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  Wax Flowers (56)  


Learn how to make artificial flowers

Wax Flowers

The Art Of Modelling Flowers In Wax Was Brought Into England
I consequently subjoin an extract from Miss Strickland's Life of Mary Beatrice, second consort of James II., A.D. 1686. "The be...

The Advantage Of Wax Modelling Over Other Fancy Work
And one great consideration is that the sight is not likely to be injured. The eye does not require to be fixed; it does not occupy so...

Materials Required For Wax Flower Modelling
WAX--white, yellow, orange, pink, and several shades of green. Two steel pins with china heads (different sizes). One ivory pin, ...

Purposes To Which The Materials Are Applied
Without wishing to derogate from the merit of others, or retaining to myself the exclusive ability of vending the purest wax and the b...

Directions For Mixing Colours
Place the powder required in a saucer: add a few drops of water, and rub the same with a brush for some time; as friction materially i...

Use Of Curling Pins And Scissors
I beg to remind my readers that these are the only instruments I deem requisite for modelling wax flowers. Both these require to be mo...

To Cleanse The Scissors Pins And Marbles
Dip either into boiling water, and wipe them immediately. The marbles require to be used warm. ...

Explanation Of Botanical Words
Although I do not pretend to put this forth as a "Botanical work," I deem it necessary that I should make use of certain words in appl...

How To Copy From Nature
To take the pattern of a natural flower, you must remove the petals carefully, sorting out how many there are of an equal size. Take t...

Floral Life
"Lord, what is life? 'Tis like a flower That blossoms, and is gone! We see it flourish for an hour, With all its...

Instruction How To Form The Crocus
(CROCUS LUTEUS.) Youthfulness. Prepare the petals (from pattern) in double wax, choosing a bright orange, but not too dark. Place t...

The Snowdrop
(GALANTHUS NIVALIS.) Consolation. "The snowdrop, and then the violet, Arose from the ground with warm rain wet; And th...

The Primrose
(PRIMULA.) Forsaken. "Look on these flowers! as o'er an altar, shedding On Milton's page soft light from coloured urns-- ...

(VIOLA ODORATA.) Modesty. "As the dew that moistens the rose at dawn, Gives the VIOLET many a tear, So bright in the...

Purple Violets
"Violets, sweet tenants of the shade, In purple's richest pride arrayed, Your errand here fulfil; Go, bid the arti...

(ANEMONE HORTENSIS.) Sickness. The petals are cut from thick or double white wax. Place a piece of fine white wire half way up each...

Tulip Van Thol
(TULIPA PRAECOX.) Declaration of Love. "Flowers are the brightest things which earth On her broad bosom loves to cherish;...

Permission. "By all those token-flowers that tell What words can ne'er express so well." ...

The Daisy
(BELLIS PERENNIS.) Innocence. Whilst culling the sweet and early flowers, I cannot permit myself to pass the daisy, that pretty and...

Fidelity in misfortune. "How oft doth an emblem-bud silently tell What language could never speak half so well." Cut fro...

Lilac Rhododendron
Danger. "All are for use--for health--for pleasure given:-- All speak, in various ways, the bounteous hand of Heaven." ...

(LATIFOLIA.) Combination. "Ye flowers of beauty, pencilled by the hand of God!" POL...

Yellow Jasmine
(JASMINUM REVOLUTUM.) Grace and Elegance. Cut the petals from double yellow wax. There are five to each flower. Pass the head of th...

White Jasmine
(JASMINUM OFFICINALE.) Amiableness. The petals are prepared from thick or double white wax. It is put together precisely as the las...

Cape Jasmine
(GARDENIA.) Sweetness. The petals are cut in thick wax, or single wax doubled; when the latter is the case, be careful to place the...

The Cabbage Or Provence Rose
(ROSA CENTIFOLIA.) Beauty. "The rose has one powerful virtue to boast Above all the flowers of the field-- When its ...

The Moss Rose
Beauty and Love. Is similarly constructed (being one of the same class), but is rather smaller. It requires the addition of a littl...

The White Rose
(ROSE ALBA.) Silence. Cut the petals from thin white wax. Tinge the lower part of the first three sets of petals with my lemon powd...

The Damask Rose
(ROSA DAMASCENA.) Freshness of Complexion. "The rose, like ruddy youth, in beauty stands, And would be cropped by none but ...

Sweet-scented Tea Rose
(ROSA SAFRANO.) Charming. The petals of this rose require to be cut in thick white wax, coloured three parts down with my lemon pow...

Yellow Rose
(ROSA. CLOTH OF GOLD.) Infidelity. "The rose is fragrant, but it fades in time."--DRYDEN. Cut the petals from light lemon wax...

Austrian Briar Rose
(ROSA LUTEA.) Mingled Pleasure and Pain. This is a showy single flower, and very easily and quickly accomplished. There are but fiv...

The Carnation
(DIANTHUS.) Pure Love. "Yon bright carnation--once thy cheek Bent o'er it in the bud; And back it gives thy blushes ...

(MYRTUS COMMUNIS.) Love. This flower is always admired in a bouquet from its light and pretty appearance, and is in nature very fra...

(CAPRIFOLIUM.) Devoted Affection. Colour eight or ten blossoms with second yellow, two or three are left white, being all cut from ...

The Fuchsia;
(FULGENS;) Good taste: Will afford a pleasing variety to the flowers already described. Its blossoms hang pendant like a tassel; it...

The Red Fuchsia;
(FUCHSIA,) Taste: Is cut from white wax. It consists of four purple petals, and four crimson; these are painted with the large brus...

Forget Me Not
Forget me not. "The very name is Love's own poetry, Born of the heart, and of the eye begot, Nursed amid sighs and smi...

Pink Geranium
(PELARGONIUM.) Preference. Cut the petals in thick white wax; there are three narrow and two broad. Mix a little white powder with ...

Scarlet Geranium
Comforting. The petals are cut from thick white wax. Colour them upon both sides with bright scarlet (scarlet and crimson both in p...

(RESEDA ODORATA.) Unconscious Beauty. It is a singular circumstance that in this country this fragrant production of nature is know...

Orange Blossom
(CITRUS.) Chastity. This is cut in double white wax. It consists of five petals. The head of the small curling pin is passed up and...

Counterfeit. "The sweet seringa, yielding but in scent To the rich orange." Cut the petals in white wax, double or thick...

(LILIUM CANDIDUM.) Purity of heart. "Observe the rising lily's snowy grace."--THOMSON. The lily is an advantageous flower in ...

The Lilium Lancifolium
Generous heart. The petals of this flower are curled similarly to the former, but they bend back more in the form of a Turk's cap. ...

White Water-lily
(NYMPHEA ALBA.) Eloquence. "Where will they stop, those breathing powers, The spirits of the new-born flowers? They wa...

The Yellow Water-lily
Retirement. Is much more simple to form. It consists of only five petals; these are cut in double yellow wax; colour them rather li...

The Blue Water-lily;
Warm affection; Forms a pleasing variety, but is not so generally well known, from the fact of its requiring care in cultivation. T...

(DAHLIA PURPUREA.) Instability. Cut the required number of petals from pink wax--colour them upon both sides with crimson. When qui...

The Salvia Patens
Rich and Rare. This flower is of so rich and lovely a hue, that for its colour alone it deserves imitation. There are but few decid...

The Passion Flower;
Belief: "Has become strangely interwoven with our faith, from a fancied resemblance to a cross and a crown, although it req...

Lemon Hollyhock
Persuasion. This flower should be constructed of very thin lemon wax. It requires thirty small petals and seven large for a full bl...

The Cactus
Warmth. Cut the petals in bright orange wax, place a fine white wire half way up each, and occasion it to adhere by attaching a str...

Wax Flowers As Ornaments For The Hair
Have become so generally worn at Her Majesty's balls and drawing-rooms, that I deem it expedient to give some particular instructions ...

Instructions For Modelling Foliage
There are various ways of modelling leaves, but I would recommend them to be made of sheet wax as much as possible. Take three sheets ...

The Victoria Regia
"There is a splendour in the living flower." Cut the petals from my peculiarly prepared wax; attach a wire half way up each at ...


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