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  Palm Reading (94)  


Learn how to read palms, your future and your past.

Palm Reading

A Brief Resume Of The History Of The Study Of Hands Through The Centuries To The Present Day
The success I had during the twenty-five years in which I was connected with this study was, I believe, chiefly owing to the fact that...

The Line Of Head Or The Indications Of The Mentality
The object of the following chapters is to give clear and unmistakable instruction on the lines and markings of the hands, both from t...

The Line Of Head And Its Variations
The Line of Head, or indication of the Mentality of the subject, must in all cases be considered as the most important line on the ha...

The Line Of Head Joined To The Line Of Life
The position of this line indicates in all cases a highly sensitive disposition, which inclines towards the side of caution and also l...

The Line Of Head Separated From The Line Of Life
The Line of Head is more frequently found connected with than separated from the Line of Life. When the space is not very wide, it is...

The Line Of Head And Its Secondary Signs
What are known as "islands" in the Line of Head are very important, especially if they are considered both in relation to the age at w...

Changes In The Line Of Head
Another extremely interesting point in studying the Line of Head is to take notice of certain changes in its position, or lines eit...

Crosses And Squares In Connection With The Line Of Head
Small, sharply-defined crosses in any position just over or touching the Line of Head are generally signs of accidents to the Head its...

Double Lines Of Head
Double Lines of Head, are as rarely found as are cases of the single line right across the hand. In all cases where the Double Line o...

The Line Of Head On The Seven Types Of Hands
There are seven distinct types of hands, bearing in their own way more or less relationship to the Seven Races of Humanity. These s...

The Line Of Life And Its Variations
The Line of Life is that line which runs round the base of the thumb and lies directly over a large blood-vessel called the great Palm...

The Line Of Life
It is very important at the outset to consider the qualities of this very important line. In some hands it is broad and shallow on the...

Ascending Lines
When the Line of Life is found with a number of ascending lines, even if they are small, it denotes a life of greater energy; and the ...

The Line Of Mars Or Inner Life Line
What is called the Line of Mars is that line that is found only on some hands encircling the Mount of Venus and inside the Line of Lif...

The Line Of Destiny Or Fate
The Line of Destiny, otherwise called the Line of Fate is naturally one of the most important of the principal lines of the hand. ...

Rising From The Line Of Life
Rising from the Line of Life), the subject's success will be made by personal effort and merit; the early years of such a Fate will b...

Rising From The Wrist
When the Line of Fate rises from the Wrist and goes straight up the centre of the palm to the Mount of Saturn, provided at the same t...

Rising From The Mount Of The Moon
Rising from the Mount of the Moon the Fate will be more eventful, changeable, and largely depending on the fancy and caprice of other...

Rising From The Middle Of The Palm
When the Line of Fate only makes its appearance far up in the centre of the palm, in what is called the Plain of Mars, it indicates a ...

Influence Lines
When any small line joins the Fate Line or goes on with it as an attendant line, such a mark usually indicates marriage at the date wh...

Double Lines Of Fate
When the Line of Fate is itself double, it is a sign of what is called "a double life," but if, after running side by side for some l...

The Line Of The Sun
The Line of the Sun, which is otherwise called the Line of Success or the Line of Brilliancy, is one of the most important marks on t...

The Line Of Heart As Indicating The Affectionate And Emotional Nature
The Line of Heart is that Line which runs across the hand under the fingers and generally rises under the base of the first, and runs ...

Signs Relating To Marriage
What is called the Line of Marriage is that mark or marks, as the case may be, found on the side of the Mount under the fourth finger....

Influence Lines To The Fate Line On The Mount Of Venus Connection With Marriage
The student may also get very great help in ascertaining details about the likely marriage of the person whose hands he is examining b...

Influence Lines On The Mount Of Venus
These are fine lines that run parallel with the Line of Life, but they must not be confounded with the Line of Mars, or "Sister Life L...

Lines Denoting Children Their Sex And Other Matters Concerning Them
The Lines relating to children are those finely marked upright lines found immediately above the Line of Marriage (12, Plate XVIII.). ...

The Line Of Health Or The Hepatica
There has been very considerable discussion among students of this subject as to the part of the hand on which the Line of Health comm...

The Girdle Of Venus The Ring Of Saturn And The Bracelets
These marks are classed among the minor lines of the hands, but they often have a significance that is of the greatest importance. ...

The Ring Of Saturn
What is called the Ring of Saturn is very seldom found, and it is by no means a good sign to have. It is also a semi-circular line, b...

The Bracelets
The Bracelets are of very little importance except to throw light on certain points of health. There are supposed to be three of thes...

The Line Of Intuition And The Via Lasciva
The Line of Intuition is seldom found on other types of hand than those of the Philosophic, the Conic, and the Psychic, but it is som...

The Via Lasciva
This is a strange mark which takes the form also somewhat of a semi-circle, but in this case it connects the Mount of the Moon with t...

La Croix Mystique The Ring Of Solomon
What is called "La Croix Mystique" is found in the quadrangle of the hand between the Lines of Heart and Head. It is more usually f...

The Ring Of Solomon
The Ring of Solomon is also one of these strange marks of mysticism and occultism, but in this latter case, owing probably to the qual...

Travels Voyages And Accidents
Travels and voyages may be seen on the hand by the little lines that leave the Line of Life and bend over towards the Mount of the Moo...

Accidents are generally marked by lines descending from the Mount of Saturn and touching the Line of Life. When falling on the Line...

The Island The Circle The Spot And The Grille
The Island is never a fortunate sign. Whereever it makes its appearance, it reduces the promise of the Line or Mount on which it may b...

The Circle
On the Mount of the Sun the Circle is favourable in all other positions it is unfavourable. On the Mount of the Moon it threatens dea...

The Spot
The Spot is a sign of temporary arrest of the qualities of any Line on which it may be found. On the Line of Head, shock or injury....

The Grille
The Grille is very often seen on the Mounts of the Hand. It denotes difficulties and obstacles in connection with whatever the Mount...

The Star The Cross The Square
The Star is with only one exception a most fortunate mark to possess. On the Mount of Jupiter, the Star promises added honour, power,...

The Cross
This sign is the direct opposite to the preceding sign, and has only one favourable position, viz., on the Mount of Jupiter where it i...

The Square
The Square is usually called the Mark of Preservation. It shows escape from dangers at that particular moment where it appears. Wh...

Different Classes Of Lines
The lines on the palm should be clearly marked, a good pink or reddish colour, and they should be free from breaks, crosses, holes or ...

Right And Left Hands
Both the hands should be examined together to see if they accord. When they do, the indication of whatever the mark is, is more decide...

The Great Triangle And The Quadrangle
The Great Triangle is formed by the lines of Head, Life, and Health. The larger this triangle is, the better will be the health, for...

The Quadrangle
The Quadrangle, as its name implies, is that space lying between the Lines of Head and Heart. To be well marked, it should be even ...

How To Tell Time And Dates Of Principal Events In The Life
The most correct way in which to tell time by the hand is to divide the Line of Life into periods of seven years, and also the Line of...

The Study Of The Shape Of The Hand
We now leave the domain of what must be considered Palmistry, the study of the Lines of the Palm--or Cheiromancy, as it was called by ...

The Elementary
As its name implies, the Elementary is the lowest type of all. It is just a little above the brute creation. This type is extremely sh...

The Square Type
The Square type is so designated on account of the palm being like a square in shape, or at least nearly so. Such a hand in fact "loo...

The Spatulate Hand
The Spatulate or active nervous type (Plate I., Part II.) is usually crooked or irregular looking, with large tips or pads at the ends...

The Philosophic Hand
The Philosophic Hand received this name from the Greek [Greek: philos]--love, and [Greek: sophich]--wisdom. When the Greeks made a st...

The Conic Or Artistic Hand
The Conic, also called the Artistic, Hand (Plate II., Part II.), is always graceful looking, with the fingers tapering and pointed. It...

The Psychic Or Idealistic Hand
This type, may in many ways be considered as the highest development of the hand on the purely mental plane, but from a worldly stand...

The Mixed Hand
What is called the "Mixed Hand", is an aggregation of all the types, or at least, some of them. It is very often found having all t...

The Thumb
In the judgment of character by the formation of the Hand, the Thumb is of about the same importance as the nose is to the face. It mu...

The Smooth And The Knotty Fingers
The First Finger is called the Finger of Jupiter. The Second is called the Finger of Saturn. The Third is called the Finger of Th...

The Nails Of The Hand
A study of the Nails of the Hand is a remarkably accurate guide to many diseases. This part of Palmistry is now recognised by the majo...

Long Nails
When the Nails are found very long, the general constitution never appears to be so strong as when they are medium in size. Persons...

Short Nails
Nails short in appearance denote a tendency towards weak action of the heart, more especially so when the "moons" are very small or ba...

Long Narrow Nails
Very narrow Nails, show spinal weakness, and when extremely curved and very thin they indicate curvature of the spine and great delic...

Flat Nails
When the Nails appear very flat and inclined to lift themselves up from the flesh towards their outer edge, the threatened danger is t...

The Moons Of The Nails
Large "Moons" always denote strong action of the heart and rapid circulation of the blood, but when unusually large they indicate too ...

The Mounts Of The Hand And Their Meaning
The Mounts of the Hand vary in the most remarkable manner in accordance with the character and dispositions of races and their differ...

The Mount Of Mars
This Mount has two positions on the palm (Plate VI., Part II.); the first is to be found immediately under the upper part of the Line ...

The First Mount Of Mars
In the first Mount of Mars, at the commencement of the Line of Life, and especially when the subject is born in the House of Mars (Mar...

The Second Mount Of Mars
The second Mount of Mars, lying between the Heart and Head Line (Plate VI., Part II.), is more important when the subject is born betw...

The Mount Of Jupiter And Its Meaning
The Mount of Jupiter is found at the base of the first finger. When large, it shows desire to dominate, to rule and command others, ...

Health The Mount Of Jupiter (negative)
The Mount of Jupiter may be considered negative or mental when the subject is born between the dates of February 19th and March 20th, ...

People born in this period suffer largely from despondency, insomnia, and a feeling of martyrdom. Like the Positive type of the same M...

The Mount Of Saturn And Its Meaning
The Mount of Saturn is found at the base of the second finger. Its chief characteristics are love of solitude, prudence, quiet deter...

Mount Of Saturn Health
The chief tendencies towards illness with persons born in this period are towards rheumatism, gout, pains and swellings in the feet an...

The Mount Of Saturn (negative)
The Mount of Saturn may be considered negative or mental when the person is found born between the dates of January 21st and February ...

Mount Of Saturn Negative Health
These people suffer most from the nerves of the stomach and the digestive organs, and ordinary remedies seem to fail entirely to relie...

The Mount Of The Sun And Its Meaning
The Mount of the Sun is found under the base of the third finger. To this Mount the Greeks also gave the name of Mount of Apollo. W...

Mount Of The Sun Health
Those born in the dates I have given, or who have the Mount of the Sun large, are most inclined to suffer with pains, palpitations, an...

Mount Of The Sun (negative)
This Mount may be considered Negative when the subject is found born between January 21st and February 18th, and for the seven days fo...

Mount Of Sun Negative Health
These children of the Negative period of the Sun suffer mostly with the stomach and internal organs, also with poor circulation of blo...

The Mount Of Mercury And Its Meaning
The Mount of Mercury is found under the base of the fourth finger. On a good hand it is a favourable Mount to have, but on a hand sh...

The Mount Of Mercury (positive)
This Mount can be considered positive when the subject is found to be born between the dates of May 21st and June 20th, and until the ...

Mount Of Mercury Health
Everything that can affect the nerves and the nervous system especially, afflicts these people. Indigestion caused by nervous worry...

The Mount Of Mercury (negative)
This Mount may be considered negative when the persons are born between August 21st and September 20th, and until the 27th, but these ...

Mount Of Mercury Negative Health
These people are more open to mental suggestion as far as health is concerned than any other class. If they think they are ill it i...

The Mount Of The Moon And Its Meaning
The Mount of the Moon, or as it is also called the Mount of Luna, is found on the base of the hand under the end of the Line of Head. ...

Mount Of The Moon Health
These Children of the Moon are chiefly inclined towards all watery ailments and inflammatory diseases. In early life they are prone to...

The Mount Of The Moon (negative)
This Mount is considered negative when it appears very flat on the hand, and it may also be taken as negative when people are found to...

Mount Of The Moon Negative Health
These people usually worry themselves into bad health. They overwork themselves and bring on nervous breakdowns, palpitation and weakn...

C The Mount Of Venus And Its Meaning
The portion of the palm under the base of the Thumb and inside the Line of Life is called the Mount of Venus (Plate VI., Part II.). ...

Mount Of Venus Health
People born in this period have usually short or round-shaped nails which indicate a tendency to suffer with complaints of the throat ...

The Mount Of Venus (negative)
This Mount may be considered Negative when the subject is born between the dates of September 21st and October 20th, and in a minor wa...

Mount Of Venus Negative Health
The people born in this period are inclined to suffer from lack of physical strength, exhaustion of the nerves, depression of spirits,...

Advice To The Student The Best Means To Make Casts Or Take Impressions Of The Hands
I would strongly advise students of this subject to make casts of hands in plaster of Paris, wax, or any other suitable material, in o...




  Palm Reading  

Most Popular Content 2025-02-09

The Line Of Head On The Seven Types Of Hands
The Quadrangle
Mount Of Mercury Health
Mount Of Saturn Health
The Psychic Or Idealistic Hand
Mount Of Venus Health
Ascending Lines
Mount Of The Sun Health
The Line Of Heart As Indicating The Affectionate And Emotional Nature