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  Inconsiderate People (50)

Find stories of inconsiderate people throughout history. These characters are rude, frauds, mean and sometimes crooks.

Inconsiderate People

Humbug Universal - In Religion - In Politics - In Business - In Science - In Medicine
A little reflection will show that humbug is an astonishingly wide-spread phenomenon--in fact almost universal. And this is true, a...

Definition Of The Word Humbug
Upon a careful consideration of my undertaking to give an account of the "Humbugs of the World," I find myself somewhat puzzled in r...

Monsieur Mangin The French Humbug
One of the most original, unique, and successful humbugs of the present day was the late Monsieur Mangin, the blacklead pencil maker...

Old Grizzly Adams
James C. Adams, or "Grizzly Adams," as he was generally termed, from the fact of his having captured so many grizzly bears, and enco...

The Golden Pigeons
"Old Grizzly Adams" was quite candid when, in his last hours, he confessed to the clergyman that he had "told some pretty large stor...

The Whale The Angel Fish And The Golden Pigeon
If the fact could be definitely determined, I think it would be discovered that in this "wide awake" country there are more persons ...

Pease's Hoarhound Candy And The Dorr Rebellion
In the year 1842, a new style of advertising appeared in the newspapers and in handbills which arrested public attention at once on ...

Brandreth's Pills The Real Power Of Imagination
In the year 1834, Dr. Benjamin Brandreth commenced advertising in the city of New York, "Brandreth's Pills specially recommended to ...

The Davenport Brothers Their Rise And Progress
The Davenport Brothers are natives of Buffalo, N. Y., and in that city commenced their career as "mediums" about twelve years ago....

The Spirit-rapping And Medium Humbugs And Their Origin
The "spirit-rapping" humbug was started in Hydesville, New York, about seventeen years ago, by several daughters of a Mr. Fox, livin...

The Ballot-test The Old Gentleman And His Diseased Relatives
An aptitude for deception is all the capital that a person requires in order to become a "spirit-medium;" or, at least, to gain the ...

Spiritual Letters On The Arm How To Make Them Yourself
The mediums produce "blood-red letters on the arm" in a very simple way. It is done with a pencil, or some blunt-pointed instrument,...

Demonstrations By Sampson Under A Table
Considerable excitement has been created in various parts of the West by a young woman, whose name need not here be given, who p...

Spiritual Photographing
In answer to numerous inquiries and several threats of prosecution for libel in consequence of what I have written in regard to impo...

Banner Of Light And Messages From The Dead
"The Banner of Light," a weekly journal of romance, literature, and general intelligence, published in Boston, is the principal orga...

Spiritualist Humbugs Waking Up
I hear from spiritualists sometimes. These gentry are much exercised in their minds by my letters about them, and some of them fly o...

The Spiritualist Bogus Baby
Other "spiritual" facts have come to my hand, some of them furnishing additional details about persons to whom I have already allude...

Adulterations Of Food And Liquor
It was about eight hundred and fifty years before Christ when the young prophet cried out to his master, Elisha, over the pottage of...

Adulterations In Drinks: List Ofthings To Make Rum Things To Color It With
As long as the people of the United States tipple down rum and other liquors at the rate of a good deal more than one hundred mi...

The Peter Funks And Their Functions
Not many years ago, a dignified and reverend man, whose name is well known to me, was walking sedately down Broadway. He was dress...

Lottery Sharks
I have before me a mass of letters, printed and lithographed circulars, and the like, which illustrate well two or three of the most...

Another Lottery Humbug
The readiness with which people will send off their money to a swindler is perfectly astounding. It does really seem as if an indepe...

A California Coal Mine
Some twelve years ago or so, in the early days of Californian immigration, a curious little business humbug came off about six miles...

The Petroleum Humbug
Every sham, as has often been said, proves some reality. Petroleum exists, no doubt, and is an important addition to our national we...

The Tulipomania
Alboni, the singer, had an exquisitely sweet voice, but was a very big fat woman. Somebody accordingly remarked that she was an elep...

John Bull's Great Money Humbug
The "South Sea Bubble" is one of the most startling lessons which history gives us of the ease with which the most monstrous, and ab...

Business Humbugs
In the "good old times," people were just as eager after money as they are now; and a great deal more vulgar, unscrupulous, and fool...

Doctors And Imagination
Medical humbugs constitute a very critical subject indeed, because I shall be almost certain to offend some of three parties con...

The Consumptive Remedy
There is a fellow in Williamsburg who calls himself a clergyman, and sells a "consumptive remedy," by which I suppose he means a...

Monsignore Cristoforo Rischio
Every visitor to Florence during the last twenty years must have noticed on the grand piazza before the Ducal Palace, the strange ge...

The Twenty-seventh Street Ghost Spirits On The Rampage
In classing the ghost excitement that agitated our good people to such an extent some two years ago among the "humbugs" of the age, ...

The Moon-hoax
The most stupendous scientific imposition upon the public that the generation with which we are numbered has known, was the so-calle...

The Miscegenation Hoax
Some persons say that "all is fair in politics." Without agreeing with this doctrine, I nevertheless feel that the history of An...

Haunted Houses
A great many persons believe more or less in haunted houses. In almost every community there is some building that has had a mysteri...

Ghosts Ghouls Phantoms Vampires Conjurors Divining Goblins Fortune-telling Magic Witches Sorcery Obi Dreams Signs Spiritual Mediums False Prophets Demonology Deviltry Generally
Whether superstition is the father of humbug, or humbug the mother of superstition (as well as its nurse,) I do not pretend to say; ...

Magical Humbugs
Magic, sorcery, witchcraft, enchantment, necromancy, conjuring, incantation, soothsaying, divining, the black art, are all one and t...

The Witch Mania
Witchcraft is one of the most baseless, absurd, disgusting and silly of all the humbugs. And it is not a dead humbug either; it is a...

Charms And Incantations
It is worth while to print in plain English for my readers a good selection of the very words which have been believed, or are still...

The Princess Cariboo Or The Queen Of The Isles
Bristol was, in 1812, the second commercial city of Great Britain, having in particular an extensive East India trade. Among its in...

Count Cagliostro Alias Joseph Balsamo Known Also As Cursed Joe
One of the most striking, amusing, and instructive pages in the history of humbug is the life of Count Alessandro di Cagliostro, who...

The Diamond Necklace
In my sketch of Joseph Balsamo, alias the Count Alessandro de Cagliostro, I referred to the affair of the diamond necklace, known in...

The Count De St Germain Sage Prophet And Magician
Superior to Cagliostro, even in accomplishments, and second to him in notoriety only, was that human nondescript, the so-called Coun...

Riza Bey The Persian Envoy To Louis Xiv
The most gorgeous, and with one sole exception the most glorious reign that France has known, so far as military success is concerne...

Diamond Cut Diamond Or Yankee Superstitions
There is a story that on a great and solemn public occasion of the Romish Church, a Pope and a Cardinal were, with long faces, perfo...

A Religious Humbug On John Bull
Joanna Southcott was born at St. Mary's Ottery in Devonshire, about the year 1750. She was a plain, stout-limbed, hard-fisted farmer...

The First Humbug In The World
The domain of humbug reaches back to the Garden of Eden, where the Father of lies practised it upon our poor, innocent first grandmo...

Heathen Humbugs
Something must be said about the Oracles, the Sibyls, and the Auguries; which, besides the mysteries elsewhere spoken of, were the c...

Modern Heathen Humbugs
A scale of superstition and religious beliefs of to-day, arranged from the lowest to the highest, would show many curious coincidenc...

Ordeals Duels Wager Of Battle
Ordeals belong to times and communities of rudeness, violence, materialism, ignorance, gross superstition and blind faith. The theor...

Apollonius Of Tyana
The annals of ancient history are peculiarly rich in narratives of pretension and imposition, and either owing to the greater ignora...


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