeeper.It's almost like...

Tool - The Gaping Lotus Experience
I had a friend once he took some acidNow he thinks he's a fire engineIt's okay until he pisses on your...

Tool - Third Eye (intro)
[Timothy Leary sample:]Think for yourselfQuestion authorityThroughout human h...

Tool - You Lied
Setting sun can't shine, now you're goneInside sleeping, my heart beatingYou know that you tried to hi...

Toploader - Achilles Heel
Goodbye to the sky, I know I can't fly, but I feel love do you know how I feel? you are my achil...

Toploader - Breathe
A friend I had once told meSuch an unusual storyOf a man who did breathe in,But never did breath...

Toploader - Dancing In The Moonlight
We get it on most every night when that moon is big and bright its a supernatural delight everyb...

Toploader - Do You Know What Your Future Will Be
when you look to the pastyou wont miss what you're missing no nothank the heavens above these days are...

Toploader - Floating Away (in The Bath Tub)
Floating away in the bath tubThis may sound strange to youIt feels so nice when you rub rubOpen ...

Toploader - Higher State
its a happy day for you and ithe sun is up and shining in the skygot a heart of gold that i can see...

Toploader - High Flying Bird
the high flying bird flies aboveyou cannot see him from the earthhe sees as he fliesand knows as...

Toploader - Just About Living
what's taboo to you is just not taboo to medo you wanna make a dealthere's nothing i cant steali...

Toploader - Just Hold On
walking on high hopesliving on tight ropesrunning with your feet off the groundit used to be mag...

Toploader - Let The People Know
Running high, Leave behind the shadows in your mind Into the beginning of your life Society bree...

Toploader - Only For A While
once upon a time a child heard a linethat moved himthe child never grew the line it came trueand...

Toploader - Summer Cycle
the sun it kiss my cheek yeah that feels finethe breeze it strokes my feet that feels finelosing the t...

Tori Amos - 1000 Oceans
These tears I've criedI've cried 1000 oceansAnd if it seemsI'm floating in the darknessWel...

Tori Amos - 97' Bonnie & Clyde
Just the two of us.. [8X]Baby your da-da loves you (hey)And I'ma always be here for you (hey) n...

Tori Amos - Amber Waves
well he lit you up like amber waves in his movie showhe fixed you up real good till i don't know...

Tori Amos - Angels
And with a winkAnd a smileYuo toss your instructions onHow to catch a trainWhile it's movi...

Tori Amos - Another Girl's Paradise
you caught me lingering in another girl's paradise the way she paints the world -- i want that i...

Tori Amos - A Sorta Fairytale
on my way up northup on the venturai pulled back the hoodand i was talking to youand i kne...

Tori Amos - Baker Baker
Baker BakerBaking a cakeMake me a dayMake me whole againAnd I wonderWhat's in a day...

Tori Amos - Barons Of Suburbia
Barons of Suburbia take another piece of my good gracesI'm in my war you're in yoursDo we fight for pe...

Tori Amos - Beauty Queen - Horses
Hey HeyShe's a Beauty QueenMy sweet bean bag in the streetTake itDown out to the laundry s...

Tori Amos - Bells For Her
And through the life force and there goes her friendOn her Nishiki it's out of timeAnd through the por...

Tori Amos - Bliss
Father, I killed my monkeyI let it out toTaste the sweet of springWonder if I will wander out...

Tori Amos - Blood Roses
Blood rosesBlood rosesBack on the street nowBlood rosesBlood rosesBack on the street...

Tori Amos - Carbon
carbon made found her at the end of a chain "time to race" she said "race the downhill" behind c...

Tori Amos - Cars And Guitars
If I choke boyYou start me up againRestring my wires y'knowThis gearbox can make the shift polis...

Tori Amos - Caught A Lite Sneeze
Caught a lite sneeze caught a lite breezeCaught a lightweight lightingseedBoys on my left sideBo...

Tori Amos - China
All the way to New YorkI can feel the distance getting closeYou're right next to meBut I need an...

Tori Amos - Cloud On My Tongue
Someone's knockin on my kitchen doorLeave the wood outsideWhat all the girls here are freezing cold...

Tori Amos - Concertina
Clouds descendingI'm not policing what you tink and dreamI run intoyour thought from across the room...

Tori Amos - Cornflake Girl
Never was a cornflake girlThought that was a good solutionHanging with the raisin girlsShe's gon...

Tori Amos - Crazy
not sayin' not charmed at all not sayin' that you weren't worth the fall and i was a...

Tori Amos - Crucify
Every finger in the roomis pointing at meI wanna spit in their facesThen I get afraid of what th...

Tori Amos - Cruel
So don't give me respectDon't give me a piece of your presiousnessflaunt all sh'es got in our old neig...

Tori Amos - Datura
Get out of my gardenPasssion vineTexas sageIndigo spires salviaConferderate jasmine...

Tori Amos - Don't Make Me Come To Vegas
don't make me come to vegas don't make me pull you out of his bed i am vigilant that it will not be ...

Tori Amos - Doughnut Song
Had me a trick and a kick and your messageWell you'll never gain weight from a doughnut holeThen thoug...

Tori Amos - Enjoy The Silence
Words like violenceBreak the silenceCome crashing inInto my little worldPainful to me...

Tori Amos - Father Lucifer
Father LuciferYou never looked so saneYou always did prefer the drizzle to the rainTell me that ...

Tori Amos - General Joy
General joy I know I knowYou'll take me there -Where your boys were left behindGeneral joy...

Tori Amos - Girl
From in the shadowShe callsAnd in the shadowShe finds a wayAnd in the shadowShe craw...

Tori Amos - Glory Of The 80's
I took a taxi from LA to VenusIn 1985 I was electromagnetically suckedBack in to a party going on that...

Tori Amos - God
God sometimes you just don't come throughGod sometimes you just don't come throughDo you need a woman ...

Tori Amos - Gold Dust
sights and sounds pull me back down another year i was here i was here w...

Tori Amos - Goodbye Pisces
I don'tI don't know whyIn your boys life you become like a bullLike a bull in a china shop...

Tori Amos - Happiness Is A Warm Gun
She's not a girl who misses much.Do do do do do do, oh yeahShe's well acquainted with the touch ...

Tori Amos - Happy Phantom
And if I die today I'll be the happy phantomAnd I'll go chassin' the nuns out in the yard And I'll run...

Tori Amos - Heart Of Gold
I want to live,I want to giveI've been a miner for a heart of gold.It's these expressions I neve...

Tori Amos - Hey Jupiter
No one's picking up the phoneGuess it's me and meAnd this little masochistShe's ready to confess...

Tori Amos - Hoochie Woman
Hoochie WomanHoochie WomanHoochie WomanHoochie WomanI wasn't thinkingMy head w...

Tori Amos - Hotel
Met 'em in a HotelMet 'em in a HotelBeneath groundTell me that he's missingTell me this is...

Tori Amos - I Can't See New York
from hereno lines aredrawnfrom hereno landsare owned13,000 and holdingsw...

Tori Amos - Icicle
Icicle icicleWhere are you goingI have a hiding placeWhen spring marches inWill you keep w...

Tori Amos - Iieee
With your E'sAnd your easeAnd I do one moreNeed a lip gloss boostIn your americaIs i...

Tori Amos - I'm Not In Love
I'm not in love, so don't forget it.It's just a silly phase I'm going through.And just because I call ...

Tori Amos - In The Spring Time Of His Voodoo
Standin on a corner in Winslow ArizonaAnd I'm quite sure I'm in the wrong song2 girls 65 got a piece t...

Tori Amos - Ireland
Drivin' in my SaabOn my way to IrelandIt's been a long timeIt's been a long timeDrivin' wi...

Tori Amos - Jackie's Strength
A bouvier till her wedding dayShots rang outThe police cameMama layed me on the front lawn...

Tori Amos - Jamaica Inn
Can you patch my jeans Peggy Ann -Just a little stitch to mend the holeHe has tornIf you can...

Tori Amos - Josephine
Not tonight JosephineIn an army's strengthTherein lies the denouemnetFrom here you've haun...

Tori Amos - Juarez
Dropped off the edge again down in Juarez"Don't even bat an eyeIf the eagle cries" the rasta man says...

Tori Amos - Leather
Look I'm standing naked before youDon't you want more then my sexI can scream as loud as your last one...

Tori Amos - Liquid Diamonds
Surrender then start you enginesYou'll konw quite soon what me mistakeWasFor those on horseback ...

Tori Amos - Little Amsterdam
Little AmsterdamIn a southern townHominy get it on the plate girlMomma keep your head down...

Tori Amos - Little Earthquakes
Yello birk flyingGet shot in the winggood year for hunterAnd Christmas partiesAnd I hate a...

Tori Amos - Lust
Hey you gender nectarSifting through the grain of goldTripping at your door is that you.Alpha in...

Tori Amos - Marianne
TunaRubberA little blubber in my iglooAnd I knew you pigtails and allGrils when they fall...

Tori Amos - Martha's Foolish Ginger
Take a walk down memory lane with mePast a watermelon stand on the wayThinking I had everything we'd n...

Tori Amos - Mary
Everybody wants something from you,Everybody want a piece of maryLush valley all dressed in green...

Tori Amos - Marys Of The Sea
Hey I am not in your wayHey no need to push me againI know it's your day in the sunLast time I c...

Tori Amos - Me And A Gun
5amFriday morningThursday nightFar from sleepI'm still up and drivingCan't go home...

Tori Amos - Mother Revolution
Lucky meI guessed the kind of manThat you would turn out to beNow I wish that I'd been wrong and...

Tori Amos - Mrs. Jesus
life lines and suicide crimes -- he found me in a state grabbed my purse and hitched a ride with...

Tori Amos - Mr. Zebra
Hello Mr. ZebraCan I have you sweaterCause it's cold cold coldIn my hole hole holeRatatoui...

Tori Amos - Muhammad My Friend
Muhammad my friendIt's time to tell the worldWe both know it was a girl back in BethlehemAnd on ...

Tori Amos - New Age
Waiting for the phone to ringDiamond necklace on my shoulderWaiting for the phone to ringLipstic...

Tori Amos - Northern Lad
Had a northern ladWell not exactly hadHe moved like the sunsetGod who painted thatFirst he...

Tori Amos - Not The Red Baron
Not the Red BaronNot Charlie BrownThink I got the message figuredAnother pilot downAnd are...

Tori Amos - Original Sinsuality
There was a gardenIn the beginningBefore the fallBefore GenesisThere was a tree ther...

Tori Amos - Pancake
i'm not sure who's fooling who here as i'm watching your decay we both know you could deflate a ...

Tori Amos - Pandora's Aquarium
PandoraPandora's aquariumShe dives for shellsWith her nautical nunsAnd thoughts you though...

Tori Amos - Parasol
When I come to terms to terms with thisWhen I come to terms with thisWhen I come to terms to terms wit...

Tori Amos - Past The Mission
I don't believe I went too farI said I was willingShe said she knew what my books did notI thoug...

Tori Amos - Playboy Mommy
In my platformsI hit the floorFell face downDidn't help my brain outThen the baby came...

Tori Amos - Pretty Good Year
Tears on the sleeve of a manDon't wanna be a boy todayHeard the eternal footmanBought himself a ...

Tori Amos - Professional Widow
Slag pitStag shitHoney bring it close to my lipsYesDon't blow those brains yetWe got...

Tori Amos - Purple People
Well hey do you do Judowhen they surround youA little mental yogawill they disappear...

Tori Amos - Putting The Damage On
GlueStuck to my shoesDoes anyone konw why you play with an orange rindYou say you packed my thin...

Tori Amos - Raining Blood
Trapped in purgatoryA lifeless object, aliveAwaiting reprisalDeath will be their acquisition...

Tori Amos - Raspberry Swirl
I am not you senoritaI am not from your tribeIn the garden I did no crimeI am not your senorita...

Tori Amos - Rattlesnakes
Jodie wears a hat although it hasn't rained for six daysshe says a girl needs a gun these dayshey on a...

Tori Amos - Real Men
Take your mind back - I don't know whenSometime when it always seemedTo be just us and themGirls...

Tori Amos - Ribbons Undone
She's a girlRising from a shellRunning to springIt is her time it is her timeWatch her run...

Tori Amos - Riot Proof
Break the terrorBreak the terrorBreak the terror Of the urban spellYou know what you knowS...

Tori Amos - Scarlet's Walk
if you're a thought you will want me to think you and i did invite a guest up until ...

Tori Amos - She's Your Cocaine
She's your CocaineShe's got you shaving your legsYou can suck anythingBut you know you wanna be ...

Tori Amos - Sleeps With Butterflies
AirplanesTake you away againAre you flyingAbove where we liveThen I look up a glare in my ...

Tori Amos - Snow Cherries From France
I knew a boy who wouldNot share his bikeOh but he let me go sailingI swore that ICould sur...

Tori Amos - Space Dog
Way to go Mr. MIcrophoneShow us all what you don't knowCenturies secret societiesHe's our comman...

Tori Amos - Spring Haze
Well I know it's just a spring hazeBut I don't much like the look of itAnd if omens are a god send lik...

Tori Amos - Strange
strange thought i knew you well thought i had read the sky thought i had read a change in ...

Tori Amos - Strange Little Girl
one day you see a strange little girl look at youone day you see a strange little girl feeling blueshe...

Tori Amos - Suede
SuedeYou always felt like suedeThere are days I feel your twinPeekabooHiding underneath yo...

Tori Amos - Sweet Dreams
"Lie, lie, lies everywhere," said the father to the sonYour peppermint breath gonna choke 'em to death,...

Tori Amos - Sweet Sangria
i know you know every desperado and sharp shooter in the west you say that i can't see beh...

Tori Amos - Sweet The Sting
With a strut into the roomWith his hat cocked sure defiantlyHe said "I, I have heardThat you can...

Tori Amos - Talula (the Tornado Mix)
Congratulate youSaid you had a double tongueBalancing cake and breadSay goodbye to a glitter gir...

Tori Amos - Taxi Ride
lily is dancing on the table we've all been pushed too far i guess on days lik...

Tori Amos - Tear In Your Hand
All the world just stopped nowSo you say you don't wanna stay together anymoreLet me take a deep breat...

Tori Amos - The Beekeeper
Flaxen hair blowing in the breezeIt is time for the geese to head southI have come with my mustard see...

Tori Amos - The Waitress
So I want to kill this waitressShe's worked here a year longer than 1If I did it fast you know that's ...

Tori Amos - The Wrong Band
I think it's perfectly clearWe're in the wrong bandGinger is always sincereJust not to one man...

Tori Amos - Time
Well, the smart money's on HarlowAnd the moon is in the streetThe shadow boys are breaking all the law...

Tori Amos - Toast
I thought it was Easter timeThe way the light roseRose that morningLately you've been on my mind...

Tori Amos - Twinkle
Sure that star can twinkleAnd you're watching it doBoy so had boy so hardBut I know a girl...

Tori Amos - Virginia
in the lush virginia hills they kept her as long as they could cause they knew when the white brother ...

Tori Amos - Wampum Prayer
in our hand an old old old thread trail of blood and amens greed is the gift for the sons of the songs...

Tori Amos - Way Down
Maybe I'm the afterglowCause I'm with the bandyou knowDon't you hear the laughterOn the wa...

Tori Amos - Wednesday
nothing here to fear i'm just sitting around being foolish when there is work to be done just a ...

Tori Amos - Winter
Snow can waitI forgot my mittensWipe my noseGet my new boots onI get a little warm in my h...

Tori Amos - Witness
Thought I had a witness to this crimeThought I had a witnessThought we were on the same side of becomi...

Tori Amos - Your Cloud
where the river cross crosses the lake where the words jump off my pen and into your pages...

Toto - 2 Hearts
You said you would wait for me, but something went wrongThe house was empty, your pictures goneI knew ...

Toto - 99
99I've been waiting so longOh 99Where did we go wrongOh 99I love you99...

Toto - Afraid Of Love
You stole my heart the moment you came to townI said hello but you were gone when I turned aroundYou c...

Toto - After You've Gone
You're just a mile awayOne thousand five tiny steps from hereBut if I brought you nearWould you ...

Toto - All Us Boys
All us boys like to drink and smokePull off a jokeBlow your minds and leaveHot tires behind...

Toto - A Million Miles Away
I don't want to know the reason why you don't love meI don't want to know the reason why you don't care...

Toto - Angela
Can't eat, can't sleepCan't seem to find time anymoreSomewhere she weepsHer hair gently brushes ...

Toto - Angel Don't Cry
Uncanny womanYou weaved your spell on meI was taken by the look in your eyes For all the wrong r...

Toto - Animal
I never felt like this with someone,I never knew I could feel this way at allPredestination by appoint...

Toto - Anna
Anna please turn aroundWe'll work it out somehowAnna don't turn me downThere's still a chance if...

Toto - A Secret Love
He never felt that she caredTurning to leaveFeeling her lonely stareIf only a secret love...

Toto - A Thousand Years
Day after dayI feel myself slowing downWhat does it mean?The air has changedIt's getting h...

Toto - Baby He's Your Man
Well it's 2 a.m.You're just getting inSoon you'll be creepin' into bedLater you'll pretend you w...

Toto - Better World
[Part I][Part II:]Hello my friendsI'm calling to youThe things we beli...

Toto - Blackeye
Hey come old Blackeye He's looking for me again He's got a hard head He's always stinkin' of g...

Toto - Can't Stand It Any Longer
Standin' on thin iceWalkin' on a fine lineNever seem to buy, enough for youIf you're lookin' for...

Toto - Can You Hear What I'm Saying
The world is precious, a gift to you and meI suggest we treat her right, with love and dignityEv...

Toto - Carmen
Last night she ran awayLeft a letter by the telephoneShe didn't take the time to say goodbyeHe k...

Toto - Caught In The Balance
What happened to me It seems so long agoThe cuts run deepBut the scars still showI live in...

Toto - Change Of Heart
I got your letter stating I'm the only oneAre you forgetting all the damage that I've doneAre you wait...

Toto - Could This Be Love
There was a young girlRidin' on the windShe had all of the answersDidn't need to pretendI ...

Toto - Cruel
What you've gotYou had to stealThat's the reasonFor how you feelConsidering whatYou'...

Toto - Don't Chain My Heart
Tired and frozenI'm under your spellI thought I knew youBut now I know you wellI wake up b...

Toto - Drag Him To The Roof
They keep looking through the windowA cathode glaze across their eyesNow that I've been betrayed...

Toto - Endless
You better wrap yourself around meIt's a miracle that you've found meI can't fool myself any longer...

Toto - English Eyes
What you're sayin' it never really crossed my mindI hear playin' and everybody's keepin' timeI'm recal...

Toto - Fahrenheit
Feel the heat - in the streetFind out what your people are sayin'Feel the heat - in the street...

Toto - Georgy Porgy
Well I'm walking in my sleepWell I'm talking baby can't you seeWell all we need is a simple song...

Toto - Gift Of Faith
All this pain surrounding meHopelessness is all that I see nowDoes it have to be this wayBrought...

Toto - Gift With A Golden Gun
It's a twelve o'clock depressionMy mind is in recessionAnd I can't answer youIt's the day I can'...

Toto - Girl Goodbye
Well I'm out on the roadAnd the devil's got my soulAnd I'm looking for the LordIn New York City...

Toto - Goin' Home
Midnight on a southern highwayDon't know if I'm going the right wayI haven't seen a single sign for mi...

Toto - Goodbye Elenore
I wanna give her something she'll rememberAnd she say, "No, no, no, no, no"I wanna squeeze her tight a...

Toto - Goog For You
If you're dreaming, son don't you rise,I never get lost, so deep into eyesI won't give up until you gi...

Toto - Gypsy Train
Downtown JimmySay you're feelin' kinda blueIt's no problemThis is whatcha gotta doTelephon...

Toto - High Price Of Hate
You got the eyes of a vultureAs you gaze from your meaningless throneAnd the pain that you've been sel...

Toto - Hold The Line
It's not in the way that you hold meIt's not in the way you say you careIt's not in the way you've bee...

Toto - Holyanna
Your hair's a messYou better put on a dressAnd get your feet back on the groundYou fix your eyes...

Toto - Home Of The Brave
Everything's gonna be alright boysHelp is on the wayHold your head up high nowThere's no need to...

Toto - How Does It Feel
Morning's hereI feel so far awayIt seems like I felt this beforeAll aloneSun burns my skin...

Toto - How Many Times
How many yearsKeep on slipping awayAnd it seems that your life doesn't matterYou never had a cha...

Toto - Hydra
There was a manWho walked aloneSearching for the girl who had just caught his"I was a fool!" he ...

Toto - If It's The Last Night
I don't know if you'll understandBut I'm hopin' that you'll follow me down to the waterwayI'll be ther...

Toto - If You Belong To Me
I left you crying on that angry morningYou know I liedI'll always run from anything that loves me ...

Toto - I'll Supply The Love
[Chorus:]You supply the night, baby,I'll supply the loveYou supply the night, baby,...

Toto - In A Word
Stop, taking for grantedI am the one who's wrong You might be surprised Time standin' still...

Toto - Isolation
I'm stranded here in a dream and there's no ticket backI feel a cold wind blowin', my future looks black...

Toto - I Think I Could Stand You Forever
Would you say no if I asked you for your handCould you believe in the same words that I don't understand...

Toto - It's A Feeling
It's a feeling, I don't belong hereBut a man's on the outside looking inWondering who's in his old arm...

Toto - I Will Remember
I was born in the land of the sun And the tall green grassAnd I don't understand How all this ha...

Toto - Just Can't Get To You
I'm driving' through the rainJust to talk to you againPlease don't run away this timeUntil I say...

Toto - Kick Down The Walls
Took the long way to the shortcutAnd the walls were made of stoneTook the low road to the highground...

Toto - Kingdom Of Desire
You used to be on fire now you chill me to the boneWe used to fly like angels now we're sinking like a stone...

Toto - Last Love
What would you sayIf I asked you to stay with me foreverBut forever's in too soonThe touch of yo...

Toto - Last Night
Well, there's a light in your eyesThat's guiding my way to your doorstepAnd your voice called my name...

Toto - Lea
Here's to the few. Who fared - my loveOnly for you-I cared-my loveI've given it hope, and I know it's ...

Toto - Lion
I got my feet back on the groundWe were headed for disasterWoke up, I got ready for workYou were...

Toto - Little Wing
Well she's walking through the clouds With a circus mind that's running round Butterflies and zebras ...

Toto - Live For Today
Baby, I'm a liar when I tell you that I just don't careBabe, I've got to have you but you're never ever, eve...

Toto - Lorraine
I've heard a lot of storiesSo tell me if they're trueOh I would die for youKnowing that you're m...

Toto - Love Has The Power
There is too much hatred, there is too much starvation, too much inhumanitySome people get the kicks o...

Toto - Lovers In The Night
It's just the soul that matters, and I don't know whyYou know she's gonna make you cry, you know she's gonna...

Toto - Mad About You
There's something I must say Something I must do I planned it all this way Designed it just for ...

Toto - Make Believe
[Chorus:]Why don't we make believe we're in love againWho says the crimson moon doesn't shine...

Toto - Mama
Mama, I don't love you anymoreMoney's got me crawlin' on the floorLover, I'm so ashamed that I must go...

Toto - Manuela Run
Don't look nowYou better watch that sword that's hanging over youIt's a long hard road and they will s...

Toto - Melanie
Watching Driving through the night I'm all alone EmptyEndless roadA thousand miles t...

Toto - Mindfields
There's a rumour of a midnight manSo silent in disguiseAnd every time he looks your wayYou can s...

Toto - Miss Sun
Listen to my story'Cause it may never be the sameAnd a young man in his gloryHe may never see he...

Toto - Modern Eyes
She know you badYou don't sing songs of loveShe treats you right, she treats you like a web of love...

Toto - Mr. Friendly
Get out I won't even listenI can't hear a single word you say Enough of your intimidationDon't t...

Toto - Mrs. Johnson
Know these words are wrong to sayNeed you more and more each day[Chorus:]Hey Mrs. J...

Toto - Mushanga
I can't forget you my little MushangaI keep a place in my heart for youThe days of waiting they keep g...

Toto - Mysterious Ways
I must have aged twenty years in the last seven daysLiving on emotion, disbelieve and rageI found out ...

Toto - Never Enough
Seems the world needs a change in its attitudeIt doesn't seem like there's much that a man can doThey ...

Toto - No Love
At the end of my lifeWhen it's time to departWill the last face I see be yoursWhen I take my las...

Toto - One Road
TimeIs the enemy of a young man's dreamsAnd I'm strandedIn the heartland, or so it seems...

Toto - Only The Children
We keep hurting each otherWhen words can't be easily saidNo understanding or reasonJust fear and...

Toto - Only You
Waiting for you againSeems like this never endsI close my eyes and I see your faceAnd I see it a...

Toto - On The Run
Everybody's moving way too fastBefore you blink you better find out who's in your pathThe pressure's b...

Toto - Out Of Love
Paint me a picture of two lovers, show me the lovers torn apartYou made me fall in love with you...

Toto - Pamela
Side by sideI'll be yours foreverYes I willRain or shineAny kind of weatherAny kind...

Toto - Right Part Of Me
Hello girlYou're good to seeLove your face shining down on meHow does it feel with the warm wind...

Toto - Rockmaker
Don't know quite what to sayHaven't seen you in seven agesCan you tell that it's meOr is my pict...

Toto - Selfish
Ashes to ashesThat's how it endsYou go from heartache to heartacheAs you make amendsJust b...

Toto - She Knows The Devil
She got fingernails like knivesShe got twenty-four karat eyesShe wants everything she seesShe'll...

Toto - Slipped Away
You're a soul with no religionThere's ice in your embraceIn your dance of indecisionI see the an...

Toto - Somewhere Tonight
When you meet a special personAnd it feels good passing timeYou tell yourself it's casualBut the...

Toto - Spanish Steps Of Rome
The first time I saw herShe was wearing scarves of whiteThat little spark between usTook only se...

Toto - Stay Away
You gave me too many chancesNow it's drivin' us apartI keep on runnin' with the boys, girlBut th...

Toto - St. George And The Dragon
Can you tell me where I might find the HydraIs he wearing a familiar faceDoes he still live below Seve...

Toto - Straight For The Heart
Boy meets girl on the playground of lifeFalls in love for the very first timeLate at night he sees her...

Toto - Stranger In Town
I remember it was late one nightin the middle of a dreamwoke up in a pool of sweatthought I hear...

Toto - Takin' It Back
I think I'll go it aloneYou should've shown me if you caredLies will turn a heart into stoneFew ...

Toto - Tale Of A Man
It's been forty days and nightsSince I've heard from youGirl I cannot bring myself to ask you why...

Toto - The Other End Of Time
Sometimes it hurts clear to the coreWhen we lose all we've cared forThe hunger and thirst For lo...

Toto - The Other Side
The waiting game is overNo need for pretendingWe were meant to beIt's only getting stronger...

Toto - The Road Goes On
Not by way of an apologyFor the things that I have doneDo I set my boat upon the seaSo lik...

Toto - These Chains
Everybody keeps talkin' about youI can't lie anymoreBeen too longWhat went wrong? It's a m...

Toto - The Turning Point
I went down to the highwayThat runs between love and prideAnd I tried to get sidewaysAcross the ...

Toto - Till The End
I know what's on your mindLet's lay it on the lineAll the things were missin'Look I just came ba...

Toto - Time Is The Enemy
Those days we gave our allUnaffectedI bravely faced the fallNo reflectionFreak armie...

Toto - Turn Back
Only the wind sang the words he could hearBorn of the sand washed ashore on a tearTime wrote the lines...

Toto - Waiting For Your Love
Hands, don't let her go, 'cause then the midnight icy winds will blowEyes, give every drop, this ain't the w...

Toto - We Can Make It Tonight
I'm counting on youGotta knowThe time has come to follow throughDrive straight through the night...

Toto - We Made It
Bad timing for love: you caught me on your birthdayI could feel your heart break into a hundred pieces...

Toto - White Sister
How can you say you love meWhen you don't even love yourselfYou live your life like a jagged knife...

Toto - Wings Of Time
My faithful companionI've lost my way once againA prisoner of darknessI let you down my friend...

Toto - Without Your Love
It's late at night, nothin's feelin' rightSince you've gone awayI think I know why you left this time,...

Toto - You Are The Flower
You never lose a minuteIf in it there is loveAnd "old man time" always pulls you throughIt's bet...

Toto - You Got Me
Momma said be careful what you doDon't you let just anybody talk to youI can't hide the way you make m...

Toya - Bounce
I've been noticingYou peepin' meStressin' meSweatin' meWhy won't you let it beMove o...

Toya - Don't Make Me
Take a seat We need to have a talk you and meWho this girl name Shante' 389-9438Does that ring a...

Toya - How Can I Be Down
Escalade, Navigate, ya Rangin' itI'm lovin' itYour attitude, the way you moveThe things you do, ...

Toya - I Do
He was a 6 foot stallion said a storybook thugHe was the kind that made you wonder how he put down the love...

Toya - I Messed Up
Convicted you mistreated you from what I thought was trueNeglected you, disrespected you I hated youI ...

Toya - Moving On
Just getting used to waking up everyday Not seeing your face I just began to stop setting your place...

Toya - No Matta What (party All Night)
Tonight we're gonna hang outMe and my girls gonna hit a partyGonna wile outManicure, pedicure, s...

Toya - The Truth
Really shoulda told me you wasDealing with her But instead you tried to play meLike I had all your lov...

Toya - Think
Hey boy, it's time to clean with me (time to come clean with clean)See I know, you think I'm kind of naive (...

Toya - What Else Can I Do
Why do you leaveEverytime we have a fightWhere do you goBaby you know it just ain't rightT...

Toya - What's A Girl To Do
You've got the EscaladeBenz and the house boy ya paidHe doesn't have the nicest carLives with hi...

Tq - Adore
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh babyOw, ooh, ooh, yeah[Chorus]Until the end of time, I'll b...

Tq - All Of My Life
YeahAll my lifeUh-huhOoh, yeah, yeahWhy All of my life, I've been searching...

Tq - Angela Jones
Aww, yeahAww, yeahWho's that girlSome say the blacker the berryThe sweeter the juice...

Tq - Ass Or Weed (interlude)
[Man:] Damn. Be Careful [TQ:] I'm gon' be up in this motherfucker forever dawg. [Man:...

Tq - Better Days
Mmmmmmm, yeahI, I, I, I, IOoooohhh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahYou trippingIn the morning when ...

Tq - Bye Bye Baby
[TQ:] Hey come here girl, let me squeeze on this right here[Lady:] Whats up, TQ?[TQ:]...

Tq - Call Me
Hot damnSummer in the citySpend a lot of timeWith girls that look prettyStep off in the cl...

Tq - Change (intro)
To all my peoplesGot a little story to tellStraight from the ghettoSome of you gon feel it...

Tq - Come Again (interlude)
I hope your blessin'Cos lord I'm missingAnd I wish I coulda did something with itIt's time for u...

Tq - Daily
[Chorus]Daily, seems like i just cant get ahead As soon as i get out the bed Its always s...

Tq - Darlin' Mary
Darlin Mary... So youre all in my mind Let me tell you what your seeing What seems so har...

Tq - Don Breezio (interlude)
[Don:] Whassup playboy[TQ:] whassup Don Breezio[Don:] just chillin ma...

Tq - Fly
YeahThis is the new millenniumThat's right (that's right)And the game ain't changed a bitI...

Tq - Ghetto
G-H-E-T-T-OThis is how you start oneWhere you started fromOn a mission to checkNo doubt, g...

Tq - Gone But Not Forgotten
I'm bout to take this backWay backKeep on rolling onYou on a roll, on a rollKeep on rollin...

Tq - Gotta Make That Money
Yeah uh mm give it to meMmmmm yeahYeah yeahMm no no no no Seems like every night, right be...

Tq - Grind
We on a grind y'all, uh-huh, uh-huh, yeahWhat, we on a grind y'all, uh-huh, uh-huh, yeahI often ...

Tq - Hard Life
Introducing the hard lifeAs if you all aint know about it (in the hard life)Just another one of them g...

Tq - Hold It Down
KB, Vandalz (yeah yeah yeah)'Bout mineY'all know how we do itYeah ('bout mine)This is for ...

Tq - How Can I Be Down
[Ja Rule:] Yo, yo, Ja Rule, TQ, BABYYou ain't gotta sneak and creepAround no moreYou was ...

Tq - If The World Was Mine
7, 11, 6 & 4 They all score Yeah. Mutha-fuckin' Jazze PhaGot me in line at 1:12 All ...

Tq - I Get Around
Last week in AtlantaI met her at the Freak NikIn a black truckwith a short haircut& a gang...

Tq - Intro
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahAlright, alrightWon't you take a listen?Take a listen babyListen, oh...

Tq - Listen
Lend me your ear (listen)Won't you listen?Listen (listen)ListenListenGranddadd...

Tq - Lite Skinned Freckle Face
MmmYeah, this is for mamaThis one right here goes out to my favorite girl (my mama)Me? I call he...

Tq - Mama (interlude)
[TQ pick up line 1] [TQ:] Hello [MAMA:] Hello [TQ:] He ...

Tq - One
Ohh, yeah, yeah yeah yeah, yeahGonna sing you a little songYeah yeah, babyI've never been ...

Tq - One Day
The Game What you make of it Is what you can take from it Understand? Whatever your hustle is ...

Tq - One More Lick
[Rap by Tray Deee]Big Tray Deee up in here Layin' fools down wit the homie TQ I gots to d...

Tq - Paradise
[Chorus]I kinda wanna drive Lexuses Sit back and live life high with the best of shit wit...

Tq - Relax
Oh yeahRelaxRelaxOh, oh, yeahTired of the hustleTired of the noiseI'm ti...

Tq - Remembermelinda
Yeah, yeah, yeahThis is a story, a modern day ghetto tragedyAbout the other side of the gangThis...

Tq - Right On
In my city it's a summer nightI'm rollin in my caddyI'm listening to marvin gayeI got my seat la...

Tq - Sista
My beautiful black piece of chocolateMy beautiful black piece of chocolateMy beautiful black piece of ...

Tq - Superbitches
Uh, what what what whatLivin ProofYo Yo Yo YoTQWhat what what what whatSuperbitches...

Tq - The Comeback
[Intro]"Yo?""What's up?""Ay what's up nigga?""Guess what nigga?""What?"...

Tq - They Never Saw Me Coming
Yeah KB noon time Steady Mobb'n L.A. to the Bay Atlanta GA Yeah That's the way we do it ba...

Tq - T Quritesbest Friend
My best friendI remember the day I met yaYou almost drove me crazySomething 'bout ya had me goin...

Tq - Until
Yeah, ? father ? fatherAny old dayI'm just walking through my neighbourhoodCan't get away ...

Tq - Used To
[Talking] For my real homiesThat remember what they used toUsed to be the one I looked up...

Tq - Weed Or Ass (interlude)
[Man:] Aah my nigga mon, Ah shit, dawg, my nigger done just got out.[TQ:] Yeah, Im about this ...

Tq - Westside
This is going out to the whole wide Westsideyou know what i'm saying,yeah break it down for mest...

Tq - Westside Part Iii (buddah Remix)
[TQ:] I was just a young boy, ha haThe remix, this is the way we do it[TQ:] Now I'...

Tq - What You Got
I'm a dog about itAnd if you don't know then ask your friendsCos I'm quite sure they heard about me...

Tq - When I Get Out
[Ericka:] Whats up boo, how you doin?[TQ:] How Im doing, know how Im doin, doin fucked up, up ...

Tq - Your Sister
Know what? Im about to tell you some shit thats gon fuck you upThats real, you aint gonna like itBut, ...

Tracy Lawrence - A Far Cry From You
I'm on a white line runnin' down the interstate.Tryin' to wipe away the rain that's runnin' down my face....

Tracy Lawrence - Alibis
She knows every move that a man could make now she knows every trick in the bookShe knows how to give she kn...

Tracy Lawrence - Any Minute Now
I always pride myself on being strong you've never seen me cry and carry onBut after seeing you with your ne...

Tracy Lawrence - April's Fool
Theres no way i could ever leave herI'm addicted to her love can't break the tieA victim of my own nee...

Tracy Lawrence - As Any Fool Can See
Lately she's been picking fights dropping hints and just last nightI caught a tear as she slipped off to sle...

Tracy Lawrence - As Lonesome As It Gets
I've been sittin' here alone in the darknessWith the sound of goodbye ringing in my headI don't know h...

Tracy Lawrence - Back To Back
It's a crying shame what fools we have beenTo fight for no good reason when neither one of us gives in...

Tracy Lawrence - Better Man, Better Off
The hardest thing I'll ever do is to walk away still loving youBut I'd give anything if you loved me somethi...

Tracy Lawrence - Between Us
Sometimes our loves an open doorAnd we know its safe insideBut we have slammed it shut beforeAnd...

Tracy Lawrence - Bobby Darwin's Daughter
Bobby Darwin's daughter looks up from the bible she's been reading to the clock on her dirty wall of a double wide...

Tracy Lawrence - Can't Break It To My Heart
I've never felt as helpless as I do todayMy world just fell around me as I watched you drive awayThere...

Tracy Lawrence - Cards
Here's one from last August that came out of the blueSays summer's been a scorcher baby and I'm still hot on...

Tracy Lawrence - Coast Is Clear
Say the weather in Atlanta is foggy and gray your work gets harder everydayAnd your new boyfriend is holding...

Tracy Lawrence - Crawlin' Again
I ain't got her I ain't got a clue of what I did and didn't doAll I know is I'm wearing her number out...

Tracy Lawrence - Crying Ain't Dying
First he said he loved you he promised he'd be trueThen he was unfaithful word got back to youTonight ...

Tracy Lawrence - Dancin' To Sweet 17
He grew up in the sunsetThe wind at his backHe longed to rememberSomethings in our pastWe'...

Tracy Lawrence - Different Man
Who knows what I'm doing here tonight on this barstoolAs if I didn't know where I should beThrough the...

Tracy Lawrence - Don't Talk To See Me That Way
Lately I've been seeing a certain glow upon your faceBut I know I'm not the reason you wear that different s...

Tracy Lawrence - Excitable Boy
I was one or two just lying in my cribShaking that rattle like I always didSusie strolled in that litt...

Tracy Lawrence - From Here To Kingdom Come
You can move to another town take everything I ever gave youCall when you're feeling down tell me everything...

Tracy Lawrence - From The Inside Out
She was always there takin' care of meAnd I never took the time to look close enough to seeThat taking...

Tracy Lawrence - From What We Give
Johnny Baker works down at the millMakes enough to make ends meet and pay his billsEven though he come...

Tracy Lawrence - Froze Over
She just closed the doorAnd tonite the heartaches beginI've lost the key to heavenAnd my angel j...

Tracy Lawrence - Getting Back Up
My heart is spent my pride bent her love is gone and who knows where it wentAnd everyday is one more day lit...

Tracy Lawrence - God Made Woman On A Good Day
The sun smiled down all the clouds rolled awayGod made woman on a good day[ guitar ]Legs ...

Tracy Lawrence - God's Green Earth
I shook off the blame and said some things when I should've bit my tongueMy foolish pride made the knot we t...

Tracy Lawrence - Guilt Trip
Don't need no Atlas where I'm goin' ain't up to meI'm just a passenger ridin' with an old memoryI can ...

Tracy Lawrence - Hillbilly With A Heartache
Now he's a hard workin' easy goin' country boy he wouldn't harm a flyNadine down at the hair salon promised ...

Tracy Lawrence - Holes That He Dug
He said son won't you lend an ear to what I have to sayI've been down this road before and I think I know th...

Tracy Lawrence - How A Cowgirl Says Goodbye
A cup of coffee with the first sunlight at a last chance TexacoI'm thumbin' through a worn out roadmap tryin...

Tracy Lawrence - I'd Give Anything To Be Your Everything Again
There's a little house I drive by everyday going in townAnd it just kills me to see how he's let it run down...

Tracy Lawrence - If The Good Die Young
It was Sunday morning I was seven years old in the backyard playing in a big mud holeI was all decked out re...

Tracy Lawrence - If The World Had A Front Porch
It was where my mama sat on that old swing with her crochetIt was where grandaddy taught me how to cuss and ...

Tracy Lawrence - If You Loved Me
I see the way he doesn't treat you right I see the tears that you try hideI feel the heartache that you don'...

Tracy Lawrence - I Got A Feelin'
I'm out here stranded on this Oklahoma RoadNothing but a broken truck heat and dust and a million high line ...

Tracy Lawrence - I Hit The Ground Crawlin'
It's true I lied I cheated and the truth is that ain't allWhile you were thinking of me I was busy thinking ...

Tracy Lawrence - I Hope Heaven Has A Honky Tonk
I was raised in a Christian homeOn Bible readin gospel songsChurch doors opened up you'd see my face...

Tracy Lawrence - I Know That Hurt By Heart
It's dark in here tonight a great place to come and hide from the bluesHey I don't mean to intrudeBut ...

Tracy Lawrence - In A Moment Of Weakness
I knew she was lonely and I was aloneA stranger in a strange town too far from homeHer eyes blue as di...

Tracy Lawrence - I See It Now
It's good to see your face again it's been a whileHow'm I doin' well I get by somehowYou sure look goo...

Tracy Lawrence - Is That A Tear
The last thing I expected was to get her call tonightCause the last thing that I'd heard from her was she'd ...

Tracy Lawrence - I Threw The Rest Away
I met him in a dive down in New Orleans I recognized his handsome faceIt was none of my business but I had t...

Tracy Lawrence - It Only Takes One Bar (to Make A Prison)
Last night she wasn't sleeping when I came slipping inI knew I had it coming cause she knew where I'd been...

Tracy Lawrence - It's All How You Look At It
A little boy on a big jet planeTaking off in the pouring rainThey're bouncin' round like a basketball...

Tracy Lawrence - It's Got You All Over It
Today my radio played a new love song pretty soon I was singing alongWhen the chorus came around I knew ever...

Tracy Lawrence - It's Hard To Be An Outlaw
Graffiti on the overpass skidmarks on the roadThings I grew up doing I never did outgrowIn the middle ...

Tracy Lawrence - I Won All The Battles
We argued over whether I could buy that ChevyThat Silverado sittin' in the driveShe would always give ...

Tracy Lawrence - Just You And Me
Baby take off your coat we ain't in no hurryI see the fear in your eyes but girl don't you worryI'll k...

Tracy Lawrence - Lessons Learned
I was ten years old the day I got caughtWith some dime store candy that I never boughtI hung my head a...

Tracy Lawrence - Life Don't Have To Be So Hard
Don't want to read the paper or turn on the newsDon't want another helpin' of the same old bluesDon't ...

Tracy Lawrence - Livin' In Black And White
This makin' a livin' is killing me I work like a dog in this hot factoryCan't even afford a vacation when I'...

Tracy Lawrence - Lonely
There's a red brick in a white wallSomebody's brush forgot to paint so it sits there all aloneLike a h...

Tracy Lawrence - Long Wet Kiss
If I was lost on the ocean stranded in the middle of the seaI'd have to live on devotion hopin' that you'd r...

Tracy Lawrence - Man I Was
Look at me in that photograph before we were ever usLong before you found someone else and broke our sacred ...

Tracy Lawrence - Meant To Be
A crowded room a sudden glance more than just coincidenceMeant to be you and meTo see the look that's ...

Tracy Lawrence - My Second Home
There's a honky tonk on the edge of town I used to call my second homeIt's a place I'd go just to get away w...

Tracy Lawrence - One Step Ahead Of The Storm
Broke down on the interstate just outside of WichitaI said dont' worry baby it'll be alrightTwo young ...

Tracy Lawrence - Paint Me A Birmingham
He was sitting' there, his brush in handPainting' waves as they danced, upon the sandWith every stroke...

Tracy Lawrence - Paris, Tennessee
I may not have a whole lot of moneyBut I got enuff to cover you and meI'm taking off wont you come wit...

Tracy Lawrence - Runnin' Behind
Work, Work, Work day after dayFifty hour week, forty hour payNot time to get over on this overtime...

Tracy Lawrence - She Loved The Devil Out Of Me
You can't see a freight train coming with your back against the trackYou can only take the wrong road so lon...

Tracy Lawrence - Somebody Paints The Wall
If my old truck was a horseI'd have to shoot itLord the day my ship came inI was waiting for a t...

Tracy Lawrence - Somewhere Between The Moon And You
Sittin' here in Fort Worth and for what it's worth it might as well be TimbuktuGirl I'm missing youThe...

Tracy Lawrence - Speed Of A Fool
Couldn't tell me nothing had to learn it on my ownOn the restless side of seventeen the day that I left home...

Tracy Lawrence - Stars Over Texas
As you lie in my arms girl my heart's on my sleeveWords come so hard in moments like theseThere's feel...

Tracy Lawrence - Steps
Little baby boy sittin' round his toys gettin' tired of crawlingHe's pullin' up on an easy chair he's gonna ...

Tracy Lawrence - Sticks And Stones
You can take the house and everything in itKeep the diamond ring cause thats how I meant itSticks and ...

Tracy Lawrence - Stones
Barely old enough, to call it love,Showin off, skippin rocks across, the water,Stones, I handed one to...

Tracy Lawrence - Strong
In her bare feet, white cotton dressA ribbon holding back her curlsIn a sweet gentle voice, she sings ...

Tracy Lawrence - Texas Tornado
You called me up from Amarillo said you were coming to townI thought I'd like to tell you hello and drive an...

Tracy Lawrence - That Was Us
Twenty dollars out of mama's purse bought us a tank of gasAnd some Redman tobacco when we was just teenage k...

Tracy Lawrence - Think Of Me
First year med tech, 2 AMOn the graveyard shift a call comes inA senseless killin'Blue lights fl...

Tracy Lawrence - Time Marches On
Sister cries out from her baby bed brother runs in feathers on his headMomma's in a room learning how to sew...

Tracy Lawrence - Today's Lonely Fool
What would you say if I told you I was sorry And that I've come to realize Life means nothing without ...

Tracy Lawrence - Unforgiven
Thomas Jefferson he had slavesIn the land of the free and the home of the braveI read about him in the...

Tracy Lawrence - Up All Night
Yeah I'm a little tired I'm a little wired four pots of coffee in the last eight hoursPacing the floor all t...

Tracy Lawrence - We Don't Love Here Anymore
Every night when I come home this old house it's always darkYou don't wait up like you used to like you did ...

Tracy Lawrence - What A Memory
On the day mama died she called daddy to her sideAnd said I'll be going soonI know it's gonna hurt you...

Tracy Lawrence - What The Flames Feel Like
Some take to drinkin'Some take to usin'Dont't matter what poison they chooseSome hit rock bottom...

Tracy Lawrence - While You Sleep
I don't say I love you quite enough I knowSometimes I go for days I'm ashamed to sayThe world moves so...

Tracy Lawrence - Whole Lot Of Lettin' Go
I felt the tug of the ties that bind as I crossed that city limit signDrivin' past that old school reminds m...

Trademark - Amazed
Everytime our eyes meetThis feeling insideIs almost more than I can takeBaby when you touch me...

Trademark - Don't Want To Live Without Your Love
Here we're againTwo lovers crossed with so much unspokenI can't pretend I'm not afraidOf what we...

Trademark - Even When I Close My Eyes
Yesterday I held youMiles away I miss youAnd all the love that you gave to meTime goes by withou...

Trademark - How Could I Know
I never wanted to fall againMy heart was woundedFrom where I'd been beforeThen I saw youI ...

Trademark - How Will I Know
Here I am darlingI'm talking heart to heartAnd I'm trying to explain my feelingsAlone here in th...

Trademark - I Could Live On Loving You
I need you nowAnd tomorrow is too lateIn you I've foundA million reasons I can't wait anymore...

Trademark - I'll Be The One
Imagine that your heart would beat for meyou know that I'm waiting patientlytill you're by my side...

Trademark - I'll Be There For You
If I close my eyes foreverI know you'll be always therebaby we will stay togetherand this brande...

Trademark - I'm Not Supposed To Love You Anymore
We agreed that it was overnow the lines have all been drawnthe vows we made begin to fade but now they...

Trademark - Is It Love
Just another broken heart I miss youjust another last good bye I kiss youI know I know I know I know...

Trademark - Miss You Finally
But I miss you finallyBut I miss you finallyTry to remember all these yearsWe shared the love we...

Trademark - Moving On (up Down)
(Come on yeah - everybody)Move your bodyCause I want you to be mineShake your bodyLet me t...

Trademark - My Child
I wonder who you areAnd if you feel alrightOh can you hear me talkingMy unborn little child...

Trademark - Never Again
Have I told you latelyBaby you're the one I needSince I met you babyI'm not the man I used to be...

Trademark - Only Love
2 a.m. and the rain is fallingHere we are at the crossroads once againYou're telling me you're so conf...

Trademark - Right By My Side
I know you for so long nowAnd now I come to knowThat there's so much I have to giveAnd somuch le...

Trademark - Standing On The Edge
Take me to the riverTake me to the top of the worldTake me to the oceanGonna take you down in...

Trademark - Step Into My Life
When the road gets dark and scaryYou can stop the world and take my breath awayYou can read me like a ...

Trademark - Talk
Break down - break downThe wall for the very first timeBreak out - break outYour heart I'm feeli...

Trademark - There's Another Time
Isn't it true - what I heard about youIsn't it true - that your love has gone and you're alone nowTell...

Trademark - There's No One Like You
Baby lying here right by your sideMakes me feel I'm home ageinNow that we found loveYou're more ...

Trademark - Without You
Lately I've been thinkingAbout time and how the days went slipping byHow I was always dreamingOf...

Tragically Hip - Ahead By A Century
First we'd climb a tree and maybe then we'd talkOr sit silently and listen to our thoughtsWith illusio...

Tragically Hip - At The Hundredth Meridian
Me debunk an American myth?And take my life in my hands?Where the Great Plains begin at the hundredth ...

Tragically Hip - Blow At High Dough
They shot a movie once in my home townEvery body was in it from miles aroundOut at the speedway some k...

Tragically Hip - Don't Wake Daddy
Sled Dogs after dinner close their eyes on their howlin' waysKurt cobain, reincarnated, sighs and licks his ...

Tragically Hip - Fifty Mission Cap
Bill Barilko disappeared that summerHe was on a fishing tripThe last goal he ever scored won the Leafs...

Tragically Hip - Gift Shop
The beautiful lull, the dangerous tugWe get to feel small from high up aboveAnd after a glimpse over t...

Tragically Hip - Nautical Disaster
I had this dream where I relishedThe fray and the screaming that filled my head all dayIt was as thoug...

Tragically Hip - Scared
I could make you scared if I want me toI'm not prepared, but if I have toHe said I can make you scared...

Tragically Hip - Springtime In Vienna
Instructions from the manual could no have been more plainThe blues are still required , The blues are still...

Tragically Hip - The Last Of The Unplucked Gems
Violins and tambourinesThis is what we think they meanIt's hard to say, it's sad but trueI'm kin...

Tragically Hip - Twist My Arm
There She Blows, Jacque CousteauHear her sing so sweat and lowLull me overboard, cold-outGathere...

Tragically Hip - Wheat Kings
Sundown in the Paris of the prairiesWheat Kings have all their treasures barriedAll you hear are the r...

Train - All American Girl
To be that good, it must be taxin'No such thing as satisfactionYou're makin' things happen while I'm r...

Train - Calling All Angels
I need a sign to let me know you're hereAll of these lines are being crossed over the atmosphereI need...

Train - Counting Airplanes
I put ketchup on my scrambled eggsAnd everybody thinks it's funnyI don't get madI don't laugh ca...

Train - Following Rita
Made my exit on the turn pikeI saw the stateside toll and shuffled for some changeI paid a man that ta...

Train - Get To Me
Well an airplane's faster than a CadillacAnd a whole lot smoother than a camel's backBut I don't care ...

Train - I'm About To Come Alive
I can hear you downstairs crying on the phoneTelling someone that I'm here but you still feel all alone...

Train - Lincoln Avenue
Well I guess this is where I left my lifeAnd all its operationsAnd I know that I will never get this t...

Train - My Private Nation
Why you gotta treat me like I'm a low down dirtyClimbin' up on thirtyDress like a kid to make me feel ...

Train - Ordinary
Whose eyes am I behindI dont recognize anything that I seeWhose skin is this designI dont want t...

Train - Save The Day
Ten pounds too much to the naked eyeI don't take the bus because she drivesWatermelon lipstick, and wa...

Train - When I Look To The Sky
[Verse 1]When it rains it pours and opens doorsAnd floods the floors we thought would always ke...

Train - Your Every Color
I can see the red, white and free in youYou light the night up like the moonAnd underneath your clouds...

Trapt - Echo
[Chorus:]Close my eyesLet the whole thing pass me byThere is no timeTo waste asking...

Trapt - Enigma
Do we know how to get the message acrossWe turn the lights off to find a way outNo time to get through...

Trapt - Headstrong
Circling your, circling your, circling your head, Contemplating everything you ever saidNow I see the ...

Trapt - Hollowman
I can't rememberThe last time you cared about anythingThe last time you allowed yourself to be seen...

Trapt - Lost In A Portrait
I analyze everything, I know what you meanI answer by questioning all that I needAnd I want to, to sur...

Trapt - New Beginning
The pressure is building I want to break awayMotivation is lacking the point starts to fadeI look to t...

Trapt - Still Frame
Please help me 'cause I'm breaking down, this pictures frozen and i cant get outPlease help me 'cause I'm br...

Trapt - Stories
I found a line and then it grewI found myself still thinking of youI felt so empty and now I'm fine...

Trapt - The Game
How have you been, nice to see you againHow quickly these conversations seem to endYou meet a friend, ...

Trapt - These Walls
Something missingLeft behindSearch in circlesEvery time I tryI've been here beforeI'...

Trapt - When All Is Said And Done
You have a chance to really shine nowWell patience never was one of your true virtuesStop trying to co...

Treble Charger - 10th Grade Love
Tried to find your face1000 pictures flipped but yours just ran awaysomething in the airit lacks...

Treble Charger - American Psycho
What's the problem with the human raceWith someone like youNo matter where I turnI can't escape ...

Treble Charger - Another Dollar
Maybe this timeI'm finally losing my mindCause I could use the changeHaven't you heard?Thi...

Treble Charger - Brand New Low
Over and over I keep wondering whyThen I give up and see that look in your eyesCause if I trip and fal...

Treble Charger - Business
There's better ways to let me knowLeave a message, slip a note In a place I'll never findShould ...

Treble Charger - Can't Wake Up
What's so wrong with me now? Am I different somehow? Don't feel like I'm quite the same Got to t...

Treble Charger - Case In Fact
If the phone doesn't ringIt's meI know things won't work outDon't believeThere's a glass b...

Treble Charger - Cheat Away
Say what you want about itIt isn't trueJust concerning me and youIs it any wonder anywayAn...

Treble Charger - Christ Is On The Lawn
Lonely more the nightCandle lost its lightLines begin to showThere's another kindLis...

Treble Charger - Cleric's Hip
All the things that you meant to leave behindAll the words that you use and you went throughTo decide ...

Treble Charger - Cubicle
the news absconded allpast duely markedof what you wanted done?????? been ???????he walked...

Treble Charger - Deception Made Simple
thought i'd made you crythought the things you'd never try were goneit's quite a show you've made...

Treble Charger - Don't Believe It All
Halfway from midnight to dawn Let's just forget and move on Everything you say It never seems to...

Treble Charger - Dress
going crazycant keep things in my headspinning around in front of mea figure of speech coming ba...

Treble Charger - Even Grable
This time, who knowsYou can do better than meYou'll see, it showsIs that you tried to leave...

Treble Charger - Ever She Flows
The tone you takeI turned off the ringYou mind your datesI'll fill it inPlease see t...

Treble Charger - Fade
I know a way that you can stay away from meIt's easier than what you heard and what you seeI've ...

Treble Charger - Favourite Worst Enemy
If you could read my mindThan I know you'd find everything you never sayYou said you needed time...

Treble Charger - Forever Knowing
It is really so nice?Does it really matter to write a postcard?I've been watching the skyIt's a ...

Treble Charger - Friend Of Mine
Funny tortured mindIt happens all the timeIt's not too encouragingYou never prayed for anything...

Treble Charger - Funny
Save your breathDon't waste your timeI can tell what's on your mindNo need to mentionWhat ...

Treble Charger - Hint
When these things have all been brokenyou can wait for meeverything youve ever spokencomplimenta...

Treble Charger - Hole In Your Head
Who's that poking underneath you shirt? What's the mirror image you call dirt? Why don't you just tell...

Treble Charger - How She Died
You got the best of meIt didn't take so longThe things you put me throughSeem to be so wrong...

Treble Charger - Hundred Million
Take a step off your soapbox and see What it's like to be on the ground Check your ego in detox, baby...

Treble Charger - Ideal Waste Of Time
I must've been blind I missed all the signs The hints and the clues you gave me then You think i...

Treble Charger - I Don't Know
I know that I have to sleep at nightAnd we all need someone to blameNoone ever has to realizeTha...

Treble Charger - In Your Way
what i heard yesterdaydoes not disturb me nowits nothing much to speak of much less saytheres so...

Treble Charger - Just What They Told Me
I guess what concerns me the mostGetting any younger so we like to boastAre the cracks and fissures sp...

Treble Charger - Kareen
You're dragging me alongI cannot hold itYou say it's what you areYour staring scares me...

Treble Charger - Left Feeling Odd
There he lies all aloneAwkwardly he's Hiding, not all is knownClever chance to seeIs it wr...

Treble Charger - Mercury Smile
It's been all the sameThe wasted wordsThe way I'm feeling strangeColours gone the wayOf em...

Treble Charger - Morale
Morale is low, the weather's goodThought it might be understoodNot alone, the rest is more or less the...

Treble Charger - More's The Pity
I am everythingI am on the brink of stillIt's not all it's trueSitting on a sprinklerTake ...

Treble Charger - Motor Control
All the news that's made to fitAnd everybody has a share, you knowDidn't mean to be so down...

Treble Charger - Over My Head
I've been having a bad day Something's rubbing the wrong way And I need something to show for An...

Treble Charger - Pilot Light
You cant find meYou cant find me again You cant drive meYou cant drive me againShot down a...

Treble Charger - Red
Saw you looking for a lightFace painted cigarette whiteYou asked the cleanest boy you foundYou c...

Treble Charger - Red (nc17 Version)
Saw you looking for a lightface painted cigarette whiteyou asked the cleanest boy you found you ...

Treble Charger - Scatterbrain
Reasoning is wrong aside from anything that's rightly namedDeniably insane. So lost, you're torn awayY...

Treble Charger - Sick Friend Called
I've been farther outI found out that something's wrongThere's no phone around hereWon't b...

Treble Charger - Slight
There's a slight I heard before its timeAnd you can comfort meIn a way, I throw my weight upon a lie...

Treble Charger - Soaker
Im just trying not to listenIve been hanging around all the things that you mentionedkinda sink ...

Treble Charger - Stupid Thing To Say
I can't relate to youI don't know what you're thinkingTo illustrate my viewAllow me just a drink...

Treble Charger - Takes Me Down
I mention this in passing twiceI'll hold my tongue as long as nothing understood is niceIt's just my w...

Treble Charger - The First Time
Not matter how you explain it (explain it) It doesn't look good from where I'm standing You can shuffl...

Treble Charger - Trinity Bellwoods
it started out in a half meet have noneto find a place where you dont know someoneand you say somethin...

Treble Charger - Wear Me Down
Say something cleverIf you're conscious stillCause you know hearing bad newsGives me such a spec...

Treble Charger - What You Want
I've been sitting on something for a long time You pulled it out from under me at the wrong time What ...

Trick Daddy - 99 Problems
[Verse 1]I got a bitch with pearls a bitch teeth with goldsA bitch on da shelf and a bitch that...

Trick Daddy - Ain't A Thug
[Trick]If I ain't a thug, you think I aint a thugthen tell me what I am[Chorus ...

Trick Daddy - Back In The Days
Back in the daysIt wasn't no AIDSIt wasn't no AK's More afros than braids Wasn't nuttin fo...

Trick Daddy - Bout My Money
[Trick Daddy]Let's see, what to do today?Fuck that I'm goin to get my moneyThis one...

Trick Daddy - Change My Life
[hook]Gotta change my lifeLord knows I aint livin rightYall know i aint chillin right...

Trick Daddy - Down Wit Da South
[Intro]form the south to the bottom,it's the brand new trick(M.I.A., down south, yo yo co...

Trick Daddy - For The Thugs
For the thugsYes sir, ha haI'm doin' this one for the thugsYes sirMy boy dooda, wa's up fo...

Trick Daddy - Fuckin' Around
[Chorus]Yall niggas keep fuckin aroundFuckin' around, fuck round get stuck in the groundI...

Trick Daddy - Gangsta Livin'
I know 'Pac woulda loved this one here[Chorus: Trick Daddy]This gangsta livin, weavin dop...

Trick Daddy - Get On Up
[JV]I'm sittin in tha cut, smokin on wha?Hataz betta watch out for tha buttI bring ...

Trick Daddy - Hold On
Hey cue that shit that the verse mixed up(See what I'm sayin)Gotsta hold onI been tr...

Trick Daddy - I'll Be Your Player
Bein that I'm real, I feel you need a man in your life childSomebody black, baldheaded, plus buckwildT...

Trick Daddy - I'll Be Your Player (remix)
Yeah, Committee remix, you can't beat us (who you is fool?)They call me Trick Daddy Dollars (like that)...

Trick Daddy - I Wanna Sang
[T] Whassup little man, what's wrong wit'chu?[T] Why you lookin so sad - what's wrong?...

Trick Daddy - J.o.d.d.
[Trick Daddy]We gettin dollas (dollas,dollas,dollas,dollas)Yours Truly,I know ya'll bee...

Trick Daddy - Kill Your Ass
[Chorus]I'm a fuck around and kill yo assI'm a fuck around and kill yo assFuck around and...

Trick Daddy - Play No Games
[Chorus - 2x]I ain't really here to play no games girlYou already know my name yeahFreaky...

Trick Daddy - Run Nigga
(I thought all our problems were over)Westcoast, we're not suppose to know betterI suppose we ju...

Trick Daddy - Skit
[Old lady (girl)]Hello(Hello um.. is Tony home)No Tony ain't here babyhe not here...

Trick Daddy - Suckin Fuckin You
Silly bitch is fuckin meSuckin fuck in youSuck and fucked my whole crewSo whatsa a nigga 'posed ...

Trick Daddy - The Children's Song
[Chorus: kids singing]Children hold on, to your dreamsBelieve in love, let love be the light...

Trick Daddy - These Are The Daze
Heh, y'all remember back in the daysWhen niggaz used to get they ass whooped for snakin carsAnd had to...

Trick Daddy - Thug Money
[Trick Daddy talking]If its bout that moneyThen you gots to kill them, hahaCome her...

Trick Daddy - Thump In The Trunk
[H: (Hater)][G: (Guy)][2 niggas talking][G:] Damn dawg y...

Trick Daddy - U Neva Know
[Trick Daddy]This one goin out to uhh, that nigga Bub (the game done changed)Young Black Boy, R...

Trick Daddy - Walkin' Like A Hoe
[Phone hang up][Verse 1:]Now first off all ya'll ho's should know a nigga do...

Trik Turner - Black Sheep
Who's the black sheep, what's the black sheepNot knowin' who I am it's DLB rippin deepI wasn't in your...

Trik Turner - Existence
Some suffer-Some thrive-Some live-Some die-Some love-Some hate-Some find nothi...

Trik Turner - Father
Can you rememberHow you use to jab your fingers into my chestAnd tell me how stupid you thought I was...

Trik Turner - Ish
Patience at times when its tough makes itEasy to lose sight in what you strive for soMuch that's why I...

Trik Turner - Let It Rip
I've seen the sun and I've seen the rainIn an imperfect world where everything seems the sameIt's just...

Trik Turner - New York Groove
I got a fist full of dollars and a one track mindI gotta find what I'm looking for in the dead of night...

Trik Turner - Not Like You
You look straight thru me, I see no reflectionYou cut deep inside of me, I stitch my own infectionGrey...

Trik Turner - Sacrifice
From day to day I know that I'm in all of your conversationsYou never have anything good to say about me...

Trik Turner - Temptation
How can you stare into my face-Knowing what you've done with my trust you've misplaced-With your selfi...

Trik Turner - Triks Of The Trade
Everything that exists in your perfect worldIs a web that you weaveMaking victims of anything or anyon...

Trillville - Be Real
[Chorus: 2X]If you a thug my nigga be a thugif you sell drugs my nigga then sell drugsif ...

Trillville - No Problem
[Trillville talking][Chorus]You can get crunk in the clubRoll wit your hood...

Trillville - Some Cut
[Chorus]What it is hoe, ah what's up (what's up)Can a nigga get in them guts (them guts)C...

Trillville - What The Fuck
[Lil Scrappy talking] [chorus]What the fuck iz goin on [2x]He keep on...

Trina - 100%
[Chorus]Are you waiting?Waiting for something that's wrong (oooh)Are you waiting?(W...

Trina - Get This Money
[Chorus]Come on, all my ladies, let's get this moneyCome on, all my fellas, let's get this mone...

Trina - Hustling
[Girl Talking:]Hello to all my niggas and bitchesWelcome to Digglers Wild World of GirlsI...

Trina - I'll Always
[Trina]Uh, yeahThis goes out to all my girlsAll around the worldYou got a good man...

Trina - Intro-sommore
yo, this is some more of the bitch that has her comedy game on lock.this is the mother fuckin roll call so l...

Trina - Mama
Mama I wanna thank you For sharing your blessings upon me Taking time to understand the lady I wanna ...

Trina - Pull Over
Whoop!Huh?What that bitch got all that ass for? Man pull that hoe over that bitch gotta get a ti...

Trina - U & Me
[Chorus]You and MeWe can make it lastYou and me We can make it lastYou and m...

Triple Image - Celebrate (it's Time To Celebrate)
It's time to celebrateIt's time to celebrate tonightWell it all really started A couple of...

Triple Image - Cool It Now
Cool it now, ooooh watch outCool it now, slow it downEverybody's saying silly thingsWithou...

Triple Image - Hey Now (girls Just Wanna Have Fun)
[Chorus x3]Hey now, hey now What's the matter with you? Girls just wanna have fun now ...

Triple Image - I Kissed A Boy
[chorus]I kissed a boy for the very first timeCan't explain this feeling going out of my mind...

Triple Image - I Love Your Smile
I love your smile(Oooo I love your smile)And I love your smileI love your smile...

Triple Image - I'm Yours
I went away for a whileI could hear your voiceAnd see the way you smileOh you know what i like...

Triple Image - It's A Wake Up Call
Do u know where your going to?Do you like the things that life is showing you?Where are you going to?...

Triple Image - Last One Standing
It's a girl thing,With a right swing,So move on over while we do our thing,Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, H...

Triple Image - Never Gonna Stop
Never gonna stopNever gonna stop stop stopGotta take it to the top topGotta kick it til i drop d...

Triple Image - None Of Your Business
Mmm-hmmSay what?Yeah rightNo no no noIt doesn't matter cuz it'sIt doesn't matter cuz...

Triple Image - The Boy Next Door
Dear Stevie, I just wanted to let you know, That I've been thinking about ya lately. And since y...

Triple Image - What I Like
(oh yeah, that's what i like)I'm just waking up, wanna go for a rideBut i can't drive so i step outsid...

Triumph The Insult Comic Dog - I Keed
[Intro]I thought my CD was done,But that's not what they sayDo an insult track,We n...

Trust Company - Breaking Down
I'm failing nowStarving for the answersI'm slowing down and losing groundSo how can i go o...

Trust Company - Crossing The Line
Somewhere tonight.Inside of me.A smile so distant... memory.Covering up my face.Landed on ...

Trust Company - Drop To Zero
Drop to Zero, Drop(its happening again)I feel boxed in, (its happening again)I'm trapped inside,...

Trust Company - Erased
I feel i'm falling behindThe same way againStill tracing the same lineBut looking for the end...

Trust Company - Falling Apart
I slipped away further from you trying to find what is real,Youre somebody else that I never knew, and someo...

Trust Company - Figure 8
See that face from across the roomAnd i can feel you're nothingShow your fear its not hard to see...

Trust Company - Finally
So it's over now (finally)I'm beneathAnd I'm crawling outOn my kneesI can hear what you sa...

Trust Company - Hover
You take me down, further inside of meNow I'm fading out, I can barely seeI hoverTo see yo...

Trust Company - Silently
So this timeI am the one to blameThe last timeI Almost drownIt did not feel the same ...

Trust Company - Slave
It always feels like a craving is unfolding in meIt's just as bad as it seemsSo I'm looking around cuz...

Trust Company - Someone Like You
The voice is real for me to hearbut I cannot say that im okso im laying down infront of youto wo...

Trust Company - Stronger
Can you save meWill you fail me nowIt's almost over cause you've faded out, againWill you break ...

Trust Company - Surfacing
It's building in me I feel it surfacing (surfacing)Am I becoming my impurities?You turned to see...

Trust Company - Take It All
Looking up from underneath, as low as we are,Nothing looks the same to me, am I deceived?I stand and w...

Trust Company - The Fear
Standing hereI'm cold inside with fearAnd I can't feel my soulTake me inI'm yours again...

Trust Company - The Reflection
I feel itsuffocating from the last time beforebut I can't see his facereaching forward as I rise...

Trust Company - The War Is Over
The hours devour meMy life's wasted waiting here for youThere's nothing left of meLost in a void...

Trust Company - Without A Trace
Another DaySome Other WayI Fall along the waysideDrifting awayAnd What I need Inside...

Truth Hurts - This Feeling
Hey, babyCome here for a minuteI've got something to sayIt's coming from my heartm, babyFr...

Turk - At The Same Time
[Verse 1]I hit the block and all you see is some shiney shitYou can't look my way too long cuz ...

Turk - Hallways & Cuts
What chu no (What chu no)What chu no (What chu no)What chu no bout them hallwayz and cutzWhat ch...

Turk - It's In Me
Mmm, mmm, c'monAh c'mon, c'mon, c'monC'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'monC'mon, c'mon, look, look...

Turk - Soldierette
C'mon, c'mon, c'monC'mon, c'mon look, look...[Verse 1 - Turk]Verse one is about thi...

Turk - Trife Livin'
Trife, trife, look, look...[Verse 1 - Turk]I been through it all dawgFrom killin, t...

Turk - Untamed Guerrilla
[Turk]Better ask somebody...nigga(nigga)...Untamed Guerilla(u-huh).....chu'ont know(chu'ont kno...

Turk - What Would You Do
[Turk (verse 1)]Met this bitch named Kitty - around-the-way bitchA nasty hoe that every nigga d...

Tweet - Always Will
You keep telling meThat I'm way too sureOf you loving me long timeBut I bet you always will...

Tweet - Beautiful
My eyes have never seen Someone so beautifulSo much charmSo much classYour the first thoug...

Tweet - Boogie 2nite
Are you ready? Are you ready?I hope you're readyAre you ready? Cause I am Said I'm ready to part...

Tweet - Cab Ride
Taxi...take me to his home.I wanna give him all of me cause I'm aloneThe world is quietI w...

Tweet - Call Me
Shake it, Shake itShake it, Shake itShake it, Shake itBounce, BounceBounce, Bounce...

Tweet - Complain
I can sing about love lostBut what if there's no love to lose?If everyday I saw sunshineAnd it n...

Tweet - Drunk
Got a five in my pocketWanna buy me some ginA drop of gas in my tank let me think it over again, mmm...

Tweet - Iceberg
Searched the World overUntil I Found YouThanked JehovahFor YouDidn't Know Your Occupation...

Tweet - I'm Done
Im done...lovingOoh done...yeah, loving[VERSE 1]Im in no need for loveStretch...

Tweet - Intro / It's Me Again
It's me againI'm grateful for another chanceto bring to youto you againMy stories of love...

Tweet - Make Ur Move
The way you aremakes me feel so good...Tell me what your name isdamn you should be famous...

Tweet - Motel
Sign, red vacancyAnd in my mindHow could this beYou showed your emotions Just the previous...

Tweet - My Man
The One Thing Me and Ur Ex-girl Have in Common BabyWe Share the Same Love for the Same Ol' ManAnd I'm ...

Tweet - My Place
I heat up and I, I can't come downSwear I'm spinnin, I'm on a merry-go-roundAnd I picked up a joy to m...

Tweet - Small Change
Well, I Thought about itWell, I Didn't Think TwiceNo Room Left in My Life for YouWhat Did ...

Tweet - Smoking Cigarettes
Why, oh whyGave you several years of my lifeAnd it just ain't rightWhat's your perception of lov...

Tweet - Sports, Sex & Food
Girls, Imma Bout to Hit Me Through Some GameHere We Go Now[Chorus:]If You Wanna Kno...

Tweet - Steer
Why'd You Lead Me onWhere Did We Go WrongSame Sad SongWhy'd You St-st-st-st-st-steer Me Wrong...

Tweet - The Two Of Us
[Chorus]The two us just you and meThe two us just you and me[Verse 1 Tweet]...

Tweet - Things I Don't Mean
I Need to Talk to Y'all for One MinuteHave U Ever Been So Mad with the One You LoveAnd You Done Say So...

Tweet - Thugman
[Intro: Missy]YeaThis one right here is for my thugsThug loving putin it down for ur litt...

Tweet - Where Do We Go From Here
[Talking]I have to ask you a question And I need you to be honest We're both grown...

Tweet - You
[INTRO]See, I was lookin' for a love to call mineBut instead I found you (you, you, you youuuuu...

Twista - Back 2 School
[Tung Twista]back to school lets go back to schoollets go lets go back to school to the oldscho...

Twista - Blood N Blood Out
Me and my closest roll dogcame up in an early age on the corner servin canegang bangin and everythang...

Twista - Death Before Dishonor
[Chorus]always ever all days death before dishonorcomin back as though I can still see if you g...

Twista - Frum Da Tip Of My Tongue
[VERSE 1]Droppin a flow like this be breakin the suckersAnd rippin the rhythm and showin I'm br...

Twista - Get Me
[Verse 1]On a rainy dark early morn, A lethal legacy was born, Ask any rapper around ...

Twista - How To Ball
[Hook 1]Let me show you how to ball (how to ball)let me show you how to sack this dirty money o...

Twista - It Feels So Good
[Intro]This goes out to all sides worldwideLet that playa ass nigga Twista be your guide as we ...

Twista - Kill Us All
[Verse 1]I feel like, I feel like standing in the midst of a hundred thousand haters, Dynamite ...

Twista - Korrupt World
[hook]Hold all of the murderin' up, if you gotta bust a cap then aim it upIf you religiou...

Twista - Legit Ballaz
Feel the heat from our gunfire, when you see us comingTheir your niggas running, wild and heartless and we s...

Twista - Midwest Invasion
[Intro]Bone and TwistaLayzie Bone and Twista back up in this motherfuckerWorld wide nigga...

Twista - Mista Tung Twista
HeeeeeyWhat's happenin, y'all?This is Tyrone Chillinfoot down with the funky Tung Twista, baby...

Twista - Mobster's Anthem
Yeah we gonna do it like thisMobsters reign, we hope you feel thisSpeedknot Mobsters[Ve...

Twista - No Peace Sign
[Tung Twista]relaxin maxin to the maximumto tracks a humthe wicks where the stacks are fr...

Twista - Nun Ah Y'all Can Hang
None of y'all can hang None of y'all can hang [repeated][VERSE 1]Hype! You b...

Twista - One Down 2 2 Go
[VERSE 1]Me stamina rock, me stamina rock, me stamina rockBlood clot, I do not know Why s...

Twista - One Last Time
You don't wanna see these murder guys, Princess cuts hurt ya eyes, Got tha chicks that work them thigh...

Twista - Overdose
Shit, niggaz got me higher than a motherfucker off up in here, manDamn, the fuck y'all get this weed from?...

Twista - Ratatattat
[VERSE 1]Sucker wack vicks, I ratatattat tactics, givin em black kicksMufflin up the mic with f...

Twista - Razzamatazz / Jazzamatazz
[VERSE 1]Oh - back again makin the rhythm kick jazzUsed to be wick-wack, now I got funky pizzaz...

Twista - Say What?
(Say what, say what, say what - what?) [4x][VERSE 1]I'm rockin a rhythm, and I'm n...

Twista - Snap Happy
[VERSE 1: Tung Twista]Intro, I break a, break a brother ten foldOh, 10-40, stomp em like a dino...

Twista - Unsolved Mystery
[Twista]I know a whole bunch of motherfuckers thats prepared whoopLeave a body bloody red to sc...

Twista - Victory Or Death
2000No mothafuckin mercy for tha new millenniumIt's Victory or DeathI'm tha Twista in this bitch...

Twista - Wee Straight
Yeah yall know what the fuck this isthe legit balling familyyo twista fire that shit up...

Twiztid - 1st Day Out '98
I got another funky rhyme Another funky, funky rhyme I got another funky rhyme Another funky rhy...

Twiztid - 2nd Hand Smoke
Free your mindI represent the East side, no peaceFuck the policeWe tell you to increase the dece...

Twiztid - 2nd Hand Smoke (remix)
I represent the East side, no peace Fuck the police We tell you to increase the deceased at least A grown man tell...

Twiztid - 4 Those Of You (remix)
Ya hear that. We off the train tracks homeboy outta control, me and madrox rockin bitch, slappin the world. I say ...

Twiztid - 4 Thoze Of U
You hear that? What? What? Woah! We off the train tracks homeboy Outta control Me and Madr...

Twiztid - Afraid Of Me
[Chorus x2]I'm so Hidden and you're never gonna see I'm cold Forgiven all because o...

Twiztid - Ain't A Damned Thing Changed
Well there's gotta be a time when the bullshit stopsAin't a damn thang changed still far from copsIt's...

Twiztid - All I Ever Wanted
All I Ever WantedAll I ever wanted wasI don't wanna lieAll I ever wanted wasA shot that I ...

Twiztid - Alone
All obsessed with the taste of flesh... (same thing said backwards) All obsessed with the taste of fle...

Twiztid - Anotha Smoke Break
(Flicks lighter)(Takes several deep inhales)Anotha smoke break(coughs)If you smoke bud the...

Twiztid - Bad Dream
I'm back, blowin' up like the World TradeThrow your hands in the air while the music playsComin' live ...

Twiztid - Blam!!!
You don't know how we do thingsShut the door and don't fuckin say shitI'ma bust you, gimme that fuckin...

Twiztid - Blink
Show me what lies just beyond my eyesWould you take me to the world where my spirit flies?Tell me is t...

Twiztid - Bobby's Dad
[Chorus x2]Hate Don't like the way Don't like the way Don't like the way you (Hate)...

Twiztid - Broken Wingz
To all the angels of broken wingsFly again, your flyin' again, your flyin' awayWould you fly with me?...

Twiztid - Bury Me Alive
Music video awards Alright y'allTeen summitCheck it outJust talked to AlexWarped Tou...

Twiztid - Call Me
[Jamie Madrox]Hey. What's up? Uhh, I just got out of the studio. I'm trying to give you a call and se...

Twiztid - Cnt
I can't figure out, figure out, what it is, what it is, where it is, where it is, I can't [2x]W...

Twiztid - Darkness
How come this wasted time is such a loss expressed on my side? I'd give you everything if you just let me st...

Twiztid - Diemuthafuckadie!
That's the shitTwiztid Twiztid we give it up wig splitsWig splitsWig splitsTwiztid's...

Twiztid - Different
Leave me a sec I was here from you ignorant counterfeitNormal muthafuckas so proud of the innocentsFor...

Twiztid - Dirty Lil' Girl
Thanks for the pussy baby Now I gotta go, You were so freaky, lady But you're just another hoe ...

Twiztid - Do You Really Know?
Blast off [echo][Played backwards]This is for anyone who took the time to rewind....

Twiztid - Dr. Jeckyl & Mr. Bones
Perhaps we can make a deal....Who is it? Dr. Jekyl or Mr. Bones?Come quick cuz I'm still, I'm ch...

Twiztid - Empty
If you think you can get to meMy minds a door openWalk right throughI'm Deranged thats how it ha...

Twiztid - Fall Apart
I swallow razor blades and spit up bloodCut out my heart and gave it to my loveI hung myself with an e...

Twiztid - Fat Kidz
Yo fritz, put on a mothafucking beat, that we can shake our mothafucking rolls to Yo, fat kidz are ya with m...

Twiztid - Fuckkonthe1stdate
Hi! My name's LisaI'm what some people call a sex addictI mean just because I like to have sex with al...

Twiztid - Fucmyself
"Why does my family always have to fuck up everything I have goin? Are they jealous? Is it because...(can't unders...

Twiztid - Hom-sha-bom
[Jamie Madrox]Your whole life's about to change in the next 20 seconds As you glance there's a ...

Twiztid - How Does It Feel?
This old time radio program was originally aired liveLong before the advent of high fidelityAs a resul...

Twiztid - I Could
Ya see I could make a mill, and don't have to sell drugsI could smoke a roach, and do have to light bugs...

Twiztid - I'm Alright
If you're reading thisThen I finally did itI'm sorry I didn't say goodbyeThere was no time...

Twiztid - Intro
Behind this gate is a placeA damp dark placeWhere sunlight does not shineA place where people wh...

Twiztid - I Wanna Be...
I wanna be batman cuz everybody really ain't shit to meMy super hero picture me if I was, batmanStudio...

Twiztid - Joker
Some people call me the space cowboy, yeahSome call me the gangster of loveSome people cal...

Twiztid - Keep It Movin
That's my family Criminals and wierdos Outcasts and freakshows And members of the carnival That's my family Wicked...

Twiztid - Know Good
Bump this shit Bump this shit (Tell me what you know good) Bump this shit Bump this shit. 2 years ago, a friend of...

Twiztid - Leave Me Alone
Can't understand your shit, you fucking idiotFuck you just leave me alone today,Fuck you just leave me...

Twiztid - Leff Field
Smoke a square and then prepare yourself Monoxide, Monox-boogie, Mo-Diddy, Mo-Something Smoke somethin...

Twiztid - Lil' Secret
Here go a message to you hoe. To many thugs spittin that so called game but that aint G shit. You dont suposed tha...

Twiztid - Listen
"and I'm sorry I had a fucking mental breakdown, how many times did you...could you be normal if someone disrespec...

Twiztid - Maniac Killa
The lotus pod, the lotus pod fuckaVampiro, child of the rancid, wrechet, darknestVampiro, I truly am a...

Twiztid - Mirror
I ain't got no weed My Parents hate me These kids at school want to kick my ass I just got fired...

Twiztid - Murder, Murder, Murder
Murder, Murder, Mur:MurderMurderMurder, Murder, Mur:MurderMurderFirst I plan my escape...

Twiztid - Mutant X
We bring the wicked shit.. We bring the wicked shit.. Watch as they change and mutate into a ...

Twiztid - Nikateen
Monoxide, blaze up a smoke! Monoxide, blaze up a smoke! I might smoke a Marlboro for the fuck of...

Twiztid - On The Other End
[Jamie Madrox]Put me on public display and showcase So there's an equal opportunity for everyon...

Twiztid - People Are Strange
People are strangeWhen your strangerFaces look uglyWhen your aloneWomen seem twiztid...

Twiztid - Put It Down (blaze)
What up y'all?This Jed ThumpmanLet me tell y'all a little storyAbout a muthafucka that I know na...

Twiztid - ???
Since you're too fuckin' lazy to turn this shit off (Right)And seein how you're just sitting there listenin ...

Twiztid - Reflection
Ive been evicted, erase me from the face of the planet Cause your world got my outlook damaged My mind...

Twiztid - Renditions Of Reality
When you slip into reality Hoes wanna straddle mePlaya haters wanna battle meBut I shed em all l...

Twiztid - Rock The Dead
Why don't you play with your friends?They're all dead, dead, dead...Wake up, float to the skyBri...

Twiztid - She Ain't Afraid
So whats up man this shit ain't goin downTrust me, trust meI know her man itt's gonna go down just be ...

Twiztid - She Said (remix)
Let me shave that pussy!I should have knew she was a freak by the walked And when I talked to her it w...

Twiztid - Shock & Awe
Thank you. And the nominees for the best solo underground duo acoustik country urban pop remix classical cover ban...

Twiztid - Smoke Break
(Flicks lighter)(Inhales deep)Smoke break(coughs)If you smoke bud then say hell yeah...

Twiztid - Somebody's Dissin' U
They call me HektikCause the way the pain is interjectedYou talk shit you gonna regret itFuck it...

Twiztid - Something Wierd
Are you enjoying that?Just shut the fuck up and sit and watch!I comes like BLAM! AHH! All up in ...

Twiztid - Static
Walkin to an undertone.Ears don't hear so clear cuz I stuck a pencil inside my temple.My blood escapes...

Twiztid - The Green Book
Legend has it that it was written by the dark ones Ikitome Nekanavious, roughly translated, the Green Book ...

Twiztid - Through Your Eyez
Through your eyes you think were all the same Through your eyes were all the same Through your eyes yo...

Twiztid - Trash Witro (remix)
Psychopathic family baby!Its goin down!Cryptic Collection!Twiztid baby! ??In this motha lo...

Twiztid - Twiztid (intro)
Gather round children as we come together To make up the undesirable, mortal worthlessnessWe are the d...

Twiztid - U Don't Wanna B Like Me
(You dont wanna be like me) [Monoxide Child]I can walk on water and freeze it on step one ...

Twiztid - We Don't Die
We ain't underground by accidentThere's only a select few that can handle thisFreek shitAppariti...

Twiztid - Whatthefuck!?!?
He just walked up out of the rainI swear to god that's all it was to it.I just brought him here....

Twiztid - Whatthefuck!?!? (extra Crispy Mix)
He just walked up out of the rainI swear to god that's all it was to it.I just brought him here....

Twiztid - Whatz That!?!
Microphone check, 1, check 2 now what dat feel like? [Madrox:]They say were just a couple...

Twiztid - Where Itz Goin' Down
PsychopathicTwiztid & Blaze runnin' with the muthafuckin' hatchetAnd only the three six can match it...

Twiztid - White Trash Wit Tat-2's
[Monoxide Child]Karate chopping mothafuckas like (Hiyah) Lord of the Rings, I'll make the drago...

Twiztid - Wondering Why?
[Jamie Madrox]On the windows in my mind at night There's some things going on, some of them are...

Twiztid - World
I...You can catch a buzz off me from smoking the reazin off my bongAnd disappear in the dark like the ...

Twiztid - Wut Tha Dead Like
Big E, Violent J, Shaggy 2 dope, Madrox, MonoxideTell me what the dead like Whut the dead like?...

Twiztid - Your The Reazon
We haven't come to the end of our journey This is just the begining The begining of what you ask? ...

Tyler Hilton - Don't Blame Me
Leave you at the fast food forget to pay the pizza dudeYou always got to feed my dogI know it sounds c...

Tyler Hilton - How Love Should Be
Mobile woman, buckle down your bootsIf you leave me, what else can I do?Well I've been a dancer, Ive b...

Tyler Hilton - I Believe We Can Do It
Love don't come easy like it use toIt's hard to get in a modern worldI struggle everyday just to make ...

Tyler Hilton - If I'm Not Right
Love don't come easy like it use toIt's hard to get in a modern worldI struggle everyday just to make ...

Tyler Hilton - Insomnia
I miss the girl, and the cigarettesAnd the more I try, the more that I forgetTo think of you is a flas...

Tyler Hilton - It's Always The Same
Well, the bus that picks him up from work is late againIt's delayed on the other side of townWell the ...

Tyler Hilton - It's Only Love
I get high when I see you go by My oh my When you sigh, my, my inside just flies Butterflies ...

Tyler Hilton - Kiss On Me
Starting now I will never see my kitchen counterquite the same babe, after we drank the final hourI ne...

Tyler Hilton - Last Promise
Tomorrow I'll be leavinBut tonight I'm here with youAnd lately there's been no reasonAnd I take ...

Tyler Hilton - Meant Something To Me
Well a kiss might be just a kiss to youBut baby it meant something to meAnd a night to remember might ...

Tyler Hilton - New York Can Wait
I don't like your cats, you don't my shoesBut I love you babe thats why I'm singin the bluesYou call m...

Tyler Hilton - Nora Marie
I know, you know, that I just can't decidewhich way my heart will lead meBut you just sit, I think...

Tyler Hilton - Not Getting Your Name
Hello Miss... I'm sorry I didn't catch the restWhen it comes to women, baby, you know I'm not the best ...

Tyler Hilton - Our Time
There's a rule in the book that saysIt's got to be funI hate to admit but my feelings have changed...

Tyler Hilton - Picture Perfect
Darkness finds I listenTo every little thing she has to sayAnd when I'm all but found itsDarknes...

Tyler Hilton - Pink And Black
So, yea, you said you heard this oneMaybe lived it twiceBut with bias on my sideI swear I'...

Tyler Hilton - Rolling Home
Traveling SundayIs fine west of hereMost folks are staying at homeIf you want to come on...

Tyler Hilton - Shy Girl
Saturday mornin, shake off the sheets and open my eyesbaby, do you know what's going on tonight?I miss...

Tyler Hilton - Slide
You said I'd slide, into myselfYou said I'd slide, destroy myselfCause when I wake, inside myself...

Tyler Hilton - Someone Like You
Nothing good was on T.V.Called you up got your machineI thought I saw you in my dream last night...

Tyler Hilton - The Letter Song
I have been thinking, which I shouldn't doCause it gets me in trouble and farther from youI don'...

Tyler Hilton - Up Late Again
Yeah something always sets it off Maybe someone's face and that's all it takesWhat's wrong with a roma...

Tyler Hilton - When It Comes
I study up my hollowPiece of wood to followA day that doesn't comeTo the luckyAnd I ...

Tyler Hilton - You My Love
Oh, and tell meWas it all because IBrought it up forConversation in a bedAnd I would...

Tyra - Country Boy
[Talking]Let's make 'em whistle y'all....Yea, this one right hereIs to all my country boy...

Tyra Banks - Shake Ya Body
Can't figure out why y'all said its overThe club's packed and about to flow overAnd that ratio's good ...

Tyrese - Ain't Nothin' Like A Jones
I've got a jones in my bones.. woah oh.. I've been thinkin about you babyI wanna tell you what's...

Tyrese - All Ghetto Girl
[Tyrese]Can somebody, tell me what's goin on.I'm getting tired of fake, rich wannabesrunn...

Tyrese - Bring You Back My Way
Oh yeah, oh.I never knew why I, told you all the lies.And everytime you cry, it made me realize....

Tyrese - Do You Need
[1st Rap]Peter gunz you know that cat with the rolexfrom the BX pushin the GS Lex yesplay...

Tyrese - Fling
In my life, love couldn't find its way.Seemed like it all felt the same.Now you brought light, brighte...

Tyrese - For Always
Something about the way, words to describe who I cannnot say,I'm going outta my mind thinking of you at time...

Tyrese - Give Love A Try
Now you know you can't denywhat you're feeling insideyou want meand before you left my sight...

Tyrese - Housekeepin'
Ohhhh, do I got a story to tell,An unexpected one.Ohhhh, woke me out of my sleep one Sunday morning,...

Tyrese - How Do You Want It (situations)
[Intro]Yeah, I wanna know how you want itCan you tell me?We pulled up in a fifteen ...

Tyrese - I Ain't The One
Tyrese, Darkchild,Baby you tell me what you're used,But there's certain things I don't do.So whe...

Tyrese - I Can't Go On
I thought missing you Was only for todayI thought needing you would go awayWhy do I see you in everyth...

Tyrese - I'm The Other Man (interlude)
Naw for real man,it's like everytime I run into a girlShe just wanna sit up and tell me about how her man tr...

Tyrese - I Must Be Crazy
[Intro]I know I got some explaining to do (Oh baby)Hey girl, is it cool if I'm honest...

Tyrese - I Wanna Go There
Yo, I wanna go there.I wanna take you there, just be ready.[verse 1]Sit back ...

Tyrese - Just A Baby Boy
[Tyrese:]I know sometimes it might get crazyI'll always be here for you ladyBaby I'm just...

Tyrese - Kinna Right
[Tyrese]OhhhI aint never been the type to trip,but I guess I never had a night like this,...

Tyrese - Miss You Like Mad
Going outta my mind, keep thinking about you.Keeping wondering when, I'll see you again.Can't believe ...

Tyrese - Nobody Else
Now as I look aroundWhat do I seeEverybody wants to try to get to know me babynow it's my porogi...

Tyrese - Nobody Else (remix)
Uh, this is the remix Turn up the remix Yo, this is the remix I don't want nobody Turn up ...

Tyrese - On Top Of Me
This is for all them love makersSit back and relax and let me take you thereIt's 3 o'clock in th...

Tyrese - Pick Up The Phone
Man we talking race cars nigga, this ain't no joke (Hello, hello)Uh, yea(Hello, hello)Fres...

Tyrese - Promises
Yeah.. Whatchyall wanna do?..At you one more time know what I mean?But this time, you aint gonna be ma...

Tyrese - She Let's Me Be A Man
[Intro]Said I got the best woman in the world, tell meWhere would I go, where would I be withou...

Tyrese - Signs Of Love Makin'
These are the signs that are made for each otherAre you the zodiac Freak, ooo-eeI'm a Capricorn, I cam...

Tyrese - Somebody Special
(Uh, Damn)I had someone before That I thought I loved but I was young and I didnt know I let her...

Tyrese - Stay In Touch
I love you mamabut I want you to call meplease stay in touch While I'm aloneI'm wond...

Tyrese - Sweet Lady
Sweet lady would you be mysweet love for a lifetimeI'll be there when you need mejust call and r...

Tyrese - Taking Forever
Yo check this outthers alotta cats out here tryna get a dealtheres alotta cats out here making promise...

Tyrese - Taste My Love
Come on and taste my loveit's you I'm thinking ofbaby don't you be afraid I will guide you all t...

Tyrese - There For Me
YeahI just wanna thank youFor always bein there for meIn times of good and then in times of bad...

Tyrese - U Don't Give A Damn About Me
[Intro]What, whatYou don't give a damn about meDo do do do, do do doDo do do do, do...

Tyrese - You Get Yours
[VERSE 1:]Every time I look into your eyesI feel your pain, babyI never thought I had to ...

U2 - 11 O'clock Tick Tock
It's cold outsideIt gets so hot in hereAnd the boys and girls collideTo The music in my ear...

U2 - 40
I waited patiently for the LordHe inclined and heard my cryHe brought me up out of the pitOut of...

U2 - A Celebration
Shake! Shake! Don't go I believe in a celebration I believe you set me free I believ...

U2 - Acrobat
Don't believe what you hearDon't believe what you seeIf you just close your eyesYou can feel the...

U2 - A Day Without Me
Starting a landslide in my egoLook from the outsideTo the world I left behindI'm dreaming...

U2 - A Different Kind Of Blue
Those cars On you So small Down there From here So high We drift We fly ...

U2 - All Along The Watchtower
There must be some way out of hereSaid the joker to the thiefThere's too much confusion hereI ca...

U2 - All Because Of You
I was born a child of graceNothing else about the placeEverything was ugly but your beautiful face...

U2 - All I Want Is You
You say you want diamonds on a ring of gold You say you want your story to remain untold But all...

U2 - A Man And A Woman
Little sister don't you worry about a thing todayTake the heat from the sunLittle sisterI know t...

U2 - An Cat Dubh
Say goodnightShe waits for me toPut out the lightLay there stillShe waits to break my will...

U2 - Angel Of Harlem
It was a cold and wet December dayWhen we touched the ground at JFKSnow was melting on the ground...

U2 - Another Day
Wake up The dawn of another dull day Take up Your dreams and on your way Oh oh ooh ...

U2 - Another Time, Another Place
Bright morning lightsWipe the sleep from another day's eyeTurn away from the wallAnd there's Not...

U2 - A Room At The Heartbreak Hotel
From where I stand I can see thrugh you From where you're sitting, pretty one I know it got to y...

U2 - A Sort Of Homecoming
And you know it's time to goThrough the sleet and driving snowAcross the fields of mourningLight...

U2 - Babyface
Watching your bright blue eyes In the freeze frame I've seen them so many times I feel like I mu...

U2 - Bad
If you twist and turn awayIf you tear yourself in two againIf I could, yes I wouldIf I could, I ...

U2 - Beautiful Day
The heart is a bloomShoots up through the stony groundThere's no roomNo space to rent in this to...

U2 - Boy-girl
Boy-girl, boy-girl When a boy meets a girl Boy-girl Finding out I'm finding out the ...

U2 - Bullet The Blue Sky
In the howling wind comes a stinging rainSee it driving nailsInto the souls on the tree of painF...

U2 - Christmas (baby, Please Come Home)
It's Christmas Baby, please come home (Yeah!) The snow's coming down I'm watch...

U2 - Crumbs From Your Table
From the brightest starComes the blackest holeYou had so much to offerWhy did you offer your sou...

U2 - Daddy's Gonna Pay For Your Crashed Car
You're a precious stone You're out on your own You know everyone in the world But you feel alone...

U2 - Dancing Barefoot
She is benediction She is addicted to he She is the root connection and She is connecting with m...

U2 - Deep In The Heart
Angel, everything's gonna be alright Angel, everything's gonna work out tonight Thirteen years old, sw...

U2 - Desire
(Yeah)Lover, I'm on the streetGonna go where the bright lights And the big city meet...

U2 - Dirty Day
I don't know you And you don't know the half of it I had a starring role I was the bad guy who w...

U2 - Discotheque
you can reach but you can't grab it you can't hold it control it you can't bag it you can push but you...

U2 - Drowning Man
Take my handYou know I'll be thereIf you canI'll cross the sky for your loveFor I have pro...

U2 - Electrical Storm
The sea it swells like a sore head and the night it is achingTwo lovers lie with no sheets on their bed...

U2 - Elevation
High, higher than the sunYou shoot me from a gunI need you to elevate me hereA corner of y...

U2 - Elvis Ate America
Elvis White trash Elvis The Memphis flash Elvis Didn't smoke hash Would have b...

U2 - Elvis Presley And America
(Black flash)Black flash over my own loveTell me of my eyesBlack flash come though my own life...

U2 - Even Better Than The Real Thing
Give me one more chanceAnd you'll be satisfiedGive me two more chancesYou won't be denied...

U2 - Everlasting Love
Hearts gone astray Keeping up when they go I went away Just when you needed me so You won'...

U2 - Exit
You know he got the cureYou know he went astrayHe used to stay awakeTo drive the dreams he had a...

U2 - Fire
Falling fallingThe sun is burning blackFalling fallingIt's beating on my backWith a fire...

U2 - Fortunate Son
Some folks are born made to wave the flag Yeah, the red, white, and blue When the band plays 'Hail To ...

U2 - Freedom For My People
I need some freedom Freedom for my people I want some freedom Freedom Freedom, freedom for...

U2 - Gloria
I try to sing this songI...I try to stand upBut I can't find my feetI try, I try to speak up...

U2 - God Part Ii
Don't believe the devilI don't believe his bookBut the truth is not the sameWithout the lies he ...

U2 - Gone
You get to feel so guilty got so much for so little Then you find that feeling just won't go away You'...

U2 - Grace
GraceShe takes the blameShe covers the shameRemoves the stainIt could be her name...

U2 - Hallelujah (here She Comes)
I see you're dressed to kill I know I can't wait until she comes I see y...

U2 - Hawkmoon 269
Like a desert needs rainLike a town needs a nameI need your loveLike a drifter needs a roo...

U2 - Heartland
See the sun rise over her skinDon't change itSee the sun rise over her skinDawn changes everythi...

U2 - Helter Skelter
When I get to the bottom I go back to the top of the slide Where I stop and I turn And I go for ...

U2 - Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me
You don't know how you took it You just know what you got Oh Lordy you've been stealing From the...

U2 - Holy Joe (guilty Mix)
I... I'm a humble guy no really I try you know it's hard sometimes true... and hard workin...

U2 - I Fall Down
Julie saysJohn I'm getting nowhereI wrote this letterHope to get to someplace soonI want t...

U2 - If God Will Send His Angels
Nobody else here baby no one else here to blame No one to point the finger...It's just you and me and ...

U2 - If You Wore That Velvet Dress
Tonight the moon is playing tricks again Feeling sea sick again And the whole world could just dissolv...

U2 - Indian Summer Sky
In the oceanCut, swim, deep the skyLike there, I don't know whyIn the forest, there's a clearing...

U2 - In God's Country
YeahDesert skyDream beneath a desert skyThe rivers run but soon run dryWe need new d...

U2 - Into The Heart
Into the heart...of a childI stay a while...oh, I can go backInto the heart...of a childI ...

U2 - Is That All
Singing this song makes me angryI'm not angry with youIs that allIs that allIs that all......

U2 - I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
I have climbed highest mountainI have run through the fieldsOnly to be with youOnly to be with y...

U2 - I Threw A Brick Through A Window
I was talkingI was talking to myselfSomebody elseTalk talk talkingI couldn't hear a word...

U2 - Ito Okashi
Utsukushiki mononi tuite katarimasho Chikyujono anatano sugu chikakuno Omomukino arumononi tuite ...

U2 - I've Got You Under My Skin
I have got you under my skin I've got you deep in the heart of me So deep in my heart You'...

U2 - I Will Follow
I will Follow...I was on the outside when you saidYou said you needed me I was looking at ...

U2 - Kite
SomethingIs about to giveI can feel it comingI think I know what it isI'm not afraid...

U2 - Lady With The Spinning Head
Here she comes Lady luck again Figure of eight Six and nine again My lady with the s...

U2 - Last Night On Earth
She feels the ground is giving way Bur she thinks we're better off that way The more you take the less...

U2 - Lemon
Lemon See through in the sunlight She wore lemon But never in the daylight She's gonna mak...

U2 - Like A Song
Like a song I have to singI sing it for youLike the words I have to bringI bring it for you...

U2 - Love And Peace Or Else
Lay downLay downLay your sweet lovely on the groundLay your love on the trackWe're gonna b...

U2 - Love Comes Tumbling
Love don't need to find a wayYou find your own wayI forget that I can't stayAnd so I say that...

U2 - Love Is Blindness
Love is blindnessI don't want to seeWon't you wrap the nightAround meOh my heartLove...

U2 - Love Rescue Me
Love rescue meCome forth and speak to meRaise me up and don't let me fallNo man is my enemy...

U2 - Luminous Times (hold On To Love)
Hey...sister love Hey...sister soul Hey...oh my love You turn me around tonight Hey...sist...

U2 - Miami
Weather 'round here choppin' and changin' Surgery in the air Print shirts and southern accents C...

U2 - Miracle Drug
I want to trip inside your headSpend the day there...To hear the things you haven't saidAnd see ...

U2 - Miss Sarajevo
Is there a time for keeping a distance A time to turn your eyes away Is there a time for keeping your ...

U2 - Mlk
SleepSleep tonightAnd may your dreamsBe realizedIf the thunder cloudPasses rain...

U2 - Mofo
lookin' for to save my soul lookin' in the places where no flowers grow lookin' for to fill that GOD s...

U2 - Mothers Of The Disappeared
Midnight, our sons and daughtersWere cut down and taken from usHear their heartbeatWe hear their...

U2 - Mysterious Ways
Johnny take a walk with your sister the moonLet her pale light in to fill up your roomYou've been livi...

U2 - New Year's Day
Yeah...All is quiet on New Year's DayA world in white gets underwayI want to be with you...

U2 - New York
In New York freedom looks likeToo many choicesIn New York I found a friendTo drown out the other...

U2 - Night And Day
Where the jungle shadows fall Like the tick tick tick of the eye of the clock You're standing up again...

U2 - Numb
Don't move Don't talk out of time Don't think Don't worry Everything's just fine Jus...

U2 - October
OctoberAnd the trees are stripped bareOf all they wearWhat do I careOctoberAnd...

U2 - One
Is it getting betterOr do you feel the sameWill it make it easier on you now You got someone to ...

U2 - One Step Closer
I'm 'round the corner from anything that's realI'm across the road from hopeI'm under a bridge in a ri...

U2 - One Tree Hill
We turn away to face the cold, enduring chillAs the day begs the night for mercy loveThe sun so bright...

U2 - Original Of The Species
Baby slow downThe end is not as fun as the startPlease stay a child somewhere in your heart...

U2 - Out Of Control
Monday morningEighteen years of dawningI say how longYou say how longIt was one dull...

U2 - Paint It Black
I see a red door And I want it painted black No colors anymore I want them to turn black I...

U2 - Party Girl
I know a girl, a girl called PartyParty girlI know she wants more than a partyParty girlAn...

U2 - Peace On Earth
Heaven on EarthWe need it nowI'm sick of all of thisHanging aroundSick of sorrow...

U2 - Playboy Mansion
If Coke is a mystery, Michael Jackson History If beauty is truth, and surgery the fountain of youth Wh...

U2 - Please
So you never knew love until you crossed the line of grace And you never felt wanted till you had someone sl...

U2 - Pride (in The Name Of Love)
One man come in the name of loveOne man come and goOne man come, he to justifyOne man to overthr...

U2 - Promenade
Earth sky sea and rainIs she coming back againMen of straw sneak a whoreWords that build or dest...

U2 - Red Hill Mining Town
From father to sonThe blood runs thinSee faces frozen stillAgainst the windThe seam ...

U2 - Red Light
I talk to youYou walk awayYou're still on the down beatYou say you don't want my helpBut y...

U2 - Rejoice
It's falling it's fallingAnd outside the buildingsAre tumbling downAnd inside a child on the gro...

U2 - Running To Stand Still
And so she woke upWoke up from where she wasLying stillSaid I gotta do something About whe...

U2 - Satellite Of Love
Satellite's gone Up to the sky Things like that drive me Out of my mind I watched it for a...

U2 - Seconds
Takes a second to say goodbyeSay goodbye, oh, oh, ohIt takes a second to say goodbyeSay goodbye,...

U2 - Shadows And Tall Trees
Back to the cold restless streets at nightI talk to myself about tomorrow night.Walls of white protest...

U2 - Silver And Gold
In the shit house a shotgunPraying hands hold me downOnly the hunter was huntedIn this tin can t...

U2 - Slow Dancing
My love is cruel as the night She steals the sun, and shuts out the light All of my colors, they turn ...

U2 - Slug
Don't want to lose my shirt Don't want to dig the dirt Don't want you to get hurt Can't help but...

U2 - So Cruel
We crossed the lineWho pushed who overIt doesn't matter to youIt matters to meWe're ...

U2 - Some Days Are Better Than Others
Some days are dry, some days are leaky Some days come clean, other days are sneaky Some days take less...

U2 - Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own
Tough, you think you've got the stuffYou're telling me and anyoneYou're hard enoughYou don...

U2 - Spanish Eyes
Wey hey hey, baby hang on Wey hey hey, baby hang on Empty heart, beat tight as a drum Said empty...

U2 - Staring At The Sun
Summer stretching on the grass... summer dresses pass In the shade of a willow tree creeps a crawling over m...

U2 - Stay (faraway, So Close!)
Green light, Seven Eleven You stop in for a pack of cigarettes You don't smoke, don't even want to ...

U2 - Stories For Boys
There's a place I goAnd I am far awayThere's a TV showAnd I can growSometimes the he...

U2 - Stranger In A Strange Land
StrangerStranger in a strange landHe looked at me like IWas the one who should runWe asked...

U2 - Stuck In A Moment
I'm not afraidOf anything in this worldThere's nothing you can throw at meThat I haven't already...

U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
Yes...I can't believe the news todayOh, I can't close my eyes And make it go awayHow...

U2 - Surrender
Oh, the city's alightWith lovers and liesBright blue eyesOh, the city is brightIt's bright...

U2 - The Electric Co.
Boy, stupid boyDon't sit at the tableUntil you're able toToy, broken toyShout shout...

U2 - The First Time
I have a lover A lover like no other She got soul, soul, soul, sweet soul And she teach me how t...

U2 - The Fly
(Oh, baby child)It's no secret that the stars are falling from the skyIt's no secret that our wo...

U2 - The Ground Beneath Her Feet
All my life, I worshipped her. Her golden voice, her beauty's beat. How she made us feel, how she made...

U2 - The Hands That Built America
Oh my loveIt's a long way we've comeFrom the freckled hills to the steel and glass canyonsFrom t...

U2 - The Ocean
A picture in greyDorian GrayJust me by the seaAnd I felt like a starI felt the world...

U2 - The Refugee
Woah, woah...She's the refugee.I see your faceI see you staring back at meWoah, woah......

U2 - The Sweetest Thing
My love throws me like a rubber ballOh oh oh, the sweetest thingShe won't catch me or break my fall...

U2 - The Unforgettable Fire
IceYour only rivers run coldThese city lightsThey shine as silver and goldDug from the nig...

U2 - The Wanderer
I went out walking Through streets paved with gold Lifted some stones Saw the skin and bones ...

U2 - Three Sunrises
Spirit of the rising sun lift me upHold me there and never let me fallLove me 'til I die, my heart won...

U2 - Tomorrow
Won't you come back tomorrowWon't you come back tomorrowWon't you come back tomorrowCan I sleep ...

U2 - Touch
Thank you Don't mention it I'm pleased to meet you Don't think I'm very good at this Let m...

U2 - Treasure (whatever Happened To Pete The Chop)
I like to smile But I like to mostly stay with you I like good times But I can't feel this witho...

U2 - Trip Through Your Wires
In the distanceShe saw me coming 'roundI was calling outI was calling outStill shaki...

U2 - Tryin' To Throw Your Arms Around The World
Six o'clock in the morningYou're the last to hear the warningYou've been trying to throw your arms ...

U2 - Twilight
I look into his eyesThey're closed but I see somethingA teacher told me whyI laugh when old men ...

U2 - Two Hearts Beat As One
I don't knowI don't know which side I'm onI don't know my right from leftOr my right from wrong...

U2 - Ultraviolet (light My Way)
Sometimes I feel like I don't knowSometimes I feel like checkin' outI want to get it wrongCan't ...

U2 - Unchained Melody
Oh, my love, my darlingI've hungered for your touch Alone, lonely time And time goes by so slowl...

U2 - Until The End Of The World
Haven't seen you in quite a whileI was down the hold just passing timeLast time we met was a low-lit r...

U2 - Van Diemen's Land
Hold me now, oh hold me now'til this hour has gone aroundAnd I'm gone on the rising tideFor to f...

U2 - Wake Up Dead Man
Jesus, Jesus help me I'm alone in this world And a fucked up world it is too Tell me, tell me th...

U2 - Walk On
And loveIt's not the easy thingThe only baggageThat you can bringNot the easy thingT...

U2 - Walk To The Water
She said it wasn't cold She left her coat at home that day She wore canvas shoes White canvas sh...

U2 - When I Look At The World
When you look at the worldWhat is it that you seePeople find all kinds of thingsThat bring them ...

U2 - When Love Comes To Town
I was a sailor, I was lost at seaI was under the waves Before love rescued meI was a fighter, I ...

U2 - Where Did It All Go Wrong
Did you get it Did you need it Did you really What you wanted Was it good in the sun ...

U2 - Where The Streets Have No Name
I want to runI want to hideI want to tear down the wallsThat hold me insideI want to reach...

U2 - Who's Gonna Ride Your Wild Horses
You're dangerous 'cause you're honestYou're dangerous, you don't know what you wantWell you left my he...

U2 - Wild Honey
In the daysWhen we were swinging form the treesI was a monkeyStealing honey from a swarm of bees...

U2 - Wire
Innocent, and in a sense I amGuilty of the crime that's now in handSuch a nice dayThrow your lif...

U2 - With A Shout
Oh, and where do we goWhere do we go from hereWhere to goTo the side of a hillBlood was sp...

U2 - With Or Without You
See the stone set in your eyesSee the thorn twist in your sideI wait for youSleight of han...

U2 - Yahweh
Take these shoesClick clacking down some dead end streetTake these shoesAnd make them fitT...

U2 - Your Blue Room
It's time to go again To your blue room Got some questions to ask of you In your blue room ...

U2 - Zooropa
(What do you want?) (What do you want?) Zooropa...vorsprung durch technik all...

U2 - Zoo Station
I'm readyI'm ready for the laughing gasI'm readyI'm ready for what's nextI'm ready to duck...

Uncle Kracker - Aces & 8's
Walked up in the bar and sat down on the stoolAnd got the low down from the guy with the jewelHe was p...

Uncle Kracker - Baby Don't Cry
Everything has a reasonAt least that's what they all sayAnd I've lost my count of the seasonsI d...

Uncle Kracker - Better Days
85 miles out of Nashville, thinkin bout the way things changeTry an keep it by the reignsI'm a lone dr...

Uncle Kracker - Drift Away
Day after day I'm more confusedThen I look for the light through the pourin' rainYou know, that's a ga...

Uncle Kracker - Follow Me
You don't know how you met meYou don't know whyYou can't turn around and say goodbyeAll you know...

Uncle Kracker - Heaven
[Kracker]If Heaven ain't alot like DetroitI don't wanna goIf Heaven ain't alot like Detro...

Uncle Kracker - I Do
You spend your lonely days lookin' for someoneI just wanna be the one that makes your river runI know ...

Uncle Kracker - I Don't Know
I'm nothing fancyI'm nothing special that's trueBut I know what your thinkin'Cuz I'm thinkin' th...

Uncle Kracker - In A Little While
Here's to the good life or so they sayAll those parties and games that all those people playThey tell ...

Uncle Kracker - Intro
[Kracker:] I guess this is where I get off[Kid Rock:] Yep, remember everything I told you...

Uncle Kracker - I Wish I Had A Dollar
[Chorus]I wish I had a dollar for all the times somebody told me Everything's gonna be al...

Uncle Kracker - Keep It Comin'
I'll keep it, I'll keep it, I'll keep it, I'll keep it...I'll keep it comin' with the Oooh, Oooh...

Uncle Kracker - Letter To My Daughters
I'm sending this letterI'll mail it todayThere's so many things I've been wanting to sayYour mom...

Uncle Kracker - Memphis Soul Song
Lookin' back on everythingAnd all the things that stayI can count on memoriesCuz they don't go a...

Uncle Kracker - No Stranger To Shame
[CHORUS]I'm no stranger to shameI've got little to blameYou sent for me and so I came...

Uncle Kracker - Rescue
I stayed out late last nightBut I nothing could drink Could help me drink you off my mindEverywh...

Uncle Kracker - Steaks And Shrimp
Clap your hands to the beat, to the beatJust clap your hands to the beat, to the beatCome on clap your...

Uncle Kracker - Thunderhead Hawkins
I know a cabin down there in TennesseeWhere you can't find the forest on account of the treesAnd Old P...

Uncle Kracker - To Think I Used To Love You
You made me laugh someYou made me cry some tooYou sent me off into a world of painAnd made me so...

Uncle Kracker - What'chu Lookin' At
747 11 come to bustSomebody take me home I wanna live in lustWhen trust is low and stakes are high...

Uncle Kracker - Whiskey And Water
You put some whiskey in the waterGonna run off with your daughterAnd if I make it to the borderI...

Uncle Kracker - Who's Your Uncle
Who bring's it to youWhoooooohhhI laid cuts with Jay and rocked rhymes with RunA couple mi...

Uncle Kracker - Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
I might walk a lil funny but my walk is me I might stutter when I talk but I say what I see I don't ag...

Uncle Kracker - You Can't Take Me
PartyPartyPartyI've been wasting all my timeAnd I've been drinkin all that wine...

Underworld - Air Towel
(should i want it. should i want.)bunny girl. happy shopper. bouncing ball. telephone dial. shifting sun....

Underworld - Banstyle / Sappys Curry
if they don't know and they don't know they're gonna find out soon enough.i'm so hot. as if that hurt. did y...

Underworld - Born Slippy
Drive boy dog boyDirty numb angel boyIn the doorway boyShe was a lipstick boyShe was a bea...

Underworld - Confusion The Waitress
she said you can do anything you want. she said you can be with anyone.she said you can go anywhere you want...

Underworld - Cowgirl
everything...i'm eraser of love...why dont you call me i feel like flying in two....

Underworld - Dark & Long
Thunder thunder lightning ahead. long. kiss you kiss you dark and long.thunder thunder lightning ahead. brig...

Underworld - Dirty Epic
sweet in winter sweet in rain. shake well before use she never touch me anymore this way.conn...

Underworld - Juanita : Kiteless : To Dream Of Love
your rails. you're thin. your thin paper wings. your thin paper wings. in the wind. ...

Underworld - M.e.
(anatano yume ni watashi wo tamoteru) can you hold me in your dreams.(watashi wo kanjiru koto ga dekiruno wa...

Underworld - Mmm Skyscraper I Love You
mmm skyscraper i love you. mmm skyscraper i love you.mmm skyscraper i love you. mmm skyscraper i love you....

Underworld - Moaner
hey kiss me i kiss you kiss me i kiss you i know about you i talk about you i've bee...

Underworld - Oich Oich
the beatles are dead. andy warhols shit she said. yeah. reactor reactor reactor.give me a better foot in tim...

Underworld - Pearl's Girl
rioja. rioja. reverend al green. deep blue morocco. the water on stone.the water on concrete. the water on s...

Underworld - River Of Bass
to touch. to taste. she flows like a river of bass touch. to taste. she flows like a river of b...

Underworld - Spoonman
world. tuesday. tuesday. world. tuesday. tuesday. world.watched you cry. watched you fly. watched you ...

Underworld - Stagger
orange in the mouth again. straighten. wearing stonewashed denim again.straighten. carrying something wrappe...

Underworld - Surfboy
talk to me. talk to my to me. talk to my machine... ...

Underworld - Tongue
thank you for the a razor kiss my wound.cut me to open.i'm ready to

Unfinished Thought - By The Time You Read This
By The Time You Read ThisI Will Be Light Years AwayHigh Pressure Is BuildingCompressing Calm I L...

Unfinished Thought - Coming Back
You See I Got A Little BusyAnd I Had No Time To SpareI Had Hoped You Wouldn't NoticeThat I Didn'...

Unfinished Thought - Disenchanted
What's The Matter BabyYou Don't Like The SighsThe Cries InsideI Know It's A Tough Trip...

Unfinished Thought - Don't Stop Raindrop
Small Town Look AroundDowntown Watch Me DrownMain Street ObsoleteBittersweet RepeatA...

Unfinished Thought - Evening
I've Got A Crystal Clear Conscience And An AlibiAn Accidental Overdose That Flew Too HighIf It Weren't...

Unfinished Thought - Lack Of Days
So What's The DealWith Your Piercing EyesSuch a Fucking Cheap DisguiseSo Pale So ThinYour ...

Unfinished Thought - Mokienko
Well Hey There JohnAre You Captured Just Like MeOr Were You Just PretendingWatch Her In Th...

Unfinished Thought - My Valentine's Last Breath
You Were SleepingIn The EveningI Was ThinkingLess Than PerfectRememberYou're D...

Unfinished Thought - One More Forever
I Stood And Watched As She Drove UpI Kept My Cool With The PainAnd As You Were Playing With Her In You...

Unfinished Thought - Perfectly Still
I Might DecideThat The Passing Of TimeMarked By One Second LinesIs All That Stands In The Way...

Unfinished Thought - Probabilities
ProbabilitiesHave Forecast MeA Troubled BeingWithout GravityProbabilitiesAre E...

Unfinished Thought - Quiet
So What If I Find A Different WayTo Face The DayTo Hear You SayYou're WrongBut I'm R...

Unfinished Thought - Reflection
I Am Becoming Aware NowOf What They've Done To MeI've Got Your Ordinary DiseaseTomorrow Co...

Unfinished Thought - Sidewalks
We Saw Another Sun In The Sky Take FlightAnd When The Things We Had Done Were RealizedIt Was The Weigh...

Unfinished Thought - Silhouette
If I Could Stop TimeI'd Frame Your Glass PoseTied To Your ShadowI'm Over Exposed...

Unfinished Thought - Sonnet
Because You Love MeI Can Look With Quiet FaithBeyond Life's Lightning FlashAnd Thunder Rol...

Unfinished Thought - Star Fighter
My Mind WandersI Wave Goodbye And Let It GoAs She PondersThe Familiar Ending To The Show...

Unfinished Thought - The Order Of Detail
I Live With A Brain That Knows How To WeatherThe Constant Barrage Of Putting TogetherA Picture Of Me I...

Unfinished Thought - The Timid
Could Someone Please ExplainThe Lifeless And MundaneWorld I've Built Around MeSome By Desi...

Unfinished Thought - Through Crowded Rooms
I Feel Good From Certain AnglesI Cast Light In Certain CirclesAnd When I Feel My Crazy DriftingI...

Unfinished Thought - Umbrella
It's Another Great Day To Be Here Kept AliveAnd I'm Too Afraid To Even Go OutsideFor Fear I Might Be L...

Unfinished Thought - Visionary
It's Not That It Feels GoodIt's Just That It FeelsBetter Than The RestIt's Not That He Lov...

Unfinished Thought - Voices
Last Chance For ConfusionI'm Arming Myself WellI Can Feel Your IntrusionI Just NeedT...

Unfinished Thought - Xoe
They Came From Her Fragile SideWith Imaginary KnivesAnd A Missing Moment WaitingFor The Next Com...

The Unicorns - Child Star
[CHILD STAR]Is there a photo of me on your wall in short short-shortsOr zipped down jeans?...

The Unicorns - Ghost Mountain
When we climbed to the peak we planted a flagBut the moment we had, i felt badAnd then night came, so ...

The Unicorns - I Don't Wanna Die
I spotted the glow over the mountain, tonightMy turn to turn in just when the weather's getting niceI ...

The Unicorns - Inoculate The Innocuous
Small doses, dailyAbsorbed and collected in the glands of fatty tissues over time Somewhere in t...

The Unicorns - I Was Born (a Unicorn)
[DIAMONDS:]I was born a unicornI missed the ark but I could've sworn you'd wait for me ...

The Unicorns - Jellybones
[Patient:]For so long i trailed youNow here i am, but i can't standWith these Jellybones ...

The Unicorns - Les Os
Tell me about your love affairsTell me about your moral resignationOh, uh-oh, oh oh oh ohUh-oh, ...

The Unicorns - Let's Get Known
Say....let's get knownIf we keep it up, we'll show the hatersIt's gonna be soon not later ...

The Unicorns - Ready To Die
I woke up thirsty on an island in the seaI woke up hungry with hungry cougars surrounding me I h...

The Unicorns - Sea Ghost
I dove into that freezing seaWith the parasite attached to meI had hoped the salt belowWould div...

The Unicorns - The Clap
Clap your hands if you want someClap your hands if you need someClap your hands if you can't wait...

The Unicorns - Tuff Ghost
Tuff ghost, tuff crowd, tuff loveSit down [X3][X2]Say something now...

The Unicorns - Tuff Luff
Firstly,We lived in a crater where our eyes glowedWe secrete leaders of secrecyHello ...

Union Underground - Across The Nation
Now get the guns, the drugs, From my generation. Ill take the fall, the saints, across the nation. And...

Union Underground - Bitter
Twist me with your motivationYou make me sickWon't you feel my frustration?It's ten feet thick...

Union Underground - Drivel
Load up all your friends man I'm trippin' like a fuckheadBore us all again with your drivel kill the dead...

Union Underground - Killing The Fly
I'm sitting in a magic chairWithout Mary and I don't careSo far, so good is what I hearNothin' s...

Union Underground - Natural High
Times I'm uncertain I can't unwindThe shit we learned became a lieCan't live forever angry and blind...

Union Underground - Revolution Man
One more time and you'll be deadAt least I think that's what they saidForty days won't break a man...

Union Underground - South Texas Deathride
Take a look in my mind and justifyHell, I might even sympathizeBut why must you fuck with these things...

Union Underground - The Friend Song
Living in fear fuck pretend24 years struggle withinMakin' it clear this is sinLie my dear lie my...

Union Underground - Trip With Jesus
Hey I'm a selfish servant lowThey lied a fear and loathingA chosen one it's so undoneLoad your g...

Union Underground - Turn Me On "mr. Deadman"
Penetrate, PenetrateAll the simple mindsThey adore, what a bore how they stand in lineDilate, Di...

Union Underground - Until You Crack
Kiss your mother now I think you shouldKick you while you're down you knew I wouldSo I'm wearin'...

Unloco - Becoming I
Sunlight warms my faceIt's hard to take inAn overwhelming graceFrom the way that I liveSo ...

Unloco - Bruises
Please leave me aloneFor I cannot let this goIt's the lie that I liveEverything that I give...

Unloco - Bystander
Feel aloneAll I do is sayI alone can be your kindThis is not the sameI am not the sa...

Unloco - Clean
Use me as much as you canCause you've never beenMore than a friendCause I try to push you away...

Unloco - Crashing
Every time that I bleed it's my affectionEvery time that I come clean it's my humiliationAnd everythin...

Unloco - Drowning In It
Why are we here I always seem to ask myselfQuestion averted by the thought of someone elseAnd I'm hope...

Unloco - Empty
I looks outside and see that everything is perfectExcept for me I'll always be the one who sits and stares...

Unloco - Face Down
I sign at the worldBecause you don't seem to careAnd if I grow oldThen you were never there...

Unloco - Failure
Maybe I, I didn't seem to have a thing left to sayI bottled it far awayMaybe I, I tried too hard to fi...

Unloco - Far Side
I try not to hate youNot to hate meBut it just won't go awayI see all I can seeI'm hoping ...

Unloco - Fold
I feel like I don't exsitI'm trying to hard to cope with this'Cause if it means too muchThen it ...

Unloco - Hands And Knees
You see me walking awayWhat more could I say than sorryI failed by all your complaintsYou pushed...

Unloco - Know One
Look back insideWill I ever realizeThat this thingThis man was meBut then I suffocate...

Unloco - Less Of
Less of I but more than youI'm less of nothing againI take my life and what I doI feel I'm the l...

Unloco - Making Me Hate You
Can't simplify all the things that burn insideBut when you ask, I'm fine but I'm lying all the timeIt'...

Unloco - Naive
Hey man, want to tryWanna be that guy that I hateAnd hey man, want to front some shitWant to cla...

Unloco - Neurotic
'Cause it moves just like youAnd it breaks just like meAnd it lies just like themAnd these walls...

Unloco - Nothing
I've got nothing leftFor you to take awayI know you blame meFor every time you walked away...

Unloco - Panic
Center is where I see myselfIn the beginningI'm sitting in the middleOf a crowded roomNobo...

Unloco - Reckoning
What's your problemCan I tell youSick inside your mind is all I seeNow you're looking Poin...

Unloco - Texas
Sometimes I lie awake in bedThinking about the things you saidSo lost for words, so lost to tell you h...

Unloco - Useless
Waiting in my roomI'm lying on the bedCause outside is just too coldI turn the radio loudS...

Unloco - Watching Me Slip
So I sit here aloneTrying to find my own wayTo cope with everythingThat I've done wrongSo ...

Unloco - Whimper
Closer, more than you feelAnother peice of me lashes outWhen I'm losing all controlBut then I...

Unwritten Law - Actress, Model...
Dear Mom I'm dating an actress And I'm just writing to let you know Why I'm so far from home ...

Unwritten Law - Angel
[Slick Shoes Cover]Looking into your eyes i see all i want to be i don't want it to end if i could on...

Unwritten Law - Armageddon Singalong
By the way, if anyone here is in marketing or advertising, KILL YOURSELF!... I'm a freak in the land of hipocricy,...

Unwritten Law - Babalon
Sit back, relax before you give yourself a heart attackI ain't havin none of that Raise hell, prevail,...

Unwritten Law - Baby, Baby
Yeah! Al-right I met this girl Out of this World This girl's what Dreams are made of, Don't push or shove now, (Oh...

Unwritten Law - Because Of You
I see the color in your eyesThey set me freeAnd they get me highNo sister flowerwill be de...

Unwritten Law - Before I Go
Life hurts so badDon't want you sadJust look back to Good times we hadI'd give my soul for...

Unwritten Law - Blame It On Me
My baby's got this set of jet black eyesI swear that's girl's a devil in disguiseI've been let down, b...

Unwritten Law - Blurred (part 2)
A man walks through the rubble of this cold and mindlessLand with a chip on his shoulder and a pistol in his...

Unwritten Law - Cailin
Well it seemed like yesterdayWhen the world was looking darkIt felt so cold and greyAnd why the ...

Unwritten Law - California Sky
Imagine, the dreams we hadSince we were children are realIt's magic To see their minds filled wi...

Unwritten Law - Close Your Eyes
There once was a kid who lived just down the streetA quater block from meHe shaved off his hair, put b...

Unwritten Law - Coffin Text
There was a time when men would prosperThey saw a sign that would offer them the keyImmortalityT...

Unwritten Law - C.p.k.
I remember the way when we used to playAll our troubles seemed so far awayThat was when I lived from d...

Unwritten Law - Darkside
Wont you come with me, lets go to a little place i know, it's to the west and we are all red eyed, it's where it r...

Unwritten Law - Denied
I'm trying, denyingWhy won't you ever talk to meI know it, can't show itI guess it's kind of har...

Unwritten Law - Differences
A non-inclusive ruling classTry and cover up the factsThey orchestrate their twisted liesAnd buy...

Unwritten Law - Elva (it's Alright)
I can feel the world up on my back I got sixteen people breathin down my neckAnd its kinda to keep you...

Unwritten Law - Evolution
So you're looking for another bandAlready planned andYou're lookin for another aceFor me to rock...

Unwritten Law - Falling Down
I watch the sun as it deceased across the desert skyI break the lies before they die inside the public eye...

Unwritten Law - F.i.g.h.t.
I heard you were concerned you with my lifeI heard you had a lot to say (Motherfuckin' thanks for nothing)...

Unwritten Law - Genocide / 418
Well who are you what do you knowAnd I guess it only goes to showDon't think you're ready for the fall...

Unwritten Law - Geronimo
Don't wanna think about it anymoreLying curled and naked on the floorAnd I don't wanna hear those word...

Unwritten Law - Get Up
here's to the morningthink that i'm bored and crazyyes i have been you get off when i give ini n...

Unwritten Law - Harmonic
Well, I'll see you aroundDon't want to stay and drownThe drama got too thickMakes me sickA...

Unwritten Law - Hellborn
High as a kite on a flight soarin through the nightDroppin new shit from the fuckin mothershipAnd I fe...

Unwritten Law - Hide Away
hey pretty face I'll spin you out of controlwe're gonna dance dance dance till the end of the showwe g...

Unwritten Law - Hit And Run Soundtrack
Well it's a circle, that never ever ends, when the sun sets the moon rises again, and my hands on the door but i'm...

Unwritten Law - Holiday
Sometimes life can knock you downJust gotta pick your ass up off the groundProbably don't matter anywa...

Unwritten Law - How You Feel
I want, I know, I see just how you feel But baby you got a ticket to rideBut if you want me, gots to l...

Unwritten Law - I Am The Man
I want to take you around the world, show you all dreams and aperos, well he's the leader of our land, you know th...

Unwritten Law - I Like The Way
I got a cocaine and she's cookin up a pound of pillsAnother ride to the station and you know I'm gonna pay t...

Unwritten Law - Kill To Breathe
Completing life with cold blank eyesMy final thoughts race through my mindWith some brief visions of w...

Unwritten Law - Lame
Communication is where it breaks downHumiliation is all that's left nowApologetic, you say you're sorr...

Unwritten Law - Lessons
I'll tell you what I doInside of my bedroomI wrap my arms aroundMyself as I'm feelingThese...

Unwritten Law - Lonesome
Well I'm here, but I don't wanta stayCause you're not aroundAnd I'm feeling lonelySame old episo...

Unwritten Law - Lost Control
Your a problem childyou got me running wildI came to save you, tried to but I ran for miles...

Unwritten Law - Machine
Frustration, HesitationHand in a fist gives you dislocationBecome a soldier kill your coach-ahSl...

Unwritten Law - Mean Girl
Im in love with mean girl Im in love Bum luck will you ever know Im not in love with you ...

Unwritten Law - Mean Girl Remix
I'm in love with mean girl, I'm in love with you. i'm in love with you, i'm in love with you, i'm in love with you...

Unwritten Law - Nick & Phil
"What's going on. Get the fuck up and give us a call on my mobilephone. I'm gonna have to phone you down the...

Unwritten Law - Obsession
Caught in this endless trap, you neglect to seeAll of the aspiration built up inside of meI want to ex...

Unwritten Law - Oz Factor
Look to the sky at night and dreamIn my mind you'll find the fiendI don't think I can hold on much lon...

Unwritten Law - Pyrotechnic Chant
O, it's pyrotechnic time, allright, before we do protechnics, we have a sacret curse we chant, to make sure noone ...

Unwritten Law - Raliegh (soliloquy Pt V)
Hey, you gotta be genuine.That's the name of this game.If you're real, you've got nothin' to worry abo...

Unwritten Law - Raliegh (soliloquy Pt Vi)
Polly want a crackerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr [etc.]If you can't do that, don't fuck with me....

Unwritten Law - Rejected
Was it something I saidOr something I becameSaid he filled his head with leadJust to take away t...

Unwritten Law - Rejection's Cold
You know you talk and talk my friendAnd all good things come to an endAnd this has been a long time co...

Unwritten Law - Rescue Me
Shut downFallin over once againDropped outHand extended for a friendLooked upAnd the...

Unwritten Law - Rest Of My Life
Am I the only one that feels alone Though, all is home Emotions flow Am I the only one that hear...

Unwritten Law - Save Me
Had a bad day, don't talk to me,gonna ride this out,My little black heart, breaks apart,with you...

Unwritten Law - Seein' Red
I'm seein' red Don't think you'll have to see my face again don't have much time for sympathy Cu...

Unwritten Law - Shallow
Sometimes it seems you just don't understandThe way I think and who I amWhen I'm told, I'm told what I...

Unwritten Law - She Says
Father I've sinnedover and over and over and over againsorry my friendsI'm such a messI'm ...

Unwritten Law - Sorry
Afraid it comes to thisI really must admit, your tits, your eyes, your lips Are staring at meI'm...

Unwritten Law - Sound Siren
Sail with me Across the sea So we can see what's going on Along the way, Red stack the bong ...

Unwritten Law - Stop To Think
I've got this feelin' and I know that something just ain't rightthere's something wrong with me, can't eat, ...

Unwritten Law - Superficial Society
So I'm not good enough to hang out with your friendsYou say it's a bluff, it's no lieYou want to be co...

Unwritten Law - Superman
You've been on my mind and I don't think I have the timeTo listen to your voiceI've heard it all befor...

Unwritten Law - Suzanne
She was the cutest girl I'd seenWith eyes so deep and colored greenIt only took a look you seeWh...

Unwritten Law - Switch
Let me paintYou a pictureOr two just tellingYou what I'd likeTo do get a twelvePack ...

Unwritten Law - Take Me Away
Walk along these lonly streets with the shoes up on my feet, ya, firmilur faces apear only when i go to sleep, but...

Unwritten Law - Teenage Suicide
Time's rollin' forwardI'm gettin' boredLayin' on my backI'm loozin' trackShifting patterns...

Unwritten Law - Tell Me Why
Hey Mr. God can you tell me what'sWrong with my life and all of its confusionsWhy did she leave me wit...

Unwritten Law - The Celebration Song
Ease up a little bitCause I want to want youIf all of the money's spentWell that's fine to got y...

Unwritten Law - The Legend Of Johnny And Sarah
Johnny was just a kid I knewMaybe he didn't have a clueBut he's goneYou know it's just a shame...

Unwritten Law - Tribute
Defness is a blindness deny through that burn insideWill life go on any longer a blank page in the book of l...

Unwritten Law - Underground
Won't you come to the other sideA via satelliteWith me my darlingLet me help you through the suf...

Unwritten Law - Unwritten Christmas
[Unwritten Law]Remember when, I was ten, lookin forward to Christmas again, everything, I...

Unwritten Law - Up All Night
Can we talk about automatic satisfaction Sittin' back relaxin' floored What's wrong with kickin it ...

Unwritten Law - Walrus
(Hey!)Well I read the news todayand the walrus said the lucky man made the grade yeahwell ...

Unwritten Law - What About Me
Dear father thank you for this lifeHey mother why aren't you his wifeYou expect respect from meW...

Unwritten Law - World War Iii
This is a question of the humanRace will this planet remain inSpace two world leaders getIn a fi...

Urge Overkill - Back On Me
When I take you down, I don't wanna take you down.Don't ask why I never been there, cause I don't know, oh n...

Urge Overkill - Crackbabies
Had another breakdownHad another dayDo you want to be around?Do you like it baby?Do you li...

Urge Overkill - Emmaline
We were together since we were farShe was so pretty, Emma was a star in everyone's eyesAnd when she sa...

Urge Overkill - Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon
Girl, you'll be a woman... soonI love you so much, can't count all the waysI've died for you gir...

Urge Overkill - God Flinstone
the Sun came shining through the rainlooks like it's gonna be a rainbow dayFruity Pebbles falling from...

Urge Overkill - Head On
she hit head oncouldn't stop the carshe hit straight ondidn't get too farshe wasn't ...

Urge Overkill - Heaven 90210
You see them coming, the queen of hearts and the king of fools,Me and Innocence, just playing cards by the s...

Urge Overkill - Henhough: The Greatest Story Ever Told
Smoke rises from a fire that warms the small cabin thereAs the young girl inside lights her man's big pipe...

Urge Overkill - Honesty Files
Do you care what the line is,Do you care if you won't,Lesson one is let's stop waiting for the sunligh...

Urge Overkill - Monopoly
We're given life to live inAnd we're never gonna live it againGotta lead it like a dog on a leash, yea...

Urge Overkill - Sister Havana
Come around to my way of thinkin'Don't you want to, want to get along?Everyday just like a vacation wi...

Urge Overkill - Stull (part I)
Forty miles west of Kansas CityDown a county road like a lonely soulI see Sharon and I see JackI...

Urge Overkill - The Candidate
I am the candidate, I hope your voting for me,Candid candidate, making promises so easilyI am the cand...

Urge Overkill - The Mistake
Travellin' across the USA,It's hard sometimes to keep it together.Nothing but the songs that you play...

Urge Overkill - The Polaroid Doll
ooh!you said you wanted somethingI give no promisesis that what you want, baby?you gave me...

Urge Overkill - Today Is Blackie's Birthday
oh, (that) baby, you look so tireda full-grown babyyou're growin' so tired of growin' oldand how...

Urge Overkill - View Of The Rain
I don't try anymore, 'cause only booze improves with age,I don't fight anymore, but sometimes my fists clent...

Urge Overkill - Wichita Lineman
I am a lineman for the countyand I drive the main roadssearching in the Sun for another (overload)...

The Used - 801 Underground
Kids round here got a different way of doin' itlock into a dream and insist on pursuin' itTimes are ge...

The Used - A Box Full Of Sharp Objects
It's our time to shine through the downGlorified by what is oursWe've fallen in loveWe've fallen...

The Used - All That I've Got
So deep that it didn't even bleed and catch meOff guard, red handedNow I'm far from lonelyAsleep...

The Used - Back Of Your Mouth
The worms they crack like words andturn you teeth up and run, leave.I'm all I clean...

The Used - Blue And Yellow
and it's all in how you mix the twoand it starts just where the light existsit's a feeling that you ca...

The Used - Bulimic
From the way that you actedto the way that I felt itIt wasn't worth my timeand now it's sad caus...

The Used - Buried Myself Alive
you almost always pick the best timesto drop the worst linesyou almost made me cry again this time...

The Used - Choke Me
As of now I'm down straight upAnd I can turn to the box for some peaceOr a box for a piece Or a ...

The Used - Cut Up Angels
If we cut out the badWell then wed have nothing leftLike I cut up your mouth The night I stuffed...

The Used - Greener With The Scenery
You took it backHow could you go and do something like thatMy fingernail phaseWorst has got the ...

The Used - Hard To Say
The singer finished singing and she's walking outThe singer sheds a tear, her fear of falling outAnd i...

The Used - I Caught Fire (in Your Eyes)
Seemed to stop my breathMy head on your chestWaiting to cave inFrom the bottom of my...Hea...

The Used - I'm A Fake
[Spoken:]Small, simple, safe priceRise the wake and carry me with all of my regretsThis i...

The Used - It Could Be A Good Excuse
Blind on a ledge, not a thing, not a...Road of broken heart, not a thing. Not at at all.You know......

The Used - Just A Little
Surprise me im looking out looking outSurprise me you jump back up on to your feet somehowSurpri...

The Used - Let It Bleed
This poison's my intoxicationI broke the needle off in my skinpicked the scabs and picked the bleeding...

The Used - Light With A Sharpened Edge
Free from the torment of sinAll this I'm giving upMuch as the sun would decide to give inExplode...

The Used - Listening
Your skin attached this fragile clicheOf my broken heart attackYou should swallow your teeth and hang ...

The Used - Lunacy Fringe
Wake upMy loveNever thought you'd make me, break meNow I'm up from belowSuch a brilliant s...

The Used - Maybe Memories
As we trudge along through the mudAnd we tried to call it homeBut we weren't alright, not at all...

The Used - Noise And Kisses
Look in my eyes I'm jaded now whatever that meansby sharing these things I rip my heart out...

The Used - On My Own
See all those people on the groundWasting timeI try to hold it all insideBut just for tonight...

The Used - Pieces Mended
Being faced with what I'm faced with I feelLike I can't rockLike a rock hit my heartStarted to c...

The Used - Poetic Tragedy
The cup is not half empty as pessimists sayAs far as he's sees, nothing's left in the cupA whole cup f...

The Used - Say Days Ago
I still remember a year agothe times we spentI think that I'm happier nowup from the downb...

The Used - Sound Effects And Overdramatics
When the shirt came off, it was all in timeWhen a m-m-m-minute turned into a mileAnd then I broke that...

The Used - Take It Away
Life's greatest questions have always been: Who am I? Where did I come from? Why am I here? Where am I going? You ...

The Used - Yesterday's Feelings
Close my eyes and move to the back of my mindWhere worries are washed out to seaSee the changes, peopl...

The Used - Zero Mechanism
it takes more, it takes moreit takes moreand now that i'm willing to begnow it stands right in f...

Usher - Bad Girl
Sho nuffShawtyWhat it do?OoooooohPimpin', oh boyuhWhat y'all know about ...

Usher - Burn
[Intro]Girl, understand whySee it's burning me to hold onto thisI know this is something ...

Usher - Call Me A Mack
[Usher speaking]Yo!What's sup?Hey!My name is Usher,You can trust there ...

Usher - Can U Handle It?
[Usher speaking]What's up babyI'm so glad I got you hereI'm so in love with youAnd ...

Usher - Caught Up
I'm the kind of brothaWho been doin' it my wayGettin' my way for yearsIn my careerAnd ever...

Usher - Confessions (interlude)
[Usher talking on phone]Hello?Yo I'm in the booth I'mma call you right backNah I just got...

Usher - Confessions Part I
Every thing that ive been doin is all badI got a chick on the side wit a crib and a rideIve telling yo...

Usher - Confessions Part Ii
Watch this...[Chorus:]These are my confessionsJust when I thought I said all I coul...

Usher - Crazy
I'm crazy, so crazyI'm crazy about youI'm crazy so crazy, about you(Crazy 'bout you baby)...

Usher - Do It To Me
Ooh no no, no no no no.[Verse 1:]I got two-dozen roses, and a card that says baby I cant ...

Usher - Dot Com
[VRS1:]Ooh, I love the way you dirty typeI can take you home on escapeOoh, I need your ba...

Usher - Final Goodbye
It's time to say goodbyeIt's over nowIt's time to say goodbyeIs there a reason why our lov...

Usher - Follow Me
What we gon' do now (oh lord, try some if u like it)Is slow it down on tha flo (you know you like that)...

Usher - Hottest Thing
I've been looking at youTurning brothers downSome got their songWell its time for me to holla no...

Usher - I'll Make It Right
Oh no, no, no, no, no, oh babyI'll make it rightBaby you know that I can make it right...

Usher - I'll Show You Love
Oh-ooh-ohI'll show you love more love babyIt's all about the love I have in meSo baby let ...

Usher - Intro
Look how far we've comeYou're still hereThis is usThese are my confessionsStill going stro...

Usher - I Will
[Hook]I'll pay a penny for your thoughtsA nickel for your kiss, you know that I will...

Usher - Love Was Here
Baby tonightIf you come homeI'll make it right oh noLove was here and goneI ask myse...

Usher - Pop Ya Collar
Hello everybody, welcome today to the wonderful world of U. Now check it, you have two options you can eat i...

Usher - Red Light
[talking:]It's crazyI can't believe that youWould be the one to doDo me like you do...

Usher - Seduction
Sexy Sexy SexyOoOoOoO[Women](sexy sexy sexy)voluptuousI love your confi...

Usher - Separated
Oh no, no, no, noIf love was a birdThen we wouldn't have wingsIf love was a skyWe'd ...

Usher - She's Got The Part
[Verse 1]She was a hot girl lookin for a ride to get, And i was with it six pack said she worke...

Usher - Simple Things
Yeah, uhhThey say money can't buy you loveThey say money can't buy you loveThey never seem to li...

Usher - Slow Love
Get em up get em up get em upCome on come onCome and get some of thisYeah baby come onCome...

Usher - Smile Again
Oh ooh yeah ah oh yeahLa La La La La La LaSmile again Just smile againI'll always be there...

Usher - Superstar
This is for you, you, my number oneThis is for you, you, my number oneThis is for you, you, my number ...

Usher - Superstar (interlude)
This goes out to you, you, my number one (number one, number one)I won't stop until I see you, sugaYou...

Usher - Take Your Hand
HeyI feel like I just blow on upAnytime I could just lose control, caught upIn your lovin' every...

Usher - That's What It's Made For
Ooh, yeah baby yeaahUhhuhhuhhuhhmmmYeaah babeOoh, oohOh, yeahListen up I got a story...

Usher - The Many Ways
Oh baby My ladyYou like what you're hearin' babyWhat's going onI've seen you around my way...

Usher - Think Of You
Oh yeahSh de da de dup dem de dooAll the time I think of youHolding on to someone new...

Usher - Throwback
[Just Blaze]Real talk. Usher, Just Blaze.[Usher]Oh!Oh ho!...

Usher - Truth Hurts
[Intro]Yeah umm See its situations like this That causes us players to get caught up ...

Usher - Ttp
Oh, oh, oh, T-T-POh, oh, oh, T-T-PSomebody tell meWhy do people stay in situations that''l...

Usher - U Don't Have To Call (remix)
[Intro: Usher]Yo after tonight....Don't leave your girl around meTrue playa for real ask my nig...

Usher - U Remind Me
Yo, I ain't seeing you in a minute, but I got something to tell ya, listen.See the thing about you tha...

Usher - Whispers
If I could I'd tell you (I would tell you how)I feel girl, when I'm close to youAt times I'd wish that...

Usher - You'll Be In My Heart
[Talking]I gotchaI'll be right hereYou listen[Singing]Come stop ...

Usher - You Took My Heart
You took my heart and ran awayForever in my heart you'll stayNo matter what we've been throughI'...

Utada - About Me
My baby, there's something you should knowAbout me, before you proposeAlthough we have known each othe...

Utada - Animato
Somebody out there better get thisNot many people can do it like thisHow about some speakers to amplif...

Utada - Crossover Interlude
I don't wanna crossoverBetween this genre, that genreBetween you and I is whereI wanna crossover...

Utada - Devil Inside
Everybody wants me to be their angelEverybody wants something they can cradleThey don't know I burn...

Utada - Easy Breezy
[Chorus 1:]I still remember the ways that you touched meNow I know I don't mean anything to you...

Utada - Exodus '04
With you these streets are heavenNow home feels so foreignThey told me I was mistaken, infatuated...

Utada - Hotel Lobby
She rises with the sunsetShe wonders, "When will this end?"The world is full of money, full of money...

Utada - Kremlin Dusk
All along I was searching for my LenoreIn the words of Mr. Edgar Allan PoeNow I'm sober and "Nevermore...

Utada - Let Me Give You My Love
What a day, young boy next door passed awayOh it makes me wanna sayI don't wanna waste another day...

Utada - The Workout
I was dancing with a dirty blond TexanCharming accent but the music's playing too loud for talkingSo I...

Utada - Tippy Toe
[Chorus:]Every time I think about youHeaven knows I fall into a grooveYou're like a great...

Utada - Wonder 'bout
Late at night I think about you sometimesI don't cry, I wonder if you're alrightLate at night I think ...

Utada - You Make Me Want To Be A Man
[Chorus:]I really wanna tell you somethingThis is just the way I amI really wanna tell yo...

V - Blood Sweat & Tears
If you say, that you don't want me,Thats ok, i'm gonna get ya anyway,If you think, you can avoid me,...

V - Breakaway
Ooh yeahOh yeahI can't find another minute for myselfToo busy pleasing someone else today...

V - Can You Feel It?
Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feel it!If you look aroundThe whole world's coming tog...

V - Earth, Wind & Fire
When I was a kid I made a promise to myselfTo get me all the finer things in lifeI've been on a missio...

V - First Time
Tell me if it's coolBabyMe and you should just get goingNever mind if we've got work today...

V - Fools
Oh the foolsWho adore youWe're never the same once we cried in the rain over youSame old story...

V - Hip To Hip
When lady luck has got me down with her high-speed attitudeIm-a feeling kinda high Im-a feeling kinda low ...

V - Hold Me
Sometimes I feel like another brick in the wall It's just your attitude that makes no sense at all And...

V - Stop The Tears
You broken hurtingYour life is torn in two You're searching for an answer For the way he treated...

V - Walk On
(shake it, shake it)(shake it, shake it)Girl was the type you have dreams about on Sunday aftern...

V - You Stood Up
So I figure I'm alone nowAlienated everyoneA lot of my moves are wrongBut I didn't know you woul...

Vanessa Carlton - Annie
Watch her as she flew deep within the blueA day out from the county I.C.U.There's nothing you can do...

Vanessa Carlton - A Thousand Miles
Making my way downtownWalking fastFaces passAnd I'm home boundStaring blankly ahead...

Vanessa Carlton - Paint It Black
I see a red door and I want it painted blackno colors anymore, I want them to turn blackI see the girl...

Vanessa Carlton - Paradise
once upon a year gone byshe saw herself give inevery time she closed her eyesshe saw what could ...

Vanessa Carlton - Pretty Baby
You light me up and then I fall for youYou lay me down and then I call for youStumbling on reasons tha...

Vanessa Carlton - Prince
willing and able to runI amwilling and able I'm able to comeand if I want for you now...

Vanessa Carlton - Private Radio
Oh oh ohOh oh ohGotta get a littleGotta get a littleAll the world has gone to bed...

Vanessa Carlton - Rinse
She'd do anything to sparkle in his eyeShe would suffer, she would fight, and compromiseShe's been wis...

Vanessa Carlton - She Floats
[intro: whale sounds]Watching puddles gather rainTheres no better place to layShes as fin...

Vanessa Carlton - Sway
my heart, your hands, gentle my friendbreak me neatly, numb me sweetlysay you would, say you cou...

Vanessa Carlton - Twilight
[Verse 1]I was stained, with a role, in a day not my own But as you walked into my life you sho...

Vanessa Carlton - Unsung
if only I could get into that corner of your headwhere things finally match and meet the standards that you ...

Vanessa Carlton - Wanted
I have wandered far and widefor something real something to die forbut I have found you and you do not...

Vanessa Carlton - White Houses
Crashed on the floor when I moved in This little bungalow with some strange new friendsStay up too lat...

Vanessa Carlton - Who's To Say
Stand up straightDo your trickTurn on the starsJupiter shines so brightWhen you're around ...

Vanessa Paradis - Chat Ananas
Un ananas La a la nage Revient vers moi Dans l'orage Mon petit chat s'endort Ananas ...

Vanessa Paradis - Coupe Coupe
Coupe dans la brousse Coupe dans les bois Just cut, hey brotherDans ta main tourne T...

Vanessa Paradis - Joe Le Taxi
Joe le taxi Y va pas partout Y marche pas au soda Son saxo jaune Connait toutes les rues p...

Vanessa Paradis - Le Bon Dieu Est Un Marin
Un marin Ca porte un sac sur l'epaule Un marin C'est a peine sorti de l'ecole Un marin ...

Vanessa Paradis - Marilyn & John
Marilyn peint sa bouche Elle pense a John Rien qu'a John Un sourire, puis un soupir Elle f...

Vanessa Paradis - Marilyn & John (english Version)
Marilyn was Russian And she called John... The sun... Admiration, vibration Just an L.A. ...

Vanessa Paradis - Maxou
L'amour plus fort que la mort C'est dans les livres Ca fait fort, c'est Max! C'est comme dans le...

Vanessa Paradis - Mosquito
Un mosquito C'est un moustique en colere Un mosquito Pique et pique et pique dans la chair ...

Vanessa Paradis - Scarabee
Sur le radeau, t'es seul T'es beau, tu rames au fil de l'eau A quatre, la vie est plus belle L'a...

Vanessa Paradis - Soldat
Petit soldat Pret au combat Rase frais le matin Petit soldat c'est ton coeur qui bat Solda...

Vanilla Ice - F_ck Me
As I continue the journey to get your eardrums straightNow pay attention to this flow, there's no reason to ...

Vanilla Ice - Living
Here it is, a dope hitIceman comin with a dope hitCause a few suckers need their throats slitJea...

Vanilla Ice - Prozac
Stop as I drop this bombBlow up this place like another VietnamI'm heavy like a Holyfield blow to the ...

Vanilla Ice - Scars
Reality sucks, too much painI can't explain why I wanna bash brainsStill I can see it on the other sid...

Vanilla Ice - S.n.a.f.u.
Now, the industry has got me thinking twiceThinking with the treble mix, gotta shake em like diceLet t...

Vanilla Ice - The Horny Song
now that ya feelin it I see you're getting weakyou're gettin real close you're reachin that peak...

Vanilla Ice - Too Cold
All right stop, collaborate and listenIce is back I got a brand new inventionSomething grabs a hold of...

Vanilla Ice - Zig Zag Stories
I had a zig zag story just the other dayI rolled a fat blunt and yo, it ripped this wayI took a puff (...

The Vanished - Anesthesia Winter
Do you need some anesthesia just to make it this timeOr would it now only please you if I stepped out of lin...

The Vanished - Anna's Leach
The sun still shines but the moon declinesOur request for time it's lost tonightI will break through b...

The Vanished - Favorite Scar
Remember when we said we'd never partNo purple tears and break each other's heartNow I'm the fool for ...

The Vanished - Gospel Machine Gun
Tired of the complicationSo we birthed a Prozac nationAnd fell in love with the CNNShoot a man b...

The Vanished - Kerosene
I need a new skin, an enemy to call a friendJust to lie one more timeTo steal my heart away, everythin...

The Vanished - Latch Key Princess
Daddy was never thereWith a crooked smile never really cared, oh wellShe's such a beautiful girl...

The Vanished - Soap
I watched you go downOn a westbound trainI heard the wind blowAnd it whispered your nameI ...

The Vanished - The Anatamony Of Desperation
Desperately trying to find my wayAnd hopelessly grabbing for the words to sayAnd I can't see, I'm sear...

The Vanished - The Only Thing
An overdose inside my soulI try so hard to let it goBut you're the only thing that makes me feel...

The Vanished - Wake Up
I took a slip on a Gemini head trip too farWith all your tears and all my fears, my battle scarsI ran ...

Vaselines - Bitch
I'm a real bitch,I'm a twisted witch,I'll screw you around,When your feeling down.I ...

Vaselines - Dum-dum
I'm a real dum-dum, I'm a son of a gun,I was born to walk, but I wanted to walk,I'm a real dum-dum, I ...

Vaselines - Dying For It
She said to me, would you like to be,I got plenty of time, It's gonna take some time.Ahhhh I'm h...

Vaselines - Dying For It (the Blues)
She said to me, would you like to be,I got plenty of time, It's gonna take some time.Ahhhh I'm h...

Vaselines - Hairy
I don't want to look like you,Greasy hair and ugly too,I just want to live in peace,To lie in be...

Vaselines - Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam
Jesus don't want me for a sunbeam,Cause sunbeams are not made like me,And don't expect me to cry,...

Vaselines - Lets Get Ugly
Time and again,I think to myself,Oh, watch me,One less gun shell,You are,You are,...

Vaselines - Lovecraft
Kill your friends,Light your feet,Do what I want,Lovecraft.Kiss your mouth,Bur...

Vaselines - Molly's Lips
She said she'll take me anyway,She'll take me everyway,As long as she stays with me.She sa...

Vaselines - Monsterpussy
Monsterpuss, monsterpuss,Meow, my monsterpuss,Monsterpuss, monsterpuss,Meow, my monsterpuss,...

Vaselines - No Hope
I've lived my life on the edge of a knife,And I can't give it up.In the fast lane of misery and ...

Vaselines - Oliver Twisted
Once I had a friend called Oliver Twisted,Who used to think he was a brand and gifted,Stupendisly hand...

Vaselines - Rory Rides Me Raw
Galloping through the morning dew,There is only one thing that I want to do to you,And its true that I...

Vaselines - Sex Sux (amen)
I was born up an original sin,Brought my two time in her slim virgin,Father, Son and the Holy Ghost,...

Vaselines - Slushy
Long brown hair, eyes were green.Prettiest girl I've ever seen,And you'll never miss what you never ha...

Vaselines - Son Of A Gun
Swing swing up and down,Turn turn turn around,Round round round and about and over again.Gun gun...

Vaselines - Teenage Superstars
I'm a teenage Jesus superstar without a mighty cross to bear,And when mom complains about my hair,I sa...

Vaselines - The Day I Was A Horse
They say the story, hope it don't bore ya,About they day I was a horse,He said I've been a mourning an...

Vaselines - You Think Your A Man
You think your a man but your only a boy,You think your a man but your only a toy,You think your a man...

Vaughan Penn - Brokenhearted
I give you good advice, you just ignoreThe truth at any price is more than you can affordBut when you'...

Vaughan Penn - Come Clean
I'd like to think that you're finally ableBut you camouflage it in your mindWell it works best when it...

Vaughan Penn - Forgiveness
We were on top of the worldLooking down at it through silver glassesWhen every oyster had a pearl...

Vaughan Penn - Hey You
Hey youWhat 'cha gonna do with your life? Hey youWhat 'cha gonna do with your life?W...

Vaughan Penn - I Can't Help Myself
I looked in my closet, I looked in my drawerLookin' for favorite jeans, lookin' for my favorite jeansY...

Vaughan Penn - If You Could See
You're lucky when love comes your wayYou're lucky in every single game you playBut you thinkIt's...

Vaughan Penn - I Miss You
You were my Moses staff You were my heart's desire You were my miracle In this muddy mire ...

Vaughan Penn - I'm Over It
I'm over it You put your tattoos on You put your glitter in your hair You catch them one by one ...

Vaughan Penn - It's A Game
Over and over she's wasted time on people like you She's the trusting kindOver and over those words ig...

Vaughan Penn - More Than Meets The Eyes
It's not a sign of weaknessWhen it's out of your controlTo everything there is a reason And a ti...

Vaughan Penn - No I Don't
You gotta stand with empty handsIt's funny how I'm turning responsibly numbWe let the money burn and i...

Vaughan Penn - The Deeper I Fall
Walkin' on a moonbeamLivin' in a daydreamHeaven isn't that far awayLookin' into your eyes I come...

Vaughan Penn - Words In My Mouth
Hey Hey HeyFrom the very moment I laid eyes on you It was absolutely obvious that I was more than attr...

Vaughan Penn - Workin' On It
Once when I seventeen I had a dream to be somebodyAll I was gonna need was my suitcase packed with poetry...

Vaux - At Your Will
You look awake and I can't let go.But those eyes are blank, and you can't be free from yourself.A room...

Vaux - Broke The Brakes
I made the field and the wallAnd I will watch it grow. Till towers crumble and fallAnd waters no...

Vaux - Do It For Sixty
We both hesitated as we step from the line. Cause one of us is going down, and it's not my time. All t...

Vaux - Fame
I've been to New York CityAnd I walked the weakest roads.Seen L.A. and its perfect salesman,All ...

Vaux - Four Cornered Lives
I don't remember that we're all done.Can't I be saved, saved from this truth. The clock is rolling. I'...

Vaux - On Love And Cars
Slam the door and turn the key.Punch the dash, red light on empty.Why stop, lets take it slow.I ...

Vaux - Paint It Red
Cause there I a house made of black stone,And it sits at the end of the road.I'd paint it red and it's...

Vaux - Ride Out Bitch
You can't hold on to the air I'm breathing. Why can't you just get over it.And you can not have the si...

Vaux - Set It To Blow
This is the anthem of the yearAnd I'm fucking gold.They say what you wanna hear and I know I'll ...

Vaux - Shot In The Back
And we go, where the words are found.All the sayings, that we care about. And I run, when you say,...

Vaux - Switched On
Forget all that you know.It's all staged, all part of the show.Give me something new.Leave me bl...

Velvet Empire - 2 A.m.
The moon creeps, into my room.The problem is, that baby its not you.Shadows fall, into my bed,Wi...

Velvet Empire - About Last Night
Yay Yay Yay Yay [x3][Refrain:]Eenie Meenie Minie Mo,Found my kind wont let e...

Velvet Empire - Frontin' On Me
Saw you on the corner standing there,Now I wonder who youre talking to,Will I ever Know, Ever Know?...

Velvet Empire - Good Girls
Come on Come on Good girlsHey diggy diggyHey diggy diggy what diggy what diggy diggyHey diggy di...

Velvet Empire - I
I, I, I, iiiii. [x3]What if I, had chosen to,Make a left, when I should have made a right and,...

Velvet Empire - Mad For You
Say say say say,Do do do do,Way way way way,Ooh ooh ooh. [x2]Everybodys been ...

Velvet Empire - Now You Don't
Guess who I saw today at our favorite round the way,So in Love, and so caught up that they didnt see me,...

Velvet Empire - Ride
Chillin out from across the room,I can read your mind.Dont say a word I can see it in your eyes....

Velvet Empire - Tell Me
Youre the one who game me time, heard me when I spoke my mind,Told me that Id never be alone.Always th...

Velvet Empire - That's Right
Aint no doubt about it you want me,Cant you see that I want the same, (ohh yaaa)Dont pretend you can d...

Velvet Empire - Wha, Wha, What
I was hangin, at the club when, I saw you roll in, thinkin how I can.Make my intro, little duction,And...

Velvet Empire - Wild Horses
Childhood living,Is easy to do.The things you wanted,I bought them for you.Graceless lady....

Velvet Revolver - Big Machine
I don't knowBecause she says soHe's a faggot boyThe TV says soHe's a junkie piece of shit ...

Velvet Revolver - Dirty Little Thing
Can't stop thinkin musta been trippin this eveningMy mind is racing demons and all of my feelings are numb...

Velvet Revolver - Do It For The Kids
Went too fast I'm out of luck and I don't even give a fuckI wanna be your manchildLet's all go i...

Velvet Revolver - Fall To Pieces
It's been a long yearSince you've been goneI've been alone hereI've grown oldI fall to pie...

Velvet Revolver - Headspace
MeI'm a manWho is trudgingBest I canThrough a minefieldBuilt to blastCan I mak...

Velvet Revolver - Illegal I
One fine dayI'll settle downWhen you bloody meI ran agroundWith my broken faceAnd fi...

Velvet Revolver - Loving The Alien (sometimes)
Sometimes I think I'm scaredSometimes I knowI feel like making loveSometimes I don'tI feel...

Velvet Revolver - Set Me Free
You operate and motivate on synthetic fuelYou're mother nature and an atom bombAs long as you're kept ...

Velvet Revolver - Slither
Hey Hey HeyWhen you look you see right through meCut the rope, fell to my kneesBorn and br...

Velvet Revolver - Spectacle
Take two to break and three to goHold me back you spectacle (Mother Fucker yeah)Kick me down with brok...

Velvet Revolver - Sucker Train Blues
Hands are shakin got your finger on the trigger Jesus ain't complainin gonna figure it out Somebody ra...

Velvet Revolver - Superhuman
I'm a supermanI wanna be your supermanI'm a supermanI wanna be your supermanWhat you...

Velvet Revolver - You Got No Right
I fell through the iceShe won't be coming back too soonIt never wins to lieShe said you'll never...

Vengaboys - 24/7 In My 911
I got my top downAnd I'm ready to rollWatch me go nowI'm leaving this townTo the Costa del...

Vengaboys - Cheekah Bow Bow (that Computer Song)
I saw you in the disco Last night in San FranciscoThe way you used your joystickIt really makes ...

Vengaboys - Forever As One
I wish I could turn back time I wish I'd never have to see that look in your eyes You really broke thi...

Vengaboys - Ho Ho Vengaboys
Vengaboys - Ho Ho Vengaboys... Okay... Party People Are You Ready??...... Cause IAm! Here We Go!...... Wow!....

Vengaboys - Kiss (when The Sun Don't Shine)
Every FridayMy head's spinnin' round and roundBeen workin' all week now, babyYes it's my day...

Vengaboys - Shalala Lala
There's a boy in my mind and he knows I'm thinkin' of himAll my way to the day and the night the stars shine...

Vengaboys - Superfly Slick
... Big Boy Showing Of All Around The City...... Still The Same Versace Suit...... Thinking You're So Bad......

Vengaboys - Take Me To The City
Don't wanna give myself to you,But your body's on my mindJust wanna dance because ofyouYou are m...

Vengaboys - Uncle John From Jamaica
8 o'clock get up get outta bedI feel like a truck ran over my headAnother day of stress and sorrow...

Vengaboys - Up And Down
We have already in the past produced recordsThese records were successfulAnd produced considerable res...

Vengaboys - Vengababes From Outer Space
Oh Weh OhOh Weh OhOh Weh OhOh Weh Oh[Verse:]Something Special's In The Air This EveningEv...

Vengaboys - We Like To Party
We like to party We like, we like to party We like to party We like, we like to party We l...

Vengaboys - We're Going To Ibiza
Hello Party People!This Is Captain Kim Speaking Welcome Aboard Venga Airways After Take Off Will...

Vengaboys - Your Place Or Mine?
[Verse A]If you want the sun.Then I'll be there to make it shine.Wherever you are going....

Vertical Horizon - All Of You
So you sayI'm too quietHolding thingsUp in my head I say so muchBut you don't ...

Vertical Horizon - Angel Without Wings
We started out so brand new darlingBut now it seems that nothing can change your mindI have seen your ...

Vertical Horizon - Answer Me
It seems you're feeling downYou don't know how longBut you know you don't like it Lost in your r...

Vertical Horizon - Best I Ever Had (grey Sky Morning)
So you sailed awayInto a grey sky morningNow I'm here to stayLove can be so boring N...

Vertical Horizon - Call It Even
I saw an open door and I looked inside itBut I'd no idea What you were hiding So now I'm h...

Vertical Horizon - Candyman
[Chorus]And even though I'm right behind you Shadows haunt and taunt your handI cannot be...

Vertical Horizon - Children's Lullaby
Little girl was down by the watersideThe sun so hot and the roses so red where she lieAs little boys s...

Vertical Horizon - Echo
Echo, echo... We come, we go-woah No I don't want to be just another Echo, echo... E...

Vertical Horizon - Everything You Want
Somewhere there's speakingIt's already coming inOh and it's rising at the back of your mindYou n...

Vertical Horizon - Falling Down
Where does the time goSpinning my wheelsStanding stillIt's like running on iceI only gain ...

Vertical Horizon - Famous
Oh I knowThat things are gonna changeThe only thing for certainIs that nothing stays the same...

Vertical Horizon - Finding Me
I don't think you noticeWhen you see my faceI guess you're waiting To spin me around again ...

Vertical Horizon - Footprints In The Snow
Seems like only yesterdayBut it started long agoTrials tribulationsAnd notes in the autumn night...

Vertical Horizon - Fragments
Hold my thoughts I'm at an impassePast the place I stopped beforeThe sweeper's sweeping fragments...

Vertical Horizon - Give You Back
I need to know if you were real'Cause I've been known to get it wrongWhen the memory comesI'll s...

Vertical Horizon - Goodbye Again
I'm on the outside, looking in What do I see? So much of this left to begin Where would I be? ...

Vertical Horizon - Goodnight My Friend
Goodnight my sunGoodnight my friendRest your soul at thisLong day's end The fire ins...

Vertical Horizon - Great Divide
Keep on looking, find a way outGet a hold on hoping, scream and shoutA new addiction, another show...

Vertical Horizon - Heart In Hand
I know it's been a long roadTo get these towns behind me and IWill gladly reap what we may sow I am...

Vertical Horizon - Inside
We're all lost We're all found We're all the same Just one heart Beats in us We're d...

Vertical Horizon - It's Only Me
I am the bloodI am the heartbeatI am the needle drawing me from meSeparate vials for the vile I ...

Vertical Horizon - It's Over
I'm here, wide awake again This fear is something I call a friend Hello again It's been a while ...

Vertical Horizon - Japan
I saw a young man by a telephoneHe was sitting alone in the rainI said, "Hey, young man what you doing...

Vertical Horizon - Liberty
We met as two total strangersAs many lovers often doBut who could have ever seen the dangerI did...

Vertical Horizon - Life In The City
Cut it down go put it awayTake an inside look on the outsideAnother day Take time look at ...

Vertical Horizon - Lines Upon Your Face
A small group of boys walks down the streetThrowing a ball in the airOne says to anotherHey I'll...

Vertical Horizon - Love's Light
Well I know that no one is to blameBut do you feel my strength when you call my name'Cause I feel your...

Vertical Horizon - Miracle
It's taken much too longTo get it rightWould it be so wrongTo maybe find someoneA miracle ...

Vertical Horizon - One Of You
Breathe in the water Drown in the sky High, high above her While I'm flowing through your eyes ...

Vertical Horizon - On The Sea
No fog clear in the moonlightThe stars shine so bright now's the timeI close my eyes - soft wind touch...

Vertical Horizon - Prayer For An Innocent Man
Oh won't you listen O Lord to my plea for justiceCan't you hear my cry for helpTry to heed my honest p...

Vertical Horizon - Send It Up
Oh you make me lay downOh you make me forget I am hereOh you're making me safe nowOh you make th...

Vertical Horizon - Shackled
For so long my life's been sewn up tight inside your holdAnd it leaves me there without a place to call my o...

Vertical Horizon - Sunrays And Saturdays
Open the windowLet the sunset inIf only for the last timeLet me see you smile again ...

Vertical Horizon - Sunshine
Sometimes I can't get enough Ooh, of you This friendly game keeps getting rough Think I'm breaki...

Vertical Horizon - The Man Who Would Be Santa
And the man who would be Santa slips into the roomAnd the hour of daylight's yet to come but he hopes they d...

Vertical Horizon - The Mountain Song
This mountain we must climb overThis mountain we must climbI will follow you overWe will survive...

Vertical Horizon - The Ride
I hope you know whyYou're taking me for a ride I'm taking it on the chinProtecting the par...

Vertical Horizon - The Unchosen One
God why you want to play with meCan't you see I'm tumbling downAnd like your favorite toyBoy I'm...

Vertical Horizon - Trying To Find Purpose
Well the sun sets gently on your shouldersAnd it makes me want to touch you thereAnd the light in your...

Vertical Horizon - Underwater
You and I, Are here, underwater Seconds are so dear, underwater Searching for a light, to draw m...

Vertical Horizon - Wash Away
An old man lying by the roadBlack is nightHe's got his finger on the triggerAn easy target in si...

Vertical Horizon - We Are
Take a listen through the windowTake a lover on the radioAsk her if she's got an answerDo you kn...

Vertical Horizon - Willingly
When I was just a young boyMy mama said to meDon't fall in love willingly Now that is all ...

Vertical Horizon - Won't Go Away
Dear baby, baby Won't you I go crazy, crazy For you Won't you tell me, tell me What ...

Vertical Horizon - You're A God
I've got to be honestI think you knowWe're covered in lies and that's OKThere's somewhere beyond...

Vertical Horizon - You Say
Here in the lightIt burns you up insideHere in the shell of a sunWe echo on Too much...

Veruca Salt - 25
I'm afraid I will never change.It's ok, I am not ashamed.I can say that my bed is made.You can b...

Veruca Salt - All Hail Me
So sorry lady, so sorry now.I've killed your baby,I don't know howSo sorry, so sorry now. [x2...

Veruca Salt - All Mine
I've got blood on my hands,From this little timid lifeIt's just like a man,to trust me with all ...

Veruca Salt - A Piece Of You
I'm just trying to live this life of mine.The more I look the more I'm blind.And all I ask for is peac...

Veruca Salt - Aurora
How could you be everythingWe were cracking you up to beWe're cracking ourselves up tooWe're cra...

Veruca Salt - Awesome
Goodbye 25, you were a good year for the girls.Goodbye 25, you'll be the goldfinch, I'm th...

Veruca Salt - Benjamin
Take me away, I know I could use the rest.I wanna clear up this mess.I need a few days, wi...

Veruca Salt - Best You Can Get
she's all crazy and shitshe shows us her titsshe's just a corn-fed white-bred chickborn in the r...

Veruca Salt - Bodies
She was a girl from BirminghamShe just had an abortionShe was a case of insanityHer name was Pau...

Veruca Salt - Born Entertainer
This couldn't get any betterShe didn't get it so fuck herI'll never be any sanerI'm a born enter...

Veruca Salt - Celebrate You
I'll wear my patent leather shoesand my golden fleeces.A feather in my hair for you,and then I'l...

Veruca Salt - Cock Of Nothing
Hold me up, I cannot standI'm nothing, I'm your manFeel like blur, I know you canI'm nothing, I'...

Veruca Salt - Disinherit
Cut the back, pull the stuffingCut the girl down to nothingFeed the boyDisinfect the house...

Veruca Salt - Don't Make Me Prove It
Zero, one, two, three, four days without you. Eight, nine,now we're five times two [x3]Wo...

Veruca Salt - Earthcrosser
Sleep little flea,little boy me. A freak.Am I clean flea? I feel like men,(flea, little flea, li...

Veruca Salt - Fly
Twice bitten, twice baked.Twice led down the same mistake.Try me on a Saturday.Try me. Try me....

Veruca Salt - Get Back
I'm spinning out.I can't control my carIt doesn't matter,if you think you might be, you are....

Veruca Salt - Good Disaster
I can't do this any betterI don't have the right to tryI can't get there any fasterWatch the hou...

Veruca Salt - Halloween Day
My life, just got grimMy life, on account of himYou had a chanceYou could have made it okay...

Veruca Salt - Hey Little Ghost
Hey little ghostare you haunting me right now?Cause I feel a little chilland the door's not open...

Veruca Salt - Imperfectly
how can I help it if I'm not neat if there were creeps before youhow can I help you if I am weak...

Veruca Salt - I'm Taking Europe With Me
Sleep in late,a day, a week a year.Open my eyes, how'd I get here?Order food and turn on Oprah....

Veruca Salt - I Think We're Alone Now
I think we're alone now.There doesn't seem to be anyone around.I think we're alone now.The beati...

Veruca Salt - Lonliness Is Worse
When you've had enough, and you've got it bad enoughand you can't let go. When it comes to blows...

Veruca Salt - Morning Sad
Wake up and talk to me, it's a long time since last night.I know we said things, the saddest thi...

Veruca Salt - My Sharona
Oh my little pretty one, my pretty oneWhen you gonna give me some time sharona?Oh you make my motor ru...

Veruca Salt - Never Met Her
I've never met her, and I don't mindI've seen her face a thousand timesshe hides behind her hair...

Veruca Salt - New York Mining Disaster 1996
I'm going down,and I don't know whenI'm coming up againOh I'm going downsaid I don't know ...

Veruca Salt - Number One Blind
Be my blind.Be it all the time.Be it night or day.Take my sun away.Away... Levolor, which ...

Veruca Salt - Officially Dead
I don't believe what you saidI can go anywhereI can hold my head upI can breathe in the air...

Veruca Salt - One Last Time
I wind you up, then I wait here for the melancholy.I give you up, while you sit here in all your...

Veruca Salt - One More Page Of Insincerity Please
Waste of paper and inkBiding my timeWhile fighting sleepPreventing healthTrying to satisfy...

Veruca Salt - Only You Know
don't thank me for what you gotI've given you love I've given you too much thoughtdon't blame me for s...

Veruca Salt - Pale Green
I am fourteenWrapped in a white sheetRain's coming through the windowThe moon lands on my feet...

Veruca Salt - Popeye And Olive
Popeye had a girlfriend.She was named Olive.Popeye had a girlfriend.She was named Olive....

Veruca Salt - Seether
Seether is neither loose nor tight.Seether is neither black nor white.I try to keep her on a short lea...

Veruca Salt - She's A Brain
Take me, I am yours.You don't have to beg and pleadwhen I'm finished with your body.She's a brai...

Veruca Salt - Shimmer Like A Girl
It's a shame youhave a mind of your own nowShame on you,completely setting the tone now.I ...

Veruca Salt - Shutterbug
It's freezing in Bristol, there's love on the telly.A girl grinning at me, she's doing the shimm...

Veruca Salt - Side Of The Road
You wait in the car on the side of the roadLet me go and stand a whileI want to know you're there but ...

Veruca Salt - Sleeper Car
Bright you areAnd bigger than both of usThough I'm a starI can't burn that brightTiger car...

Veruca Salt - Sleeping Where I Want
This is my fav'rite disease.I am sleepy with these dreams.The TV is on.It is seeping into me....

Veruca Salt - Sound Of The Bell
I found a place where we can talk.I found a way to reach a middle gound.Keep your castle in my sandbox...

Veruca Salt - Spiderman '79
You're so nice,you tie me in a weband cradle me till dawn.You're so deadlythat I can see y...

Veruca Salt - Stacey Please
(tick, tick) (I can't get it, yeah)Yeah, yeah (haha)That's a song by a six-year-oldA six-year-ol...

Veruca Salt - Stoneface
You didn't notice I was gone.Cause you were tying up your arm.And when I stand on my head, you n...

Veruca Salt - Straight
You sleep better when you're,you sing better when you'reYou need me more when you're straight.Is...

Veruca Salt - Sundown
You're the pearl in the quicksandYou sink without a soundI'm the girl with the tiny handsPlanted...

Veruca Salt - Swedish Fish
Green or red, good night, rememberGreen is best, of all the flavoursgo ahead it's only waterI lo...

Veruca Salt - The Same Person
I am not the same as beforeand I don't feel that way anymore [x3]no, I am not the same pe...

Veruca Salt - The Speed Of Candy
Panic, frenzyMy love is nearPanic, frenzyMy love is hereBut there's one thing,I know...

Veruca Salt - Twinstar
Flying, when all I want to do is die.Feels like you're flying.Oh god I wish that I could fly.You...

Veruca Salt - Venus Man Trap
Waiting for opportunity to strike.I have been your biggest fan. What a tour.A little blow to cur...

Veruca Salt - Victrola
You're so wonderful,I adore you, [x3] Victrola.You're so audio.Don't remove me to a movie...

Veruca Salt - Volcano Girls
Leave me, lying here.Cause I don't wanna go. [x2]Tell me, tell mewhat you really want fro...

Veruca Salt - Wet Suit
roll the dicenow I wipe the tears from the skiesplay your handhow I love my marlboro mansa...

Veruca Salt - With David Bowie
Will it ever come like it did for you, like it did for you?I kinda heard you singing, oh I never...

Veruca Salt - Wolf
That was a time for falling;I knew you well.There was no timefor calling me when you fell....

Veruca Salt - Yeah Man
I know you've got my backby the way you plan your next attackI know you've placed your betsby th...

The Verve - Already There
Seen it all I'm already thereSave your books and your pillsI don't need them I'm there...

The Verve - A Man Called Sun
Everybody seems to know when he's aroundHe lifts me up and fades without a soundMr. Sun won't you shin...

The Verve - A New Decade
The radio plays the sounds we madeAnd everything seems to feel just rightComing through your lonely mi...

The Verve - A Northern Soul
This is a tale of a Northern SoulLooking to find his way back homeHe's coming from that same old road...

The Verve - Beautiful Mind
A beautiful mind or a beautiful bodyI know which one I'm gonna end uponYou say you will but you never ...

The Verve - Bittersweet Symphony
'Cause it's a bittersweet symphony, this lifeTry to make ends meetYou're a slave to money then you die...

The Verve - Blue
There you were on the floor cut upAnd all alone I'll help youConceived in a chrome dream I was a creas...

The Verve - Blue (usa Mix)
There you were on the floorCut up and all aloneI'll help youConceived in a chrome dream I was a ...

The Verve - Butterfly
You could flap your wings a thousand miles awayButterflyA laughing salesman singsHis world so fa...

The Verve - Catching The Butterfly
Sold you born??And sold your soul??The futures oursTo keep _Oh shall _Has healing wa...

The Verve - Come On
I must be feeling lowI talked to god in a phonebox on my way homeI told you my answerI left you ...

The Verve - Drive You Home
Your face so paleHasn't see the light for daysBut on the hillYou had no place to say "The skies ...

The Verve - Endless Life
Drink the water to ease my painNights like these I only read aboutNights like these I only dreamt abou...

The Verve - Feel
This darkness cooled my lightWe move to different sidesI poured the guilt right over my eyesAs I...

The Verve - Gravity Grave
Get Back, get back again and againI've been here since I can remember whenMy life is a boat, being blo...

The Verve - Gravity Grave (live Glastonbury '93)
Thank youThis is our last one todayHope we get into a bit of a groove with itGet Back, get...

The Verve - History
I wander lonely streetsBehind where the old Thames does flowAnd in every face I meetReminds me o...

The Verve - Knock On My Door
She knew my feelings were jangled and frayedShe took me into a wind blown alley wayShe showed me a wor...

The Verve - Life's An Ocean
Life's An OceanToo much commotion, too much emotionDragging me downLiving for today, don't have ...

The Verve - Make It Till Monday
Hey my friend are we gonna make it till Monday?Another Friday night waiting for a revelationI can see ...

The Verve - Neon Wilderness
In a neon wildernessHe was restlessEscape loneliness Find a new addressStood before ...

The Verve - No Come Down
Keep the thought and I know you've been hotterI never hurt you I pray to followNow I want to swa...

The Verve - One Day
One day maybe we will dance againUnder fiery skiesOne day maybe you will love againLove that nev...

The Verve - One Way To Go
You've got to lift yourself up so highYou can't see the groundYou don't hear a soundYou've got t...

The Verve - On Your Own
Tell me what you seenWas it a dream? Was I in it?Life seems so obsceneUntil it's over...

The Verve - See You In The Next One (have A Good Time)
How hard is it for me to wait for you, my loveSee you in the next one have a good timeCould be a lifet...

The Verve - She's A Superstar
Here she comesSeven sunsA burning flameShe got my loveGot my headBut it's all the sa...

The Verve - Slide Away
So take your timeI wonder if you're here just to use my mindDon't take it slow You know I've got...

The Verve - So It Goes
LifeRoll my dieChange this lifeYou said this movie was mineBut now you go and change your ...

The Verve - Sonnet
My friend and meLooking through her red box of memoriesFaded I'm sureBut love seems to stick in ...

The Verve - Space And Time
There ain't no space and timeTo keep our love aliveWe have existense and it's all we shareThere ...

The Verve - Star Sail
Hello it's me, it's me Calling out I can see youHello it's me, crying out, crying outAre you the...

The Verve - Stormy Clouds
I wanted to tell you my storyHow my life seemed to change in a matter of daysThe heavens break I am wa...

The Verve - The Drug Don't Work
All this talk of getting oldIt's getting me down my loveLike a cat in a bag, waiting to drownThi...

The Verve - The Rolling People
I got one more lifeCan you see it wasting away?But I got a planDo you understand?The...

The Verve - The Sun, The Sea
I see I hear it's very clearBecause the day has come when you have wonIt's myself I feelShe call...

The Verve - This Is Music
I stand accused just like youFor being born without a silver spoonStood at the top of a hillOver...

The Verve - This Time
Lookin' back on my lifeYou know that all I see Are things I could of changedI should have done...

The Verve - Twilight
What I saidCouldn't be that goodBecause you leftYou left??What I didSeem...

The Verve - Velvet Morning
YesIt's been longAnd yesI still feel strongInto the half lightAnother velvet morning...

The Verve - Virtual World
See the water break my handNo one knows my nameI'm not in demandSigns are rightThe s...

The Verve - Weeping Willow
When morning breaksWe hide our eyes and our love's achingNothing's strangeIt was in our ha...

The Verve - Where The Geese Go
You get the burnWe're on the trainI feel no painI feel no painYou set the sights...

Vex Red - Bully Me
Say something to meTell me this is fakeForget compromiseThey just complicateLong ago, empt...

Vex Red - Can't Smile
Keep it real I know that something is wrong with youI am too impatient To wait for something new...

Vex Red - Clone Jesus
So you think you've calmed downBut your still the same nowYou think you can hide truthBut its al...

Vex Red - Dermo
How long will I have to wait here for you?I need to be content with what you do.But when I watch you w...

Vex Red - Itch
You know I've always feltI ' m here with no one elseI hear, I've come apartYou've seen what's in...

Vex Red - Sleep Does Nothing For You
Thoughts that stay trapped insideMy spiritHelps me to recogniseI amNothing like you believ...

Vex Red - Start With A Strong And Persistent Desire
Need some time, disinfectTo purify what you have leftIt's all I have claim to beYou ripped and f...

Vex Red - The Closest
Just close your eyes and speak,Say what we both know is inside youIf you want I'll keepSo much b...

Vex Red - Untitled
But I'm on fireYou surround meYou steal my breathTrapped inside hereBut you're aroun...

Vex Red - Vert
Hide awayKeep safePut your handon your eyesThey wont mindYou will be fine...

Vi-3 - Backstage Girl
[VERSE1:]Late at night when I close my eyesI think about a face that I cant denyAnd I won...

Vi-3 - Eyes Closed So Tight
[VERSE 1:]All those nights, that we kissedAre the nights that I missHolding hands, I's yo...

Vi-3 - Get'cha Boogie On
[CHANT:](Woo, woo) Fellaz if you see em point em out(Woo, woo) The type of girl that make you...

Vi-3 - Go Get Her
[HOOK:]I wanna get her, get her...go get herBeen jockin since I first met her, nobody does it m...

Vi-3 - Hottie With A Body
[VERSE1:]She kinda think in the lips & hips (uh-huh)She kinda cool when she hits the strip (uh-...

Vi-3 - Nowhere
VERSE ONE Right now, here we are And here I'll stay For as long as you say I'll never go, ...

Vi-3 - Oh No!
[HOOK:]Oh no baby, there ya go...go, think that I dont know...know(Bout all the lies and the ga...

Victoria Beckham - A Mind Of Its Own
Stop, slow down, take a deep breath (ooh yeah)Stop, slow down, take a deep breath (na na na na na)Ooh,...

Victoria Beckham - Bad Girl
Something's missing and I don't know why I always feel the need to hide my feelings from you Is it me ...

Victoria Beckham - Every Part Of Me
Oh, no-whoa, look into your eyesPeople always talkin' boutPeople always run their mouthBut...

Victoria Beckham - Girlfriend
Oh yeah, yeahPhone rings at a quarter to nineSome crazy girl is on the lineTalkin' bout ho...

Victoria Beckham - In Your Dreams
I take one look in your eyesI cant believe how perfect you areI fall in love every timeYou take ...

Victoria Beckham - I Owe You
Love is such a precious giftOne thing in my life I know is trueAnd I owe youDeeper than the ocea...

Victoria Beckham - I Wish
Ah, come onOoh, who me?Come on, uhI saw you outsideGetting out your rideA CLK ...

Victoria Beckham - Let Your Head Go
From the riverTo the waterfallLet the music flowFeel your fingersFeel the energyShak...

Victoria Beckham - Like A Prayer
Life is a mystery, everyone must stand aloneI hear you call my nameAnd it feels like homeW...

Victoria Beckham - Like That
Come on, yeahClose your eyes, baby count to threeAnd tell me nowDid you think of him, like...

Victoria Beckham - Mein Herr
You have to understand the way I am, Mein HerrA tiger is a tiger, not a lamb, Mein Herr You'll never t...

Victoria Beckham - Midnight Fantasy
It's half-past twelve, and I'm on my ownPuttin' on some music, turn the lights down lowTemperature is ...

Victoria Beckham - No Trix, No Games
(I know what buttons to push to turn a man on)YeahI can make you blush I can make you swea...

Victoria Beckham - Not Such An Innocent Girl
Ooh-ooh babyHey, oh-whoa, babyI'm not such an innocent girlFirst impressions can be wrong...

Victoria Beckham - That Kind Of Girl
Boy when I first saw youI knew I could adore uAnd it's my nature to be shy but not tonight, noSo...

Victoria Beckham - This Groove
(Hi, it's me)Keep your eyes on me(You wouldn't believe what I'm doing)(Well come on then)K...

Victoria Beckham - Unconditional Love
You could give me diamondsYou could give me pearlsGive me all the fast carsIn the worldBut...

Victoria Beckham - Venus
Goddess on the mountain topBurning like a silver flameThe summit of beauty and loveAnd Venus was...

Victoria Beckham - Watcha Talkin' Bout
Whatchu talkin' boutWhatchu talkin' boutWhatchu talkin' boutWhatchu talkin' boutWhatchu ta...

The Vines - Amnesia
I cannot remember my own sanityGods love ain't foreverHe'll set us freeThought I had to tell you...

The Vines - Animal Machine
I'm looking down by the streets endGirl you've been lacking a pretenseSo save your money for the...

The Vines - Autumn Shade Ii
Look through me because I am transparentHer to know me but why even know yourselfI'm beginning to need...

The Vines - Evil Town
Evil is what you areAs well as being sharpI fell right to itShe sells and I don'tLike it f...

The Vines - Fuck The World
Walk the fields and we stare at the oceanRoll the wheel but forget the notionLife was better before wa...

The Vines - I'm Only Sleeping
When I wake up early in the morning, Lift my head, I'm still yawning When I'm in the middle of a dream...

The Vines - Rainfall
We were hiding from the rain and the thunderI've been staring out for days As I wonder a long day arou...

The Vines - Ride
That's the start, the middle, and the endAren't you glad the universe pretendsIf I don't get this mess...

The Vines - She's Got Something To Say
Shes Got Something To Say To MeAbout me never comin roundShes Got Something To Say To MeAnd dont...

The Vines - Sun Child
Sun childYou're a sun childAwoken by the spirit of the dayWill I wildSpeaking so mild...

The Vines - Tv Pro
See the late night talk show guest professionalA movie star and some kind of telectualHes a she ...

The Vines - Winning Days
The winning days are goneBecause I know just where I'm seeingWas given eyes I knowI can hear ...

Vitamin C - About Last Night
Morning came before I knewJust what I had gotten intoGlanced around in the bright lightI really ...

Vitamin C - As Long As You're Loving Me
OhhhOoohhhhI believe in youThis is real for meWhat I feel for youDidn't Come s...

Vitamin C - Busted
Some things you feel Before something's revealedSometimes you knowBefore sometimes it shows...

Vitamin C - Dangerous Girl
How can I say goodbye?When you saw underneath my skin?Please be mine, all the timeI would halfwa...

Vitamin C - Do What You Want To Do
Do, do do what, do do what, do do do whatchulikeDo, do do what, do do what, do do do whatchulike...

Vitamin C - Fear Of Flying
Boom, boom, boom, you can come into my roomLights are on, lights are offEverything will never stop...

Vitamin C - Girls Against Boys
Imagine a world where the girls, girls rule the earthImagine a world where the boys, boys could give birth...

Vitamin C - Graduation (friends Forever)
And so we talked all night about the rest of our livesWhere we're gonna be when we turn 25I keep think...

Vitamin C - I Can't Say No
I can't, can't, can't say noI can't, can't, can't say noI would what I want, when I wantI can't ...

Vitamin C - I Got You
I got you, and that's all I wantI won't forget, and that's a whole lotI don't go out, now that you're ...

Vitamin C - I Know What Boys Like
Boys, boysHe you wanna know something?Boys, boysBoys like girlsI know what boys like...

Vitamin C - Kiss The Girl
There you see herSitting there across the wayShe don't got a lot to sayBut there's something abo...

Vitamin C - Me, Myself And I
You know he was the type that never left me alone.Untill I really need to reach him on the telephone.H...

Vitamin C - Money
Money makes the world go roundThe world go round, the world go roundMoney makes the world go round...

Vitamin C - Not That Kind Of Girl
I'm not that kind of girl who thinks I can change the worldWith just a simple twirl of my hairI'll nev...

Vitamin C - Real Life
Certain, genuine, almost positiveRight definite, sincereBroke vitality, truth humanityThat's not...

Vitamin C - Sex Has Come Between Us
Ah, ah, ahSex has come between us(come between us, come between us)Sex has come between us...

Vitamin C - She Talks About Love
Once in a lifetime....Down at the end, the end of the lineThere's a girl who waits for love...

Vitamin C - Smile
Alright... Alright... First of all When you wake up in the evening and the day is sh...

Vitamin C - Special
I been trying for so longTo get you where I standFeel like I been climbing all my lifeEverybody ...

Vitamin C - That Was Then, This Is Now
Some things I guess I won't forgetLike my first time on the night we metI wish I could go back there t...

Vitamin C - Turn Me On
Are you gonna turn me on?Or are you gonna turn on me?It's just a sense, really nothing clear...

Vitamin C - Unhappy Anniversary
You ask me, how am I?Well I'm still standing, aren't I?That's something, that's one thing that's gone ...

Vitamin C - Vacation
Come on, come on, come onLet's go! Come on, come on Let's go! Come on, come on, come on...

Vitamin C - Where's The Party
Where's the party (party, party)Where's the party (party, party)Show me the way, show me the way...

Vivian Green - 24 Hour Blue (just One Of Those Days)
[Verse 1:]Woke up this morning feeling so bad,out my window it was rainingdidn't ev...

Vivian Green - Ain't Nothing But Love
[Verse 1]Shoulda know, when I looked into those eyes that, I was going to be freeFrom the bonda...

Vivian Green - Be Good To You
[Verse 1:]I'll never hurt you - Oh!And you will never shed a tear for meI know you're tir...

Vivian Green - Complete
[HOOK]You love me incredibly, from my head to the soles of my feetYou know you make me complete...

Vivian Green - Fanatic
[Verse 1:]When I wake up all I want is for him to take me away To that incredible comfort...

Vivian Green - Final Hour
[Verse 1:]I loved you, just too muchYou owned my emotionsDevoted, completelyYou had...

Vivian Green - Gotta Go, Gotta Leave
Couldnt have given you more. I tried to love you like you loved me. Maybe for wrong reasons....maybe. ...

Vivian Green - Keep On Going
The days are overhelmingI swear I just can't tell if I'mComing or going, I wish I was all knowing...

Vivian Green - Music
[Verse 1:]As far back as I recallYou've played a major partInspired me to see my place, i...

Vivian Green - No Sittin' By The Phone
[Verse 1:]We used to sit over thereThat was your favorite chairBut now I sit here alone...

Vivian Green - Superwoman
[Hook:]Why must I fit into your boxTo make this relationship workI am human not per...

Vivian Green - What Is Love?
[Verse 1:]Maybe I am foolishly in love withSomeone that isNot exactly on the same p...

Vivian Green - Wishful Thinking
[Verse 1]All I wanna do Is wake up every morning and be happy and be care freeAnd all I w...

Vixen - American Dream
One revolution turning around, grace under pressure, but don't make a soundOur house is divided, but togethe...

Vixen - Charmed Life
Got an angel on the left hand and a devil on the rightShe's gonna raise a little hell up in heaven tonight...

Vixen - Cruisin'
It was earlier tonight, you didn't wanna be aloneSo you put on your best jeans, you picked up your phone...

Vixen - Cryin'
One look and I saw what I wanted to see, you know that youWrapped my heart around your finger so easily, yea...

Vixen - Desperate
There you go, walking away like you did beforeBut I know, I know you'll be back, back for moreAnd the ...

Vixen - Edge Of A Broken Heart
I can't believe I could've been so blind, but love is strangeI thought about it for a long long time, but th...

Vixen - Hell Raisers
Watch out!Have you heard the word on the street todayWe're packin' out, it ain't your way, your ...

Vixen - I Want You To Rock Me
It was Saturday night and I was feeling alright, I had nothing to loseI threw the top down, then pulled into...

Vixen - Love Made Me
Our conversation ends too soon, you grab your coat and leave the roomMy heart dissolves onto the floor, our ...

Vixen - One Night Alone
I'll tell ya that I love you, if it makes everything alrightI just wanna hold you, I've got something to pro...

Vixen - Waiting
You caught my eye and I will never be the sameI'm ready, I'm willing, I'm anxious to know your name...

Von Bondies - Been Swank
I've been set up like the innocent. I've been swank And I'm lovin' it. I've been alone lik...

Von Bondies - Broken Man
I'm a broken man This here's my broken band From a broken land We take the good, the bad Y...

Von Bondies - C'mon C'mon
On another day c'mon c'mon With these ropes tied tight can we do no wrong Now we grieve cause now is g...

Von Bondies - Crawl Through The Darkness
Crawl through the darkness, fear all that don't, fate is a gift [x2]Can you see the eyes and th...

Von Bondies - Mairead
Oh, Mairead Your love is beyond compare You have streaks of ivory hair Two lips I wouldn't dare ...

Von Bondies - No Regrets
You feel buried, you feel bored No one takes u seriously when ur 24 So shut off ur days And turn...

Von Bondies - Not That Social
I'm the centre of whats getting you nearBut if you wanna, you better come quickly You're not that soci...

Von Bondies - Pawn Shoppe Heart
I found my heart In a pawn shop, baby You took me for dead - dead By the way - you still I...

Von Bondies - Poison Ivy
Nothing can compare Two weeks I stared Hands, hand tied I got an itch I call her poi...

Von Bondies - Right Of Way
I've been hanging around this place too long I get satisfied and then I'm gone You break me down and t...

Von Bondies - Tell What You See
Everything is perfect Until I get your phone call Telling me something I said or did That wasn't...

Von Bondies - The Fever
A. T H-E F E-V E R The Fever [x2]She don't know what ...

Vs - Call U Sexy
[Echo Chinyere]I'm in the back room Listening to the girls Who saw u in the club & they w...

Vs - Love You Like Mad
Love you like mad!When am with you girlIm down with anythingI like the things that we do ...

The Wallflowers - 6th Avenue Heartache
Sirens ring, the shots ring outA stranger cries, screams out loudI had my world strapped against my ba...

The Wallflowers - After The Blackbird Sings
I'm finding it hard,Just to keep up with someoneWho's hangin' onto nothin'Only to lose what's ne...

The Wallflowers - Angel On My Bike
She knows just what I likeThe angel on my bikeShe found me down on a two ton anchorTangled up in...

The Wallflowers - Another One In The Dark
We took 'em high, we took 'em straight up the hill,They wanted it all, we gave 'em such a fill.In thei...

The Wallflowers - Ashes To Ashes
Well, you could walk like a stranger head back into here,Bringing gifts while you act so sincere,Bring...

The Wallflowers - Asleep At The Wheel
Do you ever stop to count all the invitationsAt the end of the day when it comes down to one decisionO...

The Wallflowers - Babybird
Come back babybirdWith your dirty wings in tattersCome home where you belongNobody knows you bet...

The Wallflowers - Back To California
Feels like a ghost here in this roomNot the kind that rides a saddle in a costumeAll around me, all ar...

The Wallflowers - Be Your Own Girl
I know you're tired of waking up on the floorPushed to the edge with nothing heavy to holdUsing your c...

The Wallflowers - Birdcage
So sad that you took it so badlyAnd acted so madlySo scared like a baby by the morningwith...

The Wallflowers - Bleeders
Once upon a time They called me the bleederWell swimmin' up this riverWith sentimental fever...

The Wallflowers - Closer To You
How soft a whisper can getWhen youre walking through a crowded spaceI hear every word being said...

The Wallflowers - Days Of Wonder
Cherry picking through the starsAnd falling cannonballsWaiting for the break of dawnTo start its...

The Wallflowers - Empire Of My Mind
Well, there is trouble in my mindThere is darkTheres dark, and there is light.I lay our hands ov...

The Wallflowers - Everybody Out Of The Water
On your markGet set lets goYou got to move onBefore she explodesLook out the windowL...

The Wallflowers - Everything I Need
Im not lookingFor a warm embraceIm not lookingFor a friendly faceIve gotEverything I...

The Wallflowers - Feels Like Summer Again
My mind is openAnd my heart is fullI aint got any weightThat I cant pullAnd right now...

The Wallflowers - For The Life Of Me
Well, I know you find it hard to smile,To keep your happiness in styleYou pass in silence in the morni...

The Wallflowers - From The Bottom Of My Heart
Fire on the porch on a summer's nightAll of my things are there insideBlack smoke rise up, burn on bur...

The Wallflowers - God Don't Make Lonely Girls
SenoritaLooks like you ain't done nothinggood women ain't supposed to doOh no no no noI se...

The Wallflowers - God Says Nothing Back
Seems like the world's gone undergroundNo gods or heroesDare to go downTear drops from a hole in...

The Wallflowers - Health And Hapiness
Maybe its notThat I dont care anymoreMaybe I just never didYou cant sayThat I have ever li...

The Wallflowers - Here He Comes (confessions Of A Drunken Marionette)
Here comes your drunken marionetteDragging his mess of threadsThere at the bar pulling smoke to his lu...

The Wallflowers - Here In Pleasantville
If you could see yourselfThe way that I doYou might changeA thing or twoYou wouldnt look s...

The Wallflowers - Hollywood
You talk so loud, you talk so much and you talk so funny,But honey, what are you talkin' about ?Someth...

The Wallflowers - Honeybee
Seen the shadow on my wallTurn and fallOn broken hands and allTurn and crawlSeen that sun ...

The Wallflowers - How Good It Can Get
Slow downYoure breaking upUse your wordsDont yell so muchI dont understand a wordTha...

The Wallflowers - I Am A Building
I'm here by my windowI am waiting for your paradeI will salute youFrom above the crowdAs y...

The Wallflowers - If You Never Got Sick
That aint a parachuteThat aint a rip cordThat aint a body of waterWere headed forTheres so...

The Wallflowers - Invisible City
Lookin' back at the crash siteI don't see me by the roadsideWell this heart is on wheels tonight...

The Wallflowers - I've Been Delivered
I could break free from thewood of a coffinif I needBut nothin's hard asGettin' free from ...

The Wallflowers - I Wish I Felt Nothing
Say when you're aloneIt's better 'cause nobody knows youWhen no one's your friendIt's better 'ca...

The Wallflowers - Josephine
I feel pretty goodI feel all rightAnd I've been thinkin' maybeI could spend the night...

The Wallflowers - Laughing Out Loud
Man, you oughta finish what you've startedYou can't leave me here aliveWell I know it started as a fis...

The Wallflowers - Letters From The Wasteland
Now coming downOut of this swandive to your armsI make no soundsWhenI move thru your reservoirs...

The Wallflowers - Mourning Train
Mama don't 'you send me no love this month'cause my heart is all used upand mama I wanna come home...

The Wallflowers - Murder 101
Never thought that I knew too muchI always thought I knew enoughI didn't want to learn this stuff...

The Wallflowers - Nearly Beloved
Last night I dreamt one thousand liesI could see the dawn through a different set of eyesThere in my s...

The Wallflowers - One Headlight
So long ago, I don't remember whenThat's when they say I lost my only friendWell they said she died ea...

The Wallflowers - See You When I Get There
Im looking upAt the moving cloudsIve been hit so hardThis timeI just might stay down...

The Wallflowers - Shy Of The Moon
Pretty little girl on the side of the roadYellow hair in a yellow bowLittle thumb sticking in the exit...

The Wallflowers - Sidewalk Annie
She told you about it through a broken bleeding windpipe.It shook your bones and made your life feel skintig...

The Wallflowers - Sleepwalker
Maybe I could be the one they adoreThat could be my reputationIt's where I'm from that lets them think...

The Wallflowers - Somebody Else's Money
We can buy that mansion on the hill,We'll fill it up until it's filled.We'll buy a big black Cadillac...

The Wallflowers - Some Flowers Bloom Dead
We didn't make itWe did not pull throughYou shouldn't blame meI don't blame youNow what el...

The Wallflowers - Sugarfoot
Sugarfoot's got two handsJust as long as he can see,One hand in the birdfeedAnd a hand in the ap...

The Wallflowers - The Beautiful Side Of Somewhere
Tomorrow is gonna make you cryIt's gonna to make you kneelBefore it breaks you from insideStill ...

The Wallflowers - The Difference
One, two boys by the riverDown by the waterTellin' riddles in the darkWith fireflies under the m...

The Wallflowers - The Passenger
Permission now to let this thing landI'm too far gone to know where I amConditions are worse than we p...

The Wallflowers - Three Marlenas
Alone tonight in somebody's bedShe gone and dyed her hair redShe only went and did what she did'...

The Wallflowers - Three Ways
Theres three ways out of every boxFall out the bottomOr you crawl out the topTheres three ways...

The Wallflowers - Too Late To Quit
Takes all my mightTo find a hole that feels rightTo bury myselfIn a deep sleep at nightI h...

The Wallflowers - Up From Under
Well I'm down here in the wellLooking back up at the hillWell I thank heavens I fellMust look mo...

The Wallflowers - Used To Be Lucky
Now mine is a sunshine kind of a valentineBut sometimes I still don't feel even worth a dimeBut it use...

The Wallflowers - We're Already There
Quarter Moon,On a city growing thickWith good advice that won't stick.From the ballrooms to the ...

The Wallflowers - When You're On Top
I need a bedThat nobodys slept inI need some airNobodys been breathingI need a thought...

The Wallflowers - Witness
I'm standing outside your window, babyAnd there you areAnother year, another candle's burningfor...

Warlock - After The Bomb
The biggest war has endedThe smoke gets awayThe sun is coming upTo salute the horrible day...

Warlock - All Night
Your evil eyes, are cold as iceYour face is so wildJust like the beak of an eagle that cries....

Warlock - All We Are
All we areAll we are, we areWe are all, all we needAll we areAll we are, we areWe ar...

Warlock - Angels With Dirty Faces
See my soul as desireCatch the words as they fall from my lipsFeel the passion grow higherLick t...

Warlock - Burning The Witches
When the day is overThe devil is nearThe people who know itAre full of fearWhen the ...

Warlock - Catch My Heart
Tonight, the starlight flows into my windowI'm watching the wheels turning roundTomorrow sleeps ...

Warlock - Cold, Cold World
It's a long long way downTo the dark side we're boundTattered and tornWe're wasted and worn...

Warlock - Dark Fade
You're only seventeenToday or tomorrowYou expect aSurpriseFull of eroticThe fi...

Warlock - Down And Out
Hey, guyIt's not in orderTo walk around like the lads'Cause for people of my ageYou're a s...

Warlock - Earthshaker Rock
Hey you, whatcha gonna do,Whatcha gonna do tonightStand up and let it outMetal rock is here toni...

Warlock - East Meets West
Killing timeWatching signsI'm waitin'See on the other side of townI've seen the walls come...

Warlock - Fight For Rock
Every book on the shelfEvery teacher in schoolEvery man in the streetHas another golden rule...

Warlock - Fur Immer
Bleib' Dir treuniemals auseinandergeh'hwerden zueinandersteh'nfur immerKeine Macht...

Warlock - Hateful Guy
Aah!You're in a fever for the next bloody deedYour search is not long, your search for all what ...

Warlock - Hellbound
StarlightNow it's the timeNow I will tryTo realise my desireTo strike backToni...

Warlock - Hellraiser
Flesh and bonesWith hearts of stoneainted faceHas lost its placeBeneath the wheelNo ...

Warlock - Holding Me
Well I see you standing thereClouds covered from the moonStrong wind blows through my hairIt's m...

Warlock - Homicide Rocker
Hard rockerBlood suckerYou all come just to see the showNeck breakerEarth shakerFeel...

Warlock - Igloo On The Moon (reckless)
Life can be goodLife can be badSometimes our mind is floatingA sea of doubtA number 1...

Warlock - I Rule The Ruins
There's a tattooed symbol underneath my sleeveAn iron glove over a hand of steelYou can't touch me...

Warlock - Kiss Of Death
Tragic was the memoryA sacrifice of broken dreamsIt turned the sky a fiery redAnd dropped this c...

Warlock - Lady In A Rock'n' Roll Hell
Take me downI'm ready for another ride undergroundI need your loveBaby to take me down...

Warlock - Love In The Danger Zone
Fear in the nightBroken dreams - wrapped in starlightOur love is deadI cannot feel my mind...

Warlock - Love Song
OkayDreams of XanaduLike a rainbow in the skyI wil lead you to heavenClose your eyes...

Warlock - Make Time For Love
Takes a life-time of battleTo wipe down this slateBut it don't really matterI'm a soldier of fat...

Warlock - Metal Racer
Racing down on the motorwayNo rest, no place to stayHe calls it running out of timeGot no ...

Warlock - Metal Tango
My hands are in motionMy wheels do not changeMy pain I turn into heatInside these flamesWh...

Warlock - Midnite In China
A racing stampedeDown in the valleyThe waves are horses made of mercuryOur boat is shakin'...

Warlock - Mr. Gold
See the master of evilDiamonds in his eyesFinger-tips like a needleStab you from behind...

Warlock - Out Of Control
Drums in the night give me a signI hear the sound of warThat is echoing through the streets...

Warlock - Shout It Out
Get away and start all overThink about your ownDestinationMaybe you have to tryWhen time i...

Warlock - Sign Of Satan
See the evil signsSee some bloody crimesNow hell's just begunSatan's having funEvery...

Warlock - Something Wicked This Way Comes
Every nightI have the strangest dreamsRunnin' through my headAnd every nightI have the str...

Warlock - Speed Of Sound
Hey pull the triggerI am your bulletGoing to nowhereI'm shooting up into the skyThe ...

Warlock - Three Minute Warning
Mama says there's trouble, yeah trouble, on the streets todayShe says all the little ones got nowhere, got n...

Warlock - Time To Die
Restless I close my eyesCan't sleep at allThink about my million liesAnd think about my life...

Warlock - Touch Of Evil
Outside this flamin' ring of fireThere's nothing left for me to loseI shoot to kill if I desireI...

Warlock - True As Steel
Go ahead all around the worldStep by step, our flag unfurledLet your spirit riseGot to fight for...

Warlock - Under The Gun
Tell me no secrets and I'll tell you no liesThe future has been twisted and rehearsed for its demiseTh...

Warlock - Vorwarts, All Right !
I am on the looseI am lying in waitThe hunter the preyI was begging for quarterNow I sing ...

Warlock - Without You
I feel so lonelySince I had to leave you'Cause all I had to sayWas not trueI'm think...

Warlock - Wrathchild
Just beyond the neonlightsWhere the city is full of ratsIt's a neverending fightBetween good 'n'...

Warren G - And Ya Don't Stop
For 94, I'm a just glide and swervehop up the streets with my heats so observeits me Z the whee Z, the...

Warren G - Can You Feel It
LBC D-E-F-GI'm H-I off J's bellin in a T-shirt and blue jeanswell few dreams ever come truewell ...

Warren G - Dope Beat
[Chorus x2]I need a dope beat, a dope beatJust holler at your boy named Warren G(I wanna)...

Warren G - Do You See
The Blues has always been totally AmericanAs American as apple pieAs American as The BluesAs Ame...

Warren G - Friends
Do you know where you goin to?Do you like the things Warren G has showed you... youDo you know where y...

Warren G - Ghetto Village
[Chorus]Would you like to go with me, down my dead end street?Would you like to come with me, t...

Warren G - I Shot The Sheriff
[Chorus]I shot the sheriff[Chorus][Verse One:]I had to sh...

Warren G - My Momma (ola Mae)
Yo I wanna take this time out to dedicate this song to one of the most beautiful ladies in the worldco...

Warren G - Reality
I don't know why they mad at meThey can't catch me but still they after meWhen we deal face to face, i...

Warren G - Reel Tight Intro
[The group Reel Tight in background][Warren G:] Check this out, this isWarren G, ...

Warren G - Ricky And G-child
[Ricky:] Say man, how many lumps do you want? - Whatchou mean how many lumps I want?[G-Child...

Warren G - Ricky In Church
Good evening, morning, afternoon, wherever, whosenever,whatsenever, we wouldn't give a damn.We want to...

Warren G - Star Trek Intro
Beeping of alert signal.[Ensign:] Captain, the transporters ready.[Captain:] That's hi...

Warren G - St. Ide's Promo
Back up, back up cause it's onCan you do what we do when we sipping on the brewBack up, back up cause ...

Warren G - This D.j.
[Intro / Chorus: Warren G]It's kind of easy when you're listening to the G-Dub soundPione...

Warren G - Transformers
Microphone check one two uhand you don't stopmicrophone check one two uhand ya don't quit...

Warren G - What's Love Got To Do With It (remix)
One love, whats love, you're lucky just to have just oneOne love, whats love, you're lucky just to have just...

Wave - California
[Bridge]On a lonely dayI look out on the freeway I can, fantasize 'bout the car I drive...

Wave - Clever
does anybody know where all the people go, oh no does anybody care if i found what i will wear a...

Wave - Daydream
Sunshine, strawberry wine a little taste of leather and lace colour blind its all in my mind tem...

Wave - Don't Leave
i laid my heart out on the line i couldnt keep it locked inside all because my pride i was so wr...

Wave - I'd Give Anything
Hold on and hope for better change like the cloudy day being washed away by the warm summer rain...

Wave - It's A Drag
I never understood i thought we had it good i never realized baby what a big surprise it w...

Wave - Read My Mind
i see you everyday but you just walk on by its like fireworks explode inside just some simple wo...

Wave - Sleepless
Do you believe in love at first sightJust one glance and you knowWell I do and I'll tell you what it's...

Wave - That's How It Feels
It's such a crazy rideYou feel it deep insideIt seems like I could touch the sky, the skyJ...

Wave - Think It Over
You say you wanna see the city lightsCause they shine so bright and they're calling you ohBefore you g...

Wave - Touch
Here i sit alone thinking about today there's things i should have done things i didnt say ...

Wave - Until The Record Breaks
I saw you standing by the stack of forty-fives looking at 'I Want You Back' by the Jackson Five i real...

Wave - With The Stars
There is a place in outer space i wanna go no crime scenes no magazines or TV shows ...

Wayne Wonder - Bounce Along
[Verse 1]Baby... Oh...Beautiful girl and that's for sureThe way she make love me haffi re...

Wayne Wonder - Hold Me Now
I have a picture,Pinned to my wall.An image of you and of me and we're laughing and loving it all....

Wayne Wonder - No Letting Go
[Verse 1]Got somebody she's a beautyVery special really and trulyTake good care of me lik...

Wayne Wonder - Perfect Proposal
This is for my baby..will you marry meby your side ill be (pretty lady)Will you marry me (...

Wednesday 13 - A Bullet Named Christ
Lost in a familiar placeThis channel will not changeThis feeling's all too strangeIt's like home...

Wednesday 13 - Bad Things
A bullet in your head is how I want itYour body on the floor -- a Kodak momentYou're a waste of air an...

Wednesday 13 - Buried By Christmas
Merry Christmas, ho ho hoI'll be six feet under the snowJingle bells along the wayI'm a dead mot...

Wednesday 13 - Elect Death For President
Rise your wrist up in the air And wave your razorblades like you just don't careUse your voice, make h...

Wednesday 13 - God Is A Lie
I've made a fist but I cannot knock upon that door'Cause once I walk through it I won't be coming back no mo...

Wednesday 13 - Haunt Me
This Halloween I think that we should be together Just for old time's sakeI wanna hear you scream just...

Wednesday 13 - House By The Cemetery
I hear the devil and he's calling meIn the house by the cemeteryGhouls and creeps fucking gather 'roun...

Wednesday 13 - I Want You... Dead
Goddamn here we go, off to the graveyard, go, go, goGive 'em to me decayed, give 'em to me anywayI don...

Wednesday 13 - Look What The Bats Dragged In
I'm dying from my own diseaseI'm a villian, I'm a murderer and the victim is meI've got a date with fa...

Wednesday 13 - Rot For Me
You and me were once a fairy tale in loveNo happily ever after, just a horrorble disasterYou tri...

Wednesday 13 - The Ghost Of Vincent Price
I knew that life wouldn't be the same after that fateful dayDreams were crushed and who's to blame for all m...

Wednesday 13 - Transylvania 90210
My room came alive, my dog just died, stacked 13 pennies in his eyesI stared at the wall, it stared back at ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Achy Breaky Song
You can torture meWith Donnie & MarieYou can play some Barry ManilowOr you can play some schlock...

Weird Al Yankovic - A Complicated Song
Uh huh ... extra cheeseUh huh, uh huh ... save a piece for mePizza party at your houseI we...

Weird Al Yankovic - Addicted To Spuds
Potato skins, potato cakesHash browns, and instant flakesBaked or boiled or french friedThere's ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Airline Amy
Met this pretty young stewardess on a non-stop flightShe showed me to my seat and it was love at first sight...

Weird Al Yankovic - Albuquerque
Way back when I was just a little bitty boy living in a box under the stairs in the corner of the basement of the ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Alimony
Here she comes now, wants her alimonyBleedin' me dry as a bony bonyWorkin' three jobs just to stay in ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Angry White Boy Polka
Cut my life into piecesThis is my last resortSuffocation, no breathingDon't give a %$@& if I cut...

Weird Al Yankovic - Attack Of The Radioactive Hamsters From A Planet Near Mars
They showed up on my doorstep just a couple weeks agoThey looked so sweet and harmlessTell me, how was...

Weird Al Yankovic - Baby Likes Burping
You know my baby likes burpingYou know my baby's kinda nauseating[burps]My li...

Weird Al Yankovic - Belvedere Cruising
Now, you won't find me braggin''Bout my big green station wagonOr tellin' 'bout the traffic laws I'm b...

Weird Al Yankovic - Bob
I, man, am regal - a German am INever odd or evenIf I had a hi-fiMadam, I'm AdamToo hot to...

Weird Al Yankovic - Bohemian Polka
Is this the real lifeIs this just fantasyCaught in a landslideNo escape from realityOpen y...

Weird Al Yankovic - Born To Be Mild
Get your program runningHead out to the centerTerminals are waitingFor the data that you'll ente...

Weird Al Yankovic - Cable Tv
I used to think my life was so emptyI used to think life was passin' me byWell, I was just about ready...

Weird Al Yankovic - Callin' In Sick
Hit my snooze alarm for the twenty seventh timeJust don't feel like goin' to work - I think I'll call my bos...

Weird Al Yankovic - Cavity Search
Listen to the MuzakHearin' people screamSittin' in the waiting roomReadin' crappy magazines...

Weird Al Yankovic - Cheerios, Apple Jacks, Cheerios
Cheerios, Apple Jacks, CheeriosDid you know Froot Loops fit in your noseI may be just a simple guy...

Weird Al Yankovic - Chicken Pot Pie
When we were young, Bernie's Deli was down the block(Ooh ooh ooh ooh)He made a great liver pate(...

Weird Al Yankovic - Christmas Memories Of "weird Al" Yankovic
Hello, this is "Weird Al" Yankovic.You know, some of my favorite memories are those of Christmastime. ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Couch Potato
LookIf you hadOne shotTo sit on your lazy buttAnd watch all the TV you ever wantedUn...

Weird Al Yankovic - Crampton Comes Alive
Well, woke up this morningWith a Big Mac in my handWhat fries, whose friesWhere's my Hot Apple P...

Weird Al Yankovic - Dare To Be Stupid
Put down your chainsaw and listen to meIt's time for us to join in the fightIt's time to let your babi...

Weird Al Yankovic - Dead Car Battery Blues
One, two, a-one, two, three, fourWell I, can't go to the parkI can't go to workI can't do ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Dr. Demento Radio Promo
HiThis is "Weird Al" Yankovic and you're listening to the Dr. Demento show ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Dr. Demento's 15th Anniversary Special
In the year of 1970Underneath the old smogberry treeFirst was heard a man that we all knowThe on...

Weird Al Yankovic - Eat It
How come you're always such a fussy young manDon't want no Captain Crunch, don't want no Raison BranWe...

Weird Al Yankovic - Everything You Know Is Wrong
I was driving on the freeway in the fast laneWith a rabid wolverine in my underwearWhen suddenly a guy...

Weird Al Yankovic - Fast Food
How about making a run for the borderHow about me deserving a break todayHow about getting some fries ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Fat
Your butt is wide, well mine is tooJust watch your mouth or I'll sit on youThe word is out, better tre...

Weird Al Yankovic - Fatter
Fatter, fatterShake 'n Bake, fatterShake 'n Bake, fatterFatterCorndogs, pizza, Coca ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Flatbush Avenue
OyOyDown on the street they got bagelsAnd there's a sale on cream cheese and loxNosh...

Weird Al Yankovic - Food Medley As Performed In 1985 - 01
I had a pizza,Covered with cheese.I wrapped it all up in aluminum foil,Stuck it back in the free...

Weird Al Yankovic - Food Medley As Performed In 1985 - 02
Woah, 'cause he's my doctor, doctor,And his name is Bernie, Bernie.Oh, doctor, doctor,I'm feelin...

Weird Al Yankovic - Food Medley As Performed In 1985 - 03
The first steak I ordered,It wasn't very hot.I had to send it back,Let 'em have one more shot....

Weird Al Yankovic - Food Medley As Performed In 1985 - 04
Burger King!What's the price for fries?I'll take the jumbo size!I need fast food tonight!...

Weird Al Yankovic - Food Medley As Performed In 1985 - 05
Hey! Oooh! Oh!One rule you all should obey:Eat from the four basic food groups everyday.Have b...

Weird Al Yankovic - Food Medley As Performed In 1985 - 06
I know to keep a woman satisfied.When I whip out my Diner's Card their eyes get so wide.They're always...

Weird Al Yankovic - Food Medley As Performed In 1985 - 07
Fat and weak, what a disgrace.Guess the champ got too lazy.Ain't gonna fly now, he's just takin' up sp...

Weird Al Yankovic - Food Medley As Performed In 1985 - 08
I hear those ice cream bells and I start to drool.Keep a couple quarts in my locker at school.Yeah, bu...

Weird Al Yankovic - Food Medley As Performed In 1985 - 09
Oh, oh, here she comes.Boy, she likes that processed meat.Oh, oh, here she comes.She's Spameater...

Weird Al Yankovic - Food Medley As Performed In 1985 - 10
Baby, when we go to parties,I drink a buncha beer.Then my tummy starts a-grumblin'Feelin' queer....

Weird Al Yankovic - Food Medley As Performed In 1985 - 11
Avocado,What makes you think you're so holy?You're gonna be guacamole before too long.Oh, ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Food Medley As Performed In 1985 - 12
Wanna whole lotta lunch!Wanna whole lotta lunch!Wanna whole lotta lunch!Wanna whole lotta lunch!...

Weird Al Yankovic - Food Medley As Performed In 1985 - 13
Goin' to the market now, market now.I'm the city's biggest bologna buyer.Walkin' down the shopping ais...

Weird Al Yankovic - Frank's 2000" Tv
Risin' above the city, blocking out the noonday sunIt dwarfs the mighty redwoods and it towers over everyone...

Weird Al Yankovic - Free Delivery
Late at night, you're hungryYou're craving some pizzaLet me be the one that you callOlive ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Gandhi Ii
[Announcer:] Next week on U62...[Announcer:] He's back[Announcer:] And this time...

Weird Al Yankovic - Gee, I'm A Nerd
Gee, I'm a nerdSeen each Star Trek eighty timesMemorized each wordHome aloneOn Frida...

Weird Al Yankovic - Generic Blues
I woke up this morningThen I went back to bedSaid I woke up this morningThen I went right back t...

Weird Al Yankovic - Genius In France
I'm not the brightest crayon in the boxEveryone says I'm dumber than a bag of rocksI barely even know ...

Weird Al Yankovic - George Of The Jungle
George, George, George of the jungleStrong as he can beAhhhWatch out for that treeGe...

Weird Al Yankovic - Germs
Sometimes I really want to be aloneBut that's one state I'm never inBecause I know that I've got milli...

Weird Al Yankovic - Girls Just Want To Have Lunch
Some girls like to buy new shoesAnd others like drivin' trucks and wearing tattoosThere's only one thi...

Weird Al Yankovic - Gotta Boogie
Gotta boogieGotta boogieGotta boogieGotta boogieGotta boogie (gotta boogie)Gotta boo...

Weird Al Yankovic - Gravy On You
Well, I think you're obnoxiousAnd I think that you stinkI think you're a moronA slob, and a fink...

Weird Al Yankovic - Green Eggs And Ham
I do not like Green Eggs and HamI do not like themSam, I amI do not like them here or ther...

Weird Al Yankovic - Gump
Gump sat alone on a bench in the park"My name is Forrest," he'd casually remarkWaitin' for the bus wit...

Weird Al Yankovic - Happy Birthday
Happy birthdayHappy birthday to youHappy birthdayHappy birthday to youWell, it's tim...

Weird Al Yankovic - Harvey The Wonder Hamster
Oh, Harvey, HarveyHarvey the Wonder HamsterHe doesn't bite and he doesn't squealHe just runs aro...

Weird Al Yankovic - Headline News
Once, there was this kid whoTook a trip to Singapore and brought along his spray paintAnd when he fina...

Weird Al Yankovic - Hit Me With A Rock
When I was a little boy(When I was just a boy)And my mother would call my name(When I was just a...

Weird Al Yankovic - Holiday Greetings 1987
Hi, this is "Weird Al" Yankovic, and I'd just like to take this opportunity to say:Merry ChristmasMerr...

Weird Al Yankovic - Holiday Greetings 1988
Hi, this is "Weird Al" Yankovic. Remember, if you have one or two of those traditional blueberry daiquiris ...

Weird Al Yankovic - I Can't Watch This
I can't watch this. I can't watch thisI can't watch this. I can't watch thisMy my my my TV makes...

Weird Al Yankovic - If I Could Make Love To A Bottle
If I could make love to a bottleThe first thing that I'd like to doI'd search the world over to find o...

Weird Al Yankovic - I'll Repair For You ( A Theme For Home Improvement )
So you got dry rot and your water pressure's weakYour trash compactor's broke, the roof has sprung a leak...

Weird Al Yankovic - I Love Rocky Road
I hear those ice cream bells and I start to droolKeep a couple quarts in my locker at schoolYah, but c...

Weird Al Yankovic - I'm So Sick Of You
You tell a joke and forget the punchlineWhy you always wastin' my time?Hey baby, trust me, you just di...

Weird Al Yankovic - I Remember Larry
Say, do you remember that guy Larry next doorWell, he always was the neighborhood clownLike the time h...

Weird Al Yankovic - Isle Thing
Met this fine young thingAt the local Circle KWe made a date for a half past eightAnd I said, "W...

Weird Al Yankovic - I Think I'm A Clone Now
Isn't it strangeFeels like I'm lookin' in the mirrorWhat would people sayIf only they knew that ...

Weird Al Yankovic - It's All About The Pentiums
It's all about the Pentiums, babyUhh, uh-huh, yeahUhh, uh-huh, yeahIt's all about the Pentiums, ...

Weird Al Yankovic - It's Still Billy Joel To Me
What's the matter with the songs he's singin'Can't you tell that they're pretty lameAfter listenin' to...

Weird Al Yankovic - I Want A New Duck
Woh ohI want a new duckOne that won't try to biteOne that won't chew a hole in my socks...

Weird Al Yankovic - I Was Only Kidding
When I said that I'd be faithfulWhen I promised I'd be trueWhen I swore that I could neverBe wit...

Weird Al Yankovic - Jerry Springer
It's been one week since we got to seeCheatin' lovers and cousins that marryFive days since they had t...

Weird Al Yankovic - Jurassic Park
I recall the time they found those fossilized mosquitoesAnd before long, they were cloning DNANow I'm ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Kidstar 1250 Radio Promotion
[telephone dialing]Just eat it, eat itGet yourself an egg and beat itOh, eat it, ea...

Weird Al Yankovic - Lasagna
La-la-la-la-lasagnaYou want-a some-a lasagna magnificoOr a-maybe spaghettiAy, you supper's a-rea...

Weird Al Yankovic - Laundry Day
You gotta keep 'em separatedYou like the latest fashionsYou'd like to keep 'em cleanYou ta...

Weird Al Yankovic - Leisure Suit Serenade
Wearin' old T-shirts and grubby jeansPeople say I look kinda oddWell, I'm never accepted in the social...

Weird Al Yankovic - Let Me Be Your Hog
Let me be your hogLet me be your hog, now (snort, snort)I said baby baby baby baby babyBaby baby...

Weird Al Yankovic - Like A Surgeon
I finally made it through med schoolSomehow I made it throughI'm just an internI still make a mi...

Weird Al Yankovic - Livin' In The Fridge
There's something weird in the fridge todayI don't know what it isFood I can't recognizeMy roomm...

Weird Al Yankovic - Matter Of Crust
Some bread, you can get bargain-pricedAnd every loaf you buy begins with a singular sliceBut you know ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Melanie
Me-he-he-helanieWhat can the problem beSweet Me-he-he-he-helanieWhy won't you go out with me...

Weird Al Yankovic - Money For Nothing/beverly Hillbillies
BeverlyBeverly HillbilliesHuh, now lookie here peopleListen to my storyA littl...

Weird Al Yankovic - Mr. Frump In The Iron Lung
I visit Mr. Frump in the hospitalI see him most every dayAnd when I see Mr. Frump in his iron lung...

Weird Al Yankovic - My Baby's In Love With Eddie Vedder
Oh, my baby, my baby she don't want me no moreEver since she saw his poster in that record storeShe sa...

Weird Al Yankovic - My Bologna
Ooh, my little hungry one, hungry oneOpen up a package of my bolognaOoh, I think the toast is done, th...

Weird Al Yankovic - Never Met A Person As Wonderful As Me
Well, I stare at myself in the mirrorWhen I wake up every mornAnd I marvel at how great I've been...

Weird Al Yankovic - Nobody Here But Us Frogs
Oh, I've really got those ozone layer bluesFrom my elbow down to my shoesSo let's throw another fire o...

Weird Al Yankovic - Ode To A Superhero
Peter Parker was pitifulCouldn't have been any shyerMary Jane still wouldn't notice himEven if h...

Weird Al Yankovic - Pacman
(one, two, thray, four)(one, two [nasal hocking sound])I used to be a pinball freak...

Weird Al Yankovic - Party At The Leper Colony
Finger food and an ice cold kegIt won't cost you an arm and a legDance all night to a rotten band...

Weird Al Yankovic - Phony Calls
Mom and dad are goin' out for the eveningAnd you're stuck inside the house all aloneThat's when you de...

Weird Al Yankovic - Polkamon
Krabby, Snubbull, VenonatMankey, Chansey and ZubatSlowking, Ditto, ButterfreeLugia and Caterpie...

Weird Al Yankovic - Polka Patterns
Everywhere, I see them thereI stop and stare at patternsI don't care, I must declareI've got a f...

Weird Al Yankovic - Polka Power!
Yeah, I'll tell ya what I want, what I really really wantSo tell us what you want, what you really really wa...

Weird Al Yankovic - Polka Your Eyes Out
Rock the cradle of love. Rock the cradle of loveYes, the cradle of loveDon't rock easy, it's true...

Weird Al Yankovic - Pretty Fly For A Rabbi
Veren zol fun dir a blintsa(How ya doin' Bernie?) Oy vey, oy vey(How ya doin' Bernie?) Oy vey, o...

Weird Al Yankovic - Realradio 104.1
[with polka music in the background]HiThis is "weird Al" Yankovic fresh off my Alapalooza...

Weird Al Yankovic - Ricky
[R:] Hey Lucy, I'm home[L:] Oh Ricky, you're so fine[L:] You're so fine you...

Weird Al Yankovic - School Cafeteria - Version 1
Is it on? Okay1, 2, 1, 2, 5, 6Let me tell you 'bout the school cafeteriaIt's got all the others ...

Weird Al Yankovic - School Cafeteria - Version 2
Now, let me tell you 'bout the school cafeteriaIt's got all the others beatIt sells over four million ...

Weird Al Yankovic - She Drives Like Crazy
Where'd you learn how to steerYou do eighty in second gearWhen you drive, I can't relaxGot your ...

Weird Al Yankovic - She Never Told Me She Was A Mime
When we first met she seemed perfectly normalI never dreamed she'd make my life so hardYou see, my bab...

Weird Al Yankovic - Since You've Been Gone
Since you've been goneWell, I feel like I've been chewing on tinfoilSince you've been goneIt's l...

Weird Al Yankovic - Slime Creatures From Outer Space
Things just haven't been the sameSince the flying saucer cameNow the aliens are on the loose...

Weird Al Yankovic - Snack All Night
I'm never satisfied with three meals a dayWhile the world is sleeping I'll be munching awayGonna sneak...

Weird Al Yankovic - Sometimes You Feel Like A Nut
Sometimes you feel like a nutSometimes you don'tPeter Paul Almond Joy's got nutsMounds don't...

Weird Al Yankovic - Spam
Spam in the place where I live (ham and pork)Think about nutrition, wonder what's inside it now (oh boy)...

Weird Al Yankovic - Spatula City
[Announcer:] There's just one place to go for all of your spatula needs[Random Voice #1:] Spat...

Weird Al Yankovic - Stuck In A Closet With Vanna White
Doctor, every night I have the strangest dreamsDoctor, listen to me, tell me what this meansFirst I'm ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Syndicated Inc.
My whole familyLoves "Three's Company"See the reruns constantlyThere on my TVSyndica...

Weird Al Yankovic - Taco Grande
Taco... grande. Taco... grandeYo quiero chimichangas y chile coloradoYo tengo el dinero para un ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Take Me Down
Someday I'm gonna pack upAnd then I'm goin' back upTo that place where sentimental feelings arouse...

Weird Al Yankovic - Take Me To The Liver
I'd like to do some more songs about buildings and foodThis is a song about liver, very high in protein, ver...

Weird Al Yankovic - Take The "l" Out Of Liver
Take the L out of liverAnd it's iver ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Talk Soup
I dated Siamese twinsI slept with Bigfoot, tooGet me on Sally JessePut me on Donahue'Cause...

Weird Al Yankovic - The Ballad Of Kent Marlow
You did a really rotten thingAnd let Scout take all the blameYou wrecked his reputationAnd left ...

Weird Al Yankovic - The Hot Rocks Polka
If I could stick my hand in my heartSpill it all over the stageWould it satisfy youWould it slid...

Weird Al Yankovic - The Night Santa Went Crazy
Down in the workshop all the elves were makin' toysFor the good Gentile girls and the good Gentile boys...

Weird Al Yankovic - The Night Santa Went Crazy (extra Gory)
Down in the workshop all the elves were makin' toysFor the good Gentile girls and the good Gentile boys...

Weird Al Yankovic - The Plumbing Song
([Announcer:] "Who fixes plumbing problems in a flash? Twenty four hours a day? Seven days a week?")...

Weird Al Yankovic - The Saga Begins
A long, long time agoIn a galaxy far awayNaboo was under an attackAnd I thought me and Qui-Gon J...

Weird Al Yankovic - The Weird Al Show Theme
Oh, this is a story 'bout a guy named AlAnd he lived in a sewer with his hamster palBut the sanitation...

Weird Al Yankovic - The White Stuff
The white stuff, The white stuffThe first one was a sweet oneSecond one was a blastSoon I ...

Weird Al Yankovic - This Is The Life
I eat filet mignon seven times a dayMy bathtub's filled with PerrierWhat can I sayThis is the li...

Weird Al Yankovic - (this Song's Just) Six Words Long
This song is just six words longThis song is just six words longThis song is just six words long...

Weird Al Yankovic - Traffic Jam
Carbon monoxideMaking me chokeNo A.C.And the radio's brokeCars backed upFar as you c...

Weird Al Yankovic - Trash Day
It's rottenSo rotten hereSo rottenOhIt was like, the last day before trash day...

Weird Al Yankovic - Trigger Happy
Got an AK-47, well you know it makes me feel alrightGot an Uzi by my pillow, helps me sleep a little better ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Truck Drivin' Song
I'm drivin' a truckDrivin' a big ol' truckPedal to the metal, hope I don't run out of luckRollin...

Weird Al Yankovic - Twister
YeahWell, Well, Milton Bradley's got a def oneIt's a Twister (Twister, Twister, Twister)Yeah, al...

Weird Al Yankovic - Uhf
Put down your remote controlThrow out your TV GuidePut away your jacketThere's no need to go out...

Weird Al Yankovic - Velvet Elvis
My life, it used to be incomplete'Till I saw what I was looking for at a drive-in swap meetMy life it ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Waffle King
It took a lifetime, but I finally foundThe perfect waffle recipeYou'll never find a batter any better ...

Weird Al Yankovic - Wanna B Ur Lovr
I don't have a library cardBut do you mind if I check you out?I like your skeletal structure, baby...

Weird Al Yankovic - We Got The Beef
Had ourselves a little barbequeCorn on the cob and mashed potatoes tooJoe got the Fritos, Ernie got th...

Weird Al Yankovic - When I Was Your Age
Let me tell you sonny... let me tell you straightYou kids today ain't never had it toughAlways had eve...

Weird Al Yankovic - Why Does This Always Happen To Me?
I was watching my TV one night when they broke in with a special reportAbout dsome devistating earthquake in...

Weird Al Yankovic - Won't Eat Prunes Again
It was just the other dayWhen we went to Joe's CafeJust to order up a couple steaks to eat...

Weird Al Yankovic - You Don't Love Me Anymore
We've been together for so very longBut now things are changing, oh I wonder what's wrong?Seems you do...

Weird Al Yankovic - You Don't Take Your Showers
You don't take your showersYou don't use Ban Roll OnPlease don't come near me anymoreI'll throw ...

Weird Al Yankovic - You Make Me
You make me wanna slam my head against the wallYou make me do the limboYou make me wanna buy a slurpee...

Weird Al Yankovic - Young, Dumb & Ugly
We're dangerous dudes, we got bad attitudesMost of our brain cells are goneWe were born to be bad, you...

West Indian Girl - Dream
I'm on a dock overlooking my mindI hitch my boat and I drift offWhere fools whisper liesEv...

West Indian Girl - Green
You feel inside so long ago a dreamThe sky and sun were real and Everyone was there to wave you on...

West Indian Girl - Hollywood
It's o.k, it's alrightAll alone, summer night, with words you said to me"Our lives lead other lives wh...

West Indian Girl - Lay Down
Lay down imagine and it will beAll you are you'll seePeople thought they knewBut your spirit gre...

West Indian Girl - Leave Tonight
Time is wandering fast over the hills and alleys Time is wandering fast over the streets and valleys T...

West Indian Girl - Miles From Monterey
16 hours away...a bit too far from MontereyNever mind the coastlineNeed a dime to pay the phoneI...

West Indian Girl - Northern Sky
On an island off the southern seaOverlooking a memory you once hadThere's a light in a northern sky...

West Indian Girl - Still Lost
A fly on the wall is looking at usStaring offIt lays on the tongue from someone we knewHanging o...

West Indian Girl - Trip
Alone on a hill in the summer timeYou could dial your mind & Listen to thoughts made young & pure...

West Indian Girl - What Are You Afraid Of?
I lost myself inside someone elseI couldn't see the lines between her and meOn a darker road, the fear...

Westlife - Ain't That A Kick In The Head
How lucky can one guy be?I kissed her and she kissed meLike the fella once said,"ain't that a ki...

Westlife - Angel
Spend all your time waitingfor that second chancefor a break that would make it okaythere's alwa...

Westlife - Angel's Wings
I would die for youLay down my life for youThe only thing that means everything to me'Cause when...

Westlife - Bad Girls
(Good things, good things That bad girls do) Bra top, tank top Doesn't really matter cause...

Westlife - Can't Loose What You Never Had
nahhhhhhaaaaaaaaaahhhhh Baby you're so beautiful,and when i'm near you,i can't breathe,(i can't ...

Westlife - Change The World
Since you've gone, well it seems like everything is wrong,And deep inside, I know that i've,...

Westlife - Clementine
In a cavern down by a canyonExcavatin' for a mine,There lived a miner from North CarolinaAnd his...

Westlife - Close Your Eyes
If you wanna knowTomorrow morning I have to leaveBut wherever I may beBest believe I'm thinking ...

Westlife - Don't Calm The Storm
[Shane:]You say you need some time on your own You say we should put our love on hold But...

Westlife - Don't Let Me Go
So much to say But where do I start Would you listen if I spoke from the heart It's simple thing...

Westlife - Don't Say It's Too Late
It doesn't take much to learn when the bridges that you burn Leave you stranded feeling alone It...

Westlife - Dreams Come True
Dreams are there to show you the way(Better take a look inside)Close your eyes find out what they're t...

Westlife - Drive (for All Time)
It's easy to fool around it's harder to keep the faith But I wanna settle down no matter what it takes ...

Westlife - Evergreen
Eyes Like a sunrise Like a rainfall Down my soul And I wonder I wonder why you look ...

Westlife - Everlasting Love
Every now and then I get a little bit coldAnd I need somebody to hold meI look at you and your body of...

Westlife - Everybody Knows
[Shane:]It's never too hard to find the words The words to say to you You make it so easy...

Westlife - Every Little Thing You Do
Hello, let me know if you hear meHello, if you want to be nearLet me knowAnd I'll never let you ...

Westlife - Flying Without Wings
[Shane:]Everybody's looking for that somethingOne thing that makes it all completeYou'll ...

Westlife - Flying Without Wings (acapella)
[Shane:]Everybody's looking for that somethingOne thing that makes it all completeYou'll ...

Westlife - Fly Me To The Moon
Fly me to the moonLet me sing among those starsLet me see what spring is likeOn jupiter and mars...

Westlife - Fool Again
[Shane:]BabyI know the story,I've seen the pictureIt's written all over your face...

Westlife - Forever
[All:]I'll be loving you forever,Deep inside my heart you'll leave me never,Even if you t...

Westlife - Fragile Heart
A fragile heart was broken beforeI don't think it could endure another painBut there's a voice from de...

Westlife - Heal
[Kian:]Even though you're near meI need you far awayTo be an oceanTo build another ...

Westlife - Hey Whatever
[Bryan:]Well I can't control the universeCause I'm only a manAnd I've been reading the pa...

Westlife - Home
[Shane:]Hey...What's your name?Do you live around here?Don't I know your face?...

Westlife - How Does It Feel
[Shane:]True lovers never take it slowlyWhen they've found the one and onlyNothing can re...

Westlife - I Cry
You said goodbye I fell apart I fell from all we had To I never knew I needed you so bad ...

Westlife - I Did It For You
[Shane:]Life without taking chancesIs no kind of life at allYou've gotta stand up for som...

Westlife - I Don't Wanna Fight No More
I can't sleep,everything i ever knew,Is a lie, without you,I can't breathe,whe...

Westlife - If I Let You Go
[Shane:]Day after dayTime passed away And I just can't get you off my mind Nobody k...

Westlife - If I Let You Go (extended)
[Shane:]Day after dayTime passed away And I just can't get you out of my mind Nobod...

Westlife - If I Let You Go (radio Edit)
Day after dayTime passed away And I just can't get you out of my mind Nobody knows, I hide it in...

Westlife - If Tomorrow Never Comes
Sometimes late at night I lie awake and watch her sleeping She's lost in peaceful dreams So I tu...

Westlife - If Your Heart's Not In It
I'm missing you Girl even though you're right here by my side Cause lately it seems The distance...

Westlife - I Have A Dream
[Shane:]I have a dream, a song to sing To help me cope with anything If you see the wonde...

Westlife - I Have A Dream (remix)
I have a dream, a song to sing To help me cope with anything If you see the wonder of a fairy tale ...

Westlife - I Lay My Love On You
Just a smile and the rain is goneCan hardly believe it (yeah)There's an angel standing next to me...

Westlife - I Lay My Love On You (spanish Version)
cuando ries veo salir el soles algo increblehay un angel que esta junto a mipor mi corazon...

Westlife - I Left My Heart In San Francisco
The loveliness of Paris seems somehow sadly gayThe glory that was Rome is of another dayI've been terr...

Westlife - Imaginary Diva
Late last night I had a dream And it was then I seen her She didn't need no diamond rings Fancy ...

Westlife - I Need You
Baby,baby,I swear to you,Baby,baby, I'm here for you,I don't know why,why i di...

Westlife - I Wanna Grow Old With You
Another day Without your smile Another day just passes by But now I know How much it means...

Westlife - Let's Make Tonight Special
[Shane:]I'll give the world to make you mine 'Cause I can't go on without you this time, this t...

Westlife - Let There Be Love
Let there be you,Let there be me. Let there be oystersUnder the sea.Let there be win...

Westlife - Loneliness Knows Me By Name
Loneliness is always looking for a friendIt found me once and it has been around since thenLoneliness ...

Westlife - Lost In You
There's no more waitingHolding out for loveYou are my GodsendThat I have been forever dreaming o...

Westlife - Love Crime
I didn't know what to say I tried to look the other way When I saw you there with him Acting lik...

Westlife - Love Takes Two
[Mark:]Baby, tell me, are we heading into trouble, yeahIs it my imagination taking wholeD...

Westlife - Mandy
I remember all my lifeRaining down as cold as iceShadows of a manA face through a windowCr...

Westlife - Miss You
I can't sleep,I just can't breathe,when your shadow is all over me baby,Don't wanna be,a f...

Westlife - Miss You Night
[Shane:]I've had many times I can tell youTimes when innocence I'd trade for companyAnd c...

Westlife - Moments
If i die tonight,I'd go with no regrets,If it's in your arms,I know that i was blessed,And...

Westlife - More Than Words
Saying I love you,Is not the words,I want to hear from you,It's not that I want you,Not to...

Westlife - My Love
An empty street, an empty houseI hole inside my heartI'm all alone, the rooms are getting smaller....

Westlife - My Private Movie
Pretty girls are all aroundI'm looking up and down'Till my view finder fins you in the sandsZoom...

Westlife - No No
no no no noOnce,we had it all for the taking,love was just me and you,You better thi...

Westlife - No Place That Far
I can't imagine any greater fearThan walking up without you hereAnd though the sun would still shine o...

Westlife - Nothing Is Impossible
Isn't life strangeA total mysteryAs we passed each dayDid you notice me?And I know g...

Westlife - Obvious
[Shane:]Yeah, ooooh...We started as friendsBut something happened inside meNow I'm ...

Westlife - On My Shoulder
Nah nahnah nah nahnah All around the worldAll around the worldSomeone needs somebody Let i...

Westlife - On The Wings Of Love
[Shane:]It's good to knowI'll have your love,Which ever way the wind blowsA guiding...

Westlife - Open Your Heart
I didn't mean yo let you downYou have to belive it I don't know what went through my mindBut now...

Westlife - Puzzle Of My Heart
It's the way she fills my sensesIt's the perfume that she wearsI feel I'm losing my defencesTo t...

Westlife - Queen Of My Heart
[Kian:]So here we standIn our secret placeWith a sound of the crowdSo far away...

Westlife - Seasons In The Sun
[Kian:]Goodbye to you my trusted friend We've known each other since we were nine or ten ...

Westlife - Smile
Smile though your heart is achingSmile even though it's breakingWhen there are clouds in the sky, you'...

Westlife - Soledad
If only you could see the tears in the world you left behindIf only you could heal my heart just one more ti...

Westlife - Somebody Needs You
I'm only human Sometimes I make mistakesIf you forgive meI'm gonna do what it takesB...

Westlife - Story Of Love
[All (Shane lead vocals):]This is the story of love[Bryan:]Let's make it las...

Westlife - Swear It Again
[Shane:]I wanna knowWho ever told you I was letting goOf the only joy that I have ever kn...

Westlife - Swear It Again (radio Edit)
I wanna knowWho ever told you I was letting goOf the only joy that I have ever knownGirl, they'r...

Westlife - Swear It Again (rokstone Mix)
[Shane:]I wanna knowWho ever told you I was letting goOf the only joy that I have ever kn...

Westlife - Thank You
[Shane:]I wanna thank you very muchThank you for lending me loveNow I'm levitatingC...

Westlife - That's Life
That's life (that's life), that's what all the people sayYou're ridin' high in April, shot down in May...

Westlife - That's What It's All About
[All:]I know it's all about youIt's all about meWorking it out, yeahThat's what it'...

Westlife - The Way You Look Tonight
Some day, when I'm awfully low,When the world is cold,I will feel a glow just thinking of you......

Westlife - To Be Loved
The song of a little bird The joy in three little words I know it's real That's how it feels ...

Westlife - To Be With You
Hold on little girlshow me what he's done to youStand up little girlA broken heart can't be that...

Westlife - Together Girl Forever
Dreams are for believing and someday they will come true,That we would be together,No-one else but me ...

Westlife - Tonight
[Bryan:]Lately I'm so tiredIf I took it all out on youI never meant toIf I left you...

Westlife - Try Again
[Shane:]Hush now don't you cry There will be a better day I promise you We can work...

Westlife - Tunnel Of Love
[Shane:]I've made up my mind, I'm gonna follow,I'm no longer blind, no longer hollow,Sinc...

Westlife - Turn Around
[Mark:]Some people are lucky, babyI guess I am tooLove found meAnd I found you...

Westlife - Unbreakable
[Shane:]Took my handTouched my heartHeld me closeYou were always thereB...

Westlife - Until The End Of Time
[All:]Until the end of time I'm longing for you And if you feel the same Then show ...

Westlife - Uptown Girl
Uptown girl She's been living in her uptown world I bet she never had a back street guy I bet he...

Westlife - Walk Away
Here we are Just a little older Time goes by But did I ever tell you why I want you so muc...

Westlife - We Are One
Two very different people,too scared to get along,Till two hearts beat together,underneath one s...

Westlife - What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted
[Shane:]As I walk this land of broken dreamsI have visions of many thingsBut happiness is...

Westlife - What Do They Know?
[Bryan:]All they knowIs when we fightThey never see us in the loving timesWhat do t...

Westlife - What I Want Is What I've Got
All that I want in my life,is the feeling of peace,deep within me truly,I took a chance,...

Westlife - What Makes A Man
This isn't goodbye, even as I watch you leave, this isn't goodbyeI swear I won't cry, even as tears fill my ...

Westlife - When A Woman Loves A Man
When the stars are in her eyesAnd the sun is in her smileThe only moment in a lifeThat happens t...

Westlife - When I Fall In Love
When I fall in loveIt will be foreverOr I'll never fall in loveIn a restless worldLi...

Westlife - When You Come Around
The day I was leaving I was feeling insecure I thought that I'd thrown away All of those days ...

Westlife - When You're Looking Like That
She's a 5 foot 10 in catsuit and bambi eyesEverybody's who's staring wouldn't believe that this girl was min...

Westlife - When You're Looking Like That (single Mix)
She's a 5 foot 10 in catsuit and bambi eyesEverybody's who's staring wouldn't believe that this girl was min...

Westlife - When You're Looking Like That (spanish Version)
con lo bien que te vesCon lo bien que te ves (ves, ves, ves, ves)ojos de tigresa que te ti...

Westlife - Why Do I Love You
Suddenly she's Leaving Suddenly the Promise of love has gone Suddenly Breathing seem...

Westlife - World Of Our Own
You make me feel funny When you come around Yeah that's what I found out honey What am I doing w...

Westlife - Written In The Stars
[Shane:]Stay with meDon't fall asleep too soonThe angels can wait for a moment...

Westlife - You Make Me Feel
I've been trying to reach you'Cause I got something to sayBut you're talking about nothing at all...

Westside Connection - 3 Time Felons
[Intro, Ice Cube:]What would you doIf I punked your whole crew?Would you run like a...

Westside Connection - All The Critics In New York
[Mack 10 talking]Goddamn! New York City!Skyscrapers and everything![Ice Cube]...

Westside Connection - A Threat To The World
[voice over]The threat to the world is not over.As we speak, our futures in grave danger...

Westside Connection - Bow Down
[ICE CUBE]Tha world is mine nigga get backDont fuck with my stack the gage is rackedAbout...

Westside Connection - Call 9-1-1
[Chorus - Ice Cube]This right here is considered a bangerDelivered With anger, your life is in ...

Westside Connection - Cross 'em Out And Put A 'k
[INTRO: (ICE CUBE)]Brrrgh!Ai!Ai!In about four seconds,a gangsta will begin to speak...

Westside Connection - Do You Like Criminals
[WC]Say hoe I got way more dick than them niggas rolling your lexosNo punk ass Versace gear jus...

Westside Connection - Gangstas Don't Dance (insert)
[Mack 10]Gangstas don't dance, we boogieNiggas go out and get your cookiesGangstas don't ...

Westside Connection - Gangstas Make The World Go Round
[ICE CUBE]Iam gettin dizzy as the world keeps spinnin like a frisbieGangsta's and girls make th...

Westside Connection - Get Ignit
[Ice Cube]Security, yall might as well throw me out a this bitch right nowGet ignit, ge.. ge....

Westside Connection - Izm
[Mack 10]Yo, somethin dangerous man... (gangstaa...)[Chorus]Woooo, do you wa...

Westside Connection - King Of The Hill
[Ice Cube]Oh Yeah,It ain't over motherfuckers...Niggas don't understand...Every few...

Westside Connection - Pimp The System
Hold on let me see what this daddy hereOk this the bitch here right now you know what i'm sayingHey bi...

Westside Connection - So Many Rappers In Love
[Ice Cube]Aquarius, hahahaha, and my name is Larry[Chorus]Theres so many rap...

Westside Connection - Superstar (double Murder = Double Platinum)
[Chorus]While your shuckin' and jivin' howdy drivin'Rollin' in my SUV (Westside Nigga)All...

Westside Connection - Terrorist Threats
"an open microphone can be dangerous"[chorus: Ice Cube (WC)](duck nigga, westcoast)...

Westside Connection - The Gangsta, The Killa And The Dope Dealer
[Intro: Ice Cube]Hey, living in a California cage--ya'll trying to study meGangbangin' a never ...

Westside Connection - Westward Ho
[Ice Cube]Check it hoe shut your mouth and get nakedI'm connected plus I'm makin' hit rec...

Westside Connection - You Gotta Have Heart
(Aah, yirrYearh, manWooh, yoThis rules everything man)[Chorus]I don't h...

Wham! - A Different Corner
I'd say love was a magical thingI'd say love would keep us from painHad I been there, had I been there...

Wham! - A Ray Of Sunshine
Move it move it, babyCan't you see I'm ready to dance?And I can't stop this rhythm in my heart.M...

Wham! - Bad Boys
Woo-wooDear mummy, Dear Daddy,You had plans forme, I was your only son.And long before this baby...

Wham! - Battlestations
You ask too much of meYou try my patienceYour tongue - it's like a razorYou choose your words li...

Wham! - Blue (live In China)
Every day it seems my smile's a little harderAnd every day, I seem to laugh a little lessLiving this w...

Wham! - Club Tropicana
Let me take you to the placeWhere membership's a smiling face,Brush shoulders with the stars.Whe...

Wham! - Come On!
[Chorus:]Come On, Everybody!Get on, with your party!And don't let nobody say you're wrong...

Wham! - Credit Card Baby
Said that you love meThought that it was trueYou said that you needed meAnd baby I believe that ...

Wham! - Freedom
Everyday I hear a different storyPeople say that you're no good for meSo you love anotherAnd she...

Wham! - Heartbeat
Another summerAnother vacation is overIt is September now with the sun and the smell of the clover...

Wham! - If You Were There
You're the one that makes my day a dream come trueThey might just be the lastYet and still you wonder ...

Wham! - Last Christmas
[CHORUS:]Last ChristmasI gave you my heartBut the very next day you gave it awayThi...

Wham! - Like A Baby
Foreign skysBlinded meTo empty jawsAcross the oceanSo sure, so wrongYou sang me a si...

Wham! - Love Machine
["Miracles' classic record" recorded on Tamla/Motown in 1976 by Billy Griffin & the Miracles.][Thi...

Wham! - Nothing Looks The Same In The Light
I watch you breathe, I cannot sleep,I touch your hair, I kiss your skin,And hope the morning sun won't...

Wham! - The Edge Of Heaven
I would lock you upBut I could not bear to hear youScreaming to be set freeI would chain you up...

Wham! - Wham! Rap
Hey everybody take a look at me,I've got street credibility,I may not have a job,But I have a go...

Wham! - Wham! Rap (enjoy Waht You Do)

Wham! - Where Did Your Heart Go?
I spend my nights down on the wharfIn unlit alleywaysBy the church downtownWhere Sally prays...

Wham! - Young Guns
Hey sucker(What the hell's got into you?)Hey sucker(Now there's nothing you can do)W...

Wheatus - A Little Respect
I tried to discover a little something to make me sweeterOh baby refrain from breaking my heartI'm so ...

Wheatus - Hey Mr. Brown
Man I think it's just a little sleazyYou said you was like butter but you're cheesyTo treat me like I'...

Wheatus - Hump'em N' Dump'em
Cough up the rent Mr. KentAnd don't try to blame it on the governmentYour wife is a clown she's in tow...

Wheatus - Leroy
He's got the dirtiest shoes that I ever seenChew on a blunt wipe his butt with a magazineSmokin' his c...

Wheatus - Love Is A Mutt From Hell
This is a story about a friend of mineHe is abnormally intelligentHe could bust a phatty rhyme, even w...

Wheatus - Punk Assed Bitch
She wriggles and she wraggles, she jiggles and she jagglesYou stand and watch her pass by, your line of visi...

Wheatus - Sunshine
When I look at your face I see dirt; All the sunshine you blow up my a** starts to hurt; And I don't r...

Wheatus - Teenage Dirtbag
Her name is NoelI have a dream about herShe rings my bellI got gym class in half an hourOh...

Wheatus - Truffles
You, you think yer such a bad assYou think yer such a rough neckWell I saw you outside eating truffles...

Wheatus - Wannabe Gangstar
I am a wannabeYou better be careful around meI come from far away, where mustang dreams are made...

The White Stripes - A Boy's Best Friend
I just don't feel it in this place Their thoughts cast me out of here Their home has run out of space ...

The White Stripes - Apple Blossom
hey little apple blossom what seems to be the problem all the ones you tell your troubles to the...

The White Stripes - As Ugly As I Seem
I am as ugly as I seemWorse than all your dreamsCould ever make me out to beAnd it makes me want...

The White Stripes - Blue Orchid
You got a reactionYou got a reaction, didn't you?You took a white orchidYou took a white orchid ...

The White Stripes - Death Letter
I got a letter this morninghow do you reckon it read?hurry the gal you love is deadI got a...

The White Stripes - Do
well somebody walked up to mebut i didn't know what to doand then somebody said hello to me but ...

The White Stripes - Forever For Her (is Over For Me)
I blew itAnd if I knew what to do, then I'd do itBut the point that I have, I'll get to itAnd fo...

The White Stripes - Hello Operator
Hello operator can you give me number nine? can i see you later? will you give me back my dime? ...

The White Stripes - I Fought Piranhas
Well i hold the rope and i hold the sail and i kept my papers to keep from land in jail an...

The White Stripes - I'm Bound To Pack It Up
I've thought about it for a whileand I've thought about the many milesbut I think it's time that I've ...

The White Stripes - Instinct Blues
Well, the crickets get itAnd the ants get itI bet you the pigs get itYeah, even the plants get i...

The White Stripes - Jimmy The Exploder
Now JimmyWell, do you want an explosion now?Yeah JimmyDo you want to explode now?...

The White Stripes - Jumble, Jumble
Jumble jumbleall at my housecome on oversleep on the couchcan't even see yalook like...

The White Stripes - Let's Build A Home
some bricks now baby let's build a home some bricks now baby let's build a home c'mo...

The White Stripes - Little Bird
I got a little bird i'm gonna take her home put her in a cage and disconnect the phone ...

The White Stripes - Little Ghost
Little ghost, little ghostOne I'm scared of the mostCan you scare me up a little bit of love?I'm...

The White Stripes - One More Cup Of Coffee
Your breath is sweetYour eyes are like two jewels in the sky.Your back is straight, your hair is smoot...

The White Stripes - Passive Manipulation
Women, listen to your mothersDon't just succumb to the wishes of your brothersTake a step back, take a...

The White Stripes - Red Rain
Can't you hear me calling your name, girl?I'm standing, standing in the red, red rainIn the morning, s...

The White Stripes - Screwdriver
Tuesday morning nowI gotta have somewhere to goI call up tommy now I call him on the telephone ...

The White Stripes - Sister, Do You Know My Name?
Well we're back in school againand I don't really know anyoneI really want to be your friendcaus...

The White Stripes - St. James Infirmary Blues
Folks, I'm goin' down to St. James Infirmary, See my baby there; She's stretched out on a long, white ...

The White Stripes - Stop Breaking Down
Everytime I'm walkin', down the streets,some pretty mama she starts breakin' downStop breakin' down, y...

The White Stripes - Sugar Never Tasted So Good
Sugar never tasted so goodSugar never tasted so goodSugar never tasted good to meYeah...

The White Stripes - Suzy Lee
There's a story I would like to tellMy problem is It's one you know too wellIt's one you k...

The White Stripes - Take, Take, Take
I was sitting there in a comfortable chairAnd that was all that I neededThen my friend offered me a dr...

The White Stripes - The Big Three Killed My Baby
The big three killed my baby no money in my hand again the big three killed my baby nobody's com...

The White Stripes - The Nurse
The nurse should not be the one who puts salt in your woundsBut it's always with trust that the poison is fe...

The White Stripes - Truth Doesn't Make A Noise
My baby's got a heart of stonecan't you people just leave her aloneshe never did nothing to hurt you...

The White Stripes - Wasting My Time
And if i'm wasting my timethen nothing could be betterthan hanging on the lineand waiting for an...

The White Stripes - When I Hear My Name
when i hear my name i want to disappear when i hear my name i want to disappear oh oh oh ohwhen ...

The White Stripes - White Moon
White moon, white moonBreaks open the tombOf a deserted cartoon that I wroteCreature come, creat...

The White Stripes - Why Can't You Be Nicer To Me?
Somebody's screaminglooking at the ceillingeverything's so funnyI don't have the moneypeop...

The White Stripes - You're Pretty Good Looking
Oh yeah you're pretty good looking for a girl but your back is so broken and this feeling's still gonn...

White Zombie - Acid Flesh
Great white eyesBleed away theTrembling soundNo more timeBody spasm deepAnd passing...

White Zombie - Black Sunshine
(Gripping the wheel, his knuckles went white with desire! The wheelsof his Mustang exploding on the ...

White Zombie - Blood, Milk, And Sky
The siren sings a Lonely song of all the Wants and hungers The lust of love a brute Desire...

White Zombie - Blur The Technicolor
Falling down I am a psychoholicErratic and sure I cannot failReplay slow smooth and automaticGo ...

White Zombie - Children Of The Grave
Revolution in their minds - the children start to marchAgainst the world in which they have to liveand...

White Zombie - Cosmic Monsters Inc.
How big is life? Can it ride like the butterfly? Star in the dust - rocketman - supersky - Sugar on the hill...

White Zombie - Creature Of The Wheel
Alone against the worldTwist a reckless life - straightInto the heart of the ripper - Trick of t...

White Zombie - Crow Iii
"He can't get away with by the time, he gets in front of the jury he'll be a good boy;" said man one. ...

White Zombie - Demon Speed
Raw deal institutionWreck that I call myselfCity slam penetrationPlay it like a foolNeed b...

White Zombie - Diamond Ass
Asylum erotica. Yea I said the ones on the wheels. Doomsday machinist. Flying out the window. She's lo...

White Zombie - Die, Zombie, Die
What is it? What it is. What is it? Dazzling, yea starving town, starving town, out of the cold, out of the ...

White Zombie - Disaster Blaster
Conquest heat masterSkin crack move fasterDoomwatch got open eyesPerversion never lies ...

White Zombie - Drowning The Collosus
What are you? I say to me. A privilege machine man in the valley of the ice house. Yeah? Joke so old t...

White Zombie - Electric Head Pt. 1 (the Agony)
We all go down for the sacrificial momentCrucifixion nails stain the bed of the holy.Space thing blues...

White Zombie - Electric Head Pt. 2 (the Ecstasy)
Strip down core violate and paralyze Flood my soul a coffee dreg - supersize Slung low like a whore - ...

White Zombie - El Phantasmo And The Chicken Run Blast-o-rama
Yeah! I Penetrate the demonsTheir teardrops burn away my eyesI love the paper-thin cry of the locust...

White Zombie - Feed The Gods
She's a zombie babyDead ringer in my headAnd now we're rollin'we're empty playin'Yea...

White Zombie - Future Shock
Years have a come and gone. Now I stand forward. More than I ever was. Assault and reassemble. Mr. Paranoid....

White Zombie - Godslayer
ListenTo the horror of satan seaListenTo the guns of supermanWell I sayReturn to a p...

White Zombie - Grease Paint And Monkey Brains
Death is on the Midway Gambling with soulsRoulette on the wire Ace is in the holeI sink be...

White Zombie - Grindhouse (a Go-go)
Listen to the dream of life - a conversation - Hustle me beneath a spark - flesh or reflection-Faith ...

White Zombie - I Am Hell
"Yeah,sorcita! nu nam-o wan gumba!"Yeah,we've been in the fightin games latelylike were playin a...

White Zombie - I Am Legend
Yeah, when I'm in the sky - I'm too far away - Gotta kick in to feel it - Terminate another no one is my bro...

White Zombie - I'm Your Boogieman
I'm your boogiemanThat's what I amI'm here to do whatever I canBe it early mornin', late afterno...

White Zombie - I Zombie
I Zombie cancer ragingI Zombie fascinatingI Zombie crucify I Zombie do not die Astro...

White Zombie - More Human Than Human
I am the Astro-Creep a demolition Style hell american Freak - I am the Crawling dead - a ...

White Zombie - Murder World
Summer of loveWhat a waste nowEarth magic strikes outA million dollar monster mindIn searc...

White Zombie - Power Hungry
Out of the pastMachines of crimeBrute force side-splitLive and let die Dealing I am...

White Zombie - Ratmouth
A knuckle duster is the most deadly in the ponderous pace Of floating justice single-handed dynamo. Ta...

White Zombie - Real Solution #9
Who will survive and what will be left of them?Apocalyptic dreams see the ordinary madnessWho will sur...

White Zombie - Revenge
Live to dieFor a heart jamFight to love aSuper bitchDrive her rootsStraight to hell...

White Zombie - Scum-kill
Reconstruction idea take the ultimate trip yea ultimate trip assasination-invasion a criminal masterpiece ha...

White Zombie - Shack Of Hate
Ze wheels o' fire. A doubleman defier. A motor and I.Regenerate I am. Your final pompeii. O 'etched in acid....

White Zombie - Skin
Have no eyes, I must see, you walk out, a violent burst of some kind kind kind kind, mindstate a dirty...

White Zombie - Soul-crusher
Leatherneck'n down the street like "Hey I'm joyrid'n" Like a bad dog- come on "Burn in!" [X 2]...

White Zombie - Spiderbaby (yeah-yeah-yeah)
Yeah, I knew I hit the edge when I saw the spider -Jukebox paranoid insider - Blaze they gaze - Amaze at the...

White Zombie - Starface
September in the rain - her sweat come a frozen onto my skin - Eliminate the outerspace and come and get I'm...

White Zombie - Super-charger Heaven
Jesus lived his life in a cheap hotelon the edge of Route 66 yeah He lived a dark and twisted life and...

White Zombie - The One
Blowing around, turning over and outApocalyptic dreams and a supersonic highGet running nowTwo h...

White Zombie - Thrust!
Thrust in deep there are no limitations - Wing shaped constellations everywhere now - Creep, babe, creep you...

White Zombie - Thunder Kiss '65
well sweet little sista's high in hell cheat'n on a halo - grind in a odyssey holocaust heart kick on tomorr...

White Zombie - Truck On Fire
Dead in the back. Midnight sun taking all that money can buy human wreckage electrica man's first approach. ...

White Zombie - Warp Asylum
Been down yeah! Well I look down and my mind blows away - Deep in the darkness "illuminate" Beyond a m...

White Zombie - Welcome To Planet Motherfucker / Psychoholic Slag
Woven in the surface a premonition of a land eruptinga sparkling occasion of a city crashdown! overhead...

Whitney Houston - All The Man That I Need
I used to cry myself to sleep at night But that was all before he came I thought love had to hurt to t...

Whitney Houston - Anymore
I believe in roses, But only from the heartAnd if it's not sincere baby, Then I don't want no pa...

Whitney Houston - Cantique De Nel (o Holy Night)
O holy night.The stars are brightly shining.It is the night of our dear Savior's birth. (Oh yes it is ...

Whitney Houston - Dear John Letter
I'm sitting herein my own headthinking howyou can be staring ingot my number 2and I'...

Whitney Houston - Deck The Halls / Silent Night
Mmm. Mmm.Deck the hall with boughs of holly(Fa la la la la la la)Tis the season to be jolly...

Whitney Houston - For The Love Of You
Drifting on a memoryAin't no place I'd rather be than with you Loving you Day will make the way ...

Whitney Houston - Greatest Love Of All
I believe the children are our are future Teach them well and let them lead the way Show them all the ...

Whitney Houston - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Have yourself a merry little ChristmasLet your heart be lightFrom now onOur troubles will be out...

Whitney Houston - He's All Over Me
Oh he's all He's all over me He's keeping me alive He's all over me He's keeping me alive ...

Whitney Houston - Higher Love
[VERSE 1]Think about itThere must be higher loveDown in the heart orHidden in the s...

Whitney Houston - Hold Me
I'll hold you, and touch you And make you my woman And give you my love with sweet surrender Ton...

Whitney Houston - Hold On Help Is On The Way
When you're down and in despair Don't be uneasy because he'll be there Say don't you worry, no don't y...

Whitney Houston - I Bow Out
Tired of playing this game And I wont play it no more And I wont take it no more Through with be...

Whitney Houston - I Go To The Rock
Where do I go? When there's nobody else to turn to Who do I talk to? When nobody wants to listen...

Whitney Houston - I Know Him So Well
Nothing is so good it lasts eternally Perfect situations must go wrong But this has never yet prevente...

Whitney Houston - I Learned From The Best
Did you really think that I would really take you back Let you back in my heart one more time Oh...

Whitney Houston - I'll Be Home For Christmas
I'm dreaming tonightOf a place I loveEven more than I usually do.And although I knowIt's a...

Whitney Houston - I Love The Lord
I love the the Lord, he heard my cry And pitied every groan, long as I, I live And troubles rise, I ha...

Whitney Houston - I'm Knockin'
Who's to say it's easySometimes life's not fairI've heard some say just knock the door will open...

Whitney Houston - In My Business
Baby why I get so many people telling Me they seen you up in The mall Are they mistaking A...

Whitney Houston - I Was Made To Love Him
Hey, oh, hey hey hey See I was born in Newark (sure was) We were always hand in hand He wo...

Whitney Houston - I Will Always Love You
If I Should stay I would only be in your way So I'll go But I know I'll think of you...

Whitney Houston - Jesus Loves Me
Yes Jesus loves me for the Bible tells me so Jesus loves me this I know For the Bible tells me so ...

Whitney Houston - Joy
Listen to the music The sound of the angels Come and see the child Who can make you whole ...

Whitney Houston - Joy To The World
Joy to the world the Lord is come Let Earth receive her king Let every heart prepare him room An...

Whitney Houston - Love Is A Contact Sport
You've been avoiding meLike a cat tryin' to dodge a dogI never see ya shineYou're as cold as the...

Whitney Houston - Love That Man
Ah, ah, ahThings just ain't the way that they used to beBack in the day when a man meant security...

Whitney Houston - Love Will Save The Day
Sometimes life can make you crazy It can really put your body to the test You try so hard to make sure...

Whitney Houston - My Name Is Not Susan
One night not long agoI fell for you Too easy to let goShe was one from your past One of t...

Whitney Houston - Nobody Loves Me Like You Do
Like a candle burning bright Love is glowing in your eyes A flame to light our way That burns br...

Whitney Houston - O Come O Come Emanuel
O come o come EmanuelAnd ransom captive IsraelThat mourns in lonely exile hereUntil the Son of G...

Whitney Houston - Oh Yes
The day you held me in your arms I still smell da scent of you On my dress unbelievable And you ...

Whitney Houston - One Moment In Time
Each day I liveI want to beA day to giveThe best of meI'm only oneBut not alone...

Whitney Houston - One Of Those Days
[Ad-libs] Ohh. This is just for me.[Laughs]Kick off my shoes and relax my feetHit ...

Whitney Houston - One Wish (for Christmas)
(Oooh oooh oooh oooh)If there were no presentsWaiting on Santa's sleighWhat would I wish for Chr...

Whitney Houston - On My Own
I'm wiser nowI'm not the foolish girl you used to knowSo long agoI'm stronger nowI've lear...

Whitney Houston - Somebody Bigger Than You And I
Somebody bigger than the Earth is round Bigger than the saddest frown Bigger than the brightest smile ...

Whitney Houston - Someone For Me
(Someone for me) (Someone for me) I'm here alone on a Friday night Waiting here beside the phone...

Whitney Houston - Take Good Care Of My Heart
Time can pass so slowly, when you feel so all alone Love can strike like lightning, when you find your heart...

Whitney Houston - Takin' A Chance
There's a chance that maybe in this life I'll findTrue love and peace of mindThere's a chance that may...

Whitney Houston - The Christmas Song (chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire)
(Ooh well ooh Lord)Chestnuts roasting on an open fire (well)Jack Frost nipping on your nose (mmm)...

Whitney Houston - The First Nel
The first Nel, the angel did say,Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay;In fields where t...

Whitney Houston - The Queen Of The Night
I've got the stuff that you want I've got the thing that you need I've got more than enough to m...

Whitney Houston - The Star Spangled Banner
Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light,What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?...

Whitney Houston - Things You Say
Oh baby oh baby yeah yeah yeahSuch a pleasure loving youIt's all mineI feel better knowing...

Whitney Houston - Thinking About You
I can't get you off my mind No matter what I do I'm wishing you were here, with me It makes no d...

Whitney Houston - Unashamed
If I changed my mind,if I changed my faith,every time a stop light signaledeach time I made mist...

Whitney Houston - Until You Come Back
I lost my heart A long time ago You make me feel Like no one had before Boy you make me lo...

Whitney Houston - Whatchulookinat
[Unidentified male intro:]It's time for you to strike backThey're lookin' at youWhitney H...

Whitney Houston - Where You Are
I saw the news this morningSaw your face accross the screenAnd as I poured my coffeeI picked up ...

Whitney Houston - Who Would Imagine A King
Mommies and Daddies always believe That their little angels are special indeedAnd you could grow up to...

Whitney Houston - You Give Good Love
I found out what I've been missing Always on the run I've been looking for someone [Cho...

Whitney Houston - You Light Up My Life
So many nights I sit by my windowWaiting for someone to sing me his songSo many dreams I kept deep ins...

Whitney Houston - You'll Never Stand Alone
If there's a time when the fears should fill your eyes And you can't see past thge shadows To the sun ...

Whitney Houston - You're Still My Man
On the day that you left me ou said you had no regrets There's a bond between us That hasn't bee...

Whitney Houston - You Were Loved
We all wanna make a place in this world We all want our voices to be heard Every one wants a chance to...

Wilco - Against The Law
It's against the law to walk, and against the law to talk Against the law to loaf, against the law to work ...

Wilco - Airline To Heaven
There's an airline plane Flies to heaven everyday Past the pearly gates If you want to rid...

Wilco - All You Fascists
I'm gonna tell all you fascists, you may be surprised People all over this world are getting organized ...

Wilco - Another Man's Done Gone
Sometimes I think I'm gonna lose my mind But it don't look like I ever do I've loved so many people ev...

Wilco - Ashes Of American Flags
The cash machine is blue and greenFor a bundle of twenties and a small service feeI could spend three ...

Wilco - A Shot In The Arm
The ashtray saysYou were up all nightWhen you went to bedWith your darkest mindYour pillow...

Wilco - At Least That's What You Said
When I sat down on the bed next to you You started to cry I said, maybe if I leave, you'll want me ...

Wilco - At My Window Sad And Lonely
At my window, sad and lonely Oft times do I think of thee Sad and lonely and I wonder Do you eve...

Wilco - Birds And Ships
The birds are singing In your eyes today Sweet flowers blossom in your smile The wind and ...

Wilco - Black Wind Blowing
Black wind blowing in the cotton field, honey There's a black wind blowing in the cotton field, baby T...

Wilco - Blood Of The Lamb
Are your garments all spotless? Are they white as the snow? Are you washed in the blood of the lamb? ...

Wilco - Blue Eyed Soul
You've got a blue-eyed soul,And if you don't let it show,It'll leave you, you won't even know,Wi...

Wilco - Box Full Of Letters
Got a box full of letters,Think you might like to readSome things that you might like to see, Bu...

Wilco - California Stars
I'd like to rest my heavy head tonight On a bed of California stars I'd like to lay my weary bones ton...

Wilco - Candyfloss
I'm the boy that looks excitedI'm the boy thats gonna fall apartCandyfloss, I lie to myselfI'm t...

Wilco - Can't Stand It
The way things goYou get so lowStruggle to find your skinHey hoLook out belowYour pr...

Wilco - Casino Queen
Well the money's pouring down and the people all look down,And it's floating out of townI hit the seco...

Wilco - Christ For President
Let's have Christ our President Let us have him for our king Cast your vote for the Carpenter Th...

Wilco - Company In My Back
I attack with love, pure bug beauty I curl my lips and crawl up to you I attack with love, pure bug be...

Wilco - Dash 7
Dash 7 in the air,Dropped to the sun alone, Jets humI wish that I was still there,Pr...

Wilco - Dreamer In My Dreams
Well there's a dreamer in my dreams,Swing from the beams,(With a) light shining off the snow.Wel...

Wilco - Eisler On The Go
Eisler on the go Eisler on the move Brother is on the vinegar truck And I don't know what I'll d...

Wilco - Elt
I, I shouldve been listeningTo every word you saidOh, what have I been missingWishing, wishing t...

Wilco - Far, Far Away
Far, far away from those city lightsMight be shining on you tonightFar, far away from youOn the ...

Wilco - Feed Of Man
If you beat up, you butcher, and you bleed a man You bang up and badger and blood-let a man And then I...

Wilco - Forget The Flowers
You're tryin' my patience, try pink carnations, red roses and yellowdaffodilsDon't forget the flowers ...

Wilco - Handshake Drugs
I was chewin' gum for something to do The blinds were being pulled down on the dew Inside, out of love...

Wilco - Heavy Metal Drummer
I sincerely miss those heavy metal bandsI used to go see on the landing in the summerShe fell in love ...

Wilco - Hell Is Chrome
When the devil came He was not red He was chrome, and he said Come with me You must ...

Wilco - Hesitating Beauty
For your sparkling cocky smile I've walked a million miles Begging you to come and wed me in the spring ...

Wilco - Hoodoo Voodoo
Hoodoo voodoo, seven twenty one two Haystacka hostacka, ABC High poker, low joker, ninety-nine-a-zero ...

Wilco - Hotel Arizona
Hotel in Arizona made us all wanna feel like starsRental cars and tinted windows, leave another number for m...

Wilco - Hot Rod Hotel
I'm a porter and a night clerk at the old Hot Rod Hotel I clean and scrub the lobby down and thirty-one room...

Wilco - How To Fight Loneliness
How to fight lonelinessSmile all the timeShine you teeth til meaninglessSharpen them with lies...

Wilco - Hummingbird
His goal in life was to be an echo Riding alone, town after town, toll after toll A fixed bayonet thro...

Wilco - I Am Trying To Break Your Heart
I am an American aquarium drinkerI assassin down the avenueI'm hiding out in the big city blinking...

Wilco - I Got You (at The End Of The Century)
I got you and it's all I need [x3]I got youI got you and I still believeThat you're all t...

Wilco - I Guess I Planted
I guess I planted some long lonesome seed of a song Way down inside me long ago And now I can't rememb...

Wilco - I'm Always In Love
Why, I wonder, is my heart full of holesAnd the feeling goes but my hair keeps growingWill I set the s...

Wilco - I'm A Wheel
Oh, hold on You risk exciting me Once in Germany someone said nein 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 ...

Wilco - I'm The Man Who Loves You
All I can see is black and whiteand white and pink with blades of bluethat lay between the words I thi...

Wilco - I Must Be High
You always wanted more time,To do what you always wanted to doNow you got itAnd I, I must ...

Wilco - In A Future Age
GenuineDay will comeWhen the windDecides to runAnd shakes the stairsThat stab the wa...

Wilco - Ingrid Bergman
Ingrid Bergman, Ingrid Bergman Let's go make a picture On the island of Stromboli Ingrid Bergman...

Wilco - I Thought I Held You
You're like a moon that's full,Across a sea of foamI'm the sky you've been burningI don't ...

Wilco - It's Just That Simple
There's a whole lot of money that you gave meI'd gladly empty my pockets right nowYou'd parlay all tha...

Wilco - I Was Born
I was born at half past twelve, almost one in the morning I was born at half past one, almost two in the mor...

Wilco - Jesus, Etc.
Jesus, don't cryYou can rely on me, honeyYou can combine anything you wantI'll be aroundYo...

Wilco - Joe Dimaggio Done It Again
Joe DiMaggio's done it again Joe DiMaggio's done it again Clackin' that bat, gone with the wind ...

Wilco - Kamera
I need a camera to my eyeTo my eye, remindingWhich lies I have been hidingwhich echoes belong...

Wilco - Kingpin
I wanna be your kingpin, living in Pekin.I wanna be your bigwig, living in Pekin.I caught the flu and ...

Wilco - Late Greats
The greatest lost track of all time: The Late Greats' "Turpentine" You can't hear it on the radio ...

Wilco - Less Than You Think
Your mind's a machine It's deadly and dull It's never been still and its will Has never been fre...

Wilco - Meanest Man
If the folks next door to me weren't so good I'd do all the mean things anybody could I'd drink and I'...

Wilco - Misunderstood
When you're back in your old neighborhoodThe cigarettes taste so goodBut you're so misunderstood...

Wilco - Monday
Choo-choo Charlie had a plenty good band but he couldn't understand why noone would goA world record p...

Wilco - Muzzle Of Bees
There's a random painted highway And a muzzle of bees My sleeves have come unstitched From climb...

Wilco - My Darling
Go back to sleep nowMy darlinAnd I'll keep all the bad dreams awayBreathe now, think sweet thing...

Wilco - My Flying Saucer
My flying saucer, where can you be Since that sad night that you sailed away from me? My flying saucer...

Wilco - Nothing'severgonnastandinmyway(again)
Well find a way regardlessTo make some sense out of this messWell, It's a test, but I believeA k...

Wilco - One By One
One by one the teardrops fall as I write you One by one my words come falling on the page One by one m...

Wilco - Outta Mind (outtas Sight)
[same lyrics as outtasite (outta mind), except with some "I know you don't love me's" at the end] ...

Wilco - Outtasite (outta Mind)
I know we don't talk much but you're but you're such a good talker,oh-whoaWell I know we should take a...

Wilco - Passenger Side
Hey, wake up, your eyes weren't open wideFor the last couple of miles you've been swerving from side to side...

Wilco - Pick Up The Change
If it's just your heart talking, I don't mindIf you wanna call me, darling that's just fine, that's just fin...

Wilco - Pieholden Suite
Theres a whisperI would like to breatheInto your earBut I'm too scaredTo get that close...

Wilco - Poor Places
It's my father's voice dreaming ofSailors sailing off in the morningfor the air-conditioned rooms...

Wilco - Pot Kettle Black
Crazy rides rocketsWho has a magic wandEmpty out your pocketsWords without a songI m...

Wilco - Radio Cure
Cheer up, honey, I hope you canThere is something wrong with meMy mind is filled with silvery stars...

Wilco - Red-eyed And Blue
We've got solid state technologyTapes on the floorSome songs we can't afford to playWhen we came...

Wilco - Remember The Mountain Bed
Do you still sing of the mountain bed we made of limbs and leaves? Do you still sigh there near the sky wher...

Wilco - Say You Miss Me
I've been sleepin' alone, out on my ownI'm sure it seems like I'm takin' my time to get back to youYou...

Wilco - Secrets Of The Sea
Who can guess the secret of the sea? Who can guess the secret of the sea? If you can guess the secret ...

Wilco - She Came Along To Me
Ten hundred books could I write you about her Cause I felt if I could know her I would know all women ...

Wilco - She's A Jar
She's a jarWith a heavy lidMy pop quiz kidA sleepy kisserA pretty warWith feelings h...

Wilco - Shouldn't Be Ashamed
To live without a savior, answer to his name,Shouldn't be afraid, shouldn't be ashamedLike a kid behin...

Wilco - Should've Been In Love
You been dealing with all of these feelingsLike they got you believing they have no meaning,But they d...

Wilco - Someday, Some Morning, Sometime
Someday some morning sometime, sometime I'd like to hold your hand in mine Someday some morning someti...

Wilco - Someday Soon
Wind will blow and the sun will shine.On that hill where we used to climb.I look in your eyes and you'...

Wilco - Someone Else's Song
I can't tell you anything you don't already know.I keep on trying, I should just let it go.I keep on s...

Wilco - Spiders (kidsmoke)
Spiders are singing in the salty breeze Spiders are filling out tax returns Spinning out webs of deduc...

Wilco - Stetson Kennedy
I done spent my last three cents Mailing my letter to the President Didn't make a show, I didn't make ...

Wilco - Summer Teeth
Like a cloud his fingers explodeOn the typewriter ribbon, the shadow growsHis hearts in a bowl behind ...

Wilco - Sunken Treasure
There's rows and rows of house, with windows painted blue.With the light from the t.v. running parallel to y...

Wilco - That's Not The Issue
You've got a problem, I think you knowI'll tell you mine before you goYou've been thinking about someb...

Wilco - The Lonely 1
After the show you walked right past.Arms reached out for your autograph.And as you flashed your backs...

Wilco - Theologians
Theologians They don't know nothing About my soul About my soul I'm an ocean A...

Wilco - The Unwelcome Guest
To the rich man's bright lodges I ride in this wind On my good horse, I call you My shiny black ...

Wilco - Too Far Apart
You came to meet me out on the lineYou couldn't believe I was feeling fineWhen I really needed you, yo...

Wilco - Via Chicago
I dreamed about killing you again last nightAnd it felt alright to meDying on the banks of Embarcadero...

Wilco - Walt Whitman's Niece
[Intro:]Last night or the night before that (I won't say which night)A seaman friend of m...

Wilco - War On War
It's a war on warIt's a war on warIt's a war on warIt's a war on warIt's a war on war...

Wilco - (was I) In Your Dreams
Was I in your dreams, I'd like to know.Did I touch your hand and did it feel like snow?Try to understa...

Wilco - Way Over Yonder In The Minor Key
I lived in a place called Okfuskee And I had a little girl in a holler tree I said, little girl, it's ...

Wilco - We're Just Friends
Over and over and over againI say that were just friendsForget the implicationsInfatuation...

Wilco - What's The World Got In Store
Close your eyes and go to sleep, babyTake your head off your feet, honeyCause you've been working hard...

Wilco - When You Wake Up Feeling Old
When you wake upFeelin oldAt this piano filled with soulsSome strange purseStuffed nervous...

Wilco - Why Would You Wanna Live
It's all happened here before.I know you've seen it too.I know you've seen it too.And it's all h...

Wilco - Wishful Thinking
Fill up your mind with all it can know Don't forget that your body will let it all go Fill up your min...

Wild Orchid - 25 Days Of Christmas
I want to take off some time, get the the world off my mind,and treat myself to a vacation....

Wild Orchid - At Night I Pray
So alone And this room feel so cold No one to care and no one to hold Yet the Lord knows T...

Wild Orchid - Be Mine
Showin' it, flowin' it, doin' it right Cuz you if can't connect you could be polite Come a come say th...

Wild Orchid - Come As You Are
Shelter my feelings, stand by my side You need no alibi Show your emotions, give me a sign Let m...

Wild Orchid - Declaration
If I told you once I've told you a thousand times But you never listen to me I just wanna ...

Wild Orchid - Fire
If you want it, You've got to come get it.If you need some sugar,come on baby come on....

Wild Orchid - Follow Me
In the middle of the rapture - tell me where will you go Baby don't get captured - cause then I'll have to f...

Wild Orchid - He's Alright
He's alright, my baby is alright He knows what I like naturally My man is all right, Yeah he's got it ...

Wild Orchid - Holding On
They say patience is a virtue But I've been waiting too long I believed in your promises And it ...

Wild Orchid - In My Room
Silence Here in my room A symphony in my mind Shadows Dance on the wall Impossible t...

Wild Orchid - It's All Your Fault
Every time you look at meI forget to breatheNow can't you see?How I like how you make me feel....

Wild Orchid - I Won't Play The Fool
The stage is set so let the curtain rise As for the ending my dear that's for me to decide You may thi...

Wild Orchid - Life
(A duration of an earthly existance) (A specific phase of earthly existance) (A sentence of imprisonm...

Wild Orchid - Love Will Wait
Lying here alone with you So able to be free How easy it would be To give you all of me ...

Wild Orchid - Make It Easy For Me
Promise me that if you leave You won't be coming back again It hurts to see your face when you look at...

Wild Orchid - My Tambourine
Aren't you gonna come cause you wanna come Won't you come play... Aren't you gonna come cause yo...

Wild Orchid - Our Lips Are Sealed
We've got a secret, but our lips are sealed We've got a secret, but our lips are sealed Can you ...

Wild Orchid - Stuttering
The time is 3am Don't say, "What's hap-happening?"You're t-t-t-telling liesLooks like you'...

Wild Orchid - Supernatural
Supernatural love, Supernatural Love like a river, Flowing deeper than time Rushing over m...

Wild Orchid - Take You Higher
Hello goodbye - do you wanna ride You don't need to know where you're goin' Take a trip through the ol...

Wild Orchid - Talk To Me
Talk to me Talk to me Talk to me tonight about love Hey now just what are we feeling ...

Wild Orchid - The River
Moving on baby I went to the river, thinkin bout jumpin in Thinkin about your ways baby Trying t...

Wild Orchid - Tic Toc
Sometimes when two people meet You know that undeniably There can be an instant chemistry ...

Wild Orchid - Wasted Love
How could you do this to me? How could you do this to me? I put my trust in you That's what you'...

Wild Orchid - World Without You
Days and nights and nights and days,In silent shades of lazy grays.I call your name.It's a...

Wild Orchid - You Don't Own Me
There we were On a Sunday afternoon Just holding hands Lover making future plans together ...

Wild Orchid - You & Me
You know I love you baby You know I love you boy Now that we've traveled through mountains ...

Wild Orchid - You're No Good (but I Like It)
Don't worry about me, don't worry about you Cuz everything you do, boy I've done too Don't worry about...

Willa Ford - All The Right Moves
You're makin all the right movessaying all the right wordsmaking my heart attack my brainI'll ne...

Willa Ford - Dare
What do they see, looking at you could they see a dare?Dazzing eyes and wondering minds are hugging after yo...

Willa Ford - Did Ya' Understand That
Sometimes I wish that I could be the person that you areJust for a minuteLong enough that I can break ...

Willa Ford - Don't You Wish
Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da DaDa Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da DaWa...

Willa Ford - Haunted Heart
Ooh Ooh Ooh The candle Pictures of youThe things I, I plan to do to You won't ...

Willa Ford - Innocent Girl
oooohhh oooohhh I'm not such an Innocent Girl First impressions Can be wrong So let ...

Willa Ford - I Wanna Be Bad
Oh, I, I, II wanna be bad with you babyI, I, I, II wanna be bad with you babyDo you,...

Willa Ford - Joke's On You
Once there was love and I was a foolOnce there was us but it was all about youI was too blind to see i...

Willa Ford - Kiss Me Goodnight
I see u everyday watching me looking at mei get so hot when u lookat me like thatwhy dont ...

Willa Ford - Lullaby
Just cause I'm small, can't hurt you at all I'm only a girl, what to do? Let me sing my song for you ...

Willa Ford - Ooh Ooh
Ohh you know I see you watching meI know you getting into me boyCome and tell me what you wantW...

Willa Ford - Prince Charming
Prince Charming can you rescue meAre you real can you make me feelFeel unrealPrince charmi...

Willa Ford - Santa Baby (gimme Gimme Gimme)
Nasty, come onAnd say nastyNasty come onSay nasty[Spoken:]Dear SantaThi...

Willa Ford - Somebody Take The Pain Away
Here comes the pain again Breaking up my heart it's a tragedy Breaking up my heart, it's the worst emo...

Willa Ford - Tender
Hey Can I talk to you for a minute? You see, its not you Its just ..well, I've been in love before ...

Willa Ford - Tired
You want the truth? Here it is Manufactured is this hot pop industry I know cause they tried to ...

William Hung - Bailamos
Tonight we dance,I leave my life in your hands.We take the floor,Nothing is forbidden anymore....

William Hung - Can You Feel The Love Tonight
There's a calm surrender to the rush of dayWhen the heat of a rolling wind can be turned awayAn enchan...

William Hung - Circle Of Life
From the day we arrive on the planetAnd blinking, step into the sunThere's more to be seen than can ev...

William Hung - Hotel California
On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hairWarm smell of colitas, rising up through the airUp ahead...

William Hung - I Believe I Can Fly
I used to think that I could not go onAnd life was nothing but an awful songBut now I know the meaning...

William Hung - Rocket Man
She packed my bags last night pre-flightZero hour nine a.m.And I'm gonna be high as a kite by then...

William Hung - Shake Your Bon-bon
I'm a desperadoUnderneath your windowI see your silhouetteAre you my JulietI feel a mad co...

William Hung - She Bangs
Talk to me, tell me your name You blow me off like it's all the same You lit a fuse, and now I'm ticki...

Will Smith - 1,000 Kisses
[Will]UhHa haYeah yeah yeah yeahUhHa haYo yoUhWhooA o...

Will Smith - Act Like You Know
UhBig Will and Tra-KnoxYo yo yo yo jumpWhen I tell you make your way up to the frontAddict...

Will Smith - Black Suits Comin' (nod Ya Head)
Come-come onCome on, come-come on-on(MIB){The black suits comin'}{The black suits comin'}...

Will Smith - Born To Reign
I believe in GodI believe in DestinyNot Destiny in the sense of all of our Exerts being pre-determined...

Will Smith - Could U Love Me
Yo, Big Will in the place to be, mic check...mic check..Would you love me in the shack in a shanty town...

Will Smith - Here He Comes
[CHORUS]Here he comes, he can rockHe can break dance and he can popHe can rap, he can act...

Will Smith - How Da Beat Goes
It's all nightAnd it's all rightTil the sunlightThis is how da beat goes onBig WillT...

Will Smith - I Can't Stop
Yo get off meGet off meUh uh uh uh uh uh uhI can't stopDa da da da da da daI can't s...

Will Smith - I Wish I Made That / Swagga
Yo, ain't no better man for this hype trackJust the veteran taking the mic backDavid Letterman even sa...

Will Smith - Jaden's Interlude
[Jada:] What are you doing?[Jaden:] I'm just looking over there[Jada:] You lookin...

Will Smith - Just Crusin
[Intro]The maestro Nice flow Hot like nitro Cool as ice though That type of d...

Will Smith - Loretta
(THIS IS A TRUE STORY)[CHORUS]Loretta, wrote a love letter to a stranger thought th...

Will Smith - Lost & Found
[INTRO]Original - A first form from which varieties ariseAn authentic work of art as opposed to...

Will Smith - Mr. Niceguy
[INTRO CHORUS]HE'S A NICE GUYhow ya doinHE'S A NICE GUYGood to see youH...

Will Smith - Ms. Holy Roller
[INTRO]Mic check 1, 2.. this is dedicated to an old friend of mine, Michelle...[CHORUS...

Will Smith - Party Starter
[CHORUS]Git on the floor!!!!! Whoa! I'm the Party Starter,You might have a good time but we par...

Will Smith - Pump Ya Brakes
All this excess stress I can't take itSlow that thing down, pump ya brakes kidWhy you gotta be all up ...

Will Smith - Scary Story
WillowDaddy can you tell me a story?WillOh you wanna hear a story? What kind of story you wanna ...

Will Smith - Switch
Switch Alright ready Come on man, this is what I do Yo mic check, mic check, yeah here you go...

Will Smith - Tell Me Why
[INTRO] - Why, why, why, why, why. Why[CHORUS]I really wish I could explain ...

Will Smith - Wave Em Off
From a distance, you can witness the glow from my entourageGravitate towards the ambiancesee me & my m...

Will Smith - Willow Is A Player
Willow is a playerShe's got me goin' crazy (crazy)She's got me wrapped around her fingerShe's go...

Will Young - Ain't No Sunshine
Ain't no sunshine when she's goneIt's not warm when she's awayAin't no sunshine when she's goneA...

Will Young - Anything Is Possible
I never thought I could be feeling this wayStanding here in front of you this perfect dayIts hard to i...

Will Young - Beyond The Sea
Somewhere beyond the seaSomewhere waiting for meMy lover stands on golden sandsAnd watches the s...

Will Young - Cruel To Be Kind
Babe I'm sorry but I just can't stand the pain If you're leaving baby, Let me say one last thing ...

Will Young - Dance The Night Away
People get the wrong impressionI wonder if they changed their mindsIt's an understated signTell ...

Will Young - Evergreen
[Verse 1]Eyes, like a sunriseLike a rainfallDown my soulAnd I wonder,I ...

Will Young - Fine Line
You're walking a fine line You're walking a fine line You're living on borrowed time You're walk...

Will Young - Free
Don't You see how i fight itTrying to hide from a life of real painMaybe time has allowed itFeel...

Will Young - Friday's Child
We've been told to live our livesJust working on a feelingWaiting for the sun to shine on whatWe...

Will Young - From Now On
Hey, hey I don't understand What's the plan Why I'm standing here today All I've ever know...

Will Young - Going My Way
In time gone by, I lost my willTo try and find a clear way throughNow, it's been a whileSince I ...

Will Young - I Get The Sweetest Feeling
[Verse 1]MmmmmmmmmmThe closer you getThe better you look babyThe better you l...

Will Young - I Won't Dance
I won't dance, don't ask meI won't dance, don't ask meI won't dance Madame with youMy heart won'...

Will Young - Leave Right Now
[Verse 1]I'm here just like I saidThough its breaking every rule I've ever madeMy racing ...

Will Young - Light My Fire
You know that it would be untrueYou know that I would be a liarIf I was to say to you girlWe cou...

Will Young - Love Is A Matter Of Distance
Love is a matter of differenceBetween you and meLove is a matter of distanceThat you are too far...

Will Young - Lover Won't You Stay
I can't deny this strange desire in my heart So close together we can never be apart Heal my pain, ...

Will Young - Lovestruck
Blue dusky waters that caught us that night Swirling around and around like a merry go round You know ...

Will Young - Love The One You're With
If you're down and confusedAnd you don't remember whoYou're talking toConcentration slips away...

Will Young - Out Of My Mind
All you have to do is think about it [x4] drive me crazy all the timeWhen you play me...

Will Young - Over You
And I do like a little conversation And it's true I don't like to be kept But with you it's a dangerou...

Will Young - Side By Side
Mmmm I don't know about this situation It's got me down, it's brought me to my knees If I find p...

Will Young - Stronger
LifeHas a funny way of trying to makeYou a certain typeAnd making it hardYeah lifeIs...

Will Young - Very Kind
You run, you runBut this ain't livinYou wish you could go backAnd begin it, all overBut it...

Will Young - What's In Goodbye
What's in goodbye An empty world without a heart Saddens me each time I hear it Keeping us apart...

Will Young - You And I
Cut to the chase, your pretty face Search outer space, leaving no trace Making love in the heavens abo...

Will Young - Your Game
I see you floating it constantlyYou're making me feel like you andI could be realBut then you're...

Wilson Phillips - All The Way From New York
I'm gonna ask you for something, and it may sound like a lot.I've never really asked you for anything, no....

Wilson Phillips - Alone
Baby, don't you wanna cry?'Cause I really need toAnd I really miss youOh baby, I'm a lady,...

Wilson Phillips - Already Gone
Well, I heard some people talkin' just the other dayAnd they said you were gonna put me on a shelfBut ...

Wilson Phillips - A Reason To Believe
If I listened long enough to youI'd find a way to believe that it's all trueKnowing that you lied, str...

Wilson Phillips - California
Sitting in a park in Paris, FranceReading the news and it sure looks badThey won't give peace a chance...

Wilson Phillips - Dance Dance Dance
After six hours of school I've had enough for the dayI hit the radio dial and turn it up all the way...

Wilson Phillips - Doctor My Eyes
Doctor, my eyes have seen the yearsAnd the slow parade of fears without cryingNow I want to understand...

Wilson Phillips - Don't Take Me Down
'I love you girl' that's what you used to sayAnd that no one would ever take it awayI gave you all I h...

Wilson Phillips - Dream Is Still Alive
Not so long ago we were so in phaseYou and I could never forget the daysBut then the fire seemed to fl...

Wilson Phillips - Eyes Like Twins
I recognize that smileOur winter was oh so coldYou wore your mysterious cloak just like a childN...

Wilson Phillips - Flesh And Blood
If you never plan to come out of your shell, you're never gonna get well.I understand your reasons not to....

Wilson Phillips - Fueled For Houston
I missed all my calls this morningThe coffee may still be burningI'm in a yellow taxi racing down to L...

Wilson Phillips - Get Together
Love is but a song we singAnd fear's the way we dieYou can make the mountains ringOr make the an...

Wilson Phillips - Give It Up
You can't hide it from meAdmit it baby'Cause I'm wise to your disguiseI've seen you love me with...

Wilson Phillips - Goodbye, Carmen
And her eyes are like skies that will rainBut there's work to be done, and she does not complainHer ch...

Wilson Phillips - Go Your Own Way
Loving youIsn't the right thing to doHow can I ever change thingsThat I feelIf I cou...

Wilson Phillips - Hold On
I know this painWhy do lock yourself up in these chains?No one can change your life except for you...

Wilson Phillips - Impulsive
The secret of loveI thought I understoodThe way it's supposed to beI never imagined you could...

Wilson Phillips - In My Room
There's a world where I can go and tell my secrets toIn my room, in my roomIn this world I lock out al...

Wilson Phillips - It's Only Life
Hey, do you know what's going onDo you?Come on, play it! Wooh!Are you awake?Have you...

Wilson Phillips - Monday Monday
Monday, MondaySo good to me.Monday, MondayIt was all I hoped it would be.Oh Monday m...

Wilson Phillips - Next To You (someday I'll Be)
Ooh ee ooh ...Someday I'll be next to youMontague and CapuletWhispered through the w...

Wilson Phillips - Old Man
Old man look at my life,I'm a lot like you were.Old man look at my life,Twenty four and th...

Wilson Phillips - Ooh You're Gold
Evening sunThat's what you are to meYou make me feel alive, and I wanna beBy your sideYou'...

Wilson Phillips - Over And Over
Lonely one, lonely one, lonely one, lonely one...oh baby.Hey, we're falling like the rainFrom th...

Wilson Phillips - Release Me
I know that it's time for a changeMmm but when that change comesWill you still feel the same?...

Wilson Phillips - This Doesn't Have To Be Love
Softly, love is standing here with its demands(Tell me what you want from me, you want from me)Slowly,...

Wilson Phillips - Turn! Turn! Turn! (to Everything There Is A Season)
To everythingTurn, turn, turnThere is a seasonTurn, turn, turnAnd a time for every purpose...

Wilson Phillips - Where Are You
I'm all grown upBut somehow, it feels like I'm pretendingVisions of my younger years, they are buried...

Wilson Phillips - You're In Love
Open the door and come inI'm so glad to see you my friendDon't know how long it has beenHaving t...

Wilson Phillips - You're No Good
Feelin' better, now that we're throughFeelin' better, 'cause I'm over youI learned my lesson, it left ...

Wilson Phillips - You Won't See Me Cry
I wish I had all you ever wantedI'd give it right to youBut I don't have itHow could I eve...

Wu-tang Clan - '97 Mentality
[Cappadonna]Yo! It's the burial ground sound, Dunn! It's real out hereStaten Island putt...

Wu-tang Clan - A Better Tomorrow
[Inspectah Deck]Yo, this goes for all my brothers and sisters locked downFor all my peoples inc...

Wu-tang Clan - America
[Intro: Killah Priest, Raekwon]"Continous""Yeah, youknowhatI'msayin?""Wu-Tang"...

Wu-tang Clan - And Justice For All
[***Chorus*** x2]Fuck y'all analog niggas we be digitalWu-Tang, Killarmy we indespensible...

Wu-tang Clan - And You Don't Stop
[Ol' Dirty Bastard]Yeah, now we're gonna give a shout out, knowumsayin'?Def Jam, knowumsayin'?...

Wu-tang Clan - As High As Wu-tang Get
(come on in)[Ol Dirty *singing*]Dinn-dnn-dnn-ta-dnn(come on in)Dinn-dnn-ta-dnn, din...

Wu-tang Clan - Babies
[Intro/Chorus: Madame D]Light is shinin.. beauty sunshineHere comes one-time.. the ball was so ...

Wu-tang Clan - Bastards
[Ruthless Bastards][Verse one:]Check it, these cold days got me in a physical rage...

Wu-tang Clan - Bells Of War
[Verse One: U-God]Yeah, yoGive me the cueSkip the introduction, prosate the lip fun...

Wu-tang Clan - Black Shampoo
[U-God]Hard days of workYou had a hard day at work babyI want you to sit down, relax...

Wu-tang Clan - Bring Da Ruckus
[Intro:]Shaolin shadowboxing, and the Wu-Tang sword styleIf what you say is true, the Sha...

Wu-tang Clan - Bring Da Ruckus (demo Version)
[Intro:][Rza] Bring da bring da muthafuckin' ruckus!En garde, I'll let you t...

Wu-tang Clan - Bronx War Stories
[Verse 1:]I'm fucked upMost brothers don't have it like meLike my brothers in the p...

Wu-tang Clan - Can It Be All So Simple
[Intro: Raekwon the Chef](Can it be that it was all so simple then)KnowhatI'msayin, take ...

Wu-tang Clan - Careful (click, Click)
[RZA]Wait, hold up, chill, what's that son?Damn.. nigga got fucked, shit, huh?!By his bac...

Wu-tang Clan - Cash Still Rules / Scary Hours
[Raekwon]Shake them niggazScary hours no money out, smash the Guinness StoutPlay the outf...

Wu-tang Clan - Clan In Da Front
[Intro: RZA]Up from the 36 Chambers...Heheh.. it's the Ghost..*Face*..*Killahh* Hehheheh...

Wu-tang Clan - Cobra Clutch
Yo, yeah bitchAiyyo, motherfuckerAiyyo, swallow itAiyyo we dazzle off this bloody version ...

Wu-tang Clan - Co-defendant
[Chorus: Hell Razah]You got my back, I got your frontFrom the start to finishGoin out alt...

Wu-tang Clan - Concrete Jungle
[*bees buzzing*][Prodigal Sunn]Ladies and gentlemen: Sunz of ManUhh, Jungle ...

Wu-tang Clan - Conditioner
[ODB + Snoop]YeahHuh, huhYeahFo' sho', fo' sho', you know that...Knowhatimsay...

Wu-tang Clan - Da Mystery Of Chessboxin'
[Wu-Tang movie dialogue]The game of chess, is like a swordfightYou must think first, before you...

Wu-tang Clan - Deadly Melody
[Masta Killa]As we return, to the 36 ChambersThe RZA, the GZAThe Ol Dirty BZAU-God,...

Wu-tang Clan - Diesel
[Raekwon the Chef]So yo yo all I want to do is just tell them catsOn the real, keep your game h...

Wu-tang Clan - Dog Shit
[*dogs barking*][Ol Dirty Bastard]All y'all bitches put your naps togetherAn...

Wu-tang Clan - Do You Really (thang Thang)
Yo, this is a Wu-Banger two thousand and one noise makeroff the hook guerilla anthemThis is DJ Kay Sla...

Wu-tang Clan - Duck Season
[Raekwon the Chef]Scrape y'all motherfuckersThis is my word, when you see usWhen you see ...

Wu-tang Clan - Execute Them
"Execute them" [4x]*Street Life sample played in the background*"Slang bang to wax, tortu...

Wu-tang Clan - Fast Shadow
[Method Man]I'm sayin, you-could-you could just come over top of that shit...Did I hear it?...

Wu-tang Clan - Fatal Sting
[Verse 1:]In the battle fields mics collide like sword fightsGet stabbed up by the swift ...

Wu-tang Clan - For Heavens Sake
[Intro: Inspectah Deck]Yo, one two one twoWu, Tang, Wu, TangIt's the Wu, creepin in...

Wu-tang Clan - Gravel Pit
[RZA]1,2, 1,2, yo check this out, it's the jump off right nowI want everybody, to put your work...

Wu-tang Clan - Heaterz
[Raekwon]Hang glide for my nigga TicalYo, word to God we run this whole shit Son (no doubt)...

Wu-tang Clan - Hellz Wind Staff
[conversation continued from the end of Duck Seazon]"The Wu-Tang Clan will rise againTher...

Wu-tang Clan - Hollow Bones
[Raekwon]High potency top, smoke a bag of blackAnd feel the vibe, wanna be wise We, form ...

Wu-tang Clan - I Can't Go To Sleep
[Ghostface Killah]Technique is ill son, watch how I spill onePeace to Biggie Tupac Big L and Bi...

Wu-tang Clan - Impossible
[RZA] Yo... check check it[Tekitha] You can never defeat[RZA] Yo check th...

Wu-tang Clan - Intro
[RZA]Yo, yo one two one two, yo live in effectWe got the king Ruler Zig-Zag-Zag AllahComm...

Wu-tang Clan - Iron Flag
[Intro/Chorus: Raekwon]Murder one of y'all niggaz..Get to hurtin one of y'all niggaz..Bit...

Wu-tang Clan - It's Yourz
[Verse One: Raekwon the Chef]Machine gun rap for all my niggaz in the backStadium packed,...

Wu-tang Clan - Jah World
[Junior Reid]Him speaketh in tongues into the hearts of all fleshYeah stanyoiWhoi...

Wu-tang Clan - Let My Niggas Live
[Intro Skit]Someday I'm gonna be walkin down the streets,mindin my own business.. and BAM!!...

Wu-tang Clan - Little Ghetto Boys
[Raekwon] Yo, you know what I mean? Chillin within[Rakeem] Word up, niggaz is stupid...

Wu-tang Clan - Maria
[*glasses/jewelry tinkling*]You my Daddy whore [2X][*laughing*][Cappa]...

Wu-tang Clan - Method Man
[Intro Part One: Method Man (album version)]Yeahhh, torture motherfucker what?(Torture ni...

Wu-tang Clan - Never Again
[hebrew man praying][Intro:]Feel thisTo all those races, colors, and creeds,...

Wu-tang Clan - Older Gods
[Verse One: Ghostface Killah]Aiyyo I roll like a bat out of hellEvil acapell's fly spitti...

Wu-tang Clan - One Blood Under W
[Junior Reid]Run'din from fires of the city, and tee blooodBlooood, blood, bloooood.. blooood...

Wu-tang Clan - One Of These Days
[Chorus: sampled singer (Inpsectah Deck)]One of these days and you wont be long (It wont be long now)...

Wu-tang Clan - On The Strength
[Intro:]Okay God it's like thisIf we don't manifest our power to the fullestMan, yo...

Wu-tang Clan - Protect Ya Neck
"So whassup man?Coolin man""Chillin chillin?""Yo you know I had to call, you know why right?"...

Wu-tang Clan - Punishment
[Intro:]Wu-TangHolocaust punishmentYo, yo, yo, yoYo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, yo, ...

Wu-tang Clan - Radioactive (four Assassins)
"You will be punished (Wu-Tang style)for all your evil deeds. (Wu-Tang style)Be warned - you will suff...

Wu-tang Clan - Redbull
[Redman]RZA came and got me, this what I came to do, come onRing the bell so it's time to eat...

Wu-tang Clan - Reunited
[Intro: Roxanne]It's Wu motherfuckers, ah Wu-Tang motherfuckers [3X]It's Wu, ah go...

Wu-tang Clan - Reunited (remix)
[Ol' Dirty Bastard *singin* (RZA)]Reunited cuz it feels so good(Yo, yo, niggaz ain't shit)...

Wu-tang Clan - Rules
[RZA]All you hoes, be cryin for these bitchesAll you niggaz, be cryin for these hoes...

Wu-tang Clan - Second Coming
God damn man these radio station be bugginMan it's three o'clock in the mornin, damnThis hip-hop shit ...

Wu-tang Clan - Severe Punishment
I despise your killing, and rapingYou're... despicableAre you, my judge?It's just......

Wu-tang Clan - Shame On A Nigga
[Intro: Raekwon the Chef][martial arts movie sample]Yeah, yo, aightPass the ...

Wu-tang Clan - Shame On A Nuh
[Intro:]Yo this the radio version for ya called Shame On A Nuhso everybod...

Wu-tang Clan - S.o.s.
Shoot em On Sight Sight Sight [3x]Shoot em On Sight Sight Sight [overlaps INS talking]...

Wu-tang Clan - St. Ide's
[Method]Oh yeah, comin through with my Shaolin crewTwo cent for a case, gimme St. Ide's brew...

Wu-tang Clan - Tearz
[Chorus: (sampled)]After laughter, comes tears[Verse One: The RZA]...

Wu-tang Clan - The City
[unknown conversation which carries over from the last track]That's black?Whattup God?Aiy...

Wu-tang Clan - The Closing
[Raekwon]Yeah, yeahI see everythingI see everythingYouknowhatI'msayin?It's li...

Wu-tang Clan - The Glock
.. good thing we brought the glock[U-God]Yo, yo [clears throat]Yo - GOOD THI...

Wu-tang Clan - The Legacy
[Timbo King]The Legacy, get your minds ready, get your rhymes readyAnd held a breath of l...

Wu-tang Clan - The M.g.m.
[both] Yo, up in the M.G.M. coked up[Ghost] Sike! Six niggaz walked in flashing they gems pe...

Wu-tang Clan - The Monument
[Busta Rhymes]Yeah, yeah yeah now, what the fuck now?Flipmode Wu-Tang shit, what the fuck now?...

Wu-tang Clan - The Projects
[Raekwon chattin with Shy]"Peace God""Peace to the Gods""How you God?""Studyin one-...

Wu-tang Clan - Triumph
[Ol Dirty Bastard]What y'all thought y'all wasn't gon' see me?I'm the Osirus of this shit...

Wu-tang Clan - Uzi (pinky Ring)
[U-God]Yo.. yeahDon't erase none of that good shit in the beginninYo.. spill drinks on ya...

Wu-tang Clan - Visionz
[Method Man]Apocalypse NowMind over matter next batter be TicalPut it on a platter how mu...

Wu-tang Clan - Where Was Heaven
[Intro:]Shit, sometimes man I just,get stressed out I be like damn yo,I wanna go ov...

Wu-tang Clan - Wu-revolution
These things just took over meJust took over my whole bodySo I can't even see no moreI'm calling...

Wu-tang Clan - Wu-tang: 7th Chamber
[Intro:]Take that motherfuckerGOOD MORNING VIETNAM!!Yeah, good morning to all you m...

Wu-tang Clan - Wu-tang: 7th Chamber - Part 2
[Intro: The Genius/GZA (from "Clan in Da Front")]Niggaz on the left, brag shit to deathNo...

Wu-tang Clan - Wu-tang Clan Ain't Nuthing Ta F' Wit
[Intro: RZA]Tiger styleYo, huh, huhWu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuttin Ta Fuck WitWu-Ta...

Wu-tang Clan - Y'all Been Warned
[Method Man]Eh, eh, eh, eh, ehWu-Tang, nigga, that's what's up (one)Wu-Tang, nigga, that'...

Wyclef Jean - 80 Bars
[Intro: Wyclef]80 bars, 80 scarsYo, engineer turn me up, yo[Wyclef]I s...

Wyclef Jean - Anything Can Happen
[Intro:]I got the skully to my face (hardcore)I got the skully to my face (hardcore)...

Wyclef Jean - Apocalypse
[Intro:]Yeah, I was looking out my windowwhen I heard this soundlook up into the sk...

Wyclef Jean - Baby
I wanna thank y'all for coming to see the preacher's son tonight (thank you)Fellas, hold on to your girl rig...

Wyclef Jean - Bubblegoose
[Intro: (1st half sung, 2nd half spoken)]When I was young, Mama played a guitarA micropho...

Wyclef Jean - Bubblegoose (bakin' Cake Version)
[Wyclef - Hook]What do you mean? A pocket full of greenHere comes the fiend, all we do is...

Wyclef Jean - Cheated (rock Remix)
[Wyclef (spoken)]Rolling Stones could not be here with you tonight, Led Zepplin couldn'tb...

Wyclef Jean - Daddy
Da, da, da, daddy, daddy, daddyI'm sure y'all heard about my dadDa, da, da, daddy, daddy, daddyT...

Wyclef Jean - Enter The Carnival (interlude)
[Tropical music playing in background]Yo yo I wanna give a shoutout to the world this is Wyclef...

Wyclef Jean - Fresh Interlude
Yo yo, this Wyclef, alongside DJ Skribble (for the ladies)Yo Skribble I have one questionCould you ple...

Wyclef Jean - Ghetto Racine (pj's Creole Mix)
Haiti, I wanna welcome yall to West Indian day Parade (Sak pase)This is my Carabanner, The PJ's Remix IN CRE...

Wyclef Jean - Gone 'til November (pop Version)
[Wyclef - Spoken]I wanna dedicate this song, Gone 'Til November...To all you ladies out there, ...

Wyclef Jean - Grateful
[Wyclef Jean]This is as real as it gets y'allAnd it don't get no realer than thisThis is ...

Wyclef Jean - Gunpowder
I asked my mother why do you cryshe said your brother had... he just diedWell I told him not to go out...

Wyclef Jean - However You Want It
[HOOK:]However you want it, you don't want it, cuz when you get it it hurtsYour body carried ou...

Wyclef Jean - If I Was President
[chorus]If I was president,I'd get elected on Friday, assasinated on Saturday,and buried ...

Wyclef Jean - Killer M.c. (interlude)
[Wyclef:]Hello, boys and girls.Welcome to Wyclef Words of Wisdom.I am here with an m.c. t...

Wyclef Jean - Knockin' On Heaven's Door
I remember playin my guitar in the projectsPlayin in the PJ's A product of the environmentPour s...

Wyclef Jean - Low Income
[Intro]Let um feel the beat firstI'm bout to come through your stereoShould I rhyme or st...

Wyclef Jean - Men In Blue (no Airplay)
[Wyclef]Yo, the Brooklyn Bridge is going to collapse yoYo, this is Wyclef Jean the Refugee Alls...

Wyclef Jean - New Day
What we gon' do right now is go back, way backBring in the grooveI wanna dedicate this to those ...

Wyclef Jean - Oh What A Night
[Inrto: Wyclef]It's funny how the Earth rotates, man you never know what's going to happen, ya ...

Wyclef Jean - Pablo Diablo (interlude)
[Lawyer:] Your honor, I would like to call my first witnessto the stand. All the way from East L.A.,...

Wyclef Jean - Party Like I Party
Yo it's a lot a tension on this dance floor right nowA lot a thugsA lot a thugettesA lot a sets...

Wyclef Jean - Peace God
[Intro]I'm only eightI got no choice but to sling crackYo who you pushin weight for...

Wyclef Jean - Perfect Gentleman
(This one's goin' out to the strip jointsYo, meet me at Suzy's Rendez-vousFor every Go-Go BarI'm...

Wyclef Jean - Pullin Me In
[Intro:]Y'all know y'all done messed up now right?Mmmm mmmm, fo' real[opera singing]...

Wyclef Jean - Something About Mary
Yo, I'm a dedicate this to everybody that was at Woodstock '99DMX, Limp Bizkit, Sheryl Crow amongst many...

Wyclef Jean - The Industry
[Intro] Yeah I wanna dedicate this to everybody that love hip hop music Cause without hip hop music I...

Wyclef Jean - The Pj's
Mmmmmmmmm... yeah[Wyclef](PJ's!) I was born in the PJ'sSo I gotta rep for the PJ's...

Wyclef Jean - The Streets Are Like A Jungle
[Wyclef]One, two...One, two-One,two...Yo! [Chorus]Hey yo! The ...

Wyclef Jean - Thug Angels
Refugees yo.. all you say[Wyclef Jean]Dirty Dirty Dirty SouthI used to play while a...

Wyclef Jean - Thug Like Me
This joint right hereIt goes out for the fellasCreepin in the lady's home when they man ain't home...

Wyclef Jean - To All The Girls
[Intro:]Yo, Wyclef, It's time that I confess (Refugee Camp) to all the girls(Don't do it,...

Wyclef Jean - War No More
Light is in the air right nowTwo thousand and two rebel musicThe saga continuesListen, children...

Wyclef Jean - Where Fugees At?
[INTRO:]Uh huh, uh huhFeels good to be back at the essence where it all started you knowU...

Wyclef Jean - Wish You Were Here
[Wyclef Jean]Lets goSo so you think you can tellheaven from hellBlue skies from pa...

Wyclef Jean - Words Of Wisdom (interlude)
[Wyclef:]Hello, boys and girls.Welcome, to Wyclef Words of Wisdom.Have you ever been sitt...

Wyclef Jean - Yele
[Tropical music playing in background][Wyclef (echo):]Yo, yo, I wanna give a shout...

Wynonna Judd - A Little Bit Of Love (goes A Long Long Way)
Got a wishbone in my pocket and money to burnI ain't got no worries ain't got no concernsThe feeling's...

Wynonna Judd - All Of That Love From Here
I can see a cotton fieldAn old man working in the millI can see loadin' the trunk of my old blue Oldsm...

Wynonna Judd - Always Will
If time is a train rollin' down the trackEvery minute is a box car that don't come backTake a look aro...

Wynonna Judd - Burning Love
Lord almighty, I feel my temperature risingHigher and higherIt's burning through to my soul...

Wynonna Judd - Can't Nobody Love You (like I Do)
Can't nobody love you like I doNot now, no not everThere ain't no doubt I know this thingWe have...

Wynonna Judd - Chain Reaction
Something 'bout the wayThe moon and the stars are moving across the skySomething in the still night ai...

Wynonna Judd - Change The World
If I could reach the stars I'd pull one down for youShine it on my heart, so you could see the truth...

Wynonna Judd - Come Some Rainy Day
What good's a dollar Without your baby sister?Two scoops of ice cream On a summer afternoon...

Wynonna Judd - Dance! Shout!
You told me that you wanted somebody to talk toYou told me that you needed a friendYou told me that yo...

Wynonna Judd - Don't Look Back
Time to walk awayYou've run out of things to sayEverything ends up the same old storyYou don't k...

Wynonna Judd - Father Sun
Strange imaginations, children hide your secrets wellIs it not temptation makes you kiss and makes you tell?...

Wynonna Judd - Flies On The Butter (you Can't Go Home Again)
Old tin roof, leaves in the gutterA hole in the screen door big as your fist, and flies on the butterM...

Wynonna Judd - Free Bird
If I leave here tomorrowWould you still remember meFor I must be travelin' on nowThere's too man...

Wynonna Judd - Girls With Guitars
She turned fifteen with great expectationsHer older brother knew somethin' was upHe caught her going t...

Wynonna Judd - Going Nowhere
There in the pale moonlightThat's where you and I were walkingI said: looking in your eyesI'm fe...

Wynonna Judd - Heaven Help Me
I could lose my visionMy eyes no longer seeI could lose my religionIn my struggle to believe...

Wynonna Judd - Heaven Help My Heart
Two smilin' faces, that's how it used to beWhat once was forever is now a faded memoryThe perfect illu...

Wynonna Judd - Help Me
Help me I think I'm falling in love againWhen I get that crazy feelingI know I'm in trouble agai...

Wynonna Judd - He Rocks
To see him walking byHe might not catch your eye - here's whyNot quite heaven-sentKinda Clark Ke...

Wynonna Judd - I Can't Wait To Meet You
I tried to live without you What a misery it turned out to beSorry for the time I doubted youCan...

Wynonna Judd - I Just Drove By
I always go the other wayBut my car drove me down todayTo a little house on the older side of town...

Wynonna Judd - I Saw The Light
I laid a red roseOn your front porchWrote I love you On a noteI rang the door bell A...

Wynonna Judd - Is It Over Yet
Tell me when I can open my eyesI don't want to watch you walk out that doorThere's no easy way to get ...

Wynonna Judd - Is It Over Yet (club Mix)
Tell me when I can open my eyesI don't want to watch you walk out that doorThere's no easy way to get ...

Wynonna Judd - It All Comes Down To Love
Talking heads talking to us on the televisionSilver screen preachers and politiciansSay they got the a...

Wynonna Judd - It's Never Easy To Say Goodbye
Jimmy climbs on board that old yellow busIt sure looks big in his little eyesHis mama waits as her tea...

Wynonna Judd - It's Only Love
If life was a classroomAnd love was just a lessonAn answer you can guessUntil you get it right...

Wynonna Judd - I've Got Your Love
You've dropped pennies in a wishing wellAnd wished on every star that fellTrying to find a heart of go...

Wynonna Judd - I Want To Know What Love Is
I gotta take a little timeA little time to think things overI better read between the linesIn ca...

Wynonna Judd - I Will Be
Been caught in a downpour of a rain of stonesFelt like an exile in the world I had knownSo I sought th...

Wynonna Judd - Just Like New
That's the same engine under the hoodCarried young Elvis to HollywoodBeen cross country a time or two...

Wynonna Judd - Learning To Live With Love Again
There's not much of a moon tonightClouds are covering the skyThe only guiding star in sightIs th...

Wynonna Judd - Let's Make A Baby King
Once upon a Christmas morningThere was a pretty little baby boyIt seems like I remember sadnessM...

Wynonna Judd - Live With Jesus
Seen a lot of trouble At my doorI've never known a day whenI ain't been poorBut I'm gonna ...

Wynonna Judd - Lost Without You
I've got night vision, I can find my way homeI don't get nervous when I'm out on my ownI've got that s...

Wynonna Judd - Love By Grace
I remember the rain on the roof that morningAnd all the things that I wanted to sayAnd the angry words...

Wynonna Judd - Love Like That
You might tell me to mind my businessBut I've been watchin' and I've been a witnessTo the things you d...

Wynonna Judd - Love's Funny That Way
There's no king when love is the thingWe play the same rulesIn a heartbeat a wise man can be a fool...

Wynonna Judd - My Angel Is Here
They say there's a state of heavenSomewhere way beyond the cloudsI know there's a piece of heaven...

Wynonna Judd - My Strongest Weakness
The keeper of the gates of wisdomPlease let me in'Cause I just can't go through Another heartach...

Wynonna Judd - New Day Dawning
End of the night and my money's spentGotta hock my clothes to pay my rentIt's a roll of the dice and i...

Wynonna Judd - No One Else On Earth
I've been a rock and I've got my fences I never let them down When it comes to love, I keep my senses ...

Wynonna Judd - No One Else On Earth (club Mix)
I've been a rock and I've got my fences I never let them down When it comes to love, I keep my senses ...

Wynonna Judd - Old Enough To Know Better
You'd think I'd have the sense to runKnowin' where you're comin' fromI can't bring myself to goH...

Wynonna Judd - Only Love
I have sailed a boat or twoOut on the wild blueYonder to dreams that rarely come trueAs far as I...

Wynonna Judd - Rescue Me
What do you do when you're scared inside?When all of your feelings just seem to collideEmotions just s...

Wynonna Judd - Rock Bottom
When you hit rock bottomYou've got two ways to goStraight upAnd sidewaysI have seen my sha...

Wynonna Judd - Rock Bottom (single Version)
When you hit rock bottomYou've got two ways to goStraight upAnd sidewaysI have seen my sha...

Wynonna Judd - She Is His Only Need
Billy was a small town loner Who never did dreamOf ever leaving southern ArizonaOr ever hearing ...

Wynonna Judd - Somebody To Love You
You need a job so you can make some moneyYou need a nice warm place to stayA sense of humor 'cause lif...

Wynonna Judd - Sometimes I Feel Like Elvis
What I am supposed to do with this house, and these carsAll this so called success the good Lord's given me...

Wynonna Judd - Tell Me Why
Everywhere I look the sun is shiningBut it's always raining here insideI can seeYou really had a...

Wynonna Judd - That Was Yesterday
It's finally overBut I can't even crySo, don't you give me no sweet talkYou done told your last ...

Wynonna Judd - The Kind Of Fool Love Makes
Anyone can read the signOr the writing on the wallIt's all right there to seeExcept someone like...

Wynonna Judd - The Other Side
So, you're at the end of your witsThe end of your ropeYou just can't fixEverything that's broke...

Wynonna Judd - The Wyld Unknown
Everybody read about itYou can find it in the checkout lineThey say I got husbands a-leavin', boyfrien...

Wynonna Judd - To Be Loved By You
Love that's worth fighting forThat's what this isAnd how, how could I want moreThan the warmth o...

Wynonna Judd - Troubled Heart And A Troubled Mind
[Chorus]A troubled heart and a troubled mindIs all I'm gonna leave behindI'm movin'...

Wynonna Judd - Tuff Enuff
I would walk ten miles on my hands and kneesAin't no doubt about it baby, it's you I aim to pleaseI'd ...

Wynonna Judd - What It Takes
I wanna walk To no particular destinationI wanna talk When I got the inclinationI wanna mo...

Wynonna Judd - What The World Needs
I look around at all the faces and I seeAll the lonely people looking back at meRich, poor don't matte...

Wynonna Judd - When I Reach The Place I'm Goin'
When I reach the place I'm goin'I will surely know my wayAnd I will turn and look inside meAnd b...

Wynonna Judd - When Love Starts Talkin'
I thought I had my life worked outI thought I knew what it was all aboutThen love started talkin'...

Wynonna Judd - Who Am I Supposed To Love
I've been alone too long Wondering how to go onWithout you here by my sideSo many lonely nights...

Wynonna Judd - Who Am I Trying To Fool
I can tell myself I'm in controlI can live this life without youBut you know it's just a lieYou ...

Wynonna Judd - Why Now
Somewhere offIn a distant dreamYou were long agoLike a memoryNow you're backSt...

Wynonna Judd - You Are
How do you do it anyway?Like there ain't nothing to itTo make me stayNo tricks with smoke ...

Wynonna Judd - Your Day Will Come
Pack up all your tearsBury the pastSend them awayDon't let 'em hold you backLove will find...

Xscape - All About Me
[Intro by JD:]I wanna see which posse can dance the best,It should be easy 'cause the beat is f...

Xscape - All I Need
[Chorus:]Can't you see your love is all I need,Without you I'm nothing so please don't ever lea...

Xscape - All This Love
[Verse One (LaTocha):]I had some problems,And no-one could seem to solve them.But you fou...

Xscape - Am I Dreamin'
Am I dreaming, baby,Are you for real?[Verse One:][Ol' Skool]Things are...

Xscape - Best Of My Love
You know I'll give you the bestO yes I will my baby[Verse One (Tamika):]There ain't...

Xscape - Christmas Without You
[Verse One (Tamika):]The snow is falling like I knew it would,Carollers are already singing....

Xscape - Do Like Lovers Do
[Verse One (Kandi):]We've been to the movies once or twice,Had a candlelight dinner baby,...

Xscape - Do You Know?
[Intro by JD:]Tocha, Kandi, Tiny, Tamika. You know the flava.Do you know what you do to me? ...

Xscape - Do Your Thang
[Voice on telephone:]If you'd like to make a call,Please hang up and try again.If you nee...

Xscape - Do You Want To?
[Intro (Tiny):]Hey baby, I wanna know one thing...Do you want me as much as I want you?Sa...

Xscape - Do You Want To (jd Remix)
[Intro (Tamika):]This ain't your ordinary sh**,This ain't the sh** that your used to,This...

Xscape - Get Down
[Verse One (LaTocha):]Baby, don't worry 'bout what they say,Maybe, you and I can do our own thi...

Xscape - Hard To Say Goodbye
[Verse One (Tamika):]Time has been short since you left me,So I can't help but think,Of h...

Xscape - Hold On
[Verse One (Tiny):]I can make any man do whatever it takes,Yet I hesitate, sit 'em down or wine...

Xscape - How Do You Love Someone?
[Chorus:]How do you love someone,Who really cares?How do you love someone,Who's alw...

Xscape - In The Rain
I wanna go outside, go outside, go outside, in the rain.[Verse One (Tiny):]I wanna go out...

Xscape - Is My Living In Vain?
[Verse One:]Is my living in vain?Is my giving in vain?Is my singing in vain?Is my p...

Xscape - I Will
I will always love you...[Verse One (Kandi):]You were the first to take my heart,Ma...

Xscape - Just Kickin' It
[Verse One (Kandi):]Every man wants a woman,Where him and her can just go hang.Just the t...

Xscape - Keep It On The Real
No no,Tell me, tell me.Keep it on the real,(the real, the real, the real, the real, the re...

Xscape - Let Me Know
[Chorus:]I got something for you,And I think you're sexy,And if you want me let me know....

Xscape - Love's A Funny Thing
[Intro:]Shoop be doopShoop be doop doop dahShoop be doopLove's a funny thing...

Xscape - My Little Secret (jd Remix)
[Verse One (Kandi):]Step out my house, one in the morning,Get in my car, go put it on him....

Xscape - One Of Those Love Songs
[Verse One (Kandi):]When you're far from me, there's a melody,That always brings me closer to y...

Xscape - Pumpin'
[Chorus:]You gotta keep it pumpin'. [x4][Verse One (Tamika):]I went o...

Xscape - Rest Of My Life
Hoo...ooh...oh...oh...Hoo...ooh...oh...oh...Hmm...oh...Suddenly, it happened so fast...

Xscape - Softest Place On Earth
[Verse One (LaTocha):]It's a glowing little feeling,Like a summer sun that slowly rises,O...

Xscape - The Arms Of The One Who Loves You
[Verse One (LaTocha):]I know you're going,I can't make you stay.I can only let you know I...

Xscape - The Runaround
But you been sleepin' and you're creepin', babe,But you been creepin' and you're sleepin', baby....

Xscape - Tonight
[Verse One (Kandi):]Come a little bit closer and look into my eyes,If only for a moment, boy do...

Xscape - Tonight (live Comin' Mix)
[Intro:]Hey big baby,Girls grab your guys,And guys grab your girls tight,'Cuz every...

Xscape - Understanding
[Chorus:]What I need from you is understanding,How can we communicate,If you don't hear w...

Xscape - What Can I Do?
[Verse One (LaTocha):]My man done left me on a midnight train,He said he wasn't thinking of eve...

Xscape - What's Up
[Tiny]Up in the club with my girls lookin' goodFeelin' sexy like I'm suppose to be My jea...

Xscape - Who Can I Run To?
[Verse One:][LaTocha]As I stand here contemplating,On the right thing to decide....

Xscape - Who's That Man?
[Chorus:]Know, don't you wanna know, don't you wanna know,Know, who's that man?[Repeat...

Xscape - With You
[Chorus:]I wanna spend my whole life with you,There's nothing else better than being with you....

Xscape - Work Me Slow
[Verse One (Kandi):]Play me some music, and pour me some wine.I'm in the mood now, I got love o...

Xscape - Your Eyes
[Verse One (LaTocha):]You're not in control when there's demands put on your heart.You don't ev...

Xtc - 1000 Umbrellas
One thousand umbrellasUpturned couldn't catch all the rainThat drained out of my headWhen you sa...

Xtc - 25 O'clock
The urge to take you grows more strongFor time had made me wait too longEach watch I smash apart...

Xtc - All You Pretty Girls
Do something for me, boysIf I should die at sea, boysWrite a little note, boysSet it off afloat,...

Xtc - Another Satellite
My heart is taken it's not lost in spaceAnd I don't want to see your mooney mooney faceI say why on ea...

Xtc - Atom Age
I'm heading into the atom ageMy contemporary house is all the rageMy wife's getting lazy going gadget ...

Xtc - Beating Of Hearts
Do you know what noise awakes youEvery morning from your bedA-coming from the farthest hillsideA...

Xtc - Beatown
B E A T O W NI spoke to your boss this morningHe asked why you weren't home?I said sir they left...

Xtc - Big Day
It's your big day, your big daySo you want to tie the knotTie it tight, don't let it rot, the memory o...

Xtc - Bike Ride To The Moon
Push me off to start the funOn a bike ride to the moonLots of room for everyoneOn a bike ride to...

Xtc - Books Are Burning
Books are burningIn the main square, and I saw thereThe first eating the textBooks are burning...

Xtc - Brainiacs Daughter
Brainiacs DaughterMade me a suit of bricks and mortarAnd a matching stove pipe hat, oh yesBraini...

Xtc - Bungalow
BungalowBungalowBy the seaBungalowIn the sea airClimbing roseTime to spare...

Xtc - Buzzcity Talking
What makes you wander farDon't know who you areNow if the vibe is rightI'll go out tonight...

Xtc - Chain Of Command
How bright are the fires of thoughtIn a chain of commandHow bright is the medical torchWhen it's...

Xtc - Collideascope
CollideascopeCareful, don't look down the wrong endYou will see ships that fall out of the skyWh...

Xtc - Complicated Game
I ask myself should I put my finger to the left, noI ask myself should I put my finger to the right, no...

Xtc - Crocodile
CrocodileNo you won't make me jealousThat she left me for himScene one standingCrushed on ...

Xtc - Crowded Room
Across a crowded roomI first set eyes on youMy vision was impairedObstructed out of view...

Xtc - Day In Day Out
Clock in my headClock on the wallAnd the two of themDon't agree at allFriday is heaven, Fr...

Xtc - Dear God
, hope you got the letter, and...I pray you can make it better down here.I don't mean a big reduction ...

Xtc - Dear Madam Barnum
I put on a fake smileAnd start the evening showThe public is laughingI guess by now they know...

Xtc - Deliver Us From The Elements
We can plant a seedAnd watch it growFood enough to fill a tableRunning water down an overflow...

Xtc - Do What You Do
Do what you do what you do ... to meThe stars are out and so am IThe stars I see ain't in the sky...

Xtc - Dying
It frightens me when you come to mindThe day you dropped in the shopping lineAnd my heart beats faster...

Xtc - Generals And Majors
Generals and Majors ah ahthey're never too farfrom battlefields so gloriousout in a world of the...

Xtc - Great Fire
Great fire burningYou supplied the sparkFores burning spreading through the arkAnimals are panic...

Xtc - Have You Seen Jackie?
Have you seen Jackie?He's a strange strange strange little girlMake up on his face and his hair in cur...

Xtc - Helicopter
Oh heli Oh heliI'm crouching here with a telescope in handLooking across our lego landI really t...

Xtc - Holly Up On Poppy
Holly up on PoppyCanter never stopShe has escaped from the worldWhere they bake beautiful girls...

Xtc - Human Alchemy
An alchemy, human alchemyWe stole them from their freedom to be soldTo turn their skins of black into ...

Xtc - Humble Daisy
Humble DaisyForm a chain to hold all battleships in checkHumble DaisyKnit a ladder down to natur...

Xtc - I Am The Audience
I am the audienceThere's no doubt, no consequenceI could make the morning papersIf I use my cape...

Xtc - I Bought Myself A Liarbird
I bought myself a liarbirdHe came with free drinks just to blurThe lies falling out like rainOn ...

Xtc - I'm Bugged
I'm bugged you all look like insectsIn your brand new sunspecsI'm bugged I'm buggedI drop a litt...

Xtc - I Remember The Sun
Hot as golden sand in fieldsWe whiled away the hoursI'm thinking of the days we hadEnormous supe...

Xtc - Ladybird
O ladybirdI have heard you wish to walk me through your gardenI crave your pardon if I woke you with m...

Xtc - Life Is Good In The Greenhouse
Everybody lives somewhereMud hut or iglooBut what I got is the hottest spotAnd it's away from yo...

Xtc - Limelight
I'm in the limelightNo time for sun rayWe are the happeningThis day is our dayI'm in the l...

Xtc - Little Lighthouse
She's a little lighthouse when sheOpens up her huge eyesAnd streams of diamonds shoot out'Til we...

Xtc - Living Through Another Cuba
Living through another Cubait's 1961 again and we are piggy in the middlewhile war is polishing his dr...

Xtc - Love At First Sight
See the lovers all gone crazylooking for romance it seemsmany sleepless nights will followsome m...

Xtc - Meccanic Dancing (oh We Go!)
Woolworth beautyFactory beauArm in armThey must goTo the church of dance with the light on...

Xtc - Mermaid Smiled
From pools of xylophone clearFrom caves of memoryI saw the children at heartThat we once used to...

Xtc - My Bird Performs
Fine art never moved my soulNo vintage wine designer clothesBut my world shakes for meMy bird si...

Xtc - My Love Explodes
My love explodes all over the world for you, yeah youMy love explodes in diamonds and pearls for you, just y...

Xtc - My Weapon
I dunno wot she gotI dunno wot she gotI dunno what she got but it seems to have a grip upon meNo...

Xtc - Neon Shuffle
Hey - what you going to do nowYou're standing there and wondering howYou've got to make some noise...

Xtc - New Town Animal
I think my watch has bust and so is timeI borrowed all my love so nothing's mineThere's nothing decent...

Xtc - No Language In Our Lungs
There is no language in our lungsto tell the world just how we feelno bridge of thoughtno mental...

Xtc - Omnibus
Climb up here beside meWe can ride and find a friend unfoundPut your foot upon the laughing gasA...

Xtc - Pale And Precious
So pale and precious is the light that will shineOut of the windows in her headSo pale and precious li...

Xtc - Paper And Iron (notes And Coins)
Paper, iron, won't buy Edenworking for paper and for ironwork for the right to keep my tie onwor...

Xtc - Radios In Motion
There's a message up in ChinaThat they getting in JapanBouncing off an ocean linerMake em shake ...

Xtc - Real By Reel
In this secret time, invading on our privacyUnknowing we mime, we play for the ministryThe can film yo...

Xtc - Red
You better watch your tape boysIt's the tint that angers the beastGot their sails in the sunsett...

Xtc - Roads Girdle The Globe
Am I asleepOr am I fastYou every raceYou first, you lastRoads girdle the globeWe all...

Xtc - Rocket From A Bottle
Birds beware, expect me up thereme and air are feeling light todayjets should hide, I'll fly alongisde...

Xtc - Rook
Rook, rookRead from your bookWho murders who and where is the treasure hid?Crow, crowSpill...

Xtc - Sacrifical Bonfire
Fire they criedSo evil must dieAnd yields are goodSo men pull back hoods and smileThe scap...

Xtc - Scissor Man
Snipping, snipping, snipping goes the scissor manPutting end to evil doers gamesSnipping, snipping, sn...

Xtc - Seagulls Screaming Kiss Her, Kiss Her
It's raining on the beachShe inches close but out of reachThe waves look painted onSeagulls scre...

Xtc - Sgt. Rock (is Going To Help Me)
I'm enlisting, overseas aidneed assisting, help with a maidget the expert, on mademoiselleshe co...

Xtc - Shake You Donkey Up
Here he come againDress in all that skinLike he was still human beingLook at he long ears...

Xtc - Shiny Cage
Hiding faces turning pagesStill they read and readDouble deckers full of smokersLook who's gone ...

Xtc - Spinning Top
I'm like a spinning topGoing round and aroundWell I don't know what's upAnd I sure don't know wh...

Xtc - Statue Of Liberty
The first time I saw you standing in the waterYou must have been all of a thousand feet tallNearly nak...

Xtc - Super-tuff
In the car parkIn the lamplightGo for a walkClock him shiv-fightSodium-a-shine onAll...

Xtc - Ten Feet Tall
Happy I'm floatingAround on my feet nowYou make me go dizzyI'm weak at the kneesI feel lik...

Xtc - That Is The Way
Go and speak to your niece (do this do that)Kiss your aunt on the cheekDon't talk back, now run along...

Xtc - That Wave
That wavePulled me into your eyesThrough the greeney grey pebblesAnd countless cathedrals arrivi...

Xtc - The Affiliated
Pubs and clubs and opening hoursWas all he knewOne arm bandits and Affiliated membersWomen taboo...

Xtc - The Ballad Of Peter Pumpkinhead
Peter Pumpkinhead came to townSpreading wisdom and cash aroundFed the starving and housed the poor...

Xtc - The Disappointed
The disappointedAll shuffle round in circlesTheir placards look the sameWith a picture and a nam...

Xtc - The Man Who Sailed Around His Soul
The man who sailed around his soulFrom East to West, from pole to poleWith ego as his drunken captain...

Xtc - The Meeting Place
Meet you in the secret placeScuffling in the dirt I waitWhistle will blow, whistle will blow,Sha...

Xtc - The Mole From The Ministry
If you think there's something wrongHoles appearing on your lawnDon't you blame the man next door...

Xtc - Then She Appeared
Then she appeared, apple venus on a half open shellThen she appeared, the first photograph on Fox Talbots ge...

Xtc - The Rhythm
He makes a beeline for the placeWhere he gets his only aceSometimes he's standing in the rainOh ...

Xtc - The Smartest Monkeys
Well man created the cardboard box to sleep in itAnd man converted the newspaper to a blanketWell you ...

Xtc - The Ugly Underneath
First there's the handshakeIt's so warm that you could bake by itDesigned to take attention from their...

Xtc - This Is Pop?
In a milk bar and feeling lostDrinking sodas as cold as frostSomeone leans in m directionQuizzin...

Xtc - Vanishing Girl
Someone's knocking in the DistanceBut I'm deaf and blindShe's not expected home this eveningSo I...

Xtc - War Dance
There's an epidemicStirring passions in young heartsEven the old campaignersHave got it really b...

Xtc - What In The World?...
2032Housewives shock in blueWhat in the world is it coming toWhat in the world2033...

Xtc - When You're Near Me I Have Difficulty
When you're near me I have difficulty respiratingWhen you're near me I have difficulty concentratingWh...

Xtc - Wonderland
Can't you seeLove and affectionWhen it's putIn you directionWrapped in your mysterious won...

Xtc - Wrapped In Grey
Some folks see the world as a stoneConcrete daubed in dull monotoneYour heart is the big box of paints...

Xtc - X Wires
It's the airwaves of the worldNot the hairwaves on your headOh But anything can beOn land and in...

Xtc - You're A Good Man Albert Brown (curse You Red Barrel)
Well you're a good man Albert BrownAnd you was wounded in the warAnd though you shot some people down...

Xtc - You're My Drug
You take me to heaven from deeper than hell ever dugAnd you fly me higher than a trip on a magical rug...

Xtc - You're The Wish You Are I Had
What was I supposed to do?I turned around with the world and she simply was thereMy blood ran like ice...

Xtc - Your Gold Dress
You gold dress is whirling aroundLike a fan it's lifting you highHigh above the groundNever comi...

Xzibit - At The Speed Of Life
[Intro:]Listen you fuckers, you screwheadsHere's a man who won't take it anymoreA m...

Xzibit - Back 2 The Way It Was
Yeah.. yo.. c'monRide wit me, lemme take you somewhere[Xzibit]My father was a soldi...

Xzibit - Best Of Things
[Xzibit]I was voted most likely to have a psychiatric evaluationLet's start the process of elim...

Xzibit - Break Yourself
[Xzibit]Last but not least we off the leashThe Art of War reach for your masterpieceFeel ...

Xzibit - Carry The Weight
[Intro: Xzibit, J-Ro]I really wish I could you know at twenty-one youknowhatI'msayin',he ...

Xzibit - Chamber Music
[Verse One:]The official representative, LACThis is phrophecy manifested by X to the Z...

Xzibit - Choke Me, Spank Me (pull My Hair)
[Chorus: girl - repeat 4X]Choke me, spank me, pull my hair[Xzibit]Cinnamon, ...

Xzibit - Cold World
[Verse 1: Xzibit]Justine, 19, just got cleanFresh outta rehab with self-esteemShe ain't f...

Xzibit - Criminal Set
[helicopter flying overhead]"Outside the South Central area, few cared about the violencebecaus...

Xzibit - Deeper
[Verse 1:]Yeah so it all comes down to this (what?)Specialist with a hit list Right fist ...

Xzibit - Defari Herut
[Xzibit]Yeah, uh, what, worldwideYeah, Im forever, ever lastin, spread the wealth...

Xzibit - Double Time
[Xzibit]Watch me watch me, bonafide hard copyHip-hop nazi dispose of the Liberace'sExtra ...

Xzibit - Enemies
Yeah!!! AOWWWW, AOWWWW![Chorus: repeat 2X]Sometimes I'm my own worst ENEMYWith fri...

Xzibit - Enemies & Friends
1996, dysfunctional memberOf the Alkaholik family, yoRule Number OneAlways be aware of you...

Xzibit - Eyes May Shine
Yeah yeahLook, you could've got away but your response wasn't quick enoughCan't preserve life 'cause t...

Xzibit - Focus
Yo, turn it up a little so you (Focus)Homeboy I ain't never gon let em take me underI maintain w...

Xzibit - Foundation
[Verse 1]When I look you in your eyes I can see my ownStraight love manifested in flesh a...

Xzibit - Front 2 Back
[Xzibit - repeat 3X]Oh no, let's get drunk and fuck fo' sho'Please stop runnin yo' mouth let's ...

Xzibit - Fuckin' You Right
[Xzibit talkin]Listen to this, I'm just tryna do this for usYou know what I'm sayin, you scream...

Xzibit - Heart Of Man
[Xzibit]Ain't a damn thing promised to yaExcept livin your life, and dyin one day, I'm just bei...

Xzibit - Hey Now (mean Muggin')
[Verse 1]I'm a menace, to society babythe police want to relocate methey run up with gun ...

Xzibit - Hit & Run (part Ii)
[Intro:][Hightower:] Baby, do me a favor, call up Xzibit for me.[Xzibit:] Allo?...

Xzibit - Inside Job
[Intro: Xzibit]Mr. X to the Z (who am I?)M-m-m-mr. X (who am I?)X to the to-the-to-the Z...

Xzibit - Judgement Day
(Ohhhh, yeah yeah yeah yeah)[Chorus: singers]You can turn your back and then walk away...

Xzibit - Klack
Yeah.. huh.. it's been a long timeIt seem like the whole world waitin on the West coastWe missed you.....

Xzibit - Lax
You better get ready for the war[Chorus]It's so frustratin, so many hatinSomebody g...

Xzibit - Los Angeles Times
At this time, please extinguish all smoking materialsReturn all seat backs, and tray tablesto their mo...

Xzibit - Missin' U
[Intro]This for you (uh) there ain't one day that go bywhere I don't think about you (yeah)...

Xzibit - Muthafucka
[Chorus]You Know It Could HappenIt Don't Happen Till It HappenWhen It HappenYou Gon...

Xzibit - My Life, My World
Ok, alright, alright. You got me up? Is the Mic On?Yeah. I pledge allegiance to the un-united streets of Los...

Xzibit - Paparazzi
[Intro]1996, the Disfunctional member of the Alkohaliks familyIt's XZIBIT, Bring it live,...

Xzibit - Release Date
Yeah, today the big day[Xzibit]Been here four years, eleven months and twenty-nine hot on...

Xzibit - Right On
Yeah, haLadies and gentlemen (Ha, Yeah)You got money and then bitchesPower..Ya had i...

Xzibit - Scent Of A Woman
Yeah...Check it out...They say behind every strong manIs an even stronger woman[Chorus]...

Xzibit - Shroomz
[Verse 1]its a long day Fridayits like movin on this waygot Xzibit up tight, right...

Xzibit - What A Mess
Yeah, keep thatHuh.. what a messYeah.. I see you (PRIMO!!)Yeah.. I was blessed with some clarity...

Xzibit - What U See Is What U Get
[Speaking:]And so it was written, and after all these things,I saw another angel come down from...

Yellowcard - All Apologies
[Originally by Nirvana]What else should I beAll apologiesWhat else should I say...

Yellowcard - American't
The land of the freeThe home, the deprivedFor years just sat back while others were asleepBut no...

Yellowcard - Avondale
If you're gonna rip my heart outCould you use a knife that's dullAnd rust in colorOnce I die...

Yellowcard - A.w.o.l.
Maybe it's not over yetSomewhere inside him there must be someNew dream awaiting to topple the rest...

Yellowcard - Back Home
Don't know what I was looking for when I went home, I found me aloneAnd sometimes I need someone to say, "Yo...

Yellowcard - Believe
Think about the love inside the strength of heartThink about the heroes saving life in the darkClimbin...

Yellowcard - Big Apple Heartbreak
This can't be home anymoreThis can't be home anymoreif you think i have not been missing the way she b...

Yellowcard - Breathing
Eyes are feeling heavy but they never seem to closeThe fan blades on the ceiling spin but the air is never c...

Yellowcard - Cigarette
Watching the days burning out like a cigarette, just a few drags to goYou built me up and you broke me down ...

Yellowcard - Drifting
When I look into your eyes, I can seeSuch a sad man in disguisewaiting, wishing, dreaming, drifting fr...

Yellowcard - Dumb
[Originally by Nirvana]I'm not like themBut I can pretendThe sun is goneBut I...

Yellowcard - Empty Apartment
Call me outYou stayed insideOne you loveIs where you hideShot me down as I flew byCr...

Yellowcard - Everywhere
[Originally by Michelle Branch]Turn it inside out so I can see The part of you that's dri...

Yellowcard - Finish Line
Hello friendIt's been too longand every town sings the same sad songHello FriendIt's...

Yellowcard - Firewater
You sat me down beside myselfTo show me all the reasons I was wrong for youWas this for real? It's har...

Yellowcard - For Pete's Sake
So I'm left wonderingthere is so much left I wish that I could say to youSilence I keepFor fear ...

Yellowcard - For The Longest Time
[Orginally by Billy Joel]woohoohoohoo for the longest time woohoohoo for the longest time...

Yellowcard - Get Off The Couch
We're jammingIn the bedroomMom will be home pretty soonShe'll make us turn it offWhy can't...

Yellowcard - Gifts And Curses
Mary belongs to the words of a song. I try to be strong for her, try not to be wrong for her. But she ...

Yellowcard - Goodbye
You hung me out to dry(You're no longer by my side)You said that we're through(What else can I d...

Yellowcard - Hey Mike
Hey Mike, if youre listeninIm callin home to tell you how it isIts real bad, its cold out hereIt...

Yellowcard - Inside Out
Here. A little sympathy for you to waste on meI know you're faking it but that's okayAnd I don't want ...

Yellowcard - Life Of A Salesman
What's a dad for dad?Tell me why I'm here dadWhisper in my ear that I'm growing up to be a better man,...

Yellowcard - Me First
We'll leave this shit behindOur moms, our dads, our livesLeave them all back thereLeave it back ...

Yellowcard - Miles Apart
If I could I would do all of this againTravel back in time with you to where this all beganWe could hi...

Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue
There's a place off Ocean AvenueWhere I used to sit and talk with youWe were both 16 and it felt so ri...

Yellowcard - October Nights
Warm October nightsYou came and cuddled next to me baby yeah yeah yeahOur noses brushed so close...

Yellowcard - One Year, Six Months
Sew this up with threads of reason and regretSo I will not forget. I will not forgetHow this felt one ...

Yellowcard - Only One
Broken this fragile thing nowAnd I can't, I can't pick up the piecesAnd I've thrown my words all aroun...

Yellowcard - On The Brink
Well i'm on the brink, of something horribleJust what it is Im not to sure But I cant take it anymore ...

Yellowcard - Possessions
PossessionsThe last thing on my mindI don't give a fuck about the ties or kindI don't want all t...

Yellowcard - Powder
Lying soaked in sweat tonightYour knuckles white, you try to fightThe need for more to get you by...

Yellowcard - Rocket
Sleeping late onWarm afternoonWaking up toBright silver moonSilent words fromM...

Yellowcard - Rock Star Land
Christmas break of ninety eight just flipped me upside downOne coast out to the other following the sound...

Yellowcard - Rough Draft
1-2-3-4Like a Saturday night I'll be goneLike a Saturday night I'll be gonebefore you knew...

Yellowcard - Something Of Value
All that I need to hear from yousomething of value but something untrueAll that I wished that I'd find...

Yellowcard - Star Struck
Where is your inspiration, you lost it, oh so long agoso much for innovation, I saw this coming long before...

Yellowcard - Sureshot
Get up face this dayFind some way to make the mean kids payPlaying it safe, it's your morals at stake...

Yellowcard - Trembling
Trembling, hold me nowI'm torn between silence and violent expressiontired of believing everyone...

Yellowcard - Twenty Three
I got to tell you that he waited all his lifeFor someone like you to come make the wrong things rightI...

Yellowcard - Underdog
One more trip downTo the lost and foundTo find your heart that theQuarterback punk dropped on th...

Yellowcard - Up Hill Both Ways
Everytime I try to read between the linesI'm left wondering that I did so wrongEverytime I try, try to...

Yellowcard - View From Heaven
i'm just so tiredwont you sing me to sleepand fly through my dreamsso i can hitch a ride with yo...

Yellowcard - Violins
[Originally by Lagwagon]I am just another fool, and I have to, keep telling myself thatI ...

Yellowcard - Way Away
I think I'm breaking outI'm gonna leave you nowThere's nothing for me here, it's all the sameAnd...

Ying Yang Twins - Alley
[Hook]Nigga, we be alleyMy nigga, we alleyNigga, we be alleyMy nigga, we alley...

Ying Yang Twins - By Myself
[Intro]Eh, yo, yo yoThis is Ying Yang Twins with a ghetto public service announcment (uh oh)...

Ying Yang Twins - Calling All Zones
[kaine & D-Rok Talking][Chorus]You got a one way ticket to hell,Smack dab in...

Ying Yang Twins - Georgia Dome
[Chorus:]Shawty so crunk she comin out of her clothes.Dick so big got caught in her thoat....

Ying Yang Twins - Grey Goose
Ayyy yup[D-Roc (x2):]285 sip 75 75 south 75 to the turnpike [Kaine:]...

Ying Yang Twins - Hahn
[INTRO]Ying Yang, we done done it againand put it on the map like hahn!......Put it...

Ying Yang Twins - Me & My Brother
[Chorus: Ying Yang Twins]See me and my brother, stay crunk like no otherStay high as a motherfu...

Ying Yang Twins - Naggin'
women always talkin about what men do, we dont never talk about what women least till now...

Ying Yang Twins - Naggin' Part Ii (the Answer)
What it is most us women we just good at what we dobut what yall needa remember is dont do what we doy...

Ying Yang Twins - Salt Shaker (remix)
OooohhhhShawty crunk, on the floor wide openSkeet so much, they call her Billy oceanRoll, ...

Ying Yang Twins - Say I Yi Yi
[Hook]She got her hands up on her knees and her bows on her thighsShe got the twerk and thats f...

Ying Yang Twins - Them Braves
Ahhhhhh shit yall know what the shound of that is...Thats the sound of them braves, them alanta niggas in th...

Ying Yang Twins - The Nerve Calmer
[Kaine]The nerve calmerThe nerve calmerThe nerve calmerThe nerve calmerThe ne...

Ying Yang Twins - Whistle While You Twerk
[chorus]whistle while you twurkgo head and start and make thatpussy fart and whistle whil...

Yolanda Adams - Already Alright
I want to start things out by giving testimony Cause one of my friends got ill seriously Now the docto...

Yolanda Adams - Anything
How big is your imaginationHow much do you dreamHave you ever had a vision that seems so far to reach...

Yolanda Adams - A Song Of Faith
You can't let it get you downNo no no no noNo no no no noNo no oh no noDon't let it get yo...

Yolanda Adams - Continual Praise
Ooh yeah,oooh yeah yeah yeah..... ooh yeah,yeah[Verse 1:]For all you done and what you gon' do...

Yolanda Adams - Darling Girl
[Verse 1]A night flight out to D.C.Phone rings with the news My God I'm so excited ...

Yolanda Adams - Fragile Heart
[Verse 1:]I remember the first timeYou laughed with meI remember the promisesYou wo...

Yolanda Adams - He'll Arrive (coming Back)
[Chorus:]Jesus is coming back, Time to make up for all you lack Neither you nor I know the day ...

Yolanda Adams - I Believe
They said you wouldn't make it so far a aAnd ever since they've said it its been hardBut never mind th...

Yolanda Adams - I Gotta Believe
Ooh! Ooh! Talk about itYou know life, has its ups and downs(it)Can Turn your pretty face, to an ...

Yolanda Adams - I'm Gonna Be Ready
I say a prayer every night, whatever I do, I'll get it rightWith no regret, no guilt or shame this time, no ...

Yolanda Adams - I'm Thankful
You're there to pick me upWhenever I fall downAnd I can't say enough'Bout the things you've done...

Yolanda Adams - In The Midst Of It All
I've come through many hard trialsThrough temptations on every handThough Satan's tried to stop me...

Yolanda Adams - Never Give Up
Visions that can change the world trapped inside an ordinary girl She looks just like me too afraid to dream...

Yolanda Adams - Only If God Says Yes
Choices that we make in lifeMay take us farChances that we take tonightMay lead us into darken p...

Yolanda Adams - Open My Heart
[Verse 1]Alone in a roomIt's just me and youI feel so lost'Cause I don't know what ...

Yolanda Adams - Since The Last Time I Saw You
Since the last time I saw youGod has moved another mountain out of my wayLed me to green pasture turne...

Yolanda Adams - Thank You
When I think about how you saved my soulI'm compelled to praise youLike a woman out of controlSo...

Yolanda Adams - The Things We Do
[Verse 1:]Every day that goes by Every moment you'll find There's a broken heart A ...

Yolanda Adams - Time To Change
We got something to sayya' knowit's wanna those joints hereYolandaUmm, Hmm...c...

Yolanda Adams - Unconditional
Unconditional, unconditionalUnconditional, unconditionalWho else would let someone nail them to ...

Yolanda Adams - Wherever You Are
Wherever you are, I wanna beIt's never to far, it don't matterJust take me there[Music]...

Yolanda Adams - Yeah
[Verse:]Can I be committed is the question in my head all the issues in my life keep holdin' me...

Youngbloodz - 6 To 14 In 12
[hook]6 to 14 in 12, y'all motherfuckers slow as hellIt ain't no mo' going to jailC...

Youngbloodz - Booty Club Playa
[hook]You'se just a booty club playa (a break yourself pimp)A hit the club, spend the dub...

Youngbloodz - Down Heya (in The South)
[hook]And thats how we keep it crunk, from the club to the streetsTo the two door Capri, crunk ...

Youngbloodz - Drankin Patnaz
And not once but twice am I back on lineRemarkably delivering these words of mine And when I come fort...

Youngbloodz - It's The Money / Fake Id Interlude
[hook]Now it's the money, that make this here world round'And it's the money, that make y...

Youngbloodz - Just A Dream
It ain't a thang in this world thats gonna knock me off my feetAs I unleash total chaos into the streets...

Youngbloodz - Mind On My Money
[Chorus - Sean Paul]I got my mind on my money, my money on my mind(Got my mind on my money, and...

Youngbloodz - Pop, Pop, Pop / Cutting Tonight Interlude
It's Attic Crew, know what I'm sayingWant our corner back, A-Town, home team ruleFor realI...

Youngbloodz - Shakem Off
[Sean Paul]Sean Paul, gotta get 'em drunkGotta shakem' off in the club, get it crunkGive ...

Youngbloodz - Thangs Movin' Slow
Yeah, Attic Crew, Attic Crew and Cooley C my niggaYeah, yeah, my nigga, its Attic Crew and Cooley C my nigga...

Youngbloodz - U-way (how We Do It)
[Chorus 2x]So how we do it when we do it shawty, U-WAAYYYThat Billy Dee got me slizzard like, U...

Youngbloodz - U-way (how We Do It) (remix)
(Wodie, Shawty, Shawty, Wodie) [X4]Now this one there that for them country folkThem heav...

Youngbloodz - Youngbloodz Intro / 6 P's Interlude
YOUNGBLOODZ!!! ...[Dana Lewis + (scratching)]"Get 'em off" "Sean Paul""Get 'em off...

Young Buck - Bang Bang
Bang BangI Shot You Down, Bang BangYou Hit The Ground, Bang BangThat Awefull Sound, Bang Bang...

Young Buck - Black Gloves
[Young Buck:]Walk Through A Nigga Block, 2 Glocks, 2 Tecks, 2 2-3'sGive A Nigga What He Really ...

Young Buck - Do It Like Me
[Young Buck:]All My Thugs And ThugetsWalk Where I Walk, See What I SeeNow I Welcome You A...

Young Buck - Shorty Wanna Ride
[Young Buck:]Shorty Wanna Ride With Me, Ride With MeShorty Wanna Ride With Me, Ride With Me...

Young Buck - Thou Shall
[Young Buck:]G-Unit!!!Yeah...You Better Kill Me50, Lemme Get These Niggas(Get...

Young Gunz - Can't Stop Won't Stop
[Intro - Young Chris + (Neef)]Six figure, wooUh, Youngunaz (Youngunaz) Chris and Neef (That's r...

Young Gunz - Friday Night
3,2,1 Go [Chorus]Its a friday night and the bass was bumpin the honeyz was rockin the party was...

Young Gunz - Future Of The Roc
[Young Chris]Young, GunzChris and NeefThe home of PhillyTough love, first time arou...

Young Gunz - Grown Man
[Verse (Chris)]She My Down Ass ChickLove me plus she like to come down my stripGet paraly...

Young Gunz - No Better Love
[Young Chris + Neef Talking]Where the ladiesYou can feel meI wanna be your mother, your f...

Young Gunz - North Of Death
Uh...Young Chris...Our father...I'll ride for my niggas I'll die for my niggasBodies get h...

Young Gunz - Problemz
[Young Chris]We here to make sure these Niggas take heat and rememberThat we bout i...

Young Gunz - Take It How You Want It
[Whipser] Rocafella's the army kid.[Verse 1][Chris]Your digits aint r...

Young Gunz - That's Right
[Intro]haha, it's about time niggazgangsta gangsta, a young gangsta, what you wanna b a gangsta...

Young Gunz - Time
[Young Chris + Neff Talking]Just need a lil time man, thats all I need.Lost alot of solid...

Young Heart Attack - Misty Rowe
Hot Lights and Sentimental NeedlesShowtime's tonight, yeahFilmed shots of everybody bleedingCarr...

Young Heart Attack - Over And Over
People talkin 'bout solutions, over and over'Bout how we need a revolution, over and overI was talking...

Young Heart Attack - Sick Of Doing Time
Let me tell you, let me tell you goodIm gonna tell you what i think i shouldI took a chance that i had...

Young Heart Attack - Starlite
Got a song for you it's on my stereo,Got a red light, don't stop, go, go,Got a run it tonightGon...

Young Heart Attack - (take Me Back) Mary Jane
[silly whispers]Now take me back Mary JaneDon't you leave me standing alone in the rain...

Young Rome - Best Days
This is a deep storyA very deep storyThe life of Young RomePicture meIn the hood playing h...

Young Rome - In My Car
[Rome 1:]Man I pull up to the lot with my system crankinNiggas posted up just smoking and drink...

Young Rome - Intro
[Rome Talkin]Young Rome1st albumIm here nowYo yeaLet me get at yall for a sec...

Young Rome - Look Down On Me
[repeat throughout] the Lord is watching over me Fa realYo, I believe errybody was put he...

Youngstown - Angel
Unconditional love, that is what you've given to meAnd I thank God, that you will always be right here with ...

Youngstown - Away With The Summer Days
[Verse 1:]I met her on a sunny Sunday afternoon She hit me with a smile warmer than the days of...

Youngstown - Could You Love Me
[Verse 1:]Sometimes I don't knowWhere do I go?Who do I turn to? (Oh baby)When you f...

Youngstown - Dance Floor (part 2)
Come on Youngstown Get down, Get down [Chorus:]There's no reason why the two of us ...

Youngstown - Don't Worry (dance Floor)
Friday, my day, waitin' for the weekend'Cause I wanna playI been stressin', but there ain't no questio...

Youngstown - Down For The Get Down
[Verse 1:]Brace yourself cause here we come Us three unite to become one and get this party sta...

Youngstown - Early Frost
Summer came and went so fast, at my summer homeI found a summer love and I hoped it would lastBut then...

Youngstown - Every Single Thing
[Verse 1:]I can't understand how I took it for granted Your love when I had it meant the world ...

Youngstown - Float Away
[Verse 1:]Breathtaking your making me so happy When you kiss my lips tell me that you love only...

Youngstown - Forever In Love
Lately my head has been spinning girlCan't bear the thought of you not in my worldI may have had my pr...

Youngstown - Grow Old With Me
Grow old with meThe best is yet to beWhen our time has comeWe will be as oneGod bles...

Youngstown - I'll Be Your Everything
You can call me when you want me, if you need a friend you got meI'll be your everything, fulfill your every...

Youngstown - I'll Be Your Everything (film Version)
You can call me when you want me, if you need a friend you got meI'll be your everything, fulfill your every...

Youngstown - Jamie Lee
Three A.M. in the morningAnd your day seems so longYou lay awake in your bed and sighWishing a f...

Youngstown - Little Sister
[Verse 1:]Hey, little sister Did that boy make you cry, did he steal your heart away with a loo...

Youngstown - Lose My Cool
Met her on a Saturday,5'5" curly hair with an angel's faceTook me a second to even walk her wayE...

Youngstown - Machine
I'm not a machine... [echoes][Verse 1:]Tell me can I live my life Doing what I fee...

Youngstown - Pedal To The Steel
I woke up around twoThe sun was shinin' on mePressed my jeans, cleaned my shoesFilled up the rid...

Youngstown - Remember
She sits in the dark, no more words to say,Waiting for me to wipe her tears awayBut I'm too stubborn t...

Youngstown - Run To Me
[Verse 1:]Run to me when you need someone to talk toRun to me when you're alone and you need a ...

Youngstown - So Tight
[Verse 1:]Only took a second to catch my eye Dancin like ya knowin' that you're fly Do I ...

Youngstown - Sugar
[Verse 1:]I never knewWhat that honey could doShe was a mystery.Somebody fooled aro...

Youngstown - The Prince You Charmed
I've heard time and time again, how things fall apart,How nothing lasts forever, well they're wrong'Ca...

Youngstown - Through Your Eyes
I know a place where we can run away and be freejust the two of us together holding hands whenever we please...

Youngstown - Whenever You Need Me
It seems to be more preciousThan life itselfIt picks you up in spiritWhen you're going through h...

Youngstown - You Want What You Want
[Verse 1:]Too much of any thing canBring you downRather live in excess than to die and dr...

Zebrahead - Alone
I broke down on a Japanese street Words unsaid they scar so deep Bullshit, Palanuik both make me choke...

Zebrahead - Big Shot
LH cause 714 is the areaEverybody grab a friend and jump on inGet a new view and a message to send...

Zebrahead - Blur
Did you ever get the feeling that you were all alone And no one ever knew you and you never had a home ...

Zebrahead - Dear You (far Away)
Dear you What's your name? When did we start this crazy game? Pull up a chair Grab a drink...

Zebrahead - Deck The Halls (i Hate Christmas)
[Intro] Christmas comes just once a year (I got a baby doll) With all its yuletide joy and chee...

Zebrahead - E-generation
Mix, mix, stop now move around [x2]. Steppin up to the mic. Mic 1, mic 2. Rollin' s...

Zebrahead - Expectations
I drove really fast before I hit the wallI was punch drunk, spinnin' round, heading for a fallDo or di...

Zebrahead - Falling Apart
Stutter step through another trap set by deception Mention rejection Always lies in your eyes Se...

Zebrahead - Feel The Way
I'm up and I'm allrightPush on with all my mightGot to find a way to get away todayBecause...

Zebrahead - Fly Daze
You are my leading lady and I really wanted to say that you have some fine moves baby I hope that we can...

Zebrahead - Go
I never wanted to goI never wanted a wayA way to see it, believe itI know that you're not leavin...

Zebrahead - Hello Tomorrow
Hello tomorrow and good-bye to yesterdayWe've been waiting for this momentAnd we still don't kno...

Zebrahead - House Is Not My Home
Well I'm tired, so tired of getting up and wasting another day I wish the picture on the wall would still sa...

Zebrahead - I Am
What the fuck is going on?Let me set it straight on the topics that I'm flowing on. Like Chuck D, Publ...

Zebrahead - I'm Money
Cuz I'm a user, a shmoozer, a big dollar loser. That doesn't matter cuz my friends call me a brusier and I ....

Zebrahead - In My Room
I've got girls, they're in my roomThe only thing is my room is not hereIt's ten till two, the clock wo...

Zebrahead - Into You
For a minute, she's stuck spinning in itStill it's better to lose hope than dying in it Off track, imp...

Zebrahead - Let It Ride
Let it rideHow did everything get messed up? Let it go Now I got myself all stressed out H...

Zebrahead - Livin' Libido Loco
Enrique played in a band. Down at the sand. He hustled women and worked on his tan. Drove an IRO...

Zebrahead - Move On
On trackNever look backWhen bad times seem to distractYou got to make your way, don't you know t...

Zebrahead - Now Or Never
You got to go loco, this ain't no joke yoToo much hype on the television and radioWhat you want to buy...

Zebrahead - Over The Edge
She wants to know where I've been She's got the gloves on againShe thinks she's smooth now I'm saying ...

Zebrahead - Rescue Me
Another tragedy in the newsSomeone shooting down the right to choose It doesn't seem at all that they ...

Zebrahead - Runaway
She wakes up in the morning In the same room that she's been in her whole life And everything still lo...

Zebrahead - Someday
Late out the door, grab my clothes off the floor, backpack and books cause school is a choreComing str...

Zebrahead - Strength
Turn the TV offTurn me on Disbelief confidence is gone You can take all this from me Stand...

Zebrahead - Subtract You
Another dayAnother Clean BreakAnother Cigarette and I think I'm gonna be okaySome other way...

Zebrahead - The Fear
I think that time has got theBest of me, best of meI wish the worship was mineApathy, apathy...

Zebrahead - The Hell That Is My Life
I. I look but never touch.She says I drink too much.I only think about myself, sex, and the couch....

Zebrahead - The Real Me
I know a girl who welcomes the worldI think though the world is spoiledAnd she holds on to meShe...

Zebrahead - The Set-up
Lie to meTell me that everything will be all right (Who-o-a) Lie to me Don't say it didn't mean ...

Zebrahead - Time
Kick itMicrophone check one, two got to runCause everything's money and son I got noneSo I got t...

Zebrahead - Type A
Shut up I'm not like you Back off Don't smother me Fuck this I see through you ...

Zebrahead - Wasted
Gotto get upGotto open my eyesI'm swimming through this hazeThat's been around me for days...

Zebrahead - Waste Of Mind
Let down, but I'm ready for another roundBear all the times that I miss and hit the groundTime is the ...

Zebrahead - What's Going On?
Seems like everybody's got a problemNo one knows howBut, we all want to solve 'emYou could give ...

Zero 7 - Destiny
I lie awake I've gone to ground I'm watching porn In my hotel dressing gown Now I dream of...

Zero 7 - Distractions
Fancy a big houseSome kids and a horseI can not quite, but nearlyGuarantee, a divorceI thi...

Zero 7 - Home
Lost in cheap deliriumSearching the neon lightsI move carefullySink in the city aquariumSi...

Zero 7 - I Have Seen
Old man there people stareThinking back to God knows whereAlways back to where he's beenI have s...

Zero 7 - In The Waiting Line
Wait in line'Till your timeTicking clockEveryone stopEveryone's saying different thi...

Zero 7 - In Time
All the words are callingGot time on my ownThere's no destinationWondering whether I'll feel it ...

Zero 7 - Morning Song
Days behold lives unfoldCan't move on so much untoldShades of gold we've been soldBeen deceived ...

Zero 7 - Over Our Heads
Close your eyesCan't you see it's burning slowFading down the sparks of fire earth boundSpace in...

Zero 7 - Passing By
I don't think you love meConfusion settling inI don't think I'll be stayingAround here, anymore...

Zero 7 - Simple Things
It's an easy ride to roam You'll never walk alone Natuarally we blew Simple things we say ...

Zero 7 - Somersault
You're the prince to my ballerinaYou feed other people's parking metersYou encourage the eating of ice...

Zero 7 - Speed Dial No.2
I don't need you anymoreI'm okay and I am sureI don't need you anymoreYeah I'm ok, I'm reassured...

Zero 7 - Spinning
Was it loneliness that brought you here Broken and weakWas it tiredness that made you sleepHave ...

Zero 7 - The Space Between
Now that you're olderTaking the time to lookBack over your shoulderOn the days confusion took...

Zero 7 - This World
Another child is bornAnother race is wonAnother dream is shatteredAnother day has begun...

Zero 7 - Warm Sound
Faith sealerI don't feel youDon't hear you speakMaybeSomeone else willHelp you...

Zoegirl - About You
I've been thinking lately about YouWhen it hit me from nowhere, out of the grayEverything's been comin...

Zoegirl - Anything Is Possible
I know that you've been thinkingI see it in your eyesYou're holding on to somethingBut still you...

Zoegirl - Are You Sure About That?
[Chorus]Can you try to hide what's in your heartWhat's on your mindCan you carry on like ...

Zoegirl - Beautiful Name
Your heart I seek to findWith Your hands You fashioned mineLet me be used by you to carry out the trut...

Zoegirl - Believe
I used to close my eyes and pray the time would pass me bySo I could fly away in my dreams to anywhere unrea...

Zoegirl - Constantly
You said "Come to me, if you're weak""I won't look away & I will keep you close"But the closer I get t...

Zoegirl - Contagious
I got a new way of thinkingI finally figured it outIt's coming from a different perspectiveI wan...

Zoegirl - Dead Serious
Who's that girl with the Bible in her handsThe smile on her face, she doesn't get it, I don't understand...

Zoegirl - Different Kind Of Free
Broken hearts, broken homesThere's a war deep in motionFighting hard to findSome kind of peace o...

Zoegirl - Dismissed
How many times have you tried to pull one over on me?Always mess with me and try to get the best of me...

Zoegirl - Even If
Stranded in the middle of a hurricaneI've got an umbrella but nowhere to stayDo I give up now or do I ...

Zoegirl - Feel Alright
Sun is shining (sun is shining theres no need to sleep no more)Day is bright,yeah (The day is bright and you...

Zoegirl - Forever 17
Never thought it would be meLiving in a shattered dreamHow could this be the end for me?What I w...

Zoegirl - Forevermore
Oh, God, in Your perfection Your love confounds the wiseSinners are made heroes, and the humble lifted high...

Zoegirl - Give Me One Reason
Give me one reason to live without HimGive me one reason to walk awayI know you don't understand this ...

Zoegirl - Good Girl
You walk a narrow roadI know you face it on your ownBut you've got the will insideI can see it i...

Zoegirl - Here & Now
Here and nowAnd now and nowAnd now and nowAnd now and nowAnd now and nowHere a...

Zoegirl - Inside Out
I used to wanna live inside a fairytaleI wanted to be perfect and completeBut every time I tried to fi...

Zoegirl - Let It Out
This life we lead is never boringNew things come with every morningEvery day is a second chanceT...

Zoegirl - Life To Me
Fleeting breath, Frailest fleshI'm a casualty at bestAnd so I sink into Your depthMy only place ...

Zoegirl - Little Did I Know
I had an angel that sat on my shoulder,seems like everybody's got one,I had the devil waiting on stand...

Zoegirl - Live Life
As the years have passed me byI have laughed and I have criedI have so many things that I regret...

Zoegirl - Living For You
There was a time when I'd believe in anything but you,I closed my eyes and let You in,Ready to let my ...

Zoegirl - Love Me For Me
La da da daLa da da daLa da da da da da da daLa da da daLa da da daLa da da da da da...

Zoegirl - Nick Of Time
I led a lonesome journeyFull of disdain and furyI kept my angered yearningClose to me like fire ...

Zoegirl - Not The One
Sick of all the gamesThis story's getting oldIt's time for a changeI'm gonna take controlI...

Zoegirl - No You
Feelin' so crazy latelyWhen it seems that You're not aroundThe sun and the moon shine brightBut ...

Zoegirl - Ordinary Day
Woke up this morning, went to the window, saw a rainy day.Feeling the pressure from all the things I gotta f...

Zoegirl - Plain
He made you feel plainWhen he forgot your nameWell let me tell you something,I have felt the sam...

Zoegirl - Reason To Live
What is the meaning of life?I've asked myself so many timesIs there a reason I'm here?I wish som...

Zoegirl - Safe
Here I am alone with YouQuietly I talk to YouYou said the truth would set me freeSo here I am su...

Zoegirl - Save Myself
StopTake a minute take a breathFrom the pressure from the need to know whyWhat makes you a-li-i-...

Zoegirl - Scream
Does anybody know how I feel?Sometimes I'm numb, sometimes I'm overcomeDoes anybody care what's going ...

Zoegirl - She
She grew up without very muchShe didn't know who her father wasShe met a boy and her heart he stole...

Zoegirl - Skin Deep
Sometimes I feel lostIn a sea of insecurityThat rages inside of meSo terribly caughtAnd th...

Zoegirl - Stop Right There
You have never changed your waysYou think that you can own me like a slaveAnd I want to walk away...

Zoegirl - Suddenly
Solo, lonely and afraidHold on, something's bound to breakFalling down, running from the promised land...

Zoegirl - The Way You Love Me
I tried to find You but I didn't know Your nameI searched for love, but I found only painI chased the ...

Zoegirl - Unbroken
1...2...3...To be unbrokenTo be unbrokenFallen to pieces(I am undone)The...

Zoegirl - Upside Down
Everybody's searching for somethingSomething that they can call their ownWishing, hoping, waiting for ...

Zoegirl - Wait
You've been hurtYou've been lied toYou ran all your lifeJust to get out of your shoesBut y...

Zoegirl - Waiting
Ooh...You've come this far by yourselfFaced the world on your ownNo one heard your cries f...

Zoegirl - With All My Heart
Zzzz Oooo Eeee Ggggg Iiii Rrrr Llll, Zoe Girl, Zoe Girl, Life, Life, Not just life, eternal lifeYou kn...

Zoegirl - You Get Me
WonderfulIs what I percievedThis life would bePain and problem freeBut over time...

Zug Izland - Always
My wish is...My.. my wish is...My wish is....My wish is, I hope to do for youAll tha...

Zug Izland - Cry
Our fire will riseRingmaster's eyesFunhouse will rockThose boys don't lieImmortal fe...

Zug Izland - Dreams
[Italian, saying something about a carnival] Are you climbing up a slippery pole? (pole) ...

Zug Izland - Everything
You've got your blind indecisions of all the things they sayThis is your life this timeLive it h...

Zug Izland - Feel
I gave you everythingAll I could giveIt might not have beenthe life you'd thought you'd live...

Zug Izland - Fire
I break the melted popsicle sticks and start the showPush me in the fire, as you punish my soulI thoug...

Zug Izland - Fly
Spread your wings, flyin over frozen mountains, crystal rivers, and geyser fountains,Driftin above China's m...

Zug Izland - Hate
You build me up and then you break me downand build me again (emotion's weaken)My blood is...

Zug Izland - Hiroshima
Wait a minute, wait a minute there he is. His ass is a dead motherfuckerWhen I get my hands on him!...

Zug Izland - Intro
Welcome to Zug Izland Your very own Zug Izland Welcome Welcome Zug Izland Welcome Welcome Zug Iz...

Zug Izland - Life
I've seen the light and I'veseen the fateAnd I walked awayStill I'm okI remember the...

Zug Izland - Live
Clear out your mindLook to your past and see what you can findSo stole a frame of the prof...

Zug Izland - Nothing
Got down your instinctsTurn into a freakYou said this was your first timeHow fast changes ...

Zug Izland - Prison Song
(Your attention please. As warden Abbiss announced ealier this week, Ionia state penitentiaryIs now number o...

Zug Izland - Ride
Yeah!!Full throttle with my head laid backThe railroad tracks I rideI seen the lights from...

Zug Izland - Saved
Late again, no time wait in lineTo get what you needStill how you feel just to keep it realYou n...

Zug Izland - Slam!
Right is yours, demonstrate (demonstrate)Smoking to suffocate (suffocate)Carnival they got my body (th...

Zug Izland - Small Town
I also like to blow holes in the head of rednecksIf I, strolled into your townWould you, follow ...

Zug Izland - Suicide
Hey there killer, where you goin'?I see you got a gun and your anger is showingWhat you about to do? G...

Zug Izland - Sunny Day
Would you show me the door?My apologiesI will slither out across the floorI will crawl out on my...

Zug Izland - Synplicity
[Reversed]Kings and Queens, just show us where we should be (you motherfuckers)Is my mind...

Zug Izland - Taken
Ya never wanted it to happenStill trouble will find it's waySilence took quicklyKilling off the ...

Zug Izland - The River
"Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you, the afterlife, beauty at it's peak.All of this will be yours, unle...

Zug Izland - U
You showed meYou showed me what it takesto do what I want toAnd you told meYou told ...

Zug Izland - Virgo's Tale
Walk but don't runRun but don't flySilent don't talkTalk but don't cryCry but don't fear...

Zug Izland - Y
[Chorus]Don't ask us why, we do the things that we do Don't ask us why, we feel the...

The Zutons - Confusion
It's funny how it tears me apartFirst it breaks your head then your heartI should've loved you better...

The Zutons - Dirty Dancehall
Well the sun grew dim and the night grew tallEveryone's dancing in the dirty dancehallThe chins they d...

The Zutons - Don't Ever Think (too Much)
Standing on the edge of the cliffAnd I'm thinking it through my mindI'm afraid that I'm about to slip...

The Zutons - Havana Gang Brawl
Well the cops are at the doorAnd you know that they want moreThey've got spears, made for armsTr...

The Zutons - Long Time Coming
Long time comingBut no one seen it comingLong gone thenAnd your heart is still runningNow ...

The Zutons - Moons And Horror Shows
Today is a day when many fine things will comeToday is just a memory tomorrowI know that there's some ...

The Zutons - Not A Lot To Do
Sunday afternoonNot a lot to doThink of allThe places I could bePeople I could meetL...

The Zutons - Pressure Point
I can't get this pressure point out of my headI can't get this pressure point out of my headI feel it ...

The Zutons - Railroad
Although I've left you darlingI'll soon be back againThat's what I said in ChinaWhere all the wo...

The Zutons - Remember Me
Well we used to be the best of friendsAnd we used to hang aroundNow I always see you and your new girl...

The Zutons - You Will, You Won't
You will you won'tYou do you don'tYou're saying you willBut you know you won'tYou may you ...

The Zutons - Zuton Fever
Ya know I get a funny feelingLike an epidemic running through my headYa know I got that feeling it's t...

Zwan - Baby Let's Rock!
baby, i'm the greatest thing you've gotin a good way i supposeexactly where you are is where i'm not...

Zwan - Come With Me
all you needis something i'll believeflashlights in the hallbut no callcause when my day i...

Zwan - Declaration Of Faith
this man you love, this boy you hatethe hills are his in all embraceenchanted and not soon lostt...

Zwan - Desire
northern staram i frightenedwhere can i go to resti can't sleepand i'm still fighting...

Zwan - El Sol
empty-armedand half a soul to goand all i wantedwas you here next to mea little suns...

Zwan - Endless Summer
there used to be a time that i believedthe soft pouring rain was just the pouring rain, it wasn't mebu...

Zwan - Heartsong
come inmake yourself at homei'm a bit latehate to make you waitbut heart songs...

Zwan - Honestly
I believeI believeI believeI believe the love you talk about with meIs it true, do I care...

Zwan - Jesus, I / Mary Star Of The Sea
jesus, i've taken my crossall to leave and follow theejesus, i've taken my crossall to leave and...

Zwan - Lyric
here comes my faith to carry me ona faith not of gradei fight to to stay strong so istand accuse...

Zwan - Of A Broken Heart
if only i diejust once in my lifeif only to tryto take a guess, to be the besta feeling i ...

Zwan - Ride A Black Swan
a black swan rode me into my place of destinyto love, to feel so madlystubborn to disagreewith p...

Zwan - Settle Down
settle down, don't settle down without me, no, nosettle down, i'll settle down for good, yeahsettle do...

Zwan - Yeah!
yeahyeahyeahi gave you everythingwhat'd you give to mea pocket full of empty r...

Song List- Song List




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