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Music Lessons

The Necessity Of Form In Music
So much uncertainty and diversity of opinion exists among music lovers of every grade concerning the presence of Form in musical comp...

Unity And Variety
As much as opinions and beliefs may differ, among music critics, as to the necessity of Form in music, and the conditions of its exis...

Lesson 1
The student is to study this chapter thoroughly, and write answers to the following questions; if possible, without reference to the ...

Time is the same thing in music that it is everywhere else in nature. It is what passes while a piece of music is being played, sung...

This refers to the degree of motion. The musical picture is not constant, but panoramic; we never hear a piece of music all at once,...

The beats are the units in our System of Measurement,--as it were, the inches upon our yardstick of time; they are the particles of t...

A measure is a group of beats. The beats are added together, in measures, to obtain a larger unit of time, because larger divisions ...

This word signifies arrangement,--a principle applied, in music, to the distribution or arrangement of the tones according to their v...

Any succession of single tones is a melody. If we strike the keys of the piano with two or more fingers of each hand simultaneously,...

Lesson 2
Write careful and complete answers to the following questions:-- 1. What is Time, as applied to music? 2. What is tempo? 3. G...

The Melodic Figure
The smallest unit in musical composition is the single tone. The smallest cluster of successive tones (from two to four or five in n...

Defining The Figures
It is not always easy to distinguish the figures in a melodic sentence. While they are unquestionably analogous to the words in spee...

The Melodic Motive Or Phrase-member
This, as has already been stated, is a somewhat longer section, compounded of two or more figures. Being thus longer, the breaks or ...

Preliminary Tones
It is a singularly effective and pregnant quality of the element of musical rhythm, that its operations are not bounded by the vertic...

Lesson 3
Analyze the third Song Without Words of Mendelssohn (A major, the so-called Hunting Song); first of all, locate the principal melody,...

The Phrase
It is not altogether easy to give a precise definition of the phrase. Like so many of the factors which enter into the composition o...

Length Of The Regular Phrase
Fortunately for the work of analysis, there are certain established landmarks of forms, so conscientiously observed, and so firmly gr...

In its ordinary, normal condition the phrase is a musical sentence four measures in length. But this rule has its necessary exceptio...

Contents Of The Phrase
The question may arise, what is it that makes a phrase,--the rhythm, harmony, or melody? Strictly speaking, all three; for music sub...

Lesson 4
Procure the Jugend Album, op. 68, of Schumann, and mark the phrases in Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 18, 20, and others. In the g...

Cadences In General
A cadence is the ending of a phrase. Strictly speaking, every interruption or break between figures, and between all melodic members...

Modification Or Disguising Of The Cadence
The most natural and characteristic indication of a cadence is the longer tone, seen in the examples to which reference has just been...

Species Of Cadence
In text-books and musical dictionaries several varieties of the cadence are distinguished, but they are chiefly distinctions without ...

Perfect Cadence
There is one method of checking the current of the melodic phrase with such emphasis and determination as to convey the impression of...

Any deviation from the formula of the perfect cadence--either in the choice of some other than the tonic chord, or in the omission of...

Locating The Cadences
Next to the recognition and comparison of the different melodic sections of a composition (in a word, the melodic delineation of the ...

The possibility of deviating from the fundamental standard of phrase-dimension (four measures) has been repeatedly intimated, and is ...

The Small And Large Phrases
If a cadence is inserted before it is properly due, it is almost certain to occur exactly half-way along the line toward the expected...

The Principle Of Extension
The other cause of modified phrase-dimension is one of extreme importance, as touching upon the most vital process in musical composi...

Inherent Irregularity
Finally,--there exists another, third, condition, besides those mentioned at the head of this chapter, whereby a phrase may assume an...

The phrase is the structural basis of all musical composition. By this is meant, not necessarily the single phrase, but the phrase i...

The Period
The Period-form is obtained by the addition of a second phrase to the first. It is therefore, in a sense, a double phrase; that is, ...

Lesson 7
Analyze the following examples. Locate the cadences; compare the phrases and define the degrees of Unity and of Variety exhibited in...

Enlargement By Repetition
The first and simplest method is to increase the length of the period-form by the process of repetition; repetition of the entire sen...

The Phrase-group
A second method consists in enlarging the period-form to three phrases, by the same process of addition which, as explained in the pr...

The Double-period
A third method consists in expanding the period into a double-period (precisely as the phrase was lengthened into a double-phrase, or...

Lesson 8
Analyze the following examples. They are not classified; therefore the student must himself determine to which of the above three sp...

The Song-form Or The Part-form
Almost every musical composition of average (brief) dimensions, if designed with the serious purpose of imparting a clear formal impr...

The Parts
If we inquire into the means employed, in the larger Part-forms, to effect the division of the whole into its broader Parts, we find ...

The First Part
Part One may be designed as period, double-period, or phrase-group; sometimes, though very rarely, as single phrase, repeated. It ends...

The Second Part
Part Two, as intimated, is likely to begin with a more or less palpable change of melodic character,--by no means is this always the ca...

Lesson 9
Analyze the following examples of the Two-Part Song-form. Define the form of each Part, marking and classifying all cadences; and ind...

Distinction Between Bipartite And Tripartite Forms
We learned, in the preceding chapter, that the Two-Part Song-form is a composition of rather brief extent, with so decisive a perfect...

Part I
The statement of the principal idea; the presentation of the melodic and rhythmic contents of the leading thought, out of which the w...

Part Ii
The departure (more or less emphatic) from this leading melodic statement. It is, for a time, probably an evident continuation and d...

Part Iii
The recurrence and corroboration of the original statement; the reproduction of Part I, and therewith the fulfilment of the important...

Lesson 10
Analyze the following examples of the Three-Part Song-form. The first step, here again, is to fix the end of the First Part; the next...

Repetition Of The Parts
The enlargement of the Three-Part Song-form is effected, in the majority of cases, by simply repeating the Parts. The composer, in ex...

Exact Repetitions
When Part I,--or Parts II and III together,--are to be repeated without any changes, it is customary to employ the familiar repetitio...

Modified Repetitions
The quality and extent of the changes that may be made, in order to enrich the composition without altering its structural design, de...

The Five-part Form
The repetition of the Second and Third Parts together is sometimes subjected to changes that are almost radical in their nature, and ...

Group Of Parts
In some, comparatively rare, instances, the arrangement of perfect cadences is such that,--coupled with independence of melodic forma...

Lesson 11
Analyze the following examples of the enlarged Three-Part Song-form. As before, the form of each Part should be defined, and introdu...

The Principal Song
The first division, called the principal song, is either a Two-Part or a Three-Part Song-form,--most commonly the latter. It is gener...

The Trio Or Subordinate Song
The division which follows, as second song-form, was formerly called the Trio, and it has retained the name in the majority of exampl...

Lesson 12
The following examples all belong to the Song with Trio. They should be analyzed as usual, each Song separately, defining the Parts, ...

It cannot have escaped the observant student of the foregoing pages, that the successive enlargement of the structural designs of mus...

The Rondo-forms
The structural basis of the Rondo, and other larger or (as they are sometimes called) higher forms, is the Subject or Theme. The for...

The First Rondo-form
This consists, then, of a Principal theme (generally Two-Part or Three-Part Song-form); a Subordinate theme in a different key (proba...

Lesson 13
Analyze the following examples. They are not classified; the student must determine whether the form is pure First Rondo, or an inte...

T The Second Rondo Form
As described in the preceding chapter, the Second Rondo-form contains two digressions from the Principal theme, called respectively th...

Lesson 14
Analyze the following examples, as usual. Review the directions given in Lesson 13:-- Beethoven, pianoforte sonatas: op. 10, No. 3...

The Third Rondo Form
In this form of composition there are three digressions from the Principal theme. But, in order to avert the excess of variety, so i...

The Exposition
This first Division, the statement, compounded of two themes and a recurrence, is in itself a complete (though probably very concise)...

The Recapitulation
This corresponds, theoretically, to the da capo in the Song with Trio, or to the variated recurrence of the Principal theme in the Fi...

Lesson 15
Analyze the following examples, as usual. They represent chiefly the Third Rondo-form, but one example each of the First and Second ...

Classification Of The Larger Forms
The Sonatine form is the smaller variety of two practically kindred designs, known collectively as the Sonata-allegro forms. In orde...

The Sonatine Form
In the Sonatine-form, or the smaller variety of the sonata-allegro designs, this Exposition (or first Division) is followed at once,-...

Lesson 16
Analyze the following examples of the sonatine-form, in the usual exhaustive manner:-- Beethoven, pianoforte sonatas; op. 10, No. 1...

Origin Of The Name
The fully developed Sonata-allegro form is the design in which the classic overture and the first movement of the symphony, sonata an...

The Sonata-allegro Form
As distinguished from the sonatine-form, with its two Divisions, this larger species, based upon precisely the same structural idea, ...

The Exposition
The presentation of the thematic factors, the statement or Exposition of the two themes and codetta, is made exactly as in the sonati...

The Development Or Middle Division
The second division of the sonata-allegro form is devoted to a more or less extensive and elaborate manipulation and combination of s...

The Recapitulation
This, the third Division, is, as usual, a review of the original presentation of the thematic material,--the recurrence of the Exposi...

When any section of a higher form starts out with a perfectly definite structural intention, pursues this intention for a time (suffi...

Relation To The Three-part Song-form
In a former chapter (XIII) the Three-Part form was defined as the type of perfect structural design, upon which every larger (or high...

Lesson 17
Analyze the following examples, as usual, carefully defining all the details of the form, according to the general plan adopted in ou...

Despite the many points of resemblance between the various forms to which our successive chapters have been devoted,--the natural con...

1 Augmentation Of The Regular Form
To this species belong those forms (small and large) which are provided with a separate Introduction, or Interludes, or an independen...

2 Abbreviation Of The Regular Form
This consists chiefly in the omission of the Principal theme after the Development (that is, in beginning the Recapitulation with the...

3 Dislocation Of Thematic Members
By this is meant, any exchange or alteration of the regular and expected arrangement of members. This can refer, naturally, only to ...

4 Mixture Of Characteristic Traits
This process tends to affiliate the two distinct classes of larger or higher forms, whose respective characteristics were explained a...

Lesson 18
Analyze the following examples of Irregular form. They are classified, as in the text:-- 1. Beethoven, sonata, op. 81, first movem...

Application Of The Forms
The use of the various forms of composition, that is, their selection with a view to general fitness for the composer's object, is, p...

Lesson 19
The student may now indulge in independent research, in the careful analysis of the following works: The pianoforte sonatas of Hayd...

The expression Musical Forms is often used, somewhat carelessly and erroneously, with reference to Styles or Species of composition, ...

Music Terms

Some Principles Of Correct Notation
1. The note (from nota--Latin--a mark or sign) consists of either one, two, or three parts, () these be...

Symbols Of Music Defined
12. A staff is a collection of parallel lines, together with the spaces belonging to them. The modern staff has five lines and six...

Symbols Of Music Defined Part Two
21. The natural[8] (sometimes called cancel) annuls the effect of previous sharps, flats, double-sharps, and double-flats, within th...

Abbreviations Signs Etc
49. A dot after a note shows that the value of the note is to be half again as great as it would be without the dot, i.e., the value...

64. Embellishments (or graces) (Fr. agrements) are ornamental tones, either represented in full in the score or indicated by certain...

76. A scale (from scala, a Latin word meaning ladder; Ger. Ton-leiter) is an ascending or descending series of tones, progressing a...

Scales (_continued_)
84. The minor diatonic scale is used in several slightly different forms, but the characteristic interval between the first and thir...

Auxiliary Words And Endings
96. Being a list of articles, adverbs, conjunctions, prepositions, and endings, often utilized in compounding terms relating to musi...

97. From the standpoint of the eye, a measure is that portion of the staff found between two bars, (in certain cases this space may ...

104. The word time in musical nomenclature has been greatly abused, having been used to indicate: (1) Rhythm; as the time wa...

Tempo (_continued_)
110. Innumerable combinations of the words defined in Sec. 109 with one another and with other words occur. Some of these combinatio...

120. The word dynamics (cf. dynamic--the opposite of static) as used in the nomenclature of music has to do with the various degrees...

Terms Relating To Forms And Styles
132. A form in music is a specific arrangement of the various parts of a composition resulting in a structure so characteristic that...

Terms Relating To Forms And Styles (_continued_)
(Sections 144 to 160 relate particularly to terms used in descriptions of monophonic music[33].) [Footnote 33: There is...

Terms Relating To Vocal Music
161. An anthem is a sacred choral composition, usually based on Biblical or liturgical[34] words. It may or may not have an instrume...

Rhythm Melody Harmony And Intervals
178. The four elements commonly attributed to music (in the order of their development) are: Rhythm, Melody, Harmony, and Timbre (or...

Chords Cadences Etc
196. A chord is a combination of several tones sounding together and bearing an harmonic relation to each other. The simplest chord ...

Miscellaneous Terms
A battuta--with the beat; in strict rhythm. [Transcriber's Note: Corrected error battua in original.] A quatre mains--for four ha...

Miscellaneous Terms (_continued_)
Lyric--a short, song-like poem of simple character. Also applied to instrumental pieces of like character. Maggiore--major. Ma...

The History Of Music Notation
Many conflicting statements have been made regarding the history and development of music writing, and the student who is seeking li...

Musical Instruments
1. Broadly speaking, musical instruments may be divided into two classes, viz.: (1) those that have a keyboard and are therefore cap...

NOTE:--It is usually taken for granted that the student of music is familiar with the significance of such terms as ...

Terminology Reform
A recent writer[43] on vocal terminology makes the following statement as an introduction to certain remarks advocating a more defin...

Terminology Adoptions 1907-1910
1. Tone: Specific name for a musical sound of definite pitch. Use neither sound, a general term, nor note, a term of n...


My Purpose
My purpose is to discuss simply, intelligibly, yet from a scientific point of view, the sensations known to us in singing, and exact...

My Title To Write On The Art Of Song
Rarely are so many desirable and necessary antecedents united as in my case. The child of two singers, my mother being gifted music...

Preliminary Practice
It is very important for all who wish to become artists to begin their work not with practical exercises in singing, but with seriou...

Of The Breath
The breath becomes voice through the operation of the will, and the instrumentality of the vocal organs. To regulate the breath, ...

Of The Breath And Whirling Currents
(SINGING FORWARD) The veriest beginner knows that in order to use the breath to the fullest advantage, it must remain very long d...

The Singer's Physiological Studies
Science has explained all the processes of the vocal organs in their chief functions, and many methods of singing have been based up...

Equalizing The Voice; Breath; Form
Through the lowering of the pillars of the fauces, which is the same as raising the soft palate, the outflowing breath is divided in...

The Attack
To attack a tone, the breath must be directed to a focal point on the palate, which lies under the critical point for each different...

Nasal Nasal Singing
By raising the back of the tongue toward the soft palate and lowering the soft palate toward the tongue, we produce nasal sound, suc...

Singing Toward The Nose Head Voice
When the peak of the softest part of the palate is placed forward toward the nose, instead of being drawn up high behind the nose, a...

The Head Voice
The head tone signifies, for all voices, from the deepest bass to the highest soprano,--excepting for the fact that it furnishes the...

Sensation And Position Of The Tongue
We feel the placing of its tip against or beneath the front teeth; and place the tip very low, so that it really curves over in fron...

The Sensations Of The Palate
The sensations of the palate are best made clear to us by raising the softest part behind the nose. This part is situated very far b...

The Sensation Of The Resonance Of The Head Cavities
The sensation of the resonance of the head cavities is perceived chiefly by those who are unaccustomed to using the head tones. The ...

Singing Covered
We sing covered as soon as the soft palate is lowered toward the nose (that is, in the middle register), and the resonance and attac...

On Vocal Registers
What is a vocal register? A series of tones sung in a certain way, which are produced by a certain position of the vocal organs--...

Development And Equalization
Naturally, a singer can devote more strength to the development of one or two connected ranges of his voice than to a voice perfectl...

White Voices
There are also singers, male and female, who use too much head tone through their entire compass; such voices are called white. Thei...

Theodor Wachtel
The most perfect singer that I remember in my Berlin experience was Theodor Wachtel in this respect, that with his voice of rare spl...

The Highest Head Tones
As we have already seen, there is almost no limit to the height that can be reached by the pure head tone without admixture of palat...

Extension Of The Compass And Equalization Of Registers
The whole secret of both consists in the proper raising and lowering of the soft palate, and the pillars of the fauces connected wit...

The Tremolo
Big voices, produced by large, strong organs, through which the breath can flow in a broad, powerful stream, are easily disposed to ...

The Cure
There are no magic cures for the singer. Only slowly, vibration upon vibration, can the true pitch be won back. In the word soaring ...

The Tongue
Since it is the function of the tongue to conduct the column of breath above the larynx to the resonance chambers, too much attentio...

Preparation For Singing
No one can sing properly without first preparing for it, mentally and physically, with all the organs concerned in the production of...

The Position Of The Mouth (contraction Of The Muscles Of Speech)
What must my sensations be with the muscles of speech? How shall I control them? The best position of the mouth, the means of sec...

Connection Of Vowels
How do I connect them with each other? If I wish to connect closely together two vowels that lie near to or far from each other, I m...

The Lips
Of special importance for the tone and the word are the movements of the lips, which are so widely different in the bright and in th...

The Vowel-sound _ah_
There is much discussion as to whether ah, oo, or some other vowel is the one best adapted for general practice. In former times pra...

Italian And German
How easy it is for the Italians, who have by nature, through the characteristics of their native language, all these things which o...

Auxiliary Vowels
Like the auxiliary verbs will and have, [=a], [=e], and oo are auxiliary vowels, of whose aid we are constantly compelled to avail ...

Resonant Consonants
K, l, m, n, p, s, and r at the end of a word or syllable must be made resonant by joining to the end of the word or syllable a rath...

Practical Exercises
The practical study of singing is best begun with single sustained tones, and with preparation on the sound of ah alone, mingled wit...

The Great Scale
This is the most necessary exercise for all kinds of voices. It was taught to my mother; she taught it to all her pupils and to us. ...

Singers, male and female, who are lacking velocity and the power of trilling, seem to me like horses without tails. Both of these th...

There still remains the trill, which is best practised in the beginning as follows:-- The breath is led very far back against t...

How To Hold One's Self When Practising
In practising the singer should always stand, if possible, before a large mirror, in order to be able to watch himself closely. He s...

Concerning Expression
When we wish to study a role or a song, we have first to master the intellectual content of the work. Not till we have made ourselve...

Before The Public
In the wide reaches of the theatre it is needful to give an exaggeration to the expression, which in the concert hall, where the fo...

Let us return to the subject of Expression, and examine a song; for example, Der Nussbaum by Schumann. The prevailing mood thr...

In Conclusion
The class of voice is dependent upon the inborn characteristics of the vocal organs. But the development of the voice and all else t...

Singing Choirs

Physiology Of The Voice
In former times the culture of the singing-voice was conducted upon purely empirical grounds. Teachers followed a few good rules whi...

Registers Of The Voice
It may be observed, in listening to an ascending series of tones sung by an untrained or by a badly-trained adult voice, that at cer...

How To Secure Good Tone
The practical application of the teaching of the two preceding chapters may at first thought seem to be difficult. On the contrary, ...

Compass Of The Child-voice
There is the greatest diversity of opinion upon this subject among those who have any opinion at all. It might be supposed that, amo...

Position Breathing Attack Tone Formation
One way to secure good position is to require the pupils to stand. Unless the singing-period directly follows a recess, or the drill...

Vowels Consonants Articulation
Sound-vibrations generated at the larynx are modified as to their form, by the size and shape of the resonating cavities of the mout...

Mutation Of The Voice
The anatomical and physiological changes which occur in the larynx at puberty have been described in the chapter on "Physiology of t...

The Alto Voice In Male Choirs
The suggestions of the preceding chapters are addressed directly to those who teach vocal music in public or private schools, but th...

General Remarks
In the preceding chapters, dealing as they do with special subjects or subdivisions of the main topic, the effort has been to point ...

Children Songs

Why Fly Away Mother Goose?
"MOTHER GOOSE, Mother Goose, Why fly away?" "Because Mother Truth is A-coming to-day. She'll tell you funny things,...

Toss The Baby
Toss the baby high in air; Catch him though, with special care Lest his little back be strained, Lest his little joints be...

Pat-a-cake Pat-a-cake
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake, Mamma's boy, Laughing and crowing, And jumping with joy; Roll it, and pick it and mark it w...

Hey My Kitten My Kitten
Hey, my kitten, my kitten, Hey, my kitten, my deary; If Mamma should feed him too often, He never could be so cheery...

Winkum Winkum
Winkum, winkum, shut your eye, Sweet, my baby, lullaby; For the dew is falling soft, Lights are flickering up aloft, An...

Baby's Bell
Jingle! jingle! baby's bell; What a tale its tongue might tell. Could it speak it sure would say, "When the baby's tired w...

Willy-Nilly, birdy sings, For he's running over With the music that he flings To his sweet bird-lover;-- Willy-nilly,...

Baby's Record
New-born baby, soft and pink, Of the two worlds on the brink. One month old,--eat and sleep; Precious little human heap....

Sleep Little Sweetey
Sleep now, my sweetey, Dear one, and pretty! Weary with playing, Weary with straying, Stop little thinkers, Shut littl...

Never Tell A Fib
If mamma says she'll punish, She must do it, or she tells A fib, as Sister Annie Told "a story" 'bout the bells; An...

Humpty Dumpty
Humpty-Dumpty, hip-o'-to-hop, Baby is crying, why doesn't he stop? What does he cry for? his clothing is tight; No wonde...

Hush-a-bye, baby, On Grandmother's lap; Hush-a-bye, baby, And take a nice nap; Hush-a-bye, baby, What is it you ...

Don't Make Me Laugh
Dear Mamma, I've been laughing For Uncle Ben and Pa, And then for sister Lizzie I talked "ar-g o-o" and "gar;" And ...

BYE-BABY-BUNTING, The Indians live by hunting, And bring home many a beaver-skin To wrap the little pappoose in. And mo...

To Bed With The Chickens
Oh, put me in my bed, Mamma, When chickens go to rest, For I'm your little chick-a-dee, So put me in my nest. Yes...

Dive Me Sudar
Papa, when you dive me tandy, Dive me only white,-- 'Tause there's poison in the tolored, Which my health will blight;...

'tause I'm Tross
Mamma, 'tause I'm tross don't whip me; I tan't help it, not a bit! 'Tis the tandy hurts my stomat, And that mates me w...

The New Book
COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO, A picture-book for you,-- Keep it nice, and in a trice Sing Cock-a-doodle-doo. ...

Whiskum Whiskum
Whiskum, whiskum, over the house, Scud the cloudlets, still as a mouse; Whiskum, whiskum, by-and-by They'll pour rain-drop...

The Jack-horse
We will ride our Jack-horse All the meadows across; Oh no, do not whip him, But feed him, my dear! A handful of gra...

HI-DIDDLE-DIDDLE Mother duck's in the middle, Her baby-ducks swimming around; With bills like a ladle, And feet l...

The Rain
Come, rain, come, That the water may run, That the meadow grass may grow; That the fruit and grain O'er hill an...

Feed The Birdies
Feed the birdies, darling, When the snow is here, When there are no berries On the bushes, dear;-- Scatter food out...

Rock-a-bye, baby, Our darling is ill, Rock-a-bye, baby, We'll soon have him well;-- Rock-a-bye, baby, Don't tr...

The Snowball
Have ever you seen how a wee bit of snow, To a big bouncing ball, just by rolling, will grow? 'Tis thus our wee sins, childre...

Little Bo-peep
Co' Nan, co' Nan, says little Bo-peep, Co' Nan, co' Nan, up come the sheep; They jump the ditch and scale the wall, Where ...

The Tea-party
Ah! little ones, I'm sure there's not A drop of tea in your weeny pot. For water bright and milk so pure, Alone will bring...

Tell It Again Mother
"Tell it again, Mother, Tell it again,"-- No matter what story she told We children, would cry, In the days gon...

Little Jack Horner
LITTLE JACK HORNER Sat in the corner, Eating a morsel of nice brown bread; "Have some pie, or some cake?" "Nay,...

Little Boy Blue
"Little Boy Blue, may I go with you now?" "Yes, down to the pasture to drive up the cow." "Little boy blue, what then may I...

Miss Velvet-paws
Little Miss Velvet-paws, Raveling out her yarn, Catches mice, in a trice, In everybody's barn. Look out for velvet pa...

Polly Hopkins
Now little Polly Hopkins Must surely know great A, And B, and C, and D, and E, F, G, H, I, J, K; And L, and M, and N,...

A Stands for Alligator, B Stands for Ball, C Stands for Cat in a cream-pot, D Stands for Doll. E Stands f...

The Kitten
ONE, two, (1, 2,) Here's a kitten for you; THREE, four, (3, 4,) She will open the door, FIVE, six, (5, 6,) ...

Dolly Dimple
DOLLY DIMPLE, just for fun, Stands to show us she is ONE. Dolly and her sister Sue Show that ONE and ONE make Two. ...

If You Please
I hope my children never will Say, "Give me" this or that,-- But, "If you please," I'd like a bun, Or, "Thank you" for...

The Poor Little Chick-a-dees
TEN little chick-a-dees clinging to a vine,-- A speckled snake charmed one, then there were but NINE. NINE little chick-a-d...

Heigh-ho Daisies And Butter-cups
HEIGH-HO, daisies and butter-cups Grow in the meadows for children to gather; But cattle will shun them, And farmers will ...

The Pony
Once 2 is 2, Here's a pony for you; Two 2s are 4, But be careful the more,-- THREE 2s are 6, For perhaps p...

Baby's Reckoning
One little head, Ah! but what does it hold? No matter,--it's worth its whole weight in pure gold. Two big brown eyes, soft ...

Two Little Pink Shoes
Two little pink shoes standing by the head Of our Nanny sleeping in the trundle-bed; On the little table, waiting for the m...

Baby Pearl
Now listen while I tell you, child, That I am quite a grown-up girl, For I can read, and spell my name, While you,--wh...

My Valentine
Dearest little lover mine, Sweetest, pertest valentine; "Desht I'm two years old," he says,-- Blessings on his pretty ...

FEE-FI-FO-FUM, From the Spruce-tree comes the gum; From the Pine the turpentine, Tar and pitch, And timber which ...

The Oxen
The oxen are such clever beasts, They'll drag the plough all day; They're very strong and tug along Great loads of woo...

The Broken Pitcher
"Sweet, my love, I'm sorry That you did not tell, When you broke the pitcher Coming from the well." "Oh, I though...

The Elephants
THE ivory for our combs, From elephants' tusks is made; The handles, too for many a knife, And for paper-knives the bla...

The Wind
"What is the wind, Mamma?" "Tis air in motion, child;" "Why can I never see the wind That blows so fierce and wild?" ...

The Fog
"What is the fog, Mamma?" "Sometimes the air is light And cannot bear up all the mists, And then 'tis foggy, quite; ...

The Rain
"What makes the rain, Mamma?" "The mists and vapors rise From land and stream and rolling sea, Up toward the distant s...

The Snow
"What makes the Snow, Mamma?" "When very cold above, The mists are frozen high in air, And fall as snow, my love." ...

Do not let "Mother Truth" find a falsehood all over,-- Amongst all her children, no, never a lie; Stand for Truth, ye wee bab...

Hi-diddle Ho-diddle
HI-DIDDLE, HO-DIDDLE, Pop-diddle-dee, This Earth of ours, on which we live, Is round as it can be. Pray, then, wh...

What Is The Axis?
Now you ask, "What is the Axis?" With an apple I will show; Place your thumb upon the stem-place, And your finger at t...

Heat And Cold
Our earth has a North Pole, Where 'tis very cold; It also has a South Pole, That's just the same, we're told. But h...

Harley's Dream
I know a little brown-eyed boy, His name is Harley Hart; And with a naughty boy or girl, Our Harley has no part. He...

Our Language Key
A E I O U Y We are small, and we are few, But we're wondrous mighty, too,-- For no word can language wear, Save in it...

The Speech Family
The name of everything we know, as slate, or book, or toy, Is called a Noun. All names are nouns; remember this, my boy. ...

Number And Gender
A NOUN or name that means but one, Is called in the singular number; But when it stands for more than one, 'Tis plural...

One Little Chicken
ONE little chicken, two little chickens, three little chickens, dear; Don't you see we add s, when more than one is here? And...

A, E, I, O, U, The vowels we may call; W, Y, are vowels too, Whene'er they chance to fall To the end of syllable or...

TELL me the name of something, dear; As book, or ball, or kite; Now tell some quality of each, As big, or round, or ...

A Smile
"SHE smiled on me, she smiled on me!" In ecstacy exclaimed A little waif in tattered gown, With form so halt and maimed....

Twinkle Twinkle
"Twinkle, twinkle, little star, Up above the world so far, Whisper now and tell me, pray, What you are, and how you stay."...

Old Sol In A Jingle
Hi-diddle-diddle, The Sun's in the middle, And planets around him so grand, Are swinging in space, Held forever...

Robert Of Lincoln
"Bob-o-link, bob-o-link, reed-bird, butter-bird, All through the country his jingle is gaily heard; Reveling in rice-fields h...

Limpy-dimpy-dingle, chicky-bid would stray To the trap that had been set for weasels, many a day, Limpy-dimpy-dingle, chick...

Castle Wonderful
I know a castle, curious, Of lovely form and make; That we may view the castle through, A hasty peep we'll take. ...

The Rattle Of The Bones
How many bones in the human face? FOURTEEN, when they're all in place. How many bones in the human head? EIGHT, my child...

Wholly Hole-y
SEVEN million little openings, God has made upon your skin; Mouths of tiny little sewers That run everywhere, within...

The Breath O' Life
Our lungs are formed of curious cells, And tubes to draw in air,-- And if we breathe quite deep and full And take our ne...

The Girls
Three little girls with their sun-bonnets on, Wandered out for a walk in the dew; And they tip-toed about, full of frolic...

The Temperance Child
Mamma, if you'd have me Be a temperance child, You must give me only Food that's pure and mild. Highly-seasoned dish...

Listen Children!
Listen, children! when your head aches, Do not eat, but wait a meal; This will oftentimes relieve you, Making you righ...

Tick-took Tick-tock
Tick-tock, tick-tock, Sings the pretty cuckoo clock; Tick-tack, tick-tack, Time flies on, but ne'er comes back. ...

The Sugar-pine
Then, too, my dear children, The sweet Sugar-pine, On Pacific's wild coast, In our own soil we find; Cut or scoop out...

The Butter-tree
And, funny enough, There's a Butter-tree, too; Its seeds, when boiled down, Will make butter for you. In India and Af...

The Bread-fruit Tree
And listen, dear children, In hot countries too, The Bread-fruit tree grows, Most delicious for you; Its great roas...

The Clove-tree
And, children, one more, Here's a spicy Clove-tree, Growing forty feet high, Ornamental, you see; The little round ...

The Tree Village
In the Solomon Group in the great Southern Sea, And on Isabel Island alone, A tree village is found, up the steep, ro...

No Eyes
Those Creatures that live in the dark, And have no use for eyes, Are made without these organs bright, Which we so high...

The Mammoth Cave
"WHAT is the Mammoth Cave?" I hear the Children say, Where fishes have no eyes nor sight, And where 'tis dark by day? ...

The Camels
The Camels live in desert lands; Their feet are made to walk on sands; They carry burdens far and near, Where neither gras...

L M N R LIGHTLY flowing LIQUIDS, we,-- Tethered with our brothers. Make we music, melody, More than all the ot...

The Bears
Wild bears are found all over, From Northern lands to South, But largest, strongest, where 'tis cold And fiercest fart...

The Bear A Blessing
To people of Kamtschatka, The bear a blessing proves; His skin forms beds and coverlets, And bonnets, shoes, and glove...

The fruits of the orchard and garden Are beautiful, luscious and good, Partake of them freely, dear children, But eat ...

The Raccoon
Come, child, and see our pet Raccoon,-- The Raccoons live in the woods, you know; But ours was caught, And caged, and ...

The Bank-swallows
In a village of Bank-Swallows, You will find so many a nest, "That you scarce can tell their number Nor which one of t...

The Mocking-bird
The New World boasts the Mocking-bird And whether caged or free, His wondrous voice pours forth in songs Of rarest mel...

The Busy Bees
Why do the little busy bees So dearly love their queen, And wait upon and pay respect, With watchful care and mien? ...

"Ah, but how do bees make honey?" Now the children, eager, ask; And we'll try to give them answer, If we're able for t...

What They Say
Those creatures that chew the cud, The "RUMINANTS" we call, From "Rumen," or the stomach-pouch, In which their food do...

Britain's Rulers
Old Britain was under the Romans From fifty-five years before Christ (55 B. C.) To four hundred fifty-five (455 A. D.) ...

Our Land
A ship sailed over the blue, salt sea, For a man, Columbus called, Had thought that the world was round, and he Of the...

Signs Of The Zodiac
THE annual path of the Sun, The Ecliptic is called, as we see,-- And a belt, eight degrees, on each side, The Zodiac e...

Children, you ought to know That Grapho can but mean To picture out, or tell about, Some object or some thing. No...

The Stop Family
"I'm a dot with a quirk," whispers little Miss Comma, "And you'll please not to pause long for me." "I'm a dot over Comma,"...

Little Mischief
Little Master Mischief Lives in Nellie's eye, Sitting in the corner, Peeping out so sly; Now he's crossed the snow-...

Grandma's Canary
Grandma loves her birdy, And when he gaily sings, She will laugh and chat with him, At which he hops and springs. ...

A Baby's Faith
Our Maude was dancing with her doll, In childhood's chattering glee; A brimming bucket standing by, The maiden failed ...

Health And Happiness
Mamma keeps her children In the happiest mood When she feeds them only With the simplest food. Viands clog and pain...

The Meadow Quails
Over in the meadow where the men make hay, In an elm-tree shadow on a bright summer day, Two speckled quails ponder as to wha...

The Little Housewife
This little girl knows how to make A batch of bread, or loaf of cake; She helps to cook potatoes, beets, To boil or bake t...

"AR-G-O-O, ar-g-o-o," is the song of songs, To the loving mother's ear; "Ar-g-o-o, ar-g-o-o," these baby notes Fill al...

It Snows! It Snows!
It snows! yes, it snows! and the children are wild, At thought of the fun in the snow-drifts up-piled; The boy with his first...

An Old Saw
"If you'll break the first brake And will kill the first snake, You'll be sure to go through With what you undertake...

The Dandelion Blossom
In the spring when the grass Had sprung up in the pass, And the meadows with velvet were green, We children would...

The sun shines on forever Though clouds may hide his face; His brightness and his glory The whole wide world may trace...

Our Ethel
Our Ethel was not always, As people may have thought, A goody-goody little girl Who never mischief wrought. Oh, n...

The Six Sisters
ONE of us e'er lives in dates, One in every peach awaits; One in pine-apple is found, One in orange, bright and round, On...

The Little Girls' Letter To God
Now Susy's such a naughty dirl, And I ain't any better, And so we thought we just would wite The dear dood Dod a lette...

Grandma's Lessons
"Tis guilt to wear the garb of sin, Though all be innocent within," These little girls heard grandma say, And wondered if ...

My Little Four-years-old
Telling Dolly what she will say to her birthday friends I'm four years old to-day, and I Can talk enough for ten birth-days, ...

Handsome Dick
ELZIE'S kitty, white as snow, Loves his little mistress so, That he'll come at her command, Lift his paw to shake her hand...

Bessie's Kisses
Kisses, kisses, raining, raining, On her lips, her cheeks, her brow, Till she, wearied, "Daughter, darling, Mamma's ...

The Dinner-pot
The homeliest things are highest worth, The dinner-pot's a treasure Compared with diamonds, chains and rings, Which se...

Nanny's Play
Our Nanny helped her mother In many a childish way,-- She picked up chips to feed the fire, And "played that it was pl...

Nanny's Lessons
Our Nanny was but four years old When mother said, "My love, Your needle learn with skill to use, It will a blessing p...

Nanny's Ride
Our Nanny oft in fancy Soared up, the earth above, And sailed the great air-ocean With skylark or with dove. And ...

The Race
A hop, a skip, and a gambol, A run, a tumble, a scramble, An up-and-a-going, A laughing-and-crowing, A weal-and-a-woe-i...

Our Kenneth
Written for our pet, as indicative of what he should be but is not. Know ye our little black-eyed boy? His name is Kenney...

To My Ten-years-old
On thy cheek the roses lie; Lilies, on thy forehead fair; Violets blue, in each bright eye, Sunbeams, in thy golden ha...

Dare To Say No
Dear children, you are sometimes led To sorrow, sin, and woe, Because you have not courage quite, And dar...

Ask Mother
Yes, my darling, when you question, I will answer, simple, plain, Just the Truth;--and when playmate Tells you anythin...

Tell Mother
'Tis wrong, my dear, to do a thing That mother must not know; And when your playmates, old or young, Shall tell you thus...

Don't Tell A Lie
Don't tell a lie, dear children, No matter what you do,-- Own up and be a hero, Right honest, brave, and tr...

Little Moses
In the Talmud you will find it,-- In the quaint and curious lore Of the ancient priests, or Rabbins, Whom the people b...

The Children's Railroad
Old Time has built a Railroad, On which you children speed To a land of light and plenty, Or a land of darksome need; ...

The Phoebe's Nest In The Old Well-wheel
"Phoe-be, phoe-be," why, 'tis a little bird, "Phoe-be, phoe-be," singing the pretty word; "Phoe-be, phoe-be," brown feathers ...

Mabel's Snow-feathers
Listen, children, while I tell you What our merry Mabel said When she saw the feathery snow-flakes Tumbling down about...

Forest Trees
Children, have you seen the budding Of the trees in valleys low? Have you watched it creeping, creeping Up the mountai...

Childhood Fancies
The twilight gray is falling, Now list and you shall hear The footsteps of the sylphid fays,-- This is their hour of c...

Lizzie And The Angels
Little Lizzie, thoughtful, earnest, Springing up at break of day, Thinks she heard the angels whisper Softly, as she k...

Was ever so sweet the clover, Was ever so clear the brook, As my child-days, over and over, Found fresh in the dear ho...

Nelly And Ned
"I'M twelve years old to-day," says Ned, "And wish I were twelve more, sir,-- And Nelly Warner's almost twelve, So we'...

The Clamberers
All you babies Perched in air, Careful how you Caper there! Careful lest the Little feet Or the little ...

The New White Jattet
I never seen such naughty dirls As Susy Jones and Ellen; They laughed, O desht as hard's they tould When I twipped up ...

Remember The Poor
"SWEET, my darling, come and see What mamma has brought for thee; Garments soft and ribbons bright, Hat and coat, a pr...

The Little Street-sweeper
Look at that little girl sweeping the crossing; See how the mud her bare legs is embossing! And her feet are so slippered wit...

The Here There And Everywhere Family
Z I am always in a buzz, Though I'm never in a fret, But I'm ever with a zealot in his zeal; I am in the zephyr...

A little word of letters five That means bound fast together; Transpose but two, and you will find A scattering yon an...

Somebody's Boy
List to the ring of the midnight song! 'Tis somebody's boy; The winds give to every wild echo a tongue. Yes, somebod...


A Rational Vocal Method
Song, so far as voice-production is concerned, is the result of physiological action, and as voice-production is the basis of all so...

The Choice Of A Teacher
Further observations of a general character may be allowed to precede a more detailed consideration of method. Some people wonder...

On Breathing: Inspiration
We speak of the breath of life; and breath is the life of song. Beautiful singing is predicated upon correct methods of breathing, ...

On Breathing: Expiration
Air having been taken into the lungs, the act of exhaling it--the act of expiration--is, for ordinary purposes, a very simple matter...

The Physiology And Psychology Of Voice-production
Above this chapter I might well have placed the following lines which George Eliot wrote above Chapter XXXI. of "Middlemarch." ...

Pitch And Sympathetic Vibration
It is sympathetic vibration, manifesting itself in some instances in the chest and in the head cavities, and in other instances almo...

Registers Of The Voice
The subject of vocal registers is a difficult one--difficult to understand and, when understood, difficult to make intelligible to ...

Subdivisions Of The Voice
It should be remembered that in the old days, from which traditions of phenomenally high voices have come down to us, musical pitch ...

The Stroke Of The Glottis
The coup de glotte, translated as "stroke of the glottis," refers to the manner in which a note should be attacked. This matter of a...

Hygiene Of The Voice
I should say that no one should be more scrupulous in his habits than the singer. It is more difficult to keep the keen edge of the ...

More Vocal Hygiene
Vocal hygiene is a specific system based upon well-regulated principles for a specific purpose and applying to a specific class in t...

Nodes And Their Cure
I use the scale of E as a means of revealing to the ear points wherein the voice shows signs of failure. I use this scale because wi...

The Healthfulness Of Singing
The boy's voice, though an immature organ of delicate structure, is capable of much work, providing only that its mechanism be right...

Management Of The Breath
Breathing in singing is a matter of the utmost importance. The breath is the motive power, the primary force, to which the larynx an...

The Art Of Managing Choir Boys
To some choirmasters the management of their boys is a perfectly easy matter; to others it is a constant source of trouble. Everythi...

Voice Training
{ C2 { B1 Small { A1 { G1 {F1 Upper Thin...

Information On Voice-training Collected By The Salisbury Diocesan Choral Association
I am indebted to the Rev. W. Miles Barnes, rector of Monkton, Dorchester, for the following information, recently obtained by him on...

Pronunciation In Singing
It is impossible to emphasise too strongly the importance of clear pronunciation in singing. The English, as a rule, pronounce indi...

Singing By Ear And By Note
Many choirmasters maintain that, considering the short musical life of the choir-boy, it is not worth while to teach him to sing by ...

Flattening And Singing Out Of Tune
The trainer of adult voices has constantly before him the problem of making his pupils sing in tune. With boys this matter is less o...

On The Training Of Boys' Voices
By W. H. RICHARDSON, Formerly Conductor of the Swanley Orphanage Choir.[A] [A] Mr. Richardson has responded to my request for hin...

The Special Difficulties Of Agricultural Districts
My object is to help those whose difficulties are greatest; who, so far from being able to pick out boys of musical talent and fine ...

Notes On The Practice Of Various Choirmasters In Cathedrals &c
I SUMMARISE here information obtained, chiefly by observation and conversation, from various trainers of boys' voices at cathedrals ...

Notes On The Practice Of Various Choirmasters In Parish Churches
In the course of journeys and interviews extending over many years I have gathered much experience from choirmasters, and have watch...

Alto Boys
How is the alto part, in a church choir consisting of males, to be sung? In our cathedrals this part has been given, ever since the ...

Schools For Choristers
Music is now recognised as one of the professions, taking its place by the side of Law, Medicine, and Divinity. Parents who have boy...

Concert Songs For Boys
In this list I have included songs with innocent, hopeful, joyous words such as boys may honestly sing. Words dwelling with sadness ...

Advice for Singers

A few decades ago a clumsy, lank, raw-boned boy roamed over the hills of the State of Ohio. He was not marked with the talent of man...

Desultory Voice Practice
European schools and teachers stand aghast at what American pupils demand and at their expectations. Accustomed to the years of atte...

Everyone Can Sing
The culture of the voice has come to be looked upon as a great and serious undertaking, and of such magnitude that but few have time...

Sustain Perfectly
Sustaining perfectly the reservoir of air is the greatest desideratum in using the voice. Acquiring ability to do so is a puzzle often...

Care Of The Body
Singers seem to think but little of the tools with which they carry on their life work. That is the rule. Now and then a singer takes ...

Friends Can Help
Advice of friends is a source of value or injury to the singing student. Advice has its influence. Every word spoken about one's voice...

Renew Thought
The teacher who does not live in high thought, and who does not attempt to attain a high ideal, does poorer work than he thinks he doe...

Speaking And Singing
The basis of good singing is good speaking. The speaking voice in common use during conversation covers a range of five or six notes. ...

Singers cannot afford to miss the chance to be among great men. As a class, musicians are narrow and that arises from the necessity of...

Purity Of Method
Purity of vocal method must not be departed from by teachers. The introduction of new ideas is at best a hazardous undertaking. In the...

Mental Recovery
A teacher cannot do better for himself and his work than to occasionally close the office door and sit quietly by himself for a half-h...

Profession Or Trade
An item recently seen reads, "we would rather be a music teacher in an obscure town than be a prosperous tradesman in a large city." T...

Heart And Intellect
Let not the heart be the ruling power all the time. If it is, art sinks into sentimentality. Allow the head to rule alternately with t...

Time Ends Not
We may say with Emerson that "Time has his own work to do and we have ours," and with Wood, "Labor is normal; idleness, abnormal," but...

Power Of Thought
The power of thought to exert influence is only in our day being understood. How to utilize it is not yet in such degree of comprehens...

Nature Seldom Jumps
Nature seldom moves by jumps, and a student who reaches the best use of his voice learns that he must do that through natural laws. In...

Be Perfect
Do not be content to merely make progress. (If one feels that he is at a standstill, or worse, going backward, he should stop all stud...

Perfect Voice Method
A teacher of voice and singing who does not believe his way is the best in the world is in one of two positions:--either he is a sca...

Analyze Songs
Every song or other vocal composition should be analyzed as the first step in its study. The first theme noted, and the second also,...

Fault Finding
Pupils may be sure that teachers do not find fault with them merely for the purpose of finding fault. If the teacher is worthy [of] th...

Recover From Mistakes
Next to him who makes no mistakes, is he who recovers from and disguises the errors. At best a performance full of errors of pitch, wo...

Songs For Beginners
When selecting songs for study for beginners, only those which have smooth and well defined melodies should be selected. Modern compos...

The phraseology of newspaper criticism often disturbs musicians, especially those who are very sensitive, and sometimes arouses their ...

Wait For Results
Some of us are slow to learn the lesson, waiting for results. We feel that at one bound we must and will achieve the great success whi...

All Things Are Good
Certain quotations and sayings, through familiarity, lose their point to us. We not only are not impressed by them but forget that the...

Little Things Effect
Every shade of tone has a meaning which is either artistic or inartistic and one who has developed his appreciation of artistic rendit...

Musical Library
A musical library should be a possession of every singer. There are less than two hundred books on music printed in English, on subjec...

Change Opinions
In these days of invention, discovery and progress, no one need be ashamed of changing his opinions. In vocal music the ideas most com...

Reputation Comes Slowly
Reputation which will last comes only by slow degrees. Man may spring into notoriety at a bound because of some fortuitous circumstanc...

Study Poetry
Every singer should be an earnest student of poetry. There are minds to which poetry does not appeal as does the practical prose. But ...

Mannerisms Show Character
Mannerisms give knowledge to the observing person of our character and intellectuality, and, on that account, are to be studied and us...

Provide For The Young
Parents see the necessity of providing the means for their children to learn to take care of themselves. A fortune left to a son frequ...

There Are No Mistakes
How often does every one of us make the "mistake of a lifetime?" Probably everyone has made that remark many times regarding himself. ...

"It is the regularity of the laws of nature which leads us to put confidence in them and enables us to use them." Thus writes Dr. McCo...

Assert Individuality
Personal freedom of action must for a time be surrendered by pupil to teacher but it should be for limited time only. The impress of t...

Educing is bringing out or causing to appear. Teachers impart and call that educating. The reverse of the common way is best. Instead ...

Vocal Tone
All vocal tone used in singing when produced at the vocal bands is small and probably always about alike. The tone which we hear is ...

True Art Is Delicate
All true art is delicate. Music is the most delicate of all arts. Music is expressed through thought and emotion. In this, music has m...

Words And Tone Should Agree
While singing, words and tone should agree. What does that mean, asks one. It can be well stated when we consider how they do not agre...

Preparation For Teaching
There are many who become teachers of singing without knowing what they are doing. No one who wishes to enter the profession should be...

A very good reason, but one which individuals can attend to, why we have so few artists among singers, is that so few take time to gai...

Before An Audience
When singing before an audience in a hall, do not look on the music. A glance at it may be made from time to time but keep the eyes of...

Come Up Higher
The man makes the musician as does the musician make the man. The rules of life which make men better make the musician better. There ...

Crude Voices Express No Emotion
An untrained voice can never have correct emotion expressed in it. The voice responds as truly to the thought which passes in the mind...

The very first question to ask of an applicant for vocal lessons is "what is your ambition?" By that, I mean, the teacher should kno...

Music And Longevity
Perhaps no one chooses to question the statement that length of human life is greater in our generation than it was in the last, and...

Fortunately, no two persons are exactly alike. If they were, the result would be the same and the everyday acts leading to a result ...


10000 Maniacs - Girl On A Train
Waking on a train dreaming, charmed alone they started speaking. Captured in his artist way before the memor...

10000 Maniacs - Glow
In the coolness of the morning sparing moments here in magical tide I would meet you without question to sha...

10000 Maniacs - Green Children
An August day in the hills of Spain, a pair of children emerged from a cave. The strangest sight there alone...

10000 Maniacs - Hidden In My Heart
I see the leaves of autumn changing falling turning what was green I see a door standing open, open to curio...

10000 Maniacs - In The Quiet Morning
In the quiet morningThere was much despairAnd in the hours that followed No one could repair...

10000 Maniacs - Love Among The Ruins
The sky was falling, heaven was calling. When danger crashes, rose from the ashes. Like two statues hi...

10000 Maniacs - On And On
Out through the foggy window there just to see the eyes of my future children looking back at me back throug...

10000 Maniacs - Once A City
This was once a city harmony a common theme but these complications now make life a bit uneasy hallowed buil...

10000 Maniacs - Rainy Day
On bended knee I've looked through every window then. Touched the bottom, the night a sleepless day instead;...

10000 Maniacs - Shining Light
Something was pulling me without knowing what was leading me on: your shining light. In my darkest hou...

10000 Maniacs - Smallest Step
When the day ends and church bells are ringing when the valley is shrouded in snow, when you're feelin...

10000 Maniacs - Somebody's Heaven
There like a feather you fell someone's heaven above me floating so fickle tempting me teasing my ways throw...

10000 Maniacs - The Earth Pressed Flat
Detroit, L.A., Boston, San Francisco, first time o'er the ocean on a plane a billion stars below me lay, ...

10000 Maniacs - Time Turns
I saw time turn so much there to unlearn, you were envy you wouldn't say you tore heart strings that s...

10000 Maniacs - Who Knows Where The Time Goes?
Across the evening sky, all the birds are leavingBut how can they know it's time for them to go?Before...

10000 Maniacs - You Won't Find Me There
I'd like to know what makes you stay while your eyes still search for escape.You think that I don't feel the cold,...

10cc - 18 Carat Man Of Means
I need some money to open doorsI won't bend over or lick your pawsYou got me red, I'll get me blackMy ...

10cc - 24 Hours
Here on the streetFeeling the cool of the dawnShuffling feetFaces are ragged and wornThey've bee...

10cc - 4% Of Something
4% of something'sBetter than 10% of nothing blue4% of something'sBetter than 10% of nothing blue...

10cc - Action Man In A Motown Suit
Let's stay a while and watch himHe's moving into action manHe's looking good but maybeHe's in the wron...

10cc - Age Of Consent
I want to meet you at that restaurantThe one you love it's got a pretty frontWhat a frontThe girls are...

10cc - Americana Panorama
Martin Luther B.B. KingYou had a dream and you make us swingDoctor Winston J.F.K.You had a dream but t...

10cc - Art For Arts Sake
Gimme your bodyGimme your mindOpen your heartPull down the blind Gimme your love gimme it ...

10cc - Baron Samedi
I'll show you man who walk on fireAnd don't get burnedDon't get burned, don't get burnedHe don't get b...

10cc - Bee In My Bonnet
I got a bee in my bonnetGot a chip on my shoulderI got a hole in my shoeAnd my toes are getting colder...

10cc - Blackmail
She doesn't need moneyShe doesn't need diamondsShe's lookin' for pretty thingsShe doesn't want romance...

10cc - Bluebird
Bluebird take me on your wingTeach me how to flyTeach me how to singBluebird, guardian of my soul...

10cc - Brand New Day
When you open your eyesTo a brand new morningAnd the sun shines Above youYou pull on your breech...

10cc - Channel Swimmer
Well it's cold down here in the waterIt's cold down here in the seaWho'd be a channel swimmer?Only a f...

10cc - Charity Begins At Home
a shake of the tinthe money drops in, but is it a sinyou're standing in ragsyou're selling your flags...

10cc - City Lights
Oh oh I feel the city rhythmOh oh I love those city lightsBut when the sun comes upAnd the party's ove...

10cc - Clockwork Creep
"I'm a clockwork creepAnd I can't get to sleepThey wind me up and let me goAnd I can't unwindGoi...

10cc - Code Of Silence
Deep in the nightI can hear you calling my nameHow can I try to help you womanIf you go on hiding your...

10cc - Donna
Oh DonnaYou made me stand upYou made me sit down, DonnaSit down, DonnaSit downYou made sta...

10cc - Don't
If you want love to stayDon't give all your secrets awayIt's not the fashionBut hold back your passion...

10cc - Don't Ask
You ask me what's it like nowI've got no woman - don't askYou ask me how's it feel to be aloneYou've g...

10cc - Don't Break The Promises
you know i cannot always be there with youwhen something crazy takes me far awaywe must stick together throu...

10cc - Don't Hang Up
Hello thereHow have you beenI've called a million timesBut to me you're never in I know I never ...

10cc - Don't Send We Back
We came across from KoreaWe braved the wind and the rainWe came a thousand miles just to be hereAnd yo...

10cc - Don't Squeeze Me Like Toothpaste
I treat you like a womanSo treat me like a manI took you to a better placeAnd helped you understand ...

10cc - Don't Turn Me Away
You and I don't have to hurryTake your time now don't you worryLet me know what you're going throughTh...

10cc - Dreadlock Holiday
I was walkin' down the streetConcentratin' on truckin' rightI heard a dark voice beside of meAnd I loo...

10cc - Dressed To Kill
Put your money where your mouth isGet your finger on the buzzerPaint it onShow the bumpsCos you'...

10cc - Everything Is Not Enough
It doesn't help you if you scream and shoutThat isn't what this thing is all aboutAnd do you really want to ...

10cc - Everything You Wanted To Know About!!!! (exclamation Marks)
I took my fantasy to DeborahYou know she's always been a friendly girlYou'll see her cruise the Picadilly st...

10cc - Feel The Benefit
[REMINISCE AND SPECULATION]You went out on the street without your shoes onYou didn't listen wh...

10cc - Feel The Love (oomachasaooma)
I saw you so prettyYour face lit up the cityTwo worlds came togetherThe memory stays for evermore ...

10cc - Fill Her Up
my baby told me she would meet me on the streetstood behind a lamppost, I could only see her feetnow I'm not...

10cc - Flying Junk
Oo he's a sly oneHe's a razamataz manHe flew in from SingaporeOn a flying junk manOo he's a devi...

10cc - Food For Thought
Milk and honeyYour lips are milk and honey oh ohOverflowingYou get my juices goingSweet and tast...

10cc - For You And I
The world is full of other people (ooh ooh)take a look aroundWe're quick to laugh when they've got troubles ...

10cc - Fresh Air For My Mama
So say one and so say allSay what you gotta sayOr don't say nothing at allYou been tossin' and turnin'...

10cc - From Rochdale To Ocho Rios
From Rochdale to Ocho RiosFrom Ocho Rios to DorkingFrom Dorking its back to RochdaleFrom Rochdale to O...

10cc - Get It While You Can
You've got to get it while you canTime and time we've gone no manTomorrow will become todayIt's there ...

10cc - Good Morning Judge
Well good morning Judge, how are you todayI'm in trouble, please put me awayA pretty thing took a shine to m...

10cc - Good News
Something to begin withThat's easy said than doneYou'll see me rolling homeBut I don't understand why...

10cc - Green Eyed Monster
who's that creeping out of my back doordon't say he's collecting for the poordon't you tell me you're not ha...

10cc - Grow Old With Me
You said you willYou said I doNow that's the best thingFor me and youWe'll stick together our wh...

10cc - Headline Hustler
I got me a job on the local paperEverybody there thinks I'm niceBut they'd better look twice'Cos it is...

10cc - Head Room
I've never been kissed beforeIt's been on my list beforeA flick of the wrist before would doBut when y...

10cc - Honeymoon With 'b' Troop
My baby, she's crazy, she's lazySo she's always bummin' aroundGirls in France don't stand a chance'Cos...

10cc - Hotel
On de uber side ob de islandDere's a sky so clear and blueCan see, cross water, to de mainlandNew life...

10cc - Hot To Trot
She had a shake like a belly dancerand a body like a tiger tiger (uh huh, uh huh)She was looking at me ...

10cc - How'm I Ever Gonna Say Goodbye
I've been thinkin' writin' you a letterMaybe telegram would be betterI'll be worried how it's gonna get ther...

10cc - I Bought A Flat Guitar Tutor
I bought a flatDiminished responsibilityYou're de ninth person to seeTo be suspended in a seventh...

10cc - Iceberg
Life is a roller coaster that we all rideLife is a roller coaster that we all rideLife is a roller coaster t...

10cc - I Hate To Eat Alone
I picked myself up in a downtown barYou know the feelin' was lousyBut as I'd come this farWell it's to...

10cc - I'm Mandy Fly Me
Just like a rollin' stoneI'm outside lookin' in But if your chance came would you take itWhere on eart...

10cc - I'm Not In Love (rework Of Art)
I'm not in loveSo don't forget itIt's just a silly phase I'm going throughAnd just becauseI call...

10cc - I'm So Laid Back, I'm Laid Out
The people were runningThe place was on fireThe smoke was a-growingAnd the flames were getting higher ...

10cc - It Doesn't Matter At All
Hey you've been hanging onTo a dreamHoping that timeWould turn your fear awayBut you must stop...

10cc - I Took You Home
I looked at your face somehow I knewNothing could tear me awayYou started to smile and I was lostFumbl...

10cc - I Wanna Rule The World
I wanna be a bossI wanna be a big bossI wanna boss the world aroundI wanna be the biggest boss ...

10cc - Johnny Don't Do It
Johnny don't do itJohnny don't do itJohnny don't do itJohnny don't do it Johnny was ...

10cc - L.a. Inflatable
Oh well her skin it was softer than velvetAnd her eyes were as bright as a child'sHer lips were a prom...

10cc - Last Night
Last nightYou know you really reallymade me appreciate my lifeWhen you took me to the seventh fl...

10cc - Lazy Days
Hazy DaysWith Lazy Ways You get less done but moreOut of your daysHow can you work y...

10cc - Les Nouveaux Riches
I could see that the sun it was deadlyShe's putting her hand in the fireHer velvety skin it was cookin...

10cc - Life Is A Minestrone
I'm dancing on the White House lawnSipping tea by the Taj Mahal at dawnHanging round the gardens of Ba...

10cc - Life Line
Ten thousand miles away from someoneTen thousand miles away from youWho's your friend on the end of a ...

10cc - Listen With Your Eyes
I don't need no special things to get me highAll I needs a touch of Ron to get me byI see people trave...

10cc - Lost In Love
A far bit beyond this placeAll the stars have been castYou may try to resist the paceBut it's ha...

10cc - Lovers Anonymous
Doctor, I'm getting in deeperShow me, the way I can slow myself downYou can talk me roundI'm a f...

10cc - Lying Here With You
Time to wave the day goodbyeBut I don't wanna hear no lullabySandman takes his cueAnd when the n...

10cc - Man With A Mission
There's a man at the topAnd I know that he's pulling the stringsHe's got his eye in the skyAnd I...

10cc - Margo Wants The Mustard
I watch her move up and down the beach, wellThe fellows drool, but she's out of their reach, andThese ...

10cc - Marriage Bureau Rendezvous
Well I've been lookin' after number one for too longAnd it seemed the love was passing me bySo I thoug...

10cc - Memories
The summers were longer, they went on foreverOh and the sky so blueWe never worried about anything...

10cc - Modern Man Blues
I'm tired Lord and I'm drawnAnd I'm chilled right to the boneI crawled home from my workAnd this...

10cc - Notell Hotel
I checked into the room and I checked the viewAnd then I locked and chained the doorI had time to kill...

10cc - Nothing Can Move Me
There's talk about some peopleThat maybe you knowThe heroes and the villainsAnd the places that ...

10cc - Now You're Gone
You promised me a lifeYou promised me everything would changeEven said you'd be my wifeOoh now y...

10cc - Oh Effendi
In the middle of a caravanOn a four wheel drive oasisThere's a man with a thought in mindTo cash...

10cc - Old Mister Time
He looked funnyThe children called him the scarecrowAn old raincoatAnd baggy trousers and sneake...

10cc - Old Wild Men
Where are my boys?They are in deepest waterWhere are they now?They are over the hill and far awa...

10cc - One Two Five
One hundred and twenty fiveBeats to, beats to the minuteOne hundred and twenty fiveYou get the n...

10cc - Only Child
I never had a little sisterNo brother to tell my troubles toMy nights were oh so sad and lonelyU...

10cc - Overdraft In Overdrive
I got a letter this morningMy overdraft's in overdriveThey wanna know what I'm gonna do about it...

10cc - Peace In Our Time
Thank you for the giftThe freedom to wonderIn search of the lightAre we gonna let it shine...

10cc - People In Love
People in love do funny thingsWalk under buses and burn their wingsPeople like us do nothing right...

10cc - Ready To Go Home
On the street below these wallsWhere I used to walkNow I can barely crawlAll this darkness risin...

10cc - Reds In My Bed
There's a fat man who offers a change of sceneSays he'll guarantee my sheet will be cleanWhen I get on...

10cc - Rock 'n' Roll Lullaby
Listen while I sing you to sleepWith a rock 'n' roll lullabyClose your eyes and don't you peepTh...

10cc - Rubber Bullets
I went to a party at the local county jailAll the cons were dancing and the band began to wailBut the ...

10cc - Runaway
Remember I'm the one who didn't have a lot to sayI was trying to find the courage, but I let you walk away...

10cc - Sand In My Face
I looked in the mirror(What did you see looking at you?)I saw a nine stone weakling(What will yo...

10cc - Shine A Light In The Dark
i've been lost before and i had to payit was never easy but i found a waywell the journey was hard and...

10cc - Ships Don't Disappear In The Night (do They?)
Ships don't just disappear in the nightDo they?People don't really die of frightDo they?We...

10cc - Shock On The Tube (don't Want Love)
I was travelling home on the subwayWhen this vision got on at Maida ValeAnd as I casually eyed the cla...

10cc - Silly Love
Hey toots, you put the life into livingYou brought a sigh into sightAh hon, you make my legs turn to w...

10cc - Something Special
stealing coins from the poor boxi'm robbing the blind, but you won'tunderstand, i'm a wanted man...

10cc - Somewhere In Hollywood
Down on the casting couchA star is gonna be bornA star with the stature of a HarlowWho's doomed...

10cc - Speed Kills
One fine day I started writing homeOne findsIt's so hardTo make it It's gotta be the...

10cc - Strange Lover
Baby Baby Baby don't hurryYou've got your finger on meDon't let go, no no noI know you love it...

10cc - Survivor
This boy he's a midnight driverHigh roller and a soul survivorShe tried to send him on his wayHe...

10cc - Take These Chains
Baby baby oh babyI'd love to love youBut my hands are tiedBreak these chainsOh oh these ch...

10cc - Take This Woman
I found myself on my knees in prayerThe consequence of my deep despairNow I must speak, get it off my ...

10cc - Taxi! Taxi!
The hands on the clock seem to stick to the faceBut the seconds are turning to minutesAnd minutes to d...

10cc - The Anonymous Alcoholic
You walk in the roomThe folks are all thereWith glasses in handBut you can't take the band...

10cc - The Dean And I
Hum drum daysAnd a hum drum ways Hey kids, let me tell you how I met your momWe were danci...

10cc - The Film Of My Love
Co-starring youAnd co-starring meStarring us both togetherThe film of my love Will travel ...

10cc - The Hospital Song
Nobody sends me birthday cardsNobody brings me flowersI'm just here for operationsI've been out ...

10cc - The Monkey And The Onion
See the monkey peel the onionSee the monkey cryHe can feel his tears are flowin'But he don't kno...

10cc - The Power Of Love
Momma don't mind, cause your momma don't knowBut if your poppa finds out that we're all aloneHe's gonn...

10cc - The Sacro-iliac
Here's a new dance that you all can doBaby, baby, what's he gonna do?Sit back and relax 'cos it's good...

10cc - The Second Sitting For The Last Supper
Another fish head in the dustbinAnother loser in the queue for the soup kitchenAnother reason for a vi...

10cc - The Secret Life Of Henry
Early morningI'm still yawningKiss the childrenSee you tonight dearCheerio Hen...

10cc - The Stars Didn't Show
we came from miles aroundjust to listen to your soundyou made the night seem endlessyou cast a m...

10cc - The Worst Band In The World
It's one thing to know it but another to admitWe're the worst band in the worldBut we don't give a.......

10cc - Tokyo
Transistorised, and anodisedChrome plated, squeaky cleanOh Tokyo, oh TokyoOh Tokyo I love you ...

10cc - Tomorrow's World Today
I'll tell you something you oughta knowWe came a long way from the radioBut what's wrong with that?...

10cc - Une Nuit A Paris
[Part One: One Night in Paris][Mme. Bezier:] Bonjour monsieurParis really welcomes you...

10cc - Wall Street Shuffle
Do the Wall Street shuffleHear the money rustleWatch the greenbacks tumbleFeel the Sterling crum...

10cc - Waterfall
Gonna meet you on the cornerGonna take you out of townOut to where the grass is greenerAnd no on...

10cc - Welcome To Paradise
i kissed my mothershook the hand of my brotherand i said goodbye to the woman i lovedit may seem...

10cc - Welcome To The World
You're through gestation so welcome to the worldWe've still got vacancies just waiting to be filledWe'...

10cc - We've Heard It All Before
Einstein, he said, nothings originalFind something new, That's easy for him to sayTook his whole life ...

10cc - Why Did I Break Your Heart
Inside my loneliness and sorting through the messI came across a bunch of snaps and lettersI found an ...

10cc - Woman In Love
i don't know why it's the way of the worldbut meanwhile.... you've seen her sway when she walks ...

10cc - Wonderland
i wanna take a giant stepdon't know where I'll end up yetthe devil or the deep blue seathere's a...

10cc - Working Girls
Working girls don't stand a chanceTyping pools are full deadly fishOffice Romeos believeDictatio...

10cc - Yes, I Am
You never asked me to love youI did it all by myselfYou didn't make me no promisesYou read my fe...

10cc - You're Coming Home Again
Baby, baby, don't you make a soundAll I'm asking of you is to understandI can't let you goWhen a...

10cc - You've Got A Cold
Your nose is runnin'And your eyes are redYour head is achin'You'd be better in bedFrom the...

10cc - Yvonne's The One
When I first saw Yvonne, volcanoes eruptedAnd her laughter flowed into my lifeShe seemed so right, not...

112 - 112 Intro
[Puff Daddy:]Yeah, that's whatI'm talkin' 'boutSounds real dramaticLike something's...

112 - All Cried Out
[Allure]All alone on a Sunday morningOutside I see the rain is falling Inside I'm slowly ...

112 - All I Want Is You
2000, 2000112, 112And we won't stop'Cause we can't stopNo we won't stop'Cause we can...

112 - All My Love
When I look into your eyes I see you're lonelyWon't you come with meI wanna know from youIf ever...

112 - All My Love
Tell me how far you want this to goIm touching the places no one needs to knowI can feel your heart is...

112 - Anywhere (interlude)
(We can make love in my bedroom)We can make love in the bedroom(Whoa)On the floor, top of my wat...

112 - Be With You
I used to hang out every nightUsed to go from club to clubLooking for true loveBut now I found t...

112 - Call My Name
Ooh, call my nameWhenever you need my loveWhoa, baby call my nameWhenever you need my love...

112 - Can I Touch You
Can I touch you babyCome here baby, yeahCan I...Can I touch youMake you feel so good...

112 - Caught Up
Coudlnt help myselfShe was so fine, oh yeaI told her I had a girlBut she didn't mindNow we...

112 - Crazy Over You
I fell in love with you,T'was like a dream come trueAnd my love for you will never end oh noWas ...

112 - Damn
[Verse 1]Damn why'd you have to look so good?Damn why'd you have to be so sexy? Ohh ohhh...

112 - Don't Go (interlude)
112(Don't)Don't you(Go)Go(Away)Don't you go away my baby(Girl I)Gi...

112 - Do What You Gotta Do
Sorry I lied to uBut I'm not sorryThat I fell deepIn love with herSo baby Do what u ...

112 - Everyday
EverydayYahOh Oh, EverydayThis is the real right hereThings aint always what they seem...

112 - Funny Feelings
Oh baby,Girl I, girl I,Got the funny feeling,Oh yeah, yes I do.Everytime I try to ki...

112 - Give It To Me
[4x] Give it to me[3x] Give it to meEvery time I think about The way you make me f...

112 - God Knows
[Verse 1:]Baby tell me why, why do you questionAll this love that I have for youIf you lo...

112 - Hot & Wet (remix)
[Intro]112, 112You know how we doThis is the remixGuess who's backBad boy bab...

112 - I Belong To U (interlude)
I belong to you I belong to youWith you,babyThis body is yours This body is yoursI b...

112 - I'll Be There
I know it's kind of hardTo get over someoneAnd try to start a newA new relationshipNo need...

112 - I'm Sorry (interlude)
Sorry is not enough After all the things Ive done to youSo I just wanna let you know that I am more th...

112 - In Love With You
Every day I think aboutAll the love you've given meAll the ways you show your love andGirl it dr...

112 - Intro
Why do you make me feel this way?Im feeling betrayed feeling pushed awayWhy do you make me feel so mad...

112 - Intro / Medley
[P Diddy talking]Q, Mike, Slim Daron...Da Twelve...Theres been a lot of drama along...

112 - I Surrender (interlude)
(I surrender)I surrender all to youI surrender all to you(To you, to you)I surrender...

112 - I Think
He said that you were crazyhe said that you were losin your mindand that you dont know how to treat a ...

112 - Just A Little While
I have to go awayMy flight's not far awayYou think your love has strengthBut it's just your mind...

112 - Knock U Down
The way I want to knock youGirl you got just what I needBring it here to meYou can stand i...

112 - Last To Know
[verse 1]Lately I have been questioning if what we have is lost I heard it in your voice when w...

112 - Let This Go
[Verse 1]Girl I don't understand, stand the reason why, why you act this wayWhat did I do, tell...

112 - Love You Like I Did
Tell me whos gonna look at youAnd love you for the person you areTell me whos gonna understandTh...

112 - Man's World
[Chorus 1]Oh BabeAh DarlinOh BabeMy My Sweet Babe[Repeat 2X][...

112 - Missing You
Sitting here thinking about you And all the things we used to doI never thought that I would lose you...

112 - My Mistakes
[Chorus]If I could erase, everyone of my mistakesTell me would it make you wanna come over...

112 - Na Na Na
[Supercat] This is the Long Long He Love fe the gal dem, Na, Na, Na Na, The Rapper Don and 112 ...

112 - Never Mind
[1] - Never mind that he don't love youNever mind that he don't careI'll give you love the way ...

112 - Nowhere
If ever you wonderedIf ever you were nervous about itYou gotta know,I aint never,Lemme say...

112 - Now That We're Done
Got to try my best to reach the lowest lowTo a place where no one goesIf you let me taste your soul...

112 - Player
I'm a player..... girl I thought you knewWhen you started messin around with me, knew I wouldn't commit to y...

112 - Pleasure And Pain
You always said you loved meThough my mind's right now not sureYou've always been there for meTh...

112 - Q, Mike, Slim, Daron (interlude)
If you are availableIf you are available[1:]This is what we're lookin' forSexy, ind...

112 - Right Here For U
Baby (One Twelve)I know Im wrong cause (Be right here for you)Youve already got a man (Oooh, one twelv...

112 - Say Yes
[Verse 1:]I wanna show you how I feelDon't hold backHeres my love Baby you're the o...

112 - Slip Away
BabyI wish you had recognizedThe love I had for youWhen it was in my heartAnd when it was ...

112 - Smile
Another night and it seems that You made you cry yourself to sleepReminiscing on how it beganYou...

112 - Someone To Hold
Sometimes I stare at the bedKnowing that no one's thereSomething is telling meThat you feel the ...

112 - So Much Love (interlude)
[Female]Yeah, welcome to Room 112Q, Mike, Slim, DaronWelcome to Room 112[1...

112 - Stay With Me
[Chorus:]I want you right here with meIf you really wanna be with meThen come on, just st...

112 - Still In Love
Oh listen to me girl, As I take the time, To tell you how I feel, yeah yeah.In spite of what you...

112 - That's How Close We Are
Na na na Na na na na naNa na na na na naWithout the root, you ain't got no treeAnd w...

112 - This Is Your Day
Alone at nightmy body craves youAs I let the music playand we make love in my mindI feel t...

112 - Throw It All Away
How could youJust hurt meAnd leave me(Leave me all alone)How could you destroy my life...

112 - Unbelievable
This is a DPS productionGive me a beat. [X8]Im gonna have some fun tonightLoo...

112 - We Goin' Be Alright
I would walk, I would walk, I would walkA thousand miles, if I knew that youWould be waiting on the ot...

112 - What The Hell Do You Want
(Why you gotta act like that)[Verse 1]When I say that I love youYou ask me what I w...

112 - Why Can't We Get Along
[Intro: harmonizing][Verse One:]Is it me,Who never compromise,I only s...

112 - Why Does
All the love you've given meSo special seems to be no limitI'll do anythingThere's no boundries ...

112 - You Are The Only One (interlude)
I love you,You're my everything...You are the only one for meWell, well, wellAnd eve...

112 - Your Letter
I saw a letter lying on the floorI couldn't help but look insideThought it was something that you must...

112 - You Said
It was you, it was me, it was love, it was real, then we touched,Then we kissed, then we loved da way it fee...

12 Stones - 3 Leaf Loser
Biting the hand that feeds you, lying to the voiceInside, reach out to beg for something this lifeIs a...

12 Stones - Back Up
I hear the words you say to meI see the way you look at meI know what's on your mind soStand up ...

12 Stones - Bitter
Mother mother can you hear me, i keep tryingJust to find me all i know now, all you s how me,Endless q...

12 Stones - Broken
Alone again again alonePatiently waiting by the phoneHoping that you will call me homeThe pain i...

12 Stones - Crash
As I lie here tossing in my bedLost in my fears remembering what you saidAnd I try to hide the truth w...

12 Stones - Eric's Song
Sometimes I feel like I am so far awayIm lost inside my thoughts and I dont know what to sayI know I n...

12 Stones - Fade Away
I need you to feel exactly like I do insideBut I feel so alone againI try to find a better lifeS...

12 Stones - Far Away
Something keeps on pulling me downAnd I feel like I'm losing groundTrying just to find my reasons...

12 Stones - Home
In my eyes you see the painWith each lie I take the blameWith each sigh I slowly fall away...

12 Stones - In Closing
Step back inside the lie again, you'll find you're Wearing thinKilling the sympathy as you take anothe...

12 Stones - In My Head
I'm reaching out without a soundMy pride falls to the floor againInside my mind I search to find...

12 Stones - Let Go
I feel so alone again I know that I need you To help me make it through the night And I pray th...

12 Stones - Lifeless
Desperate and waiting, frozen to the core, numbTo this feeling, needing something more all i Keep thi...

12 Stones - My Life
I find myself in question again And I doubt this Love you've given to me I hope you understand when I ...

12 Stones - Open Your Eyes
When I look into your eyes I see a lot of hatePushing me awayYou're haunted by a pastA pas...

12 Stones - Photograph
Fear falls hard like rain again washing over meYou say nothing will ever change what do i Believe...

12 Stones - Running Out Of Pain
As he raises his hand you begin to understandThat no love is worth the hate that you feelNow you're ru...

12 Stones - Shadows
Look around and tell me what you see, a placeSurrounded by the hate that hides in the Shadows inside o...

12 Stones - Soulfire
Every morning as I wake to another dayI bow my head hit my knees and I begin to prayI search for answe...

12 Stones - Speak Your Mind
How does it make you feel when i look awayFeelings that will never seem to fade i try toFind you, you ...

12 Stones - The Last Song
I'm sorry for needing you to carry meSo simple sometimes when you're standing nextTo meYou never...

12 Stones - The Way I Feel
Lately I've been wanderingOff the narrow pathYouve given me so many things that I've never hadAn...

12 Stones - Waiting For Yesterday
It's a long way back to reality, she puts anotherBrick in the wall of shame she made so long agoTrying...

213 - 213 Tha Gangsta Clicc
[Snoop Dogg]Hehe, yeah that's that shit right thereIs this that shit that make a nigga just...

213 - Absolutely
[Snoop Dogg]Me and Nate Dogg were so funky freshWe fell off into a club to try to pop it to Daz...

213 - Appreciation
[Warren G]213Childhood homies way back in the daysince then it's been 213 the hard way...

213 - Gotta Find A Way
[Nate Dogg]Funny how time fliesFunny how one thing leads to anotherFunny how mothers cry...

213 - Groupie Luv
[Intro: Snoop Dogg]This is a DJ Whoo productionIn conjunction with Doggystyle Records and 213...

213 - Joystick
[Nate Dogg]She said she wants to ride my joystickShe act like she wanna ride my joystick...

213 - Keep It Gangsta
Keepin' it gangstaNiggaz and niggettesKeepin' it gangstaNiggaz and niggettes[Warr...

213 - Lil' Girl
[Nate Dogg]Lil' girl from the ghettoRan away from homeShe ran away from home (Nananana)...

213 - Lonely Girl
[Chorus - Nate Dogg]Wait a minute, lonely girlThey try to warn meThey say you're horny...

213 - Mary Jane
[Chorus - Nate Dogg]One for the treble, two for the bassShe's my beauty queen, she's my everyth...

213 - My Dirty Ho
[Chorus - Nate Dogg]My dirty hoScandalous hoMy dirty hoScandalous ho...

213 - Run On Up
[Chorus - Nate Dogg]You got beef then go and run on upWe ain't worried about nothingHalf ...

213 - So Fly
[Intro:]NOBLE JUSTICE![Snoop Dogg]Wooooh!Yeah!"Welcome to tha Ch...

213 - Twist Yo Body
[Snoop Dogg]Yeah! It's the motherfucking 213Blasting off on your assSomething funky funta...

213 - Ups & Downs
[Warren G]Please don't get it confusedCuz I rap that I'm like these other dudesI doubt th...

28 Days - 1988
ride the train and it takes me back to the days when Frankston was our line I used to live for getting...

28 Days - 28 Days
right, thats all it is right two eight days in the mother fucking house you know you get fresh within ...

28 Days - A General
Tonight I saw your true faceVindictiveA language of your reactionAnd thank you for returni...

28 Days - Ball Of Hate
inside you is you heart as also is a ball of hatred you struggle within dont let that hatred swa...

28 Days - Deadly Like
and it's the hamcause the beats is so freshit's like I'm rippin apart the restbut they try never...

28 Days - Do Our Part
all I fucking do is complain me and the rest of the scene that's what's wrong with us whinging d...

28 Days - Early Mornings
Early mornings make me angryAnd routine takes away the very essence of the dayBut when reflection show...

28 Days - Eats Away
I can't stand The taste of defeatJust like any manBut I know I'll lose more sleepIf I wast...

28 Days - Friends
why do we bother sometimes why not give this shit up we're meant to be friends but we can't let ...

28 Days - Goodbye
thought i left you all behind,when you feel out of my mind, thought i made it clear that i just didn't...

28 Days - Information Overload
too many messages multi media sponge too many to address I guessyou could say I'm out lunchtelev...

28 Days - I Remember
One time i rememberi remember when you used to thinkthat you were much betternow you smoke and n...

28 Days - January
JanuaryJanuary to the one January to the nineI swear I've found my piece of mindCan ...

28 Days - Just To Make You Happy
I can not hang onto this bullshit foreverCan you? If you can that's up to youWe are so foo...

28 Days - Know The Score
Turned on the tv screen and what did I seea video collage of our atrocitiesturtles getting cut open by...

28 Days - Kool
you want so much for everyone to like you for who you really are but you care about it so much y...

28 Days - Pessimy & The Devil
Don't kid yourself'Cause there's a good chanceYour life means nothingYou've got enough to confus...

28 Days - Photos
You always gave your four-leaf cloverIt's overAnd I don't know if I'm gonna see your face againY...

28 Days - Rip It Up
28, 1982 comin through ya speakers, it features a style like this rippin it on the mic, it's like we'r...

28 Days - Rise Above
the sky is grey bordem kicks in again I don't know if I'll ever win I'm not sure if it's worth it ...

28 Days - Rollin Gang
oh what the fuck is this thingI pictured four wheelsI can't ride thatI'm reading the warning ...

28 Days - Sand
the sand is sifting by I only know that I will die and pay my taxes the rest is touch and go I w...

28 Days - Say What?
Say what?Never do we stress 'cause we're known to rock shitDecks are in effect and we're going to cock...

28 Days - She's Waiting
yeah my girl she's so pretty always waiting when I get home she's always wants to lick me and sh...

28 Days - Song For Jasmine
I look into your eyes, and i seei see a part of meyou're better than i'd ever hoped you beand wh...

28 Days - Stealing Chairs
Out of everyone you were the last expected to leaveSo much potentialSo much left to achieveThank...

28 Days - Sucker
Here we go fools And it's on once again for young and old Because you stole the farmboy's time C...

28 Days - Take Me Away
Take me back to yesterday'cause I'm not alright and it's not okay, noI know but I won't admit it...

28 Days - The Bird
hurry up and beat the rushbe the first to cut us downthat would seem to be the cool thing to do ...

28 Days - This Songs About You
this songs about you and all the shit you put me throughthis songs about the thing that drives m...

28 Days - True Story
And the story stays the sameThe only difference is the nameHe's a nice guy and she is a bad girl...

28 Days - Tunnel Vision
The year is two double 0 two Nothing is brand newKid Jimmy you know you hear me spittin' lyrics over l...

28 Days - What's The Deal?
The beer is ice coldAnd it's soldFrom a supermarket that keeps their prices downThis day is not ...

28 Days - What You Know
you two need to grow upyou got a good thingbut you won't see it because you thinkyou're missing ...

2be3 - Even If
Even if the sun refused to shineEven if we lived in different timesEven if the ocean left the sea...

2be3 - Excuse My French
Je t'adore, je t'adoreWhen you walkThrough the doorVoulez-vous, Voulez-vousI wanna be with...

2gether - 2gether
We're all gonna hang 2getherYou & me foreverYou're the one I treasure2gether, 2getherHang ...

2gether - 5gether
It's 2gether, whoaOoohhh it's 2gether, whoa Number 2-G-E-T-H-E-R to the CD you play in you...

2gether - Awesum Luvr
Old people tell me I'm still too young To take a lady's hand and give it the tongueWhat do they know a...

2gether - Before We Say Goodbye
Before we say goodbyebefore we turn and walk awaylet's give it one more trybefore we say goodbye...

2gether - Every Minute, Every Hour
Baby, I know you were wrongBut I forgive you, yeah Another day has gone bystill have your ...

2gether - I Gave My 24-7 To You
Ooohhh, ooohhhhhh You said jump I asked how high You made the rules That we love by ...

2gether - I Wanna Know Your Name
I wanna know your name... I never knew That love could put a spell on me Then you walked i...

2gether - Regular Guy
I'm the kinda guy a girl takes home to momwith pleated Khaki pantscologne that's the bomb ...

2gether - Right Where It Counts
We're alone in the room Playing Hixin and Doom And now you telling me goodbye So you want us apa...

2gether - Rub One Out
[Spoken:]Girl, whenI think about youI only thinkof one thingYou know what that is ...

2gether - Say It Don't Spray It
Girl, I can't understand youyou're like reading a big fat book in hebrew& I can tell by the way you dr...

2gether - Sister
Oohh, You always told me If I ever want to leave If I find the better girl Someone who let...

2gether - That's When I'll Be Gone
Girl, I think you really know meBut you're afraid to trust meStop doubting my intentionsWhy, why...

2gether - The Hardest Part Of Breaking Up...
C'mon Yeaaa Yea 2gether's in the house! Put your hands in the air 'cause we'll make ...

2gether - The Way You Do Me
Girl the way you do me Hey, ohGirl the way you do me Girl my head's on fire Since ou...

2gether - U + Me = Us (calculus)
I'm losing my hairand my vision is shadyLast night I dreamt of an over weight lady B...

2gether - U & U & Me
Let's get to know each other better in a special wayI think about you babyeach night & day ...

2gether - Visualize
[Spoken:]Sometimes we must live through the darknessin order to see through the lightWe m...

2gether - You're My Baby Girl
12th of April we decided it was timeI was feeling good, you were looking fineon the basement floor wit...

2gether - You're The Only One That's Real
Oohh, ooohhhh When you kiss me Are you breathless When you touch me Do you fall apart ...

2pac - 16 On Death Row
Death RowThat's where motherfuckers is endin upDear mama, I'm caught up in this sicknessI ...

2pac - A Crooked Nigga Too
[Intro]Yeah niggaYo Pac (That's right) Yo, I heard you got beat up by the police Go...

2pac - A Crooked Nigga Too (raphael Saadiq Remix)
Yo 'Pac yo, I heard you got beat up by the policeGot a big fat lawsuit and everythingNiggaz just wanna...

2pac - Against All Odds
One love, one love, one thugOne nation, twenty-one gun saluteI'm hopin my true motherfuckers kno...

2pac - Ambitionz Az A Ridah
[1] - [2Pac singing in background 2X]I won't deny it, I'm a straight ridahYou don't wann...

2pac - As The World Turns
[2Pac]As the world turns..As the world turns my ni**az grow and grow and growand get doug...

2pac - Baby Don't Cry (keep Ya Head Up Ii)
[2Pac]I feel you {uhh} .. (baby don't)but you can't, you can't give up{Hey.. 2Pac what?}...

2pac - Ballad Of A Dead Soulja
Yeah.. ballad of a dead soldierThis is the ballad of a dead soldierThis is the ballad of a dead soldie...

2pac - Better Dayz
Lookin for these better daysBetter days, heyyy! Better daysGot me thinkin bout better daysBette...

2pac - Black Jesus
[2Pac]Searching for Black JesusOh yeah, sportin jewels and s**t, yaknahmean?(Black Jesus;...

2pac - Black Starry Night (interlude)
Against all odds, I'm still here niggaAiyyy, I got to get my props for 2PacalypseO.P.D. -- what??!...

2pac - Bury Me A G
Thug LifeThinkin' backreminiscing on my teensa young Ggetten' paid over dope fiends...

2pac - Can't C Me
[Intro: George Clinton]The blind staresof a million pairs of eyeslookin' hard but w...

2pac - Can U Get Away
[2Pac] Whassup? It's 2Pac. Can you get away?Let me come swoop you up.[girl] ...

2pac - Catching Feelins
Hahaha Oh yeah My home boys might squabble but we don't fall down (never) Hahaha Yeah ...

2pac - Changes
[1]Come on come onI see no changes wake up in the morning and I ask myselfis life worth l...

2pac - Cradle To The Grave
[Chorus]From tha Cradle to the Grave, life ain't never been easyLiving in the ghetto....

2pac - Dear Mama
You are appreciated[Verse One: 2Pac] When I was young me and my mama had beef...

2pac - Death Around The Corner
[Child:] Why you by the window?, what's wrong daddy?[Mother:] I know what's wrong with ...

2pac - Definition Of A Thug Nigga
"Nobody's, closing me out of my business" [repeat 2X][2Pac] My definition of a thug nigga...

2pac - Don't Get It Twisted
[Mopreme]Just 'cause a nigga come in he got styleDon't think I won't flip itDon't pull yo...

2pac - Don't You Trust Me?
I ain't got time for this man I'm out[Chorus]You should stop for awhile you will find me ...

2pac - Everything They Owe
Imagine if we could go backActually talk to the motherfuckers that persevered (hehehe)I mean the first...

2pac - Fake Ass Bitches
[little kid] Tell me about these fake ass bitches[2Pac]Look here little nigga...

2pac - Fame
And my niggas say We want the FAME C'mon c'mon [Chorus] One thing we al...

2pac - Fuck All Y'all
[Intro:]Ha ha ha...fuck all y'all...fuck all y'all...I don't need nobodyFuck 'em...Fuck a...

2pac - Fuck Em All
You a what? Bad Boy Killaz (That's right bitch, Fuck em' all) Hahaha yeah nigga, fuck em' all (T...

2pac - Fuck Friendz
[2Pac - over background voices]My ghetto love song, hahaha, let's be friends..(Where my niggaz ...

2pac - Fuckin Wit The Wrong Nigga
Niggaz.. fuckin wit the wrong nigga..[2Pac]My seductive introduction be specific, still e...

2pac - Ghetto Star
For all my low life thug niggas, For all my niggas in the hood, Livin the life of a ghetto star, ...

2pac - Ghost
[Tupac - speaking]The only way, for me to come back, is by MakaveliThat's it! All these mother...

2pac - Guess Who's Back
Guess who's back?[2Pac]Drop the drums, here it comes, only gottwo minutes to bounce...

2pac - Happy Home
Home man.. hey.. let's turn this house into a happy homeThis for all the homeboys that couldn't get they hap...

2pac - Heartz Of Men
Ahh, Suge what I tell you nigga,when I come out of jail what was I gonna doI was gonna start diggin' i...

2pac - Heaven Ain't Hard 2 Find
[Tupac Talking]Heaven ain't hard to find(All you gotta do is look)[Tupac]...

2pac - Hell 4 A Hustler
[2Pac]Get on yo' knees ni**aGet on yo' knees and prayHuh, increase the doses, busti...

2pac - Hold On Be Strong
Hold on... [lighter flicks up]Yeah it's gonna be alright, don't trip baby [inhales]It'll...

2pac - Hold Ya Head
My homeboys in Clinton And Rikers IslandMumia Atumie, Gerino Pratt, All the political PrisonersS...

2pac - Holla At Me
(Niggas out there jelous cuz we be bailin' with Death RowThey try to playa hatebut they can't fade us ...

2pac - Holla If Ya Hear Me
Aww yeah, uhh, uhhHolla if ya hear me, yeah![Verse One]Here we go, turn it up, let'...

2pac - Homeboyz
[2Pac]Oh s**t, caught that ni**a aloneAin't that a bi**hHey, uh, this one here is, uhh...

2pac - How Long Will They Mourn Me?
How long will they mourn meYeah! This for my nigga KatoIt's still on niggaThug Life, Thugs for l...

2pac - I Don't Give A Fuck
I don't give a fuckThey done push me to the limit the more I liveI might blow up any minute, did it ag...

2pac - If I Die 2nite
A coward dies a thousand deathsA soldier dies but once[Verse One]They say pussy and...

2pac - If My Homie Calls
[Verse One:]Ever since you was a pee-wee, down by my knee with a wee-weeWe been coochie-c...

2pac - I'm Gettin Money
Get money niggaYeah - aw yeahDedicate this one to all the hustlersthat get up every motherfuckin...

2pac - Intro
[Reporter] Good Evening [sirens in the background]I'm reporting live from Sunset B...

2pac - Intro/bomb First (my Second Reply)
Suge Shot Me[church bells ring in background]In today's music news: the ever controversial Tupa...

2pac - It Ain't Easy
Keepin it real[Verse One: 2Pac]I take a shot of Henessey now I'm strong enough to f...

2pac - I Wonder If Heaven Got A Ghetto (original And Hip-hop Version)
[Chorus: I wonder if heaven got a ghetto (4X)]I was raised, the little young nigga doin bad shi...

2pac - Just Like Daddy
[Spoken:] Outlaw In ThisNo doubt,Death Row, MakaveliYou can call me daddyI'll be ya dadd...

2pac - Killuminati
[2Pac]Let it be prophesized; ni**az'll die because ya crew's goonAround the way ni**az get murd...

2pac - Letter 2 My Unborn
To my unborn child..To my unborn child.. in case I don't make itJust remember daddy loves you...

2pac - Letter To The President
Uhh.. dear Mr. PresidentWhas happenin?I'm writin you because, s**t is still real f**ked up in my neigh...

2pac - Let Them Thangs Go
Throw them thangs [X3]The quicker the nigga can go onThe faster the nigga can get his dou...

2pac - Life Goes On
[Chorus: repeat 2X]How many brothas fell victim to tha streetzRest in peace young nigga, ...

2pac - Life Of An Outlaw
In the life we live as thugs,Everbody fuckin wit us so can't you seeIt's hard to be a man.Ridin ...

2pac - Lil' Homies
Fuckin lil' homies..Everybody duckin, my fuckin lil' homiesMy lil' homies..Everybody duckin, my ...

2pac - Lord Knows
[2Pac]Damn, another funeral, another motherfuckerLord knows ['Pac is choking on blunt ...

2pac - Mama's Just A Little Girl
Young mothers That's right I feel ya (hey) I know how it is (MAMA's JUST A LIL' GIRL) ...

2pac - Me And My Girlfriend
[girl]Sheeit, ju motherfuckin rightI'm the bitch that's keepin it live and keepin it hotw...

2pac - Military Minds
[Tupac Talking] Stand in formation My motherfucking real troopers Lets do it like s...

2pac - My Block (remix)
[2Pac]Damn, take a ride, to my blockMy block, that's right! HehF'real on my motherfuckin...

2pac - My Closest Roaddogz
Me and my closest road dogzTo my dog named Musolini, Big Syke, Thug Life babyThe return of the mashers...

2pac - Never B Peace
[Verse 1: Tupac] Now of course I want peace on the streets But realistically Painti...

2pac - No More Pain
[Intro: 2Pac]Hey DeVanteNigga, don'tcha know we're gonna sow up every bitch in the countr...

2pac - Nothin But Love
Straight outta Oakland, California where we spark it on yaGive a shout out to my partners in the darkest cor...

2pac - Nothing To Lose
[Verse 1]The only way to change me is maybe blow my brains outstuck in the middle of the ...

2pac - Old School
Here we go; we gonna send this one out to the old schoolAll these motherfuckers in the Bronx, and Brooklyn, ...

2pac - Only Fear Of Death
Pssst... psssssst... aiyyoAre you afraid to die, or do you wanna live foreverTell me, which one?...

2pac - Open Fire
"Alright now, here we go"[Verse One: 2Pac]Tell me, how many real motherfuckers feel...

2pac - Out On Bail
[Intro: Tupac Talking]Oh, I posted bail?I'm out this motherfucker?I can go?Oh, fuck...

2pac - Outro
Expect me nigga, like you expect Jesus to come back Expect me nigga I'm coming ... Expect ...

2pac - Pac's Theme (interlude)
PAC'S THEME[Statements variously said throughout song.]I was raised in this society so th...

2pac - Panther Power
[Tupac]As real as it seems the American DreamAin't nothing but another calculated schemes...

2pac - Part Time Mutha
[cutting and scratching]She's a part timea part timepart timeShe's a (part time mut...

2pac - Point The Finga
"You could get the finger.. the middle!" [1]"Come and get some!" [2][2Pac]...

2pac - Pour Out A Little Liquor
[2Pac]YeahPour out a little liquor for your homies niggaThis one here go out to my nigga ...

2pac - Rebel Of The Underground
Rebel.. rebel.. REBELRebel.. rebel..[2Pac]They just can't stand the reign, or th...

2pac - Redemption
Hahahahaha!(Thug Life bitch, goin out like that)Once again! Hahaha!Once again! Hahaha!(Thu...

2pac - Representin '93
I got a head, but ain't no screws in it. Roll up and get swoll up.Hold up.How ya gonna pla...

2pac - R U Still Down? (remember Me)
R U Still Down [repeat 3X][Verse One: 2Pac]Now up and at em it's on, I was r...

2pac - Same Song
[Chorus: repeat 2X]All around the world same songAll all around the world same song...

2pac - Secretz Of War
[Chorus (E.D.I. Amin):]You either ride wit' us, or collide wit' usIt's as simple as that ...

2pac - Shit Don't Stop
[2pac]Shit don't stop [2x]Game rules often slang to the right foolsHeavy hit...

2pac - Shorty Wanna Be A Thug
[Intro/Chorus: 2Pac]Say he wanna beShorties gonna be a ThugSaid he wanna beOn...

2pac - So Many Tears
I shall not fear no man but GodThough I walk through the valley of deathI shed so many tears (if I sho...

2pac - Something 2 Die 4 (interlude)
[laughter echoed]I've changed...You mothafuckas kill meI've changed...I...

2pac - Something Wicked
Something wicked this way comeSomething wicked this way comeSomething wicked this way comeSometh...

2pac - Souljah's Revenge
[dorky sounding white guy]Mr. Shakur, can you please explain the meaningbehind your violent lyr...

2pac - Soulja's Story
[repeat softly 2X in the background] All you wanted to be, a soulja, a souljaAll you wanted to ...

2pac - Starin' Through My Rear View
[Tupac]Staring at the world through my rearviewJust looking back at the world, from another lev...

2pac - Stay True
[Tupac]Yah nigga, Drop the top on your muthafuckin rideThis how we do it on the west coas...

2pac - Still I Rise
Dear LordAs we down here, struggle for as long as we knowIn search of a paradise to touch (my ni**a Jo...

2pac - Str8 Ballin
I would share the definition of ballin' with you white folks...but no.[Tupac]...

2pac - Street Fame
Turn it up in my head phones (Coming to a ghetto near you, street fame) More Haha, c...

2pac - Strictly 4 My N.i.g.g.a.z.
['Pac speaking]Yo 'Law!Is it cool if a nigga just get fucked up for this one?Yeah! Mr. F...

2pac - Tattoo Tears
[2Pac]Live back at 'cha Westside baaaabyAight f**k it, we gone flip some new s**t nowYou ...

2pac - Teardrops And Closed Caskets
[2Pac](hahhh, hahaha) Hehehe, wordIt's like all we got left - teardrops and closed caskets...

2pac - Temptations
Yo Mo Bee main, drop that shit!"Heyyyy! Heyy-ayyaahhyy" -- [Erick Sermon] (Redman's "Watch Yo'...

2pac - Tha Lunatic
[Tupac]Ohh shit! Jumped on my man's dickHeard he had a twelve inch, now the bitch is lovesick...

2pac - The Good Die Young
[Talk]These is hard times we livin' inChurches burnin, planes fallin from the skyMurder, ...

2pac - The Streetz R Deathrow
Growing up as an inner city brothawhere every other had a pops and a mothaI was tha product of a heate...

2pac - This Ain't Livin
This ain't livin..[2Pac]Nigga - I hear even the smaller G's be dippin Chevy Impalas...

2pac - This Life I Lead
This Motherfucking life I lead shit A hell of motherfucking road blocks And crooked cops W...

2pac - Thug 4 Life
[2pac]HAHAThug for life niggaCan't you read the signs?ay fuck it man (W...

2pac - Thug Style
[Intro:]Fuck 2Pac that nigga ain't shitthat nigga ain't from muhfuckin' New YorkTha...

2pac - Trapped
You know they got me trapped in this prison of seclusionHappiness, living on tha streets is a delusion...

2pac - U Can Be Touched
[Napoleon Talking]Life...What the f**k is life for ni**az like us?Been waking up to anoth...

2pac - U Don't Have 2 Worry
Yo c'mon man, what do you mean you don't wanna ride with me niggaC'mon, get in the car, get in the fuckin ca...

2pac - Unconditional Love
(What y'all want?)Unconditional Love (no doubt)Talking bout the stuff that don't wear off It don...

2pac - Under Pressure
[Tupac]Under PressureYeah, BabyyyWhen tha pressures on......

2pac - Until The End Of Time Rp Remix
[Chorus sung by RL on (Disc One), Richard Page on (Disc Two)][2Pac]Perhaps I was a...

2pac - Violent
[2Pac]They claim that I'm violent, just cause I refuse to be silentThese hypocrites are havin f...

2pac - Whatcha Gonna Do?
(Yawn) (hahaha) And ugh I started out dumb Sprung off a hood rat Listening to ...

2pac - What'z Ya # Number
What'z ya phone numberNow I could make miracles with pimp hoes.It's instrumental.Waitin for the ...

2pac - When I Get Free Ii
Ay Trusty Trusty, what you want man?Aww nigga let me get one of them ciggarettes, damn!Shit, come on b...

2pac - When Thugz Cry
When thugs cry..Now I lay me down to sleepI pray the Lord my guns to keepIf I die before I wake...

2pac - When We Ride On Our Enemies
Fugees! Fugees and Mobb Deep tryin to diss now too huh?Hahaha! Well I ain't prejudiced, I don't give a fuc...

2pac - Where Do We Go From Here (interlude)
Power.. pow.. power...Guess who's back? Hahaha, here we goIt's ninety-fo', what's next?...

2pac - White Man's World
I ain't saying I'm innocent of all thisI'm just sayingThis song is for y'allFor all the times I ...

2pac - Who Do You Love?
[Intro: Tupac]Maybe its the thug in meMaybe its the thug in meMaybe its the thug in me...

2pac - Why U Turn On Me
(Ol' switcheroo-ass, bitch made motherfuckers..)Outlaw nigga, Westside, throw it upHahaha.. had love f...

2pac - Wonder Why They Call U
[Chorus: 2Pac] You wonda why they call U bitchYou wonda why they call U bitch.You w...

2pac - Words Of Wisdom
Killing us one by one In one way or anotherAmerican will find a way to eliminate the problemOne ...

2pac - Y'all Don't Know Us
[Young Noble]Yo, I can see That you obviously don't know me or my homiesWe O-U-T Lawz, f*...

2pac - Young Black Male
("Hard like an erection..." -- Ed O.G.) Young black male!("Hard like an erection...")("...ain't shit ...

2pac - Young Niggaz
I wanna dedicate this one to Robert 'Yummy' Sanderfordand all other lil' young niggaz that's in a rush to be...

2 Unlimited - Back Into The Groove
Oh yes, we're back!We're here to remind youOh yes, we're back! And we're here to stayWe're...

2 Unlimited - Be Free Tonight
Come together, black and whiteSo, we can all be free tonightTo live as one, we can uniteEveryone...

2 Unlimited - Break The Chain
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][R:] Now it's time to break it[A:] Com...

2 Unlimited - Burning Like Fire
[ANITA:] Baby come and take me on your natural highOnly you can make me feel the way you doBaby...

2 Unlimited - Closer 2 U
I'm gonna get closer to youCome closer!I'm gonna get closer to youCome closer!I see ...

2 Unlimited - Contrast
[CHORUS:][ANITA:] There's no limitation to what this beat can doYou better get the feeli...

2 Unlimited - Delight
[RAY:] Stand right up and be your witness2 Unlimited O'Yeah we're the fittestMoving, don't dare...

2 Unlimited - Desire
[ANITA:] Come closer babyI wanna touch you'Cause I'm filled with desireIt's burning in th...

2 Unlimited - Do What I Like
[RAY:] Come let me enter in your brainYou know how it goes no pain, no gainI'm a rough young br...

2 Unlimited - Escape In Music
[ANITA:] Sometimes you need to break away[RAY:] Come On![ANITA:] Get on you...

2 Unlimited - Eternally Yours
[RAY:] Oh baby...It feels so good to be here with youWe have a love that will last forever...

2 Unlimited - Faces
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][A:] Look around youWhat do those faces tell ...

2 Unlimited - Face To Face
[ANITA:] Face to face and eye to eyeFace to face and eye to eyeFace to face and eye to eye...

2 Unlimited - Get Ready For This
[RAY:] Get down with the styleHouse on the ground, please when I squeezePump to your knees. You...

2 Unlimited - Here I Go
[ANITA:] Ohhh... Why don't you catch me?[RAY:] Catch me, cause I falling deep down below...

2 Unlimited - Hypnotised
[A:] I'm in a tranceHypnotisedHypnotisedHey YeahHey Yeah[R:] A f...

2 Unlimited - I Am Ready
C'mon everybody! Listen to what I wanna sayI got news for you and it goes this wayLet's start by...

2 Unlimited - Info Superhighway
[ANITA:] Technology[RAY:] Virtual SocietyInfo superhighway interaction[ANITA:]...

2 Unlimited - Invite Me To Trance
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][A:] Uh....But I'm standing still, I'm standi...

2 Unlimited - Kiss Me Bliss Me
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][R:] Kiss me bliss me babyPut love on the loo...

2 Unlimited - Let's Celebrate
Everybody are you ready to hit the floor?People all over get ready to hit the floor, yeah!I gott...

2 Unlimited - Let The Beat Control Your Body
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][A:] Let the beat control your bodyLet the be...

2 Unlimited - Maximum Overdrive
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][A:] Join me for a ride, speed up the musicJo...

2 Unlimited - Move On Up
CRAZY !!!!CRAZY !!!!I've been gettin' such a good vibrationComing through the air at me...

2 Unlimited - Mysterious
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][A:] No way of controlling my body; Mysterious...

2 Unlimited - Never Surrender
Come on!Come on!Come on!Come on!Praying for the good timesSo long to the bad times...

2 Unlimited - No Limit
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][R:] Let me hear you say Yeah!Let me hear you...

2 Unlimited - No One
[RAY:] I've been searching a long time and I just don't knowI try to catch solutions, I try to catch ...

2 Unlimited - Nothing Like The Rain
[ANITA:] Whoa, whoaYeah yeah! Nothing like the rain![RAY:] Yeah...check it out ya'...

2 Unlimited - Rougher Then The Average
[ANITA:] I'm the "a", the "n", the "i", "t", "a"Once you're with me, you'll always wanna stay'...

2 Unlimited - R.u.o.k.
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][R:] Do you think the mics the same, when I talk to...

2 Unlimited - Sensuality
[ANITA:] SensualitySensualityYour love got a hold on meHey... Hey...Physical attrac...

2 Unlimited - Shelter For A Rainy Day
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][A:] Oh....[R:] Shelter on a rainy day...

2 Unlimited - Someone To Get There
Time is an open bookWe share our dreams togetherAnd we will be who we want to be whereverLife is...

2 Unlimited - The Edge Of Heaven
We've got to cross the borderlineOpen up your heart and free your mindWe've got to cross the danger si...

2 Unlimited - The Magic Friend
[RAY:] 1-2-3-4![RAY:] Don't just stand there, let's get looseI am Ray, I've got th...

2 Unlimited - The Power Age
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][R:] Welcome to the power ageMoney, money, mo...

2 Unlimited - The Real Thing
[RAY:] It's the real thing that makes your body swingOpen your ears for the techno rap singBack...

2 Unlimited - Throw The Groove Down
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][A:] Check, check. check, check it out yo'llO...

2 Unlimited - Tribal Dance
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][R:] Come on. Check it out, ya'll[A:] ...

2 Unlimited - Tuning Into Something Wild
[A:] Tuning into something wild[A:] Like a comet from spaceLike a slap in the face...

2 Unlimited - Twilight Zone
[RAY:] First to the bass in to the jamThen let the music take commandBack to back to another di...

2 Unlimited - Wanna Get Up
Yeah!Hey!Cool down!Hey!Last night we had this conversation,You're rushing my h...

2 Unlimited - What's Mine Is Mine
[ANITA:] OH, OH, all right; OH, OH, allrightOH, OH, all right; OH, OH, allrightOH, OH, all righ...

2 Unlimited - Where Are You Now
["A" - Anita]["R" - Ray][A:] I watch the door but no one comes through...

2 Unlimited - Workaholic
[1st PERSON:] Ok, let's go to work![2nd PERSON:] Who the fuck are you?![3rd PERSON:]...

30 Seconds To Mars - 93 Million Miles
Where does your garden grow?Tell me the secrets that you know Another time, another placeWhere a...

30 Seconds To Mars - Buddha For Mary
A simple fear to wash you awayAn open mind canceled it today A silent song that's in your wordsA...

30 Seconds To Mars - Echelon
Look at the red red changes in the skyLook at the separation in the border lineBut don't look at every...

30 Seconds To Mars - Edge Of The Earth
You know enough to know the waySix billion people just one name (I found)I found tomorrow in today...

30 Seconds To Mars - End Of The Beginning
Here we are searching for a signHere we are searching for a sign It's the end here todayBut I wi...

30 Seconds To Mars - Fallen
Yeah, I've been to JupiterAnd I've fallen through the airI used to live out on the moonBut now I...

30 Seconds To Mars - Oblivion
The enemy arrivesEscape into the nightEverybody run nowEverybody run nowBreak into another...

30 Seconds To Mars - The Mission
I open up my headInside I find another person's mindI'm gonna take this chance I've gotI run den...

30 Seconds To Mars - Welcome To The Universe
And so the time has come, it's hereThe silence ends, change is near You wait in the palid slivered sky...

30 Seconds To Mars - Year Zero
Be a heroKill your egoIt doesn't matter it's all just a pack of liesBuild a new baseSteal ...

311 - 1,2,3
Long time did I run down like thatI would have three years ago-today but not nowIt's not like that...

311 - 8:16 A.m.
Stranger flowers yetThere will never come a day that will ever regretThe hours days years and the minu...

311 - All Mixed Up
You've got to trust your instinct And let go of regret You've got to bet onyourself now star 'Ca...

311 - Amber
Brainstormtake me away from the normI got to tell you somethingthis phenomenonI had to put...

311 - Beautiful Disaster
Today seems like a good day to burn a bridge or twoThe one with old wood creaking that would burn away right...

311 - Beyond The Gray Sky
It is a gift I knowA moment of bliss that we holdA firecracker flash of light then onTo the next...

311 - Borders
There are days I wanna leave LAI wanna break out the mazeEscape the dark haze these daysSo many ...

311 - Brodels
Ooh you know we pepper you With a sonic assault side step a you I cannotthink of a better way That we ...

311 - Can't Fade Me
We bust the soundthe kids all gather 'roundand what's comin' from their radiosthey all turn down...

311 - Champagne
I will never understand youwhen will I stop tryingI mean, cuz it's just not how I planned tospen...

311 - Come Original
You got toYou got toYou got to come original you got to come originalall entertainers come...

311 - Crack The Code
I want the wordssomething you haven't heardwill I find them andwill I have what it takes to say ...

311 - Creature Feature
I wanna do what's rightBe kind to every single bodyOpen up to lightJust let it flow through...

311 - Creatures (for A While)
My name is volatile I've been this way a long while I'd surely like to rest But the energy gets ...

311 - C.u.t.m.
Hexum, Sexton, Mahoney and WillsWe groove so fuckin' hard it gives you the chillsWell I've been strick...

311 - Damn
[Nicks intro]Yo, word up, Im talkin to youMakin dope rhymes, thats what I doLike a ...

311 - Don't Dwell
Every time I get near your field of gravity You look so sad to me tell how could that be? ah- ah she s...

311 - Dont Let Me Down
Don't Let Me Down Don't Let Me Down Again Don't Let Me DownDon't Let Me Down Again Don't L...

311 - Don't Stay Home
Life could slip away in absent minded numbness I'm only sayin this 'cuz Iwish for the best When you al...

311 - Down
Chill light on my sight as my ego becomes A funky child with some words onmy tongue Be like intake of ...

311 - Down South
Let me take you down southHear it from the dover's mouthThe rhythm will make you want to move your bod...

311 - Down Suth
Let me take you down southHear it from the dover's mouthThe rhythm will make you want to move your bod...

311 - Do You Right
Passin' the kind buds.Kickin' back in the sand in the sun.To be alive is lovin'.Where the shore ...

311 - Electricity
This song started as a rant against hatersBut that'd be giving in to the instigatorsIf there is one th...

311 - Eons
You got a wishing well withinthat's ready to beginsee how we rollsee how we rolli'm tryin'...

311 - Evolution
(starshines)My computer is future shockin'download this and you'll start talkin'upgraded, ...

311 - Fat Chance
Na na na na na na Aw yea I've seen the devil and the devil is coke Not down like that cuz it ain't a f...

311 - Feels So Good
Well everybodys got an opinion thats loud and unbendingI spend my time healing and mending, togetherIt...

311 - Firewater
Talkin shit like shut up and listen to meBecause cutting through the crap is my specialityLike a bomb ...

311 - First Straw
Ooh a whole new way of looking at thingsthe way you react to phone ringsthe way it feels when you just...

311 - Flowing
Along the way to close my eyesI lost where I was goingthe more it will spinthe more that I try...

311 - Freak Out
Let the games begin if you wanna fuck with meYou can't disturb the course of P & C & T & D & meI'm on ...

311 - Freeze Time
I'd like to stay here just like thisit's just a momentary blissthat's all we can hope forthat's ...

311 - From Chaos
From chaos comes clarity, I tell yawhat you appear to be, you ought to knowglycerin tears don't fool m...

311 - Full Ride
Yeah, uh-hu, unhawww shitwhat, unhyou know the freaks can't handle itwe keep on searching ...

311 - Galaxy
Between Mars and Jupiter there's a gapFor another planet now way back yeahMaybe a mad man just blew th...

311 - Gap
Purified sounds brush 'em on like paintTeenage dream to work with Ron SaintHome he ain't, we layin' tr...

311 - Give Me A Call
Ooh you draw such pictures in my headOoh with so few words I know what you saidUntil the time co...

311 - Grassroots
I flip when I kick it trippin itSo I can check shit not in a daily styleBut once in every while so I c...

311 - Guns (are For Pussies)
Here comes the thunder down under, we're natural wonders Night falls when weleave all you feel is the hunger...

311 - Hive
Coming like a nightmare word like I'm gonna go for it Fuckin' around what yagot to show for it? Let it...

311 - Homebrew
Now I know, fools get their own when they chit chatHaven't heard yet but you can bet I'm not with that...

311 - Hostile Apostle
I can't free myself of the suspicionfor your motives on your missionsome people live for the rules...

311 - How Do You Feel?
I'm alright, I feel real fineI don't live a life that's uptightWhen there's a fight there's struggling...

311 - Hydroponic
Mother nature supreme step back and dream the hydroponic scene.Found around knocked out of bounds wound into...

311 - I'll Be Here A While
I'll be here a while, ain't going nowhereI'll be here a while, ain't going nowhereI'll be here a while...

311 - Independence Day
Just throw away your material possessionsAnd sing the praises of lifeThis trip has taught me a valuabl...

311 - Inner Light Spectrum
When I shadow box inside my skullBothered by the senselessnessI wish for the messiahIndian woman...

311 - I Told Myself
Picked up on the wrong scentnot gonna make a denthow many timesare you in my rhymesburn me...

311 - Jackolantern's Weather
Well I beat a bad rap when I skip a soul trap Just trippin' and laughin' atthe crap Dap is what I get ...

311 - Jupiter
Sometimes the only thing that saves youThink of bad things luck never gave youAnd although your true l...

311 - Large In The Margin
Check it check it check it outgot clout and you know thatLarge in the marginmy drama unfol...

311 - Leaving Babylon
Will I say?leaving this BabylonSay I'm leaving this Babylonleaving this Babylonwill ...

311 - Let The Cards Fall
Let the cards fallLet the cards fall where they mayAll I can do all I can sayGotta move to trust...

311 - Life's Not A Race
A day like today is for youto let your mind unwind, like you ought tofeel the earth turn round when yo...

311 - Light Years
You're a thousand light years runnin' through my brainReminding me that no one's saneNot all the time...

311 - Livin' & Rockin'
Fire is my method for destructionleaving charred wreckage from my latest eruptionunpredictable, my err...

311 - Loco
Hey you got to step outside to see what's going on Hey you can't run andhide when the 'psybin trip is on ...

311 - Lose
I can see it now have to show you howThe funny thing is that we couldn't have it any other wayStill it...

311 - Love Song
Whenever I'm alone with youYou make me feel like I am home againWhenever I'm alone with youYou m...

311 - Lucky
I'm takin' to the bridge and there's a different countryI'm bringing with me the people I know deep down are...

311 - Mindspin
Are you missing usmaybe wanting to be kissing usand if you must, please don't be dismissing usan...

311 - Misdirected Hostility
Not I'm not the type to just act like I know Puttin on an angle putting on ashow Speaking on nothing m...

311 - My Stoney Baby
The fish who keeps on swimming.Is the first to chill upstream.I want your fish right by me.That'...

311 - Nix Hex
Story timeSways away the hazeThey spent contemplating, formulating, theory siring above me swimming...

311 - No Control
Do you want me to cry?Cry for youHow can you say that you're blueA rich rock star you areY...

311 - Nutsymptom
The cold funk has you sunk feel the mids pumpBlessed are those who erupt when we turm upRight now we c...

311 - Offbeat Bare-ass
Any different people can apply to drop the funkIt's not a country club review board steady talkin junk...

311 - Omaha Stylee
In a minute everything you have can all be straight goneIn a minute things you though were tied can come str...

311 - Other Side Of Things
Houston we have a problemall this TV has made us dumbanxious is what we've becometoo much prozac...

311 - Outside
SunshinesAre you outsideI am a simpleton by choice not speaking to hear my voiceSunshinesW...

311 - Paradise
Everything you do it comes back to you. Whatever it may be.If it isn't one thing rest assured that som...

311 - Peaceful Revolution
Its good to be alive in the peaceful revolutionAn honor to observe the beautiful solutionI tip my hat ...

311 - Plain
I'm in a good way on a bad day.Thinking of a plan a way to stay on top of it.Nailin' in I have a fit i...

311 - Prisoner
Whoa oh prisonerMy pretty oh oh prisonerA black ocean is the sky aboveTiny lights bob what...

311 - Purpose
I believe in your purpose baby Coming up to the surface and maybe I'll neversee you again then again w...

311 - Push It Away
I used to have this ideaThat getting a silver medal wouldnt set me freeOh but you know that I really d...

311 - Random
Sound boy proceed to blast into the galaxy Go back rocket man into the skyyou'll see Hear it all the t...

311 - Reconsider Everything
How many times will they do the same thing?How did they get programmed to, your following?Everyone's l...

311 - Right Now
And I, I notice the tapestries on the wall as wellAnd I, I stand up and hit my head on the mobileAnd y...

311 - Rollin
Rollin' windows down kickback trollen I'm holdin' and foldin' see no cold in the streets Dirty looks -...

311 - Rub A Dub
Ooh, what else can I do [2x]Ooh, face in a screwOoh, racing to proveYou never remember...

311 - Running
Here in the world feel it flowingRiver of life on a human journeyDon't be afraid of becoming the sea...

311 - Salsa
We were born in the seventiesThe rippin and rhyming and brethren seeWe're filling taste greatIn ...

311 - Same Mistake Twice
It's one thing to make theSame mistake twiceAnother thing to make itAll of your lifeIt's o...

311 - Seems Uncertain
It seems uncertainI wish it was forgoneTo know the versionThat made life go wrongWis...

311 - Sever
Just sever that leash and releaseyour freedom of speechyou just have to believeyour deed will be...

311 - Sick Tight
Head rushcome on, we take the stageand what's up, it's onthis is a blow upso just listen u...

311 - Silver
Don't fear mere words cuz if it takes a word ruin yaYou should have already hard you're finished through and...

311 - Six
You know patience pushing a dream brings my demons to lifeSongs are vacations our soul salvation will you...

311 - Slinky
I was at this club minding my teaI saw this pretty young thing so I thought that I would seeI don't sm...

311 - Sometimes Jacks Rule The Realm
Sometimes jacks rule the realmCan't you tellThe swimmers drownWithout a soundA chalkboard ...

311 - Starshines
I am a music lover some how I get paidThis song would still exist if no money was madeThat's the diffe...

311 - Stealing Happy Hours
Massive laminate fortressHazy cannibus porchesSaying no to the boresIt's not mine or yours then ...

311 - Still Dreaming
No I'll not renounce my views do what others doI'd rather drink the hemlock than be like you, to my soul unt...

311 - Strangers
Now I don't know you you don't know me But I can show you where's the beat [2x]And you can do a...

311 - Strong All Along
Feel the bass knives past your flesh enter your bonesolitude in your dance floor rhythm zonelet your b...

311 - Summer Of Love
I thought about my scene todayAnd I've finally got the words to sayThe truth is cutting like a knife...

311 - Sweet
Take a chance on something star you gotta All the live long day If I had toname one thing you think da...

311 - Taiyed
Returning from the water cold alive and shiningRock a mic in the afterlife while your moon is risingHe...

311 - The Continuous Life
When things are outta whackAnd they might collapseAnd at the end of the dayYou still can't relax...

311 - !#$ The %&*! (fuck The Bullshit)
You know Im ready, and I rock steadyMy names not Betty or Teddy, but NickAnd I'm not a hick with a hea...

311 - This To Shall Pass
I dont jones for nothingCause thats a wasteWaste of space in my frontal lobe andI just sit, deal...

311 - Thriving To The Scene
Everything seems turning(?)And the jam starts to break?? circlesAnd red and not pink...

311 - To Be Honest
To be honestFor the boy is hardHe doesnt mean to break all those girls heartsPerks(?) they...

311 - Today My Love
Here I sit in idle envyT.V. show still holds me inThin steel creases my ???Begging till the end...

311 - T & P Combo
People sing about the coming of spring But what is comin' down around it's snow or it's rain It's insa...

311 - Transistor
If you want more beats for you buck there's no luck [4x]Then there's no luckThen again if you c...

311 - Tribute
This one is dedicated to the excitable onesNot the possums playing dead messing with my head"X" amount...

311 - Tune In
You're a power spot rotatingEverchangingTransmitting like a radio waveFrequently feelingWh...

311 - Uncalm
Uncalm, uncalm, uncalmlisten to the drummer, just listen to the stringslisten to the DJ just rappin' a...

311 - Unity
Even if I cared to try I couldn't please them.Their petty complaints, stupid restraints ain't gonna work....

311 - Use Of Time
With the words slaying me slowThe verbs that just don't flowConfusing use of timePartial stoning...

311 - Visit
He wouldn't say he cared at all if you asked him.You're heading for a fall brother it goes right past him....

311 - Wake Your Mind Up
Wake your mind up, clear your eyes upmove and rise up before your times upclock is ticking, your caugh...

311 - We Do It Like This
Now look outwhatcha saynow look outit's time to kick the basicsflowing and knowing it's in...

311 - Welcome
[Intro:] Groove as your soul sings. Spinnin' all around as we dust a melodyWelcome to thi...

311 - What Was I Thinking
The word that I heard was so absurd I can't believe it slipped from my lips The tongue with which it w...

311 - Who's Got The Herb?
Who's Got the Herb2 for 1, 5 for 4, half ouncesQuarter pounds, LB's and kilosWhat are we looking...

311 - You Get Worked
This is happening, this here is lifedays spent pondering, truth is a kniferespect due to those who hav...

311 - You Wouldn't Believe
He was a king 'til she laid wastenow he can not fill up the spaceand I just see him driftingwhil...

3 Doors Down - Away From The Sun
It's down to this I've got to make this life make sense Can anyone tell what I've done I miss th...

3 Doors Down - Be Like That
He spends his nights in California, {He spent his whole life being to young,}Watching the stars on the big s...

3 Doors Down - By My Side
They blazed a trail I dared to runThey built this world and I have comeI need another, like a brother...

3 Doors Down - Dangerous Game
You stand before meNow we stare eye to eyeBefore another second clicks away, one of us will dieY...

3 Doors Down - Down Poison
Ive dreamed about this,Sixteen days awayNow youre here, And my head lays besides your body, ...

3 Doors Down - Duck And Run
To this world Im unimportant Just because I have nothing to giveSo you call this your free country...

3 Doors Down - Going Down In Flames
Dont tell me what to think Cause I dont care this timeDont tell me what you believeCause you won...

3 Doors Down - I Feel You
They gave me a life thats not so easy to liveAnd then they sent me on my wayI left my love and forgot ...

3 Doors Down - It's Not Me
Nevermind the face that you put onIn front of meAnd nevermind the painYou've put me ..through...

3 Doors Down - Kryptonite
I took a walk around the world To ease my troubled mindI left my body laying somewhereIn the san...

3 Doors Down - Landing In London
I woke up today in LondonAs the plane was touching downAnd all I could think about was mondayAnd...

3 Doors Down - Life Of My Own
Living risky,never scared, wanderCloser to the edgeNothing valued think no fear, Always wo...

3 Doors Down - Live For Today
Show me the road and i will find my ownYou build your bridges and i'll burn em downSo far away and all...

3 Doors Down - Loser
Breathe in right away, Nothing seems to fill this placeI need this every time, Take your lies ge...

3 Doors Down - Never Will I Break
Lay me downWash this blood off my hands for me while I cry outDon't let me die before I go to sleep...

3 Doors Down - Not Enough
Seven days underpaidGotta give it upGot no time for this life thatIm livin upShackled down...

3 Doors Down - Right Where I Belong
There's a difference in spending time with meAnd killing time while I'm thereOn too many people and to...

3 Doors Down - Running Out Of Days
Theres too much work and Im spentTheres too much pressure and I'm bentI got no time to move ahead...

3 Doors Down - Sarah Yellin'
She says, I got something to sayShe knows what she says will change everythingShe's laid through so ma...

3 Doors Down - Smack
Rubber headed motor junky, Run me down and try to stomp meThrow my life away, and Ill be worthless...

3 Doors Down - So I Need You
If you could stepinto my head, tellMe would you still know meIf you woke up in my bed, Tel...

3 Doors Down - The Better Life
Im about to be on the floor again, Surely youre gonna find me hereIm about to sleep until the end of t...

3 Doors Down - The Real Life
I wanted to find somewhere to hideAnd I opened up and left those fears insideAnd I wanted to be anyone...

3 Doors Down - The Road I'm On
She said life's a lot to think about sometimesWhen you're living in between the linesAnd all the stars...

3 Doors Down - Ticket To Heaven
Im walking a wire, feel likes a thousand ways I could fallTo want is to buy, but to live is to die and you c...

3lw - Ahh Hell Nah
[Verse 1:]Woke upCouldn't hardly sleep cause it was XmasRan downstairs to open gifts up...

3lw - Ain't No Maybe
This ain't no maybe, babyToday is my day that I know fo shoGotta speak first, gotta let you know...

3lw - Be Like That
Be like thatwhy can't we, you and me, we justBe like thatmore than friends more than we ever bee...

3lw - Christmas In Tha Hood
[Verse 1:]Guess who rolled up? Big S with the D rolled upGirls jockin so the G's loc up, know w...

3lw - Christmas Love
[Verse 1:]Early in the morningI smell the breakfastMama's gone and dressed up the table...

3lw - Could've Been You
Don't even try to step to me nowWhen i was feel'n you, you gave me thumbs downYou had your other woman...

3lw - Crazy
[Verse 1 (Kiely)]I don't apologize, that i have compromised myself and other guy.Its you ...

3lw - Crush On You
YeahYeah, yeahYeahYeahYeah, yeahYeah[1] - Boy, I got a crush on y...

3lw - Curious
There's some things on my mindI don't know that I should be thinkin'Am I wastin' my time thinkin' 'bou...

3lw - Funny
Funny how love feelsfunny how love can befunny how love feels feels[verse 1]I...

3lw - Gettin' Too Heavy
Sitting here chillin' with you (yeah)You're getting close boyBut I'm playing it cool (cool)I mus...

3lw - Ghetto Love And Heartbreak
OoohOoohYeahIt's been almost a year since we first metand that's the day that I'll never f...

3lw - Good Good Girl
[Verse 1 (Adrienne)]Should I give you some,That is the question and will it change the way you ...

3lw - Hate 2 Luv U
UH OH (Kiely) 3-L-Dub babyWe got another oneNine LivesIt was the wrong day the wrong month...

3lw - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
[Verse 1:]Have yourself a merry little ChristmasLet your heart be lightFrom now on our tr...

3lw - I'm Gonna Make You Miss Me
[Intro]Hey (yeah)Ehh (what)Hey, yeah yeahC'mon (c'mon)(Here we go)...

3lw - Is You Feelin' Me?
Boy you knowYou got me really feelin' youI don't know what you doing to meBut keep it up, keep i...

3lw - Leave Wit You (i Think I Wanna)
[intro:]uh-huh, uh-huhuh-huh, uh-huh[verse 1:]lookin' familiar, i don'...

3lw - More Than Friends
That's right... That's right... Sometimes I wish we were more than just friends I know tha...

3lw - More Than Friends (that's Right)
That's rightThat's right[1] - Sometimes I wish we were more than just friendsI know...

3lw - Naughty On Christmas
[Verse 1:]You and me together aloneFireplace, watchin the snowHolding me up in your arms,...

3lw - Never Let Go
Hey girls did you know that pretty boys ain't in no moreYou better find you a love you can trust and respect...

3lw - Not This Time
[Intro]Not this time, not this timeNot this time, not this timeNot this time, not this ti...

3lw - Ocean
He who stands by meThrough the stormy weatherThrough good times and badAlways there for me...

3lw - One More Time
Lullabies, butterflies and goodbyes make me cry (oh my)They all remind me of you (yeah)In the trees ho...

3lw - Parents Just Don't Understand
[Nick Cannon:]Peace Out[3lw, (Lil' Romeo):]Romeo (Parents Just Don't Underst...

3lw - Playas Gon' Play
[Intro]The hit makerThe playas gon' playThem haters gonna hateThem callers gonna ca...

3lw - Put Em Up
[Verse 1]i saw this guy 6 foot 3, talking on his cellie, looking at me, i liked his vibe, the magnul...

3lw - Santa's Coming
[Verse 1:]Christmas time is when night comes and snow fallsThe season's filled with cheer...

3lw - Shady Holiday
[Verse 1:]My mama told me that you was kinda badShe said a guy like you ain't my kinda man...

3lw - Take You Home For Christmas
[Verse 1:]I'm feelin what you gotBoy you hotI wanna put a lock on youI wanna get my...

3lw - This Goes Out
My mom and dem don't like ya, my friends all think you triflin,but I don't feel quite like them, in fact I'm...

3lw - This Year (it's All About You)
[Intro:]"I spent this whole year, doin' my thang, just thinkin' bout me, but that's about to change,...

3lw - Til I Say So
[1] - I can tell that you're feelin' meAnd from the corner of my eyeI see you checkin' me...

3 Of A Kind - Baby Cakes
I just want you to know oh ohThat I think our love will grow yeah yeahBaby cakesYou just d...

3rd Edge - I Dont Really Want You
Aaaah Wot wot - listen - check itAaaah - hecticFriday night now with the bouncin' sound ...

3rd Edge - In And Out
[Intro Ad Lib:]Sexy Underground, Egh! In and out, up and down In and out, up and do...

3rd Edge - Know You Wanna
[Verse 1 Tom]Girl I wanna be your lover Anytime, anywhere you'll discover When I fr...

3rd Storee - I'm Sorry
[Verse I:]I know I said it I know I did itMaybe I went overboard to prove a point But som...

3rd Strike - All Lies
Liescatholic faith, american pride, marital vows, the perfect bridefallin' in love, trust in man, some...

3rd Strike - Blind My Eyes
I can see that you cant seethe blind leads the blindone voice one mindguess you bought the facad...

3rd Strike - Breathe It Out
We gotta stop it cuz we cant feed this diseasetoo many dead and too many living on their kneesheavenly...

3rd Strike - City's On Fire
Burnmy cit's on fireburnmodern day tragedycrim on the risepolice brutalitymy r...

3rd Strike - Flow Heat
Resist one more time walked the lineburning through the pages of my lifecuz i cant help myself decide...

3rd Strike - Hang On
the past is gonefading like the sunsetfills me up insidedropping like a death threatwell i...

3rd Strike - Lisa
You convinced youself you had nothingnothing left to givein this world filled with painyou memor...

3rd Strike - No Light
Look away cuz i'm stange in my mindlets make a place for meso i feel right insidelost what...

3rd Strike - Paranoid
Finished with my womancause she couldn't help me with my mindpeople think i'm insanebecause i'm ...

3rd Strike - Redemption
Would you let me take controlif i told you that i would never love anotherbuild a prison for you soul...

3rd Strike - Strung Out
Listen to me jesusthis disease deceives ustakes us for a flightthen shoots us downwe need ...

3rd Strike - Walked Away
Feels so cold to be abandonedi cant see past what you have donememoried how they fade awaynow yo...

40 Below Summer - Alienation
What it cost me to assimilate myselfIt engulfed me and turned me into someone elseIt is crashing right...

40 Below Summer - A Season In Hell
This, this a dark this is a place I can't escape would you leave me hereLying in wait hanging like baits str...

40 Below Summer - Awakening
I can't believe it's so hollow in here in this holeI can't conceive this time is borrowed nowI can't g...

40 Below Summer - Better Life
Take that weight off your shouldersIt's kinda hard when it keeps getting colder insideThere's no heart...

40 Below Summer - Breathless
You believe every word I say and always took the time to understandYou took my breath away, is that you slip...

40 Below Summer - Drown
Chase this tease into the open waveAnd take this leash into your inner slaveFollow me into the open en...

40 Below Summer - Falling Down
It's gonna bite today (right) to open a can of pain (wrong)Sun scorched and blistering (run) - do you know t...

40 Below Summer - Jonesin'
And I want you - and I need toCut you and hold you in place - as I rip you apartThis blood on my face ...

40 Below Summer - Minus One
So come on turn me loose And keep it tight - tight like that nooseWhat's wrong with this picture...

40 Below Summer - Monday Song
Life is lost for me, and everything I dreamPicture me above the sky on this half day closingRide the w...

40 Below Summer - Power Tool
I shut your eyes and I fed you liesI'm up inside - now I cannot hidethose burns on your skinand ...

40 Below Summer - Rain
It's cold it's hard and I'm locked inside thisI've gone too far I can't rectify thisI walk away fallin...

40 Below Summer - Rejection
Why'd you take that away from me -Just one taste and I needed a little more of your sweet honeyI want ...

40 Below Summer - Rope
Hallow this - and maybe you can swallow this - I don't knowI guess it always seems that something in this li...

40 Below Summer - Self Medicate
Can you hear yourself, free yourself, fuck yourselfCan you fix yourself, fill yourself, trust yourself...

40 Below Summer - Smile Electric
One time in my life......It won't be such a painJust a couple of guys with the vibe in every way...

40 Below Summer - Step Into The Sideshow
Come step up to the plateAnd please allow me to demonstrateAs you step into the rear of the sideshow b...

40 Below Summer - Still Life
Make this clear in a statementAnd break me here through the pavementAnd I can trust in the silence...

40 Below Summer - Taxi Cab Confession
Close your eyes and come with me to a new placewhere we are unstoppableInhale and let the smoke fill y...

40 Below Summer - We The People
We the people must JUMP!It's all insane - for this - for shameTo walk inside this life - that's ...

40 Below Summer - Wither Away
Is it all just a shape, a twist of fate, that leaves me openWill it all fade away, from my life, and leave m...

The 411 - Between The Sheets
What was wrong with you?What was wrong with me?We can put it all behindWhen we get between the s...

The 411 - Can't Fight Love
See i'm the one that loves youShe never deserved youSorry if it hurts herBut i've gotta have you...

The 411 - Chance
When you see me in the club with another guyRemember it was you who said goodbyeYou expected me to sit...

The 411 - China Girl
How do you find a place to sleepWhen there's nowhere to goLife must be a living hell to youOnly ...

The 411 - Dumb
Above the feeling This is revealing Boy i didnt know you cared Mustve been up on the weekend ...

The 411 - Forever Begins
Her eyes they glisten in the sunAs she watches the day become (night)As the dark draws inAnd the...

The 411 - I Don't Wanna Talk About It
[Spoken](I know 'bout your girlfriend)(I found out from her friend)(There's no point deny...

The 411 - Jumpin'
I feel like jumpin'I feel like shoutin' outI feel like movin'And i feel like groovin' nowL...

The 411 - My Friend
(Till the end...)(Till the end...)My friend Kelly's got a problem in her lifeShe's got a m...

The 411 - Teardrops
Too many times you crossed the line,but you came crawling back to me,Sayin 'We can be friends, it's no...

The 411 - What If It Was You?
Seen her on the streetsSelling her body just to make ends meetEveryday is the same sad storyShe ...

4 Non Blondes - Calling All The People
How can you tell when your wellness is not well make no mistakes now please do excuse my i...

504 Boyz - Beefing
Huh!Ha!Yea(Let's go get this bitch ass nigga)Let me tell you a little story about......

504 Boyz - Big Toys
[Krazy]What what what what what[Chorus][Krazy]Who talkin noise?...

504 Boyz - Get Back
[Chorus: Master P]Hey hoe (Trick get off me), Better watch them elbows, (Bitch get off me)Nigga...

504 Boyz - If You Real, Keep It Real
SoldiersBe all you can beThis No Limit shit tho...We in this for lifeThis not just a job b...

504 Boyz - Life Is Serious
[Chorus 2x's][Erica Foxx]Life is serious out here on these streets Got us curious ...

504 Boyz - Moving Things
Baby baby get up what? You'e already late for workWhat time is it? Its 10 30Oh yeah I forgot ton...

504 Boyz - Souljas
"Anyone contesting Tha Dogg Pound, guaranteed instant death"- [RBX][Snoop Dogg]It'...

504 Boyz - Thug Girl 2
Hoody-Hoowhere they at, where they atwhere the thug girls at(Over Here Whodi)where they at...

504 Boyz - Uptown
[Taxi]Did you call a taxi[Master P]Yea[Taxi]Where you going my ...

504 Boyz - Whodi
[Master P:]our mission is to get money, power, and bitches, ya heard me?ha ha (hootie hoo)...

504 Boyz - Wobble Wobble
Yo', this Jay-tweezie keeping it live for the heezieFor cheezy with them 504 Boyz you dig, check itThi...

50 Cent - 50 Bars
50 Bars of pleasure 50 bars of pain When I'm dead and gone niggaz gonna remember my name 50 [...

50 Cent - A Baltimore Love Thing
[Intro- 50 Cent]She loves me, she loves me notYeah she loves me not[Verse 1- 50 ...

50 Cent - After My Cheddar
Aye what's upYo this is 50 Cent and I'm here with my man DJ On PointAnd you know why his name is On Po...

50 Cent - Back Down
Yea, G-G-G-G-G-UNIT! (G-UNIT!)Ha ha...[Chorus: 50 Cent]It's easy to see when ...

50 Cent - Bad News
Lloyd Banks in the house, bad newsTony Yayo in the house, bad news50 cent in the house, bad news whene...

50 Cent - Banks Workout
[50 Cent]I hear a lotta talkin niggaz must be mad at BANKSBut there only one problem niggaz ain...

50 Cent - Be A Gentleman
[Chorus]It's best you be a gentlemanand you watch what you say (bwahh nigga take that)Or ...

50 Cent - Build You Up
[Jamie Foxxx]La la la la la laOoh I'd lie for you babyOoh I'd die for you baby...

50 Cent - Bump Dat Street Mix
[Tony Yayo]New ShitTony Yayo, 50 Cent c'mon[HOOK: 50 Cent]Bump Dat...

50 Cent - Clue / 50
Yeah niggaWe gonna smoke this motherfucker right here, rightWe gonna smoke this shitAnd I'ma dri...

50 Cent - Clue Shit!
[ Intro - 50 Cent talking ]You know Clue man, I'm tryin' to holler at this bitch right and I'm like...

50 Cent - Corner Bodega
[50 Cent]Aight, check this shit outY'all niggaz gon' stay in the carI'm'a go right over h...

50 Cent - Cutmaster C Shit
[Intro]New York City (New York City), you are now rackin' with 50 Cent (with 50 Cent)Are you re...

50 Cent - Da Repercussions
[Talking]Uh huh, Uh huh, five, five, one... it's real shit nigga[Chorus]You ...

50 Cent - Disco Inferno
[Hook x2]Lil' mama show me how you move it,Go ahead put ya back into it,Do ya thang like ...

50 Cent - Doo Wop Freestyle
Aiyo, I know these niggas don't like meBut I don't like none of ya'll niggas, you know what I'm sayin5...

50 Cent - Fuck You
[Chorus: scratching]Pain In Da Ass "Fuck You" [3x]Styles "I don't give a fuck" [3x]...

50 Cent - Funk Flex
Funk FlexYeah, G-UnitYou understand whats about to happen?huh .. huh? (do you understand?)...

50 Cent - Get In My Car
[Intro]UhhhhhYeahUhhhhhYeah[Verse 1]I'm a straight guerill...

50 Cent - Get Out The Club
[50 Cent-talking over beat]It's gangsta niggaIt's too gangsta niggaI keep it gangsta nigg...

50 Cent - Ghetto Qua Ran
[talking]Uh huh, uh huh, uh huhSouthside, what y'all niggas know about the dirty south?On...

50 Cent - God Gave Me Style
[Chorus]God gave me styleGod gave me graceGod gave me styleGod gave me graceG...

50 Cent - Got Me A Bottle
[Chorus]We can do whatever it is you want that you want to doLong as I can spend the whole nigh...

50 Cent - Gotta Make It To Heaven
[Hook]I gotta make it to heaven, for going through hellGotta make it to heaven, gotta make it t...

50 Cent - Green Lantern
[gunshots]50 Cent... Shady... Aftermath... the dream teamWe gotta get the get well cards... nig...

50 Cent - G-unit Soldiers
[Tony Yayo]Yea... Lloyd Banks, Tony Yayo[50 Cent]Yea...Niggas salute me...

50 Cent - G-unit That's What's Up
[ Intro - 50 Cent talking ]Oh, oh, Gggga Gggga G-UNIT (UNIT, haha), yeah, it's 50 CENT (CENT)an...

50 Cent - Gun Runners
[Phone ringing][Fifty]Aww man...who the fuck is callin'?..I don't even wanna answe...

50 Cent - Gunz Come Out
[Chorus x2]Ya'll niggas know (wut wut ya'll niggas know what I'm about)Ya'll niggas know, find ...

50 Cent - Heat
[Skit]"Aye you want some of this shit""Naw, I don't want that shit""I don't give a fuck, ...

50 Cent - High All The Time
[Chorus]I don't need Dom Perignon, I don't need CrisTanqueray and Alize, I don't need shit...

50 Cent - I Don't Need 'em
[Intro]YeahIt is what it is manUh huh[Verse 1]Sirens flashin', y...

50 Cent - If I Can't
Yea, ha ha, yea, yea[Hook: 50 Cent]If I can't do it, homie, it can't be doneNow I'm...

50 Cent - I'm A Hustler
Rule number one don't go against the grainRule number two give respect where respect dueRule number th...

50 Cent - I'm Supposed To Die Tonight
[Intro - 50 Cent]Ahh manYou know where the niggas be at right?Take me to 'em...

50 Cent - In Da Club
[50 Cent]Go, go, go, goGo, go, go shortyIt's your birthdayWe gon' party like it's y...

50 Cent - In My Hood
[Verse 1]Niggas screw they face up at meOn some real shit son, they don't want beefI cock...

50 Cent - Intro
[CD opening][Lady Speaking:]To all my fans, Love 50 CentHappy Valentin...

50 Cent - Just Fuckin' Around
[50 Cent]You can hum all you want toCum all you want toBut I ain't gon' want youIf ...

50 Cent - Killa Tape Intro
New York City...You are now rockin with 50 cent..Are you ready?[Gun click]I said ar...

50 Cent - Life's On The Line
Nobody likes meNobody likes me, but that's okayCuz I don't like y'all anyway...And I don't like ...

50 Cent - Material Girl 2000
If a bitch don't like meSomethin' wrong with the bitch (fuck that bitch)Why... oh why... why... you wa...

50 Cent - My Toy Soldier
[Intro- 50 Cent]You ready? OK let me wind you upDo it exactly the way i say do itman, the...

50 Cent - Outta Control
[Intro - 50 Cent]YeahShadyAftermath[Chorus - 50 Cent]I guess you...

50 Cent - Piggy Bank
[Chorus x2- 50 Cent]Clickity clank clickity clankThe money goes into my piggy bank...

50 Cent - P.i.m.p.
[Chorus]I don't know what you heard about meBut a bitch can't get a dollar out of meNo Ca...

50 Cent - Places To Go
yeahShadyAftermathG-UnitI got places to go, I got people to see,The peni...

50 Cent - Poor Lil Rich
[Verse 1]I let my watch talk for me, my whip talk for meMy gat talk for me, BOW! What up homie...

50 Cent - Power Of The Dollar
[Talking]Ya'll niggas wanna get high, well we gonna get high thenThis shit right here is drugs,...

50 Cent - Rotten Apple
[50 Cent]I'm on parole, I used to be on probaaaaaationI'm with my gun I get full coporaaaaaatio...

50 Cent - Rowdy Rowdy
[50 Cent]Yo LA niggaz are the rowdy niggazNew Orleans niggaz is rowdy niggaD.C. niggaz is...

50 Cent - Ryder Music
[Intro]YeahYeah we can ride to thisJust lay back, crew[Verse 1]H...

50 Cent - Ski Mask Way
[Intro]YeahI'm Tryin to catch me sumthinI'ma catch you sumthin[Chorus]...

50 Cent - Slow Dough
Trackmasters, 99 shitHuh uh, huh uh, yea[Chorus]Slow dough, is better than no dough...

50 Cent - So Amazing
[Chorus- Olivia]Summer, winter, spring, and fallI'll be around to catch ya callsCause you...

50 Cent - Stretch Armstrong Freestyle
[50 Cent]Uh, yeah, 50 CentIt's Murda Mix Tape Vol. 3Whoo Kid, Stretch Armstrong nigga...

50 Cent - Surrounded By Hoes
[Chorus: repeat 2X]Everywhere I'm at everywhere I go, I stay surrounded by hoesEven when I'm tr...

50 Cent - That Ain't Gangsta
[Verse 1:]How you gonna take this? like a Man or a bitch?you gon' get it on nigga or you gon' s...

50 Cent - The Good Die Young
[Fifty talkin' to himself]Yo, you know what I want? I want the beat to drop niggas b...

50 Cent - The Hit
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh[Chorus]I change places, to prevent catchin' the casesRaces, ...

50 Cent - This Is 50
[Intro]This is 50[Chorus]I don't know what you take me forI really don...

50 Cent - Till I Collapse Freestyle
50 Cent... Shady Records (Shady Records)Eminem (Eminem)...Dr. Dre (Dr. Dre)GGGGGGGG G-unit...

50 Cent - U Heard Me
[50 Cent]Uh huh...yeaVerse 1Shorty the Henny got me feeling rightYa heard me?...

50 Cent - U Not Like Me
NYPD, LAPD, NYPD (When it's on, that's who you get, huh?)NYPD, LAPD, NYPD (That's your motherfuckin' click, ...

50 Cent - U Should Be Here
[Intro]YEAH!, (yeah), your rockin' wit the toast of New YorkTony Yayo (Tony Yayo), Lloyd Banks ...

50 Cent - Wanksta
[Intro: 50 Cent]It's 50 a.k.a Ferrari F-50Break it downI got a lot of living to do before...

50 Cent - What Up Gangsta?
G-Unit (What)We in here (What)We can get the drama poppingWe don't care (What, what, what)...

50 Cent - Whoo Kid
[50 Cent talking][Hook]You want beef wit me? take a number, and get in lineY...

50 Cent - Whoo Kid Kayslay Shit!
[Intro - 50 Cent - talking, breathing noises in background]Hey pass that nigga, we gettin' high...

50 Cent - You Ain't No Gangsta
[50 Cent]Look If you ain't worth a mil, you ain't far from brokeGot anought heart to sell weed ...

5ive - 12345
Are you ready for attack?Yeah, Yeah, YeahStargate ah yeahYeah [etc]Five have ...

5ive - All Around
We've been all around the world,Seen so many things,And tasted all the good things that life can bring...

5ive - Battlestar
Yo I'm a battlestar knight like I'm jedi Rough to the tough but I'm sharper than the geam in your eye ...

5ive - Breakdown
Breakdown (are you looking for a breakdown)Shakedown (maybe a shakedown baby)If youre looking fo...

5ive - Can You Jam
[Chorus] Can you jam with all the freaks tonight? Can you jam? Just rock your body right, ...

5ive - Closer To Me
Constantly girl you're on my mind, and girl I think about you all of the time and even though words ar...

5ive - C'mon C'mon
Lately I've been thinking that I don't feel like I used to do. I'm trying to keep my two feet on the ground....

5ive - Cold Sweat
Girl you're kinda freakygot something bout your smileand when you bounce it up and downI can't b...

5ive - Coming Back For More
[Chorus]If you're coming back for more, Then get ready, Get ready, Cos everthing Ive got ...

5ive - Don't Fight It Baby
(Check it out) (Here we go) (Right)Why do u call up and fight with your feeling'sGirl weve been ...

5ive - Don't Wanna Let You Go
[Chorus:]Don't wanna let you goWe just wanna tell youJust wanna let you knowThat we...

5ive - Don't You Want It
Don't you want it can't you feel itthere's something in the air tonight10,9,8,7,6,5Don't y...

5ive - Everybody Get Up
[Chorus]Everybody get up singing1,2,3,4, Five will make you get down now(Baby bring it on...

5ive - Everyday
Everyday I got you on my mindEverydayI just keepIt all inside You got me trippin'...

5ive - Feel The Love
Sometimes I get to thinkingAnd I cant controlThoughts on my mindTheyre playing on my soulW...

5ive - Got The Feelin'
Na na na na na na na nah [x4]Here we go again with the beatsWe got you heads bumping, now...

5ive - Hear Me Now
If you think youre readyLet the games beginJust roll the dice nowMay the best player winMa...

5ive - How Do Ya Feel?
We wont stop. We dont even know how to stop. Ya see, with positive minds, We create positi...

5ive - Human
I'm only humanof flesh and blood, I'm madeHuman ... born to make mistakes[Chorus:]...

5ive - If Ya Gettin Down
If ya getting down babyI want it now babyCome and get it on babyI want it not babyI ...

5ive - Inspector Gadget
go mr gadget go thats the namespell it out till it don't sound the sameits the g-a-d to the g-e-t...

5ive - Invincible
I gotta find a way, to find a better day without youAnd thoughts are hard to say, I miss you every day...

5ive - It's All Over
[Chorus:]Girl (It's all over)This time (It's all over)I swear (It's all over)on my ...

5ive - It's Alright
Alright Oh baby Alright I need some time to get my head round the things you said to me Th...

5ive - It's The Things You Do
It's the things you dothat have made me fallso in love with youYou can have it allWhat els...

5ive - Keep On Movin'
I woke up today with this feeling. Better things are coming my way. I know the sunshine has a meaning,...

5ive - Lay All Your Lovin On Me
his one right here, is for all you freaks! Get it on (c'mon) Now I know what I like and I like what yo...

5ive - Let's Dance
(If you wanna dance,This is our chance,If you wanna dance,Let's take our chance)Jiggy jump...

5ive - Let's Dance (radio Edit)
Jiggy jump to the beatAnd keep bouncing30 seconds and countingHot one, this choice critical...

5ive - Let's Get It On
Never knew someone could make me feel like you do, 'cause it's true. You got me prayin' that this love...

5ive - Mr Z
Exuse me can you help me straighting out my head?O gotta new friend by the name of Mr ZWell what's wro...

5ive - My Song
So here's ho wit started, it started with a beata beat in my head and it wouldn't go awayso I added a ...

5ive - On Top Of The World
Come on!Got up outta bed today, I was feelin' on top, yeahLooking forward to a brighter day with the g...

5ive - Partyline 555 On-line
You can call me anytime babyPick up the phone dial 555 On line[Chorus:]Let's have a...

5ive - Reminiscing
Yo i've got a little story that I'd like to addressto individuals gotta get it off of my chestit...

5ive - Rock The Party
My time to burn so sit back and check the way I come through in the discotheque.I know you like what I...

5ive - Satisfield
Going round in circles baby, Trying to think how I'm gonna get with you, I think about you all of the ...

5ive - Serious
Yeah, (hahahah) yeah, yeah, yeah Boogie down, boogie down You gotta get serious What, what come ...

5ive - Shake
Ladies and GentlemenLive from Madison funky garden ... FiveLet's get ready to rumble[Ch...

5ive - Slam Dunk Da Funk
Five bad boys with the power to rock youBlowing your mind so you gotta get intoFive, whatcha waiting f...

5ive - Something In The Air
Reminisce girl on the way that it was,Everything that I had was yours,Give me kiss girl like you used ...

5ive - Stop Pushing Me
Stop pushing meI never felt like this beforeIt's just something in meI need to close another doo...

5ive - Straight Up Funk
[Chorus:]Straight up funk in your earIf you really want itIt's over here [x2]...

5ive - Sunshine
All i gotta do Is get it through to you you take my hand and let me lead you away same old words...

5ive - Switch
You gotta stop, listen up Checking out my beats Know the day uniques Got ya jumping out ya seats...

5ive - Take Your Chances On Me
You was down and I wasn't around,so I just wanna let you know how I feel.I guess I know that you're ne...

5ive - That's What You Told Me
That's what you told me babyThat's what you told me babyThat's what you told me babyYou drive me...

5ive - The Heat
You freak rhyming check the way I'm getting on the ground. Make you shake that front and wiggle your behind....

5ive - Two Sides To Every Story
Yeh, Yeh, C'MonTwo sides, from the heartWell, It's alright, alrightWanna know a bout...

5ive - Until The Time Is Through
Now and forever, Until the time is throughI can't believe it, I don't know where to start, No ba...

5ive - We're Going All Night (you Make Me High)
Bring that break funk 'cause I'm here giving what you want like spread got time to stop got time to pe...

5ive - We Will Rock You
Buddy you're a boyMake a big noise playin' in the streetGonna be a big man some dayYou got blood...

5ive - When I Remember When
All the things I said, I should have said and didn't say, And I wonder why. Yes, I wonder why. ...

5ive - When The Lights Go Out
Yeah, I like that, You know what I mean,You're looking kinda fly tonight girl, What's up, Check it!...

5ive - World Of Mine
Ive been trying to ease my mind From this life that I have been thrown intoI no longer know who to tru...

5ive - You And I
Oh, You and I.The time we spent together ends too soon, Like sunsets to the moon, So brief...

5ive - You Make Me A Better Man
There's something bout your eyes That makes me search my soul They make me try to realise I'm tr...

702 - All I Want
[Chorus:]All I want is someone I can talk to,Someone who will listen to what I have to say....

702 - Betcha She
[VERSE 1]Ive been watching youWondering when youWhen you gon notice that Ive been l...

702 - Better Day (ghetto Girl)
Heres the story bout a ghetto girlLivin in a ghetto worldAgainst the world aloneProblems in her ...

702 - Blah Blah Blah Blah
[INTRO]Hey girl, hey, where u been? Yo phone still on? I been tryin to reach u.My mans them sai...

702 - Certified
[Verse 1]Here we go again, youre about to cryIm about to listen to another niggas lieEver...

702 - Come & Knock On My Door
[VERSE 1]I anticipate- you told me that you wouldnt be lateBoy here I waitGot the candles...

702 - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
[Verse One:]So many nights, I felt your beating heart,As we went deep in the dark,I watch...

702 - Feelings
Something about you I cant live without youWant u to be with me-yeahGot me loosing control...

702 - Finally
[Verse One:]I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see,I couldn't think, I could not believe,How ...

702 - Finding My Way
[Verse One:]I'm so glad to see you,I can't believe what I've found.You got yourself toget...

702 - Get Down Like Dat
[Verse One:]New in the neighborhood, looking good to me,She's by your side, I can't deny,...

702 - Get It Together
[Chorus:]I don't really wanna stay,I don't really wanna go,But I really need to know,...

702 - Gotta Leave
[Verse One:]You got me pulling my hair,From all your fussin' and fighting.And you came in...

702 - I'm Wit It
[VERSE]You got a lot of characterThe way that you carry yourselfThe way you talk to me...

702 - Jealousy

702 - Let Your Hair Down
[Hook:]Let ya hair downWhen youre up in the club and dont wanna get crunkLet ya hair down...

702 - Make Time
[Verse One:]You say you wanna be the one,But still you leave the job undone.You're only c...

702 - No Doubt
[Chorus:]We gotta get down,To what it's all about.See I want you,And that's no doub...

702 - Not Gonna
[Intro:]I've got to find me a new guy.Uh, supa fly,Orish, 702, hot, come on....

702 - No Way
[VERSE 1]Everything you do is gonna hurt you(you should know thats)just how things are bo...

702 - Places
[Verse 1]Youre the type that I dream about in my fantasyAnd no reason that we aint together far...

702 - Pootie Tangin'
If you think you pootie tangin'And you know that you're parlayingOn the dance floor shake your thing i...

702 - Round And Round
[Verse One:]Baby to the hip hop,Baby I won't stop,Tell me what's your sign,Is it co...

702 - Seven
[Verse One:]For so long,I was the one that you leaned on.Can't pretend,'Cuz my love...

702 - Show You My Love
[Chorus:]I know just what you need,Ooh let me love you please,I wanna show you my love....

702 - Steelo
[Verse One:]I'm gonna keep it real,How you make me feel,Boy you give me chills, baby....

702 - Steelo - Remix
Say 7, say 702.[repeat x3][Verse One:]Boy you're so fine(so fine),And ...

702 - Stringing Me Along

702 - Tell Your Girl
[Chorus:]Tell your girl to stop calling my phone,Tell her to get a life and leave us alone....

702 - Trouble
When youre alone with me I know that this could be..[Verse:]I cant help myself baby...

702 - What More Can He Do?
[Chorus:]What more can he do,Tell me what more can he do?He sent loving arms down from th...

702 - Where My Girls At?
[Verse One:]See, he's my property,And any girl that touches,I might just call your bluff,...

702 - Will You Be Ok?
[Chorus:]Will you be okay,If I go away?I wish that I could stay,Say you'll be okay....

702 - Word Iz Bond
Word iz bond[Repeat x4]On and on,Word iz bond.On and on,Word iz bond....

702 - You Don't Know
[Intro:]Yeah, 702, come on,Soulshock, Karlin,That's right.[Verse One:]...

702 - You'll Just Never Know
[Intro:]I bet you never imagined,That one day you'd look around,And I just wouldn't be th...

8ball & Mjg - Don't Make
[Chorus 2x]Don't make (Don't make)Me Kill (Me kill)No motherfucking body in here (in here...

8ball & Mjg - Intro
[P. Diddy speaking:]To be or not to be that is the question,Ball and G. that's the answer,...

8ball & Mjg - You Don't Want Drama
[Intro - P. Diddy]It's Bad Boy South Niggaz, Ball and GOrange Mound, the moment you been waitin...

911 - All I Want Is You
Ooh baby, oh ohAll I want is youBaby, I've tried but I can't help myselfCan't disguise the...

911 - A Night To Remember
[Chorus]Get ready, tonightGonna make this a night to rememberGet ready, oh baby, tonight...

911 - Baby Come Back To Me
Oh yeahBaby come back to meRemember how it used to beParadise is just out of reachBaby won...

911 - Bodyshakin'
[Chorus]You got my body shaking, sends a shiver to my soulI didn't get no warning, you got me s...

911 - Can't Stop
I just can't get you out of my mindThe first moment that you caught my eyeI was talking with your best...

911 - Carefree Lover
Chance allowed us to meetBut when all is said and doneIt wasn't meant to beAlthough we had such...

911 - Don't Make Me Wait
Oh listen babyDon't make me wait one more dayDon't you forsakeDon't make me waitDon'...

911 - Don't Walk Away
Can't believe we're standing hereSaying that we're leavingWhile holding back the tearsI remember...

911 - Hold On
Moonlight streets on your soft skin as you sleep tonightThese fallen dreams as I count every breath you brea...

911 - How Do You Want Me To Love You
Ha ha ha ha, alrightHa ha yeahHa ha ha ha ha ha yeahYeah yeahHow do you want me to love yo...

911 - Look Through Any Window
Look through any window, yeahWhat do you see?Smiling faces all aroundRushing through the busy to...

911 - Love Sensation
Don't go changing, rearrangingDon't go changing, rearrangingHold on to a love sensationIf you ev...

911 - Make You My Baby
Well, oh yeah yeahOh babyWatching the stars shine in the open sky, summer breezeLooking do...

911 - More Than A Woman
Do-do-do-do More than a woman Do-do-do-do Oh girl I've know you very well I've seen...

911 - Moving On
Moving on our wayMoving on our wayI will always rememberOur first days togetherIt fe...

911 - New Groove Generation
Eight o'clock and moving closeNow we're dressed to kill ready to goCause tonight we're in the mood...

911 - Nothing Stops The Rain
Get down baby, Funky,I said get get get on get on down, Funky,I said get get get on get on down...

911 - One More Try
Heart of the night, in slient skiesI watched the rain fall in the streetlightI'm hypnotised by your sw...

911 - Our Last Goodbye
Baby don't cryOpen your eyesHere in the dead of the nightLying here with you by my side...

911 - Party People...friday Night
[Chorus]Party people (hey)It's Friday nightRock this joint until the morning lightC...

911 - Rhythm Of The Night
When it feels like the world is on your shouldersAnd all the madness has got you goin' carzyIt's time ...

911 - Should've Been The One
My baby, should've been the oneLast night I was so scaredI couldn't close my eyesYou still live ...

911 - Take Good Care
Take good care of my heartTake good care of my heartTake good care of my heartI've been br...

911 - That's The Way
Hold on tight (hold on tight)We move so right (feel so right)I'll make you feel so aliveTh...

911 - The Day We Find Love
Isn't the first timeWon't be the last timeDon't you worry, I don't mean to make you sadMy ...

911 - The Journey
Time waits for no one, sure as the tide pulls the oceanSure as, the path that's been chosen, cannot be chang...

911 - The Swing
Every day is a Saturday, in the month of SpringSeems the world is full of girlsLookin' out for that lo...

911 - Vision In My Mind
I lie awake in the heart of the night,I just can't rest 'til you're by my sideStaring at the ceiling, ...

911 - Wonderland
Wey-oh, wey-ohWe'll be as one in wonder, wonderlandThrough my doubts Hold me high Th...

98 Degrees - Because Of You
You're my sunshine after the rainYou're the cure against my fear and my pain'Cause I'm losing my mind ...

98 Degrees - Can I Touch You There
You say you want a man to give you good lovin'You want the passion with the kissin' and the huggin'Bab...

98 Degrees - Can You Imagine
We've been walking in the same situationWe've been walking down the lonely roadTry to find the world, ...

98 Degrees - Come & Get It
Baby, baby I've been watchinyou watchin meSecretly sending,tender kisses casuallyAcross a ...

98 Degrees - Completely
I gotta come clean with you babyDo everything to make you seeI gotta be with you tonightThe thou...

98 Degrees - Don't Stop The Love
Some say that I'm professionalCause I know how to handle mineBe still be cool and wait awhileAnd...

98 Degrees - Dreaming
Dreaming of youEvery single day andevery single night of my lifeBut someone else is holding you ...

98 Degrees - Give It Up (interlude)
Hey yeahNow here's a storyOne we both knowAbout two peopleWhen they lost their self contro...

98 Degrees - Hand In Hand
One think I'm sure of isthat we will always beEven though the road seemsto get a little rough...

98 Degrees - Heaven's Missing An Angel
I hope the man upstairsisn't mad at meBecause I have one of his angelsAnd she's here with me...

98 Degrees - I Do (cherish You)
All I am, all I'll beEverything in this worldAll that I'll ever needIs in your eyesShining...

98 Degrees - If Every Day Could Be Christmas
If every day could be ChristmasWhat a wonderful world this would beWe could carry this feeling within ...

98 Degrees - If She Only Knew
If she only knewWhat I knew but couldn't sayIf she could just seeThe part of me that I hid away...

98 Degrees - I'll Be Home For Christmas
I'll be home for Christmas; You can count on me. Please have snow and mistletoe And presents on ...

98 Degrees - Intro
From the National Weather Service...There is a severe heat advisory ineffect all over the worldR...

98 Degrees - I Wanna Love You
Oh I, Oh II tell you over and overThat you don't know howyou make me feelI wanna kno...

98 Degrees - I Wasn't Over You
Girl no matter where I goI call you after every showIn your voice I hear a funny toneSomebody's ...

98 Degrees - Little Drummer Boy
Come they told me,pa rum pum pum pumA new born King to see,pa rum pum pum pumOur finest gi...

98 Degrees - Never Let Go
I never imagined a dream so clearUntil the day that you came inYou open my eyes bright in all of my da...

98 Degrees - Oh Holy Night
O holy night! The stars are brightly shining, It is the night of the dear Saviour's birth.Long lay the...

98 Degrees - Stay The Night
In the still of my heartThere's a fire that burns my sole's desireTouching me, like the sunhere ...

98 Degrees - Take My Breath Away
If I had castles built on highI'd find a million waysto write your nameAgainst the skyJust...

98 Degrees - The Christmas Song
Chestnuts roasting on an open fire Jack Frost nipping at your noseYuletide carols being sung by a choi...

98 Degrees - Was It Something I Didn't Say
Spending another night aloneWondering when I'm gonna ever see you againThinking what I would give to g...

98 Degrees - Why (are We Still Friends)
We do almost everything that lovers doAnd thats why its hard, just to be friends with youEvery time yo...

98 Degrees - You Are Everything
Today I saw somebodyWho looked just like you She walked like you do I thought it was you A...

A - 6 O'clock
6 o'clock on a tube stop, waiting for a subway trainOn my own, so alone, why does everybody look the same?...

A - Going Down
Suck it up, we're going down30 seconds 'till we smash into the groundThe passengers have lost their sm...

A - Good Time
I saw You in a photographI saw You and You made me laughYou couldnt stop it goin onYou know You ...

A - Hi-fi Serious
Right back at you, record threeMakes you wish that you were me'Cos we got no job for lifeBuild '...

A - Nothing
NothingAnd nothing's where you're atWhen you ain't got somethingYou'll never get it backIt...

A - Pacific Ocean Blue
It's OK to beat the living shit from the drum kitIt's OK to take what you don't have, if you want it ...

A - Rush Song
On and on like a Rush song, like a long oneYou're the miss in the partnership, yeah the right oneThere...

A - Shut Yer Face
So come out fighting, second's outWho's the daddy? Well there's no doubtGot one thing on your brain, y...

A - Something's Going On
Somethings going onI don't know what I didBut it worked out fine again Got you in my song...

A - Starbucks
She's over it, she cannot take no more yeahDon't wanna quit but that's a pretty nice door yeahI got a ...

A - The Distance
We go the distance till there's nowhere left to goIt's complicated, don't you hate what you've become? Oh ye...

A - The Springs
Air on the streets, lights on the treesEight days a week, singer's diseaseI wanna be where the sun mee...

A - Took It Away
Five pretty boys for ten shitty yearsFive girls next door, I'm up to my earsI need a reaction, a new r...

A - Why Don't You Cry About It?
I'm so tired, I need sleepI'm talking to my pillow case, what's wrong with me?I make mistakes, but the...

A1 - 2:59
[Mark:] Sunday football I got boot off the pitch Some people gamble as a way to get rich I gott...

A1 - Be First To Believe

A1 - Caught In The Middle
[Paul:] You said that love was just a state of mind A puzzle made of pieces you can't find And ...

A1 - Celebrate Our Love
Believe in your heartNo matter what the people might say. The chance you take could take you to the to...

A1 - Cherish This Love
Sorry for making you cry For turning away As you walk on by But baby I need to be strong A...

A1 - Crazy For Leaving You
CrazyThe crazy things I heard you say Im mad about you all the same I never really saw the crime Yet ...

A1 - Do You Remember?
Looking back on yesterdayMemories won't fade awayI can't forget the love we madeSo beautiful , w...

A1 - Everytime

A1 - Forever In Love
Love leads to laughterLove leads to painWith you by my sideI feel good times againNe...

A1 - Heaven By Your Side

A1 - Here Comes The Rain
There's a chill in the airLooks like the winter is returnin'You know I have to stay Until I find...

A1 - Hey You

A1 - If I Can't Have You
Another picture on the wallAnother life I used to liveAnother meaning once untrueWith every memo...

A1 - If Only

A1 - I'll Take The Tear
Don't speak, seal your lips. Please don't say a word, maybe I won't remember the words I have not heard. ...

A1 - Isn't It Cheap
This punky clubwas spinning fores off a funky teeI'm on the floor and she's watching meGuess she was f...

A1 - I Still Believe

A1 - I Wonder Why
I'm tired of fighting, got a fever when you try to get out. (Out, out, out) I've tried but I can't understan...

A1 - Learn To Fly
When you feel the dream is overFeel the world is on your shouldersAnd you lost the strength to carry o...

A1 - Let It Out
[Mark:]You said you need a groom this evening I told you I'm leaving Till you begged me t...

A1 - Like A Rose

A1 - Livin' The Dream
Where have you been all my life? Where have you come from? Is this your first time too? It's lik...

A1 - Make It Good
When you're weary, When you're down and outLay your hands on me [x2]I count my blessings,...

A1 - Make It Through The Night
She's all aloneMaking her way to a cold, empty home Nobody waiting and no one to holdShe's holdi...

A1 - No More
You say we'll work it out, then you say you're having doubts. Tell me walk away, but then you'll go insane. ...

A1 - Nothing But Trouble
Let me tell you about this girl that once was mineOnce upon a time she's nothing but trouble. Up...

A1 - One In Love
Have you seen the sunset, fade beneath a rain cloud? Have you ever chased your dreams away?Did you eve...

A1 - One Last Song
Take my hand, touch my faceLet me feel your embraceLet me see in your eyesThat you wont say good...

A1 - One More Try
Could be your eyes, could be your smile. Could be the way you freed my mind.Your precious touch ...

A1 - Power Of Desire
[Chris:] Fallin' for a fantasyI threw away my destinyI don't know where to stopFeelin' br...

A1 - Ready Or Not

A1 - Same Old Brand New You
I can still remember the time you were thereWhen I needed to hold you, feel youEverytime I ask you to ...

A1 - Scared
What's your favourite scary movie?I've walked the jungle, fought a lion with bare hands. The pri...

A1 - She Didn't See Me
When she passes me by, she's a ray of light. Like the first drop of sun from the sky. And I know she's...

A1 - Still Around

A1 - Summertime Of Our Lives

A1 - Take On Me
We're talking awayI don't know whatI'm to say I'll say it anywayToday's another day to find you...

A1 - The Things We Never Did
You and me, we sit and talk of friendship then I ask. If you can see, if we could be together forever. ...

A1 - This Ain't What Love Is About
[paul]wherever we go,same old storysay you can't take no more and you wanna go homei giv...

A1 - Tomorrow
You used to say that everyday. We will always be this way. Flying Angels lifting high to reach the sun...

A1 - Too Bad Baby
Too bad baby, can this be, is there something wrong with you and me. Guess we'll see I confess I don't know ...

A1 - Walking In The Rain

A1 - When I'm Missing You
Sunday morning time to say goodbyeBut I'll be home real soonThough I'm leavin', girl don't start to cr...

A1 - You're Not In Love
[Ben:] The sun is shining, the rain comes in And i don't know what to do, no... I don't know wh...

Aaliyah - 4 Page Letter
[Intro]Yo Turn My Music UpUp Some MoreUp Some MoreUp A Little Bit MoreM...

Aaliyah - Age Ain't Nothin' But A Number
[chorus]Age ain't nothing but a number, throwing down ain't nothing but a thang,This something ...

Aaliyah - All I Need
[2X]II wanna love ya[Verse 1]Baby ever since I found you,Seems l...

Aaliyah - Are You That Somebody
Dirty South (uh-huh)Can ya'll really feel me (feel us)East coast feel me (feel us)West coast fee...

Aaliyah - Came To Give Love
[Tann]:Baby girl you got the whole world screamingGiving it up for youYou got the party p...

Aaliyah - Choosey Lover (old School/new School)
Choosey Lover, Boy Im So Proud Of Ya.Im So Glad You Chose Me, Baby.And Ill Make You So Happy....

Aaliyah - Come Over
OohMmm mm mmMm yeahUh, mm, yeahI just touched downQuarter after twoI kno...

Aaliyah - Don't Know What To Tell Ya
[Chorus:]you wanna handcuff me but yo I don't know what to tell ya (don't know what to tell ya)...

Aaliyah - Don't Worry
Theres no need for you,Baby,It aint what you think,So dont worry,[Verse 1]...

Aaliyah - Down With The Clique
[First Verse]Well now I guess it's time for me to wreck shop,so show your peace while the beat ...

Aaliyah - Erica Kane
[verse:1]she's back on the street her fear for nightfeel you with grief she cuts like a knife...

Aaliyah - Everythings Gonna Be Alright
[Intro]Yo Rodney You Ready? Cause Im ReadySo Lets GoCheck It-Check It OutAaliyah Ma...

Aaliyah - Extra Smooth
(So:)He Got Big Brown Eyes, So He Look Nice(Ooh:)Coming On Strong, Six Pack Showin'(Ohh:)...

Aaliyah - Giving You More
All That You Need, All That You Want.I Wanna Be The One Thats Giving You More.All That You Need, All T...

Aaliyah - Got To Give It Up (new Remix)
Come on!I Used To Go Out To Parties, And Stand Around.Cause I Was Too Nervous, (oh uh)To R...

Aaliyah - Heartbroken
Baby Baby Baby...... I Wanna Satisfy You.Maybe I Try Too Damn Hard, To Show You I Love You.What Made Y...

Aaliyah - Hot Like Fire
[Intro]Ima Make It Hot Like Fire (Oooh)Ima Make It Hot Like Fire (Oooh Oooh)[Repeat]...

Aaliyah - I Can Be
Ohhhh no... ohh, oh... mmmmOh... ohhhh...Maybe I'm just wrong for feelin the way I doThoug...

Aaliyah - I Don't Wanna
Yeahhh.... Mmmm-hmm..... Whoaaaa.... Oooh yea...[1]I don't wanna be... Be without y...

Aaliyah - If Your Girl Only Knew
If your girl only knew That you was trying to get with me (what would she do)If your girl only knew That you...

Aaliyah - I Gotcha Back
(I Gotcha Back)The Women Always Wonder How I, Keep A Man.They Been Tryin For So Long, And Still ...

Aaliyah - I'm Down
Oooooh ooooh ooooh ooohOooooh ooooh ooooh oooh[chorus]I'm down with the way t...

Aaliyah - I'm So Into You
[Chorus]I'm so into youI'm so into youI'm so into youI'm so into you...

Aaliyah - I Refuse
This Is Where I've Got To Draw The LineCause I Refuse To Let You Think You Can Play With My MindAlways...

Aaliyah - It's Whatever
It's WhateverIt's WhateverWhatever...Just Like The BirdsThat Whistle In The Trees...

Aaliyah - Journey To The Past
Heart, don't fail me now!Courage, don't desert me!Don't turnbackNow that we're herePeople ...

Aaliyah - Loose Rap
I'm Sick And Tired Of The Loose RapI Know You Can Come BetterCan Come Better Than ThatSo Y...

Aaliyah - Miss You
[Chorus]It's been too long and I'm lost without uWhat am I gonna doSaid I been needin' yo...

Aaliyah - Never Comin' Back
[Intro]How Yall Doin Out There Tonight?Yes, I Love You Too.I Just Wanna Talk To The Ladie...

Aaliyah - Never Givin' Up
Never Giving Up All This Love.Im Never Giving Up, Your All Im Thinking Of.Sitting Here, Theres S...

Aaliyah - Never No More
I Gave It All To YouWith No Questions AskedI Wanted A FutureWho Cares About My Past?That F...

Aaliyah - No Days Go By
It's all because of you I'm feeling sad and blueYou went away and now my life is filled with rainy days...

Aaliyah - No One Knows How To Love Me Quite Like You Do
No One Knows How To Love Me Quite Like You Do No One Knows How To Love Me Quite Like You DoLiyah...

Aaliyah - One In A Million
Love it babe. Love it babe.[repeat]Baby you don't know,what you do to me.Between me...

Aaliyah - Read Between The Lines
Late afternoon, the sun's going downI ca-ca-call on your cell (why's he in such a hurry)Leaving the ro...

Aaliyah - Street Thing
Street Thing Street ThingYou and me got a street thing going on[Verse 1]...

Aaliyah - The One I Gave My Heart To
How Could The One I Gave My Heart To, Break My Heart So Bad?How Could The One Who Made Me Happy, Make Me Fee...

Aaliyah - The Thing I Like
Hmmm 1993Yo Liyah why don't you do me a favourWhy don't you let all of the fellas out there know...

Aaliyah - Those Were The Days
We Ain't Lovers No MoreWe Don't Laugh No MoreWe Don't Play No MoreWe Don't Make-Up No More...

Aaliyah - Turn The Page
Hmm, yeah, yeah, yeahA special smile, a certain touchI never had a love that I loved so much...

Aaliyah - We Need A Resolution
[Verse - 1]Did you sleep on the wrong side? I'm catching a bad vibe And it's contagious, ...

Aaliyah - What If
What if.. every guy I sawWhat if.. sittin down at the barWhat if.. I told him to give me a callW...

Aaliyah - You Got Nerve
uhuh c'monwatch outuh c'monoh oh.....Gave you chances on top of chancesO...

Aaliyah - You Messed Up
Whaa?I'm back[verse1]You don't say that I'm prettyAll these simple thingsAddi...

Aaliyah - Young Nation
[chorus]Young nation under a grooveKeeping it smooth with a jazz that's so coolYoun...

Aaron Carter - 2 Good 2 B True
Nanana nanananaNanana na nanananaGonna make a connectionCuz I know I got take 'em high...

Aaron Carter - Aaron's Party (come Get It)
[Talking:]Here's a little bit of old school for ya, That goes a little something like this......

Aaron Carter - Ac's Alien Nation
AC, ACPut your hands upPut your hands upPut your hands upShoulda known somethi...

Aaron Carter - Ain't That Cute
My mama told me I'm too young to love But I know what I know and I can't get enough I'm thinking about...

Aaron Carter - America A O
U... S... A...Bang your heads to this, come onU... S... A...Bang your heads to thisI was b...

Aaron Carter - Another Earthquake!
Just when ya thought it was safeShake itShake itShake itWhen I hit townY...

Aaron Carter - Baby It's You
Yeah, come on nowYeah, come on nowYeah, come on nowYeah, come on nowYeah, come on now...

Aaron Carter - Come Follow Me
(Come On)That's not the way to rockDo you want, what we gotTag along, crank it upSing a so...

Aaron Carter - Cowgirl (lil' Mama)
Yipee-ki-yo-yippe-yay, Lil MommaYipee-ki-yo-yippe-yay, Lil MommaYipee-ki-yo-yippe-yayI met...

Aaron Carter - Crazy Little Party Girl
Crazy little party girl How I love her Partying around the world - she wants to dance Crazy litt...

Aaron Carter - Crush On You
You found out You found out I've got a crush on you You must have heard it from my best friend S...

Aaron Carter - Get Up On Ya Feet
Here we go nowHere we go nowHere we go nowAh, come onGet up on ya feet nowGonn...

Aaron Carter - Get Wild
Stop... everybody get wild Everybody get wild Action, your body activates freedom Your mind exce...

Aaron Carter - Girl You Shine
I see you every dayand I can't seem to thinkof anything to sayDo you babyHow can that be...

Aaron Carter - Hang On Sloopy
Hang on sloopy, sloopy hang onHang on sloopy, sloopy hang onSloopy lives in a very bad part of t...

Aaron Carter - (have Some) Fun With The Funk
One, two threeYeah, yeah, yeahOooo ohhhYeah, yeah, yeahIf I threw a party would you ...

Aaron Carter - Hey You
Here we go with the J-I-V-EWe're gonna bust itcuz we roll with the ACHere we go with the J...

Aaron Carter - I'd Do Anything
I'd do anything for you We've had our good times and bad Baby what is sad I miss you girl ...

Aaron Carter - I Just Can't Wait To Be King
Way behind the water holeA little down the lineThe jungle and the plains and peaksAre scheduled ...

Aaron Carter - Iko Iko
My grandma and your grandmaWere sittin' by the fire.My grandma told your grandma"I'm gonna set y...

Aaron Carter - I'm All About You
There's somethin' thatI've got to sayYou're always with meEven though, you're far awayTalk...

Aaron Carter - I'm Gonna Miss You Forever
Hey Girl, I'm sad I heard that you were leaving You can't go, you're my best friend I'm sure gon...

Aaron Carter - I Want Candy
I know a girl who's tough but sweetShe's so fine, she can't be beatShe's got everything that I desire...

Aaron Carter - I Will Be Yours
I don't know what to do I can't believe it's true that You can make me feel this way I see it in...

Aaron Carter - I Would
See you walking down the streetEvery single dayGirl you never seem to have a smile on your faceW...

Aaron Carter - Jump Jump
[Verse 1]I got a friend and I may just get himReady and a push with a mic in my right hand...

Aaron Carter - Keep Believing
When I look into your sad eyesIt makes me feel for youCuz I don't see the lightThat was always s...

Aaron Carter - Leave It Up To Me
It's the kids, babyIt's the kids, babyIt's the kids, come onIt's the kids, babyIt's the ki...

Aaron Carter - Life Is A Party
hey hey hey hey hey [X2]party time, gimme the beat, wave your hands from side to side, ...

Aaron Carter - My First Ride
My first rideWait outsideI'm steppin' insideI don't really careWhat everybody says...

Aaron Carter - My Internet Girl
Ain't no doubt about itI can't wait to get home to you(I gotta get home, yeah, uh, uh, come on.)...

Aaron Carter - One Bad Apple
I can tell that you've been hurt By that look on your face girl Some guy brought safety to your happy ...

Aaron Carter - One Better
Give me half the chanceIll make you understandThat what I got to giveIs so much more than this ...

Aaron Carter - Outstanding
Outstanding, oh noGirl you knock me outYes you doExciting, ooh ohYou make me wanna shout...

Aaron Carter - Please Don't Go Girl
Please don't go girl Please don't go girl Please don't go girl You would ruin my whole world ...

Aaron Carter - Real Good Time
[Talking:]Sometime, someplaceEverybody has wordsFallin' out, and making upUh-huh...

Aaron Carter - Shake It
[Aaron:]Yo! This is Aaron Carter Now I'll introduce you to my boys, 95 South And it's all...

Aaron Carter - Stomp
Steppin' out the weekends open wideFill it up let's blast the jams and rideWhile we're cruisin' around...

Aaron Carter - Sugar
RightRightGirl, I know what you're thinkingYou need some answers in your heart tonight...

Aaron Carter - Sugar Sugar
Sugar, ahh,Honey, honey.You are my candy girl,And you got me wanting you.Honey, ahh,...

Aaron Carter - Surfin' Usa
If everybody had an oceanAcross the USAThen everybody'd be surfin' like CaliforniaYou'd see them...

Aaron Carter - Swing It Out
Swing, swing it out, swing it out Swing it baby let me know that you mean what you say When you swing ...

Aaron Carter - Tell Me How To Make You Smile
I remember the day we met Almost like a fairy tale Kinda like Romeo and Juliet I never gonna for...

Aaron Carter - Tell Me What You Want
Are you tired, of meDo you want to, be freeI just got to knowShould I hang on, or let goDo...

Aaron Carter - That's How I Beat Shaq
And it goes, and it goesAnd it goes a little something like this Hit It!Aaron's in the hou...

Aaron Carter - The Clapping Song
[Chorus 1]3, 6, 9The goose drank wine The monkey chew tobacco on the streetcar line...

Aaron Carter - The Kid In You
Turn it up Pump it up Turn it up Just a little bit Turn it up Pump it up Turn ...

Aaron Carter - Through My Own Eyes
[Kayla:] Give me a world that's equal on all sides[Aaron:] Let freedom flow as constant as the...

Aaron Carter - To All The Girls
Nana nanana Nana nananaNana nananaLet me break it downI remember sunny daysChi...

Aaron Carter - When It Comes To You
Oh yeah (oh yeah)Six thirty mama get you out of bede-mail what you gonna wear to you girlfriend...

Aaron Carter - Without You (there'd Be No Me)
I've been around on this journeyAnd I'm learningAs the world keeps turningYou got a face to figh...

Aaron Carter - You Get To My Heart
When I need someone to believe inI turn to youAnd you never ever let me downYou always come thro...

Aaron Lines - Close
Ooh yeah..Oh yeah..Across the miles, it's funny to meHow far away you are, but how near yo...

Aaron Lines - I Can't Live Without Your Love
Baby, how'd we wind up this far apartUsing words as weapons like daggers to our heartsThis standoff of...

Aaron Lines - I Will Be There
I don't need no sign, don't need no mapBaby, I know right where I'm at with youI never thought there'd...

Aaron Lines - Knock On Wood
Never been the kind of guy who walks around laddersAnd I open up umbrellas when I'm insideWell, black ...

Aaron Lines - Living Out Loud
I'm tired of living in this bubbleSo today I'm changing everythingWell, my dream's been buried in the ...

Aaron Lines - Love Changes Everything
Na na na naNa na na naNa na na na, na na naBobby had everything he thought he'd ever need...

Aaron Lines - Old Days New
It's Friday night, county roadSeventeen, off we goIt's summertime, not a care in the worldWell I...

Aaron Lines - She Called Me Kansas
We sat and watched the sun come upWith a blanket wrapped around usWe spend all night out on that beach...

Aaron Lines - Turn It Up (i Like The Sound Of That)
I like the sound of the ocean crashingWaves making their way to the beachI like the sound of the gulf ...

Aaron Lines - You Get The Picture
Barry White, he woke me out of my sleep"Love Unlimited" on infinite repeatI live alone, so why's the s...

Abandoned Pools - Blood
I see the happy the family treeIt sways so easilyWe're smiling all the timeThis world just isn't...

Abandoned Pools - Flouresein
Wipe away the summer airYou don't wanna seeThat's you in that Photograph from 1973And you don't ...

Abandoned Pools - L.v.b.d.
Welcome to the worldMy little virgin baby dollCan you save me?I set you offWith the tip of...

Abandoned Pools - Mercy Kiss
I'm outta sight around the moonBut I'll be back in time for youI know it's strange but are you big eno...

Abandoned Pools - Monster
Everyone's a geniusBrushing up on ironyBut no, no one's freeEveryone's a salesmanGus...

Abandoned Pools - Never
Well we never made it through another dayAnd it's all because you had to have it your waySo luck...

Abandoned Pools - Ruin Your Life
Time to give it upNo one needs this any dayYour life's a half-filled cupYou'd never drink from a...

Abandoned Pools - Seed
Hey, you know I really liked your showAnd hey, I know a place where we could goAnd you don't have to d...

Abandoned Pools - Start Over
What a mess our lives turned out to beIt was at its best when you and I were only 3We can start with a...

Abandoned Pools - Suburban Muse
Blue sky us holding downThere's no whyOnly the sound of happy TV landCue the canned applause...

Abandoned Pools - Sunny Day
Hiding inside a crowdMy head is inside a cloudGo where the music's loudAnd all these talking hea...

Abandoned Pools - The Remedy
I could useA shotYour novacaineMy soul's a fuseBlows away your nameThen you ca...

Abba - Al Andar (move On - In Spanish)
Se dice que el ansiosoesconde un alma en paz,viajero o misionerova lejos mucho masSi miro ...

Abba - Andante, Andante
Take it easy with me, pleaseTouch me gently like a summer evening breezeTake your time, make it slow...

Abba - Angeleyes
Ah-ha-ha, ah-aaaahAh-ha-ha, ah-aaaahAh-ha-ha, keep thinking 'bout his angeleyesI keep thinking, ...

Abba - Another Town, Another Train
Day is dawning and I must goYou're asleep but still I'm sure you'll knowWhy it had to end this way...

Abba - As Good As New
I'll never know why I had to goWhy I had to put up such a lousy rotten showBoy, I was tough, packing a...

Abba - Baby
BabyYou can do magicBaby Isn't it tragicMaybeYou can do something I can'tAnd I...

Abba - Bang-a-boomerang
Making somebody happy is a question of give and takeYou can learn how to show it so come on, give yourself a...

Abba - Chiquitita (in Spanish)
Chiquitita, dime por quetu dolor hoy te encadenaen tus ojos hayuna sombra de gran pena....

Abba - Conociendome, Conociendote (knowing Me Knowing You - In Spanish)
Ya no hay mas sonrisastodo finalizanuestra casa hoy vaciame hace llorary la historia...

Abba - Crazy World
I was out for the morning sunCouldn't sleep so I thought I'd take a walkI was thinking of you and me...

Abba - Dame! Dame! Dame! (gimme Gimme Gimme - In Spanish)
El relojya marco medianochey otra vez encontreque tan solo me acompana la TVEl sopla...

Abba - Dance (while The Music Still Goes On)
Oh, my love it makes me sad.Why did things turn out so bad?Was it just a dream, everything we did, eve...

Abba - Dancing Queen
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your lifeSee that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing...

Abba - Disillusion
Changing, moving, in a circleI can see your face in all of my dreamsSmiling, laughing, from the shadow...

Abba - Does Your Mother Know
You're so hot, teasing meSo you're blue but I can't take a chance on a chick like youThat's something ...

Abba - Dum Dum Diddle
I can hear how you work, practising hardPlaying night and day, woah-ohAnd it sounds better nowYe...

Abba - Eagle
They came flying from far away, now I'm under their spellI love hearing the stories that they tellThey...

Abba - Elaine
You hate, you scream, you swearAnd still you never reach himYou curse, you try to scareBut you c...

Abba - Estoy Sonando (i Have A Dream - In Spanish)
Yo lo soney el corazonme hablo de amorcon emocionSi vives la magiade hadas que...

Abba - Fernando
Can you hear the drums Fernando?I remember long ago another starry night like thisIn the firelight Fer...

Abba - Fernando (in Spanish)
Puedes escuchar Fernando?me recuerda tiempo atrasestrellas y una noche allaen la lumbre azul Fer...

Abba - Gimme Gimme Gimme (a Man After Midnight)
Half past twelveAnd I'm watching the late show in my flat all aloneHow I hate to spend the evening on ...

Abba - Gonna Sing You My Lovesong
You say she's been mad at youThen you say you'll be patient, oohStill I see that she makes you blue...

Abba - Gracias Por La Musica (thank You For The Music - In Spanish)
Soy muy sencillay algo aburrida tal vezlas bromas que se, me salen seguro al revespero hay un ta...

Abba - Happy Hawaii
Early this morning I drove in the rainOut to the airport to get on the planeHey Honolulu, we're going ...

Abba - Happy New Year
No more champagneAnd the fireworks are throughHere we are, me and youFeeling lost and feeling bl...

Abba - Hasta Manana
Where is the spring and the summerThat once was yours and mine?Where did it go? I just don't kno...

Abba - Hasta Manana (in Spanish)
Donde quedo el veranoaquel que nos uniodonde se fue, yo no lo sesi aun mi amor sigue por ti vive...

Abba - Head Over Heels
I have a very good friendThe kind of girl who likes to follow a trendShe has a personal styleSom...

Abba - He Is Your Brother
I was a fighter always looking for troubleAnd my life was so empty, there was nothing left to live for...

Abba - Hey Hey Helen
So at last you're freeIt's the way you wanted it to beAnd the price you paidTo become a woman of...

Abba - Hole In Your Soul
You feel bad, let me tell you, we all get the bluesSometimes life is a burden, weighed down in your shoes...

Abba - Honey Honey
Honey honey, how you thrill me, ah-hah, honey honeyHoney honey, nearly kill me, ah-hah, honey honeyI'd...

Abba - I Am Just A Girl
I am just a girl, one among the others, nothing much to sayPlain and simple girl, not a special type in any ...

Abba - I Am The City
Coming through a cloud you're looking at me from aboveAnd I'm a revelation spreading out before your eyes...

Abba - I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do
Love me or leave me, make your choice but believe meI love youI do, I do, I do, I do, I doI can'...

Abba - If It Wasn't For The Nights
I got appointments, work I have to doKeeping me so busy all the day throughThey're the things that kee...

Abba - I Have A Dream
I have a dream, a song to singTo help me cope with anythingIf you see the wonder of a fairy tale...

Abba - I Let The Music Speak
I'm hearing images, I'm seeing songsNo poet has ever paintedVoices call out to me, straight to my hear...

Abba - I'm A Marionette
"You're so free," that's what everybody's telling meYet I feel I'm like an outward-bound, pushed around, ref...

Abba - I Saw It In The Mirror
I saw it in the mirror, I saw it in my faceThat I'm no longer needed, anyone can take my placeI saw it...

Abba - I've Been Waiting For You
I, I've been in love beforeI thought I would no moreManage to hit the ceilingStill, strange as i...

Abba - I Wonder (departure)
This park and these houses, old streets I have walkedEverything dear, will it be hereOne day when I am...

Abba - Just Like That
Until that dayMy life had been a river Following the same, pre-destinated course,Suddenly detour...

Abba - King Kong Song
Well I was looking at a movie on the TV last nightThen I had a very funny notion, yeahI really had to ...

Abba - Kisses Of Fire
Lay your head on my chest so you hear every beat of my heartNow there's nothing at all that can keep us apar...

Abba - Knowing Me Knowing You
No more carefree laughterSilence ever afterWalking through an empty house, tears in my eyesHere ...

Abba - Lay All Your Love On Me
I wasn't jealous before we metNow every woman I see is a potential threatAnd I'm possessive, it isn't ...

Abba - Like An Angel Passing Through My Room
Long awaited darkness fallsCasting shadows on the wallsIn the twilight hour I am aloneSitting ne...

Abba - Love Isn't Easy (but It Sure Is Hard Enough)
Do you remember the first time, and all of your sweet sweet talkAin't heard it a lot since then loveNo...

Abba - Lovelight
I've always hated my room, it's so gloomy and drearyAlways the dark, for the windows just face the back yard...

Abba - Lovers (live A Little Longer)
Sit down and listen 'cause I've got good news for youIt was in the papers todaySome physician had made...

Abba - Mamma Mia
I've been cheated by you since I don't know whenSo I made up my mind, it must come to an endLook at me...

Abba - Mamma Mia (in Spanish)
Yo por ti me engane, hace tiempo lo sey ya lo decidi, ahora te dejareMirame bien, cuando aprende...

Abba - Man In The Middle
Did you see that man in the limousineWith the pretty doll, he is fifty and the girl's only seventeenBu...

Abba - Me And Bobby And Bobby's Brother
Well there was me and Bobby and Bobby's brotherPlease take me back to that placeWhere I've got all my ...

Abba - Me And I
Sometimes when I'm mad There's a part of me that seems to be a little sadSometimes when I scream...

Abba - Merry-go-round
I have tried in vain never had successSo it seems my life is nothing but a messI have lost my only fri...

Abba - Money Money Money
I work all night, I work all day, to pay the bills I have to payAin't it sadAnd still there never seem...

Abba - Move On
"They say a restless body can hide a peaceful soul.A voyager, ad a settler, they both have a distant goal....

Abba - My Love My Life
I've seen it on your faceTells me more than any worn-out old phraseSo now we'll go separate ways...

Abba - My Mama Said
Tried to sneak out without sayingWith my loudest record playingOoh, my mama said, "Look at this, you h...

Abba - Nina, Pretty Ballerina
Every day in the morning on her way to the officeYou can see as she catches a trainJust a face among a...

Abba - On And On And On
I was at a party and this fella said to me"Something bad is happening, I'm sure you do agreePeople car...

Abba - One Man, One Woman
No smiles, not a single word at the breakfast tableThough I would have liked to beginSo much that I wa...

Abba - One Of Us
They passed me by, all of those great romancesYou were, I felt, robbing me of my rightful chancesMy pi...

Abba - Our Last Summer
The summer air was soft and warmThe feeling right, the Paris nightDid it's best to please usAnd ...

Abba - People Need Love
People need hope, people need lovingPeople need trust from a fellow manPeople need love to make a good...

Abba - Put On Your White Sombrero
Put on your white sombreroSaddle your horse my dearAnd ride off into the sunsetYou'd better go ...

Abba - Reina Danzante (dancing Queen - In Spanish)
A bailar, a girarSabes reir y vibrarMiren bien, alli vaComo una reina yaViernes noch...

Abba - Ring Ring
I was sitting by the phoneI was waiting all aloneBaby by myself I sit and wait and wonder about you...

Abba - Rock Me
Rock me, give me that kick nowRock me, show me that trick nowRoll me, you can do magicBaby, and ...

Abba - Rock 'n Roll Band
Sitting in the darkest cornerIn the tender light I saw her faceShe was looking so sad and lonely...

Abba - Santa Rosa
I'd give anything to be back home in Santa RosaHow I wish this road would take me home where I belong'...

Abba - She's My Kind Of Girl
Look at her face, it's a wonderful faceAnd it means something special to meLook at the way that she sm...

Abba - Should I Laugh Or Cry
He stands towering over me beside my bedLosing his headTells me I must take him seriouslyDroning...

Abba - Sitting In The Palmtree
See me sitting in the palmtreeLooking down at people passing bySitting here no-one can harm meTh...

Abba - S. O. S.
Where are those happy days, they seem so hard to findI tried to reach for you, but you have closed your mind...

Abba - Summer Night City
In the night a new day dawningAnd the first birds start to singIn the pale light of the morningN...

Abba - Super Trouper
Super Trouper beams are gonna blind meBut I won't feel blueLike I always do'Cause somewhere in t...

Abba - Suzy Hang-a-round
Suzy was nine and I was tenRight at the time when boys like to think they're menShe used to follow us ...

Abba - Take A Chance On Me
If you change your mind, I'm the first in lineHoney I'm still freeTake a chance on meIf you need...

Abba - Thank You For The Music
I'm nothing special, in fact I'm a bit of a boreIf I tell a joke, you've probably heard it beforeBut I...

Abba - The Name Of The Game
I've seen you twice, in a short timeOnly a week since we startedIt seems to me, for every timeI'...

Abba - The Visitors
I hear the door-bell ring and suddenly the panic takes meThe sound so ominously tearing through the silence...

Abba - The Winner Takes It All
I don't wanna talkAbout the things we've gone throughThough it's hurting meNow it's history...

Abba - Tropical Loveland
Come to my loveland, wander alongBeautiful gardens full of flowers and songsCome to the sunshine, beac...

Abba - Under Attack
Don't know how to take it, don't know where to goMy resistance running lowAnd every day the hold is ge...

Abba - Voulez-vous
People everywhereA sense of expectation hanging in the airGiving out a sparkAcross the room your...

Abba - Waterloo
My, my, at Waterloo Napoleon did surrenderOh yeah, and I have met my destiny in quite a similar wayThe...

Abba - What About Livingstone
Went to buy me a paper at the local news-standAnd then I heard them laugh and sayLook, they're gonna g...

Abba - When I Kissed The Teacher
Everybody screamed when I kissed the teacherAnd they must have thought they dreamed when I kissed the teache...

Abba - Why Did It Have To Be Me
When you were lonely, you needed a manSomeone to lean on, well I understandIt's only naturalBut ...

Abba - You Owe Me One
Now there's a shadow passing over our facesDoubt forever in our heartsAnd in a while we'll have to pic...

Abk - Bombs On You
Tell me what the fuck's goin' on ya'll?? We're droppin' bombs up in this bitch!! Tell me what's goin' ...

Abk - Can't Help It
[Chorus]What's with the self-inflicted pain? (I can't help it!) How come everytime I see ...

Abk - Charlie Brown
[First Chorus]Charlie Brown, please, don't come around Because your weed is doodoo brown ...

Abk - Down Here
[Anybody Killa]How ya doin'? It's me again! Underneath the concrete Sewage of the underwo...

Abk - Gimmie Ah Beat
Diiiiirrrrrrrty!! My gat sounds nice One Leave your whole damn neighborhood stunned ...

Abk - Hey Yall
Hey ya'll Come over here, check this out And gimme a minute of your time, but don't doubt Anythi...

Abk - Intro
Hey, anybody wanna hear something dirty?Well ya know, You're gonna have to help meYou know that old bu...

Abk - It Doesn't Matta
[Anybody Killa]It doesn't matter what you say anymore, Things you do don't amaze me so, n...

Abk - Laugh At You
A mind is a terrible thing to waste High school reunion wouldn't show my face I was always looked at a...

Abk - Nevehoe
[Repeat 3x]Neva Neva Neva Neva Neva Neva Neva Neva St...

Abk - Oh No
[Chorus]Oh no! Oh, oh oh oh no! Ain't nothin holdin me back now, holding me back now! Oh ...

Abk - Party At The Liquor Store
[Anybody Killa]There's a party goin' on, who's comin' with? To kill the rest of that warm 40, a...

Abk - Put My Life On It
I put my life on my music and everything around me Streets that I was raised on, livin' on so ruggedly ...

Abk - Retaliate
[Anybody Killa]Retalition is a must Watch your back Stay on que Shoulda never fucke...

Abk - Stick And Move
[Violent J]Mop up the floor with that bullshit Cause I'mma stick and move I'mma stick and...

Abk - Trees And Woods
You ever chase after Death? People chase after Death everyday (Chasing after you, and you never see it...

Abs - 7 Ways
I dont know who but it wasnt meHe wasnt all you'd thought he beAnd then broke your heart, girl you sho...

Abs - Angel
Send mean angel let her be someone who loves me just for me just the way i am y'all i dont want to be lonely i'm f...

Abs - Back To The Limbo
I don't know bout you, But I came here to party, yeah Tonight is your night, gonna find yourself someb...

Abs - Come With A Little Bit More
[RAP]Yo, sonic kaboom, I bring it to ya like a monsoon.MC upon scene, bring it to ya whole team...

Abs - Emotional
Oh its still a mysteryHow she got me highAnticipating whatShe's gonna do cos ICan't seem t...

Abs - Lost For Words
Ah... yo...This ain't no crush...Ah, It's the real thing, babe.Ah.. c'mon... ah.It's...

Abs - Lovers Rock
I ain't trying to hide itSince i laid my eyes on you Ain't no use trying to fight it From fallin...

Abs - Music For Cars
MUSIC ... FOR ... CARS [baby voice]Handle with care,You better beware,My bassline'l...

Abs - Rain
It's been about a couple of days gone by When I last saw you When you said bye-bye Then you walk...

Abs - Roll With Me
It's just one of those days when Nothing wants to go alright. So I slipped on a brand new shirt and st...

Abs - Shame
(Yeah... wooo Uh, uh-huh... c'mon... uh Yo... ch'mere ... uh, uh)The first time I laid my ...

Abs - Stop Sign
Stop!She was bangingBut lovin' was coldKeep it up, it's goingto be a love TKOT...

Abs - (stop That) Bitchin'
Sweeeeeeet!Stop naggin' girl, you just shut-up!Always on my case bout how I spend my dough up....

Abs - The Dog In Me
Let's go... [Abs:] Yo, it's hot how you do your thing. Everything about you... Is b...

Abs - Turn Me Up
Well I know you heard about girl how I like toWhen I do my thing when I'm in the moodAnd if you want g...

Abs - What You Got
[INTRO]Y'know... I got a girl... but.. stillHit the block around twenty to nine,Che...

Ace Of Base - Adventures In Paradise
Ooh yeah!We wanna be alone tonight'Til early in the morning lightOut in the open you are h...

Ace Of Base - Always Have, Always Will
Always have, always willI was mesmerised when I first met youWouldn't let myself believeThe you ...

Ace Of Base - Angel Eyes
I know that I'm not the first oneYou've had love in your path before meBut when your lips touched my l...

Ace Of Base - Beautiful Morning
What a beautiful morningThe best in life is freeWhat a beautiful morningBelieve me...

Ace Of Base - Blooming 18
Reality reality reality is alwaysYou tattoes yourself like a piece of artYou've already broken y...

Ace Of Base - Captain Nemo
Captain Nemo is too good for you and meTake a voyage to the bottom of the seaHe's a riddle you will se...

Ace Of Base - Cecilia
This is a song about a well-known girlWho was she?We will never know the answer to that question...

Ace Of Base - C'est La Vie (always 21)
I am as young as I'm feelingI'm always 21, I am always 21C'est la vie, c'est la vie, c'est la vie...

Ace Of Base - Change With The Light
Change with the lightChange with the lightTurn, turn, turn aroundChange with the light...

Ace Of Base - Da Capo
Da CapoDa CapoYou're living in a dreamer's dreamDa Da CapoOne level aheadI'm c...

Ace Of Base - Donnie
Donnie's got a secret and you know itHe was yours, in the summertime, yeahAbout ten years agoHe ...

Ace Of Base - Don't Go Away
One step hesitation One step into the night Don't mind the weatherIt's raining in my heart tonig...

Ace Of Base - Dr. Sun
I don't want to be alone on the beach, noGive me Dr. Sun, he's my manI don't want to be alone on the b...

Ace Of Base - Edge Of Heaven
Fire! I can see it burning so brightlyFire! I can see it calling out to meAnd as the sun goes do...

Ace Of Base - Everytime It Rains
I see dark clouds out my windowI know the storm is coming any minuteAnd the thunder just confirms my f...

Ace Of Base - Experience Pearls
Give me all your tears. Let me turn them to pearlsLet me turn all the tearsThat you have cried i...

Ace Of Base - Fashion Party
Tonight we're gonna have a good timeOh we're really gonna have a good timeTonight we're gonna ha...

Ace Of Base - Hear Me Calling
I enter your life now make no mistakeCan you reach me can you reach meI enter your life now make no mi...

Ace Of Base - He Decides
Can't you hear them whisperingAround you all the timeCan't you tell the difference betweenThings...

Ace Of Base - Hello, Hello
Hello helloHello helloHello helloHello helloComing from my workI'm tiredI see ...

Ace Of Base - Hey Darling
Hey darlingHave to tell 'bout the worldHave to tell you todayBelieve me nowBelieve me now...

Ace Of Base - Into The Night Of Blue
Into the night of blue, into the night of blue...Haven't heard your voice for a long long timeSt...

Ace Of Base - I Pray
When I was young I dreamed aboutOh so many placesWhen I was young I never thought I'd be afraidT...

Ace Of Base - Just 'n' Image
I'm driving through the nightI'm driving through the rainThe engine roars I'm on myWay from Mr. ...

Ace Of Base - L'amour
La la l'amourGotta a lotta la la l'amourLa la l'amourLa la l'amour all for youSay yo...

Ace Of Base - Life Is A Flower
We live in a free worldI whistle down the windCarry on smilingAnd the world will smile with you...

Ace Of Base - Love For Sale
If you walk in the red light at nightIn the black velvet hourIf you look you will see their delight...

Ace Of Base - Love In December
We had a million of daysI know that our time has run outYou're my everlasting grooveForget the p...

Ace Of Base - Mercy, Mercy
The man in the moon has a thousand different facesThe man in the mood changes colors each dayHe's watc...

Ace Of Base - Munchhausen (just Chaos)
Just Chaos!Maybe he like to bragDid he invent himselfHe live 'till the end of time...

Ace Of Base - My Deja Vu
My deja're my obsessionMy deja vu everything is up to youIf you do want me you know whe...

Ace Of Base - Never Gonna Say I'm Sorry
I'm never gonna say I'm sorryI'm a clown for everyoneI'm never gonna let you down,I'm always her...

Ace Of Base - No Good Lover
He's a no good loverBaby I tried him outHe's handsome and he knows how to use itAnd he doe...

Ace Of Base - Ordinary Day
AaaaaahAhahahahahaaaaaI wanna kiss youJust not ordinary miss youIt's an ordinary day...

Ace Of Base - Perfect World
They say the time has come for us to start againI believe that's trueThey say the time has come for us...

Ace Of Base - Que Sera
They call to her from across the streetBut they don't know her nameShe's in the wrong place at the wro...

Ace Of Base - Ravine
Have you heard, have you heard?About this girl who was ripped up by her rootsHave you heard, what she ...

Ace Of Base - Remember The Words
You got to believe meRemember the wordsRemember the wordsWhen you're down on your knees...

Ace Of Base - Show Me Love
Show me loveDouble upWon't you show me loveShow me loveCause it's been grey fo...

Ace Of Base - Strange Ways
I've got strange waysBut it won't take long my friendI'm telling you someday babyI'll be gone...

Ace Of Base - The Juvenile
The juvenileIn a time where the night is so cold The juvenileHas the key to the end The ju...

Ace Of Base - Tokyo Girl
Tokyo girl, Tokyo girlYou've got the moves to rule the worldThat cute inscru-tabilityTokyo girl,...

Ace Of Base - Travel To Romantis
Funny how everything changes for me Memories take me awayEach time I open the door to my roomWhe...

Ace Of Base - Unspeakable
All I wanna say to youOh yeah!I was unfeelingwhen you discovered meGive me a reason...

Ace Of Base - Wave Wet Sand
You are reliable as a painting in wave wet sandI look in your eyes and I can't see a thingThat u...

Ace Of Base - What's The Name Of The Game
What's the name of the gameAge of timeLooking through the windowsIt's the age of time...

Ace Of Base - Whispers In Blindness
Darling you were looking goodWhen you came to meAnd asked for a danceAnd I said,"We can dance."...

Ace Of Base - Wonderful Life
Here I goOut to the sea againThe sunshine fills my hairAnd dreams hang in the airGulls in ...

Ace Of Base - World Down Under
I believe in there's a world down underYeah yeah heyI believe in there's a world down under...

Ace Of Base - You And I
Oh yeah yeah...You make me come aliveAtt palla paron...'Cause my eyes can see the wh...

Action Action - A Simple Question
Good morning sunshine:Form this dead letter day.I suppose i should have seen thisBut blindness p...

Action Action - Basic Tiny Fragments
I remember a happy moment, With the paint covered clouds above.You were there, Just as meaningle...

Action Action - Bleed
You're not listening, so why should i talk to youWhy should i understand, why should i follow throughO...

Action Action - Broken
In just about any given situation, I'm wasting my patience.Even though my heart is open,I'm brok...

Action Action - Don't Cut Your Fabric
Don't cut your fabric to this years fashionHead trip on the scene again, pumping in the veins of the r...

Action Action - Drug Like
I'm an angel with broken wings,Who's poisoning the nightWith love, from me to youI'm having an e...

Action Action - Eighth Grade Summer Romance
Hold your knife against my throat, cut me deeperFeel the blood drip down your arm, darlingI paint this...

Action Action - Four Peice Jigsaw Puzzle
Starting to come togetherStarting to all make senseWe began to blossom, so perfectI'm starting t...

Action Action - Instructions On Building A Model Aiplane
Fill the blank spots in, with childish gibberishWhat seems to be the we only will digress...

Action Action - Let's Never Go To Sleep
Alone again, sociableJust a walking contradiction for the diction to beatI'm so dumb, so very numb...

Action Action - Photograph
Pretty darling, stop running down my streetThe tears are dropping like a nuclear meltdownI never meant...

Action Action - The Short Weekend Begins With Longing
Are you up in the middle of the night trying to figure out where things went wrongAnd they didJust ano...

Action Action - This Years Fashion
Don't cut your fabric to this years fashionHead trip on the scene again, pumping in the veins of the r...

Adam Gregory - Big Star
I work at the Big Star on old 405 I make 6 bucks an hour And I work steady nightsWell it might n...

Adam Gregory - City Boy's Dream
I dreamt last night I was far awayWhere coyotes howl and cotton woods swayCasting shadows in firelight...

Adam Gregory - Could Have Fooled Me
I'm fading like the taillightsOf a car that you pass In the middle of the nightMan it's lonely o...

Adam Gregory - Don't Look The Other Way
I remember Dad and I Stopped the car one rainy night To help a stranger fix a flat And get on hi...

Adam Gregory - End Of This Road
Two thousand miles of blacktop One hundred medium coffee cups Seven lonely sunsets that Could al...

Adam Gregory - Facts Of Life
Long ago my daddy spoke upHe said son I think you're old enoughso pull up a chair and sit down here wi...

Adam Gregory - Half Past Loving You
Half Past Loving You I'm getting there yeahI got a ways to goBut I'm getting thereThe memo...

Adam Gregory - Horseshoes
Sittin' on the front porch Rockin' on the porch swingWayon on the radio Listen to the crickets s...

Adam Gregory - I Don't Think So
Has there ever been a moment so good? Has there ever been a morning so bright?You know the whole world...

Adam Gregory - Indian Summer
The sun goes down on another day Feels like winter is here to stay Snow clouds gather in the northern ...

Adam Gregory - In The Country
I was born in the countryFar away from city lights Where the air is sweeter Where I feel I feel ...

Adam Gregory - It Ain't Cool
I used to wonder why the songs on the radioalways seemed to be about loveIf you look every book, every...

Adam Gregory - Leavin' That Cowgirl With The Blues
He's been riding that rodeoFrom town to town From show to showHe's got a restless wandering soul...

Adam Gregory - Memory Like That
There are moments in your life That are frozen in your mind That will change the heart of how you feel...

Adam Gregory - Me Too
Do you feel your heart beating a million miles an hour?Me too Like we're being guided by some higher p...

Adam Gregory - No Vacancy
Down in Dallas lord those girls are fineIn Carolina they make you lose your mind sometimesBut it...

Adam Gregory - Only Know I Do
How do you explain the way the stars just hang way up in the skyHow do you explain the way rain goes a...

Adam Gregory - Sky Is The Limit
I sat on the couch, with a book in my handI thought of all the good times that I've hadBut even though...

Adam Gregory - Sweet Memories
There's a town by a riverAnd a dirt road that runs through the town Winding around As a child I ...

Adam Gregory - The Ring
She stares at that ring on her fingerwith a far away look in her eyesShe thinks of the memories that l...

Adam Gregory - The World Could Use A Cowboy
There are fences that need to be mended There's a stray cut off from the herd That needs to be defende...

Adam Gregory - Too Young To Know
They say we're too young to knowWe're too young to fall in loveBut all I keep dreaming ofis marr...

Adam Gregory - Walking
I go walkin' Down a long road tonightI go walkin'Not a single soul in sight The night air ...

Adam Gregory - Way I'm Made
I dreamt last night I was far awayWhere coyotes howl and cotton woods swayCasting shadows in firelight...

Adam Gregory - When I Leave This House
Just like Cain & AbleI let the devil come 'roundNow I'm the king of the gardenWith a snake for a...

Adam Gregory - Where It's At
I've got a window down I've got a road in front of me I've got a radio I got no place that I got...

Adam Gregory - Workin' On It
I won't lie Sometimes it seems just too much to askFor love to last I play the strong one holding on...

Adam Sandler - Assistant Principal's Big Day
[Speaking through a microphone]"Good morning students and faculty, If I could have your attenti...

Adam Sandler - At A Medium Pace
Put your arms around me babyCan't you see I need you soHold me close against your skinI'm about ...

Adam Sandler - Bad Boyfriend
Why don't you pick up after your done?I'm not your slaveI'm not your motherI'm not your maid...

Adam Sandler - Buddy
[Moving Train]"Next stop! Coopersville!"[Two guys talking]"Hey Buddy""...

Adam Sandler - Cordurory Blues
When I was a boyThere was no limit to what I could eatShake after shake after shake after shakeF...

Adam Sandler - Crazy Love
[Adam:] You don't mind that I think everybody's a robot and all my conversations are being recorded...

Adam Sandler - Dancin' And Pantsin'
When I was a young manI didn't like to danceI was shyI'd stand against the wall all nightI...

Adam Sandler - Dip Doodle
Jabawokee ding dong slip slap sleeDipstick paddywhack pee pee googalee geePolly wolly sling slang skoo...

Adam Sandler - Do It For Your Mama
[J.N.:] "I can make a bigger splash than you!"[Jimmy:] "Oh yeah, give it a shot."...

Adam Sandler - Fatty Mcgee
[Talking quietly][M1:] "Ms. Murphy is such a pain, man."[M2:] "We just had a test...

Adam Sandler - Food Innuendo Guy
Ooooh yeahBaby, baby, baby, I wanna stew your tomatoBaby, baby, baby, I want to french fry your potato...

Adam Sandler - Four Years Old
HeyWhy'd you wake me from my nap?I'm not in the moodTo play your gamesOr sit on your lap...

Adam Sandler - Girl
[Arsenio (Chris Rock):]Now don't leave us hanging with just that. [JP:]Yeah,...

Adam Sandler - Grow Old With You
[Billy Idol (Speaking):] Good afternoon everyone. We're flying at 26,000 feet, movingup to thir...

Adam Sandler - I'm So Wasted
[Sound of crickets. Guy walks across grass][Joe:] "Hey pal! How ya doin?"[M2:] "I...

Adam Sandler - Joining The Cult
[Sounds of Basketball being shot around][Sandler:] "Hey man, I'm joining a religious cult."...

Adam Sandler - Listenin' To The Radio
Where's my Peggy Sue?I could use a RosalitaIf there's a Long Tall Sally out thereI'm dyin' to me...

Adam Sandler - Lunchlady Land
"This is a song...""This is uhh, This is a new song...""It's through the eyes of one of the greatest p...

Adam Sandler - Medium Pace
Put your arms around me babe,Can't you see I need you so?Hold me close against your skin,'Cause ...

Adam Sandler - Memory Lane
[M1:] "Hey, it's great to have us all out on a road trip again this is gonna be fun"[all agree]...

Adam Sandler - Mother's Day Song
Mama was the one who reached down and tied my shoelace.Mama spit on her fingers and used it to clean dirt of...

Adam Sandler - Moyda
SchnineHe's a pretty good guyHe's nice to his neighborsYou can count on him to buy your school c...

Adam Sandler - Mr. Bake-o
I'm sitting in my chair watching the TVIt's not even on but there's plenty for me to seeI just lit som...

Adam Sandler - Mr. Spindel's Phone Call
[Phone Rings][Mr. Spindel picks it up][Mr Spindel:] "Hullo!"[Student: Wh...

Adam Sandler - My Little Chicken
When I'm feeling downAnd feeling sadYou come aroundAnd make me gladI got youOh, my l...

Adam Sandler - Oh Mom...
[Silverware clicking][M1:] "Can you pass the beats please?"[F1:] "Here you go"...

Adam Sandler - Pickin' Daisies
6 What's the matter honey, are you not feeling well?It's okay, Momma will take care of youNot really s...

Adam Sandler - Red Hooded Sweatshirt
My mom bought you when I was just 13,the brightest red sweatshirt I ever seen.She got an extra large s...

Adam Sandler - Right Field
[Russel: Shouting] "Come on Robert! Pitch it in there, baby! We're behind you here in right field! On...

Adam Sandler - Santa Song
So many presents, so little time,Santa won't be coming around my house this year,'cos I tried to...

Adam Sandler - Somebody Kill Me
[Spoken]Ok, I just want to warn you that when I wrote this song I was listening to the Cure a l...

Adam Sandler - Steve Polychronopolous
- "Polychronopolous"I'm a big fuckin' dickI'm a pain in your assI drink all your beer...

Adam Sandler - Sweat Beatrice
Hanging with my sweet amourShe came out with a lion's roarYelling, "I'm going to the corner store,...

Adam Sandler - Teenage Love On The Phone
[Richie:] "So ya doin' good?"[Samantha:] "Ya, I'm fine, how 'bout you?"[Richie:] ...

Adam Sandler - The Adventures Of The Cow
"And now a cow at bat in the bottom of the 6th inning of a little league game getting hit by a pitch"...

Adam Sandler - The Beating Of A High School Bus Driver
"And now, the sever beating of a high school bus driver."[Kids getting on the bus]"How ar...

Adam Sandler - The Beating Of A High School Janitor
"And now, the sever beating of a high school janitor."[Mopping sounds]Mop, mop, mop...

Adam Sandler - The Beating Of A High School Science Teacher
"And now the severe beating of a high school science teacher."[Lecturing]"Zinc is by far ...

Adam Sandler - The Beating Of A High School Spanish Teacher
"And now the severe beating of a high school spanish teacher."[Lecturing][Writing on c...

Adam Sandler - The Buffoon And The Dean Of Admissions
"And now a buffoon's meeting with the dean of admissions at a prestigious college."[Dean:] "Wel...

Adam Sandler - The Buffoon And The Valedictorian
"And now the buffoon's date at the drive-in with the school's valedictorian."[Valedictorian:] "...

Adam Sandler - The Chanukah Song (ii)
Put on your yarmulkeIts time for ChanukahSo much funnakaTo celebrate ChanukahChanuka...

Adam Sandler - The Chanuka Song
"Okay...This is a song that uhh..There's a lot of Christmas songs out there and uhh..not too man...

Adam Sandler - The Cheerleader
[Sound of pom-poms][Cheerleader: With annoying feminine voice] "Ok you guys, let's hear ...

Adam Sandler - The Excited Southerner Orders A Meal
[Adam:] And the now the excited southerner orders a meal at his favoritediner.[Waiter:...

Adam Sandler - The Excited Southerner Proposes To A Woman
[Setting: A restaurant with music playing in the background]"And now the Excited Southerner proposes ...

Adam Sandler - The Goat Song
I am a simple goatI live on the back of a pick-up truckThe Old Man tied me here with a 3-foot rope...

Adam Sandler - The Hypnotist
[typing sounds][Dr. Stewart:] Hi, [I'm] Dr. Stewart.[Gary Phelps:] Hi, Dr. Stewar...

Adam Sandler - The Lonesome Kicker
Me, I'm the Lonesome KickerExtra points, field goals at your serviceOne might think it comes with glor...

Adam Sandler - The Longest Pee
[Line of people talking]"Hey man, let me in there first"-"Go ahead man, take it easy""Tha...

Adam Sandler - The Respect Chant
RespectRespectYou gotta show the fucking respect[Repeat Over And Over] ...

Adam Sandler - The Thanksgiving Song
"They wanna hear the thanksgiving song! All right..""This is uhh, This is the Thanksgiving Song""I hop...

Adam Sandler - Toll Booth Willie
[Car approaches][Toll Booth Willie:] "Welcome to Worchester. Dollar twenty-five please."...

Adam Sandler - Voodoo
Hey there Mr. Leaf Blower ManKeep it down for goodness sakeIt's way too early in the morningCan'...

Adam Sandler - What The Hell Happened To Me?
Hey you guys, I just wanted to thank you for listening to the record and I hope you had as much fun as I did...

Adam Sandler - Zittly Van Zittles
Well, I had myself a girlfrieldFor almost two whole yearsWe had no secretsWe had no fearsT...

Adema - Barricades In Time
Eyes are still redComing apartThe lies won't take me farBody achesThese hands shakeD...

Adema - Betrayed Me
I watched you change and never knewThat you would be like all the restYou were so true, too good to be...

Adema - Blow It Away
Everyday I think about what you didLivin' life ain't much with all the shitCause I'm going insane with...

Adema - Chel
True I wasn't there for you, Told me that I hurt you deeply,too young to know what to do, 16 and I have no w...

Adema - Close Friends
Today you told me that I'd hate you foreverI can't believe what's really going onSomehow I knew that y...

Adema - Co-dependent
Most people don't careSome people just fearThere's so much pressureThat our lives will feed us...

Adema - Do What You Want To Do
Where will we go?Where will we go?Sign away all of my decisionsTell when I breedTerm...

Adema - Do You Hear Me
Are you looking down on me right nowI feel your presence beam downWatching you get ill it changed our ...

Adema - Drowning
Die!I gave in toThe stress in lifeI can't escapeThe pressure seems to get me down...

Adema - Everyone
I'm sick of the excuses that you want me to believeI've been understanding, givin' everything you need...

Adema - Freaking Out
I was so much an outcastNo one ever liked me cause I wasn't wantedI was so different from the rest of ...

Adema - Giving In
Will you, walk meTo the edge againShaking, lonely, and I am drinking againWoke up tonight and no...

Adema - Immortal
Let's fightWe're face to faceLoyalty is what I need to see from youYou're insecureI ...

Adema - Let Go
I'm sitting on the edge of the waterContemplating my strange lifeThe sun starts to fall into the groun...

Adema - Lift Us Up
So many times he crossed the line, overboard, overdrawn, over looked, it's over nowShe looks at herself no o...

Adema - Needles
To Live, Do you want to... Live!? Do you wanna live? Do you wanna live? Do you want to live? ...

Adema - Nutshell
We've chased the misprinted liesWe've faced the path of timeAnd yet I fightAnd yet I fight ...

Adema - Pain Inside
Realize that I've lost control, impulses keep flashing through my headI'm on the outsideTake up ...

Adema - Promises
I went outside to take a walkSo I could relive memoriesI thought that you would lend a handBut y...

Adema - Remember
I'll make you a promise today that this family I'll never betray. Life sometimes fades awayNight is a ...

Adema - Rip The Heart Out
I woke up this morning and knewThat the world would test me come ungluedIs it me or do you feel my pai...

Adema - Sevenfold
Taste, you left a bitter taste in my mouth that will never heal to sub-reveal,Unkind, can never rewind, you ...

Adema - Shattered
Do you wake up and wonder where youre really goingRetry aging in life you wanted to achieve your goals...

Adema - Shoot The Arrows
Been greeted with a smile,In my back twists the knife,So quick to flip the switch,Never know qui...

Adema - Skin
Days will come that make no senseMy present situation makes me think too much, too muchIt all revolves...

Adema - So Fortunate
I never thought I was strong enoughTo handle raising my own sonYou'll always fear what you've never do...

Adema - Speculum
There's so many people dyingYou complain about your situationWhat about me?Half the world wouldn...

Adema - Stand Up
He says he love's youBut the make up will not cover up the bruisesHe left on youI tried to stop ...

Adema - Stressin'
The weight of the world has been put on my shouldersI looked in mirror and know that I'm olderI try to...

Adema - The Way You Like It
I'll get inside youI'll get inside youDon't live with shame, 'cause feelings change but fame rem...

Adema - Trust
Let me breatheLet me breatheI can't even think right nowSomething's got me feeling guilty...

Adema - Unstable
I wanted to know who you really areI needed the chance to stitch up my scarsI'm closer to you then I w...

Adina Howard - Let's Roll
You say you can love me better,If only I just let you, show me,Things I never seen before,You sa...

Adina Howard - Nasty Grind
[Adina][Intro]Yeah, yeah ,yeahBaby, baby, babyBoy you came, just in ti...

Afi - 3 1/2
why am i this way?tell me why?why am i this way?why?open wounds in the palms of my hands,...

Afi - 6 To 8
Six figures enter; they've come to destroy the world. They've called together this storm almost every night....

Afi - Advances In Modern Technology
Every night I walk the streets, awake while everyone else sleeps.I'm giving unease to anyone I meet.My...

Afi - A Single Second
Oh my God! My God this can't be happening!God tell me, tell me this isn't real!I can't believe all tha...

Afi - Aspirin Free
There's no hope of helping us, we've only just begun.We're youth eternal, nothing more to become.A tho...

Afi - At A Glance
No haven now as I watch it pour from everywhere.Just like the storm that has come out of thin air.Gent...

Afi - A Winter's Tale
A chilling silence. A world of violets. My breath materialized again. Immaculate. Inanimat...

Afi - Battled
I can't think and i can't speak!My mind is not my own!Feeling like my will is weak!Cannot find t...

Afi - Bleed Black
OhI am exploring the inside, I find it desolateI do implore these confines, now, as they penetra...

Afi - Brownie Bottom Sundae
Into the dark is where you're draggin meand into your dark is where I never want tobe. I know I'm not ...

Afi - ...but Home Is Nowhere
Twenty-six years and seems like I've just begunTo understand my, my intimate is no oneWhen the directo...

Afi - But Home Is Nowhere (demo Version)
Twenty-six years and, seems like i've just begun,to understand my, my intimate is no one.When th...

Afi - Catch A Hot One
Let's tap your heart so we can paint the walls and see if anybody likes the tone or the pain.The hungr...

Afi - Cereal Wars
Get up early in the morning, going to the store.Post, Kellogs, General Mills?It's the cereal war....

Afi - Charles Atlas
You've seen it all a thousand times (you've seen it all a thousand times),you've heard it all before (you've...

Afi - Chicken Song
Chicken's good for the bodyChicken's good for the mindChicken's good for the funny boneChicken's...

Afi - Clove Smoke Catharsis
Lean against the night and laugh as I try to scale the walls.Ingnored futility fills the air. You're only th...

Afi - Coin Return
I have slipped and I have fallen so far down I can't get out.Overwhelmed by my doubt.Things I said I'd...

Afi - Consult My Lover
You've got something to say, or so you say to me, then you receive a blank stare.You've got something to say...

Afi - Crop Tub
Fuck you very much.You say you want to be friends, start over, try again?Well, things will never be th...

Afi - Cruise Control
I will never want to date you while I can learn to hate you.If you somehow learn to love me, well, that's ju...

Afi - Cult Status
I'll turn you on and switch you right off.I'll make sure you like what you see.Forget all that you onc...

Afi - Dancing Through Sunday
Will you join me in this dance, this dance of miseryCradled in imposs... impossibility?Swooning, I am ...

Afi - Death Of Season
Of late, it's harder just to go outsideTo leave this deadspace with hatred, so aliveWrithing with sick...

Afi - Demonomania
[The Misfits cover song]Look upon me, I am the beast...Demonomania, demonomania, demonoma...

Afi - Don't Make Me Ill
Right now we're got a reason to live, but it's got nothing to do with you.We've got a lot of places we're go...

Afi - Dream Of Waking
I feel it washing, over me,slow poisonous tide.Pins and needles, dance on mesickness undefined....

Afi - Ever And A Day
Lie in comfort of sweet calamity with nothing left to lose.Lie in the darkness, I'm slowly drowned to sleep...

Afi - Exsanguination
Welcome the whole new pain and take comfort in what you've become.I waved as I passed myself along the way....

Afi - Fall Children
As the cries start to penetrate still air, this day we celebrate.The wait now ends.From four corners s...

Afi - File 13
I sleep until there is no light.I'm wide awake all through the night.Dinner may suck but I'll take a b...

Afi - Fishbowl
I'm here today, just like every yesterday.Heavy heat, and the sheets stick to my skin.Can't get away f...

Afi - Girl's Not Grey
I'll lay me down tonightMuch further downSwim in the calm tonightThis art does drown...

Afi - God Called In Sick Today
Let's admire the pattern forming. Murderous filigree.I'm caught in the twisting of the vine. Go ascend with ...

Afi - Half-empty Bottle
The ends don't always justify the means,but I know what it takes to get what Ineed, I've got the cure ...

Afi - Halloween
[The Misfits Cover Song]Bonfires burning brightPumpkin faces in the nightI remember...

Afi - He Who Laughs Last...
No trust can be given freely, it's a valuable commodity,but obviously this is something you've never learned...

Afi - High School Football Hero
I wanna be a highschool football hero.With an S.A.T. score less than zero. I wannatry to drink my weig...

Afi - I Wanna Get A Mohawk (but Mom Won't Let Me Get One)
I may be ten years old but I still know what's up.I wear my Cramps shirt almostevery single day. I wan...

Afi - Just Like Heaven
[Originally by The Cure]Show me show me show me how you do that trickThe one that makes m...

Afi - Keeping Out Of Direct Sunlight (an Introduction)
We are the ones with the radiating eyes. We are the Ones who have a fire inside. We are the ones only ...

Afi - Key Lime Pie
KEY LIME PIE, infatuation that shouldn't exist,KEY LIME PIE, indulge and I am in your debt.KEY LIME PI...

Afi - Kung-fu Devil
It's said and done, there is no turning back.I've made my choice, now I've gotta face the facts.Within...

Afi - Last Caress
[Misfits cover]Well I got something to say,I killed your baby today,And it, doesn't...

Afi - Let It Be Broke
I live in truth, complacently. Where's the threat you see in me? Am I the cause of your self conscious...

Afi - Love Is A Many Splendored Thing
Ah!You think you've got the looks,you think you've got the fashion.You thought you'd have me wan...

Afi - Lower It
An invitation excluding no one,so you walk right in and destroy the fucking've lost your rig...

Afi - Lower Your Head And Take It In The Body
Drowned in flames is where I can be found, my nose broke from being smashed into the ground. What a wa...

Afi - Malleus Maleficarum
Open my eyes as I submerge and I won't deny what I've been since birth.I'll die drowned by your standards....

Afi - Man In A Suitcase
[Originally by Police]I know something I won't tell, I won't tell, I won't tell, I know somethi...

Afi - Midnight Sun
What went down on the side of the road?What I saw at the edge of the see.Only those elements time cann...

Afi - Mini Trucks Suck
Mini trucks suck. Cross the street in your mini truck. Mini trucks suck. Stupid piece of shit. Hip-hop fuck. ...

Afi - Miseria Cantare (the Beginning)
Love your hate, your faith lostYou are now one of usLove your hate, your faith lostYou are now o...

Afi - Modern Epic
Yeah I can see it coming.I've seen it all before.I've seen it once or twiceand now I hear it cal...

Afi - Morningstar
I saw a star beneath the stairs glowing through the melting walls. Who will be the first to begin their fall...

Afi - My Michelle
[Originally by Guns N' Roses]Your daddy works in porno Now that mommy's not around ...

Afi - Narrative Of Soul Against Soul
[To the wounded:]I have seen the self image they've forced you to reduce to shattered glass,wit...

Afi - No Poetic Device
I've been dreaming.I was lucid.I was dreaming blood was seeping from my pores.Who'd believe that...

Afi - Now The World
Summer I painted, a scene, that lit the stars for me,Said, "I can erase it for you dear."That summer c...

Afi - Now The World (sing The Sorrow Version)
Summer I painted, a scene, that lit the stars for me,Said, "I can erase it for you dear."That summer c...

Afi - Ny-quil
Sleep. I want to stay in bed all throughout the day, no one bother me.I don't wanna open my eyes.I'll ...

Afi - Of Greetings And Goodbyes
Now ending discreetly, just like a hidden sin, as I go under please tuck me in. Make me invisible. ...

Afi - Over Exposure
I have seen ten roses bleed,seen new petals fall,I have felt my soul tear.I have felt nothing at...

Afi - Paper Airplanes (makeshift Wings)
Raise high monolithic statues so fragile as they fallI am ever enthralledGaze, lie and smirk in time, ...

Afi - Paper Airplanes (makeshift Wings) (demo Version)
Raise high, monolithic, statues so fragile as they fall.(I am, ever enthralled.)Gaze, lie, and smirk i...

Afi - Perfect Fit
What was it I was thinking, or was I even thinking at all?When I think of what I thought back then, then I'm...

Afi - Ph Low
So quickly draining away. If you could only hear all the things you used to say. Consumed now by what ...

Afi - Porphyria Cutanea Tarda
I know... It's here we retreat, for where else could we go?To great disbelief there is somewhere we belong....

Afi - Red Hat
I'm on the sea so bargain with me, so I can be home once again. to lose ways, to sing, an odd time of death,...

Afi - Reiver's Music
I gave up fighting.I've come to see these halos.Am I now worse off for this one night?All ...

Afi - Rizzo In The Box
I'm always around you to show you that I care, but I don't know what for.It seemsto me that you couldn...

Afi - Rolling Balls
Bowling is my life and it has always been my dreamto be a member of the local bowling team, but I'm not very...

Afi - Sacrifice Theory
Hear one thousand screams.Hear one thousand voices.A solitary echo.Feel one thousand pains,...

Afi - Salt For Your Wounds
There's a tear in my heart where the blood ran out. There's a tear in my heart where the love ran out. I tho...

Afi - Self Pity
I'm always short on cash and my mind is in the trash,can't find a way to get my head outta my ass.I'm ...

Afi - Shatty Fatmas
Don't care to hear what you heard.I won't believe a single word.Don't care to hear what you say....

Afi - Silver And Cold
I... I came here by day, but I left here in darknessAnd found you, found you on the wayAnd now, it is ...

Afi - Smile
Overwhelmed with a deep repulsion for sights seen so commonly, now I have come to be the walking enmity....

Afi - Soap-box Derby
I'm not angry, I'm just amused at your quest for attention through your self abuse.The only response that yo...

Afi - Story At Three
Again and again they blend into one, my father the morning pushes through moonlight love. So what's sl...

Afi - Strength Through Wounding
Through our bleeding, we are one.Through the darkness breaks the light.Through the light unending pain...

Afi - Synesthesia
Heartbreak, incarnate, I'm nothing if not your memoriesHeartbreak, please let me be your joy and your pain...

Afi - Synesthesia (demo Version)
[Spoken Intro]: "Last night...last night, Mom fainted. I sat there watching, I sat there waiting, and...

Afi - Take The Test
When it comes the time that you have recognized your lineand you realize the path that you will travel throu...

Afi - The Boy Who Destroyed The World
Once there was boy who had vibrant glow, but as it goes, someone took it from him.One day through the rain I...

Afi - The Checkered Demon
Too much to find, so much so little time.So many images persist to shade my mind.Will I ever come arou...

Afi - The Days Of Phoenix
I remember when I was told of story of crushed velvet,candle wax, and dried up flowersThe figure on th...

Afi - The Despair Factor
Along the path where the stream is talking,I breathe the mist and continue walking. The wood it whispe...

Afi - The Devil Loves You
Do you understand what I'm trying to say? Have you ever felt? Ever felt this way? Tainted with rage you can'...

Afi - The Great Disappointment
I can remember a place I used to goChrysanthemums of white, they seemed so beautifulI can remember, I ...

Afi - The Great Disappointment (demo Version)
I can remember, a place I used to go.Crysanthemums of White, they seemed so beautiful.I can remember, ...

Afi - The Hanging Garden
[The Cure cover song]Creatures kissing in the rain,shapeless in the dark again.In t...

Afi - The Last Kiss
Hung in your room, swaying, hoping only that you'll see.All by myself, I'm alone in such poor company....

Afi - The Leaving Song
Walked away, heard them say"Poison hearts will never change, walk away again"Turned away in disgrace...

Afi - The Leaving Song (demo Version)
Walked away, heard them say, "poison hearts will never change, walk away, again."Turned away, in disgrace, f...

Afi - The Leaving Song Pt. 2
Don't waste your touch, you won't feel anythingOr were you sent to save me?I've thought too much, you ...

Afi - The Lost Souls
If you can't stand upon the water I will see you on the ocean floor.When you blink do you only find the mise...

Afi - The Mother In Me
Caught in a world that's plagued by something they call love.A paradigm of illnessis the beast I have ...

Afi - The Nephilim
Swing through sadness, tears of joy. Curse the sunlight. Arsenic for the girls and boys. Drink t...

Afi - The New Patron Saints And Angels
I've seen the light that emanates from you,and it makes me feel proud, a voice of reason above the muffling ...

Afi - Theory Of Revolution
Don't want to think about it, but I see it every day.Corrupted innocence just doesn't seem to fade away....

Afi - The Prayer Position
Now! Peel the skin back from the flesh. Steal the flesh back from the starving static minds.From nature we m...

Afi - Third Season
It's gonna take you by surprise as it rises. Can you feel the pulse? Can you feel the heat rising from...

Afi - This Celluloid Dream (demo Version)
Calling tears from deep inside, oh, you're so exquisite.And in the mirror, all midnight eyes.Oh, if I ...

Afi - This Secret Ninja
Just like cellophane, you try to cling so tight to me,but your attempt's in vain. You've less sincerity than...

Afi - This Time Imperfect
I cannot leave here, I cannot stay,Forever haunted, more than afraid.Asphyxiate on words I would say,...

Afi - Three Reasons
Where were you? Say you were gone?Well, ask me and I'll swear you were there all along. Another place?...

Afi - Three Second Notice
Submission- My back hurts from bowing down.Attraction - Was once so strong now can't be found. Affecti...

Afi - Today's Lesson
[Originally by Filth]Here is your lesson for today, you better listen up real fucking good!...

Afi - Totalimmortal
Hope unknown. Sometimes just waking is surreal.I walk right through the nameless ones.I know that hope...

Afi - Transference
No room for doubtaccusations one to ten,You've got my number boyyou've got my number boy,N...

Afi - Triple Zero
It burns! It burns! It burns my eyes and throat, but I need no antidote. Gnawing and tearing at my insides -...

Afi - Two Of A Kind
Hangin' out and lingerin' around, cause you know whereI'll be found and I don't know how you do it.Thi...

Afi - [untitled]
[Spoken]We held hands on the last night on earth.Our mouths filled with dust, we kissed in the ...

Afi - Values Here
[Originally by Dag Nasty]What'd you sayWhen I said we'll be here through tomorrowIn...

Afi - Wake-up Call
If I had my way I'd wish them away,but I can't find the magic inside of me.I'll give my best, cause I ...

Afi - Weathered Tome
They're coming 'round again. I've returned and they've been waiting.Their aged offererings received and retu...

Afi - Who Knew?
Every single notion burned indelibly. Every motion leaving scars behind. All sincere emotion received ...

Afi - Who Said You Could Touch Me?
You don't know I am so,you can not get close to meand I don't know who you are,so just leave me ...

Afi - Your Name Here
It's the same old situation, it seems it's coming around again.I won't play the fool, I'm not screwing aroun...

Afi - Yurf Rendenmein
You keep on sayin' that you want to know mebut you never show me your true self.How can you ever expec...

Afi - Yurf Rendernmein
You keep on sayin' that you want to know mebut you never show me your true self.How can you ever expec...

Afroman - Crazy Rap
(Wait a minute, man. Hey, check this out, tell it. It was this blind man, right? Man, check this out- it was...

Afroman - Drive Better Drunk
[Chorus: 2x]Don't grab my keys when the party's overI drive better drunk, than you do sober...

Afroman - Freak On With You
[Verse 1]Walking down the street with a gangsta limpHoes on the corner like a O.G. pimpFe...

Afroman - Ghetto Memories
[Afroman talking]Gotta do one song for the hoodThis going out to all my homeboysYa know w...

Afroman - Hush
[Hook (Afroman talking)]Hush, hush (yeah yeah)Somebody's callin my name (if you listen closely...

Afroman - Let's All Get Drunk Tonight
Let's all get drunk tonight. (Hell yeah.) I hope I don't fight with a punk tonight. (C'mon.) Let's all get h...

Afroman - Missisippi
(Palmdale was like the peak of my life, but Palmdale over with, homeboy. I'm fittin' to go home cuz.) Please...

Afroman - She Won't Let Me Fucc
(Hey Sugar, how you doin'? Your pretty face don't match that nasty attitude. What do you mean, 'Where's my g...

Afroman - Tall Cans
Ahhhhhhhhhhh shit! shit! shit!Now I'm walkin down the street with some chicken and a fortyI'm yellin a...

Afroman - The American Dream
Yes! Yes! Thank you for inviting me here for my final speech. Ladies and gentlemen, homosexuals, lesbians, a...

Agnetha Faltskog - A Fool Am I
This time your story had better be goodOr I may leave you like I know I shouldYou say you've missed me...

Agnetha Faltskog - Fly Me To The Moon
Fly me to the moonAnd let me play among the starsLet me see what spring is likeOn Jupiter and Ma...

Agnetha Faltskog - I Can't Reach Your Heart
I can't reach your heart You're near but yet so far Am I reaching for a star Am I aiming too hig...

Agnetha Faltskog - If I Thought You'd Ever Change Your Mind
I would bring you flowers in the morningWild roses as the sun begins to shine Sweet perfume in tiny je...

Agnetha Faltskog - Love Me With All Your Heart
Love me with all of your heartThat's all I want, loveLove me with all of your heartOr not at all...

Agnetha Faltskog - My Colouring Book
For those who fancy colouring booksAnd lots of people doHere's a new one for youA most unusual c...

Agnetha Faltskog - Past, Present And Future
[The Past]Past - well now let me tell you about the pastPast is filled with silent joys and bro...

Agnetha Faltskog - Remember Me
As you walk from my sideThe tears I try to hideAre running down my cheek I find it hard to speak...

Agnetha Faltskog - Sealed With A Kiss
'Tho we gotta say goodbye for the summerDarling I promise you this I'll send you all my loveEver...

Agnetha Faltskog - Sometimes When I Am Dreaming
All the friends I believed inI believed in for a whileThey had their flair They had their style...

Agnetha Faltskog - The End Of The World
Why does the sun go on shining?Why does the sea rush to shore?Don't they know it's the end of the worl...

Agnetha Faltskog - What Now My Love
What now my love?Now that you left meHow can I live through another day?Watching my dreams turni...

Agnetha Faltskog - When You Walk In The Room
EVERYTIME... I can feel a new expression on my faceI can feel a glowing sensation taking placeI ...

A-ha - Afternoon High
The sunlight hits the corner of your eye As it bounces off the morning sky The summer in the 70s fly b...

A-ha - A Little Bit
And it will take a little bit of extra timeTo make it shine, to make it shine And it will take a littl...

A-ha - And You Tell Me
Please don't hurt meI have told youAll my love is all i've gotAnd tomorrow is the dayWhen ...

A-ha - Angel In The Snow
Angel, angel or soWherever you may goHmm, yeah...I'll followWherever you may go:...

A-ha - Barely Hanging On
I used to be so sensible on my ownNow I'm so sensitive it's a jokeI'm getting by on decibels like a dr...

A-ha - Between Your Mama And Yourself
Hey listen honeySomething you should knowThis can't waitI've been meaning to tell youA lon...

A-ha - Cannot Hide
Can you see me baby Standing in the light I feel your cat's eyes on me Faster in the night...

A-ha - Cold As Stone
You're back againYou roam the streetsAnd crack againYou're back againYou're travel-w...

A-ha - Cold River
I took a ride in an automobilePushed my hands out against the wheelAsked a girl if she needed a ...

A-ha - Crying In The Rain
I'll never let you seeThe way my broken heart is hurting meI've got my pride and I know how to hide...

A-ha - Dark Is The Night For All
It's time we said goodbyeTime now to decideO' don't you feel so smallDark is the night for all...

A-ha - Did Anyone Approach You
You never look upYou never look back You never say anything based on fact You've got issues goin...

A-ha - Dragonfly
I will never let you downI will always be aroundIn the time we are here We'll see love dis...

A-ha - Early Morning
Early morningEight o'clock preciseI see the lonely August sun ariseSay you knowYou w...

A-ha - Eeast Of The Sun
Half of a letterTells half a storyThe way I see itIt's half the worryWhere I came from...

A-ha - Forever Not Yours
Hold me tightThis is a lonely night And I've hurt you baby Because you are my light Make m...

A-ha - Heaven's Not For Saints
Heaven's not for saintsYou only have one cupNow you've filled it upLet it go, babe - just let it...

A-ha - Here I Stand And Face The Rain
Help meI need your loveDon't walk awayThe dark scares me soWe're nothing apartLet's ...

A-ha - How Sweet It Was
Uh...yeah, that's alrightLend us a voice in this howling nightJust about a month agoYou ma...

A-ha - Hunting High And Low
Here I amAnd within the reach of my handsShe sounds asleep and she's sweeter nowThan the wildest...

A-ha - Hurry Home
Hurry homeFreight train runningI've been goneToo long, honeyWhy did I waste awayThe ...

A-ha - I Call Your Name
We got married on a cold mid-winter's morningWe said our linesThen kissedAnd it was over...

A-ha - I Dream Myself Alive
Dream myself aliveI dream myself aliveYou can't denyThere's something darkAgainst the ligh...

A-ha - I've Been Losing You
It wasn't the rain that washed away...Rinsed out the colours of your eyesPutting the gun down on the b...

A-ha - I Wish I Cared
To hold me closer or set me freeTo trust completely or let it beYou don't know my destinyYou can...

A-ha - I Won't Forget Her
I won't forget herShe was once my loveWhen I hold you in my armsOh yeahYou know I'll...

A-ha - Lamb To The Slaughter
I went down to the waterLike a lamb to the slaughterDidn't knowWhat was waiting for me there...

A-ha - Less Than Pure
We're going to go downtown I hear this great new place has opened up And when we get thereI don'...

A-ha - Lie Down In Darkness
With all our goals and destinations...Everything must be this wayVague are hopesThat try our pat...

A-ha - Lifelines
One time to know that it's real One time to know how it feels That's all One call - your voice o...

A-ha - Little Black Heart
I never saw sunlightBurn as brightI never felt darknessThe way I feel it tonightYou ...

A-ha - Living A Boy's Adventure Tale
I've fixed my dwelling for the nightLights in pairs come passing bywhere I hideI need some time ...

A-ha - Locust
Don't be afaidIt's a harmless moonAll we can doIs to assumeOur lives must change...

A-ha - Love Is Reason
My breath was coming fastAnd as i make a startYou turn to gooh, ohI'll do what you want me...

A-ha - Manhattan Skyline
We sit and watch umbrellas flyI'm trying to keep my newspaper dryI hear myself say,"My boat's le...

A-ha - Mary Ellen Makes The Moment Count
Mary cries out: "for the love of God"As she's walking out of the laundromatDown the street and it's th...

A-ha - Maybe Maybe
Maybe you were joking When you said that you were walking out on meMaybe, maybeMaybe...

A-ha - Memorial Beach
I pace the length of my unmade roomIn times of changeMy bags are packed, guess I'm leaving the w...

A-ha - Minor Earth / Major Sky
I can't see me in this empty placeJust another lonely faceI can't see me here in outer spaceIt's...

A-ha - Move To Memphis
Walked around no one aroundYou were the one who taught me betterThis old town brings me down...

A-ha - October
Dawn awaits a sleepless, English town Of coloured grayHere I roam the streets without youAs summ...

A-ha - Oranges On Apple Trees
Oranges on apple trees Birds that mate with bumblebeesOranges on apple trees Water comes and wat...

A-ha - Out Of Blue Comes Green
FatherMy wings are clippedSee the steps that made me tripNow I'm so lonelyMother...

A-ha - Rolling Thunder
It's the weight below usAnd our fate before usLike a rolling thunderRolling up from underD...

A-ha - Scoundrel Days
Was that somebody screaming...It wasn't me for sureI lift my head up from uneasy pillowsPu...

A-ha - (seemingly) Nonstop July
Walking by strangersStranger than meWe talk of the futureBetween you and meSweet lit...

A-ha - Shapes That Go Together
When you were wrapped in tanglesI was freeAnd when you were undecidedI believedIt's alrigh...

A-ha - Slender Frame
Your coat is hanging looselyOn your slender frameThere's many roads to leave byBut few come back...

A-ha - Soft Rains Of April
The soft rains of April are overThe soft rains of April are over, overAnybody home nowI am...

A-ha - Solace
Some sign of forgiveness Some form of releaseIs all that she asks for Is all that she needs ...

A-ha - Stay On These Roads
The cold has a voiceIt talks to meStillborn, by choiceIt airs no need to holdOld man...

A-ha - Summer Moved On
Summer moved onAnd the way it goesYou can't tag alongHoney moved outAnd the way it w...

A-ha - Sycamore Leaves
Can't stop thinking 'bout itIt fills me with uneaseOut there by the roadside something's buriedU...

A-ha - The Blood That Moves The Body
It's the way we feelTonightAs if it's all unrealAll rightMy love, won't you come back to...

A-ha - The Blue Sky
I find it hard to breatheAs life just eats awayAt the faces that surround meThey look tired toda...

A-ha - The Company Man
Andy was the company manResponsible for signing the bandSongs came out of our mouthsAnd into his...

A-ha - The Living Daylights
Hey driver, where're we goingI swear my nerves are showingSet your hopes up way too highThe livi...

A-ha - There's A Reason For It
Don't know how it got away from me Don't know how I let things go, you see Don't know why it took a su...

A-ha - There's Never A Forever Thing
Dearest...Close your eyes nowDon't you cryIt's all rightLie backLeave the ligh...

A-ha - The Sun Always Shines On T.v.
Touch meHow can it beBelieve meThe sun always shines on T.VHold meClose to your hear...

A-ha - The Sun Never Shine That Day
The sun never shone that dayFrom an early dawn the sky was greyI never should've walked awayI kn...

A-ha - The Swing Of Things
You say the world's an eventful placeYou give me newsI don't want to knowYou say that I should c...

A-ha - The Way We Talk
Sometimes the way we talk isn't all that goodWe can't change though we know we shouldBaby, these...

A-ha - The Weight Of The Wind
Your face looked new against the townYou've come to lose some memoriesLike you came to touch new groun...

A-ha - This Alone Is Love
This alone is loveNo small thingThis alone is loveThat my love bringsAnd all of us...

A-ha - Thought That It Was You
I thought that it was youThe things you saw me doThey were trueLittle did I knowYou ...

A-ha - Time And Again
The sun brought me The moon caught me The wind fought meThe rain got me The road sent me ...

A-ha - To Let You Win
You know I always had the strength to fightBut I got tired of the wars at nightThinking they would end...

A-ha - Touchy!
Donna found us in her slow and dreamy wayI can't hear a word the waiter saysShe's looking older now......

A-ha - Train Of Thought
He likes to have the morning paper'sCrossword solvedWords go up words come downForwards backward...

A-ha - Velvet
Her skin is like velvetHer face cut from stoneHer eyes when she's smilingWill never reach home...

A-ha - Waiting For Her
Waiting for herThat's all I ever doWaiting for herSo why didn't ITake the measures j...

A-ha - We're Looking For The Whales
One left low left two who left highThey seem so hard to findThree came twice took once the timeT...

A-ha - White Canvas
Stories are paintedIn lines on your faceMisunderstandings And little mistakes A chance to ...

A-ha - X-mas Time (blows My Mind)
Give things best forgivenSolve things best resolvedWhy wait untill tomorrow ?Get things best for...

A-ha - You Are The One
You are the one who has done meGuess you knew from the startI call again, but there's no one inD...

A-ha - You'll End Up Crying
You'll end up cryingWith your mother's eyesPretend you can't see yourselfCould have been better...

A-ha - You'll Never Get Over Me
You say you want some funYou're not the only oneNot the only oneAnd you say you wanna run...

A-ha - You Wanted More
You know the wayYou've been before I've seen the signs Outside your doorYou set the rules ...

Air - Another Day
Say Goodbye Sunshine Daylight 'Cause it's just another day You will lose it anyway ...

Air - Biological
Thousands of hairs Two eyes only Its you Some skin Billions of genes Again its...

Air - Cherry Blossom Girl
I don't want to be shy Can't stand it anymore I just want to say 'Hi' To the one I love Ch...

Air - Run
Holy girl Don't get up For running Stay with me I feel sad When you run ...

Air - Surfin' On A Rocket
Time for flying rockets For silver jets For surfing bombs Surfing on a rocket Don't ...

Air - Universal Traveler
I know so many places in the world I follow the sun in my silver plane Universal traveler ...

Air - Venus
You could be from Venus I could be from Mars We would be together Lovers forever Care for ...

Akia - California
top off the ridewe could cruise aroundlisten to the sounds till the sun goes downstarin at...

Akon - Don't Let Up
(Dont Let it Get To You, No Baby)Girl I Know you're fed up but things gonna get a lot better(Dont Let ...

Akon - Gangsta
[Daddy T speaking]Oooooooooo[Chorus in the background]Alert, ale...

Akon - Ghetto
Ghetto, Ghetto, Ghetto, Ghetto livin[Verse one]These streets remind me of quicksand...

Akon - Locked Up
[AKON] Im steady tryna find a motive, Why do what i do?, Freedom aint gettin no closer, ...

Akon - Pot Of Gold
Ohhh yeah, dada, dodo, dada, dodo, dada, dodo, AkonLife come and goSo let the history be told...

Akon - Show Out
Akon, show out (show out), show out (show out)I'm sure that the streets are watching meRather no...

Akon - So Fly
[Chorus]Realizing livin life for me, always gettin into troubleCuz, im so flyIm on a whol...

Akon - Trouble Nobody
[Intro]Ok, Akon, Stay outta trouble now son, Akon, Stay outta trouble now son[ve...

Akon - When The Time's Right
Yeah, what up, I go by the name of Divine, I got my boy Akon in the backBut before I bring him out, I want a...

Alanis Morissette - 21 Things I Want In A Lover
Do you derive joy when someone else succeeds? Do you not play dirty when engaged in competition? Do yo...

Alanis Morissette - All I Really Want
Do I stress you outMy sweater is on backwards and inside outAnd you say how appropriateI don't w...

Alanis Morissette - A Man
I am a man as a man I've been toldBacon is brought to the house in this moldBorn of your bellies I yea...

Alanis Morissette - An Emotion Away
I had high expectationsIt's something I could not compromiseAnd when I saw you I wasn't readyIt ...

Alanis Morissette - Are You Still Mad ?
are you still mad I kicked you out of bed?are you still mad I gave you ultimatums?are you still mad I ...

Alanis Morissette - Baba
i've seen them kneelwith baited breath for the rituali've watched this experience raisethem to p...

Alanis Morissette - Bent 4 U
You're unsure and you're not ready so that must mean I want youYou're unavailable and disinterested and to y...

Alanis Morissette - Big Bad Love
I'm having dreams in the night of you babyAnd Sigmund Freud would have thought I was crazyI wonder why...

Alanis Morissette - Can't Deny
It's late at night and no one's aroundAnd only my heart is making a soundI lay awake alone in my bed...

Alanis Morissette - Can't Not
i'd be lying if I said I was completely unscathedI might be proving you right with my silence or my retaliat...

Alanis Morissette - (change Is) Never A Waste Of Time
I know there's a reason you're forcing a smileYou hide what you're feeling and you have for a whileI c...

Alanis Morissette - Fate Stay With Me
[Chorus:]Oh, PleaseFate stay with me, and guide me along my wayThere has been so many pro...

Alanis Morissette - Fear Of Bliss
My misery has enjoyed companyAnd although I have achedI don't threaten anybodySometimes I feel m...

Alanis Morissette - Feel Your Love
Baby, I've got this thing for youI'm thinkin' there's somethin' goin' on nowA wicked imagination...

Alanis Morissette - Find The Right Man
You found the right man in the right placeOnce in a while you meet him face to faceIt was love at firs...

Alanis Morissette - Flinch
What's it been over a decade?It still smarts like it was four minutes agoWe only influenced each other...

Alanis Morissette - Forgiven
You know how us Catholic girls can beWe make up for so much time a little too lateI never forgot it, c...

Alanis Morissette - Front Row
do you go to the dungeon to find out how to make peace with your days in the dungeon writing a letterto you ...

Alanis Morissette - Give What You Got
You've got to give it all to babyYou know I want it all for meI wanna get to know you babyIs tha...

Alanis Morissette - Hand In My Pocket
I'm broke but I'm happyI'm poor but I'm kindI'm short but I'm healthy, yeahI'm high but I'm grou...

Alanis Morissette - Hands Clean (acoustic)
If it weren't for your maturity none of this would have happenedIf you weren't so wise beyond your years I w...

Alanis Morissette - Head Over Feet
I had no choice but to hear youYou stated your case time and againI thought about itYou tr...

Alanis Morissette - Heart Of The House
you are the original templateyou are the original exemplaryhow seen were actually?how revered we...

Alanis Morissette - Human Touch
Give me what I'm askin' forStop bringin' me down or I'll slam the doorYou're getting out of line with ...

Alanis Morissette - Ironic
An old man turned ninety-eightHe won the lottery and died the next dayIt's a black fly in your Chardon...

Alanis Morissette - I Was Hoping
as we were taking outside it was cold we were shivering yet warmed by the subject mattermy wife is in the ne...

Alanis Morissette - Jealous
Make sure she's alrightShe just can't wait to partyShe'll make it look so easyWhy won't you list...

Alanis Morissette - Joining You
dear dar(lin') your mom (my friend) left a message on my machine she was franticsaying you were talking craz...

Alanis Morissette - Mary Jane
What's the matter Mary Jane, you had a hard dayAs you place the don't disturb sign on the doorYou lost...

Alanis Morissette - Narcissus
Dear momma's boy I know you've had your butt licked by your motherI know you've enjoyed all that attention f...

Alanis Morissette - No Apologies
Whenever we talk about sun all I see is the rainIt's like looking for tears in a oceanI'm hearing your...

Alanis Morissette - Not All Me
I wear their all on top of my face I am the perfect target screen For your blindly fueled rage I...

Alanis Morissette - Not The Doctor
I don't want to be the filler if the void is solely yoursI don't want to be your glass of single malt whiske...

Alanis Morissette - Offer
Who Who am I to be blue Look at my family and fortune Look at my friends and my house Who ...

Alanis Morissette - Oh Yeah!
My name is Alanis. I'm a white chick singerthe drums are a-smokin' and so's the bassShake your thing...

Alanis Morissette - One
I am the biggest hypocriteI've been undeniably jealousI have been loud and pretentiousI have bee...

Alanis Morissette - On My Own
Why do I feel it's all up to me to see thateverything's right and it's how it should beWhy don't they ...

Alanis Morissette - Party Boy
You're love ain't enough-OW!You're just a party party party boy yeahoh babyYou're just a party p...

Alanis Morissette - Perfect
Sometimes is never quite enoughIf you're flawless, then you'll win my loveDon't forget to win first pl...

Alanis Morissette - Plastic
You got a plastic name and a plastic heartYou can play the game or you'll never startI'm talkin' to yo...

Alanis Morissette - Precious Illusions
You'll rescue me right?In the exact same way they never did..I'll be happy right?When your heali...

Alanis Morissette - Purgatorying
Entertain me for the tenth hour in a row againAnesthetize me with your gossip and many random anecdotes...

Alanis Morissette - Rain
It was the night Rod Stewart playedAnd we were, were standing in the pouring rainIf I had known it was...

Alanis Morissette - Real World
We play the game with determinationWe don't give a dam 'bout our reputation babyIt's not a game, it's ...

Alanis Morissette - Right Through You
Wait a minute manYou mispronounced my nameYou didn't wait for all the informationBefore you turn...

Alanis Morissette - Simple Together
You've been my golden best friendNow with post-demise at handCan't go to you for consolationCaus...

Alanis Morissette - Sister Blister
You and me we're cut from the same clothIt seems to some we famously get alongBut you and me are stran...

Alanis Morissette - So-called Chaos
Deadlines, meetings and contracts all breachedD-days and structure responsibilityHave-to's and n...

Alanis Morissette - So Pure
you from new york you are so relevantyou reduce me to cosmic tearsluminous more so than most anyone...

Alanis Morissette - Sorry To Myself
For hearing all my doubts so selectively andFor continuing my numbing love endlessly. For helping you ...

Alanis Morissette - So Unsexy
Oh these little rejections how they add up quicklyOne small sideways look and I feel so ungoodSomewher...

Alanis Morissette - Spineless
I won't see my dear friends as much Male friends especially, I'll no longer be in touch I'll change my...

Alanis Morissette - Still
I am the harm which you inflict.I am your brilliance and frustration.I'm the nuclear bombs if they're ...

Alanis Morissette - Superman
I'm lookin' for someone who can made me feelA serious love like Juliet's is realA little impulsive and...

Alanis Morissette - Surrendering
you were full and fully capableyou were self sufficient and needlessyour house was fully decorated in ...

Alanis Morissette - Sympathetic Character
I was afraid you'd hit me if i'd spoken up I wasafraid of your physical strength I was afraidyou'd hit...

Alanis Morissette - Thank U
how bout getting off these antibioticshow bout stopping eating when I'm full uphow bout them transpare...

Alanis Morissette - That I Would Be Good
that I would be good even if I did nothingthat I would be good even if I got the thumbs downthat I wou...

Alanis Morissette - The Couch
you hadn't seen your father in such a long timehe died in the arms of his lover how dare heyour mother...

Alanis Morissette - The Time Of Your Life
Standing there on a road that leads to anywhereLike a child left in the wilderness, standing there penniless...

Alanis Morissette - This Grudge
Fourteen years Thirty minutes Fifteen seconds I'veHeld this grudgeEleven songs...

Alanis Morissette - Too Hot
Always too hot never too coldYou make your best shot too hot to holdNever too young Never too old...

Alanis Morissette - Uninvited
Like anyone would be I am flattered by your fascination with me Like any hot-blooded woman I hav...

Alanis Morissette - Unprodigal Daughter
I had disengaged to avoid being totaledI would run away and say good riddance, soon enoughI had grown ...

Alanis Morissette - Unsent
dear matthew I like you a lot I realize you're in a relationship with someone right now and I respectt...

Alanis Morissette - Ur
burn the books they've got too many names and psychosisall this incriminating evidence would surely haunt me...

Alanis Morissette - Utopia
we'd gather around all in a room fasten our belts engage in dialoguewe'd all slow down rest without guilt no...

Alanis Morissette - Wake Up
You like snow but only if it's warmYou like rain but only if it's dryNo sentimental value to the rose ...

Alanis Morissette - Walk Away
A downtown cafe Saturday evenin' and theplace is about to be closed I'm meeting my babyyeah and order ...

Alanis Morissette - When We Meet Again
We said good-bye with so much left to sayWe knew inside we'd find another wayWe'll have it all, it's n...

Alanis Morissette - Would Not Come
if I make a lot of tinsel then people will want toif I am hardened no fear of further abandonmentif I ...

Alanis Morissette - You Learn
I recommend getting your heart trampled on to anyoneI recommend walking around naked in your living room...

Alanis Morissette - You Oughta Know
I want you to know, that I'm happy for youI wish nothing but the best for you bothAn older version of ...

Alanis Morissette - You Owe Me Nothing In Return
I'll give you countless amounts of outright acceptance if you want itI will give you encouragement to choose...

Alanis Morissette - Your Congratulations
I wouldn't have compromised so muchso much of myself for fear ofhaving you hating meI would've s...

Alanis Morissette - Your House
I went to your houseWalked up the stairsI opened your door without ringing the bellI walked down...

Alan Jackson - Buicks To The Moon
How long will I love youI don't really knowI'd like to think foreverIs how far we could go so le...

Alan Jackson - Burnin' The Honky Tonks Down
She's burnin' the honky tonks downBurnin' the honky tonks downSmoke's been rising all over townS...

Alan Jackson - Drive (for Daddy Gene)
It was painted red the stripe was whiteIt was eighteen feet from the bow to the stern lightSecondhand ...

Alan Jackson - Everything I Love
Coffee keeps me up and I can't sleepAnd when I drink too much then I can't eatLosing you has led me to...

Alan Jackson - Gone Crazy
Here I am all alone again tonightIn this old empty houseIt's hard to learn what you don't think you ne...

Alan Jackson - Hole In The Wall
There's a hole in the wallWhere a nail used to beA nail that held a picture ofThe one that once ...

Alan Jackson - If French Fries Were Fat Free
Will I need a miss of my lifeEach time I went left, I should've gone rightAnd love's no exception to t...

Alan Jackson - If Love Was A River
If love was a riverAnd I was a drowning manWould you get in the waterWould you lend me a hand...

Alan Jackson - I'll Go On Loving You
When I look into your soft green eyesWhen I see your delicate bodyRevealed to me as you slip off your ...

Alan Jackson - It Must Be Love
First I get cold and hotThink I'm on fire, but I'm not.Oh, what a pain I've got,It must be love...

Alan Jackson - It's Five O' Clock Somewhere
The sun is hot and that old clock is movin' slow,An' so am I.Work day passes like molasses in winterti...

Alan Jackson - Job Description
Well i know sometimes you find it hardTo understand just what we do out hereWell that bus rolls up at ...

Alan Jackson - Let's Get Back To Me And You
I'm always on the roadYou're always all aloneAnd I'm not always there when I'm at homeBut ...

Alan Jackson - Little Bitty
Have a little love on a little honeymoonYou got a little dish and you got a little spoonA little bitty...

Alan Jackson - Little Man
I remember walk'in round the court square sidewalkLookin' in windows at things I couldn't want There's...

Alan Jackson - Monday Morning Church
You left your Bible on the dresserSo I put it in the drawer'Cause I can't seem to talk to God without ...

Alan Jackson - Pop A Top
Pop a top again I just got time for one more round Sit em up my friends Then I'll be gone ...

Alan Jackson - Rainy Day In June
I need some sunshine on my faceTo help me dry my eyesI need a blue sky over hereSo I can clear m...

Alan Jackson - Remember When
Remember when I was young and so were youand time stood still and love was all we knewYou were the fir...

Alan Jackson - Right On The Money
Let's begin with the day I met herHow fast this good old boy's world got betterSky got bluer, the gras...

Alan Jackson - Strong Enough
I just took your picture off the tableAnd I just took your picture off the wallHide from you anywhere ...

Alan Jackson - The Blues Man
He's just a singer A natural born guitar ringer Kind of a clinger to sad old songs He's not a wa...

Alan Jackson - There Goes
There you were standin' in the shadowsWell I just looked where I don't seeI'm still pretendin I ...

Alan Jackson - There Ya Go
Starting over again is a bit like dancingYou just need someone to lead and take it slowSo lay your hea...

Alan Jackson - The Sounds
I can hear her heart beatIt seams a little strongI can hear the things I did wrongI can hear her...

Alan Jackson - To Do What I Do
I've been a waiter, a roofer, a clerk I've shoveled manure till my pride hurtWhen you're starting out,...

Alan Jackson - Too Much Of A Good Thing
Smiles in the morningAs warm as sunshineKisses when I lay down at nightAnd 2 loving armsTo...

Alan Jackson - Tropical Depression
I thought some time in the sunWould help me get over youBut I could tell from day oneThis is a p...

Alan Jackson - Usa Today
I heard you've been wonderingHow I'm getting alongI guess you think I can't make it with you gone...

Alan Jackson - When Love Comes Around
Love for me hasn't been easyI've let true love fall to the groundThrough the years and the tears...

Alan Jackson - When Somebody Loves You
When your heart is all alone every second Seems so longWhen it's just you, you can't see through...

Alan Jackson - Where I Come From
Well I was rollin' wheels and shiftin' gears'Round that Jersey TurnpikeWhen Barney stopped me with his...

Alan Jackson - Where Were You (when The World Stopped Turning)
Where were you when the world stopped turning that September dayOut in the yard with your wife and children...

Alan Jackson - Who's Cheatin' Who
Everywhere you look you can write a bookOn the trouble of a woman and a manBut you can not impose you ...

Alan Jackson - Www.memory
I know you're leaving, I see the signsYou're gonna walk out on this heart of mineYou'll never call me,...

Alan Jackson - You Can't Give Up On Love
You say your heart's been brokenAnd you just can't winYou say that you'll never love againLet me...

Alan Jackson - You Don't Have To Paint Me A Picture
The kiss was colder than I rememberWhen we first said helloI guess the flame's now a little lower...

Alexz Johnson - 24 Hours
I've been sitting in the dirt (for 24 hours) I've forgotten what im worth (for 24 hours) Said that you...

Alexz Johnson - Criminal
I won't deny, I faked itDon't wanna lie, I'm jaddedI wanna scream when inside I'm breaking downI...

Alexz Johnson - I'm In Love With My Guitar
I've been trying too hard I've been spinning around Got people chasing me down Gotta find a way ...

Alexz Johnson - It Could Be You
You and me, all aloneIt's to late to say we didn't knowWe shouldn't be, all aloneOne of us might...

Alexz Johnson - Let Me Fall
I feel chained, chained down You shoved me to the ground I can't run, I can't shout Just let me ...

Alexz Johnson - Me Out Of Me
Why you always trying to make me something that I don't wanna be?Ooo, push me over, make me over, try to mak...

Alexz Johnson - Pick Up The Pieces
If I was a drift on an ocean all aloneYou came and rescued meWhen I was far from homeRush of lov...

Alexz Johnson - Stupid Girl
You pretend you're highYou pretend you're boredYou pretend you're anythingJust to be adored...

Alexz Johnson - Temporary Insanity
Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da DaWhat just happened? Did you kiss me? Cause that's...

Alexz Johnson - Your Eyes
If I was drowning in the seaWould you dive right in and save me?If I was falling like a starWoul...

Alicia Keys - A Woman's Worth (remix)
You can buy me diamonds and buy me pearlsTake me on a cruise around the worldA dozen roses cause Im yo...

Alicia Keys - Dah Dee Dah (sexy Thing)
Dah dee dah, dah dah dah dee dah.Sexy thing, I can do anything, cuz constantly (Constantly)I'm t...

Alicia Keys - Diary
[Verse 1:]Lay your head on my pillowHere you can be yourselfNo one has to know what...

Alicia Keys - Dragon Days
Like a damsel in distressI'm stressing youMy castle became my dungeon cuz I'm longing for youI'm...

Alicia Keys - Feeling U, Feeling Me (interlude)
Do you ooooooo, ooooo2 hour long conversationsOn the phoneCan't get you outta my mindBaby ...

Alicia Keys - Harlem's Nocturne
[Piano]Drop itYeah, yeahCome in for a minute,Welcome backIt's just me and you...

Alicia Keys - Heartburn
Yea. Come on. Timbo! A. Keys,Let's go!Let me tell you somethingTell you how I feelWhen he ...

Alicia Keys - If I Was Your Woman / Walk On By
[Verse I:]If I was your womanAnd you were my manYou'd have no other womanYou'...

Alicia Keys - Karma
Weren't you the one who said that you don't want me anymoreAnd how you need your space and give the keys bac...

Alicia Keys - Nobody Not Really (interlude)
Who really cares?When I talk?What I feel?What I say?Nobody, not reallyWho wants to t...

Alicia Keys - Samsonite Man
He's a man so full of style and graceAny woman'd be impressedTakes a smile and paints it on your face...

Alicia Keys - Slow Down
Oooooo BabyThere's something that I gotta tell yaI think that you should know what's on my mindO...

Alicia Keys - So Simple
It would be, it would be It would be so simpleWhat it is ain't what it wasWhat should it be when...

Alicia Keys - When You Really Love Someone
I'm a woman, lord knows it's hardI need a real man to give me what I needSweet attention, love and ten...

Alicia Keys - You Don't Know My Name
Baby, baby, babyFrom the day I saw youI really really want to catch your eyeThere's something sp...

Alien Ant Farm - 1000 Days
Eyes they burn from stinging travel and missing you is hard to handle.Stayed away a thousand days and things...

Alien Ant Farm - Denigrate
I didn't get you anythingDon't take it personallyI won't shower you in giftsI don't bring that k...

Alien Ant Farm - Drifting Apart
We'll take a trip for two around the world. We'll have a bird's eye view of every single nation.I coul...

Alien Ant Farm - Glow
I Never thought that you'd find out I did it.I was so scared that you'd leave, so I hid it.I know we s...

Alien Ant Farm - Goodbye
All that you so is steps aboveAnthing else we could dream ofmy tabloid girl, you miraclegod's gi...

Alien Ant Farm - Hope
Hope is the thing Im feeling today.Walking a mile out of the way,I still might make it through.T...

Alien Ant Farm - Never Meant
I threw a rock at window, Missed and hit the light.And now it's hard to see you without illuminite....

Alien Ant Farm - Pink Tea
On bright days, make sundaes!And tea time, is alwaysIn short time with sunlightWe're gunna wait...

Alien Ant Farm - Quiet
I'll be the bumble bee behind you baby.I'll tear up everything inside you, well yeah.And it stings, an...

Alien Ant Farm - Rubber Mallet
Cable cars run through my mind.I think up north on Valentine.Maybe we drink to old friends.You s...

Alien Ant Farm - Sarah Wynn
Remeber when we were young?We'd smoke cigarettes behind the store.Pimpin' beers for fun.Back the...

Alien Ant Farm - Smooth Criminal
As he came into the windowWas a sound of a crescendoHe came into her apartmentHe left the bloods...

Alien Ant Farm - S.s. Recognize
I'm back to your gameInpacting for rainAnd to the flow whenI think the vessel bentNo...

Alien Ant Farm - These Days
Making all these waves and I wonder where the days went.I sit and think of you, I hope the feeling's mutual....

Alien Ant Farm - Tia Lupe
She traps a Velvet moth between her harmless hands. Then builds an Atrium to perch on her night stand. ...

Alisha's Attic - 5 Big Letters
Pride is the most hurting thing Of all the five big letters A wasting thing, a weakness Nasty so...

Alisha's Attic - Adore U
Adore U I do, I do, I do And everything I am I would give to you My love, my love, my love ...

Alisha's Attic - Affected By You Not
Here I am, comfortably here All you other angels, you should feel inferior Picture me affected by you ...

Alisha's Attic - Air & Angels
You say phone me every day Or I might forget you I'm Aquarius, you know We've got that way about...

Alisha's Attic - Air We Breathe
The galaxy is open So paint me on your right hand Now let's fly off Superman style You know it w...

Alisha's Attic - Alisha Rules The World
She's an angel, but she sins sometimes Dressed in white, gets drunk on red wine Everyone loves her ...

Alisha's Attic - Angel Eyes
Wish on, the love song baby, Won't come outta my mouth Well It's a shame, but my naivity Got was...

Alisha's Attic - Are You Jealous
Yes it was a love to die for The monster that you are never scared me I dared you to dare me And...

Alisha's Attic - Army Of Fools
Losing my senses when you look at me I think that you feel it too but you're playing hard to get with me ...

Alisha's Attic - Barbarella
The feeling is growing We have to keep up with the Jones' We have to keep up the demand Because ...

Alisha's Attic - Bitter Lemon
You've listened to too many T-Rex LPs For me to think I could tame you You crave power, like women ...

Alisha's Attic - Breathe In
You thought there was no life left You forgot that there are stars You forgot the days and nights ...

Alisha's Attic - Daffodil Or A Diamond
Tell me what you would prefer A daffodil or a diamond It don't matter if you say the latter, No!...

Alisha's Attic - Dare You To Kill Me
Free spirited young man Why did you have to grow From a sparky little jewel Into something so po...

Alisha's Attic - Dive In
Dive in and show me your depth Can you look inside an angels eyes And see a wave of fear? Someth...

Alisha's Attic - Do I Lie?
Well here we go again You are telling me your stories And I've heard them all before About this ...

Alisha's Attic - Drunken And Tearful
Here I am, there he is I'm oh - so sad, feels like I've got no blood in my veins You're so far away, l...

Alisha's Attic - Free
Take a breather angelGather up your thoughts and fearsAs you sit there in that roomBe sure that ...

Alisha's Attic - God Lives There
Pretty sky I could paint you When you're angered such a wonder and I think God lives there ...

Alisha's Attic - Going Down
And I wonder if I am ever gonna feel the same It's the strangest feeling, Like being empty when you're...

Alisha's Attic - He's A Rebel
See the way he walks down the street Watch the way he shuffles his feet How he holds his head up high ...

Alisha's Attic - I Am, I Feel
He said: "Angel put that purple skirt on, y'know it makes me hot" He said: "Come on, Come on, get on, get up...

Alisha's Attic - Indestructible
Don't look no more, Coz it'll only make your eyes sore Hey! Count your R.E.M's, It's comforting ...

Alisha's Attic - Inevitable
Spoke to you tonight, for the first time in weeks I'd forgotten that bu-tterfly feeling Cos I've been ...

Alisha's Attic - Intense
Intense Put your socks on and pull 'em up We got a long ride, and a velvet chair to sit on E-mai...

Alisha's Attic - Irresistable U Are
Here we are again The jangle of my ankle chain is the only sound I can hear When I'm here with you ...

Alisha's Attic - It's Not Your Fault
It's not your fault if sometime's you're afraid, yeah It's not your fault No, it's not your fault ...

Alisha's Attic - I Won't Miss You
(na na, na na na now, na na, na na na now) (na na, na na na now) After six months of living with him, ...

Alisha's Attic - Japanese Dream
She works the nightshift But she swears she only sees the sun (sun) Dreams of going back some da...

Alisha's Attic - Just The Way U Like It
Ooo, it's just as much as I can bear You're all around me, you are in the air It makes me tremble at t...

Alisha's Attic - Karmically Close
Yes it's true, I've been waiting for a sign Something that I could grab onto. It's a ploy ...

Alisha's Attic - Late Again
Late again I gave the dinner to the dog As I wiped away another jealous tear Here am I, not brav...

Alisha's Attic - Lay Low
Lay Low, girlfriend You ain't ever gonna be the right vibe You ain't ever gonna kick the right drum ...

Alisha's Attic - Lazy Head
I dream of it all right here Your love is something I never fear The more I give away, the more I want...

Alisha's Attic - Little Shotgun
The mirror's cracking, baby For seven years I've told you What's your sexonica is The demon in y...

Alisha's Attic - Me & The Dolphins
Soul fishing under the waves Like a freedom, it feels so amazing I laughed and I laughed As I to...

Alisha's Attic - Never Enough
If we are absolutely still Then maybe the world will stop And the time will spin around us On th...

Alisha's Attic - Not My Muse
Getting wrecked, The cross she bares is in her eyes, Just don't go there if you want to be her friend....

Alisha's Attic - Outta These Clouds
I'm driving out of control You said something, hurt me real bad And I'll drive till I feel better ...

Alisha's Attic - Personality Lines
brrr...brrr brrr...brrr brrr...brrr Thank you for dialling the Hot Personality Lines (Coul...

Alisha's Attic - Resistor
You are the stars above my head You are everything, I've no safety net And I accept I'm addicted to th...

Alisha's Attic - Scared Like Me
The pictures look divine and the daisy chain Around her neck would wilt away on mine I know that I'm n...

Alisha's Attic - Shameless
Shameless Oh, to be Not anyone, nameless No tags attached, priceless No etiquette, careles...

Alisha's Attic - Still Life
The still life Is all I ever do There by the window Quietly killed for you In this glass h...

Alisha's Attic - Stone In My Shoe
Lost in an adventure I be Are you a man that I love or a man with a gun sitting next to me? The big ba...

Alisha's Attic - Strange
Baby watch the fire It's making for the bed And I don't wanna see you laying in the flames Being...

Alisha's Attic - Sweet Escape
You want one thing, me another, call me everything under the Sun. The sacrifice. (of all things heaven...

Alisha's Attic - The Golden Rule
Someone told me if you live in a glass house You might die in a big earthquake and end up with a stone...

Alisha's Attic - The Incidentals
It's just the little things, The Incidentals, It's like you wouldn't even notice when you really turn me on,...

Alisha's Attic - The Pulse
Overload, ooo, The Pulse Anything you say to me, I will believe Rain on me Overload, ooo, The Pu...

Alisha's Attic - Valentines '98
I gave you sympathy, I gave you apathy, I gave you honesty, I gave you all of me. It's val...

Alisha's Attic - White Room
You are entering the White Room Yeah, that's the password And you can leave your hangups at the door n...

Alisha's Attic - Wish I Were You
I Wish I Were You I Wish I Were You I wish I could wear your shoes Wish I could think from...

Alison Krauss - A Living Prayer
In this world I walk alone with no place to call my homeBut there's One who holds my handThe rugged ro...

Alison Krauss - Another Day, Another Dollar
Another day, another dollarThat's what I'm working for todayAnother day, another dollarSure can'...

Alison Krauss - Another Night
Wind is blowin' 'round the cabinI hate to hear that lonesome soundI'm all alone and so downhearted...

Alison Krauss - Baby, Now That I've Found You
Baby,now that I've found youI won't let you goI built my world around youI need you so,...

Alison Krauss - Blue Trail Of Sorrow
Blue trail of sorrowLies upon the groundAnd I get so lonelySince you let me downWell...

Alison Krauss - Borderline
So you're on your own lookin' down the road that goes only by one wayAnd you don't need the signs to see lon...

Alison Krauss - Bright Sunny South
From the bright sunny south to the war, I was sent,E'er the days of my boyhood, I scarcely had spent.F...

Alison Krauss - Broadway
I stood on faith and the corner of ambitionI came here to sink or swimAnd to show them all that they w...

Alison Krauss - Cloudy Days
Dark clouds hangin' over meWhen will they go away?Rain is in my eyes and I can't seeLife's becom...

Alison Krauss - Could You Lie
Go on and lie I've heard it all beforeYou had no shameThis pain I feel you've never knownThe rai...

Alison Krauss - Crazy As Me
I'm used to being alone.Except for six month playings without rings and phone bills that I've waited for....

Alison Krauss - Crazy Faith
I lit my love and watched it burnAsking nothing in returnExcept the lessons I will learnBy holdi...

Alison Krauss - Dark Skies
I don't need a perfect lover to hold me in the rainSomeone to ease my pain when I feel blueIf I lost y...

Alison Krauss - Daylight
Daylight falls and I'm lost in the big parade.Hold my hand, darling, I'm afraid of the daylight.Shade ...

Alison Krauss - Deeper Than Crying
Leaving is the longest word I ever learnedIn the time it takes to say it, the whole world has turnedIf...

Alison Krauss - Doesn't Have To Be This Way
Sometimes I wonder where you're coming fromWhen you roll in like thunder just to turn around and runIt...

Alison Krauss - Down To The River To Pray
As i went down to the river to prayStudyin about that good ol' way and who shall wear the starry crown?...

Alison Krauss - Dreaming My Dreams With You
I hope that I won't be that wrong anymoreI hope that I've learned this timeI hope that I find what I'm...

Alison Krauss - Empty Hearts
Are you leaving, are you going?Did you think you could lose that feelingWithout me knowing?Are y...

Alison Krauss - Endless Highway
Endless highway, as far as I can seeThe road'll take me back to him tonightIt's been so long since I'v...

Alison Krauss - Every Time You Say Goodbye
Look at the sky babyWhat do you see?Looks like the tears that I cryFallin' down like rain on the...

Alison Krauss - Find My Way Back To My Heart
I used to laugh at all those songs`bout the rambling life, the nights so long and lonelyWell, I ain't ...

Alison Krauss - Forget About It
Forget about itI'm admittin' I was wrongAnd I'll just take what's mineAnd walk right out the doo...

Alison Krauss - Ghost In This House
I don't pick up the mailI don't pick up the phoneI don't answer the doorI'd just as soon be alon...

Alison Krauss - Gravity
I left home when I was seventeenI just grew tired of falling downAnd I'm sure I was toldThe allu...

Alison Krauss - Happiness
With your love I was completeLike a haven safe from harmTill the bitter stole the sweetI was per...

Alison Krauss - Heartstrings
Way up north where the snow flies and the sun don't hardly shineIf it weren't for my true love, I'd long ago...

Alison Krauss - I Can Let Go Now
It was so rightIt was so wrongAlmost at the same timeThe pain and acheA heart can take...

Alison Krauss - I Don't Believe You've Met My Baby
Last night my dear the rain was fallingI went to bed so sad and blueThen I had a dream of you...

Alison Krauss - I Don't Have To Live This Way
I been up and down beforeGrief won't hold me any moreYou're running out of games to playI don't ...

Alison Krauss - I Don't Know Why
I don't know why the sky is so blueI don't know why I'm so in love with youIf there were no music, I w...

Alison Krauss - If I Didn't Know Any Better
I turned aroundBefore I could run I found you already settled down in the back of my mindI know this i...

Alison Krauss - I'll Remember You, Love, In My Prayers
When the curtains of night are pinned back by the starsAnd the beautiful moon sweeps the skyDewdrops f...

Alison Krauss - I'm Gone
When you came to meYou said love could not eraseThe ever present memory of another faceI t...

Alison Krauss - In The Palm Of Your Hand
If I could have the world and all it ownsA thousand kingdoms, a thousand thronesIf all the earth were ...

Alison Krauss - It All Comes Down To You
Who do you think you're talkin' to.You know me, and I know you.Your silence and your stony face,...

Alison Krauss - It Doesn't Matter
It doesn't matter what I wantIt doesn't matter what I needIt doesn't matter if I cryDon't matter...

Alison Krauss - It Don't Matter Now
It's finally comeIs that sorry on your breath?Where were you when I was sitting back hereMissing...

Alison Krauss - It's Over
The nights are so lonely and the days pass me byTrue love has faded, left me behindSo we'll just move ...

Alison Krauss - It Won't Work This Time
You walked up yesterday and you told me you were leavin'Left a note sayin' momma won't be backBut you'...

Alison Krauss - It Wouldn't Have Made Any Difference
Do you remember the last time I saidIf I ever thought of lyingI'd rather think of dying insteadA...

Alison Krauss - I've Got That Old Feeling
No matter what I say or do,I just can't seem to get inside your heartWhat have I done wrong?Late...

Alison Krauss - I Will
Who knows how long I've loved you?You know I love you stillWill I wait a lonely lifetime?If you ...

Alison Krauss - Jesus Help Me To Stand
Through trials, troubles and careI know Jesus my savior is thereGiving me faith through darkest days...

Alison Krauss - Last Love Letter
I'm writing my last love letterAnd for reasons now, I don't know where to startSeems so many times I'v...

Alison Krauss - Let Me Touch You For Awhile
It's been a long time coming,As you shed a lonesome tear.And now you're in a wonderama,I wonder ...

Alison Krauss - Longest Highway
Lost in the silenceSurrounded by daydreamsHolding that someone that's holding my heart Thrilled ...

Alison Krauss - Looking In The Eyes Of Love
I wonder should I tell you`bout all the crazy things I've ever doneI've been searching all my life...

Alison Krauss - Lose Again
Save me, free me from my heart this timeTrain's going down the track and I stay behindNothing ca...

Alison Krauss - Maybe
Yesterday the odds were stackedIn favor of my expectationsFlyin' above the restNever fallin' fro...

Alison Krauss - Momma Cried
Momma loved us, every one.Every daughter, every son.She gave herself so happily,That's just the ...

Alison Krauss - My Poor Old Heart
Don't expect too much from my poor old heart,You can blame me unforgiven for my scars,you might just b...

Alison Krauss - Never Got Off The Ground
My father was a farmerBut his head was in the skyHe worked everyday but Sunday'Til the day he di...

Alison Krauss - New Favorite
New FavoriteThey all say itI'll say it tooYou've got a new favoriteYou're old standb...

Alison Krauss - New Fool
Sad songs and teardrops will surely mend this broken heartTime forgets these bitter things I feelBut y...

Alison Krauss - No Place To Hide
When I was a childI used to love to watch the rainI'd stand under the downspoutLet the water coo...

Alison Krauss - Oh, Atlanta
Same old placeSame old cityWhat can I do?I'm falling in loveI'm just an old hound do...

Alison Krauss - One Good Reason
Just give me one good reason tonightMust be something you could say to meTo keep me warm on this cold ...

Alison Krauss - Pain Of A Troubled Life
I've lived a dozen lifetimes in twenty-some-odd yearsGot no use for trouble, got no use for tearsCan't...

Alison Krauss - Pastures Of Plenty
Well, it's always we ramble, this river and IAll along your green valleys, I work till I dieMy land I'...

Alison Krauss - Rain Please Go Away
Rain, please go awayLeave me alone, come another dayMy love is gone, this time to stayRain, plea...

Alison Krauss - Restless
Honey, I know you've been alone some,Why don't you 'phone some, 'cause I love you.An' honey, I know I'...

Alison Krauss - Shield Of Faith
Sometimes I'm battle wearyI forget to use my shield The arrows pierce my armorAnd I stumble in t...

Alison Krauss - Sleep On
Could your heart ever be mine?Your arms hold me so close to you all through the nightYour eyes gaze in...

Alison Krauss - So Long So Wrong
I know I'll be lonesomeThat brings about a little fearI know I'll be sad and I'll be blueI have ...

Alison Krauss - Stars
Stood out in the rain.Let it soak me down,Before I called you...I called you.You did...

Alison Krauss - Stay
Where have you been,My long lost friend?It's good to see you again.Come and sit for a while...

Alison Krauss - Steel Rails
Steel rails, chasing sunshine round the bendWinding through the trees, like a ribbon in the windI don'...

Alison Krauss - Take Me For Longing
Don't choose me because I am faithful.Don't choose me because I am kind.If your heart settles on me, I...

Alison Krauss - Teardrops Will Kiss The Morning Dew
When time was young we walked the roads togetherWhen love was sweet I meant the world to youNow comes ...

Alison Krauss - That Kind Of Love
Who would sell their soul for love?Or waste one tear on compromiseShould be easy enoughTo know a...

Alison Krauss - That Makes One Of Us
You've made up your mindWe don't want the same thingAnd that we won't change thingsWishing there...

Alison Krauss - The Boy Who Wouldn't Hoe Corn
Tell You a little story and it won't take long,'Bout a lazy farmer who wouldn't hoe his corn.The reaso...

Alison Krauss - The Lucky One
You're the lucky oneSo i've been toldAs free as the wind,Blowin' down the roadLoved by man...

Alison Krauss - There Is A Reason
I've seen hard times and I've been toldThere isn't any wonder that I fallWhy do we suffer, crossing of...

Alison Krauss - The Road Is A Lover
I met a manTraveling down the roadHe looked me in the eyeAnd he gave me a ringAnd he gave ...

Alison Krauss - This Sad Song
Well, the rain is apourin' down in a furyAnd the road is lookin' longAnd the only thing that comes to ...

Alison Krauss - Tonight I'll Be Lonely Too
It's like I always figuredYou'd be gone from me so soonA heartache would be the outcomeAnd I'd b...

Alison Krauss - When God Dips His Pen Of Love In My Heart
When God dips His love in my heartWhen God dips His pen of love in my heartAnd He writes my soul...

Alison Krauss - Who Can Blame You
Who can blame you, though your heart's untrueWhen you say it's my fault anywayYou turn your head from ...

Alison Krauss - Will You Be Leaving
You may walk away in angerWear your heart upon your sleeveYou make act like it don't matterKeep ...

Alison Krauss - Winter Of A Broken Heart
Oh it seems the sun will never shineThe skies are so gray and the heart you left broken is lonelyThe w...

Alison Krauss - Wish I Still Had You
Walking out on me must be the way you show me how it feels to be herI realize the fault is mine, I'm getting...

Alison Krauss - Wouldn't Be So Bad
Take me back to Anona streetFill my glass againWith a bittersweetCause I don't wanna seeTh...

Alkaline Trio - 100 Stories
You're in the next room sleeping and I'm shouting out a song for youI shouldn't wake you over the furnace, b...

Alkaline Trio - 5-3-10-4
schoolyard freaks are freezing, down getting teased again. i'm looking back and down and watching it go by. down...

Alkaline Trio - 97
I've got it now, a thorn in my side the size of a Cadillac. Drive it through, cause backin' up now would be ...

Alkaline Trio - All On Black
I put it all on black, no color you're all dressed inAnd a stab in the back left you bleeding on the floor...

Alkaline Trio - Another Innocent Girl
He likes to act like he's all grown upHe wanted to grow up to be an actorBut he never told anybody...

Alkaline Trio - Armageddon
I wrote the words to this song on the back of a photographBehind your back it goesA little something l...

Alkaline Trio - As You Were
stale as a 2 day half full beer. cigarette boats float around in here. a field in my gut lacking sunshine. put ...

Alkaline Trio - Back To Hell
Like the pills in your hand, I'll never let you down And like the bugs in your bed, under my skin now ...

Alkaline Trio - Blackout
[Originally by The Damned]Don't you ask me to come outWhen the sun does shineLet us...

Alkaline Trio - Bleeder
you came to me like a dream, the kind that always leaves. Just as the best part starts, it ends so abruptly....

Alkaline Trio - Bloodied Up
You don't say much of anythingWhen questioned of your whereaboutsAnd I just can't see through the evid...

Alkaline Trio - Blue Carolina
It's everything that I can do right nowTo not think about you moving further off with every passing second...

Alkaline Trio - Blue In The Face
It's about time that I came clean with youI'm no longer fine, I'm no longer running smoothI thought th...

Alkaline Trio - Burn
There's a lightning storm each and every night Crashing inside you like motorbikes We toss and turn, s...

Alkaline Trio - Bye Bye Love
[Originally by The Cars]I can't feel this way much longerExpecting to surviveWith a...

Alkaline Trio - Children In Heat
Children in HeatThey have no conscienceNo resistanceYou gotta see this big reactionNo resi...

Alkaline Trio - Clavicle
i've been on top of the world since about six months ago, marking the first time i laid eyes on you. i lost all t...

Alkaline Trio - Continental
I've got a dying urge to feel the way you doToo close for comfort, bed and breakfast in a spoonThe sho...

Alkaline Trio - Cooking Wine
sorry i'm late. i was out spoiling my liver. i couldn't wait... the sun was up for far too long today. and i ca...

Alkaline Trio - Cop
Wonder what it was that made you this way.Maybe as a baby you dropped your rattleAnd it still rattles ...

Alkaline Trio - Crawl
Waking up zeroed in on medicineAm I waking up at all todaySeeing lights, feeling painThere's my ...

Alkaline Trio - Cringe
wide eyed. knee deep in surprise. just below your thighs the temperature drops 5 degrees. your stand-by flight ...

Alkaline Trio - Dead And Broken
A deep dark secret down at the bottomBut this bay can't keep it unforgotten.And a story that was told ...

Alkaline Trio - Dead End Road
I thought that you were jokingWhen you said you couldn't breatheYou said you couldn't breatheTur...

Alkaline Trio - Dethbed
Calling all cars, all coroners, we've got a dead one hereAnd anybody else receiving this, the west coast is ...

Alkaline Trio - Donner Party
So it began this way, I can't recall how it got startedSo it began this way, I don't recall a thingAnd...

Alkaline Trio - Emma
Emma appeared like an angelEmma fell like rainInto my lap like a heart attack, like lightning from her...

Alkaline Trio - Enjoy Your Day
so where'd you go? how was your vacation home? well obviously you were busy, too busy for me. so this is how yo...

Alkaline Trio - Every Thug Needs A Lady
I know it's dark here, you know that I'm scared tooFor some reason right now, of everything but youRig...

Alkaline Trio - Exploding Boy
i couldn't hear a word you said. i couldn't hear at all. you talked until your tongue fell out. and then you ta...

Alkaline Trio - Fall Victim
Not sure how this is supposed to feel Cutting like a red hot knife of surgical steel Brought flesh fro...

Alkaline Trio - Fatally Yours
There's no mystery no more, just no talking to youGuess you had other things in storeGuess I felt I wa...

Alkaline Trio - Fine Without You
Well I'll sit here and convince myself it's true.If you keep on telling your friends that we're through....

Alkaline Trio - For Your Lungs Only
a right turn gone wrong. nothing left but the dust, left to fill your lungs up. have to choke, and choke, and ch...

Alkaline Trio - Fuck You Aurora
My, my what a mess we've made Of our pretty little heads these days. It appears a heavy wind's blown t...

Alkaline Trio - Goodbye Forever
Take your wings outside, you can't fly in here Besides, a purple sky is better soaring for you my angel...

Alkaline Trio - Halloween
[Originally by The Misfits]Bonfires burning bright,Pumpkin faces in the night,I rem...

Alkaline Trio - Hating Every Minute
Sit down, please make yourself comfortable...I might need some timeto dance around what I need to say,...

Alkaline Trio - Heaven
[Originally by The Psychedelic Furs][chorus]heaven is the whole of the heart...

Alkaline Trio - Hell Yes
I gave up on you a long time agoHow can you blame me?We made plans to meet and you never showedY...

Alkaline Trio - If We Never Go Inside
A train appeared in town one night, for some of us it changed our livesA few of us never saw it coming, then...

Alkaline Trio - If You Had A Bad Time
If you had a bad timeAt one of my partiesWell I wouldn't expect to be seeing you soon and that's fine...

Alkaline Trio - I Lied My Face Off
well, it's not fair, it's not even close. you tied me down, where i'm forced to watch as you poke holes in every ...

Alkaline Trio - I'm Dying Tomorrow
I'm dying tomorrowThis house, this street, ChicagoI'm dying tomorrowDid I do it rightDid I...

Alkaline Trio - I Was A Prayer
I am waiting 'til there's nothing left I'm a prayer, all you see is breath I am empty, I am skin and b...

Alkaline Trio - Jaked On Green Beers
It's been a long time since I've been close to youIt's been a long time since I've been sad.It's been ...

Alkaline Trio - Keep 'em Coming
14 hours ahead, a head that's heavier than lead. and I've got toothpicks in my eyes. a smile more yellow than th...

Alkaline Trio - Madam Me
The sunrise fills your eyes. Cannot hear your cries. Pleading, please just go away. I can't take...

Alkaline Trio - Maybe I'll Catch Fire
this house is full of ears, but i can't talk to anyone. they've heard this one a thousand times. most exciting t...

Alkaline Trio - Mercy Me
It's been a long day living with thisIt's been a long time since I felt so sickI took a long walk stra...

Alkaline Trio - Message From Kathlene
i guess i'll always stop and see you, and we'll run into each other's lives. yeah, i guess. although it tears me...

Alkaline Trio - Mr. Chainsaw
When was it that you lost your youth or tradedIt for something more for them to use so jadedWhy is it ...

Alkaline Trio - My Friend Peter
I dont care who you've been sleeping with these daysYou're outta my hairIt's growing just above my smi...

Alkaline Trio - My Little Needle
i'll come down to get you high. or maybe sing you a lullaby. sing you to sleep, a sleep you'll never wake from. ...

Alkaline Trio - My Standard Break From Life
I've got a regular problemSo my standard break from life is in orderI'm having trouble making sentence...

Alkaline Trio - Nose Over Tail
Crack my head open on your kitchen floorTo prove to you that I have brainsMeanwhile tin men are led by...

Alkaline Trio - Old School Reasons
I got these thoughts in my headdirty as fuck and never leavingand then best left unsaidall the d...

Alkaline Trio - Over At The Frankenstein Place
[Cover]In the velvet darknessOf the blackest night, burning brightThere's a guiding...

Alkaline Trio - Prevent This Tragedy
Here we are again with handguns for heartsThey had a master plan, wanted to tear us apartNothing to ho...

Alkaline Trio - Private Eye
I dragged this lake looking for corpsesDusted for prints, pried up the floorboardsPieces of planes and...

Alkaline Trio - Queen Of Pain
There's a fire forming, not too far from hereAlong the east coast maybe, it resides in you, my dearWor...

Alkaline Trio - Radio
Shaking like a dog shittin' razorblades,waking up next to nothing after dreaming of you and meI'm waki...

Alkaline Trio - Rooftops
I've got the scars to remind me. I've watched the clocks go around. I've walked myself through some days that ha...

Alkaline Trio - Sadie
You're on your own my little nightmare you cannot stay hereIt's far too bright for youIf they attack y...

Alkaline Trio - San Francisco
Choking On The Thought Of LeaveDrinking To Keep From Sobbing 4 PM4 Dollar Pints At SFO The Time And Pr...

Alkaline Trio - She Took Him To The Lake
do you remember the story of the boy and his first date? she took him to the lake and he fell in love. she spent...

Alkaline Trio - Sleepyhead
all you've been asking for has been placed in front of you. the headaches, the shaking, the boredom the boardroom...

Alkaline Trio - Smoke
Over and out of it for one more plane ride outNot sure, and never was if this will all head south, or what...

Alkaline Trio - Snake Oil Tanker
This time you've dug yourself an anchor too heavy to move ahead withResembling a faker, charming snake...

Alkaline Trio - Sorry About That
it hasn't been that long since we drank to the sunset, until it was gone. and down with it went our pain and fear...

Alkaline Trio - Southern Rock
I can't believe my heart's still pounding I can't believe how close I came And meanwhile heaven's fall...

Alkaline Trio - Steamer Trunk
Why you turned out the way you didThat thunderstorm is still crashing inyour craniumFind that al...

Alkaline Trio - Stupid Kid
There are things that used to make me smileOne of them was you for just a little whileYou left me for ...

Alkaline Trio - Sun Dials
You were like a toilet bowl at the end of the rainbowSomething like a pot of gold stuck under my pillow...

Alkaline Trio - Take Lots With Alcohol
Hello what the hell am I doin' hereThat's a really nice suitThis is a really comfortable chairSe...

Alkaline Trio - The Metro
[Originally by Berlin]I'm aloneSitting with my empty glass.My four wallsFollo...

Alkaline Trio - The Poison
It's not just the pain, the pain in my backThat laughs in my face, my face every night Or the poison t...

Alkaline Trio - This Could Be Love
I've got a book of matchesI've got a can of keroseneI've got some bad ideas involving you and me...

Alkaline Trio - This Is Getting Over You
Today I woke up,Younger than I've been in years.Not concerned with what's outsideAnd peers, I do...

Alkaline Trio - Time To Waste
There's someone down below blowing you a kiss.They watch from their windowsas all arms fall to their s...

Alkaline Trio - Trouble Breathing
you told me that you want to die. i said i've been there myself more than a few times. and i go back every once ...

Alkaline Trio - Trucks And Trains
These days go by like trucks and trainsSome hit so hard you barely feel a thingLights out right now ba...

Alkaline Trio - Tuck Me In
tuck me into where it's freezing, tuck me into bed with snakes. tuck me in with the tarantulas, i wanna let 'em i...

Alkaline Trio - Weak Week
eleven eleven said the clock as i pulled it aroundthe foreign days and understandinga way out would be...

Alkaline Trio - We've Had Enough
In the shadows where the heads hang lowYou hear voices as the wind blows, asking "can't you see?"Remin...

Alkaline Trio - While You're Waiting
There's a hope in my headThat's been cut and bleedDry as your bloodshot eyesAnd there's smoke in...

Alkaline Trio - You're Dead
What the hell is your nameAnd can you explain this messIt seems you're playing a gameWhere you o...

Alkaline Trio - Your Neck
We're the things that go bump in the night that you can't seeYeah, we're the mishaps that always happen in t...

Alkaline Trio - You've Got So Far To Go
Soon ends our stay here and it's been fun.So tonight I'll raise my glass to us.'Cause we've talked so ...

All 4 One - A Better Man
so many times i looked and foundmy dreams around, come tumbling downand there you were, holding ...

All 4 One - Breathless
oooh, tonight i wanna turn the lights down low turn the slow jams on the radio i wanna feel your body ...

All 4 One - Christmas With My Baby
i've been gone away from home for too longand it's drivin' me crazy'cause i'm missin my babyi ca...

All 4 One - Colors Of Love
blue is a color - that i'm seeing for the very first timein the skies - in your eyesevery time we're t...

All 4 One - Could This Be Magic
could this be magicmy dear, my heart's all aglowcould this be magicloving you socould this...

All 4 One - Down To The Last Drop
so you say he let you on, you'll never give your heart your heart is feeling hurt and confusedyou say ...

All 4 One - Fear No More
fear no more for i bring you tidings of joymay this time in your heart never fade awayfor i know how l...

All 4 One - Frosty The Snowman
rudolph the red nosed reindeerhad a very shiny noseand if you ever saw ityou would even say it g...

All 4 One - Giving You My Heart Forever
don't ask me how it could besometimes it's hard to believethat in my lifetime i could find that someon...

All 4 One - Here For You
i know i was a fool to let you leave my sideand let the most important thing slip slowly by my eyeswon...

All 4 One - Here If You're Ready
hay there ladyi couldn't help but see you across the roomi wanted to go and talk to youbut you h...

All 4 One - How To Love Again
you look so loney just standing therehurting from loveyou smile but cannot hide the pain of losing too...

All 4 One - I Cross My Heart
Holding you here in my armsYour heart is beating fastAnd you want me to tell youJust how long ou...

All 4 One - If You Want Me
i've never felt this way beforegirl everytime i see youmy heart hit the floor yeaso beautiful wh...

All 4 One - I'm Sorry
i know i was wrongfor treating you the way i did (the way i did)i have so much on my mindi didn'...

All 4 One - I'm Your Man
if you've been hurt and you feel you can't go on, the painin your heart is much too strong, it's been there ...

All 4 One - I Will Be Right Here
Wherever you go, whatever you do,Whenever you need meHow can I say how much you've done for meHo...

All 4 One - Keep It Goin' On
Come onAll-4-one keep it goin' onOn and onYour word is oneAll-4-one keep it goin' on...

All 4 One - Love Is More Than Just
i wanted to talk to you - pick up the phonei don't want to be alonesaid i need someone to hold on tigh...

All 4 One - Mary's Little Boy Child
long time ago in bethlehemso the holy bible saymary's boy child jesus christwas born on christma...

All 4 One - No Doubt
from the very first moment that i looked in your eyesbaby what can i say i've been lost in a dazei nev...

All 4 One - O' Come All Ye Faithful
o come all ye faithful,joyful and triumphant,o come ye, o come ye to bethlehem;come and behold h...

All 4 One - Oh Girl
girl, i know that there are timeswhen i don't listen to youand maybe know it seems that i am untrue...

All 4 One - One More Summer Night
one summer nightwe fell in loveone summer nighti held you tightyou and iunder the mo...

All 4 One - One Summer Night
one summer nightwe fell in loveone summer nighti held you tightyou and iunder the mo...

All 4 One - Roll Call
1 - 4 the treble, 2 - 4 the basscome on all-4-one, let's rock this place. . .all-4-one is in the house...

All 4 One - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
i just came back from a lovely trip along the milky wayi stopped off at the north pole to spend the holiday...

All 4 One - Secrets
i've got a secret i've never told, it's kind of nastyand kinda bold, it's all about you and i, doing our thi...

All 4 One - She's Got Skillz
little rump shaker she can really shake and bakeshe's got skillzwatch her slippin and a slidin' workin...

All 4 One - Silent Night
silent night, holy night,all is calm, all is bright,round yon virgin mother and child.holy infan...

All 4 One - Smile Like Mona Lisa
oh, i carry a photographgirl of the way you used to belove looking back at me, now it's just a memory...

All 4 One - Somebody To Love
you and me have got a special thanga love like ours could never be replacedand all this time i've only...

All 4 One - Something About You
something about you babythat makes me wanna hug ya (hug ya) love ya (love ya)something about you baby...

All 4 One - So Much In Love
as we stroll along togetherholding hands walking all alongso in love are we twothat we don't kno...

All 4 One - The Bomb
girl you wanna sex megirl, why don't you letyou really turn me oni think we could swing it...

All 4 One - The Christmas Song
chestnuts roasting on an open fire,jack frost nipping at your nose,yuletide carols being sung by a cho...

All 4 One - The First Noel
the first noel the angels did say,was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay,in fields where ...

All 4 One - These Arms
i hear the sound of you heart beatingdon't say a word i know what you're feelingjust hold me close, do...

All 4 One - Think You're The One For Me
baby - i think i've finally found - the girl of my dreamsand lady - i just need to know - if you feel the sa...

All 4 One - This Christmas
hang all the mistletoei'm gonna get to know you betterthis christmasand as i trim the tree...

All 4 One - Time To Come Home
she touched the world with her smileand paved the way so many timesthe look in her always of love...

All 4 One - Until You Go
i've been meaning to tell youthat from far away,baby you caught my eyeyou must be from heavencau...

All 4 One - We Dedicate
jesus loves me this i knowhe gave his life to let me knowhow ever far that i may strayhe's only ...

All 4 One - We Wish A Merry Christmas
we wish you a merry christmaswe wish you a merry christmaswe wish you a merry christmasand a hap...

All 4 One - What Child Is This?
what child is thiswho laid to reston mary's lap is sleepingwhom angels greet with anthems sweet...

All 4 One - Whatever You Want
what would it taketo turn your heart my wayto move you with each word that i say'cause i just wa...

All 4 One - When You Wish Upon A Star
when a star is bornthey possess a gift or twoone of them is thisto make your dreams come true...

All 4 One - Without You
what can i do to show my love to youi'd face erormous pain, run through the wind and raingirl anything...

All Saints - All Hooked Up
C'mon on, c-c'mon(Say what, say what)Yo yo, there she goGo girl with your fine assYo...

All Saints - Alone
Not gonna, don't wanna, never gonna, don't wanna, wanna end up aloneNot gonna, never gonna, don't, don't wan...

All Saints - Beg
BegHe-he-he-ha, he-he-he-ha, begLadies and gentleman(beg, beg)Put your hands together...

All Saints - Black Coffee
Night SwimmingBeach walkingAlways silentNever talkingThen you call my nameAnd I know...

All Saints - Bootie Call
Bring it on, bring it, bring it on nowBring it on, bring it, bring it on nowBring it on, bring it, bri...

All Saints - Distance
Home, OoooohOoooohhhh, UmSitting on my ownA long way from homeIts a distance from yo...

All Saints - Dreams
Here I go again, got a broken heartThis time I'll get strongerNo grieving 'til the break of dawn...

All Saints - Ha Ha
Ha Ha, Ha HaLaugh out loudHa Ha, Ha Ha HaLaugh out loudCould it be, I left my mother...

All Saints - Heaven
Lift me up, take me high, Take me higher than I've been before,I need time, time to findThe road...

All Saints - I Feel You
Fortunately I've been blessedBlessed with love and happiness(Happiness)Who'd have known a soul s...

All Saints - If You Want To Party (i Found Lovin')
C'mon now, nowOoh-hoo-hoo-hooStart itHey Hey, what's up? Gather round, everybody get...

All Saints - I Know Where It's At
I know where its atI know where its at (I know where its at)I know where its atI know where its ...

All Saints - Lady Marmalade
Hey Sister, Go Sister, Soul Sister, Go SisterHey Sister, Go Sister, Soul Sister, Go SisterHey Sister, ...

All Saints - Love Is Love
Love is loveLove is loveSomething just crept upon meAs you lay next to me this morning...

All Saints - Never Ever
A few questions that I need to knowhow you could ever hurt me soI need to know what I've done wrong...

All Saints - Pure Shores
I've crossed the deserts for milesSwam water for timeSearching places to findA piece of somethin...

All Saints - Ready, Willing & Able
I just can't get enough (I just can't get enough)I just can't get enough (I just can't get enough)I ju...

All Saints - Saints & Sinners
Oooh, OoohOooh, OoohOoooohThe name: All SaintsThe year: 2000Good or bad? Saint...

All Saints - Surrender
Something in the wineThat accentuates the moodI'm like a child at schoolYou're the blackboard I ...

All Saints - Take The Key
Take the Key and you'll find [Shaz, Nat & Nic]Loving you makes me feel [Shaz, Nat & Nic]...

All Saints - Trapped
1, 2, 1, 2, she's trappedGonna need some help what you think about that?1, 2, 1, 2, she's trapped...

All Saints - Under The Bridge
Sometimes I feel like I don't have a partnerSometimes I feel like my only friendIs the city I live in ...

All Saints - Whoppin' Over You
I'm into somthingSomething way really coolMr DJ's got me startedI got my eyes set on you...

All-star Tribute - What's Going On?
[P Diddy:]What's Going On [Jermaine Dupri:]Tell Me [P Diddy:]...

Alter Bridge - Burn It Down
Drank so much last nightI think that I drowned But now my cup is empty No one has seen my will a...

Alter Bridge - Find The Real
Stuck in the middleI burrow insideBack to the cradleAway from the burdensOf all my crimes...

Alter Bridge - In Loving Memory
Thanks for all you've doneI've missed you for so longI can't believe you're goneYou still live i...

Alter Bridge - Metalingus
I've been defeated and brought downDropped to my knees when hope ran outThe time has come to change my...

Alter Bridge - One Day Remains
As your will is bent and brokenand every vision has been cast into the windas your courage crashes dow...

Alter Bridge - Open Your Eyes
Looking back I clearly seeWhat it is that's killing meThrough the eyes of one I knowI see a visi...

Alter Bridge - Shed My Skin
I am not aloneI live with the memories regret is my homeThis is my true freedomExpress all the f...

Alter Bridge - The End Is Here
Endless dayWe search for what we hold insideSo hard to findLuck turnsWill the fallen ever ...

Alter Bridge - Watch Your Words
Watch your wordsOr your words might drown youAnd cure my woundsAnd the light will blind you...

Aly & Aj - Do You Believe In Magic
Do you believe in magic? In a young girls heart How the music can free her whenever it starts ...

Aly & Aj - Jingle Bell Rock
Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell RockJingle Bells swing and Jingle Bells ringSnowing, and blowing...

Aly & Aj - Zip-a-dee-doo-dah
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Zip-A-Dee-A My oh my, what a wonderful dayPlenty of sunshine heading my ...

Amanda - Call Me
You and me, second grade Livin' on the same street Hangin' out, every day Like a brother to me ...

Amanda - Can't Stop My Love
uh yeah I can feel my feet losing groundand my head won't quit spinning roundand I can't c...

Amanda - Crush On You
Wanna give in to my feelingsand I cannot describewhat's up with youand the things you make...

Amanda - Everybody Doesn't
Everybody does itThat's what you keep saying Everybody doesn'tNot everybody's playing...

Amanda - If I Open Up My Heart To You
It's still too soon to call it loveI know it's more then just a crushwe're getting closer every day...

Amanda - No Pressure
Don't push, dont rushdont sacrifce our lovedont move to soon slow down baby dont be a fool...

Amanda - Not The One (for Me)
You broke my heartone too many timesheart-ack & painwas all I could findyeahuh...

Amanda - Start It All Over
Why do you thinkI have all these tears in my eyesI'm tryin' hard, not to rememberI told the trut...

Amanda - That's Right
[laughing]Ain't no doubt about it you want mecan't you seeI want the same...

Amanda - The Way I Am
This may come as shocking newsI dont wanna be like youI'm not afarid of standing outdont belong ...

Amanda - You Don't Stand A Chance
Compared to a day of sunshinecompared to the faveorite song of mineWhen I'm hangin' with my girls...

Amanda Perez - Angel (remix)
It's been five months since (Ohhhh) you went awayLeft without a word and nothin' to sayGod send me an ...

Amanda Perez - Calling You
I keep calling you.Tell me, was it something I said?Calling you.Woke up this morning and y...

Amanda Perez - Dedicate
Ooh I dedicate,ooh I dedicate.Lately I been thinking 'bout all the things we been going th...

Amanda Perez - Fire
Yeah, you so fire.You so fire. Come on in and take off your coat.It's rainin' outside and ...

Amanda Perez - Get 'em Hype
see all the lovin' in the worldi'm with itif you down we can spliti guarantee that you can feel ...

Amanda Perez - I Like It
ohhh i like itoooo[chorus]i like it when you lick right herei like it when yo...

Amanda Perez - I Need You
Every night that I'm with you,I can see each day, that our love is true.From all the long fights in th...

Amanda Perez - I Need Your Love
I need your love baby.You been giving me so much lately.Oh, I love the way you make me feel.For ...

Amanda Perez - In My Life
Oh OhIn my life, my lifeEverytime I see you I lose my coolGoin out of my mind cuz i can't stop t...

Amanda Perez - I Pray
[Talking:]You know with each day that passes by, I pray to god I'll never forget who you are.Yo...

Amanda Perez - I Still Love You
Tell me whywhat did I do?Just the other night the love of my life went awayand I can't sleep at ...

Amanda Perez - Love Is Pain
Why is love so much pain ?Sitting on the roof starring at the stars Thinking to myself how could i hav...

Amanda Perez - Make Me Feel
Yeah, oh you make me feel.You make me feel good inside.You look into my eyes.I always try to hid...

Amanda Perez - No More
ohi got some questions that i wanna ask you and boy don't even try liecuz already found ou...

Amanda Perez - Run With It
Talk to me, that's the only way I can find out what's going onFinally, we can be ourselves we don't have to ...

Amanda Perez - Whoa
whoa [13x's]This nigga must be crazy,think he could get up on that uh uh c...

Amanda Perez - Your Body Is Mine
uh your body is mineohh whoa ohh whoa yeah yeah yeaaaahhhhhu can come in an close the door...

Amel Larrieux - All I Got
Got these feetIn these shoesThey walked a mile or two,Got these legsThey've done work...

Amel Larrieux - Beyond
Across the roomAcross the streetAcross the water where the two big blues meetAcross the widest s...

Amel Larrieux - Bravebird
In a land far away where the sun doesn't spare a soul And a twisted tradition has a girl in a strangle hold...

Amel Larrieux - Dear To Me
As gravity is to every human beingAs the earth is to the treesI couldn't drift away from your love bec...

Amel Larrieux - Down
Down where I'm goingDown cause you dance me aroundAnd you're too busy to seeDown boy did you let...

Amel Larrieux - Even If
Never thought I would, find the words that could Stand up through any weather Something I could say, y...

Amel Larrieux - For Real
I can run, I can race for hours and hours And don't stop I can float I can fly us to the highest ...

Amel Larrieux - Get Up
6 amGetting out of bed againCan't get back inCuz sl eep ain't gonna pay the rentDay to day...

Amel Larrieux - Infinite Possibilities
21 Oh life has just begun Got a temper like a gun Pointing it at everyone That's his game ...

Amel Larrieux - I N I
A little girl i was looking at a magazineWonderin' why i could never find to many girls that look like me...

Amel Larrieux - Make Me Whole
Darling I want you to listenI stayed up all night, so I could get this thing rightAnd I don't think th...

Amel Larrieux - Sacred
Is there nothing sacred anymore When Celebrities are deified And we're still calling some countr...

Amel Larrieux - Searchin' For My Soul
Once I was happyOnce I was aliveThe spirit of my guilty in the mimic of the skyWatching lives be...

Amel Larrieux - Sweet Misery
Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm Oh ?? I know it just ain't right But it seems ...

Amel Larrieux - Weather
Whenever you awake and find your kingdom life is greatCan I suggest a simple remedy to make your dayOp...

Amel Larrieux - We Can Be New
Can you tell that I've been hurt so?Can you tell I wanna lay low?Can you tell that I'm a flowerW...

Amel Larrieux - Your Eyes
Your eyes greeted mine and whispered Softly, softlyA secret only for meYour eyes took their swee...

American Head Charge - All Wrapped Up
Im above everything elsesaved the ones that shouldnt behold on to them all so youllfind yourself...

American Head Charge - Americunt Evolving Into Useless Psychic Garbage
walk with an impure mindrevelations unkindabject dental of the flesh I feelendure and make my mi...

American Head Charge - A Violent Reaction
lead me aroundnurse my broken wingwith all the promisesyou can never honorI just dont care...

American Head Charge - Breathe In, Bleed Out
My throat is dry when I(stain it)keep the hate alive(abuse it)your lips are tight when I...

American Head Charge - Cowards
This is the way to find my harlequins faceTo my junkie dead body Still covered in laceThe flesh ...

American Head Charge - Desertion
Hey I want your skin to get me offYou make it sound so fucking pure I'll bring you down and make you s...

American Head Charge - Different
I'm chewing my tongueIt makes it so numb My lower coverings House many children So many pi...

American Head Charge - Dirty
It's been after meIn this placeA pleasant threat perfect voidStuck in modalityWith all thi...

American Head Charge - Effigy
burn the bedconsummatedrest the headit just holds us back nowstill she keeps on looking...

American Head Charge - Erratic
Stalking the currency shiftsAs cause becomesEmbedded codes digital mistakesSo all the rest can...

American Head Charge - Fall
pathetic sympathiesleft for the bloody at hearteverything fades to shitevertyhing tears me apart...

American Head Charge - Feel The Curtain
I step with two hands openAnd kick the man in front of me Reminded of my father When will you ev...

American Head Charge - Fiend
I want to beSomewhere far from hereI'm watching youAs you wave goodbyeI won't take I...

American Head Charge - Just So You Know
the surface is so cold and worthlessall the things that I have still come from thereso paint your wind...

American Head Charge - Leave Me Alone
You Always get exactly what you wantYouThis is only my life that you tauntAlways giving me...

American Head Charge - Loyalty
It's just a reason to denyAll the limits that borderOn the thiniest frailtiesthat makes a sudden...

American Head Charge - Never Get Caught
follow me now and I will drown youfill you full of reasonno windows Ill take youto the dirty pla...

American Head Charge - Nothing Gets Nothing
freedom is everythingresolve impossibleyou prayed for rainignoring the floodyou took me wi...

American Head Charge - Pledge Allegiance
We're just the braces amidstThese selfish trials and fitsNot so safe or scared or dumb is the rest...

American Head Charge - Pretty Face
Play your games with my limp jointsIdolize it's wet paper skin Listen to the cast preach your life ...

American Head Charge - Pushing The Envelope
an overwhelming understandingof chaos brings you to your kneesimpurities make me the way that I am...

American Head Charge - Reach And Touch
Ive seen it turn from white to redIve heard you talk about howyou bleed and it doesnt mean shitu...

American Head Charge - Ridicule
Ridicule my ownSo precious aloneThese faces of everyone Remind me of homeYou're plotting r...

American Head Charge - Seamless
stink filled spasmsdeep in a colostomy bagI like being trapped insidethe plastics wearing out...

American Head Charge - Self
No sense of selfTo balance it offPreconceived notions of somethingEveryones goneWill I sho...

American Head Charge - Shutdown
the trait that is stillleft on the killing floor for youthat smile as he stillitches for killing...

American Head Charge - Song For The Suspect
I can still watch those eyescrawling over her dress untilI could show you everythingbut I dont h...

American Head Charge - Stature
Beautiful diseaseTrying to stop those fleas Resist complacences For what you seize Siniste...

American Head Charge - Take What I've Taken
This most unwitting occurrence Is indeed about youSo take it Or chalk it upAll the others ...

American Head Charge - To Be Me
Have you any idea What it's like to be meWatching you succeed and move forward All my wasted tim...

American Head Charge - To Taste Acid
The crowd did moveWas it live The course it took Was it right The crown I wore Was i...

American Head Charge - Walk Away
Money is hateSo love me nowWhile I'm still unimportant enough to beI will prove myselfAnd ...

American Head Charge - We Believe
I know this muchI cant stand mewhen I become himI know this muchI dont feel freewhen...

American Head Charge - What
Your mom didn't tell youYou'd have nothing to say Shut the fuck up bitch In a poisoned state ...

American Head Charge - When I Failed
Decide everything for meSubject yourself to it Make believe it's only your fault Stifle my own ...

American Hi-fi - Baby Come Home
I understand your point of viewSo what do I sayI've been so underwhelmed beforeYou've got a lot ...

American Hi-fi - Beautiful Disaster
Ill make you a 5 star enemyIve taken a fall would you like to seeChoke it down what a sound run away f...

American Hi-fi - Built For Speed
Shes on fire like a rocket spinning out of controlTry to stop her but you just dontknowHow to keep it ...

American Hi-fi - Happy
I see you in a daydreamTurn it on now make a big sceneYou kiss you kiss when you want somethingF...

American Hi-fi - Hearts On Parade
I don't understandHow we drift so far awayI keep on holding onBut your hands are feeling so numb...

American Hi-fi - Hell Yeah
She likes the boys in the bandI'm moving fast as I canSliding over in her directionPause to chec...

American Hi-fi - Highs And Lows
Nobody really knows the painBut everybody knows your nameYou've got their full attention, all eyes on ...

American Hi-fi - Maybe Won't Do
Some call it love I don't know what you're thinkin' ofSuch a mystery to meSomehow you always like to p...

American Hi-fi - Nothing Left To Lose
Nothing left to loseExcept you and your baby bluesMicrophone check this rhymePancho villa was a ...

American Hi-fi - Rise
I dont know what I can takeCan you feel the pressure break Ive been getting by on nothingHow lon...

American Hi-fi - Save Me
Ive been so lowYeah Ive been so strung outCan you picture this Ill take somethingIts bette...

American Hi-fi - Separation Anxiety
No one told me there'd be days like theseI'm sick of sinkin' man I'm on my kneesTell me again just why...

American Hi-fi - Something Real
Staring down the boulevardCrescent heights the city lights the wayTo another wasted dayShiny car...

American Hi-fi - Teenage Alien Nation
I want it allNo matter what thought you heard me sayNo matter what you know you cant escape today...

American Hi-fi - The Art Of Losing
Last call now I'm outta time And I don't got no valentine Singled out, now I stand alone The und...

American Hi-fi - The Breakup Song
I can't believe I hung around with you all this time You drove me crazy with your OCD girl you're out of you...

American Hi-fi - The Everlasting Fall
Waking up late, a grey Sunday mourningGot up on the wrong side, so go back to bedNewspaper says, it's ...

American Hi-fi - The Geeks Get The Girls
Another Friday night, to get the feeling rightAt the bar when he sees her coming overWhat you gonna do...

American Hi-fi - The Gold Rush
She caught the gold rushI could never get enoughShes been in magazinesWhat a little beauty queen...

American Hi-fi - This Is The Sound
Empty hearts can fill an empty roomBecause of you The sky above remains clear and blueIts nothin...

American Hi-fi - We Can't Be Friends
We were good, playin' hard, rollin' down the boulevardLiquor drinks, between the barsMaking out, back ...

American Hi-fi - Where Did We Go Wrong
Monday morning and the coffee's onWhat happened to my perfect worldFront page news she's already gone...

American Juniors - Abc
[Group:]Bo bo bo bo bo bo. Bo bo bo bo bo bo. Bo bo bo bo bo bo. Bo bo bo bo bo bo.[Lucy:]...

American Juniors - Emotional
[Dani:]I don't need a heartacheAnd crushes can be so fakeBut sooner than you know it...

American Juniors - Have You Ever
Ohhh, YaaaSometimes it's wrong to walk away, though you think it's overKnowing there's so much more to...

American Juniors - No Matta What (party All Night Long)
[All:] AA OO AA OO[Lucy:] Oh Ya, We gonna have some fun[Chanucey:] Cause tomorrow...

American Juniors - One Step Closer
[Taylor:]I've been waitin'Such a long time just tryin' to get through[Danielle:]...

American Juniors - Reach Out I'll Be There
[Chauncey talking:]Hey, I know how you feel. You feel alone. But all you have to do is... reach out....

American Juniors - True Colors
[Lucy:]You with the sad eyesDon't be discouragedOh I realizeIt's hard to find coura...

American Juniors - Unstoppable
[All:] UnstoppableI got the fire in my heartI'm not afraid of takin chargeI'm gonna push ...

Amerie - All I Have
I feel so unsureTrembling you open your doorYour eyes glisteningSilly me I'm already missing you...

Amerie - All I Need
[INTRO]In my heart, you're all I needYou are all I needNeed....need...need...need...need...

Amerie - Can't Let Go
Yeah yeahYeah yeah yeahOh ohWhoa yeahI never knew real love, real loveTill you...

Amerie - Can We Go
Let me sit down and tell you how this thing has really startedWhen I come around you act like loving you is ...

Amerie - Come With Me
[spoken]Look, you don't have to take thisYou can come with me[Chorus]S...

Amerie - Falling
[Chorus]Can I give you my trust?Im fallingCan I give you my thoughts?Im falling...

Amerie - Float
I can't explain it (whoa)The way you make me feel (waiting)The way you hold me (oh)The way you k...

Amerie - Got To Be There
nah nah nahnah nah nah nah nahnah nah nah nah nahnah nahWhen you and I first met...

Amerie - Hatin' On You
Nah nah ohNah nah ohNah nah mmmmYeah yeahIt's been on my mind, on my mindIt's ...

Amerie - I Just Died
Staring in the mirror as IStart to carefully contemplateJust really how deep is this thing I have for ...

Amerie - Just Like Me
I've given up on loveBut I gave up on the chanceThat I'd ever fallHead over heelsAnd all t...

Amerie - Like It Used To Be
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ....Our love what we once treasuredYour ways what I remember most of all...

Amerie - Need You Tonight
I meanI ain't gonna lie to youSee, you can have meIf you wanna do somethingI can't s...

Amerie - Nothing Like Loving You
Trying to beTo be so strongI look into your eyesAnd say helloSo hopelesslyI wait for...

Amerie - Not The Only One
Huh, huh, huh, huh ....Why can't you just tell the truth Why is it so hard for youTell me ...

Amerie - Outro
Looking back I know thatEverything was exactly how it shoulda beenGoing through the ups and downs...

Amerie - Rolling Down My Face
Can't breathe, can't thinkThere doin' themMy friends on the streets stopped so abrupt"What's wro...

Amerie - Show Me
Oh yeahYeah, mmmmWe were never suppose to go this far for realNow I see it all so clear...

Amerie - Talkin' About
Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah ....Been so fed up with that little gameMiscomunication I wish I had more t...

Amerie - Think Of You
I cant stop thinkin about what we once had togetherI kno the reason is that our love was meant forever...

Amerie - Touch
[Spoken]Most people say, they think, huh, wellWhy don't you get to know me[Choru...

Amerie - Why Don't We Fall In Love (richcraft Remix)
[Intro:]Baby-babe-baby-babe-babay!Baby-babe-baby-babe-babay![Verse One:]...

Amici Forever - Canto Alla Vita
Dedicato a chi colpevole o innocentePerso in questo mareSi e arreso alla correnteChi non e mai s...

Amici Forever - Nessun Dorma
Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma!Tu pure, o Principessa,Nella tua fredda stanzaGuardi le stelleC...

Amici Forever - Nimrod: Lux Aeterna
Elgar's famous, serene, and stately melody is given a vocal adaptation with this Lux aeterna requiem....

Amici Forever - Prayer In The Night
Cala la notteLa luna brillaLei mormora nel buioIl nome d'un altroBramae passione, l'alma a...

Amici Forever - Requiem For A Soldier
You never lived to seeWhat you gave to meOne shining dream of hope and loveLife and liberty...

Amici Forever - Senza Catene (unchained Melody)
Non ho pi catene ma solo piange il cuor lonta no da teNon ho pi catene perch so che il tuo amor ...

Amici Forever - Soave Sia Il Vento
Soave sia il ventoTranquilla sia l'ondaEd ogni elementoBenigno rispondaAi nostri desir...

Amici Forever - Song To The Moon
Mesiku na nebi hlubokemSvetlo tv daleko vidi,Po svete bloudis sirokm,Divas se v pribytky lidi....

Amici Forever - The Pearl Fishers
[NADIR]Au fond du temple saintPar de fleurs et d'orUne femme apparat!Je crois la vo...

Amici Forever - Vita Mia
Vita miaQuanta vita c'eDentro questi occhi in meThere've been times in my lifeWhen I...

Amici Forever - Whisper Of Angels
I was yours before the first morn brokeBefore the sun that woke the earthAnd I was yours before rain k...

Amici Forever - Zadok The Priest
Zadok the priestAnd Nathan the prophetAnointed Soloman, kingAnd all the peopleRejoic...

Amiel - Lovesong
Its one thing to ask why we break upHave you everWondered why it is we fall in loveCan you tell ...

Amiel - Obsession (i Love You)
Your never boring,Your always changing,You feel amazingTake meLead the way.I'm serio...

Amy Studt - Beautiful Lie
There's a sadness that they don't see, When you come to me, with your sorrows. It's not enough for you...

Amy Studt - Carry Me Away
The world is sleeping, but I'd rather be awake. Hear the silence and what she's got to say. All your s...

Amy Studt - Going Out Of My Mind
Hey you, its me again.I tried to call yesterday.And the words I had, To say to you,Somehow...

Amy Studt - Happy Now
Happy now, I wonder are you, happy now?Now that you've had me..and i'm on my own, all alone.Are you ha...

Amy Studt - If Only
When I get time to myself,And have nothing to do,I can't help feel the bitter sweet,That searche...

Amy Studt - Just A Little Girl
Sometimes I feel youre not listeningSometimes I feel you dont understandBut I think Ive got the answer...

Amy Studt - Ladder In My Tights
Yeah, yeah, yeah, shoobydoo.Just one more word and I'm gonna explode, I'm gonna self combust, I'...

Amy Studt - Misfit
So you think you got it all worked outYou got your hotpants onYou got your arse right out, youTh...

Amy Studt - Seconds Away
I feel you,Inside me,And slowlyI'm gone.I'm losingIt quietlyDrawn into the sun...

Amy Studt - Superior Mind
If there's hate in this heart, then there's hate in that heart.One hand claps not without the other.If...

Amy Studt - Testify
I've been cheating myself for too long.Living as if i was going nowhere,And I know it's wrong,I'...

Amy Studt - Under The Thumb
You twisted a nerve you, put your hand on your heart. You said 'hey don't worry, you're fit woman, that's al...

Amy Studt - You're Gonna Be Fine
Constantly, finding ways to fill the empty space. But still it seems that nothing touches you anymore. ...

Ana Johnsson - 6 Feet Under
[Chorus]You just left me six feet under ground I`m burning at the sight of the light I`m ...

Ana Johnsson - Coz I Can
I could be anything You want me to be Cook you nice dinners And then gently rub your feet ...

Ana Johnsson - Crest Of The Way
We can never know if we will fade Or stay strong We can never know what is right Tell me what is...

Ana Johnsson - Don't Cry For Pain
Hey man, here`s my plan I`m gonna break it Hey you, don`t be sad Here`s you chance so take it ...

Ana Johnsson - Here I Go Again
I wanna taste the bittersweet I wanna start a riot in these city streets I don`t wanna live life on re...

Ana Johnsson - I'm Stupid
I`m stupid, you`re smarter I`m stupid, thinking there`s a way This could turn out right I`...

Ana Johnsson - L.a.
All the roads lead to L.A. The place to meet Jesus And make friends with Mary-Jane If you`ve got...

Ana Johnsson - Life
Made of love Made of sin Mayday - calling form outer space I dive in Here I am ...

Ana Johnsson - Now It's Gone
Anything but empty words Give it to me where it hurts Anything just tell me something true Don`t...

Ana Johnsson - The Way I Am
I've been messed up tossed around I`ve been flying high just to get knocked down Always ke...

Ana Johnsson - We Are
See the devil on the doorstep now (my oh my)Telling everybody oh just how to live their livesSliding d...

Anastacia - Baptise My Soul
You baptise my soulWant the world to knowYes you doYou baptise my soulGotta let it show...

Anastacia - Black Roses
Whoa, hahYeahAhaTell you a story of a love I left behindIt was a broken fairy tale...

Anastacia - Cowboys & Kisses
Cowboys and kissesCowboys and kissesGotta find myself everytime you go awayBaggy blue jean...

Anastacia - Don'tcha Wanna
If you had the chance I know you, surely wouldAnd anytime I want it baby, I couldSaid you'd never saw ...

Anastacia - Don't Stop (doin' It)
hahayeahare you ready to do this onealright thenlet's gowoooohah come on...

Anastacia - Freak Of Nature
I'm a freak[Spoken:]Excuse meWhat u said to me?Oh no you didn'tNo I'm n...

Anastacia - Heavy On My Heart
I try to fly away but it's impossible And every breath I take gives birth to deeper sighs And for a mo...

Anastacia - How Come The World Won't Stop
hmmmSomebody told meyou were not coming homethe words are spinnin' in timeand the ai...

Anastacia - I Ask Of You
Whooo Your love is like a gentle breeze upon a brand-new day Your touch and what it does to me - like ...

Anastacia - I Dreamed You
You walked in the roomand time was standin' stillknew you were my destinyby the way you made me ...

Anastacia - I'm Outta Love
OooohaWhoaYeah yeah yeah yeahOh yeahAhaNow baby come oneDon't claim that...

Anastacia - Left Outside Alone
[INTRO:] All my life Ive been waiting For you to bring a fairy tale my way Been living in...

Anastacia - Love Is A Crime
Oooh YeahChicagoIf love is a crime babyI'd do my timeWhether it's wrong or right...

Anastacia - Love Is Alive
Love is aliveLove is alive, yeahLove is aliveLove is alive, yeahYeah yeahWhooo...

Anastacia - Made For Lovin' You
Baby I've been waiting for some timeTo find a way to free your mind, yeahIt's the simple things you do...

Anastacia - Maybe Today
Poison like the air we breatheThis complicated world we weaveSpins around pulls us downThis life...

Anastacia - Nothing At All
I suppose, for a man like youTo be the love of my lifeThat's a lot to askBut somehow, I feel thr...

Anastacia - Not That Kind
All the time that we spend togetherI won't fussI won't fight tryin to make you mineHaWooh...

Anastacia - One Day In Your Life
I knowthat's just the way it goesand you ain't rightfor sureyou turned your back on love...

Anastacia - One More Chance
Can we talk a while?'Cause I need youLord, I miss your smileSaid, I need youI know I'm not...

Anastacia - Overdue Goodbye
This is a messagepay attentionI got something to saypleasant informationThis is me w...

Anastacia - Overdue Goodbye (reprise)
Goodbyeoohgoodbyeoh oh oohgoodbyegoodbyeyeah yeah yeahgoodbyegoodb...

Anastacia - Paid My Dues
[Spoken:]You can say what you want about meWanna do what you want to meBut you can not st...

Anastacia - Pretty Little Dum Dum
Padapapapa.. Padapapapapa.. Padapapapa.. Padapapapapa.. Padapapapa.. Padapapapapa.. Floati...

Anastacia - Rearview
Ohhh.. Ohh.. I use to tell myself that you would wait I borrowed time for two and I twisted fate...

Anastacia - Same Old Story
YeahTurn around take a look at my lifeI'm a lot like you areTry to hide from yesterday...

Anastacia - Seasons Change
Cradle the weight of your life You can survive What lies before you It's only a matter of time ...

Anastacia - Secrets
[children playing]late in Septembermemories I can't erasethe shiver through autumn...

Anastacia - Sexy Single
All my life I've tried to find A love to give me piece of mind And I, I looked into your eyes Ca...

Anastacia - Sick & Tired
My love is on the line My love is on the line My love is on the line My love is on the line ...

Anastacia - Someday My Prince Will Come
Some day my prince will come,Some day I'll find my lovesome day some dayI say some day my ...

Anastacia - Time
Ohh.. Time... Time.. They say timing... is everything But nothing you control 'Cause...

Anastacia - Welcome To My Truth
Sentimental days In a misty clouded haze Of a memory that now feels untrue I used to feel disgui...

Anastacia - Where Do I Belong
Ohhh.. Ohhh.. Life doesn't promise a bed of roses Or white knights Fields of emotions I'm ...

Anastacia - Who's Gonna Stop The Rain
(Oh, oh, oh)There is no rose without a thornNo rain without a storm(Oh, oh, oh)There is no...

Anastacia - Why'd You Lie To Me
Why did you lie to me?Can't be trusted, good for nothing type of brotherEverything you claimed to be w...

Anastacia - Wishing Well
I wish you wellOh YeahOh YeahWhat do you think of me?And who do you want...

Anastacia - Yo Trippin'
WhoaHeyaAll tis time this lifeIs a rhythm without a rhyme'Cause it makes me feel, uh...

Anastacia - You'll Never Be Alone
The world is changingand time is spinning fastit's so amazing how you came into my lifeI know it...

Andrew W.k. - Don't Stop Living In The Red
Don't stop living in the redDon't stop living in the redDon't stop living in the reeeeeeeeeed...

Andrew W.k. - Free Jumps
You walked out on your bestBut you knew they would never pass the testThey mess your life around...

Andrew W.k. - Fun Night
YEAH!We like to play and we do it all dayBecause we got no worriesWe make what we want...

Andrew W.k. - Girls Own Juice
UH! UH! UH!...People (UH!) start (UH!) killing (UH!) wherever she comes (UH!)When she come...

Andrew W.k. - Girls Own Love
People started killing wherever she goesWhen she comes she's a red hot set of lipsAnd when she c...

Andrew W.k. - Got To Do It
You gotta keep upYou gotta keep going...No you never let downYou gotta keep goingYou gotta...

Andrew W.k. - I Get Wet
You watch what I say,(Watch what I Say),Watch what I do.Because I really don't care,I real...

Andrew W.k. - I Love Music
I want you to remember all the things that i saidI want you to remember you're not better off deadYou ...

Andrew W.k. - Long Live The Party
I want to have a partyI want to have a partyI want to have a partyI want to have a partyYo...

Andrew W.k. - Make Sex
I don't want to make life, and I don't want to make death, I don't want to make love, I justwant to......

Andrew W.k. - Never Let Down
Never wanna break your heartNever wanna make you cryNever wanna give up and dieEven if you...

Andrew W.k. - Party Hard
When it's time to party we will party hard You, You work all night (all night) And when yo...

Andrew W.k. - Party 'til You Puke
We're not gonna dieYou can never kill usWe're not gonna dieYou can never hurt usWe d...

Andrew W.k. - Ready To Die
This is your time to pay, This is your judgement day, We made a sacrifice, And now we get to tak...

Andrew W.k. - Really In Love
I... I am alikeA lot like youOh, like youI do what I wantAnd I want youOh, wan...

Andrew W.k. - She Is Beautiful
I never knew girls existed like you But now that I do I'd really like to get to know you T...

Andrew W.k. - Take It Off
Take It Off!Gotta get ready to go'cos it's time againwe know (we are the ones)who do...

Andrew W.k. - Tear It Up
And if any last one of you ever likes to be part of this war, part of it, you get out, youget out, you get o...

Andrew W.k. - The End Of Our Lives
Had the power on fullAnd a reason to runLearned a little bit slowBut it's better than none...

Andrew W.k. - The Song
Do you really want to go down now?Do you really want to know where I've been when i go out?Can you und...

Andrew W.k. - Totally Stupid
Life's too shortSo do what you wantI've said it before and I'll say it againSo everyone just do ...

Andrew W.k. - Victory Strikes Again
This is why we are aliveWe all live like we are going to dieWe are here, We are highAnd this is ...

Andrew W.k. - We Want Fun
Well if we had our own willing way to goYou'd be doing things, and hoping theres antidote!When we saw ...

Andrew W.k. - Your Rules
I don't care what you sayAnd I won't hit the hayI don't know what you doBut I know I'm not you...

Androids - Automatic
I push so hard they hardly push back Instinct has led me to a man trap Divorce my conscience to be und...

Androids - Bored
Well I have never been Thought of as strong And now between the state of What's right and wrong ...

Androids - Brand New Life
I made up my mind You know when you're sick of tryin' You've gotta be on your way I was always d...

Androids - Cynical
You always seem to think the worst That everyone is out to screw your plans Go on and help yourself fi...

Androids - Do It With Madonna
You know Christina's got the bodyShe really likes to spin and twirlBut when she's flirting with the ca...

Androids - Here She Comes
Do do do do do do do Do do do do do do do I've got her stuck in my brain like a tattoo memory ...

Androids - Hey You!
I spend most every night just me and my TV I eat my cookies and I sip on my warm tea I'm never ever ev...

Androids - Let Me Down
Let me down slowly A dog's life is one I'll never have The bridge may be weak now But it'll last...

Androids - Pull Me Apart
She crawls up from the bed at twelve It's early but you're straight into a fight You wanna know just w...

Androids - Take It Too Far
Tryin' to keep straight but you left it too late The drink is beating you hands down You once made a w...

Androids - Wannabe
You try, to look like you're busy Your time's, aerobics and weight lifting The wardrobe's perfect but ...

Angel - Angel
When I'm upside downYou turn me right side upBy the simple words you sayWhen I'm south of ...

Angel - Believe In Angels
You say we're all the sameAnd girls just like to teaseWe like to play the gameAnd keep you down ...

Angel - Chinese Whispers
A little secret never meant to reach meYou made them promise but what fun would that beYou think you s...

Angel - Just The Way I Am
Hey you Whatcha gonna doGet out of my way cos the girl's coming throughI'm proud I'll say it out...

Angel - Lessons In Love
I heard you, you were back in townBut before me you were playin roundYou left a trail of broken hearts...

Angel - Love Is
Love is being a chair that a tired man can sit inLove is being a shade from the sun and heat to rest in...

Angel - Mama's Little Girl
Here's a little story'Bout a girl I knowAnd this is how the story goesNever fitting in...

Angel - Once Upon Our Time
Once upon a time you were mineHaven't I heard this storyAll these sugar sweet fairytalesNever co...

Angel - Three Small Words
We come home beat and tiredAsleep and wired late at nightWe get to talkin about ourFeelings and ...

Angel - To Forgive You
I saw you in the headlightsIt's gonna be a long nightCause suddenly those memoriesCame flooding ...

Angel - Wild Guess
I want to confessAll these thoughts that I've been thinkingGet it off my chestAfter just one kis...

Angel - You Release Me
Never found anybody to understandNever found a lover to take me as I amOh ohSo many emotions cag...

Angela Ammons - Always Getting Over You
Do, do, do, do, do [6x]Was it not enough stimulationHit by a brick the other day, just wh...

Angela Ammons - Big Girl
What do you want to be when I grow upA teacher a nurse or a bumI don't need you to judge what I did...

Angela Ammons - Broken
You, you're everything I know I'm happy when I'm sad Through all the times we shared I never fel...

Angela Ammons - Echo
Every time I need you you're never there So I go So tell me what did I do To keep you from holdi...

Angela Ammons - Pretend
I believed in once upon a timesHappy ever after fairy tales.I believed a love I thought was mine,...

Angela Ammons - Someday Soon
You wiped away my tears And asked me for a smile I pretended to for a while I said I'd do anythi...

Angela Ammons - Take My Hand
I need a love to lift me up andI need time to tell me what to do andIt's been a long ride, and i can m...

Angela Ammons - This Is Who I Am
So many times things I've tried in my lifeBeen so many placesYou could say I know some faces.So ...

Angela Ammons - Walking Backwards
Falling snowflakes, melting in the sun Dead end sweepstakes, heaven's growing numb Weekend sandman, st...

Angela Ammons - When It Doesn't Matter
I'm everything, you never wantedWhy does it mean so much to youI'm walking awayNot begging you t...

Angela Ammons - You'll Be Gone
So what if it is me, and what if we don't care anymore What if we come clean, Goodbye fear out the door ...

Angie Martinez - A New Day
[Intro: A. Martinez]Yo, uhThe animals are hereIt's a new day...yo yo uhIt's a...

Angie Martinez - Animal House
[Angie]Welcome to "Animal House" The animals are in the buildingIt's a new day...

Angie Martinez - Breathe
[Angie Martinez]Yo, yo, yo, uhh, uhh, yo, yo, whoo whoo whoo whoo, yo, uhh, hey!Sometimes you g...

Angie Martinez - Go!! (muthafuka)
[Angie:] What's this? [unfolding of letter][Angie & Guy:] Dear Angie Guy: I...

Angie Martinez - If I Could Go
[Lil' Mo] Yeaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy!!![Angie M] Oh yeah yeah{Lil' Mo] Yeaaaaaaaaaaayyyy!!!...

Angie Martinez - Live Big (remix)
[Angie Martinez] Oh![Sacario]I don't think y'all ready [Angie Martinez Laughing...

Angie Martinez - So Good
[Angie]He was all I wanted, late night talkin, on the phone till daylight often, at home ...

Angie Martinez - Take You Home
[VERSE 1:]I got a call from my girls around eight about that Friday spotRound 12 hit the highwa...

Angie Stone - 20 Dollars
[Intro]Said it's a sho' fire testimoneyCheck it, whoa, rap on the do'Whatcha know a...

Angie Stone - Black Diamonds & Blue Pearls (interlude)
We set up a jude of colorFor the darker shadeSet us up to never winStiffling one another, ...

Angie Stone - Bone 2 Pic (wit U)
Ali Shaheed, on the mixKickin' it with Angie StoneUh, Take it back, take it backTell me wh...

Angie Stone - Bottles & Cans
Everybody wants some type of success in lifeLike every woman wants to one day be a wifeYour success is...

Angie Stone - Coulda Been You
[1] - Could of been you laying next to meCould of been you feeling everythingYou had it all and...

Angie Stone - Don't Wanna Ride Without You
I'd rather be lonely and in painThen be surrounded by my enemy with joy to gainI'd rather be rich in s...

Angie Stone - Easier Said Than Done
[Intro]Ally oop now, ally oop, ally oop nowAlly oop now, ally oop, ally oop nowAlly oop n...

Angie Stone - Everyday
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahYeah, yeah, yeah, yeahYeah, yeah, yeah, yeahYeah, yeah, yeah, yeah...

Angie Stone - Everyday (neptune Remix)
Uh, uh, uhWhat? Check it outAngie Stone on the remix with who? Neptune, uhI've had m...

Angie Stone - Freedom (intro)
FreedomFreedomWanna thank youFreedomThere's nothing in the worldLike freedom...

Angie Stone - Green Grass Vapors
[Intro]Now see you being cool too fastI didn't say light that up that quick, shitVapors, ...

Angie Stone - Heaven Help
There comes a timeTo be free of the heartI wanna be ready, ready to startOn a love journey, I go...

Angie Stone - Holding Back The Years
Ooh, yeah, ooh, oohOh yeah, uh-huhListenHolding back the yearsThinking about the fea...

Angie Stone - If It Wasn't
[1] - If it wasn't for yo' momma Never thinkin' I was good enoughIf it wasn't for yo' brotha ...

Angie Stone - Just A Pimp
Oh, dirty low downSammy Chivelucious was his namePlayed a very, very dirty gameHe took the...

Angie Stone - Life Goes On
[Intro]One for the roadCheck itKind of natural, yeahLook at then and when you...

Angie Stone - Life Story
Sittin' here wondering, ponderingEvery little thingAnd I'm lookin' back, lookin' atAll the time ...

Angie Stone - Love Junkie
[Intro]I don't know why I do thisBut it feels so goodIt's all about the StoneStone ...

Angie Stone - Mad Issues
[Angie] Uh huh[Rufus] Hey baby[Angie] I think I wanna just rap to ya for just a s...

Angie Stone - Makings Of You (interlude)
A little sugar, honey suckle lambGreat expression of happinessBoy, you could not miss with a dozen ros...

Angie Stone - Man Loves His Money
[1] - I want you like a man loves his moneyI want you like a man loves his moneyWhat is i...

Angie Stone - My Lovin' Will Give You Something
[Angie Stone]Take a little love of money that u keep onI know it's time for u to settle d...

Angie Stone - No More Rain (in This Cloud)
[Intro]No more rain in this cloudNo more rain in this cloud[1] - My sunshine...

Angie Stone - Outro
I find a quiet placeJust a small simple splaceJust to thank you Lord, for your blessingsI know t...

Angie Stone - Pissed Off
[Intro]Uh, yeah, try to be coolTired, feeling all that, you know what I'm sayin'?Positive...

Angie Stone - Snowflakes
A few kisses ago, you loved meTook your pocket knife, carved our names on a treeMy heart skips a beat ...

Angie Stone - Soul Insurance
[1] - Hey sista, soul sistaSista, Soul sista[Repeat 1][Repeat 1]...

Angie Stone - The Heat (outro)
Hope this isn't enough saidAin't got time to be a-makin' up my own bedHope this don't offend you...

Angie Stone - Time Of The Month
It's 3:00 in the morningTell me where you beenSee I'm in pain, these my brainsAnd my cramps are ...

Angie Stone - Trouble Man
No weapon formed against me shall prosperI come up hard, but never coolI didn't make it, suga...

Angie Stone - Visions
[1] - Visions of you in my mindHaven't thought about it for a long long timeWhy you tryin' to c...

Angie Stone - What U Dyin' For
[Intro]Talk about itTalk about itIt's a shame, yes a crazy crazyTell it to 'em...

Ani Difranco - 32 Flavors
squint your eyes and look closerI'm not between you and your ambitionI am a poster girl with no poster...

Ani Difranco - 4th Of July
you gotta have the right toolsfor every jobso I invite myself inthrough a hole in the fence...

Ani Difranco - Adam And Eve
tonight you stooped to my leveli am your mangy little whoreyou are trying to find your underwear...

Ani Difranco - Ain't That The Way
i love you and you love me and ain't that that way it's supposed to be? iswing my stick legs 'round from the...

Ani Difranco - Akimbo
What dreams cause meTo abandon my pillow each night?Push away each of them, in factSince there a...

Ani Difranco - Amazing Grace
amazing gracehow sweet the soundthat saved a wretch like mei once was lostbut now i'm foun...

Ani Difranco - Angel Food
if the mattress was a table topand the bed sheet was a pagewe'd be written outlike a couple of q...

Ani Difranco - Angry Anymore
growing up it was just me and my momagainst the worldand all my sympathies were with herwhen i w...

Ani Difranco - Animal
More and more there is this animalLooking out through my eyesAt all the traffic on the road to nowhere...

Ani Difranco - Anticipate
you are subtle as a window panestanding in my viewbut I will wait for it to rainso that I can se...

Ani Difranco - Anyday
I will lean into youand you can be the windI will open up my mouthand you can come rushing in...

Ani Difranco - As Is
you can't hide behind social gracesso don't tryto be all touchy feelycuz you lie in ...

Ani Difranco - Asking Too Much
I want somebody who sees the pointlessnessand still keeps their purpose in mindI want somebody who has...

Ani Difranco - Back Around
my lipstickjumped shipto a styrofoam cupwith the coffee gonethe conversation stronga...

Ani Difranco - Bliss Like This
I said VeniceYou heard VegasNow I say either wayBaby let's goI get so shakyAnd I jus...

Ani Difranco - Blood In The Boardroom
sitting in the boardroomthe I'm-so-bored roomlistening to the suitstalk about their worldt...

Ani Difranco - Bodily
You broke me bodilyThe heart ain't the half of itAnd I'll never learn to laugh at itIn my good n...

Ani Difranco - Born A Lion
I'm not hurting anyoneI'm just telling my truthand if thereif there is something wrongthen...

Ani Difranco - Both Hands
I am walkingout in the rainand I am listening to the low moanof the dial tone againand I a...

Ani Difranco - Brief Bus Stop
she sat there like a photographof someone much further awaywe shared a brief bus stopon one of t...

Ani Difranco - Bubble
I hated to pop the bubbleOf me and youBut it only held enough oxygenFor a trip or twoTo th...

Ani Difranco - Buildings And Bridges
Buildings and bridgesare made to bend in the windto withstand the world,that's what it takes...

Ani Difranco - Callous
You cried and you cried and you cried wolfSo it took me a minute to understandThat you really were hur...

Ani Difranco - Circle Of Light
standing just outsidethe circle of lightavoiding the pool cueswatching the gamewaiting for...

Ani Difranco - Cloud Blood
ive been wondering what you meantwhen you asked do you have a light?ive been wondering where you went...

Ani Difranco - Come Away From It
comecome awaycome away fromcome away from itnext to the glass ashtrayin a litt...

Ani Difranco - Coming Up
our father who art in a penthousesits in his 37th floor suiteand swivels to gaze downat the city...

Ani Difranco - Company
What's the pointOf all this pointless proximityIf you won't talkTake me for a walkThrough ...

Ani Difranco - Cradle And All
fourteenth street and the garbage swirls like a cyclonethree o'clock in the afternoon and I am going home...

Ani Difranco - Crime For Crime
the big day has comethe bell is soundingi run my hands through my hair one last timeoutside the ...

Ani Difranco - Deep Dish
cold and drizzly night in chicago's deep dishfluorescent light of the bathroomshows my hands as they a...

Ani Difranco - Dilate
life used to be life-likenow it's more like showbizi wake up in the nightand i don't know where ...

Ani Difranco - Dog Coffee
perpetrating counter-culture she is walking through the parkfirst light ugly and more muscular than the dark...

Ani Difranco - Done Wrong
the wind is ruthlessthe trees shake angry fingers at the skythe people hunch their shouldershold...

Ani Difranco - Educated Guess
Looks like my crazy family Is down one crazy daughter cuzI'm shipwrecked in a desert thatOnce wa...

Ani Difranco - Egos Like Hairdos
I saw on the postermy name was printedjust a little bit smallerI can tell you need to stand...

Ani Difranco - Everest
from the depth of the pacificto the height of everestand still the world is smoother than a shin...

Ani Difranco - Every Angle
I'm imagining your frameevery angleand every planeI'm imagining your smellthe one that min...

Ani Difranco - Every State Line
I got pulled over in west Texasso they could look inside my carhe said are you an american citizen...

Ani Difranco - Evolve
I walk in stride with peoplemuch taller than meand partly it's the boots butmostly it's my chi...

Ani Difranco - Face Up And Sing
some guy tried to rub up against mein a crowded subway carsome guy tried to feed me some stupid line...

Ani Difranco - Falling Is Like This
You give me that look that's like laughingwith liquid in your mouthlike you're choosing between chokin...

Ani Difranco - Fierce Flawless
she was cuffed to the truth like the truth was a chair with a bright interrogationlight in her eyes. and her...

Ani Difranco - Fire Door
I opened the fire doorto four lipsnone of which were minekissingtightened my belt around m...

Ani Difranco - Fixing Her Hair
she's looking in the mirrorshe's fixing her hairand I touch my head to feelwhat isn't there...

Ani Difranco - Fuel
They were digging a new foudation in ManhattanAnd they discovered a slave cemetary thereMay their soul...

Ani Difranco - Garden Of Simple
some crazy fucker carved a sculpture out of butter and propped it up in the middle of the bonanza breakfast ...

Ani Difranco - Glass House
sitting in my glasshousewhile your ghost is sleeping down the hallwatching the little birds flyk...

Ani Difranco - God's Country
state trooper thinks I drive too fastpulled me over to tell me soI say out here on the prarieany...

Ani Difranco - Going Down
you can't get through ityou can't get over ityou can't get aroundjust like in a dream...

Ani Difranco - Good, Bad, Ugly
it was goodgood to see you againgood to meet your girlfriendI'll try not to wonder where you are...

Ani Difranco - Grand Canyon
I love my countryBy which I meanI am indebted joyfullyTo all the people throughout its history...

Ani Difranco - Gratitude
thank youfor letting me stay herethank you for taking me inthank youfor the beer and the f...

Ani Difranco - Gravel
i heard the sound of your bike,as your wheels hit the gravel,then your engine in the driveway cu...

Ani Difranco - Grey
the sky is grey, the sand is grey, and the ocean is grey. i feel right athome in this stunning monochrome, a...

Ani Difranco - Hat Shaped Hat
in walked a man in the shape of a manholding a hat-shaped hathe held up two fingers and said 'how many...

Ani Difranco - Heartbreak Even
it's a heartbreak even situationnothing lost and nothing gainedso i'm 10 years old again standin...

Ani Difranco - Hello Birmingham
hold me downi am floating awayinto the overcast skiesover my home townon election day...

Ani Difranco - Hell Yeah
life is a b movieit's stupid and it's strangea directionless storyand the dialouge is lame...

Ani Difranco - Here For Now
I bet you're wondering if you woke todayjust to learn why the caged bird singsI bet you're wondering i...

Ani Difranco - Hour Follows Hour
hour follows hourlike water follows watereverything is governed by the ruleof one thing leads to...

Ani Difranco - How Have You Been
you could always hear the rub squeakingof those two tree limbs'til one day one of them came down...

Ani Difranco - Icarus
seems like you juststarted noticinghow noticably bad things really areand when you walked past t...

Ani Difranco - If He Tries Anything
I'm invincibleso are youwe do all the thingsthey say we can't dowe walk aroundin the...

Ani Difranco - If It Isn't Her
standing like john wayneshe is full framedshe is center stageand my imagination israttling...

Ani Difranco - I Know This Bar
I know this barWith a jukebox full of medicineAnd christmas lights blinkingAround a clouded mirr...

Ani Difranco - Imagine That
imagine that i'm on stage under a watchtower of punishing light. and in thehaze is your face bathed in shado...

Ani Difranco - I'm No Heroine
you think I wouldn't have himunless I could have him by the ballsyou think I just dish it outyou...

Ani Difranco - Imperfectly
I'm okayif you get me at a good angleand you're okayin the sort of lightand we don't look...

Ani Difranco - Independence Day
we drove the car to the top of the parking rampon the 4th of julywe sat out on the hood with a couple ...

Ani Difranco - In Here
even when i look right at you i always just see through and i always just see new things to admi...

Ani Difranco - In Or Out
guess there's something wrong with meguess I don't fit inno one wants to touch itno one knows wh...

Ani Difranco - In The Way
no you didn't just leaveI actually kicked you outI couldn't hardly believethat the words came ou...

Ani Difranco - Itch
I am evening the scoreI am cutting the umbilical cordcurled with my teeth against my kneesI am s...

Ani Difranco - Joyful Girl
i do it for the joy it bringsbecause i'm a joyful girlbecause the world owes me nothingand we ow...

Ani Difranco - Jukebox
in the jukebox of her memorythe list of names flips by and stopsshe closes her eyesand smiles as...

Ani Difranco - Kazoointoit
i love us both but i don't feel goodso i keep pulling overand looking underthe hoodi love ...

Ani Difranco - Know Now Then
it's not so much that we got closerit's that her face just go tbiggerand by the time it was filling up...

Ani Difranco - Knuckle Down
That's just my cowgirl alter-egoRiding on her bar room bullDripping with the sweat of ironyAs th...

Ani Difranco - Lag Time
There's really no hope for meAnd that three second ruleSomethin gets droppedAnd still I'm the sl...

Ani Difranco - Letter To A John
don't ask me why I'm cryingI'm not going to tell you what's wrongI'm just gonna sit on your lapf...

Ani Difranco - Letting The Telephone Ring
I am letting the telephone ringcause I don't want to know whyI don't want to hear you explainI d...

Ani Difranco - Light Of Some Kind
i wish i didn't have this nervous laughi wish i didn't say half the stuff i sayi wish i could just lea...

Ani Difranco - Looking For The Holes
I am looking for the holesthe holes in your jeansbecause I want to knoware they worn out in the ...

Ani Difranco - Loom
you've always got those dark sunglassescovering up your facebut if you promise to take them offi...

Ani Difranco - Lost Woman Song
I opened a bank accountwhen I was nine years oldI closed it when I was eighteenI gave them every...

Ani Difranco - Make Me Stay
I'm gonna turnand walk awayyou can waittil I am far alongthen run and comeand catch ...

Ani Difranco - Make Them Apologize
my breast is cradledin the curve of my guitarI'm breaking stringsand other thingsplaying h...

Ani Difranco - Manhole
I'm holding here a bookNotable, but not the greatestStolen for me by the latestIn a long line of...

Ani Difranco - Marrow
the answer came like a shot in the back while youwere running from your lesson, which might explain why year...

Ani Difranco - Minerva
You wandered inTo the forestFollowing that shiny red ballAnd by the time you looked upYou ...

Ani Difranco - Modulation
In order toSay thank you to youI must do it intentionallyBut tonight with every breathI ca...

Ani Difranco - My I.q.
when I was four years oldthey tried to test my I.Q.they showed me a pictureof 3 oranges and a pe...

Ani Difranco - Names And Dates And Times
I know so many white peopleI mean, where do I start?the trouble with white peopleis you can't te...

Ani Difranco - Napoleon
they told you your musiccould reach millionsthat the choice was up to youyou told me they always...

Ani Difranco - Not A Pretty Girl
I am not a pretty girlthat is not what I doI ain't no damsel in distessand I don't need to be re...

Ani Difranco - Not So Soft
In a forest of stoneunderneath the corporate canopywhere the sunrarelyfiltersdown...

Ani Difranco - Oh My My
your bodyforshortened below your shouldersyour face so close it's out of focusway down the hallw...

Ani Difranco - O.k.
if you ask mei'll sayyes pleaseto you todayso don't ask mecuz i'm weak that way...

Ani Difranco - Old Old Song
i'll sing you a song that starts out descriptiveand locates a time and a placelike a dinner table wher...

Ani Difranco - On Every Corner
deathhas been your loverhe has brought youthe edges of your lifeand now you are looking ov...

Ani Difranco - Origami
I am an all powerful amazon warriorNot just some sniveling girlSo no matter what I think I needY...

Ani Difranco - Out Of Habit
the butter melts out of habitthe toast isn't even warmthe waitress and the man in the plaid shirt...

Ani Difranco - Out Of Range
just the thoughtof our bedmakes me crumble like the plasterwhere you punched the wall beside my ...

Ani Difranco - Outta Me, Onto You
no no no no no no no no no no no nono moreno no no no no no no no no no no nono moreno no ...

Ani Difranco - Overlap
I search your profilefor a translationI study the conversationlike a map'cause I know ther...

Ani Difranco - Pale Purple
pale purple nipplesgoose pimpledshe shivers shifts from a walk to a trotalone in the cityi...

Ani Difranco - Paradigm
I was born to two immigrantsWho knew why they were hereThey were happy to pay taxesFor the schoo...

Ani Difranco - Parameters
Thirty-three years go byAnd not once do you come homeTo find a man sitting in your bedroomThat i...

Ani Difranco - Phase
I'll be your biggest fan, I will be your foolI'll be your exception to every ruleand I ain't the...

Ani Difranco - Pick Yer Nose
How come I can pick my earsbut not my nosewho made up that rule anywayhow can you say that's the...

Ani Difranco - Pixie
i'm a pixiei'm a paperdolli'm a cartooni'm a chipper cheerful free for alland i light up a...

Ani Difranco - Platforms
Life knocked me off my platformsSo I pulled out my first pair of bootsBought on the street at astor pl...

Ani Difranco - Promised Land
you're taking up lots of spaceyour shit is everywhereyour breath is all up in my faceyour hands ...

Ani Difranco - Providence
who knewat this party that Iwould walk in and I'd see you.I guess nowwe could just get dru...

Ani Difranco - Pulse
you crawled into my bedlike some sort of giant insectand i found myself spellboundthat night at ...

Ani Difranco - Rain Check
As dolls go I am brokenAnd you could just let that get us off the hookBut from under the umbrella of t...

Ani Difranco - Reckoning
you can doubt anything if you think about it long enough. cause whathappened always adjusts to fit what happ...

Ani Difranco - Recoil
Come home and my guitarHas nothin to say to meI recoil from all my friendsAnd then I'm in misery...

Ani Difranco - Revelling
you were so in lovethat it was all you could talk aboutand i think i felt a little left outyou w...

Ani Difranco - Rockabye
tending the garden of noisewhen I grow the trafficand the churchbellsand the neighborhood boys...

Ani Difranco - Rock Paper Scissors
it's rock paper scissors as to whether i will get over you at all. it'shand against hand and both hands are ...

Ani Difranco - Roll With It
She says my ass hurtswhen I sit downshe says my feet hurtfrom just standing aroundI think ...

Ani Difranco - Rush Hour
rush hourand the day's dawningthe rain cameand pushed me under the awningthe puddles grew ...

Ani Difranco - School Night
she went over to his apartmentclutching her decisionand he said, did you come here to tell me goodbye?...

Ani Difranco - Second Intermission
second intermission anticipation you know the third act small talk drops out of the play y...

Ani Difranco - Seeing Eye Dog
You're my seeing eye dog and I am blindYou take me there every timeWith that winning combination of lo...

Ani Difranco - Serpentine
Pavlov hits me with more bad news every time I answer the phoneso I play and I sing and I just let it ring, ...

Ani Difranco - Served Faithfully
he caresses every bottlelike it's the first one he's hadsayingit ain't lovebut it ain't ba...

Ani Difranco - Shameless
i cannot name thisi cannot explain thisand i really don't want tojust call me shamelessi c...

Ani Difranco - She Says
she says forget what you have to dopretend there is nothingoutside this roomand like an idea she...

Ani Difranco - Shrug
what's with that halo hoveringabove that thick skullspare meif I do say so - I think you're cove...

Ani Difranco - Shy
the heat is so greatit plays tricks with the eyeit turns the road to waterand then from water to...

Ani Difranco - Sick Of Me
how sick of me must you be by now? while you're standing just outside ofwhat your pride will allow, always r...

Ani Difranco - Slide
she was hungryso hungryshe was trying to think clearshe kept opening the fridge doorstarin...

Ani Difranco - Small World
she was shaking and talkinglouder and loudereach sentence was siftedto a very fine powderh...

Ani Difranco - Soft Shoulder
I don't keep much stuff aroundI value my portabilitybut I will say that I have savedevery letter...

Ani Difranco - Sorry I Am
I'm sorry I didn't sound more excited on the phoneI'm sorry that after all these yearsI've left you fe...

Ani Difranco - So What
who's gonna give a shitwho's gonna take the call when you find out that the road ahead is painte...

Ani Difranco - Studying Stones
I am out here studying stonesTrying to learn to be less aliveUsing all of my willTo keep very st...

Ani Difranco - Subdivision
white people are so scared of black people. they bulldoze out to thecountry, and put up houses on little loo...

Ani Difranco - Sunday Morning
Sunday morningSlow beats seethingThrough the screens inThe open windowsEggs fryingLe...

Ani Difranco - Superhero
sleepwalking through the all-nite drugstorebaptized in flourescent lighti found religion in the greeti...

Ani Difranco - Swandive
cradling the softest, warmest part of you in my handfeels like a little baby bird fallen from the nest...

Ani Difranco - Swim
You keep telling me I'm beautifulBut I feel a little less so each timeYour love is so colorfulIt...

Ani Difranco - Talk To Me Now
he said ani, you've gotten tough'cause my tone was curtyeah, and when I'm approached in a dark alley...

Ani Difranco - Tamburitza Lingua
a cold and porcelain lonelyin an old new york hotela stranger to a city that she used to know so...

Ani Difranco - The Diner
I'm calling from the dinerthe diner on the cornerI ordered two coffeesone is for youI was ...

Ani Difranco - The Next Big Thing
helloit's meI'm returning your callit's monday wednesday fridaybetween noon and three...

Ani Difranco - The Slant
the slanta building settling around memy figure female framed crookedlyin the thresholdof ...

Ani Difranco - The Story
I would have returned your greetingif it weren't for the way you were looking at methis street is not ...

Ani Difranco - The Waiting Song
your basic average super staris singing about justiceand peaceand loveand I am glaring at ...

Ani Difranco - The Whole Night
we can touchtouch our girl cheeksand we can hold handslike paper dollswe can trytry ...

Ani Difranco - This Bouquet
got a garden of songs where i grow all my thoughtswish i could harvest one or two for some small talki...

Ani Difranco - Tiptoe
tiptoeing through the used condomsstrewn on the piersoff the west side highwaysunset behind the ...

Ani Difranco - 'tis Of Thee
'tis of theethey caught the last poor manon a poor man's vacationthey cuffed him and confi...

Ani Difranco - To The Teeth
the sun is settin on the centuryand we are armed to the teethwe are all working together nowto m...

Ani Difranco - Trickle Down
you cease to smell the steel plantafter you've lived there for a whilesmoke is snow is ash are leaves ...

Ani Difranco - True Story Of What Was
The light blue flickering rhythmOf the neighbor's big console T.V.Is basking on the ceilingOf an...

Ani Difranco - Two Little Girls
you were fresh off the boat from virginiai had a year in new york city under my beltwe met in a dream...

Ani Difranco - Untouchable Face
think i'm going for a walk nowi feel a little unsteadyi don't want nobody to follow me'cept mayb...

Ani Difranco - Up Up Up Up Up Up
up up up up up up points thespire of the steeplebut god's work isn't done by godit's done by peo...

Ani Difranco - Used To You
I'm still here becauseI've got nothing else to doyou're an assholebut I'm getting used to you...

Ani Difranco - Virtue
virtue is relative at bestthere's nothing worse than a sunsetwhen you're driving due west and i'...

Ani Difranco - Welcome To:
welcome to:no amount of stoned makes you feel okwelcome to:this year's alone - brought to you by...

Ani Difranco - Whatall Is Nice
today we are only whatall is nice about ustoday we turned on in the blue light of dawnand made love...

Ani Difranco - What How When Where (why Who)
what what what what what did you think you were doing?how how how how how did you think this would go?...

Ani Difranco - What If No One's Watching
If my life were a moviethere would be a sunsetand the camera would pan awaybut the sky is just a...

Ani Difranco - Willing To Fight
The windows of my soulare made of one way glassdon't bother looking into my eyesif there's somet...

Ani Difranco - Wish I May
i'm losing my love of adventurei'm losing all respectfor me and myself tonighti wonder what happ...

Ani Difranco - Work Your Way Out
lying on the floorfour stories highin the corridorbetween the asphalt and the skyI am caug...

Ani Difranco - Worthy
you think you're not worthyI'd have to say I agreeI'm not worthy of youyou're not worthy of me...

Ani Difranco - You Each Time
There you were day after daySix feet Twenty feet Two feet awayRight in my pocket singin me...

Ani Difranco - You Had Time
how can I go homewith nothing to sayI know you're going to look at me that wayand say what did y...

Ani Difranco - Your Next Bold Move
coming of age during the plagueof reagan and bushwatching capitalism gun down democracyit had th...

Anna Nalick - Bleed
Well, it's been almost a year to the momentWhen I finally realized it was overAnd I knew that love was...

Anna Nalick - Citadel
I'm sittin' on a citadelContemplating lifeMaking a point to waste my time I'm walking on clouds...

Anna Nalick - In My Head
Under the weight of your wingsYou are a god and whatever I want you to beAnd I wonder if truly you are...

Anna Nalick - In The Rough
You say you fell while holding diamonds in your hands"It's your fault for running, holding diamonds," I said...

Anna Nalick - Wreck Of The Day
Driving away from the wreck of the dayAnd the light's always red in the rear-viewDesperately close to ...

Anneliese Van Der Pol - Over It
How could you knowThat behind my eyes a sad girl criedAnd how could you knowThat i hurt so much ...

Annie Lennox - A 1000 Beautiful Things
Every day I write the listOf reasons why I still believe they do exist(a thousand beautiful things)...

Annie Lennox - A Whiter Shade Of Pale
We skipped the light fandangoTurned cartwheels 'cross the floorI was feeling kind of seasick The...

Annie Lennox - Bitter Pill
Bitter pill to swallowSlidin' down my throatBitter pill to swallowHow it makes me chokeHow...

Annie Lennox - Cold
Come to meDo and be done with me(Cold cold cold)Don't I exist for youDon't I still live fo...

Annie Lennox - Don't Let It Bring You Down
Old man lyin' by the side of the roadWhere the lorries rollin' by Blue moon sinkin' from the weight of...

Annie Lennox - Don't Let Me Down
Don't let me downDon't let me downDon't let me down Don't let me downNobody ever lov...

Annie Lennox - Downtown Lights
Sometimes I walk away When all I really wanna doIs love and hold you rightThere is just one thin...

Annie Lennox - Dream Angus
Can ye no hush your weepin'all the wee lambs are sleepin' Birdies are nestlin' nestlin' together...

Annie Lennox - Erased
I'm gonna put it all behind meLike nothing ever happened between usNothing ever took place between you...

Annie Lennox - Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye
Ev'ry time we say goodbye I die a littleEv'ry time we say goodbye I wonder why a little Why the gods a...

Annie Lennox - Gift
Darling don't you understandI feel so ill at easeThe room is full of silence and it's getting hard to ...

Annie Lennox - Heaven
Heaven is the home of the hearts And heaven don't tear you apart Yea heaven is the home of the hearts ...

Annie Lennox - Honestly
The beauty that you gaveHas turned upon itselfAnd all the things you saidEvaporatedEvapora...

Annie Lennox - I Can't Get Next To You
I can turn the grey sky blueAnd I can make it rain whenever I want it to And I can build a castle from...

Annie Lennox - (i'm Always Touched) By Your Presence, Dear
Was it destiny? I don't know yet Was it just by chance? Could this be Kismet? Something in my consciou...

Annie Lennox - Into The West
Lay downYour sweet and weary headNight is fallingYouve come to journey's endSleep now...

Annie Lennox - Keep Young And Beautiful
What's cute about little cutieIt's her beauty, not brainsOld father time will never harm youIf y...

Annie Lennox - Ladies Of The Canyon
Trina wears her wampam beads She fills her drawing book with line Sewing lace on widow's weedsAn...

Annie Lennox - Legend In My Living Room
When I was just seventeen I ran away from homeTo be with all the pretty peopleTo be on my ownBri...

Annie Lennox - Little Bird
I look up to the little birdThat glides across the skyHe sings the clearest melodyIt makes me wa...

Annie Lennox - Live With Me, And Be My Love
Live with me, and be my love,And we will all the pleasures proveBy hills and valleys, dales and fields...

Annie Lennox - Loneliness
LonelinessIs a place that I know wellIt's the distance between usAnd the space inside ourselves...

Annie Lennox - Love Comes
Love comes like a miracle...Love comes to the rescue - whenever you need itLove comes like a mir...

Annie Lennox - Love Song For A Vampire
Come into these arms againAnd lay your body down The rhythm of this trembling heartIs beating li...

Annie Lennox - Mama
I was watching the woman that was walking down my street Walking with grace, so beautifully, carefully ...

Annie Lennox - Money Can't Buy It
Money can't buy it... babySex can't buy it... babyDrugs can't buy it... babyYou can't buy it... ...

Annie Lennox - No More "i Love You's"
I used to be lunatic from the gracious days I used to be woebegone and so restless nights My aching he...

Annie Lennox - Oh God
Oh God...Where are you now?And what you gonna doAbout the mess I've madeIf there was ever ...

Annie Lennox - Pavement Cracks
The city streets are wet again with rainBut I'm walkin' just the sameSkies turn to the usual grey...

Annie Lennox - Precious
Precious little angelTake a look at what you've doneWell I thought my time was overBut it's only...

Annie Lennox - Primitive
SweetheartThe sun has setAll red and primitive above our headsBlood stained on an ageless sky...

Annie Lennox - River Deep, Mountain High
When I was a little girl I had a rag doll The only doll I've ever owned Now I love you just the way I ...

Annie Lennox - Something So Right
You've got the cool waterWhen the fever runs highAnd you've got the look of love right in your eyes...

Annie Lennox - Stay By Me
Stay by meAnd make the moment lastPlease take these lipsEven if I have been kissedA millio...

Annie Lennox - Step By Step
Step by step Bit by bit Stone by stone yeahBrick by brick Step by step Day by ...

Annie Lennox - Syracuse
J'aimerais tant voir SyracuseL'ile de Paques et KairouanEt les grands oiseaux qui s'amusentA gli...

Annie Lennox - Take Me To The River
I don't know why I love you like I do All the changes you put me through Take my money, my cigarettes...

Annie Lennox - The Hurting Time
To everything there is a purpose ...To every blade of grassAnd every leaf on every treeEvery liv...

Annie Lennox - The Saddest Song
Darling are you feelingThe same thing that I'm seeingThe troubles of the dayTook my breath away...

Annie Lennox - The Thin Line Between Love And Hate
It's a thin line between love and hate It's a thin line between love and hate It's five o'clock ...

Annie Lennox - Train In Vain
They say you stand by your manTell me something I don't understandYou said you loved me and that's a f...

Annie Lennox - Twisted
I didn't want to know youI didn't mean to be a friendBut now it seemsI'd run through burnin' fir...

Annie Lennox - Under Pressure
Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah Bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah Pressure, pushing down on me...

Annie Lennox - Waiting In Vain
From the very first time I rest my eyes on you, boy My heart said follow throughBut I know now that I'...

Annie Lennox - Walking On Broken Glass
You were the sweetest thing that I ever knewBut I don't care for sugar honey if I can't have youSince ...

Annie Lennox - What's Goin On?
Mother, mother There's too many of you cryingBrother, brother, brotherThere's far too many of yo...

Annie Lennox - Why
How many times do I have to try to tell youThat I'm sorry for the things I've doneBut when I start to ...

Annie Lennox - Wonderful
I wanna have you'Cause you're all I've gotDon't wanna lose you'Cause it means a lotAll the...

Anouk - Alright
Oh, some things are better left unsaid You'll find a nice place to hide them But days like this ...

Anouk - Bigger Side
It's good to see you after all this timeIt's good to know that you are doing fineBut I can't help but ...

Anouk - Body Brain
Well you know I've got this problem'Cause there is youNo matter how I try to tell you just can't see...

Anouk - Cry
All you ever do isLetting it all just pass you byNo need to tryAll you ever say isBaby it'...

Anouk - Dark
I'm walking in the parkAnd I'm talking to the darkBut there ain't nobody listeningMy heart has t...

Anouk - Don't
No hurry, I'll be waitingMy baby, now don't you worryI'll be fineJust take your time...

Anouk - Everything
Now I believe that what I used to think was a lie is really aliveNow I can see there's only one place to rea...

Anouk - Fading
I got my head in the clouds Running from the thunder Proud as I can be I am Waiting for the grey...

Anouk - Falling Sun
Relationship lost on a stormy sea I hold on to you Just hold on to me When the lighting strikes ...

Anouk - Fluid Conduction
I've been sleeping all daySlummin' all night in a 44 hour sedationSince the day you cut me out of your...

Anouk - Girl
Girl girl girl When I hear him talk Ooh my mind gets blocked girl Speak up 'cause my jaw i...

Anouk - Graduated Fool
Graduated fool, that is what I amFor every time I failed youYou're so beautiful, I just turned and wal...

Anouk - Hail
They say that sometimesYou've got to pick up your arms and fightFor what you believe is right...

Anouk - Heaven Knows
To this generation We cannot forget The ones that we have loved The ones we left behind Do...

Anouk - Help
When your world comes crashing down Don't waste no time No this world's big enough for you and me ...

Anouk - I Live For You
You tell me that you need to spend sometime aloneYou tell me that you think it's best if I'd go home now...

Anouk - In The Sand
So many times I've criedWhen dark clouds block the sunlightAnd it's raining in my heartI'll keep...

Anouk - I Spy
I spy, I spy a tear in your eye So I'll try, I'll try to get you out of here You sigh, just move a lit...

Anouk - It's A Shame
It's a shame, the rules change not the gameSuch a shame, It's the sameNow everything is in vainA...

Anouk - It's So Hard
I'm just thinkin' about the child in me,That I sometimes feel insideAnd I'm figuring out just what it ...

Anouk - It Wasn't Me
Can you tell me how you feelWhen you turn on your tvWhen you see me singing through my tearsI've...

Anouk - Jerusalem
Sir can you tell me how to get to Jerusalem 'Cause I have kinda lost my way Sir will you help me get t...

Anouk - Lost
If roses are meant to be red And violets to be blue Why isn't my heart meant for you My ha...

Anouk - Margarita Chum
Here, if it's any conselation, take mineNo, no need for explanations, it's alrightWith me it would onl...

Anouk - Michel
Hey Michel how's life are you okI wonder if you ever think of meIt's been 9 years since that kiss...

Anouk - Mood Indigo
A taste of breath, a kiss sweater than honeyYour eyes in a misty dream a million miles awayAnd in my e...

Anouk - More Than You Deserve
What about those songs you sang my love Were they meant for her And all those words you never said bef...

Anouk - My Best Wasn't Good Enoug
Let's say I'm feeling betterLet's say I'm feeling fineLet's say I gave you all I hadAnd now I'm ...

Anouk - My Friend
What's the matter my friendCan you tell me whyYou say there's nothing on your mindPlease stop te...

Anouk - My Life
I'm gonna get out of my shellTry without anybody's helpTo loose this heavy loadAnd get my life b...

Anouk - Nobody's Wife
I'm sorry for the times that I made you screamfor the times that I killed your dreamsfor the times tha...

Anouk - No Time To Waste
I've got time to think aboutThe things you think about whenYou've got time to spareWonder why we...

Anouk - One Word
I close my eyes And imagine you're here Did it all seem so hopeless Given the chance I wou...

Anouk - Our Own Love
I'm watching your shadow cut by the moon Peaceful I wait for the dawn These moments in silence are all...

Anouk - Pictures On Your Skin
There's gonna be a yellow moon tonightDon't leave the light onBeads of sweat running down my face...

Anouk - R U Kiddin Me
Sure got my piece of heavenan angel in disguiseGone wildBut I thoughtyou were a manW...

Anouk - Sacrifice
Who's the one that made you happyWho's the one that always makes you laughWho's the reason you're smil...

Anouk - Searching
I am looking for answers to questions never posedI haven't got a clue, I'm living like a ghostI can't ...

Anouk - Stop Thinking
Lately I've been feeling downI don't get around much anymoreSo I just spend my time aloneWaiting...

Anouk - The Other Side Of Me
Do I really want to know myselfDo I want to seeWhy I'm wonderin' every morning, who's it gonna be toda...

Anouk - Time Is A Jailer
No one can hear me, 'cause no one is around But I still hear your whisper in the darkI know I can go, ...

Anouk - Together Alone
You grabbed my hand and twisted it, so you had your wayNo need to compromise 'cause you'll find ...

Anouk - Tom Waits
I was dreaming last nightA figment of my brainOn the downtown trainAnd we had nowhere to go...

Anouk - Too Long
You ask me what is on my mindYou notice there's a changeThere's something differentDifferent in ...

Anouk - U Being U
I don't exist for youYou made that crystal clearYour sweetest thing for 7 yearsWhat did I do to ...

Anouk - Urban Solitude
I've got a bug in my headAnd a jumping heartNo time to spareTurn left turn right step on it...

Anouk - Who Cares
Did you ever wake up in the morningWith a freight-train running through your headAn empty whiskey bott...

Anthony Callea - Bridge Over Troubled Water
When you're weary, feeling smallWhen tears are in your eyes, I will dry them allI'm on your side when ...

Anthony Callea - Don't Tell Me
do you know how it feelswhen there's nowhere to hidewith the world at your heelsand no one's the...

Anthony Callea - Hurts So Bad
You're an obsession now,Night after night i think of you,A little mysterious, You're hot like th...

Anthony Callea - Into Your Heart
Why does it have to be so hardDoes it have to hurt so muchWhen i want you so badWhen are you eve...

Anthony Callea - I Want You
Oh yeahThe magic's there, it's never felt so rightThere's nothing better than you by my sideHow ...

Anthony Callea - Lost In Summer
Another Monday morning,The clouds are warning,Every day feels the same, You check the forecast ...

Anthony Callea - Obvious
We started as friends, Then something happened inside me, Now i'm reading into everything, But t...

Anthony Callea - Per Sempre (for Always)
Sometimes i feel you, Like a beautiful light, Guiding my hand, Through the darkest night...

Anthony Callea - Rain
I remember when we met, before I was invisible.I thought I'd play it hard to get,pretend I'm una...

Anthony Callea - Take It To The Heart
I can't say that nothings brokenCan't tell you i'm not wrongThe hardest word has been unspokenOn...

Anthony Callea - The Prayer
I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go.And help us to be wise in times when we don't know...

Anthony Callea - Wanna Be The One
[Chorus:]Wanna be the one to hold yaWanna be the one to move yaWanna be the one to make a...

Anthony Callea - When I Get There
I wish that i could breathe,A moment just to be here, A chance to take it in, Before i have to l...

Anthony Callea - When You Were My Girl
When you were my girl, there were times you'd look at meAnd i knew exactly, how it felt to be lovedWhe...

Anthony Hamilton - Better Days
[Verse 1]There was times I didn't want to bother you You were at work all night I didn't want t...

Anthony Hamilton - Charlene
[Verse 1]Woke up this morning found a letter that she wrote She said she's tired that I'm alway...

Anthony Hamilton - Chyna Black
[Verse I]Chyna Black is like an open road Takes me places releases my soul Ain't it funny...

Anthony Hamilton - Comin' From Where I'm From
[Verse 1] Sittin here guess I didn't make bail Got time and a story to tell Started when ...

Anthony Hamilton - Cornbread, Fish & Collard Greens
[Ad libs][Verse 1] I knew just what I had to be When I heard you say what yo...

Anthony Hamilton - Float
[Verse I]Could it be your nice silky tone Ohh..that makes me want you girl Distant nights...

Anthony Hamilton - I'm A Mess
Cant believe Ohhhhh Oh no no no no whoaaa...[Verse 1]I'm so torn up now can't believe I l...

Anthony Hamilton - I Tried
[Chorus]Tried for so longFor you to hold onBut you won't be longTo anyone...

Anthony Hamilton - Lucille
[Verse 1] My old lady's on the other side of town with her ex boyfriend Drinking again, drinkin...

Anthony Hamilton - Mama Knew Love
[JD]Ladies & GentlementWe got Anthony Hamilton in the house tonight he just came from off tour....

Anthony Hamilton - Since I Seen't You
[Verse 1]You're 'bout the flyest thang that life could ever bring Like fresh air to me the bloo...

Anti-flag - 20 Years Of Hell
Alright!I've stood by, and I've criedWhile friends have diedYou ever have a friend kill themselv...

Anti-flag - 911 For Peace
It's in the paper every dayI see it in the headlines and I feel so sick, yeahAnother life leaves this ...

Anti-flag - America Got It Right
I was in Chico, California,Talking to a foreinger,when a facist threatened meHe hoped to threate...

Anti-flag - Anatomy Of Your Enemy
10 easy steps to create an enemy and start a war:Listen closely because we will all see this weapon used in ...

Anti-flag - A New Kind Of Army
LOOK BACK... on history, nothing much has changedTHOUSANDS... of soldiers of all countries, all marching the...

Anti-flag - Angry, Young And Poor
GO.......OH YEAH.............GOhe knows he'll be alone tonight,while contemplating, "What can i ...

Anti-flag - Antithetic To The Cure
There is no ardor that you knowWhere is the axiom that we're owed?And how do you fucking sleep?Y...

Anti-flag - Anti-violent
100 years just having fununtil you come [x2]with your steroid armsand skinny headsk...

Anti-flag - A Start
rats, monkeys, mice - teach 'em little tricks stay far from creativity, and from politics cause the multinationals...

Anti-flag - Betty Sue Is Dead
Sittin' home on a Saturday nightI can't believe she called meI've beening waitin' for my whole life...

Anti-flag - Born To Die
He knew he was guna get it badwhen his dad bailed him outa jaillead him from the station by a handful ...

Anti-flag - Bring It To An End
We've got just 30 secondsto sing to you about...Nationalism, facism,corporate greed, hateN...

Anti-flag - Bring Out Your Dead
Spend a lifetime working for these peopleTo make what they earn in one dayThere are options to choose,...

Anti-flag - Captain Anarchy
A-N-A-R-C-H-Y !He says that for the punk rock sceneHe'd give his fucking life,But he only ...

Anti-flag - Class Plague
We have no rights and i am pissedthe bill of rights does not existthis whole system is a lieThis...

Anti-flag - Confused Youth
Shes always askin' him what he wants to doHow many times does he have to say, he's fucking confused?He...

Anti-flag - Culture Revolution
Get ready to - make a standGet ready to - make a moveBecause if - we don't- fuckin' do it - then no on...

Anti-flag - Daddy Warbux
our thoughts and our lives controlled by pocket books of rich politicians, like a rich daddy warbux they pay for t...

Anti-flag - Daddy Was A Rich Man (part 2)
You think your dad was fuckin' greatYou always told me, "He's fuckin' great"I am gonna buy you this...

Anti-flag - Davey Destroyed The Punk Scene
He thinks because he's got spikes on hisLeather, that he's the punkest, he thinkshe's better! He walk...

Anti-flag - Death Of A Nation
When all you need was a little motivationThey pointed fingers and yelled dead generationWhen all you n...

Anti-flag - Die For Your Government
you've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government? die for your country? that's shit! there's a gulf war ...

Anti-flag - Drink Drank Punk
Gulp, gulp, gulpI want to drink more beerUntil I pukeDrink Drank PunkI'm so coolI ca...

Anti-flag - Equality Song
This is a song about equality,If you are never givin the chance,Then you are never able to show you ca...

Anti-flag - Ever Fallen In Love
[Written by Pete Shelley]You spurn my natural emotionsYou make me feel like dirtAnd...

Anti-flag - Free Nation?
State official talks of freedomTHEY-TALK!In this country that we live inTHEY-TALK!Free to ...

Anti-flag - Fuck Police Brutality
A bunch of punks hangin' out on the streets before a showPatty wagon pulls up -instinct- "Run Man, let's jus...

Anti-flag - Fuck The Flag
Brainwashing Piece of RagTake it off mast, and stick it up your assNow it's time to slaughter...

Anti-flag - Fuck The Pope
I don't want your fucking dogma,I don't believe in what you preach,I don't want your fucking bullshit,...

Anti-flag - Gifts From America: With Love, The U.s.a.
The world keeps turning and I keep fighting'cause what else are you to do?When there's a fascist telli...

Anti-flag - Got The Numbers
You push and push a people, what are they to do?Soon this corporate run government will be throughSee,...

Anti-flag - I Can't Stand Being With You
everything that you did everything that you said you may as well be down at the mall 'cause that's no different, t...

Anti-flag - I Don't Believe
i learned about america from my first day in school land of opportunity, land of the free they told us we were ble...

Anti-flag - I Don't Want To Be Like You
see you there, youve got a cold blank stareand you wish i was, but im notand you? well now you just do...

Anti-flag - I'm Being Watched By The Cia
Oh say can you seeBy the dawn's early lightWhat so proudly we hailAt the twilight's last gleamin...

Anti-flag - I'm Having A Good Day
watching tv talk shows is a lot of fun i like it when they alwasy have on people who are shooting guns inbred coup...

Anti-flag - Indie Sux, Hard-line Sux, Emo Sux, You Suck!
the indie kids are a bunch of snobs they complain my timing's all off i think timing is for stupid fucks! why do t...

Anti-flag - Kill The Rich
A billionaire chatting with his friendsThey've gotta stop and laugh"We've really got those suckers foo...

Anti-flag - Mind The G.a.t.t.
A brand new historySlyly and quicklySparkles in your eyesHope your not missingThe flash po...

Anti-flag - Mumia's Song
Arm in Arm - Fists held high"set them free" - our battle cryTake back the streetsAnd our right t...

Anti-flag - Nbc (no Blood-thirsty Corporations)
I heard a man on the radio saying, "we're facing an economic hell"It creates a vision in my head of ten thou...

Anti-flag - No Apology
slaughtered by the hands of a butcher the hands of the butcher were the hands of a "doctor" and these are the gold...

Anti-flag - No Borders, No Nations
I always thought if you want to change the worldThen you have to start with yourselfSo if the heads of...

Anti-flag - No Difference
As I look from this stage at the hundreds of kids in this room with me,The truth is so plain and so obvious,...

Anti-flag - No More Dead
Why don't you come over here and see what you've createdIt'll make you laugh so hard you'll cryAnd loo...

Anti-flag - Not Gonna Change
the only people that i bow down to are my family it kind of sucks that my loved ones don't let me do what I want t...

Anti-flag - One People, One Struggle
The people, united, will never be defeated.The people, united, will never be defeated.The people, unit...

Anti-flag - Operation Iraqi Liberation (o.i.l.)
This is a tale of liberation,this dedication songBroadcast it from all stations!!This tribute, t...

Anti-flag - Outbreak
the president got caught getting head so soon some people will be dead iraqi bodies scattered around by the cluste...

Anti-flag - Police State In The Usa
The Berlin Wall falls in the EastThe West claims triumph, "We've really got 'em beat!"Politicans from ...

Anti-flag - Police Story
A black man driving down the street one day Pulled over by racist boys in blue in Brentwood,Pa.Theres ...

Anti-flag - Post-war Breakout
BREAKOUT!So we breakout!I'm a post-war breakout (War breakout!)And a post-war breakdown (B...

Anti-flag - Power To The Peaceful
Sons and daughters of a dreamThe urge to struggle for an idealTo stay and fightOppose war fever...

Anti-flag - Punk By The Book
Covered in leather, or plaid patches, or metal studsYour hair is dyed or spiked with glueYou only talk...

Anti-flag - Rank-n-file
I'm standing with the rank-n-file I'm marching withthe underground our black hearts worn on our sleeves...

Anti-flag - Red, White And Brainwashed
They use the flag to control usBrainwash us to be their patrotic slavesPrograms our minds by controlli...

Anti-flag - Right On
pocatello, idaho: "punk rock?!?!?! isn't that the type of music where kids cut each other with razor blades and kn...

Anti-flag - Right To Choose
Thrown out by her familyIn the midst of angerMom and dad can't make senseOf her sexual preferenc...

Anti-flag - Rotten Future
All you punkers with yourNo Future dreamsFollow Johnny Rotten and all our preset beliefsFo...

Anti-flag - Safe Tonight
You know I feel so violent, Just want to break some glass,Every day I pray it'll be my lastTurni...

Anti-flag - Seattle Was A Riot
Seattle was a riot, they tried to pin on us But we didn't show up, with gas and billy clubs An un-armed mass of th...

Anti-flag - She's My Little Go-go Dancer
I was talking to this girl before a show Does she like me? i don't know I asked her to go out on satur...

Anti-flag - Smash It To Pieces
A psychic said to me - (WHAT DID SHE SAY?)She said, "You know I gotta a very special feeling,That trut...

Anti-flag - Sold As Freedom
You want to save the world?I can tell you what to do!You want to end terror?This solution is for...

Anti-flag - Spaz's House Destruction Party [live]
i want to tell a little story 'bout a party that went all right, but went all wrong i want to tell a little ...

Anti-flag - Stars And Stripes
welcoming with open arms and, with open heartsin the end they found their arms in shackles and their hearts ...

Anti-flag - Summer Squatter Go Home
Hey, we're rolling, hey..Go home, go homeSquatter go homeGo home, go homeSquatter go home...

Anti-flag - Tearing Down The Borders
No one flag flies over the multi-national company.No allegiance to the board's homeland, fellow citizens, th...

Anti-flag - Tearing Everyone Down
i thought i'd begun to see a change but the more things change, the more they stay the same back stabbing and name...

Anti-flag - That's Youth
go! we were just hanging on the corner, after skating for a few we were just killing time looking for something ne...

Anti-flag - The Consumer's Song
don't trust them as far as you can throw them 'cause as strong as you may be you won't be able to move them an inc...

Anti-flag - The Freaks, Nerds, & Romantics
[Originally by Bouncing Souls]I got a song stuck in my headWalking down street number nin...

Anti-flag - Their System Doesn't Work For You
One day while sitting in my roomYou came in preachingYour words predicting doomYou've never once...

Anti-flag - The Panama Deception
their 2 + 2 does not equal 4 their 2 + 2 equals whatver, they want us to die for about face! - snap to attention f...

Anti-flag - The Truth
They feed us brainrot, and tell us that it's true Dan Rather is reporting something but it isn't news ...

Anti-flag - They Don't Protect You
the rich control the world's economic state creating poverty for their own sake poverty breeds crime, that threate...

Anti-flag - This Is Not A Crass Song
you're walking down the street in the middle of the day the sun is shinning brightly everything is quite ok but th...

Anti-flag - This Machine Kills Fascists
We've run out of patience,You've run out of time !This scene will not fall victimTo your violenc...

Anti-flag - Turncoat
TURNCOAT! KILLER! LIAR! THIEF!Criminal with protection of the law!Go!States lies dre...

Anti-flag - Underground Network
The national media cover Clinton/LewinskyWhile the world's governments sell out millions on the issue of fre...

Anti-flag - Until It Happens To You
You walk past an activist, who is talking on the streetAbout political prisoners, locked up in your own home...

Anti-flag - Vieques, Puerto Rico: Bikini Revisited
All united, all as one, let's make a stand...We've got a privilege in the power that we command !So le...

Anti-flag - Wake Up!
If I had a lighter in handsWith some oily ragsIs that what it'd take To wake you from your sleep...

Anti-flag - Want An Anarchy
they call the us a free country well, it's not and you know it it's nothing but facism, capitalism, and fear they'...

Anti-flag - Watch The Right
watch your right watch your left watch the right watch the center and watch your back!it's on the radi...

Anti-flag - We Don't Need It
[Verse:]Lost on the street because you don't know what to do,There's something in your heart th...

Anti-flag - We've Got His Gun
Dad keeps a gun in the drawer in his room,My best friend is coming over to playyeah yeahWe got h...

Anti-flag - We Want To Be Free
All night out on the streetsI got the back of all my friendsWe never want to go back homeNever w...

Anti-flag - What's The Difference?
The constitution crumbles beneath the weight of fascistsNo right to assemble - no free speech for the masses...

Anti-flag - What You Don't Know
it's gonna take some action and some reaction from... ....from me and you 'cause you gotta stand up and you gotta ...

Anti-flag - When You Don't Control Your Government People Want To Kill You
BOOM BOOM BOOM! America blown to smithereens. Your friends, your home, your life your family. ...

Anti-flag - You Can Kill The Protestor, But You Can't Kill The Protest
You can spoon my eyes out, but I can still see through youSlice my ears from my head, but you ca...

Anti-flag - You'd Do The Same
You think you're oh so differentWell, you'd do the same as me, yeahYou're just a hypocriteWhen y...

Anti-flag - You'll Scream Tonight
last night i turned on my tv and i couldn't believe what was on some fucking rich kid crying cause her, her boyfri...

Anti-flag - Your Daddy Was A Rich Man, Your Daddy's Fucking Dead
All you ever do is brag about your dadWell what the motherfucking hell did he ever do?He had some mone...

Anti-flag - You've Got To Die For The Government
You've gotta die, gotta die, gotta die for your government?Die for your country? That's shit!There's a...

Anti-flag - Zapatista, Don't Give Up
And yup I think that's got untiedBig day, big day planned out that nightImproverished mayan armies fig...

Apartment 26 - 5 Day Rental
You would not believe what I saw One hundred million faces Screaming at me from behind a wall Th...

Apartment 26 - 88
Accumulate into one The second half has begun And I'm not the judge. Innocent are hung Rem...

Apartment 26 - Anymore
I'm drowned out like I'm supposed to beNobody doubts your sanctityI'm not alone, but I'm supposed to b...

Apartment 26 - Apt. 26
Repetition of my mind inside declineI'm sick of all the people telling me to read between the linesDej...

Apartment 26 - Axel Off
With strong intent I set the goalNow spin the wheel, let the dice rollI just try to be aware!Arm...

Apartment 26 - Backwards
Finished looking for the answersNow I'm looking for the questionsI can look into your mirror and see i...

Apartment 26 - Basic Breakdown
I'm being made to pick a side, now only fate can decideThey're telling me to stand up and stand upI'm ...

Apartment 26 - Book (be My Friend)
Alright fine. Go on be like that. See how much it matters when the crowd begins to chatter About you a...

Apartment 26 - Bruised
Bruised, but I won't tell about thatI can't escape the monotony of hateAnd forgiveness can not become ...

Apartment 26 - Close Your Eyes
I watch it all spill outI watch it all spill outAnd then you tell me just how wrong I am.And it ...

Apartment 26 - Death
I love the sound of your tearsI can't listen anymoreAre you choking on your words?He never got o...

Apartment 26 - Doing It Anyway
Home is a consequence, made of all you think you want to knowLife has not offered me anywhere that I'd call ...

Apartment 26 - Give Me More
Give me more Like that We watch it settle down And capitalize on whatever moves Grab a lit...

Apartment 26 - Hallucinating
Who are you? Who are you? I don't knowTurn my back, turn my back, then I'll see youNever seen, never s...

Apartment 26 - Heaven
The exit passes you byAs they proceed to danceA shadow disrupts my lightEternally almost over...

Apartment 26 - Keep You
What if it's truthful? Well then that's nothingWhat if it's harmless? Well then that's nothingWhat if ...

Apartment 26 - Kick To The Head
I tread the field again And awake myself with my intentions. As my deep sleep subsides I do my b...

Apartment 26 - New Year's Resolution
My resolution this year? I'll disappear completely.My absolution nearer, I'll reappear discretely ...

Apartment 26 - Question Of Reality
I called today to say my goodbyesMistook your mood, I began to beg youPromises kept like yesterday's n...

Apartment 26 - Slicebeats
All of this here for meWith nothing left to beUnwilling to succeed, my head up in the cloudsI fe...

Apartment 26 - Strike
The situation is critical.Evacuate, alarm, strapped down and still.Flicked switched will detonate; ...

Apartment 26 - Stupid World
I'm just a selfish manYou will not let me be, no.Give you whatever I canSomehow I'm the enemy....

Apartment 26 - Summer
Mrs. Kirby, you shouldn't haveServe me. Get it.Entertain the thought of sheer elation.Hold...

Apartment 26 - The Fear
She lays naked and stretched outLike I could only help her when she's moistWaiting on the floorS...

A Perfect Circle - Annihilation
From dehumanization to arms production,For the benefit of the nation or its destructionPower, power, t...

A Perfect Circle - A Stranger
Cast the calming apple Up and over satellites To draw out the timid wild one To convince you it'...

A Perfect Circle - Blue
I didn't want to know I just didn't want to know Best to keep things in the shallow end Cause I ...

A Perfect Circle - Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm Of The War Drums
Don't fret precious I'm here, step away from the window Go back to sleepSafe from pain and truth and c...

A Perfect Circle - Crimes
One...two...three Four...five...six Seven...eight...nine Nine...nine...nine Ten...ten...te...

A Perfect Circle - Fiddle And The Drum
And so once again,My dear Johnny, my dear friend,And so once again you are fighting us all,And w...

A Perfect Circle - Freedom Of Choice
We're victims of sedition on the open sea.No one ever said life was free.Sink, swim, go down with the ...

A Perfect Circle - Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie
Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie,I need some more,Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie, GimmieDon't ask what for...

A Perfect Circle - Gravity
Lost again Broken and weary Unable to find my way Tail in hand Dizzy and clearly unable to...

A Perfect Circle - Imagine
Imagine there's no heaven,It's easy if you try,No hell below us,Above us only sky,Imagine ...

A Perfect Circle - Let's Have A War
There's so many of us,So many of us,So many, there's so many, there's so manyLet's have a ...

A Perfect Circle - Lullaby
Go back to sleep...Go back to sleep [whispered] ...

A Perfect Circle - Passive
Dead as dead can be, my doctor tells meBut I just cant believe him, ever the optimistic oneIm sure of ...

A Perfect Circle - People Are People
We're different colors,And different creeds,And different people,Have different needs,It's...

A Perfect Circle - Pet
Don't fret precious I'm here, step away from the window Go back to sleep Lay your head down chil...

A Perfect Circle - The Noose
So glad to see you have overcome them.Completely silent nowWith heaven's helpYou cast your demon...

A Perfect Circle - The Nurse Who Loved Me
Say hello to the rug's topography It holds quite a lot of interest with your face down on it Say hello...

A Perfect Circle - The Outsider
Help me if you canIt's just that this, this is not the way I'm wiredSo could you please,He...

A Perfect Circle - The Package
Clever got me this far Then tricky got me in Eye on what i'm afterI don't need another friend ...

A Perfect Circle - Vanishing
Disappear Disappear Higher Higher Into the air Slowly disappear No, no longer ...

A Perfect Circle - Weak And Powerless
Tilling my own grave to keep me levelJam another dragon down the holeDigging to the rhythm and the ech...

A Perfect Circle - What's Going On
Mother, mother,There's too many of you crying,Brother, brother, brother,There's far too many of ...

A Perfect Circle - (what's So Funny 'bout) Peace Love And Understanding
As I walk on through this wicked world,Searching for light in the darkness of insanity,I ask myself, I...

A Perfect Circle - When The Levee Breaks
If it keeps on raining, levee's going to break,If it keeps on raining, levee's going to break,And the ...

Apex Theory - Add Mission
Behold the movie of the yearTaste like luck but feels clearMarch on nails for bitter soulsUntil ...

Apex Theory - Aisle Always
Remember when we heard our song, we say itRemember, when we shared our toys with one anotherHow it was...

Apex Theory - Apossibly
Can you please explainThe reasons why you were soAfraid of consequenceWhen we first said hello...

Apex Theory - Bravo
This knots easyThe very third houseSee the light throughThrew out the last ouchMuch ...

Apex Theory - Bullshed
Rush out for long awaited offendersRush out for long awaited friends...We're not impressed with blinde...

Apex Theory - Come Forth
Questioning everything that we sayBack and forth with the life we've madeDon't listen when the other s...

Apex Theory - Drown Ink
Thanks for these new sheetsBut I've been hanging fire from your everydayThe knack for the fixedB...

Apex Theory - In Books
Prepare to suffer in a turbulent seaYou saw the spirit andYou're an ugly attack on wheelsN...

Apex Theory - Mucus Shifters
Mucus-shifters throat-mendersSuck up social membersHave you realized the patience given not given back...

Apex Theory - Right Foot
Never did i find a nest for my soulWe have made all the bans we imposedWe have thrownOn ourselve...

Apex Theory - Sssh... (hope Diggy)
Hope diggy daDiggy daRas ta dan tehPeople have the tendencyOf sucking the life out o...

Apex Theory - That's All!
It's been close to a year since we spoke lastYou haven't changedAnd now you're talking into my right e...

Aqua - An Apple A Day
You know an apple a dayWon't keep the doctor awayWelcome to the clicheswelcome to the part...

Aqua - Aquarius
Aquarius, was born the nightThe shining stars, needed brighter shining lightAquarius, was my savior...

Aqua - Around The World
I've been around the world - Hey, heyI've been around the world - Hey, heyIn the kitchen where I...

Aqua - Back From Mars
Hey you, come with me, to a world of billionairesSee me, I'm da bomb, drinking champagne down at Pierre's...

Aqua - Barbie Girl
Hi BarbieHi Ken!Do you wanna go for a ride?Sure Ken!Jump In...I'm a barbie gir...

Aqua - Be A Man
The world is quiet,like there is no one around,but I feel you beside meI know the secrets,...

Aqua - Bumble Bees
I know I'm not the only flower you seeBut what can I do, you are a good looking beeWham bam, thank you...

Aqua - Calling You
C-A-L-L-I-N-G now, I'm calling you,calling you nowC-A-L-L-I-N-G now, I'm calling you,calling you...

Aqua - Cartoon Heroes
We are what we're supposed to beIllusions of your fantasyAll dots and lines that speak and sayWh...

Aqua - Cuba Libre
Na - na, na, na, na, naHer eyes were oceans of freedom, my mind strong like a kingdomnothing in this w...

Aqua - Didn't I
Didn't I swear andDidn't I fall for love.Di da di da di da di da yeah!Let's fight for love again...

Aqua - Doctor Jones
Somtimes, the feeling is rightYou fall in love for the first timeHeartbeat, and kisses so sweetS...

Aqua - Freaky Friday
Howdy people!Here's a little story 'bout an old friend of mineAnd to all you great folks out there...

Aqua - Funiculi Funicula
Jamme jamme'ncoppa jamme ia!Jamme Jamme'ncoppa jamme ia!Fuliculi FuliculaFuliculi Fu...

Aqua - Goodbye To The Circus
It's time to turn off the lightThis has been such a beautiful nightWe have served you a lot of delight...

Aqua - Good Guys
You dream a dreamBut you never wake upYou're so afraidThat the dream is overOpen you...

Aqua - Good Morning Sunshine
When the sun is up,on a clear blue sky,you will act like a loverWhen the sky is grey,and t...

Aqua - Halloween
Hello?Remember me?Who's there?I've got your numberOh no, noI'm back to haunt you...

Aqua - Happy Boys & Girls
Be happy...Come on let's go get it on!Be happy. Be happy...Come on let's go get it on!Be h...

Aqua - Heat Of The Night
In the heat of the night we are having a fiestaWe dance until siesta when the sun comes alive..I...

Aqua - Here Comes The Birds
Sometimes all right things happen,and only deep shit moving me, yeah all right Sometimes all good guys...

Aqua - Itzy Bitzy Spider
Itzy Bitzy spider, crawled up the water spout,down came the rain and washed the spider 'round.up came ...

Aqua - My Oh My
My oh my, do you wanna say goodbye?To have the Kingdom, baby, tell me why?My oh my, do you wanna say g...

Aqua - Roses Are Red
Roses are red andViolets are blueHoney is sweet, but not as sweet as youRoses are red andV...

Aqua - Turn Back Time
Give me time to reason,give me time to think it throughPassing through the season,where I cheate...

Aqua - We Belong To The Sea
Take me to the ocean blueLet me dive right intoAnything I'll ever captureYou can wait up all nig...

Aqualung - Another Little Hole
No need to tell her she knows that there another little hole in her heart Each day each dollar she knows it ...

Aqualung - Breaking My Heart
Need to know I don't wanna know Already know I've seen the signs I watch you as you pull y...

Aqualung - Brighter Than Sunshine
I never understood before I never knew what love was for My heart was broke, my head was sore Wh...

Aqualung - Easier To Lie
To bear the weight and push into the sky its easier to lie its easier to lie And honestly to look you in the...

Aqualung - Extra Ordinary Thing
Cheer up it might never happen, oh, it might never happen we we'll see As i sit here spitting and churning, ...

Aqualung - Falling Out Of Love
I watch the sun See it rise and fall Waiting for something to change I get through the day ...

Aqualung - Good Times Gonna Come
Need to know If you're letting go It's alright,alright, it's alright Didn't know I was hur...

Aqualung - If I Fall
Swept away By the wonder of it all So amazed Never saw it coming Left me dazed And i...

Aqualung - Left Behind
Open the curtain, Let some light in, I feel so grey, The world got smashed to pieces, And ...

Aqualung - Strange & Beautiful (i'll Put A Spell On You)
I've been watching your world from afar, I've been trying to be where you are, And I've been secretly ...

Aqualung - Tongue-tied
I'm tongue tied Waiting Hoping And praying Lying Beside you Longing To t...

Aqualung - You Turn Me Round
The end it was the end the sirens were pulling him down And his heart was cold so very cold you believe it m...

The Arcade Fire - Crown Of Love
They say it fades if you let it, love was made to forget it. i carved your name across my eyelids, you pray ...

The Arcade Fire - In The Backseat
I like the peace In the backseat I don't have to drive I don't have to speak I can watch t...

The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #1 (tunnels)
And if the snow buries my...My neighborhoodAnd if my parents are crying,Then I'll dig a tu...

The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #2 (laika)
Alexander, our older brotherSet out for a great adventureHe tore our images out of his picturesH...

The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #3 (power Out)
I woke up with the power out, not really somethin to shout about. ice has covered up my parents hands, don't...

The Arcade Fire - Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)
I am waitin' 'til I don't know when, cause I'm sure it's gonna happen then. Time keeps creepin' throug...

The Arcade Fire - Rebellion (lies)
Sleeping is giving in, no matter what the time is. sleeping is giving in, so lift those heavy eyelids. ...

The Arcade Fire - Une Annee Sans Lumiere
Hey! the street lights all burnt out une anne sans lumiere je monte un cheval qui porte des oeil...

The Arcade Fire - Wake Up
Somethin' - filled up - my heart - with nothin' - someone - told me not to cry. - but now that - i'm older -...

Arkarna - Life Is Free
You could be popular You could be wanting more It doesn't have to be that way This could be beau...

Arkarna - Partners In Crime
There's a sociallite, parasite, media satalite We're the onle safe ones left you and I But without you...

Arkarna - Rehab
Come and have a drink with me There's a place in Portobello where a man will talk to me Here is a stor...

Arkarna - Somebody Else's Song
Take an old song one from the shelf, its mine, iI have it all to myself Straight to the chorus, don't bore u...

Arkarna - Stoned
The lights are on but no-ones home I'm helpless and fully grown i know you'll see me through Cos...

Arkarna - Your Pyscho
Little voices, they talk to me, help me to write this song They told me, your lazy, you got no real place of...

Aselin Debison - Faze
She's lying on her bedAlone in the darkRemembers what's saidStaring at the marksShe's into...

Aselin Debison - Had To Grow Up
Another day late for the bus againA single mom just trying to make ends meetGo to work, be on time, ge...

Aselin Debison - Lazy Days
It's Sunday morningMy body just won't goI'll shower, put on my makeupHoping you won't show...

Aselin Debison - Life
I learned a lot todayYou've been teachin'Things that I don't wanna' knowI had so much to say...

Aselin Debison - Miss You
It's Friday afternoonThe rain is pouring downI walk through the puddlesEach one a different soun...

Aselin Debison - Most Of All
I love the sound of the rainFallin' down on the roofIn the month of MayI love to feel the sun...

Aselin Debison - Thank You (4 Breaking My Heart)
I cried, so hard, the day you left... YeahI thought it was the end of the world, the end of the world as I k...

Ashanti - Black Child (skit)
We Interupt This Program Of the Beautiful World Of AshantiChapter 2To Bring You To The StreetsAc...

Ashanti - Breakup 2 Makeup
I saw you again for the first timeBeen a long timeIt brought out all these feelingsThat I never ...

Ashanti - Buck 3000 (skit)
Sunday June 13 12:20 A.M.Yo I'll * with that recordyou did last manwith a little mix on th...

Ashanti - Call
[Chorus]When you call I come running baby,baby when you call I'll be right there baby, baby whe...

Ashanti - Carry On
[Verse: 1]There was something in your eyes that I saw tonightI never thought that I would...

Ashanti - Christmas Time Again
Hmmmmmmmm hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm[chorus]Its christmas time again,can't wait to hear all ...

Ashanti - Concrete Rose (intro)
[guy:] were in the studio tonight with Ashanti How u feelin'?[Ashanti:] Feelin' gr...

Ashanti - Don't Let Them
Say that you want meSay that you'll never leave meYou gotta tell me you need meDon't let them ta...

Ashanti - Dreams
[Children Talking][Chorus 2x]Dreams are real all you have to do is just believe...

Ashanti - Every Lil' Thing
[chorus] I want everything you got for me every lil thing you got for me [3x]I want everything...

Ashanti - Feel So Good
Hey, baby, babyMay I have a word with youI've been watching you from over hereAnd I've been wond...

Ashanti - Fight (over Skit)
[Ashanti:] Yo, we need to talk[Guy:] Here we go again. What we need to talk about man?...

Ashanti - Focus
I'm focus nowI'm focus now[Verse 1]He use to touch me, love me,hug me,kiss me...

Ashanti - Freedom
[Chorus x2:]Said I'm gone close my eyesSaid I'm gon' live my life Despite what you think...

Ashanti - Happy
[Ja Rule] Woo, ha ha right back at ya.. it's the world's most talented record label Murde...

Ashanti - Hey Santa
Hey Santa can you bring me something good, something good, something good.Hey Santa can you bring me somethi...

Ashanti - I Don't Mind
I'mma tell y'allI'mma tell y'all a storyIt's about a girlMmm, I can't even say a girlShe s...

Ashanti - I Found Lovin'
[Verse 1:]I search for love beforeFor a love that I thought I couldn't findI search...

Ashanti - I Know
[IRV GOTTI:]Dear Lord, I come to You a humble manAsking Your forgiveness for all my sins that I...

Ashanti - Intro
[Guy:] Previously on Ashanti[Ashanti:] Always there when you call, always on time, gave ...

Ashanti - Intro / Medley
See my days are cold without you But I'm hurtin while I'm with youAnd though my heart can't take no mo...

Ashanti - Joy To The World
Joy to the world! The Lord has come:Let earth receive her King.Let ev'ry heart prepare Him room,...

Ashanti - Leaving (always On Time Part Ii)
[Bridge]If you were me what would you do always a lie,and never the truth now as for me I'm mov...

Ashanti - Living My Life
OooohLa la laLa la laMmmmHey yeaNo noMmmOh noHmmmOooh ...

Ashanti - Love Again
[Speaking]I got somebody all that,he just got me feeling crazy he really really did his than, I think...

Ashanti - Message To The Fans (skit)
AhhhhhhI just want you to know...that...through out it all...It's only you that stuck by me......

Ashanti - Movies
[Verse 1]Looking in the mirror I can see myself standing in yourArms holding me and kissing me ...

Ashanti - Narrative Call (skit)
Me and this "guy" had a real strange relationshipIt's like... We had some kind a power to eachotherI m...

Ashanti - Ohhh Ahhh
[1st Verse:]It was in the way you Grabbed my waist looked intoMy face and told me I...

Ashanti - Only U
Oh I cant wait to get next to youOh I just can't leave you aloneBoy you got me doing things that I wou...

Ashanti - Over
[Chorus 2x]Can't believe that it's over babyBut every bruise on my heart you gave meSee w...

Ashanti - Rain On Me
Mmm...mmm...mmm...mmm...Mmm...mmm...mmm...mmm...Mmm...mmm...mmm...mmm...mmm...[VERSE 1:...

Ashanti - Rescue
You still scared, I'll be scared too, it's cool though just holla back aight.[Verse 1]All...

Ashanti - Rock Wit U (awww Baby)
[Ashanti:] Aw baby (aw baby)[Irv Gotti:] Yeah, murda inc[Ashanti:] I wanna love y...

Ashanti - Scared
[Irv Gotti]Ma what's going onWe sitting here manDigging on each other I'm feeling the shi...

Ashanti - Shany Shia (skit)
[Shany:]Hey Shia, Shia[Shia:]What[Shany:]Come On Yo...

Ashanti - Sharing Christmas
I'm waking up early this morning,I can't wait to see our christmas tree,There's a big blanket of snow,...

Ashanti - Shi Shi (skit)
[Shi Shi:] Hey Shanti.It's me Shia.I just want to congratulate you on every thingthat's b...

Ashanti - Silent Night
Silent night, holy night!All is calm, all is bright.Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child.Holy infa...

Ashanti - So Hot
[Chorus] You drive me crazySo I wanna take it to the topOhh can you make it so hot so hot...

Ashanti - Story Of 2
Dream makerHoo...ooh...ooh...ooh...ooh...ooh...makerBaby, I'm thinkin' 'boutJust what I wa...

Ashanti - Sweet Baby
My sweet babyCome on touch me, tease meMy sweet babyHold me, love me, need meMy swee...

Ashanti - Thank You
I just wanna say that I'm thankful for having you in my life,I wanna say thank you,Oh, I wanna say,...

Ashanti - The Christmas Song
Chestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Frost nipping at your noseYule-tide carols being sung by a choi...

Ashanti - Then Ya Gone
Well.. Well well well well..hello babyOne day ya here and then ya gone..[Chink rapping]...

Ashanti - The Sugar Shack (skit)
Woo, yeah yeah [laughs]This beautiful, beautiful eveningWe are inside the wonderful, the wonder...

Ashanti - This Christmas
Hang all the mistletoe,I'm gonna get to know you better, this Christmas .And as we trim the tree,...

Ashanti - Time Of Year
Christmas is the time of yearThat we become as oneTears of joyHeart filled with loveCause ...

Ashanti - U
See I aint the one to hold back all thse words I'm sayinCuz I like wat you doing to meAint no time for...

Ashanti - U Say, I Say
You sayI sayYou sayI sayYou sayI sayBut now you're out there playin' gam...

Ashanti - Voodoo
[Phone Ringing]What's up you've reached Ashanti leave me a numeric message or avoice message an...

Ashanti - We Wish You A Merry Christmas
We wish you a merry ChristmasWe wish you a merry ChristmasWe wish you a merry ChristmasAnd a hap...

Ashanti - What Are They Gonna Say Now (skit)
[Shortie:]Ooo BabyThats My JamThere Goes Gotti Right ThereHey GottiI GI...

Ashanti - When A Man Does Wrong
Mmm, mmmIt's been seven long hoursSince you left me babeSitting hereThinking 'bout how...

Ashanti - Winter Wonderland
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,in the lane, snow is glisteningA beautiful sight,We're happ...

Ashlee Simpson - Autobiography
You think you know meWord on the street is that you doYou want my historyWhat others tell you wo...

Ashlee Simpson - Better Off
The sky is falling And it's early in the morningBut it's ok somehowI spilt my coffee, it went...

Ashlee Simpson - Christmas Past, Present And Future
I'll be your girl - of Christmas PastI'll be your girl - of Christmas PresentI'll be your girl - for C...

Ashlee Simpson - Harder Everyday
[Bonus Track]Well its 9pm and you still haven't called me back And if I try again I think...

Ashlee Simpson - Just Let Me Cry
I'm about to lose controlI, I don't know whyWhy you need some reason to feel lost insideYo...

Ashlee Simpson - La La
You can dress me up in diamondsYou can dress me up in dirtYou can throw me like a line-manI like...

Ashlee Simpson - Love Makes The World Go Round
Here, here i am againAnd im starin at these same four wallsAlone againAnd now, all the colors bl...

Ashlee Simpson - Love Me For Me
It's been three daysYou come around here like you know meYour stuff at my placeNext thing you kn...

Ashlee Simpson - Nothing New
I found myself wrong againStarin out my windowWonderin what it is I should have saidI found myse...

Ashlee Simpson - Pieces Of Me
On a Monday, I am waitingTuesday, I am fadingAnd by Wednesday, I can't sleepThen the phone rings...

Ashlee Simpson - Shadow
I was six years oldWhen my parents went awayI was stuck inside a broken lifeI couldn't wish away...

Ashlee Simpson - Sorry
[Bonus Track]I threw away my phoneI thought that you should knowI'd throw away my h...

Ashlee Simpson - Surrender
If that's the way you want itWell there you goBaby you can have it all,Now that you just let me ...

Ashlee Simpson - Unreachable
Just like an angel, you're gonna make me flyInto your arms, you're wrapping me up so tightYou ha...

Ashley Ballard - 5 X 5
All systems operationalI'm so aliveEverything is 5 x 5Got me feeling like there's no gravi...

Ashley Ballard - All I Ever
whoa mmm oh alright ooh oh[Verse 1:]The way you make me feel,it's like a dream to m...

Ashley Ballard - Don't Get Lost In The Crowd
You are the one that keeps your dream aliveAnd you are the one who feels the rhythm deep insideDo you ...

Ashley Ballard - Girls Like Me
Girls like mewe just wanna beFree to be who we need to beyou can never changeGirls l...

Ashley Ballard - Hi Low
If I told you that I wanna play with you Do you think I told the truth about all the thing...

Ashley Ballard - Hottie
I've beenbaby down the roadyou've been up the streetI thinkit's about timeyou ...

Ashley Ballard - Hypnotized
(Look into my eyes)(Your feeling sleepy)(When I click my fingers) (You'll wake up and not remem...

Ashley Ballard - I'll Be Waiting
Hey, can I tell you what I'm thinking ofHow I hold you in my heartAnd you're here with me every day...

Ashley Ballard - It Was You
When I thinkof what I've been throughI can seethat you've always been there for meto tell ...

Ashley Ballard - Love Is Real
Mmm ooh yeah hey hoooh yeah yeahlove is real ooh[verse 1:]A storm is buildin...

Ashley Ballard - No More Miss Nice
I should have known about, the things I now.I was too blind to see,the things you were doing to ...

Ashley Ballard - Why
Promises meant the world to meWhen they were plans of what our love would bringI couldn't wait for the...

Aslyn - 493-1023
What a stirring invitation Free to move from all that you belong Why'd they have to change the station...

Aslyn - Ain't No Love
I wanna run and never get tired I wanna love the best i was wired I wanna know that i cant betray this...

Aslyn - Be The Girl
You look at meCurious what I'm made ofSugar or steamAnd what kind of man I loveWhat I beli...

Aslyn - Golden
Number one, we had fun, but it wasn't really serious cuz we were much too young. number two felt more true with ea...

Aslyn - Gotta Get Over You
If I wanted to believe you, I guess I could And if I wanted to understand you, I guess I would But my ...

Aslyn - Here
I know that you want me to dream And I don't mind dreaming But if it's all a waste If your heart...

Aslyn - Here's To Believe
I can tell by the way you're looking You need something from me And I could bet it's affirmation that ...

Aslyn - Just Enough
I think I heard you say it. Correct me if I'm wrong. After the fact your love ain't all gone. Wish Ihad a ta...

Aslyn - Rainbow
Once upon a day, You wandered my way, and lifted my nights with dreamer's parade. the puzzle fit perfect. with sto...

Aslyn - Wally
Dear Wally, i'm writing this letter sincerely. To tell you you're the "sweetest boy i've ever known." ...

Aslyn - You Got Me
Dont wanna bite another nail and leave this hangin Dont wanna wait another night with you breakin Dont...

Ataris - 1*15*96
Let me start this from the day we met.You looked so beautiful, I never will forget.Then you opened up ...

Ataris - 1-2-3-4
1 2 3 4! ...

Ataris - A Beautiful Mistake
Maybe I'm not ready for this, and you know it.Maybe I'm too scared to tell you what I'm really thinking...

Ataris - All You Can Ever Learn Is What You Already Know
Is this how it was intended?The sunrise over smoke stacks in the Midwest, the beauty of this abandoned facto...

Ataris - Alone In Santa Cruz
Did I ever tell you that I really love you and I think about you all day? I really miss you and wish I could kiss...

Ataris - Anderson
What have I done, what have I got?Your life is really useless, your life is really shot.Gun toti...

Ataris - Angry Nerd Rock
Time to burn it all away, time to think of what to sayTime to go right back to yesterday.Time for move...

Ataris - Answer
I sat and thought the other day how it seems strangeThat we could walk through life so blindAnd how a ...

Ataris - Are We There Yet?
I think that we're lost again and this looks like the shitty side of town. We're running out of gas and the sun i...

Ataris - As We Speak
It's nice to meet someone with a future as fucked up as mine. So, I'm unpredictable is this some fucking sign of ...

Ataris - Bad Case Of Broken Heart
today I'm missing somethingin this small new england's to you my best friend.just want...

Ataris - Ben Lee
I never met someone so jadedyour music's really over ratednothing but a lot of pretentious noise...

Ataris - Better Way
Looking for a place to call my homeWhere will I sleep tonight, even I don't know.You ask yourself 'is ...

Ataris - Between You And Me
Won't you come over?You know that you want to.How does it feel to knowI still want you?...

Ataris - Bite My Tongue
What can I say?I'll bite my tongue again today. What can I do? when I feel so stupid over you?...

Ataris - Blind And Unkind
You inhale the toxic fumes, I look away, and then resume to... do all the things that I told myself I wouldn't eve...

Ataris - Blue Skies, Broken Hearts... Next 12 Exits
Here I am sitting on the beach againWatching as the tide comes rolling in.I miss the times when I look...

Ataris - Boxcar
You're not punk, and I'm telling everyone. Save your breath I never was one. You don't know what I'm all about, ...

Ataris - Broken Promise Ring
I really wanna call you, but I know that it's not right.I probably shouldn't tell you but I dreamed of you l...

Ataris - Butterfly
[Originally by Weezer]Yesterday I went outsideWith my mother's mason jarCaught a lo...

Ataris - Choices
Well I've got a couple things to say about a guy and a girlThey met a few months back at a coffeehouse...

Ataris - Clara
I saw you crying as I turned away. Did I see your face like it wasn't there? And I know I was wrong... yeah, I k...

Ataris - Eight Of Nine
these hospital walls are the palest of whitehere in this desert they're reciting my last ritesthe smel...

Ataris - Fast Times At Drop-out High
alone at last. just nostalgia and Iwe were sure to have a blast.for you it was just another sunday...

Ataris - Four Chord Wonder
How many bands have wrote this song before? I can name at least fifty... I bet you could name a hundred more. Th...

Ataris - Giving Up On Love
These last few weeksI've been confusedsometimes I wonder ifI'm better off ...

Ataris - Hello & Goodbye
so long my friend, don't say goodbyejust give me one last kiss beneath this glowing sky.we'll go walki...

Ataris - Hey, Kid!
I wait for the day to come when I'll wake up and be a star. I dream of a different world... somewhere where we wi...

Ataris - How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Got out of bed today.I'm in love, what can I say?I'm really happy to besomewhere with someone wh...

Ataris - If You Really Want To Hear About It...
another lonely seaside townwhere the seasons closed it down.but if you close your eyesyou can al...

Ataris - In Spite Of The World
I woke up from this dream to find that I was sleepingSo I went back to sleep and I dreamed I was awake....

Ataris - In This Diary
Here in this diary,I write you visions of my summer.It was the best I ever had.There were chorus...

Ataris - I.o.u. One Galaxy
stars are out tonightand you're the brightest one shining in my's like every wish I ever made c...

Ataris - I Remember You
[Originally by Skid Row]Woke up to the sound of pouring rainThe wind would whisper and I'...

Ataris - I Won't Spend Another Night Alone
A star up in the sky goes slowly passing by,The lights below...they spell out your name.You're comfort...

Ataris - Lately
Lately I've been feeling a little bit neglected. When it comes to your ex-boyfriends, well, I guess I'm overprote...

Ataris - Let It Burn
Knowledge is key.You can never know too much.Well I won't let themKeep me from learning al...

Ataris - Let It Go
Forgot about that girl I didn't kiss... about the one show that I missed... I sorta figured out that things will t...

Ataris - Life Makes No Sense
Everything is turning grey, but I won't hold my breath todayCause' I'm not scared and to tell the truth I ju...

Ataris - Looking Back On Today
30th of April, seems like yesterday.We bought a house above the oceanwhere our kids could laugh and pl...

Ataris - Losing Streak
You only know what you've been taught.You'll never stop til' you get caught.You control the future and...

Ataris - Make It Last
There's a lot on my mind so I guess that I'll take it one thing at a time, still sometimes I can't help but wonder...

Ataris - My Hotel Year
I saw the stars fall from the skyAnd watched the tail lights fade awayAs the sun began to witness a ne...

Ataris - My Reply
I got your letter and the poetry you sent mePostmarked in december of last yearI really hope you're do...

Ataris - Myself
I live my life day by day, hating it in every way. Sitting all alone, keeping to myself, far away from everyone e...

Ataris - My So Called Life
Ever since I saw youOn my so-called life,I've been writing you these letters Asking you to be my...

Ataris - Neilhouse
It all started that one day when I had nothing more to say to you so I ran the other way. Love is for morons, but...

Ataris - Not A Worry In The World
Do you remember all the things we did?And what it's like to be a kid.Being young and skipping school,...

Ataris - On With The Show
Frankie died just the other night.Some say it was suicide,But we knowHow the story goes....

Ataris - Perfectly Happy
Won't be another statistic... Won't be a minority... I'll achieve every goal I have... there's not a thing that ...

Ataris - P.s. The Scene Is Dead
Do you know what its likeTo live somewhere that sucks?And everyone tries to bring you down.No pl...

Ataris - Radio #2
Meet me at midnightAt the broadcast towerHigh above the hollywood signYou bring your guitar and ...

Ataris - Ray...
Sometimes I sit and think about yesterday... of all those simple words that I didn't even say. I just sit back an...

Ataris - Road Signs + Rock Songs
postcards on the floorbut this pen can't write lonliness no more.waking up all aloneon the oppos...

Ataris - San Dimas High School Football Rules
Last night I had a dream that we went to Disneyland,Went on all the rides, didn't have to wait in line....

Ataris - San Dimas High School Football Rules (acoustic)
Last night I had a dream that we went to Disneyland,Went on all the rides, didn't have to wait in line....

Ataris - Sleepy
It's frivolous, it's pointless, I'm waiting here in line. I'd buy a cup of coffee but I just wanna kill some time...

Ataris - So Long, Astoria
It was the first snow of the seasoni can almost see you breathinin the middle of that empty street...

Ataris - Song 13
The time has come to say goodbyeTo all our past regrets. i'm sorry to inform youBut i doubt you'll rea...

Ataris - Song For A Mix Tape
today I made you a mix tapeand I decorated it with lots of had all my favorite

Ataris - Summer '79
Our last day of summer, 1979Gotta live it up one time before it's overWe will make history tonight....

Ataris - Summer Wind Was Always Our Song
These break-up songs make sense againAnd i really wish they didn't.Sinatra's singing summer wind...

Ataris - Take Me Back
I am blue, the sky is gray. I guess it's better off that way. There's really not much left to say. I called you...

Ataris - Takeoffs And Landings
On this coldest of January nightsWe drive out past the runway and watch the planes go flying byThe run...

Ataris - Teenage Riot
3 years gone by and still everyone screws up our nameno matter what you do still some things never change...

Ataris - Teenager Of The Year
[Originally by Lo-Tel]So this award goes out to you A dedication to the youth From ...

Ataris - That Special Girl
I need a girl who like to go to showsI need a girl that won't make funOf my Clothes.I'm looking ...

Ataris - The Boys Of Summer
Nobody on the roadNobody on the beachI feel it in the airThe summer's out of reachEmpty la...

Ataris - The Hero Dies In This One
As I leave here today, apartment 108I'll always keep you in my heart.Anderson is cold tonight,Th...

Ataris - The Last Song I Will Ever Write About A Girl
Broken heart again today...The flowers that I gave to you have withered all away.Just when I opened up...

Ataris - The Night The Lights Went Out In Nyc
The lights are out in the city tonight So close your eyes, gaze up at the heavens And see if you can p...

Ataris - The Radio Still Sucks
I'm really fucking sickOf Beck and 311,And Marylin Manson,I wish someone would break his fucking...

Ataris - The Saddest Song
Only two more days, until your birthdayYesterday was mineYou'll be turning fiveI know what it's ...

Ataris - Unopened Letter To The World
If i died tomorrowwould this song live on forever?here is myunopened letter to a world...

Ataris - Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A, Start
today was a good day.I didn't even have to use my least I didn't get my heart broken anyway...

Ataris - You Need A Hug
maybe you should work for "sick of it all"or get a job with the l.a.p.d.did someone switch your ritali...

Ataris - Your Boyfriend Sucks
You're better off without him, don't call him...He's breaking your heart.He's hanging with your best f...

Atc - Around The World
The kisses of the sun - Were sweet I didn't blinkI let it in my eyes - Like an exotic drinkThe radio p...

Atc - Mistake No.2
It's a cruel world so conventional sometimes love just wins you over I've come to life it's true...

Atc - My Heart Beats Like A Drum (dam Dam Dam)
I close my eyesClose the doorI won't worry anymoreI've been waiting for youEveryday and ev...

Atc - So Magical
Feel my love, feel my soul it's so magical take my hand, make me whole it's so magical ...

Atc - Thinking Of You
Thinkin' of you I'm thinkin' of youAll I can do is just think about youThinkin' of you I'm thinkin' of...

Atc - Until
I gave you true desire I gave you eyes to see I gave you wings of fire so you could choose to fl...

Atc - Why Oh Why
Do da n de da n dai (Do da n de da n dai) It's a feeling i got inside Tell me just why oh why ...

Atc - Without Your Love
I was so lonely until I met you babe You were the reason and I wanted you to stay Now it seems so long...

A-teens - All My Love
I'll always rememberWhen you were lost in the rainI knew that moment, my whole life had changed...

A-teens - Around The Corner Of Your Eye
If you knew how many nightsI've been sitting by your bedRunning fingers through your hairWhile y...

A-teens - Back For More
When you think the party's overLook over your shoulderWe'll be coming back for moreI know ...

A-teens - Can't Help Falling In Love
(I just can't help falling in love with you)Wise men say only fools rush inBut I can't help fall...

A-teens - Can't Stop The Pop
Everybody's looking for a place to go Sick of watching all these silly TV-shows 'N Mama don't like you...

A-teens - Closer To Perfection
Clo-ser, to-to perfectionClo-ser, to-to perfectionClosed every doorPuttin' everything asid...

A-teens - Cross My Heart
Hold me closeBaby hold me tightCause I've got something to say tonightHear me ohBaby hear ...

A-teens - Dancing Queen
You can dance, you can jive, having the time of your lifeSee that girl, watch that scene, dig in the Dancing...

A-teens - Don't Even Know Your Name
See you everyday on the morning bus You seem a little sad and lonely I try to look away but when you p...

A-teens - Firefly
When I said go I never meant awayYou ought to know the freaky games we playcould you forgive and learn...

A-teens - Floorfiller
Hey Mr. DJ, in case you forgotI came to get downSo you better make it hotCause I can't jump arou...

A-teens - For All That I Am
I'm sorry, made you feel sorryLast night, I came home too lateAnd you were there waitingI ...

A-teens - Gimme Gimme Gimme (a Man After Midnight)
Half past twelveAnd I'm watching the late show in my flat all aloneHow I hate to spend the evening on ...

A-teens - Give It Up
A Teens are back to give the right type of feelings To make you dance to make your happiness grow We'l...

A-teens - Halfway Around The World
Baby I will soon be leaving and I know that you are feeling down But every week I'll send a letter ...

A-teens - Happy New Year
No more champagneAnd the fireworks are throughHere we are, me and youFeeling lost and feeling bl...

A-teens - Have A Little Faith In Me
[Marie]Lonely days lonely nightsWithout you by my sideMemories and sad songsMaking ...

A-teens - Heartbreak Lullaby
Heartbreak lullaby...In the still of the night,I can almost feel you lying next to me,Like it us...

A-teens - Hi And Goodbye
I see you walking down the streetI catch your eye before we meetBut you look down to check your feet...

A-teens - In The Blink Of An Eye
HeyIs there something I can do?You broke your heart in twoMany piecesNow you gotta put it ...

A-teens - I Promised Myself
I promised myselfI promised I'd wait for youThe midnight hourI know you'll shine on through...

A-teens - I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday
When the snowman brings the snowWell he just might like to knowHe's put a great big smile on somebody'...

A-teens - Knowing Me, Knowing You
No more care-free laughterSilence ever afterWalking through an empty house,Tears in my eyes...

A-teens - Lay All Your Love On Me
Don't go wasting your emotionLay all your love on meI wasn't jealous before we metNow ever...

A-teens - Letter
Give me a ticket for an aeroplane. Aint got time to take a fast trainLonely days are gone, Im a going home, ...

A-teens - Let Your Heart Do All The Talking
WhooLovin' your smileLovin' your styleDon't you get it?Got what I needYou gotta beli...

A-teens - Mamma Mia
I've been cheated by you since I don't know whenSo I made up my mind, it must come to an endLook at me...

A-teens - Morning Light
Once upon a time I was a young manalways knew what I wanted to doThese times were still the best as I ...

A-teens - Oh, Oh...yeah
StopAnd take those big blue eyesBack out of my heartIt don't belong to youBut maybe ...

A-teens - One Night In Bangkok
Bangkok! Oriental settingAnd the city don't know what the city is gettingThe crme de la crme of ...

A-teens - One Of Us
They passed me by, all of those great romancesYou were, I felt, robbing me of my rightful chancesMy pi...

A-teens - Perfect Match
[Boys Sing]You spend your money on diamonds and pearlsI'd sell my car (just) to travel the worl...

A-teens - Rockin'
We are leavin' it behind nowWe've been tryin' to get this through to youWe've been waitin' for a long ...

A-teens - Shame Shame Shame
OhI feel somebodyAnd I want you to know aboutYou seeI want you to feel it tooSo just...

A-teens - Shangri-la
[Dhani:]We got it going onI cant tell right from wrongYou can say that when we kiss ...

A-teens - Slam
SlamSlam, slamEverybody slamThe A*Teens will make ya d-d-danceSlam, slamSlam...

A-teens - Slammin' Kinda Love
The days that I've spent apart from youHave been really hard for meI wanted to be so close to you...

A-teens - S.o.s.
Where are those happy days, they seem so hard to findI tried to reach for you, but you have closed your mind...

A-teens - Sugar Rush
I get a high whenever you're aroundSweeping from my head to my toesI gotta get my feet back on the gro...

A-teens - Super Trouper
Super Trouper beams are gonna blind meBut I won't feel blueLike I always do'Cause somewhere in t...

A-teens - Take A Chance On Me
If you change your mind, I'm the first in lineHoney I'm still freeTake a chance on meIf you need...

A-teens - That's What (it's All About)
That's what it's all aboutIt's midnight, we're feeling all rightDressed up for a cruise tonight...

A-teens - The Final Cut
How many timesDo we have to talk it over(Yeah)How many timesBefore we understandAll ...

A-teens - The Name Of The Game
I've seen you twice, in a short timeOnly a week since we startedIt seems to me, for every timeI'...

A-teens - This Year
Nanana Nanana Nananaaaana Nanana Nanana Nananaaaanana Nanana Nanana Nananaaanana Nanananananaaaa...

A-teens - The Music
There ain't no time for excuses (no time)We have been waiting to catch this momentThe sun is shining a...

A-teens - Under The Sea
We're steppin' in, we're not steppin' out.We are going to step aside, let A*Teens pick up the style.Ah...

A-teens - Upside Down
My grades are down from A's to D'sI'm way behind in historyI lost myself in fantasiesOf you and ...

A-teens - Voulez-vous
People everywhereA sense of expectation hanging in the airGiving out a sparkAcross the room your...

A-teens - With Or Without You
With or without you(Ooooo)With or without you(Ooooo)Looking back, back in time...

Athena Cage - Hey Hey
All the ladies in the clubNot ready to give the party upLift your hands upLet me hear you say he...

Athena Cage - You
It's time to be honest with myselfi've fooled around too longnow all I think about is you and wh...

Atl - Let Me
Its written all over your face, baby ya wanna do with me?Can you feel me baby? I can... listen......

Atl - Make It Up With Love
Let me make it up with love...[Verse 1:]So you say you need your space;You say you ...

Atl - No More
She don't love me no more...[Verse 1]I remember our last nightCruisin' in my ...

Atl - The One
[Introducing ATL][Rap:]I'm the one you done heard all the rumors aboutYou vi...

Atl - You Are
[Verse-L-Rock]They may say that your not worth it but to me girl your perfect and wooo something abou...

Atmosphere - Always Coming Back Home To You
To all my killers and my hundred dollar billersTo emo kids that got too many feelingsHe held the...

Atmosphere - Apple
[Slug]Hi, my name is Sean Daley and you might know me from such films as "I Can't Sing, But Nei...

Atmosphere - Bird Sings Why The Caged I Know
It's the bird, it must have been the birdDisgusting critter, it mustWe should have known better then t...

Atmosphere - Denvemolorado
(Good evening ladies and gentlemenlet me get a warm welcome from... more importantly Denver)(Not...

Atmosphere - Good Times (sick Pimpin')
This next one goes outTo all the depressed women in the houseWhether you're taking the prozac the zana...

Atmosphere - Gotta Lotta Walls
Dialed up his homie Murs on the telephoneGotta talk to somebody who can tell him what the hell is wrong...

Atmosphere - History
[NWA airline attendant]Welcome aboard ladies and gentlemenThis is Northwest Airlines flight 7-7...

Atmosphere - In My Continental
[CHORUS]In my ContinentalSplinter off the mentalWhen you want the best showNever ac...

Atmosphere - Lift Her Pull Her
You don't know meYou just left meYou don't know meYou just left meYou don't know meY...

Atmosphere - Liquor Lyles Cool July
"Keep movin' your body in my direction""Let's continue our party everybody by just clapping our hands....

Atmosphere - Los Angeles
[Flight Announcement]"Flight 101, Super Jet service for Pittsburgh and Los Angeleswill depart f...

Atmosphere - National Disgrace
[Slug](I pledge allegiance to Budweiser and free drugs)Peace to Rick James, Anna Nicole Smith, ...

Atmosphere - Reflections
[Chorus: repeat 2X]Look at your faceWhen all I could see was myself looking back at meRef...

Atmosphere - Shhh
Such a pleasure to come homeCuz I...I have a very special love for this cityWell all right, well...

Atmosphere - Shoes
[Slug]Would you prefer if I remove... MY... UHH?Nah they.. they clean..I mean.. what?...

Atmosphere - Suicidegirls
[Voice messages from upset girlfriends]Hey you fucking assholeHi Sean, I just got finished clea...

Atmosphere - The Keys To Life Vs. 15 Minutes Of Fame
[Pilot over PA]"Folks I know you're all dying to know how long--I cannot answer that now. We're...

Atmosphere - Trying To Find A Balance
[Slug]They love the taste of bloodNow I don't know what that means, but I know that I mean it...

Atomic Kitten - Always Be My Baby
Out of sight, out of mind. That's what they all sayBut I learned that aint the truth with me and you babe...

Atomic Kitten - Baby Don't You Hurt Me
Looking for the boy who is always on my mindLooking for the boy who is oh so hard to findSo many tears...

Atomic Kitten - Believer
I hear the clock, I hear the rainI'm all aloneWhy am I here and you are there?I miss you so...

Atomic Kitten - Be With You
You and ITwo of a kindA meeting of mindsThe time of our livesA perfect night (A perfect ni...

Atomic Kitten - Bye Now
Lately in my life I'm Finding it harder to Settle the feelings that I Thought would always be ...

Atomic Kitten - Cradle
Cradle I will rock you like a baby, I will,Cradled in my arms,I will keep you safe from danger,...

Atomic Kitten - Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Everybody told me take it slowBut I thought you were the one for meTimes I felt a little unsureI...

Atomic Kitten - Don't Let Me Down
I've been thinking about it lately, tired of being at homeWaiting as I watch the world go byAre you th...

Atomic Kitten - Don't You Know
(Don't you know, Don't you know, Don't you know)[Chorus]Don't you knowI don't wanna...

Atomic Kitten - Do What You Want
I saw you standing alone across the crowded room You look so fine oh baby But I knew you wouldn't make...

Atomic Kitten - Eternal Flame
Close your eyesGive me your handDarling, do you feelMy heart beating?Do you understand?...

Atomic Kitten - Everything Goes Around
I used to cry myself to sleep at nightGiven up all, I've got no more will and to fightIt's all gone, n...

Atomic Kitten - Feels So Good
It feels so goodI knew that it wouldNothing's gonna take this day awayCos it feels so nice...

Atomic Kitten - Follow Me
Ooh, oohSome people put in all their timeSome people suffer once in thrie lifeSome people ...

Atomic Kitten - Get Real
If You gotta learn to do that thing Stand back cause it's obvious And if you wanna see us dance and si...

Atomic Kitten - Hippy
I don't wanna be what you wanna beI just wanna be what's right for meI don't wanna see who you wanna s...

Atomic Kitten - If You Come To Me
So long agoI didn't have a care about meI didn't know my right from wrongBut now I knowTha...

Atomic Kitten - It's Ok
I remember all the nights I usedto stay at home, On the phone, all night long,used to talk about...

Atomic Kitten - I Want Your Love
Move it right up to me,Like you know you should,And make me know you're doin,All of the right th...

Atomic Kitten - I Won't Be There
I've been looking for the girl that I once knewThe girl with nothing to loseRight before she met you...

Atomic Kitten - Ladies Night
Ooh oh yeah yeah, Oh what a nightIt's ladies nightThis is your night tonight,Everything is...

Atomic Kitten - Love Doesn't Hurt Have To Hurt
I learned a lesson in my lifeBut I learned it the hard wayI don't know why I used to fall in love...

Atomic Kitten - Love Won't Wait
Don't lose this momentLife tastes so sweetWe can work wondersJust let it beI know what you...

Atomic Kitten - Loving You
I used to runI used to hideFrom loveBut now I'm satisfied'Cause you showed meT...

Atomic Kitten - Maybe I'm Right
Mmm...Baby baby, uh yeahThe moon covers the sunFor longer than one nightI spill my water a...

Atomic Kitten - Never Get Over You
I'll never get over youI turn around, I see your face, my head is just an empty space,Your kisse...

Atomic Kitten - No One Loves You (like I Love You)
You and I would've shared love so strong and so secureBut all you left the memories the feelings are no more...

Atomic Kitten - Nothing In The World
It's been so long I can't remember whenWe didn't care how deep it was we dived right inWatching everyt...

Atomic Kitten - Real Life
Mmm bop it's real life Mmm bop it's just real life Mmm bop it's real life Mmm bop it's just real...

Atomic Kitten - Right Now
[Nat]Makin it real that I want itIs makin you see that you know what I needYour breakin t...

Atomic Kitten - See Ya
yeah,yeah,yeah,oohoh,babyyeah,yeah,yeahcheck it out now,oohbaby,check it out now...

Atomic Kitten - Softer The Touch
So beauty's only skin deep babyBut when you touch meI don't careAll I know when you're in deep b...

Atomic Kitten - So Hot
Flash lightsMoon grinHot bodies groovingI knew there was love in the airAnticipation...

Atomic Kitten - Somebody Like You
Somebody (Somebody like you)I love the way you groove tonightI love the way the music's right...

Atomic Kitten - Someone Like Me
Don't let your head rule you heartDon't let your world be torn apartDon't keep it all to yourself...

Atomic Kitten - Strangers
Everything you do says you're leaving meEverything you say shows you don't believe in meHow was I supp...

Atomic Kitten - The Last Goodbye
Ain't no headlights on the road tonightEverybody here is sleeping tightAin't nobody gonna find us here...

Atomic Kitten - The Moment You Leave Me
Oh, ohYou make me believeYou are the one for me it seemsBut now I find it's hardThe way yo...

Atomic Kitten - The Tide Is High (get The Feeling)
The tide is high But I'm holding onI'm gonna be your number oneI'm not the kinda girl ...

Atomic Kitten - The Way That You Are
Baby, baby, baby you're the oneKeep me wait baby all night longLookin' it over, thinkin' about a...

Atomic Kitten - Tomorrow & Tonight
I saw you with the girlfriend babyI saw you underneath the lightI wanted just to talk now babyYo...

Atomic Kitten - Turn Me On
If you like to see me'Cause you want to, that's OK'Cause I can make ya feelYou're gonna need to ...

Atomic Kitten - Walking On The Water
(Walking on water)(Walking on water)(Walking on water)When you hear me calling,You always ...

Atomic Kitten - You Are
Maybe you think you're not right for meThat you'll never be everything I needWell I tell you straight ...

Atomship - Agent Orange
This is how you hold your American flag.This is how you hold your American flag.So this is how you hol...

Atomship - Aliens
I am the alien. Sitting on my front porch step. Whittling without a care. Sitting in this rockin...

Atomship - Day Of Daze
Proven in theory your heart can be lost by the brain. Staring hard the devil is just out of frame. Mot...

Atomship - Dragonfly
Driving round in your car, the thoughts are piled up very, very far. Did you know the time? Did you ha...

Atomship - Friends
Hey momma! Can't you see I'm fuckin' cookin'? It wasn't right for me but I knew it was time for home. ...

Atomship - Mothra
Mothra versus the worldLet's play! [x2]I know she loved me as we danced away I felt...

Atomship - Pencil Fight
This life spreads like cancer as nothing here is real. Leave me here by the bus stop with my pencil made of ...

Atomship - Plastic People
Time entails the sun to hesitate, clinging on and off again. Picture all the children as they walk on by cle...

Atomship - Time For People
I found no people for killing timeso I found time for killing peopleI found no rhythm I would rhyme...

Atomship - Whitfield
Whole, wide, world!! There's a man outside and he's screaming that the elephants are trampling, trampl...

Atomship - Withered
Because its two in the morning and Im feeling so ugly.Ive got this chip on my shoulder, keep my eyes spread ...

At The Drive-in - 198d
this is forgivenif the uniform fitspostponedat the first showingthis is the tension mold...

At The Drive-in - 300 Mhz
in the unlikely eventthat sarcasm is an unfitting dressamnesia proletariatamnesia proletariat...

At The Drive-in - A Devil Among The Tailors
they say that thirteen is just a numbera double agent funded in the secretof the hive and the workers ...

At The Drive-in - Alpha Centauri
widows an antique replacementa briefcase filled with macewidows six legged lost and foundstudent...

At The Drive-in - Arc Arsenal
I must have read a thousand facesI must have robbed them of their cause sickened thirst, sickened thir...

At The Drive-in - Blue Tag
i'm an incisionthe kind that glistensand not to mention we appealwhen we've healedi'm an i...

At The Drive-in - Chanbara
valmara valmara valmara flechetteskiss me with the lispof your shrapnel caresslost this arm, los...

At The Drive-in - Coating Of Arms
substation submergingsuburban disturbanceincoherent gourdingcoat of arms they camehack a k...

At The Drive-in - Communication Drive-in
you keep telling methis voltage hurts just a littlein the thickness of the vanyou drop anchor if...

At The Drive-in - Cosmonaut
we sample from the shelvestore a page out of this chapterdeface the essays in the book that you're rea...

At The Drive-in - Embroglio
i had a friend who diedfor something he really lovedi had a friend who stoodfor none of the abov...

At The Drive-in - Enfilade
this could last us all a lifetimelimbs intact, untouchedon the screen of a video tapeconfined to...

At The Drive-in - Fahrenheit
kid creole killed all of his own peopleinstigate the beat genuflectingin the steeplevideo killed...

At The Drive-in - For Now...we Toast
it's hit or miss upon the gate wallsare the guards asleep, bayonet and allare the search lights coming...

At The Drive-in - Give It A Name
never thought this day would endwalked the tired steps of latter day friendsand all becauseyour ...

At The Drive-in - Heliotrope
beneath the residue of filmbeneath the chemicalsthat the picture splitthe ouija board hads...

At The Drive-in - Honest To A Fault
i can't take back all the things thati've done with my angersonic sounds constantly travelingin ...

At The Drive-in - Hourglass
sucks me in, taking a rideand i'm wishing for the satellitegrabbing vein pulling down on the radio...

At The Drive-in - Hulahoop Wounds
in a small ghost town, there's a little arcadewhere the poltergeists play their video gamesat the top ...

At The Drive-in - Initiation
i n i t i a t i o nfollow you home after every showperforated into tiny fragmentsheavy bre...

At The Drive-in - Invalid Litter Dept.
intravenously polite it was the walkie-talkiesthat had knocked the pins downas their shoes gripped the...

At The Drive-in - Lopsided
this is the accent of the halfhearted landdoes it all make sense nowand if the ship was built in bottl...

At The Drive-in - Mannequin Republic
they'd call it a wastelandauslander platesyou know its armor was humandrove stakes into the main...

At The Drive-in - Metronome Arthritis
strike this matchand let loose the oven's breathup the volume thatflirts with the UHF...

At The Drive-in - Napolean Solo
cut and pastewere you sitting downon the beaded impotence of new orleansa hint of suspense when ...

At The Drive-in - Non-zero Possibility
I'm just tired of counting bodies is this mausoleum tardy let's just paint you a pretty face fli...

At The Drive-in - Paid Vacation Time
so we see the opportunitiesstitch and threadwith no down paymentsour neighbors see it through th...

At The Drive-in - Pattern Against User
the propositionhandcuffed to the park bencehypodermic people pokingfun at the livingplease...

At The Drive-in - Picket Fence Cartel
we all becomewhat we most dislikein this picket fence carteltell? there's nothing left to tell...

At The Drive-in - Pick Pocket
in the humble stence of nativityhummed the smell of television snowa faint S.O.S. flickeringridi...

At The Drive-in - Porfirio Diaz
Kiss and kill your boyfriendAnd all rich ones, tooRich kids of the world uniteDime on the bleach...

At The Drive-in - Quarantined
autonomous machete for handswarden and judge hide behind maskswet raindrop lullsmall rationing...

At The Drive-in - Rascuache
of fences with switchesturn them onthe moats of your homespoured salt onthese slugsm...

At The Drive-in - Rolodex Propaganda
Pinch history feel the pinch blisteringPinch me in my dreams cause i'm still not listening X marks the...

At The Drive-in - Schaffino
this time i'm gonna take the collection babyand with the money in my handi'm gonna purchase all the de...

At The Drive-in - Shaking Hand Incision
nothing ever changesexcept scenery rearrangementsin the affectionate hands ofhorsepower assault...

At The Drive-in - Skips On The Record
pregnant with the keysto your stick shift moodcan't get yourself ignitioncan't get yourself igni...

At The Drive-in - Sleepwalk Capsules
taser taser kindergarten nap nap time pacifier pacifies, yeah it pacifieshighchair crumbles unannounce...

At The Drive-in - Speehless
mother nature never smelled so goodcan i taste the flower that you carrybrilliant minds with pretty fa...

At The Drive-in - Star Slight
sailing all alone, guided by starlightnowhere is my homeinside of my mindwe've paid that shoeshi...

At The Drive-in - Ticklish
pigeon holed decision makingall my mind's made upi only colored outside the lines'cause i got th...

At The Drive-in - Transatlantic Foe
pet sounds filling pet peeve void'sblack and white tv with the sound turned downis it mono or stereo?...

At The Drive-in - Ursa Minor
does it hurt you when you breathe?stink around the wallet itcha towel was thrown between the ropes...

At The Drive-in - Winter Month Novelty
bite the hand that feedsbiting off more than you canare you sure you got the right hand skilleda...

Audio Adrenaline - A.k.a. Public School
Counting the days to get awayto pack your bags up on a planeBut see Bob run yeah! See Bob playwh...

Audio Adrenaline - Audio World
People everywhere have something to sayFrom the East to the WestFrom here to BombaySave the whal...

Audio Adrenaline - Bag Lady
Flea bitten bag ladyonce you looked fineyou had a family you lovedjust like mineSecond han...

Audio Adrenaline - Beautiful
We got music to soothe your soul We're gonna get down with a little bit of rock and roll We got rhythm...

Audio Adrenaline - Beautiful (radio Mix)
We got music to soothe your soul We're gonna get down with a little bit of rock and roll We got rhythm...

Audio Adrenaline - Big House
I don't know where you lay your heador where you call your homeI don't know where you eat your meals...

Audio Adrenaline - Blitz
14 kids in an old church van.With a light in their eyesand some tracts in their hands.60 MPH see...

Audio Adrenaline - Can't Take God Away
You can take God out of my schoolyou can make me listen to youYou can take God out of the pledge...

Audio Adrenaline - Chevette
Twenty years ago I watched in aweas my dad drove up the driveway.More than proud to have a brand ...

Audio Adrenaline - Church Punks
Forget the politics and all the hypocritesYou know the body's sick from religion, indecision, mediocrity...

Audio Adrenaline - Dc-10
Well if a DC-10 fell on your headAnd you're laying on the ground all messy and deadOr a mack truck ran...

Audio Adrenaline - Dirty
Tired of being clean, sick of being properI wanna live among the beggarsAnd dig out in the dirtS...

Audio Adrenaline - Don't Censor Me
Pop bang boom powkill somebody and you take a bowNaughty (words), naughty (words)mouth full of p...

Audio Adrenaline - Flicker
Have I become, a target that some peoplecan't resist?My flaws have become a greater riskIf my na...

Audio Adrenaline - Get Down
Lavishly our lives are wastedHumbleness is left untastedYou can't live your life to please yourself, y...

Audio Adrenaline - Glory
You and me were meant to be a little lower than angels And on this ground I have found, finally found the re...

Audio Adrenaline - Gloryland
I've worked hardand I'm ready for a long vacationgot some money in my pocketand I'm going down t...

Audio Adrenaline - Go And Be
You're like a letter that's never mailedYou're like a hammer without a nailYou've been standing in thi...

Audio Adrenaline - God-shaped Hole
All around the world people are trying.Deserted souls cry to be filled.Spirits left undone their heart...

Audio Adrenaline - Good Life
I've watched my dreams all fade awayAnd blister in the sunEverything I've ever had is unraveled and un...

Audio Adrenaline - Good People
I grew up impressed by the people I knewin the buckle of the bible belthopped in the van with the band...

Audio Adrenaline - Hands And Feet
An image flashed across my TV screenAnother broken heart comes in to viewI saw the pain and I turned m...

Audio Adrenaline - I Hear Jesus Calling
I see what eyes cannot seeand ears cannot hearand brains cannot perceiveI see a spirit over me...

Audio Adrenaline - I'm Alive
Sometimes I wake up feeling like I did way back in L.A. But since I'm from Kentucky that feeling must have b...

Audio Adrenaline - I'm Not The King
The king of rock, some say livesthe lizard king is surely deadthe king of France lost his headth...

Audio Adrenaline - It Is Well With My Soul
When peace like a river attendeth my wayWhen sorrows like sea billows rollWhatever my lot Thou hast ta...

Audio Adrenaline - It's Over
Farewell, so long to youWe've come to the end of the nightIt's all been wonderfulA lovely and wo...

Audio Adrenaline - J-e-s-u-s Is Right
If you want love in your lifeJ.E.S.U.S. is rightIf you want peace in your lifeJ.E.S.U.S. is righ...

Audio Adrenaline - Jesus Movement
Have you ever been so inclinedYeah, is it on your mindThe thought we're the Lord's lone protegeW...

Audio Adrenaline - Jesus & The California Kid
[CHORUS]Jesus and the California Kidoh what Jesus did, for the California kidThere'...

Audio Adrenaline - Leaving Ninety-nine
I'm lost and broken, all alone on this roadThe wheels keep turnin', but the feelin' is goneWhen I fear...

Audio Adrenaline - Let Love
Love lets love forgetswe don't need a world of regretsso let's loveLet's love one anotherl...

Audio Adrenaline - Let My Love Open The Door
When people keep repeating That you'll never fall in love When everybody keeps retreating But yo...

Audio Adrenaline - Life is a series of impossible dreams, yeahFull of disappointment and it ain't wha...

Audio Adrenaline - Lift
Count them, every one All of things you've done You are the lord of my life And I roll them over...

Audio Adrenaline - Lighthouse
Bouncing like a buoydrifting on the waterSingletary solitute man begins to hollerhe says "man ov...

Audio Adrenaline - Lonely Man (demo Version)
I got some game and I got some style You best beware I'm a real wild child My secret's safe, can't rea...

Audio Adrenaline - Man Of God
Sometimes I'm a liar sometimes I'm a fakesometimes I'm a hypocrite that everybody hatessometimes I'm a...

Audio Adrenaline - Memoir
There is music and laughter latelyand there's prayers and praise thereare reasons to be so happy and b...

Audio Adrenaline - Mighty Good Leader
Flooded by an oceanOf some mixed emotionsThey got you down againPride and passion Physical attra...

Audio Adrenaline - Miracle
I am freeFor the first timeLeft my fears behindIn front of me is open skyI'm taller ...

Audio Adrenaline - My God
[CHORUS]Buddah was a fat man, so what!Mohammed thought he had a plan, I guess not!A hindu...

Audio Adrenaline - My World View
I want to see the world through Jesus eyessee through Jesus tearsI want to see the world through Jesus...

Audio Adrenaline - Never Gonna Be As Big As Jesus
I could move to Hollywoodget my teeth capped I know I couldbe a big star on the silver screenjus...

Audio Adrenaline - New Body
Never been accused, or been confusedwith a model on a cover page.Never could've been a superstar in...

Audio Adrenaline - Ocean Floor
The mistakes I've made That caused pain I could have done without All my selfish thought A...

Audio Adrenaline - Ocean Floor (radio Remix)
The mistakes I've madeThat caused pain I could have done withoutAll my selfish thoughts...

Audio Adrenaline - One Step Hyper
When I was young I had a blast boyThe ways of the pastThey're cool they're fun they're goodBut I...

Audio Adrenaline - Original Species
Now my heart and mind agreea super natural selected meI see a plan so grandiosemy very own Galap...

Audio Adrenaline - Pda
Juliet and Romeo sitting on the patioLooks like they're under a mistletoeThey think it's true love tha...

Audio Adrenaline - People Like Me
I could tell you a story of shameI could talk for hours on how we becamea flower that bloomed in one d...

Audio Adrenaline - Pierced
[chorus]Make me, take me, break me, I am piercedMake me, take me, break me, I am pierced...

Audio Adrenaline - Pour Your Love Down
We're worlds apartThe distance between us is just too greatDraw me closeLet me know You're near...

Audio Adrenaline - Rejoice
I'll sing this song just as long as I'm breathing I'm feeling good, I'm feeling right Come sing a song...

Audio Adrenaline - Rest Easy
One more mile 'til I lay restI have put myself through this rigid testBut the mile has never ended no ...

Audio Adrenaline - Revolution
To define revolution just look at the wordDance around the globe yo haven't you heardAbout changes the...

Audio Adrenaline - Scum Sweetheart
We walk hand in hand 'til life does us partme and the world my scum sweetheartWe met long ago with a f...

Audio Adrenaline - Secret
I once was lost in a foaming, roaming, rabid seathen blooms blossomed, changed my outlooknow I've been...

Audio Adrenaline - See Through
I'm unstable and extremegood to bad , I've been burnt in betweenthe smoke from the fire in my soul...

Audio Adrenaline - Some Kind Of Zombie
I must have been confused or vainto let this evil in my brain.Lord did I enjoy the changethat yo...

Audio Adrenaline - Soulmate
There is a tremendous lover who would like to shareHis wondrous love story with all those who would care...

Audio Adrenaline - Speak To Me
I'm in a fix Need something quick My mind is numb My stomach sick Broken hearts Hope...

Audio Adrenaline - Start A Fire
I think it's a cold, cold world and I think we need to heat itLight it up like gasoline when a match's throw...

Audio Adrenaline - Strong
I will follow wherever you lead meWherever you are underneith these stars is where I wanna beAnd I wil...

Audio Adrenaline - Summertime
I want to play all day And swim out in the waves In a lagoon that has no shark to bite my legs A...

Audio Adrenaline - Superfriend
You're like a lonely statuethe wind and rain comes at youYou'll stand and take your chancesagain...

Audio Adrenaline - The Houseplant Song
Once I read a bookAnd this is what it saidIf your music has a beatThen you're gonna wind up dead...

Audio Adrenaline - The Most Excellent Way
Fred had faithThat could move a big mountainFred had a tongueThat flowed like a fountainHa...

Audio Adrenaline - This Day
It's six A.MI'm so tiredThe alarm soundsAnd the new day beginsBefore I goAnd disturb...

Audio Adrenaline - This Is Everything
All my dreams I had dreamed were dreams of me All my hopes Were desires of what I wanted to be ...

Audio Adrenaline - Tremble
Shaking like a leaf Afraid to life my eyes Afraid of all your glory Ashamed of all my pride ...

Audio Adrenaline - Underdog
I am so weak and I'm so tiredIt's hard for me toFind enough strength to feed the firesThat fuel ...

Audio Adrenaline - Walk On Water
Simon Peter won't you put those nets downfollow me I'll lead you out of this townto a place where no b...

Audio Adrenaline - We're A Band
Freak!is what th world calls meThey don't understandso they try to stop meHide!I can...

Audio Adrenaline - What You Need
You don't need to have it allYou don't even need a lotYou don't need to be a doctorA judge or as...

Audio Adrenaline - Who Do You Love?
[CHORUS I]Who do ya who do ya love love loveDo you love meWhere do ya where do ya hide yo...

Audio Adrenaline - Worldwide: One
Four corn-fed boys from the heartlandBrought together for some rock 'n' rollFrom Kentucky, Minnesota, ...

Audio Adrenaline - Worldwide: Two
Picked up the paper and read the news (can you believe what is happening)People hopeless and begging for foo...

Audio Adrenaline - You Still Amaze Me
There's nothing new under the sun Left for me to do The last great thrills I've felt are fleeting ...

Audioslave - #1 Zero
Listen now, let me speakI will be the dog at your feetAnd come along when you callBe the little ...

Audioslave - Dandelion
Settle down now and sit with meLet me tell you how this all came to beA yellow flower with your pedals...

Audioslave - Drown Me Slowly
I've got a will this time don't care what you sayI've got a feeling this will all go awayIt's in the w...

Audioslave - Heaven's Dead
Anchor the night, open the skyHide in the hours before sunrisePray for me not, I won't lose sight...

Audioslave - Man Or Animal
You give me a heart attackYou look like the summertimeYou call me an artifactBut I'll save that ...

Audioslave - Out Of Exile
When I first came to this islandthat I called by own nameI was happy in this fortress,in my exil...

Audioslave - The Curse
Help me I don't know what I'm doinHelp me before I fall to ruinAnd if I'm blind, I will lead you on...

Audioslave - The Worm
Was a time early in lifeWhen I hated everythingBorn too young, top of my lungsSitting on the bot...

Audioslave - Yesterday To Tomorrow
Beauty is what the eyes beholdAnd you burn brighter than mostI chased you thru the midnight streets...

Audioslave - Your Time Has Come
Now one fell asleep in the street and he never woke up And now one died in pieces in his bed with a mouth fu...

Audiovent - Back And Forth
TodayI hear my angerAnd it's screaming at meYour wordsAttack my sensesAnd make me sc...

Audiovent - Beautiful Addiction
Change the bagThis IV's drainingAnd I'm afraidI need another taste to keep me highInebriat...

Audiovent - Gravity
I hit the groundWhile reaching outWatch you rise awayI hear your voiceI see your face...

Audiovent - I Can't Breathe
You want to feel meCan't defeat me at your gameYou buy and sell meSeparate me from my name...

Audiovent - Looking Down
YeahMy shadow stretches far and freeYeahIt's telling me what I could beCould be...

Audiovent - One Small Choice
SometimesI wonder how it all would beIf only one thing happened differentlyAnd time will tell...

Audiovent - Stalker
YouDon't give upYou're my stalkerLeave me beI know I should not pretendThat I ...

Audiovent - Sweet Frustration
I feelI'm walking through this, my lifeParalyzedBut this sweet frustration keeps me aliveI...

Audiovent - The Energy
Every now and then I think about youAnd it makes me, it breaks meOut of you and into me, I'll make it...

Audiovent - Underwater Silence
Here in your comaHere in your sleepYou have lost yourself somehowyou can't here mealthough...

Audiovent - When I Drown
Listen to meWhen I sayBeautiful timeIs fading awayWhen will I wakeFrom this dream?...

Audiovent - When The Rain
RainComing to cleanseWill she fall?StaresInto the windAnd she criesHer t...

Avant - Av
This girl was so fineMuch more than two dimesI had to pump my brakes man sheLooked like no other...

Avant - Call On Me
Call mewhen somethins going on inside your homeI'll pick you up and carry you to my thronecuz fo...

Avant - Can't Wait
The party's over and your still hereAnd I wonder why? Baby can u make it clearCuz your acting like you...

Avant - Destiny
La-da-da, la-da-da-da come on babyLa-da-da-da, oh yeahI like the way you talk to meYour wo...

Avant - Don't Say No, Just Say Yes
Oh....Yes...[2x]Oh babe....Yes babe..[2x]I hope she answers my prayers tonite...

Avant - Don't Take Your Love Away
[Verse 1]After the hopin and prayin and the wishinGirl you're right here in my faceI've n...

Avant - Everything About You
If I... can get inside your mind and let my light shine like no other man would,If I...Can physi...

Avant - Feast
Take you to my houseGrab the Blind foldStart from your headDown to your toes (OHH SOO)Girl...

Avant - Flickin
In the club the crissy bottles are popping,And at the telli you know the panties are dropping,This tra...

Avant - Get Away
Hmmmm...Yeah, yeah.I back again, in this town, to find a girl that i used to know.I bumped into, a fri...

Avant - Happy
I want you to be happy in love with meI want you to feel that my love is realI want you to know that i...

Avant - Have Some Fun
All my girls all my thugs in the club have some funAll around just put it down right now and have some fun...

Avant - Heaven
We can sing a song togetherJust you and meAnd we can dance all night long goreverLike it's a fan...

Avant - Hooked
[Chorus]You got me open like a liquor storelove so strong that I don't want no more...

Avant - I Wanna Know
La da da da...Ohh Ohhhh!I want you baby.Tell me...I wanna know if you want me baby (baby)...

Avant - Jack & Jill
Mi Mi Mi girl close your eyesMi Mi Mi got a surprise Mi Mi Mi don't run and hide let me take you on ri...

Avant - Let's Make A Deal
Oh I, oh I, oh I, oh I...If I didn't have a dimeTell me would you spend the timeAll I hear...

Avant - Love School
Love schoolYou canBe my pupilLove schoolYou canBe my pupilLove sch...

Avant - Makin' Good Love
I got your legs spread all over the bed hands clenched in the sheetshair wild as hell I knowthe ...

Avant - No Limit
Yo, this goes out ta all my thugs that get accused for things that not sainyou know how the stand go...

Avant - One Way Street
Taking off my cloths Walking out the doorTired of your games Tired of your showYou want yo...

Avant - Ooh Aah
Hey baby.I know you want me.Whether it's wrong or right.I wanna be with you tonight.So get your ...

Avant - Phone Sex (that's What's Up)
Wanna take you with me,on a late night creep girl,That's What's up That's What's upAnd while you...

Avant - Private Room Intro
Come with me Into my private room girlI got something to show youRelax your mindSit back a...

Avant - Read Your Mind
Listen, I've been waiting to tell you thisYou are more than a man could ever wantWAIT A MINUTE JUST LE...

Avant - Read Your Mind, Part Ii The Remix
I had to do a remix for the ladiescan you blame me?I stepped in a club in your hood I slow...

Avant - Six In Da Morning
[Sean Don]A-V, A-V, they know what it iscome on, A-V, Steve Stone, DJLets get this ...

Avant - Sorry
I know I was wrong and thats not fairPlaying games with your mind cause I new you caredWalking out of ...

Avant - Suicide
Oh Lady,Since you walked out of my lifeIt feels like the world is just caving in on meDamn, I cant liv...

Avant - Thinkin' About You
Da da da da da da Baby, da da da da da daYou're my hopes, my dreams, my everything You're my swe...

Avant - This Time
I been trippin on you babeI can't find the right words to sayCuz I can't believe what you done to me...

Avant - Wanna Be Close
[Verse 1:]Oooo I wanna be girl let me beI wanna be everything your man's notAnd I'm...

Avant - What Do You Want
[Intro:]Yo guess who's back Av Yo stizzle Give em what the[Verse 1]Come on,B...

Avant - Why
I'm sitting here reading the book of lifeconstantly asking myself whywhy do babies have to diean...

Avant - You
Yea, I just want yall to get up on this oneIts goin down real big tonightShe dipped in tha clubB...

Avant - You Ain't Right
Ya... It's just more drama... It's kinda funny... Things you go through in your lifetime... Sometimes you ju...

Avant - You Got Me
Just like eve done to adam (you got me)Temptation so strong i don't wanna even fathom (you got me)I'm ...

Avion - Beautiful
Fireworks over disneylandAirplane will you hold my hand?Without you all the colors blandAnd I ca...

Avion - Bulletproof Glow
When the music stats to fadeAnd I'm left without a friend who knows meHere as the season brings a chan...

Avion - It All Falls Back On Me
Calling outCalling meBurning doubtThat you'll seeI needed youI've learned how to be ...

Avion - Loved
Will I be good enough tomorrow?Would I be good enough today?I gave back all the things I borrowed...

Avion - Love Is Here Again
The birds have flownStill on the phone recountingHow the years have passedLike winds the bring a...

Avion - Perfect From Now On
The darkest days have come and goneStill you shine for meWith a fragile frame I carry on'Cause w...

Avion - Seven Days Without You
Sitting here counting the hoursWaiting for the sun to kiss the seaParalyzed by the fragrance of the fl...

Avion - Starting Over
Flat on my backSoak up the sunCounting from zero up to oneAnd I like it, I like itCa...

Avion - The Best Is Yet To Come
Ten percent what happens And ninety how I reactThey say don't sweat the small stuffI guess I mus...

Avion - Trinidad And A Dc-10
Bill of goods or just a fake tattooI bought everything to be like youEmptied out and try to fill...

Avion - When I Breathe
You asked me for my heartBut you didn't have you ownI'm back to where I startAn empty page alone...

Avion - Where Are You Now
Two year, eight months and four days since I've known loveFor what it's worthI'm finding it hard to be...

Avion - Would You Notice
Follow you in the shadow of your stride I'd wait an hour just to see you smile Should I chane all the ...

Avril Lavigne - Falling Down
If fears what makes us decide,Our future journey,I'm not along for the ride,Cuz I'm still yearni...

Avril Lavigne - Fall To Pieces
I looked awayThen I look back at youYou try to sayThe things that you can't undoIf I had m...

Avril Lavigne - Forgotten
Ah ah ah ahAh ah ah ahI'm giving up on everythingBecause you messed me upDon't know how mu...

Avril Lavigne - Freak Out
Try to tell me what I shouldn't doYou should know by now,I won't listen to youWalk around with m...

Avril Lavigne - Get Over It
Slipping down a slideI did enjoy the rideDon't know what to decideYou lied to meYou looked...

Avril Lavigne - He Wasn't
There's not much going on today.I'm really bored, it's getting late.What happened to my Saturday?...

Avril Lavigne - How Does It Feel
I'm not afraid of anythingI just need to know that i can breatheI don't need much of anythingBut...

Avril Lavigne - I Always Get What I Want
[Bonus track]Every now and then we all want somethingEven if there's no way of gettin' it...

Avril Lavigne - I Don't Give A Damn
Everytime you go awayIt actually kinda makes my dayEverytime you leaveYou slam the door...

Avril Lavigne - Knockin' On Heaven's Door
[Originally performed by BOB DYLAN]Yeah, yeah, yeah [2x]Momma take this badg...

Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending
So much for my happy endingOh oh, oh oh, oh oh...Let's talk this overIt's not like we're d...

Avril Lavigne - Nobody's Home
I couldn't tell you why she felt that way, She felt it everyday.And I couldn't help her, I just ...

Avril Lavigne - Slipped Away
Na na, na na na, na naI miss you, miss you so badI don't forget you, oh it's so sadI hope you ca...

Avril Lavigne - Spongebob Squarepants Theme
Are you ready kids?I said are you ready?who lives in a pineapple under the seaSpongebob SquarePa...

Avril Lavigne - Take It
Just take it take itI cant take it takeI know what you doFlash meThe ways its doneIm...

Avril Lavigne - Take Me Away
I cannot find a way to describe itIt's there inside; all I do is hideI wish that it would just go away...

Avril Lavigne - Temple Of Life
We sat by the fireUnited in songUnder the moonlightAll night longWe sang 'Halleluyah...

Avril Lavigne - Touch The Sky
I used to carry this big old world On my shoulders and back I used to lie inside my room Wonderi...

Avril Lavigne - Two Rivers
Grains of sand slip through your handsNever ceasing timeFold your hands in silent prayerEternal ...

Avril Lavigne - Who Knows?
Yeah, yeahYeah-eah, yeahYeah-eah, yeahWhy do you look so familiarI could swear that ...

Avril Lavigne - Why
Why, do you always do this to me?Why, couldn't you just see through me?How come, you act like this...

Az Yet - Care For Me
[Babyface]Looking in your eyesIt's written on your faceI can read your mindYo...

Az Yet - Every Little Bit Of My Heart
[Keith Andes, Babyface, Marc Nelson, Bryce Wilson]Girl, I always think about it 24/7Can't...

Az Yet - Hard To Say I'm Sorry
Everybody needs a little time awayI've heard her sayFrom each otherEven lovers need a holi...

Az Yet - Inseparable Lovers
[Rick Cousin & J. Scott]Inseparable lovers,from the start I really want to know what's go...

Az Yet - Last Night
Last night you were so into itYou told me secrets thatYou've never told a soulYou were so nervou...

Az Yet - Sadder Than Blue
["Bassy" Bob Brockmann, Babyface, Jeffery Burrell]My heart has been broken cause of youOn...

Az Yet - Saved For Someone Else
[Babyface & Keth Andes]This was the place of our first dateIt was a place we lovedT...

Az Yet - Secrets
[Jon B.]Secrets, oh what you kept from meThey make our world go aroundBut secrets, ...

Az Yet - That's All I Want
[Babyface & Keith Andes]Take it from meThat you're gonna be in loveJust give yourse...

Az Yet - Through My Heart (the Arrow)
[Brain Mcknight]Quietly I watch you sleepHopefully you won't hear what I sayWonderi...

Az Yet - Time To End The Story
[Marc Nelson, Jon-John, Darrell Spencer]First chapterYou stole my heart away from me...

B2k - B2k Is Hot
[Chorus]b2k got the ladies jumpin and keep the party bumpin and all my fellas thumpin lik...

B2k - B2k Is Hot (skit)
[Omarion:]So i'm sayin' man what we gonna do man?we sittin' up here all bored and everyth...

B2k - Baby Girl
[Verse 1:]He took advantage of your loveAnd he threw it all awayHe broke your tender hear...

B2k - Back It Up
[Verse 1:]Its 1o'clock in the morningWe in the 745 just rollinI see some okay chicks over...

B2k - Boys For Life
[J-Boog Talking]Yo, why ya'll have to bring this up man?I mean it ain't like I forgot but it's ...

B2k - Bump That
[Omari:]This is for the hunniez up in the club (say what)Do me a favor show me some luvAn...

B2k - Come On
B2K - Omarion, Lil Fizz, Raz B, J BoogCome on... come on...(leave em alone)Omarion, first verse....

B2k - Everything
E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-GE-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G[Verse 1:]When I'm out on the roadGoing...

B2k - Fantasy
[j-boog]Yo you see it's this girl she she hotyou know gotta get heruh huh yeah...

B2k - Feel This Way
[Chorus]Why, why would you make me feel this wayMake me feel like we would never separate...

B2k - Fizzo Got Flow
[Verse 1]One, two, three, four,Fizzo came through and I'm blazin out the doorHold five to...

B2k - Girlfriend
[Omarion talking:]I've got everything I want in my life except a girlfreindJust copped a ...

B2k - Here We Go Again
Stop thinkin people's on your jockTryna act like you got money but you at the bus stopOh please stop d...

B2k - Hey Little Lady
Ha haaaa uhHmmm mmmmYa'll gon feel this one... this one fo my ladies, Uh here we go ya'll....

B2k - Hey Little Lady Interlude
[Lil Fizz]Walking down the street with a soda can in my hand I hope you realize and understand ...

B2k - I Beat You To It (turn The Party Out)
[Rap 1:]Hot spotsI bang like Little RockStep up in the clubAnd watch the beat stop...

B2k - I Bet
Girl, don't you tell me that you're dreamin thatAnd don't you tell me that you're scheming thatFor thi...

B2k - I'm Not Finished
I remember like it was yesterdayHad everything under controlStayed out all night with my boysI t...

B2k - Jingle Bells
[chorus]jingle bells,jingle bellsjingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride on a one-horse op...

B2k - Last Boyfriend
[Verse 1]Why you gotta ask me Where I beenWhy you gotta talk in That accusing tone...

B2k - One Kiss
[Verse 1:]She was so sincereThe way she grabbed my handAnd introduced herselfLike n...

B2k - Out The Hood
OhhhListen baby[Verse 1:]See theres this girl that i knowAnd shes more (more ...

B2k - Pretty Young Thing
UhYeahYo.........Check it out its B2KPlatinum StatusShes a pretty young thingpretty ...

B2k - Rain & Snow
[Chorus]Let it rain, let it snowLet it rain, let it snow All the problems let 'em go...

B2k - Rudolph The Red-nosed Reindeer
Hey B2kCan you guys tell met he story about RudolphThe one with the shiny noseIts redThey ...

B2k - Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
[Chorus:]You better watch out you better not cryyou better not pout I'm telling you...

B2k - Santa Hooked Me Up
[Rap (J-BOOG)]This year Your boy went all outLet me sit down and tell you what I'm talkin about...

B2k - Shorty
Shorty, what's 5'5 cut like a bowl,Lookin' like a model from the cover of Vogue,Sexy mama body bangin'...

B2k - Sleepin'
[Verse 1:]This is crazyCause latelyThe only thing that I think about, dream about is...

B2k - Something To Say
(yeah)(yeah yeah)[2x]You see the girl by the waterYes that one therewho...

B2k - Sprung
[Omarion:]Yo, its alright girlI understand how you feelYou aint gotta lie to yourself...

B2k - Streets Is Callin'
[Omarion:]uh, yea, once again[Chorus:]I've been goin' through so...

B2k - Take It To The Floor
C'monWHOOOOHey u know what this track honestly don't need no talkin on it. but i gotta do it....

B2k - The Other Guy
[Verse 1]It's another day of you trippin out on meI could retaliate and bring the ghetto outta ...

B2k - Understanding
[Verse 1:]I'm young, like to hang with my crew have funbut it seems like all the girls I know, ...

B2k - What A Girl Wants
[Omarion Talking]Yo..I dont know whats goin on but I do know one gotta make it right..aigh...

B2k - What U Get
OhhhhOh yea yeaOh yea yea yeaCheck it out[VERSE 1 (Omarion)]I know that...

B2k - Where Did We Go Wrong
YeahPlatinum StatusB2KDave MacWe gone bump your speakers with this oneYeah.............

B2k - Why'd You Leave Me On Christmas
[Verse 1]See I bought you diamondsAnd a brother stopped lyin'I bought you DonnaRalp...

B2k - Would You Be Here
[Verse 1:]Girl if I didnt have a planCould I be your man stillAnd if you couldn't watch c...

B2k - Your Girl Chose Me
Hey Yo your girl chose me (chose me)you know the name of the game(game) (B2 B2k)Hey yo your girl...

B4-4 - Ball And Chain
I just wanna be your ball and chainWrapped around your fingerLocked up, tied me downFollow you f...

B4-4 - Don't Let The Sun Catch You Crying
Don't let the sun catch you crying The night's the time for all your tears Your heart may be broken to...

B4-4 - Endlessly
Late at night you called on a phone,We talked about the day,When you found out he was cheating.Y...

B4-4 - Everyday
Now that you're right in front of me There's something that I would Like to say to you I made up...

B4-4 - Get Down
I will be the one to love and comfort you from now until the day I die.I will take you places that you only...

B4-4 - Go Go
Jay and James roll tape I'm ready to...Here I am It's Friday night Feeling good ...

B4-4 - How Did We End Up Here
I let you go, you did just the same We must have thought that we'd be Better off that way Now he...

B4-4 - Really Gotta Want It
The world is full of wannabe'sThey come and go like aSummer breeze They want the moneyThey...

B4-4 - Savin' For A Rainy Day
Don't hold back The way you really feel What you don't say You know your eyes reveal I'm k...

B4-4 - Smile
Oh baby Ain't it like you to make me smile Pick me up when I'm feelin' down When no one else com...

B4-4 - That's How I Know
My friends ask me When it comes to giving you my heart How can I be sure? 'Cause they see how fa...

B4-4 - You've Got A Friend
Ooooooooo Yeah babyWhen your down and troubled And you need some love and care And n...

Baby Aka The #1 Stunna - Looks Like A Job 4...
Looks like a looks like a job job job for job for[Baby in the backround of chorus]Oh yeah...

Baby Aka The #1 Stunna - Never Had Nothing
[Mannie Fresh Talking]Yo, This Fresh [echoes]For you [echoes]Bout to ...

Baby Bash - Changed My Life
[Chorus]I changed my life so I can be with youBut you turned and walked away,Tell me what...

Baby Bash - Early In The Morning
Early in da morning befo I eats my breakfastI gotta get downEarly in da morning befo I eats my breakfa...

Baby Bash - Feeling Me
[Chorus: Russell Lee]She's in love with a hustlaShe don't be messing with them suckasLook...

Baby Bash - Image Of Pimp

Baby Bash - Pollution
[Chorus]Sometimes I wanna get away from all the confusion Causin' pollution I know you wi...

Baby Bash - Sexy Eyes
Sexy Eyes, theyre so lovely, Sexy Eyes Make me wanna love yaSexy Eyes,Girl youre lookin way cool...

Baby Bash - Shorty Doowop
[Chorus:]Yea thats my shorty doowopYea thats my shorty doowopYea thats my shorty doowop...

Baby Bash - Suga Suga (remix)
[Chorus: Major Riley]You got me lifted, shifted higha than da ceilin'And oo wee it is the ultim...

Baby Bash - Weed Hand
[Chorus:]Sometimes da game got me stressin partner i can't lieI roll me a sweet smash off n da ...

Babyface - A Bit Old-fashioned
I believe that a womanIs the most precious thing on earthAnd I'll do anythingAnd I do mean anyth...

Babyface - All Day Thinkin'
You get inside of me and I don't even(Know how to act, girl)You have synergy that gets in me that's...

Babyface - Breathe Again
If I never feel you in my arms againIf I never feel your tender kiss againIf I never hear I love you n...

Babyface - Can't Stop My Heart
Baby, babyDon't 'cha thinkYou would like toSpend the night with meDarlin', darlin'Ca...

Babyface - Chivalry
My friends tell meThat he's been cheating on youAnd that he treats you unkindlyHe's using you...

Babyface - Dream Away
When this worldThe real life world you're living inJust gets too much for you to takeWhen you fi...

Babyface - End Of The Road
[spoken]Girl you know we belong together I have no time for you to be playing With my hea...

Babyface - Exhale (shoop Shoop)
Everyone falls in love sometime Sometimes it's wrong And sometimes it's right For every win ...

Babyface - Faithful
You've been hanging out without your girlfriendsAnd they've been hanging out at all the clubsAnd you'v...

Babyface - Fire
You're riding in my carI turn on the radioI'm pulling you closerBut you keep tellin' me no...

Babyface - Given A Chance
You're not alone, noAnd no one's gonna hurt your heart againAnd this I know, yesYou can count on...

Babyface - Gone Too Soon
Like a cometBlazing 'cross the evening skyGone too soonLike a rainbowFading in the t...

Babyface - Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Have yourself a merry little Christmas,Let your heart be lightFrom now on,our troubles will be o...

Babyface - Honey (oh How I Need You)
Oh how I need you honeyOh how you bring me joyFulfill my lifeOh much I need youOh how I ne...

Babyface - I Care About You
Sometimes I feel so aloneI call your heartBut there's no one at homeTaking a toll on my pride...

Babyface - If
If a picture paints a thousand wordsThen why can't I paint youThe words will never showThe you I...

Babyface - If We Try
We go through changesTime after timeI guess that's just lifeFeelings we can't expressWe on...

Babyface - I'll Always Love You
I can't imagine living one day without youI'd rather just lay down and just die'Cause all I care about...

Babyface - I'll Be Home For Christmas
I'll be home for ChristmasYou can count on mePlease have some snow and mistletoeAnd presents by ...

Babyface - I'll Make Love To You
Close your eyes, make a wish And blow out the candlelight For tonight is just your night We're g...

Babyface - Illusions
You've gotta beOutta your mindYou've gotta beThe best thing ever in my lifeSo why would i ...

Babyface - I Love You Babe
Love never came between usFor love was too deep in our heartsIt's the silly things we do between us...

Babyface - It Came Upon A Midnight Clear / The First Noel
It came upon the midnight clearThat glorious song of oldFrom angels playing near the earthTo tou...

Babyface - It's No Crime
Calling all cars [REPEAT]I never thought thatI could feel this wayYou came around a...

Babyface - Lady, Lady
Lady, if you care for meThen let me knowThat you care for me sweet ladyAnd that you'll care for ...

Babyface - Let's Be Romantic
Let's be romantic babyLet's stay in loveWhen I think of the magicAnd all that it means to ...

Babyface - Love Makes Things Happen
Deep in the heartLove has many waysOf touching your emotionsTaking control of youAnd even ...

Babyface - Lovers
Let's take our time and concentrateThe mood is right for living, ooh I can't waitI've waited so long t...

Babyface - Mary Mack
Oh Mary MackAll dressed in blackWith silver buttonsAll down her backSay you found another ...

Babyface - Reason For Breathing
If I cried like a baby would you change your mind?If I told you I'm crazy would you come running back to me?...

Babyface - Rock Bottom
I was sitting here thinkin' 'bout my situationThough I know you got reservationsI was thinkin' we coul...

Babyface - Rudolph The Red-nosed Reindeer
Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeerHad a very shiny noseAnd if you ever saw itYou would even say it ...

Babyface - Saturday
Just gonna chill tonightWith you by my sideAnd look into your eyesWe gonna mellow outLay b...

Babyface - Silent Night
Silent night, holy nightAll is calm, all is brightRound yon virgin mother and childHoly infant s...

Babyface - Sleigh Ride
Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring-ting-tingling, tooCome on, it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride...

Babyface - Slow Jams
Sugar, sugarBaby dim the lightsSo while I pour the wineSet the music up nice and slow...

Babyface - Slow Jams (remix)
[SPOKEN:](Remix)I can't believe I'm hereDown at the Q's Jook Joint (no doubt)It sur...

Babyface - Soon As I Get Home
[SPOKEN:]Hey, come here for a secondI don't like the way he treats youHe doesn't deserve ...

Babyface - Sunshine
Last night I laid with you'Twas like a dream come trueI've never felt so rightI want you for the...

Babyface - Take Your Time
You're so in loveAnd that's niceJust have funLiving your lifeHe likes to kiss youAnd...

Babyface - Tender Lover
Feels good, everybodyTender lover, tender loveEleanor RigbySpends half her life all alone...

Babyface - The Christmas Song
Chestnuts roasting on an open fireJack Frost nipping at your noseYuletide carols being sung by a choir...

Babyface - The Little Drummer Boy
Come they told me, pa rum pum pum pumA new born King to see, pa rum pum pum pumOur finest gifts we bri...

Babyface - The Loneliness
[Verse 1]Im sitting here Thinking boutHow im gon-na do without You around in my lif...

Babyface - Treat You Right
When I heard that you were looking for a love right awayI knew I was the oneAin't no point in looking ...

Babyface - Two Occasions
A summer love is beautifulBut it's not enoughTo satisfy emotionsThat are shared between us...

Babyface - Well Alright
In the twinkling of an eyeGirl you had me hypnotizedAnd I didn't care a thing about loveBut I qu...

Babyface - What If
I ran into a friend of yours the other dayAnd I asked her how you've beenShe said my girl is fine; jus...

Babyface - When Men Grow Old
So many years that you sacrificedSo many chances you let go byAnd girl never once didyou complai...

Babyface - Where Is My Love?
I want a woman I can do things forGive her the world if she wants itAll things and even moreAnd ...

Babyface - Where Will You Go
We started out simple friendsThat kind of friendship never ends, no babyBut we were fortunate to care ...

Babyface - Whip Appeal
Somebody told meThere'd be trouble at home'Cause we never talk a lotWhen we spend time alone...

Babyface - White Christmas
I'm dreaming of a white ChristmasJust like the ones I used to knowWhere the treetops glisten and child...

Babyface - Winter Wonderland
Sleigh bells ring, are ya listin'In the lane, snow is glistnin'A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight...

Babyface - You Are So Beautiful
You are so beautiful, yesYou are to meYou are so beautifulYou are to meCan't you see? Can'...

Babyface - You Make Me Feel Brand New
My loveI'll never find the words, my loveTo tell you how I feel, my loveMere words could not exp...

Babyface - You Were There
Time passes, the world changesBut I'm still the same ole' kidAnd your jokes still bring me laughter...

Backstreet Boys - 10,000 Promises
Once we were loversJust lovers we were oh what a lieOnce we were dreamersJust dreamers we were o...

Backstreet Boys - All I Have To Give
I don't know what he does to make you cryBut I'll be there to make you smileI don't have a fancy car...

Backstreet Boys - All I Have To Give Conversation Mix
All...Everything I have is for youMy name is KevAnd I like the type of girl who can love m...

Backstreet Boys - Anywhere For You
I'd go anywhere for youAnywhere you asked me toI'd do anything for youAnything you want me to...

Backstreet Boys - As Long As You Love Me
As long as you love meAlthough loneliness has always been a friend of mineI'm leavin' my life in...

Backstreet Boys - Back To Your Heart
It's not that I can't live without youIt's just that I don't even want to tryEvery night I dream about...

Backstreet Boys - Betcha By Golly Wow!
There's a spark of magic in your eyesand Candyland appears each time you smileNever thought that fairy...

Backstreet Boys - Boys Will Be Boys
Oh ooh oh ooh oh ohOh ooh oh ooh ohBoys will be boys (hey)Oh ooh oh ooh oh ohOh ooh oh ooh...

Backstreet Boys - By My Side
Tonight I saw an eclipse of your smileWithin my own reflection on you lookSo beautiful thenA tea...

Backstreet Boys - Children Of The World
This goes out to all the childrenAll over the world This one's for the childrenChildren of the w...

Backstreet Boys - Christmas Time
There is something specialAbout this time of yearA christmas feeling's everywhereI just got home...

Backstreet Boys - Climbing The Walls
Close your eyes, make a wishThat this could last foreverIf only you could stay with me nowSo tel...

Backstreet Boys - Color My World
Ohhh noEverybody needs affectionLooking for a deep connectionSo put a little bit of love i...

Backstreet Boys - Crawling Back To You
Everybody knows that I was such a fool to ever let go of youBaby I was wrongYeah I know I said we'd be...

Backstreet Boys - Darlin'
[Spoken:]Baby, can I talk to you?I know something's wrongThings just ain't the same...

Backstreet Boys - Donde Quieras Yo Ire (anywhere For You)
Al fin del mundo llegareLo que quieras you hareSin preguntas sin porquesEh! nena...

Backstreet Boys - Don't Leave Me
[Chorus:]Don't leave meCuz you need meI never wanna be without you[2x]...

Backstreet Boys - Don't Wanna Lose You Now
I never thought that I would lose my mindThat I could control thisNever thought that I'd be left behin...

Backstreet Boys - Don't Want You Back
Don't, don't want you backYou hit me faster than a shark attackYou saw my picture on the Backstr...

Backstreet Boys - Drowning
Don't pretend you're sorryI know you're notYou know you got the powerTo make me weak inside...

Backstreet Boys - Everybody (backstreet's Back)
Everybody, yeahRock your body, yeahEverybody, yeahRock your body rightBackstreet's back, a...

Backstreet Boys - Everyone
We've been through days of thunderSome people say they don't belongThey try to put us underBut h...

Backstreet Boys - Everytime I Close My Eyes
Everytime I close my eyesEverytime I close my eyesListen girl I don't know where to startB...

Backstreet Boys - Forces Of Nature
YeahhhOpposites attract, chemicals reactBut when I look at youDeserts need the rain, fires...

Backstreet Boys - Get Another Boyfriend
Get another boyfriend Backstreet ...check it Let's talk about one,baby You gotta hear me out...

Backstreet Boys - Get Down (you're The One For Me)
You're the one for meYou're my ecstasyYou're the one I needHey, yeah[Chorus...

Backstreet Boys - Give Me Your Heart

Backstreet Boys - Heaven In Your Eyes
Open up your heart to meAnd say what's on your mindI know that we have been through so much pain...

Backstreet Boys - Hey, Mr. Dj (keep Playin' That Song)
Ah, BackstreetOne time here we go (yes, yes one time, yes, yes)I could tell when I stepped in th...

Backstreet Boys - If I Don't Have You
Everyday, girl, I wake up and prayThat you'll come back homeAnd don't take too longCuz since you...

Backstreet Boys - If You Knew What I Knew
It's 7am, thinking about youWondering if the thoughts I'm feeling you're feeling tooLike a new born ch...

Backstreet Boys - If You Stay
To be happyYou are all I needTo make me happy'Cuz everytime you're nearAll the tears insid...

Backstreet Boys - If You Want It To Be Good Girl (get Yourself A Bad Boy)
If you want it to be good girlGet yourself a bad boy(Yeah I like this, ha ha)If you want i...

Backstreet Boys - I Got To Get It
Get itI got to get it, I really need you loveGet it, Get itGet it, Get itGet it, Get...

Backstreet Boys - I'll Be There For You
Don't say a wordI understandYou wanna know if I'm still your manGirl can't you tell by the touch...

Backstreet Boys - I'll Never Break Your Heart
[Spoken:]Baby, I know you're hurtingRight now you feel like you could neverLove again...

Backstreet Boys - I'll Never Find Someone Like You
Ooh, I'll never findI'll never find someone like youGirl, you take my breath awayAnd when I'm wi...

Backstreet Boys - Incomplete
Empty spaces fill me up with holesDistant faces with no place left to goWithout you within me I cant f...

Backstreet Boys - I Need You Tonight
Open up your heart to meAnd say what's on your mind, oh yesI know that we have been through so much pa...

Backstreet Boys - I Promise You (with Everything I Am)
It's in the silences,the words you never sayI see it in your eyes, it always starts the same way...

Backstreet Boys - It's Gotta Be You
Baby it's the way you make meKinda get me go crazyNever wanna stopIt's gotta be you (uh huh, uh ...

Backstreet Boys - It's True
Even a lover makes a mistake sometimesLike any otherFall out and lose his mindAnd I'm sorry for ...

Backstreet Boys - I Wanna Be With You
I wanna be with youIt's crazy but it's trueAnd everything I doI wanna be with youI'd...

Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way
YeahYou are my fireThe one desireBelieve when I sayI want it that wayBut...

Backstreet Boys - I Want It That Way (other Version)
I'm yours completelyI feel so deeplyYou're my first thought everydayAnd I want it that way...

Backstreet Boys - Just To Be Close To You
This is for the loversStrictly for the lovers yeahYou got someone you wanna get close to?Then ge...

Backstreet Boys - Just Want You To Know
Looking at your picture from when we first metYou gave me a smile that I could never forgetAnd nothing...

Backstreet Boys - Larger Than Life
HuhYeah, ha, ha, ha, haHa, ha, ha, haI may run and hideWhen you're screamin' my name...

Backstreet Boys - Last Night You Saved My Life
Yeah, yeah, yeahYeah, yeah, yeahIts 3 am, I cant sleepToo late to call this is not like me...

Backstreet Boys - Lay Down Beside Me
Something about the way you movedThat caught my eyeI really did have to try it, yesI can't deny ...

Backstreet Boys - Let's Have A Party
But all I wanna know is where the party at [2x]Let's have a party [2x](But all I wanna k...

Backstreet Boys - Let The Music Heal Your Soul
Oh if someone writes a song with a simple rhymeJust a song where is feeling showAnd if someone feels t...

Backstreet Boys - Lose It All
Oh noTake what you need 'cause I can't hold my breathSay what you feel 'cause I got nothing left, oh...

Backstreet Boys - Love Is
YeahhOoohhYeah yeahOnce there was a time love was just a mythIt just wasn't for real...

Backstreet Boys - Memories
MemoriesThe love I left behindI still think about it all the timeNothing stays the sameMay...

Backstreet Boys - Missing You
[Chorus:]Oh baby, I'm missing youWe used to love so strongTell me where did we go wrong...

Backstreet Boys - My Heart Stays With You
You know, sometimes being on the road is roughEspecially loneliness...Girl I miss youAnd i...

Backstreet Boys - Nobody But You
Ain't nobody else but you [3x]There is nobodyWho can make me cryNobody else can do ...

Backstreet Boys - No One Else Comes Close
When we turn out the lightsThe two of us alone togetherSomething's just not rightBut girl you kn...

Backstreet Boys - Not For Me
I was looking for somethingOn the crime scene where you're in too deepI found a note with this number...

Backstreet Boys - Nunca Te Hare Llorar (i'll Never Break Your Heart)
[Spoken:]Mi vida, yo se que te han heridoSe que en este momento sientesQue no podrias vol...

Backstreet Boys - Over Her
You know I been trying to figure outJust what's going onAm I over her?I been doing a lot of thin...

Backstreet Boys - Quit Playin' Games (with My Heart)
Baby, ohEven in my heart I seeYou're not bein' true to meDeep within my soul I feelN...

Backstreet Boys - Roll With It
Roll with itRoll with it (oh yeah)Roll with itYou've got to roll with itIf you ever ...

Backstreet Boys - Rush Over Me
Washed away my sad face,Flooded all my empty spaceYou take away life's heartbreakAnd I know with...

Backstreet Boys - Safest Place To Hide
Yeah, yeahIt seems like yesterday when I said "I do"And after all this time my heart still burns for y...

Backstreet Boys - Set Adrift On Memory Bliss
Dadadadadada Dadadadadada Dadadadadada dadadadada(On memory's bliss of you)Dadadadadada Dadadadadada D...

Backstreet Boys - Shape Of My Heart
Hmm, yeah, yeahBaby, please try to forgive meStay here don't put out the glowHold me now don't b...

Backstreet Boys - Shining Star
You're my shining star,that is what you areThere is no one like you babyAngels everywhereE...

Backstreet Boys - Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely
Show me the meaning of being lonelySo many words for the broken heartIt's hard to see in a crimson lov...

Backstreet Boys - Siberia
When you come back I won't be hereShe said and gently pulled me nearIf you want to talk you can call...

Backstreet Boys - Spanish Eyes
Here we areIn the arms of one anotherAnd we still go on searching for each otherKnowing that hat...

Backstreet Boys - Tell Me That I'm Dreamin'
I'm dreamin'You had me thinking right from the startThat our feeling will never keep us apart...

Backstreet Boys - That's The Way I Like It
Hey yeahThat's the way I like itSomebody told me that you're not my kindSo have I lo...

Backstreet Boys - That's What She Said
There are people that say what you wanna hearEven on a raining day they'll tell you the sky is clearWh...

Backstreet Boys - The Unloved
Yeah ooh uhThis one's for the mothers who have lost a childAnd this one's for the gypsies who've...

Backstreet Boys - Time
I know that I, I can't believeJust what the past has brought meTo the man I wanna beI know that ...

Backstreet Boys - Weird World
Weird world, weird worldHey hey heyThe sun is over the city but it's an orange dayThere is...

Backstreet Boys - We've Got It Goin On
Everybody grove to the musicEverybody jamOh, heyWe've been waiting so longJust...

Backstreet Boys - What Makes You Different (makes You Beautiful)
You don't run with the crowdYou go your own wayYou don't play after darkYou light up my day...

Backstreet Boys - Where Can We Go From Here?
I tried to pick the pieces upAnd I can't think of starting overWe used to share the stars aboveI...

Backstreet Boys - Who Do You Love?
I know he's driving a fancy carWhen you're with himYou're feeling like a starBut when I'm home a...

Backstreet Boys - Yes, I Will
I open my eyes I see your faceI cannot hide I can't eraseThe way you make me feel insideYou comp...

Backstreet Boys - You Wrote The Book On Love
When I first met youMy life turned a pageChapter one was how true love was madeYou taught me wit...

Badly Drawn Boy - 40 Days & 40 Fights
You look a lot, lot better tonightYou and I should go out for a fightWe need a holidayBut not to...

Badly Drawn Boy - Above You, Below Me
Don't want to giveDon't want to stealDon't want to be anything I'm notYou take answersI gi...

Badly Drawn Boy - All Possibilities
All possibilitiesAre landing at my feetThere's nothing I can seeBut possibilitiesAll...

Badly Drawn Boy - A Minor Incident
There's nothing I could sayTo make you try to